制定科学合理的长期发展规划,确保文化 遗产旅游产业的可持续发展,为后代留下 丰富的历史文化遗产。
严格实施文物保护法、文化遗产保护法等法律法规,加大 对违法行为的惩处力度,确保世界文化遗产的安全与完整 。
积极参与国际文化遗产保护合作,与其他国家共同研究和 探讨世界文化遗产保护的经验与做法,共同推动全球文化 遗产事业的发展。
利用先进的数字化技术,对世界 文化遗产进行高精度数字化记录 ,实现文物信息的永久保存和全
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基于文化遗产的分布与特色,设计多样化的旅游 线路,如文化遗产专线、跨区域联游线路等,以 满足不同游客群体的需求。
深入挖掘文化遗产的内涵与价值,开发具有知识 产权的文化遗产旅游商品,如文创产品、艺术品 等。
借助虚拟现实、增强现实等技术手段,提供沉浸 式的文化遗产旅游体验,让游客更深入地了解文 化遗产的历史与内涵。
故宫是中国明清两代的皇宫,是中国古代政治、文化、宗教等方面 的中心,对于研究中国古代历史和文化具有重要意义。
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秦始皇陵及其陪葬坑中出土了大量的珍贵文物和艺术品,如兵马俑、金 缕玉衣等,这些文物和艺术品是研究中国古代政治、军事、文化等方面 的重要材料。
世界文化遗产是人类共同的财富 ,保护世界文化遗产有助于传承 人类文明,维护世界文化多样性 ,促进国际交流与合作。
中国文化概况 复习资料
Chapter 1The Origin of Chinese Culture文化词汇Confucian philosophy 儒家哲学Confucius孔子Mencius孟子the descendants of Y an and Huang 炎黄子孙the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States Periods 春秋战国时期The Art of War《孙子兵法》porcelain 瓷器三皇五帝Three Emperors and Five Sovereigns)Gregorian calendar/ solar calendar格里高利历,是国际通用的历法,即公历lunar calendar阴历the Twenty-four Solar Terms二十四节气Chinese Zodiac生肖Chinese Culture---Past and PresentChinese history began with two legendary figures—Emperor Huang and Emperor Yan, who, together with their tribes, inhabited the drainage area along the middle reaches(中游)of the Yellow River. By the time of Xia Dynasty, after centuries of living side by side, these two tribes had gradually merged into(合并,融合)one. Consequently, the Chinese people usually call themselves “the descendants of Yan and Huang”.People at that time believed that the land they lived on was the center of the world, and called their state the "Middle Kingdom"(中国), thus giving China its country name.Traditional Chinese culture is recorded not only in history books and documents, but also in archeological records(考古记载), such as ancient city walls, palaces(宫殿), temples(寺庙), pagodas(宝塔), and grottos(洞窟); artifacts(史前古器物), such as bronze objects, weapons, bronze mirrors, coins, jade and pottery objects, and curios; and folk culture, including song and dance, embroidery(刺绣), cuisine(烹饪), clothing, tea ceremonies, drinking games, lanterns, riddles, martial arts(武术), chess and kites. With a continuous history of 5,000 years, it has undergone frequent transformations to produce a rich and vital cultural heritage.In the modern day, with the rise of western economic and military power beginning in the mid-19th century, Western systems of social and political organization have gained adherents in China. Indeed, within today’s globalized environment, modern cultures interact and cooperate increasingly more with each other. China’s culture of the future will most likely reflect this cross-cultural dimension. Thus, obtaining a solid understa nding of China’s culture of the past is necessary in order to successfully embrace all that the culture has to offer to the world.The Appellation of ChinaChina is the appellation of our country given by foreigners. The porcelain china is the transliteration of the place name Changnan(昌南), which was the old name for Jingdezhen(景德镇). The porcelain made in Changnan was smooth and bright, and earned another name of artificial jade. It became famous both home and abroad and was exported to Europe in large quantities.As time passed, people in Europe forgot the meaning of Changnan and switched the original meaning of porcelain of the word “china” to the place of its origin.The Alternative Names of China⏹Chixian, Shenzhou(赤县、神州)⏹Jiuzhou (九州)⏹Hua ( 华)⏹Huaxia(华夏)⏹Zhonghua(中华)⏹Hainei(海内)Chinese MythologyChinese Mythology is a collection of cultural history, folktales(民间故事), and religions that have been passed down in oral or written form. Chinese mythology is similar to modern religion in that they both believe in relationships between mankind and a higher power.Historians have conjectured(推测)that Chinese mythology began in 12th century BC (close to the time of the Trojan War 特洛伊战争). The myths and legends were passed down in oral form for over a thousand years, before being written down in early book such as Shui Jing Zhu and Shan Hai Jing.The classification of myth神话的分类Creation myth 创世神话:Nvwa Created Man(女娲造人)Hero myth 英雄神话:Houyi Shooting the Sun(后羿射日)War myth 战争神话:Yellow Emperor Tackled Human-God(黄帝擒蚩尤)Cultural MosaicHeavenly Stems and Earthly BranchesThe standard Gregorian calendar is generally referred to as the solar calendar in China. The traditional Chinese lunar calendar, also known as the Jiazi calendar, counts the years in sixty-year cycles by combining two series of numbers---the 10 Heavenly Stems and 12 Earthly Branches.The Twenty-four Solar TermsThe traditional Chinese lunar year is divided into twenty-four solar terms, according to the position of the sun on the ecliptic in relationship to the earth. The solar terms designate agricultural periods, and can predict changing seasonal conditions, temperature, and weather throughout the course of the year. They are extremely important to agricultural production.Changes in the four seasons are determined by eight solar terms:立春( the Beginning of Spring),春分( the Spring Equinox ),立夏(the Beginning of Summer ),夏至(the Summer Solstice),立秋(the Beginning of Autumn),秋分( the Autumnal Equinox),立冬( the Beginning of Winter),冬至(the Winter Solstice )Changes in temperature are indicated by five solar terms:小暑Slight Heat ,大暑Great Heat ,处暑the Limit of Heat ,小寒Slight Cold ,大寒Great ColdChanging weather conditions are indicated by seven solar terms:雨水Rain Water ,谷雨Grain Rain ,白露White Dew ,寒露Cold Dew,霜降Frost's Descent ,小雪Slight Snow ,大雪Great Snow .Recurring natural phenomena are indicated by four solar terms:惊蛰the Waking of Insects ,清明Pure Brightness ,小满Grain Full,芒种Grain in EarChinese ZodiacIn ancient times, our ancestors counted the years with 10 heavenly stems and 12 earthly branches. Although this was scientific, most people were illiterate and could not memorize or calculate easily. Thus the animals that influenced people's lives were chosen to symbolize the terrestrial branches: the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey , rooster, dog and pig.Chapter 2 Culinary Culture文化词汇culinary厨房的,烹饪的;烹调用的cuisine烹饪,烹调法;菜肴main food主食,主粮(staple food )Fire temperature火候food tonic 食补“Food is the first necessity of the people”(“民以食为天。
Chinese world heritage
黄龙风景名胜区位于四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州松潘县。面积700平方公里, 如同一条金色巨龙蜿蜒而下,以彩池、雪山、森林、峡谷、瀑布而著称。主要景观 集中于长约3.6公里的黄龙沟,沟内遍布碳酸钙华沉积。并呈梯田状排列,以丰富 的动植物资源享誉人间,享有“世界奇观”“人间瑶池”等美誉。1992年列入《世 界自然遗产名录》。 除了高山景观,人们还可以在这里发现各种不同的森林生态
见证了公元前2世纪至公元16世纪期间,亚欧大陆经济、文化、社会发展之间的交 流,尤其是游牧与定居文明之间的交流;它在长途贸易推动大型城镇和城市发展、
水利管理系统支撑交通贸易等方面是一个出色的范例。同时,它与张骞出使西域等 重大历史事件直接相关,深刻反映出佛教、摩尼教、拜火教、祆教等宗教和城市规 划思想等,在古代中国和中亚等地区的传播。
广西桂林喀斯特以及作为贵州荔波喀斯特遗产地拓展的广西环江喀斯特,总面积 1186平方公里,其中提名地面积409平方公里,缓冲地面积777平方公里。 中国南方 喀斯特是世界上最壮观的湿热带-亚热带喀斯特景观之一。它包含了最重要的岩溶地 貌类型,包括塔状岩溶,尖顶岩溶和锥形岩溶地层,以及其他壮观的特征,如天然
界国家森林公园三大景区组成,方圆369平方公里,奇山异峰3000多座,其 中海拔在千米以上的有243座。亿万年前,这里曾是汪洋大海,地球漫长的 造山运动使这里成为宽阔的褶皱地,大自然的神工鬼斧雕琢出武陵源今日之
砂岩、峰林、峡谷地貌,构成了奇峰耸立、怪石峥嵘、溪水潺流的独特自然 景观。
Mount Taishan
There are five sacred mountains in China: Mount Taishan (泰山), Mount Huashan (华山), Mount Hengshan (恒山), Mount Hengshan (衡山), and Mount Songshan (嵩山).
Huanglong is famed for its colorful pools, snow-capped mountains, deep forests, waterfalls and diversified cultures.
讨论 (10 minutes) 学生课件展示 (30 minutes)
World Cultural and Natural Heritages in China
China has a vast territories, abundant natural resources, with many wonderful landscapes and treasured historic sites. A number of these form part of the World Heritage List, a source of great national pride to the Chinese people.
the Lotus Peak
the Guangming peak
Mount Lushan
Mount Lushan was added to the list of World Cultural Heritage in 1996 by UNESCO WHC.
