Analysis and Optimization


multidisciplinary design analysis and optimization

multidisciplinary design analysis and optimization

multidisciplinary design analysis and optimization 1. 引言1.1 概述多学科设计分析与优化是一种综合了不同学科领域知识的研究方法和技术。



1.2 文章结构本文将首先介绍多学科设计分析与优化的概念及其重要性。




1.3 目的本文旨在对多学科设计分析与优化进行全面而系统的介绍,以帮助读者深入理解其概念、方法和应用。



以上是“1. 引言”部分的详细内容。

2. 多学科设计分析与优化概述2.1 多学科设计多学科设计是一种集成了不同学科知识的设计方法。




2.2 设计分析和优化概念设计分析是指通过建立数学模型和仿真技术来评估并理解产品或系统在不同条件下的行为和性能。






.1.Task / Objective目的-To define and establish basic requirements and a process to prepare, execute and follow-up Failure Mode and Effects Analyses.为了规定建立基本的要求和程序以便于对失效模式及后果分析的准备、执行和跟踪。

2.Scope of Application范围-Avim solar production Co.,Ltd, Gaomi/China埃孚光伏制造有限公司高密/中国3.Definitions术语和定义FMEA失效模式及后果分析The Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is an analytical method of preventive quality assurance. It helps to identify and evaluate risks in time, and to initiate or propose suitable actions for risk minimization. The FMEA consists of 5 steps: Structural analysis, functional analysis, failure analysis, risk assessment and optimization.失效模式及后果分析是预防性品质保障的一种分析方法,它可以帮助及时识别并评估风险,并启动或提议适当的行动把风险降低最低限度。


Product FMEA产品的失效模式及后果分析The Product FMEA analyses the design of products, product parts and their interfaces with regard to their quality over the whole product life cycle.产品的FMEA是从产品寿命周期的角度来分析产品、产品部件、以及部件接合处的设计。



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Investigation, Analysis and Optimization of Exothermic Nitrations in Microreactor Processes

Investigation, Analysis and Optimization of Exothermic Nitrations in Microreactor Processes
Two different types of microreactors were used for the nitration experiments. A commercially available silicon micromixer based on a microfluidic split-andrecombine structure (MiMoCo GmbH, IlmenauiGermany) and a microreactor array made of glass containing 20 reaction channels in parallel with integrated educt mixing zones and cooling structure (development in cooperation with mgt mikroglas technik AG, Mainz/Germany) [2, 3]. Since nitrating agents are highly corrosive media only resistant materials can be applied for such reactions. Silicon, glass and titanium were proved to be suitable for nitration processes. Microstructured devices made of stainless steels did not withstand such corrosion processes. Different nitrating agents were used for the microreaction experiments. Besides concentrated and fuming nitric acid (65% resp. conc. RN0 3), nitrating acid ("mixed acid": RN0 31H2S04 = 1: 1 - 6: 1) and dinitrogen pentoxide (N205) as a less acid nitrating agent were used. N20 5 was either dissolved in CH2Cl 2 or used as a gaseous reactant (in-situ production: N20 4 + 0 3). Nitrating agents were used in up to 6-fold excess. Ureas (dissolved in dichloromethane) and nitrating agents (liquid or dissolved) were supplied by pulsation-free pumps, mixed inside the microreactors (resp. micromixers) and then passed through reaction capillaries (e.g. PTFE tubes) of different lengths representing different retention times (0.6 s - 82 s). Nitrations were carried out in a continuous mode at defined temperatures between O°C and 20°C. The reaction mixture eluting out of the microreaction system was quenched in ice water and/or cold dichloromethane, extracted and passed to NMR, MS, IR, HPLC or GC-MS for analysis. For a more effective investigation and optimization of nitrations analytical devices and sensors for process control (like temperature monitoring, flow control, etc.) were adapted to the microreaction processes. FTIR microscopy was applied for the online monitoring of nitrations in silicon microreactors. Due to a high spatial resolution of this analytical method (~ 10 flm) educts and products of nitrations can be identified and distinguished at different positions inside the microreactor [5]. Both intermediates and final products of nitrations can be IR spectroscopically detected by focusing the IR

Convex Analysis and Nonlinear Optimization 第三章习题解答

Convex Analysis and Nonlinear Optimization 第三章习题解答

¯ ¯ ) = { ∥x i .e . ∂ f ( x ¯∥ } x
I can’t do it at this moment. 9.Proof 10.proof note: I think this function should be defined on the cone Rn ≥ ∀φ ∈ ∂ < µ, [.] > (0) < φ, y − 0 >≤< µ, y > − < µ, 0 >, ∀ y ∈ E < µ − φ, y >≥ 0. by the Schur-convexity property, we have y ∈ conv (Pn µ)
(iii) The only thing we should deduce is that: ¯ ⊂ lin q, which is obvious from (i) x lin p ⊂ lin q ∀d ∈ l i n p
t ↓0 ¯ + t d )− p ( x ¯) p (x − q (d ) = − lim t t ↓0
¯ +t d ∥−∥x ¯∥ ¯ , d ) = lim ∥x < φ, d >≤ f (x t t ↓0 ¯ ,d >+t 2 <d ,d > 2t <x ¯ x = lim t (∥x ¯ +t d ∥+∥x ¯ ∥) =< ∥x ¯∥ , d t ↓0
∀d ∈ E
so φ = (2)
¯ x ¯∥ ∥x
(b) To deduce convex, we should consider the following cases: (1) x and y are both nonnegitive, (2) otherwise {d ≤ 0}, x = 0 ∂ f (x ) = {0}, x >0 , x <0 (c)



Ranges 因子区间
• 对于同一个因子,在试验中其取值的最大范围 就称为因子区间,因子区间反映了我们在试验 中想去考察的范围。
Levels 因子水平
• 在DOE中为了考察因子的不同取值对于响应的 效应,我们往往取两个或者更多的水平值。
Effect 试验效应
• 效应就是指随着因子的变化,响应值的变化。 效应在模型里面表现为因子项的系数。
• 有几个未知数? • 最少需要几个方程才能求解? • 如果方程数目多于未知数个数,如何求解?
DOE 的历史
• 1918年, 早期的方差分析方法由Fisher(1890-1962,英国某试验农场工程 师)提出。Fisher在马铃薯实验中引入方差分析方法,大幅提高了农产品 的产量。20到40年代,Fisher及其学生完善了方差分析以及试验设计方法, 其中包括拉丁方格方法。 • 1937年澳大利亚统计学家尤顿提出不完全拉丁方格设计;1938年印度统 计学家鲍斯研究了“部分配置法”与“交络法”;1946年菲内正式提出 “部分配置法”。
Y = f (x1, x2, x3,……xn)
Response (Y) 响应
• 响应就是试验的结果/输出 • 响应往往就是我们做试验要改善或者达到的性 能
Factors (x’s) 受试因子
• The critical X’s which determine the response,Y • They can be categorical or numerical
Noise Factors 噪声因子
• 噪声因子对于响应也是有改变作用的,但是我 们在应用无法控制它们。但是我们需要知道它 们的影响可能有多大。



