2015七年级英语下册《Unit 8 Pets Reading 1》学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版
牛津译林版七年级下册Unit 8《Pets》(reading1)教学设计

牛津译林版七年级下册Unit 8《Pets》(reading1)教学设计一. 教材分析牛津译林版七年级下册Unit 8《Pets》(reading1)讲述了关于宠物的故事。
通过讲述一个名叫Li Ming的学生和他的两只宠物狗Bobby和Bella的故事,引导学生了解宠物的特点和与宠物相处的乐趣。
二. 学情分析七年级的学生已经具备了一定的英语基础,能够进行简单的英语交流。
三. 教学目标1.知识目标:学生能够掌握有关宠物的词汇,如pet, dog, cat, fish等;能够理解文章大意,把握文章结构;2.能力目标:学生能够运用所学词汇和句型进行简单的英语交流,如介绍自己的宠物,谈论宠物的特点和喜好;3.情感目标:学生能够培养对宠物的喜爱之情,学会关爱动物,培养良好的道德品质。
四. 教学重难点1.重点:学生能够掌握有关宠物的词汇和句型,理解文章内容,进行简单的英语交流;2.难点:学生能够正确运用所学词汇和句型,表达自己对宠物的喜好和看法。
五. 教学方法1.任务型教学法:通过设定各种任务,让学生在完成任务的过程中运用所学知识,提高学生的实际运用能力;2.情境教学法:创设各种情境,让学生在真实的环境中感受和体验英语,提高学习兴趣;3.情感教学法:通过激发学生的情感,让学生在愉悦的氛围中学习英语,培养良好的道德品质。
六. 教学准备1.准备相关宠物图片,用于教学展示和练习;2.准备宠物视频,用于导入和拓展环节;3.准备录音机和磁带,用于听力练习;4.准备单词卡片,用于单词学习和操练;5.准备课文课件,用于呈现和讲解。
七. 教学过程1.导入(5分钟)利用宠物视频引入课题,激发学生兴趣。
中学七年级英语下册 Unit 8 Pets教案

Unit8 Pets课题Unit 8 Pets ---课时第一课时执教时间复备人教学目标1. 知识目标:①重点单词: pet, rude, goldfish, mouse, parrot, knee,hold, feed,②重点短语: bring me something to eat, want a newpet, swim around,sleep on my knees, hold it in myhand, feed her carrots, play with, teach him tospeak …③重点句子: How rude you are! You should say“ Please”.I like watching them swim around. I want toteach him to speak2. 技能目标: ①认知几种宠物的名称及其典型特征,了解这些宠物的基本习性。
②学会介绍宠物3.情感目标:培养学生的爱心,激发学习的兴趣.教学重点认知几种宠物的名称及其典型特征, 了解这些宠物的基本习性。
教学录影机,多媒体,实物等媒体教学过程Step1:预习指导与检测 见导学案交流预习情况,讨论预习中存在的问题Step2:展示目标 见导学案Step3:课堂导学与互动任务一:导入Free talkDo you like animals?What animals do you know?任务二:呈现两人一组谈一谈你所喜爱的宠物,可运用以下句型: •What is this?•Do you like it? Why or why not?任务三:Ask and answerWhat is your favourite pet? Why (not)?I really like ---. Because---.What about---?I like /don’t like them.任务四:Make sentences任务五:Finish Part B on Page 93.任务六:D iscussWhat animal do you want to keep as a pet? Why?stripsListen and answer1.Is Hobo a good pet ?2. What does Eddie want Hobo to do ?任务八:Watch and answer1.Is Hobo happy? Why ?2. Why does Eddie want to get a new pet?3. What can we learn from this conversation ? Practice reading the dialogue.Act it out.Step4:总结提升再备Step5:当堂反馈见导学案Step6:课后拓展见导学案Step7:布置作业1.Copy new words and phrases.2.Recite the dialogue教学反思课题Unit 8 Pets ---Reading 1课时第二课时执教时间复备人教学目标• 1. 知识目标:•重点单词: poem, wide, hide, build,stick, camp, bark, till,end, hunt, bite, fight, trou ble, bubble, gentle, touch, rhyme, care•重点短语: run after a ball, with eyes open wide, look after,till the end, need a gentle touch, look around for, take car of•重点句子: She isn’t any trouble.•My dog is the cleverest animal of all.• 2. 技能目标: ①学习宠物诗•②让我们能更加了解宠物,能运用新词汇来谈论宠物。

