











9.螺距计(PITCH GUAGE):来用来量桨叶的螺距的,有的套件中有附纸制的,不过我个人认为这是必备的,买个好一点的吧!10.平衡器:用来做桨叶的平衡用的,理论上要平衡的话,要做单桨的称重,桨重心的校正,双桨的力矩平衡,但实际上,如果要做的话,要买两三种东西才能来全套的,一般买个双桨平衡用的就好了!11.电夹12.火星塞13燃油帮浦:跟飞机用的一样!编号:IES6683材质:塑胶包装尺寸:500*170*250mm机身长:约390mm机身高:约183mm机身重量:约205克包装重量:1020克频率:27MHz/40MHz发射器:3通道电池:机身配有3.7V 1000mAh 锂电池,遥控器需要自备3节5号1.5V AA电池充电时间:约2.5小时飞行时间:7分钟左右遥控距离:大约30米适用年龄:14岁以上全方位飞行:前进、后退、上升、下降、回转和左右转功能。

Cessna 飞行器指南说明书

Cessna 飞行器指南说明书
Pilot's Operating Handbook Information
The approved manufacturer's operating handbook, is issued for the specific model and serial number, and includes all applicable supplements and modifications done on that aircraft. It is legally required to be on board the aircraft during flight, and is the master document for all flight information.
In 1975, the US General Aviation Manufacturer's Association introduced the 'GAMA Specification No. 1' format for light aircraft manufacturer's handbook, calling it a 'Pilot's Operating Handbook' (POH). This format was later adopted by ICAO in their Guidance Document 9516, and is now required for all newly certified light aircraft by ICAO member states. Most light aircraft listed as built in 1976 or later, have a POH in this format.


无人直升机 操作手册
北京七维航测科技股份有限公司 2015 年 09 月
Beijing SDi Science&Technology Co.,Ltd.
第一章 系统使用注意事项 ................................................................................................. 4 一、警告 ............................................................................................................................ 4 二、飞行注意事项 ........................................................................................................... 4 1、空管 ..................................................................................................................... 4 2、飞行区域 ............................................................................................................. 4 3、电磁环境 ................................................................................



三、A 舱产品变更、退票规定:
(一)A 舱产品同舱位变更,如有票价差须补齐差价同时收取航班/日期变更费;无票价差额仅收航班、日期变更费;
(二)A 舱产品变更至 Y 舱位或 Y 舱变更至 A 舱位,如有票价差须补齐差价同时收取航班/日期变更费;无票价差额仅收航班、日期变更费;
(一)运价基础为 LYJD+折扣率+舱位时,按照客票运价基础对应的明折明扣舱位退票规则收取退票费; (二)运价基础为 LYJD+数字+Y+舱位时,按照客票运价基础对应的明折明扣舱位退票规则收取退票费; (三)运价基础为 LYJD01 时,不得自愿变更、退票、签转。 四、酒店规则:详见购买时酒店改期、退款规则。
自愿变更 承运人
YGV+折扣率、 RT(往返) /LT/LH
变更、退票规则 一、团队客票不得自愿变更承运人、不允许填开不定期客票、不得自愿变更航班/日期。 二、团体客票必须按顺序使用,退票不得单退其中任意航段,否则全程按自愿退票处理。 三、团体客票运价小于等于该航线 K 舱公布运价的航段,不得自愿退票,仅退民航发展基金和燃油附加费 四、团体客票运价大于该航线 K 舱公布运价的航段,自愿退票按以下规定执行: (一)团体旅客自愿退票规定:
二、川航对 2 折(不含)以下的超低价促销客票保留设置“不得签转、不得变更、不得退票”规定的权力。运价基础为:YTD6D/YTD6Q/YTD6M。