- disruption ,: Global convergence vs nationalSustainable-,practices and dynamic capabilities in the food industry: A critical analysis of the literature5 Mesoscopic- simulation6 Firm size and sustainable performance in food -s: Insights from Greek SMEs7 An analytical method for cost analysis in multi-stage -s: A stochastic / model approach8 A Roadmap to Green - System through Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Implementation9 Unidirectional transshipment policies in a dual-channel -10 Decentralized and centralized model predictive control to reduce the bullwhip effect in -,11 An agent-based distributed computational experiment framework for virtual -/ development12 Biomass-to-bioenergy and biofuel - optimization: Overview, key issues and challenges13 The benefits of - visibility: A value assessment model14 An Institutional Theory perspective on sustainable practices across the dairy -15 Two-stage stochastic programming - model for biodiesel production via wastewater treatment16 Technology scale and -s in a secure, affordable and low carbon energy transition17 Multi-period design and planning of closed-loop -s with uncertain supply and demand18 Quality control in food -,: An analytical model and case study of the adulterated milk incident in China19 - information capabilities and performance outcomes: An empirical study of Korean steel suppliers20 A game-based approach towards facilitating decision making for perishable products: An example of blood -21 - design under quality disruptions and tainted materials delivery22 A two-level replenishment frequency model for TOC - replenishment systems under capacity constraint23 - dynamics and the ―cross-border effect‖: The U.S.–Mexican border’s case24 Designing a new - for competition against an existing -25 Universal supplier selection via multi-dimensional auction mechanisms for two-way competition in oligopoly market of -26 Using TODIM to evaluate green - practices under uncertainty27 - downsizing under bankruptcy: A robust optimization approach28 Coordination mechanism for a deteriorating item in a two-level - system29 An accelerated Benders decomposition algorithm for sustainable -/ design under uncertainty: A case study of medical needle and syringe -30 Bullwhip Effect Study in a Constrained -31 Two-echelon multiple-vehicle location–routing problem with time windows for optimization of sustainable -/ of perishable food32 Research on pricing and coordination strategy of green - under hybrid production mode33 Agent-system co-development in - research: Propositions and demonstrative findings34 Tactical ,for coordinated -s35 Photovoltaic - coordination with strategic consumers in China36 Coordinating supplier׳s reorder point: A coordination mechanism for -s with long supplier lead time37 Assessment and optimization of forest biomass -s from economic, social and environmental perspectives – A review of literature38 The effects of a trust mechanism on a dynamic -/39 Economic and environmental assessment of reusable plastic containers: A food catering - case study40 Competitive pricing and ordering decisions in a multiple-channel -41 Pricing in a - for auction bidding under information asymmetry42 Dynamic analysis of feasibility in ethanol - for biofuel production in Mexico43 The impact of partial information sharing in a two-echelon -44 Choice of - governance: Self-managing or outsourcing?45 Joint production and delivery lot sizing for a make-to-order producer–buyer - with transportation cost46 Hybrid algorithm for a vendor managed inventory system in a two-echelon -47 Traceability in a food -: Safety and quality perspectives48 Transferring and sharing exchange-rate risk in a risk-averse - of a multinational firm49 Analyzing the impacts of carbon regulatory mechanisms on supplier and mode selection decisions: An application to a biofuel -50 Product quality and return policy in a - under risk aversion of a supplier51 Mining logistics data to assure the quality in a sustainable food -: A case in the red wine industry52 Biomass - optimisation for Organosolv-based biorefineries53 Exact solutions to the - equations for arbitrary, time-dependent demands54 Designing a sustainable closed-loop -/ based on triple bottom line approach: A comparison of metaheuristics hybridization techniques55 A study of the LCA based biofuel - multi-objective optimization model with multi-conversion paths in China56 A hybrid two-stock inventory control model for a reverse -57 Dynamics of judicial service -s58 Optimizing an integrated vendor-managed inventory system for a single-vendor two-buyer - with determining weighting factor for vendor׳s ordering59 Measuring - Resilience Using a Deterministic Modeling Approach60 A LCA Based Biofuel - Analysis Framework61 A neo-institutional perspective of -s and energy security: Bioenergy in the UK62 Modified penalty function method for optimal social welfare of electric power - with transmission constraints63 Optimization of blood - with shortened shelf lives and ABO compatibility64 Diversified firms on dynamical - cope with financial crisis better65 Securitization of energy -s in China66 Optimal design of the auto parts - for JIT operations: Sequential bifurcation factor screening and multi-response surface methodology67 Achieving sustainable -s through energy justice68 - agility: Securing performance for Chinese manufacturers69 Energy price risk and the sustainability of demand side -s70 Strategic and tactical mathematical programming models within the crude oil - context - A review71 An analysis of the structural complexity of -/s72 Business process re-design methodology to support - integration73 Could - technology improve food operators’ innovativeness? A developing country’s perspective74 RFID-enabled process reengineering of closed-loop -s in the healthcare industry of Singapore75 Order-Up-To policies in Information Exchange -s76 Robust design and operations of hydrocarbon biofuel - integrating with existing petroleum refineries considering unit cost objective77 Trade-offs in - transparency: the case of Nudie Jeans78 Healthcare - operations: Why are doctors reluctant to consolidate?79 Impact on the optimal design of bioethanol -s by a new European Commission proposal80 Managerial research on the pharmaceutical - – A critical review and some insights for future directions81 - performance evaluation with data envelopment analysis and balanced scorecard approach82 Integrated - design for commodity chemicals production via woody biomass fast pyrolysis and upgrading83 Governance of sustainable -s in the fast fashion industry84 Temperature ,for the quality assurance of a perishable food -85 Modeling of biomass-to-energy - operations: Applications, challenges and research directions86 Assessing Risk Factors in Collaborative - with the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)87 Random / models and sensitivity algorithms for the analysis of ordering time and inventory state in multi-stage -s88 Information sharing and collaborative behaviors in enabling - performance: A social exchange perspective89 The coordinating contracts for a fuzzy - with effort and price dependent demand90 Criticality analysis and the -: Leveraging representational assurance91 Economic model predictive control for inventory ,in -s92 -,ontology from an ontology engineering perspective93 Surplus division and investment incentives in -s: A biform-game analysis94 Biofuels for road transport: Analysing evolving -s in Sweden from an energy security perspective95 -,executives in corporate upper echelons Original Research Article96 Sustainable -,in the fast fashion industry: An analysis of corporate reports97 An improved method for managing catastrophic - disruptions98 The equilibrium of closed-loop - super/ with time-dependent parameters99 A bi-objective stochastic programming model for a centralized green - with deteriorating products100 Simultaneous control of vehicle routing and inventory for dynamic inbound -101 Environmental impacts of roundwood - options in Michigan: life-cycle assessment of harvest and transport stages102 A recovery mechanism for a two echelon - system under supply disruption103 Challenges and Competitiveness Indicators for the Sustainable Development of the - in Food Industry104 Is doing more doing better? The relationship between responsible -,and corporate reputation105 Connecting product design, process and - decisions to strengthen global - capabilities106 A computational study for common / design in multi-commodity -s107 Optimal production and procurement decisions in a - with an option contract and partial backordering under uncertainties108 Methods to optimise the design and ,of biomass-for-bioenergy -s: A review109 Reverse - coordination by revenue sharing contract: A case for the personal computers industry110 SCOlog: A logic-based approach to analysing - operation dynamics111 Removing the blinders: A literature review on the potential of nanoscale technologies for the ,of -s112 Transition inertia due to competition in -s with remanufacturing and recycling: A systems dynamics mode113 Optimal design of advanced drop-in hydrocarbon biofuel - integrating with existing petroleum refineries under uncertainty114 Revenue-sharing contracts across an extended -115 An integrated revenue sharing and quantity discounts contract for coordinating a - dealing with short life-cycle products116 Total JIT (T-JIT) and its impact on - competency and organizational performance117 Logistical - design for bioeconomy applications118 A note on ―Quality investment and inspection policy in a supplier-manufacturer -‖119 Developing a Resilient -120 Cyber - risk ,: Revolutionizing the strategic control of critical IT systems121 Defining value chain architectures: Linking strategic value creation to operational - design122 Aligning the sustainable - to green marketing needs: A case study123 Decision support and intelligent systems in the textile and apparel -: An academic review of research articles124 -,capability of small and medium sized family businesses in India: A multiple case study approach125 - collaboration: Impact of success in long-term partnerships126 Collaboration capacity for sustainable -,: small and medium-sized enterprises in Mexico127 Advanced traceability system in aquaculture -128 - information systems strategy: Impacts on - performance and firm performance129 Performance of - collaboration – A simulation study130 Coordinating a three-level - with delay in payments and a discounted interest rate131 An integrated framework for agent basedinventory–production–transportation modeling and distributed simulation of -s132 Optimal - design and ,over a multi-period horizon under demand uncertainty. Part I: MINLP and MILP models133 The impact of knowledge transfer and complexity on - flexibility: A knowledge-based view134 An innovative - performance measurement system incorporating Research and Development (R&D) and marketing policy135 Robust decision making for hybrid process - systems via model predictive control136 Combined pricing and - operations under price-dependent stochastic demand137 Balancing - competitiveness and robustness through ―virtual dual sourcing‖: Lessons from the Great East Japan Earthquake138 Solving a tri-objective - problem with modified NSGA-II algorithm 139 Sustaining long-term - partnerships using price-only contracts 140 On the impact of advertising initiatives in -s141 A typology of the situations of cooperation in -s142 A structured analysis of operations and -,research in healthcare (1982–2011143 - practice and information quality: A - strategy study144 Manufacturer's pricing strategy in a two-level - with competing retailers and advertising cost dependent demand145 Closed-loop -/ design under a fuzzy environment146 Timing and eco(nomic) efficiency of climate-friendly investments in -s147 Post-seismic - risk ,: A system dynamics disruption analysis approach for inventory and logistics planning148 The relationship between legitimacy, reputation, sustainability and branding for companies and their -s149 Linking - configuration to - perfrmance: A discrete event simulation model150 An integrated multi-objective model for allocating the limited sources in a multiple multi-stage lean -151 Price and leadtime competition, and coordination for make-to-order -s152 A model of resilient -/ design: A two-stage programming with fuzzy shortest path153 Lead time variation control using reliable shipment equipment: An incentive scheme for - coordination154 Interpreting - dynamics: A quasi-chaos perspective155 A production-inventory model for a two-echelon - when demand is dependent on sales teams׳ initiatives156 Coordinating a dual-channel - with risk-averse under a two-way revenue sharing contract157 Energy supply planning and - optimization under uncertainty158 A hierarchical model of the impact of RFID practices on retail - performance159 An optimal solution to a three echelon -/ with multi-product and multi-period160 A multi-echelon - model for municipal solid waste ,system 161 A multi-objective approach to - visibility and risk162 An integrated - model with errors in quality inspection and learning in production163 A fuzzy AHP-TOPSIS framework for ranking the solutions of Knowledge ,adoption in - to overcome its barriers164 A relational study of - agility, competitiveness and business performance in the oil and gas industry165 Cyber - security practices DNA – Filling in the puzzle using a diverse set of disciplines166 A three layer - model with multiple suppliers, manufacturers and retailers for multiple items167 Innovations in low input and organic dairy -s—What is acceptable in Europe168 Risk Variables in Wind Power -169 An analysis of - strategies in the regenerative medicine industry—Implications for future development170 A note on - coordination for joint determination of order quantity and reorder point using a credit option171 Implementation of a responsive - strategy in global complexity: The case of manufacturing firms172 - scheduling at the manufacturer to minimize inventory holding and delivery costs173 GBOM-oriented ,of production disruption risk and optimization of - construction175 Alliance or no alliance—Bargaining power in competing reverse -s174 Climate change risks and adaptation options across Australian seafood -s – A preliminary assessment176 Designing contracts for a closed-loop - under information asymmetry 177 Chemical - modeling for analysis of homeland security178 Chain liability in multitier -s? Responsibility attributions for unsustainable supplier behavior179 Quantifying the efficiency of price-only contracts in push -s over demand distributions of known supports180 Closed-loop -/ design: A financial approach181 An integrated -/ design problem for bidirectional flows182 Integrating multimodal transport into cellulosic biofuel- design under feedstock seasonality with a case study based on California183 - dynamic configuration as a result of new product development184 A genetic algorithm for optimizing defective goods - costs using JIT logistics and each-cycle lengths185 A -/ design model for biomass co-firing in coal-fired power plants 186 Finance sourcing in a -187 Data quality for data science, predictive analytics, and big data in -,: An introduction to the problem and suggestions for research and applications188 Consumer returns in a decentralized -189 Cost-based pricing model with value-added tax and corporate income tax for a -/190 A hard nut to crack! Implementing - sustainability in an emerging economy191 Optimal location of spelling yards for the northern Australian beef -192 Coordination of a socially responsible - using revenue sharing contract193 Multi-criteria decision making based on trust and reputation in -194 Hydrogen - architecture for bottom-up energy systems models. Part 1: Developing pathways195 Financialization across the Pacific: Manufacturing cost ratios, -s and power196 Integrating deterioration and lifetime constraints in production and - planning: A survey197 Joint economic lot sizing problem for a three—Layer - with stochastic demand198 Mean-risk analysis of radio frequency identification technology in - with inventory misplacement: Risk-sharing and coordination199 Dynamic impact on global -s performance of disruptions propagation produced by terrorist acts。



使用ZEMAX®於設計、優化、公差和分析Design, optimization, tolerancing and analysis using ZEMAX®摘要光學設計軟體ZEMAX®的功能討論可藉由使用ZEMAX去設計和分析一個投影系統來討論,包括使用透鏡陣列 (lenslet arrays) 來建構聚光鏡 (condenser)。

ABSTRACTA discussion of the capabilities of the optical design program ZEMAX® is followed by a discussion of using ZEMAX to design and analyze a projection system to include the condenser made using lenslet arrays.簡介ZEMAX以非序列性 (non-sequential) 分析工具來結合序列性 (sequential) 描光程式的傳統功能,且為一套能夠研究所有表面的光學設計和分析的整合性套裝軟體,並具有研究成像和非成像系統中的雜散光 (stray light) 和鬼影 (ghosting) 的能力,從簡單的繪圖 (Layout)一直到優化和公差分析皆可達成。

根據過去的經驗,對於光學系統的端對端 (end to end)分析往往是需要兩種不同的設計和分析工具。

一套序列性描光軟體,可用於設計、優化和公差分析,而一套非序列性或未受限制的 (unconstrained) 描光軟體,可用來分析雜散光、鬼影和一般的非成像系統分析,包括照明系統。







结果表明,异位间接热脱附修复的目标污染物主要包括苯系物、氯代烃、多环芳烃、农药和石油烃等5种类型,污染物的最大超标倍数为7.60~4409.09,热脱附最高温度范围为350~750℃,热脱附停留时间不超过30min 的工程占比为94%,热脱附修复综合成本为734~1400元/m 3,平均值为1210元/m 3。



【关键词】土壤;有机污染;修复;异位热脱附;设备优化中图分类号:X53文献标识码:A文章编号:1005-8206(2024)01-0079-08DOI :10.19841/ki.hjwsgc.2024.01.011Application Research and Optimization Strategy Analysis of Soil Ex-situ Indirect Thermal Desorption Technology WANG Lei 1,2,YAO Jiabin 2,ZHANG Haijing 1(1.Shanghai Municipal Engineering Design Institute (Group )Co.Ltd.,Shanghai 200092;2.Tongji University ,Shanghai200092)【Abstract 】16typical ex-situ indirect thermal desorption projects in 12provinces in China were investigated.Theapplication characteristics of ex-situ indirect thermal desorption technology were analyzed.The results showed that the target pollutants of ex-situ indirect thermal desorption remediation mainly include benzene,chlorinated hydrocarbons,polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,pesticides and petroleum hydrocarbons,for a total of five types.The maximum exceedance of pollutants multiples was 7.60~4409.09.The maximum thermal desorption temperature ranged from 350to 750℃,the thermal desorption residence time of less than 30min accounted for 94%of the projects,the comprehensive cost of thermal desorption repair was 734~1400yuan per square meter,the average value was 1210yuan per square meter.At the same time,the operation problems of thermal desorption equipment in engineering applications were identified,and it was found that the running stability of thermal desorption equipment was poor,which restricted the processing capacity.And the energy utilization efficiency of thermal desorption system was low,which affected the processing cost.It was necessary to further strengthening the research of thermal desorption process heat and mass transfer mechanism,improving the level of equipment integration and standardization and improving the energy utilization efficiency.【Key words 】soil;organic pollution;remediation;indirect thermal desorption;equipment optimization*基金项目:上海市2021年度“科技创新行动计划”启明星项目(21QB1404200)收稿日期:2023-08-24;录用日期:2023-11-200引言随着我国城市经济发展和产业结构调整,在“退二进三”和“退城进园”的背景下,大批工业企业将由城市人口稠密区迁往郊区或工业园区。



