

step by step3000 Unit6答案

step by step3000 Unit6答案

• 1. prepare the rest part of this unit • exercise part 1 of unit 8 • 3.listen to item 5 of unit 12,write down the passage on your exercise book.
Questions for discussion 1. What’s your favorite sport? Can
you describe its rule? 2. Do you want to be a professional sportsman? Why or why not? 3. Do you think fair play does exist in sports competition as well as in our real life?
1. March 29, 1981/ 20, 000/ 7, 747/ 6, 255 2. grow in size 3. over 413, 481 4. 30, 809/ 1999 5. a charity fund-raising event/ over 80 million pounds
Answers for B
Key Words happy face/ men’s 110-meter hurdles/ world record Vocabulary Countryman:农村人,同胞 sprint: 疾跑 Lausanne 洛桑
China/ 110-meter hurdles/ Switzerland/ finish line/ 12.88 seconds/ shared with/ three one hundredth/ old record/ 12.90 seconds/ 13.02 seconds/ in 1993/ 22-year-old/ gold medalist/ 2004



STEP BY STEP 3000 第三册答案Unit 1World News: International RelationsPart I Warming upA Tapescripts:1.The former American Defense Secretary William Perry hasrecommended a radical change of policy towards North Korea.2.Hundreds of thousands of mother s from across the United Statesgathere d here in Washington Sunday to push for tougher gun control laws.3.There's been further fighting between Macedonian forces and EthnicAlbanian guerrillas inside the Macedonian border with Kosovo.4.A bomb dropped by the United State's navy aircraft during training inKuwait has hit a group of military observers, killing six of them.5.NATO is taking a number of steps to allay growing disquiet about thepossible health risks from ammunitions containing depleted uranium, which it used in Kosovo and Bosnia.B1. What is the summit's statement expected to call on UN members? To make commitments to eradicate poverty, promote democracy and education, and reverse the spread of AIDS.2. Which three countries are admitted by ASEAN on Saturday? Burma, Cambodia, and the Laos.3. What happened on Friday about ten miles south of Pearl Harbor?A U. S. nuclear submarine tore through a Japanese fishing vessel, sinking it within minutes.How many people were on the vessel? And how many were missing?35/9.4. What happened in the West Bank and Gaza?Gun battles between Israeli troops and Palestinian gunmen have been raiding overnight.5. What are the problems with the nuclear facilities and nuclear plants in Japan?Some nuclear facilities have breached many health and safety laws. More than half of the nuclear plants failed some basic tests, such as checking radiation measurements.Tapescripts:1. With the f inal declaration on its role in the 21st century, the summit's statement is expected to call on UN members to make commitments to eradicate poverty, promote democracy and education, and reverse the spread of AIDS. More than 150 heads of state and government attended the summit, the largest gathering of world leaders in history.2. The Association of South-East Asian Nations has decided to invite Burma to join its ranks, shrugging off western denunciations of the military regime in Rangoon. ASEAN foreign ministers voted on Saturday to admit Burma, Cambodia, and the Laos.3. The missing, four of them teenagers, were among 35 people aboard a high school fishing vessel from Japan. On Friday, a U.S. nuclear submarine tore through the ship, sinking it within minutes. The USS Greenville, which was not seriously damaged, was performing an emergency surfacing drill when the collision occurred about ten miles south of Pearl Harbor. Coast Guard rescue teams plucked all but nine of the victims from the rough seas.4. Gun battles between Israeli troops and Palestinian gunman have been raging overnight in the West Bank and Gaza. The upsurge in violence comes after Israeli attack helicopters targeted and killed a member of an elite Palestinian security force.5. Some nuclear facilities in Japan have breached many health and safety laws. Government inspectors checked 17 nuclear plants. More than half of them failed some basic tests, such as checking radiation measurements. Japanese nuclear regulators have been ordered to crack down following the country's worst nuclear accident in September. Sixty-nine people were exposed to dangerous levels of radiation in the accident.Part II News reportsSummary:This news report tells us that the United Nations General Assembly has elected Columbia, Ireland, Mauritius, Norway and Singapore as its new non-permanent members of the Security Council.Statements:1. Columbia, Ireland, and Singapore won their seats as nonpermanent members of the Security Council on the first round of balloting while Mauritius and Norway won their seats on the fourth ballot.2. Sudan and Mauritius are two candidates for the second seat for the African and Asian group.3. There were three countries contending for the two seats allotted to the western industrialized group of nations.4. The Security Council is made up of 15 members, including five permanent members -- China, France, Great Britain, Russia, and the United States--and 10 non-permanent members.Tapescript:The United Nations General Assembly has elected' Columbia, Ireland, Mauritius, Norway and Singapore as the new non-permanent members of the Security Council. The vote follows several weeks of haggling and maneuvering.Columbia, Ireland, and Singapore won the required two thirds majorityon the first round of balloting. But it took another three rounds of voting to decide on the remaining two regional seats.Contention marked the voting for the second seat for the African and Asian group. The United States lobbied intensely against Sudan, the candidate of the Organization of African Unity. Mauritius, the candidate supported by Washington, won on the fourth round of voting.Ireland easily captured one of the two seats allotted to the western industrialized group of nations on the first ballot. But Norway and Italy campaigned vigorously for the second spot. King Harald of Norway came to New York last week to press the case for his nation's representation on the Security Council for the first time since 1982. Norway also won on the fourth ballot. The new members begin their two-year terms in January. The Security Council is made up of a total of 15 members, including five permanent members -- China, France, Great Britain, Russia, and the United States -- and 10 non-permanent members. Five non-permanent members are elected to two-year terms each year.BSummaryThis news report tells us that the United Nations Human Rights Commission was going to hold an emergency meeting to deal with the crisis situation between Israelis and Palestinians.Answers to the questions:1. 532.483.34. The United 18th7.No more than three days8. To get the Israelis and Palestinians back to the negotiating table9. 4 / Bosnian war / genocide in Rwanda / violence in East Timor Tapescript:Forty-eight of the ( United Nations Human Rights Commission's) 53 member nations voted to hold the emergency meeting. The United States cast the sole dissenting vote and Canada abstained. Three other countries did not vote.The special meeting will begin October 18th and will last for no more than three days.UN spokeswoman Marie Heuze says one purpose of the meeting is to try to learn how the cycle of violence between Israelis and Palestinians can be stopped."When you have such a high-profile for a crisis which is so dangerous, not only for the people in Palestine and in Israel, but in the region, thereis a fear -- and this is probably why there was a large consensus on this meeting to discuss the issue -- because the situation in this part of the world is so volatile, so dangerous, so important to control that everybody thinks that they have something to contribute."MsHeuze says she thinks the United Nations and the international community as a whole can play a constructive role in the present situation1. I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth. No single space project in this period will be more impressive to mankind, or more important for the long-range exploration of space; and none will be so difficult, or expensive to accomplish... But, in a very real sense, it will not be one man going to the moon. If we make this judgment affirmatively, it will be an entire nation ... I believe we should go to the moon. (John F. Kennedy 25/05/1961)2. As he said many times, in many parts of this nation, to those he touched and who sought to touch him: "Some men see things as they are and say 'Why?' I dream things that never were and say 'Why not?'" (Edward M. Kennedy 08/06/1968)3. I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave-owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood. I have a dream that one day, even the State of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. (Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. 28/08/1963)4. America needs a full-time President and a full-time Congress. Particularly at this time, with problems we face at home and abroad. To continue to fight through the months ahead for my personal vindication would almost totally absorb the time and attention of both the President and the Congress in a period when our entire focus should be on the great issues of peace abroad and prosperity without inflation at home. (Richard M. Nixon 08/08/1974)5. Thank you for opening up your minds and your hearts, for seeing the possibility of what we could do together for our children and for our future here in this state and in our nation. I am profoundly grateful to all of you for giving me the chance to serve you. I will... I will do everything I can to be worthy of your faith and trust and to honor the powerful example of Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan ... I promise you tonight that I will reach across party lines to bring progress for all of New York's families. Today we voted as Democrats and Republicans. Tomorrow we begin again as New Yorkers .... (Hillary Clinton 07/11/2000)Unit 2Earth and EnvironmentPart 1Warming upA1....impact of climate change… damage to crops … worse...2. ...2000 delegates…northern Brazil … third United Nations Conference on Desertification.3....A huge oil spill … Mexico,...4. Wildfires … Florida … contained … a week...5....Greenland is melting around the edges …50 cubic kilometers raise global sea level ...B 1. It attempts to balance environmental concerns and the needs of the community.2. Reptile species are in greater trouble than amphibian species.3. A new approach in the fight against the illegal drugs trade.4. One in every eight species of plants is threatened with extinction.5. A new local directory for the environmentally-aware, called the “Boulder County Green Pages”.Part II News ReportsA...Washington … the information economy … deteriorating health of the planet … information economy … communication … education and entertainment … physical exam … vital signs … species … climate … temperatures … water tables … glaciers … forests … fisheries … to stabilize both climate and world population growthB Summary… the severe shortage of water in some developing nations. … global solutions are found soon.Answers to the questions1.1502. Monday3. Almost one billion people could suffer from ascarcity of water.4. Middle East, parts of Africa, western Asia, Northeastern China, western and southern India, large parts of Pakistan and Mexico, parts of the Pacific coast of the United States and South America.5.To treat water as a precious resource.6. 5 liters7. 50 liters8.500 litersPart IIICity recyclingA a. 2 b. 4 c. 3 d. 1B130,000 / 80%2. Plastic / glass / tin cans / newspapers3. Recycle truck pick it up.4. One of community’s recycling centers5. Each weekday6. Conducts tours of the plant7. 3 / 48. Sod to other companies that make them into different products9. Made into new containers10. One of the top five in the USAUnit 3World News: Economic DevelopmentsPart I Warming upA1. Who have been meeting in Hong Kong today to discuss the outlook for the global economy?Central Bank governors from more than a dozen countries.2. What does UNCTAD say about the worldwide total of foreign investment?It grew by 40% last Year to more than 600 billion dollars.3. Who has approved a cut in income tax rates?The United States House of Representatives.4. Who has announced job cuts after a fall in demand for its products? IntelWhat is its plan?To reduce its workforce by5,000.5. What decisions have been made by EU, the U.S. and Canada after a case of foot-and-mouth disease was confirmed in France?EU has imposed further restrictions on the movement of livestock.The U.S. and Canada have issued temporary bans on the import of animal produce from EU.Tapescript:1. Central Bank governors from more than a dozen countries have been meeting in Hong Kong today. One subject they likely discussed is the outlook for the global economy because of the U. S. slowdown and Japan's struggling recovery. Another topic they may have discussed is how to strengthen financial markets in emerging economies in Asia and elsewhere.2. A United Nations' report says the worldwide total of foreign investment grew by nearly 40% last year to more than 600 billion dollars. The report by the UN Conference on Trade and Development, UNCTAD says most of it took place between developed countries as big companies took one another over.3. The United States House of Representatives has approved a cut in income tax rates, the first part of a package of tax cutting measures put forward by President Bush. The income tax reductions will amount to nearly 1 trillion dollars over ten years.4. The world's largest maker of computer chips, Intel, has announced job cuts after a fall in demand for its products. Intel said it expected its revenue in the first quarter of this year to fall by a quarter than the same period last year. The California-based company plans to reduce its85,000-strong work force by 5,000.5. The European Union has imposed further restrictions on the movement of live-stock after a case of foot-and-mouth disease was confirmed in France. The United States and Canada have issued temporary bans on the import of all animal produce from EU countries.BForeign exchange rates:1 dollar=1.733 German marks =126.9 Japanese yen1 pound =1.624 dollarsShare IndexDow Jones (up to)6,783 (+45) London’s 100 (up to)4,390 (+20)Nikkie closed2. Share Index:Dow Jones 10,116(+96)Standrd and Poor’s 500 1,254(+6) NASDAQ: (-1.5%)3. Share Index:Dow Jones 8,094 ( - 66 ) NASDAQ 1,662 (- 3 )FT100 ( -36 ) CAC Quarante( -33, -1% )DAX ( -1% )4. Most active stocks:Cable and Wireless HKT up $ 0.45 HSBC down $ 0.50 Hutchison down $ 0.50 Shanglongkai Property up$ 2.25China Telecom down $ 1.50 Chang Kong down $ 0.25 Pacific Century Cyberworlds down $ 0.10CCT Telecom down $ 0.275 New World CyberBasedown $ 0.075Hanong Holdings down $ 0.25Gold prices:Hong Kong gold:HK$ 2,670 London gold: US $ 2895. Earnings:Philips Electronics (last year): $ 2.4 billion ($ 300 million)Royal Dutch Shell (4th quarter): $ 3.6 billionElectronic Data Systems (4th quarter): $ 0.70 per share ( $ 0.02 up) Tapescripts:1. The dollar is trading at one German mark seventy-three point three and at 126.9 Japanese yen. The pound buys one dollar sixty-two point four. In New York, the Dow Share Index closed 45 higher at 6,783. Earlier London's 100 Share Index ended 20 higher at 4,390. In Tokyo, the Nikkei Share Index is closed for a holiday.2. The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed up 96 points at 10,116. The Standard and Poor's 500 Index gained 6 points to close at 1,254. But the NASDAQ Index lost 1.5% as high technology and Internet stocks were battered.3. Right now the Dow is down another 66 points at 8,094; the NASDAQ Composite down 3 points at 1,662. Turning to Europe's major markets: London stocks were hit by a wave of profit taking after five straight record closes; the FT 100 Index down 36 points; Paris seeing losses as well, the CAC quarante down 33 points or 1%; and Frankfurt's DAX also fell 1% after briefly moving into record territory.4. The Hang Seng Index closed down 89 points at 3,521. The turnover was 7.71 billion dollars. Now look at the ten most active stocks. Cable and Wireless HKT up 45 cents, HSBC holdings down 50 cents, Hutchison down 50 cents, Shanglongkai Property up $2.25, and China Telecom down $1.50, Chang Kong up 25 cents, Pacific Century Cyberworlds down 10 cents, CCT Telecom down 27.5 cents, New World Cyberspace down 7.5 cents, and Hanong Holdings down 25 cents. The Hang Seng Index future for November and December were all down. Hong Kong gold closed at 2,670 Hong Kong dollars, and London gold is trading at 289 U.S. dollars.5. Consumer electronics maker Philips Electronics reported a lower than expected profit for last year. The company made about $2.4 billion, more than $300 million below estimates. Oil company Royal Dutch Shell posted its earnings. It made roughly a $3.6 billion profit for its fourth quarter. That was essentially in line with Street expectations. Electronic Data Systems also reported its fourth quarter numbers last night. It posted a 70-cent profit per share, two cents better than expectations.Part II News reportsASummary:This news report is about Forbes's "Super 100 Global" list.Answer the questions:1. Which of the following corporations are the top five on Forbes's list? Mark their ranks.2 Citigroup4 HSBC Banking Company-- BP-Amoco5 Daimler-Chrysler1 General Electric Corporation Microsoft3 Bank of America2. How are the companies ranked?The companies are ranked with a composite formula, which includes total sales, profits, assets and market capitalization, or the total value of their stock.3. How are the 100 companies distributed?46 in the United States, 54 in Europe and Japan.4. Why were none of the Internet-related firms included in the list? Because most of the Internet-related firms have little or no profits so far. Tapescripts:For the second year in a row, the General Electric Corporation is ranked number one in an annual survey of the 100 most powerful corporations in the world. The survey, compiled and published by Forbes business magazine, shows General Electric of the United States ranked number one, followed in second and third place by the U.S. banking and financial services giants Citigroup and Bank of America. In fourth and fifth place are the British-based HSBC Banking Company and Daimler-Chrysler, the German-American auto-company. The companies are ranked with acomposite formula, which includes total sales, profits, assets and market capitalization, or the total value of its (their) stock. What the magazine calls its "Super 100 Global" list are 46 companies based in the United States and 54 in Europe and Japan.Mike Ozanian, the Forbes editor who compiled the list, says there is a growing trend of international mergers and acquisitions, citing companies such as Daimler-Chrysler andBP-Amoco, the Anglo-American Oil Company. Mr. Ozanian says that despite the huge capitalizations of many Internet-related firms, none were included because most have little, if any, profits -- at least not yet.B Summary:This news report gives us a general picture of the U.S. stock market. It also presents some analysts' views on the market.Statements:1. The Dow Jones Industrial Average went up less than one percent, to 10,546.2. An analyst said that sales growth at Intel could be stronger than expected.3. Retail stocks gained on stronger-than-expected sales because of the Thanksgiving holiday shopping season.4. Sales of existing homes fell a steep 3.9% in October, their second monthly decline.5. According to investment strategist Alan Skrainka, this is a very good entry point for a long-term investor to get into the market. Tapescript:U.S. stock prices were mixed on Monday, with the "blue-chips" in a rally mode. But volume was only moderate after a holiday-shortened week last week, showing lingering uncertainty among investors.The Dow Jones Industrial Average went up 75 points, less than one percent, to 10,546. The S & P 500 Index gained 7 points. But the NASDAQ Composite backed off an early rally, taking a loss of almost one percent on weakness in selected technology stocks.The Dow Industrials actually got a boost from their technology components. Shares of Intel traded higher after an analyst said sales growth at the leading computer chip-maker could be stronger than expected. Microsoft stock also edged higher.Retail stocks gained on stronger-than-expected sales over the Thanksgiving weekend, as the holiday shopping season got underway. However, analysts caution the retail picture is still clouded because many stores offered bargains to attract shoppers. Experts worry that higher oil prices and interest rates will make this a less than merry Christmas season for U.S. merchants.The latest on the U.S. economy points to slower growth. Sales of existing homes fell a steep 3.9 percent in October, their second monthly decline.Many analysts think uncertainty over the economy makes it increasingly likely that the major stock averages will close lower for the year. But investment strategist Alan Skrainka says the longer-term looks better. "No one can guess what will happen to the market over the next month. But over the long-term, we think the market looks very good. If you're a long-term investor, this is a very good entry point for getting into the market because this is what you've been waiting for. All the fear and uncertainty in the marketplace is setting us up for some very good values in the market."Part III Voice mail may cost company’s businessAJud Jessup (TakeCare HMO): …personalized service…”high service”…getting a recording…efficient…cost effective……individual problems….Stanley Plogue (Plogue Research): …a fourth…let out…voice mail system…given up…Sandy hale (Pacific Bell):…bottom line…costs…more efficient…customer service operations…a valuable tool.B1. T2. T3.F4.F5.T6.F7.F8.T9.T10. TC3. Five years ago, people were wary of voice-mail.4. TakeCare used a funny voice-mail message in its advertisements.6. V oice-mail decreases contact between customers and companies.7. The problem is not the technology, but the voice-mail menus.Part IV Business jargonA1.…language shorthand….2.…overuse business jargon…a negative effect…3.…a low opinion…management jargon…a third…a lack ofconfidence…one in five …untrustworthy…cover something up. 4.…an effective boss…can easily understand…of management jargon.B1. T2. T3.F4.F5. thinking: imagine new or different ways of doing things2.get our ducks in a row: have everything arranged efficiently3.brain dump: tell everything you know about a particular subject4.think outside the box: be creative in how you think about problems5.the helicopter view: an overview6.a heads up: a warning7.that’s a real no-brainer: that’s simpleUnit 4World News: Up in SpacePart I Warming upA 1.To Mars / March of next year. 2. Because of a mechanical problem.3. 5 males and 2 females.4. NASA / At the end of September, 83 days after landing.5. To return home at the Kennedy Space Center after completing repairs on the Hubble Telescope.B Mir Facts15 years the Soviet Union, now Russia$ 4.2 billion (for building and maintaining) 10 years (1986 —1996)135 tons 9,900 cubic feet63 feet wide and 85 feet long104 cosmonauts, astronauts 46 438 days747 days, three Mar. 23rd,Part II News reportsA Summary :… the smallest and most earth-like extra solar planet.Answers to questions:1.About a dozen.2. Five times the mass of the earth.3. A red dwarf.4.Two.5. One is similar to Neptune and the other is 8 times themass of the earth.B Event :NASA’s 12-year program of Mars • Starting time: 1996• Finishing time: 2008First installment:• Names of spacecrafts: the Mars Global Surveyor Orbiter / the Pathfinder Lander• Arrival time: 1997• Mission: To collect and analyze rocksSecond installment:• Names of spacecrafts: the Polar Lander / the Mars Climate Orbiter• Launch time:December• Arrival time: Next DecemberMission:a.To inspect for subsurface waterb.To measure the distribution of water vapor, dust and condensates Grand finale: • Launch time: 2005 • Return time: 2008•Mission: To return soil and rock samples to Earth.Part III Returning to the MoonSummary:… UK’s possible collaboration with China on the Chang’e program. Answers to the questions:1. Four phases2. a. robotic spacecraftb. to return astronauts to the moonc. to set up a permanent space station3. Building of scientific instruments by UK4. Five days5. Thirteen daysUnit 5Part IA11.A successful brain tissue transplant carried out by a South Africansurgeon.2.The discovery of a new way to increase the effectiveness ofchemotherapy.3.The possibility of a new way to treat glaucoma.4.A new research on writing which shows that writing can result inclinically meaningful outcomes.A new research on writing which shows that writing can help people with chronic illness improve their health.5.The theory and function of acupuncture.A21.A week ago / Parkinson’s disease.2.A natural defense mechanism3.The death of brain cells4.Meeting patients’ psychological needs produces physical healthbenefits.5.Side effects / cut back on medication.1.The world’s leading transplant surgeon, Dr Christopher Bernard,has carried out one of the most difficult brain tissue transplants yet attempted. The South African surgeon has succeeded in transplanting tissues into the human brain in what is thought to be the first operation of its kind. The surgery was performed a week ago on a patient suffering from Parkinson’s disease. A portion ofthe patient’s adrenal gland was implanted into a part of the patient’s brain, an operation which has previously been performed only on rats and monkeys.2.Approximately a third of all people develop cancer at one point intheir lives. Chemotherapy has its limitations, but it is one of the major treatment options. Some American scientists have discovered they can increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy by inhibiting a natural defense mechanism employed by cancer cells.3.Glaucoma is responsible for blindness in an estimated 67 millionpeople around the world. Until now, treatments have focused exclusively on the eyes. But that may change in the next few year, following the discovery that glaucoma involves the death of brain cells.4.New research shows that the simple act of writing down thoughtsabout a stressful event can help people with chronic illnesses improve their health. This is the first study to show that writing can result in clinically meaningful outcomes for chronically-ill patients.The study adds to the growing amount of scientific literature suggesting that meeting patient’s psychological needs produces physical health benefits.5.Traditional Chinese medicine says that good health is associatedwith the balance of Qi. Qi can be hindered or helped by yang andyin. According to traditional theory, the goal of acupuncture is to promote the flow of qi by keeping yin and yang in balance ---- and this is done by inserting needles at various points along primary channels and meridians that crisscross the body. One of the key benefits of acupuncture is that it has few, if any, side-effects; and that when used with standard drug treatment --- in anesthesia, for example ---it allows physicians to cut back on medication, delivering the same level of benefit with fewer negative effects/B1.Instructions / characteristic / DNA / another / organism / geneticallymodified organism / genetic engineering2.Artificial fertilizers / pest control / food / farming / artificial fertilizers/ half3.Genetic material / unrelated / another species / animal /plant / goingacross4.Animals / cows, goats and pigs / genetically changed / pharmaceuticaldrugs / farming5.Novel / 1797-1851/ scientist / subhuman / destroying / creation thatends up destroying the creator.Part II(答案见听力原文中的红色部分)In North Beach in San Francisco, where some pretty super food gets served every night.。



