What do you need




越狱前情提要previously on prison break- 那人不是我杀的 Michael- 有证据的- I didn't kill that man,Michael. - The evidence says you did.我是被陷害的I was set up.放下武器!Put down your weapon!我必须依法对你判刑I find it incumbent that you see the inside of a prison cell.我在找人他叫Lincoln BurrowsI'm looking for someone,guy named Lincoln Burrows.杀总统兄弟的那个人Man killedthe Vice President's brother.你为什么那么急着见Burrows?Why you want to see Burrowsso bad,anyhow?因为他是我弟弟'Cause he's my brother.- 我要把你带出去- 不可能- I'm getting you out of here.- It's impossible.除非这地方是自己设计的Not if you designedthe place,it isn't.- 你见过蓝图了- 不止如此- You've seen the blueprints.- Better than that.在我身上I've got them on me.有个律师在多管闲事There's a lawyer poking around. Donovan小姐Miss donovan.我无意吓唬你I-I didn't mean to scare you.不见了It's gone!- 还有其他人有这里的钥匙吗?- 当时你也在记得吗?- Does anyone else have a key to this place?- You were here,remember?我过来把那个放进柜子里...I walked over tothe cabinet,and I...跟新来的小朋友之间有些不愉快?got an issue with our little friend over there?是时间给那小子点颜色看看了Maybe it's time i lit up that leather once and for all.- 发生什么了?- 别逼我骗你- What happened?- Don't make me lie to you.你也听说了对吧?You heard the news,didn't you?- 没有啊什么?- 他们是兄弟- No,what?- They're brothers.- 谁?- Burrows和scofield- Who?- Burrows and scofield.Michael scofield?Michael scofield?我晚上钻进去看看能不能上屋顶I'm going to the wall tonight.See if I can access the roof.让burrows一无所有Take the only thing burrows has left.死刑不一定得通过电椅来执行的The chair isn't the only way to take a man's life in prison.- 就再多玩几次吧- 噢太棒了!- just a few more rides.- Oh,great! Great!玩好了就该走了Then you have to wrap it up.噢 adam看上去长大了点Oh,adam's getting bigger,huh?- 十岁嗯?- 别在这里说- Ten. Hmm?- Not here.我们要你帮忙了We need a favor.我已经好久不干这事了你知道的Been out of the life for years.You know that.我知道问题在于 DiamondI know.Problem is,diamond,我已经把毒品放在了你停在那边的那辆价值不菲的小货车的工具箱里了no one's gonna believe that after I take the heroin I have in my pocket谁会相信你呢and put it in the glove box of the reasonably priced minivan you have parked over there.我会当场逮捕你I will cuff you.当着那么多人的面把你拖走I will drag you out of here in front of everyone.你要我做什么?What do you need?美国当前需要的是What america needs一种环保的is an environmentally friendly,具可行性的logistically feasible,且经济上能负担的全新的替代燃料and economically responsiblealternative fuel source.尽管有人坚持认为...and despite the contentionsof some...请留言我会尽快回电谢谢配合leave a message,I'll call you back. Thanks.嗨是wendyHi,it's wendy.我知道你在专心工作I know you wanted to work with no distractions,所以不用接起来so don't pick up.我只是要告诉你nick savrinn今天给你留言了次I just wanted to let you know that nick savrinn left six messages for you today. 你跟他说什么了?What'd you tell him?嗯...就按照你说的说你在开会Oh,uh,what you said to saythat you were in a meeting.好要是他明天来办公室找我Look,if he comes by the office tomorrow,- 跟他说我不在知道么?- 好的晚安 veronica- tell him I'm not there,okay?- Okay. Good night,veronica.多谢 wendyThanks,wendy.查床了Bed check.你是不是该跟我解释一下为什么我的电话一个都没回?do you want to tell me why you haven't returned any of my phone calls?好吧我真的很感谢你为此所做的一切Look,I really appreciate everything you've done,okay?但我不再需要你的帮助了But I-I don't want your help anymore.不再需要帮助...My help anymore...你真的认定带子的失踪跟我有关?do you really think I had something to do with that missing tape?没有我要去喝杯咖啡No,look,I'm just gonna go grab a cup of coffee,然后回来继续工作我现在真的没空跟你谈这个and get back to work,okay?I don't have time for this right now.VeronicaVeronica.请等一下Just wait a second.你能听我说两句吗?Will you hold on a second?- 你为什么要...?- 别碰我行吗?- Listen,why do you avoid...?- Don't touch me,all right?需要帮助吗 donovan小姐?Everything okay,miss donovan?Lucas 你能陪我进去吗?Lucas,do you mind walking me back inside?去散个步吧伙计Take a walk,pal.你在胡思乱想You're being paranoid.- 你在胡思乱想- 走吧- You're being paranoid.- Go away.露个头出来 scofieldShow some skin,scofield.嗨 scofieldHey,scofield.我正失眠呢老大I'm trying to sleep,boss.我无法通过那墙 sucreI can't get through the wall,sucre.你什么意思你无法通过那墙?What do you mean,you can't get through the wall? 我虽然有办法I know how to do it.但却没有足够的时间I just don't have the time to do it.我们被囚禁着时间可多的是We're locked up.All we got is time.你不明白You don't understand.我本来计划周密I planned this break on a schedule.但这里一直要点名Constantly coming up here for count won't let me do我根本没时间做事what I need to do to get through that wall.我要是不能按照计划行事If I'm not back on schedule,我们就永远通不过那道墙which means we're through that wall by the end of the day manana, 这样我们就甭指望出去了we're not getting out of here.唉有三件事是无法逃避的Look,there are three things for certain in life--死亡税收...还有点名death,taxes and count.避免点名的唯一方法就是...Only way to stop count is...- 什么?- 算了还是不说了不是个好主意- what?- Never mind.It's a bad idea.比失去maricruz还糟糕?Worse than the idea of losing maricruz?戒严A lockdown.我们得想法搞出一天戒严来We get gen pop locked down for a day,那你就有充足的时间了you'll have all the time you need.- 不点名?- 谁也不会来打扰- And no count?- Bulls don't even come by.问题在于Only one problem.怎样才能搞出戒严?How do we get a lockdown?你能到监狱的电源控制单元吗?Can you get to the prison ac unit?也许Maybe.要戒严就得让这帮人惹点事You want a lockdown,you got to get the inmates riled up.这就好像加热冷藏箱里的肉And if you want to piss off the meat in concrete,把温度调高点吧turn up the heat.越狱第一季第六集-=/bbs=-Proudly Presents<font color=#FDC>-=伊甸园论坛 =- 荣誉出品本字幕仅供学习交流,严禁用于商业途径</font> Sync:YTET-fisherchen-=/bbs=-<font color=#FDC>翻译: ethan & yinger 校对: ethan 时间轴: fisherchen</font>-=Prison Break=-- 我还以为你已经金盆洗手了- 别管我了- I thought you were retired.- Never mind me.上头交待这样我也只好照办Some heavy hitters want this done,so that means I want it done.不许失败No screw ups.既然你开口了 diamond肯定能搞定For you,diamond,it's not a problem,放心吧 burrows死定了burrows is as good as dead.- 这真是最热的一个四月- 全球性气候变暖- hottest april on record.- Global warming.也许吧你有时间吗?Probably.You got a minute?有大约有年的时间About five years worth.不好意思嗯...Sure,right,um...你没告诉过我lincoln burrows是你哥哥you never told me lincoln burrows is your brother. - 只是没想到提这事- 好吧- It never came up.- Right.我很好奇是不是跟我父亲有关I'm curious if that isn't because of my father.他可能不是起决定作用的He may not be the one pulling the switch,但是你我都知道他可以手下留情but you and I both know he has the power to grant clemency, 但他却不选择这样做他从不宽大为怀and he won't,and he never does.我那老兄酗酒成性抛弃了家庭My old man was an abusive drunk who abandoned his family. 我不会根据一个人父亲的所作所为I don't judge anyone by their father's actions.或不作不为来影响我对那个人的看法Or inactions.你放心了If that was your concern.只是想让你知道我对他政治上那套做法不能认同Just so you know,I don't agree with his politics.对你哥哥的事我深表遗憾I'm sorry about your brother.谢谢I appreciate that.嗨这虽然不算什么Hey,this isn't much.不过我现在每周都要给lincoln做检查I have to give lincoln a weekly checkup now.要是你希望的话我可以安排一下时间If you want,I could schedule those visits to end把检查安排在你来注射之前right before you come in for your shots.这样嗯...That way,uh,你们至少能互相见个面就算在走廊里也好you could at least see each other,even if it's just in passing.谢谢你Thank you.厨房用品伙计块Greetings from the kitchen,fish.Theodore bagwell由病房转送回来Theodore bagwell,transferred back from the infirmary. 我们给你准备了一件小小的"康复"礼物we got you a little "get well" gift.大小正好it's just the right size.多谢你们thank you,boys.晚点再来找你们I'll catch up with you later.- 你叫什么名字?- Seth- What's you name?- Seth.新来的 seth?You new,seth?害怕么?看着我小子Scared?Look at me,boy.你大概已经听说过关于我的事情You probably heard stories about me.但真实性却不尽然They're not all true.我们去散散步怎么样?What do you say we go for a walk?- 你的合作辩护律师已经来了- 什么?- your co-counsel's already here.- Excuse me?- 你来这里到底要做什么?- 我在跟我的委托人谈话- What the hell are you doing here?- I'm talking to my client.- 别跟他说话- Veronica...- Don't talk to him.- Veronica...我们对这个家伙的情况一无所知we don't know anything about this guys.但他找到了一些线索也许会有帮助He found something that can help us out.给你一分钟You have one minute.我又看了案发当晚的事件记录报告I've been going over the incident report from the night of the murder,当时是有人匿名打点话给了警局and somebody made an anonymous phone call to the local cops声称看见lincoln从停车场跑了出来还穿着染上鲜血的裤子claiming to see lincoln running away from the garage with bloody pants.这个我们早已研究过了We've been through this.而且你都不知道这个证人的身份怎么对他进行盘问Look,you can't cross-examine a witness if you don't know who it is.他是谁并不重要因为我们知道了他的位置We don't need to know who he is;we know where he is.- 什么意思?- 嗯...虽然花了些功夫- What do you mean?- Well,it took some doing,但我一个做私家侦探的朋友帮我查了那个电话的来源but a P.I. Friend of mine tracked that phone call back to the police department. 不管打电话的是谁都不可能看见lincoln从停车场跑出来Whoever made that call couldn't have seenlincoln running from the garage that night.你怎么知道?How do you know?因为电话的来源是华盛顿特区Because the phone call came from washington,D.C.只是让你关了电源You were supposed to turn off the a/c,你是不是连暖气也打开了not turn on the furnace.- 这里块热死了- 我允许你讲话了小样?- It's getting so hot in here.- I say you could talk,cherry?我让你说的时候你才能说You'll know when I want you to open your mouth.geary!geary!你得想想办法热死了You got to do something about the heat.- 我们已经尽力了- 尽力了? 简直在放屁- Doing the best we can.- Your best is garbage.这里已经快超过度了(华氏)It's a hundred degrees in here.觉得我有办法让你凉快点?Look like I got frostbite to you?列队!Line up!你怎么还不把我们送到凉快点的地方去呢...why don't you transfer us all someplace cooler...例如非洲?like africa?他妈的给我排好get your ass on the line,convict.你们都给我排好!all of you,hit that line!等气温的问题解决了我们就服从安排We'll move when the temperature situation is rectified,all right? 嗨 bellick我是Mack 在囚室区Hey,bellick,this is mack in cell block.有几个家伙要惹事We got some cons popping off.扁他们一顿把他们丢回去再把名单记下来Give 'em a smack,throw 'em on the line and write 'em up.你要是搞不定你这礼拜就别想拿钱了If you can't handle it,don't cash your paycheck this week.这真不是时候医生This is not a good time,doc.噢我刚收到电话一个囚犯中暑了Oh,I just got a call a prisonerwas suffering from heat exhaustion.- 他装的- 这是你的诊断么?- He's faking it.- Is that your medical opinion?我们在A翼有一大堆头脑发热的家伙We got a bunch of overheated cons getting loud in the a-wing.这不能怪他们那里就像个烤箱I don't blame them.It's an oven in there.我们能控制Everything's under control,但你还是先回医务室吧but you should go back to the infirmary building.等事情处理好了When things calm down,我会把你的病人从病区转到你那的I'll have your patients transferred from sick bay.我这是为你着想I'm just looking out for your best interests.我深表感谢嗯...And I appreciate that,um...但是...bellick长官but,officer bellick,你我都知道对囚犯医疗呼救置之不理是违法的you and I both know that it's illegal to deny a prisoner medical care, 你可能因此丢了饭碗and you could lose your job over it.我也是在为你着想And I'm just looking out for your best interests.那就进来吧Go right on in.谢长官Thank you,sir.别像小孩一样 t-bagdon't being a baby,t-bag.也不是很热It's ain't that hot.还不热?!Not that hot?!这个家伙今天早上起来的时候When this guy woke up this morning,还是白种人!he was white!你想要凉快?You want to cool off?等这里有风了我们就回去we'll step back when we get some wind blowing in here.好吧没办法了!戒严!All right,that's it!Lockdown!所有人都回房间!Everyone back to your cells!我说你们所有人都给我回房间去!I said,everyone back to your cells now,convicts!戒严!Lockdown!你要的戒严开始了伙计You got your lockdown,bro.- 你也一起来- 什么?- You're coming with me.- What?我是放风的伙计我得放风I'm the lookout,man,that's it.我需要你一起下来I need you down there.得两个人来做这事It's a two-man job.- 挂块布吧- 不行伙计- Let's hang a sheet.- N-n-no way,man.只有在和室友卿卿我我的时候才有需要挂窗帘You only hang a sheet when you and your cellie want to get friendly,you know? 你觉得在这里的名誉重要You want to protect your prison rep,还是逃出去重要?or you want to get out of here?