Abstract Building Multicast Acknowledgment Trees




1、 AM:acknowledge mode 确认模式2、 AMC:adaptive modulation and coding 自适应调制编码3、 AOA:angle of arrival 到达角4、 BE:best effort 尽力而为业务5、 BG:border gateway 边界网关6、 BMC:broadcast/multicast control 广播/多播控制7、 BO:buffer occupancy 缓存占用量8、 CAC:cell access control 小区接入控制9、 CFN:connection frame number 连接帧号10、CIR:carrier interference ratio 载干比11、CM:connection management 接续管理12、CQI:channel quality indicator13、C-RNTI:connection-radio network temporary identifier 基站eNodeB分给连接状态用户的临时标识号,用于资源调度。

14、CTCH:common traffic channel 公共业务信道15、DOA:direction of arrival 到达方向16、DPCH:dedicated physical channel 专用物理信道17、DRD:直接重试18、DRNC:drift radio network control 漂移RNC。

19、DSCH:下行共享信道20、DTCH:专用业务信道21、DwPCH:下行导频信道22、DwPTS:下行导频时隙23、EBB:基于特征值的波束赋形24、ECGI:Utran cell global identifier 全球小区识别码25、FACH:forward access channel 前向接入信道26、FP:frame protocol 帧协议27、GBR:保证比特速率28、GUTI:全球唯一临时标识码29、MM:移动性管理30、NAS:non-access stratum 非接入层31、PF:proportional fairness 比例公平32、PO:paging occasion 寻呼块出现时刻33、P-RNTI:寻呼RNTI34、RA-RNTI:随机接入时的RNTI。


浙江大学计算机学院 陈刚 15
对协议3的攻击 截获协议3中步骤1的消息请求
Malice(“Trent”)发给Alice:{Bob,K’}KAT {Alice ,K’}KBT,此处K’是Malice从以前协议(Alice和Bob 之间的一次正常运行)的运行中记录的 因此该攻击会使Alice与Bob重新使用一个旧会话密 钥K’,既然是旧的,Malice就可能已经发现了该密 钥
个原根,如果数值 α mod q, α2 mod q,……, αq-1 mod q
b = αi mod q
其中 0≤i ≤ q-1, 0≤b≤ q-1
指数i称为b的以α为基数的模q的离散对数 计算模一个素数的指数相对容易,计算离散对数很困难
浙江大学计算机学院 陈刚
1. Alice发送给Trent:Alice,Bob 2. Trent发送给Alice:{Bob,K,T,{Alice,K, T}KBT}KAT 3. Alice向Bob发送:{Alice,K,T}KBT 4. Bob解密{Alice,K}KBT,验证Alice的身份,生成随 机数NB,向Alice发送:{Hello, I’m Bob,NB}K 5. Alice向Bob发送: {Hello, I’m Alice,NB+1}
浙江大学计算机学院 陈刚
假定:Alice和Trent共享密钥KAT,Bob和Trent共享密 钥KBT 目标:Alice和Bob想要建立共享密钥K 步骤:











OSI模型把⽹络通信的基本框架⼯作分为7层,分别是物理层,数据链路层,⽹络层,传输层,会话层,表⽰层和应⽤层(1)(Physical Layer)孤⽴的计算机之间要想⼀起玩,就必须接⼊internet,⾔外之意就是计算机之间必须完成组⽹物理层功能:主要是基于电器特性发送⾼低电压(电信号),⾼电压对应数字1,低电压对应数字0物理层是OSI参考模型的最低层,它利⽤传输介质为数据链路层提供物理连接。

multicast listenerreport message -回复

multicast listenerreport message -回复

multicast listenerreport message -回复什么是多播监听器报告消息?多播监听器报告消息(Multicast Listener Report Message)是IPv6网络中的一种通信协议,用于在多播组中的主机和路由器之间传递信息。








以下列举了其中一些使用场景:1. 多媒体流传送:在多媒体流传送中,多播组用于向多个接收方同时传输音频或视频流。


2. 网络教育和视频会议:多播监听器报告消息在网络教育和视频会议中扮演着重要的角色。


3. 路由器维护和管理:多播监听器报告消息允许路由器根据主机的加入和退出情况来动态地调整多播路由表。



以下是它在网络中的一些重要作用:1. 节约网络带宽:多播监听器报告消息使路由器能够根据主机的监听状态来转发多播数据包。






(1) 该资源不用于商业目的;
(2) 不将资源扩散给第三方;
(3) 在发表论文时声明使用了香港理工大学中文计算实验室










1. 高层办公大楼:高层办公大楼将成为整个园区的地标。




2. 创新中心:创新中心将是一个鼓励创造力和创新的空间。




3. 休闲区:休闲区将提供员工放松和休息的空间。



4. 公共广场:公共广场将成为整个园区的中心,提供员工和游客一个集会和休闲的场所。















第四条毕业论文打印格式1. 纸型:A4纸型。

2. 页码:放在页面的底端,采用“页面底端居中”的格式。

3. 字体:用汉语撰写的论文统一采用“宋体”,用英语、法语、俄语、德语、西班牙语、朝鲜语、阿拉伯语、意大利语等外语撰写的论文采用“时代新罗马(Times New Roman)”字体,用日语撰写的论文采用“明朝体”。

4. 字号:论文正文的字号用“小四”,章节标题用“四号”并加粗。

5. 页边距:采用默认页边距,即上2.54厘米,下2.54厘米,左3.17厘米,右3.17厘米。

6. 装订线:左边1厘米。

7. 行数:每页44行。

8. 页眉页脚:页眉1.5厘米,页脚1.75厘米。

9. 行距:论文全文采用1.5倍行距。

multicast listenerreport message -回复

multicast listenerreport message -回复

multicast listenerreport message -回复当我们谈到网络通信协议时,多播(Multicast)是一个重要的概念。


而为了保证网络数据的顺利传输,Multicast Listener Report Message(多播组成员报告消息)在其中发挥着重要的作用。

Multicast Listener Report Message(MLR)是一种用于通知多播路由器自身是否加入或离开某个多播组的消息。

它是Internet工程任务组(IETF)在RFC 2236中定义的IGMP(Internet组管理协议)的一部分。







报告类型包括成员报告(Membership Report)和离开报告(Leave Report)。




IGMP 是主机和多播路由器之间的沟通渠道,它允许主机告知多播路由器它们所希望接收的多播流。



多播路由器也需要定期向网络中的主机发送查询消息(Query Message),以了解多播组的成员信息。



1. JMS基本概念JMS(Java Message Service)是访问企业消息系统的标准API,它便于消息系统中的Java应用程序进行消息交换,并且通过提供标准的产生、发送、接收消息的接口简化企业应用的开发。

2. JMS基本功能JMS是用于和面向消息的中间件相互通信的应用程序接口。



3. WebLogic JMS Server介绍WebLogic Server8.1符合JAVA规范,并通过Sun Microsystems J2EE 1.3认证.作为WebLogic的一部分,当然WebLogic JMS Server也完全遵从JMS规范,还支持集群,并可以应用于实际企业系统.下图是WebLogic JMS Server体系结构.图中可以看到WebLogic JMS Server主要组件有: WebLogic JMS servers(用于消息通信),Java客户端,JNDI(用于域名查找), 后备存储(用于持久消息存储,基于文件或者JDBC数据库).二. WebLogic JMS特性1. 消息通信模型JMS 支持两种消息通信模型:点到点(point-to-point)(PTP)模型和发布/订阅(Pub/Sub)模型。

