







Ⅰ. 单项选择1、It is impossible for______ little children to do ______ much work within 20 minutes.A.so, so B.so, such C.such, so D.such , such2、---Do you think ______ he has taken the bag?--- ______ I’m mistaken.A.that; Until B.whether; If C.that; Unless D.whether; Unless3、— Mike, can you explain ______?—I’m sorry, Mum. I was listening to music and didn’t hear it.A.why everything in the house was in a messB.why nobody answered the phone when I called youC.how you could finish the homework in such a short timeD.how you can make the robot work since there is no power4、Lucy is really brave. She always has the_______ to try again.A.pride B.courage C.praise D.influence5、Some of my friends are interested in science, but none of them can tell ____________.A.when UFOs appear next timeB.if horses know the way or notC.where was this kind of plant foundD.how elephants communicate6、The Hollywood blockbuster A Star Is Born starred by Lady Gaga has received many praises around the world. And the music is fantastic, too. the movie is!A.What wonderful B.How wonderful C.How a wonderful D.What a wonderful7、—Could I your iPad, Alice?—Of course. Here you are.A.lend B.keep C.borrow D.return8、The population of China _____ large and one third of the population _____ the old.A.is; are B.is; is C.are; is D.are; are9、―is the population of China? ―It’s about 1.4 billion. I think it's becoming.A.what, more and more B.How many, larger and largerC.What, larger and larger D.How much, smaller and smaller10、Norman Bethune was a great man _____ gave his life to help the Chinese people.A.which B.who C.whose D.whatⅡ. 完形填空11、Last month we asked our students how to remember something well. Here are some of their answers.HenryA great way to help you remember something is to draw a 1 of it in your mind. If you make the picture big, strange or special, you will remember it much 2 and more clearly. For example, to remember the word “smiles”, we can imagine there is a “mile” 3 the first letter “s” and the last letter “s”. This makes it the longest word in the world. Remember a picture is worth a thousand words.PaulaA good way for remembering the spelling of a word is to make a short sentence with 4 letter of the word. For example, if you wan t to remember how to spell the word “because”, you can use the sentence “Big elephant can5 understand small elephants.”MillieYou will forget something very quickly 6 you understand it well. For example, you may have problems7 all the steps in the water cycle (循环). However, it is easier to remember these steps if you understand 8the water cycle works.AlexThe best way to remember a word is to 9 what’s so special about this word. For example, when you remember the word “believe”, you can tell yourself that even if it’s “believe”, there is a “lie” in it. An easy way to remember how to read some new words is to sing a song with the words in 10 . For example, the song Beauty and the Beast can help you remember words like scared, prepared, strange and change.1.A.picture B.calendar C.shape D.paper2.A.worse B.well C.better D.badly3.A.among B.between C.both D.in4.A.the other B.another C.other D.each5.A.always B.often C.sometimes D.never6.A.when B.if C.unless D.so7.A.remembered B.remembering C.to remember D.remember8.A.if B.that C.what D.how9.A.find out B.catch up with C.turn down D.take out10.A.they B.it C.them D.itsⅢ. 语法填空12、请用适当的词完成下面的短文,并把所缺单词填写在答题卡指定的位置上。



中国古代科技经典书籍推荐篇一:推荐十大科普读物上海市致远中学科技读书节推荐科普读物推荐:适合初中生阅读的十本经典科普读物1《从一到无穷大》作者:乔治·伽莫夫译者:暴永宁出版社:科学出版社推荐:适合初中生阅读的十本经典科普读物2 《啊哈,灵机一动》作者:马丁·伽德纳译者:李建臣刘正新出版社:科学出版社推荐:适合初中生阅读的十本经典科普读物3《万物简史》作者:比尔·布莱森译者:严维明陈邕出版社:接力出版社推荐:适合初中生阅读的十本经典科普读物4 《生命的多样性》作者:爱德华·欧·威尔逊译者:王芷唐佳青王周杨培龙校对:刘堤地出版社:湖南科学技术出版社推荐:适合初中生阅读的十本经典科普读物5《黑猩猩在召唤》作者: 珍妮·古尔多译者:刘厚一张锋出版社: 科学出版社推荐:适合初中生阅读的十本经典科普读物6《数字化生存》作者:尼葛洛庞帝译者:胡泳范海燕出版社:海南出版社推荐:适合初中生阅读的十本经典科普读物7《细胞生命的礼赞》作者:刘易斯·托马斯译者:李绍明出版社:湖南科学技术出版社推荐:适合初中生阅读的十本经典科普读物8《自私的基因》作者:理查德·道金斯译者: 卢允中张岱云出版社:吉林人民出版社推荐:适合初中生阅读的十本经典科普读物9《混沌:开创新科学》作者:詹姆斯·格莱克译者: 张淑誉出版社:高等教育出版社推荐:适合初中生阅读的十本经典科普读物10 《科学的旅程(插图版)》作者:(美)雷·斯潘要贝格,黛安娜·莫泽译:郭奕玲,陈蓉霞,沈慧君校:陈蓉霞出版社:北京大学出版社1、《从一到无穷大》作者:乔治·伽莫夫译者:暴永宁出版社:科学出版社推荐理由《从一到无穷大》是当今世界最有影响的科普经典名著之一,20世纪70年代末由科学出版社引进出版后,曾在国内引起很大反响,直接影响了众多的科普工作者。



Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)蜘蛛侠:英雄归来Things are never gonna be the same now. 世界真的是大变样了I mean, look at this.你看看这幅画You got aliens.画中有外星人You got big green guys tearing down buildings.还有这个绿色的大家伙拆毁了不少大楼When I was a kid, I used to draw cowboys and Indians.我小的时候画的还是牛仔和印第安人Actually, it's native American, but whatever.应该把他们叫做"美洲土着居民" 但是...Yeah. Tell you what, though.嗯不管怎么说It ain't bad, is it?画的还可以吧No. Yeah.是啊还行Kid's got a future.这孩子挺有前途的Yeah, well,嗯..we'll see, I guess.也许吧No, hey! Ah!嘿You can't saw through that stuff.你这样是锯不开那玩意的These alien bastards are tough.这些外星垃圾很难搞的You gotta use the stuff they use.你要用他们用的工具- See? All right. - All right.- 看到了没就这样搞 - 明白了Oh, hey!嘿Glad you could join us. Afternoon.这都下午了可算把你盼来了- Yeah. My alarm didn't go off. - Yeah, your alarm.- 我的闹钟没响 - 是啊是啊你闹钟的问题Look, just go stack that armor plating like I asked you.听着按我说的那样把那些装甲堆起来就好This is a huge deal for us.这可是很大的一单生意Attention, please!请注意In accordance with executive order 396b,根据行政令396-Ball post-battle cleanup operations所有的战后清理行动are now under our jurisdiction.现在由我们负责Thank you for your service. We'll take it from here.多谢你们的劳动从今以后这就归我们管了Who the hell are you?你是谁啊?Qualified personnel.我们是有资格的处理人员Look, I have a city contract听着我是签了合同的to salvage all this, okay, with the city, so--负责清理城市里的这些玩意我和市政府签了合同的I apologize, Mr. Toomes, but all salvage operations抱歉图姆斯先生但是现在所有的城市清理工作are now under our jurisdiction.都由我们负责了Please turn over any and all exotic materials请交出你们所有收集的外星材料that you've collected or you will be prosecuted.否则你会受到起诉Ma'am, what am--?女士你...Please. Come here. Hey, lady, come on. 请等一下Look...听我说I bought trucks for this job.为了干这活我买了卡车I brought in a whole new crew.还雇了一伙人These guys have a family. I have a family.他们都要养家糊口我也要养活自己的家人I'm all in on this. I could lose my house.我已经在这上面投入了一切我不能就这么丢了房子I'm sorry, sir. There's nothing I can do.很抱歉先生对此我无能为力Maybe next time, don't overextend yourself.下次别这么不自量力了What'd you say?你说什么?Yeah.是啊He's right. I overextended myself.他说得对我是不自量力- Hey, hey, hey. - Don't do it.- 嘿 - 别乱来Ah-ah-ah-ah. Put 'em down.把枪放下If you have a grievance,如果你有什么意见you may take it up with my superiors. 可以去找我的上级Your superiors. Who the hell are they?你的上级?你他妈的上级是谁啊?A joint venture between stark industries史塔克工业与联邦政府共同建立的合资企业and the federal government, the department灾害控制部of damage control, will oversee the collection将会监督外星及其它特殊材料的and storage of alien and other exotic materials.收集与存储过程Now the assholes who made this mess are paid to clean it up.所以现在政府让这个搞出烂摊子的混蛋来收拾残局还付钱给他?Yeah, it's all rigged.是啊都被他操纵了Experts estimate there are专家估计有超过1500吨的over 1500 tons of exotic material外星材料scattered throughout the tri-state area.分布在三州地区Hey, chief!头儿We still have another load from yesterday.我这还有一车昨天留下的东西We're supposed to turn this in, right? 我们是不是应该把这些上交?- I ain't hauling it. - It's too bad. - 我是不打算搬过去了 - 真是太可惜了We could have made some cool stuff from all that alien junk.咱可以用这些外星垃圾造很多不错的玩意I tell you what.要我说Let's keep it.咱们就把它们留下来吧The world's changing.世界在改变It's time we change too.我们也是时候改变了八年后There you go, Mason.成功了梅森Yeah!是啊Business is good.生意不错New York. Queens. It's a rough borough, 纽约皇后区这个街区治安不好- but, hey, it's home. - Who you talking to?- 但那是我的家 - 你在跟谁说话?No one. Just making a little video of the trip.没呢只是录一些这次旅行的短视频- You can't show it to anyone. - Yeah, I know.- 你应该知道你不能把它给别人看吧 - 我知道的Then why are you narrating in that voice?那你为什么还要给视频作解说呢- Uh, because it's fun. - Fun.- 因为这挺有意思的 - "挺有意思"So why do they call you happy?为什么他们都叫你"哈皮"呢Come on. I'm not carrying your bags. Let's go.快点我不会帮你扛包的我们走Hey, should I go to the bathroom before?嘿坐飞机前我是不是得先上个厕所There's a bathroom on it.飞机上有厕所Whoa. No pilot? That's awesome.哇无人驾驶?这么酷啊- Is that where you're gonna sit? - Yeah. - 你就打算坐这么? - 对This is your first time on a private plane?你这是第一次坐私人飞机么My first time on any plane.这是我第一次坐飞机Should it--? Should it be--? Should it be making that noise?这个声音正常么? Shh, shh, shh.嘘No one has actually told me其实现在还没人跟我说清楚why I'm in Berlin or what I'm doing. 为什么要我来柏林要我来干什么Something about captain America going crazy.好像是什么美国队长发疯了- This is you. - Oh, we're neighbors? - 你住这间 - 你住我隔壁啊?We're not roommates. Suit up.我们不住一起去把装备穿上Okay, Peter, you got this.放松彼得你能搞定的What the hell are you wearing?你这是穿的啥呢?It's my suit.我的装备啊- Where's the case? - What case?- 那个箱子呢? - 什么箱子?What? I thought that was a closet. 这不是我...我还以为这是个衣橱呢- This is still my room? - Go. Please. - 那边也是我的房间么 - 快进去- My room is way bigger than-- - there. - 我的房间比我想象的要大... - 在那呢I found the case.I found the case.我找到他说的那个箱子了"A minor upgrade"?"一点小升级"?Whoa.哇Oh, my god.我的天Put it on. What the--?穿上啊This is the coolest thing I've ever seen--这是我见过的最酷的东西!- Let's go. - But I don't understand. - 动作快点 - 我不明白...Is it for me? Happy. Happy, wait.这是给我的么?哈皮哈皮等等我This is insane. Insane.这简直太疯狂了!太疯狂了!Look at this thing. Look. Look at the eyes.看看这玩意!看看这眼睛!- The greatest day of my life. - Let's go. Come on.- 这是我人生中最棒的一天 - 快走吧Okay, there's captain America,iron man, black widow.那里是美国队长钢铁侠黑寡妇- Whoa. Who's that new guy? - Underoos! - 哇那个新人是谁? - 小蜘蛛!Oh, that's me. I gotta go. I gotta go. 叫我了我要走了我要上场了Hey, everyone. 嘿各位Okay, so the craziest thing just happened.刚刚的事简直太疯狂了I just had a fight with captain America.我和美国队长打起来了I stole his shield. I threw it at him--我偷了他的盾牌然后把它扔向了他what the hell? He's big now. I gotta go. Hang on.什么情况..他变大了我要走了待会继续It was the most amazing thing!刚刚发生的事简直太惊人了Mr. stark was like, "hey, underoos!" 史塔克先生叫道"嘿小蜘蛛"I flipped in and stole cap's shield. 我就一个跟头翻过去把美国队长的盾给偷了I was like, "what's up, everybody?" 然后我就说 "嘿大家好啊"And then-- hey, just a second!等一下Coming!来了Hey.嘿We have thin walls here.这里的墙不隔音What are you doing, a little videodiary?你在干什么做视频日记么- Yeah. - It's all right.- 对 - 好吧- I'd do the same thing. - I told him not to.- 我会做同样的事 - 我跟他说过不要录He was filming. I'm gonna wipe the chip.但他还是一直在录我要把那些玩意都删了Okay. Hey. You know what?其实We should make an alibi video我们也应该给你姨妈for your aunt anyway. You ready?录一个证明你不在场的视频准备好了么钢铁侠脸上淤青是《美国队长3:内战》中所留已有明显愈合- An alibi? Sure. Okay. - We rolling? Get in the frame.- 行当然可以 - 靠近点我们俩都上镜Hey, may. How you doing?嘿梅在忙什么What are you wearing? Something skimpy, I hope.你穿的是什么呢这么暴露Peter, that's inappropriate.彼得之前这段不太合适Let's start over. You can edit it. 再来一次把前面的删掉Three, two, one. Hey, may.三二一开始嘿梅My gosh, I wanted to tell you我的天.. 就是想告诉你what an incredible job your nephew did你的外甥周末this weekend at the stark internship retreat.在史塔克工业实习表现出色Everyone was impressed.给大家留下了深刻印象- Come on! - It's a freaking merge. Sorry.- 我靠 - 刚刚经过了个岔道抱歉Because you're not on queens boulevard.因为你没走皇后大道所以才有这么多情况See, happy is hoping哈皮的梦想就是to get bumped up to asset management. 当上资产管理人He was forehead of security, before that he was a driver.他原来是安保人员再之前当过一段时间的司机That was a private conversation.那是我们之间的私人谈话I don't like joking about this. It was hard to talk about that.我不喜欢拿这个开玩笑我考虑了很久才告诉你的...No, seriously, was he snoring a bunch?说真的他在飞机上打呼噜了么Here we are. End of the line.Whoops. 好了我们到了...- Can you give us a moment? - Want me to leave the car?- 哈皮能让我们单独待一会么 - 你想让我下车?Grab Peter's case out of the trunk. 去把彼得的东西从行李箱拿出来I can keep the suit?我能留着那套装备?Yes, we were just talking about it.是啊我刚刚才跟你说的Do me a favor, though.我跟你说Happy's kind of your point guy on this. 哈皮就算你的联系人了Don't stress him out. Don't do anything stupid.别让他太紧张别做什么傻事I've seen his cardiogram.我看过他的心电图- All right? - Yes.- 好么 - 好Don't do anything I would do,别做什么我会去做的事and don't do anything i wouldn't do. 当然我不做的事你千万别做There's a little gray area in there. Where you operate.你所做的那些事处于灰色地带Wait, does that mean I'm an avenger? 等下是不是我这就加入了复仇者联盟?No.不是- This it? - Seventh floor.- 他住几楼? - 七楼I can take that. You don't have to.我能自己拿上去不用麻烦你了- You'll take it? - Yeah, I can take that.- 你要自己拿上去么 - 嗯我自己拿Thank you.谢谢你So when's our next--?所以我下一次...When's our next "retreat," you know? 下一次"实习"是什么时候你懂的What, next mission?什么?你说的是下次任务么Yeah, the mission. The missions.是的任务任务- We'll call you. - Do you have my numbers?- 我会联系你的 - 那你有我的电话号码么No, I mean, we'll call you.不我的意思是我们会联系你Like, someone will call you. All right?就像其他人打电话给你也是联系你明白了吧- From your team. - Okay. All right. - 以后我们就是一队的了 - 好的That's not a hug. I'm just grabbing这不是拥抱我只是帮你打开车门the door for you. We're not there yet. 我们的关系还没到那么亲密呢Bye.再见!彼得T恤图案是《生活大爆炸》中桌游"理论物理实验室"的游戏标语They're gonna call me.他们会联系我的两个月后████████████████哈皮就是跟你汇报一下我2:45放学█████████████已经准备好参加下次任务了████████顺便说一句我是彼得我是彼得████帕克What's up, penis Parker? 你好啊屁颠儿帕克Rise and shine, midtown science and technology.市科技中学的同学们大家早上好Students, don't forget about your homecoming tickets.大家别忘记带校友返校日活动的门票哟Do you have a date for homecoming? 你有约好一起参加活动的人么?Thanks, Jason, but I already have a date.谢谢杰森我已经有伴了- Okay. - Yeah.- 好吧 - 嗯钢铁侠的父亲霍华德·史塔克Damn it. You, in my office right now. 你马上来我的办公室Join me, and together咱们一起we'll build my new loge death star.用乐高积木搭一个新的死星模型吧- What? - So lame.- 你说什么? - 真蹩脚No way. That's awesome. How many pieces? 不会吧这么牛总共要多少块积木?Three thousand eight hundred and three. 3803块- That's insane. - I know.- 真是太疯狂了 -是的You want to build it tonight?我们今晚一起搭么?No, I can't tonight. I've got the stark--今晚没空啊我要去史塔克工业实习- mm-hm. Stark internship. - Yeah, exactly.- 去实习啊 - 是啊没错Always got that internship.哥们你都找到实习了Yeah, well, hopefully,不久后soon it'll lead to a real job with them. 还有希望转为正式工作呢That would be so sweet. Right?那是很棒He'd be all, "good job on those spreadsheets, Peter.你的老板会这么说 "彼得表格做的不错Here's a gold coin."这是给你的金币"- I don't know how jobs work. - That's exactly how they work.- 开个玩笑我不知道你做的是什么工作 - 我干的就是你说的那些活I'll knock out the basic bones of the death star at my place.我在家先把死星的基本框架搭好I'll come by afterwards.然后再去找你For the most part, the difficult thing is the base of it. 因为一般情况下框架是最难拼的The top half we can knock out in two hours, tops.最上面的部分肯定两个小时就能搞定That'd be great.那就这么定了I'm gonna be late!我们要迟到了Okay, so how do we calculate好那么我们要怎么计算linear acceleration between points a and b?从A点到B点的加速度Flash.闪电请讲It's the product of sine of the angle 重力乘上夹角的正弦值and gravity divided by the mass.除以质量Nope. Peter.回答错误彼得"绿巨人"布鲁斯·班纳博士You still with us?你在听课么Uh, uh, yeah, yeah.在的在的Mass cancels out, so it's just gravity times sine.抵消质量用重力乘上夹角的正弦值就可以了Right. See, flash, being the fastest 正确闪电你看回答的最快isn't always the best if you are wrong. 不一定是最好的因为可能会答错You're dead.你完蛋了Today we're talking about Danish physicist Niels Bohr,今天我们来谈谈丹麦物理学家尼尔斯·玻尔but trust me, there's nothing boring 相信我他所提出的量子理论about his discoveries regarding quantum theory.并不是你们想象中的那么无聊- Did Liz get a new top? - No.- 丽兹穿的是新上衣么 - 不返校舞会快要到啦!你准备好了吗?We've seen that before, but never with that skirt.