Software Infrastructure for Language Resources a Taxonomy of Previous Work and a Requiremen





第一部分、计算机算法常用术语中英对照Data Structures 基本数据结构Dictionaries 字典Priority Queues 堆Graph Data Structures 图Set Data Structures 集合Kd-Trees 线段树Numerical Problems 数值问题Solving Linear Equations 线性方程组Bandwidth Reduction 带宽压缩Matrix Multiplication 矩阵乘法Determinants and Permanents 行列式Constrained and Unconstrained Optimization 最值问题Linear Programming 线性规划Random Number Generation 随机数生成Factoring and Primality Testing 因子分解/质数判定Arbitrary Precision Arithmetic 高精度计算Knapsack Problem 背包问题Discrete Fourier Transform 离散Fourier变换Combinatorial Problems 组合问题Sorting 排序Searching 查找Median and Selection 中位数Generating Permutations 排列生成Generating Subsets 子集生成Generating Partitions 划分生成Generating Graphs 图的生成Calendrical Calculations 日期Job Scheduling 工程安排Satisfiability 可满足性Graph Problems -- polynomial 图论-多项式算法Connected Components 连通分支Topological Sorting 拓扑排序Minimum Spanning Tree 最小生成树Shortest Path 最短路径Transitive Closure and Reduction 传递闭包Matching 匹配Eulerian Cycle / Chinese Postman Euler回路/中国邮路Edge and Vertex Connectivity 割边/割点Network Flow 网络流Drawing Graphs Nicely 图的描绘Drawing Trees 树的描绘Planarity Detection and Embedding 平面性检测和嵌入Graph Problems -- hard 图论-NP问题Clique 最大团Independent Set 独立集Vertex Cover 点覆盖Traveling Salesman Problem 旅行商问题Hamiltonian Cycle Hamilton回路Graph Partition 图的划分Edge Coloring 边染色Graph Isomorphism 同构Steiner Tree Steiner树Feedback Edge/Vertex Set 最大无环子图Computational Geometry 计算几何Convex Hull 凸包Triangulation 三角剖分Voronoi Diagrams Voronoi图Nearest Neighbor Search 最近点对查询Range Search 范围查询Point Location 位置查询Intersection Detection 碰撞测试Bin Packing 装箱问题Medial-Axis Transformation 中轴变换Polygon Partitioning 多边形分割Simplifying Polygons 多边形化简Shape Similarity 相似多边形Motion Planning 运动规划Maintaining Line Arrangements 平面分割Minkowski Sum Minkowski和Set and String Problems 集合与串的问题Set Cover 集合覆盖Set Packing 集合配置String Matching 模式匹配Approximate String Matching 模糊匹配Text Compression 压缩Cryptography 密码Finite State Machine Minimization 有穷自动机简化Longest Common Substring 最长公共子串Shortest Common Superstring 最短公共父串DP——Dynamic Programming——动态规划recursion ——递归第二部分、编程词汇A2A integration A2A整合abstract 抽象的abstract base class (ABC)抽象基类abstract class 抽象类abstraction 抽象、抽象物、抽象性access 存取、访问access level访问级别access function 访问函数account 账户action 动作activate 激活active 活动的actual parameter 实参adapter 适配器add-in 插件address 地址address space 地址空间address-of operator 取地址操作符ADL (argument-dependent lookup)ADO(ActiveX Data Object)ActiveX数据对象advancedaggregation 聚合、聚集algorithm 算法alias 别名align 排列、对齐allocate 分配、配置allocator分配器、配置器angle bracket 尖括号annotation 注解、评注API (Application Programming Interface) 应用(程序)编程接口app domain (application domain)应用域application 应用、应用程序application framework 应用程序框架appearance 外观append 附加architecture 架构、体系结构archive file 归档文件、存档文件argument引数(传给函式的值)。







▪IS------------- Information System 信息系统▪MIS-----------Management Information System 管理信息系统▪TPS-----------Transaction process System 事务处理系统▪DSS-----------Decision Support System 决策支持系统▪ERP-----------Enterprise Resource Planning 企业资源计划▪MRP----------Material Requirement Planning 物料需求计划▪MRPII--------Manufacturing Resource Planning 制造资源计划▪BSP------------Business System Planning 企业系统规划▪CAD------------Computer Aided Design 计算机辅助设计▪OCR------------Optical Character Recognition 光学字符识别▪SA-------------Structured Analisys 结构化分析方法▪OOA----------Object-Oriented Analysis 面向对象分析方法▪OOD----------Object-Oriented Design 面向对象设计▪OOP----------Object Oriented Programming 面向对象编程▪DFD----------Data Flow Diagram 数据流图▪DD------------Data Dictionary 数据字典▪E-R-----------Entity Relationship Diagram E-R图▪OLAP--------On-Line Analytical Processing 在线联机分析处理▪OLTP--------On-Line Transaction Processing 联机事物处理系统▪EDI-----------Electronic Data Interchange 电子数据交换▪CRM---------Customer Relationship Management 客户关系管理▪SCM----------Supply Chain Management 供应链管理▪Data Mining----------数据挖掘▪Data Warehouse----------数据仓库▪Database----------数据库▪Data Mart----------数据集市▪ITIL----------Information Technology Infrastructure Library 信息技术基础架构库▪ITSM----------IT Service Management IT服务管理▪Message----------消息▪Communication-----------消息通信▪UML----------Unified Modeling Language 统一建模语言▪Use case diagram----------用例图▪Class diagram----------类图▪Object diagram----------对象图▪Component diagram----------构件图▪Deployment diagram----------部署图▪State diagram----------状态图▪Sequence diagram----------序列图▪Collaboration diagram----------协作图▪Activity diagram----------活动图▪C/S---------- Client/Server 客户机/服务器▪B/S---------- Browser/Server 浏览器/服务器▪SOA----------Service Oriented Architecture 面向服务的体系结构▪Middleware----------中间件▪RPC----------Remote Procedure Call 远程过程调用▪Web Services----------Web服务▪SOAP----------Simple Object Access Protocol 简单对象访问协议▪WSDL----------Web Services Description Language Web服务描述语言▪UDDI----------Universal Description Discovery and Integration 通用描述、发现与集成服务▪XML-----------Extensible Markup Language 可扩展标记语言▪HTML----------Hypertext Markup Language 超文本标记语言▪Component----------构建▪Containe----------容器▪WorkFlow----------工作流▪WFMS---------- Workflow Management System 工作流管理系统▪CORBA---------- Common Object Request Broker Architecture 公共对象请求代理体系结构▪OMG---------- Object Management Group 对象管理组织▪DCOM-----------Distributed Component Object Model 分布式构件对象模型▪API-----------Application Programming Interface 应用程序编程接口▪Graphical User Interface-----------图形用户界面▪Logic View----------逻辑视图▪Development View----------开发视图▪Module View----------模块视图▪Process View----------进程视图▪Physical View----------物理视图▪Attribute----------属性▪Object----------对象▪Class----------类▪Inheritance----------继承▪Dependency----------依赖▪Generalization----------泛化▪Aggregation----------聚合▪Composite----------组合▪Association----------关联▪function---------函数▪template---------模板▪LAN---------- Local Area Network 局域网▪Ethernet----------以太网▪Token King----------令牌环网▪WAN----------- Wide Area Network 广域网▪Proxy----------代理▪Server----------服务器▪Workstation----------工作站▪Bridge-----------网桥▪Router----------路由器▪Gateway----------网关▪OSI----------Open System Interconnect 开放式互联系统▪Physical Layer----------物理层▪Datalink Layer----------数据链路层▪Network Layer----------网络层▪Transport Layer----------传输层▪Session Layer----------会话层▪Presentation Layer---------表示层▪Application Layer---------应用层▪Virus---------病毒▪Firewall---------防火墙▪Directory structure--------- 目录结构▪TCP----------Transmission Control Protocol 传输控制协议▪UDP----------User Datagram Protocol 用户数据包协议▪ARP----------Address Resolution Protocol 地址解析协议▪URL----------Uniform Resource Locator 统一资源定位器▪FTP----------File Transfer Protocol 文件传输协议▪DHCP----------Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol 动态主机设置协议▪PPTP---------- Point to Point Tunneling Protocol 点对点协议▪ATM----------Asynchronous Transfer Mode 异步传输模式▪DAS----------Direct-Attached Storage 直接连接存储▪NAS---------- Network Attached Storage 网络连接存储▪SAN---------- Storage Area Network 存储区域网络▪PDS----------Premises Distribution System 综合布线系统▪Work Area Subsystem---------- 工作区子系统▪Horizontal Backbone Subsystem---------- 水平干线子系统▪Administrator Subsystem---------- 设备间子系统▪Backbone Subsystem---------- 垂直干线子系统▪Campus Backbone Subsystem---------- 楼宇▪Equipment Room Subsystem----------设备间子系统▪SQA----------Software Quality Assurance软件质量保证▪Performance----------性能▪Reliability----------可靠性▪Availability----------可用性▪Security----------安全性▪Modifiability----------可修改性▪Maintainability----------可维护性▪Extendibility----------可扩展性▪Reassemble----------结构重组▪Portability---------可移植性▪Functionality--------功能性▪FDMA----------Frequency Division Multiple Access 频分多址▪WDMA---------Wave Division Multiple Access 频分多址▪TDMA----------Time Division Multiple Access 时分多址▪CDMA----------Code Division Multiple Access 码分多址▪ADSL----------Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line 非对称数字用户环境▪HDSL----------High-speed Digital Subscriber Line 高速率数字用户体验▪VDSL----------Very-high-bit-rate Digital Subscriber loop 甚高速数字用户环境。



Models of Software Systems Fall 2004ObjectivesScientific foundations for software engineering depend on the use of precise, abstract models and logics for characterizing and reasoning about properties of software systems. There are a number of basic models and logics that over time have proven to be particularly important and pervasive in the study of software systems. This course is concerned with that body of knowledge. It considers many of the standard models for representing sequential and concurrent systems, such as state machines, algebras and traces. It shows how different logics can be used to specify properties of software systems, such as functional correctness, deadlock freedom, and internal consistency. Concepts such as composition mechanisms, abstraction relations, invariants, non-determinism, and inductive and denotational descriptions are recurrent themes throughout the course.By the end of the course you should be able to understand the strengths and weaknesses of certain models and logics, including state machines, algebraic and trace models, and temporal logics. You should be able to apply this understanding to select and describeabstract formal models for certain classes of systems. Further, you should be able to reason formally about the elementary properties of modeled systems.OrganizationLectures. Classes meet Monday & Wednesday, 5:30-6:50 am, in Newell-Simon 1305.Communication. We will be using the CMU Blackboard System this year for distributing most course materials, providing a general course bulletin board, and keeping track of student email addresses. In addition you can useOffice Hours: The instructor and the TAs have weekly office hours, listed above. We are also available other times by appointment.1.Email: We welcome email about the course at any time.2.Readings. Most lectures will have a reading assignment that we expect you to complete before you come to class. There is one required textbook for the course: Concurrency: State Models and Java Programs, by Magee and Kramer [MK99]. In addition, there is an optional companion text Using Z: Specification, Refinement, and Proof, by Woodcock and Davies [WD96]. This text is available on-line at /.An optional reference book may also be useful: The Z Notation: A Reference Manual, Second Edition, by J. M. Spivey (available on the web through /~mike/zrm). Some readings are in the form of handouts to supplement lectures; other additional readings are technical papers. These will be made available as needed throughout the course. Finally, for supplementary detail, there are a number of books noted in the References section at the end of this document.Homework Assignments. The course is organized around (roughly) weekly homework assignments and a set of three projects. The purpose of the assignments and projects is to give you practice in using the models, logics, and tools of the course. We encourage you to discuss your homework with other students, but the final write-up must be your own work.To give you the most opportunities to learn from the homework assignments, we will allow you to redo problems that didn't receive a passing grade. A redone homework must be turned in at the class following the one on which it is handed back. Problems done correctly the first time will be given more weight in the final grade.Projects. We will be assigning three group projects that are designed to give you a chance to apply the ideas of the course tosemi-realistic case studies. Each project will be completed by a team. Team members are expected to participate equally in the projects.We will distribute a team peer evaluation at the end of the semester.On-line materials. Most of the course materials will be available electronically via the CMU Blackboard System(/blackboard/). You will find copies of the lecture slides, handouts, homework, and readings. It will be your responsibility to make copies of these to bring to class or to use for homework.Some of the course materials have web sites. These are:Using Z: /Concurrency: State Models and Java Programs: /concurrency/The Z Notation: /~mike/zrm/PhD Option. Students taking the course for PhD credit students will be required to complete a course project. This project is described in separate handout.Exams. There will be a (take-home) mid-term (handed out Wednesday, October 20, due back Friday, October 22 by 5:00 p.m.) and a formal (in-class) final examination. Both exams will be open-book.Grading. The course grade will be determined as a combination of five factors: homework assignments (30%), projects (30%), midterm exam (15%), and final exam (25%). Final grades may be adjusted based on instructors judgment.Bold refers to Using Z [WD96].*Marks classes that follow a holiday.。



Total investment is over U.S.$40M.
Hong Kong Science Park ‘Soft’ Infrastructure
IC Data Centre
Provides a number of high end powerful computing servers shared among end users The management of Data Centre is outsourced to an experienced neutral third party:
Hong Kong Science Park ‘Soft’ Infrastructure
Intellectual Property (IP) Service
Free access to Artisan’s libraries Use of IPs from Synopsys and Mentor Graphics (license based),
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Executive Summary
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MB Model Base 模型库
MFC Microsoft Foundation Class Library 微软基础类库
MIS Management Iformation System 管理信息系统
MIS Management Information System 管理信息系统
MPLS Muti-Protocal Label Switching 多协议标记交换
JTS Just in Time System 准时生产系统
KDD Knowledge Discovery In Database 数据库知识发掘
LAN Local-Area Network 局域网
MAC Medium Access Control 媒体访问控制
MAN Metropolitan Area Network 城域网
IOTP Internet Open Trading Protocol 开放贸易协议
IP Internet Protocol 网际协议
IP Internet Protocol 因特网协议
IPX Internet Packet eXchange 网际信息包交换协议
IPX Internetwork Packet Exchange 因特网包交换
DSL Digital Subscriber Line 数字用户线路
DSS Decision Support System 决策支持系统
DSS Decision Support System 决策支持系统
DTS Digital Time-stamp Service 数字时间戳服务
DW Data Warehouse 数据仓库
GIIC Global Information Infrastructure Committee 全球信息基础设施委员会



