


二、 “ P S 在 C R ”数据库中检索 日本公 表特许公报、再公表公报 在 CR P S系统 日本全文数据库中,有 专门的特许公表、 再公表公开号检索入 口。 特许公表号码输入方法为:公元年+ 文献
号 ,如 图 l 。
再 公表 公报

公开 的说 明书 , 再 公表进 入 日本 国家 阶段
再公表公开号输入方法为: 公元年+ 文 献号,国别代码 WO不再输入。如图 2 。
三、 E O U 系统中检 索特许公表、 在 PQ E
再 公 表公报 应 注意 的 问题 在 E OQU P E系统 WP、 P DO IE O C数据 维普资讯 20 年 源自 0 6 2月专利文献研究
20 06年第 6期
S  ̄c  ̄ t m n 2 e h sae t
’ j 0 1 O O l/ N p2 0 S O O T P
抖 S S 2: R ml t e lg 1
S ec t t su 3 e ̄ h g ae ̄ t
20 年 l 06 2月
2 0 年第 6 06 期
日本 公 表 专 利 文 献
与 日本 再 公 表 专 利 文 献 介 绍
日本专利局在出版专利文献时,专 门 把 以日本为指定国的国际 申请单独 出版 ,
报、日本再公表公报 日本公表特许公报、公表实用新案公 报是以非 日文提交的国际申请 ,在国际局 公开后, 日本国内用 日 文再次公开的说明 书。 公表特许公报文献种类标识 “ A”, 公 表实用新案公报文献种类标识 “ :是未 u” 经审查 尚未授权 的公开专利说明书。上述 两种公开说 明书 日本专利局既给予专利申 请号又给予专利公开号,9 9 17 年开始出版。 日本再公表公报是以日文提交 的国际 申请,在 国际局公开后,再次在 日本国内



用新型登录公报”(Y2),采用连续编号方式,取消前缀年,起号自 2500001Y2开始。连续编号号段为JP2500001~JP2607898,标为 JP2500001Y~JP2607898Y。 自1号始顺序号排列。
特许番号25000001 JP25000001B
特许公告公报 特许公告 特许公报
特许登录[08-09] 特许 特公
特许番号第2500006 号
特许第3123756号 JP3123756B
特许公报P3123756 JP3123756B
开件 国际申请说明书日
文译本 特许出愿公表番号
特表昭55-500001 JP55-500001A JP特表平8-500001A JP08-500001A
特表平10-500235 JP10-500235A 公平番号10-500235 JP10-500235A
公表特许公报 特许公表 公表番号 特表
为96年后出版,此阶段发明文献申请后包括公开和授权两阶段,B类文 献为授权阶段文献,形式以序号连续编号形式体现(为不包含年号的表 示法),号码起号为JP2500001B。 附:1996年3月29日,依据旧专利法出版的日本公告说明书全部出版完 毕,最后一件专利的公告号为JP平8-034772B2。此后9周内没有再出版 标识代码为B的文献,直到1996年5月29日,根据新的专利法第一次出版 了授权专利说明书,其起始号为2500001,即JP2500001B。 C类文件(特许明细)为1950-1996年前的专利授权公告号,其号段为 JP000001~JP216017,标为JP000001C~JP216017C。 U类文件(实开、实表、注册实用新型)标号类型有三种:1、本国纪 年+本年度公表顺序号,实开、实表为该表示法,实公本国纪年后面跟 的数字为1-4,实表后面跟的数字为5、6;94年1月1日前申请的实用新 型专利沿用此类编号方式予以公开,此时实用新型文献经过实质审查, 文件申请后经过公开、公告、授权三阶段和公告,此U类文献对应此阶 段公开文献类型;2、94年1月1日后申请的实用新型公告不经实质审查 直接进行授权公告,此时使用“登录实用新案公报”,采用连续编号方 式,取消前缀纪年,起号自3000001U开始,号段为 JP3000001~JP3129095,标为JP3000001U~JP3129095U;3、1996年日本 专利法修改,取消公告阶段,在94年1月1日前申请,截止到1995年底已 公开但还未实审的实用新型案件,依据旧法采取实审制,公开文件编号 采用原“本国纪年+本年度公开顺序号”编号形式,但编号从JP8-000001 开始计号。







