Creep corrosion cracking
knoop hardness,HK
cup and cone fracture
elastic modulus
Shear modulus
after constriction
elastic aftereffect
surface treatment
Flanging coefficient
expanding coefficient
minimum bending radius
bulging coefficient
reverse deformation
cleavage brittleness
intra-crystalline rupture
cleavage rupture
frictional coefficient
fracture criterion
corrosion fatigue
case depth
fatigue strength
case hardness
fiber material
fiery fracture
磕碰:knocked wounded划伤: scratch变形:bending warping拉伤:drags龟裂:turtle cracks,network cracks夹杂:inclusions锈蚀,发霉:rust,corrosion裂纹:cracks气泡:blisters气孔:gas porosity油污:stained casting夹层:laminations成形不良:non-fills零件外观不允许有明显压铸缺陷如冷隔、发黑拉伤、起皮、水纹、粘料、切伤、滑块凸起cold shut,black surface,drag mark,stripping,wave,sticky material,trimming wound and raised slider are not allowed on parts• A . 尺寸,形状缺陷•铸造缺陷 casting defects•尺寸超差 improper shrinkage allowance•尺寸不合格 wrong size•模样错误 excess rapping of pattern, deformed pattern,•壁厚不均 different thickness•铸型下垂 mold sag•错型 mold shift, shift, miss-match, cross-joint•舂移 ram off, ram away•塌型 mold drop, drop off, drop out, drop sticker 上型下沉,沉芯 sag( 上型和型芯下垂导致壁厚减小)•飞翅 fins, joint flash•翘曲 warp age, buckling, warping, camber•铸件变形 warped casting•挤箱 push up, cramp-off•型裂 broken mold, cracked•掉砂 crush of mold, crush•变形 deformation, casting distortion, warped casting • B. 缩孔(由凝固收缩引起 )•缩孔 shrinkage, shrinkaged cavity•内部缩孔 internal shrinkage, dispersed shrinkage, blind shrinkage•敞露缩孔 open shrinkage, external shrinkages, sink marks, depression•缩松porosity, shrinkage porosity, leakers, micro shrinkage, disperded shrinkage•缩陷 sink marks, draw, suck-in•芯面缩孔 core shrinkage•内角缩孔 corner shrinkage, fillet shrinkage•出汗孔 extruded bead, exudation•线状缩孔 fissure like shrinkage• C. 气体缺陷(由气体引起的孔)•气孔 blowholes, gas hole, blow•针孔 pinholes•裂纹状缺陷,线状缺陷 fissure defects• D. 裂纹•裂纹 crack•缩裂 shrinkage crack•季裂 season cracking, season crack•应力热裂 hot cracking, hot tearing, hot tear•淬火裂纹 quench crack, quenching crack•应力冷裂 cold cracking, breakage, cold tearing, cold tear•龟裂 crack•激冷层裂纹,白裂 chill crack• E. 夹杂物•夹渣 slag inclusion, slag blowholes•砂眼 sand inclusion, raised sand, sand hole•其他夹杂物 the other inclusion•胀砂 push up, cramp-off, sand hole•掉砂 crush, crush of mold•硬点 hard spot•浮渣 dross ( 浇注后在铸型内形成的缺陷,尤其是石墨、氧化物和硫化物的线状缺陷的总称,另外,浇注过程中被卷进去的缺陷成为夹渣和砂眼,两者的区别是形成原因不同)•石墨浮渣 graphite dross, carbon dross•氧化皮夹渣 oxide dross, oxide inclusion, skins, seams•硫化物熔渣 sulfide dross•沉淀物 sludge•夹渣物 sand inclusion, oxide inclusion, skins, seams•黑点,黑渣 black spots, lustrous carbon•涂料夹渣 blacking, refractory coating inclusions•光亮碳膜 lustrous carbon films, kish tracks• F. 外观缺陷•浇不足 misrun, short run, cold lap, cold shut•冷隔 cold shut, cold laps•轻度冷隔 seam•两重皮 plate•皱皮 surface fold, gas run, elephant skin, seams, scare, flow marks •漏箱 run-out, runout, break-out, bleeder•漏芯 mold drop, stiker•未浇满 short pours, short run, poured short•气孔 blowholes, blow•飞翅 fins,joint flash•胀砂,气疱 swell, blister•芯撑未融合 chaplet shut, insert cold shut, unfused chaplet•热粘砂 burn in•热痕 flow marks•内渗豆,冷豆,冷隔 internal sweating, cold shot, shot iron•外渗物 sweating•磷化物渗豆 phosphide sweat•铅渗豆 lead sweat•锡渗豆 tin sweat•掉砂 rat, sticker (型砂的一部分附着在模样上而形成的表面缺陷)•G. 型芯缺陷•砂芯断裂 crushed core, broken core•砂芯压碎 broken core•芯面缩孔 core blow•砂芯缩孔 core blow•砂芯下垂 sag core, deformed core•砂芯弯曲 deformed core•漂芯 shifted core, core raise, raised core, mold element cutout•偏芯 core shift••H. 表面缺陷•沾砂 burn on, sand burning, burn in , penetration•粘型(金属型) fusion•两重皮 laminations , plat•机械粘砂 penetration , metal penetration•夹渣结疤 scabs , expansion scabs , corner scab•表面粗糙 rough casting , rough surface•鼠尾 buckle , rat tail•涂料结疤 blacking scab , wash scabs•烘干不足 sever surface , wash scabs•熟痕 surface defect casting by combination of gas and shrinkage ( 在靠近厚断面处形成下陷的蛇状伤痕)•涂料剥落 wash erosion•气疱 blister , surface or subsurface blow hole•表面粗糙 rough surface , seems , scars•起皮 stripping•剥落结疤 pull down , spalling scab•伤痕crow’s feet•麻面 pitting surface , orange peel , alligator skin•热裂痕 surface folds , gas runs•泡疤表面 surface folds , gas runs•象皮状皱皮 surface fold , gas run , elephant skin•皱皮 surface fold , gas run , seams , scare , flow marks•波纹 wave•冲砂 wash•冲蚀 erosion•I. 组织缺陷(铸铁 )•球化不良 poor nodularity , degenerated graphite•异常石墨 abnormal graphite•开花状石墨 exploded graphite•过冷石墨 under cooled graphite , D-type graphite•石墨细小颗粒 chunky graphite•石墨粗大 kish graphite , kish•整列石墨 aligned graphite•石墨魏氏组织 Widmannstatten graphite•麻口 mottled cast iron , mottle•灰点 mottle•反麻口 inverse mottle ( 与麻口相反,在薄断面处和尖角处形成的麻口)•白口 chill•反白口 reverse chill , inverse chill•冷豆 extruded bead , exudation , internal sweating•退火不足 miss annealing , incomplete annealing•粗大枝晶组织 coarsened dendritic•反偏析 inverse segregation•比重偏析 gravity segregation•溶质偏析 solute segregation•宏观偏析 macroscopic segregation•微观偏析 microscopic segregation•J. 断口缺陷•表面铁素体 ferrite rim•表面珠光体 pearlite rim•白缘,脱碳 pearlitic rim , picture frame , pearlite layer•不均匀断口 heterogeneous fractured surface•破碎激冷层 scattered chill structure , cold flakes•晶粒粗大 rough grain•尖钉状断口 spiky fractured surface•冰糖状断口 rock candy fracture surface•K. 力学性能缺陷•硬点 hard spot ( 对铸件,硬点是硬区、白口或冷豆等力学性能缺陷的总称;对铝合金,硬点是铸件内各种高硬度相,如初晶Si相、金属间化合物、氧化物,偏析等总称)•硬度不良 poor hardness , too high or low hardness•L. 使用性能缺陷•腐蚀性不良 poor corrosion resistance•切削性不良 poor machinability•麻点 torn surface•锌晶间腐蚀 zinc intergranular corrosion•电导率不良 poor electrical conductivity•M. 其他缺陷•残留飞翅 residual fin•残留黑皮 residual black skin•浇道冒口断口缺肉 broken casting at gate , riser or vent•端部缺肉 inside cut•切口缺肉(压铸件) inside cut•翘曲 ( 喷丸引起) camber , excessive cleaning•铸件弯曲 ( 铸件变形) warped casting , casting distortion , deformed mold , mold creep•打磨缺肉crow’s feet•铸造管理缺陷•裂纹 crack•压痕 impression•残留物•型砂残留 sand inclusions•喷丸粒残留 residual shot•锌蒸汽向炉壁渗透 zinc infiltration into refractory。
选择题:1.If the system does not exchange energy with surroundings, it is an _________A open systemB closed systemC isolated systemD ontrol volume2. If the temperature of the liguid is lower than the saturation emperature for the existingpressure,it is called a_________liquid.A superheatedB subcooledC saturationD dry saturated3. If the efficiency of a real engine is significantly_______ the efficiency of a Carnotengine between the same limits, thenadditional improvements may be possible.A lower thanB more thanC equal toD greater than4. The velocity bector of a flow is expressed as V =ax2i+byztj, such a flow is a ____dimensional flow.A oneB twoC threeD four5. the critical Reynolds number of a rough-walled pipe is about_______.A 3x106B 3x105C 2000D 15006. If _______,the density variations influence the flow and compressibility effects shuldbe accounted for;such flows are compressinle flows.A M>0.3B M<0.3C M>0.2D M>0.17. Any _______effects that may exist are confined to a thin layer,called a boundarylayer,that is attached to the boundary ,the velocity in a boundary laryer is alwayszero at a fixed wall.A shearB gravitationalC inertialD viscous8. The ratio of the heat transfer surface area of a heat exchanger to its volume is calledthe area densityβ.A heat exchanger with_______is classifiedas being compact.A β<700m2/m3Bβ>700m2/m3Cβ>500m2/m3Dβ>1000m2/m39. The type of heat exchanger that involves the alternate passage of the hot and clodfluid streams through the same flow area is the _______heat exchanger.A regenerativeB compact Cplate and frame Dshell-and -tube10. Not all the radiation leaving one surface will reach the other surface sinceelectromagnetic radiation travels in straight lines and some will be lost to thesurroundings,we introduce _______in net radiant exchange.A reflectivityB emissivityC view factorD transmissivity11. _______use heat to conver water into steam for a variety of applications.A TurbinesB BoilersC GeneratorsD Condensers12. The modern 660MW coal-fired boilers has some _______tons of pressure parts.A 600B 2000C 6000D 2000013. ______is burned in coal boilers to ignite the coal burners,to warm up the boiler andraise pressure before coal is adimitted.A CoalB GasC WaterD Oil14. The radiant superheater outlet temperature ______with an increasing boiler out-put.A declinesB increasesC remains unchangedD decreases.15. The economizer is a ______heat exchanger for recovering enery from the fluegas.A parallelflowB upstreamC downstreamD counterflow.16. The ______utilises the heat in the boiler flue gases to heat the combustion air andprovide hot air for drying coal.A economizerB air heaterC reheaterD air preheater.17. There are no boiler tubes in the ______furnace of CFB because the rapidly movingsolids cause excessive erosion.A toppingB lowerC upperD middle18. The job of the pulverizers is to ______the feed coal down to a suitable size.A grindB heatC crushD warm19. The ball-and tube mill is a ______cylinder,partly filled with small diameter balls .A decliningB verticalC screwyD horizontal20. The Universal Pressure boiler is designed to maintain a ______flow inside thefurance circuits to prevent furace tube overheating during all operating conditionsA maximalB minimumC middleyD generic21. The steam after expending through the ______condenses in the condenser at a lowpress.A turbineB heaterC boilerD HP cylinder22. Machines in which there is no change of static or pressure head of the fluid in therotor are known as ______machine.A reactionB impulseC combined impulse and reactionD multi-stage23. The ______of a turbo-machine stage is defined as the ratio of the static orpressure head change occurring in the rotor to the total change across the stage.A degree of reactionB pressureC efficiencyD enthalpy24. For a turbine cylinder, substantial flanges and _____are required to withstand thepressure forces at the horizontal joints.A couplingB pipeC boltingD flange warming syetem25. With _____governing, the inlet belt is divided into sections each controlled by a sper–ate valve opening in sequence,resulting in a more complicated casting.A throttleB nozzleC slide pressureD constant pressure26. _____rotors required very careful attention to shrink fit and location geometries toavoid problems in running and with fatigue cracking.A integralB MonoblocC built-upD drum27. _____construction has the advantage of smaller forging components at the expenseof high integrity welding.A integralB shrink-on discC sub-criticalD Welded28. _____means that the weight is evenly disposed around the axis of theshaft. .A Static balanceB Dynamic balanceC balanceD Unbalance29. If critical speed is below running speed,the shaft is regarded as _____A rigidB flexibleC semi-flexibleD super-critical30 As a_____stage uses approximately the same heat drop as four impulse stage, it is usedto provide a shorter and cheaper turbine ,although with some sacrifice in efficiency.A impulseB reaction Cvelocity-compounded D single单词及词组aiabaticbafflebladeboilerboundary layerCarnot cyclecompositioncompressibilitycondensationconductionconvenctiondiffusiondry saturated vaporemissivityequilibriumfriction lossinternal combustion engineisentropicisobaricisolated systemisometricisothermallaminarmanuscriptmoisturemoleculepathlinepumpqualityradiationRankine cycleReversibleSaturationsteadystreamlinesubcooled liquidsuperheated vaporsurroundingturbulentultrasonicvacuumviscousAnchor 支座,固定Atomized 雾化Blast 鼓风Blowdown 排污Axis 轴Circulating fluidized bed CFB循环流化床锅炉Compressor 压缩机、压气机Coordinated 坐标,定位Counterflow 逆流(换热器)Creep strength 蠕变强度Critical pressure 临界压力Deterioration 恶化Distortion 变形Distillate 馏出物Drainage 疏水Drum 汽包Economizer 省煤器Erosive 侵蚀的,腐蚀的Embrittlement 脆性,脆化Evaluate 评估,评价Ferrite 铁素体Furnace 炉膛Generator 发电机Govern 控制、调节Hydraulic 水力的,液压的Ignite 点火Inert 惰性Ingredients 成分Inorganic 无机的Limestone 石灰石Margin 裕量,安全系数Mill 磨煤机Organisms 有机体Heterogeneous 不均匀的Hydraulic 水力的,液压的Ignite 点火Plasma spray coating 等离子喷涂Impurity 杂质Prefabricated 预制的Inert 惰性Inferior 低级的,劣质的Ingredients 成分Premium fuel 优质燃料Oxidation 氧化Polymer 聚合物Porosity多空的Radius 半径,范围Retract缩回Resonant 共振Reynolds number 雷诺数Rare earth element 稀土元素Regulate 控制,调节Rigid 刚性的,紧密地Rollers 辊子Regenerator 回热器,蓄热器Sootblower 吹灰器Saturated 饱和的Stress corrosion 应力腐蚀Superheater 过热器Temperature-entropy 温熵图Tenacious 黏的Thermodynamics 热力学Turbine 汽轮机Viscosity 黏度Velocity 速度Wear磨损Welded 焊接AccessAssemblyBack pressBalance pistonBearing boxBlowerBoundary layerBrittle fractureCarrier ringCasingCastChordConvergent-divergent type nozzle CouplingCoverbandCraneDouble-shell casingDuctilityDynamic balanceFabricationFatigue crackingFixed bladeFlexible rotorForgingFractureFull admissionHeadImpulseImpulse turbineInner casingKeyLacing wireMach numberMakeupMonobloc rotorMoving bladeNozzle boxNozzle governingOffsetPenetrationsPenultimate stageReaction machineResonanceRigid rotorRivetRobustRuptureStatic balanceThrottle governingToughnessWakeWheelTwisted三.翻译Thermodynamics is a science in which the storage,transfer of energy are studied.Energy is stored as internal energy,kinetic energy,potential energy and chemical energy; it is transformed from one of these forms to another;and it is transferred across a boundary as either heat or work.If a substance exists as vapor at the temperature,it is called saturated vapor.when the vapor is at a temperature greater than the saturation temperature,it is said to exist as superheated vapor.The pressure and temperature of superheated vapor are independent properties,since the temperature may increase while the pressure remainea constant.The first law of thermodynamics is commonly called the law of conservation of energy.In elementary physics course ,the study of conservation of energy emphasizes changes in kinetic and potentical energy and their relationship to work.A more general form of conservation of energy includes the effects of heat transfer and internal energy changes.Other forms of energy could also be included,such as electrostatic, magnetic,strain,and surface energy.Steam discharged from the turbine is directed into a condenser for two reasons.The condenser is operated at a high vacuum in order to create a low turbine exhaust pressure,rangingdown to 12mercury,abs.Turbines are ordinarily equipped with surface condensers that are indirect or nonmixing –type heat exchangers.In the abence of mixing,the second function of the condenser can be realized,that is ,the reture of the condenate to the boiler.beacause of the high steam flow,the condensate must be conserved,otherwise the operation of a large power boiler would be impracticable.A fluid flow may be broadly classified as either a viscous flow or an inviscid flow.An inviscid flow is one in which viscous effects of viscosity are important and cannot be ignored.To model an inviscid flow analytically,we can simply let the viscosity be zero;this will obviously make all viscous effects zero. It is more difficult to create an inviscid floe experimentally ,because all fluids of interest have viscosity.The questionthen becomes:Are there flows of interest in which the viscous effects are negligibly small? The answer is “Yes,if the shear stresses in the flow are small and act over such small areas that they do not significantly affect the flow field.”This statement is very general,of course, and it will take considerable analysis to justify the inviscid flow assumption.A viscous flow can be classified as either a laminar flow or a turbulent flow .In a laminar floe the fluid flows with no significant mixing of neighboring fluid particles. If dye were injected into the flow,it would not mix with the neighboring fluid exept by molecular activity; it would retain its identity for a relatively long period of time .Viscous shear stresses always influence alaminar flow . The floe may be highly time dependent or be steady.Incompressible gas flows include atmospheri flows, the aerodynamis of landing and takeoff of ommercial aircraft,heating and air-conditioning airflows, flow around automobiles and through radiators, and the flow of air around building, to name a few compressible flows include the aerodynamics of high-speed aircraft, airflow through jet engines, steam flow through the turbine in apower plant,airflow in a compressor, and the flow of the airgas mixture in an internal combustion engine.When a temperature gradient in a body,experience has shown that there is an energy transfer from the high-temperature region to the low –temperature region.We say that the energy is transferred by conduction and that the heat-transfer rate per unit area is proportional to the normal temperature gradient.。
