
Fabrication and Mechanical Properties of Dense/Porous β-TricalciumPhosphate BioceramicsFaming Zhang1, a , Jiang Chang 1, b*, Jianxi Lu 1, 2, c , Kaili Lin 1, d 1 Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Research Center, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, ChineseAcademy of Sciences, Shanghai 200050, China 2 Shanghai Bio-lu Biomaterials Company, Shanghai 200335, China a star.zhang@, b* jchang@,c ir2bberck@,d lklsic@Keywords: Bioceramics, calcium phosphate, bone regeneration, weight bearing sitesAbstract: Attempt t o increase the mechanical properties of porous bioceramics, a dense/porous structured β-TCP bioceramics that mimic the characteristics of nature bone were fabricated. Experimental results show that the dense/porous structured β-TCP bioceramics demonstrated excellent mechanical properties with compressive strength up to 74 MPa and elastic modulus up to 960 MPa, which could be tailored by the dense/porous cross-sectional area ratio obeying the rule of exponential growth. The interface between the dense and porous bioceramics is connected compactly and tightly with some micropores distributed in the matrix of both porous and dense counterparts. The dense/porous structure of β-TCP bioceramics may provide an effective way to increase the mechanical properties of porous bioceramics for bone regeneration at weight bearing sites.IntroductionVarious methods for bone defect treatments have been developed using biological or synthetic grafts. The synthetic alternatives are promising grafts for their unlimited availability and without risk of disease transmission [1]. Calcium phosphate bioceramics, especially hydroxyapatite (HA) and β-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP), have been extensively explored as bone grafts due to their compositions are similar to the inorganic components of nature bone [2]. The β-TCP bioceramics is well known as a biodegradable material demonstrated clinical efficacy. The porous β-TCP bioceramics is a structurally biomimetic of the cancellous bone, whose porous network could allow tissue to ingrowth exhibiting nicer osteoconductive properties. However, the porous β-TCP shows weak mechanical properties, which limit its application as bone grafts. The macrostructure feature of nature bone is porous cancellous bone inside with dense compact bone surrounding outside, which provides excellent biomechanical properties. Carotenuto et al [3] have prepared dense/porous layered HA bioceramic for orthopedic device coating by tape casting technique, whereas the bulk dense/porous bioceramics were rarely reported. Therefore in present study, a dense/porous structured β-TCP bioceramics that mimics the characteristics of nature bone were fabricated, and the microstructure and mechanical properties of such bioceramics were studied.ExperimentalThe β-TCP powders were synthesized by chemical precipitation reaction. The dense/porous structured β-TCP bioceramics were prepared by injected molding and subsequently pressureless sintering. The shrinkage rate of both porous and dense parts during sintering process was measured at different temperatures. X-ray diffraction (XRD) with Cu K α radiation was used to characterize the phase composition of the ceramics. The microstructures observation of the bioceramic samples was performed on a scanning electron microscopy (SEM).The compressive strength was conducted with a mechanical tester at 0.5 mm/min crosshead speed. The elastic modules were reanalyzed from the slope of the compressive strength-strain curve.All rights reserved. No part of contents of this paper may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher: Trans Tech Publications Ltd, Switzerland, . (ID:,02:35:46)Results and DiscussionThe major problem in preparation of the dense/porous bioceramics is the interface adhesion between the dense and porous parts because of their different shrinkage rate during sintering process. The shrinkage rate of dense and porous bioceramics at different temperatures was measured and the results are shown in Fig.1. It can be noticed that the porous β-TCP bioceramics exhibit much higher shrinkage rate than the dense counterpart. The porous bioceramics shows about 23% shrinkage in radial direction; in contrast, the dense bioceramics presents about 17% shrinkage. It can be calculated that from 850 o C to 1100 o C, the porous β-TCP bioceramics shows about 17% shrinkage rate and almost the same with that of the dense counterpart from 600 o C to 1100 o C. So as to avoiding the shrinkage differences, the porous β-TCP bioceramics were pre-sintered at 850 o C, then the dense bioceramics were injected surrounding the porous ceramics, finally the composites were pressureless sintered at 1100 o C for 5 hours and the dense/porous structured β-TCP bioceramics were obtained.Fig.1 The radial shrinkage rate of the porous and dense β-TCP bioceramicsThe phase composition of the as prepared bioceramics was analyzed by X-ray diffraction. The XRD results show that the high temperature sintered β-TCP preserved their original β phase without transform into their α-TCP phase, as shown in Fig.2. Because the α-TCP though bioactive, have proven less useful as bone regeneration materials due to their excessively high resorption rate than the β-TCP phase. And none of the other impurity phases can be detected in the XRD patterns; resultantly, high purity β-TCP bioceramics were prepared.Fig.2 X-ray diffraction pattern of the prepared bioceramics.Fig.3 shows the optical and SEM micrographs of the prepared dense/porous β-TCP bioceramics samples. It is clear to see that the inner porous structure mimics the cancellous bone to some extent, and outer side dense structure mimics the compact bone, as shown in Fig.3(a) and indicated by theS h i n k a g e (%)Temperature (o C)1020304050607080100200300400500600 2theta (deg.)I n t e n s i t y (c p s )arrows. Fig.3 (b) shows the interface of the dense/porous β-TCP bioceramic, it can be found that the interface between the dense and porous bioceramics is connected compactly and tightly. In the porous part, the macropore size is about 500 μm in diameter; the diameter of the interconnected pores is about 100 μm. Additionally, the porosity of the porous parts is about 72%, and the interconnectivity is more than 95%. The microstructure of the macroporous wall was shown in Fig.3(c); it is obvious that there are some micropores with diameter of 1 μm distributed uniformly in the porous wall. As the results, the microstructure of porous part of the bioceramics is a combination of macroporous and microporous. Contrastively, the microstructure of the dense bioceramics shows refined particle size and few micropores, as exhibited in Fig.3(d). The dense compact part is much denser than the porous cancellous part.Fig.3 The dense/porous β-TCP bioceramic sample (a), the microstructure of dense/porous interface(b), the macroporous wall (c) and dense compact bone (d).The variation of the compressive strength and Elastic modulus of the bioceramics with different dense/porous cross-sectional area ratio (S dense /S porous ) was illustrated in Fig 4. It is exhibited that the compressive strength increases from 10 MPa to 74 MPa with the dense/porous ratio from 0.1 to 4.7 obeying rule of exponential growth. And the elastic modulus has been increased form 180 MPa to 960 MPa with the dense/porous ratio increment, also following exponential growth. Evidently, the value of the porous bioceramics is only about 2.0 MPa and the elastic modulus is about 20 MPa, indicated by the square in Fig.4. It has been achieved about 5 to 37 times increment in the mechanical properties by the dense/porous structure design. The mechanical properties of the dense/porous bioceramics could be tailored by the dense/porous cross-sectional area ratio.Porous materials always have poor mechanical properties. Applications of calcium phosphates in the body have been limited by their low strength and numerous techniques have been investigated in attempts to retain their useful bioactive properties whilst providing more suitable mechanical properties for particular applications. These include the reinforcement of β-TCP using HA fiber orbioglass additives [4, 5]; however these techniques are limited for the porous calcium phosphate Compact bone Cancellousbone (b)(c) (d)using in the load bearing sites’ bone regeneration. In this study, excellent mechanical properties of the porous β-TCP bioceramics have been achieved by the dense/porous structured design. The compressive strength of human femoral cancellous bone, weight bearing sites, is in the range of 25~90 MPa, so the dense/porous structured β-TCP is comparable to the strength of human femoral cancellous bone. The high interconnective porous structure of the dense/porous β-TCP bioceramics could allow the tissue ingrowths, and the dense structure could bear the load to some extent. The dense/porous structure of β-TCP bioceramics may provide a simple but effective way to increase the mechanical properties of porous bioceramics for the bone regeneration applications at weight bearing sites.Fig.4 The variation of the compressive strength and elastic modulus of the bioceramics withdifferent dense/porous cross-sectional area ratio. ConclusionsThe dense/porous structured β-TCP bioceramics were prepared and revealed excellent mechanical properties with compressive strength from 10 to 74 MPa and elastic modulus from 180 to 960 MPa, which is 5 to 37 times higher than that of the pure porous β-TCP and comparable to the strength of human femoral cancellous bone. The interface between the dense and porous bioceramics is connected compactly and tightly. The dense/porous structure of β-TCP bioceramics may provide a simple but effective way to increase the mechanical properties of porous bioceramics for weight bearing site’s bone regeneration.AcknowledgementFinancial supports from the Shanghai Postdoctoral Scientific Key Program and the Science & Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality of China (No.04DZ52043) are greatly acknowledged.References:[1] Niedhart C, Maus U, Redmann E, Schmidt-Rohlfing B, Niethard FU, Siebert CH: J BiomedMater Res Vol. 65A (2003), p.17[2] Hench Larry L: Journal of the American Ceramic Society Vol. 81(1998), p.1705[3] Carotenuto G: Advanced Performance Materials Vol. 5(1998), p.171[4] Hassna R. R. Ramay, Zhang M.: Biomaterials Vol. 25(2004), p.5171[5] Ashizuka M, Nakatsu M, Ishida E: Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, v 98(1990), p.204. 01020304050607080012345020040060080010001200E l a st i c M o d u l u s (M P a ) C o m p r e s s i v e S t r e n g h (M P a )S dense /S porous。

