OB2216 Datasheet
OB2216Primary-Side Regulation PWM Power SwitchGENERAL DESCRIPTIONOB2216 is an offline PWM Power switch for low power AC/DC charger and adaptor applications. It operates in primary-side sensing and regulation. Consequently, opto-coupler and TL431 could be eliminated. Proprietary Constant Voltage (CV) and Constant Current (CC) control is integrated as shown in the figure below.In CC control, the current and output power setting can be adjusted externally by the sense resistor Rs at CS pin. In CV control, multi-mode operations are utilized to achieve high performance and highefficiency. Device operates in fixed frequency mode at large load conditions, frequency reduction mode at light/medium load and ‘Extended burst mode’ at No/light load conditions.OB2216 offers power on soft start control andprotection coverage with auto-recovery features including Cycle-by-Cycle current limiting, VDD clamp and UVLO. Excellent EMI performance is achieved with On-Bright proprietary frequency shuffling technique together with soft switching control at the totem pole gate drive output.Fig 1. Typical CC/CV CurveFEATURESPrimary-side Sensing and Regulation WithoutTL431 and Opto-couplerMulti-mode Operation for High Efficiency Programmable CV and CC RegulationAdjustable Constant Current and Output PowersettingFrequency Shuffling and Adjustable Gate DriveGreatly Improving EMIPower on Soft-start Time (4ms)“Extended Burst Mode Control” for ImprovedEfficiency and Minimum Standby Design Built-in Leading Edge Blanking (LEB) Cycle-by-Cycle Current LimitingVDD Under Voltage Lockout with Hysteresis(UVLO) VDD ClampAPPLICATIONSLow Power AC/DC offline SMPS forCell Phone ChargerDigital Cameras Charger Small Power AdaptorAuxiliary Power for PC, TV etc. Linear Regulator/RCC ReplacementOB2216 is offered in DIP8 packageTYPICAL APPLICATIONOB2216Primary-Side Regulation PWM Power SwitchGENERAL INFORMATIONPin ConfigurationThe pin map is shown as below for DIP8.Ordering InformationPart Number DescriptionOB2216AP DIP8,Pb-freeAbsolute Maximum RatingsParameter ValueDrain Voltage (off state) -0.3V to BvdssVDD Voltage -0.3 to V DD_clampVDDG Voltage -0.3 to V DD_clampVDD Zener ClampContinuous Current10 mACS Input Voltage -0.3 to 7VINV Input Voltage -0.3 to 7VMin/Max OperatingJunction Temperature T J-20 to 150 oCMin/Max StorageTemperature T stg-55 to 150 o CLead Temperature(Soldering, 10secs)260 o CNote: Stresses beyond those listed under “absolute maximumratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These arestress ratings only, functional operation of the device at these orany other conditions beyond those indicated under “recommendedoperating conditions” is not implied. Exposure to absolutemaximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect devicereliability.OB2216Primary-Side Regulation PWM Power SwitchMarking InformationTERMINAL ASSIGNMENTSPin Num Pin Name I/O Description1 VDDG P Internal Gate Driver Power Supply2 VDD P IC DC power supply Input3 INVIInverting input of error amplifier (EA). Connected to resistor divider fromprimary sensing winding reflecting output voltage. PWM duty cycle isdetermined by EA output and current sense signal at pin 4.4 CS I Current sense input5/6 Drain OHV MOSFET Drain Pin. The Drain pin is connected to the primary lead ofthe transformer7/8 GND PGroundOutput Power Table230VAC±15% 85-264VAC ProductOpen Frame1 Open Frame1OB2216 20W 15WNotes:1. Maximum practical continuous power in an open frame design with sufficient drain pattern as a heat sink, at 50℃ ambient.BLOCK DIAGRAMELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(T A = 25O C, VDD=VDDG=16V, if not otherwise noted) Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Supply Voltage (VDD) SectionI DD ST Standby CurrentVDD=13.5V 5 10uA I DD op Operation Current Operation supply current INV=1.25V, CS=0V, VDD=VDDG=20V - 1.02.0 mA UVLO(ON) VDD Under Voltage Lockout Enter7.5 8.5 9.5VUVLO(OFF)VDD Under Voltage Lockout Exit14.0 15 16.0VV DD _clamp I DD =10mA 38 V Current Sense Input SectionT LEB LEB time540 ns Vth_oc V th _OCtest780 820 860 mV Td_oc Propagation delay 110 ns Z SENSE _IN Input Impedance 50 Kohm T_ss Soft start time4msCV Section Freq Normal mode frequency 45 50 55 KHzFreq_Burst Burst Mode Base Frequency 22KHz△f/Freq Frequency shuffling range+/-4 %CC SectionMinimum frequency 12 KHz Freq Oscillation FrequencyMaximum frequency 50 KHz Error Amplifier section Vref_EA Reference voltage for EA 1.21 1.25 1.29 V Gdc DC gain of the EA 50 dB GBWUnity gain bandwidth37.5kHzPower MOSFET Section BVdssMOSFET Off-state Drain-Source Breakdown600 VRdson Static, Id =0.9A4.45.5 ΏCHARACTERIZATION PLOTSOPERATION DESCRIPTIONOB2216 is cost effective PWM power switch optimized for off-line low power AC/DC applications including battery chargers and adaptors. It operates in primary side sensing and regulation, thus opto-coupler and TL431 are not required. Proprietary CC control and built-in error amplifier can achieve a good CC/CV performance.z Startup Current and Start up Control Startup current of OB2216 is designed to be very low so that VDD could be charged up above UVLO threshold and starts up quickly. A large value startup resistor can therefore be used to minimize the power loss in application.z Operating CurrentThe Operating current of OB2216 is as low as 1mA. Good efficiency is achieved with the low operating current together with ‘Extended burst mode’ control features.z Soft StartOB2216 features an internal 4ms soft start to minimize the component electrical over-stress during power on startup. As soon as VDD reaches UVLO(OFF), the control algorithm will ramp peak current voltage threshold gradually from nearly zero to normal setting of 0.82V. Every restart is a soft start.z CC/CV OperationOB2216 is designed to produce good CC/CV control characteristic as shown in the Fig. 1.In charger applications, a discharged battery charging starts in the CC portion of the curve until it is nearly full charged and smoothly switches to operate in CV portion of the curve.In an AC/DC adapter, the normal operation occurs only on the CV portion of the curve. The CC portion provides output current limiting. In CV operation, the output voltage is regulated through the primary side control.To support OB2216 proprietary CC/CV control, system needs to be designed in DCM mode for flyback system. Under normal operation, when INV is less than Vref, the system works in CC control, Otherwise, the system works in CV control.z Error Amplifier (EA)Connected to a resistor divider from the primary side sensing winding, the inverting input of the Error Amplifier (EA) is compared to an internal reference voltage of 1.25V to regulate the output voltage. The EA output is internally connected to the PWM generator and controls the duty cycle.z Adjustable CC point and Output PowerIn OB2216, the CC point and output power can be externally adjusted by external current sense resistor Rs at CS pin. The output power is adjusted through CC point change. The larger Rs, the smaller CC point is, and the smalleroutput power becomes, and vice versa as shown in Fig.2.Fig. 2 Adjustable output power by changing Rsz Extended Burst Mode OperationAt light load or zero load condition, most of the power dissipation in a switching mode power supply is from switching loss, the core loss of the transformer and the loss on the snubber circuit. The magnitude of power loss is in proportion to the switching frequency. Lower switching frequency leads to the reduction on the power loss and thus conserves the energy.OB2216 self adjusts the switching frequency according to the loading condition. The switch frequency is reduced at light/no load condition to improve the conversion efficiency. At light load/no load condition, the output of the Error amplifier (EA) drops below the burst mode threshold level and device enters Burst Mode control. The frequency control also eliminates the audio noise at any loading conditions.z Operation switching frequencyThe switching frequency of OB2216 is adaptively controlled according to CC/CV operation. No external frequency setting components are required.z Frequency shuffling for EMI improvement The frequency Shuffling (switching frequency modulation) is implemented in OB2216. The oscillation frequency is modulated so that the tone energy is spread out. The spread spectrum minimizes the conduction band EMI and therefore eases the system design.z Current Sensing and Leading Edge Blanking Cycle-by-Cycle current limiting is offered in OB2216 current mode PWM control. The