七年级(下)英语Unit 8 Pets Reading(1)A poems about pets 教学设计_______________________________________________________________________________一、教学目标1、知识目标:①学生能够掌握诗歌中关于宠物的词汇和短语。
_______________________________________________________________________________ 二、教学重点①诗歌中宠物相关词汇和短语的掌握。
_______________________________________________________________________________ 三、教学难点①诗歌深层含义的理解。
_______________________________________________________________________________ 四、教学过程Step1 Lead in①展示宠物图片,引导学生谈论自己喜爱的宠物及其特点。
②提问:你们觉得宠物给我们带来了什么?Step2 Presentation①呈现诗歌标题《A Poems about pets》,介绍诗歌背景和主题。
Step3 Text Analysis①分段解析诗歌,讲解每段的主要内容和深层含义。

七年级英语下册Unit8PetsReading教学案新版牛津版《Unit 8 Pets Reading》教学目标1.能了解诗歌的押韵规律、重音和语调。
教学内容词汇:poem, wide, hide, build, camp, stick, fight, till, end, trouble, touch, care词组:run after a ball, with eyes open wide, look after, till the end, need a gentle touch, look around for, take care of 句型:My dog is the cleverest animal of all.She isn’t any trouble.重点难点了解诗歌的押韵规律、重音和语调。
1. 所有中最聪明的动物2. 追赶球3. 眼睛睁得大大的4. 我躲他找5. 玩精彩的把戏6. 永远照顾他7. 不必,喂它许多 8. 需要轻轻地抚摸二、合作探究1. p oe m ['p?ui m] n. 诗歌 poems about pets 关于宠物的诗歌2. w i de [w ai d] adv. 充分地 with eyes open wide 眼睛睁得大大的adj. 宽的;广泛的3. b ui ld [b?ld] vt. 建造,建筑 builds built buildingbuild sb. camps out of sticks 用树枝给某人搭建营地(帐篷)build的名词是building ,建筑物,是可数名词E:They __________(build) these ____________(build) three years ago.4. f i ght [f a?t] vi&vt. 打仗(架);与……打仗(架)fights fought fightingfight with sb. 和某人打架E:He doesn’t like ____________________________.他不喜欢和别人打架。
七年级英语下册 Unit 8 Pets Reading 1教案 (新版)牛津版

3.She isn’t any trouble.
Answer some questions .
1. Is your dog the cleverest animal of all?
2. Does he just run after a ball?
3. Does he do wonderful tricks?
4. Will you look after him till the end?
( )2.It’s hard to keep the housewith three kids.
A. cleaningB. to cleanC. cleanedD. clean
( )3.Youplay with fire, Tom. .It’s dangerous.
A. needn’tB. may notC. mustn’tD. wouldn’t
of (照顾) myself.
9. They won the game in the _____ (最后).
10. We _________ (照顾) the neighbours'
cat while they're away.
Get students to discuss the free talk.
_______ like lots of _______.It is _______ to ______ them in the park _______
牛津译林版七年级下册Unit 8《Pets》(Integrated skills)教学设计

牛津译林版七年级下册Unit 8《Pets》(Integrated skills)教学设计一. 教材分析牛津译林版七年级下册Unit 8《Pets》主要介绍了有关宠物的词汇和宠物相关的日常表达。
二. 学情分析七年级的学生对宠物有着浓厚的兴趣,生活中也经常会接触到各种宠物。
三. 教学目标1.知识目标:学生能够掌握本单元的重点词汇和日常表达,了解宠物的一些基本特征和行为。
四. 教学重难点1.重点:本单元的重点词汇和日常表达。
五. 教学方法1.任务型教学法:通过完成各种任务,让学生在实际运用中掌握所学知识。
六. 教学准备1.教学课件:制作课件,包含本单元的重点词汇和日常表达。
七. 教学过程1.导入(5分钟)利用课件展示一些宠物的图片,引导学生谈论他们喜欢的宠物,激发学生的学习兴趣。
牛津译林版七年级下册Unit 8《Pets》复习教学设计

