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服饰apparel and accessories:衣着。





定制服装tailor made
中式服装Chinese costume
西式服装Western costume
民族服装ethnic costume
连身装cover all
男装Young Men's wear:适合于成年男子穿着的服装。

女装Misses' wear 适合于成年女子穿着的服装。

少男服装boy's clothes
少女服装girl's clothes
儿童服装children's wear
婴幼儿服装infant's wear:适合于年龄在24个月及以内的婴幼儿穿着的服装。

功能性服装functional garments
职业服work wear
防护服protective work wear

休闲服casual wear:人们在闲暇生活中从事各种活动所穿的服装。


礼服formal wear
舞台服stage costume
家居服dressing gown
孕妇装maternity dress
针织服装knitted garments
机织服装woven garments:又称为梭织服装。

毛呢服装woollen garments
棉类服装cotton garments
麻类服装bast garments
丝绸服装silk garments
化纤类服装synthetic-made garments
毛皮服装fur garments
皮革服装leather gamrnets
人造毛皮服装fake fur garments
人造革服装fake leather garments
牛仔服装jeans wear
防寒服cold protective clothing
棉服装padded garments
羽绒服装down wear
2 服装成品
西服tailored suit
中山装Zhongshan Zhuang
军便装military jacket
青年装young men's jacket
猎装safari jacket
中西式上衣Chinese and Western-style coat
中式上衣Chinese style coat

旗袍裙Qipao style skirt
斜裙A-line skirt
喇叭裙flare skirt
褶裙pleated skirt
节裙tiered skirt
筒裙straight skirt
西服裙tailored skirt
西裤tailored trousers
西短裤tailored shorts
中式裤Chinese style slack
马裤riding breeches
喇叭裤bell-bottom trousers
棉裤padded pants
羽绒裤down pants
超短裤mini shorts
雨裤rain-proof pants
沙滩裤beach shorts

泳装swimming wear
紧身服body fitting garments
风雨衣all-weather coat
风衣trench coat


睡衣套pyjamas 睡袍nightgown
新娘礼服wedding gown
晚礼服evening wear
燕尾服morning coat
3 服装部位、部件
肩缝shoulder seam
领嘴collar notch

里襟under fly:钉扣的衣片。

门襟止口front edge

止口圆角front cut
眼距buttonhole spacing
假眼mock button hole
滚眼button loop:用面料做的扣眼。

扣位button placement:钮扣的位置。

单排扣single breasted
双排扣double breasted
平驳头notch lapel
戗驳头peak lapel
驳口roll line
下盘头stand collar head

袖山sleeve top
衬衫袖口shirt sleeve cuff
橡筋袖口elastic cuff
罗纹袖口rib cuff
腰节waist line
摆缝side seam
前后披肩shoulder piece
前过肩front yoke
领省neckline dart
前肩省bust dart
胁省pocket dart
前腰省front waist dart
横省side dart
肚省fish dart
前身通省front open dart
刀背缝princess seam
总肩across back shoulder
后过肩back yoke
背缝center back seam
摆叉side vent
后搭门back overlap
领窝neck line
后领省back neck dart
后肩省back shoulder dart
后腰省back waist dart
后身通省back open dart
上装部件tops parts
立领stand collar
翻折领fold-over collar
底领collar stand。


翻领lapel 领上口roll collar
领下口collar neckline
领里口collar stand line
领外口style line
领豁口collar notch
倒挂领Ulster collar
中山服领Zhongshan collar
中式领mandarin collar
衬衫领shirt collar
两用领convertible collar
圆领crew neck
方领square neck
青果领shawl collar
燕子领wing collar
荷叶边领ruffled collar
海军领sailor collar
扎结领tie collar
圆形领口round neckline
方形领口square neckline
一字形领口boat neckline
鸡心领领口sweetheart neckline
袖头cuff button:又称为袖卡夫。

双袖头folding cuff
袖叉sleeve vent
袖叉条sleeve placket
大袖top sleeve:衣袖的大片。

小袖under sleeve:衣袖的小片。

袖中缝sleeve center line
后袖缝elbow seam
袖底缝sleeve line
衬衫袖shirt sleeve
圆袖set-in sleeve:在臂根围与衣身接合的袖型。

连袖kimono sleeve:衣袖相连,有中缝的袖型。

连肩袖raglan sleeve:又称为插肩袖。

中缝圆袖raglan sleeve with center seam:中间有缝的圆袖,又称为连肩袖。

喇叭袖flare sleeve
灯笼袖puff sleeve
蝙蝠袖batwing sleeve
泡泡袖bishop sleeve
花瓣袖petal sleeve
插袋vertical pocket
贴袋patch pocket
开袋slit pocket
双嵌线袋double jet pocket
单嵌线袋single jet pocket
卡袋card pocket:放名片、卡片的小袋。