switch current is detected by a sense resistor into the CS pin. An internal leading edge blanking circuit chops off the sensed voltage spike at initial internal power MOSFET on state so that the external RC filtering on sense input is no longer needed. The PWM duty cycle is determined by the current sense input voltage and the EA output voltage. z Adjustable Drive CapabilityThe internal power MOSFET in OB2216 is driven by a dedicated gate driver for power switch control. Too weak the gate drive strength results in higher conduction and switch loss of MOSFET while too strong gate drive compromises EMI.A good tradeoff is achieved through the built-in totem pole gate design with right output strength control. The gate drive strength can be adjusted externally by a resistor connected between VDD and VDDG. The low idle loss and good EMI system design is possible with this dedicated control scheme. z Protection ControlGood power supply system reliability is achieved with its rich protection features including Cycle-by-Cycle current limiting (OCP), VDD protection and clamp, Power on Soft Start, and Under Voltage Lockout on VDD (UVLO).VDD is supplied by transformer auxiliary winding output. The output of OB2216 is shut down when VDD drops below UVLO(ON) limit and Switcher enters power on start-up sequence thereafter.PACKAGE MECHANICAL DATADimensions In Millimeters Dimensions In Inches SymbolMin Max Min MaxA 3.710 4.310 0.146 0.1700.500 0.020A1A2 3.200 3.600 0.126 0.142B 0.350 0.650 0.014 0.026B1 1.524 (BSC) 0.060 (BSC)C 0.200 0.360 0.008 0.014D 9.000 9.500 0.354 0.374E 6.200 6.600 0.244 0.260E1 7.320 7.920 0.288 0.312e 2.540 (BSC) 0.100 (BSC)L 3.000 3.600 0.118 0.142 E2 8.200 9.000 0.323 0.354IMPORTANT NOTICERIGHT TO MAKE CHANGESOn-Bright Electronics Corp. reserves the right to make corrections, modifications, enhancements, improvements and other changes to its products and services at any time and to discontinue any product or service without notice. Customers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete.WARRANTY INFORMATIONOn-Bright Electronics Corp. warrants performance of its hardware products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with its standard warranty. Testing and other quality control techniques are used to the extent it deems necessary to support this warranty. Except where mandated by government requirements, testing of all parameters of each product is not necessarily performed.On-Bright Electronics Corp. assumes no liability for application assistance or customer product design. Customers are responsible for their products and applications using On-Bright’s components, data sheet and application notes. To minimize the risks associated with customer products and applications, customers should provide adequate design and operating safeguards.LIFE SUPPORTOn-Bright Electronics Corp.’s products are not designed to be used as components in devices intended to support or sustain human life. On-bright Electronics Corp. will not be held liable for any damages or claims resulting from the use of its products in medical applications.MILITARYOn-Bright Electronics Corp.’s products are not designed for use in military applications. On-Bright Electronics Corp. will not be held liable for any damages or claims resulting from the use of its products in military applications.。
下面是我为大家整理的关于九年级上册数学同步练习含答案,希望对您有所关怀!九年级数学第21章同步测试题与答案二次根式(第二课时)随堂检测1、化简| -2|+ 的结果是( )A.4-2B.0C.2D.42、以下各式中,确定能成立的是( )A. B.C. D.3、已知xy,化简 p= 为_______.4、若,则 _________;若,则 ________.5、当时,求|2- |的值是多少?典例分析有一道练习题是:对于式子先化简,后求值.其中 .小明的解法如下: = = = = .小明的解法对吗?假如不对,请改正.分析:此题中有一个隐含条件,即,并由此应将化简为 .对这个隐含条件的敏感度是正确解决问题的关键.解:小明的解法对不对.改正如下:由题意得,,∴应有 .∴ = = = = .课下作业拓展提高1、当-1 1时,化简得( )A.2B.-2C.2D.-22、计算 =_______.3、观看以下各式:请你将觉察的规律用含自然数n(n≥1)的等式表示出来 .4、把以下非负数写成一个数的平方的形式:(1)5 (2)3.4 (3) (4)x(x≥0)5、在实数范围内分解以下因式:(1) (2) (3)6、已知实数满足,求的值是多少?体验中考1、(2021年,长沙)已知实数在数轴上的位置如下列图,则化简的结果为( )A.1B.-1C.D.(留意:由图可知,我们可以直接利用这个结论解题.)2、(2021年,广州)实数在数轴上的位置如下列图,化简 .(提示:由图可知,可以选择利用和解题.)参考答案:随堂检测1、A. ∵ 有意义,∴ ,∴原式= ,应选A.2、A. ∵只有A选项不含代数字母,等式总成立.应选A.3、0. ∵x4、,∵当时,由得 ;当时,由得,即 .5、解:当时, , ,∴|2- |=|2- |=| |= .课下作业拓展提高1、A. ∵当-1 1时,∴ , ,∴ ,应选A.2、可以直接利用 ( )的结论解题. = .3、 = .4、解:(1)5=( )2 (2)3.4=( )2(3) =( )2 (4)x=( )2(x≥0).5、解:(1)(2)(3)6、解:∵实数满足,∴ ,∴ ,∴ ,∴由可得:,化简得:,∴ ,∴ .体验中考1、A 由题图可知,∴ ,∴原式= ,应选A.2、由图可知,∴原式= .九年级上册数学练习带答案一、选择题(在以下各题的四个备选答案中,只有一个是符合题意的,请将正确答案前的字母写在答题纸上;此题共32分,每题4分)1. 已知⊙O的直径为3cm,点P到圆心O的距离OP=2cm,则点PA. 在⊙O外B. 在⊙O上C. 在⊙O内D. 不能确定2. 已知△ABC中,∠C=90°,AC=6,BC=8,则cosB的值是A.0.6B.0.75C.0.8D.3.如图,△ABC中,点 M、N分别在两边AB、AC上,MN‖BC,则以下比例式中,不正确的选项是A .B .C. D.4. 以下列图形中,既是中心对称图形又是轴对称图形的是A. B. C. D.5. 已知⊙O1、⊙O2的半径分别是1cm、4cm,O1O2= cm,则⊙O1和⊙O2的位置关系是A.外离B.外切C.内切D.相交6. 某二次函数y=ax2+bx+c 的图象如下列图,则以下结论正确的选项是A. a0, b0, c0B. a0, b0, c0C. a0, b0, c0D. a0, b0, c07.以下命题中,正确的选项是A.平面上三个点确定一个圆B.等弧所对的圆周角相等C.平分弦的直径垂直于这条弦D.与某圆一条半径垂直的直线是该圆的切线8. 把抛物线y=-x2+4x-3先向左平移3个单位,再向下平移2个单位,则变换后的抛物线解析式是A.y=-(x+3)2-2B.y=-(x+1)2-1C.y=-x2+x-5D.前三个答案都不正确二、填空题(此题共16分, 每题4分)9.已知两个相像三角形面积的比是2∶1,则它们周长的比 _____ .10.在反比例函数y= 中,当x0时,y 随 x的增大而增大,则k 的取值范围是_________.11. 水平相当的甲乙两人进行羽毛球竞赛,规定三局两胜,则甲队战胜乙队的概率是_________;甲队以2∶0战胜乙队的概率是________.12.已知⊙O的直径AB为6cm,弦CD与AB相交,夹角为30°,交点M恰好为AB的一个三等分点,则CD的长为 _________ cm.三、解答题(此题共30分, 每题5分)13. 计算:cos245°-2tan45°+tan30°- sin60°.14. 已知正方形MNPQ内接于△ABC(如下列图),若△ABC的面积为9cm2,BC=6cm,求该正方形的边长.15. 某商场预备改善原有自动楼梯的安全性能,把倾斜角由原来的30°减至25°(如下列图),已知原楼梯坡面AB的长为12米,调整后的楼梯所占地面CD 有多长?(结果精确到0.1米;参考数据:sin25°≈0.42,cos25°≈0.91,tan25°≈0.47)16.已知:△ABC中,∠A是锐角,b、c分别是∠B、∠C的对边.求证:△ABC的面积S△ABC= bcsinA.17. 如图,△ABC内接于⊙O,弦AC交直径BD于点E,AG⊥BD于点G,延长AG交BC于点F. 求证:AB2=BF•BC.18. 已知二次函数 y=ax2-x+ 的图象经过点(-3, 1).(1)求 a 的值;(2)推断此函数的图象与x轴是否相交?假如相交,请求出交点坐标;(3)画出这个函数的图象.(不要求列对应数值表,但要求尽可能画精确)四、解答题(此题共20分, 每题5分)19. 如图,在由小正方形组成的12×10的网格中,点O、M和四边形ABCD 的顶点都在格点上.(1)画出与四边形ABCD关于直线CD对称的图形;(2)平移四边形ABCD,使其顶点B与点M重合,画出平移后的图形;(3)把四边形ABCD绕点O逆时针旋转90°,画出旋转后的图形.20. 口袋里有 5枚除颜色外都相同的棋子,其中 3枚是红色的,其余为黑色.(1)从口袋中随机摸出一一枚棋子,摸到黑色棋子的概率是_______ ;(2)从口袋中一次摸出两枚棋子,求颜色不同的概率.(需写出“列表”或画“树状图”的过程)21. 已知函数y1=- x2 和反比例函数y2的图象有一个交点是 A( ,-1).(1)求函数y2的解析式;(2)在同始终角坐标系中,画出函数y1和y2的图象草图;(3)借助图象回答:当自变量x在什么范围内取值时,对于x的同一个值,都有y122. 工厂有一批长3dm、宽2dm的矩形铁片,为了利用这批材料,在每一块上裁下一个最大的圆铁片⊙O1之后(如下列图),再在剩余铁片上裁下一个充分大的圆铁片⊙O2.(1)求⊙O1、⊙O2的半径r1、r2的长;(2)能否在剩余的铁片上再裁出一个与⊙O2 同样大小的圆铁片?为什么?五、解答题(此题共22分, 第23、24题各7分,第25题8分)23.如图,在△ABC中,AB=AC,以AB为直径的⊙O分别交AC、BC于点M、N,在AC的延长线上取点P,使∠CBP= ∠A.(1)推断直线BP与⊙O的位置关系,并证明你的结论;(2)若⊙O的半径为1,tan∠CBP=0.5,求BC和BP的长.24. 已知:如图,正方形纸片ABCD的边长是4,点M、N分别在两边AB和CD上(其中点N不与点C重合),沿直线MN折叠该纸片,点B恰好落在AD边上点E处.(1)设AE=x,四边形AMND的面积为 S,求 S关于x 的函数解析式,并指明该函数的定义域;(2)当AM为何值时,四边形AMND的面积最大?最大值是多少?(3)点M能是AB边上任意一点吗?请求出AM的取值范围.25. 在直角坐标系xOy 中,已知某二次函数的图象经过A(-4,0)、B(0,-3),与x轴的正半轴相交于点C,若△AOB∽△BOC(相像比不为1).(1)求这个二次函数的解析式;(2)求△ABC的外接圆半径r;(3)在线段AC上是否存在点M(m,0),使得以线段BM为直径的圆与线段AB 交于N点,且以点O、A、N为顶点的三角形是等腰三角形?若存在,求出m的值;若不存在,请说明理由.一、 ACCB DABB二、 9. :1 10. k -1 11. , 12.三、13. 原式= -2+ - ×= -2 + - ……………………………………4分= -3+ ……………………………………………………5分14. 作AE⊥BC于E,交MQ于F.由题意,BC×AE=9cm2 , BC=6cm.∴AE=3cm. ……………………………1分设MQ= xcm,∵MQ‖BC,∴△AMQ∽△ABC. ……………………2分∴ . ……………………3分又∵EF=MN=MQ,∴AF=3-x.∴ . ……………………………………4分解得 x=2.答:正方形的边长是2cm. …………………………5分15. 由题意,在Rt△ABC中,AC= AB=6(米), …………………1分又∵在Rt△ACD中,∠D=25°,=tan∠D, ……………………………3分∴CD= ≈ ≈12.8(米).答:调整后的楼梯所占地面CD长约为12.8米. ……………………5分 16. 证明:作CD⊥AB于D,则S△ABC= AB×CD. ………………2分∵ 不管点D落在射线AB的什么位置,在Rt△ACD中,都有CD=ACsinA. …………………4分又∵AC=b,AB=c,∴ S△ABC= AB×A九年级数学上册练习题及答案一选择题:1、以下命题中的真命题是、A、对角线互相垂直的四边形是菱形B、中心对称图形都是轴对称图形C、两条对角线相等的梯形是等腰梯形D、等腰梯形是中心对称图形第2题图2、如右图,将半径为2cm的圆形纸片折叠后,圆弧恰好经过圆心O,则折痕AB的长为 A.2cmB.3cm C.23cm D.25cm3、如图,BD是⊙O的直径,∠CBD=30?,则∠A的度数.A、30?B、45?C、60?D、75?、已知二次函数y=ax2+bx+c的图像如下列图,则以下条件正确的选项是 A.ac0B、b-4ac0C、 b0D、 a0,b0,c05、抛物线y= x 向左平移8个单位,再向下平移个单位后,所得抛物线的表达式是A、 y=2-B、 y=2+C、 y=2-D、 y=2+96.如图,在平面直角坐标系中,长、宽分别为2和1的矩形ABCD的边上有一动点P,沿A→B→C→D→A运动一周,则点P的纵坐标y与P所走过的路程x之间的函数关系用图象表示大致是2第3题图第4题图7、某商品原售价289元,经过连续两次降价后售价为256元,设平均每次降价的百分率为 x,则下面所列方程中正确的选项是A、2892=25B、2562=289C、289=25D、256=2898、如图,在平面直角坐标系中,正方形ABCD的顶点A、C分别在y 轴、x轴上,以AB为弦的⊙M与x轴相切、若点A的坐标为,则圆心M的坐标为A、B、C、D、9.若点A的坐标为O为坐标原点,将OA绕点O按顺时针方向旋转90得到OA′,则点A′的坐标是A、B、C、D、10、以下各点中,在函数y=-6x 图像上的是12A、B、C、D、11.抛物线y=x?2x?3与坐标轴交点为 A.二个交点 B.一个交点 C.无交点D.三个交点12.关于x的一元二次方程x2+x+m+1=0有两个相等的实数根,则m 的值是A、0B、C、422D、 0或二、填空题:13 、使x的取值范围是、 A DB E D14、将二次函数y=x2-4x+5化为y=2+k的形式,则15 、如下列图,把一个长方形纸片沿EF折叠后,点D,C分别落 CC 在D′,C′的位置.若∠EFB=65,则∠AED′等于16、菱形OABC在平面直角坐标系中的位置如下列图, ?AOC?45,OC?B的坐标为.17、如下列图,边长为1的小正方形构成的网格中,半径为1的⊙O的圆心O在格点上,则∠AED的正切值等于、三、解答题:18、解方程:2 x+6x-11=019、如图,在平面直角坐标系中,△ABC的三个顶点的坐标分别为A,B,C、、画出△ABC关于x轴对称的△A1B1C1,并写出点C1的坐标; 、画出△ABC绕原点O顺时针方向旋转90后得到的△A2B2C2,并写出点C2的坐标;,第16B A C第17题图将△A2B2C2平移得到△ A3B3C3,使点A2的对应点是A3,点B2的对应点是B3,点C2的对应点是C3,在坐标系中画出△ A3B3C3,并写出点A3的坐标。
Engineering Notice(昂宝)
copper 隔离→原边绕组 pri→ copper 隔离→输出绕组 sec→4T Tape 隔离→辅助绕组 Vdd