陶瓷介绍英语作文100英文回答:Ceramics, a versatile and diverse material, have played a significant role throughout human history, serving both functional and aesthetic purposes.Origins and Composition:Ceramics are solid, inorganic, and non-metallic materials made primarily from clay minerals, such as kaolinite, illite, and montmorillonite. These minerals, when combined with water and shaped, undergo a transformation through a process called firing, resultingin the formation of a durable and heat-resistant structure.Types of Ceramics:The wide range of ceramic materials is classified based on their composition, firing temperature, and intended use.Some common types include:Earthenware: Fired at low temperatures, porous and absorbent, often used for pottery, tiles, and bricks.Stoneware: Fired at higher temperatures, denser andless porous, suitable for cookware, dinnerware, andsanitary ware.Porcelain: Fired at the highest temperatures, vitreous, non-porous, and highly durable, valued for fine tableware and decorative pieces.Advanced Ceramics: Special formulations with unique properties, such as electrical insulators, thermal barriers, and optical components.Properties and Applications:Ceramics possess exceptional properties that make them suitable for a myriad of applications:Strength and Durability: Their strong atomic bonds and rigid molecular structure provide resistance to mechanical damage, wear, and high temperatures.Chemical Inertness: They are non-reactive with most chemicals, making them ideal for use in corrosive environments and as chemical containers.Electrical and Thermal Insulators: Their low electrical and thermal conductivity enables them to block heat and electricity, making them valuable in electrical components and thermal insulation.Biocompatibility: Certain ceramics, such as zirconia and alumina, are biocompatible and can be used in medical implants and dental restorations.Cultural and Artistic Significance:Beyond their practical uses, ceramics have a rich cultural and artistic legacy:Pottery: The art of shaping clay into functional and decorative objects dates back to ancient civilizations and continues to be a thriving craft today.Ceramics in Art: From intricate sculptures to ceramic paintings, ceramics have been used extensively in artistic expression, showcasing their versatility and beauty.Archaeological Insights: Ceramic artifacts provide valuable insights into past societies, revealing their technological advancements, cultural practices, and aesthetic preferences.Environmental Considerations:Sustainability is increasingly important in ceramic production. Efforts are made to reduce energy consumption, minimize waste, and incorporate eco-friendly materials:Recyclability: Some ceramics, such as tiles, bricks, and pottery, can be recycled and repurposed.Non-toxic Materials: Ceramic glazes and pigments are now formulated to be free of harmful substances, reducing environmental impact.Sustainable Manufacturing: Innovations in manufacturing processes aim to reduce emissions, conserve water, and promote responsible disposal of waste.Conclusion:Ceramics, with their remarkable properties and versatility, have played a pivotal role in human civilization. From ancient pottery to modern advanced materials, they continue to inspire innovation, fulfill functional needs, and enrich our lives through theirartistic expression.中文回答:陶瓷简介。

