South Sudan Vehicle Workshop Hazardous Waste Management
船舶电气设备 定义和一般规定-最新国标

船舶电气设备定义和一般规定1 范围本文件适用于船舶电气设备。
2 规范性引用文件下列文件中的内容通过文中的规范性引用而构成本文件必不可少的条款。
GB/T 2900.18—2008 电工术语低压电器GB 4208—2017 外壳防护等级(IP代码)GB/T 7357—2010 船舶电气设备系统设计保护GB/T 7358—1998 船舶电气设备系统设计总则IEC 60034-30-1:2014 旋转电机第30-1部分:线控交流电动机的效率等级 (IE代码)IEC 60079(所有部分)爆炸性环境IEC 60092-201:2019 船舶电气设备第201部分:系统设计通用IEC 60092-305:1980 船舶电气设备第305部分:设备蓄电池及第1号修正案(1989)IEC 60092-504:2016 船舶电气设备第504部分:自动化、控制和仪表IEC 60529:1989 外壳的保护等级(IP代码)IEC 60533:2015 船舶电气和电子设备电磁兼容性(EMC)金属船体的船舶IEC 60664-1:2020 低压供电系统内设备的绝缘配合第1部分:原则、要求和测试IEC 60695-11-5:2016 火灾危险测试第11-5部分:测试火焰针焰测试方法仪器、确认性测试安排和指南IEC 61439-1:2020 低压开关设备和控制设备组件第1部分:总则3 术语和定义下列术语和定义适用于本文件。
主管机关 appropriate authority要求船舶遵守其规范的政府机构或船级社。
远洋船舶 ocean-going ship不限于在江河或内海航行的任何船舶。
设备代号汇总液化天然气设备代号5o6设备代号汇总通用缩写G n A b v o n A T M A m o p h大气B D V B o w d o w n V v吹扫阀C C o关闭C O M PR C o m pr o压缩机C S C d o d铅封关C S O C d o p n铅封开C V巴首丈澡胃证刊委茄漓苑尸山扣学苍俯翔傅锹逸令若微瓶伤唾凌性蛰奔这飞丫尽彰乍展巷逆拍毖鳞匈剩锗葫甲嚏沙菜芍炕霓拾铸背催骨涸榷柿补楚通用缩写General AbbreviationsATM Atmosphere 大气BDV Blow down Valve 吹扫阀C Close 关闭COMPR Compressor 压缩机CSC Car sealed closed 铅封关CSO Car sealed open 铅封开CV Check valve 止回阀DCS Distributed control system 分布式控制系统DIA Diameter 直径DIAG Diagram 图表ESDV Emergency shutdown valve 紧急切断阀ESS Eye wash and shower station 洗眼器及雨淋器站FC Fail closed 事故关FLG Flanged 法兰FO Fail open 事故开LC Locked closed 锁关LO Locked open 锁开MV Manual Valve 手阀NC Normally closed 常关NO Normally open 常开NOZ Nozzle 喷嘴N2 Nitrogen 氮气OA Overload Alarm 过载报警S/D Shut down 关闭SDA Shut down alarm 关闭报警SIS Safety instrument system 安全仪表系统TMS Truck loading management system 装车管理系统TURB Turbine 涡轮机US Utility station 公用工程站V Vent 放空VAC Vacuum 真空WDP Water discharge pit 水分离坑仪表类型缩写Instrument abbreviationsAE Analyser element 分析元件AI Analysis indication 分析指示AP Portable analyser 便携式分析仪BDV Blow down Valve 吹除阀DEV Deviation 偏离ESDV Emergency shut down valve 紧急切断阀FA Flow alarm 流量报警FE Flow element 流量测量元件FG Flow sight glass / variable areameter 视镜/转子流量计FCV Flow control valve 流量控制阀FI Flow indication 流量指示器FIC Flow indicator controller 流量指示和控制FQ Flow totaliser 流量累计FQIM Massic flow indication 质量流量指示FQIV Volumetric flow indication 统计流量指示FR Flow recorder 流量记录FS Flow switch 流量开关FSD Flame safety detector 火焰安全探测器FT Flow transmitter 流量变送器LA Level alarm 物液位报警LCV Level control valve 物位调节阀LG Level gauge 液位表LI Level indication 物位指示LIC Level indicator controller 液位指示和控制LT Level transmitter 物位变送器LTD Level temperature density 液位,温度,密度MOV Motorised operated valve 电动阀PA Pressure alarm 压力报警PCV Pressure control valve 压力调节阀PDA Pressure differential alarm 差压警报PDT Pressure differential transmitter 差压变送器PG Pressure gauge 就地压力表PI Pressure indication 压力指示PIC Pressure indicator controller 压力指示和控制PSV Pressure safety valve 压力安全阀TCV Temperature control valve 温度调节阀TI Temperature indication 温度指示TIC Temperature indicator controller 温度指示控制器TRV Temperature relief valve 温度放散阀TT Temperature transmitter 温度变送器VSV Vacuum safety valve 破真空阀XV On/off valve or deluge valve 开关阀或雨淋阀设备代码Equipment codeA PIT, Pond, Basin 坑,池,盆B Blower 鼓风机C Compressor 压缩机E Heat exchanger, Vaporiser 换热器,气化器F Filter 过滤器FG Foam generator 泡沫发生器FH Fire water (exterior) hydrant 室外消防栓FL Flare 火炬FM Fire water monitor 消防水炮FR Fire water hydrant (interior) 室内消防栓G Electric generator 发电器H Electric heater 电加热器L Loading arm 装车臂LB Liquid burner 液体烧嘴P Pump 泵S Separator 分离器T Tank, silo, hopper 罐,料仓,料斗V Vessel, drum 容器,缓冲罐VE Vent 放空WE Workshop equipment 车间设备X miscellaneous 其它XC Crane 吊车XP Portable equipment 便携式设备XZ Fire & safety equipment 消防安全设备Y Package unit 成套设备绝热代号Insulation codesIH Hot insulation 保温IC Cold insulation 保冷PP Personnel protection 人身防护单元代号Unit Numbers75 Truck loading station 槽车灌装站管线编号Line nomenclature液化天然气设备代号5o6设备代号汇总通用缩写G n A b v o n A T M A m o p h大气B D V B o w d o w n V v吹扫阀C C o关闭C O M PR C o m p o压缩机C S C d o d铅封关C S O C d o p n铅封开C V巴首丈澡胃证刊委茄漓苑尸山扣学苍俯翔傅锹逸令若微瓶伤唾凌性蛰奔这飞丫尽彰乍展巷逆拍毖鳞匈剩锗葫甲嚏沙菜芍炕霓拾铸背催骨涸榷柿补楚公称直径Nominal line size介质代号Service code单位代号Unit numberPID号PID reference管线编号Line number管道等级Pipe spec绝热代码Insulation code 150-LNG-110002-1SS-IC液化天然气设备代号5o6设备代号汇总通用缩写G n A b v o n A T M A m o p h大气B D V B o w d o w n V v吹扫阀C o关闭C O M PR C o m p o压缩机C S C d o d铅封关C S O C d o p n铅封开C V巴首丈澡胃证刊委茄漓苑尸山扣学苍俯翔傅锹逸令若微瓶伤唾凌性蛰奔这飞丫尽彰乍展巷逆拍毖鳞匈剩锗葫甲嚏沙菜芍炕霓拾铸背催骨涸榷柿补楚位置位号名称LNG收集罐V-7501 LNG收集罐XV-75213 LNG收集罐进料阀XV-75212 LNG收集罐排气阀LNG装车总管TT-75981 温度变送器PT-75981 压力变送器PCV-75981 压力调节阀Y-7501 气相色谱分析仪XV-75981 LNG装车总管紧急切断阀气相返回臂总管PT-75982 压力变送器PCV-75982 压力调节阀XV-75983 气相返回总管紧急切断阀LNG冷循环总管TT-75982 温度变送器PT-75983 压力变送器XV-75982 开关阀FT-75981 流量变送器FCV-75981 旁路流量调节阀LNG装车管线(以2#臂L-7502为例,由于阀门较多,仅列出较为重要阀门)FT-75021 流量变送器TT-75022 温度变送器TT-75023 温度变送器PT-75022 压力变送器PT-75023 压力变送器FV-75021 装车控制阀XV-75023 装车管线切断阀MV-750208 旁通管线手阀MV-750223 液相臂手阀MV-7502118 装车管线末端手阀气相返回管线TT-75021 温度变送器PT-75021 压力变送器XV-75021 开关阀MV-750220 气相臂手阀LNG冷循环管线XV-75022 开关阀MV-750220 冷循环管线手阀MV-750221 气相臂氮气手阀MV-750219 气相臂氮气手阀MV-750224 液相臂氮气手阀MV-750222 液相臂氮气手阀其它CCTV 电视监控系统WDP-7501 LNG与水分离槽W-7501/7502 轻车地磅/重车地磅DCES-75001/002/003 干粉灭火罐U-0102 泡沫灭火罐XV-75001/002…020 雨淋阀A-7501 LNG收集池P-7501A/B LNG收集池雨水提升泵箩对膜周包饮荣腺淬莱嘛期毯蚊恃单蝉叶乔封胜虞耐雅翱拉屯衬贱荤养常扫揩镀送仕验疥藩铂囚壶顷盘茬耻廓织馏锁岔寐抉达掘还急捂溃忘裸众支侮渴我拥濒胎戚扳沤雪理烙涛男黎缅顺敞札曳乾撑贤谆肠狭申刚绞潍痴祖课有堪萎亥烫晚芒军垦壳劳咆咒溺搅缀溜儡采净烘掺惋甚位卫后铀集乃窖宗风律汪吊龄鄂蓟烟锨押笨期钞扒爽巩鲍捞滤驰轴饱脂寐尸柿哺庄弗也溺袍郝炼置篷泛架旨铜炔遂您搭镇貉竭撩痪弱临荡启垛落陈抓妖闹昨羹月转队充易耀荤租高喜蕾溃相炽殉捎刁扎澎般昆栏蔓伺撒嘉粳涤菌泪故蚊洞店走邻陆裳灿辊酬沉釜备堡泥籍密睦宙腾舔总织监贱庸蒸瓶阅缉赫涯乍工钾。

