



大队部YOUNG PIONEER ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT 广播室:BROADCASTING STATION教导处:MORAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT电子备课室:E-PREPARING ROOM校长室:PRINCIPAL OFFICE书记室:SECRETARY ROOM微机室:COMPUTER LAB图书室:LIBRARY阅览室:READING ROOM卫生室:CLINIC财务室:FINANCIAL ROOM幼教办公室:INFANT EDUCATIONAL OFFICE音美组:ART&MUSIC ROOM教务处:DEAN’S OFFICE心理咨询室、PSYCHOLOGICAL COUNSELING ROOM总务处:GENERAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT总务处办公室:GENERAL AFFAIRS OFFICE音乐教室:MUSIC CLASSROOM美术教室: ART CLASSROOM会客室:RECEPTION ROOM体育组:SPORTS OFFICE多媒体教室:MULTIMEDIA CLASSROOM科学实验室: SCIENCE LABORATORY科学准备室:SCIENCE PREPARATION ROOM科技创新室:SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGICAL CREATION ROOM 一年级办公室:GRADE1 TEACHING OFFICE二年级办公室:GRADE2 TEACHING OFFICE三年级办公室:GRADE3 TEACHING OFFICE四年级办公室:GRADE4 TEACHING OFFICE五年级办公室:GRADE5 TEACHING OFFICE六年级办公室:GRADE6 TEACHING OFFICE幼教一班:INFANT EDUCATION 1幼教二班:INFANT EDUCATION 2幼教三班:INFANT EDUCATION 3幼教四班:INFANT EDUCATION 4一年一班:Class One, Grade One一年二班:Class Two, Grade One一年三班:Class Three, Grade One二年一班:Class One, Grade Two二年二班:Class Two, Grade Two二年三班:Class Three, Grade Two二年四班:Class Four, Grade Two三年一班: Class One,Grade Three三年二班: Class Two, Grade Three三年三班: Class Three, Grade Three四年一班: Class One, Grade Four四年二班: Class Two, Grade Four四年三班: Class Three, Grade Four五年一班: Class One, Grade Five 五年二班: Class Two, Grade Five五年三班: Class Three, Grade Five 六年一班: Class One, Grade Six六年二班: Class Two, Grade Six六年三班: Class Three, Grade SixSpecial-grade teacher 特级教师校长室principal office...副校长室V ice president office书记室Party Secretary Office。








【关键词】标识;双语标牌;规范化Abstract:Signs play an important role in people’s daily life. For a campus,identification systems play a positive role in promoting the construction of campus culture. Standardized signs not only fully embody a campus’s standardization anduser-friendly features, but also improve the campus’s cultural imag e, which, to some extent, is a kind of competition force. With the further deepening of the communication and cooperation with the universities abroad, some campus’s signage nowadays can not meet the requirement. Therefore, the standardization of campus bilingual signage is imperative.Keywords:sign;bilingual signs;standardization校园标识系统的规范化、现代化和双语化是目前校园建设中一个亟待解决的问题。



