经济管理类专业英语翻译 (管理原则)
1.管理与组织导论管理者:(manager)基层管理者:(first-line managers)中层管理者:(middle managers)高层管理者:(top managers)管理:(management)效率:(efficiency)效果:(effectiveness)计划:(planning)组织:(organizing)领导:(leading)控制:(controlling)管理角色:(management roles)人际关系角色:(interpersonal roles)信息传递角色:(informational roles)决策制定角色:(descisional roles)技术技能:(technical skills)人际技能:(human skills)概念技能:(conceptual skills)管理的普遍性:(universality of management)2.管理的历史劳动分工:(division of labor)工作专业化:(job specialization)工业革命:(industrific revolution)科学管理:(scientific management)一般行政管理理论:(general administrative theory) 管理原则:(principles of management)官僚行政组织:(bureaucracy)定量方法:(quantitative approach)组织行为:(organizational behavior)霍桑研究系统:(Hawthorne studies systems)封闭系统:(closed systems)开放系统:(open systems)权变理论:(contingency approach)劳动力多元化:(workforce diversity)电子企业:(e-business)电子商务:(e-commerce)内部网:(intranet)学习型组织:(learning organization)知识管理:(knowledge management)质量管理:(quality management)3.组织文化与环境管理万能论:(omnipotent view of management) 管理象征论:(symbolil view of management)组织文化:(organization culture)强文化:(strong cultures)社会化:(socialization)工作场所精神境界:(workplace spirituality)外部环境:(external environment)具体环境:(specific environment)一般环境:(general environment)环境的不确定性:(environment uncertainty)环境的复杂性:(environment complexity)利益相关群体:(stakholders)4.全球环境中的管理狭隘主义:(parochialism)民族中心论:(ethnocentric attitude)多国中心论:(polycentric attitude)全球中心论:(geocentric attitude)跨国公司:(multinational corporation)多国公司:(multidomestic corporation)全球公司:(global company)跨国或无边界组织:(transnational or boredrless organization) 初始全球化组织:(born globals)全球外购:(global sourcing)出口:(exporting)进口:(importing)许可证经营:(licensing)许可经营:(franchising)战略同盟:(strategic alliance)合资企业:(joint venture)外国子公司:(foreign subsidiary)市场经济:(market economy)计划经济:(command economy)民族文化:(national culture)5.社会责任与管理道德古典观点:(classical view)社会经济学观点:(socioeconomic view)社会义务:(social obligation)社会响应:(social responsiveness)社会责任:(social responsinility)社会屏障筛选:(social screening)管理的绿色化:(gerrning of management)以价值观为基础的管理:(values-based management) 道德:(ethics)自我强度控制点:(ego strength locus of control)道德准则:(code of ethics)社会企业家:(social entrepreneur)社会影响管理:(social impact management)6.制定决策决策:(decisions)决策制定过程:(decision-making process)决策标准问题:(decision criteria problem)理性的:(rational)有限理性:(bounded rationality)满意的承诺升级:(satisfied escalation of commitment) 直觉决策:(intuitive decision making)结构良好问题:(structured problems)程序化决策:(programmed decision)程序:(procedure)规则:(rule)政策:(policy)结构不良问题:(unstructured problems)非程序化决策:(nonprogrammed decisions) 确定性:(certainty)风险性:(risk)命令型风格:(directive style)分析型风格:(analytic style)概念型风格:(conceptual style)行为型风格:(behavioral style)启发法:(heuristics)7.计划的基础陈述目标:(stated goals)真实目标:(real goals)战略计划:(strategic plans)运营计划:(operational plans)长期计划:(long-term plans)短期计划:(short-term plans)具体计划:(specific plans)方向性计划:(directional plans)一次性计划:(single-used plans)持续性计划:(standing plans)传统目标:(traditional goal setting)手段-目标链:(means-ends chain)目标管理:(management by objectives)使命:(mission)承诺概念:(commitment concept)正式计划部门:(formal planning department) 8.战略管理战略管理:(strategic management)组织战略商业模式:(strategies business model ) 战略管理过程:(strategic management process) 机会:(opportunities)威胁:(threats)资源:(resources)能力:(capabilities)核心竞争力:(core competencies)SWOT分析法:(SWOT analysis)公司层战略:(corporate strategy)增长战略:(growth strategy)相关多元化:(related diversification)非相关多元化:(unrelated diversification) 稳定性战略:(stability strategy)更新战略:(renewal strategies)紧缩战略:(retrenchment strategy)扭转战略:(turnaround strategy)BCG矩阵:(BCG matrix)业务层战略:(business strategy)战略业务单元:(strategic business units) 竞争优势:(competitive advantage)成本领先战略:(cost leadership strategy) 遵循差异化战略:(differentiation strategy) 聚焦战略:(focus strategy)徘徊其间:(stuck in the middle)战略灵活性:(strategic flexibility)市场先入者:(first mover)9.计划的工具技术环境扫描:(environment scanning)竞争对手情报:(competitor intelligence) 预测:(forecasts)定量预测:(quantitative forecasting)定性预测:(qualitative forecasting)标杆比较:(benchmarking)资源:(resources)预算:(budget)甘特图:(Gantt chart)负荷图:(load chart)事件:(events)计划评审技术:(the program evaluation and review technique) 活动:(activities)松弛时间:(slack time)关键路径:(critical path)盈亏平衡分析:(breakeven analysis)线性规划:(linear programming)项目管理:(project management)脚本:(scenario)10.组织结构与设计组织结构设计:(organazational structure design)工作专门化:(work specialization)职能部门化:(functional departmentalization)产品部门化:(product departmentalization)地区部门化:(geographical departmentalization) 过程部门化:(process departmentalization)顾客部门化:(customer departmentalization)跨职能团队:(cross-functional teams)指挥链:(chain of command)职权:(authority)职责:(responsibility)统一指挥:(unity of command)管理跨度:(span of control)集权化:(centralization)分权化:(decentralization)员工授权:(employee empowerment)正规化:(formalization)机械式组织:(mechanistic organization)有机式组织:(organic organization)单件生产:(unit production)大批量生产:(mass production)连续生产:(process production)简单结构:(simple structure)职能型结构:(flanctional structure)事业部型结构:(divisional structure)团队结构:(team structure)矩阵型结构:(matrix structure)项目型结构:(project structure)无边界组织:(boundaryless organization) 虚拟组织:(virtual organization)学习型组织:(learning organization)组织结构图:(organizational charts) 11.沟通与信息技术沟通:(communication)人际沟通:(interpersonal communication) 组织沟通:(organizational communication) 信息:(message)编码:(encoding)解码:(decoding)沟通过程:(communication process)噪声:(noise)非语言沟通:(nonverbal communication) 体态语言:(body language)语调:(verbal intonation)过滤:(filtering)信息超载:(information overload)积极倾听:(active listening)正式沟通:(formal communication)非正式沟通:(informal communication)下行沟通:(upward communication)横向沟通:(lateral communication)斜向沟通:(diagonal communication)沟通网络:( communication networks)小道消息:(grape-vine)电子邮件:(e-mail)即时消息:(instant messaging)音频邮件:(voice-mail)电子数据交换:(electrinic data interchange) 电话会议:(teleconferencing)可视会议:(videoconferencing)网络会议:(webconferencing)内部互联网:(intranet)外部互联网:(Extranet)实践社区:(communities practive)12.人力资源管理高绩效工作实务:(high-performance work practices)人力资源管理过程:(human resource management process) 工会(labor union)反优先雇佣行动计划:(affirmative action)人力资源规划:(human resource planning)职务分析:(job analysis)职务说明书:(job description)职务规范:(job specification)招聘:(recruitment)解聘:(decriuitment)甄选:(selection)效度:(validity)信度:(reliability)工作抽样:(work samping)评估中心:(assessment centers)真实工作预览:(relistic job preview)上岗培训:(orientation)绩效管理系统:(performance management system)书面描述法:(written essay)关键事件法:(critical incidents)评分表法:(graphic rating scales)行为定位评分法:(behaviorally anchored rating scales) 多人比较法:(multiperson comparisons)360度反馈法:(360-degree feedback)基于技能薪酬:(skill-based pay)浮动工资:(variable pay)精简机构:(downsizing)性骚扰:(sexual harassment)基于家庭的福利:(family-friendly benefits)13.变革与创新管理组织变革:(organizational change)变革推动者:(change agent)组织发展:(organizational development)压力:(stress)14.行为的基础行为:(behavior)组织行为学:(organizational behavior)员工生产率:(employee productivity)离职率:(turnover)组织公民行为:(organizational citizen behavior)工作满意度:(job satisfaction)工作场所不当行为态度:(workplace misbehavior attitudes) 认知行为:(cognitive component)情感成分:(affective component)行为成分:(behavior component)组织承诺:(organizational commitment)组织支持感:(perceived organizational support)认知失调:(cognitive dissonance)态度调查:(attitude surveys)人格:(personality)马基雅维里主义:(machiavellianism)自尊:(self-esteem)自我控制:(self-monitoring)印象管理:(impression management)情绪:(emotion)情绪智力:(emotional Intelligence)知觉:(perception)归因理论:(attribution theory)基本归因错误:(fundamental attribution error)自我服务偏见:(self-serving bias)假设相似性:(assumed similarity)刻板印象:(stereotyping)晕轮效应:(halo effect)操作性条件反射:(operant conditioning)社会学习理论:(social learning theory)行为塑造:(shaping behavior)15.理解群体与团队群体:(group)形成阶段:(forming)震荡阶段:(storming)规范阶段:(norming)执行阶段:(performing)解体阶段:(adjourning)群体思维:(groupthink)地位:(status)社会惰化:(social loafing)群体内聚力:(group cohesiveness)冲突:(conflict)冲突的传统观点:(traditional view of conflict)冲突的人际关系观点:(human relations view of conflict)冲突的交互作用观点:(interactionist view of conflict) 积极冲突:(functional conflict)消极冲突:(disfunctional conflict)任务冲突:(task conflict)关系冲突:(relationship conflict)过程冲突:(process conflict)工作团队:(workteams)自我管理团队:(self-managed work teams)跨职能团队:(cross-functional team)虚拟团队:(virtual team)社会网络构造:(social network structure)16.激励员工动机:(motivation)需要层次理论:(hierarchy of needs theory)双因素理论:(two-factor theory)保健因素:(hygiene factors)激励因素:(motivators)三种需要理论:(three-needs theory)成就需要:(need for achievement)权力需要:(need for power)归属需要:(need for affiliation)目标设置理论:(goal-setting theory)自我效能感:(self-efficacy)强化理论:(reinforcement theory)强化物:(reinforcer)工作设计:(job design)工作扩大化:(job enlargement)工作丰富化:(job enrichment)工作深度:(job depth)工作特征模型:(job characteristics model) 公平理论:(equity theory)参照对象:(referents)分配公平:(distributive justice)程序公平:(procedural justice)期望理论:(expectancy theory)压缩工作周:(compressed workweek)弹性工作制:(flexible work hours)弹性时间制:(flextime)工作分担:(job sharing)远程办公:(telecommuting)账目公开管理:(open-book management)员工认可方案:(employee recognition programs)绩效工资方案:(pay-for-performance program)股票期权:(stock options)17.领导领导者:(leader)领导:(leadership)行为理论:(behavioral theories)独裁型风格:(authoeratic style)民主型风格:(democratic style)放任型风格:(laissez-faire style)定规维度:(initiating strueture)关怀维度:(consideration)高-高型领导者:(high-high leader)管理方格:(managerial grid)权变模型:(contingency model)最难共事着问卷:(least-preferred co-worker questionnaire) 情境领导理论:(situational leadership theory)成熟度:(readiness)领导者参与模型:(leader participation model)路径-目标理论:(path-goal theory)交易型领导者:(transactional leaders)变革型领导者:(transformational leaders) 领袖魅力型领导者:(charismatic leader) 愿景规划型领导:(visionary leadership) 法定权利:(legitimate power)强制权利:(coercive power)奖赏权力:(reward power)专家权利:(expert power)参照权利:(referent power)信誉:(credibility)信任:(trust)授权:(empowerment)18.控制的基础控制:(controlling)市场控制:(market control)官僚控制:(bureaucratic control)小集团控制:(clan control)控制过程:(control process)偏差范围:(range of variation)直接纠正行动:(immediate corrective)彻底纠正行动:(basic correvtive action)绩效:(performance)组织绩效:(organizational performance)生产率:(productivity)组织有效性:(organizational effectiveness)前馈控制:(feedforward control)同期控制:(concurrent control)走动管理:(management by walking around)反馈控制:(feedback control)经济附加值:(economic value added)市场附加值:(market valueadded)平衡计分卡:(balanced scorecard)管理信息系统:(management information system) 标杆比较:(benchmarking)员工偷窃:(employee theft)服务利润链:(service profit chain)公司治理:(corporate governance)19.运营与价值链管理运营管理:(operations management)制造型组织:(manufacturing organizations)服务型组织:(service organizations)价值链:(value chain)价值链管理:(value chain management) 组织过程:(organizational processes)知识产权:(intellectual processes)质量:(quality)批量定制:(mass customization)。
Pulling and pushing marketing strategies in a market-oriented systerm
* 信用检查,尤其是新顾客。
* 客户数据的相关文件,如规范。
* 将客户的需求翻译成生产中使用的术语。
管理类专业术语英汉对照管理类专业术语英汉对照目录[隐藏]∙ 1A∙ 2B∙ 3C∙ 4D∙ 5E∙ 6F∙7G∙8H∙9 I∙10 J∙11 K∙12 L∙13 M∙14 N∙15 P∙16 Q∙17 R∙18 S∙19 T∙20 U∙21 V∙22 W∙23 Z[编辑]A∙ access discrimination 进入歧视∙ action research 动作研究∙ adjourning 解散∙ adhocracy 特别结构∙ administrative principle 管理原则∙ artifacts 人工环境∙ artificial intelligence 人工智能工巧匠∙ avoiding learning 规避性学习∙ ambidextrous approach 双管齐下策略[编辑]B∙balance sheet资产负债表∙BCG matrix波士顿咨询集团矩阵∙ bona fide occupation qualifications 善意职业资格审查∙ bounded rationality 有限理性∙ bureaucracy 官僚机构∙benchmarking标杆瞄准∙ bounded rationality perspective 有限理性方法∙ boundary-spanning roles 跨超边界作用[编辑]C∙ Computer-aided designputer-automatedmanufacturing(CAD/CAM)计算机辅助设计与计算机自动生产∙ confrontation 对话∙ consortia 企业联合∙ change agent 变革促进者∙chaos theory混沌理论∙ charismatic leaders 魅力型领导者∙ charity principle 博爱原则∙ coercive power 强制权∙ cohesiveness 凝聚力∙ collaborative management 合作型管理∙ comparable worth 可比较价值∙ competitive benchmarking 竞争性基准∙ confrontation meeting 碰头会∙ constancy of purpose 永久性目标∙contingency approach权变理论∙ corporate social performance 公司社会表现∙ corporate social responsibility 公司社会责任∙ corporate social responsiveness 公司社会反应∙ critical incident 关键事件∙current assets流动资产∙current liabilities流动负债∙ culture strength 文化强度∙ creative department 创造性部门∙ craft technology 技艺性技术∙ contextual dimension 关联性维度∙ continuous process production 连续加工生产∙ collectivity stage 集体化阶段∙ clan control 小团体控制∙ clan culture 小团体文化∙ coalition 联合团体∙ collaborative 协作网络∙ centrality 集中性∙ centraliazation 集权化∙ charismatic authority 竭尽忠诚的权力[编辑]D∙ decentralization 分权∙ democracy management 民主管理∙ departmentalization 部门化∙ differential rate system 差别报酬系统∙ dialectical inquiry methods 辩证探求法∙ division of labor 劳动分工∙ downward mobility 降职流动∙ dynamic engagement 动态融合∙ dynamic network 动态网络∙ domain 领域∙ direct interlock 直接交叉∙ divisional form 事业部模式∙differentiation strategy差别化战略∙ decision premise 决策前提∙dual-core approach二元核心模式[编辑]E∙ electronic data-processing(EDP) 电子数据处理∙ employee-oriented style 员工导向型风格∙ empowerment 授权∙ encoding 解码∙ end-user computing 终端用户计算系统∙ entrepreneurship 企业家精神∙ equity 净资产∙equity theory公平理论∙ espoused value 信仰价值∙ ethnocentric manager 种族主义的管理者∙expectancy theory期望理论∙ expense budget 支出预算∙ expense center 费用中心∙external audit外部审计∙ external stakeholders 外部利益相关者∙ extrinsic rewards 外部奖励∙ ethic ombudsperson 伦理巡视官∙ external adaption 外部适应性∙ elaboration stage 精细阶段∙ entrepreneurial stage 创业阶段∙ escalating commitment 顽固认同[编辑]F∙ family group 家庭集团∙financial statement财务报表∙ flat hierarchies 扁平型结构∙flexible budget弹性预算∙ force-field theory 场力理论∙ formal authority 合法权力∙ formal systematic appraisal 正式的系统评估∙ franchise 特许经营权∙ formalization stage 规范化阶段∙ functional grouping 职能组合∙ formal channel of communication 正式沟通渠道[编辑]G∙game theory博弈论∙ general financial condition 一般财务状况∙ geocentric manager 全球化管理者∙ general manager 总经理∙globalization] 全球化∙ gossip chain 传言链∙ grapevine 传言网∙ global strategic partnership 全球战略伙伴关系∙ general environment 一般环境∙ generalist 全面战略∙ geographic grouping 区域组合∙ global company 全球公司∙ global geographic structure 全球区域结构[编辑]H∙Hawthorne effect霍桑效应∙ heuristic principles 启发性原理∙ hierarchy 科层制度∙ hiring specification 招聘细则∙ horizontal linkage model 横向联系模型∙ hybrid structure 混合结构∙ high tech 高接触∙ high-velocity environments 高倍速环境[编辑]I∙ impoverished management 放任式管理∙income statement损益表∙ information transformation 信息转换∙infrastructure基础设施∙ integrative process 整合过程∙ intelligent enterprises 智力企业∙ internal audit 内部审计∙ internal stakeholder 内部相关者∙ internship 实习∙ intrapreneurship 内部企业家精神∙ intrinsic reward 内在报酬∙ inventory 库存, 存货∙ internal integration 内部整合∙ interorganization relationship 组织间的关系∙ intergroup conflict 团体间冲突∙ interlocking directorate 交叉董事会∙ institutional perspective 机构的观点∙ intuitive decision making 直觉决策∙ idea champion 构思倡导者∙ incremental change 渐进式变革∙ informal organizational structure 非正式组织结构∙ informal performance appraisal 非正式业绩评价[编辑]J∙ job description 职务描述∙ job design 职务设计∙ job enlargement 职务扩大化∙ job enrichment 职务丰富化∙ job rotation 职务轮换∙ job specialization 职务专业化[编辑]K∙ key performance areas 关键业务区∙ key result areas 关键绩效区[编辑]L∙ labor productivity index 劳动生产力指数∙ laissez management 自由化管理∙ large batch production大批量生产∙lateral communication横向沟通∙ leadership style 领导风格∙ least preferred co-worker(LPC) 最不喜欢的同事∙ legitimate power 合法权力∙ liability 负债∙ liaison 联络者∙ line authority 直线职权∙ liquidity 流动性∙ liaison role 联络员角色∙ long-linked technology 纵向关联技术∙ losses from conflict 冲突带来的损失∙ low-cost leadership 低成本领先[编辑]M∙management by objective目标管理∙ Managerial Grid 管理方格∙ matrix bosses 矩阵主管∙ management champion 管理倡导者∙materials-requirements planning(MRP) 物料需求计划∙Mslow's hierarchy of needs马斯洛需求层次论∙ marketing argument 管理文化多元化营销观∙ multiculturalism 文化多元主义∙ multidivisional firm 多部门公司∙ moral rules 道德准则∙management by walking around(MBWA) 走动式管理∙ matrix structure 矩阵结构∙multinational enterprise(MNE) 跨国公司∙ moral relativism 道德相对主义∙ mechanistic system 机械式组织∙ middle-of-the-road management 中庸式管理∙ meso theory 常态理论∙ multidomestic strategy 多国化战略∙ mediating technology 调停技术[编辑]N∙ na?ve relativism 朴素相对主义∙ need-achievement 成就需要∙ norming 规范化∙ norms 规范∙nonprogrammed decisions非程序化决策∙ nonsubstitutability 非替代性∙ nonroutine technology 非例行技术∙ niche 领地∙ off-the-job training 脱产培训∙ on-the-job training 在职培训∙operational budget运营预算∙ order backlog 订单储备∙ organic system 有机系统∙ organizational development(OD) 组织发展∙ orientation 定位∙ outcome interdependence 结果的相互依赖性∙ outplacement services 外延服务∙ organization ecosystem 组织生态系统[编辑]P∙ paradox of authority 权威的矛盾∙ paradox of creativity 创造力的矛盾∙ paradox of disclosure 开放的矛盾∙ paradox of identify 身份的矛盾∙ paradox of individuality 个性的矛盾∙ paradox of regression 回归的矛盾∙ partial productivity 部分生产率∙ participative management 参与式管理∙path-goal model路径目标模型∙ peer recruiter 同级招聘∙ political action committees(PACs) 政治活动委员会∙ polycentric manager 多中心管理者∙ portfolio framework 