table culture





餐桌礼仪英文版DIFFERENT TABLE MANNERS IN DIFFERENT COUNTRIES Table Manners We will define 7 different countries’s table manners table manners means your politeness and behavior when you have dinner with others.They include how to handle knives, forks and spoons and how to eat in a polite manner.To behave well abroad, you are to know some Table mannersIn Russia, it is considered polite to rest your wrists on the edge of the table -not on your lap.Also, keep your fork in your left hand and knife in your right.Russian is enthusiastic, when the owner hands you a glass of vodka, u can not refuse it out of politeness, men have to drink off,and it’s unnecessary for women. if u refuse it, the owner may feel u don’t take him as a friend.and When u propose a toast, ur eyes should look into each other.kvass is a drink for children.this kind of drink is also in Harbin .If ur bread left, it will be regarded as a matter for dismay and wasting.Also,the sauce and gravy in food should be finished off.When you are eating in Britain.The British generally pay a lot of attention to good table manners.First, we should learn how to use a fork and knife. How to hold a fork and a knife ? The fork is held in the left hand and the knife on the right.If you have a knife in one hand, it is wrong to have a fork in the other with the prongs pointed up.When people finish eating, place your knife and fork together.How to eat desserts To eat dessert, break the dessert with the spoon, one bite at a time.Push the food with the fork into the spoon.Eat from the spoon.(Fork in left hand; spoon in right.) In the English, the platters and bowls of food are placed in front of the table “host”, along with a stack of dinner plates.The host carves and serves the meat and side dishes, and passes the filled plates around the table to the hostess and the guests.Sometimes the hostess assists with the serving. Condiments, rolls, relishes, etc.are usually found elsewhere on the table and passed around family style.Stack of Plates Main course Hostess Host serves from here Rolls Relishes Correctly, no person would start eating until everyone has received their plate. The host serves himself last.Vegetable dish Table manners French when the Meat (such as steak) should start cutting corners, finished a further cut off a piece.Do not eat or encountered some of the side dishes, it just moved to the side dish.A quick glance at the table setting OK, here are some more tips to keep in mind ? if there is somethingto spit out his mouth, lips Didao should take a fork or your fingers out, and then moved to the edge of the plate.The whole process should not be cited as much as possible to pay attention to other people, after the meal can be clean hands after eating Mozui avoid rubbing vigorously with napkins, napkin with attention to the deportment of the iceberg and India to gently on the lips or fingers can be greasy.each finished Diecai, such as knife and fork to release four sides, or to fight cross-leave around, very ugly.The right way is to discharge the plate and knife and fork, the fork up teeth.Australia Table manners用餐礼仪 ?Dining etiquette The seat ? General host sits at the nearest position from the kitchen, the rest of the people is the host assigned seat.Sometimes the host said “ Sit where you like. “ this is allowed to sit.If you are a man, in the fall to sit the front tosee your right hand, whether already sat down, if she’s not into a sitting chair, you should help her.The conversation ? Don’t be involved in personal. About political, religious talk must be careful, otherwise you might accidentally offend others.The best way is to wait for others to open the topic and talk about it.To be a guest ? If you go to someone ‘s house, when he brings you food, say no is not polite.Chinese pay attention to don’t eat clean, while in western countries in the opposite.You should try to put the plate, if you have some, will be considered impolite.Special foods Table manners in China 1.If you are the guest, wait to be seated as hierarchy is involved .(The left means superior.The left guest sit beside the host was the most respected guest.)2.Eating usually begins once the host offers the first drink.3. Let older people eat first, or if you hear an elder sa y “let’s eat”, you can start to eat.4.When helping yourself to the dishes, you should take food first from the plates in front of you rather than those in front of others.In China Lay … on… Put up the bowl Do not stick chopsticks vertically into your food, especially not into rice, as this will make Chinese think of funerals. In China Don’t do these Slurp when drinking soup or eating noodles 喝汤和吃面条时发出声音 +Keep the spoon inside the bowl or cup 勺儿留在汤碗或茶杯里 Talk with your mouth full 满口食物时讲话 Chew with your mouth opened 咬食物时把嘴巴张开 In China, as with any culture, there are rules and customs that surround what is appropriate and what is not when dining, whether it is in a restaurant or in someone’s home.Learning the appropriate way to act and what to say will not only help you feel like a native, but will also make those around you more comfortable, and able to focus on you, instead of your interesting eating habits. It is rude to not eat what you are given.If you are offered something you absolutely can’t stomach, finish everything else, and leave the rest on your plate.Leaving a little food generally indicates that you are full.Hold the chopsticks in your right hand between the thumb and index finger, and when eating rice, place the small bowl in your left hand, holding it off the table.You should say “Itadakimasi!(いただきます)”before meal,that means you love this meal;say “Go-chiso-samadeshita!(ごちそうさまでした)”after meal,that means your thankfulness to this meal.▲Don’t stick your chopsticks upright in the rice bowl,lay them on your dish.▲It is polite to make noise when you have a meal,especially when you eat noodles.▲Take sushi by hand instead of chopsticks.When eating sushi, dip in with fish sauce.Use the thumb and middle finger gently take sushi.天妇罗 Tempur a Table manners in koreaIn korea1. Do not touch the chopsticks until the elderly begin to eat.2.While on the table,do not point at others with chopsticks.3. Make sure the chopsticks are neatly placed on the table when dinner is over. What’s more4. Incessant talks are not suitable on Korean tables.5. It is also a shamful behavior to make too loud noises while eating.6. When a dinner is housed at home, both the host and the guests are sitting crosslegged around a shot-legged table,in such circumstances,never touch your feet with hands,strech out your legs,or splay apart your legs.(餐桌礼仪英文版相关单词)(中英文对照)餐桌礼仪Table Manners 餐桌礼仪。

中国酒文化英文介绍Chinese wine culture introduction

中国酒文化英文介绍Chinese wine culture introduction
Chinese wine culture continued to develop during the Qin and Han dynamics (221 BC-AD 220), absorbing influences
from other regions and cultures
The Characteristics and Influence of Chinese Wine Culture
• Seating arrangements: The host should greet the guests first, and then the guests should greet the host The seat of honor should be offered to the most senior guest
03 The drinking etiquette and cus
Table Culture and Etiquette
• Table setting: The table should be set with a clean and tidy table, and the placement of plates, cups, and wine bottles should be appropriate
Another popular Chinese beer, brewed in Harbin, with a rich and malty taste
A Beijing based beer, known for its light and refreshing taste, and often consumed during hot summer days


The thesis introduces the origin and development of table manner between China and the West, compares the differences of table manners between China and the West including seats arrangement, dinnerware, the order of serving, the dining atmosphere and table language. And then, the thesis exposes the reasons for the differences of table manners between China and the West, that are, the differences of Chinese and Western cultural connotation, the differences of Chinese and Western way of thinking, the differences of Chinese and Western values. The thesis tells us the attitudes that we should hold to the differences of table manners between China and West.
西南交通大学希望学院 本科毕业设计(论文)开题报告
学生姓名 教学院系 专业年级 指导教师 单位 日期
学号 外语系 英语 2010 级
西南交通大学希望学院外语系 2014 年 2 月 25 日



