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The safety critical electric machines and drives in the more electric aircraft-A survey

The Safety Critical Electric Machines and Drives in the More Electric Aircraft: a SurveyA. Boglietti, Senior member, IEEE, A. Cavagnino, Member, IEEE, A. Tenconi, Member, IEEE, and S. VaschettoPolitecnico di Torino, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Torino, ITALY aldo.boglietti@polito.it, andrea.cavagnino@polito.it, alberto.tenconi@polito.it, silvio.vaschetto@polito.itAbstract - In order to improve aircraft efficiency, reliability andmaintainability, the aerospace world has found in the progressive electrification of on-board services the way toreduce or to remove the presence of the hydraulic, mechanicaland the bleed air/pneumatic systems. This concept is called More Electric Aircraft (MEA), which involves the introduction of the Electromechanical actuators (EMAs) and the electro-hydraulics actuators (EHAs) for the actuation of the flight surfaces of wide-body aircraft, moving from the “fly-by wire” to the “power-by wire” concept. The resulting step change in aircraft electrical loading will have far reaching implications for the electrical generation system. Considerable effort is being directed towards realizing the so-called More Electric Engine (MEE), which foresee an integration of the electrical generator directly inside the main gas turbine engine. Also the entire electrical distribution system is subject to radical revisiting, with a trend which is leaving the constant frequency AC energy distribution in favor of variable frequency or DC solutions. Hence, it is evident the MEA trend increments the technical challenges and research topics for the electrical engineering in the aeronautic applications. The aim of the paper is the presentation, from the electrical engineering point of view, of some of the most challenging application of electric machines and drives in the incoming new aircraft generation. There are too many on board electric components and systems to be analyzed: the authors centre the attention on the most safety critical drives: flight surface actuators, fuel pumps and generators.Keywords: more electric aircraft, more electric engine, safety critical drives, electric motors, electric generators, actuators.L IST OF THE M AIN U SED A CRONYMSAEA All Electric AircraftAPU AuxiliaryPowerUnitBLDC Brushless Direct Current MotorCVG Constant Velocity GearboxEBHA ElectricalBackup Hydraulic ActuatorsEHA Electric-HydraulicActuatorsGCU GeneratorControlUnitHP HighPressureIAP Integrated Actuator PackageIDG Integrated Drive GeneratorJAA Joint Aviation AuthorityLP LowPressureMEA More Electric AircraftMEE More Electric EngineMESA Magnetostrictive Equipment and Systems for more electric Aircraft (project)MESEMA Magnetoelastic Energy System for Even More Electric Aircraft (project)MOET More Open Electrical Technologies (project) POA Power Optimised Aircraft (project)RAT Ram Air TurbineI.I NTRODUCTIONTechnological advances in the aircraft industry have improved aircraft efficiency and reduced the costs of air transport by such a degree that worldwide air passenger traffic has grown at an average yearly rate of 9% since 1960; today it is postulated that passenger air traffic will grow at a rate of between 5 and 7% into the foreseeable future, and even faster will be the growth of cargo traffic. Today air transport produces 2% of man-made CO2 emissions, this is expected to increase to 3% by 2050. In this contest, there are many environmental as well as commercial pressures on aircraft manufacturers to improve the performance of future aircraft in terms of safety, air pollution, noise and climate change.To achieve these goals it is necessary revisiting the whole aircraft architecture system, with the introduction of new technologies for performing key functions on aircraft.Today the conventional civil aircraft are characterized by four different secondary power distribution systems: mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic and electrical. This implies a complex power distribution nets aboard, and the necessity of an appropriate redundancy of each of them. In order to reduce this complexity, with the aim to improve efficiency and reliability, the aircraft manufacturer trend is towards the More Electric Aircraft (MEA) concept that is the wider adoption of electrical systems in preference to the others.The resulting step change in aircraft electrical loading will have far reaching implications for the electrical generation systems, realising the so-called More Electric Engine (MEE), in which the electrical machines are integrated inside the main gas turbine to generate electrical power, start the engine and guarantee safety generation in case of a critical on-flight failure.In the past years many projects and initiatives have been developed to explore the MEA/MEE concepts both for military and civil applications, towards the All Electrical Aircraft (AEA).In 2000 the MESA (Magnetostrictive Equipment and Systems for more electric Aircraft) project was launched, aimed to reducing power take up and weight of on-board aircraft systems through the development of magnetostrictive motors and actuators. In 2002 POA project (Power Optimised Aircraft) was aimed to the validation at aircraft level and both qualitatively and quantitatively, the ability of alternativeFig. 1. Wing control surfaces of a fixed-wing aircraft: 1. wingtip, 2. low speed aileron, 3. high speed aileron, 4. flap track fairing, 5. Krüger flaps, 6. slats, 7. three slotted inner flaps, 8. three slotted outer flaps, 9. spoilers, 10. spoilers air-brakes (source: Wikimedia Commons, [3]).equipment systems to reduce weight, fuel consumption and maintenance costs. In 2004 the MESEMA (Magnetoelastic Energy Systems for Even More Electric Aircraft) project was devoted to the development, production and test of“innovative transducer systems based on active materials” aimed for high-torque actuation, vibration and noise reduction, electrical energy generation and structural healthmonitoring. This project has been evolved in two European research programs named “MADAViC” and “MESA” based on the six years scientific and technological objectives reached by the MESEMA. In 2006 the MOET (More OpenElectrical Technologies) project, was aimed to establish the new industrial standard for commercial aircraft design, in conjunction with the reducing on the aircraft emission and improving the operational capacity, evolving from the “fly-by-wire” to the “power-by-wire” concept.Today the MEA/MEE topics have a relevant role in theresearch projects managed by the CleanSky, equally sharedby the European Commission and industry, over the period 2008-2013. All these projects have contributed to the development of many electric equipments that are now installed in the Airbus A380 and which will be employed in the Boeing B787, which are the today maximum expression of the MEA concept. The fundamental aspects that characterize the safety-critical systems of the aeronautical components are the stringent reliability requirements, such those established by the JAA (Joint Aviation Authority) [1]. Focusing on the electrical generation and distribution system, the power quality generated on-board must also fulfil the MIL-STD-704F standards [2]. Regarding the generator integration inside the main gas turbine engine, besides the standards, not of secondary importance are the minimization of the weight and volume, as well as the harsh operating environment (especially high temperatures). All these aspects introduce a new level of complexity in the design of the electrical components dedicated at those aerospace applications. In conclusion, it is evident the paramount importance of reliability for some of the electric drives in MEA/MEE applications; in particular the paper deal with three maindrives that are safety-critical:Fig. 2. Tail of a Lufthansa Airbus A319 (source: Wikimedia Commons. Commons is a freely licensed media file repository, [3]).