
ScriptMate软件 进行标准化脚本测试。包括RFC2544,RFC2285, QOS, RFC 2432, 路由收敛性能等。
IxExplore使用方法 使用方法
Explore 流控设置界面: 流控设置界面:
界面主要功能: 界面主要功能:
设置流控 产生模拟流量 流量分析
Explore Protocol设置窗口: 设置窗口: 设置窗口
延时( 延时(Latency)test result: ) :
在tput测试通过的情况下,测试设备的延时性能;否则延时结果会很 不准确,因为延时算法会把每一个丢包的时间(这个时间是每一次延 时测试执行的总时间)都累加到总的测试结果中。
Name -------Pair1 Pair2 TXchassis.card.port Duplex -------------------------------------1.7.1 port1 FULL 1.7.2 port2 FULL Speed 1000 1000 Duplex -------------------------------------FULL FULL RXchassis.card.port 1.7.2 port2 1.7.1 port1 Speed 1nual 设置: 设置: 中
界面主要功能: 界面主要功能:
Run setup: :
界面主要功能: 界面主要功能:
脚本运行: 脚本运行:
Scriptmate各项配置完成后,需要在IxExplorer中验证用来测试2544 的各端口之间是否可以相互ping通;否者按下[>]按钮后,运行程序会 提示错误: 确保能ping通, Scriptmate中按下[>]按钮,测试程序开始运行:

北京信而泰科技有限公司©版权所有1iTesterAPP网络性能测试包含的RFC2544测试一、吞吐量测试标准 RFC2544 26.1节目的这个测试包含了RFC2544的吞吐量(Throughput)测试。
配置System Under Test过程1 在测试仪上,产生从1源端口到1个目的端口的单向数据流的网络流量(traffic mesh),配置包头、净荷类型、包长等。
2 设定初始负载为被测系统接口使用的最大速率(线路,100%流量)。
3 从所有的源端口到目的端口发送指定长度的包。
4 如果出现包丢失,减小负载(调整Load值),重复测试。
5 使用二分法,在后续的反复测试中,继续增加或减小负载,直到成功和失败的负载差异小于测试的分辨度。
参数1 包长。
2 吞吐量分辨率。
北京信而泰科技有限公司©版权所有23 测试时间。
二、丢包率测试标准 RFC2544,26.3节目的本测试测量了被测系统负载功能的转发性能。

RFC2544---- 以太网链路测试基准RFC2544(Benchmarking Methodology for Network Interconnect Devices)提供了一个对网络设备测试的基准,它规定了一系列的测试过程和方法,使得服务提供商和用户间可以在同一个基准下,对测试的实施和结果达成共识。
RFC2544标准要求对一系列的帧长(64,128,256,512, 768,1024,1280,1518字节)在一定的时间内,按一定的数目进行测试。
其主要测试项有吞吐率(Throughput)测试,延时(Latency)测试,帧丢失(Frame Loss Rate)测试和背靠背测试(Back-to-back frames),此外还规定了系统恢复(System recovery)测试和复位测试(Reset)。
数据吞吐率(Throughput)简单来说, 就是从源发送方, 到目的接收方可传输的最大数据量。
而实际上,由于不同的帧长度具有不同的传输效率, 这些绝对的吞吐率是无法达到的. 越小的帧由于前导码和帧间隔的原因,其传输效率就越低.如100M以太网,对于64byte的帧,其最大数据吞吐率(Data Throughput)是76.19MBit/s,每秒可传输148809帧。
延时(Latency)是指一个帧从源点到目的点的总传输时间. 这个时间包括网络节点的处理时间,和在传输介质上的传播时间.一般的测试方法是发送一个带有时间戳的帧,通过网络后,在接收方将当时的时间和帧所携带的时间戳比较,从而得出延时值. 考虑到时钟同步问题,一般采用将发出的帧环回到发送方进行比较,因此也称为双程延时.RFC2544要求对延时测试至少需要重复20次,结果取所有测试结果的平均值。

第一章 Latency原理分析1.1 Latency定义RFC1242中对Latency定义如下:对于存储转发设备来说:当输入帧的最后一位到达输入端口时,时间间隔开始计算。
1.2 软件测试方法1.2.1 基本测试方法SmartBits以用户所定义的速率发送一个burst,帧的大小和发送的数目由用户自己定义。
当tag帧被完全传送时,记录此时时间,标记为Transmit Timestamp;接收端识别该tag帧的时间则记为Receive Timestamp。
则Latency的计算公式为:(Receive Timestamp) minus (Transmit Timestamp) = Latency对于按位转发设备的测量,SmartApplications采用FIFO规则,也就是说它计算的是以下这两个时间之间的差值:输入帧的第一位到达输入端口时的时间和输出帧的第一位在输出端口上可见时的时间。
如果在S&F栏上显示NA,则是因为S&F的计算结果为0或负数,表示DUT/SUT 是一个按位转发设备。
1.2.2 测试步骤1.进行Throughput测试以获得最合适的DUT吞吐量速率。

RFC2544 测试方法一.进入RFC2544测试套1.占用Test Center仪表2个端口,建立2条bo und单播流,并打通。
2.选择Wiza rds3.弹出的对话框中选择RF C 2544,点击Next4.进入测试项选择(背靠背,过载丢包率,时延,吞吐量)二.测试步骤不管是测吞吐量,时延或是过载丢包率,以下步骤均相同:a.选择Thro ughpu t Test/Latenc y Test/FrameLoss Test, 弹出如下对话框,点击下一步b.单击下一步。
c.选择“use existing steamblocks or create new stream blocks for the test”选项,并选中想要测试的流(上行或下行),点击Next.d.“Enable L earning”不勾选,点击Next。
从下面的步骤开始,选择测试次数和时间,测试的帧长(64,128,256,512,1024,1280,1518),测试方法开始略有不同:a.测吞吐量, 一般采用二分法b.测时延,一般为吞吐量的90%c.测过载丢包率,一般为最大吞吐量三.测试结果查看1. 接着上面的步骤点RUN就可以开始运行,或者在上面的对话框中点F inis h,然后再下面的试图中点R U N,同样可以开始运行2. 运行开始之前,会弹出如下对话框,提示是否运行完后直接显示结果。
3.运行过程中,可以在下图标记出来的位置实时监测运行情况5.运行完后,如果在步骤2中选择了N o,一般可在如下地址找到保存的结果,用SpirentTestCe nterResult s Report er 应用程序打开即可C:\Docume nts\Spiren t\TestCe nter3.61\Result s四.注意事项1.做RFC 2544测试时,老化时间设为0。