飞行器-108英寸Extra 330LT说明书

飞行器-108英寸Extra 330LT说明书

Assembly Manual / Airframe – 108” Extra 330LTnatural property of balsa wood. As your airplane adjusts to the weather in your part of the world, wrinkles may appear and disappear. Wrinkles may be removed with the gentle application of heat to the covering material on your airplane. The best tools to use are a heat gun and covering iron. Apply the heat gently: the covering material will shrink as you apply the heat, and this will remove the wrinkles. BE CAREFUL! Too much heat applied too quickly can damage the covering, either by causing it to pull away from the wood at seams and corners or even by melting it. The covering will shrink at low temperature with patient application of heat. Wrinkles in the covering DO NOT affect flight performance. If you must shrink on a color-seam, use the iron and go slowly and carefully to avoid any pulling or lifting at the seam.Remove the canopy before attempting to use heat on your covering! The canopy is made of thermo-activated plastic and WILL deform with the application of heat. Do not apply heat to the canopy.PAINT:If you need to clean your airplane, we recommend using a damp towel. The paint used on the canopy and cowl is not safe for all cleaners. In particular, DO NOT use alcohol on these parts, it will remove the paint.Let’s get started!Using a soldering iron or hobby knife, remove covering from forward fuselage areas.1.Front Anti-rotation pin2.Wing Safety Pin3.Wingtip( Factory Cut)4.Aileron servo leads.5.Wing bolt6.Rear Anti-rotation pinNext remove covering for the front stab carbon tube.Remove tail wheel assembly set screws one at a time and re-torque using blue loctite.Install tail wheel assembly using 3x-4-40 bolts and washers. Use blue loctite on the bolts.Contents of landing gear hardware bag.The axles come pre-drilled and the pin is included in the hardware bag. To get the proper spacing you will need 1 collar and one washer on the inside of the axle and then onewasher on the outside of the axle as shown.Take note of the washer and wheel collar as discussed above.The screws holes should face towards the ground. The picture above shows the front ofthe gear towards the left of the page. The thicker portion of the cuffs should be towardsthe rear of the plane as shown above.Insert wheel into wheel pant as shown here.Now attach the assembled wheel and pant to the landing gear with the included #4-40bolts and nylon lock nut.the washers and collar to achieve it.nylon lock nuts.also be used to hold the landing gear cover plate in place.Using a 3-32 allen wrench, be sure to make the already installed #4-40 bolts are tight.The 108” Extra has a long tunnel suitable for canisters or tuned pipes. We provide the parts for a variety of setups. Vented covers are included for the tunnel which can be installed if desired. If using stock mufflers, the covering over the tunnel can be left intact if desired.First, if desired, the entire tunnel can be blocked off with this blockoff plate. Install withepoxy glue and wood screws.template, throttle servo box, and covers for various places on the airframe.Remove the covering over the vent holes on the cover plates as shown.Install the cover plates over the canister/pipe tunnel as shown using wood screws. This is a picture from the 104” Slick so the panels may look slightly different.Your kit includes two different kinds of ball links. The top one is used in between the phenolic control horns. The bottom one, with the integrated spacer, is used on the servoarm end.Pushrods on the 108” Extra are assembled in this way, with a ball link on each end of a stainless-steel link. Note that the links have left hand threads on one end and right hand threads on the other. Look very carefully to determine left and right before screwing onyour links.Because the links are opposite threaded on each end, you can use the included link wrench in your kit to change the pushrod length after they are installed on the airplane.The control horns on the 108” Extra are the double-phenolic fiberglass style. The horns for the elevators and ailerons are identical. The rudder horns are longer, double-sided.Elevator and Aileron horns are installed as follows:Using sand paper or something similar, rough up the areas that will be glued as shown.cleaned out. Doing so will make installing the fully assembled horn much easier.around the base of it as shown. You can use tape to keep glue from getting on thecovering. Next, glue in the control horn using either 30min epoxy, or Gorilla Glue. This same process is used for the elevators and ailerons.The 108” Extra offers two locations for rudder servos. Pull-pull cables are already installed in the Edge for use with the forward location under the canopy bubble. An alternate rear location is provided at the tail of the airplane.View of the contents of the rudder hardware bag.Installing the rudder control horn:Assemble control horn as shown.Temporarily install the control horn, cut out around the base like we did for the aileron and elevator control horns. You can also use tape around the base that will keep glue from getting on the covering. Once the covering is removed below the base plate, leave the horn in place and attach the other ball link. Next, push the control horn in the slot in one direction until you can see the holes in the center. Apply glue to the area and push the arm back to center. Make sure it is perfectly centered using a ruler.Once the glue has set, install the rudder onto the fuse using the included hinge pin.Install rudder onto vertical stabilizer and fuselage, slide rudder hinge wire into rudder from the top and down into the recess slot on top of rudder as shown.Install collar onto rudder hinge wire at bottom. Trim wire as needed.Pull-pull cables are already installed into your fuselage. Complete rear end of pull wires on both sides as shown, using double crimps and looping wire through crimps asshown.Cross the pull-pull wires once inside the fuselage to form an “X” and complete the front end of the cables also with double crimps. A typical servo installation with one 3” double-sided offset arm is shown. Make cables snug, but not “banjo-string” tight. Only snug is necessary. Match your servos properly according to the instructions of your radioequipment.Here is a pic from the 104” Slick that illustrates a dual rudder servo setup in the pull pullconfiguration.Here is an example of a how a push pull rudder servo setup would be accomplished. This picture is from the 104” slick, but the same procedure applies to the Extra.Install your elevator servo into the horizontal stab of your choice as shown. Yes, this will take some time and you will need a long screwdriver. Be patient.Parts included in elevator hardware bag.Install the servo arm and linkage as shown. You may want to lengthen the slot depending on which arm you choose to use. A 1.75” arm is used in this picture.Install both carbon stabilizer tubes into fuselage, and slide stabs on all the way. Attachwith 4-40 screws and washers as shown. If stabs are to be permanent, use loctite.Included engine mounting hardwarethe lines are lined up before drilling. Use tape to hold in place. Hole size is 1/4”Use large washers on the back along with the nylon lock nuts. Also shown here is the throttle servo mounted. You can used the included wooden servo rings to give the servomounting screws more wood to bite into.The long standoffs plus one washer should give you the desired spinner to cowl gap. An extra washer may need to be added, or this washer can be removed depending on thespinner gap you prefer.DA-100 and DLE-111 mounted with shorter standoffs.Included throttle linkage parts. NOTE: The link length included is approximate, it works well on DA-100 and DLE-111, for DA-120 which mounts farther forward, you may need alonger link for best geometry.Installing link.NOTE: A choke servo location is supplied on the bottom of the engine box AND a separate box-type servo mount is included in the kit to allow you to mount a choke servo in any location. However, we use and recommend a simple manual pull-type choke linkage which extends through the bottom of the cowl. This linkage is not included, but is easily make from a short piece of steel wire or an unused section of pushrod.Measure and cut the needed areas for your specific muffler setup.NOTE:The J&A Engineering DA 120 Slick Mufflers sold by 3DHS allow for the cleanest cowl install possible. The front of these mufflers are cut at an angle to allow them to fit in thecowling.cowling.Here is an example layout of the throttle and fuel line setup. WARNING: make sure that the fuel line cannot come into contact with the muffler. In the picture above, we used flame retardant heat shrink over the tubing just in case it would ever touch the muffler.Next attach the bottom half of the cowling using the included #4-40 screws and washers. Note: We also highly recommend baffles to direct airflow over large electric motors and twin cylinder gas engines. Below is an example of what this baffling may look like. Werecommend using balsa, or Depron foam.Here is an example manual choke setup using a spare pushrod.NOTE: There are three servo locations in each wing panel. You can use one servo in the center location, two in the inner and outer locations, or three servos. Be *extremely careful* if using only one aileron servo, most twin-cylinder engines 100CC and up produce enough power to blow back or even a flutter a single aileron servo. Flutter candestroy your aircraft and is not covered under any warranty. We recommend two heavyduty metal gear aileron servos per wing.NOTE: Pull Strings are pre-installed in your wing panels to facilitate pulling servo leadsthrough the wing panel.The wings are attached using a 6mm nylon bolt and spring clip. The first few times you install the wings, the holes for the spring clips will be tight to the fuselage side. This is by design, use a small tool to clearance this fit before installing the clip. After a few cycles this will settle in at the proper clearance.Optional wing tip accessories. Installed using #4-40 screws. Use the spacer to make sure that there is a gap between the SFG and the aileron to eliminate the chance ofbinding.The canopy hatch is supplied with the floor pre-installed. The rear of the hatch is left open so you can easily install a pilot head and cockpit control panel. When you have completed any work inside the cockpit, use a small amount of CA glue to install the balsa rear plate onto the canopy hatch. The canopy hatch is held onto the fuselage with 3mm nylon thumbscrews. These thumbscrews require no tools to install or remove. Please inspect these screws frequently for wear and fatigue.Throws High RateAilerons – 45 degreesElevator – 55-60 degreesRudder – Maximum throw available without interferenceHigh rate controls typically use 50-75% exponentialThrows Mid Rate (if used)Ailerons - 30 degreesElevators - 30 degreesRudder - Maximum throwThrows Low RateAilerons – 15 degreesElevator – 20 degreesRuder – 30 degreesThese starting throws are approximate and will need to be tuned to suit the individual pilot.The preferred CG for this plane is at 4.5” back from the leading measured at the wingtip. This is the recommended CG to start with and can then be tuned for a specific style offlying.3D Hobby Shop wishes you the very best with your new 108”Extra!。