• the electro-mechanical actuators for primary flightsurfaces control (section II); • the electric fuel pump (section III);• the starter-generator embedded within the engine (sectionIV). The MEA concept involves also a redefinition of the onboard power distribution systems; some consideration about that are reported in section V.The more electric aircraft approach is widely discussed in the technical literature, especially in the aerospace field; the aim of the paper is the presentation of some of the most interesting research issues concerning the electric machines and drives for safety critical applications, analysed from thepoint of view of the electrical engineering specialist. II. F LIGHT SURFACES CONTROL In the wings and in the tail of a wide-body aircraft there are several surfaces that the pilots can move/adjust in order to stabilize the airplane trajectory and to control the lift on the wings. Examples of these surfaces are reported in Fig.1 and Fig.2. These adjustable flight surfaces can be subdivided in two groups with respect to their main functionality: the “primary” and “secondary” flight controls. The primary flight controls (ailerons, elevator and rudder) are used to control the roll, pitch and jaw, even if they can perform secondary effects too [3]. The secondary flight controls, also called as high lift system, serves to change the wing lift. The number and type of actuators is very different, withrespect to the considered aircraft. In addition, the load requirements are very different too: starting from few kilowatts for the edge slats, up to 50-60 kW for the horizontal stabilizers and the rudder [4]. Also the dynamic load profile can be quite different: there are few surface movements with very large extension and short duration (typically during the landing and take-off) or several “small” surface adjustments during the flight [5]. In addition, anomalous performances are generally requested to the actuators in critical flight conditions. Just for example, if all the engines on the same wing fail, the rudder actuator has to be able toFig. 3. High-power Electromechanical Actuator (EMA). Source: [9].keep the rudder in a fixed position, with high yaw angle, during the flight. In this situation, very high torque is requested at the electric motor [16].It is important to remark that the actuators have to work in very harsh ambient conditions: temperature between -60 °C and +70 °C, air pressure between almost 0 and 1 bar. Due to the low thermal conductivity of the airframe (composite materials, sheet materials, etc.), the thermal exchanges between the actuators and the surrounding environment has to be carefully evaluated [4].In conventional wide-body aircraft, the actuation system of the flight surfaces is realized by a centralized hydraulic system, constituted by a hydraulic pump and hydraulic motor drives positioned in the fuselage plus several fluid pipelines and hydraulic actuators positioned in the wings and tail surfaces. The control of the hydraulic actuators is realized with the well-established “fly-by wire” technology, where no mechanical links between the control surfaces and the cockpit handles are present [6], [7]. Moving towards an all-electric aircraft scenario, the idea to control each surface with an own directly coupled electromechanical actuator (EMA) is a must. This concept is defined as “power-by-wire” [7]-[9]. An example of an EMA for large flight surface is shown in Fig.3. Due to safety and reliability reasons, mainly concerning the jamming vulnerability (gearbox or ballscrew for rotary-to-linear movements), the air framers had still now some concerns to use EMAs for primary flight control surface preferring the most reliable electric-hydraulic actuators (EHA). In the EHAs there are still a hydraulic circuit, but it is just confined in each actuator to transmit power from the electric motor to the surface (Fig.4) [10]. The main advantage of an EHA is that the actuator can be controlled as a conventional hydraulic one, obtaining the traditional active- stand by or active-active device operations [9]. In [9], the Integrated Actuator Package (IAP TM ) is presented. This device is an EHA that, thanks to an advanced dual-channel hydraulic circuit, allows to use an unidirectional constant-speed electric motor.Fig. 4. Example of large Electric-Hydraulic Actuator (EHA). Source: [9].When some, but not all, of the traditional hydraulic circuits are removed and substituted by EMAs and/or EHAs, it is common to speak of “more electric aircraft” (MEA). With respect to the flight controls, the first application of EHAs to primary flight surfaces was in the delta-wing Vulcan bomber in the 1950s [11]. Its redundant design, achieved using the EHAs, allowed to get an impressive safety record. More recent examples of commercial MEAs are the Boeing 787 and the Airbus A380.In the Boeing 787, a mid-sized wide-body aircraft, spoilers and horizontal stabilizer flight controls are operated by electric motors in order to guarantee the control functionality also in the case of a total hydraulics failure. The super-jumbo A380 represents the state-of-art with respect to the flight control systems. As reported in detail in [11], in the A380 aircraft many EHAs or EBHAs have been introduced in several control surfaces, allowing to get redundant power sources for the surface actuations. The EBHAs are actuators that provide backup electrical power at the surface through a local electric motor and an associated hydraulic pump. EBHAs are hydraulically powered in the normal mode andelectrically powered in backup mode.Fig. 5. Scenario of the EMA introduction in aircraft flight control systems (Power source in the vertical axis on the left: M=Mechanical, H=Hydraulic, E=Electrical; Actuator type on the right). Source: [7].On the basis of the previous considerations, the possibility of an electric actuation of the flight surface is beyond dispute for its potential advantages with respect to conventional hydraulic solution [9], in particular for the expected benefits in terms of overall weight reduction, better reliability and safety, reduced costs (maintenance, operational and fuel consumption); Fig.5 shows the future vision concerning the introduction of the EMAs in aircraft flight control systems [7].As shown in Fig.5 the use of EMAs, deleting all hydraulic pumps and pipelines, is the next step that has to be done to more and more