牛津译林版七年级下册Unit 8《Pets》复习教学设计一. 教材分析《Pets》是人教版牛津译林英语七年级下册的一单元,主题是关于宠物。
二. 学情分析七年级的学生已经具备了一定的英语基础,对于日常生活中的动物名称和简单描述已经有了一定的了解。
三. 教学目标1.知识目标:学生能够掌握本单元的单词和句型,正确运用它们进行描述和交流。
四. 教学重难点1.单词:本单元的单词包括宠物名称和描述宠物的形容词。
五. 教学方法采用任务型教学法,通过设置各种任务,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高他们的英语运用能力。
六. 教学准备1.教学材料:教材、多媒体课件、宠物图片、录音机、磁带等。
七. 教学过程1.导入(5分钟)利用多媒体展示各种宠物的图片,引导学生谈论他们喜欢的宠物,激发学生的学习兴趣。

1. 教学方法:
1. 知识层面:
1. 教学方法:
- 利用词汇卡片、小游戏等方式巩固记忆,提高词汇运用能力。
2. 语法知识:
- 通过分析文章中的句子,学习一般现在时的用法,了解其构成和意义。
- 结合宠物话题,进行疑问词的练习,提高提问和回答问题的能力。
3. 阅读理解:
- 指导学生关注文章结构,学会快速捕捉主题句、支持句和结论句。
【拔高教育】七年级英语下册 unit 8 pets reading 1教案 (新版)牛津版

stickn.树 枝,枝条;棍
2. Then read aloud the new words.
Step 2. Lead-in
Enjoy a poem ‘Millions of snowflakes’ to lead in this lesson.
1. To learn some new words enjoy the beauty and r hymes by reading aloud the two poems.
To Enjoy the beauty and rhymes by reading aloud the two poems.
I eat them up, yum, yum, yum!
Read the new words.
Step 3.Reading
1. Listen to the first poem. Read aloud after the tape recorder then answer some questions.
To learn some new words about talking about pets.
七年级英语下册 Unit 8 Pets Reading I学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版

Unit 8 Pets Reading I【学习目标】1. 能了解诗歌的押韵规律、重音和语调。
2. 能阅读有关的动物行为的诗歌并运用新词汇谈论宠物。
【学习重难点】1.会用本课时的四会单词及和词组句型:look after,take care of, I’ll look after him till the end.2.能运用所学知识描述不同动物的各种行为。
(同桌互查,小组长检查)并能根据音标写出下列单词及汉语意思:(注意这些词的词性)1.['pəʊɪm]__________ _________(n.)2.[ kæmp]_________ ________(n.)3. [ stɪk]__________ __________(n.)4. [end]__________ ___________(n.)5. ['trʌbl]__________ __________(n.)6. [tʌtʃ] __________ __________(n.)7. [k eə(r)]_________ __________(n.) 8. ['dʒentl] _______ __________(adj.)9. [ waɪd]_________ _________(adv.) 10. [tɪl] ___________ _________(prep.)11. [ hʌnt] ________ _________(vt.)___________ (过去式)12. [ haɪd] ________ _______(vt.)___________ (过去式)13. [ bɪld] ________ _______(vt.)___________ (过去式)14. [ bɑ:k] _______ ________(vi.)___________ (过去式)15. [baɪt] ________ ________(vt.)___________ (过去式)16. [faɪt] _______ ________(vt.)___________ (过去式)17. [ˈbʌbl] _______ _______(vi.)B、预习Reading (P94),用﹏划出和服装有关的词组,并翻译为中文。
七年级英语下册 Unit 8 Pets教案 (1)