关于陶瓷的发展英语作文Title: The Evolution of Ceramics: A Journey Through Time。
Ceramics, one of the oldest forms of human-made materials, have witnessed a fascinating journey of development and innovation throughout history. From their humble beginnings as simple clay pots to advanced modern applications in technology and art, the evolution of ceramics is a testament to human creativity and ingenuity.The story of ceramics dates back thousands of years to ancient civilizations such as the Mesopotamians, Egyptians, and Chinese. These early cultures discovered the versatile properties of clay and began shaping it into pottery for utilitarian purposes such as storing food and water. The development of pottery not only served practical needs but also played a significant role in the cultural and artistic expression of these societies.As civilizations progressed, so did the techniques and uses of ceramics. The invention of the potter's wheel revolutionized the production process, allowing for more precise and intricate designs. Additionally, advancements in kiln technology enabled potters to achieve higher temperatures, resulting in stronger and more durable ceramic products.The expansion of trade routes facilitated the exchange of ceramic techniques and styles between different regions. This cultural exchange led to the development of unique ceramic traditions in various parts of the world, each with its distinct characteristics and aesthetics. For example, the delicate porcelain of China, the vibrant majolica of Italy, and the intricate pottery of Native American tribes all reflect the rich diversity of ceramic artistry.During the Industrial Revolution, ceramics experienced another significant transformation with the introduction of mass production techniques. Factories began churning out ceramic products on a large scale, making them more accessible to the masses. This period also saw theemergence of new types of ceramics, such as earthenware, stoneware, and porcelain, each with its specific properties and uses.In the 20th century, ceramics entered a new era of experimentation and innovation. Artists and designers pushed the boundaries of traditional ceramic art, exploring abstract forms, unconventional materials, and avant-garde techniques. The studio pottery movement, led by pioneering artists like Bernard Leach and Shoji Hamada, emphasized the importance of craftsmanship and individual expression in ceramic art.Meanwhile, advancements in materials science opened up new possibilities for ceramics in various industries. Ceramics became indispensable in fields such as aerospace, electronics, and medicine due to their exceptional mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties. From heat-resistant tiles on spacecraft to biocompatible dental implants, ceramics have found applications in diverse areas of modern technology.In recent years, the revival of traditional craftsmanship and the rise of sustainable design have brought renewed interest in ceramics as a medium forartistic expression and functional objects. Artisans and designers are exploring eco-friendly materials and techniques to create ceramics that are both aesthetically pleasing and environmentally responsible.Looking ahead, the future of ceramics promisescontinued innovation and exploration. With advances indigital fabrication, 3D printing, and materials engineering, the possibilities for ceramics are virtually limitless. Whether it's creating custom-designed ceramics withprecision engineering or pushing the boundaries of artistic expression, ceramics will undoubtedly remain a vital partof human culture and technology for centuries to come.。

陶瓷英文作文300字When writing an English essay about ceramics, you can explore various aspects of ceramics, such as its history, production techniques, cultural significance, and contemporary uses. Here's a brief outline to help you structure your essay:1. Introduction:- Define ceramics and its significance.- Provide a brief overview of what the essay will cover.2. History of Ceramics:- Discuss the origins of ceramics, tracing back to ancient civilizations like Mesopotamia, China, and Greece.- Highlight key developments in ceramic art and technology throughout history.3. Production Techniques:- Explain traditional ceramic production methods such as hand-building, wheel-throwing, and glazing.- Discuss modern techniques like slip casting, extrusion, and 3D printing.4. Cultural Significance:- Explore how ceramics have been integral to various cultures worldwide, from pottery traditions to ceremonial objects.- Discuss the symbolism and rituals associated with ceramics in different societies.5. Contemporary Uses:- Describe how ceramics have evolved and diversified in contemporary art, design, and industry.- Highlight innovative applications of ceramics in architecture, engineering, and environmental sustainability.6. Conclusion:- Summarize the main points discussed in the essay.- Reflect on the enduring relevance and significance of ceramics in human history and culture.Remember to use examples, anecdotes, and relevant references to support your points throughout the essay. Good luck with your writing!。

英语作文介绍陶瓷Ceramics, as one of the oldest forms of art and craft, have been an integral part of human civilization for thousands of years. The history of ceramics dates back to ancient times when humans first discovered the art of shaping clay into objects of beauty and utility. From simple pottery to intricate porcelain, ceramics have evolved into a diverse and vibrant art form that continues to captivate people around the world.The art of ceramics is a unique blend of science and creativity. It involves the use of natural materials such as clay, minerals, and water, which are shaped and fired to create a wide range of objects. The process of making ceramics is a delicate balance of precision and skill, requiring a deep understanding of materials and techniques. From the initial shaping of the clay to the final glazing and firing, each step in the process requires careful attention to detail and a keen eye for design.One of the most remarkable aspects of ceramics is its versatility. Ceramics can be found in a wide range of forms, from functional objects such as tableware and tiles to decorative pieces like vases and sculptures. The beauty of ceramics lies in its ability to take on different shapesand forms, allowing artists to express their creativity in unique and innovative ways. Whether it's the delicate patterns of a porcelain teacup or the bold lines of a ceramic sculpture, ceramics have a timeless appeal that transcends cultures and generations.In addition to its aesthetic appeal, ceramics also have practical uses. The durability and heat-resistantproperties of ceramics make them ideal for a variety of applications, from kitchenware to industrial components.The unique properties of ceramics have also made them a popular choice for architectural and decorative purposes, with ceramic tiles adorning buildings and public spaces around the world.Furthermore, ceramics have played a significant role in the cultural and historical development of many societies.From the ancient pottery of the Mediterranean to the exquisite porcelain of China, ceramics have been an important part of human history. The art of ceramics has been passed down through generations, with each culture adding its own unique techniques and styles to the craft. Today, ceramics continue to be a vibrant and dynamic art form, with artists and artisans around the world pushing the boundaries of what is possible with clay and glaze.In conclusion, ceramics are a timeless and versatileart form that continues to captivate people around the world. From its rich history to its practical applications, ceramics have a unique appeal that transcends time and culture. Whether it's the delicate beauty of a porcelain vase or the functional elegance of a ceramic bowl, ceramics have an enduring presence in our lives and will continue to inspire and delight for generations to come.。

关于陶瓷的英语作文The Art and Culture of Ceramics。
Ceramics, an ancient and enduring craft, has been a testament to the ingenuity and creativity of human civilizations throughout history. From the earliest vessels crafted from clay by primitive societies to the intricate and intricate porcelain wares of the Far East, ceramics have evolved into a global phenomenon that continues to captivate and inspire.The origins of ceramics date back to prehistoric times, when early humans discovered the potential of clay and fire to create durable and functional objects. These early ceramics, often crude and unadorned, were used for basic tasks like storing food and water. However, ascivilizations progressed, so did the art of ceramics, evolving from utilitarian vessels to works of art that were prized for their beauty and craftsmanship.In ancient China, ceramics reached a pinnacle of refinement and sophistication. The Chinese were pioneers in the development of high-fired porcelain, which is renowned for its translucence, durability, and elegance. The Song Dynasty, in particular, saw a flourishing of ceramic arts, with the development of distinctive kiln styles and glazes that produced an array of colors and textures. From the elegant blue-and-white wares of Jingdezhen to the vibrant monochrome ceramics of Jianyang, Chinese porcelain has left a lasting impression on the world of ceramics.The influence of Chinese ceramics spread。