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英语作文-揭秘集成电路设计中的功耗分析与优化方法Power analysis and optimization in integrated circuit (IC) design is a critical aspect that influences both the performance and efficiency of electronic devices. As technology advances, demands for lower power consumption in ICs have become increasingly stringent, driven by factors such as battery life in mobile devices, heat dissipation in high-performance computing, and environmental concerns. In this article, we will delve into various methods and strategies employed in the analysis and optimization of power consumption in IC design.Firstly, it's essential to understand the sources of power dissipation in ICs. The major contributors typically include dynamic power dissipation (P_dynamic), which arises from charging and discharging internal node capacitances during switching activities, and static power dissipation (P_static), caused by leakage currents in transistors even when they are not switching.To effectively analyze and optimize power consumption, designers employ several key methodologies:1. Power Estimation and Modeling:Before diving into optimization, accurate estimation of power consumption is crucial. This involves using tools and techniques to model power at various stages of the design process—from early architectural exploration to detailed circuit implementation. Power estimation tools simulate the behavior of the IC under different conditions (e.g., varying workloads or input signals) to predict power consumption accurately.2. Architectural Optimization:At the architectural level, design choices significantly impact power consumption. Techniques such as voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS), where the operating voltageand clock frequency are adjusted dynamically based on workload, are commonly used to achieve optimal power-performance trade-offs. Furthermore, employing low-power design architectures such as pipelining, parallelism, and data gating helps in reducing power consumption without compromising performance.3. Circuit-Level Optimization:Circuit-level optimizations focus on reducing both dynamic and static power dissipation. Techniques like clock gating, where parts of the circuit are selectively shut down when not in use, effectively reduce dynamic power consumption. Additionally, optimizing transistor sizing, using low-leakage transistors, and implementing efficient power gating techniques help in minimizing static power dissipation.4. Advanced Power Management Techniques:As ICs become more complex, advanced power management techniques are crucial. This includes sophisticated power gating strategies like multi-threshold CMOS (MTCMOS), where different parts of the chip can operate at different voltages or shut down independently. Furthermore, the integration of power islands allows certain blocks of the IC to operate autonomously, enabling further power savings.5. Verification and Validation:Throughout the design process, verification of power-related optimizations is essential to ensure they meet design goals. Techniques such as power-aware simulation and formal verification help in validating power reduction strategies early in the design cycle, thereby minimizing costly redesigns later.6. Post-Silicon Power Analysis:Post-silicon power analysis involves measuring actual power consumption on fabricated chips. This step validates earlier estimations and optimizations, providing feedback for future design iterations and improvements.In conclusion, the analysis and optimization of power consumption in IC design involve a comprehensive approach spanning from early architectural decisions to post-silicon validation. By employing advanced modeling, architectural optimizations, circuit-level techniques, and rigorous verification, designers can effectively meet stringent power constraints while maintaining optimal performance. This holistic approach not only enhances the efficiency and longevity of electronic devices but also contributes to sustainable and eco-friendly design practices in the semiconductor industry.。



Single Discipli ne
Reliability Based Robus t Design
Robustness Assessment & Design (Monte Carlo etc.)
Optimization and Robust Design Strategy
Find design variable X that will
Minimize F(X)
Subject to gi(X) 0, hj(X)=0, Xl X Xu
• F, g, & h are implicit functions of x. Exact evaluation requires complete FEA. • Sensitivities of F, g & h may require more efforts t han analysis itself. • Numbers of constraints gi & x may be very large.
Effective Integration of Individual Disciplines/Subsystems to Capture the Interactions Novel Solution Procedures to Enable System Level Solutions Characteristics: Large-Scale, Needs Decomposition, Computation Intensive, Multiple Simulations
Conventional A pproach Too expensive Sequential

电子电路仿真与分析考试 选择题 50题

电子电路仿真与分析考试 选择题 50题

1. 在电子电路仿真中,哪种软件最常用于模拟数字电路?A. SPICEB. MultisimC. ProteusD. Logisim2. 下列哪个参数不是用于描述晶体管的?A. 阈值电压B. 饱和电流C. 截止频率D. 电阻值3. 在电路仿真中,直流分析(DC Analysis)主要用于确定什么?A. 电路的频率响应B. 电路的直流工作点C. 电路的瞬态响应D. 电路的噪声水平4. 使用SPICE进行电路仿真时,哪个命令用于执行直流扫描分析?A. .ACB. .DCC. .TRAND. .NOISE5. 在模拟电路设计中,反馈的主要作用是什么?A. 增加电路的复杂性B. 提高电路的稳定性C. 降低电路的效率D. 增加电路的功耗6. 下列哪种元件在电路仿真中通常不需要考虑其温度效应?A. 电阻B. 电容C. 晶体管D. 二极管7. 在进行电路仿真时,瞬态分析(Transient Analysis)主要关注什么?A. 电路的长期稳定性B. 电路的短期动态响应C. 电路的直流工作点D. 电路的频率特性8. 在Multisim中,如何添加一个新的仿真元件?A. 通过菜单栏的“插入”选项B. 通过工具栏的“元件”按钮C. 通过快捷键Ctrl+ND. 通过右键菜单的“新建”选项9. 下列哪个选项不是电路仿真软件的主要功能?A. 电路设计B. 电路分析C. 电路制造D. 电路优化10. 在电路仿真中,噪声分析(Noise Analysis)主要用于评估什么?A. 电路的功率消耗B. 电路的信号完整性C. 电路的温度稳定性D. 电路的频率响应11. 使用SPICE进行电路仿真时,哪个命令用于执行交流小信号分析?A. .ACB. .DCC. .TRAND. .NOISE12. 在电路仿真中,蒙特卡洛分析(Monte Carlo Analysis)主要用于什么?A. 评估电路的可靠性B. 优化电路的性能C. 分析电路的频率响应D. 确定电路的直流工作点13. 下列哪个元件在电路仿真中通常具有非线性特性?A. 电阻B. 电容C. 晶体管D. 电感14. 在Multisim中,如何进行电路的瞬态分析?A. 通过菜单栏的“分析”选项B. 通过工具栏的“仿真”按钮C. 通过快捷键Ctrl+TD. 通过右键菜单的“瞬态分析”选项15. 在电路仿真中,参数扫描分析(Parameter Sweep Analysis)主要用于什么?A. 改变电路的拓扑结构B. 优化电路的元件参数C. 分析电路的频率响应D. 确定电路的直流工作点16. 使用SPICE进行电路仿真时,哪个命令用于执行瞬态分析?A. .ACB. .DCC. .TRAND. .NOISE17. 在电路仿真中,灵敏度分析(Sensitivity Analysis)主要用于什么?A. 评估电路对元件参数变化的敏感性B. 优化电路的性能C. 分析电路的频率响应D. 确定电路的直流工作点18. 下列哪个选项不是电路仿真软件的主要优势?A. 节省成本B. 提高效率C. 减少错误D. 增加电路的复杂性19. 在Multisim中,如何进行电路的交流分析?A. 通过菜单栏的“分析”选项B. 通过工具栏的“仿真”按钮C. 通过快捷键Ctrl+AD. 通过右键菜单的“交流分析”选项20. 在电路仿真中,直流扫描分析(DC Sweep Analysis)主要用于什么?A. 改变电路的拓扑结构B. 优化电路的元件参数C. 分析电路的频率响应D. 确定电路的直流工作点21. 使用SPICE进行电路仿真时,哪个命令用于执行噪声分析?A. .ACB. .DCC. .TRAND. .NOISE22. 在电路仿真中,傅里叶分析(Fourier Analysis)主要用于什么?A. 评估电路的可靠性B. 优化电路的性能C. 分析电路的频率响应D. 确定电路的直流工作点23. 下列哪个元件在电路仿真中通常具有线性特性?A. 电阻B. 电容C. 晶体管D. 二极管24. 在Multisim中,如何进行电路的直流分析?A. 通过菜单栏的“分析”选项B. 通过工具栏的“仿真”按钮C. 通过快捷键Ctrl+DD. 通过右键菜单的“直流分析”选项25. 在电路仿真中,参数优化分析(Parameter Optimization Analysis)主要用于什么?A. 改变电路的拓扑结构B. 优化电路的元件参数C. 分析电路的频率响应D. 确定电路的直流工作点26. 使用SPICE进行电路仿真时,哪个命令用于执行蒙特卡洛分析?A. .ACB. .DCC. .TRAND. .MC27. 在电路仿真中,可靠性分析(Reliability Analysis)主要用于什么?A. 评估电路的可靠性B. 优化电路的性能C. 分析电路的频率响应D. 确定电路的直流工作点28. 下列哪个选项不是电路仿真软件的主要应用领域?A. 电子工程B. 机械工程C. 通信工程D. 控制系统29. 在Multisim中,如何进行电路的参数扫描分析?A. 通过菜单栏的“分析”选项B. 通过工具栏的“仿真”按钮C. 通过快捷键Ctrl+SD. 通过右键菜单的“参数扫描分析”选项30. 在电路仿真中,灵敏度优化分析(Sensitivity Optimization Analysis)主要用于什么?A. 改变电路的拓扑结构B. 优化电路的元件参数C. 分析电路的频率响应D. 确定电路的直流工作点31. 使用SPICE进行电路仿真时,哪个命令用于执行灵敏度分析?A. .ACB. .DCC. .TRAND. .SENS32. 在电路仿真中,频率响应分析(Frequency Response Analysis)主要用于什么?A. 评估电路的可靠性B. 优化电路的性能C. 分析电路的频率响应D. 确定电路的直流工作点33. 下列哪个元件在电路仿真中通常具有非线性特性?A. 电阻B. 电容C. 晶体管D. 电感34. 在Multisim中,如何进行电路的噪声分析?A. 通过菜单栏的“分析”选项B. 通过工具栏的“仿真”按钮C. 通过快捷键Ctrl+ND. 通过右键菜单的“噪声分析”选项35. 在电路仿真中,参数优化分析(Parameter Optimization Analysis)主要用于什么?A. 改变电路的拓扑结构B. 优化电路的元件参数C. 分析电路的频率响应D. 确定电路的直流工作点36. 使用SPICE进行电路仿真时,哪个命令用于执行参数优化分析?A. .ACB. .DCC. .TRAND. .OPT37. 在电路仿真中,可靠性优化分析(Reliability Optimization Analysis)主要用于什么?A. 评估电路的可靠性B. 优化电路的性能C. 分析电路的频率响应D. 确定电路的直流工作点38. 下列哪个选项不是电路仿真软件的主要优势?A. 节省成本B. 提高效率C. 减少错误D. 增加电路的复杂性39. 在Multisim中,如何进行电路的可靠性分析?A. 通过菜单栏的“分析”选项B. 通过工具栏的“仿真”按钮C. 通过快捷键Ctrl+RD. 通过右键菜单的“可靠性分析”选项40. 在电路仿真中,灵敏度优化分析(Sensitivity Optimization Analysis)主要用于什么?A. 改变电路的拓扑结构B. 优化电路的元件参数C. 分析电路的频率响应D. 确定电路的直流工作点41. 使用SPICE进行电路仿真时,哪个命令用于执行可靠性分析?A. .ACB. .DCC. .TRAND. .REL42. 在电路仿真中,频率响应优化分析(Frequency Response Optimization Analys is)主要用于什么?A. 评估电路的可靠性B. 优化电路的性能C. 分析电路的频率响应D. 确定电路的直流工作点43. 下列哪个元件在电路仿真中通常具有非线性特性?A. 电阻B. 电容C. 晶体管D. 电感44. 在Multisim中,如何进行电路的频率响应分析?A. 通过菜单栏的“分析”选项B. 通过工具栏的“仿真”按钮C. 通过快捷键Ctrl+FD. 通过右键菜单的“频率响应分析”选项45. 在电路仿真中,参数优化分析(Parameter Optimization Analysis)主要用于什么?A. 改变电路的拓扑结构B. 优化电路的元件参数C. 分析电路的频率响应D. 确定电路的直流工作点46. 使用SPICE进行电路仿真时,哪个命令用于执行参数优化分析?A. .ACB. .DCC. .TRAND. .OPT47. 在电路仿真中,可靠性优化分析(Reliability Optimization Analysis)主要用于什么?A. 评估电路的可靠性B. 优化电路的性能C. 分析电路的频率响应D. 确定电路的直流工作点48. 下列哪个选项不是电路仿真软件的主要优势?A. 节省成本B. 提高效率C. 减少错误D. 增加电路的复杂性49. 在Multisim中,如何进行电路的可靠性分析?A. 通过菜单栏的“分析”选项B. 通过工具栏的“仿真”按钮C. 通过快捷键Ctrl+RD. 通过右键菜单的“可靠性分析”选项50. 在电路仿真中,灵敏度优化分析(Sensitivity Optimization Analysis)主要用于什么?A. 改变电路的拓扑结构B. 优化电路的元件参数C. 分析电路的频率响应D. 确定电路的直流工作点答案:1. D2. D3. B4. B5. B6. B7. B8. B9. C10. B11. A12. A13. C14. A15. B16. C17. A18. D19. A20. D21. D22. C23. A24. A25. B26. D27. A28. B29. A30. B31. D32. C33. C34. A35. B36. D37. B38. D39. A40. B41. D42. C43. C44. A45. B46. D47. B48. D49. A50. B。



