


6BTA 160
L563 4050213
6CTA 230PS
1118020-113BZ-1B CA6113BZS
CA4118ZL 170PS
1118020-S01 4035519
YC6112 240PS




选择题必须用2B 铅笔填涂;非选择题的答案必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔写在“答题纸”相应位置上。



一、选择题(每题4分,共48分)1.下列y 和x 之间的函数表达式中,是二次函数的是( )A .()()13y x x =+-B .31y x =+C .21y x x =+D .y =x-32.如图,△ABC 中,点D ,E 在边AB ,AC 上,DE ∥BC ,△ADE 与△ABC 的周长比为2∶5,则AD ∶DB 为()A .2∶5B .4∶25C .2∶3D .5∶23.下列事件中为必然事件的是( )A .打开电视机,正在播放茂名新闻B .早晨的太阳从东方升起C .随机掷一枚硬币,落地后正面朝上D .下雨后,天空出现彩虹4.如图是由6个大小相同的小正方体叠成的几何体,则它的主视图是( )A .B .C .D .5.下列关于抛物线y =2x 2﹣3的说法,正确的是( )A .抛物线的开口向下C .抛物线与x 轴有两个交点D .抛物线y =2x 2﹣3向左平移两个单位长度可得抛物线y =2(x ﹣2)2﹣36.下列电视台的台标,是中心对称图形的是( )A .B .C .D .7.方程05)1(22=-+-mx x m 是关于x 的一元二次方程,则m 的值不能是( )A .0B .12C .±1D .12- 8.二次函数224y x x =-+图像的顶点坐标是( )A .()1,2-B .()1,1-C .()1,1D .()1,29.已知二次函数22y x x m =-+(m 为常数),当12x -≤≤时,函数值y 的最小值为3-,则m 的值为( ) A .1- B .2- C .3- D .4-10.若α为锐角,且()3sin 102α︒-=,则α等于( ) A .80︒ B .70︒ C .60︒ D .50︒11.顺次连结菱形各边中点所得到四边形一定是( )A .平行四边形B .正方形C .矩形D .菱形12.在Rt ABC ∆中,90C ∠=︒,1BC =,4AB =,则sin B 的值是( )A .155B .14C .13D .154二、填空题(每题4分,共24分)13.如图,一段抛物线:y=-x(x-2)(0≤x≤2)记为C 1 ,它与x 轴交于两点O ,A ;将C 1绕点A 旋转180°得到C 2 , 交x轴于A 1;将C 2绕点A 1旋转180°得到C 3 , 交x 轴于点A 2 . .....如此进行下去,直至得到C 2018 , 若点P (4035,m )在第2018段抛物线上,则m 的值为________.14.已知等边△ABC 的边长为4,点P 是边BC 上的动点,将△ABP 绕点A 逆时针旋转60°得到△ACQ ,点D 是AC边的中点,连接DQ,则DQ的最小值是_____.15.计算:2sin458︒-=______.16.如图,边长为3的正六边形ABCDEF内接于O,则图中阴影部分的面积和为_________(结果保留π).17.如图,在△ABC中,AB=AC=10,点D是边BC上一动点(不与B,C重合),∠ADE=∠B=α,DE交AC于点E,且cosα=45.下列结论:①△ADE∽△ACD;②当BD=6时,△ABD与△DCE全等;③△DCE为直角三角形时,BD为8或252;④0<CE≤6.1.其中正确的结论是_____.(把你认为正确结论的序号都填上)18.如图,在△ABC中,∠ACB=90°,点D、E分别在边AC、BC上,且∠CDE=∠B,将△CDE沿DE折叠,点C恰好落在AB边上的点F处,若AC=2BC,则DECF的值为____.三、解答题(共78分)19.(8分)阅读下列材料,关于x的方程:x+1x=c+1c的解是x1=c,x2=1c;x﹣1x=c﹣1c的解是x1=c,x2=﹣1c;x+2x=c+2c的解是x1=c,x2=2c;x+3x=c+3c的解是x1=c,x2=3c;……(1)请观察上述方程与解的特征,比较关于x 的方程x +a x =c +a c (a ≠0)与它们的关系猜想它的解是什么,并利用“方程的解”的概念进行验证.(2)可以直接利用(1)的结论,解关于x 的方程:x +33x -=a +33a -. 20.(8分)计算:(1)(﹣1)2017﹣2﹣1+sin30°+(π﹣314)0;(2)cos 245°+sin60°tan45°+sin 1.21.(8分)已知等边△ABC 的边长为2, (1)如图1,在边BC 上有一个动点P ,在边AC 上有一个动点D ,满足∠APD =60°,求证:△ABP ~△PCD (2)如图2,若点P 在射线BC 上运动,点D 在直线AC 上,满足∠APD =120°,当PC =1时,求AD 的长 (3)在(2)的条件下,将点D 绕点C 逆时针旋转120°到点D',如图3,求△D′AP 的面积.22.(10分)对任意一个三位数n ,如果n 满足各数位上的数字互不相同,且都不为零,那么称这个数为“相异数”.将一个“相异数”任意两个数位上的数字对调后可以得到三个不同的新三位数,把这三个新三位数的和与111的商记为()F n .例如123n =,对调百位与十位上的数字得到213,对调百位与个位上的数字得到321,对调十位与个位上的数字得到132,这三个新三位数的和213321132666++=,6661116÷=,所以()1236F =.(1)计算:()253F ,()417F ;(2)小明在计算()F n 时发现几个结果都为正整数,小明猜想所有的()F n 均为正整数,你觉得这个猜想正确吗?请判断并说明理由;(3)若s ,t 都是“相异数”,其中10045s x =+,150t y =+(19x ≤≤,19y ≤≤,x 、y 都是正整数),当()()20F s F t +=时,求()()F s F t 的最大值. 23.(10分)如图①,在△ABC 中,∠BAC=90°,AB=AC ,点E 在AC 上(且不与点A ,C 重合),在△ABC 的外部作△CED ,使∠CED=90°,DE=CE ,连接AD ,分别以AB ,AD 为邻边作平行四边形ABFD ,连接AF .(1)请直接写出线段AF ,AE 的数量关系 ;(2)将△CED 绕点C 逆时针旋转,当点E 在线段BC 上时,如图②,连接AE ,请判断线段AF ,AE 的数量关系,并证明你的结论;(3)在图②的基础上,将△CED 绕点C 继续逆时针旋转,请判断(2)问中的结论是否发生变化?若不变,结合图③写出证明过程;若变化,请说明理由. 24.(10分)课堂上同学们借助两个直角三角形纸板进行探究,直角三角形纸板如图所示,分别为Rt △ABC 和Rt △DEF ,其中∠A =∠D =90°,AC =DE =2cm . 当边AC 与DE 重合,且边AB 和DF 在同一条直线上时:(1)在下边的图形中,画出所有符合题意的图形;(2)求BF 的长. 25.(12分)如图,四边形ABCD 是平行四边形,90BAC ∠=︒,AB AC =,点H 为边AB 的中点,点E 在CH 的延长线上,且AE BE ⊥.点F 在线段AE 上,且BF CE ⊥,垂足为G .(1)若BF AF =,且3EF =,4BE =,求AD 的长;(2)求证:2BF EH CE +=.均为1个单位长度).(1)请画出将△ABC 向下平移5个单位后得到的△A 1B 1C 1;(2)将△ABC 绕点O 逆时针旋转90°,画出旋转后得到的△A 2B 2C 2,并直接写出点B 旋转到点B 2所经过的路径长.参考答案一、选择题(每题4分,共48分)1、A【分析】根据二次函数的定义(一般地,形如y=ax 2+bx+c (a 、b 、c 是常数,a≠0)的函数,叫做二次函数)进行判断.【详解】A. ()()13y x x =+-可化为223y x x =--,符合二次函数的定义,故本选项正确;B. 31y x =+,该函数等式右边最高次数为3,故不符合二次函数的定义,故本选项错误;C. 21y x x=+,该函数等式的右边是分式,不是整式,不符合二次函数的定义,故本选项错误; D. y =x-3,属于一次函数,故本选项错误.故选:A.【点睛】本题考查了二次函数的定义.判断函数是否是二次函数,首先是要看它的右边是否为整式,若是整式且仍能化简的要先将其化简,化简后最高次必须为二次,且二次项系数不为0.2、C【分析】由题意易得ADE ABC △△∽,根据两个相似三角形的周长比等于相似比可直接得解.△ADE与△ABC的周长比为2∶5,∴25 ADAB=,∴23 ADDB=.故选C.【点睛】本题主要考查相似三角形的性质,关键是根据两个三角形相似,那么它们的周长比等于相似比.3、B【解析】分析:根据必然事件、不可能事件、随机事件的概念可区别各类事件:A、打开电视机,正在播放茂名新闻,可能发生,也可能不发生,是随机事件,故本选项错误;B、早晨的太阳从东方升起,是必然事件,故本选项正确;C、随机掷一枚硬币,落地后可能正面朝上,也可能背面朝上,故本选项错误;D、下雨后,天空出现彩虹,可能发生,也可能不发生,故本选项错误.故选B.4、C【分析】找到从正面看所得到的图形即可.【详解】解:它的主视图是:故选:C.【点睛】本题考查了三视图的知识,掌握主视图是解题的关键.5、C【解析】根据二次函数的性质及二次函数图象“左加右减,上加下减”的平移规律逐一判断即可得答案. 【详解】∵2>0,∴抛物线y=2x2﹣3的开口向上,故A选项错误,∵y=2x2﹣3是二次函数的顶点式,∴对称轴是y轴,故B选项错误,∵-3<0,抛物线开口向上,∴抛物线与x轴有两个交点,故C选项正确,抛物线y=2x2﹣3向左平移两个单位长度可得抛物线y=2(x+2)2﹣3,故D选项错误,此题考查二次函数的性质及二次函数图象的平移,熟练掌握二次函数的性质及“左加右减,上加下减”的平移规律是解题关键.6、D【解析】根据中心对称图形的概念,中心对称图形是图形沿对称中心旋转180度后与原图重合,因此,四个选项中只有D 符合.故选D .7、C【详解】解:05)1(22=-+-mx x m 是关于x 的一元二次方程,则210m -≠,解得m ≠±1故选C .【点睛】本题考查一元二次方程的概念,注意二次项系数不能为零.8、D【分析】先把二次函数进行配方得到抛物线的顶点式,根据二次函数的性质即可得到其顶点坐标.【详解】∵224y x x =-+()22211x x =--+- 22(1)2x =--+,∴二次函数224y x x =-+的顶点坐标为()12,. 故选:D .【点睛】本题考查二次函数的顶点坐标,配方是解决问题的关键,属基础题.9、B【分析】函数配方后得2(-1)1y x m =+-,抛物线开口向上,在=1x 时,取最小值为-3,列方程求解可得.【详解】∵22-2=(-1)+-1y x x m x m =+,∴ 抛物线开口向上,且对称轴为=1x ,∴在=1x 时,有最小值-3,即:-1-3m =,解得2m =-,本题考查了二次函数的最值,熟练掌握二次函数的图象及增减性是解题的关键.10、B【解析】根据3sin602︒=得出α的值.【详解】解:∵3 sin602︒=∴α-10°=60°,即α=70°.故选:B.【点睛】本题考查特殊角的三角函数值,特殊角的三角函数值的计算在中考中经常出现,题型以选择题、填空题为主.11、C【分析】根据三角形的中位线定理首先可以证明:顺次连接四边形各边中点所得四边形是平行四边形.再根据对角线互相垂直,即可证明平行四边形的一个角是直角,则有一个角是直角的平行四边形是矩形.【详解】如图,四边形ABCD是菱形,且E. F. G、H分别是AB、BC、CD、AD的中点,则EH∥FG∥BD,EF=FG=12BD;EF∥HG∥AC,EF=HG=12AC,AC⊥BD.故四边形EFGH是平行四边形,又∵AC⊥BD,∴EH⊥EF,∠HEF=90°,∴边形EFGH是矩形.故选:C.【点睛】本题考查平行四边形的判定和三角形中位线定理,解题的关键是掌握平行四边形的判定和三角形中位线定理.12、D【分析】首先根据勾股定理求得AC的长,然后利用正弦函数的定义即可求解.∴22224115 AC AB BC=-=-=,∴154ACsinBAB==,故选:D.【点睛】本题考查了三角函数的定义,求锐角的三角函数值的方法:利用锐角三角函数的定义,转化成直角三角形的边长的比.二、填空题(每题4分,共24分)13、-1【解析】每次变化时,开口方向变化但形状不变,则,故开口向上时a=1,开口向下时a=-1;与x轴的交点在变化,可发现规律抛物线C n与x轴交点的规律是(2n-2,0)和(2n,0),由两点式求得解析式,把x=4035代入解析式,即可求得m的值.【详解】由抛物线C1:y=-x(x-2),令y=0,∴-x(x-2)=0,解得∴与x轴的交点为O(0,0),A(2,0).抛物线C2的开口向上,且与x轴的交点为∴A(2,0)和A1(4,0),则抛物线C2:y= (x-2)(x-4);抛物线C3的开口向下,且与x轴的交点为∴A1(4,0)和A2(6,0),则抛物线C3:y= -(x-4)(x-6);抛物线C4的开口向上,且与x轴的交点为∴A2(6,0)和A3(8,0),则抛物线C4:y=(x-6)(x-8);同理:抛物线C2018的开口向上,且与x轴的交点为∴A2016(4034,0)和A2017(4036,0),则抛物线C2018:y=(x-4034)(x-4036);当x=4035时,y= 1×(-1)-1.故答案为:-1.【点睛】本题考查了二次函数的性质及旋转的性质,解题的关键是求出第2018段抛物线的解析式.143【分析】根据旋转的性质,即可得到∠BCQ=120°,当DQ⊥CQ时,DQ的长最小,再根据勾股定理,即可得到DQ【详解】解:如图,由旋转可得∠ACQ=∠B=60°,又∵∠ACB=60°,∴∠BCQ=120°,∵点D是AC边的中点,∴CD=2,当DQ⊥CQ时,DQ的长最小,此时,∠CDQ=30°,∴CQ=12CD=1,∴DQ22213-=,∴DQ33【点睛】本题主要考查线段最小值问题,关键是利用旋转、等边三角形的性质及勾股定理求解.15、2-【分析】根据特殊角三角函数值和二次根式化简整理,合并同类二次根式即可求解.【详解】解:22sin458222=222=2︒=-故答案为:2-【点睛】本题考查了特殊角的三角函数值和二次根式的计算,熟知特殊角的三角函数值是解题关键.16、3π【分析】将阴影部分合并即可得到扇形的面积,利用扇形面积公式计算即可.【详解】∵ABCDEF是正六边形,∴∠AOE=120°,阴影部分的面积和=1203360π⨯=2π3. 故答案为: 3π.【点睛】 本题考查扇形面积计算,关键在于记住扇形的面积公式.17、①、②、④.