Abstract The Multiagent Planning Architecture (MPA) is a




建立统一的通信协议,确保不同 agent之间能够进行有效的信息 交换和协同工作。
定义统一的接口标准,规范 agent之间的交互行为,降低互 操作难度。
制定统一的数据格式标准,便于 不同agent之间进行数据交换和 处理。
根据测试结果,对系统进行优化,提高各项 性能指标。
选择具有代表性的实际生产案例,用于测 试系统的实际应用效果。
将系统应用于所选的实际生产案例中,并 运行系统进行生产执行。
分析系统在实际应用中的表现,评估系统 的功能、性能和稳定性等方面的表现。
多agent系统能够与其他系统进行交 互和集成,具有良好的可扩展性和可 定制性。
通过多agent系统实现生产任务的智 能调度和优化分配,提高生产效率。
多agent系统能够实现生产线上各个 环节的协同作业,提高生产线的整体 性能和稳定性。
建立实时的监控和反馈机制,收集系统运行 数据,为决策提供依据。



多Agent系统理论概述摘要:Agent在AI(AI:Artificial Intelligence)研究领域已经成为热点,Agent 技术提供了一种新的计算和问题求解规范。




目前为止还没有一个对Agent统一的定义,但多数研究者接受wooldridge和Jelinings所提出的Agent定义,即Agent 是一个具有自治性、社会能力和反应特性的计算机软、硬件系统,它具有自治性、社会能力、反应性和主动性。


2.社会能力(Social Ability):Agent之间并不是孤立的。




它要求Agent保持比较稳定的目标,它的动作都是以此目标为依据的,从而产生一种叫做目标指引的行为(Goal Directed Behavior)。








1. 多Agent协作决策的难点与挑战在多Agent协作决策中,需要考虑各个Agent之间的相互影响,同时还需要协调不同Agent之间的决策。


2. 深度强化学习带来的突破深度强化学习作为一种新兴的技术,可以在多Agent协作决策中得到应用,因为它可以使智能体从环境中学习到经验,并且智能体还能利用协同决策来提高系统的整体效率。



3. 基于深度强化学习的多Agent协作决策研究在基于深度强化学习的多Agent协作决策方面,有很多研究方向,其中包括策略联合学习、多智能体规划、分布式强化学习等等。





4. 研究应用基于深度强化学习的多Agent协作决策方案在很多领域都能够应用。







多Agent协同设计系统学习机制刘弘;郑向伟;王吉华【期刊名称】《兰州大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2012(048)004【摘要】从认知的和社会的角度分析了协同设计活动,提出了一种面向协同设计的多Agent系统结构和设计Agent的感知模型,以及多Agent协同强化学习的方法.该方法采用动态小生境技术对设计Agent进行分组,并选出每组中的最优设计Agent,使其通过与设计人员交互进行强化学习,然后和其他组选出的Agent协同学习,并把学到的知识在组内进行传播.以齿轮减速器设计为例,介绍了多Agent协同设计系统的协同设计及学习过程.%Cooperative design activities were analyzed from cognitive and social viewpoints, and the architecture for a multi-agent system and a sensitive model of a design agent was put forward, thus presenting a multi-agent cooperative reinforcement learning approach for cooperative design. This approach adopts dynamic niche technology grouping design agents and selects the optimal design agent in every group. The selected agents can pursue reinforcement learning via an interaction with designers and carry on cooperative learning from each other, and then spread the learned knowledge in respective groups. A gear reducer design example was used to illustrate the cooperative design and learning process in a multi-agent cooperative design system.【总页数】7页(P91-97)【作者】刘弘;郑向伟;王吉华【作者单位】山东师范大学信息科学与工程学院山东省分布式计算机软件新技术重点实验室,济南250014;山东师范大学信息科学与工程学院山东省分布式计算机软件新技术重点实验室,济南250014;山东师范大学信息科学与工程学院山东省分布式计算机软件新技术重点实验室,济南250014【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP391.7;TP181【相关文献】1.基于Agent的建筑协同设计系统 [J], 孙玉岭;陈明2.基于MBD和多Agent的飞机构件工装协同设计系统开发 [J], 张永建;安鲁陵;谭昌柏;王志国3.基于Agent代理分布式协同设计系统研究 [J], 孔素真4.RPACTI Agent支持的开放式环境下协同设计系统 [J], 郭航;高济;胡斌;傅朝阳5.基于多 Agent 的协同设计系统体系结构研究 [J], 刘宪国;孙立镌;王其华因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。


之 间通 过 协商 对共 同关 心 的问题 达成 一 致 意见 .
合 同 网 的提 出者 RS i .mt h和 GD vs 为 “ 商是 有 兴趣 的各 方交 换 信 息并 达 成 妥协 一 致 的过 程 ” .ai认 协 ,
并认 为 协 商 是对 问题 求解 者进 行 有 效 任务 匹 配 的组 织 原理 [J oe sh i 2 . snc en与 M. e eeeh用 对 策论 方 1R . G n srt
究者 还是 采 用 逻辑 的 方法 , A e t 作求 解 过程 进 行 描述 . 对 gn 合
1多 A e t g n 合作 问题求 解 的方 法
1 1 多 A e t协 商 . gn
协商 是 MA S交 互 的一种 重 要手 段 , MA 是 S实现 协 调 、 作 、 突 消解 和 矛 盾处 理 的关键 环 节.gn 协 冲 A et
2 O世 纪 8 0到 9 0年代 的协 商研 究, 出今后 协 商 的一 个 大 方 向是 : 提 自动 协 商【有 关 多 A e t 4 】 . gn 协商 的 关键 技术 可 以概 括 为 协商 协议 、 商 策略 和协 商 处理 等翻 协 .
第 2 2卷 第 1 期 2 1 年 2 月 00
宁 德 师 专 学 报( 自然 科 学 版 ) Ju l fN nd ec es C l g ( aua cec) o ma o ig e T ah r o ee N t l ine l r S
Vo . No 1 12 .
法研 究 协 商 问题 , 出了面 向 任务 领域 和 面 向价 值 领 域 的协 商 , 提 研究 了允 许 协 作 和 非 协 作类 Agn 在 只 et 有部 分信 息 的情 况下 进 行协 商 的 问题 ,并 形成 了一 般 的理 论 fL m si, odig 3 o uc Wolr e和 Jn ig 综 述 对 】 . o d enns