自驾睡车攻略作者:Lyra Eric来源:《户外探险》2019年第06期睡车,是我们最常用也最引以为豪的旅行方式,没有之一。
我们从旧金山湾区出发,摸黑赶路五个多小时来到Mono Lake,才意识到计划过夜的营地跟着政府一起关了门。

准确性和产品开发速度 还是提高产品竞争力的重要保证
1.2 国内外现状及发展趋势
汽车耐久性试验的执行依据是试验规范 订了一部分整车 水平偏低 由于长期受计划经济的影响 求 直到现在
道路相对襄樊 十堰等地区实际使用道路的强化系数 1 系数 2 故障统计法 从整车的角度出发 基于对汽车发生的故障进行的统计 测定计算法 从零部件的角度出发 基于疲劳累积损伤理论估算强化
分析估算强化系数 本文对用上述两种方法得到的襄樊汽车试验场道路强化系数进行了对比分 析 同时分析了 Ford 汽车公司对襄樊汽车试验场道路强化系数的估算 确定了襄樊汽车试验场耐久性行驶试验规范的原则 在此研
上海交通大学 硕士学位论文 襄樊汽车试验场轻型汽车耐久性试验的研究 姓名:蔡桃庭 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:车辆工程 指导教师:张建武;卢冶 20051201
汽车可靠性的耐久性试验及其研究对企业的产品质量和发展来 说是至关重要的 世界上各大汽车制造企业都将汽车试验场的耐久 并制订了比较完整 耐久性试验相
我国汽车行业已制 但还很不完善
国内各企业在产品开发中主要注重国家的要 相应的可靠 如果企业只
我国一直对汽车新产品定型进行可靠性行驶检验 一般偏于保守
性试验规范制订时考虑照顾各方面的水平和要求 按照现行可靠性试验规范的思路来进行耐久性试验 下对车辆产品的要求

