海明威-中英文对照 共16页PPT资料共18页文档
海明威人物英文简介 PPT

பைடு நூலகம்02
03 Hemingway's words
聪明人的快乐,是我所知道的最稀少的东西。 The wise man happy, is the most rare thing I know. 只要不计较得失,人生便没有什么不能克服的! As long as don't care about gain and loss, then nothing can't overcome our life! 生活与斗牛差不多。不是你战胜牛,就是牛挑死你。 Life as bullfighting. Is not you win over cattle, cattle dead you. 一个人对于死亡的恐惧程度与其财富的增长程度成正比。 One for the degree of the fear of death is directly proportional to the degree of its growth in wealth.
05 Influence on me
04 The tough guy in my mind
During the first world war, you show your patriotism, bullets couldn't stop your fiery heart, flying bomb could not prevent the figure of you kill the enemy, in the course of a bloody fire, we can still see your firm's eyes.
01 life and experience

It explores themes of love, death, and war, and is not available for its spare, yet powerful Prose style
Writing style and characteristics
Hemingway's writing style is known for its economy, precision, and consensus He masterfully used simple language to conquer complex emotions and ideas
Literary Status and Influence
Critical Claim
His works have received critical claim and numerical awards, including the Nobel Prize in Literature
Influenced Generations
characterized by a sparse, unadorned style, while Fitzgerald's is more floral and descriptive
Comparison with Faulkner
Faulkner's complex, non-linear narratives and use of stream of commerce difference significantly from Hemingway's straightforward, linear style
War Experience and Literary Creation
Writing style and characteristics
Hemingway's writing style is known for its economy, precision, and consensus He masterfully used simple language to conquer complex emotions and ideas
Literary Status and Influence
Critical Claim
His works have received critical claim and numerical awards, including the Nobel Prize in Literature
Influenced Generations
characterized by a sparse, unadorned style, while Fitzgerald's is more floral and descriptive
Comparison with Faulkner
Faulkner's complex, non-linear narratives and use of stream of commerce difference significantly from Hemingway's straightforward, linear style
War Experience and Literary Creation

Literary status and influence
Nobel Prize winner
In 1954, Hemingway won't be the Nobel Prize in Literature for his contributions to literature This was a recognition of his status as one of the most important American writers of the 20th century
Childhood and learning
Hemingway had a happy childhood, filled with outdoor activities, sports, and music He attended local schools and showed an early interest in writing, resourced by his mother At the age of 16, he dropped out of high school to work as a reporter for the local newspaper
Spring Dreams in the Battlefield
Theme idea
This work portrays the devastation of war on the human soul, as
well as people's desire for love and peace.
Analysis of Hemingway's Literature
The Old Man and the Sea

He also worked as a war reporter in the Spanish Civil War and the WWII.
He is a tough guy with rather masculine manner. In all his life, he loved tough games, such as boxing, hunting, deepsea fishing, bullfight and so on. He was injured many times. In all the operations, 237 steel fragments were taken out from Hemingway’s body. He also suffered 3 car accidents and 2 air crushes. He was admired as a hero by lots of people and his life style was imitated.
Common theme of his novels: “grace under pressure”
enter university. He chose to be a reporter. During the WWI, he wanted to join the army but was refused because of
his poor eyesight. Then Hemingway came to Italy to work as an ambulance driver. He was seriously wounded in the battlefield. The nightmarish war experience changed his life.
He is a tough guy with rather masculine manner. In all his life, he loved tough games, such as boxing, hunting, deepsea fishing, bullfight and so on. He was injured many times. In all the operations, 237 steel fragments were taken out from Hemingway’s body. He also suffered 3 car accidents and 2 air crushes. He was admired as a hero by lots of people and his life style was imitated.
Common theme of his novels: “grace under pressure”
enter university. He chose to be a reporter. During the WWI, he wanted to join the army but was refused because of
his poor eyesight. Then Hemingway came to Italy to work as an ambulance driver. He was seriously wounded in the battlefield. The nightmarish war experience changed his life.