业务组合框架∙ portfolio investment 资产组合投资∙ positive reinforcement 正强化∙ production flexibility 生产柔性∙profitability收益率∙programmed decisions程序化决策∙ psychoanalytic view 精神分析法∙ paradigm 范式∙ personal ratios 人员比例∙ pooled dependence 集合性依存∙ professional bureaucracy 专业官僚机构∙ problem identification 问题识别∙ problemistic search 问题搜寻∙population ecology model种群生态模型[编辑]Q∙ quality 质量∙quality circle质量圈∙ question mark 问题类市场∙ quid pro quo 交换物[编辑]R∙ rational model of decision making 理性决策模式∙realistic job preview(RJP) 实际工作预览∙ reciprocal interdependence 相互依存性∙ resource dependence 资源依赖理论∙ routine technology 例行技术∙ retention 保留∙ rational approach 理性方法∙ rational model 理性模型∙ rational-legal authority 理性—合法权威[编辑]S∙ semivariable cost 准可变成本∙ sense of potency 力量感∙sensitivity training敏感性训练∙ sexual harassment 性骚扰∙ short-run capacity changes 短期生产能力变化∙ single-strand chain 单向传言链∙ situational approach 情境方法∙ situational force 情境力量∙situational leadership theory情境领导理论∙ sliding-scale budget 移动规模预算∙ small-batch production 小规模生产∙ sociotechnical approaches 社会科技方法∙ span of management 管理幅度∙ staff authority 参谋职权∙ standing plan 长设计划∙ step budget 分步预算∙ stewardship principle 管家原则∙ stimulus 刺激∙ storming 调整阶段∙strategic management战略管理∙ strategic partnering 战略伙伴关系∙strategy formulation战略制定∙strategy implementation战略实施∙strategic control战略控制∙ strategic contingencies 战略权变∙ satisficing 满意度∙ subsystems 子系统∙ subunits 子单位∙ synergy 协同∙ system boundary 系统边界∙ structure dimension 结构性维度∙ sequential interdependence 序列性依存∙self-directed team自我管理型团队∙ specialist 专门战略∙ strategy and structure changes 战略与结构变革∙ symptoms of structural deficiency 结构无效的特征[编辑]T∙ tall hierarchies 高长型科层结构∙ task force or project team 任务小组或项目团队∙ task independence 任务的内部依赖性∙ task management 任务型管理∙ task-oriented style 任务导向型管理风格∙ total productivity 全部生产率∙Total Quality Management全面质量管理∙ training positions 挂职培训∙ training program 培训程序∙ transactional leaders 交易型领导∙transformational leaders变革型领导∙ treatment discrimination 歧视待遇∙two-factory theory双因素理论∙ two-boss employees 双重主管员工∙ technical or product champion 技术或产品的倡导者[编辑]U∙ unfreezing 解冻∙ unit production 单位产品[编辑]V∙ variation 变种子∙ variety 变量∙ valence 效价∙ variable costs 可变成本∙vertical communication纵向沟通∙vertical integration纵向一体化∙ vestibule training 仿真培训∙ volume flexibility 产量的可伸缩性∙ vertical linkage 纵向连接∙ venture team 风险团队∙ value based leadership 基于价值的领导[编辑]W∙ win-lose situation 输赢情境∙ win-win situation 双赢情境∙ workforce literacy 员工的读写能力∙work in progress在制品∙ work flow redesign 工作流程再造成∙ work flow automation 工作流程自动化∙ whistle blowing 揭发[编辑]Z∙ zero-sum 零---和∙ zone of indifference(area of acceptance) 无差异区域(可接受区域)如果您认为本条目还有待完善,需要补充新内容或修改错误内容,请编辑条目。
主题:管理英语目标mission/ objective 集体目标group objective内部环境internal environment 外部环境external environment计划planning 组织organizing人事staffing 领导leading控制controlling 步骤process原理principle 方法technique经理manager 总经理general manager行政人员administrator 主管人员supervisor企业enterprise 商业business产业industry 公司company效果effectiveness 效率efficiency企业家entrepreneur 权利power职权authority 职责responsibility科学管理scientific management 现代经营管理modern operational management行为科学behavior science 生产率productivity激励motivate 动机motive法律law 法规regulation经济体系economic system 管理职能managerial function产品product 服务service利润profit 满意satisfaction归属affiliation 尊敬esteem自我实现self-actualization 人力投入human input盈余surplus 收入income成本cost 资本货物capital goods机器machinery 设备equipment建筑building 存货inventory经验法the empirical approach 人际行为法the interpersonal behavior approach集体行为法the group behavior approach 协作社会系统法the cooperative social systems approach社会技术系统法the social-technical systems approach 决策理论法the decision theory approach数学法the mathematical approach 系统法the systems approach随机制宜法the contingency approach 管理任务法the managerial roles approach经营法the operational approach 人际关系human relation心理学psychology 态度attitude压力pressure 冲突conflict招聘recruit 鉴定appraisal选拔select 培训train报酬compensation 授权delegation of authority协调coordinate 业绩performance考绩制度merit system 表现behavior下级subordinate 偏差deviation检验记录inspection record 误工记录record of labor-hours lost销售量sales volume 产品质量quality of products先进技术advanced technology 顾客服务customer service策略strategy 结构structure领先性primacy 普遍性pervasiveness忧虑fear 忿恨resentment士气morale 解雇layoff批发wholesale 零售retail程序procedure 规则rule规划program 预算budget共同作用synergy 大型联合企业conglomerate资源resource 购买acquisition增长目标growth goal 专利产品proprietary product竞争对手rival 晋升promotion管理决策managerial decision 商业道德business ethics有竞争力的价格competitive price 供货商supplier小贩vendor 利益冲突conflict of interests派生政策derivative policy 开支帐户expense account批准程序approval procedure 病假sick leave休假vacation 工时labor-hour机时machine-hour 资本支出capital outlay现金流量cash flow 工资率wage rate税收率tax rate 股息dividend现金状况cash position 资金短缺capital shortage总预算overall budget 资产负债表balance sheet可行性feasibility 投入原则the commitment principle投资回报return on investment 生产能力capacity to produce实际工作者practitioner 最终结果end result业绩performance 个人利益personal interest福利welfare 市场占有率market share创新innovation 生产率productivity利润率profitability 社会责任public responsibility董事会board of director 组织规模size of the organization组织文化organizational culture 目标管理management by objectives 评价工具appraisal tool 激励方法motivational techniques控制手段control device 个人价值personal worth优势strength 弱点weakness机会opportunity 威胁threat个人责任personal responsibility 顾问counselor定量目标quantitative objective 定性目标qualitative objective可考核目标verifiable objective 优先priority工资表payroll策略strategy 政策policy灵活性discretion 多种经营diversification评估assessment 一致性consistency应变策略consistency strategy 公共关系public relation价值value 抱负aspiration偏见prejudice 审查review批准approval 主要决定major decision分公司总经理division general manager 资产组合距阵portfolio matrix明星star 问号question mark现金牛cash cow 赖狗dog采购procurement 人口因素demographic factor地理因素geographic factor 公司形象company image产品系列product line 合资企业joint venture破产政策liquidation strategy 紧缩政策retrenchment strategy战术tactics追随followership 个性individuality性格personality 安全safety自主权latitude 悲观的pessimistic静止的static 乐观的optimistic动态的dynamic 灵活的flexible抵制resistance 敌对antagonism折中eclectic激励motivation 潜意识subconscious地位status 情感affection欲望desire 压力pressure满足satisfaction 自我实现的需要needs for self-actualization 尊敬的需要esteem needs 归属的需要affiliation needs安全的需要security needs 生理的需要physiological needs维持maintenance 保健hygiene激励因素motivator 概率probability强化理论reinforcement theory 反馈feedback奖金bonus 股票期权stock option劳资纠纷labor dispute 缺勤率absenteeism人员流动turnover 奖励reward特许经营franchise 热诚zeal信心confidence 鼓舞inspire要素ingredient 忠诚loyalty奉献devotion 作风style品质trait 适应性adaptability进取性aggressiveness 热情enthusiasm毅力persistence 人际交往能力interpersonal skills行政管理能力administrative ability 智力intelligence专制式领导autocratic leader 民主式领导democratic leader自由放任式领导free-rein leader 管理方格图the managerial grid工作效率work efficiency 服从obedience领导行为leader behavior 支持型领导supportive leadership参与型领导participative leadership 指导型领导instrumental leadership成就取向型领导achievement-oriented leadership第一章Manager 管理者First-line managers 基层管理者Middle managers 中层管理者Top managers 高层管理者Management 管理Efficiency 效率Effectiveness 效果Planning 计划Organizing 组织Leading 领导Controlling 控制Management process 管理过程Management roles 管理角色Interpersonal roles 人际关系角色Informational roles 信息传递角色Decisional roles 决策制定角色Technical skills 技术技能Human skills 人事技能Conceptual skills 概念技能System 系统Closed systems 封闭系统Open systems 开放系统Environment 环境Special environment 具体环境General environment 一般环境Contingency perspective 权变观Organization 组织Universality of management 管理的普遍性Nonmanagerial employees / Operatives 操作者第二章Division of labor 劳动分工Industrial revolution 产业革命Scientific management 科学管理Therbligs 基本动作元素General administrative theorists 一般行政管理理论家Principles of management 管理原则Bureaucracy 官僚行政组织、层级组织Quantitative approach 定量方法Organizational behavior (OB) 组织行为Hawthorne Studies 霍桑研究Workforce diversity 员工多样化Entrepreneurship 企业家e-business (electronic business) 电子商务e-commerce (electronic commerce) 电子贸易、电子商务Intranet 内部互联网Total quality management (TQM) 全面质量管理Learning organization 学习型组织Knowledge management 知识管理Workplace spirituality 团队精神第三章Decision 决策Decision-making process 决策过程Problem 问题Decision criteria 决策标准Implementation 实施Rational decision making 理性决策Bounded rationality 有限理性Satisficing 满意Escalation of commitment 承诺升级Intuitive decision making 直觉决策Well-structured problems 结构良好问题Programmed decision 程序化决策Procedure 程序Rule 规则Policy 政策Poorly structured problems 结构不良问题Nonprogrammed decisions 非程序化决策Certainty 确定性Risk 风险性Uncertainty 不确定性Directive style 指导性风格Analytic style 分析性风格Conceptual style 概念性风格Behavioral style 行为性风格Planning 计划Goals 目标Plans 计划Strategic plans 战略计划Operational plans 作业计划Long-term plans 长期计划Short-term plans 短期计划Specific plans 具体性计划Directional plans 指导性计划Single-use plan 单一目标计划Standing plans 标准计划Traditional goal setting 传统目标设定Means-ends chain 手段-结果链Management by objectives (MBO) 目标管理Mission 宗旨Commitment concept 承诺概念Formal planning department 正式计划部门Strategic management 战略管理Strategic management process 战略管理过程Opportunities 机会Threats 威胁Core competencies 核心能力Strengths 优势Weaknesses 劣势SWOT analysis SWOT分析Corporate-level strategy 公司层战略Stability strategy 稳定战略Growth strategy 增长战略Related diversification 相关领域多元化经营Unrelated diversification 不相关领域多元化经营Retrenchment strategy 收缩战略BCG matrix BCG矩阵波士顿咨询集团矩阵Business-level strategy 事业层战略Strategic business units 战略经营单位Competitive advantage 竞争优势Cost leadership strategy 成本领先战略Differentiation strategy 差异化战略Focus strategy 集中化战略Functional-level strategy 职能层战略Environmental Scanning 环境扫描Competitor intelligence 竞争者情报、竞争者信息Forecasts 预测Quantitative forecasting 定量预测Qualitative forecasting 定性预测Forecasting Techniques 预测技术Benchmarking 基准化、标杆Resources 资源Budget 预算Revenue Budgets 收入预算Expense Budgets 费用预算Profit Budgets 利润预算Cash Budgets 现金预算Scheduling 进度计划、规划Gantt Charts 甘特图Load Charts 负荷图PERT network 计划评审技术网络Events 事件Activities 活动Slack time 松弛时间Critical path 关键线路Breakeven analysis 盈亏平衡分析Linear programming 线性规划Project 项目Project Management 项目管理Scenario 设想方案第四章Organizing 组织Organizational structure 组织结构Organizational design 组织设计Work specialization 劳动分工Departmentalization 部门化Functional departmentalization 职能部门化Product departmentalization 产品部门化Geographical departmentalization 地区部门化Process departmentalization 过程部门化Customer departmentalization 顾客部门化Cross-functional teams 跨职能团队Chain of command 指挥链Authority 职权Responsibility 职责Unity of command 统一指挥Span of control 管理幅度Centralization 集权化Decentralization 分权化Formalization 正规化Mechanistic organization 机械式组织Organic organization 有机式组织Unit production 单件生产Mass production 大量生产Process production 连续生产Simple structure 简单结构Functional structure 职能型结构Divisional structure 分部型结构Team-based structure 团队结构Matrix structure 矩阵结构Project structure 项目结构Autonomous internal units 内部自治单位Boundaryless organization 无边界组织Learning organization 学习型组织High-performance work practice 高绩效的工作实践Human resource management process 人力资源管理过程Labor union 工会Human resource planning 人力资源规划Job analysis 职务分析Job description 职务说明书Job specification 职务规范Recruitment 招聘Decruitment 解聘Selection process 甄选过程Validity 效度Reliability 信度Work sampling 工作抽样Assessment centers 测评中心Orientation 定向、导向Performance management system 绩效管理系统Written essay 书面描述法Critical incidents 关键事件法Graphic rating scales 评分表法Behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS) 行为定位评分法Multiperson comparisons 多人比较法Group order ranking 分组排序法Individual ranking 个体排序法Paired comparison 配对比较法360 degree feedback 360度反馈skill-based pay 按技能付酬Career 职业生涯、职业Organizational change 组织变革Change agents 变革推动者Organizational development (OD) 组织发展Stress 压力Creativity 创造Innovation 创新第五章Behavior 行为Organizational behavior 组织行为学Attitudes 态度Cognitive component 认知成分Affective component 情感成分Behavioral component 行为成分Job satisfaction 工作满意度Job involvement 工作投入Organizational commitment 组织承诺Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) 组织公民行为Cognitive dissonance 认知失调Attitude surveys 态度调查Personality 人性Big-five model 重要的五大模型Emotional intelligence (EI) 情感智商Locus of control 控制点Machiavellianism 马基雅维里主义Self-esteem 自尊Self-monitoring 自我监控Perception 知觉Attribution theory 归因理论Fundamental attribution error 基本归因错误Self-serving bias 自我服务偏见Selectivity 有选择地接受、选择性Assumed similarity 假设相似性Stereotyping 刻板印象Learning 学习Operant conditioning 操作性条件反射Social learning theory 社会学习理论Shaping behavior 行为塑造Motivation 动机Need 需要Hierarchy of needs theory 需要层次理论Physiological needs 生理需要Safety needs 安全需要Social needs 社会需要Esteem needs 尊重需要Self-actualization needs 自我实现需要Theory X X理论Theory Y Y理论Motivation-hygiene theory 激励-保健理论Hygiene factors 保健因素Motivators 激励因素Three-needs theory 三种需要理论Need for achievement (nAch) 成就需要Need for power (nPow) 权力需要Need for affiliation (nAff) 归属需要Goal-setting theory 目标设定理论Reinforcement theory 强化理论Reinforcers 强化物Job design 职务设计Job scope 职务范围Job enlargement 职务扩大化Job enrichment 工作丰富化Job depth 职务深度Job characteristic model (JCM) 职务特征模型Skill variety 技能多样性Task identity 任务同一性Task significance 任务重要性Autonomy 自主性Feedback 反馈Equity theory 公平理论Referents 参照对象Expectancy theory 期望理论Compressed workweek 压缩工作周Flexible work hours 弹性工作制Job sharing 职务分担Contingent workers 应急工Telecommuting 电子通信,远程办公Pay-for performance programs 基于绩效的薪酬管理Open-book management 公开帐簿管理Leader 领导者Leadership 领导Behavioral theories 行为理论Autocratic style 权威式Democratic style 民主式Laissez-faire style 放任式Initiating structure 定规维度Consideration 关怀维度High-high leader 高-高型领导者Managerial grid 管理方格论Fiedler contingency model 菲德勒权变模型Least-preferred co-worker (LPC) questionnaire 最难共事者问卷Leader-member relations 领导者-成员关系,上下级关系Task structure 任务结构Position power 职位权力Situational leadership theory (SLT) 情景领导理论Readiness 准备状态Maturity 成熟度Leader participation model 领导者参与模型Path-goal theory 路径-目标理论Transactional leaders 事务型领导者Transformational leaders 变革型领导者Charismatic leader 超凡魅力的领导者Visionary leadership 愿景领导者Legitimate power 法定权Coercive power 强制权Reward power 奖赏权Expert power 专长权Referent power 模范权Credibility 可信度Trust 诚信、信任Empowerment 授权Communication 沟通Interpersonal communication 人际沟通Organizational communication 组织沟通Message 信息Encoding 编码Channel 通道、渠道Decoding 解码Communication process 沟通过程Noise 噪音Nonverbal communication 非言语沟通Body language 体态语言Verbal intonation 语调Filtering 过滤Selective perception 选择性知觉Information overload 信息超载Jargon 行话Active listening 积极倾听Formal communication 正式沟通Informal communication 非正式沟通Downward communication 下行沟通、向下交流Upward communication 上行沟通、向上交流Lateral communication 平行沟通、横向交流Diagonal communication 斜行沟通、越级交流Communication networks 沟通网络Grapevine 小道信息、谣言E-mail 电子邮件Instant messaging (IM) 即时信息Voice mail 声音邮件Fax 传真Electronic data interchange (EDI) 电子数据交换Teleconferencing 电信会议Videoconferencing 视频会议Intranet 内部互联网第六章Control 控制Market control 市场控制Bureaucratic control 官僚组织控制、层级控制Control process 控制过程Management by walking around (MBWA) 走动式管理Range of variation 偏差范围Immediate corrective action 立即纠正行动Basic corrective action 彻底纠正行动Feedforward control 前馈控制Concurrent control 同期控制、现场控制Feedback control 反馈控制Extranet 外部互联网总公司Head Office 分公司Branch Office营业部Business Office人事部Personnel Department(人力资源部)Human Resources Department总务部General Affairs Department财务部General Accounting Department销售部Sales Department促销部Sales Promotion Department国际部International Department出口部Export Department进口部Import Department公共关系Public Relations Department广告部Advertising Department企划部Planning Department产品开发部Product Development Department研发部Research and Development Department(R&D) 秘书室Secretarial Pool注:Department可简写为Dept.Accounting Assistant会计助理Accounting Clerk记帐员Accounting Manager会计部经理Accounting Stall会计部职员Accounting Supervisor会计主管Administration Manager行政经理Administration Staff行政人员Administrative Assistant行政助理Administrative Clerk行政办事员Advertising Staff广告工作人员Airlines Sales Representative航空公司定座员Airlines Staff航空公司职员Application Engineer应用工程师Assistant Manager副经理Bond Analyst证券分析员Bond Trader证券交易员Business Controller业务主任Business Manager业务经理Buyer采购员Cashier出纳员Chemical Engineer化学工程师Civil Engineer土木工程师Clerk/Receptionist职员/接待员Clerk Typist&Secretary文书打字兼秘书Computer Data Input Operator计算机资料输入员Computer Engineer计算机工程师Computer Processing Operator计算机处理操作员Computer System Manager计算机系统部经理Copywriter广告文字撰稿人Deputy General Manager副总经理Economic Research Assistant经济研究助理Electrical Engineer电气工程师Engineering Technician工程技术员English Instructor/Teacher英语教师Export Sales Manager外销部经理Export Sales Staff外销部职员Financial Controller财务主任Financial Reporter财务报告人F.X.