关于日本年号昭和、大正、明治、平成换算公式为:1.昭和X年+1925=(昭和X年的)公元年号例:昭和30年=30+1925=公元1955年昭和52年=52+1925=公元1977年2.大正X年+1911=(大正X年的)公元年号例:大正5年=5+1911=公元1916年大正12年=12+1911=公元1923年3.明治X年+1867=(明治X年的)公元年号例:明治15年=15+1867=公元1822年明治23年=23=1867=公元1890年4.平成X年+1988=(平成X年的)公元年号例:平成14年=14=1988=公元2002年关于日本专利文献号结尾处字母的意思(本人翻译,仅供参考,以日本专利文献检索页面英文为准,http://www4.ipdl.inpit.go.jp/Tokujitu/tjsogodben.ipdl?N0000=115)A:已公开的专利申请/PCT国际阶段日文译文B:已公开且已审查过的专利申请U: 已公开的实用新型专利申请/实用新型PCT国际阶段日文译文U1: 未经审查的实用新型申请文件Z:经审查的实用新型公开文本A1:PCT国际申请国内二次公开N1:现有技术文献B:专利C:专利申请文件H:经更正的专利申请文件I:经更正的实用新型申请文件U:登记了的实用新型Y:实用新型登记已审查用英文方法检索如下:点击:http://www.ipdl.inpit.go.jp/homepg_e.ipdl再选择PAJ再点击Number Search选择Publication number 然后输入XX-XXXXXX(专利号)。



专利文献信息基础(2012版)试卷一64分(共16道题,共100分,限时:180分钟,还剩86分钟14秒)多选题1. 要检索“通用电气公司”在中国申请的有关“医用核磁共振成像”的技术主题,该技术主题对应的IPC类号为A61B5/055,应该()。

(5分)A. 在“分类号”中输入:A61B5/055,同时在“申请(专利权)人”中输入:通用电气B. 在“优先权”中输入:医用and 核磁and共振成像,同时在“申请(专利权)人”中输入:通用电气C. 在“主分类号”中输入:A61B5/055,同时在“申请(专利权)人”中输入:通用电气D. 在“摘要”或“名称”中输入:医用and 核磁and共振成像,同时在“申请(专利权)人”中输入:通用电气2. 要检索有关稀土荧光材料的国外专利信息,可通过以下哪些途径进行? (5分)A. 查找“稀土荧光材料”对应的英文主题词,用英文词在“espacenet”数据库中进行检索;B. 用“稀土荧光材料”的中文主题词查出一些中国专利文献,然后照出所对应的IPC分类号;用分类号在“espacenet”数据库中进行检索;C. 查找国外有关公司的名称,用公司的名称在“espacenet”数据库中进行检索;D. 查找“稀土荧光材料”对应的英文主题词,通过查阅科技文献。

3. 某公司的主要产品是稀土荧光材料,为了进一步提升产品的技术含量,该公司准备开发新型稀土荧光材料。




(5分)A. 主题词——稀土荧光材料;B. 稀土荧光材料所对应的IPC分类号;C. 国外某公司甲的公司名称;D. 通过查阅科技文献。

4. 一种纤维素酶制备魔芋甘露寡糖的生产方法,该方法为:酶解、过滤、脱色、浓缩、干燥,其特征在于:按魔芋精粉1g∶80-120u酶活单位投入纤维素酶、半纤维素酶混合物,纤维素酶、半纤维素酶混合物中酶活比例为2.5-3.5∶1;酶解终止后依次采用离心过滤、膜过滤,得到甘露寡糖混合液和滤渣;离心过滤除掉粗渣,超滤膜过滤得到甘露寡糖混合液,去掉大分子;所用的过滤膜的孔径为2-10微米。



专利文献信息基础(2012版)试卷一64分(共16道题,共100分,限时:180分钟,还剩86分钟14秒)多选题1. 要检索“通用电气公司”在中国申请的有关“医用核磁共振成像”的技术主题,该技术主题对应的IPC类号为A61B5/055,应该()。

(5分)A. 在“分类号”中输入:A61B5/055,同时在“申请(专利权)人”中输入:通用电气B. 在“优先权”中输入:医用and 核磁and共振成像,同时在“申请(专利权)人”中输入:通用电气C. 在“主分类号”中输入:A61B5/055,同时在“申请(专利权)人”中输入:通用电气D. 在“摘要”或“名称”中输入:医用and 核磁and共振成像,同时在“申请(专利权)人”中输入:通用电气2. 要检索有关稀土荧光材料的国外专利信息,可通过以下哪些途径进行? (5分)A. 查找“稀土荧光材料”对应的英文主题词,用英文词在“espacenet”数据库中进行检索;B. 用“稀土荧光材料”的中文主题词查出一些中国专利文献,然后照出所对应的IPC分类号;用分类号在“espacenet”数据库中进行检索;C. 查找国外有关公司的名称,用公司的名称在“espacenet”数据库中进行检索;D. 查找“稀土荧光材料”对应的英文主题词,通过查阅科技文献。

