Obama Improving Health Care for Veterans

奥巴马宣布精准医疗计划药物精准研发和使用时代到来1月30日,美国总统奥巴马在2015年国情咨文演讲中谈到了“人类基因组计划”(Human Genome Project)所取得的成果,并宣布了新的项目——精准医疗计划(Precision Medicine Initiative),打算通过分析100多万名美国志愿者的基因信息,更好地了解疾病形成的机制,进而为开发相应药物、实现精准施药铺平道路。

中文标题英文标题第一章为美国人民提供高质量、可承受的医THIE 1 —QUALITY, AFFORDABLE HEALTH 疗卫生服务CARE FOR AMERICANS第一节立即提高美国人民的医疗保险覆盖Subtitle A —Immediate Improvements in 率Health Care Coverage for All Americans1001条款对《公共卫生服务法案》的修订Sec. 1001. Amendments to the Public HealthService Act.1002条款医疗保险中的消费者信息Sec. 1002. Health insurance consumer information. 1003条款确保消费者物有所值Sec. 1003. Ensuring that consumers get value for their dollars. 1004条款生效日期Sec. 1004. Effectives dates.第二节立即采取行动保持和扩大医疗保险Subtitle B—Immediate Actions to Preserve覆盖率and Expand Coverage.1101 条款使患有疾病、没有保险的人士立Sec. 1101. Immediate access to insurance for即可以获得保险iminsured individuals with a preexisting conditions. 1102 条款对提前退休人员的再保险Sec. 1102. Reinsurance for early retirees.1103条款立即为消费者提供有关信息,使Sec. 1103. Immediate information that allows其能选择可承受的保险方案consumers to identify affordable coverage options. 1104 条款简化管理程序Sec. 1104.Administrative simplification.1105 条款生效日期Sec. 1105. Effective date.第三节为美国人民提供高质量的医疗保险Subtitle C—Quality Health Insurance Coveragefor All Americans第一小节医疗保险市场改革PART I — Health Insurance Market Reforms1201条款对《公共卫生服务法案》的修订Sec. 1201. Amendment to the Public HealthService Act.第二小节其他条款PART II — Other Provision1251条款保留现有医疗服务方案的权利Sec. 1251. Preservation of right to maintain existingcoverage1252条款比率改革必须对所有医疗保险公Sec. I252. Rating reforms must apply uniformly司以及团体医疗保险方案一视同仁to all health insurance issuers and group health plans 1253 条款生效日期Sec. 1253. Effectives dates.第四节可供美国人民选择的医疗保险方案Subtitle D-Available Coverage Choices for AllAmericans第一小节设立符合要求的医疗保险方案PART I —Establishment of Quality Health Plans 1301条款符合要求的医疗保险方案的定义Sec. 1301. Quality health plan defined.1302条款需要满足的基本医疗卫生要求Sec. 1302. Essential health benefits requirements.1303条款特殊规则Sec. 1303. Special health benefits requirement.1304条款相关定义Sec. 1304. Related definitions第二小节在医疗保险交易中心的消费PAR T Ⅱ—Consumer Choices and InsuranceCompetition Through Health Benefit Exchanges1311 条款可承受的医疗保险方案Sec. 1311. Affordable choices of health benefit plans.1312条款消费者的选择Sec. 1312. Consumer choice.1313条款资金合理Sec.1313. Financial integrity.第三小节州政府可灵活处理医疗保险交易PART III —State Flexibility Relating to Exchanges 中心相关事宜1321条款州政府可灵活处理医疗保险交易Sec. 1321. State flexibility in operation and中心的运作enforcement of Exchanges and related requirements.1322条款联邦政府资助设立并运行非营利Sec. 1322. Federal program to assist的、会员制的医疗保险公司1323条款社区医疗保陸方案Sec. 1323. Community health insurance1324条款公平性Sec. 1324. Level playing field.第四小节州政府可灵活设立其他替代方案PART IV—State Flexibility to EstablishAlterative Programs1331条款州政府可为不符合医疗救助计划Sec. 1331. State flexibility to establish basic的低收入人士设立基本医疗保险方案health programs for low-income individual noteligible for Medicaid.1332 条款关于州政府创新的豁免Sec. 1332. Waiver for State innovation.1333条款关于在不止一个州销售保险方案Sec. 1333. Provision relating to offering of的规定plans in more than one state.第五小节再保险和风险调整PART V—Reinsurance and Risk Adjustment1341条款在个人和小团体保险市场的过渡Sec 1341. Transitional reinsurance program for性再保险项目individual and small group markets in each state.1342条款在个人和小团体保险市场设立风Sec. 1342. Establishment of risk corridors for险通道plans in individual and small group markets.1343 条款风险调整Sec. 1343. Risk adjustment.第五节美国人民能承受的医疗保险Subtitle E—Affordable Coverage Choices forAmericans.第一小节保险费用的税收扣除与分担费用PARTⅠ—Premium Tax Credits and Cost-sharing 的减低Reductions第一小小节保险费用的税收扣除与分担费Subtitle a —Premium tax credits and cost-sharing 用的减低reductions1401条款对符合条件的医疗保险申请人的Sec.1401. Refundable tax providing premium 保险费用给予课退费的纳税扣除assistance for coverage under a qualified health plan.1402条款降低符合条件的医疗保险申请人Sec 1402. Reduced cost-sharing for individual的分担费用enrolling in qualified health plans第二小小节入选标准的确定Subpart b—eligibility determinations1411条款确定标准的程序(包括交易中心Sec. 1411. Procedures for determining申请人、保险费用纳税扣除、分担费用减低eligibility for Exchange participation, premium 以及个人责任免除等标准〉tax credits and reduced cost-sharing, andindividual responsibility exemptions.1412条款预先决定并支付保险费用减的纳Sec. 1412. Advance determination and payment of 税扣除和分担费用减低premium tax credits and cost-sharing reductions.1413条款简化保险交易中心、医疗救助计Sec. 1413. Streamlining of procedures for划、州儿童医疗保险项目以及其他医疗卫生enrollment through an exchange and State补助项目的入选程序Medicaid, CHIP, and health subsidy programs.1414 条款公开某些项目的入选要求Sec. 1414. Disclosures to carry out eligibilityrequirements for certain programs.1415条款与联邦政府以及联邦政府资助项Sec. 1415. Premium tax credits and reduced目无关的纳税扣除和分担费用减低cost-sharing reduction payments disregardedfor Federal and Federally-assisted program. 第二小节小型企业税收扣除PRAT II — Small Business Tax Credit1421条款对小型企业的员工提供医疗保险Sec. 1421. Credit for employee health的纳税扣除insurance expenses of small business.第六节医疗卫生中的各自职责Subtitle F一Shared Responsibility for Health Care第一小节个人职责PART I —Individual Responsibility1501条款要求具有最低基本医疗保险的规定Sec. 1501. Requirement to maintain minimumessential coverage1502 条款报告医疗保险方案Sec. 1502. Reporting of health insurance coverage第二小节雇主职责PART II—Employer Responsibility1511条款大型企业员工自动纳入医疗保险Sec. 1511. Automatic enrollment for employers.相关情况1512条款雇主需要告知员工可供选择的医Sec. 1512. Employer requirement to inform 疗保险方案employees of coverage options1513 条款雇主所分担的职责Sec. 1513. Shared responsibility for employers.1514条款报告雇主提供的医疗保险相关情Sec. 1514. Reporting of employer health insurance.1515 条款通过"自助餐馆〃保险方式提供符Sec. 1515. Offering of Exchange-participating 合交易中心条件的医疗保险方案qualified health plans through cafeteria plans.第七节其他规定Subtitle G —Miscellaneous Provisions1551条款定义Sec. 1551. Definitions1552条款政府工作透明化Sec. 1552. Transparency in government1553条款在协助自杀方面禁止歧视Sec. 1553. Prohibition against discriminationon assisted suicide.1554条款获得治疗Sec. 1554. Access to therapies1555条款不参加联邦医疗保险的自由Sec. 1555. Freedom not to participate inFederal health insurance programs.1556条款对某些合适幸存者的公平性Sec. 1556. Equity for certain eligible survivors.1557条款非歧视Sec 1557. Nondiscrimination1558条款对员工的保护Sec. 1558. Protection for employees1559条款监管Sec. 1559. Oversight1560条款建设规则Sec. 1560. Rules of construction1561条款卫生信息技术纳入标准与方案Sec. 1561. Health information technologyenrollment standards and protocols 1562 条款修订一致性Sec. 1562. Conforming amendments,1563条款参议院关于促进政府财政责任感Sec. 1563. Sense of the Senate promoting fiscal 的意见(不属于法律强制要求内容) responsibility.第二章标题政府项目所扮演的角色主要内容:本章主要阐述政府医疗保险相关规定。