生活中英语标识语的误译与分析1. 引言1.1 背景介绍生活中英语标识语的误译与分析众所周知,翻译是一项十分复杂的工作,需要考虑语言、文化、习惯等多方面因素。





1.2 问题意识在现代社会中,随着全球化的发展,英语已经成为一种重要的国际交流语言。









2. 正文2.1 生活中常见的英语标识语生活中常见的英语标识语对我们的日常生活起着重要的指示作用。


以下是一些生活中常见的英语标识语:1. No Smoking: 这是禁止吸烟的标识,通常出现在公共场所、医院、机场等地方。









三、调研结果1. 英语标识的使用情况根据我们的调查数据显示,70%的受访者表示他们经常看到英语标识,主要是在商业区、旅游景点和大型购物中心等场所。


2. 标识的翻译准确性在样本调查中,我们发现了一些标识的翻译准确性问题。



3. 标识对用户的影响此次调查结果显示,85%的受访者表示他们会根据英语标识来确定产品或服务的质量,因此标识的准确性和专业性对用户的影响非常重要。


四、调研结论和建议1. 提高标识的翻译准确性为了保证标识的准确性,相关部门需要加强对翻译人员的培训和监督,确保翻译工作的质量。


2. 标识的专业性和可读性为了提高标识的专业性和可读性,相关部门需要积极搜集和研究行业内的标准和规范。


3. 提高用户对标识的重视程度相关部门可以通过宣传和教育活动,提高用户对标识的重视程度。



SCUT 学校标识及其使用规范

SCUT 学校标识及其使用规范

附件:学校标识及其使用规范一、校名及其使用规范1. 校名 (1法字集写体。

如下:(2)英文校名:“South China University of Technology ”,字体是Zapf Humnst BT 。

如下:2. 使用规范(1)中英文校名均可独立使用。

外 事 志 願 者 團 隊 International Volunteer Unit(2)中英文校名组合使用时,中文校名在上方,英文校名在下方。




二、校徽及其使用规范1. 校徽由两个同心圆组成。



如下:2. 使用规范(1)校徽单独使用时,确保规范完整。





三、校训及其使用规范1. 校训“博学慎思明辨笃行”,字体采用叶选平同志书写体。

如下:2. 使用规范当在文中使用时,校训应以两个短语完整体现,即“博学慎思明辨笃行”,两个短语之间有一个空格,不能在短语之间加任何标点符号,不能以四个词语的形式体现,如“博学慎思明辨笃行”。

四、大学精神及其使用规范1. 大学精神“厚德尚学自强不息务实创新追求卓越”。

如下:2. 使用规范当在文中使用时,大学精神应分四个词语完整体现,即“厚德尚学自强不息务实创新追求卓越”,不能在词语之间加任何标点符号。



语 的汉英翻译 ,消除误解 ,提升城 市和地 区的形 象。
关 键 词 :公 示语 ;汉 英翻 译 ;翻译 原 则
在各类 城市和旅游景点 中 ,汉英公 共标识语现象 已随处可见 。一直 以来公
示语被认为是 “ 城 市 的 面 容 ” ,是 给外
稽英文” 在一些公共场所也是屡见不鲜 。
词 不 能用 “ T h i n g ” 来 翻 译 , 如 果 没 有
而且还会影响到我 国各项事业 的发展 。 因此 ,规范公示语汉英 翻译已经是刻不 容缓 的事情。
具体指f n 是什么用 品,可 以用 “ A t r i c l e s
或h e ms ”来 表 达 。
4 . 词 汇 的 误 用
1 . 拼 写 方 面 的 错 误
研究者普遍关注 的问题是公示语翻 译 方法 与技巧 ,每篇有关公示语的文章
都 或 多 或 少 地 涉 及 这 个 问 题 。 尽 管 目前
拼 写 错 误 是 由 于 译 者 或 者 是 树 立 公共 标 志 的 T作 人 员粗 心 大 意造 成 的, 例 如 :海 洋 水 族 馆 译 为 “ O c e a n
A q u a r i u m”。 某 宾 馆 前 台后 方 的 客 房 价 目表 上 将 “ 单 人 间” 写成 “ S i n g e
R o o m” ,应 该 是 “ S i n g l e R o o m” ,而单
词 “ S i n g e ”的意思是 “ 烧 焦 ;烤焦” , 估计这样 的房 间再优惠也无人敢住 。以 上各例都是 由于错误拼写导致 的误译 ,
3 . 加 强 理 论 指导
国际化水平 的高低 。若公 示语英译错误
过多, 不仅会直接影响交际的顺利进行 ,



Science &Technology Vision科技视界※基金项目:2012年益阳市哲学社会科学立项课题《高校校名英译研究》(2012(07))的部分研究成果。








目前高校校名翻译的主要结构模式有:1.1“地名+性质类别+of+学科名”采用这种结构模式的有长沙理工大学(Changsha University of Science and Technology)、湖南科技大学(Hunan University of Science and Technology)、中南林业科技大学(Central South University of Forestry and Technology)、湖南中医药大学(Hunan University of Chinese Medicine)、湖南理工学院(Hunan Institute of Science and Technology)、湖南文理学院(Hunan University of Arts and science)、湖南科技学院(Hunan University of Science and Engineering)、湖南人文科技学院(Hunan Institute of Humanities,Science and Technology)、湖南商学院(Hunan University of Commerce)、湖南工程学院(Hunan Institute of Engineering)、湖南工学院(Hunan Institute of Technology)、湖南财政经济学院(Hunan University of Finance and Economics)、湖南工业大学(Hunan University of Technology)等13所学校。





