跨文化交际time orientation


《跨文化交际与翻译》 (7)

《跨文化交际与翻译》 (7)

Which culture has the following feature?
1. distractible 2. job-oriented 3. relationship-oriented 4. plan-changeable 5. plan-adherent 6. life-long relationship 7. short term relationship 8. rigorous time commitment 9. loose time commitment 10. vague concepts toward time
Language Study
Pattern imitation
While the generalizations listed below do not apply equally to all cultures, they will help convey a pattern. (P117, line 14)
Ma Hui answered, “Maybe.” Then Sam asked again, “Are you sure?” “Yes!” “How about meeting at the gate of the park?” “Maybe.” “Are you sure?” “Yes.” “How about 8 o'clock?” “Maybe.” “Are you sure?” “Yes!”
Text Study
Informal time systems
monochronic polychronic
? What is the features of them?
Case Study
Sam, one teacher from England, asked his his student Ma Hui whether he was free for teaching him Chinese next Saturday.



跨文化交际复习题Translation1.Intercultural communication: 跨文化交际2.Intracultural communication: 主流文化背景下的亚文化交际3.negative transfer of culture: 文化的负迁移municative channel: 交际渠道5.value orientation: 价值取向1)verbal communication: 语言交际①oral form②written form2)non-verbal communication: 非语言交际①body behavior②space and distance③time④silence6.time orientation: 时间取向7.past time and future time orientation: 过去取向与未来取向8.geographical context: 地域环境9.cultural diversity: 文化多元性10.non-verbal communication: 非语言交际11.aesthetic orientation: 审美取向12.cultural equivalence: 文化的等同petitive spirit: 竞争意识14.psychological context: 心里语境/ 环境15.group vs individual orientation: 集体取向vs 个人取向16.inductive vs deductive: 归纳法vs 演绎法17.oneness vs dividedness between man and Nature: 天人合一vs 天人分离18.encoding vs decoding: 编码vs 译码19.ingredients of communication: 交际的要素20.message or behavioral source: 信息源或行为源21.sub-culture: 亚文化22.ethnic culture: 民族文化/ 伦理文化23.stereotypes: 文化定势24.high context culture: 强交际文化环境25.low context culture:弱交际文化环境26.context of situation: 语言环境27.psychological context: 心理环境28.seeking of change vs seeking of stability: 求变vs 求稳29.innately good vs innately evil: 人性本善vs 人性本恶30.interactions rules: 交往规则31.interpretation norms: 解释范围32.ethnocentrism: 民族中心主义municative distance: 交际距离34.spatial setting: 空间场合35.temporal setting: 时间场合36.instrumental type: 工具型37.affective type: 情感型38.parataxis vs hypotaxis: 意合vs 形合39.pragmatic transfer: 语用迁移40.pragmatic failure: 交际失误41.cooperative principle: 合作原则42.politeness principle: 文明原则43.positive face and negative face: 积极面对和消极面对44.gender communication culture: 性别交际文化45.generation communication culture: 代交际文化46.professional communication culture: 职业交际文化47.proxemic behavior: 体距行为48.multicultural communication: 多元文化交际49.globalization vs glocalization: 全球化vs 全球语境下的本土化50.interethnic communication: 跨种族交际True or False1. Usually, the husband serves the cocktails and the wife clears the dishes from the table.—T2. Frequent guests often help the host and the hostess with the daily activities of the family.—T3. The guest may say a short prayer of thanks before dinner begins.—F4. A woman should not have a sustained conversation with a man in a public place in American subways.—T5. Men usually extend their hands and shake hands with women when they meet for the first time.—F6. If a woman invites a man for a date, it is usually “dutch treat”.—T7. In the United Sates, men and women can date a variety of people respectively.—T8. If you are thinking as much of others as of yourself, you won’t made mistakes that annoy others.—T9. It is not proper to talk with another person in a language unfamiliar to the rest.—T10. At the end of a speech it is sufficient to make a very slight bow without saying anything.—T11. In the United States, people find silence uncomfortable, except when it occurs between close friends.—T12. Americans think it is not very good to have acquaintance with members of the opposite sex.—F13. In the United States setting a date to get together must be done quite a few days in advance.—F14. American people like to drink tea very much after meals.—F15. American people have little concern for social rank.—T16. In conversation people never use each other’s titles.—F17. If you meet a stranger in the West and ask him the way, you should say “Hello, can you tell me the way to the bus station?”.—F18. Supposed you are asked to make a speech, you should address the listeners as “Gentlemen and Ladies” or “Mrs. and Mr.”—F19. In the West, it is not normal for a man to shake hands.—F20. The British don’t normally shake hands when taking leave unless someone is leaving for a fair length of time.—T21. While giving a lesson to your students if you want to go to the “W.C”, you say “I am sorry.”—F22. When you speak you must try to keep the tone light, casual and natural.—T23. The person who extends an invitation is usually expected to pay, though there is no definite answer to the question of who pays.—F24. When you didn’t follow the speaker, it is not polite for you to say “Repeat your words, will you?” to hi m.—T25. When invited to a party or dinner, it is very common for the guest to take bottles of drink there and give them to the host or hostess on arrival.—T26. When the dinner or party is over, you may take leave or say goodbye to the host or hostess as quickly as you can.—F27. When taking a taxi in the West, you have to tip the driver.—T28.The person who makes a call is usually the one to end the conversation on the phone.—F29. Flowers are very lovely and beautiful; you may carry any flowers when taking planes.—F30. It is necessary for you to do shopping with a basket at the supermarket in the West, before you enter the supermarket.—F31. When you dislike the price, you may say“ Sorry, the price is very high.”—F32. If you receive an invitation to a conference, you needn’t reply to it unless you attend it.—F33. For every meeting, there is an opening ceremony and closing ceremony.—F34.Dinner talks are necessary for a formal conference.—T35. Usually a dinner party will be given to the guests after signing a contract. And only the person who signs the contract will present himself.—F36. When signing a contract the assistants from both parties will sign the contract.—T37. In an opening ceremony it is polite to invite some top officer to make a speech.—FChoice1. In America it is considered better to be invited to a person’s house.2. Flowers are not provided in hotels because flowers are too expensive.3. Standing around chatting with one another is the answer to best describe Americans behavior at parties.4. Not to stay too long in one place is the basic rule at a party in America.5. You should move from group to group meeting people if you are alone at a party.6. The best way for women to meet men is in group.7. In the West it is customary for a man to raise his hat slightly off his head when he meets with a girl or a woman.8. An invitation to come to the home for a meal or a longer visit is usually given by the hostess.9. Some invitations bear the letters “R.S.V.P” That means reply as soon as possible.10. If you are waiting for someone in his room, it is all right for you to pick up a newspaper or magazine from the table to read.11. If you find it absolutely necessary to spit, go into a lavatory.12. When a man is with a lady, he usually walks behind her except when for instance, they got off a train , want to open a heavy door , try to find a table in a restaurant. 13. In the western countries when you give something to a person or receive something from a person, you should use one hand only-usually the right hand.14. That a married woman servant is called Mrs. So-and-so is a failure of communication.15. If you eat at a restaurant, you have to give the waiter a tip. You say“Thank you” and put the tip into the waiter’ hand.16. When two persons of the same sex shake hands, the older one puts his( or her) hand out first.17. That you introduce a married woman to an unmarried woman is wrong when you introduce two persons.18. You will spoil the dinner by arriving late because you will both make the other guests unhappy and make the dishes tasteless.19. A woman (not the hostess) should never rise when she is being introduced.20. As a guest at the dinner table you will not feel doubtful about which seat you should take because there is no order of importance of seats.21. If you do not enjoy the party, you must still say something to please your hostess.22. One day, when an American lady accidentally bumped into Wei Lin. Lady: I’m terribly sorry. Wei: That’ all right.23. At a bus stop, Man: Excuse me, do you know which bus to catch for London Road, please? Woman: Sorry, I’ve no idea. Man: Oh.24. Li had something to tell the manager, Mr. Smith, so he went to his place, entering the room and said” Can I have a word with you, Mr. Smith?”25. If you are attending a family gathering and would like to know what the familial relationship is between one member and another, you may ask”Is her your…?”26. When introduced to an older professor or to a friend’s parents, you would say” Hi! Glad to know you.”27. When introducing yourself to someone you don’t know at a party, you would say”Hi, I’m…”28. Jack phones Xiao Song’s office.Jack: Hello, I’d like to speak to Song Hua, please. Song: This is Song Hua speaking.29. Mr. Green’s secretary, Pat Kent, went to the airport to meet Mr. Barnes for her boss. Miss Kent: Excuse me, would you be Mr. Barnes?Q & A1. What have contributed to increased international contacts?A: New technology, growth in the world’s population, and shifts in the global economic arena have contributed to increased international contacts.2. What are the characteristics of culture?A: Culture is learned, transmitted from generation to generation, based on symbols, subject to change, integrated, ethnocentric and adaptive.3. What is interracial communication?A: Interracial communication occurs when the source and the receiver exchanging messages are from different races.4. What is interethnic communication?A: Ethnic groups usually form their own communities in a country or culture.5. What are elements of intercultural communication?A: The interacting elements fall into four general groupings: perception, verbal processes, nonverbal processes, and contextural elements.6. What is perception?A: Perception is the process of selecting, organizing, and interpreting sensory data ina way that enables us to make sense of our world.7. What factors influence human perception?A: Physical factor, environmental factor, and cultural factor influence human perception.8. Why do we say beliefs are important in intercultural communication?A: Belief systems are significant to the study of intercultural communication because they are at the core of our thoughts and actions, and they affect our conscious and unconscious minds, as well as the manner in which we communicate.9. What is value?A: Value is a learned organization of rules for making choices and for resolving conflicts.10. What is cultural value?A: Cultural values tend to permeate a culture and are derived from the large philosophical issues that are part of culture’s milieu.11. What are dominant American cultural patterns?A: Individualism, equality, materialism, science and technology, process and change, work and leisure, and competition.12. What are Hofstede’s value dimensions?A: Individualism—collectivism, uncertainty avoidance, power distance and masculinity and femininity.13. What do cultures differ in their attitudes towards?A: Individualism and collectivism, uncertainty avoidance, power distance, masculinity and femininity, human nature, the perception of nature, time, activity, relationships, context, formality and informality, and assertiveness and interpersonal harmony.14. What is world view?A: World view is a culture’s orientation toward God, humanity, nature, questions of existence, the universe and cosmos, life, death, sickness, and other philosophicalissues that influence how its members perceive their world.15. What are religious similarities?A: Sacred writings, authority, traditional rituals, speculation and ethics.16. What are the five main religions of the world?A: Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism.17. What different meanings toward life in five religions?A: Christianity—love, Judaism—order, Islam—authority, Hinduism—wisdom and Buddhism—suffering.18. Why is language important?A: Because we employ words to relate to the past, we use words to exercise some control over the present, and use words to form images of the future.19. What is the relation between language and culture?A: It is impossible to separate our use of language from our culture. In its most basic sense, language is a set of symbols and the rules for combining those symbols that are used and understood by a large community of people.20. What are the problems of the translation in linguistic equivalence?A: V ocabulary or lexical equivalence, idiomatic and slang equivalence, grammatical-syntactical equivalence, experiential-cultural equivalence and conceptual equivalence.21. What is nonverbal communication?A: Nonverbal communication involves all those nonverbal stimuli in a communication setting that are generated by both the source and his or her use of the environment and that have potential message value for the source or receiver.22. Why is nonverbal communication important?A: We make important judgments and decisions about others based on their nonverbal behavior. We use the actions of others to learn about their emotional states.23. What are the functions of nonverbal communication?A: To repeat, to complement, to substitute for a verbal action, to regulate and to contradict a communication event.24. What are nonverbal messages are communicated by means of?A: Body behavior, space and distance, time, and silence.。



Cultural patterns
Social Practices
Chapter3 The Hidden Core of Culture
The Definition of Values
• According to the Concise Oxford Dictionary, values are : one’s principles or standards; one’s judgment of what is valuable or importance in life.
Chapter3 The Hidden Core of Culture
Case study
• Story 1:
During the American Civil War, a very hungry young man fell down in front of a farm gate. The famer gave him food but in return he asked the young man to move a pile of wood in his yard--- in fact it was not at all necessary to move the wood. When the young man left, the farmer moved the wood back to its original place. Seeing all this, the famer’s son was confused. Q: why did the farmer not just give the young man some food? What values underlie the behavior of the old man?



