冀教版七年级英语上册:Unit 7 Days and Months Lesson 37课堂练习【含答案】


冀教版七年级英语上册 UNIT 7 Days and Months 一课一练(基础)(含答案)

冀教版七年级英语上册 UNIT 7 Days and Months 一课一练(基础)(含答案)

UNIT 7Days and MonthsLesson 37Seasons and Weather核心单词1. ________ n. 星期一2. ________ n. 星期二3. ________ n. 星期三4. ________ n. 星期四5. ________ v. 滑冰6. ________ adj. 多雨的7. ________ adv. & prep. 在外面8. ________ adj. 下雪的;多雪的单词变形1. outside→________(对应词) 3. rainy→________(n. & v. )2. snowy→________(n. & v. )核心短语1. ________________________玩得高兴 3. ________________________放风筝2. ________________________去溜冰 4. ________________________去游泳重点句型1. —________ ________ is it today?今天星期几?—It's Monday. 今天星期一。

2. 天气怎么样?________ ________ the weather?3. 正在下雪!It's ________!4. 我喜欢在夏季游泳。

I like to ________ ________ in summer.5. 让我们去滑冰吧,只有你和我。

Let's ________ ________,just you and me.6. 咱们出去开心地玩吧。

Let's play outside and ________ ________ ________ ________.Lesson 38Nick's Busy Month核心单词1. ________ v. 标记 6. ________ n. 出售;卖2. ________ n. 十二月7. ________ n. 圣诞节;圣诞节期间3. ________ n. 星期五8. ________ adj. & adv. 最好的(地)4. ________ n. 星期日9. eve n. ________5. ________ n. 日历;日程表10. midnight n. ________单词变形best→________(原级)核心短语1. ________________________节礼日2. ________________________倒计时;倒读数3. ________________________大优惠;大减价4. ________________________在圣诞前夕重点句型1. 在平安夜,我和我的家人吃一顿丰盛的晚餐而且吃很多好吃的食物。



• Do you like to go to the store to buy clothes?
Do you like to go to the zoo to watch the animals?