A N1 N2
3 1
Br ig ht
© On-Bright Electronics -7-
co nf
图 2 变压器电气原理图
图 3 变压器绕制顺序图
根据输入输出电流有效值确定变压器原、副边绕组线径,一般取电流密度为 5A/mm2。
变压器会因为绕组绕制方式不同而在电气特性和 EMI 上有很大差别,尤其是对于采用原边控制的 OB2216 芯片,需要注意以下三点: 1) 为了提高输出电压负载调整率,希望特别注意输出绕组和辅助反馈绕组的耦合度 2) 为了减小漏感,还需要注意原边绕组和输出绕组之间耦合度,但是 EMI 的考虑却同以上相反, 原边绕组和辅助反馈绕组同属于一次侧绕组, 输出绕组输出二次侧绕组, 为了更好的 EMI 特性, 要求一次侧绕组和二次测绕组之间有一定的间隔 3) 各绕组每一层要绕满,如果不满,可以采用减小线径,多股并饶的方式
在实际测试过程中,为了提高效率,可以适当增大电感量,取在 Lm=1.8mH~2.0mH,原边峰值电 流 Ipk 会适当降低。
Np =
Ae ⋅ ΔB
Sa to ia l
VDCMIN ⋅ Ton _ max
88 ⋅ 9.6 ≈ 120T 33.5 ⋅ 2100
2 V DCMIN = Vac min_ pk
⎛T ⎞ 2 ⋅ Pin ⋅ ⎜ − Tc ⎟ ⎝2 ⎠ = − Cin
2216e培养基作用2216e培养基(2216e Medium)是一种常用的微生物培养基,广泛应用于细菌和真菌的培养及研究。
二、2216e培养基的作用2216e培养基具有以下几个作用:1. 提供营养物质:2216e培养基中的蛋白胨、酵母提取物等能够为微生物提供必要的碳源、氮源、维生素和微量元素,满足微生物的生长和繁殖需求。
2. 促进微生物生长:培养基中的蛋白胨和酵母提取物等富含的营养物质可以刺激微生物的生长,提供足够的能量和营养物质,促进微生物的繁殖。
3. 增加微生物产物产量:2216e培养基中的成分经过精心配比,可以为微生物提供适宜的生长环境,促进微生物代谢产物的积累和生产。
三、2216e培养基的应用2216e培养基在微生物学领域中有着广泛的应用,主要包括以下几个方面:1. 微生物的分离和纯化:2216e培养基中的丰富营养物质可以满足微生物的生长需求,使微生物得以繁殖和生长。
2. 微生物的培养和增殖:2216e培养基提供了适宜的环境和养分,可以促进微生物的生长和增殖。
3. 微生物代谢产物的研究:2216e培养基中的成分经过优化配比,可以刺激微生物的代谢,促进代谢产物的积累。
.血液检验血常规检验英文缩写、参考值检验项目英文缩写参考值范围1/L14.5-5.51/L13.5-5.0RBC红细胞计1/L5.2-7.01新生1/L4.2-5.21儿120-165g/L110-155g/LHb,Hgb血红蛋新生160-220g/L儿110-160g/L0.420-0.490红细胞压Hb,Hgb0.370-0.440新生0.350-0.440红细胞平均体MCV80-98fl28-32pg红细胞平均血红蛋MCH32-36%MCHC红细胞平均血红蛋白浓成0.5-1.5%网织红细胞计Ret.C2.0-6.0%新生血小板计LPL100-3501BPC MPV6.0-1.5fl平均血小板体/L14.0-10.0成/L5.0-12.0白细胞计WBC儿1/L10.0-22.01新生50-70%;中性分叶核粒细1-4%;中性杆状核粒细1-4%;嗜酸性粒细WBCDC成白细胞分类计)0-1%;嗜碱性粒细20-35%;淋巴细1-6%单核细30-65%;中性分叶核粒细3-8%;中性杆状核粒细1-4%;嗜酸性粒细WBCDC白细胞分类计儿)0-1%;嗜碱性粒细30-65%;淋巴细1-6%单核细胞'..9/L 0.05-0.3×10嗜酸性粒细胞直接计数Eos.c 分钟BT 1-3出血时间CT 分钟1-4凝血时间玻片法)管时间为分5-1凝血时间试管以CCT血块收缩时2CRT小时完全收第一小魏氏法:男<15mmESR红细胞沉降<20mm第一小女)反应呈绿褐阴一氧化碳定性实)反应呈橙红阳以上同血细胞检查正常HCRB包WBHGBCA 全血细胞分PLT)MCHCMCH尿常规检验英文缩写、参考14:00:31发表2006-7-6labsky异常结果参考正常参考英项目名>1.030SG<1.011.010 - 1.030比>8<5 - 8酸碱PH15 70 125 500NEGATIVE25 75 100 300 500negLEU白细5-10 10-1520-40 >50镜检:0 - 5/HPFNEGATIVEPOS亚硝酸盐NITnegSPUR 30100 ...>=300NEGATIVE...25 75 150 500 尿蛋白PROneg++ +++-- ++++ ±约±...00 250 500 >=1000NEGATIVEGLU尿糖50100 300 (1000)norm'..+++ +++--++++ 微量约±SPUR 15 40 >=80NEGATIVE5 15 50 150KET酮体neg+ ++ +++1.0 2.0 4.0 80.2UBG尿胆1... 4 8 12normSCHWACHMAESSIGSTARKNRGATIVEBIL尿胆红1 36neg1025 80... 200NEGATIVE红潜/1025 50 150250OBL / ERYneg0-5 2-68-1520-30 >400-3/HPF镜检生化检验英文缩写、参考14:01:462006-7-6labsky发表于参考值范英文缩检查项6.11mmol/L血3.8Glu7.2mmol/LUREA尿3.0420 umol/L~男性:210成人350 umol/L ~女性:150尿酸UA320 umol/L 120~儿童80 umol/L 44~男:Cr肌酐~115 umol/L 女:70-CP CO20-34mmoI/L 二氧化碳结合力2K 钾3.5-5.5mmol/LNa 135-45mmol/L 钠CL96-106mmol/L氯化物2.54 mmol/L 2.03~成人Ca钙 2.67 mmol/L ~儿童2.251.62 mmol/L 0.96 ~成人P磷 2.10 mmol/L儿童1.45 ~'..<220u/LAMS 淀粉酶5.17 mmol/L ~胆固醇2.23Chol1.60 g/L ~ApoAI 载脂蛋白A1 ApoAI 1.001.10 g/L ApoB ~B 载脂蛋白ApoB 0.61.69 mmol/LTG0.5甘油三18~196u/LCK肌酸激1.45 mmol/L0.9HDL-C高密度脂蛋1.68 mmol/L1.1LDL-C低密度脂蛋4.0 mmol/L1.T-BIL 5.总胆红22 umol/lD-BIL直接胆红6.8 umol/l1.SGPT/ALT<40u/L丙氨酸氨基转移谷丙转氨天门冬氨酸氨基转谷草转氨<35u/LSGOT/AST97-270Iu/L乳酸脱氢LDH72-182Iu/L-HBDH羟丁酸脱氢27-107u/L碱性磷酸ALP<4.7ACP酸性磷酸<3.710~50u/L-GT转肽7~32u/LTP80g/L总蛋6Alb355 g/L白蛋54-74%白蛋白α1 0.-5.0%SPE蛋白电α2 3.-10%球蛋-12.5%β5.-24%γ1 21-33%LD 34-46%LD23-32%LD乳酸脱氢酶同功LDHIso31-6%LD40-6%LD5'..MB<6% CPKIso肌酸激酶同功酶B MM>93% CK-m31.1-64.6% ALPIso肝带碱性磷酸酶同功33.1-64.6%骨3831HDL脂蛋白电5663LDL9.36.8VLD12 umol/LTBA总胆汁440 mg/L前白蛋PA2216 mmol/LAGP阴离子1.04 mmol/LMg0.630 umol/L男1Fe血清27 umol/L女占总血红蛋白HbAlHbAlc糖化血红蛋HhbAl增6.5+1.5>8.0AFP甲胎蛋10 ng/ml免疫检验英文缩写、参考8:59:382006-7-8发表labsky实验方法参考值实验名称0一20 IVRF(类风湿因子)免疫速率比浊法/ML0一200IVASO(抗链球菌溶血素“O”)免疫速率比浊法/ML0 反应蛋白)一8MG/DL 免疫速率比浊法CCRP(723(免疫球蛋白IgGIgG)免疫速率比浊法一1685mg/dL 69一385mg免疫速率比浊法IgAIgA(免疫球蛋白)/dL63一277mg/dL 免疫速率比浊法)(免疫球蛋白IgMIgM85一193mg 免疫速率比浊法补体C /dL12免疫速率比浊法补体c 一36mg/dL0一免疫速率比浊法6mgIgG 脑脊液/d<1.1mg/免疫速率比浊法IgA 脑脊液dLdL/IgM 脑脊液0.7mg<免疫速率比浊法'..dL /一1.9mg0(微量白蛋白)尿MA 免疫速率比浊法dL /一1.3mg尿aM(微球蛋白)0免疫速率比浊法dL /一0.2mg0免疫速率比浊法尿TRU(转铁蛋白dLIg(免疫球蛋0.1mIg免疫速率比浊阴ELISA(乙型肝炎病毒抗体HBSAELISA(丙型肝炎病毒抗体ant阴HC阴凝集RP(梅毒快速血浆凝集素反应明胶凝THP(梅毒抗体检测阴ELISA阴抗结核抗ELISA阴抗幽门螺杆菌抗胶乳凝嗜异性抗体检阴明胶凝1:40滴度支原体抗各血清型滴度均1:8O凝集反军团菌抗1:80T1:160T肥达氏抗凝集反1:80付伤A.B.凝集反OX19,OX2,OX外斐氏反1:160滴度1:32冷凝集反凝集反英文缩写检验项目参考值范围阴性红斑狼疮细胞LEC阴性抗核蛋白试验DNP<1:5~1<1:10 抗核抗体试验ANA<1:10 抗平滑肌抗体SMA阴性抗线粒体抗体AMA阴性HRA 抗心肌抗体阴性抗胃壁细胞抗体APCA阴性抗骨骼肌抗体ASA抗甲状腺抗体)球蛋白(阴性ATGA'..ATMA 微粒体) 阴性抗甲状腺抗体(<20% ds-DNA 抗dsDNA抗体(Farr)阴性ds-DNA dsDNA抗体(TE-IF) 阴抗肾上腺抗阴ACA抗着丝点抗FTA-ABS阴梅毒抗体试ICA阴抗胰岛细胞抗0. 23O囊虫酶联免疫吸附试值+)均为阳1间接血凝试血清效价23O肝包虫酶联免疫吸闲试值)均为阳I间接血凝试+血清效价比弱阳性深者判为阳Ca血吸酶联免疫吸附试30IgGO比弱阳性深者判为阳lgM30值肺吸虫酶联免疫吸附试O30值旋毛虫酶联免疫吸附试O30O值丝虫酶联免疫吸附试倍者判为阳O值〉阳标弓形虫酶联免疫吸附试30O已累热病酶联免反吸附试值30阿米已酶联免反吸附试O值比弱阳性深者判为阳钓端螺旋体酶联免疫吸附试莱姆病抗体检比弱阳性深者判为阳性++)均为阳性(血清效价在1布氏杆菌凝集试验:IO0 琥红试验任何程度的凝集均为阳性放射免疫检验英文缩写、参考值9:00:592006-7-8 labsky 发表于·参考值实验名称实验方法dl220ngT3三碘甲状腺原氨酸化学发光法50-/'..ml /-116ngT4 化学发光法44甲状腺素Tu %-化学发光法4535甲状腺素摄取率ml 5.6uu促甲状腺素TSH /-0.34化学发光dl5.6P化学发光游离三碘甲状腺F32.dl1.56n游离甲状腺F40.8化学发光ml20化学发光绒毛膜促性腺激HCGdl23u8皮质化学发光dl43- 11uml35n泌乳化学发光ml47uml336n2铁蛋化学发光ml1306n叶17nml化学发光维生185pg/m有意B12化学发光ml空1.2.3uml119u餐lh 3胰岛素释放试化学发光ml96u2h 2ml3h 1.8-43u阴放射免疫分析T抗甲状腺球蛋白抗放射免疫分析抗微粒体抗T阴<3.%结合放射免疫分析INS-A胰岛素抗L378Pm29空L1 93餐1760pm放射免疫分析C-P -肽释放试L1567pm2 86L3 65939pmml70P1甲状旁腺放射免疫分析PTml降钙C50P放射免疫分析ml8n岁以1HG生长激放射免疫分析ml10n1岁以ml910n36放射免疫分析睾dl291nml70PE雌二放射免疫分析ml230p/'..ml /滤泡期0.14-1.61ng PROG孕酮放射免疫分析法ml /黄体期2.14-31.2ngml 放射免疫分析法/1.17-B2-MG 微球蛋白Z 29ugml /60-174pg卧醛固AL放射免疫分析ml300P6ml胃泌146p放射免疫分析ml放射免疫分析260n胆小m40.2 0.37m放射免疫分析肾素活小m2.97 1.02m小m40.2 12.0m放射免疫分析血管紧张m 小85.3 30.0m放射免疫分析TRAB(TS受体抗体13L血气检验英文缩写、参考9:03:202006-7-8labsky发表于参考值范中文名英文缩测定方7.35-7.45血PPH电极动脉血二氧35-45mmHgPC电极碳分随年龄增长逐渐>90mmHg动脉血氧分P电极低13.8-16.4 g/mg(m) 总血红蛋白CTHB 分光光度计法11.7-14.6 g/ml(f) 血气血氧动脉血氧饱和分光光度计法>95%分析SO2度电解质测分光光度氧和血红蛋白94%-98%FO2HB定?/TD> 百分含量计碳氧血红蛋白<1.0%分光光度计法FCOHB 百分含量高铁血红蛋白<1.0%分光光度计法FMETHB 百分含量脱氧血红蛋白<6%分光光度计法FRHB 百分含量'..个月出生时70%-90%,150%-70%,胎儿血红蛋白FHBF分光光度计法个月个月百分含量25%-69%,3210%-35%136-146mmol/L全血钠离NA+电极3.5-5.5mmol/LK+全血钾离电极95-105mmol/L全血氯离CL-电极1.09-1.30mmol/L离子电极ICA++0.53-0.67mmol/L电极IMG++离子70-110mg/dLGLU血酶电极0.6-1.8mmol/LLAC乳酶电极8-20mg/dL酶电极尿素BUN43%-51%(m),38%-46%(f)电极红细胞压HET乙型肝炎病毒检验英文缩写、参考9:04:132006-7-8labsky发表于乙型肝炎病毒血清学检查分析名称HBsAg 阳性见于急慢性乙型肝炎或健康携带者抗-HBs 阳性示乙型肝炎恢复期或注射过乙型肝炎疫苗抗-HBc 阳性示已受乙型肝炎病毒感染HBeAg 阳性为乙型肝炎病毒复制的标志-HBe 阳性示相对低的传染性抗阳性为乙型肝炎病毒复制的最敏感指标HBv DNA乙型肝炎五项检验内容的阳性和阴性结果可能有各种不同的组合方式,下面例10个模式可帮助你对不同的组合进行分析和判断。
SF全系列 IC
IC型号IC主要性质封装适用功率兼容型号SF1530高性能PWM控制器SOT23-6/DIP-8< 40W OB2263,LD7535, RT7731,SG6848SF1531高效率PWM控制器 内置优化降频和效率均衡SOT23-6< 40WSF5533高性能PWM控制器 小于100mw超低待机,频率可调SOT23-6< 40W OB2273F SF5534SF5533+高压拔插头锁存SOT23-6< 40WSF5543高性能PWM控制器 小于100mw超低待机 频率固定为65K SOT23-6< 40W OB2273A SF5545SF5543+高压拔插头锁存SOT23-6< 40W OB2273SF5547SF5543+Brownout保护SOT23-6< 40W OB2273B SF1560高集成PWM控制器 内置拔插头保护,频率可调SOP-8/DIP-8< 150W SG5842SF1560B SF1560+内置Brownout SOP-8/DIP-8< 150WSF1565高集成PWM控制器 频率可调SOP-8/DIP-8< 150W OB2269等等SF1565B SF1565+内置Brownout SOP-8/DIP-8< 150WSF1580低成本高驱动能力PWM控制器 频率固定为65K,外部OTP保护SOT23-6< 150WSF1585SF1580+内置拔插头保护SOT23-6< 150WSF1590低成本高驱动能力PWM控制器 频率可调SOT23-6< 150WSF1595SF1590+内置拔插头保护SOT23-6< 150WSF5580高压启动PWM控制器 小于100mW超低待机,高压启动频率固定为65K,外部OTP保护SOP-8/DIP-8< 150W LD7578,OB5269SF5580B SF5580+Brownout保护SOP-8/DIP-8< 150W LD7577,OB5269B SF5590高压启动PWM控制器 小于100mW超低待机,高压启动SOP-8/DIP-8< 150W LD7575SF1680正激PWM控制器 频率可调,内置拔插头保护SOP-8/DIP-8> 100WSF1532高性能PWM功率开关 内置1N60 600V MOS,频率可调SOP-8< 6W OB2353等等SF1536高性能PWM功率开关 内置1N60 600V MOS,频率可调DIP-8< 9W OB2354,SD4840/1SF1538高性能PWM功率开关 内置2N60 600V MOS,频率可调DIP-8< 15W OB2358,SD4842/3 /4SF5535高性能PWM功率开关 内置1N60 600V MOS小于100mW超低待机,频率可调SOP-8< 6WSF5536高性能PWM功率开关 内置1N60 600V MOS小于100mW超低待机,频率可调DIP-8< 9WSF5538高性能PWM功率开关 内置2N60 600V MOS,小于100mW超低待机频率可调DIP-8< 15WSF5539高性能PWM功率开关 内置2N60 600V MOS,小于100mW超低待机频率可调 内置拔插头保护DIP-8< 15WSF5920高精度原边反馈恒压恒流控制器 小于30mW超低待机,无外部补偿SOT23-5< 20W管脚布局兼容OB2532SF5922SF5920+内置1N60 600V MOS SOP-8< 6W 管脚布局兼容OB2535SF5926SF5920+内置1N60 600V MOS DIP-8< 9W 管脚布局兼容OB2536SF5928SF5920+内置2N60 600V MOS DIP-8< 15W 管脚布局兼容OB2538SF5812原边反馈恒压恒流功率开关 小于30mW超低待机内置1N60 600V MOSSOP-8< 6W管脚布局兼容OB2211SF5816原边反馈恒压恒流功率开关 小于30mW超低待机内置1N60 600V MOSDIP-8< 9W管脚布局兼容OB2212SF5818原边反馈恒压恒流功率开关 小于50mW超低待机内置2N60 600V MOSDIP-8< 15W管脚布局兼容OB2216SF6010多模式控制高精度原边反馈恒压恒流控制器驱动BJT,低系统成本 小于30mW超低待机,无外部补偿电容 业内首创多模式工作实现超静音SOT23-5< 9W管脚布局兼容OB2520SF6011多模式控制高精度原边反馈恒压恒流控制器驱动BJT,低系统成本 小于100mW超低待机,无外部补偿电容 业内首创多模式工作实现超静音 快速动态响应SOT23-5< 10W管脚布局兼容OB2520AC/DC PWM 控制器AC/DC PWM 功率开关PSR(原边反馈)控制器和功率开关SF6562高性能临界导通模式PFC控制器 超低谐波失真,VDD OVPSOP-8/DIP-8< 500WL6562,L6561,FAN7527,OB6561等等SF6562A SF6562+最高频率钳位,绿色模式SOP-8/DIP-8< 500W L6562A SF6563SF6562+绿色模式SOP-8/DIP-8< 500W OB6563 SF6566SF6562+内置两段式控制SOP-8/DIP-8< 500W FAN7528 深圳市金寶鑫科技有限公司地址:深圳市南山區南山大道新綠島大廈18樓18A02-18A03電話:宫兆偉 先生 159********功率因子矫正器(PFC)。
1U 1V 1W 1X 1Y 1Z 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 2H 2I 2K 2L 2M 2N 2O 2P 2Q
Marking Symbol (Example)
Type No.