以太网的标准由IEEE 802。
3 (2000)制订。
一个以太网物理接口由以下的形式定义:<数据率单位: Mbps>。
<最长的电缆段长度单位: 100米>例如,标准中定义的一个10MBPS,电缆段最长距离为500米的基带系统被称为:10BASE5。
以下是最常见的几种以太网接口类型:· 10BASE-T: 10Mbps带宽,基带,使用3,4或5类双绞线· 100BASE-TX: 100Mbps带宽,基带,使用5类双绞线· 1000BASE-SX: 1000Mbps带宽,基带,使用850nm多模光纤· 1000BASE-LX: 1000Mbps带宽,基带,使用1300nm多模或单模光纤图一显示了以太网帧的基本结构:各部分的功能描述如下:·前导码(Preamble+SFD):8字节前导码由七个”10101010”字节和一个”11010101”字节的SFD(帧开始标识)组成。
·目的地址(Destination Address): 6 字节MAC目的地址,通常用十六进指(HEX)表示。
而有些特殊的MAC 地址被保留,用于表示一些特殊的功能,例如,全1的地址(FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF)用于表示广播地址。
·源地址: 6字节源地址是指发送方的MAC地址。

RFC 2544性能测试方法及测试标准编写人:m0m0p2p2005-5前言RFC 2544下的测试主要包括:吞吐量,时延,丢包率,背靠背。
本文主要说明使用IXI A测试仪及I Xscr iptma te软件进行测试时,测试仪相关配置的调整以及防火墙部分端口和策略的设置。
RFC2544 性能测试方法及标准1.吞吐量测试网络中的数据是由一个个数据包组成,防火墙对每个数据包的处理要耗费资源。
吞吐量是防火墙应用的主要指标,一般采用FD T(Full Duplex Throug hput)来衡量,指数据包的全双工吞吐量,该指标既包括吞吐量指标也涵盖了报文转发率指标。
1.1 测试仪设置方法首先选中左侧T EST目录下面的A T SS-Throug ht-xxx-Config项(如图1)。
如果没有这个选项,可以到下面的l ibra ry目录中找到ATS S-Throug hput右键点击-New Test,建立一个新的测试项目。
(如图2)图1 图2System setup设置方法:Port setup设置方法:注意右侧的s e ttin gs里面的端口自动协商功能应该开启(Auto Negoti ate on)如果使用千兆端口测试百兆设备的时候注意要将端口的SP EED设置为copp er100Traffi c setup设置方法:Framedate选择I P,然后点击ip port names&VLAN IDs进行测试仪端口的I P地址设置,Map选择m a nual,点击conf igure,进行测试ma p的设置,双向测试一般采用交叉式的测试方式:如下图:(注意图右侧的C onfi guremaps)Test setup设置方法:测试采取每个帧的测试时间为1分钟,每个帧进行2次测试。

1RFC2544 概述IP网络设备是IP网络的核心,其性能的好坏直接影响IP网网络规模、网络稳定性以及网络可扩展性。
由于IETF没有对特定设备性能测试作专门规定,一般来说只能按照RFC2544(Benchmarking Methodology for Network Interconnect Devices)作测试。
以太网交换机测试标准则参照RFC2889(Benchmarking Methodology for LAN Sw itching Devices)。
丢包率(Packet loss rate):测试路由器在不同负荷下丢弃包占收到包的比例。
背靠背帧数(Back-to-back frame):测试路由器在接收到以最小包间隔传输时不丢包条件下所能处理的最大包数。
系统恢复时间(System recovery):测试路由器在过载后恢复正常工作的时间。

rfc2544 标准

rfc2544 标准
1. 测试环境的准备,在进行RFC2544测试之前,需要准备好测试环境,包括
2. 测试参数的选择,在进行RFC2544测试时,需要选择合适的测试参数,包
3. 测试结果的分析,在进行RFC2544测试后,需要对测试结果进行分析,包

RFC2544性能测试什么是RFC 2544?⽹络设备性能测试的⼀组指标,包括吞吐率、时延、丢包率、背靠背。
* * *吞吐率(Throughput). 定义:被测设备在不丢包的情况下,所能转发的最⼤数据流量。
· 作⽤:反映被测试设备所能够处理(不丢失数据包) 的最⼤的数据流量。
ps:使⽤仪表(IXIA 等)测试时可以使⽤内置的测试模板,再没有仪表的情况下可以使⽤折半打流观察丢包的⽅法。
##### 仪表测试模板有⼏个关键参数需要注意:1. 打流时长,当中间设备带宽较⼩时建议测试样本增加时长。
2. 精度:精度不能太⾼也不能太低,太⾼折半的次数过多,增加测试时间;过低测出的值与理论值偏差过⼤。
3. 时延抖动:吞吐率和时延是同时测试的,注意关注抖动。
时延(Latency)· 定义:发送⼀定数量的数据包,记录中间数据包发出的时间T1,以及经由测试设备转发后到达接收端⼝的时间T2,然后按照下⾯的公式计算:对于存储/位转发设备: Latency = T2 - T1T2:输出帧的第⼀位到达输出端⼝的时间;T1:输⼊帧的最后⼀位到达输⼊端⼝的时间。
· 作⽤:反映被测设备处理数据包的速度。
##### 分析注意点:1、时延分为平均时延和时延抖动。
RFC2544 测试规范

