























商务写作中的礼貌原则politense principle and business English writing‘7C’原则:‘7C’原则是商务写作中的基本原则,是指评价外贸信函在选词,构句,内容,语气,写作态度等方面的七个以英文字母C开头的单词,即;清楚clearness,正确correctness,体谅consideration,礼貌courtesy,完整complete,简洁conciseness,具体concreteness.1.清楚clearness eg: the credit will remain valid the end of this month.(worse)the credit will remain valid until May 31,2009(better)2.正确correctness eg: this goods’ price is hight.(wrong) this article is high inprice.right(right)3.体谅consideration 拟定信函时,要处处从对方的角度去考虑问题,而不是从自身出发,语气上更尊重对方。

要做到体谅,写信人需注意一下两点:a,使用“您”,“贵方”多于“我”,“我们”eg: your new charge account is now open for your convenience.b.让对方感觉到你是站在对方立场上考虑问题的。

Eg: we are now enclosing the latest pamphlet to you for your reference.4.礼貌courtesy 有好的口吻和措辞对够偶同对方之间的感情,实现信函所要达到的目标具有极大地推动作用。


Eg; you are requested to ship our good without any delay.(worse) your prompt shipment of our order will be highly appreciated.(better)5.完整complete 用5个W1个H来检验即可把说明的情况全面交代清楚,叙述问题要有头有尾,善始善终,不能出现上下句脱节。



商务英语的写作原则何谓“7C” :“7C”原则是商务写作的基本原则。

“7C”是指评价外贸信函在选词、构句、内容、语气、写作态度等方面的7个以英文字母“C”开头的单词,即:清楚(clearness)正确(correctness)体谅(consideration)礼貌(courtesy)完整(complete)简洁(conciseness)具体(concreteness)1. 清楚(clearness)在实务工作中,由于表述不清产生歧义进而导致的经济纠纷屡见不鲜。


例如:1).The credit will remain valid the end of this month. (Worse)2).The credit will remain valid until May 31, 2009. (Better)2. 正确(correctness)一封用于商务交往的信函应该在各个方面都是正确的,其中包括术语选择等。


例如:1).This goods’ price is high t. (×)2).This article is high in price. (√)3. 体谅(consideration)拟定信函时要处处从对方的角度去考虑问题,而不是从自身出发,语气上更尊重对方。

要做到体谅,写信人需注意以下两点:1). 使用“您”、“贵方”多于“我”或“我们”,例如:Y ou will be happy to know…Y our new charge account is now open for your convenience.2). 让对方时刻感受到你是站在对方立场上考虑问题的, 例如:We are now enclosing the latest pamphlet to you for your reference.Y ou earn 4% discount when you pay cash.4. 礼貌(courtesy)礼貌是外贸函电的重要特征。

外贸函电中7C 原则运用探析

外贸函电中7C 原则运用探析
式、 混 合 式 和缩 行 式 等 。有 些 初 学 者 因 为 不 踏 实 求 是 , 稿 纸 的
T h e Un i v e r s a l T r a d i n g C o mp a n y i s o n e o f o u r b i g b u y e r s . ( 2) T h e
Un i v e r s a l T r a d i n g C o mp a n y p l a c e d o v e r U S . 非 2, 0 0 0, 0 0 0 w o r t h
o f b u s i n e s s w i t h U S e a c h y e a r .第二句用 了具体 的数字来说 明这 家公司是我们 的大客户 , 比起第一句 , 更有说服力 。 四、 C o mp l e t e n e s s ( 完整 ) “ 完整 ” 是在商务活动沟通交流的过程 中, 必要 的信 息要不 能 缺 损 或 缺失 。T h e g o o d s c a n b e d e l i v e r e d . 和T h e g o o d s c a n b e d e l i v e r e d b y J u n e .第一句不完整 , 如果拿 出来断章取义 , 只会给 后 续 环 节 带来 麻 烦 。除 了单 个 的 句 子 的信 息 要 表 达 完 整 , 对 于 对方提出的咨询 的 问题也 要一 一 回答 完 整 , 不要 一次 分几 次 说, 给 人 以 拖 沓 之感 。
[ 关键 词 ] 外 贸函 电 ; 写作 ; 原则
[ 中图分类号]G 6 4 1 — 5 9 1 8 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 2 2 — 0 1 3 1 — 0 2
[ 本 刊 网址 ]h t t p : / / w w w. h b x b . n e t