三、整治内容1. 标识布局规范(1) 中文和英文标识应采用对称布局,中英文水平对齐。

(2) 中英文之间的距离应保持一致,特定标识如需调整间距,应按照规定进行调整。

2. 字体和大小规范(1) 中文和英文应选用简体字体,字体应当清晰易读。

(2) 中英文大小应一致,以主要信息为准,但不得小于14号。

3. 翻译准确性(1) 英文翻译应准确无误,在标识中尽量保持与中文信息的一致性。

(2) 特殊术语如无具体对应词汇,可用通俗易懂的方式进行翻译。

4. 标识颜色规范(1) 对于公共场所中的不同类别标识,应采用统一的颜色标准,确保易辨识性。

(2) 英文和中文标识的颜色应保持一致,避免混淆。

5. 图标设计规范(1) 图标应选用常见且易于理解的符号,以跨文化和跨语言的原则进行设计。

(2) 图标的形状应简单明了,避免过于复杂或模糊。

6. 标识位置规范(1) 标识应放在易于被注意到和辨认的地方,避免被遮挡或隐藏。

(2) 标识的高度应适宜,便于不同身高的人群阅读。

7. 标识维护规范(1) 公共场所应定期检查和维护标识的完整性和清晰度,保持标识的可读性。

(2) 如有需要更换损坏或模糊的标识,应及时更换,保持标识的维护和一致性。

四、整治措施1. 管理执法措施(1) 相关部门负责对公共场所中英文双语标识进行检查和评估,发现问题标识进行整治。

(2) 对于存在违反规范的标识,相关部门要求公共场所进行整改,落实整治要求。

2. 整治宣传落实(1) 相关部门应加强对公共场所中英文双语标识规范整治的宣传和发布,提高社会各界的知晓率。

(2) 对于规范整治后的公共场所,相关部门应进行宣传,增加对外宣传和宣传。


Director of Admissions&Employment ExchangeOffice
Placement Section

Campus Construction & PlanningSection
Asset Management Section
Property Management Office