介绍陶瓷文化的作文英语Ceramic Culture: A Timeless Legacy。
Ceramics, a form of art and craft, hold a profoundplace in human history and culture. From ancientcivilizations to modern times, the art of ceramics has evolved, leaving behind a rich legacy that continues to inspire and captivate people worldwide. In this essay, we will delve into the essence of ceramic culture, exploringits significance, evolution, and enduring appeal.Origins and Significance。
The origins of ceramic culture can be traced back tothe earliest human societies. Archaeological evidence suggests that pottery making dates back to around 10,000 BCE, with some of the oldest known ceramic artifacts discovered in regions such as China, Japan, and Mesopotamia. These early ceramics served both utilitarian and symbolic purposes, playing a vital role in everyday life, religiousrituals, and trade.Ceramics held immense significance in ancient cultures. They were not merely objects of practical utility but also vessels of cultural expression and identity. Incivilizations like ancient Greece, pottery adorned with intricate designs and motifs depicted scenes from mythology, history, and daily life, offering insights into the beliefs, values, and artistic sensibilities of the time. Similarly,in China, ceramics were highly prized as symbols of wealth, status, and refinement, with techniques like porcelain-making becoming closely guarded secrets.Evolution and Innovation。

英语有关陶瓷的50单词材料作文Title: The Enchanting World of Ceramics.Ceramics, a timeless art form, has captivated humanity for centuries with its beauty, durability, and versatility. Derived from the Greek word "keramos," meaning pottery, ceramics encompass a diverse range of handcrafted objects made from clay and other natural materials. These include everything from everyday utilitarian ware to elaborate art pieces.The history of ceramics dates back to ancient times, with early examples found in prehistoric pottery from around 20,000 years ago. Since then, the craft has evolved significantly, with different cultures developing unique styles and techniques. China, for instance, is renowned for its porcelain, a type of fine, translucent ceramic warethat has been produced there for over a thousand years.The making of ceramics involves several stages, eachrequiring meticulous attention to detail. The raw material, usually clay, is first prepared by mixing, kneading, and shaping it into the desired form. This can be done by hand or with the aid of machines, depending on the complexity of the design. Once shaped, the object is fired in a kiln at high temperatures to harden and stabilize the clay. Glazes and decorations are then applied, followed by a second firing to fuse them permanently to the surface.The beauty of ceramics lies in their ability to combine form and function. Whether it's a simple teacup or a complex sculpture, each piece is a testament to theartist's skill and creativity. Ceramics can be found in every corner of our lives, from the dinner table to the gallery wall. They add warmth and texture to our spaces, making them more inviting and personal.In addition to their aesthetic value, ceramics also hold significant cultural and historical importance. They serve as a medium for storytelling, reflecting the traditions, beliefs, and lifestyles of different communities. Ceramic artisans have always been at theforefront of innovation, experimenting with new shapes, decors, and materials to create pieces that are both unique and timeless.Today, ceramics continue to evolve and inspire. Modern artists are reimagining traditional forms, incorporating contemporary design elements and technologies to create contemporary ceramic art. From functional ware for the modern kitchen to abstract sculptures that challenge the boundaries of the medium, the possibilities are endless.In conclusion, ceramics are a remarkable testament to the human capacity for creativity and innovation. They are not just objects of beauty but also powerful cultural icons that connect us to our past while inspiring us for the future. As we admire their elegance and durability, we are reminded of the enduring power of art to transform and enrich our lives.。

陶瓷介绍英文作文Ceramics are a type of material that has been used by humans for thousands of years. They are made from clay that has been fired at high temperatures to create a hard, durable substance. Ceramics can be found in many different forms, from decorative objects to functional items like plates and bowls.One of the most distinctive features of ceramics is their ability to be molded into a wide range of shapes and sizes. This is due to the malleable nature of clay, which can be shaped by hand or with the use of tools. Once the desired shape has been achieved, the clay is then fired in a kiln to create a solid, permanent structure.Another important characteristic of ceramics is their durability. Because they are made from a hard, solid material, ceramics are able to withstand a great deal of wear and tear. This makes them ideal for use in everyday objects like dishes and cups, which need to be able towithstand frequent use.Ceramics are also known for their versatility. They can be decorated in a variety of ways, from simple glazes to intricate patterns and designs. This allows them to be used in a wide range of settings, from casual dining to formal occasions.Despite their many advantages, ceramics do have some drawbacks. They can be fragile and prone to breakage, especially if they are dropped or subjected to sudden changes in temperature. Additionally, some types of ceramics can be difficult to clean and may require special care and attention.Overall, ceramics are a fascinating and versatile material that has been used by humans for centuries. Whether you are looking for a decorative object or a functional item for everyday use, ceramics are sure to provide a durable and stylish solution.。

陶瓷历史英文作文Ceramics have a long and rich history, dating back thousands of years. People have been making pottery and other ceramic objects for a really long time. It's pretty cool to think about how our ancestors used clay and fire to create useful and beautiful things.One of the earliest known ceramic artifacts is the Venus of Dolní Věstonice, a figurine found in the Czech Republic that dates back to 29,000–25,000 BC. That's a really long time ago! It's amazing to think about how people were making ceramics even back then.Ceramics have been an important part of human culture for a really long time. From ancient pottery to moderntiles and dishes, ceramics have been used for bothpractical and artistic purposes. It's interesting to see how different cultures have developed their own unique styles and techniques for working with clay.In addition to pottery and other functional objects, ceramics have also been used to create beautiful works of art. From delicate porcelain vases to intricate sculptures, ceramics have been used to create some truly stunning pieces. It's amazing to think about the skill andcreativity that goes into making these works of art.Today, ceramics continue to be an important part of our world. From the dishes we eat off of to the tiles in our bathrooms, ceramics are all around us. It's pretty cool to think about how this ancient art form is still a big part of our modern lives.。

陶瓷的介绍英语作文Ceramics: An Introduction.Ceramics, a term derived from the Greek word "keramos," meaning "pottery," encompasses a vast range of materials, techniques, and applications that have been utilized for thousands of years. This ancient art form, which has been passed down through generations, not only serves as a testament to human ingenuity but also reflects the cultural and historical diversity of civilizations around the world.The History of Ceramics.The earliest evidence of ceramic production dates back to over 17,000 years ago, when ancient hunter-gatherers began shaping clay into functional objects such as pots and pans. Over time, as civilizations advanced and technological knowledge increased, ceramic production evolved, leading to the development of more complex techniques and designs. In China, for instance, the ShangDynasty (around 1600-1046 BCE) is renowned for its elaborate bronze vessels, but it was also a period of significant advancements in ceramic production, with the introduction of kiln firing techniques that allowed for higher temperatures and more durable products.Around the same time, civilizations in the Indus Valley and Mesopotamia were also producing their own unique styles of ceramics, often adorned with geometric patterns.。

