“火箭”罗尼·奥沙利文 双语介绍PPT
奥沙利文是一个极具天赋的人,他的球非常非常的好看。他的想法和绝大部分斯诺克选手不同(包括亨得利)。其他人走位首先考虑的是球型,他首先考虑的是他自己。很多次,明明一个小推杆就能走到的位置,他就要用加塞的低杆吃一库这种华丽的杆法走,目的是什么呢?只是让他自己不用跑到球台的另外一边打下一颗球。他左右手通吃,因为这样可以减少至少一半的架杆器使用次数。我最佩服他的一点是,别人在用了很强的低杆以后,动作多多少少都有些变形,他则不会,就好像那样程度的低杆对于他来说都是小菜一碟。我爱看他的球,因为他不会循规蹈矩,猜测他下一个球的走位是徒劳的,因为他经常能给我惊喜,“啊 原来这个球还可以这样打”。他的球别人学不来,因为需要有超强的母球控制能力,硬学只有自取其辱。奥沙利文就像是三国演义,有点乱来,但是精彩至极。
燃料、氧化剂和高温是燃烧发生的 必要条件。
火箭的燃烧室是燃料和氧化剂混合 并燃烧的地方。
火箭的推进剂通过燃料管路和氧化剂管路被输送 至燃烧室。
通过调节推进剂的流量和喷射速度,可以控制火 箭的推力。
为了防止推进剂泄漏和保证系统安全,火箭上装 有多个安全阀和压力调节器。
火箭可以用于实现星际移民,将人类送到其他星球,拓展人类的 生存空间。
1 2
中国的火箭发展起步较晚,但发展迅速,已经成为世界航 天领域的重要力量。
罗尼·奥沙利文(Ronnie O'Sullivan,1975.12.5-),世界著名斯诺克球手,以左右开弓和独 特的杆法著称,绰号"The Rocket"(火箭)。奥沙利文在15岁时就获得世界青年锦标赛 冠军,18岁时夺得英国锦标赛的冠军,从而成为当时世界上最年轻的世界排名赛冠军得 主。进入2012年,状态回勇的奥沙利文在世锦赛决赛中以18比11击败阿里·卡特,夺得 了个人第四座世界冠军奖杯。2012年7月20日,奥沙利文最近被拍到与大他五岁的演员 莱拉-罗阿斯约会。从两人的亲密程度看,他们在一起已经有几个月的时候,不过,被 媒体抓拍到还是第一次。2013年世锦赛奥沙利文成功卫冕。
• 很难想象他是怎样走出这段梦魇,或许不是走出而是选择遗忘,无论如何,那个如刀一般犀利的男 子又回来了,如同凤凰涅槃。他开始真正进入职业生涯的收获期:摘得中国公开赛(1999, 2000);苏 格兰公开赛(2000)、UK锦标赛(2001)、欧洲公开赛(2003) 、爱尔兰公开赛(2003, 2005)和威尔士公 开赛(2004, 2005) 。而最重要的,就是五夺斯诺克世界的最高殿堂的世锦赛桂冠:2001年以18-14 击败希金斯,2004年18-8轻松战胜多特,及2008年18-8战胜阿里斯特·卡特,2012年18-11再次战胜 阿里斯特·卡特,2013年18-12击败巴里·霍金斯。
• 19岁的奥沙利文的生活却陷入梦魇:父亲因为犯下杀人罪被判了18年监禁;母亲因为偷税漏税被判 一年监禁;还有他的妹妹,整天和毒品打交道。还是少年的他不知怎样去宣泄自己的苦闷,内心得 不到安宁的他放纵自我,从酒精、大麻以及摇滚乐中寻找慰藉。于是1994-1998年间他只获得英国 公开赛(1994)、亚洲锦标赛(1996)、德国公开赛(1996)和苏格兰公开赛(1998)四站分量 不是很重的排名赛冠军。
2008年4月,世锦赛1/8决赛,奥沙利文13-7马克-威廉姆斯, 火箭在最后一局打出147,即个人第九杆147。奥沙利文也 是唯一一个在世锦赛中打出3次147的人。 2010年9月,世界公开赛资格赛最后一轮,奥沙利文3-0马 克-金,火箭在最后一局打出个人第十杆147,成为斯诺克 历史上轰出147最多的选手。 2011年8月26日 2011-2012赛季斯诺克球员巡回赛(PTC)第四 站 奥沙利文4-0 达夫,火箭在第三局轰出一杆满分147 第十 一杆147 更新了他的个人记录。
作为最具有天赋的斯诺克球手,奥沙 利文10岁打出了117分;15岁的时候就获得 世界青年锦标赛冠军,并打出147分的满 分杆;18岁夺得英国锦标赛的冠军,成 为当时世界上最年轻的世界排名赛冠军 得主; 19岁当选国际台联优秀选手。目
前为止打出11次满分杆,成为斯诺克 职业赛最多单杆满分次数的保持者!