除了下列不同之外,这两种消息通信模型非常地相似:PTP 模型规定了一个消息只能有一个接收者;Pub/Sub 模型允许一个消息可以有多个接收者。

2. 消息组成消息传递系统的中心就是消息。

一条 Message 分为三个组成部分:· 头(header)是个标准字段集,客户机和供应商都用它来标识和路由消息。

· 属性(property)支持把可选头字段添加到消息。


实验 1:路径度量值计算
Show interfaces0/0:可以看到接口带宽和延迟(延迟除以 10)
不查看路由表的情况下, 手工计算每台路由器去往每一个网段的度量值。验证EIGRP 计算路由的Metric 使用的带宽如何提取
实验 2:
通过修改带宽和延迟来实现 R1 到 R3 的负载均衡。
一台路由器只要运行了 EIGRP,这台路由器需要有一个域内惟一的标识,称为 RID (Router ID) ,优先手工指定,然后是环回口地址,最后是物理接口的最大地址。
EIGRP想要建邻居,需要保证 EIGRP 的 RID 不相同



~目录~第1、2、3章(计算机网络概论丶数据通信基础丶广域通信网)--------------------------------------------------------------------------2、3、4页第4章、局域网与城域网--------------------------------------------------------5页第5章、无线通信网---------------------------------------------------------6、7页第6章、网络互联与互联网---------------------------------------------8、9、10页第7章、下一代互联网---------------------------------------------------------11页第8章、网络安全---------------------------------------------------12、13、14页第9章、网络操作系统与应用服务器-------------------------------------------15页第10章、组网技术--------------------------------------------------16、17、18页第11章、网络管理-------------------------------------------------------19、20页第12章、网络规划与设计-----------------------------------------------------21页~第1、2、3章~(计算机网络概论丶数据通信基础丶广域通信网)DTE(数据终端设备)DEC(数据通信设备)两者的区别是DEC提供时钟而DTE没有逻辑链路控制(LLC)和介质访问控制(MAC)组成了数据链路局域网(LAN)城域网(MAN)广域网(WAN)(AMI)交替反转编码(ASK)幅移键控(ATM)异步传输模式(CASE)公共应用服务元素(CATV)有线电视网络(CHAP)挑战-握手验证协议(CIDR)无类别域间路由(CM)电缆调制解调器(CMTS)电缆调制解调器终端系统(CRC)循环冗余校验码(CSMA/CD)载波监听多路访问/冲突检测(DS)区分服务(DSCP)区分代码点(ECN)显式拥塞通知(EDI)电子数据交换(EIA)美国电子工业协会(EPON)以太网无源光网络(FDM)频分复用(FSK)频移键控(FTTB)光纤到大楼(FTTC)光纤到路边--返回目录--. (FTTCab)光纤到交换箱(FTTH)光纤到户(GPON)千兆以太网无源光网络(HFC)混合光纤一同轴电缆(HTTP)超文本传送协议(IETF)Internet工作小组(IMAP)Internet邮件访问协议(ISN)初始序号(ISO)国际标准化组织(LCP)链路控制协议(LLC)逻辑链路控制层(MAC)媒体接入控制层(MIB)管理信息库(MSTP)多生成树协议(NCP)网络控制协议(NRZ)不归零码(NRZ-I)不归零反相编码(NVT)网络虚拟终端(OLT)光线路终端(ONT)光网络终端(ONU)光网络单元(OSI/RM)开放系统互连基本参考模型(PAN)无线个人局域网(PAP)密码验证协议(PCM)脉冲编码调制(PDU)协议数据单元(PON)无源光纤网络(POP)邮局协议(PPP)点到点协议(PSK)相移键控(RSTP)快速生成树协议(RZ)归零码--返回目录--. (SASE)特定应用服务元素(SDH)同步数字系列(SDU)服务数据单元(SMI)管理信息结构(SNA)系统网络体系结构(SONET)同步光纤网(STP)生成树协议(TDM)时分复用(TLD)顶级域名(URL)统一资源标识符(USB)通用串行总线(VLAN)虚拟局域网(VLSM)可变长子网掩码(VOIP)集成数据和语音网络(W3C)万维网协会(WDM)波分复用--返回目录--~第4章、局域网与城域网~(Access Link Connection)接入链路链接(Bidirectional flooding)双向泛洪(E-LAN Services)以太局域网服务(Spanning Tree)生成树(Trunk-Link Connection)中继链路链接(Unidirectional flooding)单向泛洪(Unshilded Twisted Pair)无屏蔽双绞线AC (Acknowledge Connectionless)应答帧CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection)载波侦听多路访问EIR (Excess Information Rate)超信息速率EPL (Ethernet Private Line)以太网专用线FD (Forward Delay)转发延迟GEA (Gibabit Ethernet Alliance)千兆以太网联盟HDLC (Hight Data Link Control )高级数据链路控制LAN (Local Area Network)传统局域网LLC (Logical Access Control )逻辑链路控制MAC (Media Access Control)介质访问控制MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)城域网MEF (Metro Ethernet Forum)城域以太网论坛PBB (Provide Backbone Bridge)运营商主干网桥PGP (Provide Bridge Protocol)网桥协议RPR (Resilient Packet Ring)弹性分组环RPR (Spatial Information Rate)超信息速率RSPF (Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol)快速生成树SRP (Spatial Reuse Protocol)空间复用协议TCI (Tag Control Information ) 标志控制信息UNI (User-Network Interface)用户网络接口VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network)虚拟局域网WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network)无线局域网WPAN (Wireless Personal Area Network )无线个人网WRAN (Wireless Regional Area Network )无线区域网~第5章、无线通信网~(Low Rate-WPAN)低速无线个人网AMPS (Advance Mobile Phone System)高级移动电话系统AODV (Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector)按需分配的距离矢量协议AP (Access Point)接入点AST (Average Setting Time)平均定制时间BE (Best Effort Service)尽力而为业务BSA (Basic Service Area)基本服务区BSS (Basic Service Set )基本服务集CCK (Complementary Code Keying)调制技术CCMP (Counter Mode with CBC-MAC Protocol)CBC-MAC协议的计时器模式CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access)码分多址CGSR (Clusterhead Gateway Switche Routing Protocol)集群头网关交换路由协议DCF (Distributed Coordination Function)分布式协调功能DFIR (Diffused IR )漫反射红外线DS (Distributed System)分布式系统DSDV (Destination-Sequenced Distance Vector)目标排序的距离矢量协议EDGE (Enhanced Data for GSM Evolution )增强数据速率ESS (Extented Service Set)扩展服务集FDD (Frequent Division Duplex)频分双工FFD (Full-Function Device)全功能设备FHSS (Frequency-Hopping Spread Spectrum)频率跳动扩展频谱GPRS (General Packet Radio Service)分组无线业务GSM (Global System for Moblie)全球移动通信系统GTK (Group Transient Key)组瞬时密钥GTS (Guaranteed Time Slots)保障时槽HSPA (High Speed Packet Access)高速分组接入HSUPA (High Speed Uplink Packet Access)高速上行分组接入IFS (Inter Frame Spanning) 帧间隔IR (Infrared Ray)红外线LCP (Link Control Protocol)链路控制协议LMP (Link Manager Protocol)链路管理协议MACT (Multicast Activation)组播活动MCM (Multi Carrier Modulation)多载波调制MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output)多入多出NAV (Network Allocation Vector)网络分配矢量NM (Narrowband Microwave )窄带微波nrtPS (Non-Real-time Polling Service)非实时轮询业务OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing)正交频分多用PCF (Point Coordination )点协调功能PLCP (Physical Layer Convergence Protocol)物理层汇聚协议PMD (Physical Medium Department)物理介质相关PNC (Piconet coordinator)协调器PSK (Pre-Shared Key)共享密钥RFD (Reduced-Function Device)简单功能设备rtPS (Real-time Polling Service)实时轮询业务STBC (Space Time Block Code) 空时编码UGS (Unsolicited Grant Service)非请求的宽带业务WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy)有线等效保密WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network)无线局域网--返回目录--~第6章、网络互连与互联网~ABR (area border router) 区域边界路由器AF (Assured Forwarding) 保证转发ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) 地址解析协议ASBR (Autonomous System Bounday Router) 自制系统边界路由器BA (Behavior Aggregate) 行为聚集BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) 边界网关协议BIDIR-PIM (Bi-directional PIM) 双向PIM协议(密集和稀疏双模式)ccTLD (country code Top Level Domain) 国家顶级域CGI (Common Gateway Interface) 公共网关接口CIDR (Classless Inter Domain Routing) 无类别的域间路由技术CLNP (ConnectionLess Network Protocol) 无连接的网络协议CR-LDP (Cons-traint-Route LDP) 基于约束的路由标记分发协议DNS (Domain Name System) 域名系统DR (Designated Router) 指定路由器DVMRP (Distance Vector Multicast Routing) 距离矢量组播路由协议EF (Expedited Forwarding) 加速转发EGP (Exterior Gateway Protocol) 外部网关协议EIGRP (Enhanced IGRP) 增强的IGRP协议ER (Explicit Route) 显式路由FEC (Forward Equivalent Class) 转发等价类FTP (File Transfer Protocol) 文件传输协议GGP (Gateway to Gateway Protocol) 核心网关协议gTLD (generic Top Level Domain) 通用顶级域HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) 超文本标记语言ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) Internet控制报文协议IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol) Internet 组管理协议IGP (Inter Gateway Protocol) 内部网关协议IGRP (Interior Gateway Routing Protocol) 内部网关协议InterNIC (Internet Network INformation Center) Internet网络信息中心IP (Internet Protocol) 因特网协议ISA (Integrated Service Architecture) 集成服务体系结构--返回目录--IS-IS (Intermediate System to Intermediate System) 中间系统到中间系统协议LDP (Label Distribution Protocol) 标记分发协议LER (Label Edge Router) 标记边缘路由器LIB (Label Information Base) 标记信息库LSA (Link State Advertisment) 链路状态公告LSP (Label Switch Path) 标记交换通路LSR (Label Switch Router) 标记交换路由MAC (Media Access Control) 媒体访问控制(物理地址)MEGP (multicats EGP) 