这里到底出什么事了?What the hell's going on in here?这些犯人们来劲了不肯回去Well,these inmates became belligerent and they refused to rack in.他们没回房间你就锁门了?You locked it down with inmates still out of their cells?我们处理个失控的犯人总比处理个人要好We can handle out-of-control inmates easier than .听着伙计听着Bellick 这是关于你的Listen up,bros,listen up.Bellick,I got one for you.我们是怎么称呼一只连警察资格考试都通不过What do you call a piece of white trash who couldn't pass the cops' exam 赚得钱还不如邮递员多的白种猪的呢?and now makes less than a mailman?狱警A C.O.- 把你们的手拿开- 滚你的猪!- get your hands of the fence.- Suck it,pig!跟你说 teddy你真的很令我失望you know,teddy,you really let me down,虽然那对你是难了点...and that's hard to do,because I don't expect much...因为你天生智障from the inbred child of a retard.是这样的 teddyThat's right,teddy.我看你了的档案...I read your psych records...上面记载了你父亲强奸了他那白痴姐姐about how your daddy raped his mongoloid sister,然后过了九个月and then nine months later,小teddy就蹦出来了little teddy pops out.我他妈的要宰了你!I'm going to kill you!这里真是比地狱还热It's hotter than hell.他们这样早晚先把自己给热死They'll wear themselves out eventually.那个电话是假的The call was a fake.是不是能凭此申请缓刑或者...?What about a stay of execution or-or...?- 不行法律依据还不充足- 这到底是...什么意思?- No,no,it's legally insufficient.- What the hell does that...mean?到底什么意思?What the hell does that mean?意思就是检控方提出了你的犯罪证据It means the prosecution could point out the evidence from your criminal trial. 懂吗?血迹录影带还有枪Okay? The blood,the video,the gun.那个有疑问的电话并不能否定那些证据A questionable phone call is not going to stack up to that.- 但至少能说明些问题对么?- 当然- But it's something,right?- Absolutely.我们有了地区代码We got an area code,然后我的朋友能根据这个查到更加确切的位置and my contact is going to track that number to someplace more specific--一幢楼...一个街区...或是某个单元a building,a neighborhood,a block--直到找到这个打电话的人为止to the person who made this phone call.- 接下来呢?- 我们得赶上下一班去华盛顿的班机- What happens next?- We need to catch the next flight to D.C.当然前提是你必须相信我That is,of course,if you trust me now.机会来了!It's coming!机会来了! 机会来了!It's coming! It's coming!抓住时机!Get on the train!来呀!come on!来呀!Come on!抓住时机!Get on the train!抓住时机!Get on the train!去我办公室Let's get to my office.哦和我想的一样oh,just what I thought.小猪害怕大灰狼The piglets are scared of the big bad wolf.大灰狼!Big bad wolf!抓住时机!Get on the train!快点come on.marilyn 别出去!marilyn,no!那是谁的钥匙?whose keys are those?我估计是在暴动的时候...I guess in the commotion...你觉得在他们手底下how many rounds do you think you're going to get off 你能过几招?before they get their hands on you?bellick呼叫This is bellick.我们这一侧发生暴动Our wing has been breached.我需要关闭A翼全体撤退I want a-wing evacuated and shut down.现在关闭所有通向B翼的通道All access to b-wing cut off now.我们会给你补充一些水份你就什么事儿都没有了好吧?We'll get some fluids into you,you'll be good as new,okay?相信我的话就点点头Nod your head if you believe me.好孩子Good man.TheoTheo.今天怎么了?What can we do for you today?就是这儿受伤了?This where it hurts?有一点靠上和靠左a little higher and to the left.你刚做完手术三周You're three weeks post-op.你的膝盖是被一个杆和三个螺丝铆在一起的Your knee is being held together by a rod and three screws. 所以敏感是正常的不用再用药了I'm saying tenderness is normal,no more meds.好...你为什么回来?Okay... why are you back?囚区的犯人已经被戒严inmates in cell block have compromised犯人们攻陷了A翼的看守站lockdown and breached a-wing through the guard station.A翼正在关闭A-wing is shutting down.囚区出乱子了!It's popping off up in gen pop!我说的就是那个宝贝儿that's what I'm talking about,baby.这面墙背面的某个地方Somewhere on the other side of this wall就是通向监狱原有下水系统的主排水管道is the main drainage pipe to the prison's old sewer system. 如果我们能通过这面墙我们就能到管道里去We can get through this wall,we can get into the pipe.如果我们能到管道里去我们就能进到医务室里We can get into the pipe,we can get into the infirmary.如果我们能进到医务室If we can get to the infirmary,那我们就能逃出去then we can get out of here.抱歉所有来探视的人都必须离开Sorry,all visitors have to leave the facility.你必须得离开you have to leave.在囚区出现在小规模的骚乱There's a minor disturbance in cell block.安全起见 A翼正在被封闭A-wing is being shut down for safety purposes.A翼? Veronica Micheal在那边A-wing?Varonica,Micheal is there- 他会没事儿吗?- 你现在就得离开Will you be okay?- you have to leave now去华盛顿 -- 我们全押在那上了Go to D.C.-- It's all we got.- 我会照顾好 Micheal 的好吧?- 好的- i'll take care of micheal,All right?- Okay.有劳了Please.不好意思减少你会面时间了Sorry about cutting you short.Bob 我跟你说了多少次了不用道歉Bob,how many times have i told you not to apologize.那样会让你显得弱势It makes you look weak.- 出什么事儿了?- 就像我说的小规模骚乱- Now what's going on?- Like I said,it's a minor disturbance.小规模骚乱? 我弟弟在囚区跟我说实话Minor disturbance?My brother's in gen pop,give it to me straight. 几个混蛋突破了囚区Some clowns breached cell block.但是他们哪儿也去不了But they won't get anywhere.我们把两边的门都已经锁住了We always have locked doors on either end.没什么好担心的There's nothing to worry about.混球Son of a bitch.A翼又有一个区被占领additional sections of a-wing have been compromised.上帝会惩罚我的I'll be damned.一个菜鸟狱警还没到圣诞呢A rookie C.O.,And it ain't even christmas.把手铐去掉把钥匙给我get the cuffs off.give me the key滚出去 t-bagget out of here,t-bag.哦我明白了...你先找到他的先到先得?Oh,I see--you found him first,finder's keepers?你知道我非常同意我真的同意You know,I respect that. I do.但是嗯...But,uh...我想我们能搞出点什么I think we can work something out.你有什么?What you got?哦我可以让你活着的最后几周非常非常开心Oh,I can make your last few weeks on earth,quite,quite enjoyable. 给你点儿麻醉剂一些...Get you some demerol,some X...你知道能让你忘掉那个大电椅you know,make you forget about that big,bad chair.没商量No deal.你得学学谈判的艺术You've got to learn the art of negotiating.课程一:Lesson one:谈判地位Bargaining position.你的地位刚好变了yours just changed.扁他!Make him pay!你要干嘛?what are you doing?嘿! 听着你出不去的hey! Listen or you're not gonna make it.不用流血的小子no blood needs to spill,sink.那就走开Then walk away.我们都明白那是不可能的We both know that ain't gonna happen.那是一大块的混凝土That's one big pile of concrete.你怎么知道那管道在哪儿?How do you know where the pipe is?我找了个人告诉我们在哪儿I got someone to show us where it is.哦真的? 是谁?Oh,really?Who?感染不是很严重Infection's not so bad,但是为了保险我会给你打一针青霉素好吧?but I'm going to give you a shot of penicillin just to make sure,okay? 谢谢医生Thanks,doc.这里是 rizzoThis is rizzo.需不需要撤退?Does anyone need back up,over?不需要 A翼正在关闭撤离Negative,a-wing is evacuating and locked down.留在B翼Remain in b-wing.怎么了医生?what's up,doc?婊子bitch.来呀医生come on,doc.你不该这么做you don't want to do this.抱歉we're sorry.这条线出现技术故障This line is experiencing technical difficulties.你有没有看过狩猎节目You ever see one of them safari shows,一群的猎豹扑向一只羚羊?where a bunch of cheetahs just jump all up on an antelope?猜猜你是哪一边儿?Guess which one you are?是个硬汉是吧?tough little gorilla,ain't he?我从小就相信恶魔有些可怕的力量I was raised to believe he devil's got some crazy power,但是我可不认为把它照到墙上就会把墙放倒but I don't think shining him on this wall is gonna bring it down.除非他再有个大锤Not unless he's got a sledgehammer with him.我们不需要大锤We don't need a sledgehammer.我到底要用这东西干什么?What the hell am I supposed to do with this?病区回复?Sick bay,report?- 病区请回复- 快!- Sick bay,please report.- Come on!一切正常?Everything okay?你知道该怎么说you know what to say病区一切正常通话结束All clear in sick bay. Over.收到Roger that.让那些狱警去管暴乱吧let the bulls worry about the noise.你来想想怎么才能钻透一个英寸的水泥墙You worry about how you're gonna drill through a six-inch concrete wall就用个打蛋器with what used to be an eggbeater.我们只需要钻几个小洞We just need a few small holes.我们怎么从几个小洞里钻过去?How are we going to fit through a few small holes?听说过"抗张强度"吗?Ever hear of tensile strength?胡克弹性定律?Hooke's law of elasticity?你在想什么?What do you think?如果我们在几个重点位置钻孔If we drill holes in strategic locations,我们就能破坏掉这个墙的承重能力we compromise the load-carrying capacity of the wall.说英语好不好?How about speaking english?我们就能够突破掩住管道入口的墙We'll be able to break through the part of the wall that covers the pipe opening. 把那个给我Give me that.我们钻进每个角的尖We go in through the tip of each horn,眼睛鼻子的末端the eyes,the end of the nose,牙和辫子的下端the bottom of the fangs and the braids.这就形成了一个"X"形It makes a kind of "X."开始吧Let's get to it.如果我能用政府下发的新的武器抓到里面的那些人渣...If I can get dirt in there with some of the newer firepower the state's issued... 哦是的那我们就能结束今天的暴乱开始明天的葬礼?oh,yeah,so we can end the riots today and start the funeral tomorrow?我能控制住的先生I can contain this,sir.- 有你的电话- 现在不接- I've got a call for you.- Not now.你想你得接老大I think you should take this,boss.是市长打来的It's the governor.市长Governor.- 我女儿在哪儿?- 别担心先生她很好- Where's my daughter?- Not to worry,sir,she's fine.她在B翼的病区She's in sick bay in b-wing.那和暴乱是在完全不同的区域It's a completely different part of the facility.那里嗯已经完全与骚乱所在区域隔开了It's,uh,totally locked off from the disturbance.骚乱?这就是你们现在对暴乱的叫法?Disturbance? That's what you're calling a riot nowadays?那些畜牲们能接触到她吗?Can any of these animals get to her?先生没人能从A翼进入到病区的Sir,it's impossible for anyone from a-wing to get into sick bay.那里面的警卫报告了那里一切都好The guard there assures us that everything is fine.我们都能处理的市长We have everything under control,governor.为你们好你最好都能处理For your sake,you better hope you do.我要和你跳舞医生!I'm going to dance with you,doc!我们要和你跳到太阳升起!We're going to dance till the sun come up!开开门open the door到你了It's your turn.我不能动恶魔伙计I ain't messing with no diablo,man.我们不能停下来我们必须得轮班钻We can't afford downtime.We have to switch off drilling.那是个坏兆头傻大胆儿开玩笑吗?It's bad mojo,bro.Are you kidding me?我打扰他你钻过他他被激怒然后怎样嗯?I mess with him,you drill into him,he gets pissed,and then what,huh? 我们已经有足够多的对手了I got enough enemies already.- 你信上帝对吧?- 你知道我信的- You believe in god,right?- You know I do.那么你就是被保护的So you're protected.他会保护你不受恶魔的伤害He'll protect you from him.我向你们保证I assure you,一旦bob和我达到共识...once bob and I are done getting acquainted......每个人都会轮到的...everyone else will get their turn.别担心don't worry.I don't got the blickey.我是干净的My pipes are clean.你要去哪儿菜鸟?Now,where you going,rookie?不不不No,no,no,不不不不no,no,no,no.他们总以为他们跑得掉They always think they can run away.如果我们在这做了而管道在那边英尺的地方怎么办?what if we do all this work,and the pipe is ten feet that way? - 不会的- 你会透视?- It won't be.- You got x-ray vision?我计算过钻孔点的坐标记在我的纹身里了I calculated the drill point coordinates,hid them in my tattoo, 再投影到墙上and then projected them back onto the wall.一切都计算好了投影就在所需要的点上Everything's been worked out so the image hits the right spot. - 只不过是数学- 你的数学要是错的怎么办?- It's just math.- What if your math is wrong?那你就会钻通墙里的某一根煤气管道You'll drill into one of a dozen gas lines behind the wall.然后就会爆炸我们都被活活烧死There'll be an explosion,and we'll be burned alive.不过你数学很好是不是?But you're good at math,right?他们在越狱They're breaking out.- 他们在越...- 嘘- They're breaking...- shh.你水手你胳膊比我长伙计yo,stroke,you got longer arms than me,man.Son of A...那个婊子扎我that bitch stuck me.他们觉得已经够热了?我要把所有的水源切断they think it's hot now?I want all the water shut off.- 我去办- Mack 你去做- I'll call it in.- Mack,you take care of it.是的先生Yes,sir.对我们-我们有个麻烦Yeah,we-we have a problem.哦没错是的Bob 看见这个洞了Oh,that's right. Yeah.Bob here seen the hole.得干掉他He's got to go away.- 谁也不会被干掉- 他看见洞口了- No one's going anywhere.- He's seen the hole.你也看见了So have you.看起来你的戒严的主意不够好呀嗯?Looks like your lockup idea didn't work out too good,huh? 我还有个女儿求求你I have a daughter. Please.- 我们得杀了他- 警察就在外面- We gotta kill him.- The cops are right outside.他们会留在外面的They'll stay outside,只要他们知道Bob还活着as long as they know we're keeping him alive.但他是警卫他会告密的But he's a guard.He's gonna squeal.这一切和你到底又有什么关系呢?What the hell does this have to do with you anyway?。