A320/A321飞行机组操作手册-标准操作程序(仅适用于FS系列,真实飞行切勿照搬)03.00 目录03.01 概述03.02 飞行准备03.03 机外安全检查03.04 驾驶舱预先准备03.05 机外检查03.06 驾驶舱准备03.07 推出前或起动前03.08 发动机起动03.09 起动后03.10 滑行03.11 起飞前03.12 起飞03.13 起飞后03.14 爬升03.15 巡航03.16 下降准备03.17 下降03.18 ILS进近03.19 非精密进近03.20 目视进近03.21 精密进近03.22 着陆03.23 复飞03.24 着陆后03.25 停机03.26 离机03.01 概述本章中的程序是由空中客车工业公司推荐的,经过cgc修改而适用于FS98/FS2000系列. 标准操作程序按飞行阶段划分,并靠记忆实施.这些程序假设所有系统正常工作和所有自动功能正常使用.机组必须从发动机起动到爬升顶点,从下降顶点到停机,使用头戴式耳机.自动驾驶设计的目的是为了在整个飞行中辅助机组.以下是自动驾驶操纵面板上按钮的简要说明:HDG/COURSE-航向/航道VS-垂直速率SPEED-速度ALT-高度上述按钮可以旋转(左-右+),可以按入(中间),接通时窗口内有一小点显示.APP-ILS进近A/T-自动油门AP-自动驾驶仪上述旋钮只可以接通/断开.自动推力设计的目的是为了在整个飞行中帮助机组人员进行推力管理.飞行管理系统FMS在这个模拟机上不可用,请参照其GPS管理系统.03.02 飞行准备飞机的技术状态: 请确认你的飞机没有故障.气象简报: 你可以从网上下载最新的天气实况,或者自行输入天气,包括起飞机场、着陆机场、备降机场、航路天气.航行通告(NOTAM): 航路及其设备是否有变化.飞行计划和操作要求: 制定最佳航路计划,确认最佳高度层,计划燃油.03.03 机外安全检查刚刚到达飞机时进行检查以保证飞机和周围环境对操作是安全的.轮挡............检查放好起落架舱门......检查位置APU区域.........检查03.04 驾驶舱预先准备下面的检查必须在电源供给之前完成,防止因疏忽而造成系统工作,对飞机和人员造成危害.发动机:-主电门1和2............关断-方式选择..............正常起落架:-起落架手柄............放下位电瓶:-电瓶1和2..............接通APU起动:-APU主电门.............开位-APU起动...............开APU起动好之后,进行以下程序驾驶舱灯...............按需要进行调节停留刹车...............刹好襟翼...................UP位减速板手柄.............收回位探头/窗加温............自动APU引气................接通巡视检查顶板所有白色灯、琥玻色灯熄灭ECAM检查...............各项指示正常紧急设备:救生衣应急斧便携式氧气设备和防烟面罩便携式灭火瓶防烟镜氧气面罩手电筒逃离绳03.05 机外检查对机外所有设备进行详细目视检查,确保飞机安全.此项检查可利用小键盘上的方向键和+-键完成03.06 驾驶舱准备面板巡视..........由左至右,由下至上安全带灯..........开禁止吸烟..........开紧急出口灯........待命燃油..............确认足够无线电设置(在中央操纵台)-通信频率..........ATIS频率-ATIS..............收听-通信频率..........塔台或地面频率-ATC编码...........设定-导航台............按需要分别调至机场NDB/VOR/ILS频率-航道..............本场着陆航道飞行计划-设置飞行计划-在GPS上检查飞行计划遮光板-气压基准..........设定QFE或QNH-速度窗............设定起飞后所需速度(200KT)-航向..............起飞跑道方向-垂直速度..........设定起飞后所需上升率(>1500ft/min) -高度窗............设定起飞后起始许可高度油门杆............慢车位发动机-发动机主电门......关-发动机方式选择....正常位停留刹车..........刹住起飞简令..........概要叙述起飞动作及应急处置03.07 推出前或起动前起飞数据................................检查调定座椅、安全带、脚蹬、扶手................调整外接电源................................关起动前线上检查单........................完成推出/起动许可...........................获得门和窗..................................关好防撞灯..................................接通油门杆..................................慢车位停留刹车................................按需要起动前线下检查单........................完成03.08 发动机起动发动机方式选择.............点火/起动发动机主电门2..............开2发起动各项参数............检查正常发动机主电门1..............开1发起动各项参数............检查正常03.09 起动后发动机方式选择..............正常APU引气.....................关减升板......................待命襟翼手柄 (2)防冰设备....................按需要APU主电门...................关起动后检查单................完成03.10 滑行滑行灯....................开滑行许可..................获得停留刹车..................松油门杆....................适当增加开始滑行滑行中-刹车.....................检查-飞行操纵.................检查-ATC许可..................证实-飞行仪表.................检查-起飞前检查单线上.........完成03.11 起飞前起飞或进跑道许可.........获得五边活动.................目视无飞机进近安全带灯.................开关2次,示意乘务员一切就绪发动机方式选择...........如下雨或跑道积水则接通起飞灯光.................开起飞前线下检查单.........完成03.12 起飞宣布.......................起飞刹车.......................松油门杆.....................TOGA(最前)F4方向控制...................用侧杆时钟.......................计时PFD/ND.....................扫视发动机指示.................检查宣布.......................100kt宣布.......................V1(120-140)宣布.......................Rotate抬头.......................带杆至15度上升率检查.................大于0起落架.....................收上(G)减升板.....................压下解除待命起飞灯.....................关自动驾驶仪.................建议1500ft以上接通自动油门...................接通增速:-150kt.....................襟翼1-200kt.....................襟翼0-250kt.....................保持速度正常上升03.13 起飞后发动机方式选择.............如下雨则接通防冰设备...................按需要安全带.....................>10000ft解开起飞后爬升检查单...........完成03.14 爬升航向......................按入,按需要调整速度......................按入,按需要调整垂直速度..................按入,按需要调整高度......................按入,按需要调整气压基准 (1013)03.15 巡航喝茶......................按需要吃饭......................按需要乘务员....................每小时一次,每次10分钟,进入驾驶舱和机组聊天报纸杂志..................禁止阅读ATC许可...................监听飞机状态..................监控03.16 下降准备在下降前10分钟开始准备着陆标高..................检查天气和着陆情报............通过ATIS接受进近图....................阅读导航台....................按需要调整VOR/ILS/NDB进近简令..................叙述下降许可..................获得防冰设备..................按需要03.17 下降何时下降:下降角度为3度,推算出简单下降原则:高度差(M)/100=距离差(NM)高度差(ft)*3/1000=距离差(NM)假设要求到A点高度为4500M,目前高度为6000M,则(6000-4500)/100=15,应提前15NM开始下降.又假设B机场标高1000ft,巡航高度31000ft,则应提前90NM开始下降距离可利用VOR/DME测得下降率计算原则:地速(kt)*5=下降率(ft/min)假设地速240kt,下降率则为1200ft/min以上两原则从下降开始到着陆期间均适用03.18 ILS进近起始进近-发动机模式选择............按需要(如降水则开)-安全带灯..................开-外部灯光..................按需要-ILS电门...................开-无线电导航设备............按需要调定-进近检查单................完成中间/最后进近-APP按钮...................按下-200kt.....................襟翼1-LOC.......................截获-GS........................截获-复飞高度..................预设-2000ft....................襟翼2-起落架....................放下-减升板....................待命-自动刹车..................按需要-襟翼3-襟翼全-自动油门..................断开-自动驾驶仪................断开-安全带灯..................开关2次,通知乘务组-着陆检查单................完成-在决断高度................决断着陆或复飞03.19 非精密进近本节属于较复杂技术,需要大量的讲解和经验,不建议初学者使用.此处略去.03.20 目视进近只有保证在目视航线全程可见跑道时可参考此程序.建议不使用自动驾驶仪.建议关闭FD.03.21 精密进近FCOM4.05.70与FMGS相关,此模拟机不适用.03.22 着陆进跑道高度................30-50ft主轮接地目标点............画在跑道上最大的两个方块处如果目视跑道困难,使用SHIFT+ENTER键抬高视角,SHIFT+BACKSPACE恢复20ft时-拉平......................执行-推力杆....................慢车如果俯仰姿态大于13.5度,飞机会擦尾如果横滚角度大于18度,翼尖或发动机会擦地接地时-反推......................最大-地面扰流板................检查放出-刹车......................使用70海里时-推力杆....................慢车减速到正常滑行速度03.23 复飞推力杆....................最大带杆......................15度襟翼......................收一档确认上升..................收轮航向......................选择自动驾驶..................按需要自动油门..................按需要03.24 着陆后着陆灯.....................关地面扰流板.................解除待命襟翼.......................收起APU主电门..................开APU起动电门................开着陆后检查单...............完成03.25 停机停留刹车..................刹住APU引气...................开发动机主控开关1+2.........关灯光......................按需要安全带灯..................关飞行时间..................记录燃油泵....................关刹车检查单................完成03.26 离机停留刹车..................检查刹住机外灯光..................关APU引气...................关APU主电门.................关应急灯....................关禁烟灯....................关电瓶1+2...................关离机检查单................完成。