GB150.1《压力容器 通用要求》
● 脆性断裂(Brittle fracture);,
● 韧性断裂(Ductile rupture);
● 接头泄露(Leakage at joints);
● 弹性或塑性失稳(Elasti co rplastic instability)
ISO 16528[5]综合世界主要工业国家的技术 标准规定,参照欧洲标准的内容,针对锅炉和 压力容器常见的失效形式,在标准中将其归为 三大类、14种失效模式,明确了针对失效模式的 设计技术应用理念。
GB150.1《压力容器 通用要求》
第一大类:短期失效模式(Short term failure modes):
GB150.1《压力容器 通用要求》
•增加了整体法兰和按整体法兰计算的任意式法兰的刚度校核 计算要求; •增加了波齿垫片设计选用要求。 原标准中附录C“低温压力容器”内容调整为本部分的附录E。 附录D、附录G和附录J内容纳入本部分的附录A、附录C和附录
主要调整变化为: •增加了附录B“钢带错绕筒体设计”; •附录C扩大了双锥密封的适用范围; •附录D焊接结构根据实际情况进行了整理和调整。
GB150.1《压力容器 通用要求》
c) 接头泄露(Leakage at joints):通过法兰设计方法和 特殊密封结构的设计方法,结构要求以 及对密封垫片和螺
d) 弹性或塑性失稳(Elastic or plastic instability):通 过外压结构设计方法防止整箍体失稳;通过局部应力分析 和评定,控制局部塑性失稳; e) 蠕变断裂(Creep rupture):通过限制材料的使用温
失效背景材料的收集 试样的选择 初步检查 显微检验 化学分析及力学性能试验 其他试验
性能特征才能符合要求,也就是失效发生时,系统名义上在工作,但工作 状态不佳。这一模型的例子有复印机、测量仪器。任何存在性能质量渐进 退化的部件或系统,都可以用该模型来表示。
3、失效机理 失效机理是导致失效的物理、化学、热力学或其它过程。该过程是应力 作用在部件上造成损伤,最终导致系统失效。本质上,它是上面介绍的概 念模型中的一个或多个模型导致的。 失效机理一般被概括分为过应力机理和 磨损机理。
扩散:扩散是指材料中的原子、分子或离子迁徙到另一种材料体相中去 的能力,它与时间相关。
相互扩散:当两种不同的材料在一个界面上紧密接触时,通过扩散,一 种材料的分子可以迁徙到另一种材料中,反之亦然。这种现象就叫相互 扩散,它形成了界面粘附。 磨损:磨损是在接触力作用下,两个相互接触的表面经历相对滑移运动 而产生的材料侵蚀。
金属在循环载荷作用下,即使所受的应力低于屈服强度,也 会发生断裂,这种现象就是疲劳断裂。
疲劳研究的目的是:1)精确地估计零(部)件的疲劳寿命, 保证在服役期内构件不会发生疲劳失效。2)采用经济有效 的技术和管理措施以延长疲劳寿命。
材料原先不含氢或含氢极微,但在有氢的环境 与介质中产生氢脆。这样的环境通常包括:
1)在纯氢气中(有少量水分)由分子氢造成氢 脆
对含有裂纹的金属材料,应力腐蚀条件下的断 裂判据: 当作用于裂纹尖端的初始应力强度因子:
5.2KISCC的测定方法 (1) 采用光滑试样
数据分散; 对某些材料可能会给出错误的判断 ; 名义应力不反映裂纹扩展的驱动力,不便于 工程应用。
(2) 采用预制裂纹的试样 在不同初始应力强度因子KIi下,记录到的破坏 时间tf随KIi的下降而大大增长。
最大应力强度因子KImax和门槛应力强度因子KIth (KIscc )
(2) 采用预制裂纹的试样 在KIth和KImax之间的区域里,滞后破坏时间tf一般是由孕育期tinc和亚临界裂 纹扩展期二者组成。
5.1应力腐蚀临界应力场强度因子KISCC 试样在特定化学介质中不发生应力腐蚀断裂的 最大应力场强度因子,也称为应力腐蚀门槛值。 表示含有宏观裂纹的材料在应力腐蚀条件下的 断裂韧度。
应力腐蚀破坏:机器零件受腐蚀介质和静应力 联合作用而失效的现象。
NDT英汉无损检测词汇abortion ---n.故障`失灵`失事abortive ---- v.失败abruption n 裂断`中断。
断路absolute adj 确定的`纯粹的absolute sensitivity 确定灵敏度absolute value 确定值absorb 吸取`减震absorbance 吸取absorb dose 吸取计量absorbent 吸声材料,吸取体。
Abutment joint 平接缝`对接缝。
AC yoke demagnetization 沟通磁轭去磁,沟通磁轭退磁AC yoke magnetization 沟通磁轭磁化。
accept n 承受acceptable defect level 缺陷合格等级。
Acceptable emergency dose 容许的事故计量。
acceptable quality level(AQC)指验收等级,象指验收表准。
acceptance 接收,验收。
认可,确定Acceptance certificate 验收证明书Acceptance criterion 验收准则` 验收Accessory device 关心装置Accessory equipment 附属设备Accident 偶然事故,偶然损伤。
Accident condition 事故状况Accident error 偶然错误。
Accident prevention 安全措施Accidental exposure 偶然曝光Accidental radiation injury 偶然辐射损害。
Accumulate dose 总剂量,累计剂量。
Accumulator battery 蓄电池Accumulator cell 蓄电池Acetic acid 醋酸,乙酸。
ACDS 〔acoustic crack detection system〕声裂纹检测系统,声裂纹检测装置,声裂纹检测仪。
AAbram's rule阿勃拉姆规则Abrasion磨耗Accelerated strength testing快速强度试验Acid resistance耐酸性Adiabatic temperature rise绝热升温Admixture外加剂Aggregate集料(混凝土)Air entrainment引气(加气)Autoclave高压釜Accelerated curing快速养护Absorbed water吸附水Added water附加水Aggregate bulk density集料松散容重Auti-corrosion Admixture防锈剂Anisotropic materials各向异性材料Air-entrained concrete引气混凝土Air Entrain Admixture引气剂Aggregate porosity集料孔隙率Artificial marble人造大理石Alite阿利特Alkali-aggregate reaction碱-集料反应Alkalies in Portland cement波特兰水泥中的碱Alkali-silica reaction碱-二氧化硅反应Anhydrite无水石膏(硬石膏)Autoclave expansion test高压釜膨胀试验Air-entrained concrete加气混凝土Adhesion agent粘着剂Accelerating agent速凝剂All mesh ferrocement无筋钢丝网水泥Allyl-Butadiene-Styrene丙烯氰-丁二烯-苯乙烯共聚树脂(ABS)Air pockets鼓泡Axial tensive property轴心受拉性能Axial compressive property轴心受压性能Air impermeability气密性Abnormal Polypropylene无规聚丙烯(APP)Asbestos fibres石棉纤维Asbestos insulation石棉绝热制品Autoclave expansion test压蒸法Artificial人造石Air entraining and water-reducing admixture引气减水剂Active addition活性混合材Addition of cement水泥混合材Aluminoferic cement clinker铁铝酸盐水泥熟料Age龄期,时期Aluminum silicate wool硅酸铝棉Aluminum foil铝箔Air space insulation封闭空气间层Areal thermal resistance(specific thermal resistance)比热阻(热导率的倒数)Absorptivity吸收率Air permeability(Air penetration coefficient)空气渗透率BBrick 绝热砖Bond strength 粘结强度Bleeding 泌水Bitumen-determination of penetration 沥青针入度测定法Battery-mold process 成组立模工艺Bar spacing 加筋间距Bitumastic paint 沥青涂料Bituminous road materials 沥青筑路材料Blowing agent 发泡剂Bar between mesh 加筋Ball impact test (******强度)落球试验法Basic constituent 碱性组分基本成分Basicity 碱度,碱性Binder bonding agent 粘合剂Barytes 重晶石Batchhing 称量(配料)Belite 贝利特Biaxial behavior 双轴向性质Blaine fineness 勃来恩,细度Blast-furnace slag 高炉矿渣Blast-furnace slag cements 高炉矿渣水泥Blended portland cements 掺混合料的波特兰水泥Bogue equations 鲍格方程式Bond 粘结Brucite 氢氧镁石(水镁石)Bulking of sand 砂的湿胀Bull-float 刮尺Board(block)insulation 绝热板Batch mixture 配合料Bend stress 弯曲应力Bituminous paint 沥青涂料Bituminous concrete 沥青混凝土Block brick 大型砌块Blunger 搅拌器,打浆机Brick setting 砖砌体(brickwork)Brittle point of asphalt 沥青冷脆点Broken stone 碎石Bubbing potential 发泡能力Building brick 建筑红砖Building system 建筑体系,建筑系统Brittle material 脆性材料CCalcium aluminate cement 铝酸钙水泥Calcium aluminates 铝酸钙Calcium chloride 氯化钙Calcium ferroaluminates 铁铅酸钙Calcium hydroxide 氢氧化钙Calcium oxide 氧化钙Calcium silicate hydrate 水化硅酸钙Calcium silicate 硅酸钙Calcium sulfates 硫酸钙Calcium sulfoaluminate 硫铅酸钙Calcium sulfoaluminate hydrates 水化硫铝酸钙Capillary voids(pores)in cement 水泥中的毛细管Capillary water 毛细管水Carbon dioxide 二氧化碳Cavitation 混凝土中的大孔洞,空蚀作用Cement fineness 水泥细度Cement paste 水泥浆Cement soundness 水泥安定性Cement specifications 水泥规范Cement strength 水泥强度Cement types 水泥品种Ceramsite 陶粒Chalcedony 玉髓Chemically combined water 化学结合水Chert 燧石(黑硅石)Chloride 氯化物Chloroprene Rubber 氯丁橡胶(CR)Chord modulus 弦弹性模量Clinker 熟料Coarse aggregate 粗集料Cold-weather concreting 冷天浇筑混凝土Compacting factor test 捣实系数试验Compaction(consolidation)捣实(捣固)Compressive strength 抗压强度Computer control system 计算机控制系统Concrete batching plant 混凝土搅拌站Concrete composition 混凝土配合比Concrete products 混凝土制品Concrete pump 混凝土输送泵Cold rolled steel 冷轧钢Cellular concrete 多孔混凝土Complex accelerator based on triethanolamine 三乙醇胺复合早强剂Component 组分,成分,构件Compliance 柔度Composite 复合,合成,复合材料Composite insulation 复合绝热层Composite portland cement 复合硅酸盐水泥Concrete 混凝土Condensed silica fume 浓缩(凝聚)的二氧化硅烟雾(硅粉)Consistency 绸度Core tests 钻芯试验Corrosion of steel in concrete 混凝土中钢筋的腐蚀Cost of concrete 混凝土成本Cracking 开裂Creep 徐变Critical aggregate size 临界集料尺寸C-S-H 水化硅酸钙Coefficient of thermal expansion 热膨胀系数Conductivity 导热性Coefficient of shrinkage 收缩系数Coefficient of permeability of concrete 混凝土收缩系数Cement mortar 水泥胶砂Crescent ribbed bars 月牙肋钢筋Concrete block 混凝土砌块Cold-drawn reinforcement bar 冷拉钢筋Cold rolled steel 冷轧钢Condensation polymerization 缩聚反应Critical degree of saturation 临界饱和度Critical stress 临界压力Cryogenic behavior 低温性质Crystallization pressure of salts 盐的结晶压力Crystal structure and reactivity 结晶结构和Coefficient of permeability of concrete 混凝土渗透系数Carbonated lime sand brick 碳化灰砂砖Carbonating 碳化处理Cement resistance to chemical 水泥抗化学侵蚀性Cube size 立方体试件尺寸Characteristic strength 特征强度Coarse aggregate ratio to fine 粗集料玉细集料之比Carbonated shrinkage 碳化收缩Calcium silicate insulation 硅酸钙绝热制品Cellular(foamed)glass 泡沫玻璃(多孔玻璃)Composite insulation 复合绝热层活性Curing 养护Civil Engineering 土木工程Cement 水泥Crack 裂缝Calcium silicate insulation 硅酸钙绝热制品Cement mortar 水泥砂浆Cork 软木Cork insulation 软木绝热制品Cellular(foamed)plastics 泡沫塑料(多孔塑料)Cellular(foamed)polystyrene 聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料Cellular(foamed)polyurethane 聚氨脂泡沫塑料Calcium-resin insulating board 钙塑绝热板Cellular(foamed)rubber 泡沫橡胶DDarby 刮尺D-cracking D行裂缝Deicing salts action 除冰盐作用Diatomaceous earth 硅藻土质泥土Dicalcium silicate(C2S)硅酸二钙Dynamic modulus of elasticity 动弹性模量Dolomite 白云石Decoration mortar 装饰砂浆Deformed bar 变形钢筋,螺纹钢Defoamer 消泡剂Dense concrete 密实混凝土Diatomaceous silicate 硅藻土(Kieselguhr,diatomite) Diatomite insulation 硅藻土绝热制品Drying shrinkage 干燥收缩(干缩)Ductility 延性Durability 耐久性Durability factor 耐久性因素Decoration glass 装饰玻璃Density 密度Deformation 变形钢筋Degree of hardness 硬度Degree of humidity 湿度EEarly-age behavior早期性质Ecological benefit生态效应Effective absorption有效吸收Efflorescence白霜Elastic modulus弹性模量Electron micrographs电子显微图Energy requirement能量需要Entrained air引入的空气Extensibility可伸长性Emerging wire露丝Emerging mesh露网Expanded perlite膨胀珍珠岩Epoxy Resin环氧树脂Erosion冲刷风化、剥蚀Ettringite钙矾石Expanded clay and shale膨胀粘土和页岩Expanded slag aggregate膨胀矿渣集料Expansive cement concrete膨胀水泥混凝土Expansive cement膨胀水泥Expansive phenomena in concrete混凝土中的膨胀现象Expanded vermiculite膨胀蛭石Expanded rermiculite insulation膨胀蛭石制品Expanded plastics多孔塑料Engineering plastics工FFabriform土工模袋False set假凝Feldspar长石Fiber-reinforced concrete纤维增强混凝土Final set终凝Fine aggregate细集料Fineness modulus细度模量Flowing concrete流动混凝土Fly ash粉煤灰Foamed slag泡沫矿渣Formwork removal拆模Ferromanganese锰钢Flow of cement mortar水泥胶砂流动度Flint燧石Floating刮平Fracture toughness断裂韧性Free calcium oxide游离氧化钙Freeze-thaw resistance抗冻融性Fresh concrete新拌混凝土Facing面层Fiber insulation纤维绝热材料Flexible insulation柔性绝热制品Frost action on aggregate骨料受到冰冻作用Frost action on cement paste水泥浆受到冰冻作用Future of concrete混凝土的前景Fiber reinforced plastics纤维增强塑料Fiber-glass reinforced plastics玻璃纤维增强塑料Facebrick饰面砖,面砖Facing tile外墙面砖Faience mosaic嵌花地砖,釉陶锦砖Fiber cement纤维水泥Figured glass压花玻璃Fine sand细砂Fineness of cement水泥细度Finishing抹面(修整)Flash set闪凝(瞬间凝结)Flexural strength弯曲强度Fire resistance耐火性Ferrocement钢丝网水泥Ferrocement with skeletal bar加筋钢丝网水泥Flexural property受弯性能Fatigue resistance耐疲劳性Forst resistance抗冻性Fineness modulus细度模数(M)Flexural rigidity抗弯刚度(B)Foamed concrete泡沫混凝土Fiber board纤维板Frost action on concrete混凝土受到冰冻作用GGamma raysγ-射线Gel pores凝胶孔Gel/space ratio凝胶/空隙比(对强度的影响)(Effect on strength)Geonet土工网Geotextile土工格栅Geotextile木织物Glass geogrid土工复合排水材Geomat土工垫Gradation级配Gypsum石膏Granulated wood粒状棉Glass geogrid玻纤网Glassfiber Reinforced Plastics玻璃纤维增强塑料Glass wool玻璃棉Granular(powder)insulation颗粒绝热材料Gap-graded aggregate间断级配材料Gas concrete加气混凝土Glass玻璃体Giving a basic reaction发生碱性反应Giving an acid reaction发生酸性反应Grading颗粒级配Grain-size refinement级配曲线Gravel砾石、卵石Graywacke杂砂岩Grout薄浆(灌浆)Granite花岗岩Graph图表、图解Green concrete新拌混凝土Gritly粗砂状的Ground slag矿渣粉Gypsum wall board石膏墙板Gypsum concrete石膏混凝土HHardening 硬化Hcp 水化水泥浆的简写Hydration of portland cement 波特兰水泥的水化Heat of hydration 水化热Heavyweight aggregate 重集料Heavyweight concrete 重混凝土Hemihydrate 半水化物High-alumina cement 高铝水泥High-early strength cement 高早强水泥High-strength concrete 高强混凝土High-workability concrete 高工作性混凝土Hot-weather concreting 热天浇筑混凝土Hydrophilic and hydrophobic 亲水与憎水Hydrated(portland)cement paste 已水化的水泥浆Hydration reaction of aluminates 铝酸盐的水化Hydration reaction of silicates 硅酸盐的水化反应Hydraulic cement 水硬性水泥Hydraulic pressure 水压力Honeycomb 蜂窝Heat transfer rate 热流量Homogeneous materials 均质材料High-tensile reinforcing steel 高强度钢筋High-tensile wire 高强钢丝High carbon steel 高碳钢High strength concrete 高强混凝土High performance concrete 高性能混凝土IIgneous rocks for aggregate 作为集料的岩浆岩Impact strength ******强度Impregnation with polymers 用聚合物浸渍Initial set 初凝Initial tangent modulus 初始正切模量Interlayer space in C-S-H C-S-H中的层间空间Interlayer water in C-S-H C-S-H中的层间水Iron blast-furnace slag 化铁高炉渣Iron ores aggregate(heavyweight)铁矿石(重集料)Isotropic materials 各向同性材料Iron wire 低碳钢丝Impact ductility ******韧性Impact strength 抗******强度Impermeability 抗渗性,不渗透性Impermeability to water 抗渗水性,不透水性Impregnate 浸渍,渗透Index of quality 品质指标,质量控制标准Inhomogeneous 不均匀的,多相的Initial shrinkage 早期收缩Initial strength 早期强度Insulating layer 隔热层Intarsia 玻璃锦砖Impact resistance 抗******性JJet set cement 喷射水泥Jolting table 振动台Job mix 现场配合Jaw crusher 颚式破碎机"Jian-1" water reducerKKilled steel 镇静钢Kilogram calorie 千卡,大卡Kiln dust 窑灰,飞灰Kiln building 窑房Kiln plant 窑设备Knot 木节Kominuter 球磨LLow PH value cement 低碱水泥Laitance 浆皮Leaching of cement paste 水泥浆渗漏Lime cement 石灰水泥Limestone 石灰石Lightweight aggregates 轻集料Lightweight concrete 轻混凝土Lignosulfonate 木质磺酸盐Low heat Portland cement 低热波特兰水泥Laboratory 实验室Lean concrete 贫混凝土Loss of slump of concrete 混凝土的坍落度损失Le chatelier soundness test 雷氏夹法Loss on ignition 烧失量Light weight ferrocement 轻质钢丝网水泥Longitudinal bar 纵筋Longitudinal bar spacing 纵筋间距Loose fill insulation 松散填充绝热层Low alloy steel 低合金钢Low caron colddrawn steel 冷拔低碳钢丝Longitudinal rib 纵肋Lumber grading 木材等级MMacrostructure 宏观结构Magnesium oxide 氧化镁Magnesiun salts solution effect on concrete 镁盐溶液对混凝土的影响Map cracking 地图形裂纹Marcasite 白铁矿Mass concrete 大体积混凝土Maturity concept 成熟度概念Maturity meters 成熟度测定仪Microcracking 微裂缝Microsilica 微细二氧化硅(硅粉)Minimum crack spacing 最小裂缝间距Microcrack 微裂Modulus of deformation 变形模量(EB)Mineral wool insulation 矿棉绝热制品Mineral fibres 矿棉纤维Masonry cement 砌筑水泥Mild steel 低碳钢Medium carbon steel 中碳钢Moisture content of wood 木材含水量Moisture 湿度水分Moisture condition 含水状态Mocromolecule high polymer 高分子Microstructure 微观结构Mixing of concrete 矿物外加剂Mixing water 拌合用水Mix proportioning(designing)配合比(设计)Mix proportions 配合比Modified portland cement 改性的波特兰水泥Modulus of elasticity 弹性模量Modulus of rupture 挠折模量(破裂模量)Monosulfate hydrate 单硫酸盐水化物Mortar 砂浆Multiaxial strength 多轴向强度Mumicipal-waste aggregate 城市废物集料Moisture absorption 吸湿率(water vapour absorption)Moisture content of aggregate 骨料含水量Matrix 基材Mesh-bar placement and tying 铺网扎筋Manual plastering 手工抹浆Maximum size of sand 砂的最大粒径Mortar consistency 砂浆绸度Mortar strength 砂浆强度Maximum crack width 最大裂缝宽度Mix proportion by absolute volume 绝对体积配合比(设计)Mix proportion by loose volume 现场松散体积配合比(设计)Mixed-in-place 现场拌和Mix proportion by weight 重量配合比Mixed process 混合过程Mixing time 拌和时间Mixing water 拌和水Modility 流动性Membreane curing 薄膜养护Map cracking 龟裂Mastic 玛脂Modulus of elasticity concrete 混凝土弹性模量Modulus of water-glass 水玻璃模数Masonry mortar 砌筑砂浆Maximum aggregate size 最大集料粒径Marber 大理岩Moderate heat portland cement 中热硅酸盐水泥Moderate heat of hydration 中热Moderate sulfate resistance 中抗硫酸盐Magnitude of self-stress 自应力NNDT 非破损试验的缩写Neutron radiation 中子辐射Neoprene 氯丁橡胶NNO water reducer NNO型减水剂Non-evaporable water 非蒸发水Nominal diameter 公称直径Normal consistency of cement paste 水泥净浆标准绸度Non-hydranlic