手巾袋breast pocket
袋爿袋welt pocket:装有袋爿的开袋。

眼镜袋glasses pocket
里袋inside pocket
锯齿形里袋saw-tooth edge trimmed inside pocket:又称为三角形里袋。

有盖贴袋flapped patch pocket
压爿贴袋patch pocket with topstitched box pleat
吊袋Zhongshan Zhuang pocket:又称为老虎袋。

风琴袋bellow pocket
暗裥袋patch pocket with inverted pleat
明裥袋patch pocket with box pleat
小部件small parts
领袢collar tab 吊袢hangtag loop
腰袢waist tab
下摆袢bottom tab
袖袢sleeve tab
脚口袢leg opening tab
线袢French tack


滚边bias strip

袋盖pocket flap
前身衬front interlining
驳头衬lapel interlining
胸衬chest interlining
下节衬interlining under the waist line
领衬collar interlining
帮胸衬bias strip
袋角衬pocket reinforcement patch
底边衬hem interlining
袖头衬cuff interlining
挂面衬front facing interlining
腰头衬waist band interlining
袋牵布patch stay

上裆crotch depth:腰头上口至横裆间的部位,又称


烫迹线creas press
裤脚口leg opening
裤卷脚turn-up cuff
侧缝side seam
腰缝waistband seam
小裆缝front crotch seam
前裆缝front crotch seam
后裆缝back crotch seam
腰头waistband top
腰头上口upper side of waistband
腰里waistband lining
裤(裙)腰省waist dart
下装部件bottoms parts
侧缝直袋side pocket
侧缝斜袋slant pocket
侧缝横袋cross pocket
表袋watch pocket
后袋hip pocket
膝盖绸knee kicker
贴脚条heel stay
门襟fly facing:位于裤、裙开合处,用以锁眼或装一侧拉链的部件。

里襟fly shield:位于裤、裙开合处,用以钉钮扣或装一侧拉链的部件。

里襟尖嘴button tab at fly shield
小裤底front crotch stay:小档部位的里布。

大裆底back crotch stay:后裆部位的里布。

过桥trouser curtain:里襟里布延长的条状部件,用以覆盖十字裆缝。

雨水布trouser curtain:遮盖腰头衬布的里布。

袋布pocket bag
垫袋布pocket mouth stay:袋口处垫在袋布上的条料。

4 服装设计


结构garment construction
基础线basic line:结构制图过程中使用的纵向和横向的基础线条。


结构线construction line:服装图样上,表示服装部件裁剪、缝纫结构变化的线条。

效果图fashion drawing
款式图working sketch
结构图cutting illustration:又称为裁剪图。

示意图sketch map
展示图flat patternmaking
分解图detail sketch
5 服装工艺操作
检查原辅料material inspection
验色差colour shade inspection
查疵点inspection for defect
查污渍inspection for spot
分幅宽fabrics width grouping
查衬布色泽checking interlining
查纬斜inspection for skewness
复米roll length audit:复查每匹原、辅料的长度
理化试验physical and chemical test
烫原辅料wrinkle removal
自然回缩fabric relaxing
计算机裁剪computer aided cutting
服装CAM clothing computer-aided manufacturing
服装CAD computer-aided garment design


纸样paper pattern:软质纸的版样。

板样pasteboard pattern:硬质纸的版样,亦称样板。

布样cloth pattern:布质的版样、立裁中产生的版样。

复查划样marker audit

分片identifying and bundling:裁片分开整理。



查裁片刀口checking notches
配零料assigning sundries
钉标签attaching label:将有顺序号的标签钉在衣片上。

验片cut piece inspection
换片changing defective pieces
冲上下领衬punching collar interlining
冲袖头衬punching cuff interlining 缝制sewing
修片trimming pieces
打线丁making tailor's tack
环缝overcasting stitches
缉省缝sewing darts
烫省缝pressing dart open
归拔前片blocking front piece
烫衬pressing interlining
粘衬pressing interfacing
敷袖窿牵条taping armhole
合摆缝joining side seam
倒钩袖窿back-stitching armhole
合肩缝joining shoulder seam
分烫肩缝pressing open shoulder seam
绱袖setting in sleeve
纟乔领下口slip-stitching collar to garments
纟乔底边blind stitching hem
定眼位marking button position
开扣眼cutting buttonhole
绱袋attaching pocket to garment
粘衬fusing interlining
绱过肩setting back yoke
缉明线top stitching
绱袖头attaching cuff to sleeve
定扣位marking button position
钉扣sewing button
钉扣袢sewing button loop
钉领钩袢attaching hook and eye
镶边making bias binding as a decorative trim 绱拉链attaching zipper
绱门袢attaching fly facing
绱里襟attaching fly shield
绱腰头sewing on waistband
绱串带袢tacking loops to waistband
绱雨水布attaching trouser curtain
合下裆缝joining inseam
合前后缝joining crotch
封小裆bartacking front crotch
花绷十字缝cross-stitching crotch
扣烫贴脚布folding and pressing heel stay
叠顺褶forming and stitching flat pleats
拉线襻making French tack
针距stitch size spacing
缝型seam types
包缝overlock stitch
明包缝flat felled seam
暗包缝welt seam
来去缝French seam
分缝open seam
坐倒缝plain seam
坐缉缝lap seam
分缉缝double top-stitched seam
压缉缝top-stitched lapped seam
漏落缝self-bound seam with sink stitch,又称灌缝。

