Unified design of iterative receivers using factor graphs




全波形反演,一纬,二维Frequency-domain full-waveform tomography for visco-acoustic media.! #! # Program FWT2D is a massively parallel code for distributed memory platform ! # which performs frequency-domain full-waveform inversion of seismic data [10,11,12,13].! # The program is more specifically designed for wide-angle or global offset data !!!!!!!!!更特别设计! # (that is, for any acquisition system involving dense wide-aperture acquisitions ! # and for which sources share a significant range of receivers spanning over large ! # offsets). The inversion looks for the P-wave velocity only. However, heterogeneous! # density and attenuation can be provided for the forward modeling.! # The inversion relies on a classic iterative steepest descent algorithm [1,2]. Iterations !!!!!!反演依赖于经典的迭代最速下降法! # are performed in a non linear way which means that the final model at a given ! # iteration is used as the starting model for the next iteration.! # Single or group of frequencies are inverted successively. The classic procedure ! # is to proceed from the low frequencies to the higher ones [3]. Note however that! # all the frequencies can be inverted simultaneously by defining a single group ! # of nw frequencies (nw is the total number of frequencies to be inverted).! # The cost function is based on the least-squares norm. The cost function is weighted !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!成本函数是基于最小二乘范! # with an operator which applies a gain with offset to the residuals.! # The gradient of the cost function is properly scaled by the diagonal terms of the ! # approximate hessian J^t J where J is the sensitivity matrix [4].! # The source can be approximated in the program solving a linear inverse problem! # (see [2], [10], [13]).! # The step length is computed by parabolic fitting.抛物线拟合! # The forward problem, that is, wave propagation modeling, is performed with a ! # finite-difference frequency-domain method [6,7,14] and relies on a direct solver to! # solve the associate sparse system of linear equations whose right-hand sides(RHS) are! # the sources. We use the massively parallel direct solver MUMPS for distributed memory! # platform to solve this system [15,16].! # Note however that the code can also be run in sequential (see MUMPS documentation).! # Absorbing boundary condition in the FDFD code are combination of PML [9,14] and 4。



信息疼术2018卑第7期文章编号:1009 -2552(2018)07 -0090 -04 DOI:10. 13274/j. cn k i. h d z j. 2018. 07. 021基于遗传算法的递归M T I自适应滤波器的设计殷万君\金炜东2(1.四川信息职业技术学院,四川广元628040; 2.西南交通大学,成都610031)摘要:针对自适应滤波器在F P G A上实现结构灵活性的特点,文中提出了一种基于遗传算法的 递归M T I自适应滤波器的设计方法。

根据遗传算法的特点,结合滤波器的性能指标,阐述了设 计思想,通过遗传算法实现了自适应滤波器的权系数寻优,在系数寻优中采用了创新的适应度 函数和惩罚函数,通过场景仿真,验证了文中所提算法的实用性和有效性。

关键词:遗传算法;递归M T I;自适应滤波器;设计中图分类号:T N957.52 文献标识码:ADesign of recursive MTI adaptive filter based on genetic algorithmYIN Wan-jun1,JIN Wei-dong2(1. Sichuan Inform ation Technology College,Guangyuan 628040,Sichuan Province,China;2. Southwest Jiaotong University,Chengdu 610031,China)Abstract :In order to realize the fle x ib ility o f adaptive filte r in F P G A,a design m ethod o f recursive M T I adaptive filte r based on genetic a lgo rithm is proposed in th is p a p e r.A c co rd in g to the cha racteristics o f genetic a lg o rith m,com bined w ith the perform ance o f the f ilt e r,it expounds the design id e a s,through the genetic a lgo rithm to achieve the rig h t of the adaptive filte r co e fficie n t o p tim iz a tio n,op tim iza tio n of the coe fficien ts in the in no vation o f the fitness fu n c tio n and pe na lty fu n c tio n.Through s im u la tio n,it verifies the p ra c tic a lity and effectiveness o f the proposed a lg o rith m.Key words:genetic a lg o rith m;recursive M T I;adaptive f ilt e r;design0引言自适应滤波器使用广泛,可以由训练样本根据某种算法去调节加权系数,使实际输出与理想输出的均方差达到最小。

飞泛(Futaba)Futaba14SG R7 firmware更新说明书

飞泛(Futaba)Futaba14SG R7 firmware更新说明书

February 2020—Firmware and FAA RID NPRMAs February greets us many have chosen to set theirhobby interests aside, or at least limit their participa-tion to inside for the past couple months. The winterbuild is a time-honored tradition in the northern cli-mates. In addition to getting new aircraft ready forwhen the weather warms and the winds calm it’s theperfect time to give our existing airframes a thoroughexamination for signs of wear, or potential failure. It’salso a good time to check to see if our transmitters, re-ceivers, or ESC’s may have pending firmware updates.The advantage of firmware updates is they often givenew capabilities for your existing hardware, or fix pre-viously unknown defects. However, sometimes as newfeatures are introduced or patched another featuremay be inadvertently broken by the update. The avail-ability of an update does not mean it’s necessary foryour use. As an example, when Futaba released up-date 7 for the Futaba14SG they inadvertently intro-duced a range check failure on startup. Futaba recent-ly introduced update 9 to fix the range check failure onstartup issue. Firmware updates tend to be an iterativeprocess with customers being the final test of function-Futaba Software DownloadFrSky Important Update for ACCST D16 FrSky Firmware Downloads Spektrum Firmware Updates Jeti Firmware Updates Graupner Updates Castlelink UpdatePersonal safety is not the only topic to discuss this month. The survival of our hobby is very much threatened by the recent FAA RID Notice of Pro-posed Rulemaking (NPRM). The FAA published their plan requiring broadcast from all aircraft weighing over 250 grams (0.55 pounds) on Dec 31. ality. FrSky recently released a new firmware for ALL of their D16 ACCST transmitters and receivers back to 2013 (OpenTX as well as FrOS). The firm-ware addresses a serious issue –if you’re in the Eu-ropean Union. The FCC (American) version of transmitters/receivers are not significantly affect-ed, especially if operated where the airwaves are not crowded with many 2.4ghz signals. One take-away from this is noting that when applying radio firmware updates be sure to note that you have downloaded FCC version and not EU. I recom-mend waiting on the FrSky ACCST updates for a couple months as this is a major update and there will inevitably be bugs. I’d rather do the updates one time since this transmitter update also requires that all receivers are updated.In summary; when checking over all the clevises, horns, pushrods, screws, motor mounts etc, don’t forget to check where you stand regarding what you can’t see –the firmware. Additionally, be judi-cious about applying a recently introduced firm-ware especially if it’s a major update. Finally, be sure you’re using the FCC radio firmware and not the EU version.Don’t be misled by the term “drone” in the NPRM. The FAA uses the term “drone” to apply to all Un-manned Aircraft Systems(UAS), this includes every-thing we fly at TCRCM field and may even include free flight and control line. This NPRM is open for public comment until March 2. The AMA, and EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association) as well as others petitioned in vain for an extension to the comment period. In response to the request for an extention FAA replied on January 28:“…the need for remote identification of UAS increas-ingly has become important as new public safety and national security concerns arise regarding the use of UAS. Accordingly, the FAA has determined that any extension of the comment period, and the subse-quent delays in promulgation of a final rule imple-menting remote identification of UAS, would not be consistent with the safety and security objectives of the proposed rule.Therefore, your request to extend the comment pe-riod for the Remote Identification of Unmaimed Air-craft Systems NPRM is denied. The comment period for the NPRM closes on Monday, March 2, 2020.”Once one dives into the 319 page NPRM in depth it details how the FAA is proposing to progressively annihilate the hobby. This NPRM proposes to make it illegal for a land owner to fly over their own land in the short term, and eventually eliminate model flying fields for home-built aircraft like we now fly. There are many many levels of concern. Grouping Line of Sight (LOS) modeling in with the regulations of Beyond Visual Line of sight BVLOS operations is a one size fits all solution that is inappropriate. Making it impossible to establish new flying fields, or even move an existing club flying field to a new location is well beyond what Congress mandated in the FAA reauthorization act of 2018. To assist with digesting the information about the NRPM, Jim Andersan has posted a page of infor-mation on the Club Website. There are also links to two summaries of the NPRM in the sources below.It’s seriously imperative that all interested reach out to the FAA and to all elected representatives. Even if your position is that you have no intention of follow-ing these rules then politely tell the FAA that they can expect noncompliance from otherwise law abid-ing citizens.Some would say that contacting FAA or representa-tive will make no difference. If that’s the case we’re no worse off and you did what you could. Your com-ments MAY make a difference in which case it’s time and energy well spent.Links to Contacts:• Dan Newhouse• Patty Murray• Maria Cantwell• White House• FAA RID NPRM Comment pageLinks to Information and resources.• Layman’s Guide to the NPRM for Remote ID• AMA summary of the RID NPRM• AMA Templates to use to assist in drafting your own response.• Our club website。