要 : 多 A et 将 gn 协作 学习过程看作是 一个个的阶段博弈 , 对博 弈 中存在 多个均衡 解的 问题 , 出一种集算法。该算 法使得 系统中的每个 A e t gn 均按照集体利益最大化的集体理性原则进行行为选择 , 而解决均衡 从 解一致问题 , 同时使得集体长期 回报值最大化 , 加快 了学习速度 。在集体理性的基础上通过评价各 A e t gn 对整体任务 求解的贡献 度, 解决信度 分配问题。追捕 问题的仿真 实验结果验证 了算法的有效性。
C mp trE gneiga d A piain 。0 04 (7 :- 0 o ue n iern n p l t s2 1 .6 1 )8 1 . c o
Ab ta t T e p o e s o l - e t c o e ai e r i fr e n e r ig c r b tu t r d a tg g me .o s l e h r b e s r c : h r c s f mu t Ag n o p r t en o c me t la n al e sr c u e s sa e a s o v te p o lm i v n T o q i b u c n i e t i h a , n ag rtm a e n c l cie r t n l y i p o o e . h o sr i t o ol cie r t — f e u l r m o ss n n t e g me a l o h b s d o ol t ai ai s rp s d I t e c n t n f c l t ai ii t i e v o t n a e v o n l y, l t e Ag n s i h y tm ee t a t n i t e p n il o xmu a i al h e t n t e s se s lc ci n h r c p e f ma i m c l c ie n e e t a d h n a q i t e t o i ol t i tr s , n t e c u r h ma i m e v e xmu c l cie i tr s t mp o e c o e aie la n n p e . r o e , e p o o e l o t m a u e h o t b t n o a h A e t ol t n e e t o i r v o p r t e r ig s e dMo e v r t r p s d a g r h me s r s t e c n r u i f e c g n e v v h i i o t h o e t s a e n t e o lc ie r t n l y o s le t e r dt a sg me t p o lm.h e p r na e u t o h u _ o t e wh l a k b s d o h c l t ai ai t ov h c e i si n n r b e T e x e me tl r s l f t e p r e v o t i s _ s i p o l m h w h f ce c f t e p o o e ag r h u t r b e s o t e ef in y o h r p s d l o t m. i i Ke r s y wo d :mut Ag n y tms r if r e n e r i g c l ci e r t n l y l - e t s se ;en o c me tl a n ; ol t ai ai i n e v o t





一、多智能体协同控制理论多智能体协同控制(Multi-Agent Cooperative Control,简称MACC)理论是指将多个智能体进行协作,实现共同的任务。


















确 地 处 理 顺 序 结 构 的 重 复 任 务 。 Mee o 人 提 出 了基 于 di s等 r
遗传算法的过程挖掘 , 算法实现 了用 同一种方法处理所 有工 该 作流结构挖掘的问题 。类似于遗传算法 ,og Sn 等人 _ 1 提出了基 于模拟退火算法来处理工作流模型挖掘。遗传算法和模拟退火 算法等将工作流挖掘问题转 换成最优化问题 , 即通 过机器学 习 将挖掘出来 的模型最大化地适应工作流 日志的轨迹 。 系列算法 由于对各种前提条件要求很多 , 都存在着一定
Ex e d d O— l o ih t ic v r o l x wo k o sr c u e t n e ta g rt m o d s o e y c mp e r f w tu t r s l

CHEN n— n,TENG ha - u Xi mi S oh a
( colfC m u r u n dn n esyo eh o g ,G a ghu50 0 ,C ia Sho o o p t ,G a gog U i rt Tcnl y unzo 10 6 hn ) e v i f o
Absr c t a t: Th sp pe rta lz d t eprblm fp o e smi n t i a rf s nay e h o e o r c s nig wih mutlc mp e tucurs,p o o e n a pra h o c i i— o lx sr t e r p s d a p o c fa — c n ig c mp e t c u e ih i cud ic ltr ou tn o l xsr t r swh c n l e cr uao y,d lc t s n n fe — h ie i r fo lg n t a i fte wa u up iae ,a d no —r e c oc n wo k w o so heb sso h y l o a ig wih d plc t a ksi he ag rt fde ln t u ia e ts n t l oihm f0 ¥ o l .Thi y o c o n ig frty i r v d t e r m fh n i u i swa fa c u tn sl mp o e h o e o a dl i ng d pl—



摘要多Agent系统(Multi-Agent System,MAS)是人工智能领域非常活跃的研究方向,其目标旨在使软件能够模拟人类的认知和行为,具有较强的问题求解能力。




Sakama C等人提出的严格协调(rigorous coordination)方法适用于Agent之间有共同信念的情境,但无法处理各Agent共同信念为空的情况。

针对该问题,本文提出一种基于可能回答集程序(Possibilistic Answer Set Programming,PASP)的信念协调方法。









首先,针对Agent 的多种行动规划,建立包含当前上下文环境和Agent偏好等信息的元模型,通过预测各行动规划的实施效果选择最佳的行动规划。


























o u t c o n s i d e r i n g t h e d i s t a n c e f a c t o r ,a n d c a n a v o i d t a s k d e a d l o c k mo r e e f f e c t i v e l y t h a n t h o s e o n e s wi t h o u t t h e
务之 间的距 离以及信 息素控 制 因子 引入蚁 群算 法。 实验 结果表 明, 该方 法相 比没有 引入距 离因子的协 作 方法 , 协 作效 率更 高; 相 比没有 引入控制 因子 的协 作方 法 , 可有效 防止任务 死锁发 生。
关 键 词 :多 智 能 体 ;未 知 环 境 ;协 作 ; 蚁 群 算 法 ;任 务 死 锁
Ab s t r a c t :A mu l t i - Ag e n t c o o p e r a t i o n s t r a t e g y b a s e d o n t h e i mp r o v e d a n t a l g o r i t h m i s p r o p o s e d f o r s o l v i n g
Vo l _ 3 5 No . 2 F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 3 网址 : www. s y s — e l e . c o r n
未 知 环 境 中 多 Ag e n t自主 协作 规 划 策 略
唐 贤伦 ,李 亚楠 ,樊 峥
( 重庆 邮 电大 学工 业物联 网与 网络 化控 制教 育部 重 点实验 室,重 庆 4 0 0 0 6 5 )
t h e p r o b l e ms o f t a s k d e a d l o c k a n d l o w c o o p e r a t i o n e f f i c i e n c y wh e n t h e mu l t i — Ag e n t s y s t e m wo r k s i n u n k n o wn e n v i r o n me n t ,t h e n t h e me t h o d i s a p p l i e d t o mu l t i — Ag e n t c o o p e r a t i v e t r a ns p o r t a t i o n . The d i s t a n c e b e t we e n t h e Ag e n t ’ S p o s i t i o n a n d t he t a s k’ S p o s i t i o n a n d t h e p h e r o mo n e c o n t r o l f a c t o r a r e i n t r o d u c e d i n t h e a n t c o l o n y a l g o — r i t h m . Ex p e r i me n t a l r e s u l t s s h o w t h a t t h e c o o p e r a t i o n e f f i c i e n c y o f t h i s me t h o d i s hi g h e r t h a n t h o s e o n e s wi t h —






签名:日期:2005 年11 月15 日关于论文使用授权的说明本学位论文作者完全了解电子科技大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,有权保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和磁盘,允许论文被查阅和借阅。


(保密的学位论文在解密后应遵守此规定)签名:导师签名:日期:2005 年11 月15 日摘要智能制造是先进制造技术的最新的制造模式之一,智能制造系统是一个信息处理系统,它的原料、能量和信息都是开放的,因此智能制造系统是一个开放的信息系统。






本文着重就以下几个方面的内容进行深入阐述和探讨:1.从现有制造技术(CNC:Computer Numerical Control;FMS:Flexible Manufacturing System;CIM:Computer Integrated Manufacturing)阐述智能制造的特点,叙述了Multiagent系统结构,进一步阐述了系统分析、设计中建模方法;2.介绍Petri网的基本理论,利用它对某车间加工中心系统生产过程建立模型,反映整个系统的加工动态特性,用Arena7.0语言进行仿真研究,分析系统资源配置的合理性、高效性,为复杂的制造自动化系统的建模与仿真打下基础;3.论述了CAD/CAPP/CAM(Computer Aided Design/ Computer Aided Process Planning/ Computer Aided Manufacturing)智能化集成的网络结构、数据通信等技术,对智能化工艺设计中的尺寸链的自动计算进行了探讨,提出了LU分析算法的原理及实现方法,编写了计算机程序,为CAPP(Computer Aided Process Planning)中的智能化设计提供了一个子模块。