分坐缉缝top-stitched open seam
各类针法kinds of stitch
撩针running stitch
(扌寨)针baste stitch
暗(纟乔)针blind stitch
明(纟乔)针slant stitch
倒钩针back stitch
倒回针back stitch
锁针buttonhole stitch
打套结bar tack
服装QC验货评语Collar 领
Unbalance collar 领不平衡
Asymmetric collar 领位不对称
Uneven collar width 左右领阔不一致
Uneven neckline 左右领圈不一致
Uneven collar point 领尖不对称
Uneven lapel shapes 左右前领咀形状不一样
Too much easing at C.F. neckline 前领口溶位太多(有太多溶位于前中领窝)
Collar too tight at CB 后领中太紧
Collar band is twisting 领座扭曲不平顺
Fullness at front collar and lapel 领及前领咀不平顺Neckline is not smooth 领圈不圆顺
Neck setting not smooth 领子装得不平顺
High & low back neck 后领圈有高低
Edge of front opening is crooked 前门领边不直Front opening not straight 前门领边不直
Front facing is exposed at bottom hem 前门领贴在下摆处外露
Front opening facing is shorter than body 前门领贴短于大身
Neck was stretched 领圈拉松
Too much tie on front collar 前领处有豁口
Sleeve & Armhole 袖&夹:
Puckering at left/right armhole 左右夹圈有溶位不平伏.# q+ y& a$ r- e3 I
Too loose at right armhole, uneven for left/right armhole 右夹圈有拉松, 左右夹圈不相称.0 o. a0
J$ L& `) W
Sleeve running to back(衣袖走后) / Sleeve running to front(衣袖走前) 操兵袖7 ^)A
Too loose at front sleeve seam 前袖骨拉松
Too tight at back sleeve seam 后袖骨过紧.
Poor cuff setting 卡夫装得不好
Sleeve placket is not set well 袖*装得不好5 K:
x$ `% |2 y# ~
Underarm seam was stretched 袖底缝被拉松Armhole setting not smooth 袖孔不圆顺5 {2 F8 z! X% @$ l
Ease on sleeve cap is uneven 袖顶缩拱不均匀Front/back 前后幅
Hiking at front, CF facing too short 吊襟: Hiking at back, lining too short 吊里
Curve at CF zip(too much fullness at CF zip) 前中拉链溶位太多
Curve at CF zipper because of no easing of zipper. 前中拉链无溶位(引致纽曲)) ( ]*
Hiking at back / Hiking at front 后幅吊起/ 前幅吊起
Front panel is bigger than under panel(lining) 前幅底幅细面幅松
Lining too big, too short, too small, too long 里布太大, 太短, 太小, 太长
Grain lines are not match at front & back panel 前后幅布纹不相称Front length uneven 左右前长不一致
Too loose at shell, Too loose at back/lining, turn insider out 底松, 面松, 向外反
Hem 衫脚
Seam binding stitch tension is too tight, causing bottom not smooth. 下摆丝带过紧, 使下摆不平顺Bottom hem is not in line / not straight. 下脚不够不平(直)
Twisting hem, puckering at hem 下脚纽纹起豆角Uneven hem 左右下摆高低不一
Vent length uneven 左右开*长短不一
Uneven leg length 长短脚*
Uneven hem line 衫脚不平均/ 不对称
ttom hem is not in line / not straight. 下脚不够不平(直)
Twisting hem, puckering at hem 下脚纽纹起豆角Vent length uneven 左右开*长短不一
Uneven leg length 长短脚
Uneven hem line 衫脚不平均/ 不对称
Pocket 袋
High-low pocket 高低袋
Both pocket set uneven 左右口袋装得高低不一+ Pocket not smooth / squared 袋不平服/不够正方Pocket flap not centered over pocket 袋盖不正中Both pocket shapes are uneven 左右口袋形状不一致
Bottom part of pocket is sagging 口袋下部下垂Pocket flap is misplaced 袋边位置不对
Pocket is misplaced 口袋位置不对
Pocket is smiling 袋口开得不吻合
Pocket opening is fray 袋口有毛口
Pocket shape distorted 口袋变形
Pocket size and shape is not follow sample
exactly 口袋的尺寸及形状未按照实样做
Pocket welt is uneven 上下袋唇不均匀
Poor pocket setting 口袋装得不好
Binding 拉捆
Piping is uneven 捆边不均匀,
Piping is twisting and not smooth 捆边扭曲不平顺Pleats 缩褶
Uneven shirring at back waist seam

