MEDDEV 2.12-2 医疗器械上市后临床跟踪指南


MDD指南,MEDDEV 2.12-1 rev.8-2013.01, 医疗器械警戒系统指南

MDD指南,MEDDEV 2.12-1 rev.8-2013.01, 医疗器械警戒系统指南

Revision 8 of MEDDEV 2.12-1 explicitly includes IVF/ART devices within the scope of the vigilance system and provides clarity in relation to devices that are not intended to act directly on the individual. The revised guidance will be applicable as of July 2013.
3 SCOPE ............................................................................................................................................. 5 3.1 GENERAL PRINCIPLES ...................................................................................................... 6 3.1.1 FOR MANUFACTURERS .................................................................................................. 6 3.1.2 FOR MANUFACTURERS OF DEVICES THAT ARE NOT INTENDED TO ACT DIRECTLY ON THE INDIVIDUAL ............................................



CE上市后临床跟踪控制程序编制人/日期:审核人/日期:批准人/日期:修订页目录1.目的 (4)2.范围 (4)3.职责 (4)4.程序 (4)5.术语及定义 (4)6.相关文件 (6)7.相关记录 (6)1.目的根据MDR中附录XIV、MEDDEV 2.12-2第2版《医疗器械上市后临床跟踪研究指南》的要求,规范公司的带CE标识的医疗器械是否进行上市后临床跟踪研究以及如何进行研究,特拟定本文件。







4.术语及定义(来源于MEDDEV 2.12-2第2版)上市后临床跟踪研究(Post Market Clinical Follow-Up Study):在医疗器械获得CE标记后进行的研究,旨在回答与根据其批准的标签适用时,器械的临床安全性或性能(即残余风险)相关的具体问题5.程序5.1CE上市后临床跟踪(PMCF)的基本要求:上市后临床跟踪(PMCF)是更新临床评价报告的持续过程,并应加入制造商CE上市后监督计划(Post-market Surveillance plan)中,详见《CE上市后监督控制程序》。





MEDDEV-2.7.1Rev4(最新附中文2016)EUROPEAN COMMISSIONDG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEsConsumer, Environmental and Health TechnologiesHealth technology and Cosmetics备注:中文翻译中的临床调查=临床研究,评估=评价、设备=器械、数据=资料MEDDEV 2.7/1 revision 4June 2016GUIDELINES ON MEDICAL DEVICES 医疗器械指南CLINICAL EVALUATION:A GUIDE FOR MANUFACTURERS AND NOTIFIED BODIES UNDER DIRECTIVES 93/42/EEC and 90/385/EECNoteThe present Guidelines are part of a set of Guidelines relating to questions of application of EC-Directives on medical Devices. They are legally not binding. The Guidelines have been carefully drafted through a process of intensive consultation of the various interested parties (competent authorities, Commission services, industries, other interested parties) during which intermediate drafts where circulated and comments were taken up in the document. Therefore, this document reflects positions taken by representatives of interest parties in the medical devices sector. These guidelines incorporate changes introduced by Directive 2007/47/EC amending Council Directive 90/385/EEC and Council Directive93/42/EEC.本指南为一系列与CE—医疗器械指令应用问题相关的指南中的一部分。


1. 欧盟公报 C 136, 4.6.1985, p.1. 2. Recast of the Medical Devices Directives - Summary of the responses of the Public Consultation, Brussels, 5 December 2008 ENTR/F/3/D (2008)
附录 III
EC 符合性声明(制造商自我 声明)
98/79/EC 规定欧洲数据库的其中一个职责 是主管当局之间共享关键数据,但目前该 项目仍在进行中。一旦该项目执行,则制 造商只需在其所在国或在其授权代表 (AR) 所在国注册即可。目前,临时取代措施是 要求制造商在初始注册后,通知其他成员 国的主管当局。制造商如果确定了潜在的 目标市场,则需研究该国的具体实施要 求,以确定是否需要通报相关部门。
• “体外诊断医疗器械可以是试剂、试剂 产品、校准物、控制物、试剂盒、器 具、仪器、设备或系统等任何形式的医 疗器械,无论是单独使用或组合使用, 由制造商预期用于体外检测取自人体的 样本,包括血液和其他组织,且其主要 目的是提供如下信息:生理或病理状 态、或有关于先天性异常、或确定潜在 接受者的安全性和兼容性、或监测治疗 措施。”
对于 LIST A 中风险程度最高的器械,需要 有额外的措施来把控风险。在附录 IV 全面 质量保证的符合性评价程序下,每个 LIST A 的器械必须经过详细的技术文件评审, 即 EC 设计审查。无论是参照哪项程序, 在获得 CE 标志后,任一批 LIST A 的产 品在交付市场前,还需进行持续的逐批验 证,以确保器械性能的持续稳定。



作者简介:马艳彬,Tel: (024)31606983;E-mail:myb-1027@众所周知,随着现代科技的迅速发展和公众日益增强的健康需求,医疗器械已被广泛应用于疾病的预防、诊断、治疗、监护、康复等医疗卫生技术领域。




1 医疗器械临床试验现状简介医疗器械临床试验起源于药品的临床试验。

临床试验(clinical trial)是指所有在人体(病人或健康志愿者)进行药物或器械的系统性研究,其目的是收集试验药物或器械的效用与安全性的相关数据[1]。


1962年,《美国Hefauver-Hatris 药品修正案》对临床实验管理进行了规范。

美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)在1996年还发布了优良临床试验规范(good clinical practice,GCP)。

