英语教学法10.Teaching Grammar




《英语教学法》模拟试题(附答案)一、填空题(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)1.??????? Among the four skills, foreign language learners often complain that l? ?is the most difficult toacquire.2.??????? We are teaching our students English not only to help them pass exams, but also to prepare themto u? ?English in real life.3.??????? In the traditional classroom, very often, too much attention has been paid to linguistic k? , withlittle or no attention paid to practising language skills.4.??????? In the process approach to writing, the teacher provides guidance to the students through thewriting process, and gradually withdraws the guidance so that the students finally become i? ?writers.5.??????? If a teacher first asks the students to read a poster, then to have a discussion about the poster,and then to make a poster of their own, we can say that this teacher is integrating reading, speaking and w? ?skills together.6.??????? One of the general views on language is that language is a s__ of symbols.7.??????? In tr? ?pedagogy, listening and speaking were treated as skills different from what takes place inreality.8.??????? Introduction to phonetic rules should be avoided at the b? ?stage of teaching pronunciation.9.??????? In meaningful practice the focus is on the production, comprehension or exchange of m? .10.??? People have d? ?understanding of how a vocabulary item can be learned and consolidate.二、配对题(共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)A 组:B 组:三、单项选择题(共15小题,共50分)21.In teaching reading, if the teacher teaches the background knowledge first so that the students canbe equipped with such knowledge and will be able to guess meaning from the printed page, we believe that this teacher is following ___ in his teaching.???? A. the top-down model?????????????? B. the bottom-up model????????? C. the interactive model?????????????? D. all of the above22.In English teaching classrooms very often writing is see n as “writing as language learning”, and itis believed to be ___.???? A. writing for communication?????? B. writing for real needs????????? C. pseudo writing??????????????????????? D. authentic writing23.To ___, it is advocated that we adopt a communicative approach to writing.???? A. motivate students????????????????????????????????? B. demotivate students???? C. free students from too much work? D. keep students buzy24.Which of the following is NOT among the features of process writing?A. Help students to understand their own composing process.B. Let students discover what they want to say as they write.C. Encourage feedback both from both teacher and peers.D. Emphasize the form rather than the content.25.According to Willis the conditions for language learning are exposure to a rich but comprehensiblelanguage put, use of the language to do things, ___ to process and use the exposure, and instruction in language.???? A. chances???????????? B. context ??? C. motivation D. knowledge26.There are many situations in which we use more than one language skill, so it is valuable to integratethe four skills, to ___.A. enhance the students’ communicative competence???????B. combine pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar??C. use body language and picturesD. use mechanical practice and meaningful practice.27.Integration of the four skills is concerned with realistic communication, the implication of which isthat we must teach English at the discourse level, that we must ___, and that we must adjust the timetable.A. combine pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar??B. use mechanical practice and meaningful practice???C. use body language and picturesD. adjust the textbook contents28.All people involved in education, i.e. ___, teachers, parents, and students have some reasons toconsider assessment necessary.???? A. friends??????? B. businessmen?? C. administrators????????????? D. politician29.As far as school assessment is concerned, we have teacher’s assessment, continuous assessment,___, and portfolios.???? A. students’ self-assessment? B. relative’s?? assessment ????? C. informal assessment??????????????? D. formal assessment30.Because no textbooks are written for any particular class, it is ___ for teachers to adapt materials. ???? A. unnecessary????????????? B. necessary???????? C. easy ??????? D. of no use31.Views on language and ____ both influence theories on how language should be taught.A. views on language learning ?????????B. views on culture learning?????? C. values of life ????????????????????????????????????? D. styles of life32.??? According to Wang Qiang, the way a language teacher learned a language will influence the way he____ to some extent.A. learns a language ????????????????B. learns his mother tongueC. teaches a language ?????????????D. obtains linguistic knowledge33.??? One of the disadvantages of traditional pedagogy is ___.A. it focuses on form rather than on functionsB. language is used to perform certain communicative functionsC. learners are not able to make sentencesD. learners are not able to do translation34.??? One of the disadvantages of traditional pedagogy is ___.A. the learners are able to use all skills, including the receptive skills and the productive skillsB. the learners are not able to use the language in an integrated wayC. the learners are not able to writeD. the learners perform well in class, but they cannot read out of class35.??? According to Wang Qiang, to answer the question “Can the students achieve the goal ofacquiring native-like pronunciation?” we must take into consideration three things: ___.A. ethic devotion, professional qualities, and personal styleB. letters, phonetic transcripts, and soundsC. teacher f actors, learner factors, and school factorsD. learner age, amount of exposure, and differences of individual ability四、教案设计(20分)Suppose you are going to teach the following lesson to Grade One students of a junior middle school, design a lesson plan for your teaching.Total Length: 300-500 words.A photo copy of the lesson in the textbook:New words & phrases:cost, cheap, need, oh, paint brush, pay;?????? comes to, plus/minus/times/divided by3 yuan 45 for oneUseful sentences:???????? Can I help/What would you like????????? I’d like …/Can I have …????????? How much is it/are they????????? They are cheap/It is cheap.???????? They cost…/it costs …???????? So, that comes to…要求:必须用英语写作。