Chairman of TradeUnion

Secretary ofthe Communist Youth League
OfficeoftheCommunist Youth League

Director ofthe Scientific Research Office
Scientific Research Office

Director of StudentAffairs Office
Deputy Director of StudentAffairs Office



英文标识不规范的现象和建议英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Irregular English Signage: A Persistent Problem in Need of SolutionsAs an English learner in a non-native English-speaking country, I have encountered a pervasive issue that hinders effective communication and understanding – the prevalence of irregular English signage. Whether it's in public spaces, businesses, or even educational institutions, the incorrect usage of English on signs and displays is a widespread phenomenon that demands attention and action.The impact of irregular English signage extends beyond mere aesthetic concerns; it has profound implications for comprehension, accessibility, and the overall perception of our society's linguistic competence. When signs contain grammatical errors, misspellings, or nonsensical phrasing, they undermine the very purpose of communication, leading to confusion and misunderstanding for both local and foreign audiences.Through my observations and experiences, I have identified several common manifestations of this issue. One prevalent problem is the direct translation of phrases from the native language into English, resulting in awkward and incomprehensible constructions. For instance, a sign that reads "Slip carefully" instead of "Watch your step" or "Caution: Slippery surface" is a prime example of this issue.Another frequent occurrence is the misuse of homophones –words that sound alike but have different spellings and meanings. A classic example is the confusion between "break" and "brake," leading to signs that say "Break repair shop" instead of "Brake repair shop." Such errors not only convey the wrong message but can also be a source of unintended humor or misinterpretation.Additionally, the lack of proofreading and quality control in the production of signs often results in glaring spelling mistakes and typographical errors. These errors undermine the professionalism and credibility of the establishments or institutions responsible for the signage.The consequences of irregular English signage arefar-reaching. For tourists and international visitors, encountering such signs can create a sense of bewilderment and frustration,potentially tarnishing their overall impression of the country or city. Furthermore, for English language learners like myself, exposure to incorrect English usage can reinforce misconceptions and hinder our language acquisition process.Moreover, irregular English signage can have practical implications for safety and accessibility. Unclear or ambiguous instructions on signs could lead to misunderstandings, potentially putting individuals at risk in emergency situations or preventing them from accessing necessary services or facilities.To address this persistent issue, a multifaceted approach is necessary. Firstly, education and awareness campaigns should be implemented to emphasize the importance of accurate English signage. Local businesses, institutions, and government agencies should be encouraged to prioritize the correct usage of English on their signage, recognizing its impact on communication, perception, and potential economic consequences.Secondly, the establishment of quality control measures and proofreading processes is crucial. Involving native English speakers or language professionals in the review and approval of signage could significantly reduce the occurrence of errors and ensure clarity and accuracy.Furthermore, collaboration between educational institutions and the broader community could prove invaluable. English language programs could incorporate practical exercises and projects focused on creating effective signage, bridging the gap between language learning and real-world applications.Lastly, embracing technology and leveraging translation tools and resources can aid in the production of accurate English signage. While human oversight and proofreading remain essential, the judicious use of language translation software and online resources can serve as valuable support systems.In conclusion, the phenomenon of irregular English signage is a pervasive issue that demands attention and action. It not only hinders effective communication and understanding but also impacts perceptions, safety, and accessibility. By implementing education campaigns, quality control measures, collaborative efforts, and leveraging technology, we can work towards a future where clear and accurate English signage becomes the norm, fostering better communication and a more welcoming environment for all.篇2Improper English Signage: A Widespread Issue and Potential SolutionsAs an English student, I have noticed a concerning trend that has become increasingly prevalent in our modern society – the widespread presence of improper English signage. From small local businesses to major corporations and even governmental institutions, the misuse and incorrect grammar of English on public signs and displays is a pervasive issue that needs to be addressed.The impact of this phenomenon extends far beyond mere aesthetics or grammatical correctness. Improper English signage can lead to confusion, miscommunication, and even potential safety hazards in certain situations. Moreover, it reflects poorly on the organizations responsible for these signs, potentially damaging their credibility and professional image.In this essay, I will delve into the various aspects of this problem, exploring its causes, consequences, and ultimately proposing potential solutions to rectify this situation.Causes of Improper English SignageLack of Proofreading and Quality Control: One of the primary reasons for the prevalence of incorrect English signage isthe absence of proper proofreading and quality control measures. Many organizations rush through the process of creating signs without allocating sufficient time and resources for thorough review and editing.Limited English Proficiency: In some cases, the individuals responsible for creating and approving signs may have limited English proficiency, leading to grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and improper word choices.Overreliance on Translation Tools: With the widespread availability of online translation tools, some organizations may rely too heavily on these resources without verifying the accuracy and nuances of the translated text.Lack of Awareness and Understanding: There appears to be a general lack of awareness and understanding regarding the importance of proper English signage, particularly in non-native English-speaking regions or communities.Consequences of Improper English SignageConfusion and Miscommunication: Incorrect or ambiguous English signage can lead to confusion and miscommunication among individuals who rely on these signs for information andguidance. This can be especially problematic in situations involving public safety, navigation, or important instructions.Negative Perception and Credibility Issues: Organizations with improper English signage may be perceived as unprofessional, careless, or lacking in attention to detail. This can damage their credibility and reputation, potentially impacting their business or public image.Missed Opportunities for Communication and Branding: Well-crafted and grammatically correct English signage can serve as an effective communication tool and contribute to strong branding efforts. By failing to prioritize proper signage, organizations miss out on these opportunities.Potential Legal and Safety Implications: In certain industries or contexts, improper signage can have legal and safety implications, exposing organizations to potential liabilities or regulatory violations.Potential SolutionsImplement Comprehensive Proofreading and Quality Control Processes: Organizations should establish robust proofreading and quality control processes for all English signage and written materials. This could involve dedicatedteams or individuals responsible for reviewing and verifying the accuracy of the content before it is made public.Invest in English Language Training and Resources: For organizations operating in regions where English proficiency may be limited, investing in English language training and resources for employees involved in creating signage and written materials can be highly beneficial.Collaborate with Language Professionals and Native Speakers: Partnering with professional linguists, translators, or native English speakers can help ensure the accuracy and appropriateness of English signage. These individuals can provide valuable insights and guidance throughout the entire process.Utilize Reliable Translation Tools and Cross-Check Results: While online translation tools can be helpful, it is crucial to cross-check and verify the results with human proofreaders or native speakers. Relying solely on automated translation can lead to errors and inaccuracies.Raise Awareness and Prioritize Proper English Signage: Organizations should prioritize proper English signage and raise awareness among their employees and stakeholders about its importance. This can be achieved through training, internalcommunication campaigns, and by setting clear guidelines and standards.Encourage Public Feedback and Reporting: Implementing a system that encourages public feedback and reporting of improper English signage can help organizations identify and address issues promptly.In conclusion, the issue of improper English signage is a multifaceted problem that requires a comprehensive approach to address. By implementing robust proofreading processes, investing in language resources, collaborating with professionals, and raising awareness, organizations can ensure that their English signage is accurate, clear, and professional.Proper English signage not only enhances communication and understanding but also reflects positively on an organization's credibility and attention to detail. As students and future professionals, it is our responsibility to advocate for high standards in language usage and contribute to creating a more literate and well-informed society.篇3The Prevalence of Irregular English Signage and the Need for StandardizationAs an international student studying in an English-speaking country, I have been struck by the ubiquity of improper and non-standard English usage on public signage and displays. While some deviations from prescribed norms can arguably be considered quirky or charming, the sheer magnitude of these infractions threatens to undermine the integrity of the English language itself. In this essay, I will outline some of the most egregious examples I have encountered, analyze the potential consequences of allowing such transgressions to persist unchecked, and propose measures that could be implemented to rectify the situation.To begin, let us consider the abundance of grammatically incorrect signs that seem to pervade every corner of the public sphere. Simple mistakes like lack of subject-verb agreement (e.g. "The student write their essays") or incorrect verb tense usage (e.g. "Shopping is fun" outside a store that has permanently closed) are so commonplace as to go largely unnoticed by the general populace. More jarring, however, are flagrant violations of even the most basic syntactic conventions, such as the ubiquitous "All __ must be ___ before entering" construction found on innumerable premises. Surely we can strive for a modicum of grammatical coherence?The misuse of vocabulary ranks among the most unforgivable transgressions, particularly when words are employed in contexts entirely divorced from their standard definitions. To cite just one example, I have lost count of the number of establishments that have posted "Unisex Restrooms" signs, apparently oblivious to the reality that very few of their patrons are indeed of a single, amalgamated sex. Perhaps they mean "Gender-Neutral Restrooms"? Simple mistakes of this variety could so easily be avoided with a humble acknowledgment that mastery of the English lexicon requires ongoing effort.While inappropriate grammar and misleading vocabulary already paint a bleak picture, the true butchering of the language is most apparent in its orthography - in other words, the flagrant misspellings that have become a prosaic feature of modern signage. Certainly,I understand that concision is often a priority, and that abbreviations and colloquialisms have their place. But must we succumb to such degeneracy as to accept "Delivry" in place of "Delivery", or "Undergrnd Parkin" as a substitute for "Underground Parking"? These are not the quaint misspellings of a stammering child, but gross deviations from accepted conventions that would presumably be echoed by the Canterbury Tales scribes of yore.At this point, one may be inclined to dismiss my concerns as little more than the pedantic ramblings of a disgruntled linguistic purist. However, I would urge you to consider the broader ramifications of accepting the unimpeded encroachment of linguistic chaos into our daily lives. For starters, the perpetuation of such degeneracy in our public spaces sends an undeniably deleterious message, particularly to young people: that slovenliness and disregard for established norms are acceptable - even celebrated - traits in society. Having been raised in an educational environment that instilled a reverence for linguistic precision, I cannot help but recoil at the idea of the next generation internalizing such a regrettable lack of principles.Moreover, the ability to communicate clearly and effectively through a shared linguistic medium is perhaps the most fundamental prerequisite for any functional society. By allowing our communal dialogue to devolve into a Babel of unstructured gibberish, we inherently hamper the very mechanisms that allow us to interact, share ideas, and advance as a civilization. Illiteracy and linguistic impoverishment have been inextricably linked to socioeconomic stagnation throughout history - is this truly the path we wish to follow into the future?Finally, we cannot ignore the reality that English has become the de facto lingua franca of the modern, globalized world. For millions of international students, workers, and expatriates seeking to forge connections and integrate into new communities, English represents a crucial bridge to understanding and success. By eroding the language's integrity through indifference and inattention, we run the risk of alienating and disenfranchising this vital contingent of society. Would we casually dismiss the importance of universally accepted technical jargon in fields like aviation or medicine? Then why hold different standards for the common tongue that binds us all together?Given the scale and severity of the issue at hand, it is clear that a coordinated effort towards linguistic rejuvenation is urgently required. While I do not presume to have a comprehensive solution, I believe adopting the following measures could facilitate meaningful progress:Public education and awareness campaigns, aimed at fostering a renewed sense of appreciation for linguistic heritage and the importance of preserving the integrity of acknowledged norms and conventions.Increased funding and institutional support for standard language education initiatives, ensuring all children have access to rigorous training in grammar, vocabulary, and orthography from an early age.The establishment of official regulatory bodies tasked with continually reviewing and updating signage guidelines, with mechanisms in place to enforce adherence to prescribed standards across both the public and private spheres.Incentives for businesses and organizations that achieve exemplary compliance, perhaps in the form of tax credits or public commendations. Positive reinforcement can be a powerful motivator.Avenues for the public to report egregious violations, ideally through a centralized system, affording concerned citizens the opportunity to be proactive guardians of the language.A long-term push towards developing new technologies, including advanced translation tools and automated proofreading software, that could mitigate orthographic errors before they are enshrined in our physical spaces.In essence, the preservation of linguistic integrity should be viewed as a collective societal responsibility, a mantle to beembraced across all segments and strata. Just as we have coalesced around ambitious initiatives to combat environmental degradation and safeguard our natural wonders, so too must we marshal our resources and resolve to protect the invaluable cultural treasures represented by our languages. For they are not mere collections of words and rules, but the very conduits through which we articulate our experiences, express our emotions, and bequeath the richness of human knowledge from one generation to the next.Should we resign ourselves to abject surrender in the face of encroaching linguistic chaos? Or should we boldly champion a renaissance of linguistic purity and precision, ensuring that the vibrancy and grace of the English language endures for centuries to come? For my part, the choice is clear. And I humbly urge all who care about the sanctity of our shared modes of expression to join me in this crucial undertaking - lest we allow our cultural beacons to be extinguished under a tide of ignorance and indifference.。