hFE Classification
Hale Waihona Puke Type No.{
7. List of Marking Symbol of SS-Mini/S-Mini/Mini/Mini-Power Type Package 7. List of Marking Symbol of SS-Mini/S-Mini/Mini/Mini-Power Type Package
2SC5473 3SK269 3SK268 3SK270 3SK271 3SK272 3SK287
EIAJ:SC–88 8X 8Y 8Z 9E 9U 9V 9W 9Y 9Z AA AO BE BF BH BI BK BL BM BN BO BP EN EO ER EZ FO HC HE HM HO IA IB IS IT OB OE OF OH ON XP4506 XP5555 XP4683 XP5543 XP5A554 XP431N XP05554 XP0D875 XP04286 XP06545 XP06531 XP05534 XP04387 XP4608 XP421F XP4130 XP4402 XP4482 XP6215 XP6216 XP4210 XP7602 XP4111 XP4211 XP7651 XP6543 XP8081 XP6214 XP4509 XP411D XP411E XP411F XP4110 XP4114 XP4117 XP4118 XP4119 XP421D XP421E BR BS BT BU BV BW BX BY BZ CA CB CC CD CE CF CH CI CK CL CM CN XP4214 XP4217 XP4218 XP4219 XP431D XP431E XP431F XP4310 XP4313 XP4314 XP4315 XP4317 XP4318 XP4319 XP611D XP611E XP6110 XP6114 XP6117 XP6118 XP6119 CO CP CQ CR CS CU CV CW CY DF DH DI DK DL DM DN DO DT DZ ED EE XP621D XP621E XP621F XP6210 XP6217 XP6219 XP4404 XP4381 XP6218 XP411H XP411L XP421L XP421K XP611H XP611L XP621L XP621K XP6A554 XP4505 XP4654 XP4314
人类染色体 17p133 位点新克隆基因
人类染色体17p13.3位点新克隆基因HC56、HC71和HC90对Jurkat 细胞活力的作用吴向华1,王 嵘1,万大方2,杜均样1,张海伟1,郑佩娥1,顾建人2 摘 要:目的 探讨人类染色体17p13.3位点新克隆基因HC56、HC71和HC90对T 淋巴瘤细胞株Ju 2rkat 细胞活力的作用。
方法 应用脂质体介导的基因转染方法,将外源基因HC56、HC71和HC90分别导入Jurkat 细胞,用苔盼兰拒染试验,观察基因的瞬时表达对细胞活力的作用。
结果 Jurkat 细胞瞬时转染HC56和HC71基因后,与转染PBK/CMV 空载体的实验对照组比较,第24、48、72和96h,细胞的活力明显受抑制(P <0.01);Jurkat 细胞瞬时转染HC90基因后,仅在第96h 细胞的活力受抑制(P <0.05),而第24、48和72h,未发现细胞的活力受抑制(P >0.05)。
结论 外源HC56和HC71基因的瞬时表达可明显抑制Jurkat 细胞的活力。
关键词:染色体17p13.3;基因(HC56,HC71,HC90);Jurkat 细胞;基因转染 中图分类号:R733.7 文献标识码:A 文章编号:100028578(2002)0420278202 收稿日期:2001209215;修回日期:2001211213 基金项目:教育部重点科学基金资助项目(教技司[2000]156号) 作者单位:1.510632广州,暨南大学医学院血液病研究所;2.上海市肿瘤研究所癌基因与相关基因国家重点实验室Effectsonviabilit yofJurkatcellofnovelcloned geneHC 56,HC 71andHC 90mappedathumanchromosome 17p 13.3WUXian g 2hua,WANGRong,WANDa 2fan g,etalInstitute of Hematolo gy ,Medical Colle ge ,Ji ’nan Universit y ,Guan gzhou 510632,China Abstract:Ob jective Toinvesti gatetheeffectsoncellviabilit yofTl ymphomacelllineJurkatofHC56,HC71andHC90ma ppedathumanchromosome17p13.3.Methods HC56,HC71andHC90geneweretrans 2fectedintoJurkatcellsres pectivelyb ythemediumofli posome.Theeffectsoncellviabilit yoftheexo genous gene productswereobservedb ytr ypanblued yeexclusiontest.Results Theviabilit yofJurkatcellsat24,48,72and96hoursafterHC56andHC71genetransfectedwasinhibitedsi gnificantl y (P <0.01)ascom paredwith controlcellstransfectedwithPBK/CMVempt yvector.TheviabilityofJurkatcellsat24、48and72hoursexce pt at96hoursafterHC90genetransfectedwasnotinhibitedsi gnificantl y (P >0.05).Conclusion Exogenous HC56andHC71gene productscouldinhibitviabilit yofJurkatcells. Ke ywords: Chromosome17p13.3;Gene (HC56,HC71andHC90);Jurkatcell;Genetransfection 越来越多的证据表明,人类染色体17p13.3区域与恶性肿瘤的发病有密切的关系[124]。
双曲线一.轨迹1.已知定点(,0)P m ,动点Q 在圆O :2216x y +=上,PQ 的垂直平分线交直线OQ 于M 点,若动点M 的轨迹是双曲线,则m 的值可以是()A.2B.3C.4D.52.圆O 的半径为定长r ,A 是圆O 所在平面上与P 不重合的一个定点,P 是圆上任意一点,线段PA 的垂直平分线l 和直线OP 相交于点Q ,当点P 在圆上运动时,点Q 的轨迹是________①椭圆;②双曲线;③抛物线;④圆;⑤一个点3.已知定点()12,0F -,()22,0F ,N 是圆O :221x y +=上任意一点,点1F 关于点N 的对称点为M ,线段1F M 的中垂线与直线2F M 相交于点P ,则点P 的轨迹是A.直线B.圆C.椭圆D.双曲线4.已知圆22:(3)4C x y ++=及点(3,0)A ,Q 为圆周上一点,AQ 的垂直平分线交直线CQ 于点M ,则动点M 的轨迹方程为__________.二.方程与图象1.已知实数x ,y 满足13y y x x +=4y +-的取值范围是()A.)4⎡⎣B.)4⎡⎣C.22⎡⎫⎪⎢⎪⎣⎭D.24⎡⎫⎪⎢⎪⎣⎭2.已知曲线||:||14x x C y y +=,点(,)P m n 为曲线C 上任意一点,若点(2,1)A -,(4,2)B -,则PAB △面积的最大值为______.3.方程||||1169x x y y +=-的曲线即为函数()y f x =的图像,对于函数()y f x =,有如下结论:①()f x 在R 上单调递减;②函数()4()3F x f x x =+不存在零点;③函数()y f x =的值域是R ;④()f x 的图像不经过第一象限,其中正确结论的个数是___________4.若直线:2x l y m =-+与曲线:C y =m 的取值范围是A.1)+B.1,1)-C.1)+D.三.双曲线的方程1.在矩形ABB A ''中,8A A '=,6AB =,把边AB 分成n 等份,在B B '的延长线上,以B B '的n 分之一为单位长度连续取点.过边AB 上各分点和点A '作直线,过B B '延长线上的对应分点和点A 作直线,这两条直线的交点为P ,如图建立平面直角坐标系,则点P 满足的方程可能是()A.()2214,0169x y x y +=≥≥B.()2218,06436x y x y +=≥≥C.()2214,0169x y x y -=≥≥D.()2218,06436x y x y -=≥≥2.若实轴长为2的双曲线2222:1(0,0)y x C a b a b-=>>上恰有4个不同的点(1,2,3,4)i P i =满足2ii PB P A =,其中(1,0)A -,(1,0)B ,则双曲线C 的虚轴长的取值范围为()A.(,7)+∞B.(0,7C.7()+∞D.(0,73.在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,已知双曲线2222=1x y a b-(>0a ,>0b )的右焦点为F ,点A 在双曲线的渐近线上,△OAF 是边长为2的等边三角形,则双曲线的方程为()A.22=1412x y -B.22=1124x y -C.22=13x y -D.22=13y x -4.如图,双曲线C :22221x y a b-=(0a >,0b >)的左、右焦点为()12,0F -,()22,0F ,过1F ,2F 作圆O :222x y a +=的切线,四条切线围成的四边形12F AF B 的面积为3,则双曲线的方程为()A.2213x y -=B.2213y x -=C.22122x y -=D.2222135x y -=四.第一定义1.设12,F F 是双曲线224x y -=的两个焦点,P 是双曲线上任意一点,过1F 作12F PF ∠平分线的垂线,垂足为M ,则点M到直线0x y +-的距离的最大值是().A.4B.5C.6D.32.已知双曲线C :22221(0,0)x y a b a b-=>>,12,F F 分别是双曲线C 的左、右焦点,P 为右支上一点(0)p y ≠,在线段1PF 上取“12PF F △的周长中点”M ,满足2112MP PF MF F F +=+,同理可在线段2PF 上也取“12PF F △的周长中点”N .若PMN 的面积最大值为1,则b =________.3.已知双曲线22:13y C x -=的左焦点为1F ,顶点(0,Q ,P 是双曲线C 右支上的动点,则1PF PQ +的最小值等于__________.4.已知12,F F 分别为双曲线22143x y -=的左右焦点,P 为双曲线右支上一点,2F 关于直线1PF 的对称点为1,M F 关于直线2PF 的对称点为N ,则当||MN 最小时,12sin F PF ∠的值为()A.12B.2C.3D.13五.焦半径1.若点P 为双曲线()2222:1,0x y C a b a b-=>上任意一点,则P 满足性质:点P 到右焦点的距离与它到直线2a x c =的距离之比为离心率e ,若C 的右支上存在点Q ,使得Q 到左焦点的距离等于它到直线2a x c=的距离的6倍,则双曲线的离心率的取值范围是______.2.已知双曲线C :22x a -22y b =1(a >0,b >0)与椭圆216x +212y =1的焦点重合,离心率互为倒数,设F 1、F 2分别为双曲线C 的左、右焦点,P 为右支上任意一点,则212PF PF 的最小值为________.3.已知P 为双曲线22221x y a b-=(0a >,0b >)左支上一点,1F ,2F 为其左右焦点,若221PF PF 的最小值为11a ,则双曲线的离心率为()D.924.已知1F ,2F 为双曲线Γ:22221x ya b-=(0a >,0b >)的左、右焦点,以2F 为圆心,2a 为半径的圆与Γ在第一象限的交点为A ,直线2AF 与Γ交于另一点B .若1ABF 的面积为23a ,则Γ的离心率为()A.2六.第三定义1.已知双曲线()2222:10,0x y C a b a b -=>>与直线y kx =交于,A B 两点,点P 为C 上一动点,记直线,PA PB 的斜率分别为,PA PB k k ,曲线C 的左、右焦点分别为12,F F .若14P PA B k k ⋅=,且C的焦点到渐近线的距离为1,则下列说法正确的是()A.4a =B.曲线C的离心率为2C.若12PF PF ⊥,则12PF F △的面积为2D.若12PF F △的面积为12PF F △为钝角三角形2.已知双曲线2212x y -=与不过原点O 且不平行于坐标轴的直线l 相交于,M N 两点,线段MN 的中点为P ,设直线l 的斜率为1k ,直线OP 的斜率为2k ,则12k k =A.12B.12-C.2D.-23.已知平行四边形ABCD 的四个顶点均在双曲线2222:1(0,0)x y C a b a b-=>>上,O 为坐标原点,,E F 为线段,AB AD 的中点且,OE OF 的斜率之积为3,则双曲线C 的离心率为_________.4.在平面直角坐标系中,O 为坐标原点,M 、N 是双曲线22124x y -=上的两个动点,动点P 满足2OP OMON =-,直线OM 与直线ON 斜率之积为2,已知平面内存在两定点1F 、2F ,使得12PF PF -为定值,则该定值为________七.双曲线渐近线1.已知F 是双曲线2213x y -=的右焦点,若直线)(0y kx k =>与双曲线相交于A ,B 两点,且120AFB ∠≥︒,则k 的范围是()A.⎢⎭⎣B.⎛ ⎦⎝C.73⎢⎭⎣D.0,7⎛ ⎦⎝2.如图,设1F ,2F 是双曲线()22210x y a a-=>的左、右焦点,过点2F 作渐近线的平行线交另外一条渐近线于点A ,若12AF F △的面积为54,离心率满足1e <<则双曲线的方程为()A.2215x y -=B.2214x y -=C.2213x y -=D.2212x y -=3.已知双曲线C :2213x y -=,O 为坐标原点,F 为C 的右焦点,过F 的直线与C 的两条渐近线的交点分别为M、N .若 OMN 为直角三角形,则|MN |=A.32B.3C.D.4八.焦点三角形1.已知1F 、2F 分别为双曲线22221(0,0)x y a b a b -=>>的左、右焦点,若点2F 到该双曲线的渐近线的距离为2,点P 在双曲线上,且1260F PF ∠=︒,则三角形12F PF 的面积为___________2.已知ABP △的顶点A ,B 分别为双曲线22:1169x y C -=左、右焦点,顶点P 在双曲线C 上,则sin sin sin A BP-的值等于__________.3.已知双曲线()2222100x y a b a b-=>,>的左、右焦点分别为F 1,F 2,过F 2且斜率为247的直线与双曲线在第一象限的交点为A ,若21210F F F A F A →→→⎛⎫+⋅= ⎪⎝⎭,则此双曲线的标准方程可能为()A.x 2212y -=1B.22134x y -=C.221169x y -=D.221916x y -=4.双曲线221916x y -=的两焦点为1F 、2F ,点P 在双曲线上,直线1PF 、2PF 倾斜角之差为π3,则12PF F △面积为()A.B.C.32D.42九.焦点直角三角形1.已知双曲线2222:1(0,0)x y C a b a b -=>>的左、右焦点分别为12,F F ,点P 在双曲线上.若12PF F △为直角三角形,且125tan 12PF F ∠=,则双曲线的离心率为_______________________.2.如图,O 是坐标原点,P 是双曲线2222:1(0,0)x y E a b a b-=>>右支上的一点,F 是E 的右焦点,延长PO ,PF 分别交E 于Q ,R 两点,已知QF ⊥FR ,且||2||QF FR =,则E 的离心率为()3.已知F是双曲线22221x ya b-=的左焦点,圆2222:O x y a b+=+与双曲线在第一象限的交点为P,若PF的中点在双曲线的渐近线上,则此双曲线的离心率是()B.24.已知双曲线22221x ya b-=(0a>,0b>)的左、右焦点分别为1F、2F,圆2222+x y a b=+与双曲线在第一象限和第三象限的交点分别为A,B,四边形21A FB F的周长p与面积S满足p=)C.2十.余弦定理1.双曲线2222:1(0,0)x yC a ba b-=>>的左、右焦点分别为F1,F2,直线l过F1与C的左支和右支分别交于A,B两点,2ABF是等边三角形,若x轴上存在点Q且满足23BQ AF=,则C的离心率为___________.2.已知双曲线2222:1(00)x yC a ba b-=>>,的左、右焦点分别为12F F,,设过2F的直线l与C的右支相交于A B,两点,且112AF F F=,222BF AF=,则双曲线C的离心率是______.3.已知双曲线()222210,0x y a ba b-=>>的左右焦点分别为1F,2F,过2F的直线交双曲线于P,Q两点,且1PQ PF⊥,1512PQ PF=,则双曲线的离心率为________.4.已知双曲线()2222:10,0x yC a ba b-=>>的左、右焦点分别为1F,2F,过2F的直线与C的右支交于A,B两点,若1221F AF AF F∠=∠,222F B F A=,则C的离心率为______.十一.共焦点问题1.椭圆与双曲线共焦点1F、2F,它们的交点P对两公共焦点1F、2F的张角为122F PFθ∠=,椭圆与双曲线的离心率分别为1e、2e,则A.222212cos sin1e eθθ+=B.222212sin cos1e eθθ+=C.2212221cos sin e e θθ+=D.2212221sin cos e e θθ+=2.已知12F F ,是椭圆与双曲线的公共焦点,P 是它们的一个公共点,且12PF PF >,线段1PF 的垂直平分线过2F ,若椭圆的离心率为1e ,双曲线的离心率为2e ,则21e 2e 2+的最小值为()B.3C.63.我们把焦点相同,且离心率互为倒数的椭圆和双曲线称为一对“相关曲线”,已知1F 、2F 是一对相关曲线的焦点,P 是椭圆和双曲线在第一象限的交点,当1260F PF ∠=时,这一对相关曲线中双曲线的离心率是D.24.已知椭圆和双曲线有共同的焦点1F ,2F ,P 是它们的一个交点,且12π=3F PF ∠,记椭圆和双曲线的离心率分别为1e ,2e ,则12e e ⋅的最小值为()A.2B.2C.1D.12十二.定比分点1.已知双曲线2222:1(0,0)x y C a b a b -=>>的左、右焦点分别为12,F F ,过1F 作直线l 垂直于双曲线的一条渐近线,直线l 与双曲线的两条渐近线分别交于A ,B 两点,若11AF F B λ=,且2λ>,则双曲线C 的离心率e 的取值范围为________.2.已知双曲线22221(0,0)x y a b a b-=>>的左、右焦点分别是1(2,0)F -、2(2,0)F ,A B 、是其右支上的两点,2213,||||AF F B AF AB ==,则该双曲线的方程是()A.2213x y -=B.2212x y -=C.22122x y -=D.2213y x -=3.已知双曲线()2222:10,0x y C a b a b-=>>的右焦点为F ,关于原点对称的两点A 、B 分别在双曲线的左、右两支上,0AF FB ⋅= ,3BF FC =且点C 在双曲线上,则双曲线的离心率为()D.24.已知F 1、F 2是双曲线E :22220x y a b-=(a >0,b >0)的左、右焦点,过F 1的直线与双曲线左、右两支分别交于点P 、Q .若119FQ F P =,M 为PQ 的中点,且12FQ F M ⊥u u u r u u u u r ,则双曲线的离心率为()A.2B.2C.4D.4十三.内心1.已知双曲线22221x y a b-=(0,0a b >>)的左、右焦点分别为12,,F F P 为双曲线上的一点,I 为12PF F △的内心,且1222IF IF PI +=,则C 的离心率为()A.13B.25C.3D.22.已知F 1,F 2分别为双曲线22221(0,0)x y a b a b-=>>的左焦点和右焦点,过F 2的直线l 与双曲线的右支交于A ,B 两点,△AF 1F 2的内切圆半径为r 1,△BF 1F 2的内切圆半径为r 2,若r 1=2r 2,则直线l 的斜率为()A.1C.2D.3.过双曲线2222:1(0,0)x y C a b a b-=>>的右焦点F 作直线l ,且直线l 与双曲线C 的一条渐近线垂直,垂足为A ,直线l 与另一条渐近线交于点B .已知O 为坐标原点,若△OAB 的内切圆的半径为12a ,则双曲线C 的离心率为()1424.已知双曲线C :221916x y -=,1F ,2F 分别为双曲线的左、右焦点,P 为双曲线上的第一象限内的点,点I 为12PF F △的内心,12IF F △的面积的取值范围是__________.十四.联立1.已知双曲线()2222:10,0x y C a b a b-=>>,直线l 经过C 的左焦点F ,与C 交于A ,B 两点,且OA OB ⊥,其中O 为坐标原点.则C 离心率的取值范围是______.2.双曲线22:12y C x -=,过定点(1,0)A -的两条垂线分别交双曲线于P 、Q 两点,直PQ 恒过定点()A.(1,0)B.(2,0)C.(3,0)D.(4,0)3.如图所示A ,B ,C 是双曲线()222210,0x y a b a b-=>>上的三个点,点A ,B 关于原点对称,线段AC 经过右焦点F ,若BF AC ⊥且BF FC =,则该双曲线的离心率为()A.3B.2D.24.已知双曲线C :()222210,0x y a b a b-=>>的左、右焦点分别为1F ,2F ,点P 在双曲线C 的右支上,2OP OF =(O 为坐标原点).若直线2PF 与C 的左支有交点,则C 的离心率的取值范围为______.。
海藻酸钠 5.0
葡萄糖 1.0
三聚磷酸钠 1.0
硫酸镁七水合物 0.5
氯化钙四水合物 0.1
硫酸铵 0.1
硫酸铁七水合物 0.01
硫酸锰七水合物 0.01
硫酸锌七水合物 0.01
硫酸铜五水合物 0.005
磷酸二氢钾 0.5
蛋白胨 5.0
琼脂糖 15.0
蒸馏水 1000.0
2024届高考考前最后一卷(新课标II 卷)数学·全解全析及评分标准一、选择题:本题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分。