智课网TOEFL备考资料奥巴马医改的利弊一托福阅读机经背景Since enrollment began in the new U.S. health care program known as "Obamacare" last week, thousands of uninsured Americans have been signing up for coverage - even while Congressional opponents have partially shut down the government in a bid to repeal the law. This initial success at expanding coverage could end up alienating the vast majority of Americans by significantly raising their healthcare costs.被称为“奥巴马医保”的美国新平价医保计划上星期开始接受投保。
The Affordable Care Act - popularly known as "Obamacare" - makes it possible now for James Matthews to get coverage through the expanded federal Medicaid program for low income families - even though he has been diagnosed with diabetes.平价医保法案--也就是人们口中的奥巴马医保--扩大了联邦政府为低收入家庭设立的医疗补助计划,身患糖尿病的詹姆士·马修斯现在有可能参保了。

奥巴马总统在白宫玫瑰园就《平价医疗法案》英语演讲稿导读:本文是关于奥巴马总统在白宫玫瑰园就《平价医疗法案》英语演讲稿,希望能帮助到您!THE pRESIDENT: Everybody, have a seat.MS. BAKER: Hello. My name is Janice Baker. I havethe privilege to say that I'm the firstperson in the state of Delaware to enrollfor health insurance through the new marketplace. (Applause.) Like many consumers out there, it took me a number of frustratingattempts beforeI could apply for and select my plan. I kept trying because I needed access to thenew healthcare options.I had applied to three privateinsurance companies only to be rejected due to preexistinghealthconditions. I am too young for Medicare,but I'm too old not to have some health issues. Iwas able to find a policy I am thrilled with, saving $150 a month, andmuch lower deductiblesthan my previous policy that I held through my smallbusiness.I'm here today to encourage otherpeople like me who needs access to quality, affordableinsurance, and to tellthem to have patience with such a new system. Without this ability toget this insurance, Iknow that a single hospital stay could have bankrupted me and mybusiness.Thank you all. And I am now honored to introduce thepresident of the United States. (Applause.)THE pRESIDENT: Great job.MS. BAKER: Thank you. Thank you.THE pRESIDENT: Thank you. (Applause.) Thank you,everybody. Well, thank you, Janice.And thanks to everybody here for coming onthis beautiful day. Welcome to the WhiteHouse.About three weeks ago, as thefederal government shut down, the Affordable Care Act'shealth insurancemarketplaces opened for business across the country. Well, we've now gottenthe government backopen for the American people, and today I want to talk about how we'regoing toget the marketplaces running at full steam, as well. And I'm joined today by folks whohave eitherbenefited from the Affordable Care Act already, or who are helping theirfellowcitizens learn about what this law means for them and how they can get covered.Of course, you've probably heardthat –- the new website where people canapply for healthinsurance, and browse and buy affordable plans in most states –- hasn'tworkedas smoothly as it was supposed to work. And the number of people who have visitedthe site has beenoverwhelming, which has aggravated some of these underlying problems.Despite all that, thousands ofpeople are signing up and saving money as we speak. ManyAmericans with a preexisting condition,like Janice, are discovering that they can finally gethealth insurancelikeeverybody else.So today, I want to speak toevery American who's looking to get affordable healthinsurance. I want you to know what's available to youand why it may be a good deal for you.And for those who've had some problems with the website, I want to tellyou what we're doingto make it work better and how you can sign up to getcovered in other ways.But before I do that, let meremind everybody that the Affordable Care Act is not just awebsite. It's much more. For the vast majority of Americans -- for 85percent of Americanswho already have health insurance through your employer orMedicare or Medicaid -–you don'tneed to sign up for coverage through awebsite at all. You've already gotcoverage. What theAffordable Care Actdoes for you is to provide you with new benefits and protections that havebeenin place for some time. You may not knowit, but you're already benefiting from theseprovisions in the law.For example, because of theAffordable Care Act, young people like Jasmine Jennings, andJessica Ugalde,and Ezra Salop, all of whom are here today, they've been able to stay ontheirparents' plans until they're 26. Millions of other young people are currently benefiting fromthat part ofthe law. (Applause.) Another part of the Affordable Care Act isproviding seniors withdeeper discounts on their prescription medicine. Billions of dollars have been saved byseniorsalready. That's part of thelaw. It's already in place. It'shappening right now.Already, because of theAffordable Care Act, preventive care like mammograms and birthcontrol are freethrough your employers. That's part ofthis law. (Applause.) So there are a widerange of consumerprotections and benefits that you already have if you've got healthinsurance.You may not have noticedthem, but you've got them, and they're not going anywhere. Andthey're not dependent on a website.Here's another thing that theAffordable Care Act does. In stateswhere governors andlegislatures have wisely allowed it, the Affordable CareAct provides the opportunity for manyAmericans to get covered under Medicaidfor the first time. So in Oregon, forexample, that'shelped cut the number of uninsured people by 10 percent just inthe last three weeks. Thinkaboutthat. That's 56,000 more Americans whonow have health care. (Applause.) That doesn'tdepend on a website.Now, if you're one of the 15percent of Americans who don't have health insurance -- eitherbecause you can'tafford it or because your employer doesn't offer it, or because you're asmallbusinessperson and you have to go out on the individual market and buy it onyour ownand it's just too expensive -- October 1st was an important date. That's when we opened thenew marketplaceswhere people without health insurance, or who can't afford healthinsurance, orwho aren't part of a group plan, can finally start getting affordable coverage.And the idea is simple. By enrolling in what we're calling thesemarketplaces, you becomepart of a big group plan -- as if youwere working fora big employer -- a statewide group planthat spreads risk between sick peopleand healthy people, between young and old, and thenbargains on your behalf forthe best deal on health care. What we'vedone is essentially create acompetition where there wasn't competitionbefore. We created these big groupplans, and nowinsurers are really interested in getting your business. And so insurers have created new healthcareplans with more choices to be made available through these marketplaces.And as a result of this choiceand this competition, prices have come down. When you addthe new tax credits that many people are eligible forthrough the law, then the prices comedown even further. So one study shows that through new optionscreated by the Affordable CareAct, nearly 6 in 10 uninsured Americans willfind that they can get covered for less than $100 amonth. Think about that. (Applause.) Through the marketplaces, you canget health insurance for what may be the equivalentof your cell phone bill oryour cable bill, and that's a good deal.So the fact is the product of theAffordable Care Act for people without health insurance isquality healthinsurance that's affordable. And thatproduct is working. It's reallygood. And itturns out there's a massivedemand for it. So far, the nationalwebsite, , has beenvisited nearly 20 million times. Twenty million times. (Applause.) And there's great demand atthe state level as well, because there are abunch of states that are running theirownmarketplaces.We know that nearly one-third ofthe people applying in Connecticut and Maryland, forexample, are under 35years old. They understand that they canget a good deal at low costs,have the security of health care, and this is notjust for old folks like me -- that everybodyneeds good quality healthinsurance. And all told, more than halfa million consumers across thecountry have successfully submitted applicationsthrough federal and state marketplaces. Andmany of those applications aren't just for individuals, it's fortheir entire families. So evenmorepeople are already looking to potentially take advantage of the high quality,affordableinsurance that is provided through the Affordable Care Act.So let me just recap here. The product is good. The health insurance that's being providedisgood. It's high quality and it'saffordable. people can save money,significant money, bygetting insurance that's being provided through thesemarketplaces. And we know thatthedemand is there. people are rushing tosee what's available. And those who havealready hada chance to enroll are thrilled with the result. Every day, people who were stuck withsky-highpremiums because of preexisting conditions are getting affordableinsurance for the first time, orfinding, like Janice did, that they're savinga lot of money. Every day, women arefinally buyingcoverage that doesn't charge them higher premiums than men forthe same care. (Applause.)Every day, people are discovering thatnewhealth insurance plans have to cover maternitycare, mental health care, freepreventive care.So you just heard Janice's story-- she owns her own small business. Sherecently became thefirst woman to enroll in coverage through Delaware'sexchange. And it's true, it took her afewtries, but it was worth it after being turned down for insurance threetimes due to minorpreexisting conditions. So now she'll be covered, she'll save 150 bucks a month, and shewon'thave to worry that one illness or accident will cost her her business that she'sworked sohard to build.And Janice is not alone. I recently received a letter from a womannamed Jessica Sanford inWashington State. And here's what she wrote: “I ama single mom, no child support, self-employed, and I haven't had insurance for15 years because it's too expensive. Myson hasADHD and requires regular doctor visits and his meds alone cost $250per month. I have had anongoingtendinitis problem due to my line of work that I haven't had treated. Now, finally, weget to have coverage becauseof the ACA for $169 per month. I wascrying the other day when Isigned up. Somuch stress lifted.”Now, that is not untypical for alot of folks like Jessica who have been struggling withouthealthinsurance. That's what the AffordableCare Act is all about. The point is, theessence of thelaw -- the health insurance that's available to people -- isworking just fine. In somecases,actually, it's exceeding expectations -- the prices are lower than we expected,the choice isgreater than weexpected.But the problem has been that the website that'ssupposed to make it easy to apply for andpurchase the insurance is not workingthe way it should for everybody. Andthere's nosugarcoating it. The websitehas been too slow, people have been getting stuck during theapplicationprocess. And I think it's fair to saythat nobody is more frustrated by that than I am -- precisely because theproduct is good, I want the cash registers to work. I want the checkoutlines to be smooth. So I want people to be able to get this greatproduct. And there's no excusefor theproblems, and these problems are getting fixed.But while we're working out the kinks in thesystem, I want everybody to understand thenature of the problem. First of all, even with all the problems , the website isstill working for a lot of people -- just not asquick or efficient or consistent as we want. Andalthough many of these folks have found that they had to wait longerthan they wanted, oncethey complete the process they're very happy with thedeal that's available to them, just likeJanice's.Second, I want everybody toremember that we're only three weeks into a six-month openenrollment period,when you can buy these new plans. (Applause.) Keep in mind theinsurancedoesn't start until January 1st; that's the earliest that theinsurance can kick in. No one whodecidesto purchase a plan has to pay their first premium until December 15th. And unlike theday after Thanksgiving salesfor thelatest playstation or flat-screen TVs, the insurance plansdon't runout. They're not going to sell out. They'll be available through the marketplace-- (applause) -- throughout the open enrollment period. The prices that insurers have set willnotchange. So everybody who wants insurancethrough the marketplace will get insurance,period. (Applause.) Everybody who wants insurance through the marketplace will getinsurance.Third, we are doing everything wecan possibly do to get the websites working better, faster,sooner. We've got people working overtime, 24/7, toboost capacity and address the problems.Experts from some of America's top private-sector tech companies who, bythe way, have seenthings like this happen before, they want it to work. They're reaching out. They're offering tosend help. We've had some of the best IT talent in theentire country join the team. Andwe'rewell into a “tech surge” to fix the problem. And we are confident that we will get all theproblems fixed.Number four -- while the websitewill ultimately be the easiest way to buy insurancethrough the marketplace, itisn't the only way. And I want toemphasize this. Even as weredouble ourefforts to get the site working as well as it's supposed to, we're alsoredoubling ourefforts to make sure you can still buy the same quality,affordable insurance plans availableon the marketplace the old-fashioned way-- offline, either over the phone or in person.And, by the way, there are a lotof people who want to takeadvantage of this who are morecomfortable workingon the phone anyway or in person. So letme go through the specifics as tohow you can do that if you're having problemswith the website or you just prefer dealing witha person.Yesterday, we updated the website'shome page to offer more information about the otheravenues to enroll inaffordable health care until the online option works for everybody. So you'llfind information about how to talkto a specialist who can help you apply over the phone or toreceive adownloadable application you can fill out yourself and mail in.We've also added more staff tothe call centers where you can apply for insurance over thephone. Those are already -- they've beenworking. But a lot of people havedecided first to go tothe website. Butkeep in mind, these call centers are already up and running. And you can getyour questions answered byreal people, 24 hours a day, in 150 different languages. The phonenumber for these call centers is1-800-318-2596. I want to repeat that --1-800-318-2596. Waittimes have averagedless than one minute so far on the call centers, although I admit that thewaittimes probably might go up a little bit now that I've read the number out loudon nationaltelevision. (Laughter.) But the point is the call centersare available. You can talk to somebodydirectly and theycan walk you through the application process. And I guarantee you, if one thing is worththewait, it's the safety and security of health care that you can afford, orthe amount希望本文对您有所帮助!of moneythat you can save by buying health insurance throughthemarketplaces. (Applause.)Once you get on the phone with atrained representative, itusually takes about 25minutes for an individual toapply for coverage,about 45 minutes for a family. Once you applyfor coverage, you willbecontacted by email or postal mail about your coverage status.But you don't have to just gothrough the phone. You can also applyinperson with the helpof local navigators -–these are peoplespecially trainedto help you sign up for health care, andthey existall across the country, oryou can go to community health centers andhospitals. Justvisit to findout where inyour area you can get help and apply forinsurance in person.And finally, if you've alreadytried to apply through the websiteand you've been stucksomewhere along theway, do not worry. In thecoming weeks,we will contact you directly,personally, with aconcrete recommendation forhow you can complete yourapplication,shop for coverage, pick a plan thatmeets your needs, andget covered once and for all.So here's the bottom line. The product, the health insuranceisgood. The prices are good.It is a good deal. people don't just wantit; they're showing upto buy it. Nobody is madder thanmeabout thefact that the website isn't working as well as it should, whichmeansit's going toget fixed. (Laughter andapplause.)。