简答题1.What are the qualities of a good language teacher?a. non-intellectual qualitiesPsychological qualities are essential factors. strong will-power(顽强的意志品质)good motivation(明确的动机)good motivation(明确的动机)perseverance (持之以恒的精神)out-going characteristics(外向的性格)b. Intellectual qualitiesLanguage learning abilitySelf-study abilityFour language skills abilityApplication of CAIc. Application of CAI( computer-assisted instruction)d. Teaching practice qualitiese. self-assessment qualities2.What are the difference between linguistic competence andcommunicative competence? What is communicative competence?1)2)It covers a variety of development in syllabus design and in themethodology of foreign language teaching and includes bothknowledge about how to use the language appropriately incommunicative situation.3. What is deductive method of teaching grammar? What is inductive method of teaching grammar?1)Deductive method: it refers on reasoning, analysing and comparison.First ,the teacher write an example on board or draws attention to anexample in the textbook. Then the teacher explains the underlyingrules regarding the forms and positions of certain structural word.2)Inductive method: in the inductive method ,the teacher provideslearners with authentic language data and induces the learners torealise grammar rules without any form of explicit explanation. It isbelieved that the rules will become evident if the students are givenenough appropriate examples.3.What are the principles for good lesson planning?1)Variety:Planning a number of different types of activities and where possible introducing students to a wide selection of materials so that learning isalways interesting, motivating and never monotonous for the students. 2)Flexibility:Planning to use a number of different methods and techniques rather than being a slave to one methodology. This will make teaching and learning more effective and more efficient.3)Linkage:The stages and the steps within each stage are planned in such a way that they are somehow linked with one another. Language learning needs recycling and reinforcement.4)Learnability:The contents and tasks planned for the lesson should be within the learning capability of the students. Of course, things should not be too easy either. Doing things that are beyond or below the students’coping ability will diminish their motivation.4.What are the difference between macro planning and micro planning?Ideally, lesson planning should be done ay two levels: macro planning and micro planning. The former is planning over time, for instance, the planning for a month,a term, or the whole course. The latter is planning for a specific lesson, which usually lasts 40 or 50 minutes. Of course, there is no clear cut difference between these two types of planning. Micro planning should be based on macro planning, and macro planning is apt to be modified as lessons go on.5.What are the components of a lesson plan?1)Teaching aims:The first thing to do in lesson planning is to decide theaims of a lesson, which include what language components to present, what communicative skills to practise, what activities to conduct and what materials and teaching aids to be used.2)Language contents and skills:language contents: structures (grammar),vocabulary,functions,topics and so on. Language skills: communicative skills involved in listening, speaking reading and writing3)Teaching stages and procedures:Teaching stages are the major stepsthat language teachers go through in the classroom.Procedures are the detailed steps in each teaching stage.The most popular language teaching stages are the three P’s model, which include presentation, practice and production.6.What are the aspects of pronunciation?Pronunciation is an umbrella term covering mang aspects besides sound and phonetic symbols, such as stress, intonation, and rhythm.7.What are the principles for teaching listening?1 Focus on process2 Combine listening with other skills3 Focus on the comprehension of meaning4 Grade difficulty level appropriately8.What are the purposes for pre-listening, while-listening and post-listening activities?1)Pre-listening:To spark interest and motivate students to attend to thespoken message,To activate or build students' prior topical and linguistic knowledge,To set purposes for listening.2)While-Listening: To foster students' comprehension of the speaker'slanguage and ideas, To focus students' attention on such things as the speaker's organizational patterns, To encourage students' critical reactions and personal responses to the speaker's ideas and use of language.3)Post-listening: To examine relationships between prior knowledgeand experience, and new ideas and information gained from the speaker or discussion ,To invite and encourage student reflection and response,To clarify and extend comprehension beyond the literal level to the interpretive and critical levels.9.Can you name some types of speaking activities?1 Controlled activities: it mainly focuses on form and accuracy.2 Semi-controlled activities: it focuses on more on meaning and communication.3 Communicative activities: it allows for real information exchange.10.What is the bottom-up model of teaching reading?11.What is the top-down model of teaching reading?12.What are the purposes of pre-reading activities?To interest and motivate studentsTo activate students’ prior knowledge13.What is the process approach to writing?14.What is the interrelationship between listening and speaking? What isthe interrelationship between reading and writing?15.Why should we integrate the four skills? What is skills integration?a.Skills integration generally refers to linking two or more of thetraditional four skills of language learning: reading, writing, listening, and speaking.There are many situations in which we use more than one language skill .b.An integrating approach for the development of communicative skillsin the classroom, in which the four skills in the acquisition of knowledge of a foreign language can be taught in a coherent way, and practiced together.16.What are the conditions for language learning according to JaneWillis’ Framework for Task-Based Leaning? What are the essential conditions and what is the desirable condition?a.Essential and desirableb.Essential: 1.Exposure to a rich but comprehensible input of realspoken and written language in use e of the language to do things 3 Motivation to listen to and read the language and to speak and write itC . Desirable: instruction in language (i.e. chances to focus on form)17.What are the means to integrate the four skills in teaching?1 Simple integration2 Complex integration18.What are the methods of assessment?Positive assessment;neglect assessment;teacher’s assessment;continuous assessment;Ss’self-assessment;portfolios (个人成长档案)19.What are the criteria for assessment?1.Criterion-referenced assessment2.Norm-referenced assessment3.Individual-referenced assessment20.What are the features of good textbooks?21.What are the methods of adapting textbooks? What are the 8 optionsin adapting textbooks?。

(完整版)《英语教学法》Unit_10_Teaching Speaking

(完整版)《英语教学法》Unit_10_Teaching Speaking
Common features of spoken language (Bygate, 1987)
Using less complex syntax; Taking short cuts, e.g. incomplete
sentences; Using fixed conventional
Fluency Authentic Speaking Materials
Aspects of teaching speaking (王笃 勤, 2002:118-119)
1. Pronunciation Syllable, stress, liaison, aspiration, lenition, semantic chunks, pause, intonation, etc.
learning environment to provide sufficient language input and practice for the Ss
Principles of Teaching Speaking
Communication-oriented Goal-oriented Consideration of Both Accuracy and
2. Grammar and vocabulary 3. Communicative functions
“greetings”, “apologies”, “complaints”, “invitations”, “asking information”, “thanks”, etc.
Aspects of teaching speaking (王笃 勤, 2002:118-119)