基于网络覆盖和多目标离散群集蜘蛛算法的多移动agent规划刘洲洲;李士宁【期刊名称】《通信学报》【年(卷),期】2017(038)006【摘要】The multi mobile agent collaboration planning model was constructed based on the mobile agent load balanc-ing and total network energy consumption index. In order to prolong the network lifetime, the network node dormancy mechanism based on WSN network coverage was put forward, using fewer worked nodes to meet the requirements of network coverage. According to the multi mobile agent collaborative planning technical features, the multi-objective dis-crete social spider optimization algorithm (MDSSO) with Pareto optimal solutions was designed. The interpolation learning and exchange variations particle updating strategy was redefined, and the optimal set size was adjusted dynami-cally, which helps to improve the accuracy of MDSSO. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can quickly give the WSN multi mobile agent path planning scheme, and compared with other schemes, the network total energy consumption has reduced by 15%, and the network lifetime has increased by 23%.%以agent负载能耗均衡度和网络总能耗为指标构建多移动agent协作规划模型,为了尽可能延长网络生存周期,给出基于网络覆盖率的节点休眠机制,在满足WSN网络覆盖率要求的同时,采用较少节点处于工作状态.根据多移动agent协作规划技术特点,设计融合Pareto最优解多目标离散群集蜘蛛算法(MDSSO),重新定义插值学习和变异交换粒子更新策略,并动态调整最优解集规模,以提高MDSSO算法多目标求解精度.实验仿真结果表明,该方法能够快速合理给出WSN多移动agent规划路径,而且与其他传统算法相比,网络总能耗降低了约15%,生存期提高了约23%.【总页数】9页(P1-9)【作者】刘洲洲;李士宁【作者单位】西安航空学院电子工程学院,陕西西安 710077;西北工业大学计算机学院,陕西西安 710072;西北工业大学计算机学院,陕西西安 710072【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP393【相关文献】1.基于离散多目标优化粒子群算法的多移动代理协作规划 [J], 史霄波;张引;赵杉;肖登明2.基于改进蜘蛛群集算法的木薯收获机块根拔起速度优化 [J], 杨望;李杨;郑贤;陈科余;杨坚;莫建霖;隋明君3.改进的基于差分进化的群集蜘蛛优化算法 [J], 向蕾;鲁海燕;胡士娟;沈莞蔷4.基于离散多目标蜻蜓算法和改进FCM的风电协调输电网扩展规划研究 [J], 薛海峰;武晓云5.基于离散多目标蜻蜓算法和改进FCM的风电协调输电网扩展规划研究 [J], 薛海峰;武晓云因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。



1.基于数据挖掘的Multi-Agent动态取证系统研究 [J], 吕爱丽;魏海平;叶小涛
2.运用Multi-Agent技术设计数据挖掘系统的研究 [J], 穆瑞辉
3.基于Multi-Agent技术的个性化协同学习系统的研究与实现 [J], 殷凡;陈珂
4.基于Multi-agents系统的分布式数据挖掘 [J], 庄艳;陈继明;徐丹;潘金贵
5.电子商务环境下基于Multi-Agent的数据挖掘系统 [J], 徐慧英;赵建民;岑琴;朱信忠









1.多Agent的计算机支持协同设计异常处理模型分析 [J], 田锋;李人厚;何波;张金

2.面向普适计算的多Agent协同设计系统模型 [J], 刘弘
3.基于Multi-Agent图案协同设计多维感知模型研究 [J], 惠怀海;黎勇;卜佳俊;陈纯
4.多Agent的协同设计模型研究 [J], 刘萍萍;李葆华;罗钧旻;王淑蓉
5.协同设计中基于多Agent开放信息集成体系结构模型的研究 [J], 冯本勇;



1.ABDIDSS环境下基于多Agents协作的任务求解 [J], 杨善林;胡小建;余本功
2.网络环境下的基于Agent的多架无人机的任务规划系统 [J], 董世友;龙国庆
3.移动计算环境中基于Agent技术的语义缓存一致性验证方法 [J], 梁茹冰;刘琼
4.动态环境下改进蚁群算法的多Agent路径规划 [J], 郑延斌;王林林;席鹏雪;樊文鑫;韩梦云
5.窄带环境下的远程分布式服务调用优化与验证方法 [J], 李佳锋;聂坤明;胡春燕;周武



1.协同合作视角下的VGAgent团队成员优选模型 [J], 蒋勋;顾小林;丁一;胡旻
2.二分微粒群协同进化优化算法 [J], 姚祥光;周永权;李咏梅
3.基于协同学的Multi-Agent合作系统研究 [J], 蒋国瑞;杨晓燕;赵书良
4.基于形式概念分析的大规模全局协同进化优化算法 [J], 马连博;常凤荣;张桓熙;王兴伟;黄敏;郝飞
5.“合作社人当劳模”系列报道七刘卉:最大目标是回报社会 [J], 罗青