介绍陶瓷的作文英文Ceramics are a type of material that is made from clay and other natural substances. They are often used to make dishes, tiles, and decorative items.The process of making ceramics involves shaping the clay into the desired form, then firing it in a kiln at high temperatures. This helps to harden the clay and create a durable finished product.One of the great things about ceramics is that they can come in a wide range of colors and patterns. This makes them a versatile choice for both practical and decorative purposes.Ceramics have been used for thousands of years, with evidence of their use dating back to ancient civilizations. They have a long history of being valued for their beauty and practicality.In addition to their aesthetic appeal, ceramics arealso known for their durability. They are resistant to heat, moisture, and corrosion, making them a reliable choice fora variety of uses.Overall, ceramics are a fascinating and versatile material that has been used for centuries. Whether you're looking for a practical dishware or a decorative art piece, ceramics are a great choice.。

描写陶瓷的英文作文Ceramics, also known as pottery, have been around for thousands of years. They are made from clay and other natural materials, and then fired at high temperatures to create a durable and beautiful finish.Ceramics come in all shapes and sizes, from delicate porcelain teacups to sturdy clay pots. They can be decorated in many ways, including painting, carving, and glazing. Each piece is unique and reflects the creativity and skill of the artist who made it.One of the most famous types of ceramics is Chinese porcelain, known for its thin, translucent quality and intricate designs. It was highly prized by emperors and nobility in ancient China, and is still considered a symbol of luxury and elegance today.Ceramics are not just for decoration – they are also practical. Many people use ceramic dishes, bowls, and mugsin their daily lives because they are durable, easy to clean, and can be heated in the microwave or oven without melting or warping.In recent years, ceramic art has experienced a revival as artists experiment with new techniques and styles. Some create modern, abstract pieces that push the boundaries of traditional pottery, while others focus on preserving ancient methods and designs.Whether you appreciate ceramics for their beauty, functionality, or historical significance, there is no denying their enduring appeal. From ancient artifacts to contemporary art pieces, ceramics continue to captivate and inspire us with their timeless charm.。

关于陶瓷英文历史作文英文:Ceramics have a long history, dating back to ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians and Chinese. The word "ceramic" comes from the Greek word "keramos," which means pottery. Ceramics are made from clay, which is molded and fired at high temperatures to create a hard, durable material.Throughout history, ceramics have been used for a variety of purposes. In ancient times, ceramics were used for practical purposes such as cooking and storage. In more recent times, ceramics have become more decorative and are used for art and home decor.One of the most famous examples of ceramics in history is the Ming Dynasty porcelain. The Ming Dynasty was a period of great artistic achievement in China, and the porcelain produced during this time is highly prized forits beauty and craftsmanship.In modern times, ceramics continue to be used for a variety of purposes. They are used in the construction industry for tiles and bricks, and they are also used in the medical field for dental implants and other medical devices.Overall, ceramics have played an important role in human history and continue to be a valuable material today.中文:陶瓷拥有悠久的历史,可以追溯到古埃及和中国等古代文明。

英语演讲--陶瓷China is the hometown of porcelain, the invention of porcelain is a great contribution to the world civilization of the Han nationality, the word "China" (China) has become a synonym for "China" in English. Around sixteenth Century BC in the Shang Dynasty, China appeared the early porcelain. As early as one thousand years before the European porcelain technology, China has been able to produce a very fine porcelain. Porcelain originated from pottery(陶器).Porcelain was invented and gradually explore out by the ancient Chinese ancestors in the experience of firing pottery.Conditions for firing porcelain:Firing Porcelain must have three conditions at the same time: one is porcelain raw materials must be rich in quartz(石英)and sericite(绢云母)minerals(矿物质)such as porcelain stone(瓷石)and porcelain clay(瓷土)or kaolin(高岭土); the second is the sintering temperature must be above 1200 degrees Celsius; the third is in the surface is coated with a high temperature firing glazed(上釉).The development history of porcelain:Archaeological experts (考古专家)in the ruins of the Shang and Zhou dynasties found some green or yellow green glazed pottery, although relatively rough, but has a some characteristics of porcelain. People call it "the original celadon"(原始瓷).After 1500 years, to the late Eastern Han Dynasty, real celadon finally fired, it is shown thatporcelain has been born.And the Tang Dynasty entered the era of real porcelain.Song Dynasty porcelain is a very prosperous period in the history of the development of our country.YuanDynasty porcelain has an important development, this period is a turning point in the development of China's porcelain. In the Ming Dynasty the most famous porcelain was Jingdezhenporcelain, blue and white porcelain (青花瓷)is the main porcelain of Jingdezhen porcelain.The variety of porcelain of the Qing Dynasty is rich and varied.External communication:China porcelain in the early Tang Dynasty along the land and sea spread to many countries in the world. Yue Kiln celadon(越窑瓷) and Xing kiln white porcelain(邢窑白瓷), in many parts of North Korea, Japan, Southeast Asia, the Arabian Peninsula have unearthed(出土). Chinese porcelain technology firstly spread to Korea and Japan. North Korea in early tenth Century has been imitatedYue Kiln porcelain and Ru porcelain. Japan in the Southern Song Dynasty and Ming Dynasty have sent someone to study Chinese porcelain. China in Central Asia and Europe often has the Chinese style. The spread of Chinese porcelain and porcelain making technology is the historical witness of the friendly exchanges between the Chinese people and the people of all countries in the world.。

陶瓷英文作文80个词Ceramics, a fascinating art form cherished for its intricate craftsmanship and enduring beauty, holds a unique place in the world of fine arts. From ancient civilizations to modern times, ceramics have captivated humanity with their diverse forms and functionalities.The history of ceramics dates back thousands of years, with civilizations such as the Chinese, Greeks, and Egyptians mastering the art of pottery-making. These early artisans crafted exquisite vessels, sculptures, and tiles, showcasing their cultural beliefs and artistic prowess.In contemporary times, ceramics continue to evolve as a dynamic medium of expression. Artists around the globe push the boundaries of traditional techniques, experimenting with innovative glazes, firing methods, and forms. The result is a vibrant tapestry of ceramic artistry, ranging from delicate porcelain sculptures to bold, abstract installations.Beyond its aesthetic appeal, ceramics serve practical purposes in everyday life. Functional pottery items like plates, bowls, and mugs marry form with utility, enhancing dining experiences and domestic rituals. Tiles adorn architectural marvels, adding both decorative flair and structural integrity to buildings.Moreover, ceramics play a crucial role in technological advancements. The development of ceramics-based materials has revolutionized industries such as aerospace, electronics, and healthcare. High-performance ceramics, known for their durability and thermal stability, are indispensable in manufacturing processes and cutting-edge applications.In addition to its artistic and utilitarian significance, ceramics foster community and cultural exchange. Ceramics workshops, studios, and exhibitions serve as hubs for creativity and collaboration, bringing together enthusiasts, collectors, and scholars from diverse backgrounds.In conclusion, ceramics stand as a testament to humanity's creativity, ingenuity, and cultural heritage. As we marvel at the beauty of a handcrafted vase or marvel at the precision of a ceramic-engineered component, we honor the enduring legacy of this ancient art form. Whether as objects of art, tools of industry, or vessels of tradition, ceramics continue to enrich our lives in profound and meaningful ways.。