Danny plays with his friends. 丹尼和他的朋友们玩。

play with…意为“和……玩”或“玩…….”。例如:
Do you like to play with me? 你喜欢和我玩吗? Don’t play with fire. 别玩火。 Let’s play with the doll. 我们玩娃娃吧。 注意:play表示“玩球”或“演奏乐器”讲时,其后直接跟名词,不用介词with。例如: Jim likes to play football. 吉姆喜欢踢足球。 Lucy plays the piano well. 露茜弹钢琴弹得很好。 Do you like to play basketball? 你喜欢打篮球吗?
奥特曼归来官网 https:/// 奥特曼归来官网
送来了亲自为爹娘买的各种祭品。看了耿正兄妹三人如此安排随行细软,不禁大加赞赏:“真正好主意!”随后又连连惋惜:“只可惜我 们不能再一起经营商铺了!唉,回去吧,既然你们一意返乡,就回老家做你们的事业去吧!我相信,以你们超凡的心机,无论做什么,都 一定会大获成功的!”耿正笑着说:“那我们兄妹们就借李叔您的吉言啦!”耿英说:“李叔叔您也一样,诚信大义加上灵活而又有远见 的头脑,您一家人今后的生意一定会越做越大,越做越好的!”耿直也说:“我们回去以后,肯定会很想念叔叔、婶子和弟弟妹妹呢!” 李老乡动情地说:“我和你们婶子,还有你们的弟弟妹妹也一样啊!”又叙了一会儿话,时间有些不早了。耿正说:“咱们不能让时间停 止不走啊!李叔叔,就此告辞吧。希望咱们后会有期!得空了,请您和婶子带弟弟妹妹们来我们的老家‘三六九镇’看看,住些日子!” 李老乡唏嘘不已,说:“唉,但愿吧,只怕是在睡梦中的事儿了呢!”随后,耿正将住房、厨房和院门儿的钥匙全部交给李老乡,说: “半个月的租金我会放在厅房这个大抽屉里边。过几天您来拿了,与房东结算清楚就行了!厨房里的米面油盐和南房里的柴火煤炭什么的, 您看着收拾吧。”李老乡说:“你们不要留租金了,那些东西也不用收拾的。我已经和房东说好了,等你们走后,我们一家人就搬过来住 了。这边离咱们的铺子近,来来去去的方便!”耿英说:“这样很好,这个院子什么都有,住着非常方便呢!”李老乡说:“是个不错的 小院儿,我正在考虑干脆买下来得了!”耿直说:“这是个好主意!”耿正笑着说:“李叔,我们三个刚才还说了,走之前要把那个大水 缸里的水全部清理干净了,再把它悠回厨房里呢!这不你们全家人要搬过来住了嘛,那这个缸怎么办呢?要不还就放在院儿里晒水吧!厨 房里不需要它,还占地方!”李老乡也笑着说:“当然不用悠回去了,放在院儿里晒水是一个多好的主意啊!”略迟疑一下,李老乡还是 问:“我明儿还是过来送送你们吧!”耿正赶快说:“不用送。我们一早起来就悄悄地走了!”说罢,兄妹三人将李老乡送出门来,双方 恋恋不舍挥泪告别。返身关上院门儿,给骡子饮好水添上草料以后,兄妹三人简单洗漱一番就抓紧时间赶快歇息了。49第九十三回 做好准 备返故乡|(归家在即不能延,提早准备带细软;老乡难舍也无奈,全面接手丝绸行。)光阴荏苒,岁月如梭,耿家兄妹三人和李老乡联手 经营“昌盛丝绸行”已经奔第四个年头了。考虑到这老乡兄妹仨归家在即,李老乡决定让刚刚从小学堂毕业的儿子李根来铺子里学徒做丝 绸生意。这个聪明而又略带点儿羞涩的男娃儿已经十三岁了。他不但个头窜起了不少,而且也掌握了比较扎实的文化知

冀教版七年级英语上册Unit7 Days and Months单元教案

冀教版七年级英语上册Unit7 Days and Months单元教案

冀教版七年级英语上册Unit7 Days and Months单元教案I. Teaching objectives 单元教学目标Skill Focus听Listen to the dialogues about weather, time and date.说Say ordinal numbers and name the twelve months; talk about weather anddate in English.读Read brief articles about everyday life and weather description.写Write down dates correctly and write about own likes and wishes in English. Language Focus功能句式Talking about weatherHow is the weather? It’s warm.Talking about timeWhat time is it? It’s 6:30.When is supper? At 7:00 in the evening.Talking about datesWhat day is it? It’s Monday, September 1st.What’s the date? It’s …My birthday is July 2nd.Expressing likes and wishesWe like to go to the movie theatre to watch a movie.词汇 1. 重点词汇March, April, May, June, July, August, autumn, September, October, November, December, January, February, weather, windy, sunny, cloudy, snowy, rainy, date, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, yesterday, tomorrow, sun, wind, cloud, rain, snow, day, ball, kite, read, doll2. 认读词汇season, month, spring, summer, winter, race, first, second, third, was,when, flower, bloom, blow, leaf, during, western, catch, fly, rest, fun, animal, hard, math, English, subject, try3.短语New Year’s Day, Spring Festival, International Workers’Day, Children’s Day, Teachers’Day, National Day语法 1. Numbers (Ordinal)first, second, third, fourth, fifth, …2. Using “it”It is 8:00 in the morning.It is hot.It is Tuesday, October 12nd.II. Teaching materials analyzing 教材分析1.教材分析本单元的主要内容是表达“天气”、“日期”和“时间”。