ISO(国际标准化组织)专门制定了医疗器械临床试验标准(IS0 14155)。


我国的行业标准YY /T 0297等同采用国际标准ISO 14155-2003。

由于ISO 14155旨在用于世界范围内医疗器械临床试验,用以满足不同国家、地区以及国际管理法规中的技术层面的基本要求,而目前不同国家和地区的法律法规还存在很大差异,因此,ISO 14155中不包括法律法规性的要求,相应的YY/T 0297也是如此。

MEDDEV 2 12-2 Chinese

MEDDEV 2 12-2 Chinese

EUROPEAN COMMISSION 欧盟委员会DG ENTERPRISE DG企业Directorate G 董事会GUnit 4 - Pressure Equipment, Medical Devices, Metrology第4单元-压力设备、医疗器械、计量学医疗器械指南该指南是指实施医疗器械EC指令中所遇到问题的系统指南中的一个。




CEC 临床评估小组5月18日, 2004年医疗器械指令之上市后临床跟踪前言:PMCF的基本原因和目标本文件的目的是指为制造商和通告机构就如何执行PMCF, 和履行上市后监督义务提供指导性意见。

参照医疗器械指令附录II 3. 1, 附录IV 3. 附录V 3, 附录VI 3.1 附录VII 4 (增加参阅AIMDD)。









MEDDEV2.12.2rev2...MEDDEV 2.12/2 rev2 January 2012GUIDELINES ON MEDICAL DEVICESPOST MARKET CLINICAL FOLLOW-UP STUDIESA GUIDE FOR MANUFACTURERS AND NOTIFIED BODIES 关于医疗设备指导方针药品上市后临床跟踪研究指导生产商和相关人员NoteThe present Guidelines are part of a set of Guidelines relating to questions of application of EC-Directives on medical Devices. They are legally not binding. The Guidelines have been carefully drafted through a process of intensive consultation of the various interest parties (competent authorities, Commission services, industries, other interested parties) during which intermediate drafts where circulated and comments were taken up in the document. Therefore, this document reflects positions taken by representatives of interest parties in the medical devices sector. 注释本准则是有关欧共体指令对医疗器械的应用问题指引的一部分。


医疗器械警戒系统指南-MEDDEV 2.12-1 REV.8 January 2013

医疗器械警戒系统指南-MEDDEV 2.12-1 REV.8 January 2013

MEDICAL DEVICES: Guidance document
MEDDEV 2.12-1 rev 8 January 2013
The present guidelines are part of a set of guidelines relating to questions of application of EC-Directives on MEDICAL DEVICEs. They are legally not binding. The guidelines have been carefully drafted through a process of intensive consultation of the various interested parties (competent authorities, Commission services, industries, other interested parties) during which intermediate drafts were circulated and comments were taken up in the document. Therefore, this document reflects positions taken by representatives of interested parties in the MEDICAL DEVICEs sector.
3 SCOPE ...........................................................................................