ErnestMiller Hemingway
Ernest Miller Hemingway (July 21, 1899 – July 2, 1961) was an American writer and journalist. He was part of the 1920s expatriate community in Paris, and one of the veterans of World War I later known as "the Lost Generation." He received the Pulitzer Prize in 1953 for The Old Man and the Sea, and the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954.
情感生活 海明威一生经历了四次婚姻,感情生活动荡而痛苦。这导致了他 对女性的两极态度,他作品中的女性人物往往缺乏现实感。他的 私生活极为放荡不羁,一生风流韵事不断,有过四次婚姻的他与 众多女性传出过绯闻,并被数名女友斥为“始乱终弃的负心人” 。然而,在这位情感浪子的一生中,唯独对好莱坞女星玛琳?黛 德丽始终保持着纯洁如一的爱。
欧内斯特•米勒•海明威(1899年7月21 日-1961年7月2日),美国记者、作 家。他是上世纪20年代常住巴黎 的外 籍人士,是一战后被称为“迷惘的一 代”的退伍军人。海明威在1953年凭 借著作《老人与海》获得诺贝尔文学 奖,1954年获得诺贝尔文学 奖。
Writing style
Ernest Miller Hemingway (July 21, 1899 – July 2, 1961) was an American writer and journalist. He was part of the 1920s expatriate community in Paris, and one of the veterans of World War I later known as "the Lost Generation." He received the Pulitzer Prize in 1953 for The Old Man and the Sea, and the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954
Ernest Miller Hemingway (July 21, 1899 – July 2, 1961) was an American writer and journalist. He was part of the 1920s expatriate community in Paris, and one of the veterans of World War I later known as "the Lost Generation." He received the Pulitzer Prize in 1953 for The Old Man and the Sea, and the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954.
情感生活 海明威一生经历了四次婚姻,感情生活动荡而痛苦。这导致了他 对女性的两极态度,他作品中的女性人物往往缺乏现实感。他的 私生活极为放荡不羁,一生风流韵事不断,有过四次婚姻的他与 众多女性传出过绯闻,并被数名女友斥为“始乱终弃的负心人” 。然而,在这位情感浪子的一生中,唯独对好莱坞女星玛琳?黛 德丽始终保持着纯洁如一的爱。
欧内斯特•米勒•海明威(1899年7月21 日-1961年7月2日),美国记者、作 家。他是上世纪20年代常住巴黎 的外 籍人士,是一战后被称为“迷惘的一 代”的退伍军人。海明威在1953年凭 借著作《老人与海》获得诺贝尔文学 奖,1954年获得诺贝尔文学 奖。
Writing style
Ernest Miller Hemingway (July 21, 1899 – July 2, 1961) was an American writer and journalist. He was part of the 1920s expatriate community in Paris, and one of the veterans of World War I later known as "the Lost Generation." He received the Pulitzer Prize in 1953 for The Old Man and the Sea, and the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954

Themes of War and Violence: War and violence are common themes in Hemingway's writing, often serving as backdrops for characters' personal growth and development. These themes are explored through Hemingway's unique style of sparse, unembellished prose that conveys the raw emotional impact of war and violence on individuals.
Hemingway's use of stream of consciousness in his writing style allows readers to gain a deeper understanding of the characters' innermost thoughts and feelings, creating a more immersive reading experience.
Literary style and technology
Stream of consciousness is a literary technique that allows the reader to experience the thoughts, feelings, and inner monologue of a character. It is a naturalistic representation of human consciousness, presenting thoughts as they occur without interruption or censorship.

But man is not made for defeat, a man can be destroyed but not defeated.
Ernest Hemingway
When he was young…
Ernest Hemingway
Spanish Civil War
Ernest, Pauline, Bumby, Patrick, and Gregory Hemingway pose with marlins after a fishing trip to Bimini in 1935
Ernest Hemingway
the Nobel Prize
When he was 60 years old…
Emotional Life
Hemingway had fourth marriages through his whole life with the unrest and painful emotional life. This led to his polar attitude to female, his works of female characters often lack the reality. Hemingway’s private life is very bohemian and love affair continuously. The man who had fourth marriages had been spread the rumor with many female , several girlfriend of his criticised "he was a man had illicit intercourse at the beginning and desert them at the end.” However, in Hemingway’s emotional life he kept a pure love with the actress of Hollywood Marlene Dietrich.
海明威Microsoft PowerPoint 演示文稿