3. 某公司的主要产品是稀土荧光材料,为了进一步提升产品的技术含量,该公司准备开发新型稀土荧光材料。




(5分)A. 主题词——稀土荧光材料;B. 稀土荧光材料所对应的IPC分类号;C. 国外某公司甲的公司名称;D. 通过查阅科技文献。

4. 一种纤维素酶制备魔芋甘露寡糖的生产方法,该方法为:酶解、过滤、脱色、浓缩、干燥,其特征在于:按魔芋精粉1g∶80-120u酶活单位投入纤维素酶、半纤维素酶混合物,纤维素酶、半纤维素酶混合物中酶活比例为2.5-3.5∶1;酶解终止后依次采用离心过滤、膜过滤,得到甘露寡糖混合液和滤渣;离心过滤除掉粗渣,超滤膜过滤得到甘露寡糖混合液,去掉大分子;所用的过滤膜的孔径为2-10微米。


(工业产权数字图书馆) • 英文版面、日文版面
• 专利与实用新型公报数据库资源 • 专利与实用新型号码对照数据库资源 • 日本专利英文文摘数据库(PAJ)资源 • 日本专利分类(FI/F- term)数据库资源 • 专利分类导航资源
号码类型: 申请号 公布号 专利号 审查员驳回决定诉讼案号
4.日本专利分类(FI/F- term)数据库
• PAJ--Patent Abstracts of Japan • 收录范围:自1976年以来公布的日本发明专利申请公开文
献(每月更新) • 还收录了1990年以来申请的专利的法律状态信息(legal
• 简介 • 英文版专利信息资源 • 日文版专利信息资源 • 法律状态信息资源 • 外观设计信息资源
• 网址 http://www.jpo.go.jp/ • 数据范围:1885年以来公布的所有电子文献 • 位置: IPDL-- Industrial Property Digital Library
1. 申请号(出願番号)
.2 公开号(出願公開番号)


















区别在于是由日本人通过PCT提交的国际申请在WIPO 国际局公开后,再次在日本国内公开的说明书。




独立、连续号码序列;光盘文献号码序列已到6位数;B 为第二公布级。

带检索报告的实用新型(U1)ATxxxxxxxU1不带检索报告的实用新型(U2)ATxxxxxxxU2奥地利 (AT) 实用新型检索报告(U3) ATxxxxxxxU3 AT+7位数字+文献类型代码(U1,U2,U3);数字x 不足7位,前方用0补足。




授权专利说明书(B1,B2) AUCCYYxxxxxB1AUCCYYxxxxxB2授权小专利说明书(B3) AUCCYYxxxxxB3澳大利亚 (AU)修正接受专利说明书(C) AUCCYYxxxxxC AU+公元年(4位数字)+5位数字+文献代码(B1,B2,B3,C)。

与申请号相同;B1,B3为第一公布级;B2为第二公布级(有在先公开);C 为第三公布级。

发明专利申请说明书(A0)BExxxxxxxA0比利时 (BE)发明专利说明书(A1—A5 保护期最长20年;A6-A7保护期最长6年)BExxxxxxxA1 BexxxxxxxA2 BexxxxxxxA3 BexxxxxxxA4 BexxxxxxxA5BexxxxxxxA6 BExxxxxxxA7BE+7位数字+文献类型代码(A0,A1,A2,A3…A7)。

各类文献共用同一连续号码序列;A0为第一公布级;A1-A7只有第一公布级;光盘的文献号序列为7位数;A 字母后面的数字的含义:1,6 – 提交的文本;2,7– 经过修改的文本;3 – 文本带检索报告;4 – 经过修改的文本带检索报告;5 – 修改权利要求的文本及检索报告。


— 激励企业和个人开展创造与创新活动; — 促进知识资产的开发和交易; — 为国内和国际投资营造稳定的环境。
WIPO’S《知识产权教程》:专利文献是包含已经申 请或被确认为发现、发明、实用新型和工业品外观设 计的研究、设计、开发和试验成果的有关资料,以及 保护发明人、专利所有人及工业品外观设计和实用新 型注册证书持有人权利的有关资料的已出版或未出版 的文件(或其摘要)的总称。
新慢,5年一次,跟不上某些热门技术的发展速度。 (不断细分和修订,每三个月一次,2006.01) 主要针对权利要求的技术主题给出分类,很难实现 包括说明书、权利要求书的彻底检索。 (对所有技术信息分类) 分类标准不够统一,同一主题被分入不同位置。 (各国都在提高分类质量) 版本更新后并不对已有文献的分类号进行更新。 (各国正在努力解决)
以自然语言为基础 检索词变化多样 指向模糊 检索结果多而杂 受限于语种
International Patent Classification国际专利分类
国际专利分类法IPC是根据1971年签订的《国际专 利分类的斯特拉斯堡协定》编制的,是目前唯一国际 通用的专利文献分类和检索工具。IPC分类表,每五年
一个完整的分类号由代表部、大类、小类、大组或小 组构成,一般为5级结构。例如:A61K 36/00。
——部 A 生活 ——大类 A61 医学或兽医学;卫生学 ——小类 A61K 医用、牙科用或梳妆用的配制品 ——大组 A61K36 含有来自藻类、苔藓、真菌或植物或其派生 物,例如传统草药的未确定结构的药物制剂 〔8〕 ——小组(一点组)A61K 36/06 ·真菌类,如酵母 〔8〕 —— 二点组A61K 36/07 ··担子菌门,如隐球菌属 〔8〕 —— 三点组A61K 36/074 ···灵芝属 〔8〕