混合自适应动态规划和蚁群算法的agent路径规划周丽娟【摘要】针对agent路径规划算法收敛速度慢和规划效率低的缺点,提出了一种基于自适应动态规划和蚊群算法的agent路径规划算法.首先,利用agent获取的各距离传感器和目标传感器数据来获得系统状态的输入和输出;然后,提出了一种基于蚁群算法的路径各位置信息素更新方法,并用算法收敛后的信息素来初始化值函数;基于初始化的值函数,提出采用自适应的动态规划算法即Q学习算法来更新值函数,实现状态到动作的最优策略.最后,对基于自适应动态规划算法和蚁群算法的agent路径规划算法分别进行了定义和描述.在MATLAB环境下对所提的方法进行了仿真实验,实验结果表明:在固定障碍物和随机障碍物分布两种情况下所提方法均能收敛,而且分别仅需18个和25个时间步就能达到目标,较其它方法具有更高的收敛精度.【期刊名称】《中北大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2018(039)006【总页数】7页(P733-739)【关键词】路径规划;信息素;值函数;蚁群算法;自适应动态规划【作者】周丽娟【作者单位】山西财经大学实验教学中心,山西太原030006【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP393多agent的路径规划是智能规划领域的一个研究重点[1-2]. agent规划任务是要寻求从初始位置到目标位置的一条可行路径. 多agent的动态路径规划是指多个agent从不同的初始位置同时出发,在未知的环境中通过学习,避开所有障碍物,寻求到不同目标位置的路径.常用的求解方法包括模糊神经网络方法[3]、智能优化算法[4-9]、动态规划方法[10-11]以及启发式搜索方法[12]. 钱夔[3]等提出了一种模糊神经网络方法,采用神经网络对输入量进行模糊处理,并建立基于输出量的逻辑规则,求解的策略是基于输出量和逻辑规则来生成最优规划路径. 伍永健[4]等提出了一种基于量子粒子群和Morphin算法的混合路径规划方法. 首先,通过栅格离散化方法建立环境模型,建立自适应的局部搜索策略和交叉操作对粒子群算法改进,从而规划出最优路径. 王学武[5]等将点焊机器人的路径规划问题转换为焊接顺序的优化问题,设计一种基于莱维飞行的粒子群算法来求解路径优化问题. 屈鸿[6]等设计了一种改进的蚁群算法[7-9],通过引入相关策略避免死锁问题,通过调整转移概率来限定信息素强度上下界,并提出了相应的碰撞避免策略. 唐振民[10]等充分考虑多机器人系统的动态特征,运用Dijkstra算法和图论的相关知识,求解路径规划. 朱广蔚[11]等提出了一种基于动态规划方法的路径规划方法,首先寻找图中的包含所有节点的TSP回路,然后利用动态规划来对回路分段,以最小化路径总距离和关键负载为目标. 陈洋[12]等将完成目标序列访问任务的总时间最短为代价,建立目标优化模型,将机器人路径规划问题转换为混合整数凸优化问题.除了这些常见方法,还有一些方法是将以上多种方法进行结合[13-17],这些方法虽然提供了路径规划更灵活的求解方式,但是仍然主要针对单agent的规划场景,同时大部分工作没有考虑到障碍物的随机动态变化. 强化学习[18-19]是一种通过最大化长期的累计奖赏来获取最优策略的方法,能通过在线学习快速学习到agent的最优策略,能适合多agent共寻优的要求. 因此,本文研究基于强化学习并立足于解决多agent的并行路径规划问题,同时场景动态实时变化.为了解决该问题,本文提出一种基于动态规划和混合蚁群算法的多agent路径规划方法,采用蚁群算法来初始化经过栅格化的各个位置点处的信息素,针对每个agent的初始位置和目标位置,采用动态规划方法实时规划出一条最优路径,从而实现多条路径的并行实时规划.1 agent输入输出设置agent 附加了多个传感器来感知环境状态, agent 的输入来自传感器所感知的状态,而输出则是根据自适应动态规划获得的最优策略, 如图 1 所示.图 1 agent传感器设置图Fig.1 Setting of the sensors of agentagent被安置了6个传感器,其中5个为距离传感器,分别为前置传感器、左置传感器、右置传感器、左前传感器、右前传感器,用于对周边环境状态进行检测,测量出机器人在当前动作执行后移动的距离值,对应的传感器测量的距离值分别为: d1, d2, d3, d4和d5. 还有一个传感器为目标传感器,用于检测目标所在方向与机器人行进方向的夹角θ.所有传感器测量的数据都将被归一化处理,对于距离传感器,其数据归一化的方式为(i=1,2, (5)(1)式中: l是测量距离的最大值,因此,距离值xi经过归一化后,将会位于[-1,1]之间,当xi=-1时,表示机器人撞到障碍物;当xi=1时,表示机器人到达了终点;当xi=0表示未检测到障碍物或目标. 目标传感器主要读取的两个值θ1和θ2,分别为移动机器人前进方向和水平方向夹角和目标与机器人前进方向的夹角. 目标传感器的测量值为:Δθ=θ1-θ2,则目标测量值可以表示为Δθ=θ1-θ2.(2)归一化后的目标传感器值可以表示为(3)归一化的位置传感器和目标传感器构成的状态X=(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,θ). 在某时刻,当机器人以常速在环境中行驶,根据输出策略u的值, agent调整其前进方向,当策略值u>0时, agent向左调整其前进方向20°,当u<0时, agent向右调整其前进方向-20°,当u=0时, agent保持前进方向.2 基于蚁群的值函数初始化2.1 蚁群算法蚁群算法是由Dorigo于20世纪90年代提出的仿生智能算法. 当经过某条路径的蚂蚁数量越多,就会留下越多的信息素,使得后面的蚂蚁选择信息素较多的路径的可能性更大,而这些信息素较多的路径很可能就对应了短路程的路径.在初始时刻,蚂蚁位于相同的初始位置处,场景中的每个可能的位置点处都分布一定的初始信息素,假设某条较短的路径为S,较长的路径为L,经过S和L的蚂蚁数量分别为M1和M2,经过这两条路径的蚂蚁总和为M=M1+M2.(4)当M只蚂蚁行走过后,则第M+1只蚂蚁选择路径S的几率为(5)式中:参数a和b为位于[0,1]之间的数. 设计一个阈值b,如果PM(S)>h时,将会选择路径S,否则会选择路径L.2.2 信息素更新蚂蚁在路径上留下的信息素会使得这些区域对蚂蚁来说具有吸引力,而信息素会随着时间挥发,采用GBA/stlb信息素更新策略(6)式中:ρ为信息素挥发因子;Γ*(n)表示上一个周期的最优路径. 从式(6)可以看出,未被选择路径在下一个搜索周期中,信息素会随着时间挥发而逐渐变少.2.3 基于蚁群算法的值函数初始化采用蚁群算法更新值函数的方法为:输入:参数a和b,蚂蚁的数量NC,信息素挥发因子ρ,任意位置到下一位置的信息素τi,j;初始化:环境模型,对环境场景中所有位置点的信息素进行初始化,当前蚂蚁数量N=1;1) 设定蚂蚁的初始位置和目标位置,将蚁群的位置置于初始位置点;2) 蚂蚁根据各路径上的信息素,根据转移概率来移动到下一个位置点;3) 根据式(6)来更新信息素;4) 当蚂蚁没有达到目标位置时候,则重新下一位置的移动概率,并根据移动概率来移动到一个位置,同时更新信息素;否则,就从蚁群中派出下一只蚂蚁,并使得蚂蚁从步骤1)开始继续执行;5) 当所有蚂蚁都找出最优路径时,根据各位置点上的信息素来初始化和更新值函数;6) 算法结束.输出:将求出的信息素τi,j转换为初始的值函数.采用蚁群算法来初始化值函数的流程,如图 2 所示.图 2 基于蚁群算法的值函数初始化Fig.2 Initialization of the value function based on ant colony algorithm3 基于自适应动态规划的agent路径规划3.1 自适应动态规划动态规划方法是一种基于模型的强化学习方法,通过不断迭代贝尔曼方程来求解最优值函数. 然而,在通常的强化学习场景中,模型是未知的,因此,无法直接通过动态规划的两类方法,值迭代算法和策略迭代算法,来求解最优值函数.Q学习作为一种基于样本的值迭代算法来求解,能在无需动态性模型的情况下,仅需在线获取样本就能实现值函数的学习. 在采用Q学习值函数学习时,需要设定奖赏函数和迁移函数.奖赏函数的设置为学习到目标状态后,获得一个值为0的立即奖赏,而在其它位置获得值为-1的立即奖赏. 迁移函数的设置是根据agent距离传感器测量出的距离来确定x方向的坐标值和y方向的坐标值.3.2 基于自适应动态规划的agent规划算法采用自适应动态规划来实现agent路径规划的算法如算法1所示,即采用改进的Q学习来求解agent最优路径的规划算法.算法 2 基于Q学习的agent最优路径规划算法输入:动作探索因子ε,折扣率γ,学习率α,最大情节数Emax,情节的最大时间步Smax;初始化:设置任意状态动作处(x,u)的Q值为0,即Q0(x,u)=0,设置当前状态为初始状态x=x0,当前情节数E=1,当前时间步S=1;1) 根据状态x处Q值来确定最优动作2) 采用ε贪心策略来选择当前状态处的动作3) 根据迁移函数来获得当前状态和动作执行后获得的后续状态x′和立即奖赏r;4) 根据状态x′处Q值来确定最优动作5) 采用ε贪心策略来选择下一状态x′处的动作6) 更新当前状态动作对(x,u)的Q值Q(x,u)=Q(x,u)+α(r+γ(Q(x′,u′*)-Q(x,u)).7) 更新当前状态:x←x′8) 更新下一个状态处执行的动作u←u′;9) 更新当前时间步S=S+1,如果S不超过Smax,则转入1)继续执行;10) 更新当前情节数E=E+1,如果E不超过Emax,则转入1)继续执行;输出:任意状态动作对应的Q值,从而获得沿着每个状态处的最优动作,即最优路径.算法2所示的基于Q学习的agent最优路径规划算法如图 3 所示.图 3 基于Q学习的路径规划算法Fig.3 Route planning algorithm based on Q-Learning4 仿真实验4.1 实验描述在Matlab仿真环境下,对文中所提方法进行验证. 仿真场景图如图 4 所示,其中黑色阴影部分为障碍物, agent移动的初始位置在左下角处,而右上角则是移动的目标位置.4.2 场景栅格化为了对仿真场景进行量化,对二维环境场景进行栅格化,对x轴方向和y轴方向分别进行等分成20份来进行栅格化,栅格化的结果如图 5 所示.图 4 迷宫仿真场景图Fig.4 Setting of the maze图 5 环境场景栅格化图Fig.5 Discretization of the maze4.3 最优路径的获取为了获得agent从初始位置到目标位置的最优路径,首先采用蚁群算法来对场景中各个状态处的值函数进行初始化,然后再通过自适应的动态规划算法来求取各个状态动作处的最优动作之后的函数,从而获得各状态处最优动作.参数设置为:参数a=0.4和b=0.6,蚂蚁的数量NC=200,信息素挥发因子ρ=0.4,任意位置到下一位置的信息素τi,j=0.5. 动作探索因子ε=0.05,折扣率γ=0.9,学习率α=0.5,最大情节数Emax=300,情节的最大时间步Smax=200.下面在障碍物分布固定和障碍物分布随机两种情况下对迷宫场景进行分析,障碍物固定是指障碍物的位置是在实验初始化时就固定,而障碍物分布随机是指障碍物在初始时刻的位置是随机分布的(通过随机函数在当前迷宫状态空间中随机生成的位置),较固定情况时更能对算法的鲁棒性进行测试.1) 在障碍物固定的情况下,当算法运行完后,得到的agent从初始位置到目标位置的最优路径为图 6 所示.图 6 固定障碍物下的最优路径Fig.6 Optimal route with the fix barrier2) 当初始时刻的障碍物随机分布时,此时的场景如图 7 所示.图 7 随机障碍物下的仿真场景Fig.7 Maze scenario with the random barrier 算法运行完后,得到的agent从初始位置到目标位置的最优路径为图 8 所示. 图 8 随机障碍物下的最优路径Fig.8 Optimal route with the random barrier 4.4 比较与分析为了进一步验证文中方法的优越性,将文献[9]中基于蚁群算法的规划方法以及文献[10]中基于动态规划的方法进行比较,在固定障碍物的情况下,三种方法得到的收敛所需的时间步随情节增加的变化如图 9 所示.图 9 固定障碍物下的方法比较Fig.9 Comparisons of different methods with the fix barrier从图 9 可以看出,本文方法的收敛速度最快,大约在210个情节后收敛,而文献[9]和文献[10]方法在240个情节和300个情节后开始收敛,但收敛后所需要的时间步为18,大于本文方法所需的17个时间步.图 10 随机障碍物下的方法比较Fig.10 Comparisons of different methods with the random barrier从图 10 可以看出,在随机障碍物下,本文方法的收敛速度最快,大约在150个情节后收敛,收敛所需的时间步为25,而文献[9]始终未能收敛,而文献[10]方法虽然收敛,但收敛时所需的时间步为32. 显然,本文方法远远优于文献[9]方法和文献[10]方法.三种方法在固定障碍物和随机障碍物情况下对应的收敛性能如表 1 所示.从表 1 可以看出,本文方法相对于文献[9]和文献[10]方法,不仅具有较快的收敛速度,而且具有更好的收敛精度.表 1 收敛性能比较Tab.1 Comparisons of convergence performance障碍物情况方法是否收敛(Y/N)收敛时对应的情节收敛所需的时间步固定情况文献[9]方法Y21017文献[10]方法Y24018文中方法Y30018随机情况文献[9]方法N--文献[10]方法Y24032文中方法Y150255 结论为了实现agent的最优路径规划,提出了一种混合自适应动态规划和蚁群算法的agent路径规划方法. 首先,根据agent配置的传感器对系统状态的输入和输出进行了定义. 然后,采用改进的蚁群算法来更新路径中各个位置的信息素,并根据更新的信息素来初始化值函数. 此后,采用改进的自适应动态规划算法来进一步更新值函数,直至值函数收敛. 根据最优值函数实现任意状态到动作的映射,从而求解出agent从初始状态到目标状态的最优路径. 在文中对两个算法均进行了仔细的定义和描述. 通过仿真实验证明了文中方法无论是在固定障碍物还是在随机障碍物情况下,都具有收敛速度快和收敛精度高的优点.参考文献:【相关文献】[1]Dorigo M, Maniezzo V, Colorni A. 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A Multiagent Planning ArchitectureDavid E.Wilkins and Karen L.MyersArtificial Intelligence Center,SRI International333Ravenswood Ave.,Menlo Park,CA94025email:wilkins,myers@AbstractThe Multiagent Planning Architecture(MPA)is aframework for integrating diverse technologies intoa system capable of solving complex planning prob-lems.Agents within MPA share well-defined,uni-form interface specifications that facilitate integrationof new technologies and experimentation with differ-ent problem-solving strategies.MPA provides a cen-tral repository for storing plan-related information ina shared plan representation,and metalevel agentsthat control and customize the interactions betweenother agents.The MPA framework has been vali-dated through its use in developing several large-scaleproblem-solving systems for Air Campaign Planning.1IntroductionThe Multiagent Planning Architecture(MPA)is a frame-work for integrating diverse technologies into a system ca-pable of solving complex planning problems.MPA has been designed for application to planning problems that cannot be solved by individual systems,but rather require the coordinated efforts of a diverse set of