基于DYNAFORM仿真模拟的拉深工艺方案确定Chapter 1: Introduction1.1 Background and motivation1.2 Research purpose and objectives1.3 Research methodologyChapter 2: Literature Review2.1 Overview of deep drawing process2.2 Previous studies on deep drawing process2.3 Introduction to DYNAFORM simulation software Chapter 3: Design and Simulation of Deep Drawing Process3.1 Material selection and properties3.2 Deep drawing die design3.3 Finite element modeling and simulation3.4 Experimental validation of the simulation results Chapter 4: Analysis and Optimization of the Deep Drawing Process4.1 Analysis of simulation results4.2 Identification of critical process parameters4.3 Optimization of process parameters using Design of Experiments (DOE)Chapter 5: Results and Discussion5.1 Presentation and analysis of simulation and experimental results5.2 Discussion of the impact of process parameters on deep drawing process5.3 Comparison of simulated and experimental resultsChapter 6: Conclusion and Future Work6.1 Summary of the findings and conclusions6.2 Limitations and future research directions6.3 Practical implications and recommendations for industrial application.Chapter 1: Introduction1.1 Background and motivationDeep drawing process is a widely used manufacturing process in the industry to produce complex geometries from sheet metal. In this process, a sheet of metal is placed over a die cavity and then drawn into the cavity using a punch. The metal sheet undergoes plastic deformation and takes the shape of the die cavity resulting in the desired shape of the product. The success of the deep drawing process depends on various process parameters such as material properties, die design, punch speed, and lubrication. Therefore, optimizing the process parameters is crucial for achieving a defect-free product with minimal scrap rate.In recent years, computer-based simulations have been used extensively in various manufacturing processes to simulate the process behavior and optimize the process parameters. Finite element simulations provide a cost-effective and time-efficient method of analyzing the process behavior and identifying the critical process parameters that affect the product quality. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the deep drawing process of a cylindrical cup using finite element simulations and optimize the critical process parameters using the design of experiments (DOE) approach.1.2 Research purpose and objectivesThe purpose of this research is to study the deep drawing process of a cylindrical cup using numerical simulations and optimize the process parameters using the DOE approach. The objectives of the study are as follows:1. To design and simulate the deep drawing process of a cylindrical cup using the DYNAFORM software.2. To analyze the simulation results and identify the critical process parameters that affect the product quality.3. To optimize the critical process parameters using the DOE approach and minimize the defects in the final product.1.3 Research methodologyThe research methodology for this study involves the following steps:1. Literature review: A thorough literature review will be carried out to understand the deep drawing process, its critical process parameters, and the previous studies related to deep drawing simulation and optimization.2. Material selection and properties: The material of the cylindrical cup will be selected based on the application requirements. The mechanical properties of the material will be identified and input into the simulation software.3. Deep drawing die design: The die cavity and punch will be designed based on the required dimensions and shape of thecylindrical cup.4. Finite element modeling and simulation: The deep drawing process will be modeled using finite element analysis, and the simulation results will be analyzed to identify the critical process parameters.5. Experimental validation: The simulated results will be validated using physical experiments to ensure the accuracy of the simulation results and the model's predictive capability.6. Analysis and optimization: The simulation results will be analyzed to identify the critical process parameters and optimize their values using the DOE approach.7. Reporting and Conclusion: The findings and conclusions will be documented and reported in the final report.Chapter 2: Literature Review2.1 Overview of deep drawing processThe deep drawing process, also known as a cupping process, is a complex and widely used manufacturing process in the metal forming industry. The process involves the drawing of a sheet of metal into a die cavity using a punch, resulting in a product with a cupped or cylindrical shape. During the process, the metal undergoes plastic deformation, and the material stretches and thins, causing various defects in the final product.The quality of the final product in deep drawing process largely depends on the process parameters such as the material properties of the sheet metal, the geometry of the die cavity, the punch speed, and the lubrication used. Therefore, optimizing the processparameters is critical for achieving a product with minimal defects and scrap rate.2.2 Previous studies on deep drawing processA vast amount of research has been conducted on deep drawing process simulation and optimization. Mahato et al. (2021) used finite element analysis to study the deep drawing process of aluminum sheets. They optimized the critical process parameters using the Taguchi method and identified the dominant factors affecting the product quality. Rakesh et al. (2021) used a hybrid approach of numerical and experimental methods to optimize deep drawing parameters, such as die angle, blank holder force, and lubrication. They used the response surface methodology (RSM) to optimize the process parameters and achieved a significant reduction in defects and scrap rate.2.3 Introduction to DYNAFORM simulation software DYNAFORM is a simulation software widely used in the industry to simulate sheet metal forming processes. The software uses finite element analysis to simulate and optimize the deep drawing process, and it allows the users to perform full-process simulation, including die design, material modeling, and process optimization. The software enables the users to study various process parameters and their impact on the product quality, as well as to optimize them to reduce defects and scrap rate. The software is user-friendly and cost-effective and provides an accurate prediction of the process behavior, making it a popular choice in the industry for deep drawing process simulation and optimization.Chapter 3: Design and Simulation of Deep Drawing Process3.1 Material selection and propertiesThe material for the cylindrical cup will be selected based on the application requirements. In this study, deep drawing of an aluminum sheet will be simulated. The mechanical properties of the aluminum sheet, such as Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, and yield strength, will be identified and input into the simulation software.3.2 Deep drawing die designThe die cavity and the punch will be designed using a CAD software based on the required dimensions of the cylindrical cup. The geometry of the die cavity, such as the diameter and depth, will be optimized to reduce the occurrence of defects such as wrinkles and cracks. The punch speed will also be considered during the die design to ensure a smooth and uniform drawing of the sheet metal.3.3 Finite element modeling and simulationThe deep drawing process will be modeled using the DYNAFORM software. The die and punch geometry will be imported into the software, and the material properties of the aluminum sheet will be input. The meshing of the model will be carried out to achieve a proper element size and a balanced distribution of elements. The boundary conditions such as theblank holder force and punch speed will be set based on the process parameters. The simulation will be run, and the results, such as the forming load, stress and strain distribution, and product thickness, will be analyzed.3.4 Experimental validation of the simulation resultsOnce the simulation results are obtained, they will be validated using physical experiments. The experimental setup will be designed to mimic the simulation condition, and the same material and process parameters will be used. The product thickness, the occurrence of wrinkles and cracks, and the process parameters such as the forming load and punch displacement, will be measured and compared to the simulation results. This step will enhance the accuracy of the simulation results and the predictive capability of the model.Chapter 4: Analysis of Simulation Results4.1 Evaluation of product qualityThe simulation results will be evaluated to assess the quality of the final product. The product quality will be analyzed based on the thickness distribution of the cup, the occurrence of defects such as wrinkles and cracks, and the overall formability of the material. The analysis of the thickness distribution will help identify the areas with over-thinning or thickening, which can cause problems in the product's functional performance. The occurrence of defects such as wrinkles and cracks will indicate the need for adjusting process parameters such as the blank holder force or punch speed. The overall formability of the material will give an insight into the flow of the material during the deep drawing process and thepotential for optimization using other sheet metal forming techniques.4.2 Identification of critical process parametersThe simulation results will also be analyzed to identify the critical process parameters that affect the product quality. These process parameters can be classified into four categories: material properties, die design, punch speed, and lubrication. Material properties such as yield strength and strain hardening coefficient can affect the force required to draw the material into the die cavity and the potential for defects such as wrinkling and cracking. The die design, such as the diameter and depth of the cavity, can affect the thickness distribution and the occurrence of defects. The punch speed can affect the overall formability of the material and the occurrence of defects. The lubrication can affect the friction between the sheet and the die/punch and reduce the occurrence of defects.4.3 Sensitivity analysisA sensitivity analysis will be conducted to evaluate the effect of each process parameter on the product quality. The sensitivity analysis will be carried out by varying one process parameter at a time while keeping the other parameters constant. The response variable will be the thickness distribution, the occurrence of defects, or the overall formability of the material. The sensitivity analysis will help identify the dominant process parameters that affect the product quality and prioritize them for optimization using the DOE approach.4.4 Optimization of process parametersThe critical process parameters identified from the sensitivity analysis will be optimized using the DOE approach. The DOE approach involves designing a set of experiments that vary the process parameters at different levels and measuring the response variable. The experimental results will be analyzed to identify the optimal combination of process parameters that minimize the defects and scrap rate and maximize the product quality. The optimization will be carried out using software packages such as Design Expert or Minitab.Chapter 5: Conclusion and Future Directions5.1 ConclusionIn conclusion, this study aimed to investigate the deep drawing process of a cylindrical cup using numerical simulations and optimize the critical process parameters using the DOE approach. The material properties of the aluminum sheet were identified, and the die cavity and punch were designed using a CAD software. The deep drawing process was simulated using the DYNAFORM software, and the simulation results were validated using physical experiments. The critical process parameters affecting the product quality were identified, and a sensitivity analysis was conducted to evaluate their effect on the product quality. The process parameters were then optimized using the DOE approach to minimize the defects and scrap rate and maximize the product quality.The simulation results were evaluated to assess the quality of the final product. The thickness distribution, the occurrence of defects such as wrinkles and cracks, and the overall formability of the material were analyzed to identify areas for improvement. The critical process parameters were identified, and their effect on the product quality was evaluated using a sensitivity analysis. The optimization using the DOE approach resulted in the identification of the optimal combination of process parameters that minimized the defects and scrap rate and maximized the product quality.5.2 Future directionsSeveral directions for future research can be considered to further improve the deep drawing process simulation and optimization.Firstly, the effect of different lubrication and cooling strategies can be studied to reduce the occurrence of defects. The lubrication and cooling strategy used in the current study was assumed to be constant, but different strategies can be evaluated to identify the optimal combination that reduces the defects and improves the product quality.Secondly, the effect of different material properties and their variation on the deep drawing process can be studied. The material properties used in the current study were assumed to be constant, but real-world materials may have variations that can affect the process behavior. Conducting a sensitivity analysis on the effect of material properties' variations can help identify the potential for improving the deep drawing process.Thirdly, the impact of the punch geometry on the deep drawing process can be studied. Different punch geometries can be evaluated to identify the optimal design that reduces the defects and improves the product quality.Overall, the deep drawing process simulation and optimization can be further improved by considering the effect of different process parameters, material properties, and punch geometry. The utilization of advanced simulation software and experimental techniques can also enhance the accuracy and predictive capability of the model.In conclusion, this research contributes to the understanding of the deep drawing process simulation and optimization and provides a framework for improving the process's quality and reducing defects and scrap rate.。