Unit 1 World News: International RelationsPart I Warming upATapescripts:1.The former American Defense Secretary William Perry hasrecommended a radical change of policy towards North Korea.2.Hundreds of thousands of mothers from across the United Statesgathered here in Washington Sunday to push for tougher gun control laws.3.There's been further fighting between Macedonian forces and EthnicAlbanian guerrillas inside the Macedonian border with Kosovo.4.A bomb dropped by the United State's navy aircraft during training inKuwait has hit a group of military observers, killing six of them.5.NATO is taking a number of steps to allay growing disquiet about thepossible health risks from ammunitions containing depleted uranium, which it used in Kosovo and Bosnia.BSummaryThis news report tells us that the United Nations Human Rights Commission was going to hold an emergency meeting to deal with the crisis situation between Israelis and Palestinians.Answers to the questions:1. 532. 483. 34. The United States5. Canada6. October 18th7. No more than three days8. To get the Israelis and Palestinians back to the negotiating table9. 4 / Bosnian war / genocide in Rwanda / violence in East Timor Tapescript:Forty-eight of the ( United Nations Human Rights Commission's) 53 member nations voted to hold the emergency meeting. The United States cast the sole dissenting vote and Canada abstained. Three other countries did not vote.The special meeting will begin October 18th and will last for no more than three days.UN spokeswoman Marie Heuze says one purpose of the meeting is to try to learn how the cycle of violence between Israelis and Palestinians can be stopped."When you have such a high-profile for a crisis which is so dangerous, not only for the people in Palestine and in Israel, but in the region, there is a fear -- and this is probably why there was a large consensus on thismeeting to discuss the issue -- because the situation in this part of the world is so volatile, so dangerous, so important to control that everybody thinks that they have something to contribute."Ms Heuze says she thinks the United Nations and the international community as a whole can play a constructive role in the present situation and in trying to get the Israelis and Palestinians back to the negotiating table. Officials from the UN Human Rights Commission will discuss the agenda toward the meeting on Wednesday.This is only the fifth time the commission has gone into emergency meeting to deal with a crisis situation. Previous sessions dealt with the Bosnian war, the genocide in Rwanda, and the violence in East Timor. Questions:1. How many members are there in the UN Human Rights Commission?2. How many of them voted to hold the emergency meeting?3. How many of them didn't vote?4. Which country cast the dissenting vote?5. Which country abstained?6. When will the meeting begin?7. How long will it last?8. What's the purpose of this meeting?9. How many emergency meetings have been held before this one?What were the three crisis situations that they dealt with?Unit 2 Earth and EnvironmentPart 1 Warming upB1. It attempts to balance environmental concerns and the needs of the community.2. Reptile species are in greater trouble than amphibian species.3. A new approach in the fight against the illegal drugs trade.4. One in every eight species of plants is threatened with extinction.5. A new local directory for the environmentally-aware, called the “Boulder County Green Pages”.Part II News ReportsA...Washingto n … the information economy … deteriorating health of the planet … information economy … communication … education andentertainment … physical exam … vital signs … species … climate … temperatures … water tables … glaciers … forests … fisheries … to stabilize both climate and world population growthUnit 3 World News: Economic DevelopmentsPart I Warming upA1. Who have been meeting in Hong Kong today to discuss the outlook for the global economy?Central Bank governors from more than a dozen countries.2. What does UNCTAD say about the worldwide total of foreign investment?It grew by 40% last Year to more than 600 billion dollars.3. Who has approved a cut in income tax rates?The United States House of Representatives.4. Who has announced job cuts after a fall in demand for its products? IntelWhat is its plan?To reduce its workforce by5,000.5. What decisions have been made by EU, the U.S. and Canada after a case of foot-and-mouth disease was confirmed in France?EU has imposed further restrictions on the movement of livestock.The U.S. and Canada have issued temporary bans on the import of animalproduce from EU.Tapescript:1. Central Bank governors from more than a dozen countries have been meeting in Hong Kong today. One subject they likely discussed is the outlook for the global economy because of the U. S. slowdown and Japan's struggling recovery. Another topic they may have discussed is how to strengthen financial markets in emerging economies in Asia and elsewhere.2. A United Nations' report says the worldwide total of foreign investment grew by nearly 40% last year to more than 600 billion dollars. The report by the UN Conference on Trade and Development, UNCTAD says most of it took place between developed countries as big companies took one another over.3. The United States House of Representatives has approved a cut in income tax rates, the first part of a package of tax cutting measures put forward by President Bush. The income tax reductions will amount to nearly 1 trillion dollars over ten years.4. The world's largest maker of computer chips, Intel, has announced job cuts after a fall in demand for its products. Intel said it expected its revenue in the first quarter of this year to fall by a quarter than the same period last year. The California-based company plans to reduce its85,000-strong work force by 5,000.5. The European Union has imposed further restrictions on the movement of live-stock after a case of foot-and-mouth disease was confirmed in France. The United States and Canada have issued temporary bans on the import of all animal produce from EU countries.Part II News reportsASummary:This news report is about Forbes's "Super 100 Global" list.Answer the questions:1. Which of the following corporations are the top five on Forbes's list? Mark their ranks.2 Citigroup4 HSBC Banking Company-- BP-Amoco5 Daimler-Chrysler1 General Electric Corporationn Microsoft3 Bank of America2. How are the companies ranked?The companies are ranked with a composite formula, which includes total sales, profits, assets and market capitalization, or the total value of their stock.3. How are the 100 companies distributed?46 in the United States, 54 in Europe and Japan.4. Why were none of the Internet-related firms included in the list? Because most of the Internet-related firms have little or no profits so far. Tapescripts:For the second year in a row, the General Electric Corporation is ranked number one in an annual survey of the 100 most powerful corporations in the world.The survey, compiled and published by Forbes business magazine, shows General Electric of the United States ranked number one, followed in second and third place by the U.S. banking and financial services giants Citigroup and Bank of America. In fourth and fifth place are theBritish-based HSBC Banking Company and Daimler-Chrysler, the German-American auto-company. The companies are ranked with a composite formula, which includes total sales, profits, assets and market capitalization, or the total value of its (their) stock. What the magazine calls its "Super 100 Global" list are 46 companies based in the United States and 54 in Europe and Japan.Mike Ozanian, the Forbes editor who compiled the list, says there is a growing trend of international mergers and acquisitions, citing companies such as Daimler-Chrysler and BP-Amoco, the Anglo-American Oil Company. Mr. Ozanian says that despite the huge capitalizations of manyInternet-related firms, none were included because most have little, if any, profits -- at least not yet.英语专业学生经典的听力材料Part IA11. A successful brain tissue transplant carried out by a South African surgeon.2. The discovery of a new way to increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy.3. The possibility of a new way to treat glaucoma.4. A new research on writing which shows that writing can result in clinically meaningful outcomes.A new research on writing which shows that writing can help people with chronic illness improve their health.5. The theory and function of acupuncture.A21. A week ago / Parkinson’s disease.2. A natural defense mechanism3. The death of brain cells4. Meeting patients’ psychological needs produces physical health benefits.5. Side effects / cut back on medication.1. The world’s leading transplant surgeon, Dr Christo pher Bernard, has carried out one of the most difficult brain tissue transplants yet attempted. The South African surgeon has succeeded in transplanting tissues into the human brain in what is thought to be the first operation of its kind. The surgery was performed a week ago on a patient suffering from Parkinson’s disease. A portion of the patient’s adrenal gland was implanted into a part of the patient’s brain, an operation which has previously been performed only on rats and monkeys.2. Approximately a third of all people develop cancer at one point in their lives. Chemotherapy has its limitations, but it is one of the major treatment options. Some American scientists have discovered they can increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy by inhibiting a natural defense mechanism employed by cancer cells.3. Glaucoma is responsible for blindness in an estimated 67 million people around the world. Until now, treatments have focused exclusively on the eyes. But that may change in the next few year, following the discovery that glaucoma involves the death of brain cells.4. New research shows that the simple act of writing down thoughts about a stressful event can help people with chronic illnesses improve their health. This is the first study to show that writing can result inclinically meaningful outcomes for chronically-ill patients. The study adds to the growing amount of scientific literature suggesting that meeting patient’s psychological needs produces physical health benefits.5. Traditional Chinese medicine says that good health is associated with the balance of Qi. Qi can be hindered or helped by yang and yin. According to traditional theory, the goal of acupuncture is to promote the flow of qi by keeping yin and yang in balance ---- and this is done by inserting needles at various points along primary channels and meridians that crisscross the body. One of the key benefits of acupuncture is that it has few, if any, side-effects; and that when used with standard drug treatment --- in anesthesia, for example --- it allows physicians to cut back on medication, delivering the same level of benefit with fewer negative effects/Part IV1. NHS’(英国国民健康保险制度) greater focus on prevention1. a gimmick2. a: increased screening2. proper timetablee.g. heart disease, stroke, cancer 3. treatmentb: the most vulnerable4. private healthcarec: more widely available听力原文:It seems that politicians around the world are thinking about the health of their countries. While in China, Chen Zhu has announced his plans for a universal health service and reform across health services, Gordon Brown, the UK Prime Minister, ahs also announced he is planning to make some changes in our heath service.The crux of Mr. Brown’s propos als are related to giving the NHS (National Health Service)a greater focus on prevention, rather than just curing patients.He is planning to introduce increased screening for common diseases such as heart disease, strokes, and cancer, for example breast cancer. In Britain there are 200,000 deaths a year from heart attacks and strokes, many of which might have been avoided if the condition had been known about.Initially, the diagnostic tests will be available fro those who are most vulnerable, or most likely to have the disease, but later on the Prime Minister claims that they will be more widely available. One example is a plan to offer all men over 65 an ultrasound test to check for problems with the main artery, a condition which kills 3,000 men a year.The opposition have criticized Mr Brown’s proposals, saying that they are just a gimmick, and claiming that there is no proper timetable for thechanges. They also say that Mr. Brown is reducing the money available for the treatment of certain conditions while putting more money towards testing for them.The NHS was founded in 1948, and is paid for by taxation. The idea is that the rich pa more towards the health service than the poor. However in recent years there has been a great increase in the use of private healthcare.Many people who can afford it choose to pay for medical care, often because it can be quicker, although the doctors and hospitals are often the same!! NHS waiting lists for operations can be very long, so people can jump the queue by paying for their operation.英语专业学生经典的听力材料Unit 8 ArchitecturePart I Warming upB1.The Palais du Louvre:Location: heart of ParisBeginning year of construction: 1527Time when first used as a public art gallery: 1793The Louvre Pyramid:Designer: Ieoh Ming PeiUse: the main entrance to the Palais du LouvreHeight: 21mWidth: 33mMaterials: steel tubes, cables, sheet glassYear of completion: 1988Tapescript:The Palais du Louvre stands at the heart of Paris, and houses one of the world's greatest collections of works of art. The original palace dates from 1527, and it was extended and added to over the next four centuries. It was first used as a public art gallery in 1793. In 1981, theChinese-American architect Ieoh Ming Pei was commissioned to redevelop the public part of the Louvre and create more space for reception areas and services. He designed the famous Glass Pyramid, which serves as the main entrance to the building, leading underground to the museum and art gallery. The Pyramid is 21 meters high and 33 meters wide, and uses a combination of steel tubes, cables and sheet glass. It was completed in 1988, and quickly became a major tourist attraction in its own right.B21. She likes the Louvre Pyramid because of the transparency, and it has a light effect.2. She likes the Louvre Pyramid for its contrast of shapes. It emphasizesthe beauty of the Louvre.3. She thinks the right thing is to put something so contradictory to the Louvre. They stand in dialogue with each other and they don't try to complement each other.4. She thinks it would have been the biggest mistake to try to build something similar to the Louvre.Tapescript:I like the Louvre Pyramid because of its transparency, because you can just look through it, and it has a very light effect. It is not heavy and it is made of glass, and so it looks like a light object. And I like it for its contrast of shapes, because it is such a contrast to the Louvre building that in fact it doesn't interfere with the beauty of the Louvre, but it even, it emphasizes the beauty of the Louvre. And in the evening when this pyramid is lighted, it's just a source of light to put the Louvre into a new light. And this has for me also a symbolic meaning. And it is such an unexpected shape in this urban context, just to use a traditional shape of a pyramid built in new materials with new technologies, high-tech, and so on, that it is a completely surprising effect. So that people get shocked by it or they like it, but there is nobody who would be uninvolved or who could just pass and not notice this building. So it's something you have to look at. And I think this is also very important in building, and creating something in the cities, and exactly for example close to these historicalbuildings which are such a... they are so sensitive topics that nobody dares to touch them. I think the right thing is really to put something so contradictory to it that they stand in dialogue with each other and they don't even try to complement each other. Because it would have been the biggest mistake to try to build something similar to the Louvre, to put a building which would copy the Louvre, because it would just mean that we don't live in continuity, the architecture doesn't continue its history, but it would mean that architecture stands still on the level of the 17th century, and that would be a lie.Part II eco-conscious constructionAThe world’s first eco-city /off the coastAgricultural land /half a million /$1.3 billion /a sustainability consultantSustainable developmentA more ecologically friendly model /minimize impact on nature /solar and wind power /power and fertilizers /electric cars英语专业学生经典的听力材料Unit 11 TourismPart IA1. resort3. Golden Mile4. stag and hen partiesThe south coast 1. its pier with theaters / restaurants 2.shoppingSouthwest 1. scenery2.warmer climate2. British surfing1. Blackpool2. South CornwellTranscript:Most visitors to the UK come here expecting the rain and miserable weather for which the country is famous. However, when summer finally does arrive, the British people like nothing more than packing their trunks and swimming costumes and heading for the coast. The UK is, after all, an island, and with 12,400 km of coastline to explore. Any visitor to the UK will be spoilt for choice. Here are some of the more famous resorts that you could expect to visit on a rip to BritainBlackpool, in the northwest of England, is the most visited resort in the UK. Each year around 6.5 to 7 million people come to enjoy the mile of sandy beaches, the 158 m Blackpool Tower and the 11 km-long Golden Mile, where there are entertainments, pubs, ice rinks and even a zoo. A firm family favorite, it has also become a popular destination for stag and hen parties.At the other end of the country on the south coast you can find Brighton. Until 1786, Brighton was a sleepy village. Then the future King George IV decided to build a residence there, and over the years Brighton grew into the large, cosmopolitan center it is now.A part from the beaches, Brighton is famous for its pier. On the pier there are theaters, entertainments and restaurants. Brighton is also fantastic for shopping.If you fancy traveling a little further, why not go to Cornwell inn the far southwest the UK? South Cornwell offers miles of sandy beaches andbeautiful scenery. The climate here is warmer than the rest of Britain and you can even find plan trees.For a bit more excitement, go to North Cornwell. The scenery here is more dramatic, and the beaches are famous for their powerful waves. As a result, North Cornwell has become the home f British surfing.One word of warning though, if you are using the roads in the UK on bank holidays or during school holidays, you can expect long traffic jams on the motorways. It might be better to take the train.Part IIAExcessive visitors (averaged 50,000 during golden weeks)Cultural relics in the museumAn electronic ticket checking system1). Real time record of the number of visitors inside the museum2). Maximum reception capacityThe flow of touristsTranscript:Troubled by excessive visitors, the Palace Museum or Forbidden Cityin Beijing will adopt an electronic ticket checking system and make the control of the flow of tourists. The new system will keep a real time record of the number of visitors inside the museum, and inform the ticket office to hold ticket sales onc e the number exceeds the musuem’s maximum reception capacity. The Palace Museum, on of the most comprehensive Chinese museums, in terms of history and art, was established on the foundation of the palace that was the ritual center during two dynasties, the Ming and the Qing, and their collection of treasures. It has topped the must-see list of almost every visitor to the capital city. In recent years, the number of daily visitors to the Palace Museum averaged 50,000 during golden weeks, the week-long national holidays observed three times a year in China. Superfluous tourists have caused damage to cultural relics in the museum.。

Step by Step 3000 Unit 6

Step by Step 3000   Unit 6

Unit 6 For the Glory of SportHere are three short extracts from a conversation between a group of friends. They are talking about football supporters. Listen carefully and answer the following questions.Section 1I. In this section, the speaker talks about his neighbors. Write down the key words that he uses todescribe them on different daily life: nice / friendly / warm / affectionateb.after a football match: drunk / aggressive / scream /shout / push people around / smash glasses /monsters2.From what you have heard, what inferences can you draw about the speaker's attitude towardsfootball fans?He finds it difficult to understand why normal, nice people behave so badly at football matches. Section 23.According to the third speaker in this section, how do Brazilians behave when they go to footballmatches?enjoy themselves / no aggression or violenceSection 34.From what you have heard in this section, what are the other matches that large crowds go tobesides football ones?rugby / tennis5.When people go to Wimbledon, how do they behave?They sit there silently throughout.Tapescript:Section 1M: I have neighbors who, who are very nice, friendly, warm, affectionate people, and I live near a football ground, Tottenham, and on Saturday I avoid them, because they come back from the match about 6 o'clock, 7 o'clock, drunk, aggressive — they scream, they shout, and ... After the World Cup Fi-, after the World Cup when England got knocked out, I was in my local pub and they came in and they started pushing people around and smashing glasses, and I was really frightened and I walked out, and I don't understand, I re-ally don't understand what it is about a football match that can tu rn ordinary, f ri endly people into monsters.Section 2JE: But do you think that's so of a lot of football fans? I mean, I've heard other people say they've gone to football matches and there's been absolutely no trouble in the terraces at all, and people have been ... sat there, you know, quite happily, opposing teams next to each other.J: Oh but it obviously does happen a lot. I mean, you see it on the news. What happens when British fans go to Europe? There's always trouble, isn't there?M: Well, but it's, it's not ... it's ... In Brazil, for example, where I've also been to football matches, people go to enjoy themselves, and there's no aggression or violence, or ... there's nothing like that. It seems peculiarly, it seems pa rt icular to England and a few other countries that football provides people with the oppo rt unity to show their most violent, aggressive natures.Section 3A: But perhaps it's just a function of people getting together in crowds, large groups of people getting into enclosed spaces together.J: But large crowds go to other kinds of matches — go to rugby matches, go to Wimbledon to watch tennis .. .M: Go to pop concerts .. .J; If they go to Wimbledon to watch tennis, they sit there silently throughout.A: Yes, but it's interesting that one of the solutions that the police have, think might work is to have all-seater matches, for example, where everybody's seated ..Key words:sport goodwill competitive win mimic warfareattitudePart IfF Sports and entertainmentchoicesKey words:Paralympics sports competitionphysical or mental limitations disabilities choices ofentertainmentVocabulary:spinal cord / wheelchair / scuba diving / yoga / visual interpreterA Listen to the first part of a report about the sports and entertainment choices fordisabled people. Write down in Column A all the time expressions mentioned in thepassage. Then draw lines to match these time expressions with the facts and events inColumn B.Tapescript:The Olympics and the Paralympics are separate movements. But they have always been held in the same year. And since 1988, they have also been held in the same city. The International Olympic Committee and the International Paralympic Committee signed an agreement in 2001 to secure this connection.The Paralympic Games grew out of a sports competition held in 1948in England. A doctor named Ludwig Guttmann organized it for men who suffered spinal cord injuries in World War Two. Four years later, it became an inte rn ational event as competitors from the Netherlands tookpa rt.Then, in 1960, the first Paralympics were held in Rome. Four hundred athletes from 23 countries competed. By 2004, the Paralympic Games in Athens had almost 4,000 athletes from 136 count ri es.B Listen to the whole report and give brief answers to the questions you hear.1. wheelchair tennis and basketball2. a. teach all kinds of sports to disabled peopleb.give healthy people a chance to t ry a sport as if they were disabledc.prepare athletes for the Paralympics3. the ability to move his legs4. It enabled him to connect his body and mind again.5. a. wireless earphonesb.visual interpretersc.MoPixTapescript:The Olympics and the Paralympics are separate movements. But they have always been held in the same year. And since 1988, they have also been held in the same city. The International Olympic Committee and the International Paralympic Committee signed an agreement in 2001 to secure this connection.The Paralympic Games grew out of a sports competition held in 1948 in England. A doctor named Ludwig Guttmann organized it for men who suffered spinal cord injuries in World War Two. Four years later, it became an international event as competitors from the Netherlands took part.Then, in 1960, the first Paralympics were held in Rome. Four hundred athletes from 23 countries competed. By 2004, the Paralympic Games in Athens had almost 4,000 athletes from 136 countries.Athletes may have physical or mental limitations; they may be blind or in wheelchairs. Yet sometimes they perform better than athletes without disabilities.Wheelchair tennis is a popular sport. So is basketball. In fact, there are more than 100 professional teams playing wheelchair basketball.Special wheelchairs for athletes are lightweight and designed for quick moves. For people who want to go really fast in their chairs, there is a Power Wheelchair Racing Association.In the State of Utah there is a place called the National Ability Center. It teaches all kinds of sports to people with all kinds of physical and mental disabilities. It even gives friends and family members a chance to try a sport as if they were disabled.A reporter from The Washington Post wanted to know what it would be like for a blind person to use a climbing wall. So, protected by a safety line, the newspaper reporter closed his eyes and started to feel for places to put his hands and feet. Trainers on the ground urged him on: "Take your time. You can do it. " Finally he reached the top.At the National Ability Center people can learn to ride horses and mountain bikes. They can try winter mountain sports, and learn scuba diving and other water activities. The center also prepares athletes for the Paralympics.For disabled people interested in yoga, there are special stretching exercises. Matthew Sanford knows about these. He has been in a wheelchair ever since a car accident when he lost the ability tomove his legs. He was thirteen years old at the time. That was almost thirty years ago.Matthew Sanford says he has had two lives: one before he was thirteen and the other after. He had to learn to live with a new reality. For many years, he was told to build up the strength in his arms and forget about his legs.But he says yoga enabled him to reconnect with the thirteen-year-old boy who loved his body. He says the exercises and special breathing of yoga let him connect his body and mind again.Now Matthew Sanford teaches yoga at his studio in the State of Minnesota. He also travels to talk to people about living with a disability. He says feeling connected to our body is a powerful part of living—whether we have a disability or not.Today there are more and more choices of entertainment for peopleUnit 6 For the Glory of Sportwith disabilities.Theaters may offer wireless earphones to make the sound louder for people with limited hearing. Some provide a visual interpreter to describe a performance or a play for a person who is blind or has limited sight.And some movie theaters offer a new device called MoPix, for Motion Picture Access. For a person unable to hear the movie, it shows the words the actors are saying. For a person unable to see the movie, it provides a spoken description of what is happening.Questions:1.What are the popular sports for athletes with mental or physical disabilities?2.What does the National Ability Center do?3.What does Matthew Sanford lose in a car accident?4.According to Matthew Sanford, how did yoga help him?5.What choices of entertainment are there in theaters for people with disabilities?。