MDD指南,MEDDEV 2.1.1 -1994.04, 医疗器械、附件、制造商的定义

MDD指南,MEDDEV 2.1.1 -1994.04, 医疗器械、附件、制造商的定义

EUROPEAN COMMISSIONDG ENTERPRISEDirectorate GUnit 4 - Pressure Equipment, Medical Devices, MetrologyMEDICAL DEVICES : Guidance documentMEDDEV 2. 1/1April 1994GUIDELINES RELATING TO THE APPLICATION OF :THE COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 90/385/EEC ON ACTIVE IMPLANTABLE MEDICAL DEVICESTHE COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 93/42/EEC ON MEDICAL DEVICESDefinition of "medical devices"Definition of "accessory"Definition of "manufacturer"--- (())---LIST OF CONTENTSI.FIELD OF APPLICATION - DEFINITIONS1.Directive 93/42/EE on medical devices2.Directive 90/385/EEC on active implantable medical devices13.Interface with other directives- medical devices/medicinal products- medical devices/electromagnetic compatibility2- medical devices/personal protective equipment2II.CLASSIFICATION OF MEDICAL DEVICES COVERED BY DIRECTIVE 93/42/EEC3III.CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES(*):1.CE-marking2.Application-Annex 5-Annex 2. Quality systems. Examination of the design dossier- Annex 33.Conduct of audits44.Format of decisions, design examination certificate5.Technical DossierIV.CUSTOM MADE DEVICES(*):V.DEVICES INTENDED FOR CLINICAL INVESTIGATIONS(*):VI.MEDICAL DEVICE VIGILANCE(*):E OF LANGUAGES(*):VIII.TRANSITIONAL PERIOD(*):1see MEDDEV. 5/93 rev. 22see MEDDEV 13/933see MEDDEV.10/93 rev. 14see MEDDEV. 1/94I.FIELD OF APPLICATION - DEFINITIONS1.Directive 93/42/EEC on medical devices1.1Definition of "medical devices"a)devices - accessoryThe definition of the term "medical device" together with thedefinition of "accessory" is determinant for the delimitation of the fieldof application of Directive 93/42/EEC. A slight difference existsbetween the definition in article 1(2) (a) of Directive 93/42/EEC and inarticle 1(2) of Directive 90/385/EEC.Following the latter directive, accessories are by definition medicaldevices, whilst following Directive 93/42/EEC, a distinction is madebetween "devices" and "accessories". Therefore within the meaning ofDirective 93/42/EEC, accessories are products in their own right and,although being treated as devices (article 1(1)) do not follow, as ageneral rule, the classification of related devices in conjunction withwhich they are used.Accessories are therefore following Directive 93/42/EEC to beclassified in their own right.b)medical purposeMedical devices are defined as articles which are intended to be usedfor a medical purpose. The medical purpose is assigned to a productby the manufacturer. The manufacturer determines through the label,the instruction for use and the promotional material related to a givendevice its specific medical purpose. As the directive aims essentially atthe protection of patients and users, the medical purpose relates ingeneral to finished products regardless of whether they are intendedto be used alone or in combination. This means that the protectionensured by the directive becomes valid for products having a stage ofmanufacture, where they are supplied to the final user.Following this concept, raw materials, components or intermediateproducts are as such normally not medical devices. Such rawmaterials may need to present properties or characteristics which aredeterminant for the safety and quality of finished devices. It istherefore the responsibility of the manufacturer of finished devices toselect and control by adequate means his raw materials orintermediate products (see Annex I, section 7.1; Annex II, section 3.2;Annex V, section 3.2 of Directive 93/42/EEC)Spare parts supplied for replacement of existing components of adevice, the conformity of which has already been established, are notmedical devices. If spare parts, however, change significantly thecharacteristics or performances of a device with regard to its alreadyestablished conformity, such spare parts are to be considered asdevices in their own right.c)customizingThe concept of "finished device" does not imply that a device whenreaching the final user is already in a state ready for use. Prior to usefurther preparatory processing, preparation, configuration,installation, assembling, adaptation or fitting to the needs of the useror patient may be required. Examples :-sterilisation of medical devices supplied non-sterile-assembling of systems-configuration of electronic equipment-preparation of a dental filling-fitting of contact lenses-adaptation of prosthesis to the needs of the patient.The aforementioned activities are normally not manufacturersactivities if they are carried out by the final user as part of the use orpreparation for use. In this context a distinction needs to be madebetween a typical professional activity performed by a healthcareprofessional and processing and assembling activities done by aspecialist for such processing. In the latter case relevant activities maybecome proper manufacturing or assembling activities relevant withinthe meaning of articles 11 and 12.A particular consideration in this context needs to be given for themanufacture of custom-made devices. Custom-made devices (such as dental appliances, prosthesis, hearing-aid inserts) are in most casesone-off devices and the Directive subjects their manufacture to theprocedure of article 11(6) in conjunction with Annex VIII. In thesecases intermediate products specifically intended for this kind ofcustom-made devices may be considered also as medical devices.This applies essentially to dental alloys, dental ceramics, modularcomponents for prosthesis, if the intended purpose of such products is specifically related to medical devices.d)medical - toiletry purposeThe definition of "medical device" should be understood to includeproducts intended to be used principally for a medical use. Thereforeproducts intended to have a toiletry or cosmetic purpose are notmedical devices even though they may be used for prevention of adisease. Examples for products for which a medical purpose cannormally not be established :-tooth brushes, dental sticks, dental floss;-baby diapers, hygiene tampons;-contact lenses without corrective function intended toprovide another colour to the eyes,-bleaching products for teeth [needs to be furtherdiscussed with regard to products intendedspecifically for application by dentists]-instruments for tattooing.Examples for products, where depending on the circumstances, amedical purpose can be established :-incontinence products.e)aids for handicapped personsIn the case of equipment intended for alleviation of or compensationfor a handicap, there must be a direct link between the correctivefunction and the person concerned. Therefore the followingequipment are not medical devices :-acoustic signals at traffic lights,-special water taps, toilet equipment for handicappedf)softwareThe following distinction can be made : software influencing theproper functioning of a device and software used in combination withnon-medical equipment.Software related to the functioning of a medical device may be part ofa device or a device in its own right if it is placed on the marketseparately from the related device.In the case of software intended for use with multipurpose informaticequipment a distinction has to be made between software providingfor a proper diagnostic or therapeutic tool and software for handlinggeneral patient-related data. Only in the first case may a medicalpurpose be determined. Examples for medical devices :-calculation of anatomical sites of the body,-image enhancing software intended for diagnosticpurpose.-software for programming a medical deviceThere is no medical purpose in the case of software used foradministration of general patient datag)multipurpose productsProducts with a multiple purpose which may be used occasionally in amedical environment are normally not medical devices, unless aspecific medical intended purpose is assigned to them. Examples :-multipurpose PC, printer, scanner, ..._magnetoscope, screen.1.2Definition of "accessory"The question whether a product is a "device" or a "accessory" has notpractical consequence. Following article 1(1) of Directive 93/42/EEC,"accessories shall be treated as medical devices in their own right". Therefore the main question is whether a product with a rather remote link to amedical use can still be considered as "accessory" (article 1(2)b) and as amatter of consequence is covered by the directive.The definition of "accessory" requires that the accessory is specificallyintended by the manufacturer of the accessory to be used together with adevice. The intended use of the accessory must be such as to enable a device to be used in accordance with its intended use. Therefore a product can only become an accessory to a medical device if the manufacturer of such aproduct establishes an intended use in conjunction with one or severalmedical devices.Examples for accessories depending on defined circumstances of device-related use :-sterilizers for use in a medical environment,-pouches for packaging re-sterilised medical devices,-specific battery chargers for battery driven electromedicaldevices,-contact lens care products, disinfectants specificallyintended for invasive medical devices-special water treatment device for use in conjunction withdialyzing machines,-gas cylinders/pressure release devices for use inconjunction with anaesthesia machines.1.3Definition of "manufacturer"Users in-house manufacturingThe Directive defines a manufacturer as the natural or legal personresponsible for defined manufacturing activities related to a device with aview to its being placed on the market under the manufacturers own name.The reason for this link with the placing on the market is that the directives aims to subject to its protection requirements the transaction of a device from the sphere of a manufacturer towards the public. The directive does notprovide any specific provisions for the case where a device is manufactured by the user (for example, a hospital) without being transferred to anotherperson. The decision to which extent such in-house manufacturing activities by hospitals are subjected to legal requirements, belongs therefore to thenational legislator. This relates however exclusively to such in-housemanufacturing activities where a device remains within the users, but not to cases where, for example, a hospital produces orthopaedic devices for usewith patients.。