组播外部网关协议MIGP (multicats IGP) 组播内部网关协议MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) 多用途互联网邮件扩展类型MOSPF (Multicast Open Shortest Path First) 组播开放最短路径有限协议MPLS (Multi-Protocol Label Switching) 多协议标记交换NAPT (Network Address Port Translation) 网络地址和端口翻译NAT (Network Address Translators) 网络地址翻译NBMA (Non-Broadcast Multi-Access) 非广播多址网络NCSA (National Center for Super computing Applicattion) 国家超级计算机应用中心NVT (Network Virtual Terminal) 网络虚拟终端OIL (Outgoing Interface List) 输出端口表OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) 开放最短路径优先协议PHB (Per-Hop Behavior) 逐跳行为PIM (Protocol Independent Multicast) 独立组播协议PIM-DM (Protocol Independent Multicast-Dense Mode) 密集式的独立组播协议PIM-SM (Protocol Independent Multicast Sparse Mode) 稀疏模式的独立组播协议POP3 (Post Office Protocol) 接受邮件用协议RARP (Reverse Address Resolution Protocol) 反向地址解析协议RIP (Routing Information Protocol) 路由信息协议RP (Rendezvous Point) 约会点RPF (Reverse Path Forwarding) 反向通路转发RSPV ( Resource Reservation Protocol) 资源预约协议SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protoco) 简单邮件传输协议SNACP (SubNetwork Access Protocol) 子网访问协议--返回目录--SNDCP (SubNetwork Deepndent Convergence Protocol) 子网相关的汇聚协议SNICP (SubNetwork Independent Convergence Protocol) 子网无关的汇聚协议SPF(Shortest Path First) 最短通路优先算法TCA (Traffic Conditioning Agreement) 通信调解协议TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) 传输控制协议TIB (Tree Information Base) 树信息库TLD (Top Level Domain) 顶级域UDP (User Datagram Protocol) 用户数据报协议URL (Uniform Resource Locators) 统一资源定位器VLSM (Variable Length Subnetwork Mask) 可变长子网掩码VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) 网络电话WFQ (Weighted Fair Queueing) 加权公平排队算法WWW (World Wide Web) 环球信息网--返回目录--~第7章丶下一代互联网~BA (Binding Acknowledgement) 绑定应答报文BE (Binding Error Message) 绑定出错报文BRR (Binding Refresh Request Message) 绑定刷新请求报文BU (Binding Update Message) 绑定更新报文CoTI (Care-of Tes Message) 转交测试报文CoTI (Care-of Test Init Message) 转交测试初始化报文DNS-ALG (Application Level Gateway) DNS应用层网关HoT (Home Test Message) 家乡测试报文HoTI (Home Test Init Message) 家乡测试初始化报文ISATAP (Intra-Site Automatic Tunneling Addressing Protocol) 站内自动隧道寻址协议NAT-PT (Network Address Translator-Protocol Translator) 附带协议转换器的网络地址转换器NGI (Next Generation Internet) 下一代互联网NLRI (Network Layer Reachability Information) 网络层可达信息--返回目录--~第8章、网络安全~3DES-CBC (三重DES CBC):56位密钥A-boxes (Event Analyzers) 事件分析器AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) 高级加密标准AES128-CBC (Advanced Encryption Standard CBC):128位密钥AH (Authentication Header) 认证头AS (Authentication Server) 认证服务器CA (Certification Authority) 证书发放机构CIDF (Common Intrusion Detection Framework) 入侵检测框架CPAH (Challenge Handshake Authentication protocol) 握手验证协议D-boxes (Event DataBases) 事件数据库DES (Data Encryption Standard) 数据加密标准DES-CBC (Data Encryption Standard Cipher Block Chaining Mode):56位密钥DMS (Defense Message System) 国防报文系统E-boxes (Event generators) 事件产生器ESP (Encapsulating Security Payload) 封装安全负荷GRE (Generic Routing Encapsulation) 通用路由封装HAMC-MD5 (HMAC-Message Digest:5):160位密钥HAMC-SHA1 (Hashed Message Authentication Code-Secure Hash Algorithm 1):128位密钥HMAC (Hashed Message Authentication Code) 散列式报文认证码IATF (Information Assurance Technical Framework) 信息保障技术框架IDEA (International Data Encryption Algorithm) 国际数据加密算法IDS (Intrusion Detection System) 入侵检测系统IKE (Internet Key EXchange) Internet密钥交换协议IPSec (IP Security) IPSec协议ISAKMP (Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol) Internet密钥交换协议KDC (Key Distribution Center) 密钥分发中心KMI (Key Management Infrastructure) 密钥管理基础结构L2TP (Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol) 第2层隧道协议LCP (Link Control Protocol) 链路控制协议MM (Main Mode) ISAKMP第一阶段PAC (PPTP Access Concentrator) PPTP接入集中器--返回目录--PAP (Password Authentication Protocol) 口令验证协议PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) 电子邮件加密软件包PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) 公钥基础结构PNS (PPTP Network Server) PPTP网络服务器PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) PPP协议PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol) 点对点隧道协议QM (Quick Mode) ISAKMP第二阶段RA (Registration Authority) 注册机构R-boxes (Response units) 响应事件RSA (Rivest Shamir and Adlemen) 公钥加密算法S/MIME (Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) 多用途网络邮件扩充协议SA (Security Association) 安全关联SET (Secure Electronic Transaction) 电子交易SHA (The Secure Hash Algorithm) 安全散列算法SHS (Secure Hash Standard) 安全散列标准S-HTTP (Secure HTTP) 超文本传输协议SKEME (Versatile Secure Exchange Mechanism for Internet Protocol) 安全密钥交换机制SSL (Secure Socket Layer) 安全套接层STT (Secure Transaction Technology) 安全交易技术TCB (Trusted Tomputing Base) 可信计算基TEK (Token Encryption Key) 令牌加密密钥TGS (Ticket Granting Server) 票证授予服务器TGT (Ticket Graning Ticket) 初始票据TLS (Transport Layer Security) 传输层安全协议VPN (Virtual Private Network) 虚拟专用网(Access VPN)远程接入VPN(Application-transparent Security)应用透明的安全性(Authentication)认证(Authentication)身份认证技术(Authenticity)真实性(change cipher spec protocol)改变密码协议(Confidentiality)保密性--返回目录--. (Cryptography)密码学(Data Integrity)数据完整性(Digital Fingerprint)数字指纹(Discretionary Protection)自定义保护(Encryption & Decryption)加解密技术(Extranet VPN)外联网(Hash)散列(Intranet VPN)内联网(Key Management)密钥管理技术(Mandatory Protection)强制式保护(Message Digest)报文摘要(Minimal Protection)最低保护(one-time pad)一次性填充(Product cipher)乘积密码(substitution)替换加密(transposition)换位加密(Triple-DES)三重-DES(Tunneling)隧道技术(Verified Protection)可验证保护--返回目录--~第9章、网络操作系统与应用服务器~(Domain Forest):域林(Domain Tree):域树/etc/sysconfig/network文件AD(Active Directory):活动目录ADS(Active Directory Service):活动目录服务BROADCAST= 广播地址CcTLD ( country code Top Level Domain ): 国家顶级域DNS ( Domain Name System ):域名系统FORWARD_IPV4=yes/no 是否开启IP转发功能FQDM ( Fully Qualified Domain Name ) :完全合格的域名GATEWAY= 网关的IP地址GATEWAY= 网关地址GATEWAYDEV=gw-dev gw-dw 网关的设备名称gTLD ( generic Top Level Domain):通用顶级域HOSTNAME=hosname hostname: 服务器的主机名HOSTNAME=hostname 主机的全限定域名IIS ( Internet Information Server ) :因特网信息服务器IPADDR= IP地址LDAP(Light Directory Access Protocol)轻型目录访问协议MMC(Microsoft):管理控制台NETWASK= MAC地址NETWORK=yes/no 网络是否被配置NISDOMAIN=dom-name 表示NIS域OU(Organizational Unit):组织单元RIS():远程安装服务TLD ( Top-Level Domain ):顶级域--返回目录--~第10章、组网技术~交换机的分类:按交换方式划分:(Cut-through) :直通式交换(Fragment Free) :碎片过滤式交换(Store and Forward ) :存储转发式交换传输模式:(full-duplex) :全双工(half-duplex) :半双工(User mode):用户模式(Privated mode):特权模式(Configuration mode):配置模式(Console Cable):控制台电缆(enable Password):使能密码(Restricted static):限制性静态(Dynamic):动态(Distance Vector):距离矢量(Link State):链路状态(Balance Hybrid):平衡混合ACL (Access Control List) 访问控制列表ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) :专用集成电路ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) :异步传输模式AUI (Attachment Unit Interface):连接单元接口AUX接口(Auxiliary Prot):辅助接口BPDU(Bridge Protocol Data Unit) 桥接协议数据单元BRI接口(Basic Rate Interface):基本速率接口CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol) 挑战握手认证协议CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing):无类域内路由选择CLI (Command Line Interface for batch scripting)命令行界面--返回目录--DCE (Data Communication Equipment) 数据通信设备DDR (Dial on Demand Routing):按需拨号路由DECnet:是由数字设备公司(Digital Equipment Corporation)推出并支持的一组协议集合。