(Foreign Exchange)Clerk外汇部职员F.X.Settlement Clerk外汇部核算员Fund Manager财务经理General Auditor审计长General Manager/President总经理General Manager Assistant总经理助理General Manager‘s Secretary总经理秘书Hardware Engineer(计算机)硬件工程师Import Liaison Staff进口联络员Import Manager进口部经理Insurance Actuary保险公司理赔员International Sales Staff国际销售员Interpreter口语翻译Legal Adviser法律顾问Line Supervisor生产线主管Maintenance Engineer维修工程师Management Consultant管理顾问Manager经理Manager for Public Relations公关部经理Manufacturing Engineer制造工程师Manufacturing Worker生产员工Market Analyst市场分析员Market Development Manager市场开发部经理Marketing Manager市场销售部经理Marketing Staff市场销售员Marketing Assistant销售助理Marketing Executive销售主管Marketing Representative销售代表Marketing Representative Manager市场调研部经理Mechanical Engineer机械工程师Mining Engineer采矿工程师Music Teacher音乐教师Naval Architect造船工程师Office Assistant办公室助理Office Clerk职员Operational Manager业务经理Package Designer包装设计师Passenger Reservation Staff乘客票位预订员Personnel Clerk人事部职员Personnel Manager人事部经理Plant/Factory Manager厂长Postal Clerk邮政人员Private Secretary私人秘书Product Manager生产部经理Production Engineer产品工程师Professional Staff专业人员Programmer电脑程序设计师Project Staff(项目)策划人员Promotional Manager推销部经理Proof-reader校对员Purchasing Agent采购(进货)员Quality Control Engineer质量管理工程师Real Estate Staff房地产职员Recruitment Coordinator招聘协调人Regional Manger地区经理Research&Development Engineer研究开发工程师Restaurant Manager饭店经理Sales and Planning Staff销售计划员Sales Assistant销售助理Sales Clerk店员、售货员Sales Coordinator销售协调人Sales Engineer销售工程师Sales Executive销售主管Sales Manager销售部经理Salesperson销售员Seller Representative销售代表Sales Supervisor销售监管School Registrar学校注册主任Secretarial Assistant秘书助理Secretary秘书Securities Custody Clerk保安人员Security Officer安全人员Senior Accountant高级会计Senior Consultant/Adviser高级顾问Senior Employee高级雇员Senior Secretary高级秘书Service Manager服务部经理Simultaneous Interpreter同声传译员Software Engineer(计算机)软件工程师Supervisor监管员Systems Adviser系统顾问Systems Engineer系统工程师Systems Operator系统操作员Technical Editor技术编辑Technical Translator技术翻译Technical Worker技术工人Telecommunication Executive电讯(电信)员Telephonist/Operator电话接线员、话务员Tourist Guide导游Trade Finance Executive贸易财务主管Trainee Manager培训部经理Translation Checker翻译核对员Translator翻译员Trust Banking Executive银行高级职员Typist打字员Word Processing Operator文字处理操作员accountant: 会计actor: 男演员actress: 女演员airline representative: 地勤人员anchor: 新闻主播announcer: 广播员architect: 建筑师artist: 艺术家associate professor: 副教授astronaut: 宇航员.attendant: 服务员auditor: 审计员auto mechanic : 汽车技工baker: 烘培师barber: 理发师(男) baseball player: 棒球选手bell boy: 门童bellhop: 旅馆的行李员binman: 清洁工,垃圾工blacksmith: 铁匠boxer: 拳击手broker (agent) : 经纪人budgeteer: 预算编制者bus driver: 公车(巴士)司机butcher: 屠夫,肉商buyer: 采购员carpenter:木匠cartoonist: 漫画家cashier: 出纳chef: 厨师chemist : 化学师clerk : 店员clown :小丑cobbler: 制(补)鞋匠computer programmer : 程序员construction worker : 建筑工人cook: 厨师cowboy :牛仔customs officer :海关官员dancer : 舞者dentist: 牙科医生designer: 设计师desk clerk: 接待员detective 侦探doctor: 医生door-to-door salesman: 推销员driver: 司机dustman: 清洁工editor : 编辑electrician :电工engineer:工程师farmer: 农夫fashion designer: 时装设计师fireman (firefighter): 消防员fisherman: 渔夫florist: 花商flyer: 飞行员Foreign minister : 外交部长gardener花匠(园丁)gas station attendant : 加油工geologist : 地质学家guard :警卫guide: 导游hiredresseer: 理发师,美容师(女) housekeeper : 管家housewife : 家庭主妇interpreter :口译员janitor : 清洁工journalist: 记者judge 法官lawyer :律师librarian: 图书管理员. life guard :救生员magician :魔术师masseur : 男按摩师masseuse : 女按摩师mathematician : 数学家mechanic: 机械师,机修工miner: 矿工model: 模特儿monk : 和尚,教士movie director: 导演movie star : 电影明星musician : 音乐家nun : 尼姑nurse: 护士office clerk : 职员office staff 上班族operator: 接线员parachutist: 跳伞人. pharmacist药剂师photographer:摄影师pilot: 飞行员planner: 计划员policeman: 警察postal clerk: 邮政人员postman :邮差President: 总统priest: 牧师processfor: 教授real estate agent: 房地产经纪人receptionist :接待员repairman :修理工人reporter : 记者sailor: 船员,水手salesman/ selespeople/ salesperson: 售货员scientist: 科学家seamstress 女装裁缝师secretary: 秘书singer: 歌手soldiery: 士兵,军人statistician : 统计员surveyor: 测量技师tailor: 裁缝师taxi driver计程车司机teacher: 教师technician : 技术人员tour guide: 导游traffic warden: 交通管理员. translator: 翻译(笔译)TV producer: 电视制作人typist: 打字员vet: 兽医veterinarian兽医waiter: 侍者(服务生) waitress: 女侍者(服务生) welder : 焊接工writer: 作家ABC Activity Based Costing 基于活动的成本核算ABM Activity Based Management 基于活动的管理ACWP Actual Cost of Work Performed 已完成工作实际成本ADM Arrow Diagram Method 箭线图方法ADP Automated Data Processing 自动化数据处理ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution 替代争议解决方案AF Actual Finish Date 实际完成日期AFE Application for Expenditure 支出申请AFE Authority for Expenditure 开支权ALAP As-Late-As-Possible 尽可能晚AMR Advanced Material Release 材料提前发布AOA Activity on Arc 弧线表示活动双代号网络AOA Activity on Arrow 箭线表示活动双代号网络AON Activity on Node 节点表示活动单代号网络AOQ Average Outgoing Quality 平均出厂质量AOQL Average Outgoing Quality Limit 平均出厂质量限度APMA Area of Project Management Application 项目管理的应用领域APR Acquisition Plan Review 采购计划评审AQL Acceptable Quality Level 可接受质量水平AS Actual Start Date 实际开始日期ASAP As-Soon-As-Possible 尽快ATP Acceptance Test Procedure 验收测试过程AUW Authorized Unpriced Work 批准的未定价工作BAC Budget at Completion 完工预算BAC Baseline at Completion 完成/完工基线BATNA Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement 协议外最佳方案BCM Business Change Manager 商业变更经理BCWP Budgeted Cost of Work Performed 已完工作预算成本BCWS Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled 计划工作的预算成本BEC Elapsed Cost 计划工作的预算成本BOOT Build, Own, Operate, Transfer 建造拥有经营转让BPA Blanket Purchase Agreement 一揽子采购协议BSA Balanced Scorecard Approach 平衡记分卡方法C/SCSC Cost/Schedule Control System Criteria 成本控制系统标准?C/SSR Cost/Schedule Status Report 成本/进度状态报告CA Control Account 控制帐目CAD Computer Aided Drafting/Design 计算机辅助制图/设计CAM Cost Account Manager 成本帐目经理CAM Computer Aided Manufacturing 计算机辅助制造CAM Control Account Manager 控制帐目经理CAP Cost Account Plan 成本帐目计划CAP Control Account Plan 控制帐目计划CAR Capital Appropriation Request 资本划拨请求CBD Component-Based Development 基于构件的开发CBS Cost Breakdown Structure 成本分解结构CCB Change Control Board 变更管理委员会CCDR Contractor Cost Data Report 承包商成本数据报告CDR Critical Design Review 关键设计评审CI Configuration Item 配置项CM Configuration Management/Construction Management 配置管理/施工管理CPFFC Cost Plus Fixed Fee Contract 成本加固定费用合同CPI Cost Performance Index 成本绩效指数CPI Cost Performance Indicator 成本绩效指数CPIFC Cost Plus Incentive Fee Contract 成本加奖励费用合同CPM Critical Path Method 关键路径法CPN Critical Path Network 关键路径网络图CPPC Cost Plus Percentage of Cost Contract 成本加成本百分比合同CPR Cost Performance Ratio 成本绩效比率CPR Cost Performance Report 成本绩效报告CPU Central Processing Unit 中央处理单元CR Change Request 变更请求CSCI Computer Software Configuration Item 计算机软件配置CSF Critical Success Factors 关键的成功因素CTC Contract Target Cost 合同目标成本CTP Contract Target Price 合同目标价格CTR Cost-Time Resource Sheet 成本时间资源表CV Cost Variance 成本偏差CWBS Contract Work Breakdown Structure 合同工作分解结构DBA Database Administrator 数据库管理员DBM Dynamic Baseline Model 动态基线模型DBMS Database Management System 数据库管理系统DCE Distributed Computing Environment 分布式计算环境DCF Discounted Cash Flow 折现现金流DD Data Date 数据日期DID Data Item Description 工作项描述DRD documentation Requirements Description 文档要求说明DU Duration 工期持续时间EAC Estimated Actual at Completion 实际完工估算ECC Estimated Cost to Complete 尚未完成的成本估算ECP Engineering Change Proposal 工程变更建议书EF Early Finish Date 最早完成日期EFC Estimated Final Cost 估算的最终成本EMR Expenditure Management Report 支出管理报告EPS Enterprise Project Structure 企业项目结构ERP Enterprise Resource Planning 企业资源规划ERPS Enterprise Resource Planning Systems 企业资源规划系统ES Early Start Date 最早开始日期ESAR Extended Subsequent Applications Review 扩展后续应用评审ETC Estimate To Complete 尚未完成/完工的估算EV Expected value 期望值EVMS Earned value Management System 挣值管理系统FAC Forecast At Completion 完工预测FF Free Float 自由浮动时间FFP Firm Fixed Price Contract 严格固定价格合同FIFO First In, First Out 先进先出FM Functional Manager 职能经理FP Fixed Price Contract 固定价格合同FPPIF Fixed Price Plus Incentive Fee Contract 固定价格加激励酬FTC Forecast to Completion 完工尚需预测FTP File Transfer Protocol 文件传输协议G&A General and Administrative Costs 综合行政管理成本G&A General and Administrative 综合行政管理费GAAP Generally Accepted Accounting Principles 公认会计原则GERT Graphical Evaluation and Review Technique 图形评审技术GUI Graphical User Interface 图形用户界面personal system 人事制度personal management 人事管理casual leave 例假;事假sick leave 病假office hours 办公时间work hour 工作时间eight-hour shift 8小时工作制shift 轮班morning session 上午班evening/night shift 小/大夜班day shift 日班attendance book 签到本late book 迟到本coffee break 上班中的休息时间work day 工作日day off 休息日working conditions 工作环境work permit 工作证work overtime 加班salary 薪水wages 工资salary raise 加薪windfall 外快recruitment招聘annual pension 年薪year-end bonus 年终奖overtime pay 加班费punch the clock 打卡time recorder 打卡机sneak out 开溜on probation 试用probation staff 试用人员agreement of employment 聘书evaluation of employee 考绩employee evaluation form 考绩表dock pay 扣薪unpaid leave 无薪假take-home pay (税后)净薪release pay 遣散费salary deduction 罚薪orientation 入职培训traveling allowance(for official trip) 差旅费work experience 工作经历occupational history 工作经历professionalhistory 职业经历experience 具体经历responsibilities 职责second job 第二职业achievements 工作成就,业绩administer 管理assist 辅助adapted to 适应于accomplish 完成(任务等)appointed 被认命的adept in 善于analyze 分析authorized 委任的;核准的behave 表现break the record 打破纪录breakthrough 关键问题的解决control 控制conduct 经营,处理cost 成本;费用create 创造demonstrate 证明,示范decrease 减少design 设计develop 开发,发挥devise 设计,发明direct 指导double 加倍,翻一番earn 获得,赚取effect 效果,作用eliminate 消除enlarge 扩大enrich 使丰富exploit 开发(资源,产品)enliven 搞活establish 设立(公司等);使开业evaluation 估价,评价execute 实行,实施expedite 加快;促进generate 产生good at 擅长于guide 指导;操纵improve 改进,提高initiate 创始,开创innovate 改革,革新invest 投资integrate 使结合;使一体化justified 经证明的;合法化的launch 开办(新企业)maintain 保持;维修modernize 使现代化negotiate 谈判nominated 被提名;被认命的overcome 克服perfect 使完善;改善perform 执行,履行profit 利润be promoted to 被提升为be proposed as 被提名(推荐)为realize 实现(目标)获得(利润)reconstruct 重建recorded 记载的refine 精练,精制registered 已注册的regenerate 更新,使再生replace 接替,替换retrieve 挽回revenue 收益,收入scientific 科学的,系统的self-dependence 自力更生serve 服务,供职settle 解决(问题等)shorten 减低……效能simplify 简化,精简spread 传播,扩大standard 标准,规格supervises 监督,管理supply 供给,满足systematize 使系统化test 试验,检验well-trained 训练有素的valuable 有价值的target 目标,指标working model 劳动模范advanced worker 先进工作者objective 目标position desired 希望职位job objective 工作目标employment objective 工作目标career objective 职业目标position sought 谋求职位position wanted 希望职位position appliedfor 申请职位离职原因for more specialized work 为更专门的工作for prospects of promotion 为晋升的前途for higher responsibility 为更高层次的工作责任for wider experience 为扩大工作经验due to close-downof company 由于公司倒闭due to expiryof employment 由于雇用期满sought a betterjob 找到了更好的工作to seek a betterjob 找一份更好的工作业余爱好hobbies 业余爱好play the guitar 弹吉他reading 阅读play chess 下棋play 话剧long distance running 长跑play bridge 打桥牌collecting stamps 集邮play tennis 打网球jogging 慢跑sewing 缝纫travelling 旅游listening to symphony 听交响乐do some clay scultures 搞泥塑able 有才干的,能干的adaptable 适应性强的active 主动的,活跃的aggressive 有进取心的ambitious 有雄心壮志的amiable 和蔼可亲的amicable 友好的analytical 善于分析的apprehensive 有理解力的aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的audacious 大胆的,有冒险精神的capable 有能力的,有才能的careful 办理仔细的candid 正直的competent 能胜任的constructive 建设性的cooperative 有合作精神的creative 富创造力的dedicated 有奉献精神的dependable 可靠的diplomatic 老练的,有策略的disciplined 守纪律的dutiful 尽职的well--educated 受过良好教育的efficient 有效率的energetic 精力充沛的expressivity 善于表达faithful 守信的,忠诚的frank 直率的,真诚的generous 宽宏大量的genteel 有教养的gentle 有礼貌的humorous 有幽默impartial 公正的independent 有主见的industrious 勤奋的ingenious 有独创性的motivated 目的明确的intelligent 理解力强的learned 精通某门学问的logical 条理分明的methodical 有方法的modest 谦虚的objective 客观的precise 一丝不苟的punctual 严守时刻的realistic 实事求是的responsible 负责的sensible 明白事理的sporting 光明正大的steady 踏实的systematic 有系统的purposeful 意志坚强的sweet-tempered 性情温和的temperate 稳健的tireless 孜孜不倦的name 姓名in. 英寸pen name 笔名ft. 英尺alias 别名street 街Mr. 先生road 路Miss 小姐district 区Ms (小姐或太太)house number 门牌Mrs. 太太lane 胡同,巷age 年龄height 身高bloodtype 血型weight 体重address 地址born 生于permanent address 永久住址birthday 生日province 省birthdate 出生日期city 市birthplace 出生地点county 县home phone 住宅电话prefecture 专区office phone 办公电话autonomous region 自治区business phone 办公电话nationality 民族;国籍current address 目前住址citizenship 国籍date of birth 出生日期。
企业经济管理概念与术语(英汉对照)(83个)1经济关系 Economic relationship1.1经济利益关系 Economic interest relationship1.2经济管理关系 Economic management relationship2经济权 Economic right2.1配置权 Allocation power2.2收益权 Revenue right2.2.1收入权 Income right2.2.2剩余索取权 Residual claim right2.3经济管理权 Economic management power2.3.1收入管理权 Income management power2.3.2支出管理权 Expenditure management power2.3.3分配权 Distribution power2.3.4经济自我管理权 Economic self-management power2.3.5经济组织管理权 Economic organized administration power3经济权配置 Economic rights allocation (ERA)3.1收益权配置 Revenue rights allocation3.2经济管理权配置 Economic management powers allocation3.3经济管理权配置类型 Type of economic management powers allocation3.4经济管理模式 Economic management mode3.5经济管理双目标 Two goals for economic management4经济权配置要素 Economic rights allocation element4.1经济权配置内容要素 Content element of economic rights allocation4.2经济权配置符号要素 Symbol element of economic rights allocation5配置体Allocation subject5.1配置管理主体 Allocation management subject5.2配置管理对象 Allocation management object5.2.1部门类配置管理对象 Department allocation management object5.2.2人员类配置管理对象 Personnel allocation management object5.3本主体 Reference subject5.4上级主体 Higher subject5.5下级主体 Lower subject5.6同级主体 Equivalent subject5.7关联主体 Associated subject5.8利益主体 Interest subject5.9经济项发生主体 Occurrence subject of Economic item5.10经济项支出主体 Expenditure subject of Economic item5.11经济项支出管理主体 Expenditure management subject of economic item 6经济项Economic item6.1经济价值项 Economic value item6.1.1经济利益项 Economic interest item6.1.2经济管理项 Economic management item6.2业务收入项 Business income item6.3业务支出项 Business expenditure item6.4工资收入项 Wage income item6.5工资支出项 Wage expenditure item6.6结余项 Residual item6.7分享项 Share item7关系流 relationship flow7.1关系流类型 Type of relationship flow7.2经济利益关系流 Economic interest relationship flow7.3经济管理关系流 Economic management relationship flow8管理权management power8.1(活动维度)预算权 (Activity dimension) budge power8.2(活动维度)审批权 (Activity dimension) approval power8.3(活动维度)执行权 (Activity dimension) executive power9运行序Run sequence9.1运行级数 Number of run level9.2运行级次 Run level9.3运行顺序 Run order10经济权配置账户 Economic rights allocation account10.1收益权配置账户 Revenue rights allocation account10.2经济管理权配置账户 Economic management powers allocation account10.3收益权配置账户类型 Type of revenue rights allocation account10.4经济管理权配置账户类型 Type of economic management powers allocationaccount10.5经济权配置账户类型 Type of economic rights allocation account11经济权配置图economic rights allocation diagram11.1经济权配置图类型 Type of economic rights allocation diagram11.2本级图 Reference diagram11.3上级图 Higher diagram11.4下级图 Lower diagram11.5经济权配置“账户图” ERA account diagram ERA11.6经济权配置“片段图” ERA segment diagram11.7经济权配置“专项图” ERA special diagram11.8经济权配置“综合图” ERA overall diagram12机制匹配类型Type of matching mechanism12.1账户型匹配机制 Account matching mechanism12.2专项型匹配机制 Special matching mechanism12.3绩效考评型匹配机制 Performance assessment matching mechanism12.4非经济型匹配机制 Non-economic matching mechanism13经济权配置工作模式Working mode for economic rights allocation13.1经济权配置“刻画” Depiction of ERA13.2经济权配置“诊断” Diagnosis of ERA13.3经济权配置“设计” Design of ERA[整理:上海复斯管理咨询公司]。
与经济管理有关的 几个m单词
![与经济管理有关的 几个m单词](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6bebab24cbaedd3383c4bb4cf7ec4afe04a1b1e5.png)
1. 市场经济(Market Economy):市场经济是一种经济体系,其中资源的分配和生产决策是由市场上的供需关系和价格产生的。
2. 货币政策(Monetary Policy):货币政策是指中央银行通过调整货币供应量和利率等手段来影响经济活动和稳定物价的政策。
3. 营销(Marketing):营销是指企业根据市场需求和竞争状况,通过市场调研、产品定位、市场推广等手段来满足顾客需求、促进销售和提高品牌价值的管理活动。
4. 管理(Management):管理是一种协调和组织资源来实现组织目标的活动。
5. 宏观经济学(Macroeconomics):宏观经济学是研究经济体整体表现和宏观变量(如国内生产总值、失业率、通货膨胀等)的学科。
6. 人力资源管理(Human Resource Management):人力资源管理是企业或组织通过招募、选用、培训、绩效评估等手段来管理和开发人力资源的过程。
7. 国际贸易(International Trade):国际贸易是指不同国家之间的商品和服务的交换活动。
8. 竞争策略(Competitive Strategy):竞争策略是企业根据市场竞争和自身资源优势,制定并实施的长期发展方向和竞争优势的计划。
