( 1 。 华 南A - Y - 大学食 品科 学与 工程 学 院 , 广 东广 州 5 1 0 6 4 0; 2 . 广 东太 阳神 集 团有 限公 司, 广 东广 州 5 1 0 6 6 5 )
摘 要: 为探 究不 同提 取 方 法 对 猴 头 菇粗 多糖 提 取 效 果 及 抗 氧 化 活 性 的 影 响 。 以猴 头 菇 子 实体 为 原 料 , 通过 热水 、 超
2 . G u a n g d o n g A p o l l o C r o u p . C o . , L t d , G u a n g z h o u 5 1 0 6 6 5 , C h i n a )
Ab s t r a c t : T o i n v e s t i g a t e t h e e f f e c t s o f v a r i o u s e x t r a c t i o n me t h o d s o n t h e c r u d e p o l y s a e c h a r i d e s r f o m He r i c i u m e r i n a t ¨ a n d t h e i r a n t i o x i d a n t a c t i v i t i e s , t h r e e d i f f e r e n t me t h o d s , i n c l u d i n g h o t wa t e r e x t r a c t i o n, u l t r a s o n i c e x t r a c t i o n a n d a l k a l i e x t r a c t i o n,
具 有 较好 的 清 除 自由基 能 力 , 可作 为 天然 抗 氧 化 剂 开发 利 用 。 关键 词 : 猴头菇 , 粗 多糖 , 提取 , 表征 , 抗 氧 化
s d u o e y uf t- e e e t p oe i a dC r mao r p yc l mn o i m d d c l l e g l lcr h r s n h o tga h ou . s a o s
Ke ywor s: rcu e i a e s p ls c h rd ; xr c ; u i c t n d He ii m rn c u ; oy a c a i e e ta tp rf ai i o
率。 结果表 明在 9 加 水 2 倍 、 H 75 浸提 8h 超声波处理 5 的条件下浸提 率最高, Oc c、 O p = .、 、 Os 可迭 54 %。 用胰蛋 白 .3 利 酶和 Svg法进行脱蛋 白。聚丙烯酰胺凝胶 电泳和凝胶 柱层析检验结果都说 明猴 头菇 多糖是均一 多糖 。 ea
为国产分析纯 。 1 . 1 %苯酚溶液 的配制 .2 0 2
保健效果[ 猴头菇多糖是猴头菇 中重要 的生物活性 物 2 1 。 质 ,可作 为免疫促进剂 ,能控制 细胞 的分裂 和细胞 分 化, 调节细胞 的生 长和衰老 。经 检测 , 菇多糖具 猴头 有 明显的抗补体活性 和促进淋 巴细胞增殖作用 ,对提 高肌体 免疫力具有 重要 的作用口 可广泛应用于医药 、 。 保 健品及 功能食 品 ,作为绿色生 物医药产品具 有广 阔 的市场前景 。本文对猴头菇多糖提取纯化方 法进行 了
猴头菌的活性成分提取方法研究猴头菌(Hericium erinaceus)是一种珍贵的木材腐朽真菌,被广泛应用于食品和药物行业。
1h , 心 分 离 ( 0 0 , 0mi) 到猴 头菇 子 )离 10 0g 3 n 得 实 体残 渣 , 渣反 复浸 提至 浸提 液 的 Moi 残 l h反 应 s ( 定 性 反 应 )9显 示 阴 性 。然 后 在 常 温 下 用 糖 [ 3 1mo/ 氢氧 化钠 对子 实 体 残 渣 进行 浸 提 ( ) lL 2h , 离 心分 离得 到碱 溶 性粗 多 糖 液 , 对残 渣 重 复 同样
实体 的综 合 利 用 具 有 非 常 积 极 的 意 义 。笔 者 对 猴头菇 子 实 体 碱溶 性 多 糖 ( 溶 性 膳 食 纤 维 ) 碱 进
总糖 和蛋 白质 含 量分 别 采 用 苯酚一 酸 法 [] 硫 1 o
和 Bu e 法 妇 irt 测定 , 使用 葡萄 糖 和牛血 清蛋 白作
操 作 至 浸 提 液 的 Moi l h反 应 显 示 阴 性 , 并 每 次 s 合
操 作得 到 的粗 多糖 液 。最 后 往 粗 多 糖 液 中 逐 滴 加入 1mo/ 1 lL HC 溶液 中和 至 性 , 其分 成 中 将 和沉淀 和 中和上 清 两个 组 分 , 中和 沉淀 组 分 即为 碱溶性 多糖 ( 称 AS ) 简 P。
林华 娟 ,秦 小 明
( 东海 洋 大 学 食 品科 技 学 院 , 江 5 4 8 ) 广 湛 2 0 8
摘 要 :脱 脂 猴 头 菇 子 实 体 经 热 水 处 理 去 除 水 溶 性 多糖 后 用 碱 溶 液 进 行 抽 提得 到碱 溶 性 多糖 ( P 。通 过 比 AS )
食用菌多糖的提取和纯化英语Extraction and Purification of Edible Fungi Polysaccharides.Edible fungi, known for their nutritional and medicinal properties, have gained significant attention in recent years. Among their various bioactive components, polysaccharides stand out due to their potential health benefits. Extraction and purification of these polysaccharides is crucial for their effective utilization in food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries.Extraction Methods.The extraction of polysaccharides from edible fungi typically involves two main steps: solvent extraction and isolation. Common solvents used for polysaccharide extraction include water, dilute acids, and alkaline solutions. Water extraction is the most widely used method due to its simplicity and effectiveness. However, for somefungi species, dilute acid or alkaline extraction may be necessary to disrupt the cell wall and release the polysaccharides.During the extraction process, temperature, time, and solvent-to-solid ratio are critical parameters. Generally, higher temperatures and longer extraction times enhance the yield of polysaccharides. However, excessive temperatures can lead to degradation of the