



A VL crui se理论基础本文档由整理发布。

1 V ehi cle 整车参数1.1汽车瞬时质量的确定汽车的质量是与汽车装载状态有关的。

不同装载情况下,汽车的质量是不同的,可表示为:)(,,load V V act v Z m m =ﻩﻩﻩ ﻩﻩ ﻩ (1-1)其中, 空载时min ,,)0(0V V load V m m Z =⇒=半载时2)1(1,min ,,zulV V V load V m m m Z +=⇒=满载时zul V V load V m m Z ,,)2(2=⇒=如果不是上面这三种状态,则可以按式(1-2)计算汽车的瞬时质量:zul V V act v m m m ,,)0(+=ﻩﻩ ﻩﻩﻩﻩﻩﻩ ﻩ ﻩ(1-2)式中, m V ,ac t:整车的瞬时实际质量,kg;ZV ,loa d:汽车的载荷状态; m V ,mi n:是汽车的整备质量,kg ; mV ,zul :是汽车的满载质量,kg 。

1.2车轮的数量的确定汽车各个位置的车轮的数量(N W,f,r,N W,f,l,N W,r ,r ,和N W ,r,l )是在考虑了车轮的定位(L w,i )情况后由车轮的总数量来确-定的。


(1)在路上行驶在这种情况下,质心高度和与前轴的距离是与三种负载状态有关的,其计算方法如下:)(,,,,load V cog V act cog V Z h h = ﻩﻩﻩ ﻩﻩﻩﻩﻩﻩ(1-3))(,,,,load V cog V act cog V Z l l =ﻩ ﻩﻩﻩ ﻩﻩﻩﻩ(1-4)式中, h V ,c og,act :汽车质心的实际高度,m m;l V,cog,act :汽车质心距前轴的距离,mm ;h V ,cog (Z V ,lo ad ):依据载荷状态的质心高度,mm ;lV ,c og (Z V,loa d):依据载荷状态的质心距离前轴的距离,mm 。



1.3.2 创建网格
Fire中在进行划分网格前,需要创建两种网格单元。一是表面网格单元(surface),同时也是作为边界条件,二是边界线网格(edge meshes)。Fire里面有cell,face,node三种形式的选择单元。
3、双击桌面图标“CFDWM v1.31”运行fire。
第二章 基本操作
1.1 鼠标操作:工作平面内,按住鼠标右键平移网格模型,按住鼠标左键可旋转模型,中键模型放大和缩小。
1.2 用户界面:Fire同多数应用软件相似,fire的界面由工作区、菜单栏、状态栏和应用工具栏组成。界面的左侧为工程树(project),工程树中包括所有创建的网格文件,可以在工程树中加载文件,复制和删除文件等。中间为工作区域,即模型显示区域。界面右侧为应用工具栏,包含了所有针对网格文件进行修改和编辑的命令。
AVL Fire 软件的使用方法
第一章 安装方法
1.3 以intake port为例,介绍fire软件操作流程
Fire也自带pdf格式的用户帮助手册,算例的操作方法,各个应用模块的设计原理等,打开方法:开始→程序→AVL→Fire V8.31→Help Files PDF。