截止到2005,中国专利申请累计达2,761,196件,其中国内申请专利2,257,284件,占82.8% 外国来华申请503,912件,占18.2%;授权专利1,469,505件,其中国内占86.2%,国外占13.8%。








◆ Derwent Innovations Index(DII)DII覆盖了全世界1963年以后的约1千万项基本发明和2千万项专利。

DII将“世界专利索引(WPI)”和“专利引文索引(PCI)的内容整合在一起,采用ISI Web of Knowledge平台,通过学术论文和技术专利之间的相互引证的关系,建立了专利与文献之间的链接。



EP 欧洲专利局A1 说明书+检索报告A2 仅说明书A3 仅检索报告B1 经审查的授权专利B2 异议程序以后经修改的专利美国专利商标局A1 专利申请公开文本A2 专利申请再公开B1 授权前未曾公开B2 授权前曾公开中国专利局A 专利申请公开C 授权版本专利文献种类及其代码(1)WIPO标准ST.16 (P45-47)第1组: 用于在发明专利申请基础上形成的并作为基本或主要编号序列的文献。

——第一公布级 A——第二公布级 B——第三公布级 C第2组: 用于具有与第1组文献不同编号序列的实用新型文献。

——第一公布级U——第二公布级Y第3组: 用于专利文献的专门序列。

——工业品外观设计专利文献S(2)美国专利文献种类及其代码(P172-173)专利说明书(United States Utility Patent),文献类型识别代码A(B1,B2)专利申请公布说明书(Patent Application Publication),文献类型识别代码(A1)植物专利说明书(United States Plant Patent),文献类型识别代码P(P2、P3)再版专利(Reissued Patent),文献类型识别代码(E)再审查证书(Reexamination Certificate),文献类型识别代码B1、B2(C1、C2、C3)依法登记的发明(Statutory Invention Registration),文献类型识别代码H设计专利(United States Design Patent),文献类型识别代码(S)(3)日本专利文献种类及其代码(P107-110 )公開特許公報(专利申请公开说明书),文献类型识别代码(A)特許公報(专利公告说明书)文献类型识别代码(B2)公表特許公報(国际申请说明书日文译本),文献类型识别代码(A)公開実用新案公報(实用新型申请公开说明书),文献类型识别代码(U)公表実用新案公報(实用新型国际申请说明书日文译本),文献类型识别代码(U1)実用新案公報(实用新型公告说明书),文献类型识别代码(Y2)登録実用新案公報(注册实用新型说明书),文献类型识别代码(U)実用新案登録公報(实用新型注册说明书),文献类型识别代码(Y2)意匠公報(外观设计公报),文献类型识别代码(S)(4)欧洲专利文献种类及其代码(P186)欧洲专利申请说明书(European Patent Applications),文献类型识别代码(A)A1——附有检索报告的欧洲专利申请说明书;A2——未附检索报告的欧洲专利申请说明书;A3——单独出版的检索报告;A4——对国际申请检索报告所做的补充检索报告。



专利文献与专利分类编辑:竹雪----内容来源:(国家知识产权局李建蓉老师授课PPT)一、专利文献概要1.专利文献的概念(1)WIPO关于专利文献的概念(P7)•世界知识产权组织1988年编写的《知识产权教程》阐述了现代专利文献的概念: “专利文献是包含已经申请或被确认为发现、发明、实用新型和工业品外观设计的研究、设计、开发和试验成果的有关资料,以及保护发明人、专利所有人及工业品外观设计和实用新型注册证书持有人权利的有关资料的已出版或未出版的文件(或其摘要)的总称。

”该教程还进一步指出: “专利文献按一般的理解主要是指各国专利局的正式出版物。












4.专利族与同族专利(1)专利族(P16-17)——人们把至少有一个优先权相同的、在不同国家或国际专利组织多次申请、多次公布或批准的内容相同或基本相同的一组专利文献,称为专利族(Patent Family)。