【分析】①先利用等腰三角形的性质可得一组角相等,又因有一组公共角,所以由三角形相似的判定定理即可得;②根据ABC ∆为等腰三角形,加上cos α、AB 的值可得出底边CD 的值,从而可找到两个三角形有一组相等的边10AB CD ==,在加上①中两组相等的角,即可证明全等;③因只已知DCE ∆为直角三角形,所以要分两种情况考虑,利用三角形相似可得ABD ∆为直角三角形,再结合cos α的值即可求得BD ;④设0BD x =>,则16CD x =-,由ABD ∆∽DCE ∆得BD AB CE DC =,从而可得出CE 含x 的等式,化简分析即可得. 【详解】①AB AC =B C α∴∠=∠=(等边对等角)又ADE B α∠=∠=ADE C DAE CAD ∠=∠⎧∴⎨∠=∠⎩∴ADE ∆∽ACD ∆,所以①正确;②作AH BC ⊥于H ,如图在Rt ABH ∆中,cos BH B AB∠=又B α∠= 4cos cos 5B α∴∠== 4105BH BH AB ∴== 8BH ∴=由等腰三角形三线合一性质得,216BC BH ==当6BD =时,则10CD =ADC B BAD BAD α∠=∠+∠=+∠又ADC ADE CDE CDE α∠=∠+∠=+∠BAD CDE ∴∠=∠在ABD ∆和DCE ∆中,B CAB DC BAD CDE∠=∠⎧⎪=⎨⎪∠=∠⎩()ABD DCE ASA ∴∆≅∆,所以②正确;③DCE ∆为直角三角形,有两种情况:当90DEC ∠=︒时,如图1B CBAD CDE ∠=∠⎧⎨∠=∠⎩∴ABD ∆∽DCE ∆90ADB DEC ∴∠=∠=︒在Rt ABD ∆中,cos cos BD B AB α∠==可解得8BD =当90CDE ∠=︒时,如图290BAD CDE ∴∠=∠=︒在Rt ABD ∆中,cos cos ABB BD α∠==可解得252BD =综上8BD =或252BD =,所以③不正确;④设0BD x =>,则16CD x =-由ABD ∆∽DCE ∆得BD AB CE DC =,即1016x CE x=- 211(16)8 6.41010CE x x x ∴=-=--+() 6.4CE ∴≤故0 6.4CE <≤,所以④正确.综上,正确的结论有①②④.【点睛】本题考查了等腰三角形的定义和性质、三角形全等的判定、相似三角形的判定与性质:在判定两个三角形相似时,应注意利用图形中已有的公共角、公共边等隐含条件,以充分发挥基本图形的作用,寻找相似三角形的一般方法是通过作平行线构造相似三角形;或依据基本图形对图形进行分解、组合.18、54【分析】由折叠的性质可知,DE 是CF 的中垂线,根据互余角,易证CDE B BCF ∠=∠=∠;如图(见解析),分别在Rt CDO Rt ABC Rt COE ∆∆∆、、中,利用他们的正切函数值即可求解.【详解】如图,设DE 、CF 的交点为O由折叠可知,DE 是CF 的中垂线1,2CF DE CO CF ∴⊥=,90COD ∴∠=︒ 90CDE DCF ∴∠+∠=︒又90ACB ∠=︒90BCF DCF ∴∠+∠=︒BCF CDE ∴∠=∠CDE B ∠=∠CDE B BCF ∴∠=∠=∠tan tan tan 2AC B CDE BCF BC∴∠=∠=∠== 设DO k =tan 2CO DO CDE k ∴=⋅∠=24,tan 4CF CO k OE CO BCF k ∴===⋅∠=5DE DO OE k ∴=+=5544DE k CF k ∴==.【点睛】本题考查了图形折叠的性质、直角三角形中的正切函数,巧妙利用三个角的正切函数值相等是解题关键.三、解答题(共78分)19、(1)方程的解为x1=c,x2=ac,验证见解析;(2)x=a与x=363aa--都为分式方程的解.【分析】(1)根据材料即可判断方程的解,然后代入到方程的左右两边检验即可;(2)将方程左右两边同时减去3,变为题干中的形式,即可得出答案.【详解】(1)方程的解为x1=c,x2=ac,验证:当x=c时,∵左边=c+ac,右边=c+ac,∴左边=右边,∴x=c是x+ax=c+ac的解,同理可得:x=ac是x+ax=c+ac的解;(2)方程整理得:(x﹣3)+33x-=(a﹣3)+33a-,解得:x﹣3=a﹣3或x﹣3=33a-,即x=a或x=363aa--,经检验x=a与x=363aa--都为分式方程的解.【点睛】本题主要为材料理解题,理解材料中方程的根的由来是解题的关键.20、(1)0;(2323-.【分析】(1)直接利用特殊角的三角函数值以及零指数幂的性质和负指数幂的性质分别化简得出答案;(2)直接利用特殊角的三角函数值化简得出答案.【详解】(1)(﹣1)2017﹣2﹣1+sin30°+(π﹣314)0;=﹣1﹣12+12+1 =0; (2)cos 245°+sin60°tan45°+sin 1=(2)2+2×1+(12)2=12+14. 【点睛】本题考查了实数运算,掌握实数运算是解题的关键.21、(1)见解析;(2)72;(3 【分析】(1)先利用三角形的内角和得出∠BAP+∠APB =120°,再用平角得出∠APB+∠CPD =120°,进而得出∠BAP =∠CPD ,即可得出结论;(2)先构造出含30°角的直角三角形,求出PE ,再用勾股定理求出PE ,进而求出AP ,再判断出△ACP ∽∠APD ,得出比例式即可得出结论;(3)先求出CD ,进而得出CD',再构造出直角三角形求出D'H ,进而得出D'G ,再求出AM ,最后用面积差即可得出结论.【详解】解:(1)∵△ABC 是等边三角形,∴∠B =∠C =60°,在△ABP 中,∠B+∠APB+∠BAP =180°,∴∠BAP+∠APB =120°,∵∠APB+∠CPD =180°﹣∠APD =120°,∴∠BAP =∠CPD ,∴△ABP ∽△PCD ;(2)如图2,过点P 作PE ⊥AC 于E ,∴∠AEP=90°,∵△ABC是等边三角形,∴AC=2,∠ACB=60°,∴∠PCE=60°,在Rt△CPE中,CP=1,∠CPE=90°﹣∠PCE=30°,∴CE=12CP=12,根据勾股定理得,PE223CP CE-=,在Rt△APE中,AE=AC+CE=2+12=52,根据勾股定理得,AP2=AE2+PE2=7,∵∠ACB=60°,∴∠ACP=120°=∠APD,∵∠CAP=∠PAD,∴△ACP∽△APD,∴AP AC AD AP=,∴AD=2APAC=72;(3)如图3,由(2)知,AD=72,∵AC=2,∴CD=AD﹣AC=32,由旋转知,∠DCD'=120°,CD'=CD=32,∵∠DCP=60°,∴∠ACD'=∠DCP=60°,过点D'作D'H⊥CP于H,在Rt△CHD'中,CH=12CD'=34,根据勾股定理得,D'H333过点D'作D'G⊥AC于G,∵∠ACD'=∠PCD',∴D'G=D'H=334(角平分线定理),∴S四边形ACPD'=S△ACD'+S△PCD'=12AC•D'G+12CP•DH'=12×2×3312×1×3393,过点A作AM⊥BC于M,∵AB=AC,∴BM=12BC=1,在Rt△ABM中,根据勾股定理得,AM33∴S△ACP=12CP•AM=12×1×312,∴S△D'AP=S四边形ACPD'﹣S△ACP=93353.【点睛】此题主要考查四边形综合,解题的关键是熟知等边三角形的性质、旋转的特点及相似三角形的判定与性质、勾股定理的应用.22、(1)10;12.(2)猜想正确.理由见解析;(3)32. 【分析】(1)根据“相异数”的定义即可求解;(2)设n 的三个数位数字分别为x ,y ,z ,根据“相异数”的定义列出()F n 即可求解; (3)根据s ,t 都是“相异数”,得到9Fs x =+(),()6F t y =+,根据()()20F s F t +=求出x ,y 的值即可求解. 【详解】(1)()()25323535252311110F =++÷=;()()41747171414711112F =++÷=.(2)猜想正确.设n 的三个数位数字分别为x ,y ,z ,即10010n x y z =++,()(1001010010F n x z y z y =+++++)10010111x y x z x y z +++÷=++.因为x ,y ,z 均为正整数,所以任意()F n 为正整数.(3)∵s ,t 都是“相异数”,∴10054540405101119F s x x x x =+++++÷=+()();()()10510100515101116F t y y y y =+++++÷=+.∵()()20F s F t +=,∴9620x y +++=,∴5x y +=,∵19x ≤≤,19y ≤≤,且x ,y 都是正整数,∴14x y =⎧⎨=⎩或23x y =⎧⎨=⎩或32x y =⎧⎨=⎩或41x y =⎧⎨=⎩, ∵s 是“相异数”,∴4x ≠;∵t 是“相异数”,∴1y ≠,∴满足条件的有14x y =⎧⎨=⎩,或23x y =⎧⎨=⎩,或32x y =⎧⎨=⎩, ∴ ()()1F s k F t ==或()()119F s k F t ==或()()12382F s k F t ===,∴k的最大值为3 2 .【点睛】本题考查因式分解的应用;理解题意,从题目中获取信息,列出正确的代数式,再由数的特点求解是解题的关键.23、;(2)AF=,证明详见解析;(3)结论不变,,理由详见解析.【分析】(1)如图①中,结论:,只要证明△AEF是等腰直角三角形即可.(2)如图②中,结论:,连接EF,DF交BC于K,先证明△EKF≌△EDA再证明△AEF是等腰直角三角形即可.(3)如图③中,结论不变,,连接EF,延长FD交AC于K,先证明△EDF≌△ECA,再证明△AEF是等腰直角三角形即可.【详解】解:(1)如图①中,结论:.理由:∵四边形ABFD是平行四边形,∴AB=DF,∵AB=AC,∴AC=DF,∵DE=EC,∴AE=EF,∵∠DEC=∠AEF=90°,∴△AEF是等腰直角三角形,∴.(2)如图②中,结论:.理由:连接EF,DF交BC于K.∵四边形ABFD是平行四边形,∴AB∥DF,∴∠DKE=∠ABC=45°,∴EKF=180°﹣∠DKE=135°,∵∠ADE=180°﹣∠EDC=180°﹣45°=135°,∴∠EKF=∠ADE,∵∠DKC=∠C,∴DK=DC,∵DF=AB=AC,∴KF=AD,在△EKF 和△EDA 中,{EK DKEKF ADE KF AD=∠=∠=,∴△EKF ≌△EDA ,∴EF=EA ,∠KEF=∠AED ,∴∠FEA=∠BED=90°,∴△AEF 是等腰直角三角形,∴.(3)如图③中,结论不变,.理由:连接EF ,延长FD 交AC 于K .∵∠EDF=180°﹣∠KDC ﹣∠EDC=135°﹣∠KDC ,∠ACE=(90°﹣∠KDC )+∠DCE=135°﹣∠KDC ,∴∠EDF=∠ACE ,∵DF=AB ,AB=AC ,∴DF=AC在△EDF 和△ECA 中,DF AC EDF ACE DE CE =∠=⎪∠⎧⎪⎨⎩=,∴△EDF ≌△ECA ,∴EF=EA ,∠FED=∠AEC ,∴∠FEA=∠DEC=90°,∴△AEF 是等腰直角三角形,∴.【点睛】本题考查四边形综合题,综合性较强.24、(1)补全图形见解析;(2)BF =(2)cm 或BF =(2)cm .【分析】(1)分两种情况:①△DEF 在△ABC 外部,②△DEF 在△ABC 内部进行作图即可;(2)根据(1)中两种情况分别求解即可.【详解】(1)补全图形如图:情况Ⅰ:情况Ⅱ:(2)情况Ⅰ:解:∵在Rt△ACF中,∠F=∠ACF=45°∴AF=AC=2cm.∵在Rt△ACB中,∠B=30°,∴BC=4,AB=23.∴BF=(23+2)cm.情况Ⅱ:解:∵在Rt △ACF 中,∠F =∠ACF =45°∴AF =AC =2cm .∵在Rt △ACB 中,∠B =30°,∴BC =4,AB =∴BF =(2)cm .【点睛】本题主要考查了勾股定理与解直角三角形的综合运用,熟练掌握相关概念是解题关键.25、(1)AD =(2)证明见解析【分析】(1)由勾股定理求出BF ,进而得出AE 的长,再次利用勾股定理得出AB 的长,最后根据平行四边形的性质与勾股定理求出AD 的长;(2)设==AH BH a ,根据勾股定理求出CH 的长,利用直角三角形斜边上的中线是斜边的一半得出EH 的长,进而得出CE 的长,根据BGHCAH ∆∆得出2BG GH =,利用勾股定理求出BG ,GH 的长,根据BEF BGE ∆∆求出BF ,进而得证.【详解】(1)解:∵AE BE ⊥,BF AF =,且3EF =,4BE =,∴由勾股定理知,5BF AF ===,∴8AE EF AF =+=,∴由勾股定理知,22280AB BE AE =+=,∵四边形ABCD 是平行四边形,90BAC ∠=︒,AB AC =,∴由勾股定理知,AD BC =(2)证明:∵点H 为边AB 的中点,90BAC ∠=︒,设==AH BH a ,∴2AB AC a ==,由勾股定理知,CH ,∵AE BE ⊥,∴EH 是ABE ∆斜边AB 上的中线,∴===EH AH BH a ,∴=+=CE CH EH a ,∵BF CE ⊥,即90BGH BAC ∠=∠=︒,∵BHG AHC ∠=∠,∴BGH CAH ∆∆,∴GH BG AH AC =,即2GH BG a a =, ∴2BG GH =,∴在Rt BGH ∆中,2222GB GH BH a +==,∴解得,55GH a =,255GB a =, ∵易证BEF BGE ∆∆,∴BF BE BE GB =,即2222BE GB GE GE BF GB GB GB GB+===+, ∵2225()5GE EH GH a a ⎛⎫=-=- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭, ∴5BF a a =-,∴2525BF EH a a a a a +=-+=+,∴2BF EH CE +=.【点睛】本题考查平行四边形的性质,相似三角形的判定与性质,勾股定理,直角三角形斜边中线的性质等,熟练掌握相似三角形的判定与勾股定理是解题的关键.26、(1)图见解析;(2)图见解析;路径长5π.【分析】(1)利用点平移的坐标特征写出A 1、B 1、C 1的坐标,然后描点即可得到△A 1B 1C 1为所作;(2)利用网格特定和旋转的性质画出A 、B 、C 的对应点A 2、B 2、C 2,从而得到△A 2B 2C 2,然后计算出OB 的长后利用弧长公式计算点B 旋转到点B 2所经过的路径长.【详解】解:(1)如图,△A 1B 1C 1为所作;(2)如图,△A 2B 2C 2为所作,OB点B旋转到点B2.【点睛】本题考查了作图-旋转变换:根据旋转的性质可知,对应角都相等都等于旋转角,对应线段也相等,由此可以通过作相等的角,在角的边上截取相等的线段的方法,找到对应点,顺次连接得出旋转后的图形.。