A VL使用说明1.什么是A VLA VL (Athena V ortex Lattice)是MIT的Mark Drela教授开发的一个气动分析程序。

程序最初由Harold Youngren 1988年为MIT Athena TODOR 航空软件集编写。

经过Mark Drela 和Harold Youngren大量修改后,现在已发展到3.15版了。

A VL 的气动分析部分用FORTRAN编写而成,图形显示则是基于XWindows,用C语言编写,正是因为基于这两种以速度著称的语言,A VL运算起来特别快。


2.A VL能做什么A VL利用涡格法对给定的外形作气动分析,采用关键字描述几何外形,计算出数据并绘制图形,而且数据和图形都能够输出。


A VL具有为飞机外型快速分析的大量特性,主要的特征如下:气动分力升力面细长体外型描述关键字驱动的几何外型输入文件使用线形插值描述截面截面特性翼型可以是NACA xxxx, 或者来自于翼型输入文件操纵面偏转抛物线形剖面极线,尺度放缩对整个表面或机身做缩放、平移、旋转复制整个表面或机身特性马蹄涡(表面)源线+双合线(机身)有限主体选择离散化归一化正弦余弦组合操纵面偏转通过倾斜法向量前缘襟翼后缘襟翼铰轴线独立于离散过程普通自由流描述alpha, beta 气流角p,q,r 飞机旋转分力亚音速Prandtl-Glauert 可压缩流处理空气动力分力输出直接力和力矩特瑞夫兹平面(Trefftz-plane)力及力矩的导数,w.r.t自由流,旋转,控制力在体坐标或固定坐标下配平计算控制变量alpha, betap, q, r操纵面偏转约束对变量的直接约束通过指定升力系数、力矩来间接约束一次定义多个配平算例保存配平算例设置以备以后调用可选质量定义文件(仅在配平设置,模态分析中)用户选择单位逐条列出部件位置,质量和惯性约束下的配平设置平直或带斜坡的水平飞行固定速率的俯仰飞行模态分析准稳定模型下的刚体分析显示带参数的特征根级数实时显示模态运动输出动态系统矩阵3.涡格法模型使用的原则就如同其它数值算法一样,A VL的用处同样有所限制。


An elevator would have SgnDup = +1 An aileron would have SgnDup = -1
Geometry Input xxx.avl
• – Body-definition keywords and data formats
Geometry Input xxx.avl
Geometry Input xxx.avl
Geometry Input xxx.avl
gain:control deflection gain. Xhinge:x/c location of hinge. XYZhvec:vector giving hinge axis about which surface rotates . SgnDup:sign of deflection for duplicated surface .
• Surfaces
– Wings – Horizontal stabilizer – Vertical Stabilizer
• Inputs
– Aircraft geometry .avl – Mass and inertial properties .mass – Flight condition .run
• Outputs
– Stability and control derivatives – Forces and moments on aircraft – Geometry plot