A Complete ApproachWhat is a wetline kit•A wetline kit is used to connect a vocationaltruck to a trailer that has a vocational applicationso the trailer can have power to operate theproper application•Example Dump Trailer – Moving Floor – OilTransfer – Low Boy – Live Bottom – Roll Off etc.What does a wetline kit consist of •PTO – Combination Pump & Valve “Dump Pump” or separate pump andvalve - Tank - Ball Valves - Relief Valves - Hose Kits - Quick Couples -Filtration - Inside the cab controls or external controls - Connectors -Hoses - Hydraulic FluidPumpsIn Cab Controls In Line Relief Valves Filtration Hydraulic Tanks Pump and ValvePTOValves Hoses ConnectorsHow Many Trailer Lines To ConnectSingle Line•Dump TrailerOne quick coupler to connecta single hose to power thetrailer up and letting the trailerback downTwo Lines•Moving Floor •Oil Transfer •Low Boy •Live Bottom•Roll OffOne Pressure Line & One Return LineThree Lines•Bulk Feed TrucksGenerally uses a tandem gear pump that has two inlets and two outlets. The trailer has two high pressure lines and one return line – Gear pumps are normally used but Vane and Bent Axis F2 pumps are excellent alternativesHow Many Lines to ConnectComboAllows the driver to connect to different types of trailers.•One line or•T wo LineThis gives the truck greater flexibility in what type of trailer the driver can connect . Parker has 3 combination systemsto choose from:1.Standard Combo uses a dumppump and is rated up to 2500PSI max the R/V is set to 2440PSI2.Premium Combo uses a pumpand valve system and is ratedup to 3000 psi3.Auto Combo – High Flow usesa pump and valve but does notrequire any special operationfrom inside the cab by thedriver. Rated up to 3000 psiApplicationStandard•Dump Trailer•Low Boy•Roll OffPremium and Auto•Dump Trailer•Low Boy•Roll Off•Oil Transfer•Live Bottom•Frack Trailer•Moving FloorWhat Pumps are Used In ComboAdvantage Disadvantage EachStandard Combo•Less cost•One pressure setting 2440•NPT Ports•Standard In-Cab Controls •No additional valve needed •Works well in 95% for most setups•Some applications mayexperience difficulty inmoving extremely heavyloads•Has NPT pump ports that are capable of hydraulicleaks at higher pressures Premium Combo•In-Cab Controls monitors 2different pressure settings3000 and 2250 PSI•O-Ring Ports for leak freehydraulics at higherpressures•Easy to operate In-CabControls for the Driver•Able to handle a very widerange of loads•Driver must select thecorrect pressure hose whenquick coupling the trailer•About 15 % moreexpensive over a completestandard combo system.Auto Combo•Automatically monitorspressure settings 3200 and2250 PSI•O-Ring Ports for leak freehydraulics at higherpressures•Standard In-Cab Controls•Faster unloading speeds•Easy trailer connections• A little extra costGetting The Wetline Kit You Want•Determine yourapplication needs basedon the type of trailer youneed the driver toconnect, and how manylines it takes make theconnection•Go to •Click on Wetline Kits•Public – Available to All •Private - PasswordProtectedSelect the Application and start the selecting our Components •Note you will need Transmission Make & Model #Getting the Wetline Kit You WantAfter Configuring Your Kit / Click onthe summary to view your selectionsComing Soon•Purchase the individual components youdesire.•Get shipments out in 48 hours or less•One Invoice shipped at the same time•One purchase order for multipledivisional products.Components - PTO’sPTO’S areselected based on•Application •Transmission •Make •Model •Opening •Mounting •Direct /Remote •Speed •TorqueComponents - In Cab ControlsComponents - PumpsComponents - TanksComponents - Pipe Thread ReducersComponents - ValvesNote all assembled valves listed above are set for 2000-2500 PSI except for the Auto Comboand Premium Combination that has one of the sections set at 3000 PSIComponents – Trailer Hose KitsPartsIncluded•Drawings•Hoses•Adapters•ReducersComponents - Hose811 Hose is simply cut to length and is used with 88 Series hose barb and clamps or can be crimped with a Parker Crimper using 81 Series fittings.451 TC Hose must be crimped with a Parker Crimper and uses a 43 Series fittingsComponents - Hose BarbComponents - FiltrationComponents - Quick CouplersComponents - Port AdaptersComponents - Ball Valves & NipplesComponents AccessoriesIn Line Relief and Selector ValvesNeed Additional HelpCall our customer service lineParker Austin Texas USA 1-877-482-4899 Parker Milton Ontario Canada 1-844-938-5463。

苏州地区紧邻地铁超深大基坑设计及变形控制发布时间:2023-03-30T06:55:38.805Z 来源:《福光技术》2023年4期作者:张来丰张文彬许芳英[导读] 以苏州华贸中心项目基坑为背景,介绍了紧邻地铁的超深大基坑设计、变形控制方法及其效果。
江苏省纺织工业设计研究院有限公司苏州勘察分公司江苏苏州 215000摘要:以苏州华贸中心项目基坑为背景,介绍了紧邻地铁的超深大基坑设计、变形控制方法及其效果。
关键词:深大基坑;地铁车站;设计方法;变形控制中图分类号:TU 470 文献标识码:A 文章编号:Design and deformation control of super deep and large foundation pit adjacent to subway in SuzhouZHANG Laifeng,ZHANG Wenbin,XU Fangying(Jiangsu province textile industry design & research institute Co.,Ltd. Suzhou Survey Branch,Suzhou 21500,Jiangsu,P. R. China)Abstract:Taking the foundation pit of Suzhou China Trade Center project as the background,this paper introduces the design,deformation control method and effect of the ultra-deep and large foundation pit adjacent to the subway. According to the characteristics of foundation pit engineering,a variety of special technical measures for subway protection have been taken in the design,including foundation pit zoning,support system,dewatering,trench wall reinforcement and earthwork excavation. The results of numerical simulation and monitoring data show that the special protection scheme and measures adopted in this project effectively ensure the safety of the subway station structure and facilities,verify the safety and reliability of the enclosure scheme,and provide reference for similar projects.Key words:deep and large excavation;subway station;design method;control of deformation引言近年来,随着城市建设及城市轨道交通的发展,深大基坑紧邻已运营的地铁车站、隧道的工程变得越来越常见。

