Prescription mapping for precision aerial application
1. 实时性:SPR技术可以实时监测生物分子相互作用的动态过程,无需标记,避免了标记分子对样品的影响。
2. 灵敏度:SPR技术具有极高的灵敏度,可以检测到非常低浓度的样品,一般可达到10-9mol/L级别。
3. 选择性:SPR技术可以实现对生物分子特异性的检测,可以区分不同的生物分子,并且可以实现对多个生物分子的同时检测。
4. 高通量:SPR技术可以实现高通量的样品检测,同时检测多个生物分子,提高实验效率。
5. 简便易用:SPR技术操作简便,不需要复杂的样品制备和处理步骤,适用于不同的生物样品。
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·论著·红细胞来源α-突触核蛋白作为早发型帕金森病生物标记物的研究柳欣,蔡慧慧,郑元初作者单位首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院运动障碍性疾病科北京100070收稿日期2023-03-19通讯作者郑元初yuanchuzheng@摘要目的:研究早发型(发病年龄<50岁)帕金森病(PD )患者红细胞中是否存在α-突触核蛋白(α-Syn )异常沉积,以及红细胞来源α-Syn 能否作为早发型PD 的生物标志物。
方法:早发型PD 患者26例纳入早发型PD 组,30例年龄、性别匹配的健康对照受试者纳入对照组;收集所有入组受试者的人口学及临床资料。
对早发型PD 组的患者进行国际运动障碍协会统一帕金森病评价量表(MDS-UPDRS )和Hoehn&Yahr (H-Y )量表、简易精神状态检查量表(MMSE )、蒙特利尔认知评估量表(MoCA )测评。
应用电化学发光免疫测定法检测2组红细胞中的α-Syn 单体和α-Syn 聚集体浓度,并分析早发型PD 患者红细胞来源α-Syn 单体和α-Syn 聚集体浓度与临床指标的相关性。
结果:早发型PD 患者的α-Syn 单体和α-Syn 聚集体的水平显著高于健康对照(P =0.009、P <0.0001)。
在诊断效力方面,红细胞α-Syn 聚集体优于α-Syn 单体,红细胞α-Syn 聚集体诊断早发型PD 的AUC 为0.887(95%CI 0.794-0.981),敏感度为73.3%,特异度为96.2%。
早发型PD 组红细胞来源α-Syn 单体和α-Syn 聚集体浓度与患者年龄、病程、H-Y 分期、MDS-UPDRS-Ⅲ评分、MMSE 评分、MOCA 评分等指标均无显著相关性(P >0.05)。
结论:早发型PD 患者红细胞中存在α-Syn 异常沉积,红细胞来源α-Syn 特别是α-Syn 聚集体可作为早发型PD 的生物标志物。
关键词红细胞;α-突触核蛋白;早发型帕金森病;生物标记物中图分类号R741;R741.02;R742文献标识码A DOI 10.16780/ki.sjssgncj.20230364本文引用格式:柳欣,蔡慧慧,郑元初.红细胞来源α-突触核蛋白作为早发型帕金森病生物标记物的研究[J].神经损伤与功能重建,2023,18(6):311-315.Alpha-Synuclein Species in Red Blood Cells as Biomarkers for Early-onset Parkinson ’s Dis⁃ease LIU Xin,CAI Hui-hui,ZHENG Yuan-chu.Center for Movement Disorders,Department of Neurology,Beijing Tiantan Hospital,Capital Medical University,Beijing 100070,ChinaAbstract Objective:To investigate the presence of abnormal α-synuclein (α-Syn)deposition in red blood cells (RBCs)in patients with early-onset Parkinson ’s disease (PD)and determine whether RBC-derived α-Syn could serve as a biomarker for early-onset PD.Methods:A total of 26patients with early-onset PD (onset age<50years)were included in the early-onset PD group,and 30age-and sex-matched healthy control participants were included in the control group (HCs).Demographic and clinical data were collected for all participants.The Movement Disorder Society-Unified Parkinson ’s Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS),Hoehn and Yahr (H-Y)scale,Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE),and Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA)were used to as-sess the patients in the early-onset PD group.Electrochemiluminescence immunoassay was performed to mea-sure the levels of α-Syn monomers and aggregates in the RBCs of both groups.The correlation between RBC-derived α-Syn levels and clinical indicators in patients with early-onset PD was