奥巴马总统在白宫玫瑰园就《平价医疗法案》英语演讲稿THE PRESIDENT: Everybody, have a seat.MS. BAKER: Hello. My name is Janice Baker. I havethe privilege to say that I'm the firstperson in the state of Delaware to enrollfor health insurance through the new marketplace. (Applause.) Like many consumers out there, it took me a number of frustratingattempts beforeI could apply for and select my plan. I kept trying because I needed access to thenew healthcare options.I had applied to three privateinsurance companies only to be rejected due to preexistinghealthconditions. I am too young for Medicare,but I'm too old not to have some health issues. Iwas able to find a policy I am thrilled with, saving $150 a month, andmuch lower deductiblesthan my previous policy thatI held through my smallbusiness.I'm here today to encourage otherpeople like me who needs access to quality, affordableinsurance, and to tellthem to have patience with such a new system. Without this ability toget this insurance, Iknow that a single hospital stay could have1 / 14bankrupted me and mybusiness.Thank you all. And I am now honored to introduce thePresident of the United States. (Applause.)THE PRESIDENT: Great job.MS. BAKER: Thank you. Thank you.THE PRESIDENT: Thank you. (Applause.) Thank you,everybody. Well, thank you, Janice.And thanks to everybody here for coming onthis beautiful day. Welcome to the WhiteHouse.About three weeks ago, as thefederal government shut down, the Affordable Care Act'shealth insurancemarketplaces opened for business across the country. Well, we've now gottenthe government backopen for the American people, and today I want to talk about how we'regoing toget the marketplaces running at full steam, as well. And I'm joined today by folks whohave eitherbenefited from the Affordable Care Act already, or who are helping theirfellowcitizens learn about what this law means for them and how they can get covered.Of course, you've probably heardthat –- the new website where people canapply for healthinsurance, and browse and buy affordable plans in most states –- hasn'tworkedas smoothly as it was supposed to work. And the 2 / 14number of people who have visitedthe site has beenoverwhelming, which has aggravated some of these underlying problems.Despite all that, thousands ofpeople are signing up and saving money as we speak. ManyAmericans with a preexisting condition,like Janice, are discovering that they can finally gethealth insurance likeeverybody else.So today, I want to speak toevery American who's looking to get affordable healthinsurance. I want you to know what's available to youand why it may be a good deal for you.And for those who've had some problems with the website, I want to tellyou what we're doingto make it work better and how you can sign up to getcovered in other ways.But before I do that, let meremind everybody that the Affordable Care Act is not just awebsite. It's much more. For the vast majority of Americans -- for 85percent of Americanswho already have health insurance through your employer orMedicare or Medicaid -– you don'tneed to sign up for coverage through awebsite at all. You've already gotcoverage. What theAffordable Care Actdoes for you is to provide you with new benefits and protections that havebeenin place for some time. You may not knowit, but you're already benefiting from 3 / 14theseprovisions in the law.For example, because of theAffordable Care Act, young people like Jasmine Jennings, andJessica Ugalde,and Ezra Salop, all of whom are here today, they've been able to stay ontheirparents' plans until they're 26. Millions of other young people are currently benefiting fromthat part ofthe law. (Applause.) Another part of the Affordable Care Act isproviding seniors withdeeper discounts on their prescription medicine. Billions of dollars have been saved byseniorsalready. That's part of thelaw. It's already in place. It's happening right now. Already, because of theAffordable Care Act, preventive care like mammograms and birthcontrol are freethrough your employers. That's part ofthis law. (Applause.) So there are a widerange of consumerprotections and benefits that you already have if you've got healthinsurance.You may not have noticedthem, but you've got them, and they're not going anywhere. Andthey're not dependent on a website.Here's another thing that theAffordable Care Act does. In stateswhere governors andlegislatures have wisely allowed it, the Affordable CareAct provides the opportunity for manyAmericans to get covered under Medicaidfor the first time.4 / 14So in Oregon, forexample, that'shelped cut the number of uninsured people by 10 percent just inthe last three weeks. Thinkaboutthat. That's 56,000 more Americans whonow have health care. (Applause.) That doesn'tdepend on a website.Now, if you're one of the 15percent of Americans who don't have health insurance -- eitherbecause you can'tafford it or because your employer doesn't offer it, or because you're asmallbusinessperson and you have to go out on the individual market and buy it onyour ownand it's just too expensive -- October 1st was an important date. That's when we opened thenew marketplaceswhere people without health insurance, or who can't afford healthinsurance, orwho aren't part of a group plan, can finally start getting affordable coverage.And the idea is simple. By enrolling in what we're calling thesemarketplaces, you becomepart of a big group plan -- as if you were working fora big employer -- a statewide group planthat spreads risk between sick peopleand healthy people, between young and old, and thenbargains on your behalf forthe best deal on health care. What we'vedone is essentially create acompetition where there wasn't competitionbefore. We created these big groupplans, and nowinsurers are really interested in 5 / 14getting your business. And so insurers have created new healthcareplans with more choices to be made available through these marketplaces.And as a result of this choiceand this competition, prices have come down. When you addthe new tax credits that many people are eligible forthrough the law, then the prices comedown even further. So one study shows that through new optionscreated by the Affordable CareAct, nearly 6 in 10 uninsured Americans willfind that they can get covered for less than $100 amonth. Think about that. (Applause.)Through the marketplaces, you canget health insurance for what may be the equivalentof your cell phone bill oryour cable bill, and that's a good deal.So the fact is the product of theAffordable Care Act for people without health insurance isquality healthinsurance that's affordable. And thatproduct is working. It's reallygood. And itturns out there's a massivedemand for it. So far, the nationalwebsite, , has beenvisited nearly 20 million times. Twenty million times. (Applause.) And there's great demand atthe state level as well, because there are abunch of states that are running their ownmarketplaces.6 / 14We know that nearly one-third ofthe people applying in Connecticut and Maryland, forexample, are under 35years old. They understand that they canget a good deal at low costs,have the security of health care, and this is notjust for old folks like me -- that everybodyneeds good quality healthinsurance. And all told, more than halfa million consumers across thecountry have successfully submitted applicationsthrough federal and state marketplaces. Andmany of those applications aren't just for individuals, it's fortheir entire families. So evenmorepeople are already looking to potentially take advantage of the high quality,affordableinsurance that is provided through the Affordable Care Act.So let me just recap here. The product is good. The health insurance that's being providedisgood. It's high quality and it'saffordable. People can save money,significant money, bygetting insurance that's being provided through thesemarketplaces. And we know thatthedemand is there. People are rushing tosee what's available. And those who havealready hada chance to enroll are thrilled with the result. Every day, people who were stuck withsky-highpremiums because of preexisting conditions are getting affordableinsurance for the 7 / 14first time, orfinding, like Janice did, that they're savinga lot of money. Every day, women arefinally buyingcoverage that doesn't charge them higher premiums than men forthe same care. (Applause.)Every day, people are discovering that newhealth insurance plans have to cover maternitycare, mental health care, freepreventive care.So you just heard Janice's story-- she owns her own small business. Sherecently became thefirst woman to enroll in coverage through Delaware'sexchange. And it's true, it took her afewtries, but it was worth it after being turned down for insurance threetimes due to minorpreexisting conditions. So now she'll be covered, she'll save 150 bucks a month, and shewon'thave to worry that one illness or accident will cost her her business that she'sworked sohard to build.And Janice is not alone. I recently received a letter from a womannamed Jessica Sanford inWashington State. And here's what she wrote: “I ama single mom, no child support, self-employed, and I haven't had insurance for15 years because it's too expensive. Myson hasADHD and requires regular doctor visits and his meds alone cost $250per month. I have had anongoingtendinitis problem due to my line of work that I 8 / 14haven't had treated. Now, finally, weget to have coverage becauseof the ACA for $169 per month. I wascrying the other day when Isigned up. Somuch stress lifted.”Now, that is not untypical for alot of folks like Jessica who have been struggling withouthealthinsurance. That's what the AffordableCare Act is all about. The point is, theessence of thelaw -- the health insurance that's available to people -- isworking just fine. In somecases,actually, it's exceeding expectations -- the prices are lower than we expected,the choice isgreater than we expected.But the problem has been that the website that'ssupposed to make it easy to apply for andpurchase the insurance is not workingthe way it should for everybody. Andthere's nosugarcoating it. The websitehas been too slow, people have been getting stuck during theapplicationprocess. And I think it's fair to saythat nobody is more frustrated by that than I am -- precisely because theproduct is good, I want the cash registers to work. I want the checkoutlines to be smooth. So I want people to be able to get this greatproduct. And there's no excusefor theproblems, and these problems are getting fixed. But while we're working out the kinks in thesystem, I want 9 / 14everybody to understand thenature of the problem. First of all, even with all the problems , the website isstill working for a lot of people -- just not asquick or efficient or consistent as we want. Andalthough many of these folks have found that they had to wait longerthan they wanted, oncethey complete the process they're very happy with thedeal that's available to them, just likeJanice's.Second, I want everybody toremember that we're only three weeks into a six-month openenrollment period,when you can buy these new plans. (Applause.) Keep in mind theinsurancedoesn't start until January 1st; that's the earliest that theinsurance can kick in. No one whodecidesto purchase a plan has to pay their first premium until December 15th. And unlike theday after Thanksgiving salesfor the latest Playstation or flat-screen TVs, the insurance plansdon't runout. They're not going to sell out. They'll be available through the marketplace-- (applause) -- throughout the open enrollment period. The prices that insurers have set willnotchange. So everybody who wants insurancethrough the marketplace will get insurance,period. (Applause.) Everybody who wants insurance through the marketplace will getinsurance.10 / 14Third, we are doing everything wecan possibly do to get the websites working better, faster,sooner. We've got people working overtime, 24/7, toboost capacity and address the problems.Experts from some of America's top private-sector tech companies who, bythe way, have seenthings like this happen before, they want it to work. They're reaching out. They're offering tosend help. We've had some of the best IT talent in theentire country join the team. Andwe'rewell into a “tech surge” to fix the problem. And we are confident that we will get all theproblems fixed.Number four -- while the websitewill ultimately be the easiest way to buy insurancethrough the marketplace, itisn't the only way. And I want toemphasize this. Even as weredouble ourefforts to get the site working as well as it's supposed to, we're alsoredoubling ourefforts to make sure you can still buy the same quality,affordable insurance plans availableon the marketplace the old-fashioned way-- offline, either over the phone or in person.And, by the way, there are a lotof people who want to take advantage of this who are morecomfortable workingon the phone anyway or in person. So letme go through the specifics as tohow 11 / 14you can do that if you're having problemswith the website or you just prefer dealing witha person.Yesterday, we updated the website'shome page to offer more information about the otheravenues to enroll inaffordable health care until the online option works for everybody. So you'llfind information about how to talkto a specialist who can help you apply over the phone or toreceive adownloadable application you can fill out yourself and mail in.We've also added more staff tothe call centers where you can apply for insurance over thephone. Those are already -- they've beenworking. But a lot of people havedecided first to go tothe website. Butkeep in mind, these call centers are already up and running. And you can getyour questions answered byreal people, 24 hours a day, in 150 different languages. The phonenumber for these call centers is1-800-318-2596. I want to repeat that --1-800-318-2596. Waittimes have averagedless than one minute so far on the call centers, although I admit that thewaittimes probably might go up a little bit now that I've read the number out loudon nationaltelevision. (Laughter.) But the point is the call centersare available. You can talk to somebodydirectly and theycan walk you through the 12 / 14application process. And I guarantee you, if one thing is worththewait, it's the safety and security of health care that you can afford, orthe amount of moneythat you can save by buying health insurance through themarketplaces. (Applause.)Once you get on the phone with atrained representative, it usually takes about 25minutes for an individual toapply for coverage, about 45 minutes for a family. Once you applyfor coverage, you will becontacted by email or postal mail about your coverage status.But you don't have to just gothrough the phone. You can also apply inperson with the helpof local navigators -– these are people specially trainedto help you sign up for health care, andthey exist all across the country, oryou can go to community health centers and hospitals. Justvisit to findout where in your area you can get help and apply forinsurance in person.And finally, if you've alreadytried to apply through the website and you've been stucksomewhere along theway, do not worry. In the coming weeks,we will contact you directly,personally, with a concrete recommendation forhow you can complete your application,shop for coverage, pick a plan 13 / 14thatmeets your needs, and get covered once and for all.So here's the bottom line. The product, the health insurance isgood. The prices are good.It is a good deal. People don't just want it; they're showing upto buy it. Nobody is madder thanmeabout the fact that the website isn't working as well as it should, which meansit's going toget fixed. (Laughter andapplause.)14 / 14。