牛津5A Module1 Unit 3 This is what I need上课学习上课学习教案

牛津5A Module1 Unit 3 This is what I need上课学习上课学习教案

牛津5A Module1 Unit 3 This is whatI need教案module1GettingtoknowyouUnit3ThisiswhatIneedcontentR eadandsayAimsBasicaims1)words:shoessocksuniforms2)S entences:whatdoyouneedforschool?Ineed---.Developingaims 通过创设新学期开学模式培养学生的思维习惯和语言能力。



Newwordsshoessocksuniformsneed/needfornewtermPrimarySchoolTeachingaidspictures,cards,tapesProced uresStepsTeachers’activityStudents’activityPurposewarmingupSingasongDailytalk:AskSinga songDailytalk:answerPre-taskpreparationEncouragestu dentstothinkandanswer:1)kittywantstopaintapicture,S hehasgotsomewater.Sheneeds---2)mrsLiwantstomakeachocolatecake.Shehasgotmilk,flour,eggs,butter,Sheneeds ---Thinkandanswer:1)kittywantstopaintapicture,Sheha sgotsomewater.Sheneeds–2)mrsLiwantstomakeachocolatecake.Shehasgotmilk,flou r,eggs,butter,Sheneeds---创设真实情景、激发学生思维、导入新内容。