technologies and human experts.MPA agents can be sophisticated problem-solving systems in their own right,and may span a range of programming languages.MPA’s open design facilitates rapid incorporation of tools and capabilities,and allows the planning system to capitalize on the benefits of distributed computing architectures for efficiency and robustness. Agents within MPA share well-defined,uniform inter-face specifications,making it possible to explore a broad range of cooperative problem-solving strategies.This paper describes two areas in which such exploration was under-taken.Sophisticated systems for planning and scheduling have been decomposed into modules,each of which has been transformed into an agent,allowing experimentation with different degrees of coupling between the planning and scheduling capabilities.A second area is the definition of organizational units for agents that permitflexible control policies in generating plans.Within MPA,notions of base-level planning cells and metalevel planning cells have been 1Copyright(c)1998,American Association for Artificial In-telligence().All rights reserved.defined,where the baselevel cells provide sequential solu-tion generation and the metalevel cells employ baselevel cells to support parallel generation of qualitatively differ-ent solutions.Metalevel cells provide the ability to rapidly explore the space of solutions to a given planning problem. The MPA framework has been used to develop sev-eral large-scale problem-solving systems for the domain of Air Campaign Planning(ACP).One such application inte-grated a set of technologies that spanned plan generation, scheduling,temporal reasoning,simulation,and visualiza-tion.These technologies cooperated in the development and evaluation of a complex plan containing more than 4000nodes.This integration has validated the utility of MPA for combining sophisticated stand-alone systems into a powerful integrated problem-solving framework.MPA is distinguished from other agent architectures (such as(Moran et al.1997))in its emphasis on appli-cation to large-scale planning problems.The architecture includes agents designed specifically to handle plans and planning-related activities.Interagent communication pro-tocols are specialized for the exchange of planning infor-mation and tasks.Another distinguishing feature of MPA is the emphasis on facilitating the integration of agents that are themselves sophisticated problem-solving agents.One of the primary goals of MPA is to facilitate such integra-tions.Most agent architectures develop specialized agents that are suited for operation within that specific architecture rather than incorporating legacy systems.MPA provides the infrastructure necessary to support a broad range of distributed planning capabilities.At present,however,it does not include mechanisms for coor-dinating subplans generated by distributed planning agents (Georgeff1984).We intend to explore algorithms for dis-tributed planning in the future,and believe that our infras-tructure will support them.MPA OverviewMPA is organized around the concept of a planning cell, which consists of a collection of agents committed to a particular planning process.A planning cell contains two distinguished agents—the planning-cell manager and the plan server.The planning-cell manager composes a plan-ning cell from a pool of available agents and distributes theFigure1:Sample Organization of a Planning Cell planning task among the selected agents.The plan server is the central repository for plans and plan-related informa-tion during the course of a planning task.It accepts incom-ing information from planning agents(PAs),performs nec-essary processing,stores relevant information,and makes this information accessible to any PA through queries.An optional domain server stores application-specific informa-tion of relevance to the planning process,which may be shared among all cell agents.The domain server might store,for example,situation models,an object hierarchy, legacy databases,and the set of action descriptions to be used in planning.The MPA architecture rests upon a significant amount of infrastructure.One component is a shared plan represen-tation that can be understood by all planning agents.MPA employs the Act formalism for this purpose(Wilkins&My-ers1995).Additional components include a communica-tion substrate to support asynchronous interagent message passing across networks,and tools to facilitate the construc-tion of agents and planning cells.MPA provides both a message format and a message-handling protocol to sup-port the sharing of knowledge among agents involved in cooperative plan generation.Planning CellsMPA planning cells are hierarchically organized collections of planning agents that are committed to one particular planning process for a given period of time(see Figure1). Each planning cell has a meta-PA(a PA that controls other PAs)that serves as the planning-cell manager(or,simply the cell manager),which decomposes a planning task and distributes it to the PAs of the planning cell.A cell manager may distribute tasks to both PAs and other meta-PAs.The planning cell is the closure of all PAs registered by the cell manager along with any PAs they invoke.Individual cell managers compose their planning cells to reflect their own planning approach.For example,a mixed-initiative cell manager may include human agents in its cell.One cell manager might loosely couple planning and scheduling,while another might tightly couple them. The cell manager maintains a Planning-Cell Designator (PCD)that defines a set of roles to befilled.A role consti-tutes a capacity or responsibility,such as plan generation or scheduling.Each role must befilled by an agent with the ca-pabilities required by that role.The PCD records the name of the agent that fulfills each role in the current planning cell at any given point in time.(The agent playing a role may change during the planning process.)The cell man-ager stores and maintains the PCD,broadcasting changes to the cell agents as appropriate.Local copies of the PCD are maintained by each agent to eliminate the need to query the cell manager for current role assignments prior to sending each message(thus substantially reducing interagent mes-sage traffic).Composing a planning cell involves establishing commu-nication with an agent for each role specified in the PCD, where these agents are then committed to this particular planning process.Currently,the MPA cell manager can employ a prespecified planning-cell configuration,or have a human user compose the cell from available agents.As MPA expands to include different technologies with similar or overlapping capabilities,it will be desirable to define a capabilities model for each agent that describes the functionality and I/O requirements for the agent.A cell manager could then compose a planning cell automati-cally by broadcasting for agents with the required capabili-ties.Most current technologies for planning have capabili-ties or input languages that differ substantially from related technologies,so automated construction of a planning cell based on capabilities descriptions is not yet practical. Plan ModelThe MPA plan model distinguishes the concepts of task, plan,and action network.A task is defined by a set of objectives that is to be achieved through planning.An action network is a partial order of nodes,where a node represents a planning entity, such as an action,goal,or condition.Action