BACnet (Building Automation and Control Network)协议是一种用于建筑自动化和控制系统的通信协议。

1. 消息类型 (Message Type):指示消息的类型,包括请求、响应、确认和错误等。

2. 版本号 (Protocol Version):指示BACnet协议的版本号。

3. 消息长度 (Message Length):指示消息的总长度。

4. 宿主地址 (Source Address):发送方的网络地址。

5. 目标地址 (Destination Address):接收方的网络地址。

6. 服务选择 (Service Choice):指示要执行的服务类型,例如读取属性、写入属性等。

7. 服务数据 (Service Data):包含执行服务所需的参数和数据。

8. 应用数据 (Application Data):包含特定的应用程序数据。

9. 时间戳 (Time Stamp):指示消息发送的时间戳。

10. 消息校验 (Message Checksum):用于校验消息的完整性。

11. 源设备对象标识 (Source Device Object Identifier):指示发送方设备的标识符。

12. 目标设备对象标识 (Destination Device Object Identifier):指示接收方设备的标识符。

13. 扩展数据 (Extended Data):用于存储额外的数据。




acknowledge方法(原创实用版4篇)《acknowledge方法》篇1在计算机编程中,"acknowledge" 方法通常用于表示客户端或用户已经接收到服务器或系统发送的消息或通知。