约翰〃希金斯:在罗尼〃奥沙利文的手 中,斯诺克这项人类最难的运动变得荒 谬地简单。
斯蒂芬〃亨德利:他是我所遇到过的最 具天赋的斯诺克选手。 史蒂夫〃戴维斯:罗尼〃奥沙利文身上所拥 有的,其实已不是什么球技,而是妖术,一 种令凡夫俗子们望尘莫及的魔幻力量。
马克〃威廉姆斯:他是台 球的“切尔西”,我们只 能在后面追赶。
有一位男子 他是一个完美主义者 他拥有过人的天赋 他个性独特 他率真坚强……
他 是一个怎样的人呢?
让我们一起走近 罗尼〃奥沙利文 ……
中文名: 罗尼〃奥沙利文 外文名: Ronnie O'Sullivan 别名: 火箭 国籍: 英格兰 出生地: 艾塞克斯 出生日期: 1975.12.5 身高: 180.34cm 职业: 斯诺克球手
The balls of Snooker dividied into a white ball, 15 red balls and 6 colored balls (yellow, green, brown, blue, pink, black) of 22 balls. The batting order for a red ball, a ball until the red ball all the pocket, then yellow, green, brown, blue, pink, black orderorderby hitting the last to score high for wins.
Judd Trump (特鲁姆普) 特鲁姆普)
Date of birth : August 20th 1989 Nation:England Height :183cm Weight :72kg At the age of six, with his father he first contacted with billiards, at that momment he fell in love with the sport. In 2003, Trump became the youngest
The main tool
C u e
R e s t
M a r k e r
排名 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
球员 马克-威廉姆斯 马克 威廉姆斯 希金斯 塞尔比 丁俊晖 罗伯逊 卡特 墨菲 马奎尔 特鲁姆普 多特 奥沙利文 艾伦 艾伯顿 斯蒂文斯 柯普 亨德利
John Higgins
奥沙利文个人资料(英文版)●Name:Ronnie O'Sullivan●Nationality:British●DOB: December 5th 1975●Age:35●Turned Pro: 1992●World Rank:No.2●Circuit Champion:18●Bonus:£4,873,060●Highest Break List:147Name: Ronnie O’SullivanDOB: December 5th 1975Nationality: EnglishHighest Ranking: #1 (2002/3, 2004-6, 2008-)Current Ranking: #1Highest Break: 147×9Career Highlights: Three times World Champion, Four times UK Champion, Four times Masters Champion, 2004 Grand Prix ChampionIn short Without doubt one of the most popular players ever to have played the game, three times world champion Ronnie O’Sullivan is also one of the greatest, statistically behind only Steve Davis and Stephen Hendry. Famous for his fast and furious play, O’Sullivan is adept with his left arm as well as his right, something that in the past has proved controversial as well as brilliant. In fact that statement can always be applied to Ronnie, as brilliant as he is on the table, he is often in the headlines for those things he does off it. It is this mix of astounding play and incidents that makes him arguably the most intriguing character in the sport and keeps people coming back for more.As a player though, when he is at the top of his game there are few who can livewith him at the moment and there can be no doubt that his all-round game is far more solid than it was in the 1990’s. Back then while his long-potting was probably more consistent than it is today, his tendency to take on too many difficult shots and his questionable temperament arguably prevented him from fully maximising his potential. Nowadays however he has largely overcome these problems and the result is that he is back up to number one in the world rankings where he looks like remaining for a good while yet…Early career Having played snooker from a very early age, O’Sullivan demonstrated his talent for the sport with a break of 117 aged just ten. He followed this up with a witnessed 142 two years later before winning the British U16 championship the following year aged 13. His first 147 came in the 1991 English Amateur Championship and following victory in the IBSF World Under-21 Championship in the same year it was only a matter of time before he turned professional.Having done just that in 1992, O’Sullivan remarkably won his first 38 matches, a record unlikely ever to be broken with the qualifying structure now as it is. With his best result being a quarter-final, he ended his debut season ranked 57th and it wasn’t long before he was much higher.The following season he won the prestigious