AVL 3.14 User Primerlast update 28 Aug 2004Mark Drela, MIT Aero & AstroHarold Youngren, Aerocraft, Inc.HistoryAVL (Athena Vortex Lattice) 1.0 was originally written by Harold Youngren circa 1988 for the MIT Athena TODOR aero software collection. A number of modifications have since been added by Mark Drela and Harold Youngren,to the point where only a trace of the original code remains.General DescriptionAVL 3.xx now has a large number of features intended for rapid aircraft configuration analysis. The major features are as follows:Aerodynamic componentsLifting surfacesSlender bodiesConfiguration descriptionKeyword-driven geometry input fileDefined sections with linear interpolationSection propertiescamberline is NACA xxxx, or from airfoil filecontrol deflectionsparabolic profile drag polar, Re-scalingScaling, translation, rotation of entire surface or bodyDuplication of entire surface or bodySingularitiesHorseshoe vortices (surfaces)Source+doublet lines (bodies)Finite-core optionDiscretizationUniformSineCosineBlendControl deflectionsVia normal-vector tiltingLeading edge flapsTrailing edge flapsHinge lines independent of discretizationGeneral freestream descriptionalpha,beta flow anglesp,q,r aircraft rotation componentsSubsonic Prandtl-Glauert compressibility treatmentAerodynamic outputsDirect forces and momentsTrefftz-planeDerivatives of forces and moments, w.r.t freestream, rotation, controlsIn body or stability axesTrim calculationOperating variablesalpha,betap,q,rcontrol deflectionsConstraintsdirect constraints on variablesindirect constraints via specified CL, momentsMultiple trim run cases can be definedSaving of trim run case setups for later recallOptional mass definition file (only for trim setup, eigenmode analysis)User-chosen unitsItemized component location, mass, inertiasTrim setup of constraintslevel or banked horizontal flightsteady pitch rate (looping) flightEigenmode analysisRigid-body analysis with quasi-steady aero modelDisplay of eigenvalue root progression with a parameterDisplay of eigenmode motion in real timeOutput of dynamic system matricesVortex-Lattice Modeling PrinciplesLike any computational method, AVL has limitations on what it can do.These must be kept in mind in any given application.ConfigurationsA vortex-lattice model like AVL is best suited for aerodynamic configurationswhich consist mainly of thin lifting surfaces at small angles of attack and sideslip. These surfaces and their trailing wakes are represented as single-layer vortex sheets, discretized into horseshoe vortex filaments, whose trailing legs are assumed to be parallel to the x-axis. AVL provides the capability to also model slender bodies such as fuselages and nacelles via source+doublet filaments. The resulting force and moment predictions are consistent with slender-body theory, but the experience with this model is relatively limited, and hence modeling of bodies should be done with caution. If a fuselage is expected to have little influence on the aerodynamic loads,it's simplest to just leave it out of the AVL model.Unsteady flowAVL assumes quasi-steady flow, meaning that unsteady vorticity sheddingis neglected. More precisely, it assumes the limit of small reduced frequency, which means that any oscillatory motion (e.g. in pitch) must be slow enough so that the period of oscillation is much longer than the time it takesthe flow to traverse an airfoil chord. This is true for virtually any expected flight maneuver. Also, the roll, pitch, and yaw rates usedin the computations must be slow enough so that the resulting relativeflow angles are small. This can be judged by the dimensionlessrotation rate parameters, which should fall within the followingpractical limits.-0.10 < pb/2V < 0.10-0.03 < qc/2V < 0.03-0.25 < rb/2V < 0.25These represent extremely violent aircraft motion, and are unlikelyto exceeded in any typical flight situation, except possibly duringlow-airspeed aerobatic maneuvers. In any case, if any of theseparameters falls outside of these limits, the results should beinterpreted with caution.Compressibility---------------Compressibility is treated using the Prandtl-Glauert (PG) transformation.Its relative importance can be judged by the PG factor 1/B = 1/sqrt(1 - M^2), where "M" is the freestream Mach number. A few values are given in the table, which shows the expected range of validity.M 1/B--- -----0.0 1.000 |0.1 1.005 |0.2 1.021 |0.3 1.048 |- PG expected valid0.4 1.091 |0.5 1.155 |0.6 1.250 |0.7 1.400 PG suspect (transonic flow likely)0.8 1.667 PG unreliable (transonic flow certain)0.9 2.294 PG hopelessFor swept-wing configurations, the validity of the PG modelis best judged using the wing-perpendicular Mach numberMperp = M cos(sweep)Since Mperp < M, swept-wing cases can be modeled up to higherM values than unswept cases. For example, a 45 degree swept wingoperating at freestream M = 0.8 hasMperp = 0.8 * cos(45) = 0.566which is still within the expected range of PG validityin the above table. So reasonable results can be expectedfrom AVL for this case.When doing velocity parameter sweeps at the lowest Mach numbers,say below M = 0.2, it is best to simply hold M = 0. This willgreatly speed up the calculations, since changing the Mach numberrequires recomputation and re-factorization of the VL influence matrix, which consumes most of the computational effort. If the Mach numberis held fixed, this computation needs to be done only once.Input Files===========AVL works with three input files, all in plain text format. Ideallythese all have a common arbitrary prefix "xxx", and the following extensions:xxx.avl required main input file defining the configuration geometry xxx.mass optional file giving masses and inertias, and dimensional units xxx.run optional file defining the parameter for some number of run casesThe user provides files xxx.avl and xxx.mass, which are typically created using