具体来说,客户端可以通过调用"acknowledge" 方法来告知服务器已经成功接收到服务器发送的消息或通知。


在实现"acknowledge" 方法时,需要考虑以下几个方面:1. 确定消息或通知的接收者。


2. 确定消息或通知的类型和内容。


3. 生成确认号或序列号。


4. 发送确认消息或通知。


《acknowledge方法》篇2在计算机编程中,"acknowledge" 方法通常指在客户端和服务器之间进行通信时,客户端向服务器发送确认消息,表示已经收到服务器发送的数据或命令。


在具体的编程实现中,"acknowledge" 方法可能会有所不同,但通常会包含以下步骤:1. 客户端向服务器发送请求数据或命令。

2. 服务器接收到请求并处理,然后将数据或命令发送回客户端。

3. 客户端接收到服务器发送的数据或命令,并使用"acknowledge" 方法向服务器发送确认消息。


双线性 映射为工具 , 引入矢量空问秘密共享技术和 阈下通道技术。采用矢量 空间秘密共享机制保证投标 者对所投价位 的匿
名性 ; 阈下通道实现确认 中标者 的“ 通过 打开” 过程。分析表 明方案在相 同安全性的要 求下, 签名 的公钥长度是独立的 , 且签
名长度较短 , 适合于分布式大规模的网上拍卖 , 实验证明是一个安全有效 的电子拍卖方案。 关键 词: 电子拍卖 ; 群签名 ; 双线性映射 ; 矢量空间秘密共享 ; 阈下通 道
ABS TRACT: h a e t d e h r u in t r a e n b l e r p i n ,a d a n w s c r lcr n c a c in T e p p rsu i st e g o p sg au e b d o i n a ar g n e e u e ee t i u t s i i o o s h me i d sg e a e n t e g o p sg au e c e s e i d b d o h r u i tr .T e s h me i a e n b l e rp i n m e tr s a e s c e n s n h c e s b s d o i n a ar g wi v co p c e r t i i s a i g a d s bi n l h n e .I u e e trs a es ce h r gme h im n u et e a o y t f eb d e , h rn n u l mi a a n 1 t s s v co p c e r t a i c a s t e s r h n mi o id r c s n n o n y t h n h o e ”p o e st o f m i d ri r a i d b u l n h n e .An y e h w t a n e e s me s c — a d t e” p n r c s c n i b d e e z ys b i a c a n 1 o r s l e mil l a s ss o h t d rt a e u u h r y c n i o s h e gh o u l e n t e s h me i i d p n e t n e ln t f h i a u e i mu h s o tr i o d t n ,t e ln t fp b i k y i c e s n e e d n d t gh o e sg t r s t i c h a h e t n c h r e



中断容忍网络中一种激励相容的两跳路由协议文鼎;蔡英;李卓【摘要】针对中断容忍网络(DTN)中节点自私造成通信性能下降等问题,提出了一种激励相容的两跳(TIC)路由协议,以选择最优中继节点,在综合考虑节点间的相遇概率及传输消耗的情况下,保证节点在诚实汇报相遇情况及传输消耗时利益最大化.同时引入基于双线性映射的签名技术,有效地防止恶意节点篡改信息且确保参与转发的中继节点安全地获取报酬.【期刊名称】《计算机应用》【年(卷),期】2013(033)006【总页数】5页(P1500-1504)【关键词】中断容忍网络;路由协议;激励相容;自私;安全【作者】文鼎;蔡英;李卓【作者单位】北京信息科技大学计算机学院,北京100101;北京信息科技大学计算机学院,北京100101;北京信息科技大学网络文化与数字传播研究北京市重点实验室,北京100101;北京信息科技大学计算机学院,北京100101;北京信息科技大学网络文化与数字传播研究北京市重点实验室,北京100101【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP3930 引言中断容忍网络(Disruption-Tolerant Networks,DTN)节点间在有传输机会出现时进行信息传递,可降低无线骨干网络(3G等)上的负载。






multicast listenerreport message

multicast listenerreport message

multicast listenerreport message Multicast Listener Report Message: Exploring the Intricacies and Benefits of Multicast CommunicationIntroduction:In today's digital landscape, communication plays a crucial role in our personal and professional lives. With the increasing demand for efficient and scalable methods of transmitting data, multicast communication has emerged as a powerful solution. The Multicast Listener Report (MLR) message is an essential component of multicast communication, allowing hosts to report their interest in receiving specific multicast groups. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies and benefits of multicast communication, explaining the MLR message in detail and showcasing its significance in modern network systems.Understanding Multicast Communication:To understand the MLR message, we must first familiarize ourselves with the concept of multicast communication. Unlike traditional unicast communication, where data is transmitted from one senderto one receiver, multicast communication enables the efficient transmission of data to multiple recipients simultaneously. This group communication technology is especially effective in scenarios where data needs to be transmitted to a large number of hosts, such as video streaming, online gaming, and real-time stock market updates.Multicast Listener Report (MLR) Message:The MLR message is a crucial component of multicast communication. When a host wants to join a multicast group, it sends an MLR message to the multicast group's designated multicast address. This message serves as a report, informing the sender that the host is interested in receiving data from the specified group. The MLR message includes various parameters, such as the multicast group address, the interface on which the host wants to receive the data, and the duration for which the host wants to remain a member of the group.1. Why is the MLR Message Significant?The MLR message plays a significant role in multicastcommunication. Firstly, it allows hosts to actively participate in multicast groups by expressing their interest in receiving specific data. These groups generate a lot of multicast traffic, and MLR messages help manage this traffic effectively by filtering hosts that are not interested.Secondly, the MLR message enables efficient routing of multicast data. Routers utilize information from MLR messages to determine the appropriate paths for delivering multicast data. This ensures that the data is efficiently distributed to interested hosts while minimizing network congestion.2. Initiating Host-Joining Process:When a host wants to join a multicast group, it sends an IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol) Join message. Upon receiving this message, the designated router for the multicast group forwards it to the multicast sender. The sender then responds with an MLR message to confirm the host's successful enrollment in the group. This process ensures that the sender has the necessary information about the group's members and can send data accordingly.3. Group Membership Expiration:The MLR message also serves as a mechanism to maintain group membership. In the MLR message, hosts include a timeout duration, indicating how long they intend to remain a member of the multicast group. After this duration expires, the host's membership is considered expired unless it sends another MLR message to renew it. This feature allows for efficient utilization of network resources by freeing up resources from hosts that are no longer interested in receiving data.Benefits of Multicast Communication:Multicast communication offers several benefits that make it a preferred choice for various applications. These benefits include:1. Bandwidth Efficiency: Multicast communication eliminates redundant transmission of data to multiple recipients, ensuring efficient use of network bandwidth.2. Scalability: Multicast communication allows for the simultaneoustransmission of data to a large number of hosts, making it highly scalable.3. Reduced Network Load: By sending data only to interested hosts, multicast communication reduces network load and minimizes congestion.4. Real-time Data Delivery: Multicast communication is ideal for applications that require real-time data delivery, such as video conferencing and live streaming.Conclusion:Multicast communication, backed by the Multicast Listener Report (MLR) message, offers a powerful solution for efficient and scalable data transmission to multiple recipients. With the increasing demand for real-time communication and the exponential growth of multicast applications, understanding and utilizing multicast communication is becoming increasingly important. By implementing effective multicast protocols, network administratorscan ensure optimal data delivery, improved bandwidth efficiency, and reduced network congestion, thus benefiting both end-users and service providers in the digital age.。