Shirring 碎褶
Elastic shirring is uneven 橡筋缩拱不均匀
Both side pleats not balance 左右褶位不一致Darts placement is not follow sample exactly 褶位未按照实样做
Pleats is misplaced 褶位不对
Shirring / Gathering 缩褶
Pleated 生褶
Darts 死褶
Beading & embroidery 钉珠&绣花
Beads stitching are not secure 珠子未钉牢Embroidery stitching is too tight 绣花线太紧Embroidery stitching too loose 绣花线太松SHADING DEFECTS 色差问题.
1) Color shading 色差
2) Color shading within one garment. 同一件衣服内有色差
3) Color shading between trims and body. 配件与衫身之间有色差
4) Shade differs from approved standard. 颜色与批核色版不同
Shading caused by poor color interlining matching. 纸朴颜色不配合, 引致色差ACCESSORIES 辅料问题
1) Missing button / label / badge 漏钮/ 漏唛头/ 漏章
Button position not well match buttonhole. 钮与钮门位置欠配合"
Button inside out 钮的底面倒置
4) Button marking not removed. 点钮笔痕没有清除
5) Damaged button/buttonhole 钮烂/烂钮门
6) Rusted stud 工字钮生锈
Paint peel off on stud 工字钮颜色脱落
8) Button and buttonhole not aligned cause bulge. 钮及钮门位置不配合, 引致谷起
9) Buttonhole too small to allow button to pass through. 钮门太细, 钮不能顺利通过
10) Uncut buttonhole / partially cut buttonhole 钮门未幵/ 钮门未开尽
11) Ragged edges at buttonhole 钮门纱线不清
12) Broken buttonhole stitches 钮门断线
13) Button thread easily pulled out. 钉钮线容易拉脱
14) Snap / rivet easily pulled off.吸钮、撞钮容易拉脱
15) Buttonhole is not match button size 钮洞尺寸与钮扣大小不相配
16) Button misplaced 钮扣位置不对)
17) Buttonhole misplaced 钮洞位置不对
18) Button is not sewing security 钮扣未钉牢-
19) Button is sewn too tight 钮扣钉得太紧
20) Buttonhole is fray 钮洞有毛口
21) Key buttonhole density is too loose 凤眼钮洞的车缝线步太疏
22) Key buttonhole is misplaced 凤眼钮洞位置不对
23) Snap misplaced 揿钮位置不对
24) Snap tape is misplaced 揿钮扁带位置不对Snap tape setting not well 揿钮扁带装得不好There is bubble on buttonhole area 钮洞周围有气

Hood and bar is misplaced 裙扣位置不对
28) Hole at zip top / end 拉链顶/ 尾有洞
29) Zipper setting is twisting 拉链装得扭曲
30) Shoulder pad not attach to garment security 肩棉未钉牢*
31) Shoulder pad not cover well 肩棉未包好
32) Velcro is misplaced 魔术贴位置不对
33) Waistband belt is not set straight 腰耳装得不直
34) Waistband belt length and width are uneven 腰耳的长、宽不一致
35) In***plete adhesive on interlining. 黏朴未完全黏好
36) Strike through of adhesive on interlining. 黏朴胶露面
37) Strike back of adhesive on interlining. 黏朴脱落
38) Blistering occurred on interlining. 黏朴起泡
39) Insecure shoulder pad attached. 肩棉钉缝不稳
40) Label placement incorrect. 唛头位置不正确
41) Care label content not as specified. 成份唛内容不符合要求
42) Main label and size/content label are set too closed 主唛与尺码成份唛装得太靠近
43) Main label setting is misplace 钉主唛不井齐
44) Wrong care label sewn on garment. 成份唛车错位置
45) Label not properly secured. 唛头车缝不稳
46) Label sewn beyond label edge. 唛头车缝太入
47) Label sewing seam uneven / puckered. 唛头车缝不平均或起皱
48) Wrong accessories used. 用错辅料STITCHING AND SEAMS 线步和骨位1)Raw edge 散口
2) Raw edges 爆口
3) Untrimmed thread ends 线头未剪
4) Skipped stitches 跳线
5) Exposed stitching 露线
6) Broken stitches 断线
7) Run-off stitches 间线落坑
8) Crooked stitches 线步弯曲
9) Poor join stitching 驳线欠佳
10) Unsightly over-lapping stitches 驳线不良
11) Stitches too loose 线步太松
12) Stitches too tight 线步太紧
13) Distorted stitches 车线不直
14) Broken seams 缝线爆幵
15) Expose stitch 落坑线外露
16) Inconsistent stitching 线步不一致
17) Uneven width on double stitching 双线阔
18) Uneven stitching density / tension 线步密
度/ 松紧度不平均
19) 1/4 top stitch not even 1/4面线有宽窄
20) Expose safety stitch 保险线外露
21) Inseam is uneven 内缝线不井齐
22) Merrow stitch density is too big 拨边线步太