Unit 8 Pets教学目标知识目标 1. Learn some names of anima ls and their appearances and lifestyles.2. Arouse the students’ interests in talking aboutanimals.能力目标 1.To introduce the topic of pets.2.To talk about the reasons why students like theirfavorite pets.情感目标 To train the Ss to love animals. 教学重点 1.To know more about animals. 2.To talk about their pets.教学难点 To knoe the names of animals and their appearances and lifestyles. 课前预习Preview the new words.Step1 Revision Step2 Presentati on Step3.Prac tise Step4. Presentati on Step 5 Practice Step 6 Practice Step 7. Comic strip Homework Show Preview tasks for students. Ask them to show it. Teacher ask: Do you like animals? Do you have pets at home? Show pictures for students to talk about the pets they like or have. Encourage students to describe the pets they like Teacher says: Some students like you are talking about why they like their pet s Read and match the two parts Practice the dialogue in Part B on Page 93 and then make a similar dialogue with the partner. Show the cartoons for students. Ask: 1.What time is it? 2. What does Eddie ask Hobo to do? Let Ss practice the dialogue and act it out. Give Ss 8 min to do Ex in study paper. Check the answers. 1. Read the dialogues. 2. Complete the exercises in your workbook. 3. Preview reading.1.Learn the new words on P92-93.2. Group Work: List the animals they have known. Students watch the pictures and share the answers together. Learn to describe some lovely pets Listen and fill in the blanks in Part A. Read the words together Take an active part in the class activity and practice speaking English. Watch the cartoons carefully and answer the questions. Read the dialogue and try to act it out in pairs. Finish the Ex. in time课 题 Reading(1) 课型 New教学目标 知识目标 1. To know how to read the English poems.2. To find the rhymes in each sentence.3. To use new words to talk about pets.能力目标 1. Guess and understand the meanings of some new wordsaccording to the text;2. Enjoy the beauty of English poems情感目标 1. Help students enjoy the beauty of English poems2.. Arouse students’ interest in learning English教学重点To know how to read the English poems.To find the rh ymes in each sentence.教学难点Help students enjoy the beauty of English poems课前预习Preview the new words.Listen to the tape.Step1.Pre- readingStep2 While-read ing1. Show pictures to revisewords about pets2.Get students to ask andanswer in pairs about thereasons they like the pets.1.P resent pictures to tellstudents guess which petsthe teacher like.2.Show pictures of dogs andteach the new words andphrases: do wonderfultricks/hunt/hide/bark/bite//fight/till the end.1.Tell the students:Here’s a poem about a dog.Please .read it and tell me whattheSay something abouttheir goodneighbours byanswering the openquestions “Do youhave goodneighbours?What doyour neighboursusually help do?Read the dialoguequickly and try tofind out the answerto theStep3. Post-readi ng dog can do. Make the studentsread the poem My dog 2. Listen tothe tape and help the studentsmark the rhymes in each sentence1. Present the pictures ofgoldfish and say “ I also likegoldfish very much. I know a lotabout them. What about you?Would you like to answer somequestions about goldfish?”2. Present some questions aboutgoldfish and communicate withthe students.3. Teach some new words andphrases in the second poem.1. Ask the students to read afterthe tape.2. Group them in groups of four,and ask them to find out therhymes in the second poem .3.Do the exercises in Part B1 onPage 95.Students practice in groups offour to read some famous Englishpoems.1.Read the poems after classRevise the new words and phrasesquestion.Underline the newwords they don’tunderstandGuess the other newwordsRead the dialogueand try to answerthe followingquestions.Do true or false.Read after therecording ,thentry to find out whatgood things thatSimon’sneighbours help do.Do the quick quiz.Read his articleand help Simoncomplete it.Group work.Each group gives areport课 题Reading(2) 课型 New 教学目标知识目标 1.To know how to read the English poems.2.To find the rhymes in each sentence.3.To use new words to talk about pets.能力目标 1. Guess and understand the meanings of some new wordsaccording to the text;2. Enjoy the beauty of English poems情感目标 1. Help students enjoy the beauty of English poems 2.Arouse students ’ interest in learning English 教学重点 To know how to read the English poems. To find the rhymes in each sentence.教学难点 Help students enjoy the beauty of English poems 课前预习Preview the new words. Listen to the tape.教学过程教学环节 学 生 活 动 备课札记Step 1 Revision1. Revise the poemsGet students to answer questions. 1) Is the writer’s dog the cleverest animal of all? 2) Does he just chase and catch a ball? 3) Does he do wonderful tricks? 4) Will the writer look after him? 2. Read aloud the second poem and then discuss the questions about a goldfish.1) Does a goldfish hide?Read the poems.Step 2 ExplanationsStep 3 PracticeStep 4 Practice 2) Does a goldfish bark?3) Does a goldfish fight?4) Does a goldfish bite?5) Does a goldfish need a bed?6)Does a goldfish run afteranother?7)Does a goldfish need a gentletouch?8)Does a goldfish miaow?Ask students to read the secondpoem.Explain the difficultsentences.Ask the students to finish thepoem by using the correctwords.“Millie and Amy also havetheir pets? Do you want to knowabout them?”Ask the students to writesomething about their pets.Ask the students to saysomething about their pets.Write something about yourpets.Read more poems.1.Remember the languagepoints in this lesson.2. Recite the two poems.Listen and writeFinish theexercises.Read and li stenFinish the poem.Fill in th eblanks with theright words.Write down somesentences abouttheir pets.Show time.总课题Unit8 pets总课时8 第 4课时课题Grammar课型New教学目标知识目标 1. Be able to use adjectives to describe things.2. Be able to use the indefinite pronouns correctly.能力目标 1. Learn to use adjectives to describe things..2. Learn to use indefinite pronouns correctly.情感目标To train the Ss’ interest in learning English.教学重点 e adjectives to describe their pets2.Understand the exact meaning of each indefinite pronouns.教学难点 1.Learn to use adjectives.2.Learn to use the twelve indefinite pronouns.课前预习Preview Simple present tense.Step1 RevisionStep 2 Presentat ionStep3 practicStep 4 Presentat io Tell the students my favouritefilm star.Ask the students to find theadjectives in the passage.Explain the use of adjectives.1.Explain the use of adjectives.plete Parts A1 & A2.Ask the students to fill in theblanks with right words .Ask students to say out themeaning of each indefinitepronouns.Explain the use of each indefinitepronouns.Ask the students to finish theexercise on page 98.Listen and findthe words.Listen and learnFinish theexercises.Read and listenFinish theexercise.Step5Cons olidationStep 6. ExerciseStep7: Homework 一、形容词定义:用来表示人或事物特征、性质的词。
【牛津版】七年级英语下册 Unit 8 Pets Reading教案