专利号的编号体系:在目前国际化的潮流中,日本这 种复杂的专利号表达方式给不懂日语的专利检索者造 成了极大的障碍,为了解决这一问题,日本专利局在 IPDL检索系统中将2000年以后的专利文献改变为国际 通用的公元年号,但2000年以前的专利仍然以日本年 号的表达方式进行检索。 例如:从美国化学文摘CA数据库中查到这篇日本专利 文献: Jpn.Kokai Tokkyo Koho JP 60218662 A2 1 Nov 1985 Showa,11 pp. “Jpn.Kokai Tokkyo Koho” 表示这篇文献为“日本 公开特许公报”,也就是专利申请公开号,其号码的 组成由JP+2位数的日本年号+6位数字的流水号。 “JP 60218662”中,前2位“60”代表日本的年号,说 明是昭和60年,即1985年。日本昭和年与公元年的换 算为“昭和年+1925=公元年”。在IPDL检索系统中 昭和年用S字母表示,可输入“S60-218662”。专利号 的编号在后面介绍中会进行详细说明。
6位数字的流水号:例如123456,如果不足六位,这里系统会自动补 0 的,因此如果数字前面没有 0 也不要紧。 ( 注意:相关的号码帮助说明 可参见其帮助文档 http://www.ipdl.jpo.go.jp/HELP/tokujitu/db_en/1_1frame.html) 了解好这些以后,现在我们在短框中输入A,或者U,长框中输入“S60218662”或“H09-173062”或“2002-172733”点击检索,系统左边窗口 显示带超文本链接的专利文献号,如 A JP,2002-172733,点击后出 现专利全文。点击看图
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多选题1. 要检索“通用电气公司”在中国申请的有关“医用核磁共振成像”的技术主题,该技术主题对应的IPC类号为A61B5/055,应该(ACD)。

(5分)A. 在“分类号”中输入:A61B5/055,同时在“申请(专利权)人”中输入:通用电气B. 在“优先权”中输入:医用and 核磁and共振成像,同时在“申请(专利权)人”中输入:通用电气C. 在“主分类号”中输入:A61B5/055,同时在“申请(专利权)人”中输入:通用电气D. 在“摘要”或“名称”中输入:医用and 核磁and共振成像,同时在“申请(专利权)人”中输入:通用电气2. 要检索有关稀土荧光材料的国外专利信息,可通过以下哪些途径进行?ABC (5分)A. 查找“稀土荧光材料”对应的英文主题词,用英文词在“espacenet”数据库中进行检索;B. 用“稀土荧光材料”的中文主题词查出一些中国专利文献,然后照出所对应的IPC分类号;用分类号在“espacenet”数据库中进行检索;C. 查找国外有关公司的名称,用公司的名称在“espacenet”数据库中进行检索;D. 查找“稀土荧光材料”对应的英文主题词,通过查阅科技文献。

3. 某公司的主要产品是稀土荧光材料,为了进一步提升产品的技术含量,该公司准备开发新型稀土荧光材料。




(5分)A. 主题词——稀土荧光材料;B. 稀土荧光材料所对应的IPC分类号;C. 国外某公司甲的公司名称;D. 通过查阅科技文献。

4. 一种纤维素酶制备魔芋甘露寡糖的生产方法,该方法为:酶解、过滤、脱色、浓缩、干燥,其特征在于:按魔芋精粉1g∶80-120u酶活单位投入纤维素酶、半纤维素酶混合物,纤维素酶、半纤维素酶混合物中酶活比例为2.5- 3.5∶1;酶解终止后依次采用离心过滤、膜过滤,得到甘露寡糖混合液和滤渣;离心过滤除掉粗渣,超滤膜过滤得到甘露寡糖混合液,去掉大分子;所用的过滤膜的孔径为2-10微米。



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4.日本专利检索 日本专利检索
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期刊检索 网址: • 当今世界最大的文摘和索引(A&I)数据库。 当今世界最大的文摘和索引( )数据库。 用户通过 Scopus 简洁而直观的界面可以 检索到来自全球 4,000 家科学出版公司的 14,500 多种科学期刊,其中 88%的期刊是 多种科学期刊, 的期刊是 经过业内专家审校的专业期刊( 经过业内专家审校的专业期刊(Peer Review)。 )。Scopus 目前提供自 1966 年 )。 以来的 2,700 万篇文摘以及自 1996 年以后 万篇参考文献, 的 23,000 万篇参考文献,每日更新
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日本专利制度自18XX 年设立以来,历经多次修改,最终形成现有的、极富特色的专利保护体系。

