Traditional ValuesChinese culture is deeply rooted in history and rich in traditions. It embodies numerous traditional values and customs. This article will provide an overview of Chinese culture in both Chinese and English.1. Traditional ValuesChinese culture is built upon traditional values that have a profound influence. Confucianism, one of the key pillars of Chinese culture, emphasizes virtues such as benevolence, filial piety, loyalty, and etiquette. Taoism emphasizes the harmony between man and nature and the principle of "non-action".Buddhism emphasizes compassion and self-sacrifice. These philosophies have greatly shaped the behavior and values of the Chinese people.二、艺术与文学中国文化以其丰富多样的艺术形式而闻名。
一、名词解释1、the Grand CanalThe most f amous man-made canal in China is the Grand Canal between Beijing and Hangzhou,1801km in length.It Passes through the city of Tianjin and f our provinces and links f ive major rivers.The canal was open to navigation over 1000 years ago.It played and important role in f acilitating trade between the south and the north and was regarded as the country's transportation and inf orm ation"highway"before the advent of the railway.2、the White Horse TempleThe White Horse Temple,located 21 kilometres east of the Louyang City, Henan Province,was the f irst of f i cially built Buddhist temple in China in the Eastern Han Dynasty.It was named af ter the white horse that carried the Buddhist scriptures from India to Luoyang, then the capital of the country.3、the Book of SongsThe Book of Songs is a collection of China's 305 oldest poems f rom the early Western Zhou Dynasty to the middle Spring and Autumn Period, and is regarded as the earliest realistic literature in China.4、the Four Literary EminencesThe Four Literary Eminences ref er to the f our pre-eminent poets of the early Tang Dynasty, Wang Bo, Y ang Jiong, Luo Binwang, and Lu Zhaolin, the pioneers of Tang poetry.Their poems, in a ref ined language, boast beautif ul tonal patterns and rhyme schemes.5、Beijing OperaBeijing Opera is regarded as China's national opera.Singing, recitation,acting, and acrobatic f ighting are the f our artistic means and the f our basic skills of Beijing Opera.6、Shaanxi OperaShanxi Opera,the oldest of all the Chinese operas that are still in existence today, is the typical opera popular of Shaanxi Province.7、Y ue Opera(越剧)Y ue Opera is one type of traditional local operas that originated in Shengxian County,Zhejiang Province, but it is popular throughout Zhejiang Province and Shanghai as well as in many large and medium-sized cities throughout the country.8、Y ue Opera(粤剧)Y ue Opera is one type of traditional local operas,popular in Guangdong and Guangxi provinces and in Chinese communities in South Asia and America.9、Private SchoolsA private school refers to a school set up by a family, generally with just one teacher who gave individual tuition, and with neither set textbooks nor specif ied time span of study.10、Official SchoolsOff icial Schools began during the Western Zhou Dynasty, and were sponsored by the off ici al constitution called xiangxue.Only children of nobles were admitted.The off icial schooling system included a central school and local schools in diff erent admin istrative regions.The teaching materials were cent ered on The Four Books and The Five Classics.11、Ping-Pong DiplomacyIn April 1971, at the 31st World Table Tennis Tournament in Japan, the Chinese team invited the United States table tennis(Ping-Pong)team to visit China.In 1972, the Chinese table tennis team accepted the invitation to pay return visit to the United States.The f riendly exchange between the table tennis players of the two countries opened the door to warmer relations between the table tennis players of the two countries opened the door to warmer relations between the Chinese and American nations, and become known as "Ping-Pong Diplomacy".12、Spring FestivalSpring Festival, also called the Chinese New Y ear,is China's most important f estival that falls on the 1st day of the 1st lunar month each year.Family members gather just as they do f or Christmas in the West.13、Lantern FestivalThe Lantern Festival, celebrated on the 15t h day of the f irst lunar month, is closely related to the Spring Festival.It marks the end of the New Y ear cel ebrations, f ollowing which lif e returns to normal.14、the Silk RoadThe Silk Road was the main trade route running through Asia in ancient times.It started f rom the Weishui V alley in the east and ended on the east coast of the Mediterranean,f rom where it led to various places around Europe.From the Western Han Dynasty on,China and the West was f ormed, and cultural exchanges and f ri endly visits were promoted.15、Chinese batikBatik is a traditional Chinese f olk art, which combines painting and dyeing.It presents a variety of ethnic styles and is most popular among the Buyi, the Miao and the Y ao ethnic group.16、HuabiaoHuabiao are paired ceremonial columns erected in front of palace or tomb, usually carved with dragon and phoenix patterns, with a transverse-engraved stone slab on its top.17、the BundThe 1.5 km belt along the Huangpu River between Waibaidu Bridge and East Y an'an Road is called the Bund.Here, those European-style buildings, once housed f oreign consulates,banks ,commercial f irms and newspaper off ices, are still in use today.When evening comes, the banks of the Huangpu River are busy with strolling young couples and throngs of f oreign tourists.二、简答1、The development of ancient C hinese philosophyIn general,ancient Chinese philosophy progresses through the f ollowing periods:①The philosophy in pre-Qin timesThe philosophy in pre-Qin times was marked by the emergence of various anci ent philosophical views.The most inf luential schools were Conf uci anism,Taoism, Mohism and Legalism.②The orthodox philosophy during the Han Dynasty③Metaphysics during the Wei and Jin dynasties④The Buddhist philosophy during the Sui and Tang dynasties⑤Neo-Conf uci anism in Song and Ming dynasties⑥Application philosophy in the Ming and Qing dynasties2、The Features of C hinese food①colour, aroma, and taste②cooling method③seasonings④Y in-yang principle⑤Medicinal f unction⑥Eight Regional Cuisines4、The classification of C hinese TeaAlthough there are hundreds of varieties of Chinese tea, they can be classi f i ed into f ive basic categories according to the different techinque involved in processing the tea.The f ive types are green tea, black tea, oolong tea,compressed tea, and scented tea.Some minor types are white tea and yellow tea.The Development of C hinese Philosophy(中国哲学的发展)⏹The philosophy in Pre-Qin times (先秦子学)⏹The orthodox philosophy during the Han Dynasty (两汉经学)⏹Metaphysics during the Wei and Jin dynasties (魏晋玄学)⏹The buddhist philosophy during the Sui and Tang dynasties (隋唐佛学)⏹Neo-confucianism in Song and Ming dynasties (宋明理学)⏹Application philosophy in the Ming and Qing dynasties (明清实学)Chinese Religions(中国的宗教)⏹Indigenous(本土的):Taoist Religion(道教)When the Eight Immortals cross the sea,each demongstrates his/her divine power(八仙过海,各显神通).Dragon-Tiger Mountain is recognised as the most sacred mountain of the Taoist religion.It is the birthplace of the Taoist religion.⏹Foreign:Buddhism,Islam,ChristianityBuddhism(佛教)▪During the Sui and Tang dynasties, Buddhism entered its golden age.▪The theory of Buddhism is based on the theory of samsara (轮回),meaning that living beings orbit around the six spheres of heaven, hell and earth, just like an ever-turning wheel. The path of a Buddhist is to achieve enlightment.▪The cornerstone(观点) of Buddhist philosophy is the view that all lif e is suffering.▪The doctrine of Four Noble Truths (四谛):lif e is suf f ering, the cause of suffering is desire, the answer is to quench (抑制)desire, the way to this end is to f ollow the Eight-Fold Path (八正道).▪The Four Heavenly Kings(四大天王) the statue of Maitreya(弥勒佛:laughing Buddha)The Eighteen Arhats(十八罗汉)▪Buddhism TemplesThe First Buddhist Temple—The White Horse Temple⏹The White Horse Temple, located 21 km east of the Luoyang City, Henan Province, was the f irst off i cially built Buddhisttemple in China in the Eastern Han Dynasty.⏹It was named af ter the white horse that carri ed the Buddhist scriptures f rom India to Luoyang, then the capital of the country. The f amous Buddhist mountains:of the many Buddhist mountains, mount Wutai,mount Emei,mount Putuo and mount Jiuhua are accepted as the f our sacred Buddhist mountains in China.Classical LiteratureDating back to 1000 B.C, the f our civilization of China, India, Egypt and Greece have produced verse in different f orms and f or di ff erent pueposes.chinese verse centred on human lif e and religion and has been one of the two orthodox genres of Chinese literature(the other one is prose).Poetry, one of the earliest artistic f orms, originated f rom f olk songs bef ore the existence of written Chinese. Its contents evolved out of people’s everyday lif e, and ref l ected their labor and entertainment. The Book of Songs (《诗经》) and Poetry of the South (《楚辞》) are regarded as the two peaks of China’s earliest literary.The Book of Songs (《诗经》):A collection of China’s 305 oldest poems f rom the Early Western Zhou Dynasty to the middle Spring and Autumn Period; regarded as the earliest realistic literature in China.Poetry of the South (《楚辞》):•Poetry of the South is derived f rom the songs of the southern state of Chu during the Warring States Period.•It pioneered romanticism in Chinese poetry.•The verse of Poetry of the South is f reer than those of The Book of Songs. It is not f ixed to f our characters per line, and the character of“xi” (兮) is of ten put in the middle or the end of some lines.The Prose of the Pre-Q in Period (先秦子学)▪The prose in the pre-Qin period includes historical prose (历史散文) and philosophical prose (诸子散文).▪Historical prose :The Book of History《尚书》;Spring and Autumn Annals《春秋》;Zuo’s Commentary 《左传》;Intrigues of the Warring States 《战国策》;Discourses of the States 《国语》▪Philosophical prose:Lao Zi (Dao De Jing), Mo Zi, Mencius, Zhuang Zi,The Analects of Conf ucius(老子,《道德经》)Han Dynasty Literature(汉代文学)▪hanfu (汉赋)▪Representative Hanf u:On Faults of Qin 《过秦论》;Records of the Grand Historian《史记》▪yuefu folk songs (汉乐府民歌)It f eatures f ive-character lines and ref lects the reality and lif e of lower-class working people.▪Outstanding Y uef u Folk songs (乐汉府民歌):Southeast the Peacock Flies 《孔雀东南飞》;The Ballads of Mulan 《木兰诗》The Literature in the Wei, Jin, Sout hern and Northern Dynasties(魏晋南北朝)▪A new genreThe stories recording spirits and anecdotes (志人志怪小说)▪Outstanding works of this periodThe Peach Blossom Spring 《桃花源记》The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons《文心雕龙》The Tang Poems(唐诗)•The Complete Anthology of Tang Poems《全唐诗》(The biggest-ever collection of Chinese poetry.)•The development of poet ry in the Tang Dynasty can be cl assif i ed into f our stages: Early Tang, High Tang, Mid Tang and late Tang•Li Bai(李白), the “Celestial Poet (诗仙)”, has long been regarded the greatest romantic poet in Chinese literature.•In his poems, imagination, exaggeration, diction and sonorous rhythms are blended eff ortlessly.•Thinking in the Silent Night 《静夜诗》•Hard is the Road to Shu 《蜀道难》•Dreaming of Sightseeing in the Tianmu Mountains《梦游天姥吟留别》•Du Fu(杜甫)and his poems•Du Fu, the “Saint Poet (诗圣)”, has been considered as the greatest realistic poet in Chinese literature.He developed a depressing and meticulous literary style.•“Three off icers”(三吏) :The Xin’an Off icer 《新安吏》;The Shihao Off icer《石壕吏》;Off i cer at Tongguan Pass《潼关吏》•“Three Partings” (三别) :Parting of the Newly-wed《新婚别》;Parting of the Old《垂老别》;Parting of the Homeless《无家别》Poets in two categories: f rontier poets (边塞诗人), represented by Gao Shi and Cen Shen; pastoral poets (田园诗人) represented by Meng Haoran and Wangwei.Fiction in the Ming and Q ing Dynasty(明清小说)▪Four f amous Chinese classics of literature:Romance of the Three Kingdoms 《三国演义》;Water Margin《水浒传》;Journey to the West《西游记》;Dream of the Red Mansions《红楼梦》(explicit)▪Townsf olk literatureThree V olumes of Words and Two V olumes of Slapping 《三言二拍》▪Satirical novelThe Scholars 《儒林外史》Strange Tales f rom a Scholar’s Studio 《聊斋志异》Great Writers of the 20th Century(20世纪伟大的作家)•Two peaks of Chinese modern literatureThe May 4th Movement(五四运动)in 1919and the opening-up policy in 1978 have produced two peaks of literary prosperity.Eight great writers of the 20th century:Lu Xun, Guo Moruo, Mao Dun, Ba Jin, Laoshe, Cao Y u, Shen Congwen and Ai QingTraditional OperasBeijing Opera(京剧)•Originally Beijing Opera was a form of local theatre. It then spread across the country and becam e the national opera of China.•Singing, recitation, acting, and acrobatic f ighting (唱、念、做、打) are the f our artistic means and the f our basic skills of Beijing Opera.•Each action by the perf ormer is highly symbolic. Feelings and ideas are of ten expressed through these symbolic motions. Sheng, Dan, Jing, and Chou•The characters of Beijing Opera are classi f ied according to sex, age, disposition, prof ession, and social status.•There are f our major roles in Beijing Opera today: sheng (male), dan (f emal e), jing (painted f ace, male) and chou (clown). Other Major Traditional Chinese Opera :Kunqu Opera;Shaanxi Opera;Chuan Opera;Y ue Opera;Huangmei Opera;Y ue OperaThe Development of Traditional Education (传统教育的发展)Private Schools⏹A private school ref ers to a school set up by a f amily, clan, or teacher that generally had just one teacher who gave individ ualtuition, and that had no set textbooks and no specif i ed time span of study.