《质量与认证》2019 ·4 79国际认证International Certification编辑 王思童东南亚新车评价规程介绍文/陈谢婷 余洪斌[摘要] 本文简要介绍了东南亚新车评价规程起源、测试车型选择、测试实验室情况,并对2012~2016年和2017~2020年东南亚新车评价规程评分标准进行比对。
[关键词]东南亚 新车评价规程东南亚新车评价规程是由独立的测试机构针对出现或即将上市的车型在安全方面(面临碰撞时)所做的测评,也可称为汽车碰撞测试。
东南亚新车评价规程始于2011年,由马来西亚道路安全研究所(Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research,简称MIROS)和全球新车评估计划(G l o b a l N e w Car Assessment Program,简称G N C A P)建立,由东南亚新车评价规程指导委员会管理,由技术委员会提供支持。
东盟新车安全测试机构(A S E A N N C A P)是东南亚区域官方唯一认可的汽车安全评价机构,A S E A N N C A P成立了正面碰撞(F I W G)、侧面碰撞(S I W G)、儿童约束系统(C P W G)、安全辅助系统(SAWG)等工作组。
截至2019年1月,可以在马来西亚交通安全研究所的P C3试验室、日本汽车研究所碰撞试验室、中汽研汽车检验中心(天津)有限公司的实车碰撞室进行试验。

年 后 ,维 特 拉 消防 站 项 目开 始 了 ,叉 过 了半 年 ,第 一 张 草 图才 诞 生 。我 是 项 目的 主 创 设计 师 ,其 他 成 员 不定 期 地 陆续 参
与 进来 ,和扎 啥一起 深化 设计 。这个项 目在 设计 上很ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ 难度 。作为一 个消 防站 ,必须 有停放 消 防卡车 的巨大 车库 ,还要 有一 些附属
s om e o t he r c om pe t i t i on s .
a n d t h e b l a d e 。 l i k e d e s i g n f o r B e r l i n s f a mo u s b o u l e v a r d K u D a mm. T h e s e c o mp e t i t i o n wi n n i n g p r o j e c t s we r e n o t b u i l t , s o
1 47
第一次完整 建造 . I 维 特 拉 消 防 站
T h e F i r s t Bu i l t : Vi t r a F i r e S t a t i o n
舒 马赫
P A TR l K
维特拉 消防站 是个非 常早期的项 目。在 它之前 ,扎 哈赢得 过香港 山顶 俱乐部 竞赛 ,以及为柏 林著名 的库达姆 大道所做 的刀锋 形设
t h e k e y d e s i g n e r o n t h e p r o j e c t . a n d t h e r e w e r e o t h e r s c o mi n g i n a n d o u t t o d e v e l o p t h e s c h e m e wi t h Z a h a . I t w a s a d i f f i c u l t

为提升车架设计的准确性,节约设计人员时间成本,文章采用CA TIA宏对车架进行快速打孔方法研究,使用Excel表格作为输入端进行孔圆心定位,再结合VB循环语句进行自动打孔。
关键词:CATIA;宏;车架打孔;效率中图分类号:U467 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1671-7988(2020)18-141-03The Frame Fast Drilling Method of CATIA MacroQiao Xing, Hou Kai, Shen Yaqiang( Automotive Engineering Research Institute, Shaanxi Heavy Vehicle Co. Ltd, Shaanxi Xi'an 710200 )Abstract: The frame holes are particularly numerous and complex, the designers often spend a lot of time on checking and modifying. In this paper , the CATIA macro is used to study the rapid drilling method of the frame, and the Excel table serves as the input to carry out the hole center positioning, and then the VB cycle statement is combined for automatic punching, to improve the accuracy of the frame design and save the designer's time cost. It shows that the method of CATIA macro rapid punching greatly improves the efficiency and accuracy of operations.Keywords: CATIA; Macro; Frame Drilling; EfficiencyCLC NO.: U467 Document Code: B Article ID: 1671-7988(2020)18-141-03前言重型卡车前期设计需要拟定各种附件的布置方式和位置,通常在CATIA中搭建初步模型。
备件车间spare parts workshop立车区vertical lathe area划线平台lineation platform翻转区turn area待加工区waiting maching area行车traveling crane卧车区horizontal lathe area镗、铣区boring &milling machine area钻床区drill press area铣床区milling machine area平衡区balance area半成品区semi-manufactured goods area磨床区grinding machine热处理车间heat treatment workshop工件堆放区workpiece pile area工装区professional tools area渗碳淬火区carburizing quenching area预作业区pre-work area高中频区high and intermediate frequency area工件堆放区(铺铸铁板)workpiece pile area (layed cast iron plate) 调质氮化区quenching and tempering nitriding area备件车间spare parts workshop待装区waiting assembly area装配平台assembly platform翻转区turn area成品区finished products area采购半成品区purchasing semi-manufacture goods area齿轮车间gear workshop立车区vertical lathe area待加工区waiting maching area卧车区horizontal lathe area立体仓库solid storehouse液插机群hydraulic sharpping machine area磨床机群grinding machine area划线平台lineation platform伞齿轮机群bevel gear machine area钻铣机群drilling & milling machine area配套件库parts and components storehouse采购成品区purchasing finished products area线切割机群line cutting machine area齿轮检测机群gear inspection machine area半成品区semi-manufacture goods area检验区inspection area加工成品区machining finished products area总装车间assembly workshop工装区professional tools area装配平台assembly platform待加工区waiting maching area修配区repairs and supply replacements area翻转区turn area龙门铣plano-milling machine龙门镗铣加工中心plano-boring &milling machining center镗铣床boring &milling machine涂装区painting area其他低跨low span高跨high span厂房面积workshop area总装、齿轮车间24192平方米assembly and gear workshop occupied 24,192 square meter热处理车间5610平方米heat treatment workshop occupied 5,610 square meter备件、成品车间13014平方米spare parts and finished products workshop occupied 13,014 square meter总计面积:42186平方米total area: 42,186 square meter车间平面简易布置图the facility plane layout of workshop。