Network Working Group S. BradnerRequest for Comments: 2544 Harvard UniversityObsoletes: 1944 J. McQuaidCategory: Informational NetScout SystemsMarch 1999Benchmarking Methodology for Network Interconnect Devices Status of this MemoThis memo provides information for the Internet community. It does not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.Copyright NoticeCopyright (C) The Internet Society (1999). All Rights Reserved. IESG NoteThis document is a republication of RFC 1944 correcting the values for the IP addresses which were assigned to be used as the default addresses for networking test equipment. (See section C.2.2 ). This RFC replaces and obsoletes RFC 1944.AbstractThis document discusses and defines a number of tests that may be used to describe the performance characteristics of a networkinterconnecting device. In addition to defining the tests this document also describes specific formats for reporting the results of the tests. Appendix A lists the tests and conditions that we believe should be included for specific cases and gives additionalinformation about testing practices. Appendix B is a referencelisting of maximum frame rates to be used with specific frame sizes on various media and Appendix C gives some examples of frame formats to be used in testing.1. IntroductionVendors often engage in "specsmanship" in an attempt to give their products a better position in the marketplace. This often involves "smoke & mirrors" to confuse the potential users of the products.Bradner & McQuaid Informational [Page 1]RFC 2544 Benchmarking Methodology March 1999This document defines a specific set of tests that vendors can use to measure and report the performance characteristics of networkdevices. The results of these tests will provide the user comparable data from different vendors with which to evaluate these devices.A previous document, "Benchmarking Terminology for NetworkInterconnect Devices" (RFC 1242), defined many of the terms that are used in this document. The terminology document should be consulted before attempting to make use of this document.2. Real worldIn producing this document the authors attempted to keep in mind the requirement that apparatus to perform the described tests mustactually be built. We do not know of "off the shelf" equipmentavailable to implement all of the tests but it is our opinion that such equipment can be constructed.3. Tests to be runThere are a number of tests described in this document. Not all of the tests apply to all types of devices under test (DUTs). Vendors should perform all of the tests that can be supported by a specific type of product. The authors understand that it will take aconsiderable period of time to perform all of the recommended tests nder all of the recommended conditions. We believe that the results are worth the effort. Appendix A lists some of the tests andconditions that we believe should be included for specific cases.4. Evaluating the resultsPerforming all of the recommended tests will result in a great deal of data. Much of this data will not apply to the evaluation of the devices under each circumstance. For example, the rate at which a router forwards IPX frames will be of little use in selecting arouter for an environment that does not (and will not) support that protocol. Evaluating even that data which is relevant to aparticular network installation will require experience which may not be readily available. Furthermore, selection of the tests to be run and evaluation of the test data must be done with an understanding of generally accepted testing practices regarding repeatability,variance and statistical significance of small numbers of trials.Bradner & McQuaid Informational [Page 2]RFC 2544 Benchmarking Methodology March 19995. RequirementsIn this document, the words that are used to define the significance of each particular requirement are capitalized. These words are:* "MUST" This word, or the words "REQUIRED" and "SHALL" mean thatthe item is an absolute requirement of the specification.* "SHOULD" This word or the adjective "RECOMMENDED" means that there may exist valid reasons in particular circumstances to ignore this item, but the full implications should beunderstood and the case carefully weighed before choosing a different course.* "MAY" This word or the adjective "OPTIONAL" means that this item is truly optional. One vendor may choose to include the item because a particular marketplace requires it or because it enhances the product, for example; another vendor may omit the same item.An implementation is not compliant if it fails to satisfy one or more of the MUST requirements for the protocols it implements. Animplementation that satisfies all the MUST and all the SHOULDrequirements for its protocols is said to be "unconditionallycompliant"; one that satisfies all the MUST requirements but not all the SHOULD requirements for its protocols is said to be"conditionally compliant".6. Test set upThe ideal way to implement this series of tests is to use a tester with both transmitting and receiving ports. Connections are made from the sending ports of the tester to the receiving ports of the DUT and from the sending ports of the DUT back to the tester. (see Figure 1) Since the tester both sends the test traffic and receives it back, after the traffic has been forwarded but the DUT, the tester can easily determine if all of the transmitted packets were received and verify that the correct packets were received. The samefunctionality can be obtained with separate transmitting andreceiving devices (see Figure 2) but unless they are remotelycontrolled by some computer in a way that simulates the singletester, the labor required to accurately perform some of the tests (particularly the throughput test) can be prohibitive.Bradner & McQuaid Informational [Page 3]RFC 2544 Benchmarking Methodology March 1999+------------+| |+------------| tester |<-------------+| | | || +------------+ || || +------------+ || | | |+----------->| DUT |--------------+| |+------------+Figure 1+--------+ +------------+ +----------+| | | | | || sender |-------->| DUT |--------->| receiver || | | | | |+--------+ +------------+ +----------+Figure 26.1 Test set up for multiple media typesTwo different setups could be used to test a DUT which is used in real-world networks to connect networks of differing media type, local Ethernet to a backbone FDDI ring for example. The tester could support both media types in which case the set up shown in Figure 1 would be used.Two identical DUTs are used in the other test set up. (see Figure 3) In many cases this set up may more accurately simulate the realworld. For example, connecting two LANs together with a WAN link or high speed backbone. This set up would not be as good at simulating a system where clients on a Ethernet LAN were interacting with a server on an FDDI backbone.+-----------+| |+---------------------| tester |<---------------------+ | | | | | +-----------+ | | | | +----------+ +----------+ | | | | | | | +------->| DUT 1 |-------------->| DUT 2 |---------+ | | | |+----------+ +----------+Figure 3Bradner & McQuaid Informational [Page 4]RFC 2544 Benchmarking Methodology March 19997. DUT set upBefore starting to perform the tests, the DUT to be tested MUST be configured following the instructions provided to the user.Specifically, it is expected that all of the supported protocols will be configured and enabled during this set up (See Appendix A). It is expected that all of the tests will be run without changing theconfiguration or setup of the DUT in any way other than that required to do the specific test. For example, it is not acceptable to change the size of frame handling buffers between tests of frame handling rates or to disable all but one transport protocol when testing the throughput of that protocol. It is necessary to modify theconfiguration when starting a test to determine the effect of filters on throughput, but the only change MUST be to enable the specific filter. The DUT set up SHOULD include the normally recommendedrouting update intervals and keep alive frequency. The specific version of the software and the exact DUT configuration, including what functions are disabled, used during the tests MUST be included as part of the report of the results.8. Frame formatsThe formats of the test frames to use for TCP/IP over Ethernet are shown in Appendix C: Test Frame Formats. These exact frame formats SHOULD be used in the tests described in this document for thisprotocol/media combination and that these frames will be used as a template for testing other protocol/media combinations. The specific formats that are used to define the test frames for a particular test series MUST be included in the report of the results.9. Frame sizesAll of the described tests SHOULD be performed at a number of frame sizes. Specifically, the sizes SHOULD include the maximum and minimum legitimate sizes for the protocol under test on the media under test and enough sizes in between to be able to get a full characterization of the DUT performance. Except where noted, at least five frame sizes SHOULD be tested for each test condition.Theoretically the minimum size UDP Echo request frame would consist of an IP header (minimum length 20 octets), a