englishteaching英语教学法教程期末考试必考的知识点Teaching grammarGrammar teaching depends on certain variables(learner and instructional ) in the language teaching/learning contextGrammar presentation methods-deductive method: relies on reasoning, analyzing and comparing teaching procedure:teacher’s example on the board,teacher’s explanation of the rules (in student’s native language),student’s practice application of the :good for selected and motivate students;save time to explain complex rules;increase students’ confidence in :grammar is taught iso latedly;little attention is paid to meaning;the practice is often mechanical-inductive method:teaching procedure;authentic language presentation(give grammar examples);let studentsobserve,analyse,compare examples;help students induct grammarrules,Advant ages:inspire students’ thinking activities;motivate students’ learning interests;grammar is taught in :the presen tation of grammar is more complex and time consumption;grammar is not taught directly;some rules can not be induced easily-guided discovery method: Similar to the inductive method:the students are induced to discover rules by themselves (similar);the process of the discovery is carefully guided and assisted by the teacher and the rules are then elicited and taught explicitly.(different)Implicit and explicit knowledge:Implicit knowledge refers to knowledge that unconsciously exists in our mind, which we can make use of automatically without making any effort;Explicit knowledge refers to our conscious knowledge about the language. We can talk about it, analyse it and apply it in conscious and acquiring (second language acquisitiontheory)The synthesis approaches to grammatical pedagogy:Collocational: grammar should be built on collocational relations between individual lexical items and their subcategories.Constructive: one’s knowledge of grammar is built bit by bit, which closely model the way language is learned and used.Contextual: Elements and structures are taught in relation to their context. Syntactic and lexical choices are explicitly related to pragmatic ones, and to social and cultural contexts.Contrastive: gra mmar involves drawing the learner’s attention to contrast the differences between the target language and other language. Grammar practice:Pre-learning;Volume and repetition: .Teacherpractice:activities that are aimed at form doing mechanical practice,students pay repeated attention to a key element in a of practice:Substitution and transformation drills2. Meaningful practice the focus is on the production, comprehension or exchange of meaning though the students “keep an eye on” the way ne wly learned structures are used in the process.prompts for practice:The prompts can be pictures, mimes, tables, charts or key words, etc.A good presentation should include both oral and written and form and meaning Visual materials can aid comprehensionIt’s the teacher’s involvement and his or her ability to personalise teaching and make activities engaging that often promotes successful learning.Teaching vocabularyThe first question need to know is what does knowing a word involve.A word:knowing its pronunciation and stress; spelling and grammatical properties; meaning; how and when to use it to express the intended meaning(freestanding and bound morphine)Vocabulary learning involves ate least two aspects of meaning: the understanding of its denotative and connotative meaning; and understanding the sense relations among wordsDenotative meaning of a word or a lexical item refers to those words that we use to label things as regards real objectsConnotative meaning of a word refers to ‘the attitudes or emotions of a language user in choosing a word and the influence of these on the listener or reader’s interpretation of the word. This words that may express a positive or negative attitude or subtle feelings toward something. Collocations refers to words that co-occur with high frequency and have been accepted as ways for the use of words. It is believed that teaching word collocations is a more effective way than just teaching one single word at a time. Synonyms refer to items that mean the same, or nearly the refer to items that mean the opposite of a word. Hyponyms refer to words which can be grouped together under the same superordinate concept Receptive and Productive vocabularyPassive vocabulary: the words they vocabulary: the words they use So the job for the teacher is to guide the students to those words which will help them to add to their active vocabularies, and to distinguish those words from the much larger number of passive items. At the beginning of language learning, all the words which are taught must be acquired for active use, later, at intermediate and advanced levels, most of the words students meet will only be needed for passive use. Ways of consolidating vocabulary:labelling,spot thedifference,descibe and draw,play a game,use word series,word bingo,word association,find a synonyms and antonym,categories,using wordnet-work,using the Internet resources for some ideasDeveloping vocabulary building strategies:review regularly,guessmeaning from context, Organize vocabulary effectively,using a dictionary,manage strategy useTeaching listeningListening problems:lack of teaching materials,both with print materials and audio or video tapes,lack of equipment in some schools;lack of real-life situations:lack of professional qualified instructors A number of people have frequently made the point that of the total time an individual is engaged in communication: approximately 9% is devoted to writing, 16% to reading, 30% to speaking,45% to listeningListening and reading are receptive skills, but listening can be more difficult than reading.Different speakers produce the same sounds in different waysThe listener has little or no control over the speed of the input of spoken material;Spoken material is often heard only once and in most cases,we cannot go back and listen again as we can when we read;The listener cannot pause to work out the meaning of the heard material as can be done when reading;Speech is more likely to be distorted by the media which transmit sounds or background noise that can make it difficult to hear clearly; The listener sometimes has to deal simultaneously with another task while listening, such as formal note-taking, writing down directions or messages from telephone calls, or operating while listening to instructions. Characteristics of the listening process,formal or informalrehearsed or non-rehearsedcan the listener interact with the speaker or notListening characteristics:Spontaneity,Co ntext,visualclues,listener’s response,speaker’s adjustmentListening purpose:for social reasons,to obtain and exchangeinformationPrinciples and models of teaching listeningFocus on process:(they have to hear what is being said,they have to pay attention and construct a meaningful message in their mind by relating what they hear to what they already know;it’s also possible to hear people talkingwithout paying attention;we also know that if we don’t have enough previous knowledge of what is being said,it’s more difficult to make sense of what is said)Combine listening with other skills;Focus on the comprehension of meaning;Grade difficulty level appropriatelyDesigning listening activity:give a clear purpose, a specific task,an appropriate context for doing themBottom-up model:Listening comprehension is believed to start with sound and meaning other words,‘we use information in the speech itself to try to comprehend the meaning’Listeners construct meaning of what they hear based on the sound they hear.Top-down model:listening for gist and making use of the contextual clues and background knowledge to construct meaning are otherwords,listening comprehension involves ‘knowle dge that a listener brings to a text,sometimes called ‘inside the head’ information,as opposed to the information that is available within the text itself’ In such a case,listeners can understand better if they know something about the speaker,the setting,the topic and the purpose of the knowledge or schematic knowledge—mental frameworks for various things and experience we hold in our long-term memoryPre-listening activities:aim to motivate students,to activate their prior knowledge,and to teach key words or key sentences to the students before listening begins predicting,setting the scene,listening for thegist and specific informationWhile-listening:no specific responses,listen and tick,listen and sequence,listen and act,listen and draw,listen and fill,listen and take notesPost-listening:multiple-choice questions,answeringquestions,note-taking and gap-filling ,dictogloss(preparation dictation reconstruction analysis and correction)Integrate listening with the practice of other language skills,role play,debate,discussion,writing back Teaching speakingSpeech characteristic:spontaneous,full of false starts repetitions incomplete sentences short phrases time-constraintspoken languages features:Using less complex syntax;Taking short cuts,(incomplete sentences);Using fixed conventional phrases/ chunks. Using devices such as fillers, hesitation device to give time to think before speaking.Both learners and teachers need to learn to acceptrepetitions,rephrase,hesitations,incomplete sentences,fillers or doesn’t mean we don’t encourage fluent training students’speaking skills,feat ures of natural speech should be doesn’t only have implication for teaching speaking but also for assessing students to speak up is the first and most important taskPrinciples:Balancing accuracy-based with fluency-based practices, Contextualising practice, Personalising practice, Building up confidence, Maximising meaningful interactions, Helping students develop speaking strategies Designing speaking tasks:meaningful motivationlinguistically appropriate cognitively challengeMaximum foreign talk even participation high motivation right language levelPre-communicative activities :structural,quasi-communicativeCommunicative activities :Functional communicative and Social interactionRole-play :perform in different moods,change different role relationship,actual word can be varied,make the dialogue longerLearners should be helped move from form to using what is learned in meaningful communication The problem is not having nothing to say but lacking the opportunity to say itTeaching readingReading aloud and silent reading:Reading aloud cannot replace silent reading as it involves only the skills of pronunciation and reading ability re-quires the reading skills of skimming, scanning, predicting Effective reading:clear purpose in reading; read silently; read phrase by phrase,rather than word by word; concentrate on the important bits,skim the rest,and skip the insignificant parts; use different speeds and strategies for different reading tasks; perceive the information in the target language rather than mentally translate; guess the meaning of new words from the context,or ignore them; use background information to help understand the text.Reading comprehension means extracting the relevant information from the text as efficiently as possible,connecting the information from written message with one’s own knowledge to arrive at an understanding (construction of meaning from printed or written message)Two broad levels in reading:1) a recognition task of perceiving visual signals from the printed page through the eyes;2) a cognitive task of interpreting the visual information,relating the receive info rmation with reader’s own knowledgeVocabulary role:efficient reading begins with a lightening-like automatic recognition of initial process of acc urate,rapid and automatic recognition of vocabulary frees one’s mind to use otherresources(reasoning abilities,,knowledge about topic)to construct meaningSight vocabulary:you can recognise with both sounds and meanings without special effort from your brainFluent reading depends on an adequate sight vocabulary,a general knowledge about the target language, some knowledge about the topic, wide knowledge about the world and enough knowledge about text types. Teaching model:bottom-up model top-down model interactive modelPre-reading:pooling existing knowledge about the topic;predicting the contents of the text,skimming and scanning the text or parts of the text for certain purpose;learning key words and structures(predicting setting the scene skimming scanning)While reading: Information presented in plain text form is not facilitative for information retention The way to transfer information from one form to another is called a transition device Reading comprehension questionsQuestions for literal and explicitly available in the answered in the words of the text itself. Questions involving reorganization or literal information from various parts and put it to-gether or reinterpret Questions for inferences. This type of questions require students to consider what is implied but not explicitly stated.Questions for evaluation or sophisticated ques-tions which involve making a judgment about the text in terms of what the writer is trying to convey.Questions for personal response. The answers to thes e questions depend most on the reader’s reaction to the content of the te xt.Post-reading:discussion questions,reproducing the text,role play,gap-filling,discussion,retelling,writingThe teaching of reading should focus on developing students’readingskill s and strategies and on maintaining students’motivation for readingTeaching writingWriting purpose:get things done and to form;maintain social relationships;give a voice for shy students;less threatening for anxious students as it gives them to think about their meaning and purpose;raise awareness of how language worksA communicative approach to writing:Writing for learning” and “writing for communication”Sense of authenticity and audience motivation for writing purpose for writing proper procedures for writing Problems in writing tasks:They are mainly are designed to practise a certain target is insufficient preparation before the writing is no sense of audience and are given ideas to express rather than being invited to inventtheir is no opportunity for creative writing, particular for expressing unusual or original of them are test-oriented.The important point is that they are given the freedom to write about themselves rather than to write what they are told to write and therefore what they write should be more meaningful and communicativeA process approach to writing: creating a motivation to write, brainstorming, mapping, freewriting, outlining, drafting, editing, revising, proofreading and conferencing.Motivating students to the topic of writing as close as possible to students’ students enough room for creativity and imagination. prepare students well before writing. encourage collaborative group writing as well as individual writing. provide opportunities for students to share their writings. provide constructive and positive feedback.treat students’ errors strategically. give students a sense of achievement from time to time. We have emphasized that the teaching ofwriting should focus on the process rather than the product, and that all the writing tasks should have communicative purposesSummative assessment is mainly based on testing,it’s done mostly at the end of a learning period or a school yearFormative assessment is based on information collected in the classroom during the teaching process for the purpose of improving teaching and learningTeacher’s observations continuous assessment student’sself-assessment project work portfolios。