polysaccharides, thus affecting their biological activities. Therefore, it is essential to optimize these parameters for each specific fungi species.Purification Methods.After extraction, the crude polysaccharide mixture often contains impurities such as proteins, lipids, and small molecules. Purification is necessary to obtain a pure polysaccharide fraction with high biological activity. Common purification methods include precipitation, chromatography, and dialysis.Precipitation is a simple and effective method to remove proteins and other impurities. By adjusting the pHor adding specific chemicals, the polysaccharides can be precipitated while the impurities remain in the supernatant. Chromatography, especially anion-exchange and gelfiltration chromatography, is widely used to further purify the polysaccharides. These methods allow for the separation of polysaccharides based on their charge and molecular size, respectively.Dialysis is another purification technique thatinvolves the diffusion of smaller molecules through a semi-permeable membrane. This method is particularly useful for removing small molecules and salts from the polysaccharide solution.Applications of Edible Fungi Polysaccharides.The purified polysaccharides from edible fungi exhibita range of biological activities, including antioxidant, antitumor, immunomodulatory, and hypoglycemic effects. These properties make them valuable ingredients infunctional foods, nutraceuticals, and pharmaceutical formulations.In functional foods, edible fungi polysaccharides can enhance the nutritional value and provide health benefits to consumers. For example, they can be added to beverages, yogurts, and cereals to improve their nutritional profile and functional properties.In the pharmaceutical industry, edible fungi polysaccharides are being investigated for their potential in treating various diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and immune disorders. The purified polysaccharides can be formulated into tablets, capsules, or injectable formulations for therapeutic use.Conclusion.The extraction and purification of polysaccharides from edible fungi is a crucial step in harnessing their numerous biological activities. By optimizing extraction conditions and employing suitable purification methods, it is possibleto obtain pure polysaccharides with high biologicalactivity. These polysaccharides find applications invarious industries, including food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetics, offering health benefits to consumers and therapeutic potential for treating various diseases.(Note: This article is a simplified overview of the extraction and purification of edible fungi polysaccharides. For a more detailed and comprehensive understanding, it is recommended to consult research articles and technical reports in this field.)。
收稿 日期 :0 61 —6 2 0 —10 ;修回 日期 :0 70 —9 2 0 —31 *南 阳师范学院项 目( yc0 5 3 ) n t2 0 k 5 资助
取猕猴桃 的新鲜果实切片 , 烘干, 用高速组织捣 称[ 。现代药理学试验也表明 , 1 ] 猕猴桃 的果实 、 碎机将其充分捣碎, 根、 制成粉末待用 。
称取 10g待 用 的猕 猴 桃 果 实 粉 末 , 入适 量 5 加
茎 等含 多种有 效 药用 组分 , 尤其 是猕 猴桃 多糖 , 含 1 碱 溶性 多糖 的提 取 其 . 4 量 约 为 8 ~ 1 %, 7 因其 能 阻 断 亚 硝 酸 类 化 合 物 合 成, 刺激 或提 高机 体免 疫功 能 、 激活 或提 高 巨噬细 胞 的木 瓜蛋 白酶 , 5 量水 提 取 。工 艺 流程 : 猴 桃 用 倍 猕 的吞噬 能力 , 具有 一定 的抗 癌作用 , 而 引起人 们 的 粉末一 沸水 提 取 2次一 过 滤一 合 并 滤 液一 残 渣 ; 从 残
再 用 5 量 的水 提 取 1次 , 并 2次 的提 取 液减 压 倍 合
1 材 料 与 方 法
11 供试 果 实与试 剂 .