EUROPEAN COMMISSIONDG ENTERPRISEDirectorate GGUIDELINES ON POST MARKET CLINICAL FOLLOW-UP上市后临床跟踪指南The present Guidelines are part of a set of Guidelines relating to questions of application of EC-Directives on medical devices. They are legally not binding. The Guidelines have been carefully drafted through a process of intensive consultation of the various interested parties (competent authorities, Commission services, industries, other interested parties) during which intermediate drafts were circulated and comments were taken up in the document. Therefore, this document reflects positions taken by representatives of interested parties in the medical devices sector.本准则是一个有关的欧共体指令对医疗设备的应用问题指引的一部分。




MEDDEV 2.12-2 rev2 2012 PMS

MEDDEV 2.12-2 rev2 2012 PMS

EUROPEAN COMMISSIONDIRECTORATE GENERAL for HEALTH and CONSUMERSConsumer AffairsHealth technology and CosmeticsNoteThe present Guidelines are part of a set of Guidelines relating to questions of application of EC-Directives on medical Devices. They are legally not binding. The Guidelines have been carefully drafted through a process of intensive consultation of the various interest parties (competent authorities, Commission services, industries, other interested parties) during which intermediate drafts where circulated and comments were taken up in the document. Therefore, this document reflects positions taken by representatives of interest parties in the medical devices sector.CONTENTS12341. Introduction (3)52. Scope (4)63. References (4)74. Definitions (6)85. Circumstances where a post market clinical follow up study in indicated (8)96. Elements of a post-market clinical follow up study (10)107. The use of study data (12)118 The role of the notified body in post-market clinical follow up (12)121314Preface15This document is intended to be a guide for manufacturers and Notified Bodies on 16how to carry out Post-Market Clinical Follow-up (PMCF) studies in order to fulfil 17Post-Market Surveillance (PMS) obligations according to Section 3.1 of Annex II, 18Section 3 of Annex IV, Section 3 of Annex V, Section 3.1 of Annex VI or Section 4 19of Annex VII of the Medical Devices Directive (93/42/EEC) and Section 3.1 of 20Annex 2, Section 3 of Annex 4, Section 3.1 of Annex 5 of the Active Implantable 21Medical Devices Directive (90/385/EEC). These Sections refer to requirements of 22Annex X of Directive 93/42/EEC and Annex 7 of Directive 90/385/EEC, respectively.2324Attention is drawn to paragraph 8 of Article 15 of Directive 93/42/EEC which spells 25out the provisions of Article 15 that are not applicable to clinical investigations26conducted using CE-marked devices within their intended use.27Similarly when PMCF studies are conducted using CE marked devices within their28intended use, the provisions of section 2.3.5 of Annex X of Directive 93/42/EEC do 29not apply. However, the provisions of Directive 93/42/EEC concerning information 30and notification of incidents occurring following placing devices on the market are31fully applicable.321. Introduction3334While clinical evidence is an essential element of the premarket conformity 35assessment process to demonstrate conformity to Essential Requirements, it is 36important to recognise that there may be limitations to the clinical data available in 37the pre-market phase. Such limitations may be due to the duration of pre-market 38clinical investigations, the number of subjects and investigators involved in an 39investigation, the relative heterogeneity of subjects and investigators and/or the 40controlled setting of a clinical investigation versus the full range of clinical conditions 41encountered in general medical practice.4243A precondition for placing a product on the market is that conformity to the relevant44Essential Requirements, including a favourable benefit/risk ratio, has been 45demonstrated. The extent of the data that can be gathered in the pre-market phase 46does not necessarily enable the manufacturer to detect rare complications or problems 47that only become apparent after wide-spread or long term use of the device. As part of 48the manufacturer’s quality system, an appropriate post-market surveillance plan is key 49to identifying and investigating residual risks associated with the use of medical 50devices placed on the market. These residual risks should be investigated and assessed 51in the post-market phase through systematic Post-Market Clinical Follow-up (PMCF) 52study(ies).5354Clinical data obtained from post-market surveillance and during PMCF studies by the 55manufacturer are not intended to replace the pre-market data necessary to demonstrate 56conformity with the provisions of the legislation. However, they are critical to update 57the clinical evaluation throughout the life-cycle of the medical device and to ensure 58the long term safety and performance of devices after their placing on the market.5960PMCF studies are one of several options available in post-market surveillance and 61contribute to the risk management process.62636465662. Scope6768The objective of this document is to provide guidance on the appropriate use and 69conduct of PMCF studies to address issues linked to residual risks. The intention is 70not to impose new regulatory requirements.7172PMCF studies are an important element to be considered in PMCF or PMS plans. The 73principles for PMCF studies set out in this guidance are not intended to replace PMCF 74or PMS plans. They are or may be applicable to PMCF studies conducted for other 75purposes.7677This document provides guidance in relation to:78i)the circumstances where a PMCF study is indicated;79ii)the general principles of PMCF studies involving medical devices;80iii) the use of study data (for example to update instructions for use and labelling);81and82iv)the role of a notified body for medical devices in the assessment of PMCF plans 83and of the results obtained from the plans as part of conformity assessment.8485This document does not apply to in vitro diagnostic devices.86873. References8889Council Directive 93/42/EEC of 14 June 1993 concerning medical devices as last 90amended by Directive 2007/47/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 915 September 2007.9293Council Directive 90/385/EEC of 20 June 1990 on the approximation of the laws of 94the Member States relating to active implantable medical devices last amended by95Directive 2007/47/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 September 962007.979899100Interpretative Documents101102MEDDEV 2.7.1 Clinical Evaluation: A Guide for Manufacturers and Notified103Bodies104105106MEDDEV 2.7.1, Appendix 1Evaluation of Clinical Data – A Guide for Manufacturers