E-UTRAN Cell Identifier
EPS Connection Management
Emergency-Call Session Control Function
Enhanced Data rate for GSM Evolution
Foreign Agent Care of Address
Frequency Division Multiple Access
Fully Qualified Domain Name
Generic Access Network
Diameter Routing Agent
Discontinuous Reception
Differentiated Services Code Point
Digital Subscriber Line
Key Set Identifier in E-UTRAN
evolved MBMS
EPS Mobility Management
evolved Node B


ATV930变频器则需要打开前盖板,将Profibus DP通信 卡VW3A3607插入到通信卡插槽中,如图5-3所示。
能力目标 (1) 掌握PLC和其他设备Profibus DP通信的建立方法。 (2) 掌握Profibus DP通信组态时的易错问题。
5.1 Profibus总线概述
5.1.1 Profibus总线简介 Profibus是西门子公司的现场总线标准,它是Process
Fieldbus的缩写。目前,它是在国内应用范围最广的现场总 线,尤其是Profibus DP在国内工厂自动化和流程自动化的占 比非常高。Profibus现场总线接线简单,通信速度高,通信 过程稳定,西门子的PLC加上Profibus DP的通信协议几乎是 所有工业现场的首选,再加上后来的Profinet工业以太网协 议,它们都获得了设计人员、操作人员的广泛认可。
Profibus包含Profibus DP、Profibus FMS和Profibus PA, 以及后来推出的Profidrive、Profisafe、Profinet等,它们囊括 了车间级和现场级的应用层次。
Profibus DP设计用于设备级应用,它主要用于完成PLC、 传感器、执行器(电机、电磁阀等)的通信任务,通信速度最 高可达12 Mb/s。Profibus DP包含了DP V0、DP V1和DP V2 三个版本,是目前国内应用最多的通信协议。本章实验也是 以Profibus DP为例。
5.1 Profibus总线概述 5.2 西门子S7-300 PLC与施耐德ATV930变频 器的Profibus DP通信 小结 思考与习题



第一章应用程序调优1.1.1 通用代码调优1.1.2 减小没有必要的操作对象的创建是个很昂贵的工作,所以我们应当尽量减少对象的创建,在需要的时候声明它,初始化它,不要重复初始化一个对象,尽量能做到再使用,而用完后置null有利于垃圾收集。



对于成员变量的初始化也应尽量避免, 特别是在一个类派生另一个类时。



Throwable接口的构造函数调用名为, fillInStackTrace()的本地(Native)方法,fillInStackTrace()方法检查堆栈,收集调用跟踪信息。