我们以前就见过她就穿过这件的但是从来没搭配过那条短裙- Liz, hey. That looks so good. - Hi! - 丽兹嘿看起来很不错 - 嗨We should probably stop staring before it gets creepy.咱们别一直盯着人家看了挺诡异的Too late. You guys are losers.我早就注意到你们两个屌丝啦Well, then why do you sit with us?那你为啥还坐在那边呢Because I don't have any friends.因为我没朋友啊███████████全国赛10月13-15号华盛顿特区██████████学术Let's move to the next question.下一个问题What is the heaviest naturally-occurring element?最重的天然元素是什么Hydrogen's the lightest.氢是最轻的That's not the question. Okay. Yeah. 不对你问的不是这个Uranium.铀That is correct. Thank you, Abraham. 回答正确谢谢亚伯拉罕Yes. Open your books to page 10.请打开课本翻到第十页Peter, it's nationals.彼得这可是一次国家级的活动Is there no way you could take one weekend off?你就请周末两天的假不行么I can't go to Washington. If Mr. stark needs me,我不能去华盛顿因为史塔克先生需要我I have to make sure I'm here.我得保证他能在这找到我You've never been in the same room as Tony stark.你甚至都没见过托尼·史塔克本人Wait. What's happening?等等什么情况Peter's not going to Washington.彼得不去华盛顿了- No. No, no, no. - Why not?- 不会吧 - 为什么不去?Really? Right before nationals?确定不参加这么重要的活动么?He already quit marching band and robotics lab.你已经退出了行进乐队和机器人小组了I'm not obsessed with him. Just very observant.我没有特别关注他只是善于观察罢了Flash, you're in for Peter.闪电你来顶替彼得的位置吧I don't know.I gotta check my calendar first.噢我不确定我得看看我的安排表I got a hot date with black widow coming up.我和黑寡妇有个约会呢That is false. 这是不可能的What'd I tell you about using the bell for comedic purposes?我是不是说过那个铃不是用来敲着玩的- Hey, what's up? - Hey, man.- 嘿哥们 - 嘿What's up, Mr. Delmar?德尔马先生你好Hey, Mr. Parker.嘿帕克Number five, right?五号套餐对吧Yeah, and with pickles,是的加点泡菜and can you smash it down real flat? Thanks.能不能把它压的扁一点谢谢You got it, boss.没问题How's your aunt?你的婶婶过的怎么样?Yeah, she's all right.她挺好的他婶婶是个很性感的意大利美女那你女儿呢- Ten dollars. - It's $5.- 付钱吧一共10块 - 明明是5块啊For that comment, $10.冲你刚刚说的那句话你得付10块Hey, come on. I'm joking. I'm joking. 嘿我是开玩笑的Here's $5.给你5块What's up, Murph?你过的怎么样默夫How you doing, buddy?过的怎么样伙计So how's school?在学校怎么样Ah, you know. It's boring. Got better things to do.你知道的还是一样的无聊我有更重要的事情要做Stay in school, kid. Stay in school. 在学校好好学习吧孩子Otherwise, you're gonna end up like me. 要不然你就要过上我这样的日子了- This is great. - Best sandwiches in queens.- 你过的挺好的啊 - 给你这可是皇后区最好吃的三明治Finally.终于有目标了- Excuse me. - What's the matter with you?- 抱歉 - 你脑子有问题吧Could you hold this for a second? Thanks.嘿帮我拿一下这个好么谢了Hey, is this anybody's bike? No?嘿这是谁的自行车- Hey, buddy, is this your bike? - I have no change.- 嘿伙计这是你的自行车么 - 不是Does anyone have a pen? Do you have a pen?有人带笔了么能借我支笔么蜘蛛侠如果不是的话别偷车哟这是您的自行车么Everybody good?大家好啊Hey!嘿You're that spider guy on YouTube, right?嘿你是油管(YouTube)上的那个蜘蛛男吧Call me spider-man!叫我蜘蛛侠!Okay, spider-man. Do a flip.好的蜘蛛侠来个空翻- Yeah! - Not bad.- 耶! - 不错Hey, buddy.嘿伙计- Shouldn't steal cars, it's bad. - It's my car, dumbass!- 你不该来偷车这可不太好 - 那是我的车白痴Hey! Shut that off!嘿把警报声关掉- Can you tell him it's my car? - I was just--- 能不能麻烦你告诉他那是我的车 - 我刚刚正试图..- yo! I work at nights. Come on. - That's not your car!- 喂我还要上晚班别闹了哥们 - 那不是你的车- That's his car. - How was I supposed to know?- 那是他的车 - 我怎么知道那是他的车- He put that in the window! - Every day with these alarms!- 他干嘛撬车窗呢 - 天天都有这些烦人的警报Turn it off! Don't make me come down there.把它关掉别逼我下去找你的麻烦你个小混混Hey, Gary! How you doing?嘿盖瑞你过的怎么样Marjorie, how are you? How's your mother?玛乔丽你好啊你妈妈还好么I'm good, I'm good.我没事我没事You have reached the voice-mail box of:这里是哈皮·霍根的Happy hogan.语音邮箱Hey, happy. Here's my report for tonight.嘿哈皮这是我今晚所做的报告I stopped a grand theft bicycle.我阻止了一个自行车大盗Couldn't find the owner, so I just left a note.但我找不到失主所以就留了张字条Um...嗯..I helped this lost, old Dominican lady. 我还帮助了一个迷路的老婆婆她来自多米尼加She was really nice and bought me a churro.她人很不错给我买了个油炸饼I just feel like i could be doing more. 我感觉我还能做更多的事You know? Just curious when the next 我很好奇我们的下次任务real mission's gonna be.是什么So, yeah, just call me back.就这样记得回我电话It's Peter. Parker.我是彼得·帕克Why would I tell him about the churro? 我为什么要跟他说油炸饼的事Finally, something good.终于可以干点大事了Yo, this high-tech stuff makes it too easy.这个高科技武器真是太好用了- Told you it was worth it. - Okay, go, go, go.- 跟你说吧这个买的不亏 - 快快快在复联1中洛基使用过类似的道具用强吸力挖出眼球此处为强化版Oh, heh, nice.漂亮We can hit, like, five more places tonight.我们今晚可以再抢五次了身份被盗?我们来帮您搞定Ahem. What's up, guys?伙计们咋回事呢You forget your pin number?忘记取款密码了?Whoa! You're the avengers.你们是复仇者啊What are you guys doing here?你们在这干什么呢Thor. Hulk. Good to finally meet you guys.雷神浩克终于见到你们俩了I thought you'd be more handsome in person. Iron man.还以为你们本人会更帅气一些呢钢铁侠!Hey, what are you doing robbing a bank? You're a billionaire. 你怎么在抢银行呢?你可是百万富翁啊Hey--我...oh, this feels so weird.感觉好奇怪啊What is that thing?那是什么玩意?I'm starting...To think... You're not...The avengers.我开始觉得你们不是复仇者了911. What's your emergency?911 有什么紧急情况?Uh, spider-man is fighting the avengers 蜘蛛侠和复仇者们in a bank on 21st street.在21街的银行里打斗All right, let's wrap this up.It's a school night.伙计们别闹了今晚还要上学呢So how do jerks like you get tech like this?你们这些混蛋是怎么搞到这种高科技武器的呢No. Wait, wait, wait! Ah!不...Mr. Delmar.德尔马先生Hey, Mr. Delmar, you in here? Is anybody in here? Hello?嘿德尔马先生你在里面么里面有人么Oh, come on.我靠I gotta--我拿着它呢here, here. Good, yeah.拿着吧Okay. Good. Yes.好可以不行Yes-- no. No, put that down.放下这个That's worth more than you or me. Yeah? 把我们俩给卖了都买不起这个什么事Happy, the craziest thing just happened to me.哈皮刚刚出大事了These guys were robbing an ATM有一伙人在用- with high-tech weapons-- - take a breath. I don't have time- 高科技武器抢劫自动取款机然后.. - 嘿喘口气吧for ATM robberies yeah, but--我可没时间管什么取款机抢劫犯or the notes you leave behind.或者是你留下的什么贴心字条I have moving day to worry about.我还有搬家的事要操心呢Everything's gotta be out by next week.下周前所有东西都要搬走Wait, wait. You're moving? Who's moving? 什么?搬家的事?谁要搬家了?Yeah, don't you watch the news?伙计你从来不看新闻的么Tony sold avengers tower.托尼把复仇者大厦给卖了We're relocating to a new facility upstate我们要搬到纽约北部一个新的基地去where hopefully the cell service is much worse.估计那边的手机信号会更差一些- But what about me? - What about you? - 那我怎么办? - 什么你怎么办?Well, what if Mr. stark needs me or something big goes down?那如果史塔克先生需要我或者什么大事发生了我要怎么办呢?Can I just please talk to Mr. stark? 能不能让我和史塔克先生谈谈?Stay away from anything dangerous.远离那些太危险的事I'm responsible for making sure you're responsible, okay?我的责任是确保你别搞出什么大乱子I am responsible. I-- oh, crap.我是个可靠的人靠...- My backpack's gone. - That doesn't sound responsible.- 我的书包不见了 - 你这听起来可不靠谱啊- I'll call you back. - Feel free not to.- 我回头再打给你 - 要是不打给我就更好了What was that?什么情况Uh, it's nothing. Nothing.没什么没什么You're the spider-man.你就是那个蜘蛛侠?- From YouTube. - I'm not. I'm not. - 油管上的那个? - 我不是我不是- You were on the ceiling. - What are you doing in my room?- 你刚刚还趴在天花板上呢 - 内德你怎么会在我的房间里呢May let me in. We were gonna finish the death star.你婶婶让我进来的啊你说过的我们要一起把死星模型拼完的You can't just bust into my room!你不能就这么进我的房间That Turkey meatloaf recipe is a disaster.那个火鸡肉卷菜单简直糟透了Let's go to dinner. Thai? Ned, you want Thai?我们出去吃吧泰国餐怎么样?内德你想吃么?- Yes. - No. He's got a thing.- 想 - 不他有点事要忙A thing to do after.做事之前可以...Okay. 好吧Maybe put on some clothes.还是把衣服穿上吧- Oh, she doesn't know? - Nobody knows. - 她不知道吧? - 没人知道这事啊Mr. stark knows because he made my suit. That's it.只有史塔克先生知道因为这套装备是他做的除他以外没人知道啊Tony stark made you that? Are you an avenger?托尼·史塔克给你做的?你加入了复仇者联盟么?Yeah, basically.基本上算是吧Oh, Geez. You can't tell anybody.你不能告诉别人这事You gotta keep it a secret.你要保密- Secret? Why? - You know what she's like.- 为什么是个秘密啊? - 如果我婶婶发现If she finds out people try and kill me 我每天都冒着生命危险做事every night, she won't let me do this. 她肯定不会让我干了啊Come on, Ned, please.求你了内德Okay, okay, okay.好吧好吧I'll level with you.我跟你直说吧I can't keep this a secret.我不敢保证我能严守这个秘密It's the greatest thing that's ever happened to me.这是我听说过的最酷的事啊Ned, may cannot know. I cannot do that to her right now.内德绝对不能让我婶婶知道现在还不能告诉她You know? I mean, everything你知道吧她身上that's happened with her, i-- please. 经历了这么多事我...求求你了- Okay. - Just swear it, okay?- 好的 - 你要发誓绝不说出去I swear.我发誓- Thank you. - Yeah.- 谢谢 - 真是难以置信I can't believe this is happening now. 我居然还是被人发现了- Can I try the suit on? - No.- 我能试试那个装备么 - 不行How's it work? Magnets? How do you shoot the strings?它的工作原理是什么它是不是带磁性你怎么发射蜘蛛丝的- I'm gonna tell you tomorrow. - Great. - 明天去学校再说吧 - 好Okay, well, wait, then. 好吧等等..How do you do this and the stark internship?你是如何同时兼顾这事和在史塔克工业的实习的?This is the stark internship.这就是我在史塔克工业的实习内容Ohh...哦..Just get out of here.快走吧What's the matter?怎么了Thought you loved larb.我还以为你喜欢泰餐呢阿斯加德教会阿斯加德教会:雷神、洛基等被部分人类当作神来崇拜形成宗教It's too larby?是太有泰国特色了么?Not larby enough.还是泰国特色不足?How many times do I have to say "larb" before...我还得跟你说多少句话You talk to me?你才肯回答我?You know I larb you.你知道的我很关心你I'm just stressed. The internship, and I'm tired.我很焦虑实习搞得我太累了A lot of work.太多活要干了The stark internship.在史塔克工业的实习么?I have to tell you, not a fan of that Tony stark.我跟你说我个人可不看好托尼·史塔克You're distracted all the time. He's got you in your head.一直让我心烦意乱在脑中挥之不去Delmar's sandwiches destroyed...本地新闻皇后区深受欢迎的德尔马三明治店今晚早些时候发生爆炸What does he have you doing?他平时让你做什么呢You need to use your instincts.你要运用你的直觉...after an ATM robbery was thwarted 店面受损严重此前皇后区的皇后区自助提款机抢劫案by queens' own crime stopper, what?罪犯阻止者The spider-man.蜘蛛侠As the spider-man attempted to foil their heist, 试图阻止一伙劫匪抢劫自动取款机打斗过程中a powerful blast was set off,突然出现了一道强力的冲击波slicing through the bodega across the street.直接穿过马路引发爆炸Miraculously, no one was harmed.万幸的是无人受伤If you spot something like that happening,要是看到了这样的事you turn and you run the other way.你要掉头就跑Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Of course.是的当然Six blocks away from us.那就发生在离我们六条街的地方!I need a new backpack.我要换一个新背包- What? - I need a new backpack.- 你说什么? - 我要一个新背包That's five.你都换了五个了- Sticky rice pudding. - We didn't order that.- 这是糯米补丁 - 我们没点这个菜It's on the house.这是本店赠送的Oh. Thanks.谢谢That's nice of him.他真是个好人I think he larbs you.我觉得他也很关心你You got bit by a spider?你被蜘蛛咬了一口?Can it bite me?它能咬我一口么Well, it probably would've hurt, right? 应该不会太疼吧Whatever. Even if it did hurt, I'd let it bite me.算了无论疼不疼我都愿意让它咬我Maybe. How much did it hurt?我不确定那得有多疼啊The spider's dead, Ned.那个蜘蛛已经死了内德You were here?你当时在场?Yeah.是啊You could've died.你当时可能会丢命的Do you lay eggs?你会产卵么?What? No.你这问的...当然不会啊- Can you spit venom? - No.- 你会喷射毒液么? - 不会啊Can you summon an army of spiders?你能召集蜘蛛大军么?No, Ned.不能内德The Sokovia accords were put into place...索科维亚协议生效了索科维亚协议:由联合国在内战中制定用来约束复联成员How far can you shoot your webs?你的网能射多远It's unknown. Shut up.不知道闭嘴吧别问了To begin regulating...开始监管...If I was you, i would stand on a building 如果我是你我就站在一栋高楼楼顶- and shoot as far as I could-- shut up, Ned.- 用力射出去看看有多远 - 闭嘴内德Hi. I'm captain America.嗨我是美国队长Whether you're in the classroom or on the battlefield...无论你是在课堂里还是在战场上《人性的枷锁》- Do you know him too? - Yeah, we met. - 你也认识他么 - 是啊我见过他I stole his shield. What?。