有关中国礼仪的英语作文【篇一:中国的餐桌礼仪英文介绍】in china, as with any culture, there are rules and customs that surround what is appropriate and what is not when dining, whether it is in a restaurant or in someone’s home. learningthe appropriate way to act and what to say will not only help you feel like a native, but will also make those around youmorecomfortable, and able to focus on you, instead of your interesting eating habits. 同其他国家文化一样,在中国,无论是在餐馆还是在家,用餐时也有很多禁忌。


the customs surrounding chi nese tables’ manners isingrained with tradition, and some rules are not to be broken. failing to understand and follow all of the rules could result in offending the chef and ending the night in an unfavorable way.有些餐桌礼仪是随着传统延续下来的,是决不能违反的。


1. the food is served via large communal dishes, and in nearly every case, you will be supplied with communal chopsticks for transferring food from the main dishes to your own. youshould use the communal chopsticks if they aresupplied. if they are not or you are unsure, wait for someoneto serve food to their own plate, and then copy what they do.on occasion, an eager chinese host may place food into your bowl or on your plate. this is normal.1. 食物是通过大的公用盘子盛装的,基本上都会提供公用筷方便你将食物分到你自己的盘子里。



Table Etiquette
Chinese cuisine reflects the traditional values and culture of China, such as respect for elders, family unit, and collectivism For example, the Chinese often gather around the table to enjoy meals, which is a symbol of family unit and collectivism
Cooking Techniques and Special Ingredients of Chinese Cuisine
Cooking techniques
Steaming: This is a common cooking method in Chinese cuisine, where food is cooked in a steamer or bamboo basket over boiling water It preserves the original flavor and texture of the ingredients
The Characteristics of Chinese Food Culture
The main cuisines in China
Spicy and pungent, with a strong use of chili pepper and Sichuan pepper
Braised chicken in soy sauce, steamed pork knuckles, and fried shreded meat




餐桌礼仪英文版DIFFERENT TABLE MANNERS IN DIFFERENT COUNTRIESTable Manners We will define 7 different countries’s table manners table manners means your politeness and behavior when you have dinner with others.They include how to handle knives, forks and spoons and how to eat in a polite manner.To behave well abroad, you are to know some Table mannersIn Russia, it is considered polite to rest your wrists on the edge of the table -not on your lap.Also, keep your fork in your left hand and knife in your right.Russian is enthusiastic, when the owner hands you a glass of vodka, u can not refuse it out of politeness, men have to drink off,and it's unnecessary for women.if u refuse it, the owner may feel u don't take him as a friend.and When u propose a toast, ur eyes should look into each other.kvass is a drink for children.this kind of drink is also in Harbin .If ur bread left, it will be regarded as a matter for dismay and wasting.Also,the sauce and gravy in food should be finished off.When you are eating in Britain.The British generally pay a lot of attention to good table manners.First, we should learn how to use a fork and knife.How to hold a fork and a knife ? The fork is held inthe left hand and the knife on the right.If you have a knife in one hand, it is wrong to have a fork in the other with the prongs pointed up.When people finish eating, place your knife and fork together.How to eat desserts To eat dessert, break the dessert with the spoon, one bite at a time.Push the food with the fork into the spoon.Eat from the spoon.(Fork in left hand; spoon in right.) In the English, the platters and bowls of food are placed in front of the table “host”, along with a stackof dinner plates.The host carves and serves the meat and side dishes,and passes the filled plates around the table to thehostess and the guests.Sometimes the hostess assists with the serving.Condiments, rolls, relishes, etc.are usually found elsewhere on the table and passed around family style.Stack of Plates Main course Hostess Host serves from here Rolls Relishes Correctly, no person would start eating until everyone has received their plate.The host serves himself last.Vegetable dish Table manners French when the Meat (such as steak) should start cutting corners, finished a further cut off a piece.Do not eat or encountered some of the side dishes, it just moved to the side dish.A quick glance at the table setting OK, here are some more tips to keep in mind ? if there is something to spit out his mouth, lips Didao should take a fork or yourfingers out, and then moved to the edge of the plate.The whole process should not be cited as much as possible to pay attention to other people, after the meal can be clean hands after eating Mozui avoid rubbing vigorously with napkins, napkin with attention to the deportment of the iceberg and India to gently on the lips or fingers can be greasy.each finished Diecai, such as knife and fork to release four sides, or to fight cross-leave around, very ugly.The right way is to discharge the plate and knife and fork, the fork up teeth.Australia Table manners用餐礼仪 ?Dining etiquette The seat ? General host sits at the nearest position from the kitchen, the rest of the people is the host assigned seat.Sometimes the host said " Sit where you like." this is allowed to sit.If you are a man, in the fall to sit the front to see your right hand, whether already sat down, if she's notinto a sitting chair, you should help her.The conversation ? Don’t be involved in personal.About political, religious talk must be careful, otherwise you might aidentally offend others.The best way is to wait for others to open the topic and talk about it.To be a guest ? If you go to someone 's house, when he brings you food, say no is not polite.Chinese pay attention to don’t eat clean, while in western countries in the opposite.You should try to put the plate, if you have some, will be considered impolite.Special foods Table manners in China 1.If you are the guest, wait to be seated as hierarchy is involved .(The left means superior. The left guest sit beside the host was the most respected guest.)2.Eating usually begins once the host offers the first drink.3. Let older people eat first, or if you hear an elder say "let's eat", you can start to eat.4.When helping yourself to the dishes, you should take food first from the plates in front of you rather than those in front of others.In China Lay … on… Put up the bowl Do not stick chopsticks vertically into your food, especially not into rice, as this will make Chinese think of funerals.In China Don’t do these Slurp when drinking soup or eating noodles 喝汤和吃面条时发出声音 +Keep the spoon inside the bowl or cup 勺儿留在汤碗或茶杯里 Talk with your mouth full 满口食物时讲话 Chew with your mouth opened 咬食物时把嘴巴张开 In China, as with any culture, there are rules and customs that surround what is appropriate and what is not when dining, whether it is in a restaurant orin someone’s home.Learning the appropriate way to act and what to saywill not only help you feel like a native, but will also make those around you more fortable, and able to focus on you, instead of your interesting eating habits.It is rude to not eat what you are given.If you are offered something you absolutely can't stomach, finish everything else, and leave the rest on your plate.Leaving a little food generally indicates that you are full.Hold the chopsticks in your right hand between the thumb and index finger, and when eating rice, place the small bowl in your left hand, holding it off the table.You should say “Itadakimasi!(いただきます)”before meal,that means you love this meal;say “Go-chiso-samadeshita!(ごちそうさまでした)”after meal,that means your thankfulness to this meal.▲Don't stick your chopsticks upright in the rice bowl,lay them on your dish.▲It is polite to make noise whe n you have ameal,especially when you eat noodles.▲Take sushi by hand instead of chopsticks.When eating sushi, dip in with fish sauce.Use the thumb and middle finger gently take sushi.天妇罗 Tempur a Table manners in koreaIn korea1. Do not touch the chopsticks until the elderly begin to eat.2.While on the table,do not point at others with chopsticks.3. Make sure the chopsticks are neatly placed on the table when dinner is over. What’s more4. Incessant talks are not suitable on Korean tables.5. It is also a shamful behavior to make too loud noises while eating.6. When a dinner is housed at home, both the host and the guests are sitting crosslegged around a shot-legged table,in such circumstances,never touch your feet with hands,strech out your legs,or splay apart your legs.(餐桌礼仪英文版相关单词)(中英文对照)餐桌礼仪Table Manners 餐桌礼仪。