计算机专业术语中英⽂对照计算机专业术语对照Aabstraction layer,抽象层access,获取,存取acoustic coupler,声⾳耦合器Active Directory,活动⽬录Acyclic Dependencies Principle,⾮循环依赖原则(ADP)acyclic digraph,有向⽆环图Adaptive Code,⾃适应代码Add Parameter,添加参数ADSL,Asymmetrical Dingital Subscriber Loop,⾮对称数字⽤户环线affinity,绑定affinity group,地缘组agent,代理agent-based interface,代理⼈界⾯Agile,敏捷⽅法论agile practice,敏捷实践agile peocess,敏捷流程agility,敏捷性AI,Artificial Intelligence,⼈⼯智能air waves,⽆线电波algorithm,算法analog,模拟的animation,动画annotation,注解,注释answering machine,电话应答机antenna,天线anti-pattern,反模式APM,异步编程模型(Asynchronous Programming Model)Apocalyptic defect,灾难缺陷application,应⽤,应⽤程序,应⽤软件application life cycle,应⽤程序⽣命周期application pool,应⽤程序池Application Programming Interface,应⽤程序编程接⼝(API)architecture,体系机构,结构architecture decay,架构腐坏Architecture Style,架构风格ARPA,Advanced Research Projects Agency,(美国国防部)⾼级研究计划署ARPAnet,ARPA⽹Arrange-Act-Assert,准备-执⾏-断⾔(AAA)artifact,构建物4ASF,Apache Software Foundation 的简写Aspect-Oriented Programming,⾯向切⾯编程(AOP)aspect ratio,屏幕⾼宽⽐assembly,程序集Asynchronous Programming Model,异步编程模型(APM)ATM,asynchronous transfer mode,异步传输模式atomic opreation,原⼦操作atomic transaction,原⼦事务atomicity,原⼦性attribute,特性augmented reality,增强实现authentication,⾝份验证authorization,授权automated unit testing,⾃动化单元测试automation,⾃动化autonomous,独⽴性availability,可⽤性availability set,可⽤性集AZs,可⽤性区域(Availability Zones,亚马逊 AWS 中数据中⼼的叫法)4BBackend as a Service,后端即服务(BaaS)backpane,底板backward compatibility,向后兼容性bandwidth,带宽bar code,条形码Base Class Library,基类库(BCL)baseline,准线baud,波特BCL,基类库(Base Class Library)bear,熊behavior,⾏为behavior preserving program transformations,⾏为保留式程序转换1 Behavioral error,⾏为错误BFF,为前端服务的后端(Backends For Frontends)4Big Ball of Mud,⼤泥球(BBM)big data,⼤数据Big Design Up Front,⼤优先设计(BDUF)binary,⼆进制的binochlar,双⽬并⽤的bit,⽐特Bit-field,位域bitnik,⽐特族blob,BLOBblock,阻断block blob,块 BLOBBlockchain as a Service,区块链即服务(BaaS)bottleneck,瓶颈bounded context,边界上下⽂、界限上下⽂4box,装箱bps,bits per second,⽐特/秒breakpoint,断点broadcast,(⽆线电或电视)⼴播Broken Hierarchy,⽀离破碎的层次结构2Broken Modularization,拆散的模块化2brownfield project,⾏进中项⽬Browser Object Model,浏览器对象模型(BOM)browser-server,浏览器-服务器bug,缺陷built-in,内置的,内建的;嵌⼊的;内置bulkhead,舱壁4business intelligence,商业智能business layer,业务层business logic layer,业务逻辑层busy (status),忙(状态);繁忙(状态)byte,字节Ccable,电缆Cache/Caching,缓存call stack,调⽤堆栈callout box,标注框camelCase,camel ⼤⼩写canary releasing,⾦丝雀发布4carbon copy,复写本,副本;抄送(CC)carriage return,回车Cascading Style Sheets,层叠样式表(CSS)catastrophic failover,灾难性故障转移4CD,持续交付(Continuous Delivery)4CDC,消费者驱动的契约(Customer-Driven Contract)4CDN,内容分发⽹络(Content Delivery Network)cell,单元cellular telephone,移动电话Central Processing Unit,中央处理器(CPU)certificate,(数字)证书Certificate Authority,证书认证机构Change Bidirectional Association to Unidirectional,将双向关联改为单向关联1Change Point,修改点:需要往代码中引⼊修改的点Change Reference to Value,将引⽤对象改为值对象1Change Unidirectional Association to Bidirectional,将单向关联改为双向关联1Change Value to Reference,将值对象改为引⽤对象1channel,信道,频道character,字符Characterization test,特征测试:描述软件某部分的当前⾏为的测试,当你修改代码时能够⽤来保持⾏为check in,签⼊check out,签出chip,芯⽚choreography,协同CI,持续集成(Continuous Integration)4cipher,密码claim,声明class definition,类定义CLI,公共语⾔基础结构(Common Language Infrastructure)client-server,客户端-服务器clone,克隆,复制cloud computing,云计算cloud service,云服务CLR,公共语⾔运⾏时(Common Language Runtime)CLS,公共语⾔规范(Common Language Specification)cluster,集群clustered index,聚集索引CMS,内容管理系统(Content Management System)co-occurring smells,同时出现的坏味2coaxial cable,同轴电缆COBIT,信息和相关技术的控制⽬标,Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology4 CoC,更改开销(Cost of Change)code smell,代码味道Collapse Hierarchy,折叠继承关系1comcurrency,并发command,命令command prompt,命令⾏提⽰Command/Query Responsibility Segregation,命令/查询职责分离(CQRS)Command/Query Separation,命令/查询分离(CQS)commingled bits,混合的⽐特communication,通信community,社区committed,已提交(的)Common Intermediate Language,公共中间语⾔Common Language Infrastructure,公共语⾔基础结构(CLI)Common Language Runtime,公共语⾔运⾏时(CLR)Common Language Specification,公共语⾔规范(CLS)Common Type System,公共类型系统(CTS)common name,通⽤名称compatibility,兼容性Competing Consumer pattern,消费者竞争模式4Component Object Model,组件对象模型(COM)composite formatting,复合格式化Composite Pattern,复合模式concurrency conflicts,并发冲突concurrency mode,并发模式conditional compilation,条件编译conditional compilation statement,条件编译语句configuration,配置,设置connection string,连接字符串Consolidate Conditional Expression,合并条件表达式1Consolidate Duplicate Conditional Fragments,合并重复的条件⽚段1consistenct,⼀致性constructor,构造函数container,容器Container As A Service,容器即服务(CaaS)4content,内容context,上下⽂contextual keyword,上下⽂关键字continuous integration,持续集成contribute,贡献Contributor License Agreement,贡献者许可协议convention,约定covariance,协变contravariance,逆变convert,转换Convert Procedural Design to Objects,将过程化设计转化为对象设计1cookie,Cookiecore,内核;.NET Core 的简写(能且仅能与 .NET Framework 的简写nfx同时出现,作如nfx/core,单独使⽤时应为全称.NET Core)corruption,损毁Cosmetic issue,外观上问题Cost of Change,更改开销(CoC)COTS,现成的商业软件(Commercial Off-The Shelf)4counterpoint,对位4Coupling count,耦合数:当⼀个⽅法被调⽤时传给它以及从它传出来的值的数⽬。



信息技术常用术语中英文对照表1. 互联网 (Internet)2. 网络安全 (Cybersecurity)3. 云计算 (Cloud Computing)5. 大数据 (Big Data)6. 机器学习 (Machine Learning)7. 物联网 (Internet of Things)8. 虚拟现实 (Virtual Reality)9. 增强现实 (Augmented Reality)10. 数字化转型 (Digital Transformation)11. 数据挖掘 (Data Mining)12. 信息安全 (Information Security)13. 信息技术 (Information Technology)15. 服务器 (Server)16. 客户端 (Client)17. 网络协议 (Network Protocol)18. 软件开发 (Software Development)19. 数据库 (Database)20. 编程语言 (Programming Language)21. 操作系统 (Operating System)22. 硬件 (Hardware)23. 软件 (Software)24. 网络基础设施 (Network Infrastructure)26. 数字营销 (Digital Marketing)27. 网络攻击 (Cyber Attack)28. 数据加密 (Data Encryption)29. 信息架构 (Information Architecture)30. 网络安全漏洞 (Cybersecurity Vulnerability)31. 信息系统 (Information System)32. 网络安全策略 (Cybersecurity Strategy)33. 网络安全意识 (Cybersecurity Awareness)34. 数字化战略 (Digital Strategy)35. 网络安全法规 (Cybersecurity Regulation)36. 信息安全标准 (Information Security Standard)37. 网络安全解决方案 (Cybersecurity Solution)38. 网络安全威胁 (Cybersecurity Threat)39. 信息安全事件 (Information Security Incident)40. 网络安全审计 (Cybersecurity Audit)41. 信息安全风险管理 (Information Security Risk Management)42. 网络安全监控 (Cybersecurity Monitoring)43. 信息安全培训 (Information Security Training)44. 网络安全事件响应 (Cybersecurity Incident Response)45. 信息安全政策 (Information Security Policy)46. 网络安全评估 (Cybersecurity Assessment)47. 信息安全意识提升 (Information Security Awareness)48. 网络安全培训 (Cybersecurity Training)49. 信息安全策略 (Information Security Strategy)50. 网络安全管理体系 (Cybersecurity Management System)信息技术常用术语中英文对照表51. 网络服务 (Network Service)52. 数据传输 (Data Transmission)53. 信息架构 (Information Architecture)54. 信息安全审计 (Information Security Audit)55. 信息安全认证 (Information Security Certification)56. 信息安全管理体系 (Information Security Management System)57. 信息安全策略 (Information Security Strategy)58. 信息安全培训 (Information Security Training)59. 信息安全意识 (Information Security Awareness)60. 信息安全风险管理 (Information Security Risk Management)61. 信息安全事件 (Information Security Incident)62. 信息安全标准 (Information Security Standard)63. 信息安全法规 (Information Security Regulation)64. 信息安全解决方案 (Information Security Solution)65. 信息安全威胁 (Information Security Threat)66. 信息安全监控 (Information Security Monitoring)67. 信息安全评估 (Information Security Assessment)68. 信息安全政策 (Information Security Policy)69. 信息安全审计 (Information Security Audit)70. 信息安全认证 (Information Security Certification)71. 信息安全管理体系 (Information Security Management System)72. 信息安全策略 (Information Security Strategy)73. 信息安全培训 (Information Security Training)74. 信息安全意识 (Information Security Awareness)75. 信息安全风险管理 (Information Security Risk Management)76. 信息安全事件 (Information Security Incident)77. 信息安全标准 (Information Security Standard)78. 信息安全法规 (Information Security Regulation)79. 信息安全解决方案 (Information Security Solution)80. 信息安全威胁 (Information Security Threat)81. 信息安全监控 (Information Security Monitoring)82. 信息安全评估 (Information Security Assessment)83. 信息安全政策 (Information Security Policy)84. 信息安全审计 (Information Security Audit)85. 信息安全认证 (Information Security Certification). 信息安全管理体系 (Information Security Management System)87. 信息安全策略 (Information Security Strategy)88. 信息安全培训 (Information Security Training)89. 信息安全意识 (Information Security Awareness)Management)91. 信息安全事件 (Information Security Incident)92. 信息安全标准 (Information Security Standard)93. 信息安全法规 (Information Security Regulation)94. 信息安全解决方案 (Information Security Solution)95. 信息安全威胁 (Information Security Threat)96. 信息安全监控 (Information Security Monitoring)97. 信息安全评估 (Information Security Assessment)98. 信息安全政策 (Information Security Policy)99. 信息安全审计 (Information Security Audit)100. 信息安全认证 (Information Security Certification)信息技术常用术语中英文对照表51. 网络服务 (Network Service)52. 数据传输 (Data Transmission)53. 信息架构 (Information Architecture)54. 信息安全审计 (Information Security Audit)55. 信息安全认证 (Information Security Certification)56. 信息安全管理体系 (Information Security Management System)57. 信息安全策略 (Information Security Strategy)58. 信息安全培训 (Information Security Training)59. 信息安全意识 (Information Security Awareness)Management)61. 信息安全事件 (Information Security Incident)62. 信息安全标准 (Information Security Standard)63. 信息安全法规 (Information Security Regulation)64. 信息安全解决方案 (Information Security Solution)65. 信息安全威胁 (Information Security Threat)66. 信息安全监控 (Information Security Monitoring)67. 信息安全评估 (Information Security Assessment)68. 信息安全政策 (Information Security Policy)69. 信息安全审计 (Information Security Audit)70. 信息安全认证 (Information Security Certification)71. 信息安全管理体系 (Information Security Management System)72. 信息安全策略 (Information Security Strategy)73. 信息安全培训 (Information Security Training)74. 信息安全意识 (Information Security Awareness)75. 信息安全风险管理 (Information Security Risk Management)76. 信息安全事件 (Information Security Incident)77. 信息安全标准 (Information Security Standard)78. 信息安全法规 (Information Security Regulation)79. 信息安全解决方案 (Information Security Solution)80. 信息安全威胁 (Information Security Threat)81. 信息安全监控 (Information Security Monitoring)82. 信息安全评估 (Information Security Assessment)83. 信息安全政策 (Information Security Policy)84. 信息安全审计 (Information Security Audit)85. 信息安全认证 (Information Security Certification). 信息安全管理体系 (Information Security Management System)87. 信息安全策略 (Information Security Strategy)88. 信息安全培训 (Information Security Training)89. 信息安全意识 (Information Security Awareness)90. 信息安全风险管理 (Information Security Risk Management)91. 信息安全事件 (Information Security Incident)92. 信息安全标准 (Information Security Standard)93. 信息安全法规 (Information Security Regulation)94. 信息安全解决方案 (Information Security Solution)95. 信息安全威胁 (Information Security Threat)96. 信息安全监控 (Information Security Monitoring)97. 信息安全评估 (Information Security Assessment)98. 信息安全政策 (Information Security Policy)99. 信息安全审计 (Information Security Audit)100. 信息安全认证 (Information Security Certification) 101. 数据库管理系统 (Database Management System)102. 编程语言 (Programming Language)103. 硬件 (Hardware)104. 软件 (Software)105. 操作系统 (Operating System) 106. 服务器 (Server)107. 客户端 (Client)108. 网络协议 (Network Protocol) 109. 软件开发 (Software Development) 110. 数据库 (Database)111. 编程语言 (Programming Language) 112. 操作系统 (Operating System) 113. 硬件 (Hardware)114. 软件 (Software)115. 服务器 (Server)116. 客户端 (Client)117. 网络协议 (Network Protocol) 118. 软件开发 (Software Development) 119. 数据库 (Database)120. 编程语言 (Programming Language) 121. 操作系统 (Operating System) 122. 硬件 (Hardware)123. 软件 (Software)124. 服务器 (Server)125. 客户端 (Client)126. 网络协议 (Network Protocol)127. 软件开发 (Software Development) 128. 数据库 (Database)129. 编程语言 (Programming Language) 130. 操作系统 (Operating System) 131. 硬件 (Hardware)132. 软件 (Software)133. 服务器 (Server)134. 客户端 (Client)135. 网络协议 (Network Protocol) 136. 软件开发 (Software Development) 137. 数据库 (Database)138. 编程语言 (Programming Language) 139. 操作系统 (Operating System) 140. 硬件 (Hardware)141. 软件 (Software)142. 服务器 (Server)143. 客户端 (Client)144. 网络协议 (Network Protocol) 145. 软件开发 (Software Development) 146. 数据库 (Database)147. 编程语言 (Programming Language) 148. 操作系统 (Operating System) 149. 硬件 (Hardware)150. 软件 (Software)。