1961年7月2日凌晨,海明威身穿睡衣, 裕衣,进入地下室。他拿出了枪和一盒子 弹,然后,到了门厅。他把两发子弹装进 了那支猎枪,慢慢张开嘴巴,把枪头塞进 去,轻轻扣动了扳机……
• 作为20世纪美国最伟大的小说家,海明威
那一枪,不仅打飞了自己大半个天灵盖, 而且把整个美国,甚至全世界都给打懵了。 人们马上意识到,某种至关重要的东西骤 然间从这个世界上消失了。海明威一死, 他们自己的一生也就黯然失色。人们痛不 欲生,仿佛海明威“把我们的生命也给毁 了。如今我也是个死人了”。
• 从桑提亚哥身上你获得什么启发?
强 老人在强大的自然面前,表现出无与伦比的 勇气,维护了人类灵魂的尊严。
桑提亚哥最终成功了?还是失败了? 你从他身上得到了什么启示?
• 一个胜利的失败者? • 一个失败的英雄?
• 海明威的一生充满动荡和传奇色彩。他 • 两次参加世界大战,两次经历飞机失事, • 多次死里逃生。他的婚姻同样充满波折, • 一生结过四次婚。
《老人与海》(1952) 创作契机
• 战后美国站在力量与繁荣的峰巅,物质变
成了精神的重压、精神空虚。弥漫着悲观 绝望的颓废风气。海明威通过渔民的遭遇, 歌颂了壮健奋发、顽强不屈的英雄主义精 神。是一部作家战胜自我的杰作 。
连续84天没捕着一条鱼。后来,他独自一人 出门远航,在海上经过三天两夜的搏斗,终 于捕到一条足有一千五百多磅的大马林鱼。 然而,在归航途中,一条条鲨鱼陆续围了上 来,尽管老人奋力拼搏,但还是没能抵挡住 凶猛鲨鱼的进攻,等他回到海岸时,大马林 鱼只剩下了一副巨大的骨架。

海明威信奉基督教,而自杀在基督教中是极大的罪孽。究竟是什么原因 使海明威最后还是选择了自杀呢?
应该说,无法进行创作的绝望,是促成海明威自杀的根本原因。仅 仅肉体上的病痛决不足以击倒这位硬汉。
简略和轻描淡写是海明威独特 的写作风格,这对20世纪虚构 小说的发展产生了重大影响。 “硬汉子”是海明威作品中经常 表现的主题,也是作品中常有 的人物。他的许多作品被认为 是美国文学的经典著作。
Main article:
➢"Indian Camp" (1926) ➢The Sun Also Rises (1926) ➢A Farewell to Arms (1929) ➢"The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber" (1935) ➢For Whom the Bell Tolls (1940) ➢The Old Man and the Sea (1951) ➢A Moveable Feast (1964, posthumous) ➢True at First Light (1999)
Ernest Miller Hemingway
Understatement n.保守的陈述;轻描淡写 protagonists n.(戏剧的)主角 stoical adj.坚忍的,恬淡寡欲的 expatriate adj.移居国外的;被逐出国外的 veterans n.经验丰富的人,老兵;退伍军人 narrative n.记叙文;故事;叙述,记事;叙述手法 classics n.文豪( classic的名词复数 );文学名著
Ernest Miller Hemingway (July 21, 1899 – July 2, 1961) was an American writer and journalist. He was part of the 1920s expatriate community in Paris, and one of the veterans of World War I later known as "the Lost Generation." He received the Pulitzer Prize in 1953 for The Old Man and the Sea, and the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954.
应该说,无法进行创作的绝望,是促成海明威自杀的根本原因。仅 仅肉体上的病痛决不足以击倒这位硬汉。
简略和轻描淡写是海明威独特 的写作风格,这对20世纪虚构 小说的发展产生了重大影响。 “硬汉子”是海明威作品中经常 表现的主题,也是作品中常有 的人物。他的许多作品被认为 是美国文学的经典著作。
Main article:
➢"Indian Camp" (1926) ➢The Sun Also Rises (1926) ➢A Farewell to Arms (1929) ➢"The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber" (1935) ➢For Whom the Bell Tolls (1940) ➢The Old Man and the Sea (1951) ➢A Moveable Feast (1964, posthumous) ➢True at First Light (1999)
Ernest Miller Hemingway
Understatement n.保守的陈述;轻描淡写 protagonists n.(戏剧的)主角 stoical adj.坚忍的,恬淡寡欲的 expatriate adj.移居国外的;被逐出国外的 veterans n.经验丰富的人,老兵;退伍军人 narrative n.记叙文;故事;叙述,记事;叙述手法 classics n.文豪( classic的名词复数 );文学名著
Ernest Miller Hemingway (July 21, 1899 – July 2, 1961) was an American writer and journalist. He was part of the 1920s expatriate community in Paris, and one of the veterans of World War I later known as "the Lost Generation." He received the Pulitzer Prize in 1953 for The Old Man and the Sea, and the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954.