allegro_pcbsigxl_ds学习资料IC package andSiP designPCB designI/O bufferdesign IC designPackagedesign-in kitSilicondesign-in kitOn-target, on-timesystem interconnectInterconnectmodelsI/O bufferIPVirtual systeminterconnectmodelVerifyBuildCorrelateSpecifyExploreDesignImplementDATASHEETALLEGRO PCB SI GXLCadence? Allegro? PCB SI GXL provides a virtual prototyping environment fordesigns with signals operating in the multi-gigahertz MGH frequency range. Itoffers a completely integrated signal design and analysis solution built on top ofthe proven Allegro PCB SI environment. Its advanced technology shortens designcycle time and eliminates the need for multiple lab qualifications with fullfunctional physical prototypes.THE ALLEGRO SYSTEMINTERCONNECT DESIGNPLATFORMThe Cadence Allegro systeminterconnect design platform enablescollaborative design of high-performance interconnect across IC,package, and PCB domains. Theplatform’s unique co-designmethodology optimizes systeminterconnect?between I/O buffersand across ICs, packages, and PCBs?toeliminate hardware re-spins, decreasecosts, and reduce design cycles. Theconstraint-driven Allegro flow offersadvanced capabilities for designcapture, signal integrity, and physical implementation. With associatedsilicon design-in IP Portfolios, ICcompanies shorten new deviceadoption time and systems companiesaccelerate PCB design cycles for rapidtime to profit. Supported by theCadence Encounter? and Virtuoso?platforms, the Allegro co-designmethodology ensures effective designchain collaboration.The Allegro system interconnect design platform ALLEGRO PCB SI GXLDesigning system interconnects withsignals operating in the MGH rangerequires capabilities that quickly and accurately model each element of thesignal’s path. This is because at high frequencies the losses on a signalmount as the signal travels through different discontinuities such as vias, connectors, and different layers in one or more printed circuit boards. At gigahertz GHz frequencies, the lossin a transmission line can amount to approximately 0.25+ dB/inch, creating challenges for longer interconnects on PCB systems. Ensuring that losses in critical signals are acceptable is an important step in the design of MGH signals. To accomplish this, Allegro PCB SI GXL lets engineers perform loss budget tradeoffs quickly anditeratively using S-Parameters. It also provides a way to change the MGHsignal’s topology and view expectedloss through the system interconnect within seconds.Allegro PCB SI GXL offers engineers a highly integrated virtual prototyping environment that includes built-in productivity capabilities for MGH designs. It addresses MGH design challenges in an integratedenvironment that is easy to use and includes several advanced modules: SigXplorer topology exploration environment; high-capacity simulation, SPICE-based simulation subsystem; Allegro Constraint Manager; Allegro Model Integrity; floorplanner/editor and PCB Router; and EMControl. Technological advances?such as differential signals with embedded clocks serial links, drivers with pre- emphasis, and receivers with equalization?allow engineers to architect systems that have higher performance and throughput.However, many of the EDA solutions required to design systems such as these have not kept pace, leaving engineers forced to use disparate, stand-alone products to design systems with high-speed signals, particularly those that operate in MGH range. Allegro PCB SI GXL addresses the numerous challenges typically created as system designers work to provideultra-high bandwidth for data transferagainst shrinking market windows.Another key challenge for MGHdesigners involves ensuring thattiming and voltage margins indifferential signals used in serial linksare met. As traditional circuit simulatorsare limited to approximately 1024 bitsof custom stimulus pattern length,the effect of inter-symbol interferenceISI is not adequately modeled. Toaccurately predict the eye opening,engineers need solutions that cansimulate stimulus patterns of over onemillion bits. On a typical PC/Windowsplatform, Allegro PCB SI GXL cansimulate 10,000 bits in just secondsone million bits in an hour.BENEFITSEliminates the need for physicalprototypes for multiple qualificationsthrough advanced simulationtechniquesShortens design cycle time throughfaster tradeoffs of MGH signals usingS-Parameters and single or coupledanalytical via modelingImproves product quality, cost, andperformanceSaves time via a virtual prototypingenvironment that is seamlesslyintegrated with other Allegroplatform design productsFEATURESINTEGRATED S-PARAMETER SUPPORTIntegrated S-Parameter support enablesengineers to generate S-Parametersfrom PCB signal t opologies “Stack-upto S” and plot in SigWave quickly andeasily. Users can change topology orstack-up and do quick iterative lossbudget tradeoffs. It also allowsdesigners to concatenate multipleS-Parameters into one, simulateS-Parameters in time domain, andincorporate S-Parameters for an objectinto the topology and then generateS-Parameters for the entire topologyAdditionally, by incorporating S-Parameter support that is flexible,Allegro PCB SI GXL allows engineers toincorporate measurement-basedS-Parameter models in native Touchstoneformat. S-Parameters with otherinterconnect topologies can also beincorporated, measured, or importedAny portion of the passive interconnect can be plotted as S-Parameter in SigWavetopology explorer2MACRO MODELINGMacro modeling capabilities enableengineers to model and simulateMGH drivers and receivers faster andmore accurately?with simulationperformance improvements of 20x to400x over transistor-level simulation.VIA MODEL GENERATORUsers can quickly create accuratevia models wideband, narrowband,S-Parameter to simulate via stubeffects at MGH frequencies for singlevias, differential vias, and vias coupledwith ground/power vias.HIGH-CAPACITY, HIGH-PERFORMANCESIMULATIONThe Channel Analysis module withinAllegro PCB SI GXL addresses the needfor high-capacity simulation that canensure timing and voltage margins aremet for MGH signals. The Channel Analysis module allows users tosimulate up to 10 million bits very rapidly. On a typical PC/Windows platform, it can simulate 10,000 bits in just seconds, a million bits in an hour. Users can quickly develop meaningful configurations “tap settings” for a complex driver or receiver. To determine optimal settings, designers get a recommendation for a specific topology in seconds, saving weeks of simulation time.SIGXPLORER TOPOLOGYEXPLORATION ENVIRONMENTSigXplorer is used for pre-route topology design and analysis, even before a schematic is created. Thistype of analysis is common at the earliest stages of the design cycle when designers assess the impact of using a new device technology or of increasing bus transfer rate. SigXplorer can be used to build and validate detailed electrical topology modelsand prove the viability of a new technology?before the detaileddesign process begins.Integrated solution space explorationis provided through the SigXplorer topology editor and simulationcockpit. Engineers can model frequency- dependent losses and skin effect accurately for MGH signals with an integrated field solver. Quick trial implementation is possible using the tightly integrated Allegro PCB Router XL. SPICE-BASED SIMULATIONSUBSYSTEMThe Allegro PCB SI GXL circuitsimulation engine TlSim is a proven SPICE-based simulator that combinesthe advantages of traditional SPICE- based structural modeling with thespeed of behavioral analysis. TlSim includes the capability to simulateS-Parameters in time domain. By combining both structural andbehavioral modeling techniques, Tlsim enables engineers to accurately andefficiently model complex devicebehavior. Tlsim also includes a lossycoupled, frequency-dependenttransmission line model that accuratelypredicts the distributed behavior ofPCB traces into the GHz rangeALLEGRO CONSTRAINT MANAGERAllegro Constraint Manager allowsusers to capture, manage, and validatevarious rules in a hierarchical fashion.It provides a real-time display of high-speed rules and their status based onthe current state of a design. WithHigh-pass filterDSP techniques RxDe-emphasisMulti-tapTxUsers need proven advanced macro modeling capabilities for devices with preemphasis ofreceiver equalization without sacrificing simulation performance Eye shrinks with number of bits in stimulus pattern. A good eye diagram is important foraccurate jitter, insertion loss, and BER prediction34Allegro Constraint Manager designerscan group all of the high-speedconstraints for a collection of signalsand form an electrical constraint setECset that is then associated withthose nets to manage their actualimplementation. ECSets can be usedto drive the PCB layout design process,shortening the design cycle time.ALLEGRO MODEL INTEGRITYThe Model Integrity module allowsdesigners to quickly create, manipulate,and validate models in an easy-to-useediting environment. Device modelformats supported include:IBIS 4.1 External Model support for Verilog?-A, Spectre?, HSPICE, CadenceeSpice modelsMentor/Quad XTKCadence Device Modeling Language DMLA Spectre-to-DML conversion moduleassists in creating DML models fromSpectre simulation runs. With theoutput of the Spectre simulation runbuffer options file, users can quicklycreate DML models. Model integrityidentifies V-I and V-T tables for typical,imum, and minimum corner casesfrom the Spectre run file. A proven,intelligent best-curve-fitting algorithmprovides an accurate DML model. AnHSPICE-to-IBIS conversion moduleallows users to create IBIS modelsfrom HSPICE simulation runs.Complete library managementthrough Model Integrity lets usersread and write touchstone formatS-Parameters, check passivity ofS-Parameters, and plot S-Parameters?all with the click of a button. FLOORPLANNER/EDITOR AND PCBROUTERThe floorplanner provides a graphicalview of the PCB database allowingusers to view, simulate, and edit thePCB design. Designers can quickly andeasily evaluate the effects of different placement strategies on designbehavior. They can also perform testrouting using proposed electrical constraints to ensure high-speed design rules are achievable before passingthem on to the PCB layout designerEMCONTROL By applying a combination ofstandard rules and user-defined rules, EMControl can eliminate weeks ofmanual checking and improve product quality and reliability. For a standard rule set, EMControl provides comprehensive, knowledge-based,design rule checking DRC forcommon EMI-related placement androuting issues. For user-defined rules, EMControl allows creation of custom rules that fit within a company’sdesign guidelines. Importantly, these rules capture the high-speed design “experience” as customized rules, which in turn can be reused on future designs. The EMControl module predicts far-field differential-mode radiated emissions in both SigXplorer and the Allegro PCB SI floorplanner. It also allows for exploration of design strategies required to keep radiation within acceptable levels. Near-field EMI analysis, available within the Allegro PCB SI floorplanner, canpredict radiated energy immediately above the board surface. By analyzing near-field EMI patterns, designers canidentify which portions of a routedtrace are producing the most radiatedenergy and adapt the design accordingly.I/O BUFFER MODELSSupported I/O buffer model formatsinclude:Cadence Allegro PCB SI DeviceModeling Language DMLSynopsys HSPICE transistor-levelmodels requires HSPICE simulator andlicense, which is not included withAllegro PCB SI GXLCadence Spectre transistor-levelmodels available on Sun Solaris, HPUX, and Linux RHEL 3.0 platformsonly. This utilizes an integrated andlimited capability version of theSpectre simulator, which is includedwith Allegro PCB SI GXLIBIS 4.1 External Model support for HSPICE, Spectre, Verilog-A, andCadence DMLMentor/Quad XTKINTEGRATION AND INTERFACESAllegro PCB SI GXL reads and writesAllegro PCB database .brd files andprovides interface to Mentor BoardStation layout database.OPERATING SYSTEMSUPPORTRed Hat Linux 3.0, 4.0Windows 2000 with Service Pack 4,XP ProfessionalSun Solaris 8, 9, 10HP-UX 11.11iIBM AIX 5.3CADENCE SERVICES ANDSUPPORTCadence application engineers cananswer your technical questions bytelephone, email, or Internet?theycan also provide technical assistanceand custom trainingCadence certified instructors teachover 70 courses and bring their real-world experience into the classroomOver 25 Internet Learning Series iLSonline courses allow you the flexibilityof training at your own computer viathe Internet SourceLink? online customer supportgives you answers to your technicalquestions?24 hours a day, 7 days aweek?including the latest in quarterlysoftware rollups, product changerelease information, technicaldocumentation, solutions, softwareupdates, and moreVia model generator allows users to modelstub effects at MGH frequencies duringpre-route exploration and analysis phaseof the design processFOR MORE INFORMATIONContact Cadence sales at 1.800.746.6223or visit //0>. foradditional information. To locate aCadence sales office or CadenceChannel Partner in your area, visit//./contact_us 2006 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cadence, the Cadence logo, Allegro, Encounter, SourceLink, Spectre, Verilog, and Virtuoso are registered trademarks Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All others are properties of their respective holders.5585E 07/06ALLEGRO PCB SI FEATURESMajor feature summary for SI, Allegro Design Entry HDL, Allegro PCB SI GXL, and Allegro PCB PI Option XLAllegro PCB Allegro Design Entry Allegro PCB Allegro PCB PISI XL HDL SI XL SI GXL Option XLAllegro Design Entry HDL XL xAssign Models in Schematics xCreate Xnets in Schematics xApply Constraints and Topologies to Schematic for Single-ended and Differential Nets xSingle-line Topology Editor Graphical Canvas x x xSimulation Setup Advisor x xModel Integrity: Model Development Environment x x xModel Integrity: Syntax Checking for IBIS 3.2 and DML x x xModel Integrity: HSPICE-to-IBIS Conversion x x xIBIS 4.0 Models Support x x xQuad Models Translator x x xSpectre Transistor-level Models x x x xMacro-models Support DML x x xSimulation Control: Single-line Simulation x x xWaveform Viewer x x xDetailed Simulation Reports Such as Flight Time, Overshoot, Noise Margin x x xCoupled 3 Net Simulation x xCoupled 3nets Simulation x xSingle Net Pre-layout Extraction from Allegro Design Entry HDL x x xAllegro Physical Viewer PlusDifferential Pair Exploration and Simulation x x xDifferential Pair Pre- and Postlayout Extraction from Allegro PCB Editor x xDifferential Pair Pre-layout Extraction from Allegro Design Entry HDL x x xDifferential Signal Constraint Capture x x xCoupled Line Simulations x x xCrosstalk Simulation x x xSweep Simulations x x xCurrent Probes x x xMultiterminal Black Boxes in Topologies x x xConstraint Development and Capture of Topologies x x xCustom Measurement x x xCustom Stimulus x x xBatch Simulation x xEMControl: Rules Development x xEMControl: Rules Checking x xEMI Differential Simulation x x xAllegro Constraint Manager x x xColor-coded Real-time Feedback on Violations xApply Constraints and Topologies to Board for Single-ended and Differential Nets x xFloorplanner x xConstraint-driven Floorplanning and Routing x xAllegro PCB Router XL x xHSPICE Simulator Interface x x x xS-Parameter Generation from Stackup xS-Parameter Plotting in SigWave xTime Domain Simulation of S-Parameters xLibrary Management of S-Parameters in Model Integrity xCoupled Via Model Generator for Pre-layout Explorations xHigh Capacity Simulation Using Channel Analysis Overlay xOptimum Pre-emphasis Bit Configurations “Tap Settings” xPower Integrity: Design and Analysis Environment xPower Integrity: Decoupling Capacitor Database Setup Wizard xPower Integrity: Impedance Requirements Calculator xPower Integrity: Decoupling Capacitor Selection and PlacementEnvironment xPower Integrity: VRM Editor xPower Integrity: Decoupling Capacitor Library Editor xPower Integrity: Cross-probing Between Waveform Allegro PCB SI Floorplanner xPower Integrity: Frequency Domain Analysis x。