7本增长见识的人文书籍7本增长见识的人文书籍【篇1】1.《史记(白话本)》2.《人生智慧箴言》3.《李希霍芬中国旅行日记》4.《史记汇纂》5.《清代学者象传校补》6.《梁漱溟先生讲孔孟》7.《四书集注》8.《中国佛教影像集成·晚清民国(北京卷)》9.《长安与罗马——公元前后三世纪欧亚大陆东西帝国的双城记》10.《供给侧改革:理论、实践与思考》11.《汉画像之美——汉画像与中国传统审美观念研究》12.《史记人物大辞典》13.《创新制度供给》14.《奉使辽金行程录(增订本)》15.《大月氏:寻找中亚谜一样的民族》16.《中国历代官制大辞典(修订版)》17.《清代河南碑刻资料》18.《史记论著集成》19.《张大可文集》20.《文史通义新编新注》21.《中国民间宝卷文献集成·江苏无锡卷》22.《史记纪年考》23.《新疆考古论文集》24.《道咸同光名人手札(第二集)》25.《唐宋绝句名篇评析》26.《陆子学谱》27.《树梢上的中国》28.《陌上问蚕》29.《古代蒙古城市》30.《新伦理学原理》31.《中国民间故事史》32.《中国历史上的白莲教》33.《增订中国史学史》34.《史记通解》35.《官品的起源》36.《西方三大师——苏格拉底柏拉图亚里士多德》37.《明朝宦官》38.《军功爵制研究(増订版)》39.《实用主义政治哲学》40.《自然和人:近代中国两个观念的谱系探微》41.《怛逻斯之战:唐与阿拉伯帝国的交锋》42.《奇文史笔红楼梦》43.《史记观止》44.《千古一帝秦始皇》45.《千秋史圣司马迁》46.《中国上古史》47.《史记选》48.《汉简河西社会史料研究》49.《关于写作:一只鸟接着一只鸟》50.《古代器物溯源》7本增长见识的人文书籍【篇2】1.理想国(Republic) 作者:柏拉图(Plato)2.形而上学(Metaphysics) 作者:亚里士多德 (Aristotle)3.诗学(On the Art of Poetry) 作者:亚里士多德 (Aristotle)4.诗艺(On the Art of Poetry) 作者:贺拉斯(Horace)5.论崇高(On the Sublime Longinus) 作者:朗吉奴斯(Longinus)6.第一哲学沉思录(Meditations on First Philosophy)作者:笛卡尔(Rene Descartes)7.思想录(Pascal’s Penssees) 作者:帕斯卡尔(Blaise Pascal)8.人性论(A Treatise of Human Nature) 作者:休谟(David Hume)9. 纯粹理性批判(Critique of Pure Reason) 作者:康德(Kant)10.判断力批判(Critique of Judgment) 作者:康德(Kant)11.精神现象学(The Phenomenology of Mind)Vol.1, Vol.2作者:黑格尔(Hegel)12.小逻辑(The Logic of Hegel) 作者:黑格尔(Hegel)13.作为意志和表象的世界(The World as Will and Representation)Vol.1,Vol.2作者:叔本华(Schopenhauer)14.查拉图斯特拉如是说(Thus Spake Zarathustra)作者:尼采(Friedrich Nietzsche)15.非此即彼(Either/Or)Vol.1, Vol.2 作者:克尔凯郭尔(Kierkegaard)16.普通语言学教程(Course in General Linguistics)作者:索绪尔(F.de Saussure)17.纯粹现象学导论(Ideas: General Introduction to PurePhenomenology)作者:胡塞尔(Edmund Husserl)18.逻辑哲学论(Tractatus Logico Philosophicus)(德英对照)作者:维特根斯坦(L.Wittgenstein)19.哲学研究(Philosophical Investigations)(德英对照)作者:维特根斯坦(L.Wittgenstein)20.存在与时间(Being and Time) 作者:海德格尔(Martin Heidegger)21.诗·语言·思(Poetry, Language, Thought)作者:海德格尔(Martin Heidegger)22.存在与虚无(Being and Nothingness) 作者:萨特(Jean-Paul Sartre)23.真理与方法(Truth and Method) 作者:伽达默尔(Hans-Georg Gadamer)24.科学革命的结构(The Structure of Scientific Revolutions)作者:库恩(T.S.Kuhn)25.性史(The History of Sexuality) 作者:福柯(M.Foucault)7本增长见识的人文书籍【篇3】人文书籍,有时候给我们的印象或许是枯燥无味,而且各种论述,简直像一篇洋洋洒洒的博士论文一般,让人读来不禁头疼,但是总有一些优秀的作者,既能够以丰富的学识来征服读者,又能够以通俗或是有趣的文字将晦涩难懂的东西写的活灵活现。



黑龙江省龙东联盟2024-2025学年高二上学期10月份月考英语试卷一、听力选择题1.Why did the woman go to Mallorca?A.To teach Spanish.B.To see a friend.C.To look for a job. 2.What does the man ask the woman to do?A.Submit a report for him.B.Go to a class with him.C.Take him to hospital. 3.Who will look after the children?A.Jennifer.B.Marie.C.Suzy.4.What are the speakers going to do?A.Go shopping.B.Drive home.C.Eat out.5.What are the speakers talking about?A.How to fry fish.B.How to make coffee.C.How to remove a bad smell.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。

6.When does Gomez watch a football game on TV?A.When the stadium is crowded.B.When he fails to get a ticket.C.When his friends are too busy.7.How much did Gomez pay for the football game last time?A.$20.B.$50.C.$25.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。

8.What did Alex do in the afternoon?A.He had a walk.B.He went hunting.C.He planted trees. 9.What did Alex bring back?A.Leaves.B.Flowers.C.books10.What was Bob doing when Alex saw him?A.Swimming.B.Taking pictures.C.Fishing.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。

world English 英语世界是blessing还是curse

world English 英语世界是blessing还是curse

Prof. em. Dr. Jürgen Stolzenberg (Halle)Martin Heidegger reads Fichte“At the present moment I am lecturing on Fichte, Hegel and Schelling for the first time – and once more a new world opens up before me. It is the same old experience: other people c annot do your reading for you.”1 These are the words written by Heidegger to Karl Jaspers in a letter dated 25th June, 1929. How did Heidegger read Fichte? What kind of world opened up before him?Heidegger, while examining Fichte, always had Being and Time2 before his eyes. When he says that at this time he perceived a whole new world, this does not mean that a new realm of thought was opened up to him, a rival, as it were, to his own convictions. It rather means that Heidegger became aware of the origin al quality of Fichte‟s philosophy in relation to his own theory in Being and Time. Heidegger‟s study of Fichte is seen to be an attempt to get the following two different things into a solid, rational relationship - congeniality and closeness on the one hand, distance and critique on the other. Here Heidegger‟s presentation of Fichte‟s philosophy takes on a certain systematic urgency through the discovery of discrepancies which themselves allow Fichte‟s individual conception to reveal itself. In Heidegger‟s view, however, the characteristics of this conception become limitations which must be surmounted and overcome in the direction of an analysis of existence (Dasein). Heidegger‟s reading of Fichte appears thus in a double hermeneutic perspective: We have h ere an attempt on Heidegger‟s part to give Fichte‟s view its own due precisely with the aim of emphasising and underlining the justness of his own claims.In Heidegger‟s letter to Jaspers we cannot deny the tone of astonishment at all the things which became clear to him in the course of his work on the idealism lectures. Here, in relation to Fichte, we can point to the concept of the ego as “Tathandlung” (fact/act),Fichte‟s theory of thetic judgment and the grounding of the finite nature of the ego in the second and1 "Zur Zeit lese ich zum ersten Mal über Fichte, Hegel, Schelling – und es geht mir wieder eine Welt auf; die alte Erfahrung, dass die anderen nicht für einen lesen können." (Martin Heidegger/Karl Jaspers: Briefwechsel 1920-1963, ed. Walter Biemel and Hans Saner, Frankfurt a. M., München, Zürich 1990, 123.)third principles. In addition we have Fichte‟s theory of imagination where the problem of the relationship between existence (Dasein) and temporality3 in Being and Time is announced as it were in a “flicker of summer lightning”4. Strictly rejected, on the other hand, are the technical aspects of deduction and the system character of Fichte‟s Doctrine of Scientific Knowledge. Once the constraints of system have been laid aside and the content of Fichte‟s concept of ”Tathandlung”, the systematics of the principles and the theory of imagination have been grasped, Heidegger sees a perspective opening up which has its vanishing point in the conception of Being and Time. This is Heidegger‟s reading of Fichte.What are we to make of this? Is Heidegge r‟s interpretation of Fichte convincing? To put the question more precisely: Is Heidegger‟s interpretation of Fichte convincing independently of the assumed truth of the position adopted in Being and Time? Is there perhaps some “violation”5 here at work –as Heidegger himself admitted with regard to his Kant interpretation? Are we faced here in the last instance with “misconceptions and omissions”, too?6I.Heidegger did not spare his audience. “The only possible way” he could see of gaining an adequate understanding of Fichte‟s topic and its problems was to “think through [the Doctrine of Scientific Knowledge)] in toto step by step”.7 And indeed Heidegger pursues Fichte‟s train of thought with an exactitude and perspicacity which impresses us and demand s our respect. The first and decisive point is Heidegger‟s interpretation of the first principle of Fichte‟s Doctrine of Science, the statement “I am”.8 This we can use as a model to present and evaluate the double hermeneutic perspective in which Heidegger read Fichte.3It is not possible here to give an analysis of Heidegger‟s interpretation of Fichte‟s theory of imaginatio n, the background to which is given in Heidegger‟s interpretation of Kant (cf. GA 28, 163 et seqq.).4 GA 28, 170.5Cf. Heidegger…s explanation in the preface to the 2nd edition of Kant und das Problem der Metaphysik (1950), here quoted according to the 5th enlarged edition, Frankfurt a. M. 1991, XVII.6 ibid.First of all we have to bear the following points in mind. In §1 of the Foundation of the Entire Doctrine of Scientific Knowledge9Fichte introduces the statement “I am” in the course of a reflection on the conditions under which an unquestionable certainty exists that the statement “A is A” is a true statement. One of the essential steps in this reflection is Fichte‟s indication of the connection between the identity of A in the judgment “A is A” and the consciousness of the identity of the judging subject in its relationship to A both in subject and in predicate position, the latter being “united” in the judgment. T he proximity to Kant‟s synthesis theory is quite evident here. This consciousness of the identity of the ego is expressed in the statement “I am I”. Since the normal usage of the word “I” implies a relationship to something real, the consciousness of the identity of the judging subject directly implies the idea of its reality. This is ex pressed in the statement “I am.”The dec isive step lies in Fichte‟s thesis that the statement “I am” is the expression of a “Tathandlung” (fact/act).10 The argument for this thesis is derived by Fichte firstly from the statu s claim of the statement “I am” (we need not go into this more deeply her e) to be the highest and unconditional condition of all judging; and secondly from the action-orientated interpretation of a judgment. Since judging is the expression of a mental activity and since the judgment “I am” is the highest and unconditional condi tion of all judging, there is at the basis of the judgment “I am” an action which has the sole function to produce in a performative way the reality of that which is implied in the thought “I”. In this way the reality of the ego can be described as an action which is in no way independent of the activity in the course of which it is realised and takes shape. This strictly functional connection of activity and action in the thought “I” is expressed by the famous concept “Tathandlung” (fact/act). Heidegger gives this careful consideration. He emphasises the peculiar manner of being which the ego has and which may be descri bed (using Fichte‟s words) as “self-positing”.11”The essence of being of this being of the character of the ego is self-positing.”12 This defines what Heidegger calls “a self”.Being a self means being the basis of one‟s own reality.139Joh. G. Fichte: Grundlage der gesammten Wissenschaftslehre (1794/95), in. Joh. G. Fichte Gesamtausgabe der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, ed. R. Lauth and H. Jacob, Stuttgart Bad Cannstatt 1965, 255 et seqq. A detailed analytical reconstruction of the chain of thought in § 1 der Wissenschaftslehre may be found in the present author‟s Fichtes Satz …Ich bin“. Argumentanalytische Überlegungen zu Paragraph 1 der …Grundlage der gesamten Wissenschaftslehre“ von 1794/95, in: Fichte-Studien, vol. 6, 1994, 1-34, cf. more recently: Hisang Ryue: Über Fichtes ersten Grundsatz …Ich bin“. Kommentar zu dem § 1 der Grundlage der gesamten Wissenschaftslehre (1794/95), München 1999.10 Cf. GA I,2; 259.11 GA 28, 65.If one compares this presentation of Fichte‟s concept of the ego with Heidegger‟s commentaries on the modern theory of subjectivity, e.g. in the lectures on The Fundamental Problems of Phenomenology (1927)14, one may be justified in speaking of a revision of his critical assessment in this respect. While in those lectures he talked of “an indifferent characterisaton of the subject as something present”15, we must conclude that Heidegger has revised this thesis with regard to Fichte.The real confrontation with Fichte, however, is to be found in what the editor calls a “parenthetical consideration of the …I am‟”16. This takes up Heidegger‟s discussion of the second and third principles of the Doctrine of Scientific Knowledge. The essential characteristics of these must now be presented.IIIHere one may admire Heidegger‟s hermeneutic subtlety in using careful accentuation to make visible what according to Heidigger should be visible. This is Fichte‟s claim of the logically not deducible structure of the finite quality of the ego. Here, according to Heidegger, lies the real point within the systematics of the principles. More precisely, it is the partial indeducibility (conceded by Fichte) of the two other manners of action of the ego: the action of positing a non-ego in opposition in the second principle and the action of limiting in the third. As is well-known, it is Fichte‟s thesis that the second action as action is not deducible from the first principle. If, however, it is deployed – as is necessary when one takes as point of departure a different fact, the truth of the statement “-A not = A” and its analysis17 -, then it must be understood as an act of opposing, where in the first action the self-positing of the ego is assumed. The necessity of a third action, however, is to be explained on the basis of the contradictory situation between the first and second principle; but this does not hold good for its content. The third action, the action of limitation, is due to what Fichte calls an14Martin Heidegger: Die Grundprobleme der Phänomenologie, in: Martin Heidegger: Gesamtausgabe, II. Abteilung: Vorlesungen 1923-1944, vol. 24, Frankfurt a. M. 1975, quoted in the following as GA 24 plus page-number.15 GA 24, 169 et seqq., 191 et seq.unconditional “Machtspruch der Vernunft” (claim to power on the part of reason).18 This may be understood as Fichte having recourse to the assumed repertoire of the mental activities of the ego, motivated by a desire to avoid contradiction; among these the action of limitation is to be found. Both manners of action, both the opposing and the limiting, provide the basis for the finite character of the ego. “The essence of positing –and so also of ego-ness –is finiteness”19. With these words Heidegger summarises his discussion of the three principles.However, it is not so much the formal character of finiteness which Heidegger wishes to draw our attention to. What is of systematic importance for him is above all the significance which the action of opposing has for the ego. This lies in providing the structural possibility by means of which a horizon of a world is opened up for the ego. The concept of world, which Heidegger identi fies as Fichte‟s concept of the non-ego, has thus its sense and meaning only in relation to the original positing function of the ego. In this, according to Heidegger, one must agree with Fichte: The sphere of the non-ego, the world, is merely a function of the ego and, to be more precise, of the finite ego.20. The second point in which one must agree with Fichte is the fact that the action which opens up the horizon of a world for the ego is not deducible from the concept of the self-positing ego. In actual fact, it has the same original quality as that concept.This is true, too, of the third manner of action, the action of limitation. This concept cannot be logically deduced either, but is due – as Heidegger emphasises along with Fichte –to the above-me ntioned “Machtspruch der Vernunft” (power claim of reason). And so in the end it becomes evident that the basic structure of the finiteness of the ego can by no means be deduced logically. It can only be shown to be a final condition, resistant to further analysis. This is the third point in which, according to Heidegger, one must agree with Fichte.From this Heidegger derives a decisive thesis. This has to do with a number of problematic questions which are inherent to the system and which Fichte did not actually deal with separately; they lie concealed within the system itself and are, according to Heidegger,18 GA I, 2; 268.19“Das Wesen des Setzens – damit der Ichheit –ist die Endlichkeit” (GA 28, 91).20Cf. here Heidegger‟s comment: …The essence of the ego includes something like an opposing element as such; the ego as ego stands in relationship to the contrasting thing. This contrasting thing is not the non-ego being itself, but the horizon into which the ego projects itself. Projecting, however, as relating to.” (GA 28, 77;insurmountable. They have to do with the tension lying between the content itself, i.e. the uniform structure of the finiteness of the ego, and its presentation, which is necessarily influenced by the systematics of the principles. Heidegger‟s diagnosis is that Fichte is attempting here (in the form of the three principles) to put something in words “which is basically not conceivable as such”. Heidegger goes on to say that this “becomes evident in the third principle.”21 This principle makes it clear that the finiteness of the ego and not the self-positing ego of the first principle is the true foundation of philosophy.Here we may observe in Heideg ger‟s Fichte interpretation a developing tendency towards nothing less than a revolution of the Fichtian idealist manner of thought.Seeing that the Fichtian system of principles only leads to the indeducibility of the finite ego, Heidegger makes a strong plea for a representation of the uniform structure of the finiteness of the ego which renounces any claim to absolute certainty and ultimate grounding, and thus any claim to be an “absolute ideal of scientific knowledge”.22 The reason is, as he says, that t his structure cannot possibly be made into something which has “absolute certainty and grounding”23. This naturally leads on to the methodical demand that the function of the self-positing ego must be deployed and represented in a way that makes it quite clear that it is situated, so to speak, at the centre of the facticity of the ego and its finiteness, i.e. something which can only be demonstrated descriptively and which does not lie outside this. It must be made clear that the construction of the finite ego in actual fact contains the reason by which an understanding of the function of the self-positing ego is possible. This is a reversal of the Fichtian idealistic manner of thought and it lies behind Heidegger‟s note: “The other way round: use the problem of the non-ego in order to understand what the search for ego-ness implies.”24A remark of Heidegger‟s, given in an editor‟s appendix, goes in the same direction, openly using the language of Being and Time:“Power claim [ … ] here the I itself is infinit e, only made finite! It should be the other way round: [ … ] this fact a problem in its facticity! i.e. being! [… ] and21 GA 28, 9122 GA 28, 92correspondingly I qua existence [Dasein] and not of infinite nature, posited as such, towards finiteness, but the other way round.”25I n Fichte‟s theory of the thetic judgment and in his use of the concept of freedom with regard to the ego Heidegger considers such a reversal as having more or less already taken place –the seemingly paradoxical point of Heidegger‟s Fichte interpretation. In order to demonstrate this Heidegger must, of course, “go beyound Fichte”.26 What does this mean?IV.A thetic judgment according to Fichte is a judgment which does not follow the lines of the difference genus and species and for the truth of which no basis, either relational or differential, can be given. In the judgment “A bird is an animal”27 the generic concept “animal” according to Fichte is the basis on which the concept “bird” rests and from which the truth of this judgment proceeds. The specific difference of the concepts for different animal species is of no account. In contrast to this Fichte calls the judgment “I am” a thetic judgment in which only the existence of the subject material is posited and in which, as Fichte himself puts it, “the po sition of the predicate is left vacant for the possible definition of the ego in the direction of the infinite”.28To take up an expression of Gottlob Frege‟s, the judgment “I am”, appears to be an unsaturated sentence radical which contains an unconditional existence statement. Its semantic function, however, is to give expression to the self-determination of the ego with reference to its different ways of relating to the world.According to Fichte, this also holds good for the judgment “The human being is free”.29 In this judgment the concept of the human being is thought of by means of the concept of the self-determining subject. The direction of its determination makes up the manners in which it relates to the world both theoretically and practically. Since, however, the world cannot be entirely understood through theoretical laws of freedom and cannot be25 "Machtspruch [..] Ich selbst dabei unendlich, nur verendlicht! Statt umgekehrt:[...] dieses Faktum in seiner Faktizität Problem! d. h. Sein! [...] und dementsprechend Ich qua Dasein und nicht von Unendlichkeit als gesetzter zur Verendlichung, sondern umgekehrt." (GA 28, 246; emphasis as in orig.)26 GA 28, 115.27 GA I, 2; 276.structured in every aspect according to practical laws of freedom, the judgment “The human being is free” is the expression of an idea and the position of the reason of the judgment is taken over by “a task for the reason”.30This can be formulated in the postulate: “The human being should approximate to the (in fact) unattainable freedom towards the infinite.”31In these reflections “a deep insight into the whole”32 is revealed to Heidegger. This whole is the fundamental constitution of the ego and its ontological status. This it the point where Heidegger sees the closest affinities to his own convictions. The first and systematically most significant asp ect is the renunciation of the paradigm of “Vorhandenheit” (being present)33which has been achieved in Fichte‟s conception of the ego. Fichte‟s ego cannot be thought of along the lines of an existing substance which can be used as the object of predicative statements. The truth is that the existence of the ego is only the manner in which it determines and realises itself in a concrete fashion on each occasion. The existence of the ego is thus only a function of the act of self-determination which defines its essence. It is in keeping with this that the predicate “freedom” does not stand for some present characteristic which “viewed from nowhere” –Fichte calls this “any intelligence at all outwith itself”34– might be discovered in the ego. And thus it is possible to say that freedom is not a genuine descriptive predicate of the ego; it only names its manner of being. It is the manner in which the ego under the postulate of self-determination relates to itself and thereby to that which appears to it as “world”. As is well-known, Heidegger attempts to give expression to this fact in Being and Time using the concept of the existential (“Existenzial”). This is the concept to which he refers (indirectly, at least) in our present context35 and in which he evidently sees the greatest congruency with his own reflections. Fichte‟s remarks on the idea of the ego and on an infinite task of realising the quality of freedom under definite conditions in concrete relationships to the world allow Heidegger to speak with reference the ego of a definite task in which it absorbs itself and which, once realised, allows it to understand itself for the first time. This allows Heidegger the liberty of taking Fichte‟s concept of the realisation of freedom as an infinite task and understanding it as an essential interpretative tool with regard to the constitution of the finite ego. According to Heidegger this can be formulated in the following way: The finiteness of the ego sub specie of its freedom is an30 ibid.31 ibid.32 GA 28, 110.33 Cf. GA 28, 111 et seqq.expression of the openness and incompleteness of its existence, and this means for Heidegger that the ego can (and must) determine itself in different ways with regard to the way it desires to be, to live and thereby to understand itself. At this point Heidegger makes direct reference to what is developed in Being and Time: the finiteness of existence (Dasein) lies in incompleteness, and that means “remaining suspended among possibilities as such of the most individual existence potential.”36 Explaining this, Heidegger continues:“Ego-being is open, i.e. the being-meaning of “I am” is I stand amidst possibilities which I can organise in this or that way; standing amidst them means the necessity of a …choice in this directon or in that direction‟. Openness of the ego means in the first instance: existence is being potential.”37This is the reversal in the manner of thinking between the doctrine of scientific knowledge and the doctrine of being as an ontology of existence (Dasein) which according to Heidegger is contained in the result o f Fichte‟s commitment to the indeducibility of the finiteness of the ego on the one hand, and the conception of the thetic judgment “I am” together with the use of the concept of freedom of the ego, on the other. Through this reversal, as Heidegger presents it, the philosophy of Fichte is to be liberated from the dross of logical constructions which are foreign to the phenomenon and from the obsession with absolute certainty and grounding and so be brought to its own true form. This we have to see as the systematic highpoint of Heidegger‟s Fichte interpretation. At this point at the latest, however, we have to remember our original question: What objective opinion can we have about all this? Can we agree with Heidegger‟s Fichte interpretation? The question i s urgent.36“Sich halten in Möglichkeiten als solchen des eigensten Seinkönnens”37…Ich–Sein ist offen, d. h. der Seinsinn des 'Ich bin' besagt: Ich stehe in Möglichkeiten, die ich je so oder so verwalten kann; das Stehen in ihnen ist die Notwendigkeit einer ‟so oder so Wahl‟. Offenheit des Ich meint zunächst: Existenz ist Seinkönnen.“ (GA 28, 114.Cf. Heidegger…s explanation: …Freedom or my being free is not a quality present in me; my being free lies on each occasion only in my freeing myself. This implies: Freedom, i.e. my being free, will never be found as a present quality, it is the initiator in determining existence potential and existence obligation. My being free is not given in me, it is laid upon me. This being laid upon me is precisely my specific being as I, i.e. as ‚I act….“ (112) (…Freiheit bzw. mein Freisein ist ja keine in mir vorhandene Eigenschaft, sondern mein Freisein ist je nur in meinem Mich-selbst-Befreien. Darin liegt: Die Freiheit, d. h. mein Freisein finde ich grundsätzlich nie als vorhandene Eigenschaft, sondern sie ist es, die einV.There are several things to be said here. The first is admittedly trivial, but perhaps not without some significance. Fichte‟s Doctrine of Scientific Knowledge and Heidegger‟s Analysis of Existence deal with quite different subjects and p roblems. The subject of Fichte‟s Doctrine of Scientific Knowledge is the question of consciousness and the grounding of the possibility of object-orientated knowledge of a thing, this being derived from the relationship between consciousness and self-consc iousness. Heidegger‟s subject, in contrast, is concrete human existence in the different ways of its self-interpretation. The result of this is that in the two theoretical contexts the same concepts are used for different objects. Fichte‟s pure ego is not the concrete individual human being in the manner of his existence but that aspect of the concrete human being which grasps itself only as the unconditional subject of all its cognitive achievements, …quite empty of all content‟. Furthermore, the finitenes s of the ego in Fichte does not refer to the fundamental character of human existence in an original relationship to the world; it refers to the formal aspect of differentiating with regard to the mental fact “consciousness of something”. Finally, the acti on of limiting describes only the subjective condition of the determinatio under which something can be represented at all as something which is defined in relation to a given area of predication, which is itself limited through the setting of a limit.This difference, however, which was most certainly quite clear to Heidegger, is not the prob lematical point in Heidegger‟ interpretation of Fichte. Problematical is the way in which Heidegger without further ado takes Fichte‟s statements about the ego to be statements about each concrete human existence. This on its own is sufficient to explain how Heidegger could be of the opinion that Fichte‟s theory contains the foundations of a yet concealed theory of existence which could be liberated from distortions (foreign to the phenomenon) and from prejudices (due to the system) and so be brought to its own form. However, neither Heidegger‟s interpretation of Fichte‟s theory nor the opinion which he derives from it is correct. The reason for this lies in the undeniable differences in the subjects and the points under discussion. These differences require in each case a quite different discourse. They cannot be passed over in a pose of originality.3838 Unfortunately we cannot deal here with the question what the correct systematic position is for a theory of theHowever, it does not follow from this that Heidegger‟ Fichte interpr etation is a complete misconception and must be rejected. There is no reason to doubt the truth of Heidegger‟s words when he says that in the philosophy of Fichte a world was opened up to him and, indeed, a world which in its basic contours could appear quite familiar to him. If we make the attempt to take Heidegger‟s words seriously and try to name the objective reason for Heidegger‟s feeling of conviction or even astonishment at finding in Fichte‟s philosophy as it were a kindred spirit, then we will at least be able to say that both theories have at their centre an identical phenomenon and that both thinkers, each in his own way and with differing aims, tried to throw light on this. This is the phenomenon of autonomy or self-determination and a relationship to the world which is based on this. In both philosophies this relationship to the world is conceived in such a way that the subject is the constructor both of its relationship to the world and of the relationship to the self which is involved there. Fichte, in revealing this fundamental structure, strives to write the “pragmatic history of the human spirit”39 as a …history of self-consciousness‟; Heidegger, in contrast, turns this fundamental relationship into the basis of a theory of the possibility of human self-interpretation in the form of sketches of existence under the conditions of a life which is aware of its finiteness. The reasons for this Fichte interpretation and Fichte transformation are manifold. For the most part they can be derived from He idegger‟s interpretation of the course of the history of philosophy. Heidegger referred to them in the introduction to his lectures in connection with the relationship between metaphysics and anthropology and the contemporary theoretical situation; his purpose was to provide a basis for his project of writing the metaphysics of the finiteness of human existence.40We do not have the space to go into this in detail here. With regard to the relationship between Heidegger and Fichte there is, however, yet another question of important systematic interest which must be solved. This question is put by Heidegger himself and he gives his own answer to it. Assuming one wishes to achieve a “radical interpretation of the subject”41 (as Heidegger puts it in the above-mentioned lecture series of 1927), does the analysis of self-consciousness presuppose a correct understanding of the constitution of existence or not? Heidegger‟s position is clear. A correct understanding of the constitution of existence must39 (GA I,2; 365).40 Cf. GA 28, 1-47, esp. 40 et seqq.41 GA 24, 249.。