step by step 3000 3英语听力入门答案及原文Unit 3 World News: Economic DevelopmentsPart I Warming upA1. Who have been meeting in Hong Kong today to discuss the outlookfor the global economy?Central Bank governors from more than a dozen countries. 2. What does UNCTAD say about the worldwide total of foreign investment?It grew by 40% last year to more than 600 billion dollars. 3. Whohas approved a cut in income tax rates?The United States House of Representatives.4. Who has announced job cuts after a fall in demand for its products? IntelWhat is its plan?To reduce its workforce by 5,000.5. What decisions have been made by EU, the U.S. and Canada after a case of foot-and-mouth disease was confirmed in France? EU has imposed further restrictions on the movement of livestock. The U.S. and Canada have issued temporary bans on the import of animal produce from EU.Tapescripts:1. Central Bank governors from more than a dozen countries have beenmeeting in Hong Kong today. One subject they likely discussed is the outlook for the global economy because of the U. S. slowdown and Japan'sstruggling recovery. Another topic they may have discussed is how to strengthen financial markets in emerging economies in Asia and elsewhere.2. A United Nations' report says the worldwide total of foreign investment grew by nearly 40% last year to more than 600 billion dollars. The report by the UN Conference on Trade and Development, UNCTAD says most of it took place between developed countries as big companies took one another over.3. The United States House of Representatives has approved a cut in income tax rates, the first part of a package of tax cutting measuresput forward by President Bush. The income tax reductions will amount to nearly 1 trillion dollars over ten years.4. The world's largest maker of computer chips, Intel, has announced job cuts after a fall in demand for its products. Intel said it expected its revenue in the first quarter of this year to fall by a quarter than the same period last year. The California-based company plans to reduceits 85,000-strong work force by 5,000.5. The European Union has imposed further restrictions on the movement of live-stock after a case of foot-and-mouth disease was confirmed in France. The United States and Canada have issued temporary bans on the import of all animal produce from EU countries.BForeign exchange rates:1 dollar = 1.733 German marks= 126.9 Japanese yen1 pound =1.624 dollarsShare IndexDow Jones up 6,783 (+45) London’s 100 up 4,390 (+20)Nikkie closed2. Share Index:Dow Jones up 10,116 (+96) Standrd and Poor’s 500 up 1,254 (+6) NASDAQ: down (-1.5%)3. Share Index:Dow Jones down 8,094 ( - 66 ) NASDAQ down 1,662 (- 3 )FT100 down ( -36 ) CAC Quarante down ( -33, -1% ) DAX down ( -1% ) 4. Most active stocks:Cable and Wireless HKT up $ 0.45HSBC down $ 0.50Hutchison down $ 0.50Shanglongkai Property up $ 2.25China Telecom down $ 1.50Chang Kong up $ 0.25Pacific Century Cyberworlds down $ 0.10CCT Telecom down $ 0.275New World CyberBase down $ 0.075Hanong Holdings down $ 0.25Gold prices:Hong Kong gold: HK$ 2,670London gold: US $ 2895. Earnings:Philips Electronics (last year): $ 2.4 billion ($ 300 million down) Royal Dutch Shell (4th quarter): $ 3.6 billionElectronic Data Systems (4th quarter): $ 0.70 per share ( $ 0.02 up) Tapescripts:1. The dollar is trading at one German mark seventy-three pointthree and at 126.9 Japanese yen. The pound buys one dollar sixty-two point four. In New York, the Dow Share Index closed 45 higher at 6,783. EarlierLondon's 100 Share Index ended 20 higher at 4,390. In Tokyo, the Nikkei Share Index is closed for a holiday.2. The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed up 96 points at 10,116. The Standard and Poor's 500 Index gained 6 points to close at 1,254. But the NASDAQ Index lost 1.5% as high technology and Internet stocks were battered.3. Right now the Dow is down another 66 points at 8,094; the NASDAQ Composite down 3 points at 1,662. Turning to Europe's major markets: London stocks were hit by a wave of profit taking after five straight record closes; the FT 100 Index down 36 points; Paris seeing losses as well, the CAC quarante down 33 points or 1%; and Frankfurt's DAX alsofell 1% after briefly moving into record territory.4. The Hang Seng Index closed down 89 points at 3,521. The turnover was 7.71 billion dollars. Now look at the ten most active stocks. Cable and Wireless HKT up 45 cents, HSBC holdings down 50 cents, Hutchisondown 50 cents, Shanglongkai Property up $2.25, and China Telecom down $1.50, Chang Kong up 25 cents, Pacific Century Cyberworlds down 10 cents, CCT Telecom down 27.5 cents, New World Cyberspace down 7.5 cents, and Hanong Holdings down 25 cents. The Hang Seng Index future for November and December were all down. Hong Kong gold closed at 2,670 Hong Kong dollars, and London gold is trading at 289 U.S. dollars.5. Consumer electronics maker Philips Electronics reported a lower than expected profit for last year. The company made about $2.4 billion, more than $300 million below estimates. Oil company Royal Dutch Shell posted its earnings. It made roughly a $3.6 billion profit for itsfourth quarter. That was essentially in line with Street expectations. Electronic Data Systems also reported its fourth quarter numbers last night. It posted a 70-cent profit per share, two cents better than expectations. Part III Voice mail may cost company’s businessAJud Jessup (TakeCare HMO): …personalized service…”highservice”…getting a recording…efficient…cost effective……individual problems….Stanley Plogue (Plogue Research): …a fourth…let out…voice mailsystem…given up…Sandy hale (Pacific Bell):… bottom line…costs…more efficient…customerservice operations…a valuable tool.B1. T2. T3. F4. F5. T6. F7. F8. T9. T 10. TC3. Five years ago, people were wary of voice-mail.4. TakeCare used a funny voice-mail message in its advertisements. 6. Voice-mail decreases contact between customers and companies.7. The problem is not the technology, but the voice-mail menus. Part IV Business jargonA…language shorthand….…overuse business jargon…a negative effect……a low opinion…management jargon…a third…a lack of confidence…onein five …untrustworthy…cover something up.…an effective boss…can easily understand…management jargon.B1. T2. T3. F4. F5. FCblue-sky thinking: imagine new or different ways of doing things get our ducks in a row: have everything arranged efficiently brain dump:tell everything you know about a particular subject think outside the box: be creative in how you think about problems the helicopter view: an overviewa heads up: a warningthat’s a real no-brainer: that’s simpleUnit 4 World News: Up in SpacePart I Warming upA1. To Mars / March of next year.2. Because of a mechanical problem.3. 5 males and 2 females.4. NASA / At the end of September, 83 days after landing.5. To return home at the Kennedy Space Center after completingrepairson the Hubble Telescope.BMir Facts15 yearsthe Soviet Union, now Russia$ 4.2 billion (for building and maintaining) 10 years (1986 — 1996) 135 tons9,900 cubic feet63 feet wide and 85 feet long104 cosmonauts, astronauts46438 days747 days, threeMar. 23rd,Unit 5 New Explorations in Food and MedicineA1a successful brain tissue transplant carried out by a South African surgeon.The discovery of a new way to increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy.The possibility of a new way to treat glaucoma.a new research on writing which shows that writing can result in clinically meaningful outcomes.a new research on writing which shows that writing can help people with chronic illness improve their health.the theory and function of acupuncture.A2a week ago / Parkinson’s disease.a natural defense mechanismthe death of brain cellsmeeting patients’ psychological needs produces physical health benefits.side effects / cut back on medication.The world’s leading transplant surgeon, Dr Christopher Bernard, has carried out one of the most difficult brain tissue transplants yet attempted. The South African surgeon has succeeded in transplanting tissues into the human brain in what is thought to be the first operation of its kind. The surgery was performed a week ago on a patient sufferingfrom P arkinson’s disease. A portion of the patient’s adrenal gland was implanted into a part of the patient’s brain, an operation whichhaspreviously been performed only on rats and monkeys.Approximately a third of all people develop cancer at one point in their lives. Chemotherapy has its limitations, but it is one of themajor treatment options. Some American scientists have discovered they can increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy by inhibiting a natural defense mechanism employed by cancer cells.Glaucoma is responsible for blindness in an estimated 67 million people around the world. Until now, treatments have focused exclusively on the eyes. But that may change in the next few year, following the discovery that glaucoma involves the death of brain cells.New research shows that the simple act of writing down thoughtsabout a stressful event can help people with chronic illnesses improve their health. This is the first study to show that writing can result in clinically meaningful outcomes for chronically-ill patients. The study adds to the growing amount of scientific literature suggesting that meeting patient’s psychological needs produces physical health benefits.Traditional Chinese medicine says that good health is associatedwith the balance of Qi. Qi can be hindered or helped by yang and yin. According to traditional theory, the goal of acupuncture is to promote the flow of qi by keeping yin and yang in balance ---- and this is done by insertingneedles at various points along primary channels and meridians that crisscross the body. One of the key benefits of acupuncture is that it has few, if any, side-effects; and that when used with standard drug treatment --- in anesthesia, for example --- it allows physicians to cut back on medication, delivering the same level of benefit with fewer negative effects/Bgene / instructions / characteristic / DNA / inserts / another / organism / genetically modified organism / genetic engineering artificial fertilizers / pest control / food / farming / artificial fertilizers / halfGenetic material / unrelated / another species / animal /plant / going acrossanimals / cows, goats and pigs / genetically changed / pharmaceutical drugs / farmingNovel / 1797-1851/ scientist / subhuman / destroying / creation that ends up destroying the creator.Unit 6Part I Warming upA1.1. This news item is about a kind of new bulletproof vest made of silk.2. This news item is about research done by American and Japanese researchers to predict severe weather in and around the Indian Ocean.3.This news item is about a chess match between a world champion and the rest of the world on the Internet.4. This news item is about the significance of the discovery of the structure of DNA.5. This news item is about NEC's new robot that talks and understands orders.A21. While silk threads may be soft, they can be used to produce a stronger yarn than copper threads.2. American and Japanese researchers have discovered a strong connection between extreme weather and conditions in the ocean.3. Visitors to the site have 24 hours to vote on their counter move helped by a team of young chess experts who will suggest strategies.4. Understanding its code has helped to unlock the mechanics of inherited disease, as well as beneficial biological traits such as intelligence and body strength.5. The robot from NEC can record and send video mail through the Internet and switch on TVs, VCRs and air conditioners.Tapescript.1. Thai silk is known for its beauty and elegance. But a research team has found a new use for it. A bulletproof vest made of silk was put to the test at a shooting range in Thailand. After several rounds of gunfire, the vest was examined. The bullets were stuck in the first layer of fifteen pieces of silk. A member of the research team sayswhile silk threads may be soft, they can be used to produce a stronger yarn than copper threads, the material used in regular bulletproof vests.2. American and Japanese researchers say they are a step closer to predicting severe weather in and around the Indian Ocean. Researchers have analyzed weather data from the region over the past 40 years andthey've discovered a strong connection between extreme weather and conditions in the ocean. A BBC science correspondent says the findings could make it easier to predict droughts or, indeed, periods of heavy rainfall.3. The world chess champion Garry Kasparov began a match against the rest of the world on the Internet. Kasparov made his first move with a meter-high pawn before an audience of chess fans at a park in New York. The move was immediately posted on a special website set up by the Microsoft corporation. Visitors to the site have 24 hours to vote ontheir counter move helped by a team of young chess experts who will suggest strategies.4. Few scientific advances of this or any millennium can rival insignificance the discovery of the structure of DNA, the basicmolecule of life. Knowledge of the structure of DNA helps explains many things, including genetic mutation and , through it, evolution. Understanding its code has helped to unlock the mechanics of inherited disease, as well as beneficial biological traits such as intelligenceand body strength. The discovery of the DNA molecule also paved the wayfor many of today’scutting-edge sciences, including genetic engineering, acontroversial branch of knowledge that raises new ethical and moral questions that are certain to be with us far into the next millennium.5. Some say it's hard to find good help these days, but a Japanese electronics firm thinks it's found the answer. It's a robot that talks and understands orders. The robot from NEC can record and send video mail through the Internet and switch on TVs and VCRs. And if it's becoming a bit warm for you, one simple command and the robot will switch on the air conditioner.B.2. lightning patronizingX rays EnthusiasticLaser BoredYeast Friendly / intimateFriction Loudly but neutralRecycling PatientlyTapescript:1 .... Yes, you see, it's the force of attraction between any two objects. The strength of the force depends on the mass of the objects and the distance between them. Er... the most obvious effect is the way objects on the surface of the earth are attracted towards the center of the earth...2 .... as it comes down it goes relatively slowly 100 to 1,000 miles per hour and you can't see it, but the return stroke goes up from theearth to the cloud and it goes at over 87,000 miles per hour and that's the one you can see, you see, the one that goes back up. It's reallyjust a very large, powerful spark. The distance in miles you are away from it is the time in seconds between it and the sound you hear...3 .... Well, they were first discovered in 1895 and they canpenetrate matter that is opaque to light. Some matter is moretransparent to them than others, which means you can see inside somebody. They are actually quite dangerous and people who work with them wear special protective clothing...4 .... ordinary light consists of electromagnetic waves of different frequencies and phase(s). This is a bundle of waves of the samefrequency and phase. You can create the beams from a ruby rod or a tube of carbon dioxide that's stimulated with flashes of ordinary light. The word is an acronym for light amplification by the stimulated emission of radiation. Now, does anybody ...5 .... they're all types of fungus. There are many different kindsof them but the best known are the ones used in cooking and brewing. When they're mixed with sugar they cause the sugar to ferment and two things happen: first carbon dioxide is given off and second alcohol is formed, but when the proportion reaches 12%, it's all killed off naturally... 6 .... in contact with each other, there's a resistance to movement between them. The main reason why we use ball bearings and lubricating oil is to counteract this; the main reason why rubber is used in tires and shoes is to increase the effect of it ...7 .... No, it's the process whereby materials are used again. Normally, it is cheaper to do this because it's more energy-efficient. On the other hand, one material that's hard to deal with in this way is plastic -- there are so many types that it's very difficult toseparate ...Part IIA:identify, catalog, map and analyze / 100,000A: a piece of DNA, the basic molecule of lifeB: on chromosomes / in every cell / alternately colored rungs C: produce chemical instructions / build & run the human body. III: SignificanceA: cure or preventB: desirable genetic traitsC: the brain, consciousness and the mindD: a scientific descriptionIV Controversiesabuse2. warfare听力原文:The goal of the human genome project initiated in the early 1990s is to identify, catalog, map and analyze every one of the estimated 100,000 genes in the human body. If the multi-billion-dollar project issuccessful, its effects may be as fundamental to the human future as the discovery of fire and seed agriculture once were.To understand the significance of the human genome project, it is necessary to know that each gene is a piece of DNA, the basic molecule of life. Genes are located on chromosomes that in turn reside in every cell in arrangements similar to the alternately colored rungs on a ladder. The sequence of genetic rungs produces the chemical instructions the cells need in order to build and run the human body. By identifying the location and makeup of each gene, the genome project should help scientists cure orUnit 7 Communications (I)Part I Warming upA.Tapescript:1. And British papers report the latest trend when you meet someone in a bar is to get their number, go home, and google them. Yes that gorgeous girl or guy you met the other night is probably patrolling a search engine right now to check you out. So don't even think of trying to tell them you're a famous footballer or brain surgeon or television presenter.2. The jamming, earlier this month, of several popular Internetsites with a flood of crippling messages sent a wakeup call to those involved with electronic or e-commerce. One recent suggestion is to form an industry-wide group to share information about security issues. High-tech executives want to make a coordinated effort to ensure that the Internet becomes a safe place to conduct business.3. Now home to some 800 million pages--a figure that's doubling each year- searching the Internet can be like looking for a needle in a haystack. But Oslo-based Fast Search& Transfer (FAST) has developed a search engine (www. alltheweb, com) capable of scanning more than 200 million pages. FAST is working on a mega-search engine that searches"all the web, all the time."4. This week, the Intel corporation held its semi-annual Developer Forumin Palm Springs, California. The gathering draws more than 2,000 hardware and software developers from around the world. Intel executives opened the event with a demonstration of a high-speed chip, code-named "Williamette." The chip, designed to power personal computers, has a speed of one point five gigahertz, making it almost twice as fast asIntel's popular Pentium III chip which runs at 800 megahertz.5. An online VCR seems like a bright idea but it's been quickly rendered non-functional by the copyright lawyers. Not for the first time, the Hollywood studios objected to re-transmitting network television shows, in this case for users to watch via the web. Programs were being made available for visitors to save remotely or record for subsequent viewing via Windows Media Player.Part II New Ways to communicateA1When a friend is online1.6milion3,000you can only contact someone (on the same network as you. ) usingthe same programLaugh out loud.A2online / popular / take off / signing up / by / make up obvious / disadvantage / bright / voice conversations / swap / funny When you meet someone for the first time,do you ask their ASL? Do you LOL if they come out with something funny, and say CU L8er when you finish the conversation? If you know what I’m talking about, then you are probably already a user of instant messaging, or IM.The idea behind IM is simple. A program on your computer tells you when a friend is online. You can then send a message to your friend, who can type a reply instantly. To do this, you need an IM program.Worldwide, AIM, the instant messaging service provided by AOL, is by far the most popular. It has 195 million users who send about 1.6billion messages every day. ICQ, which is owned by AOL, has about 140 million messengers, and MSN and Windows IM make up about 75 million users.The advantage over e-mail is that with instant messaging you know you’re likely to get a reply. IM is already hugely popular in the USA, where people spend five times more time online than in Europe. However,IM is starting to take off in the UK, with over 3,000 people signing up to MSN Messenger alone every day.While the plus points of IM are obvious, there is one very important disadvantage: you can only contact someone on the same network as you. If your friend is using AIM, and you are using MSN, you cannot talk to each other. This makes IM less useful than it should be. Imagine if you couldn’t send an e-mail form hotmail to yahoo. However, things look like they’ll change soon.In general, the future looks bright for IM. Lots of programs also allow you to have voice conversations, video conferencing ---- this means you can see the other person using a webcam ---- and also let you swap pictures, music and other files.So, perhaps we’ll all soon be asking someone’s age, sex andlocation(ASL), and laughing out loud (LOL) when they say something funny. See you later (CU L8er).B:1. FFTTFHow do you meet new people, make new friends, or find out about the latest bands? Here in the UK young people have traditionally done their socializing in bars, pubs and clubs.However there is a new generation growing up that finds it easier to manage their social lives on the net, using free websites like MySpace, Bebo or MSN Spaces.Welcome to the social networking website ---- a place where you can present yourself to the digital community and meet other like-minded people.The most successful social networking website in the UK is . as of July 2006, MySpace is the world’s fourth most popular English-language website, attracting almost 3 millionvisitors per month. Myspace claims to have 95 million members with500,000 new members joining the community each week.So how has it become to successful? Perhaps its secret is in its simplicity. Each new member can build their own page simply --- uploading photos, videos and MP3 files. Then they describe themselves, listing their likes, dislikes, favorite bands, relationship status, etc. it’s aneasy way to hook up with people who share your interest.Briana Dougherty, a 25-year-old MySpace devotee, told us, “It’s a casual wa y to stay in contact without appearing weird. ” it seems thatmany people do not feel comfortable giving out their phone number or personal e-mail address to new acquaintances but are perfectly happy to trade MySpace profilesWhile socializing is the key to MySpace’s success, love of music is atthe heart of the community. Indeed, most aspiring musicians in the UK upload their songs to the site, and with good reason: unsignedartists, Arctic Monkeys and Lilly Allen created such a buzz on the site that they were offered recording contracts and scored number one hits.Social network sites could be a great place to practice your English.Why not give it a try? You can tell us about your experience byfiling in the new comments form at the top of the screen.Statements:Most young people in the UK make new friends at work.Yahoo and Google are social networking sites.MySpace is one of the top five English-language websites. New bandsput their music on the web for people to listen to. Users of social networks usually pay for the service.Unit 8 ArchitecturePart I Warming upA.Tapescript:For hundreds of years, it has been an imperial capital of Europe.Its rulers raided the Western world to enrich the coffers of the empire. They spent their wealth on magnificent palaces and grand publicbuildings. They built an opera house that rivals any in Europe. They founded great museums and libraries. They constructed massive, ornate government buildings. And they raised opulent palaces for themselves. A tour of Vienna is a tour of these monuments to excess.Take Schonbrunn Palace, for instance. The Palace's Million Room, namedafter the cost of the decorations -- 1 million guilders, is a Rococo masterpiece. Inset in the paneling are 260 rare miniatures of Indo-Persian heritage. The frames are real gold leaf, and the paneling is precious wood.The Great Gallery, modeled after a room in Versailles near Paris,has 35-foot ceilings graced with giant frescoes(壁画) boasting of the powerof the Austrian army. Massive crystal chandeliers reflect in thewall of mirrors, trimmed in gold leaf.The list of other sights to see in Vienna is long. St. Stephen's Cathedral dominates the skyline of Old Town, the medieval section of the city. Its main spire soars 450 feet into the sky, and the top can be reached by climbing 343 steps. The cathedral' was begun in the 12th century.In the catacombs(陵墓) beneath the cathedral are copper urns(骨灰坛) containing the intestines of deceased Habsburgs. Their bodies are in ornate caskets(棺材) in the Imperial Burial Vaults in the Kapuziner Church a few blocks away, and can be visited.The Old Town is a fascinating place to walk. Most of the narrow streets have been turned into pedestrian malls lined with shops, coffeehouses and restaurants. In one section, the original Roman ruins under the streets can be seen by going to an underground museum.The Natural History Museum and the Museum of Fine Arts occupy matching buildings on Maria Theresa Plaza, a small square across fromthe Hofburg. H ofburg is the Habsburg’s in-town palace. It is big, with2,600 rooms, but not ornate. Hofburg is a jumble of buildings constructed at different times and in different styles, from Baroque, Gothic and Classical to Renaissance and Rococo. Its oldest parts date from the 13th century, but most were built from the 1700s on.B1.The Palais du Louvre:Location: heart of ParisBeginning year of construction: 1527Time when first used as a public art gallery: 1793The Louvre Pyramid:Designer: Ieoh Ming PeiUse: the main entrance to the Palais du LouvreHeight: 21mWidth: 33mMaterials: steel tubes, cables, sheet glassYear of completion: 1988Tapescript:The Palais du Louvre stands at the heart of Paris, and houses one of the world's greatest collections of works of art. The original palace datesfrom 1527, and it was extended and added to over the next four centuries. It was first used as a public art gallery in 1793. In 1981,。


3. The world chess champion Garry Kasparov began a match against the rest of the world on the Internet. Kasparov made his first move with a meter-high pawn before an audience of chess fans at a park in New York. The move was immediately posted on a special website set up by the Microsoft corporation. Visitors to the site have 24 hours to vote on their counter move helped by a team of young chess experts who will suggest strategies.
Unit 6 Science and Technology
Part I Warming up
1. This news item is about a kind of new bulletproof vest made of silk.
2. This news item is about research done by American and Japanese researchers to predict severe weather in and around the Indian Ocean.
4. Few scientific advances of this or any millennium can rival in significance the discovery of the structure of DNA, the basic molecule of life. Knowledge of the structure of DNA helps explains many things, including genetic mutation and , through it, evolution. Understanding its code has helped to unlock the mechanics of inherited disease, as well as beneficial biological traits such as intelligence and body strength. The discovery of the DNA molecule also paved the way for many of today’s cutting-edge sciences, including genetic engineering, a controversial branch of knowledge that raises new ethical and moral questions that are certain to be with us far into the next millennium.



step-by-step第三册答案及原文————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:STEP BY STEP 3000 3 答案Unit 1 World News: International RelationsPart I Warming upA Tapescripts:1.The former American Defense Secretary William Perry has recommended a radical change ofpolicy towards North Korea.2.Hundreds of thousands of mothers from across the United States gathered here in WashingtonSunday to push for tougher gun control laws.3.There's been further fighting between Macedonian forces and Ethnic Albanian guerrillasinside the Macedonian border with Kosovo.4. A bomb dropped by the United State's navy aircraft during training in Kuwait has hit a groupof military observers, killing six of them.5.NATO is taking a number of steps to allay growing disquiet about the possible health risksfrom ammunitions containing depleted uranium, which it used in Kosovo and Bosnia.B 1. What is the summit's statement expected to call on UN members?To make commitments to eradicate poverty, promote democracy and education, and reverse the spread of AIDS.2. Which three countries are admitted by ASEAN on Saturday? Burma, Cambodia, and the Laos.3. What happened on Friday about ten miles south of Pearl Harbor?A U. S. nuclear submarine tore through a Japanese fishing vessel, sinking it within minutes.How many people were on the vessel? And how many were missing? 35/9.4. What happened in the West Bank and Gaza?Gun battles between Israeli troops and Palestinian gunmen have been raiding overnight.5. What are the problems with the nuclear facilities and nuclear plants in Japan?Some nuclear facilities have breached many health and safety laws.More than half of the nuclear plants failed some basic tests, such as checking radiation measurements.Tapescripts:1. With the final declaration on its role in the 21st century, the summit's statement is expected to call on UN members to make commitments to eradicate poverty, promote democracy and education, and reverse the spread of AIDS. More than 150 heads of state and government attended the summit, the largest gathering of world leaders in history.2. The Association of South-East Asian Nations has decided to invite Burma to join its ranks, shrugging off western denunciations of the military regime in Rangoon. ASEAN foreign ministers voted on Saturday to admit Burma, Cambodia, and the Laos.3. The missing, four of them teenagers, were among 35 people aboard a high school fishing vessel from Japan. On Friday, a U.S. nuclear submarine tore through the ship, sinking it within minutes. The USS Greenville, which was not seriously damaged, was performing an emergency surfacing drill when the collision occurred about ten miles south of Pearl Harbor. Coast Guard rescue teams plucked all but nine of the victims from the rough seas.4. Gun battles between Israeli troops and Palestinian gunman have been raiding overnight in the West Bank and Gaza. The upsurge in violence comes after Israeli attack helicopters targeted and killed a member of an elite Palestinian security force.5. Some nuclear facilities in Japan have breached many health and safety laws. Government inspectors checked 17 nuclear plants. More than half of them failed some basic tests, such as checking radiation measurements. Japanese nuclear regulators have been ordered to crack down following the country's worst nuclear accident in September. Sixty-nine people were exposed to dangerous levels of radiation in the accident.Part II News reportsSummary:This news report tells us that the United Nations General Assembly has elected Columbia, Ireland, Mauritius, Norway and Singapore as its new non-permanent members of the Security Council. Statements:1. Columbia, Ireland, and Singapore won their seats as nonpermanent members of the Security Council on the first round of balloting while Mauritius and Norway won their seats on the fourthballot.2. Sudan and Mauritius are two candidates for the second seat for the African and Asian group.3. There were three countries contending for the two seats allotted to the western industrialized group of nations.4. The Security Council is made up of 15 members, including five permanent members -- China, France, Great Britain, Russia, and the United States--and 10 non-permanent members. Tapescript:The United Nations General Assembly has elected' Columbia, Ireland, Mauritius, Norway and Singapore as the new non-permanent members of the Security Council. The vote follows several weeks of haggling and maneuvering.Columbia, Ireland, and Singapore won the required two thirds majority on the first round of balloting. But it took another three rounds of voting to decide on the remaining two regional seats. Contention marked the voting for the second seat for the African and Asian group. The United States lobbied intensely against Sudan, the candidate of the Organization of African Unity. Mauritius, the candidate supported by Washington, won on the fourth round of voting.Ireland easily captured one of the two seats allotted to the western industrialized group of nations on the first ballot. But Norway and Italy campaigned vigorously for the second spot. King Harald of Norway came to New York last week to press the case for his nation's representation on the Security Council for the first time since 1982. Norway also won on the fourth ballot. The new members begin their two-year terms in January. The Security Council is made up of a total of 15 members, including five permanent members -- China, France, Great Britain, Russia, and the United States -- and 10 non-permanent members. Five non-permanent members are elected totwo-year terms each year.B SummaryThis news report tells us that the United Nations Human Rights Commission was going to hold an emergency meeting to deal with the crisis situation between Israelis and Palestinians.Answers to the questions:1. 532. 483. 34. The United States5. Canada6. October 18th7. No more than three days8. To get the Israelis and Palestinians back to the negotiating table9. 4 / Bosnian war / genocide in Rwanda / violence in East TimorTapescript:Forty-eight of the ( United Nations Human Rights Commission's) 53 member nations voted to hold the emergency meeting. The United States cast the sole dissenting vote and Canada abstained. Three other countries did not vote.The special meeting will begin October 18th and will last for no more than three days.UN spokeswoman Marie Heuze says one purpose of the meeting is to try to learn how the cycle of violence between Israelis and Palestinians can be stopped."When you have such a high-profile for a crisis which is so dangerous, not only for the people in Palestine and in Israel, but in the region, there is a fear -- and this is probably why there was a large consensus on this meeting to discuss the issue -- because the situation in this part of the world is so volatile, so dangerous, so important to control that everybody thinks that they have something to contribute."Ms Heuze says she thinks the United Nations and the international community as a whole can play a constructive role in the present situation and in trying to get the Israelis and Palestinians back to the negotiating table. Officials from the UN Human Rights Commission will discuss the agenda toward the meeting on Wednesday.This is only the fifth time the commission has gone into emergency meeting to deal with a crisis situation. Previous sessions dealt with the Bosnian war, the genocide in Rwanda, and the violence in East Timor.Questions:1. How many members are there in the UN Human Rights Commission?2. How many of them voted to hold the emergency meeting?3. How many of them didn't vote?4. Which country cast the dissenting vote?5. Which country abstained?6. When will the meeting begin?7. How long will it last? 8. What's the purpose of this meeting?9. How many emergency meetings have been held before this one?What were the three crisis situations that they dealt with?Part III Anti-piracy missionA EU’s Naval OperationThe massive problem: Piracy off Somalia’s waters … 100 ships … 16 ships … more than 350 crew members ….EU’s mission:…6 warships … 3 surveillance planes…• Aim: To deter, to prevent, to protect …• Headquarters: Near London • Duration: At least a yearB Chinese Navy’s Escort Mission against PiracyPrimary mission: … vessels, personnel and cargo, … hit piracy …Target: To protect the ship and personnel passing through the area, … transporting humanitarian materials …Number of crew members:800 incl. 70 soldiers from the Navy’s special forcesDuration of the first phase: Three monthsTime ready to receive protection appeals: Jan. 6Part IV SpeechesExtract 1 (expressing an opinion): I believe that... I believe we should...Extract 2 (paying a tribute): He said to those he touched and who sought to touch him ...Extract 3 (expressing an opinion) -- I have a dream...Extract 4 (expressing an opinion). America needs a full-time President and a full-time Congress. Extract 5 (accepting a post): I am profoundly grateful ... for giving me the chance to serve you. (making a promise): I will do everything I can to be worthy of ... I promise you ... that I will ... Tapescript:1. I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth. No single space project in this period will be more impressive to mankind, or more important for the long-range exploration of space; and none will be so difficult, or expensive to accomplish... But, in a very real sense, it will not be one man going to the moon. If we make this judgment affirmatively, it will be an entire nation ... I believe we should go to the moon. (John F. Kennedy 25/05/1961)2. As he said many times, in many parts of this nation, to those he touched and who sought to touch him: "Some men see things as they are and say 'Why?' I dream things that never were and say 'Why not?'" (Edward M. Kennedy 08/06/1968)3. I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave-owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood. I have a dream that one day, even the State of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. (Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.28/08/1963)4. America needs a full-time President and a full-time Congress. Particularly at this time, with problems we face at home and abroad. To continue to fight through the months ahead for my personal vindication would almost totally absorb the time and attention of both the President and the Congress in a period when our entire focus should be on the great issues of peace abroad and prosperity without inflation at home. (Richard M. Nixon 08/08/1974)5. Thank you for opening up your minds and your hearts, for seeing the possibility of what we could do together for our children and for our future here in this state and in our nation. I am profoundly grateful to all of you for giving me the chance to serve you. I will... I will do everything I can to be worthy of your faith and trust and to honor the powerful example of Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan ... I promise you tonight that I will reach across party lines to bring progress for all of New York's families. Today we voted as Democrats and Republicans. Tomorrow we begin again as New Yorkers .... (Hillary Clinton 07/11/2000)Unit 2Earth and EnvironmentPart 1Warming upA 1. ...impact of climate change … damage to crops … worse...2. ...2000 delegates …northern Brazil … third United Nations Conference on Desertification.3. ...A huge oil spill … Mexico, ...4. Wildfires … Florida … contained … a week...5. ... Greenland is melting around the edges …50 cubic kilometers raise global sea level ...B 1. It attempts to balance environmental concerns and the needs of the community.2. Reptile species are in greater trouble than amphibian species.3. A new approach in the fight against the illegal drugs trade.4. One in every eight species of plants is threatened with extinction.5. A new local directory for the environmentally-aware, called the “Boulder County Green Pages”. Part II News ReportsA...Washington … the information economy … deteriorating health of the planet … information economy … communication … education and entertainment … physical exam … vital sign s … species … climate … temperatures … water tables … glaciers … forests … fisheries … to stabilize both climate and world population growthB Summary… the severe shortage of water in some developing nations. … global solutions are found soon. Answers to the questions1.1502. Monday3. Almost one billion people could suffer from a scarcity of water.4. Middle East, parts of Africa, western Asia, Northeastern China, western and southern India,large parts of Pakistan and Mexico, parts of the Pacific coast of the United States and South America.5.To treat water as a precious resource.6. 5 liters7. 50 liters8. 500 litersPart III City recyclingA a. 2 b. 4 c. 3 d. 1B 130,000 / 80% 2. Plastic / glass / tin cans / newspapers3. Recycle truck pick it up.4. One of community’s recycling centers5. Each weekday6. Conducts tours of the plant7. 3 / 48. Sod to other companies that make them into different products9. Made into new containers 10. One of the top five in the USAUnit 3 World News: Economic DevelopmentsPart I Warming upA 1. Who have been meeting in Hong Kong today to discuss the outlook for the global economy?Central Bank governors from more than a dozen countries.2. What does UNCTAD say about the worldwide total of foreign investment?It grew by 40% last Year to more than 600 billion dollars.3. Who has approved a cut in income tax rates?The United States House of Representatives.4. Who has announced job cuts after a fall in demand for its products? IntelWhat is its plan?To reduce its workforce by5,000.5. What decisions have been made by EU, the U.S. and Canada after a case of foot-and-mouth disease was confirmed in France?EU has imposed further restrictions on the movement of livestock.The U.S. and Canada have issued temporary bans on the import of animal produce from EU. Tapescript:1. Central Bank governors from more than a dozen countries have been meeting in Hong Kong today. One subject they likely discussed is the outlook for the global economy because of the U. S. slowdown and Japan's struggling recovery. Another topic they may have discussed is how to strengthen financial markets in emerging economies in Asia and elsewhere.2. A United Nations' report says the worldwide total of foreign investment grew by nearly 40% last year to more than 600 billion dollars. The report by the UN Conference on Trade and Development, UNCTAD says most of it took place between developed countries as big companies took one another over.3. The United States House of Representatives has approved a cut in income tax rates, the first part of a package of tax cutting measures put forward by President Bush. The income taxreductions will amount to nearly 1 trillion dollars over ten years.4. The world's largest maker of computer chips, Intel, has announced job cuts after a fall in demand for its products. Intel said it expected its revenue in the first quarter of this year to fall by a quarter than the same period last year. The California-based company plans to reduce its85,000-strong work force by 5,000.5. The European Union has imposed further restrictions on the movement of live-stock after a case of foot-and-mouth disease was confirmed in France. The United States and Canada have issued temporary bans on the import of all animal produce from EU countries.B Foreign exchange rates:1 dollar = 1.733 German marks = 126.9 Japanese yen 1 pound =1.624 dollarsShare IndexDow Jones (up to) 6,783 (+45) London’s 100 (up to) 4,390 (+20) Nikkie closed2. Share Index:Dow Jones 10,116 (+96) Standrd and Poor’s 500 1,254 (+6)NASDAQ: (-1.5%)3. Share Index:Dow Jones 8,094 ( - 66 ) NASDAQ 1,662 (- 3 )FT100 ( -36 ) CAC Quarante ( -33, -1% )DAX ( -1% )4. Most active stocks:Cable and Wireless HKT up $ 0.45 HSBC down $ 0.50Hutchison down $ 0.50 Shanglongkai Property up $ 2.25China Telecom down $ 1.50 Chang Kong down $ 0.25Pacific Century Cyberworlds down $ 0.10CCT Telecom down $ 0.275 New World CyberBase down $ 0.075Hanong Holdings down $ 0.25Gold prices:Hong Kong gold: HK$ 2,670 London gold: US $ 2895. Earnings:Philips Electronics (last year): $ 2.4 billion ($ 300 million)Royal Dutch Shell (4th quarter): $ 3.6 billionElectronic Data Systems (4th quarter): $ 0.70 per share ( $ 0.02 up)Tapescripts:1. The dollar is trading at one German mark seventy-three point three and at 126.9 Japanese yen. The pound buys one dollar sixty-two point four. In New York, the Dow Share Index closed 45 higher at 6,783. Earlier London's 100 Share Index ended 20 higher at 4,390. In Tokyo, the Nikkei Share Index is closed for a holiday.2. The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed up 96 points at 10,116. The Standard and Poor's 500 Index gained 6 points to close at 1,254. But the NASDAQ Index lost 1.5% as high technology and Internet stocks were battered.3. Right now the Dow is down another 66 points at 8,094; the NASDAQ Composite down 3 points at 1,662. Turning to Europe's major markets: London stocks were hit by a wave of profit taking after five straight record closes; the FT 100 Index down 36 points; Paris seeing losses as well, the CAC quarante down 33 points or 1%; and Frankfurt's DAX also fell 1% after briefly moving into record territory.4. The Hang Seng Index closed down 89 points at 3,521. The turnover was 7.71 billion dollars. Now look at the ten most active stocks. Cable and Wireless HKT up 45 cents, HSBC holdings down 50 cents, Hutchison down 50 cents, Shanglongkai Property up $2.25, and China Telecom down $1.50, Chang Kong up 25 cents, Pacific Century Cyberworlds down 10 cents, CCT Telecom down 27.5 cents, New World Cyberspace down 7.5 cents, and Hanong Holdings down 25 cents. The Hang Seng Index future for November and December were all down. Hong Kong gold closed at 2,670 Hong Kong dollars, and London gold is trading at 289 U.S. dollars.5. Consumer electronics maker Philips Electronics reported a lower than expected profit for last year. The company made about $2.4 billion, more than $300 million below estimates. Oil company Royal Dutch Shell posted its earnings. It made roughly a $3.6 billion profit for its fourthquarter. That was essentially in line with Street expectations. Electronic Data Systems also reported its fourth quarter numbers last night. It posted a 70-cent profit per share, two cents better than expectations.Part II News reportsA Summary:This news report is about Forbes's "Super 100 Global" list.Answer the questions:1. Which of the following corporations are the top five on Forbes's list? Mark their ranks.2 Citigroup 4 HSBC Banking Company -- BP-Amoco5 Daimler-Chrysler 1 General Electric Corporation Microsoft 3 Bank of America2. How are the companies ranked?The companies are ranked with a composite formula, which includes total sales, profits, assets and market capitalization, or the total value of their stock.3. How are the 100 companies distributed?46 in the United States, 54 in Europe and Japan.4. Why were none of the Internet-related firms included in the list?Because most of the Internet-related firms have little or no profits so far.Tapescripts:For the second year in a row, the General Electric Corporation is ranked number one in an annual survey of the 100 most powerful corporations in the world. The survey, compiled and published by Forbes business magazine, shows General Electric of the United States ranked number one, followed in second and third place by the U.S. banking and financial services giants Citigroup and Bank of America. In fourth and fifth place are the British-based HSBC Banking Company and Daimler-Chrysler, the German-American auto-company. The companies are ranked with a composite formula, which includes total sales, profits, assets and market capitalization, or the total value of its (their) stock. What the magazine calls its "Super 100 Global" list are 46 companies based in the United States and 54 in Europe and Japan. Mike Ozanian, the Forbes editor who compiled the list, says there is a growing trend of international mergers and acquisitions, citing companies such as Daimler-Chrysler and BP-Amoco, the Anglo-American Oil Company. Mr. Ozanian says that despite the huge capitalizations of many Internet-related firms, none were included because most have little, if any, profits -- at least not yet.B Summary:This news report gives us a general picture of the U.S. stock market. It also presents some analysts' views on the market.Statements:1. The Dow Jones Industrial Average went up less than one percent, to 10,546.2. An analyst said that sales growth at Intel could be stronger than expected.3. Retail stocks gained on stronger-than-expected sales because of the Thanksgiving holiday shopping season.4. Sales of existing homes fell a steep 3.9% in October, their second monthly decline.5. According to investment strategist Alan Skrainka, this is a very good entry point for a long-term investor to get into the market.Tapescript:U.S. stock prices were mixed on Monday, with the "blue-chips" in a rally mode. But volume was only moderate after a holiday-shortened week last week, showing lingering uncertainty among investors.The Dow Jones Industrial Average went up 75 points, less than one percent, to 10,546. The S & P 500 Index gained 7 points. But the NASDAQ Composite backed off an early rally, taking a loss of almost one percent on weakness in selected technology stocks.The Dow Industrials actually got a boost from their technology components. Shares of Intel traded higher after an analyst said sales growth at the leading computer chip-maker could be stronger than expected. Microsoft stock also edged higher.Retail stocks gained on stronger-than-expected sales over the Thanksgiving weekend, as the holiday shopping season got underway.However, analysts caution the retail picture is still clouded because many stores offered bargains to attract shoppers. Experts worry that higher oil prices and interest rates will make this a less thanmerry Christmas season for U.S. merchants.The latest on the U.S. economy points to slower growth. Sales of existing homes fell a steep 3.9 percent in October, their second monthly decline.Many analysts think uncertainty over the economy makes it increasingly likely that the major stock averages will close lower for the year. But investment strategist Alan Skrainka says the longer-term looks better."No one can guess what will happen to the market over the next month. But over the long-term, we think the market looks very good. If you're a long-term investor, this is a very good entry point for getting into the market because this is what you've been waiting for. All the fear and uncertainty in the marketplace is setting us up for some very good values in the market."Part III Voice mail may cost company’s businessAJud Jessup (TakeCare HMO): …personalized service…”high service”…getting a recording…efficient…cost effective……individual problems….Stanley Plogue (Plogue Research): …a fourth…let out…voice mail system…given up…Sandy hale (Pacific Bell):… bottom line…costs…more efficient…customer service operations…a valuable tool.B1. T2. T3. F4. F5. T6. F7. F8. T9. T 10. TC3. Five years ago, people were wary of voice-mail.4. TakeCare used a funny voice-mail message in its advertisements.6. V oice-mail decreases contact between customers and companies.7. The problem is not the technology, but the voice-mail menus.Part IV Business jargonA1.…language shorthand….2.…overuse business jargon…a negative effect…3.…a low opinion…management jargon…a third…a lack of confidence…one infive …untrustworthy…cover something up.4.…an effective boss…can easily understand…of management jargon.B1. T2. T3. F4. F5. thinking: imagine new or different ways of doing things2.get our ducks in a row: have everything arranged efficiently3.brain dump: tell everything you know about a particular subject4.think outside the box: be creative in how you think about problems5.the helicopter view: an overview6. a heads up: a warning7.that’s a real no-brainer: that’s simpleUnit 4 World News: Up in SpacePart I Warming upA 1. To Mars / March of next year. 2. Because of a mechanical problem.3. 5 males and 2 females.4. NASA / At the end of September, 83 days after landing.5. To return home at the Kennedy Space Center after completing repairs on the Hubble Telescope.B Mir Facts 15 years the Soviet Union, now Russia$ 4.2 billion (for building and maintaining) 10 years (1986 — 1996)135 tons 9,900 cubic feet 63 feet wide and 85 feet long104 cosmonauts, astronauts 46 438 days 747 days, three Mar. 23rd,Part II News reportsA Summary :… the smalle st and most earth-like extra solar planet.Answers to questions:1.About a dozen.2. Five times the mass of the earth.3. A red dwarf.4.Two.5. One is similar to Neptune and the other is 8 times the mass of the earth.B Event : NASA’s 12-year program of Mars • Starting time: 1996• Finishing time: 2008 First installment:• Names of spacecrafts: the Mars Global Surveyor Orbiter / the Pathfinder Lander• Arrival time: 1997 • Mission: To collect and analyze rocksSecond installment:• Names of spacecrafts: the Polar Lander / the Mars Climate Orbiter• Launch time:December• Arrival time: Next DecemberMission:a.To inspect for subsurface waterb.To measure the distribution of water vapor, dust and condensatesGrand finale: • Launch time: 2005 • Return time: 2008• Mission: To return soil and rock samples to Earth.Part III Returning to the MoonSummary:… UK’s possible collaboration with China on the Chang’e program.Answers to the questions:1. Four phases2. a. robotic spacecraftb. to return astronauts to the moonc. to set up a permanent space station3. Building of scientific instruments by UK4. Five days5. Thirteen daysUnit 5Part IA11. A successful brain tissue transplant carried out by a South African surgeon.2.The discovery of a new way to increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy.3.The possibility of a new way to treat glaucoma.4. A new research on writing which shows that writing can result in clinically meaningfuloutcomes.A new research on writing which shows that writing can help people with chronic illnessimprove their health.5.The theory and function of acupuncture.A21. A week ago / Parkinson’s disease.2. A natural defense mechanism3.The death of brain cells4.Meeting patients’ psychological needs produces p hysical health benefits.5.Side effects / cut back on medication.1.The world’s leading transplant surgeon, Dr Christopher Bernard, has carried out one ofthe most difficult brain tissue transplants yet attempted. The South African surgeon has。