Lesson 10 PRINCIPLES OF DESIGNThe principles of design are the rules or guidelines governing the use of the elements. They tell us how to use color,texture,line,shape and space to create an organized system or composition. These principles are based on what we know of human nature and how we,as human beings,perceive and evaluate our aesthetic surroundings.We have already discussed the theory that all the elements are present in design,that they are interrelated and interdependent upon one another.Now we must learn how to use them to create a concept,a plan,a scheme that functions as a unified arrangment. We must understand the role of the design principles and the various ways they can be manipulated to provide a response to various human needs and desires. Just as words and punctuation marks require a set of principles on sentence structure in order to convey a thought,elements of design require a set of principles to convey a design concept.A landscape,for instance,can be an array of trees,shrubs,plants,stones,cement,and flowers in a given area,but a landscape design is planned and constructed according to a set of principles that govern the arrangement of those elements.All design is an arrangement of its parts based on these same basic principles. The three basic principles of design are: proportion,balance and rhythm.PROPORTIONProportion means the relationship of size between objects and the space the object occupies.We perceive all objects as having a certain proportion or size as they relate to the size of other objects. A apple can be described as big if we see it in comparison with smaler apples. If we were to describe this apple we are seeing for the first time we could not de scribe it as being bigger or smaller than usual because we wouldn't know what is "usual".Imagine that some one handed you an object that is approximately two inches square. Y ou would have no way of knowing whether "it" was a big one or a small one because you have nothing with which to compare its size. If you were told that it was a thimble,you would think it was a very large one because other thimbles we have seen are finger size. If you were told it was a radio then you would think it was small since other radios are usualymuch larger than two inches.SIZE AND SPACE RELATIONSHIPSAnother way we view proportion is by comparing an object to the space it occupies. A apple is big if it doesn't fit into the lunchbox even though it might be smaller than some other apples. A baby might be con sidered big when he has outgrown his cradle even though he might be small compared with other babies of the same age. A leaf could be small compared with a tree,and a book could be large in comparison with the size of the bookshelf.So when we are describing objects as a proportion by relative sizes,we can describe them in two ways:1 By comparison with other similar objects.2. By comparison with the space they occupy.COMPAING MASS AND VOIDAnother way of describing proportion is by comparing mass to void.Mass is the property of an object that gives it substance; mass is the visual or structured weightof an object or element .V oid is the lack of weight or substance. Mass is positive while void is negative.UNITY AND CONTRASTIn any arrangement or composition,we are seeing all of the elements present in their various degrees of dominance / subordinance. Since they all interrelate with each other,we are at once comparing not only various qualities of the same elements,but also various qualities of different elements. Those qualities that are similar in dominance / subordinance provide unity within a composition. Those qualties that are very dissimilar provide contrast.In our study of proportion,we have learned:1 Proportion is a size and space relationship.2. Proportion is a ratio of mass (object )to mass.3. Proportion is a ratio of mass (object) to void (space) .4. Dominant elements are considered positive (massive),while subordinate elements are considered negative (less massive).5. Similar qualities provide unity; while dissimilar qualties provide contrastBALANCEBalance means the equilibrium of the elements of design.As humans, we innately understand the principles of design. They bring order to our lives. Our instinct for proportion tells us when something is "out of whack". Likewise,an arrangement that is not balanced seems lopsided and sometimes upseting. Balance is identified as an equilibrium of the elements.When dominance is equally distributed within a design,you have achieved balance. We feel a design is unbalanced when weights or dominance are not equally distributed. Imagine an orderly bookcase with a series of volumes supported by matching bookends. If one bookend is removed,an actual imbalance will occur. The books will fall over. Visually the same conclusion can be drawn by observing a room with all the furniture moved to one end. While physically the room does not tip,the illusion of instability ,or tipping,occurs.The principle of balance can fall into three categories: symmetrical balance,asymmetrical balance and radial balance.SYMMETRICAL BALANCESymmetry is a correspondence in size,shape and relative position on opposite sides of an imaginary dividing line,median plane or a center of an axis. We must remember,however,that we are dealing with all the elements when organizing a balanced design. Dominating colors,textures and lines provide visual weight and must be distributed equally. A room with the furniture equally distributed in a symmetrical arrangement will appear lopsided if an intense red, coarse textures and heavy lines are all grouped on one side of the imaginary dividing line. This is an example of a visual imbalance.ASYMMETRICAL BALANCEAsymmetrical balance has parts that are different in size,shape and number,and / or relative position on opposite sides of a deviding line. They are still balanced in that they still have similar weight or substance,but the elements are not the same.RADIAL BALANCERadial balance is an a rrangement with a central axis whose parts are located equally or correspondingly around a central point - similar to rays. Some examples of radial balance observed around us are: the sun,and aerial view of a pine tree,or a dining centerpiece,and chandelier.In our study of balance we have learned:1. Balance is necessary to create a unified arrangement2. The three types of balance are: symmetrical,assymmetrial,and radial.3. Imbalance can be used to create contrastRHYTHMRhythm is the movement or natural eye flow caused by the regular reoccurence of related elements. Those elements in design that are related - that is,similar in color,texture,line,shape,or space - create eye movement. A grouping of related elements causes the eye to naturally flow from one element to an other in an organized manner. This eye movement or rhythm gives unity to the composition. A break or change in the rhythm provides contrastCONTINUOUS RHTHMContinuous rhythm,as the word implies,is a constant element,uninterrupted by change,either in color,texture,line,shape,or space. A unbroken line is continuous.REPETITIVE RHYTHMA repetitive rhythm is a group of like objects or elements in an arrangement set at equal intervals or at random intervals. Although they may be set at unequal intervals,our eye still tends to follow them,creating unity because the elements are the same or have a high degree of similarity. The eye follows the flow naturally from one element to another visually unifying our line of vision.PROGRSSIVE RHYTHMProgressive rhythm is presentation in a composition utilizing similar or like elements that gradually change. The change may be one of size,height,color intensity or value,texture,or shape. A series of textures from flat to shiny or coarse to fine is also a progressive rhythm. So is a series of shapes that get gradually bigger or taller or shorter or smaller.In our study of rhythm we have learnedRhythm causes eye movement and visual unity.There are three types of rhythm: continuous repetitive, and progressive.A break in the rhythm of elements provides contrast.设计原则是管理设计元素应用的规则和方针。