Step V Homework
Review the language points in this lesson.
He does wonderful _____ (tricks)
Builds me camps out of sticks.
He’d never bark or _____(bite),
And he doesn’t like to ____(fight).
My dog is my very best friend,
Does a goldfish hide?(Yes,she hides herself when she is playing or when she sees a big fish.)
Does a goldfish bark?(Of course not.)
Does a goldfish fight?(Yes,I k she may fight for food.)
Does a goldfish bite?(Sure.)
Does a goldfish need a bed?(No,she doesn’t.)
Does a goldfish miaow? (No,she doesn’t.)
Does a goldfish eat much?(No,she doesn’t.She will die if she.eats too much·)
Does a goldfish need a rabbit hutch?(No,she doesn’t.I think a hutch is a place like a box or a cage for small animals.)
七年级英语下册 Unit 8 Pets reading1教案

Unit 8 Pets reading1教学目标:1.能了解诗歌的押运规律、重音和语调2.能阅读有关动物行为的诗歌3.能运用新词汇谈论宠物教学重点: 能阅读有关动物的诗歌教学设计:Step 1 warming up and preparation复习1 告诉学生:We talked about pets last time. Some of you told me about the pets you like. T oday I’ll tell you about the pets I like. Can you guess what they are?2请学生猜测教师所喜欢的宠物及喜爱的原因,从而达到复习动物名称及其特征的目的。
Step 2 presentation1 在学生猜测教师所喜欢的宠物的过程中,如有人提到狗或金鱼,就将这两种动物的图片展示出来。
2 使用课前准备好的五幅图片呈现小狗的相关动作和信息,图片情景如下:小狗在追赶东西,小狗崽找藏起来的主人,小狗在咬东西,小狗在打架,小狗崽表演杂技等。
3 对学生说:Do youknow why I like pet dogs? First, dogs are really lovely. Second, they’re clever. They can do wonderful tricks. They’ll hunt when I hide. If I have a dog, I’lltell him not to bark, bite or figh t. He’ll be mybest friend andI’ll look after him till theend.在呈现、讲解图片的过程中,将划线部分板书出来,并带领学生朗读。
Step3 Practice3再次播放录音,请学生跟读,找出与红色单词押韵的单词。
七年级英语下册 Unit8 Pets全单元学案(无答案) (新版)牛津版

Unit 8 pets课时一【学习目标】1. 了解动物名称及其典型特征。
2. 学会运用所学内容描述喜爱的宠物。
【课前预习】A.写出下列单词的词义,词性及音标1.pet__________________________2.rabbit_______________________3.hold_________________________4.feed________________________B.写出下列单词的词义,词性1.parrot_______________p_______________3.chase_____________C. 翻译短语及句子。
1.bring sb. sth.____________________ 2 be more polite 3.swim around 4on one’s lap________________________5.teach sb. to do sth.6.feed sb sth.7.I like watching it swim around.8.I want to teach it to speak. 课前自主学习:同学们你们能用英语描述一些常见的动物,让你的同伴猜猜它们是什么动物吗?【课堂研习】1、小组成员互查预习内容并更正错误。
2. 自主学习所给单词和词组句子,每组自练不少于3次后展示。
4.试做P93的A 和B并互查答案。
5.两人一组谈一谈你所喜爱的宠物,可运用以下句型:A:Do you like------?B:Yes. I like it very much.A:Why do you like it?B: Because ------------------------.【自我检测】Ⅰ. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。
1.I often hear him ( sing ) in the classroom.2.You should be ( much ) polite.3.I want to teach him _ ( drive ).4.I Like making ( friend ) with them.5.She told me _________(not swim) I in the river.ⅱ.选择题()⒈ Would you please teach me first?A. danceB. dancingC. to danceD. dances( ) ⒉ please me some seafood. It’s very delicious.A. takeB. bringC. to takeD. to bring( ) ⒊ Kate often sees Jim football in the playground..A. playsB. playedC.to playD. play( ) ⒋ You more careful next time.A. shouldB. mustC. must beD. should beⅢ完成句子1.我应该把我的狗带来给他。
七年级英语下册 Unit 8 Pets Reading导学案 (新版)牛津版