第一章测试1【判断题】(5分)Cultureisoftencomparedtoaniceberg,suggestingthatonlyasmallpartofitisvisiblewhilemos tofitliesconcealed.A.错B.对2【判断题】(5分) AbrahamMaslowsuggestedthatpeopleallovertheworldsharefourbasicneeds.A.错B.对3【单选题】(5分)Cultureiscomparedtothe“softwareofourmind”andthegrammarofourbehaviorbecause().A.Thecollectiveagreementinpeople'smindgivespeopleguidelinesaboutwhatthingsme an,whatisimportant,andwhatshouldorshouldnotbedone.B. Cultureisasharedsetofmentalandpsychologicalprinciplesthatexistinpeople’smind.C.Alloftheotherthreechoicesarecorrect.D.Thecollectiveagreementinpeople'smindgovernspeople’sbehavior.4【单选题】(5分)Inthe1950’swhatchangedAmericaandstillhasastronginfluenceontheworldtoday?A.MicrowaveB.SuburbsC.TVD.Buses5【判断题】(5分) TheLouisianaPurchasemorethandoubledthesizeofAmerica.A.对B.错6【判断题】(5分)AmericawasonceunderBritishrule.A.错B.对7【单选题】(5分) WhatisthemostwatchedsportinAmerica?A.SoccerB.BaseballC.AmericanFootballD.Basketball8【单选题】(5分)MarchMadnessisA.vacationtimeforstudentsB. atournamentincollegebasketballC.aholidayinAmericaD.aspecialmonthfortheNBA9【判断题】(4分) BasketballisnowapopularsportinChina.A.对B.错10【单选题】(4分)IfyouvisitBritain,youshouldnever_________.A. SayanythingbadabouttheRoyalFamilyB.TalkaboutreligionC.TryBritishfoodD.Jumpqueues11【判断题】(4分)GreatBritainisthreecountries,buttheUnitedKingdomisfour.A.错B.对12【判断题】(4分) AgoodplaceforanoutdoorholidayisSnowdonia.A.错B.对13【判断题】(4分)Canadais,asofrightnow,consideredtobethethirdlargestcountryintheWorld.A.对B.错14【单选题】(4分)OneofCanada’sgreatestattractions,locatedattheCanada-UnitedStatesborder,iscalled__ ___________________.A.TheAirCanadaCenterB.TheNiagaraFallsC.JasperNationalParkD.TheCNTower15【判断题】(4分)Canada’smosticonicdish,called“ThePoutine”,combinestheflavorsofFrenchFriesandGrav yCheese.A.对B.错16【判断题】(4分)OneofBelfast’smostpopularattractionsistheTitanicQuarter.A.错B.对17【单选题】(4分) WhichofthefollowingstatementsabouttheUnitedKingdomistrue()?A.Alloftheotherthreechoicesarecorrect.B.England,ScotlandandWalesallliewithinthesameislandcalledGreatBritain.C. TheUnitedKingdomisasovereigncountrymadeupoffourdifferentnations.D.NorthernIrelandislocatedwithintheislandofIreland.18【单选题】(4分) WhichofthefollowingshowstheBritishinfluenceontheculturallifeofNorthernIreland?A.theestablishmentofsomeIrish-languageschoolsB.Irishmusic,danceandGaelicgamesC.thefamousbreakfastdish“UlsterFry”D.theparadesandpartiesonSt.Patrick’sDay第二章测试1【判断题】(10分) Thecommunicationstylesindifferentculturesarethesame.A.错B.对2【判断题】(10分) Therearerulesforspeakerstofollowastohowmessagesareconstructedandinterpreted.A.对B.错3【判断题】(10分) Whatyouknowandfeelremaininsideofyouunlessyoucommunicate.A.错B.对4【判断题】(10分) Normsaretheguidelinesthatweestablishforconductingtransactions.A.错B.对5【判断题】(10分) Messagesaretransmittedthroughavarietyofsensorychannels.A.错B.对6【判断题】(10分) Communicationisalwaysperfectlyeffective.A.错B.对7【判断题】(10分)Wemustbefullyawareofthephysical,psychological,perceptual,emotional,linguistic,andcul turalnoisesincommunication.A.对B.错8【判断题】(10分) Itisimportantforpeopletopayattentiontobothverbalandnonverbalfeedbackincommunicati on.A.错B.对9【单选题】(10分)Theelementsofcommunicationinclude().A.response,encodinganddecodingB.context,channelandnoiseC.message,feedback,senderandreceiverD.Alloftheotherthreechoicesarecorrect.10【单选题】(10分) Whichofthefollowingstatementsaboutcommunicationistrue?()A.Mosthumancommunicationisaone-waymessageflow.B. Everythingasendersaysordoeshaspotentialmessagevalue.C. Differentchannelsareequallyeffectiveatcommunicatingcertainmessage.D. Experiencesshowthatpeoplehavenochannelpreferencesincommunication.第三章测试1【判断题】(10分)Today'sworldisa“globalvillage”becauseoftherapidexpansionofworldwidetransportationa ndcommunicationnetworks.A.对B.错2【判断题】(10分) Globalizationofeconomyhasmadeitunusualforsomeonetoworkforanorganizationthatdoe sbusinessinmanycountries.A.错B.对3【单选题】(10分) Languagemaypresentproblemsininterculturalcommunicationbecause().A.Alloftheotherthreechoicesarecorrect.B.themisinterpretationofnonverballanguage–gestures,postures,andotherbodymove mentsisacommunicationbarrier.C. thesamewordorphrasemayhavedifferentconnotationinanewlanguage.D.variationsinlanguageusecanbefoundininflectionandtone.4【单选题】(10分) Theperceptionvariableininterculturalcommunicationstudyinclude().A.valuesB.Alloftheotherthreechoicesarecorrect.C.beliefsandattitudesD.worldviews5【判断题】(10分) Whenpeopleofdifferentnationalitiesandethnicoriginsattempttoworkandlivetogether,confl ictscaneasilyarise.A.对B.错6【判断题】(10分)Languageisamajormeansofcommunication.Itisnotinfluencedbythecultureinwhichitisdev eloped.A.对B.错7【判断题】(10分) Itisimportanttoaddresstheproblemofculturalilliteracyininterculturalcommunicationstudy.A.对B.错8【单选题】(10分) WhichofthefollowingstatementsaboutInterculturalcommunicationisNOTtrue?()A.Interculturalcontacthasalonghistory,sopeoplearefullyawareoftheculturaldifferences andfewconflictsariseintoday'sinterculturalcommunication.B.Theneedforinterculturalcommunicationisasoldashumankind.C.Itisthecommunicationbetweenpeoplewhoseculturalperceptionsandsymbolsystems aredistinctive.D. Theconfusingandhostilenatureofearlyinterculturalcontactscanbeseeninthestateme nt“Everyone’squicktoblamethealien.”9【单选题】(10分)Thereareanumberoffactorscontributingtotoday'sworldasa'globalvillage',including().A.Alloftheotherthreechoicesarecorrect.B.thepopularityofvariouscommunicationnetworksC.theexpansionoftheInternetD.therapidexpansionofworldwidetransportation10【单选题】(10分) Thereisapressingneedforpeopletoconductinterculturalcommunicationbecause().A.theswellingandmigratingofworld'spopulationB.Alloftheotherthreechoicesarecorrect.C.thechangesinimmigrationpatternsD. globalizationofeconomyhasbroughtpeopletogether第四章测试1【单选题】(10分) Confucianismputsmuchemphasison__.A.theharmonioussocialdevelopmentB.gettingonwellwitheachotherC.beingnicetotheagedD.treatingeachotherequally2【单选题】(10分)Inthe16thand17thcentury,poorpeoplewouldbepunishedmoreseriously__.A.becausethelawwasnotmadebythepoorpeopleB. becausetheywerethoughttobemorelikelytocommitacrimeC.becausetheircrimesweremoreseriouslyD.becausetherichpeoplehatethem3【判断题】(8分) KluckhohnandStrodtbeckworkinOxfordUniversity.A.对B.错4【单选题】(8分)MostAmericanpeopleliketousecreditcardbecause__.A.itmakesthingscheaperB.theyhavebeentoldtodoitsinceyoungC.theythinkitisconvenientD.theythinktheyareabletopayitback5【判断题】(8分)Timeorientationreferstopeople’sattitudetowardsthequestion“Whetherweshouldalwaysb eontime”.A.对B.错6【判断题】(8分) Chinesepeoplealwaysbuythemselvesahousewhentheyareyoung.A.对B.错7【判断题】(8分)Inanindividualistculture,eachperson’ssocialidentitycomesfromhisorhergroups.A.对B.错8【判断题】(8分) ChineseinterpersonalrelationshipismuchmorecomplicatedthantheWesternsocialnetwor k.A.对B.错9【单选题】(8分) Whichofthefollowingdemonstratesthecharacteristicsofanindividualistculture?()A.Peopletendtodependoneachotherinagroup,togetmutualbenefitandhelpeachother.B. Peopletendtomakedecisionsforthemselvesinsteadofconsultingtheircolleaguesorot hersaroundtheminbusiness.C.Partiesoftenhaveagroupfocus,eitherasharedmealorasetofperformancesthateveryo newatchesandinwhichmanyparticipate.D.Studentsareorganizedintoclassgroups(ban),andallstudentsinthesameclassgrouph avethesamecoursestogether.10【判断题】(8分) Chineseclassicalgardensareaperfectintegrationofnatureandworkbyman.A.对B.错11【单选题】(8分)Americanpeople'sideaofmasteringNaturecanbeseeninthefollowingactivities().A.Theconstructionofdamsthatholdbackthewatersoflargerivers.B.Alloftheotherthreechoicesarecorrect.C.Theconstructionoftunnelsthatgothroughmountains.D.TheymovedtheAmericanfrontierwestward.12【单选题】(8分)ThekeyconceptsintraditionalChinesemedicineinclude().A.Alloftheotherthreechoicesarecorrect.B.theenergyinhumanbody-QiC.theharmonybetweenyinandyangD.thefiveelementsofwood,fire,earth,metalandwater第五章测试1【单选题】(10分) WhichofthefollowingisNOTsupposedtohappeninsmallpowerdistancecountries?A.EqualityB.ChangeofsocialorderC.CentralizationD.Individualism2【单选题】(10分) Whatisthemostunlikelythinginlargepowerdistancecountries?A. ChildrenaretoldtolearnthenicevirtueofrespectingparentsandsuperiorsB. Itiscommonlyacceptedthatcompanybossesenjoyincomeequalitywiththeirsubordina tesC.ThedecisionofgoodandevilcomesafterthedeterminationofpowerD.Companybossesusuallyhavethefinalsay3【单选题】(10分)Accordingtothevideo,whichcountrycomesthethirdinPDI?A.MexicoB.RussiaC.ChinaD.India4【单选题】(10分) WhichcountryhasthelowestPDIaccordingtothevideo?A.DenmarkB.AustraliaC.U.S.AD.Germany5【判断题】(10分)Powerdistanceusuallylieswiththepeopleatthetop,notwiththepeopleatthebottom.A.错B.对6【单选题】(10分)WhichcountryistheNo.1intermsofIDVaccordingtothevideo?A.U.S.AB.AustraliaC.TheNetherlandsD.Britain7【单选题】(10分)WhichofthefollowingisNOTthefeatureofindividualistsociety?A.SlowerpaceoflifeB.PressfreedomC.LowerdivorcerateD.Theuseoftheword“I”8【判断题】(10分)Accordingtothevideo,thetermsofIndividualismandCollectivismwerefirstlyusedbyHofsted edescribedifferencesbetweennationalsocieties.A.错B.对9【判断题】(10分)Inindividualistsocieties,thetiesbetweenindividualsareloose.A.错B.对10【判断题】(10分) Extendedfamiliesaremorelikelytooccurinindividualistsocieties.A.错B.对第六章测试1【单选题】(10分)IntheUnitedStates,eggsareNOTalwayslabeledasA.LargeB.SmallC.ExtralargeD.Medium2【单选题】(10分) WhichofthefollowingareNOTmentionedinthevideotoemphasizetheimportanceoflanguag e?A.LanguagehelpspracticecultureB.Languageshapespeople’sculturallifeC.LanguagehelpsusreachouttocontactthesurroundingsD.Languageisasimportantasnon-verballanguage3【判断题】(10分) Languageandculturealwaysgohandinhandandcannotbeseparated.A.对B.错4【判断题】(10分) Weaselwordsareproducedtopersuadepeopleintobuyingcertainproducts,makingthemspa rklingorrefreshing.A.对B.错5【判断题】(10分)“Garbagemen”istheeuphemismof“sanitaryengineers”.A.错B.对6【单选题】(10分) Howmanyscholarsarementionedinthisvideotellingabouttheimportanceoflanguage?A.3B.2C.5D.47【单选题】(10分)Astotherelationshipbetweenlanguageandculture,howmanymetaphorsaregiveninthisvide o?A.4B.1C.3D.28【判断题】(10分)Denotativemeaningsaretheimpliedmeaningsofwords.A.错B.对9【判断题】(10分)Language’sconnotationsarefundamentallyculture.A.对B.错10【判断题】(10分)Tohavesuccessfulinterculturalcommunication.Culturalconnotationsshouldnotbeoverloo ked.A.对B.错第七章测试1【判断题】(10分)“Catchyoulater”isaninformalwaytosaygoodbye.A.错B.对2【判断题】(10分) OftentimesEnglishspeakerswilluseforeignwordstoexpresstheirgoodbyes.A.错B.对3【判断题】(8分) Inmanyculturesthereisadifferencewhenitcomestohowmuchphysicalcontactisappropriate betweenmenandwomen.A.错B.对4【判断题】(8分)InFrance,itiscustomaryforpeopletokisseachotheronthecheeksuponmeetingsasaformalw ayofgreeting.A.错B.对5【判断题】(8分)InWesternCountries,whileconductingbusiness,thefirstthingwedowhenwemeetsomeonei swavethehandtosay“Hello”or“Goodbye”.A.对B.错6【单选题】(8分)InCanada,whatdoweusuallysaywhengreetingsomeonewearefamiliarwith(someonewekn owwell)?A.Hey,what’sup(Name)?B.GoodMorning,GoodAfternoon(Name)C.Pleasuretomeetyou(Name)D.Dear(Name)7【单选题】(8分)Whentalkingtothepolice,whichtitleisbesttousetoaddressthem?A.SweetheartB.OfficerC.BuddyD.Mate8【单选题】(8分) Whichnameisacceptabletocallafriendoftheoppositesexifyourfrienddoesn'tmind?A.DarlingB.Alloftheotherthreechoicesarecorrect.C.BabeD.Sweetheart9【单选题】(8分)Whatshouldyoudoatapartyifyoudon’tknowawoman’sname?A.Callher‘Miss’B.Callher‘Sweetheart’C.AskhernameD.Don’tspeaktoher10【判断题】(8分) Youshouldalwaystrytomakeeyecontactwhenthankingsomebody.A.对B.错11【判断题】(8分) ItisnotnecessarytothankpeopleinshopsandrestaurantsinWesterncountriesbecausethey arejustdoingtheirjobs.A.错B.对12【判断题】(8分)Ifsomebodyholdsadooropenforyou,youshouldthankthem.A.错B.对第八章测试1【单选题】(10分) Amongthephysicalcontactofbodylanguagementionedinthevideo,whichofthefollowingisth emostcommonwayofcontacting?A.KissingB.Hand-shakingC.HuggingD.Greeting2【单选题】(10分)WhichofthefollowingistherealmeaningofOKsigninJapan?A.MoneyB.ZeroC.WorthlessthingD.Everythinggoeswell3【单选题】(10分)Incaseoftellingawhitelie,whatwouldawesternchildmostlylikelydo?A.DoairquotesB.RaisehiseyebrowsC.KeepfingerscrossedD.Cuphismouth4【判断题】(10分)Accordingtothevideo,itissaidthatasmuchas90%ofmeaningininterpersonalcommunicatio nisconveyedviabodylanguage.A.对B.错5【判断题】(10分) Bodylanguageisaverbalwayofcommunication.A.错B.对6【单选题】(10分) Peopleinwhichofthefollowingcountriesgreeteachotherbycheek-kissing?A.AmericaB.ChinaC.SaudiArabiaD.Japan7【单选题】(10分)WhichofthefollowingstatementsareNOTtrue?A.Nonverbalbehaviorsoccurinisolation.B.Non-verbalcommunicationcuesareculturally-determined.C.Non-verbalcommunicationcuesareusuallyproducedwithoutawareness.D.Theinterpretationofnon-verbalcommunicationcueschangeindifferentcontexts.8【判断题】(10分)Accordingtoasurveyofprisoners,peoplewhowalkedwithswingingfootmovementsarelessli kelytobeselectedasvictims.A.错B.对9【判断题】(10分) Nonverbalcommunicationisvaluablebecausemanyofournonverbalactionsarerelativelyfre eofdistortionsanddeception.A.错B.对10【判断题】(10分) Illustratorsarenonverbalbehaviorsthathaveadirectverbaltranslation.A.对B.错第九章测试1【单选题】(10分)Whichofthefollowingculturesbelongstopast-orientedculture?A.ChinesecultureB.BritishcultureC.AmericancultureD.Mexicanculture2【判断题】(10分) Germansprefertoleavetheirdoorsopentoshowwelcomeandfriendliness.A.对B.错3【判断题】(10分) Personalspaceisinflexibleandwillnotexpandorshrinkwithdifferentcultures.A.错B.对4【判断题】(10分)Japanesepeople,despitetheterritorialcrowdedness,usuallycreatetheirownprivatespace mentally.A.错B.对5【单选题】(10分)WhichisNOTincludedintimesystems?A.TechnicaltimeB.InformaltimeC.MonochromictimeD.Formaltime6【单选题】(10分)Accordingtothevideo,theterritorialityofculturecanbedifferentinwhichofthefollowingaspect s?A.ReactionB.RangeC.。