冀教版英语七年级上册-Unit 7 Days and Months_Lesson 38教案

冀教版英语七年级上册-Unit 7  Days and Months_Lesson 38教案
1.能够掌握课标要求的“四会”词汇:mark, calendar, December, best, Friday, Christmas, Sunday,sale.
1.掌握一些与节日有关的词汇:Christmas, Boxing Day, New Year’s Eve.
(3)The students read the new words together, every word read two times.
Step 3: Skimming
Read the text and answer the questions.
Step 4: Listening
Listen and match the events with the dates.
How about Nick? Today we are going to learn lesson 38 Nick’s Busy Month.
Step 2: New words

七年级英语Unit7 Days and Months教案 冀教版

七年级英语Unit7 Days and Months教案 冀教版

Unit7Days and Months一. 本周教学内容:Lesson 49-Lesson 52本单元以“时间”为主线,并以节日、月份、日期、星期为话题引导语言交际训练。




(一)学习目标:1. 词汇(1)表示月份的词。

(2)序数词第1~第12(3)表示天气的词:sunny, windy, cloudy, rainy, snowy(4)表示时间的词:yesterday, tomorrow(5)表示节日的词:Children’s Day, Teachers’ Day, National Day, New Year’s Day.(6)名词:kite, doll, ball, leaf2. 日常交际用语:Happy New Year / Children’s Day.Good morning!3. 重点句型:The boy in red shorts is the third.The cloud is above. The rain is below.When is school?Can you do it?4. 语法(1)区分关于询问时间、星期、日期的句型及答语。

日期:What’s the date? It’s October, 10.星期:What day is it? It’s Friday.时间:What time is it? It’s nine o’clock.(2)熟悉一年中十二个月的表达法。


Lesson 49 Months of the Year (I)(一)学习目标:1. 掌握月份的表达法:(1)Winter(冬天)is from December to February冬天从12月份到2月份。

河北省平泉县第四中学冀教版七年级英语上册《Unit 7 Days and months Less

河北省平泉县第四中学冀教版七年级英语上册《Unit 7 Days and months Less

Unit 7 第二课时Lesson38 Nick’s Busy Month成稿I.学习目标:1.学习38课的单词,能够熟练听读单词,发音准确。



2.要点和难点:掌握重点句型:1).Christmas is in December. 2). I get many presents on that day.3). My best friend Tony’s birthday is on Tuesday, December 6.4). Many stores have big sales! 5).It’s so much fun.6). Happy New Year! Merry Christmas!清晰书写下列单词和短语1.日历,历程表______________________2. 十二月______________________3. 标记,做记号______________________4.最好的_____________________5.星期五___________________6. 星期日______________________7.圣诞节__________________________ 8. 卖,出售(n.)______________II认真阅读P100,完成下列短语或句子1、我正在标注我的日历____________________________________________2、我最好的朋友托尼的生日在十二月六号,星期二__________________________________________________________________3、圣诞节在十二月_________________________________________________4、在平安夜,我和我的家人吃一顿丰盛的晚餐而且吃很多好吃的食物__________________________________________________________________ 5、我在那一天得到很多礼物___________________________________________________________________6、很多商店会大减价________________________________________________7、我和我的家人要和我们所有的朋友一起举办一个大型聚会___________________________________________________________________ 8、就我午夜前,我们所有人一起倒计时____________________________________________________________________ 9、新年快乐__________________________________________________________ 知识解析1.mark .v .标记n.分数,成绩a). He _____(标记) “Look out” on the box.他在箱子上标上“小心”的字样b). I want ____ _____ _______. 我想要一个好成绩c)标注某人的日历_________________d)满分__________________2. best.adj/adv. 最好的/地I like apples best.我最喜欢苹果a) good,well 的最高级__________;比较级____________b). . like… best=favouriteHis _____ sport is basketball.=He _____ basketball ___________.拓展:try one’s best (to do )=do one’s best(to do )SthI will try my best ____________(help) you.c).我最好的朋友_________________________3.Christmas.n. 圣诞节,圣诞节期间,原指耶稣的诞辰,后来成为许多国家尤其是西方国家的传统节日,时间是每年的12月25日。