外文原文:Cultural goods, market and national relations and international free tradesystemJim Mc GuiganAn example in cultural studies is the most popular today "cultural economy" - on economic and cultural thoughts to check it, rather than as an industry as a kind of words. Cultural historians will say the trend is difficult to Atlantic new party. In 1992, British media academics Jim MaiGuiGen blamed on contemporary paradigm crisis culture research, its separation from cultural and political economy. He put forward louder appeal and a pair of consumption culture mode of production as the center. His proposal also a populist criticism, leading, consumption as the center, with value of examples of the audience, ' 'positive is a sovereign consumption subject is who (imagine is) not industrial control economic and cultural existence reason McGrigan, 1992). MaiGuiGen, of course, quite a person in his own time. How to put back on the bottle - for the elves in 'economic recovery mode, avoid it enters' key back to marxist economic rights fatalism - is still a provocative, but not out of the mission.In 1992, when the humanities center at Wesleyan university in Massachusetts, theorist and culture combined each 1 team director in American culture industry for a term called seminar "producing and sales culture" (Mr Mann, 1996). This is an amazing attempt, sponsored by Coca-Cola Coca-Cola foundation, academic access to cultural criticism of the industry, how the latter imagine market research and consumer, and asked them if they intentionally create and shape our hope.The research methods, launched a module, this conference most close to overcome epistemology is divided into production center and consumption as the center of the method, material conditions in culture understanding query, namely as a department. Fastforward to the early 21st century, the economy of the "culture" currently hype culture and media research won additional value, because this time, it is not only the scholars in the ivory tower who is support the analytic reasons. More important is, 'a cultural turn' in its momentum gathered enterprise sector, according to 'culture' plays a key role in the economic aspect, and marketing practices, on the one hand, the performance of the organization, enhance the other. However minor a trend, and also it is notable that in economic discipline, a key economic geographer proposed quality as a cultural economics a set, discourse structure, positive frame market. Therefore, before the market does not exist at the 2002 ·), described some of its objective, transcendental method (DE guay and discourse. Economic theory is regarded as an economic structure, positive ensemble shaping reality (Karen, 1998, 2000).The political, cultural, and policies.I MaiGuiGen in agreement with early in a standoff in 1990s about this is cultural investigation. Like him back after, I think the simple answer is retrieve a lost causes materialism of the return of the traditional culture research political economics. In order to do this, I will devote myself to the production of material culture study. The trajectory of the economy and culture, however, there is a warning. It runs the risk of triggered by the central concern of cultural research subject identity, namely the cultural politics. Double challenge, I want to take a project, through policy research key, is located in the method to yourself the hand on the cultural and economic ties between a between, and politics and policy, such as in. Let me explain more. Mainstream culture has to stay in my two aspects of the field in a world analysis differentiation. In their planning things, 'political commitment' need to assume the criticism and boycott; ` policy, on the other hand, is with security, hegemony, and the status quo. This is understandable mainstream culture research (its staple fare, that criticism power) fired policy guidance culture research committed revisionist rebels who thought the betrayal of from margin (1 title in the study of regional culture of privileges) to center, where ` power 'is institutionalized policy form, corruption and the absolute necessity.We wouldn't be sitting here today in this seminar, and if we believe such a partial idea of effectiveness. This is one-sided, because it does not acknowledge both desire and possibility of the bridge academic workers political criticism and participate in the gap between. For those of us who today to share a concept: a critical frame policy research provides a breakthrough point these transitional activities. It specifies a scholar BBS, to meet the decision makers and analysts who are willing to engage in multidisciplinary policy discussions. Most importantly, the two organizations dedicated to the possibility of social transformation in China has incremental reform through the regulatory system, from the backdrop of cultural production ` 'means a more complex than what the process of the cultural and economic mode can be alone provides. For us, even started thinking, cultural policy areas regulatory policy changes, we must first recognize that 'culture' cannot simply follow market principles, because it is in the same time "means and purpose of social regulation and government" (Bennett, 1992,26), therefore, 'culture "is the supervision system, constitutive can be considered as indispensable rationality government. This culture/government couplets, should be given equal weight so the analysis of the correct culture tendency research emphasize the link betweencultural/market.In addition, we must not be concept misleading is, the close relationship between 'culture' and 'government' is China alone. Even America and Britain ruled kingdom deregulation of speech, still be on time, price and transmission standard content television industry especially in land departments (hyjal Lin, 2001) pelosi. ` culture'should be whether consciousness, like a commodity in the center of the international debate is underwayThe feasibility of about culture cross-media border trade. In Canada, Europe and more recently in the United States (on media ownership debate is involved, the federal communications commission's ruling heart), countries and cultural policy instrument to delimit the national cultural market active participation. Throw open the resistance of national culture, therefore, is not just China market integratedly.Research problems,I think pieces are as follows: what constitutes a query the cultural market the policy management? And they should go to where? Like other policy areas, China after joining the WTO, cultural policy has become such turmoil and controversial areas, it stripe easier than ever to different thoughts and prescription. Intervention I still should notice, nonlocal flux because in such a culture industry "as a policy of birth" classification of just recent. It can be traced back to 2001, when the 10th five-year plan made conspicuous place, for the first time chanye for reform to mandarin era began. From the current challenges of opening China's wto content industry provides country further encourage development think-tank music college in Hong Kong academy for performing arts in service as the young talents emerging cultural industries. Then, last year, two main research institutions "national culture industry" also launched one after another, in the north, in Beijing university, in Shanghai jiaotong university in the south. Meanwhile, the blue of cultural industry each year the institute of social center issued by Chinese culture research in science. In China, academia provides a feasible policy Suggestions, location and application humanities spirit is an obvious reality cultural issues more and more policy. The domain Research problem-based now let us return and fulfilling method and my big framework research problems specific problems group. Thought what the purpose is' culture 'and' economic ', 'political and policy in the series service to our policy review Chinese culture? This makes my table 3The basic premise that is a built-in: on1. Cultural need to be understood as an economic sector, namely 'culture industry' as the state regulators;2. Culture is a continuous development of relations, economic and policy areas, and trade;3. Culture is the goods, but not like any other commodity.All these building ground floor is my big is big not ask: if the United States theory'market' itself is a kind of word building, as China? Final model in the media industry in particular, China should take back sharply to the country's pattern is similar to the U.S. public cultural products. Rolling provide This has taken on two levels, and in the county TV media and board level of small-scale news units across the river. Whether to adopt aderegulation in over big media collectivization form and content? How Europe, cultural market? In decision-making and debates, the European affairs committee new regulation means? With democracy is cultural commercialized, the final answers cultural consumption space, and create a diversity of cultures? These problems are more complex, because they are how to answer team under the language environment after the test. That is to say, the rapid changes of the answer, because we hope our countries turn of problems, from terrain democratic U.S., Canada and Western Europe to China, political credentials in the best inconsistent. These problems, but a more inquires after our discussion, will clarify the Chinese model cultural policy should choose as a media industry is slowing sculpture out more autonomy space. For this reason, we must study these problems triggered set twenty years in the international debate long-term international free trade from cultural exemption launched between the United States and Britain in a refugee camp in the European Union and Canada and countries in the opposite faction found. No matter whether we in Europe/Canada pattern or American model will better service in China, we need to realize that the YinXiangJie, domestic policy in the sovereignty of isolation international cultural policy, no longer strong resistance. Although there are What advantages and disadvantages of the establishmentof a global integration of cultural policy system?Seriously consider specific problem I will now in concrete ground task I generally buildings. The first premise we need to watch closely industry of Chinese culture, the second premise existing regulatory conditions, make our international trade of culture at home against the debate. The third premise a series of questions caused, namely: (a) cultural products should be traded? (2) market is established in Chinese state media border to differentiate commercializable goods and the commercializable is reasonable; And allusion, (3) what is a better system from other kind of calibration? (4) what appropriate policy tools will be most effective in governance goods circulation and traded in the Chinese culture areas? Finally, as a thought, I care more about the problem and put forward and provide at this stage, must be better than the answer.China's culture industry market access method: mixed cargo rules.As mentioned above, the official discourse mandarin chanye as was formally established in 2001. Because then the enterprise concept jituan "double formula" "have already appeared in the occasional government documents suggest, the news media departments, but store the" dressed in front of the public institutions they like to do, "the commercial business enterprise"." But until the 16th party congress in 2002, the state propaganda machine and substantial, has officially difference enterprise concept, with "the public culture of the organization's business culture (mandarin" by "(mandarin) chanye), attributed to each clear mission, different means and objective development. The state's logic is a one of the hair division. We know, the development of China's culture industry control to solve the problem. To enter the market main interesting is that the market threshold into different points division department. Therefore, the traditional defies generalisations Chinese culture industry is' commercially 'did tell us very little about China itself, and the cultural landscape for many investors to reduce the influence of domestic policy and foreign. -What is the basic rule of cultural industry, the management of capital into which sub industries were officially designated as "commercializable" (you yingli xing), this is no, this is considering threshold category? Commercializable department was not deemed too sensitive national culture and information security. They include performance, tourism, industry and culture exhibition, technical production and sale of audio and video products, sports and entertainment, higher education and vocational education. They are opening up the domestic collective and social capital and foreign capital. Existing capital of the designated department of the state, and he ordered by as intrusive, but through annexation gradually exit and transferred asset sale, nearly ups and downs, and bankruptcy. Scale the next supervision danweis highly relevant state-owned monopoly position of cultural identity formation and information security. In this large category, not the commercializable commercializable Beijing distinguish from department. The latter include: obligation education, the agency responsible for national cultural relics preservation, libraries, museums, cultural workstation, most departments need and monopoly state-owned capital ownership. Whether domestic or foreign capital is allowed.Regulations become more complicated, because our approach to commercializabe, monopoly before category - cultural domain news, broadcasting and television. Capital into these industry is highly controversial and national unstable because policy of volatility.Authorized monopoly capital media giants, but to exit the small and medium-sized media company. Criterion, reiterated that the basic principles - policy matters - the same size, take the basic principles of the claw big regulation measures adopted a filial piety (" grabbing big, release small ") has taken department on the first and the second. Problem is, although what complex medium diversification and corporatization media organization allow absorption domestic capital, in theory, they will only be allowed to invest in the media industry. Another limitation is that only certain sub industries of small and medium-sized media were allowed in absorbing external capital, namely points and department limited to basic facilities such as printing and publishing services related value chain, retail, information transmission and distribution, the main points unit, nothing can do and content of offer. Therefore, even though their names to shareholders, the media are banned from department of domestic investors intervention the enterprise production content and asset management. With foreign investors hold so, if bertelsmann, its sphere of influence to be included in the publishing industry time only. As shown above, capital inflows has been allowed to focus on what is considering the basic structure of the media in the industry by department. How in printing, the content of the department news, broadcasting, television media? Mark ` commercializable in blue books. ', but in fact it is how to commercializable?What is the market thresholdEntry in the domestic and foreign capital domain specific? In the media content industry of foreign investment, first of all, we have to understand that China's entry into wto agreement not bound to the content of liberalization. Domain for foreign capital investment, the hurdles is insurmountable. The content providers limited foreign works,such as bloomberg television station, phoenix TV, and the InforNews news corporation's TV group the new agreement with hunan radio, movies, and explain as follows:(1) the financial and economic news (the main menu according to bloomberg information platform and distribute) is that "safe" content. (2) joint hunan TV entertainment production (namely agreement with multinational as new heavyweights) is worth welcome. Rupert murdoch's small victory, there is a lot of things to do the logic of the inspectors' theme for preferential treatment as science and technology, financial, economic, leisure and lifestyle, ideology neutral mass market, such as games and the charge talk show, sports and drama. It is believed that is beneficial to the development of the industry domestic TV content, the current value chain of the weak culture department policy proposals have been urged Beijing to pay attention. (3) of the broad masses of the pearl river delta area, it is beyond the pearl river out those foreign achieve broadcasting organizations. The most important is, (4) landing rights and mutual exchanges and plan again) foreign broadcasting company (news group is the real target and earnings - bargaining chip, foreign group must be submitted to the negotiating table. Worth notice, though, the propaganda of its history, the TV is the only launched foreign language of entertainment channel, now says 1.3 percent in a short period of time to the audience the gold guangdong province January 2003. Top all the above limitations naming, all foreign a content is subject to strict inspection before distribution.The cultural industry of China's regulations of general brought me three in the us directly observed. The first third field my asking, culture that is the goods, traded commodity trading markets and the boundary between the cultural industry is very fluid. They, in turn, rapid change next reform system (this cycle, shorter and shorter after becoming the new party secretary hu. This fully explain commercializable properties not constructing and ` stable commodity. 