Key intercultural concepts and theoriesreviewI. Value FrameworkKluckhohn’s Five Basic Questions克拉克洪五个基本问题(文化维度)1. What is the character of innate human nature(人的本性)?= Human nature orientation2. What is the relation of humans to nature(人与自然的关系)?=Man-nature orientation3. What is the temporal (time) focus(时间焦点)of human life?=Time orientation4. What is the mode of human activity(人的活动方式)?=Activity orientation5. What is the mode of human relationships(人与人之间的关系模式)? =Social orientationHofstede’s Cultural 5 Dimensions Model霍夫斯泰德的文化五维度模型⚫Power Distance (PD)How inequalities are viewed and handled in the culture(strong hierarchical relationships versus egalitarian relationships)⚫Individualism/Collectivism (I-C)How individuals view themselvesAre they an individual striving for individual goals or a part of a collective group, where group harmony is important?⚫Uncertainty Avoidance (UA)How accepting of uncertainty is the culture?Masculinity/Femininity (M-F) Hard and SoftHow the culture values competitiveness/assertiveness (i.e., masculine traits) and cooperation/nurturing (i.e., feminine traits).⚫Long Term Orientation (Confucian Dynamism)This dimension accounts for people’s preference time frame.Do the people focus on long term goals or the more immediate, short term goals?⚫Indulgence/RestraintIndulgence stands for a society that allows relatively free gratification of basic and natural human drives related to enjoying life and having fun.Restraint stands for a society that suppresses gratification of needs and regulates it by means of strict social norms.II. Communication stylesPing-Pong style vs Bowling styleDirect vs indirectHigh involvement vs high consideratenessPerson-Oriented style vs Status-Oriented styleLow context vs high contextEdward Hall’s Theory on High and Low Context CulturesIII. Nonverbal communicationOverview of Nonverbal Communication1. Body Language•General appearance and dress •Gestures•Eye contact•Facial expression•Posture•Touching 2. Paralanguage•Silence•Pitch•Volume3. Environment Language•Space•TimeIV. Intercultural ConflictIntercultural conflict is the implicit or explicit emotional struggle or frustration between persons of different cultures over perceived incompatible values, norms, face orientations, goals, scarce resources, processes, and/or outcomes in a communication situation.Individualistic conflict lensOutcome-focused Content goal-oriented Doing-centered Self-face concernLow-context conflict styleCompetitive/dominating behaviors Conflict effectivenessCollectivistic conflict lensProcess-focusedRelational goal-oriented Being-centered Other-face concernHigh-context conflict styles Avoiding/obliging behaviors Conflict appropriatenessSapir-Whorf Hypothesis P146 沃尔夫假说“沃尔夫假说(Sapir –Whorf hypothesis)”,又称为“语言相对论(linguistic relativity)”是关于语言、文化和思维三者关系的重要理论,即在不同文化下,不同语言所具有的结构、意义和使用等方面的差异,在很大程度上影响了使用者的思维方式。



Perception is the means by which we make sense of our physical and social world. As Gamble and Gamble state, “perception is the process of selecting, organizing and interpreting sensory data in a way that enables us to make sense of our world.” The physical mechanism of perception is pretty much the same in all people: sensory organs such as the eyes, ears, and nose permit us to sense our environment, and the sensations received by them are routed through our nervous system to our brains, where they are interpreted and accorded meaning in two-stage sequence.
Cultural Patterns

The manner in which we perceive the world rests on more than beliefs and values. Cultures are extremely complex and consist of numerous interrelated cultural orientations besides beliefs and values, including attitudes, norms, and material aspects. A useful umbrella term that allow us to talk about these orientations collectively instead of separately is cultural patterns, which refers to both the conditions that contribute to the way in which a people perceive and think about the world, and the manner in which they live in that world.