31 机枪 32 火焰枪
33 来福枪
64 托卢
97 RLA
65 07 机关 98 KHU 炮
66 09 机关 99 毛巾 炮
衣 C2 男 内 F5 ???
衣 C3 解药 F6 迷彩? C4 药液 F7 PAG40 C5 银棒 F8 PAG80 C6 铜棒 F9 PAGL C7 笔记 FA PAGLL C8 日记 FB 产?? C9 密 码 FC ??
1A 金甲
4D 160 滑 80 BUL1 膛炮
1B 钢甲
4E 165T 型 81 BUL11 炮
1C 铁甲
4F 175 加 82 HUN0 农炮
1D 布手套
50 195 加 83 HUN1 农炮
1E 皮手套
51 165 钢 84 HUN2 炮
1F 铁爪
52 180 高 85 V24 炮
20 铜爪
53 205 加 86 V32 农炮
21 钢爪
54 220 火 87 V48 炮
22 金爪
55 ATM 导 88 SIL0 弹
23 激 光 炮 ( 攻 56 喷火
89 SIL1
24 激 光 炮 ( 攻 57 弹炮
25 激 光 炮 ( 攻 58 L1 旋炮 8B OHC
26 激 光 炮 ( 攻 59 电光
8C 涡轮
27 激 光 炮 ( 攻 5A 汽弹
8D 喷汽
28 激 光 炮 ( 攻 5B 拉卡
8E V48
AC 灵丹 DF 撞击板
AD 喷 雾 E0 剂
AE 地图 E1



