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Unit 1 Ways of Learning

Students are required to finish the following tasks in two weeks:

1.preview and review Text A on line;

2.prepare the In-class activities (pp1-3) with other group members;

3.finish the exercises of Text A;

4.finish the listening tasks of Unit 1 & 2 from your listening book;

5.learn Text B by yourselves with the help of PPT on line;

6.finish the four passages of Unit 1 from your fast reading book;

7.finish the two tests on line;

8.Write an essay of contrast and comparison entitled “Studying Abroad or Home” in

no less than 120 words.

In-class activities:

1.dictation (words, phrases or sentences from the text)

2.read aloud and learn them by heart:

1) “But one of the most … in Nanjing.” (Para. 1)

2) “I soon realized … toward creativity.”(Para. 5)

3) “Since adults know … struggle?”(Para. 6)

4) “More generally …are wanted.”(Para. 7)

5) “But assuming that the contrast … basic skills?” (Para. 14)

3. answer and discuss the questions concerning the theme of the text (see p9)

4. true or false statements:decide whether the following statements are true or false:

1) Benjamin was worried that he couldn’t put the key into the box.

2) In the Chinese staff’s opinion, the parents should guide Benjamin to insert the key.

3) The author and his wife didn’t care whether Benjamin succeeded in inserting the key into the slot.

4) For the Westerners, learning should take place by continual careful shaping and molding.

5) Chinese teachers hold the opinion that skills should be acquired as early as possible, while American educators think that creativity should be acquired early.

5. sum up the contrast between Chinese and Western education in terms of:

1) the attitude of the couple and that of the hotel staff toward Benjamin’s efforts;

2) ways to learn to fulfill a task;

3) attitudes toward creativity and basic skills.

6. translation activities

1) _______________(不管他在不在), we shall have to do our part.

2)____________________(假定我们都坚持用这一方法), we should make great progress in oral English.

3) You’d better not tell him the bad news. ______________ (他很有可能会很伤心).

4) The government has just announced that strict work regulations have been made and that _______________(这些规章制度适用于所有海内外教师).

5) I was much surprised that he _______________ (一点儿也不高兴) at getting the scholarship.

7. oral presentation

● pair work: in the following two activities, speakers are supposed to be positive and cooperative in the conversation, so that the conversations can go on for at least 3 minutes.

Activity one: Student A plays Howard Gardner, the writer of Text A and Student B plays a Chinese educator. The conversation happens after the key-slot anecdote. The writer should introduce the key-slot anecdote to the Chinese educator and the Chinese educator should try to get more details about the story from the writer. They then should talk about the differences between Chinese and Western education with more supporting details.

Activity two: Students make a list of at least 10 choices: “If I were a student in the U. S. A., …”. When finishing their lists, Student A and B may share their choices with each other and talk about the different school lives of Chinese and American students.

● discussion: a survey about students’ learning

Directions:Students may form groups of four and choose the questions they are interested in and talk about them. They may report their own reflections on learning to the other students.

1) Did your parents talk to you a lot about your study? Did you like being talked to? Why or why not?

2) Can you give a definition of learning according to your own learning experiences? So far as your present situation is concerned, do you think learning is a pleasant experience? Why or why not?

3) Did you have a lot of chances to practice listening and oral English in middle school? What did you do instead?

4) Online learning refers to learning resources through a networked computer. What can you do online? What are the advantages and disadvantages of learning English online?

5) Which is a better way to learn: in a classroom with a teacher, or outside a classroom by oneself?

6) Do the top universities mean the only choice for a good education in one’s life? What would you do when failing to enter a key university to fulfill your dream?

● group work: Activity 1 --- cultural differences

Directions:Knowing the method of contrast and comparison in essay writing, students are required to form groups of four and choose one topic from the following list of topics and talk about the differences between Chinese and Western culture: way of learning, dressing, etiquette (addressing, greeting and parting, compliments, apologies, thanks), food, traditions, festivals, values (independence, honesty), parent-child relationship, way of thinking, etc. After the discussion, each group needs to have one speaker to present its ideas or findings.