⏹In the Spring and Autumn Period, private schools prevailed and many scholars of different schools of thought spread theirteaching in this way. Among them, the private school run by Conf ucius was the largest and most inf luential.Official Schools⏹Off i cial schools began during the Western Zhou Dynasty, and were sponsored (创办) by the off icial constitution calledXiangxue (乡学: off i cial institutions). Only children of nobles were admitted.⏹The off icial schooling system included a central school and local schools in dif ferent administrative regi ons.⏹The teaching materials were cent ered on the Four Books and the Five Classics (四书五经).{ Four Books:The Great Learning《大学》;The Doctrine of Mean ;《中庸》The Analects of Conf ucius《论语》;Mencius《孟子》;Five Classics:The Book of Poems 《诗经》The Book of History《尚书》;The Book of Rites《礼记》;The Book of Changes《易经》;The Spring and Autumn Annals《春秋》}Higher schoolUndergraduate studies cover basic courses, speci alty basic courses, and specialty courses. college and university students also have a wide choi ce of extracurri cular(课外)activities and every institution of higher learning has a student association practicing “self-managem ent,self-education,and self-servi ce.”Ancient Science and TechnologyThe Four Major Inventions:Compass;Papermaking;Gunpowder;PrintingA compass vehicle (指南车) was an ancient Chinese vehicle equipped with many gear wheels and a wooden f igure that always pointed south no matter which direction the vehicle went. It’s an earlier and more primitive f orm of the compass.Traditional C hinese Medicine(TCM)Traditional Chinese painting, Beijing Opera, and traditional Chinese medicine are known throughout the world as the three treasures of China.Traditional Chinese medicine is very diff erent from Western Medicine in its means of diagnosis, treatment and its composition of drugs and prescriptions(药方).•Listening, smelling, inquiring, observing, and f eeling the pulse (望、闻、问、切) are f our diagnostic (诊断的) methods in traditional Chinese medicine.Li Shizhen (李时珍) of the Ming Dynasty, whose monument al masterpiece, Compendium of Meteria Medica (本草纲目),eight hundred and thirty-f ive years earlier than the next pharmacopeia(药典)in the world。
Chapter 1答案1. 1) c 2) b 3) a 4) d 5) c2. 6) Sumerian, Egyptian, Chinese characters7) red, rectangular, five stars8) form, sound, meaning9) family name, the given name, xing, shi, ming, zi3.10) a. the Imperial palace/the Forbidden City b. nature reserve c. autonomous region d. special administrative region11) a. the Han nationality b. ethical tradition c. social status d. Chinese character4. Explain the following in English.12) paper making, printing, the compass and gunpowder.13) 甲骨文,钟鼎文,小篆,隶书,楷书5. Answer the following questions.14) Chinese characters mainly have four ways of formation, namely pictographs, indicatives, ideatives and harmonics.15) A person‟s ming and zi were normally given by his or her elders. Hao was different from both min g and zi in that it waschosen by oneself rather than by others. A person often had more than one hao. Hao was not used to address one another but as a signature in one‟s poetic and artistic works. Hao usually revealed one‟s aspirations and moral values.16) A Chinese surname is generally composed of one character or syllable, such as Zhang, Wu, Li, or Yang. There are alsotwo-syllable, three-syllable or even four-syllable surnames, such as Ouyang, Zhuge, Sima, Gongsun, Zhukehun, Buliugu, Houmochen and Jingjiangliushi.Chapter 2答案1.Multiple choice (choose the best answer).1) c 2) d 3) a 4) d 5) a2. Fill in the blanks.6) 221 B.C.7) Silk Road, Chang'an, Xinjiang, Mediterranean Sea8) Opium War9) Sun Yat-sen, feudal monarchical system3. Translate the following terms into English.10) a. the Paleolithic Era b. the Neolithic Age c. slave society d. Dream of Red Mansions11) a. painted pottery b. the spring and Autumn Period c. socialist market economyd. Opium War4. Explain the following in English.12) During the reign of Emperor Wudi (Liu Che, r. 140-87 B.C.), the Han regime reached the period of its greatest prosperity:The emperor conquered the Xiongnu nomads, and sent Zhang Qian as envoy to the Western Regions (Central Asia), and in the process pioneered the route known as the "Silk Road" from the Han capital Chang'an (today's Xi'an, Shaanxi Province), through Xinjiang and onward, finally reaching the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea.13) During the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods, philosophy and other branches of scholarship wereunprecedentedly thriving, with the representatives of various schools vying with each other in writing books to discuss politics and analyze society. Hence the appearance of a situation in which "a hundred schools of thought contended."5. Answer the following questions.14) The Opium War was the turning point in Chinese history in that it marked the close of the ancient period and the beginningof the modern history.15) The reason why the construction of the Dujiang Dam was so important in Chinese ancient times is that it made possiblerationalized irrigation supply, flood diversion and sand discharge.16) During his reign, Qin Shi Huang standardized the script, currencies, and weights and measures, established the system ofprefectures and counties, and constructed the world-renowned Great Wall as well as a large palace, mausoleum and temporary regal lodges respectively in Xianyang, Lishan and other places. In addition, the life-size terracotta horses and armored warriors excavated from sites near the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang are known as the eighth wonder of the world.Chapter 3答案1.Multiple choice (choose the best answer).1) d 2) b 3) a 4) b 5) d2. Fill in the blanks.6) 3000, 727) li, yi, yi8) Mo Zi9) Xun Zi, nature, materialism, atheism3. Translate the following terms into English.10) a. Confucianism b. (Sun Wu‟s) the Art of War c. Confucian analects d. Second Sage11) a. the feudal landlord class b. conservatism c. the policy of benevolence d. the nine-square field system4. Explain the following in English.12) The six documents (The Six Classics) under Confucius compilation include Shi (The Book of Songs), Shu (Collection ofAncient Texts), Li (The Rites), Yue (The Music), Yi (I Ching, or The Classic of Changes), and Chun Qiu (The Spring and Autumn Annuals), which are considered as the classics of Confucianism.13) Mencius believed that human beings are good by nature. He held that this goodness is innate and can be acquired withoutlearning or thinking; one‟s natural goodness is presented by the exercise of benevolence, righteousness, proprieties and prudence. Evil comes into being when one rejects their natural goodness.5. Answer the following questions.14) According to Mencius, the ideal moral personality is that one should never be “corrupted by neither riches nor honors,shaken by neither poverty nor adversity, faltered by neither threats nor force”.15) Han Feizi argued that human nature is basically selfish, and thus the social order can be maintained only when the rulerimposes rules and his subjects must obey without questioning and enforces them with strict punishments. As a moral and ethical system, “ren” is the central theme of Confucius Analects, which focuses on human love that is hierarchical and differentiated. Thus Confucius created his version of humanism. In his idea, human nature is partially good and partially evil. Based on “ren”, Confucius objected to the fantastic powers that confused the human spirit.16) As one of the greatest thinkers and educators in the history of China, Confucius‟ contributions lie in the following thre easpects. Firstly, he compiled and preserved literary works of three generations. The six documents (The Six Classics) under his compilation, including Shi (The Book of Songs), Shu (Collection of Ancient Texts), Li (The Rites), Yue (The Music), Yi (I Ching, or The Classic of Changes), and Chun Qiu (The Spring and Autumn Annuals), are considered as the classics of Confucianism. Secondly, Confucius established a system of philosophical thoughts with “ren”(benevolence) as its fundamental virtue. Thirdly, Confucius established private schools and founded a systematic educational framework.Chapter 4答案1.Multiple choice (choose the best answer).1) d 2) d 3) b 4) b 5) c2. Fill in the blanks.6) naturalistic, primitive7) the simplicity, true nature, selfishness, desire8) Old Master9) the social order, individual freedom3. Translate the following terms into English.10) a. prehistoric times b. pessimism c. Taoism d. men-cosmos correspondence11) a. Chinese martial arts b. astrology c. Chinese alchemy d. social order4. Explain the following in English.12) compassion, moderation, and humility13) Mount Longhu (Mount Dragon and Tiger) in Jiangxi Province, Mount Qingcheng in Sichuan Province, Mount Wudang inHubei Province, and Mount Qiyun in Anhui Province.5. Answer the following questions.14) The core of Lao Zi‟s thought is “Tao” (the Way), by whi ch he refered to the condition of the universe before the creation ofthe heaven and the earth. Therefore, it is from Tao that all the elements of the universe are derived. Reversal enables Tao to have a circular movement, that is, when the development of anything brings it to one extreme, a reversal to the other extreme takes place.15) Taoism is one of the most important religions in China, which refers to a variety of related philosophical and religioustraditions and concepts. These traditions have influenced East Asia for over two thousand years and some have spread to the West. As the native religion of China, Daoism, together with Confucianism and Buddhism, comprises the main body of traditional Chinese culture. Daoists, in pursuit of the ideal of becoming immortals by practicing Dao, made great efforts to transcend conventional wisdom about life and knowledge and thus helped both to define ancient science in China and to advance it through a great number of inventions. Chinese alchemy, astrology, cuisine, several Chinese martial arts, Chinese traditional medicine, fengshui, and many styles of qigong breath training disciplines have been intertwined with Daoism throughout history.16) Lao Zi‟s “ruling by non-action or inaction” reflects the exploration of an intellectual for the ultimate solution of the socialorder and individual freedom. His pursuit of vacuity and action through non-action echoes the reality of his time, a period torn by ceaseless wars among states. Lao Zi used the term broadly with simplicity and humility as key virtues, often in contrast to selfish action. On a political level, it means avoiding wars, harsh laws and heavy taxes. For him, it was more important to “see the simplicity, to realize one‟s true nature, to cast off selfishness, and to temper desire”.Chapter 5答案1. Multiple choice (choose the best answer).1) c 2) c 3) a 4) a 5) d2. Fill in the blanks.6) the Han Dynasty, the Sui and Tang7) Confucianism, Taoism8) Wutai, the “roof of northern China”9) Buddhist temples, 76 temples, first3. Translate the following terms into English.10) a. Buddhism b. meditation c. Confucianism d. Buddhist temple11) a. the Great Buddha Hall b. Buddhist scripture c. joss stick d. summer resort4. Explain the following in English.12) The Four Wonders of Mount Emei are the “Golden Summit Sunrise”, “Sea of Clouds”, “Buddha‟s Halo” and the “Holy Lamp”.13) The Ten Schools of Chinese Buddhism are as follows:a. Reality School or Kosa School or Abhidharma School.b. Satysiddhi School or Cheng-se School.c. Three Sastra School or San-lun School.d. The Lotus School or T'ien-t'ai School.e. The Garland School or Hua-yen.f. Intuitive School or Ch'an School or Dhyana School.g. Discipline School or Lu School or Vinaya School.h. Esoteric School or Chen-yien School or Mantra School.i. Dharmalaksana School or Ch'u-en School or Fa-siang School.j. Pure-land School or Sukhavati School or Ching-t'u School.5. Answer the following questions.14) The cornerstone of Buddhist philosophy is the view that all life is suffering.15) the doctrine of Four Noble Truths refers to: life is suffering, the cause of suffering is desire, the answer is to quench desire,and the way to this end is to follow the Eight-Fold Path, which consists of right knowledge, right thought, right speech, right behavior, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness and right concentration.16) When Li Bai, famous Chinese poet of the Tang Dynasty, was invited to Mount Jiuhua, he was overwhelmed by the scene ofnine peaks that look like lotus blooms from heaven. Out of admiration he composed the lines: “Two forces preserve between the World and the Heaven; Nine lotuses blossom on the Jiuhua Mountain.” Since then the mountain has been attracting men of letters throughout the ages, and thus Jiuhua obtained its fame.Chapter 6答案1 Multiple choice (choose the best answer).1) d 2) d 3) d 4) d2 Fill in the blanks.5) Feng, Ya, Song, Fu, Bi, Xing6) The Classic of Poetry; The Classic of History; The Classic of Rites; The Classic of Rites; The Classic of Changes; The Spring and Autumn Annals.7) Feng (Ballads); Ya (Odes); Song (Sacrificial Songs)3 Translate the following terms into English8) a. The Great Learning b. The Analects of Confucius9) a. The Doctrine of the Mean b. The Classic of History10) a. The Classic of Changes b. The Four Books and Five Classics4 Explain the following in English.11) “Confucius Way of the Heart” means if everyone makes strict demands on himself/herself, and does everything according to the Confucian rites, then the relations between the king and the minister, the father and the son will eventually be harmonized, and the society will go smoothly.12) “To know something is not so good as to like it; to like it is not so good as to delight in it.” It means a person who pr efers it can learn better than one who merely understands it; but a person who delights in it learns even better than one who only prefers it.5. Answer the following questions.