UK Championship, beating the two best players in the world, Steve Davis and Stephen Hendry on the way. A second title in the form of the British Open came his way soon after and his results were good enough to move him up to 9th in the rankings at the end of the season.The next two years failed to produce a ranking event for O’Sullivan but he did win the 1995 Benson & Hedges Masters and his results were good enough to move him up to number 3 in the rankings. In 1997 however he was to enjoy his most successful season to date, winning two ranking event titles in Germany and Asia as well as the Matchroom Premier League. He capped off the year with the fastest ever 147 break, made in just five minutes and 20 seconds in his first round at the 1997 World Championship. His run in the tournament was to be shortlived however as though he was to lose 13-12 to Darren Morgan in the next round.Controversy came his way in the 1997/8 season when he was disqualified from the Benson & Hedges Irish Masters when he was found to have failed a drugs test. As has become a running theme during his career, an unhappy O’Sullivan stated that he threatenedto retire from the sport, though this proved to be unfounded.[size=+0]World titleA disappointing couple of seasons then followed before he was to finally capture snooker’s greatest prize. Coming into the 2001 World Championship with five titles already under his belt, it was up to John Higgins to stop him from making it six in the final. It was not to be however as O’Sullivan managed to open up a four frame lead that Higgins never managed to get back, eventually winning 18-14.Although he failed to defend the title in 2002, (losing to Stephen Hendry in the semi-finals following what was one of the finest matches ever seen), O’Sullivan reached another milestone in his career by ending the season as the number one ranked player.His second world crown was to come two years later in 2004 when he thrashed Scotland’s Graeme Dott 18-8 in what was a largely one sided affair. This victory was notable for O’Sullivan’s increasingly measured approach, down in part to the help of six-times world champion Ray Reardon who gave him some words of advice. This form continued into the next season, his most successful to date in terms of ranking event victories with three from the seven that he entered. He again failed to successfully defend his world title however, this time losing 13-11 to 2002 winner Peter Ebdon. Again following this match O’Sullivan threatened to quit the game, though as previously this never materialised.Barren spell What was to follow was a barren run for O’Sullivan, who was not to win another ranking event until the 2007 UK Championship. The intervening years were anything but quiet however with him attracting controversy for walking out of his 2006 UK quarter-final against Stephen Hendry when 4-1 down. He also attracted criticism during that year’s world championship whe n he removed the tip from his cue during his match with Graeme Dott. This meant that that there had to be an unscheduled break for him to fit a new one, though it did him little good as he lost the match 18-11.He did fare better in the invitational events however, managing to retain his stranglehold over the invitational Premier League and take his third Masters title with a dominant victory over China’s Ding Junhui in 2007.Return to form and third world title The 2007/8 season was his most consistent for while and saw him reach the final of four world ranking events, winning two. The first of his victories was to come in the UK Championship in Telford where