外贸函电7C原则Principles of Business Letter-Writing7C原则——102131班-8组1、CourtesyPoliteness principle is a key principle of daily language use which with universal and guidance .And it is an important yardstick of measuring social activity. A successful f oreign trade correspondence writing In addition to have a solid English basic skill, h ow to properly use the politeness principle also appears especially important.1) Not mere politeness li ke using some phrases of “please” or “thank you”.2) Keep a sincere You-attitude.3) Use tactful way to blame your readers, and try to avoid irritating, offensive, or belittling statement.4) Answer letters promptly.2.Consideration1) Emphasizing You-attitude rather than we-attitudePut yourself in the readers? positionPlace the reader in the center of thingsUse …You-attitude? NOT …We-attitude?2) Focusing on the positive approach, declining or complaining in tactful way:E.g. NO SMOKING, THANK YOUFOR NOT SMOKING. Two examples express the meaning is the same, but the reader for their degree of recognition is clearly different.Therefore, business letters, we want to try to create a positive, positive atmosphere, news express words certainly do not deny the significance of the word is more Words certainly also helpestablish a good relationship with the recipient.3、CompletenessA letter is complete, with five "W" to test, that: "Who, What, Where, When and Why (How)"Request the letters of "completeness", there are four reasons:1) A complete letters have more possibility to bring the desired effect;2)It helps to establish a friendly relationship;3)It can avoid missing important material information, and lead to lawsuit;4) Some inconspicuous letters or documents, because of the conditions provided by complete and effective, and become extremely important documents4、ConcretenessWhat the most important is that content should be specific and exploit. Especially in correspondence where demands party to reply .Targets in the correspondence embody and make clear. Any blur language and means of express easy to undermistake should be avoided. Formal business letters must have accurate expression word. When you confirm a letter ,you need to put forward the date、item and reference ,so on..The key issue in the negotiations on the absolute can't be careless .Coming to concrete objection isn?t difficult.just need to keep clear. prevent the abstract, general, vague statement, with the words in the abstract concept concrete examples permit.5、Conception :Words and punctuation is not wrong in the sentence .Refer not only to correct usage of grammar, punctuation and spelling, but also to standard language and proper statement.1) Select correct words or phrases:Anyone can learn to type.Any one of us can learn to type.2) Insert appropriate punctuation3) The formality of language4) Right approaches6、ConcisenessUsing concise sentences and fewest words to explain the meaning of a letter clearly, without losing completeness and courtesy. The contents of the paper are too much,which made us lose focus .1) Avoid using wordy expression2) Avoid unnecessary repetition3) Use short sentences, simple words and clear explanation7、Clarity1)The writer must try to express his meaning clearly to make the reader understand it well.How to make the letter clarity:Avoid using the different understanding or unclear meaning words.Pay attention to the position of the modifiers.Pay attention to the sentences structure.Paragraph carefully and properly.2)Avoid using may have different understanding or ambiguous wordsNote the modified word position, sometimes modified word position is different can lead to different implications.Note the pronoun, the relationship between pronoun and its antecedent in the English habits, in the sentence generation nouns and pronouns generally refers to the nearest noun, so weshould pay special attention to, in order to avoid misunderstanding or unclear.3) Put together words with close relation:The L/C must reach us not later than 8 October for arranging shipment.The L/C must reach us for arranging shipment not later than 8 October.4)Use active voice: We sent you a telex yesterday.5)Use of facts, examples, and visual aids.。




下面将分别介绍这7个原则,并举例说明:1. 清楚(Clear)函电要突出主题,用清晰、简练的话语表达意思,避免文意晦涩、言不及义,避免迷惑、误解。

例如:Dear Tom,I am writing to request the pricing information of your latest products, which include mobile phones, laptops, and smart watches. Could you please send me your price list and product specifications? Your prompt reply would be highly appreciated.Sincerely,John2. 简洁(Concise)函电应该言简意赅,言之有物。


3. 正确(Correct)函电的内容应准确无误,避免错别字、语法错误、错用词语等。

4. 完整(Complete)函电的内容应该完整,要确保函电内容包含对方所需要的所有信息,避免片面、不完整的沟通。



Warm regards,6. 真诚(Sincerity)函电应该真诚、坦率,表达出对方所需的信息和自己的期望。


7. 及时(Timely)函电应该在合理的时间内发送和回复,及时提供对方所需的信息和帮助。

















一、Conrtasy 礼貌语气要有礼、谦虚,及时地回信也是礼貌的表现。

We have received with many thanks your letter of May 20th,and we take the pleasure of mending you our latest catalog. We wish to draw your attention to a special offer which we have made in it.我们希望我们在目录里的优惠可以吸引你的注意。