1.B 【解析】因为2{|5240}{0,1,2,3,4,8}A x x x N ,,{2,0,2,4},B 所以{0,2,4}A B .故选B . 2.C 【解析】令i(,)z a b a b R ,则i 2(i)3i 1a b a b ,所以23b b ,解得1b .故选C .3.D 【解析】因为12AC CB ,所以1(),2OC OA OB OC 所以3115(1,2)(3,0)(,2)2222OC OA OB ,所以54(,33OC ,所以点C 的坐标为54(,33.故选D . 4.A 【解析】用抽签的方式确定这四个节目的出场顺序有44A 种方法,小提琴合奏与管弦乐合奏不相邻的排列有2223A A 种方法,由古典概型,得小提琴合奏与管弦乐合奏不相邻的概率222344A A 1A 2P .故选A . 5.D【解析】由题意,知34a .由3a ,10,62a 成等差数列,得63202aa ,所以632a ,所以等比数列{}n a 的公比2q ,所以3121a a q ,438a a q ,47364a a q ,所以14773a a a .故选D .6.C 【解析】设椭圆C 的半焦距为(0)c c ,因为点Q 在x 轴上,且1223PQ PF PF ,所以13,所以114 .由13 ,得121233PQ PF PF ,所以1212()()33PQ PF PF PQ ,即121233F Q QF,所以122F Q QF ,即12||2||F Q QF .因为PQ 平分12F PF ,所以1122||||2||||1PF F Q PF QF . 又12||||2PF PF a ,所以14||3a PF,22||3a PF . 在12PF F △中,由余弦定理的推论,得222222221212122124220()((2)4||||||1339cos 42162||||42339a a a c c PF PF F F F PF a a a PF PF,化简,得2223c a ,即椭圆C 的离心率e .故选C .7.B 【解析】二次函数2y x x 图象的对称轴是直线2x,当2x时,2y x x 单调递减,2e xxy 也单调递减,当2x时,2y x x 单调递增,2e xxy 也单调递增.因为2e nnn a 中的自变量n 为正整数,所以由*10,n n a a N ,得1921222,所以2119 ,所以“21 ”是“*10,n n a a N ”的必要不充分条件.故选B . 8.A 【解析】1e 1ln(0)x x m m m等价于ln e 1ln(1)ln x m x m , 令ln e x m t ,则1ln(1)(ln )t x t x ,即ln ln(1)1t t x x . 而ln y x x 在(0,) 上单调递增,所以1t x ,即e 1x m x ,即1e xx m . 令1()((1,))e x x f x x,则2()exxf x ,当(1,2)x 时,()0,()f x f x 单调递增, 当(2,)x 时,()0,()f x f x 单调递减,所以()f x 在2x 处取得极大值,即最大值为21(2)e f ,所以21e m.故选A . 二、选择题:本题共3小题,每小题6分,共18分。
IT 设备的智能配电ePDU G3智能电源,伊顿ePDU机柜配电单元伊顿®ePDU 是一款机柜配电单元,旨在实现可靠、经济的配电,并为数据中心的IT 设备提供高度准确的监测和控制能力。
伊顿ePDU 可以帮助数据中心管理人员: • 合理优化并使用所有可用电力 • 高效控制数据中心的运营开支 • 有效管理及规划新建/现有基础设施智能配电充分利用及管理可用电源您可以根据需要选择合适的监测和控制服务–– 通过监测掌握有关电压、功率、电流和千瓦时耗电量的实际数据信息,可以帮助您对可用电源进行跟踪、观察趋势、开展分析并实现充分利用。
智能电源监测功耗管理伊顿ePDU 可以显示电压、功率、电流和千瓦时耗电量的实际数据信息(2安培以上准确率为1%),帮助您实现可用电源的充分利用。
伊顿ePDU 的智能配电和智能电源监测,可以确保在需要用电的地方合理供电。
IT 设备对更多电力的需求,以及电力成本上涨的问题,已经成为当今数据中心悄然兴起的两大关键趋势。
除此之外,全球对数据中心和IT 服务器的需求也在增长。
云南警官学院学报The Journat oI Yuunan Police College2221年第2期NO.22221总第145期Suml45甲基苯丙胺制毒物品和管控研究周志刚(浙江警察学院,浙江•杭州32253)内容摘要:随着麻黄素和1-苯基-2-丙酮等制毒物品被列入管制,不法分子开始采用3-氧-2-苯基丁酰胺、3 -氧-2-苯基丁酸甲酯等多种新制毒物品先合成麻黄素或1-苯基-2-丙酮,然后合成甲基苯丙胺”通过分析3-氧-2-苯基丁酰胺、3-氧-2-苯基丁酸甲酯等多种制毒物品在和成甲基苯丙胺上的应用,并参照国际列管现状,建议将3 -氧-2-苯基丁酰胺、3-氧-2-苯基丁酸甲酯增列入《易制毒化学品管理条例》附表《易制毒化学品的分类和品种目录》第一类中;建议加强对2-甲基-3-苯基环氧乙烷-2-竣酸(及其盐和酯)、1-苯基-2-硝基丙烯、L-苯基乙酰基甲醇的监管或将其列入《易制毒化学品的分类和品种目录》中;建议加强对节基氯、节基氤、苯乙酸酯类物质、甲胺、苯甲醛、硝基乙烷等的监管。
关键词:甲基苯丙胺;制毒物品;列管;管控中图分类号:D669.C文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672—6257(2221)22-38-06甲基苯丙胺(冰毒)具有中枢神经兴奋作用,成瘾性强、危害严重,已成为我国滥用人数最多的毒品。
一、甲基苯丙胺合成方法简介长期以来甲基苯丙胺非法合成以麻黄素、伪麻黄素和1-苯基-21丙酮等3种制毒物品为原料,近年来也报告了以N-甲基-1-苯基-1 -氯-2-丙胺(氯代麻黄素、氯代伪麻黄素)、为料成基胺。
Xpert MTBRIF对结核菌利福平耐药的诊断价值及rpoB基因突变特点的分析
Xperi MTB/RIF对结核菌利福平耐药的诊断价值及rpoB基因突变特点的分析高春景杨洋阚宗卫成松魏素梅胡凯【摘要】目的分析Xpert MTB/RIL检测对结核分枝杆菌利福平耐药的诊断价值及rpoB基因突变特点。
方法回顾分析2012年、月至2022年2月期间来院就诊患者相同标本,同时进行了结核分枝杆菌培养及药敏试验和Xpert MTB/RIL检测,且任一种方法检出MTB。
结果用Xpert MTB/RIL及培养药敏两种方法检测标本共7659例,Xpert MTB/RIL对MTB的检出率高,且有统计学意义(P<245)。
两种方法同时检出MTB3271例,Xpert MTB/RIL检出利福平耐药262例,培养药敏检出利福平耐药238例;两种方法检测利福平耐药的一致率为99.41%;采用Kappa检验,两种方法的检测结果完全符合。
结论Xpert MTB/RIL检测可以快速有效的诊断利福平耐药结核,有助于早发现、早治疗。
【关键词】结核分枝杆菌;Xpert MTB/RIL;耐药;rpod突变Diaanostic value of Xpert MTB/RIF assty t PUmpicin resistancc of Mycybacterinm thbercylosit and analy-sit of rpoB geee mutation chal'actePshctGAO Chun-jing,YANG Yang,KAN Zong-pji,CHENG Song,WEI Su-mni,HU KiDepartmeni of TubeTculosP,Xuzhon Igections Disease Hospitnl,Xuzhon,Jiangsp221004,Chinn【Abstract]Objective To analyze the diayzostic value of Xpert MTB/RIL assay for rdampiciz resistance of Mycodactedum tuUerchlosis and the characteristics of rpoB yeze muta/ou.Methods Retpspective analysis was performed ox the same samples of pa/eots aUmi—eX to the hospimi from January227to Juze2022who were simultane-oasly tested for mycodactePum tuberchlosis cylture and drua seosi—vity test and Xpert MTB/RIF assay.At the sametime, MTB was positiveeither of the two methods.Resultt A total of7659samples were UetectedXpert MTB/ RIB and mycodactePum tuPepylosis cylture.Xpert MTB,/RIB assay hak a high detectiou rate of MTB,and the yetec-tiou rate was smCsCca/u significant(P<4.45).A total of3271cases o f MTB were detectedthe two methods,262cases were rdampiciz resistantXpert MTB/RIF assas,and238rdampiciz resistant cases were detectedcylture drup seosiCvim•The coizcideoce rate of rdampiciz psistazce Uetected b,two methods was99.41%.Kappatest was used,and the test results of the two methods were completely cousisteot.The muta/ou frepueocy of pphe ofRR-DB were:pphe E63.37%,pphe D20.19%,pphe B8.03%,pphe A4.53%,pphe C4.80%,and combiza/ou pphe2.38%.Taking cylture drup seosi—v—y as the-old standard of rdampiciz psistazce ,rdampiciz resistance accrmcy of the Xpert pphe free muta/ou-ppp was signi—caney lower than that of the pphe mutatiou-ppp.There was sm/stica/u significazt diRerezce iz the fpqueocy of pphe muta/ou betweez pPmarg and secondary Weat-meot cases.Conclusion Xpert MTB/RIF assy,is a rapib and effective method for the diayzosis of Pfampiciz resistant tuPemylosis,which is helpful for early U eWcWou and Weatmeo-.The muta/ous of rdampiciz resistazt TB pphesare mainly foavd at pphe E and pphe D,while the muW/ou of pphe C is the least-【Key words]MycodactePum tuPepylosis;Xpert MTB/RIL;drup psistazce;rpoB mutatiou目前,耐多药结核病(Muiedrup-resistadi tuber-cylosis,MDR-DB)和利福平耐药结核病(Rifampicin-dg:17.3979/j.imn.1757-6693.2521.55.517作者单位:221776江苏徐州,徐州市传染病医院结核科通信作者:胡凯,E-mail:5oolrain215@ resistant iuPercymsis,RR-DB)仍然是全球结核病控制工作所面临的严峻问题。
一、选择题1.在-1.4141,π,2+,3.14这些数中,无理数的个数为( ) A .2 B .3 C .4 D .52.下面是一个按某种规律排列的数表,那么第7行的第2个数是:( )A B C D .3.一个边长为bcm 的正方形的面积与一个长为8cm 、宽为5cm 的长方形的面积相等,则b 的值在( )A .3与4之间B .4与5之间C .5与6之间D .6与7之间4.对任意两个正实数a ,b ,定义新运算a ★b 为:若a b ≥,则a ★a bb ;若a b <,则a ★b b a.则下列说法中正确的有( ) ①=a b b a ★★;②()()1a b b a =★★;③a ★b 12a b +<★ A .① B .② C .①②D .①②③ 5.下列选项中,属于无理数的是( )A .πB .227-CD .06.下列各式计算正确的是( )A B = ±2 C = ±2 D . 7.下列各式计算正确的是( )A +=B .26=(C 4=D =8...的是( )AB .23<<C .5D .|22=9.若a 化成最简二次根式后,能与2合并,则a 的值不可以是( ) A .12 B .8 C .18 D .2810.下列说法正确的是( )A .4的平方根是2B .16的平方根是±4C .-36的算术平方根是6D .25的平方根是±5 11.下列说法正确的是( )A .5是有理数B .5的平方根是5C .2<5<3D .数轴上不存在表示5的点 12.下列各计算正确的是( )A .382-=B .84=C .235+=D .236⨯=二、填空题13.计算:23-=______ ;364=______.14.如果2|3|0a b ++-=,那么b a =________.15.如图,已知OA OB =,若点A 对应的数是a ,则a 与52-的大小关系是a ____52-.16.对于有理数a ,b ,定义min{,}a b 的含义为:当a b <时,min{,}a b a =;当a b >时,min{,}a b b =.例如:min{1,22}-=-,min{3,1}1-=-.已知min{21,}21a =min{21,}b b =,且a 和b 是两个连续的正整数,则a+b =_____.17.计算:22)=___________.18.已知223y x x =--,则xy 的值为__________.19.26a +与33-a 可以等于___________.(写出一个即可)20.若[)x 表示大于x 的最小整数,如[)56=,[)1.81-=-,则下列结论中正确的有______(填写所有正确结论的序号).①[)01=;②33055⎡⎫-=⎪⎢⎣⎭;③[)0x x -<;④[)1x x x <≤+;⑤存在有理数x 使[)0.2x x -=成立.三、解答题21.已知a 的平方等于4,b 的算术平方根等于4,c 的立方等于8,d 的立方根等于8,(1)求a ,b ,c ,d 的值;(2)求d a bc +的值. 22.求下列各式中x 的值. (1)2x 2=72;(2)(x +1)3+3=﹣61.23.规定一种新运算a bad bc c d=-,如213(2)23218=⨯-⨯-=-. (1)若1xy =-,则2363x y-=________; (2)当1x =-时,求223213222x x x x -++--+--的值. 24.(1)计算:23(3)|21|8--+-;(2)计算:0119(3)()|13|3π-+----;(3)求下列x 的值:22516x =.25.(概念学习)规定:求若干个相同的有理数(均不等于0)的除法运算叫做除方.例如222÷÷,记作2③,读作“2的圈3次方”;再例如(3)(3)(3)(3)-÷-÷-÷-,记作()3-④,读作“3-的圈4次方”;一般地,把n a a a a a ÷÷÷⋅⋅⋅÷个(0a ≠,n 为大于等于2的整数)记作,读作“a 的圈n 次方”.(初步探究)(1)直接写出计算结果:7=③_______________,14⎛⎫-= ⎪⎝⎭⑤__________; (2)关于除方,下列说法错误的是____________;A .任何非零数的圈2次方都等于1;B .对于任何大于等于2的整数c ,; C .89=⑨⑧;D .负数的圈奇数次方结果是负数,负数的圈偶数次方结果是正数;(深入思考)我们知道,有理数的减法运算可以转化为加法运算,除法运算可以转化为乘法运算,有理数的除方运算如何转化为乘方运算呢?除方211112222222222⎛⎫→=÷÷÷=⨯⨯⨯=→ ⎪⎝⎭④乘方幂的形式 (1)仿照上面的算式,将下列运算结果直接写成幂的形式:(5)-=⑥___________;12⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭⑨___________; (2)将一个非零有理数a 的圈n 次方写成幂的形式为____________;(3)将(m 为大于等于2的整数)写成幂的形式为_________. 26.如图,一只蚂蚁从点A 沿数轴向右爬22个单位长度后到达点B ,点A 表示的数是2-,设点B 所表示的数为m .(1)求m 的值;(2)求2222m m -+【参考答案】***试卷处理标记,请不要删除一、选择题1.B解析:B【分析】根据无理数的定义判断即可.【详解】解:-1.4141是有限小数,不是无理数;2是无理数;π是无理数;23+4=2,不是无理数;3.14是有限小数,不是无理数;所以,无理数有3个,故选:B .【点睛】本题考查了无理数的定义,解题关键是知道无理数是无限不循环小数,常见的有π和开不尽方的算术平方根.2.B解析:B【分析】根据观察,可得规律(n-1)最后一个数是(n-1),可得第n 行的第二个数的算术平方根【详解】……第n第7行的第2故答案为:B .【点睛】本题是通过算术平方根的变化探究数字变化规律,观察得出规律是解题关键. 3.D解析:D【分析】由于边长为bcm 的正方形的面积与长、宽分别为8cm 、5cm 的长方形的面积相等,根据面积公式列出等量关系式,由此求出b 的值,再估计b 在哪两个整数之间即可解决问题.【详解】解:∵边长为bcm 的正方形的面积与长、宽分别为8cm 、5cm 的长方形的面积相等, ∴b 2=5×8=40,,∵36<40<49, ∴67.故选:D .【点睛】本题考查了无理数的估算,现实生活中经常需要估算,估算应是我们具备的数学能力,“夹逼法”是估算的一般方法,也是常用方法.4.A解析:A【分析】①根据新运算a b ★的运算方法,分类讨论:a b ≥,a b <,判断出a b ★是否等于b a ★即可;②由①,推得=a b b a ★★,所以()()1a b b a =★★不一定成立;③应用放缩法,判断出1a b a b+★★与2的关系即可. 【详解】解:①a b ≥时,a a bb ★, b a a b★, ∴=a b b a ★★;a b <时,a b ba ★,b b a a★, ∴=a b b a ★★;∴①符合题意.②由①,可得:=a b b a ★★,当a b ≥时,∴()()()()22a b b a a b a a a bb b ba b ====★★★★, ∴()()a b b a ★★不一定等于1, 当a b <时, ∴()()()()22a b b a a b b b b aa a aa b ====★★★★, ∴()()a b b a ★★不一定等于1, ∴()()1a b b a =★★不一定成立,∴②不符合题意. ③当a b ≥时,0a >,0b >,∴1ab≥,∴(12a b a b a b ab ++====≥≥★★, 当a b <时,∴(12a b a b a b ab ++====≥≥★★,∴12a ba b+<★★不成立,∴③不符合题意,∴说法中正确的有1个:①.故选:A.【点评】此题主要考查了定义新运算,以及实数的运算,要熟练掌握,解答此题的关键是要明确:在进行实数运算时,和有理数运算一样,要从高级到低级,即先算乘方、开方,再算乘除,最后算加减,有括号的要先算括号里面的,同级运算要按照从左到右的顺序进行.另外,有理数的运算律在实数范围内仍然适用.5.A解析:A【分析】根据无理数是无限不循环小数,可得答案.【详解】解:A.π是无理数;B.227-是分数,属于有理数;是整数,属于有理数;D.0是整数,属于有理数.故选:A.【点睛】此题主要考查了无理数的定义,注意带根号的要开不尽方才是无理数,无限不循环小数为无理数.如π,0.8080080008…(每两个8之间依次多1个0)等形式.6.A解析:A【分析】根据平方根和立方根分别对四个选项进行计算即可.【详解】解:∵-1= 2= 2,,故只有A计算正确;故选:A.【点睛】本题考查的是平方根、算术平方根和立方根,计算的时候需要注意审题是求平方根还是算术平方根.7.D解析:D【分析】根据二次根式的运算法则一一判断即可.【详解】AB 、错误,212=(;C ==D ==故选:D .【点睛】本题考查二次根式的运算,解题的关键是熟练掌握二次根式的加减乘除运算法则,属于中考常考题型. 8.C解析:C【分析】根据无理数的定义,算术平方根的估算,平方根和化简绝对值依次判断即可.【详解】解:AB 、23,说法正确,不符合题意;C 、5的平方根是,故原题说法错误,符合题意;D 、|22-=,说法正确, 不符合题意;故选C .【点睛】本题考查了平方根、算术平方根的估算,无理数的定义.注意一个正数的平方根有两个,它们互为相反数. 9.D解析:D【分析】是否为同类二次根式即可.【详解】是同类二次根式,当a=122=是同类二次根式,故该项不符合题意;当a=8=是同类二次根式,故该项不符合题意;当a=18=是同类二次根式,故该项不符合题意;当a=28=不是同类二次根式,故该项符合题意;故选:D.【点睛】此题考查最简二次根式的定义,同类二次根式的定义,化简二次根式,正确化简二次根式是解题的关键.10.D解析:D【分析】根据平方根和算术平方根的定义判断即可.【详解】解:A. 4的平方根是±2,故错误,不符合题意;±2,故错误,不符合题意;C. -36没有算术平方根,故错误,不符合题意;D. 25的平方根是±5,故正确,符合题意;故选:D.【点睛】本题考查了平方根和算术平方根的概念,解题关键是熟悉相关概念,准确进行判断.11.C解析:C【分析】根据无理数的意义,开平方,被开方数越大算术平方根越大,实数与数轴的关系,可得答案.【详解】解:A A错误;B、5的平方根是B错误;C∴23,故C正确;D D错误;故选:C.【点睛】本题考查了实数的意义、实数与数轴的关系利用被开方数越大算术平方根越大是解题关键.12.D解析:D【分析】分别计算即可.【详解】=-,原式错误,不符合题意;解:2B. 2=≠D. =故选:D .【点睛】本题考查了二次根式和立方根的运算,解题关键是熟练掌握二次根式和立方根的运算法则,准确进行计算.二、填空题13.-94【分析】分别根据乘方和开方的意义即可求解【详解】解::-9故答案为:-9;4【点睛】本题考查了乘方和开方的意义理解乘方和开方的意义是解题关键注意在计算-32时底数为3解析:-9 4【分析】分别根据乘方和开方的意义即可求解.【详解】解::23-=-94=.故答案为:-9;4.【点睛】本题考查了乘方和开方的意义,理解乘方和开方的意义是解题关键,注意在计算-32时,底数为3.14.【分析】因为一个数的算术平方根为非负数一个数的绝对值为非负数由几个非负数的和为零要求每一项都为零即=0∣b-3∣=0由此求出ab 即可解答【详解】解:∵∴=0∣b-3∣=0∴∴故答案为:-8【点睛】本解析:8-【分析】因为一个数的算术平方根为非负数,一个数的绝对值为非负数,由几个非负数的和为零,=0,∣b -3∣=0,由此求出a 、b 即可解答.【详解】解:∵|3|0b -=, ∴=0,∣b -3∣=0,∴2a =-,3b =, ∴()328b a =-=-.故答案为:-8.【点睛】本题考查了算术平方根和绝对值的非负性,整数指数幂,求出a ,b 的值是解题关键. 15.