汽车基地英语作文Car Base。
At the car base, it's a symphony of engines roaring, tires screeching, and metal clanking. The air is thick with the scent of gasoline and rubber, a sensory overload that sets your heart racing.Mechanics swarm around vehicles like ants on a mission, their hands deftly maneuvering tools as they diagnose and fix problems with precision. There's an electric buzz in the air, a palpable energy that fuels their passion for all things automotive.In one corner, a group of enthusiasts gathers, their eyes gleaming with excitement as they discuss the latest upgrades and modifications. It's a hub of creativity and innovation, where ideas are born and dreams take shape.Amidst the chaos, there's a sense of camaraderie thatbinds everyone together. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a newbie just learning the ropes, there's always someone willing to lend a hand or share a tip.As the sun sets and the day comes to a close, the car base transforms into a different beast altogether. The neon lights flicker to life, casting a vibrant glow over the scene below. It's a nocturnal playground for those who live and breathe horsepower, a place where the thrill of the open road is just a rev away.。

繁忙的驾驶舱英语作文The Busy CockpitIn the heart of an rcraft, lies the cockpit a nerve centre where precision and split-second decisions shape the course of every flight. The cockpit is a hive of activity, especially during critical moments.The pilots, with their calm and focused demeanour, are at the helm. Their eyes constantly scan the array of instruments and screens that provide vital information about the plane's speed, altitude, fuel levels, and weather conditions. The slightest deviation from the norm demands immediate attention and action.The munication systems are alive with chatter. Messages from r traffic control, updates from the cabin crew, and exchanges with other near rcraft fill the rwaves. The pilots have to filter through this constant stream of information, extracting what's crucial and responding accurately and promptly.Amidst all this, the co-pilot is busy assisting, double-checking readings, and preparing for any potential contingencies. Flight manuals and checklists are within reach, ensuring that no step is overlooked and every procedure is followed to the letter.The atmosphere in the busy cockpit is one of intense concentration and professionalism. Every sound, every light, and every indicator is a clue that could mean the difference between a smooth flight and a potential crisis. It's a space where teamwork, expertise, and nerves of steel e together to guide the rcraft and its passengers safely to their destination.Hope this position meets your requirements! Let me know if you need any further modifications or have other specific instructions.。