中国大学mooc高级英语2U5genderdies答案1、Our school is beautiful. How about _______? [单选题] *A. theirs(正确答案)B. theirC. theyD. them2、The train is coming. Be ______! [单选题] *A. careful(正确答案)B. carefullyC. carelessD. care3、--Don’t _______ too late, or you will feel tired in class.--I won’t, Mum. [单选题] *A. call upB. wake upC. stay up(正确答案)D. get up4、What he said sounds _______. [单选题] *A. pleasantlyB. nicelyC. friendly(正确答案)D. wonderfully5、Many of my classmates are working _______volunteers. [单选题] *A. as(正确答案)B. toC. atD. like6、You must pay more attention to your pronunciation. [单选题] *A. 词汇B. 拼写C. 发音(正确答案)D. 语法7、Then the speaker _____the various factors leading to the economic crisis. [单选题] *A.went onB.went afterC.went into(正确答案)D.went for8、The family will have _______ good time in Shanghai Disneyland. [单选题] *A. theB. a(正确答案)C. anD. /9、97.Go ______ the square and you will find the theatre. [单选题] * A.aboveB.atC.across(正确答案)D.on10、Lily is a very_____person and never wastes anything. [单选题] *A.generousB.economical(正确答案)C.economicD.efficient11、____ of my parents has been to my school, so they know _____ of my classmates. [单选题] *A. Neither, none(正确答案)B. No one, noneC. None, no oneD. Neither, no one12、Look at those black clouds! Take ______ umbrella or ______ raincoat with you. ()[单选题] *A. a; anB. an; a(正确答案)C. an; anD. a; a13、You can ask()is on duty there tonight. [单选题] *A. WhatB. whomC. whoever(正确答案)D. whomever14、What do you think of the idea that _____ honest man who married and brought up a large family did more service than he who continued single and only talked of _____ population. [单选题] *A. a, /B. an, /C. a, theD. an, the(正确答案)15、We sent our children to school to prepare them for the time _____ they will have to work for themselves. [单选题] *A. thatB. when(正确答案)C. whileD. as16、If you want to be successful one day, you have to seize every _______ to realize your dream. [单选题] *A. changeB. chance(正确答案)C. chairD. check17、Every year Carl _______ most of his time swimming, camping and traveling with his parents.[单选题] *A. is spendingB. spentC. will spendD. spends(正确答案)18、My friends will _______ me at the airport when I arrive in London. [单选题] *A. takeB. meet(正确答案)C. receiveD. have19、The twins _______ us something about their country. [单选题] *A. told(正确答案)B. saidC. talkedD. spoke20、69.Online shopping is easy, but ________ in the supermarket usually ________ a lot of time. [单选题] *A.shop; takesB.shopping; takeC.shop; takeD.shopping; takes(正确答案)21、()of the twins was arrested because I saw them both at a party last night. [单选题] *A. NoneB. BothC. Neither(正确答案)D. All22、-----How can I apply for an online course?------Just fill out this form and we _____ what we can do for you. [单选题] *A. seeB. are seeingC. have seenD. will see(正确答案)23、—What’s wrong with you, Mike?—I’m really tired because I studied for today’s test ______ midnight last night. ()[单选题] *A. althoughB. unlessC. until(正确答案)D. so that24、I often _______ music from the Internet. [单选题] *A. download(正确答案)B. spendC. saveD. read25、Mrs. Black is on her way to England. She will _______ in London on Sunday afternoon. [单选题] *A. reachB. attendC. arrive(正确答案)D. get26、—Are these your sheep? [单选题] *A)on grass at the foot of the hill.(正确答案)B. feedC.is fedD. is feeding27、Tom’s mother will let him _______ traveling if he comes back?in five days. [单选题] *A. to goB. goesC. wentD. go(正确答案)28、I’m _______ I must be leaving now. [单选题] *A. afraid(正确答案)B. thinkC. thoughtD. free29、I’d like to go with you, ______ I’m too busy. [单选题] *A. orB. andC. soD. but(正确答案)30、When we take a trip,we usually have to _______ a hotel. [单选题] *A. takeB. stayC. book(正确答案)D. bring。


第 13 卷第 5 期 Vol. 13 ,№5
宜 宾 学 院 学 报 Journal of Yibin University
2013 年 5 月 May, 2013
海德格尔《 存在与时间 》 中的死亡现象学问题
( 西南民族大学 政治学院,成都 610041 )
摘要: 向死而在是海德格尔死亡的现象学考察的核心问题。在死之悬临之中所显现 的是生, 而此 种生的 前 提 是 现 象 学 意 义 上 的 死, 是 入死出生, 是在打断过去、 现在、 未来的时间维度而敞开的第四维的时间性的生。向死而在的生是 无 人 称 的, 是 余 在, 是 Dasein 的进一 步改写。向死而在的余生召唤着第四维生命的打开, 余生的保持就是进入第四 维。 余 在 是第四 维 生命的 存 在, 是新的 时间, 是 余 化的 生命存在, 这是余在对海德格尔死亡的现象学问题重构。 关键词: Dasein; 向死先行; 本真; 第四维时间; 余生—余在 中图分类号: B516. 54 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1671- 5365 ( 2013 ) 05- 0018- 07
收稿日期: 2012 - 11 - 19 基金项目: 西南民族大学3 - ) , 男, 福建尤溪人, 硕士, 主要从事海德格尔与现象学研究。
场域讨论死亡问题。 一 存在论差异 《存在与时间 》 — —存 在 面 对 的 是 元 哲 学 问 题— ( Sein) 。面对存在问题本身, 存在隐匿自身, 存在不 可见, 即使自行解蔽而入存在者之中, 依然有着隐藏 自身, 故此, 存在者始终成为主宰, 遮蔽着存在的显 存在处于被遗忘状态, 遗忘把存在本身掩藏起 现, 而存在问题却一直没有找到恰切的答案, 存在之 来, 命运, 当务之急需要重新提出存在的意义, 追问存在 。 , 的意义 那么 存在意义问题该如何提出呢? 存在


自启蒙主义开始,理性就被现代哲学尊为至上的权威。(而后现代把对理性的怀疑态度作为其最重要的标识)。但当代哲学对理性的责难却并非始于后现代的发端。在启蒙诞生阶段,经验论者就与理性论者有过激烈的争论;后来康德(Kant)虽然构造了一套完整的理性认知体系,他却首先对启蒙思想的知行观(即理性认知经验主导一切的说法)进行批判,提到人的先天认知能力的局限性(Habermas,1971,Knowledge&HumanInterests,p4-14);接着,黑格尔对认知的历史局限性的思考和对知识的异化问题(知识对人的控制与奴役)的初步探索都成为使“现代性”产生动摇的关键(ibid);到了19世纪末,尼采提出非理性主义,对现代理性发动总攻,其后激荡出了以彻底反传统、反理性、反整体性为标志的后现代主义思潮(王岳川,1992,《后现代主义文化研究》P151)。在随后的一个世纪里,这个种子生发成了一个百家争鸣的态势。从对黑格尔的继承来说,先有法兰克福学派对知识异化 的进一步阐释,继而导致马尔库塞(Marcuse)将矛头直接指向工业社会与科技进步的左派激进革命和福科将矛头指向话语权利的新保守主义的一部分(右翼); 马尔库塞
合而成的派别,因此要为后现代主义进行精辟且公式化的解说是无法完成的。若以单纯的历史发展角度来说,最早出现后现代主义的是哲学和建筑学。当中领先其他范畴的,尤其是六十年以来的建筑师,由于反对全球性风格(InternationalStyle)缺乏人文关注,引起不同建筑师的大胆创作,发展出既独特又多元化的后现代式建筑方案。而哲学界则先后出现不同学者就相类似的人文境况进行解说,其中能够为后现代主义大略性表述的哲学文本,可算是法国的解构主义了。 设定相对主义。不是不讲道德,而是反统一道德;不是否认真理,而是设定有许多真理的可能性,从个人的角度、情境的、文化的、政治的、甚至是性的角度。后现代主义反对连贯的、权威的、确定的解释(包括对圣经,和其它信仰宣告)。个人的经验、背景、意愿和喜好在知识、生活、文化和性上占优先地位。 解构文本、意义、表征和符号。后现代主义认为对给定的一个文本、表征和符号有无限多层面的解释可能性。这样,字面意思和传统解释就要让位给作者意图和读者反映。这样,男性传统的解释就被女权主义者和被边缘化了的解释者解构了。 后现代主义 批评权利和信仰的系统。认为政治党派联盟是基于短期利益,而非长期忠诚;信仰的好坏基于对其的个人体验。在西方,后现代主义与无政治信仰相联系;在灵命生活里,它是折衷主义(全凭在平安、安全、价值和目的方面是否有舒服的感觉)。但后现代主义的反“元解释”和“文本意义”也暗示着它本身的存在也大有问题。 由于后现代主义的无中心意识和多元价值取向,由此带来的一个直接的后果就是评判价值的标准不甚清楚或全然模糊,社会理想、人生意义、国家前途、传统道德等等,在后现代主义的浸淫下变得相当模糊、淡化,这就难免导致文化生态的平衡和社会大众文化素养的低俗化。 而后现代主义对真理、进步等价值的否定,将导致相对主义、怀疑主义和虚无主义(一切都无所谓真假、善恶、美丑、光明与黑暗、进步与落后之别,便不需要价值判断,而只有一种存在意义了)。在中国目前面临精神危机和道德失范的情况下,在这种消极主义将价值颠 后现代主义