略Chapter 7答案1 Multiple choice (choose the best answer).1) a 2) b 3) a 4) a2 Fill in the blanks.5)controlling flood, Yv the Great, Shun6)Pan Gu, Nv Wa, her own modal, yellow clay3 Translate the following terms into English7)a. the descendants of Yan and Huang b. Yv the Great controlling the flood8)a. the Eight Immortals crossing the sea. b. Nv Wa creating man9)a. Pan Gu creating the world b.Kua Fu chasing the Sun4 Answer the following questions.10)Huang Di is resourceful in invention as well as in war and is credited with the invention of many things, like carts and boats, clothes, houses, writing and silkworm breeding and Silk weaving. Yan Di is credited with the invention of farming and medicine. He invented the wooden plow and taught people how to treat diseases. Wars urged the mixture and the assimilation of different tribes and eventually formed a tribal alliance of Huang Di and Yan Di. Traditions has it that Chinese civilization originated from the era of Huang Di and Yan Di, for they are the ancestors of the Chinese people. That is why the Chinese call themselves the descendants of Yan and Huang.11)略5 Retell the stories with the help of the following pictures.略Chapter 8答案:1 Multiple choice (choose the best answer).1) a 2)d 3)d 4) a2 Fill in the blanks.5) the guti verse forms, jinti verse forms, classical, verse form, moder6) Shijing7) Li Sao8) Sage Poet, the greatest realist poet9) Su Shi, Li Qingzhao3 Translate the following terms into English10) a. Tang Poems b. Songci11) a. yuanqu b. Chuci4 Explain the following in English12) Yuefu originally referred to the “music bureau” in the Han Dynasty, responsible for collecting or writing poems, folk son gs and ballads, and having them set to music. Later, poems, folk songs and ballads collected and compiled by yufu were given the name Yuefu.13) Ci is a kind of poetry written to certain tunes with strict tonal patterns and rhyme schemes, in fixed numbers of lines and words, originated in Tang Dynasty and fully developed in Song Dynasty.14) Apart from the above verse forms, there is also Fu, it‟s something between poetry and prose, similar to rhapsody: a descriptive poem, and much cultivated from Han times to the Six Dynasties. Examples are Su Shi's “Fu on the Red Cliff”, Ban Gu‟s Rhapsody on Two Capitals”, etc.5 Answer the following questions略Chapter 9答案:1 Multiple choice (choose the best answer).1) b 2)d 3)c 4) d 5)a 6)d2 Fill in the blanks.7) A Dream of Red Mansions, The Pilgrim to the West, Romance of theThree Kingdoms, and Outlaws of the Marsh.8) Monkey King9) Cao Xueqin , Gao E10) Wei, Shu, Wu11) Jin Ping Mei12) The Family, The Spring and The Autumn3 Translate the following terms into English13) a. vernacular novel b. Grand View Garden14) a. trilogy Torrent b. Three Kingdoms4 Explain the following in English.15) Hua Ben is actually a kind of monologue for actors to tell stories to the lower-class audience who were unable to read forthemselves.16) The Grand View Garden is a large landscaped interior garden in the classic Chinese novel Dream of the Red Chamber, builtwithin the compounds of the Rongguo Mansion. It is the setting for much of the story. When the Jia family estates are confiscated, the Garden is ransacked. Being farther from the inner apartments, it is also destroyed by the Imperial Guards.5. Answer the following questions.略6. Group Discussion略Chapter 10答案:1 Multiple choice (choose the best answer).1) b 2)a 3)b 4) a2 Fill in the blanks.5) Qin-Han6) Four Great Playwrights of Yuan Dynasty7) The Midsummer Snow, Raindrops on Phoenix Tree , Autumn in the Han Palace and The Orphan of the Zhao‟s3 Translate the following terms into Chinese8) a. 《牡丹亭》b. 《窦娥冤》9) a. 《梧桐雨》b. 《汉宫秋》10) a. 《赵氏孤儿》b. 《雷雨》4 Explain the following in English.11) Kunqu is one of the oldest and most refined styles of Chinese opera. It is regarded as the …mother‟ of Chinese theatre, having spawned many other forms, and is listed as one of UNESCO‟s Masterpieces of t he Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity.12) The Peony Pavilion is the most frequently piece played in Chinese Kunqu Opera by Tang Xianzu. The story takes place in the Southern Song period: Du Liniang, a sheltered, lonely girl of sixteen, dreams of a handsome young scholar. Saddened that he was only a dream, she pines away. Before she dies, she paints a self-portrait and hides it in the garden. Her mother buries her under a plum tree, and a shrine is erected to her memory.Liu Mengmei, an impoverished scholar, and dreams of a beautiful young woman under a plum tree who prophesies that only she will bring him happiness. While traveling, he finds Du Liniang's portrait, and falls in love with the image. Liniang‟s ghost appears. Convinced of Mengmei's love, s he reveals that she is a ghost, but that she can be revived. Braving his own fears, Mengmei opens the grave. Liniang returns to life.5. Answer the following questions.略。
图书目录:PartI Introductionchapter1 An OverviewPartII Chinese Culture,Education,Sciencd and TechnologyChapter2 Philosophy and Religions Chapter3 LiteratureChapter4 ArtsChapter5 EducationChapter6 Science and Technology Chapter7 SportsPartIII Folk CustomsChapter 8 Traditional Festival Chapter 9 Culinary Culture Chapter 10 Dress and Adornments Chapter 11 ArchitecturePart IV TourismChapter 12 Major Tourist Cities Chapter 13 World Heritage Sites Chapter 14 Travel TipsKey to Exercises。
中国历史与文化 概论1
A SURVEY OF CHINESE CULTURE1 An overview2 Philosophy and religions3 Literature4 Arts5 Education6 Science and technology7 Sports8 Traditional festivals9 Culinary(烹饪) culture10 Dress and adornments11 Architecture12 Major tourist cities13 World heritage sites14 Travel tipsChapter OnNational DayOct 1 in honor of the founding of the PRC on Oct 1, 1949.National FlagOn Sep 27,1949, the First Plenary Session of the CPPCC; the red five-star flag as the national flag of the PRC. The red color→revolution, the yellow color →the golden brilliant rays radiating from the vast red land. four smaller stars surrounding a bigger one →the unity of the Chinese people under the leadership of the CPC.National EmblemOn June 18, 1950, the Second Session of the First CPPCC National Committee adopted the design and illustration of the national emblem. On Sep 20 that year, Mao Zedong ordered the promulgation公布of the national emblem.patterns of the national flag, the Tian’anmen Rostrum城楼, a wheel gear and ears of wheat→symbolizes the New-Democratic Revolution of the Chinese people since the May 4th Movement in 1919 and the birth of New China under the people’s democratic dictatorship专政led by the working class on the basis of the worker-peasant alliance.National AnthemMarch of the Volunteers:Arise, ye who refuse to be slaves!Let us amount our flesh and blood towards our new Great Wall!The Chinese nation faces its greatest peril,The thundering roar of our peoples will be heard!Arise! Arise! Arise!We are many, but our hearts beat as one!Selflessly braving the enemy’s gunfire, march on!Selflessly braving the enemy’s gunfire, march on!March on! March on! on!written in 1935 with lyrics by the poet Tian Han and music by the composer Nie Er, honoring those who went to the front to fight the Japanese invaders in northeast China in the 1930s. Decided upon as the provisional national anthem of the new China on Sep 27,1949, at the First Plenary Session of the CPPCC, the song was officially adopted as the national anthem of the PRC on Dec 4, 1982, by NPC.National CapitalOn Sep27, 1949, the First Plenary Session of the CPPCC unanimously adopted a resolution making Beijing capital of the PRC.Beijing: the nation’s political centre, its economic, scientific and cultural heart. Being one of the famous ancient capital cities in China, BJ has gone through great development and changes since the founding of the PRC in 1949.Places of historic interest and scenic beauty in BJ:Forbidden City: the Imperial Palace, the largest and best-preserved collection of ancient buildings in China.the Chinese imperial palace from the Ming Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty. located in the middle of Beijing, and now houses the Palace Museum. For almost five centuries: the home of the Emperor and his household, the ceremonial and political centre of Chinese government.Temple of Heaven天壇;天坛: a platform for the Ming and Qing emperors to perform sacrifices and solemn rites.a complex of Taoist buildings situated in southeastern urban BJ, in Xuanwu District. IT was visited by the Emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties for annual ceremonies of prayer to Heaven for good harvest. It is regarded as a Taoist temple, although Chinese Heaven worship, especially by the reigning monarch of the day, predates Taoism.Summer Palace: the largest ancient preserved garden in China;Yihe yuan →“Gardens of Nurtured Harmony” a palace in BJ. is mainly dominated by Longevity Hill 长寿山and the Kunming Lake. It covers an expanse of 2.9 km2, 3/4 of which is water. The central Kunming Lake covering 2.2 km2was entirely man made and the excavated挖的soil was used to build Longevity Hill. In its compact 70,000 m2 of building space, one finds a variety of palaces, gardens, and other classical-style architectural structures.Ming Tombs: the stately and majestic mausoleums(陵墓)of 13 Ming Dynasty emperors;located some 50 km due north of urban BJ at a specially selected site. The site was chosen by the 3rd Ming Dynasty emperor Yongle (1402 - 1424), who moved the capital of China from Nanjing to the present location of northwest BJ.The Great Wall of China: a series of stone and earthen fortifications in China, built, rebuilt, and maintained between the 5th century BC and the 16th century to protect the northern borders of the Chinese Empire from Xiongnu attacks during the rule of successive stretches over approximately 6,400 km from Shanhaiguan in the east to Lop Nur罗布泊in the west, along an arc that roughly delineates the southern edge of Inner Mongolia, but stretches to over 6,700 km in total. At its peak, the Ming Wall was guarded by more than one million men. It has been estimated that somewhere in the range of 2 to 3 million Chinese died as part of the centuries-long project of building the wall.Geography Location and BoundaryLocated in the east of the Asian continent, on the western shore of the pacific Ocean, China has a land area of about 9.6 million km2, the 3rd largest country in the world, next only to Russia and Canada.From north to south, the territory of China stretches from the centre of the Heilongjiang River north of the town of Mohe to the Zengmu Reef at the southernmost tip of the Nansha Islands. From east to west, the nation extends from the confluence(交汇处)of the Heilongjiang River and Wusulijiang River to the Pamirs.China is bordered by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to the east; Mongolia to the north; Russia to the northeast; Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan to the northwest; Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal and Bhutan to the west and southwest; and Myanmar缅甸, Laos and Vietnam to the south. Across the seas to the east and southeast are Korea, Japan, the Philippines, Brunei文莱, Malaysia and Indonesia.The Chinese mainland is flanked to the east and south by the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, East China Sea and South China Sea. More than 7,000 islands scatter across the seas. The largest of these is Taiwan Island. The Diaoyu and Chiwei islands are located to the northeast of Taiwan Isl and. China’s southernmost island groups are called the Dongsha, Xisha, Zhongsha, Nansha and ZengmuTopography(地形)China is a country of varied topographical features with highlands in the west and plains in the east. Mountainous land and very rough terrains make up about 67% of Chinese territory, basins and plains 33%. Taking a bird's-eye view of China, the terrain gradually descends from west to east like four steps of astaircase.The first step is the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in Southwest China. With an average elevation of about 4,000 m, it is known as the “roof of the world”. Its highest peak is called Mount Qo molangma. The surrounding snow-capped mountains are the origins of many of China’s large rivers.The second step includes the gently sloping Inner Mongolia Plateau, the Loess(黄土)Plateau, the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, the