and107Notified Bodies –Appendix 1: Clinical Evaluation of Coronary 108Stents109110111GHTF Final Documents:112SG1/N41:2005Essential Principles of Safety & Performance of Medical Devices 113SG1/N44:2008The Role of Standards in the Assessment of Medical Devices114SG1/N065:2010Registration of Manufacturers and Other Parties and Listing of 115Medical Devices116SG2/N47:2005Review of Current Requirements on Post-Market Surveillance117SG5/N1:2007Clinical Evidence – Key Definitions and Concepts118SG5/N2:2007Clinical Evaluation119SG5/N3:2010Clinical Investigations120121122International Standards:123EN ISO 14155:2011Clinical investigation of Medical Devices for human subjects 124Good clinical practice; Second edition 2011-02-01125126EN ISO 14971:2009 Application of risk management to medical devices127128Others:129US Department of Health and Human Service, Agency for Healthcare Research 130and Quality:131R egistries for Evaluating Patient Outcomes: a User’s Guide(Executive 132Summary, April 2007).1331341351361374. Definitions138139140Clinical Data1:141The safety and/or performance information that is generated from the use of a 142device.143Clinical data are sourced from:144-clinical investigation(s) of the device concerned; or145-clinical investigation(s) or other studies reported in the scientific literature 146of a similar device for which equivalence to the device in question can be 147demonstrated; or148-published and/or unpublished reports on other clinical experience of either 149the device in question or a similar device for which equivalence to the 150device in question can be demonstrated.151152Clinical Evaluation2:153The assessment and analysis of clinical data pertaining to a medical device to 154verify the clinical safety and performance of the device when used as intended 155by the manufacturer.156157Clinical Evidence2:158The clinical data and the clinical evaluation report pertaining to a medical 159device.160161Clinical Investigation2:162Any systematic investigation or study in or on one or more human subjects, 163undertaken to assess the safety or performance of a medical device.164165Device Registry3:166An organised system that uses observational study methods to collect defined 167clinical data under normal conditions of use relating to one or more devices to 1681Council Directives 90/385/EEC and 93/42/EEC2 GHTF document SG5/N1R8: 2007: Clinical Evidence – Key Definitions and Concepts3GHTF document SG5/N4:2010: Post Market Clinical Follow-Up Studies, based on the definition inAgency for Healthcare Research and Quality, “Registries for Evaluating Patient Outcomes: A User’sGuide”, as modified.evaluate specified outcomes for a population defined by a particular disease, 169condition, or exposure and that serves predetermined scientific, clinical or 170policy purpose(s).171172Note: The term “device registry” as defined in this guidance should not be 173confused with the concept of device registration and listing. (See GHTF 174SG1N065)175176Post-market clinical follow-up (PMCF) study:177A study carried out following the CE marking of a device and intended to 178answer specific questions relating to clinical safety or performance (i.e. residual 179risks) of a device when used in accordance with its approved labelling.180181PMCF plan:182The documented, proactive, organised methods and procedures set up by the 183manufacturer to collect clinical data based on the use of a CE-marked device 184corresponding to a particular design dossier or on the use of a group of medical 185devices belonging to the same subcategory or generic device group as defined 186in Directive 93/42/EEC. The objective is to confirm clinical performance and 187safety throughout the expected lifetime of the medical device, the acceptability 188of identified risks and to detect emerging risks on the basis of factual evidence. 189190Residual Risk:191Risk remaining after risk control measures has been taken4 .1921934EN ISO 149711945. Circumstances where a PMCF study is indicated195196Following a proper premarket clinical evaluation, the decision to conduct PMCF 197studies must be based on the identification of possible residual risks and/or unclarity 198on long term clinical performance that may impact the benefit/risk ratio.199200PMCF studies may review issues such as long-term performance and/or safety, the 201occurrence of clinical events (e.g. delayed hypersensitivity reactions, thrombosis), 202events specific to defined patient populations, or the performance and/or safety of the 203device in a more representative population of users and patients.204205Circumstances that may justify PMCF studies include, for example:206∙innovation, e.g., where the design of the device, the materials, substances, 207the principles of operation, the technology or the medical indications are 208novel;209∙significant changes to the products or to its intended use for which pre-210market clinical evaluation and re-certification has been completed;211∙high product related risk e.g. based on design, materials, components, 212invasiveness, clinical procedures;213∙high risk anatomical locations;214∙high risk target populations e.g. paediatrics, elderly;215∙severity of disease/treatment challenges;216∙questions of ability to generalise clinical investigation results;217∙unanswered questions of long-term safety and performance;218219∙results from any previous clinical investigation, including adverse events or from post-market surveillance activities;220∙identification of previously unstudied subpopulations which may show 221different benefit/risk-ratio e.g. hip implants in different ethnic 222populations;223∙continued validation in cases of discrepancy between reasonable 224premarket follow-up time scales and the expected life of the product;225∙risks identified from the literature or other data sources for similar 226marketed devices;227∙interaction with other medical products or treatments;228∙verification of safety and performance of device when exposed to a larger 229and more varied population of clinical users;230∙emergence of new information on safety or performance;231∙where CE marking was based on equivalence.232233PMCF studies may not be required when the medium/long-term safety and clinical 234performance are already known from previous use of the device or where other 235appropriate post-market surveillance activities would provide sufficient data to 236address the risks.2372382392402412426. Elements of a PMCF study243244Post-market clinical follow-up studies are performed on a device within its intended 245use/purpose(s) according to the instructions for use. It is important to note that PMCF 246studies must be conducted according to applicable laws and regulations and should 247involve an appropriate methodology and follow appropriate guidance and standards. 