你要什么?What do you want?啤酒Beer.这里只有温的啤酒All I got is piss-warm Chango.正合我意That's my brand.味道真好This is damn good.这是我喝过最好的啤酒I'd say this is the best beer I've ever had.其实Actually还需要什么?Need anything there?其实我很庆幸我还活着I'm just glad to be alive right now.我之前在附近的一个小镇你知道沙巴利镇吧?I was up a few towns away. You know Saragosa?那儿有一个酒吧和这里一样他们也卖&hearts;&hearts;啤酒I was at a bar there. Not unlike this one, they serve beer.没有这么好喝但很亲切Not as good as this, but close.当时我看见了一件你不会相信的事情And I saw something you wouldn't believe.我自己一人独坐I'm sitting there by myself.这间酒吧Now, this bar龙蛇混集was full of lowlifes.我不是说这里I mean, not like this place here.那里是真的很乱No, I mean bad.那些人随时都有可能闹事Like they were up to no good.我一个人坐在吧台上我喜欢那种方式I'm all by myself. I like it that way.同时又有事发生了Meanwhile, things are going on.一些桌底交易不是太明显Under-the-table kinds of things. Not too obvious但也不是太秘密but not too secret either.于是So我坐在那边I'm sitting突然走进来and in walks一个我从未见过的墨西哥大块头the biggest Mexican I have ever seen他大摇大摆的走进来like he owns the place.没人知道他是什么来头Nobody knew what to make of him or think of him.他继续向前行But there he was, and in he walked.他很黑He was dark too.不是指皮肤I don't mean dark-skinned.这是不同的This was different.而是指他像是活在黑暗中It was as if he was always walking in a shadow.他步向光明的每一步Every step he took towards the light就当你认为能知道他的真貌时结果却不是just when you thought his face would be revealed, it wasn't. 灯光好像It was as if the lights dimmed随他而暗淡just for him.是你喝的连眼也睁不开然后这个家伙So this guy在吧台坐了下来takes a seat at the bar叫了杯苏打水一直坐着一言不发orders a soda, sits back, says nothing.他叫了一杯苏打水?He ordered a soda pop?我对他的饮料没兴趣I wasn't interested in his drink.但我对他手上拿的更感兴趣I was interested in what he carried.好像非常沉重似的Some sort of a suitcase, kind of heavy.把它放在吧台上像女伴一样And he sat that thing beside him as if it were his girl.突然这混&hearts;蛋&hearts;开始讲话Then, all of a sudden, the bastard spoke.小声的对酒保说话但他说的话好像让酒保很不满You know he was talking business because he upset the bartender. 特别是讲到一个Especially when he mentioned他说找一个He said something like:叫“婊&hearts;子&hearts;”或"Bitch" or“布邱”的人"Bucho."就是这样That's what it was.叫布邱!Bucho!总之他说话触怒了酒保He pissed off the bartender plenty.而周围的令人讨厌的瘪三Some of those unsavory characters不像这儿的人那些人&hearts;渣&hearts; 他们也发狂了not like these boys, but real scum, they got pissed too.瘪三们拿出武器来开始放狗屁Started pulling guns and knives. Starting some shit.那个陌生人Now, the stranger他离开了酒吧椅子he bolts off of the barstool.他带着自己的随身箱子来到房&hearts;间正中He dives into the middle of the room with his case.是跳进酒吧中间Dives right in.我不知道他玩了什么花样他摇动两下就把箱子打开了I don't know what he does there, but in two shakes the suitcase is open拿出一把我从未见过的巨大无比的加农手&hearts;枪&hearts;and he's pulled out the biggest hand cannon I've ever fucking seen.这只是开始That was just the beginning.你在做什么?没有加入吗?You just stood there? You didn't run for cover or join in?那时我已吓到撤尿I was frozen stiff.只能在旁观看All I could do was watch this他大肆破坏thing tear the place apart.简直精采百出It was amazing.当然那些瘪三不是他的对手漫天子弹就像世界末日Cutthroat scumbags were coming forward and dying much-deserved deaths. 别误会我不像你们那班人简直是一团垃圾Don't get me wrong, this was no class-act group like you got here.没事的Not at all.那班人真的是一堆垃圾No, these guys were world-class turds.很抱歉但他们罪有应得I'm sorry, but they got what they deserved.这晚就像审判日一样It was Judgment Night in that place.他抓住其中一个家伙He grabs one of these guys仍有一个未断气的the only guy still breathing.他开始盘问这仍未断气的家伙He starts getting information out of him.我通过他们低语了解到And I knew by the whispering那家伙毫不反抗this guy was giving up the goods.一五一十的全招了对世界忏悔Spilling his guts. Confessing the world.那家伙告诉他一切He told that stranger everything.一切?Everything?你有洗杯子吗?这个杯子是脏的Can I get a cleaner mug? This one's dirty.他妈的Fuck you.这是我最干净的杯子It's the cleanest one I got.然后So anyway没有警告without warning没有任何暗示或预演without any hint or preview那神秘人士突然转身the stranger whips around他看到and he sees我me.你看到他的脸?You saw his face?脸?His face?没有No.只看到他一双眼His eyes.他没向你动粗?And he didn't do anything to you?没有他转向倒在地上的那家伙Not really. He turned to the guy on the floor. 向他开枪Stranger shot him然后走到酒保那里放下钱便离开了walked over to the bartender, paid and left. 酒保没被杀?The bartender lived?酒保没被杀The bartender never gets killed.但是But他走到后门时as he neared the door(顾客永远是错的)不伙计酒保死得比所有人都惨No, man, the bartender got it worse than anybody.老兄Here.在房&hearts;子里面It's on the house如果你记得他的容貌if you remember his face.多谢但我心领了Thanks, but no thanks.我得走了I'm clearing out of here.因为我想Because I think他正向着这里走来he's headed this way.多谢你们Thank you, boys!保重Y'all take care!片名:英雄不流泪回来Get back.退后Stay back.你是谁?Who is it?是你唯一的朋友It's your only friend.你过份谨慎了Don't you think you're being a little too cautious?总有一天你会死在自己的枪下One day you'll lay too hard on that and blow your brains out. 你想干嘛?What do you want?他就在附近He's there.我一提到他的名字便吓怕他们I mentioned his name and they freaked.布邱就在附近?Bucho's there?那班人原先当我的话是耳边风One second they weren't listening to a word I said但我一提到他but when I mentioned him他们便洗耳恭听they listened.突然对你是谁而大感兴趣And suddenly they got very interested in who you were. 我对故事情节加盐加醋So I laid the story down nice and thick.加了多少?How thick?大加特加Pretty thick.说你是墨西哥大块头You were the biggest Mexican I'd ever seen.好极了Wonderful.我夸大其词但他们也信了I exaggerated, but they bought it.他们马上就担心忧虑了我保证They're shitting bricks right now, I promise.到哪找到他?Where do I go?可到特立哥酒吧Tarasco Bar's a good start.这次别再血洗酒吧Don't turn it into a bloodbath like last time.那次不是我的错That wasn't my fault.当然不是Of course not.他们先惹我的They started it.无论如何给我听着Whatever. Just remember布邱有很多手下但没有他们保护他必死Bucho has plenty of thugs, but without them, he's dead. 你要善用子弹Save your bullets.当然Suddenly你像个大哥哥一样you're my big brother.我觉得有责任照顾你I do feel some responsibility for you.- 我可以问你一个问题吗? - 什么?- Can I ask you something? - What?若他死了又怎么样?What happens when he's dead?若布邱死了When Bucho's dead事情便了结了it's over.他是我最后要杀的人He's the last one.复了仇以牙还牙End of payback. Eye for an eye.那你就满足了吗?You finally going to be satisfied?不错I think so.祝你成功I hope so.我再也受不了这样的生活了I don't have the stomach for this anymore.你总是这样You never did.其实你也受不了Neither did you.快滚笨蛋(特立哥酒吧)老友干嘛灯火通明布邱刚打到沙迪奥巴利I just called the Oro Verde Bar in Saragosa.没人接听There was no answer.有消息通知我们Let me know if you hear anything.拜拜我要求对所有行动都密切监视I want a close lookout on all operations.两遍三遍的检查甚至连熟人也不要放过That means double and triple checking, even our regular customers. 我会办妥I'll handle it.车预备好没有?还要等多久Where's my car? Is it finished? How long must I wait?那车看起来有些不妥我叫他们开回去了I sent it back.又不妥我&hearts;干&hearts;脆自己造一台Again? I could have built the thing myself by now.- 这是干嘛? - 我妹妹的侄子- And what's this? - It's my sister's nephew.他在找工作露一手给你看He needs work, so he wanted to show you his fighting abilities.跟比邦过招就叫露一手?You call this an audition, fighting against Pipon?若他打不过克里斯托便免谈If he can't beat Cristos, I'm not interested. Get in there.滚!Get out!看来没什么特别本领He doesn't look special so far.干掉他!Kick his ass!那才像样That's more like it.他不能再跳舞He'll never dance again.- 克里斯托也不过如此 - 跟你说过- So much for Cristos. - Told you.听着照我说的话做Listen. This is what I want you to do.带多一些兄弟到特立哥酒吧Take extra men and place them around the Tarasco and La Azteca. 那些哥伦比亚人想知我的实力These Colombians wonder if I can handle the extra volume.正注视我们的行动They're watching us enough as it is.什么?What?他呢?And him?欢迎他加入Cast that leg up. And welcome to the family.换算成美金是多少钱?一万八千元妈的把钱给他还是杀了他?钱就进了我们的口袋我家里的负担不轻I have a house payment.宰了他抱歉Excuse me.但是But我以前曾在酒吧工作l used to work in a bar我懂得如何招呼客人so I know what it's like to wait on people.我想让你知道这里的服务And I want to tell you that the service here需要立即改善needs immediate improvement.你什么意思?What do you mean?我什么意思?What do I mean?我们的服务员Our waiter在哪儿呢?where is he?别跟我说他仍在厕所Don't tell me he's still in the bathroom.没有人再来问我们需要些什么He never came back to see if we wanted anything else.又没有拿帐单来He never brought us our check.我们需要买&hearts;&hearts;单并离开这该死的地方We wanted our check so we could get the hell out of here. 给你Here.这些钱应该够了This should be sufficient.休想我给你小费And don't be expecting a tip.如果你不对我好点我不会让你出去If you don't treat me good, I won't ask you out.你的啤酒味道像尿一样And your beer tastes like piss.- 当然! - 是用我们的尿泡制的!- We know! - Because we piss in it!还加上其他人的尿That's not all!烂啤酒烂服务Bad beer, bad service.谁叫他们来光顾?Don't they know not to come in?两杯啤酒2 cervezas.这个是给你的These are for you.等一等Just a minute.(特立哥酒吧)我想看看你的吉他I wanted to see the guitar.你会弹?Do you play?会你呢?Yes, do you?只懂皮毛A little bit.弹一首Play something.Not right now.这是家父的吉他他现在不弹了This is my father's, but he doesn't play anymore.不弹?No?他当乐师找不到工作现在整天看电视There's not much work for a mariachi. Now he just watches TV. 真可惜I'm sorry to hear that.他的吉他技巧不太高超He was never that good anyway.不及我的那么好Not as good as I'll be. Listen.放松指头Loosen your fingers a bit.这样Like this.明白吗?You know what I mean?放松Loosen them up.你是怎样弹的?How do you do that?好吧All right.给我Give me this.不要想着你的手便会快点Forget this hand, okay? You want to get faster.这就是秘决Here's the secret.明白吗?Got it?好Good.每天都要练习Practice thisevery day.整天练习All day.下次我教你一首歌&hearts;I'll show you how to play a tune以我教你的方法弹奏using what you've learned.多练习Practice.我这里有两个混&hearts;蛋&hearts;这叫我想起一个笑话This reminds me of a joke.有个家伙进到酒吧This guy comes into a bar去到酒保那里说walks to the bartender and says“酒保我与你打赌" Bartender, I got a bet for you.我赌你三百块我可以把尿I'll bet you $300 that I can piss撒进那个杯子里into that glass over there一点也不溅出来”and not spill a drop."那酒保望着离他十英尺的酒杯The bartender looks at the glass. It's 10 feet away. 跟那顾客说He says“你是说要赌三百块钱?”"You're telling me you'll bet me $300你能撒尿站在这儿that you can piss, standing here“撒进那个杯子里一点也不溅出来?”into that glass, and not spill a single drop?"那顾客看了看说Customer looks up and says:“是的”"That's right."那酒保说“我们打赌”Bartender says, "You've got a bet."那家伙说“好一言为定”The guy goes, "Okay, here we go."他把那东西拿出来Pulls out his thing.他心想着那杯子He's thinking about the glass.他一心想着那杯子再想着自己的那老二He's thinking about the glass. Thinking about his dick. 老二杯子老二杯子老二杯子老二杯子Dick, glass, dick, glass, dick, glass, dick, glass.然后他用力射了Then he lets it rip.尿花四溅He pisses all over the place.他尿到酒吧里He pisses on the bar.连木桌、椅子、电&hearts;话&hearts; 满地都是He pisses on the stools, on the floor, the phone.酒保也不能幸免On the bartender!尿溅的到处都是只有那杯子没事He's pissing everywhere except the fucking glass!酒保哈哈大笑赢了三百块Bartender's laughing. He's $300 richer. He's like尿水从酒保脸上流下Piss dripping off his face.他说“该死的混&hearts;蛋&hearts;!”He says, "You fucking idiot, man!“你就是撒不到那杯子!”You got it in everything except the glass!“你欠我三百块”You owe me $300, puta."那家伙说“对不起等一等”Guy goes, " Excuse me just one little second."便走回酒吧里面Goes in the back of the bar.那有一伙打桌球的人There's a couple of guys playing pool.他走到他们那里He walks over to them.又回到酒吧Comes back to the bar.说“给你这是三百块”Goes, " Here you go. $300."酒保说The bartender's like“为什么那么高兴你刚输掉三百块笨蛋!”"Why are you so happy? You just lost $300, idiot!" 那家伙说“看见那班人没?”The guy says, "See those guys there?“我刚才向他们打赌每人五百块”I just bet them $500 apiece“可以在你的酒吧撒尿”that I could piss on your bar“撒在桌上、电&hearts;话&hearts;上、你的脸上”your floor, your phone, and piss on you“你不但不生气”and not only would you not be mad about it“还会哈哈大笑”you'd be happy."