UDP header (8 octets) and whatever MAC level header is required by the media in use. The theoretical maximum frame size is determined by the size of thelength field in the IP header. In almost all cases the actualmaximum and minimum sizes are determined by the limitations of the media.Bradner & McQuaid Informational [Page 5]RFC 2544 Benchmarking Methodology March 1999In theory it would be ideal to distribute the frame sizes in a way that would evenly distribute the theoretical frame rates. These recommendations incorporate this theory but specify frame sizes which are easy to understand and remember. In addition, many of the same frame sizes are specified on each of the media types to allow for easy performance comparisons.Note: The inclusion of an unrealistically small frame size on some ofthe media types (i.e. with little or no space for data) is to help characterize the per-frame processing overhead of the DUT.9.1 Frame sizes to be used on Ethernet64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 1280, 1518These sizes include the maximum and minimum frame sizes permitted by the Ethernet standard and a selection of sizes between these extremes with a finer granularity for the smaller frame sizes and higher frame rates.9.2 Frame sizes to be used on 4Mb and 16Mb token ring54, 64, 128, 256, 1024, 1518, 2048, 4472The frame size recommendations for token ring assume that there is no RIF field in the frames of routed protocols. A RIF field would be present in any direct source route bridge performance test. The minimum size frame for UDP on token ring is 54 octets. The maximum size of 4472 octets is recommended for 16Mb token ring instead of the theoretical size of 17.9Kb because of the size limitations imposed by many token ring interfaces. The reminder of the sizes are selected to permit direct comparisons with other types of media. An IP (i.e. not UDP) frame may be used in addition if a higher data rate isdesired, in which case the minimum frame size is 46 octets.9.3 Frame sizes to be used on FDDI54, 64, 128, 256, 1024, 1518, 2048, 4472The minimum size frame for UDP on FDDI is 53 octets, the minimum size of 54 is recommended to allow direct comparison to token ringperformance. The maximum size of 4472 is recommended instead of the theoretical maximum size of 4500 octets to permit the same type of comparison. An IP (i.e. not UDP) frame may be used in addition if a higher data rate is desired, in which case the minimum frame size is 45 octets.Bradner & McQuaid Informational [Page 6]RFC 2544 Benchmarking Methodology March 19999.4 Frame sizes in the presence of disparate MTUsWhen the interconnect DUT supports connecting links with disparate MTUs, the frame sizes for the link with the *larger* MTU SHOULD be used, up to the limit of the protocol being tested. If theinterconnect DUT does not support the fragmenting of frames in the presence of MTU mismatch, the forwarding rate for that frame size shall be reported as zero.For example, the test of IP forwarding with a bridge or router that joins FDDI and Ethernet should use the frame sizes of FDDI when going from the FDDI to the Ethernet link. If the bridge does not support IP fragmentation, the forwarding rate for those frames too large for Ethernet should be reported as zero.10. Verifying received framesThe test equipment SHOULD discard any frames received during a test run that are not actual forwarded test frames. For example, keep- alive and routing update frames SHOULD NOT be included in the count of received frames. In any case, the test equipment SHOULD verify the length of the received frames and check that they match theexpected length.Preferably, the test equipment SHOULD include sequence numbers in the transmitted frames and check for these numbers on the receivedframes. If this is done, the reported results SHOULD include in addition to the number of frames dropped, the number of frames that were received out of order, the number of duplicate frames received and the number of gaps in the received frame numbering sequence. This functionality is required for some of the described tests.11. ModifiersIt might be useful to know the DUT performance under a number of conditions; some of these conditions are noted below. The reported results SHOULD include as many of these conditions as the testequipment is able to generate. The suite of tests SHOULD be first run without any modifying conditions and then repeated under each of the conditions separately. To preserve the ability to compare the results of these tests any frames that are required to generate the modifying conditions (management queries for example) will beincluded in the same data stream as the normal test frames in place of one of the test frames and not be supplied to the DUT on aseparate network port.Bradner & McQuaid Informational [Page 7]RFC 2544 Benchmarking Methodology March 199911.1 Broadcast framesIn most router designs special processing is required when frames addressed to the hardware broadcast address are received. In bridges (or in bridge mode on routers) these broadcast frames must be flooded to a number of ports. The stream of test frames SHOULD be augmented with 1% frames addressed to the hardware broadcast address. The frames sent to the broadcast address should be of a type that the router will not need to process. The aim of this test is todetermine if there is any effect on the forwarding rate of the other data in the stream. The specific frames that should be used are included in the test frame format document. The broadcast frames SHOULD be evenly distributed throughout the data stream, for example, every 100th frame.The same test SHOULD be performed on bridge-like DUTs but in this case the broadcast packets will be processed and flooded to alloutputs.It is understood that a level of broadcast frames of 1% is muchhigher than many networks experience but, as in drug toxicityevaluations, the higher level is required to be able to gage the effect which would otherwise often fall within the normal variabilityof the system performance. Due to design factors some test equipment will not be able to generate a level of alternate frames this low. In these cases the percentage SHOULD be as small as the equipment can provide and that the actual level be described in the report of the test results.11.2 Management framesMost data networks now make use of management protocols such as SNMP. In many environments there can be a number of management stations sending queries to the same DUT at the same time.The stream of test frames SHOULD be augmented with one management query as the first frame sent each second during the duration of the trial. The result of the query must fit into one response frame. The response frame SHOULD be verified by the test equipment. One example of the specific query frame that should be used is shown in Appendix C.11.3 Routing update framesThe processing of dynamic routing protocol updates could have asignificant impact on the ability of a router to forward data frames. The stream of test frames SHOULD be augmented with one routing update frame transmitted as the first frame transmitted during the trial.Bradner & McQuaid Informational [Page 8]RFC 2544 Benchmarking Methodology March 1999Routing update frames SHOULD be sent at the rate specified inAppendix C for the specific routing protocol being used in the test. Two routing update frames are defined in Appendix C for the TCP/IP over Ethernet example. The routing frames are designed to change the routing to a number of networks that are not involved in theforwarding of the test data. The first frame sets the routing table state to "A", the second one changes the state to "B". The frames MUST be alternated during the trial.The test SHOULD verify that the routing update was processed by the DUT.11.4 FiltersFilters are added to routers and bridges to selectively inhibit the forwarding of frames that would normally be forwarded. This isusually done to implement security controls on the data that isaccepted between one area and another. Different products havedifferent capabilities to implement filters.The DUT SHOULD be first configured to add one filter condition and the tests performed. This filter SHOULD permit the forwarding of the test data stream. In routers this filter SHOULD be of the form:forward input_protocol_address to output_protocol_addressIn bridges the filter SHOULD be of the form:forward destination_hardware_addressThe DUT SHOULD be then reconfigured to implement a total of 25filters. The first 24 of these filters SHOULD be of the form:block input_protocol_address to output_protocol_addressThe 24 input and output protocol addresses SHOULD not be any that are represented in the test data stream. The last filter SHOULD permit the forwarding of the test data stream. By "first" and "last" we mean to ensure that in the second case, 25 conditions must be checked before the data frames will match the conditions that permit the forwarding of the frame. Of course, if the DUT reorders the filters or does not use a linear scan of the filter rules the effect of the sequence in which the filters are input is properly lost.The exact filters configuration command lines used SHOULD be included with the report of the results.Bradner & McQuaid Informational [Page 9]RFC 2544 Benchmarking Methodology March 199911.4.1 Filter AddressesTwo sets of filter addresses are required, one for the single filter case and one for the 25 filter case.The single filter case should permit traffic from IP address198.18.1.2 to IP address and deny all other traffic. The 25 filter case should follow the following sequence.deny aa.ba.1.1 to aa.ba.100.1deny aa.ba.2.2 to aa.ba.101.2deny aa.ba.3.3 to aa.ba.103.3...deny aa.ba.12.12 to aa.ba.112.12allow aa.bc.1.2 to aa.bc.65.1deny aa.ba.13.13 to aa.ba.113.13deny aa.ba.14.14 to aa.ba.114.14...deny aa.ba.24.24 to aa.ba.124.24deny all elseAll previous filter conditions should be cleared from the router before this sequence is entered. The sequence is selected to test to see if the router sorts the filter conditions or accepts them in the order that they were entered. Both of these procedures will result in a greater impact on performance than will some form of hashcoding.12. Protocol addressesIt is easier to implement these tests using a single logical stream of data, with one source protocol address and one destinationprotocol address, and for some conditions like the filters described above, a practical requirement. Networks in the real world are not limited to single streams of data. The test suite SHOULD be first run with a single protocol (or hardware for bridge tests) source and destination address pair. The tests SHOULD then be repeated withusing a random destination address. While testing routers theaddresses SHOULD be random and uniformly distributed over a range of 256 networks and random and uniformly distributed over the full MAC range for bridges. The specific address ranges to use for IP are shown in Appendix C.Bradner & McQuaid Informational [Page 10]RFC 2544 Benchmarking Methodology March 199913. Route Set UpIt is not reasonable that all of the routing information necessary to forward the test stream, especially in the multiple address case, will be manually set up. At the start of each trial a routing update MUST be sent to the DUT. This routing update MUST include all of the network addresses that will be required for the trial. All of the addresses SHOULD resolve to the same "next-hop". Normally this will be the address of the receiving side of the test equipment. This routing update will have to be repeated at the interval required by the routing protocol being used. An example of the format andrepetition interval of the update frames is given in Appendix C. 14. Bidirectional trafficNormal network activity is not all in a single direction. To test the bidirectional performance of a DUT, the test series SHOULD be run with the same data rate being offered from each direction. The sum of the data rates should not exceed the theoretical limit for the media.15. Single stream pathThe full suite of tests SHOULD be run along with whatever modifier conditions that are relevant using a single input and output network port on the DUT. If the internal design of the DUT has multipledistinct pathways, for example, multiple interface cards each with multiple network ports, then all possible types of pathways SHOULD be tested separately.16. Multi-portMany current router and bridge products provide many network ports in the same module. In performing these tests first half of the ports are designated as "input ports" and half are designated as "output ports". These ports SHOULD be evenly distributed across the DUT architecture. For example if a DUT has two interface cards each of which has four ports, two ports on each interface card are designated as input and two are designated as output. The specified tests are run using the same data rate being offered to each of the inputports. The addresses in the input data streams SHOULD be set so that a frame will be directed to each of the output ports in sequence so that all "output" ports will get an even distribution of packets from this input. The same configuration MAY be used to perform abidirectional multi-stream test. In this case all of the ports are considered both input and output ports and each data stream MUST consist of frames addressed to all of the other ports.Bradner & McQuaid Informational [Page 11]RFC 2544 Benchmarking Methodology March 1999Consider the following 6 port DUT:-----------------------| in A out X|-----------------| in B out Y|-----------------| in C out Z|----------------------The addressing of the data streams for each of the inputs SHOULD be: stream sent to input A:packet to out X, packet to out Y, packet to out Zstream sent to input B:packet to out X, packet to out Y, packet to out Zstream sent to input Cpacket to out X, packet to out Y, packet to out ZNote that these streams each follow the same sequence so that 3packets will arrive at output X at the same time, then 3 packets at Y, then 3 packets at Z. This procedure ensures that, as in the real world, the DUT will have to deal with multiple packets addressed to the same output at the same time.17. Multiple protocolsThis document does not address the issue of testing the effects of a mixed protocol environment other than to suggest that if such tests are wanted then frames SHOULD be distributed between all of the test protocols. The distribution MAY approximate the conditions on the network in which the DUT would be used.18. Multiple frame sizesThis document does not address the issue of testing the effects of a mixed frame size environment other than to suggest that if such tests are wanted then frames SHOULD be distributed between all of thelisted sizes for the protocol under test. The distribution MAYapproximate the conditions on the network in which the DUT would be used. The authors do not have any idea how the results of such a test would be interpreted other than to directly compare multiple DUTs in some very specific simulated network.19. Testing performance beyond a single DUT.In the performance testing of a single DUT, the paradigm can bedescribed as applying some input to a DUT and monitoring the output. The results of which can be used to form a basis of characterization of that device under those test conditions.Bradner & McQuaid Informational [Page 12]RFC 2544 Benchmarking Methodology March 1999This model is useful when the test input and output are homogenous (e.g., 64-byte IP, 802.3 frames into the DUT; 64 byte IP, 802.3frames out), or the method of test can distinguish between dissimilar input/output. (E.g., 1518 byte IP, 802.3 frames in; 576 byte,fragmented IP, X.25 frames out.)By extending the single DUT test model, reasonable benchmarksregarding multiple DUTs or heterogeneous environments may becollected. In this extension, the single DUT is replaced by a system of interconnected network DUTs. This test methodology would support the benchmarking of a variety of device/media/service/protocolcombinations. For example, a configuration for a LAN-to-WAN-to-LAN test might be:(1) 802.3-> DUT 1 -> X.25 @ 64kbps -> DUT 2 -> 802.3Or a mixed LAN configuration might be:(2) 802.3 -> DUT 1 -> FDDI -> DUT 2 -> FDDI -> DUT 3 -> 802.3In both examples 1 and 2, end-to-end benchmarks of each system could be empirically ascertained. Other behavior may be characterizedthrough the use of intermediate devices. In example 2, theconfiguration may be used to give an indication of the FDDI to FDDI capability exhibited by DUT 2.Because multiple DUTs are treated as a single system, there arelimitations to this methodology. For instance, this methodology may yield an aggregate benchmark for a tested system. That benchmark alone, however, may not necessarily reflect asymmetries in behavior between the DUTs, latencies introduce by other apparatus (e.g.,CSUs/DSUs, switches), etc.Further, care must be used when comparing benchmarks of different systems by ensuring that the DUTs' features/configuration of the tested systems have the appropriate common denominators to allow comparison.20. Maximum frame rateThe maximum frame rates that should be used when testing LANconnections SHOULD be the listed theoretical maximum rate for the frame size on the media.Bradner & McQuaid Informational [Page 13]RFC 2544 Benchmarking Methodology March 1999The maximum frame rate that should be used when testing WANconnections SHOULD be greater than the listed theoretical maximum rate for the frame size on that speed connection. The higher rate for WAN tests is to compensate for the fact that some vendors employ various forms of header compression.A list of maximum frame rates for LAN connections is included in Appendix B.21. Bursty trafficIt is convenient to measure the DUT performance under steady state load but this is an unrealistic way to gauge the functioning of a DUT since actual network traffic normally consists of bursts of frames. Some of the tests described below SHOULD be performed with bothsteady state traffic and with traffic consisting of repeated bursts of frames. The frames within a burst are transmitted with theminimum legitimate inter-frame gap.The objective of the test is to determine the minimum intervalbetween bursts which the DUT can process with no frame loss. During each test the number of frames in each burst is held constant and the inter-burst interval varied. Tests SHOULD be run with burst sizes of 16, 64, 256 and 1024 frames.22. Frames per token。