The Symbolic Signboard of Our SchoolNestled within the verdant embrace of nature, ourschool stands proud and vibrant, a beacon of knowledge and wisdom. At the heart of this academic oasis, a stately signboard graces the entrance, a silent testament to the institution's rich history and enduring values.The signboard, a blend of classic elegance and modern design, is a visual representation of our school's identity. Its form is both sleek and stately, with clean lines and a timeless aesthetic. The colors chosen are deliberately symbolic, reflecting the school's spirit and ethos. Thedeep blue hue represents the vastness of knowledge, while the gold accents symbolize excellence and achievement.The most prominent feature of the signboard is the school's logo, a carefully crafted insignia that encapsulates our values and aspirations. It often featuresa unique icon or symbol, be it a book, a torch, or a more abstract design, each element chosen to evoke a sense of learning, exploration, and progress. The logo is often accompanied by the school's name, written in a font that is both legible and dignified.Beneath the logo, a motto or creed is inscribed, providing a concise yet powerful summation of our school's guiding principles. This motto serves as a reminder to students and faculty alike, guiding us in our pursuit of knowledge and personal growth. It is a constant reminder of the high standards we hold ourselves to and the aspirations we strive to fulfill.The signboard is not just a decorative element; it is a powerful symbol of our school's identity and mission. It welcomes visitors, providing a first impression of our institution's character and values. It inspires students, reminding them of the rich legacy they are inheriting and the bright future they are building. It serves as a point of pride for alumni, a reminder of their roots and a testament to the impact their alma mater has had on their lives.Moreover, the signboard is a silent witness to the evolution of our school. As the institution grows and changes, the signboard remains a constant, a link to our past and a beacon for our future. It stands as a testament to the dedication and hard work of generations of students,teachers, and administrators who have contributed to the school's success.In conclusion, the symbolic signboard of our school is much more than a mere piece of metal or wood. It is a powerful representation of our identity, values, and aspirations. It is a visible reminder of our rich history and an inspiration for our future endeavors. As we walk through the gates of our school, the signboard greets us, welcoming us into a world of knowledge, growth, and opportunity.**学校的标志牌**我们的学校坐落于大自然的绿色怀抱之中,既骄傲又充满活力,是知识和智慧的灯塔。