"ObamaCare" is useful shorthand for the Affordable Care Act not least because the law increasingly means whatever President Obama says it does on any given day.“奥巴马医保”是《评价医疗法案》最好的简称,因为该法案确实让人觉得何时开始执行是由总统奥巴马一人说了算。
His latest lawless rewrite arrived on Monday as the White House decided to delay the law's employer mandate for another year and in some cases maybe forever.在白宫方面决定“雇主法令”推迟一年之际,奥巴马也在周一公布了他对法案非法改写内容。
ObamaCare requires businesses with 50 or more workers to offer health insurance to their workers or pay a penalty, but last summer the Treasury offered a year-long delay until 2015 despite having no statutory authorization.“奥巴马医保”规定拥有50或以上员工的公司应像员工提供健康保险否则将缴纳罚款,然而去年夏季,国家财政部并未授权,此规定延期一年直至2015年生效。
Like the individual mandate, the employer decree is central to ObamaCare's claim of universal coverage, but employers said the new labor costs劳动成本—and the onerous繁重的reporting and tax-enforcement强制税金rules—would damage job creation and the economy. 同“个人强制医保”一样,“雇主法令”也是以“奥巴马医保”的全民保险为中心,但雇主们认为新的劳动成本,繁重的申报程序,强制税金条款会损失国家经济和就业。