汽车车辆工程外文文献The Finite Element Analysis and The Optimization Design of The

汽车车辆工程外文文献The Finite Element Analysis and The Optimization Design of The

P rocedia Earth and Planetary Science 2 ( 2011 ) 133 – 1381878–5220 © 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd.doi: 10.1016/j.proeps.2011.09.022Available online at The article mainly studies the YJ3128-type dump truck ÿs sub-frames, for the fatigue crack occurred in the Sub-frame witch has worked in bad condition for 3 to 5 months, the truck ÿs working conditions and the load features are researched, and ANSYS is used to analyze the stress of the sub-frame. According the deferent stress, the reason of the fatigue cracks ÿ occurring is researched too. At last an improvement and optimization to the structures of the frame is provided. For the stress of YJ3128-type dump truck there is no improved research methods and theoretical support, so the analysis in this paper and the proposed improvement scheme has important reference value.© 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of Society for Resources, Environment and EngineeringKeywords: dump truck, sub-frame, finite element analysis, fatigue crack134C hen Yanhong and Zhu Feng / P rocedia Earth and Planetary Science 2( 2011 )133 – 1380 IntroductionAs the state’s infrastructure investment increased year by year, the demand for heavy-duty trucks are also multiplying, China's annual demand of heavy-duty trucks is 95 million or more, and its annual growth rate is 15% or 20%. YJ3128-type dump truck is a Transport vehicles designed and manufactured by Inner Mongolia First Machinery Group Corporation and China North Mercedes-Benz Co., Ltd. It is formed by the main-frame, sub-frame, Cab, cargo box, the hydraulic lifting mechanism, engine, and gears. The sub-frame connected the main frame and the container, and increased strength and stiffness of the main frame, and lead to the main frame ‘s distributed load force. Therefore, the designing of the sub-frame has the important influence to the main frame’s quality and service life. YJ3128-type dump truck’s sub-frame is researched by the Co. itself, but after been used for 3-5 months, there will be cracking at the right side of the square beams and the turning point of the left stringer.Figure 1 the fatigue crack of the sub-frame1 The FEM model of the sub-frame1.1 The structure of the sub-frameThe YJ3128-type dump truck’s frame is formed by the main-frame and the sub one, and they are all edge beam type. The vertical beam of the sub-frame is right up the main-frames’, and they are connected by the U-bolts. The sub-frame of the truck is developed by the Co., and it’s length is 4.7m, forth-width is 0.901m, and the back-width is 0.761m. The 8mm thick V-beam is trough, all its section is the same. There is a trough auxiliary beam flipping In it. There are six beams in the sub-frame, that are a cylindrical beam at the back of it, a square beam in the middle, and four trough beams, Which are showed in figure 2.Figure 2 structure of the sub-frameC hen Yanhong and Zhu Feng / P rocedia Earth and Planetary Science 2( 2011 )133 – 138 1351.2 Material properties of the sub-frameThe sub-frame material is 16 MnL, the physical properties are: modulus E=210GPa, Poissonratioμ=0.3, and density ȡ=7.8X10-3gˋmm3 ; its mechanical properties are: minimum yield strength345MPa, minimum tensile strength 510MPa, and max tensile strength 610MPa. For the poor working environments, 1.2 is taken to be the safety factor, and the material allowable stress can be inferred to be287.5MPa. The Pro / E geometric model is imported into the ANSYS for meshing, and the grid size is setto 30 according to Vice-frame’s size and analysis precision.1.3 The load case’s size and analysisThe YJ3128-type dump truck is the transport vehicle using in the field operation place such as miningetc., and Figure 3 shows the actual situation. The road is uneven, and there are many big stone on it. Thiswill result in vehicles’ one or more tires driving up and down. That is the main cause of the sub-frames’fatigue failure. So the lifting height of the frame is set for 20mm and 50mm, and the Analysis of bending moment and torque are conducted[1][2].Figure 3 the conditions of the mining roadThe load of the sub-frame is shown in the table 1.Table 1 the load and the force point of the frameName Weight˄kg˅Distance betweenfocus to front axle˄mm˅NameWeight˄kg˅Distance betweenfocus to front axle˄mm˅Assembly of front shock absorber 200 21Assembly of middleshock absorber1100 3800Assembly of front brake720 0 Assembly of rear brake1100 5250Assembly of engine 1200 -200 Assembly of rearsuspension350 4525Water tank 110 -1000 Oil tank 350 3000136C hen Yanhong and Zhu Feng / P rocedia Earth and Planetary Science 2 ( 2011 ) 133 – 138 2 The finite element static analysis of the sub-frame2.1 The up-rising of tire is 20mmAs is shown in figure 4, in this case, there were three relatively large stress: firstly, the maximum Von-Mises stress occurs in the final end of frame, it is 331MPa, exceeding the allowable stress of the material. So cracks would appear, and especially it may break at the welding place. Secondly, the stress is about 184MPa, at the right side of the square beams which is near the elevated rear wheel. Thirdly, the stress is about 184MPa, at the turning point of the left stringer. These two stress values are less than the allowable stress [4].Figure 4 the equivalent stress contours for 20mm Figure 5 the equivalent stress contours for 50mm2.2 The up-rising of tire is 50mmAs is shown in figure 5, in this case, there were three relatively large stress: firstly, the maximum Von-Mises stress occurs in the final end of frame, it is 954MPa, exceeding the allowable tensile strength of the material. The cause shall be the frames’ irrational structures. Secondly, the stress is about 424MPa, at the right side of the square beams which is near the elevated rear wheel, and the value is also excessive. Thirdly, the stress is about 530MPa, at the turning point of the left stringer. There are also prone to be crack and even break, especially in the welds, the welding is prone to be open, leading to frame’s failure.2.3 Stress analysisBased on the above results of the sub-frames’ analysis, under the joint load, the stress concentration is the greatest at the right side of the square beams and the turning point of the left stringer, and that is the main cause of the frames’ fatigue failure. By analyzing, the following conclusions are drawn: The number of the beams the in front of the frames is small, and the one of the beams at end of the frames is large. The Assembly of cab2800 -40 Battery 180 1700 Lift cylinder 150 4400 Spare tire 250 1200load 16000 4000C hen Yanhong and Zhu Feng / P rocedia Earth and Planetary Science 2( 2011 )133 – 138 137 large torsional stiffness causes the uncoordinated deformation. And the stress concentration appeared inthe middle frame, and the two key points obtained by the above analysis are just in the neighborhood.They impede the generation of deformation, so the stress concentration deteriorate further. In short, theabove mainly due to the frames’ lack of torsional.3 The sub-frames’structural improvements and finite element analysis3.1 The improved structure of sub-framesFor the main reason of the crack is the lack of the sub-frame’s torsional stiffness, a beam is added tothe front of the sub-frame, as is shown in figure 6. And the upper surface of the block slope on both sidesof the circular beam is turned into inclined plane, then it and the upper surface of the longitudinal are notin the same plane[5].Figure 6 the improved sub-frame Figure 6 the equivalent stress contours for improved one3.2 The finite element static analysis of the improved frameFor the frame is damaged in the condition that it is raised 50mm, the analyzing results for the improved frame working in this condition are provided, as is shown in figure 7. Then the max Von-Misesstress is 200MPa, which is under the allowable stress of the material, and it occurs at the front beams. Thestress at the right side of the square beams and the turning point of the left stringer is also reduced greatly,and it is only 50% of allowable stress. Therefore, there is no big turning transform in the improved frames,and the torsional stiffness is enhanced. No excessive stress concentration exists, and the bearing capacityis greatly improved. Thus it meet the design and use requirements.The above analysis results show that the proposed changes to the program is reasonable. In order to verifythe reliability of the actual for the improved frame, the method is feedback to the Co., and the method is accepted.4 ConclusionsHeavy trucks is commonly used transport vehicles in the site, mining and other places, their working conditions are bad, and dynamic load is great. For the frame is their important load component, thequality of the frame is directly related to the performance of heavy trucks. In this article, the sub-frame is analyzed by ANSYS, and the reason for the cracking of the frame is found, and the improving method is138C hen Yanhong and Zhu Feng / P rocedia Earth and Planetary Science 2( 2011 )133 – 138 shown for the Company. A theoretical basis is provided for the improvement of the frames’ designing, and an important reference is provided to improve the truck frame’s design methods.References[1] Zhao Feng, Static and Dynamic Finite Element Analysis and Structure Improvement of BJ3043-type dump truck’s frame [J], Shan Dong University, 2004, P4.[2] Deng Zhaoxiang, Automotive Design and Dynamic Analysis of Automotive Structures [J],Yearbook of the Institute of Automotive Engineering of Chongqing(1996-1997).[3] Li Hui, Li Wanqiong, Equal Load Simplifying of Truck’s Frame [J], Automotive Engineering, 1994(16):310̚314.[4] Zhou Zhige, Wang Jingang, Analysis of Abnormal Cracking For the Light Truck’s Frame [J], Automotive Engineering,2004(2):229̚232.[5] Liu Weixin, car design, Bei Jing: Tsinghua University Press [M]ˈ2001: 4̚11.。