浓 缩 至原体 积 的 11 , Svre 除蛋 白, 少得 /0 用 eeg 法 至 重复 6 以上 ; 次 清液 再减 压浓 缩 , 而用 3倍量 的 乙 继 醇沉 淀多糖 , 于冰箱 中静 置过 夜 , 离心 , 得沉 淀物 , 干
用 稀 碱 ( . lL, . 5mo/ 1 0 mo/ 0 5 mo/ 0 7 lL, . lL
D - yo e a d D - r ts .An h oy a c a i e mo e ua a iy s o d a t ia fe tb sei c t n x ls n fuco e d te p l s c h rd lc lre sl h we n i r lef c y e trf ai v i o
21 年 1 0 1 0月
F o e ac n ee p et odR s rhA dD vl m n e o 生物 工 程糖 的分 离纯化 及其性质研 究
杜志强 , 王建英
( 内蒙古科 技大学 数理 与生物 工程学 院 , 内蒙古 包头 04 1 ) 10 0
关 键 词 : 头 菌 ; 丝 多糖 ; 离纯 化 ; 质 研 究 猴 菌 分 性
Se r to pa a i n,Pu i c to a d Pr p ri sRe e r h f rH e ii m rn c u y a ls c ha i e r f a in n o e te s a c o rc u e ia e sH ph e P0y a c rd i
性研 究方 面 的不 断深入 , 取得 了 良好 的成果 。 都 那么 ,
猴头 菌作 为一种重要 的药食两用真 菌 ,研究 清楚多糖 结 构与生物活性之 间的联系 , 就显得 十分必要 了。 本文
通 过对猴头菌丝 多糖进 行分离纯化 ,以及多糖性质 的
Sp a e 一 0 : 典P a a i 司 ; 他试剂 均 为国 eh dx 2 0 瑞 G hr c 公 m a 其
目前 , 于真菌类多糖 的研究 已经 十分全 面 了 , 关 不
S N 14 : 阳农 业大学生物科学技 术学院生物 T程 Y D 5 )沈 实验 室馈赠 。 1 实验药 品与试剂 . 2 DA 一 E E 纤维 素 :上海试剂 二厂 ;eh dxG 10 S pa e 一 0 、
关键词:猴头菇多糖,热水浸提法,超声波,提取,分离Hericium Extraction and Separation TechnologyABSTRACTIntroduced the hot water extraction, ultrasonic extraction of polysaccharides Hericium Extraction mechanism and compare advantages and disadvantages of each method, the system described hot water extraction, ultrasonic extraction of polysaccharides extraction progress. Ultrasonic extraction of plant polysaccharides,the law is strong cavitation. Ultrasonic extraction of plant active ingredients is a physical process of fragmentation. At present, the ultrasonic technology in the chemical composition of plant extract has been widely used.KEY WORDS:Hericium Ernaceus Polysaccharide,hot water extraction,ultrasonic extraction,separation目录前言 (1)第1章猴头菇多糖的提取与分离技术的研究进展 (2)第2章猴头菇多糖的提取与分离技术 (3)2.1 热水浸提法 (3)2.2 超声波提取法 (10)第3章猴头菇多糖的提取与分离技术展望 (18)谢辞 (19)参考文献 (20)外文资料翻译 (22)前言猴头菌,又名猴头蘑、熊头菇、刺猬菌,隶属于担子菌门,猴头菌科,是著名的药食两用菌。
猴头多糖提取鉴定及抗肿瘤作用的研究进展石祥生;于涛【摘要】This paper reviewed the research progress on theextraction,identification,antitumor effects and mechanisms of Hericium erinaceus polysaccharide.%近年来,多项研究表明,猴头多糖具有抗肿瘤活性,是一种潜在的天然抗癌活性物质.本文综述了近些年猴头多糖在提取鉴定、抗肿瘤活性和机制方面的研究进展.【期刊名称】《中国食物与营养》【年(卷),期】2018(024)003【总页数】4页(P63-66)【关键词】猴头;多糖;提取鉴定;抗肿瘤【作者】石祥生;于涛【作者单位】东北林业大学盐碱地生物资源环境研究中心/东北盐碱植被恢复与重建教育部重点实验室,哈尔滨150040;东北林业大学盐碱地生物资源环境研究中心/东北盐碱植被恢复与重建教育部重点实验室,哈尔滨150040【正文语种】中文目前,癌症是危害人类健康的重大疾病之一,近年来癌症发病率逐步增长且死亡率极高。
化疗是癌症治疗的重要手段之一,但多数化疗药物对肿瘤细胞缺乏特异性,在治疗肿瘤的同时会损伤正常组织进而产生严重的毒副作用 [1-2]。
猴头菌(Hericium erinaceus)又名猴菇,是一种常见食用菌。
三、研究意义和预期成果1. 本研究能够深入理解猴头菌属中不同菌种分泌的多种发酵多糖的结构和生物学活性,为其应用提供可靠的科学依据。
2. 非常有可能发掘出新的具有生物学活性的发酵多糖物质,并为其在开发新的医学产品方面提供一定的实践参考。
3. 通过对猴头菌属中不同菌种发酵多糖的分析研究,可以为相关菌类的分类鉴定提供初步的依据。
预期成果如下:1. 完成猴头菌属中不同菌种发酵多糖的分离纯化和结构表征;2. 研究并鉴定不同发酵多糖的理化和化学性质;3. 研究发酵多糖在生物学和医学领域的相关应用与前景;4. 发表相关研究论文,并举办学术研讨会,向相关领域专家学者展现研究成果。
1. 盐的种类不同种类的盐对多糖的溶解度和沉淀有不同的影响。
2. 盐的浓度盐的浓度是影响盐析法纯化效果的重要因素之一。
3. 溶液pH值溶液pH值对多糖的溶解度和沉淀有明显的影响。
4. 温度温度对盐析法纯化的效果也有一定的影响。
5. 时间盐析法纯化的时间也是影响纯化效果的重要因素之一。
结果表明,Fr-3-1对金黄色葡萄球菌具有良好的抑菌活性,对人胃癌细胞MGB-523有一定的抑制效果,其最小抑菌浓度(MIC)值分别为0.781 mg·mL^(-1)和453.14μg·mL^(-1)。
当浓度为100μg·mL^(-1)时,Fr-3-1促进大鼠星型神经细胞的分泌神经因子浓度为46.63 pg·mL^(-1),显著高于同浓度的肾上腺素。
【总页数】7页(P318-324)【关键词】猴头菌素;分离;纯化;抑菌;抗肿瘤活性【作者】何晋浙;樊鹏;孙培龙【作者单位】浙江工业大学海洋学院食品与加工安全系【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TS207.4【相关文献】1.洛蒙德链霉菌S015中吩嗪类活性产物洛蒙真菌素的分离纯化、结构鉴定及发酵优化 [J], 王华盛;贝晓宇;胡洪波;彭华松;张雪洪;王威2.暗双孢菌AGR0073产生的单端孢菌素的分离纯化、结构解析及其抗植物病原真菌活性 [J], 杨佩文;文孟良;李元广;番华彩;郭志祥;金桂梅;刘树芳;曾莉3.安徽产地桑叶多糖分离纯化、结构鉴定与抗氧化活性研究 [J], 圣志存; 陈晓兰4.桉叶提取物中抗氧化活性物分离纯化、结构鉴定及其活性的研究 [J], 陈洪璋;李伟;肖苏尧;曹庸;陈运娇5.籽用西瓜多糖的分离纯化、一级结构分析及体外生物活性研究 [J], 代彩玲;王萍;李书颉;杨永升;于晓婧因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
【摘要】从猴头菌(Hericunm erinaceus)发酵菌丝中提取胞内水溶性粗多糖,
1.小刺猴头液体深层发酵浸膏多糖提取工艺的优化及分离纯化 [J], 王新宇;柳洪芳;沈思捷;韩铁军;杨晓兵;宋慧
2.猴头菌菌丝多糖的分离纯化及其性质研究 [J], 杜志强;王建英
3.碱提猴头发酵菌丝体多糖的分离、纯化及初步研究 [J], 耿慧;梁忠岩;史军花;陈
4.猴头菌子实体和菌丝体多糖的分离纯化与理化特征的比较 [J], 杨焱;周昌艳;白韵
5.猴头多糖分离纯化的初步研究 [J], 宋扬;周顺新
1.猴头菇多糖的提取方法及其开发应用研究进展 [J], 裴小平
2.灵芝子实体多糖提取方法优化及不同来源赤芝子实体的多糖分子质量比较 [J], 孙小梅;戴军;陈尚卫;朱松
3.枸杞多糖提取方法及两种不同产地枸杞中多糖含量的比较研究 [J], 阿依姑丽·艾
4.林蛙多糖提取方法比较与不同部位多糖含量测定 [J], 李凤伟;刘芳芳;阎红;张晶