Differences between Chinese and Western table manners With the development of global economy, cross-culture communication has become more and more frequent, and the differences between Chinese and western culture have become more obvious, especially the differences of table manners、Arrangement of seat in ChinaIn China, people used to use the number of the tables to define the size of banquet、In small banquets which have two tables, the table on the left or farther to the portal is the top table、At bigger banquets that have three or more tables, the rules are much more complicated、Generally, seats that closer to the top table take precedence、For example, on the wedding party, family members of the bride or the leaderships are arranged to the table that closest to the top table、Hosts show their reverences to the guests by arranging seats by this way、Seats at one table also have different meanings、In Chinese table manner, the seat opposite to the door is the honor seat, which is for chief guests or elders; the seats beside are the second honor seat which are for other guests; the seats that opposite to the honor seat are the inferior seat、Inferior seats are for the host and hostess、So before the banquet, hosts should first invite the chief guest or elders to the honor seat, and then invite other guests to the second honor seat、Hosts sit down on the inferior seats after all the guests sit down、Arrangement of seat in WestWestern people prefer long table to round table when entertaining friends、The host and the hostess seat at both end of the table, while guests seat at other seats、The chief guest sits at the upper right side of the hostess, and the wife of the chief guest seats at the upper right side of the host、In China, left is honor and right is secondary、While in western, right is honor and left is secondary、The proper way to take the seat in western is to sit by the left hand、It is better not to walk out before the banquet is finished、Tablewares between China and WestChinese table wares involve chopsticks, small dish, bowl and glass、Chopsticks and spoon are always put together on the right hand of the plate、Toothpick and ashtray are also necessary、Chopsticks are the main table wares in Chinese food culture、It is impolite to use chopsticks to clean tooth, or pick other things that aren’t food、It is also bad manner to talk with chopsticks in hand、The right way to use spoon is: scoop the food, and wait for seconds to make sure that the soup will not splash out, and then move the spoon back、It is impolite to put the spoon in to mouth, or lick the spoon over and over again、In western meals , they use so much table wares with different kinds and sizes、the use of table wares also shows different food culture in different countries, the main table wares in western are knives, forks , spoons , glass and napkin、Knife is used to cut food and fork is used to carry food into mouth、during the dinner, you should put them on both sides of the plate, and knife and fork should be put in the way that looks like the Chinese word “八”、You can also use them in a way that handle knife in your right hand and fork in the left hand、Soup spoon is always put on the outermost right side, together with the knife、Dessert spoon is put together with dessert knife and fork、Different atmospheres at tableNoisy and quiet is the main different of table atmosphere between Chinese and western、Chinese table atmosphere always noisy and always the noisier the better、While western table atmosphere is quiet、、In China,people begin to talk at the time they sit down, and they would keep talking during the whole dinner、Everybody at the table talking, drinking, eating, and enjoying the pulsating atmosphere、Noisy atmosphere can reflect the guests’happiness from their hearts、Westerners also talk at table, but they talk quietly and keep the voice atthe stage that can only be heard、You can not make noises when drinking soup、Chewing with your mouth closed and do not making noises when eating、The way to finish eatingAt Chinese dinner table, after eating, the chopsticks should put orderly at the right side of the bowl, and leave after the host signals to leave、Hosts should signal after all the guests put down their chopsticks、At western dinner table, the ways to finish eating is to put the knife and fork together on the plate parallel, with the fork’s back side up and the knife’s edge inside、Through comparing the table manners of Chinese and Western countries and keeping pace with the changing world can be more meaningful to all people、。


• Food is passed around the table
• If something is out of your reach, you ask politely for someone to pass it to you
• Not rude to leave plate full
• Not rude to leave your plate empty
• Not rude to reach in front of someone to grab something
• Polite to reach for food with chopsticks
• Chinese host like to put food on your plate for you
the western diet culture of wine
Elegant living needs proper cheerful, busy day after sunset,sitting on a cup,and the wine is red the leisurely glittering and translucent and not everyone can appreciate.

Table culture in China and western countriesn(中西餐桌文化)

Table culture in China and western countriesn(中西餐桌文化)
I. II.
Wine glass,hold the column of the glass . Brandy glass ,hold the glass use your palm(keep the temerature of the brandy ) out your lipstick on the glass when you leave

When you eating oysters ,folks are necessary
① Don't ② Keep ③ Don't
make any noise . It's impolite your back straight,and try not to lean forward scoop soup too full not proper to blew the soup with your mouth
④ Wipe
some there.
economic forms
Small-scale peasant economy (小农经济)

Capitalist industry and commerce (资本主义工商业)

Attachment(依恋) to the family

Tea Liquor Persuade or even force others to drink

Lively and active Hold the food for each other Impolite to keep silent

毕业论文(设计)中西方餐桌礼仪的差异(Differences between Chinese and Western Table Manners)

毕业论文(设计)中西方餐桌礼仪的差异(Differences between Chinese and Western Table Manners)

毕业论文(设计)中西方餐桌礼仪的差异(Differences between Chinese and Western Table Manners)毕业论文题目中西方餐桌礼仪的差异学号 1XXXXXXXXXX 班级旅英1班专业旅游英语系别外语系作者姓名朱亚平完成时间2012年12月指导教师秦礼峰职称讲师Differences between Chinese and Western Table MannersZhu YapingA thesis submitted to Henan Business College in partial fulfillment of requirement for the Tourism English MajorUnder the supervision of Associate ProfessorQin LifengForeign Language Department of Henan Business CollegeDecember 15, 2012Differences between Chinese and Western Table MannersAuthor: Zhu YapingTutor: Qin LifengAbstractChina is a nation of etiquette, whose table manners have a long history. In fact, western countries have their own peculiar dining custom .With the development of China’s opening-up, more and more Western culture gets into our sight.? As we face with unfamiliar cultures and countries, some inevitable cultural conflicts might happen in the communication, which will seriously affect the contacts being carried out smoothly. Table manners have a decisive position in the communication between China and Western countries. During communication we will show our best image and avoid cultural conflicts. Learning and using the right etiquette will not only step up our own impression, but also promote the benefit and strife of the company. This paper mainly discusses the differences of table manners between the West and China from several aspects. Knowing these differences, we can communicate well with each other.Key Words: China, western countries, table manners, differences.中西方餐桌礼仪的差异摘要中国是礼仪之邦,其餐桌礼仪源远流长。