analyzed.Results:The levels of both α-Syn monomers and aggregates in RBCs were significantly higher in patients with early-onset PD than in HCs (P =0.009,P <0.0001).In terms of diagnostic performance,RBC-derived α-Syn aggregates showed superior performance over monomers,with an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC)of 0.887(95%CI 0.794-0.981),73.3%sensitivity,and 96.2%specificity for diagnosing early-onset PD.The levels of RBC-derived α-Syn monomers and aggregates showed no significant correlation with patient age,disease duration,H-Y stage,MDS-UPDRS III score,MMSE score,or MoCA score (P >0.05).Conclusion:Ab-normal α-Syn deposition was found in the RBCs of patients with early-onset PD.RBC-derived α-Syn,particular-ly α-Syn aggregates,could serve as a biomarker for early-onset PD.Keywords erythrocyte;α-synuclein;early-onset Parkinson ’s disease;biomarker0引言帕金森病(Parkinson ’s disease ,PD )是一种常见的神经退行性疾病,主要临床表现为运动迟缓、肌强直、静止性震颤和姿势平衡障碍[1]。
1. 引言1.1 椎间盘的结构和功能椎间盘是位于脊柱各个椎体之间的软骨结构,由纤维环和髓核组成。
1.2 Piezo1在机械敏感性离子通道中的作用Piezo1是一种机械敏感性离子通道蛋白,主要通过感知机械刺激来调节细胞内钙离子通道的开启,参与细胞对外界机械力的感知和转导。
蛋白质 组学
• Clinical immunosensing of tuberculosis (肺结核)CFP10 in patient urine by surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy( 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved)
指由密度相当高的自由正、负电荷组成的气体, 其中正、负带电粒子数目几乎相等。
把金属的价电子看成是均匀正电荷背景下运动的 电子气体,这实际上也是一种等离子体,由于电磁振 荡形成了等离子波。
• 金属膜 反射率高 化学稳定性好
Thank You!
在某个入射角度,光照射到棱镜上与金属膜表面上发生全反 射,从而形成消逝波进入到光疏介质中,而在介质(假设为 金属介质)中又存在一定的等离子波。当两波相遇时会发生
• 当消逝波与表面等离子波发生共振时,检测到的 反射光强会大幅度地减弱。由于能量从光子转移 到表面等离子,入射光的大部分能量被表面等离 子波吸收,使得反射光的能量急剧减少
• 1.可进行实施监测 • 2.无需样品标记 • 3.样品用量少、方便快捷 • 4.灵敏度高,应用范围广 • 5 能测量浑浊甚至不透明样品
左焕桢 2013-3-14
❖亲水性 ❖温和型: 和2%浓度的葡聚糖水溶液环境相
似 ❖非特异性结合量低 ❖高结合容量 ❖易于进行共价结合 ❖出色的化学稳定性
❖ 11种不同的芯片种类 ❖ CM5, CM4, CM3:芯片 蛋白、肽段、小分子等 ❖ CM7:小分子化合物研究 ❖ SA芯片:生物素标记的分子,如核酸、糖类等 ❖ Biotin CAP芯片:可逆性生物素捕获芯片 ❖ NTA芯片:His重组蛋白 ❖ L1 芯片:模拟脂质双分子层环境 ❖ HPA芯片:实现膜系统相关的互作分析 ❖ C1芯片:研究细胞、病毒等大颗粒分子 ❖ Au裸金芯片:客户定制表面(材料、高分子等)
SPR 生物传感技术的应用领域
❖生物大分子的相互作用: ❖肿瘤研究 ❖免疫学和传染病 ❖神经科学 ❖生物制药 ❖蛋白质组学
❖蛋白质 ❖DNA/RNA ❖脂类 /脂质体/ 生物膜 ❖多糖 ❖多肽 ❖小分子 ❖全细胞/病毒/微生物
❖ 可以从反射光强响应曲线看到一个最小的尖峰,此时对应 的入射光波长为共振波长,使反射光完全消失的入射角就 是SPR角。SPR角随金膜表面折射率变化而变化,而折射 率的变化又与金膜表面结合的分子质量成正比。因此可以 通过对生物反应过程中SPR角的动态变化获取分子之间相 互作用的特异信号。
❖ 以免疫学分析为例,在金膜表面固定某种受体(如抗 体),然后流过含相应配体(如抗原)的样品,配体与受 体的结合将使金膜与溶液界面的折射率上升,从而 导致共振角发生变化。为了表述的方便,共振角(或 共振信号)可以用共振单位(resonance units,RU) 来表示。对大多数生物分子而言,1000RU大约等 于1mm2的面积上有1ng的质量变化,相当于溶液 中蛋白浓度为6mg/ml。SPR生物传感器通过检测 获得共振角的改变程度,便可以对配体浓度进行定 量。
用于SPR技术中研究溶细胞肽与抗微生物肽和细 胞膜磷脂的相互作用情况,以了解肽的构想及 溶解活性。
为固液表面发生的各种电化学现 象和过程有价值的信息
吸附物、电沉积和阳极 溶出过程中 的结构变化。
SPR Imaging
Layout and photograph of the microfluidic chip designed for coupling with SPR imaging system
12、越是无能的人,越喜欢挑剔别人的错儿。23:36:5623:36:5623:36Tuesday, August 18, 2020
