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中文摘要: (3)

英文摘要: (5)

1绪论 (5)

1.1 短期负荷预测的目的和意义 (6)

1.2电力系统负荷预测的特点和基本原理 (7)

1.2.1电力负荷预测的特点 (7)

1.2.2电力负荷预测的基本原理 (7)

1.3 国内外研究的现状 (8)

1.3.1 传统负荷预测方法 (9)

1.3.2 现代负荷预测方法 (9)

1.4 神经网络应用于短期负荷预报的现状 (11)

1.5 本文的主要工作 (11)

2最小二乘法 (13)

2.1 最小二乘法原理 (13)

2.2 多项式拟合具体算法 (13)

2.3多项式拟合的步骤 (14)

2.4 电力系统短期负荷预测误差 (15)

2.4.1 误差产生的原因 (15)

2.4.2 误差表示和分析方法 (15)

2.4.3 拟合精度分析 (16)

3基于神经网络的短期负荷预测 (18)

3.1 人工神经网络 (18)

3.1.1 人工神经网络的基本特点 (18)

3.2 BP网络的原理、结构 (18)

3.2.1网络基本原理 (18)

3.2.2 BP神经网络的模型和结构 (19)

3.2.3 BP网络的学习规则 (19)

3.3 BP算法的数学描述 (20)

3.3.1信息的正向传递 (20)

3.3.2 利用梯度下降法求权值变化及误差的反向传播 (20)

3.4 BP网络学习具体步骤 (21)

3.5 标准BP神经网络模型的建立 (22)

3.5.1 输入输出变量 (22)

3.5.2 网络结构的确定 (22)

3.5.3 传输函数 (23)

3.5.4 初始权值的选取 (24)

3.5.5 学习数率 (25)

3.5.6 预测前、后数据的归一化处理 (25)

3.6 附加动量的BP神经网络 (25)

3.6.1 标准BP算法的限制与不足 (25)

3.6.2 附加动量法 (26)

4算例分析 (28)

4.1 负荷数据 (28)

4.1.1 14天实际的负荷数据 (28)

4.1.2 归一化后的负荷数据 (30)

4.2 两个模型仿真后的结果分析 (33)

4.3 两种模型拟合精度分析 (40)

4.4 附加动量法 (42)

结论 (43)

谢辞 (44)

参考文献 (45)

附录1 最小二乘法的MATLAB程序 (47)

附录2 标准BP神经网络的MATLAB程序 (49)

附录3 附加动量法的MATLAB程序 (52)





关键词:短期负荷预测, 标准BP神经网络,最小二乘法,附加动量法

The Short-T erm Load Forecasting of

the power system

Abstract:Power system load forecasting is one of the most important work of the electricity production sector. The accurate load

forecasting can arrange unit start-stop, reduce the spare capacity,

reasonable arrangement of the maintenance plan and reduce power cost,

etc. It has a direct effect on the running efficiency of the power

management entities and also has the important meaning in the power

system control, operation and planning. So it is important to find

effective method to enhance forecast precision for different occasions.

In this paper the neural network is used for the short-term load

forecasting of the power system. This article introduces the method of

the power load forecasting and the principles, structure,

back-propagation algorithm of the neural network. Then the three-layer

artificial neural network model is created for load forecasting and the

program is written. At the same time, the least square method is used

for comparing. By learning the polynomial fitting principle of the square

method, the model is created and the program is written. Through

comparing the absolute error, the relative error, the fitting precision

and their training time of the two models, the BP neural network is

proved to have better accuracy but slower training speed. Due to the

standard BP neural network has slower training speed, easy to fall into

the local minimum value and other shortcoming, the additional

momentum method is used to modify the standard BP neural network

and the advantage of the improved network is concluded.

Keywords:Short-term load forecasting Standard BP neural network

Least squares method Additional momentum method

1 绪论