approach the “all-electric-aircraft” idea. Anyway, the maturity of this new concept has to be still proven by means of researches and applicative solutions, in particular from the safety and reliability point of view.A.Electric motors and drives for EMA or EHA applications –Remarks and literature reviewBoth EHAs and EMAs use an electric motor and a power converter plus a control system [12].With respect to the electric motor, a literature review reveals that several types of motor can be used, but it is shown that the Brushless DC (BLDC) and the Switched Reluctances (SR) motors are the more promising ones due to their lightweight, reliability characteristics [4], [13]-[17]. Taking into account the reliability level for flight certifications, the electric drives have to be designed including fault-tolerant capabilities. As known, the fault-tolerant behavior can be done using a redundancy approach or making the device itself fault tolerant. The first approach is often used in the power converter (i.e. redundant inverter legs, separated inverter for each motor phase, control system duplication, enhanced fault diagnostic functions for the power electronic switches [9], [15], [16]), while the second one is typically adopted for the electric motor. It is commonly reported that a fault-tolerant electric motor for EMAs applications has to be guarantee:High torque/weight ratioHigh torque/ampere ratioHigh efficiency in the full speed rangeElectrical, thermal, magnetic and mechanical insulation between the phasesHighest value of the phase inductance (in order to limit the short circuit currents)Safe operation in faulty conditions (one phase loss) These characteristics can be obtained both with the SR machines and the BLDC ones. Examples of surface-mounted permanent magnet BLDC motors with winding wound around a single tooth ables to verify the previous reliability requirements were proposed in [14] and [18].The electric drive has to be designed in accordance to the selected electric power generation strategy: constant or variable frequency electric supply [11].Also the power converter topology is discussed and analyzed in literature. The proposed solutions regard the conventional Voltage Source Inverters (VSIs) and matrix converters. The converter topology influence several aspects, such as the requested DC-link capacitor in the VSIs (with room and weight problems [19] and power quality management [5]) and the power quality issues for the matrix converters [4], [20].It is important to remark that the possibility to have a intelligent control systems in each EMAs or EHAs allows to define new fault detection strategies, including incipient faults (thanks to testability features included in the electric drives) without loosing the actuator functionality. As a consequence, a positive feedback is expected in terms of safety, reliability and maintenance costs [21].III.E LECTRIC FUEL PUMPThe fuel pumps can be subdivided in two categories: the low pressure boost / transfer pump types and the high pressure FCU (Fuel Control Unit) fuel pump. The first pump category is normally electrically operated, while, in traditional systems, the high pressure fuel pump is directly driven through the mechanical gearbox and the fuel flux is controlled by means of the fuel valve. As a consequence, the focus is on the high pressure fuel pump because it is another aircraft apparatus that could be electrically driven, introducing the concept of “smart electric fuel pump”.The main advantage of the electric solution for the fuel pump is in the possibility to drive the pump at variable speed. In this way the pump can deliver a variable fuel flux to the combustion chamber, in accordance to the engine control requirements, eliminating the fuel valve in the fuel metering system [8].In [18] an analysis of the required fault-tolerant behaviors for electric drives used in fuel control system are discussed and multi-phase PM motor prototypes are considered. The same authors describes a four phase PM machine specifically designed for an engine fuel pump in [22], while they analyzed the faulty drive operations in [23]. The electric motor design constraints, imposed by reliability and fault-tolerant requirements, are the same ones reported in section I.A.Some engine actuators of the fuel control system can be arranged as “more electric” too. For example, the feasibility of “smart electric fuel valve” able to control the fuel flux was reported in [8] and [11]. The application of this new technology leads to several advantages, such as weight saving, lower maintenance costs and improved in-service reliability.IV.O N-BOARD POWER GENERATIONOn conventional civil aircraft, the electrical power is usually generated by wound field synchronous generator with a PM exciter stage [24] [25]. A Generator Control Unit (GCU) performs a field control in order to regulate the terminal voltage.The generator is mechanically driven by the main engine shaft by means of a Constant Velocity Gearbox (CVG), allowing to maintain constant the frequency at 400 Hz. If the CVG is integrated inside the generator, it is called Integrated Drive Generator (IDG) [26]. In Fig.6 it is depicted an example of gearbox.Fig. 6. Example of gearbox. Source: [26].In addition at the previous described energy generation systems, Auxiliary Power Units (APUs) are presents on the aircraft. They are small fuel burner jet engines connected to dedicated electrical generators, aimed to supply vital loads in case of main engines or generators failure. They are also employed to provide electric power in the pre-flight conditions, when the main aircraft engines are still turned-off. As back-up energy generation system, in addition at the APUs, there are also the Ram Air Turbines (RATs) which are propellers spanned by the high speed of the air flows near the airframe body (Fig.7). They are extracted by the airplane body only in emergency conditions.Fig. 7. Example of Ram Air Turbine. Source: [27].An interesting additional system of onboard power generation concerns the regeneration possibility by the electric actuators. This is possible when the energy from the loaded flight surfaces can be sent backwards to DC link using bi-directional power converter. Obviously, the energy amount depends on the load profile and actuator duty cycle. Today this energy is dissipated in resistor banks, with unavoidable weight and heat dissipation problems [27]. In the future, the use of the actuator regeneration will require a whole distribution system redefinition able to accept and manage the recovered energy.A. More Electric Engine (MEE)With the MEA concept, the electric power requirement on aircraft aboard is continuously increasing, with estimation of more than 500 kW per engine in the future [25],[30]-[32]. To reduce the general system complexity, failure probabilities and with the aim to increase the general system efficiency there are several studies devoted to the integration of the electrical generators directly inside the main gas turbine engines. This concept is called More Electric Engine (MEE).In this way the CVG (or IDG) systems could be, partially orat all, eliminated. As a consequence the generated fundamental frequency changes over a wide