13、知人者智,自知者明。胜人者有力,自胜者强。20.8.1820.8.1823:36:5623:36:56August 18, 2020
Biacore Control
Biacore 3000工作仪器
核心部件: 传感器芯片 液体处理系统 光学系统
其他: LED状态指示器 温度控制系统
Biacore 3000核心部件
Biacore 3000的光学系统
Biacore 3000传感器基本结构
1. 光波导耦合器件 2. 金属膜 3. 分子敏感膜
ASL 技术联合DWI 在脑肿瘤术后检查中的应用欧阳红斌,刘林林,陈瑞欢,许健恩,黄清善,李腾佛山复星禅诚医院医学影像科,广东佛山528011【摘要】目的探讨动脉自旋标记灌注成像(ASL)技术联合扩散加权成像(DWI)在脑肿瘤术后检查中的应用价值。
方法回顾性分析2020年3月至2023年2月在佛山复星禅诚医院进行术后检查的58例脑肿瘤患者的临床资料,依据随访或二次手术病理结果分为肿瘤复发组34例和胶质增生组24例,所有患者均接受常规磁共振扫描和ASL 、DWI 检查,对肿瘤灌注最显著区域及对侧正常脑实质的脑血流量(CBF)进行测量,计算相对CBF (rCBF),并对肿瘤实质强化边缘外1cm 内水肿区域的平均表观扩散系数(ADC)进行测量。
比较两组患者的rCBF 、ADC ,绘制受试者工作特征曲线(ROC)分析rCBF 、瘤周1cm 内ADC 及两者联合对胶质增生及脑肿瘤复发的诊断效能。
结果脑肿瘤复发组患者的rCBF 水平为3.59±0.46,明显高于胶质增生组的0.93±0.25,瘤周1cm 内ADC 为(1.30±0.25)×10-3mm 2/s ,明显低于胶质增生组的(1.53±0.18)×10-3mm 2/s ,差异均有统计学意义(P <0.05);经ROC 分析结果显示,rCBF 联合瘤周1cm 内ADC 诊断胶质增生及脑肿瘤复发的灵敏度与特异度分别为96.80%、92.45%,明显高于rCBF 、瘤周1cm 内ADC 单独诊断的84.44%、87.52%与89.83%、78.18%,差异均有统计学意义(P <0.05)。
结论ASL 技术联合DWI 应用于脑肿瘤术后检查中可准确评估肿瘤复发与胶质增生,且不需要注射对比剂,安全无创,具有较大的临床价值。
【关键词】脑肿瘤;动脉自旋标记灌注成像;扩散加权成像;相对脑血流量;表观扩散系数【中图分类号】R739.41【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1003—6350(2024)02—0262—04Application of ASL technique combined with diffusion-weighted imaging in the examination of brain tumor after operation.OUYANG Hong-bin,LIU Lin-lin,CHEN Rui-huan,XU Jian-en,HUANG Qing-shan,LI Teng.Department of Medical Imaging,Foshan Fuxing Chancheng Hospital,Foshan 528011,Guangdong,CHINA【Abstract 】Objective To investigate the application value of arterial spin-labeled perfusion imaging (ASL)combined with diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI)in the examination of brain tumor after surgery.Methods The clini-cal data of 58patients with brain tumor who underwent postoperative examination in Foshan Fuxing Chancheng Hospi-tal from March 2020to February 2023were retrospectively analyzed.The patients were divided into tumor recurrence group (34cases)and gliosis group (24cases)according to the pathological results of follow-up or secondary operation.All patients received routine magnetic resonance scanning,ASL,and DWI examination.Cerebral blood flow (CBF)in the most significant area of tumor perfusion and the contralateral normal brain parenchyma was measured,and the rela-tive CBF (rCBF)was calculated.The average apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC)of the edema area within 1cm out-side the enhanced edge of tumor parenchyma was measured.Receiver operating characteristic (ROC)curves were drawn to analyze the diagnostic efficacy of rCBF,ADC within 1cm around the tumor,and their combination for gliosis and brain tumor recurrence.Results The rCBF level of the tumor recurrence group was 3.59±0.46,which was significantly higher