>【分析】根据勾股定理求出OB 长确定点A 表示的数再用估算法比较大小即可【详解】解:由图可知∴则点A 表示的数为∵∴∴故答案为:>【点睛】本题考查了勾股定理实数在数轴上的表示和实数大小的比较熟练的运用勾 解析:>【分析】根据勾股定理求出OB 长,确定点A 表示的数,再用估算法比较大小即可.【详解】解:由图可知,OB = ∴OA OB ==A 表示的数为∵225()2<,∴52<,∴52>-, 故答案为:>.【点睛】 本题考查了勾股定理、实数在数轴上的表示和实数大小的比较,熟练的运用勾股定理求出OB 长,确定A 点表示的数,能够利用算术平方根与被开方数大小之间的关系是解题关键.16.9【分析】根据新定义得出ab 的值再求和即可【详解】解:∵min{a}=min{b}=b ∴<ab <又∵a 和b 为两个连续正整数∴a=5b=4则a+b=9故答案为:9【点睛】本题主要考查了算术平方根和实数解析:9【分析】根据新定义得出a ,b 的值,再求和即可.【详解】解:∵,b}=b , ∴a ,b又∵a 和b 为两个连续正整数,∴a=5,b=4,则a+b=9.故答案为:9.【点睛】本题主要考查了算术平方根和实数的大小比较,正确得出a ,b 的值是解题关键. 17.2【分析】根据二次根式的性质化简即可【详解】2故答案为:2【点睛】此题考查二次根式的性质掌握二次根式的性质:是解答此题的关键解析:2【分析】根据二次根式的性质化简即可.【详解】2=2,故答案为:2【点睛】此题考查二次根式的性质.掌握二次根式的性质:2a a==,是解答此题的关键. 18.6【分析】根据二次根式有意义的条件可得关于x的不等式组进而可求出xy 然后把xy的值代入所求式子计算即可【详解】由题意得:所以x=2当x=2时y=3所以故答案为:6【点睛】本题考查了二次根式有意义的条解析:6【分析】根据二次根式有意义的条件可得关于x的不等式组,进而可求出x、y,然后把x、y的值代入所求式子计算即可.【详解】由题意得:2020xx-≥⎧⎨-≥⎩,所以x=2,当x=2时,y=3,所以236xy=⨯=.故答案为:6.【点睛】本题考查了二次根式有意义的条件、代数式求值和一元一次不等式组,属于基础题目,熟练掌握基本知识是解题的关键.19.3(答案不唯一)【分析】根据同类二次根式的概念列式计算即可【详解】解:∵二次根式与是同类二次根式∴可设则∴解得故答案为:3(答案不唯一)【点睛】本题考查的是同类二次根式的概念把几个二次根式化为最简二解析:3(答案不唯一)【分析】根据同类二次根式的概念列式计算即可.【详解】解:∵与-∴==∴2612a+=,解得3a =,故答案为:3(答案不唯一).【点睛】本题考查的是同类二次根式的概念,把几个二次根式化为最简二次根式后,如果它们的被开方数相同,就把这几个二次根式叫做同类二次根式.20.①④⑤【分析】根据题意表示大于x 的最小整数结合各项进行判断即可得出答案【详解】解:①根据表示大于x 的最小整数故正确;②应该等于故错误;③当x=05时故错误;④根据定义可知但不会超过x+1所以成立故正 解析:①④⑤【分析】根据题意[)x 表示大于x 的最小整数,结合各项进行判断即可得出答案.【详解】解:①[)01=,根据[)x 表示大于x 的最小整数,故正确; ②33055⎡⎫-=⎪⎢⎣⎭,应该等于333215555⎡⎫-=-=⎪⎢⎣⎭,故错误; ③[)0x x -<,当x=0.5时,[)10.5=0.50x x -=->,故错误;④[)1x x x <≤+,根据定义可知[)x x <,但[)x 不会超过x+1,所以[)1x x x <≤+成立,故正确;⑤当x=0.8时,[)1-0.8=0.2x x -=,故正确.故答案为:①④⑤.【点睛】本题主要考查了对题意的理解,准确的理解题意是解决本题的关键. 三、解答题21.(1)a =±2,b =16,c =2,d =512;(2)6或2【分析】(1)结合题意,根据乘方、算数平方根、立方根的性质计算,即可得到答案;(2)结合(1)的结论,根据有理数混合运算以及算数平方根的性质计算,即可得到答案.【详解】(1)∵a 2=4,∴a =±2 b 4=,∴b =16∵c 3=8,∴c =23d 8=,∴d =512;(2)当a =2a 26==当a =-2a 22==∴a 的值为6或2. 【点睛】本题考查了乘方、算数平方根、立方根、有理数混合运算的知识;解题的关键是熟练掌握乘方、算数平方根、立方根的性质,从而完成求解.22.(1)x =6或x =﹣6;(2)x =﹣5【分析】(1)直接利用平方根的定义计算得出答案;(2)直接利用立方根的定义计算得出答案.【详解】解:(1)2x 2=72x 2=36,故x =±6,则x =6或x =﹣6;(2)(x +1)3+3=﹣61(x +1)3=﹣64,x +1=﹣4∴x =﹣5.【点睛】此题主要考查了立方根和平方根,正确掌握相关定义是解题关键.23.(1)12;(2)7-【分析】(1)利用新定义的运算得到618xy +,将xy 的值代入即可求解(2)先将x 的值代入求解,再利用新定义的运算求解即可【详解】 (1)2363x y -=618xy + 1xy =-∴原式=()618611812xy +=⨯-+=(2)当1x =-时,223321222x x x x --++--+-=4352----=()()()()42357-⨯---⨯-=-本题考查了新定义的计算,解题关键是能熟练运用新定义中的计算规律结合实数的运算法则求解.24.(1)2-2)2;(3)45x =±【分析】(1)本题涉及二次根式化简、绝对值、立方根3个考点.在计算时,需要针对每个考点分别进行计算,然后根据实数的运算法则求得计算结果;(2)本题涉及算术平方根、零指数幂、负整数指数幂、绝对值4个考点.在计算时,需要针对每个考点分别进行计算,然后根据实数的运算法则求得计算结果;(3)系数化为1,再开平方求解即可.【详解】解:(1)21|-=)()31+2--=32-=2-(2011)()|13π---3131=+-+-2=-(3)系数化为1得:21625x =, 解得:45x =±. 【点睛】本题主要考查了二次根式、零指数幂、负整数指数幂、立方根等知识点,解决此类题目的关键是熟练掌握负整数指数幂、二次根式、立方根等考点的运算.25.【初步探究】(1)17,64-;(2)C ;【深入思考】(1)415⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭,72;(2)21n a -⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭;(3)4m n a +-【分析】初步探究:(1)根据新定义的运算法则进行计算,即可得到答案;(2)根据新定义的运算法则进行判断,即可得到答案;深入思考:(1)由题目中的运算法则转换成幂的形式,即可得到答案;(2)把幂的形式转换为一般形式即可;(3)先把代数式进行化简,然后写成幂的形式即可.解:【初步探究】(1)177777=÷÷=③; 111111()()()()()44444464⎛⎫-=-÷-÷-÷-÷-= ⎪⎭-⎝⑤; 故答案为:17;64-; (2)由题意: A 、任何非零数的圈2次方都等于1;正确;B 、对于任何大于等于2的整数c ,;正确; C 、7188888888888=÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷=⑨, 619999999999=÷÷÷÷÷÷÷=⑧, ∴89≠⑨⑧,则C 错误;D 、负数的圈奇数次方结果是负数,负数的圈偶数次方结果是正数;正确;故选:C .【深入思考】(1)4111111(5)(5)()()()()()()555555-=-⨯-⨯-⨯-⨯-⨯-=-⑥; 71122222222222⎛⎫=⨯⨯⨯⨯⨯⨯⨯⨯= ⎪⎝⎭⑨; 故答案为:41()5-;72;(2)由(1)可知,根据乘方的运算法则,则将一个非零有理数a 的圈n 次方写成幂的形式为:21n a -⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭; 故答案为:21n a -⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭;(3)=224m n m n a a a --+-•=; 故答案为:4m n a +-.【点睛】本题考查了新定义的运算法则,幂的乘方,有理数的乘法和除法运算,解题的关键是熟练掌握新定义的运算法则、乘方的运算法则进行解题.26.(12;(2)22【分析】(1)根据题意得出B表示的数,确定出m的值即可;(2)把m的值代入,然后根据绝对值的性质进行计算即可得解.【详解】(1)根据题意得:m==∴m;(2)当m=m m-+2=+===【点睛】本题考查了数轴,绝对值的性质,二次根式的加减,理解数轴上的数向右移动加是解题的关键.。
WKW.automotive Logistics Guide for Suppliers说明书
PB 8.6.4- 001 (before VA11-02) logistics guide for suppli-ers changed: checked: cleared: Name:Team Emmert Hr. Emmert Hr. Stöber Datum:June 2020 Information printout 22.07.2020WKW.automotiveLogistics Guide for SuppliersVersion 6.0 (Revision date 06/2020)Applicable for:Walter Klein GmbH & Co. KG, Wuppertal and Bad LaaspheWKW Aktiengesellschaft, VelbertErbslöh Aluminium GmbH, Velbert and HemerWKW Roof Rail GmbH, VelbertWKW Engineering GmbH, WuppertalWKW AnodiCoat GmbH & Co. KG, SprockhövelGetek GmbH, VelbertWKW North America, LLC.Erbsloeh Aluminium Solutions, Inc.Table of Contents0. FOREWORD 31. COMMUNICATION 32. TRANSPORT AND DELIVERY PROCESSES 63. PACKAGING REQUIREMENTS 84. SPECIAL ACTIONS 95. LOGISTICS QUALITY 10Note:The Logistics Guide for Suppliers is subject to the revision service. The current version is available at www.wkw.de (in the download area).0.ForewordThe Logistics Guide for Suppliers offers support in the design and optimization of the supply chain. The following requirements for our suppliers are basic prerequisites for a long-term mutual cooperation.The Logistics Guide for Suppliers is therefore also an integral part of each contract and, in its entirety, the subject of the contractual relations between the WKW Group and the Suppliers.If our customers have general conditions, obligations or requirements that differ from, or are not included in, the contents of the Logistics Guide for Suppliers, they will be separately agreed with the Supplier.1. CommunicationAll information exchanged between the Supplier and the WKW Group (in writing or verbally) shall be treated as confidential and must not be disclosed to a third party.ReachabilityThe defined contact persons must be reachable at any time on working days during normal business hours. For emergency cases, it must be ensured that a competent contact person can be reached at any time for emergency cases (e.g. by mobile phone number).Deputisation RuleDeputisation arrangements must be in place for all contact persons.Response TimeA short response time within a scope matching the specific situation is expected.Enquiries, particularly those concerning delivery date and quantity enquiries should be an-swered on the same day.An answer within a few hours is necessary in the case of escalation enquiries (potential sup-ply bottleneck).LanguageThe contact persons and their deputies should have a command of the respective national language of our factories, or at least English.Information BehaviorThe Supplier shall immediately communicate delivery deviations of any type to the appropri-ate contact person.Every anticipated supply bottleneck that can cause delivery or quantity impacts must be noti-fied immediately (not later than the following working day) to the responsible scheduler.If the notification of a new delivery call-off or order schedule notifies an immediate require-ment, which can also represent a scheduled outstanding quantity, the Supplier shall immedi-ately (not later than the following working day) agree on the delivery quantity and date with the appropriate contact person.If this does not happen, it can be assumed that the immediate requirement can be fulfilled by the Supplier and will be shipped during the following working days.Objections can only be made within 5 working days of receipt of the delivery call-off or order, in writing to the responsible scheduler. The delivery call-off or order is deemed accepted after this period.Supplier’s Declaration1.) The Supplier is obliged to submit, on request, a written declaration (Supplier’s Declara-tion) on the customs-related origin of the supply items.2.) A change in the origin properties of supply items, for which the Supplier has submitted along-term Supplier’s Declaration, must be notified immediately without request.3.) The Supplier is liable for all disadvantages incurred by WKW Group due to an improper,incorrect or late-submitted Supplier’s Declaration. If necessary, the Supplier must prove his information on the origin of the goods by means of an information sheet confirmed by a customs office.Company Holiday ClosureThe Supplier must ensure deliveries in accordance with the delivery call-off schedule/order during company holiday closure.Credit Note ProcedureThe credit note procedure is the standard payment procedure for the Velbert location.A separate agreement on such will be concluded with the Supplier.Requirement NotificationThe Supplier shall be notified of the requirements by means of(a)Delivery call-offs on the basis of progress numbersThe delivery call-offs contain data that specify the delivery date, quantity and deliv-ery/approval status.Delivery call-offs are to be regarded as being binding, day-exact delivery rules, and in the medium-term and long-term as week-exact /month-exact requirement forecasts. (b)Orders on the basis of fixed quantities and delivery datesOnly written orders / delivery call-offs (sent by fax, EDI, Web EDI (Velbert location), E-mail, mail) are to be regarded as being legally binding.Delivery call-offs will be notified on a rolling basis. They will be regularly updated and gener-ally have a horizon of 6 months. The last delivery call-off is binding and replaces earlier de-livery call-offs.The dates shown in delivery call-offs /orders are the receiving dates at the WKW Group.Acceptance Obligation for Delivery Call-offsAcceptance obligations on the part of the WKW Group (production/material approval) will be notified with the delivery call-off or separately agreed.In the production approval period, the WKW Group bindingly guarantees the Supplier that the entire material/manufacturing cost, up to the level of the already incurred cost for the scheduled quantity will be taken over, even if the scheduled quantity is cancelled.In the material approval period, the WKW Group bindingly guarantees the Supplier that the material cost, up to the level of the already incurred cost for the scheduled quantity will be taken over, even if the scheduled quantity is cancelled.The acceptance obligation does not mean that the Supplier may make a delivery without ob-taining approval in the case of a cancellation or shifting of scheduled quantities.In the case of an acceptance obligation, the Supplier must notify the quantities to be ac-cepted and state the related delivery call-off (date and number)Data MediumEDI (Electronic Data Interchange) is the current standard and is already implemented by many suppliers. The format used for delivery call-offs is VDA 4905. However, the electronic data interchange for advance shipping notices (VDA 4913), invoices (VDA 4906) and credit notes should also be supported.2.Transport and Delivery ProcessesDelivery Terms (Incoterms)In accordance with the Incoterms 2020, the following procedure shall apply for the selection of a carrier:‘carriage paid’ (DAP):The Supplier notifies the WKW Group of the carrier of his choice and states the transport cost. The transport cost and the return of the empties are borne by the Supplier.