any text editor. Sample files are provided for use as templates.The xxx.run file is written by AVL itself with a user command.It can be manually edited, although this is not really necessarysince it is more convenient to edit the contents in AVL and thenwrite out the file again.Geometry Input File -- xxx.avl==============================This file describes the vortex lattice geometry and aerodynamicsection properties. Sample input files are in the /runs subdirectory.Coordinate system-----------------The geometry is described in the following Cartesian system:注意坐标系和机体坐标系相同X downstreamY out the right wingZ upThe free stream must be at a reasonably small angle to the X axis(alpha and beta must be small), since the trailing vorticityis oriented parallel to the X axis. The length unit used inthis file is referred to as "Lunit". This is arbitrary,but must be the same throughout this file.File format-----------Header data- - - - - -The input file begins with the following information in the first 5 non-blank, non-comment lines:Abc... | case title# | comment line begins with "#" or "!"0.0 | Mach1 0 0.0 | iYsym iZsym Zsym4.0 0.4 0.1 | Sref Cref Bref0.1 0.0 0.0 | Xref Yref Zref0.020 | CDp (optional)Mach = default freestream Mach number for Prandtl-Glauert correctioniYsym = 1 case is symmetric about Y=0 , (X-Z plane is a solid wall)= -1 case is antisymmetric about Y=0, (X-Z plane is at const. Cp)= 0 no Y-symmetry is assumed是否存在纵向对称iZsym = 1 case is symmetric about Z=Zsym , (X-Y plane is a solid wall) = -1 case is antisymmetric about Z=Zsym, (X-Y plane is at const. Cp) = 0 no Z-symmetry is assumed (Zsym ignored)好像可以考虑地效Sref = reference area used to define all coefficients (CL, CD, Cm, etc) Cref = reference chord used to define pitching moment (Cm)Bref = reference span used to define roll,yaw moments (Cl,Cn)X,Y,Zref = default location about which moments and rotation rates are defined (if doing trim平衡calculations, XYZref must be the CG location, which can be imposed with the MSET command described later)CDp = default profile drag coefficient added to geometry, applied at XYZref (assumed zero if this line is absent, for previous-version compatibility)The default Mach, XYZref, and CDp values are superseded取代by the valuesin the .run file (described later), if it is present. They can alsobe changed at runtime.Only the half (non-image) geometry must be input if symmetry is specified. Ground effect is simulated with iZsym = 1, and Zsym = location of ground.(该程序可以计算地效)Forces are not calculated on the image/anti-image映像surfaces.Sref and Bref are assumed to correspond to the total geometry.In practice there is little reason to run Y-symmetric image cases,unless one is desperate不顾一切的for CPU savings.Surface and Body data- - - - - - - - - - -The remainder of the file consists of a set of keywords and associated data. Each keyword expects a certain number of lines of data to immediately followit, the exceptions being inline-coordinate keyword AIRFOIL which is followed by an arbitrary number of coordinate data lines. The keywords must also be nested嵌套的properly in the hierarchy层次shown below. Only the first four characters of each keyword are actually significant, the rest are just a mnemonic 帮助记忆的.SURFACEINDEXYDUPLICATESCALETRANSLATEANGLESECTIONSECTIONNACASECTIONAIRFOILCLAFCDCLSECTIONAFILECONTROLCONTROLBODYYDUPLICATESCALETRANSLATEBFILESURFACEYDUPLICATESECTIONSECTIONSURFACE..etc.The INDEX, YDUPLICATE, SCALE, TRANSLATE, and ANGLE keywordscan all be used together. If more than one of these appears fora surface, the last one will be used and the previous ones ignored.At least two SECTION keywords must be used for each surface.The NACA, AIRFOIL, AFILE, keywords are alternatives.If more than one of these appears after a SECTION keyword,the last one will be used and the previous ones ignored. i.e.SECTIONNACAAFILEis equivalent toSECTIONAFILEMultiple CONTROL keywords can appear after a SECTION keyword and dataSurface-definition keywords and data formats- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -*****SURFACE | (keyword)Main Wing | surface name string12 1.0 20 -1.5 | Nchord Cspace [ Nspan Sspace ]The SURFACE keyword declares that a surface is being defined until the next SURFACE or BODY keyword, or the end of file is reached.A surface does not really have any significance to the underlying AVL vortex lattice solver, which only recognizes the overall collection of all the individual horseshoe vortices. SURFACEis provided only as a configuration-defining device, and alsoas a means of defining individual surface forces. This is necessary for structural load calculations, for example.Nchord = number of chord wise horseshoe vortices placed on the surfaceCspace = chordwise vortex spacing parameter (described later)Nspan = number of spanwise horseshoe vortices placed on the surface [optional]Sspace = spanwise vortex spacing parameter (described later) [optional]If Nspan and Sspace are omitted (i.e. only Nchord and Cspace are present on line), then the Nspan and Sspace parameters will be expected for each section interval, as described later.*****INDEX | (keyword)3 | LsurfThis optional keyword allows declaring that multiple input SURFACEsactually constitute one physical surface, by giving them all thesame Lsurf value. This declaration is necessary for AVL to properly perform calculations using finite core radii for the horseshoe vortices (the default case). A finite core radius is normally used for each horseshoe vortex, except when computing the influence of that vortexon a control point lying on the same physical surface. Using afinite core radius within the same surface would seriously corruptthe calculation.If each physical surface is specified via only a single SURFACE block,then the INDEX declaration is unnecessary.*****YDUPLICATE | (keyword)0.0 | YduplThe YDUPLICATE keyword is a convenient shorthand device for creating 。