冀教版七年级上册英语《Holidays》Days and Months PPT课件

冀教版七年级上册英语《Holidays》Days and Months PPT课件
New Year’s Day is on January 1.It’s only eleven days from today. ④Happy New Year to you, everyone!
1 ⑤What do you like to do on holidays? My family likes to watch a movie on New Year’s Day. My mum and I like to go shopping during the Spring Festival.
Children’s Day International Workers’ Day Teachers’ Day National Day the Spring Festival
June 1 January or February October 1 September 10 May 1
2 Listen and fill in the blanks with the phrases in the box.
4 Work in pairs.What do you like to do during the holidays? Make up a dialogue. Example: A:What do you like to do during the Spring Festival? B:I like to visit my grandparents and play with my cousins.
holidays in China. International Workers’ Day is in May.We have Children’s Day on June 1.Teachers’ Day is on September 10.National Day is on October 1. ③And the Spring Festival is usually in January or February.

最新冀教版初中英语七年级上册《Unit 7 Days and Months》精品PPT课件

最新冀教版初中英语七年级上册《Unit 7 Days and Months》精品PPT课件
Ⅱ. Sentence pattern Talk about the weather:
How is the weather today? It’s warm and rainy. / It is windy and cloudy.
Cardinal Ordinal
1 one first
2 two second Talk about time and date:
3 three third
4 four fourth What time is it? = What is
5 five fifth
the time?
6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten 11 eleven
III. 按要求转换句型,每空一词。
1. My uncle likes to work on the computer.
2. (对划线部分提问)
3. W__h_a_t __d_o_e_s___ your uncle like to do
4.2. She does her homework at home.
2. I often go to school __o_n___ foot every day.
3. Happy New Year ___to___ you. 4. __O_n___ Sunday morning, I will go for a
walk in the park. 5. It’s time __t_o___ go home.

冀教版英语七上Unit 7《Days and Months》(Lessons 39、40)教学设计

冀教版英语七上Unit 7《Days and Months》(Lessons 39、40)教学设计

冀教版英语七上Unit 7《Days and Months》(Lessons 39、40)教学设计一. 教材分析冀教版英语七上Unit 7《Days and Months》主要介绍了一年中的月份和一些重要的西方节日。


二. 学情分析学生在学习本节课之前,已经掌握了基本的日常英语对话,具备了一定的听、说、读、写的能力。


三. 教学目标1.能够听、说、读、写一年中的月份和一些重要的西方节日。



四. 教学重难点1.月份和节日的表达方式。


五. 教学方法1.任务型教学法:通过设计各种任务,让学生在完成任务的过程中,自然地学习和掌握知识点。



六. 教学准备1.PPT课件:制作包含月份和节日知识的PPT课件。



七. 教学过程1.导入(5分钟)通过播放一段关于季节变化的听力材料,引导学生谈论季节和天气,自然引入到月份和节日的学习。





冀教版七年级英语上册HolidaysDays and Months 课件

冀教版七年级英语上册HolidaysDays and Months 课件

1)Match the Chinese holidays with the dates or months.
Children's Day International Workers’ Day Teachers’ Day National Day The Spring Festival
June 1 January or February October 1 September 10 May 1
My mum and I like to go shopping during the Spring Festival.
My little brother and sister like to go to the zoo on Children's Day.
I like to go mountain climbing❹ on National Day with my cousin.
8. Do you say“Happy _T_e_a_c_h_e_r_s'__(teach) Day” on September 10?
9. My little son likes to go to the zoo onC__h_il_d_r_e_n_'s(child)Day. 10. —Do you like _t_o_p__la_y__ (play) basketball?
My family likes to watch a movie on New Year’s Day. My mum and I like to go shopping during the Spring Festival. My little brother and sister like to go to the zoo on Children’s Day. I like to go mountain climbing on National Day with my cousin.