仿真结果表明,在4×2天线模式下基于DFT码本的预编码简单实用,并且随着不同反馈比特数的增加,基于DFT 码本的预编码技术的系统性能随之增加。

关键词预编码 DFT 码本选择1.引言随着现代移动通信中对吞吐量和频谱效率要求的不断提高,对于基于多天线的多输入多输出的MIMO技术的研究不断深入。










configuration management:配置管理
Configuration testing : 配置测试
conformance criterion: 一致性标准
Conformance Testing: 一致性测试
consistency : 一致性
consistency checker: 一致性检查器
Acceptance testing : 验收测试
Acceptance Testing:可接受性测试
Accessibility test : 软体适用性测试
actual outcome:实际结果
Ad hoc testing : 随机测试
Algorithm analysis : 算法分析
DIF(decimation in frequency) : 按频率抽取
dirty testing:肮脏测试
disaster recovery:灾难恢复
DIT (decimation in time): 按时间抽取
documentation testing :文档测试
Buddy test : 合伙测试
Buffer : 缓冲
Bug : 错误
Bug bash : 错误大扫除
bug fix : 错误修正
Bug report : 错误报告
Bug tracking system: 错误跟踪系统
Build : 工作版本(内部小版本)
Build Verfication tests(BVTs): 版本验证测试
Data Flቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱw Analysis : 数据流分析

04 Iterative multiuser receiver in sparse code multipleaccess systems

04 Iterative multiuser receiver in sparse code multipleaccess systems

Fig. 1: Block diagram of an uplink SCMA system.
be represented by a sparse factor graph. By carefully designing the factor graph and mapping functions, SCMA can perform better than LDS with similar decoding complexity [ 1 1]. Inspired by the turbo principle [ 12], iterative multiuser receivers have been investigated in CDMA systems [13], [14] and also in the LDS system [ 15]. In this paper, we consider an uplink SCMA system employing channel coding, and develop an iterative multiuser receiver for the SCMA system. It will be shown that how the soft decisions are exchanged between the SCMA decoder and channel decoders to fully utilize the diversity gain and coding gain, and how the decoding complexity can be reduced by exploiting the special structure of SCMA codebook and tailoring the factor graph during the iterations. The simulation results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed iterative receiver over the non-iterative one. The simulation results also show that SCMA can work well in highly overloaded scenario, and the performance will not degrade even if the load is as high as 300%. In this paper, the set of binary and complex numbers are denoted by lR and C, respectively. We use x, x, and X to represent a scalar, a vector and a matrix. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II introduces the system model. Section III presents the details of the iterative multiuser receiver. In Section IV, the receiver performance is evaluated. Section V concludes the paper. II.

PAM4 Transmitter Analysis软件应用说明书

PAM4 Transmitter Analysis软件应用说明书

PAM4 Transmitter AnalysisComprehensive PAM4 Analysis, showing detailed jitter analysis for each eye and global link measurementsFeatures and benefitsThe PAM4 Transmitter Analysis software application enhances the capabilities of the DPO/MSO70000DX/SX and DPO/DSA/MSO70000series oscilloscopes, adding transmitter and channel testing for four-level Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM4) devices and interfaces for bothelectrical and optical physical domains.Single Integrated Application for PAM4 Electrical and Optical SignalDebug and ValidationThis application brings together all the capabilities needed forcomprehensive PAM4 analysis and debugDashboard style configuration panel enables quick and easyconfiguration of all the necessary parameters for PAM4 analysisEnhanced Clock RecoverySoftware clock recovery offers the industry's most robust clockrecovery capability even from heavily impaired signalsConfigurable Bessel-Thomson FilterOffers the flexibility to tune bandwidth of the measurementreceiver, either manually or automatically, based on detected datarateWaveform Filter enables embed or de-embed test fixtures or channelmodelsAuto ConfigurationAuto detect thresholds, symbol rate, pattern type and length,enabling ease of configurationSymbol and Bit Error DetectorDetect and navigate to individual errors with annotations of clockrecovery, eye centers, and expected symbolsAccumulate SER and BER over multiple acquisition cyclesIntegrated Receiver EqualizationApply CTLE, FFE and DFE equalization to the acquired waveformto open a closed eye.Model different types of receiver settings to perform what-ifanalysisSupport for standard based equalization presetsJitter Measurement and Eye AnalysisFull Characterization of the PAM4 eyes to support standard basedand debug analysisIsolate the effects of ISI and show the potential for receiverequalization using correlated eyeRise and Fall times for all 12 PAM4 transitions offers the capability to analyze each transition type in PAM4 signal providing greaterinsightFlexible controls to automatically acquire a desired symbolpopulation across multiple acquisitionsNoise Analysis and BER ContoursEye width and height analysis per OIF-CEI standards or to customBER targetsEye diagram annotated to show BER contours and width/heightmeasurement locationsSNDR AnalysisAutomates a complex Electrical PAM4 transmitter measurementuseful for characterizationTDECQ AnalysisAutomates a complex Optical PAM4 measurement that is used tocharacterize the optical transmitter vertical eye closurePlots and reportsComprehensively interact with plots for measurement visualizationand deep analysisHTML report captures all the relevant setup configuration,measurement test results, and plot in single file that is easy to readand shareMeasurement results across multiple acquisitions can be exported to a consolidated CSV file useful for additional analysisApplicationsDebug, Analysis, and Characterization of Electrical and Optical PAM4signalsCharacterization of OIF-CEI and IEEE based PAM4 standards; such as OIFCEI-VSR-56G-PAM4, 802.3bs, and CDAUI-8.PAM4 overviewThe frequency content of the NRZ signal increases linearly with bit-rate.PAM4 signaling needs half the bandwidth as NRZ for the same data rate.400G Ethernet standards, both electrical and optical interfaces, adopted PAM4 signaling to support the forecasted growth in the datacenter andnetwork traffic.Assumes linear coding for illustration. In practice, gray coding is frequently used.The 4 levels of PAM4 introduce additional complexity in signaling and place new demands on the test methodology. The PAM4 analysis tool offers several measurement and visualization capabilities aimed at making the task of validating PAM4 designs more efficient.PAM4 Measurement configurationThe configuration panel is a dashboard within the PAM4 analysis tool that enables you to configure most elements for a PAM4 analysis run. The panel includes; measurement source selection, Clock recovery, Threshold,and Bessel-Thomson filter and Equalization configuration. It also has theability to embed or de-embed a channel using a waveform filter.Clock recoveryConfigurable PLL (phase-locked loop) clock recovery reliably extracts the symbol clock, even with highly impaired signals, and exports thereconstructed clock waveform to a reference channel where it may be viewed.Channel Embedding / De-embeddingThe waveform filter option offers the ability to embed or de-embed differentchannel elements. For example:The effects of a test fixture can be de-embedded to gain visibility of thesignal at the transmitter output.A channel can be embedded to gain visibility of the signal at the receiver input.DatasheetEqualizationIt is often necessary to apply receiver equalization to open the eyes before measurements can be performed. In most cases the lack of physical access makes it impossible to verify the receiver circuit behavior and monitor the effects of clock recovery and equalization.A comprehensive equalizer in the PAM4 analysis tool offers the ability to dothe following:Apply CTLE either using custom poles and zeros or standards basedpresets.Apply configurable length FFE and / or DFE with auto-adapted tapvalues.Observe the tap values that have been chosen.Measurement SelectionThe new Select panel enables you to select between electrical and optical PAM4 measurements.The selection list allows you to choose window measurements andconfigure the display for ease of use and execution speed.Auto Configure CapabilityThe PAM4 analysis application can automatically detect the signal’s symbol rate and pattern, and choose the appropriate decision thresholds based on analysis of the eye diagram. This allows quick and error-free set-up, as well as, verifying your signal’s key characteristics.PAM4 MeasurementsPAM4 analysis package provides a comprehensive set of measurements that offer greater insight into signal characteristics, speeding up validation or characterization of PAM4 designs.The supported list includes IEEE (802.3bs/cd) and OIF-CEI Standards based measurements or SNDR and TDECQ when enable characterized of electrical and optical PAM4 Transmitter.PAM4 Transmitter AnalysisFull Waveform and Correlated WaveformanalysisA full waveform analysis can be performed by overlaying all the unitintervals on the acquired PAM4 signal. A jitter analysis is done on theindividual eyes within the link and the BER eye contours. Both tests cangive insight into eye closure at all timing phases and reference levelssimultaneously.The correlated waveform and eye show how much additional eye openingis theoretically obtainable through equalization. The correlated waveformcan be analyzed by tools and techniques similar to those found onEquivalent Time Oscilloscopes. Many performance communicationsstandards assume access to correlated data. The PAM4 Analysisapplication can effectively model correlated and composite eye diagrams.1Supports Average Launch Power of Off Transmitter as per IEEE 802.3bs/cd specifications.2This measurement not available until December 2018.DatasheetRise and Fall Time analysisAnalysis of the individual transitions rise and fall times helps separate linear impairments (bandwidth, ISI) from nonlinear (slew-rate limiting, clipping).The rise and fall times also support advanced tuning of equalizationalgorithms. The PAM-4 analysis software provides the max, min, and meanrise and fall time for each of the six transition types within the PAM4 eye.VisualizationA comprehensive set of plots can be used to visualize measurement data.The plots provide additional insight into the signal characteristics and are useful for debugging.The plot toolset enables interaction with the plots and can focus in on anarea of interest for closer examination and further analysis.Error DetectorThe PAM4 analysis tool comes with a built in error detector that can identify individual symbol errors in the current source waveform. The identified errorcan be viewed in a dedicated error navigator window.The error navigator has several capabilities that makes it easy to quickly navigate and zoom into the error location. The additional information for thefollowing detected errors offer help debugging symbol errors on the link:Location of recovered clockLocation of symbol error reference thresholdsExpected symbol displayed Actual symbol displayedPAM4 Transmitter AnalysisComprehensive test report and data exportThe measurement results can be saved in the form of a test report. The report includes; the configuration of the oscilloscope, applicationconfiguration, measurement results, and plots all available in an easy to read or share format.The measurement results across multiple acquisitions can also be exportedto a single CSV file for further analysis.Full waveform resultsFull waveform eye diagramDPO7OE Series Optical ProbesThe DPO7OE Series Optical probes can be used as an Optical Reference Receiver for high speed serial data signals (using selectable Bessel-Thomson ORR filters), or can be used as a conventional O/E converter for general wide-bandwidth optical signal acquisition. The DPO7OE Series is compatible with DPO/MSO70000 C/DX/SX models. Connected to TekConnect channels for up to 33 GHz bandwidth. Connected to ATI channels, the DPO7OE1 provides up to 42 GHz electrical response; theDPO7OE2 provides up to 59 GHz electrical bandwidth response.DPO7OE1 33 GHz Optical ProbeDatasheetOrdering informationThe PAM4 Transmitter analysis software for Tektronix DPO/MSO70000 Win7 Series oscilloscopesFor new DPO/MSO70000 Series oscilloscopesFor users with existing DPO/DSA/MSO70000 Series oscilloscopesRequired optionsDJA DPOJET Eye and Jitter Analysis DJAN DPOJET Noise AnalysisSDLA64SDLA Visualizer channel de-embedding, embedding, and equalizationRecommended ProbesDPO7OE133 GHz optical probe DPO7OE259 GHz optical probeTektronix is registered to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 by SRI Quality System Registrar.Product(s) complies with IEEE Standard 488.1-1987, RS-232-C, and with Tektronix Standard Codes and Formats.PAM4 Transmitter AnalysisDatasheetASEAN / Australasia (65) 6356 3900 Austria 00800 2255 4835*Balkans, Israel, South Africa and other ISE Countries +41 52 675 3777 Belgium 00800 2255 4835*Brazil +55 (11) 3759 7627 Canada180****9200Central East Europe and the Baltics +41 52 675 3777 Central Europe & Greece +41 52 675 3777 Denmark +45 80 88 1401Finland +41 52 675 3777 France 00800 2255 4835*Germany 00800 2255 4835*Hong Kong 400 820 5835 India 000 800 650 1835 Italy 00800 2255 4835*Japan 81 (3) 6714 3086 Luxembourg +41 52 675 3777 Mexico, Central/South America & Caribbean 52 (55) 56 04 50 90Middle East, Asia, and North Africa +41 52 675 3777 The Netherlands 00800 2255 4835*Norway 800 16098People's Republic of China 400 820 5835 Poland +41 52 675 3777 Portugal 80 08 12370Republic of Korea +822 6917 5084, 822 6917 5080 Russia & CIS +7 (495) 6647564 South Africa +41 52 675 3777Spain 00800 2255 4835*Sweden 00800 2255 4835*Switzerland 00800 2255 4835*Taiwan 886 (2) 2656 6688 United Kingdom & Ireland 00800 2255 4835*USA180****9200* European toll-free number. If not accessible, call: +41 52 675 3777For Further Information. Tektronix maintains a comprehensive, constantly expanding collection of application notes, technical briefs and other resources to help engineers working on the cutting edge of technology. Please visit . Copyright © Tektronix, Inc. All rights reserved. Tektronix products are covered by U.S. and foreign patents, issued and pending. Information in this publication supersedes that in all previously published material. Specification andprice change privileges reserved. TEKTRONIX and TEK are registered trademarks of Tektronix, Inc. All other trade names referenced are the service marks, trademarks, or registered trademarks of their respective companies.06 Feb 2019 55W-60239-8 。