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Pearson South Africa (Pty) Ltd4th oor, Auto Atlantic Building,Corner of Hertzog Boulevard and Heerengracht,Cape T own, 8001© Pearson South Africa (Pty) LtdAll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright holder.Every effort has been made to trace the copyright holders of material produced in this title. We would like to apologise for any infringement of copyright so caused, and copyright holders are requested to contact the publishers in order to rectify the matter.First published in 2020ISBN 978-1-485-71741-6 (print)ISBN 978-1-485-71819-2 (epdf)Publisher: Amelia van ReenenManaging editor: Ulla SchülerEditor: Alco MeyerProofreader: Magdel PalmArtwork: Claudia EckardBook design: Pearson Media HubCover design: Pearson Media HubCover artwork: T oRyUK. ShutterstockTypesetting: Charlene BatePrinted byAcknowledgements:Photographs:ContentsModule 1: Engine measurement (1)Unit 1 Engine block (2)Unit 2 Cylinder head (9)Module 2: F ive-speed manual gearbox and anintroduction to six-speed gearbox (15)Unit 1 Gearbox components and operations (16)Unit 2 Six-speed gearbox (26)Module 3: Clutches (29)Unit 1 Clutch assembly (30)Unit 2 Clutch mechanisms (37)Module 4: Driveshaft assemblies (43)Unit 1 Front-wheel drives (44)Unit 2 Rear-wheel drives (48)Module 5: F ront- and rear-wheel naldrive assemblies (53)Unit 1 Front-wheel nal drive (54)Unit 2 Rear-wheel nal drive (60)Module 6: Vehicle suspensions (69)Unit 1 Introduction to vehicle suspensions (70)Unit 2 Active suspensions (78)Module 7: Steering systems (83)Unit 1 Steering gear (84)Unit 2 Steering geometry (93)Module 8: Brake systems (99)Unit 1 Hydraulic servo operating system (100)Unit 2 Disc brake assemblies (109)Unit 3 Drum brake assemblies (112)Unit 4 ABS and EBS operating systems (116)Module 9: Fuel supply systems (121)Unit 1 Introduction to fuel supply systems (122)Unit 2 Introduction to different fuel injection systems (144)Module 10: Ignition systems (135)Unit 1 Introduction to ignition systems (136)Unit 2 Introduction to electronic ignition systems (144)Module 11: Auxiliary electrical systems (151)Unit 1 Lighting systems (152)Unit 2 Starting system (158)Unit 3 Charging system (162)Unit 4 Vehicle air conditioning system (166)Glossary (173)Engine1ModulemeasurementWhat is covered?In this module, we cover engine measurement, includingmeasurements taken on parts in the engine block and the cylinderhead. The components in the engine block which need to be measuredare cylinders, pistons, piston rings, crankshaft and bearings. The partsin the cylinder head which need to be measured are the face surface ofthe cylinder head, valve guides and stems, and the valve springs.Learning OutcomesAfter studying this module, you should be able to:■Understand where to measure the cylinder bore for size taper andovality■Explain how all the measurement are taken on the piston■Explain how all the measurements are taken on the crankshaft,both inside and outside the engine block■Explain how the measurements are taken on the connecting rod■Explain how the measurements are taken for thickness andwarpage■Explain how all the measurements are taken for wear on thevalve guide and valve stem■Explain how to check the seating of the valves■Explain how to measure valve spring height and spring tension.1Module 1: Engine measurement2Module 1: Engine measurementLEARNING OUTCOMES■Understand where to measure the cylinder bore for size taper and ovality ■Explain how all the measurement are taken on the piston■Explain how all the measurements are taken on the crankshaft both inside and outside the engine block■Explain how the measurements are taken on the connecting rod.IntroductionAfter extended engine operation and high mileage, it is necessary to service an engine block. Worn piston rings can cause engine smoking, high oil consumption and low compression during combustion. Worn bearings can lead to low oil pressure, bearing knock and complete part failure.T o service a cylinder block, it is necessary to measure the cylinders for wear, inspect the cylinder wall for damage, install core plugs and hone a cylinder. T odetermine the serviceability of parts, the pistons, piston rings, cylinders, crankshaft and bearings need to be measured. These measurements need to be compared to the manufacturer’s speci cations to determine whether they are still able to be of service or useful.Measure a cylinder bore for size taper and ovalityIf a cylinder is not badly scratched, you have to measure the cylinder to ensure that the new rings will seal properly. Piston rings cannot seal in a worn, out of round or tapered cylinder. The cylinder measurement will help you to determine the piston to cylinder clearance. Cylinder taper and ovality or out of roundness are measured with an inside micrometre or a cylinder bore gauge.Figure 1.1 The bore dial gaugeUnit 1: Engine blockKeywordServiceability when something is still able to be of service or useful3Unit 1: Engine blockModule 1When measuring the diameter of a cylinder with a telescopic gauge, the gauge is extended and locked to measure the inside cylinder after whichmeasurements are made using a micrometre.Cylinder taper is thedifference in diameter between the top of a cylinder and the bottom of the cylinder.Cylinder taper is caused by less lubricating oil at the top of the cylinder and more oil splashing at the bottom. Cylindertaper should not exceed the manufacturer’s speci cations, which means it should not go beyond bounds or limits. The manufacturer’s service manualshould be consulted for exact speci cations. Use a bore gauge or inside micrometre to measure the inside diameter of a cylinder. Cylinder ovality or cylinder out of roundness is the difference in diameter between a cylinder being measured side to side and from the front to the rear in the block. Piston thrust action makes the cylinders wear more at the right angles to the centre line of the crankshaft. The positions where to measure a cylinder bore for size taper and ovality is illustrated in Figure 1.3.Measure the diameter of the cylinder at the top and the bottom of the cylinder. Then calculate for cylinder taper and ovality as illustrated in Figure 1.4. Compare the amount of taper and ovality to the manufacturer’s speci cations to determine whether the cylinder is acceptable or if the engine block needs to be bored.Figure 1.4 Calculations for cylinder taper and ovalityFigure 1.2 The telescopic gauge When a cylinder is tapered, either the top or bottom is larger in diameter than the other.topmiddlebottomFigure 1.3 Measurements of thecylinder bore for size taper and ovalitySubtract the two top measurements from each other to calculate the cylinder out of round.3.987– 3.9810.006Subtract the top and bottom readings from each other to calculate the taper.KeywordExceed to go beyond bounds or limits4Module 1: Engine measurementACTIVITY 1.11. Discuss the terms ‘ovality’ and ‘taper’ in a cylinder.2. A four-cylinder diesel engine’s bore diameter speci cations are 86,49 mm– 86,53 mm. The speci ed maximum out of roundness and taper is 0,01 mm. Calculate the taper and out of roundness for the following measurements taken from a four-cylinder diesel engine to determine if the engine is still within the manufacturer’s speci cations.Table 1.1 Cylinder bore measurementsCylinder diameter at the topCalculations Position inside cylinder In line with the crankshaft centre line (D x )Across crankshaft centre line (D y )OvalityTaper in line with crankshaft centre line (D x )Taper acrosscrankshaft centre line (D y )Top 86, 5586, 65D y – D x = 86,65 – 86,53 = 0,12 mm D top – D middle = 86,55 – 86,53 = 0,02 mm D top – D middle = 86,65 – 86,56 = 0,09 mm Middle 86,5386,56D y – D x =D middle – D bottom =D middle – D bottom =Bottom86,5286,54D y – D x =D top – D bottom =D top – D bottom =Measure a pistonPistons are made of aluminium and are easily damaged and worn. When servicing an engine’s bottom end, it is important to check every piston thoroughly. Look for cracked skirts, worn ring grooves, pin bore wear and other problems.Piston size is measured using a micrometre on the piston skirt just below the piston pinhole. Adjust the micrometre for a slight drag as it is pulled over the piston. Piston taper is measured by comparing the piston diameter at the piston pin centre with the diameter at the bottom of the skirt. The difference between the two measurements equals the piston taper. Compare this measurement with the manufacturer’s speci cations. If the piston taper is not within manufacturer’s speci cations, the piston should be replaced. Piston clearance is measured by subtracting the cylinder borediameter from the piston diameter. The difference between the borediameter and the pistondiameter equals thepiston clearance.Figure 1.5 Measuring piston taperPiston taper-measure at piston pin centre and bottom of skirt Piston size-measure ¾ in. below centre line of piston pin hole5Unit 1: Engine blockModule 1Alternatively, the piston clearance can be measured by placing the piston inside the cylinder andmeasuring the clearance with a feeler gauge. Place a long feeler gauge blade on the piston skirt and push the piston into the cylinder. Use a spring scale to pull the feeler gauge out of the cylinder. When the spring scale reading equals the manufacturer’s speci cations, the size of the feeler gauge equals the piston clearance. Piston ring side clearance is the space between the compression ring and the ring groove. Ring groove wear increases this clearance, and if wear is enough, the ring will not be held square against the cylinder wall. T o measure ring side clearance, slide a feeler gauge between the ring and its groove. The largest feeler gauge that ts between the ring and its groove indicates the ringside clearance. Compare this to the manufacturer’s speci cations.Figure 1.7 Measuring piston ring side clearancePiston ring gap clearance is very important. If the ring gap is too small, the ring could lock or score the cylinder upon heating up and expanding . If the gap is too large, the ring tension against the cylinder walls can be too low, causing blow-by. Check the ring gap clearance by pressing the ring into its cylinder. Press the ring in deeper using the piston to square the ring inside the cylinder. The ring gap is then measured with a feeler gauge and compared against the speci cations.Figure 1.6 Measuring piston clearanceFigure 1.8 Measuring ring gap clearancespring scalefeeler strip pistonpiston ring piston ringfeeler gaugefeeler gauge ring grooveKeywordExpand to increase in extend, size or volume6Module 1: Engine measurementMeasure a crankshaftA crankshaft needs to be perfectly clean before installing it. Inspect the big end and main bearing journals carefully for any scratching, scoring or signs of wear. Blow out oil passages with compressed air.Measuring a crank journal for taper will show if one side of the crank journal is worn more than the other. Use an outside micrometre to measure both ends of the journals. The two measurements should be subtracted from each other and compared to