Presentation知 Practice练 Production用
Understanding Accuracy Use and Fluency
The teacher introduces new language in particular communicative situations, focusing on its meaning, form and on its function.The emphasis at this stage is on meaning and form.
Hinkel and Fotos, 2002)
Most research has agreed that there is a positive role of instruction for grammar learning.
Grammar teaching “can enhance learner proficiency and accuracy and facilitate the internalization of its syntactic system.
Aims of the unit:
1.The role of grammar in ELT 2.Grammar presentation methods 3.Grammar practice
The role of grammar in ELT
The value of grammar in foreign language teaching has been a focus of debate for decades, and no conclusion is in sight.

Teaching Grammar

Teaching Grammar

pre-learning; volume and repetition; success-orientation; heterogeneity; teacher assistance; interest
Two categories of grammar practice
1. Mechanical practice Mechanical practice involves activities that are aimed at form accuracy. By doing mechanical practice, the students pay repeated attention to a key element in a structure. substitution drill transformation drill
What aspects of grammar should we teach?
1. Form 2. Meaning 3. Use 傅, 2014: 111-115
• 傅瑞屏,英语课程与教学论[M]. 广州:广东 高等教育出版社, 2014. • 王蔷,英语教学法教程[M].北京:高等教育 出版社,2006
3. Ways of practicing grammar
What is practice? According to Ur (1988:11), practice may be defined as any kind of engaging with the language on the part of learner, usually under the teacher supervision, whose primary objective is to consolidate learning. Ur predicts that the following factors contribute to successful practice:



1. Situational Teaching Metho d - 情景教学法
2. Play Method - 游戏教学法
3. Direct Method - 直接法
4. Happy Teaching - 快乐教学法
5. Translating Method - 翻译法
6. Expository Method - 讲授法
7. Grammar-Translatio n Method - 语法翻译法
8. Audio-Lingual Met hod - 听说教学法
9. Communicative Language Teaching - 交际语言教学法
10. Task-Based Language Teaching - 任务型语言教学法






第7章语法教学7.1 复习笔记本章要点:1. The role of grammar in language learning语法在语言教学中的角色2. Grammar presentation: the deductive method; the inductive method; the guided discovery method 演示法:演绎法,归纳法和引导发现法3. Distinction between implicit and explicit knowledge隐性知识与显性知识的差异4. New approaches to teaching grammar新的语法教学5. Grammar practice: Mechanical practice; Meaningful practice; Using prompts for practice语法练习:机械性练习;意义性练习;使用提示本章考点:语法在语言教学中的角色;演示法:演绎法,归纳法和引导发现法及它们的优缺点;隐性知识与显性知识的差异;新的语法教学;语法练习:机械性练习;意义性练习;使用提示。

本章内容索引:Ⅰ. The role of grammar in language learningⅡ. Grammar presentation1. The deductive method2. The inductive method3. The guided discovery method4. Distinction between implicit and explicit knowledge5. New approaches to teaching grammarⅢ. Grammar practice1. Mechanical practice2. Meaningful practice3. Using prompts for practiceⅣ. ConclusionⅠ. The role of grammar in language learning(语法在语言教学中的角色)【考点:语法在语言教学中的角色】Despite many different views about the role of grammar in language learning, the importance of grammar cannot be denied. Grammatical competence is essential for communication.人们对语法在外语教学中的价值众说纷纭,意见不一,尽管如此,语法的重要性是不言而喻的。





)1.One of the general views on language is that l___ is a set of symbols.2.In traditional pedagogy, listening and speaking were treated as skills differentfrom what takes place in r__.3.Introduction to phonetic rules should be a__ at the beginning stage of teachingpronunciation.4.In meaningful p___ the focus is on the production, comprehension or exchange ofmeaning.5.People have different understanding of h__ a vocabulary item can be learned andconsolidate.6.Among the four skills of language, l___ and reading are both receptive skills.7.To help our students pass exams is one of the purposes our English teaching, butanother purpose, which is very important, is to prepare our students to u__ English in real life.8.In the traditional classroom, very often, too much attention has been paid tolinguistic knowledge, with little or no attention paid to practising language s__. 9.In the process approach to writing, the teacher provides guidance to the studentsthrough the writing process, and gradually withdraws the guidance so that the s__ finally become independent writers.10.If a teacher first asks the students to read a poster, then to have a discussion aboutthe poster, and then to make a poster of their own, we can say that this teacher is integrating r__, speaking and writing skills together.二、配对题(答案必须写在“答卷”上。