《 太 阳 照 样 升 起 》
现作 当 作 出由 的悲 性 桥 国 《 实品 权 在 来于 崇泣 最 行 际 丧 主中 者 现 的小 二 高的 强 动 纵 钟 年 义洋 的 代 勇说 战 精情 的 而 队 为 , 在溢 伪 文 气中 后 神绪 作 牺 的 谁 海 开着 善 学 而体 , 。, 品 牲 志 而 明 放对 和 史 获现 海 把 之 的 愿 鸣 威 性劳 现 上 得了 明 个 一 感 人 》 以 的动 实 留 人 威 人 , 人 员 , 西 兼人 的 下 在 创 融 在 故 罗 这 班 容民 残 了 年“ 作 入 相 事 伯 是 牙 并的 酷 光 的充 进 到 当 , 特 一 内 蓄热 , 辉 诺满 入 社 程 这 乔 部 战 中爱 刻 的 贝暴 晚 会 度 部 丹 承 为 获, 画 一 尔力 期 中 上 作 为 前 背 得在 了 页 文与 , , 克 品 配 启 景 了探 美 。 学死 其 表 服 是 合 后 创 新索 国 他 奖亡 代 现 和 海 一 的 作 的艺 年 以 。的 表 出 摆 明 支 重 了 光术 轻 自 海现 作 为 脱 威 游 要 著 采创 一 己 明实 为 正 了 中 击 作 名 !作 代 的 威世 《 义 孤 期 队 品 的 的 的 经 一界 老 事 独 创 的 。 长 途 迷 历 生中 人 业 、 作 一 它 篇 径 惘 披 的” 与 而 迷 中 次 写 小 中 情 露 创表 海 献 惘 思 炸 了 说 使绪了 现》 身与想 , , 1939 1954 ·
小说主人公杰克· 巴恩斯是一名美国记者,战争毁掉了他的性能力。 他爱上了一名英国护士勃瑞特· 艾希利,后者也倾心于他,但他们 无法结合。一个美国作家罗伯特· 柯恩——一个对生活颇多虚妄与 浪漫幻想的人也爱上了勃瑞特,但她并不喜欢他。这一群历经沧桑 的青年,战后浪迹欧洲大陆,整日无所事事,聚饮、争吵或殴斗。 战争夺取了他们的亲人,给他们留下了肉体上和精神上的创伤,他 们对战争极度厌恶,对公理、传统价值观产生了怀疑,对人生感到 厌倦、迷惘和懊丧。小说从一个独特的角度谴责了战争,具有反战 色彩。小说因写了一代人的迷惘而成了“迷惘的一代”文学流派的 代表作。
Ernest_Hemingway 海明威 英文简介ppt

Santiago – mankind; sea – nature and environment; marlin – purpose of life; shark – the evil force which control human’s fate
theme: the importance of life lies in the process of searching and resistance
(4)“The Old Man and the Sea” 老人与海1952 (In 1954, Hemingway got the Nobel Prize)
a quite special novel in all his novels
After the war, he still worked as a reporter. He was sent to Paris and knew Pound, Gertrude Stein, Sherwood Anderson and some other famous writers who encouraged him to write.
He also worked as a war reporter in the Spanish Civil War and the WWII.
He is a tough guy with rather masculine manner. In all his life, he loved tough games, such as boxing, hunting, deep-sea fishing, bullfight and so on. He was injured many times. In all the operations, 237 steel fragments were taken out from Hemingway’s body. He also suffered 3 car accidents and 2 air crushes. He was admired as a hero by lots of people and his life style was imitated.
Santiago – mankind; sea – nature and environment; marlin – purpose of life; shark – the evil force which control human’s fate
theme: the importance of life lies in the process of searching and resistance
(4)“The Old Man and the Sea” 老人与海1952 (In 1954, Hemingway got the Nobel Prize)
a quite special novel in all his novels
After the war, he still worked as a reporter. He was sent to Paris and knew Pound, Gertrude Stein, Sherwood Anderson and some other famous writers who encouraged him to write.
He also worked as a war reporter in the Spanish Civil War and the WWII.
He is a tough guy with rather masculine manner. In all his life, he loved tough games, such as boxing, hunting, deep-sea fishing, bullfight and so on. He was injured many times. In all the operations, 237 steel fragments were taken out from Hemingway’s body. He also suffered 3 car accidents and 2 air crushes. He was admired as a hero by lots of people and his life style was imitated.