than 0.93±0.25of the gliosis group;the ADC within 1cm of the tumor was (1.30±0.25)×10-3mm 2/s,which was significantly lower than (1.53±0.18)×10-3mm 2/s of the gliosis group;the differences were statistically significant (P <0.05).ROC analysis results showed that the sensitivity and specificity of rCBF combined with ADC in the diagnosis of gliosis and brain tumor recurrence were 96.80%and 92.45%,which were significantly higher than 84.44%,87.52%of rCBF and 89.83%,78.18%of ADC alone (P <0.05).Conclusion The application of ASL technique in combination with DWI in the postoperative examination of brain tumors can accurately assess tumor recurrence and gliosis,and does not require injection of contrast agent,which is safe and non-invasive,and has great clinical value.【Key words 】Brain tumor;Arterial spin-labeled perfusion imaging;Diffusion-weighted imaging;Relative cere-bral blood flow;Apparent diffusion coefficient ·论著·doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-6350.2024.02.023基金项目:广东省佛山市科学技术局项目(编号:2220001003942)。
To aid users the index includes a reference to the supplement in which the latest version of a text can be found. For example : Amikacin sulfate...............................................7.5-4579 means the monograph Amikacin sulfate can be found on page 4579 of Supplement 7.5. Note that where no reference to a supplement is made, the text can be found in the principal volume.
English index ........................................................................ 4707
Latin index ................................................................................. 4739
Numerics 1. General notices ................................................................... 7.5-4453 2.1.1. Droppers...................
第 44卷第4期2023 年7月Vol.44 No.4July 2023中山大学学报(医学科学版)JOURNAL OF SUN YAT⁃SEN UNIVERSITY(MEDICAL SCIENCES)MRI动脉期强化模式预测肝内胆管细胞癌患者的预后陈美成,周小琦,马瑞霞,冯仕庭,马玲(中山大学附属第一医院放射科,广东广州 510080)摘要:【目的】 探讨术前 MRI增强扫描动脉期强化模式对肝内胆管细胞癌(ICC)无病生存时间(DFS)和术后总生存时间(OS)的预测价值。
【方法】 回顾性分析2018年1月至2021年12月在中山大学附属第一医院手术治疗,术后病理证实为ICC的93例患者的临床、术前增强MRI、术后病理、术后随访资料。
【结果】 不同动脉期强化模式组术后DFS和OS差别有统计学意义(Log-rank检验,P < 0.05)。
MRI动脉期强化模式是ICC术后DFS的独立危险因素(以弥漫性高增强为参照,外周环形强化:HR = 3.550; 95%CI: 1.16 ~ 10.8;P = 0.026;弥漫性低增强:HR = 3.430; 95%CI: 1.04 ~ 11.3;P = 0.042)。
MRI动脉期强化模式和肿瘤位置是ICC术后OS的独立危险因素(以弥漫性高增强为参照,弥漫性低增强HR = 8.500; 95%CI: 1.09 ~ 66.3;P = 0.041;以肝周为参照,肿瘤位置近肝门HR = 2.583,95%CI: 1.14 ~ 5.83,P = 0.022)。
动脉期强化模式预测术后1年、2年和3年DFS的受试者特征曲线(ROC)的曲线下面积(AUC)分别为0.722、0.748和0.617,预测患者术后1年、2年和3年OS 的AUC分别为0.720、0.704和0.730,预测效能均优于AJCC-TNM分期系统。
收 稿 日 期 :2020-06-24
修 回 日 期 :2020-09-11
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No.61675162);重庆大学“生物 流 变 科 学 与 技 术”教 育 部 重 点 实 验 室 访 问 学 者 基 金 (No.