《英语教学法》课程教学大纲一、教师或教学团队信息二、课程基本信息课程名称(中文):英语教学法课程名称(英文):English Teaching Methodology课程类别:□通识必修课□通识选修课 专业必修课□专业方向课□专业拓展课□实践性环节课程性质*:□学术知识性 方法技能性□研究探索性□实践体验性课程代码:周学时:2 总学时:64 学分: 3先修课程:教师语言,基本英语语音、语法知识,具有一定的听、说、读、写方面受过相当训练,达到专业英语6至8级水平要求。






五、教学内容与进度安排1. 语言教学历史2. 影响语言教学的主要因素3.不同语言教学方法4. 撰写合格教案5. 学会课堂管理6. 了解语音及听力教学7. 课堂口语教学8. 多种语法教学手段9. 阅读教学的三个步骤10. 课堂语言技能的整合11. 观摩掌握教学评估方法12. 学会分析改编现有教材第一学期具体每周每课的教学内容大致教学进度为:第二学期具体每周每课的教学内容大致教学进度为:五、授课形式1、课堂讲授:占总课时的60%2、课外自学:占总课时的10%并非所有的教材内容都在课堂上讲授,在课堂上教师讲授的东西仅限于有一定难度的,同时又非常重要的内容。

英语教学法10.Teaching Grammar

英语教学法10.Teaching Grammar

3. The guided discovery method
Implicit and explicit knowledge • Implicit knowledge refers to knowledge that unconsciously exists in our mind, which we can make use of automatically without making any effort. • Explicit knowledge refers to our conscious knowledge about the language. We can talk about it, analyze it and apply it in conscious ways. • Learning and acquiring (second language acquisition theory)
Agree/ disagree
× × ×

×/√ √ √ √
Grammar should be taught to help students analyse difficult structures in texts. 6 Teaching and learning grammar should focus on practice rather than the study of grammar itself. 7 Grammar should be taught and practiced in context. 8 Knowing grammar is not enough for real communication. 9 An inadequate knowledge of grammar would severely constrain one’s capacity for effective communication. 10 Grammar is always “the most boring bit” of language learning.











4.课程教学要求的层次A.要求学生掌握语言教学基本知识B.选择并使用恰当的教学方法和技巧C.学会课堂管理与教学评价学时分配学时分配:课程教学总学时数为32学时,其中理论 16学时,实践16学时。



简单,明了解释英语教学法1. Translation- Grammar⚫时代久远,经久流传⚫方式:背规则,然后不断重复造句。

⚫典型课堂指令:同学,来用there be句型造一个句子。




2. Audio-lingualism➢历史渊源➢演练有组织安排的练习:重复,词性变化、替换、复述。

➢活动:sandwich technique,back chaining, dictation➢典型的课堂指导:there’s cup on the table…read after me.简而言之:“同学们,read after me.”此教学法认为人们把一个行为机械重复了很多次,就会掌握了。

对应现在的话,就是”Repeating makes acquisition.”可以看出来里面有逻辑缺陷,但是也有管用的时候。

3. Direct Method✧历史渊源✧使用实物来教词汇,大量的视觉辅助✧给学生一系列的例子,让学生自己总结。

✧重视发音,不重视语法学术逻辑:input, awareness, L1-L2 acquisition这种方法很神奇,就是连教材都不用,这种讲义大多是语法为主的,所谓”纯干货“。

4. Deductive - Inductive。




老师先给你看3个句子”He looks at the birds. / He feels hungry. / He hunts.“he后面动词有什么特点啊?那大家做几道题,She ____ shopping. /She _____ a lot of money. /She _____ a beautiful skirt.“inductive是模仿母语习得的规律。