新移民们,美国奥巴马健康保险要赶快买起来!Covered California是一个加州政府所办理的计划,支持您比较或购买私人的保险计划,并在符合资格时为您提供资金协助。
开放登记期:2015年11月1日——2016年1月31日从2016年1月开始的保险计划,其登记截止日期为2015年12月15日请新移民朋友在2016.1.31日前购买好健康保险,未购买保险者在美国停留时间超过35天会有罚款(罚款比重逐年增加)现在,已经有越来越多的华人华侨同胞们开始知道和去了解奥巴马医疗保险(Obamacare),这项法案原名为“患者保护与平价医疗法案(PatientProtection and Affordable Care Act,PPACA)”,由总统奥巴马于2010年签署的一项联邦法案。
申请人群:1. 美国公民或是持有绿卡的个人,其收入在16,243美元以上者。
2. 美国公民或是持有绿卡的家庭,其收入总和在33,465美元以上者。

Health care reform in the United States美国医疗改革是现任美国总统奥巴马选举时提出的政纲三大议题之一,在2010年3月获国会通过。
President Obama's initiative to fix the way Americans pay for health care is losing popular support and lawmakers from both parties have expressed concern about its cost.So Mr. Obama held a news conference, to make his case that overhauling the country's health insurance system is an issue that should transcend politics."This is about every family, every business and every taxpayer who continues to shoulder the burden of a problem that Washington has failed to solve for decades. This debate is not a game for these Americans, and they cannot afford to wait any longer for reform," he said.Mr. Obama accused Republicans of playing politics with the issue, after at least one opposition senator said failure to pass health reform could "break" the president.However, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said earlier that Republicans are also concerned with policy, not politics. "We don't wish anyone ill. We want to get the policy right," he said.And, House Republican Leader John Boehner said Americans are concerned that Mr. Obama's proposal will involve excessive government involvement in people's lives. "But I think, as Americans look up today, what they see is a big government takeover of health care that is on the table and a plan that, frankly, they do not support," Boehner said.At the news conference, Mr. Obama said, if the system is not changed, 14,000 Americans will lose health insurance each day. And, he said the United States will not be able to control its deficit if it cannot control health care costs.He defended his early-August deadline for congressional passage of the legislation, even though it is almost sure to slip."If you don't set deadlines in this town, things do not happen. The default position is inertia, because doing something always creates some people who are unhappy," he said.Seven of the 10 questions asked at Mr. Obama's news conference concerned health care. The president also fielded questions about his efforts to reform the U.S. financial system, and said progress is being made."It is not where it needs to be. But people are no longer talking about the financial system fallingoff a cliff. We have stepped away from the brink," he said.It was the first major Obama presidential news conference at which he was not asked questions about foreign affairs.overhaul: 大修,仔细检查default: 默认的inertia: 惰性field: 巧妙地回答The debate over health care reform in the United States centers on questions about:whether there is a fundamental right to health care,who should have access to health care and under what circumstances,who should be required to contribute toward the costs of providing health care in a society,[1][2] whether the government should support health care commerce by forcing citizens to buy insurance or pay a tax,[1][2][3]the quality achieved for the sums spent,the sustainability of expenditures that have been rising faster than the level of general inflation and the growth in the economy,the role of the federal government in bringing about such changeconcerns over unfunded liabilities.In 62% of all personal bankruptcy in the United States, medical debt is cited as a factor, the biggest single factor of all.[4][5] This rarely occurs in other countries in the developed world.[6] The United States spends a greater portion of total yearly income in the nation on health care than any United Nations member state except for East Timor (Timor-Leste),[7] although the actual use of health care services in the U.S., by most measures of health services use, is below the median among the world's developed countries.[8]According to the Institute of Medicine of the United States National Academies, the United States is the "only wealthy, industrialized nation that does not ensure that all citizens have coverage".[9] Americans are divided along party lines in their views regarding the role of government in the health economy and especially whether a new public health plan should be created and administered by the federal government.[10] Those in favor of universal health care argue that the large number of uninsured Americans creates direct and hidden costs shared by all, and that extending coverage to all would lower costs and improve quality.[11] Opponents of laws requiring people to have health insurance argue that this impinges on their personal freedom and that other ways to reduce health care costs should be considered.[12] Both sides of the political spectrum have also looked to more philosophical arguments, debating whether people have a fundamental right to have health care which needs to be protected by their government.[13][14]Recent reform efforts under the Democratic-controlled 111th Congress and President Barack Obama have focused on two bills: the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (known as the "Senate bill"), which became law on March 23, 2010[15][16] and was shortly thereafter amended by the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (H.R. 4872) (which became law onMarch 30). No Republicans supported either bill.[17]Reuters and CNN summarized the March 2010 reforms and the year in which they take effectPresident Obama says health insurance reform is critical to the nation's long-term economic strength. And he is praising four committees in Congress for agreeing on what he calls "a difficult and complex challenge." "There are still details to be hammered out. There are still differences to be reconciled. But we are moving toward a broad consensus on reform," he said.Mr. Obama says opponents of his health reform plan have been spreading false information about what the proposal will and will not do. "And let me start by dispelling the outlandish rumors that reform will promote euthanasia, or cut Medicaid (the government program to help senior citizens pay for health care), or bring about a government takeover of health care. That is simply not true," he said.In the Republican response, Bob McDonnell, a candidate for governor of the state of Virginia, says his party also wants to fix health insurance. But he says it should be done without excessive government intervention. "We are committed to helping more Americans to get the health care coverage they need, not through nationalizing the system with a costly government-run plan, but rather by supporting free-market incentives to help small business owners to make coverage more accessible and affordable," he said.The Labor Department announced on Friday that the nation's unemployment rate dipped from 9.5 percent in June to 9.4 percent in July. Mr. Obama mentions the better-than-expected data in his address, and says reforming health care is a pillar for future growth and prosperity.McDonnell says unemployment remains high, and the solution is less government regulation, not more. "As Republicans, we believe you create those new jobs by keeping taxes and regulation low, and litigation at a minimum. Americans succeed when government puts in place positive policies that encourage more freedom and more opportunity," he said.President Obama leaves Sunday for Guadalajara, Mexico, where he will meet with the Canadian and Mexican leaders in a two-day North American summit.debunk: 揭穿真面目,暴露outlandish: 古怪的hammer out: 设计出euthanasia: 安乐死litigation: 诉讼。

关键字:奥巴马医疗保险改革背景改革内容中国医改启示Abstract: The establishment of a national health security system is a long dream of Americans, especially the United States Democratic Party who has dreamt almost a century, and also many American economists and scientists are committed to promoting health. Obama's office and the current face of the severe economic crisis, seemed to give the reform of the United States an excellent opportunity. So, Obama launched his medical reform program, its ambitious goals and, like China, as the two - "wide coverage" and "low cost", the ultimate goal is to provide all Americans "can afford" and health insurance. However, the process has had an undeniable encounter resistance, Whether the Obama medicine change can proceed smoothly, and bring Americans benefits, we will wait and see .At the same time, China has put forward a new medical reform plan, although the two countries have the economic strength and cultural differences, but Obama's health care reform plan is still to give some enlightenment to China's medical reform.Key words:Obama’ Health insurance Reform background Reform content Revelation关于医疗保险,国内外有很多种不同的定义,但其主要的意思可概括为:“由国家负责建立的,为解决全体公民或所有社会劳动者因为疾病和非因工负伤,丧失劳动力后的治疗和生活问题给予物质帮助的一种社会保险制度。