第1章 全等三角形(基础卷)一、选择题(每小题3分,共18分)1.如图,,若,则∠B 的度数是( )A .80°B .70°C .65°D .60°2.如图,△ABD ≌△CDB ,若AB ∥CD ,则AB 的对应边是( )A .DB B .BC C .CD D .AD(第2题图)(第3题 图)3.如图,沿直角边所在的直线向右平移得到,下列结论错误的是( )A .B .C .D .4.如图,AB =AC ,BD ⊥AC 于D ,CE ⊥AB 于E .BD 与CE 交于O ,连接AO ,则图中共有全等的三角形的对数为( )A .1对B .2对C .3对D .4对(第4题 图) (第5题 图)5.如图,已知,为的中点.若,,,则 A .B .C .D .6.如图,已知长方形ABCD 的边长AB=20cm ,BC=16cm ,点E 在边AB 上,AE=6cm ,如果点P 从点B 出发在线段BC 上以2cm/s 的速度向点C 向运动,同时,点Q 在线段CD 上从点C 到点D 运动.则当ABC DEF △≌△80,30A F ∠=︒∠=︒Rt ABC BC DEF ABC ≌DEF 90DEF ∠=︒BE EC =D A∠=∠//AB CF E DF 12AB cm =7CF cm = 4.5FE cm =(B D =)5cm 6cm 7cm 4.5cm(第7题图)已知图中的两个三角形全等,则∠1=①;②;③15.如图,在中,已知AD 是到AB 的最短距离是_________.12∠=∠BE CF =CAN ABC A ∠运动,到达点C 停止,同时,点Q 从点C 出发,以vcm /s 的速度沿CD 边向点D 运动,到达点D 停止,规定其中一个动点停止运动时,另一个动点也随之停止运动.当v 为______时,△ABP 与△PCQ 全等.三、解答题(共62分)17.(6分)如图,DE ⊥AB ,CF ⊥AB ,垂足分别是点E 、F ,DE=CF ,AE=BF ,求证:AC ∥BD .18.(8分)已知:,且,,,,,求:的度数及DE 的长.19.(8分)如图,已知AB =CB ,BE =BF ,点A ,B ,C 在同一条直线上,∠1=∠2.(1)证明:△ABE ≌△CBF ;(2)若∠FBE =40°,∠C =45°,求∠E的度数.DEF MNP ≌EF NP =F P ∠=∠48D ∠=︒52E ∠=︒12MN =cm P ∠20.(10分)如图,在△ABC 中,已知:点D 是BC 中点,连接AD 并延长到点E ,连接BE.(1)请你添加一个条件使△ACD ≌△EBD ,并给出证明.(2)若,,求边上的中线的取值范围.21.(10分)如图,与的顶点A ,F ,C ,D 共线,与交于点G ,与相交于点,,,.(1)求证:;(2)若,求线段的长.5AB =3AC =BC AD Rt ABC Rt DEF △AB EF BC DEH 90B E ∠=∠=︒AF CD =AB DE =Rt ABC Rt DEF ≌1GF =HC22.(10分)求证:全等三角形的对应角平分线相等.(1)在图②中,作出相应的角平分线,保留作图痕迹;(2)根据题意,写出已知、求证,并加以证明。












那证书的认证在哪⾥处理?证书认证属于SSL握⼿(SSL_do_handshake)的⼀部分,SSL连接分为⼆种:1. 单向认证客户端认证服务端,服务端不认证客户端,这时服务端需要⼀个证书,客户端不需要。



2. 双向认证客户端认证服务端,服务端也需要认证客户端,这时候服务端和客户端都需要有证书。




24400087 MP97MNB4FE 24400094 MP97M2AFSE 24400092 MP97MBPX 24400090 MP97M32E1E 24400091 MP97M16E1E 24400004 MP97M8E1 24400089 MP97C16B 22400174 MP97C32B-A 28400145 MP97MFRX-EXT 25400042 MP97MDPS 网管型PDH光端机 22400155 FT160B-1FESAC 22400156 FT160B-1VSAC 22400162 FT160B-1E1SDC 22400161 FT160B-4E1SAC 22400164 FT160B-4E1SDC 22400166 FT160B-4E1SDC24 GV转换器及网桥 22400159 GV220S-AC(标配) 22400159 GV220S-DC(标配) 22400173 GV220-AC(标配) 22400173 GV220-DC(标配) 22400165 NB110E-AC(标配) 22400165 NB110E-DC(标配) 22400171 NB110F-AC(标配) 22400171 NB110F-DC(标配) 22400158 NB110C-AC(标配) 22400158 NB110C-DC(标配) 22400172 NB110B-AC(标配)
产品型号 22400172 NB110B-DC(标配) 22400023 NB110D-1FE4E1AC 22400022 NB110D-1FE4E1DC 22400177 NB110G-1FE4E1AC 22400176 NB110G-1FE4E1DC48 25400037 AD8-1S003Y 25400008 PWM10-DD48S5V3 25400007 AD10-1S003J 26400003 24400055 25400016 25400015 22400001 22400021 MODEM系列产品 MP128F16 MP128GV PE11 PE33 MP128E MP128ES 线路保护器

3d 动画 代码

3d 动画 代码

e2f7 ba d 47 75 3 89 4b 3e dc 27 86 1c d0 17 89 48 d1 a6 8d d4 2b 54 4e 8f b0
e310 2 e1 6b 1a 75 78 ea 21 91 13 c0 cf 78 a0 ab f3 35 c6 b4 c8 90 8d d7 45 e7
e2c5 c1 9c d8 6a 76 9b 4a e8 36 44 d6 76 d 30 5 ff d4 1b ac 1f 32 65 31 bf 55
e2de 26 b a4 55 e1 5d 5e 16 ed 97 48 6c 77 fb 81 86 e f9 18 bd d4 f4 8b de 1d
e646 be ff 9d 64 0 5d c ec 6 5 ad f2 38 6b ed 7a d6 b2 c7 2e 6a a6 12 4b ff 55
e660 20 3b a 77 f b9 0 9d 57 4a ad ce a4 d3 ff 1 4f fb 53 54 88 f 1 ed 4b 56
e231 e2 50 8a 89 18 5f ce 70 99 3 5f 42 bf eb 7 ae d0 ca 5 22 8d 22 a5 b7 f0
e24a 90 81 bc 7a bc dc 5 db c0 6a 2 e5 57 38 be 60 cb ac ba a5 3b 9d f1 77 38
e614 a2 c7 e2 36 df 76 fd a4 b6 4e db 96 40 3b 8b b5 d4 85 64 c6 0 2c ad 9d 27
e62d 14 99 82 4b bc 9 fa 94 b5 db 7c 98 eb b 13 a7 b0 79 1d 7e c5 45 aa 20 49

人教版九年级英语 Unit 1 Section B(1a-2e)课件

人教版九年级英语 Unit 1 Section B(1a-2e)课件
Practicing and learning from
at and what they need to practice more. Remember, “use it or lose it”! Even if you learn something well, you will forget it unless you use it. “Practice makes perfect.” Good learners will keep practicing what they have learned, and they are not afraid of making mistakes. Alexander Graham Bell did not invent the telephone overnight. He succeeded by trying many times and learning
Creating an interest in what they learn
it is also easier for you to pay attention to it for a long time. Good learners often connect what they need to learn with something interesting. For example, if they need to learn English and they like music or sports, they can listen to English songs or watch sports programs in English. This way they will not get bored.

SYSTIMAX 360 iPatch 面板安装说明书

SYSTIMAX 360 iPatch 面板安装说明书

SYSTIMAX ® Solutions Instruction Sheet 860536390Issue 3, November 2012SYSTIMAX 360™ iPatch ® Panels Installation Instructions© 2012 CommScope, Inc. All rights reservedFor RoHS Inquiries:CommScope Inc.Corke Abbey, Bray Co. Dublin, IrelandAttn: Legal DepartmentPage 1 of 3GeneralThese instructions describe how to install iPatch ®SYSTIMAX 360™ PATCHMAX ®panels, SYSTIMAX 360 Evolve modular panels (both flat and angled), and InstaPATCH QUATTRO panels to the iPatch panel bus. Theyalso describe how to connect these panels for use with the iPatch manager. The iPatch panels are SYSTIMAX ®approved products. The panels can be used in an iPatch System for both EIA-T568A and EIA-T568B wiring applications.Refer to the following instruction sheets for installing and cabling the specific panels:• SYSTIMAX 360 PATCHMAX Panel Installation Instructions (860488808).• SYSTIMAX 360 1100GS3 & 1100GS6 Evolve Modular Panel Instructions (860509967) • SYSTIMAX 360 FTP Evolve Panel Instructions (860509975)•SYSTIMAX InstaPATCH QUATTRO Modular Panel Instructions (860514066)Ordering information is listed below:Material ID Part No.Description760152355 360-iP-1100-E-GS3-1U-24 360 iPatch 1100GS3 Evolve patch panel, 24-port 760152363 360-iP-1100-E-GS6-1U-24 360 iPatch 1100GS6 Evolve patch panel, 24-port 760152330 360-iP-1100-E-GS3-2U-48 360 iPatch 1100GS3 Evolve patch panel, 48-port 760152348 360-iP-1100-E-GS6-2U-48 360 iPatch 1100GS6 Evolve patch panel, 48-port 760152371 360-iP-M-E-HD6B-1U-24 360 iPatch FTP Evolve patch panel, 24-port 760152389 360-iP-M-E-HD6B-2U-48 360 iPatch FTP Evolve patch panel, 48-port760158626 360-iP-1100A-E-GS3-1U-24 360 iPatch 1100GS3 Evolve angled patch panel, 24-port 760158634 360-iP-1100A-E-GS3-2U-48 360 iPatch 1100GS3 Evolve angled patch panel, 48-port 760158642 360-iP-1100A-E-GS6-1U-24 360 iPatch 1100GS6 Evolve angled patch panel, 24-port 760158659 360-iP-1100A-E-GS6-2U-48 360 iPatch 1100GS6 Evolve angled patch panel, 48-port 760158667 360-iP-MFTPA-E-HD6B-1U-24 360 iPatch FTP Evolve angled patch panel, 24-port 760158675 360-iP-MFTPA-E-HD6B-2U-48 360 iPatch FTP Evolve angled patch panel, 48-port 760123489 360-iP-PMAX-GS3-24 360 iPatch PATCHMAX GS3 panel, 24-port 760130393 360-iP-PMAX-GS6-24 360 iPatch PATCHMAX GS6 panel, 24-port 760123497 360-iP-PMAX-GS3-48 360 iPatch PATCHMAX GS3 panel, 48-port 760130401 360-iP-PMAX-GS6-48 360 iPatch PATCHMAX GS6 panel, 48-port 760161000360-iP-INSTA-QTRO-24P360 iPatch InstaPATCH QUATTRO panel, 24-port860536390Instruction SheetPage 2 of 3How to Contact Us• To find out more about CommScope ®products, visit us on the web at / •For technical assistance:-Within the United States, contact your local account representative or technical support at 1-800-344-0223. Outside the United States, contact your local account representative or Authorized Business Partner.-Within the United States, report any missing/damaged parts or any other issues to CommScope Customer Claims at 1-866-539-2795. Outside the United States, contact yourlocal account representative or Authorized Business Partner.WARNING – Important Safety Instructions • To reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, and injury to persons, read, understand, and adhere to the following instructions as well as any warnings marked on the product.• Remote risk of electric shock. Never install the product in wet locations or during lightning storms. Never touch uninsulated communication wires or terminals.• All wiring that connects to this equipment must meet applicable local and national building codes and network wiring standards for communication cable.• iPatch upgrade modules use infrared sensing technology and should be installed where they are not exposed to direct sunlight or other infrared sources.Save these instructions.OverviewTo prepare panels for use with an iPatch System, you must perform the following steps: Step 1 – Mount a panel bus for the rack.Step 2 – Install an iPatch manager to supervise the rack. Step 3 – Connect each panel to the panel bus. Step 4 – Program the order of the panels in the rack.Step 1 – Mount the Panel BusA panel bus must be installed on each rack where you plan to iPatch install panels. The panel bus allows the iPatch Manager and iPatch panels to communicate. Also, the iPatch Manager supplies power to the iPatch panels through the panel bus.The panel bus must be installed to the left on the rack (viewed from the front). The preferred location is the back corner of the rack’s left rail. The area where the panel bus will be mounted must be free of protrusions, such as threaded inserts, nuts, and bolts.To mount the panel bus on a rack other than a 7-foot (2.1m) rack or on a rack with a hole pattern other than the universal hole pattern, contact your local account representative.For instructions to install the panel bus for the rack, see the SYSTIMAX ®iPatch System Panel Manager Guide (860442573). 860536390Issue 3, November 2012 Step 2 – Install the iPatch ManagerAn iPatch manager must be installed on each rack where you plan to install panels. The iPatch manager supervises the iPatch panels in the rack and communicates with the iPatch System.CommScope recommends mounting the panel manager in the 34th 1U slot up from the bottom of the rack so that the top of the unit is about 65 inches (1.6m) above the floor. For instructions to install and configure the panel manager, see the SYSTIMAX iPatch System Panel Manager Guide (860442573)Step 3 – Connect Panels to the Panel BusTo connect each panel to the panel bus, perform the following steps:1. Position a cable retainer on the panel bus jumperas shown (Figure 1) and remove the adhesivebacking from the cable retainer.Figure 1.2. Connect the panel bus jumper to the nearestconnector on the panel bus, folding the jumperas shown (Figure 2). Press the cable retaineragainst the rack.Note: The connector is keyed. The polarized tabon the jumper connector fits into theopening in the header connector on thepanel bus.Important: For 48-port panels, connect bothpanel bus jumpers.Figure 2.Step 4 – Program the Order of PanelsTo complete the installation, restore power to the panel manager for the rack and program the order of the panels. For instructions, see the SYSTIMAX iPatch System Panel Manager Guide (860442573).Page 3 of 3。