range in functionof the engine speed variation, depending on the engine throttle [25], [30], [33].Fig. 8. Aircraft turbofan engine(source: Wikimedia Commons, [32]).With reference to the turbofan engine structure (Fig.8) it is possible to integrate the generator inside the main engine in some different positions. In particular, the generator can be driven both by the Low Pressure (LP) and the High Pressure (HP) shaft. These two possibilities involve different advantages and disadvantages, mainly concerning dimensions, speeds and environmental working conditions. When the LP shaft integration is selected, the generator is characterized by a lower rotational speed, but higher radial dimensions to achieve the same rated power with respect to the HP shaft integration solution. However, the LP shaft integration guarantees better environmental conditions, especially regarding the ambient temperatures.It is important to highlight that LP shaft connects the low pressure compressor, turbine and the inlet fan. As a consequence, with an appropriate design of the electrical machine driven by the LP shaft, the windmill effect can be exploited [35]. In this way is possible to generate electricityin case of a catastrophic engine failure, removing the actual ram-air systems and its high maintenance costs [31]. However, since the fan rotational speed during the windmillis low, the required working speed range of the generator is very challenging (around 12-14:1, [25]).In the HP shaft integration, the electric machine is characterized by a lower weight and it takes up a lower room, due to the higher rotational speed of the shaft. In addition, this solution allows to use the electric machine as engine starter, avoiding in this way the pneumatic auxiliary dedicated system. Anyway, due to the high inertia of the HP gas turbine, a large torque motor capability is required at zero speed too [25], [35].The main drawback of the HP shaft integration is the harsh environmental working conditions, mainly due to the high ambient temperatures.B.Electric generators for MEE applications – Remarks andliterature reviewThe most common electrical machines proposed in literature for MEE applications, are the Switched Reluctance (SR) machine and the Permanent Magnet (PM) ones. Some valuable examples and comparisons of these machine types are reported in [30], [31], [35], [36]-[39].The switched reluctance machines are characterized by an intrinsic high fault tolerance, high ruggedness and construction simplicity. Another important aspect that make this kind of machine interesting for this application, is the possibility to use a single-slot coil pitch winding structure. In this way the stator coil overhangs length are very short and the bobbins results electrically insulated [36]. The main disadvantages of the SR machines are their usually lower power and torque density respect to the PM machines, high ventilation losses, small airgap, and the necessity of a more complicated power converter.Regarding the PM machines, they can be designed in several ways: with surface mounted magnets (often using Halback array PM arrangement), flux concentrating geometries, radial or axial flux topologies, inside-out radial structure, etc.The PM machines are characterized by high volumetric and gravimetric power density, very small losses in the rotor, (with the consequent cooling facilities), and high pole number (usually realized with fractional-slot windings in order to reduce the endwinding length and to get the phases decoupling). The main disadvantage of this kind of electrical machines is its unavoidable intolerance to high temperatures, due to the PMs presence. An important aspect of the PM machines is its intrinsic permanent flux, which can not be shut down in case of fault.In the literature other machine types are considered and analyzed for this application, such as induction motors [36], and special hybrid machines [30] [31] [40]. Induction motors are relatively rugged, but they are characterized by lower power density with respect to SR and PM machines.The hybrid structures presented in the references are realized with a two-part rotor, composed by a surface mounted PM and a variable reluctance section. In these prototypes an high direct-axis inductance and an improved machine’s torque capability at low speed (due to the additional reluctance torque) are obtained. A high value of direct-axis inductance allows to obtain a constant-power speed range regulation using field-weakened strategies [31]. This characteristic is very interesting because the speed of the LP shaft is not constant (with 3:1 variations range) [35]. Independently of the selected machine type, the literature review shows an interest in ring shape motors (low axial core length/diameter ratio) in order to accommodate the geometry constraints inside the jet engine.Some applicative solutions of MEE come from the military aviation. For example, in [41]-[43] is presented a fighter aircraft with two main engines plus a third auxiliary one, for a total installed power generation system of 750 kW. In this case, a 250 kW (with a peak of 330 kW for 5 seconds), 270 VDC, switched reluctance starter/generator integrated in the gas turbine engine is presented.V.P OWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMSIn order to achieve a fully optimized all-electrical aircraft, the whole electrical distribution system architecture should be redefined too.Nowadays, in many cases, there are two main distribution power buses on-board of conventional aircrafts [25] [30] [44]: (1) a high power, three phase, 115 V, 400 Hz devoted tolarge loads supply;(2) a low power, 28 VDC, for avionics and battery-drivenservices.Since the IDG removal is a must in the All Electric Aircraft (AEA) concept, the industry trend seems to be towards an AC variable frequency generation system, with a DC high voltage distribution bus [25]. The variable frequency strategy (called sometimes “frequency wild” [45]) does not require the IDG and as a consequence, a higher system power density is possible.Taking into account that the generators can be driven by shafts with very different rotational speeds, it is reasonable to convert all the generated power into an unique high-voltage DC distribution system output around the airframe.A high-voltage distribution system allows to reduce the cables weight because the current is lower. Moreover, the cables sizes are further reduced because in the DC system there is not the reactive power flow such as in the AC one, and there is not the skin effect due to the high current frequency [44]. In addition at the high voltage DC systems, it will remain the low voltage 28 VDC systems to supply the avionic equipments.The voltage step-down between the high voltage DC distribution system and the loads can be done in a centralized way for each load centres, as shown for example in Fig.9 and reported in detail in [44].In the more electric wide-body aircraft, there is a transitory solution characterized by a hybrid AC and DC on-board distribution systems. For example, in the Boeing 787, which has a total power requirement of 1 MW, there is a 230 VAC at variable frequency between 360 Hz and 720 Hz, a 115。





