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[Detailed Description of the Invention][0001][Industrial Application]By the exposure of a laser beam etc., the present invention relates information to record, elimination, and the refreshable medium for optical information record at high speed and with high density.[0002][Description of the Prior Art]In recent years, the optical disc using laser beams is developed as a recording medium which meets the demand of the high density and improvement in the speed of expansion of the amount of information, and record and playback. There are added type recordable only once of a postscript and an erasable type any number of times can eliminate[ record and ] in an optical disc.[0003]As an erasable optical disc, the optical magnetic recording medium using the photoelectromagnetic effect and the phase change medium using change of the reversible crystallized state are raised. A phase change medium does not need an external magnetic field, but only changes the power of a laser beam, and record and elimination are possible for it. It has the advantage that 1 beam over-writing which performs elimination and re-recording simultaneously by a single beam is possible.[0004]The case where form a recording bit and it eliminates by making it crystallize is common by making record film make it amorphous in the phase change recording method in which 1 beam over-writing is possible. As a recording layer material used for such a phase change recording method, a chalcogen system alloy thin film is used in many cases.[0005]For example, a germanium-Te system, a germanium-Te-Sb system, an In-Sb-Te system, a germanium-Sn-Te system alloy thin film, etc. are raised. An added-a postscript type phase change medium is also realizable by the almost same material and lamination as an erasable type. In this case, it continues for a long period of time more in that there is no reversibility, information can be recorded and saved, and theoretic substantially semipermanent preservation is possible. [0006]When a phase change medium is used as added type of a postscript, since the climax which is called a rim around a bit unlike a perforated type does not arise, it excels in a signal quality, and since the gap is unnecessary, the advantage that it is not necessary to make it air sandwich structure is in the recording layer upper part. Generally, in an erasable phase change recording medium, in order to realize a different crystallized state, two different laser beam power is used. [0007]Taking the case of the case where record and elimination are performed, it describes by elimination and the initial state crystallized with the amorphous bit in this system. Crystallization is made by heating a recording layer to a temperature lower than the melting point sufficiently more highly than the crystallization temperature of a recording layer. In this case, a cooling rate sandwiches a recording layer by a dielectric layer, or uses a long elliptical form beam for the moving direction of a beam so that crystallization may become slow to sufficient degree carried out.[0008]On the other hand, amorphous-ization is performed by heating and quickly cooling a recording layer to a temperature higher than the melting point. In this case, the above-mentioned dielectric layer also has a function as a radiation layer for obtaining sufficient cooling rate (supercooling speed). Also in order to prevent the deformation accompanying melting and the volume change of the recording layer in the above heating and cooling processes, and the thermal damage to a plastic plate or to prevent degradation of the recording layer by humidity, theprotective layer which consists of the above-mentioned dielectric layer is important.[0009]The construction material of the charge of a protective layer material is selected from viewpoints of having optically transparent being a thing, that the melting point, softening temperature, and decomposition temperature are high, that formation is easy, and appropriate thermal conductivity to a laser beam. As a protective layer which has sufficient heat resistance and mechanical strength, dielectric membrane, such as a metaled oxide and a nitride, is raised first. [0010]Since these dielectric membrane and plastic plates differ in a coefficient of thermal expansion or an elastic property largely, while they repeat record and elimination, they become a cause which peels from a substrate and produces a pinhole and a crack. Although a plastic plate tends to produce curvature with humidity, peeling of a protective film may arise also by this. [0011]On the other hand, as a new dielectric protective layer, the main component of the ZnS is carried out and the thing in which SiO2, Y2O3, etc. were made to mix is proposed. These conjugated compound protective films are excellent in the adhesion over chalcogenide type alloy thin films, such as GeTeSb often used as a recording layer, compared with the pure oxide or the nitride dielectric film. For this reason, in addition to the durability to repetition over-writing, the film peeling in an accelerated test is improving the reliability of the phase change medium further few.[0012][Problem to be solved by the invention]However, a conjugated compound does not necessarily exert the characteristic to only mix. Reliability may be made to be deteriorated on the contrary rather than the case where each pure compound is used depending on the physical properties of a composition range and bipolar membrane.