You will be particularly interested in a special offer on page 5 of the latest catalog enclosed which you requested in your letter of May 20th.对新目录第5页的优惠,您将会非常感兴趣,那是您在5/20的邮件里要求的。

二、Consideration 体谅写信时要处处从对方角度去考虑有什么需求,而不是从自身出发,语气上更尊重对方。

You earn 2 percent discount when you buy more than 1000 pcs, we will send you the catalog next month(For the catalog, we will send you next month).如果你买1000个以上就可以赚取2%的折扣,我们将在下个月发送目录给您。

对比:We allow 2 percent discount for buying more than 1000 pcs. We won’t be able to send you the catalog this month.三、Completeness 完整对商业信函应概括了各项必要的事项Dear Sir or Madam,Could you help me to check below detail?具体确认的事情以及为什么要确认结束语Dear Sir or Madam,Have a nice day!BodyLook forwards to your reply/ receving your early replyThank you & Best regardsChloeSALES MANAGERCAMPANY NAMEEMAIL ADDTELFAXMSN&SKYPE四、Clarity 清楚意思表达明确,要注意1、避免用词错误As to the steamers sailing from Hong Kong to San Francisco. We have bimonthly(两个月/半个月) direct services改为:We have two direct sailings every month from Hong Kong to San Francsico.从香港到旧金山我们每个月有两次直接航班。





下面是具体的原则和例子:1. 清晰(Clear)清晰是指在撰写外贸函电时需要使用简单明了的语言,避免使用复杂的词汇和句子,以确保信息的准确传达。

例如:Dear Mr. Smith,I am writing to confirm the order we discussed on the phone yesterday. We would like to order 500 units of your product, model number XYZ123, at a unit price of $10. Please let us know if this is acceptable and provide us with the delivery date and payment terms.Best regards,John2. 简洁(Concise)简洁是指在撰写外贸函电时需要避免冗长的句子和段落,以便于客户快速理解信息。

例如:Dear Mr. Smith,Thank you for your email. We are interested in your product, model number XYZ123, and would like to place an order for 500 units at a unit price of $10. Please let us know the delivery date and payment terms.Best regards,John3. 准确(Correct)准确是指在撰写外贸函电时需要确保信息的准确性,包括订单数量、型号、价格、交货日期等。



商务英语函电的七C’s原则及其语言特点作者:王树清来源:《商场现代化》2008年第36期七C’s原则指的是:Completeness ,Conciseness, Consideration, Concreteness, Clarity, Courtesy, Correctness一、Completeness (完整)一封商业信函应概括各项必需的事项,要写清楚所有所需信息和反馈的信息。

Firstly, complete messages are more likely to bring the desired results without the expense of additional messages .Secondly, they can do a better job of building goodwill. Thirdly, complete messages can help avert costly lawsuits which may result if important information is missing. Finally, papers that seem inconsequential can be surprisingly important if the information they contains is complete and effectively.二、Conciseness (简洁)简洁明了的语言是现代商务英语的突出特点1.首字母缩略语例如:L/C (letter of credit)信用证,B/L(Bill of Lading)海运提单,POD(port of destination)目地港。

2.截短词例如:biz (=business)商业,Corp (=corporation)公司等。

3.避免废话连篇例(1)We wish to acknowledge receipt of your letter...可改为:We appreciate your letter...(2)Enclosed herewith please find two copies of...可改为: We enclose two copies of...4.短句、单词的运用(1)Enclosed herewith——>enclosed(2)at this time——>now三、Consideration (体谅)书写商务英语信函时要处处从对方的角度去考虑有什么需求,要尊重对方。







关键词商务英语函电清楚简洁正确完整礼貌体贴具体相辅相成On"7C"Principle for Business English Correspondence// Hua YunshiAbstract Business English Correspondence,one of the core courses of business major and a comprehensive course combining English writing and foreign trade practice,is widely used in in-ternational trade.In addition to meeting the basic requirements of general English writing,Business English Correspondence has its own characteristics including format,content,grammar and even punctuation.A high level of Business English Correspondence Writing should follow seven principles.This article will elaborate on the requirements and techniques necessary for the Business English Correspondence Writing from the seven aspects.Key words Business English Correspondence;clear;concise;cor-rect;complete;courteous;considerate;concrete;complementary商务英语函电(Business English Correspondence),又称“外经贸英语函电”,是商贸类专业的一门传统课程,它是将英语与外贸业务知识相结合,属于商务英语范畴。