空字符 标题开始 正文开始 正文结束 传输结束 请求 收到通知 响铃 退格 水平制表符 换行键 垂直制表符 换页键 回车键 不用切换 启用切换 数据链路转义 设备控制1 设备控制2 设备控制3 设备控制4 拒绝接收 同步空闲 传输块结束 取消 介质中断 替补 溢出 文件分割符 分组符 记录分离符 单元分隔符
十进制 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 十进制 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 十六进制 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 0x06 0x07 0x08 0x09 0x0A 0x0B 0x0C 0x0D 0x0E 0x0F 0x10 0x11 0x12 0x13 0x14 0x15 0x16 0x17 0x18 0x19 0x1A 0x1B 0x1C 0x1D 0x1E 0x1F 十六进制 0x40 0x41 0x42 0x43 0x44 0x45 0x46 0x47 0x48 0x49 0x4A 0x4B 0x4C 0x4D 0x4E 0x4F 0x50 0x51 0x52 0x53 0x54 0x55 缩写/字符 NUL(null) SOH(start of headling) STX(start of text) ETX(end of text) EOT(end of transmission) ENQ(enquiry) ACK(acknowledge) BEL(bell) BS(backspace) HT(horizontal tab) LF(NL line feed, new line) VT(vertical tab) FF(NP form feed, new page) CR(carriage return) SO(shift out) SI(shift in) DLE(data link escape) DC1(device control 1) DC2(device control 2) DC3(device control 3) DC4(device control 4) NAK(negative acknowledge) SYN(synchronous idle) ETB(end of trans. block) CAN(cancel) EM(end of medium) SUB(substitute) ESC(escape) FS(file separator) GS(group separator) RS(record separator) US(unit separator) 字符 @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U 十进制 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 十六进制 0x56 0x57 0x58 0x59 0x5A 0x5B 0x5C 0x5D 0x5E 0x5F 0x60 0x61 0x62 0x63 0x64 0x65 0x66 0x67 0x68 0x69 0x6A 0x6B 解释

赛米控丹佛斯 SEMITRANS 3 IGBT模块 SKM600GB12E4D1 数据表

赛米控丹佛斯 SEMITRANS 3 IGBT模块 SKM600GB12E4D1 数据表

Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Conditions Values UnitIGBTV CES T j = 25 °C 1200 V I C T j = 175 °CT c = 25 °C 860 A T c = 80 °C702 A I Cnom 600 A I CRM1800 A V GES -20 (20)V t psc V CC = 800 V V GE ≤ 15 V V CES ≤ 1200 VT j = 150 °C10 μs T j-40 (175)°C Inverse diodeV RRM T j = 25 °C1200V I F Continuous DC forward current 600A I FRM 1200A I FSM 10 ms, sin 180°, T j = 25 °C2736A T j-40 ... 175°C Module I t(RMS)500 A T stg module without TIM-40 ... 125 °C V isolAC sinus 50 Hz, t = 1 min4000VCharacteristics Symbol Conditions min. typ. max. UnitIGBTV CE(sat)I C = 600 A V GE = 15 V chiplevel T j = 25 °C 1.80 2.05 V T j = 150 °C 2.05 2.42 V V CE0chiplevel T j = 25 °C 0.80 0.90 V T j = 150 °C 0.75 0.80 V r CE V GE = 15 V chiplevelT j = 25 °C 1.67 1.92 mΩ T j = 150 °C2.2 2.7 mΩ V GE(th)V GE = V CE , I C = 24 mA55.86.5 V I CES V GE = 0 V, V CE = 1200 V, T j = 25 °C5mA C ies V CE = 25 V V GE = 0 Vf = 1 MHz37.2 nF C oes f = 1 MHz 2.32 nF C res f = 1 MHz2.04 nF Q G V GE = - 8V ... + 15 V 3400 nC R Gint T j = 25 °C 1.3 Ω t d(on)V CC = 600 V I C = 600 AV GE =+15/-15V R Gon = 1.8 Ω R Goff = 1.2 Ωdi/dt on = 8050 A/µs di/dt off = 4100 A/µs dv/dt = 3500 V/µs L s = 25 nH T j = 150 °C 175 ns t r T j = 150 °C 75 ns E on T j = 150 °C 55 mJ t d(off)T j = 150 °C 530 ns t f T j = 150 °C 120 ns E off T j = 150 °C80mJ R th(j-c)per IGBT0.049K/W R th(c-s)per IGBT, (λgrease = 0.81 W/(m*K))0.032K/WIGBT4 ModulesSKM600GB12E4D1Features*∙IGBT4 = 4th generation medium fast trench IGBT (Infineon)∙ CAL4HD = 4th generation high density (HD) CAL-diode optimized for low static losses∙ Insulated copper baseplate using DBC technology (Direct Bonded Copper)∙ Increased power cycling capability ∙ With integrated gate resistor∙ For higher switching frequencies up to 8kHz∙ UL recognized, file no. E63532Typical Applications∙ AC inverter drives ∙ UPS∙ Electronic welders ∙ Wind power ∙ Public transportRemarks∙ Case temperature limited to T c = 125°C max, recomm.T op = -40... +150°C, product rel. results valid for T j = 150°C ∙ Max. operating DC link voltage limited to 800VGBSEMITRANS 3Characteristics Symbol Conditions min. typ. max. UnitInverse diodeV F = V EC I F = 600 A V GE = 0 V chiplevel T j = 25 °C 1.80 2.13 V T j = 150 °C 1.83 2.17 V V F0chiplevel T j = 25 °C 1.19 1.40 V T j = 150 °C 0.97 1.10 V r F chiplevelT j = 25 °C 1.02 1.21 mΩ T j = 150 °C1.44 1.79mΩ I RRM V CC = 600 V I F = 600 AV GE = -15 Vdi/dt off = 9200 A/µs T j = 150 °C 680 A Q rr T j = 150 °C130 µC E rr T j = 150 °C 60mJ R th(j-c)per diode0.095K/W R th(c-s)per diode, (λgrease = 0.81 W/(m*K))0.039 K/W ModuleL CE 15nH R CC’+EE’measured per switchT j = 25 °C0.55mΩ T j = 150 °C0.85 mΩ R th(c-s)1calculated without thermal coupling (λgrease =0.81 W/(m*K)) 0.0088 K/W R th(c-s)2including thermal coupling,Ts underneath module (λgrease =0.81 W/(m*K)) 0.014K/W M s to heat sink M63 5 Nm M t to terminal M62.55 Nm -Nm w325 gSEMITRANS ® 3 IGBT4 ModulesSKM600GB12E4D1Features*∙IGBT4 = 4th generation medium fast trench IGBT (Infineon) Exciter module∙ CAL4HD = 4th generation (HD) CAL-diode optimized for low static losses∙ Insulated copper baseplate using DBC technology (Direct Bonded Copper)∙ Increased power cycling capability ∙ With integrated gate resistor∙ For higher switching frequencies up to 8kHz∙ UL recognized, file no. E63532Typical Applications∙ AC inverter drives ∙ UPS∙ Electronic welders ∙ Wind power ∙ Public transportRemarks∙ Case temperature limited to T c = 125°C max, recomm.T op = -40... +150°C, product rel. results valid for T j = 150°C ∙ Max. operating DC link voltage limited to 800VGBFig. 1: Typ. output characteristic, inclusive R CC'+ EE'Fig. 2: Rated current vs. temperature I C = f (T C )Fig. 3: Typ. turn-on /-off energy = f (I C ) Fig. 4: Typ. turn-on /-off energy = f (R G )Fig. 5: Typ. transfer characteristic Fig. 6: Typ. gate charge characteristicFig. 7: Typ. switching times vs. I C Fig. 8: Typ. switching times vs. gate resistor R GFig. 9: Transient thermal impedance Fig. 10: Typ. CAL diode forward charact., incl. R CC'+ EE'Fig. 11: Typ. CAL diode peak reverse recovery current Fig. 12: Typ. CAL diode peak reverse recovery chargePinout and DimensionsGBThis is an electrostatic discharge sensitive device (ESDS), international standard IEC 60747-1, chapter IX.*IMPORTANT INFORMATION AND WARNINGSThe specifications of SEMIKRON products may not be considered as guarantee or assurance of product characteristics ("Beschaffenheitsgarantie"). The specifications of SEMIKRON products describe only the usual characteristics of products to be expected in typical applications, which may still vary depending on the specific application. Therefore, products must be tested for the respective application in advance. Application adjustments may be necessary. The user of SEMIKRON products is responsible for the safety of their applications embedding SEMIKRON products and must take adequate safety measures to prevent the applications from causing a physical injury, fire or other problem if any of SEMIKRON products become faulty. The user is responsible to make sure that the application design is compliant with all applicable laws, regulations, norms and standards. Except as otherwise explicitly approved by SEMIKRON in a written document signed by authorized representatives of SEMIKRON, SEMIKRON products may not be used in any applications where a failure of the product or any consequences of the use thereof can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. No representation or warranty is given and no liability is assumed with respect to the accuracy, completeness and/or use of any information herein, including without limitation, warranties of non-infringement of intellectual property rights of any third party. SEMIKRON does not assume any liability arising out of the applications or use of any product; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights, copyrights, trade secrets or other intellectual property rights, nor the rights of others. SEMIKRON makes no representation or warranty of non-infringement or alleged non-infringement of intellectual property rights of any third party which may arise from applications. Due to technical requirements our products may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question please contact the nearest SEMIKRON sales office. This document supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied and may be superseded by updates. SEMIKRON reserves the right to make changes.。