having beaten Mark Selby with a 147 break in the deciding frame of his semi-final, he thrashed Sco tland’s Stephen Maguire 10-2 in the final.He then followed this up in May 2008 with his third world title, secured against another man making his debut in a final, Ali Carter. These victories ensured thathe moved back to number 1 in the rankings for the first time since 2006.2008/9At the start of 2008/9 he picked up where left off by taking his 21st ranking event victory, this time in the Northern Ireland Trophy against Stoke’s Dave Harold. He looked like becoming only the third man to win three consecutive ranking events (after Hendry and Davis), when he followed this up by reaching the Shanghai Masters final soon after, but was upset by world number 35 Ricky Walden who took his maiden ranking event title with a shock 10-8 victory.Since then in the ranking events Ronnie has not quite found his best form, losing out to Bristol youngster Judd Trump in the Grand Prix, Joe Perry in the UK Championship and Marco Fu in the Welsh Open. Many expected him to find his best form in Sheffield when he began the defence of his world title but it was not to be as he slipped to a 13-11 defeat to Mark Allen in the last 16. Due to his excellent 2007/8 season and his consistency the following season however, his opening round win over Stuart Bingham ensured that he would remain at the top of the rankings for a second consecutive season.Despite this mixed form in the ranking events, he has continued to enjoy success in the invitational events however, taking a fifth straight victory in the Premier League whilst taking his fourth Wembley Masters crown by ending the reign of defending champion Mark Selby in the final. This victory was made all the more remarkable by the fact that he did it with a new cue after smashing his old one up during a practice session the week previously.How many ranking ti tles he will end his career with is anybody’s guess, though he stated after his Northern Ireland success that he thinks that he can overhaul Steve Davis’ tally of 28 titles before he retires. Now 33 years old, whether he can catch Stephen Hendry’s all-time record of 36 is less certain, though he won’t be too far off by the time he hangs up his cue. Either way, his place among the greats is secure and like Davis and Hendry, he is a player that will never be forgotten.。
飞行员 机长 阿里斯特-卡特
• • • • • • • • 基本信息: 基本信息: 姓名:Allister Carter 阿里斯特·卡特 生日: 1979.7.25 绰号:The Captain 昵称:Ali 出生地:英格兰,艾塞克斯,科尔切斯 特 现居住地: 英格兰,艾塞克斯,提普垂 卡特的单杆满分,是世锦赛历史上的第 八个147分。前七次的创造者分别是: 克里夫-桑本(1983年)、吉米-怀特 (1992年)、亨德利(1995年)、威 廉姆斯(2005年)和奥沙利文(1997 年、2003年以及2008年),也是07/08 赛季的第7杆满分。这杆147只在罗 尼·奥沙利文打出本届世锦赛首个147之 后一天。
• 姓名:杰拉德-格林 (Gerard Greene) • 国籍:北爱尔兰 • 单杆最佳成绩:143分 (2000年B&H冠军赛) • 最高排名:第38位
• 马克-金是一个进攻流 畅,并且时刻保持清 醒头脑的选手。但是 他有一个致命的弱点, 那就是母球走位并不 细腻,导致无法打出 单杆高分而被迫做防 守,也正是由于这个, 他迟迟没能拿到排名 赛(Mark Davis) • 生日:1972年8月12 日 • 居住地:萨西克斯巡 • 回赛最高单杆数: 1997年国际公开赛, 140分
• 斯蒂芬-李在很多专家眼中是当 今世界上最棒的球员之一,但 是自从1992年转为职业选手后 他却没有获得过任何大赛的冠 军。国籍:英格兰 • 153公斤的史蒂芬·李,打远台 的时候总是很吃力,因为他得 先把自己的大肚子搬上斯诺克 球台,放好位置,才能趴上桌。 但这并不影响他成为上世纪90 年代斯诺克运动的代表人物, 更不妨碍他成为观众最喜欢的 选手。
白球(手球) 黄球
15个红球和6个彩球(黄、绿、咖啡、蓝、 粉、黑)共22个。 击球顺序为一个红球、一个彩球, 直到红球全部落袋, 然后以黄、绿、 咖啡、蓝、粉红、黑的顺序逐个击球, 最后以得分高者为 咖啡球
winner. 胜。 蓝球
The rules
Among them, the red, yellow, green, blue, pink, black, Coffee respectively correspond to 1 points, 2 points, 3 points, 4 points, 5 points, 6 points and 7 points. After the game the highest score wins. The highest score is 147 points.
At the moment of contact, because it's
too far will appear to reach the situation, then we must use the frame rod for hitting the club support.