AbstractThis paper mainly focuses on the differences of table manners of China and Western countries. In our modern society, the cross-culture communication between China and Western countries becomes a hot issue and the influences of Chinese and Western etiquette are increasingly profound, which causes the differences in table manners. In this paper, we attach more importance to the different table manners of China and Western countries, such as, the different ways people sit for a meal, different dining concepts and different table wares and so on. Meanwhile, it helps us understand the situation. In this way, we can know well the western countries’ cultural background, and can set up a harmonious relationship with the westerns.Key Words: table manners, cultural background, table culture摘要本文主要讲中西方餐桌礼仪的不同点和相同点.在当今社会,随着中西方跨文化交流的平凡以及中西方礼仪的影响加深,导致双方餐桌礼仪方面的差异产生.本文着重于比较中西方在餐桌礼仪.例如,就餐是人们不同的入座方式,不同的饮食概念以及不同的餐具等等.此外还会指出不同国家中的一些用餐禁忌来帮助人们更好的理解餐桌礼仪。



中考英语礼仪练习题40题含答案解析1. When you meet your teacher in the morning, you should say "____".A. GoodbyeB. Good nightC. Good morningD. Good afternoon答案解析:C。

在早上见面时,应该说“Good morning”( 早上好)。

选项A“Goodbye”( 再见)是用于分别的时候;选项B“Good night”( 晚安)是用于晚上睡觉前;选项D“Good afternoon”( 下午好)适用于下午见面时,不符合早上见面的场景。

2. You are introducing your friend Tom to your mother. You should say "Mom, ____".A. this is TomB. that is TomC. he is TomD. Tom is here答案解析:A。

在介绍他人时,常用“this is...”的句型。

选项B“that is...”通常用于指距离较远的人或物;选项C“he is...”这种表达在介绍人时不常用;选项D“Tom is here” 汤姆在这儿)不是介绍他人的正确表达方式。

3. When you are at a party and someone offers you a drink, you should say "____".A. No, I don't want itB. I'm not thirstyC. Thank youD. Give me another one答案解析:C。

当别人提供饮料时,出于礼貌应该先说“Thank you” 谢谢你)。

选项A“No, I don't want it” 不,我不想要)比较生硬;选项B“I'm not thirsty”( 我不渴)也不够礼貌;选项D“Give me another one”( 给我另一个)在还没有接受第一个的情况下就要求另一个是不礼貌的。



中西方餐桌礼仪英语作文80词篇1In the vast expanse of global culture, the differences in table manners between China and the West are truly remarkable! Let's explore these contrasts and embrace the beauty of each culture's unique approach.In China, it is a profound tradition for the elders to start eating first, showing respect for their seniority. When toasting, one must hold the glass lower than that of the elder or respected person. Such acts reflect the importance of hierarchy and respect in Chinese culture.On the contrary, in the West, the use of tableware is highly emphasized. Knives and forks are used precisely and elegantly. During meals, maintaining appropriate conversation is crucial. But loud and boisterous exchanges are often avoided.The contrast in table manners between China and the West not only showcases the diversity of cultures but also reminds us of the significance of understanding and respecting these differences. Isn't it amazing how different cultures shape our dining experiences?篇2In the vast realm of cultural diversity, the contrast between Chinese and Western table manners is truly remarkable! Chinese table etiquette often reflects the deep-rooted concepts of family and the orderly hierarchyof elders and juniors. For instance, during a family feast, the elders are seated first, and the youngest ones show respect by waiting to be served. This tradition emphasizes the importance of family unity and hierarchy.On the contrary, Western table manners showcase individualism and equality. Everyone has the right to express their opinions freely and make choices independently. Isn't it fascinating how in the West, the focus is more on personal preferences and equality among diners?The differences in these table manners aren't just about behavior; they delve deep into the core of cultural values. They reveal how different societies prioritize and perceive various aspects of life. How astonishing and thought-provoking these contrasts are!篇3When it comes to table manners, both in the East and the West, there are significant differences that reflect the unique cultures. In a Chinese family gathering, it is common to wait for the elders to start eating first. People often use chopsticks skillfully and share dishes. It's polite to show respect by not making too much noise while eating. But in a Western business banquet, a different scene unfolds. Formal cutlery like knives and forks are used. Before starting, it's important to wait for the host to indicate. One should eat quietly and avoid talking with a mouthful of food. Oh, how fascinating these differences are! Don't you think it's essential to understand them to show respect and build good relationships?Understanding different table manners can truly deepen our comprehension of various cultures. Isn't it wonderful to explore these cultural diversities?篇4In today's globalized world, the integration and development of Chinese and Western table manners have become an intriguing topic. How do we strike a balance and create harmony when it comes to dining etiquette? Take international conferences for instance. At such events, planners have to consider a multitude of factors. They need to accommodate the preferences of both Chinese and Western guests. For the seating arrangement, it's not just about putting people randomly. There are cultural nuances to be aware of! The choice of utensils also poses a challenge. Do we use chopsticks or knives and forks? And what about the sequence of courses? In China, it might follow a certain traditional order, while in the West, it could be different. Oh, the complexity of it all! But isn't it wonderful to see how these diverse cultures come together and find common ground in the realm of table manners? This process of integration is not only about food and etiquette, but also about mutual respect and understanding. Isn't that what makes our world more colorful and connected?篇5Oh my goodness! Let me tell you about my fascinating experiences with table manners in China and the West. Once, when I dined in a Western restaurant, I was amazed by the elaborate cutlery and the strict rules of placing them. I had to be so careful not to make a mistake! And when my foreign friends came to have a meal in China, they were quite surprised by the sharing of dishes and the热闹atmosphere. We had so much fun explaining and learning from each other. For instance, in the West, it's considered impolite to talk with your mouth full, but in China, lively conversations during meals are common and add to the joy. Isn't it interesting how different cultures have such diverse ways of enjoying food?I truly believe that understanding these differences not only enriches our knowledge but also helps us build better connections with people from all over the world. How wonderful it is to explore these cultural treasures through our dining experiences!。