5.膜分离与醇沉技术纯化猴头菇粗多糖的比较 [J], 蔡铭; 陈思; 骆少磊; 杨开; 孙培龙
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The isolation and structural characterization of a water-soluble polysaccharide from Hericium erinaceusZHANG An-qiang a FU Li a SUN Pei-long a ZHANG Jing-song b,*PAN Ying-jie ca College of Biological & Environmental Engineering, Zhejiang University of T echnology, Hangzhou, 310014, C hinab Institute of Edible Fungi, Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Shanghai 201106,chinac College of Food Science, Shanghai Fisheries University, Shanghai 200090, C hinaAbstract: A novel water-soluble heteropolysaccharide termed HEPF2 was isolated from the fruiting bodies ofHericium erinaceus. HEPF2 had a molecular weight of 1.66⨯104 Da and was composed of fucose, galactose andglucose in the ratio of 1.00:3.69:5.42, as well as a small amount of 3-O-methylrhamnose. Its structural characteristics were further investigated by FT-IR, sugar analysis, methylation analysis, partial acid hydrolysis andNMR spectroscopy. Based on the data obtained, HEPF2 was found to be a heteropolysaccharide composed of(1→4)-linked glucosyl, (1→6)-linked glucosyl and (1→6)-linked galactosyl residue, attached to the O-2 of mainchain with terminal fucosyl residue or a minor of terminal gulcosyl and galactosyl residues. NMR spectra showedthat (1→4)-linked glucosyl wa s β configuration, (1→6)-linked galactosyl, (1→2,6)-linked galactosyl were α configuration and terminal fucosyl residue was also α configuration.Keywords: fungi, Chinese traditional herb, heteropolysaccharide, purification, structure elucidation猴头菌水溶性多糖的分离纯化与结构表征张安强a傅立a孙培龙a 张劲松b,*潘迎捷ca浙江工业大学生物与环境工程学院杭州 310004b上海农业科学院食用菌研究所上海 201106c上海水产大学食品学院上海 200090摘要:于猴头菌子实体中分离得到一种新型的水溶性杂多糖HEPF2,分子量大小为1.66⨯104 Da,该多糖由岩藻糖、半乳糖和葡萄糖以1.00:3.69:5.42比例构成,同时也含有微量的3-O-甲基鼠李糖。
关键词:大型真菌,传统中草药,杂多糖,纯化,结构分析* C orresponding au thor. E-mail address: zhangjs888@IntroductionHericium erinaceus is a traditional Chinese medicinal fungus, which is distributed throughout China and used to treat gastric ulcers, chronic gastritis and other digestive tract-related diseases. Both the fruiting bodies and mycelia of the fungus have been reported to contain bioactive polysaccharide (Zhou 2000). It has been shown that the polysaccharides from H. erinaceus exhibited various pharmacological activities, for example, enhancement of immune system, antitumor, hypoglycemic and anti-aging properties (Zhou 2000; Nie 2003). The main aim of this work is to find an efficient route to extraction, isolation and fractionation of the polysaccharides present in H. erinaceus and also its structural characterization, as a contribution to better identify correlations between structure and functionality. In this paper, the isolation and structural investigation of HEPF2, a novel neutral polysaccharide purified from the fruiting bodies of H. erinaceus, is described.1 MATERIALS AND METHODS1.1 MaterialsFruiting bodies were purchased from Pan’an in Zhejiang Province, China. DEA E-Sepharose Fast Flow and Sephacryl S-100, S-200, S-300 High Resolution were purchased from Amersham Pharmacia Biotech. Dextrans and the monosaccharides (D-Gal, D-Ara, L-Fuc, L-Rha, D-man, D-Xyl and D-Glc) were from Sigma. All other reagents were of A.R. grade and made in China. HPLC was carried out on a Waters 2695 HPLC system (2695 HPLC Pump, 2414 Refractive Index Detector). GC-MS was carried out using a Thermo Finnigan V oyager GC/MS with Trace 2000 GC, and NMR spectra were determined with a V arian INOV A 500.1.2 Isolation and purificationThe total fruiting bodies of H. erinaceus were first exhaustively extracted with ethanol under reflux for 12 h to remove lipids. After filtration, the residue was air dried and extracted 3 times for 2 h each with boiling water. The combined aqueous filtrate was concentrated into one-tenth of the original volume, and 95% ethanol was added to the aqueous filtrate until the final alcohol concentration reached 30%. Precipitated material was removed by centrifugation (10000 rpm, 10 min, 4 ︒C), and 95% ethanol was again added slowly to 60% final concentration. The precipitate was separated out and lyophilized termed HEPF60. A portion of HEPF60 was dissolved in water and the insoluble residue was removed by centrifugation. The supernatant was applied to a DEA E-Sepharose Fast Flow column (XK 26 ⨯100 cm), eluted first with distilled water and then with 0-2 M gradient of NaCl. The fractions were collected by an auto-collector and compounds were detected by means of the phenol-sulfuric acid assay (Zhang 1999). HEPF60-B was obtained from the 0-2 M gradient NaCl fraction elute, which was further purified by gel permeation chromatography on a column of Sephacryl S-300 High Resolution (XK 26 ⨯ 100 cm). Eluting with water, the main fraction was collected, dialyzed and lyophilized to get a white purified polysaccharide (HEPF2), whose molecular weight range was detected on a linked column SN of TSK PWXL 4000 and 3000 gel filtration columns firstly.1.3 Determination of purity and molecular weightDetermination of the homogeneity and molecular weight of samples was done by HPLC on a linked column of TSK PW XL 4000 and 3000 gel filtration columns, eluting with 0.1 M phosphate buffer solution (PBS) and 0.3 M NaNO3at PH 7.0 with a flow rate of 0.6 mL /min. The column was kept at 30.0 ± 0.1 ︒C. The linear regression was calibrated by dextrans (T-700, 580, 300, 110, 80, 70, 40, 9.3, 4). All samples were prepared as 0.2 % (w/v) solutions, and 10 µL of solution was analyzed in each run.1.4 Monosaccharide composition analysisHEPF2 (2 mg) was hydrolyzed with 2 M trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) at 110 ︒C for 2 h, and the monosaccharide composition was determined by high-performance anion-exchange chromatography (HPA EC) using a Dionex LC30 equipped with a CarboPacTM PA20 column (3 mm ⨯150 mm). The column was eluted with 2 mM NaOH (0.45 mL/min) and the monosaccharides were monitored using a pulsed amperometric detector (Dionex) (Y ang 2005). 1.5 Methylation analysisV acuum dried polysaccharide (2 mg) was methylated by the Kalyan’s(1992) method. Complete methylation was confirmed by the disappearance of the hydroxyl peak (3200~3700 cm-1) in the IR spectrum. The permethylated product was hydrolyzed by treatment with HCO2H (88%, 0.5 mL), H2O (0.1 mL) and CF3CO2H acid (0.05 mL) at 100 ︒C for 16 h. The partially methylated sugars in the hydrolysate were reacted with NaBH4and acetylated with acetic anhydride, and the resulting mixture of alditol acetates was analyzed by GC-MS.1.6 Partial acid hydrolysis Oligosaccharides were produced by partial acid hydrolysis of the polysaccharide. HEPF2 (100 mg) was hydrolyzed by 0.05 M CF3COOH (50 mL) for 1 h at 100 ︒C. The acid was removed by co-distillation with CH3OH. The hydrolyzate was dissolved in distilled water (0.5 mL), and dialyzed against distilled water for 24 h. The dialysate was purified by gel permeation chromatography on a column of Sephacryl S-100 High Resolution (XK 26 ⨯100 cm) and lyophilized (HEPF2dw1). The nondialysate was purified by gel permeation chromatography on a column of Sephacryl S-300 High Resolution (XK 26 ⨯ 100 cm) and was lyophilized to give a degraded polymer (HEPF2dn1). A portion of HEPF2dn1 was methylated and its glycosyl linkage composition was determined as described above. HEPF2dn1 (30 mg) was further hydrolyzed by 0.1 M CF3COOH (15 mL) for 1 h at 100 ︒C. After partial acid hydrolysis of HEPF2dn1, the hydrolysate was dialyzed. A depolymerized product (HEPF2dn2) was obtained and separated by Sephacryl S-200 High Resolution (XK 26 ⨯100 cm) chromatography. The dialysate was concentrated and lyophilized, designated HEPF2dw2. A portion of HEPF2dn2 was methylated and its glycosyl linkage composition was determined as described above. The glycosyl residue compositions of HEPF2dw1, HEPF2dn1, HEPF2dw2 and HEPF2dn2 were determined by GC as alditol acetates (Albersheim et al.1967) and analyzed by GC-MS using a DB-5 column (30 m ⨯0.25 mm ⨯0.25 µm) at a temperature program as follows: 80 ︒C to 200 ︒C at a rate of 5 ︒C/min, increasing to 215 ︒C at a rate of 2 ︒C/min, and finally to 280 ︒C at a rate of 20 ︒C/min. The injector and detector heater temperatures were both 250 ︒C.1.7 NMR analysisHEPF2 (30 mg) was lyophilized three times in D2O (0.5 mL). The 1H NMR (25 ︒C, 60 ︒C) and 13C NMR (25 ︒C) spectra were determined in 5-mm tubes using a V arian INOV A 500 NMR spectrometer. 