好笑吗?That's funny shit, huh?“一定叫你笑破肚皮”"You'd be happy about it!"告诉你Guess what?他未能通过测试He didn't check out.而你You你合格you checked out just fine.我知道能合格是因为Well, I knew I would because我和布邱me and Bucco- 认识很久了 - 布邱- we go way back. - Bucho.是真的Him too.至于这个人And this guy- 我是今天才认识的 - 进来吧- I just met him today. - Go on in.你实在太厉害了Good work, by the way.- 真厉害 - 进去- Good work. - Go in.看到你这么一丝不苟太爽了It's nice to see you cross the I's and dot the T's here.冷静冷静It's cool, ese, cool.请带路Lead the way.进去?In there?他妈的真恶心Fucking disgusting.要什么?What do you want?找差事I'm just looking for work.这里没空缺There's no work here.是吗?I see.有什么可以喝的吗?Is there something to drink?吉他箱内有东西吗?Is there something in the case?有Yeah.是什么?What?吉他My guitar.何不先听我弹一弹?Sure you don't want to hear me play before you say there's no work? 我们只想知道里面是不是吉他We just want to see what's in the case.若真的是吉他If it's like you say我便请你喝酒drink all you want.我早跟你说过But I told you already.我是音乐家我只是一位吉他手I'm a musician. This is my guitar.别动!Don't touch it!退后!Get him away!快点Hurry.你好吗?How you doing?是什么?What is it?吉他It's a guitar.只是吉他而已It's a guitar.我们听说有人专用吉他箱携带枪&hearts;械&hearts; We heard about a case full of guns.我明白I know.想小心一些Just had to make sure.我明白I understand.是他It's him!对Well, yes.是我It's me.我不是要对付你们I'm not against you, so keep it down.请镇定Keep it down.我只是要找一个人他叫I'm just looking for a man who calls别乱来Not yet.发生什么事了?What the fuck's going on?!那是实况转播吗?Is that going on now?看着他Watch him!发生什么事?What the fuck's going on?你的朋友?Friends of yours?我不知道发生什么事I swear I have no fucking idea what the hell's going on! 该死!Shit!眼界真差You missed me!站起来Get up.过来Come here.我在找一个叫布邱的人I'm looking for a man who calls himself " Bucho."没有其他目的That's all.你却找我麻烦But you had to do it the hard way.听着Listen to me.我不想杀你I don't want to kill you.只要你带我去找他I just want you to take me to him. Understand?想暗箭伤人Tried to shoot me in the back, huh?!卑鄙小人Fucker!若你想走If you want to go就走go.若你想留下If you're going to stay别紧张relax.去你的Fuck you!是你自找的钱仍在这里The money's still in back.那货车也在So's the pickup.货车司机头部中弹Pick-up Guy's lying on the floor with 3 bullets in his head.- 一定是塔沃枪杀他 - 塔沃呢?- Tavo must have shot him. - Where's Tavo?在外面Tavo's outside.在哪?Where?朝北的两条街2 blocks up.叫他过来Tell him to get his ass over here!- 我要知道发生什么事 - 他死了- I want to know what happened! - He's dead.我说过头儿I'll tell you, boss施毒手的人不是为钱whoever it was didn't come for the money.是要杀我They came for me.“找寻布邱”听说有人在他的吉他内藏满枪You've heard stories of the man with a guitar case full of weapons. 谣言满天飞Those are stories. That's all they are, stories.我才不信I cannot believe it.你们看不出来酒吧要关门了吗?Can't you see we are fucking closed?!一定要找到他We need to find him.但是你说哥伦比亚人正在盯着我们You said the Colombians are watching.所以我们动作更要快So we move quickly.他可能已经离开这里了He's probably left town.他知道我在这里He knows I'm here now.他不会离开He's not going anywhere.我在哪儿?Where am I?书店Bookstore.书店兼营餐厅Bookstore-cafe.你给我吃了什么药?What the hell did you give me?止痛药Painkillers.我在施手术I'm operating.为何这里没有人?Where is everybody?我提早关门I closed early so no one would come around. 反正不会有人来No one would come around anyway.为什么?Why?这里读书风气很差Nobody reads.是你的吗?这些Is it yours? All those书?books?都是我的It's mine.我双亲过世My parents passed away.留下这栋建筑物和钱They left me the building and some money. 我住在楼上I have an apartment upstairs.为何开书店?Why a bookstore?镇上没有书店This town never had a bookstore.因此我才开了一家So I get this bright idea.你真的懂得替人施手术?Are you sure you know what you're doing?为何开书店?Why a bookstore, huh?好了这里有医院吗?All right. Isn't there a hospital?听我的千万不要进这里的医院Trust me. You don't want to go to a hospital here. 你在这里不能找到工作You'll never find work in this town.为什么?What?吉他手The guitar.没有人会雇吉他手Nobody hires musicians around here.我知道I know.我用吉他来交马子I use it to pick up girls.手轻一点Oh, come on!- 看到吗? - 看到- You see this? - I see it.这子弹差点取了你的命That one had your name on it.你甚至不知道我的名字You don't even know my name.对That's right.我不知道你叫什么名字I don't know your name.你抽烟吗?You smoke?不!Nope.谢谢Thanks.你救我一命我只能这样报答你It's the least I can do for you, after saving my life. 再来一粒Have a couple more.- 是什么? - 止痛药- What is it? - Painkillers.热水Hot water.狗屁!Shit!你想干什么?What're you doing?!- 抱歉 - 你疯了?- Sorry. - You're crazy.别紧张这是冰水Relax. Here, this is the cold water.好点吗?Better?替你缝伤口Let's stitch you up.滚Get out of here!我知道你是谁I know you.真的?Really?你的大名无人不知You're that guy you always hear stories about. 你专杀毒贩You kill drug dealers.认识布邱吗?Do you know Bucho?你一个人斗不过他的I hope you don't think you can take Bucho alone. 认识他吗?You know him?认识Yeah.我可找人帮忙I have a few friends I can call.我帮过他们They owe me a favor.别抱怨了Don't complain.若不乱动很快便痊瘉That would be straight if you hadn't been moving so much. 那条疤很粗That one's worse.谁替你缝的?Who did that one?我自己很久以前的事I did, a long time ago.我一点也不想知道那是什么I don't want to know what that is.它曾多次救过我的命Saved my life more than once.送给你You can have it.多谢别客气No, thanks.不用了我很好No, I'm okay.可否帮我忙Will you help me?我不能帮你I don't think I can help you.我要把行李放在这里一会儿I must leave my things here for a few minutes.好的Okay.你不会出&hearts;卖&hearts;&hearts;&hearts;我吧?I can trust you, right?当然不会Yeah.确定?Really?是的All right.去哪?Where're you going?我要去教堂I have to go to church.做什么?What for?忏悔Confess my sins.我满手血腥I'm a sinner.我知道I know.我向你道谢了吗?Did I thank you?没有No, you didn't.我会的I will.布邱怎样?What do you think?防弹窗Bulletproof windows侧面sidings加罩the hood.就是你所要的Just what you asked for.听着Listen除希达那边外今天没有别的货要收there are no more pickups today, except one in Hidalgo. 不用你去Stay away from there.留在镇内用这车去找他The rest of the town is game. Take this car and find him! 我用货车I'll take my truck.用这车我给你用的Take the car. That's why I got it.若看到陌生人If you see a stranger格杀勿论别心软kill him. I can't take any more chances.天窗是防弹的The sunroof's bulletproof.做为向上射时的防护罩Works as a shield when shooting out the top.你看他Look at this guy.果然有效你去It works. Now go and get him.带她去可以协助你I want you to take her. You'll need all the help you can get. 你也去You too.神父我杀了很多人Bless me, Father, for I have just killed quite a few men.真的No shit.听说你血洗特立哥酒吧From what I hear, you cleaned out the entire Tarasco Bar. 做得好全镇枪手都在找你Nice job. Every hit man in Coahuila's looking for you.恶斗难免Things got out of hand.我叫你不要再杀人I said no more bloodbaths.我只想杀布邱I told you. Bucho's the last one.杀了他我便洗手不干了Then I'm finished.不是我不干了他杀死你的爱人No, I'm finished. They killed the woman you loved.射穿你的手Then they shot through your hand.双重打击醒醒吧!Two points. Wake up!你斗不过他的There is no payback for that.走吧!Walk away.形势十分不妙Trust me这个人是你永远不想见到的this is one you won't want to see through to the end.这是什么意思?What do you mean?我这样说吧我做过查探不能惹布邱I've done some checking, and Bucho is not someone to mess with. 相信我吧Trust me.我一定要杀死他I cannot leave without Bucho.你活得不耐烦了?没关系但我可不想死You don't expect to live much longer? Fine. I do.叫人帮手时If you need any more help别找我don't call me.找康帕和季诺两个疯子Call Campa and Quino. They're crazy.我要你帮忙I should be able to count on you!无能为力Those days are gone.等一等Just wait! Come on!祝你好运别中弹Good luck. Don't get shot.想告解吗?Did you want confession?迟一点吧!神父因为我Maybe later, Father. Because where I am going我很快便回来I'd just have to come right back.听着Look我以往没找你是因为I didn't call about it before because我自己可以解决I could handle it.对他走头无路Yes, he's got no place to go.我已经派人追杀他I got my men on him right now.你找人杀他?You brought someone in?!他来这里多久了?How long has he been here?他究竟是谁?Who is he?你说什么?我们可以对付他What are you talking about? We can handle it.他会大斗一场Someone like that will just tear the place up弄得满城风雨will make a lot of noise.你的人面貌如何?What does your guy look like?我一定要知道我的手下或许会误杀他I've got to know, or the wrong people might get killed.下次我会早点通知你但这次我自己可以应付Next time I'll call sooner, but I knew I could handle this妈的!Shit!车上的电&hearts;话&hearts;号&hearts;码是什么?What's the number to the phone in my car?车上的电&hearts;话&hearts;号&hearts;码是什么?Fuckheads, what's the number to my car phone?!号&hearts;码?Number!在车上It's in your car, boss.车上的电&hearts;话&hearts;号&hearts;码是什么?What's the fucking number to the phone in my car?我&hearts;操&hearts;!Fuck.- 你干什么? - 你不能这样就走- What are you doing? Get away. - You can't go away like this. 帮帮忙I need you.我又梦见她了I dreamt about her again.我才不管!So what!听我说Listen to me!你是对的You are right.你是对的You are right.或许我应该走Maybe I should quit.终于想通了告诉你Now you're talking some sense, because let me tell you 你再这样会没命的you keep this up and it'll be over real quick.进来!Get in!当心!Watch it!他在哪儿?我们要干掉他Where is he? We got to kill him.又是我It's me again.你派来的人长得怎样?The man you sent in What does he look like?免得我手下误中副车Just so that I know. So my people don't get confused. 相信是深色头发、深色皮肤Dark hair, dark skin. I figured that.可以多提供一些资料吗?Can I have a few more details?胸口有纹身Tattoo on his chest.胸口有女人的纹身Tattoo of a woman on his chest.还有什么?What else?什么武器?Any weapons?飞刀Throwing knives.还有呢?And?用付费电&hearts;话&hearts;向你报告工作进度And pay-phone money so he can call you with progress reports. 明白了多谢Yes, okay.这是应该的谢谢That should do it, thanks.我们不会伤害他We'll stay out of his way.是的谢谢Yeah, thank you.该死!Fuck!我就知道会这样自己人监视自己人This is what I was talking about. Our own people are watching us. 我之前已经说过有内奸He's been here since this morning, checking on us.一早开始就刺探我们Bastards!去找那杂种出来Go find him!找谁?Go and find who?没有别人了There's no one else!他是哥伦比亚那边的人他们不会承认想要杀你He is claimed as a Colombian. They won't admit they're after you. 还有另外一个人我要去找他There's someone else out there. And I want to find him now!还有谁?Who else is there?吉他手?The guitar player?这家伙是个传说The guy is a myth.- 传说 - 你不是信徒- A myth. - You are not a believer.那将会导致你毁灭That will be your downfall.我要和你一起去不能由你自打自为I'm going with you. I can't leave this up to you.我的处境很危险Now my ass is on the line.马尼托!Manito!为何不练习?Why aren't you practicing?要每天练习I told you, man. Every day, all day.我不弹这吉他I can't play this guitar.跟我来Come on.去哪?Where are you going?取我的吉他I'm going to get my guitar.我等你I'll wait here.就在那里It's right over there.那是什么?What's over there?吉他让你知道我练习My guitar. I want to show you I've been practicing. 傻孩子Stupid kid.等一等这里不准人来Stay there. No one else is supposed to be here.来了See? Here it comes.看到吗?我的吉他See? Now this one I can play.想也不用想Don't even think about it.给我吉他Give me the guitar.给我!The guitar!快滚Go away.该死Shit.你父亲的吉他This your father's guitar?他贩毒所以不用工作Is this why he doesn't work now?他每隔几天便要换吉他They switch guitars every few days.你又得到什么?What do you get?我父亲不用工作整天看电视My father doesn't have to work. He watches TV.他习惯把毒品藏得到处都是He says they hide it all over.妇女的婴儿车、教堂Ladies with baby carriages, the church你问卡罗琳娜bookstores. Ask Carolina.她会把真&hearts;相&hearts;告诉你She'll tell you.她也有份She does the same thing.什么?天啊!What? Jesus.- 是你告诉他的 - 谁?- What did you tell him?! - Who?- 你替他办事 - 没有- You work for him, right? - I work for nobody.你究竟说什么I want to know what you said!- 我没有 - 才怪- Nothing. - Nothing?!我不知道你在说什么What are you talking about?!你告诉他我在教堂You said I was at church!- 我没有告诉任何人 - 看着我- I haven't said anything to anybody! - Look at me now! 你在保护他!You're protecting him!- 不是! - 就是!- I'm not! - You are!如果我想保护他我会告诉他你在这里。