冀教版七年级英语上册 (A Class Calendar)Days and Months 课件

冀教版七年级英语上册 (A Class Calendar)Days and Months 课件

num.第一 num.第二 num.第三 num.第四 num.第五 num.第六
1.今天是什么日期?__W__h_a_t’_s_t_h_e_d_a_t_e?_____ 2.我们有......__w_e__h_a_v_e_.._.._. ________________ 3.年月__M__o_n_t_h_s_o_f_t_h_e_y_e_ar 4.十二月之后__A_f_te_r_D__e_c_em__b_e_r_____________ 5.三月24号___M__ar_c_h__2_4____ 6.六月15号___J_u_n_e _1_5__________
* His first film was shown on television last weekend. 他的第一部电影上周末在电视上播出了。
(2016·黑龙江绥化中考,19) December is the ___month of the year. A.Twelve B.twelveth C.twelfth 【解析】句意:12月是一年中的第十 二个月份。根据常识我们知道,十二月是一年中的第 十二个月份,故用序数词。因此选C。 【答案】C
4 Work in groups.Mark your class calendar for the coming months.Then talk about it.
01What’s the date?今天是几号?(教材P102) “What’s the date?”的用法
这是由what引导的特殊疑问句,用来对“日期”进行 提问,意为“今天是几月几号? ”。其同义句型为 “What date is it today?”,其答语均为“It’s+日期”。
◆ 序数词的用法 英语中用来表示顺序的词叫作序数词,现在总结一下序数 词的规律:



Unit7DaysandMonths导学案冀教版英语七年级上册Lesson37: Seasons and Weather Array Teaching aims:掌握并正确应⽤下列单词、词组:Monday,rainy,Tuesday,outside,Wednesdayhursday,snowy skate,go skating,have a good time Teaching difficult:1、What day is it today ?It’s Monday/ Tuesday .2、How is the weather ?It is cold and cloudyTeaching impoint:谈论星期及天⽓。


【温故知新, 提出⽬标】(⼀)掌握并正确应⽤下列单词、词组:Tuesday,outside,Wednesday Thursday,snowy,skate,go skating,have a good time(⼆)掌握下列句⼦:1、What day is it today ?It’s Monday/ Tuesday .2、How is the weather?It is cold and cloudy.(三)谈论星期及天⽓。


【预习检测,感知课⽂】Ⅰ、完成“Let’s Do It”Ⅱ、根据所给的汉语完成句⼦。

今天的天⽓是多云吗?_____ _____ _____ today ?李明,你喜欢下雪天吗?Li Ming, do you like _______ ______?今天的天⽓怎么样?______ ______ the weather today ?_______ the weather ______ today ?她喜欢什么样的天⽓?_____ ____ ____ she like ?我⼀点⼉也不喜欢刮风的天⽓。

冀教版七年级上册英语《A Class Calendar》Days and Months 说课复习教学

冀教版七年级上册英语《A Class Calendar》Days and Months 说课复习教学
after December? Wang Mei:January!January is the first
month of a new year.On Tuesday,January 17,we will
Ms.Liu:Yes,Wang Mei.Let's look at our class calendar for next year. What dates can we mark on our
②反对, That's against the law.那是违法的。
违背 against
③倚着, Stand against the wall.靠着墙站立。
知识点 4 first/fɜːst/num.&det.第一(的) second/'sekənd/num.&det.&adv.第二(的)
1. 完成同步练习册第39课的练习。 2. Work in groups. Mark your class calendar
for theing months. Then talk about it.
Misfortunes tell us what fortune is. 不经灾祸不知福。
Let's Do It !
2)Listen to the statement and match the dates with the events.
Conversation Let’s look at our class calendar. See? We will have a class party on January 26 and a birthday party on March 11. Our school’s Sports Day is on April 13. And… we will have a basketball game against Class 4 on June 16.