沟通的本质 英文版

沟通的本质 英文版

TheNatureofCommunicationCommunication is a fundamental aspect of human interaction, playing a crucial role in all aspects of our lives. Whether it is a casual conversation with a friend, a business meeting, or a formal speech, effective communication is essential for conveying ideas, sharing information, and building relationships. However, the nature of communication is complex and multifaceted, encompassing a range of verbal and nonverbal cues that can shape the way we understand and connect with others.At its core, communication is the process of sending and receiving messages. It involves the use of language, words, and speech to express thoughts, emotions, and ideas. Communication allows us to share our knowledge, experiences, and perspectives with others, enabling us to build a deeper understanding and connection with them.Effective communication requires clarity, accuracy, and precision in message delivery. It means using the right words and phrases to express ideas accurately and avoiding misunderstandings or confusion. Effective communication also involves active listening, which involves paying attention to the message content, decoding the sender's intention, and understanding their perspective.Nonverbal communication also plays a crucial role in effective communication. Body language, facial expressions, eye contact, and gesture can all contribute to the message's overall meaning and impact. Nonverbal cues can often convey more powerful and visceral messages than words alone, and can be a valuable tool in strengthening communication bonds.Communication is also a dynamic and iterative process. Feedback and interaction are essential components of effective communication, as they allow senders and receivers to assess the message's comprehension and adjust their communication styles accordingly. This iterative process ensures that communication remains open, honest, and respectful, while also allowing for misunderstandings to be clarified and resolved.In conclusion, communication is a complex but essential aspect of human life. It involves sending and receiving messages through a combination of verbal and nonverbal cues. Effective communication requires clarity, accuracy, and active listening on both sides. Nonverbal cues can often complement or even amplify the message's impact. Feedback and interaction are essential components of effective communication as they ensure comprehension, openness, honesty, and respect in the communication process.。



第 21 卷 第 12 期2023 年 12 月太赫兹科学与电子信息学报Journal of Terahertz Science and Electronic Information TechnologyVol.21,No.12Dec.,2023多天线感知通信一体化系统低相关性波形设计张智博,常青*,赵娜,徐昊(北京航空航天大学电子信息工程学院,北京100191)摘要:为实现多天线无线系统中感知和通信的一体化波形设计问题,提出一种基于加权优化的目标函数,在完成数据通信的同时,降低各天线波形之间的互相关性。



关键词:感知通信一体化;波形设计;加权优化;梯度投影法;最大化最小化算法中图分类号:TN914 文献标志码:A doi:10.11805/TKYDA2021347Low-correlation waveform design for multi-antenna Integrated Sensing AndCommunication systemsZHANG Zhibo,CHANG Qing*,ZHAO Na,XU Hao(School of Electronic and Information Engineering,Beihang University,Beijing 100191,China)AbstractAbstract::To realize Integrated Sensing And Communication(ISAC) in multi-antenna wireless systems, the design of integrated waveform is studied. A weighted objective function is proposed toreduce the correlation between waveforms while enabling data communication. The gradient projectionmethod is employed to obtain the initial iteration points, and then the maximization-minimizationalgorithm is applied to get the waveform design results. Simulation results show that the designedintegrated waveform achieves the tradeoff between the performance of communication and sensing, andcan be applied to actual wireless systems.KeywordsKeywords::Integrated Sensing And Communication;waveform design;weighted optimization;gradient projection;maximization-minimization随着第六代移动通信(6G)技术的逐步演进,6G基站和终端将逐步具备感知环境和数据通信两种功能,演化出通信感知一体化(ISAC)技术[1]。