'second, from this kind of instability, three-quarters of a mixed goods, in some of their properties, trade mark `' and some ` traded '(theso-called this fall commercializable, to the media monopolies category charming). The third kind ` throughout China capital inflows ` if we mean circulation 'society, so-called people are' British ziben - and collective capital. It is difficult to place detailed introducesthe current popular practice bound by this company obtains shell relates to Chinese media access media capital (through the domestic real estate world, not, publish, investment and (such as banking) become listed companies. I just want to say that government departments of the new policy emphasis goes across media, cross, and trans media merger between the region further blurred the line ` 'and ` public pure pure private' funds. Capital properties will be mixed into such degree, China will be remembered as the hybrids land. This leads me to my third observation: more and more economic consideration to infiltration policy to decide what cultural products were allowed to obtain a diversified financing structure. We are faced with the same old problems, from other grafting industry department's culture: at what level admiral economic ideology is the erosion of preferences China, there are political elite market vision unique socialist culture commodity economy is the foundation this mixed commodity increasingly complex system, a no vision not entirely theoretical, so often laugh at?International trade regulations at home against domestic cultural policiesThe above discussion fully demonstrated the dominance of the concept of Chinese cultural market policies. No matter how we evaluate the policy framework and the characteristics of any market discourse proof is, it was vital to the Chinese culture policy analysis (and lyricist for industrial) culture blue were told at home against international trade free debate culture exemption. Meaning, this kind of knowledge can offer is three times. First, it will provide the efforts to promote Chinese culture, policy makers, their argument, to help promote 'cultural center' profit margins to make policy. Secondly, it will suggest China cultural policy makers, research fields, including cultural trade influence competition policy and investment policy, tax law, services, and intellectual property system (" final report ", 5) in. Third, China is increasing pressure to comply with the international free trade agreement, it will be informed about the fact that other countries in Tunisia policymakers as Canada and ends development of economy (ditto, band 27) hold the same career, normative market is helpful to the domestic growth cultural industries.The last point is a tricky, because it might mistake me support at home the protectionist policies concerning a democratic countries poor. Of course this is not my intention. I'll be back soon this important point. First, rapid trade summary of the order of international cultural debate. Canada and the countries of the European Union opposes a media products. Britain's free trade rules, such as gatt culture and extensive cultural don't agree to release, besides audio-visual sector. But U.S. argued that cultural products trade is to release any other goods, and shall be subject to the unit did not exception. Of course China is Canada or France. Although every country has the right to protect its imports from countries replaced its cultural American culture, we cannot apply for to formulate policy debate of normal trade media notorious for a record of domestic review. Regime From this perspective, banned imports of amount of western culture content of Chinese citizens from denied to choose a filtering political and cultural development of democracy. Like Edwin baker scholars in legal research is quite thoughtful and points out: "free traders are correct, historically, some repressive regimes had tried to protect and promote cultural imagine, here is usually not only picky import restrictions but also have the same restrictions on freedom of expression of the serious internal" (baker, 2002,260). Similarly, China's media content all boycott liberalization should not and the European commission with equal Canada against trade protection media said, and is essential for maintaining citizens domestic cultural space of variety and growing ball (the European commission, 2000). In China, set up the case, limit the barriers to trade and investment flows in the audio-visual sector that is quite another matter. Therefore baker puts forward "some equipment other than the free trade is necessary to prevent picky government distortions" (baker, 254). He thinks, human rights law, but is not free trade law is the most feasible international policy documents, can one stone kills two birds - a country need to nourish the sensitivity of the domestic media pluralism and opennesscross-border cultural exchange.I think Chinese cultural policy makers can draw lessons from this international debate something else - some protectionist policies how it can help the healthy development of the alimentary domestic media. Policies, such as state subsidies andradio media place, screen the working hours and quota quotas in Western Europe and Canada. In view of this, the current Chinese policy media company of state-owned capital withdraw all from small medium, not a necessity for the development of f local media. Usually, the smallest and most minor media is the most independent of the mind. Leaving their the law of the jungle of the survival of the fittest for China's news gathering - fully prove - is to further to inspectors.The international debate about trade and culture is important, but in another respect Chinese policy makers. Because governments around the world continue to privatization and exogenous in every government service department and the boundaries between citizens and private with amazing speed redraw, this debate back to, public domain problem, one public culture is only a small part. What service and property duty to rationing, obviously this public responsibility should be private provision, must take back to policy makers in the agenda. As western scholars in beginning to reconsider must be obtained and market balance social (again, the American public opposition to the federal communications commission's ruling thought), China needs to realize the equality of access problems, including a public domain market acquisitions and public cultures of the moment. Therefore, it is imperative that we research the market state of established in China distinguish boundaries ` circulation 'cultural products from ` traded. Discuss what kind of policy will follow, if we devoted to the problem as public goods picture of what the public culture of China is related to the case? (I don't open some because ` 'and between historical equation ` state'). Finally, my big question is the cultural policy mode should be Chinese turn? Europe/Canada or the United States?第11 页共11 页。
第一部分 PART 1 MICROECONOMICS第一篇The Concept of Utility 效用的概念经济学家最开始研究消费者行为学是在一个多世纪前当心理学界流行一种说法:人们的很多行为可以解释为人们为了尽可能获得更多的幸福、规避更多的痛苦而做的努力。
企业管理/经济管理专业英语名词ABC Classification ABC分类法Activity-Based Costing 业务量成本法/作业成本法ACRS (Accelerated cost recovery system) 快速成本回收制度Action Message 行为/措施信息AIS (AccountingInventoryBacklogCumulativeFixedPeggingTurnover7 库存周转次数Item 物料项目Item Record 项目记录Job Shop 加工车间Just-in-time (JIT) 准时制生产Lead Time 提前期前置期,指订单从收到具体明细到货到货仓收到落货纸这一段时间,可以用评估工厂的综合实力。
Level 层Load 负荷Lot for Lot 按需订货法LP (Linear programming) 线性规划Machine Loading 机器加载Make-to-order Product (MTO) 面向订单生产的产品Make-to-stock Product (MTS) 面向库存生产产品Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II) 制造资源计划Master Production Schedule (MPS) 主生产计划Material Requirements Planning (MRP) 物料需求计划MBO (Management by objective) 目标管理Net Change MRP 净改变式物料需求计划Net Requirements 净需求Oliver Wight MRP-II理论的创始人On-hand Balance 现在库存量Open Order 未结订单/开放订单Order Entry 订单输入Order Promising 订货承诺Pegging 反查Picking 领料/提货Picking List 领料单Planned Order 计划订单Post-deduct Inventory Transaction Processing (Backflush) 后减库存处理法/倒冲法Pre-deduct Inventory Transaction Processing 前减库存处理法Production Planning 生产规划编制Projected Available Balance 预计可用库存Gueue 队列Gueue Time 排队时间Regeneration MRP 重生成式物料需求计划Rescheduling Assumption 重排假设Resource Requirement Planning 资源需求计划Rough-cut Capacity Planning 粗能力计划Routing 工艺路线Safety Stock 安全库存Safety Time 保险期Scheduled Receipt 预计入库量Scrap Factor 残料率/废品系数Service Parts 维修件Shop Floor Control 车间作业管理Shrinkage Factor 损耗系数Time Bucket 时间段Time Fence 时界VE (value engineering) 价值工程Vendor Scheduling 采购计划法Work Center 工作中心Work in Process (WIP) 在制品ZBB (Zero based Budgeting) 零基预算Zero Inventories 零库存。
(完整版)管理学专业英语词汇大全管理学专业英语词汇大全Aaccounting 会计accounting cost 会计成本accounting profit 会计利润adverse selection 逆向选择allocation 配置allocation of resources 资源配置allocative efficiency 配置效率antitrust legislation 反托拉斯法arc elasticity 弧弹性Assumption 假设asymetric information 非对称性信息average 平均average cost 平均成本average cost pricing 平均成本定价法average fixed cost 平均固定成本average product of capital 资本平均产量average product of labour 劳动平均产量average revenue 平均收益average total cost 平均总成本average variable cost 平均可变成本Bbarriers to entry 进入壁垒base year 基年bilateral monopoly 双边垄断benefit 收益black market 黑市bliss point 极乐点boundary point 边界点break even point 收支相抵点budget 预算budget constraint 预算约束budget line 预算线budget set 预算集Ccapital 资本capital stock 资本存量capital output ratio 资本产出比率capitalism 资本主义cardinal utility theory 基数效用论cartel 卡特尔ceteris puribus assumption “其他条件不变”的假设ceteris puribus demand curve 其他因素不变的需求曲线Chamberlin model 张伯伦模型change in demand 需求变化change in quantity demanded 需求量变化change in quantity supplied 供给量变化change in supply 供给变化choice 选择closed set 闭集Coase theorem 科斯定理cobweb model 蛛网模型collective bargaining 集体协议工资collusion 合谋command economy 指令经济commodity 商品commodity combination 商品组合commodity market 商品市场commodity space 商品空间common property 公用财产comparative static analysis 比较静态分析compensated budget line 补偿预算线compensated demand function 补偿需求函数compensation principles 补偿原则compensating variation in income 收入补偿变量competition 竞争competitive market 竞争性市场complement goods 互补品complete information 完全信息completeness 完备性condition for efficiency in production 生产的最优条件concave 凹concave function 凹函数concave preference 凹偏好consistence 一致性constant cost industry 成本不变产业constant returns to scale 规模报酬不变constraints 约束consumer 消费者consumer behavior 消费者行为consumer choice 消费者选择consumer equilibrium 消费者均衡consumer optimization 消费者优化consumer preference 消费者偏好consumer surplus 消费者剩余consumer theory 消费者理论consumption 消费consumption bundle 消费束consumption combination 消费组合consumption possibility curve 消费可能曲线consumption possibility frontier 消费可能性前沿consumption set 消费集consumption space 消费空间continuity 连续性continuous function 连续函数contract curve 契约曲线convex 凸convex function 凸函数convex preference 凸偏好convex set 凸集corporatlon 公司cost 成本cost benefit analysis 成本收益分cost function 成本函数cost minimization 成本极小化Cournot equilihrium 古诺均衡Cross—price elasticity 交叉价格弹性Ddead—weights loss 重负损失decreasing cost industry 成本递减产业decreasing returns to scale 规模报酬递减deduction 演绎法demand 需求demand curve 需求曲线demand elasticity 需求弹性demand function 需求函数demand price 需求价格demand schedule 需求表depreciation 折旧derivative 导数derive demand 派生需求difference equation 差分方程differential equation 微分方程differentiated good 差异商品differentiated oligoply 差异寡头diminishing marginal substitution 边际替代率递减diminishing marginal return 收益递减diminishing marginal utility 边际效用递减direct approach 直接法direct taxes 直接税discounting 贴税、折扣diseconomies of scale 规模不经济disequilibrium 非均衡distribution 分配division of labour 劳动分工distribution theory of marginal productivity 边际生产率分配论duoupoly 双头垄断、双寡duality 对偶durable goods 耐用品dynamic analysis 动态分析dynamic models 动态模型EEconomic agents 经济行为者economic cost 经济成本economic efficiency 经济效率economic goods 经济物品economic man 经济人economic mode 经济模型economic profit 经济利润economic region of production 生产的经济区域economic regulation 经济调节economic rent 经济租金exchange 交换economics 经济学exchange efficiency 交换效率economy 经济exchange contract curve 交换契约曲线economy of scale 规模经济Edgeworth box diagram 埃奇沃思图exclusion 排斥性、排他性Edgeworth contract curve 埃奇沃思契约线Edgeworth model 埃奇沃思模型efficiency 效率,效益efficiency parameter 效率参数elasticity 弹性elasticity of substitution 替代弹性endogenous variable 内生变量endowment 禀赋endowment of resources 资源禀赋entrepreneur 企业家entrepreneurship 企业家才能entry barriers 进入壁垒entry/exit decision 进出决策envolope curve 包络线equilibrium 均衡equilibrium condition 均衡条件equilibrium price 均衡价格equilibrium quantity 均衡产量eqity 公平equivalent variation in income 收入等价变量excess—capacity theorem 过度生产能力定理excess supply 过度供给exchange 交换exchange contract curve 交换契约曲线exclusion 排斥性、排他性exclusion principle 排他性原则existence 存在性existence of general equilibrium 总体均衡的存在性exogenous variables 外生变量expansion paths 扩展径expectation 期望expected utility 期望效用expected value 期望值expenditure 支出explicit cost 显性成本external benefit 外部收益external cost 外部成本external economy 外部经济external diseconomy 外部不经济externalities 外部性FFactor 要素factor demand 要素需求factor market 要素市场factors of production 生产要素factor substitution 要素替代factor supply 要素供给fallacy of composition 合成谬误final goods 最终产品firm 企业firms’demand cur ve for labor 企业劳动需求曲线firm supply curve 企业供给曲线first-degree price discrimination 第一级价格歧视first—order condition 一阶条件fixed costs 固定成本fixed input 固定投入fixed proportions production function 固定比例的生产函数flow 流量fluctuation 波动for whom to produce 为谁生产free entry 自由进入free goods 自由品,免费品free mobility of resources 资源自由流动free rider 搭便车,免费搭车function 函数future value 未来值Ggame theory 对策论、博弈论general equilibrium 总体均衡general goods 一般商品Gini coefficient 吉尼系数goldenrule 黄金规则goods 货物government failure 政府失败government regulation 政府调控grand utility possibility curve 总效用可能曲线grand utility possibility frontier 总效用可能前沿Hheterogeneous product 异质产品homogeneity 齐次性homogeneous demand function 齐次需求函数homogeneous product 同质产品homogeneous production function 齐次生产函数horizontal summation 水平和household 家庭how to produce 如何生产human capital 人力资本hypothesis 假说Iidentity 恒等式imperfect competion 不完全竞争implicitcost 隐性成本income 收入income compensated demand curveincome constraint 收入约束income consumption curve 收入消费曲线income distribution 收入分配income effect 收入效应income elasticity of demand 需求收入弹性increasing cost industry 成本递增产业increasing returns to scale 规模报酬递增inefficiency 缺乏效率index number 指数indifference 无差异indifference curve 无差异曲线indifference map 无差异族indifference relation 无差异关系indifference set 无差异集indirect approach 间接法individual analysis 个量分析individual demand curve 个人需求曲线individual demand function 个人需求函数induced variable 引致变量induction 归纳法industry 产业industry equilibrium 产业均衡industry supply curve 产业供给曲线inelastic 缺乏弹性的inferior goods 劣品inflection point 拐点information 信息information cost 信息成本initial condition 初始条件initial endowment 初始禀赋innovation 创新input 投入input—output 投入—产出institution 制度institutional economics 制度经济学insurance 保险intercept 截距interest 利息interest rate 利息率intermediate goods 中间产品internatization of externalities 外部性内部化invention 发明inverse demand function 逆需求函数investment 投资invisible hand 看不见的手isocost line 等成本线,isoprofit curve 等利润曲线isoquant curve 等产量曲线isoquant map 等产量族Llabour 劳动labour demand 劳动需求labour supply 劳动供给labour theory of value 劳动价值论labour unions 工会laissez faire 自由放任land 土地law 法则law of demand and supply 