23) Overlap stitch is not well 反缝的接线不好
24) Top & under stitch tension not match 底面
25) Uneven merrow seam 内拨边线弯曲不直
26) Missing reinforcement stitches 漏车加固线

27) Row of stitching missing – top stitch 漏车
28) Stitch count less than standard 线步较标准
少+ \; H3 W* {- B" d2 Y0 {
29) All top stitch is uneven 所有的面线都不均匀
30) Blind stitch is broken 筒针有断线现象
31) Blind stitch is wavy 筒线弯曲不直;
32) Shoulder seam not smooth 小肩缝弯曲不直
33) Uneven folded width at bottom sweep
1/2〞hemming. 折车1/2〞脚围阔窄
34) Blind stitching visible 挑脚线露面. 5 N: l: V, B' ~) u. B
35) In***plete seam stitching 线步不到尾4
~7 }4 X1 u8 s# v. C$ w, X, k
36) Uneven for hem closure stitching, uneven stitch at hem 下脚车线不直
37) Exposed waistband running stitches 裙头/裤头见坑线! $ W4 B' A3 f& i) `8 a
38) Not straight at front fly 裤钮牌车线不顺直
39) Not straight at back yoke 后担干车线不直, 纽曲!
40) Skipping stitches, looping stitches 跳线, 车线太松起耳仔
41) Seam allowance, sewing thread too tight 子口补间线, 线太紧起豆角)%
42) Pleated seam 骨位打褶
43) Puckered seam 骨位起皱
44) Open seam 爆骨.
45) Burst seam 爆骨
46) Under seam visible 底骨露面
47) Waviness on seams 骨位起波浪
48) Twisted seams / Seam rolling 扭骨
49) Twisting at side seam, Wavy at side seam 侧骨纽, 不顺直
50) Seam closures uneven 骨位结尾不平均
51) Missing bar-tack 漏打枣
52) Seam not properly secured 骨位不牢固
53) Fullness on seams 骨位太谷, 不平伏
54) Seam not fully opened before stitching.
55) Cracked seam 骨位拉时有响声(引致断线)
56) Too loose at princess seam 前公主骨拉松起

57) Puckering at back princess seam 后公主骨
溶位太多, 起皱/起豆角
58) Too tight or too loose at side seam. 侧骨车
59) Too loose at CF / CB seam 前中/后中骨太

60) Too loose at shoulder seam, unbalance of
front & back panel at shoulder seam 肩骨拉松(要落定位): V. |0 I7 i4 F$ b, G
61) Too flat at shoulder seam, too slant of
shoulder seam 肩骨太平/太斜
1)Different lots of shade 缸色/ 色差
2) Uneven washing effect 洗水效果不均勻
3) Streaky mark 洗水(條紋)痕
4) Crease mark 洗水摺(白)痕
5) Pilly / hairy on garment surface 洗水後表面有毛粒或起毛
6) Broken collar / cuff and hem 爛領/ 介英/ 腳
7) Sandy on garment surface 衣服表面有沙的感覺
8) Rock / sand inside pockets 袋內有石/ 沙;
9) Different washing effect 洗水效果不同
10) Mildew or heavily odor garment. 霉味或很重的味在衣服上
1) Poor pressing 烫工差
2) Wrinkle 皱
3) Wet 湿气
4) GMT press too hard cause shiny mark 衣服烫过头以致起光迹
5) Elastic is not pre-shrinkage before setting 橡筋未烫缩水
6) Seam not fully pressed open 骨位没有完全熨幵
7) Crease mark 折痕印
8) Burn mark 烧焦印
9) Water spot 水斑点
10) Color stain 颜色斑点
11) Melt 熔化
12) Glazing / shinny pressed 起镜
13) Sheer / glossy 起镜面
14) Pleated press 熨褶痕
15) Zip / button mark made by improper pressing 熨工欠佳, 引致有拉链痕/ 钮痕16) Poor pressing / fusing of interlining 烫朴/ 压朴效果不佳CLEANLINESS 清洁
Found oil stain 有油污渍
Dirty mark 污渍
There is dirty mark on garment 衣服上有脏迹Cleaning mark 枪水渍/ 打枪痕迹TPACKAGING/PRESENTATION 包装
Missing price ticket / hangtag / label 欠价钱牌/挂牌/唛头
Wrong placement of price ticket / hangtag / label 价钱牌/挂牌/唛头位置错误
Wrong size / color in assortment 尺码/ 颜色分配错误
Improper folding 折法不正确
*Dirty poly bag 胶袋污渍
Broken export carton 外箱烂
Carton over weight 外箱过重
Incorrect carton size 外箱尺寸不合规格
服装专用工具设计打样工具instruments for designing
样板纸pattern paper
裁剪工具instruments for cutting
裁剪剪刀dressmaker's shears or tailor's shears
电剪刀electrically powered knife
拉布机spreading machine
手缝针sharps needle
纱剪thread clippers
机缝工具instruments for sewing
缝纫机针sewing machine needle
缝纫机sewing machine
专用缝纫机special machine:钉扣、锁眼、打套结、包缝等用的专用机器。