Tarim Basin, the Junggar Basin and the Sichuan Basin, with an average elevation of between 1,000 m and 2,000 m.The third step, dropping to 500-1,000m in elevation(海拔), begins at a line drawn around the Greater Hinggan兴安岭, Taihang, Wushan and Xuefeng mountain ranges and extends eastward to the coast of the Pacific Ocean. Here, from north to south, are the Northeast Plain, the North China Plain and the Middle-Lower Yangtze Plain. Interspersed amongst the plains are hills and foothills.To the east, the land extends out into the ocean, in a continental shelf, the fourth step of the staircase. The water here is mostly less than 200 m deep、Rivers and LakesChina abounds in rivers. More than 1500 rivers each drain 1000km2 or larger areas. Most of the large rivers have their source on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and drop greatly between source and month. As a result, China is rich in water-power resources, leading the world in hydropower 水利发电potential, with reserves of 680 million kw.The Yangtze River is the longest river in China (6300 km), and the 3rd longest river in the world. Its source is in the Tanggula Mountain of Qinghai Province. It flows through 11 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities. one of the main artery主干道of water transportation between eastern and western China. Many important ports and economic centres are located along it.C hina’s 2nd longest river, the Yellow River, rises in Qinghai Province and flows some 5464 km to the Bohai Sea. As the most heavily silt泥沙-laden river in the world, it has formed a raised-bed river(地上河)in middle and lower reaches. The Yellow River catchment流域area is an important production base for grains in China.S cattered through China are about 24800 natural lakes. Most of which are found on the Middle-Lower Yangtze Plain and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Freshwater lakes such as Poyang Lake, Dongting Lake, Taihu Lake, and Hongze Lake mostly lie in the former area, while in the latter are saltwater lakes, such as QinghaiLake and Nam Co Lake.P oyang Lake, in the north of Jiangxi Province and with an area of 3583 km2, is the largest of its kind. Qinghai Lake, in northeast Qinghai Province and with an area of 4,583km2, is the largest one of its kind.m any man-made canals. The most famous is the Grand Canal(大运河)between BJ and Hang Zhou, 1,801 km in long. It passes through the city of Tianjin and four provinces (Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu and Zhejiang) and links five major rivers: the Haihe River, the Yellow River, the Huaihe River, the Yangtze River and the Qiantangjiang River. The canal was open to navigation over 1000 yrs ago. It played an important role in facilitating trade between the south and the north and was regarded as the country’s transportation and information “highway” befor e the advent of the railways.Today, some of the canal’s sections have been widened, deepened or straightened out, and a number of water conservancy and ship locks have been added. This old canal still provides water transportation from north to south, irrigation water for the farmlands on both of its sides, and cruise tours to the delight of travelers from home and abroad.ClimateMost of China lies in the North Temperate Zone北温带, characterized by a warm climate and distinctive seasons, a climate well suited for habitation.Most of China has a continental monsoon(季风) climate. From Sep to April the following year, the dry and cold winter monsoons blow from Siberia and the Mongolian Plateau, resulting in cold and dry winters and great differences between the temperatures of north and south China. From April to Sep, warm and humid summer monsoons blow from the seas in the east and south, resulting in overalls high temperatures and plentiful rainfall, and little temperature difference between north and south China.In terms of temperature, the nation can be sectored from south to north into equatorial, tropical, subtropical, warm-temperate, temperate, and cold-temperate zones. Precipitation降水量gradually declines from the southeastern to the northwestern inland area, and the average annual precipitation varies greatly from place to place. In southeastern coastal areas, it reaches over1500 mm, while in northwestern areas, it drops to below 200 mm.An Outline HistoryChina has a recorded history of nearly 4000 ys and is one of the 4 homes of the world’s earliest civilizations.Chinese dynastic history can be divided into two periods: the ancient period (ancient times-1840) and the modern period (1840-present).The Ancient PeriodChinese history began with two legendary figures-Emperor Huang and Emperor Yan, who, together with their bribes, inhabited the drainage area along the middle reaches of the Yellow River. By the time of Xia Dynasty, after centuries of living side by side, these two tribes has gradually merged into one. Consequently, the Chinese people usually call themselves “the descendants of Yan and Huang炎黄子孙.It was during the Xia Dynasty that the institution of slavery began. There are many legends describing the life of the people in this period, especially of the three sage(贤明的)kings after Emperor Huang and Emperor Yan—Yao, Shun and Yu. Yao made great contributions to the lunar calendar. His successor, Shun, was physically and intellectually gifted and was a man with great virtues. Yu was famous for conquering the floods. He inspired people to dig ditches to divert water away instead of building dams. He worked ceaselessly for 13 yrs and succeeded in controlling the floods. Legend has it that he was so busy that “thrice he had gone past his own house without even looking in”.Following the Xia Dynasty arose the Shang Dynasty(1600—1046 BC), the Western Zhou Dynasty (1046—771 BC), the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States Periods(770—221 BC).In 221 BC, Ying Zheng, the highly gifted, ambitious king of the Qin Kingdom ended the turmoil and chaos among dukes诸侯and kings in the Warring States Period. He established the 1st united, centralised, multi-ethnic feudal monarchy封建王朝—the Qin Dynasty(221—206BC), styling himself “First Emperor”.The First Emperor unified the lge, the measurement system and the currency, set up the prefectures(郡)and counties system, constructed the famous Great Wall and built extravagant(奢侈的)palaces and mausoleums.The Han Dynasty(206 BC—AD 220)was established by Liu Bang, with its capital at Chang’an (now Xi’an). 2 periods: Western Han Dynasty(206 BC—AD 25)and Eastern Han Dynasty(AD 25—220). The Han Dynasty survived for 426 yrs. By AD 220, China evolved into the 3 Kingdoms Period, in a tripartite balance(三国鼎立)of the Wei Kingdom(AD 220—265), the Shu Kingdom(AD 221—263)and the Wu Kingdom(AD 222-280).Following the Three Kingdoms Period were consecutively the Jin Dynasty(AD 265—420), the 16 Kingdoms(AD 304—439), the Southern and Northern Dynasties(AD—420-589)and the Sui Dynasty (AD 581—618). By the year 618, the Tang Dynasty(AD 618—907), the commonly-regarded glorious period in Chinese history, was founded by Li Yuan.Following the Tang Dynasty came the period of the Five Dynasties and the Ten Kingdoms(AD 907—979). In 960, Zhao Kuangyin launched a rebellion. His lieutenants(随从将领)clothed him in the yellow imperial gown and asked him to ascend the throne(登基). Thus, the established the Song Dynasty (960—1279).In 1209, Genghis Khan成吉思汗founded the Mongol Empire upon his unification of the scattered Mongol tribes. Kublai忽必烈, a grandson of Genghis Khan, swept southward across Central China in 1271 and founded the Yuan Dynasty(1271—1368)with Dadu(now Beijing)as the capital.In 1368 the Ming Dynasty(1368—1644)was founded by Zhu Yuanzhang(明太祖). During the later period of the Ming Dynasty, a new military power in the nor theast of China arose. Led by Nu’erhachi(努尔哈赤), their chieftain(首领), the Manchu tribesmen on horsebacks fought with the Ming forces for 3 generations at the Great Wall, and finally established the Qing Dynasty(1616—1911).·The Modern TimesThe Opium War(鸦片战争)was the turning point in Chinese history which marked the close of ancient period and the beginning of the modern history. From 1840 on, imperialists made continuous inroads(侵犯)into China, and China gradually became a country of semi-feudal, semi-colonial status.The Qing Dynasty, the last of China’s feudal dynasties, was finally overthrown by the Revolution of 1911 led by Sun Yat-sen(1866—1925). One year later, the Republic of China was founded under his leadership. With the introduction of Marxism and Leninism into China and under the influence of the Oct Revolution in Russia, the May 4th Movement broke out in 1919, and in 1921 the Chinese Communist Party was founded, thus beginning a new period in Chinese history. After the anti-Japanese War and the Liberation War, the PRC was founded in 1949.Administrative DivisionsAccording to the Constitution of the PRC, China’s administrative units are currently based on a three-tier system(三级建制), dividing the nation into provinces, counties and townships:(1) The country is divided into provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government;(2) provinces and autonomous regions are divided into autonomous prefectures, counties, autonomous counties, and cities;(3) counties and autonomous counties are divided into townships, minority townships, and towns.At present China has:23 provinces;5 autonomous regions are;4 municipalities;2 special administrative regions.PopulationChina, the most populous country in the world, had a total population of 1,307.56 million at the end of 2005, according to the “Statistical Communique of National Economic and Social Development(国民经济和社会发展统计公报)in 2006” published by the National Bureau of Statistics.Moreover, the population is high, with 135 people per km2 but unevenly distributed. The population density in coastal regions in east China is higher and that in the central and west China regions, the population becomes scarce. The distribution pattern was determined by economic conditions and geographic conditions.In 1949, a population of 541.67 million. With a stable society, production development, improvement of medical conditions, and a lack of awareness on the importance of birth control, China witnessed a rapid population increase to 806.71 million in 1969. Since the late 1970s, the Chinese government has been implementing the policy of family planning, or “one child policy”, hoping to control the population increase, improve population quality, promote the development of the economy and society, and protect the environment. The family planning policy has seen remarkable achievements.Distribution of the Ethnic GroupsFrom the hinterlands腹地of the north, to the lush茂盛的jungles in the south, from the mountains of Taiwan in the east, to the top of the world in the west, China serves as home to 56 ethnic groups.The largest group, the Han, makes up over 91.59% of China’s vast population, and the world uses the term of Han culture to refer to Chinese culture.The other 55 mino rity ethnic groups, nestled away in China’s vast frontiers, maintain their own rich traditions and customs. Great contributions have been made by the minority ethnic groups to China’s culture and science. Many of China’s beautiful poems, myths, folk tales,songs, and dances come directly from minority ethnic groups.Although small in number, the 55 minority ethnic groups are distributed extensively throughout China. They are widely dispersed, often inhabiting strategically important border regions. The regions where they are most concentrated are Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Tibet, Guangxi, Ningxia, heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Gansu, Qinghai, Sichuan, Ynnan, Guizhou, Guangdong, Hunan, Hebei, Fujian and Taiwan. Many minority ethnic peoples have traditionally established their villages in mountainous and pastoral areas, on high plateaus and in deep forests.Equality, unity, mutual assistance and common prosperity are the basic principles of the Chinese government in handling the relations between ethnic groups. In accordance with these basic principles, China practices a regional ethnic autonomy system, in which ethnic groups live in compact(密集的)communities and autonomous organs of self-government are established under the unified leadership of the state.The Political SystemThe Constitution of the People’s Republic of China is the fundamental law of the state.The NPC is the highest organ of state power. Local people’s congresses are local organs of state power. The Standing Committee of the NPC is the permanent organ of the NPC. The term of office of the NPC and its Standing Committee is 5 yrs. The NPC and its Standing Committee are empowered with the rights of legislation, decision, supervision, election and removal.The Communist Party is the sole party in power in China. there are 8 democratic parties in China. Multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the CPC is the basic political system in China.The State Council, or the Central People’s Government, of the PRC is the exec utive body of the highest organ of state power and the highest organ of state administration.The CPPCC is a united front 统一战线organization under the leadership of the CPC and an organ for