1H chemical shifts were referenced to residual HDO at δ4.78 (25 ︒C) as internal standard. 13C chemical shifts were determined in relation to DSS (δ 0.00) calibrated externally.2 Results2.1 Isolation, determination of purity and molecular weight of HEPF2HEPF2 was purified by anion-exchange (Fig.1) and gel filtration chromatography from the fruiting bodies of H. erinaceus. HPLC eluted as a single symmetrical peak, indicating it was a homogeneous polysaccharide (Fig.2). Correlation with the calibration curve of dextran standards, the molecular weight of HEPF2 was 1.66⨯104 Da. Lack of absorption at 280 nm by UV scanning indicated that HEPF2 contained no protein.Fig. 1 The elu tion of HEPF60 isolated from the fruiting b odies of H. erinaceus by DEAE-Sepharose F.F. column chromatography. OD490: The absorbance of the compou nds detected by means of phenol-sulfuric acid assay (Zhang 1999) under 490nm.Fig. 2 High Performance Liquid Chromatog raphy (HPLC) elu tion of HEPF2 isolated from the fruiting b odies of H. erinaceus.2.2 FTIR s pectroscopic characterizationThe infrared spectrum of the polysaccharide was shown in Fig.3. The broadly-stretched intense peak at 3400 cm-1was due to the hydroxyl stretching vibration of the polysaccharide. The band at 2925.5 cm-1 was due to C-H stretching of CH2 groups. The band at 1646.9 cm-1 showed that the occurrence of bound water. The bands approximately in the regain of 3400, 2930 and 1650 cm-1are characteristic of a carbohydrate ring (Li et al.2008). Three absorption peaks between 1010 and 1160 cm-1attributed to the stretching vibrations of pyranose ring. Two stretching peaks at 1161 and 1041 cm-1 in the IR spectrum suggested the presence of C-O bonds (Zhao et al. 2007). No absorption peaks at 1740 cm-1 indicated that there were no uronic acids. 2.3 Sugar and methylation analysisSugar analysis and GC-MS revealed the presence of fucose, galactose, glucose, in the molar ratio of 1.00:3.69:5.42, as well as a s mall amount of 3-O-methylrhamnose.The alditol acetates of the methylated material from the polysaccharide were analyzed by GC-MS using a DB-5 MS fused silica capillary column. The polysaccharide showed that the presence of 1,4,5-tri-O-acetyl-2,3,6-tri-O- methyl-D-glucitol, 1,5,6-tri-O-acetyl-2,3,4-tri-O- methyl-D-glucitol, 1,5-di-O-acetyl-2,3,4,6-tetra -O-methyl-D-glucitol,1,5,6-tri-O-acetyl-2,3,4-tri -O-methyl-D-galactitol,1,2,5,6-tetra-O-acetyl-3, 4-di-O-methyl-D-galactitol,Fig. 3 FT-IR spectrum of the polysaccharide HEPF2 isolated from the fruiting bodies of H. erinaceus.1,5-di-O-acetyl-2,3,4,6-tetra-O-methyl-D-galacti tol,1,5-di-O-acetyl-2,3,4-tri-O-methyl-L-fucitol, 1,5-di-O-acetyl-2,3,4-tri-O-methylrhamnose in a molar ratio of 3.31:2.13:0.25:2.03:1.11:0.21:1.00:0.19(Table 1). These results indicated that (1→4)-linked Glc p, (1→6)-linked Glc p, (1→6)-linked Gal p, (1,2→6)-linked Gal p, nonreducing-end Glc p, nonreducing-end Gal p, nonreducing-end Fuc p were present in the polysaccharide. Besides, it also contained a minor terminal 3-O-methyl rhamnose residue.Table 1. The methylation analysis of HEPF2Methylated sugar Type of linkage MolarratioMajor mass fragment (m/z)2,3,4-Me3-Rha p1-linked3-O-Me-Rha p0.19 43,71,89,101,117,131,145,1612,3,4-Me3-Fuc p1-linked Fuc p 1.00 43,72,89,101,115,117,131,161,175 2,3,4,6-Me4-Glc 1-linked Glc p0.25 43,71,87,101,117,129,145,161,205 2,3,6-Me4-Glc p1,4-linked Glc p 3.31 45,71,87,101,117,129,143,161,203,233 2,3,4-Me3-Glc p1,6-linked Glc p 2.13 43,71,87,101,117,129,161,173,189,233 2,3,4,6-Me4-Gal p1-linked Gal p0.21 