跨文化交际timeorientation ppt课件

跨文化交际timeorientation ppt课件
belief in unseen and unknown outside forces such as fate or luck
Philippines Central and South Americans
Future-oriented Cultures
The moment in the future is most important.
Time is segmented by the phases of the moon, the changing seasons, the rise and fall of the tides, or the movements of the sun.
European Americans: Time is segmented into seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years.
show a great deal of deference and respect for parents and other elders
Events are circular; important patterns perpetually recur in the present
tried-and-true methods for overcoming obstacles and problems
Time Systems
implicit rules to arrange sets of experiences in some meaningful way Technical time systems
the precise, scientific measurements of time that are calculated in such units as nanoseconds



U1:1.views on intercultural communicationTwo different views on intercultural communication: “people are people” VS. “contact is not equal to communication”2. 3 major socio-cultural elements influencing perception and communicationCultural value, world view , social organizations.3.What is globalization?Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the p eople, companies, and governments of different nations。

a process dri ven by international trade and investment and aided by information te chnology. This process has effects on the environment, on culture, on political systems, on economic development and prosperity, and on hu man physical well-being in societies around the world.4.What are the stumbling blocks in intercultural communication?(1)assumption of similiarities: people expect that simply being human and havingcommon requirements of food,shelter,security and so on makes everyone alike.(2)Language differences.: “yes”and “no” cause trouble.(3)Nonverbal misinterpretatons: misinterpretation of observable sians andsymbols—gesture ,postures, body movenment.(4)Preconceptions and stereotypes: Arabs are “inflammable”may causeU.S.students to keep their distance .(5)Tendence to evaluate: to approve or disapprove ,to statements and actions ofother person or group.(6)High anxiety/ tension.U2:1.What is culture?Culture is a very extensive concept, it is very difficult to define it strictly and accurately, because culture involves too much. Culture is a complex system of behavior, values, beliefs, traditions and artifacts, which is transmitted through generations.What are the five basic needs for human beings?(1)physiological needs (things that make us alive,food water air)(2)safety needs (physical safe and psychologicallly secure)(3)belongingness needs (needs tobe accepted by others and to belong to a group )(4)esteem needs ( recognition, reputation,self respect )(5)self-actualization needs (actualize onself and to reach one’s full potential) 2.What are values, attitudes, beliefs and behaviors? How are they linked? (1)Values are what people go to war over or conduct bussiness by. Values tell ushow to weigh the worth of something, they can indicate a relative hierarchy.(2)Attitudes are feelings about things .it is a tendency to respond the same wayto the same object or situation or idea. Attitudes is learned and can change.(3)Beliefs are convictions or certainties based on subjective and often personalideas rather than on proof or fact.(4)Links: values underlie attitudes and also shape beliefs. Attitudes are basedon beliefs as well as values.values enable us to evaluate what matters to usor apply standars to our attitudes and beliefs.value→ belief →attitude. For example , you have an attitude toward eating raw fish,which is positive and is based on the belief that expert prepararion of sushi and sashimi by Japanese chefs results in culinary delicacies ,or you have an attitude that is negative,based on the belief that raw fish can contain parasites that cause unpleasant consequences in the human digestive system. You can even have both attitudes at the same time.if you do ,then probably you value both fine eating experiences and physical health.3.What are the elements of communication?①context: physical setting, psychological ,historical,culture ,thecommunication norms②participants: senders who form messages and communicate with symbols,receiverswho process and react the massages.③Massages: meanings, symbols ,encodings and decodings④Channels :a variety of sensory channels⑤Noise ;internal external and semantic noise.⑥Feedback : the verbal and nonverbal responses4.What are norms?Norms are the guildelines that we establish for conducting transactions. Norms tell us what kinds of messages and behavior are proper in a given context or with a particular person or group of people. People acquire communication norms from their experiences in life.5.What is the difference between encoding and decoding?Encoding is the process of transforming ideas and feelings into symbols and organizing them. Decoding is the process of tansforminf meeages backe into ideas and feelings.Transforming and organizing Transforming and intepretingideas and feelings--------------------→symbols/massages------------→ideas and feelings↓↓Encoding decoding6.What is the difference between external noise, internal noise and semanticnoise?external noise : Sights and sounds and other stimuli in the environment that draw people’s attention away from intended meaning.internal noise : Thoughts and feelings that interfere with the communication process. Feelings of anger or anxiety ,stereotypeor prejudice in your mind.semantic noise: the meanings we assign to words depend on our own experience, other people may at times decode a word or phases differently from the way we intend.7.What is communication?Communication is a process involving the exchange of messages and the creation of meaning.U3:1.What are the five basic questions at the root of any culture’s value system?(1)what is the character of innate human nature?-----human nature(2)what is the relation of man to nature?------t he relationship of man to nature.(3)What is the temporal focus of human life?----sense of time /time orientation.(4)What is the mode of human activity?-------activity orientation.(5)What is the mode of human relationships?----social relationships2.What are the key principles of Confucianism?(1)social order and stability are based on uneqal relationships between peopleincluding leaders and followers ,father and son ,husband and wife , older brother and younger brother,and friends .(2)family :follow rules for ordering(3)proper social behavior consists of not treating others as you would not liketo be treated youself.,learn to be sensitive to other’s feels(子所不欲勿施于人)(4)people should be skilled ,educated hardworking,thrifty ,modest, patient andpersevering.3.How do living situations account for value differences between differentcultures?For example,Japanese live in a little of arable land ,even mainly valcanoes.thus,they built their homes together very closely in order to make use of every available land and they can work together in planting and harvesting of rice effectively . In this situation, japanenes’central social valuebecause of living close proximity that gave very little privacy was that an idividual does not matter. However, in the U.S. it is common to see a pattern of a single farmhouse surrounded by firelds.the nearnest neighbor was perhaphs two miles distant.inevitably, the central social values were self-reliance and independence.4.What are cultural values?The commonly held standards of what is acceptable or unacceptable, important or unimportant, right or wrong, good or bad, true or false, workable or unworkable, etc., in a community or society.Values represent a learned organization of rules for making choices and for resolving the conflicts.5.What are the five dimensions to consider when doing studies of culturaldifferences(culture value)?(1)Idividualism versus collectivism (involves people’s relationship stothe larger social groups;social relationship)Idividualism;key words include independence,privacy,self,and all important ICollectivism believe in obligations to the group, we consciouceness and an emphasis on belonging.(2)uncertainty avoidance(how to adapt to changes and cope withuncertainties,)Greece(plan everything0 versus Singapore (like uncertainty)(3)power distance(all people in a culture do not have equals levels ofstatus or social power.) Malaysia versus New Zealand(4)masculinity versus femininity(work harder to get achievement ,wealthversus caring for the others and the quatity of life) Japan versus Thailand(5)orientation to time (a long-term orientation schedule for work and lifeversus a short-term orientation toward changing events)6.What are the differences between a high-context culture and a low-context one? Low-context interaction emphasizes direct talk, person-oriented focus, self-enhancement mode, and the importance of “talk”: high- context interaction, in contrast stresses indirect talk, status-oriented focus , self- esffacement mode, and the importance of nonverbal signals and even silence.U4:1.What is the relationship between language and culture?Culture and language are interwined and shaped each other. Each time we select words ,form sentence, and send a message ,either oral or written,we also make cultural choices. Cultural literacy(特定领域的能力或知识) is necessary to understand the language being used.(1)all languages have social questions and information questions.For exemple: in Ameirca English ,the question “How are you”is a social question,the Americans register the phrase as “hello”. But in Germany and Russia ,the phase is an imformation qustion .the speaker atually wants to get an answer to it.(2) language reflects the environment in which we live .For exemple, in the Amazon area snow is not part of the environment. Therefore , people in that region do not have a word for snow . however , most Americans ,who live an environment where Iit snows most months of the year, use terms such as snow , sleet , slush, blizzard and ice.(3)language reflects cultural values. a way of thinking .when we translate concepts from a foreign language and cultural with words ,we have to choose the priority words in oder to communicate effectively. Cultural kowledge is impotant as linguistic knowledge.For example ,Amerians are frustrated with the manana mentality(西班牙语的明天心态) of Spanish-speaking countries : for American tomorrow means midnight to midnight ,a very precise time period , To Mexicans ,manana means in the future,soon. (4,)Different cutures use identical words that have rather different meanings. For example, for Amercans ,adminisration in the university context means department chair or dean,for Frenches adminisration means upper level clerical staff . What Americans consider to be an adminstrator, Frenches consider faulty.(5)language changes overtime.words and prases that are used commonly at one time may be discontinued or their meaning my change overtime.For example, the word gay means happy lightened. In recent decades ,however the word has taken on the meaning”homosexual”.English speaking countries do n’t use the original meaning anymore..Communication across cultures and language is difficult and full of hurdles and pitfalls. Even if two people from different countries spesk a common language ,they may misinteptet the cutural signal. If that happens ,in all likelihood , there will be a cutural problem rhather than a language problem.2.What is the relationship between environment and language?(2) language reflects the environment in which we live .For exemple, in the Amazon area snow is not part of the environment. Therefore , people in that region do not have a word for snow . however , most Americans ,who live an environment where Iit snows most months of the year, use terms such as snow , sleet , slush, blizzard and ice.3.How does language change over time?language changes overtime.words and prases that are used commonly at one time may be discontinued or their meaning my change overtime.For example, the word gay means happy lightened. In recent decades ,however the word has taken on the meaning”homosexual”.English speaking countries do n’t use the original meaning anymore..4.Denotations and connotationsDenotations: denotations of a word or phrase are the meanings that relate it to the objects or concepts referred to the actual or fictional “things”that are symbolized.For example, the denotation of the English word “bird”is a tow –legged,winged,egg-laying creature.Connnotations: connnotations refer to the additional meanings that a word or phrase has beyond its central meaning .These meanings show people’s attitudes or feelings toward what the word or phase refers to.For example: consider the word “dog” in English and 狗in Chinese. They can be said to have the same denotative meaning; however,people from different cutures may have different connotative reactions to these words ,compare “a homeless dog”(流浪狗) with 丧家之犬5.What are the ways of expressing “no”? Why do people in countries like Japanand China often refuse to say “no” directly?