筷子的英语作文(使用,餐桌文化,意义)全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: The Significance of Chopsticks in Dining Table CultureIntroductionChopsticks, an important utensil in Asian dining cultures, play a significant role in the way food is enjoyed and shared. With a long history dating back to ancient times, chopsticks are not just tools for picking up food, but they also represent cultural values and traditions.Traditional Use of ChopsticksChopsticks are typically made of wood, bamboo, or metal and come in different lengths and styles depending on the region. In China, chopsticks are usually longer than those in Korea or Japan. The traditional use of chopsticks involves holding one chopstick in place with the middle finger and using the index and thumb to manipulate the other chopstick to pick up food. This technique requires skill and precision, and mastering it is seen as a mark of etiquette and refinement.Symbolism and MeaningChopsticks are more than just utensils; they hold symbolic significance in Asian cultures. In Chinese culture, for example, chopsticks are considered an extension of one's body and are used to show respect for the food and the person sharing the meal. In Japan, chopsticks are seen as a tool for mindfulness and reflection, as they require concentration and focus to use effectively.The act of sharing food with chopsticks also symbolizes unity and harmony among diners. In Chinese culture, it is common for dishes to be placed in the center of the table for everyone to pick from, emphasizing the importance of communal dining and sharing.Adaptations and Modern UseWhile chopsticks have a long history and tradition, they have also evolved with modern times. Plastic and disposable chopsticks are now commonly used in restaurants and homes, offering convenience and hygiene. Some chopsticks are even designed with special grips or features to make them easier to use for those who are less skilled with traditional chopsticks.In addition, chopsticks have been embraced by Western cultures as a trendy and eco-friendly alternative to traditional utensils. Many restaurants now offer chopsticks alongside forks and knives as a way to cater to diverse tastes and preferences.ConclusionChopsticks are not just tools for eating; they are symbols of cultural identity, unity, and respect. As we continue to embrace diversity and globalization, the use of chopsticks in dining tables around the world serves as a reminder of the rich traditions and values that come with sharing a meal.篇2Title: The Culture and Significance of ChopsticksChopsticks are not only a utensil for eating, but also a symbol of cultural heritage in many East Asian countries. They have been used for thousands of years in countries such as China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam. The use of chopsticks has become an integral part of dining etiquette and table manners in these regions.Chopsticks are typically made of wood, bamboo, or metal. They come in pairs and are held in one hand to pick up food. The skill of using chopsticks is considered an art form, as it requiresdexterity, precision, and practice. In traditional Chinese culture, it is believed that using chopsticks helps to balance the energy flow in the body and promotes a sense of harmony and balance.At the dining table, chopsticks are more than just a tool for eating. They are a reflection of social norms and values. In many Asian cultures, it is considered impolite to point or gesture with chopsticks, as this is seen as a sign of disrespect. It is also considered bad manners to use chopsticks to stab or spear food, as this is reminiscent of funeral rituals.Chopsticks are also symbolic of togetherness and unity. In Chinese culture, it is common for families to share dishes with a communal chopstick, symbolizing the bond between family members. Similarly, in Japanese culture, it is customary to pass food between chopsticks as a gesture of gratitude and respect.The significance of chopsticks extends beyond the dining table. They are also used in traditional ceremonies and rituals, such as weddings, funerals, and ancestral worship. In Chinese culture, chopsticks are often presented as a gift on special occasions, symbolizing good luck, prosperity, and longevity.In modern times, chopsticks have gained popularity around the world as a healthy and eco-friendly alternative to utensils such as forks and knives. They are known for promoting mindfuleating and portion control, as they require slower and more deliberate eating habits.In conclusion, chopsticks are more than just a utensil for eating – they are a cultural symbol of tradition, etiquette, and unity. Their use reflects the values and beliefs of East Asian societies and highlights the importance of mindfulness and respect in dining etiquette. Whether used in a traditional ceremony or a modern restaurant, chopsticks serve as a reminder of the rich cultural heritage and significance of table manners in East Asia.篇3The Origin and Significance of ChopsticksChopsticks, also known as "kuàizi" in Chinese, are a pair of small, thin sticks that are used as the traditional eating utensils in various Asian countries including China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam. The use of chopsticks dates back to ancient times and has since become an integral part of Asian culture and dining etiquette. In this essay, we will explore the history, significance, and usage of chopsticks in Asian cuisine.The history of chopsticks can be traced back to ancient China, where they were initially used for cooking and serving food. Overtime, chopsticks became the preferred eating utensils due to their convenience and practicality. The use of chopsticks quickly spread to neighboring countries in East Asia, where they were eventually incorporated into their respective dining customs.One of the key aspects of using chopsticks is the emphasis on proper table manners and etiquette. In traditional Chinese culture, using chopsticks correctly is seen as a sign of respect towards the host and the food being served. It is important to hold the chopsticks in the correct manner, with the tips pointing upwards and the index finger providing support and stability. Additionally, it is considered impolite to play with chopsticks, point them at others, or pass food directly from chopstick to chopstick.In addition to their cultural significance, chopsticks also have practical advantages when it comes to eating certain types of Asian cuisine. Chopsticks are particularly suited for picking up small pieces of food, such as rice, noodles, and vegetables, which may be difficult to grasp with a fork or spoon. The ability to pick up food individually allows for a more sensory dining experience, where one can appreciate the texture, flavor, and aroma of each dish.Furthermore, the use of chopsticks is also associated with health benefits. Eating with chopsticks encourages slower eating, which in turn helps with digestion and portion control. The act of using chopsticks requires coordination and dexterity, which can help improve fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Overall, the use of chopsticks promotes mindfulness and attentiveness while dining, leading to a more enjoyable and satisfying meal.In conclusion, chopsticks play a vital role in Asian culture and cuisine, symbolizing tradition, etiquette, and practicality. The history and significance of chopsticks highlight the importance of respecting cultural differences and embracing diversity in our global society. By learning to appreciate and use chopsticks, we can gain a deeper understanding of Asian culinary traditions and foster a greater sense of cultural appreciation and unity. So next time you sit down for a meal, consider picking up a pair of chopsticks and savoring the flavors of Asian cuisine in a whole new way.。


two different cultures between China and Western countries generate, and then table culture arises so fast at the historic moment.
2.Main Contents
Seats Arrangement
Western people prefer long table to round table when entertaining friends. The host and the hostess seat at both end of the table, while guests seat at other seats. The chief guest sits at the upper right side of the hostess, and the wife of the chief guest seats at the upper right side of the host. 重要的客人坐在女主人的右 上角,而重要客人的妻子坐 在主人的右上角位置。
knife is used to cut food and fork is used to carry food into mouth. during the dinner, you should put them on both sides of the plate, and knife and fork should be put in the way that looks like the Chinese word “八”. 刀是用来切割食物,叉用来携 带食物进嘴。晚餐期间,你应 该把它们放在两边的碟上。 刀和叉的摆放应看起来像中 文的“八”。



Table manners are an integral part of British culture and are deeply rooted in its history.Heres an essay on the topic,highlighting the key aspects of British table etiquette.IntroductionThe British are renowned for their politeness and adherence to etiquette,and this extends to the dining table.British table manners are a reflection of their social norms and values, and they play a crucial role in maintaining a pleasant and respectful dining experience.The SettingA proper dining setting is the first step to observing good manners.In British dining,the table is meticulously arranged with the right cutlery,glasses,and napkins.The placement of each item is deliberate,with forks to the left,knives and spoons to the right,and glasses at the top right corner.Seating ArrangementsSeating at a British table is not arbitrary.The host usually assigns seats,with the most honored guest seated to the right of the host.It is customary to wait for everyone to be seated before starting the meal.Starting the MealIt is considered polite to wait for the host to start eating before you begin.The host often gives a signal to start,such as picking up their napkin and placing it on their lap. Using CutleryBritish table manners dictate the use of the outermost cutlery first,working inward as the courses progress.The fork is held in the left hand,and the knife in the right,with the blade facing inwards.It is considered impolite to use the wrong hand for either utensil. Eating EtiquetteWhen eating,it is important to keep the mouth closed and to chew with the mouth covered if possible.Loud chewing or talking with a full mouth is frowned upon. Additionally,one should not reach across the table for items instead,they should ask someone to pass it to them.Soup EtiquetteWhen eating soup,it is customary to scoop from the side away from you and sip from the side of the spoon,rather than blowing on it or slurping.Fish CoursesFor fish courses,the use of a fish knife,which has a sharp edge on the inside,is appropriate.The fish is deboned with this knife,and the flesh is eaten in small pieces.Serving OthersIf you are serving others,it is polite to offer the best portion first to the most senior or honored guest.This is a sign of respect and good manners.Wine and ToastsIn British dining,the host usually pours the wine.When toasting,it is customary to stand, raise your glass,and make eye contact with those you are toasting to.Finishing the MealOnce finished,it is polite to place the cutlery together on the plate with the handles towards the right.This signals to the staff that you have finished eating.ConclusionBritish table manners are a testament to the countrys rich cultural heritage and its emphasis on respect and consideration for others.By following these etiquette guidelines, one can ensure a pleasant dining experience and demonstrate good manners in a British setting.。