张伯伦及其伙伴 + “黑入袋打法” = 斯诺克
乔· 戴维斯 现代斯诺克台球之父 斯诺克职业化推手
斯诺克重获新生 ——电视转播
Snooker, the continuation of the British gentleman culture (斯诺克——英国绅士文化的延续)
Snooker Star
Dennis Taylor
Stephen Hendry
Ronnie O'Sullivan “火箭”奥沙利文
Judd Trump 特鲁姆普
Mark Williams 马克·威廉姆斯丁俊晖和特鲁姆普(JuFra bibliotekd Trump)
• The Snooker means "obstacle", so sometimes the snooker is also referred to as barrier billiards. This motion using table 3569 mm long, 1778 mm wide, table four corners and two long side center locations each having a hole, the ball used is divided into 1 white balls, 15 red balls and 6 balls (yellow, green, brown, blue, pink, black) 22 a ball. Batting order for a red ball, a ball until the ball all pocket, and then to yellow, green, brown, blue, pink, black Order batting last one by one, with high scores for victory. The popular in England, Ireland, Canada, Australia and Commonwealth countries such as India and Hong Kong.
大师们的绰号和美誉贾德·特鲁姆普(Judd Trump)“天才少年”斯蒂芬·亨德利(Stephen Hendry)“台球皇帝”“中袋王子”“架杆王”“台球帅哥”罗尼·奥沙利文(Ronnie O'Sullivan) 左右开弓,击球速度快。
“火箭”史蒂夫·戴维斯(Steve Davis)“天然金块”约翰·希金斯(John Higgins)“苏格兰男巫”“快乐的大男孩” “苏格兰巫师”肯·达赫迪(Ken Doherty)“都柏林之爱”马克·威廉姆斯(Mark Williams)“金左手”“飞行员”“世界上最准的男人”迈克尔·霍特(Michael Holt)“刺客”保罗·亨特(Paul Hunter)“台坛的贝克汉姆” “台坛小贝”“斯诺克金童”(可惜已经去世了,天妒英才啊!)肖恩·墨菲(Shaun Murphy)“稳定先生”吉米·怀特(Jimmy White)“白旋风”“人民的冠军”“千年老二”“快枪手”格雷姆·多特(Graeme Dott)新科世界冠军,绰号“袖珍发电机”斯蒂芬·李(Stephen Lee)人称“小胖子” “胖子李”尼尔·罗伯逊(Neil Robertson)“墨尔本机器”马克·赛尔比(Mark Selby)“莱斯特小丑”詹姆斯·瓦塔纳(James Wattana)泰国选手,被称为“亚洲球王”,历史最高排名第三傅家俊(Marco Fu)曾在两年内由世界排名从337位上升到15位,香港球王,人称“神奇小子”丁俊晖中国的未来之星,人称“台球神童”。
安东尼·汉密尔顿(Anthony Hamilton)绰号“罗宾汉”昆廷·汉恩(Quinten Hann)有“澳大利亚第一杆”的美誉,因涉嫌赌球,已被长期禁赛乔·斯威尔(Joe Swail)球风彪悍,人称“海盗”詹米·柯普(Jamie Cope)05-06赛季上升最快的球员,绰号“散弹猎枪”托尼·德拉戈(Tony Drago)“世界上击球最快的人”艾德立安·甘诺(Adrian Gunnell)“大象”阿里·卡特(Allister Cater)“机长”马修·史蒂文斯(Matthew Stevens)“威尔士龙斗士”。
• 瑞恩-戴(Ryan Day), 威尔士人,1980年3月 23日出生。
• 最佳单杆成绩:145
• 姓名:Judd Trump • 出生日期:1989年8月21
• 居住地:布里斯托尔(英格 兰)
• 14岁时就打了自己的首个 单杆147满分,打破了奥 沙利文之前保持的最年轻 纪录。技术仍处于成长期, 长台准度已非常惊人。有 机会成为斯诺克一代霸主, 但前景仍不明朗。
• 正式比赛单杆最高分:147分 (2次,1992年Strachan职业赛 资格赛、1992年英国锦标赛)
散弹猎枪 詹米-柯普
• 詹米-柯普(Jamie Cope),斯诺克新四大 天王之一
• 截至2008世界斯诺克 上海大师赛,柯普拿 下了两个官方认证147
• 斯图亚特-宾汉姆 Stuart Bingham
• 最欣赏的斯诺克选手:罗 尼·奥沙利文
• 幼时最喜欢的斯诺克选手: 斯蒂芬·亨德利
飞行员 机长 阿里斯特-卡特
• 基本信息: • 姓名:Allister Carter 阿里斯特·卡特 • 生日: 1979.7.25 • 绰号:The Captain • 昵称:Ali • 出生地:英格兰,艾塞克斯,科尔切斯
特 • 现居住地: 英格兰,艾塞克斯,提普垂 • 卡特的单杆满分,是世锦赛历史上的第
八个147分。前七次的创造者分别是: 克里夫-桑本(1983年)、吉米-怀特 (1992年)、亨德利(1995年)、威 廉姆斯(2005年)和奥沙利文(1997 年、2003年以及2008年),也是07/08 赛季的第7杆满分。这杆147只在罗 尼·奥沙利文打出本届世锦赛首个147之 后一天。
Main Equipments
• Chalk-----The tip of the cue is 'chalked' to ensure good contact between the cue and the cue-ball.