(1)be vague(2)be silent or ask a question(3)change the topic or leave(4)tell a white lie or refuse to answer the question. Say one cannot answer(5)put the reaponsibility to the trird party or offering an alternative.The reason: In Japan and China’s culture ,to refuse an invitation or request with“no”, or a similar phrase, is felt to be impolite. It is thought to be selfish and unfriendly.6.How does language affect people’s perception and experiences?The language we use may to some exten determine the way we perceive and experience the world.(!)in japan language varies substantially in different social situatons like sddressing superior peers and inferiors.(2) the Thailand language(3)splanish language reveals male dominance through use of gendered nouns and pronouce. A group of man referred to as ello, agroup of wemen referred to as ellas 7.What are the five intended types of equivalence when doing translation? (1)lexical equivalence 例子;there is no equivlent to the English color word bluein Russian. Russia only have the according words of light blue and dark blue that an be translated into English.(2)Idiomatic equivalence : “raining cats and dogs”(3)Grammatical equivalence ;’in Filipino language ,there is no equivalent of theenglish verb “to be”.(4)Experience equivalence(5)Conceptual equivalence8.Why do people say language is always ambiguous?(1)we can never fully control the meanings of the things we say and write in theway of paticipants interpret(2)language can never fully express our meanings whether in writing or speaking(3)whether the participants share the same assumptions and knowledge about the worldor not.U5:1.What is a rich point?Conversation is a rich point ,a rich point is something in one culture that makes it difficult to be connected with another culture.2.What basic differences can we still find between the English-speaking peopleand the Chinese people concerning compliment and response?In English countrries, the “best way “to respond to a compliment is to accept it. Rejection of compliments is often regarded as a symptom of problem, such as low self-esteem. In contrast to english ,the best way rasponse to compliments in Chinese is traditionally thought to be a rejection or denial. A denial is the routinized response to a compliment.3.What are the differences between “high involvement”style and “highconsiderateness” style?High involvement styles tend to : (1) talk more ;(2)interrupt more ; (30 expect to to be interrupted (4) talk more loudly at times and (5) talk more quickly than those from cultures favoring “high considerateness styles.High considerateness styles;(1) speak one at times (2)use polite listening sounds;(3) refrain from interrupting; and (4) give plenty of positive and respectful responsesto their conversation partners ;4.Directness & indirectness‘get to the point! Don’t beat around the bush” & have many ways to say “no”directly5.Different communication patternsPeople’s communication patterns differ the way people converse.Americans hold a conversation, it seems like they are having a PingPong game.one person has the ball and then hits it to the other side of the table. The other player hits the ball back the game continutesJapanes conversationstyle is like a bowling game,answer to questions are carefully thought out rather than blurted out ,enven long silences are tolerated. Give a answer to a question must be given enough time .6.Cross-cultural verbal communication stylesOur verbal communication styles reflects our cultural and personal values and sentiments.(1)diect and indirect verbal interaction styles,in the direct verbal styles,statements clearly reveal the speaker’s intention. Say what you mean “don no beat around the bush(2)person-oriented(treat other people with casualness and informality )andstatus-oriented verbal styles(uphold formality in the human relationship) (3)self-enhancement (boast one’s accomplishments and ablilities) andself-oriented verbal styles (signal modesty or humanity)7.What cultural implications are there underlying the difference betweenspeaker-responsibility and listener-responsibility in organizational structure?187In Speaker-responsible language, the speaker provides the structure and therefore much of the specific meaning of the statement. Because the speaker want to tell the listener exactly what is goning to be talked about,and what the speaker wants the listener to know. Prior knowledge of the speaker’s intent is necessary.In listener-responsible language, speakers need to indicate only indirectly what they are discussing. The listener is forced to construct the meaning and usually does so ,based on shared kownledge between the speaker and the listener.U6:1.Values shown in nonverbal communication: intonation, body language (handmovement, eye contact, smile, touch)2.Baptics (touch)There are many kinds of touch to commonly used in the western world. The study of how we use touch in communication is called baptic.3.Gender and nonverbal communicationWhat we know as gender is a set of “acts” or social performences that people arerepearedly compelled to enact.Touch, in the us,wemen friends and relatives may walk arm-in-arm, dance together and hug one another .touch between heterosexual males is generally more restricted. Height ,height equels power and wemen are not supposed to be more powerful than man, taller women may attempt to diminsh themselves,so as to retreat as little space as possible.Gaze, looking directly into person’s eyes can connote an aggressive threat, a sexual invitation,or a desire for honest and open communication. in some culture, children are taught that to look adults in the eyes is a sign of disrespect. In mixed-sex paries,women are more likely than men to avert their eyes.Gesture and demeanor ,or “act like a lady”.Artifactual (objects)message , when worn ,they have beed used to signify a wear’s gender, culture, and socioeconomic class. From the moment at which families or hospital assign infants pink or blue blankets,artifacts annouce and contribute to the shaping of children’s experience of gender.. maant of us have our notions of masculine and femininity resting on the nonverbal message we display.4.Functions of nonverbal communicationOur nonverbal communication haves many uses and functions in communication. Repeating: a nonverbal message can repeat a verbal one. Eg; place fingers to his lips to mean “stop”Complementing : using of the voice and facial expression to express appology. Subsituting, regulating ,contradictiing5.ParalanguageParalanguage (辅助性语言) lies between verbal and nonverbal communication. It involves sounds but not words. (语音和语调,感叹词的使用,美国中的插入语:you know ,okay, well ,the wors simply build a bridge to what the speaker says next. U7:1.Private space & public space2.Conversational distance3.The layout of a city reflects its social structure and cultural values.美国 NewYork is arrranged in a grid pattern of right-angled street,any corner can becomen a center ,reflect more equality and independence.French is star pattern everthing should be surrounded the center of highly centrealized government.4. 3 perspectives on a culture’s conception of time(1)Informal time :,conception of late and attitutude to the conversation time.(2)Past ,present ,and future: behavior and time are linked.Chinese proverb ;consider the past and you will know the present.Americans are constanly planning for the future.(3)monochronic and polychronicM-time people: do one thing at atime ,concentrate on the job,take the deadline,schedules seriously , adhere to plans,show great respect for privacy. P-time people;do many things at once ,change the plans ofen easily and often, 5.German use of space美国与德国的比较, germans sense their own space as an extension of the egoU8:1.perceptions/images related to the term “gaijin” in Japaneseblond hair and blue eyes outgoning.2.ethnocentrism & ethnorelativismethnocentrism (民族中心主义)is nagetively judging aspects of another culture by the standars of one’s own culture. It is the technical name for the view of things in whivh one’s own group is the center of everything,and all others are scaled and rated with reference to it.Ethnorelativism involves the view that all cultures areof equal value and the values and behaviors of a culture can only be judged using that culture as a frame of reference..no one cultural trait is right or wrong ,it is merely diferent from alternative cultural traits.3.stereotype : a tereotype is over simplified idea about a person ,group,.culturalstereotype about americans “we and they “.many american view jew and arab asa menace and demon and they may avoid to talk to them and escape them when theymeet them on the way.4.What is perception? The three-step process of perceptionPerception is the means by which you make sense of your physical and social world.(1)selection,(2) organazation (3)interpretation5.What are cultural patterns?6.Racial prejudice7.the 3 ways in which stereotypes are formed(1)we may categorize people or things by the most obvious characteristics theypossess.(2)We may apply a set of characteristics to a whole group of people..(3)We may give the same treatment to each member of the group.8.the 4 dimensions of stereotypesA rereotype is an overgeneralized and oversimplified belief we use to categorize a group of people.(1)direction (positive or negative statements, american honest, ambitious) (2)intensity : the strenth of a belief about agroup of people(3)accuracy(4)content9.What is prejudice? The five common forms of prejudiceAn attitude based on erroneous beliefs or preconceptions is called prejudice. Vebal abuse,. Physical avoidance, discrimination, physical attack and massacre. U9:1.What is cultural shock? What are the symptoms?cultural shock refers to the transition period and the accompanying feelings of stress and anxiety a person experiences during the early period unpon entering a new culture.(1)physiological such as headache and sleeplessness(2)emotional such as anxiety,and feeling helpless and loneliness(3)communication such as frustration and excessive complainting,withdrawal fromrelationship and conversation.2.model that explains the normal cycles or stages of early adaptation and cultureshockpredeparture stage :everything is beatiful ,awful, okadaption and reentry3.What is reverse culture shock?The shock suffered by expatriates returning home after lengthy overseas assignments. It is caused by the fact that the cultural norms of the ex-pat's overseas assignment become natural to them, over their home country's own traditions and customs.suggestions for culture shock adaptationcontrol emotion be patient meet people try new things give youself period of rest and thought, work on your self-concept observe bady language ,learn the verbal language4. 2 major views of culture shock: the disease view (hepless victim leave the cuturequickly)& self-awareness view (positive learning experience)5.positive cross-cultural learning experiences6.overcoming ethnocentrism in communication7.Who are “sojourners”? What is cross-cultural adaptation? What are challengesto sojourner adaptation?People who cross cultural boundaries are referred to as sojourners.including immigrants ,refugees ,studentsCross-cutural adaptation refers to how a sojourner chooses to cope with cutural changes.Challenges to sojourner adaptation include ethnocentrism, language barriers, disequilibrium(fit into the host culture0,length of stay, level of knowledge 8.key qualities of a mindful state of being(`1) creation of new categories (2)openness to new information (3)awareness of more than one perspective.U101.betweenness of identity2.metaphors of US cultural diversity3.steps to improve intercultural communication4.attributes of a competent intercultural communicator5. 3 cognitive processes of perceptiondescription, interpretation, evaluation。



跨文化交际》_名词解释名词解释1.Intercultural communication refers to communication betweenpeople whose culture perceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event.跨文化交际:指拥有不同文化认知和符号体系的人文之间进行的交际。

2.Culture is a learned set of shared interpretations about beliefs,values, and norms, which affect the behavior of a relatively large group of people.文化是习得的一套关于信仰,价值观,规范的公认的解释,这些信仰,价值观,规范对相当大人类群体的行为产生影响。

3.Culture identity refers to one’s sense of belonging to aparticular culture or ethnic group.文化身份:指有意识地把自己归为某一特定文化或种族群体。

4.Subculture are formed by groups of people possessingcharacteristic traits that set apart and distinguish them from others within a larger society or dominant culture.亚文化:具有能在更大的一个社会范围内或主流文化中使自己有别于他人的特点的人类群体所形成的文化。

5.Norms are culturally ingrained principles of correct andincorrect behaviors which, if broken carry a form of overt or covert penalty.规范指的是正确和不正确行为根深蒂固的文化原则,这种不正确的行为一旦发生,就意味着一种显性或隐性的处罚。