cement 气硬性水泥Non-destructive tests 非破损试验Nuclear shielding concrete 核屏蔽混凝土Normal distribution 正太分布Neat cement paste 水泥净浆Needle crystal 针状晶体Needle penetrometer 维卡仪OOscillating screen 振动筛Oscillation generator 振动器Oscillator 振动器Oil-well platform concrete 油井平台混凝土Opal 蛋白石Overlays of concrete 混凝土覆盖层Oriented water 定向的水Osmotic pressure 渗透压力Oven-dry aggregate 炉干骨料Overall thermal conductance 总导热系数Organosilicon 有机硅Organosilicon resin 有机硅树脂Oscillate 振动,振荡Ordinary low-alloy steel 普通低合金钢Ordinary oil well cement 普通油井水泥Ordinary portland cement 普通硅酸盐水泥PParticle size 颗粒尺寸Penetration resistance 抗贯入性Periclase 方镁石Perlite 珍珠岩Permeability 渗透性Phosphate 磷酸盐Phenolic Formaldehyde 酚醛树脂(PF)Placing of concrete 混凝土的浇筑Plaster of paris 建筑石膏Polypropylene 聚丙烯(PP)Polystyrene 聚苯乙烯(PS)Polystyrene-plywood laminate 聚苯乙烯胶合木板Polyester plastics 聚酯塑料Plastic veneer 塑料贴面板Plastic-steel window 塑钢窗Polyester 聚酯Polyester Resin 聚酯树脂(PR)Plastic shrinkage 塑性收缩Poisson's ratio 泊松比Polymer concrete 聚合物混凝土(PC)Polymer-impregnated concrete 聚合物浸渍混凝土(PIC)Polymer-cement concrete 聚合物水泥混凝土Prestressed steel 预应力钢筋Pumped concrete 泵送混凝土Pumice concrete concrete block 浮石混凝土砌块Plastics 塑料Polythene 聚乙烯(PE)Polyvinyl Alcohol 聚乙烯醇(PVA)Polyvinyl Acetate 聚醋酸乙烯(PVAC)Polyvinyl Chloride 聚氯乙烯(PVC)Polyvinyl Formal 聚乙烯醇缩甲醛(PVFO)Porosity 孔隙率Portland cement 波特兰水泥Portland blast-furnace slag cement 高炉矿渣波特兰水泥Portlandite 氢氧钙石Portland pozzolan cement 火山灰质波特兰水泥Potential compound composition 潜在化合物成分Pyrite pyrrhotite 硫化铁,黄铁矿Particle size distribution 粒度分布Pat test 试饼法PH-value PH值(PCC)Polymethylmethacrylate 聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(PMMA)Pore-size distrbution 孔径分布Pore-size refinement 孔径尺寸修整Prestressded ferrocement 预应力钢丝网水泥Plain round bar 光圆钢筋Pozzolan 火山灰Pozzolanic reaction 火山灰质反应Preplaced aggregate concrete 预填集料混凝土Proportioning 配合Pulverized fuel ash 磨细粉煤灰Pull-out test 拔出试验Pumice 浮石QQuality assurance 质量保证Quick set 快凝Quality 质量Quality control 质量控制Quartz glass 石英玻璃Quartz glass fiber 石英玻璃纤维Quartz sand 石英砂Quick lime 生石灰[CaO]Quartz 石英Quatzite 石英岩Quick-taking cement 快凝水泥Quick hardening 水硬性水泥Quench 水淬,骤冷RRadiation shielding concrete辐射屏蔽混凝土Rapid setting and hardening cement快凝与快硬水泥Revibration重新振捣Rice husk ash谷糠灰Ready-mixed concrete预拌混凝土Recycled-concrete aggregate再生混凝土集料Regulated-set cement调凝水泥Retarding admixtures缓凝外加剂Retempering重新调拌Roller-compacted concrete滚筒-压实混凝土Reinforced plastics加筋塑料Reinforcement mat钢筋网Resistance to chemical attack of mortar砂浆耐蚀性Rock wool岩石棉Rigid insulation刚性绝热制品Rib height肋高Rib spacing肋间距Ribbed bars带肋钢筋Rich concrete富混凝土Residue on sieve筋余Raw limestone石灰石Raw gypsum二水石膏SSalt crystallization pressure 盐的结晶压力Sand 砂Sandstone 砂岩Saturated surface dry condition 饱和面干条件Scaling 起皮,鳞片状剥落Schmidt rebound hammer 希密特回弹仪Screeding 抹平Seawater 海水Secant elastic modulus 正割弹性模量Sedimentary rocks for aggregate 作为集料的沉积岩Segregation 离析Self-stressing cement 自应力水泥Setting of cement paste 水泥浆的凝结Special hydraulic cement 特种水硬性水泥Specifications 规范Specific heat 比热Specific surface area 比表面积Sphericity 圆度Splitting ******* strength 劈裂抗拉强度Standard specifications 标准规范Standard test method 标准试验方法Stiffening of cement paste 水泥浆的变硬Strain 应变Strength 强度Setting of concrete 混凝土的凝结Shear-bond failure 剪切粘结破坏Shear strength 剪切强度Shotcreting 喷射混凝土浇筑Shrinkage 收缩Shrinkage-compensating concrete 收缩补偿混凝土Sieve analysis of aggregate 集料的筛分析Silica fume 硅粉Slag 矿渣Slip-formed concrete 滑模混凝土Slump cone test 坍落度锥体试验Slump loss in concrete 混凝土中坍落度损失Solid/space ratio 固体∕空隙比Solid-state hydration 固态水化Soundness 安定性Spacing-factors of entrained air 引入空气的间距因素Self-stressing cement mortar 自应力水泥砂浆Shear steel 剪切钢筋Saturation capacity 饱和含水量Saturation point 饱和点Stearic acid 硬脂酸Surface-active agents 表面活性剂Synthetic resin binder 树脂粘结剂Synthetic lightweight aggregate 人造轻集料Shotereting process 喷浆工艺Scaling 麻面Surface dusting 表面起砂Sandwich 夹层Shrinkage crack 收缩裂缝Stressed crack 受力裂缝Special steel 特种钢Sawdust concrete 锯屑混凝土Softening point test 软化点试验Solidification 凝固作用Stress 应力Stress intensity factor 应力强度因素Stress-strain curve 应力-应变曲线Surface moisture 表面水Splitting strength 劈裂强度Splitting failure 劈裂破坏Standard error 标准误差Stand sieve 标准筛Static modulus 静弹性模量Steam curing 蒸汽养护Strength grading 强度级别Strength of cube 立方体强度Strength at 28 days 28天强度Stress concentration 应力集中Styrene Butadiene Rubber 丁苯橡胶(SBR)Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene 苯-丁-苯乙烯Sulphoaluminate cement clinker 硫铝酸盐熟料Surface energy 表面能Surface hardness 表面强度Surface ******* 表面张力Sand-lime brick 灰砂砖Saturated aggregate 饱和水集料Superplasticized admixture 超塑化外加剂Structural lightweight concrete 结构轻混凝土Structure(microstructure)of concrete 混凝土的(微观)结构Structures(concrete)in photographs 混凝土结构照片Sulfate attack 硫酸盐侵蚀Sulfate resisting cement 抗硫酸盐水泥Sulfates in portland cement 波特兰水泥中的硫酸盐Sulfides and sulfate aggregate 硫化物与硫酸盐集料Standard sand 标准砂Strength of cement mortar 水泥胶砂强度Strength grade of cement 水泥强度等级Spiral reinforcement 螺纹钢筋Stirrup 箍筋Struture lightweight concrete 结构用轻混凝土Specimen 试件Self-stressing concrete 自应力混凝土Sand grading 砂的级配Sand grading curve 砂的级配曲线Sand grading standard region 砂的级配标准区Self-stressing ferrocement 自应力钢丝网水泥Surface area 表面积Strength of aggregate 集料强度Strength of cylinders 圆柱体强度Supersulphated cement 石膏矿渣水泥Setting time of concrete 混凝土的凝结时间Standard of concrete 混凝土强度Standard deviation 标准差Structure high density concrete 结构高表观密度混凝土Steel-fibre concrete 钢纤维混凝土Set retarder admixture 缓凝剂Set retarding and water-reducing admixture 缓凝减水剂Superplasticizer admixture 高效减水剂Superplasticized concrete 超塑性混凝土Setting time 凝结时间Sulphonated formaldehyde melamine 磺化甲醛三聚氰胺Saturated and surface-dry aggregate 饱和面干集料Tangent modulus of elasticity 正切弹性模量Temperature effects 温度效应Tensile strain 拉伸应变Tensile strain capacity 拉伸应变能力Tensile strength 拉伸强度(抗拉强度)Test methods 试验方法Thermal conductivity 导热性Thermal expansion coefficient 热膨胀系数Thermal shrinkage 热收缩Truckmixing 卡车搅拌Total water/cement ratio 总水灰比Trial mixes 试拌合物The particle grading 颗粒级配Tough aggregate 韧性集料Timber 木材Thermal insulation material 保温材料Test sieve 试验筛Through-solution hydration 通过溶液的水化Time of set 凝结时间Tobermorite gel 莫来石凝胶Topochemical hydration 局部水化Toughness 韧性Transition zone 过渡区Transporting concrete 混凝土输送Tricalcium aluminate 铝酸三钙Tricalcium silicate 硅酸三钙Triethanolamine 三乙醇胺Testing of material 材料试验Testing sieve shaker 试验用振动筛分机Test load 试验负荷Test method 试验仪表Test report 试验报告Test result 试验结果Tetracalcium aluminate hydrate 水化铝酸四钙Texture of wood 木材纹理Theories of cement setting and hardening 水泥凝结硬化理论Thermal contraction 热收缩Thermal diffusivity 热扩散性Thermosetting plastics 热固性塑料Technical manual 技术规范Test method of ferrocement panels in flexure 钢丝网水泥板受弯试验方法Transverse barspacing 横筋间距Thermo plastics 热塑性塑料Transverse rib 横肋Transverse bar 横筋Temperature shrinkage 温度收缩Thermal insulation material 绝热材料Thermal insulation properties 保温性能Thermal insulating concrete 绝热混凝土Thermal insulating plaster(Thermal insulating mortar)绝热砂浆UUltrasonic pulse velocity 超声脉冲速度Unixial compression behavior 单轴向受压状况Ultimate creep 极限徐变Ultimate strain 极限应变Unlimited swelling gel 无限膨胀凝胶Units of measurement 计量单位Unit weight 单位重量Ultimate gation 极限伸长值Ultimate principles 基本原理Ultrasonic inspection 超声波样份Uncombined CaO 游离CaOVander Wale force 范德华力Vebe test 维勃试验Vermiculite 蛭石Very high early strength cement 超高早强水泥Vibration 振动,振捣Vicat apparatus 维卡仪Void in hydrated cement paste 水化水泥浆中的孔隙Volcanic glass 火山玻璃Vinsol resin 松香皂树脂Vapor pressure 蒸汽压力Variegated glass 大理石纹Veneer 墙面砖、饰面砖Vesicular structure 多孔结构Vicat needle 维卡仪Viscometer 粘度仪Viscosity 粘度粘滞性Viscosity of asphalt 沥青粘滞性Voids ratio 孔隙率Vibro-moulding process 振动成型工艺Vibrating stamping process 震动模压工艺Vibrating vacuum-dewater process 振动-真空脱水工艺Vacuum insulation 真空绝热Vapour barrier,water vapour retarder 隔汽层Vibrating table 振动台Voids detection 空隙的测定V-B test(vebe test)维勃证WWater 水Water/cement ratio 水灰比Water-reducing admixture 减水剂Water tightness 水密性、不透水性Water content 用水量Water requirement 需水量Water-lightness 透水性Water-reducing retaders 缓凝减水剂White cement 白水泥Windsor probe 温莎探针Winter concreting 混凝土冬季浇筑Workability 工作性(工作度)Wetting agents 温润剂Water solubility 水溶性Water retentivity 保水性Water storage 在水中养护Water repellent 疏水的、不吸水的、憎水的Water resistance 抗水性Water vapor 水蒸汽Wearability 耐磨性Weather resistance 耐候性Workability 可加工性Wood-preserving process 木材防腐处理Work done by impact ******功Weighting error 称量误差Workability loss of with time 和易性随时间损失Workability of ready-mixed concrete 预拌混凝土和易性Workability of light-weight concrete 轻混凝土和易性Water-reducing admixture 普通减水剂Water-proofing 防水的Water-proofing admixture 防水剂Wire rope 钢绞线Workability measurement 和易性测量Wire mesh 钢丝网Welded mesh 焊接网Wood wool slab 木丝板Water content(moisture content)含水率(湿度)Water absorption 吸水率Wet screening 湿法筛分,湿筛析Wetting and drying 潮湿与干燥Workability control 和易性控制Workability definition 和易性定义Water pepellent admixture 防水剂Water requirement for normal consistency of cement paste 水泥净浆标准绸度用水量Water proofing compound 防水化合物XX-ray diffiraction analysis X射线衍射分析X-ray phase analysis X射线相分析X-rayogram X射线图式X-ray spectrometer X射线光谱仪YYield limit 屈服极限Yield point 屈服点Yield strength 屈服强度Yield stress 屈服应力Yield of steel 钢材的屈服ZZeolite 沸石Zones for sand grading 砂级配区Zeta-potential ζ-电位Zone of heating 预热带。
Postweld heat treatment can be used to stress relieve the weld before it cools down to room temperature. In the event that stress relief heat treatment cannot be carried out immediately upon completion of welding, the completed weldment can be held at a proper temperature to allow austenite to transform into a less susceptible microstructure than martensite. Postweld heating can also help hydrogen diffuse out of the workpiece. For most carbon steels, the postweld heat treatment temperature range is 590~675°C (1100~1250°F) .采用低氢型焊接方法(如GTAW或GMAW代替SMAW或FCAW)或焊接材料(如碱性而不是纤维素手工电弧焊焊条)来降低焊接区域的含氢量。
EDA 英文翻译
Major achievements of the European shield blanket R&D during the ITER EDA, and their relevance for future next step machines欧洲在国际热核试验反应堆屏蔽的电子设计自动化研发上取得很大成就,这关系到下一步机器的运行∙W Dänner a, , , A Cardella b, L Jones a, P Lorenzetto a, D Maisonnier a,G Malavasi a, A Peacock a, E Rodgers a, F Tavassoli cAbstract 摘要In the frame of the international thermonuclear experimental reactors (ITER) collaboration, the European home team (EU HT) has committed significant efforts on the R&D for the Shield Blanket. 在国际国际热核试验反应堆的合作框架内,欧洲团队承诺对反应堆屏护设计发挥重要作用。
This paper summarises the main achievements of this programme, which have been obtained over the last 7 years.本文总结了在过去7年这个项目已获得的主要成果。
The depth of R&D extends from generic activities up to the manufacture of prototypes, but has, in accordance with the design progress, reached different stages of maturity for the various components.研发的深度从通用活动延伸到生产的原型,按照设计的进步,达到不同的成熟阶段的各种组件。
compressive bar 压杆 compressive bending bar 压弯杆 compressive deformation 压缩变形 compressive force 压缩⼒ compressive load 压缩载荷 compressive resultant 压缩合⼒ compressive strain 压缩变形 compressive stress 压缩应⼒ compressive yield point 抗压屈服点 compressor power 压⽓机功率 computation 计算 computational dynamics 计算动⼒学 computational fluid mechanics 计算铃⼒学 computational mechanics 计算⼒学 computational mistake 计算误差 computational scheme 计算图式 computational structural mechanics 计算结构⼒学 computer 计算机 computer aided design 计算机辅助设计 computer simulation 计算机模拟 computing element 运算元件 computing time 计算时间 concentrated constant 集中常数 concentrated couple 集中⼒偶 concentrated force 集中⼒ concentrated load 集中负载 concentrated vortex 集中涡旋 concentrated vorticity 集中涡旋 concentration 浓度 concentration dependent 浓度相关的 concentration difference 浓度差 concentration effect 浓度效应 concentration equation 浓度⽅程 concentration factor 集中系数 concentric 同⼼的 concept 概念 concurrent forces 汇交⼒ concussion of the ground 地⾯振动 condensate 冷凝物 condensation cavity 冷凝腔 condensation heat 凝结热 condensation level 凝聚⾼度 condensation point 凝聚点 condensation product 冷凝物 condensation rate 凝结速度 condensation shock 凝结激波 condensation theory 凝结理论 condensed fluid 冷凝液体 condensed matter 冷凝物质 condensed phase 凝聚相 condensed state 凝聚状态 condition for balance 平衡条件 condition of isentropy 等熵条件 conditional 有条件的 conditional equation 条件⽅程 conditional stability 条件稳定性 conditioning 第 conductivity 电导率 cone of shearing stress 切应⼒锥 configuration 构型 configuration change 配置改变 configurational partition function 位形配分函数 confinement 封闭 confocal paraboloidal coordinates 共焦抛物⾯坐标 conformal coordinates 保⾓坐标 conformal mapping 保⾓映射 congruent transformation 全等变换 conical flow 锥形怜 conical pendulum 锥摆 conical shell 锥壳 conical shock wave 锥形激波 coning 锥旋 conjugate 共轭的 conjugate axis 共轭轴 connecting rod 连结棒 connection 结合 conservation 守恒 conservation field 守恒场 conservation law 守恒定律 conservation of angular momentum ⾓动量守恒 conservation of energy and momentum 能量动量守恒 conservation of gyro axis 陀螺定轴性 conservation of mass 质量守恒 conservation of mechanical energy 机械能守恒 conservative force 保守⼒ conservative force field 保守⼒场 conservative motion 守恒运动 conservative system 守恒系 conserved quantity 守恒量 consistency 稠度 console 悬臂架 consolidation 固结 consolidation curve 固结曲线 consolidation pressure 固结压⼒ constant 常数 constant acceleration 均匀加速度 constant load 不变荷载 constant motion 匀速运动 constant of gravitation 重⼒常数 constant of inertia 惯性常数 constant pressure 恒定压强 constant pressure combustion 定压燃烧 constant speed airscrew 恒速螺旋桨 constant temperature combustion 恒温燃烧 constant velocity 等速度 constant volume combustion 定容燃烧 constant volume deformation 等积形变 constituent phase 构成相 constitution 结构 constitutional diagram 状态图 constitutionally stable 结构稳定的 constitutive equation 本构⽅程 constitutive function 态函数 constitutive property 结构性质 constrained body 约束物体 constrained distribution 约束分布 constrained material point 受约束质点 constrained motion 约束运动 constrained system 约束系统 constrained vibration 强迫振荡 constraining force 约束⼒ constraint 约束 constraint equation 约束⽅程 constraint factor 约束因数 constraint force 约束⼒ constraint hypersurface 约束超曲⾯ constraint independent of time 不变约束 constraint reaction 约束反⼒ constriction 颈缩 construction 结构 construction drawing 结构图 contact action 接触酌 contact angle 接触⾓ contact bank 触点排 contact equilibrium 接触平衡 contact force 触点⼒ contact friction 接触摩擦 contact load 接触负载 contact noise 接触噪声 contact plate 接触板 contact point 接触点 contact pressure 接触压⼒ contact problem 接触问题 contact resistance 接触阻抗 contact stress 接触应⼒ contact surface 接触⾯ contact transformation 接触变换 containment 封闭 content 含量 contingency 偶然性 continuity 连续性 continuity condition 连续条件 continuity equation 连续⽅程 continuity hypothesis 连续性假设 continuity theory 连续性理论 continuous 连续的 continuous beam 连续梁 continuous control 连续控制 continuous emission spectrum 连续发射谱 continuous excitation 连续激励 continuous flow 连续怜 continuous load 持续负载 continuous medium 连续介质 continuous model 连续模型 continuous motion 连续运动 continuous oscillation 连续振荡 continuous phase 连续相 continuous random variable 连续随机变量 continuous spectrum 连续谱 continuous system 连续系统 continuous transfer 连续转移 continuous transformation 连续变换 continuous transition 连续跃迁 continuous truss 连续桁架 continuous wave 连续波 continuous wave power 连续波功率 continuously deformable 可连续形变的 continuously differentiable 连续可微的 continuously operated 持续⼯啄 continuum 