* 通讯作者:翁国军,男,副教授,研究方向为分子光谱检测、体外诊断.E-mail:gjweng@
关 键 词 :贵 金 属 纳 米 颗 粒 ;局 域 表 面 等 离 子 体 共 振 ;酶 联 免 疫 法 ;比 色 传 感
近年来,随着纳米技术的兴起和发展,金属纳米颗粒由于其独特的 性 能 和 优 点(高 稳 定 性、易 于 合 成、 易于表面修饰等)在传感平台的 应 用 显 著 增 加 。 [1,2] 金 属 纳 米 颗 粒 的 局 域 表 面 等 离 子 体 共 振 使 其 拥 有 尖 锐 的 光 谱 吸 收 、散 射 峰 、增 强 电 磁 场 ,以 及 可 见 光 范 围 内 的 可 调 光 谱 和 高 吸 光 系 数 ,逐 渐 成 为 一 种 新 的 优 良 显色底物 。 [3] 随着金属纳米结构制备技术的提升,可以通过控制其形状、大小、组成、周围介质环境来 响 应 生物识别事件并产生颜色变换,构 造 等 离 子 体 生 物 传 感 器 用 于 快 速、灵 敏、便 携 化 的 检 测 。 [4-9] 在 此 基 础 上 ,本 文 总 结 了 将 局 域 表 面 等 离 子 体 共 振 与 传 统 的 酶 联 免 疫 吸 附 分 析 法 (ELISA)相 结 合 的 新 的 比 色 策 略 : 局域表面等离子体共振 ELISA 的显色原理和方法,并介绍其在疾病诊断[10]、食品和环境检测 等 [11] 领域的 比 色 检 测 进 展 ,最 后 对 当 前 存 在 的 问 题 和 未 来 的 发 展 方 向 进 行 了 分 析 。
表面增强拉曼散射活性基底高书燕 张树霞 杨恕霞 张洪杰#(河南师范大学化学与环境科学学院,新乡 453007;#中国科学院长春应用化学研究所,长春 130022)摘 要 表面增强拉曼散射(SERS)是人们将激光拉曼光谱应用到表面科学研究中所发现的异常表面光学现象。
关键词 表面增强拉曼散射 活性基底Surface2enhanced R aman Scattering Active SubstratesG ao Shuyan,Zhang Shuxia,Y ang Shuxia,Zhang H ongjie#(C ollege of Chemistry and Environmental Science,Henan N ormal University,X inxiang453007;#Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Changchun130022)Abstract Sur face2enhanced Raman scattering(SERS)is a special optical phenomenon originating from the application of laser Raman into sur face science.SERS can greatly magnify the Raman signals of the ads orbed m olecules106 to1014times,which makes SERS have potentials in detectors and single2m olecule analysis.Because the sur face m orphologies and structures of the substrates determines the generation and intensity of Raman signals,the substrates play a vital role in SERS and the research on the SERS active substrates remains a hot topic.In this paper,SERS active substrates are reviewed.In addition,the newly developments and futures of this area are ananlyzed and outlooked,respectively.K eyw ords Sur face2enhanced Raman scattering,Active substrate表面增强拉曼散射(Surface2enhanced Raman Scattering,SERS)主要是纳米尺度的粗糙表面或颗粒体系所具有的异常光学增强现象,它可以将吸附在材料表面的分子的拉曼信号放大约106倍,对于特殊的纳米量级粒子形态分布的基底表面,信号的增强甚至可以高达1014倍,因此在探测器的应用和单分子检测方面有着巨大的发展潜力。
用于阵列样品检测的扫描式表面等离子体共振生物传感器齐攀;李莹;冯明创;钟金钢【摘要】针对阵列样品的定量检测,构建了一种用于阵列样品检测的扫描式表面等离子体共振生物传感器.首先,基于平面棱镜耦合下的最佳旋转轴位置和双棱镜探测光路搭建了阵列扫描式表面等离子体共振生物传感器.然后,计算了可探测阵列样品的点密度.最后,以蒸馏水和浓度分别为5,10,15,20,25,30,35 mg/mL的葡萄糖溶液作为待测阵列样品进行了多样品点的表面等离子体共振实验.实验测得阵列样品的共振角分别为73.745,73.919,74.052,74.185,74.306,74.408,74.549,74.660°,显示葡萄糖溶液浓度与共振角线性关系良好,证明了该方法和装置的可行性.该装置对提高阵列样品点密度,实现高精度定量检测具有重要意义.%An scanning surface plasmon resonance biosensor was constructed to quantitatively detect array samples. First, based on the optimal rotation position in plane prism-coupling mode and a double-prism detection optical path, the scanning surface plasmon resonance biosensor for array sampleswas constructed. Then, the sample density of array samples was calculated. Finally, by taking the distilled water and glucose solution with different concentrations in 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 mg/ mL as array samples to be measured, the multi-sample spots were detected by surface plasmon resonance method. Experimental results show that the resonance angles of array samples are 73. 745, 73. 919, 74. 052, 74. 185, 74. 306, 74. 408, 74. 549 and 74. 660? respectively, and the solution concentrations and their resonance angles show a good linear relation, which proves that the proposed method anddevice are feasibility. The device is significant for increasing the sample density of array samples and realizing the high precision detection.【期刊名称】《光学精密工程》【年(卷),期】2012(020)011【总页数】8页(P2365-2372)【关键词】表面等离子体共振;生物传感器;阵列扫描;样品密度【作者】齐攀;李莹;冯明创;钟金钢【作者单位】暨南大学光电工程系,广东广州510632;广东交通职业技术学院电子工程系,广东广州510650;暨南大学光电信息与传感技术广东普通高校重点实验室,广东广州510632;暨南大学光电工程系,广东广州510632;暨南大学光电信息与传感技术广东普通高校重点实验室,广东广州510632;暨南大学光电工程系,广东广州510632;暨南大学光电信息与传感技术广东普通高校重点实验室,广东广州510632【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP212.31 引言表面等离子体子共振(Surface Plasmon Resonance,SPR)传感器具有免标记、实时动态检测、高灵敏等特点,被广泛应用于生物学、医学、化学、药物筛选以及环境监测、食品安全等领域[1-4]。