Ms Heuze says she thinks the United Nations and the international community as a whole can play a constructive role in the present situation and in trying to get the Israelis and Palestinians back to the negotiating table. Officials from the UN Human Rights Commission will discuss the agenda toward the meeting on Wednesday.This is only the fifth time the commission has gone into emergency meeting to deal with a crisis situation. Previous sessions dealt with the Bosnian war, the genocide in Rwanda, and the violence in East Timor. Questions:1. How many members are there in the UN Human Rights Commission?2. How many of them voted to hold the emergency meeting?3. How many of them didn't vote?4. Which country cast the dissenting vote?5. Which country abstained?6. When will the meeting begin?7. How long will it last?8. What's the purpose of this meeting?9. How many emergency meetings have been held before this one? What were the three crisis situations that they dealt with?Part III Anti-piracy missionAEU’s Naval Operationtheir skin, but by the content of their character. (Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. 28/08/1963)4. America needs a full-time President and a full-time Congress. Particularly at this time, with problems we face at home and abroad. To continue to fight through the months ahead for my personal vindication would almost totally absorb the time and attention of both the President and the Congress in a period when our entire focus should be on the great issues of peace abroad and prosperity without inflation at home. (Richard M. Nixon 08/08/1974)5. Thank you for opening up your minds and your hearts, for seeing the possibility of what we could do together for our children and for our future here in this state and in our nation. I am profoundly grateful to all of you for giving me the chance to serve you. I will... I will do everything I can to be worthy of your faith and trust and to honor the powerful example of Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan ... I promise you tonight that I will reach across party lines to bring progress for all of New York's families. Today we voted as Democrats and Republicans. Tomorrow we begin again as New Yorkers .... (Hillary Clinton 07/11/2000) Unit 2Earth and EnvironmentPart 1 Warming upA1. ...impact of climate change … damage to crops … worse ...2. ...2000 delegates … northern Brazil … third United Nations Conference on Desertification.3. ...A huge oil spill … Mexico, ...4. Wildfires … Florida … contained … a week ...5. ... Greenland is melting around the edges … 50 cubic kilometers … raise global sea level ...Tapescripts:1. Australia is the world‟s driest continent. There‟s general agreement tha t the country has to use water more efficiently. In many part supplies are i n crisis. At a meeting in Canberra, the Council of Australian Government s has approved national water plan. It attempts to balance environmental c oncerns and the needs of the community. The amount of water taken from rivers for commercial use is to be cut and farmers will be compensated.2. The disappearance and deformity of amphibians such as frogs and sala manders from rain forests and mountain lakes worldwide has attracted wi de-spread scientific attention over the last decade. Now a new study says reptile species including turtles, snakes, and alligators are in even greater tro uble. Twice as many reptiles as amphibians, or some 100 species, are curr ently listed as endangered by the World Conservation Union. The study s ays habitat loss and degradation, pollution, disease, climate change, and o ver-collection for food, pets and drugs are the major threat to reptiles.3. Four regional governors from Columbia, on a visit to Washington, have sharply criticized an American-backed aerial offensive to eradicate thousands of hectares of illegal coke and poppy plantations. At a news conference the governors called for a di fferent approach in the fight against the illegal drugs trade, saying that the herbicides currently being used were harmful to public health and the en vironment.4. Much attention has been devoted to the threatened animal species. But what about plants which are the fundamental bases of life? One in every e ight species of plants is threatened with extinction. Since all food chains b egin in the sphere of plant life, this is bad news for the animals too, includ ing humans who depend on plants not only for food but also for medicine s, building materials, and other vital purposes.5. A new local directory for the environmentally-aware is now available, called the “Boulder County Green Pages.” The R otary Clubs in Boulder County got together with local recycling and environmental specialists to put together this firstever directory. It includes qui ck reference to green products and services for recycling, xeriscaping, ene rgy conservation, and more. The $5 cost helps raise funds for the sponsori ng groups.B1. It attempts to balance environmental concerns and the needs of the community.2. Reptile species are in greater trouble than amphibian species.3. A new approach in the fight against the illegal drugs trade.4. One in every eight species of plants is threatened with extinction.5. A new local directory for the environmentally-aware, called the “Boulder County Green Pages”.Tapescript:An annual study by the Worldwatch Institute here in Washington says wit h the boom in the information economy, Americans have lost sight of the deteriorating health of the planet.State of the World 2000 says the fast growing information economy is aff ecting every aspect of life, from communication, commerce and work, to education and entertainment.Lead author and Worldwatch President Lester Brown says while America ns generally feel a sense of optimism about the economy, the planet‟s hea lth is suffering. He says it is a mistake “to confuse the vibrancy of the virt ual world with the increasingly troubled state of the real world.”“We give the earth an annual physical, and this book is the result of that a nnual physical. We check its vital signs. And almost all those vital signs, whether it‟s the number of species, whether it‟s the stability of climate, w hether it‟s the number of species, whether it‟s the stability of climate, wh ether it‟s the health of coral reefs, all those trends show deterioration.” Lester Brown says other warning signs are rising temperatures, falling wa ter tables, melting glaciers, shrinking forests and collapsing fisheries. He says the major environmental challenges in the 21st century will be to sta bilize both climate and world population growth.Worldwatch Institute President Lester Brown also points out initiatives b y multinational corporations to seek energy alternatives. For example, Da imler-Chrysler and Shell Oil are working with the government of Iceland to tur n that country into the first hydrogen powered economy.Part II News ReportsA...Washington … the information economy … deteriorating health of the planet … information economy … communication … education and entertainment … physical exam … vital signs … species … climate … temperatures … water tables … glaciers … forests … fisheries … to stabilize both climate and world population growthBSummary… the severe shortage of water in some developing nations. … global solutions are found soon.Answers to the questions1. 1502. Monday3. Almost one billion people could suffer from a scarcity of water.4. Middle East, parts of Africa, western Asia, Northeastern China, western and southern India, large parts of Pakistan and Mexico, parts of the Pacific coast of the United States and South America.5. To treat water as a precious resource.6. 5 liters7. 50 liters8. 500 litersTapescript:The UN water experts are warning that a severe water shortage will have what they call catastrophic consequences in some developing nations unless global solutions are found soon. One hundred and fifty experts aro und the world will discuss the water situation at a conference beginning Monday in Geneva.A top official from the World Meteorological Organization Arthur Askew says that by the year 2025, almost 1 billion people could be living in area s suffering from a scarcity of water. He says the number could double by the middle of the next century. Mr Askew says one area with serious wate r problems is the Middle East. But he says officials in the area are already working on ways to deal with the situation.Experts say water shortage problems also could develop in parts of Africa and western Asia as well as northeastern China, western and southern In dia, large parts of Pakistan and Mexico, and parts of the Pacific coast of t he United States and South America. Mr Askew says there‟s a moral obli gation to treat water as a precious resource and a need to realize that large amounts of water are used often wastefully in food production and manuf acturing.“All commodities have used water in their production and you must be a ware therefore that if you‟re importing food from one country to another you are in fact importing part of the water resources of that country.” Mr Askew also says water shortages lead to a conflict between rural and urba n demands.“In many regions of the world, the water crisis is not coming because of human consumption directly for potable water, for drinking, or for sanitar y purposes, it‟s coming for agriculture. And in general about 80 percent o f the water, which is consumed, i. e., is extracted from the rivers or from underground resources and is not returned, is for agriculture. And there‟s considerable pressure now on the agricultural sectors to see if they cannot use that water ore efficiently.Mr Askew says it‟s estimated that a person needs about 5 liters of water a day to survive, and a person needs about 5 liters of water a day to survive, and a person lives comfortably with about 50 liters a day. But he says peo ple in many countries are using 500 liters of water each day. He says way s must be found to reduce such overuse before it‟s too late.Part III City recyclingA a. 2 b. 4 c. 3 d. 1B1.130,000 / 80%2. Plastic / glass / tin cans / newspapers3. Recycle truck pick it up.4. One of community’s recycling centers5. Each weekday6. Conducts tours of the plant7. 3 / 48. Sod to other companies that make them into different products9. Made into new containers10. One of the top five in the USATapescript:The United States is running out of landfill space, places to put its trash. Because of that, more communities are encouraging their residents to rec ycle, to set aside certain materials that won‟t go to the landfill. One area t hat‟s met the recycling challenge head-on, is the southeast City of Charlotte, North Carolina. In just a few years, its recycling program has become one of the country‟s most successful. Catherine Smith lives in one of the 130,000 eligible recycling househol ds in Charlotte, North Carolina. Nearly 80 percent of the households parti cipate in the program. Each week, Smith goes to her front porch and fills her red plastic bin with recyclables. “You‟ve got any plastic containers m arked one or two. You‟ve got any glass. They also recycle tin cans and ne wspapers. So all of that can go in the curbside pick-up bin.”“Well, this is the easy part. Then someone, ah, driving a Charlotte Mec klenburg …Recycle Now‟ truck comes and, usually, at some point—tomorrow or Friday—and they pick it up at curbside. And that‟s it.”From there, Smith‟s cans, bottles, and newspapers are taken to oneof the community‟s recycling centers. The City of Charlotte actually cont racts with a private company to process the recyclables.This plant is operated by a company called FCR. The recycling trucks pull into FCR each weekday morning to drop off the used material. Inside, the processing center at FCR is bustling with activity. One of the first thin gs you notice in the 26,000-square-foot facility is a huge mound of materials called the “commingle area.” B asically, it‟s a big pile of assorted trash. There are forklifts transporting g arbage, and people sorting through it. Paula Hoffman is education coordin ator at FCR. She conducts tours of the plant for more than one thousand p eople a month.“The aluminum cans, the number one and number two plastic container s, the spiral cans, the glass bottles and jars are all mixed together into a hu ge pile. And…we are receiving about 100 tons a day, which is 200,000 po unds, so you can imagine how many bottles and cans are in that pile.”“Can we walk around a little bit?”“As you can see, the bottles and cans are riding up the conveyor belt, a nd they‟ll end up on a sorting station, where there are twelve workers that will hand-sort the bottles and cans and other containers. As you can see, from the sorting station, they drop their material down a chute into a large container below. The sorting station is on a raised platform.” Across from the sor ters and the commingle area is a mound ofnewspaper. Of the material brought to FCR, three quarters of it is newspri nt. It rides a separate conveyor belt, is checked, and is compacted into bal es, 11 to 12 hundred pounds each. Back in the quiet of FCR‟s auditorium, Paula Hoffman describes what happens to the sorted and processed recyc lables the company receives from Catherine Smith and the thousands of o ther area residents. Hoffman says they‟re sold to other companies that the n make them into different products.“Your food and beverage glass containers are always made into new fo od and beverage glass containers. Your aluminum beverage cans are, the biggest percentage of the time, made into new aluminum beverage cans. Twenty five percent of all beverage, Coca-Cola, Pepsi bottles are now made into new Pepsi or Coke bottles. Howeve r, a certain percentage is also made into other products such as the fuzz o n a tennis ball, carpeting…your number two plastic…a lot of it‟s made in to plastic wood.”Charlotte, the surrounding county, and FCR are glad to add new recycl ables to their program as long as there‟s a need for the recycled material.From its high participation rate to the quality end product, Charlotte‟s rec ycling program is considered one of the top five in the nation.But ultimately, the success of the Charlotte area recycling program can be traced to the curbsides of the many individual citizens who, like Catherine Smith, are active participants in program.Unit 3 World News: Economic DevelopmentsPart I Warming upA1. Who have been meeting in Hong Kong today to discuss the outlook for the global economy?Central Bank governors from more than a dozen countries.2. What does UNCTAD say about the worldwide total of foreign investment?It grew by 40% last Year to more than 600 billion dollars.3. Who has approved a cut in income tax rates?The United States House of Representatives.4. Who has announced job cuts after a fall in demand for its products? IntelWhat is its plan?To reduce its workforce by5,000.5. What decisions have been made by EU, the U.S. and Canada after a case of foot-and-mouth disease was confirmed in France?EU has imposed further restrictions on the movement of livestock.The U.S. and Canada have issued temporary bans on the import of animal produce from EU.Tapescript:1. Central Bank governors from more than a dozen countries have been meeting in Hong Kong today. One subject they likely discussed is the outlook for the global economy because of the U. S. slowdown and Japan's struggling recovery. Another topic they may have discussed is how to strengthen financial markets in emerging economies in Asia and elsewhere.2. A United Nations' report says the worldwide total of foreign investment grew by nearly 40% last year to more than 600 billion dollars. The report by the UN Conference on Trade and Development, UNCTAD says most of it took place between developed countries as big companies took one another over.3. The United States House of Representatives has approved a cut in income tax rates, the first part of a package of tax cutting measures put forward by President Bush. The income tax reductions will amount to nearly 1 trillion dollars over ten years.4. The world's largest maker of computer chips, Intel, has announced jobcuts after a fall in demand for its products. Intel said it expected its revenue in the first quarter of this year to fall by a quarter than the same period last year. The California-based company plans to reduce its85,000-strong work force by 5,000.5. The European Union has imposed further restrictions on the movement of live-stock after a case of foot-and-mouth disease was confirmed in France. The United States and Canada have issued temporary bans on the import of all animal produce from EU countries.B1.Foreign exchange rates:1 dollar = 1.733 German marks= 126.9 Japanese yen1 pound =1.624 dollarsShare IndexDow Jones (up to) 6,783 (+45)London’s 100 (up to) 4,390 (+20)Nikkie closed2. Share Index:Dow Jones 10,116 (+96)Standrd and Poor’s 500 1,254 (+6)NASDAQ: (-1.5%)3. Share Index:Dow Jones 8,094 ( - 66 )NASDAQ 1,662 (- 3 )FT100 ( -36 )CAC Quarante ( -33, -1% )DAX ( -1% )4. Most active stocks:Cable and Wireless HKT up $ 0.45HSBC down $ 0.50Hutchison down $ 0.50 Shanglongkai Property up $ 2.25China Telecom down $ 1.50Chang Kong down $ 0.25Pacific Century Cyberworlds down $ 0.10CCT Telecom down $ 0.275New World CyberBase down $ 0.075Hanong Holdings down $ 0.25Gold prices:Hong Kong gold: HK$ 2,670London gold: US $ 2895. Earnings:Philips Electronics (last year): $ 2.4 billion ($ 300 million) Royal Dutch Shell (4th quarter): $ 3.6 billionElectronic Data Systems (4th quarter): $ 0.70 per share ( $ 0.02 up)Tapescripts:1. The dollar is trading at one German mark seventy-three point three and at 126.9 Japanese yen. The pound buys one dollar sixty-two point four. In New York, the Dow Share Index closed 45 higher at 6,783. Earlier London's 100 Share Index ended 20 higher at 4,390. In Tokyo, the Nikkei Share Index is closed for a holiday.2. The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed up 96 points at 10,116. The Standard and Poor's 500 Index gained 6 points to close at 1,254. But the NASDAQ Index lost 1.5% as high technology and Internet stocks were battered.3. Right now the Dow is down another 66 points at 8,094; the NASDAQ Composite down 3 points at 1,662. Turning to Europe's major markets: London stocks were hit by a wave of profit taking after five straight record closes; the FT 100 Index down 36 points; Paris seeing losses as well, the CAC quarante down 33 points or 1%; and Frankfurt's DAX also fell 1% after briefly moving into record territory.4. The Hang Seng Index closed down 89 points at 3,521. The turnover was 7.71 billion dollars. Now look at the ten most active stocks. Cable and Wireless HKT up 45 cents, HSBC holdings down 50 cents,Hutchison down 50 cents, Shanglongkai Property up $2.25, and China Telecom down $1.50, Chang Kong up 25 cents, Pacific Century Cyberworlds down 10 cents, CCT Telecom down 27.5 cents, New World Cyberspace down 7.5 cents, and Hanong Holdings down 25 cents. The Hang Seng Index future for November and December were all down. Hong Kong gold closed at 2,670 Hong Kong dollars, and London gold is trading at 289 U.S. dollars.5. Consumer electronics maker Philips Electronics reported a lower than expected profit for last year. The company made about $2.4 billion, more than $300 million below estimates. Oil company Royal Dutch Shell posted its earnings. It made roughly a $3.6 billion profit for its fourth quarter. That was essentially in line with Street expectations. Electronic Data Systems also reported its fourth quarter numbers last night. It posted a 70-cent profit per share, two cents better than expectations.Part II News reportsASummary:This news report is about Forbes's "Super 100 Global" list.Answer the questions:1. Which of the following corporations are the top five on Forbes's list? Mark their ranks.2 Citigroup4 HSBC Banking Company-- BP-Amoco5 Daimler-Chrysler1 General Electric Corporationn Microsoft3 Bank of America2. How are the companies ranked?The companies are ranked with a composite formula, which includes total sales, profits, assets and market capitalization, or the total value of their stock.3. How are the 100 companies distributed?46 in the United States, 54 in Europe and Japan.4. Why were none of the Internet-related firms included in the list? Because most of the Internet-related firms have little or no profits so far. Tapescripts:For the second year in a row, the General Electric Corporation is ranked number one in an annual survey of the 100 most powerful corporations in the world.The survey, compiled and published by Forbes business magazine, shows General Electric of the United States ranked number one, followed in second and third place by the U.S. banking and financial services giantsCitigroup and Bank of America. In fourth and fifth place are the British-based HSBC Banking Company and Daimler-Chrysler, the German-American auto-company. The companies are ranked with a composite formula, which includes total sales, profits, assets and market capitalization, or the total value of its (their) stock. What the magazine calls its "Super 100 Global" list are 46 companies based in the United States and 54 in Europe and Japan.Mike Ozanian, the Forbes editor who compiled the list, says there is a growing trend of international mergers and acquisitions, citing companies such as Daimler-Chrysler and BP-Amoco, the Anglo-American Oil Company. Mr. Ozanian says that despite the huge capitalizations of many Internet-related firms, none were included because most have little, if any, profits -- at least not yet.BSummary:This news report gives us a general picture of the U.S. stock market. It also presents some analysts' views on the market.Statements:1. The Dow Jones Industrial Average went up less than one percent, to 10,546.2. An analyst said that sales growth at Intel could be stronger than expected.3. Retail stocks gained on stronger-than-expected sales because of the Thanksgiving holiday shopping season.4. Sales of existing homes fell a steep 3.9% in October, their second monthly decline.5. According to investment strategist Alan Skrainka, this is a very good entry point for a long-term investor to get into the market. Tapescript:U.S. stock prices were mixed on Monday, with the "blue-chips" in a rally mode. But volume was only moderate after a holiday-shortened week last week, showing lingering uncertainty among investors.The Dow Jones Industrial Average went up 75 points, less than one percent, to 10,546. The S & P 500 Index gained 7 points. But the NASDAQ Composite backed off an early rally, taking a loss of almost one percent on weakness in selected technology stocks.The Dow Industrials actually got a boost from their technology components. Shares of Intel traded higher after an analyst said sales growth at the leading computer chip-maker could be stronger than expected. Microsoft stock also edged higher.Retail stocks gained on stronger-than-expected sales over the Thanksgiving weekend, as the holiday shopping season got underway. However, analysts caution the retail picture is still clouded because many stores offered bargains to attract shoppers. Experts worry that higher oilprices and interest rates will make this a less than merry Christmas season for U.S. merchants.The latest on the U.S. economy points to slower growth. Sales of existing homes fell a steep 3.9 percent in October, their second monthly decline. Many analysts think uncertainty over the economy makes it increasingly likely that the major stock averages will close lower for the year. But investment strategist Alan Skrainka says the longer-term looks better. "No one can guess what will happen to the market over the next month. But over the long-term, we think the market looks very good. If you're a long-term investor, this is a very good entry point for getting into the market because this is what you've been waiting for. All the fear and uncertainty in the marketplace is setting us up for some very good values in the market."Part III Voice mail may cost company’s businessAJud Jessup (TakeCare HMO): …personalized service…”high service”…getting a recording…efficient…cost effective……individual problems….Stanley Plogue (Plogue Research): …a fourth…let out…voice mail system…given up…Sandy hale (Pacific Bell):… bottom line…costs…more efficient…customer service operations…a valuable tool.B1. T2. T3. F4. F5. T6. F7. F8. T9. T10. TC3. Five years ago, people were wary of voice-mail.4. TakeCare used a funny voice-mail message in its advertisements.6. Voice-mail decreases contact between customers and companies.7. The problem is not the technology, but the voice-mail menus.Part IV Business jargonA1.…language shorthand….2.…overuse business jargon…a negative effect…3.…a low opinion…management jargon…a third…a lack of confidence…one in five …untrustworthy…cover something up.4.…an effective boss…can easily understand…of management jargon.B1. T2. T3. F4. F5. thinking: imagine new or different ways of doing things2.get our ducks in a row: have everything arranged efficiently3.brain dump: tell everything you know about a particular subject4.think outside the box: be creative in how you think about problems5.the helicopter view: an overview6. a heads up: a warning7.that’s a real no-brainer: that’s simple英语专业学生经典的听力材料Unit 4 World News: Up in SpacePart I Warming upA1. To Mars / March of next year.2. Because of a mechanical problem.3. 5 males and 2 females.4. NASA / At the end of September, 83 days after landing.5. To return home at the Kennedy Space Center after completing repairs on the Hubble Telescope.1. An American spacecraft is traveling to Mars to collect information abo ut the red planet. The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter left Cape Canaveral i n Florida on August 12th. The space vehicle is expected to arrive in March of next year. It is to orbit the planet for at least four years.2. The U.S. space shuttle Columbia has returned to Earth after an abbreviated stay in space because of a mechanical problem. The Space Agency o rdered the shuttle back to Earth after one of the three power generators fai led Sunday. The generators called “fuel cells” provide all of shuttle’s elec trical power, and NASA safety rules require the space ship to return to Ea rth if any fuel cell fails.3. US space shuttle Discovery has made a successful lift-off from Kennedy Space Center in Florida, en route to the International S pace Station. The shuttle with 5 male and 2 female astronauts onboard wil l take another section of the half-built International Space Station a little truss, or frame into orbits. It’s sch eduled to come back to earth on December 21.4.The United States Space Agency NASA says it’s given up any real hope of reviving its space probe on Mars. The spacecraft Pathfinder made its last transmission of scientific data from the surface of Mars at the end of September, 83 days after landing.5.The U.S. space shuttle Endeavor is preparing to return home in triumph after completing repairs on the Hubble Telescope. The Endeavor’s schedu led to land Monday at the Kennedy Space Center on Florida’s Atlantic co ast, returning to the site where the mission began eleven days ago.BMir Facts15 years。