跨文化交际学题型名词解释整理:Intercultural communication:intercultural communication is a face-to-face communication between people from different cultural back-grounds .Intracultural communication :intracultural communication can be defined as the extent to which there is shared interpersonal communication between members of the same culture –whether this is in the majority .or within minority cultures .Individualism :broadly speaking ,individualism refers to the doctrine theater the interests of the individual are of ought to be paramount ,and that all values ,rights and duties originate in individual s ,it emphasizes individual initiative ,independence ,individual expression ,and even privacy .Collectivism: it is characterized by a rigid social framework that distinguish between in-groups and out-groups .people expect their in-group to look after them ,and in exchange for that they fell they owe absolute loyalty to the group .collectivism means greater emphasis on (1)the views ,needs ,and goals of the in-groups rather than oneself ; (2)social norms and duty defined by the in-group rather than behavior to get pleasure ; (3)beliefs shared with the in-group; rather than beliefs that distinguish self from ingroup ; and (4)great readiness to cooperate with ingroup membership .Power distance :it’s the extent to which a society accepts that power in relationships ,institutions, and organizations is distributed unequally .Context :it’s the information that surrounds an event ,it is in extricably bound up with the meaning of the event .High-context communication :it is a kind of communication in which most of the information is already in the person ; while very little is in the coded ,explicitly transmitted part of the message ,e.g.,Chinese ,JapaneseLow-context communication :it’s just the opposite of high-context communication . it’s the mass of information is rested in the explicit code ,e.g. American GermanHigh-context culture :it's a kind of culture in which people are very homogeneous with regard to experiences ,information networks ,and the like ,e.g. Chinese ,JapaneseLow-context culture:it's a kind of culture in which the population is less homogeneous and therefore tends to compartmentalize interpersonal contacts ,e.g. American ,GermanActivity orientation :it is the way a culture views activity ,which is classified by kluckhohns and strodtbeck as being ,being-in-becoming ,and doing.Nonverbal communication: nonverbal communication involves all those nonverbal stimuli in a communication setting that are generated by both the source and his or her use of the environment and that have potential message value for the source or receiver.Paralanguage :certain vocal cues provided us with information with which to make judgments about characters’personalities’, emotional States ,and rhetorical activity .Paralanguage involves the linguistic elements of speech ,that is ,how something is said and not the actual meaning of the spoken words .most classifications divide paralanguage into three kinds of vocalizations ;vocal characterizers ;vocal qualifiers ; and vocal segregatesM-time (monochromic time schedule ):M-time cultures tend to think of time as something fixed in nature ,something around us and from which we can not escape ; and ever-present part of the environment ,just like the air we breatheP-time (polychromic time schedule ):P-time cultures deal with time holistically and place greatstock in the activity occurring at the moment .Polychronic time cultures emphasize people more than schedules .For P-time cultures ,time is less tangible and hence feeing of wasted time are not as prevalent as M-time cultures .15. Denotation:the literal meaning or definition of a word --- the explicit, particular, defined meaning.16. Connotation:the suggestive meaning of a word --- all the values, judgment, and beliefs implied by a word the historical and associative accretion of the unspoken significance behind the literal meaning.19. Chronemics(时间学):The study of how people perceive and use time.20. Proxemics(空间学):refers to the perception and use of space.21. kinesics(肢体语言):The study of body language .22. Paralanguage(副语言):Involving sounds but not word and lying between verbal and nonverbal communication .23. Monochronic time一元时间观念: means paying attention to and doing only one thing at a time.24. Polychronic time多元时间观念: means being involved with many things at once1. What are the four trends that lead to the development of the global village?P8~9Four trends that lead to the development of the global village: Convenient transportation systems/ Innovative communication systems/ Economic globalization/Widespread migrations2. What are the three aspects where cultural differences exist?Verbal difference:language, thought patterns…Non-verbal communication: body-language, time concept, spacious language, paralanguage, environment…Perception: values, worldviews, beliefs, attitudes3. What are three ingredients of culture? 文化的三个成分(three Ingredients)P5~6An shared artifact(the material and spiritual products people produce)shared Behavior(what they do)shared Concepts(beliefs, values, world views……what they think)4. How to understand cultural Iceberg?P6~7Like an iceberg what we can see about culture is just the tip of the iceberg; the majority of it is intangible, beyond sight. and the part of culture that is visible is only a small part of a much bigger whole. It is said nine-tenth of culture is below the surface.(Just as an iceberg which has a visible section above the waterline and a larger invisible section below the waterline, culture has some aspects that are observable and others that can only be suspected and imagined. Also like an iceberg, the part of culture that is visible is only a small part of a much bigger whole. It is said nine-tenth of culture is below the surface. (P7))5. What are the tour characteristics of culture? Dynamic/ shared/ learned/ ethnocentric Culture is shared. All communications take place by means of symbols.Culture is learned. Culture is learned, not inherited. It derives from one’s social environment, not from one’s genes. Enculturation(文化习得): All the activities of learning one’s culture are called enculturation .Culture is dynamic. (P6)Culture is subject to change. It’s dynamic rather than static, constantlychanging and evolving under the impact of events and through contact with other cultures. Acculturation(文化适应): the process which adopts the changes brought about by another culture and develops an increased similarity between the two cultures.Culture is ethnographic(文化中心主义). Ethnographic is the belief that your own cultural background is superior. Ethnocentrism: the belief that your own culture background is superior.6. What are the six characteristics of communication?Dynamic/ irreversible/ symbolic/ systematic/ transactional/ contextualCommunication is dynamic.Communication is ongoing, ever-changing activity. A word or action does not stay frozen when you communicate; it is immediately replaced with yet another word or action. Communication is irreversible.Once we have said something and someone else has received and decoded the message, the original sender cannot take it back.Communication is symbolic.Symbols are central to the communication process because they represent the shared meanings that are communicated. Symbols are vehicle by which the thoughts and ideas of one person can be communicated to another person.Communication is systematicCommunication does not occur in isolation or in a vacuum, but rather is part of a large system. It takes place in a physical and a social context; both establish the rules that govern the interaction.Communication is transactional. (P8)A transactional view holds that communicators are simultaneously sending and receiving messages at every instant that they are involved in conversation.Communication is contextual. (P8)All communication takes place within a setting or situation called a context. By context, we mean the place where people meet, the social purpose for being together, and the nature of the relationship. Thus the context includes the physical, social, and interpersonal settings.7. How is Chinese addressing different from American addressing?(三方面)P22~24In Chinese the surname comes first and is followed by the given name/ but in English this order is reversed.Addressing by names: In China seniority is paid respect to. Juniors are supposed to address seniors in a proper way. The use of given names is limited to husband and wife, very close friends, juniors by elders or superiors/ Nowadays, more and more English-speaking people address others by using the first name, even when people meet for the first time. (intimacy and equality) Addressing by relationship: Chinese often extend kinship terms to people not related by blood or marriage. These terms are used after the surname to show politeness and respect/ The English equivalents of the above kinship terms are not so used. Even with relatives, Americans tend to use just the first name and leave out the term of relationship.Addressing by title, office, profession: A nother common Chinese form of address is the use of a person’s title, office, profession to indicate the person’s influential status. In English, only a few occupations or titles could be used. (P24) Americans tend to regard titles as trivial unless they have a clear idea of what kind of work a person does and what his responsibilities are.8. How is the Chinese writing style different the American writing style?The Chinese employ a circular approach in writing. In this kind of indirect writing, the development of the paragraph may be said to be ‘turning and turning in a widening gyre’. The circles or gyres turn around the subject and show it from a variety of tangential views, but the subject is never looked at directly. A paragraph is set off by an indentation of its first sentences or by some other conventional devise, such as extra space between paragraphs.In contrast, the Americans are direct and linear in writing. An English expository paragraph usually begins with a topic statement, and then, by a series of subdivisions of that topic statement, each supported by example and illustrations, proceeds, to develop that central idea and relate that idea to all other ideas in the whole essay, and to employ that idea in proper relationship with the other ideas, to prove something, or perhaps to argue something.9. What are the different feature of m-time and p-time? P97M-time is noted for its emphasis on schedules, segmentation, punctuality and promptness. It features one event at a time and time is perceived as a linear structure.P-time is less rigid and clock-bound. It features several activities at the same time and time is perceived as more flexible and more human-centered.10. What different worldview can be drive from Buddhism and Christianity?Buddhists do not believe in a god or gods who created the world. However, they do believe that there is a supreme and wonderful truth that words cannot teach, and ritual cannot attain. Buddhists are not favorably disposed to the notion of free enterprise and the pursuit of material well-being. Seen from a western worldview, having no desires adversely affects motives for personal enrichment and growth generally. Thus, little support is accorded to free enterprise. Christianity recognizes the importance of work and free ownership of property. Protestant, in particular, sees the salvation of the individual through hard work and piety.11. What is the American cultural value like in terms of value orientation?As far as the human nature is concerned, the American culture holds that it is evil but perfectible through hard work.As to the relation of man to nature, they think mankind can conquer the nature.They also have a linear time concept and therefore they are future-oriented.They focus on doing and think that only actions can solve the problem.They are quite individualistic and therefore they focus less on the benefits of the group.12. What is the Chinese cultural value like in terms of value orientation?PWhat is the character of innate human nature?What is the relation of man to nature?What is the temporal focus of human life?What is the mode of human activity?What is the mode of human relationships?11. It is evil but perfectible/ Man can conquer the nature / present / being-oriented a non-developmental model of society/ Competitive12. Good but corruptible/ harmony with nature / Past/ being-and-becoming is a kind of spiritual good of inner harmony and peace/ cooperation13. How is gender different from sex? P119~120Sex: biological, permanent, with a individual propertyGender: socially constructed, varied over time and across cultures, with a social and relational quality14. What are the two primary influences processes of Gender Socialization? P121Family communicationRecreational interaction15. Identify the features of each of four Hofsted’s cultural dimensions and the contrast between high-context and low-context culture.(语境案例分析)P192~193Individualism VS collectivism /Masculinity VS femininity /Power distance/Uncertainty avoidance High-context VS. low-contextHigh-context cultures assign meaning to many of the stimuli surrounding an explicit message. In high-context cultures, verbal messages have little meaning without the surrounding context, which includes the overall relationship between all the people engaged in communication.Low-context cultures exclude many of those stimuli and focus more intensely on the objective communication event, whether it be a word, a sentence, or a physical gesture. In low-context cultures, the message itself means everything.。



crossculture跨⽂化考试笔记跨⽂化交际学的课堂笔记I. Culture and Intercultural CommunicationCulture:●Culture may be defined as what a society does and thinks. (Sapir, 1921)●Culture refers to the total way of life of particular groups of people. It includes everythingthat a group of people thinks, says, does, and makes. (R. Kohls, 1979)●Culture is a learned set of shared interpretations about beliefs, values, and norms, whichaffect the behavior of a relatively large group of people.⽂化是习得的⼀套关于信仰、价值观、规范的公认的解释,这些信仰、价值观、规范对相当⼤⼈类群体的⾏为产⽣影响。

The Characteristics of Culture:1.Culture is not innate; it is learned;2.Culture is transmissible from person to person, group to group, and generation togeneration;3.Culture is a dynamic system that changes continuously over time;4.Culture is selective; (every culture represents a limited choice of behavior patterns)5.Culture is composed of interrelated facets;6.Culture is ethnocentric (centeredness on one’s own group).The American sociolinguist D. Hymes pointed out that people with communicative competence should know when, where and what to speak to whom and how.Models of communicationTheoretically, the model of communication is always described in the following way:Communication is exchanging information in the form of messages, symbols, thoughts, signs and opinions.The Ingredients of Culture●Language;●Religion;●Values and attitudes;●Education;●Social organization;●Technology and material culture;●Politics;●LawIntercultural Communication (IC)●In its most general sense, IC refers to those occasions when a member of oneculture produces a message for consumption by a member of another culture. (p70, Samovar & Porter)●More precisely, IC refers to communication between people whose cultureperceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event.(p70, Samovar & Porter)跨⽂化交际:指拥有不同⽂化认知和符号体系的⼈们之间进⾏的交际。