连续体 continuum boundary 连续边界 continuum damage mechanics 连续损伤⼒学 continuum flow 连续怜 continuum mechanics 连续介质⼒学 continuum system 连续介质系统 continuum theory 连续介质理论 contour 轮廓 contracted weir 收缩溢⽔⼝ contractibility 可缩性 contraction 收缩 contraction coefficient 收缩系数 contraction crack 收缩裂纹 contraction hypothesis 收缩假设 contraction of area 断⾯收缩 contraction of cross section 横截⾯收缩 contraction of jet 射琳缩 contraction of solidification 凝固收缩 contraction pressure 收缩压强 contraction ratio 收缩⽐ contraction stress 收缩应⼒ contraflow 逆流 contrail 航迹云 contrast of motion 运动对⽐ contravariance 反变性 contravariant component 逆变分量 contravariant coordinate 反变坐标 contravariant metric tensor 逆变度量张量 contravariant tensor 逆变张量 contravariant vector 逆变⽮量 control 控制 control characteristic 控制特性 control mechanism 控制机构 control system 控制系统 control theory 控制理论 control valve 控制阀 controlled variable 第量 convected coordinates 迁移坐标 convection 对流 convection diffusion 对俩散 convection heat transfer coefficient 对莲热系数 convection heating 对劣热 convection potential 对疗 convection vector 对粮量 conversion 转换 coordinate axis 座标轴 coordinate line 坐标线 coordinate plane 坐标平⾯ coordinate system 坐标系 coordinates 坐标 coordinates of the elliptic cylinder 椭圆柱坐标 coordination shell 配位壳层 coplanar forces 共⾯⼒ coplanar system 共⾯系 core core collision 核芯核芯碰撞 core fracture 芯裂 core moment 核矩 core of the flow 了 core of the section 截⾯中⼼ core velocity 了速度 coriolis acceleration 科⾥奥利加速度 coriolis coupling 科⾥奥利耦合 coriolis effect 科⾥奥利效应 coriolis force 科⾥奥利⼒ coriolis interaction 科⾥奥利相互酌 coriolis parameter 科⾥奥利参数 coriolis perturbation 科⾥奥利摄动 coriolis theorem 科⾥奥利定理 corner crack ⾓裂 corpuscular stream 粒⼦流 correction 修正 correction for edge effect 边缘效应校正 correction term 校正项 correction value 改正值 correlation curve 相关曲线 correlation ellipse 相关椭圆 correlation energy 相关能量 correlation frequency 相关频率 correlation function 相关函数 correlation ratio 相关⽐ correlation tensor 相关张量 corresponding states 对应态 corrosion 腐蚀 corrosion fatigue 腐蚀疲劳 corrosion resistance 耐蚀性 corrosive action 腐蚀酌 corrugated plate 波纹板 corrugated sandwich 波纹夹层板 corrugated sheet 波纹板 corrugated surface 皱褶⾯ corrugated tube 波纹管 cosecant 佘割 cosine 余弦 cosine amplitude 幅⾓余弦 cosine law 余弦定律 cosinusoid 余弦曲线 cosmic gasdynamics 宇宙⽓体动⼒学 cosmic magnetohydrodynamics 宇宙磁铃⼒学 cosmic rocket 宇宙⽕箭 cosmic scale turbulence 宇宙尺度湍流 cosmic velocity 宇宙速度 cosmical aerodynamics 宇宙空⽓动⼒学 cosmical constant 宇宙常数 cosmological constant 宇宙常数 cosmonautics 宇宙航天学 couette flow 库艾特怜 coulomb force 库仑⼒ coulomb friction 库仑摩擦 coulomb law of friction 库仑摩擦定律 coulomb navier criterion 库仑纳维准则 coulombian attraction 库仑引⼒ counter pressure 背压 counter slope 反向坡度 counter torque 反酌扭矩 counteraction 反酌 counterbalance 平衡锤 counterclockwise direction 逆时针⽅向 counterclockwise rotation 逆时针旋转 countereffect 反酌 counterpressure 背压⼒ counterpressure diagram 负压图 counterweight 平衡锤 couple ⼒偶 couple of instantaneous rotations 瞬时转动偶 couple unbalance 偶不平衡 coupled mode 耦合模式 coupled oscillations 耦合振荡 coupled pendulums 耦合摆 coupled vibration 相关振动 coupled wave 耦合波 coupling 耦合 coupling energy 耦合能 coupling factor 耦合系数 coupling matrix 耦合矩阵 coupling parameter 耦合参数 coupling resonance 耦合共振 coupling stiffness 连接刚度 course deviation 航向偏差 course of adaptation 适应过程 covariant 协变式 covariant co ordinate 协变坐标 covariant component 协变分量 covariant derivative 协变导数 covariant tensor 协变张量 crack 裂⼝ crack arrest temperature ⽌裂温度 crack branching 裂隙分⽀ crack closure 裂缝闭合 crack depth 裂缝深度 crack detector 裂纹探测仪 crack extension force 裂纹扩展⼒ crack front 裂纹前缘 crack growth 裂纹增长 crack growth rate 裂纹增长速率 crack indicator 裂纹检查器 crack length 裂隙长度 crack mechanics 裂纹⼒学 crack mode 裂纹型式 crack nucleus 破裂核⼼ crack opening 裂纹张开 crack opening displacement 裂纹张开位移 crack propagation 裂纹扩展 crack sensitivity 裂纹敏感性 cracked rotor 裂纹转⼦ cracking 开裂 cracking resistance 抗裂强度 crank shaft 曲轴 cranking model 强制转动模型 crawling speed 蠕动速率 creep 蠕变 creep buckling 蠕变压曲 creep compliance 蠕变顺度 creep compression 蠕变压缩 creep curve 蠕变曲线 creep damage 蠕变损伤 creep deformation 蠕变变形 creep elongation 蠕变延伸 creep fluidity 蠕变怜性 creep law 蠕变定律 creep limit 蠕动极限 creep of rock 岩⽯蠕变 creep properties 蠕变特性 creep rate 蠕动速率 creep rate limit 蠕动率极限 creep resistance 抗蠕阻⼒ creep rupture test 蠕变破坏试验 creep strain 蠕变变形 creep strain rate 蠕变速度 creep strength 蠕变强度 creep test 蠕变试验 creep viscocity 蠕动粘度 creeping motion 匍匐 cremona force diagram 克雷莫纳⼒图 crest height of wave 波峰⾼ crest length of wave 波峰长度 crest of the wave 波顶 crest of the weir 堰顶 crest value 峰值 crippling force 临界⼒ crippling load 纵弯曲载荷 crippling resilience 折曲应⼒ crisis of drag 阻⼒危机 criterial equation 判据⽅程 criterion 准则 criterion of similarity 相似判据 critical angle of attack 临界迎⾓ critical compressive stress 临界压缩应⼒ critical condition 临界条件 critical cooling rate 临界冷却速率 critical coupling 临界耦合 critical crack 临界裂缝 critical damping 临界阻尼 critical datum 临界参数 critical defect 临界缺陷 critical density 临界密度 critical depth 临界深度 critical diameter 临界直径 critical dimension 临界尺⼨ critical discharge 临界量 critical distance 临界距离 critical explosion pressure 临界爆炸压⼒ critical exponents 临界指数 critical force 临界⼒ critical free stream mach number ⾃由⽓临界马赫数 critical frequency 临界频率 critical glide 临界滑移 critical heat flux 临界热通量 critical humidity 临界湿度 critical isotherm 临界等温线 critical length 临界长度 critical load 临界载荷 critical load of euler 欧拉临界负载 critical mach number 临界马赫数 critical mass 临界质量 critical moment 临界⼒矩 critical number of revolution 临界转数 critical opalescence 临界乳光 critical parameter 临界参数 critical phenomena 临界现象 critical potential 临界势 critical pressure 临界压⼒ critical pressure ratio 临界压⼒⽐ critical pressure rise 临界压升 critical rayleigh number 临界瑞利数 critical resistance 临界阻⼒ critical reynolds number 临界雷诺数 critical roughness 临界粗度 critical section 临界截⾯ critical shape of the drop 液滴的临界形状 critical shear strain 临界切应变 critical shear stress 临界切应⼒ critical sound velocity 临界声速 critical state 临界状态 critical state of flow 临界怜状态 critical stress 临界应⼒ critical temperature 临界温度 critical tensile stress 临界拉应⼒ critical tension 临界张⼒ critical value 临界值 critical velocity 临界速度 critical velocity of deposition 临界淤积临 critical viscosity 临界粘度 critical viscous sublayer 临界粘性底层 criticality 临界 crocco equation 克罗克⽅程 crocco formula 克罗克公式 crocco function 克罗克函数 crocco vector 克罗克⽮量 crooked 弯曲的 crooked line 曲线 cross 横向的 cross beam 横梁。
中空玻璃常用英语专业术语大全abbeive阻黏剂,防黏剂,分离剂ablation脱离,切除,消融abrasion磨耗,磨损,磨蚀abasion hardness磨蚀硬度abrasion index磨损指数abrasion tester磨损实验机accelerateagingtest加速老化实验acetate乙酸盐,乙酸酯,乙酸根,乙酸基acetone丙酮acid resistance耐酸性acoustic声学的acrylic resin丙烯酸类树脂acrylic丙烯酸,亚克利acrylics丙烯酸acrylonitrile丙烯腈activation激活activator活化剂adduct加(成化)合物adhere黏合,黏附adhesion老化实验,老化检验adhesion黏合adhesion failure黏合破坏adhesion of rubber to metal橡胶和金属粘结adhesion promoter黏合增进剂,助黏剂adhesive黏合剂adsorbent吸附剂adsorption吸附affinity亲和性aluminum oxide氧化铝aluminum profile铝型材aluminum section铝型材aluminum shim/butyl spacer铝带丁基胶条,实唯高胶条aluminum spacer铝间隔条,槽铝式ambient noise环境噪音ambient temperature环境温度amorphous无定性的,非晶质的angstroms埃anhydrite无水石膏an nealed glass原片,普通玻璃an nealing退火,退火的an nealing lehr(隧道氏)退火窑(炉)an nealing point退火温度(相当黏度为1018泊)Aging 陈化,老化aging reaistance 耐老化性,老化性能aging test老化实验agon filled充氩气air adsorption气体吸附air barrier防漏气隔离层,隔离屏障,气挡air curing空气硫化,空气熟化air drying风干air filled充空气air infiltration空气渗透air infliltration空气渗透air side浮法玻璃生产中朝上的玻璃面air space空气层airflow气流aldehydes醛alkali碱alkali metal salt碱金属盐alkali resistance耐碱性alkalinity碱性,碱度alligatoring鳄纹alumina氧化铝aluminoborosilicate glass铝硼硅酸盐玻璃aluminosilicate glass铝硅酸盐玻璃aluminum铝anticracking agent防裂剂(橡胶)antimony oxide氧化镝antioxidant抗氧化剂application table操作台aqueous水的,含水的,水成的argon氩气arsenic砷arsenic trisulfide三氧化砷arsenious oxide五氧化二砷art glass艺术玻璃,镶嵌玻璃asphalt沥青柏油ASTM美国中空玻璃检测标Atmospheric or ozone cracking大气或臭氧(作用)龟裂,自然龟裂Atmospheric pressure大气压(力)Attenuation衰减物Autoclave高压釜Bback-bone 主链,主要成分,骨干,骨架back-fill 反填充,回填充barium oxide氧化钡barometirc pressure气压base基胶batch house料房,配料车间bath瑶池,池炉bending strength弯曲强度bent glass弯玻璃,弯玻bent spacer连续弯管金属隔条bentonite膨润土,皂土,浆土benzene苯benzene ring苯环beryllium铍Bicherous smiotios pocess比切罗克斯法,间歇压延法(平板玻璃)bitumen沥青,柏油bleeding增塑剂等渗出表面形成薄膜baistering起泡,气泡blocks玻璃支撑快bromine溴brookfield synchro-lectric visosimetre布鲁克菲尔德单圆筒黏度计brookfiled test布鲁克菲尔德检测Btu英国热量单位(=256Cal)Bubbing起泡Bloom起霜白化blown ware 吹制的玻璃制品blue-line drawing蓝图blush起霜白化boiler gages锅炉表bond breakage键断裂bond strength键强度bonding agent键合剂,黏合剂borate硼酸盐borax硼砂boric acid硼酸boric oxide氧化硼boron硼borosilicate cwn硼硅酸盐冕玻璃brosiliceglass硼硅酸盐bow 弯曲弓形box spacer槽铝式隔条brglass防弹玻璃breakage炸裂breaking stress极限应力,破裂应力breather tube呼吸管brewsters布鲁斯特,(光弹性单位)bullet resistant glass防弹玻璃bull’s eye后圆玻璃,圆快玻璃butadiene丁二烯butyl丁基胶butylene丁烯CCadmium镉Calcareous钙质,含钙的石灰的Calcium peroxide过氧化钙Calcium carbonate碳酸钙CAN/CGSB-12.8-97加拿检测标准大中空玻璃Canal arch通道拱Capillary毛细管Capillary tube unit安装毛细管的中空玻璃Carbon black碳黑carbon dioxide二氧化碳Cardinal IG 美国卡迪诺中空玻璃公司catalyst 催化剂,触媒,固化剂cathode 阴极caulk 堵缝,填隙cavity thickness 空腔厚度cement 水泥,胶结剂,胶结,封接CEN 欧洲中空坡璃标准centipoise 厘泊(黏度单位)centre in tension 中央张力centre of the glass 玻璃中央chain stopper 链终止剂,止链剂chalcogenide glass 硫属玻璃chalking 粉化,起垩checking 龟裂checking sunlight 日晒引起的龟裂chemical fogging 化学雾chemical resistance 耐化学性chemical strengthened glass 化学钢化玻璃chlorine 氯chord 弦chords弦circumference 圆周,周围clay 粘土,粘土质的clear glass 白玻,透明玻璃coadsorption 共吸附coating technology 镀膜技术cobalt 钴coefficient of expansion 膨胀系数cohesion 内聚cohesive failure 内聚失败cold edge 冷边cold flexibility 冷挠曲性cold flow 冷流cold resistant 抗冷性,耐冷度compatibility 相容性compatible spacer 相容间隔条compound curve 复合曲线(玻璃)compression modulus 压缩模量compression set 永入性破坏compressive strength 压强度compressive stress 压应力concave 凹的cndensation 冷凝condesation gutter 冷凝水收集槽,沟conduction 传导conductivity 传导container stability (=shelf life ) 货架寿命contamination 污染continuos film 平整的薄膜,无断裂或针眼convection 对流conventional hot melt 普通热融胶,常规热融胶convex 凸ccool light 冷光cooling 冷却ccomer key 插角corrosion resistance 抗腐蚀能力cracking 裂化,裂解,断裂,裂纹creep 蠕变criticcal temperature 临界温度crosslink 化学交联cross-linking agent 交联剂crown glass 冕法玻璃,人工吹制成的玻璃片crystal glass 晶质玻璃crystal structure 晶体结构crystallization 结晶,结晶作用,晶化cullet 碎玻璃,废玻璃(料)cumene hydroperoxide 氢过氧化枯烯curative 固化剂,硬化剂cure time 固化时间curing agent 触媒,固化剂curing mechanism 固化机制curtain wall 幕墙curved glass 异型玻璃cyclic wind loading 周期性风荷载cycling 循环cylinder glass 筒形玻璃,(吹制或拉制),圆筒法平板玻璃DDamping 缓冲,减震,阻尼Daylight 日光Dead air静止空气Dead load 自重Decibel (dB)分贝Decorative glass 装饰玻璃,镶嵌玻璃Deflection 挠度,挠曲Delaminate 分层,脱层Delinerate 描绘,叙述,描外形Density 密度Desiccant 分子筛Design load 设计荷载Desorption 解吸附Dew point 露点Deameter 直径Diamond pyramid 金刚石锥硬度标Diaphram 横膈膜,隔膜,膜片Dichromate 重铬酸盐Dicing 骰子Dielectric 电介体,电介质;介电的Diffusion 扩散Diisocyanates 二异氰酸盐Diluent 稀释剂,冲淡剂Dilute 稀释Dilution 稀释Dimethyl ketone 二甲丙酮DIN 1286 德国中空玻璃标准1286Dip coat 浸涂Disentangle 解开,清理Dispersion 色散,弥散]distribution 分布distrotion 扭曲,畸变disulfide 二硫化物divider 除数,间隔物,隔板,划分者dolomite 白云石door-light 镶嵌玻璃drain line 流浆线道drawn glass 拉制玻璃drawn sheet glass 拉制平板玻璃drum 55加仑铁桶dry time 缺胶接头DSE 等同双道密封Dispersion 分散(作用),分散体,色散,离差Dual panes unit 双玻中空玻璃Dual panes 双玻中空玻璃Dual seal 双道密封Dual-sealed units 双道密封中空玻璃Dlurability 耐久性Durometer 硬度詈,硬度测验器Dynamic fatigue 动态疲劳EEdge clearance 边部间隙Edge cover 边部遮盖Edge of glass 玻璃边部Edge seal 边部密封Edge seal height 边部密封高度Edgetech IC 美国艾杰中空玻璃技术有限公司Elastic solid 弹性固体Elasticity 弹性Elastomer 高弹性Electromagetic 电磁的Elements 元素,自然界的风,雨,雪和雷电等Elongation 延伸Emery 刚玉粉,刚砂Emulsion 乳状液Enamel glass 釉彩玻璃Encyclopedia 百科全书Endothermic 吸热的Energy efficiency 能源效率Energy star 美国能源明星计划ENR 室外噪音评定ER (energy rating )能源等级评定Erolsion 腐蚀Ethylene 乙烯EWNR(exterior wall noise rating ) 外墙噪音评定Exhaling air 呼出空气Exterior glazing 室外安装玻璃FFactory glazed 工厂安装玻璃Fahrenheit 华氏Failure analysis (water immersion technique) 失败分析Far ir 远红外Fatigue strength (疲劳强度)Faying surfaces 接触面Feeder 进料器,加料器Feldspar 长石Feldspathic 长石质的Fenestration 门窗Fiberglass 玻璃钢Filler 填料Filter cake 滤饼Fin 毛刺Fire-retardant material 阻燃材料Flame resistant 耐燃性(的)Flame retardant 阻燃剂Flash point 闪点,闪燃点Flat glass 平板玻璃Flaw 缺陷Flexible 弹性的Flexible silicone foam 弹性硅酮微孔间隔条,超级间隔条Flint glass 火石玻璃,无色玻璃Float glass 浮法玻璃Float process 浮法工艺Flow out 流出Flow point 玻璃的流动温度Fluorine 氟Fluxe 溶剂Fluxing agent 助熔剂Fog 雾Fogging unit 内侧雾化的中空玻璃Foot 英尺Forming roll 压延辊Four sides curtain wall 全隐式幕墙Fractography 断口组织试验,断口组织的显微镜观察Fracture 破碎,断面,断裂,破坏FRAME 计算机模拟热流的软件Frequency 频率Front end 窑前端Front gable – wall 前脸墙,端墙Frost poin 霜点Fulcrum支点Fumed silica 热解法二氧化硅,火成二氧化硅Fungi 霉菌Furnace 炉,窑Furnace floor 炉底,窑床Fusion 熔融,熔化GGallon 加仑Gas –filled unit 充惰性气体的中空玻璃Gasket 玻璃密封胶条Girth 曲线周长Glass blowetr 玻璃灯工,玻璃吹制工Glass breakage 玻璃炸裂Glass crtain wall 玻璃幕墙Glass edge seal 玻璃边缘密封Glass modulus 玻璃态模量Glass phase 玻璃相Glass point 玻璃点Glass ribbon 玻璃带,玻璃条Glass transit temperature 玻璃化温度Glass washer 玻璃清洗机Glassblowing 玻璃吹制Glass-making 玻璃制造Glassware 玻璃器皿Glazing bead 玻璃压条Glazing material 玻璃,玻璃密封材料Glazing rabbet 玻璃镶嵌槽Glazing system 玻璃装配系统Goblet 小料块(玻璃)料滴Gouges 表GPR (gas permeance rate )气体渗透率Greenhouse 温室Grinding hardness 研磨硬度Grit 压痕硬度Grout 薄浆(水泥)GS(galvanized steel ) 镀锌钢Gun consistency 适用从胶枪嘴向外打胶的松软度Gypum 石膏H.H(high temperature high humidity) 高温高温Hard coat 硬度膜Hardness 硬度Heat flow 热流Heat mirror 热境Heat press roller 热(辊)压机Heat resistance 抗热Heat treated 热处理Heating 供热Heat-seal 熔焊,熔接,热封Heat-strengthened glass 热增强玻璃,半钢化玻璃Heat-treated glass热处理玻璃Hertz(HZ) 赫兹Heterogeneous 不均匀的,多相的High humidity testing 高湿试验HI-TR 耐高热HMB 热融丁基胶Holiday 空胶,露布,露白,露胶Hot melt 热融胶Hot melt butyl 热融丁基胶Hot melt sealant 热融密封胶Hydrolytic 水解Hydrolytic resistance 抗水解Hydrolyzability 水解Hydrophilic action 亲水性Impact 冲击Impact resistance抗冲击Impact strength 抗冲击强度Impeller叶轮Incandescent lamp白炽灯Indentation hardness压痕硬度Inert gas惰性气体Infrared红外线Ingredient组分,成分Inhaling air吸入空气Inorganic无机的Insulating block 保温材料块Insulating glass中空玻璃Insulating value保温值Insulation material保温材料Intensity强度;密(集)度LnterceptTM U 型间隔条TMInterior glazing室内安装玻璃Intelayer夹胶,夹层LR红外线Jamp 边框Kaolin高岭土Kiln bottom窑底Knurl roll压花辊Lading (用勺子)舀(玻璃液)Laminated glass夹层玻璃Lap point搭接点,搭接面Lap shear搭接剪切实验Lead crystal铅晶质玻璃Lead oxide氧化铅Lead peroxide过氧化铅Lead –alkali –silicate glass铅碱硅盐酸玻璃Leaded glass含铅玻璃Lehr退火窑(炉)Life exqectancy寿命期望值,期望寿命Lifting提升,举起,升起Limestone石灰石Lindemann glass林德曼玻璃(含X射线含锂铍硼玻璃)Linear thermal coefficient of expansion先性膨胀系数Long-wave长波Low-Eglass低辐射玻璃Low-emissivty coatings低辐射镀膜Low-emissvity glass低辐射玻璃LOW-TR耐低热Lump起疙瘩,胶团,块。
Creep Corrosion有解
Creep Corrosion有解?温湿度、污染性气体控制指南出炉2012/7/24 新世纪LED网导读:宜特科技7月24日宣佈,与国际电子生产商联盟(iNEMI)中的成员,共同研究电路板Creep Corrosion爬行腐蚀有所成果,掌握到Creep Corrosion现象的影响因素与预防方式,该研究初步结果也由iNEM发佈「指南说明书」,针对资料中心和电信机房的温度、湿度和污染性气体提出控制建议,以避免印刷电路板因Creep Corrosion而造成失效。
标签:宜特科技测试失效分析iNEMI电路板寿命可靠度宜特科技7月24日宣佈,与国际电子生产商联盟(iNEMI)中的成员,共同研究电路板Creep Corrosion爬行腐蚀(註一) 有所成果,掌握到Creep Corrosion现象的影响因素与预防方式,该研究初步结果也由iNEM发佈「指南说明书」,针对资料中心和电信机房的温度、湿度和污染性气体提出控制建议,以避免印刷电路板因Creep Corrosion而造成失效。
有鑑于此,国际各大品牌大厂,包括IT系统大厂-思科、戴尔、惠普、华为、IBM、Intel 与安捷伦、阿尔卡特-朗讯、DFR、陶氏化学以及宜特科技,2009年起于iNEMI组成爬行腐蚀研究团队,期望藉由共同研究,找出Creep Corrosion的主要影响因素,帮助业界在Creep Corrosion的问题有更深入的解决方案。
宜特科技总经理林正德表示,宜特能够与各大品牌大厂参共同参与此项研究案深感荣幸,期许未来更致力于与国际大厂、国际联盟组织的先进技术合作计画,吸取国际新知并开发新技术以提升技术能力,并藉由宜特本身在电子产品测试与失效分析、材料分析的专业能量,提供客户全方位解决方案,协助客户找出潜藏的风险 / 失效,强化产品的性能,降低成本。
断裂韧度 ~ KIC
K IC Y c ac
第四章 纲要:
断裂韧度 ~ KIC ~ 本课程极为重要的概念!