华中科技大学卓越工程师培养计划机械设计制造及其自动化专业课程教学大纲机械科学与工程学院二〇一一年四月目录华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (1)《思想道德修养与法律基础》课程教学大纲 (1)华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (13)《马克思主义基本原理概论》课程教学大纲 (13)华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (25)《中国语文》课程教学大纲 (25)华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (31)《一元分析学》课程教学大纲 (31)华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (37)《多元分析学》课程教学大纲 (37)华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (44)《应用概率统计》课程教学大纲 (44)华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (48)《应用复分析》课程教学大纲 (48)华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (52)《代数与几何》课程教学大纲 (52)华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (56)《大学英语读写(一)》课程教学大纲 (56)华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (60)《大学英语读写(二)》课程教学大纲 (60)II华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (65)《大学英语视听说(一)》课程教学大纲 (65)华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (69)《大学英语视听说(二)》课程教学大纲 (69)华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (73)《口语交际与演讲》课程教学大纲 (73)华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (76)《跨文化交际》课程教学大纲 (76)华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (81)《C++程序设计基础》课程教学大纲 (81)华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (86)《大学物理(四)(上、下)》课程教学大纲 (86)华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (91)《基础物理实验(一)》课程教学大纲 (91)华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (95)《基础物理实验(二)》课程教学大纲 (95)华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (98)《工程导论》课程教学大纲 (98)华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (100)《计算机网络技术及应用》课程教学大纲 (100)华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (105)III《数据库技术及应用》课程教学大纲 (105)华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (109)《工程制图(五)》课程教学大纲 (109)华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (116)《电路理论》课程教学大纲 (116)华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (120)《理论力学(二)》课程教学大纲 (120)华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (123)《材料力学(二)》课程教学大纲 (123)华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (126)《模拟电子技术(三)》课程教学大纲 (126)华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (133)《机械原理(三)》课程教学大纲 (133)华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (137)《机械设计(三)》课程教学大纲 (137)华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (141)《工程控制基础》课程教学大纲 (141)华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (145)《工程控制实验(一)》课程教学大纲 (145)华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (147)《机械制造技术基础》课程教学大纲 (147)IV华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (151)《工程材料学》课程教学大纲 (151)华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (156)《工程测试技术》课程教学大纲 (156)华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (161)《工程热力学(一)》课程教学大纲 (161)华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (164)《工程传热学(一)》课程教学大纲 (161)华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (167)《流体力学》课程教学大纲 (167)华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (171)《工程化学》课程教学大纲 (171)华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (176)《互换性测量技术基础》课程教学大纲 (176)华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (180)《计算机图形学与CAD技术》课程教学大纲 (180)华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (184)《学科概论》课程教学大纲 (184)华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (186)《微机原理》课程教学大纲 (186)华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (191)V《数字电路》课程教学大纲 (191)华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (196)《综合测控实验》课程教学大纲 (196)华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (198)《机电传动控制》课程教学大纲 (198)华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (202)《机械制造技术基础(三)》课程教学大纲 (202)华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (207)《计算方法(二)》课程教学大纲 (207)华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (211)《液压与气压传动》课程教学大纲 (211)华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (215)《现代设计方法》课程教学大纲 (215)华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (218)《先进制造技术》课程教学大纲 (218)华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (221)《数控技术》课程教学大纲 (221)华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (227)《机械制造装备技术》课程教学大纲 (227)华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (230)《大型集中ProjectⅠ-形体与机构设计训练》课程教学大纲 (230)VI华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (234)《大型集中ProjectⅡ-机械设计与制作训练》课程教学大纲 (234)华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (236)《大型集中Project Ⅲ—机电测控综合训练》课程教学大纲 (236)华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (239)《科技创新活动》课程教学大纲 (239)华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划 (241)《金工实习》课程教学大纲 (241)VIIVIII华中科技大学卓越工程师教育培养计划《思想道德修养与法律基础》课程教学大纲一、课程名称思想道德修养与法律基础二、课程编码0301901三、学时与学分36学时/3学分四、先修课程中国近现代史纲要五、课程教学目标1. 对大学生进行社会主义道德教育和法制教育,帮助学生增强社会主义法制观念,提高思想道德素质,解决成人成才过程中遇到的实际问题;2. 以社会主义核心价值体系为统领,以理想信念为核心,以爱国主义为重点,以公民基本道德规范为基础,以全面发展为目标,增强大学生遵纪守法观念,促进思想道德素质、科学文化素质和健康素质协调发展。



sql解析流程SQL(Structured Query Language)是用于管理关系数据库的标准编程语言。

当你在数据库管理系统(如 MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server 等)中执行一个 SQL 查询时,它经历了以下的基本流程:1. 词法分析(Lexical Analysis):输入的 SQL 语句首先被分解为一系列的词素或标记(tokens)。


2. 语法分析(Syntax Analysis):这些标记然后被组织成一个语法树(parse tree)或抽象语法树(Abstract Syntax Tree, AST)。

这个树形结构表示了 SQL 语句中的语法关系。

3. 语义分析(Semantic Analysis):在这一步,数据库系统会检查语法树中的语义准确性。


4. 查询优化(Query Optimization):在这一步,系统会尝试找到执行查询的最有效的方法。



5. 执行计划(Execution Plan):根据优化器选择的最佳方案,系统会生成一个执行计划。


6. 执行(Execution):最后,系统根据执行计划执行查询,检索或修改数据,并返回结果。

7. 返回结果(Result Return):如果查询是 SELECT 类型,系统会返回查询结果。

如果是 DML(数据操纵语言)或 DDL(数据定义语言)类型的查询,系统会根据指令修改或创建数据。

8. 清理和关闭(Cleanup and Closure):在查询完成后,系统会释放为该查询分配的资源。


这个过程是大多数关系数据库管理系统处理 SQL 查询的基本方式。



AxSTREAM™Radial Turbine Flow Path Design,Analysis and Optimization2010AxSTREAM™ - SoftInWay Inc. trademark1. AxSTREAM Database (Project License)AxSTREAM database allows integration of turbomachinery projects giving access to project data for viewing and editing, consistency management and data recovery, project data loading and saving.User can modify the number of stations, profiling modes, structural properties used in different elements of turbine, define methods of energy loss calculations, select different units in measuring system settings used during data output, change graphical user interface language (English, Russian).Project license is mandatory option for using on each workstation and it is needed to start working with AxSTREAM. Project license is used as base system option managing the available set of network licenses.If there are several Project licenses than different functional licenses can be used on different workstations at the same time.AxSTREAM supports data exchange withMS EXCEL tables. This allows users toparallel initial data preparation, i.e., toprepare initial data without usingAxSTREAM workstation, and after that toquickly transport the data to the system.AxSTREAM allows to manage structuralmaterials database. Material mechanical propertiesare defined inAxSTREAM within the temperature range. It givesa capability to estimate accurately values ofstresses in turbine elements. Structural materialsdatabase can be easily customized by user.AxSTREAM manages project status by setting different attributes for each stage depending on design phase accomplished. There is consistency management system allowing to prevent discrepancies in calculation process using stage-by-stage management.2. Preliminary Design - (Radial_TURBO_Design License)Radial turbine preliminary design module allows to gain good initial approximation of turbine flow path calculated in inverse 1D problem formulation using a set of several geometrical and operational parameters and taking into account specified constraints.Design routine selects maximum of efficiency within ranges of initial parameters variation taking into account constraints selected by user. The use of inverse problem formulation allows to analyze a large amount of designs during of short time (20 000 per min).AxSTREAM allows to generate user customized reports including all project data. User can select own list of elements and properties that should be displayed in report.In the design mode AxSTREAM solves 1D inverse problem for radial turbine for given inlet total pressure and temperature, outlet static pressure, mass flow rate in selected range of rotation speed, mean reaction and principal geometry settings.Stage Design module visualizes design results in graphical views as stage flow path and blade cascades sketches, IS-diagrams and velocity triangles.3. Flow Path Analysis in 1D / 2D Formulation (Radial_TURBO_Streamline License) Flow Path Analysis in meanline (1D) formulation (Radial_TURBO_Meanline_License)carry out meanline or axisymmetricanalysis of multistage flow path, takinginto account actual characteristics of theworking fluid in a number of formulations.With the help of Meanline analysismodule AxSTREAM solves 1D directproblem (definition of flow rate for giveninlet total pressure and static outletpressure).In the analysis mode AxSTREAMsolves problem in such formulations:•definition of flow rate for giventotal pressure and temperature atinlet and static pressure at outlet•adjustment of input pressure withfixed flow rate•adjustment of meanline A1 flowangles with fixed flow rateIn analysis mode user has full control overgeometry data.4. DoE Optimization (AxPLAN License)The AxPLAN module is used withmeanline/axisymmetric analysis and is the mainoptimization tool at the last phase of flow path design.tasks by using methods of numerical experimentplanning.The experiment planning function is fully integrated intoAxSTREAM and is performed in terms of directproblem formulation of calculation analysis, whichenables the user to make an experiment plan usingcustomary terms.The use of AxPLAN allows users to see the results ofoptimization and to define the cylinder characteristics ontransient operation in the automatic mode.5. Maps Generation and Analysis (AxMAP License)AxMAP module is used with meanline andstreamline analysis solvers. It is developed forautomatic generation of turbine performance maps.operational conditions and geometry variation onturbine performance.The maps generation function is integrated intoAxSTREAM and is formulated in terms of directtask.AxMAP and AxPLAN have unified interfaces thatallow users easily pass from one module to theother.6. 3D Blade Desing (Radial_Blade_Designer)Profiling is used for airfoilstations profiling and allows tocarry out flow calculations inblades cascade and boundarylayer calculations taking intoaccount compressibility of theworking fluid in different flowconditions.BladeDesign module is used for interactive 3D blade design. The module has options allowing interactive graphical editing of blade geometry.BladeDesign moduleallows controlling blade3D surface curvatureand displaying blades inthe rows.7. 3D Strength and Modal Analysis (AxSTRESS License)AxSTRESS module is used for rapid3D structural and modal analysis of theblades using the finite element method.The module has tools for automaticalgrid generation and results post-processing.AxSTRESS module can calculate andoutput a Campbell diagram.AxSTRESS creates temporary files inCDB-format that is compatible withANSYS. This way AxSTRESS resultscan be always confirmed in ANSYS.8. 3D Express Flow Analysis (AxFLOW License)AxFLOW module is used for rapid 3D flow analysis in interblade channels.The analysis is carried out using full 3D CFD formulation.The analysis results are the estimation of flow rate, efficiency, kinematical and thermodynamic parameters.The analysis can be performed both for a separate row and for a stage.The system can estimate the distribution of parameters in any section of the channel in pitchwise direction and the distribution of parameters in the section along profile outline.9. Export of Geometry (Export License)Export module allows users to export 3D blade geometry as IGES and IBL-files to use them in CAD systems.Flow path 3D geometry can be also exported in specialized formats to different commercial CFD and CAE software systems for 3D aerodynamic and structural analysis (CFX, FLUENT, NUMECA, ANSYS).E-tutorials ensure quick mastering of the software. A flexible licensing system allows the customer to choose the appropriate set of modules.AxSTREAM comes with personal (attached to defined PC) and network licenses (AxSTREAM can run on all computers connected to network ).Trial license can be available free of charge.SoftInWay, Inc. is a technical consulting company, located in Burlington, Massachusetts, the USA. SoftInWay is focused on providing the world high tech community with quality engineering services and software products. Contact us: info@ , phone: 1-781-685-4942.。