UP30通用无人机自驾系统使用说明书目录警告、保修与升级 (4)警告 (4)保修 (4)升级 (4)联系 (5)UP30飞控系统简介 (6)机载飞控系统 (7)简介 (7)特点 (7)物理参数 (8)使用环境 (9)电源 (9)系统框图 ..................................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

接口连接图(见最后一页) (10)飞控盒安装 (11)电源 (13)遥控接收机 (14)遥控器设置 (15)飞行控制模式 (16)舵机 (18)GPS (19)数传模块 (21)空速管 (21)气压高度计 (21)转速传感器 (22)停车开关 (22)风门的设置 (23)陀螺 (23)机载飞控安装检查 (24)地面站软件 (26)简介 (26)系统最低配置 (26)界面介绍 (27)设置对话框 (30)照相 (39)云台控制 (42)捕获操作 (44)下传数据 (44)PID通道 (48)地图操作 (52)航线 (58)自动航线生成 (61)制式航线 (62)导航方式与导航逻辑 (64)工具 (66)起飞前检查 (66)飞行控制 (67)CPV飞行控制 (68)任务控制 (69)飞行记录与回放 (70)报警 (70)文件与文件夹 (71)飞行操作 (72)紧急情况处理 (73)实现自控飞行步骤 (75)试飞的项目: (75)警告、保修与升级警告UP30系统禁止用于任何非法的用途,本公司对因非法使用引起的后果不承担任何责任;不承担由于使用本系统产生的第三方责任。










使用本手册时,因下列原因造成人身伤害,财产损失等(包括直接或间接损害),熙祥航空不承担赔偿责任:1. 飞行员在饮酒、吸毒、药物麻醉、头晕、乏力、恶心等与其他身体或精神状况不佳的情况下,造成损害。