248249PMCF studies must be outlined as a well designed clinical investigation plan or study 250plan, and, as appropriate, include:251∙clearly stated research question(s), objective(s) and related endpoints;252∙scientifically sound design with an appropriate rationale and statistical analysis 253plan;254255∙a plan for conduct according to the appropriate standard(s);256∙a plan for an analysis of the data and for drawing appropriate conclusion(s).257Objectives of PMCF studies258The objective(s) of the study should be stated clearly and should address the residual 259risk(s) identified and be formulated to address one or more specific questions relating 260to the clinical safety or clinical performance of the device. A formal hypothesis 261should be clearly expressed.262263Design of PMCF studies264PMCF studies should be designed to address the objective(s) of the study. The design 265may vary based on the objective(s), study hypothesis research question and endpoints 266and should be scientifically sound to allow for valid conclusions to be drawn.267268PMCF studies can follow several methodologies, for example:269∙the extended follow-up of patients enrolled in premarket investigations;270∙ a new clinical investigation;271∙ a review of data derived from a device registry; or272∙ a review of relevant retrospective data from patients previously exposed to 273the device.274275PMCF studies should have a plan describing the design and methodologies 276appropriate for addressing the stated objectives. The clinical investigation plan/study 277plan should identify and where needed justify at a minimum:278∙the study population (corresponding to the CE-mark scope);279∙inclusion/exclusion criteria;280∙rational and justification of the chosen study design including use of 281controls/control groups (where relevant; randomised or not);282∙the selection of sites and investigators;283∙study objectives and related study endpoints and statistical considerations; 284∙the number of subjects involved;285∙the duration of patient follow-up;286∙the data to be collected;287∙the analysis plan including any interim reporting where appropriate to 288ensure continuous risk management based on clinical data; and289∙procedures/criteria for early study termination;290∙ethical considerations;291∙methods of quality control of data where appropriate.292293The points above may not all apply to a retrospective data review.294295296Implementation of the PMCF study, analysis of data and conclusion(s)297The study should:298∙be executed with adequate control measures to assure compliance with the 299clinical investigation or study plan;300∙include data analysis with conclusions drawn according to the analysis plan by 301someone with appropriate expertise; and302∙have a final report with conclusions relating back to original objective(s) and 303hypothesis/hypotheses.3043053063077. The use of study data308309The data and conclusions derived from the PMCF study are used to provide clinical 310evidence for the clinical evaluation process. This may result in the need to reassess 311whether the device continues to comply with the Essential Requirements. Such 312assessment may result in corrective or preventive actions, for example changes to the 313labelling/instructions for use, changes to manufacturing processes, changes to the 314device design, or public health notifications.3153168 The role of the notified body in PMCF317When auditing the quality system of the manufacturer in the framework of one of the 318conformity assessment annexes of Directive 90/385/EEC or of Directive 93/42/EEC, 319t he Notified Body (NB) shall review the appropriateness of the manufacturer’s 320general post-market surveillance procedures and plans, including plans for PMCF, as 321relevant.322323The Notified Body shall verify that PMCF as part of the overall clinical evaluation is 324conducted by or on behalf of the manufacturer by appropriately competent assessors 325(as per section 10.3 of MEDDEV 2.7/1).326327The NB shall verify that clinical investigations conducted as part of PMCF plans are 328conducted in accordance with the relevant provisions of Annex X (as per Article 15.8 329of 93/42/EEC), related guidance and relevant standards.330331The NB shall as part of its assessment of a specific medical device5:332∙verify that the manufacturer has appropriately considered the need for 333PMCF as part of post market surveillance based on the residual risks 334including those identified from the results of the clinical evaluation and 335from the characteristics of the medical device in accordance with section 5 336of the guidance;337∙verify that PMCF is conducted when clinical evaluation was based 338exclusively on clinical data from equivalent devices for initial conformity 3395 in accordance with Annex II.4, Annex II.7, Annex III, Annex V.6 and Annex VI.6 of Directive93/42/EEC and Annex II.4, Annex II.7, Annex III and Annex V.6 of Directive 90/385/EECassessment and that PMCF addresses the residual risks identified for the 340equivalent devices;341∙assess the appropriateness of any justification presented by a manufacturer 342for not conducting a specific PMCF plan as part of post market surveillance 343and seek appropriate remedy where the justification is not valid;344∙assess the appropriateness of the proposed PMCF plan in demonstrating the 345manufacturer’s stated objectives and addressing the residual risks and issues 346of long term clinical performance and safety identified for the specific 347device;348∙verify that data gathered by the manufacturer from PMCF, whether 349favourable or unfavourable, is being used to actively update the clinical 350evaluation (as well as the risk management system);351∙consider whether, based on the specific device assessment, data obtained 352from PMCF should be transmitted to the NB between scheduled assessment 353activities (e.g. surveillance audit, recertification assessment);354∙consider an appropriate period for certification of the product in order to set 355a particular time point at which PMCF data will be assessed by the NB or 356specific conditions relating to certification for subsequent follow up. (This 357decision may be based on the residual risks, the characteristics presented in 358section 5 and the clinical evaluation presented at the time of initial 359assessment. Conditions the NB may consider could include the need for the 360manufacturer to submit interim reports between certification reviews, of the 361clinical data generated from the PMCF and post-market surveillance 362system).363364。