AVL树的概念最早由G.M. Adelson-Velsky和E.M. Landis在1962年提出,他们希望通过这种数据结构来提高和插入操作的平均和最糟糕情况下的时间复杂度。























AVL培训第二讲(上)目录前言1 添加normname量1.1命名原则1.2Normname导出备份1.3添加过程2MRQ手动测量2.1新建DST2.2定义关键字2.3加载TFP2.4定义measure time2.5启动发动机2.6进入后处理3 TMP临时通道3.1 用途3.2 修改操作4 常用知识4.1 重新加载失败怎么办?4.2 发动机运行后的数据存放位置4.3 PUMA的licence位置附:当前Alphanumeric display窗口含义前言如果我们在台架添加一个传感器,我们怎样将其信号导入到PUMA并进行分析?在进行手动测量时,我们怎样定义、查找测量数据呢?我们把湘仪测功机测得数据导入到PUMA时,变量名称不相同怎么办?今天上午我们就是学习的该怎么办。




3、每一个NN都有一个system name,将其改为与NN一致,或者不要修改。


1.2Normname导出备份AVL explorer进入Tools,进入quantity export/import/wizard,进入export:其中quantites为normname,unit为单位备份,physical dimensions为单位的类别。

1.3添加过程1.3.1 点击NEDStudio选择类别,例如温度传感器的normname类型为measured quantity新建new quantity命名normname以及system nameDecimal places为小数点位数Unit为定义单位Physical demision(上方工具栏)为单位类别Remove去掉单位如果单击上方工具栏Tool对话框,gain和offset的含义:自己定义单位y时:y=ax+b,其中x为基本单位(温度为K,重量为kg)则gain=1/a,offset=b/a2MRQ手动测量2.1新建DST定义一致DST,将要测量的量加入。



AVL 软件Windows 网络版的安装(Flexlm 管理license)服务器安装:1.安装AVL软件,运行光盘中SETUP (缺省安装设置).2.将AVL生成的license(如***_license.dat)文件拷到服务器任一路径下.3.打开license 文件,#为注释行,头部应有如下两行:SERVER servername Physical_AddressDAEMON avl <avl_installation_directory>\license\avl.exe检查:• servername 应为贵公司服务器名(即为您的电脑名)• Physical_Address 应为贵公司服务器网卡物理地址(一般不改)• <avl_installation_directory>\license\avl.exe 应为文件avl.exe的路径, 一般可改为c:\avl\license\avl.exe4.检查安装目录下c:\avl\license,如果在该文件夹下不存在avl.exe文件,可以从其他位置复制到该文件夹下,例如可能的位置有c:\avl\FLEXLM\v10.1\bin\avl.exe,将bin中的所有文件都复制到c:\avl\license)。

5.运行license管理程序Flexlm或者运行lmtools.exe (如按上述操作的位置为c:\avl\license\lmtools.exe ) 仅修改以下红色内容Service Name 添入AST FLEX寻找文件lmgrd.exe, 如果上面几步正确的话,一般为c:\avl\license\lmgrd.exeBrowse license 文件,如,位置为用户保存***_license.dat 的位置 直接填入c:\avl\license\license.log选择,表示电脑启动时就会自动运行license manager最后,Save Service ,然后切换到'先Stop server,而后在Start server.退出Flexlm.6. 运行桌面的AWS,选择相关程序,出现:'选择第二项,点Next,在下一窗口中输入license文件的保存路径,点击browse,找到License的文件路径。











1. 左旋左旋操作是指将当前节点的右子节点上移,当前节点成为新的左子节点。



2. 右旋右旋操作是指将当前节点的左子节点上移,当前节点成为新的右子节点。





A VL使用说明1.什么是A VLA VL (Athena V ortex Lattice)是MIT的Mark Drela教授开发的一个气动分析程序。

程序最初由Harold Youngren 1988年为MIT Athena TODOR 航空软件集编写。

经过Mark Drela 和Harold Youngren大量修改后,现在已发展到3.15版了。

A VL 的气动分析部分用FORTRAN编写而成,图形显示则是基于XWindows,用C语言编写,正是因为基于这两种以速度著称的语言,A VL运算起来特别快。


2.A VL能做什么A VL利用涡格法对给定的外形作气动分析,采用关键字描述几何外形,计算出数据并绘制图形,而且数据和图形都能够输出。


A VL具有为飞机外型快速分析的大量特性,主要的特征如下:气动分力升力面细长体外型描述关键字驱动的几何外型输入文件使用线形插值描述截面截面特性翼型可以是NACA xxxx, 或者来自于翼型输入文件操纵面偏转抛物线形剖面极线,尺度放缩对整个表面或机身做缩放、平移、旋转复制整个表面或机身特性马蹄涡(表面)源线+双合线(机身)有限主体选择离散化归一化正弦余弦组合操纵面偏转通过倾斜法向量前缘襟翼后缘襟翼铰轴线独立于离散过程普通自由流描述alpha, beta 气流角p,q,r 飞机旋转分力亚音速Prandtl-Glauert 可压缩流处理空气动力分力输出直接力和力矩特瑞夫兹平面(Trefftz-plane)力及力矩的导数,w.r.t自由流,旋转,控制力在体坐标或固定坐标下配平计算控制变量alpha, betap, q, r操纵面偏转约束对变量的直接约束通过指定升力系数、力矩来间接约束一次定义多个配平算例保存配平算例设置以备以后调用可选质量定义文件(仅在配平设置,模态分析中)用户选择单位逐条列出部件位置,质量和惯性约束下的配平设置平直或带斜坡的水平飞行固定速率的俯仰飞行模态分析准稳定模型下的刚体分析显示带参数的特征根级数实时显示模态运动输出动态系统矩阵3.涡格法模型使用的原则就如同其它数值算法一样,A VL的用处同样有所限制。