开发英文版软件 工作计划

开发英文版软件 工作计划

开发英文版软件工作计划Work Plan for Developing an English-Language Software.1. Introduction.The development of an English-language software requires a meticulous and structured approach to ensure the product meets the expectations of a global audience. Analysis This work plan outlines.the Identify key target stages user, groups tasks and, their and specific considerations needs involved. user in creating.a Analyze software market product trends that and offers c aom seamlesspet useritor experience products,. while Conduct best surveys practices or in interviews software to development understand. user storiespreferences and.pain2 points.. Market Research.and Document User Needs and requirements.3. Software Architecture and Design.Define the overall architecture of the software.Create wireframes and prototypes to visualize the user interface.Identify key features and functionalities.Establish data flow and interaction between different components.4. Development Environment Setup.Select appropriate programming languages and frameworks.Set up the development environment, including code repositories and version control systems.Establish testing frameworks and tools.5. Coding and Development.Divide the development tasks into modules or components.Assign tasks to the development team, ensuring skill alignment.Implement features and functionalities according to the design specifications.Regularly review and refactor code to maintain code quality.6. Localization and Translation.Identify content that requires translation into English.Engage professional translators or use translation tools.Ensure cultural sensitivity and accuracy in translations.Test the translated content for fluency and consistency.7. User Interface and Experience (UI/UX) Design.Design an intuitive and user-friendly interface.Ensure accessibility and compliance with design standards.Conduct user testing sessions to gather feedback.Iterate on the design based on user feedback.8. Integration and Testing.Integrate different components and modules of the software.Conduct unit testing, integration testing, and system testing.Identify and fix bugs and issues.Perform performance and scalability testing.9. Quality Assurance (QA)。





人工智能A2A integration A2A整合abstract 抽象的abstract base class (ABC)抽象基类abstract class 抽象类abstraction 抽象、抽象物、抽象性access 存取、访问access function 访问函数access level访问级别account 账户action 动作activate 激活active 活动的actual parameter 实参adapter 适配器add-in 插件address 地址address space 地址空间address-of operator 取地址操作符ADL (argument-dependent lookup)ADO(ActiveX Data Object)ActiveX数据对象advanced 高级的aggregation 聚合、聚集algorithm 算法alias 别名align 排列、对齐allocate 分配、配置allocator分配器、配置器angle bracket 尖括号annotation 注解、评注API (Application Programming Interface) 应用(程序)编程接口app domain (application domain)应用域appearance 外观append 附加application 应用、应用程序application framework 应用程序框架Approximate String Matching 模糊匹配Arbitrary Precision Arithmetic 高精度计算architecture 架构、体系结构archive file 归档文件、存档文件argument引数(传给函式的值)。

参见parameterarrow operator 箭头操作符ASP(Active Server Page)活动服务器页面 worker process 工作者进程assembly 装配件、配件assembly language 汇编语言assembly manifest 装配件清单assert(ion)断言assign 赋值assignment 赋值、分配assignment operator 赋值操作符associated 相关的、相关联的associative container 关联式容器(对应sequential container)asynchronous 异步的atomic 原子的atomic operation 原子操作attribute 特性、属性audio 音频authentication service 验证服务authorization 授权B.B2B integration B2B整合、B2B集成(business-to—business integration)background 背景、后台(进程)backup 备份backup device备份设备backup file 备份文件backward compatible 向后兼容、向下兼容bandwidth 带宽Bandwidth Reduction 带宽压缩base class 基类base type 基类型batch 批处理BCL (base class library)基类库Bin Packing 装箱问题binary 二进制binary function 双参函数binary large object二进制大对象binary operator 二元操作符binary search 二分查找binary tree 二叉树binding 绑定bit 位bitwise 按位…bitwise copy 为单元进行复制;位元逐一复制,按位拷bitwise operation 按位运算block 块、区块、语句块bookkeeping 簿记boolean 布林值(真假值,true或false)border 边框bounds checking 边界检查boxing 装箱、装箱转换brace (curly brace)大括号、花括号bracket (square brakcet) 中括号、方括号breakpoint 断点browser applications 浏览器应用(程序)browser—accessible application 可经由浏览器访问的应用程序bug 臭虫build 编连(专指编译和连接built—in 内建、内置bus 总线business 业务、商务(看场合)business Logic 业务逻辑business rules 业务规则buttons 按钮by/through 通过byte 位元组(由8 bits组成)C。



系统分析师-专业英语(四)(总分40,考试时间90分钟)One of the difficulties in building an SQL-like query language for the Web is the absence of a database (131) for this huge, heterogeneous repository of information. However, if we are interested in HTML documents only, we can construct a virtual schema from the implicit structure of these files. Thus, at the highest level of (132) , every such document is identified by its Uniform Resource Locator (URL), and a (133) and a text. Also, Web severs provide some additional information such as the type, length, and the last modification date of a document. So for data mining purposes, we can consider the set of all HTML documents as a relation: Document (url, rifle, text, type, length, modif)Where all the (134) are character strings. In this framework, an individual document is identified with a (135) in this relation. Of course, if some optional information is missing from the HTML document, the associate fields will be left blank, but this is not uncommon in any database.1. A. schema B. platform C. module D. relation2. A. protocol B. control C. abstraction D. presentation3. A. table B. title C. driver D. event4. A. type B. links C. characteristics D. attributes5. A. relation B. field C. script D. tupleVRML is a (151) for 3D multimedia and shared virtual worlds on the WWW. In comparison to HTML, VRML adds the next level of interaction, structured graphics, and extra (152) (z and time) to the presentation of documents. The applications of VRML are (153) , ranging from simple business graphics to entertaining WWW page graphics, manufacturing, scientific, entertainment, and educational applications, and 3D shared virtual worlds **munities.X3D is the name under which the development of VRML is continued. X3D is based on XML and is backwards (154) with VRML. Furthermore, it is componentized, profiled, and extensible, which makes it possible to use X3D in very different (155) , from high-end visualizations to lightweight applications.6. A. link B. format C. structure D. procedure7. A. subject B. object C. dimensions D. disconnection8. A. broad B. implicit C. explicit D. special9. A. imconsistent B. independentC. applicableD. compatible10. A. scenarios B. placesC. applicationsD. programsDeveloping reliable software on time and within (106) represents a difficult endeavor for many organizations.Usually business solutions have three main aspects: people, (107) , and technology. The main reason for failing software projects has little to do with .technology and tools, and much to do with lack of process (108) . Experience has shown that introducing new technology and tools in an immature or undisciplined environment is likely to increase the chaos. CASE tools are not enough. "A fool with a tool is still a fool!"Structured method was the first wave of the software industry. This was the beginning of transforming software development from a" (109) industry to mass production. Software process movement if the second wave in the software industry. The process maturity movement prepares the way for the third wave of the software industry: "software industrialization". Software development will become like an assembly and manufacturing process. A critical enabling factor is a disciplined software engineering process with predictable quality, (110) and functionality.11. A. forecast B. preparationC. budgetD. economy12. A. process B. skillC. organizationD. interface13. A. law B. disciplineC. planD. evaluation14. A. college B. familyC. workshopD. cottage15. A. plan B. scheduleC. effortD. productYou want to use the Web to let (76) users or your customers look (77) corporate information. But you want to keep installation at the user end (78) and you don't want just. (79) to get (80) your databases. That may be where an application server enters the picture. For more user machine independent, these software packages, typically written in the (81) programming language for use on Windows (82) -based systems, act as go-betweens (83) browser-equipped end users to the databases that (84) the information they need to (85) .16. A. informer B. internal C. inside D. outside17. A. at B. by C. in D. out18. A. simple B. simply C. single D. singly19. A. any B. anyone C. anything D. anywhere20. A. into B. off C. onto D. out21. A. C B. C++ C. SQL D. Java22. A. NC B. NT C. PC D. PT23. A. link B. linkage C. linking D. links24. A. held B. helt C. hold D. holt25. A. access B. accessing C. assert D. assertingThe heat generated by the operating system war between rivals IBM Corp. and Microsoft Corp. is (21) .Windows 95 and OS/2 introduce a new (22) . Both systems claim to multitask legacy DOS and 16-bit Windows applications. However, only OS/2 can provide full memory (crash) protection for these legacy applications because it is capable of running each DOS and Windows application within its full-protected memory address space.Windows 95 will run all current Windows applications in the same shared- memory address space, affording full memory protection only to the (23) 32-bit Windows 95 applications. In other word, Windows 95 users will have to (24) their current Windows applications to Windows 95 version to match the memory protection OS/2 now delivers.While OS/2 does afford superior memory protection and multitasking for legacy DOS and Windows applications, it will not be able to run any Windows 95 applications. IBM may address this (25) in an update of the OS but has no present plans to do so.26. A. intensify B. intensified C. intensifying D. intensifies27. A. place B. environment C. condition D. action28. A. old B. big C. new D. original29. A. upgrade B. upstair C. downstair D. downgrade30. A. mistake B. advantage C. benefit D. **ingPublic Key Infrastructure (PKI) service providers offer organizations fully integrated PKI-managed services designed to secure Intranet, Extranet, Virtual Private Network (VPN), and e-commerce applications. PKI solutions can enable a number of security services, including strong authentication and non-repudiation of transactions.eToken enables the users of PKI systems to generate and store (101) and digital certificates inside the token, creating a secure environment and allowing full portability and maximum ease of use. eToken Pro can also perform sensitive on-chip (102) operations, ensuring that users' keys axe never exposed to the PC environment, eToken eliminates the need to store (103) and keys on a hard disk or browser file, or to transmit them across the Internet/Extranet; assuring peace-of-mind and confidence during **munications.A digital signature is created using the private key of an individual to ensure the V alidity of his request. This technology can be used to guarantee (104) of various transactions. The strength of either the authentication level or the digital signature relies on the level of protection offered to the private key. eToken Pro offers the maximum level of security, since it enables the use of the private key for signing and authenticating inside the eToken.The most secure use of authentication involves enclosing at least one certificate with every signed message. The message (105) verifies the certificate using the CA's public key. If thesender's public key is legitimate, the recipient verifies the message's signature. Digital signatures created with a private key are verified with the digital certificate containing the public key.31. A. messages B. certificatesC. appletsD. passwords32. A. conformance B. conferenceC. non-repudiationD. secrecy33. A. recipient B. writerC. senderD. browser34. A. private keys B. public keysC. authentication codesD. message digests35. A. interpretation B. detectionC. encryptionD. translationWhen the system upon which a transport entity is running fails and subsequently restarts, the (136) information of all active connections is lost. The affected connections become half-open, as the side that did not fail does not yet realize the problem.The still active side of a half-open connections can close the connection using a (137) timer. This timer measures the time the transport machine will continue to await an (138) of a transmitted segment after the segment has been retransmitted the maximum number of times. When the timer (139) , the transport entity assumes that either the other transport entity or the intervening network has failed. As a result, the timer closes the connection, and signals an abnormal close to the TS user.In the event that a transport entity fails and quickly restarts, half-open connections can be terminated more quickly by the use of the RST segment, the failed side returns an RST i to every segment i that it receives, when the RST i reaches the other side, it must be checked for validity based on the (140) number i, as the RST could be in response to an old segment, if the reset is valid, the transport entity performs an abnormal termination.36. A. data B. state C. signal D. control37. A. give-up B. abandon C. quit D. connection38. A. reset B. acknowledgment C. sequence D. synchroizer39. A. stops B. restarts C. expires D. abandons40. A. sequence B. acknowledgment C. connection D. message。