陶瓷介绍英语作文1Ceramics have long held a significant place in human history and culture. Ceramics are essentially objects made from clay and other inorganic materials that are subjected to high temperatures during a process known as firing. The materials used for ceramics can vary, including different types of clay, minerals, and sometimes even glass or metal oxides to achieve specific properties or colors.The process of making ceramics is a meticulous and time-consuming one. It typically involves shaping the clay into the desired form, either by hand or with the help of molds. Then, the piece is dried to remove moisture before being placed in a kiln for firing. This firing process not only hardens the clay but also gives it its final strength and durability.Ceramics have a wide range of uses. One famous example is the traditional Chinese blue and white porcelain, or Qinghua Ci. It is renowned for its distinctive blue color and exquisite patterns. The blue color is often obtained from cobalt oxide, and the patterns depict various elements such as landscapes, figures, and floral motifs. These ceramics are not only functional but also works of art.In modern times, ceramics have found new applications in architecture and home decoration. Ceramic tiles are commonly used inbathrooms and kitchens for their durability and easy maintenance. Ceramic vases and sculptures add an artistic touch to interior spaces.In conclusion, ceramics have evolved over time, maintaining their importance and charm. Whether in traditional or modern forms, they continue to be appreciated for their beauty and functionality.2Ceramics have a long and illustrious history that spans across centuries and continents. It is not merely a form of art but a reflection of human civilization and cultural evolution.In ancient times, ceramics played a crucial role in international trade. The exquisite porcelain from China, for instance, was highly sought after in distant lands. It not only brought economic prosperity but also served as a medium for cultural exchange. Different countries adopted and adapted ceramic techniques, leading to the creation of unique styles that combined local traditions with foreign influences.One notable ceramic-producing region is Jingdezhen in China. This place has a rich heritage and a long-standing tradition of ceramic craftsmanship. Skilled artisans here have passed down their knowledge and skills from generation to generation. The meticulous processes involved, from the selection of raw materials to the final firing, require both precision and artistry. Each piece of ceramic produced in Jingdezhen is a testament to the dedication and passion of the craftsmen.Ceramics have the power to tell stories of the past, showcase the beauty of art, and bridge the gap between cultures. They are a tangible link to our ancestors and a source of inspiration for future generations. As we admire and appreciate the beauty of ceramics, we also gain a deeper understanding of the diverse and interconnected world we live in.3Ceramics have long been an integral part of human civilization, with a rich history and diverse forms. There are mainly two types of ceramics: pottery and porcelain. Pottery is usually coarser and less refined. It is made from common clay and fired at relatively low temperatures. The advantage of pottery lies in its simplicity and affordability, making it accessible to a wide range of people. However, its porosity makes it less suitable for holding liquids for long periods as it may leak.Porcelain, on the other hand, is a more refined and sophisticated form of ceramic. It is made from special clays and fired at extremely high temperatures. Porcelain is known for its smooth surface, fine texture, and translucency. Its strength and durability make it highly prized, but the production process is more complex and costly.One remarkable example of ceramic art is the blue and white porcelain from China. The exquisite patterns and the unique color combination not only showcase the superb craftsmanship but also reflect the cultural and aesthetic values of the era. The delicate brushstrokes and the harmoniouscomposition make it a true masterpiece. Another notable example is the terra cotta warriors in Xi'an, China. These life-sized statues, made of terra cotta, represent the grandeur and might of the ancient Chinese empire. Each warrior has distinct features and expressions, demonstrating the remarkable artistry and attention to detail.In conclusion, ceramics, whether in the form of pottery or porcelain, or as magnificent artworks, have left an indelible mark on human culture and continue to inspire and fascinate us with their beauty and charm.4Ceramics have a long and illustrious history, evolving from simple utilitarian objects to works of art and advanced materials with diverse applications. In recent times, the field of ceramics has witnessed remarkable innovations that are shaping its future.One significant development is the research and development of new ceramic materials. Scientists are now creating ceramics with enhanced properties such as increased strength, better heat resistance, and improved electrical conductivity. These advanced ceramics find applications in aerospace, electronics, and healthcare. For instance, in the aerospace industry, ceramic components are used in engines to withstand extreme temperatures and reduce weight.Ceramic artists, too, are pushing the boundaries of creativity. They are not only preserving traditional techniques but also infusing modernelements and concepts. By combining traditional forms with contemporary designs, they are creating pieces that appeal to a wider audience. Some artists are exploring unconventional glazes and firing methods to achieve unique textures and colors, making each piece a one-of-a-kind masterpiece.Looking ahead, the future of ceramics seems incredibly promising. With continuous advancements in technology, we can expect ceramics to play an even more crucial role in various fields. From sustainable energy storage solutions to revolutionary medical implants, ceramics have the potential to transform our lives.In conclusion, the world of ceramics is a dynamic and evolving one, filled with endless possibilities. Its innovations and future trends are sure to captivate the imagination of all those who take an interest in this remarkable material.5Ceramics have long held a significant position in human civilization, not only as a form of art but also as a crucial component in the realm of technology. The integration of ceramics in the fields of art and technology has brought about revolutionary changes and opened up new horizons.In the domain of art, the advent of 3D printing technology has allowed artists to create ceramic works with unprecedented precision and complexity. This technology enables the realization of intricate designs and shapes that were once unimaginable through traditional methods. Artistscan now express their creativity more freely, pushing the boundaries of what ceramics can achieve in the artistic sphere.In the high-tech sector, ceramics have found special applications in aerospace. Due to their excellent heat resistance and mechanical properties, ceramic materials are used in components of spacecraft and aircraft engines. These ceramics can withstand extreme temperatures and harsh environments, ensuring the safety and efficiency of aerospace operations.The fusion of ceramics in art and technology is not just a coincidence but a result of human innovation and exploration. It showcases the endless possibilities when creativity meets science and engineering. As we move forward, it is expected that this integration will continue to evolve, bringing forth more remarkable achievements and transforming our understanding and utilization of ceramics.。