ASingapore is a very modern country in Southeast Asia.If you've been traveling in its capital city, Singapore,it can be a shock when it comes to accommodation prices.For backpackers they have no choice but to stay outside of the central area.If you are a visitor,I think it's best to stay in the historic central area to make the most of your time.For first-timers I have put together this list of the best areas to stay in Singapore.ChinatownChinatown is where the original community of Chinese immigrants settled in Singapore.The area is lined with Chinese stores,markets,and great places to eat for all budgets.It lies next to the downtown area and there is a variety of accommodation choices,from hostels to5-star hotels.Little IndiaLittle India is where most of the original Indian migrants made their home.Today it is still famous for temples,markets,and lots of places to eat delicious Indian foods.It's the most popular spot for backpackers and there are some good mid-range choices here.Kampong GlamA short walk from Little India is the Kampong Glam area.This is where Arab traders set up shops, with street names such as Haji Lane,Baghdad St,and Arab St.The neighborhood is now one of the trendiest in Singapore.Changi AirportWith one of the biggest airports in the region,the chances are you might just be passing without time to stay.Changi Airport is awarded as one of the best in the world,so if you have to do an overnighter at an airport,then you couldn't have a better experience than at Changi.I didn't get any sleep but it was an enjoyable stay for an airport.1.What will make backpackers disappointed in Singapore?A.The system of accommodation.B.The high charges of the hotels.C.The remote location of the hotels.D.The accommodation with poor facilities.2.Which area is close to the center of Singapore?A.Chinatown.B.Little India.C.Changi Airport.D.Kampong Glam.3.What do we know about Changi Airport?A.It witnesses a noisy environment.B.It offers passengers worse service.C.It is the biggest airport in Singapore.D.It has gained a fairly good reputation.BWhen COVID-19hit and gyms began to close,Laura Novak was let go from her job as a part-time trainer.Despite losing a large part of her income,Novak knew she had another source to depend on:Tik Tok.As a former gymnast,the31-year-old is often sharing clips of herself training on the bars or doing another type of workout while making money through brand partnerships.Novak stressed that Tik Tok,which she's been on since August of2019,has been a really helpful source of income right now as a fitness trainer.The timing of a potential ban of Tik Tok doesn't bode well for the company that recently announced a plan to hire10,000staff in the U.S.over the next three years.The company also announced that it would give creators in the U.S.over$1billion in the next three years"to encourage those who dream of using their voices and creativity to spark inspirational careers"on Tik Tok.While social media Apps and their popularity have always been precarious,Tik Tok has managed to be a win-win situation for the platform's creators and brands looking to reach specific audiences.Sam Gach,a28-year-old in Ann Arbor,Michigan,is known for posting yoga tutorials on Tik Tok.Gach told in media that while he's on other platforms,Tik Tok has become one of his most important ones."It's my fastest growing platform,"Gach said,who has89,600followers on the App."It's a bit nerve-wracking(伤脑筋的),but I think right now,from what I'm hearing,it sounds like it may not be banned,but it's still very uncertain."Gach said,"If it is banned,I will not be happy about it,"adding he's made a few thousand dollars from Tik Tok in the last month,but it's all still very new.Gach said if Tik Tok got banned,it would certainly negatively influence his ability to build an audience.4.How did Tik Tok benefit Novak according to paragraph1?A.By encouraging her to be confident.В.Вy promoting her to build a brand.C.By accompanying her to kill time.D.By helping her to earn a living.5.Which of the following best explains"precarious"underlined in paragraph4?A.Unstable.B.Inconvenient.C.Accessible.D.Beneficial.6.What do we know about Sam Gach?A.He feels stressed about the potential ban.B.He's a devoted fan of Tik Tok.C.He's sure about the future of Tik Tok.D.He's unsatisfied with the amount of his audience.7.What is the passage mainly about?A.The trend of applying high-tech.B.The disadvantage of social media.C.The way of improving income.D.The dependence on a platform.CCigarettes aren't just harmful when they're being smoked.Even when cigarette ends go out and are cold,new research has found they continue to give off harmful chemicals in the air.In the first24hours alone,scientists say a used cigarette end will produce14percent of the nicotine that an actively burning cigarette would produce.While most of these chemicals are released within a day of being put out,an analysis for the United States Food and Drug Administration(FDA)found the level of nicotine fell by just50%five days later."I was absolutely surprised,"says environmental engineer Dustin Poppendieck from the United States National Institute of Standards and Technology(NIST)."The numbers are significant and could have important impacts when cigarette ends are dealt with indoors or in cars.While much attention has been paid to the health influence of first-hand,second-hand and now third-hand smoking,it is not the case when it comes to the actual cigarette end of the matter."To measure emissions from this forgotten thing,Poppendieck and his team placed2,100cigarettes that were recently put out inside a special room.Once the ends were sealed away,the team measured eight chemicals commonly produced by cigarettes,four of which the FDA have their eye on for being harmful or potentially so.After setting the room's temperature,the researchers tested how emissions changed under certain conditions.When the air temperature of the room was higher,for instance,they noticed the ends produced these chemicals at higher rates.This finding might discourage those who want to leave ashtrays out for days at a time,especially in the heat.8.What do the researchers say about cigarette ends?A.They contain little nicotine.B.They produce no nicotine five days later.C.They give off nicotine for days.D.They create as much nicotine as burning cigarettes.9.What do Poppendieck's words suggest?A.First-hand smoking does most harm.B.The findings are within his expectation.C.Cigarettes should be dealt with indoors.D.Health influence of cigarette ends is ignored.10.Which word best describes the author's attitude to not cleaning ashtrays for days?A.Unclear.B.Disapproving.C.Unconcerned.D.Puzzled.11.What can be the best title for the text?ed Cigarette Ends Release Harmful ChemicalsB.Cigarettes Are More Harmful While Being SmokedC.Research Found Reasons For Cigarette Ends'HarmD.Cigarette Ends Produce More Chemicals in the HeatDBioprinting is the medically and bio-technologically equal to3D printing.By using the same principles,the aim is to rapidly develop living structures similar to human-grown organs and tissue that can be used to heal people or test new drugs.Of course,printing biological tissue is much more complex than building a mechanical part.There are complex layers of cells in living tissue.Bioprinters use bio-ink made from cells,biochemical nutrients and biological stands to support cells in an exact order.Bio-inks have to operate under conditions that are suitable for living,growing tissue,so they cannot really be used at temperatures that top body temperature.Perhaps the simplest form of bioprinting is inkjet(喷墨)printing.Bio-ink is sprayed through tiny tubes so it has to be almost liquid and this limits the biological materials that can be printed.Most3D printers operate by squeezing material through a pipe and bioprinters can use squeezing too,though care has to be taken not to damage cells through extreme force.Other techniques such as laser-assisted bioprinting or electrospinning(静电纺丝)are incredibly exact and can be used with thicker bio-inks,but they are more tricky to use with living cells and not as rapid or able to create large quantities of tissue.Once the bioprinter has done its work,the post-processing stage begins.Bioreactor systems are often employed to help the tissue grow up.They can be used to copy the forces and biochemical support that tissue needs to grow and differentiate correctly.Bioprinting may be a relatively new field but the results so far are encouraging.Stem cells,which have the potential to turn into several types of cells,are being used to create an printing can improve the health of society in general by wiping out the problem of diseases caused by organ failure, costly treatments and social care.That promise may be years away from realization but rapid prototyping (原型技术)enabled by bioprinting is pushing medical advances forward at pace.12.What does the underlined word“they”in paragraph2refer to?A.Cells.B.Bio-inks.C.Nutrients.D.Biological stands.13.What should we pay attention to when using bioprinting?A.The sort of human organs.B.The thickness of bio-inks.C.The force of squeezing.D.The order of cells.14.What can we infer from the3rd and4th paragraphs?A.The process of bioprinting is practical.B.Bioreactor systems tend not to damage cells.C.Most3D printers limit the biological materials.ser-assisted bioprinting can produce much tissue.15.Which is the suitable title for the passage?A.Bioprinting Cures People of DiseasesB.Bioprinting is Similar to3D PrintingC.Bioprinting Gets Care from SocietyD.Bioprinting Has Much Potential第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。



现代哲学书籍1.《存在与时间》(Being and Time)-马丁·海德格尔(Martin Heidegger)2.《论自由》(On Liberty)-约翰·斯图尔特·密尔(John Stuart Mill)3.《论人类不平等的起源和基础》(Discourse on the Origin and Basis of Inequality Among Men)-让-雅克·卢梭(Jean-Jacques Rousseau)4.《论法的精神》(The Spirit of the Laws)-蒙田(Montesquieu)5.《论自由意志》(On the Freedom of the Will)-亚瑟·史奈泽(Arthur Schopenhauer)6.《论民主的精神》(The Spirit of Democracy)-塞缪尔·P·亨廷顿(Samuel P. Huntington)7.《论人类的不可知性》(The Unknowability of Human Beings)-卡尔·波普尔(Karl Popper)8.《论自我与他者》(The Self and the Other)-伊曼努尔·莱文纳斯(Emmanuel Levinas)9.《论自由意志》(Freedom Evolves)-丹尼尔·丹尼特(Daniel Dennett)10.《论人类的群体心理》(The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind)-古斯塔夫·勒庞(Gustave Le Bon)11.《论伦理学》(Ethics)-巴鲁克·斯宾诺莎(Baruch Spinoza)12.《存在与虚无》(Being and Nothingness)-让-保罗·萨特(Jean-Paul Sartre)13.《论自由意志》(On Free Will)-约翰·帕金斯(John Perry)14.《论人类的本性》(On Human Nature)-爱德华·O·威尔逊(EdwardO. Wilson)15.《论自由的概念》(The Concept of Freedom)- Isaiah Berlin16.《论人类的条件》(The Conditions of Human Existence)-汉斯·约纳斯(Hans Jonas)17.《论人类的本质》(On the Nature of Man)-伊曼努尔·康德(Immanuel Kant)18.《论人类的存在方式》(The Way of Man's Being)-玛丽亚·冯特拉斯(Maria von Vetsera)19.《论人类的自由》(On Human Freedom)-约翰·希克(John Hick)29.《论人类的理性》(On Human Reason)-弗朗茨·布伦塔诺(Franz Brentano)。



2024年高二英语哲学家名称练习题30题1.Who is known for his theory of Forms?A.SocratesB.PlatoC.AristotleD.Plotinus答案:B。



本题选择柏拉图是因为题干中的“theory of Forms”是柏拉图的重要理论。

2.Which philosopher is famous for his method of dialectic?A.PythagorasB.HeraclitusC.SocratesD.Democritus答案:C。



本题选苏格拉底是因为题干中明确提到“method of dialectic”。

3.Who said, "The unexamined life is not worth living"?A.PlatoB.AristotleC.SocratesD.Epicurus答案:C。

“The unexamined life is not worth living”是苏格拉底的名言。



4.Which philosopher is associated with atomism?A.DemocritusB.PlatoC.SocratesD.Aristotle答案:A。



本题选德谟克利特是因为题干中提到“associated with atomism”。



西方文论著作英汉名西方文论著作英汉对照书名1.Plato理想国?古希腊语:Πολιτε?α英语:The Republic文艺对话集?英语:Plato’s Dialogues法律篇?英语:The Laws2.Aristotle修辞学?英语:Rhetoric诗学?英语:Theory of Poetry3.Horatius诗艺?拉丁语:Ars Poetica 英语:Art of Poetry4.Longinus论崇高?拉丁语:Peri Ypsous5.Saint Augustine忏悔录?英语:The Confessions (原名:Confessiones )6.Saint Thomas Aquinas反异教大全?英语:Summa Contra Gentiles神学大全?英语:Summa Theologica7.Johannes Scotus Erigena自然的分类?希腊语:Periphyseon8.Peter Abelard我的苦难史?法语:Historia calamitatum 英语:The Story of My Misfortunes认识你自己?法语:Scito Te Ipsum9.Dante Alighiere神曲?意大利语:Divina Commedia论俗语?拉丁语: De vulgari eloquentia10.Philip Sidney为诗辩护?英语:An Apology For Poetry10.Leonardo da vinci论绘画?英语:Treatise on Painting11.Ludovico Castelvetro亚里士多德<诗学>诠释?英语:Annotation on Aristotle's poeticsNeo-Classicism12. Nicolas Boileau-Despreaux 布瓦洛《诗的艺术》L'Art poétique(法)The art of poetry(英)13. Alexander Pope浦柏《论批评》An Essay on CriticismThe Enlightenment (transitional)14. D.Diderot 狄德罗《论戏剧诗》An Essay of Dramatic Poesy《绘画论》15. G.E Lessing 莱辛《拉奥扎》Laocoon L aokoon oder über die Grenzen der Malerei und Poesie (Laocoon: An Essay on the Limits of Painting and Poetry)16. G.Vieo 维柯《新科学》Scienza NuovaEarly Modern PeriodGerman Classicism17. Immanuel Kant 康德《判断力批判》Critique of Judgment Kritik der Urteilskraft (Critique of Judment)18. Georg William Friedrich Hegel 黑格尔《美学》Vorlesungen über die ?sthetik (Lectures on A esthetics)19. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 歌德《歌德谈话录》Gespr?che mit Goethe (德)Conversations with Goethe(英)20. Johann Christoph Friedrich Schiller 席勒《论美书简》Die Philosophie des Sch?nen《审美教育书简》über die ?sthetische Erziehung des Menschen in einer Reihe von Briefen (Letters Upon The Aesthetic Education of Man) Romanticism21. Heinrich Heine 海涅《论浪漫派》Die Romantik("Romanticism", shortcritical essay)22. William Wordsworth 华兹华斯《抒情歌谣集》序言》Lyrical Ballads23. Francois Rene de Chateaubriand 夏多勃里昂《基督教真理》Génie du christianisme.(法)The Genius of Christianity(英)Realism24. Stendhal司汤达《拉辛与莎士比亚》Racine et Shakespéare (法)Racine and Shakespeare(英)25. Belinsky别林斯基《艺术的概念》26. Chernishevsky 车尔尼雪夫斯基《艺术与现实的美学关系》Aesthetic Relations of Art to Reality27. Tolstoy托尔斯泰《艺术论》Чтотакоеискусство? Chto takoye iskusstvo?(俄)What Is Art?(英)Positivism28. Madame de Stael Germaine《论文学》,全名为《从社会制度与文学的关系论文学》De la littérature considérée dans ses rapports avec les institutions sociales29. Hippolyte Taine《艺术哲学》Philosophie de l’art (1865 et 1882)(The Philosophy of Art)Non-rationalism30. Arthur Schopenhauer《作为意志和表象的世界》Die Welt Als Wille und vorstellung,1818(The World as Will and Representation)31. Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche《悲剧的诞生》全名《悲剧的诞生:源于音乐的灵魂》Die Geburt der Trag?die aus dem Geiste der Musik. 1872在1886年则改以《悲剧的诞生:希腊文化和悲观主义》Die Geburt der Trag?die, Oder: Griechentum und Pessimismus为名重新出版(The Birth of Tragedy )A.Aestheticism32. Theophile Gautier《诗集》Poésies(1830)《莫般小姐》Mademoiselle de Maupin(1835)33. Walter Horatio Pater《文艺复兴:艺术和诗的研究》The Renaissance: Studies in Art and Poetry 34. Oscar wilde《批评即艺术家》The Critic as Artist《英国的文艺复兴》The English Renaissance of Art35. Francesco De Sanctis《批评文集》Saggi criticiB.Symbolism36. Charles Baudelaire《美学探奇》或译为《美学珍玩》Curiosités Esthétiques 186837. Paul Verlaine《诗艺》Poèmes saturniens 186638. Arthur Rimbaud《通灵人的信》L ettre à Paul Demeny 187139. Stephane Mallarme《谈文学运动——答儒勒.于莱问》(查不到法文名和英文名,中文名应该是《谈文学运动—斯特芬·马拉美答儒勃·于莱问》)Intuitionism40. Henri Bergson《笑之研究》Le rire. Essai sur la signification du comique (Laughter: An Essay on the Meaning of the Comic)41. Benedetto Croce《作为表现的科学和一般语言学的美学》Estetica come scienza dell'espressione e linguistica generale (1902)(Aesthetic as Science ofExpression and General Linguistic)《美学原理》Breviario di estetica (The Essence of Aesthetic)42. Sigmund Freud(Austrian)《梦的解析》Die TraumdeutungThe Interpretation of Dreams《作家与白日梦》Creative Writers and Day-dreaming《论创造力与无意识》On creativity and the Unconscious43. Carl Gustav Jung(Swiss)《心理学与文学》Psychology and Literature44. Roman Jakobson(Russian-American)《语言学与诗学》("Closing Statement: Linguistics and Poetics," in Style in Language)Linguistics and Poetics45. Boris Eichenbaum(Russian and Soviet)《论散文,论诗歌》(这本书不是很确定)ЛесковисовременнаяпрозаLeskov and Contemporary Prose46. Victor Shklovsky(Russian and Soviet)《作为手法的艺术》("Art as Technique": pages 15–21 Literary Theory) Art as Technique《词的复活》The Resurrection of the Word47. Northrop Frey(Canadian)《文学的原型》(没找到)《批评的解剖》Anatomy of Criticism48. A. Richards(British)《文学批评原理》The Principles of Literary Criticism《实用批评》Practical Criticism49. William Empson(British)《含混七型》Seven Types of Ambiguity《复杂词的结构》The Structure of Complex Words50. John Crowe Ransom(American)《新批评》The New Criticism《诗歌:本体论笔记》(没找到)51. Brooks/Warren:《怎样读诗》Understanding Poetry 是不是一般译为理解诗歌?不确定是不是对应这本。