Unit 1 World News Up in SpacePart I Warming up1. Endeavor has docked with the ISS. What for?To provide electricity for science experimentsWhen will the U.S. laboratory arrive?Next month2. What does ISS have now?A living room and a command center3. What has been declared by NASA?Pathfinder's 30-day mission on Mars is a 100 percent success.4. Who has given up its hope of reviving Pathfinder?NASAWhen did Pathfinder make its last transmission of scientific data from Mars?At the end of September, 83 days after its landing5. Why is Galileo heading for another pass by Jupiter's moon IO on Thursday?To get a closer look at the most volcanic body in solar system6. What is the daunting task for the crew of Atlantis?To deliver NASA's $1.4 billion space lab Destiny to the International Space Station 7. What is the purpose of the experiments conducted by astronauts on Columbia?To confirm a theory that particles in space tend to attract each other and form dust clouds8. What is Endeavor preparing to do on Monday?To return home at the Kennedy Space Center after completing repairs on the Hubble Telescope9. Why has Columbia returned to Earth after an abbreviated stay in space?Because of a mechanical problem10. What is Discovery doing now? And its crew?Discovery is playing chase with the Hubble Telescope now.Its crew is setting up housekeeping and recovering from the effects of weightlessness. Tapescript:1. U.S. space shuttle Endeavor has docked with the International Space Station, bearing a gift of energy. The five-man shuttle team arrived to add a set of giant solar power panels to Unity to provide electricity for science experiments that will begin soon after the U.S. laboratory arrives next month.2. The International Space Station finally has a living room and a command center. The Russian Zvezda module docked earlier today with the fledgling outpost, which is being assembled in space. After a checkout period, it will be ready for the first crew to live in later this year.3. The U.S. Space Agency NASA has declared its Pathfinder spacecraft mission to Mars a 100 percent success. This week the Pathfinder completed its 30-day planned mission on Mars. A U.S. space official says this spacecraft has fulfilled all its objectives.4. The United States Space Agency NASA says it's given up any real hope of reviving its space probe on Mars. The spacecraft Pathfinder made its last transmission of scientific data from the surface of Mars at the end of September, 83 days after landing.5. The U. S. Galileo spacecraft is heading for another pass by Jupiter's fiery moon IO Thursday to get a closer look at the most volcanic body in our solar system. A pass just 600 kilometers away last month has provided a better understanding of just how active it is.6. It could be a mission-impossible-type assignment for the crew of the space shuttle Atlantis. They've got the daunting task of delivering NASA's $1.4 billion space lab Destiny to the International Space Station. If they pull it off, the 15-ton lab will put NASA's flight controllers in charge. Until now Russian controllers have directed operations at the station.7. Astronauts on the U. S. space shuttle Columbia have conducted experiments to confirm a theory that particles in space tend to attract each other and form dust clouds.8. The U.S. space shuttle Endeavor is preparing to return home in triumph after completing repairs on the Hubble Telescope. The Endeavor's scheduled to land Monday at the Kennedy Space Center on Florida's Atlantic coast, returning to the site where the mission began eleven days ago.9. The U.S. space shuttle Columbia has returned to Earth after an abbreviated stay in space because of a mechanical problem. The Space Agency ordered the shuttle back to Earth after one of the three power generators failed Sunday. The generators called "fuel cells" provide all of shuttle's electrical power, and NASA safety rules require the space ship to return to Earth if any fuel cell fails.10. Discovery is playing chase with the Hubble Space Telescope right now. The shuttle launch was nearly perfect according to mission managers, and the crew of seven astronauts is setting up housekeeping and recovering from the effects ofweightlessness.Part II News reportsEvent: NASA's 12-year program of Mars--Starting time: 1996--Finishing time: 2008First installment:n Names of spacecraft: the Mars Global Surveyor Orbiter / the Pathfinder Lander Arrival time: 1997Mission: To collect and analyze rocksSecond installment:-- Names of spacecraft: the Polar Lander / the Mars Climate OrbiterLaunch time: DecemberArrival time: Next DecemberMission:a. To inspect for subsurface waterb. To measure the distribution of water vapor, dust and condensatesGrand finale:-- Launch time: 2005-- Return time: 2008-- Mission: To return soil and rock samples to EarthTapescript:Of all the U.S. and Russian spacecraft that have traveled to Mars since the 1960s, the Polar Lander is to be the first to touch down near the planet's south pole. The Lander and a companion orbiting craft called the Mars Climate Orbiter, launched in December, are the second installment of a 12-year NASA program (began in 1996) to unlock the secrets of Earth's red neighbor.The first installment the Mars Global Surveyor Orbiter and the Pathfinder Lander -- arrived in 1997, with Pathfinder's robotic rover collecting and analyzing rocks on a desert about half a world away from the polar landing site.The Lander is to touch down just above the northern-most edge of the south polar ice cap, believed to be a mixture of water and carbon dioxide.It will use retrorockets to slow its descent. Once on the ground it will employ a robotic arm resembling a child's toy construction shovel to dig in search of subsurface water. Together with the newest orbiter now on its way to Mars, the Lander will alsomeasure the distribution of water vapor, dust and condensates in the Martian atmosphere.While the Polar Lander descends next December, it is to release two speeding probes, each smaller than a basketball. These rugged instruments are to crash at about 640 kilometers per hour and bury themselves into the Martian surface about 100 kilometers away from the Lander's touch-down point. They, too, will be inspecting for subsurface water.The grand finale of this series of Mars probes is tentatively set for launch in 2005. It would return soil and rock samples to Earth three years later.Summary:This news report tells us that an ailing observatory, the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory, has been forced to fall from its orbit and crash into a remote area in the Pacific Ocean to avoid deaths and injuries from the falling debris.Answers to the questions:1. 9 years2. 16 metric tons3. 6 tons4. About 4,000 kilometers southeast of Hawaii5. 4,100 kilometers long and 26 kilometers wide6. Because one of its three stabilizing gyroscopes had failed in December7. It changed astronomers' view of the heavens after showing that the entire universe is bathed in the invisible gamma rays.Tapescript.Space Agency NASA forced an ailing observatory to fall from orbit and crash into the Pacific Ocean on Sunday. NASA engineers picked a remote spot to avoid deaths and injuries from the falling debris.NASA says the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory has made a fiery plunge through the atmosphere into an isolated area of the Pacific.Most of the nine-year-old satellite was to have burned up in the dive, but about six tons of hot metal were expected to have showered onto an isolated area about four thousand kilometers southeast of Hawaii. NASA had estimated that the debris would scatter over a long, narrow path 41 hundred kilometers long and 26 kilometers wide. The deliberate crash came after Goddard Space Flight Center technicians directed the observatory early Sunday to fire its thrusters twice to dive into the atmosphere.NASA felt this was necessary because one of the Compton's three stabilizing gyroscopes had failed in December. The Space Agency decided to bring the 16-metric-ton satellite back now in a controlled manner to prevent possible further system failures from causing it to drop on a populated area. The Compton's path took it over many populated areas, including Mexico City, Bangkok, and Miami. Compton exceeded its original five-year mission by four years, resulting in about two thousand scientific papers.The observatory changed astronomers' view of the heavens after showing that the entire universe is bathed in the invisible gamma rays, the highest energy form of light. It discovered hundreds of previously unknown sources of gamma rays, some streaming from black holes, exploding stars, and the sun.Questions:1. How old is the Compton?2. How heavy is the Compton?3. How many tons of hot metal were expected to plunge into the Pacific?4. What is the place that has been chosen for the crash of the Compton?5. How big is the path that the debris of the Compton would scatter over?6. Why is it necessary to force the Compton to fall from its orbit?7. What's the significance of the Compton?C.Summary:This news report tells us that organic molecules have been detected on the moons of the planet Jupiter and some form of life might have evolved there.Moons of Jupiter FindingsGanymedeWrinkled surface pockmarked with impacts from asteroids and cometsGanymede & Callisto--Chemical signals showing there are organic molecules containing carbon and nitrogen-- Evidence of water iceEuropa Deep oceansTapescript.Astronomers in the United States say they have detected organic molecules on themoons of the planet Jupiter which could indicate the conditions are right there for some form of life to have evolved. After studying the latest findings sent back by the space probe Galileo, the scientists say they have found chemical signals showing that there are organic molecules on the moons containing carbon and nitrogen.For the past 15 months, the Galileo spacecraft has been orbiting Jupiter studying four of its moons. Photographs of one of them, Ganymede, shows a wrinkled surface pockmarked with impacts from asteroids and comets. But now both on Ganymede and the second moon, Callisto, scientists have detected chemical signals showing there are organic molecules there containing carbon and nitrogen, essential ingredients for life. There is also evidence of water ice there. And on the third moon, Europa, there are deep oceans. There are other possible explanations for the presence of organic molecules on Jupiter's moons. Violent thunderstorms, for example, may produce them. But after the discovery of possible micro fossils on Mars last year, the new evidence raises the stakes. Dr Simon Milton from Cambridge University was at the meeting in America where the results were announced."Almost wherever we look in the solar system today with our spacecraft, it's almost like going and looking at different restaurants. It seems that there are many places where there is interesting kind of organic soup on the menu, which could have the right conditions for pre-biology, the beginnings of life, or even the existence of life." Galileo took six years to reach Jupiter and practically broke down on the way. But even though it's crippled, its results have been better than scientists have dared to hope.Part III China' s space' and aeronautics industrySummary:This news report is about the safe and accurate return of the unmanned spacecraft after completing its first test flight.Answer the questions:1. According to President Jiang, what is the significance of the success of this experimental flight?a. A milestone in China's space and aeronautic developmentb. The technological breakthrough of manned space flightsc. An inspiration for the Chinese people2. What did President Jiang call on scientists and engineers to do?a. To fully study and analyze the experimental resultsb. To map out a development plan to expand the options for China's peaceful use of spacec. To' improve the level of China's space and aeronautics industry3. According to Xu Fuxiang, what is the significance of this successful unmanned flight?a. Proving that the level of China's space and aeronautics industry is among the most advanced in the worldb. Inspiring more young Chinese scientists to work in the industryTapescript:In our top story today, President Jiang Zemin, Vice President Hu Jintao, and other top leaders, this afternoon went to Beijing's space center to see the module of the returned unmanned spacecraft which completed its first test flight recently. A ceremony was held this morning, to celebrate the opening of the module. It was transported back to Beijing from Inner Mongolia yesterday.President Jiang Zemin was briefed on the experimental process of the flight of the spacecraft. He said he's satisfied with the result of the experimental flight. Jiang Zemin pointed out that the success of the experimental flight is a milestone in China's space and aeronautic development and has special significance in the technological breakthrough of manned space flights. He said it is also an inspiration for all Chinese people.The President called on scientists and engineers to fully study and analyze the experimental results so as to map out a development plan to expand the options for China's peaceful use of space.Earlier in the day, officials from China's space and aeronautics industry, along with researchers and manufacturers of the spacecraft, held a ceremony to mark the safe return of the spacecraft and opened its module. Though the module did not carry any astronauts, it did have a payload. The staff took out national flags, the flags of the Macau Special Administrative Region, and a banner with all the signatures of the scientists and engineers who participated in the construction of the spacecraft. The items will be presented as gifts by the staff of the space and aeronautics industry.The spacecraft voyage is successful and the module returns accurately and safely. However, we shall conduct more studies on concrete technical data such as temperature and humidity recorded by the module. It will provide us with more data to manufacture the manned spacecraft.Xu Fuxiang, the President of China's Space Technological Research Institute, said that the successful flight of the unmanned spacecraft proves that the level of China's space and aeronautics industry is among the most advanced in the world. It will inspire more young Chinese scientists to work in the industry.B.Summary:This news report is about China's launch of the second unmanned experimental spacecraft "Shenzhou H" Answers to the questions:Answers to the questions1. In the early hours of Wednesday morning / A rocket center in Gansu Province2. A few days later / Inner Mongolia3. To launch a space station / To put astronauts on the moon4. November 19995. 14 times6. 21 hours7. Inner Mongolia8. A few days9. 1992Tapescript:China says it's successfully put a second unmanned spacecraft into orbit. It's expected to re-enter the earth's atmosphere over Inner Mongolia in a few days' time. The launch is part of ambitious, long-term plans by the Chinese authorities which ultimately include hopes of building a space station.The official Chinese news agency said the country's second unmanned experimental spacecraft, "Shenzhou II ," was successfully launched in the early hours of Wednesday morning from a rocket center in Gansu Province in northwest China. It's part of a series of tests the Chinese are carrying out before pushing ahead with a manned space mission sometime in the future. The first test flight to the unmanned module took place in November 1999, when it orbited the earth 14 times before finally landing in Inner Mongolia, 21 hours later. The Chinese news agency says this mission will last for a few days. And several technical improvements have been made to the craft. China began its manned space program in 1992, and officials have expressed the hope that one day they'll ultimately launch a space station and put astronauts on the moon.Questions:1. When and where was Shenzhou II launched?2. When and where will Shenzhou Il re-enter the earth's atmosphere?3. What is China's long-term ambition'?4. When did the first test flight to the unmanned module take place?5. How many times did it orbit the earth?6. How many hours did it stay in the orbit?7. Where did it land?8. How long will Shenzhou Il's mission last?9. When did China begin its manned space program?Part IV Mir Russia's space gloryMir FactsLength of service: 15 yearsBuilt by: the Soviet Union, now RussiaCost: $4.2 billion (for building and maintaining)Time for building: 10 years (1986 -- 1996)Weight: 135 tons V olume: 9,900 cubic feetSize: 63 feet wide and 85 feet longVisits to Mir by: 104 cosmonauts, astronauts, and other visitorsFlights made to Mir: 46Longest single stay in orbit: Cosmonaut Valery Polyakov, 438 daysLongest total for human stay in space: Cosmonaut Sergei Avdeyev,totaled 747 days, three separate missionsMir back to Earth: Mar. 23rd, 2001Tapescript:Mir means "peace" in Russian. The station had a core block of living quarters and six docking ports for supply ships.Mir was built by the Soviet Union, which is now Russia. It cost $4.2 billion to build and maintain it. Scientists spent ten years building it, from 1986 to 1996. It weighs 135 tons and has a volume of 9,900 cubic feet. It is 63 feet wide and 85 feet long. Mir hosted 104 cosmonauts, astronauts, and visitors. Forty-six flights were made to Mir. Cosmonaut Valery Polyakov holds the record for the longest stay in orbit, which is 438 days. And cosmonaut Sergei Avdeyev totaled 747 days between his three separate missions to Mir, which is the longest total for any human staying in space.The Mir Space Station has been sailing through space for 15 years. But Mir doesn't work very well any longer, and its orbit is failing. It has been replaced by the new International Space Station, where the U. S. A., Russia and many other countries work together. So Russia is going to bring Mir down into the ocean. They will be careful that none of Mir's pieces hit places where people live.This event will be big news --as it should be! Since the Russians began building Mir in 1986, it has survived a fire, collisions with other spacecraft, and even attacks on its wiring by microbes that ate metal and glass! We have learned a lot from Mir about how to live and work in space.The Russian Space Agency guided Mir back to Earth on March 23rd. Fragments of the huge spacecraft splashed down in the South Pacific ocean just as ground controllers had planned. It was a flawless re-entry. No one was hurt. Mir was truly a remarkable achievement of human ingenuity, breaking uncounted records for human space-flight. The Mir is gone but will never be forgotten.1. Why is Sergei Avdeyev regarded as the world's most traveled man?a. Spent longer than anyone else on Mirb. Spent 380 days in space during his third visitc. Orbited the earth 11,968 times2. How did the cosmonauts make Mir a cozy home?a. With things the cosmonauts brought themselvesb. With what the cargo ship deliveredc. With things inherited from the previous space station3. What are some of the things that the astronauts on Mir once had or used?a. Photosb. Good-luck charmsc. Calendarsd. Musice. Library of 400 books: classic literature technical / reference / dictionaryf. Christmas treeg. Decorationsh. Art gallery: 15 paintingsTapescript:This week the Russian Space Agency said that they will let Mir drop into the vast atmosphere to burn up. And if any of the 137-ton (sic) craft remains after that, the bitswill drop into the Pacific Ocean. Well, that's the theory. Mir became a symbol of Russia's space glory and the most visited place in space with more than 70 astronauts from many countries making the journey from Earth into orbit. Sergei Avdeyev, a flight engineer, spent longer than anyone else up there. On his third and final visit, he spent a marathon 380 days in space. In total, he orbited the earth 11,968 times, and is beyond doubt the world's most traveled man."By the time I first flew to Mir in 1992, people were already living there. And when we arrived, we were met and greeted by the other astronauts. We knew the people on board already though, because we trained together or just because they worked in the same place as us. And so we knew who's going to meet us. But then again, each time it was a new experience, a new team, and therefore a new atmosphere on the station. And despite the facts that we trained for months before launch, it's very hard to imitate the interior of the station in simulation exercises. We never really understood what it was actually like or what the cosmonauts did there to make it a cozy home."I mean of course it looked well-lived-in. Apart from the things the cosmonauts brought themselves, and what the cargo ship delivered, we also inherited quite a lot of things from the previous space station. There were some restrictions on the amount of stuff we could take up with us for personal use. We were allowed a kilo and a half personal belongings but that's it. This could be anything you like, books, photos, good-luck charms, anything. But over time, we managed to add to this. Firstly because the station has been in orbit for a long time, and most of the things people brought stayed up there. And secondly, cargo ships arrived regularly, carrying parcels from Earth with books, calendars, music. And we had quite a large library as well. Four hundred books ranging from classic literature to technical and reference books. And when the foreigners started to fly with us, we got dictionaries, Russian-English, German-Russian, and so on."Some of us spent half a year there at a time, and of course it became like our home, a place where you spent a significant part of your life. During my second and third trips, there were things there which reminded me of the previous trips. For instance, I celebrated New Year there three times! I even knew where the Christmas tree and the decorations were kept."By my second flight, we had a joint program with the American shuttle, which brought a new module to the station, the docking sector. It was brand-new when we received it and completely empty. So we decided to use it as a kind of art gallery. TheEuropean Space Agency had organized a competition among European artists for their work to be exhibited in space. They sent us 15 paintings, and we put them on the walls and ceiling. And when we have some time off, we love to go..."Unit 2 World News: International RelationsPart I Warming up1. What is the summit's statement expected to call on UN members?To make commitments to eradicate poverty, promote democracy and education, and reverse the spread of AIDSHow many heads-of-state attended the summit? More than 1502. What has the former American Defense Secretary William Perry recommended?A radical change of policy towards North Korea, from undermining to co-existing3. Which three countries are admitted by ASEAN on Saturday?Burma, Cambodia, and the Laos4. What is the purpose of "Million Mom March"?To push for tougher gun control laws5. What happened inside the Macedonian border with Kosovo?There's been further fighting between Macedonian forces and Ethnic Albanian guerrillas.6. What happened on Friday about ten miles south of Pearl Harbor?A U. S. nuclear submarine tore through a Japanese fishing vessel, sinking it within minutes.How many people were on the vessel? And how many were missing? 35/97. How many casualties were there in the U.S. navy's bombing in Kuwait?Killed: 5 Americans + 1 from New ZealandInjured: 5 Americans8. What happened in the West Bank and Gaza?Gun battles between Israeli troops and Palestinian gunmen have been raiding overnight.9. What is NATO trying to do?To allay growing disquiet about the possible health risks from ammunitions containing depleted uraniumHow many former peacekeeping soldiers are reported to have died from cancer? About 2010. What are the problems with the nuclear facilities and nuclear plants in Japan? Nuclear facilities. Some have breached many health and safety laws.Nuclear plants: More than half failed some basic tests, such as checking radiation measurements.Tapescript:1. With the final declaration on its role in the 21st century, the summit's statement is expected to call on UN members to make commitments to eradicate poverty, promote democracy and education, and reverse the spread of AIDS. More than 150 heads of state and government attended the summit, the largest gathering of world leaders in history.2. The former American Defense Secretary William Perry has recommended a radical change of policy towards North Korea. In the State Department policy review he said the United States and its allies should try to co-exist with North Korea rather than undermine it.3. The Association of South-East Asian Nations has decided to invite Burma to join its ranks, shrugging off western denunciations of the military regime in Rangoon. ASEAN foreign ministers voted on Saturday to admit Burma, Cambodia, and the Laos.4. Hundreds of thousands of mothers from across the United States gathered here in Washington Sunday to push for tougher gun control laws. Organizers of the so-called "Million Mom March" are hoping to harness growing outrage at the number of children killed by handguns in the United States.5. There's been further fighting between Macedonian forces and Ethnic Albanian guerrillas inside the Macedonian border with Kosovo. The fighting followed an earlier clash in which guerrillas ambushed a police patrol in Macedonia killing one policeman.6. The missing, four of them teenagers, were among 35 people aboard a high school fishing vessel from Japan. On Friday, a U.S. nuclear submarine tore through the ship, sinking it within minutes. The USS Greenville, which was not seriously damaged, was performing an emergency surfacing drill when the collision occurred about ten miles south of Pearl Harbor. Coast Guard rescue teams plucked all but nine of the victims from the rough seas.7. A bomb dropped by the United State's navy aircraft during training in Kuwait has hit a group of military observers, killing six of them. Five of the dead were American,the sixth was a special force's major from New Zealand. The 500pound bomb landed near an observation post during a live-firing training exercise in the desert. It was dark at the time. Five other American military personnel were injured.8. Gun battles between Israeli troops and Palestinian gunman have been raiding overnight in the West Bank and Gaza. The upsurge in violence comes after Israeli attack helicopters targeted and killed a member of an elite Palestinian security force.9. NATO is taking a number of steps to allay growing disquiet about the possible health risks from ammunitions containing depleted uranium, which it used in Kosovo and Bosnia. A special committee will be set up to handle the issue. About 20 former peacekeeping soldiers are reported to have died from cancer after serving in Kosovo or Bosnia.10. Some nuclear facilities in Japan have breached many health and safety laws. Government inspectors checked 17 nuclear plants. More than half of them failed some basic tests, such as checking radiation measurements. Japanese nuclear regulators have been ordered to crack down following the country's worst nuclear accident in September. Sixty-nine people were exposed to dangerous levels of radiation in the accident.Part II News reportsSummary:This news report tells us that the United Nations General Assembly has elected Columbia, Ireland, Mauritius, Norway and Singapore as its new non-permanent members of the Security Council.Statements:1. Columbia, Ireland, and Singapore won their seats as nonpermanent members of the Security Council on the first round of balloting while Mauritius and Norway won their seats on the fourth ballot.2. Sudan and Mauritius are two candidates of the Organization of African Unity.3. There were three countries contending for the two seats allotted to the western industrialized group of nations.4. The Security Council is made up of 15 members, including five permanent members -- China, France, Great Britain, Russia, and the United States--and 10 non-permanent members.Tapescript:The United Nations General Assembly has elected' Columbia, Ireland, Mauritius,。

StepByStep3000英语听力入门3课后练习题含答案 (2)

StepByStep3000英语听力入门3课后练习题含答案 (2)



Part 1:听力理解题目1:听力训练1.这个音频主要在讲什么?答案:如何学好英语听力。


题目2:听取对话根据以下对话回答问题:A: Hi, my name is Tom. What’s your name?B: Hi, I’m Sarah. Nice to meet you.A: Nice to meet you too. Where are you from?B: I’m from New York.A: Oh, I’ve always wanted to visit New York. What do you like to do for fun?B: I like to go to museums and explore the city.A: That sounds like fun. Do you have any recommendations for things to do in New York?B: Yes, you should definitely visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art.1.那个人名叫什么?答案:Tom.2.Sarah喜欢做什么?答案:去博物馆和探索城市。