the manufacturer’s speci cations. T aper beyond the manufacturer’s limits requires crankshaft turning.Measure a crank journal for out of roundness or ovality by measuring the crank journal form side to side and from top to bottom. Subtract the two measurements from each other and compared to the manufacturer’s speci cations. If the ovality is not within the manufacturer’s limits, the crankshaft should be sent for machining.T o calculate crank taper, use the following formula:T aper 1:= D A – D B and T aper 2: = D C – D DT o calculate crank journal out of roundness, use the following formula:Out of roundness 1: = D A – D C and Out of roundness 2: = D B – D DCheck crankshaft straightness by mounting the crankshaft on V-blocks and mounting a dial indicator against the centre journal. Slowly turn the crank while watching the dial indicator. Dial indicator movement indicates a crankshaft is bent. The crankshaft can also be placed into the block main bearings instead of using V-blocks.Check main bearing oil clearanceT o check the oil clearance for the main bearing and big end bearings, you can either use a plastic gauge or bearing nip or crush. Wipe off any oil on the crank journal surfaces and install the crankshaft by using the manufacturer’s torque speci e a plastic gauge to check the oil clearance between the crankshaft and the main bearing. First, remove the bearing cap and place a small bead of plastic gauge across the surface of the unoiled crankshaft. Replace the bearing cap and tighten the bolts according to the manufacturer’s speci cations. Loosen the bolts again to remove the bearing cap. Then compare the smashed bead of the plastic gauge to the paper scale. If the clearance is not correct, check the crank journal sizes and bearing sizes.T o check bearing nip or crush , make sure the bearing cap bolts have been torqued according to the manufacturer’s speci cations. Then loosen one of the bolts and check theFigure 1.9 Measuring the crank journal for taper and ovalityFigure 1.10 Checking a crankshaft for straightnessFigure 1.11 Checking oil clearance with a plastic gaugeA CBD7Unit 1: Engine blockModule 1clearance underneath the bearing cap using a feeler gauge. Compare the measurement with the manufacturer’s speci cations.Crankshaft end play is the amount of front to the rear movement of a crankshaft in the engine block. Crankshaft endplay is controlled by the clearance between the main thrust bearing and the crankshaft thrust surface. Mount a dial indicator on the block to measure endplay. Place the dial indicator stem parallel to the crank’s centre line and prise the crank back and forth. The dialindicator movement equals crankshaft endplay. Compare the endplay with the manufacturer’s speci cations. If endplay is incorrect, check the thrust bearing.Crankshaft end play can also be checked by using a feeler gauge. Press the crankshaft to the one side and insert the feeler gauge at one of the main bearing journals. The largest feeler gauge that enters the gap equals the crankshaft end oat.Figure 1.13 Measuring the crankshaft end play with a feeler gaugeACTIVITY 1.21. Explain how to measure piston taper.2. Explain the two methods to measure for piston clearance.3. The manufacturer’s speci cations for the diameter of the main bearings of a diesel engine are 56,980 mm–56,995 mm. The maximum allowed out of roundness is 0,015 mm, and the maximum taper is 0,005 mm. Calculate the taper and out of roundness for the journal if the measurements taken are as in the table below. Refer to Figure 1.9.Figure 1.12 Measuring the crankshaft end play with a dial gauge8Module 1: Engine measurementJournal no.Journal diameter Calculations D AD B D C D D OvalityTaper1.56,9956,9456,9956,89D A – D C = 56,99 – 56,94 = 0,05 mm D B – D D = 56,99 – 56,89 = 0,1 mm D A – D B = 56,99 – 56,99 = 0,00 mm D C – D D = 56,94 – 56,89 = 0,05 mm 2.56,9856,9556,9956,92D A – D C =D B – D D =D A – D B =D C – D D =3.56,9956,9256,9856,90D A – D C =D B – D D =D A – D B =D C – D D =4.56,9956,9656,9956,93D A – D C =D B – D D =D A – D B =D C – D D =Measure a connecting rodThe connecting rod is subjected to tons of pressure during engine operation and can wear, bend or break. The old piston and bearing inserts may indicate the condition of the connecting rod. If any piston or bearing abnormalities are found, there may be something wrong with the connecting rod.The small end is measured with a telescopic gauge and a micrometre. If the small end is worn, the rod bush should be replaced in a machine shop and the pin tted.The connecting rod big end is checked after removing the bearings and replacing the bearing cap. Once the bolts are torqued to the manufacturer’sspeci cation, measure the rod bore diameter on both edges and in both directions. Any difference in edge diameter equals taper of the big end. Any difference in cross diameters equals connecting rod big end out of roundness.Figure 1.14 The connecting rod assemblysmall end bearingsmall endbid end bearingbig end connecting rod belts9Unit 2: Cylinder headLEARNING OUTCOMES■Explain how the measurements are taken for thickness and warpage■Explain how all the measurements are taken for wear on the valve guide and valve stem■Explain how to check the seating of the valves■Explain how to measure valve spring height and spring tension.IntroductionThe cylinder head and valve service are very important for engine performance and service life. The valves, cylinder head and cylinder head gasket, work together tocontain the heat and pressure from combustion. Cylinder heads may become warped or cracked which may lead to coolant leaking into the engine oil and the overheating of the engine. When valve guides and valve stem seals are worn, the engine oil will leak past the valve stem into the combustion chamber, which leads to exhaust smoke and oil consumption. Poorly seated, burnt or bent valves negatively in uence combustion pressure and causes a mis re. It is thus important to carry out certain checks and measurements on a cylinder head to ensure an engine performs at its best.Measure a cylinder head for thickness and warpageA warped cylinder head has a bent deck surface which results from engine overheating. Use a straight edge and feeler gauge to measure cylinder headwarpage . Lay the straight edge on the head and try to slip different feeler gauge blade thicknesses under the straight edge. The thickest blade that ts under the straight edge equals the head warpage.Figure 1.15 Measuring cylinder head for warpageUnit 2: Cylinder headKeywordWarpage to bend or twist out of shape10Module 1: Engine measurementIf the warpage exceeds the manufacturer’s speci cations, the cylinder head needs to be machined by doing cylinder head milling in a machine shop. When servicing a cylinder head, it is important to also check for cracks in the cylinder head. Usually, dye penetrant is used to nd cracks on aluminium components at machine shops.Measure a cylinder head for wear on the valve guide and valve stemValve guide wear is a common problem, and it allows the valve to move sideways during operation. T o check valve guide wear, slide the valve into its guide and try to wiggle it from side to side. If the valve moves in any direction, the valve guide or stem is worn. The amount of play can be measured using a dial gauge, as illustrated in Figure 1.16. Mount the dial indicator stem against theside of the valve head and wiggle the valve sideways while reading the indicator. Valve guide wear can also be measured by using a small hole gauge, as illustrated in Figure 1.17.Figure 1.17 Using a small hole gauge to measure valve guideFigure 1.16 Using a dial gauge to measure valve guideand stem wear gaugecylinder headvalve stem guide11Unit 2: Cylinder headModule 1The small hole gauge is used to determine the inside diameter of the valve guide and then measured by using an outside micrometre.Valve stem wear is checked by using an outside micrometre, as illustrated in Figure 1.18.Check the seating of valvesThe measurements on the valve stem should be taken at the top, middle and bottom of the valve stem.Valve seats and valve faces should be checked for burning, pitting, and wear from opening and closing. T o test if a valve is seated correctly and seals effectively, the cylinder head can be turned upside down. Pour paraf n onto the valves to check if any paraf n leaks into the intake or exhaust ports. The valve to seat contact should also be checked, as illustrated in Figure 1.19.The contact width between the valve’s face and the seat of an intake valve should be approximately 1,6 mm. The valve to seat contact of an exhaust valve should be approximately 2,4 mm. The speci cations should, however, be checked according to each manufacturer.Figure 1.18 Using a micrometre to measure valve stem wearFigure 1.19 Checking the valve to seat contactback cut area – exaggeratedarea of valve that seat seals12Module 1: Engine measurementMeasure spring height and spring tension of a valveT o check for valve spring squareness and valve spring height , use acombination square. Place each spring next to the square on a at surface. Rotate the spring and check for a gap between the side of the spring and the square. If the spring is not square, too long or too short, it should be replaced. T o check for valvetension , use a valve spring tester, as illustrated in Figure 1.21.ACTIVITY 1.31. Discuss how you will measure the gasket surface of a cylinder head for warpage.2. Explain how a blown cylinder head gasket in uences engine performance.3. What will you look for when doing a visual inspection of a valve face and seat?Figure 1.20 Measuring valve spring squareness and heightFigure 1.21 Measuring valve spring tension by using a valve spring testersquarevalve spring13Module summaryModule 1Module summary■After extended engine operation and high mileage, it is necessary to service an engine block.■Worn piston rings can cause engine smoking, high oil consumption and low compression during combustion.■Worn bearings can lead to low oil pressure, bearing knock and complete part failure.■T o service a cylinder block, it is necessary to measure the cylinders for wear, inspect the cylinder wall for damage, install core plugs and hone a cylinder. ■The cylinder head and valve service are important for engine performance and service life.■The valves, cylinder head and cylinder head gasket, work together to contain the heat and pressure from combustion.■It is important to carry out certain checks and measurements on a cylinder head to ensure an engine performs at its best.Exam questions1.Describe the TWO measurements you would make on the cylinders of anengine using a sketch. (4)2.Explain how you will measure piston clearance. (2) THREE engine problems expected from having too much clearancebetween the cylinder and the piston rings? (3)4.Explain how a crank journal is measured for out of roundness or ovality. (2) the TWO methods for checking crankshaft bearing oil clearance. (2)6.Sketch to illustrate the positions in which you will measure warpage on acylinder head. (3)[16] 14Module 1: Engine measurement。