networks can span multiple levels of abstraction,and can represent both intermediate andfinal collections of actions for a plan.A plan consists of a set of linked action networks that encode some or all of the derivation structure for a plan.Addi-tionally,a plan may include information that was used in generating the plan,such as assumptions,planning advice, or control rules.A number of alternative plans can be pro-duced for a given task.MPA CommunicationMPA provides a rich interagent communication framework, composed of a set of MPA specific protocols layered on top of a lower-level communication substrate.Three software packages can provide this substrate for MPA:the Knowl-edge Query and Manipulation Language(KQML)(Finin et al.1992),Inter-Language Unification(Janssen et al.1997), and the Open Agent Architecture(Moran et al.1997).MPAis usually run on top of KQML,but preliminary implemen-tations on top of the other two also exist.MPA provides both a message format and a message-handling protocol to support the exchange of knowl-edge and requests among agents involved in coopera-tive problem-solving.The message structures incorporate KQML’s notion of performatives,referred to as commu-nication performatives within MPA.MPA further specifies its own set of plan performatives,which specialize KQML messages to planning binations of commu-nication and plan performatives define the message proto-cols that enable agents to interact with each other.An MPA message consists of a communication perfor-mative and a set offields specified as keyword/value pairs. The two most importantfields are:content and:reply-with. The:reply-withfield indicates whether or not a reply is ex-pected by the sending agent.The:contentfield consists of the plan performative,an optional value,and a set of op-tional keyword/value pairs for that plan performative. Below are two sample messages sent by the cell manager to the plan server.Thefirst is used to verify that the receiv-ing agent is alive;for this reason a reply is requested.A sample response is provided.The second message informs the receiving agent of a new PCD;it requires no response. (EVALUATE:SENDER PCM:REPLY-WITH PING:CONTENT(:PING))(REPLY:SENDER"plan-server":CONTENT(:PING:OK))(TELL:SENDER PCM:CONTENT(:PCD((:MANAGER"pcm")(:PLANNER"sipe")(:SCHEDULER"opis")(:PLAN-SERVER"ps1"))))These messages are handled by all agents.Additionally, agents service messages that are specific to the roles that they arefilling(as described below).MPA provides wrappers and agent libraries that sup-port interagent message-passing,multi-threaded process-ing,tracing of messages,and logging of messages to a his-toryfile.These wrappers are designed to facilitate rapid integration of new technologies into MPA.Other sites have been able to used these wrappers to convert legacy L ISP programs into communicating MPA agents in a single day.Plan ServersA central problem in a multiagent architecture is how to maintain and communicate various alternative plans being generated to the PAs.MPA accomplishes this by having a plan server agent in each planning cell,although a single plan server agent can be shared by multiple planning cells. The plan server provides the central repository for plans and plan-related information,making this information accessi-ble to all cell agents through a rich query language.The plan server is a passive agent in that it responds to mes-sages sent by other agents but does not issue messages to other agents on its own initiative.The plan server accepts incoming information from agents,performs necessary processing,and stores relevant information in its internal representation.The plan server stores representations of plans(bothfinal and intermediate) for various tasks.To support distributed planning,the plan server must also store information about the planning pro-cess:contexts,backtracking points,declarative information about the state of the plan(e.g.,a list offlaws),and so forth. The plan server is also responsible for notifying various agents of relevant planning events.An MPA plan server supports different views of a plan, where a view constitutes some coherent subset of the con-tent of a plan.For example,resource usage and graphi-cal representations constitute two sample views of a plan. Views enable more efficient exchange of information within MPA:rather than having to retrieve an entire plan from the plan server to access certain information,agents can instead request a view with only the information that they require. Certain views are directly retrievable from the plan server, while others must be computed by performing some traver-sal of plans and action networks.AnnotationsAnnotations are declarations of high-level attributes of tasks,plans,action networks,or the state of the plan-ning eful annotations for tasks,plans,and action-networks(called product annotations)includeflaws or problems to be repaired,plan quality information,pedi-gree(how and by whom parts of the plan were derived), and comparative relationships among alternative plans and plan fragments.Annotations related to the planning process (called process annotations)include time spent,backtrack-ing points,and the current state of development for a given plan(e.g.,:ongoing,:completed,:failed).Annotations are stored as predicates in the plan server’s database.Annotations can be posted to the plan server by any cell agent,including the plan server itself.Product annotations are indexed by task/plan/action-network,thus allowingflexible retrieval(e.g.,finding all plans or action networks that have a given annotation,orfinding all anno-tations for a given plan,task or action network). TriggersA trigger is a form of event-response rule whose function is to notify specified PAs of a designated plan server event.An individual trigger is activated by the occurrence of that des-ignated event.For now,events are limited to the insertion of annotations into the plan server.Activation of a trigger results in the dispatch of a trigger-dependent message to a designated PA.The triggered message may simply inform the receiving agents of the triggering event,or request that some action be taken.Triggers can be supplied by various sources.Certain of them may be built into the plan server,while others may be dynamically added and removed during the planning pro-cess.For instance,the cell manager may post triggers at various times to influence the overall planning process.In-dividual PAs may post and remove triggers to request noti-fication of particular events.Plan Performative Communication Performatives :annotation Insert,Delete,Ask-All,Ask-One :trigger Insert,Delete,Ask-All,Ask-One :update-task Tell,Delete:update-plan Tell,Delete:query-plan Ask-All,Ask-One:query-node Ask-All,Ask-OneFigure2:Performatives for the Plan Server Annotations and triggers can be used in tandem to pro-vide dynamic control of the planning process.For example, suppose that temporal conflicts are arising frequently dur-ing the planning process,causing backtracking at the end of every level.The cell manager can be made aware of this sit-uation by monitoring annotations posted to the plan server. After noticing the temporal problems,the it decides to in-voke the temporal reasoning agent after every node expan-sion,in order to catch temporal conflicts earlier and reduce backtracking.This change in control can be easily accom-plished by the cell manager inserting a trigger in the plan server that sends the appropriate message to the