(完整word版)AVL测功机培训2AVL培训第⼀讲(下)⽬录前⾔1 PUMA主界⾯介绍1.1 打开puma的准备⼯作1.2 PUMA主界⾯基本内容1.2.1 AVL explorer参数⽂件1.2.2 NED studio1.2.3 PUC1.2.4 central logon1.2.5 advanced tools2 PUMA启动流程3 PUMA参数中常见类型3.1 SYS常见参数类型3.2 TFP常见参数类型3.3 UUT常见参数类型4 ⾃定义显⽰窗⼝前⾔1 PUMA主界⾯介绍1.1 打开puma的准备⼯作要等Intime准备完毕,即右下⾓Intime图标变为彩⾊,在桌⾯PUMA Open⽂件夹中双击AVL PUMA Application Desktop。

1.2 PUMA主界⾯基本内容1.2.1AVL explorer参数⽂件打开参数⽂件路径为:Local/project/AVL/project Data1.2.2NED studio为Normname监控参数1.2.3PUC即后处理部分1.2.4central logon进⼊参数配置1.2.5advanced tools其中PAM为参数功能表,Data manager 为数据管理导⼊导出、删除等数据处理部分。

1.2.6start puma启动PUMA2 PUMA启动流程PUMA启动流程图PAM内有四种参数:SYS(系统参数),TFP(设备管理参数),UUT(发动机参数),TST(⾃动循环参数)。

其参数打开⽅法有两种:⼀是在Advanced Tools中打开PAM;另外⼀种为打开AVL Explorer/local/project/AVL/project data。


进⼊到Monitor中时,只加载SYS和TFP两种参数⽂件;monitor中可以将修改的SYS和TFP 参数进⾏加载;此时要多按⼏次RESET。

AVL台架使用 介绍PO CHN

AVL台架使用 介绍PO CHN

Puma o pen
–PUMA 软件应用程序
–PUMA 操作用户界面(POI)–PUMA 资源管理器
–试验程序编辑器(BSQ -SSQ)–参数管理器(PAM)–标准名编辑器(NED)
–Puma Concerto 数据处理软件(PUC)
PUMA 功能简介
–手动/ 自动操作
–自动(试验程序)–POI 手动
PUMA Explorer:–易于使用
–参数库/ 工具条
(SYS)–Test Field Param.
–INIT 公式–记录仪触发–内含的–实时公式解释程序