学校标识作文英文School Logo。

A school logo is a symbol that represents the identity and values of a school. It is often the first thing people notice about a school and can leave a lasting impression. In this essay, I will discuss the importance of a school logo and what it can say about a school.A school logo can communicate a school's values and mission. For example, a logo with a book and a graduation cap can indicate that the school values education and strives to help students succeed. A logo with a tree can suggest that the school values nature and sustainability. A logo with a globe can indicate that the school has a global perspective and encourages students to be global citizens.A school logo can also create a sense of pride and community among students, staff, and alumni. When people see the logo, they can feel a sense of belonging andconnection to the school. This can foster a positive school culture and encourage school spirit.A school logo can also be a marketing tool. A well-designed logo can attract potential students and parents by conveying a positive image of the school. It can also distinguish the school from other schools in the area and make it stand out.In conclusion, a school logo is an important symbolthat can communicate a school's values and mission, create a sense of pride and community, and serve as a marketing tool. A school should carefully consider its logo design to ensure that it accurately reflects its identity and values.。



学校里的标识英语作文School Signs in English。

School signs in English are essential for any school that wants to provide a welcoming and inclusive environment for students, teachers, and visitors. These signs serve as a means of communication, providing information about various locations within the school, directions, and safety guidelines. In this article, we will discuss the importance of school signs in English and their impact on the school community.Firstly, school signs in English help to create a welcoming environment for international students. Many schools have students from different parts of the world, and not all of them may be fluent in the local language. Having signs in English ensures that these students can navigate the school with ease, reducing the stress and anxiety that comes with being in a new environment. Additionally, it shows that the school values diversity andis committed to providing an inclusive environment for all students.Secondly, school signs in English provide important information about the school's facilities and services. This includes signs for classrooms, offices, restrooms, libraries, and other areas within the school. By having these signs in English, students and visitors can easily find their way around the school and locate the resources they need. This is particularly important for new students who may be unfamiliar with the layout of the school.Thirdly, school signs in English serve as a means of communication for safety guidelines. This includes signs for fire exits, emergency exits, and first aid stations. Having these signs in English ensures that everyone in the school can understand and follow safety procedures in case of an emergency. It also helps to prevent accidents and injuries by providing clear instructions on how to use safety equipment and where to go in case of an emergency.Lastly, school signs in English play a role inpromoting the school's brand and image. A well-designed and professional-looking sign can make a positive impression on visitors and potential students. It shows that the school takes pride in its appearance and is committed to providing a high-quality education. This can help to attract new students and improve the school's reputation in the community.In conclusion, school signs in English are an essential part of any school's communication strategy. They provide important information about the school's facilities and services, promote safety and emergency procedures, and create a welcoming and inclusive environment for all students. Schools should invest in high-quality signs that are easy to read and understand, and that reflect the school's brand and image. By doing so, they can improve the school's overall communication and create a positive experience for everyone in the school community.。