temporal reasoning agent whenever a Node-Expanded annotation is posted.Communication and Plan PerformativesThe combinations of communication and plan performa-tives in messages handled by an MPA plan server are shown in Figure2.Ask-One is the appropriate communication performative for plan queries when only one answer is de-sired,while Ask-All is used when all answers(i.e.,a set of answers)are desired.Annotations and triggers are sufficiently similar to database objects that the plan server uses simple database communication performatives for manipulating them.Up-dating and querying a plan is more complex than adding and deleting something from a database.Therefore,a richer plan performative language is used for manipulating plans. Act Plan ServerWe have implemented a specific plan server,named the Act Plan Server,which employs the Act formalism(Wilkins& Myers1995)for plan representation.An Act is the basic structure used to represent an action network in the Act formalism.Acts can be expressed ei-ther in a format with embedded graphical information or in plain-text format(to facilitate translation to other lan-guages).Graphical browsing and editing capabilities are provided by the Act-Editor system;persistence is provided through the explicit writing of Acts tofiles.Alternative plans can be stored for the same task.No access control or versioning is provided currently(other than the ability to store alternative plans for the same task).The Act Plan Server supports a reasonably broad set of queries,at the level of tasks,plans,and action networks. For example,queries can be used to extract the set of known tasks,the set of plans for a given task,and the set of action networks for a given task or plan.Queries are also possible at the level of nodes within an action network(e.g.,prede-cessor,successor,ancestor,descendant relationships).An-notations and triggers can be queried with a fairly general query language.Plan and action-network queries support a range of views including the plain-text Act representa-tion,the graphical Act representation,the subplans asso-ciated with a given plan,the resource constraints,and the resource allocations.The Act Plan Server is implemented as a P RS agent.P RS (Wilkins et al.1995)was chosen as the implementation framework because of its ability to combine both declar-ative and procedural representations of knowledge,as well as to support a mixture of event-and goal-driven processing as required for the maintenance of annotations,the handling and distributing of incoming messages,and the execution of triggers.Planning-Cell ManagersA cell manager is a persistent agent that can continuously accept tasks from other agents(human or software),decom-pose those tasks into subtasks to be performed by its cell agents,then recompose the results intofinal solutions.A planning cell can operate as a stand-alone problem-solving unit.Additionally,sets of planning cells can be ag-gregated into larger cells,which are in turn controlled by a meta planning-cell manager.Different schemes are ap-propriate for different applications.We have implemented a scheme where the meta planning-cell manager accepts planning requests from human or software agents,parcels out the requests to a prespecified set of planning cells(two in our demonstration),and gathers solutions for the request-ing agent,thus generating multiple plans in parallel. Here,we describe implementations of both a baselevel cell manager(the PCM),and our meta planning-cell man-ager(the Meta-PCM).Their designs serve as templates for additional types of planning cell managers.In the long term,MPA will contain a library of such templates which users can adapt as appropriate for their applications.Both the Meta-PCM and the PCM are implemented as P RS agents.P RS provides several capabilities that make it suitable for constructing such managers.Because cell managers direct the activities of multiple agents,they must be capable of smoothly interleaving responses to external requests with internal goal-driven activities.The uniform processing of goal-and event-directed behavior within P RS is ideal for supporting such behavior.P RS supports paral-lel processing within an agent,thus enabling multiple lines of activity to be pursued at any given time.The Act lan-guage,used to represent procedural knowledge within P RS, provides a rich set of goal modalities for encoding activ-ity,including notions of achievement,maintenance,testing, conclusion,and waiting.Finally,the extensive textual and graphical tracing in P RS provides valuable runtime insights into the operation of cell managers.A user can interact di-rectly with either the PCM or Meta-PCM through the P RSPlan Performative Comm.Performative:annotation Tell:advice:solve EvaluateFigure3:Performatives for the PCMPCD Role Agent Names:manager PCM:plan-server Act-Plan-Server:planner SIPE-2:search-manager:critic-manager:scheduler OPIS:temporal-reasoner OPIS,Tachyon:requestor Meta-PCM,UserFigure4:Plan Cell Descriptor Roles and Possible Fillers interface by posting appropriate goals,and adding or re-tracting information from the agent’s database.Overview of the PCMPlanning requests to a single planning cell are serviced sequentially rather than concurrently;thus,the PCM can solve multiple tasks but only one at a time.If the PCM re-ceives a request to generate a plan while servicing an earlier request,it returns a message indicating that it is busy.The combinations of communication and plan performa-tives currently handled by the PCM are shown in Figure3. Annotation messages advise the PCM of annotations that have been posted in the plan server.Such messages are sent by triggers posted by the PCM itself.Solve messages request the PCM to generate a plan.Advice messages pro-vide problem-solving advice(Myers1996)to be used by plan generation agents within the cell;the PCM will pass along specified advice to those agents when making plan-ning requests.The roles in a PCM planning cell and their possible agent fillers are listed in Figure4.Each role isfilled by zero,one, or a set of agents,depending on the nature of the problem-solving process.Within the current PCM,the:scheduler and:temporal-reasoner roles are optional.The PCM supports a small number of planning styles, all of which assume a level-by-level plan generation model, derived from the hierarchical task network(HTN)approach to planning.For each level,a more refined plan isfirst generated,then critiqued.If critic roles are left unfilled, critiquing is skipped.This model,while not applicable to all planners,is reasonably general.In particular,nothing is assumed about the definition of a level,thus enabling a range of level-refinement methods(for example,expansion of a single goal,or all goals).In addition to HTN plan-ners,causal-link plannersfit naturally into this scheme, with goal selection,operator selection,and subgoal gen-eration viewed as forms of plan expansion,and causal linkPlan Performative Comm.Performative:solution Tell:failed:multiple-solve Evaluate:new-agentFigure5:Performatives for the Meta-PCM protection and checking constraint consistency as forms of plan critiquing.The PCM planning styles vary in their choice of agent to perform the plan refinement,the selection of critic agents for the critique phase,and the frequency of critic invoca-tion.The PCM takes different actions based on the infor-mation returned by the planner about the status of the ex-pansion process.The following values can be