碳中和英文介绍1Carbon neutrality is an incredibly important concept in today's world! It refers to achieving a balance between the amount of greenhouse gases produced and the amount removed from the atmosphere. The significance of carbon neutrality cannot be overstated! Look at the current state of global climate change. Rising temperatures, melting glaciers, and more frequent extreme weather events are all alarming signs. This is why carbon neutrality is so crucial! It is the key to alleviating the immense pressure on our environment.Some countries have taken effective policies and measures to achieve carbon neutrality. For instance, some have invested heavily in renewable energy sources like solar and wind power. They have also promoted energy efficiency in industries and buildings. Isn't it inspiring to see these efforts? Moreover, they have implemented strict regulations on emissions and encouraged public transportation and cycling. These measures not only contribute to reducing carbon emissions but also create a sustainable future for generations to come.In conclusion, achieving carbon neutrality is not just a goal; it is an urgent necessity for the well-being of our planet and all living beings on it. How can we not strive for it with all our might?Carbon neutrality is an incredibly important and challenging goal for our planet! How can we achieve it? One key approach is the widespread promotion of renewable energy applications. Take solar and wind power for instance. They are clean and sustainable, but there are significant technical and cost issues to overcome. The efficiency of solar panels needs to be improved, and the storage of energy generated by wind turbines remains a complex problem. How can we solve these?Another aspect is the transformation of traditional energy sources. Shifting from fossil fuels like coal and oil to cleaner alternatives is no easy task. The infrastructure for traditional energy is deeply established, and the costs and disruption of change can be substantial. But we must do it! We need to invest heavily in research and development to find more efficient and economical solutions.The journey towards carbon neutrality is full of difficulties and uncertainties. But can we give up? No! We must persevere and find innovative ways to make our planet a better place. It's not just a responsibility, it's an opportunity to create a sustainable future for generations to come. So, let's act now and strive towards this noble goal with all our might!Carbon neutrality is a revolutionary concept that is transforming various industries! It aims to balance the amount of carbon dioxide emissions with its removal from the atmosphere. Let's take the transportation industry as an example. The electrification of transportation is a key step towards carbon neutrality. Electric vehicles are becoming more and more popular, but there are challenges too! The construction of charging facilities is a major issue. How can we ensure there are enough charging stations to meet the demand? Another industry, manufacturing, is also making great efforts to reduce carbon emissions. They are improving production processes, using more energy-efficient technologies and materials. But questions remain. How can we ensure these efforts are sustainable and scalable? And what about the cost implications for businesses? The impact of carbon neutrality on industries is profound and complex. It requires innovation, collaboration, and a long-term commitment. But isn't it worth it for a sustainable future? We must keep striving to achieve this important goal and create a better world for generations to come!4Oh my goodness! The topic of carbon neutrality is of utmost significance in today's world. It's not just a matter for big industries orgovernments; it concerns each and every one of us!Let's think about our daily lives. For instance, choosing green transportation like cycling or using public transport instead of driving alone can make a huge difference! Can you imagine the reduction in carbon emissions that would result from such simple choices? And saving electricity is another vital aspect. Turning off lights when not in use, using energy-efficient appliances – these are small actions that accumulate into a significant impact.Let me tell you about some amazing environmental volunteers. They devote their time and energy to promoting carbon neutrality. They organize community events to raise awareness, encourage people to adopt eco-friendly habits, and even participate in tree-planting activities. Isn't it inspiring?We all have a role to play in achieving carbon neutrality. It's our responsibility to make conscious choices and take actions that contribute to a sustainable future. So, let's not wait any longer! Let's act now and make our planet a better place for generations to come. How wonderful it would be if we all do our part!5Carbon neutrality is not just a buzzword; it is a revolutionary concept that is reshaping the economic landscape. How does it relate to economic development? Let's explore!The emerging carbon trading market is a prime example of its positive impact. It provides a platform for businesses to trade carbon credits, driving economic growth and innovation. Imagine companies investing in clean energy projects to earn credits and sell them to those in need. Isn't it fascinating? This not only reduces emissions but also creates new economic opportunities.Many enterprises are also pioneering innovative business models in their pursuit of carbon neutrality. Take a tech company that develops energy-efficient software solutions for industries. By helping these industries reduce their carbon footprint, they not only contribute to the environment but also gain a competitive edge and attract investors.However, there are challenges too. The transition requires significant upfront investments. But isn't it worth it for a sustainable future? We must ask ourselves, are we ready to embrace these changes and seize the opportunities that carbon neutrality brings? The answer is a resounding yes! It is the key to a prosperous and eco-friendly economy.。



软件工程英语文档:Documents软件工具:Software Tools工具箱:Tool Box集成工具:Integrated Tool软件工程环境:Software Engineering Environment传统:Conventional经典:Classical解空间:Solution Domain问题空间:Problem Domain清晰第一,效率第二Clarity the first, Efficiency the next. 设计先于编码Design before coding使程序的结构适合于问题的结构Make the program fit the problem开发伴随复用,开发为了复用Development with reuse, Development for reuse.靠度量来管理:Management by Measurement软件度量学:Software Metrics 软件经济学:Software Economics软件计划WHY软件分析WHAT软件实现HOW软件生存周期过程的开发标准Standard for Developing Software Life Cycle Process 软件开发模型:Software Development Model编码员:Coder瀑布模型:Waterfall Model快速原型模型:Rapid Prototype Model增量模型:Incremental Model 线性思维:Linear Thinking演化模型:Evolutionary Model 螺旋模型:Spiral Model对象:Object类:Class继承:Inheritance聚集:Aggregation消息:Message面向对象=对象Object+分类Classification+继承Inheritance+消息通信Communication with Messages 构件集成模型:Component Integration Model转换模型:Transformational Model净室软件工程:Cleanroom Software Engineering净室模型:Cleanroom Model软件需求规格说明书:Software RequirementSpecification ,SRS分析模型:Analysis Model便利的应用规约技术:Facilitated Application SpecificationTechniques ,FAST结构化语言:Structured Language判定树:Decision Tree基数:Cardinality事件轨迹:Event Trace对象-关系Object-Relationsship结构化分析:SA(Structured Analysis)由顶向下,逐步细化 Top-Down Stepwise Refinement面向对象分析:Object-Oriented Analysis包含:Contains临近:Is Next To传到:Transmits to来自:Acquires from管理:Manages控制:Controls组成:Is Composed of细化:Refinement抽象:Abstraction模块:Module策略:Strategy信息隐藏:Information Hiding 数据封装:Data Encapsulation 抽象数据类型:Abstract Data type模块化设计:Modular Design 分解:Decomposition模块性:Modularity单模块软件:Monolithic Software模块独立性:Module Independence内聚:Cohesion偶然性内聚:Coincidental Cohesion逻辑性内聚:Logical Cohesion 时间性内聚:Temporal Cohesion 过程性内聚: Procedural Cohesion通信性内聚: Communicational Cohesion顺序性内聚:Sequential Cohesion功能性内聚:Functional Cohesion非直接偶合:No Direct Coupling 数据偶合:Data Coupling特征偶合:Stamp Coupling控制偶合:Control Coupling 外部偶合:External Coupling 公共偶合:Common Coupling内容偶合: Content Coupling 由底向上设计:Bottom-Up Design自顶向下设计:Top-Down Design 正式复审:Formal Review非正式复审:Informal Review 走查,排练:Walk-Through会审:Inspection映射:Mapping传入路径:Afferent path传出路径:Efferent path变换中心:Transform Center 接受路径:Reception path动作路径:Action path事务中心:Transaction Center 分支分解:Factoring of Brandches瓮形:oval-shaped一个模块的控制域:Scope of Control一个模块的作用域:Scope of Effect结构化程序设计:Structured Programming通心面程序:Bowl of Spaghetti 流程图:Flow Diagram编码:Coding方框图:Block DiagramPDL (Pidgin):Program Design Language伪代码:Pseudo CodeJSD:Jackson System Development对象建模技术:Object Modeling Technique 基础设施:Infrastructure控制线程:Thread of Control 保护者对象:Guardian Object 协议:protocolUML:Unified Modeling Language OMG:Object Management Group 统一方法:Unified Method关联:Association泛化:Generalization依赖:Dependency结点:Node接口:Interface包:Package注释: Note特化:Specialization元元模型:Meta-Meta Model用户模型:User Model静态图:Static Diagram动态图:Dynamic Diagram用例视图:Use Case View逻辑视图:Logical View并发视图:Concurrent View构件视图:Component View实现模型视图:Implementation Model View部署视图:Deployment View航向:Navigability重数:Multiplicity共享聚集:Shared Aggregation 组合:Composition泛化:Generalization简单消息:Simple Message同步消息:Synchronous Message 异步消息:Asynchronous Message事件说明:Event_Signature守卫条件:Guard_Condition动作表达式:Action_Expression 发送子句:Send_Clause时序图:Sequence Diagram协作图:Collaboration Diagram 前缀:Predecessor循环子句:Iteration-Clause 活动图:Activity Diagram 构件图:Component Diagram配置图:Deployment Diagram 建模过程指导(RUP):Rational Unified Process可执行代码:Executalbe Codes 实现:Implementation编码风格:Coding Style标准:Classical控制流的直线性:Linearity of Control Flow程序风格设计要素:先求正确后求快 Make it right before you make it faster. 先求清楚后求快 Make it clear before you make it faster. 求快不忘保持程序正确 Keep it right when you make it faster. 保持程序简单以求快 Keep it simple to make it faster.书写清楚,不要为“效率”牺牲清楚Write clearly-don't sacrifice clarity for"efficiency"文档化:Code Documentation 内部文档编制:Internal Documentation序言:Prologue用户友善:User Friendly纠错:Debugging测试用例:Test Case穷举测试:Exhaustive Testing 选择测试:Selective Testing 静态分析:Static Analysis黑盒测试:Black Box Testing 白盒测试:White Box Testing 等价分类:Equivalence Partioning边界值分析法:Boundary Value Analysis所谓猜错:Error Guessing因果图:Cause-Effect Graph逻辑覆盖测试法:Logic Coverage Testing试凑:Trial and Error 回溯:Back Tracking病因排除法:Cause Elimination 测试纠错:Debugging by Testing 蛮力纠错技术:Debugging by Brute Force回归测试:Regression Testing 单元测试:Unit Testing综合测试:Integration Testing 确认测试: Validation Testing 系统测试:System Testing模块测试:Module Testing高级测试:Higher order Testing 不可达的:Unreachable办公桌检查:Desk Check走查:Walk-Through代码会审:Code Inspection测试驱动模块:Test Driver测试桩模块:Test Stub群:Cluster混合方式测试:Sandwich Testing渐增式测试:IncrementalTesting非渐增式:Non-Incremental配置复审:Configuration Review测试终止标准:Test Completion Criteria基于线程的测试:Thread-Based Testing基于使用:Use-Based基于构件的软件开发:Component Based Software Development ,CBSD领域工程:Domain Engineering 需求规约:Requirements Specification变体:Variant组件对象模型,COM:Componet Object Model对象链接与嵌入:Object Linking and Embedding公共对象请求代理体系结构,CORBA:Common Object Request Broker Architecture枚举分类:Enumerater Classification呈面分类:Faceted Classification属性-值分类:Attribute-Value Classification应用系统工程,ASE:Application System Engineering完善性维护:Perfective Maintenance适应性维护:Adaptive Maintenance纠错性维护:Corrective Maintenance预防性维护:Preventive Maintenance结构化的翻新:Structured Retrofit可维护性:Maintainability可理解性:Understandability 可修改性:Modifiability可测试性:Testability调用图:Call Graph交差引用表:Cross-Reference Directory数据封装技术:Data Encapsulation维护申请单MRF:Maintenance Request Form软件问题报告单SPR:Software Problem Report软件修改报告单SCR: Software Change Report修改控制组CCB:Change Control Board软件配置:Software Configuration版本控制库:Version Control Library活动比:Activity Ratio工作量调节因子EAF:Effort Adjustment Factor软件再工程:Software Reengineering逆向工程:Reverse Engineering 重构:Restructure演化性:Evolvability问题定义:Problem Definition 系统目标与范围的说明:Statement of Scope and Objectives可行性研究:Feasibility Study 系统流程图:System Flowchart 成本-效益分析:Cost-Benifit Analysis风险识别:Risk Identification 风险预测:Risk Projection风险估计:Risk Estimation风险评价:Risk Assessment估算模型:Estimation Model 资源模型:Resource Model构造性成本模型:Constructive cost Model组织:Organic半独立:Semidetached嵌入:Embeded算法模型:Algorithmic Model 分类活动结构图WBS:Work Breakdown Structure人员-时间权衡定律People-Time Trade-Off Law无我小组:Egoless Team主程序员小组:Chief-Programmer Team PERT:Program Evaluation and Review Technique关键路径:Critical Path知识产权:Intellectual Property靠质量来管理:Management by Measurement质量保证:Quality Assurance 质量认证: Quality Certification质量检验:Quality Inspection 全面质量管理TQC:Total Quality Control 质量体系:Quality System计划-实施-检查-措施Plan-Do-Check-Acti on合格论证:Conformity Certification可靠性:Reliability效率:Efficiency运行工程:Human Engineering 正确性:Correctness使用性:Usability完整性:Integrity可理解性:Understandability 可测试性:Testability可修改性:Modifiability可移植性:Portability可维护性:Maintainability可适应性:Flexibility可重用性:Reusability交互操作性:Interoperability 验证与确认:Verification and Validation ,V&V基线:Baselines平均故障时间:Mean Time To Failure ,MTTF错误传入:Error Seeding冗余:Redundancy容错:Fault Tolerance公理化归纳断言法:Axio-Matic Inductive Assertion循环不变式:Loop Invariant 能力成熟度模型:Capability Maturity Model关键过程域:Key Process Area ,KPA关键实践:Key Practice初始级:Initial可重复级:Repeatable已定义级:Defined已管理级:Managed优化级:Optimizing主任评估师:Lead Assessor极值程序设计:Extreme Programming 自适应软件开发:Adaptive Software Development轻载:Light weight重载:Heavy Weight返工:Rework进度:Schedule时间:Duration成本:Cost代码行LOC:Lines of Code面向功能:Function-Oriented 面向规模: Size-Oriented功能点:Function Points权系数:Weighting Coefficient 用户输入:User Input用户输出: User Output用户查询: User Inquirty主文件处理:Master File外部界面:External Interface TCF:Technical Complexity Factor 技术复杂性因子测度:Measurement最终用户:End-User;计算机辅助软件工程CASE:Computer Aided Software Engineering拉出:pull-out下拉: pull-down一致性:Unification自动化:Automation过程模型:Process Model软件开发环境SDE:Software Development Environment软件设计支持环境PSE:Programming Support Environment集成化项目支持IPSE:Integrated Project Support Environment集成化框架:Integration Framework 质量从头抓起:Quality from Beginning缺陷:Defect变更请求:Change Request功能扩充:Enhancement Request。


