计划、有组织的教育影响,促使受教育者产生内在的思想矛盾 运动,以形成一定社会所期望的思想品德的过程。[2]
目前,在高校中,思想政治教育理论课作为大学生思想政 治教育主渠道的基础性地位相当稳固,但理论课的教育方式流 于形式居多,学生的抵触情绪已经显现。在“两课”的实施过 程中,教师照本宣科、千篇一律,导致学生的学习积极性不高, 课堂气氛缺乏活力,成为老师一言堂的现象普遍存在,教育效 果很不理想,大学生普遍缺乏坚定的政治信仰。另外,学生的 竞争意识加强,人生观、价值观走向多元化,但功利主义的色 彩有所增加。大学生心理健康状况令人担忧,部分大学生产生 的心理障碍和心理疾病影响了其健康成长,加强对大学生心理 健康教育是当前高校思想政治教育的重要内容之一。随着高校 扩招,许多高校均存在师资力量薄弱,师生比严重失衡的问题。 扩招同时还带来了另一弊端,即就业难。[2]
2010年第24期 总第175期
代特点,根据自己的职业倾向,确定其最佳的职业奋斗目标,并 为实现这一目标作出行之有效的安排,包括对个人自身的主观因 素和客观环境的分析、确立职业生涯发展目标、制定相应的学 习培训和教育计划以及按照一定的时间安排采取行动实现职业 生涯目标的过程。生涯发展教育就是要了解自己和社会,进而 完善自我,实现职业生涯目标,成为一名优秀的、全面发展的人。 思想政治教育的目标是要帮助学生树立正确的世界观、人生观 和价值观,在实现个人发展的同时,实现社会的和谐发展,两 者的融合就是个人的发展和社会的发展有机的结合,从而两者 的教育目标是一致的。[3]
高校在以职业生涯规划教育为切入点,为思想政治教育开 辟新途径、新平台、新战线的同时,也应切合高校职业生涯规 划教育的现状,及时改善高校现行的职业生涯规划教育现状, 提高重视程度,加强宣传发动,提升师资队伍建设,促进科学 研究,让职业生涯规划教育真正起到实效,不要流于形式。同 时借助高校思想政治教育的传统优势,如系统性、理论性,也 可加快高校大学生职业生涯规划教育事业的发展,实现大学生 职业生涯规划教育和思想政治教育的无缝对接,使高校思想政 治教育和职业生涯规划教育都能落到实处,为有效贯彻和落实 中央十六号文件重要精神,加强和改进大学生思想政治教育提 供保障,从而为实现学生个人、学校和社会经济的和谐发展奠 定基础。