英语教学法 第二版 课前问题答案总汇

英语教学法 第二版 课前问题答案总汇

Unit 1 Language and Learning2. Three views of languageStructural view: language as a linguistic systemThe functional view: a linguistic system but also as a means for doing things.The interactional view:a communicative tool3. Four Language Learning Theories1)Behaviorist theory2)Cognitive theory3)Constructivist theory4)Socio-constructivist theory4. What makes a good language teacherprofessional competence1)Ethic devotion: warm-hearted, caring, enthusiastic, hardworking, well-prepared2)Professional qualities: resourceful, well-informed, professionally-trained, authoritative, disciplined, accurate, creative3)Personal styles: patient, attentive, flexible, humorous, dynamic, intuitive5. How can one become a good language teacherWallace’s (1991) ‘reflective modelStage 1: language developmentStage 2: learning, practice, reflectionGoal: professional competenceUnit 2 Communicative Principles and Activities1 Language use in real life vs. traditional pedagogyLanguage used in real lifeTo perform certain communicative functionsBoth receptive skills and productive skillsContext-relatedLanguage taught in the classroomTo focus on forms (structures or patternsTo focus on one or two language skills and ignore the otherTo isolate language from its context2. The goal of CLTThe goal of CLT is to develop students' communicative competence,2 What is communicative competenceboth the knowledge about the language and the knowledge about how to use the language appropriately in communicative situations3.Five components of communicative competence1)Linguistic competence,2)Pragmatic competence,3)Discourse competence,4)Strategic competence5)Fluency3.Implications for teaching and learning:(同上)4.Principles in communicative language teaching1)Communication principle:Activities that involve real communication promotelearning.2)Task principle: Activities in which language is used for carrying out meaningful tasks promote learning.3)Meaningfulness principle:Language that is meaningful to the learning supports the learning process.-_-||4.Main features of communicative activitiesA classification of communicative activities1)Functional communicative activitiesIdentifying picturesDiscovering identical pairsDiscovering sequences or locationsDiscovering missing informationFollowing directionsReconstructing story-sequences…2)Social interaction activitiesRole-playing through cued dialoguesRole-playing through debate or discussionLarge-scale simulation activities….Six criteria for evaluating communicative activities1)Communicative purpose2)Communicative desire3)Content, not form4)Variety of language5)No teacher intervention6)No materials controlTBLT:a further development of communicative language teaching. it share the same beliefs, as language should be learned as close as possible to how it is used in real life. however, it stressed the importance to combine form-focused teaching with communication-focused teachingA task is believed to have four components:1)a purpose,2)a context,3)a process, 4)a product.6.Differences between PPP and TBLT1.The way students use and experience language2.TBL can provide a context for grammar teaching and form-focused activities7.Problems with CLT1.Is it practical in the Chinese context?2.How to design the syllabus for classroom teaching?3.Is it suitable for all age level of learners or all competence level of learners?7.Constraints of TBLT1.It may not be effective for presenting new language items2.Time: teachers have to prepare task-based activities very carefully.3.Culture of learning4.Level of difficultyUnit 3National English Curriculum3.1 A brief history of foreign language teaching in China1)A phase of restoration (1978-1985)2)A phase of rapid development (1986-1992)3)A phase of reform (1993-2000)4)A phase of innovation from 20002,Designing principles for the National English Curriculum1) Aim for educating all students, and emphasize quality-oriented education.2) Promote learner-centeredness, and respect individual differences.3)Develop competence-based objectives, and allow flexibility and adaptability4)Pay close attention to the learning process, and advocate experiential learning and participation5) Attach particular importance to formative assessment, and give special attention to the development of competence.6)Optimize learning resources, and maximize opportunities for learning and using the language.3.3Goals and objectives of English language teachingThe new curriculum is designed to promote students’ overall language ability3.4 Design of the National English CurriculumNine competence-based levelsLevel 2,For 6th graders-_-zLevel 5,For 9th gradersLevel 7,For senior high school leaversUnit 4 Lesson Planning1.what is a Lesson plana Lesson plan is a framework of a lesson in which teachers make advance decisions about what they hope to achieve and how they would like to achieve it1.Why is lesson planning important?1)Makes teachers aware of the aims and language contents of the lesson,2)Helps teachers distinguish the various stages of a lesson and see the relationship between them3)Gives teachers the opportunity to anticipate potential problems so that they can be prepared;4)Gives teachers, esp. novice ones, confidence in class;5)Raises teachers’ awar eness of the teaching aids needed;6)Planning is a good practice and a sign of professionalism2.Principles for good lesson planning1)Aim,2)Variety,3)F lexibility, 4)Learnability ,5)Linkage3.Macro planning vs. micro planningMacro planning; is planning over timemicro planning: is planning for a specific lesson3Macro planning involves:1) Knowing about the course:2) Knowing about the institution:3) Knowing about the learners:4) Knowing about the curriculum/syllabus5)Knowing about the textbook6)Knowing about the objectivesponents of a lesson plan1)Background information2)Teaching aims3)Language contents and skills4)Stages and procedures5)Teaching aids6)end of lesson summary7)optional activities and Assignments8)after-lesson reflection5.Sample lesson plansUnit 5 Classroom Management1.What roles does the teacher playBefore the class---PlannerDuring the class---1 Controller, 2 Assessor, 3 Organizer ,4 Prompter , 5 Participant, 6 Resource-providerAfter the class---Evaluatornew roles: facilitators, guides, researchers2.Rules to follow for making instructions effectiveTo use simple instructions and make them suit the comprehension level of the students. To use the mother-tongue only when it is necessary.3. What are the most common types of Ss grouping?Whole class workPair work,Group work,Individual study:4.How to maintain discipline?P.79When students are engaged in learning, they will be disciplined.Q: How to engage students in learning?1)Ss are clear about learning purpose;2)Ss are able to do the work but find it challenging;3)Ss are emotionally, physically and intellectually involved by the tasks;4)The presentation, variety and structure of the work and activities generate curiosity and interest;5)Ss have opportunities to ask questions and try out ideas;6)Ss can see what they have achieved and how they had made progress;7)Ss get a feeling of satisfaction and enjoyment from the work.4 Harmer’s suggestions on measures for undisciplined acts and badly behaving Ss1). Act immediately2). Stop the class3).Rearrange the seats4).Change the activity5).Talk to Ss after class6).creat a code of behavior4. In order not to hurt the Ss,Ur’s advice on problems in class:1).Deal with it quietly2).Don’t take thin gs personally3).Do not use threats5How to ask effective question1)Questions should be closely linked to the learning objectives in the lesson;2)Questions should be staged so that the level of challenge increases as the lesson proceeds;3)There should be a balance between closed and open, lower-order and higher-order questions;4)Wait time is important to allow students to think through their answers;5)Ss should be provided opportunities to ask their own questions and seek their own answers;6)A secure and relaxed atmosphere of trust is needed and ss’ opinions and ideas are valued.6. correct dealing with errors and mistakeswe need to be clear whether the task or activity is focusing on accuracy or fluency.How to correct error:1)Direct teacher correction2)Indirect teacher correction3)Self correction4)Peer correction5)Whole class correctionUnit 6Teaching Pronunciation1.The role of pronunciationOn the value of teaching pronunciation, there are different opinions:1.Students do not need to learn pronunciation because pronunciation will take care of itself as the students develop overall language ability.2.Failure in pronunciation is a great hindrance to language learn.2. The goals of teaching pronunciation:目的1)Consistency 连贯性: To be smooth natural2)Intelligibility可理解性:To be understandable to the listeners3)Communicative efficiency: To help convey the speakers’ meaning3. Three aspects of pronunciation to teach?Stress, intonation, rhythm5. Ways of practicing soundsPerception practice :Using minimal pairs,Which order,Same or different,Odd one out, CompletionProduction practice: Listen and repeat,Fill in the blanks,Make up sentences,Use meaningful context,Use pictures,Use tongue twisters6. Practicing stress:Use gestures, use the voice, use the blackboard7. Practicing intonation:Use hand or arm movement to indicate change of intonatonrising/falling arrows;draw linesUnit 7. Teaching Grammar1.The role of grammar in language learningGenerally speaking, Chinese EFL learners need a certain degree of mastery of English grammar (grammatical competence is essential for communication). However, it should be noted that learning grammar itself is not the ultimate goal of learning English.2.ways of presenting/ teaching grammar1the deductive method2the inductive method3the guided discovery method3. grammar practice activitiesMechanical practicemeaningful practiceTwo types of practice can be combined.Using prompts (pictures, mimesor gestures, information sheet, key phrases or key