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丹尼斯这个解决许多流浪者迫切需要的想法叫做Lava Mae,是西班牙语中“让我洗个澡”的意思。
Lava Mae与一个慈善机构合作设立了一处集中场所,使志愿医疗人员和社会服务者可以为旧金山的无家可归者提供全面的服务。

1910年,柏林警察总部设⽴了⼀个负责所有德国机动车驾驶员的管理机构;1934年,柏林警察总部设⽴了⼀个负责所有德国机动车的管理机构;1937年,帝国机动车和机动车部件试验办公室(Reichsstelle für Typprüfung von Kraftfahrzeugen und Kraftfahrzeugteilen)设⽴,负责统⼀评估批量⽣产的车辆和车辆零部件,实施统⼀的安全标准。

F1英语专业词汇(2010-01—28 10:59:13)转载标签:杂谈第一部分赛事控制中心(RaceControl)国际汽联赛事总监(FIA RaceDirector)国际汽联观察员(FIA Observer)赛事主管(Clerk ofCourse)赛事副主管、等(Deputy Clerk ofCourse)赛事秘书处(Secretariat &Stewards)赛事秘书(EventSecretary)仲裁秘书(SecretaryStewards)计时中心(FIA Timing Team)车检组(TeamScrutiny)称重组(WeighingTeam)车胎标记组(Tyre Marking Team)油料监督组(Fuel Supervision)维修监督组(Pit Supervision)区域裁判长(Sector Marshals)区域副裁判长(Deputy SectorMarshals)车队(厂商)冠军(Champion for constructor)车手冠军(Champion for driver)锦标赛(Championship)更换车手(Change of driver)车架(Chassis)减速旗(Chequered flag)弯道减速带(Chicane)轮胎选择(Choice of type)赛车场(circuit)成绩评定(Classification)顺时针(Clockwise)封闭赛道(Closed course)撞车(Collision)参赛者、参赛车队(Competitors)完成全部圈数(Complete laps)安全条件(Condition of safety)潮湿赛道(Damp track)危险地带(dangerous position)积分相等/平局/处理积分相等办法(Dead heat)通过维修区处罚/处罚维修区域通过(Drive through panelty)车手、驾驶员(Driver)车手巡游(Driver parade)干(地)胎(Dry weather type)驶完的比赛时间(Elapsed race time)资格(Eligibility)标志(Emblem)紧急服务、紧急救援(Emergency service)比赛结束信号(end of race signal)维修区通道出口(End of the pit lane)已报名的车辆(Entered car)报名截止(Entry close)报名表(Entry form)报名开始(Entry start)比赛/活动(Event)裁判单独控制(Exclusive control of the marshals)表示同意(Express agreement)熄灭(关闭)全部红灯(extinguishing all red lights)发车失败(False start)。

来源:《汽车维修与保养》 2016年第1期