西方文论著作英汉对照书名1.Plato«理想国»古希腊语:Πολιτεία英语:The Republic«文艺对话集»英语:Plato’s Dialogues«法律篇»英语:The Laws2.Aristotle«修辞学»英语:Rhetoric«诗学»英语:Theory of Poetry3.Horatius«诗艺»拉丁语:Ars Poetica 英语:Art of Poetry4.Longinus«论崇高»拉丁语:Peri Ypsous5.Saint Augustine«忏悔录»英语:The Confessions (原名:Confessiones )6.Saint Thomas Aquinas«反异教大全»英语:Summa Contra Gentiles«神学大全»英语:Summa Theologica7.Johannes Scotus Erigena«自然的分类»希腊语:Periphyseon8.Peter Abelard«我的苦难史»法语:Historia calamitatum 英语:The Story of My Misfortunes«认识你自己»法语:Scito Te Ipsum9.Dante Alighiere«神曲»意大利语:Divina Commedia«论俗语»拉丁语:De vulgari eloquentia10.Philip Sidney«为诗辩护»英语:An Apology For Poetry10.Leonardo da vinci«论绘画»英语:Treatise on Painting11.Ludovico Castelvetro«亚里士多德<诗学>诠释»英语:Annotation on Aristotle's poeticsNeo-Classicism12. Nicolas Boileau-Despreaux 布瓦洛《诗的艺术》L'Art poétique(法)The art of poetry(英)13. Alexander Pope浦柏《论批评》An Essay on CriticismThe Enlightenment (transitional)14. D.Diderot 狄德罗《论戏剧诗》An Essay of Dramatic Poesy《绘画论》15. G.E Lessing 莱辛《拉奥扎》Laocoon L aokoon oder Über die Grenzen der Malerei und Poesie (Laocoon: An Essay on the Limits of Painting and Poetry)16. G.Vieo 维柯《新科学》Scienza NuovaEarly Modern PeriodGerman ClassicismKritik der Urteilskraft (Critique of Judment)18. Georg William Friedrich Hegel 黑格尔《美学》Vorlesungen über die Ästhetik (Lectures on A esthetics)19. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 歌德《歌德谈话录》Gespräche mit Goethe20. Johann Christoph Friedrich Schiller 席勒《论美书简》Die Philosophie des Schönen《审美教育书简》Über die ästhetische Erziehung des Menschen in einer Reihe von Briefen (Letters Upon The Aesthetic Education of Man) Romanticism21. Heinrich Heine 海涅《论浪漫派》Die Romantik("Romanticism", shortcritical essay)22. William Wordsworth 华兹华斯《抒情歌谣集》序言23. Francois Rene de ChateaubriandRealism24. Stendhal司汤达《拉辛与莎士比亚》Racine et Shakespéare(法)Racine and Shakespeare(英)25. Belinsky别林斯基《艺术的概念》26. Chernishevsky 车尔尼雪夫斯基《艺术与现实的美学关系》Aesthetic Relations of Art to Reality27. Tolstoy托尔斯泰《艺术论》Что такое искусство? Chto takoye iskusstvo?(俄)What Is Art?(英)Positivism28. Madame de Stael Germaine《论文学》,全名为《从社会制度与文学的关系论文学》De la littérature considérée dans ses rapports avec les institutions sociales29. Hippolyte Taine《艺术哲学》Philosophie de l’art (1865 et 1882)(The Philosophy of Art)Non-rationalism30. Arthur Schopenhauer《作为意志和表象的世界》Die Welt Als Wille und vorstellung,1818(The World as Will and Representation)31. Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche《悲剧的诞生》全名《悲剧的诞生:源于音乐的灵魂》Die Geburt der Tragödie aus dem Geiste der Musik. 1872在1886年则改以《悲剧的诞生:希腊文化和悲观主义》Die Geburt der Tragödie, Oder: Griechentum und Pessimismus为名重新出版(The Birth of Tragedy )A.Aestheticism32. Theophile Gautier《诗集》Poésies(1830)《莫般小姐》Mademoiselle de Maupin(1835)33. Walter Horatio Pater《文艺复兴:艺术和诗的研究》The Renaissance: Studies in Art and Poetry 34. Oscar wilde《批评即艺术家》The Critic as Artist《英国的文艺复兴》The English Renaissance of Art35. Francesco De Sanctis《批评文集》Saggi criticiB.Symbolism36. Charles Baudelaire《美学探奇》或译为《美学珍玩》Curiosités Esthétiques 186837. Paul Verlaine《诗艺》Poèmes saturniens 186638. Arthur Rimbaud《通灵人的信》Lettre à Paul Demeny 187139. Stephane Mallarme《谈文学运动——答儒勒.于莱问》(查不到法文名和英文名,中文名应该是《谈文学运动—斯特芬·马拉美答儒勃·于莱问》)Intuitionism40. Henri Bergson《笑之研究》 Le rire. Essai sur la signification du comique (Laughter: An Essay on the Meaning of the Comic)41. Benedetto Croce《作为表现的科学和一般语言学的美学》Estetica come scienza dell'espressione e linguistica generale (1902)(Aesthetic as Science ofExpression and General Linguistic)《美学原理》Breviario di estetica (The Essence of Aesthetic)42. Sigmund Freud(Austrian)《梦的解析》Die TraumdeutungThe Interpretation of Dreams《作家与白日梦》Creative Writers and Day-dreaming《论创造力与无意识》On creativity and the Unconscious43. Carl Gustav Jung(Swiss)《心理学与文学》Psychology and Literature44. Roman Jakobson(Russian-American)《语言学与诗学》("Closing Statement: Linguistics and Poetics," in Style in Language)Linguistics and Poetics45. Boris Eichenbaum(Russian and Soviet)《论散文,论诗歌》(这本书不是很确定)Лесков и современная прозаLeskov and Contemporary Prose46. Victor Shklovsky(Russian and Soviet)《作为手法的艺术》("Art as Technique": pages 15–21 Literary Theory) Art as Technique《词的复活》The Resurrection of the Word47. Northrop Frey(Canadian)《文学的原型》(没找到)《批评的解剖》Anatomy of Criticism48. A. Richards(British)《文学批评原理》The Principles of Literary Criticism《实用批评》Practical Criticism49. William Empson(British)《含混七型》Seven Types of Ambiguity《复杂词的结构》The Structure of Complex Words50. John Crowe Ransom(American)《新批评》The New Criticism《诗歌:本体论笔记》?(没找到)51. Brooks/Warren:《怎样读诗》Understanding Poetry 是不是一般译为理解诗歌?不确定是不是对应这本。








當中領先其他範疇的,尤其是六十年以來的建築師,由於反對全球性風格(International Style)缺乏人文關注,引起不同建築師的大膽創作,發展出既獨特又多元化的後現代式建築方案。






















关键词:存在主义;爱情;自由;选择;萨特;海德格尔The Legend of 1900: An Analysis of the ExistentialistPhilosophy of Human LifeABSTRACTIn the end of the 20th century, the world reached the climax in the reflection of modern western civilization. The Italian director Giuseppe Tornatore created the movie named The Legend of 1900which was impacted by this kind of thoughts and successfully created the legend image of 1900. The director let him observe the land from the ocean, and examine the civilization from the nature. And this paper analyzed the existentialist philosophy of human life in The Legend of 1900. Firstly, the paper introduced the historical background of the story and analyzed the relationship between the social background and the prevalence of the existentialist philosophy of human life. And at the same time, the author analyzed three key words in the film. Secondly, this paper introduced two important existentialist philosophers and their main theories, and applied these theories to films for further analysis. And this paper also gave the positive aspects on existentialist philosophy of human life. Thirdly, the paper analyzed the different significances for the fate of the characters in the movie based on the different options they made in their life, as well as the different concepts of Happiness in different people. And finally, from the existentialist point of view, the author gave some solutions to the common problems which people would have been encountered in the ordinary life. And these suggestions were combined with the author's understanding of the existentialist philosophy of human life. And at last this paper pointed out the unique characteristics of existentialist philosophy of human life as well as a lot of inspirations for us and emphasized its positive promoting role in human life.Key words: Existentialist;love;freedom;choice;Sartre;HeideggerContentsIntroduction (1)Chapter 1. The Analysis of the Movie (2)1.1 The Brief Introduction of The Legend of 1900 (2)1.1.1 The Background of the Story (2)1.1.2 The Introduction of the Hero (3)1.2 The Analysis of the Key Words in This Movie (5)1.2.1 Freedom (5)1.2.2 Love (6)1.2.3 Existence (8)Chapter 2. A nalyze the Movie in the Theory of ExistentialistPhilosophy (9)2.1 The Brief Introduction of Existentialist Philosophy of HumanLife (9)2.1.1 Sartre’s “Three Principles of Existentialism” (9)2.1.2 Heidegger’s Theories (11)2.2 The Positive Aspects in This Philosophy (13)Chapter 3. The Signification of Different Choice in Fate and Happiness (14)3.1 The Fate of the Characters in the Film and the Signification ofThese Selections for Their Fate (14)3.2 Analysis of the Different Happiness in Different People (15)Chapter 4. Solutions to the Problems (16)Conclusion (17)Bibliography (19)Acknowledgements (21)IntroductionWhen people make decisions in life, it is just like choosing between the two sides of the same coin. One chooses one side, and he must give up the other side. The birth of tragedy lies in this unique and non-selective choice. In this sense, one will be more or less experience tragedy. And based on this practical situation, the discussion of the meaning of tragedy and our philosophy of life becomes more crucial and useful.The existentialist philosophy is human-centered. It respects the individuality and freedom of human being and interprets the problem in society, life and the development of human being in a new way. Although there are negative aspects, we can select the essence and take the responsibilities after the choices we make. In the movie The Legend of 1900, the fate of the different figures are glad or sad but these are their own choices, and everyone should take responsibilities by himself, no one can let others to bear the consequences.One can get a deeper thinking about life through the research on this issue. And as a kind of visual art, movie expresses a way of thinking in a more directly way. And the combination of theory and art practice can provide people a way to solve the life problems.This study will let people have a deeper understanding of this classical film and grasp the philosophy it wants to express. In this paper, the author revealed the contemporary human beings' dilemma through different figures’ choices in the story based on the existentialist philosophy which is popular when the story took place. And the author tried to use the positive aspects of this philosophy to provide a new way of thinking about life.Chapter 1. The Analysis of the Movie1.1 The Brief Introduction of The Legend of 1900The movie The Legend of 1900is adapted based on the Italian playwright Alessandro Baricco’s drama. And the director is Giuseppe Tornatore who is also Italian. The story is written against the two world wars. These two world wars threatened the survival of human being and the human dignity had been trampled in the war. The post-war economic depression and various social problems deepen the psychological shadow of human and shaped a general sense of crisis. And the existentialist philosophy was started in Germany in 1920s and flourished after the Second World War. Existentialism was very popular in 1960s in Europe and has spread to 1970s. The time is very close to the youth of the original author and director; both of them were born in the late 1950s. It is very normal that great masters’ literature and art concepts were affected by this philosophy trend.1.1.1 The Background of the StoryIn 1890, the United States had become the world's number one economic giant. And the per capita income in the United States was more than Europe in 1900; it had become one of the tyrants of the world economy. At the same time, the world's scientific centers transferred from Europe to USA. The United States had become a paradise for dreamers and gamblers; they came from every corner of the world, looking for wealth.In 1900, nearly 14% of 76 million people were born abroad in USA. And the immigration was a crucial element to make the United States economy maintain strong. In the first decade of the 20th century, there were more than 100 million immigrants flew into the United States by sea each year. This is the background when the pianist was born; he was also an abandoned son of an immigrant.In the movie, the only friend of the pianist named Max asked him whether he was still playing in the war. And the war referred to the First World War. World War I broke out from August 4, 1914 and ended in November 11, 1918.In the First World War, the United States accepted orders from a large number of countries. From June 1914 to June 1917, the foreign trade surplus of the United States increased from 430 million U.S. dollars to 3.56 billion U.S. dollars. Up to 1919, there were more than 20 countries in the world borrowed money from the United States. The financial center of the world had begun to transfer from London to the Wall Street.In 1933, pianist’s friend Max went to p awn his trumpet. And the background was that the economic crisis had begun in the United States after the collapse of the stock market in New York, and quickly engulfed the entire capitalist world. Early in 1933, more than 18,000 banks deposited totally 41 billion U.S. dollars, while the inventory of cash were less than six billion U.S. dollars, and radically could not cope with depositors’ withdrawals. Up to early March, more than 6,000 banks went bankrupt and the American public was in a panic. Products had been piled mountain high and could not been sold at all. At the same time, there was a significant reduction in the number of the oversea immigrants. And this year, the pianist sacrificed his own life for the ship.Under the intensification of the economic crisis, a variety of basic contradictions begun sharpen increasingly. And in 1937, World War II broke out.1.1.2 The Introduction of the HeroA boy was abandoned in a steamship called Virginian and a kind black worker adopted him. That day was exactly the New Year's Day in 1900, so the worker named the child T.D.Lemon 1900. As human living in society, our first and last name usually have profound historical andcultural backgrounds which including geographic, national, ethnic, family and so on and so fourth and to some extent marks the orders and rules forming in the gradually development of the community. But 1900 as a name is a great difference which is distinguished from all mortal beings in land. This name as a symbol has a special link with the whole 20th century.Born at sea and then abandoned, 1900 had no family, no residence and no nationality and the sea was his cradle. He was a person never exist to the people on land. 1900 had a kind foster father but died in a maritime accident and the 8-year-old 1900 became an orphan again.And one time, 1900 came to the French window of the first class dance hall involuntarily. He saw the piano, the instrument which intertwined with his whole life by the first time. From then on, Virginian carried 1900 and the music he played by his soul, voyaged between Europe and the United States.Max, another hero in the film, added to the accompaniment of the band in Virginian and met the legendary pianist. The two quickly became good friends. After competed with the legendary pianist named Jelly who was the inventor of jazz, 1900 got the zenith. Although Max encouraged 1900 to disembark and show his talent to the world over and over again, he had never set foot on the land. When 1900 recorded his first solo album, he saw a beautiful girl standing outside the window, and the sad moment she revealed was deeply fascinated him. He played the wonderful improvisation which was the most moving music in the entire film. 1900 wanted to give this album to the girl, but did not succeed because of the introverted personality. All the things he could do was just to see the girl disembark.Afterward, Max came to land to find happiness. And accidentally, he heard Virginian was to be destroyed because of the full service. Max guessed that 1900 must be still on board, so went to find him and the two old friends finally met each other. Although Max strongly persuaded,1900 still wanted to stay with the ship. He said that, “Land is a s hip too big for me. It’s a woman too beautiful; it’s a voyage too long, a perfume too strong. It’s a music I don’t know how to make.” He could not see the end of the land. And finally, 1900 said goodbye to his best friend and sat calmly on the explosives, sacrificed his own life to the ship he never left from birth to die.1.2 The Analysis of the Key Words in This Movie1.2.1 FreedomThe exploration about the meaning of freedom was existed at every phase in the history of human thought. This is not only an inevitable outcome of the development of individual thought, but also the result of the thinking of the contradictions between individual and society which are promoted by the social conditions deeply. In the west, Sartre’s existentialist freedom impacted widely and the core idea was the free choice of human being. Sartre thought human are absolutely free. And in the traditional philosophy, freedom is the symbol that human gets the highest spiritual and aesthetic realm.In the early 20th century, the industrial civilization impacted people’s life greatly. Countless European immigrants displaced from their hometowns toward to the United States and to search for a better future with countless possibilities. People are always thirsting for freedom and the more difficult to possess the more precious. But people will never know the meaning of true freedom. True freedom is in our hearts.On one occasion, Max advised 1900 to disembark and 1900 replied “I think you land people waste a lot of time wondering why. Winter comes and you can’t wait for summer. And in summer you live in dread of winter. That’s why you never tired of traveling and chasing some places far away where is always summer. ” Once the immigration on board who tried to escape from poverty, political oppression or mental shackles saw the Statue of Liberty, their hearts were full of happiness.And the joy they had shown was just demonstrated the hard living conditions. People are always imaging they can live in some else places and always searching for other people’s pursuit. They only want to go other places and finally lost the things real belong to them. While 1900 just stick to the ship and music and tenaciously defend the purity of his soul and the freedom of his heart.1900 was always able to foresee which person among the passengers on board would be the first one to see the Statue of Liberty. For many times, he saw the pleasure and joy when people had seen the Statue of Liberty. But people would never conscious that 1900 was the first person to see the Statue of Liberty because the liberty in his heart has always been accompanied with him. In our view, the freedom which 1900 got from music and ocean is unmatchable.1900 had a free, calm and confident disposition because of living on the boundless sea and the floating vessel. He held the attitude contempt for any social rules and regulations even the social civilization. From “fuck the regulations” to “fuck the jazz” and “fuck the war” until proved “fuck the land”by his death. His capacity as a traitor was gradually coming out. At first it was the contempt to the ways of the world and then gradually evolved into the reflection about music and art with the experience of his life constantly deepening and at last evolved into the interrogation of the war. And finally, he questioned the values of modern civilization by sacrificing his life.1.2.2 LoveIn The Prophet, Gibran wrote: “Love gives naught but itself and takes naught but from itself. Love possesses not nor would it be possessed; for love is sufficient unto love.” And similarly, the existentialist philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre’s theory is that love is in the direction of possessing other’s freedom and love is the integration of two kind of different sense.Love in Sartre’s theory is based on the freedom that people can experience in the process of a love affair. And the understanding of Sartre’s philosophy of love will help us get a great inspiration to correctly treat love. Love is in the direction of possessing other’s freedom. This idea demonstrates clearly that the life of love is freedom. And freedom as the character of love requires us to constantly update the commitment of love. We should ensure that both sides in love can pursuit self-sustained development and safeguard each other’s sustainable development. This kind of love not only makes the two sides realize the personality, but also demonstrates the meaning of love, because it establishes the responsibility of freedom.There is such a plot in the movie that 1900 was cutting a disc and inadvertently saw a beautiful girl standing outside the window, the slight breeze blowing her blonde soft hair, so fresh and so pure. He gazed at the girl and the fingers moved lightly on the piano. And the music he played was so perfect and quiet and like the melody from Angels. The deep emotion came from 1900’s heart was just like a little boy’s puppy love. But he did not tell the girl his feeling. People can not help asking, can not the wandering life afford for a love? In the movie, 1900 was just going to disembark and complete the expected love story. But he stopped because of that kind of life was certainly not the life belongs to him. He can not leave his world and only the sea, the piano and the music can express the love. In 1900’s heart, this girl was just like a free angel came into his life. The secular trend is to possess the freedom of others and in this way, 1900 had to come to land to possess the girl. And if he disembarked, he would have to put himself in the secular affairs. He was used to the free life style and could not tolerate the worldly life. He said:“Land is a ship too big for me, It’s a woman too beautiful, a bridge too long, perfume to strong, music I don’t know how to play. I can never get off this ship. At best, I didn’t step off my life. After all, I don’t exist for anyone. ”1.2.3 ExistenceWhy do human exist? What is the meaning of this existence? As Milan Kundera said in The Unbearable Lightness of Being, human can never know what he wants, because human can only live once, and neither can compare with the previous life, nor revise it in the next life. Some people say that 1900 is too weak to try things in life unknown, because the unknown is not always necessarily horrible and ugly, yet there is probably something better, for example, the beautiful love between 1900 and the girl and the pure friendship between 1900 and Max. These things are people looking forward in life. 1900 hesitated whether he should stay on the ocean or go to the land, but finally he did not disembark, because there is no comparison of past life and no amendments in the next life. 1900 heard the voice from the soul and made the selection. From time immemorial, people have constantly asked: Who am I? Where do I come from? Where to go? Why do I live? These problems are so daunting and impossible to answer. In front of the unlimited land, sea and music, human beings are so tiny and helpless. Probably nobody knows us and nobody remembers we have existed once. No matter how deliberately we want to leave something, or take away something, our ultimate destiny will not change, that is dying.In the film, the girl’s father said that the voice of sea let him want to change and start a fresh life. And 1900 was born on ship and brought up on the sea. He had enjoyed the fantasy feeling that blue sea can give, but also experienced the relentless despair in the squally waves. He knew very well that life is negligible to nature. He came to this world, not to pursue worldly fame and fortune, but to follow life’s will and create the essence of life in his own way. So, in a sense, disembark means copy other’s life style. As social animals, consistent with the general public is always an effort way to protect oneself. However, no one knows exactly whether this public is correct. And the only thing which can console oneself is that even if it is wrong, everyone is wrong. But 1900 did notsuccumb to the secular; he is a single and independent existence. He realized the meaning of life in the way which he thought was correct. And just because of that, he left the general public far away.Chapter 2.Analyze the Movie in the Theory of ExistentialistPhilosophy2.1. The Brief Introduction of Existentialist Philosophy of Human Life 2.1.1 Jean-Paul Sartre’s “Three Principles of Existentialism”Jean-Paul Sartre’s three principles of existentialism are existence is before essence, free choose and the world is absurd, life is painful.Firstly, existence is before essence means that one is just exist in a pure subjective way at the beginning. And what a person should become is only in the process of the creation of that pure subjective. In Sartre’s theory, the characteristics human have are not inherited or given by the external forces such as God, but create according to one’s free desire. And Sartre thought, because the existence was not fall into a pattern, human could design their future freely. And what kind of people they will become is determined by their own planning and selection. A crucial thing to distinguish human beings and animal is that human is kinds of existence that can continuous go on the self-planning, self-selection and self-creation. Sartre believes that since existence is before the essence, people would not be able to explain their actions depend on a known or specific human nature. In other words, determinism is not exist, human are free and human are freedom itself.And this kind of freedom is just the soul of the movie. 1900 was given a unique name by his adoptive father. 1900 chose his tune freely when the band had been performance. And when he dueled with the inventor of jazz, the way he chose was also irrational. And when faced love, his emotion was from the deep inside of his heart and expressed in an unusual way. All of these are incompatible with the conventional way,but it is embodied the existentialist idea.Secondly, the core of the free choice is freedom. And this examines the need of human through the existence of human being. It calmly tells us, human should have their own different ecological way, which does not depend on the political orders or violent means but from the human nature, to exist in the world. If the action of human was operated by others and one can not make his own choices based on his own will freely, it means that he is losing his own personality and he really should not be regarded as the real existence. Personal success or failure and all the gains and losses are the result of self-selection. Only through the free choice, free creation, human can get his nature. This contains subjective elements. And on the other hand, free choice exists as a standard of self-selection, it does not accept outside order and self-defense.In the film, people chose their own way of life freely. The most typical manifestations are 1900 referred to Max to see different people. There ware hopeless prostitute, full of unforgettable memory’s middle-aged man, the dowager who killed her husband to rob the money, and the third-class passenger who wanted to find a erotic affair. Although these people were in different class, they ware same at birth as human. And when grown up, they do different selections. So what they will become were not because of which class they were born, but the choice they make.And thirdly, world is absurd, life is painful is closely related with the free choice. As Jean-Paul Sartre’s opinion, human make rules based on their own will. And at the same time, human have no strong point. So it is absurd in fact. Because everyone has his own thought and determination, there are inevitable contradictions, conflicts and competing between individuals and between the self-selections. The free choice make the relative and dialectic of freedom become more serious. Therefore, such a world shows that there is absurd without domination reason and patterns. And people living in it, suffer the restrictions and obstacles. In this way, itcan only be painful and lonely for a person.The film also embodies such a sad tone, that is 1900 was abandoned at birth, and adopted by a kind adoptive after. But after eight years, the adoptive father passed away unfortunately. Although found a job, nobody really understood him. The only friend Max disembarked to search happiness on land. And the beautiful girl whom 1900 felt in love with ultimately failed to become the fulcrum of his heart that could prompt him to step down from the ship and deep into the unknown life.2.1.2 Heidegger’s TheoriesDasein is a basic concept in the philosophy of Heidegger. Here he equates the Dasein and human being. And next this film will be analyzed by the theory of bothersome, fear and death which was given by Heidegger.Firstly, in Heidegger’s view, bothersome is the environment in which the Dasein exist. People face the alien environment which can not refuse, only to put the existing world as their home. If one wants to do something, he must put all his heart into the existing world and worldly affairs. He has to be busy dealing with the complex of life, and overtax himself and at last loss himself. Time flied invisibly. And ordinary people how to pleasure, we how to pleasure; ordinary people how to read literature and how to judge it and we how to read and judge it, ordinary people feel anger about something and we feel anger about the same thing. People used to read the same book, say the same perfunctory words, pursuit the same fashion, and living in the same life. Heidegger pointed out that people should become themselves and creates themselves according to their own desires and make their own live a unique significance. But in reality, the majority of people is far from the nature of their essence and controlled by the alien forces and at last dissolve themselves in the way other people exist.In the film 1900 has not been confused by such troubles, he was notjust parroting life. Life in his eyes is very clear. He is innocent but not childish. When faced the challenge, he was neither too frightened to retreat, nor too haughty to supercilious. He said: “Take a piano. The keys begin, the keys end. You know there are eighty-eight of them, nobody can tell you any different. They are not infinite. You are infinite. And on these keys the music that you can make is infinite. I like that. That I can live by. You get me on that gangway and you’re rolling out in front of me a keyboard of millions of keys, millions and billions of keys that never end, and that’s the truth, Max, that they never end. That keyboard is infinite. And if that keyboard is infinite, then on that keyboard there is no music you can play. You’re sitting on the wrong bench. That’s God’s piano.” He did not put secular people’s happiness as his own goal to pursuit, he clearly understands in what kind of life he will feel meaningful, and firm this selection.Secondly, Heidegger considers the true meaning of life as fear. Fear is a kind of dreadful psychology shapes when the individuals are faced with the hostile society which abandoned him. Fear is different with the usual dread, because dread is a reflection of a specific object from the outside world in psychology. Dread is a kind of emotion that afraid of this or that determine things. Fear is not. Fear is a kind of intangible and indescribable thing which threats the individual. It is even more frightening than dread. It soaked in self-soul and will never be able to emancipation. Fear is the existence itself.And in the film, 1900 said to Max:“ Christ! Did, did you see the streets? Just the streets. There were thousands of them! And how do you do it down there? How do you choose just one? One woman, one house, one piece of land to call your own, on landscape to look at, one way to die. All that world is weighing down on me, you don’t even know where it comes to an end, and aren’t you ever just scared of breaking apart at the thought of it?” Here 1900 expressed the fear of the life on land and this fear is come from the heart, making him stop on board.Thirdly, Heidegger believed that because of time constraints, Dasein always running to an uncertainty determination. That is death. It is often in a danger burst from the Dasein itself. In Heidegger’s view, the essence of this self-existence is not always aware by everyone. Although people will not deny the truth that every person will die, but because of people indulge in secular life, therefore, they can not conscious death is coming. Death is normal; we are genetically programmed to disintegrate and perish even under ideal conditions. People always understanding the death as similar to the end of a road and thinking it is still a distance far away from us and saying that death do not belong to us. But in Heidegger’s opinion, death is an abyss just in front of human and one may drop in it at any time.In the film 1900 is not afraid of death, just like he is about to go to anther concert, sitting calmly on explosives and talking with Max at this dying moment. He has really distinguished himself with other people and society. He knows the differences between himself and others, understands the fundamental differences between life and death and the meaning of personal existence. He has a clear understanding of himself, so he does not fear of death, and then acquire the freedom of not being bound by the death. In his view, death is not terrible; it makes him emancipated from the ordinary people.2.2 The Positive Aspects in This PhilosophyIn the contemporary society, people feel a strong sense of insecurity in the increasingly competitive world. The desire is extended unlimited. And it seems so difficult to stop the rush footsteps for a while. We lost ourselves gradually, and fall into nothingness. The positive significance of existentialism is that it believes human are created by themselves. And human being is the liberator of life. People should have independent opinion and pursuit. They have their own methods that can guide their development and will not impact by the fashionable of popular views.。