所以要站在对方角度,使用You Attitude来考虑对方的需求、愿望、利益和问题。




礼貌的语气可以通过使用礼貌用语比如thank you for,we are pleased that,we are highly appreciated that或在句中加入would,could,might等来实现。

例1.You are requested to make the delivery by June.改为:Please make the delivery by June.例2.That is impossible.改为:Unfortunately,that would not be possible.2.用肯定句或肯定的表达方式。


例3.We don’t believe you will have cause for dissatisfaction.改为:We believe you will entirely satisfied.3.及时回复对方来函。





商务英语信函7C 原则
1.Clearness 清楚原则


2.Conciseness 简洁原则




3.Correctness 准确原则









例如:We have received with many thanks your letter of 20May,and we take the pleasure of sending you ourtalog.We wish to draw you rattention to aspecial offer which we have madeinit.You will be particularly interestedina special offer onpage5of thetalogenclosed,which you requestedin your letter of20 May.二、Consideration体谅写信时要处处从对方的角度去考虑有什么需求,而不是从自身出发,语气上更尊重对方。

例如:You earn2 percent discount when yoush.We will send you the brochure next month.就比We allow percent iscount or ashpayment. e ont eable o end ouhepleteness完整一封商业信函应概况了各项必需的事项,如邀请信应说明时间、地点等,确忌寄出含糊不清的信件。

四、Clarity清楚意思表达明确,要注意:(一)避免用词错误:例如:As to the steam erssailing from HongKong to SanFrancisco, we have bimonthly direct services.此处bimonthly有歧义:可以是twiceamonth或者oncetwomonth.故读信者就迷惑了,可以改写为:1.We have two directsailing every month from HongKong to SanFrancisco.2.We have semimonthly irect sailing from HongKong to SanFrancisco.3.We have adirect sailing from HongKong to SanFrancisco.(二)注意词语所放的位置:例如:1.We shall be able to supplyses of the itemonly.2.We shall be able to supplyses only of the item.前者则有两种商品以上的含义。



• 2 Concreteness 具体 实例解析(二) • 要让信函中所涉及的对象具体化,明确化。任何含糊不清 或易于引起误解以致混乱的表达方式都应避免。商务书信 中必须使用意义明确的表达方法。当你要确认一封来信时 一定要提出它的日期、事由及编号等。在谈判磋商的关键 问题上绝对不能马虎大意,明确详细。例如: • (1)We have received with thanks your check. The amount has been placed to your credit.(We have received with thanks your check No. 23 for us US $20000,in payment of our machines. The amount has been placed to your credit.) • (2)The Universal Trading Company is one of our big buyers.(The Universal Trading Company placed over US $2 ,000,000 worth of business with us each year.) • 达到具体的目标并不难,只需要清晰明了,防止出现抽象、 笼统、含糊不清的语句,在抽象概念词句中加上具体的事 例证即可。

1 Correctness 正确

这里的正确除了指语法、标点及拼写正确外,还 要求使用规范的语言,恰当的叙述,精确的数值。 如在美式书信中称呼语要用gentlemen 而不是 gentleman,而英式则多采用Dear Sirs,后跟逗 号。在给商务书信签名时,应检查其内容的正确 性,按照惯例检测所写内容是否合适,要正确理 解并使用对外贸易中所使用的专业术语。比较下 列句子,括号中为正确形式。 • (1)It is three foots long and four inches wide.(It's three feet long and four inches wide.) • (2)Because our book is full,so we cannot entertain any more orders.(We cannot entertain any more orders,because our book is full.) • 由此可见,书信写完后要仔细校措词要准确,尤 其是日期、数字不能弄错,并注意语法、标点、 字母大小写要正确。由于商务函电载明的信息非 常正式、严肃,一定要尽力保证其准确性



外语教育技术本栏目责任编辑:唐一东外贸函电“7C ”写作原则的应用陈红涛(山西大同大学外国语学院,山西大同037009)摘要:随着国际贸易的迅猛发展,外贸函电作为商务沟通手段之一,其重要性日趋明显。