1. Non-verbal communicationIt refers to communication through a whole variety of different types f signal come into play, including the way we more, the gestures we employ, the posture we adopt, the facial expression we wear, the direction of our gaze, to the extent to which we touch and the distance we stand from each other.2. privacyprivacy: It could be understood as the right of an individual to self-determination as to the degree to which the individual is willing to share with others information about himself that may be compromised by unauthorized exchange of such information among other individuals or organizations.3. slangWords and expressions which are regarded as very informal and so are not considered suitable for formal social situations or serious writing.4. collectivist cultureCollectivist cultures place little value on individual identity and great value on group identity. They have been labeled as “we” cultures because basic unit is the in-group or collective.5. culture shockculture shock:It is a psychological phenomenon that is experienced most often by those who, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, in the process of adjusting themselves to a new culture.6. proverbProverbs are those popular short sayings containing words of advice or warning—are an important part of the language and culture of a society.7. intercultural communication.8. Individual CultureIndividuals tend to define themselves by the extent to which they are different from, rather than similar to other. People are encouraged to display self-confidence and assertiveness, disclosure of personal thoughts and feelings.9. CultureCulture means:(a) The arts, customs, and habits that characterize a particular society or nation.(b).The beliefs, values, behavior and material objects that constitute a people's way of life.10. ProxemicsProxemics refers to the study of spatial relations. The study of proxemics includes three aspects of space: (a) fixed features of space. (b) semifixed features of space, and (c) personal space11. NormsNorms refer to rules for appropriate behavior, which provide the expectations people have of one another and of others. Norms are the outward manifestations of beliefs and values.12. IndividualismIndividualism refers to the doctrine that the interests of the individual are or ought to be paramount, and that all values, right, and duties originate in individuals. It emphasizes individual initiative, independence,individual expression, and even privacy.13. ParalanguageThe set of nonphonemic properties of speech, such as speaking tempo, vocal pitch, and intonational contours, that can be used to communicate attitudes or other shades of meaning.14.Low-context cultureCultures in which little of the meaning is determined by the message is encoded in the explicit code are labeled low-context.1. Explain the term “intercultural communication competence” and its three components.The intercultural competence refers to the ability to understand and adapt the target culture. Intercultural communicative competence involves cognitive, affective and operational aspects, which are inseparable in reality. The interrelatedness of cognitive, affective, and operational components is very important in the improv ement of the communicator’s intercultural communication competence. There are also three aspects in terms of affective components: adaptation motivation, Identity flexibility and esthetic co-orientation, the cognitive aspects of intercultural communication competence are the mental capacities of comprehension and ability to understand the meanings of various verbal and nonverbal codes. Operational components are that Individuals’ capacity to express cognitive and affective experiences outwardly is shown thr ough specific behaviors.2. What are the five basic themes in individualist culture?1) There is a tendency for foreigners to treat strangers as equals, seen in the politeness with which foreigners treat out-group members and their willingness to follow public rules and laws that guarantee the rights of all. 2) There is a desire for independence and separateness, found in foreigners' needs for their own privacy and autonomy and in the freedom they give to children. 3) There is a lack of inhibition on the part of foreigners in terms of expressive behaviors, seen in their lack of concern about drawing attention to themselves and their willingness to disclose feelings and emotions. 4) There is a lack of understanding if the reciprocal bonds and duties that regulate in-group members, found in foreigners' casual attitudes towards hospitality. 5) There is a lack of concern at public displays of physical or sexual intimacy.3. What are the differences between Chinese and English Kin Terms?In Chinese culture, people refer to people strictly according to the kin terms. It is completely unacceptable to refer to one's parents by using the names. When children address relatives, Chinese kin terms tell whether they are older or younger than their father or mother. Chinese kin terms tell whether the relatives are from the mother' or father's side and whether one's brother, sister or cousin is older or younger than he/she. Chinese kin terms are also to other people who are not one's relatives; kin terms are widely used to address known or unknown peopleWhile in English culture, in some families in Western countries, some children address their parents directly by their first names. In Britain, children are expected to address the parents' brother and sisters with the title of Uncle or Aunt plus their names and sometimes simply address them by first name without a title. English kin terms don’t tell whether the relatives are from the mother' or father's side ,and there are not distinct kin terms for elder brother or younger brother. Kin terms are not as frequently used as in Chinese. In all kinds of social situations, either formally or informally, people won't use kin terms to address each other if they are not relatives.4. What is the significance of Nonverbal Communication?Nonverbal behavior is a significant area of communication study for at least threereasons.Nonverbal behavior accounts for much of the meaning we get from conversations.Nonverbal behavior spontaneously reflects the subconsciousness.We cannot avoid communicating through nonverbal signals.Besides, nonverbal behavior is significant because nonverbal communication canbe open to many interpretations.5. Describe the U.S. cultural patterns with the five value orientation categories.People in the United States generally believe in a supreme God or universal spirit and believe that they can control nature. They have a lot of faith in science and technology and are materialistic. They get a sense of identity from work and generally separate work from play. People, in the United States are efficient, practical, and see progress and change as a good thing. They place a high value on time and have a future time orientation, although they often divide it into short-term goals.People in the United States do not agree about whether humans are naturally good, bad, or a mixture of both. However, two beliefs related to human nature—rationality and mutability--- are still believed by many in the United States. One of the most fundamental beliefs of people is individualism. Associated with this belief are the ideas of self-motivation, competition, andresponsibility for one’s own actions. People in the United States also have an unshakable belief in equality. They do not believe that everyone is the same, but they do believe that everyone does or should have the same opportunities as everyone else. Last, people in the United States are conformist—it is important to stay in touch with the latest fashion in hair, clothing, and so forth.6. Explain high-context culture and low-context culture.Cultures in which little of the meaning is determined by the message is encoded in the explicit code are labeled low-context. Cultures in which less has to be said or written because more of the meaning is in the physical environment or already shared by people are labeled high context.7. Explain the definition of “collectivist culture”a. Collectivist cultures place little value on individual identity and great value on group identity. They have been labeled as “we” cultures because basic unit is the in-group or collective.b. kindness to visitors: friendly, welcoming, and generous treatment offered to guests or strangersc. Individualism is the moral stance, political philosophy, ideology, or social outlook that stresses "the moral worth of the individual". Individualists promote the exercise of one's goals and desires and so independence and self-reliance while opposing most external interference upon one's own interests, whether by society, or any other group or institution.8. How do people from different cultures understand “silence”?The use of silence in communication is different from culture to culture. Silence can communicate agreement, apathy, awe, confusion, contemplation, disagreement, embarrassment, obligation, regret, repressed hostility, respect, sadness, thoughtfulness, or any number of meanings. In eastern cultures, silence has long been regarded as a virtue. While in western cultures, silence has generally been considered socially disagreeable. To most people in the United States, silence means lack of attention and lack of initiative. To the Chinese, silence means agreement.9. Why do we need to study intercultural communication?(1). Technological developmentThe development of new transportation and information technologies has connected all nations in ways that were possible before this century only in the imagination.(2). Widespread population Migrations(3). The changes in the international business community have compelled China to reexamine her business.(4). Development of Multiculturalism. Cultural diversity or multiculturalism will become the norm; not the exception. The public must acknowledge and adjust to difference but build on commonality.10. What are the characteristics in naming Chinese Given Names?There have existed differences in naming given names to male and female throughout the Chinese history. If we get down to the classifications of the Given Names according to the different sexes, it is not difficult to see that the differences may lie in two categories, that is, in meanings and forms. Traditionally, male given names usually suggest steel and great strength, showing great concerns about the fate and future of the nation, while female given names impress people on their beauty, elegance, fragrance, loveliness, and gentleness. Shown in the following are the ten classifications of both the sexes showing different characteristics in given names:11. State two typical situations to send flowers in business and social situationsThere are two typical situations in which flowers can be useful to businesspeople. One is to help establish a good relationship with a secretary. The other is when an executive is invited to someone's house. It is still more customary - all over the world - to give flowers to women rather than men, who in most cultures only receive flowers when ill. Here are some flower-giving guidelines which should keep you from falling foul of local taboos.。


Time is discrete and segmented into precise, small units and viewed as a commodity.
Time can be scheduled, managed, and arranged. Things should be done one at a time.
Informal time systems
the assumptions cultures make about how time should be used or experienced
Cultures have unstated expectation about the timing and duration of formal events such as
European Americans are very time-driven.
plan in detail; make lists; keep track of their activities; organize time into a daily routine
An event is regarded as separate and distinct from all others and should receive the exclusive focus of attention it deserves.
Current activities are accomplished and appreciated for the potential future benefits.
The fate is in one’s own hands and they control the consequences of their actions.