RFC2544 概述IP网络设备是IP网络的核心,其性能的好坏直接影响IP网网络规模、网络稳定性以及网络可扩展性。
由于IETF没有对特定设备性能测试作专门规定,一般来说只能按照RFC2544(Benchmarking Methodology for Network Interconnect Devices)作测试。
以太网交换机测试标准则参照RFC2889(Benchmarking Methodology for LAN Sw itching Devices)。
丢包率(Packet loss rate):测试路由器在不同负荷下丢弃包占收到包的比例。
背靠背帧数(Back-to-back frame):测试路由器在接收到以最小包间隔传输时不丢包条件下所能处理的最大包数。
系统恢复时间(System recovery):测试路由器在过载后恢复正常工作的时间。

Performance Tester
Tagged Frame DUT
Proprietary & Confidential—Page 11
对RFC 2544 Letency 测试的扩展
RFC 2544 Latency 测试,在每一轮运行60秒以后,对其中一 个包打上Tag,记录时间戳,作为时延统计结果。而现在普遍 的做法是对每个帧都打上一个时间戳,这样一次运行可以同时 获得最大/最小/平均时延值 混合流量的时延测试
Number of Trials
对于每个帧长的需要跑的trial数 数 对于每个帧长的需要跑的
Packet Sizes Initial Rate (Load) MAX Rate MIN Rate Resolution
当相邻两次速率小于Resolution,那么测试就停下来了。 ,那么测试就停下来了。 当相邻两次速率小于
Burst Size
Proprietary & Confidential—Page 14
Back-to-Back Test 的扩展
现在的设备基本上都能达到线速转发,所以Back-to-back 的测试难度在加大 测试不同突发速率下的back-to-back值
Performance Tester
Variable Interframe Gap DUT
Traffic Analysis: Y Frames Received
Proprietary & Confidential—Page 8
吞吐量测试配置 的几个主要参数
Trial中每一次 中每一次repetition的运行时间,RFC2544 规定不少于 秒 的运行时间, 规定不少于60秒 中每一次 的运行时间