2. 飞行员的主观故意造成人身伤害、财产损失等。


3. 未按本手册的正确引导对无人机检查或操控。

4. 自行改装或更换熙祥航空生产的配件或零件,至使整个飞行器运行不良而造成的其他损害。

5. 飞行员操作失误或主观判断失误造成的损害赔偿。

6. 飞行器自然磨损(飞行时间达到100 小时以上)、朽蚀、线路老化等造成飞行器本身的运行不良。

7. 飞行器发出异常警报(例如红灯快闪),仍不降落,导致飞行器坠落。

8. 明知飞行器处于非正常状态(如进水、油、土、沙等其他不明物质以及未测试完成,主要部件发生明显故障、配件存在显而易见的缺损或缺失),仍然强制飞行,而造成的损害。

9.如果飞控不支持本手册中使用的功能,请跳过相关部分(手册以NAZA M V2飞控为例)。


易飞行器 Easypilot 产品说明书

易飞行器 Easypilot 产品说明书

EasyPilot RTFThanks for purchasing the Easypilot.Designed in California,assembled in China.DisclaimerPlease read the disclaimer carefully before using this product.By using this product, you hereby agree to this disclaimer and signify that you have read them carefully and completely.This product is not suitable for people under the age of14.Please read the instruction manual and warnings carefully.Before every flight,makesure the battery is fully charged and power connections are secure.DO NOT fly around crowds,children,animals or objects.EMAX ACCEPTS NO LIABILITY FOR DAMAGE(S)OR INJURIES INCURRED DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY FROM THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT.PrecautionsPlease follow the instructions to assemble and to operate this product in a proper way.Pilots do not use this product if you have physical or mental illness,dizziness, fatigued,or use while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.Please fly in a safe area away from people.Do not modify or use other parts and accessories not approved for the use of EMAX. Do not use this product in harsh environments(such as winds,rain,lightning,snow, etc.).Do not use this product in a strong electromagnetic environment. SupportPlease visit or for any updates or support needs. Product specificationEasypilot ParameterDiagonal wheelbase(without paddles)82.5mmMaximum size of the aircraft(without antenna,cable tie)134mmAircraft weight(without battery)35gMotor0816Propeller AVAN Tiny40mm four-bladed paddleMain Flight Controller4in one3A ESCEMAX2.4G receiverCamera600TVL CMOS cameraTransmitter25mW Adjustable frequency37CH.Ham radiolicense required for use in North America. Battery1Cell450mAh HV lipo batteryRadioMaximum appearance size182*135*82(mm)weight(without battery)210gNumber of channels6ChannelsTransmission frequency 2.4GHz ISM Band(2400MHz~2483.5MHz)Output Power18dbmModulation GFSKbattery1cell18650lipo batteryGoggleMaximum appearance size140×153×90(mm)weight390gResolution480×272battery1cell18650lipo batteryProduct list1.Easypilot×12.Radio×13.Goggle×14.Instruction manual×15.Emax1s HV450mAh×16.Charger×17.Extra Propeller Set(2x CW,2x CCW)8.Screwdriver×19.Goggle battery case×1B cable×1 Easypilot StructureRadioBattery and ChargingThis is a6channel2.4GHz radio,The radio is powered with an18650battery.The radio comes with the battery installed;however if a reinstall is needed make sure the negative side is on the side touching the spring of the radio.The radio can be charged with a micro usb cable attached right below the speaker and power button.OperationPowerPower on and off by holding the power button for2seconds.When the radio is turned on,the green light is always on,indicating that the battery is fully charged. When the red light is on,the battery voltage is lower than3.5V.When the red light flashes and the buzzer alarm indicates that the voltage is lower than3.3V.Need to charge the radio immediately.BindingThe radio comes already bound to easypilot in the ready to fly kit.If binding is necessary follow these steps:1.Make sure the easypilot and radio are powered off.2.Press and hold the radio throttle trim down and pitch trim down buttons on theradio and turn easypilot on.When the green light flashes quickly then release all buttons.3.Bring the radio and the easypilot close and power on the easypilot then thegreen light of the radio will steady light.4.Power off the easypilot and power on again,the bind is completed.TrimThere are trim buttons for each axis on each gimbal.Each trim adjustment will beep the radio and a longer beep indicate the center trim.Adjust roll and pitch trim when hovering to achieve a stable hover with no gimbal input.Gimbal CalibrationThe radio comes already pre-calibrated;however,recalibrating can help troubleshoot some problems.1.Make sure the radio are powered off.2.Press and hold the yaw trim right and the roll trim left buttons.Then power onthe radio,when the radio red light flashes quickly then release all thebuttons.Do not touch any of the radio levers at this time.3.After the red light flashes quickly2S,the red light changes to a slowly flashingstate.At this time,manually shake the rocker to the maximum range,andthen cycle two times.4.Click the power switch button,the green light is always on,at the sametime,the buzzer will beep,Then the gimbal calibration is completed. GogglesBattery and ChargingThe battery cartridge comes preinstalled with a18650battery.If a battery reinstall is required please use caution making sure to install with the correct polarity.The battery can be charged in the cartridge with a micro USB cable.When the battery is charging the indicator light is green.The indicator light will turn red when charging is complete.AssemblyMinimal assembly is required for proper operation of the goggles.Follow the steps below.1.Attach the two supplied antennas by screwing them on to the SMAconnection point.2.Place the battery cartridge in the sleeve on the backside of the head strap.3.Feed the power lead through the loop on the top side of the head strap andplug in the power lead to the port on the goggles.This will power the goggles.4.Please remove antennas and power lead when traveling/storing the goggles. OperationPowerPower on the goggles by plugging in the power lead from the battery cartridge. Power off by unplugging the power lead from the battery cartridge.Video Channel SelectionThere are2buttons(CH and FR)that can manually select the correct channel and frequency band.The table below shows the channel and frequency band map with the respective frequency number.This is the recommended way to change channels to the correct frequency on easypilot.The CH button will cycle through the channel number(1-8)while the FR button will cycle through the frequency band(A,B,E,F,R,H). The frequency band and channel number will be shown in the upper left corner of the screen when cycling through channels.Tip:Make sure easypilot is powered on.When cycling through channels it will be easier to spot the correct one with the video feed from easypilot.Caution:Make sure the goggles are on the correct channel that easypilot is on. Video Channel Auto ScanningThere is a scanning function on the goggles to aid in finding which channel easypilot is on.First power on easypilot then press the“A”button to start the auto scan mode. This mode will cycle through all channels and select the channel with the best video reception.The frequency band and channel number will be shown in the upper left corner of the screen when cycling through channels.Caution:If using this feature with multiple easypilot(or other drones with a vtx) powered on,autoscan may select the wrong drones channel.We recommend manually selecting the correct channel to prevent mismatch errors.Screen AdjustmentsThe menu button(“M”)will bring up a menu where you can adjust brightness, contrast,saturation,and language.To cycle through menu options,press the menu button again.With the current selection highlighted,adjustments can be made pressing the“FR”button to increment and“CH”to decrement.The menu will close automatically after3seconds if no input was detected.ChargerCharge battery of Easypilot1.Pull out the battery from the Easypilot.2.Take out the battery charger,and insert the battery power port to the charger.3.Connect the charger with the computer USB port.While charging,the LED willlight up;when fully