• Cue-----A stick, made of wood or fibreglass, the tip of which is used to strike the cue-ball.
The Table
• the maximum numble of point that can be scored on a snooker table if every red ball pocketed is followed by a break.
• The object of the game is to score more points than the opponent by potting object balls in a predefined order. • Their aim being to pot one of the red balls and score a point. Whenever a red ball is potted, the shooter is allowed to pot one of the colours. • Every time one of the colours pocketed, it must be retupider-----Similar to the rest but with an arch-shaped head; it is used to elevate and support the tip of the cue above the height of the cueball.
关于罗尼奥沙利文的英语作文Ronaldo Nazário de Lima, commonly known as Ronaldo, is a Brazilian former professional footballer who is widely regarded as one of the greatest players of all time. Born on September 18, 1976, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Ronaldo's journey to the top of the football world was marked by both triumph and adversity.Ronaldo's early life was not without its challenges. Growing up in a impoverished neighborhood, he faced the harsh realities of poverty and the constant struggle for survival. However, it was his unwavering passion for the game of football that would ultimately shape his destiny. As a young boy, Ronaldo would spend countless hours honing his skills on the dusty streets, perfecting his dribbling, shooting, and ball control.It was this dedication and natural talent that caught the attention of local scouts, and at the tender age of 14, Ronaldo was signed by the youth academy of Cruzeiro, one of Brazil's most prestigious football clubs. It was during his time at Cruzeiro that Ronaldo's star began to rise, as he quickly established himself as one of the most promising young talents in the country.Ronaldo's breakout moment came in 1993, when he made his professional debut for Cruzeiro at the age of 16. His performances were nothing short of electrifying, as he dazzled fans with his lightning-quick pace, deft touch, and clinical finishing. It was clear to all who witnessed him play that Ronaldo was a special talent, destined for greatness.In 1994, Ronaldo's dreams of playing at the highest level were realized when he was signed by Dutch club PSV Eindhoven. It was in the Netherlands that Ronaldo truly blossomed, honing his skills and developing into a world-class striker. His performances for PSV were nothing short of sensational, as he scored goals at a prolific rate and established himself as one of the most feared forwards in European football.Ronaldo's success at PSV did not go unnoticed, and in 1996, he was signed by Spanish giants Barcelona for a then-record fee of $19.5 million. It was at Barcelona that Ronaldo's legend truly began to take shape, as he led the team to a La Liga title and the UEFA Cup Winners' Cup. His performances were nothing short of breathtaking, as he dazzled crowds with his mesmerizing dribbling and clinical finishing.However, Ronaldo's time at Barcelona was not without its challenges. In 1997, he suffered a devastating knee injury that threatened toderail his career. Many doubted whether he would ever return to the same level of performance, but Ronaldo was determined to prove them wrong.After a lengthy rehabilitation process, Ronaldo returned to the pitch in 1998, and his performances were even more impressive than before. He led Brazil to a World Cup triumph that year, scoring four goals and being named the tournament's best player. It was a remarkable