words, chaind phrases, created situations) has proved to be an effective way of grammar practice.Unit 8 Teaching Vocabulary1. What does knowing a word involve?its pronunciation and stress;its spelling and grammatical properties;its meaning;how and when to use it to express the intended meaning.Vocabulary learning “involves at least two aspects of meaningThe first aspect involves the understanding of its denotative and connotative meaning. The second aspect involves understanding the sense relations among words.”Collocation , Synonyms,antonyms,hyponyms, Receptive and productive vocabulary2. List some ways of presenting new words1) Try to provide a visual or physical demonstration whenever possible,2) Provide a verbal context to demonstrate meaning.3) Use synonyms or antonyms to explain the meanings.4) Use lexical sets or hyponyms to show relations of words and their meanings.5) Translate and exemplify,6) Use word formation rules and common affixes7) Teach vocabulary in chunks.8) Think about the context in real life where the word might be used.9) Think about providing different context for introducing new words.10) Prepare for possible misunderstanding or confusion that student may have.3. Some vocabulary consolidation activities that can be done in class. (12)1) Labeling2) Spot the differences:3) Describe and draw4) Play a game:6) Use word series7) Word bingo:9) word association10) Synonyms and antonyms:11) categories12) Use word net-work13)use the internet resources for more ideas4. Developing vocabulary building strategies.1). Review regularly:2). Guess meaning from context:3). Organize vocabulary effectively:4). Use a dictionary:5)keep a vocabulary notebook6).Discovery strategiesUnit 9Teaching Listening1.The reason why such difficulties arise can be quire complicated. however, one major reason for students’ poor listening is often neglected in language due to1) Lack of teaching materials (audio and video tapes);2) Lack of equipment (tape players, VCRs, VCDs, computers);3) Lack of real-life situations where language learners need to understand spoken English 2 What do we listen to in everyday life? (Ur, 1996)Loudspeaker announcements1.Radio news2.Lesson, lecture3.Conversation, gossip4.Instructions5.Watching television6.Watching movies7.Telephone conversations8.Interview9.Shopping10.Story-telling11.Meetings12.Negotiations13.Theater show3.The characteristics of listening in real life1) Spontaneity2) Context3) Visual clues4) Listener’s response5) Speaker’s adjustment4 Principles of teaching listening:1). Focus on process:2). Combine listening with other skills:3). Focus on comprehending meaning:4). Grade difficulty level appropriately:4. model of teaching listening:bottom-up model up- bottom model5.the teaching of listening generally follows three stages:pre-listening stagewhile-listening stage,post-listening stage.Unit 10Teaching Speaking1.what are the differences between spoken and written language?SpokenspontaneousSentences are often incomplete, ungrammatical, and full of hesitations, false starts, and redundancies.If it is not recorded, spoken language can’t be listened to again. It is expected to be understood immediately.WrittenWell-plannedSentences are often carefully constructed and well organized.Written language is comparatively speaking permanent. It can be read as often as necessary.2.Principles for teaching speaking1) balancing between accuracy-based practice and fluency-based practices :2) Contextualizing practice3) Personalizing practice4) Building up confidence5) Maximizing meaningful interactions6) Helping students develop speaking strategies7)making the best use of classroom learning environment to provide sufficient language input and practice for the students.3.how can we design speaking activities:1). Maximum foreign talk:2). Even participation3). High motivation4). Right language level4.Types of speaking activitiesLittlewood’s (1981) framework for defining s peaking activities:Pre-communicative activitiesStructural activitiesQuasi-communicative activitiesCommunicative activitiesFunctional communication activitiesSocial interaction activities5,How to organise speaking activities.Using group work in speaking tasksUnit 11 Teaching Reading1. Effective readers do the following:1) have a clear purpose in reading;2) read silently;3) read phrase by phrase, rather than word by word;4) concentrate on the important bits, skim the rest, and skip the insignificant parts;5) use different speeds and strategies for different reading tasks;6) perceive the information in the target language rather than mentally translate;7) guess the meaning of new words from the context, or ignore them;8) have and use background information to help understand the text.3. Skills readers need:1.Specifying a purpose for reading2.Planning what to do/what steps to take3.Previewing the text4.Predicting the contents of the text5.Checking predictions6.Skimming the text for the main idea7.Scanning the text for specific information8.Distinguishing main ideas from supporting details9.Posing questions about the text10.Finding answers to posed questio…4.The role of vocabulary in reading:Day & Bamford (1998): efficient reading begins with a lightening-like automatic recognition of words, which frees one’s mind to use other resources to construct meaning. Helping ss to develop the ability of automatic word recognition is the basis for developing their reading skills.The way to develop sight vocabulary is to read extensively (‘Familiarity breeds automaticity’)5. Some principles for teaching reading(:1)The selected texts and attached tasks should be accessible to the students.2)Tasks should be clearly given in advance.3) Tasks should be designed to encourage selective and intelligent reading for the main meaning4) Tasks should help develop students' reading skills5) Teachers should help the students not merely to cope with one particular text in front of them but with their reading strategies and reading ability in general.6)Teachers should help the students to read on their own.6.three models of teaching reading1). Bottom-up modelletters---words---phrases---clauses---sentences---paragraphs---whole discours2). Top-down modelbackground knowledge--- guess meaning from the printed page3)Interactive model7.Three stages of reading:Pre-reading activities; *Predicting* Setting the scene* Skimming* ScanningWhile-reading activities;1)Focusing on the results of readingMultiple-choice questions;T/F questions;open questions,paraphrasing, translation2)Focusing on the process of understandingInformation transfer activities, ( with a transition device)comprehension questionsUnderstanding referencesMaking inference s …Post-reading ActivitiesTraditional: questions; paraphrasing; translationSuggestion:*Discussion*Role -play* Gap-filling* Retelling* WritingReading comprehension questions1).Questions for literal comprehension.2).Questions involving reorganization or reinterpretation.3).Question for inferences.4).Questions for evaluation or appreciation..5)question for personal responseUnit12 Teaching Writing1.What do we write?Writing is a real-life reality. We write letters, journals, notes, instructions, posters, essays, reports, menus, etc.2.Why do we write?We write for various reasons1)to convey messages,2)to keep a record of what is in our mind,3)to communicate with their teacher4)to raise awareness of how language works,5) to become more familiar with the linguistic and social conventions of writing in English, etc.3.How do we write?Writing can be both collaborative and solitarywe all have our own ways of writing.4.A communicative approach to writingSs are motivated by authentic writing tasks that have some communicative elements. Writing for a specific recipient (e.g. a friend, parent)Writing for an intended audience: creative writing intended to be read by other people 5.Problems in writing tasks1)They are mainly accuracy-based.2)They are designed to practice a certain target structures.3)There is insufficient preparation before the writing stage.4)There is no sense of audience.5)There is no sense of authenticity.6)Ss are given ideas to express rather than being invited to invent their own.7)There is no opportunity for creative writing, for expressing unusual for original ideas.8)Many of them are test-oriented.6.How to make a writing task more creative and communicative?Questions that the writer considers:Why should I write about the sports I like? (for communication)For what purpose?Who is going to read my writing? (a sense of audience)7.A process approach to writingFeatures of process writing1)Focus on the process of writing that leads to the final written product;2)Help ss understand their own composing process;3)Help ss build repertoires of strategies for prewriting, drafting, and rewriting;4)Give ss time to write and rewrite;5)Place central importance on the process of revision;6)Let ss discover what they want to say as they write;7)Give ss feedback throughout the composing process to consider as they attempt to bring their expression closer and closer to intention;8)Encourage feedback both from the instructor and peers;9)Include individual conferences between T and S during the process of composition Procedures of process writing1)Creating a motivation to write;2)Brainstorming;3)Mapping;4)Free writing;5)Outlining;6)Drafting;7)Editing;8)Revising;9)Proofreading;10)Conferencing.8.Motivating students to write1)Make the topic of writing as close as possible to ss’ life.2)Leave ss enough room for creativity and imagination.3)Prepare ss well before writing.4)Encourage collaborative group writing as well as individual writing.5)Provide opportunities for ss to share their writings.6)Provide constructive and positive feedback.7)Treat ss’ errors strategically.8)Give ss a sense a achievement from time to time.9.Designing writing tasksWriting tasks should be motivating and communicative.Self-study sample tasks on pagesing the Internet to promote process writing。