charged,the LED will light off;when the battery take off,the LED will flash.4.Reconnect the battery to the Easypilot.CAUTIONS WHEN CHARGING1.When charging,please put this product on a dried or ventilated area and keep it far away form heat source or explosive product.2.When charging,please remove the batteries from the Easypilot.Then charging process should be supervised by an adult so as not to cause an accident.3.After flying,please do not charge the battery if the surface temperature is still not cool.Otherwise it may cause a swollen battery or even a fire hazard.4.A battery when not in use for a long time will lose its charge automatically. Charging or discharging too often may reduce the life of the battery.FlightAlways use caution when flying and operate in an open and controllable area.Please learn the flight controls first before powering on the aircraft to fly.Fly EasypilotStart by powering on your Radio and Goggles.Easypilot comes already bound to your radio and on the right video channel matched with your goggles.Power on easypilot by sliding the battery into the battery tray and plugging it in.Once the battery is plugged in,set easypilot on a stable surface so it can calibrate.Calibration takes a few seconds then easypilot is ready to fly.Easypilot can fly for4minutes on a fully charged battery.The easypilot will landing when the battery reaches3.3v.ArmingArming refers to setting easypilot to a fly ready state.When easypilot is powered on first it will not spin up the propellers until it is armed.Arm the aircraft by first moving throttle to the bottom position.Then move the left switch of the radio to its top position upwards.In the event of a crash always disarm immediately.Failure to disarm in a timely manner can damage easypilot.Always disarm easypilot before handling it.Disarm easypilot by setting the arm switch to its top position.Flying ModesThe right switch on the radio controls the different flight modes of easypilot.There are3modes:easy,intermediate,and advance.The switch in its first position downward is easy mode,second position is intermediate,and third position is advanced.Easy Mode:While in this mode the internal barometer helps maintain the altitude of the aircraft.When the throttle signal is pushed to the maximum,the easypilot will increase the altitude at a fixed speed.When the throttle is pushed to the minimum, the airplane will reduce the altitude at a fixed speed.The altitude of all other throttle positions remains unchanged.This mode limits flight angle for a slow flight speed.Radio Stick Controls(Easy Mode)The left stick controls throttle of easypilot.The right stick controls pitch and yaw of the aircraft.Left Stick DiagramRight Stick DiagramIntermediate Mode:While in this mode the internal barometer helps maintain the altitude of the aircraft.The gyroscope achieves the stability of the easypilot.This mode has limited angle and a slow flight speed.In this mode yaw is independent from roll stick and the easypilot like FPV quadcopter.Radio Stick Controls(Intermediate Mode)The left stick controls throttle and yaw direction of easypilot.The right stick controls pitch and roll of the aircraft.Left Stick DiagramRight Stick DiagramAdvance Mode:This is the advanced flight control mode in which the barometer is not used to maintain altitude to allow for more precise flying.The angle limit is increased to allow faster movements.Radio Stick Controls(Advance Mode)The left stick controls throttle and yaw direction of easypilot.The right stick controls pitch and roll of the aircraft.Left Stick DiagramRight Stick DiagramLine of Sight FlyingTo learn how to fly easypilot start by flying it line of sight(no goggles yet).Power on easypilot and set it down in a cleared room.Arm easypilot then Control the throttle according to different modes.Work on maintaining a constant altitude.First Person View(FPV)FlyingMake sure easypilot and the goggles are on the same vtx channel and that you have a clear area to fly around in.Apply the same principals learned when flying easypilot line of sight except now work on flying in a forward direction while maintaining a controlled constant altitude.It is easier to learn flying FPV by always moving in aforward direction so always apply a slight amount of pitch using your right thumb stick. You can steer easypilot like a car using yaw on the left thumb stick.Tips:Easypilot can fly for a maximum of4minutes.When the battery reaches3.3v, Then the easypilot will be landing due to low voltage.How to land your easypilotEasy Mode&Intermediate Mode:Pull the throttle signal to the lowest throttle,the product will slowly landing on the ground and motor will shut down finally.Finally arm the easypilot.Advance Mode:After playing,control the drone to the ground and keep the throttle at the lowest position until the motor stop working.Finally arm the easypilot.Gyro calibration1.Power on the easypilot and radio,makesure the easypilot disarm.2.Change the mode button from easy to advance6times,the green light of theeasypiot is trun always on.3.Then we should wait5seconds,the green light of the easypiot is trun off.thecalibration is complete.Easypilot VTX SettingsVtx Schematic and Button DiagramVTX Channel Settings with the Button1.Normal displayAll LEDs on the VTX are normally off until the button is pressed.To check band and channel status click the button once quickly,and LED starts to indicate frequency band and frequency channel.First indicate the frequency band and then indicate the frequency channel.After all2rounds of LED display cycles,all LED will be off.2.Menu Entry/Exit(1)Press the button and hold for5s to enter the menu.After entering the menu,band LED lights up.(2)Press the button and hold for5s again to save parameters and exit the menu.Aft er saving and exiting the menu,all LED goes out.3.Enter/Exit Band/Channel option(1)After entering menu,short click button to switch frequency group band/frequen cy point,and the LED of the corresponding menu is lit.(2)Press the button and hold for2s to enter frequency group band/channel option.(3)Press the button and hold for2s again to exit frequency group band/channel op tion and return to the menu.4.Band/Channel parameter changeAfter entering frequency group band/channel option,short click button to change the parameter.Button Menu DiagramFactory Locked Configuration(≤25mW Output)FCC:Ham radio license required for use in North America.EU/CE:Frequencies limited to prevent transmitting outside of designated CE frequencies.User Unlocked Configuration(Adjustable Output)FCC:Ham radio license required for use in North America.E band Channels4,7, and8limited to prevent transmitting outside of designated amateur radio frequencies. Adjustable video output power only available on select models.EU/CE:Do not use Use Unlocked Configuration.*By purchasing this product,the user is agreeing that he/she understands these responsibilities and will operate the equipment legally.EMAX cannot be held responsible for a user’s actions purchasing and/or using this product in violation of the governmental regulations.Trouble shooting1.When pushing the throttle signal does not improve the flying height or the flight in the primary mode is not possible,it may be caused by low battery or battery damage.2.If the easypilot is still flying to one side dramatically or spinning while hovering. Please switch off the power of both the easypilot and transmitter and then repeatthe pre-flying steps or please recalibrate the gyroscope.For the calibration method, please refer to the gyroscope calibration.Thank you for purchasing our product!Enjoy Flying Easypilot.Warning:Please pay attention to your surroundings.Not Recommended for persons under14 years of age.Please check FAA guidelines and/or"Know before you Fly"be fore using this product.。