一篇成功的外贸英文函电可以促进双方贸易的发展,而“7C ”原则的成功运用,又是优秀外贸英文函电的敲门砖。

该文首先对“7C ”原则的各自用法做了介绍,然后结合他们之间的关系,指出“7C ”原则如何在实际中得到应用。




而要想写一篇优秀的外贸函电,“7C ”原则必须正确运用和融会贯通至写作中。

可以说掌握好“7C ”原则,就抓住了外贸函电的写作精髓。

本论文将重点阐述“7C ”原则的具体应用问题,使外贸英文函电真正做到联系贸易双方,促进贸易发展,在国际贸易中发挥其最大作用。

“7C ”原则是外贸函电写作中的基本原则,即礼貌原则(courtesy)、体贴原则(consideration)、完整原则(completeness)、清楚原则(clarity)、简洁原则(conciseness)、具体原则(concreteness)和准确原则(correctness)。

1“7C ”原则的各自用法1.1“礼貌”原则的用法礼貌是外贸英文函电写作的一个重要语言特征,一封优雅、彬彬有礼的信函会为自己或自己的公司树立一个诚实、热情的形象,能够使对方与你全心全意地合作,进而做成一笔笔好生意。



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Principles of Business Letter-Writing7C原则——102131班-8组1、CourtesyPoliteness principle is a key principle of daily language use which with universal and guidance .And it is an important yardstick of measuring social activity. A successful f oreign trade correspondence writing In addition to have a solid English basic skill, h ow to properly use the politeness principle also appears especially important.1) Not mere politeness like using some phrases of “please” or “thank you”.2) Keep a sincere You-attitude.3) Use tactful way to blame your readers, and try to avoid irritating, offensive, or belittling statement.4) Answer letters promptly.2.Consideration1) Emphasizing You-attitude rather than we-attitudePut yourself in the readers’ positionPlace the reader in the center of thingsUse ‘You-attitude’ NOT ‘We-attitude’2) Focusing on the positive approach, declining or complaining in tactful way:E.g. NO SMOKING, THANK YOUFOR NOT SMOKING. Two examples express the meaning is the same, but the reader for their degree of recognition is clearly different.Therefore, business letters, we want to try to create a positive, positive atmosphere, news express words certainly do not deny the significance of the word is more Words certainly also help establish a good relationship with the recipient.3、CompletenessA letter is complete, with five "W" to test, that: "Who, What, Where, When and Why (How)"Request the letters of "completeness", there are four reasons:1) A complete letters have more possibility to bring the desired effect;2)It helps to establish a friendly relationship;3)It can avoid missing important material information, and lead to lawsuit;4) Some inconspicuous letters or documents, because of the conditions provided by complete and effective, and become extremely important documents4、ConcretenessWhat the most important is that content should be specific and exploit. Especially in correspondence where demands party to reply .Targets in the correspondence embody and make clear. Any blur language and means of express easy to undermistake should be avoided. Formal business letters must have accurate expression word. When you confirm a letter ,you need to put forward the date、item and reference ,so on..The key issue in the negotiations on the absolute can't be careless .Coming to concrete objection isn’t difficult.just need to keep clear. prevent the abstract, general, vague statement, with the words in the abstract concept concrete examples permit.5、Conception :Words and punctuation is not wrong in the sentence .Refer not only to correct usage of grammar, punctuation and spelling, but also to standard language and proper statement.1) Select correct words or phrases:Anyone can learn to type.Any one of us can learn to type.2) Insert appropriate punctuation3) The formality of language4) Right approaches6、ConcisenessUsing concise sentences and fewest words to explain the meaning of a letter clearly, without losing completeness and courtesy. The contents of the paper are too much,which made us lose focus .1) Avoid using wordy expression2) Avoid unnecessary repetition3) Use short sentences, simple words and clear explanation7、Clarity1)The writer must try to express his meaning clearly to make the reader understand it well.How to make the letter clarity:Avoid using the different understanding or unclear meaning words.Pay attention to the position of the modifiers.Pay attention to the sentences structure.Paragraph carefully and properly.2)Avoid using may have different understanding or ambiguous wordsNote the modified word position, sometimes modified word position is different can lead to different implications.Note the pronoun, the relationship between pronoun and its antecedent in the English habits, in the sentence generation nouns and pronouns generally refers to the nearest noun, so we should pay special attention to, in order to avoid misunderstanding or unclear.3) Put together words with close relation:The L/C must reach us not later than 8 October for arranging shipment.The L/C must reach us for arranging shipment not later than 8 October.4)Use active voice: We sent you a telex yesterday.5)Use of facts, examples, and visual aids.。