achievement, and one that cemented Ronaldo's status as a true legend of the game.In the years that followed, Ronaldo continued to dominate the world of football, playing for clubs such as Inter Milan, Real Madrid, and AC Milan. He won numerous individual accolades, including two Ballon d'Or awards, and was widely regarded as one of the greatest players of his generation.However, Ronaldo's career was not without its setbacks. He suffered a series of devastating knee injuries that threatened to end his career prematurely. Despite these challenges, Ronaldo refused to give up, and his determination and resilience were a testament to his character.Ultimately, Ronaldo's legacy extends far beyond his achievements on the pitch. He is a true icon of the sport, a player who captivatedaudiences around the world with his breathtaking skill and unparalleled talent. He is a role model for aspiring footballers, and his story is one of triumph over adversity, a testament to the power of hard work, dedication, and an unwavering belief in oneself.。
奥沙利文英语作文The first encounter with the English language was like a leap into the unknown, yet it was also a doorway to a world of endless possibilities. It was in the fifth grade when I first heard the melodic cadence of English words, and I was instantly captivated.As I progressed through the grades, English became not just a subject, but a companion that accompanied me through the corridors of learning. The more I delved into its intricacies, the more I found myself immersed in the stories and cultures it represented.Writing in English was initially a challenge, but with practice, it turned into an art form. Crafting sentences that conveyed my thoughts and emotions with clarity and elegance became a joy. Each essay was a canvas, and my words were the colors that brought it to life.The nuances of the language fascinated me. The subtle differences in meaning between synonyms, the rhythm of the spoken word, and the power of a well-placed idiom were all part of the rich tapestry of English.In high school, English composition became a platform for expressing my views on the world. Whether it was a persuasive essay on environmental conservation or a reflective piece on personal growth, the language provided me with the tools toarticulate my ideas effectively.The study of literature opened up a treasure trove of narratives that spanned across time and space. From Shakespeare's soliloquies to the modern prose of contemporary authors, the English language was a bridge connecting me with the thoughts and experiences of others.As I prepare to graduate, I look back at the journey with gratitude. English has been more than just a language; it has been a key that unlocked the doors to knowledge, creativity, and self-expression.Looking forward, I am eager to continue this journey, to explore new horizons, and to use the English language as a means to connect with the world beyond my own experiences. It is a tool, a passion, and a friend that I will carry with me wherever my path may lead.。
1. 稳定的动作和呼吸:奥沙利文强调稳定的动作和呼吸,这有助于控制杆的稳定性和精确度。
2. 准备姿势:在击球前,奥沙利文会在台桌边调整自己的姿势。
3. 节奏的控制:奥沙利文认为,打好台球需要掌握好击球的节奏。
4. 对付压力:奥沙利文在比赛中可以处理各种不同的局面,因为他知道如何应对压力。
Unit 11 Yang Liwei’s Mission to Space
![Unit 11 Yang Liwei’s Mission to Space](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d16e13ef89eb172ded63b768.png)
Unit 11 Yang Liwei’s Mission to Space Unit 11 ang Liei’s issin t SpaeLessn 2(一)大声读单词1 ret n 火箭2 une n 六月3 launh v 发射(火箭,导弹等)4 issin n 任务,使命tber n 十月6 blast ff (航天器)立地升空,发射7 bard v 登机,上船8 ar n 陆军,军队9 pret n 计划,工程10 e true 实现,达到11 rbit n 轨道v 进入轨道,沿轨道飞行(二)重点词汇1 ret要点:n 火箭;火箭发动机a spae ret宇宙火箭a anned [arrier] ret载人[运载]火箭a step [three-stage] ret多级[三级]火箭vi1) 急速上升reting pries 价格飞涨2) 急速移动The train reted dnhill 火车急速滑下坡。