‘ex works’ (FCA):The WKW Group specifies the carrier.The transport cost is borne by the WKW Group and the return of the empties is borne by the Supplier unless agreed otherwise.Carriage paid is deemed agreed unless agreed otherwise.DeliveryThe delivery documents, i.e.-VDA delivery note (VDA 4994) or VDA goods receipt/issue slip (VDA 4912) in the case of EDI delivery note-VDA shipping order ( (VDA 4922)must be handed over complete at the goods receiving department on delivery. Parts for First Article Inspection must be shown separately on the delivery note.The production of the delivery documents and the loading must be done on the basis of the unloading point.The advance shipping notice by EDI must be sent timely and no later than the shipping of the goods.The Supplier shall ensure that delivery documents are filled out properly. Deliveries without the required information cannot be entered into the system.Labeling of Load CarriersThe VDA 4902 compliant and completely and correctly filled-out transport label must be placed on the load carrier at a well visible place and in a way that prevents it from coming off accidentally.A transport label must be placed on each load unit, each container and every single package within a load unit; not relevant labels must be removed.ChangesParts changes may not be made without written approval. Further details are described in the Quality Management Directive QMR01.First articles must be clearly marked as such with a transport label and delivered separately from series deliveries.Delivery HoursThe delivery hours vary from location to location and must therefore be individually coordi-nated with each factory.Deliveries outside these fixed hours are only permitted in exceptional cases after obtaining approval from the Scheduling and Goods Receiving Departments.Deviations here from require a separate agreement; otherwise the goods will not be unloaded. If extra cost is incurred as a result of late delivery, the Supplier will be invoiced for such cost.Deviation from the RequirementsIf specified packaging or defined procedures are not complied with by the Supplier, this will have an effect on the supplier rating.The Supplier will be invoiced a lump-sum expense charge of $100.00 for each deviation. This charge does not include further claims like sorting, labor, extra warehouse and freight return costs which will be invoiced at cost.DeliveryThe Supplier is fully responsible for the on-time and proper arrival of the goods in the case of carriage paid deliveries. The Supplier shall ensure that the contracted forwarding agent can provide information on the whereabouts of the goods at any time.In the case of "ex works" deliveries, the Supplier is responsible for both the on-time availa-bility of the scope of supply and also for the timely and correct notification to the carrier. The notification must be timely effected so as to ensure delivery of the goods at the specified arrival time.The following carrier is currently specified for the Velbert and Wuppertal location for ex-works deliveries within Germany:Gebr. Taskin Logistics GmbHTel.: 02339 / 9039 120 oder 126**************************The WKW Group reserves the right to invoice extra cost incurred as a result of a non-compliance of this instruction.Over deliveriesThe Supplier must always deliver the scheduled quantity on the respective requirements date in accordance with the delivery call-off/order.If the delivery exceeds the tolerance limits in terms of time or quantity/value, the WKW Group reserves the right to-reject the goods and return them at the Supplier’s expense.-or accept the goods.3.Packaging RequirementsGeneralThe packaging must be planned on a parts-specific basic taking into account logistics, quality assurance, environmental friendliness and cost-effectiveness aspects and will be separately agreed.The following requirements must be fulfilled regardless of the type of packaging used:-Damage-free parts delivery (no quality impairment)-Building of rational load units-Optimum capacity utilization of the containers-Reduction of stuffing material to a minimum-Transport securing devices-Protection against dust and moisture-Low flammability-Problem-free unload ability of the transport vehicles by means of floor conveyors,e.g. fork-lift trucks-Stack ability (at least two layers)-Suitable handling arrangement-Ergonomic and simple parts withdrawal-Recyclable material-Preference to reusable packaging-Identification of the used packaging materials-Containers and packaging may only be used in a clean conditionThe Supplier is always liable for quality deteriorations as a result of defective/poor, wet or soiled packaging. The packer/sender is always liable for the condition of the delivered goods.A use other than the intended use of load carriers owned by the WKW Group or its customers is not permitted.The use of disposable packaging must be avoided.Pursuant to the Packaging Regulation (VerpackV § 4) disposable packaging must be taken back at own cost. The Supplier can be released from this take-back obligation after mutual agreement.All disposable packaging must be clearly and visibly marked with standard symbols and ab-breviations as per DIN 6120 ff or symbols generally accepted by the waste disposal industry.Special Requirements for Use of Wooden MaterialsThe phytohygienic provisions of the IPPC (International Plant Protection Convention) must be complied with for international trading with packaging material made of solid wood.Packaging ConditionsIn the case of delivery of containers that are damaged, incorrectly used or loaded contrary to the regulations, the resulting extra work or cost (re-packing, repair, etc.) will be invoiced. The available container stock will be monitored by means of an empties management. The account management will be handled by the factories with regular account reconciliation taking place. If this does not happen, the Supplier will be responsible for subsequent differ-ences. This will result in replacement purchases payable by the Supplier.The scrapping of containers of the WKW Group requires prior approval. Otherwise, the re-placement costs will be borne by the Supplier.4.Special ActionsDefinition of an Escalation PlanA backlog catch-up plan must be produced if delivery difficulties persist for some time. The production of an 8-D Report is also required.Documentation ObligationContinuous quality improvement is a principle at the WKW Group. The compliance with IATF 16949 is a tool for this and a requirement of our customers.The documentation of additional freight costs for extra tours of our suppliers is a requirement within the scope of IATF 16949. This means that the Supplier has to keep record of both he costs of extra tours caused by the Supplier and their causes. The Supplier is obliged to make such documentation available at any time upon request.5. Logistics QualityThe WKW Group always expects a zero-defect strategy, i.e. potentially occurring defects must be systematically analyzed and corrected. The quality management requirements for our sup-pliers are detailed in the QMR01 Directive. This is why only logistics-specific requirements are addressed here.Delivery Service LevelWithin the scope of the zero-defect strategy, the objective of the WKW Group is a 100% de-livery service level. From new suppliers, we expect a minimum delivery service level of 90% and a continuous improvement objective.The delivery service level is calculated on the basis of delivery date and quantity compliance. The basis of calculation of the delivery date and quantity compliance is the last delivery call-off/order sent to the Supplier. If deviations from the quantity and/or delivery date are agreed with the scheduler, they will only have an effect on the delivery service level when a corre-sponding delivery call-off/order is issued to the Supplier.Supplier RatingThe quality of a Supplier’s performance and any change therein is measured with a supplier rating system.The objective is to work out improvements in areas with potential.The supplier rating is done at least once a year and serves as information for strategic talks between the Purchasing Department of the WKW.group and the Sales Department of the Sup-plier. Details on the supplier rating can be called up at www.wkw.de.Supplier AuditThe aim of the audit is to show improvement potentials and weak spots in the processes of the Supplier. The WKW Group team can consist of employees from the quality assurance, pro-duction, purchasing and/or logistics departments.Which suppliers will be submitted to an audit, will depend on the supplier rating and the supplier’s delivery performance. In general, an audit will be done at all new suppliers.If a WKW Group customer wishes to take part in an audit, such participation can only be re-fused by the Supplier in justified cases.。
A320长度为 37.57 米,高度为 11.76米
A319的长度比 A320短3.73米
A319 的 外 观
总长: 33.84米 总高: 11.76米 前后轮距:11.04米
主轮距: 7.59米 翼展: 34.1米
维修上具有故障易查、备件和系 统高共通性、低维修成本的优点
采用先进的飞 行控制技术: Fly-by-wire, 宽敞的客舱:方便空乘人员为乘客提供 服务、乘客有舒适的座位和充足的行李 存放空间
头等舱 每排4座
经济舱 每排6座
F8 F8
Y54 Y60
Y60 Y54
F8Y114 F8Y114
成人:75kg 儿童:40kg 婴儿:10kg
A319-112 & A319-115
布局 F8Y114 (OA8 OB54 OC60)
• A319-112 • A319-115 • A319-133
最大设计滑行重量 (MTW) : 70400KG 最大设计起飞重量 (MTOW): 70000KG 最大设计落地重量 (MLW) : 61000KG 最大设计无油重量 (MZFW) : 57000KG 营运空重(OEW):约42000KG