Unit 7 How much are these socks?核心词:sock shoe much trousers all big small short long need buy come price sell clothes boy very store shirt T-shirt sweater skirt sale take shorts pair look woman dollar拓展词:Color white black purple red green blue yellow brown数词:ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty thirty短语:How much 多少钱have a look 看一看on sale廉价出售for example例如can I help you? 我能帮你忙吗?Here you are. 给你a pair of 一双help sb.(to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事Focus and difficults:(重点难点)1.How much①are these socks?②这双袜子多少钱?①这是由疑问词how much(多少钱)引导的特殊疑问句,通常用来询问物品的价格和价钱。

用法如下:How much is + 单数物品?回答It’s…How much are + 复数物品?回答they’re…=What’s the price of + 单数/复数物品?回答It’s…——How much is this hat? 这顶帽子多少钱?——58yuan. 五十八元——How much are the books?这些书多少钱?——They’re¥15.十五元钱。

——What’s the price of the book /the books? ——It’s¥8/¥15.它的价格是八元。

闽教版英语(三起)六年级上册Unit 4单元测试卷(二)附答案

闽教版英语(三起)六年级上册Unit 4单元测试卷(二)附答案

闽教版英语(三起)六年级上册Unit 4单元测试卷(二)听力部分(共40分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。

(5分)()1. A. son B. some C. come()2. A. cat B. cap C. hat()3. A. clothes B. clock C. clean()4. A. bring B. boring C. ring()5. A. trousers B. short C. shorts二、听录音,选择正确的图片,将序号写在横线上。

(10分)Part A: Lily wants ________, ________ and ________.Part B: Ben wants ________, ________ and ________.Part C: Kate wants ________, ________, ________ and ________.A B C DE F G H三、听录音,选择你所听到的句子。

(5分)()1. A. She looks beautiful in her new shirt. B. She looks cool in her new coat.()2. A. Girls can wear shorts. B. Girls can’t wear shorts.()3. A. What about this blue one? B. What about this red one?()4. A. My daughter wants a pair of shoes. B. My son wants a pair of shorts.()5. A. Can I help you, madam? B. Can you help me, madam?四、听录音,判断图片与所听内容是(T)否(F)相符。