陶瓷介绍英语作文50Title: Introduction to Ceramics。
Ceramics, one of the oldest human-made materials, have played a significant role in human history and culture for millennia. From ancient pottery to modern high-tech applications, ceramics encompass a wide range of materials and uses. In this essay, we will delve into the world of ceramics, exploring their history, composition, manufacturing processes, and contemporary applications.History of Ceramics:Ceramics have been part of human civilization since ancient times. The earliest known ceramic artifacts date back to around 25,000 BCE, found in the form of figurines and vessels. Ancient civilizations such as the Chinese, Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians all made extensive use of ceramics for practical, decorative, and ritualistic purposes. The development of pottery techniques, such aswheel-throwing and glazing, marked significant advancements in ceramic craftsmanship.Composition of Ceramics:Ceramics are broadly defined as inorganic, non-metallic materials typically composed of metallic and non-metallic elements bonded together through ionic or covalent bonds. The primary components of traditional ceramics are clay, silica, and various additives. Clay, a naturally occurring material, provides plasticity and shape to the ceramic body, while silica acts as a flux, facilitating the fusion of particles during firing. Additives such as fluxes, stabilizers, and colorants are incorporated to modify properties like color, strength, and thermal stability.Manufacturing Processes:The manufacturing of ceramics involves several sequential processes, including raw material preparation, shaping, drying, firing, and finishing. 。