205废旧轮胎裂解炭黑在V 带中的应用魏玉山1,陈晓燕2,周 平2,马立成1,孟德营1,裴宝民1(1.青岛伊克斯达再生资源有限公司,山东 青岛 266400;2.青岛伊克斯达智能装备有限公司,山东 青岛 266400)摘要:研究裂解炭黑(CBp )替代炭黑N660在V 带压缩层胶中的应用。

结果表明:CBp 的理化性能与炭黑N660相当;使用CBp 替代全部炭黑N660后,V 带压缩层胶的硫化特性、物理性能和耐老化性能与未使用CBp 替代炭黑N660的胶料相当,满足V 带压缩层胶的技术要求,同时可降低生产成本。

关键词:废旧轮胎;裂解炭黑;V 带;物理性能中图分类号:TQ330.38+1;TQ336.2 文章编号:2095-5448(2024)04-0205-03文献标志码:A DOI :10.12137/j.issn.2095-5448.2024.04.0205废旧轮胎被称为黑色污染,其治理已成为全球性难题。


一是生产再生胶,该方式可以缓解橡胶资源短缺,但生产过程中排放大量废水、废气,严重污染环境;二是用机械粉碎的方法生产硫化胶粉,这种方式不会产生废水、废气;三是将废旧轮胎在热裂解炉中分解,生成裂解炭黑(CBp )、燃料油、可燃气体和钢丝等,其中CBp 通过深加工工艺除杂提质后可以应用于橡胶制品中,该方式实现了废旧轮胎100%回收再利用,且对环境的污染较小[1-3]。