Part 2:词汇理解题目3:填空从以下选项中选择正确的单词或短语填空:1.The company is expanding rapidly and hiring new _______.答案:employees.2.I’m going to _______ the gym after work.答案:hit.3.Is it possible to _______ this problem?答案:solve.4.We had to _______ our trip because of bad weather.答案:cancel.5.She _______ a lot of work to do before the deadline.答案:has.Part 3:语法理解题目4:选择恰当的动词时态从以下选项中选择正确的动词时态填空:1.I usually _______ (watch, watches) TV in the evening.答案:watch.2.Yesterday, I _______ (go, went) to the movies with myfriends.答案:went.3.She _______ (is studying, was studying) for her exam when Icalled her.答案:was studying.4.We _______ (are going, were going) to the beach, but itstarted rning.答案:were going.5.He _______ (has, had) a lot of problems at work last week.答案:had.结论以上是StepByStep3000英语听力入门第三课的练习题和答案。




下⾯是⼩编分享的.第3册Unit 6 的课后答案,希望能对⼤家有所帮助! Unit 6 The Human Touch Text A Content Questions(P.172) 1.They found their tastes in art, chicory salad and bishop sleeves so much in tune that they set up a joint studio. 2.Johnsy would be able to recover from pneumonia if she wanted to live. 3.She wanted to paint the Bay of Naples some day. 4.She could see a bare yard, and an old ivy vine climbing half way up the brick wall. 5.Because she thought that she would die when the last leaf fell. 6.No. Because in the text the author mentions that Behrman was a failure in art. For forty years he had been always about to paint a masterpiece, without ever actually starting one. 7.He was upset that Johnsy should have such a silly idea. 8.Because they were afraid that Johnsy would die if the leaves on it were all gone. 9.She saw the last leaf on the vine. 10.It rekindled her will to live. And she realized that it was a sin to want to die. 11.He caught pneumonia because he painted the last leaf on a rainy and cold night in the yard and was wet through. 12.Yes, he finished his masterpiece eventually. It was his fine painting of the last leaf, the painting that saved Johnsy. Text Organization (P.173) 1. (P.173) 1).She made up her mind to die when the last leaf fell. 2).She decided not to give up her life. 3).Behrman, a kind neighbor, who was aware of Johnsy's state of mind, risked death to paint the last leaf and save her. 4).Because it was so perfect the girls both mistook it for the real thing. 2. (P.173) ScenesParagraphsCharactersEvents 1Paras 1-2Sue, JohnsySue's roommate Johnsy caught pneumonia. 2Paras 3-8the doctor, SueThe doctor told Sue that Johnsy needed a strong will to live on. 3Paras 9-17Johnsy, SueJohnsy decided that she would die when the 1 last ivy leaf fell. 4Paras 18-2.1Behrman, SueSue told Behrman about Johnsy's fancy. 5Paras 22-33Sue, JohnsyAs Johnsy was encouraged by the last leaf that wouldn't give in to the weather, her will to live returned. 6Paras 34-37the doctor, Sue ■The doctor told Sue that Johnsy would re?cover, but Behrman caught pneumonia him?self and his case was hopeless. 7Paras 38-39Sue, JohnsySue told Johnsy that Behrman had performed a kind deed without any thought of self. Language Sense Enhancement (P.174) I. 1)curling 2) looking the part 3)masterpiece 4) to excess 5)For the rest 6) smelling strongly of 7)fancy 8) light and fragile 9)slight hold up on the world10) streaming Language Focus (P.176) Vocabulary(P.176) 1. 1) masterpieces 2) fragile 3) fancy 4) nonsense 5) cling to 6)endure 7) acute 8) whistle 9) mock 10) subtracted 11) Sin 12) flutter/fluttering 2.(P.177) 1) gave in/gave up2) figure out 3) sized up 4) wiped out 5) pulling up 6) wear away 7) sit up8) hear of / about 3.(P. 178) 1) Illnesses usually stand out in childhood memories. 2)According to the bulletin, Albright College now offers a joint bachelor's degree program in environmental studies together with Duke University. 3)The new government is less oppressive, but violence still stalks the country. 4)There is scarcely any surface water in the desert. 5)The demand for change in the election law is so persistent that both houses have promised to consider it. 4.(P. 178—179) 1) It was dreary lying in the tent with nothing to read, so we built a camp fire. Soon the smell of steaks, bread and coffee mingled with that of fresh grass and earth. Other campers seemed to be doing the same. Here and there people were eating, drinking or dancing to their hearts' content, if not to excess. What a merry night! 2)Miss Florence, our music teacher, called to us to stop singing. I didn't realize why until Sally told me in a whisper: " You are not in tune with the group!" 3)The angry wife poured a bucket of water over her drunken husband, who was immedi?ately wet through and stumbled backward: " You can't do without drinks? I won't hear of any excuses. You certainly don't need it to turn loose your tongue!" II.Words with Multiple Meanings (P. 179—180) 1.He went to Paris on business last month. 2.The train to Brussels goes at 2:25p.m. 3.As soon as they arrived at the meadow, the shepherd let the sheep go. 3.As soon as they arrived at the meadow, the shepherd let the sheep go. 4.We went exploring together in the mountains. / We will go exploring together in the mountains. 5.Let's go and have a drink in the bar. 6.The store is going to close up soon. 7.South Koreans went crazy when their soccer players beat the Spanish team in the quarter?finals. 8.When Mother came out of the house, she found her children gone. age (P. 180) 1.a little white wooden house 2.long, curly red hair 2.a large old round table 3.a cheap Indian restaurant 4.a huge cool chocolate ice-cream 5.rapid technological advance 6.a handsome young Chinese American Comprehensive Exercises I. Cloze (P. 181) (A)1. in tune2.Scarcely3. in a whisper4.cling to5. merry6.sat up 7. nonsense8.fancy 9. sin10.masterpiece (B)1. mission2.involve3. jail4.not5. collect6.deliver 7. beautiful8.vocation 9. need10.small II. Translation (P. 182) 1. (P. 182) 1).The red house stands out against the old trees that reach high up to the sky. 2).The salary in/for my new job is great, but for the rest, I’m not satisfied. 3).The waters of the two streams mingle near our village. 4).We should not mock at other people’s religious beliefs. 5).The curtains of the room are not quite in tune with the style of the furniture. 2. (P. 182) Here and there we see young artists who stand out from other people. They may be in worn out jeans all the year round, or walk barefoot / in bare feet even in winter, or drink to excess, or cling to the fancy of creating a masterpiece without actually doing any creative work. In fact, many of them act like this just to look the part, or to be "in tune with" other artists. They have forgotten that only through persistent effort can one achieve success.【全新版⼤学英语综合教程3Unit6课后答案】。

step by step 3000 第三册 英语听力 Unit 6

step by step 3000 第三册 英语听力 Unit 6

stuck in the first layer of fifteen pieces of silk. A member of the research team says while silk threads may be soft, they can be used to produce a stronger yarn than copper threads, the material used in regular bulletproof vests.2. American and Japanese researchers say they are a step closer to predicting severe weather in and around the Indian Ocean. Researchers have analyzed weather data from the region over the past 40 years and they've discovered a strong connection between extreme weather and conditions in the ocean. A BBC science correspondent says the findings could make it easier to predict droughts or, indeed, periods of heavy rainfall.3. The world chess champion Garry Kasparov began a match against the rest of the world on the Internet. Kasparov made his first move with a meter-high pawn before an audience of chess fans at a park in New York. The move was immediately posted on a special website set up by the Microsoft Corporation. Visitors to the site have 24 hours to vote on their counter move helped by a team of young chess experts who will suggest strategies.4. Few scientific advances of this or any millennium can rival in significance the discovery of the structure of DNA, the basic molecule of life. Knowledge of the structure of DNA helps explain many things, including genetic mutation and, through it, evolution. Understanding its code has helped to unlock the mechanics of inherited disease, as well as beneficial biological traits such as intelligence and body strength. The discovery of the DNA molecule also paved the way for many of today’scutting-edge science, including genetic engineering, a controversial branch of knowledge that raises new ethical and moral questions that are certain to be with us into the next millennium.5. Some say it's hard to find good help these days, but a Japanese electronics firm thinks it's found the answer. It's a robot that talks and understands orders. The robot from NEC can record and send video mail through the Internet and switch on TVs and VCRs. And if it's becoming a bit warm for you, one simple command and the robot will switch on the air conditioner.Bkey words:force of attraction…引力spark…火花, 星火, 触发penetrate…穿透, 渗入electromagnetic waves …电磁波fungus …菌类,霉resistance to movement …运动阻力energy-efficient …高效节能opaque…不透明ruby…红宝石ferment .. .发酵, 酵母ball bearing …球轴承lubricating oil…润滑油Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation ( LASER)…受激辐射光放大,激光Subjects that the speakers are talking abut and their tones of voice:Subject Tone of voice1. Gravity / Gravitation Superior (有优越感的)2.Lightening Patronizing(以施惠人自居)(摆出屈尊俯就的样子)3.X rays Enthusiasticser Bored5.Yeast Friendly / intimate6.Friction Loudly but neutral7.Recycling PatientlyTapescripts:1 .... Yes, you see, it's the force of attraction between any two objects. The strength of the force depends on the mass of the objects and the distance between them. Er... the most obvious effect is the way objects on the surface of the earth are attracted towards the center of the earth...2 .... as it comes down it goes relatively slowly 100 to 1,000 miles per hour and you can't see it, but the return stroke goes up from the earth to the cloud and it goes at over 87,000 miles per hour and that's the one you can see, you see, the one that goes backup. It's really just a very large, powerful spark. The distance in miles you are away from it is the time in seconds between it and the sound you hear...3 .... Well, they were first discovered in 1895 and they can penetrate matter that is opaque to light. Some matter is more transparent to them than others, which means you can see inside somebody. They are actually quite dangerous and people who work with them wear special protective clothing...4 .... ordinary light consists of electromagnetic waves of different frequencies and phase(s). This is a bundle of waves of the same frequency and phase. You can create the beams from a ruby rod or a tube of carbon dioxide that's stimulated with flashes of ordinary light. The word is an acronym for light amplification by the stimulated emission of radiation. Now, does anybody ...5 .... they're all types of fungus. There are many different kinds of them but the best known are the ones used in cooking and brewing. When they're mixed with sugar they cause the sugar to ferment and two things happen: first carbon dioxide is given off and second alcohol is formed, but when the proportion reaches 12%, it's all killed off naturally...6 .... in contact with each other, there's a resistance to movement between them. The main reason why we use ball bearings and lubricating oil is to counteract this; the main reason why rubber is used in tires and shoes is to increase the effect of it ...7 .... No, it's the process whereby materials are used again. Normally, it is cheaper to do this because it's more energy-efficient. On the other hand, one material that's hard to deal with in this way is plastic -- there are so many types that it's very difficult to separate ...Part II Human genome projectAKey wordshuman genome project …人类基因组计划inherited disease …遗传病genetic traits …遗传性状genetic map …基因图谱, 遗传图谱genenome…基因组chromosome …染色体rung …n. (梯子的)横档,梯级amplify…放大, 扩大warfare… 战争,战争状态A OutlineI.The goal of the human genome project:to identify, catalog, map and analyze every one of the 100,000 in the humanbody.II.Description of a geneA. a simple definition of a gene: a piece of DNA, the basic molecule of lifeB. location of genes: on chromosomes / in every cell / alternately coloredrungsC. function of the sequence of genetic rungs: produce chemical instructions /build & run the human bodyIII.Significance of the human genome projectA. to help cure or prevent many inherited diseasesB. to help amplify desirable genetic traits in future generationsC. to solve many mysteries of the brain, consciousness and the lead to a scientific description of human natureIV.Controversies of the human genome projectPotential abusee. g. : 1. for profit2. for warfareBKey words:deciphering…破译genetic code …遗传密码human genome…人类基因组sorted out …理顺decipher …解码lifeblood …命脉, 生命线embryo…胎,初期scroll v. … 滚动cystic fibrosis … 囊性纤维化Choose correct answers:1. d2. c3. a4. c5. b6. bPart III Latest breakthroughs in technologyKey words:integrated adj. 集成的miniaturization …微型化tinker with …修补prototype …原型, 样机earpiece…听筒, 耳机inventiveness …创造性Popular Science magazi ne …科普杂志A1. What is the trend for electronics in the future?Integrated, smaller, faster, better2. What is the theme for electronics in the future?The combination of computers and communications and then having them disappear from our sightB Write relevant informationItem DescriptionsT-B o’s personal TV… • can read video broadcast• can pause on a live broadcast• learns which TV shows and characters youlike to watch and records them for you Ericsson’s R380 • can make calls• can browse the web• can check your calendar• can send and receive emailP3 wrist camera • can give pretty good picture• costs $ 2,000IBM wearable PC • can be carried easily• information can be accessed through earpiece• information can be integrated into clothing• weighs less than a pound• can be clipped onto belt• the monitor, the size of a pen capPanasonic portable • can watch movies and listen to CDs while DVD player travelingCasio’s GPS watch • can tell you where you are on a map• can give you directionsTapescript:"Everybody thinks of technology as somebody in a lab coat, you know, tinkering with computer chips, but technology is really about how we live and how we communicate."Suzanne Cantra is the "What's New?" editor at Popular Science magazine, a magazine that has been following advances in technology for more than a hundred years.The most fanciful dream of mankind is today a startling reality." Remember when television was considered a fad of the future? "It may not be long before our news events and current world happenings will be witnessed in thousands of homes." Boy, were they wrong?This recorder shows how far television has come. T-Bo's personal TV, an NBC investment, is one of the products that caught Cantra's eye."One of the benefits of having a computer recording video is that the computer can read the video broadcast as it comes in so if the phone rings, you can hit pause on a live broadcast."And not only that, this sort of smart VCR learns which TV shows and characters you like to watch and records them for you. This device is only one of a hundred items, Cantra says, best represents the future. And while we couldn't show you all of them, here are a few that reflect some of the new trends.Like Ericsson's R380. You can make calls, browse the web, check your calendar and send and receive email, all in this one device."This cell phone actually shows us the future of integrated devices."And I bet you can't guess what this is? Although it looks like a watch, in fact, it's a camera. That's right. A camera."The P3 wrist camera sort of talks to that whole concept of miniaturization and having devices integrated into things that you wouldn't think of."And while the pictures are pretty good, only you can decide whether they're worth two grand.And how about this? It's a prototype computer that puts your mobile laptop to shame. "The IBM wearable PC definitely gives you a vision into what's gonna be coming down the line. We will be carrying these kinds of computing devices and you will need to only access the information somehow. Whether that's through an earpiece or whether it's just integrated into your clothing."The PC weighs less than a pound and clips onto your belt. The monitor, about the size of a pen cap rests an inch from your eye.But if you don't necessarily wanna work during your down time, something like the Panasonic portable DVD player might be the gadget for you."The ability to have a very small compact device where you can watch movies or listen to CDs is something that any business traveler will tell you is a great benefit." If you're more the adventurous type, then Casio's GPS watch is a must (to) have."A few years down the line, instead of just having, you know, your coordinates, it can actually tell you where you are on a map and give you directions."Over the past several years, we've seen electronics get smaller, faster and better and that trend is going to continue into the next century."The theme for electronics in the future is the combination of computers and communications and then having them disappear from our sight."But Cantra says these new technologies are not just about bits and bites."When you look at new technologies, they're based on the past and what we think that we need, but a lot of times it's just sheer human inventiveness that takes it to this next step. And there's nothing more exciting than finding a new way of being able to reach out and share information."Part III Nobel prize winners in physics and chemistryStatements:1. The common theme in the award-winning research is the huge advances made in electronics and information technology.2. The physics prize is about the electronics of today and the chemistry prize is about the electronics of the future.3. The new Nobel physics laureates have laid a stable foundation for modern information technology.4. Kilby's invention is more pervasive and more influential today than any invention of the 20th century.B. Tapescript:Four Americans, a Russian and a Japanese scientist have won this year's Nobel Prizes in physics and chemistry. The common theme in the award-winning research is the huge advances made in electronics and information technology.The physics prize is about the electronics of today and the chemistry prize is about the electronics of the future. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, which awards them, says the new Nobel physics laureates have laid a stable foundation for modern information technology. Marc Brodsky, the director of the American Institute of Physics, puts it another way."I think it's recognizing what you might call the clever physics inventions behind much of today's electronic technology."Half the 915-thousand-dollar physics prize goes to Jack Kilby of the United States. As a Texas Instruments Corporation researcher in the late 1950s, he co-invented the integrated circuit on a silicon chip -- the heart of today's miniature electronics.The other half of the money is split between Zhores Alferov of the IoffePhysico-Technical Institute in St. Petersburg, Russia and Herbert Kroemer, a German-born researcher at the University of California at Santa Barbara. The Swedish Academy is honoring them for their inventions of fast optical and microelectronic components found in compact disk players and bar code readers and which help push information through the Internet's optical fibers.Of all the work, Marc Brodsky assigns the greatest importance to that of Jack Kilby for the integrated circuit."Clearly Kilby's is more pervasive and more influential today than perhaps any invention of the 20th century. He invented the integrated circuit along with Bob Noyce, who independently did it. Bob Noyce was one of the founders of Intel. Of course, Noyce has passed away, so not eligible for Nobel Prize."The integrated circuit combines many transistors on a single tiny silicon chip."It took transistors from being just a replacement for tubes --one element in a circuit -- to (being) able to put them all together on a single chip, a single piece of silicon no bigger than a fingernail, and have millions if not billions of circuits on a single chip." The integration of transistors and further miniaturization led to more efficient packaging, allowing a flood of small, speedy electronic devices like calculators and eventually personal computers.Meanwhile, the Nobel chemistry prize goes to Alan Heeger of the University of California at Santa Barbara, Alan MacDiarmid of the University of Pennsylvania, and Hideki Shirakawa of the University of Tsukuba in Japan.The Swedish Academy recognizes them for their revolutionary discovery at the end of the 1970s that plastic can --- with certain chemical modifications -- conduct electricity. The result has led to lighter weight, cheaper plastic versions of many electronic devices, such as the light emitting diodes that illuminate digital clock numerals. In addition, the discovery provides a foundation for the development of molecular computers. Transistors and other electronic components may one day consist of individual molecules, which will reduce the size and weight of our computers as dramatically as the integrated circuit has.。