~ 与冲击韧性的联系 ~ 测试方法 ~ 对试样尺寸的基本要求
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
第四章 纲要:
某金属构件受到固定应力100 MPa。为避免失稳
2 E s c a
1 2
2 E s
第一章 纲要:
断裂强度 ~ Griffith裂纹理论
第二章 纲要:
第二章 纲要:
缺口试样与光滑试样 的力学性能差异。 硬度 布氏硬度HB;洛氏硬度HR;维氏硬度HV
的长度。 K IC 50 MPa m y 300 MPa
1 2
Y 1
第五章 纲要:
金属的疲劳现象及特点~ 平均应力
疲劳断口宏观特征 ~ 贝纹线
疲劳曲线的测定 ~ 升级法
疲劳极限 ~ S-N曲线
第五章 纲要:
Mechanical behavior of materials
首页 > 收藏 > 翻译词汇 > 正文石油词汇英语翻译(S)更新日期:2005-7-21 出处: 作者:seal ability 密封能力seal assembly 密封组件seal boot 封闭套seal bore extension 密封筒加长短节seal bore 密封孔seal coat 封层seal construction rope 带芯股钢索seal curtain 油罐浮顶密封圈装置seal disc 密封盘seal element 密封元件seal extension 密封加长短节seal flange 密封法兰seal friction 密封摩擦seal hanger 密封悬架seal in 封入seal joint 密封接头Seal Law Convention 海洋法公约seal leakage 密封泄漏seal load 密封载荷seal nipple 密封接头seal off 封堵seal pad 密封板seal pipe 主气管线中的水封阀seal protector ring 密封防护垫环seal receptacle 密封座seal ring 密封环seal rock 密封岩seal section 密封段seal stack 一组密封seal steam 汽封蒸汽seal sub 密封接头seal valve 密封阀seal weld 密封焊道seal welding 密封焊接seal封sealab experiment 海洋实验室试验sealab 海洋试验室sealable tank 密封罐sealant 密封剂Seale 西鲁结构sealed against 封住sealed bearing rock bit 密封轴承牙轮钻头sealed bearings 密封轴承sealed bid 密封投标sealed chamber 密封筒sealed coring 密闭取心sealed fault 闭合断层sealed fracture 闭合裂缝sealed journal bearing 密封滑动轴承sealed package 密封包装sealed proposal 密封投标sealed relay 密封式继电器sealed reservoir 封闭储集层sealed tube 密封管sealed 封闭的sealer 密封器;密封垫;保护层;检验员sealift 海上接运sealing ability 密封能力sealing adaptor 密封接头sealing bearing 密封轴承sealing bellows 密封用波纹管sealing bore 密封筒sealing bush 密封衬套sealing characteristics 封堵性能sealing compound 密封膏sealing core drill 密闭取心sealing element 密封元件;封闭胶心sealing fault 封闭断层sealing field zone 封闭油田区sealing film 密封薄膜sealing fluid 密封液sealing gland 密封压盖sealing liquid 密封液sealing mechanism 密封机构sealing oil system 封油系统sealing pad 密封盘sealing process 封闭作用sealing property 密封性能sealing regenerative-type air preheater 密封回热式空气预热器sealing ring 密封环sealing run 封底焊道sealing signal 密封信号sealing socket 密封座sealing surface 密封面sealing wax 封蜡sealing 密封sealing-in 焊接sealing-off 脱焊sealing-on 焊上sealing-wax flow 封蜡流sealing-wax structure 封蜡构造seam welder 缝焊机seam welding 缝焊接seam 缝seaman 海员seamanship 航海术seamark 航海标志seamarsh 滨海沼泽seamen seaman的复数seamer 缝纫机;封口机;缝纫工seaming 用弯边法使两个板料连接;接缝seamless casing 无缝套管seamless steel tube 无缝钢管seamless tube 无缝管seamless 无缝的seamount chain 海山链seamount range 海底山脉seapeak 海底峰seaplane 水上飞机seaport 海港seaquake 海震sear 干枯的search after 找寻search angle 搜索角search coil 探查线圈search direction vector 搜索方向向量search for oil 勘查石油search interval 探索区间search lamp 探照灯search length 搜索长度search out 查出search procedure 搜索法search 勘查;研究searcher 搜索器searching unit 探头searching 搜索;严密的searchlight unit 消防照明车searchlight 探照灯Searle viscometer 塞尔粘度计Searlesite 水硅硼钠石seasat 海洋卫星seascan marine radar 船上无线电定位站seashore 海滨seasickness 晕船seaside 海滨season cracking 老化开裂season wind 季风season 季seasonal adjustment 季节性调整seasonal cycle 季节周期seasonal demand 季节性需求seasonal grades 季节级别seasonal growth 季节生长seasonal lake 季节湖seasonal load line 季节载重线seasonal move 季节变动seasonal ratio 季节性比率seasonal relation 季节关系seasonal stream 季节性河流seasonal variation 季节性变动seasonal wind 季节风seasonal zone 季节带seasonal 季节性;周期性seasoned timber 干木材seasoning 风干;老化seastrand 海岸seat belt 座位安全带seat earth 根土岩seat pocket 坐槽seat reamer 阀座修整铰刀seat retainer 座圈;阀座护圈seat ring 阀座圈seat rock 根土岩seat shear pin 球座剪切销seat stone 根土岩seat valve 座阀seat wrench 阀座松紧扳手seat 座Seatask unit 海洋作业设备seater 座式seating cup body 密封皮碗套seating cup 密封皮碗seating nipple 座节seating position 坐落位置seating shoe 底座seating 座seawall 防波堤seaward 向海的seawater deaeration 海水脱氧seawater encroachment 海水入侵seawater filter 海水滤器seawater flood project 海水驱方案seawater injection 注海水seawater intrusion 海水入侵seawater lift pump 海水提升泵seawater treatment plant 海水处理站seaway force 浪力seaway 海道seaweed theory 海藻成油说seaweed 海藻seaworthiness 适于航海seaworthy ship 适航性好的船舶seaworthy 能航海的sebacate 癸二酸盐sebaceous 脂肪的sebastianite 黑云钙长岩sebcha 盐沼SEbE 东南微东sebja =sebjet 盐沼sebkha =sebkra 盐沼SEbS 东南微南SEC 空间排阻色谱SEC 趋肤效应校正SEC 线圈系误差校正sec-butyl alcohol 仲丁醇sec. ar. 截面积sec. 部分;截面sec. 二次的;次的;二次绕组sec. 秒sec. 正割secant conic chart 割圆锥投影地图secant meridian 割经线secant method 割线方法secant projection 正割射影secant Young's modulus 割线弹性模量secant 正割SECDED 单错校正双错检测Secenov's coefficient 谢赛诺夫系数secernment 区分;鉴别;分开sechron 层序年龄seclusion 隔离secohm 秒欧secohmmeter 电感表secohopane 断藿烷second anode 第二阳极second arrival 续至波second cosmic velocity 第二宇宙速度second critical angle 第二临界角second crop oil 二茬油second crop 再运移;次生出露物second cycle basin 二次循环盆地second deformation 第二期变形second derivative calculation 二次微商计算second derivative 二阶导数second development 二次显影second harmonic distortion 二次谐波失真second iteration 二次迭代second law of thermodynamics 热力学第二定律second mate 二副second member 右端second moment norm 二阶矩范数second mortgage 第二抵押second officer 二副second order buckling 二次弯曲second order difference 二阶差分second order differential equation 二阶微分方程second order effect 二次项效应second order linear differential equation 二阶线性微分方程second order loop 二阶环路second order reaction 二级反应second order transition temperature 二级转变温度second order transition 二级转化second parameter 二次参数second phase 次相second power 二次幂second rank tensor 二级张量second spinning reel 第二导丝盘second spreading-center 次级扩张中心second time derivative 二阶时间导数second track 第二道second twist 复捻second 秒;第二;次的second-channel interference 第二波道干扰second-derivative map 二次微商图second-order cycle 二级旋回second-order Doppler shift 二次多普勒位移second-order fault zone 二级断层带second-order fold 次级褶皱second-order multiples 二阶多次波second-order ringing 二次鸣震second-order splitting 二级分裂second-order structure zone 二级构造带second-order surface multiple 地面二次波second-order thrust 二级冲断层second-phase fold 第二幕褶皱second-stage separator 二级分离器second-twist-throwing frame 复捻捻丝机secondaries 二次波secondary acetate 次级醋酯纤维secondary air 二次风secondary alcohol 仲醇secondary alkalinity 次生碱性secondary alternating magnetic field 二次交变磁场secondary amine 仲胺secondary anomaly 次生异常secondary arc 次生弧secondary backfill 二次回填secondary battery 蓄电池secondary beneficiary 第二受益人secondary breccia 次生角砾岩secondary building unit 二级构造单元secondary calibration 二级刻度secondary carbon 仲碳原子secondary cell 蓄电池secondary cementing 第二次注水泥secondary coil 副线圈secondary combustion 二次燃烧secondary conductor 二次导体secondary consolidation 二次固结secondary constraint 次要约束条件secondary control 二等控制secondary cracking 二次裂化secondary creep 第二潜伸secondary current 次生电流secondary cyclone 二级旋风分离器secondary depletion 二次采油secondary deposit 次生矿床secondary dispersion halo 次生分散晕secondary drainage curve 二次排泄曲线secondary effect 副效应secondary energy 二次能源secondary enlargement 次生扩大secondary enrichment zone 次生富集带secondary era 中生代secondary excitation 二次激发secondary exploitation 二次采油secondary explosive 传爆炸药secondary extinction 次级消光secondary fault block 次级断块secondary fault 次生断层secondary field 二次场secondary filtration 二次过滤secondary fissure 次生裂缝secondary flood 注水二次开采secondary flow 二次流secondary flowage 滑移流动secondary fluorescence 次生荧光secondary foci 次焦点secondary fold 次生褶皱secondary fossil 次生化石secondary fracture 次生裂缝secondary free-gas cap 次生游离气顶secondary gas cap 次生气顶secondary gas recovery 二次采气secondary gas-oil pool 次生油气藏secondary gelling agent 二次胶凝剂secondary geosyncline 次生地槽;后成地槽secondary group 中生界secondary industry 第二产业secondary instrument 二次仪表secondary interstice 次生孔隙secondary isochron 二次等时线secondary kick 次生井涌secondary leached porosity 次生淋滤孔隙度secondary leakage 二次泄漏secondary liability 第二责任债务secondary limestone 次生石灰岩secondary lobe 旁瓣secondary magnetic field 次生磁场secondary mantle flow model 次生地幔流模式secondary market 次级市场;二级市场secondary memory 辅助存储器secondary meridian 副子午线secondary migration 二次运移secondary mineral 次生矿物secondary miscible flood 二次混相驱油secondary modulation 二次调制secondary noise 次生噪声secondary oil generation theory 二次生油说secondary oil recovery 二次采油secondary oil removal tank 二次除油罐secondary oil response rate 二次开采见效油产量secondary oil-gas pool 次生油气藏secondary operating standard 二级操作标准secondary option 第二选件secondary order fault 次级断层secondary origin 次生成因secondary orogeny 次生造山运动secondary outgrowth cementation 再生生长胶结secondary performance 二次开采动态secondary phase factor 二次相位因子secondary phase of oil production 二次采油阶段secondary plasticizer 助增塑剂;次级增塑剂secondary pore system 次生孔隙secondary pores 次生孔隙secondary porosity index log 次生孔隙度指数测井secondary porosity index 次生孔隙度指数secondary porosity 次生孔隙度secondary precipitate 二次沉淀secondary processing 二次加工secondary product 副产品secondary production 二次开采secondary publications 二次文献secondary pulse 二次冲击secondary radiation effect 二次辐射效应secondary reaction 二次反应secondary recovery factor 二次采收率secondary recovery method 二次开采法secondary recovery mode 二次开采模式secondary recovery operation 二次采油作业secondary recovery stage 二次开采阶段secondary recovery waterflood 二次开采注水secondary recovery 二次开采secondary recycling 二次再生secondary reference fuel 副标准燃料secondary reflection 次级反射secondary refraction 续至折射secondary replacement 次生交代secondary reserves 二次可采储量secondary resinite 次生树脂体secondary risk 次级风险;派生风险secondary rock 次生岩secondary roof seal 浮顶二次密封secondary salinity 次生盐度secondary silica cementation 次生二氧化硅胶结secondary silica outgrowth 次生硅质增生secondary standard 二次标准secondary steam 二次蒸汽secondary storage 辅助存储器secondary store 辅助储备secondary stratification 次生层理secondary stratigraphic trap 次生地层圈闭secondary stress 次应力secondary structure 次生构造secondary suspended solids 次生悬浮物secondary tectonic overlap 次生构造超覆secondary tectonite 次生构造岩secondary treating 二次处理secondary tube waves 二次管波secondary unconformity trap 次生不整合圈闭secondary undulation 副振动secondary units 二级单位secondary voltage 次级电压secondary volumetric sweep efficiency 二次采油体积波及系数secondary water 次生水secondary waterflood reserves 注水二次采油储量secondary wave 次波secondary wind girder 加强圈secondary winding 次级绕组secondary 次要的Secondary 第二纪;中生代的;仲;二代secondrate optimization method 次优化方法seconds counter 秒表seconds Saybolt Furol 赛氏重油粘度秒seconds Saybolt Universal 赛氏通用粘度秒secqt 秒夸脱secrecy and confidentiality clause 保密条款secrecy 秘密;保密;隐蔽secret code 密码secret of the trade 商业秘密secretariat 秘书组secretary general 秘书长secretary 书记;秘书;干事;大臣;部长secrete 分泌;分泌物;隐藏secretion 分泌;空隙充填secretive 保密的;分泌的SECT line 趋肤效应伴热管线SECT 趋肤效应伴热sect. 部分;节;段sectile 可切的section drawing 剖面图section gauge logging 井径测井section gauge 剖面规;截面测量section house 工区房屋section line 剖面线;分区线;截线section mill cutter 套管磨铣工具section mill 截面铣鞋section milling 分段磨铣section model 剖面模型section modulus 断面模数section modulus 剖面模数section multiple 层间多次反射section of reservoir 地层的单元;油层剖面section paper 方格纸section plotter 剖面仪section purging 管段吹扫section steel 型钢section 剖面section-chord technique 截面弦法section-dependent equalization 与剖面有关的道平衡sectional area 截面积sectional bailer 多段捞砂筒sectional box dock 分节浮坞sectional convergence of reserves 油藏各部分的储量分布sectional drawing 断面图sectional elevation 立剖面图sectional material 型材sectional ring rubbers 多段橡皮环sectional turbodrill 多级涡轮钻具sectional view 剖面图sectional 分区的sectionalized derrick 折叠式井架sectionalized jacket 分段式导管架sectionalized 分段sectionally continuous 分段连续sectionally smooth 分段光滑sectioned drilling mast 分块式钻井井架sectionlization 分段sector display 扇形扫描sector fault 扇形断层sector gear 扇形齿轮sector planning 行业规划sector scanning 扇区扫描sector shaft 扇形齿轮轴sector velocity function 扇形速度函数sector 扇形sectorial pipe-coupling method 分段连接管道法sectoring 扇形扫描;扇形变异sectrometer 真空管滴定计secular compaction 缓慢压实作用secular crustal deformation 地壳缓慢变形secular drift 缓慢漂移secular equation 特征方程secular gravity variation 长期性重力变化secular movement 地壳缓慢升降运动secular rise 长期上升secular sinking 长期下沉secular subsidence 长期缓慢沉降secular trend 长期趋势secular upheaval 长期缓慢上升secular variation 长期变化secular 长期的secundine dike 胎盘岩墙secure 安全的secured loan 抵押放款securing band 安全带securities market 证券市场securities portfolio management 一揽子证券管理securities 有价证券security code 安全码security door 保险门security exchange 证券交易security factor 安全系数security level 安全水平security official 安全员security price 证券价格security rating 证券分级security system 安全防范系统security 安全sed 沉积物SED 光谱能量分布sedan 轿车sedarenite 沉积砂屑岩Sedco Ico. 赛德科公司sedentary deposit 原地沉积sedentary product 风化产物sedentary 残积的sediment bar 边缘沙洲sediment box 沉淀箱sediment by extraction 抽提法沉淀试验sediment column 沉积柱sediment compaction 沉积物压实作用sediment gravity flow 沉积物重力流sediment incrustation 积垢sediment pile 沉积物堆积sediment sampler 底泥采样器sediment supply 沉积物补给sediment trap 沉积区;沉积物收集器sediment 沉淀;沉积物;油脚;残渣sediment-induced deformation 沉积物诱发变形sediment-ingesting animals 食沉积物的动物sediment-laden pipeline 充满沉积物的管道sediment-size frequency distribution 沉积物粒度频率分布sedimental 沉积物的sedimentary basin 沉积盆地sedimentary blanket 沉积盖层sedimentary breccia 沉积角砾岩sedimentary column 沉积柱sedimentary compaction 沉积压实作用sedimentary compensation 沉积补偿sedimentary complex 沉积杂岩sedimentary context 沉积环境sedimentary cover 沉积盖层sedimentary cycle 沉积旋回sedimentary deposit 成层沉积sedimentary derivation 沉积来源sedimentary differentiation 沉积分异作用sedimentary dynamics 沉积动力学sedimentary ecology 沉积生态学sedimentary environment 沉积环境sedimentary facies 沉积相sedimentary fault 生长断层sedimentary formation 沉积地层sedimentary gap 沉积缺失sedimentary history 沉积史sedimentary imput 沉积输入sedimentary interstices 沉积岩孔隙;沉积生成孔隙sedimentary lag 沉积滞后sedimentary loading 沉积载荷sedimentary mantle 沉积覆盖层sedimentary mineralogy 沉积矿物学sedimentary origin 沉积成因sedimentary outer arc 沉积外弧sedimentary overlap 沉积超覆sedimentary peat 沉积泥炭sedimentary petrography 沉积岩类学sedimentary pile 沉积堆sedimentary porosity 沉积孔隙度sedimentary province 沉积区sedimentary rhythm 沉积韵律sedimentary rock 沉积岩sedimentary section 沉积剖面sedimentary sequence 沉积层序sedimentary series 沉积层系sedimentary structure 沉积构造sedimentary succession 沉积层序sedimentary supply 沉积物补给sedimentary tectonics 沉积大地构造sedimentary trap 沉积圈闭sedimentary veneer 沉积盖层sedimentary vulcanism 沉积火山作用sedimentary wedge 沉积楔sedimentary 沉淀的sedimentation basin 沉积盆地;沉淀池sedimentation coefficient 沉积系数sedimentation constant 沉积常数sedimentation curve 沉积曲线sedimentation diameter 沉积直径sedimentation disturbance 沉积干扰sedimentation gradient 沉积梯度sedimentation model 沉积模式sedimentation potential 沉积电位sedimentation rate test 沉积速率试验sedimentation tank 沉降罐sedimentation type 沉积类型sedimentation unit 沉积单位sedimentation velocity 沉积速度sedimentation volume 沉积体积sedimentation 沉积sedimentation-equivalent particle 沉积等效颗粒sedimentation-size analysis 沉积量值分析sedimentationist 沉积岩学者sedimentator 沉淀器sedimento-eustasy 沉积海面变动sedimentoeustatism 沉积海面变动sedimentogeneous rock 沉积岩sedimentogenic 沉积成因的sedimentography 沉积岩相学sedimentological 沉积学的sedimentologist 沉积学者sedimentology 沉积学sedimentometer 沉淀计sedimentophile 亲沉积的sedimentous 沉积的see-through section 透明管段seed bag 亚麻子袋油管封隔器;特制封隔器seed 种子seeder 播种者seedholder 籽晶夹持器seeding polymerization 接种聚合seeding 播种;引晶技术;强化seeing 视觉seek delay 查找延迟seek time 查找时间seek 寻找seeker 探索者Seelandian 西兰阶seep oil 渗至地面的油seep water =seepage waterseep 渗出seepage discharge 渗透流量seepage flow 渗流量seepage force 渗透力seepage line 渗流线seepage loss 渗透损失seepage oil 油苗seepage pressure 渗透压力seepage refluction 渗透回流seepage reflux 渗透回流seepage up-dip 沿倾斜向上的渗出。
一、产品用途:FL慢速率应变应力腐蚀试验机为在常温~微高温、常温~低温、常压~微高压介质环境下的慢应变速率拉伸试验(SSRT)、恒载荷应力腐蚀开裂(SCC)试验等,能对SCC 裂纹扩展、腐蚀疲劳裂纹扩展在线、离线测量等多种试验提供实现方案。
应力腐蚀试验的环境介质常见的有超纯水、海水、N2O4、NH3、甲醇等腐蚀介质环境, 应力腐蚀试验机系统采用模组化设计,不同试验功能配置不同的实验模块,具有极高的维护性和可扩展性。
该系统的单元有:馥勒应力加载单元、实验釜单元、水化学测量循环回路、DCPD 裂纹扩展测量单元、应变测量单元、温度控制单元、测控单元、馥勒试验软件等二、满足标准2.1HB 7235-1995 慢应变速率应力腐蚀试验方法2.2HB 5260-1983 马氏体不锈钢拉伸应力腐蚀试验方法2.3GB/T15970.7-2000 金属和合金的腐蚀应力腐蚀试验第7 部分:慢应变速率试验2.4ISO 7539-7-2005 Corrosion of metals and alloys – Stress corrosion testing Part7: Method for slow strain rate testing2.5ASTM G129 - 00(2006) Standard Practice for Slow Strain Rate Testing to Evaluate the Susceptibility of Metallic Materials to Environmentally Assisted Cracking2.6ASTM G47 Standard Test Method for Determining Susceptibility to Stress-Corrosion Cracking of 2XXX and 7XXX Aluminum Alloy Products三、主要技术参数3.1试验机型号:FLFS304、FLFS504、FLFS1053.2额定载荷:30KN、50KN、100KN可选可定制3.3力值测量范围:0.4%~100%F.S.3.4力值准确度:0.5%3.5力值分辨率:0.2N(30KN)、0.3N(50KN)、0.6N(100KN)3.6加载额定移动范围:80mm3.7加载位移速率范围(慢拉伸应力加载单元):10mm/s~1x10-7mm/s3.8加载位移速率范围(裂纹扩展应力加载单元):10mm/s~1x10-6mm/s位移示值准确度:0.3%3.9位移分辨率(慢拉伸应力加载单元):0.0005µm3.10位移分辨率(裂纹扩展应力加载单元):0.005µm3.11伸长测量范围(光栅位移传感器):30mm3.12伸长测量分辨率:0.1µm3.13伸长测量准确度:0.5%3.14疲劳加载波形:正弦波、三角波,以及半波3.15疲劳加载频率:0.0001~2Hz3.16实验容器:可选四、主要特点:4.1慢速率应变应力腐蚀试验机主机框架为四立柱落地式结构,灵活的安装方式可以根据试验需求对实验釜进行上置固定或者下置固定。