本工作研究CBp 替代炭黑N660在V 带压缩层胶中的应用,以期降低生产成本。

1 实验1.1 主要原材料天然橡胶(NR ),SMR -20,马来西亚产品;顺丁橡胶(BR ),牌号9000,中国石化齐鲁石化公司产品;再生胶,山东忠诚橡胶有限公司产品;炭黑N330和炭黑N660,江西黑猫炭黑股份有限公司产品;CBp ,青岛伊克斯达科技有限公司产品;芳烃油V500,宁波汉圣化工有限公司产品;轻质碳酸钙,河北宁宇化工有限公司产品;氧化锌,石家庄志亿锌业有限公司产品;硬脂酸,杭州油脂化工有限公司产品;硫黄,青岛城阳双埠硫磺加工厂产品;促进剂NOBS 和CBS ,科迈化工股份有限公司产品。




文章编号:1003-7969(2007)05-0047-05 中图分类号:T Q645 文献标识码:A生物柴油生产及其副产物甘油的有效利用何延青1,吴永强1,闻建平2(11河北建筑工程学院城建系,075024河北省张家口市;21天津大学化工学院生物化工系,300072天津市) 摘要:甘油是生产生物柴油的主要副产品,随着世界范围内生物柴油需求量和生产量的迅猛增长,甘油的有效利用也成为紧迫课题。


关键词:生物柴油;甘油;利用Producti on of b i od i esel and utili za ti on of its by 2product glycerolHE Yan 2qing 1,WU Yong 2qiang 1,W EN J ian 2p ing2(11Hebei I nstitute of A rchitecture Engineering,075024Hebei Zhangjiakou,China;21School of Che m ical Engineering &Technol ogy,Tianjin University,300072Tianjin,China )Abstract:Glycer ol is the main by 2p r oduct of bi odiesel p r oducti on .W ith the rap id devel opment of bi odiesel in de mand and p r oducti on,the effective utilizati on of glycer ol was l ooked as an urgent task .The p r oducti on of bi odiesel and using its by 2p r oduct glycer ol t o p r oduce high value 2added ne w p r oducts and ne w ways were intr oduced s o as t o fully utilize the natural regenerated res ource .Key words:bi odiesel;glycer ol;utilizati on 21世纪,石油供需矛盾日益尖锐,石油化工及石化燃料燃烧造成的环境问题日益突出,人类不得不寻找新的、可代替石油的、可再生能源。



(2010年7月讨论版)升龙集团员工手册前 言企业文化是企业在生产经营实践中,逐步形成的,为全体员工所认同并遵守的、带有本组织特点的使命、愿景、宗旨、精神、价值观和经营理念,以及这些理念在生产经营实践、管理制度、员工行为方式与企业对外形象的体现的总和。

















第14卷 第1期2024年1月农 业 灾 害 研 究Journal of Agricultural CatastrophologyVol. 14 No. 1 Jan. 2024贵州“雷击村”雷击事件调查分析及防御措施范传华1,龙世林2#,丁旻1,3,向杯菊4,夏昌基51.黔东南州气象局,贵州凯里 556000;2.贵州省植物园,贵州贵阳 550004;3.贵州省气象灾害防御技术中心,贵州凯里 556000;4.黄平县气象局,贵州黄平 556100;5.镇远县气象局,贵州镇远 557700摘 要:通过对贵州省黄平县一碗水乡的“雷击村”(长龙湾村)雷击事件进行现场走访和实地调查,结合当地的气象特征、地形地貌,调取当时的气象历史资料进行研究分析,找到了“雷击村”雷击事故发生和雷电多发的原因:当地春季受西南热低压影响,水汽抬升凝结易形成局地的雷暴天气;夏季受东南和西南暖湿空气的共同影响,加上地形作用触发了局地雷暴天气。


关键词:雷击;雷电多发原因;雷电防御中图分类号:P446 文献标志码:B 文章编号:2095–3305(2024)01–0312-04雷电灾害是一种气象灾害,可直接导致人员或动物伤亡或引发火灾,雷电波入侵、雷击电磁脉冲干扰可导致电力系统、通信系统、雷达天线及其他电子信息系统故障或失效,从而产生巨大的经济损失。