2216e固体培养基配方1.氨基酸:- L-异亮氨酸 (L-Isoleucine): 0.02 g/L- L-亮氨酸 (L-Leucine): 0.02 g/L- L-缬氨酸 (L-Valine): 0.02 g/L2.碳源:- 葡萄糖(Glucose): 2 g/L3.氮源:- 氨基酸混合物 (Amino acid mixture): 5 g/L(包含L-谷氨酸、L-精氨酸、L-赖氨酸等氨基酸)4.无机盐:- 青霉素 (Penicillin): 0.1 g/L- 派瑞霉素 (Streptomycin): 0.1 g/L- 氯化钠 (Sodium chloride): 5 g/L- 磷酸二氢钾 (Potassium dihydrogen phosphate): 3 g/L - 硫酸镁 (Magnesium sulfate): 0.5 g/L- 硫酸汞 (Mercury sulfate): 0.001 g/L5.pH调节剂:- 磷酸二氢钠 (Sodium dihydrogen phosphate): 2.5 g/L- 三氧化二锰 (Manganese dioxide): 0.001 g/L6.硫源:- 硫酸亚铁 (Ferrous sulfate): 0.01 g/L以上是2216e固体培养基的基本配方,可以根据需要进行调整和修正。
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OB2216Primary-Side Regulation PWM Power SwitchGENERAL DESCRIPTIONOB2216 is an offline PWM Power switch for low power AC/DC charger and adaptor applications. It operates in primary-side sensing and regulation. Consequently, opto-coupler and TL431 could be eliminated. Proprietary Constant Voltage (CV) and Constant Current (CC) control is integrated as shown in the figure below.In CC control, the current and output power setting can be adjusted externally by the sense resistor Rs at CS pin. In CV control, multi-mode operations are utilized to achieve high performance and high efficiency. Device operates in fixed frequency modeat large load conditions, frequency reduction mode at light/medium load and ‘Extended burst mode’ at No/light load conditions.OB2216 offers power on soft start control and protection coverage with auto-recovery features including Cycle-by-Cycle current limiting, VDD clamp and UVLO. Excellent EMI performance is achieved with On-Bright proprietary frequency shuffling technique together with soft switching control at the totem pole gate drive output.Fig 1. Typical CC/CV CurveFEATURESPrimary-side Sensing and Regulation WithoutTL431 and Opto-couplerMulti-mode Operation for High Efficiency Programmable CV and CC RegulationAdjustable Constant Current and Output PowersettingFrequency Shuffling and Adjustable Gate DriveGreatly Improving EMIPower on Soft-start Time (4ms)“Extended Burst Mode Control” for ImprovedEfficiency and Minimum Standby Design Built-in Leading Edge Blanking (LEB) Cycle-by-Cycle Current LimitingVDD Under Voltage Lockout with Hysteresis(UVLO) VDD ClampAPPLICATIONSLow Power AC/DC offline SMPS forCell Phone ChargerDigital Cameras Charger Small Power AdaptorAuxiliary Power for PC, TV etc. Linear Regulator/RCC ReplacementOB2216 is offered in DIP8 packageTYPICAL APPLICATIONOB2216Primary-Side Regulation PWM Power SwitchGENERAL INFORMATIONPin ConfigurationThe pin map is shown as below for DIP8.Ordering InformationPart Number DescriptionOB2216AP DIP8,Pb-freeAbsolute Maximum RatingsParameter ValueDrain Voltage (off state) -0.3V to BvdssVDD Voltage -0.3 to V DD_clampVDDG Voltage -0.3 to V DD_clampVDD Zener ClampContinuous Current10 mACS Input Voltage -0.3 to 7VINV Input Voltage -0.3 to 7VMin/Max OperatingJunction Temperature T J-20 to 150 oCMin/Max StorageTemperature T stg-55 to 150 o CLead Temperature(Soldering, 10secs)260 o CNote: Stresses beyond those listed under “absolute maximumratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These arestress ratings only, functional operation of the device at these orany other conditions beyond those indicated under “recommendedoperating conditions” is not implied. Exposure to absolutemaximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect devicereliability.OB2216Primary-Side Regulation PWM Power SwitchMarking InformationTERMINAL ASSIGNMENTSPin Num Pin Name I/O Description1 VDDG P Internal Gate Driver Power Supply2 VDD P IC DC power supply Input3 INVIInverting input of error amplifier (EA). Connected to resistor divider fromprimary sensing winding reflecting output voltage. PWM duty cycle isdetermined by EA output and current sense signal at pin 4.4 CS I Current sense input5/6 Drain OHV MOSFET Drain Pin. The Drain pin is connected to the primary lead ofthe transformer7/8 GND PGroundOutput Power Table230VAC±15% 85-264VAC ProductOpen Frame1 Open Frame1OB2216 20W 15WNotes:1. Maximum practical continuous power in an open frame design with sufficient drain pattern as a heat sink, at 50℃ ambient.BLOCK DIAGRAMELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(T A = 25O C, VDD=VDDG=16V, if not otherwise noted) Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Supply Voltage (VDD) SectionI DD ST Standby CurrentVDD=13.5V 5 10uA I DD op Operation Current Operation supply current INV=1.25V, CS=0V, VDD=VDDG=20V - 1.02.0 mA UVLO(ON) VDD Under Voltage Lockout Enter7.5 8.5 9.5VUVLO(OFF)VDD Under Voltage Lockout Exit14.0 15 16.0VV DD _clamp I DD =10mA 38 V Current Sense Input SectionT LEB LEB time540 ns Vth_oc V th _OCtest780 820 860 mV Td_oc Propagation delay 110 ns Z SENSE _IN Input Impedance 50 Kohm T_ss Soft start time4msCV Section Freq Normal mode frequency 45 50 55 KHzFreq_Burst Burst Mode Base Frequency 22KHz△f/Freq Frequency shuffling range+/-4 %CC SectionMinimum frequency 12 KHz Freq Oscillation FrequencyMaximum frequency 50 KHz Error Amplifier section Vref_EA Reference voltage for EA 1.21 1.25 1.29 V Gdc DC gain of the EA 50 dB GBWUnity gain bandwidth37.5kHzPower MOSFET Section BVdssMOSFET Off-state Drain-Source Breakdown600 VRdson Static, Id =0.9A4.45.5 ΏCHARACTERIZATION PLOTSOPERATION DESCRIPTIONOB2216 is cost effective PWM power switch optimized for off-line low power AC/DC applications including battery chargers and adaptors. It operates in primary side sensing and regulation, thus opto-coupler and TL431 are not required. Proprietary CC control and built-in error amplifier can achieve a good CC/CV performance.z Startup Current and Start up Control Startup current of OB2216 is designed to be very low so that VDD could be charged up above UVLO threshold and starts up quickly. A large value startup resistor can therefore be used to minimize the power loss in application.z Operating CurrentThe Operating current of OB2216 is as low as 1mA. Good efficiency is achieved with the low operating current together with ‘Extended burst mode’ control features.z Soft StartOB2216 features an internal 4ms soft start to minimize the component electrical over-stress during power on startup. As soon as VDD reaches UVLO(OFF), the control algorithm will ramp peak current voltage threshold gradually from nearly zero to normal setting of 0.82V. Every restart is a soft start.z CC/CV OperationOB2216 is designed to produce good CC/CV control characteristic as shown in the Fig. 1.In charger applications, a discharged battery charging starts in the CC portion of the curve until it is nearly full charged and smoothly switches to operate in CV portion of the curve.In an AC/DC adapter, the normal operation occurs only on the CV portion of the curve. The CC portion provides output current limiting. In CV operation, the output voltage is regulated through the primary side control.To support OB2216 proprietary CC/CV control, system needs to be designed in DCM mode for flyback system. Under normal operation, when INV is less than Vref, the system works in CC control, Otherwise, the system works in CV control.z Error Amplifier (EA)Connected to a resistor divider from the primary side sensing winding, the inverting input of the Error Amplifier (EA) is compared to an internal reference voltage of 1.25V to regulate the output voltage. The EA output is internally connected to the PWM generator and controls the duty cycle.z Adjustable CC point and Output PowerIn OB2216, the CC point and output power can be externally adjusted by external current sense resistor Rs at CS pin. The output power is adjusted through CC point change. The larger Rs, the smaller CC point is, and the smalleroutput power becomes, and vice versa as shown in Fig.2.Fig. 2 Adjustable output power by changing Rsz Extended Burst Mode OperationAt light load or zero load condition, most of the power dissipation in a switching mode power supply is from switching loss, the core loss of the transformer and the loss on the snubber circuit. The magnitude of power loss is in proportion to the switching frequency. Lower switching frequency leads to the reduction on the power loss and thus conserves the energy.OB2216 self adjusts the switching frequency according to the loading condition. The switch frequency is reduced at light/no load condition to improve the conversion efficiency. At light load/no load condition, the output of the Error amplifier (EA) drops below the burst mode threshold level and device enters Burst Mode control. The frequency control also eliminates the audio noise at any loading conditions.z Operation switching frequencyThe switching frequency of OB2216 is adaptively controlled according to CC/CV operation. No external frequency setting components are required.z Frequency shuffling for EMI improvement The frequency Shuffling (switching frequency modulation) is implemented in OB2216. The oscillation frequency is modulated so that the tone energy is spread out. The spread spectrum minimizes the conduction band EMI and therefore eases the system design.z Current Sensing and Leading Edge Blanking Cycle-by-Cycle current limiting is offered in OB2216 current mode PWM control. The switch current is detected by a sense resistor into the CS pin. An internal leading edge blanking circuit chops off the sensed voltage spike at initial internal power MOSFET on state so that the external RC filtering on sense input is no longer needed. The PWM duty cycle is determined by the current sense input voltage and the EA output voltage. z Adjustable Drive CapabilityThe internal power MOSFET in OB2216 is driven by a dedicated gate driver for power switch control. Too weak the gate drive strength results in higher conduction and switch loss of MOSFET while too strong gate drive compromises EMI.A good tradeoff is achieved through the built-in totem pole gate design with right output strength control. The gate drive strength can be adjusted externally by a resistor connected between VDD and VDDG. The low idle loss and good EMI system design is possible with this dedicated control scheme. z Protection ControlGood power supply system reliability is achieved with its rich protection features including Cycle-by-Cycle current limiting (OCP), VDD protection and clamp, Power on Soft Start, and Under Voltage Lockout on VDD (UVLO).VDD is supplied by transformer auxiliary winding output. The output of OB2216 is shut down when VDD drops below UVLO(ON) limit and Switcher enters power on start-up sequence thereafter.。