高温硫/环烷酸腐蚀 (High Temperature Sulfidic/Naphthenic acid Corrosion)
高温氧化腐蚀(High Temperature Oxidation)
External corrosion 外部腐蚀
Embrittlement 脆化
CO2 腐蚀(CO2 Corrosion)
λ 铜-铝 λ 铝合金 λ 钛合金 λ锌 λ铅 λ 油漆 λ 混凝土 λ 金属涂层 λ 有机涂层 λ铅 λ 油漆 λ 混凝土 λ 金属涂层 λ 有机涂层 材料牌号可自定义,随意添加、修改和删除,软件已内置石油化工行业常见
损伤类别限定为以下四种: λ 减薄 λ 应力腐蚀开裂 λ 外部腐蚀 λ 脆化
硫酸腐蚀(Sulfuric acid(H2SO4) Corrosion)
Thinning 减薄
氢氟酸腐蚀(Hydrofluoric acid(HF) Corrosion)
胺腐蚀(Amine corrosion)
高温硫化氢/氢腐蚀(High Temperature H2S/H2 Corrosion)
损伤因子 范围
有效性 内部(MT/PT) 外部(UT)
高 100~1000
中 100~1000
低 10~100
激光切割laser cutting(LC); laser beam cutting电子束切割electron beam cutting喷气激光切割gas jet laser cutting碳弧切割carbon arc cutting水下切割underwater cutti ng喷水式水下电弧切割waterjet method underwater arc cutting氧矛切割oxygen lancing; oxygen lance cutting溶剂氧切割powder lanci ng手工气割manual oxygen cutting碳弧气割carbon arc air gouging火焰气刨flame gouging火焰表面清理scarfing氧熔剂表面修整powder washing预热火焰preheat flame预热氧preheat oxygen切割氧cutting oxygen/ cutting stream切割速度cutting speed切割线lone of cut/ cut l i ne切割面face of cut/ cut face切口kerf切口上缘cutting shoulder切口宽度kerf width后拖量drag切割面平面度evenness of cutting surface/ planeness of cutti ng surface割纹深度depth of cutting veins/ stria depth 切割面质量quality of cut fac e上缘熔化度shoulder meltability/ melting degree of shoulder切口角kerf angle缺口notch割枪cutting gun割嘴cutting nozzle/ cutting tip快速割嘴divergent nozzle/ high-speed nozzle 表面割炬gouging blowpi pe水下割炬under-water cutting blowpipe水下割条electrode for under-water cutting粉剂罐powder dispenser焊接部件weld assembl y组装件built-up member接头设计joint design焊接应力welding stress焊接瞬时应力transient welding stress焊接残余应力welding residual stress热应力thermal stress收缩应力contraction stress局部应力local stress拘束应力constraint stress固有应力inherent stress固有应变区inherent strain zone残余应力测定residual stress analysis逐层切割法Sach’s methodX射线衍射法X-ray stress analysis小孔释放法Mathar method固有应变法inherent strain method消除应力stress relievi ng局部消除应力local stress relievi ng应力重分布stress redistribution退火消除应力stress relieving by annealing温差拉伸消除应力low temperature stress relieving机械拉伸消除应力mechanical stress relieving应力松弛stress relaxation焊接变形welding deformati on焊接残余变形welding residual deformation 局部变形local deformati on角变形angular distortion自由变形free deformati on收缩变形contraction deformation错边变形mismatching deformation挠曲变形deflection deformation波浪变形wave-like deformation火焰矫正flame straighteni ng反变形backward deformati on焊接力学welding mechani cs 断裂力学fracture mechanic s弹塑性断裂变形elasto-plastic fracture mechanics线弹性断裂力学linear elastic fracture mechanics延性断裂ductile fracture脆性断裂brittle fracture应力腐蚀开裂stress corrosion cracking热应变脆化hot straining embrittlement临界裂纹尺寸critical crack size裂纹扩展速率crack propagation rate裂纹张开位移(COD)crack opening displacement拘束度restraint intensi tyintensity factor of stress corrosion crackingJ积分J-integration罗伯逊止裂试验Robertson crack arrest testESSO试验ESSO test双重拉伸试验doucle tension test韦尔斯宽板拉伸试验Well’s wide plate test帕瑞斯公式Paris formula断裂分析图fracture analysis diagram焊接车间welding shop焊接工作间welding booth焊接工位welding post/ welding station焊接环境welding surroundi ngs焊工welder电焊工manual arc welder气焊工gas welder焊接检验员weld inspector焊工培训welders training焊工模拟训练器trainer of syntheti c wel d焊工考试welder qualification test焊工合格证welder qualification/ welder qualified certification钢板预处理steel plate pretreatment喷沙sand blast喷丸shot blast矫正straighten开坡口bevelling (of the edge)/ chanfering装配assembly/ fitting安装erect刚性固定rigid fixing装配焊接顺序sequence of fitting and welding焊接工艺评定welding procedure qualification焊接工艺试验welding procedure test焊接工艺卡welding procedure card工序operational sequence焊接材料消耗定额welding consumables quota焊接工时定额welder-hour quota清渣slag removal清根back gouging/ back chipping锤击peening返修次数number of rewelding焊接工作台welding benc h 装焊平台welding platen电磁平台electromagnetic platen焊接翻转机welding tilter焊接回转台floor turnable positi oner焊接变位机positioner焊接滚轮架turning rol l s焊接操作机manpulator焊工升降台welder’s lifting platform焊接夹具welding jig/ fixture焊丝盘绕机welding wire coiler焊条压涂机welding electrode extrusion press 红外线加热器infra-red heater干燥箱dryer焊条保温筒thermostat for electrodeCO2预热器CO2 heaterCO2干燥器CO2 desiccator焊接电缆welding cable电缆夹头welding connector地线earth lead地线夹头earth clamp焊接参数记录仪welding parameter recorder焊缝检测规weld gauge喷嘴通针tip cleaner测温笔tempil stick敲渣锤chipping hammer焊接衬垫backing/ welding backing保留垫板fusible backing/ permanent backing临时垫板temporary backing焊剂垫flux backing惰性气体衬垫inert-gas backi ng引弧板run-on tab/ end tab/ starting weld tab 引出板run-off tab/ end tab定位板strong-back加强勒stiffener嵌条insert套环ferrule焊接烟尘weld fume焊接发尘量total amount of fumes焊接烟尘浓度weld fume concentration焊接烟尘容限浓度threshold limit values of weld fume (TLV)焊接发尘速率weld fume emission rate焊接有害气体welding toxic gases/ weld harmful gases标定卫生空气需要量nominal hygienic air requirement焊工尘肺pheumocomsis of welder焊工锰中毒chronic occupational manganese poisoning of welder护脚welding spats防护鞋shielding shoes焊接欠缺welding imperfection焊接缺陷weld defect气孔blowhole/ gas pore针尖状气孔pinhole密集气孔porosity条虫状气孔wormhole裂纹crack表面裂纹surface crack咬边undercut焊瘤overlap凹坑pit 烧穿burn through塌陷excessive penetration未焊透incomplete penetration/ lack of penetration未熔合lack of fusion/ incomplete fusion未焊满incompletely filled weld根部凹陷root concavi ty电弧擦伤arc scratch夹渣slag inclusion夹杂物inclusion夹钨tungsten inclusion白点fish eye/ flake错边misalignment/ dislocati on试件test piece试样test specimen无损检验nondestructive test破坏检验destructive test外观检查visual examinatio n超声波探伤ultrasonic inspection射线探伤radiographic inspection/ radiographyX射线探伤X-ray radiographic inspectionγ射线探伤gamma-ray inspectionX射线工业电视探伤X-ray industrial television inspection磁粉探伤magnetic particle inspecti on电磁探伤electromagnetic inspection/ eddy current test耐压检验pressure test水压检验hydraulic test气压检验pneumatic test液晶检验liquid crystal test声发射检测acoustic emission testing面弯试验face bend testi ng背弯试验root bend test侧弯试验side bend test横弯试验horizontal bend test纵弯试验axial bend test压扁试验squeezing testH焊接welding, weld航空材料aerial material合成纤维synthetic fiber合金钢alloy steel合金化alloying合金结构钢structural alloy steel红硬性red hardness滑移slip, glide滑移方向glide direction, slip direction 滑移面glide plane, slip plane滑移系slip system化合物compound化学气相沉积chemical vapour eposition(CVD)化学热处理chemical heat treatmentJ基体matrix机械混合物mechanical mixture机械性能mechanical property激光热处理heat treatment with a laser beam激光laser激光熔凝laser melting and consolidation 激光表面硬化surface hardening by laserbeam加工硬化work hardening加热heating胶粘剂adhesive结构材料structural material结晶crystallize, crystallization结晶度crystallinity金属材料metal material金属化合物metallic compound金属键metallic bond金属组织metal structure金属结构metallic framework金属塑料复合材料plastimets 金属塑性加工metal plastic?working金属陶瓷metal ceramic金相显微镜metallographic microscope,metalloscope金相照片metallograph晶胞cell晶格crystal lattice晶格常数lattice constant晶格空位lattice vacancy晶粒crystal grain晶粒度grain size晶粒细化grain refining晶体结构crystal structure抗拉强度tensilestrength抗压强度compression strength颗粒复合材料particle composite扩散diffusion, diffuseL老化aging莱氏体ledeburite冷变形cold deformation冷加工cold work, cold working冷却cool, cooling冷作硬化cold hardening离子ion粒状珠光体granular pearlite连续转变曲线continuous coolingtransformation(CCT) curve孪晶twin crystal孪生twinning, twin螺旋位错helical dislocation洛氏硬度Rockwell hardnessM马氏体martensite (M)密排六方晶格close-packed xagonal lattice(C.P.H.)面心立方晶格face-centred cubic lattice(F.C.C.)摩擦friction磨损wear, abrade, abrasion模具钢die steelMf 点martensite finishing pointMs点martensite starting pointN纳米材料nanostructured materials耐磨钢wear-resisting steel耐磨性wearability, wear resistance耐热钢heat resistant steel , high temperature steel 扭转疲劳强度torsional fatiguestrengthP泡沫塑料foamplastics, expanded plastics 配位数coordination number喷丸硬化shot-peening疲劳强度fatigue strength疲劳寿命fatigue life片状马氏体lamellar martensite, plate typemartensite普通碳钢ordinary steel, plain carbon steelQ气体渗碳gas carburizing切变shear切削cut, cutting切应力shearing stress球化退火spheroidizing annealing屈服强度yielding strength, yield strength 屈强比yielding-to-tensile ratio屈氏体troolstite (T)去应力退火relief annealingR热处理heat treatment热加工hot work, hot working热喷涂thermal spraying热固性thermosetting热塑性hot plasticity热硬性thermohardening柔顺性flexibility人工时效artificial ageing刃具cutting tool刃型位错edge dislacation, blade dislocation韧性toughness溶质solute溶剂solvent蠕变creep蠕墨铸铁quasiflake graphite cast iron软氮化soft nitriding金属材料专业英语Material Science 材料科学Material Science Definition 材料科学定义Machinability [məʃi:nə'biliti] 加工性能Strength .[streŋθ] 强度Corrosion & resistance durability.[kə'rəʊʒən] &[ri'zistəns] .[ 'djʊrə'bɪlətɪ] 抗腐蚀及耐用Special metallic features 金属特性Allergic, re-cycling & environmental protection 抗敏感及环境保护[ə'lə:dʒik] Chemical element 化学元素'elimənt] Atom of Elements 元素的原子序数Atom and solid material 原子及固体物质Atom Constitutes 原子的组织图['kɔnstitju:t]Periodic Table 周期表[,piəri'ɔdik] adj. 周期的;定期的Atom Bonding 原子键结合Metal and Alloy 金属与合金['ælɔi, ə'lɔi]Ferrous & Non Ferrous Metal 铁及非铁金属['ferəs] adj. [化]亚铁的;铁的,含铁的Features of Metal 金属的特性Crystal Pattern 晶体结构['kristəl] n. 水晶;结晶,晶体;水晶饰品adj. 水晶的;透明的,清澈的分析法[,ænə'litik,-kəl]Metal space lattice 金属结晶格子Metal Phase and Phase Rule金相及相律Solid solution 固熔体Substitutional type solid solution 置换固熔体[,sʌbstitju:ʃənəl]Interstitial solid solution 间隙固熔体[,intə'stiʃəl] n. 填隙原子;节间adj. 间质的;空隙的;填隙的Intermetallic compound 金属间化合物[,intəmi'tælik] ['kɔmpaund, kəm'paund] vt. 混合;合成;和解妥协;搀合vi. 妥协;和解n. 化合物;复合词;混合物adj. 复合的;混合的Transformation 转变Transformation Point 转变点Magnetic Transformation 磁性转变[mæɡ'netik]Allotropic Transformation 同素转变[mæɡ'netik] adj. [化]同素异形的Thermal Equilibrium 热平衡['θə:m əl] adj. 热的,热量的 Degree of freedom 自由度Critical temperature 临界温度Eutectic 共晶[ju:'tektik] n. 共熔合金Peritectic [.peri’tektik] Temperature 包晶温度Peritectic Reaction 包晶反应Peritectic Alloy 包晶合金Hypoeutectic Alloy 亚共晶体[,haip əuju'tektik] n. 低级低共熔体adj. 亚共晶的Hypereutectic Alloy 过共晶体PlasticDeformation 金属塑性[,di:f ɔ:'mei ʃən] n. 变形Slip Plan 滑动面Distortion 畸变[dis't ɔ:ʃən]Work Hardening 硬化Annealing 退火Crystal Recovery 回复柔软Recrystallization 再结晶[ri:,krist əlai'zei ʃən]Properties & testing of metal 金属材料的性能及试验Chemical Properties 化学性能['pr ɔp əti ]Physical Properties 物理性能Magnetism 磁性['mæɡnitizəm]Specific resistivity & specific resistance 比电阻Specific gravity & specific density 比重Specific Heat 比热热膨胀系数 Coefficient of thermal expansion['mæɡnitizəm] n. 协同因素;[数]系数;[物]率 adj. 合作的;共同作用的 ['θə:m əl] adj. 热的,n. 上升暖气流导热度 Heat conductivity屈服强度(降伏强度) (Yield strength)伸长度[,i:l ɔŋ'ɡei ʃən, i,l ɔŋ-]断面缩率 Reduction of area [ri'd ʌk ʃən]破坏性检验 destructive inspections渗透探伤法 Penetrate inspecti on磁粉探伤法 Magnetic particle inspection放射线探伤法 Radiographic inspection[,reidi əu'græfik] adj. 射线照相术的超声波探伤法 Ultrasonic inspection[,ʌltr ə's ɔnik] adj. 超音速的;超声的n. 超声波显微观察法 Microscopic inspection [,maikr ə'sk ɔpik]破坏的检验 Destructive Inspection冲击测试 Impact Test疲劳测试 Fatigue Test [f ə'ti:ɡ] n. 疲劳,疲乏;杂役vt. 使疲劳;使心智衰弱vi. 疲劳adj. 疲劳的 蠕变试验Creep Test [kri:p]vi. 爬行潜变强度 Creeps Strength第一潜变期 Primary Creep第二潜变期 Secondary Creep第三潜变期 Tertiary Creep主要金属元素之物理性质Physical properties of major Metal El ements工业标准及规格–铁及非铁金属Industrial Standard – Ferrous & Non – ferrous Metal磁力Magnetic简介General软磁Soft Magnetic硬磁Hard Magnetic磁场Magnetic Field磁性感应Magnetic Inducti on导磁率[系数,性] Magnetic Permeability [,pə:miə'biliti] n. 弥漫;渗透性;[物]透磁率,导磁系数磁化率Magnetic Susceptibility (Xm) [sə,septə'biləti]磁力(Magnetic Force)铁磁体Ferromagnetism转变元素Transition element交换能量Positive energy exchange磁畴Magnetic domain [dəu'mein] n. 领域;产业;地产;[计]域名相反旋转Opposite span ['ɔpəzit, -si t]反铁磁体Antiferromagnetism亚铁磁体Ferrimagnetism磁矩magnetic moment净磁矩Net magnetic moment钢铁的主要成份The major element of steel钢铁用"碳"之含量来分类Classification of Steel according to Carbon contents铁相Steel Phases ['feisi:z] n. 阶段,时期(phase的复数形式)v. 逐步实行(phase 的三单形式)钢铁的名称Name of steel铁素体Ferrite ['ferait]渗碳体Cementitle奥氏体Austenite珠光体及共析钢Pearlite &Eutectoid奥氏体碳钢Austenite Carbon Steel\;使…兴奋粗珠光体Coarse pearlite [kɔ:s] adj. 粗糙的;下等的;粗俗的中珠光体Medium Pearlite幼珠光体Fine pearlite磁性变态点Magnetic Transformati on钢铁的制造Manufacturing of Steel [,mænju'fæktʃər iŋ]连续铸造法Continuous casting process电炉Electric furnace均热炉Soaking pit ['səukiŋ] n. 浸湿,浸透adj. 湿透的,极湿的adv. 湿透地全静钢Killed steel半静钢Semi-killed steel沸腾钢(未净钢) Rimmed steel [rim] n. 边,边缘;轮辋;圆圈vi. 作…的边,装边于vt. 作…的边,装边于钢铁生产流程Steel Production Flow Chart钢材的熔铸、锻造、挤压及延轧The Casting, Fogging, Extrusion, Rolling & Steel熔铸Casting锻造Fogging挤压Extrusion延轧Rolling冲剪Drawing & stamping [sʌl'fjuərik]硬化性能Hardenability钢的脆性Brittleness of Steel ['britlnis] n.脆弱性;脆性,脆度低温脆性Cold brittleness回火脆性Temper brittleness硬度Hardness表面处理Surface fini sh冷辘钢捆片及张片制作流程图表Production flow chart cold rolled steel coil sheet冷辘钢捆片及张片的电镀和印刷方法Cold rolled steel coil & sheet electro-plating & painting method [kɔil] vt. n. 延长;伸长;延伸率;伸长率盘绕,把…卷成圈n. 卷;线圈vi. 成圈状\硬度及拉力Hardness & Tensile strength test ['tensail, -səl] adj. [物]拉力的;可伸长的;可拉长的拉伸测试(顺纹测试) Elongation test [,i:lɔŋ'ɡeiʃən, i,lɔŋ-]杯突测试(厚度: 0.4公厘至1.6公厘,准确至0.1公厘3个试片平均数) Erichsen test (Thickness: 0.4mm to 1.6mm, figure round up to 0.1mm)曲面(假曲率) Camber厚度及阔度公差Tolerance on Thickness & Width平坦度(阔度大于500公厘,标准回火) Flatness (width>500mm, temper: standard)弯度Camber冷辘钢片储存与处理提示General advice on handling & storage of cold rolled steel coil & sheet防止生锈Rust Protecti on生锈速度表Speed of rusting焊接Welding气焊Gas Welding埋弧焊Submerged-arc Welding [səb'mə:dʒd]\电镀锌钢片或电解钢片Electro-galvanized Steel Sheet/Electrolytic Zinc Coated Steel Sheet电镀锌钢片的焊接Welding of Electro-galvanized steel sheet ['ɡælvənaiz] vt. 通电;镀锌;刺激点焊Spot welding滚焊Seam welding [si:m] n. 缝;接缝vt. 缝合;接合;使留下伤痕Vi. 裂开;产生裂缝电镀锌(电解)钢片Electro-galvanized Steel Sheet生产流程Production Flow Chart常用的镀锌钢片(电解片)的基层金属、用途、锌镀层质量Zinc Coating Mass [ziŋk]表面处理Surface Treatment冷轧钢片Cold-Rolled Steel Sheet/Stri p热轧钢片Hot-Rolled Sheet/Strip电解冷轧钢片厚度公差Thickness Tolerance of Electrolytic Cold-rolled sheet热轧钢片厚度公差Thickness Tolerance of Hot-rolled sheet冷轧或热轧钢片阔度公差Width Tolerance of Cold or Hot-rol l ed sheet长度公差Length Tolerance理论质量Theoretical Mass [,θiə'retikəl, ,θi:ə-]锌镀层质量(两个相同锌镀层厚度) Mass Calculation of coating (For equal coating)/MM锌镀层质量(两个不同锌镀层厚度) Mass Calculation of coating (For differential coating)/MM\锡层质量Mass of Tin Coating (JIS G3303-1987)两面均等锡层Both Side Equally Coated Mass两面不均等锡层Both Side Different Thickness Coated Mass硬度Hardness单相轧压镀锡薄铁片(白铁皮/马口铁) Single-Reduced Tinplate双相辗压镀锡薄钢片(马口铁/白铁皮) Dual-Reduction Tinplate钢的种类Type of Steel常用尺寸Commonly Used Size电器用硅[硅] 钢片Electrical Steel Sheet简介General软磁材料Soft Magnetic Material滞后回线Narrow Hysteresis矫顽磁力Coercive Force [kəu'ə:siv] adj. 强制的;高压的;胁迫的硬磁材料Hard Magnetic Materi al最大能量积Maximum Energy Product硅含量对电器用的低碳钢片的最大好处The Advantage of Using Silicon low Carbon Steel晶粒取向(Grain-Oriented)及非晶粒取向(Non-Oriented) Grain Oriented & Non-Oriented ['ɔ:rientid, 'əu-] adj. 定向的;应力退火温度Stress –relieving Annealing Temperature绝缘表面Surface Insulation非晶粒取向电力用钢片的电力、磁力、机械性能及夹层系数Lamination Factors of Electrical, Magnetic & Mechanical Non-Grain Oriented Electrical电器及家电外壳用镀层冷辘[低碳] 钢片Coated (Low Carbon) Steel Sheets for Casing,Electricals & Home Appli ances镀铝硅钢片Aluminized Silicon Alloy Steel Sheet镀铝硅合金钢片的特色Feature of Aluminized Silicon Alloy Steel Sheet用途End Usages抗化学品能力Chemical Resistance焊接能力Weldability镀铝钢片的焊接状态(比较冷辘钢片) Tips on welding of Aluminized sheet in comparasion with cold rolled steel stri p钢板Steel Plate钢板用途分类及各国钢板的工业标准包括\钢板生产流程Production Flow Chart钢板订货需知Ordering of Steel Pl ate不锈钢Stainless Steel不锈钢的定义Definition of Stainless Steel马氏体不锈钢Martensite Stainless Steel低碳马氏体不锈钢Low Carbon Martensite Stainless Steel含铁体不锈钢Ferrite Stainless Steel镍铬系不锈钢Nickel Chrome Stainless Steel铬系耐热钢Chrome Heat Resistance Steel镍铬耐热钢Ni - Cr Heat Resi stance Steel超耐热钢Special Heat Resistance Steel抗热超级合金Heat Resistance Super Alloy\边缘处理Edge Finish硬度Hardness\高碳钢片High Carbon Steel Strip分类Classification用组织结构分类Classification According to Grain Structure\弹簧用碳钢片Carbon Steel Strip For Spring Use冷轧状态Cold Rolled Stri p回火状态Annealed Stri p淬火及回火状态Hardened & Tempered Strip/ Precision –Quenched Steel Stri p贝氏体钢片Bainite Steel Stri p弹簧用碳钢片材之边缘处理Edge Finished淬火剂Quenching Medi a碳钢回火Tempering回火有低温回火及高温回火Low & High Temperature Tempering高温回火High Temperature Temperi ng退火Annealing完全退火Full Annealing扩散退火Diffusion Annealing [di'fju:ʒən] n. 