7B Unit8 PetsReading学习目标:学习阅读有关动物行为的诗歌能运用新词汇谈论宠物理解诗歌的押韵规律、重音和语调重点词组:make trouble;till the end;look after;rhymes with;look around本课重点:1. My dog is the cleverest animal of all. 我的狗是最聪明的动物。
(1)the cleverest 是 clever的最高级,通常形容词最高级的构成是在形容词后加 -est,且前有定冠词 the.2. He builds me camps out of sticks. 他用枝条为我搭建营地。
out of后接原材料3. Some people are afraid of him. 一些人害怕他。
(1)be afraid of sb/sth. 害怕某人/ 某物(2)be afraid to do… 不敢做某事4. with eyes open wide 睁大眼睛寻找do sth with eyes open wide睁大眼睛做某事with复合结构表动作的伴随,通常为:①with +n+adj sleep with eyes closed / open ;②with +n+prep come in with a big smile on one’s face课堂检测:一、词汇运用1.We____________(build) a new school next year.2. They are easy________(look) after.3. A baby panda _______(重) about 100 grams at birth(出生).4. Don’t forget _______(give) it clean water every day.5. When he ______(get) tired, he will go to sleep.6. Last month, Jim met a dog on his way home. He thought it might_______(bite) him.7. Our English teacher has wide_____________(interesting).8. ________ (pull) the boat out of the water, please.9. We learn about how cats live and how _________(take) care of them.10. _________Julie __________(feed) her pet last night?11. It’s important ____________(not give) goldfish too much food.12. My mother is________________(busy) in my family.13. My lovely pet never _________(worry),because we take good care of her.二、单项选择( )1. I didn’t go to the park with my classmates, because my mother asked me to my little sister at home.A. look afterB. look atC. look forD. look like( )2. It’s hard to keep the house with three kids.A. cleaningB. to cleanC. cleanedD. clean( )3. You play with fire, Tom. It’s dangerous.A. needn’tB. may notC. mustn’tD. wouldn’t( )4. There are many kinds of ___________ in the river. You can go _________ there.A.fish; fishingB. fishes; fishC. fishes; fishingD. fish; to fish()5.My grandpa has poor eyesight. He has some trouble _______books without glasses.A. readB. readingC. to readD. to reading()6. I looked for my pen _______,but I can’t find it_________ .A. everywhere, anywhereB. anywhere, everywhereC. somewhere, everywhereD. everywhere, somewhere.()7. Nobody ______about the price.A. careB. carefulC. caresD. carefully()8.Tom fights _______his brother_______ food sometimes .A. for, forB. with, withC. with, forD. for, with()9. He ________ finish his homework __________ his Dad came back.A. not; untilB. didn’t; untilC. won’t; beforeD. isn’t; after()10. Who is ____________ student ____________ your class.A. cleverest; ofB. the cleverest; inC. clever; inD. more cleverer; of三、完成下列句子1、我每天和我的宠物要玩一段时间。
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《Unit 8 Pets Reading 1》
5、划出一些重要词语,并完成P95 B1、B2.
1、Mrs Green’s son often at school, and she doesn’t know
what to do about it .
2、My parrot is bird ,He can speak .
3、Tom is short reach the apple on the table .
4、My dog doesn’t just.He can do wonderful tricks, too.
5、He doesn’t li ke to . He likes peace (和平).
6、The workers the house wood .
7、It’s hard work to my small pet .
8、Kitty’s little cat mice .It’s very strange .
1、The workers many last year (build).
2、I only feed my dog (two) a day.
3、I was afraid of (speak) in front of the class ,
but now I am not.
4、He was very surprised and opened his eyes (wide).。