七年级英语上册Unit 7 Days and Months词句精讲精练(新版)冀教版编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(七年级英语上册Unit 7 Days and Months词句精讲精练(新版)冀教版)的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。


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Unit 7 Days and Months词句精讲精练词汇精讲1。

on / in / at接时间on / in/ at可以用在表示时间的词前,但用法并不相同,其区别如下:(1)in 后常跟年,月,季节,周等,也用于表示泛指的上午,下午,晚上.例如:in summer 在夏季 in the morning 在上午 in July 在七月We often plant trees in spring. 我们经常在春季植树。

My father often goes to Beijing in January. 我的爸爸经常在一月去北京.(2) on 后常跟具体某一天,或者跟表示某一天的上午,下午,晚上等的词.例如:on Saturday 在星期天We are very happy on Children’s Day. 儿童节那天我们很开心。

(3) at后常跟表示某个具体的时刻点或用在一些固定搭配前。

例如:at 7:00 在七点钟at the moment 在此刻at night在夜里2. in needin need是固定搭配,意为“在危难中,在危急中,在困难时”,need为名词。

七年级英语上册《Unit 7 Days and Months》-课件-冀教版

七年级英语上册《Unit 7 Days and Months》-课件-冀教版

Ⅱ. Sentence pattern Talk about the weather:
How is the weather today? It’s warm and rainy. / It is windy and cloudy.
Cardinal Ordinal
1 one first
2 two second
What time is it? = What is the time? It’s 7:00. What day is it? It’s Tuesday, October 27. What’s the date? It’s October 30.
I. 根据句意及首字母提示,补全单词。
2. She does her homework at home. (改为否定句)
She d_o__e_s_n_’t __d__o__ her homework at home.
3. She has lunch in her office. (改为一般疑 问句) _D_o_e_s__ she _h_a_v_e__ _l_u_n_c_h_ in the office?
3 three third
4 four fourth
5 five fifth
6 six
7 seven seventh
8 eight eighth
9 nine ninth
10 ten
11 eleven eleventh
12 twelve twelfth
Talk about time and date:

《The colourful seasons》(教学设计)冀教版(2024)初中英语七年级上册

《The colourful seasons》(教学设计)冀教版(2024)初中英语七年级上册
1. 教师播放一段关于四季的视频,视频中展示了不同季节的美丽景色,如春天的花朵、夏天的海滩、秋天的枫叶和冬天的雪景。
2. 教师提问学生:“What seasons can you see in the video? Whatare the characteristics of each season?”
师:What seasons can you see in the video?
生:I can see spring, summer, autumn and winter.
生:It's spring. Spring is warm and there are many flowers.
3. 教师组织学生进行词汇和表达方式的接龙游戏。第一个学生说出一个季节的名称,下一个学生要用这个季节的特点进行描述,然后再说出一个新的季节名称,依次进行。
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1.You'd better stay at home. It's so hot ________(在外面).
2.In winter, Jack often goes ________(滑冰) on the river.
3.(易错题) —What day is it today?
—It's ________ (周三).
4.(易错题) It's hot ____________ (在夏季).
5.On ________(星期一) afternoon, we have three classes in school.
6.It is warm and ________(wind) in spring.
7.It is always ________(sun) here in winter.
8.It's cool and ________(cloud) in autumn.
9.The weather is cold and ________ (snow) in winter.
10.Look at the clouds. It is going to be ________(rain).
11.It's cloudy today.(对画线部分提问)
________ ________ the weather today?
12.What's the weather like today?(改为同义句)
________ ________ ________ today?
13.I like summer.(对画线部分提问)
________ ________ do you like?
14.It's Thursday today.(对画线部分提问)
________ ________ is it today?
15.I enjoy__myself on Tuesday.(改为同义句)
I ________ ________ ________ ________ on Tuesday.
一、1.outside 2.skating 3.Wednesday 4.in summer 5.Monday
二、6.windy 7.sunny 8.cloudy 9.snowy 10.rainy
三、11.How is 12.How's the weather 13.What season 14.What day 15.have a good time。