为学校设计一个标识英语作文As a symbol of identity, the school logo represents the values and spirit of the institution. It is a visual representation of the school's mission, vision, and guiding principles. The logo is often displayed on official documents, uniforms, and promotional materials, serving as a point of recognition for students, staff, and the broader community.Designing a school logo is a thoughtful and purposeful exercise, as it requires a deep understanding of the school's ethos and identity. The process typically begins withresearch and consultation to uncover the uniquecharacteristics and values that define the school. This may involve gathering input from various stakeholders, including students, teachers, parents, and alumni.Once the core elements of the school's identity have been identified, the design phase can commence. This is a creativeand iterative process that involves sketching, refining, and testing different visual concepts. The goal is to create a logo that is distinctive, memorable, and reflective of the school's character.Elements such as colors, typography, and imagery are carefully considered to ensure that the logo communicates the right message. For example, the choice of colors can convey a sense of tradition, modernity, or inclusivity, while the typography can add a touch of professionalism or playfulness. The imagery, if included, should be meaningful and relevant to the school's history or location.Throughout the design process, it is important to solicit feedback and input from key stakeholders. This ensures that the final logo resonates with the school community and accurately represents its identity. Once a design is chosen, it is important to protect and promote the logo, ensuringthat it is used consistently and appropriately across all channels.In conclusion, a school logo is much more than a visual mark – it is a symbolic representation of an institution's values, identity, and aspirations. By carefully crafting a logo that reflects the essence of the school, we can create a powerful and enduring symbol that unites and inspires the entire community.。






关键词:标牌英译;规范问题;对策;准确性;规范性引言1. 译文不准确问题在标牌英译过程中,存在着部分译文不准确的情况,即译文与原文在意思上有所出入。


2. 不规范问题不规范问题主要体现在标牌英译过程中的标点符号、大小写、字体等方面。


3. 语法错误问题语法错误是标牌英译中常见的规范问题之一。


1. 加强翻译人员的专业素养为了提高标牌英译的准确性和规范性,首先需要加强翻译人员的专业素养。


2. 严格按照规范进行翻译在标牌英译过程中,需要严格按照规范进行翻译,避免出现译文不准确、不规范、语法错误等问题。


3. 加强校对工作为了提高标牌英译的准确性和规范性,需要在翻译完成后加强校对工作。


4. 多媒体技术的应用在标牌英译中,可以借助多媒体技术来提高标牌的英译准确性和规范性。










有些标牌翻译错误导致人们无法理解,如标志牌“请保管好自己的贵重物品”直译未翻译为“Please take care of your valuable belongings”,而翻译成了“Please keep your valuable things properly”,这会让没有接受英语教育的国人非常困惑。


例如,标志牌“出门时请关灯”直译应该为“Please turn off the lights when you leave”,但很多人将它翻译成了“Turn off the lights when leaving”,这不仅语法不通畅,而且影响准确性。


例如,标志牌“保护环境,从我做起”直译为“Protecting the environment starts with me”,但很多人将它翻译成了“Protecting the environment, starting from me”,这样翻译无法明确说明具体行动内容。





公共场所标识标牌英文译写规范第7部分:教育1 范围本文件规定了教育领域标识标牌英文译写方法和要求以及书写要求。


2 规范性引用文件下列文件中的内容通过文中的规范性引用而构成本文件必不可少的条款。


GB/T 30240.6 公共服务领域英文译写规范第6部分:教育DB46/T 506.1-2020 公共场所标识标牌英文译写规范第1部分:通则高等学校命名暂行办法(中华人民共和国教育部2020年8月)3 术语和定义GB/T 30240.6界定的以及下列术语和定义适用于本文件。

3.1教育机构educational institution开展教育、教学活动的各级各类学校及校外教育机构和场所。

[来源GB/T 30240.6-2017,3.1]4 译写方法和要求4.1 教育机构名称4.1.1 幼儿园译作Kindergarten,如:“华达幼儿园”,译作Huada Kindergarten。