2 une要点:n 六月(略作un)Pat ill e t Harbin in une帕特将于六月份哈尔滨。
3 launh要点:v1)t thr r prpel ith fre; hurl: 投掷: 用力扔或推进;投掷:launh a spear 掷标枪2) t set r thrust (a self-prpelled raft r pretile) in tin:发射: 使或强行使(自助推进航空器或发射物)发动:launh a ret发射一枚火箭; launh a trped 发射一颗鱼雷launh an artifiial satellite 发射人造卫星3) t set ging; initiate: 发动;开始:launh a areer开创一项事业;launh a business venture 开始一项冒险事业launh ne’s sn int the rld 把儿子送到社会上4 issin要点:n1) a speial assignent given t a persn r grup: 任务,使命: 派给某人或某团体的特殊任务:an agent n a seret issin 执行秘密任务的谍报人员2) 天职It sees t be his issin t help thers他的天职好像就是帮助别人。
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The Genius 天才
O'sullivan made his first century when he was only 10 years old. 奥沙利文在他10岁时就首次单杆破百。 scored a 147 or maximum break at 15 15岁时打出单杆147分(单杆最高分) and turned professional at 16 16岁时转为职业选手 He was the youngest ever winner of a ranking tournament when he won the 1993 UK Championship aged 17, beating Stephen Hendry in the final 他17岁赢得英锦赛,在决赛时打败了斯蒂芬·亨得利 (誉为台球皇帝的天才球员), 成为史上最年轻的排名 赛冠军。
The Genius 天才
O'sullivan is one of only five players to win both the world championship and the uk championship in the same year. 奥沙利文是同年赢得世锦赛与英锦赛冠军的5位球员之 一。 He is considered by many fans, critics and fellow professionals, including Steve Davis and Stephen Hendry, as the most naturally talented player in the history of the game. 他被许多粉丝、评论家和同行选手(包括斯蒂夫·戴维 斯和斯蒂芬·亨德利 )认为是台球史上最具天赋的选手。 He holds the record for most maximums in professional competition with nine. 他保持了职业赛上9次最多的单杆满分记录 (PS:If one scores a 147 in a professional competition, he will get a winning of £147000 ) £14nts 排名赛冠军
World Champi— onship UK Championship British Open German Open Scottish Open China Open European Open Irish Masters Welsh Open Grand Prix Northern Ireland Trophy Shanghai Masters • 2001, 2004, 2008 • 1993, 1997, 2001, 2007 • 1994 • 1996 • 1998, 2000 • 1996, 1999, 2000 • 2003 • 2003, 2005 • 2004, 2005 • – 2004 • 2008 • 2009
Biographical Notes 简历
出生 :1975年12月5日 年龄 :34岁 Age :34 国籍 :英格兰 Nationality: English 昵称 :火箭 Nickname :The Rocket 飞鱼的埃塞克斯 The Essex Exocet 魔术师 The Magician 职业生涯 : 1992年至今 Professional :1992– 最高排名 :1(5年) Highest ranking : #1 (5 years) 职业奖金 :£5,161,560(英镑) Career winnings: UK £6,137,760 单杆最高得分: 147(9次) Highest break:147 (9 times) 巡回赛获胜 Tournament wins 排名赛事 22 Ranking 22 不排名赛事 22 Non-ranking 22 世界锦标赛 2001年、2004年、 World Champion 2001, 2004, 2008 2008年 Born : 5 December 1975
SPORTS HERO — —Ronnie O'Sullivan 罗尼·奥沙利文
BY: Viola Liu
Who Is RONNIE? 谁是罗尼?
He is not handsome. He is an English professional snooker player He is one of only five players to win both the World Championship(世锦赛) and the UK Championship (英国锦 标赛) in the same year. He is the "Rocket". He is a absolute hero!
Playing Style 击球风格
O`Sullivan is right-handed, but he can play to a high standard with his left hand.(And it is his magic "weapon".I think it is quite difficult for most of us to use the left hand as good as the right one.) He plays in a fast and attacking manner. 左右开弓,行云流水 Let`s appreciate a piece of wonderful video (The Fastest “147” !)
Childshness Manner 孩子气的举止
O'Sullivan PK Mr.Bean
The Moment 瞬间剪影
The New Hair Style ^_^
The Humor~幽默~
The Winner 冠军风采
The Winner 冠军风采
It`s time to say "THE END". But the legend will never end In your life In my heart In the clapping of the world. So Give us some clapping For the job For the love For the fans of the ROCKET !