A VL CRUISE 2013 安装教程1. 打开下载的安装包,会出现如下窗口。

2. 打开CRUISE文件夹,解压A VL_CRUISE_v2013.iso文件,如图所示。

3. 双击setup.exe文件,进入安装程序如下图所示。

4. 单击Next,进入如下界面,输入Name、Company和Email。

5. 单击Next,进入下一个界面。

6. 选择第一项“I accept…”,单击Next进入如下界面。

7. 选择安装路径,默认存入C盘,单击Next,进入下一个界面。

8. 选择Full,单击Next,进入下一个界面。

9. 选择第一项“Server Installation”,单击Next,进入下一步。

10. 默认选项,不必更改,单击Next,进入下一步。

11. 选择第一项“No License…”,单击Next,进入下一步。

12. 单击Install,进入下一步。

13. 进入安装进程,需时大约10分钟,耐心等待安装完成,单击Done。

14. 下面进入破解过程,打开安装包的SolidSQUAD文件夹,解压A VL.CRUISE.2013-SSQ.7z文件。

15. 将解压的文件拷入软件的安装目录,覆盖安装目录下的同名文件。

16. 打开桌面上的软件图标,打开软件,选择第二项“Specify the License File”,单击Next。


蚂蚁开物仿真软件18. 选择start,进入软件主界面如下所示。

AVL puma资料

AVL puma资料

AVL培训第一讲(上)目录前言一 AVL台架设备介绍1 测功机2 油耗仪3 水温油温控制4 油门执行器5 中冷器6 烟度计7 颗粒采样计8 漏气量仪二 PUMA结构1 主机(window xp+Intime)2 扩展箱(PCI Interface box)3 U口转串口(edge port)4 前端模块(F-FEM)5 压力前端模块(F-FEM-P)6 测功机变频柜Djno cabinet7 鼠标键盘等8 不间断电源(UPS)二电路图纸的应用附表:AVL各模块代码表附图1:PUMA结构实物图附图2:PUMA结构连接图前言一 AVL台架设备介绍1 测功机dynoDyno分为主动式和被动式,主要区别在于主动式测功机可以倒托发动机;被动式测功机分为电涡流式和水力式;AVL主动式测功机包含AFA(定子固定式,利用扭矩法兰测扭矩,无线发送到PUMA)和APA(定子摆动式,利用拉压传感器测扭矩,信号传输到PUMA)两种,其中实验室采用AFA形式。

2 油耗仪AVL油耗仪有三种形式:735(质量流量)、733、KMA4000/6000(体积流量式)。





3 水温油温控制代号553为水温控制,554为机油温控。

4 油门执行器油门执行器有THA100和FVG9400,为两个公司生产。

5 中冷器Bancon中冷器6 烟度计有两种,分别为439(不透光式,实验室用)和415(纸带式)。

7 颗粒采样计代号472颗粒采集,采用部分分流稀释;整车实验必须用全分流稀释。

8 漏气量仪代号442,计算曲轴窜气。



AVL-FIRE中文入门教程+AVL-FIRE软件的使用方法A VL-FIRE中文入门教程+A VL-FIRE软件的使用方法流场分析的基本流程(FIRE软件)ID:qxlqixinliang一、网格自动生成 (2)二、网格划分工具的使用 (5)1、Mesh tools (5)2、surface tools (7)3、edge tools (7)三、网格和几何信息工具 (8)1、网格check (8)2、Geo info (9)四、流场求解求解器的设置 (9)AVL Fire 软件的使用方法 .................................................................错误!未定义书签。



下面介绍网格自动生成的流程:1)准备面surface mesh和线edge mesh:要求:面必须是封闭曲面,一般FIRE中可以应用的是.stl的文件,在PRO/E,CATIA 等三维的造型软件中都可以生成;与面的处理相似的还要准备边界的线数据2)Hybrid assistant,选择start new meshing,分别定义表面网格definesurface mesh和线网格define edge mesh3)然后进入高级选项fame advanced hybrid,在这里定义最大网格尺寸和最小网格尺寸,最大网格尺寸是最小网格尺寸的2^n倍4)选择connecting edge,一般在计算域的进出口表面建立face selection,这样可保证edge 处的网格贴体,否则网格在几何的边角会被圆滑掉,另外还可以保证进出口面的网格方向与气流方向正交,有利于计算的精确性和收敛性。


• AVLCRUISE概述与基本原理 • 建模与仿真流程 • 数据分析与可视化 • 高级功能与应用拓展 • 案例实战:典型场景模拟 • 总结回顾与未来展望
AVLCRUISE是一款高级的车辆动力学 仿真软件,广泛应用于汽车工程领域。
在图表中添加数据标签,方便读者快 速了解数据点的具体数值。
利用交互式图表工具,如Tableau、 Power BI等,实现数据的动态展示 和交互分析。
数据解读 结合业务背景和实际需求,对数据结果 进行解读和分析,挖掘数据背后的信息
和价值。 数据比较
将不同数据集或不同时间段的数据进 行比较分析,揭示数据的变化趋势和
评估交通拥堵状况、优化 交通信号控制策略、提高 城市交通运行效率。
构建城市交通网络模型、 设置交通流参数、运行仿 真并收集数据、分析仿真 结果。
模拟物流运输网络,包括仓库、 配送中心、运输车辆等要素,实
降低运输成本、提高运输效率、 减少碳排放。
通过本次培训,我深入了解了 AVLCRUISE软件的功能和使用方法, 对自动驾驶车辆的控制策略设计有了更
在实践操作中,我遇到了一些问题,但 与其他学员的交流和合作让我收获颇丰,
通过反复尝试和请教老师,最终都得到 我们共同探讨问题、分享经验,共同进



• Surfaces
– Wings – Horizontal stabilizer
– Vertical Stabilizer
• Control surfaces – Hinge line – Fixed-moveable surface ratio
Geometry Input File -- xxx.avl
gain:control deflection gain. Xhinge:x/c location of hinge. XYZhvec:vector giving hinge axis about which surface rotates . SgnDup:sign of deflection for duplicated surface . An elevator would have SgnDup = +1 An aileron would have SgnDup = -1
Mass Input File -- xxx.mass
• Coordinate system • File format
Mass Input File -- xxx.mass
Run-Case Save File -- xxx.run
This file is generated by AVL itself. It can be edited with a text editor, although this is not really necessary. The parameter values in the file can be changed using AVL's menus, and the file can then be written again. Manipulating and using the contents of the run file will be described later.