R F C以太网性能测试规程文件编码(008-TTIG-UTITD-GKBTT-PUUTI-WYTUI-8256)1R F C2544概述IP网络设备是IP网络的核心,其性能的好坏直接影响IP网网络规模、网络稳定性以及网络可扩展性。
由于IETF没有对特定设备性能测试作专门规定,一般来说只能按照RFC2544( Benchmarking Methodology for Network Interconnect Devices)作测试。
以太网交换机测试标准则参照RFC2889(Benchmarking Methodologyfor LAN Sw itching Devices)。
丢包率(Packet loss rate):测试路由器在不同负荷下丢弃包占收到包的比例。
背靠背帧数(Back-to-back frame):测试路由器在接收到以最小包间隔传输时不丢包条件下所能处理的最大包数。
系统恢复时间(System recovery):测试路由器在过载后恢复正常工作的时间。
RFC 2544以太网性能测试实验

南京邮电大学自动化学院实验报告实验名称RFC 2544以太网性能测试实验课程名称:网络测试技术所在专业:学生姓名:班级学号:任课教师:戴尔晗2014 /2015 学年第二学期实验2 RFC2544以太网性能测试实验2.1 实验目的●理解交换机性能测试的主要技术指标。
●掌握RFC 2544 以太网性能测试的设计思想与基本方法。
2.2 实验环境与拓扑本实验的物理环境如图2.1所示,由一台被测试交换机(DUT)、一台测试仪表和一台计算机组成。
图2.1 以太网交换机转发延时、丢包率测试的物理连接进行以太网转发延时、丢包率测试时需要选用DUT上的至少2个端口组成一个测试回路,一路发送,一路接收。
图2.2 2个端口的单向连接2.3 实验内容及其规划通过测试仪表所提供的测试向导(Wizard)进行RFC 2544以太网转发延时、丢包率测试。
表2.1 丢包率测试的有关参数表2.1 转发延时测试的有关参数2.4 实验步骤通常,一个完整的测试过程有以下几个阶段组成:测试环境的搭建、测试设置、测试运行、测试结果保存与分析。
(1)配置测试仪表端口端口选取后,将本实验的4个测试端口均配置为1000Mbps和Full Duplex,单击工具栏中的Apply按钮使端口配置生效。

RFC 2544性能测试说明RFC2544测试吞吐量吞吐量是衡量一款设备转发数据包能力的测试。
比如测试仪会首先使用100%的流量发包(1st trial),如果发现丢包,则会采用50%((100%+0)/2)的流量进行测试(2nd trial),如果发现没有丢包,会采用75%((50%+100%)/2)的流量进行测试(3rd trial)。

通常使用每秒钟通过的最大的数据包数或者字节数来衡量(MB/s) 。
作用:反映被测试设备所能够处理(不丢失数据包) 的最大的数据流量。
CTC V2.1标准要求:当EPON系统仅承载以太网/IP业务时,PON接口上行方向的吞吐量应不小于900Mbit/s(64Byte到1518Byte之间的任意包长,1:32分光比下),PON接口上下行方向的吞吐量应不小于950Mbit/s(任意包长)。
Throughput测试方法:运行SmartApplications,打开界面如下所示:图1.1第一步:点击图1.1中6区中的“SmartBits Cards Status”按钮,打开如下界面,进行仪表板卡占用,不用的仪表板卡释放权限。
第三步:在图1.1中“6”区,点击“Setup Test Configuration”按钮,打开界面如下图1.3所示:图1.3第四步:点击图1.3中“3”区中的Sizes,选取需要测试的Frame size,最小速率、最大速率,如下图1.4所示:仪表测试的方式是“二分法”(先测试最大速率,如果不过,再测试最小速率,如果最小速率过了,再取最大和最小速率的中间值,一直继续下去直到取到最大的值。
)图1.4然后点击”ok “。

其中RFC25444(Benchmarking Methodology for Network Interconnect Devices)始终是以太网性能测试的最为主要的内容。
RFC2544要求对一系列的帧长(64,128,256,512, 768,1024,1280,1518字节)在一定的时间内,按一定的数目进行测试. 因为在网络应用中, 大,中,小帧都可能使用,因此必须了解这些帧的测试结果。
吞吐量(带宽 Throughput)吞吐量的概念是测试网络包转发的能力。