此外, 建议关闭Debug输出,尽量少用串行化、同步操作和耗时昂贵的服务(如Date())。

1.1.3 使用合适的类型当原始类型不能满足我们要求时,使用复杂类型。



带有final修饰符的类是不可派生的, 如果指定一个类为final,则该类所有的方法都是final。






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Building Multicast Acknowledgment TreesChristian Maihöfer, Kurt RothermelUniversity of StuttgartInstitute of Parallel and Distributed High-Performance Systems (IPVR)Breitwiesenstr. 20-22D-70565 StuttgartEMail: [Christian.Maihoefer|Kurt.Rothermel]@informatik.uni-stuttgart.de AbstractTo avoid the well-known implosion problem, the majority of reliable multicast protocols use hierarchical structures to pass acknowledgment messages back to the sender. In most cases, a technique called expanding ring search (ERS) is used to construct the acknowl-edgment tree. In this paper we analyse ERS by simulation studies. ERS is a simple and fault tolerant approach, but our simulation results show that it has disadvantages like great reliance on the multicast routing protocol and poor scalability. If the background load ex-ceeds a critical level, the message overhead rises exponentially. In this paper, we will present an alternative approach based on a so-called token repository service. The token repository service stores a token for each successor, a node in an ACK tree can accept. To find a node to connect to, the searching node just retrieves a token from the token repos-itory. We describe how such a service can be implemented in a way that it can handle a large number of multicast groups. Our simulation results show that the token repository service is scalable, independent of the multicast routing protocol and builds well-shaped ACK trees, causing message delays that are comparable to ERS or even lower.1IntroductionEfficient one-to-many communication is a prerequisite for many new applications, e.g. news and software distribution, distributed computing and computer supported coopera-tive work. IP multicast [DC85, Dee89] is already available in the Internet but only with best effort semantics. Several papers have addressed the issue of developing a scalable re-liable multicast protocol. All solutions are based on the idea that the successful delivery is controlled by some kind of ACK message returned from the receivers to the sender. The class of sender-based and receiver-based protocols [PTK94, LG96], where all control messages must be processed by the sender node can cause the well known implosion prob-lem. A receiver of a multicast group sends all control messages (positive or negative ac-knowledgments) to the sender of the message. If the multicast group is large, i.e. has a huge amount of receivers, the network near to the sender and the sender itself becomes congested.To guarantee scalability only tree-based approaches like TMTP [YGS95], RMTP [LP96], RMTP-II [WEA98] or LGMP [Hof96] are applicable. To avoid the implosion problem, all receivers are organized in a so-called acknowledgment tree (ACK tree). Instead of sending all control messages (positive or negative acknowledgments) to the sender, each receiver contacts only its direct predecessor in the tree. Leaf nodes send a positive ac-knowledgment to their predecessor to indicate that they have received a message correct-ly, respectively a negative acknowledgment if they have recognized an incorrect or lost message. The behavior of an inner node in the ACK tree strongly depends on the under-lying transport protocol. In any case, an inner node is responsible for retransmitting lost messages to its successors. Inner nodes also send control messages to its predecessor when all of their successors in the ACK tree have received the message. When the root node eventually receives the aggregated acknowledgments from all direct successor nodes, the message has been reliably delivered to all receivers.But how is such an ACK tree established? In most cases a technique called expanding ring search (ERS) is used to construct the ACK tree. In this paper we present simulations that examine the behavior of ERS. Our results show that ERS has a poor scalability, its per-formance heavily relies on the multicast routing protocol and that the generated ACK trees are not well-shaped. To overcome these deficiencies, we sketch a new approach tobuild ACK trees. Our idea is to combine ERS with a so-called token repository service. The repository service stores tokens, which indicate at which ACK tree node a new mul-ticast group member can join the tree. When a new member wants to join the tree, it sim-ply asks the token repository service for a token of that group. Our approach provides fault tolerance, scalability due to decreased network traffic, and message delays that are com-parable to ERS or even lower. Furthermore the performance of the token repository ser-vice is independent of the applied multicast routing protocol.The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In the next section, the principle of ERS and related work is discussed. Section 3 gives an overview of the proposed token re-pository service and describes the group management operations. In Section 4, we present simulation results for ERS and the token repository service. Finally, we conclude with a brief summary.2Background and Related WorkERS is a common technique that was first used with broadcasting to search for resources in a network without the knowledge, where such a resource can be [Bog83]. With basic ERS the joining node looks for a predecessor node in the ACK tree by sending multicast search messages with increasing time-to-live (TTL). The first search message is sent with a TTL of one, i.e. the search message is limited to the LAN of the sender. If an on-tree node, i.e. a node that is already in the ACK tree, receives this request and is able to accept further successor nodes it replies with an acknowledgment. The searching node is then able to join the tree with the replying node as the predecessor. If no node answers within a certain amount of time, the TTL is increased by one and a new search message is sent. The joining node repeats this process until it receives an answer or the maximum TTL of 255 is reached. Increasing the TTL step by step is done in order to decrease the network load and to find a predecessor node that is close to the searching node. As a result, a con-tinuously increasing region is covered (see Figure 1). This basic method is described by [YGS95]. We refer to this approach as off-tree initiated method because off-tree nodes, i.e. nodes that are not already in the ACK tree, are responsible for finding a predecessor node in the ACK tree.There is one major variation to this off-tree initiated method that we will call the on-tree initiated method. With the on-tree initiated approach, nodes that are already in the ACK tree and that are able to accept further successors periodically send a multicast invitation message. To reduce network load and to ensure locality these invitation messages can also be sent with an increasing time-to-live value. [Hof96] uses such an on-tree initiated ap-proach with a special TTL distribution that ensures that with increasing scope the frequen-cy of invitation messages decreases. If a joining node receives more than one invitation message it can choose the best predecessor based on quality metrics [Hof96]. Some pro-tocols like Lorax [LLG96] or TRAM [CEA98] combine on-tree and off-tree initiated ap-proaches.Our simulation studies consider only the off-tree initiated approach. One disadvantage of this approach compared to the on-tree initiated approach is that the underlying network must provide bidirectional multicast, this means all joining nodes must be able to send multicast messages. The advantage of this approach is that the network is not congested due to periodically sent multicast invitation messages. Note that these messages are sent even if no new node wants to join the tree.To give a complete overview it must be mentioned that some protocols extend the routers’functionality [LC98, LGT98, PPV98]. With support on the network level it is possible that no separate ACK tree must be established. Instead the multicast routing tree must be used for both tasks, routing and reliable message delivery. However, this approach re-quires changes in routers, and even in some of these protocols the routers itself are respon-RR R R RTTL = 1 TTL = 2TTL = 3RouterLAN Figure 1: Increasing search radius of ERSRsible for layer 4 error recovery, which does not conform with the layered architecture of the Internet.3The Token Repository Service Approach for Building ACK Trees3.1Overview of the Token Repository ServiceIn this section we describe a new method to build ACK trees. We assume that there exists a global token repository service, which is responsible for all multicast groups. When a k-bounded node, i.e. a node that is able to accept up to k successors, joins a group, k tokens are created and stored in the repository, where the joining node is called the tokens’ own-er. Each of these tokens contains at least the information about their multicast group and owner. Besides this necessary information, a token may contain further information, such as the height of the owner in the ACK tree, which is used to create well-shaped ACK trees. If a node wants to join the tree, it simply asks the token repository service for a token. If there is more than one token available, the “best” token with regard to the height is chosen. The token repository depicted in Figure 2 contains tokens due to former join group oper-ations. Node N wants to join the ACK tree and therefore asks the repository for a token. The token repository service delivers one token to N and removes it out of the repository. The token gives the right to connect to node N2 in the ACK tree. If N wants to accept k successor nodes itself, k tokens of N are created in the repository service.Due to scalability reasons, token information is distributed in a hierarchical manner. In other words, the token repository service is implemented by a hierarchy of servers. Each token repository server, repServer in short, is responsible for a particular domain, consist-ing of a set of nodes (see Figure 3 and Figure 4). The domains of leaf repServers consists of distinct nodes. The domain of an inner repServer is the union of its successors’ do-mains. Typically all nodes within a domain are closer to each other than to nodes in an-other domain, where closer can mean lower delay, less hops or lower message loss prob-ability, for example.3.2Group Management OperationsFor creating and maintaining multicast groups, the four operations to create a group, de-lete a group, join a group and leave a group are necessary. As already mentioned above, all operations are issued at leaf repServers.When a new group is created, the leaf repServer must create tokens and establish the search structure in the repServer hierarchy. The number of tokens to be created depends on the processing power and reliability of the ACK tree node, the more reliable and more powerful a node is the more tokens are created. While the created tokens are stored locally on the leaf repServer, the establishment of the search structure involves all repServers on the path from the leaf repServer to the root repServer. The leaf repServer forwards the cre-ate group operation to its predecessor, which itself forwards it to its predecessor. This con-tinues until the root repServer is reached. Every involved repServer creates a search struc-ture to allow subsequent join operations to search for tokens.The search structure associated with a group is a bit vector, consisting of k entries, where