重组人皮肤模型用于评价药品包装材料原发性皮肤刺激质量标准的建立何立成;张劲松;朱社敏;谢珍;匡荣【期刊名称】《中国药品标准》【年(卷),期】2018(019)006【摘要】目的:建立重组人皮肤模型用于评价药品包装材料原发性皮肤刺激性的标准.方法:用Epikutis(R)模型和EpiSkinTM模型对药品包装材料进行检测,对浸提介质、浓度、时间以及浸提液与模型的接触时间等条件进行选择,建立可行的标准.结果:取平整部位表面积600 cm2,剪碎,加入大豆油100 mL,37℃放置24h.使用Epikutis(R)模型或EpiSkinTM模型,按重组人皮肤模型皮肤刺激检测方法检测,组织活力平均值应大于80%.结论:所建立的标准可用于药品包装材料原发性皮肤刺激检测.【总页数】6页(P442-447)【作者】何立成;张劲松;朱社敏;谢珍;匡荣【作者单位】浙江省食品药品检验研究院,杭州310052;浙江省食品药品检验研究院,杭州310052;浙江省食品药品检验研究院,杭州310052;浙江省食品药品检验研究院,杭州310052;浙江省食品药品检验研究院,杭州310052【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R921.2【相关文献】1.重组人干扰素α-2b脂质体凝胶的皮肤刺激性及抗病毒作用研究 [J], 刘霞;朱健平2.重组人白细胞介素10抗家兔同种异体皮肤移植排斥模型的建立 [J], 冯继红;孙万邦;罗军敏;刘凯山;张磊;温琼娜;陈富超;王胜香3.洗涤用品人体皮肤刺激性评价方法综述 [J], 吕瑛; 谢嘉颖4.洗涤用品人体皮肤刺激性评价方法综述 [J], 吕瑛; 谢嘉颖5.基于人体皮肤模型的ECVAM体外皮肤刺激验证研究 [J], 邹运动;郑洪艳;杨小冉;李铭;任冬梅;董益阳因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
检测小鼠抗原、抗体免疫反应动力学,求出其结合速率常数ka≈2.05×104 M-s-、解离速率常数kd≈0.005 s-,验证了该装置和数据处理方法的可行性。
【期刊名称】光电工程【年(卷),期】2015(000)007【总页数】7【关键词】表面等离子体共振;传感器;角度扫描;数据处理;免疫反应0 引言表面等离子体共振(Surface Plasmon Resonance,SPR)效应对金属膜表面电介质的折射率变化非常敏感,可高精度探测电介质折射率的微小变化,从而使基于表面等离子体共振效应的生物传感器不需要传统的对样品标记和纯化,就可快速、实时、原位、动态分析生物分子的相互作用[1-3]。
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Prescription Mappingfor Precision Aerial ApplicationPeng Song1,2; Yubin Lan2,*; Wei Li1; Xianfa Fang3;1College of Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing,China2USDA-ARS, College Station, TX, USA3Chinese Academy of Agricultural Mechanization Sciences, Beijing, China* Corresponding author.AbstractVariable-rate application (VRA) is one of the most important technologies in precision aerial application. Prescription maps instructthe controller how much product to apply based on the location of the field, which provide the basis for VRA. This paper discussedapproaches to convert mapping data such as soil data or NDVI data from remote sensing imagesinto application maps in various formats without much effort or special knowledge from the pilot/operator, which could then be a new service to customers. These application maps could then be easily uploaded into aspray system computer to make variable-rate aerial applications, such as cotton growth regulators, defoliants, and insecticides. With VRA technology, prescription maps have potential to benefit the industry by optimizingagriculturalproduction with reduced input usage and environmentalimpacts.Keywords:Precision aerial application, prescription maps, remote sensing, GPS/GIS, variable-rate aerialapplicationINTRODUCTIONAerial application, commonly called crop dusting, involves spraying crops with fertilizers,pesticides, and fungicides from an agricultural aircraft(Lan, et al., 2010). Aerial application can be used to treat large areas quickly; unlike ground spraying, it can treat in undulating terrain and wet soil conditions that prohibit the use of other forms of application, which enables the timing of spray treatments to be improved and soil compaction reduced. With a non-intrusive way, aerial application can also prevent damage to crops by spraying above canopy.As the development of precision agriculture, technologies such as global positioning system (GPS), geographic information systems (GIS), remote sensing and variable-rate application (VRA) allow farmers to manage field in a more effective way, which can optimize agriculture production with reduced input usage and environmental impacts(Moran, et al, 1997). Several studies have assessed the economic potential of variable rate application technology (Burton, et al., 1999).As one of the most important technologies in precision agriculture, variable-rate aerial application technology allows various rates of fertilizers, insecticides, herbicides, tillage and plant harvesting aids within the field at different zones(Thomson, et al., 2006;Kurt, et al., 2011;Cerri, et al., 2002). The process of a typical variable-rate aerial application system can be seen from Fig.1. Mapped data like soil sampling maps, soil type maps, or NDVI maps from remote sensing images, as well as historical records can be used to produce prescription maps for a specific area(Inman, et al., 2008). Studies worked on prescription map for its importance in VRA (Everitt, et al., 1996; Park, et al., 2005). It tells the controller how much product to apply at specific site. With a GPS receiver which locates theapplicator’s position on the map, the rate can be adjusted based on the prescription map as the aircraft fly over different zones of the field.Figure 1.Process of a typical VRAThe objective