整烫工具instruments for pressing
水布pressing cloth
烫凳tailor's press board
铁凳egg pad
布馒头tailor's ham
电熨斗electric iron
蒸汽熨斗steam iron
检验工具instruments for inspection


钢卷尺steel tape
色卡standard colour card
外观疵点样照standard sample photo for checking spots
起皱样照standard sample photo
贴纸marking paper
3-plys export carton 三坑出口纸箱
a pair of braces 一副裤子背带
accessory 辅料
acetate lining 亚沙迪里布,亚沙地里布
air freight 空运费
allover embroidery 全身绣花,[粤]全身车花
anti-pilling agent 抗起毛剂
antistatic finish 防静电处理
automatic lock (zip) 自动锁拉链
apparel 成衣
applique 贴布绣
appearance quality 外观质量
approved swatch 确认的样布
armhole,scye 袖窿,[粤]夹圈
[欧]Art.No.,[美]style No. 款号
assembling of front & back part 前后幅合并assorted color 混色
assorted size混码
assorted color assorted size 混色混码
attach collar 上领,绱领
attach cuff to sleeve 车袖头到袖子上,[粤]车鸡英到袖子上
attachment (安装在衣车上辅助车缝的)附件attention card 注意卡
autolock zipper 自动锁拉链
azo dye 偶氮染料
back cover front 后搭前,后盖前
back rise 后直裆,[粤]后浪
back stitch 回针,倒针,[粤]返针
back 后片,后幅backless dress 露背裙
barb wire,loop pin 行李索
bar code sticker 条码贴纸,条形码贴纸bargaining 讨价还价
base layer (多层服装的)内层
basting 疏缝,假缝
bead (装饰用)有孔小珠
bell bottom 喇叭裤脚
belt 带,腰带
belt loop,(belt-loop,beltloop)腰带袢,裤带袢,[粤]裤耳,耳仔
bias cut 斜纹裁,[粤]纵纹裁
binder 滚边器,[粤]拉筒,包边蝴蝶,滚边蝴蝶binding 滚边
binding tape 滚条
bleach spot漂白斑
bleach 漂白
blended 混纺
bodice 衣服大身部分
body 上衣的主要部分(除领、袖外)[粤]衫身bottom,hem 下摆,[粤]衫脚,裤脚
bow tie 蝴蝶结领结。