供需法law of diminishing marginal rate of technical substitution 边际技术替代率law of increasing cost 成本递增法则law of one price 单一价格法则leader—follower model 领导者--跟随者模型least—cost combination of inputs 最低成本的投入组合leisure 闲暇Leontief production function 列昂节夫生产函数licenses 许可证linear demand function 线性需求函数linear homogeneity 线性齐次性linear homogeneous production function 线性齐次生产函数long run长期long run average cost 长期平均成本long run equilibrium 长期均衡long run industry supply curve 长期产业供给曲线long run marginal cost 长期边际成本long run total cost 长期总成本Lorenz curve 洛伦兹曲线loss minimization 损失极小化1ump sum tax 一次性征税luxury 奢侈品Mmacroeconomics 宏观经济学marginal 边际的marginal benefit 边际收益marginal cost 边际成本marginal cost pricing 边际成本定价marginal cost of factor 边际要素成本marginal period 市场期marginal physical productivity 实际实物生产率marginal product 边际产量marginal product of capital 资本的边际产量marginal product of 1abour 劳动的边际产量marginal productivity 边际生产率marginal rate of substitution 边替代率marginal rate of transformation 边际转换率marginal returns 边际回报marginal revenue 边际收益marginal revenue product 边际收益产品marginal revolution 边际革命marginal social benefit 社会边际收益marginal social cost 社会边际成本marginal utility 边际效用marginal value products 边际价值产品market 市场market clearance 市场结清,市场洗清market demand 市场需求market economy 市场经济market equilibrium 市场均衡market failure 市场失败market mechanism 市场机制market structure 市场结构market separation 市场分割market regulation 市场调节market share 市场份额markup pricing 加减定价法maximization 极大化microeconomics 微观经济学minimum wage 最低工资misallocation of resources 资源误置mixed economy 混合经济model 模型money 货币monopolistic competition 垄断竞争monopolistic exploitation 垄断剥削monopoly 垄断,卖方垄断monopoly equilibrium 垄断均衡monopoly pricing 垄断定价monopoly regulation 垄断调控monopoly rents 垄断租金monopsony 买方垄断NNash equilibrium 纳什均衡Natural monopoly 自然垄断Natural resources 自然资源Necessary condition 必要条件necessities 必需品net demand 净需求nonconvex preference 非凸性偏好nonconvexity 非凸性nonexclusion 非排斥性nonlinear pricing 非线性定价nonrivalry 非对抗性nonprice competition 非价格竞争nonsatiation 非饱和性non--zero—sum game 非零和对策normal goods 正常品normal profit 正常利润normative economics 规范经济学Oobjective function 目标函数oligopoly 寡头垄断oligopoly market 寡头市场oligopoly model 寡头模型opportunity cost 机会成本optimal choice 最佳选择optimal consumption bundle 消费束perfect elasticity 完全有弹性optimal resource allocation 最佳资源配置optimal scale 最佳规模optimal solution 最优解optimization 优化ordering of optimization(social) preference (社会)偏好排序ordinal utility 序数效用ordinary goods 一般品output 产量、产出output elasticity 产出弹性output maximization 产出极大化Pparameter 参数partial derivative 偏导数partial equilibrium 局部均衡patent 专利pay off matrix 收益矩阵、支付矩阵perceived demand curve 感觉到的需求曲线perfect competition 完全竞争perfect complement 完全互补品perfect monopoly 完全垄断perfect price discrimination 完全价格歧视perfect substitution 完全替代品perfect inelasticity 完全无弹性perfectly elastic 完全有弹性perfectly inelastic 完全无弹性plant size 工厂规模point elasticity 点弹性positive economics 实证经济学prediction 预测preference 偏好preference relation 偏好关系present value 现值price 价格price adjustment model 价格调整模型price ceiling 最高限价price consumption curve 价格费曲线price control 价格管制price difference 价格差别price discrimination 价格歧视price elasticity of demand 需求价格弹性price elasticity of supply 供给价格弹性price floor 最低限价price maker 价格制定者price rigidity 价格刚性price seeker 价格搜求者price taker 价格接受者price tax 从价税private benefit 私人收益principal—agent issues 委托--代理问题private cost 私人成本private goods 私人用品private property 私人财产producer equilibrium 生产者均衡producer theory 生产者理论product 产品product transformation curve 产品转换曲线product differentiation 产品差异product group 产品集团production 生产production contract curve 生产契约曲线production efficiency 生产效率production function 生产函数production possibility curve 生产可能性曲线productivity 生产率productivity of capital 资本生产率productivity of labor 劳动生产率profit 利润profit function 利润函数profit maximization 利润极大化property rights 产权property rights economics 产权经济学proposition 定理proportional demand curve 成比例的需求曲线public benefits 公共收益public choice 公共选择public goods 公共商品pure competition 纯粹竞争rivalry 对抗性、竞争pure exchange 纯交换pure monopoly 纯粹垄断Qquantity—adjustment model 数量调整模型quantity tax 从量税quasi—rent 准租金Rrate of product transformation 产品转换率rationality 理性reaction function 反应函数regulation 调节,调控relative price 相对价格rent 租金rent control 规模报酬rent seeking 寻租rent seeking economics 寻租经济学resource 资源resource allocation 资源配置returns 报酬、回报returns to scale 规模报酬revealed preference 显示性偏好revenue 收益revenue curve 收益曲线revenue function 收益函数revenue maximization 收益极大化ridge line 脊线risk 风险Ssatiation 饱和,满足saving 储蓄scarcity 稀缺性law of scarcity 稀缺法则second—degree price discrimination 二级价格歧视second derivative --阶导数second—order condition 二阶条件service 劳务set 集shadow prices 影子价格short—run 短期short—run cost curve 短期成本曲线short—run equilibrium 短期均衡short—run supply curve 短期供给曲线shut down decision 关闭决策shortage 短缺shut down point 关闭点single price monopoly 单一定价垄断slope 斜率social benefit 社会收益social cost 社会成本social indifference curve 社会无差异曲线social preference 社会偏好social security 社会保障social welfare function 社会福利函数socialism 社会主义solution 解space 空间stability 稳定性stable equilibrium 稳定的均衡static analysis 静态分析stock 存量stock market 股票市场strategy 策略subsidy 津贴substitutes 替代品substitution effect 替代效应substitution parameter 替代参数sufficient condition 充分条件supply 供给supply curve 供给曲线supply function 供给函数supply schedule 供给表symmetry 对称性symmetry of information 信息对称Ttangency 相切taste 兴致technical efficiency 技术效率technological constraints 技术约束technological progress 技术进步technology 技术third—degree price discrimination 第三级价格歧视total cost 总成本total effect 总效应total expenditure 总支出total fixed cost 总固定成本total product 总产量total revenue 总收益total utility 总效用total variable cost 总可变成本traditional economy 传统经济transitivity 传递性transaction cost 交易费用Uuncertainty 不确定性uniqueness 唯一性unit elasticity 单位弹性unstable equilibrium 不稳定均衡utility 效用utility function 效用函数utility index 效用指数utility maximization 效用极大化utility possibility curve 效用可能性曲线utility possibility frontier 效用可能性前沿Vvalue 价值value judge 价值判断value of marginal product 边际产量价值variable cost 可变成本variable input 可变投入variables 变量vector 向量visible hand 看得见的手vulgur economics 庸俗经济学Wwage 工资wage rate 工资率Wants 需要Welfare criterion 福利标准Welfare economics 福利经学Welfare loss triangle 福利损失三角形welfare maximization 福利极大化Zzero cost 零成本zero elasticity 零弹性zero homogeneity 零阶齐次性zero economic profit 零利润目标 mission/ objective 内部环境 internal environment 外部环境 external environment 集体目标 group objective 计划 planning 组织organizing人事 staffing 领导 leading 控制 controlling步骤 process 原理 principle 方法 technique经理manager 总经理general manager 行政人员administrator主管人员supervisor 企业enterprise 商业business 产业industry 公司 company 效果 effectiveness 效率efficiency 企业家entrepreneur 权利power职权authority 职责responsibility 科学管理scientific management现代经营管理modern operational management 行为科学behavior science生产率 productivity 激励 motivate 动机 motive 法律 law 法规regulation 经济体系 economic system管理职能 managerial function 产品 product 服务 service利润 profit 满意 satisfaction 归属 affiliation尊敬 esteem 自我实现 self-actualization 人力投入 human input 盈余 surplus 收入 income 成本 cost 资本货物capital goods机器 machinery 设备 equipment 建筑 building 存货 inventory 经验法 the empirical approach 人际行为法 the interpersonal behavior approach集体行为法 the group behavior approach 协作社会系统法 the cooperative social systems approach社会技术系统法 the social-technical systems approach 决策理论法 the decision theory approach数学法the mathematical approach 系统法the systems approach随机制宜法the contingency approach 管理任务法the managerial roles approach经营法 the operational approach 人际关系human relation心理学 psychology 态度 attitude 压力 pressure 冲突 conflict 招聘 recruit 鉴定 appraisal 选拔 select 培训train报酬compensation 授权delegation of authority 协调coordinate 业绩 performance考绩制度merit system 表现behavior 下级subordinate 偏差deviation检验记录inspection record 误工记录record of labor-hours lost 销售量sales volume 产品质量quality of products 先进技术advanced technology 顾客服务 customer service 策略strategy 结构structure 领先性primacy 普遍性pervasiveness 忧虑fear 忿恨resentment 士气morale 解雇 layoff批发 wholesale 零售 retail 程序 procedure 规则rule规划program 预算budget 共同作用synergy 大型联合企业conglomerate 资源resource 购买acquisition 增长目标growthgoal 专利产品proprietary product 竞争对手 rival 晋升promotion 管理决策 managerial decision 商业道德 business ethics 有竞争力的价格competitive price 供货商supplier 小贩vendor 利益冲突conflict of interests 派生政策derivative policy 开支帐户expense account 批准程序 approval procedure病假 sick leave 休假 vacation 工时 labor-hour 机时 machine-hour 资本支出 capital outlay 现金流量 cash flow 工资率 wage rate 税收率tax rate 股息dividend 现金状况cash position 资金短缺capital shortage总预算overall budget 资产负债表balance sheet 可行性feasibility投入原则the commitment principle 投资回报return on investment 生产能力 capacity to produce 实际工作者 practitioner 最终结果 end result 业绩 performance个人利益personal interest 福利welfare 市场占有率market share 创新 innovation 生产率productivity 利润率 profitability 社会责任 public responsibility 董事会 board of director 组织规模 size of the organization 组织文化 organizational culture 目标管理management by objectives 评价工具appraisal tool 激励方法motivational techniques 控制手段control device 个人价值personal worth 优势 strength 弱点 weakness 机会 opportunity 威胁 threat个人责任personal responsibility 顾问counselor 定量目标quantitative objective 定性目标qualitative objective 可考核目标verifiable objective 优先 priority 工资表payroll 策略 strategy 政策policy 灵活性discretion 多种经营 diversification 评估assessment 一致性 consistency应变策略consistency strategy 公共关系public relation 价值value 抱负 aspiration 偏见prejudice 审查 review 批准 approval 主要决定major decision 分公司总经理 division general manager 资产组合距阵 portfolio matrix 明星star 问号 question mark 现金牛cash cow 赖狗dog 采购 procurement 人口因素 demographic factor 地理因素geographic factor 公司形象company image产品系列product line 合资企业joint venture 破产政策liquidation strategy紧缩政策 retrenchment strategy 战术 tactics 追随 followership 个性 individuality 性格 personality 安全 safety 自主权 latitude 悲观的 pessimistic 静止的static 乐观的 optimistic 动态的 dynamic 灵活的 flexible 抵制 resistance 敌对 antagonism 折中 eclectic 激励motivation 潜意识subconscious 地位status 情感affection 欲望desire 压力 pressure满足 satisfaction自我实现的需要needs for self-actualization 尊敬的需要esteem needs 归属的需要affiliation needs 安全的需要security needs 生理的需要physiological needs 维持maintenance 保健hygiene 激励因素motivator 概率probability 强化理论reinforcement theory 反馈feedback 奖金bonus 股票期权stock option 劳资纠纷labor dispute 缺勤率absenteeism 人员流动turnover 奖励 reward 特许经营 franchise 热诚zeal 信心 confidence 鼓舞 inspire 要素ingredient忠诚loyalty 奉献devotion 作风style 品质trait 适应性adaptability 进取性 aggressiveness 热情 enthusiasm毅力 persistence 人际交往能力 interpersonal skills行政管理能力 administrative ability智力intelligence 专制式领导autocratic leader 民主式领导democratic leader 自由放任式领导 free-rein leader 管理方格图 the managerial grid 工作效率work efficiency 服从obedience 领导行为leader behavior支持型领导supportive leadership 参与型领导participativeleadership指导型领导 instrumental leadership成就取向型领导 achievement-oriented leadershipAutomated inspection 自动化检验automatic assembly system 自动化装配系统applied biomechanics 应用生物力学CAD/CAM 计算机辅助设计与制造computer integrated manufacturing system 计算机整合制造系统data structure 数据结构data base management system 数据库管理系统decision analysis 决策分析engineering economy 工程经济engineering statistics 工程统计facilities planning 设施规划factory diagnoisis and improvement method 工厂诊断与改善方法financial and cost analysis 财务与成本分析fuzzy theory and application 模糊理论与应用human-computer interaction (HCI)人因工程与计算机系统human factors engineering 人因工程human information processing 人类讯息处理human-machine system design 人机系统设计human resource management 人力资源管理human system diagnosis and improvement 人体系统诊断与改善industrial environment evaluation 工业环境评估industrial organizations and management 工业组织与管理industrial safety 工业安全information technology 信息技术intellectual property laws 智慧财产权法knowledgeengineering 知识工程linear algebra 线性代数manufacturing automation 制造自动化manufacturing engineering 制造工程manufacturing management 制造管理manufacturing process 制造程序manufacturing systems and management 制造系统与管理market and marketing 市场与行销material flows automation 物流自动化mathematical programming 数学规划multicriteria decision making 多目标规划multi-criteria decision methods 多准则决策分析network analysis 网络分析numerical analysis 数值分析organization and management 组织与管理product and technology development management 产品与技术开发管理production management 生产管理production planning and control 生产计划与管制quality control 质量管理quality engineering 品质工程quality management techniques and practice 品质管理queueing theory 等候线理论reliability engineering 可靠度工程research,development and innovation management 研究发展管理semiconductor production management 半导体生产管理sequencing and scheduling 排序与排程simulation 模拟分析statistical method 统计方法stochastic processes 随机系统strategic management of technology 技术策略system analysis and design in large scale 大型系统分析与设计system performance evaluation 系统绩效评估技术system quality assurance engineering 系统品质保证工程systems engineering 系统工程systems simulation 系统仿真vision and colors 视觉与色彩work physiology 工作生理学work study 工作研究Accounting Assistant 会计助理Accounting Clerk 记帐员Accounting Manager 会计部经理Accounting Stall 会计部职员Accounting Supervisor 会计主管Administration Manager 行政经理Administration Staff 行政人员Administrative Assistant 行政助理Administrative Clerk 行政办事员Advertising Staff 广告工作人员Airlines Sales Representative 航空公司定座员Airlines Staff 航空公司职员Application Engineer 应用工程师Assistant Manager 副经理Bond Analyst 证券分析员Bond Trader 证券交易员Business Controller 业务主任Business Manager 业务经理Buyer 采购员Cashier 出纳员Chemical Engineer 化学工程师Civil Engineer 土木工程师Clerk/Receptionist 职员/接待员Clerk Typist & Secretary 文书打字兼秘书Computer Data Input Operator 计算机资料输入员Computer Engineer 计算机工程师Computer Processing Operator 计算机处理操作员Computer System Manager 计算机系统部经理Copywriter 广告文字撰稿人Deputy General Manager 副总经理Economic Research Assistant 经济研究助理Electrical Engineer 电气工程师Engineering Technician 工程技术员English Instructor/Teacher 英语教师Export Sales Manager 外销部经理Export Sales Staff 外销部职员Financial Controller 财务主任Financial Reporter 财务报告人F.X. (Foreign Exchange)Clerk 外汇部职员F.X. Settlement Clerk 外汇部核算员Fund Manager 财务经理General Auditor 审计长General Manager/ President 总经理General Manager Assistant 总经理助理General Manager's Secretary 总经理秘书Hardware Engineer 计算机硬件工程师Import Liaison Staff 进口联络员Import Manager 进口部经理Insurance Actuary 保险公司理赔员International Sales Staff 国际销售员Interpreter 口语翻译Legal Adviser 法律顾问Line Supervisor 生产线主管Maintenance Engineer 维修工程师Management Consultant 管理顾问Manager 经理Manager for Public Relations 公关部经理Manufacturing Engineer 制造工程师Manufacturing Worker 生产员工Market Analyst 市场分析员Market Development Manager 市场开发部经理Marketing Manager 市场销售部经理Marketing Staff 市场销售员Marketing Assistant 销售助理Marketing Executive 销售主管Marketing Representative 销售代表Marketing Representative Manager 市场调研部经理Mechanical Engineer 机械工程师Mining Engineer 采矿工程师Music Teacher 音乐教师Naval Architect 造船工程师Office Assistant 办公室助理Office Clerk 职员Operational Manager 业务经理Package Designer 包装设计师Passenger Reservation Staff 乘客票位预订员Personnel Clerk 人事部职员Personnel Manager 人事部经理Plant/ Factory Manager 厂长Postal Clerk 邮政人员Private Secretary 私人秘书Product Manager 生产部经理Production Engineer 产品工程师Professional Staff 专业人员Programmer 电脑程序设计师Project Staff 项目策划人员Promotional Manager 推售部经理Proof-reader 校对员Purchasing Agent 采购进货员Quality Control Engineer 质量管理工程师Real Estate Staff 房地产职员Recruitment Co-ordinator 招聘协调人Regional Manger 地区经理Research&.Development Engineer 研究开发工程师Restaurant Manager 饭店经理Sales and Planning Staff 销售计划员Sales Assistant 销售助理Sales Clerk 店员、售货员Sales Coordinator 销售协调人Sales Engineer 销售工程师Sales Executive 销售主管Sales Manager 销售部经理Salesperson 销售员Seller Representative 销售代表Sales Supervisor 销售监管School Registrar 学校注册主任Secretarial Assistant 秘书助理Secretary 秘书Securities Custody Clerk 保安人员Security Officer 安全人员Senior Accountant 高级会计Senior Consultant/Adviser 高级顾问Senior Employee 高级雇员Senior Secretary 高级秘书Service Manager 服务部经理Simultaneous Interpreter 同声传译员Software Engineer 计算机软件工程师Supervisor 监管员Systems Adviser 系统顾问Systems Engineer 系统工程师Systems Operator 系统操作员Technical Editor 技术编辑Technical Translator 技术翻译Technical Worker 技术工人T elecommunication Executive电讯(电信)员Telephonist / Operator 电话接线员、话务员T ourist Guide 导游Trade Finance Executive 贸易财务主管Trainee Manager 培训部经理Translation Checker 翻译核对员Translator 翻译员Trust Banking Executive 银行高级职员Typist 打字员Wordprocessor Operator 文字处理操作员Aaccess discrimination 进入歧视 action research 动作研究adjourning 解散 adhocracy 特别结构administrative principle 管理原则 artifacts 人工环境artificial intelligence 人工智能工巧匠 avoiding learning 规避性学习ambidextrous approach 双管齐下策略Bbalance sheet 资产负债表 bcg matrix 波士顿咨询集团矩阵bona fide occupation qualifications 善意职业资格审查bounded rationality 有限理性 bureaucracy 官僚机构benchmarking 标杆瞄准 bounded rationality perspective 有限理性方法boundary-spanning roles 跨超边界作用Ccomputer-aided design and