简化根本复杂性,消除偶发复杂性根本复杂性(essential complexity)指的是问题与生俱来的、无法避免的困难。



与之相反,偶发复杂性(accidental complexity)是人们解决根本复杂性的过程中衍生的。






2023年四级试卷6月份试卷一、写作(15%)题目: On the Importance of Lifelong Learning。

要求:1. 阐述终身学习的重要性。

2. 应包含具体的理由和事例。

3. 字数不少于120字,不多于180字。

二、听力理解(35%)Section A.Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).News Report 1.1. What is the main topic of this news report?A) A new scientific discovery.B) A major environmental project.C) A change in government policy.D) An international cultural event.2. How will this event/development affect the local area?A) It will create more job opportunities.B) It will cause some environmental problems.C) It will increase the cost of living.D) It will change the local traffic system.News Report 2.3. What has been found in the recent study?A) A new type of plant species.B) A link between diet and disease.C) A method to improve air quality.D) A solution to water shortage.4. What does the speaker suggest people do?A) Change their eating habits.B) Do more exercise.C) Use less electricity.D) Plant more trees.News Report 3.5. What is the purpose of the new law?A) To protect consumers' rights.B) To promote economic development.C) To regulate the real estate market.D) To encourage innovation in business.6. Who will be most affected by this new law?A) Small - business owners.B) Real estate developers.C) Ordinary consumers.D) High - tech companies.Section B.Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).Conversation 1.7. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A) Their travel plans.B) Their work schedules.C) Their study progress.D) Their family members.8. Where does the man want to go?A) Paris.B) London.C) New York.D) Sydney.9. Why does the woman prefer another place?A) She has been there before.B) She has friends there.C) She likes the local food.D) She wants to visit some museums.10. When will they make a final decision?A) Tonight.B) Tomorrow.C) Next week.D) Next month.Conversation 2.11. What is the man's job?A) A teacher.B) A doctor.C) A salesman.D) An engineer.12. What problem does the man have at work?A) He has too much paperwork.B) He has to work overtime frequently.C) He has difficulty in communicating with colleagues.D) He has to deal with difficult customers.13. How does the woman suggest the man solve his problem?A) By taking some training courses.B) By asking for help from his boss.C) By changing his job.D) By learning some communication skills.14. What will the man probably do next?A) Look for a new job.B) Talk to his boss.C) Sign up for a course.D) Practice communication skills.Section C.Directions: In this section, you will hear three passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).Passage 1.15. What is the passage mainly about?A) The history of a famous university.B) The development of modern education.C) The importance of a liberal arts education.D) The challenges in higher education.16. What can students learn from a liberal arts education?A) Specialized knowledge in a certain field.B) Practical skills for future jobs.C) Critical thinking and communication skills.D) Knowledge about different cultures.17. Why are some people against liberal arts education?A) It is too expensive.B) It is not practical.C) It takes too much time.D) It has too many requirements.18. What does the speaker think of liberal arts education?A) It should be reformed.B) It is still valuable.C) It is out - of - date.D) It needs more support.Passage 2.19. What is the main topic of this passage?A) The benefits of reading books.B) The popularity of e - books.C) The future of the publishing industry.D) The influence of the Internet on reading.20. How has the Internet affected reading?A) It has made reading more convenient.B) It has reduced people's reading time.C) It has changed the way people read.D) It has increased the variety of reading materials.21. What are the advantages of e - books?A) They are cheaper.B) They are more portable.C) They can be easily updated.D) All of the above.22. What does the speaker predict about the future of reading?A) Traditional books will disappear.B) E - books will replace traditional books completely.C) People will read more in the future.D) There will be a combination of different reading forms.Passage 3.23. What is the passage mainly about?A) A new technology in transportation.B) The problems in urban traffic.C) The development of self - driving cars.D) The impact of traffic on the environment.24. What are the advantages of self - driving cars?A) They can reduce traffic accidents.B) They can save energy.C) They can improve traffic efficiency.D) All of the above.25. What are the challenges in developing self - driving cars?A) Technical problems.B) Legal and ethical issues.C) High cost.D) All of the above.三、阅读理解(35%)Section A.Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices givenin a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the word bank is identified by a letter. You may not use any of the words in the word bank more than once.The Internet of Things (IoT)The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique _(26)_ and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human - to - human or human - to - computer interaction.The IoT allows objects to be sensed or controlled remotely across existing network infrastructure, creating opportunities for more direct integration of the physical world into computer - based systems, and resulting in improved _(27)_, accuracy and economic benefit in addition to reduced human intervention.Each thing is uniquely _(28)_ through its embedded computing system but is able to interoperate within the existing Internet infrastructure. Experts estimate that the IoT will consist of about 30 billion objects by 2020. It is expected to offer advanced connectivity of devices, systems, and services that goes _(29)_ machine - to - machine (M2M) communications and covers a variety of protocols, domains, and applications.The IoT has evolved from the convergence of wireless technologies, micro - electro - mechanical systems (MEMS) and the Internet. A thing, in the IoT sense, can be a person with a heart monitor implant, a farm animal with a biochip transponder, an automobile that has built - in sensors to_(30)_ tire pressure, or any other natural or man - made object that can be assigned an IP address and is able to transfer data over a network.So far, the IoT has been most _(31)_ in the manufacturing, transportation, and utility industries. However, it has also been appliedin areas such as healthcare, building automation, and home automation. For example, in healthcare, IoT devices can be used to monitor patients' vital signs remotely, allowing doctors to _(32)_ patients more effectively. In home automation, IoT devices can be used to control lighting, heating, and security systems, providing homeowners with greater convenience and energy _(33)_.Despite its many potential benefits, the IoT also poses some challenges. One of the main challenges is security. Since IoT devices are often connected to the Internet, they are vulnerable to _(34)_ attacks. Another challenge is privacy. The IoT generates a large amount of data about individuals and their activities, which raises concerns about how this data is collected, stored, and used.In conclusion, the IoT is a rapidly growing technology that has the potential to transform many aspects of our lives. However, in order tofully realize its potential, we need to address the challenges associated with it, such as security and privacy.Word Bank:A) identified.B) efficiency.C) beyond.D) monitor.E) widely.F) identifiers.G) treat.H) savings.I) cyber.J) applied.Section B.Directions: In this section, you will read several passages. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best answer.Passage 1.The concept of "time poverty" has emerged as a significant issue in modern society. Time poverty refers to the feeling of having too little time to accomplish all of one's tasks and obligations. This can lead to stress, burnout, and a decreased quality of life.One of the main causes of time poverty is the increasing demands of work. In many industries, employees are expected to work longer hours and be more productive. This often means sacrificing personal time for work - related activities. For example, a software engineer may be required to work overtime to meet project deadlines, leaving little time for family or hobbies.Another factor contributing to time poverty is the complexity of modern life. There are more tasks and responsibilities to manage than ever before. For instance, in addition to working, people may have to take care of children, manage household chores, and engage in community activities.The rise of technology has also had an impact on time poverty. While technology has made some tasks easier and more efficient, it has also created new time - consuming activities. For example, people may spend hours each day checking social media or answering emails.To combat time poverty, individuals can take several steps. First, they can prioritize their tasks and focus on the most important ones. This may involve saying no to non - essential activities. Second, they can learn to delegate tasks to others, whether it be at work or at home. Finally, they can make use of time - management techniques, such as creating schedules and setting deadlines for themselves.35. What is the main idea of this passage?A) The causes and solutions of time poverty.B) The negative effects of time poverty.C) The relationship between work and time poverty.D) The impact of technology on time poverty.36. Which of the following is NOT a cause of time poverty?A) Long working hours.B) Complex modern life.C) The use of time - management techniques.D) Technology - related activities.37. What can be inferred from the passage about the software engineer?A) He enjoys working overtime.B) He has a high - quality life.C) He may suffer from time poverty.D) He is good at managing his time.38. According to the passage, how can people deal with time poverty?A) By increasing their work productivity.B) By reducing their personal responsibilities.C) By following the suggestions in the passage.D) By relying more on technology.Passage 2.In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards urban farming. Urban farming is the practice of growing food in urban areas, such as on rooftops, in vacant lots, or in community gardens.There are several reasons for the popularity of urban farming. First, it provides a source of fresh, healthy food in urban areas where access to fresh produce may be limited. Second, it can help to reduce the environmental impact of food production. For example, urban farms can reduce the need for long - distance transportation of food, which in turn reduces carbon emissions. Third, urban farming can be a community -building activity. It brings people together to work towards a common goal and can create a sense of community pride.However, urban farming also faces some challenges. One challenge is the lack of space. Urban areas are often densely populated, and findingsuitable land for farming can be difficult. Another challenge is the lack of knowledge and experience among urban farmers. Many people who areinterested in urban farming may not have the necessary agricultural knowledge or experience to be successful.Despite these challenges, the future of urban farming looks promising. As more people become aware of the benefits of urban farming, there is likely to be more support for it. This support could come in the form of government policies, such as providing subsidies for urban farmers or making it easier to obtain permits for urban farming activities.39. What is the passage mainly about?A) The definition and benefits of urban farming.B) The challenges and future of urban farming.C) The reasons for the popularity of urban farming.D) All of the above.40. Which of the following is a benefit of urban farming?A) It increases carbon emissions.B) It provides a sense of community pride.C) It requires a lot of agricultural knowledge.D) It is only suitable for large - scale production.41. What are the challenges in urban farming?A) Lack of space and knowledge.B) High cost and lack of support.C) Competition from rural farmers.D) Unfavorable weather conditions.42. What can be inferred from the passage about the future of urban farming?A) It will face more challenges.B) It will become less popular.C) It will receive more support.D) It will be replaced by rural farming.Section C.Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best answer.Passage 1.A new study has found that people who are bilingual have better cognitive control than those who are monolingual. Cognitive control refers to the ability to focus attention, inhibit distractions, and switch between tasks.The study involved two groups of participants: bilinguals and monolinguals. The bilinguals were individuals who spoke two languages fluently, while the monolinguals spoke only one language.The researchers used a series of tests to measure cognitive control in both groups. One of the tests was the Stroop test, which measures theability to inhibit distractions. In this test, participants were shown words that were printed in different colors. They were asked to name thecolor of the word, not the word itself. For example, if the word "red" was printed in blue ink, they were supposed to say "blue".The results of the study showed that the bilinguals performed better on the cognitive control tests than the monolinguals. The researchers believe that this is because bilinguals are constantly switching between two languages, which requires more cognitive control.This finding has important implications for education. It suggests that learning a second language may improve cognitive control in students. This could lead to better academic performance, as cognitive control is an important factor in learning.43. What is the main topic of this passage?A) The differences between bilinguals and monolinguals.B) The importance of cognitive control.C) The benefits of being bilingual.D) The results of a new study.44. How did the researchers measure cognitive control?A) By asking participants to speak two languages.B) By using the Stroop test and other tests.C) By comparing the academic performance of participants.D) By observing participants' daily language use.45. Why did the bilinguals perform better on the cognitive control tests?A) Because they are more intelligent.B) Because they have more language knowledge.C) Because they are constantly switching languages.D) Because they are more focused.46. What can be inferred from the passage about education?A) Monolingual students should learn a second language.B) Bilingual students always have better academic performance.C) Cognitive control is not important in education.D) The study has no implications for education.Passage 2.The sharing economy has emerged as a significant economic trend in recent years. The sharing economy refers to the economic model in which individuals share their resources, such as cars, homes, or skills, with others through online platforms.One of the most well - known examples of the sharing economy is ride - sharing services like Uber and Lyft. These services allow individuals to share their cars with others who need a ride. Another example is home - sharing services like Airbnb, which allow homeowners to rent out their homes or rooms to travelers.The sharing economy has several benefits. First, it can make more efficient use of resources. For example, a car that is.。


形式(Format) 期望回答的语言 expected response 反应(Reactivity) 范围(Scope of relationship) 直接程度 Directness of relationsh
托福 2000任务特征模型
¡ 这一框架不仅适用于描述现实生活中的语言 使用任务,也能够描述测试任务。就是说该 框架包含的五个方面是所有任务(语言使用 任务和测试任务)的共同特征。从这个框架 入手分析某一语言测试的任务,可以比较客 观、全面地了解该测试的任务特征
¡ Instructions: language (native, target)
Channel (aural, visual) Specification of procedures & tasks
¡ Structure: Number of parts/tasks
Salience of parts/tasks Sequence of parts/tasks Relative importance of parts/tasks Number of tasks/items per part
¡ 美国教育考试服务中心(EducationalTesting Service,ETS 于 2000 年 4 月发表了一系列关于新托福的工作报告,包括 托福 2000 的整体框架、听力框架和阅读框架。
¡ 这些框架中对测试任务的描述大都基于 Bachman 和 Palmer (1996)提出的语言使用任务特征框架,并在此基础,将框 架简化为环境、文本材料和测试规则三部分。
¡ 环境指语言使用的环境。 ¡ 文本材料包括考生在测试时所面临的听力、阅读、口语和写
作任务。 ¡ 测试规则包括试题与指令、答题方式以及评分标准。详见下



英语软件对我们的影响作文Title: The Impact of English Learning Software on Our Lives。

In recent years, English learning software has become increasingly prevalent, revolutionizing the way we acquire language skills. This technology has brought about significant changes in how we approach language learning, affecting various aspects of our lives. In this essay, we will explore the profound influence of English learning software on individuals and society as a whole.First and foremost, English learning software has democratized access to language education. Unliketraditional classroom settings, which may be inaccessible or impractical for many individuals due to factors such as location, cost, or time constraints, English learning software offers a flexible and convenient alternative. With just a computer or smartphone and an internet connection, anyone can access a wealth of language learning resourcesanytime, anywhere. This accessibility has empowered individuals from diverse backgrounds to pursue language proficiency on their own terms, thereby breaking down barriers to education and fostering greater inclusivity.Moreover, English learning software has personalized the language learning experience. Through advanced algorithms and adaptive learning technologies, these programs tailor content and exercises to the individual needs and learning styles of users. By analyzing user data and performance metrics, software can identify strengths and weaknesses, track progress, and provide targeted feedback and recommendations for improvement. This personalized approach not only enhances learning efficiency but also boosts motivation and engagement, as users receive immediate gratification and a sense of accomplishment as they advance through the curriculum.Additionally, English learning software has enriched language acquisition with multimedia and interactive content. Unlike traditional textbooks and lectures, which often rely solely on written text or audio recordings,software platforms integrate a variety of multimedia elements, including videos, animations, games, and simulations. These immersive and interactive materials appeal to different learning preferences and stimulate multiple senses, facilitating deeper comprehension and retention of language concepts. Furthermore, multimedia content enhances cultural immersion by exposing learners to authentic language usage in real-world contexts, such as conversations, interviews, and cultural events, thereby promoting cross-cultural understanding and appreciation.Furthermore, English learning software has fostered a global community of language learners. Through online forums, social media groups, and virtual classrooms, users can connect with fellow learners and educators from around the world, regardless of geographical boundaries or time zones. This virtual community provides opportunities for collaboration, peer support, and cultural exchange, enriching the learning experience beyond mere linguistic proficiency. Moreover, the global reach of English learning software has facilitated international communication and collaboration in various fields, from business and academiato entertainment and diplomacy, fostering cross-cultural dialogue and cooperation on a global scale.However, despite its many benefits, English learning software also poses certain challenges and limitations. For instance, the quality and effectiveness of these programs can vary widely, depending on factors such as the expertise of developers, the comprehensiveness of content, and the appropriateness of instructional methods. Moreover, the reliance on technology may exacerbate disparities in access to education, particularly in regions with limited internet connectivity or technological infrastructure. Additionally, the lack of human interaction in virtual learning environments may hinder the development of interpersonal communication skills and cultural competencies, which are essential for meaningful cross-cultural engagement.In conclusion, English learning software has had a transformative impact on individuals and society, revolutionizing the way we learn and use language. By democratizing access to education, personalizing the learning experience, enriching content with multimedia, andfostering global community engagement, these programs have empowered learners to achieve greater linguisticproficiency and cultural competence. However, it is essential to recognize and address the challenges and limitations posed by these technologies to ensure equitable access to quality education and holistic language development for all. Ultimately, English learning software represents a powerful tool for advancing language education and promoting intercultural understanding in anincreasingly interconnected world.。