k is the number of successor repServers. Each bit in the vector represents one successor repServer where the bit is set to one if there is a token of this group in the successor’s do-main.When the search structures are created due to a create group operation, each search struc-ture contains exactly one bit set to one, corresponding to the successor repServer that for-wards the create group operation. All other bits in the vector are set to zero. Since the to-ken repository service is responsible for all existing reliable multicast groups, each inner server has in general several search structures, one for each known group in this domain. When a new node wants to join the ACK tree, it asks its leaf repServer for delivering a token. If the requested token is locally available, the leaf repServer returns this token to the joining node, deletes this token and creates a new set of tokens for the joining node. Otherwise, the tree structure of the token repository service is used to search for a token. The token search is forwarded in a leaf-to-root-direction until a repServer is found that has a search structure for this group with at least one bit set to one. Then the second search phase in root-to-leaf-direction is started. The search request is forwarded according to the information in the search structures until a leaf repServer is reached. This leaf repServer hands over a token to the searching leaf repServer, which itself hands over the token tothe joining node and creates new tokens for this node. In general, if a token must be de-livered either to a new multicast group member or a searching leaf node and there is more than one token for this group available, always the “best” token is taken. The best token can be the token which leads to the least height in the ACK tree or the least error proba-bility for example.A join operation may require the search structures to be updated. On the one hand, it is possible that the token delivering leaf repServer hands over its last token and therefore cannot deliver further tokens. On the other hand, the searching leaf repServer now has to-kens itself and hence is able to deliver tokens to other leaf repServers. In both cases, an update operation is sent to the predecessor indicating that the search structure is to be up-dated accordingly. If this affects the token availability in the domain of the predecessor node, the update operation if forwarded again to the next predecessor.When a node leaves a group, its tokens at the leaf repServer are deleted and if necessary, an update operation to the predecessor initiated. Furthermore, a new token must be created for the leaving node's owner at the corresponding leaf repServer and again if necessary, an update operation to the predecessor repServer initiated.A group is deleted in the token repository service by removing all tokens and search struc-tures of this group. This is achieved by forwarding the delete group operation to the pre-decessor until the root node is reached and to every successor repServer that has a token for this group in its domain.3.3Fault ToleranceIn the previous section, we have described the token repository service approach without taking into account possible error conditions like repServer crashes or network partition-ing. Our protocol is able to handle such errors as we will see in this section. We do not consider message loss here since we assume a reliable unicast transport protocol like TCP. Due to performance reasons tokens and search structures are stored in volatile memory. The only information stored in stable memory is the tree structure of the token repository service, i.e. every repServer stores its predecessor and successor servers.If a repServer fails, its search structures and tokens are lost and will not be explicitly re-covered after restarting. To cope with this information loss we assume, that the update op-erations are sent periodically which leads to a recovering of the search structures. If a leaf repServer has lost its token and cannot process a join operation, a token search is started. If the search does not succeed, i.e. no token is found at all, ERS is used. After a predeces-sor node in the ACK tree is found with ERS, the new created tokens are handed over to the token repository service. Consequently, subsequent join operations can be handled by the token repository service again. The effects of a network partition are similar to a rep-Server failure. A partition may lead to inconsistent search structure and token information but at least with ERS it is always possible to join a group and to deliver new tokens to the repository service.Due to these mechanisms the token repository service is able to tolerate any number of node failures and network partitions. Even if no repServer at all is available, it is always ensured that a new node can join the ACK tree.4SimulationsWe have run simulations with the NS2 Network Simulator [NS2] to compare ERS with the token repository service with regards to the quality of the created ACK tree, scalability and round trip delay between leaf nodes and the ACK tree root node.4.1Simulation ScenarioOur scenarios consist of different networks with 100 to almost 2000 nodes connected by duplex links. The networks are generated with Tiers [Tiers]. The bandwidths are in gen-eral 10Mbps for LANs, 100Mbps for MANs and 1000Mbps for WANs. The link delays are chosen randomly from 1ms to 3ms for LANs, 1ms to 8ms for MANs and from 5ms to 19ms for WANs. Although all results presented in this paper are based on networks gen-erated with Tiers we have also used GT-ITM [GT-ITM] to generate flat, stub and hierar-chical networks. The results between this two network generators differ only slightly. We use the distance vector multicast routing protocol (DVMRP) [WPD88] and core based tree (CBT) [Bal97]. All routers in the network use drop tail queues. Our simulation sce-nario does not consider error situations, i.e. messages are delivered reliably, nodes do not fail and the network is not partitioned.The used token repository service is a complete two bounded tree, i.e. every inner repS-erver in the tree has two successor repServers. It consists of 8 leaf repServers which re-sults in a total amount of 15 repServers for the whole tree. For minimizing the round trip delay in the created ACK tree it is crucial to form domains consisting of nodes with small delays between them. Therefore, the simulations to measure the round trip delay are run with a repository service tree configured by hand, while all other simulations use a non optimized repository service tree.We have run simulations with different background traffic conditions. The background traffic consists of randomly placed senders and receivers of TCP traffic. The traffic of a sender is exponentially distributed. Although our simulations were run on a Sun Ultra 2 with 296MHz and 1,4GB main memory it was unfortunately not possible to simulate highly background load with the given network bandwidth. Therefore, we had to decrease the bandwidths to 100Kbps for LANs, 1Mbps for MANs and 10Mbps for WANs to run the simulations with background traffic.In the simulations, between 50 and 200 randomly chosen nodes join the ACK tree. All presented results are based on join operations that are evenly distributed in time and space. We have also run further simulations with exponential and normal distributions, which leads to the same results.4.2Simulation ResultsIn the first experiment, we have examined if the ACK trees built are well-shaped. We as-sume that the ACK tree is k-bounded by a constant k that is the same for all nodes in the tree. This means every on-tree node can accept up to k successors. We say an ACK tree is well-shaped if its height is almost the minimum height of a k-bounded tree with the same amount of nodes. Well-shaped ACK trees are advantageous because in general the round trip delay between the root node and the leaf nodes is lower due to less intermediate nodes. Also it is more critical if inner nodes fail or leave the tree than if leaf nodes do. This is another advantage of well-shaped ACK trees because they have less inner nodes and more leaf nodes and thus the probability that the tree must be reorganized is lower.Our first result is that ERS does not produce well-shaped ACK trees. While varying k in the range from 2 to 40, the average branching varies only between 2 and 3 with DVMRPACK tree nodes. Our result shows that in contrast to ERS, the token repository service scales very well with background traffic.We have compared the ACK tree round trip delay between ERS and the token repository service. The round trip delay is the time period between sending a multicast message and receiving the last aggregated acknowledgment at the ACK tree root node. Our simulation results show that the token repository service leads to only slightly increased round trip times compared to ERS with DVMRP. In our simulation runs with different background loads and different randomly chosen join operations the difference is only about 6%. If ERS with CBT routing is used, the token repository service achieves even better results than ERS. The round trip delays with the token repository service are about 10% better than with ERS.Our results indicate that ERS depends greatly on the multicast routing protocol, the net-work size and the background traffic. The scalability of ERS in networks with higher background load is very poor. Furthermore, we have shown that ERS leads to a higher net-work load and processing power requirements of the ACK tree nodes the more nodes the network contain. Although ERS always searches for the closest predecessor our simula-tions show that the token repository service leads to round trip delays in the ACK tree that are almost identical to ERS or even lower if a core based multicast routing mechanism is used.5ConclusionsWe have presented a new fault tolerant and efficient approach for building multicast ACK trees called token repository service. The token repository service has been simulated and its behavior compared to expanding ring search in different situations and with different parameters. It has been shown that the token repository service scales better than expand-ing ring search and that it results in better shaped ACK trees.We are currently working on improvements for the token repository service. The metrics we consider so far when choosing a predecessor node is the height of the ACK tree, the distance from the joining node to the predecessor node and the processing power of the predecessor. It is possible to extend the token repository service with further metrics such as the error probability of the predecessor node. To react on changing conditions it maybe reasonable to allow dynamically changes in these values. For example, the processing power is modeled by the amount of created tokens. If the processing power changes, it is possible to add more tokens or to delete some tokens if not all of them are already used. If we use the error probability as a further metric, the ACK tree node can report changes of its error probability, measured by the amount of lost packets for example, to its leaf repServer, too. With these mechanisms we are confident that the quality of the created ACK trees can be further improved.6References[Bal97]Ballardie, A.: Core Based Trees (CBT version 2) Multicast Routing, RFC 2189, 1997[Bog83]Boggs, D.: Internet Broadcasting, Ph.D. Th., XEROX Palo Alto Research Center, Technical Report CSL-83-3, 1983[CEA98]Chiu, D. 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