Horizon FAL Level 2教程说明书

Horizon FAL Level 2教程说明书

Horizon Discover a digital learning solution designed to improve student engagementHorizon includes:• Student Book (eBook)• L ecturer Guide (eBook)• M ultimedia and interactive content • Student and class activities• Assessments with immediate grading • L ecturer dashboard to track student results• L ecturer and student manualsDiscover HorizonHorizon is a digital learning solution to create an optimal student engagement and teaching experience.Get all the benefits of NCV curriculum-aligned multimedia and interactive content, eBook, supporting resources, activities and assessments with immediate grading, within an easy-to-use, digital learning platform.The solution provides you and your students maximum flexibility. Lecturers can deliver engaging content front of class. Students can complete coursework on campus or independently from home.Deliver curriculum-aligned content digitallyContent is broken down into separate topics. Topics show the subject outcomes and each subject outcome includes content, activities and worksheets aligned to the learning outcomes.Manage activities and assessmentsAssign student activities as homework and use class activities as individual, peer or group assessments. Activities and assessments are aligned to learning outcomes.Engage students with interactive front-of-class teachingUse multimedia and interactive content to deliver engaging lectures and teach difficult concepts visually. Lessons include activities to engage students. Download standalone resources once and play them offline.Designed with you, the lecturer, in mind,Horizon features the tools you need to make yourlectures engaging and improve your students’ results.Track student performance Access a dashboard that provides detailedreports and learning analytics to track student progress. Assessments can be completed offline but students and lecturers are required to go online to sync data.Offer flexible study optionsGive students instant access to coursecontent, multimedia resources andactivities that can be accessed onmobile, tablet, laptop or desktop. Promote independent studyingEmpower students to access contentand resources. Students can complete self-marking activities offline and get immediatefeedback. Students can access past exampapers to prepare for tests and exams.Watch how Horizon provides academic support to studentsSee how the tools can help you make your lectures more engaging and improve learning.Watch the videoDiscover a digital learning solution designed to improve student engagementHorizon。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

Typical AVL session keyboard inputs.
All commands can be in lowercase.
Blank lines below are for clarity. They are NOT Returns!
Indentation in the command listing below indicates
the menu level to help navigation.
A command in quotes, e.g "L", means that the letter
is typed when the cursor is in the plot window rather
than the text window.
Start AVL with an input-file argument, such as the Bubble Dancer RC glider.
This command will read the bd.avl, bd.mass, bd.run files. The bd.run file
defines trimmed flight over a range of bank angles.
% cd runs
% ../bin/avl bd
OPER enter operating menu
5 select run case 5 as the target (40 deg right bank trimmed turn)
X execute calculation
T Trefftz-Plane plot (note assymetric loading from yaw rate and sideslip) <Return> return to OPER menu
<Return> back to AVL main menu
MODE enter eigenmode menu
N new eigenvalue calculation (for range of bank angles)
B blowup on roots clustered close to origin (click on blowup window corners) X examine a mode (click on a phugoid root 7, above x axis, close to y axis) ">" advance mode in time
">" advance mode in time
">" advance mode in time
">" advance mode in time
"P" toggle camera panning off
">" hold down key to play real-time movie of mode
"-" decrease mode scaling
"-" decrease mode scaling
"-" decrease mode scaling
"+" increase mode scaling
"1" set mode scaling to estimated "nice" value
"<" play mode backwards in time
"0" set time back to zero
"<space>" exit keystroke menu
P plot root map again
W write roots to file
<Return> accept default filename
<Return> overwrite old filename (Y is default response)
M enter parameter-modification menu
IXIX 0.4 double roll inertia for all run cases to simulate tip weights
IZIZ 0.6 double yaw inertia for all run cases to simulate tip weights
N new eigenvalue calculation
D toggle data overlay
<Return> overlay data from default filename written earlier
(the added inertias mainly affected the Dutch roll roots,
which now have lower frequency and much less damping) <Return> Return to AVL menu