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IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 24, NO. 1, JANUARY 2006141Analysis and Optimization of CDMA Systems With Chip-Level InterleaversLihai Liu, Student Member, IEEE, Jun Tong, and Li Ping, Member, IEEEAbstract—In this paper, we present an unequal power allocation technique to increase the throughput of code-division multiple-access (CDMA) systems with chip-level interleavers. Performance is optimized, respectively, based on received and transmitted power allocation. Linear programming and power matching techniques are developed to provide solutions to systems with a very large number of users. Various numerical results are provided to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed techniques and to examine the impact of system parameters, such as iteration number and interleaver length. We also show that with some very simple forward error correction codes, such as repetition codes or convolutional codes, the proposed scheme can achieve throughput reasonably close to that predicted by theoretical limit in multiple access channels. Index Terms—Code-division multiple-access (CDMA) , iterative detection, linear programming, multiuser detection, power allocation.I. INTRODUCTIONITERATIVE multiuser detection has been widely investigated as a potential approach to enhance the performance of code-division multiple-access (CDMA) systems and significant progress has been made recently [1]–[5]. The complexity of CDMA multiuser detection has always been a serious concern for practical systems, which increases rapidly with the number of users (e.g., per-user complexity increases quadratically for the well-known minimum mean-squared error (MMSE)-based approach in [3]). The analysis of multiuser detection for random waveform CDMA systems is also a difficult issue. This has been studied in detail in [4], [6]–[8], and [18] for various CDMA multiuser detectors. The key problem is to find the distribution of the eigenvalues of the correlation matrix characterizing the correlation among the signature sequences. The modeling involved is not trivial, as shown in [7]. Large random matrix theory [9] has been employed to tackle the problem [6]–[8] but the mathematics involved is quite demanding. The large system assumption is also not so intuitive for small systems. In [10]–[12], chip-level interleaving is proposed for random waveform CDMA systems. The associated chip-by-chip (CBC) estimation algorithm [10]–[12] is essentially a low-cost iterative soft-cancellation technique to treat both multiple-access interference (MAI) and intersymbol interference (ISI) [3]. It has beenshown [12] that the CBC algorithm can achieve performance close to the theoretical limits at low-to-medium throughput for systems with equal power control. The computational cost of the CBC algorithm is very low, being independent (when normalized to each user) of the total number of users. Simulation work involving hundreds of simultaneous users can be easily accomplished. In this paper, we will develop a fast technique to characterize the CBC detection process by tracking the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) evolution [4], [13], [14]. With chip-level interleavers, the performance of the CBC algorithm is independent of the correlation among spreading sequences. (In fact, the same spreading sequence can be used by all the users.) As a result, the analysis of the CBC algorithm is a straightforward issue and the derivation is very concise. It has been shown in [15] that unequal power control together with iterative multiuser detection can enhance the performance of CDMA systems. This principle has been further studied in [16]–[18]. In this paper, we will show that CDMA with chip-level interleavers provides a very simple and efficient framework to realize the principle. With the help of the SNR evolution technique,theoptimizedpowerprofilecanbefoundbyexhaustive searching when user number is small. Linear programming and power matching techniques are developed to provide solutions to systems with a very large number of users. Various numerical results are provided to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed techniques and to examine the impact of system parameters such as iteration number and interleaver length. Both analysis and simulation show that very high throughput and good power efficiency can be achieved simultaneously, which (together with other well-known features of conventional CDMA systems such as diversity against fading, easy treatment of the multipath effect and mitigation against cross-cell interference) are attractive for future wireless communication systems. II. TRANSMITTER AND RECEIVER STRUCTURES A. Transmitter Consider the -user uplink CDMA system shown in Fig. 1. At the transmitter side (the upper part of Fig. 1), the information for user- is first encoded by a generalized bit stream encoder (ENC) (assumed to be binary in this paper), interleaved and then transmitted over a Gaussian multiple-access channel (MAC). Here, the generalized encoder can include a conventional forward error correction (FEC) encoder or a spreader or both. Unlike conventional CDMA in which interleaving is applied between FEC coding and spreading, interleaving is applied at the final stage of the transmitter, i.e., at the chip level, in theManuscript received September 24, 2004; revised May 27, 2005. This work was supported in part by a grant from the Research Grant Council of the Hong Kong SAR, China under Project CityU 1314/04E. This paper was presented in part at the IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference 2004, Los Angeles, CA, September 26–29, 2004. The authors are with the Department of Electronic Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (e-mail:;; Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSAC.2005.8588960733-8716/$20.00 © 2006 IEEE142IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 24, NO. 1, JANUARY 2006where (3) represents the distortion component with respect to . We as an independent random variable with mean treat each and variance . According to the central limit theorem, we can approximate (3) by a Gaussian random variable with (4) (5) where and [see (8) and (9)] are initialized is either to 0 and 1, respectively. Under the hypothesis that 1 or 1, the output of the ESE can be computed as [19] (6)Fig. 1.Transmitter and receiver structures for the system under consideration.C. DEC Function The DECs in Fig. 1 perform soft-in–soft-out decoding after the operations in the ESE are completed. Using as the a priori information, DEC- gener, ates extrinsic log-likelihood ratios (LLRs) for user- . As an example, we consider a trivial lengthrepetition code. Let be the input data sequence the set of location of user- (see Fig. 1) and denote by in the interleaved indexes for the replicas related to . The extrinsic LLR with respect to is sequence computed assystem shown in Fig. 1. Several frames of chip sequences at the output of a spreader are collected and interleaved together. Such a scheme is referred to as chip-interleaved CDMA (cI-CDMA) in [10]. A key principle here is that the interleavers should be different for different users. In this paper, we assume that are generated randomly and independently. The use of independent interleavers has an interesting consequence: The signals from different users are separable even when the same spreading sequence is used for all the users. In this case, spreading can be replaced by repetition coding or by other low-rate coding. Then, interleaving remains the only means to distinguish users, and such a scheme is referred to as interleave- division multiple access (IDMA) [11]. and with , We use to denote the chip streams before and after interleaving, respectively. The received signal can be written as (1) where is the coefficient for user- representing the combined are samples of effect of power control and channel loss, an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) process with zero, and is the frame length. For mean and variance but the results can be simplicity, we only consider real easily extended to quadrature channels [19]. B. Elementary Signal Estimator (ESE) Function The receiver (the lower part of Fig. 1) consists of an ESE and a bank of single-user a posteriori probability (APP) decoders (DECs), operating iteratively. Let us concentrate on the detection for user- . We rewrite (1) as (2)(7)The APP decoding techniques for other codes can be found in [20]–[22]. Furthermore, if an outer code is used together with the repetition code as the inner code (see [19]), then the DEC function consists of the operations in (7) cascading with the APP decoding for the outer code. Since the cost involved in (7) is very low, the overall cost is usually dominated by the outer code. D. Overall Iterative Detection Procedure The extrinsic LLRs produced by the DECs contain refined information for the transmitted chips and so they can be used to improve the ESE outputs. In this case, we treat the extrinsic LLRs from the DECs as a priori LLRs and update the a priori means and variances required in (4) and (5) as (8) (9)LIU et al.: ANALYSIS AND OPTIMIZATION OF CDMA SYSTEMS WITH CHIP-LEVEL INTERLEAVERS143This is a standard treatment in a turbo-type detection process [3]. We can then apply the outcome of (8) and (9) in the CBC algorithm and start the next iteration. This process is repeated for a preset number of times before a hard decision decoding is applied to produce the final outputs. The above CBC detection process is summarized as follows. 1) Compute the interference means and variances using (4) and (5). using (6). 2) Compute . 3) Perform the DEC function to generate 4) Update the means and variances using (8) and (9). The computational complexity of the CBC detection process is very low, being independent (when normalized to each user) of the total number of users. Refer to [11] and [12] for the details.Fig. 2. The f (1) and g (1) functions for a length-16 repetition code and a rate-1/2 convolutional code followed by a length-8 repetition code.III. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Next, we outline a SNR evolution technique [4], [13] to evaluate the performance of the CBC algorithm. Again, we will concentrate on real channels in this section, but the principle is applicable to quadrature channels [19]. By substituting (2) into (6), we haveSubstituting (13) and (14) into (12), we obtain a lower bound for (15)The SNR in is calculated aswith respect to(10) after observingRecall that in (9) is calculated based on , the deinterleaved form of . The as its latter is produced by the DEC using inputs. Therefore, in (14) is a function of the input SNR . We express this function as (16) We also define the bit-error rate (BER) performance for the as a function of as (17)(11) The above SNR is computed for a particular received . We define the average SNR as(12) where the expectation is taken over all possible . (Note: The expectation in (11) is conditional on receiving a particular , so is a function of . The expectation in (12) is unconditional, so is not a function of . It is still a function (assumed to be a constant) can be different for of since different ). The last inequality in (12) follows from Jensen’s is a convex function of . inequality [23] since From (5), we have (13)and can be obtained by the Monte Carlo method Both similar to [4], [13], [14], and [18]. and . One is for a Fig. 2 shows two examples of repetition code, and the other is for a conlength-16 catenation of a rate-1/2 convolutional code with generator polyfollowed by a length-8 repetition code. In nomials and are decreasing functions of general, both over with , , , and . Based on the lower bound in (15), we can apply the following at the th iteration: recursion to obtain a lower bound of (18)where (14)where is the output SNR of the ESE at the th iteration of the CBC algorithm. Initially, we start with , for all , implying no feedback from the DECs. (Notice that the is 1.) maximum variance of a binary variable over Repeating (18), we can track the SNR evolution for the iterative process in the CBC algorithm. During the final iteration, we can estimate the BER performance by substituting the final SNR144IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 24, NO. 1, JANUARY 2006the problem. Consequently, the SNR analysis presented above is very concise, as can be seen by comparing the discussion in this section with the large system method detailed in [7]. IV. PERFORMANCE OPTIMIZATION BASED ON RECEIVED POWER ALLOCATION As demonstrated in [15]–[18], a proper unequal power control can be used to enhance CDMA system performance. The intuition is that the strong power users can converge first and benefit the weak power users. For ideal codes or “good” codes, perfect or near perfect cancellation can be made with a successive stripping technique [16], [17]. However, for “poor” codes, the stripping technique may result in an excessive amount of energy use. In the following, we show that this difficulty can be overcome for the proposed system using the iterative detection approach together with power allocation. This method is very efficient even for “very poor” codes (such as repetition codes). In fact, we will see that for very high rate applications, repetition codes are sufficient to yield good performance. We will discuss the received power allocation problem in this section, and leave the transmitted power allocation problem to the next section. As shown below, the first problem can be approximately resolved by a linear programming technique. A. Problem Formulation Return to the SNR evolution process for the CBC algorithm as discussed in Section III. Assume that we can adjust the received power for user- through a certain power control mechanism. Our objective is to minimize the sum received power , while achieving a specified minimum SNR value for all users after iterations (i.e., , ). Here, can be determined by the specified , i.e., the maximum with given in (17). allowed BER, by The problem can be formulated as follows. The received power optimization problem (Form I): Find the distribution that minimizes , subject to , , where are obtained through the following SNR evolution process (with initialization , )Fig. 3. Illustration of SNR evolution.values into (17), where is the maximum number of iterations. We summarize the SNR evolution process as follows, which is illustrated graphically in Fig. 3. The SNR Evolution Process for the CBC Algorithm 1) Initialization: , . 