ES SERIES RSBFV CL.150 蝴蝶式值阀(1.5英寸-48英寸)商品说明书

ES SERIES RSBFV CL.150 蝴蝶式值阀(1.5英寸-48英寸)商品说明书

9410 - 20 Ave N.W.Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6N 0A4Tel: (780) 437-9100 / Fax: (780) 437-7787June 05, 2020ES SERIES RSBFV CL.150 BUTTERFLY VALVES (1.5"-48")TORONTO, ON M9W 6N9345 CARLINGVIEW DRIVECRN :Drawing No. :Accepted on:0C22405.52Reg Type:NEW DESIGN May 07, 2030June 05, 2020Design registered in the name of : A-T CONTROLS INC Expiry Date:P03252Fitting type:Attention:The design submission, tracking number 2020-02867, originally received on June 02, 2020 was surveyed and accepted for registration as follows:Sincerely,DICK, ASHLING, P. Eng.TECHNICAL STANDARDS & SAFETY AUTHORITY Tanya FrancisIf you have any question don't hesitate to contact me by phone at (780) 433-0281 ext 3337 or fax (780)****************************.The registration is conditional on your compliance with the following notes:** See attached List of Plant Sites** See drawing P03252 for manufacturer's logo as it will appear on the fittingAs indicated on AB-41 Statutory Declaration form and submitted documentation, the code of construction are B16.34 and B16.42.- It is our understanding that the fitting(s), included as the scope of this submission, that is(are) subject to the Safety Codes Act shall comply with the requirements of the indicated Standard or Code of Construction on the AB-41 Statutory Declaration as supported by the attached data which identifies the dimensions, materials of construction, press./temp. ratings and the basis for such ratings, and the identification marking of the fittings.- This registration is valid only for fittings fabricated at the location(s) covered by the QC certificate attached to the accepted AB-41 Statutory Declaration form.- This registration is valid only until the indicated expiry date and only if the Manufacturer maintains a valid quality management system approved by an acceptable third-party agency until that date.- Should the approval of the quality management system lapse before the expiry date indicated above, this registration shall become void.DOP Cert. No. D0*******An invoice covering survey and registration fees will be forwarded from our Revenue Accounts.Page 1 of 12020-02867ABSASAFETY CODES ACT - PROVINCE OF ALBERTASee acceptance letter forconditions of registration.ASHLING DICK, P . Eng.2020-06-05Date:By:This stamp and signature have been affixed electronicallyto this registered design as required by Section 20(1) ofthe Pressure Equipment Safety Regulation, in accordancewith the Electronic Transactions Act.2020-02867ACCEPTED:0C22405.52May 07, 2020PETE VEZEYA-T CONTROLS INC9955 INTERNATIONAL BLVDCINCINNATI OH 45246USService Request Type: BPV-Fitting RegistrationService Request No.: 2833962Your Reference No.:Registered to: A-T CONTROLS INCDear PETE VEZEY,Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) is pleased to inform you that your submission has been reviewed and registered as follows:CRN No.: 0C22405.5Main Design No.: DWG P03252 and List of Plants documentExpiry Date: 07-May-2030Please be advised that a valid quality control system must be maintained for the fitting registration to remain valid until the expiry date.The stamped copy of the approved registration and the invoice are mailed separately. S hould you have any questions or require further assistance, please contact a Customer Service Advisor at1.877.682.TSSA(8772)*********************************.Wewillbehappytoassistyou.W hen contacting TSSA regarding this file, p lease refer to the Service Request number provided above...Yours truly,Liliana Constantinescu, P EngTel. : 416-734-3425************************THIS IS PART OF CRN 0C22405.5Technical Standards and Safety Authority Boilers and Pressure Vessels SafetyProgramDate:C.R.N.:May 7, 2020.0C22405.5Technical Standards and Safety Authority Boilers and Pressure Vessels Safety ProgramREGISTEREDSigned:C0C22405.5MAY 7, 2020MAY 7, 2030NOTES: 1. See attached stamped scope ofregistration and list of plant locations.2. Valves logo-see drawing PO3252Suite 600 - 2889 E 12th AveVancouver, BC V5M 4T5Toll Free: 1-866-566-7233www.technicalsafetybc.caDate:Account #:Journal #:35231June 24, 202075955TECHNICAL STANDARDS & SAFETY AUTHORITY 345 CARLINGVIEW DRIVE TORONTO ON M9W 6N9CECYLIA GARBACZApplication for Design RegistrationThe design, as detailed in your, CRN# 0C22405.5, for a Fitting is accepted for registration as follows:A-T CONTROLS INC CRN:0C22405.51Registered To:Drawing #:P03252 and List of Plants doc Drawing Revision:N/ARe:Attn:Reviewer's Notes:As required by CSA B51 4.2.1, this registration expires on 07-May-2030. This CRN is valid until the expiry date as long as the Manufacturer maintains a valid quality control program verified by an acceptable third-party agency until that date. Should the certification of the quality control program lapse before the expiry date, this registration shall become void. Any additional conditions of registration stated in TSSA CRN# 0C22405.5 registration shall apply to BC registration.Contact me if you have any questions. The invoice for registration will be forwarded under separate :Janina Mihailescu**************************************Design AdministrationThis design was registered based on a technical review performed by the province of initial registration in accordance with the Association of Chief Inspectors policy on reciprocal recognition of design review.GST #: 87391 2802 RT0001(PROD) 30400-20See drawing P03252** See attached Scope of Registration, and list of plant sites.ABSASAFETY CODES ACT - PROVINCE OF ALBERTA See acceptance letter forconditions of registration.ASHLING DICK, P. Eng.2020-06-05Date:By:This stamp and signature have been affixed electronically to this registered design as required by Section 20(1) of the Pressure Equipment Safety Regulation, in accordance with the Electronic Transactions Act.2020-02867ACCEPTED:0C22405.52THIS IS PART OF CRN 0C22405.5Technical Standards and Safety Authority Boilers and Pressure Vessels SafetyProgramO F F I C E o f t h e F I R E C O M M I S S I O N E R TSSA345 Carlington DriveToronto, ONT, M9C1A3CADear Cecylia GarbaczRe: Reciprocal CRN Registration in ManitobaYour application indicates that a CRN has been received in another Canadian Jurisdiction, and therefore your CRN has been registered in Manitoba as follows:File Number: 74-R721CRN: 0C22405.54Scope: P03252 and List of Plants documentManufacturer: A-T CONTROLS INC.Expiry Date: 7/May/30Please find attached invoice for registration.As indicated by the Regulatory Reconciliation and Cooperation Table and the Reconciliation Agreement for the Canadian Registration Number (CRN) for Pressure Equipment, a CRN issued in any Canadian Jurisdiction will be accepted for use in Manitoba.In accordance with Steam and Pressure Plants Regulation and CSA B51, it is the manufacturer’s responsibility to file a Manufacturers Data Report, including partial data reports, with our office, prior to shipping pressure equipment to Manitoba.Please contact me directly via email at ********************.ca for any questions or concerns. Cheryl Lashek, P.EngDirector, ITSMInspection and Technical ServicesOffice of the Fire Commissioner508 - 401 York Avenue, Winnipeg Manitoba R3C 0P8T (204) 945-3507 | F (204) 948-2309。



RM1A, RM1B• 过零型开关(RM1A) 或瞬动开关(RM1B)交流固态继电器• 直接覆铜法(DCB) 技术• LED 指示• 内置压敏电阻• 夹式IP20 保护盖• 自升式端子• 非模铸式外壳• 2 种输入范围:3-32* VDC 以及20-280 VAC/22-48 VDC • 工作额定值:最高100 AACrms 和600 VACrms • 关断电压:最高1400 Vp • 光电绝缘:> 4000 VACrms产品说明这款工业级单相固态继电器使用两个反相连接的晶闸管控制输出,具有多项应用潜力,因此是工业级 SSR 中应用最广泛的产品。




内置压敏电阻确保为高负荷的工业级应用提供瞬固态继电器时电压突变保护,而 LED 则可以清楚指示控制端输入的状态。

夹式保护盖实现了 IP20 级别的接触式保护。

有保护的输出端子可以处理最粗达 16 mm 2 的线缆。

型号选择开关模式 额定工作电压 控制电压额定工作电压电流A:过零型开关 23: 230VACrms A: 20-280VAC / 22-48VDC 25: 25AACrms B:瞬动开关 40: 400VACrms D: 3-32VDC*50: 50AACrms48: 480VACrms *4 - 32 VDC,适用于400、480 和600 VAC 型号 75: 75AACrms60: 600VACrms*4 - 32 VDC,适用于RM1B 型号 100: 100AACrms工业级,单相ZS (IO),内置LED 和压敏电阻型号:RM 23,RM 40,RM 48,RM 60额定工作电压关断电压 控制电压 额定工作电流25A50A75A100A230VACrms 650V p 3 - 32VDC RM1A23D25 RM1A23D50 RM1A23D75 RM1A23D100ZC 20 - 280VAC RM1A23A25 RM1A23A50 RM1A23A75 RM1A23A10022 - 48VDC 400VACrms 800V p 4 - 32VDC RM1A40D25 RM1A40D50 RM1A40D75 RM1A40D100ZC 20 - 280VAC RM1A40A25 RM1A40A50 RM1A40A75 RM1A40A10022 - 48VDC 480VACrms 1200V p 4 - 32VDC RM1A48D25 RM1A48D50 RM1A48D75 RM1A48D100ZC 20 - 280 VAC RM1A48A25 RM1A48A50 RM1A48A75 RM1A48A10022 - 48VDC 600VACrms 1400V p4 - 32VDC RM1A60D25 RM1A60D50 RM1A60D75 RM1A60D100ZC 20 - 280VAC RM1A60A25RM1A60A50RM1A60A75RM1A60A10022 - 48VDC选择指南s输入规格一般规格* 散热器必须接地额定工作电压 关断电压 控制电压 额定工作电流25A50A75A100A230VACrms, IO 650V p 4 - 32VDC RM1B23D25 RM1B23D50 RM1B23D75 RM1B23D100 20 - 280VAC/ RM1B23A25 RM1B23A50 RM1B23A75 RM1B23A10022 - 48VDC 400VACrms, IO 800V p 4 - 32VDC RM1B40D25 RM1B40D50 RM1B40D75 RM1B40D100480VACrms, IO 1200V p 4 - 32VDC RM1B48D25 RM1B48D50 RM1B48D75 RM1B48D100600VACrms, IO 1400V p 4 - 32VDC RM1B60D25 RM1B60D50 RM1B60D75 RM1B60D100 20 - 280VAC/ RM1B60A25 RM1B60A50 RM1B60A75 RM1B60A10022 - 48VDC选择指南注意:对于交流控制,将根据要求创建IO开关部件号输出规格注意:常规使用耐久测试的UL 要求为6.000 个周期电磁兼容性外壳规格继电器 安装螺钉 M5安装扭矩1.5-2.0Nm接头规格1x 2.5 - 6.0 mm²X电源接头:1/L1、2/T1 L1, T1A1, A2使用 75°C 铜 (Cu) 导线注意:- 根据应用和负载电流,交流固态继电器的使用可能会导致传导无线电干扰。