1RFC2544 概述IP网络设备是IP网络的核心,其性能的好坏直接影响IP网网络规模、网络稳定性以及网络可扩展性。
由于IETF没有对特定设备性能测试作专门规定,一般来说只能按照RFC2544(Benchmarking Methodology for Network Interconnect Devices)作测试。
以太网交换机测试标准则参照RFC2889(Benchmarking Methodology for LAN Sw itching Devices)。
丢包率(Packet loss rate):测试路由器在不同负荷下丢弃包占收到包的比例。
背靠背帧数(Back-to-back frame):测试路由器在接收到以最小包间隔传输时不丢包条件下所能处理的最大包数。
系统恢复时间(System recovery):测试路由器在过载后恢复正常工作的时间。
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1RFC2544 概述IP网络设备是IP网络的核心,其性能的好坏直接影响IP网网络规模、网络稳定性以及网络可扩展性。
由于IETF没有对特定设备性能测试作专门规定,一般来说只能按照RFC2544( Benchmarking Methodology for Network Interconnect Devices)作测试。
以太网交换机测试标准则参照RFC2889(Benchmarking Methodology for LAN Sw itching Devices)。
丢包率(Packet loss rate):测试路由器在不同负荷下丢弃包占收到包的比例。
背靠背帧数(Back-to-back frame):测试路由器在接收到以最小包间隔传输时不丢包条件下所能处理的最大包数。
系统恢复时间(System recovery):测试路由器在过载后恢复正常工作的时间。
例如在以太网上采用64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 1280, 1518字节。
多端口测试:考虑流量全连接分布(full mesh)或非全连接分布(half mesh)对性能的影响。
2RFC2544以太网性能测试以太网性能包括吞吐量、系统时延、丢包率、长期丢包率,时延抖动测试项名称定义与测试方法参照RFC25442.1吞吐量和时延、抖动测试(三者可以同时测试,且步骤一样,建议合并在一起)测试目的:验证以太网板卡的吞吐量性能、时延性能、抖动性能是否符合要求测试环境:ET-0011预置条件:7/14/28/56MHz;QPSK/16QAM/32QAM/64QAM/128QAM/256QAM每种组合测试步骤:1.将设备与PC如ET-0011测试环境连接,将设备的IP地址如环境配置;2.在LCT无线链路页面,配置工作方式,首先选择7MHz信号带宽,QPSK调制方式;3.Test Center设置如下:(1)进入网络分析仪RFC2544性能测试模块;(2)Select Test:选择Throughput Test;(3)Configure EndPoints:点击Add,添加两个端口;(4)Configure Traffic:添加两个双向流;(5)Test Options:(a)选择Enable Learning模式为L2 Learning;(b)选择Measure Jitter;(6)Configure Throughput Test:(a)设置Trial Duration时间为10s;(b)选择Traffic Load for Throughput Search方式为Binary;(c)Resolution是精度,一般设置为0.01%;(d)Frame Size选择Custom,在custom里输入帧长;4.点击Run,测试设备根据发送数据的包长,分别得到64字节、128字节、512字节、1024字节、1280字节、1518字节的双向吞吐量,时延,抖动数据;5.重复2-4步,测试7/14/28/56MHz和QPSK/16QAM/32QAM/64QAM/128QAM/256QAM每种组合工作模式下,固定帧长的双向吞吐量、时延和抖动。
通过准则:1.单跳微波链路,固定调制方式下,以太网业务最大吞吐量参见微波链路传输容量需求;实际吞吐量与理论吞吐量差距不超过10%;2.单跳微波链路,要求以太网业务传输时延小于1ms;3.单跳微波链路,固定调制方式下,以太网业务传输时延抖动小于10us;2.2丢包率测试测试目的:验证以太网板卡丢包率是否符合要求测试环境:ET-0060预置条件:7/14/28/56MHz;QPSK/16QAM/32QAM/64QAM/128QAM/256QAM每种组合测试步骤:1.将设备与PC如ET-0011测试环境连接,将设备的IP地址如环境配置;2.在LCT无线链路页面,配置工作方式,首先选择7MHz信号带宽,QPSK调制方式;3.Test Center设置如下:(1)进入网络分析仪RFC2544性能测试模块,(2)Select Test:选择Frame Loss Test;(3)Configure End Points :点击Add,添加两个端口;(4)Configure Traffic:添加两个双向流;(5)Test Options:选择Enable Learning模式为L2 Learning;(6)Configure Frame Loss Test:(a)设置Trial Duration时间为100s,Trail Number设置为1次;(b)选择Traffic Load方式为Step,初始值100,结束值是系统吞吐量*90%,,步长根据自己想要的精度设置;(c)FrameSize选择Custom,在custom里输入帧长;4.点击Run,测试设备根据发送数据的包长,分别得到64字节、128字节、512字节、1024字节、1280字节、1518字节的丢包率数据;5.重复2-4步,测试7/14/28/56MHz和QPSK/16QAM/32QAM/64QAM/128QAM/256QAM每种组合工作模式下,固定帧长的丢包率结果。
2.3长期丢包率测试测试目的:验证以太网板卡的长期丢包率性能是否符合要求测试环境:ET-0060预置条件:7/14/28/56MHz;QPSK/16QAM/32QAM/64QAM/128QAM/256QAM每种组合测试步骤:1.将设备与PC如ET-0060测试环境连接,将设备的IP地址如环境配置;2.在LCT无线链路页面,配置工作方式,首先选择7MHz信号带宽,QPSK调制方式;3.Test Center设置如下:(1)进入网络分析仪RFC2544性能测试模块,(2)Select Test:选择Frame Loss Test;(3)Configure End Points :点击Add,添加两个端口;(4)Configure Traffic:添加两个双向流;(5)Test Options:选择Enable Learning模式为L2 Learning;(6)Configure Frame Loss Test:(a)设置Trial Duration时间为15h,Trail Number设置为1次;(b)选择Traffic Load方式为Step,初始值100,结束值是系统吞吐量*90%,,步长根据自己想要的精度设置;(c)FrameSize选择Custom,在custom里输入帧长;4.点击Run,测试设备根据发送数据的包长,分别得到64字节、128字节、512字节、1024字节、1280字节、1518字节的丢包率数据;5.重复2-4步,测试7/14/28/56MHz和QPSK/16QAM/32QAM/64QAM/128QAM/256QAM每种组合工作模式下,固定帧长的丢包率结果。
2.4背靠背测试测试目的:验证以太网板卡的背靠背测试性能是否符合要求测试环境:ET-0060预置条件:7/14/28/56MHz;QPSK/16QAM/32QAM/64QAM/128QAM/256QAM每种组合测试步骤:1.将设备与PC如ET-0060测试环境连接,将设备的IP地址如环境配置;2.在LCT无线链路页面,配置工作方式,首先选择7MHz信号带宽,QPSK调制方式;3.Test Center设置如下:(1)进入网络分析仪RFC2544性能测试模块,(2)Select Test:选择Back to Back Test;(3)Configure EndPoints:点击Add,添加两个端口;(4)Configure Traffic:添加两个双向流;(5)Test Options:(a)选择Enable Learning模式为L2 Learning;(6)Configure Back to Back Test:(a)选择Trial Duration时间为2s,Trail Number设置为1次;(b)配置Duration Parameters 用默认值(c)Frame Size选择Custom,在custom里输入帧长;(d)Traffic Load选择Custom,以100%负荷发送数据包;4.点击Run,测试设备根据发送数据的包长,分别得到64字节、128字节、512字节、1024字节、1280字节、1518字节的背靠背测试结果;5.重复2-4步,测试7/14/28/56MHz和QPSK/16QAM/32QAM/64QAM/128QAM/256QAM每种组合工作模式下,固定帧长的背靠背测试结果。