软件开发标准规范文档Software development standard specification documents are essential for ensuring consistency and quality in the development process. 软件开发标准规范文档对于确保开发过程中的一致性和质量至关重要。

First and foremost, these documents provide a clear set of guidelines and best practices for developers to follow. 首先,这些文档为开发人员提供了一套清晰的指南和最佳实践。

They help establish uniformity in coding, design, and testing, which is crucial for maintaining a stable and reliable software infrastructure.它们有助于确立在编码、设计和测试方面的统一性,这对于维护稳定可靠的软件基础设施至关重要。

By adhering to standard specifications, developers can minimize errors, reduce rework, and enhance the overall efficiency of the development process. 遵守标准规范,开发人员可以最大程度地减少错误,减少重复工作,并提高开发过程的整体效率。

Furthermore, these documents serve as a reference point for collaboration among team members, ensuring that everyone is on the same page regarding the development approach and requirements. 此外,这些文档还作为团队成员合作的参考点,确保所有人对开发方法和需求达成一致。

infrastructurelogging使用 -回复

infrastructurelogging使用 -回复

infrastructurelogging使用-回复Infrastructural Logging: A Comprehensive Guide to Implementing Effective Logging in Software SystemsIntroduction:As software systems become increasingly complex and distributed, the need for effective logging mechanisms becomes crucial. Logging, the practice of recording relevant information about the execution of a software system, provides valuable insights into system behavior, identifies and troubleshoots issues, and enables auditing and performance analysis. In this article, we will explore the concept of infrastructure logging, its benefits, and step-by-step instructions for implementing a robust logging solution in software systems.Benefits of Infrastructure Logging:1. Troubleshooting and Issue Identification: Logging allows developers and administrators to monitor system behavior, trace the flow of data and operations, and identify issues quickly. When a system encounters an error or failure, the logs provide valuablecontextual information about the root cause, making it easier to diagnose and fix problems.2. Performance Analysis and Optimization: Infrastructure logging can help identify performance bottlenecks and optimize system behavior. By recording relevant metrics, such as response times, resource utilization, and network latency, developers can analyze system performance, detect inefficiencies, and make informed decisions to enhance system responsiveness and scalability.3. Auditing and Compliance: Logging can be essential for auditing and compliance purposes, especially in regulated industries. Logs capture critical information about user actions, system access, and data modifications, enabling the identification of security breaches or compliance violations. In addition, well-documented logs can help prove regulatory compliance during audits.4. System Monitoring and Alerting: With the help of infrastructure logging, administrators and developers can set up monitoring and alerting systems. By defining specific log patterns or thresholds, notifications can be triggered when abnormal or critical events occur, ensuring proactive identification and resolution of potentialissues.Step-by-Step Implementation of Infrastructure Logging:1. Define Logging Requirements: Start by defining the logging requirements specific to your software system. Consider what information needs to be recorded, such as error messages, timestamps, user actions, or performance metrics. Additionally, determine the retention policy for logs, including how long they should be stored and at what granularity.2. Select a Logging Framework or Library: Choose a suitable logging framework or library that aligns with your programming language and system architecture. Popular options include Log4j (Java), Serilog (.NET), Winston (JavaScript), and Logback (Java). These frameworks offer features like log levels, log formatting, asynchronous logging, and integration with external services like Elasticsearch or Splunk.3. Design Log Structure and Schema: Decide on the structure and schema of your logs. This involves determining the fields or attributes to be included in each log entry, such as timestamp, loglevel, message, source file, and additional contextual information. It is crucial to establish a consistent format to facilitate easy parsing and analysis later on.4. Integrate Logging into Codebase: Integrate the chosen logging framework into your codebase. This typically involves adding the necessary configuration files, importing the required libraries, and instrumenting the code with logging statements. Encourage developers to log relevant information at appropriate locations, such as error handling blocks or significant method invocations.5. Implement Log Aggregation and Storage: Decide on a suitable strategy for log aggregation and storage. Depending on system requirements and scale, you can choose from options like storing logs locally, using a centralized logging server, or adoptingcloud-based logging services like Amazon CloudWatch or Google Cloud Logging. Ensure your log storage solution provides sufficient scalability, searchability, and retention capabilities.6. Set Up Log Monitoring and Alerting: Implement a log monitoring and alerting system to proactively identify and respond to critical events. Configure your logging framework or usededicated log monitoring tools to define patterns or thresholds for specific log entries. This way, alerts can be triggered when defined conditions are met, enabling administrators to take immediate action.Conclusion:Implementing effective infrastructure logging is vital for modern software systems. It allows for troubleshooting, performance analysis, auditing, and system monitoring, improving overall system stability, reliability, and security. By following thestep-by-step instructions provided in this article, you can establish a robust logging solution that meets the specific needs of your software system. Remember, a well-designed and properly implemented logging mechanism is key to obtaining valuable insights and maintaining a high-performing software system.。



About the T utorialChef is a configuration management technology developed by Opscode to manage infrastructure on physical or virtual machines. It is an open source developed using Ruby, which helps in managing complex infrastructure on the fly.This tutorial provides a basic understanding of the infrastructure and fundamental concepts of managing an infrastructure using Chef.AudienceThis tutorial has been prepared for those who want to understand the features and functionality of Chef and how Chef can help in reducing the complexity of managing an infrastructure.After completing this tutorial one would have moderate level understanding of Chef and its key building blocks. It will also give a fair idea on how to configure Chef in a preconfigured infrastructure and how to use it.PrerequisitesWe assume anyone who wants to learn Chef should have an understanding of system administration, infrastructure and network protocol communication. To automate the infrastructure provisioning, one should have a command over basic Ruby script writing and the underlying system where one wants to use Chef.Copyright & DisclaimerCopyright 2017 by Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd.All the content and graphics published in this e-book are the property of Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd. The user of this e-book is prohibited to reuse, retain, copy, distribute or republish any contents or a part of contents of this e-book in any manner without written consent of the publisher.We strive to update the contents of our website and tutorials as timely and as precisely as possible, however, the contents may contain inaccuracies or errors. Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd. provides no guarantee regarding the accuracy, timeliness or completeness of our website or its contents including this tutorial. If you discover any errors on our website or in this tutorial, please notify us at **************************T able of ContentsAbout the Tutorial (i)Audience (i)Prerequisites (i)Copyright & Disclaimer (i)Table of Contents (ii)BASIC CHEF (1)1.Chef − Overview (2)Why Chef? (2)Features of Chef (2)Advantages of Chef (2)Disadvantages of Chef (3)Key Building Blocks of Chef (3)Chef − Related Technologies (5)2.Chef − Architecture (7)3.Chef – Version Control System Setup (9)4.Chef – Workstation Setup (11)On Windows Machine (11)On Linux Machine (11)5.Chef – Client Setup (13)Chef Client (13)Creating and Booting Virtual (13)6.Chef – Test Kitchen Setup (16)Test Kitchen Workflow (17)Creating a Cookbook Using Chef (17)Test Kitchen Configuration File (20)Running the Commands in Sequence (21)7.Chef – Knife Setup (24)8.Chef – Solo Setup (29)solo.rb Configuration (29)Running the Cookbook on the Node (30)9.Chef ─ Cookbooks (32)10.Chef – Cookbook Dependencies (37)11.Chef − Roles (39)12.Chef − Environment (41)13.Chef – Chef-Client as Daemon (44)14.Chef – Chef-Shell (45)15.Chef – Testing Cookbooks (48)16.Chef − Foodcritic (50)17.Chef − ChefSpec (52)18.Chef – Testing Cookbook with Test Kitchen (55)19.Chef – Nodes (59)20.Chef – Chef-Client Run (61)ADVANCED CHEF (64)21.Chef – Dynamically Configuring Recipes (65)22.Chef − Templates (67)23.Chef – Plain Ruby With Chef DSL (69)24.Chef – Ruby Gems with Recipes (71)25.Chef – Libraries (72)26.Chef − Definition (74)27.Chef – Environment Variable (76)28.Chef – Data Bags (78)29.Chef – Scripts for Data Bags (80)30.Chef – Cross-Platform Cookbooks (83)31.Chef − Resources (85)Available Resources (86)32.Chef – Lightweight Resource Provider (94)33.Chef − Blueprints (97)34.Chef – Files & Packages (100)35.Chef – Community Cookbooks (102)Basic Chef45Chef is an open source technology developed by Opscode. Adam Jacob, co-founder of Opscode is known as the founder of Chef. This technology uses Ruby encoding to develop basic building blocks like recipe and cookbooks. Chef is used in infrastructure automation and helps in reducing manual and repetitive tasks for infrastructure management.Chef have got its own convention for different building blocks, which are required to manage and automate infrastructure.Why Chef?Chef is a configuration management technology used to automate the infrastructure provisioning. It is developed on the basis of Ruby DSL language. It is used to streamline the task of configuration and managing the company’s server. It has the capability to get integrated with any of the cloud technology.In DevOps, we use Chef to deploy and manage servers and applications in-house and on the cloud.Features of ChefFollowing are the most prominent features of Chef:∙Chef uses popular Ruby language to create a domain-specific language. ∙ Chef does not make assumptions on the current status of a node. It uses its mechanisms to get the current status of machine.∙Chef is ideal for deploying and managing the cloud server, storage, and software. Advantages of ChefChef offers the following advantages:∙ Lower barrier for entry : As C hef uses native R uby language for configuration , astandard configuration language it can be easily picked up by anyone having some development experience.∙Excellent integration with cloud : Using the knife utility, it can be easily integrated with any of the cloud technologies. It is the best tool for an organization that wishes to distribute its infrastructure on multi-cloud environment.1.6Disadvantages of ChefSome of the major drawbacks of Chef are as follows:∙One of the huge disadvantages of Chef is the way cookbooks are controlled. It needs constant babying so that people who are working should not mess up with others cookbooks.∙Only Chef solo is available.∙In the current situation, it is only a good fit for AWS cloud.∙It is not very easy to learn if the person is not familiar with Ruby.∙Documentation is still lacking.Key Building Blocks of ChefRecipeIt can be defined as a collection of attributes which are used to manage the infrastructure. These attributes which are present in the recipe are used to change the existing state or setting a particular infrastructure node. They are loaded during Chef client run and comparted with the existing attribute of the node (machine). It then gets to the status which is defined in the node resource of the recipe. It is the main workhorse of the cookbook.CookbookA cookbook is a collection of recipes. They are the basic building blocks which get uploaded to Chef server. When Chef run takes place, it ensures that the recipes present inside it gets a given infrastructure to the desired state as listed in the recipe.ResourceIt is the basic component of a recipe used to manage the infrastructure with different kind of states. There can be multiple resources in a recipe, which will help in configuring and managing the infrastructure. For example -∙package: Manages the packages on a node∙service: Manages the services on a node∙user: Manages the users on the node∙group: Manages groups∙template: Manages the files with embedded Ruby template∙cookbook_file: Transfers the files from the files subdirectory in the cookbook to a location on the node7∙file: Manages the contents of a file on the node∙directory: Manages the directories on the node∙execute: Executes a command on the node∙cron: Edits an existing cron file on the nodeAttributeThey are basically settings. They can be thought of as a key value pair of anything which one wants to use in the cookbook. There are several different kinds of attributes that can be applied, with a different level of precedence over the final settings that the node operates under.FileIt’s a subdirectory within the cookbook that contains any static file which will be placed on the nodes that uses the cookbooks. A recipe then can be declared as a resource that moves the files from that directory to the final node.TemplatesThey are similar to files, but they are static. Template files end with the .ebr extension, which means they contain embedded Ruby. They are mainly used to substitute an attribute value into the files to create the final file version that will be placed on the node.Metadata.rbIt is used to manage the metadata about the package. This includes details like the name and details of the package. It also includes things such as dependency information that tells which cookbooks this cookbook needs to operate. This allows the Chef server to build the run-list of the node correctly and ensures that all of the pieces are transferred correctly.Default Cookbook Structure8Chef −hRelated T echnologiesFollowing is the list of Chef related technologies.PuppetPuppet provides a standard way of delivering and operating software, no matter where it runs. It is an automated administrative engine for Linux, Unix, and Windows system that performs administrative tasks based on centralized specification.The primary features of Puppet are as follows:∙Implementing new systems with a uniform configuration.∙Updating the systems and upgrading the security and software packages.∙Incorporating new features and adding dexterous capabilities.∙Customizing configurations for ensuring the availability of data sources.∙Optimizing the available resources and minimizing the cost.∙Simplifying the roles and enabling the team to focus on core and productive issues.∙Getting a bird’s eye view of the available infrastructure.AnsibleAnsible is a radically simple IT automation platform that makes your applications and systems easier to deploy. Avoid writing scripts or custom code to deploy and update your applications — automate in a language that approaches plain English, using SSH, with no agents to install on remote systems.The primary features of Ansible are as follows:∙Simple and easy to learn∙Written in Python9∙Agentless∙YAML-based Playbooks∙Ansible galaxySaltStackSaltStack is used for data-driven configuration. It is a new approach of infrastructure management built on dynamic communication bus. It is used for data-driven orchestration, remote execution for any infrastructure, and configuration management for any app stack. FabricFabric is a Python-based programming language, which is developed as an API of Python which needs to be imported in Python code in order to configure and manage an infrastructure.2.Chef works on a three-tier client server model wherein the working units such as cookbooks are developed on the Chef workstation. From the command line utilities such as knife, they are uploaded to the Chef server and all the nodes which are present in the architecture are registered with the Chef server.In order to get the working Chef infrastructure in place, we need to set up multiple things in sequence.In the above setup, we have the following components.Chef Workstation1011This is the location where all the configurations are developed. Chef workstation is installed on the local machine. Detailed configuration structure is discussed in the later chapters of this tutorial.Chef ServerThis works as a centralized working unit of Chef setup, where all the configuration files are uploaded post development. There are different kinds of Chef server, some are hosted Chef server whereas some are built-in premise.Chef NodesThey are the actual machines which are going to be managed by the Chef server. All the nodes can have different kinds of setup as per requirement. Chef client is the key component of all the nodes, which helps in setting up the communication between the Chef server and Chef node. The other components of Chef node is Ohai, which helps in getting the current state of any node at a given point of time.3.Using Version Control system is a fundamental part of infrastructure automation. There are multiple kinds of version control system such as SVN, CVS, and GIT. Due to the popularity of GIT among the Chef community, we will use the GIT setup.Note: Don’t think of building an infrastructure as a code without a version control system.On WindowsStep 1: Download the Windows installer from and follow the installation steps.Step 2: Sign up for a central repository on GitHub.Step 3: Upload the ssh key to the GitHub account, so that one can interact with it easily. For details on ssh key visit the following link https:///articles/generating-ssh-keys.Step 4: Finally create a repo on the github account by visiting https:///new with the name of chef-repo.Before actually starting to write a cookbook, one can set up an initial GIT repository on the development box and clone the empty repository provided by Opscode.Step 1: Download Opscode Chef repository empty structure.Step 2: Extract the tar ball.Step 3: Rename the directory.Step 4: Change the current working directory to chef repo.Step 5: Initialize a fresh get repo.13Step 6: Connect to your repo on the git hub.Step 7: Push the local repo to github.By using the above procedure, you will get an empty chef repo in place. You can then start working on developing the recipes and cookbooks. Once done, you can push the changes to the GitHub.4.Chef follows the concept of client-server architecture, hence in order to start working with Chef one needs to set up Chef on the workstation and develop the configuration locally. Later it can be uploaded to Chef server to make them working on the Chef nodes, which needs to be configured.Opscode provides a fully packaged version, which does not have any external prerequisites. This fully packaged Chef is called the omnibus installer.On Windows MachineStep 1: Download the setup .msi file of chefDK on the machine.Step 2: Follow the installation steps and install it on the target location.The setup will look as shown in the following screenshot.ChefDK Path VariableOn Linux MachineIn order to set up on the Linux machine, we need to first get curl on the machineStep 1: Once curl is installed on the machine, we need to install Chef on the workstation using O pscode’s omnibus Chef installer.1415Step 2: Install Ruby on the machine. Step 3: Add Ruby to path variable.The Omnibus Chef will install Ruby and all the required Ruby gems into /opt/chef/embedded by adding /opt/chef/embedded/bin directory to the .bash_profile file.If Ruby is already installed, then install the Chef Ruby gem on the machine by running the following command.16End of ebook previewIf you liked what you saw…Buy it from our store @ https://。