AUFEL BrioSpot S LSC 产品说明书

AUFEL BrioSpot S LSC 产品说明书

—02—01—FI CH E PRO DU IT K AU FEL®BRIOSPOT SLSC Évacuation non étanche et étanche—01 BrioSpot S non étancheD1060Désignation Code Technologie IP/IK P/NP FluxTensiond’alimentationConsoVcc (W)ConsoVca (VA)N° delicence NF Évacuation non étanche*BRIOSPOT S 48...230/60L103 223K V+42/04P/NP45 lm48 à 220 Vcc-230 Vca1,6422027BRIOSPOT S 48...230/60L BLK**103 231K V+42/04P/NP45 lm48 à 220 Vcc-230 Vca1,6422027BRIOSPOT S 48...230/60L COM103 224K V+42/04P/NP45 lm48 à 220 Vcc-230 Vca1,6422027BRIOSPOT S 48...230/60L COM BLK**103 232K V+42/04P/NP45 lm48 à 220 Vcc-230 Vca1,6422027Évacuation étanche*BRIOSPOT S ET 48...230/60L103 225K V+66/10P/NP45 lm48 à 220 Vcc-230 Vca1,6422020BRIOSPOT S ET 48...230/60L COM103 226K V+66/10P/NP45 lm48 à 220 Vcc-230 Vca1,6422020= conventionnel = Adressable* Gamme vendue avec ses étiquettes réglementaires pour une installation murale et plafond.Pour une installation en version drapeau, pictogramme en option voir au verso de cette fiche** BLK = version noireGamme7834Version non étanche Version étanche—02 BrioSpot S étanche—BrioSpot S Accessoires—Divers —Étiquettesmural et plafond BrioSpot S : 661 010—Pièces détachées DésignationCode Batterie 3,2 V-0,6 Ah - Batterie de r emplacement po ur BrioSpot S BAES évacuation et loc aux à sommeil 759 000Batterie 3,2 V-3,2 Ah - Batterie de r emplacement po ur BrioSpot S BAES ambiance759 100FonctionnalitésBT 4000BT 5FBT 12VBT V+**Bi-DBR/DL**Allumage/extinction “ blocs Kaufel®”l l l ––Allumage/extinction “ blocs Kaufel®” avec respect ou non de la polarité(Idéalement respecter la polarité pour les installations en adressable)l l –––Allumage/extinction “ multimarques ” –l –––Report de l'ordre d'allumage/extinction l l l––Test SATI manuel et/ou automatique*l l –––Report défaut SATI (contact sec)l l–––Fonctionnalité “ locaux à sommeil ” avec asservissement alarme incendie l––llGamme Code produit 624 000621 500621 201621 000280 000Fonction principale Multifonctions Multimarques StandardVisibilité +DBR / DLGammes équipéesStandard Autotestable SATI Adressable SATIStandardAutotestable SATI Adressable SATIStandard Autotestable SATI Adressable SATIAutotestable SATI Adressable SATIAutotestable SATI Adressable SATINbre de modules 64444Capacité de commande 500 blocs max.500 blocs max.500 blocs max.500 blocs max.500 blocs max.Dimensions (L x l x P en mm)105 x 90 x 5890 x 70 x 7090 x 70 x 7090 x 70 x 6090 x 70 x 60—Télécommandes - Guide de choix * le message envoyé par la télécommande permet d'identifier si tous les blocs fonctionnent normalement : clignotement rouge si défaut d'un ou plusieurs blocs ** Cette télécommande s’associe obligatoirement avec une des 3 télécommandes suivantes BT12, BT5F ou BT4000DésignationCode BrioSpot S Accessoire montage suspendu 652 009BrioSpot S Patère de déport 652 010BrioSpot S Grille de protection660 021。



ABAPRSA加密最近出现⼀些SAP ABAP RSA加密的需求,这⾥搬运⼀篇⽂章,⽤于学习参考。





例⼦1 – ⽤⾃⼰的ABAP RSA实现RSA加密是⾮常简单的。



幸运的是,这个问题被Harry Boeck⽤Z04_BIGINTX类解决了,可以(出⾊的⼯作)。


⽣成RSA key创建⼀个⼯作⽬录,并进⼊,mkdir -p /tmp/rsacd /tmp/rsa⽣成2048位RSA密钥。

/tmp/rsa > openssl genrsa -out rsa.key 2048Generating RSA private key, 2048 bit long modulus (2 primes) .....................................................................+++++.......+++++e is 65537 (0x010001)⽤纯⽂本输出公钥和私钥。


/tmp/rsa > openssl pkey -in rsa.key-text-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----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-----END PRIVATE KEY-----RSA Private-Key: (2048bit, 2 primes)modulus:00:e2:05:b9:ed:b7:8c:24:f3:4e:d0:07:38:74:81:dc:30:5c:5c:b1:7b:5f:da:e3:57:43:65:e7:a4:83:10:b9:a7:ae:3d:07:5a:53:e8:5b:7b:3f:a7:92:99:9a:83:75:9e:ad:d3:82:69:cc:07:72:1e:3c:e3:d8:33:0f:b7:a5:69:02:45:f2:69:04:97:2c:77:7b:74:a5:98:9f:0d:9b:fd:a9:16:a6:d7:7b:eb:5c:f1:f6:82:18:d6:d1:f3:d3:2e:15:6d:f9:17:d3:2b:7b:17:0b:cf:8d:42:ba:5d:fa:5c:c9:8c:a6:27:52:8c:98:6f:d4:86:c2:04:34:bc:61:69:4e:7a:fe:09:ca:76:5d:35:5d:37:0a:7b:e2:64:06:9b:f4:d9:da:70:f9:bc:3a:04:4d:f8:db:51:57:16:64:a9:a1:db:80:1c:0f:3f:96:6f:bd:53:a3:ea:76:fc:54:e8:80:c1:d7:a9:f9:5f:be:08:c9:40:93:42:c3:16:ed:74:20:6b:0d:dc:a9:55:93:62:28:14:b1:91:5b:1c:f1:1d:75:f9:02:64:33:5f:4a:87:66:45:df:96:65:3b:82:46:30:fa:f8:af:fd:f8:ad:63:ec:a9:38:6b:62:cc:0b:ba:f4:6c:f3:88:61:ca:d6:fb:45:42:fb:29:22:cf:c4:13publicExponent: 65537 (0x10001)privateExponent:00:bd:bb:fe:db:7e:14:48:44:73:29:90:96:24:bf:8a:7e:92:5a:41:a7:06:cd:71:c0:a4:54:5c:43:2e:bf:10:8a:a1:6a:9b:cc:88:d9:6a:4a:29:22:5b:9f:54:24:fc:cc:ca:b0:de:2e:3f:d7:14:46:2b:e9:3c:69:88:cd:2a:2e:df:78:a6:48:e0:50:a3:44:5d:bf:8a:ef:76:bd:6e:f0:5e:4c:24:9c:89:6b:07:a8:1a:be:15:69:e7:ef:5d:9c:b6:e2:8d:93:21:72:c3:ae:91:fc:96:61:a8:9f:11:77:68:be:08:10:c4:6c:3f:de:c8:b2:a3:15:f2:cb:1c:9d:3d:20:75:59:ff:8b:75:9d:44:39:36:84:7e:4d:fe:96:01:29:11:4c:dd:15:33:44:0b:f8:f0:ad:02:62:5f:34:81:fa:73:f9:80:18:e2:3e:7d:c6:5b:ad:ad:f0:a7:ff:92:6d:c8:94:34:4a:13:b8:7d:c5:81:02:69:f4:1a:6d:a5:d1:d2:ae:ac:c1:7d:3d:62:97:4a:28:11:07:60:b1:3d:02:ba:5a:98:9b:49:60:fb:65:03:65:d2:be:c7:c1:aa:41...key现在有了key和类Z04_BIGINTX,我们可以写程序了。



北斗短报文语音模块BDYY系列串口通信协议用法举例(北京太和宝业科技有限公司)2014年12月25日针对BDYY系列北斗短报文语音模块串口通信协议,现以300 bit压缩率、短卡容量为78个字节、一次最多发送4条短信数据量的模块为例,解读如下:一、发送例1,BDYY传出一条语音数据内容为:30 30 B2 F1 E4 D3 35 D0 4F 53 24 30 8A 02 3D 76 60 ED 20 2E FF FF(内容为:您好)(注意上面涂红色的30 30和涂蓝色的FF FF)北斗收发设备从串口读取该数据。

开头的连续两个30 ,一是说明这是300bit 压缩率的语音数据,二是说明这是一条语音短信的开始标记。

结尾的FF FF ,说明这是语音数据结束标记。

用户收发设备在收到该数据后,在软件处理上去掉短信开头的30 30 和结尾的FF FF 后,再将该短信发送出去。

例2,BDYY传出一条语音数据内容为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内容为:风雨送春归,飞雪迎春到,已是悬崖百丈冰,犹有花枝俏。