computer-automated manufacturing(cad/cam) 计算机辅助设计与计算机自动生产confrontation 对话consortia 企业联合change agent 变革促进者chaos theory 混沌理论charismatic leaders 魅力型领导者 charity principle 博爱原则coercive power 强制权cohesiveness 凝聚力collaborative management 合作型管理comparable worth 可比较价值competitive benchmarking 竞争性基准confrontation meeting 碰头会constancy of purpose 永久性目标 contingency approach 权变理论corporate social performance 公司社会表现corporate social responsibility公司社会责任corporate social responsiveness公司社会反应critical incident 关键事件current assets 流动资产 current liabilities 流动负债culture strength 文化强度 creative department 创造性部门craft technology 技艺性技术 contextual dimension 关联性维度continuous process production 连续加工生产collectivity stage 集体化阶段clan control 小团体控制 clan culture 小团体文化coalition 联合团体collaborative 协作网络centrality 集中性centraliazation 集权化charismatic authority 竭尽忠诚的权力Ddecentralization 分权 democracy management民主管理departmentalization 部门化 differential rate system 差别报酬系统dialectical inquiry methods 辩证探求法division of labor 劳动分工downward mobility 降职流动 dynamic engagement 动态融合dynamic network 动态网络 domain 领域direct interlock 直接交叉 divisional form 事业部模式differentiation strategy 差别化战略 decision premise 决策前提dual-core approach 二元核心模式Eelectronic data-processing(edp) 电子数据处理employee-oriented style 员工导向型风格empowerment 授权 encoding 解码end-user computing 终端用户计算系统entrepreneurship 企业家精神equity 净资产 equity theory 公平理论espoused value 信仰价值 ethnocentric manager 种族主义的管理者expectancy theory 期望理论 expense budget 支出预算expense center 费用中心 external audit 外部审计external stakeholders 外部利益相关者 extrinsic rewards 外部奖励ethic ombudsperson 伦理巡视官 external adaption 外部适应性elaboration stage 精细阶段 entrepreneurial stage 创业阶段escalating commitment 顽固认同Ffamily group 家庭集团 financial statement 财务报表flat hierarchies 扁平型结构 flexible budget 弹性预算force-field theory 场力理论 formal authority 合法权力formal systematic appraisal 正式的系统评估franchise 特许经营权formalization stage 规范化阶段 functional grouping 职能组合formal channel of communication 正式沟通渠道Ggame theory 博弈论 general financial condition 一般财务状况geocentric manager 全球化管理者 general manager 总经理globalization 全球化gossip chain 传言链grapevine 传言网global strategic partnership 全球战略伙伴关系general environment 一般环境 generalist 全面战略geographic grouping 区域组合 global company 全球公司global geographic structure 全球区域结构Hhawthorne effect 霍桑效应 heuristic principles 启发性原理hierarchy 科层制度 hiring specification 招聘细则horizontal linkage model 横向联系模型 hybrid structure 混合结构high tech 高接触 high-velocity environments 高倍速环境Iimpoverished management 放任式管理 income statement 损益表information transformation 信息转换infrastructure 基础设施integrative process 整合过程 intelligent enterprises 智力企业internal audit 内部审计 internal stakeholder 内部相关者internship 实习 intrapreneurship 内部企业家精神intrinsic reward 内在报酬inventory 库存, 存货internal integration 内部整合 interorganization relationship 组织间的关系intergroup conflict 团体间冲突 interlocking directorate 交叉董事会institutional perspective 机构的观点 intuitive decision making 直觉决策idea champion 构思倡导者 incremental change 渐进式变革informal organizational structure 非正式组织结构informal performance appraisal 非正式业绩评价Jjob description 职务描述 job design 职务设计job enlargement 职务扩大化 job enrichment 职务丰富化job rotation 职务轮换 job specialization 职务专业化Kkey performance areas 关键业务区 key result areas 关键绩效区Llabor productivity index 劳动生产力指数laissez management 自由化管理large batch production 大批量生产 lateral communication 横。
mba 考试英语二单词
![mba 考试英语二单词](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/bac2740b2f3f5727a5e9856a561252d381eb206a.png)
MBA 考试英语二单词是指在MBA(工商管理硕士)考试英语科目中所涉及的词汇。
以下是一些常见的MBA 考试英语二单词示例:
- Management(管理)
- Leadership(领导力)
- Strategy(策略)
- Marketing(市场营销)
- Economics(经济学)
- Finance(金融)
- Entrepreneurship(创业)
- Human Resources(人力资源)
- Operations Management(运营管理)
- Organizational Behavior(组织行为)
- Business Ethics(商业道德)
- Supply Chain Management(供应链管理)
- Innovation(创新)
-Competitive Advantage(竞争优势)
- Customer Relationship Management(客户关系管理)
- Globalization(全球化)
这些单词只是一小部分示例,实际上MBA 考试英语二单词的范围非常广泛。
为了准备MBA 考试的英语科目,建议你系统学习与商业管理相关的词汇,并通过阅读商业管理类的书籍、文章、案例等来扩展词汇量。
管理学术语英文对照解释Management Glindex(Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter)(Eighth Edition)(英汉对照)管理学原理双语组编写2007年3月Chapter 1 Management and Organizations1、Manager:管理者Someone who works with and through other people by coordinating their work activities in order to accomplish organizational goals .管理者是这样的人,他通过协调其他人的活动达到与别人一起或者通过别人实现组织目标的目的。
2、First-line managers :基层管理者Managers at the lowest level of the organization who manage the work of nonmanagerial e mployees who are involved With the production or the organization’s products是管理着非管理人员所从事的生产和提供组织产品的工作,是最低层的管理者3、Middle managers :中层管理者Mangers between the first-line level and the top level of the organization who manage the work of first-line managers 处于基层和高层之间,管理着基层管理者。
4、Top manager :高层管理者Managers at or near the top level of the organization who are responsible for making organization-wide decisions and establishing the goals and plans that affect the entire organization.处于或接近组织顶层,承担着制定广泛的组织决策,为整个组织制定计划和目标的责任。
管理类专业术语英汉对照管理类专业术语英汉对照目录[隐藏]∙ 1 A∙ 2 B∙ 3 C∙ 4 D∙ 5 E∙ 6 F∙7 G∙8 H∙9 I∙10 J∙11 K∙12 L∙13 M∙14 N∙15 P∙16 Q∙17 R∙18 S∙19 T∙20 U∙21 V∙22 W∙23 Z[编辑]A∙access discrimination 进入歧视∙action research 动作研究∙adjourning 解散∙adhocracy 特别结构∙administrative principle 管理原则∙artifacts 人工环境∙artificial intelligence 人工智能工巧匠∙avoiding learning 规避性学习∙ambidextrous approach 双管齐下策略[编辑]B∙balance sheet资产负债表∙BCG matrix波士顿咨询集团矩阵∙bona fide occupation qualifications 善意职业资格审查∙bounded rationality 有限理性∙bureaucracy 官僚机构∙benchmarking标杆瞄准∙bounded rationality perspective 有限理性方法∙boundary-spanning roles 跨超边界作用[编辑]C∙Computer-aided design puter-automated manufacturing(CAD/CAM)计算机辅助设计与计算机自动生产∙confrontation 对话∙consortia 企业联合∙change agent 变革促进者∙chaos theory混沌理论∙charismatic leaders魅力型领导者∙charity principle 博爱原则∙coercive power 强制权∙cohesiveness 凝聚力∙collaborative management 合作型管理∙comparable worth 可比较价值∙competitive benchmarking 竞争性基准∙confrontation meeting 碰头会∙constancy of purpose 永久性目标∙contingency approach权变理论∙corporate social performance 公司社会表现∙corporate social responsibility公司社会责任∙corporate social responsiveness公司社会反应∙critical incident 关键事件∙current assets流动资产∙current liabilities流动负债∙culture strength 文化强度∙creative department 创造性部门∙craft technology 技艺性技术∙contextual dimension 关联性维度∙continuous process production 连续加工生产∙collectivity stage 集体化阶段∙clan control 小团体控制∙clan culture小团体文化∙coalition 联合团体∙collaborative 协作网络∙centrality 集中性∙centraliazation 集权化∙charismatic authority 竭尽忠诚的权力[编辑]D∙decentralization分权∙democracy management 民主管理∙departmentalization 部门化∙differential rate system 差别报酬系统∙dialectical inquiry methods 辩证探求法∙division of labor 劳动分工∙downward mobility 降职流动∙dynamic engagement 动态融合∙dynamic network 动态网络∙domain 领域∙direct interlock 直接交叉∙divisional form 事业部模式∙differentiation strategy差别化战略∙decision premise 决策前提∙dual-core approach二元核心模式[编辑]E∙electronic data-processing(EDP) 电子数据处理∙employee-oriented style 员工导向型风格∙empowerment 授权∙encoding 解码∙end-user computing 终端用户计算系统∙entrepreneurship 企业家精神∙equity 净资产∙equity theory公平理论∙espoused value 信仰价值∙ethnocentric manager 种族主义的管理者∙expectancy theory期望理论∙expense budget 支出预算∙expense center 费用中心∙external audit外部审计∙external stakeholders 外部利益相关者∙extrinsic rewards外部奖励∙ethic ombudsperson 伦理巡视官∙external adaption 外部适应性∙elaboration stage 精细阶段∙entrepreneurial stage 创业阶段∙escalating commitment 顽固认同[编辑]F∙family group 家庭集团∙financial statement财务报表∙flat hierarchies 扁平型结构∙flexible budget弹性预算∙force-field theory 场力理论∙formal authority 合法权力∙formal systematic appraisal 正式的系统评估∙franchise 特许经营权∙formalization stage 规范化阶段∙functional grouping 职能组合∙formal channel of communication 正式沟通渠道[编辑]G∙game theory博弈论∙general financial condition 一般财务状况∙geocentric manager 全球化管理者∙general manager总经理∙globalization] 全球化∙gossip chain 传言链∙grapevine 传言网∙global strategic partnership 全球战略伙伴关系∙general environment 一般环境∙generalist 全面战略∙geographic grouping 区域组合∙global company 全球公司∙global geographic structure 全球区域结构[编辑]H∙Hawthorne effect霍桑效应∙heuristic principles 启发性原理∙hierarchy 科层制度∙hiring specification 招聘细则∙horizontal linkage model 横向联系模型∙hybrid structure混合结构∙high tech 高接触∙high-velocity environments 高倍速环境[编辑]I∙impoverished management 放任式管理∙income statement损益表∙information transformation 信息转换∙infrastructure基础设施∙integrative process 整合过程∙intelligent enterprises 智力企业∙internal audit 内部审计∙internal stakeholder 内部相关者∙internship 实习∙intrapreneurship 内部企业家精神∙intrinsic reward内在报酬∙inventory 库存, 存货∙internal integration内部整合∙interorganization relationship 组织间的关系∙intergroup conflict 团体间冲突∙interlocking directorate 交叉董事会∙institutional perspective 机构的观点∙intuitive decision making 直觉决策∙idea champion 构思倡导者∙incremental change 渐进式变革∙informal organizational structure 非正式组织结构∙informal performance appraisal 非正式业绩评价[编辑]J∙job description 职务描述∙job design 职务设计∙job enlargement 职务扩大化∙job enrichment 职务丰富化∙job rotation 职务轮换∙job specialization 职务专业化[编辑]K∙key performance areas 关键业务区∙key result areas关键绩效区[编辑]L∙labor productivity index 劳动生产力指数∙laissez management 自由化管理∙large batch production大批量生产∙lateral communication横向沟通∙leadership style 领导风格∙least preferred co-worker(LPC) 最不喜欢的同事∙legitimate power 合法权力∙liability 负债∙liaison 联络者∙line authority 直线职权∙liquidity 流动性∙liaison role 联络员角色∙long-linked technology 纵向关联技术∙losses from conflict 冲突带来的损失∙low-cost leadership 低成本领先[编辑]M∙management by objective目标管理∙Managerial Grid 管理方格∙matrix bosses 矩阵主管∙management champion 管理倡导者∙materials-requirements planning(MRP) 物料需求计划∙Mslow's hierarchy of needs马斯洛需求层次论∙marketing argument 管理文化多元化营销观∙multiculturalism 文化多元主义∙multidivisional firm 多部门公司∙moral rules 道德准则∙management by walking around(MBWA) 走动式管理∙matrix structure 矩阵结构∙multinational enterprise(MNE) 跨国公司∙moral relativism 道德相对主义∙mechanistic system 机械式组织∙middle-of-the-road management 中庸式管理∙meso theory 常态理论∙multidomestic strategy多国化战略∙mediating technology 调停技术[编辑]N∙na?ve relativism 朴素相对主义∙need-achievement 成就需要∙norming 规范化∙norms 规范∙nonprogrammed decisions非程序化决策∙nonsubstitutability 非替代性∙nonroutine technology 非例行技术∙niche 领地∙off-the-job training 脱产培训∙on-the-job training 在职培训∙operational budget运营预算∙order backlog 订单储备∙organic system 有机系统∙organizational development(OD) 组织发展∙orientation 定位∙outcome interdependence 结果的相互依赖性∙outplacement services 外延服务∙organization ecosystem 组织生态系统[编辑]P∙paradox of authority 权威的矛盾∙paradox of creativity 创造力的矛盾∙paradox of disclosure 开放的矛盾∙paradox of identify 身份的矛盾∙paradox of individuality 个性的矛盾∙paradox of regression 回归的矛盾∙partial productivity 部分生产率∙participative management 参与式管理∙path-goal model路径目标模型∙peer recruiter 同级招聘∙political action committees(PACs) 政治活动委员会∙polycentric manager 多中心管理者∙portfolio framework 业务组合框架∙portfolio investment 资产组合投资∙positive reinforcement正强化∙production flexibility生产柔性∙profitability收益率∙programmed decisions程序化决策∙psychoanalytic view 精神分析法∙paradigm 范式∙personal ratios 人员比例∙pooled dependence 集合性依存∙professional bureaucracy 专业官僚机构∙problem identification 问题识别∙problemistic search 问题搜寻∙population ecology model种群生态模型[编辑]Q∙quality 质量∙quality circle质量圈∙question mark 问题类市场∙quid pro quo 交换物[编辑]R∙rational model of decision making 理性决策模式∙realistic job preview(RJP) 实际工作预览∙reciprocal interdependence 相互依存性∙resource dependence 资源依赖理论∙routine technology 例行技术∙retention 保留∙rational approach 理性方法∙rational model 理性模型∙rational-legal authority 理性—合法权威[编辑]S∙semivariable cost 准可变成本∙sense of potency 力量感∙sensitivity training敏感性训练∙sexual harassment 性骚扰∙short-run capacity changes 短期生产能力变化∙single-strand chain 单向传言链∙situational approach 情境方法∙situational force 情境力量∙situational leadership theory情境领导理论∙sliding-scale budget 移动规模预算∙small-batch production 小规模生产∙sociotechnical approaches 社会科技方法∙span of management 管理幅度∙staff authority 参谋职权∙standing plan 长设计划∙step budget 分步预算∙stewardship principle 管家原则∙stimulus 刺激∙storming 调整阶段∙strategic management战略管理∙strategic partnering 战略伙伴关系∙strategy formulation战略制定∙strategy implementation战略实施∙strategic control战略控制∙strategic contingencies 战略权变∙satisficing满意度∙subsystems 子系统∙subunits 子单位∙synergy 协同∙system boundary 系统边界∙structure dimension 结构性维度∙sequential interdependence 序列性依存∙self-directed team自我管理型团队∙specialist 专门战略∙strategy and structure changes 战略与结构变革∙symptoms of structural deficiency 结构无效的特征[编辑]T∙tall hierarchies 高长型科层结构∙task force or project team 任务小组或项目团队∙task independence 任务的内部依赖性∙task management 任务型管理∙task-oriented style 任务导向型管理风格∙total productivity 全部生产率∙Total Quality Management全面质量管理∙training positions 挂职培训∙training program 培训程序∙transactional leaders 交易型领导∙transformational leaders变革型领导∙treatment discrimination 歧视待遇∙two-factory theory双因素理论∙two-boss employees 双重主管员工∙technical or product champion 技术或产品的倡导者[编辑]U∙unfreezing 解冻∙unit production 单位产品[编辑]V∙variation 变种子∙variety 变量∙valence 效价∙variable costs 可变成本∙vertical communication纵向沟通∙vertical integration纵向一体化∙vestibule training仿真培训∙volume flexibility 产量的可伸缩性∙vertical linkage 纵向连接∙venture team 风险团队∙value based leadership 基于价值的领导[编辑]W∙win-lose situation 输赢情境∙win-win situation 双赢情境∙workforce literacy 员工的读写能力∙work in progress在制品∙work flow redesign 工作流程再造成∙work flow automation 工作流程自动化∙whistle blowing 揭发[编辑]Z∙zero-sum 零---和∙zone of indifference(area of acceptance) 无差异区域(可接受区域)。
外文原文:INDUSTRIES, CONCEPTS, SECTORAL POLICIESINDUSTRIES, CONCEPTS, SECTORAL POLICIESKey words: Real estate market, economic development, economy of Latvia.Abstract: This article reviews the real estate market development dynamics over the last decade in Latvia. The article describes the influence of various economic factors on the real estate market. These factors are gross domestic product,unemployment, crediting amount, retail sales turnover, and others. The article provides insight into the most critical development periods of economy and property market in Latvia and explains their regularities.IntroductionDevelopment of real estate market in Latvia over the last decade has been rapid and dynamic. It attracted great attention from local people as well as from foreign investors. Various activities in real estate market changed the attitude of people in Latvia towards real estate as they realized that real estate had value.During the last decade there was observable significant increase of investments in real estate, especially after Latvia became a member of the European Union on 1st May, 2004. It was the time when majority of most foreign commercial banks struggled for market share by giving out mortgage loans and, thus, contributing to the growth of demand in real estate market.The market price in certain segments of the real estatemarket grew by more than 50% per year, which in its turn caused unbalanced development of the market, namely, salaries grew much slower than the prices of real estate.However, since 2007 the real estate market is experiencing considerable changes which mostly appear as decrease of prices with many resulting consequences.The market price in certain segments of the real estate market grew by more than 50% per year, which in its turn caused unbalanced development of the market, namely, salaries grew much slower than the prices of real estate. However, since 2007 the real estate market is experiencing considerable changes which mostly appear as decrease of prices with many resulting consequences.This article sets out data about the real estate market development since 2000; it discusses details of macroeconomic situation in this period. The segment of real estate market analyzed in this article is serialapartments in Riga. Following economy describing factors were examined: gross domestic product, unemployment, inflation, retail turnover, and others.The article reviews the study which is concentrated on finding correlation between different macroeconomic factors and the development of real estate market, and considering these correlations trying to predict possible development of real estate market in future.Real estate markeDuring the last decade the real estate market in Latvia has developed very dynamically. Until the first half of 2007 there was observed a very high activity of the market, which was combined with rising prices; unfortunately, it changed to price decrease in the second half of 2007. So was the situation with serial apartment market in Riga. Serial apartments occupy the major part of thehousing market facilities in Riga and, although they were built mostly before Latvia regained the independence in 1991, they