上市后跟踪程序的发布和实施产生的文件、记录,按《文件控制程序》、《记录控制程序》的相关规定 执行。行政部确保本程序相关的文件和记录的保存期限为最后一个批次的产品出厂后的满 5 年。
6.0 REFERENCES 相关文件 6.1 上市后临床跟踪计划
5.3.3 上市后临床跟踪研究的目标应被清晰地陈述,应可以解决识别的剩余风险。
5.3.4 上市后临床跟踪研究的设计,可以根据目标、研究假设、调查问题和终结点而变化,并应具备足够的
5.3.5 上市后临床跟踪研究可以采用以下方法之一或其组合:
2.0 SCOPE 范围 适用于本公司带有 CE 标识的医疗器械产品的上市后临床跟踪。
3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 职责 3.1 管理者代表:负责组织落实产品符合 MDD 93/42/EEC 的要求。 3.2 技术部:负责按本程序及相关法规制定《上市后的临床跟踪计划》及相关文件,并根据汇总上市后的临 床数据,评价现有文件的适合性并修改相关的文件。 3.3 质管部:负责按本程序及相关法规对文件归档保存,负责产品相关的标签的控制。 3.3 市场部:负责审核《上市后的临床跟踪计划》,并在计划批准后按文件要求执行。 3.4 总经理:负责对《上市后的临床跟踪计划》的批准。
1.0 PURPOSE 目的 适当使用和执行上市后临床跟踪研究,来解决与剩余风险相关的问题,及时修改产品标签,
说明书的内容及技术文件,确保产品的持续安全有效,满足欧盟 MEDDEV 2.12 的要求。作为产品质量体系的 一部分,一个适当的市场监督程序,对上市产品识别使用中风险识别和风险研究的关键,特制定本程序。