论中国餐桌礼仪文化(On Chinese table mannersculture)论中国餐桌礼仪文化(On Chinese table manners culture)On Chinese table manners cultureChinese there is an old saying: "hunger breeds discontentment." The spring and Autumn period had more clearly pointed out: "the granary in etiquette, adequate food and clothing to know the honor or disgrace." Eating is a major event in life, only the fullness of material security, integrity of these spiritual life will be enriched and developed. By eating, you can see the ritual tradition of a nation, and the ritual tradition is a manifestation of culture. Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that eating a human physiological need is translated into a social device and a fine cultural phenomenon.Let us talk about the table setting: China daily meals display on each seat placed on a bowl, a pair of chopsticks, a spoon, a dish of sauce for dinner, usually give guests a hot towel, hand towel and wipe the mouth instead of. All the dishes at the same time, the central end of the table, each with their own chopsticks directly from each dish dishes shared their food with a pot of soup; the end of each drink a pot of soup. Guests can have a meal absolute move "Dumbo River", clip at the far dishes. Since Chinese people like to share all the dishes, their tables are mostly round or square rather than a western dining table.Table manners is to ask the guests seated on the seats. Pleaseelderly guests in attendance were seated next to the seat from the left into the chair. Don't move their chopsticks. What more do not come to beep. Don't get up and walk around. If what happened to greet the master.The meal is very exquisite, the first guest elder move chopsticks.Dish each less. Far away from their own to eat some vegetables. Don't make a sound while eating. When the soup is not a sound soup with aspoon supping. Not to drink the soup bowl to your mouth. Hot cool drink later. Don't blow while drinking. Some people eat love chewing food. Especially hard crisp chewing food, a very clear voice. This is not etiquettedemands. And everyone is eating together, as far as possible to prevent the emergence of this phenomenon. Don't eat hiccup. Other voices will not arise if there sneezing, bowel and other can't help the sound,it is necessary to say "I feel shy." sorry. ";; please forgive." within the words to apologize. If guests or elders give food. The best use of chopsticks may also be the guests or elders far away from the dishes to their front, according to the habit of the Chinese nation. Dish is a one of the top. If the table is leadership, the elderly, the guests said. Whenever a new food line on the first Dongkuaizi ask them. Or invitethem to Dongkuaizi rotation. To show their importance. Eat the head, bones, bones and other objects, not to spit out, don't throw it on the ground. Slowly to get their hands diezili, or on the table or placedclose on their own in a prepared paper. To a timely manner about thetime and people just a few humorous, to reconcile the atmosphere. Noteat, regardless of others, not to eat a meal, not to drink. To clear the main tasks of the meal. To clear to talk business. It is linked to Complex feelings. Or to eat. If it is the former, we should payattention to in the seating arrangements. The main negotiating seats near each other to facilitateconversations or dredge emotion. If it is after. Only need to pay attention to some common sense courtesy on the line, to focus on theappreciation of dishes.The last is the guest left, the last time left. I must thank the host. At the invitation of the owner or later to return to their home. The family dinner time left to the elders table that you eat well, please rest and eat slowly.Not only that, table culture also has a lot of important things, such as tea. Chinese tea, if there is no tea, it can not be called formal. To do this, it is advisable to store as much tea as possible, ensuring that the most astute tastes are taken care of. As for tea, we should pay attention to a few key things.Seats recently teapot should be held responsible for other people and their zhencha, zhencha order in accordance with age, from longest to the youngest, the last pour for themselves. When the people you pour, the protocol should be used finger tapping on the table, it is zhencha who expressed gratitude and respect.Most of Chinese cuisine dishes, not only a material, usually with other dishes or ingredients to do foil entrees, excellent flavor andtaste of dishes, such as cooked pork, green vegetables with crisp Zuoban vegetables, such as celery or green peppers, foil pink, soft pork. A meal is not only a dish, usually at end two, or even four dishes, and each dish will be delicious, the last order is to end dish collocationin the first place, usually similar dishes will also end, will not end respectively before and after the meal, all must stress harmonious collocation.And chopsticks. Except for soup, all the food on the table wasserved with chopsticks. Chopsticks are eating a tool, so do not play with chopsticks, put them when the drumstick is a very rude way, but can not use chopsticks pointing to the person or make gestures. Of course, absolutely can not suck or the chopsticks chopsticks inserted in the Steamed Rice, this is taboo, this is like the funeral of incense is considered unlucky. Chopsticks is not different, in many people sweat seems unexpected misfortune mean, unlucky. Again, do not use chopsticks in a dish of non-stop change, you should first use your eyes to see the food you want to take. When you pick up a piece of food with chopsticks, try to avoid touching other foods. Use the chopsticks and spoons next to you, if possible. When you have finished your meal or take your food, put the chopsticks back to the chopstick holder.There are gods, Chinese not only respect the art and etiquette to eat, and even worship by "Vulcan" derived from the "Kitchen God", they think "Kitchen God" can bless the kitchen fire and avoid the unfortunate events of the year, the 24th day of the twelfth month of the Chineselunar calendar, each prepared a meal serve "Kitchen God", including a whole chicken, pigs, vegetables, rice variety, thanks to "Kitchen God"on their past year bless. They are usually put in front of the stove table placed in the left, put food on the table, which the number of hours before take food. The guests with the traditional Chinese family meal table, respect the culture, etiquette and custom of their meal, careful not to violate their taboos, because Chinese think that diet is closely related to the fate of individuals with almost a meal, made a taboo, will cause bad luck. For example, eat fish, when eating fish side, don't use chopsticks to whole fish turned to the other side, if theythinkover your fish fish, it means that the fishing boats would fanchen, this is because Hongkong is a fishing port in the early days, fishermen are concerned about the safety of ships; in addition, Chinese from noend of seven dish meal, because after the funeral "comfort solution wine" there must be seven dish; do not use chopsticks vertically into a bowl of rice for the central, this is a bit like in the worship of the ancestors; after not say "I eat a meal", which means they have died,will not have the opportunity to eat but it should be said, "I'm full"; to avoid the sound touch when eating bowl chopsticks, it is not only impolite, also means "free meal" to eat lunch in the bowl; cultivating habits, a grain of rice can not be left in the bowl, Otherwise thefuture wife or husband is a "shameless pox", also do not respect thefarmers toil. These superstitious dietary customs have been handed down to this day, and more or less become Chinese people's dietary etiquette.When we opened the long history, deeply the splendid culture, readthe profound thoughts, the show in front of us is standing in the eastof the world ancient power, enjoy the wonderful world of splendid culture, amazing is the crystallization of national wisdom great invention. Just let us into the table without end, "the great country, a state of ceremonies" Oriental civilization, it is a long history of traditional culture China cast brilliant.。