43,71,87,101,117,129,145,161,205 2,3,4-Me4-Gal p1,6-linked Gal p 2.03 43,87,99,101,117,129,161,173,189,233 3,4-Me2-Gal p1,2,6-linked Gal p 1.11 43,71,87,99,129,159,173,189,2332.4 Partial acid hydrolysisDue to the complexity of the HEPF2 structure, partial acid hydrolysis experiment was carried out with the polysaccharide. After partialacidhydrolysis of HEPF2, the hydrolysate was dialyzed. The dialysate was purified by gel permeation chromatography on a column of Sephacryl S-100 High Resolution and lyophilized to give HEPF2dw1. The nondialysate was subjected to gel permeation chromatography on a column of Sephacryl S-300 High Resolution and was lyophilized to give a degraded polymer (HEPF2dn1). HEPF2dn1 was further hydrolyzed by 0.1 M CF3COOH for 1 h at 100 C. The nondialysate was subjected to gel permeation chromatography on a column of Sephacryl S-200 High Resolution and was lyophilized to give a degraded polymer (HEPF2dn2). The dialysate was concentrated and lyophilized, termed HEPF2dw2. HPAEC spectrum of HEPF2dw1 and HEPF2dw2 revealed the presence of fucose, 3-O-methyl rhamnose and a few galactose, glucose. This result indicates that the nonreducing-end D-galactopyranosyl, nonreducing-end glucopyranosyl, nonreducing-end fucopyranosyl moieties were destroyed during partial acid hydrolysis. Compositional analysis of the degraded polysaccharide HEPF2dn1 suggested that it was composed of fucose, galactose and glucose in a molar ratio of 0.04:1:2.34 (Table 2). The contents of fucose and 3-O-methyl rhamnose in HEPF2dn1 decreased remarkably compared with those of native polysaccharide. It was in agreement with the results of methylation analysis of HEPF2 that the fucosyl residues and 3-O-methyl rhamnose residues were terminal residues. Compositional analysis of the degraded polysaccharide HEPF2dn2 suggested that it was composed of fucose, galactose and glucose in a molar ratio of 0.07:1:4.27 (Table 2). In comparison with the composition of the native polysaccharide, the proportion of glucose significantly increased, while the content of fucose and galactose decreased remarkably. The methylation analysis of HEPF2dn2 showed the presence of 1,4,5-tri-O-acetyl-2,3,6-tri-O-methyl-D-glucitol, 1,5,6-tri-O-acetyl-2,3,4-tri-O-methyl-D-glucitol, 1,5,6-tri-O-acetyl-2,3,4-tri-O-methyl-D-galactito l, 1,2,5,6-tetra-O-acetyl -3,4-di-O-methyl-D-galactitol,1,5-di-O-acetyl-2,3,4-tri-O-methyl-L-fucitol, in a molar ratio of 3.8:1.5:1.00:0.25:0.13 (Table 3). In comparison with the methylation analysis of the native polysaccharide, the proportion of (1→6)-linked galactose and (1→2,6)-linked galactose residues decreased, while the proportion of (1→4)-linked and (1→6)-linked glucosyl residues significantly increased. These results established that the backbone chain of the native polysaccharide was composed of 1,4 and 1,6 linked glucosyl residue and 1,6 and 1,2,6 linked galactosyl residues, with terminal fucosyl residue or a minor of terminal glucosyl and galactosyl residues.Table 2 Glycosyl composition of HEPF2 and its partial acid hydrolysatesGlycosyl residues Molar ratioHEPF2 HEPF2dw1 HEPF2dn1 HEPF2dw2 HEPF2dn2 3-O-methyl-rhamnose 0.28 1.00 0.01 1.00 n.d.a Fucose 1.00 6.17 0.04 6.26 0.07Galactose 3.69 1.25 1.00 3.36 1.00Glucose 5.42 0.74 2.34 0.53 4.27a Note: non detected. HEPF2dw1 was given from partial acid hydrolysis of HEPF2 by gel permeation chromatography S-100. HEPF2dn1 was given from The nondialysate by gel permeation chromatography S-300. HEPF2dn2 was from the nondialysate of further hydrolyzing of HEPF2dn1 by gel permeation chromatography S-200. Concentrated and lyophilized the dialysate, termed HEPF2dw2.2.5 NMR analysisThe 1H (500 MHz, 25 ︒C, 60 ︒C) and 13C (500 MHz, 25 ︒C) NMR experiments were carried out. The 500 MHz 1H NMR spectrum (60 ︒C, Fig. 4) of the native polysaccharide mainly contained signals for five anomeric protons at δ 5.10, 5.06, 5.00, 4.74 and 4.54. One CH3-C group at δ 1.27 (J5, 6 5.6 Hz) corresponded to the chemical shift