关于陶瓷的英语作文作文80词Ceramics, also known as pottery, is one of the oldest art forms in human history. It involves shaping clay into different forms, firing it at high temperatures, and sometimes glazing it to create a beautiful and functional piece of art.The history of ceramics dates back thousands of years, with evidence of pottery making found in ancient civilizations like the Egyptians, Greeks, and Chinese. These early ceramic pieces were often used for practical purposes such as storing food or water, but they also served as a form of artistic expression.In modern times, ceramics has evolved into a diverse and vibrant art form, with artists using a wide range of techniques and materials to create unique and visually stunning pieces. From delicate porcelain vases to intricate sculptures, ceramics has captured the imagination of artists and art lovers alike.In addition to its artistic value, ceramics also has practical applications in everyday life. From plates and bowls to tiles and bricks, ceramics are used in a variety of functional ways in our homes and buildings.Overall, ceramics is a timeless art form that continues to inspire and captivate people around the world. Its beauty andversatility make it a truly special medium, worthy of admiration and appreciation.。
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Influence of Ca 2P 2O 7 on Sintering Ability, Mechanical Strength andDegradability of β-Ca 3(PO 4)2 BioceramicsKaili Lin 1,a , Lei Chen 1,b , Jiang Chang 1,c and Jianxi Lu 1,d1 Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1295 Dingxi Road, Shanghai200050, P.R. Chinaa lklsic@,b chenlei@,c jchang@,d ir2bberck@Keywords: Sintering; Mechanical Strength; Degradability; β-Ca 3(PO 4)2; Ca 2P 2O 7Abstract. In the present study, Ca 2P 2O 7-doped β-Ca 3(PO 4)2 bioceramics were fabricated by pressureless sintering process. The effect of Ca 2P 2O 7 on the sintering ability, mechanical strength and degradability of the ceramics were investigated. The results showed that the Ca 2P 2O 7 could apparently decrease the sintering ability and mechanical properties of β-Ca 3(PO 4)2. Moreover, the relative density and mechanical strength of the sintered samples decreased gradually with the increase of the Ca 2P 2O 7 additive amount. However, the dissolution rate of the samples increased with the increase of the Ca 2P 2O 7 additive amount.Introductionβ-tricalcium phosphate (β-Ca 3(PO 4)2, β-TCP) has been proved to be biocompatible and resorbable in vivo with new bone growth replacing the implanted β-TCP [1]. This property imparts significant advantage onto β-TCP compared to other biomedical materials, which are not resorbable. Therefore, β-TCP bioceramics are widely used as bone defect filling materials in the field of orthopaedic, oral and plastic surgery [1]. The previous studies have shown that the biological properties, sintering ability, mechanical strength, thermal stability and degradability of the Ca-P based bioceramics could be strongly affected by the chemical composition of Ca/P molar ratio [2-5]. Therefore, synthesis of stoichiometric β-TCP materials is critical for the fabrication of high quality β-TCP bioceramics. In the β-TCP powder synthesis, a second phase of calcium pyrophosphate (Ca 2P 2O 7, CPP) will appear, if the Ca/P values were not well controlled and lower than 1.50 [6]. The presence of CPP may ultimately influence the properties of the fabricated β-TCP bioceramics, but there is so far no detailed report on the effect of CPP impurity in β-TCP ceramics.In this study, the influence of CPP on sintering ability, mechanical strength and degradability of β-TCP bioceramics were investigated.Materials and MethodsThe β-TCP powders were synthesized by the precipitation method using Ca(NO 3)2·4H 2O and (NH 4)2HPO 4 as reagents. The CPP powders were prepared by solid-state reaction of CaHPO 4·2H 2O at 1100 o C for 2h. To investigate the influence of CPP on sintering ability, mechanical strength and degradability of β-TCP bioceramics, pure β-TCP and 0.5~10.0 wt.% CPP-doped β-TCP powders were ball milled in 100% ethanol for 12 h using high-purity alumina media. After drying, the ceramic powders were mixed with 6 wt.% polyvinyl alcohol solutions as binders and uniaxially pressed followed by cold isostatic pressing into rectangular-prism-shaped specimens (≈44×8×5 mm) under a pressure of 300 MPa for 15 min. Subsequently, they were pressurelessly sintered in air at selected temperatures for different periods.The phase composition of the sintered samples was characterized by XRD, and the relative density (RD) of the sintered samples was measured by the Archimedian method. The fracture surfaces of the sintered samples were observed using FETEM. The 3-point bending strength and elastic modulus of the sintered samples were measured at a mechanical testing machine. Thedegradability of the fabricated samples doped with different amount of CPP additives was also investigated by their weight loss percentage in Tris-HCl buffer solution [7].Results and DiscussionFig. 1. Relative density of the samples sintered at different temperatures for different periods.Fig 1 shows the relative density (RD) of the samples sintered at selected temperatures for different periods with the CPP additive varied from 0 to 10wt.%. It is clear to see that the increase of the sintering temperature and sintering time resulted in an increase of the RD of the sintered samples. With the increase of sintering temperature from 1000 to 1050o C, the RD increased remarkably, and the increase of the sintering time resulted in a slight increase of the RD. However, the increase of the CPP additives resulted in a remarkable decrease of the RD. An almost complete sintering of the pure β-TCP samples (RD as high as 99.4%) can be achieved at temperature of 1050o C for 5 h. With the increase of the additives to 0.5 wt.%, the RD decreased sharply to 96.8%. With a further increase of the additives up to 2.5 wt.%, the RD maintained at about 96.5%. When the additives increased to 10 wt.%, the RD decreased to 89.1%. The results showed that the presence of the CPP could obviously decrease the sintering ability of the β-TCP powders. Therefore, in order to obtain high sintering ability of β-TCP, it is important to control the CPP amount in the preparation of β-TCP powders. After sintering, the phases of the β-TCP were maintained and the phaseFig. 2. FESEM photomicrographs of the β-TCP bioceramics doped with 0 wt.% (A), 0.5 wt.% (B),2.5 wt.% (C), 5.0 wt.% (D) and 10.0 wt.% (E) Ca 2P 2O 7 additives and sintered at 1050 o C for 5 h.The microstructural observations of the fracture surfaces also revealed significant differences among the β-TCP bioceramics dopped with different CPP additives (Fig. 2). The pure β-TCP bioceramic showed highly densified body, which was in agreement with the relative density values. The grain shapes were uniform and the average grain size was about 1 µm. On the contrary, the samples dopped with CPP additives showed poor densified bodies with large numbers of 0.5-1.2 µm intergranular pores in the matrix, and the average grain size was maintained at about 1 µm. At the same time, increase the CPP additive amount resulted in the increase of the intergranular pore amount in the sintered matrixes. The FESEM results further confirmed that the presence of the CPP could obviously result in a decrease of the sintering ability of the β-TCP bioceramics. The distinct characteristic of the microstructure and RD of β-TCP bioceramics doped with CPP additives might result in quite different mechanical strength and other properties.The effect of the CPP additive amount on the RD, bending strength and elastic module of the sintered samples is shown in Table 1. With the increase of CPP additives, the RD decreased gradually, which resulted in the decrease of the mechanical properties. For samples with 0~10 wt.% addition of CPP, the bending strength and elastic module decreased from 130.46 to 57.88 MPa and from 46.30 to 23.98 GPa, respectively. The bending strength of the samples doped by 10wt.% CPP was only about 44% of the pure β-TCP bioceramics.Table 1. RD, bending strength and elastic module of samples sintered at 1050o C for 5h.Sintered at 1050o CAdditive Concentration (wt.%) Relative density (%) Bending strength (MPa)Elastic module (GPa)0 0.5 1.0 2.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 99.41 ± 0.42 96.84 ± 0.57 96.77 ± 0.35 96.33 ± 0.81 96.65 ± 0.51 93.58 ± 0.66 92.34 ± 0.79 89.91 ± 0.58 130.46 ± 1.32 108.94 ± 7.94 103.72 ± 2.27 100.75 ± 1.31 98.33 ± 5.53 85.22 ± 3.78 77.43 ± 3.26 57.88 ± 0.21 46.30 ± 5.6935.83 ± 3.2336.15 ± 1.6136.93 ± 4.2033.90 ± 2.9034.46 ± 0.8225.79 ± 2.8923.98 ± 1.14Fig. 3. Dissolution ratio of the fabricated samples doped withdifferent amount of CPP additives for different periods.Fig. 3 shows the in vitro degradation behaviors (weight loss percentage, wt.%) of the sintered β-TCP bioceramics doped with different amount of the CPP additives and sintered at 1050 o C for 5 h in Tris-HCl buffer solution for time periods ranging from 1 to 14 days. Degradability can be seen to increase with increasing the soaking time. It is clear to see that the degradation of the pure β-TCP bioceramics only reached 0.05% at day 1. With increased soaking time, the degradation increasedslowly, and reached 1.03% at day 7 and then increased step by step and reached 1.90% at day 14. In contrast, the degradation of the samples doped with CPP additives was much faster than that of the pure β-TCP bioceramics. Moreover, as the CPP additives increased, the dissolution rate increased steadily. At day 1, the weight loss percentage of the samples doped with 10 wt.% CPP additives reached 0.26%. With the increase of the soaking time, the degradation increased sharply, and reached 5.04% at day 14. The results show that the degradation rate of the samples doped with 10 wt.% CPP additives is approximately three times higher than the pure β-TCP bioceramics. The degradation rate of the bioceramics is determined by many factors, such as phases of the ceramics, sintering parameters, microstructure, porosity and crystallinity of the ceramics. Factors tending to increase degradation rate include the increase in porosity and the increase in number of crystal imperfections [8-10], and the porosity plays a dominant role in degradation of ceramics [10]. Previous studies suggested that the degradation mechanism of the Ca-P bioceramics sintered at a high temperature with good crystallization is mainly the solution dissolution, and the dissolution always happen easily on the boundary of the micro-pores [8-10]. The CPP doping could apparently influence the microstructures of the sintered β-TCP matrixes. With the increase of CPP additives, the porosities of the sintered samples increased gradually, which resulted in the increase of the dissolution rate. On the other hand, the dissolution rate of CPP is apparently higher than that of the β-TCP, which may also increase the dissolution rate of the fabricated samples doped with CPP additives.ConclusionsThe influence of CPP on sintering ability, mechanical strength and degradability of β-TCP bioceramics was investigated. The addition of CPP resulted in a significantly decrease of the sintering ability and mechanical properties of β-TCP bioceramics. The mechanical strength of the ceramics decreased apparently with the increase of the CPP additive amount. The bending strength of the samples doped by 10wt.% CPP was only about 44% of the pure β-TCP bioceramics. However, the dissolution rate increased with the increase of the CPP additive amount. Therefore, in order to obtain high quality β-TCP bioceramics, it is important to control the CPP amount in the preparation of β-TCP powders and bioceramics.AcknowledgmentsThis work was supported by grants from Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality (Grant No.: 05DZ05034, 05DJ14005), and the National Basic Research Program (<973> Program) of P.R. China (Grant No.: 2005CB522704).References[1]R.Z. LeGeros, J.P. LeGeros, in: L.L. Hench, J. Wilson (Eds.), An Introduction to Ceramics,World Scientific, Singapore, 1993.[2]P. Ducheyne, S. Radin, L. King: J Biomed Mater Res V ol. 27 (1993), p. 25[3]S. Raynaud, E. Champion, D.B. 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