various other political parties, mass organizations and personages of various social circles to take part in running of the state.Economic Development and ReformChina has become one of the world’s major economic powers with the greatest potential. In the 30 yrs following reform and opening-up in 1979 in particular, Chin a’s economy developed at an unprecedented rate, and that momentum(势头)has been held steady into the 21st century. In 2004, the government further strengthened and improved its macro control, and the economy entered its best ever development period of recent yrs. the GDP for 2010 amounted to 39798 billion RMB, 9.0% higher than the previous year.Economic reform and opening-up are the two fundamental state policies of China. They have not only promoted the sustained, swift and sound development of China’s nati onal economy, but also helped restructure its economic system. For the first 30 years of the PRC, the government practiced a planned economy system, whereby industrial production, agricultural production, and the stocking and selling of goods in commercial departments were all controlled by state plan.The variety, quantity and prices in every sphere of the economy were fixed by state planners. While this contributed to the planned, focused and steady development of China’s economy, it also sapped(削弱)its vitality and limited its growth. Economic reforms began with the rural areas in 1978, and were extended to the cities in 1984.In 1992, after some 10 yrs of reform in the clear direction of the establishment of a socialist market economy, the government set out the main principles of economic restructuring: encouraging the development of diversified economic elements whilst retaining the dominance of the public sector; creation of a modern enterprise system to meet the requirements of the market economy; a unified and open market system across China, linking domestic and international markets, and promoting the optimization of resources;Deng Xiaoping: The Chief Architect of China’s ReformDeng Xiaoping was the chief architect who led China’s reform. The r eform was designed to improve the socialist system, bring its benefits into full play and push forward the drive for modernization. Through a lifetime of service to the people, Deng has earned the respect and affection of millions of his fellow countrymen.。
《中国文化概论》A Glimpse Chinese Culture学习资料
Chapter 1 An Overview1.the People’s Republic of China (PRC) 中华人民共和国2.the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPC)中华人民共和国政治协商会议3.the Communist Party of China (CPC) 中国共产党4.the national emblem 国徽5.the Tian’anmen Rostrum 天安门城楼6.the National People’s Congress (NPC) 全国人民代表大会7.the national anthem 国歌8.Forbidden City 故宫9.Temple of Heaven 天坛10.Summer Palace 颐和园11.Ming Tombs 明十三陵12.Roof of the world 世界屋脊13.the Yangtze River 长江14.the grand canal between Beijing and Hangzhou 京杭大运河15.the descendants of Yan and Huang 炎黄子孙16.the institution of slavery 奴隶制17.Thrice he had gone past his own house without even looking in.(大禹)三过家门而不入18.the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States Periods. 春秋战国时期19.the Three Kingdoms Period. 三国时期20.a tripartite balance 三国鼎立21.Clothed sd in the yellow imperial gown. 黄袍加身unch a rebellion. 起义23. Ascend the throne. 登基24.the Opium War. 鸦片战争25.A country of semi-feudal, semi-colonial status. 半殖民地半封建社会26.the Republic of China. 中华民国27.the anti-Japanese War and the Liberation War. 抗日战争和解放战争28.Lunar calendar. 阴历29.A three-tier system. 三级建制30.Special administrative regions.(SAR) 特别行政区31.Statistical Communique on National Economic and Social Development. 国民经济和社会发展统计公报32.the National Bureau of Statistical. 国家统计局33.the policy of family planning. 计划生育政策34.the Standing Committee of the NPC. 全国人民代表大会常务委员会35.the State Council. 国务院36.the Central People’s Government. 中央人民政府37.Macro control. 宏观调控38.the gross domestic product(GDP). 国内生产总值39.the Chief Architect of China’s Reform. 改革开放总设计师Chapter 2 Philosophy and Religions1.Four Great Inventions. 四大发明2.A hundred schools of thought contend. 百家争鸣3.The philosophy in Pre-Qin times. 先秦子学4.Benevolence and justice, allegiance and forbearance. 仁、义、忠、恕5.The golden mean. 中庸6.Non-action. 无为7.The orthodox philosophy during the Han dynasty. 两汉经学8.Banning all schools of thought except Confucianism. 罢黜百家,独尊儒术9.Human behaviour finds responses in Heaven. 天人感应10.The power of the emperors are authorized by Heaven. 君权神授11.Man is an integral part of nature. 天人合一12.Metaphysics during the Wei and Jin dynasties. 魏晋玄学13.The Book of Changes. 易经14.Three profound studies. 三玄15.The Buddhist Philosophy during the Sui and Tang dynasties. 隋唐佛学16.Neo-Confucianism in Song and Ming dynasties. 宋明理学17.Application philosophy in the Ming and Qing dynasties. 明清实学18.Nirvana 涅槃19.To prefer it is better than only to know it, to delight in it is better than merely to prefer it. 知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者20.Opportunities vouchsafed by Heaven are less important than terrestrial advantages, which in turn are less important than the unity among people. 天时不如地利,地利不如人和21.Chinese Chan Buddhism. 禅宗22.Preaches epiphany. 顿悟23.Buddhist scriptures. 经文24.The three obediences and four virtues. 三从四德25.Morality, proper speech, modest manner,and diligence. 品德、言语、仪态、女工26.To father before marriage, to husband after marriage, and to son after becoming a widow. 未嫁从父,既嫁从夫,夫死从子27.The three basic rules and five constant virtues. 三纲五常28.A king should rule over his subjects; a father, his son; a husband, his wife. 君为臣纲,父为子纲,夫为妻纲29.Benevolence, righteousness,propriety, wisdom,and fidelity. 仁、义、礼、智、信30.A celestial being. 仙人31.Jude Pure, upper Pure, great Pure. 玉清、上清、太清32.When the Eight Immortals cross the sea, each demonstrates his/her divine power. 八仙过海,各显神通33.Dragon-Tiger Mountain. 龙虎山34.The Eight-Fold Path. 八正道35.The four Heavenly kings. 四大天王ughing Buddha. 弥勒佛37.The great buddha hall. 大雄宝殿38.The Eighteen Arhats. 十八罗汉39.The White Horse Temple. 白马寺Chapter 3 Literature1.the Book of Songs. 《诗经》2.Poetry of the South. 《楚辞》3.Feng or folk ballads. 风4.Ya or dynastic hymns. 雅5.Song or sacrificial songs. 颂6.The journey is long, /I’ll search up and down. 路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索7.Sorrow after Departure. 《离骚》8.Ask Heaven. 《天问》9.Nine Elegies. 《九章》10.Nine Songs. 《九歌》11.the Prose of the Pre-Qin Period. 先秦散文12.Historical prose. 历史散文13.Philosophical prose. 诸子散文14.The Book of History. 《尚书》15.Spring and Autumn Annal. 《春秋》16.Zuo’s Commentary. 《左传》17.Intrigues of the Warring States. 《战国策》18.Discourses of the States. 《国语》19.The Analects of Confucius. 《论语》20.On Faults of Qin. 《过秦论》menting Qu Yuan. 《吊屈原赋》22.Master Void Rhapsody. 《子虚赋》23.Rhapsody on Great Man. 《上林赋》24.Records of the Grand Historian. 《史记》25.Southeast the Peacock Flies. 《孔雀东南飞》26.The Ballad of Mulan. 《木兰诗》27.The Chile Ballad. 《敕勒歌》28.Vast is the sky, boundless the wilds, grazing the cattle are as the grass bend down in the wind. 天苍苍野茫茫,风吹草低见牛羊29.Seven Masters of the Jian’an Period. 建安七子30.The Sea. 《观沧海》31.A Short Song. 《短歌行》32.The Peach Blossom Spring. 《桃花源记》33.The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons. 《文心雕龙》34.The Complete Anthology of Tang Poems. 《全唐诗》35.The Four Literary Eminences. 初唐四杰36.Friendships across the world/make near neighbours of far horizons. 海内存知己,天涯若比邻37.Celestial poet. 诗仙38.Saint poet. 诗圣39.Thinking in the Silent Night. 《静夜诗》40.Hard is the Road to Shu. 《蜀道难》41.Dreaming of Sightseeing in the Tianmu Mountains. 《梦游天姥吟留别》42.Three Officers. 三吏43.The Xin’an Officer. 《新安吏》44.The Shihao Officer. 《石壕吏》45.The Officer at Tongguan Pass. 《潼关吏》46.Three Partings. 三别47.Parting of the Newly-wed. 《新婚别》48.Parting of the Old. 《垂老别》49.Parting of the Homeless. 《无家别》50.Frontier poets. 边塞诗人51.Pastoral poets. 田园诗人52.The Older Charcoal Seller. 《卖炭翁》53.Song of Eternal Sorrow. 《长恨歌》54.Song of a Pipa Player. 《琵琶行》55.The Beautiful Lady Yu. 《虞美人》56.Moon on the Western River. 《西江月》57.Butterfly Loves Flowers. 《蝶恋花》58.Immortals Meeting on the Magpie Bridge. 《鹊桥仙》59.The Powerful and Free School. 豪放派60.To the Tune of Charm of a Maiden Singer:The Red Cliff. 《念奴娇·赤壁怀古》61.To the Tune of Water Melody:The Mid-Autumn Festival. 《水调歌头·明月几时有》62.To the Tune of a Riverside Town:Dreaming of His Deceased Wife. 《江城子·十年生死两茫茫》63.Slow Slow Song. 《声声慢》64.Autumn Thought. 《秋思》65.The Injustice to Dou E. 《窦娥冤》66.Four Dreams of Linchuan. 《临川四梦》67.The Peony Pavilion. 《牡丹亭》68.Romance of the Three Kingdoms. 《三国演义》69.Water Margin. 《水浒传》70.Journey to the West. 《西游记》71.Dream of the Red Mansions. 《红楼梦》72.Three Volumes of Words and Two Volumes of Slapping. 《三言二拍》73.The Scholars. 《儒林外史》74.Strange Tales from a Scholar’s Studio. 《聊斋志异》75.Execute justice in the name of Heaven by killing the rich and relieving the poor. 杀富济贫,替天行道76.Sun Wukong Causing Havoc in the Heavenly Palace. 《孙悟空大闹天宫》77.Zhu Bajie Got Married at Gaolao Village. 《高老庄娶亲》78.Sun Wukong Assaulting Thrice the White-Boned Demon. 《孙悟空三打白骨精》79.Crossing the Flaming Mountain. 《火焰山》80.Encyclopedia 百科全书81.Worldly novels 世情小说82.The mystery tales. 志怪小说83.The eight-part essay. 八股文84.Imperial examination system. 科举制度85.The Hundred Day’s Reform. 百日维新86.Exposure of the Official World. 《官场现形记》87.The Travel Records of Lao Can. 《老残游记》88.Flowers in the Mirror. 《镜花缘》89.The eight models of revolutionary modern operas. 八大革命现代京剧样板戏Lu Xun(鲁迅)90.Fierce-browed, I coolly defy a thousand pointing fingers. Head-bowed, like a willing ox I serve the children. 横眉冷对千夫指,俯首甘为孺子牛91.A Madman’s Diary. 《狂人日记》92.Call to Arms. 《呐喊》93.Wandering. 《彷徨》94.The Story of Ah Q. 《阿Q正传》95.Old Tales Retold. 《故事新编》Mao Dun(矛盾)96.Short Story Monthly. 《小说月报》97.Midnight. 《子夜》98.Spring Silkworms. 《春蚕》99.The Shop of Lin Family. 《林家铺子》Ba Jin(巴金)100.Trilogy of the Turbulent Currents. 《激流三部曲》101.Family. 《家》102.Spring 《春》103.Autumn 《秋》Lao She(老舍)104.the Rickshaw Boy. 《骆驼祥子》105.Four Generations Living Together. 《四世同堂》106.Teahouse 《茶馆》107.Dragon Beard Ditch. 《龙须沟》108.Thunderstorm 《雷雨》, Sunrise 《日出》-------曹禺Sheng Congwen(沈从文)109.Frontier City. 《边城》110.Long River. 《长河》111.The Autobiography. 《从文自传》Ai Qing(艾青)112.Dayan River. 《大堰河》113.Facing Towards the Sun. 《向太阳》114.The Spring. 《春天》115.The Colorful Poem. 《彩色的诗》116.The Fields and the City. 《原野与城市》117.On Poetry. 《诗论》118.On New-Style Poems. 《新诗论》119.Collected Works of New Culture. 《新文艺论集》120.Anthology of Ai Qing. 《艾青全集》Chapter 4 Arts1.the handwriting reveals the writer. 字如其人2.Dian or dot stroke. 点3.Heng or horizontal stroke. 横4.Shu or vertical stroke. 竖5.Pie or curved stroke. 撇6.Gou or hooked stroke. 勾7.Zhe or angular stroke. 辄8.Standalone characters. 独立成字9.The seal form. (zhuan 篆书)10.The official form. (li 隶书)11.The cursive form. (cao 草书)12.The regular form. (kai 楷书)13.The running form. (xing 行书)14.Small seal script. 小篆15.Pictography. 象形文字16.The running regular form. 行楷17.The running cursive form. 行草18.Sage of Chinese calligraphy. 书圣19.The Preface to the Lanting Collection of Calligraphy. 《兰亭集序》20.Painting is said to have the same origin as calligraphy. 书画同源21.Ink-wash painting. 水墨画22.Running Horses. 《奔马图》23.The Foolish Man Moving Mountain. 《愚公移山》24.The excellence of a painting lies in its being alike, yet unlike. Too much likeness flatters the vulgar taste; too much unlikeness deceives the world. 画妙在似与不似之间,太似则媚俗,不似则欺世25.Mural paintings. 壁画26.Wood-cut block print. 木刻版画27.Chinese Spring Festival Pictures. 年画28.Four Treasures of the Study. 文房四宝29.Brush, ink, paper, ink stone. 笔、墨、纸、砚30.Copybook. 字帖31.Heroic forest outlaws. 绿林好汉32.The Oral and Intangible Cultural Heritage. 人类口头非物质文化遗产33.The United Nations Educational, Scientific and CulturalOrganization. (UNESCO)联合国教科文组织34.Face changes. 变脸35.Butterfly’s Love. 《梁山伯与祝英台》36.The West Chamber. 《西厢记》37.Chasing the Fish. 《追鱼》38.The Heavenly Maid and the Mortal. 《天仙配》39.Female Son-in-Law of the Emperor. 《女驸马》40.Acrobatics. 杂技41.Cross-talk. 相声42.Clapper talk. 快板43.Storytelling. 评书44.New Year Gala Show. 春节联欢晚会45.Puppet Show. 木偶戏46.Shadow Play. 皮影戏47.Ghost-Exorcising Opera. 傩舞48.Plucked Instruments. 弦乐器49.Ambush on All Sides. 《十面埋伏》50.Spring Moonlight on the Flowers by the River. 《春江花月夜》51.Zither. 古筝52.Singing on the Return of Fishing Boats. 《渔舟唱晚》53.Hight Mount Flowing Water. 《高山流水》54.Two Springs Reflect the Moon. 《二泉映月》55.Percussion Instruments. 打击乐器56.Wind Instruments. 管弦乐57.Ceremonial horn. 唢呐58.One Hundred Birds Serenade the Phoenix. 《百鸟朝凤》59.Bamboo flute. 笛子Chapter 5 Education1.Private schools. 私塾2.Official institutions. 官学3.Persons of virtue. 贤人4.The Four Books and the Five Classics. 四书五经5.The Great Learning, The Doctrine of the Mean, The Analects of Confucius and Mencius. 《大学》、《中庸》、《论语》、《孟子》6.The Book of Poems, The Book of History, The Book of Rites, The Book of Changes, The Spring and Autumn Annals. 《诗经》、《尚书》、《礼记》、《易经》、《春秋》7.The academy of classic learning. 书院8.The books collection mansions. 藏书阁9.Six Skills(Arts):Ritual, Music, Archery, Chariot-Riding, Writing, Arithmetic. 六艺:礼、乐、射、御、书、数10.New learning. 新学11.The Revolution of 1911. 辛亥革命12.Nine-year compulsory education. 九年义务教育13.Ensure an all-round development of the students morally, intellectually, physically and aesthetically. 德智体美全面发展14.Project Hope. 希望工程15.Spring Bud Project. 春蕾计划16.Key institutions. 重点大学17.Spring Sunshine Programme. 春晖计划18.The National College Entrance Examination. 高考。
(二)从“独生 子女”政策到 “二孩”政策
(一)中国婚礼 Chinese Wedd...
(三)中国人的 餐桌文化
Chinese ...
(二)微信 WeChat
(一)5G生活 5G Life
(三)支付宝 Alipay
第四章 中国的教育 Chinese Ed...