are in demand.In 2000 serial apartment average price per square meter was about EUR 250, comparing to the average price EUR 1720 for one square meter in April 2007. In the period until 2007 there were several months when the price increase per month was 5% and more. “The prices increased in fact equally in all districts; also hit herto inactive districts were becoming active”. Of course smaller apartments comparing the price per square meter were more expensive that comparatively large apartments.Over time the prices of the advertised apartments raised and people were of the opinion that the prices will never drop again, although many of them waited for the price stabilization. There were common expert opinions that the prices will become stable and they do not comply with the real market value anymore nonetheless the market indicated the opposite.After April 2007 the market price constantly reduced and the process continues up till now. In September 2009 serial apartment market price was EUR 487 per one square meter, which actually means that the market price has fallen by more than 70% from the highest point. The major problem of Latvia’s real estate market is related to the fact that the price was too overestimated and currently it is, possibly, underestimated. The market has experienced very rapid fluctuations in the relatively very short period of time, which in some ways has undermined the values of the population.Since the greatest decline in May 2009 there have been observed first indications of serial apartment market stabilization and currently the average price several last months ranges around EUR 500 per square meter. While the price continues slightly to decrease the dealers are no longer willing to sell for that price and remove the apartments from the offer, thus limiting the overall supply. Consequently a situation arises when despite the negative signals from the economic sector, its negative impact on the real estate market is small and unable to strongly affect it in short term. However, observing the development of main factors describing the economical situation in the previous periods there can be indicated some regularities of the factors impacting the real estate market.Characterization of economicsThe gross domestic product of Latvia in recent years has increased very rapidly by more than 10% per year which, of course, was too fast for the economy of Latvia. Economy developed unevenly, there was high inflation and high domestic consumption at the same time, which is mainly the cause of the high GDP.Currently Latvia is not able to keep positive GDP increase; since the second quarter of 2008, when the first negative tendency was recorded, Latvia’s gross domestic product decreases. In the first quarter of 2009 the economic decline was 18% comparing to the same period . last year, which leads to the conclusion about the situation of economics. This finding was unpleasant surprise remembering the high and stable development of last years. The decline of GDP is only summarizing complex situation of economy. The population at the same time is very confused about the possible developments of economy and the pessimistic predictions consequently respond to the real estate market, namely, people choose to defer their purchases, even those who can afford the buying. The impact of price drop is the same as in the case of overall price deflation, that is, purchases are delayed and money is spent only for the very necessary goods, that is, everyone is waiting for the price drop. Although this situation can change positively, if thefall in prices will continue next months, that will show the very lowest point reached and that could alter the mood of the population.Drop in GDP is accompanied by the rise of unemployment rate which is a common problem ir Europe but in Latvia is has become very serious. When in May 2008 unemployment rate was only 4.8% which is fairly low, in August 2009 already 12.3% of economically active inhabitants were unemployed, besides the rate tends to increase. The example of Latvia reaffirms the described situation in economical theory that employment rate is a lagging factor of economic cycle fluctuations: in the period when the decline of economics already started, unemployment rate still decreased, and only after approximately six months it started to increase rapidly. Also the official data of average wage approves that salary is not very elastic in the period of crises, unlike the number of work places which is very sensitive factor.“Also the lagging indicators - employment and inflation contribute to the prognosis of economical cycles.” (Gods,p.182). However after examining the real estate market it can be concluded that the decline of the market mostly corresponds with the periods when the unemployment rate increases.The Figure 1 depicts the dynamics of serial apartment market and unemployment rate in the period from 2000 until 2009. As it can be clearly seen - both factors develop in opposite directions, namely, when the unemployment rate decreases, the prices in real estate market increases and vice versa. In the period after April 2007, when the real estate market was experiencing a decline, the decrease of unemployment rate continued for some time. But the period of rapid unemployment rate increase corresponds with equally rapid drop of price level in serial apartment market.Realizing that the transactions in this market segment, as well as in the apartment market in general are mainly made between private individuals, it is self-evident that the increase of unemployment rate negatively affects the prices of real estate market facilities. Of course, unemployment rate is not the only negative factor of fall in prices in this real estate market segment. This decline period is accompanied by negative expectations of the future, instability of the government, which delayed reforms of the real estate market tax policy, inactivity of commercial bank crediting, as well as the global crisis in other countries.One of the indicators that very precisely describe the public attitude towards economic activity is retail sales turn over. Retail trade turnover has more direct impact on commercial market, which experiences a similar scenario as the serial apartment market, with only a slight lag, but it indirectly affects or indicates also the public mood and with it also the potential apartment market activities.The Figure 2 shows the regularities between the increase and decline periods of serial apartment market and retail turnover dynamics. Attention should be paid to the fact that retail turnover in this diagram is the relative figure, in this case increase rate compared to the respective period in the previous periods. The diagram shows that while the serial apartment market is increasing, also retail turnover mostly maintains positive increase, that means the retail turnover increases. About the same time when the serial apartment market starts to decline, also the retail turnover increase start to slow down, which later changes to the turnover decline or decrease comparing to the respective period last year.After joining the European Union investment amount in Latvia increased and that was mostlydone by crediting, namely, credit institutions were very interested in crediting the purchase of estate property by offering very favorable conditions and this was largely caused by the competition among the banks. During last years the attitude of inhabitants towards crediting was largely changed. The demand in this market segment and other real estate market segments were increasingly affected by mortgage loans. When in the beginning of 2000 the total mortgage loans issued to the residents amounted to almost 60 million lats, in the second half of 2009 the total amount of issued credits exceeds 8 billion lats.The macro economical problem is that the most part of those credits were received at the time when the prices were higher than they are currently and credit remaining amount is greater than the possible value of real estate properties. This considerably limits the possibility to sellthe property.ConclusionsThe real estate market in Latvia has seen a sharp increase in prices and an equally sharp drop in prices, which have caused macroeconomic problems in Latvia. Economic development of Latvia significantly affects the real estate market and vice versa.Latvia’s economy shows correlation between various e conomical factors and the development of real estatemarket. This relationship can be clearly seen when comparing real estate market data with GDP, unemployment rate, retail turnover and mortgage lending statistical data.Currently Latvia is experiencing heavy economical crisis. Similar situation is in real estate market which has been developing jointly with the economics. Latvia is an example of how irrational and too rapid and unbalanced development in past can negatively affect the development of national economy and real estate market in future. Mortgage loans received by Latvia’s residents and spent for real estate purchases will have to be paid for many years. But the real problem is that the prices most likely are not going to reach previous levels, which means that the credits are spent for properties with artificially exaggerated prices.The future development of real estate market to a great extent will be affected by the economical factors. At the same time it is possible that the real estate market may recover before the overall economic recovery, caused, for example, by such previously not mentioned factors as investor activities, government policy, demographical factors and other.Source:DIDZIS ADMIDIĥS,JANIS ZVANITAJS, PH.D.Perspectives of Innovations, Economics & Business, 2009,Vol.3:52-54。
经济管理类专业英语翻译 (管理原则)
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经管专业英语词汇第一单元Business 企业profits利润economic system 经济体系capital 资本Factors of production生产要素labor劳动力entrepreneur 企业家physical resources物质资源Information resources信息资源planned economy计划经济market 市场market economy市场经济Input market投入市场output market产出市场capitalism资本主义privatization私有化Socialism社会主义demand需求supply供给law of demand 需求法则Law of supply供给法则demand and supply schedule需求和供给表demand curve 需求曲线Supply curve供给曲线market price市场价格surplus过剩shortage 短缺Private Enterprise私有企业competition竞争perfect competition完全竞争monopoly垄断Monopolistic competition垄断竞争natural monopoly自然垄断business cycle商业周期aggregate output总产出Standard of living生活水平gross domestic product国内生产总值productivity生产率national debt国有债务Stability稳定inflation通货膨胀unemployment失业recession 衰退Consumer price index消费者价格指数depression萧条fiscal policies财政政策monetary policies货币决策第四单元Globalization 全球化import进口产品export 出口产品General Agreement on tariffs and trade 关贸总协定North American free agreement 北美自由贸易协定Europe Union 欧盟world trade organization 世界贸易组织Absolute advantage 绝对优势comparative advantage 比较优势National competitive advantage 国家竞争优势balance of trade 贸易差额Trade deficit 贸易赤字trade surplus 贸易盈余balance of payments 国际收支平衡Exchange rate 汇率euro欧元exporter 出口商Importer 进口商international firm国际企业multinational firm 跨国企业Independent agent 独立代理商licensing arrangement 许可协议branch office 分支机构Strategic Alliance 战略联盟foreign direct investment 外国直接投资quota 配额Embargo 禁运tariff 关税subsidy补贴Protectionism 保护主义local content law 本地内容法business practice law 企业业务法Cartel 卡特尔dumping 倾销第五单元Goal 目标strategy 战略corporate strategy 公司战略Business (or competitive)strategy 经营(或竞争)战略functional strategy 职能战略Mission statement 使命陈述书long-term goals 长期目标intermediate goals 中期目标Short-term goals 短期目标strategy formulation 战略制定strategic goal 战略目标SWOT analysis SWOT分析environmental analysis 环境分析organizational analysis 组织分析strategic plan 战略计划tactical plan 策略计划operational plan 经营计划contingency planning 应急计划crisis management 危机管理management 管理planning 计划organizing 组织directing 指挥controlling 控制top managers 高层管理者middle managers 中层管理者first-line managers 一线管理者technical skills 专业机能human relations skills 人际关系技能conceptual skills 概念思考技能decision-making skills 决策技能management skills 时间管理技能corporate culture 企业文化第六单元organizational structure 组织结构organization chart组织图chain of command 指挥链job specialization 工作专业化departmentalization 部门化profit center 利润中心customerdepartmentalization 客户部门化product departmentalization 产品部门化process departmentalization 过程部门化geographic departmentalization 地区部门化functional departmentalization 职能部门化responsibility 职能authority 职权delegation 授权accountability 责任centralized organization 集权式组织decentralized organization 分权式组织flat organizational structure 扁平式组织结构tall organizational structure 直线式组织结构span of control 控制幅度line authority 直线职权line department 直线部门staff authority 参谋职权staff members 参谋人员committee and team authority 委员会和团队职权functional organization 职能组织divisional organization 事业部组织division 事业部matrix structure 矩阵结构international organizational structure 国际化组织结构informal organization 非正式组织grapevine 葡萄藤intrapreneuring 内部创业第八章Human resource management人力资源管理job analysis工作分析job description工作描述job specification工作规范Replacement chart调配图employee information system雇员信息系统recruiting招聘internal recruiting内部招聘External recruiting外部招聘validation确认on the job training在职培训off the job training工作外培训V estibule training模拟培训performance appraisal绩效培训compensation system薪酬体系wages工资salary薪水incentive program激励计划bonus资金merit salary system绩效工资制pay for performance按绩效付酬制profit sharing plan利润分享计划gainsharing plan收益分享计划pay for knowledge按知识付酬计划workers’ compensation insurance员工工伤补偿保险cafeteria benefit自助式福利计划equal employment opportunity平等就业机会equal employment opportunity commission平等就业机会委员会protected class受保护阶层affirmative平权措施计划sexual harassment性骚扰quid pro quo harassment交易性性骚扰hostile work environment不良工作环境骚扰employment at will雇用自由workforce diversity劳动力多样性knowledge workers知识型员工contingent worker临时员工labor Union工会labor relation劳资关系collective bargaining 集体谈判cost of living adjustment生活费用调整方案wage reopener clause工资重新协商条款strike罢工economic strike经济罢工sympathy strike同情罢工wildcat strike自发罢工picketing纠察boycott联合抵制slow down怠工lockout停工strikebreaker破坏罢工者mediation 调停voluntary arbitration自愿仲裁compulsory arbitration强制仲裁第十章Marketing营销value估价utility效用consumer goods消费品Industrial工业品services服务relationship marketing关系营销external environment外部环境Substitute product替代品brand competition品牌竞争international competition国际竞争marketing manager营销经理Marketing plan营销计划marketing mix营销组合product产品product differentiation产品差异化Distribution分销target market目标市场marketing segmentation 市场细分geographic variable地里变量Demographic variables人口变量Psychographic variables心理变量consumer behavior消费者行为brand loyalty品牌忠诚度Rational motives理性动机emotional motives情感动机data warehousing数据仓库data mining数据挖掘Industrial market工业市场reseller market经销商市场institutional market机构市场feature特征V alue package价值包convenience good 便利产品shopping good选购产品specialty good特殊产品Expense item费用产品capital item 资本项目product mix产品组合product line产品线Speed to market加速上市product life cycle产品生命周期branding 品牌推广branding awareness品牌意识National brand全国性品牌licensed brand特许品牌private brand自有品牌packaging包装第十三章Accounting会计bookkeeping记录controller总会计师financial accounting system财务会计系统Accounting information system会计信息系统management accounting system管理会计系统Certified public accountant注册会计师audit审计generally accepted accounting principles公认会计原则Management advisory services管理咨询服务private accountant私人会计asset 资产Certified management accountant执业管理会计师liability负债owners‘equity所有者权益Double-entry accounting system复式会计系统financial statement财务报告balance sheet资产负债表Current asset流动资产liquidity流动性account receivable应收账款merchandise inventory商品库存Prepaid expense预付费用fixed asset固定资产depreciation折旧intangible asset无形资产Goodwill商誉current liability流动负债account payable应付账款long-term liability长期负债Paid-in capital实收资本retained earnings留存收益income statement损益表revenues收入Cost of goods sold产品销售成本gross profit总利润operating expenses 营业费用operating income营业收入Net income净收入statement of cash flows现金流量表budget预算solvency ratio偿付能力比率Profitability ratio获利能力比率activity ratio活动比率liquidity ratio 流动比率current ratio流动比率Working capital营运资金debt ratio 负债比率debt-to-owners’ equity ratio权益负债比率debt负债Leverage杠杆经营return on equity权益回报率earnings per share 每股收益inventory turnover ratio存货周转率Foreign currency exchange rate外币汇率。
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