美国总统奥巴马将签署命令取消干细胞研究限制第一篇:美国总统奥巴马将签署命令取消干细胞研究限制美国总统奥巴马将签署命令取消干细胞研究限制内容来源:新华网美国著名的生物学家戴利(George Daley)就曾预言:“20世纪是药物治疗的时代,21世纪将是细胞治疗的时代”。
2009 年3 月,美国总统奥巴马在签署他上任后的第一个干细胞法案时说: “干细胞治疗将使绝症或不治之症词汇消失!”据“中央社”报道,为履行竞选承诺,美国总统奥巴马将于美国华盛顿当地时间9日上午11时45分,在白宫东厢签署一项行政命令,取消禁止使用联邦经费研究胚胎干细胞的禁令。

奥巴马演讲改善医保法案为老年人谋求更多福利更多英语演讲-请点击这里获得Hi, everybody. Over the last few weeks, there's been a lot of talk about Medicare, with a lot of accusations and misinformation flying around. So today I want to step back for a minute and share with you some actual facts and news about the program.This week, we found out that, thanks to the health care law we passed, nearly 5.4 million seniors with Medicare have saved over $4.1 billion on prescription drugs. That's an average of more than $700 per person. And this year alone, 18 million seniors with Medicare have taken advantage of preventive care benefits like mammograms or other cancer screenings that now come at no extra cost. That's progress. It means that seniors everywhere are getting the care they need for less.And if you have questions about what benefits you're entitled to, you can go to find out. This news is also a reminder of what's really at stake when we talk about the future of Medicare. It's not about overheated rhetoric(修辞)at election time. It's about a promisethis country made to our seniors that says if you put in a lifetime of hard work, you shouldn't lose your home or your life savings just because you get sick.Over the last 47 years, millions of Americans have worked for that promise. They've earned it. And for many seniors, the care they've gotten through Medicare has made all the difference in the world. Growing up as the son of a single mother, I was raised with the help of my grandparents.I saw how important things like Medicare and Social Security were in their lives. And I saw the peace of mind it gave them.That's why, as President, my goal has been to strengthen these programs now, and preserve them for future generations. Because today's seniors deserve that same peace of mind. And the millions of Americans who are working hard right now deserve to know that the care they need will be available when they need it. That's why, as part of the Affordable Care Act, we gave seniors deeper discounts on prescription drugs, and made sure preventive care like mammograms are free without a co-pay.We've extended the life of Medicare by almost a decade. And I'veproposed reforms that will save Medicare money by getting rid of wasteful spending in the health care system and reining in insurance companies—reforms that won't touch your guaranteed Medicare benefits. Not by a single dime.Republicans in Congress have put forward a very different plan. They want to turn Medicare into a voucher program. That means that instead of being guaranteed Medicare, seniors would get a voucher to buy insurance, but it wouldn't keep up with costs. As a result, one plan would force seniors to pay an extra $6,400 a year for the same benefits they get now. And it would effectively end Medicare as we know it. I think our seniors deserve better. I'm willing to work with anyone to keep improving the current system, but I refuse to do anything that undermines the basic idea of Medicare as a guarantee for seniors who get sick.Here in America, we believe in keeping our promises—especially to our seniors who have put in a lifetime of hard work and deserve to enjoy their golden years. That's what Medicare is all about. That's why we need to strengthen and preserve it for future generations. And as long as I have the honor of serving as your President, that's exactly what I'll do.Thanks, and have a great weekend.本文章由顺道电子商务/收集整理。