Great importance is given to precise native-like pronunciation. Use of the mother tongue by the teacher is permitted, but discouraged among and by the students. Successful responses are reinforced; great care is taken to prevent learner errors. There is a tendency to focus on manipulation of the target language and to disregard content and meaning.
Questions are answered in the target language. Grammar is taught inductively--rules are generalized from the and experience with the target language. Verbs are used first and systematically conjugated much later after some oral mastery of the target language. Advanced students read literature for comprehension and pleasure. Literary texts are not analyzed grammatically. The culture associated with the target language is also taught inductively. Culture is considered an important aspect of learning the language.



初中grammar英语教案一、教学目标1. 让学生掌握一般现在时的概念和用法。

2. 能够正确运用一般现在时描述人或事物的特征、习惯和经常发生的事情。

3. 提高学生的英语听说读写能力,培养学生的语法意识。

二、教学内容1. 一般现在时的定义和结构2. 一般现在时的用法3. 动词的形式变化三、教学重点和难点1. 教学重点:一般现在时的概念、结构和用法。

2. 教学难点:动词的形式变化和主语与动词的一致性。

四、教学方法1. 任务型教学法:通过完成各种任务,让学生在实践中学习和运用一般现在时。

2. 交际式教学法:通过小组讨论和角色扮演等活动,提高学生的口语表达能力。

3. 直观教学法:利用图片、实物等直观教具,帮助学生理解和记忆。

五、教学步骤Step 1: 引入新课教师通过展示图片或播放视频,引导学生谈论日常生活中的一些习惯和特征,如“我喜欢吃苹果”、“她很勤奋”等,引出一般现在时的概念。

Step 2: 讲解一般现在时1. 教师讲解一般现在时的定义和结构,强调主语与动词的一致性。

2. 举例说明一般现在时的用法,如描述人或事物的特征、习惯和经常发生的事情。

Step 3: 动词形式变化练习1. 教师展示一组动词,让学生判断它们的一般现在时形式。

2. 学生分组练习,互相纠正和指导。

Step 4: 小组活动学生分成小组,用一般现在时编写短剧,表演给其他小组观看,并互相评价。

Step 5: 课堂小结教师引导学生总结一般现在时的概念、结构和用法,以及动词的形式变化。

Step 6: 作业布置1. 抄写一般现在时的动词形式变化表。

2. 编写一篇短文,运用一般现在时描述一个人的特征或习惯。




1. 情景教学法(Situational Teaching Method)
2. 音乐教学法(Music Teaching Method)
3. 交际教学法(Communicative Language Teaching)
4. 语言经验教学法(Language Experience Approach)
5. 任务教学法(Task-based Learning)
6. 联想教学法(Association Teaching Method)
7. 团体教学法(Group Teaching Method)
8. 游戏教学法(Play Method)
9. 直接法(Direct Method)
10. 快乐教学法(Happy Teaching)
11. 翻译法(Translating Method)
12. 讲授法(Expository Method)
13. 语法翻译法(Grammar-Translation Method)
14. 听说教学法(Audio-Lingual Method)


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The Assumptions about grammar in language learning 1 2 3 4 5 Students need to be given detailed grammar rules if they are to learn a foreign language successfully Children do not need to learn grammar rules when they acquire their first languages, so they do not need them either when learning a foreign language. If students get enough chance to practice using a foreign language, they do not need to learn grammar. Making students aware of grammatical information is one of the teaching objectives, allowing students opportunities for using the language is just as important.
Ⅲ. Grammar presentation methods
1. Deductive method:
The deductive method relies on reasoning, analyzing and comparing.
Teaching procedure teacher‟s example on the board
Agree/ disagree
× × ×

×/√ √ √ √
Grammar should be taught to help students analyse difficult structures in texts. 6 Teaching and learning grammar should focus on practice rather than the study of grammar itself. 7 Grammar should be taught and practiced in context. 8 Knowing grammar is not enough for real communication. 9 An inadequate knowledge of grammar would severely constrain one’s capacity for effective communication. 10 Grammar is always “the most boring bit” of language learning.
I. The importance of grammar
English grammar is the core of English language. Without grammar English language cannot be well constructed. There is naturally Chinese grammar in the minds of Chinese students, and it's not easy to take in the grammar of a foreign language. If you cannot solve this difficulty, the foreign language you write, though it may be understandable, will be Chinese style English.
3. The guided discovery method
Similar to the inductive method • the students are induced to discover rules by themselves (similar) • the process of the discovery is carefully guided and assisted by the teacher and the rules are then elicited and taught explicitly. (different)
II. The role of Grammar
1. How grammar is currently taught • Task • Read the following statements about grammar in English learning and decide if you agree with them or not.
Student-centered instruction
For many years Chinese teachers of English have followed the traditional way of teaching grammar as the following three steps:
Teaching Grammar
Teaching Contents
1 2
• What is the role of grammar in language learning? • What are the major types of grammar presentation methods ? • What are the major types of grammar practice activities?
3. The guided discovery method
Implicit and explicit knowledge • Implicit knowledge refers to knowledge that unconsciously exists in our mind, which we can make use of automatically without making any effort. • Explicit knowledge refers to our conscious knowledge about the language. We can talk about it, analyze it and apply it in conscious ways. • Learning and acquiring (second language acquisition theory)
2. Inductive method
• In the inductive method, the teacher induces the learners to realize grammar rules without any form of explicit (clear) explanation. Students will become evident to the grammar rules if they are given enough appropriate examples.
learn about the grammar rules
study a few examples do some written grammar exercises
2.Place of Grammar in English teaching
• Grammar is not a separate subject, nor is it even a separate division of English work. • Language teaching theory has tended to emphasize on the rapid development of automatic speech habits, and the need to discourage students from thinking consciously about the underlying grammatical rules.
• more examplere students’ thinking activities motivate students’ learning interests grammar is taught in context. Disadvantages
teacher‟s explanation of the rules (in student‟s native language)
student‟s practice application of the rules.
Deductive method
Advantages: • good for selected and motivate students • save time to explain complex rules • increase students’ confidence in examination Disadvantages: • grammar is taught isolatedly • little attention is paid to meaning • the practice is often mechanical
2.Place of Grammar in English teaching
Advocates of the „Oral Method‟, the Audiolingual method and the Natural Approach in their more extreme forms have assumed that language learning is an inductive rather than a deductive process, the most effective method of teaching is to provide plenty of oral and written practice, so as to use the language spontaneously (本能地) without the need for overt(明显的)grammatical analysis.