[0013]Although much proposals are conventionally made about the protective film which is a compound containing a chalcogenide type element and which made ZnS, ZnSe, etc. mix an oxide, a nitride, fluoride, carbide, etc., It set in part and was only describing the optimal composition range, and even if it used the mixture of the composition, the characteristic superior to the protective layer which consists of the original pure compound simple substance was not necessarily obtained.[0014]Since these differs largely, the compound of them from which the physical properties of the above-mentioned composite constitute it is because ********** [ the change in physical properties by a manufacturing method and others ]. For example, in forming the protective layer which consists of the above-mentioned conjugated compound, the sputtering method is used widely, but the physical properties of the conjugated compound protective film naturally obtained differ by the case where a composite target is used, and the case where a simultaneous sputtering is carried out using each compound target.[0015]It is a well-known fact that physical properties change with the pressures at the time of a sputtering, etc. also by the same manufacturing method. While dispersion in such protective film physical properties existed, it was problem how a compound protective film suitable for a phase change medium is found out.[0016][Means for solving problem]In the medium for optical information record provided with the phase transition type optical recording layer and the dielectric layer at least on the substrate, the summary of the present invention is in the medium for optical information record, wherein a dielectric layer contains a charcogen compound, a zinc oxide and magnesium flux, or calciumfluoride at least.[0017]Chalcogen means four elements of sulfur, selenium, a tellurium, and polonium. Are at least 1 type preferably chosen from the group of ZnS, ZnSe, and ZnTe as a charcogen compound, and preferably, X/Y is more than [ 1/3 or less / 3 ], and the content Z (mol%) of the content X (mol%) of the charcogen compound in a dielectric layer, the content Y of a zinc oxide (mol%), magnesium flux, or calcium fluoride is [ (X+Y)/Z ] 1.5 or less [ 1/4 or more ].[0018]As for a dielectric layer, it is preferable to provide using the compound sputtering target which comprised a mixture of two or more compounds which constitute this dielectric. Next, the composition of the medium for optical record by the present invention is described. At least, the medium for optical record of the present invention has the composition of a substrate / dielectric layer / recording layer / dielectric layer / reflecting layer, and can usually use transparent resin, such as polycarbonate, an acrylic, and polyolefin, or glass for the substrate 1.[0019]The dielectric which fills the above-mentioned characteristic in a substrate surface is usually provided by thickness of 100 to 5000 A. The deformation preventive effect of a substrate or record film is insufficient in the thickness of a dielectric layer being less than 100A, and there is a tendency not to make the task as a protective layer. If it exceeds 5000 A, the difference of the internal stress of the dielectric itself or elasticity with a substrate will become remarkable, and it will become easy to generate a crack.[0020]In the present invention, the mixture of 3 or more type of different compounds is used for a dielectric layer. That is, a zinc oxide, a charcogen compound and magnesium flux, or calcium fluoride is included at least. The above-mentioned charcogen compound is at least 1 type preferably chosen from the group of ZnS, ZnSe, and ZnTe, and preferably, X/Y is more than [ 1/3 or less / 3 ], and the content Z (mol%) of the content X (mol%) of the charcogen compound in a dielectric layer, the content Y of a zinc oxide (mol%), magnesium flux, or calcium fluoride is [ (X+Y)/Z ] 1.5 or less [ 1/4 or more ].[0021]When the content X, Y, and Z of each compound separates from the above-mentioned range, the deformation preventive effect of a substrate or record film is insufficient, and it cannot be said from a protective effect that it is preferable. As for the dielectric layer, the total quantity of a charcogen compound, a zinc oxide and magnesium flux, or calcium fluoride should just be the main ingredients (50-mol% more than preferably 80-mol% more than), and other dielectrics may be mixed.[0022]As other dielectrics, SiO2, ZrO2, BaO, B2O3, etc. are mentioned. When mixing other dielectrics in a dielectric layer, it is necessary to maintain the heat resistance of not less than 1000 degrees C, and an optical property. The heat resistance of not less than 1000 degrees C means not causing decomposition, even if the melting point maintains not less than 1000 degrees C and it heats at 1000 degrees C.[0023]An optical property means that an optical absorption coefficient is 0.02 or less by a thickness of 500 A. As for the above-mentioned dielectric layer, it is preferable that film densities constitute not less than 80% of theoretical density. Here, membranous theoretical density is an integrated value of what was shown by the following formula and multiplied the density in a bulk state of each composition compound by the mol content of the composition compound. Theoretical density =sigma {(density of a composition compound bulk state) x (composition compound mol content)}By carrying out density of a mixture dielectric layer in this way, the durability to repetition recordand aging can be improved remarkably.[0024]It is good to make a degree of vacuum low (it is low about argon gas pressure) for making high film density which can be performed by adjusting the degree of vacuum at the time of sputtering to control film density, and it good to usually make preferably 1 Pa or less of degrees of vacuum into or less 0.8 to 0.1 degree. As for the above-mentioned dielectric layer, it is preferable to provide using the compound sputtering target which comprised a mixture of two or more compounds which constitute a film.