(bow-tie是“回转波”)boxer 平脚裤,[粤]孖烟通
box pleat,(box-pleat)工字褶,[粤]外工字褶boy's style fly 男装门襟,[粤]男装钮牌
braid 织带
brocade 织锦,锦缎
under fly 里襟,[粤]钮子
mock fly 假门襟
top fly 门襟
bracelet cuff 紧袖口
braces skirt 吊带裙
braces 吊带,背带
brass plate 铜牌
briefs 三角裤
brown 麻布和花边的胚
buckle 带扣
buckle loop 扣袢
bulk production 大量生产,[粤]大货
bundle number 捆号,[粤]扎号
bundle system 打包装置,包扎系统,[粤]执扎系统bundling (裁片的)捆扎,[粤]执扎
button 钮扣,扣子,[粤]钮
automatic button feeding 自动喂扣
button feeder 喂扣器
button mold (布或皮)包扣
button mould 钮模
button robot 自动钉扣机
imitation wood button 仿木扣
jeans button 工字扣
string button 绳结扣
button position 钉扣位,[粤]钮位
button stand 里襟,[粤]钮门搭位,钮子buttonhole,(button-hole)扣眼,钮孔,[粤]钮门buttonhole dimension 扣眼大小
buttonhole distance 扣眼裆(扣眼间的距离),[粤]钮门距
buttonhole placket 门襟,[粤]门筒,(裤、裙的)钮牌
buttonhole position 扣眼位,[粤]钮门位
mock buttonhole 假扣眼,驳头眼,[粤]假钮门welt buttonhole 滚边扣眼,滚眼
buttonholing 锁扣眼,[粤]开钮门,打钮门
button attaching 钉扣,[粤]打钮
camouflage color 迷彩色
camouflage pattern 迷彩图案
canvas,canavass 帆布
cardboard 纸板
care label,(washing label)洗水唛,洗水标care symbols 洗水符号carton number 箱号
carton 纸箱
carton sticker 外箱贴纸
casing 吃势,[粤]容位
casual wear 便装,休闲服
catalogue (产品)目录
center back vent 后中衩(有搭位的)
center back 后中
center crease fold 中骨对折
center crease line 中骨线
center front 前中
certified sub-contractor 认可加工厂
chic 时髦的,流行的
circular knit 圆筒针织布
circular knitting machine 针织大圆机
claim indemnity 索赔
clapper 拱形烫木(烫后袖缝、摆缝等的工具)classic look 经典款式
clean finish 卷边,[粤]还口
close fitting 贴身
coating 涂层,上衣料,大衣料
collar fall 衣领翻下部分,[粤]上级领
attached collar 活动礼服衬衫领
Chinese collar 旗袍领
collar butterfly 领蝴蝶(衬衫包装放在领口处固定领形用)
collar point 领尖
collar stay 领插角片,[粤]领插竹(放在衬衫领尖处定形用,有固定缝于衣领里面的和插在外面活动的两种)collection 系列
color/size breakdown 颜色尺码分配
color assortment 颜色搭配
color fastness 色牢度
combi program 配色组合
commodity inspection 商检
conceal zipper 隐形拉链
consolidation 拼柜
constructed specification 结构细节
content label 成份唛
continuous placket 用滚条一次拉成的袖衩,[粤]R 折
contrast color 对比色,衬色,[粤]撞色
cotton string 棉绳
cord 灯心绒类布,绳,带
draw cord 拉绳,抽绳
drawstring 拉绳,抽绳
fustian cord [英]灯心绒
corduroy 灯芯绒
corduroys 灯心绒裤,工装裤
cost sheet 成本单
country of origin label 产地唛
covered button 包扣(用大身面料等包起来的钮扣)crease line 折线
crocking test 摩擦测试(测试色牢度)
cross crotch 十字缝,十字骨
cross cut 横纹裁
crotch 大腿根处,裤裆,裤浪底
crotch point 浪顶点
cuff 袖头,袖级,卡夫,[粤]鸡英,介英
cuff bottom,cuff hem 类似袖头的下摆或裤脚
cuff opening 袖衩,[粤]袖侧
cuff vent (有搭位的)袖衩,[粤]袖侧cumulative units inspected 累计验货数
customs declarer 报关员
cut & sewn 切驳
cut in direction 顺毛裁
cutted pieces,cut pieces,cut parts 裁片cutting room 裁剪车间,裁床部
cutting table 裁床
dart 省,褶,裥date of dispatch 出货日期
decorative stitch 装饰线步
delivery date 落货期,出货期
deluxe kraft paper gummed tape 高级湿水牛皮纸detachable cuff 活动袖头,[粤]活动鸡英detachable lining 活动里布
die cutting machine 冲裁机,[粤]啤机
die 刀模,冲裁刀具,[粤]啤刀
discount,sales off 打折
discrepancy 差异
division 部门,组别
documentary secretary 单证员
fitting room 试衣间
dummy 假人(模特)
Dupoint paper 杜邦纸,防绒纸。