Etiquette culture礼仪文化

Etiquette culture礼仪文化
Wear clean socks to avoid bad odour.
Wear a good pair of leather shoes - black and brown/tan shoes. Shoes must be polished everyday.
Do not wear shoes that look casual. Also, do not wear shoes with worn out heels.
Etiquette culture
Rings: Keep them simple and not chunky.
Chains: You may wear thin chains with small lockets.
Do not wear ornamental/chunky jewelry even if it is an occasion.
Wear only formal belts with a sleek buckle.
As thumb rule, match your belt to your shoes.
Avoid these buckles.
Preferably wear leather strapped watches. If you wear a metal strapped watch, make sure that it fits the wrist well.
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MealsThe usual meals in the United States are breakfast, lunch and supper. The time for breakfast differs according to people and circumstances. In the case of most middle class families it is generally between 7:30 and 8:30. For breakfast they have fruit juice, then a cereal such as oatmeal or corn flakes with milk. They also eat ham or bacon with' eggs, very commonly poached or scrambled. Toast or rolls are also served and, of course, coffee is essential.Lunch is usually served between 12 and 1:30. Some people find it impossible to go home for this meal, and so they take it in a cafeteria or restaurant. Those who are at home generally have cold meat with boiled or fried potatoes, another vegetable or salad and, at the end, coffee or tea with a dessert such as fresh or cooked fruit, pudding, pie or icecream.Americans do not go in for tea which is served between four and five. But Britishers cannot do without it. While only cake or cookies is served with tea in America, sandwithes, butteredbread or toast, cake or biscuits are served in the United Kingdom.Supper is served in the evening and is the most important meal of the day. Dinner is a more elaborate meal, such as one prepared for Sunday, a birthday or for some special occasion. It may be served either in the afternoon or evening. In most families the membere change their clothes before dinner. Food served for dinner differs depending on the case, but usually an appetizer, soup, fish, meat with vegetables, salad, dessert and coffee is the order.Don'ts at the Table1. Don't tuck the napkin in your vest or put it under your chin like a baby's bid. Spread it on your lap.2. Don't use your handkerchief for wiping your mputh when eating. Use the napkin.3. Don't put the napkin on the table when you must leave during the meal. It should be put on your chair. The napkin should be put back on the table only when the meal is finished. Don't fold it carefully. Just leave it in the natural manner as you have used it.4. Don't bend over your food. Keep the plate close to you and pull up your chair so that you don't have to lean forward. Sit up straight all the time.5. Don't bite a small piece out of a larger piece of food and return the rest to your plate.6. Don't lift your plate or saucer from the table.7. Don't drink with the spoon in your cup.8. Don't stir too soon when you put sugar into your tea or coffee. Allow enough time for the sugar to melt, then stir a few times and place the spoon on the far side of the saucer.9. Don't dip bread, doughnuts, cookies, etc. into tea, milk or any other liquid food.10. Don't make noises with your mouth. Close your mouth when eating. People make mouth noises because they eat without closing their mouths. When you drink yoursoup don't sip it, but swallow it all in one mouthful.11. Don't talk with your mouth full. If someone talks to you, wait until your mouth is empty before answering.12. Don't test tea or coffee to see if it is too hot by taking a spoonful. Never blow food to cool it.13. Don't try to reach for the salt or pepper in front of others. Ask your jieighbor to pass it.14. If you are a man , don' t eat with your hat or cap on in a restaurant. But never put a hat or a cap on the table. It could be hung up or put on a chair beside you.Differences between Chinese and Western Table Manners When the Chinese ask their guests to dinner, even .though there are dozens of excellent dishes on the table, the host is likely to say something like " There are no special dishes tonight. Please do feel at home and help yourselves. " The words of praise for the dishes are left for the guests. But this is entirely different in the West. If you are invited out to eat at the restaurant, you may be told by the host, "These are the best dishes cooked by the best chefs in the city. " If asking a guest to eat at his home, the host may say, "This is the best dish my wife cooks. " This is to show the guest the trouble he has taken.At a western dinner table, the seats are also arranged in a different way. Generally speaking, the host sits at the head of the table with the main guest sitting to his right, the second guest to his left, so on and so forth.When the hospitable Chinese host proposes a toast, if much exerted, he usually says "Bottom up J" and drinks down all the wine at one breath. Then he wants the guests to do the same, thinking in this way the guests will prove to be true friends. In the West, people also give toast. But it is up to the guests how much they drink. It is wise not to force women guests to drink up all the wine. Care should also be taken when you offer o'thers cigarettes. In western countries, the host only leaves the cigarettes on the table and lets the guests make their decision. If you offer your guests one cigarette after another, they will feel embarrassed instead of thanking you for that.Chinese eat with chopsticks while most of the westerners eat with knives and forks. Some westerners may be quite good at using chopsticks, but most of them are not. In setting a table at which westerners are entertained, it is always advisable to place knives and forks alongside the chopsticks.Chinese, at