教师学科教案[ 20 – 20 学年度第__学期]任教学科:_____________任教年级:_____________任教老师:_____________xx市实验学校大学英语中高级课程《跨文化交际》电子教案Week1 Culture and Intercultural Communication (I)I. Teaching objectives1. To get to understand what is culture and what is intercultural communication2. To get to understand different metaphors of culture3. 4. To understand how culture governs people’s speech and behaviorsII. Classroom activities1.Brainstorming activity: What are the things that come up in your mind when you think of“Chinese culture”?2.Definitions of culture—E.B.Tylor (1871) in Primitive Culture: “that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of a society.”—Lu stig & Koester: “Culture is a learned set of shared perceptions about beliefs, values, and norms, which affect the behaviors of a relatively large group of people”—Gudykunst: Culture is our theory of the game being played in our society. We use our theory of the game being played in interacting with the other people we encounter. It tells us how to communicate with others and how to interpret their behavior. We generally are not highly aware of the rules of the game being played, but we behave as though there is general agreement on the rules.—Anthropologists: the total way of living3.Cultural mini-drama:Situation: Wang Liang worked in a Sino-German Joint V enture. One day, on his way to the coffee machine, he found that Wolfgang, one of his German colleagues, had seemingly gotten rather involved in a newspaper. Out of curiosity, Wang came up to Wolfgang so he could glance at the newspaper. Then he asked, “Which one are you reading? Is it interesting?”Mini-drama: What will happen to them then? Put students into several groups to perform the drama.The latter part of the drama: But all of a sudden, Wolfgang lost his temper, began to complain about Wang's invasion of his privacy, and demanded an apology for him. Wang felt rather upset, and kept explaining that he had not realized his behavior was rude. After this, whenever Wang stepped toward Wolfgang, he would soon cover up what he was doing, or stand up to keep a clear distance with Wang. Wang Liang got very confused, wondering why his friendly behaviors aroused such hostility in his colleague.4.Metaphors of culture—Culture is like the water a fish swims in, the sky a bird flies in, and the air people live in.—Culture is the software of our mind.—Culture is the grammar of our behavior.—Culture is like an iceberg.5.Classification of culture—high culture—popular culture—deep culture6.Movie clip appreciation—characters—key words•abuse n. mistreatment•attorney n. lawyer 律师•bruise n. an injury that shows up as a discoloration on the skin 瘀伤;擦伤•chitchat n. light informal conversation•conjecture n. a hypothesis that has little hard evidence•hearing n. a legal proceeding where evidence is taken for the purpose of determining an issue of fact and reaching a decision based on that evidence 听证会•incontrovertible n. impossible to deny or disprove•indisputably adv. cannot be disputed•inflict v. impose something unpleasant 施以;加害•ludicrous adj. inviting laughter荒谬的;可笑的•neglect n. lack of attention and due care•pending adj. waiting to be decided or settled•speculation n. a guess based on incomplete evidence•testimony n. something that serves as evidence—Phrases and expressions•put the cart before the horse: t o have things in the wrong order本末倒置—Cultural notes•CW A: Child Welfare Agency, a government organization intended to protect the rights of children•Guasha treatment (scraping therapy): A traditional Chinese medical treatment in which a wooden board repeatedly slides across the patient’s acupuncture points. Itworks on the basis of principles similar to those of acupuncture and massage. Thus,ailments that can be treated by acupuncture and massage can be helped withGuasha as well. It can help reestablish the human body’s natural biologicalcirculation.•ER: emergency room•“Show me” state: A nickname for Mis souri, a midwestern state in the central United States. This term appears on automobile license plates for Missouri.—Pairwork exercises7.Explore interculturally(group discussion and presentation)—In the hearing, why does Xu Datong invite John to be his lawyer although John is not familiar with family law? What can you learn from it about Chinese culture?—Why doesn’t John defend Xu Datong in the hearing? What can you learn from this?—Why does Xu Datong tell the judge he performed Guasha on Dennis? What can we learn from this about Chinese culture?8.Intercultural communication: Communication between people from different culturalbackground.III. Assignments1. Explain the metaphors of culture.2. Cite some daily examples to illustrate how culture governs people’s speech and behaviors.Week2 Culture and Intercultural Communication (II)I. Teaching objectives1. to get to learn various classifications of culture2. to get to understand what is intercultural communication3. to get to understand why we should study intercultural communicationII. Classroom activities1.Check the assignments of last week.—Explain the metaphors of culture.—Cite some examples to illustrate how culture governs people’s speech and behaviors.2. A social survey: Culture shapes people’s view.3.Classifications of culturea)High culture, popular culture, deep cultureb)Big culture, small culturec)Mainstream culture, subcultured)Eastern culture, western culturee)Eastern culture, Indian culture, western culture (梁漱溟)f)Eastern culture, Indian culture, Arabic culture, European culture (季羡林)g)Food culture, wine culture, tea culture etc.4.Case studyQuestions for discussion:—Why didn’t the man change the seat as required by the stewardess?—What can you learn from it about Chinese culture?—Any other comments about the case?5.What is intercultural communication?—Communication between people from different cultural background.6.Why study intercultural communication?Let there be a small country with few people…Though neighboring communities overlook one anotherand the crowing of cocks and barking of dogs canbe heard, yet the people there may grow old anddie without ever visiting one another----- Lao Tze《老子》:“甘其食,美其服,安其居,乐其俗。


Communication Et Cetera
Hofstede’s Value Dimensions
According to Hofstede’s findings, the United states, Australia, Great Britain, Canada, the Netherlands and New Zealand tend toward individualism.
As Gamble and Gamble state, “perception is the process of selecting, organizing and interpreting sensory data in a way that enables us to make sense of our world.”
The first stage is recognition or identification, in which a configuration of light or sound waves is identified as, for example, a car or music.
At the second stage, the interpretation and evaluation of that which has been identified take place. The result of this process is not the same for all people, because this process is learned and therefore influenced by all of our past experiences. This fact alone would make communication difficult even between people with similar backgrounds. When we add the ingredient of culture to the equation, finding a matching reality becomes even more problematic.



The Effect of Both High-Context Culture and Low-Context Culture on the Progress of Time Conception of Chinese Abstract: Human events occurring in daily life are closely related to time.Time is fundamental bases on cultures and human activities. In academic fields, different cultures shape different time conception, and time conception is an important mirror to reflect culture. Edward Hall regarded time orientation is evidently distinct between high-context cultures and low-context cultures. Time conception consists of time orientation and the view of time. Time orientation and the view of time of Chinese have changed a lot under the influence of high and low context culture, especially low-context culture from some western countries. The paper aims to find the progress which we have achieved about the conception of time in our country.Key Words high-context culture; low-context culture; conception of time; Chinese高语境文化和低语境文化对中国人时间观念进步的影响摘要时间和人们的生活息息相关。


Hofstede’s work was one of the earliest attempts to use extensive statistical data to examine cultural values. (He)
He surveyed over a hundred thousand workers analyzed a large database of employee values scores in multinational organizations (IBM) between 1967 and 1973 covering more than 70 countries.
lag behind.
• Proverbs' value explanation:
• 1.Value: the individual Origin: England
• 2.Value: action
Origin: USA
• 3.Value: self-help
Origin: Greece
• 4.Value: efficiency
Definition of Value
• Values are social principles, goals, or standards accepted by persons in a culture.
• A value can be defined as a conception, explicit or implicit, distinctive of an individual or characteristic of a group, of the desirable which influences the selection from available modes, means, and ends of action. (Klucnhohn)



The Effect of Both High-Context Culture and Low-Context Culture on the Progress of Time Conception of Chinese Abstract: Human events occurring in daily life are closely related to time.Time is fundamental bases on cultures and human activities. In academic fields, different cultures shape different time conception, and time conception is an important mirror to reflect culture. Edward Hall regarded time orientation is evidently distinct between high-context cultures and low-context cultures. Time conception consists of time orientation and the view of time. Time orientation and the view of time of Chinese have changed a lot under the influence of high and low context culture, especially low-context culture from some western countries. The paper aims to find the progress which we have achieved about the conception of time in our country.Key Words high-context culture; low-context culture; conception of time; Chinese高语境文化和低语境文化对中国人时间观念进步的影响摘要时间和人们的生活息息相关。


1) A good tan(棕褐色) is a reflection of a healthy, active lifestyle and makes a person more attractive. you will probably ----(find time to lie out in the sun or even go to a tanning salon. )
irrational vs. rational,
moral vs. immoral. 整理课件
1.3The Value Hierarchy
• hospitality to guests
• cleanliness
Tertiary Values
Alleviation of the pain and
[see P57-58 ]
1.1. Perception & cultures
Perceptions are stored within each human being in the form of beliefs + values = cultural patterns
1.2. Beliefs
• How to get: 1. from one’s family 2. from school teachers; 3. from one’s peers (friends, schoolmates, play mates; 4. from society at large
• Where to find 1. from people’s behavior pattern 2. from what people say about themselves; 3. from myths, tales of heroes and rituals; 4. from folk tales, movies, proverbs, sayings, etc.

跨文化交际PPT 2-6

跨文化交际PPT 2-6

Activity Orientation
4. Becoming orientation sees humans as evolving and changing. E.g.:

American, Chinese, South American
Activity Orientation

A. „doing‟ orientation B. „being‟ and „becoming‟ culture
4. On Sunday, a man received a phone call and said: “Please call me next Monday. I am camping now.” A A 5. Where there‟s a will, there‟s a way. 6. This task is beyond me. Although I failed, I am not disappointed, because I have tried. B 7. No matter how hard it is, I will try my best to accomplish it. A
Interpersonal being together rather communication than by accomplishing
specific tasks
Classification (P30)
A. „doing‟ orientation B. „being‟ and „becoming‟ culture
How did we become the leader?
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Spain, Spanish-speaking cultures, Arabic cultures
Relationships are far more important than schedules.
Polychronic cultures are oriented to people.
Appointments will be quickly broken without guilt or apology when friends or family members require attention.
Non-verbal Communication
Time Orientation
Communication process is an ongoing stream of events over a period of time.
the value or importance the members of a culture place on the passage of time.
Present-oriented Cultures
Current experiences are the most important. emphasis on spontaneity and immediacy and
experiencing each moment
Participation in events because of the immediate pleasure that activities provide instead of potential future gain
M-time is like a room with a closed door ensuring privacy.
M-time seals off one or two people from the group and intensifies relationships with one
other person.
Chinese Culture: Haste makes waste. 欲速则不达。
Time reveals all things. 万事日久自明。
Monochronic & Polychronic Time Orientation
Monochronic Time Orientation:
Tangible: save, spend, waste, lose, make up, crawl, kill, run out…
being involved with many things at once
There is no recognized order as to who is to be served next, no queue or numbers to
indicate who has been waiting the longest.
Time Systems
implicit rules to arrange sets of experiences in some meaningful way Technical time systems
the precise, scientific measurements of time that are calculated in such units as nanoseconds
belief in unseen and unknown outside forces such as fate or luck
Philippines Central and South Americans
Future-oriented Cultures
The moment in the future is most important.
European Americans are very time-driven.
plan in detail; make lists; keep track of their activities; organize time into a daily routine
An event is regarded as separate and distinct from all others and should receive the exclusive focus of attention it deserves.
Arbitrary and imposed—learned: not inherent in man’s biological rhythms or his creative drives
Side effects: Influence how people think and perceive the world
“In fact, social and business life, even one’s sex life is commonly schedule-dominated.”
Polychronic Time Orientation:
Time is continuous like a never-ending river. work without a strict schedule
Time is segmented by the phases of the moon, the changing seasons, the rise and fall of the tides, or the movements of the sun.
European Americans: Time is segmented into seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years.
1. What do you think of being punctual? 2. How do the Westerners define punctuality
day or the phases of the moon.
Time sequences are explicitly taught to children and newcomers as an important part of the acculturation process.
agreements among the members of a culture on the extent to which time is regarded as valuable
in segmented compartments convenient in linear operations but disastrous in
nonlinear creative tasks Some Americans associate schedules with reality.
alienate people from themselves and others by reducing context
Informal time systems
the assumptions cultures make about how time should be used or experienced
Cultures have unstated expectation about the timing and duration of formal events such as
Formal time systems Informal time systems
Formal time systems
the ways in which members of a culture describe and comprehend units of time
Time units vary greatly from culture to culture. Native American cultures
Time is discrete and segmented into precise, small units and viewed as a commodity.
Time can be scheduled, managed, and arranged. Things should be done one at a time.
appointments, arrivals to a party.
Time expectations differ according to the occasion and relative importance.
Hale Waihona Puke Western Cultures: Time is money.
I haven’t got time to be tired. Time is a line.
People interact with several people at the same time.
Side effects: Bureaucracy
Case Study
An American ambassador arrived in one country and was paid a visit by a local diplomat. The diplomat arrived for his appointment not so early as to be obsequious nor so late as to be disrespectful; he arrived 50 minutes late. The American ambassador was later heard to remark, “How can you depend on these people when they arrive an hour late for an appointment, then just mutter something?”