一、《指南》简介《指南》的主要内容有欧盟体系中医疗器械事件报告、评价及现场安全纠正措施(Field Safety Corrective Actions,以下简称FSCA),即医疗器械警戒系统的全部内容。



该《指南》旨在促进以下指令对医疗器械警戒系统所要求内容的统一应用和实施:1.有源植入式医疗器械指令(the Directive for Active Implantable Medical Devices,简称AIMD),90/385/EEC;2.医疗器械指令(the Directive for Medical Devices,简称MDD),93/42/EEC;3.体外诊断医疗器械指令(the In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices Directive,简称IVDD),98/79/EC。















欧盟MDR临床评价和上市后临床跟踪欧盟MDR(Medical Device Regulation)是一项新的医疗器械法规,在2024年5月26日正式实施。



















1、目的适当使用和执行上市后临床跟踪研究,来解决与剩余风险相关的问题,及时修改产品标签,说明书的内容及技术文件,确保产品的持续安全有效,满足欧盟MEDDEV 2.12/2 rev2(《GUIDELINES ON MEDICAL DEVICES:POST MARKET CLINICAL FOLLOW-UP STUDIES A GUIDE FOR MANUFACTURERS AND NOTIFIED BODIES》January 2012发布)的要求。



3、职责3.1 管理者代表:负责组织落实产品符合MDD 93/42/EEC 的要求。

3.2 工程部:负责按本程序及相关法规制定《上市后的临床跟踪计划》及相关文件,并根据汇总上市后的临床数据,评价现有文件的适合性并修改相关的文件。

3.3 品管部:负责按本程序及相关法规对文件归档保存,负责产品相关的标签的控制。

3.3 业务部:负责审核《上市后的临床跟踪计划》,并在计划批准后按文件要求执行。

3.4 总经理:负责对《上市后的临床跟踪计划》的批准。

4、定义4.1 临床调查:在一个或更多的人类受试者上进行的任何系统性的调查或研究,从而评估医疗设备的安全性和性能。

4.2 上市后临床跟踪研究:跟随着设备的CE标记而执行的研究,其意图是回答与设备依照批准的标签使用时的临床安全性和性能(如剩余风险)相关的特定问题。

4.3 PMCF计划:制造商建立的备用证明文件的、前瞻性的、有组织的方法和程序,其根据与特定设计档案一致的CE标记产品的使用或属于相同亚类或MDD93/42/EEC指令中定义的一般设备组的一组医疗设备的使用来收集临床数据。






3.0依据根据MEDDEV 2.12-2 进⾏。




5.0程序5.1 上市后临床跟踪策划:5.1.1针对公司的每⼀种上市后的医疗器械产品都应该策划,由公司管理者代表组织制订。












5.1.4 上市后临床跟踪计划制定后由总经理负责批准。

5.2 上市后临床跟踪的实施:在上市后临床跟踪计划被批准后,由管理者代表根据划的内容组织相关⼈员进⾏按计划实施。




5.3 信息评价:管理者代表应组织相关⼈员对收集到的信息进⾏及时评价及定期总结评价,并应保持评价的结果。

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EUROPEAN COMMISSIONDG ENTERPRISEDirectorate GUnit 4 - Pressure Equipment, Medical Devices, MetrologyMEDICAL DEVICES: Guidance document MEDDEV 2.12-2May 2004GUIDELINES ON POST MARKET CLINICAL FOLLOW-UP上市后临床跟踪指南The present Guidelines are part of a set of Guidelines relating to questions of application of EC-Directives on medical devices. They are legally not binding. The Guidelines have been carefully drafted through a process of intensive consultation of the various interested parties (competent authorities, Commission services, industries, other interested parties) during which intermediate drafts were circulated and comments were taken up in the document. Therefore, this document reflects positions taken by representatives of interested parties in the medical devices sector.本准则是一个有关的欧共体指令对医疗设备的应用问题指引的一部分。




Foreword : Rationale and Goals of PMCFThis document is intended to be a guide for manufacturers and notified bodies on how to carry out PMCF in order to fulfill post market surveillance obligation according to point 3. 1 of annex II, point 3. of annex IV, point 3 of annex V, point 3.1 of annex VI or point 4 of annex VII of medical device directive (add ref. AIMDD)While clinical evidence is an essential element of the premarket conformity assessment process, it is important to recognize the limitations inherent to these premarket clinical investigations. The extent of the data that can be gathered in the premarket phase does not enable the manufacturer to detect infrequent complications or problems only apparent after widespread use, or /long term performance issues. As part of the manufacturer’s quality system, a program of appropriate post market surveillance is key to identifying and investigating risks associated with the use of medical devices placed on the market.前言:PMCF的基本原理和目标本文件的目的是为制造商的指引,就如何开展PMCF为了履行市场监督义务后按3点通知机构。






Manufacturers should have general systems in place to cover PMS as well as having a defined PMS strategy for each of their products/product rangesTherefore, PMCF appears as a method of choice for this purpose. It will, for instance, enable patients' access to new therapies while establishing a review process for long term safety follow-up and detection of possible emergent risks that cannot be adequately detected by relying solely on pre-market clinical investigations (given the relatively short follow up required) or product experience /vigilance.ImplementationPost market surveillance may include a number of strategies in addition to complaint handling and vigilance :active supervision by customer surveys,inquiries of users and patients,literature reviews,Post market Clinical Follow-up, etc..Post market clinical follow-up (PMCF) through clinical studies and registries has a great importance among these strategies.制造商应建立上市后监督系统,除非每一个产品均建立了明确的PMS(上市后监督)的系统。





Post Market Clinical Follow-up (PMCF) should always be considered for devices where identification of possible emerging risks and the evaluation of long term safety and performance are critical. In identifying such emerging risk, the following criteria should be taken into account :•innovation, when the design of the device, the material, the principles of operation, the technology, or the medical indication is new• severity of the disease,• sensitive target population• risky anatomical location• well known risk from the literature• well known risk of similar marketed devices• Identification of an acceptable risk during pre-CE clinical evaluation, which should be monitored in a longer term and/or through a larger population.• Obvious discrepancy between the premarket follow up timescales and the expected life of the product上市后监督(PMCF)可视为对设备可能出现的风险和长期的安全和性能评价。



All PMCF should be planned. The PMCF plan can take the form of extended follow-up of patients enrolled in the pre-market trials, and / or a prospective study of a representative subset of patients after the device is placed on the market. It can also take the form of open registries. This plan will need to take into account : • Results of the clinical investigation including Adverse events identified• Average life expectancy of the device• The claims made by the manufacturer for the device• Performances for which equivalence is claimed• New information becoming availablePMCF, when carried out, must always be performed for the use of the product within its intended indications according to Instructions for use. National regulations on post market clinical studies must be taken into account.所有PMCF应计划。