of H-6 of Fuc. Other sugar protons were in the region of δ3.50~4.41 along with a signal for an O-methyl group at δ3.50. Sugar residues were designated A-E according to the decreasing chemical shifts of the anomeric configuration. Methylation analysis showed the highest proportion of residues was (1→4)-linked Glc p, and in the 1H NMR spectrum the highest proportion was residue E. So residue E was designated as a (1→4)-linked Glc p The large coupling constants J H-2, H-3 and J H-3, H-4(~10 Hz) were observed for E, further indicating that it was a D-glucosyl moiety. The anomeric chemical shift for moiety E at δ 4.54 and appearing as a doublet, indicated that the D-glucose was an β-linked.Fig. 4 500-MHz 1H NMR spectru m of HEPF2 isolated from the fruiting bodies of H. erinaceus at 60 ︒C. A-E were donated by the decreasing chemical shifts of the anomeric configuration.The other signals for anomeric protons were in the region of δ5.00~5.10, indicating 1-linked Fuc p, (1→6)-linked Gal p, (1→2,6)-linked Gal p were α configuration. The 13C NMR spectrum (Fig. 5) of the polysaccharide mainly contained signals for five anomeric carbons at δ106.14、106.07, 105.89, 101.4 and 101.2. Sugar ring carbons linked to oxygen in the region of δ63.12~80.6 and one CH3-C groups (C-6 of Fuc) at δ18.4. In addition, a minor signal at δ57.5 could be assigned to an O-methyl group which, based on GC-MS data, was probably due to 3-O-methyl-rhamnose. The presence of β-D-(1→4)-linked Glc p was proved by the signals at δ80.6. The O-substituted C-6 was shown by the signals at δ 70.05 and δ 69.9, and the signal of the unsubstituted C-6 was at δ64.1and δ 59.1. 4.2.6 ConclusionBased on the data presented above, HEPF2 was composed of fucose, galactose and glucose in a molar ratio of 1.00:3.69:5.42 and a minor of 3-O-methyl-rhamnose. Methylation analysis showed it contained (1→4)-linked glucosyl, (1→6)-linked glucosyl, (1→6)-linked galactosyl, (1→2,6)-linked galactosyl, terminal fucosyl residue, and a minor of terminal 3-O-methyl-rhamnose, terminal glucosyl andgalactosyl residues.Fig. 5 500-MHz 13C NMR spectrum of HEPF2 isolated from the fruiting b odies of H. erinaceus at 25 ︒C. Fuc C-6: This peak was a result of one CH3-C groups (C-6 of Fuc) at δ 18.4.Partial hydrolysis and acetolysis indicated that the polysaccharide was composed of (1→4)-linked glucosyl, (1→6)-linked glucosyl and (1→6)-linked galactosyl residue, attached to the O-2 of main chain with terminal fucosyl residue or a minor of terminal gulcosyl and galactosyl residues. NMR spectra showed that (1→4)-linked glucosyl was β configuration, (1→6)-linked galactosy l, (1→2,6)-linked galactosyl were α configuration and terminal fucosyl residue was also α configuration.3 DISCUSSIONIn the former fungi examined, polysaccharides composed of β-glucans, α-D-manmans, have been reported to be the major components of the cell wall and the intercellular matrix, with the latter found mainly in yeast cell walls and medicinal mushrooms (Vingradov et al.1998). In contrast, polysaccharide consisting of fucogalactan,fucoglucogalactan (Zhang et al. 2006, 2007) and β-glucan (Dong et al.2006) have been found in the fungus, H. erinaceus. The biological effects of these polysaccharides have been widely studied for their immunostimulating and anti-tumor activities (Tokunaka et al.2000).However, structure of a heteropolysaccharide comp osed of β-glucose, α-fucose and α-galactose, containing diverse terminal residues has not been previouslyreported in the H .erinaceus, and HEPF2 is therefore a novel fungal polysaccharide.Acknowledgements: This study was supported by the key disciplines of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission (No. J50704)[REFERENCES]Albersheim P, Nevins DJ, English PD, Karr A, 1967. A method for the analysis of sugars in plant cell-wallpolysaccharides by gas-liquid chromatography.Carbohydrate Research, 5: 340-345Dong Q, Jia LM, Fang JN, 2006. 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