Dept. 4: Analysis, Design and Implementation of Digital Architectures and Circuits
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I. J. Computer Network and Information Security, 2021, 1, 29-38Published Online Febraury 2021 in MECS (/)DOI: 10.5815/ijcnis.2021.01.03Impact of Equalizer step size in Underwater Acoustic Communication ChannelKrishnamoorthy Raghavan NarasuSathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, Tamilnadu, IndiaE-mail: moorthy26.82@Immanuel Rajkumar, Jerry Alexander, Marshiana DevaerakkamSathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, Tamilnadu, IndiaE-mail: {imman047, tjerryalexander, d.marshiana}@Received: 18 April 2020; Accepted: 24 June 2020; Published: 08 February 2021Abstract: The Underwater Acoustic Channel (UAC) is a time variant channel and its multipath effects create ISI. This is one of the most important obstacles in the UAC channel which reduces the transmission rate. To remove this obstacle, a proper filter has to be designed in the receiver section. In this article, optimal step size for equalizer is computed and compared the results with the known techniques namely Decision Feedback Equalizer with interleave division multiple access (DFE IDMA) and Cyclic Prefix - Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (CP-OFDM) Equalizer. Channels are modeled using ray tracing methods. The various factors considered are ambient noise, attenuation loss, bottom and surface loss. The overall path loss for channels is computed by summing up the attenuation loss, surface and bottom loss. Simulation results evident that for short range UAC channel, the BER in the order of 10-2 is achieved using proposed methodology with least Eb/No compared to standard DFE method.Index Terms: Decision feedback Equalizer, Linear Equalizer, Bit Error Rate, Underwater Acoustic Channel, Cyclic Prefix.1. IntroductionThe UAC channel is a time variant and its multipath effects create ISI. If the bandwidth of the modulated signal is larger than the message signal, then the modulated signal spreads out in the time domain, ISI is created. This is one of the most important obstacles in the UAC channel which reduces the transmission rate. To remove this obstacle, a proper filter has to be designed in the receiver section. The impulse response of the filter is designed in such a way that, it is inverse to the channel impulse response. So that the ISI effects will cancel out and data is decoded with minimal error rate.The equalizer plays a vital role in the wireless communication system. The basic types of equalizer are Linear and Decision Feedback Equalizer. The various algorithms applied in the equalizer are Least Mean Square (LMS), Signed Least Mean Square (SLMS), Normalized Least Mean Square (NLSM) and Recursive Least Square (RLS).There are various error coding techniques are available for Underwater Acoustic Communication (UAC) Channel like turbo code, LDPC. For turbo code, an iterative decoder is applied in the receiver section which will yield minimum BER. The limitation in this it takes long time for better result and design the receiver section is quite complicated. In the case of LDPC code, more number of zeros added to the modulated data in order to reduce the effects of ISI. This will increase the data size which requires external storage device for data handling. To combat the data storage issue and to attain the minimum error rate in quick time, an equalizer with optimal step size is proposed in this article. The channel characteristics is analysed over a range of step size value. An optimal step size is determined from the simulation result and it is compared with the standard DFE.The limitation of adaptive equalizer in UAC channel is its ISI effects. This makes the poor error rate in the receiver. Choosing the optimal step size of the receiver is best and tedious procedure in the UAC channel. To solve this issue, in this article, step size of an equalizer is varied from 0 to 1 in step of 0.05 and optimal step size is determined for both short and long distance channel. Finally the result of the proposed system is compared with standard Decision Feedback Equalizer (DFE).2. Related WorksData detection in UAC channel was done using different ICI equalizers such as MMSE-OFDM [1] and Markov Chain Monte Carlo [2]. For SISO system, Gibbs sample technique and Linear MMSE [3] was applied for the channel estimation and symbol detection. It is focused on the un-coded SISO system of a single carrier. In [4], two iterative receivers termed as multiuser detection and single user detection are tested with large Doppler deviation. The equalizer is combined with the coding technique to analysis the performance of the channel. The author showed that the ESNR is the best tool for the channel analysis rather than input SNR and pilot SNR and they used the OFDM techniques for their evaluation purpose. For multi user communication in the channel, two different IDMA [5] receiver namely DFE IDMA and rake based IDMA and OFDM [6] was proposed.In [7], traces of error for the single carrier acoustic channel is analysed using DFE. The authors proposed a statistical model which includes a parent process and a few daughter process. PN sequence based equalizer was designed for the shallow water communication. In this, a least square technique [8] and low order DFE [9] are used for the channel estimation for single carrier spread spectrum sequence. For MIMO acoustic communication, DFE [10, 11], Low Density Parity Code (LDPC) [12], Y shaped antenna was designed for UWB applications [13], Normalized Least Mean Square algorithm [14] and gradient-based LMS algorithm [15], Low power SAR ADC for wireless sensor node was designed [16]. The computational complexity is reduced by restricting the length of training pulse less than the number of taps used in the equalizer. In [17], authors proposed an iterative soft-decision feedback equalization (SDFE) algorithm to combat error propagation with Doppler to the carrier frequency in the order of 10-4 to 10-3.The effects of single resampling operation on the UAC channel with different time propagation factors is investigated using Hammersely-Chapman-Robbind Bound [18]. Using diagonalization property of the matrix and conjugate gradient method, Sparse Learning via Iterative Minimization technique [19]. Between source and receiver, sagacious communication link mechanism [20] was developed for underwater wireless sensor network. In [21], comparison of various Error Coding technique in underwater communication is analyzed.In this paper, the optimal step-size for all these algorithms are calculated by varying the step size from 0 to 1 in step of 0.01 and the corresponding BER are calculated. Using this optimal step-size, the performance of the equalizer in UAC channel is simulated and the results are discussed in terms of Bit Error Rate (BER).3. Equalizer in UACIn both LMS and RLS algorithms, a decision device is used to classify the output as 0 or 1. The major requirement of this algorithm are∙Known training signal is used as reference.∙Proper synchronizing between the transmitter and receiver is essential.Hence LMS and RLS are referred as decision direct equalizer. Few characteristics of DFE are listed below∙The feedback symbols are free from the noise and computation make simple and easy.∙Compared to decision direct equalizer, the noise enhancement is reduced.∙Recovery time of incorrect decision is short.∙Sensitivity is reduced.The general block diagram for DFE is shown in Fig.1. It consists of forward and feedback filter in addition to the decision device to combat the effects of ISI.DFE is a non-linear equalizer which will useful to study the performance of channel like UAC. The effect of ISI is canceled out using the detection of ISI contribution by the previously detected symbols. To attain a minimum MSE, both the feedback and forward filter coefficients are adjusted simultaneously.In the detection of a symbol using DFE, training signal are used initially. Once the error signal becomes zero by adjusting the filter coefficients, then the need of the training symbols is not required. Then the feedback filter able to detect and recover the data.Fig.1. General Block Diagram for DFE4. Research MethodologyFor simulation purpose, two channels with different configurations are modeled and named as channel 1 and 2. Channel 1 has short range of 100 meters, whereas the other one has a range of 1000 meters. In both the channels, the transducers and hydrophone are placed at the depth of 09 and 40 meters respectively. Channels are modeled using ray tracing methods. The various factors considered are ambient noise, attenuation loss, bottom and surface loss. The overall path loss for channels is computed by summing up the attenuation loss, surface and bottom loss and dividing it by the speed of sound. Finally, the impulse response of the channel is computed through the designed channel.The block diagram of equalizer in an UAC channel is illustrated in the Fig.2. The binary data is modulated using BPSK technique and then passed through the channel. The distorted data from the channel is equalized using linear and Decision Feedback Equalizer by four different algorithms viz. Least Mean Square (LMS), Normalized Least Mean Square (NLMS), Signed Least Mean Square (SLMS) and Recursive Least Square (RLS). The equalized data is then demodulated and finally, the BER is calculated. The value of the step-size is considered as a vital parameter in the design process of the equalizer.To obtain the better BER, an optimal step-size is required. To determine the optimal step-size value the modulated data is passed through the channel with constant E b/N o value of 20 dB. The BER value is obtained by varying the step-size from 0 to 1 in step of 0.01. Fig.3 to Fig.6 shows the BER of the channel 1 and 2 using Linear Equalizer for various algorithms.It is observed that for channel 1, the minimum BER in the order of the 10-2 can be obtained from the step-size 0.75 to 1 and 0.62 to 1 for the LMS and SLMS algorithm respectively. Similarly, for a Normalized LMS (NLMS) and Recursive Lease Square Linear Equalizer (RLS), the value ranges from 0.1 to 1 and 0.2 to 1 respectively.For channel 2, the optimal step-size for LMS and SLMS are less than 0.1 and lies between 0.4 and 0.85. For the NLMS and RLS, the step size values are less than 0.3 and 0.65.Fig.2. Equalizer Block Diagram in UACFig.3. BER versus step-size for channel 1 using linear equalizer of LMS and SLMS algorithmFig.4. BER versus step-size for channel 1 using linear equalizer of NLMS and RLS algorithmFrom figure 3 and 4, the minimum BER for channel 1 for different algorithm can be determined and listed in Table 1. In the same way, for channel 2 the minimum BER can be obtained from Figure 5 and 6. Referring the Table 1, the optimal step-size is determined by taking average of values and listed in Table 2. For example, the minimum BER for LMS algorithm can be attained when the step size ranges from 0.75 to 1. The mean value for LMS is 0.875 and it is considered as the optimum step size for the algorithm. In the same way the optimal step size for other algorithms are determined and listed in the table2.Table 1. Optimal Step-size using Decision Feedback EqualizerTable 2. Optimal Step-size using Linear EqualizerFig.5. BER versus step-size for channel 2 using linear equalizer of LMS and SLMS algorithmFig.6. BER versus step-size for channel 2 using linear equalizer of NLMS and RLS algorithmThe average step-size value using the linear equalizer for both the channel 1 and 2 is fixed and the BER is determined by varying the Eb/No value from 0 to 40 and it is shown in the Fig. 7 and 8.Fig.7. BER of UAC channel 1 using optimal step-size of linear equalizerFig.8. BER of UAC channel 2 using optimal step-size of linear equalizerSimilar to the linear equalizer of the channel, the optimal step-size for DFE is also determined. Fig. 9 to Fig. 12 shows the BER of the channel 1 and 2 using DFE with the constant E b / N o value of 20 dB. It shows the error rate of the channel 1 for step-size ranging from 0 to 1. The minimum BER in the order of the 10-2 can be obtained for the step-size 0.2 to 1 and 0.45 to 1 for the LMS and SLMS algorithm. For a Normalized LMS (NLMS) and Recursive Lease Square Linear Equalizer (RLS) the value ranges from 0.72 to 1 and 0.01 to 1. For the channel 2, the optimal step-size for LMS and SLMS ranges from 0.35 to 1 and from 0.65 to 1. For the NLMS and RLS any values range from 0.6 to 1 and from 0.45 to 1 respectively.The step-size range to obtain the minimum BER from the Fig.9 to 12 is consolidated and listed in Table 3. Using this table, the optimal step-size is determined by taking average of values and listed in Table 4. The average step-size value using DFE for both the channels is fixed and the BER is evaluated by varying the E b/N o value from 0 to 40 and it is shown in the Fig.13 and Fig.14.Table 3. Step-size range using Decision Feedback EqualizerTable 4. Optimal step-size using Decision Feedback EqualizerFig.9. BER versus step-size for channel 1 using DFE of LMS and SLMS algorithmFig.10. BER versus step-size for channel 1 using DFE of NLMS and RLS algorithmFig.11. BER versus step-size for channel 2 using DFE of LMS and SLMS algorithmFig.12. BER versus step-size for channel 2 using DFE of NLMS and RLS algorithmFig.13. BER of UAC channel 1 using optimal step-size of DFEFig.14. BER of UAC channel 2 using optimal step-size of DFE5. ConclusionsChoosing step size of an equalizer in the UAC was an challenge task for the researchers. In this article, an optimal step size of an equalizer is attained for both short and long distance underwater communication. The step size of an equalizer is varied from 0 to 1 with an increment of 0.01 and optimal value is attained for least BER. The optimal step-size for the linear and DFE equalizer was estimated and it lies between the value of 0.5 and 0.87 for the LMS, SLMS NLMS and RLS algorithm. Using this step-size, binary data is allowed to pass through the channel and its performance is analyzed in detail. The BER in the order of 10-2 is achieved using the optimal step-size for the UAC channel using both linear and DFE equalizer. It is evident from the result that the RLS algorithm gives better BER and waterfall curve than the LMS algorithm.The proposed method result is compared with the standard Decision Feedback Equalizer (DFE). Table 5 and 6 shows the comparison for the channel 1 (short distance) and 2 (long distance) communication. It is evident from the result that the proposed method gives the least BER for minimal Eb/No value. When compared with CP OFDM equalizer system, proposed system yields on par result. The finding of the article is that rather than designing the new error code techniques with complex receiver section like LDPC or CP OFDM, researchers can apply on the optimization technique in the existing methodology.Table 5. BER comparison of proposed Equalizer technique with other techniques (Channel 1)Table 6. BER comparison of proposed Equalizer technique with other techniques (Channel 2)References[1]Kai Tu, Dario Fertonani, Tolga M. Duman, Milica Stojanovic, John G. 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R. Krishnamoorthy; C. D. Suriyakala: “Comparative study of error control coding in underwater acoustic channel”, ThirdInternational Conference on Advances in Recent Technologies in Communication & Computing (ARTCom 2011), Sep 14 – 15, 2011, pages: 227 - 230.Authors’ ProfilesKrishnamoorthy Raghavan Narasu, born in 1982. Ph. D. candidate in Sathyabama Institute of Science andTechnology from India.His main research interests include error coding techniques in underwater communication and machine learning.Immanuel Rajkumar, born in 1977. M.E. and Assistanr professor in Sathyabama Institute of Science andTechnology from India. His main research interests include Internet of Things.Jerry Alexander, born in 1977. M.E. and Assistanr professor in Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technologyfrom India.. His main research interests include image processing.Marshiana Devaerakkam born in 1979. M.E. and Associate Professor in Sathyabama Institute of Science andTechnology from India. Her main research interests includes Process control, controller design and soft computingtechniquesHow to cite this paper: Krishnamoorthy Raghavan Narasu, Immanuel Rajkumar, Jerry Alexander, Marshiana Devaerakkam, "Impact of Equalizer step size in Underwater Acoustic Communication Channel", International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security(IJCNIS), Vol.13, No.1, pp.29-38, 2021. DOI: 10.5815/ijcnis.2021.01.03。