step by step 3000 3英语听力入门答案及原文

step by step 3000 3英语听力入门答案及原文

step by step 3000 3英语听力入门答案及原文Unit 3 World News: Economic DevelopmentsPart I Warming upA1. Who have been meeting in Hong Kong today to discuss the outlook for the global economy?Central Bank governors from more than a dozen countries. 2. What does UNCTAD say about the worldwide total of foreign investment?It grew by 40% last year to more than 600 billion dollars. 3. Who has approved a cut in income tax rates?The United States House of Representatives.4. Who has announced job cuts after a fall in demand for its products? IntelWhat is its plan?To reduce its workforce by 5,000.5. What decisions have been made by EU, the U.S. and Canada after a case of foot-and-mouth disease was confirmed in France? EU has imposed further restrictions on the movement of livestock. The U.S. and Canada have issued temporary bans on the import of animal produce from EU.Tapescripts:1. Central Bank governors from more than a dozen countries have been ith. 3, fill embankment before base and completed the inspection and acceptance of works. 4, before the requirement level elevation signlayout according to the drawing, every nail on the level of a certain distance, elevation of forklift parts according to the design requirements set. 5, according to the site conditions determine the routes of earth-moving machinery, vehicles, and prior checks, reinforce and widen if necessary and other preparatory work. (B) construction processes and methods; 1, process: before filling, and statistics to the existing buildings and trees, the soil on the cave or on the surface of roots, trash and other debris to be cleared. 2, have the soil inspection work. Species of fill, size, check there is no debris, and soil moisture content control within the design range. Tier 3, fill casting: each layer thickness according to soil, density to determine requirements and equipment performance. 4, as needed when rolling, wheel (RAM) track lapping each other, prevent leaks RAM leakage. Aspect is high, filling segments. Each layer into slope-shaped seams, ground track about overlapping 0.5-1.0M, is less than the distance from the upper and lower joints 1M. 5, fill out the base surface, we will do the edge compaction quality assurance work. After the earth-moving, does not require trimming of the slope would be preferable to filling edge fill 0.5 m wide called slope rides on and shoot, wide filling 0.2m. 6, in machinery construction not rolling the filling position, manual blade filled with frog-type ramming machine or diesel hierarchical dynamic compaction-compacting. 9, rain during construction: (1) in the rain during embankment construction, we will be completed as soon as possible a continuous; face do not seek too large, hierarchical segment-by-filmbasis, important or special backfill, as completed by the rain. (2) inthe rain at the time of construction, check all the rainmeeting in Hong Kong today. One subject they likely discussed is the outlook for the global economy because of the U. S. slowdown and Japan's struggling recovery. Another topic they may have discussed is how to strengthen financial markets in emerging economies in Asia and elsewhere.2. A United Nations' report says the worldwide total of foreign investment grew by nearly 40% last year to more than 600 billion dollars. The report by the UN Conference on Trade and Development, UNCTAD says most of it took place between developed countries as big companies took one another over.3. The United States House of Representatives has approved a cut in income tax rates, the first part of a package of tax cutting measuresput forward by President Bush. The income tax reductions will amount to nearly 1 trillion dollars over ten years.4. The world's largest maker of computer chips, Intel, has announced job cuts after a fall in demand for its products. Intel said it expected its revenue in the first quarter of this year to fall by a quarter than the same period last year. The California-based company plans to reduceits 85,000-strong work force by 5,000.5. The European Union has imposed further restrictions on the movement of live-stock after a case of foot-and-mouth disease was confirmed in France. The United States and Canada have issued ith. 3,fill embankment before base and completed the inspection and acceptanceof works. 4, before the requirement level elevation sign layout according to the drawing, every nail on the level of a certain distance, elevation of forklift parts according to the design requirements set. 5, according to the site conditions determine the routes of earth-moving machinery, vehicles, and prior checks, reinforce and widen if necessary and other preparatory work. (B) construction processes and methods; 1, process: before filling, and statistics to the existing buildings and trees, the soil on the cave or on the surface of roots, trash and other debris to be cleared. 2, have the soil inspection work. Species of fill, size, check there is no debris, and soil moisture content control within the design range. Tier 3, fill casting: each layer thickness according to soil, density to determine requirements and equipment performance. 4, as needed when rolling, wheel (RAM) track lapping each other, prevent leaks RAM leakage. Aspect is high, filling segments. Each layer into slope-shaped seams, ground track about overlapping 0.5-1.0M, is less than the distance from the upper and lower joints 1M. 5, fill out the base surface, we will do the edge compaction quality assurance work. After the earth-moving, does not require trimming of the slope would be preferable to filling edge fill 0.5 m wide called slope rides on and shoot, wide filling 0.2m. 6, in machinery construction not rolling the filling position, manual blade filled with frog-type ramming machine or diesel hierarchical dynamic compaction-compacting. 9, rain during construction: (1) in the rain during embankment construction, we will be completed as soon as possible a continuous; face do not seek too large,hierarchical segment-by-film basis, important or special backfill, as completed by the rain. (2) in the rain at the time of construction,check all the raintemporary bans on the import of all animal produce from EU countries.BForeign exchange rates:1 dollar = 1.733 German marks= 126.9 Japanese yen1 pound =1.624 dollarsShare IndexDow Jones up 6,783 (+45) London’s 100 up 4,390 (+20)Nikkie closed2. Share Index:Dow Jones up 10,116 (+96) Standrd and Poor’s 500 up 1,254 (+6)NASDAQ: down (-1.5%)3. Share Index:Dow Jones down 8,094 ( - 66 ) NASDAQ down 1,662 (- 3 )FT100 down ( -36 ) CAC Quarante down ( -33, -1% ) DAX down ( -1% )4. Most active stocks:Cable and Wireless HKT up $ 0.45 ith. 3, fill embankment before base and completed the inspection and acceptance of works. 4, before the requirement level elevation sign layout according to the drawing, every nail on the level of a certain distance, elevation of forklift parts according to the design requirements set. 5, according to the siteconditions determine the routes of earth-moving machinery, vehicles, and prior checks, reinforce and widen if necessary and other preparatory work. (B) construction processes and methods; 1, process: before filling, and statistics to the existing buildings and trees, the soil on the cave or on the surface of roots, trash and other debris to be cleared. 2, have the soil inspection work. Species of fill, size, check there is no debris, and soil moisture content control within the design range. Tier 3, fill casting: each layer thickness according to soil, density to determine requirements and equipment performance. 4, as needed when rolling, wheel (RAM) track lapping each other, prevent leaks RAM leakage. Aspect is high, filling segments. Each layer into slope-shaped seams, ground track about overlapping 0.5-1.0M, is less than the distance from the upper and lower joints 1M. 5, fill out the base surface, we will do the edge compaction quality assurance work. After the earth-moving, does not require trimming of the slope would be preferable to filling edgefill 0.5 m wide called slope rides on and shoot, wide filling 0.2m. 6,in machinery construction not rolling the filling position, manual blade filled with frog-type ramming machine or diesel hierarchical dynamic compaction-compacting. 9, rain during construction: (1) in the rain during embankment construction, we will be completed as soon as possible a continuous; face do not seek too large, hierarchical segment-by-film basis, important or special backfill, as completed by the rain. (2) in the rain at the time of construction, check all the rainHSBC down $ 0.50Hutchison down $ 0.50Shanglongkai Property up $ 2.25China Telecom down $ 1.50Chang Kong up $ 0.25Pacific Century Cyberworlds down $ 0.10CCT Telecom down $ 0.275New World CyberBase down $ 0.075Hanong Holdings down $ 0.25Gold prices:Hong Kong gold: HK$ 2,670London gold: US $ 2895. Earnings:Philips Electronics (last year): $ 2.4 billion ($ 300 million down) Royal Dutch Shell (4th quarter): $ 3.6 billionElectronic Data Systems (4th quarter): $ 0.70 per share ( $ 0.02 up) Tapescripts:1. The dollar is trading at one German mark seventy-three pointthree and at 126.9 Japanese yen. The pound buys one dollar sixty-two point four. In New York, the Dow Share Index closed 45 higher at 6,783. Earlier ith. 3, fill embankment before base and completed the inspection and acceptance of works. 4, before the requirement level elevation sign layout according to the drawing, every nail on the level of a certain distance, elevation of forklift parts according to the design requirements set. 5, according to the site conditions determine theroutes of earth-moving machinery, vehicles, and prior checks, reinforce and widen if necessary and other preparatory work. (B) construction processes and methods; 1, process: before filling, and statistics to the existing buildings and trees, the soil on the cave or on the surface of roots, trash and other debris to be cleared. 2, have the soil inspection work. Species of fill, size, check there is no debris, and soil moisture content control within the design range. Tier 3, fill casting: each layer thickness according to soil, density to determine requirements and equipment performance. 4, as needed when rolling, wheel (RAM) track lapping each other, prevent leaks RAM leakage. Aspect is high, filling segments. Each layer into slope-shaped seams, ground track about overlapping 0.5-1.0M, is less than the distance from the upper and lower joints 1M. 5, fill out the base surface, we will do the edge compaction quality assurance work. After the earth-moving, does not require trimming of the slope would be preferable to filling edge fill 0.5 m wide called slope rides on and shoot, wide filling 0.2m. 6, in machinery construction not rolling the filling position, manual blade filled with frog-type ramming machine or diesel hierarchical dynamic compaction-compacting. 9, rain during construction: (1) in the rain during embankment construction, we will be completed as soon as possible a continuous; face do not seek too large, hierarchical segment-by-film basis, important or special backfill, as completed by the rain. (2) in the rain at the time of construction, check all the rainLondon's 100 Share Index ended 20 higher at 4,390. In Tokyo, the Nikkei Share Index is closed for a holiday.2. The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed up 96 points at 10,116. The Standard and Poor's 500 Index gained 6 points to close at 1,254. But the NASDAQ Index lost 1.5% as high technology and Internet stocks were battered.3. Right now the Dow is down another 66 points at 8,094; the NASDAQ Composite down 3 points at 1,662. Turning to Europe's major markets: London stocks were hit by a wave of profit taking after five straight record closes; the FT 100 Index down 36 points; Paris seeing losses as well, the CAC quarante down 33 points or 1%; and Frankfurt's DAX alsofell 1% after briefly moving into record territory.4. The Hang Seng Index closed down 89 points at 3,521. The turnover was 7.71 billion dollars. Now look at the ten most active stocks. Cable and Wireless HKT up 45 cents, HSBC holdings down 50 cents, Hutchison down 50 cents, Shanglongkai Property up $2.25, and China Telecom down $1.50, Chang Kong up 25 cents, Pacific Century Cyberworlds down 10 cents, CCT Telecom down 27.5 cents, New World Cyberspace down 7.5 cents, and Hanong Holdings down 25 cents. The Hang Seng Index future for November and December were all down. Hong Kong gold closed at 2,670 Hong Kong dollars, and London gold is trading at 289 U.S. dollars.ith. 3, fill embankment before base and completed the inspection and acceptance of works. 4, before the requirement level elevation sign layout according to the drawing, every nail on the level of a certaindistance, elevation of forklift parts according to the design requirements set. 5, according to the site conditions determine the routes of earth-moving machinery, vehicles, and prior checks, reinforce and widen if necessary and other preparatory work. (B) construction processes and methods; 1, process: before filling, and statistics to the existing buildings and trees, the soil on the cave or on the surface of roots, trash and other debris to be cleared. 2, have the soil inspection work. Species of fill, size, check there is no debris, and soil moisture content control within the design range. Tier 3, fill casting: each layer thickness according to soil, density to determine requirements and equipment performance. 4, as needed when rolling, wheel (RAM) track lapping each other, prevent leaks RAM leakage. Aspect is high, filling segments. Each layer into slope-shaped seams, ground track about overlapping 0.5-1.0M, is less than the distance from the upper and lower joints 1M. 5, fill out the base surface, we will do the edge compaction quality assurance work. After the earth-moving, does not require trimming of the slope would be preferable to filling edge fill 0.5 m wide called slope rides on and shoot, wide filling 0.2m. 6, in machinery construction not rolling the filling position, manual blade filled with frog-type ramming machine or diesel hierarchical dynamic compaction-compacting. 9, rain during construction: (1) in the rain during embankment construction, we will be completed as soon as possible a continuous; face do not seek too large, hierarchical segment-by-filmbasis, important or special backfill, as completed by the rain. (2) in the rain at the time of construction, check all the rain5. Consumer electronics maker Philips Electronics reported a lower than expected profit for last year. The company made about $2.4 billion, more than $300 million below estimates. Oil company Royal Dutch Shell posted its earnings. It made roughly a $3.6 billion profit for itsfourth quarter. That was essentially in line with Street expectations. Electronic Data Systems also reported its fourth quarter numbers last night. It posted a 70-cent profit per share, two cents better than expectations. Part III Voice mail may cost company’s businessAJud Jessup (TakeCare HMO): …personalized service…”highservice”…getting a recording…efficient…cost effective……individual problems….Stanley Plogue (Plogue Research): …a fourth…let out…voice mail system…given up…Sandy hale (Pacific Bell):… bottom line…costs…more efficient…customerservice operations…a valuable tool.B1. T2. T3. F4. F5. T6. F7. F8. T9. T 10. TC3. Five years ago, people were wary of voice-mail.4. TakeCare used a funny voice-mail message in its advertisements. 6. Voice-mail decreases contact between customers and companies. ith. 3,fill embankment before base and completed the inspection and acceptance of works. 4, before the requirement level elevation sign layoutaccording to the drawing, every nail on the level of a certain distance, elevation of forklift parts according to the design requirements set. 5, according to the site conditions determine the routes of earth-moving machinery, vehicles, and prior checks, reinforce and widen if necessary and other preparatory work. (B) construction processes and methods; 1, process: before filling, and statistics to the existing buildings and trees, the soil on the cave or on the surface of roots, trash and other debris to be cleared. 2, have the soil inspection work. Species of fill, size, check there is no debris, and soil moisture content control within the design range. Tier 3, fill casting: each layer thickness accordingto soil, density to determine requirements and equipment performance. 4, as needed when rolling, wheel (RAM) track lapping each other, prevent leaks RAM leakage. Aspect is high, filling segments. Each layer into slope-shaped seams, ground track about overlapping 0.5-1.0M, is lessthan the distance from the upper and lower joints 1M. 5, fill out the base surface, we will do the edge compaction quality assurance work.After the earth-moving, does not require trimming of the slope would be preferable to filling edge fill 0.5 m wide called slope rides on and shoot, wide filling 0.2m. 6, in machinery construction not rolling the filling position, manual blade filled with frog-type ramming machine ordiesel hierarchical dynamic compaction-compacting. 9, rain during construction: (1) in the rain during embankment construction, we will be completed as soon as possible a continuous; face do not seek too large, hierarchical segment-by-film basis, important or special backfill, as completed by the rain. (2) in the rain at the time of construction, check all the rain7. The problem is not the technology, but the voice-mail menus. Part IV Business jargonA…language shorthand….…overuse business jargon…a negative effect……a low opinion…management jargon…a third…a lack ofconf idence…onein five …untrustworthy…cover something up.…an effective boss…can easily understand…management jargon.B1. T2. T3. F4. F5. FCblue-sky thinking: imagine new or different ways of doing things get our ducks in a row: have everything arranged efficiently brain dump:tell everything you know about a particular subject think outside the box: be creative in how you think about problems the helicopter view: an overviewa heads up: a warningthat’s a real no-brainer: that’s simpleUnit 4 World News: Up in SpacePart I Warming upA1. To Mars / March of next year.ith. 3, fill embankment before base and completed the inspection and acceptance of works. 4, before the requirement level elevation sign layout according to the drawing, every nail on the level of a certain distance, elevation of forklift parts according to the design requirements set. 5, according to the site conditions determine the routes of earth-moving machinery, vehicles, and prior checks, reinforce and widen if necessary and other preparatory work. (B) construction processes and methods; 1, process: before filling, and statistics to the existing buildings and trees, the soil on the cave or on the surface of roots, trash and other debris to be cleared. 2, have the soil inspection work. Species of fill, size, check there is no debris, and soil moisture content control within the design range. Tier 3, fill casting: each layer thickness according to soil, density to determine requirements and equipment performance. 4, as needed when rolling, wheel (RAM) track lapping each other, prevent leaks RAM leakage. Aspect is high, filling segments. Each layer into slope-shaped seams, ground track about overlapping 0.5-1.0M, is less than the distance from the upper and lower joints 1M. 5, fill out the base surface, we will do the edge compaction quality assurance work. After the earth-moving, does not requiretrimming of the slope would be preferable to filling edge fill 0.5 m wide called slope rides on and shoot, wide filling 0.2m. 6, in machinery construction not rolling the filling position, manual blade filled with frog-type ramming machine or diesel hierarchical dynamic compaction-compacting. 9, rain during construction: (1) in the rain during embankment construction, we will be completed as soon as possible a continuous; face do not seek too large, hierarchical segment-by-film basis, important or special backfill, as completed by the rain. (2) in the rain at the time of construction, check all the rain2. Because of a mechanical problem.3. 5 males and 2 females.4. NASA / At the end of September, 83 days after landing.5. To return home at the Kennedy Space Center after completing repairs on the Hubble Telescope.BMir Facts15 yearsthe Soviet Union, now Russia$ 4.2 billion (for building and maintaining)10 years (1986 — 1996)135 tons9,900 cubic feet63 feet wide and 85 feet long104 cosmonauts, astronauts46438 days747 days, threeMar. 23rd,Unit 5 New Explorations in Food and Medicine A1ith. 3, fill embankment before base and completed the inspection and acceptance of works. 4, before the requirement level elevation sign layout according to the drawing, every nail on the level of a certain distance, elevation of forklift parts according to the design requirements set. 5, according to the site conditions determine the routes of earth-moving machinery, vehicles, and prior checks, reinforce and widen if necessary and other preparatory work. (B) construction processes and methods; 1, process: before filling, and statistics to the existing buildings and trees, the soil on the cave or on the surface of roots, trash and other debris to be cleared. 2, have the soil inspection work. Species of fill, size, check there is no debris, and soil moisture content control within the design range. Tier 3, fill casting: each layer thickness according to soil, density to determine requirements and equipment performance. 4, as needed when rolling, wheel (RAM) track lapping each other, prevent leaks RAM leakage. Aspect is high, filling segments. Each layer into slope-shaped seams, ground track about overlapping 0.5-1.0M, is less than the distance from the upper and lower joints 1M. 5, fill out the base surface, we will do the edge compaction quality assurance work. After the earth-moving, does not requiretrimming of the slope would be preferable to filling edge fill 0.5 m wide called slope rides on and shoot, wide filling 0.2m. 6, in machinery construction not rolling the filling position, manual blade filled with frog-type ramming machine or diesel hierarchical dynamic compaction-compacting. 9, rain during construction: (1) in the rain during embankment construction, we will be completed as soon as possible a continuous; face do not seek too large, hierarchical segment-by-film basis, important or special backfill, as completed by the rain. (2) in the rain at the time of construction, check all the raina successful brain tissue transplant carried out by a South African surgeon.The discovery of a new way to increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy.The possibility of a new way to treat glaucoma.a new research on writing which shows that writing can result in clinically meaningful outcomes.a new research on writing which shows that writing can help people with chronic illness improve their health.the theory and function of acupuncture.A2a week ago / Parkinson’s disease.a natural defense mechanismthe death of brain cellsmeeting patients’ psychological needs produces physical health benefits.side effects / cut back on medication.The world’s leading transplant surgeon, Dr Christopher Bernard, has carried out one of the most difficult brain tissue transplants yet attempted. The South African surgeon has succeeded in transplanting tissues into the human brain in what is thought to be the firstoperation of its kind. The surgery was performed a week ago on a patient suffering ith. 3, fill embankment before base and completed the inspection and acceptance of works. 4, before the requirement level elevation sign layout according to the drawing, every nail on the level of a certain distance, elevation of forklift parts according to the design requirements set. 5, according to the site conditions determine the routes of earth-moving machinery, vehicles, and prior checks, reinforce and widen if necessary and other preparatory work. (B) construction processes and methods; 1, process: before filling, and statistics to the existing buildings and trees, the soil on the cave or on the surface of roots, trash and other debris to be cleared. 2, have the soil inspection work. Species of fill, size, check there is no debris, and soil moisture content control within the design range. Tier 3, fill casting: each layer thickness according to soil, density to determine requirements and equipment performance. 4, as needed when rolling, wheel (RAM) track lapping each other, prevent leaks RAM leakage. Aspect is high, filling segments. Each layer into slope-shaped seams,ground track about overlapping 0.5-1.0M, is less than the distance from the upper and lower joints 1M. 5, fill out the base surface, we will do the edge compaction quality assurance work. After the earth-moving, does not require trimming of the slope would be preferable to filling edgefill 0.5 m wide called slope rides on and shoot, wide filling 0.2m. 6, in machinery construction not rolling the filling position, manual blade filled with frog-type ramming machine or diesel hierarchical dynamic compaction-compacting. 9, rain during construction: (1) in the rain during embankment construction, we will be completed as soon as possible a continuous; face do not seek too large, hierarchical segment-by-film basis, important or special backfill, as completed by the rain. (2) in the rain at the time of construction, check all the rain from P arkinson’s disease. A portion of the patient’s adrenal gland was implanted into a part of the patient’s brain, an operation which haspreviously been performed only on rats and monkeys.Approximately a third of all people develop cancer at one point in their lives. Chemotherapy has its limitations, but it is one of the major treatment options. Some American scientists have discovered they can increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy by inhibiting a natural defense mechanism employed by cancer cells.Glaucoma is responsible for blindness in an estimated 67 million people around the world. Until now, treatments have focused exclusivelyon the eyes. But that may change in the next few year, following the discovery that glaucoma involves the death of brain cells.New research shows that the simple act of writing down thoughtsabout a stressful event can help people with chronic illnesses improve their health. This is the first study to show that writing can result in clinically meaningful outcomes for chronically-ill patients. The study adds to the growing amount of scientific literature suggesting that meeting patient’s psychological needs produces physical health benefits.Traditional Chinese medicine says that good health is associatedwith the balance of Qi. Qi can be hindered or helped by yang and yin. According to traditional theory, the goal of acupuncture is to promote the flow of qi by keeping yin and yang in balance ---- and this is done by inserting ith. 3, fill embankment before base and completed the inspection and acceptance of works. 4, before the requirement level elevation sign layout according to the drawing, every nail on the level of a certain distance, elevation of forklift parts according to the design requirements set. 5, according to the site conditions determine the routes of earth-moving machinery, vehicles, and prior checks, reinforce and widen if necessary and other preparatory work. (B) construction processes and methods; 1, process: before filling, and statistics to the existing buildings and trees, the soil on the cave or on the surface of roots, trash and other debris to be cleared. 2, have the soil inspection work. Species of fill, size, check there is no debris, and soil moisture content control within the design range. Tier。

step by step3000听力Unit 6

step by step3000听力Unit 6
2. The jamming, earlier this month, of several popular Internet sites with a flood of crippling messages sent a wakeup call to those involved with electronic or e-commerce. One recent suggestion is to form an industry-wide group to share information about security issues. High-tech executives want to make a coordinated effort to ensure that the Internet becomes a safe place to conduct business.
To understand the significance of the human genome project, it is necessary to know that each gene is a piece of DNA, the basic molecule of life. Genes are located on chromosomes that in turn reside in every cell in arrangements similar to the alternately colored rungs on a ladder. The sequence of genetic rungs produces the chemical instructions the cells need in order to build and run the human body. By identifying the location and makeup of each gene, the genome project should help scientists cure or prevent many inherited diseases and possibly amplify desirable genetic traits in future generations. Some scientists hope that the genetic map also will solve many mysteries of the brain, consciousness and the mind, and possibly lead to a scientifical discription of human nature itself. Others worried about the potential abuse of this power for profit or warfare for example, with massive international government and private support of human genome project is worked maybe complete within the next five years.

Step by Step2000听力教程-3-答案Unit-6

Step by Step2000听力教程-3-答案Unit-6

Unit 6Science and Technology Part IWarming upA 1.1.This news item is about a kind of new bulletproof vest made of silk.2.This news item is about research done by American and Japanese researchers to predict severe weather in and around the Indian Ocean.3.This news item is about a chess match between a world champion and the rest of the world on the Internet.4.This news item is about an experiment carried out by the U.S.scientists to train rats to operate a robot arms by using the electrical signals in their brains.5.This news item is about NEC's new robot that talks and under-stands orders.A21.While silk threads may be soft,they can be used to produce a stronger yarn than copper threads.2.American and Japanese researchers have discovered a strong connection between extreme weather and conditions in the ocean.3.Visitors to the site have 24hours to vote on their counter move helped by a team of young chess experts who will suggest strategies.4.The rats had earlier been trained to obtain a reward by pressing a lever to move the arm.w w w .k h d a w .c o m 课后答案网5.The robot from NEC can record and send video mail through the Internet and switch on TVs,VCRs and air conditioners.Tapescript.1.Thai silk is known for its beauty and elegance.But a research team has found a new use for it.A bulletproof vest made of silk was put to the test at a shooting range in Thailand.After several rounds of gunfire,the vest was examined.The bullets were stuck in the first layer of fifteen pieces of silk.A member of the research team says while silk threads may be soft,they can be used to produce a stronger yarn than copper threads,the material used in regular bulletproof vests.2.American and Japanese researchers say they are a step closer to predicting severe weather in and around the Indian Ocean.Researchers have analyzed weather data from the region over the past 40years and they've discovered a strong connection between extreme weather and conditions in the ocean.A BBC science correspondent says the findings could make it easier to predict droughts or,indeed,periods of heavy rainfall.3.The world chess champion Garry Kasparov began a match against therest of the world on the Internet.Kasparov made his first move with a meter-high pawn before an audience of chess fans at a park in New York.The move was immediately posted on a special website set up by the Microsoft corporation.Visitors to the site have 24hours to vote on their w w w .k h d a w .c o m 课后答案网counter move helped by a team of young chess experts who will suggest strategies.4.Scientists in the United States have trained rats to operate robot arms using only the electrical signals in their brains.The scientists attach special electrodes to the animals'brains and link them through a simple computer to a robotic arm.The rats had earlier been trained to obtain a reward by pressing a lever to move the arm.5.Some say it's hard to find good help these days,but a Japanese electronics firm thinks it's found the answer.It's a robot that talks and understands orders.The robot from NEC can record and send video mail through the Internet and switch on TVs and VCRs.And if it's becoming a bit warm for you,one simple command and the robot will switch on the air conditioner.B .Tapescript:1....Yes,you see,it's the force of attraction between any two objects.The strength of the force depends on the mass of the objects and the distance between them.Er...the most obvious effect is the way objects on the surface of the earth are attracted towards the center of the it comes down it goes relatively slowly 100to 1,000miles perhour and you can't see it,but the return stroke goes up from the earth to the cloud and it goes at over 87,000miles per hour and that's the one you can see,you see,the one that goes back up.It's really just a very w w w .k h d a w .c o m 课后答案网large,powerful spark.The distance in miles you are away from it is the time in seconds between it and the sound you hear...3....Well,they were first discovered in 1895and they can penetrate matter that is opaque to light.Some matter is more transparent to them than others,which means you can see inside somebody.They are actually quite dangerous and people who work with them wear special protective clothing...4....ordinary light consists of electromagnetic waves of different frequencies and phase(s).This is a bundle of waves of the same frequency and phase.You can create the beams from a ruby rod or a tube of carbon dioxide that's stimulated with flashes of ordinary light.The word is an acronym for light amplification by the stimulated emission of radiation.Now,does anybody...5....they're all types of fungus.There are many different kinds of them but the best known are the ones used in cooking and brewing.When they're mixed with sugar they cause the sugar to ferment and two things happen:first carbon dioxide is given off and second alcohol is formed,but when the proportion reaches 12%,it's all killed off contact with each other,there's a resistance to movementbetween them.The main reason why we use ball bearings and lubricating oil is to counteract this;the main reason why rubber is used in tires and shoes is to increase the effect of it ...w w w .k h d a w .c o m 课后答案网7....No,it's the process whereby materials are used again.Normally,it is cheaper to do this because it's more energy-efficient.On the other hand,one material that's hard to deal with in this way is plastic --there are so many types that it's very difficult to separate...Part IILatest breakthroughs in technologyA.1.What is the trend for electronics in the future?Integrated,smaller,faster,better2.What is the theme for electronics in the future?The combination of computers and communications and then having them disappear from our sight B.Tapescript:"Everybody thinks of technology as somebody in a lab coat,you know,tinkering with computer chips,but technology is really about how we live and how we communicate."Suz anne Cantra is the "What's New?"editor at Popular Science magazine,a magazine that has been following advances in technology formore than a hundred years.The most fanciful dream of mankind is today a startling reality."Remember when television was considered a fad of the future?"It may not be long before our news events and current world happenings will be w w w .k h d a w .c o m 课后答案网witnessed in thousands of homes."Boy,were they wrong?This recorder shows how far television has come.T-Bo's personal TV,an NBC investment,is one of the products that caught Cantra's eye."One of the benefits of having a computer recording video is that the computer can read the video broadcast as it comes in so if the phone rings,you can hit pause on a live broadcast."And not only that,this sort of smart VCR learns which TV shows and characters you like to watch and records them for you.This device is only one of a hundred items,Cantra says,best represents the future.And while we couldn't show you all of them,here are a few that reflect some of the new trends.Like Ericsson's R380.You can make calls,browse the web,check your calendar and send and receive email,all in this one device."This cell phone actually shows us the future of integrated devices."And I bet you can't guess what this is?Although it looks like a watch,in fact,it's a camera.That's right.A camera."The P3wrist camera sort of talks to that whole concept of miniaturization and having devices integrated into things that youwouldn't think of."And while the pictures are pretty good,only you can decide whether they're worth two grand.And how about this?It's a prototype computer that puts your mobile w w w .k h d a w .c o m 课后答案网laptop to shame."The IBM wearable PC definitely gives you a vision into what's gonna be coming down the line.We will be carrying these kinds of computing devices and you will need to only access the information somehow.Whether that's through an earpiece or whether it's just integrated into your clothing."The PC weighs less than a pound and clips onto your belt.The monitor,about the size of a pencap rests an inch from youreye.But if you don't necessarily wanna work during your down time,something like the Panasonic portable DVD player might be the gadget for you."The ability to have a very small compact device where you can watch movies or listen to CDs is something that any business traveler will tell you is a great benefit."If you're more the adventurous type,then Casio's GPS watch is a must (to)have."A few years down the line,instead of just having,you know,your coordinates,it can actually tell you where you are on a map and give youdirections."Over the past several years,we've seen electronics get smaller,faster and better and that trend is going to continue into the next century."The theme for electronics in the future is the combination of w w w .k h d a w .c o m 课后答案网computers and communications and then having them disappear from our sight."But Cantra says these new technologies are not just about bits and bites."When you look at new technologies,they're based on the past and what we think that we need,but a lot of times it's just sheer human inventiveness that takes it to this next step.And there's nothing more exciting than finding a new way of being able to reach out and share information."Part III Nobel priz e winners in physics and ch che e mistry Statements:1.The common theme in the award-winning research is the huge advances made in electronics and information technology.2.The physics priz e is about the electronics of today and the chemistrypriz e is about the electronics of the future.3.The new Nobel physics laureates have laid a stable foundation for modern information technology.4.Kilby's invention is more pervasive and more influential today than anyinvention of the 20th century.B.Tapescript:Four Americans,a Russian and a Japanese scientist have won this year's Nobel Priz es in physics and chemistry.The common theme in the w w w .k h d a w .c o m 课后答案网award-winning research is the huge advances made in electronics and information technology.The physics priz e is about the electronics of today and the chemistry priz e is about the electronics of the future.The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences,which awards them,says the new Nobel physics laureates have laid a stable foundation for modern information technology.Marc Brodsky,the director of the American Institute of Physics,puts it another way."I think it's recognizing what you might call the clever physics inventions behind much of today's electronic technology."Half the 915-thousand-dollar physics priz e goes to Jack Kilby of the United States.As a Texas Instruments Corporation researcher in the late 1950s,he co-invented the integrated circuit on a silicon chip --the heart of today's miniature electronics.The other half of the money is split between Zhores Alferov of the Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute in St.Petersburg,Russia and Herbert Kroemer,a German-born researcher at the University of California at Santa Barbara.The Swedish Academy is honoring them for theirinventions of fast optical and microelectronic components found in compact disk players and bar code readers and which help push information through the Internet's optical fibers.Of all the work,Marc Brodsky assigns the greatest importance to w w w .k h d a w .c o m 课后答案网that of Jack Kilby for the integrated circuit."Clearly Kilby's is more pervasive and more influential today than perhaps any invention of the 20th century.He invented the integrated circuit along with Bob Noyce,who independently did it.Bob Noyce was one of the founders of Intel.Of course,Noyce has passed away,so not eligible for Nobel Priz e."The integrated circuit combines many transistors on a single tiny silicon chip."It took transistors from being just a replacement for tubes --one element in a circuit --to (being)able to put them all together on a single chip,a single piece of silicon no bigger than a fingernail,and have millions if not billions of circuits on a single chip."The integration of transistors and further miniaturization led to more efficient packaging,allowing a flood of small,speedy electronic devices like calculators and eventually personal computers.Meanwhile,the Nobel chemistry priz e goes to Alan Heeger of the University of California at Santa Barbara,Alan MacDiarmid of the University of Pennsylvania,and Hideki Shirakawa of the University ofTsukuba in Japan.The Swedish Academy recogniz es them for their revolutionary discovery at the end of the 1970s that plastic can ---with certain chemical modifications --conduct electricity.w w w .k h d a w .c o m 课后答案网The result has led to lighter weight,cheaper plastic versions of many electronic devices,such as the light emitting diodes that illuminate digital clock numerals.In addition,the discovery provides a foundation for the development of molecular computers.Transistors and other electronic components may one day consist of individual molecules,which will reduce the size and weight of our computers as dramatically as the integrated circuit has.w w w .k h d a w .c o m 课后答案网。