外研社(三起)五年级上册《Module 2 Unit 1 What did youbuy》同步练习卷一、读下列单词,请找出不同类的一个.1. 读下列单词,请找出不同类的一个.()A.needeC.list2. 读下列单词,请找出不同类的一个.()A.firstB.twoC.three3. 读下列单词,请找出不同类的一个.()A.lostB.droppedC.take4. 读下列单词,请找出不同类的一个.()A.how muchB.how manyC.a lot of5. 读下列单词,请找出不同类的一个.()A.someB.anyC.bottle二、英汉互译.英汉互译.(1)Here's the list.________(2)Make a shopping list.________(3)at home________(4)at the supermarket________(5)how much /how many________英汉互译.(1)我把清单丢了.________(2)我不知道.________(3)你买了什么?________(4)给你.________(5)十二个鸡蛋________三、单项选择题.We need food ______ our picnic.()A.ofB.forC.on______ cheese did you buy?()A.How manyB.How muchC.How______ books did you buy?()A.How muchB.How manyC.How old﹣______ did you buy?﹣I bought four apples.()A.WhenB.WhyC.WhatThey _____ the list.()A.loseB.lostC.losing四、从B栏中找出A栏的答语.(1)_______Did you have a picnic last week?________ (2)_______When did you come back?________(3)_______What did you do yesterday?________ (4)_______What are you doing?________(5)_______Do you live in London?________A. Yes, I do.B. I'm playing football.C. Yes, I did.D.I came back last Sunday.E.I cooked fish.五、情景交际.当你想问别人买了什么,你会说()A.What did you need? B.What did you buy?当你的妈妈要去购物,问你买什么,你会说()A.I'll make a shopping list.B.I make a shopping list.当你想问妈妈买了多少奶酪,你会说()A.How much cheese did you buy?B.How many cheese did you buy?当你想问妈妈买了多少苹果,你会说()A.How many apples did you buy?B.How much apples did you buy?当别人问你的问题你不知道,你会说()A.I don't know. B.I see.六、对划线部分提问.We need ________.________I'll make ________.________We need ________ apples.________We bought________ eggs.________Sam bought ________.________七、阅读短文,根据短文内容判断对错,对的写“T”,错的写“F”.阅读理解Last Sunday I went to the bookshop(书店) with my parents. We walked to the bookshop. On the way, we met John and his sister. They went to the bookshop ,too. John is Lingling's friend. John and I are in the same class. In the bookshop, we bought many books. John bought a book about animals for Lingling.根据短文内容,判断正误.正确的写"A",错误的写"B".(1)_______Last Sunday I went to the park with my parents.________(2)_______We went to the bookshop by bus.________(3)_______John and I are in the same class.________(4)_______John and his parents went to the bookshop, too.________(5)_______I bought a book for Lingling.________参考答案与试题解析外研社(三起)五年级上册《Module 2 Unit 1 What did youbuy》同步练习卷一、读下列单词,请找出不同类的一个.1.【答案】C【考点】词性分类【解析】need需要;use使用;list列表.【解答】本题考查词性分类.A.need需要;B.use使用;C.list清单.A和B选项是动词,C选项是名词.故选:C.2.【答案】A【考点】类别分类【解析】first第一,two二,three三.【解答】本题考查类别分类.first第一,two二,three三.B,C都是基数词,A是序数词,选项A与其它几个不同类.故选:A.3.【答案】C【考点】类别分类【解析】lost丢失,dropped丢掉,take拿.【解答】本题考查类别分类.lost丢失,lose的过去式.dropped,drop的过去式.take带去,是动词原形,选项C与其它几个不同类.故选:C.4.【答案】C【考点】其它分类how much多少(提问不可数名词);how many多少(提问可数名词),a lot of许多.【解答】考查短语分类.how much多少(提问不可数名词);how many多少(提问可数名词),a lot of许多.可知C选项a lot of与其它两项不属于同一类.故选:C.5.【答案】C【考点】词性分类【解析】some一些;any任何;bottle瓶子.【解答】本题考查词性分类.A.some一些;B.any任何;C.bottle瓶子.A和B选项是不定代词,C选项是名词.故选:C.二、英汉互译.【答案】这是名单.,列一张购物清单.,在家,在超市,多少【考点】翻译能力英译汉【解析】(1)这是名单.(2)列一张购物清单.(3)在家(4)在超市(5)多少【解答】本题考查短语翻译和英译汉.(1)这是名单.分析英语句子,Here's这是,the list名单.本句是倒装句,结合整句及汉语表达习惯,据此本句翻译为:这是名单.故答案为:这是名单.(2)列一张购物清单.分析英语句子,Make制作,a shopping list一张购物清单.本句是祈使句,结合整句及汉语表达习惯,据此本句翻译为:列一张购物清单.故答案为:列一张购物清单.(3)在家.at home在家.故答案为:在家.(4)在超市.at the supermarket在超市.故答案为:在超市.(5)多少.how much /how many多少.故答案为:多少.【答案】I lost the list.,I don't know.,What did you buy?,Here you are.,twelve eggs【考点】汉译英翻译能力(1)I lost the list.(2)I don't know.(3)What did you buy?(4)Here you are.(5)twelve eggs【解答】本题考查汉译英和短语翻译.(1)I lost the list.分析汉语句子,本句为一般过去时的陈述句.我I,做主语,放于句首;把…弄丢了lost,是谓语动词,表示过去,放于主语后;清单the list,做宾语,放于句末.结合整句及英语表达的习惯,此句翻译为:I lost the list.故答案为:I lost the list.(2)I don't know.分析汉语句子,本句为一般现在时的陈述句.我I,做主语,放于句首;不知道don't know,是谓语,表示否定,放于主语后,位于句末.结合整句及英语表达的习惯,此句翻译为:I don't know.故答案为:I don't know.(3)What did you buy?分析汉语句子,本句为一般过去时的特殊疑问句.What什么,特殊疑问词,提出疑问,放于句首;did 助动词,引导一般过去时的一般疑问句,放在特殊疑问词后;you你,做主语,放于助动词后;buy买,是谓语动词,放于主语后.结合整句及英语表达的习惯,此句翻译为:What did you buy?故答案为:Whatdid you buy?(4)Here you are.分析汉语句子,本句为日常交际用语,译为Here you are.故答案为:Here you are.(5)twelve eggs.十二个鸡蛋twelve eggs.故答案为:twelve eggs.三、单项选择题.【答案】B【考点】介词【解析】对于我们的野餐我们需要食物.【解答】考查介词辨析.由题,for常与一日三餐、picnic等搭配表示饮食内容,此处for为"对于、为了",句意为"对于我们的野餐我们需要食物.".A为"……的……",C为"在……上、表面".故选:B.【答案】B【考点】疑问词组【解析】你买了多少奶酪?【解答】考查疑问词辨析.由题,cheese"奶酪"为不可数名词,此处按照逻辑句意为"你买了多少奶酪?",对于不可数名词询问数量要用how much,how many用于询问可数名词的数量,how"怎样"用于询问状况.故选:B.B【考点】疑问词组【解析】你买了多少本书?【解答】本题考查疑问词的辨析.根据题干中不完整的信息,可以判断句子大意为"你买了多少本书?".因此,空格处需要补充"多少"的英文表达.英文中,"多少"一般用how many 或者how much表达.how many后面一般接可数名词复数;how much后面跟不可数名词.题干中"books"是可数名词复数,因此用how many进行提问,故B选项正确.C.how old多大,一般用来问年龄.故选:B.【答案】C【考点】疑问词组【解析】﹣你买了什么?﹣我买了四个苹果.【解答】考查疑问词的辨析.由题,A为"什么时候",B为"为什么",C为"什么",答句句意为"我买了四个苹果.",按照逻辑问句在询问买了什么,C选项"什么"符合.故选:C.【答案】B【考点】一般过去时,动词过去式【解析】他们丢失了清单.【解答】考查动词的过去式.由题,按照逻辑句意为"他们丢失了清单.",事情是已经发生过的,即"丢失"是之前发生的,要用一般过去时,动词使用过去式;"丢失"lose的过去式为lost.故选:B.四、从B栏中找出A栏的答语.【答案】C,D,E,B,A【考点】固定搭配【解析】(1)上周你去野餐了吗?是的,我去了.(2)你什么时候回来的?我上周天回来的.(3)昨天你做什么了?我做鱼了.(4)你正在做什么?我在踢足球.(5)你住在伦敦吗?是的,我住在伦敦.【解答】(1)C.考查一般疑问句.问句Did you have a picnic last week意思为:上周你去野餐了吗?答语回答yes或者no,did提问,did作答.C选项Yes,I did意思为:是的,我去了.符合题意.故选:C.(2)D.考查特殊疑问句.问句When did you come back意思为:你什么时候回来的?答语回答回来的时间.D选项I came back last Sunday意思为:我上周天回来的.符合题意.故选:D.(3)E.考查特殊疑问句.问句What did you do yesterday意思为:昨天你做什么了?答语回答我昨天做的事情.E选项I cooked fish意思为:我做鱼了.符合题意.故选:E.(4)B.考查特殊疑问句.问句What are you doing意思为:你正在做什么?答语回答我在做的事情.B选项I'm playing football意思为:我在踢足球.符合题意.故选:B.(5)A.考查一般疑问句.问句Do you live in London意思为:你住在伦敦吗?用yes或者no作答,do提问,do作答.A选项Yes,I do意思为:是的,我住在伦敦.符合题意.故选:A.五、情景交际.【答案】考查情景询问.你想问别人买了什么,你会说:你买了什么?时态是一般过去时,did后跟动词原形"买"buy.即:What did you buy?A选项need译为:需要.故选:B.【考点】情景交际【解析】What did you buy?你买了什么?【解答】考查情景询问.你想问别人买了什么,你会说:你买了什么?时态是一般过去时,did后跟动词原形"买"buy.即:What did you buy?A选项need译为:需要.故选:B.【答案】考查情景交际.由题,A选项使用一般将来时,表示之后会做的事情.B选项为一般现在时,用于描述重复发生的事情或者一般的状态.此处别人询问要买的物品时,可以用"我将列一个购物清单."回答,符合逻辑.故选:A.【考点】情景交际【解析】I'll make a shopping list.我将列一个购物清单.【解答】考查情景交际.由题,A选项使用一般将来时,表示之后会做的事情.B选项为一般现在时,用于描述重复发生的事情或者一般的状态.此处别人询问要买的物品时,可以用"我将列一个购物清单."回答,符合逻辑.故选:A.【答案】考查数量询问.由题,cheese"奶酪"为不可数名词,询问数量要用how much.故选:A.【考点】数量【解析】How much cheese did you buy?你买了多少奶酪?【解答】考查数量询问.由题,cheese"奶酪"为不可数名词,询问数量要用how much.故选:A.【答案】考查数量询问.由题,apple为可数名词,对于可数名词,询问数量要用how many.how much用于对不可数名词数量的询问.故选:A.【考点】数量【解析】How many apples did you buy?你买了多少苹果?【解答】考查数量询问.由题,apple为可数名词,对于可数名词,询问数量要用how many.how much用于对不可数名词数量的询问.故选:A.【答案】考查情景交际.由题,A为"我不知道",B为"我明白了",题目中要表示"不知道",用A选项符合.故选:A.【考点】情景交际【解析】I don't know.我不知道.【解答】考查情景交际.由题,A为"我不知道",B为"我明白了",题目中要表示"不知道",用A选项符合.故选:A.六、对划线部分提问.【答案】food for our picnic,What do you need ?【考点】就划线部分提问【解析】我们需要野餐的食物.你们需要什么?【解答】考查特殊疑问句.特殊疑问句的结构:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句.句子的划线部分是food for our picnic,是事物,询问什么,确定疑问词为What,句子的剩余部分变成一般疑问句跟在后面.句子中有谓语动词的原形need,变一般疑问句用助动词do引导,We变为you.用What do you need?提问.故答案为:What do you need ?【答案】a shopping list,What will you make?【考点】就划线部分提问【解析】我会列个购物清单.你要做什么?【解答】考查特殊疑问句.特殊疑问句的结构:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句.句子的划线部分是a shopping list,是事物,询问什么,确定疑问词为What,句子的剩余部分变成一般疑问句跟在后面.句子中有助动词will,变一般疑问句will提前即可,I变为you.用What will you make?提问.故答案为:What will you make?【答案】six,How many apples do you need ?【考点】就划线部分提问【解析】我们需要六个苹果.你们需要多少个苹果?【解答】考查特殊疑问句.特殊疑问句的结构:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句.句子的划线部分是six,是数量,询问多少,确定疑问词为How many,apples跟在其后,句子的剩余部分变成一般疑问句跟在后面.句子中有谓语动词的原形need,变一般疑问句用助动词do引导,We变为you.用How many apples do you need?提问.故答案为:How many apples do you need?【答案】twelve,How many eggs did you buy?【考点】就划线部分提问【解析】我们买了十二个鸡蛋.你们买了多少个鸡蛋?【解答】考查特殊疑问句.特殊疑问句的结构:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句.句子的划线部分是twelve,是数量,询问多少,确定疑问词为How many,eggs跟在其后,句子的剩余部分变成一般疑问句跟在后面.句子中有谓语动词的过去式bought,变一般疑问句用助动词did引导,We变为you,bought还原为buy.用How many eggs did you buy?提问.故答案为: How many eggs did you buy?【答案】five pears,What did Sam buy?【考点】就划线部分提问【解析】山姆买了五个梨.山姆买了什么?【解答】考查特殊疑问句.特殊疑问句的结构:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句.句子的划线部分是five pears,是事物,询问什么,确定疑问词为What,句子的剩余部分变成一般疑问句跟在后面.句子中有谓语动词的过去式bought,变一般疑问句用助动词did引导,bought还原为buy.用What did Sam buy?提问.故答案为:What did Sam buy?七、阅读短文,根据短文内容判断对错,对的写“T”,错的写“F”.【答案】B,B,A,B,B【考点】判断正误【解析】上个星期天,我和我的父母去书店.我们步行去了书店.路上,我们遇到了约翰和他的姐姐.他们也去书店.约翰是玲玲的朋友.约翰和我在同一个班级中.在书店里,我们买了很多书.约翰给玲玲买了一本关于动物的书.【解答】该题考查细节理解题,判断正误.(1)B.根据文中关键句"Last Sunday I went to the bookshop(书店) with my parents."可知上个星期天我和我的父母一起去了书店,而不是公园,故答案为:B.(2)B.根据文中关键句"We walked to the bookshop."可知我们是步行去了书店,而不是坐公交车,故答案为:B.(3)A.根据文中关键句"John and I are in the same class."可知约翰和我在同一个班级,故答案为:A.(4)B.根据文中关键句"On the way, we met John and his sister. They went to the bookshop , too."可知约翰和他的姐姐一起去书店,而不是和他的父母,故答案为:B.(5)B.根据文中关键句"John bought a book about animals for Lingling."可知约翰买了一本书送给玲玲,而不是我,故答案为:B.试卷第11页,总11页。

四年级上册英语素材-询问职业类表达及what特殊疑问句拓展 沪教牛津版

四年级上册英语素材-询问职业类表达及what特殊疑问句拓展  沪教牛津版
(3) ---What’s the weather like today, Alice?爱丽丝,今天的天气怎么样啊?
--- It is sunny.阳光充足
(4)---Whatdoes your little brother need?你的弟弟需要什么?
--- He needs a spoon.他需要一个勺子。
2.---What color is your car?
--- It is white.
3.---What’s the weather like, Joe?
---It is rainy.
4.---What do you need, sir?
---I need a bottle of water.
5.---What does your uncle do?
要求:了解句 子的基本构成(特殊疑问词+一般疑问句),重点是会翻译及回答。
(1) ---What does your father do?你父亲是干什么的?
---He’s a doctor.他是个医生。
(2) ---What do you do?你是干什么的?
---I am a taxi driver.我是个出租车司机。
3. ---乔,今天的天气怎么样?---下雨的。

五年级上册英语教案-Unit4Lesson23 What Do We Need for the Trip - 冀教版(三起)

五年级上册英语教案-Unit4Lesson23 What Do We Need for the Trip - 冀教版(三起)

Lesson23 What Do We Need for the Trip?一学习任务概述本节次选冀教版小学英语五年级下册第一课时第四单元uint4 lesson23 What do we need for the trip? 讲述李明Danny和Jenny为去北京旅行做准备的故事。






Pair work or group work练习,学生学习英语的积极性很高。

2.教材分析本单元中,李明和他的朋友Danny, Jenny在春节期间和李明家人一起过春节,讨论十二生肖和自己的属相,以及自己在春节喜欢吃什么和做什么,最后一起准备去北京旅游的装备。


三教学目标知识目标:1.能听懂、会说、认读并书写词汇:those ,that2.学生能认读、理解并运用基本句型结构:I like this/ these …I don’t like that/those…3.能在情景中正确使用这两个句型进行交流。

4.学生能了解字母组合ow 和oa 在单词中的发音及规律。

能力目标:1. 在完成学习任务中培养学生听说,认读的能力。





情态动词n e e d的用法汇总Document serial number【KK89K-LLS98YT-SS8CB-SSUT-SST108】need”的用法及其区别“need”既可以作,也可以作,但是它们的用法不同。

作为的“need”的用法与其他情态动词“can”,“may”,“must”的用法基本相同:在词组中总是位居第一,没有非限定形式,即没有、-ing分词或-ed 分词等形式;现在时没有词形变化;情态动词之间是相互排斥的,即在一个词组中只能有一个情态动词。


例如:1.You needn't do it again.你不需要再做了。

2.He needn't worry about it.这件事他无需担心。

3.Need he do this homework first他需要先做这些作业吗4.Need they fill in the form他们需要填表吗二、在中,可以用need的否定形式+完成体。

例如:1.We needn't have worried.其实我们不必要慌。

2.You needn't have mentioned it.你本来不必提起这件事。

3.You needn't have said that when he asked.当他问的时候,你其实不必要说。


例如:1.He needn't be standing in the rain.他不必要站。

2.We needn't be waiting in this place.我们不必要在这儿等。

3.The hedges needn't be trimmed thisweek.本周树蓠不必要整修。

“need”作为时,通常用法是:人+need +to do物+need +doing物+need +to be done另外,“need”后还可以直接跟名词。



以下是20句表示提供帮助的英语句子及其含义:1.How can I assist you today?含义:我今天怎样能帮助你?2.Is there anything I can do to help?含义:有什么我可以帮忙的吗?3.Let me know if there's anything I can do.含义:如果有什么我可以做的,请告诉我。