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Software Infrastructure for Language Resources:a Taxonomy of PreviousWork and a Requirements Analysis.Hamish Cunningham,Kalina Bontcheva,Valentin Tablan,Yorick WilksDepartment of Computer Science andInstitute for Language,Speech and Hearing,University of Sheffield,UKhamish,kalina,valyt,yorick@AbstractThis paper presents a taxonomy of previous work on infrastructures,architectures and development environments for representing and processing Language Resources(LRs),corpora,and annotations.This classification is then used to derive a set of requirements for a Software Architecture for Language Engineering(SALE).The analysis shows that a SALE should address common problems and support typical activities in the development,deployment,and maintenance of LE software.The results will be used in the next phase of construction of an infrastructure for LR production,distribution,and access.1.IntroductionThis paper reports work following from that discussed in the Distributing and Access-ing Language Resources workshop at the pre-vious conference in this series(LREC-11998; /hamish/dalr/). The paper addresses the provision of software infrastruc-ture for research and development of language resources and language processing software.It presents a wide range of references to literature in this area,and a set of require-ments that abstract from the work refered to.It is intended as a resource for workers in the area,and as a design step in the next phase of construction of an infrastructure for LR production,distribution and access.The paper begins with a description of what we mean by infrastructure, drawing on software engineering sources.Following a note on terminology relating to the common distinction between processing and data in language processing R&D, a review of previous work is presented as a stuctured set of references.This taxonomy is then used to organise a set of requirements for such infrastructures.The requirements are presented as use cases.The results will be used in the next phase of construction of an infrastructure for LR production,distribution,and access,GATE,a General Architecture for Text Engineering(Cunningham et al., 1999).2.Software Infrastructure for LanguageResourcesThe context of this work is the construction of software infrastructure for language processing:software that is in-tended to apply to whole families of problems within this field,and to be like a craftsman’s toolbox in service of con-struction and experimentation.We consider three types of infrastructural systems:frameworks;architectures;devel-opment environments.A framework typically means an object oriented class library that has been designed with a certain domain in mind,and which can be tailored and extended to solve prob-lems in that domain.They may also be known as platforms, or component systems.All software systems have an architecture.Sometimes the architecture is explicit,perhaps conforming to certain standards or patterns,sometimes it is implicit.Where an architecture is explicit and targetted on more than one sys-tem,it is known as a reference architecture,or a domain-specific architecture.The former is“a software architec-ture for a family of application systems.”(Tracz,1995)The term Domain Specific Software Architecture(DSSA–sub-ject of an eponymous ARPA research programme(Hayes-Roth,1994;Tracz,1995))“applies to architectures de-signed to address the known architectural abstractions spe-cific to given problem domains.”(Clements and Northrop, 1996)An implementation of an architecture that includes some graphical tools for building and testing systems is a development environment.One of the benefits of an explicit and repeatable archi-tecture is that a symbiotic relationship with a dedicated de-velopment environment can arise.In this relationship the development environment can help designers confrom to architectural principles and visualise the effect of various design choices and can provide code libraries tailored to the architecture.nguage Resources and ProcessingResourcesLike other software,LE programs consist of data and algorithms.The current trend in software development is to model both data and algorithms together,as objects.(Older development methods like Structured Analysis(Yourdon, 1989)kept them largely separate.)Systems that adopt the new approach are referred to as Object-Oriented(OO),and there are good reasons to believe that OO software is easier to build and maintain(Booch,1994;Yourdon,1996).In the domain of human language processing R&D, however,the choice is not quite so clear nguage data, in various forms,is of such significance in thefield that it is frequently worked on independently of the algorithms that process it.Such data has even come to have its own term,Language Resources(LRs)(LREC-1,1998),cover-ing many data sources,from lexicons to corpora.In recognition of this distinction,we will adopt the fol-lowing terminology:Language Resource(LR):refers to data-only resources such as lexicons,corpora,thesauruses or ontologies.Some LRs come with software(e.g.Wordnet has botha user query interface and C and Prolog APIs),butwhere this is only a means of accessing the underlying data we’ll still define such resources as LRs. Processing Resource(PR):refers to resources whose character is principally programmatic or algorithmic, such as lemmatisers,generators,translators,parsers or speech recognisers.For example a part-of-speech tag-ger is best characterised by reference to the process it performs on text.PRs typically include LRs,e.g.a tagger often has a lexicon.PRs can be viewed as algorithms that map between differ-ent types of LR,and which typically use LRs in the map-ping process.An MT engine,for example,maps a mono-lingual corpus into a multilingual aligned corpus using lex-icons,grammars,etc.Adopting the PR/LR distinction is a matter of conform-ing to established domain practice and terminology.It does not imply that we cannot model the domain(or build soft-ware to support it)in an object-oriented manner;indeed the models developed for this work are themselves object-oriented.The rest of the paper provides references to previous work in this area,structured taxonomically.This taxonomy is then used to organise a set of requirements for such in-frastructures.The requirements are presented as a set of twenty-two use cases which encapsulate the desiderata for an ideal infrastructure for the support of Language Re-source production,access and distribution.4.TaxonomyThis part gives a brief review of the various approaches that have been taken to SALE(for a longer review see (Cunningham,2000)).The prime criterion for considera-tion in this part is being infrastructural.In order to provide an organising principle for the discussion we begin in this chapter by extrapolating a set of architectural issues that represents the union of those addressed by the various re-searchers cited.This has the advantage of being easier to transform into software design and the disadvantage that multipurpose infrastructures appear in several categories. Cakes,eating them,etc.The breakdown of categories is as follows.1.Processing resources(a)Locating,loading and initialising componentsfrom local and non-local machines.TalLab(Wolinski et al.,1998)Asynchronous agent architecture ponent executionmodel.Corelli/Calypso(Zajac,1998b)The Calypso Document Manager and component integra-tion architecture.GATE(Cunningham et al.,1995;Cunning-ham et al.,1996c;Cunningham et al.,1996b;Cunningham et al.,1996d;Cun-ningham et al.,1996a;Cunningham et al.,1997b;Cunningham et al.,1997a;Cunning-ham et al.,1998b;Cunningham et al.,1998a;Cunningham,1999;Cunningham et al.,1999;Gaizauskas et al.,1996)A General Ar-chitecture for Text Engineering.ICE(Amtrup,1995)The INTARC Communic-ation Environment for Verbmobil.TIPSTER(Grishman,1997)(b)Executing processing components,serially or inparallel.Whiteboard architecture(Boitet and Se-ligman,1994)A distributed whiteboardarchitecture with examples in a speechtranslation system.TalLabPantome(Edmondson and Iles,1994a;Ed-mondson and Iles,1994b)Parallel architec-ture exemplified in a text-to-speech applica-tion.TALISMAN(Stefanini and Deamzeau,1995;Koning et al.,1995)Distributed multi-agentarchitecture exemplified in syntactic analysis.ASL(von Hahn,1994)A review of architectural problems focussing on the issue of linearity,and presenting the ASL architecture.XeLDA(Poirier,1999)Architecture and frame-work for distributed collection offinite statetransducers(FSTs).TIPSTERCorelli/CalypsoGATEICE(c)Representing information about components.Constraint-based interfacing(Busemann, 1999)Using a constraint language to de-scribe processing components in order tofacilitate integration.TIPSTERCorelli/CalypsoGATEICEVerbmobil(G¨o rz et al.,1996;Bos et al., 1998)Inter-module interface language inVerbmobil.(d)Factoring out commonalities amongst compon-ents.Generic IE(Hobbs,1993)Typical module set for an IE system.Tapestry(Cheong et al.,1994)A toolkit for building IE systems exemplified in the MFEIE system.NLI+(Johnson and Rosenberg,1995)Portabil-ity of NL interfaces to databases.TARO(Ibrahim and Cummins,1989)An OO syntactic analyser toolkit based on a specific-ation language.Reiter and Dale(Reiter,1994;Reiter,1999;Reiter and Dale,1999;Reiter and Dale,2000)From the perspective of applied Natural Lan-guage Generation work Reiter and later Dalereview and categorise NLG components andsystems.Reiter argues for descriptive prop-erties of architectures vs.standardisation in(Reiter,1999).RAGS(Cahill et al.,1999b;Paiva,1998;Cahill and Reape,1998;Cahill et al.,1999a)The-ory neutrality is harder to achieve in NLGthan in NLU;the RAGS project.Generic IR(TIPSTER,1995)Typical module set for an IR system.Architecture for IR(Cutting et al.,1991)An OO architecture for IR systems.Spoken Dialogue architecture(LuperFoyet al.,1998)An architecture for spokendialogue systems.TIPSTERnguage Resources,corpora and annotation(a)Accessing data components.EUDICO(Brugman et al.,1998)The EUDICO distributed annotated corpora system.Inquery distributed IR(Cahoon and McKinley, 1996)Making the Inquery IR system distrib-uted.W3-Corpora site(University of Essex,1999) Searchable on-line annotated corpora.Ontolingua(Fikes and Farquhar,1999)Distrib-uted reusable ontologies.Ontology efficiency(Hendler and Stoffel,1999) Efficient RDBMS backend for ontologies.NLG Lexicon merging(Jing and McKeown, 1998)Merging large scale lexical resourcesinc.WordNet and Comlex for NLG.GATE/DALR(Peters et al.,1998;Cunningham et al.,1998a)Distributing and accessing LRs.(b)Managing collections of documents(includingrecordings)and their formats.EUDICOTIPSTERCorelli/CalypsoGATEHTK(Young et al.,1999)An architecture and framework for developing HMM-basedAutomatic Speech Recognition.(c)Representing information about text and speech.EUDICOShiraz MT Architecture(Amtrup,1999) Chart-and unification-based architecture forMT.TEI and CES(Sperberg-McQueen and Burn-ard,1994;Ide,1998a;Ide,1998b;Ide andPriest-Dorman,1999)Text Encoding Initiat-ive and Corpus Encoding Standard.SGML and XML(Goldfarb,1990;Goldfarb and Prescod,1998;Connolly,1997;Nelson,1997)Various sources on SGML and XML.OODBs and SGML(Olson and Lee,1997)Us-ing Object databases for storing and retriev-ing SGML documents.LT NSL and LT XML(Mikheev and Finch, Washington,DC,1997;McKelvie et al.,1997;Isard et al.,1998;Brew et al.,1999;McKelvie et al.,1998)The EdinburghSGML and XML library and tools.THI(Thurmair,1996)Thurmair’s Text Hand-ling Interface(based on SGML).Corelli/CalypsoGATEAnnotation Graphs(Bird and Liberman,1998;Bird and Liberman,1999a;Bird and Liber-man,1999b;Bird et al.,2000)Annotationgraph formalism,mainly applied to speechannotation.HTK(d)Representing information about language.RAGSShiraz MT ArchitectureEurotra architecture(Schutz et al.,1991)An ‘open and modular’architecture for MT pro-moting resource reuse.GATE/DALRTFw Terminology Framework(Fischer et al., 1996)Abstract model of Thesauri and ter-minology maintenance OO framework.ARIES(Goni et al.,1997)Formalism and de-velopment tools for Spanish morphologicallexicons.FSTs and A VMs(Zajac,1998a)Unified FST/A VM formalism for morphologicallexicons.GDEs(Netter and Pianesi,1997;Estival et al., 1997)Grammar development in an LE con-text.ALEP(Simkins,1992;Simkins,1994;Eriks-son,1996)Feature-structure based architec-ture and development environment.A VM-based framework(Zajac,1992)Aframework for defining NLP systems basedon A VMs.HTK(e)Indexing and retrieving information.Generic IRTIPSTER DN2(Buckley,1998)A communic-ation protocol based on Z39.50for detec-tion interactions between querying applica-tion and search engine.FireWorks(Hendry and Harper,1996)A UI framework for building IR systems.P-OQL(Henrich,1996)IR extensions for the PCTE repository interface standard.CUE(Mason,1998)Indexing and search of an-notated corpora.W3-Corpora siteCorpus Query System(Christ,1994;Christ, 1995)Indexing and search of corpora;link-ing with WordNet.TIPSTER3.Methods and applications(a)Method supporti.FST,unification and statistics over informa-tion.CMU-Cambridge Stat Modelling toolkit(Clarkson and Rosenfeld,1997)A set ofcommand-line tools for building ngramlanguage models.Shiraz MT ArchitectureHTKparing different versions of information.DARPA(Sparck-Jones and Galliers,1996)ATIS,MT,etc.etc.TEMAA(Paggio,1998)Spelling and gram-mar checker evaluation,and general evalu-ation framework.ETE(Li et al.,1998)A GUI test environ-ment for NLU systems.GATE(b)Application issuesi.Storing information.Ontology efficiency(Hendler and Stoffel,1999)Efficient RDBMS backend for onto-logies.OODBs and SGMLGATEHTKEUDICOii.Deployment and embedding(executable pro-grams;databases;libraries;components).GATEHTKXeLDA(c)Development issuesi.Interoperation with other infrastructures.GATEii.Viewing and editing data components and in-formation.GATEiii.UI access to architectural facilities(develop-ment environments).InfoGrid(Rao et al.,1992)UI and interac-tion model framework for IR systems.FireWorksETEGATEEUDICOHTK5.Requirements analysisAs its name suggests,GATE is intended to be general, to cater for a wide range of LE activities and to encompass a large number of the useful infrastructural activities that have been identified by other work in this area.Given that language processing is still very much a researchfield,this task is potentially open-ended,and the question arises of how to restrict the endeavour to manageable proportions. The approach that we have taken is to make a distinction between software that aims to solve some research goal and software that provides an implementation of tasks that are common to a number of research goals(and that are not themselves active subjects of research).The latter are can-didates for inclusion in the architecture;the former are not. In other words,GATE provides infrastructure tools and not research results:anything that is an open research topic is not properly part of the architecture.How to implement cer-tain common algorithms or data structures may be part of the system;what algorithms and data structures to choose for a particular application or research project is not.Exceptions to the‘no research’rule are made for two reasons.First,where a task is a valid research subject,but nonetheless so common amongst LE systems that a SALE will benefit greatly from the inclusion of a default imple-mentation.Tokenisation of text is such a subject:whilst not a solved problem(particularly for languages such as Japan-ese or Chinese),still most researchers would prefer to take a simple tokenisation scheme as read.Secondly,SALEs must be developed in context,along with the processing systems that will use them.In our case the primary con-text has been Information Extraction research,and we have actively distributed IE components along with versions of GATE in order to promote both the architecture and work on IE itself.