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Like many consumers out there, it took me a number of frustratingattempts beforeI could apply for and select my plan. I kept trying because I needed access to thenew healthcare options.I had applied to three privateinsurance companies only to be rejected due to preexistinghealthconditions. I am too young for Medicare,but I'm too old not to have some health issues. Iwas able to find a policy I am thrilled with, saving $150 a month, andmuch lower deductiblesthan my previous policy that I held through my smallbusiness.I'm here today to encourage otherpeople like me who needs access to quality, affordableinsurance, and to tellthem to have patience with such a new system. Without this ability toget this insurance, Iknow that a single hospital stay could have bankrupted me and mybusiness.Thank you all. And I am now honored to introduce thePresident of the United States. (Applause.)THE PRESIDENT: Great job.MS. BAKER: Thank you. Thank you.THE PRESIDENT: Thank you. (Applause.) Thank you,everybody. Well, thank you, Janice.And thanks to everybody here for coming onthis beautiful day. Welcome to the WhiteHouse.About three weeks ago, as thefederal government shut down, the Affordable Care Act'shealth insurancemarketplaces opened for business across the country. Well, we've now gottenthe government backopen for the American people, and today I want to talk about how we'regoing toget the marketplaces running at full steam, as well. And I'm joined today by folks whohave eitherbenefited from the Affordable Care Act already, or who are helping theirfellowcitizens learn about what this law means for them and how they can get covered.Of course, you've probably heardthat -- the new website where people canapply for healthinsurance, and browse and buy affordable plans in most states -- hasn'tworkedas smoothly as it was supposed to work. And the number of people who have visitedthe site has beenoverwhelming, which has aggravated some of these underlying problems.Despite all that, thousands ofpeople are signing up and saving money as we speak. ManyAmericans with a preexisting condition,like Janice, are discovering that they can finally gethealth insurance likeeverybody else.So today, I want to speak toevery American who's looking to get affordable healthinsurance. I want you to know what's available to youand why it may be a good deal for you.And for those who've had some problems with the website, I want to tellyou what we're doingto make it work better and how you can sign up to getcovered in other ways.But before I do that, let meremind everybody that the Affordable Care Act is not just awebsite. It's much more. For the vast majority of Americans -- for 85percent of Americanswho already have health insurance through your employer orMedicare or Medicaid -- you don'tneed to sign up for coverage through awebsite at all. You've already gotcoverage. What theAffordable Care Actdoes for you is to provide you with new benefits and protections that havebeenin place for some time. You may not knowit, but you're already benefiting from theseprovisions in the law.For example, because of theAffordable Care Act, young people like Jasmine Jennings, andJessica Ugalde,and Ezra Salop,all of whom are here today, they've been able to stay ontheirparents' plans until they're 26. Millions of other young people are currently benefiting fromthat part ofthe law. (Applause.) Another part of the Affordable Care Act isproviding seniors withdeeper discounts on their prescription medicine. Billions of dollars have been saved byseniorsalready. That's part of thelaw. It's already in place. It's happening right now.Already, because of theAffordable Care Act, preventive care like mammograms and birthcontrol are freethrough your employers. That's part ofthis law. (Applause.) So there are a widerange of consumerprotections and benefits that you already have if you've got healthinsurance.You may not have noticedthem, but you've got them, and they're not going anywhere. Andthey're not dependent on a website.Here's another thing that theAffordable Care Act does. In stateswhere governors andlegislatures have wisely allowed it, the Affordable CareAct provides the opportunity for manyAmericans to get covered under Medicaidfor the first time. So in Oregon, forexample, that'shelped cut the number of uninsured people by 10 percent just inthe last three weeks. Thinkaboutthat. That's 56,000 more Americans whonow have health care. (Applause.) That doesn'tdepend on a website.Now, if you're one of the 15percent of Americans who don't have health insurance -- eitherbecause you can'tafford it or because your employer doesn't offer it, or because you're asmallbusinessperson and you have to go out on the individual market and buy it onyour ownand it's just too expensive -- October 1st was an important date. That's when we opened thenew marketplaceswhere people without health insurance, or who can't afford healthinsurance, orwho aren't part of a group plan, can finally start getting affordable coverage.And the idea is simple. By enrolling in what we're calling thesemarketplaces, you becomepart of a big group plan -- as if you were working fora big employer -- a statewide group planthat spreads risk between sick peopleand healthy people, between young and old, and thenbargains on your behalf forthe best deal on health care. What we'vedone is essentially create acompetition where there wasn't competitionbefore. We created these big groupplans, and nowinsurers are really interested in getting your business. And so insurers have created new healthcareplans with more choices to be made available through these marketplaces.And as a result of this choiceand this competition, prices have come down. When you addthe new tax credits that many peopleare eligible forthrough the law, then the prices comedown even further. So one study shows that through new optionscreated by the Affordable CareAct, nearly 6 in 10 uninsured Americans willfind that they can get covered for less than $100 amonth. Think about that. (Applause.)Through the marketplaces, you canget health insurance for what may be the equivalentof your cell phone bill oryour cable bill, and that's a good deal.So the fact is the product of theAffordable Care Act for people without health insurance isquality healthinsurance that's affordable. And thatproduct is working. It's reallygood. And itturns out there's a massivedemand for it. So far, the nationalwebsite, , has beenvisited nearly 20 million times. Twenty million times. (Applause.) And there's great demand atthe state level as well, because there are abunch of states that are running their ownmarketplaces.We know that nearly one-third ofthe people applying in Connecticut and Maryland, forexample, are under 35years old. They understand that they canget a good deal at low costs,have the security of health care, and this is notjust for old folks like me -- that everybodyneeds good quality healthinsurance. And all told, more than halfa million consumers acrossthecountry have successfully submitted applicationsthrough federal and state marketplaces. Andmany of those applications aren't just for individuals, it's fortheir entire families. So evenmorepeople are already looking to potentially take advantage of the high quality,affordableinsurance that is provided through the Affordable Care Act.So let me just recap here. The product is good. The health insurance that's being providedisgood. It's high quality and it'saffordable. People can save money,significant money, bygetting insurance that's being provided through thesemarketplaces. And we know thatthedemand is there. People are rushing tosee what's available. And those who havealready hada chance to enroll are thrilled with the result. Every day, people who were stuck withsky-highpremiums because of preexisting conditions are getting affordableinsurance for the first time, orfinding, like Janice did, that they're savinga lot of money. Every day, women arefinally buyingcoverage that doesn't charge them higher premiums than men forthe same care. (Applause.)Every day, people are discovering that newhealth insurance plans have to cover maternitycare, mental health care, freepreventive care.So you just heard Janice's story-- she owns her own smallbusiness. Sherecently became thefirst woman to enroll in coverage through Delaware'sexchange. And it's true, it took her afewtries, but it was worth it after being turned down for insurance threetimes due to minorpreexisting conditions. So now she'll be covered, she'll save 150 bucks a month, and shewon'thave to worry that one illness or accident will cost her her business that she'sworked sohard to build.And Janice is not alone. I recently received a letter from a womannamed Jessica Sanford inWashington State. And here's what she wrote: “I ama single mom, no child support, self-employed, and I haven't had insurance for15 years because it's too expensive. Myson hasADHD and requires regular doctor visits and his meds alone cost $250per month. I have had anongoingtendinitis problem due to my line of work that I haven't had treated. Now, finally, weget to have coverage becauseof the ACA for $169 per month. I wascrying the other day when Isigned up. Somuch stress lifted.”Now, that is not untypical for alot of folks like Jessica who have been struggling withouthealthinsurance. That's what the AffordableCare Act is all about. The point is, theessence of thelaw -- the health insurance that's available to people -- isworking just fine. In somecases,actually, it's exceedingexpectations -- the prices are lower than we expected,the choice isgreater than we expected.But the problem has been that the website that'ssupposed to make it easy to apply for andpurchase the insurance is not workingthe way it should for everybody. Andthere's nosugarcoating it. The websitehas been too slow, people have been getting stuck during theapplicationprocess. And I think it's fair to saythat nobody is more frustrated by that than I am -- precisely because theproduct is good, I want the cash registers to work. I want the checkoutlines to be smooth. So I want people to be able to get this greatproduct. And there's no excusefor theproblems, and these problems are getting fixed.But while we're working out the kinks in thesystem, I want everybody to understand thenature of the problem. First of all, even with all the problems , the website isstill working for a lot of people -- just not asquick or efficient or consistent as we want. Andalthough many of these folks have found that they had to wait longerthan they wanted, oncethey complete the process they're very happy with thedeal that's available to them, just likeJanice's.Second, I want everybody toremember that we're only three weeks into a six-month openenrollment period,when you can buythese new plans. (Applause.) Keep in mind theinsurancedoesn't start until January 1st; that's the earliest that theinsurance can kick in. No one whodecidesto purchase a plan has to pay their first premium until December 15th. And unlike theday after Thanksgiving salesfor the latest Playstation or flat-screen TVs, the insurance plansdon't runout. They're not going to sell out. They'll be available through the marketplace-- (applause) -- throughout the open enrollment period. The prices that insurers have set willnotchange. So everybody who wants insurancethrough the marketplace will get insurance,period. (Applause.) Everybody who wants insurance through the marketplace will getinsurance.Third, we are doing everything wecan possibly do to get the websites working better, faster,sooner. We've got people working overtime, 24/7, toboost capacity and address the problems.Experts from some of America's top private-sector tech companies who, bythe way, have seenthings like this happen before, they want it to work. They're reaching out. They're offering tosend help. We've had some of the best IT talent in theentire country join the team. Andwe'rewell into a “tech surge” to fix the problem. And we are confident that we will get all theproblems fixed.Number four -- while the websitewill ultimately be the easiest way to buy insurancethrough the marketplace, itisn't the only way. And I want toemphasize this. Even as weredouble ourefforts to get the site working as well as it's supposed to, we're alsoredoubling ourefforts to make sure you can still buy the same quality,affordable insurance plans availableon the marketplace the old-fashioned way-- offline, either over the phone or in person.And, by the way, there are a lotof people who want to take advantage of this who are morecomfortable workingon the phone anyway or in person. So letme go through the specifics as tohow you can do that if you're having problemswith the website or you just prefer dealing witha person.Yesterday, we updated the website'shome page to offer more information about the otheravenues to enroll inaffordable health care until the online option works for everybody. So you'llfind information about how to talkto a specialist who can help you apply over the phone or toreceive adownloadable application you can fill out yourself and mail in.We've also added more staff tothe call centers where you can apply for insurance over thephone. Those are already -- they've beenworking. But a lot of people havedecided first togo tothe website. Butkeep in mind, these call centers are already up and running. And you can getyour questions answered byreal people, 24 hours a day, in 150 different languages. The phonenumber for these call centers is1-800-318-2596. I want to repeat that --1-800-318-2596. Waittimes have averagedless than one minute so far on the call centers, although I admit that thewaittimes probably might go up a little bit now that I've read the number out loudon nationaltelevision. (Laughter.) But the point is the call centersare available. You can talk to somebodydirectly and theycan walk you through the application process. And I guarantee you, if one thing is worththewait, it's the safety and security of health care that you can afford, orthe amount of moneythat you can save by buying health insurance through themarketplaces. (Applause.) Once you get on the phone with atrained representative, it usually takes about 25minutes for an individual toapply for coverage, about 45 minutes for a family. Once you applyfor coverage, you will becontacted by email or postal mail about your coverage status.But you don't have to just gothrough the phone. You can also apply inperson with the helpof local navigators -- these are people specially trainedto help you sign up for health care,andthey exist all across the country, oryou can go to community health centers and hospitals. Justvisit to findout where in your area you can get help and apply forinsurance in person.And finally, if you've alreadytried to apply through the website and you've been stucksomewhere along theway, do not worry. In the coming weeks,we will contact you directly,personally, with a concrete recommendation forhow you can complete your application,shop for coverage, pick a plan thatmeets your needs, and get covered once and for all.So here's the bottom line. The product, the health insurance isgood. The prices are good.It is a good deal. People don't just want it; they're showing upto buy it. Nobody is madder thanmeabout the fact that the website isn't working as well as it should, which meansit's going toget fixed. (Laughter andapplause.)。

奥巴马医疗改革管窥梁兴莉【摘要】US President Obama's health care reform,approved with great difficulties,is not only Democrats' victory over Republicans,but also liberals' victory over conservatives.Behind victory,the competition against perception and group benefits is worth considering.In Democrats'opinion,health care is part of basic human rights,but Republicans don't agree.In the old health care system,insurance companies and medicine producers benefit most,but in the new system,more competition occurs in the market and at the same time federal government is under more financial pressure.%奥巴马总统力推的医疗改革方案冲破重重阻力艰难通过,这不仅是奥巴马政府中民主党在与共和党斗争中的胜利,也是美国历史上自由派对保守派的胜利。
【期刊名称】《镇江高专学报》【年(卷),期】2011(024)004【总页数】3页(P113-115)【关键词】奥巴马;医疗改革;美国医疗保障;基本人权【作者】梁兴莉【作者单位】上海金融学院外语系,上海201209【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R199.720 引言美国总统奥巴马提出的医疗改革方案几经挫折,终于在2010年3月21日国会通过[1]。

What You Need To Know About Ebola (October 18, 2014)《你需要了解关于埃博拉的事情》(2014年10月18日)Today, I want to take a few minutes, to speak with - directly and clearly- about Ebola,今天,我想花几分钟的时间,和你们直接并明确地说一说有关埃博拉的事情。
what we’re doing about it, and what you need to know.对它我们正在做着什么,以及你需要了解的事情。
Because meeting a public health challenge like this isn’t just a job for government.因为应对一个像这样的公共卫生挑战,不仅仅是政府的工作。
All of us - citizens, leaders, the media, have a responsibility and a role to play.我们所有的公民,领袖,媒体,都有责任,并且需要有自己的角色。
Th is is a serious disease, but we can’t give in to hysteria or fear, because that only makes it harder to get people the accurate information they need.这是一个很严重的疾病,但我们不能在歇斯底里或者恐惧面前屈服,因为这样只能让人们获得他们所需要的准确信息更加困难。
We have to be guided by the science. We have to remember the basic facts.我们必须遵循于科学。
First, what we’re seeing now is not an “outbreak” or an “epidemic” of Ebola in America.首先,我们现在在美国见到的并不是埃博拉的爆发或者埃博拉疫情。