吞食天地金手指标准化管理部编码-[99968T-6889628-J68568-1689N]不遇敌 008D-01-00经验值 6028-03-98967F 等级 602B-01-63金钱 602C-03-98967F SP 676A-02-03E7MSP 0072-02-03E7兵力全满663F-03-01869F663C-03-01869F6639-03-01869F6636-03-01869F6633-03-01869F6630-03-01869F662D-03-01869F兵力上限全满6663-03-01869F6660-03-01869F665D-03-01869F665A-03-01869F6657-03-01869F6654-03-01869F6651-03-01869F武力全满667B-01-FF667A-01-FF6679-01-FF6678-01-FF6677-01-FF6676-01-FF6675-01-FF智力全满6687-01-FF6686-01-FF6685-01-FF6684-01-FF6683-01-FF6682-01-FF6681-01-FF速度全满6693-01-FF6692-01-FF6691-01-FF6690-01-FF668F-01-FF668E-01-FF668D-01-FF攻击全满66B7-01-FF66B6-01-FF66B6-01-FF66B5-01-FF66B4-01-FF66B3-01-FF66B2-01-FF防御全满66C3-01-FF66C2-01-FF66C1-01-FF66C0-01-FF66BF-01-FF66BE-01-FF66BD-01-FF寄存处第一位物品 6540-01-xx寄存处第一位物品数量 6580-01-09 物品代码08 短剑09 铜剑0A 铁剑0B 闪电剑0C 赤龙剑0D 石斧0E 铜斧0F 铁斧10 钢斧11 火焰斧12 木枪13 铜枪14 铁枪15 钢枪16 冰枪17 石弓18 铜弓19 铁弓1A 钢弓1B 火焰弓1C 石刀1D 铜刀1E 铁刀20 青龙刀21 青铜剑22 古锭刀23 紫鲨刀24 布服25 皮甲26 铜甲27 铁甲28 钢甲29 火焰甲 2A 青龙甲 2B 藤甲 2C 头带 2D 皮帽 2E 铜盔 2F 铁盔30 钢盔31 木盾32 皮盾33 鳞盾34 铜盾35 铁盾36 钢盾37 火焰盾38 怒龙剑39 倚天剑 3A 白虎斧 3B 连打剑 3C 胜宗刀 3D 诸刃斧 3E 落雷斧 3F 连弩40 黑龙枪41 真空枪42 会心枪43 蛇戟44 偃月刀45 冰刀46 养由弓47 李广弓48 风盔49 天空盔 4A 伏龙盾4C 半月弓 4D 薄月斧 4E 孟德新书50 赤兔马51 白马52 速攻鞋53 项羽护手54 赤心丹55 铜仙丹56 银仙丹57 金仙丹58 会心丹59 银仙石 5A 金仙石 5B 会心石 5C 进攻令牌 5D 野营帐 5E 护身烟 5F 智复丹60 智复丹61 智复丹62 招魂丹63 信64 信65 九转丹66 火神书67 水龙书68 激石书69 兵法书 6A 六甲天书 6B 茶6C 水壶6D 茶具6E 地图6F 西蜀地图70 胡班家书71 秘法书72 硝石73 老树枝74 火药75 百万枝箭76 兵符77 锦囊78 养由弓79 酒7A 信7B 血书7C 青铜钥匙7D 火药壶7E 介绍信7F 渡航书队伍满员(添入任意数字后再配合队员代码即可,慎用!) 6078-04-xxxxxxxx607C-03-xxxxxx第一名队员 6627-01-xx01 刘备02 关羽03 张飞04 关兴05 关索06 张苞07 陈登08 诸葛亮09 关平0A 刘封0B 赵云0C 周仓0D 伊籍0E 谜之大将0F 庞统10 马良11 马谡12 姜维13 袁术14 雷薄15 李丰16 陈兰17 袁胤18 张勋19 纪灵1A 梁刚1B 梁纪1C 乐就1D 大蛇1E 沮授1F 郭图20 颜良22 田丰23 蛇24 韩遂25 吕公26 黄祖27 蒯越28 蔡瑁29 王粲 2A 张允 2B 甘宁 2C 魏延 2D 刘琦 2E 文聘 2F 蔡和30 蔡仲31 蔡锺32 焦触33 张南34 赵范35 鲍龙36 陈沁37 金旋38 龚志39 李摧 3A 郭汜 3B 张济 3C 贾诩 3D 李肃 3E 刘度 3F 刘延40 刑道荣41 吕虔42 魏继43 吕布44 韩玄45 魏延46 黄忠47 杨龄48 韩浩49 刘焉 4A 张松 4B 孟达 4C 黄权4E 刘璋4F 吴懿50 邓贤51 张任52 吴兰53 雷同54 杨怀55 高沛56 严颜57 法正58 刘贵59 刘巴5A 刘循5B 吕凯5C 王伉5D 张肃5E 冷苞5F 彭义60 李严61 费观62 李恢63 霍峻64 董和65 费诗66 蒋琬67 曹仁68 曹仁69 纪灵6A 黄忠6B 曹仁6C 夏侯敦 6E-77 张鲁78 阎圃79 张卫7A 杨松7B 马超7C 马岱7D 杨昂7E 杨任7F 庞德80 杨平81 杨柏82 程银84 张横85 李湛86 成宜87 曹操88 夏侯敦89 夏候渊 8A 曹仁 8B 曹洪 8C 荀彧 8D 曹纯 8E 程昱 8F 刘晔90 郭嘉91 于禁92 荀攸93 乐进94 王粲95 陈矫96 曹昂97 典韦98 梁兴99 韩遂 9A 杨秋 9B 马玩 9C 孔秀 9D 韩福 9E 卞喜 9F 王植 A0 秦琪 A1 钟繇 A2 丁斐 A3 王必 A4 金纬 A5 韦晃 A6 耿纪 A7 李典 A8 吕虔 A9 魏继 AA 侯成 AB 张辽 AC 徐晃 AD 曹休 AE 贾诩B0 成宜 B1 司马懿 B2 毛玠 B3 曹真 B4 牛金 B5 刘繇 B6 吕翔 B7 吕旷 B8 马延 B9 张凯 BA 王朗 BB 曹丕 BC 高览 BD 许攸 BE 文聘 BF 张合 C0 杨修 C1 陈群 C2 曹植 C3 庞德 C4 李湛 C5 吕常 C6 恒楷 C7 韩浩 C8 王匡 C9 朱灵 CA 辛毕 CB 华歆 CC 张南 CD 傅干 CE 杜袭 CF 李通 D0 吕健 D1 蒋义渠 D2 伏完 D3 穆顺 D4 夏侯尚 D5 夏侯德 D6 朱光 D7 曹彰 D8 张允 D9 郝昭 DA 陈嬉DB 典满 DC 董衡 DD 孔融 DE 焦触 DF 夏侯威 E0 夏侯懋 E1 郭奕 E2 夏侯霸 E3 宋宪 E4 黄盖 E5 周泰 E6 廖化 E8 诸葛瑾 E9 甘宁 EA 吕干 EB 太史慈 EC 张昭 ED 张紘 EE 鲁肃 EF 周瑜 F0 露昭 F1 车胄 F2 黄邵 F3 何仪 F4 龚都 F5 刘辟 F6 司马师 F7 司马昭 F8 蔡阳 FB 黄巾贼 FC 兵士 FD 盗贼 FE 山贼 FF 海贼。


y( x, t ) w( x) sin t
1 w ( x) w( x) p ( x) EJ
IV 4
4 2 其中 a ,相应于上式的齐次方程通解形如式(6.120),非齐次特解
可用如下方法得到,对上式两边作拉氏变换,得 1
0 j i 0 i j
l 2 l 0 i j i 0
EJY "Y " dx AY Y dx
i j
式(6.128)乘以 l
EJY "Y " dx AY Y dx
2 j i j 0 j i
Yi ( x) 并沿梁长对x积分,同样可得到
P(t )Y j (1 ) M (t )Y j ' ( 2 )
上式也可以根据将(6.153)、(6.154)代入(6.147)并利用 筛选性质(见( 1.76))而得出。于是,零初始条件下梁的响应为 t t
( x)
1 y( x, t ) Y j ( x)Y j (1 ) P( ) sin j (t )d Y j ' ( 2 ) M ( ) sin j (t )d 0 0 j 1 j
l 2 0 j i i
(EJYi ")" i AYi 2 (EJYj ")" j AYj
l 0 i j
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Rohde & Schwarz
Power Measurements on Pulsed Signals
3 Peak- and Mean Power Measurement
Modern spectrum analyzers display the frequency spectrum or the waveform of a signal in the time domain using a raster scan cathode ray tube (CRT) or a liquid crystal display (LCD). Characteristic for these displays is that the number of pixels in the level axis as well as in the frequency or time axis is limited. This leads to limited resolution for both level and frequency or time. To display the full amount of measurement data taken in a sweep, detectors are used to compress the data samples into the number of displayed pixels. For the measurement of peak power, the spectrum analyzer offers a peak detector. The peak detector will display the highest peak within the measurement interval. For the mean power measurement of amplitude modulated signals (like pulse modulation) the peak detector commonly used in spectrum analyzers is not appropriate, as the peak voltage is not related to the power of the signal. For power measurements the spectrum analyzers provides the sample detector or the RMS detector. The following figure gives an overview of the difference of the detector results on a symbolic graph:
pixel n (8 samples) pixel n+1 (8 samples) pixel n+2 (8 samples)
s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s6 s8 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s6 s8 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s6 s8
A/D samples
displayed pixels
2 Requirements
Modern radar applications use continuously changing pulse parameters. The pulse width and pulse repetition frequency is not constant and depends on the radar mode. Due to these changing parameters, the calculation of peak power from mean power as measured with a power meter is not possible anymore. This application note shows how the measurement of peak power and mean power on these changing signals can be made with modern spectrum analyzers. Additionally the measurement of mean power over a long time frame is explained. This is a very important measurement in the antenna field of radar transmitters for the protection against personal injury due to high power transmission, especially while the antenna is rotating.
Subject to change – Kay-Uwe Sander 1/2003 - 1EF48_2E
Power Measurements on Pulsed Signals
1 Overview ................................ ................................ ............................. 2 2 Requirements ................................ ................................ ...................... 2 3 Peak- and Mean Power Measurement................................ .................. 3 4 Performing the Measurements................................ ............................. 5 Test Setup ................................ ................................ ...................... 5 Measurement examples................................ ................................ .. 5 Measurement of peak power and pulse width............................. 5 Measurement of the mean power................................ ............... 7 Measurement of the average and peak power............................ 9 Sources of measurement errors................................ ............... 10 5 Literature ................................ ................................ ........................... 12 6 Ordering information................................ ................................ .......... 12
Product: Spectrum Analyzer Rohde&Schwarz FSP

Power Measurement on Pulsed Signals with Spectrum Analyzers
Application Note
This application note provides information about measurements on pulsed signals with a spectrum analyzer. Examples show the practical realisation of measurements like pulse width, peak power and mean power, and the limitations of spectrum analyzer measurements. A method for long time average power measurement is explained.
positive peak sample rms rms negative peak 8
1 Overview
A spectrum analyzer is an important instrument for measurements on radar signals. Many of the different parameters of a radar signal, like carrier frequency, occupied spectrum, carrier ON/OFF ratio, pulse repetition frequency, rise-/fall-time, phase noise and peak power, can be directly measured with a spectrum analyzer. Testing for output power is one of the important measurements on radar transmitters. For output power on a pulsed signal such as radar there are several different types of power measurements. Average power is one of the common measurements usually made as mean power measurements with power meters. Another very important value is peak power. With the knowledge of the Pulse Repetition Frequency (PRF) and the pulse width, one can calculate the peak power from the measured mean power. This function is available in many power meters. This application note explains the use of the Rohde & Schwarz FSP spectrum analyzer family for the measurement of peak power and mean power on pulse modulated signals. The knowledge about pulse parameters of the radar is not necessary for this measurement. The recommended setups are supported by example measurements on a radar signal simulated by a signal generator.