returned::final-plan The returned action network is a complete and validated solution.Receipt of such a response terminates the PCM planning operations for the current task.:plan-complete The returned action network is a com-pleted plan that needs to be verified by the critics.:level-complete The returned action network is a success-ful refinement of the previous level’s action network.The PCM continues with this new level.:no-expansion No expansion was found for this level.The PCM initiates backtracking by setting expansion param-eters and then reinvoking the planner.:plan-failure No plan was found and no backtracking is possible.The PCM abandons the task.Overview of the Meta-PCMThe Meta-PCM accepts planning request messages from humans or other agents,each of which can request multiple solutions to a given task.For each request,the Meta-PCM locates an appropriate number of available planning cells and sends messages to the manager of each cell requesting a solution.The messages include the task to be solved,and advice for how to solve the task.The Meta-PCM may dis-tribute only a subset of the received requests when planning cells are busy.The Meta-PCM responds to a variety of messages from planning cells that describe a solution or a failure for a plan-ning request.Results are then forwarded to the requestor of the planning task by sending a message.The Meta-PCM also notices when all requests from a given incoming mes-sage have been serviced,and produces a summary.The combinations of communication and plan performa-tives in the messages handled by the Meta-PCM are shown in Figure5.Multiple-solve messages are the incoming planning requests.Solution and Failed messages report re-sults from planning cells.A New-agent message declares the availability of a new planning cell.Integrating Planning and SchedulingThe previous sections described agents that were created specifically for MPA:the Meta-PCM,the PCM,and the Act Plan Server.Here we describe the modularization of legacy software systems into MPA agents.In particular,we de-scribe the use of an existing planner(S IPE–2(Wilkins et al.1995))and an existing scheduler(OPIS(Smith,Lassila, &Becker1996))within MPA.(The integration of planning and scheduling within MPA has been a collaboration with Dr.Steve Smith of Carnegie Mellon University.)One shortcoming of the planner in our domain is its in-ability to perform a capacity analysis early in the planning process.For example,when there are75airplanes and the plan requires83,the“capacity”of airplanes is inadequate. Part of the MPA decomposition of OPIS includes an MPA agent for capacity analysis.Planner AgentsThe specification for the planner agent assumes a level-by-level plan generation process with a critique of the plan af-ter each expansion,as described above.The planner can expand the plan at each level to some arbitrary extent,as defined by its algorithms.The critique can post annotations to the plan server,resulting in failure for the planning pro-cess if unresolvable conflicts are found.Plan expansion is accomplished by the Search Manager agent,while the cri-tique is accomplished by the Critic Manager agent.The Search Manager handles a range of role-specific messages.The primary plan performatives for Evaluate messages are:expand-plan and:expand-plan-and-critique. The former causes the plan to be expanded to the next level, while the latter additionally calls the declared cell critics on the plan.Other Evaluate plan performatives include re-quests for initializing a problem(by translating the prob-lem into the planner’s internal representation),displaying a plan,and resetting various context information(to recover from aborted planning processes).The Search Manager also accepts a Tell message with the Advice plan perfor-mative,which can be used to provide advice to guide the planner in its search for solutions.The role-specific messages for the Critic Manager all em-ploy the communication performative Evaluate.Several plan performatives are supported,corresponding to differ-ent kinds of critiques to be performed.Plan-ok?causes the planner to apply all critics known to it;Schedule-ok? causes the agent to invoke the scheduler agent of the plan-ning cell;Temporal-ok?causes the agent to invoke the temporal-reasoner agent of the planning cell.The S IPE–2planning system(Wilkins et al.1995)and the Advisable Planner(Myers1996)have been used as the basis for planner agents within all MPA applications to date. S IPE–2has a precise notion of a planning level,and plan critics thatfit naturally into the above scheme.To serve as an MPA planner agent,it had to be modularized,sepa-rating out its search control algorithm into the Search Man-ager agent,its plan critics algorithm into the Critic Manager agent,and its temporal reasoning critic into the Temporal Critic agent,which was extended to use any temporal rea-soner in the planning cell.In addition,a new critic was cre-ated using the scheduler agent to do capacity analysis and resource allocation.The Schedule Critic agent was written to interact with whatever scheduler agent is in the planning cell.Scheduler AgentThe use of the scheduler in our current implementation is tied closely to the ACP domain.This domain has been modeled within OPIS to produce a scheduling agent for the planning cell.This agent currently provides two types of service to support the planning process:Capacity analysis-profiles the resource demand over time,and identifies periods where available assets are oversubscribed.Resource allocation-commits assets to specific activi-ties,precluding their use on other activities.The main invocation of the scheduler is through an :allocate-resources plan performative(with an Evaluate communication performative),which causes the scheduler to analyze capacity and allocate resources.This process involves the scheduler retrieving the:resource-constraints view of the current plan from the plan server,performing its analysis,and posting annotations in the plan server about capacity overruns and resource allocations for use by other agents.MPA ConfigurationsWe use the term configuration to refer to a particular or-ganization of MPA agents and problem-solving strategies. Here,we describe two MPA configurations:a single-cell configuration for generating individual solutions to a plan-ning task,and a multiple-cell configuration for generating alternative solutions in parallel.The use of these configu-rations for performing planning/scheduling in an Air Cam-paign Planning domain is also described.Single-Cell ConfigurationThe single-cell configuration,illustrated in Figure6,in-cludes multiple planner and scheduler agents,together with a temporal reasoning agent,in addition to the Plan Server and PCM agents.The temporal reasoner role can befilled by either an OPIS-based agent or a Tachyon-based agent (Arthur&Stillman1992).The Tachyon agent is written in C;all other agents are written in L ISP.The agents run on different machines,both locally and over the Internet. Within this configuration,the agents cooperatively gener-ate a plan with the cell manager dynamically reconfiguring the planning cell during planning.All agents send messages to and from the plan server. The plan server supports annotations and triggers that are used to record features of the plan and notify agents of the posting of those features.The plan is written to the plan server in the Act formalism,which can be understood by the scheduler and the planner.The Search Manager is based。