[0025]When this forms the dielectric layer consisting of the above-mentioned conjugated compound, the sputtering method is usually used widely, but. Since it becomes what was excellent also in the characteristic as a protective film since the homogeneity of the composing element of the conjugated compound protective film obtained won compared with the direction which uses a composite target carrying out a simultaneous sputtering using each compound target, it is preferable.[0026]The recording layer of the medium of the present invention is a phase change type recording layer, and the thickness has the preferable range of 100 to 1000 A. Sufficient contrast will not be acquired if the thickness of a recording layer is thinner than 100 A. There is a tendency for a crystallization rate to become slow and the record deletion in a short time becomes difficult. Since it will become difficult to acquire too optical contrast and will become easy to produce a crack on the other hand if 1000AA is exceeded, it is not preferable.[0027]The thickness of a recording layer and a dielectric layer also takes into consideration the cross protection accompanying multilayered constitution, its absorption efficiency of a laser beam is good, and it is chosen so that the amplitude of a recording signal, i.e., the contrast of a recorded state and a non-recorded state, may become largely. It is chosen as a material [ over-write / as a recording layer / material / 3 yuan compounds, such as GeSbTe or InSbTe, ].[0028]It is also effective to add a kind or the element beyond it to these 3 yuan compounds, and to improve a crystallization rate, an optical constant, and oxidation resistance to them from the inside of Sn of 0.1-10 atom %, In, Pb, As, Se, Si, Bi, Au, Ti, Cu, Ag, Pt, Pd, Co, nickel, etc. Although the optical reflecting layer and the hard court layer for the prevention from heat deformation are provided on the protective layer, an optical reflecting layer has a preferable substance with large reflectance, and Au, Ag, Cu, aluminum, etc. are used.[0029]Since this reflecting layer has an effect which promotes diffusion of the thermal energy which the recording layer absorbed, it may add a little Ta, Ti, Cr, Mo, Mg, V, Nb(s), Zr, etc. for thermal conductivity control etc. A recording layer, a dielectric layer, and a reflecting layer are formed of sputtering process etc. It is desirable at the target for record film, the target for protective films, and the point that performing film formation with the in-line equipment which installed the target for reflecting layer materials in the same vacuum chamber when required prevents the oxidation and contamination between each layers. It excels also from the surface of productivity.[0030][Working example]The present invention is described in detail with an working example below. As an working-example 1 dielectric-layer material, adjustment mixing of the powder of ZnS, ZnO, and MgF2 was carried out so that it might be set to 20 to 20 to 60 by a mol ratio, and the compound-sintered-compact target obtained in hot pressing was obtained.[0031]****** / recording layer / dielectric layer / reflecting layer was provided on thepolycarbonate resin board, and the recording medium of four layer systems was created. Thickness of each layer was made into 1000 A of lower dielectric layers, 300 A of recording layers, 300 A of upper dielectric layers, and 1000 A of reflecting layers. Composition of a recording layer is germanium(22.2) Sb(22.2)Te(55. 6) .[0032]The reflecting layer used the aluminum alloy. The dielectric layer formed membranes by high frequency (13.56 MHz) sputtering by the Ar gas pressure of 0.7 Pa. Film density was 3.3g/cc, and constituted 84% of theoretical density. The recording layer and the reflecting layer formed membranes by DC sputtering by the Ar gas pressure of 0.7 Pa.[0033]Furthermore, ultraviolet curing resin about 4 micrometers thick was provided. After performing crystallization treatment of initialization, i.e., a recording layer, for this disk using Ar ion laser further, the following conditions estimated the dynamic characteristics of the disk. TheC/N ratio was measured, whenever repeatedly and it reached the predetermined number of times, making it rotate with the linear velocity of 10 m/s. [ using 4 MHz and duty 50% of pulsed light ] [ record power 18mW and base power 9.5mW ] As a result was shown in Fig.1, as compared with the 10th time, deterioration of C/N was about 3 dB repeatedly in 10,000 times.[0034]Except having made ZnS and MgF2 into the mol ratio as a charge of a protective layer material in the comparative example 1 working example 1, and having used by that of 20 to 80, the disk was created similarly and same dynamic-characteristics evaluation was performed. As a result was shown in Fig.2, as compared with the 10th time, deterioration of C/N was about 13 dB repeatedly in 100 times. Film density was 3.0g/cc, and constituted 88% of theoretical density. [0035]the charge of a protective layer material of the working-example 2 working example 1 -- ZrO210-mol% -- except having mixed and used, the disk was created similarly and same dynamic-characteristics evaluation was performed. The result was the same as that of the working example 1 substantially.[0036][Effect of the Invention]utilization of the medium by using the medium for optical record of the present invention which can perform many repetition record and elimination and this kind can eliminate [ repetition record and ] -- many -- it is effective.[Translation done.]。