of this study wasto introduce the process of generating prescription maps with commercial software such as Farm Works software and how they ultimately fit into a complete precision application package.1. PRESCRIPTION MAPPINGA prescription map tells application controller how much product to apply based on the location in the field. Most agricultural GIS packages such as Farm Works Office from Trimble; EasiSuite from MapShots; SMS from Ag Leader and Apex from John Deere can create prescription maps in multiple formats(APEX, 2008; Farm Works, 2012; SMS, 2011). Following steps need to be followed to develop a prescription map for VRA: (1) perform VRA zones for the field; (2)develop a site-specific prescription map of the properties of interest; (3) use the prescription map to control a variable rate applicator(Grisso, et al.,2010;Dania, et al).1.1VRA ZoningFor prescriptions to be based on zones, developing management zones is essential for effective variable rate application. Three factors need to be considered to develop a zone map: (1)information to be used as a basis for creating zones; (2) procedure to process the information; (3) the optimal number of zones that a field should be divided into (Fridgen, et al.,2004).There are several methodsto delineate the zones.Zones can be created as required, such asbetween different crops, different fields or any other shapes and areas asdemands. Import roads, waterways data and satellite imagery as background images which show the outline of field and make it more accurately to draw zones boundary. Zones boundary can be easily edited later as required, and variable rate will be applied between different zones. The number of zones created depends on what we need. Figure 2 shows four zones built with Farm Works software.Variable rate will applied on different color areas after prescription map is produced.Figure2.Four zones for VRASoil type maps as well as any soil sampling maps can also be imported to create VRA maps on different zones. Visit from U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service for free U.S. soil data which can beused for zone delineation. A form of satellite imagery can be imported as a background to create boundaries,as can be seen from Figure 3.The soil survey data on Brazos County, Texas, wasrequired from U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service for analysis.Figure3.Import soil dataRemote sensing image is another approach to get VRA zones. Remote sensing is the process of gathering data from a distance. It developed with GPS, GIS and VRA technologies to assist farmers managing field in a more effective way, which can optimize agriculture production with reduced input usage and environmental impacts. Airborne remote sensing technology using agricultural aircrafts to collect images and data, has the advantage of rapid image acquisition, and can achieve vary spatial resolutions at different flight altitudes (Qin, et al., 2003; Thomson, et al.,2005;Huang, et al.,2009; ).Remote sensing data and images can formulated to normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), which indicates varying levels of particular parameters such as plants nutrient content, growth status, water content, soil parameters and yield. Zones in NDVI mapspresent different crop conditions for variable rate application. Prescription map can also be created from NDVI map.NDVI map is extracted from remote sensing image.The remote sensing image used here acquired by MS-4100 multi-spectral camera. Figure 4 is the image acquired for cotton field on September 20, 2007 at the height of 7000 feet(Lan, et al., 2009).Erdas software was used to get the area of interest (AOI) (Figure 5) and make a calibration on the image. The NDVI map of the AOI area(Figure 6) was used to create a prescription map.Figure 4.Remote sensing imageFigure 5.AOI imageFigure 6.NDVI map by ErdasImport calibrated AOI area image to Farm Works as background, the image shows the outline of field which make it easier and more accurately to draw the boundary. It is the white area applied for area variable plan.Prescription map can be created after NDVI map loaded into Farm Works software.1.2 Prescription Map