step by step 3000 3英语听力入门答案及原文-推荐下载

step by step 3000 3英语听力入门答案及原文-推荐下载

Unit 3 World News: Economic DevelopmentsPart I Warming upA1. Who have been meeting in Hong Kong today to discuss the outlook for the global economy?Central Bank governors from more than a dozen countries.2. What does UNCTAD say about the worldwide total of foreign investment?It grew by 40% last year to more than 600 billion dollars.3. Who has approved a cut in income tax rates?The United States House of Representatives.4. Who has announced job cuts after a fall in demand for its products? IntelWhat is its plan?To reduce its workforce by 5,000.5. What decisions have been made by EU, the U.S. and Canada after a case of foot-and-mouth disease was confirmed in France?EU has imposed further restrictions on the movement of livestock.The U.S. and Canada have issued temporary bans on the import of animal produce from EU.Tapescripts:1. Central Bank governors from more than a dozen countries have beenmeeting in Hong Kong today. One subject they likely discussed is the outlook for the global economy because of the U. S. slowdown and Japan's struggling recovery. Another topic they may have discussed is how to strengthen financial markets in emerging economies in Asia and elsewhere.2. A United Nations' report says the worldwide total of foreign investment grew by nearly 40% last year to more than 600 billion dollars. The report by the UN Conference on Trade and Development, UNCTAD says most of it took place between developed countries as big companies took one another over.3. The United States House of Representatives has approved a cut in income tax rates, the first part of a package of tax cutting measures put forward by President Bush. The income tax reductions will amount to nearly 1 trillion dollars over ten years.4. The world's largest maker of computer chips, Intel, has announced job cuts after a fall in demand for its products. Intel said it expected its revenue in the first quarter of this year to fall by a quarter than the same period last year. The California-based company plans to reduce its 85,000-strong work force by 5,000.5. The European Union has imposed further restrictions on the movement of live-stock after a case of foot-and-mouth disease was confirmed in France. The United States and Canada have issuedtemporary bans on the import of all animal produce from EU countries. BForeign exchange rates:1 dollar = 1.733 German marks= 126.9 Japanese yen1 pound =1.624 dollarsShare IndexDow Jones up 6,783 (+45)London’s 100 up 4,390 (+20)Nikkie closed2. Share Index:Dow Jones up 10,116 (+96)Standrd and Poor’s 500 up 1,254 (+6)NASDAQ: down (-1.5%)3. Share Index:Dow Jones down 8,094 ( - 66 ) NASDAQ down 1,662 (- 3 )FT100 down ( -36 )CAC Quarante down ( -33, -1% )DAX down ( -1% )4. Most active stocks:Cable and Wireless HKT up $ 0.45HSBC down $ 0.50Hutchison down $ 0.50 Shanglongkai Property up $ 2.25China Telecom down $ 1.50Chang Kong up $ 0.25Pacific Century Cyberworlds down $ 0.10CCT Telecom down $ 0.275New World CyberBase down $ 0.075Hanong Holdings down $ 0.25Gold prices:Hong Kong gold: HK$ 2,670London gold: US $ 2895. Earnings:Philips Electronics (last year): $ 2.4 billion ($ 300 million down)Royal Dutch Shell (4th quarter): $ 3.6 billionElectronic Data Systems (4th quarter): $ 0.70 per share ( $ 0.02 up)Tapescripts:1. The dollar is trading at one German mark seventy-three point three and at 126.9 Japanese yen. The pound buys one dollar sixty-two point four. In New York, the Dow Share Index closed 45 higher at 6,783. EarlierLondon's 100 Share Index ended 20 higher at 4,390. In Tokyo, the Nikkei Share Index is closed for a holiday.2. The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed up 96 points at 10,116. The Standard and Poor's 500 Index gained 6 points to close at 1,254. But the NASDAQ Index lost 1.5% as high technology and Internet stocks were battered.3. Right now the Dow is down another 66 points at 8,094; the NASDAQ Composite down 3 points at 1,662. Turning to Europe's major markets: London stocks were hit by a wave of profit taking after five straight record closes; the FT 100 Index down 36 points; Paris seeing losses as well, the CAC quarante down 33 points or 1%; and Frankfurt's DAX also fell 1% after briefly moving into record territory.4. The Hang Seng Index closed down 89 points at 3,521. The turnover was 7.71 billion dollars. Now look at the ten most active stocks. Cable and Wireless HKT up 45 cents, HSBC holdings down 50 cents, Hutchison down 50 cents, Shanglongkai Property up $2.25, and China Telecom down $1.50, Chang Kong up 25 cents, Pacific Century Cyberworlds down 10 cents, CCT Telecom down 27.5 cents, New World Cyberspace down 7.5 cents, and Hanong Holdings down 25 cents. The Hang Seng Index future for November and December were all down. Hong Kong gold closed at 2,670 Hong Kong dollars, and London gold is trading at 289 U.S. dollars.5. Consumer electronics maker Philips Electronics reported a lower than expected profit for last year. The company made about $2.4 billion, more than $300 million below estimates. Oil company Royal Dutch Shell posted its earnings. It made roughly a $3.6 billion profit for its fourth quarter. That was essentially in line with Street expectations. Electronic Data Systems also reported its fourth quarter numbers last night. It posted a 70-cent profit per share, two cents better than expectations. Part III Voice mail may cost company’s businessAJud Jessup (TakeCare HMO): …personalized service…”high service”…getting a recording…efficient…cost effective……individual problems….Stanley Plogue (Plogue Research): …a fourth…let out…voice mail system…given up…Sandy hale (Pacific Bell):… bottom line…costs…more efficient…customer service operations…a valuable tool.B1. T2. T3. F4. F5. T6. F7. F8. T9. T10. T C3. Five years ago, people were wary of voice-mail.4. TakeCare used a funny voice-mail message in its advertisements.6. Voice-mail decreases contact between customers and companies.7. The problem is not the technology, but the voice-mail menus.Part IV Business jargonA…language shorthand….…overuse business jargon…a negative effect……a low opinion…management jargon…a third…a lack of confidence…one in five …untrustworthy…cover something up.…an effective boss…can easily understand…management jargon.B1. T2. T3. F4. F5. FCblue-sky thinking: imagine new or different ways of doing thingsget our ducks in a row: have everything arranged efficientlybrain dump: tell everything you know about a particular subjectthink outside the box: be creative in how you think about problemsthe helicopter view: an overviewa heads up: a warningthat’s a real no-brainer: that’s simpleUnit 4 World News: Up in SpacePart I Warming upA1. To Mars / March of next year.2. Because of a mechanical problem.3. 5 males and 2 females.4. NASA / At the end of September, 83 days after landing.5. To return home at the Kennedy Space Center after completing repairs on the Hubble Telescope.BMir Facts15 yearsthe Soviet Union, now Russia$ 4.2 billion (for building and maintaining)10 years (1986 — 1996)135 tons9,900 cubic feet63 feet wide and 85 feet long104 cosmonauts, astronauts46438 days747 days, threeMar. 23rd,Unit 5 New Explorations in Food and MedicineA1a successful brain tissue transplant carried out by a South African surgeon.The discovery of a new way to increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy.The possibility of a new way to treat glaucoma.a new research on writing which shows that writing can result in clinically meaningful outcomes.a new research on writing which shows that writing can help people with chronic illness improve their health.the theory and function of acupuncture.A2a week ago / Parkinson’s disease.a natural defense mechanismthe death of brain cellsmeeting patients’ psychological needs produces physical health benefits. side effects / cut back on medication.The world’s leading transplant surgeon, Dr Christopher Bernard, has carried out one of the most difficult brain tissue transplants yet attempted. The South African surgeon has succeeded in transplanting tissues into the human brain in what is thought to be the first operation of its kind. The surgery was performed a week ago on a patient sufferingfrom Parkinson’s disease. A portion of the patient’s adrenal gland was implanted into a part of the patient’s brain, an operation which has previously been performed only on rats and monkeys. Approximately a third of all people develop cancer at one point in their lives. Chemotherapy has its limitations, but it is one of the major treatment options. Some American scientists have discovered they can increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy by inhibiting a natural defense mechanism employed by cancer cells.Glaucoma is responsible for blindness in an estimated 67 million people around the world. Until now, treatments have focused exclusively on the eyes. But that may change in the next few year, following the discovery that glaucoma involves the death of brain cells.New research shows that the simple act of writing down thoughts about a stressful event can help people with chronic illnesses improve their health. This is the first study to show that writing can result in clinically meaningful outcomes for chronically-ill patients. The study adds to the growing amount of scientific literature suggesting that meeting patient’s psychological needs produces physical health benefits.Traditional Chinese medicine says that good health is associated with the balance of Qi. Qi can be hindered or helped by yang and yin. According to traditional theory, the goal of acupuncture is to promote the flow of qi by keeping yin and yang in balance ---- and this is done byinserting needles at various points along primary channels and meridians that crisscross the body. One of the key benefits of acupuncture is that it has few, if any, side-effects; and that when used with standard drug treatment --- in anesthesia, for example --- it allows physicians to cut back on medication, delivering the same level of benefit with fewer negative effects/Bgene / instructions / characteristic / DNA / inserts / another / organism / genetically modified organism / genetic engineeringartificial fertilizers / pest control / food / farming / artificial fertilizers / halfGenetic material / unrelated / another species / animal /plant / going acrossanimals / cows, goats and pigs / genetically changed / pharmaceutical drugs / farmingNovel / 1797-1851/ scientist / subhuman / destroying / creation that ends up destroying the creator.Unit 6Part I Warming upA1.1. This news item is about a kind of new bulletproof vest made of silk.2. This news item is about research done by American and Japanese researchers to predict severe weather in and around the Indian Ocean.3. This news item is about a chess match between a world champion and the rest of the world on the Internet.4. This news item is about the significance of the discovery of the structure of DNA.5. This news item is about NEC's new robot that talks and understands orders.A21. While silk threads may be soft, they can be used to produce a stronger yarn than copper threads.2. American and Japanese researchers have discovered a strong connection between extreme weather and conditions in the ocean.3. Visitors to the site have 24 hours to vote on their counter move helped by a team of young chess experts who will suggest strategies.4. Understanding its code has helped to unlock the mechanics of inherited disease, as well as beneficial biological traits such as intelligence and body strength.5. The robot from NEC can record and send video mail through the Internet and switch on TVs, VCRs and air conditioners.Tapescript.1. Thai silk is known for its beauty and elegance. But a research team has found a new use for it. A bulletproof vest made of silk was put to the test at a shooting range in Thailand. After several rounds of gunfire, the vest was examined. The bullets were stuck in the first layer of fifteen pieces of silk. A member of the research team says while silk threads may be soft, they can be used to produce a stronger yarn than copper threads, the material used in regular bulletproof vests.2. American and Japanese researchers say they are a step closer to predicting severe weather in and around the Indian Ocean. Researchers have analyzed weather data from the region over the past 40 years and they've discovered a strong connection between extreme weather and conditions in the ocean. A BBC science correspondent says the findings could make it easier to predict droughts or, indeed, periods of heavy rainfall.3. The world chess champion Garry Kasparov began a match against the rest of the world on the Internet. Kasparov made his first move with a meter-high pawn before an audience of chess fans at a park in New York. The move was immediately posted on a special website set up by the Microsoft corporation. Visitors to the site have 24 hours to vote on their counter move helped by a team of young chess experts who will suggest strategies.4. Few scientific advances of this or any millennium can rival insignificance the discovery of the structure of DNA, the basic molecule of life. Knowledge of the structure of DNA helps explains many things, including genetic mutation and , through it, evolution. Understanding its code has helped to unlock the mechanics of inherited disease, as well as beneficial biological traits such as intelligence and body strength. The discovery of the DNA molecule also paved the way for many of today’s cutting-edge sciences, including genetic engineering, a controversial branch of knowledge that raises new ethical and moral questions that are certain to be with us far into the next millennium.5. Some say it's hard to find good help these days, but a Japanese electronics firm thinks it's found the answer. It's a robot that talks and understands orders. The robot from NEC can record and send video mail through the Internet and switch on TVs and VCRs. And if it's becoming a bit warm for you, one simple command and the robot will switch on the air conditioner.B.2. lightning patronizingX rays EnthusiasticLaser BoredYeast Friendly / intimateFriction Loudly but neutralRecycling PatientlyTapescript:1 .... Yes, you see, it's the force of attraction between any two objects. The strength of the force depends on the mass of the objects and the distance between them. Er... the most obvious effect is the way objects on the surface of the earth are attracted towards the center of the earth...2 .... as it comes down it goes relatively slowly 100 to 1,000 miles per hour and you can't see it, but the return stroke goes up from the earth to the cloud and it goes at over 87,000 miles per hour and that's the one you can see, you see, the one that goes back up. It's really just a very large, powerful spark. The distance in miles you are away from it is the time in seconds between it and the sound you hear...3 .... Well, they were first discovered in 1895 and they can penetrate matter that is opaque to light. Some matter is more transparent to them than others, which means you can see inside somebody. They are actually quite dangerous and people who work with them wear special protective clothing...4 .... ordinary light consists of electromagnetic waves of different frequencies and phase(s). This is a bundle of waves of the same frequency and phase. You can create the beams from a ruby rod or a tube of carbon dioxide that's stimulated with flashes of ordinary light. The word is an acronym for light amplification by the stimulatedemission of radiation. Now, does anybody ...5 .... they're all types of fungus. There are many different kinds of them but the best known are the ones used in cooking and brewing. When they're mixed with sugar they cause the sugar to ferment and two things happen: first carbon dioxide is given off and second alcohol is formed, but when the proportion reaches 12%, it's all killed off naturally...6 .... in contact with each other, there's a resistance to movement between them. The main reason why we use ball bearings and lubricating oil is to counteract this; the main reason why rubber is used in tires and shoes is to increase the effect of it ...7 .... No, it's the process whereby materials are used again. Normally, it is cheaper to do this because it's more energy-efficient. On the other hand, one material that's hard to deal with in this way is plastic -- there are so many types that it's very difficult to separate ...Part IIA:identify, catalog, map and analyze / 100,000A: a piece of DNA, the basic molecule of lifeB: on chromosomes / in every cell / alternately colored rungsC: produce chemical instructions / build & run the human body.III: SignificanceA: cure or preventB: desirable genetic traitsC: the brain, consciousness and the mindD: a scientific descriptionIV Controversiesabuse2. warfare听力原文:The goal of the human genome project initiated in the early 1990s is to identify, catalog, map and analyze every one of the estimated 100,000 genes in the human body. If the multi-billion-dollar project is successful, its effects may be as fundamental to the human future as the discovery of fire and seed agriculture once were.To understand the significance of the human genome project, it is necessary to know that each gene is a piece of DNA, the basic molecule of life. Genes are located on chromosomes that in turn reside in every cell in arrangements similar to the alternately colored rungs on a ladder. The sequence of genetic rungs produces the chemical instructions the cells need in order to build and run the human body. By identifying the location and makeup of each gene, the genome project should help scientists cure orUnit 7 Communications (I)Part I Warming upA.Tapescript:1. And British papers report the latest trend when you meet someone ina bar is to get their number, go home, and google them. Yes that gorgeous girl or guy you met the other night is probably patrolling a search engine right now to check you out. So don't even think of trying to tell them you're a famous footballer or brain surgeon or television presenter.2. The jamming, earlier this month, of several popular Internet sites witha flood of crippling messages sent a wakeup call to those involved with electronic or e-commerce. One recent suggestion is to form an industry-wide group to share information about security issues. High-tech executives want to make a coordinated effort to ensure that the Internet becomes a safe place to conduct business.3. Now home to some 800 million pages--a figure that's doubling each year- searching the Internet can be like looking for a needle in a haystack. But Oslo-based Fast Search& Transfer (FAST) has developed a search engine (www. alltheweb, com) capable of scanning more than 200 million pages. FAST is working on a mega-search engine that searches "all the web, all the time."4. This week, the Intel corporation held its semi-annual Developer Forumin Palm Springs, California. The gathering draws more than 2,000 hardware and software developers from around the world. Intel executives opened the event with a demonstration of a high-speed chip, code-named "Williamette." The chip, designed to power personal computers, has a speed of one point five gigahertz, making it almost twice as fast as Intel's popular Pentium III chip which runs at 800 megahertz.5. An online VCR seems like a bright idea but it's been quickly rendered non-functional by the copyright lawyers. Not for the first time, the Hollywood studios objected to re-transmitting network television shows, in this case for users to watch via the web. Programs were being made available for visitors to save remotely or record for subsequent viewing via Windows Media Player.Part II New Ways to communicateA1When a friend is online1.6milion3,000you can only contact someone (on the same network as you. ) using the same programLaugh out loud.A2online / popular / take off / signing up / by / make upobvious / disadvantage / bright / voice conversations / swap / funnyWhen you meet someone for the first time,do you ask their ASL? Do you LOL if they come out with something funny, and say CU L8er when you finish the conversation? If you know what I’m talking about, then you are probably already a user of instant messaging, or IM.The idea behind IM is simple. A program on your computer tells you when a friend is online. You can then send a message to your friend, who can type a reply instantly. To do this, you need an IM program. Worldwide, AIM, the instant messaging service provided by AOL, is by far the most popular. It has 195 million users who send about 1.6 billion messages every day. ICQ, which is owned by AOL, has about 140 million messengers, and MSN and Windows IM make up about 75 million users. The advantage over e-mail is that with instant messaging you know you’re likely to get a reply. IM is already hugely popular in the USA, where people spend five times more time online than in Europe. However, IM is starting to take off in the UK, with over 3,000 people signing up to MSN Messenger alone every day.While the plus points of IM are obvious, there is one very important disadvantage: you can only contact someone on the same network asyou. If your friend is using AIM, and you are using MSN, you cannot talk to each other. This makes IM less useful than it should be. Imagine if you couldn’t send an e-mail form hotmail to yahoo. However, things look like they’ll change soon.In general, the future looks bright for IM. Lots of programs also allow you to have voice conversations, video conferencing ---- this means you can see the other person using a webcam ---- and also let you swap pictures, music and other files.So, perhaps we’ll all soon be asking someone’s age, sex and location (ASL), and laughing out loud (LOL) when they say something funny. See you later (CU L8er).B:1. FFTTFHow do you meet new people, make new friends, or find out about the latest bands? Here in the UK young people have traditionally done their socializing in bars, pubs and clubs.However there is a new generation growing up that finds it easier to manage their social lives on the net, using free websites like MySpace, Bebo or MSN Spaces.Welcome to the social networking website ---- a place where you can present yourself to the digital community and meet other like-mindedpeople.The most successful social networking website in the UK is . as of July 2006, MySpace is the world’s fourth most popular English-language website, attracting almost 3 million visitors per month. Myspace claims to have 95 million members with 500,000 new members joining the community each week.So how has it become to successful? Perhaps its secret is in its simplicity. Each new member can build their own page simply --- uploading photos, videos and MP3 files. Then they describe themselves, listing their likes, dislikes, favorite bands, relationship status, etc. it’s an easy way to hook up with people who share your interest.Briana Dougherty, a 25-year-old MySpace devotee, told us, “It’s a casual way to stay in contact without appearing weird. ” it seems that many people do not feel comfortable giving out their phone number or personal e-mail address to new acquaintances but are perfectly happy to trade MySpace profilesWhile socializing is the key to MySpace’s success, love of music is at the heart of the community. Indeed, most aspiring musicians in the UK upload their songs to the site, and with good reason: unsigned artists, Arctic Monkeys and Lilly Allen created such a buzz on the site that they were offered recording contracts and scored number one hits.Social network sites could be a great place to practice your English.Why not give it a try? You can tell us about your experience by filing in the new comments form at the top of the screen.Statements:Most young people in the UK make new friends at work.Yahoo and Google are social networking sites.MySpace is one of the top five English-language websites.New bands put their music on the web for people to listen to.Users of social networks usually pay for the service.Unit 8 ArchitecturePart I Warming upA.Tapescript:For hundreds of years, it has been an imperial capital of Europe. Its rulers raided the Western world to enrich the coffers of the empire. They spent their wealth on magnificent palaces and grand public buildings. They built an opera house that rivals any in Europe. They founded great museums and libraries. They constructed massive, ornate government buildings. And they raised opulent palaces for themselves. A tour of Vienna is a tour of these monuments to excess.Take Schonbrunn Palace, for instance. The Palace's Million Room, namedafter the cost of the decorations -- 1 million guilders, is a Rococo masterpiece. Inset in the paneling are 260 rare miniatures of Indo-Persian heritage. The frames are real gold leaf, and the paneling is precious wood.The Great Gallery, modeled after a room in Versailles near Paris, has 35-foot ceilings graced with giant frescoes(壁画)boasting of the power of the Austrian army. Massive crystal chandeliers reflect in the wall of mirrors, trimmed in gold leaf.The list of other sights to see in Vienna is long. St. Stephen's Cathedral dominates the skyline of Old Town, the medieval section of the city. Its main spire soars 450 feet into the sky, and the top can be reached by climbing 343 steps. The cathedral' was begun in the 12th century.In the catacombs(陵墓)beneath the cathedral are copperurns(骨灰坛)containing the intestines of deceased Habsburgs. Their bodies are in ornate caskets(棺材)in the Imperial Burial Vaults in the Kapuziner Church a few blocks away, and can be visited.The Old Town is a fascinating place to walk. Most of the narrow streets have been turned into pedestrian malls lined with shops, coffeehouses and restaurants. In one section, the original Roman ruins under the streets can be seen by going to an underground museum. The Natural History Museum and the Museum of Fine Arts occupy matching buildings on Maria Theresa Plaza, a small square across fromthe Hofburg. Hofburg is the Habsburg’s in-town palace. It is big, with 2,600 rooms, but not ornate. Hofburg is a jumble of buildings constructed at different times and in different styles, from Baroque, Gothic and Classical to Renaissance and Rococo. Its oldest parts date from the 13th century, but most were built from the 1700s on.B1.The Palais du Louvre:Location: heart of ParisBeginning year of construction: 1527Time when first used as a public art gallery: 1793The Louvre Pyramid:Designer: Ieoh Ming PeiUse: the main entrance to the Palais du LouvreHeight: 21mWidth: 33mMaterials: steel tubes, cables, sheet glassYear of completion: 1988Tapescript:The Palais du Louvre stands at the heart of Paris, and houses one of the world's greatest collections of works of art. The original palace dates。

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Unit 6 Science and TechnologyPart I Warming upA1.1. This news item is about a kind of new bulletproof vest made of silk.2. This news item is about research done by American and Japanese researchers to predict severe weather in and around the Indian Ocean.3. This news item is about a chess match between a world champion and the rest of the world on the Internet.4. This news item is about the significance of the discovery of the structure of DNA.5. This news item is about NEC's new robot that talks and under-stands orders.A21. While silk threads may be soft, they can be used to produce a stronger yarn than copper threads.2. American and Japanese researchers have discovered a strong connection between extreme weather and conditions in the ocean.3. Visitors to the site have 24 hours to vote on their counter move helped by a team of young chess experts who will suggest strategies.4. Understanding its code has helped to unlock the mechanics of inherited disease, as well as beneficial biological traits such as intelligence and body strength.5. The robot from NEC can record and send video mail through the Internet and switch on TVs, VCRs and air conditioners.Tapescript.1. Thai silk is known for its beauty and elegance. But a research team has found a new use for it. A bulletproof vest made of silk was put to the test at a shooting range in Thailand. After several rounds of gunfire, the vest was examined. The bullets were stuck in the first layer of fifteen pieces of silk. A member of the research team says while silk threads may be soft, they can be used to produce a stronger yarn than copper threads, the material used in regular bulletproof vests.2. American and Japanese researchers say they are a step closer to predicting severe weather in and around the Indian Ocean. Researchers have analyzed weather data from the region over the past 40 years and they've discovered a strong connection between extreme weather and conditions in the ocean. A BBC science correspondent says the findings could make it easier to predict droughts or, indeed, periods of heavy rainfall.3. The world chess champion Garry Kasparov began a match against the rest of the world on the Internet. Kasparov made his first move with a meter-high pawn before an audience of chess fans at a park in New York. The move was immediately posted on a special website set up by theMicrosoft corporation. Visitors to the site have 24 hours to vote on their counter move helped by a team of young chess experts who will suggest strategies.4. Few scientific advances of this or any millennium can rival in significance the discovery of the structure of DNA, the basic molecule of life. Knowledge of the structure of DNA helps explains many things, including genetic mutation and , through it, evolution. Understanding its code has helped to unlock the mechanics of inherited disease, as well as beneficial biological traits such as intelligence and body strength. The discovery of the DNA molecule also paved the way for many of today’s cutting-edge sciences, including genetic engineering, a controversial branch of knowledge that raises new ethical and moral questions that are certain to be with us far into the next millennium.5. Some say it's hard to find good help these days, but a Japanese electronics firm thinks it's found the answer. It's a robot that talks and understands orders. The robot from NEC can record and send video mail through the Internet and switch on TVs and VCRs. And if it's becoming a bit warm for you, one simple command and the robot will switch on the air conditioner.B.2. lightning patronizingX rays EnthusiaticLaser BoredYeast Friendly / intimateFriction Loudly but neutralRecycling PatientlyTapescript:1 .... Yes, you see, it's the force of attraction between any two objects. The strength of the force depends on the mass of the objects and the distance between them. Er... the most obvious effect is the way objects on the surface of the earth are attracted towards the center of the earth...2 .... as it comes down it goes relatively slowly 100 to 1,000 miles per hour and you can't see it, but the return stroke goes up from the earth to the cloud and it goes at over 87,000 miles per hour and that's the one you can see, you see, the one that goes back up. It's really just a very large, powerful spark. The distance in miles you are away from it is the time in seconds between it and the sound you hear...3 .... Well, they were first discovered in 1895 and they can penetrate matter that is opaque to light. Some matter is more transparent to them than others, which means you can see inside somebody. They are actually quite dangerous and people who work with them wear special protective clothing...4 .... ordinary light consists of electromagnetic waves of different frequencies and phase(s). This is a bundle of waves of the same frequency and phase. You can create the beams from a ruby rod or a tube of carbon dioxide that's stimulated with flashes of ordinary light. The word is an acronym for light amplification by the stimulated emission of radiation. Now, does anybody ...5 .... they're all types of fungus. There are many different kinds of them but the best known are the ones used in cooking and brewing. When they're mixed with sugar they cause the sugar to ferment and two things happen: first carbon dioxide is given off and second alcohol is formed, but when the proportion reaches 12%, it's all killed off naturally...6 .... in contact with each other, there's a resistance to movement between them. The main reason why we use ball bearings and lubricating oil is to counteract this; the main reason why rubber is used in tires and shoes is to increase the effect of it ...7 .... No, it's the process whereby materials are used again. Normally, it is cheaper to do this because it's more energy-efficient. On the other hand, one material that's hard to deal with in this way is plastic -- there are so many types that it's very difficult to separate ...Part IIA:1.identify, Catalog, map and analyze / 100,0002.A: a piece of DNA, the basic Molecule of lifeB: on chromosomes in every cellsC: produce chemical instructions the cell needs in order to build and run the human body.III: SignificanceA: cure or preventB: desirable genetic traitsC: the brain, consciousness and the mindD: a scientific descriptionIV controversyAbuse2. warfare囊性纤维变性听力原文:The goal of the human genome project initiated in the early 1990s is to identify, catalog, map and analyze every one of the estimated 100,000 genes in the human body. If the multi-billion-dollar project is successful, its effects may be as fundamental to the human future as the discovery of fire and seed agriculture once were.To understand the significance of the human genome project, it is necessary to know that each gene is a piece of DNA, the basic molecule of life. Genes are located on chromosomes that in turn reside in every cellin arrangements similar to the alternately colored rungs on a ladder. The sequence of genetic rungs produces the chemical instructions the cells need in order to build and run the human body. By identifying the location and makeup of each gene, the genome project should help scientists cure orPart III Latest breakthroughs in technologyA.1. What is the trend for electronics in the future?Integrated, smaller, faster, better2. What is the theme for electronics in the future?The combination of computers and communications and then having them disappear from our sightB.Tapescript:"Everybody thinks of technology as somebody in a lab coat, you know, tinkering with computer chips, but technology is really about how we live and how we communicate."Suzanne Cantra is the "What's New?" editor at Popular Science magazine, a magazine that has been following advances in technology for more than a hundred years.The most fanciful dream of mankind is today a startling reality."Remember when television was considered a fad of the future? "It may not be long before our news events and current world happenings will be witnessed in thousands of homes." Boy, were they wrong?This recorder shows how far television has come. T-Bo's personal TV, an NBC investment, is one of the products that caught Cantra's eye."One of the benefits of having a computer recording video is that the computer can read the video broadcast as it comes in so if the phone rings, you can hit pause on a live broadcast."And not only that, this sort of smart VCR learns which TV shows and characters you like to watch and records them for you. This device is only one of a hundred items, Cantra says, best represents the future. And while we couldn't show you all of them, here are a few that reflect some of the new trends.Like Ericsson's R380. You can make calls, browse the web, check your calendar and send and receive email, all in this one device."This cell phone actually shows us the future of integrated devices."And I bet you can't guess what this is? Although it looks like a watch, in fact, it's a camera. That's right. A camera."The P3 wrist camera sort of talks to that whole concept of miniaturization and having devices integrated into things that you wouldn't think of."And while the pictures are pretty good, only you can decide whetherthey're worth two grand.And how about this? It's a prototype computer that puts your mobile laptop to shame."The IBM wearable PC definitely gives you a vision into what's gonna be coming down the line. We will be carrying (be carried easily )these kinds of computing devices and you will need to only access the information somehow. Whether that's through an earpiece or whether it's just integrated into your clothing."The PC weighs less than a pound and clips onto your belt. The monitor, about the size of a pen cap rests an inch from your eye.But if you don't necessarily wanna work during your down time, something like the Panasonic portable DVD player might be the gadget for you."The ability to have a very small compact device where you can watch movies or listen to CDs is something that any business traveler will tell you is a great benefit."If you're more the adventurous type, then Casio's GPS watch is a must (to) have."A few years down the line, instead of just having, you know, your coordinates, it can actually tell you where you are on a map and give you directions."Over the past several years, we've seen electronics get smaller, faster andbetter and that trend is going to continue into the next century."The theme for electronics in the future is the combination of computers and communications and then having them disappear from our sight." But Cantra says these new technologies are not just about bits and bites. "When you look at new technologies, they're based on the past and what we think that we need, but a lot of times it's just sheer human inventiveness that takes it to this next step. And there's nothing more exciting than finding a new way of being able to reach out and share information."。