drill 斜纹布,卡其布,钻孔,钻孔器,[粤]锥子drilling position 钻孔位
drop test 跌落测试
dry clean 干洗
dry rub 干擦
dyelot 缸号
dyeing 染色
random dyeing 扎染,间隔染色
easing 吃势,[粤]容位
easy care 免烫
edge covering 包边
fabric edge 布边
fringed edge 毛边,[粤]散口
edge stitch 车边线,[粤]间边线
edge trimmer 修边器
edge-finishing,(edge finishing)边脚处理
egg pad 铁凳(熨烫肩部等部位的工具)
elastic waistband is extension of body 原身出橡筋腰头
elastic 橡筋
elbow dart 肘省,[粤]手肘褶
elbow patch 肘部贴布
elastic band 橡筋带
elastic cuff 松紧袖头,松紧袖口
end stopper 吊钟(拉绳末端的钟状扣)embroidery 绣花,[粤]车花
embroidered patch 绣花章,绣花牌,[粤]车花章,车花牌
empire seam,empire line 胸底骨,也叫高腰线,一般位于女装上衣或裙的胸杯下
epaulet 肩章
ever pleat 耐久不变的褶裥
ex-factory date 出厂日期,离厂日期
expiry date 有效期
export carton 出口纸箱
extension of waistband [粤]腰头搭咀
extra large size,king size 特大号,加大码
extra small size 特小号
eyelet buttonhole 圆头扣孔,凤眼
eyelet 气孔,鸡眼
eyes & hooks,hook and eye 风纪扣,领钩,钩棒扣,[粤]乌蝇扣
fabric construction 布料结构
fabric consumption 布料用量
fabric swatch 小块布样,[粤]布办
fabric width 幅宽,[粤]布封
fabric 布
fabric absorption 布料吸湿性
fabric breathability 布料透气性
fabric comfort 布料穿着舒适性
fabric fall 布料悬垂性
fabric flamability 布料可燃性fabric resilience 布料回弹性
facing 贴边,贴
false fly (裤、裙的)假门襟,[粤]假钮牌
false placket 假门襟,[粤]假门筒
fastener 扣件(钮扣、拉链等)
felled seam 对折缝,[粤]埋夹
figure-clinging 紧身的,贴身胸围
fil-a-fil 米通条布
final inspection 尾期检验,终查
finished product 成品
finished-size 成品尺寸
fitness wear 女式紧身衣
fitting 试衣,[英]尺寸
ill fitting 不合身
flag label 旗唛
flameproof fabric 防火布
flannel 法兰绒,绒布
flare skirt 喇叭裙
flat knitting 横机织物
flax 亚麻
fleece 起绒布,[粤]抓毛布
flow chart 流程图
flow control 流程控制
fly (裤、裙的)门襟,[粤]钮牌
fold back facing 原身出贴
fold back hidden placket 原身双层门襟,[粤]原身出暗筒
fold line for lapel 领驳口
forwarder,shipping agent 货代,船公司
free size 可调尺寸
freight collect 到付
freight prepaid 预付
frill,frills 褶边,绉边,[粤]荷叶边
fringe 流苏,毛边
front facing 挂面,[粤]襟贴
front opening 前开口
front rise 前直裆,小裆,[粤]前浪
front yoke 前过肩,[粤]前担干
front,forepart,front panel 前片,前幅fullness 宽松位
fully fashion sweater 全成型毛衫
full lining 全里
full opening 全开襟,[粤]全开口
full range of size 尺码齐全
fur garment 裘皮服装,毛皮服装
fur 毛皮,[粤]皮草
fusible interlining 粘合衬,[粤]粘朴
fuzzing 起毛
garment 衣服
garment dye 成衣染色,件染
garment finishing 成衣后处理
garment sewing technology 成衣车缝工艺garment wash 成衣洗水,普洗
gathering 打裥,抽碎褶
girl's style fly 女装(裤、裙的)门襟,[粤]女装钮牌godet 三角形布片
gorge line 领串口
grading 推挡,[粤]放码
grain 丝缕,[粤]布纹
grey scale 灰色样卡
grey scale for staining 沾色样卡
gross (一)罗(=12打)
grey,gray,greige,gray goods,Loom-state 坯布
grommet 凤眼,金属扣眼,索环
gross weight 毛重
grown-on sleeve 原身出袖
gusset 三角形布片
half lining 半里
half moon patch 半月形贴布,[粤]龟背half opening 半开口
hand loom 手织样。


handbag 手提包,手袋
handfeel 手感
handling charges 指处理费、杂费,比如码头搬运费等。

hanging garment 挂装
firm handfeel 手感厚实
hard handfeel 手感硬
harsh handfeel 手感粗糙
soft handfeel 手感柔软
handling 处理,操作,[粤]执手
hanger 衣架
hanger loop 挂衣袢
hangtag,(hang tag,swing tag)吊牌,挂牌,[粤]挂卡,挂咭
hangtag sticker 吊牌贴纸
heavy fabric 厚重面料
hem 折边,底边,下摆,[粤]衫脚
bottom 下摆,[粤]衫脚
bottom hem 下摆卷边
cuff hem 袖口折边
shirttail hem 衬衫圆下摆
hemmer 卷边器,[粤]卷边靴
hemming with folder 用卷边器卷边,[粤]用拉筒卷边hemming 卷边,[粤]还口
hand hemming 手工缲边,[粤]手针挑脚hemming bottom 折缝底边,折缝裤脚
hemp 大麻,大麻纤维
herringbone tape 人字织带
herringbone twill 人字斜纹布
hidden bartack 隐形套结,暗套结,[粤]隐形枣,暗枣
hidden placket 暗门襟,[粤]暗筒。