仿真结果表明,在天线模式下基于DFT码本的预编码简单实用,并且随着不同反馈比特数的增加,基于DFT 码本的预编码技术的系统性能随之增加。

关键词预编码DFT 码本选择1.引言随着现代移动通信中对吞吐量和频谱效率要求的不断提高,对于基于多天线的多输入多输出的MIMO技术的研究不断深入。




在多用户MIMO下行链路中,各个用户之间无法相互协作,不能利用上行链路的联合检测来恢复发射信号,因此预编码是多用户MIMO 下行链路获得复用增益和分集增益的关键。





频偏与高速移动场景中的协作OFDM 系统性能分析

频偏与高速移动场景中的协作OFDM 系统性能分析

频偏与高速移动场景中的协作OFDM 系统性能分析陈东华【摘要】Intercarrier Interference (ICI)caused by frequency offset and channel time variation and the resulting impac-tions on the receiver performance of the cooperative orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM)system are ana-lyzed theoretically,and the ICI distributions along with the system bit error rate are also obtained by numerical simula-tions.The simulation results show that:on one hand,the ICI under both frequency offset and channel time variation be-comes more severe,and accordingly causes the system performance degraded severely,and on the other hand,the ICI un-der both frequency offset and channel time variation decreases with the increasing of subcarrier intervals,which indicate that the low complexity ICI equalization is possible.%理论分析频偏与信道时变引起的子载波间干扰(ICI),以及其对协作正交频分复用(OFDM)系统接收性能的影响,并通过数值仿真得到 ICI 的分布及系统误码率。

衣服设计 英语作文

衣服设计 英语作文

衣服设计英语作文Title: The Art of Clothing Design。

Clothing design is a dynamic and multifaceted fieldthat combines creativity, functionality, and cultural significance. Whether it's haute couture or ready-to-wear fashion, designing clothes involves a careful balance of aesthetics and practicality. In this essay, we'll delveinto the intricacies of clothing design, exploring its process, principles, and impact on society.The Creative Process。

At the heart of clothing design lies the creative process, which typically begins with inspiration. Designers draw inspiration from various sources, including art, nature, history, and contemporary culture. This initial spark fuels the creation of mood boards, sketches, and fabric swatches, helping designers to conceptualize their ideas.Next comes the design development stage, where sketches are translated into three-dimensional garments through pattern-making and draping techniques. This phase requires meticulous attention to detail as designers work to achieve the desired silhouette, fit, and structure. Fabricselection plays a crucial role here, as different materials can drastically alter the look and feel of a garment.Once the prototype is created, it undergoes fittingsand adjustments to ensure that it meets the designer'svision and fits the intended wearer comfortably. This iterative process may involve multiple rounds of revisions before the final design is approved for production.Principles of Design。

unified standard for building structure design

unified standard for building structure design

unified standard for building structure design对于建筑结构设计,目前国际上存在多种设计标准,其中一些比较知名的标准包括:1.中国建筑结构设计规范(GB50010-2010):这是中国目前最新的建筑结构设计规范,涵盖了混凝土结构、钢结构、砌体结构和木结构等多种类型的结构设计。
