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NOTE ON THE INDEX AND GLOSSARY Being and Time is a work of many interwoven themes, where words are used in strange ways made stranger still by the shift to another language. The reader must constantly remind himselfof how specific expressions are used, and he must recall the contexts in which they have appeared before. In our index of English expressions we have tried to list most of those which he may have occasion to look up, indicating which German expressions they have been used to translate and the chief passages in which they appear. We have also provided a German-English glossary for the benefit of the reader who needs a translation as an aid in studying the German text, or who has read other works of Heidegger or discussions of his theories and wants to know how we have handled specific problems. We have taken the reader into our confidence, as it were, exposing not only the pedantic consistency with which many expressions have been treated but also our many departures from consistency when a little more pedantry might have been warranted.Rather than overloading the index and glossary with trivial details, we have made no effort to list all the important expressions which belong to the same family, but have usually chosen one or two to serve as representatives for the rest. We have, however, used the expression 'But cf.' to introduce members of the family which have been handled in ways other than those which our main entry suggests; we have done so even in some cases where these exceptions are quite trivial. In both the index and the glossary we have usually tried to list all the 'equivalents, for expressions of each family for which an entry is made. In those, cases where our list is incomplete, we have usually indicated this by an 'etc.'; and we can assure the reader that most of the expressions covered by this abbreviation are of little philosophical importance. In the index,an asterisk (*) attached to a German expression means that to the best of our knowledge this expression has always been translated by some member of the family for which the entry is made. Similarly, in the glossary we have used asterisks to indicate those English expressions which (again to the best of our knowledge) have been used solely to translate the corresponding German expression and its cognates. When several 'equivalents' are listed, we have put the more frequent ones first. If a word not marked with an asterisk is given as an 'equivalent' for an expression listed in the glossary, but is not itself listed in the index (or vice versa), we have sometimes indicated in parentheses the other expressions to which it corresponds.When an English expression has been used to translate several German words of which only one or two are of philosophical interest, we have often confined our index references explicitly to these. When two or more English expressions have been used to translate the same German word, we have sometimes found it convenient to put all the references together under a single entry. See, for example, our entries for 'assign' and 'refer'.In the index we have usually made no attempt to indicate all the passages in which an expression occurs. Indeed there are several expressions of the utmost importance, occurring nearly on every page, for which we have been content to-503-list only a few key passages or even none at all. When, however, we have some reason to suppose that our list is complete, we have indicated this with a dagger (†). In general, the less frequently a word appears, the fuller our coverage.In both the index and the glossary we have used the abbreviation 'ftn.' to indicate the pages on which our relevant footnotes are to be found. In the index we have sometimes used the abbreviation 'df.' to designate the chief passages in which the author has discussed the meaning of an expression, if these do not coincide with those in which it first appears; we have done so even in some cases where the author would probably not feel that he has given a full or official 'definition'.The fullness and accuracy of both index and glossary are due in large measure to the extensive and careful records prepared by Miss Marjorie Ward. She is not responsible, however, for any errors we have made in supplementing her records or reducing them to a more compact form.All references are to the pagination of the later German editions as indicated in our margins.-504-GLOSSARY OF GERMAN EXPRESSIONS abblenden: *dim downAbgeschlossenheit: (See abschliessen.)Abgrund: *abyss (ftn.H. 152 )abkünftig: derivative (ftn. H. 329 )ableben: *demise (ftn. H. 247abschliessen, Abschluss: *settle; conclude (H. 184 , 259 )Abstand: distanceabstandmässig, Abständigkeit: *distantial, *distantialityAbsturz: *downward plungeabträglich: *detrimentalAbwesenheit: absence (Fehlen; Mangel, H. 9 ; etc.)Aktionsart: aspectalltäglich, Alltäglichkeit; Alltag: *everyday, *everydaynessBut cf. alle Tage (every day, H. 370 )(ftn. H. 16 )an: at; to; etc. (ftn. H. 54 )Analyse: analysis, analyseAmalytik: *analyticder Andere: the Other, etc.Angabe, angeben: assign; tell (erzählen, Aufschluss geben, sagen, Anweisung, etc.); cite (anführen); etc. (ftn. H. 408 )Angänglichkeit, angehen: matter (verb); be feasible (*tunlich, H. 337 )angleichen: *liken; *assimilate (ftn. H. 214 )Angst: *anxiety; dread (H. 190 n. iv)(ftn. H. 182 , 277 )anhalten: persist (H. 134 ); persevere (H. 354 )But cf. Anhalt (support, foothold); ansichhalten (hold itself in, H. 75 , 80 )(ftn. H. 354 )ankommen, ankünftig: *come along, *come on, *oncoming; etc.But cf. Ankunft (*arrival, H. 250 )Anruf, anrufen: appeal (ftn. H. 269 , 273 )Ansatz, ansetzen: *approach; regard; start; posit; etc.anschauen. Anschauung: behold (schauen, H. 37 , 169 ); intuit, intuition (ftn. H. 27 , 402 ) anschneiden: *take the first cut (ftn. H. 150 )ansichhalten: hold itself inBut cf. entry for 'anhalten' above. (ftn. H. 75 )An-sich-sein: Being-in-itself, Being-inthemselves (An-ihm-selbst-sein, H. 90 ) (ftn. H. 75 ) ansprechen: address; consider (ftn. H. 37 , 408 )Anthropologie: *anthropology (ftn. H. 17 )anvisieren: *set our sights anweisen, angewiesen, Angewiesenheit: submit, submission;*enjoin, *injunction; allot; assign; dependent (*abhängig; etc.); *instruct, *instruction; tell (H. 19 , 43 , 115 ); provide (H. 19 )(ftn. H. 68 , 87 )anwesend: *having presenceBut cf. Anwesenheit (presence).(ftn. H. 326 )Anwesenheit: presenceBut cf. anwesend (*having presence).(ftn. H. 25 , 326 )anzeigen, Anzeige: indicate; call attention (ftn. H. 77 )apophantisch: *apophantical artikulieren: *Articulate (ftn. H. 153 )ästhetisch: *aesthetic auf. to; for; etc. (ftn. H. 84 , 329 )aufdecken: uncover; expose (freilegen, H. 375 ; sich aussetzen, H. 376 )aufdringlich: *obtrusive (ftn. H. 74 )Aufenthalt: dwelling; sojourn (H. 24 ); *stop for a while H. 303 )(ftn. H. 61 )-505-auffällig, auffallend: *conspicuous ftn. H. 74 )aufgehen: *be absorbed; rise (H. 412 )(ftn. H. 54 )aufhalten: dwell; hold up (vorhalten, H. 266 )(ftn. H. 61 , 354 )aufrufen, Aufruf: *summon (ftn. H. 269 , 273 )Aufsässigkeit: *obstinacy (ftn. H. 74 )aufschliessen: *lay openBut cf. Aufschluss (information; tell; etc.)(ftn. H. 75 )das "Auf-sich-zu": *the 'towardsoneself' (ftn. H. 329 )sich aufspreizen: *give itself airs (ftn. H. 430 )aufweisen: exhibit; point out; point to (ftn. H. 53 )aufzeigen: point out; exhibit; point to (H. 71 ); *point at (H. 215 )Augenblick: moment; *moment of vision (ftn. H. 328 , 338 )ausdrücken, Ausdruck: express, expressionBut cf. ausdrücklich (explicit; etc.)(ftn. H. 149 )ausdrücklich: explicitBut cf. unausdrücklich (tacit, unexpressed, not explicit, etc.)(ftn. H. 149 )auseinanderlegen: analyse; take apart (ftn. H. 149 )ausgleichen: balance off; *even out (H. 126 )auslegen: *interpret; lay out (H. 409 )(ftn. H. 1 , 148 , 149 , 409 )ausliefern: *surrenderausrichten, ausgerichtet: direct, *directional, *directionality; contribute (H. 82 )(ftn. H. 102 )(Note: while 'Ausrichtung' is translated as 'directionality', 'Ausgerichtetheit' is translated as *'directedness'.)ausrücken: *back away (ftn. H. 339 )*ausrufen: proclaimaussagen, Aussage: *assert, *assertion; *deposition (H. 197 )But cf. Aussagesatz (statement); Heraussage (*speaking forth).(ftn. H. 62 , 149 )Aussein auf . . .: *Being out for *Being out to get . . . (H. 261 )äusserlich: *superficial; external (ftn. H. 339 )das Ausser-sich: *the "outside-of-itself"Aussersichsein: *Being-outside-of-itselfaussprechen: express; *speak out (H. 168 f)But cf. unausgesprochen (tacit; unexpressed); Ausspruch (pronouncement; etc.);Aussprache (pronouncing; etc.).(ftn. H. 149 , 167 , 224 , 408 )Ausstand, ausstehen: *outstanding; has yet to be given (H. 205 , 210 )(ftn. H. 236 , 250 )ausweisen: demonstrate (ftn. H. 53 )bedeuten, Bedeutung, Bedeutsamkeit: *signify, signification, *significance(ftn. H. 1 , 87 )(Note; 'Bedeutsamkeit' has always been translated as 'significance', which, however, has also been used occasionally for 'Bedeutung'.)bedrohen: threatenbefinden, befindlich, Befindlichkeit: *state-of-mind; to be found; find But cf. Befund (findings; datum, H. 53 ; find)(ftn.134 , 137 , 328 )(Note: 'Befindlichkeit' has always been translated as 'state-of-mind', which has also been used occasionally for 'befinden' and 'befindlich'.)befragen: *interrogatebefreien: *liberatebefürchten: *be apprehensiveBut cf. Furcht, fürchten (*fear); sich fürchten (*be afraid).begegnen: *encounter (ftn. H. 31 , 44 , 329 )(Note; while 'Begegnisart' is translated as 'way of encountering', 'Begegnis' is translated as 'mishap' in H. 252 .)begreifen, Begriff: Begrifflichkeit: *conceive, *concept, *conception, *conceptual; include; etc.But cf. Inbegriff (aggregate)(ftn. H. 150 , 433 )-506-behalten: retain, *retention, *retentive; keep (H. 132 )But cf. Recht behalten (is right, is justified); vorbehalten (reserve)(ftn. H. 354 )bei: *alongside; in; in spite of; etc. (ftn. H. 54 , 84 , 85 , 141 , 239 , 329 )belegen: reserve (H. 368 ), *pre-empt (H. 19 ); evidence (H. 431 )(ftn. H. 368 )benommen: *fascinatedBut cf. benehmen (take away; deprive).(ftn. H. 344 )berechnen: calculatebereden: *talk aboutBut cf. Rede (*discourse, talk)berufen: *invoke; appeal (H. 150 )But cf. Beruf (*occupation).beruhigen: *tranquillize; tranquillity (Ruhe, H. 254 , 430 )berühren: touchbesagen: mean; say; amount to; be tantamount to (ftn. H. 1 )beschliessen: include; imply; embrace; comprise; make a decision (H. 299 )(ftn. H. 299 , 300 )besinnen: consider (ftn. H. 15 )besorgen: *concern; provide (H. 253 ); *make provision (H. 106 )But cf. Besorgnis (*worry); Sorge (care) and its other compounds.(ftn. H. 57 )besprechen: discussBut cf. sprechen (speak, etc.) and its other compounds.(ftn. H. 34 )Bestand: content; *stock; subsistence; etc.But cf. Lehrbestand (*body of doctrine, H. 22 ); Tatbestand (*facts of the case; *how things stand, H. 242 ); Bestandstuck (*component); Bestandart (what . . . consists in);beständig (q.v.).(ftn. H. 36 , 303 )beständig, Beständigkeit: steadiness; stability (H. 417 ); permanent (H. 98 ) But cf. Bestand (q. v.).bestehen: be; consist; subsist; remain; persist (H. 174 ); etc.(ftn. H. 303 )bestimmen: *determine; define; *make definite; *give a definite character; characterize (*charakterisieren, etc.; kennzeichnen); attribute (*Attribut; zusprechen); ascertain (festlegen; feststellen); *destine(ftn. H. 15 , 344 )(Note: this verb and its derivatives are by no means technical terms for Heidegger, but are ubiquitous in German philosophical writing. While we have found it impossible to adopt any standard policy for translating them, we have tried to use forms of 'determine' or'define' whenever we can do so without awkwardness.)bevorstehen, Bevorstand: *impend, *impendence; stand before; etc. (ftn. H. 250 ) Bewandtnis: involvement (bewenden)(ftn. H. 84 )bewegen: move; operate; etc.Bewegtheit: movementBewegung: *motion; movement; etc.bewenden: *involve, involvement (Bewandtnis)(ftn. H. 84 )bezeugen: *attestBut cf. Zeugnis (*testimony; document); Zeug (*equipment, etc.) and its compounds. beziehen, Beziehung, Bezogenheit, Bezug, bezüglich: relate, relation, relationship, relational, etc. (Note: 'Bezug' 'and 'bezüglich' have been translated very freely, but'unbezüglich' is always translated as 'non-relational'.)Bild: picture; image (H. 397 )(ftn. H. 217 )(Note: compounds 'such as 'Gebild', 'bilden', etc. have been translated in other ways.) bin: *am(ftn. H. 54 )Charakter, Charakteristik, charakterisieren: character, characterize, characteristic; factor (H.5 )(Note: while these words appear quite frequently, we have used their English cognates even more freely.)-507-da: there; that; as; here (H. 102 , 430 )(ftn. H. 7 , 135 , 408 )dabei: there alongside; thereby, etc.But cf. Mit-dabei-sein (Being "in on it" with someone).(ftn. H. 85 , 119 , 239 )dagewesen: *has-been-theredamals: *on that former occasionBut cf. damalig (of that time).dann: then; than; in that case; etc. (ftn. H. 406 )Dasein: *Dasein (ftn. H. 7 , 25 , 41, 58 , 63 , 184 )Da-sein: *Being-there (ftn. H. 7 )daseinsmässig: *of the character of Dasein; *of the kind which belongs to Dasein; *on the part of Dasein; Dasein's; etc. (Note: see entry on '-mässig' below.)das Dass: *the "that-it-is" (ftn. H. 135 )das "Dass es ist": *the 'that it is' (ftn. H. 135 )datieren: *date (verb)Dauer: *durationBut cf. Lebensdauer (*longevity); Unsterblichkeitsdauer (*immortality); dauern (q.v.) dauern: *to lastBut cf. Dauer (q.v.)das Dazu: *the "towards-this" defizient: *deficient (ftn. H. 20 )determinieren: *Determine deuten: point to; explain But cf. andeuten (intimate; suggest;*hint); Ausdeutung (*exegesis); bedeuten (signify; etc.)(ftn. H. 87 )dienen: serve; etc. (ftn. H. 78 )Dienlichkeit: *serviceability (ftn. H. 78 )Differenz, differenzieren: differentiateBut cf. indifferent (*Indifferent, *undifferentiated; etc.)(ftn. H. 429 )Ding: *ThingBut cf. verdinglichen (*reify)das Dort: *the "yonder"But cf. das Dorther (*the "thence"); das Dorthin (the "thither").Drang: urge (Note: while 'urge' has been reserved for 'Drang' and for 'drängen' and some of its compounds, most of these have usually been translated in other ways.)drohen: threatenDurchschnitt, durchschnittlich: *averagedurchsichtig: *transparentBut cf. undurchsichtig (*opaque).(ftn. H. 5 )echt: genuineBut cf. unecht (*bogus; not genuine).(ftn. H. 5 )eigen; eigenst: own; *ownmost, *most its ownBut cf. eigentlich (q.v.); Eigenschaft (q.v.); eignen (*have as its own; belong; etc.);geeignet (q.v.).(ftn. H. 42 )Eigenschaft: *property (ftn. H. 83 )eigentlich: *authentic; *real; properly (H. 171 ); etc. (ftn. H. 5 , 42 , 329 )einebnen: *level downEinfühlung: *empathyeinholen: catch up (ftn. H. 302 )einmalig: once for alleinnehmen: occupy; take in (H. 368 f)(ftn. H. 368 )einräumen: *make room (ftn. H. 111 , 368 )einschränken: confine; restrict (ftn. H. 155 )einspringen: *leap in; *intervene (H. 100 )(ftn. H. 100 , 122 )einwohnen(ftn. H. 54 )Ekstase, ekstatisch: *ecstasis, *ecstatical.(ftn. H. 329 , 338 )Ende: *end (noun) etc.But cf. enden (q.v.); endgültig (q.v.); endlich (q.v.); unendlich (q.v.).(Note: ' Ende' is usually translated as 'end' except in the expression 'am Ende', which is translated not only as 'in the end' but also as 'ultimately', 'in the long run', etc.)-508-enden: end (verb)But cf. Beendigung (*termination); verenden (*perish); vollenden (fulfil; complete) endgültig: finalendlos: *endlessentdecken: *discover; uncover (ftn. H. 33 , 218 )entfernen: *desever; *removeBut cf. ent-fernen (q.v.).(ftn. H. 103 , 105 )ent-fernen: *de-severBut cf. entfernen (q.v.)(ftn. H. 105 )entfremden: *alienateBut cf. befremden (*seem strange).entgegenkommen: accommodate (H. 127 f); confront . . . as coming from (H. 337 ); come its way (H. 384 )entgegenwärtigen: *deprive of its character as presententgegenwerfen: *throw against (ftn. H. 363 )enthalten: *contain; include; hold back (*retardieren, H. 169 )But cf. vorenthalten (*withhold, H. 281 )(ftn. H. 61 )enthüllen: *reveal; *unveil; patent (H. 141 )entrücken, Entrückung: *carry away; *rapture; withdraw (H. 401 , Yorck)(ftn. H. 338 , 339 )entschliessen: *resolve (ftn. H. 299 , 300 )Entschlossenheit: *resoluteness (ftn. H. 297 )Entschluss: *resolution entspringen: arise; *spring from; *leap away; source (H. 45 , 70 ); etc. (ftn. H. 347 , 348 )entweltlichen: *deprive of its worldhoodentwerfen, Entwurf: *project, *projection(ftn. H. 124 , 145 , 285 , 315 )Ereignis: eventerfahren: *experience; undergo; etc. (ftn. H. 46 )erfassen: grasp: *get in one's grasp; *apprehend; *comprehension (H. 49 )erfüllen: *fill in; fulfill; complete (verb)But cf. Normerfüllung (*satisfying a norm)(ftn. H. 151 )ergreifen: *seize upon; *take hold of; grasp (H. 332 , 384 ); etc.erinnern: *remember; *recall (ftn. H. 339 )erkennen, Erkenntnis: know, knowledge; *cognize, *cognition; recognize (anerkennen,*wiedererkennen, kennen, etc.)But cf. anerkennen (recognize; acceptance, H. 32 ); Erkenntnistheorie (*theory of knowledge: *epistemology).(ftn. H. 36 , 123 , 124 , 146 )(Note: 'verkennen' and 'verfehlen' have both been translated as 'fail to recognize';'kenntlich' as 'recognizable' and *'unrecognizable'.)erleben, Erlebnis: *Experience But cf. Er-leben (*living-through).(ftn. H. 46 )errechnen: compute (ftn. H. 48 )erscheinen, Erscheinung: *appear, *appearance; *apparition (H. 402 , Yorck)But cf. Krankheitserscheinung (*symptom of a disease).(ftn. H. 29 )erschliessen: *disclose; infer (H. 318 )(ftn. H. 75 , 151 , 297 , 298 , 300 , 315 )erschrecken: *alarmerstrecken: *stretch along; stretch (Strecke); extenderwarten: *expecterwidern: *rejoin, *rejoinder (ftn. H. 386 )das "es gibt": the 'there is' (ftn. H. 212 , 412 )Essenz: *Essence (ftn. H. 117 )essentiell: *Essential (ftn. H. 117 )existent, Existenz, existieren: *existent, *existence, *existBut cf. Existenzverfassung (existential constitution, H. 43 )(ftn.303 )Existenzial (noun): *existentiale-509-existenzial (adj.): *existential (ftn. H. 12 )existenziell: *existentiell (ftn. H. 12 )explizit: explicitBut cf. explizieren (explain).(ftn. H. 149 )faktisch: *factical (ftn. H. 7 , 56 )Faktizität: *facticity (ftn. H. 7 , 56 )Faktum: *Fact (ftn. H. 56 )fallen: fall; etc. (ftn. H. 134 , 428 )(Note: in general verbs terminating in '-fallen' have been translated by variants of 'fall'. Exceptions: auffallend (conspicuous); ausfallen (drop out); beifallen (help); entfallen (drop out); überfallen (*assail); zerfallen (*disintegrate; collapse; etc.); zurückfallen (*fall back; *relapse); zusammenfallen (coincide; collapse).)fern: far(ftn. H. 105 )(Note: while the adjective 'fern' and the derivative noun 'Ferne' have generally been translated by some form of 'far', this is not usually the case with compounds based on this stem.)festhalten: *hold fast; adhere (*anhaften); keep in mind; reserve; etc. (ftn. H. 354 ) finden: find (ftn. H. 135 )fliehen, Flucht: flee (flüchtig)But cf. Zuflucht (*refuge; *resort to),(ftn. H. 184 )flüchtig: *fugitive; *fleeting; flee (*fliehen, *Flucht)But cf. verflüchtigen (*volatilize).fortlaufend: continuing (ftn. H. 243 )frei: free (adj.)But cf. befreien (*liberate); freilegen (*lay bare; *expose to view, H. 375 ); Freimut (*ingenuousness); freihalten (*hold free; *steer clear, H. 33 ; *Keep open, H. 101 ;etc.); freschwebend (q.v.); wahlfrei (*options of choice).freigegen, Freigabe: *free (verb)(ftn. H. 83 )freischwebend: *free-floating; soaring (*überfliegend, H. 310 )Fundament: foundation (fundieren, *fundamentieren)But cf. fundamental (q.v.); fundamentieren (q.v.).fundamental: *fundamentalBut cf. Fundament (q.v.); fundamentieren (q.v.).fundamentieren: *lay the foundationsBut cf. Fundament (q.v.); fundamental (q.v.).fundieren: *to found; foundation (*Fundament; *fundamentieren)(ftn. H. 34 , 59 )für: for, etc. (ftn. H. 84 )Furcht, fürchten: fear (noun and verb)But cf. befürchten (*be apprehensive); sich fürchten (q.v.).(ftn. H. 141 , 142 )with für: *fear for . . .with um: *fear about . . .with vor: fear in the face of . . .sich fürchten: *be afraid (ftn. H. 142 )furchtbar: *fearsomefurchtsam: *fearfulFürsorge: *solicitude; *welfare work (H. 121 )But cf. Sorge (*care); besorgen (*concern; etc.)(ftn. H. 121 )ganz: whole (Ganze), *wholly; completely; quite; altogether; etc.But cf. Ganzheit (q.v.); ergänzen (*round out).Ganze: whole (ganz); totality (*Ganzheit; Gesamtheit, H. 28 ; das All)(ftn. H. 236 )Gänze: *wholeness (ftn. H. 236 )Ganzheit: totality (Ganze; das All; Gesamtheit, H. 28 )But cf. ganz (q.v.).(ftn. H. 236 )Ganzzein: *Being-a-wholeGanzseinkönnen: *potentiality-forBeing-a-wholegeeignet: appropriate; suited (ftn. H. 83 )-510-das Gegen: *the "counter to" H. 210 )(ftn. H. 255 )(Note: while the prefix 'Gegen-' has often been translated by 'counter', this is not always the case; the preposition 'gegen' is usually translated in other ways.)Gegend: *regionBut cf. Region (*realm).(ftn. H. 103 )Gegenstand: objectBut cf. Objekt (*Object).Gegenwart: *Present; *Present-day (H. 432 , n. xxx)But cf. gegenwärtig (q.v.); gegenwärtigen, etc. (q.v.).(ftn. H. 25 , 26 , 326 , 329 , 338 , 347 .)gegenwärtig: *in the presentBut cf. Gegenwart (q.v.).(ftn. H. 326 )gegenwärtigen: *make presentBut cf. Gegenwart (q.v.); entgegenwärtigen (*deprive of its character as present);Nichtgegenwärtigen (*not-making-present); Ungegenwärtigen (*making-unpresent);vergegenwärtigen (*envisage).(ftn. H. 326 , 347 , 359 )Gehalt: content (*Inhalt; Bestand)gehören: belong; etc.But cf. sich gehören (*be fitting).(ftn. H. 284 )Geist, geistig: spirit, *spiritual; intellectualBut cf. Geisteswissenschaft (q.v.).Geisteswissenschaft: *humane scienceBut cf. Geist (q.v.).gelten, Geltung: valid, validity (gültig, Gültigkeit); be accepted as . . .; be regarded as . . .; hold, etc. (ftn. H. 155 )genuin: genuine (echt)(ftn. H. 5 )Gerede: *idle talkBut cf. das Geredete (*what is said in the talk).geschehen: *historize; happen (ftn. H. 19 , 371 , 384 )Geschichte, geschichtlich: *history, *historical; story (H. 6 )But cf. Historic (*historiology, *History), etc.(ftn. H. 10 )Geschichtlichkeit: *historicalityBut cf. Historizität (*historicity).Geschick: *destiny; *vicissitude (ftn. H. 384 )Gestalt: form; pattern; *shape; etc.gestimmt, Gestimmtheit, Gestimmtsein: (See stimmen.)gewärtig, gewärtigen: await (ftn.337 , 347 )das Gewesen: *the "been" gewesen: having been, have been; etc. (ftn. H. 326 ). gewesend: *in the process of having been(ftn. H. 326 )Gewesenheit: having been; *the character of having been; etc.(ftn. H. 326 , 328 , 329 )gewesen sein: *be as having been (ftn. H. 326 )gewiss: certain (bestimmt; etc.)But cf. Gewissen (q.v.).(ftn. H. 291 )Gewissen: *conscienceBut cf. gewiss (q.v.).(ftn. H. 291 )Gewissenhabenwollen: *wanting to have a conscienceGeworfenheit: *thrownness (ftn. H. 135 )Gier: *craving (ftn. H. 346 )gleichgültig: *indifferentBut cf. indifferent (*Indifferent; *undifferentiated, etc.).(ftn. H. 42 , 255 , 429 )Gleichmut: *equanimity (ftn. H. 134 )gleichursprünglich: *equiprimordial; *with equal primordialitygliedern: *articulate; divide But cf. zergliedern (*dissect); artikulieren (*Articulate). (ftn. H. 153 )Grenzsituation: *limit-situationGrund, gründen: ground ( Boden; etc.); *base; basis (*Basis; Boden, etc.); reason (Vernunft; etc.); *bottom; etc.(ftn. H. 34 , 152 )(Note: most of the compounds in which the stem 'grund-' or the termination '-grund' appears have been translated with the aid of either 'base', 'basic',-511-Grund—cont.or 'basis'. Exceptions: 'Abgrund', 'begründen', 'grundlage', 'gründlich','Grundsatz', 'grundsätzlich', 'grundverschieden', 'Hintergrund', 'Rechtsgrund','zugrundeliegen'.)Grundsein: *Being the basis, *Being a basisGrundverfassung: *basic constitution, *basic state, *basically constituted gültig, Gültigkeit: valid, valid character (gelten, Geltung)But cf. endgültig (finally, finality); gleichgültig (*indifferent).(ftn. H. 155 )halten: hold; maintain; etc. (ftn. H. 75 , 256 , 347 , 354 )(Note: we have made no effort to translate 'halten' and its numerous compounds in any systematic fashion.)zur Hand: *to handBut cf. zuhanden (*ready-to-hand).handeln: *take action; handle; act, action; be a matter ofBut cf. abhandeln, Abhandlung (treat, *treatise) behandeln (treat, handle); verhandeln (discuss; *plead one's cause; etc.).(ftn. H. 300 )handlich: *handy; *manual (adj. H. 109 ); manipulableBut cf. unhandlich (*unmanageable, H. 355 ); leichthandlich (facile, H. 78 ) Hang: *addictionhantieren: manipulateheissen: mean; etc. (ftn. H. 1 )hellsichtig: *have clear vision (ftn. H. 384 )herannahen: *draw closehereinstchen: *enter intoHermeneutik, hermeneutisch: *hermeneutic, *hermeneuticalhervorbringen: bring forth (ftn. H. 29 )hinhören: *listen away (ftn. H. 271 )Historie: *historiology; *HistoryBut cf. Geschichte (*history; story)(ftn. H. 10 , 397 )historisch: *historiological; *HistoricalBut cf. geschichtlich (*historical)(ftn. H. 10 , 397 )Historizität: *historicityBut cf. Geschichtlichkeit (*historicality)(ftn. H. 10 , 20 )horchen: *hearkenhören: *hear; *listen (ftn. H. 164 , 271 , 284 )(Note: most compounds in which 'hören' appears have been translated with variants of'hear' and 'listen'. But cf. 'aufhören' ('stop'); 'gehören' ('belong'); 'unerhört'('unprecedented').)hörig: *thrall to . . .But cf. zugehörig (belonging); Gehörigkeit (*belongingness, H. 111 )Horizont, horizontal: *horizon, *horizonal (ftn. H. 1 )das Ich: *the "I" Ichheit: *"I"-hood identifizieren: identify (feststellen, H. 79 ) identisch: *identical (ftn. H., 114 )Illusion: *IllusionBut cf. Schein (*illusion; *semblance; etc.)in der Welt: *in the worldBut cf. innerweltlich (q.v.); innerhalb der Welt (q.v.).(ftn. H. 13 )indifferent, Indifferenz: *Indifferent; *undifferentiated; etc,But cf. gleichgültig (*indifferent).(ftn. H. 42 )。