扩散,传播;[物]漫射低温退火Low Temperature Anneal i ng中途退火Process Annealing 球化退火Spheroidizing Annealing光辉退火Bright Anneali ng淬火Quenching [kwentʃ] vt. 结束;熄灭,淬火;解渴;冷浸vi. 熄灭;平息时间淬火Time Quenchi ng奥氏铁孻回火Austempering马氏铁体淬火Marquenching高碳钢片用途End Usage of High Carbon Steel Strip低碳钢或铁基层金属Iron & Low Carbon as Base Metal不锈钢基层金属Stainless Steel as Base Metal易溶合金Fusible All oy焊接合金Soldering and Brazing All oy硬焊Brazing Alloy机械性能Mechanical Properites易车(快削)不锈钢种类Type of steel加工方法Manufacturing Method应用材料Material Used特点CharacteristicMaterial Science物料科学定义Material Science Definition加工性能Machinability强度Strength抗腐蚀及耐用Corrosion & resistance durability金属特性Special metallic features抗敏感及环境保护Allergic, re-cycling & environmental protection化学元素Chemical element元素的原子序数Atom of Elements原子及固体物质Atom and solid material原子的组成、大小、体积和单位图表The size, mass, charge of an atom, and is particles (Pronton,Nentron and Electron)原子的组织图Atom Constitutes周期表金属与合金Metal and Alloy铁及非铁金属Ferrous & Non Ferrous Metal 金属的特性Features of Metal晶体结构Crystal Pattern金属间化物Intermetallic compound合金平衡状态Thermal Equilibrium相律Phase Rule自由度Degree of freedom临界温度Critical temperture共晶Eutectic包晶温度Peritectic Temperature包晶反应Peritectic Reacti on包晶合金Peritectic Al l oy亚共晶体Hypoeutetic Alloy过共晶体Hyper-ectectic All oy 金属塑性Plastic Deformation滑动面Slip Plan畸变Distortion硬化Work Hardening退火Annealing回复柔软Crystal Recovery再结晶Recrystallization金属材料的性能及试验Properties & testing of metal化学性能Chemical Properties物理性能Physical Properties磁性Magnetisum比电zu ific resistivity & specific resistance 比重Specific gravity & specific densi ty比热Specific Heat热膨胀系数Coefficient of thermal expansion 导热度Heat conductivity机械性能Mechanical properties屈服强度(降伏强度) (Yield strangth)弹性限度、阳氏弹性系数及屈服点elastic limit, Y eung's module of elasticity to yield point伸长度Elongation断面缩率Reduction of area金属材料的试验方法The Method of Metal inspection不破坏检验Non – destructive inspections渗透探伤法Penetrate inspecti on磁粉探伤法Magnetic particle inspection 放射线探伤法Radiographic inspection 超声波探伤法Ultrasonic inspection显微观察法Microscopic inspecti on破坏的检验Destructive Inspecti on冲击测试Impact Test疲劳测试Fatigue Test潜变测试Creep TestTertiary Creep磁力Magnetic简介General软磁Soft Magnetic硬磁Hard Magnetic磁场Magnetic Field磁性感应Magnetic Inducti on透磁度Magnetic Permeability磁化率Magnetic Susceptibility (Xm)顺磁体Paramagnetic正磁化率Positive magnetic susceptibility 铁磁体Ferromagnetism转变元素Transition element交换能量Positive energy exchange外价电子Outer valence electrons化学结合Chemical bond亚铁磁体Ferrimagnetism磁矩magnetic moment净磁矩Net magnetic moment 钢铁的主要成份The major element of steel钢铁用"碳"之含量来分类Classification of Steel according to Carbon contents铁相Steel Phases钢铁的名称Name of steel纯铁体Ferrite渗碳体Cementitle奥氏体碳钢Austenite Carbon Steel单相金属Single Phase Metal共释变态Eutectoid Transformation珠光体Pearlite亚铁释体Hyppo-Eutectoid初释纯铁体Pro-entectoid ferrite过共释钢Hype-eutectoid珠光体Pearlite粗珠光体Coarse pearlite中珠光体Medium pearli te幼珠光体Fine pearlite磁性变态点Magnetic Transformation钢铁的制造Manufacturing of Steel连续铸造法Continuous casting process电炉Electric furnace均热炉Soaking pit全静钢Killed steel半静钢Semi-killed stee l沸腾钢(未净钢) Rimmed steel钢铁生产流程Steel Production Flow Chart 钢材的熔铸、锻造、挤压及延轧The Casting, Fogging, Extrusion, Rolling & Steel熔铸Casting锻造Fogging挤压Extrusion延轧Rolling冲剪Drawing & stampi ng特殊钢Special Steel简介General特殊钢以原素分类Classification of Special Steel according to Element特殊钢以用途来分类Classification of Special Steel according to End Usage易车(快削)不锈钢Free Cutting Stainless Steel含铅易车钢Leaded Free Cutting Steel含硫易车钢Sulphuric Free Cutting Steel硬化性能Hardenability钢的脆性Brittleness of Steel低温脆性Cold brittleness回火脆性Temper brittleness材料的加工性能Drawing abilli ty硬度Hardness表面处理Surface fini sh冷辘钢捆片及张片制作流程图表Production flow chart cold rolled steel coil sheet冷辘钢捆片及张片的电镀和印刷方法Cold rolled steel coil & sheet electro-plating & painting method \\\\Rust Protection生锈速度表Speed of rusting焊接Welding气焊Gas Welding埋弧焊Submerged-arc Welding电阻焊Resistance Weldi ng冷辘钢片(拉力: 30-32公斤/平方米)在没有表面处理状态下的焊接状况Spot welding conditions for bared (free from paint, oxides etc) Cold rolled mild steel sheets(T/S:30-32 Kgf/ μ m2)时间效应(老化)及拉伸应变Aging & Stretcher Strains电镀锌钢片的焊接Welding of Electro-galvanized steel sheet点焊Spot welding滚焊Seam welding电镀锌(电解)钢片Electro-galvanized Steel Sheet生产流程Production Flow Chart锌镀层质量Zinc Coating Mass表面处理Surface Treatment冷轧钢片Cold-Rolled Steel Sheet/Stri p热轧钢片Hot-Rolled Sheet/Strip电解冷轧钢片厚度公差Thickness Tolerance of Electrolytic Cold-rolled sheet热轧钢片厚度公差Thickness Tolerance of Hot-rolled sheet冷轧或热轧钢片阔度公差Width Tolerance of Cold or Hot-rolled sheet 长度公差Length Tolerance理论质量Theoretical Massn Steel退火Annealing应力退火温度Stress –relieving Annealing TemperatureEnd Usages抗化学品能力Chemical Resistance钢板生产流程Production Flow Chart钢板订货需知Ordering of Steel Plate不锈钢Stainless Steel不锈钢的定义Definition of Stainless Steel不锈钢之分类,耐腐蚀性及耐热性Classification, Corrosion Resistant & Heat Resistance of Stainless Steel铁铬系不锈钢片Chrome Stainless Steel马氏体不锈钢Martensite Stainless Steel低碳马氏体不锈钢Low Carbon Martensite Stainless Steel含铁体不锈钢Ferrite Stainless Steel表面处理Surface fini sh 不锈钢薄片用途例End Usage of Thi nner Gauge不锈钢片、板用途例Examples of End Usages of Strip, Sheet & Plate不锈钢应力退火卷片常用规格名词图解General Specification of Tension Annealed Stainless Steel Strips耐热不锈钢Heat-Resistance Stainless Steel超耐热钢Special Heat Resistance Steel抗热超级合金Heat Resistance Super Alloy耐热不锈钢比重表Specific Gravity of Heat –resistance steel plates and sheets stainl ess steel不锈钢材及耐热钢材标准对照表Stainless and Heat-Resisting Steels发条片Power Spring Strip弹簧用碳钢片CarbonSteel Strip For Spri ng U se冷轧状态Cold Rolled Strip回火状态Annealed Stri p淬火及回火状态Hardened & Tempered Strip/ Precision –Quenched Steel Strip贝氏体钢片Bainite Steel Stri p弹簧用碳钢片材之边缘处理Edge Finished 淬火剂Quenching Media碳钢回火Tempering回火有低温回火及高温回火Low & High Temperature Temperi ng高温回火High Temperature Tempering退火Annealing完全退火Full Anneali ng扩散退火Diffusion Annealing低温退火Low Temperature Annealing中途退火Process Anneali ng球化退火Spheroidizing Anneali ng光辉退火Bright Anneali ng淬火Quenching时间淬火Time Quenchi ng奥氏铁孻回火Austempering马氏铁体淬火Marquenching高碳钢片用途End Usage of High Carbon Steel StripComparison of Tin base, Lead base and Zinc base alloy for Beari ng purpose易溶合金Fusible Alloy焊接合金Soldering and Brazing Alloy化学成份Chemical Compositi on易车碳钢Free Cutting Carbon Steels (to JIS G4804 )化学成份Chemical composition 应用材料Material Used特点Characteristic用途End Usages热导率thermal conductivity,应力和应变stress and strai n,弹性应变elastic strai n,塑性应变plastic strain,屈服强度yield strength,最大抗拉强度ultimate tensile strength, 最大强度ultimate strength,延展性ductility,伸长率elongation,断面收缩率reduction of area,颈缩necking,断裂强度breaking strength,韧性toughness,硬度hardness,疲劳强度fatigue strength,热脆性heat shortness,晶胞中的原子数atoms per cell,点阵lattice, 阵点lattice point,点阵参数lattice parameter,密排六方hexagonal close-packed,六方晶胞hexagonal unit cel l,体心立方body-centered cubic,面心立方face-centered cubic,晶面crystal plane,晶系crystal system,晶向crystal direction,相变机理Phase transformation mechanism:成核nucleation,成核机理nucleation mechanism,金属组织的)基体quay,基体,基块,基质,结合剂matrix,子晶,雏晶matted crystal,均质核化homogeneous nucleation,异质核化heterogeneous ucleation,均匀化热处理homogenization heat treatment,熟料grog,自恰场self-consistent fiel d固溶体Solid solution:有序固溶体ordered solid soluti on,无序固溶体disordered solid solution,有序合金ordered alloy,无序合金disordered alloy.无序点阵disordered lattice,分散,扩散,弥散dispersal,分散剂dispersant,分散剂,添加剂dispersant additive,分散剂,弥散剂dispersant agent缺陷defect, imperfection,点缺陷point defect,线缺陷line defect, dislocation,面缺陷interface defect, surface defect,体缺陷volume defect,位错排列dislocation arrangement,位错阵列dislocation array,位错气团dislocation atmosphere,位错轴dislocation axi s,位错胞dislocation cel l,位错滑移dislocation slip, dislocation movement by slip,回火tempering,退火annealing,退火的,软化的softened,软化退火,软化(处理)softening,淬火quenching,淬火硬化quenching hardening,正火normalizing, normalization,退火织构annealing texture,人工时效artificial aging,细长比aspect ratio,形变热处理ausforming,等温退火austempering,奥氏体austenite,奥氏体化austenitizing,贝氏体bainite,马氏体martensite,马氏体淬火marquench,马氏体退火martemper,马氏体时效钢maraging steel,渗碳体cementite,固溶强化solid solution strengthening,waterproofing agent,扩散diffusion,扩散系数diffusivity,相变phase transition,烧结sintering,固相反应solid-phase reaction,相图与相结构phase diagrams and phase structures ,相phase,组分component,自由度freedom,相平衡phase equilibrium,吉布斯相律Gibbs phase rule,吉布斯自由能Gibbs free energy,吉布斯混合能Gibbs energy of mixing,吉布斯熵Gibbs entropy,吉布斯函数Gibbs function,相平衡phase balance,相界phase boundary,相界线phase boundary l i ne,相界反应phase boundary reacti on,相变phase change,相组成phase composition,共格相phase-coherent,金相相组织phase constentuent,相衬phase contrast,相衬显微镜phase contrast microscope,相衬显微术phase contrast microscopy,相分布phase distribution,相平衡常数phase equilibrium constant,相平衡图phase equilibrium diagram,相变滞后phase transition lag, Al-Si-O-N系统相关系phase relationships in the Al-Si-O-N system,相分离phase segregation, phase separation, 玻璃分相phase separation in glasses,相序phase order, phase sequence,相稳定性phase stability,相态phase state,相稳定区phase stabile range,相变温度phase transition temperature,相变压力phase transition pressure,同质多晶转变polymorphic transformation, 相平衡条件phase equilibrium conditions,低共熔体eutectoid,crystallization,不混溶性immiscibility,固态反应solid state reaction,烧结sintering,相变机理Phase transformation mechanism: 成核生长相变nucleation–growth transition,。
高壓空氣 高壓氫氣 液氨,液氧,液氮,液氯等 液化石油氣,液化天然氣 高壓乙炔 液化環氧乙烷,液化溴甲烷 高壓反應器: 例如合成甲醇,硝酸等
設置合格的專責人員,每人以一作為原則,於運轉時, 雇主不得使從事與鍋爐或高壓容器無關的工作 鍋爐應安裝在專用建築物內,或者以障壁分開之場所。 固體燃料應距鍋爐至少1.2m, 其他燃料保持2m以上距離 設置禁止無關人員擅自進入的標示,鍋爐檢查合格證 書,以及專責人員的資格證書影本,也要揭示於明顯處 高低水位警報器加上液位計,是鍋爐的安全裝置之一 安全閥應調整於最高使用壓力以下吹洩,安全閥經檢 查後,應予固定不得變動 壓力表刻度板上,應明顯標示最高使用壓力之位置, 以隨時提醒作業人員
分類的意義在於針對不同性質的鍋爐或壓力容器,依 其不同程度的危險性,進行不同程度的管理。
最高使用壓力小於1 kg/cm2, 且熱傳面積在1 m2以下之蒸汽鍋爐 最高使用壓力小於1 kg/cm2, 且胴體內徑在300 mm 以下,長度在 600 mm 以下之蒸汽鍋爐 熱傳面積在3.5 m2以下者,且裝有內徑25 mm以上之U型豎立管, 其水頭壓力在5m以下之蒸汽鍋爐 熱傳面積在3.5 m2以下者,且裝有內徑25 mm以上之開放於大氣 的蒸汽管之蒸汽鍋爐 水頭壓力在10 m 以下,且熱傳面積在8 m2以下之熱水鍋爐 最高使用壓力在10 kg/cm2, 且熱傳面積在10 m2以下之貫流鍋爐。
危險性機械: 包括固定式起重機,移動式起重機,人 字臂起重機,升降機,營建用提升機,吊籠等 危險性設備: 包括鍋爐,壓力容器,高壓氣體特定設 備,高壓氣體容器等 以上機械或設備都需要事前取得設備檢查合格證書, 操作的勞工也都要有合格的操作執照
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Creep corrosion cracking of Sn–3.0Ag and Sn–0.5Cu solder alloys in NaClsolutionKen’ichi Yokoyama a ,⇑,Akihide Nogami a ,Jun’ichi Sakai b ,caDepartment of Materials Science and Engineering,Kyushu Institute of Technology,1-1Sensui-cho,Tobata-ku,Kitakyushu 804-8550,Japan bFaculty of Science and Engineering,Waseda University,3-4-1Okubo,Shinjuku-ku,Tokyo 169-8555,Japan cKagami Memorial Laboratory for Materials Science and Technology,Waseda University,2-8-26,Nishiwaseda Shinjuku-ku,Tokyo 169-0051,Japana r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 24December 2013Accepted 5May 2014Available online 14May 2014Keywords:A.Electronic materials A.TinB.SEMC.Intergranular corrosion C.Stress corrosiona b s t r a c tThe surface crack nucleation of Sn–3.0Ag and Sn–0.5Cu solder alloys has been examined by performing sustained tensile-loading tests in 0.9mass%NaCl solution at room temperature.For Sn–3.0Ag alloy,many cracks nucleate and propagate on the side surface of the specimen,similarly to Sn–3.0Ag–0.5Cu alloy reported previously.For Sn–0.5Cu alloy,such cracks are not observed,and ordinary creep deformation occurs in the solution.The effect of sustained applied stress,i.e.,creep,on the dissolution of ions is smal-ler for Sn–0.5Cu alloy than for Sn–3.0Ag alloy.The present results suggest that there are differences in the susceptibility to cracking under applied stress in a solution,i.e.,creep corrosion cracking,among lead-free solder alloys.Ó2014Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionLead-free solders including Sn–Ag–Cu,Sn–Ag and Sn–Cu alloys exhibit better corrosion resistance than conventional tin–lead solders in NaCl solutions [1–6].In addition,the creep resistance of the above lead-free solder alloys is much greater than that of eutectic tin–lead solder because of their dispersion-strength mechanism [7–10].Intermetallic compound particles such as Ag 3-Sn play an important role in the creep behavior of Sn–Ag–Cu-based or Sn–Ag-based alloys.In particular,the particles are considered to cause an increase in the time to creep rupture but a decrease in the creep strain [11].However,from the results of a sustained tensile-loading test in 0.9mass%NaCl solution,the fracture mode of Sn–3.0Ag–0.5Cu alloy is not ordinary creep rupture [12].This frac-ture is probably caused by overload due to surface crack nucleation at and propagation along grain boundaries accompanied by the preferential dissolution of Ag and Cu ions [12],in spite of the ade-quate corrosion resistance without an applied load in the solution.Therefore,the surface cracking behavior is especially important in the case of this fracture mode.We have suggested that surface crack nucleation is related to both creep and corrosion,i.e.,creep corrosion cracking [12];hence,it must not be confused with conventional stress corrosion cracking.Moreover,surface crack nucleation cannot necessarily be predicted from only corrosion behavior without applied stress or creep behavior under atmospheric conditions.Among the lead-free solder alloys,such surface cracking has currently only been observed for Sn–Ag–Cu alloy.It should be investigated exper-imentally whether or not the interaction of cracking with creep and corrosion occurs for other solder alloys such as Sn–Ag and Sn–Cu alloys.If such cracking occurs,the methods of evaluating the reliability of lead-free solder alloys should be reviewed.Con-versely,the case of no cracking will help clarify the mechanisms of creep corrosion cracking in detail.The purpose of the present study is to investigate the surface cracking behavior of Sn–3.0Ag and Sn–0.5Cu alloys subjected to a sustained tensile-loading test in NaCl aqueous solution at room temperature.The findings obtained by the present study will be useful for clarifying the cracking mechanisms and for evaluating the reliability of lead-free solder alloys.2.Experimental procedureFor comparison with the results for Sn–3.0Ag–0.5Cu alloy,the present study was performed under the same experimental condi-tions as those reported previously [12].Commercially available Sn–3.0Ag and Sn–0.5Cu (mass%)solder alloy wires of 0.50mm diameter were cut into specimens.Percent-ages in this paper refer to mass percentages unless otherwise stated.The surfaces of the specimens were carefully finished with 600-grit SiC paper and ultrasonically cleaned in acetone for 5min./10.1016/j.corsci.2014.05.0040010-938X/Ó2014Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.