%The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), commonly called Obamacare, was signed into law by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010. The PPACA is aimed at increasing the rate of health insurance coverage for Americans and reducing the overall costs of health care. It provides a number of mechanisms for employers and individuals to increase the coverage rate. Additional reforms aim to increase revenue and reduce expenses in order to mountain fund balance. Health care reform in America is enlightening in many aspects, such as clarifing the boundaries of government responsibility, improving the system of interest expression, positioning policy objectives reasonably, attaching importance to operability of policies.【总页数】3页(P69-71)【作者】颜清辉【作者单位】人力资源和社会保障部工伤保险司北京 100716【正文语种】中文【中图分类】F840.684;C913.7【相关文献】1.美国管理型医疗保健模式及其对我国医疗保健制度改革的启示 [J], 张和平;徐兰2.日本医疗保健制度改革 [J], 曹原3.老年人医疗保健支出水平及其影响因素分析——慢性病高发背景下的老年人医疗保健制度改革 [J], 胡宏伟;张小燕;郭牧琦4.新加坡医疗保健制度改革经验探讨 [J], 奕栋洪;杨波意5.奥巴马计划10年内为医疗保健斥资6340亿美元 [J], 赵士洁因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。

美国总统奥巴马2011年世界艾滋病日讲话时间:2011-12-05 13:18来源:口译网作者:口译网点击:5082次US President Obama’s Remarks on World AIDS Day 2011George Washington UniversityWashington, D.C.December 1, 2011美国总统奥巴马在世界艾滋病日发表的讲话乔治·华盛顿大学华盛顿哥伦比亚特区2011年12月1日点击进入下载页面:视频、音频、文本Well, thank you, Sanjay. It is an honor to be with you today and to follow President Kikwete and President Bush. To Bono and Alic ia, to the ONE campaign, thank you for bringing us together. Because of your work, all across Africa there are children who are no longer starving, mothers who are no longer dying of treatable diseases, fathers who are again providing for their families. And because of all of you, so many people are now blessed with hope.大家好!谢谢你,桑杰。

中产阶级、富人忧心忡忡 The middle class and the rich person are heavy-hearted
除不得不缴纳更多税收来为穷人享受医保“埋单”外,中产阶级 (zhōngchǎnjiējí)、富裕阶层还担心,大量穷人在获保后涌入医疗服务市 场,而医疗资源相对有限,富人们曾经享受的VIP式服务将可能不复存在
The Republican Party obstructs the healthcare reform vigorously.
The middle class and the rich person are heavy-hearted
The Republican Party obstructs the healthcare reform vigorously.
共和党极力(jílì)阻 挠医改,有党派 思维作祟,但更 因执政理念不同。 共和党人一直主 张"小政府大市场 ",而医改将形成 强势政府,对社 会生活和经济产 生过分干涉,违 背资本主义自由 市场经济的原则
The reformation of the medical treatment faces lots of obstacles. How did Obama succeed in breaking out of the crisis ?
Made by 402
American former presidents had tried to carry out health reforms in the past years but they failed. So many people at all levels reject the health reforms. Obama faced the same difficulties. Why did the health reforms were obstructed heavily even it is good to American? Why Obama got approval this time with solid opposition?

据美国统计局数据显示,美国 2009 年的医疗花费高 达 2 万亿元。
1995年~2008 年,美国卫生总费用占国内生产总值 (GDP )的比重高于 13%,远远高于经济合作与发展组织(OECD )国家的平均水平 9%。
根据世界卫生组织的数据显示,在其调查的 191 个国家中,美国国民的总体健康水平排名第72 位。
根据前述美国统计局数据显示,2009 年美国医疗保障的覆盖率仅为 85%,尚有 4600 万人缺乏基本医疗保障。
根据前述世界卫生组织的数据显示,在其调查的 191 个国家中,美国医疗筹资分配的公平性排名第 55 位。
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Obama Improving Health Care for Veterans The White House. Office of the Press Secretary. For Immediate Release May 05, 2010. Remarks by the President at Signing of Caregives and Veterans Omnibus Health Services Act. State Dining RoomGood afternoon, everyone. Danny Akaka, aloha. (Laughter.) Since the 9/11 attacks more than eight years ago, the United States has been a nation at war. In this time, millions of Americans have worn the uniform. More than a million have served in Afghanistan and Iraq. Many have risked their lives. Many have given their lives. All are the very embodiment of service and patriotism. And as a grateful nation, humbled by their service, we can never honor these American heroes or their families enough.Along with their loved ones, we give thanks every time our men and women in uniform return home. But we’re forever mindful that our obligations to our troops don’t end on the battlefield. Just as we have a responsibility to train and equip them when we send them into harm’s way, we have a responsibility to take care of them when they come home.As Michelle and Dr. Biden have reminded us in all their visits to military bases and communities, our obligations must include a national commitment to inspiring military families —- the spouses and children who sacrifice as well.We have a responsibility to veterans like Ted Wade, who joins us here today with his wonderful wife Sarah. We are so proud of both of them. Six years ago, Sergeant Wade was serving in the 82nd Airborne Division in Iraq when his Humvee was struck by an IED, an improvised explosive device. He lost muchof his right arm and suffered multiple injuries, including severe traumatic brain injury. He was in a coma for more than two months, and doctors said it was doubtful that he would survive.But he did survive -- thanks to the care he received over many months and years, thanks to Ted’s indomitable spirit, and thanks to the incredible support from Sarah, who has been at his side during every step of a long and very difficult recovery. As I’ve said many times, our nation’s commitment to our veterans and their families —- to patriots like Ted and Sarah —- is a sacred trust, and upholding that trust is a moral obligation.Since taking office, my administration -— in partnership with many -- the veterans organizations who are here today —- has worked to make sure that America fulfills this obligation. We’ve dramatically increased funding for veterans’ health care, including our wounded warriors, especially those wit h the signature wounds of today’s wars -— post-traumatic stress and traumatic brain injury. Under Secretary Ric Shinseki’s outstanding leadership, we’re building a 21st century V A, including budget reform to ensure predictable funding, and a historic increase in the V A budget.But as we all know, keeping faith with our veterans and their families is work that is never truly finished. As a nation, as the beneficiaries of their service, there’s always more we can do and more that we must do. And that’s wha t we’re doing today, as I sign this important legislation —- the Caregivers and Veterans Omnibus Health Services Act.With this legislation, we’re expanding mental health counseling and servicesfor our veterans from Afghanistan and Iraq, including our National Guardsmen and Reservists. We’re authorizing the V A to utilize hospitals and clinics outside the V A system to serve more wounded warriors like Ted with traumatic brain injury.We’re increasing support to veterans in rural areas, with the transportat ion and housing they need to reach V A hospitals and clinics. We’re expanding and improving health care for our women’s veterans, to meet their unique needs, including maternity care for newborn children. And we’ll launch a pilot program to provide child care for veterans receiving intensive medical care.We’re eliminating co-pays for veterans who are catastrophically disabled. And we’re expanding support to homeless veterans, because in the United States of America, no one who has served this nation in uniform should ever be living on the streets.Finally, this legislation marks a major step forward in America’s commitment to families and caregivers who tend to our wounded warriors every day. They’re spouses like Sarah. They’re parents, once again car ing for their sons and daughters. Sometimes they’re children helping to take care of their mom or dad.These caregivers put their own lives on hold, their own careers and dreams aside, to care for a loved one. They do it every day, often around the clock. As Sarah can tell you, it’s hard physically and it’s hard emotionally. It’s certainly hard financially. And these tireless caregivers shouldn’t have to do it alone. As of today, they’ll be getting more of the help that they need.If you’re like Sa rah —- and caring for a severely injured veteran from Afghanistan or Iraq —- you’ll receive a stipend and other assistance, including lodging when you travel for your loved one’s treatment. If you need training to provide specialized services, you’ll get it. If you need counseling, you’ll receive it. If you don’t have health insurance, it will be provided. And if you need a break, it will be arranged —- up to 30 days of respite care each year.So today is a victory for all the veterans’ organizations wh o fought for this legislation. It’s a tribute to those who led the fight in Congress, including Senator and World War II vet Danny Akaka, and Senator Richard Burr; and in the House, Representatives Mike Michaud and Bob Filner. And I thank all the members of Congress who are joining us here today.Most of all, today is a victory for veterans like Ted and caregivers like Sarah, who, by the way, has become a passionate and very effective voice on behalf of wounded warriors and their families. Testifying before Congress, she said of her husband, “Just like he needed a team in the military to accomplish the mission, he needs a team at home in the longer war.”So to Ted, and to Sarah, to all our veterans and your families, with this legislation we’re building a stronger team here at home that you need —- now and for the long road to recovery. And that’s why I’m very much looking forward to signing this legislation. Thank you. (Applause.)(The bill is signed.)。