2) SNR updatingforand(19) ,3) Termination: BER for user.Strictly speaking, the proposed performance evaluation method is only valid for infinite interleaver length, since only in this case is the independent identically distributed (i.i.d.) assumption mentioned above correct. Also, since is a lower bound on the actual SNR [see (15)], the performance obtained by SNR evolution may be pessimistic. Overall, we have observed that even for finite interleaver lengths, SNR evolution and simulation are in good agreement as shown by simulation results later. The above derivation can be compared with the asymptotic performance analyses of various iterative multiuser detectors for random CDMA systems, such as the parallel interference cancellation (PIC), serial interference cancellation (SIC) detectors [4], [18], and the decision feedback detector [6]. The performance of conventional CDMA systems is a function of spreading sequences. The characterization of the correlation among the spreading sequences is a difficult issue, and the solution based on large random matrixes is very mathematically demanding [6]–[8], [18]. In addition, the results based on the large system assumption may not be applicable for small systems. However, it can be verified that the selection of spreading sequences no longer affects system performance after chip-level interleavers are introduced. This greatly simplifiesfor B. Linear Programming Approachand(20)When the number of users is small, the above problem can . When be solved by searching all possible values of is large, however, the exhaustive search method becomes impractical. The problem in this case can be nevertheless approximately solved by linear programming as follows. To facilitate the discussion, we quantize the received power into discrete values: with . This means that for includes both power control some . Again, we assume that groups factor and channel loss. We partition users into denote the number of according to their power levels. LetLIU et al.: ANALYSIS AND OPTIMIZATION OF CDMA SYSTEMS WITH CHIP-LEVEL INTERLEAVERS145users assigned with power level and let users. As such total power of thesedenote the(21a) (21b) and the sum received power isDenote by powerthe SNR for the users in the . Defineth group withFig. 4.(22) which is the total interference power (including noise) after soft is large, (20) can be cancellation in the ESE output. When approximated as (23) where denotes the value of at the th iteration. Using (22) and (23), we have the update rule (24) Equation (24) characterizes the evolution of the total interference variance at each iteration. If iterative detection converges, should be lower than . Equivalently, we can write the convergence condition asK= 4, respectively, optimized based on (20) and (23). The relative powerBER performance of two convolutionally coded systems withlevels (in decibels) are, respectively, {0,0,5.6427,7.7815} for the former and {0,5.1296,10.4771,15.8818} for the latter. The information block length is 2048 and the number of iterations is 30.(25) is a decay factor that controls the converwhere gence speed. and specify the total interference at the beginning and end of the iterative detection. In summary, we reformulate the optimization problem as The received power optimization problem (Form II): to minimize subject to Find (26a) (26b) The above optimization problem is linear with respect to . Hence, it can be resolved by linear programming, as detailed in [24]. Note that (26) is based on the approximation in (23). We have assumed a large , which is similar to the large system assumption used in [7], [17], and [18]. We can also verify that (26) is equivalent to [18, eq. (37)]. However, we have arrived at this relationship without resorting to the large random matrix theorem as in [7], [17], and [18]. The use of chip-level interleaving in systems in Fig. 1 greatly simplifies the problem, as now the correlation among spreading sequences no longer affects the receiver performance.We now examine the impact of the approximation in (23). , in which each user emWe use a four-user system ploys a rate-1/2 convolutional code with generator polynomials , as an example. We search for the optimal power disitertribution using (20) and (23), respectively, with ations. Fig. 4 shows the simulated lowest power-user’s performance using the power levels obtained by exhaustive searching for both methods. It is seen that the result using the power profile optimized based on (20) is better by about 5 dB than that based on (23). Clearly, for such a system with a small , the approximation in (23) results in considerable performance degradation. However, we expect that the problem will become less serious increases. The approximation in (23) should become when more accurate when is large (since then should become negligible compared with ). For a large , exhaustive searching is not practical. Then, the linear programming technique becomes a good compromise, as shown by the following examples.C. Linear Programming Examples Although the linear programming method is suboptimal, the is large. We will show results are reasonably good when this using several examples. In particular, we will show that the linear programming results are quite close to the capacity limits (see Fig. 10). We use two system models to examine the linear programming method. One is based on a rate-1/16 repetition code. The other is based on a rate-1/2 convolutional code with generator followed by a rate-1/8 repetition code. polynomials The corresponding and functions have been shown in Fig. 2. With quadrature phase-shift keying (QPSK) modulation, the overall single-user rate for both systems is 1/8 bits per chip. Note that the repetition coded system is equivalent to an uncoded CDMA, except for the chip-level interleavers and the all-one spreading sequences for all users. The optimization target is to minimize the required to achieve 10 . Two cases of 16 and 48 users are146IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 24, NO. 1, JANUARY 2006TABLE I POWER PROFILES FOR FIG. 5Fig. 6. Simulated BER performance for data lengths of 128, 256, 512, and 1024 corresponding to interleaver lengths of 2048, 4096, 8192, and 16 384 after repetition coding. TABLE II POWER PROFILES FOR FIG. 6TABLE III POWER PROFILES FOR 48 USERS OPTIMIZED WITH DIFFERENT  Fig. 5. Performance comparison between simulation and evolution. The iteration numbers Q are listed in Table I. Data lengths are 512 for the repetition coded system and 2048 for the convolutionally coded one.tested. The power profiles optimized by linear programming are listed in Table I. We show in Fig. 5 the performance of the users with the lowest power obtained by both simulation and evolution. (The performance of other users is always better, because they have higher power.) From Fig. 5, we can see that the performance curves obtained by SNR evolution and simulation are in good agreement. Note that the performance difference between the evolution and simulation results is caused by two factors: first the bound in (15) and second the finite block length used. These two factors have opposite effects and so the evolution can only be used as an approximate prediction for simulation. It is also interesting to see that the relative performance difference between the repetition coded and convolutionally coded systems increases. reduces when the number of users D. Impact of Interleaver Length The interleaver length mainly affects the independence assumption for the SNR evolution in Section III. With shorter interleaver lengths, the ESE and DEC outputs become more correlated as the iterative decoding proceeds. Fig. 6 shows the BER performance obtained by simulation with different interleaver lengths and values for the repetition coded IDMA. The same power profiles shown in Table II are used for different data lengths. We can see that the performance improves with increased data lengths, as expected. We can also see that a data length of 512 is sufficient to achieve relative good performance. Performance enhancement is marginal with information block longer than 512.E. Convergence Speed As discussed in Section IV-B and [24], parameter can be used to control the tradeoff between convergence speed and the sum received power. For illustration, we select two different and values to optimize a 48-user repetition coded system. The power profiles for these two cases are listed in Table III and the BER performance obtained by SNR evolution and simulation with 10 and 30 iterations are shown in Fig. 7. leads to It can be seen from this figure that a larger faster convergence speed during the first few iterations. Howleads to ever, if more iterations are used, a smaller better performance. In Fig. 8, we illustrate the impact of the number of iterations required for different loading situations for the repetition coded system. The power profiles are listed in Table IV with optimized for each case (i.e., for each user number and iteration number , we select a value leading to the optimized , fewer than 20 itperformance). We observe that if erations are sufficient (measured at 10 ) and more iterations do not bring about significant performance improvement. How, more iterations can be beneficial. ever, when F. Impact of FEC Codes We have also examined the system in Fig. 1 with some more sophisticated FEC codes listed below. • A turbo-Hadamard code [21] with the same parameters as those in [12] with rate-1/17.2.LIU et al.: ANALYSIS AND OPTIMIZATION OF CDMA SYSTEMS WITH CHIP-LEVEL INTERLEAVERS147Fig. 7. Performance of a 48-user repetition coded system with different power allocation schemes shown in Table III. The data lengths for all simulation are 512.Fig. 9.The (1) functions for various FEC codes.fFig. 8. The impact of the number of iterations ( ). The data lengths for all simulation are 512. TABLE IV POWER PROFILES FOR FIG. 8QFig. 10.Throughputs predicted by SNR evolution.A standard rate-1/3 turbo code [22] with generator polyin serial concatenation with a length-6 nomials . repetition code overall rate The rate-1/16 repetition and convolutionally/repetition coded systems considered earlier are also included for comparison. The performance of the repetition and convolutionally coded systems is less sensitive to data length, as shown in Fig. 6. However, the performance of turbo and turbo-Hadamard coded systems is quite sensitive to data length. This is because the coding gains of turbo-type codes are closely related to the data length involved. Therefore, the information lengths are selected as 4095 and 4096, respectively, for turbo and turbo-Hadamard•coded systems, and 2048 for both repetition and convolutionally functions for these codes are shown in coded systems. The Fig. 9. The corresponding performance curves based on SNR evolution in terms of the achieved rate versus average (measured at 10 ) are plotted in Fig. 10. We have also carried out simulation to confirm the SNR prediction in Fig. 10. Some of the simulation results can be found in [11] and [12]. regime, FEC coding is esWe can see that in the low sential. In particular, the use of the turbo-Hadamard code can lead to performance close to the channel capacity [12]. Howregime, the benefit of sophisticated ever, in the high FEC coding becomes less impressive (similar observation is dB, also found in [25] and [26]). For example, at even repetition coded system can achieves a rate of 11.5 bits per chip, as compared with the capacity of 13.7 bits per chip. The . Therefore, relative difference is in this regime, repetition codes may be sufficient. (Note: The performance difference between capacity and the repetition coded IDMA is significant in terms of (e.g., dB at rate bit per chip). However, for a fixed dB, the relative difference is not significant in terms of achievable rate ( 20%), and it diminishes with increased rate according to our numerical results.) When normalized to each user, the complexity of the receiver (see [19]) in Fig. 1 is independent of the number of users . In particular, if and the overall receiver complexity is repetition codes are employed, the complexity is very low as148IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 24, NO. 1, JANUARY 2006shown in (7). Based on the discussion above, we can adopt the following strategy. • When is small, use a powerful code (such as a turbo or turbo-Hadamard code). • When is large, switch to a simple repetition code. In this way, we can achieve a good tradeoff between performance and the overall receiver complexity, since at high rate regimes, the relative rate loss due to the use of a repetition code is less crucial. V. PERFORMANCE OPTIMIZATION BASED ON TRANSMITTED POWER ALLOCATION A. Transmitted Power Allocation denote the channel coefficient and the amplitude Let of the transmitted signal for user- . The received signal power . In practice, minimizing is given by may be of more interest since it is directly related to power consumption, as well as interference to other systems (or cells). The problem can be formulated as follows. The transmitted power optimization problem: Find the distribution that minimizes , subject to , , where are obtained through the following SNR evolution process (with initialization , ):Fig. 11. The required average transmitted power levels versus the outage probability  = 4,  = 8, and K = 64. Notice that the power levels indicated by the coordinates are obtained under the assumption that A = 1.and . In other words, the above for any given strategy assigns a lower received power level to a user with a lower channel gain. We refer to this strategy as ordered matching. Comments. • The above two-step approach is optimal if the FEC coding involved is ideal (i.e., capacity achieving) and are obtained based on successive stripping decoding. See [28] and [29] for detailed discussion. For practical codes, the above two-step approach is suboptimal. (It is easy to construct an example with two users to verify the suboptimality.) However, as shown below in Fig. 11, the outcome of the two-step approach should be quite close to the optimal solution of (27).•forand(27)For a small , the above problem can again be solved by is large, exhaustive exhaustive searching. However, when searching becomes impractical. We now outline an alternative solution. First, a definition. For a set of indexed values , we will say that is a permutation of if there is a one-to-one identity mapping between the elements of and . For example, let and . Then, is a permutation of if and . The following two-step method provides a simple, suboptimal approach to the transmitted power allocation problem. using the received power allocaStep 1) Find tion technique discussed in Section IV. of that minimizes Step 2) Find a permutation and assign to user(i.e., the transmitted power of user- is set to ). Without loss of generality, we assume that . Then, from the rearrangement inequality [27], it can be proved that the optimal solution to Step 2) is the with , i.e., ordered setB. Simulation Examples We consider a -user IDMA system in quasi-static fading environment. The channel coefficients are modeled as 10 , where is a constant, the normalized distance between user- and the receiver, the a zero-mean Gaussian random variable path-loss exponent, that characterizes shadow fading, and the with variance Rayleigh-fading gain with unit mean. For simplicity, we will set , so the power levels discussed below are relative values. , , and assume that all users are We set uniformly located in a circular cell area. Since the required transmitted powers may be very large for the users with deep fading, we allow transmission outage for the users with channel gains below a given fading threshold . That is, if , then an outage is declared for user- and is set to zero (a similar strategy has been adopted in [30]). The above two-step strategy is then applied to the active users. , We define the outage probability . The target BER for the active users is set to 10 . Fig. 11 shows the required average transmitted power versus with the two-step power allocation strategy for the repetition and convolutional codes considered in Section IV-C and an ideal code (all with rate 1/16). We also compare the results with a random matching strategy in which is a randomly generated permutation of . It can be observed(28)。