二 当代中国教 育 Chinese Con...
(一)起源与发 展 Origin and ...
(三)习俗 Customs
(二)元宵节的 传说 Legend of ...
(一)起源与发 展 Origin and ...
(三)习俗 Customs
(二)清明节的 传说 Legend of ...
(一)起源与发 展 Origin and ...
(三)习俗 Customs
第一章 中国的地理 Chinese Ge...
一 行政区域 1
Administra tiv...
二 地形与气 2
候 Topography a...
3 三 名山大川
Famous Mounta...
4 四 游在中国
Travel in Chi...
课后练习题 Practice
(一)行政 区划分
三 满族 Manchu Ethnic G...
四 蒙古族 Mongolian Ethn...
六 回族与维吾 尔族 Hui and
五 藏族 Tibetan Ethnic ...
课后练习题 Practice
(二)饮食 2
Food and Drink
中国文化概况中英版An Overview of Chinese Culture (English Version)I. IntroductionChinese culture, with its long history and profound essence, is the sum of material and spiritual cultures created and passed down by the Chinese nation throughout its historical development. Chinese culture emphasizes humanism, focusing on moral values, etiquette, family, and social order.II. Main Contents1. History and EvolutionChinese culture boasts a rich history spanning thousands of years, from the Xia, Shang, and Zhou dynasties to the Spring and Autumn period, the Warring States period, and then to the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties. It has continuously absorbed and integrated foreign cultures, forming a unique cultural system.2. Traditional ValuesConfucianism is one of the cornerstones of Chinese culture, emphasizing virtues such as benevolence, filial piety, loyalty, and etiquette, which have profoundly influenced the behavior and values of the Chinese people. Taoism emphasizes the harmony between man and nature, advocating a natural and non-interventionist approach. Buddhism, on the other hand, emphasizes compassion and self-sacrifice, having a significant impact on Chinese religion and philosophy.3. Cultural Characteristics- Festival Culture: China has many traditional festivals, such as the Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, and Dragon Boat Festival, each with unique celebration methods and cultural connotations.- Clothing Culture: Traditional Chinese clothing, such as Hanfu and Tangzhuang, reflects the unique aesthetic concepts and cultural characteristics of the Chinese nation.- Architectural Culture: Traditional Chinese architecture, including palaces, temples, and gardens, is renowned for its distinctive styles and exquisite craftsmanship.- Cuisine Culture: Chinese cuisine, known for its rich flavors and exquisiteculinary techniques, is an important representation of China's cultural charm.4. Influence on the WorldThe values and ideological systems of Chinese culture have had a profound impact on the world, especially Confucianism, which has influenced Asia and beyond. Traditional Chinese arts and forms of expression, such as calligraphy, painting, and Peking Opera, are also deeply loved and admired by people around the world.III. ConclusionChinese culture is a treasure of the Chinese nation, embodying unique charm and value. Through learning and understanding Chinese culture, we can gain a deeper understanding of the history, traditions, and spiritual outlook of the Chinese people, further enhancing our sense of national pride and self-confidence. At the same time, Chinese culture has also made significant contributions to the diversity and development of world culture.中国文化概况中英版一、引言中国文化,源远流长,博大精深,是中华民族在长期历史发展过程中所创造并传承下来的物质文化和精神文化的总和。
Lecture One the Mongoloid Race . The period of making and using these chipped stone 琢石implements the Old Stone Age the Paleolithic Period and the age of making and using ground stone implements the New Stone Age the Neolithic Period. Archaeologists divided them into the Huaxia Group the Eastern Tribe Group and the Southern Tribe Group. The Yellow Emperor 2698-2598 B.C. quotdescendants of Yandi and the Yellow EmperorquotWhen Yu died his son Qi启seized power and founded Xia the first dynasty in China thus beginning the hereditary system in Chinese history. People at that time believed that the land they lived on was the center of the world and called their state the “Middle Kingdom”中国thus giving China its country name. The ethnic group of the Xia Dynasty is the Hua Xia nationality华夏族. That’s why the Chinese people are also called the Hua People in other parts of the world.Alternative Names of China 1. Chixian Shenzhou the Sacred Earth and Divine Land 2. Zhonghua 3. Jiuzhou known as the nine administrative divisions 4.Hainei within the seas China Today What makes the civilization unique in world history is its continuity through over 4000 years to the present century. National Emblem The National Anthem written by Tian Han music was set by Nie Er in 1935 The National Flag red in color and has 5 yellow stars: Red symbolizes the spirit of the revolution yellow stars signify the unity of the people of China under the leadership of the Chinese Communist party.The 22 provinces 5 autonomous regions and 4 municipalities can be collectively referred to as quotmainland Chinaquot a term which usually excludes Hong Kong Macao and Taiwan. The PRC is the largest country in area in East Asia excluding Russia and the third largest in the world by land-and-sea area. It borders 14 nations counted clockwise from south: Vietnam Laos Myanmar Burma India Bhutan Nepal Pakistan Afghanistan Tajikistan Kyrgyzstan Kazakhstan Russia Mongolia and North Korea. 1 Lecture Ten Traditional Chinese Medicine Why is TCM unique ?? Because of its complete dialectical theoretical framework diagnostic methods pharmacology and special methods of treatment including acupuncture and moxibustion deep breathing and medical massage. Theories of TCM ?? Theory of Yin and Yang ?? Theory of the Five Elements ?? Theory of Jing and Luo ?? 形神学说?? 天人学说Theory of Yin and Yang ?? The yin and yang theory holds that everything or every phenomenon in the universe consists of two forces yin and yang that oppose each other and at the same time complement each other. According to this the human body is also made up of yin and yang elements. When there is a balance between the two there is no disease. If the balance in a person is disturbed he is sure to become ill. Theory of the Five Elements ?? It assumes that material world is basically made up of five elements of metal wood water fire and earth. Among these elements there exists an interdependence and inter-restraint which determines their state of constant changes. The human body is regarded as part of the physical world and the internal organs such as lungs liver heart kidney and spleen correspond with the five elements in the universe. Theory of Jing and Luo Jing the main channels that run longitudinally Luo the branches that run latitudinally. According to the theory the internal organs and the limbs of the human body are related and linked by channels through which blood and qivital energy circulate. If there is a blockage in either jing and luo the blood and vital energy cannot pass through. To clear the blockage and ensure the free flow of blood and vital energy is the first and fundamental step in curing a disease. Acupuncture and Moxibustion ?? Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese method of treating a disease or relieving pain by inserting one or more metal needles at a certainpoint or certain points of the human body. ?? Moxibustion was discovered by ancient people when they sat around a fire. They found that the heat not only kept them warm but also relieved certain physical pains. In the treatment moxa leaves are ignited over certain points on the skin’s surface. Medical Books ?? The Yellow Emperor’s Canon of Medicine《黄帝内经》?? Shen Nong’s Canon of Herbs《神农本草经》?? Golden Prescriptions for Emergencies《备急千金要方》?? Supplementary Golden Prescriptions 《千金翼方》?? The Compendium of Materia Medica《本草纲目》Four Basic Diagnostic Methods ?? Observing ?? Listening and Smelling ?? Inquiring ?? Palpating pulse-feeling Drug Forms ?? Decoction 煎剂?? Tincture 药酒?? Dispersion 散剂?? Ointment 油膏,软膏?? Paste form 浆剂?? Pellet form 片剂??Pills/powder/syrup/capsules/injections Bian Que Hua Tuo Zhang Zhongjing Li Shizhen Sun Simiao Wushu and Qigong What’s WUSHU called in the West ?? Wushu Chinese martial arts known in the West as Kungfu is a traditional folk sport characterized by various bare hand and armed combat techniques. The History of Wushu ?? In primitive society hard living conditions compelled the ancient people to use their stone and wooden tools as weapons to hunt and to defend themselves.Their fighting skills with bare hands and in using weapons formed the basis of primitive wushu. ?? During the Shangc.16-11th B.C and Zhouc.11th-221B.C dynasties with the development of productive forces especially that of the techniques in bronze casting the variety of weapons increases and their quality improved. ?? In the Han Dynasty206B.C-220A.D wushu became quite popular. Tang Dynasty ?? During the Tang Dynasty both military men and scholars were required to practice wushu.The boxing style of Shaolin Temple became very popular. Shaolin Temple Ming and Qing Dynasties ?? The Ming Dynasty saw the all-round development of Chinese martial arts. Qi Jiguang wrote two better-known books: New Martial Arts and Military Training Record. ?? In order to keep its ruling position the government of the Qing Dynasty once restricted wushu practice but that could not prevent wushu from spreading among the people. Types of Wushu ?? Bare-handed boxing ?? The wielding of weapons ?? Combat ?? Collective performances Famous Boxing Styles ?? Changquan taijiquan xingyiquan nanquan shaolinquan tanglangquan zuiquan… Weapons ?? Long weapons: spears broadsword ?? Short weapons: short swords daggers hooks ?? Flexible weapons: nine-section cudgels three-section cudgels Qi Gong ?? Qigong is believed to have started in the 17th century BC in the age of Lao Zi the founder of Daoism. ?? Hua Tuo a famous physician created China’s first structured self-strengthening 1exercise the Five-Animal Play incorporating movements that imitated the tiger deer bear ape and bird. Qigong has come to a long way since then. Functions of Qigong ?? 1. Invigorate and strengthen constitution ?? 2. Harmonize relationship between man and his environment ?? 3. A way to keep fit in both mind and body Types of Qigong ?? The quiescent qigong by means of concentration of the mind to have the qi move along the jingluo ?? The dynamic qigong by means of body movements to achieve a calmness of the mind ?? The dynamic-quiescent qigong Seven Emotions and Six Weather Factors ?? Joy anger grief anxiety sadness fear and terror ?? Wind cold summer heat wetness dryness and fire ?? Chenjiagou a village in Wenxian County温县Henan Province is famous not only for its wushu masters but also for being the birthplace of taijiquan. Majors Schools of Taiji ?? Chen school Yang schoolWu school Wu school Sun school Characteristics of Taijiquan ?? A. firmness in gentleness ?? B. the combination of fastness and slowness ?? C. continuity of movement ?? Born into a wushu master’sfamily in Tianjin Huo Yuanjia became famous after he defeated some wushu masters and foreign boxers. He set up a martial arts school and the Chin Woo Athletic Association in 1910. 