⇑Corresponding author.Tel.:+81938843356;fax:+81938843351.E-mail (K.Yokoyama).The microstructure of the specimens in a cross-sectional area was examined by optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy(SEM)with an electron probe microanalyzer(EPMA) after etching with ethanol solution containing hydrochloric acid. The secondary phase of the specimens was examined using an X-ray diffractometer operated at40kV and20mA with Cu K a radiation of wavelength k=0.154056nm.To measure the mechanical properties,tensile tests were performed at room temperature(25±2°C)under atmospheric conditions using an Instron-type machine at a strain rate of 8.33Â10À4/s.Tensile creep tests were also conducted under various sustained loads at room temperature under atmospheric conditions.The applied stress was calculated as the ratio of the applied load to the initial cross-sectional area.The measurement of creep strain was terminated after2Â104s for experimental reasons.The potentiodynamic polarization curves of the specimen without applied stress were measured at least three times from the corrosion potential towards the anodic and cathodic directions with a scan rate of20mV/min at room temperature in neutral0.9 mass%NaCl aqueous solution under aerated conditions.The counter electrode and reference electrode used were a platinum electrode and a saturated calomel electrode(SCE),respectively. The measurement was started10min after immersion in the solution.A sustained tensile-loading test was carried out under an applied stress of9MPa in the test solution at room temperature. The applied stress was calculated as the ratio of the applied load to the initial cross-sectional area.The test solution used was 50ml of0.9mass%NaCl solution under aerated conditions.The immersion length of each specimen in the solution was50mm. Immediately after a given time(10–120h),the specimen was removed from the solution,cleaned with acetone and dried in ambient air.The side surfaces of the tested specimens were exam-ined by SEM.The changes in corrosion potentials were also mea-sured.The amounts of Sn,Ag and Cu ions dissolved in the solution during sustained tensile-loading tests were determined by inductively coupled plasma(ICP)spectroscopy measurements. The standard deviation was calculated from the results for at least three specimens.3.Results and discussion3.1.Microstructure characterizationThe microstructures of Sn–3.0Ag and Sn–0.5Cu alloys are shown in Fig.1(a)and(b),respectively.The grains of both specimens were approximately2–4l m in size and equiaxial in shape.Fine precip-itates were distributed along grain boundaries and frequently existed in grains.Fig.2shows SEM images and element mappings of the specimens.The Ag-rich white phases for Sn–3.0Ag alloy and Cu-rich white phases for Sn–0.5Cu alloy were distributed mainly along grain boundaries.The X-ray diffraction(XRD)results obtained from a side surface of the specimens are shown in Fig.3.The XRD peaks of Ag3Sn were identified for Sn–3.0Ag alloy, whereas those of Cu6Sn5were identified for Sn–0.5Cu alloy.3.2.Creep behavior under atmospheric conditionsFig.4shows representative tensile stress–strain curves of Sn–3.0Ag and Sn–0.5Cu alloys under atmospheric conditions at room temperature.The tensile strengths of Sn–3.0Ag and Sn–0.5Cu alloys were approximately28and25MPa and their tensile strains were approximately0.6and0.5,respectively.Mechanical proper-ties(e.g.tensile strength and yield stress)may be less important in the practical application,because the creep deformation of lead-free solder alloys is observed under applied stresses for below the yield stress,even at room temperature.Fig.5(a)and(b)show typical creep curves of Sn–3.0Ag and Sn–0.5Cu alloys under atmospheric conditions at room tempera-ture,respectively.The arrow in thefigure denotes the result for a nonfractured specimen within2Â104s.The creep strain to frac-ture for Sn–3.0Ag alloy(approximately0.8)was larger than that for Sn–0.5Cu alloy(approximately0.3–0.5).For Sn–3.0Ag alloy, the creep strain to fracture was larger than the tensile strain to fracture,whereas,for Sn–0.5Cu alloy,the creep strain to fracture was smaller than the tensile strain to fracture.The time to fracture was slightly longer for Sn–3.0Ag alloy than for Sn–0.5Cu alloy under an applied stress of15MPa and above.Under an applied stress of up to9MPa,creep scarcely occurred for both alloys,at least in the early stage of the sustained tensile-loading test.The times to fracture under an applied stress of9MPa for Sn–3.0Ag and Sn–0.5Cu alloys were94.5±14.7and415.5±63.4h(n=5), respectively.Under a lower applied stress,Sn–3.0Ag alloy appears to be affected by creep deformation than Sn–0.5Cu alloy.3.3.Polarization behavior without applied stressThe polarization curves of Sn–3.0Ag and Sn–0.5Cu alloy specimens immersed in0.9mass%NaCl solution under aerated conditions without applied stress are shown in Fig.6.The polariza-tion behavior was only slightly different between Sn–3.0Ag and Sn–0.5Cu alloys.In addition,the polarization behavior of both alloys was not significantly different from that of Sn–3.0Ag–0.5Cu alloy reported previously[12].The corrosion potential and corrosion current density of both alloys were approximately À0.55V(vs.SCE)and2mA/m2,respectively.These values agree(a)10 µm(b)Optical metallography images of(a)Sn–3.0Ag and(b)Sn–0.5Cugeneral microstructure.K.Yokoyama et al./Corrosion Science86(2014)142–148143with those in previous studies [2,13–15].Hence,both specimens probably had satisfactory corrosion resistance without applied stress.In the noble direction,the active dissolution of both specimens occurred;corrosion products with a platelet like or needlelike shape were distributed on the surface with different orientations,as reported previously [2,13–15].It appears that the present results are consistent with those obtained in previous studies [2,13–15].From the above results,the microstructures,tensile,creep and corrosion behavior of both specimens in the present study appear to have typical characteristic of Sn–Ag and Sn–Cu alloys.3.4.Sustained tensile-loading test in solutionRepresentative side surfaces of Sn–3.0Ag and Sn–0.5Cu alloys in 0.9mass%NaCl solution under an applied stress of 9MPa are shown in Figs.7and 8,respectively.On the side surfaces of the Sn–3.0Ag (Fig.7(a))and Sn–0.5Cu (Fig.8(a))alloys before the immersion test,scratches due to SiC paper finishing were observed.For Sn–3.0Ag alloy under the applied stress in thesolution,when the immersion time exceeded approximately 10–20h,surface cracks perpendicular to the loading direction were observed (Fig.7(b)).The initial crack length almost coincided with the grain size as shown in Fig.1.The cracks propagated with increasing immersion time (Fig.7(c)).Only small amounts of mac-roscopic creep deformation and corrosion products were observed.Under the applied stress in the solution,the surface crack nucle-ation and propagation behavior of Sn–3.0Ag alloy were almost the same as those of Sn–3.0Ag–0.5Cu alloy reported previously [12].The time to crack nucleation of Sn–3.0Ag alloy was slightly shorter than that of Sn–3.0Ag–0.5Cu alloy (approximately 20–30h)[12].However,we should carefully discuss whether the crack nucleation of Sn–Ag-based alloys,compared with that of Sn–Ag–Cu-based alloys,tends to occur in nature,because crack nucleation seems to strongly depend on the microstructure of lead-free solder alloys (e.g.,grain size,type and distribution of intermetallic compound particles,or defects such as dislocations).Sn Ag(a) SEM5 µm5 µmSnCu(b) SEM Fig.2.Element mappings of cross sections of (a)Sn–3.0Ag and (b)Sn–0.5Cu alloys.50607080902 theta (degree)β-Sn Ag 3Snβ-SnCu 6Sn 5patterns of (a)Sn–3.0Ag and (b)Sn–0.5Cu alloys.510152025303500. strainT e n s i l e s t r e s s (M P a )Sn-3.0AgSn-0.5CuFig.4.Typical stress–strain curves of Sn–3.0Ag and Sn–0.5Cu of 8.33Â10À4/s.The strain was calculated from the displacement and the initial gauge length.144K.Yokoyama et al./Corrosion Science 86(2014)142–148For Sn–0.5Cu alloy shown in Fig.8(b),surface cracks were not observed even for a longer immersion time (120h).The changes in the topography of the side surface such as distortions of scratches due to SiC paper finishing mainly resulted from creep deformation.The effects of corrosion were only slightly observed in the SEM images.It is likely that 0.9mass%NaCl solution has no effect on crack nucleation for Sn–0.5Cu alloy under applied stress.The changes in the corrosion potentials of Sn–3.0Ag and Sn–0.5Cu alloys in the 0.9%NaCl solution without and under an applied stress of 9MPa are shown in Fig.9(a)and (b),respectively.For Sn–3.0Ag alloy,without the applied stress,the corrosion poten-tial gradually shifted from À0.6to À0.4V (vs.SCE)over 40–50h and then was stable.Under the applied stress,the corrosion poten-tial often shifted rapidly to approximately À0.45V (vs.SCE)after 10–20h.The time to the rapid shift of the corrosionpotential(a)crack nucleation(b)20 µmcrack propagationl o a d i n g d i r e c t i o n(c)l o a d i n g d i r e c t i o nSEM images of typical side surfaces of Sn–3.0Ag alloy (a)before and sustained tensile-loading test for (b)20h and (c)50h under applied stress mass%NaCl solution.K.Yokoyama et al./Corrosion Science 86(2014)142–148145appears to correspond to the time to crack nucleation.For Sn–0.5Cu alloy,the corrosion potential always shifted gradually from À0.6to À0.4V (vs.SCE)over 40–50h irrespective of the existence of applied stress.The cause of the increase in corrosion potential may be the change of the surface oxide film of the specimen and should be investigated in the future.The amounts of Sn,Ag and Cu ions dissolved in 0.9%NaCl solu-tion without and under an applied stress of 9MPa after immersion for various periods are shown in Fig.10.For Sn–3.0Ag alloy,the dissolution was enhanced by the applied stress.When the immer-sion time exceeded 10–20h,the amount of dissolved ions mark-edly increased under the applied stress.This immersion time corresponds to the time to crack nucleation as shown in Fig.7.For Sn–0.5Cu alloy,the increase in dissolution due to the applied stress was smaller than that for Sn–3.0Ag alloy,particularly,in the early stage of immersion.Moreover,the amounts of dissolution for Sn–0.5Cu alloy were smaller than those for Sn–3.0Ag alloy for the same immersion time.The amount of dissolved Cu ion varied widely without applied stress.These results are consistent with the SEM images (Fig.8)and changes in corrosion potential (Fig.9).In addition,the amount of dissolved Ag or Cu ions was nearly one-quarter of that of dissolved Sn ion.Thus,on the basis of elemental ratio for Sn–3.0Ag or Sn–0.5Cu alloys,the preferential dissolution of Ag or Cu probably occurred,similarly to the result of Sn–3.0Ag–0.5Cu alloy reported previously [12].One important finding of the present study is that the creep cor-rosion cracking of Sn–3.0Ag alloy occurs,similarly to that of Sn–3.0Ag–0.5Cu alloy [12],whereas no cracking of Sn–0.5Cu alloy was observed.This is supported by the fact that it is difficult to pre-dict cracking from only corrosion behavior without applied stress or creep behavior under atmospheric conditions.The behavior of creep corrosion cracking for Sn–3.0Ag alloy in the present study was very similar to that for Sn–3.0Ag–0.5Cu alloyreported previously [12].Although there are minor differences in the mechanism,the general mechanism of creep corrosion cracking for Sn–3.0Ag alloy appears to be similar to that for Sn–3.0Ag–0.5Cu alloy,as described previously [12].Therefore,the following discussion will focus on additional mechanisms of creep corrosion cracking.From the present result of no cracking of Sn–0.5Cu alloy,one of the reasons for the nucleation of surface cracks may be the corrosion potential between the Sn matrix and the intermetallic compound particles (i.e.,Ag 3Sn or Cu 6Sn 5).Tsao and Chen [16]demonstrated that the corrosion potentials of pure Sn,ingots of Cu 6Sn 5and Cu 3Sn,and pure Cu were approximately À0.83,À0.46,À0.31and À0.19V (vs.SCE)in 3.5%NaCl solution,respec-tively.With decreasing amount of Cu in the Sn/Cu system,the cor-rosion potential shifts from that of pure Cu in the less noble direction,thereby suppressing dissolution.On the other hand,the corrosion potential of pure Ag,compared with that of pure Cu,is generally located in the more noble direction.We have confirmed in a separate experiment that the corrosion potentials of pure Sn,Cu and Ag are approximately À0.55,À0.17and À0.05V (vs.SCE)in 0.9%NaCl solution under aerated conditions at room tempera-ture,respectively [17].The corrosion potential of Ag 3Sn appears to be located near that of pure Ag rather than that of pure Sn because of the large amount of Ag in the Sn/Ag system.Hence,it is likely that dissolution is enhanced for Sn–3.0Ag alloy,particu-larly at grain boundaries where Ag 3Sn is precipitated.In fact,Mori(a)20 µml o a d i n g d i r e c t i o n(b)SEM images of typical side surfaces of Sn–0.5Cu alloy (a)before and sustained tensile-loading test for 120h under applied stress of 9MPa in 0.9solution.146K.Yokoyama et al./Corrosion Science 86(2014)142–148et al.[18]concluded that the dissolution of Sn from Sn–3.5Ag alloy is accelerated by the presence of Ag.Song and Lee[19]and Wang et al.[20]also reported that the presence of Ag3Sn in Sn–Ag–Cu alloys accelerates the dissolution of Sn because of microgalvanic corrosion between the Sn matrix and Ag3Sn.Bui et al.[21]sug-gested that better corrosion-resistant lead-free solder alloys should have a lower Ag content.In the present study,under the applied stress in the solution, interactions between creep and corrosion probably exist.Under atmospheric conditions,the creep deformation was larger for Sn–3.0Ag alloy than for Sn–0.5Cu alloy(Fig.5).For Sn–0.5Cu alloy, the creep strain was smaller than the tensile strain,suggesting lit-tle effect of creep.As shown in Figs.8and9,the effect of applied stress,i.e.,creep,on the corrosion behavior of Sn–3.0Ag alloy is probably greater than that of Sn–0.5Cu alloy.Ding et al.[22] reported that for Sn–3.5Ag eutectic solder alloy subjected to in situ tensile tests at a low strain rate under SEM,the defects accu-mulated around secondary particles by a diffusion process,thereby causing cracking at grain boundaries.For Sn–3.0Ag and Sn–3.0Ag–0.5Cu alloys[12],it is likely that the multiplicative effect of creep and microgalvanic corrosion results in the nucleation of many cracks and their propagation at grain boundaries.For lead-free sol-der alloys,large creep deformation and a large electrochemical potential between the matrix and precipitates at grain boundaries appear to make the alloys prone to creep corrosion cracking.4.ConclusionsWe have demonstrated that for Sn–3.0Ag solder alloy,many surface cracks are rapidly nucleated by interactions between creep and corrosion in0.9mass%NaCl solution under applied stress in the same manner as for Sn–3.0Ag–0.5Cu solder alloy reported pre-viously.In contrast,for Sn–0.5Cu solder alloy,no surface cracks are observed and ordinary creep deformation occurs even in the solu-tion.The susceptibility to creep and the large electrochemical potential between the matrix and intermetallic compound parti-cles probably cause creep corrosion cracking.The creep corrosion cracking should be incorporated in the reliability evaluation of lead-free solder alloys.AcknowledgementThis study was supported in part by the Research Foundation for Materials Science.References[1]B.Y.Wu,Y.C.Chan,M.O.Alam,Electrochemical corrosion study of Pb-freesolders,J.Mater.Res.21(2006)62–70.[2]D.Li,P.P.Conway,C.Liu,Corrosion characterization of tin–lead and lead freesolders in3.5wt.%NaCl solution,Corros.Sci.50(2008)995–1004.K.Yokoyama et al./Corrosion Science86(2014)142–148147[3]C.Q.Cheng, F.Yang,J.Zhao,L.H.Wang,X.G.Li,Leaching of heavy metalelements in solder alloys,Corros.Sci.53(2011)1738–1747.[4]F.Rosalbino,G.Zanicchi,R.Carlini,E.Angelini,R.Marazza,Electrochemicalcorrosion behaivour of Sn–Ag–Cu(SAC)eutectic alloy in a chloride containing 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