Freefly ALTA 8 无人机说明书

Freefly ALTA 8 无人机说明书

SPECIFICATIONSDIMENSIONS1325 mm Unfolded Diameter(does not include Props)Folded Diameter660 mm (does not include Props)Height to base of Toad In The Hole (TITH)263 mmPOWERPLANTNumber of Motors8 Motor Type Direct Drive 3-Phase PMAC Outrunner Motor Make and Model Freefly F45 Motor Max Continuous Power Output350 W950 W Motor Max InstantaneousPeak Power OutputMaximum RPM (flat rated)6300 RPM Equivalent Kv384 Electronic Speed Controller Freefly Silent-Drive Sine Wave ESCPROPELLERSMake and Model Freefly ALTA Propeller Material Carbon fiber with balsa core Propeller Orientation(4) CW and (4) CCW Props Propeller Type18 × 6 FoldingBATTERYNominal Battery Voltage6S / 22.2V Maximum Battery Size (GroundView)240 × 175 × 80 mm Maximum Battery Size (SkyView)220 x 156 x 64 mm Maximum Battery Quantity 2 Battery Packs (Parallel) Minimum Battery Quantity 2 Battery Packs (Parallel) Battery Connectors2× EC5 (Parallel)250A / 500A Peak Required Minimum BatteryDischarge Rating (Per Pack)WEIGHTSMaximum Gross for Takeoff118.1 kg (40.0 lbs) Maximum Useful Load212.0 kg (26.4 lbs) Maximum Payload39.1 kg (20.0 lbs) Typical Standard Empty Weight: 6.2 kg (13.6 lbs)Always refer to the following aircraft limitations section forcomplete information on allowable maximum gross weightsat different altitudes and temperatures before any flight.SPECIFIC LOADINGSTypical Specific Power4145 W/kg Thrust Ratio at MTOW1 1.85 : 11 At sea level, ISA. Refer to the Weight Limitations section for complete loading information.2 Top and bottom mount. Includes batteries.3 Payload weight top or bottom mount. Battery weight not included and mounted on opposite side from payload.4 At MTOW, sea level, ISA.FLIGHT CONTROLLERModel Name Freefly SYNAPSE flight controller Flight Modes Manual, Height Mode, Position Mode(Classic, Kinematic), Return-to-Home(RTH), Autoland, Orbit Mode Supported Inputs:DSMX, DSM2, S.Bus,S.Bus2, PPM, FPV SD Supported Radios Futaba S.Bus & S.Bus2, DSMX,DSM2 (Spektrum/JR), PPM,PPM Invert, PPM Graupner Supported Radio ControllerTelemetry SystemsFutaba w/ built-in voltage sense portMinimum Radio ControllerChannels Required5 Supported GNSS GPS, GLONASS, Galileo Supported SBAS QZSS, WAAS, EGNOS, MSAS First-Person View SystemVideo FormatsNTSC, PALSupported First-Person View TransmittersSkyzone, BOSCAM, ImmersionRC, Fat SharkSupported First-Person View Cameras Ready Made RC(RMRC-700XVN Recommended) First-Person View OSD Telemetry User Configurable Installed Transceivers Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz b/g/n Data Logging Rate25 HzLIGHTING AND INDICATIONStatus Light 1 Watt Red, 1 Watt White LED Orientation Lights3-Watt RGB LED Orientation Light Color Options Red, Yellow, Blue, Purple,Green, White, OffISOLATION SYSTEMVibration Isolation System O-Rings Option 1: Soft / Light Payloads Red O-Rings Option 2: Medium / Medium Payloads Teal O-Rings Option 3: Stiff / Heavy Payloads Black O-RingsPAYLOAD MOUNTINGMounting Locations Bottom and Top Mount Mounting System Freefly Toad In The Hole(TITH) Quick Release FPV Camera Mount Between Booms 8 & 1 FPV Transmitter Mount Boom 2NOTEThese limitations are advisory in nature and do not extend orrestrict limitations provided by Governing Aviation Authorities. POWERPLANT LIMITATIONSMaximum RPM6300 RPM Maximum Battery Voltage25.2 Volts Minimum Average Battery Voltage19.2 VoltsENVIRONMENTAL LIMITATIONSDo not fly ALTA 8 in temperatures exceeding 45ºC (113ºF) or below -20ºC(-4ºF).5FLIGHT CONTROLLER LIMITSMaximum Pitch/Roll Angle45°Maximum Yaw Rate150° / second5 Battery temperature ratings must be observed.WEIGHT LIMITSMaximum Payload9.1 kg (20.0 lbs)Maximum Takeoff WeightSee following tableA L T A 8 A L L O W AB L E G R O S S W E I G H TA s a l t i t u d e a n d t e m p e r a t u r e i n c r e a s e , t h e d e n s i t y o f t h e a i r d e c r e a s e s . C o n s e q u e n t l y , A L T A 8’s t h r u s t w i l l d e c r e a s e . T h e f o l l o w i n g t a b l e d e s c r i b e s m a x i m u m g r o s s w e i g h t l i m i t s w i t h r e s p e c t t o a l t i t u d e a n d t e m p e r a t u r e .。