4.I'm here to lend a hand, what do you need?含义:我在这里是为了帮忙,你需要什么?5.What help do you require? I'd be happy to assist.含义:你需要什么帮助?我很乐意帮忙。

6.Don't hesitate to ask for help, I'm always here.含义:不要犹豫寻求帮助,我总是在这里。

7.I'm available to provide assistance whenever needed.含义:无论何时需要,我都在这里提供帮助。

8.Need some help? I'm just a message away.含义:需要帮助吗?我只是一条消息的距离。

9.I'm at your service, anything I can do?含义:我为你效劳,有什么我可以做的吗?10.If you need any assistance, I'm ready to help.含义:如果你需要任何帮助,我已经准备好帮忙了。

11.What tasks can I take off your plate?含义:有什么任务我可以帮你分担?12.I'm always ready to lend a helping hand.含义:我总是准备好伸出援手。

13.Is there something I can take care of for you?含义:有什么我可以为你处理的吗?14.You can count on me for help whenever you need it.含义:无论何时你需要帮助,你都可以依赖我。



need do ----需要做某事 need 在这里是情态动词need to do ---需要做某事表示主动need doing ---需要被做某事表示被动1 What need do you have I to serve for you 你有什么需要我为你服务的吗2They need to do the same now.他们现在又需要这么干了.It has many works to need doing.有很多事情需要去做.不懂的问我哦need to do sth实义动词need do sth. 没有这种用法,有need doing,表被动“need”作为实义动词时,通常用法是:人+need +to do物+need +doing物+need +to be doneneed有2种词性1,情态动词就是你说的need do2,实意动词就是need to do这两个都可以用,都是正确的,所以在肯定句中看不出区别一般做题是从否定句中看出来的1,needn't do2,doesn't/don't need to do这两种都是正确的以下是一些干扰选项,都是错误的needn't to dodoesn't/don't need do因为它们混淆了情态动词与实意动词needn't 是把need 看作情态动词,后面就不能再用to了而dosen't/don't则把need看作实意动词,而后面加do,又相互矛盾. need to do 需要做某事need doing 是需要被做有被动的意思如;I need to wash my clothes.My clothes need washing.need doing = need to be doneI need to mend my bike.My bike needs mending.一、need作情态动词的用法:need用作情态动词时表“必须必要”的意思,后直接跟动词原型,且need无人称、数的变化(第三人称单数不加s),也没有非谓语形式(不定式、分词).注意:need用作情态动词时常用于否定句和疑问句中.例:Need he bring his laptop tomorrow明天他必须带他的笔记本过来吗Come on,you needn't worry about it becuse it's not your fault.行啦,你不必担心的因为那不是你的错.She needn't have arrived so early,need she她本不必到得这么早,不是吗注意:must引导的一般疑问句的否定回答必须使用needn't.例如:-Must I leave我必须离开吗-No,you needn't.不,你不必离开.二、need作实意动词的用法:1、need + something 需要某物例:I need some fruits to eat.我需要些水果来吃.2、need to do something 需要做某事例:You don't need to have the bike repaired right away.你不必马上去修车.3、need doing = need to be done 需要……例:The room needs cleaning = The room needs to be cleaned.房间需要打扫了.4、need somebody to do something 需要某人做某事例:I need someone to help me out of this problem.我需要找人来帮助我解决这个问题.三、need作名词的用法:need用作名词时,既可以是可数名词,也可以是不可数名词.主要常用句型如下:1、(There's) no need to do something 没必要做某事例:There's no need to cover such a long distance.没必要走那么远的距离.There's no need for me to break the window because I have the key.我没必要打破窗户因为我有钥匙.No need to run since we're not pressed for time.不必跑啦,我们又不赶时间.也可以单独使用:There's no need.意思是“没有必要”.2、in (great) need of (非常)需要例:The rescue team is in great need of medicine.救援小组非常需要药品.3、if need be 如果需要的话例:If need be,I'm going to do you a favor.如果需要的话我会帮你的.四、关于need的一些短语、俚语用法.1、A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难之交才是真朋友.1、作情态动词:通常用在疑问句、否定句中,或与条件句、whether, hardly, nobody等连用。




第1期第1期听力原文I.1. Listening to English songs is a good way to learn English.2. If you don’t understand these words, please look them up in the dictionary.3. Mike usually learns Chinese by seeing Chinese movies.4. Lily often does her homework after meals.5. How wonderful the Grand Canyon is!II.请听第一段对话,回答第6小题。

M: How do you study for a Chinese test, Linda?W: By making vocabulary lists.请听第二段对话,回答第7小题。

W: You can speak Chinese and English, can’t you?M: Yes. I can also speak a little Italian.请听第三段对话,回答第8小题。

W: I heard that you will visit the Summer Palace with your father.M: Yes, my brother will go with us, too.请听第四段对话,回答第9至10两个小题。

W: I haven’t seen you for months, Hans!M: Oh, Nancy! It’s you! Yes, I’ve j ust returned from England.W: England? For what?M: I was studying English there!W: I thought you were traveling or visiting your relatives. Where did you go while you were there?M: I mainly stayed in London, but I traveled to other cities such as Manchester and Liverpool. W: Did you enjoy your life there?M: Yes. I fell in love with this great city. There were many old buildings. I visited some places of interest when I didn’t have English classes. My spoken English has also improved a lot.请听第五段对话,回答第11至12两个小题。

what do you need for the trip翻译

what do you need for the trip翻译

what do you need for the trip
“What do you need for the trip”翻译:你这次旅行需要什么?

所以,当有人问你“What do you need for the trip”时,你就不能再拖泥带水了,而是要根据自己的需求和目的地来准备。










总之,当有人问你“What do you need for the trip”时,你需要根据自己的需求和目的地来准备上述物品,以便让你的旅行变得更加完美。





1. 肯定句结构:主语 + need + 宾语(名词/代词)例如:- I need a new laptop.(我需要一台新电脑。

)- She needs some help with her homework.(她需要一些关于作业的帮助。

)2. 否定句结构:主语 + do not/does not need + 宾语(名词/代词)例如:- They do not need any more information.(他们不需要更多的信息。

)- He doesn't need your assistance.(他不需要你的帮助。

)3. 疑问句结构:Do/Does + 主语 + need + 宾语(名词/代词)?例如:- Do you need any help?(你需要帮忙吗?)- Does she need a ride to the airport?(她需要去机场吗?)二、need和to 的搭配1. 肯定句结构:主语 + need + to-infinitive说明:当need后接动词原形时,to不能省略。

例如:- We need to finish this project by Friday.(我们需要在星期五之前完成这个项目。

)- Mary needs to buy some groceries for dinner tonight.(玛丽需要买一些晚餐的杂货。

)2. 否定句结构:主语 + do not/does not need + to-infinitive例如:- They do not need to attend the meeting tomorrow.(明天他们不需要参加会议。

)- He doesn't need to bring his passport for this trip.(他不需要带护照去旅行。

Starter Welcome to junior high Organiseaparty课件

Starter Welcome to junior high Organiseaparty课件
分角色表演如何准备班级派对。 为下一次的班级派对写一份详细计划。
Thank you!
Tom is a 13-year old boy. He has some plans for this year.
1. Tom __w__il_l _s_tu_d__y_ (study) very hard this year because
he wants to get good grades.
Activity 3
What will you do on the party?
Make a “wishing tree”.
1 Think about your wish.
I’m going to make more friends.
I’ll join a football club.
I’m going to learn to dance. I’ll learn to play the piano. I’ll have a pet.
Activity 2
What will you do for the party?
Hey, Li Lei! Are you excited about the class party this Friday?
Yes, I’m! Wang Ting, what will you do for the party?
Activity 1
What do you need to prepare for the party?
balloons posters ribbons (丝带) flowers candles (蜡烛) banners (横幅)

Teaching Plan for Oxford English 1B M3U3

Teaching Plan for Oxford English 1B M3U3

Teaching Plan for Oxford English 1B M3 U3Book: Oxford English 1BTheme: 1BM3U3 ClothesTopic:Period 1 Nice clothes Period 2 New clothes Period 3 A nice blouse (Revision) Teacher: Limin(李敏)from Kangcheng School(康城学校)Teaching Aids: multi-media, word cards, picture cards, etc教学设计说明学情分析:略(请根据学生情况自行撰写)单元教学任务分析:本单元的教学主题是“衣服”。


本单元涉及的词汇是(春)夏的衣服如dress, blouse, T-shirt, shorts;涉及的句型包括:I need…通过本模块的学习,鼓励学生能在生活中运用所学单词来描述衣服,用所学句型表达自己的需求;有助于学生锻炼听/说/读/写能力,也在学习中培养学生认识衣服男女有别、爱惜自己衣物。


单元教学目标说明:根据学生已具备的语言知识和语言技能,结合学生的生活实际,期望通过本单元的学习,第一课时借助学生熟悉的卡通人物,学习dress, blouse, T-shirt, shorts 等单词,能借助I need..表达自己的需求;第二课时中以Danny 和Alice等人物,诉说自己衣服太小的需求,学习What do you need? 并运用已学句型I need…来回答;在学生展示与表达的过程中,感受学习的趣味性。

单元课时划分:第一课时教学设计本课时教学目标:1. 在图片与情境中初步学习如下单词,如:dress, blouse, T-shirt, shirts等,能听懂单词、读准发音。





第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列题库中抽2个小题—You might as well write a thanks-note.[答案]C.Could you suggest some ways of the rewards?-Do you mind ifI use vouchers to spend in a restaurant?[答案]B.Not at all.Go ahead.—Wow !This is a fantastic project!I've never known you're so creative.[答案]C.Thanks for your compliments.—You'd better not push yourself too hard.You can ask the team and listen.I答案IA.You are right—Can I get you a couple of tea?[答案]A.That's very nice of you从下列选择题库中抽3个小题c learly communicate with and actively listen to employees is essential to improve their performance. [答案]C.Being able tothe job,employers don't want to hire people who are difficult to get along with[答案]C.Regardless ofAll the team members tried their best.We lost the game,[答案]A.howeverAn appreciated gift and the gesture of providing it will your coworker's day.[答案]B.light upCompanies are i nterested in your soft skills they are in your hard skills.[答案]B.as...as.. .Fifty -five per cent of the respondents said that praise and attention from their supervisor would make them feel t he company cared about them and their well-being.[答案]A.as ifI think a big part of it is _we know how to have fun on the job.[答案]A.thatLearning new things has always been a great for me.[答案]A.motivatorSelf- esteem needs might include the f rom a workplace.[答案]A.rewardsThe leader at creating opportunities to provide rewards,recognition and thanks to his or her staff. [答案]C.ex ce ls第二大题:完形填空(阅读理解选择、判断、听力理解等)(共50分)从下列带★题库中抽其中1个试题!!!★听力理解:听录音,判断正误(共50分)。

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