dinner parties, eat from dishes placed in the middle of the table. Westerners are not used to reaching for something over the table. But in China, it is usual to help oneself to the food placed at the center of the table. The foreign guests should be made to understand this difference in table manners.At a Chinese dinner, the host always presses more food onto the guest' s plate as soon as he has emptied it of the. previous helping. That often makes a foreign guest feel very awkward. He has to eat the food even if he doesn' t feel like it, because it is considered bad manners in the west to leave one' s food on the plate. On the contrary, a Chinese sits at, say, an American’ s dinner party, he very often refuses the offer of food or drink though in fact he is still hungry or thirsty. This might be goodmanners in China, but it is definitely not in the West. In the United States, it is impolite to keep asking someone again and again to eat more press something on him. Americans are very direct. If they want something, they will ask for it. If not. they will say, "No. thanks. " Here' s an example: When an American is offered beer by the host, and he doesn ' t like beer, he will probably say, " No, thanks. I just don'' t feel like it. I'11 take some Pepsi if you have it. " That is what an American will do. Americans consider it confusing to avoid telling the true facts, even if avoiding the truth is done only to be polite. Americans are taught that "Honesty is the best, policy. " But in some countries, courtesy might be more important than honesty. That is where misunderstandings occur.饮食英文词汇餐具:coffee pot 咖啡壶coffee cup 咖啡杯paper towel 纸巾napkin 餐巾table cloth 桌布tea-pot 茶壶tea set 茶具tea tray 茶盘caddy 茶罐dish 碟plate 盘saucer 小碟子rice bowl 饭碗chopsticks 筷子soup spoon 汤匙knife 餐刀cup 杯子glass 玻璃杯mug 马克杯picnic lunch 便当fruit plate 水果盘toothpick 牙签中餐:bear’s paw 熊掌breast of deer 鹿脯beche-de-mer; sea cucumber 海参salted jelly fish 海蜇皮kelp, seaweed 海带abalone 鲍鱼shark fin 鱼翅scallops 干贝lobster 龙虾bird’s nest 燕窝roast suckling pig 考乳猪pig’s knuckle 猪脚boiled salted duck 盐水鸭preserved meat 腊肉barbecued pork 叉烧sausage 香肠fried pork flakes 肉松BAR-B-Q 烤肉meat diet 荤菜vegetables 素菜meat broth 肉羹local dish 地方菜Cantonese cuisine 广东菜set meal 客饭curry rice 咖喱饭fried rice 炒饭plain rice 白饭crispy rice 锅巴gruel, soft rice , porridge 粥noodles with gravy 打卤面plain noodle 阳春面casserole 砂锅chafing dish, fire pot 火锅meat bun 肉包子shao-mai 烧麦preserved bean curd 腐乳bean curd 豆腐fermented blank bean 豆豉pickled cucumbers 酱瓜preserved egg 皮蛋salted duck egg 咸鸭蛋dried turnip 萝卜干冷饮:beverages 饮料soya-bean milk 豆浆syrup of plum 酸梅汤tomato juice 番茄汁orange juice 橘子汁coconut milk 椰子汁vegetable juice 蔬菜汁ginger ale 姜汁soft drink 汽水coco-cola (coke) 可口可乐black tea 红茶jasmine tea 茉莉(香片)tea bag 茶包lemon tea 柠檬茶honey 蜂蜜soda water 苏打水artificial color 人工色素ice water 冰水mineral water 矿泉水distilled water 蒸馏水long-life milk 保久奶condensed milk 炼乳; 炼奶cocoa 可可coffee mate 奶精coffee 咖啡iced coffee 冰咖啡white coffee 牛奶咖啡black coffee 纯咖啡essence of chicken 鸡精ice-cream cone 甜筒sundae 圣代; 新地ice-cream 雪糕soft ice-cream 窗淇淋vanilla ice-cream 香草冰淇淋ice candy 冰棒milk-shake 奶昔straw 吸管水果:pineapple 凤梨watermelon 西瓜papaya 木瓜betelnut 槟榔chestnut 栗子coconut 椰子tangerine 橘子mandarin orange 橘sugar-cane 甘蔗muskmelon 香瓜juice peach 水蜜桃pear 梨子peach 桃子carambola 杨桃cherry 樱桃persimmon 柿子apple 苹果mango 芒果fig 无花果water caltrop 菱角almond 杏仁plum 李子honey-dew melon 哈密瓜loquat 枇杷olive 橄榄durian 榴梿strawberry 草莓grape 葡萄lichee 荔枝longan 龙眼banana 香蕉熟菜与调味品:string bean 四季豆pea 豌豆green soy bean 毛豆soybean sprout 黄豆芽mung bean sprout 绿豆芽bean sprout 豆芽cabbage 包心菜; 大白菜broccoli 花椰菜mater convolvulus 空心菜dried lily flower 金针菜mustard leaf 芥菜celery 芹菜tarragon 蒿菜beetroot, beet 甜菜agar-agar 紫菜lettuce 生菜spinach 菠菜leek 韭菜caraway 香菜hair-like seaweed 发菜preserved szechuan pickle 榨菜salted vegetable 雪里红lettuce 莴苣asparagus 芦荟bamboo shoot 竹笋dried bamboo shoot 笋干chives 韭黄turnip 白萝卜carrot 胡萝卜water chestnut 荸荠pachyrhizus 地瓜long crooked squash 菜瓜loofah 丝瓜pumpkin 南瓜bitter gourd 苦瓜cucumber 黄瓜white gourd 冬瓜gherkin 小黄瓜yam 山芋taro 芋头beancurd sheets 百叶champignon 香菇button mushroom 草菇needle mushroom 金针菇agaricus 蘑菇dried mushroom 冬菇tomato 番茄eggplant 茄子potato, spud 马铃薯lotus root 莲藕agaric 木耳white fungus 白木耳ginger 生姜garlic 大蒜garlic bulb 蒜头green onion 葱onion 洋葱scallion, leek 青葱wheat gluten 面筋seasoning 调味品caviar 鱼子酱barbeque sauce 沙茶酱tomato ketchup, tomato sauce番茄酱mustard 芥末salt 盐sugar 糖monosodium glutamate , gourmet powder 味精vinegar 醋sour 酸lard 猪油peanut oil 花生油soy sauce 酱油green pepper 青椒paprika 红椒star anise 八角cinnamon 肉挂curry 咖喱maltose 麦芽糖糖与蜜饯:jerky 牛肉干dried beef slices 牛肉片dried pork slices 猪肉片confection 糖果glace fruit 蜜饯marmalade 果酱dried persimmon 柿饼candied melon 冬瓜糖red jujube 红枣black date 黑枣glace date 蜜枣raisin 葡萄干chewing gum 口香糖nougat 牛乳糖mint 薄荷糖drop 水果糖marshmallow 棉花糖caramel 牛奶糖peanut brittle 花生糖castor sugar 细砂白糖granulated sugar 砂糖sugar candy 冰糖butter biscuit 奶酥rice cake 年糕moon cake 月饼green bean cake 绿豆糕popcorn 爆米花chocolate 巧克力牛排与酒:late snack 宵夜ham and egg 火腿肠buttered toast 奶油土司French toast 法国土司muffin松饼cheese cake 酪饼white bread 白面包brown bread 黑面包French roll 小型法式面包appetizer 开胃菜green salad 蔬菜沙拉onion soup 洋葱汤potage 法国浓汤corn soup 玉米浓汤minestrone 蔬菜面条汤ox tail soup 牛尾汤fried chicken 炸鸡roast chicken 烤鸡steak 牛排T-bone steak 丁骨牛排filet steak 菲力牛排sirloin steak 沙朗牛排club steak 小牛排well done 全熟medium 五分熟rare 三分熟beer 啤酒draft beer 生啤酒stout beer 黑啤酒canned beer 罐装啤酒red wine 红葡萄酒gin 琴酒brandy 白兰地whisky 威士忌vodka 伏特加on the rocks 酒加冰块rum 兰酒champagne 香槟其他小吃:meat 肉beef 牛肉pork 猪肉chicken 鸡肉mutton 羊肉bread 面包steamed bread 馒头rice noodles 米粉fried rice noodles 河粉steamed vermicelli roll 肠粉macaroni 通心粉bean thread 冬粉bean curd with odor 臭豆腐flour-rice noodle 面粉noodles 面条instinct noodles 速食面vegetable 蔬菜crust 面包皮sandwich 三明治toast 土司hamburger 汉堡cake 蛋糕spring roll 春卷pancake 煎饼fried dumpling 煎贴rice glue ball 元宵glue pudding 汤圆millet congee 小米粥cereal 麦片粥steamed dumpling 蒸饺ravioli 馄饨moon cake 月饼green bean cake 绿豆糕popcorn 爆米花chocolate 巧克力marrons glaces 糖炒栗子。