图解旋翼航拍飞行器‐X350Pro入门篇目录一、 到手飞之安装篇 (2)1. 飞机正常方位 (2)2. 脚架安装 (2)3. 指南针(电子罗盘)安装 (2)4. 螺旋桨安装 (3)5. 与旋转方向有关的‐电调接线(首飞者忽略此节) (4)6. 与旋转方向有关的‐飞控与电调接线(首飞者忽略此节) (4)二、 到手飞之首飞调试 (5)1. 遥控对码,以(遥控)左手油为例 (5)2. 遥控界面说明 (6)3. 遥控对码常见问题 (6)4. 水平及方位校准 (7)5. GPS检测 (7)三、 遥控基本说明 (9)1. 什么是左手油(美国手)、右手油(日本手) (9)2. 遥控器操作面板说明 (9)3. 控制模式(MIX键)说明 (10)4. 飞行模式(FMOD键)说明 (11)5. 控制模式补充知识(首飞者忽略此节) (11)6. 电机解锁与电机锁定 (12)四、 到手飞之充电 (12)350轴距的4旋翼航拍是不少摩友的入门机,X350Pro就是其中代表之一,今天我们就以他为教材,开始我们的系列课程。








① 明折明扣舱位:
② U舱:
在航班规定离站时间72小时含以前退票,收取该航段客票价10% 的退票费;在航班规定离站时间前72小时以内至航班规定离站时间前一日中午12时含 以前退票,收取该航段客票价30%的退票费;在航班规定离站时间前一日中午12时以后至航班规定离站时间以前退票,收取该航段客票价50%的退票费;航班规定离站时间 含及之后提出退票,仅退机建费和燃油费,客票款不退;
A. 三飞连续航程:
4.3 退、改期示例



遥控直升机买家须知:遥控直升机操作说明:1. 如果您是遥控直升机的初学者,请您一定要耐心学习以下几点:A遥控器说明:遥控直升机通常采用方型双柄控制遥控器,左边的手柄为动力油门,右边的手柄为方向控制舵。














OMPHOBBY M4 遥控直升机说明书

OMPHOBBY M4 遥控直升机说明书

Thank you for choosing OMPHOBBY products.The M4 is the latest technology in rotary wing RC models, designed in Germany by Jonas Wackershauser. Please read this assembly manual carefully before assembling and flying your new M4 helicopter. We recommend that youkeep this manual for future reference.INSTRUCTION MANUAL revision 1遥控模型飞机、直升机属于高危险性商品,飞行时务必远离人群,人为组装不当或机件损坏,电子控制设备不良,以及操控上的不熟悉、都有可能导致飞行失控损伤等不可预期的意外,请飞行者务必注意飞行安全,并需了解自负疏忽所造成的任何意外之责任。

Fly only in safe areas, at a safe distance from other people. Do not operate R/C aircraft within the vicinity of homes or crowds of people. R/C aircraft may suffer accidents, failures,and crashes due to a variety of reasons including, but not limited to: Lack of maintenance, pilot error and radio interference. Pilots are responsible for their actions, as well as damage or injury occurring during the operation of their R/C aircraft models.SAFETY NOTES 安全注意事项模型商品属于需高操作技术且为消耗性之商品,如经拆装使用后,会造成不等情况零件损耗,任何使用情况所造成的商品不良或不满意,将无发于保固条件内更换新品或者退货,如遇有使用操作维修问题,本公司全球分公司或者代理商将提供技术指导,特价零件供应服务。

FUTABA 6EXP中文说明书word资料20页

FUTABA 6EXP中文说明书word资料20页

FUTABA 6EXP固定翼/直升机两用版中文说明书目录一、发射器电池电压 (1)二、遥控器有关注意事项 (2)三、发射器程序设定 (3)(一)模型选择/数据重新设定/编码方式/模型类型/模型名称 (3)(二)REVR舵机反向 (5)(三)D/R双重比率/指数设定 (5)(四)EPA舵角调整功能 (6)(五)TRIM微调设定功能 (7)(六)PMIX1、2可编程混控设定功能(仅固定翼模式) (8)(七)FLPR副翼有襟翼设定功能(仅固定翼模式) (9)(八)FLTR襟翼微调功能(仅固定翼模式) (9)(九)V-TL V形混控设定功能(仅固定翼模式) (9)(十)ELVN飞翼混控设定功能(仅固定翼模式) (9)(十一)N-TH 常规飞行油门曲线功能(仅直升机模式) (9)(十二)N-PI常规螺距曲线功能(仅直升机模式) (10)(十三)I-TH惰速提高油门曲线(上空特技油门曲线)功能(仅直升机模式) (10)(十四)I-PI惰速提高螺距曲线功能(仅直升机模式) (11)(十五)HOLD油门保持功能(仅直升机模式) (11)(十六)REVO螺距--方向舵混控功能(仅直升机模式) (11)(十七)GYRO陀螺仪控制功能(仅直升机模式) (12)(十八)SW-T倾斜状态到油门混控(仅直升机模式) (13)(十九)SWSH十字盘模式选择& 十字盘模式最大舵角调整(仅直升机模式) (14)(二十)F/S安全控制(仅PCM模式下有效) (15)(二十一)油门关闭功能 (16)(二十二)改变6EXAP的控制杆模式 (16)(二十三)6EXP固定翼操作模式图解 (17)(二十四)6EXP直升机操作模式图解 (18)一、发射器电池电压除了模型的序号,LCD荧屏也显示发射器电池电压。

当电压低于8.5V 时,"电池"的图标将会以闪烁的状态出现在荧屏上,伴随着闪烁,发射机还会发出"哔哔。

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