Created by ZonesZones map can be used for numerous applications, such as variable rate fertilizer, plant growth regulators, cotton defoliants, and seeding rates. When zones are created, it’s easy to develop a prescription map. Add a new view for zones map to create grid or contour map. For grid sampling, the boundary is typically divided into 2.5 acre grids. Select the contour or grid view map created to create prescription maps, as can be seen from Figure 7.The prescription values into the cells correspond with the zone colors showing on the map.Figure7.Prescription maps created by Farm Works1.3 Prescription Map FilePrescription maps will be imported to variable-rate control systems to apply for variable-rate application. So a prescription map should be created in appropriate format to match with special VRA controller. Most agricultural GIS packages can create prescription maps in multiple formats. The prescription map file should be saved as correct format after being created. For example, Ag Leader PF3000 Pro requires the *.tgt prescription map format, Raven Viper can read the *.shp format, AG-NAV®2 supports both DXF and shapefile formats, but John Deere controllers require a boundary file of the field be included in addition to the prescription map. With an airplane, the controller will automatically change its rates based on those specified in the prescription map and the GPS position as the aircraft flow over different zones.2. AERIAL VRA CONTROL SYSTEMThere are many commercial variable-rate control systems available in the market. The Air IntelliStar™ developed by Hemisphere GPS, allows flying and spraying precise patterns at the proper time using variable rate flow control, The IntelliStarlightbar guidance system features a real-time graphic moving map display that provides superior visual guidance, including highbright for daytime and red mode for nighttime. The screen shows swaths sprayed, field boundaries, skips and overlaps, mark points and waypoints, background maps and can be connected to the Internet using a USB modem; The AG-NAV®2 (AG-NAV) is a DGPS navigation system designed by AG-NAV Inc. It provides the pilot with swath and directional guidance and other navigation information. It supports all spray patterns from simple back and forth to automatic center field split in various ways; The ACCU-RATE® controller developed by Trimble Inc., prescription map can be loaded into the EZ-Guide 500 system or the FmX integrated display with two built-in GPS receivers to automatically vary the rate using prescriptions; The WINGMANTM, an advanced aerial spray management system designed by ADAPCO, provides basic flight guidance, flight recording, obstacle awareness, flow rate, application totals and acres treated functions is based on ADAPCO's proprietary SkyTracker(TM) software. SkyTracker provides real-time aircraft tracking and instantaneous processing of weather data for spray system optimization and graphical data display. Installed on an aircraft, those control system will automatically apply for variable rate application based on the prescription map imported as the aircraft flow over the field.3. CONCLUSIONVariable-rate aerial application technology has the potential to benefit the industry by saving operators and farmers’ time and money. As an important factor of VRA, prescription map allows various rates of fertilizers, insecticides, defoliants, herbicides, tillage and plant harvesting aids within the field at different zones. Following steps are needed to develop a VRA prescription map: (1) perform VRA zones for the field; (2) develop a site-specific prescription map of the properties of interest; (3) use the prescription map to control a VR applicator. With commercial variable-rate control systems in the market, the prescription maps could be easily uploaded into the controller to makevariable-rate aerial application.REFERENCES[1] Lan, Y. B., Huang, Y., &Marting, D. E.,et al. (2009). Development of an airborne remote sensing system for crop pestmanagement: system integration and verification. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 25(4): 607-615.[2] Burton, C. 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