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Unified Design of Iterative Receivers Using FactorGraphsAndrew P.Worthen and Wayne E.Stark Abstract—Iterative algorithms are an attractive approach to approximating optimal,but high-complexity,joint chan-nel estimation and decoding receivers for communication systems.We present a unified approach based on factor graphs for deriving iterative message-passing receiver al-gorithms for channel estimation and decoding.For many common channels,it is easy tofind simple graphical models that lead directly to implementable algorithms.Canonical distributions provide a new,general framework for handling continuous variables.Example receiver designs for Rayleigh fading channels with block or Markov memory,and multi-path fading channels withfixed unknown coefficients illus-trate the effectiveness of our approach.Keywords—channel estimation;fading channels;iterative decoding;low-density parity check(LDPC)codesI.IntroductionFor many communication systems it is well-known that joint demodulation and decoding is required for optimum performance.Typically,this processing is too complex for practical implementation and some sort of serial process-ing is employed.Iterative algorithms which approximate optimal joint decoding for a variety of concatenated codes [1–3]are known to have excellent performance.This has led to an interest in iterative algorithms for approximat-ing joint channel estimation,demodulation,and decod-ing,which we call iterative receivers.The usual paradigm for these designs is the interconnection of soft-input,soft-output(SISO)modules[4].Graphical models for codes[5–7]lead to iterative algo-rithms for decoding,including the turbo decoding algo-rithm[8].Factor graphs[9–12],so named because they graphically represent function factorizations,are general-izations of Wiberg’s work[6]that lead to particularly clean derivations of iterative algorithms.The sum-product al-gorithm computes the marginals of the function that the graph represents using message passing on the graph.If the graph is cycle-free,the results are exact;however,empirical results show that the algorithm yields excellent decoding decisions even when the graph contains cycles.The possi-bility of building graphical models for joint decoding and demodulation has been suggested without elaboration in [5,6,13],and we have studied a simple system using a low-density parity check(LDPC)code on the block interference channel in[14].Our goal in this paper is to present a unified approach to designing iterative receivers using factor graphs.Factor The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Michigan,Ann Arbor,MI, USA.e-mail:{worthena,stark}@.This research was supported by the Department of Defense Research&Engineering (DDR&E)Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative(MURI) on“Low-Energy Electronics Design for Mobile Platforms”and man-aged by the Army Research Office(ARO)under grant DAAH04-96-1-0377.A.Worthen was supported by a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship.graph-based descriptions of iterative receivers turn out to be extremely compact and intuitively attractive.Most ex-isting iterative receivers,including the internal algorithms of SISO modules,are easily derived in the factor graph framework.Because the factor graph theory completely defines the message update equations,maintaining soft in-formation throughout the algorithm and properly treating extrinsic information are handled automatically.Theflexi-bility of our approach,including our canonical distributions framework for handling continuous variables,makes it easy to derive alternative receivers of varying complexity and performance.In Section II,we describe our notation and very briefly summarize the theory of factor graphs follow-ing[10].The design approach is outlined in Section III.In Section IV,we present several simple design examples il-lustrating the approach and demonstrating its convenience andflexibility.Section V summarizes our conclusions.II.Notation and Preliminaries Consider a multiplicative factorization of a global func-tiong(x1,x2,...,x n)=jf j(x Qj)(1)where x Qjare sets of elements from{x1,x2,...,x n}.The factor graph corresponding to the factorization consists of a variable node for each variable x i,a factor node for each function f j,and edges connecting each factor node to the variable nodes associated with its arguments.Thus,the factor graph is a bipartite graph where edges only connect variable nodes to factor nodes.In drawing factor graphs, we typically usefilled circles for factor nodes and open circles for variable nodes.Let uppercase letters specify nodes in the factor graph and use lowercase letters for their associated variables.The indicator function I{statement}is1if the statement is true and0otherwise.Messages are functions passed on the edges of the graph.Denote the message from node X to node Y byµX→Y(·)and note that,since either X or Y is a variable node,it is unambiguous to say thatµX→Y(·)is a function of its associated variable(either X or Y).The sum-product algorithm approximates the marginals ˆg(x k)of the global function with respect to all variables x k,k=1,2,...,n,whereˆg(x k)=x j:j=kg(x1,x2,...,x n).(2)The algorithm is described as message passing on the factor graph and proceeds as follows.All the messages are initial-ized to the constant function1.Then,the messages leav-ing each node are updated according to a schedule which specifies the sequence in which the nodes are to be pro-cessed.General formulas for computing the new outgoing messages in terms of the incoming messages as well as some recursions for efficiently computing the updates are given in[9,10].If the factor graph isfinite and has no cycles,then there exists a schedule that computes the exact marginalsin afinite number of node updates,and such a schedule is usually easy tofind.III.Design of Iterative Receivers Consider a typical communication system where the mes-sage to be transmitted s=q(s,corrupted by the chan-nel,is then processed by the receiver to produce an es-timate of the transmitted messageˆsthat evolves randomly with time.The channel is described by a conditional density for the channel output given the current channel state,the current input,and,for inter-symbol interference(ISI)channels,several past in-puts.Extensions to multiple-access channels;multi-input, multi-output channels;and recording channels are also pos-sible.The optimal receiver for this model,with respect to bit error probability isˆs i arg maxs i p(s i|y:s i=ξu,u).(3)Because of the systematic encoding assumption,the s i vari-ables are equal to a subset of the x i’s,so optimal decod-ing of the x i’s yields the optimal s i’s as well.Supposing that the messages s:x i=ξu|x)p(u∈},(4)but this is usually too complex to implement directly. Our approach is to factor the objective function p(y,u)I{x∈}are known[11].Our assumptions about the chan-nel structure imply that the channel transition density p(y,u|x)=N−1i=L+1p(y i|u,x i, (x0)(5)where L is the length of the ually,a natural fac-torization of the channel state density p(u∈}and updating C should be taken as performing a single update iteration for the decoder.Any interleaving between the code and the channel can also be absorbed into the code definition.We assume binary phase shift keying (BPSK)signaling with the mapping{0,1}⇒{+1,−1}.A.Block Fading ChannelThe coherent block fading channel[16],a popular model for frequency-hopping and time-division multiple accessWORTHEN AND STARK:UNIFIED DESIGN OF ITERATIVE RECEIVERS 3X N-1T N-1Fig.1.Factor graph for block fading channel with m =3.CI {x m);Πkp(u k ).(TDMA)systems,divides the transmitted codeword into hops of length m symbols.The fading level within each hop is assumed to be constant and the fading levels are inde-pendent Rayleigh random variables.The received value is further corrupted by additive white Gaussian noise.Thus,if the fading level in the k th hop is u k ,the received values are y i =u i|x )p(u ∈}=I {xm)·Nm)is a Gaussian density with mean u iis included in the func-tions for the T nodes.We elect to update the nodes in the following order:T ,U ,T ,X ,C ,X ;and repeat until a stopping criterion,such as the current decisions forming a codeword,is satisfied.We discretize the channel state messages µT i →U k (u k )with a canonical distribution corre-sponding to a weighted sum of impulsesµT i →U k (u k )=6 l =1a l δ(u k −ˆu l )(7)where ˆu l are -12,-9,-6,-3,0,and 3dB respectively andthe coefficients are found by sampling the message func-tion derived from the update equations for T i .We use the usual variable update equation for the U nodes assuming δ(x )δ(y )=0if x =y and δ(x )δ(y )=δ(x )if x =y ,so the outgoing messages µU k →T j (u k )are also of the form in (7).Because the channel state only affects the reliability of the bit estimate and because the channel state estimate is not very sensitive to the bit likelihoods,the error introduced by this simple quantization does not seem to degrade the performance very much.Kang and Stark [17]derive a similar receiver for a finite-state block interference channel,where the noise variance instead of the fading level depends on the channel state.They divide the channel state estimation into separate components for the two component codes,but the over-Fig.2.Performance of (1024,512)rate 1/2LDPC code on blockfading channel as a function of the hop length.channel state information,×channel estimation,◦no channel estimation.all effect is the same as the receiver above with an alter-nate update schedule that captures the separate state ing a regular LDPC code instead of a turbocode,we found results,shown in Fig.2,similar to [17].As the memory increases,the performance gap between the channel estimation iterative receiver and an iterative de-coder using perfect knowledge of the channel state narrows.However,for fixed codeword length the reduced number of hops per codeword increases the SNR required for a given bit error rate.Operating closer to capacity seems to make channel memory more valuable,forcing the optimal hop length to be strictly greater than one [18].B.Rayleigh Fading ChannelThe frequency-flat,time-selective,Rayleigh fading chan-nel,which has been modeled by first-order and second-order Markov models [19,20],is particularly important for wireless communication systems.Coherent models with finite-states have been treated in [21–23].In the non-coherent case,pilot symbol-assisted modulation (PSAM)or differentially-encoded phase-shift keying (DPSK)mod-ulation is often used for robustness against the phase un-certainty.The non-coherent Rayleigh channel and its close relatives have been extensively studied in the iterative de-tection literature [24–30].We consider a discrete-time first-order model where the continuous-valued channel state u k represents the zero-mean complex Gaussian fading level and the fading pro-cess is stationary and Markov with conditionally Gaus-sian transition pdf p(u k |u k −1).The channel output y i =u i (−1)x i +n i is conditionally Gaussian.In order to help re-solve the phase ambiguity,we insert L known pilot symbols at regular intervals within the codeword x C ∈is the part corresponding to the error-control code andxr r s n s h il symb ls hi h ar all Th4IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY,VOL.XX,NO.Y,MONTH2001U......U U UP CU......U U UCa)b)Fig.3.Factor graphs for non-coherent Rayleigh channel.a)PSAM with pilots every third symbol,b)DPSK.C I{x P=0 |x)p(u∈ }=I{x P=0according to x i+1=x i+x i mod2withx 0=0and transmit x)indicatesthe differential encoding of x|x)p(u∈}·I{x)}=I{xWORTHEN AND STARK:UNIFIED DESIGN OF ITERATIVE RECEIVERS5......U UΠΠΠΠ......U Ua)b)Fig.4.Alternate factor graphs for channel portion.a)amplitude-phase:Πk p(uα,k,uθ,k|uα,k−1,uθ,k−1);T i p(y i|x i,uα,i,uθ,i);b) real-imaginary:ΠI,k p(u I,k|u I,k−1);ΠQ,k p(u Q,k|u Q,k−1);T i p(y i|x i,u I,i,u Q,i).TX...C...a)b)C......c)Fig. 5.Factor graphs for the multi-path fading channel.a)direct,b)modulation state,c)reduced state.C I{x ,x i,x i−1,...,x i−L)or p(y i|u,x i,h i,x i−J,...,x i−L);Πp(uare known[36–38].However,be-cause the wireless channel is time-varying,we often cannotassume that a perfect estimate of the channel response isavailable.We consider the case where the coefficients arezero-mean,independent,complex Gaussian random vari-ables that are constant for the duration of the codeword,but change between ing(5)and our assump-tions about the channel structure,we can factor the likeli-hood function asp(y,u)I{x∈}·N−1i=0p(y i|u|x)p(u∈}=I{x,x i,h i)I{h i+1=[x i,˜h i]}·Lk=0p(u k)(15)where˜h i is the vector containing thefirst L−1elements ofh i.When we consider p(y i|u6IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY,VOL.XX,NO.Y,MONTH2001...C...Fig.6.Factor graph for multi-path fading channel using outputestimates.C I{x);Λ0I{h0all zero}.hybrid,reduced state approach,reminiscent of decision-feedback sequence estimation[39],has the factor graphshown in Fig.5c.The actual distribution for the messagesµTi→U turns outto be a Gaussian mixture with2L+1terms corresponding to the2L+1possible values for[x i,h i].We might consider canonical distributions similar to those used in the previous section.However,even if the complete distribution is used with the structure in(15),there is still a two-fold phase ambiguity in each coefficient due to the unknown data.By comparison,a joint equalizer and channel estimator can use the shift properties of the data sequence to determine the channel u,we can reduce the ambiguity to a single common phase factor.In our approach,this leads to the factorization shown in Fig.6,p(y,v∈}=I{x,x i,h i)I{h i+1=[x i,˜h i]}(16) where each element of v, and note that,for given x i and h i,p(y i|v.From the factor graph update equations and a little algebra,wefind thatµVk→T i (v k)=N−1l=0l=i[p(y l|v k,x l(k),h l(k))P l,k+1](17)whereP l,k=1l=iP l,k(18)which matches the form of the Baum-Welch algorithm-based channel estimator in[41]except that we do not useinformation from stage i in the estimate of v k for stage i.This could be implemented by having each node T l passP l,k and y l in its message to node V k which could thencompute theˆv k,i for its outgoing messages.Clearly,othercanonical distributions forµVk→T iare possible and mightachieve better performance.It is also possible to furtherconstrain the vWORTHEN AND STARK:UNIFIED DESIGN OF ITERATIVE RECEIVERS7the International Communications Conference,May1993,pp.1064–1070.[2]S.Benedetto, D.Divsalar,G.Montorsi,and F.Pollara,“Se-rial concatenation of interleaved codes:Performance analysis, design,and iterative decoding,”Telecommunications and Data Acquisition Progress Report,vol.42-126,Aug.1996.[3]R.G.Gallager,“Low-density parity-check codes,”IRE Trans-actions 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