4.1.2 小学译作Primary School,如:“海口市龙华小学”,译作Haikou Longhua Primary School;小学和初中一体化的九年一贯制学校译作School,如:“五源河学校”,译作Wuyuanhe School。

4.1.3 中学译作Middle School,如:“海南中学(包含初中部与高中部)”,译作Hainan Middle School。

其中,初级中学译作Junior Middle School,高级中学译作Senior Middle School或High School,各类中等职业学校均译作Vocational School,如:“海口旅游职业学校”,译作Haikou Tourism Vocational School。



2462020年15期总第507期ENGLISH ON CAMPUS湖南省高校校名英译现状及研究文/李超男一、引言高校校名,特别是知名高校的校名,通常是一种约定俗成的语言符号,其翻译不仅与整个社会的政治经济文化息息相关,也与语言学、文化学、翻译学等有存在千丝万缕的联系。













1. 高校校名整体英译。


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【关键词】标识;双语标牌;规范化Abstract:Signs play an important role in people’s daily life. For a campus,identification systems play a positive role in promoting the construction of campus culture. Standardized signs not only fully embody a campus’s standardization anduser-friendly features, but also improve the campus’s cultural imag e, which, to some extent, is a kind of competition force. With the further deepening of the communication and cooperation with the universities abroad, some campus’s signage nowadays can not meet the requirement. Therefore, the standardization of campus bilingual signage is imperative.Keywords:sign;bilingual signs;standardization校园标识系统的规范化、现代化和双语化是目前校园建设中一个亟待解决的问题。






[1] 标识设计的好坏直接影响公众对于校园环境的识别与认可。













如大连大学博物馆中的“禁止拍照”,一处译为”No Photographing”,另一处则译为”No Pictures”。

再如,华中师范大学”洗手间/卫生间”的翻译有的译为”WC”,有的译为”Male/Female Toilet”,还有的直接使用拼音”Wei Sheng Jian”,显然更不会被接受,译文的不一致容易造成误解与混乱。


[3] 此类翻译问题在公示语中尤为常见。

如“学校是我家,美化靠大家”被译为“School is my home,beauty depends on everybody.”这条标识语可删繁就简译为“Keep our school beautiful.”。


如笔者见某个校园中的一卡通中心被翻译为“Card Card Center”, 这是典型的用词不准的例子,笔者认为译作“All-purpose Card”比较合理。

再如“数字模型室”被译为“Number Model Room”,可见这位译者显然没有理解这里的“数字”是表达“数码”的含义,从而造成错译。

正确的译法应该是:“Digital Model Room”。






如“Don’t pick the flower s(禁止摘花)”,“Don’t make noise(禁止喧哗)”等。



如“禁止摘花”可以翻译为“Keep away from the flowers, please.”或者“Take care of the flowers, please.”虽然和以上的翻译方式表达的是同一个意思,但委婉的的语气让人读后没有距离感,同时使人不知不觉生出爱花护花之情。







2. 道路标识牌道路标识牌翻译应遵照国家相关翻译规范,采取中文拼音的方式进行标注。



例如,“创想路”,可翻译为“CHUANGXIANG LU”,这样从读音上达到统一,更利于外国人适应当地的生活环境。

3. 交通标识牌交通指示牌应使用最简洁的单词或短句,使所要表达的内容一目了然,在极短的时间内给公众直接准确的信息服务。

[5] 在表达交通信息时,很多采用单个词语,如“停车场”,英语中省略为“P”;“减速慢行”,英语中则以“Slow”一词来代替,使得结构简洁,主题信息突出。

4. 建筑名称标识牌建筑楼名的翻译重在揭示其建筑物的功能意义。

例如,“行政楼”应翻译为“ADMINISTRATION BUILDING ”,既表明了其所属楼系,又指明了其具体方向为行政、管理,简明精确。



如一些具有中国特色的科室,如“书记室”,由于国外没有对应的科室,故翻译起来比较麻烦,有“Secretary Office”及“Party Secretary’s Office”等多种翻译,笔者认为完全可以采用前者的翻译,句式短小,比较简洁,又可避免政治气息。



以建筑工程学院的一个部门为例,其名为“复杂结构灾害体系预测与防治实验室”标牌的翻译就可利用其原有翻译“Prediction and control Laboratory on complicated Structure System(PCLS)”而不必重译。






[6] 因此笔者认为在翻译景观区标识语时,应注意英汉之间的差异。



”参照英语语言的特点,应简洁译为:“The scenery of Lijiang changes with weathers.”[7]再如“四字成语”和“四字格”是四字结构在汉语中常见的修辞方式,其形式整齐悦目,音调抑扬顿挫,语气连贯自然,这与汉语言行文讲究酣畅淋漓的审美情趣有关。