(Note that these components are actually sep-arate from GATE itself.A SALE should support all the activities involved in the development,deployment and maintenance of LE software. In particular,anything that represents common ground amongst LE applications(i.e.gets implemented regularly) and anything done by support tools that help LE workers is a candidate for desiderata for the architecture.We may identify roles for SALE in the development of LE applic-ations,technologies,methods and components.Examples of these roles:For applications,allow easy embedding in mainstream software architectures( exploiting component-based devevelopment,Java,the Internet).For technologies,provide measurement apparatus(e.g.precision and recall of IE outputs relative to manual annotation).For methods,implement common algorithms(e.g.Baum-Welch for HMMs,FST over annotation)and support common data structures(e.g.annotation).For components,provide abstractions that model their commonalities.We can classify SALE roles according to the issues that have been addressed by previous work on LE infrastructure using the taxonomy of chapter7.This has the advantage of being a reflection of infrastructure requirements that have been developed in close association with the client group, and it is this classification that we will use in this chapter, which presents a set of use cases encapsulating the require-ment set for GATE.What are‘use cases’?“In essence,a use case is a typ-ical interaction between a user and a computer system”(Fowler and Scott,1997),but beyond this statement there is nofixed definition of what they should look like((Cock-burn,1997)cites experience of18variations).They are partly defined by their purpose,which is to identify what a computer system should do for its users.Fowler(Fowler and Scott,2000)identifies these properties:“A use case captures some user-visible function.A use case may be small or large.A use case achieves a discrete goal for the user.”In keeping with our low-overhead development philosophy our use cases are natural language descriptions of the ways in which a SALE is used by its clients.Some of the use cases below stretch the definitions a little and might perhaps be called more accurately use desiderata;our belief is that development processes should bend tofit developers and their domains,not the other way around.The clients of a SALE are the actors in use cases;they may be human(software developers,researchers,teachers or students)or software(the programs written and used by the human clients).The client set includes:expert programmers producing applications software that processes human language;non-expert programmers writing experimental soft-ware for research purposes;systems administrators supporting language research-ers;non-programming language researchers performing experiments with software written by others;teachers of language general use cases;section5.2.PR and LR use cases;e cases relating to methods; section5.4.those specific to applications;section5.5.those for development environments.5.1.General desiderataUse case1:LE research and developmentGoal summary To support LE R&D workers producing software and performing experiments.Brief description During design,developers use the ar-chitectural component of SALE for guidance on the over-all shape of the system.During development they use the framework for implementations of the architecture,and of commonly occuring tasks.The development environment is used for convenient ways of exploiting the framework and of accessing common tasks.For deployment the frame-work is available independently of the development envir-onment and can be embedded in other applications.Use case2:Documentation,maintenance,and support Goal summary To document,maintain and support the architecture.Brief description Without adequate documentation of its facilities an architecture is next to useless.Without bug fixes and addition of new features to meet changing require-ments it will not evolve and fall into disuse.Without occa-sional help from experts users will learn more slowly than they could.Use case3:Localisation and internationalisation Goal summary To allow the use of the architecture in and for different languages.Brief description Users of the architecture need to be able to have menus and at least some of the documentation in a familiar language,and they need to be able to build applications which process and display virtually any human language.Use case4:Software development good practice Goal summary To promote good software engineering in LE development.Brief description We can derive a number of general desiderata for SALEs on the basis that they are used for software development.In common with other software developers,SALE users need extensibility;interoperabil-ity;openness;explicit design documentation in appropri-ate modelling languages;graphical development environ-ments;usage examples,or patterns.Use case5:Framework requirementsGoal summary To exploit the benefits of the frame-work.Brief description Some general requirements for frame-works:Orthogonality of elements:a user shouldn’t have to learn everything in order to use one thing.Availability of abstractions at different levels of com-plexity:a user should be able to do something basic in a simple fashion,but also be able tofiddle under the hood ina more complex scenario if necessary.ponents,PRs and LRs5.2.1.Locating,loading and initialising components Use case6:Locate and load componentsGoal summary To discover components at runtime,load and initialise them.Brief description R&D developers create LR and PR components and reuse those created by others.Experi-menters,students and teachers use components provided for them.Systems administrators install components.Ap-plications developers embedd components in their systems. The set of components required in different cases is dy-namic and loading should be dynamic as a consequence. The SALE shouldfind all available components given min-imal clues(perhaps a list of URLs),load them and initialise them ready for use.5.2.2.Executing processing componentsUse case7:PR and LR ManagementGoal summary To allow the building of systems from sets of components.Brief description Developers need to be able to choosea subset of the available components and wire them to-gether to form systems.These configurations should be shareable with other developers.Use case8:Distributed ProcessingGoal summary To allow the construction of systems based on components residing on different host computers.Brief description Components developed on one com-puter platform are seldom easy to move to other platforms.In order to reuse a diverse set of such components they must be made available over the net for distributed processing. Networks are often slow,however,so there must also be the capability to do all processing on one machine if the component set allows.Use case9:Parallel ProcessingGoal summary To allow asynchronous execution of processing components.Brief description Certain tasks can be carried out in parallel in some language processing systems.This im-plies that the execution of PRs should be multithreaded and means made available for parallel execution.5.2.3.Representing information about components.Use case10:Component metadataGoal summary To allow the association of structured data with LR and PR components.Brief description Components are wired together with executive and task-specific code to form experimental sys-tems or ponent metadata helps automate the wiring process, describing the I/O contraints of the component.To use components they have to be found: metadata can be used to allow categorisation and descrip-tion for browsing component sets.5.2.4.Factoring out commonalities amongst components. Use case11:Component commonalitiesGoal summary To factor out commonalities between related components.Brief description Where there are families of compon-ents that share certain characteristics those commonalities should be modelled in the architecture.For example lan-guage analyser PRs characteristically take a document as input and add certain annotations to the document.De-velopers of analysers should be able to extend a part of the model which captures this and other characteristics.5.2.5.Accessing data componentsUse case12:LR accessGoal summary To provide uniform,simple methods for accessing data components.Brief description Just as the execution of PRs should be normalised by a SALE,so access to data components should be done in a uniform and efficient manner.5.2.6.Managing collections of documents their formats Use case13:Corpora(Language Data LRs)Goal summary To manage(possibly very large)collec-tions of documents in an efficient manner.Brief description Documents(texts and audiovisual materials)are grouped into collections which may have data associated with them.Operations which relate to docu-ments should be generalisable to collections of documents. Use case14:Format-Independent Document Processing Goal summary To allow SALE users to use documents of various formats without knowledge of those formats.Brief description Documents can be processed inde-pendent of their formats.For example,an IE system can get to the text in an RTF1document or an HTML document without worrying about the structure of these formats.The structure is available for access where needed.5.2.7.Representing information about text and speech Use case15:Annotations on DocumentsGoal summary To support theory-neutral format-independent annotation of documents.Brief description Many of the data structures produced and consumed by PR components are associated with text. Even NLG components can be viewed as producing data structures that relate to nascent texts that become pro-gressively better specified,culminating in surface strings of words.See also interoperation use case(annotation im-port/export to/from SGML/XML).5.2.8.Representing information about languageUse case16:Data About Language LRsGoal summary To support creation and maintenance of LRs that describe language.Brief description Lexicons,grammars,ontologies,etc. etc.all require support tools for their development,for ex-ample for consistency checking,browsing and so on.(Note that this use case is potentially very large,and may fall out-side of our scope.)In addition,developers of these types of resource use tools such as concordancers(e.g.KWIC) which should be provided by the development environ-ment.1Rich Text Format,Microsoft’s Word document interchange format.5.2.9.Indexing and retrieving informationUse case17:IndicesGoal summary To cater for indexing and retrieval of diverse data structures.Brief description The architecture includes data structures for annotating documents and for associating metadata with components.These data structures need effi-cient indices to make computation over large data sets tract-able.5.3.Method supportUse case18:Common algorithmsGoal summary To provide a library of well-known al-gorithms over native data structures.Brief description Although infrastructure should not in general stray into open researchfields,where a par-ticular algorithm is well-known it would be advantageous to provide a baseline implementation.For example,finite state transduction over annotation data structures,perhaps unification,ngram models and so on.(This use case is not under the annotation heading because it would be advant-ageous to generalise its application across other data struc-tures and across text itself in some cases.)Use case19:Data comparisonGoal summary To provide simple methods for compar-ing data structures.Brief description Machine learning methods,evalu-ation methods and introspective methods all need ways of comparing desired results on a particular language pro-cessing task with the results that a set of components has produced.In some cases this is a complex task(e.g.the comparison of MUC templates was found in some circum-stances to be NP complete!),but in many cases a simple comparison measure based on identity is useful for afirst-cut approximantion of success.This measure can be ex-pressed as precision/recall where appropriate.(This use case is not under the annotation heading because it would be advantageous to generalise its application across other data structures and across text itself in some cases.)5.4.Application issuesUse case20:PersistenceGoal summary All data structures native to the archi-tecture should be persistent.Brief description The storage of data created automat-ically by components or manually by editing should be managed by the framework.This management should be transparent to a large degree,but must also be efficient and therefore should be amenable to tinkering where necessary. Access control may also be provided here.Use case21:DeploymentGoal summary To allow the use of the framework in diverse contexts.Brief description The framework must be available in many context in order to allow the transfer of experimental and prototype systems from the development environment to external applications and parts of ers must be able to use framework classes as a library,includ-ing classes of their own that are derived from the framework classes.They should also be able to build programs based on the framework by supplying their own executive code, and be able to access data resources from other contexts using standard database protocols.5.5.Development issuesUse case22:Interoperation and EmbeddingGoal summary To enable data import from and export to other infrastructures and embedding of components in other environments.Brief description Formats and formalisms for the ex-pression of LRs come in many shapes and sizes.Some of these are dealt with by wrapping those formats in code that talks the language of the SALE framework.Other, widespread formats should be made more generally ac-cessible via import/exportfilters.The prime case here is SGML/XML.Certain common execution environments should be catered for,such as MS Office,OLE and Netscape Com-municator.Use case23:Viewing and EditingGoal summary To manipulate LE data structures.Brief description SALEs are used to view and edit the data structures that LE systems process.This applies to both LRs and PRs.Use case24:Development UIGoal summary To give access to all the framework and architectural services and support development of LE ex-periments and applications.Brief description A large part of the story is compon-ents,which can be viewed,edited,stored,accessed from the framework API and so on.Thefinal element is a UI for developers that wires all these together and gives top-level access to storage and component management,and execu-tion of PRs.6.ReferencesAmtrup,J.,1999.Architecture of the Shiraz Ma-chine Translation System./-shiraz/archi.html.Amtrup,J.W.,1995.ICE–INTARC Communication En-vironment User Guide and Reference Manual Version 1.4.Technical report,University of Hamburg.Bird,S.and M.Liberman,1998.Towards a Formal Frame-work for Linguistic Annotation.In Proceedings of the ICLSP,Sydney.Bird,S.and M.Liberman,1999a.A Formal Frame-work for Linguistic Annotation.Technical Re-port MS-CIS-99-01,Department of Computer and Information Science,University of Pennsylvania. /abs/cs.CL/9903003. Bird,S.and M.Liberman,1999b.Annotation graphs as a framework for multidimensional linguistic data analysis. In Towards Standards and Tools for Discourse Tagging, Proceedings of the Workshop.ACL-99.。