2Lecture 12 Chinese Classical Gardens There are three categories: imperial private and landscape gardens. SuzhouChina’s City of Gardens There are more than 1000 Suzhou gardens recorded in the history book. The first advantage is related to geography. The second factor is its developed economy. The third advantage is developed culture a strong academic atmosphere and numerous people of talent. Representative Gardens of the Song Yuan Ming and Qing Dynasties The Pavilion ofthe Surging Waves It is known for its rustic charm. Lion Grove Strange rockeries The Humble Administrator’s Garden Tranquil w aters and elegant buildings By Wang Xianchen in Ming Dynasty He named the garden after his failure in an attempt to ridicule the influential officials of the court. The Garden for Lingering In It is knownfor its ancient architectural art and arrangement of hills waters and plants Other Classic Gardens The Garden of the Fisherman Yuan Garden Huangzhou In heaven there is paradise on earth Huangzhou and Suzhou Linyin Temple 灵隐寺West Lake Poems I would like to compare West lake to Xi Shi the ancient beauty Charming she looks whether richly made up or only slightly so. ---Su Dongpo Lovingly my eyes dwell on every familiar sight The lakeside view I’ll miss most sadly of all. ---Bai Juyi 西湖十景:平湖秋月、断桥残雪、花港观鱼、雷峰夕照、南屏晚钟、双峰插云、曲院风荷、三潭映月、柳浪闻莺、苏堤春晓Summer Palace Gold Mountain Traveling Palace in Longevity Hill during Jin Dynasty1115-1234 In 1888 rebuilt by the order of Empress Dowager Cixi In 1924 became a public park after Puyi abdicated Three Areas The royal palaces The residential quarters The garden Lecture 13 Religion Four Major Religions in China ?? Buddhism ?? Daoism ?? Islam ?? Christianity Catholicism and Protestantism Government’s Policy Regarding Religion in China ?? The policy regarding religion in the first constitution1954 and the version 1982 states: ?? “Citizens enjoy freedom to believe in religion and freedom not to believe in religion and to propagate atheism.” Buddhism ?? Siddhartha Gautama?? known by the titles Sakyamuni释迦牟尼the sage of the Sakya family and Tathagata 如来佛the follower of truth founded Buddhism in India in the sixth century B.C. About the Founder of Buddhism ?? Buddhism is said to be founded in India in the 6th century B.C by Siddhatha Gautams the son of a nobleman and member of the Kshatriya caste 刹帝利种姓near the present borders of India and Nepal. ?? At age 29 he was confronted with the sights of a senile old man a sick man a corpse and a wandering ascetic. With eyes opened to aspects of life newly revealed to him he broke from the material world and became an ascetic. But six years later he gave up mortifying the body as futile and plunged into deep meditation and mystic concentration that at last brought him enlightenment under a botree pipal菩提树. Four Noble Truth ?? 1. The noble truth of suffering: sorrow is the universal experience of mankind and everyone is subjected to the trauma of birth of sickness decrepitude and death ?? 2.The noble truth of the origin of suffering: desire ?? 3. The noble truth of the cessation of that craving: removal of desire ?? 4. The noble truth of the way that leads to the cessation of suffering: that desire can be systematically abandoned if one follows The Noble Eight-Fold Path The Noble Eight-Fold Path ?? :苦谛,因谛(集谛),灭谛,道谛?? :正见,正思维,正语,正业,正命,正精进,正念,正定?? Right Knowledge Right Aspiration Right Speech Right Behavior Right Livelihood Right Effort RightMindfulness Right Absorption. Aim of Buddhist ?? By following the Noble Eight-Fold Path the Buddhist aims to attain “nirvana” a condition beyond the limits of mind thoughts feelings desire the will and a state of bliss and ecstasy. Introduction Into China ?? Around 67 AD it was formally introduced into China and later localized. ?? The earliest Buddhist temple is the White Horse Temple in Luoyang during the reign of Emperor Ming Di of the Eastern Han Dynasty in 68 AD with the help of the two Indian monks. 洛阳白马寺?? 洛阳白马寺为中国第一古刹,世界著名伽蓝,乃佛教传入我国后官办的第一座寺院,被中外佛教界誉为quot释源quot、quot祖庭quot。
北师课文 world heritage sites in china
北师课文 world heritage sites in china中国作为一个历史悠久的国家,拥有着众多举世闻名的世界文化遗产。
中国文化概况 考试必备短语整理版
Chapter 1 An Overview国歌national anthem《义勇军进行曲》March of the Volunteers歌词lyrics临时的provisional全国人民代表大会the NationalPeople’s Congress(NPC)血肉flesh and blood一致通过一项决议unanimously adopta resolution政治中心political center经济、科学和文化中心economic,scientific andcultural heart著名古都famous ancientcapital city经历了巨大的变化go through greatdevelopment andchanges历史名胜place of historicinterest风景胜地place of scenicbeauty天坛Temple of Heaven 祭祀perform sacrifices庄严仪式solemn rite颐和园Summer Palace古代园林ancient gardens十三陵Ming Tombs陵墓mausoleum明代皇帝Ming Dynastyemperors 八达岭长城Badaling sectionof the Great Wall曾母喑沙南沙群岛Zengmu Reef,Nansha Islands交汇处confluence帕米尔高原the Pamirs渤海黄海东海南海Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, East China Sea, South China Sea台湾岛钓鱼岛赤尾屿Taiwan Island,Diaoyu Islands,Chiwei Islands青藏高原the Qinghai-TibetPlateau世界屋脊the roof of theworld 珠穆朗玛峰喜马拉雅山脉MountQomolangma, theHimalayas黄土高原the Loess Plateau云贵高原the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau 塔里木盆地the Tarim Basin大兴安岭the GreaterHinggan雪峰山脉Xuefeng mountainranges东北平原the Northeast Plain华北平原the North ChinaPlain 长江中下游平原the Middle-LowerYangtze Plain大陆架continental shelf外流/内流水系exterior/interiorsystems长江the YangtzeRiver\theChangjiang River自治区autonomous region直辖市municipality水运主干道main artery ofwatertransportation干线artery: any of thetubes carryingblood from theheart to all parts ofthe body;importantroute for traffic黄河the Yellow River含沙量最多的河the most heavilysilt-laden river地上河raised-bed river重要产粮基地importantproduction base forgrains 淡水湖咸水湖freshwater lake,saltwater lake洞庭湖太湖Dongting Lake,Taihu Lake 京杭大运河海河钱塘江the Grand Canal,the Haihe River,the QiantangjiangRiver水利设施water conservancy北温带the NorthTemperate Zone大陆季风气候continentalmonsoon climate西伯利亚Siberia热带亚热带tropical zone,subtropical zone 暖温带温带寒温带warm-temperatezone, temperatezone, cold-temperate zone年平均降水量average annualprecipitation 东南沿海地区southeasterncoastal areas历史概况outline history最早的原始人元谋人北京人the first primitive man, Yuanmou Man, Peking Man古代近/现代ancient period,modern period传说人物legendary figure黄帝Emperor Huang炎黄子孙the descendants ofYan and Huang奴隶制institution ofslavery贤君sage king春秋战国(时期)the Spring andAutumn and theWarring StatesPeriods《春秋》:Spring andAutumn Annals诸侯duke公侯伯子男duke, marquis,earl/count,viscount, baron;baronet封建王朝feudal monarchy始皇帝First Emperor农历(阳历)lunar calendar(solar calendar)(lunatic)农历闰年lunar leap year节气seasonal divisionpoint 天干地支the HeavenlyStems and EarthlyBranches辛亥革命the Revolution of1911甲午战争the Sino-JapaneseWar of 1894-1895戊戌变法the ReformMovement of 1898三国时期the ThreeKingdoms Period三国鼎立in a tripartitebalance[tripartitediscussion]盛世glorious period黄袍加身?clothe sb. in theyellow gownclothe sb. in theyellow imperialgown登基ascend the throne 成吉思汗Genghis Khan鸦片战争the Opium War半封建、半殖民地国家country of semi-feudal and semi-colonial status辛亥革命the Revolution of1911孙中山Sun Yat-sen中山大学Sun Yat-senUniversity中华民国the Republic ofChina开国大总统the first president五四运动the May 4thMovement 抗日战争the anti-JapaneseWar解放战争the Liberation War新疆维吾尔自治区:Uygur Autonomous Region of Xinjiang特别行政区specialadministrativeregion (SAR)一国两制one country, twosystems国家统计局the National民族分布distribution of theBureau of Statistics ethnic groups汉文化Han culture少数民族minority ethnicgroups国家人口普查national census牧区pastoral area宪法constitution国家基本大法the fundamentallaw of the state民主党派; 执政党democratic party;party in power(ruling party)在野党party out of power多党合作与政治协商multi-partycooperation andpoliticalconsultation统一战线united front改革开放reform andopening-up宏观调控macro control中国政府官方网站the ChineseGovernment’sOfficial Web Portal国内生产总值gross domesticproduct (GDP)基本国策fundamental statepolicies 调整经济体制restructureeconomic system计划经济(体制)planned economysystem社会主义市场经济socialist marketeconomy非公部门non-public sector中国改革开放的总设计师the chief architect of China’s reform and opening-up充分发挥其优越性bring its benefitsinto full play (givefull play to…)同胞fellow countrymenChapt 2 Philosophy and Religions儒教、道Confucianism,四大发明Four Great教、佛教Taoism, Buddhism Inventions非竞技体育运动(如太极拳、武术)non-competitivesports (such as taichi and wushu)竞技体育运动competitive sports思想流派schools of thought基本形成take definite shapes得以蓬勃发展enjoy thrivingdevelopment百家争鸣 a hundred schools ofthought contend中国古代哲学ancient ChinesePhilosophy[中国古典文学classical Chineseliterature]先秦子学the philosophy inpre-Qin times儒家学说Confucianism墨家、法家Mohism, Legalism孔子、孟子Confucius, Mencius核心思想、言行、行为准则core of thought,words and deeds,code of behavior仁、义、忠、恕benevolence,justice/righteousness,allegiance,forbearance中庸之道the doctrine of thegolden mean (seethe explanation onp.18)伦理关系ethical relations孔子的(儒家的)Confucian道、天道、人道Dao/Tao (the Way asthe noumenon of thecosmos), theHeavenly Way, theHuman Way老子、《道德经》Lao Zi/Lao-Tse,Dao De Jing/TaoTe Ching无为而治achieving goodgovernment throughnon-action兼爱universal love尚贤honor virtuouspeople非命、非攻oppose fatalism,节用(厉行uphold thriftiness,oppose aggressive wars 节约)、节葬uphold simplefunerals韩非子Han Fei Zi官僚制度bureaucracy两汉经学the orthodoxphilosophy duringthe Han Dynasty 汉武帝Emperor Wudi (ofHan Dynasty)“罢黜百家,独尊儒术”ban all schools ofthought exceptConfucianism官学、正统哲学orthodox school,orthodox philosophy玄学metaphysics《易经》The Book of Changes(one of the FiveClassics)(“四书五经”:四书:《大学》、《中庸》、《论语》、《孟子》The Four Books:The GreatLearning, TheDoctrine of theMean, TheConfucianAnalects, TheWorks of Mencius五经:《诗》(诗经/诗三百)、《书》(尚书/书经)、《礼》(周礼;周公旦)、《易》(易经/周易)、《春秋》The Five Classics(collected andcompiled byConfucius): TheBook ofPoetry/Songs/Odes,The Book of History,The Book of Rites,The Book ofChanges, and TheSpring and AutumnAnnals)有无、本末existence vsnonexistence,essentials vsnonessentials佛学Buddhist philosophy主客观the subjective andthe objective 理学、理学学派、心学学派、实学Neo-Confucianism,the School ofPrinciple, the Schoolof Mind, applicationphilosophy自省(曾子self-天命disposition曰:“吾日三省吾身。
中国文化概况英汉对照版中国文化概况英汉对照版一:英文版:Chinese culture, with its rich heritage spanning thousands of years, is one of the oldest and most diverse cultures in the world. It is a blend of traditions, art, philosophy, and customs that have been shaped by the vast and diverse geography of China. From the ancient times of the Yellow Emperor and Confucius to the modern era, Chinese culture has continuously evolved while maintaining its unique identity.At the heart of Chinese culture lies its philosophical traditions, including Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism. These philosophies have profoundly influenced the moral and social values of the Chinese people. Confucianism, for instance, emphasizes the importance of family, respect for elders, and the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom.Chinese art, another vital aspect of its culture, encompasses a wide range of styles and mediums, including painting, calligraphy, sculpture, and ceramics. Chinese painting, known for its use of brush and ink, often depicts natural landscapes and scenes from history and mythology. Calligraphy, considered both an art and a way to cultivate one's character, is highly revered in Chinese culture.Cuisine is also a significant part of Chinese culture, characterized by its diversity and emphasis on harmony and balance. Chinese cuisine varies greatly from region to region, with each area having its own unique flavors and specialties. Traditional Chinese medicine, with its holistic approach to health, is another important aspect of the culture.Lastly, Chinese festivals and customs play a crucial role in cultural expression. The Spring Festival, or Chinese New Year, is the most important and widely celebrated festival in China. It is a time for family reunions, feasting, and the giving of red envelopes. Other notable festivals include the Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, and Lantern Festival, each with its own traditions and significance.汉语对照版:中国文化,拥有数千年的丰富遗产,是世界上最古老、最多样化的文化之一。
《中国传统文化》 绪论 世界遗产
河南安阳殷墟:2006年入选《世界遗产名录》 广东开平碉楼:2007年入选《世界遗产名录》
河南登封天地之中:2010年入选《世界遗产 名录》
内蒙古元上都遗址:2012年入选《世界 遗产名录》
中国大运河:2014年入选《世界遗产名 录》
江西九江庐山国家公园:1996年入选 《世界遗产名录》
杭州西湖:2011年入选《世界遗产名录》 山西五台山:2009年入选《世界遗产名录》
云南红河哈尼梯田:2013年入选《世界遗产名 录》
湖南土司遗址:2015年入选《世界遗产名 录》
四川都江堰:2000年入选《世界遗产名录》 重庆大足石刻:1999年入选《世界遗产名录》
中国明清皇家陵寝:2000年入选《世界遗产名录》 河南洛阳龙门石窟:2000年入选《世界遗产名录》
安徽宏村西递皖南古村落:2000年入选《世界遗产名 录》
澳门历史城区:2005年入选《世界遗产名录》 吉林高句丽王城:2004年入选《世界遗产名录》
湖南张家界武陵源:1992年入选《世界自然遗产名录》 良渚古城遗址:2019年入选《世界遗产名录》
四川南坪九寨沟:1992年入选《世界自然遗产名 录》
云南三江并流保护区:2003年入选《世界自然 遗产名录》
贵州梵净山:2018年入选《世界自然 遗产名录》