1 “雷击村”概况黄平县一碗水乡长龙湾村大冲组、烂田湾组是远近闻名的“雷击村”。




















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2--BENZ形象广告/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=666&totable=1 3--BMW平面创意/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=667&totable=1 4--HONDA平面广告/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=668&totable=1 5--HUMMER悍马平面广告/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=669&totable=1 6--Jeep平面创意/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=670&totable=1 7--nissan创意平面/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=671&totable=1 8--Toyota平面创意/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=673&totable=1 9--VOLVO S80创意平面/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=674&totable=1 10--V ortex平面广告/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=675&totable=1 11--奥迪-广告平面/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=676&totable=1 12--宝马-保护你的身体平面创意/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=677&totable=1 13--大众(V olkswagen)平面创意/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=679&totable=1 14--标致2006平面创意/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=678&totable=1 15--丰田平面/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=680&totable=1 16--马自达平面创意/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=681&totable=1 17--三菱LIFE IS 4X4平面创意/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=682&totable=1 18--Continental平面/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=683&totable=1 19--轮胎-Nokian广告/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=684&totable=1 20--摩托车-Kawasaki广告/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=685&totable=1 21--汽车大众POLO平面创意/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=672&totable=1B.电子-通讯-电器-数码类-------------------------------------------------------------------1--EPSON爱普生广告创意/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=686&totable=1 2--IBM平面广告欣赏/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=687&totable=1 3--Microsoft微软平面稿/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=688&totable=1 4--电脑-BeaQ明基电脑系列平面创意/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=690&totable=1 5--电器-Dell戴尔创意平面/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=691&totable=1 6--电器-Panasonic松下平面/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=692&totable=1 7--电器-philips 菲利浦平面稿/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=693&totable=1 8--电器-TCL精鼎平面创意/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=694&totable=1 9--电器-万利达音响平面创意/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=696&totable=1 10--电器-美菱保鲜冰箱平面广告/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=695&totable=1 11--SONY索尼平面创意欣赏/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=689&totable=1 12--电器-新飞平面稿/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=697&totable=1 13--电视-海信电器/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=698&totable=1 14--电子-RADEON显卡宣传海报欣赏/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=699&totable=1 15--手机-BIRD波导平面创意/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=700&totable=1 16--手机-Motorola平面稿/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=701&totable=1 17--手机-NOKIA诺基亚精美平面广告/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=702&totable=1 18--数码-Canon佳能数码打印平面创意/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=703&totable=1 19--数码-奥林巴斯我的数码故事-全智贤篇/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=704&totable=120--中国电信平面广告/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=705&totable=121--中国网通系列广告/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=706&totable=122--中国移动平面广告/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=707&totable=1C--手表类-------------------------------------------------------------------表-PATEK PHILIPPE百达翡丽/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=708&totable=1表-PIAGET伯爵表/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=709&totable=1表-RADO时间改变一切,唯独雷达表/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=710&totable=1表-ROLEX劳力士/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=711&totable=1表-SW ATCH平面/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=712&totable=1表-TAGHEUER豪雅表/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=713&totable=1 D--洗化类-------------------------------------------------------------------清洁剂-Sidolin平面稿/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=714&totable=1洗化-奥宝锔油篇/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=715&totable=1洗化-巴西香水系列广告/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=716&totable=1洗化-沙宣平面稿/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=717&totable=1洗化-资生堂系列产品广告/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=718&totable=1洗衣粉-ARIEL平面创意/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=719&totable=1洗衣粉-Tide平面创意/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=720&totable=1洗衣粉-立白超浓缩/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=721&totable=1牙膏-高露洁平面广告/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=722&totable=1牙膏-佳洁士平面稿/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=723&totable=1 E--食品饮料类-------------------------------------------------------------------delhaize食品系列广告/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=724&totable=1金六福品牌创意之路/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=725&totable=1伏特加酒创意全接触(全)/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=252&totable=1 Baileys酒平面创意/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=726&totable=1酒-蓝带啤酒系列/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=727&totable=1酒-水井坊平面创意/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=728&totable=1酒-芝华士12年/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=729&totable=1啤酒-Heineken平面稿/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=731&totable=1啤酒-嘉士伯平面创意/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=732&totable=1喜力啤酒平面广告全集/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=734&totable=1著名啤酒品牌Unidas S.A系列产品/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=745&totable=1雀巢咖啡平面广告/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=735&totable=1食品-哈根达斯冰淇淋月饼/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=736&totable=1欧洲家喻户晓的糖果品牌HARIBO/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=730&totable=1食品-海天一品鲜酱油平面创意/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=737&totable=1食品-麦当劳平面稿/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=738&totable=1微星优秀平面广告/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=739&totable=1饮料-百事可乐平面稿/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=740&totable=1饮料-茶叶竹叶青平面广告/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=741&totable=1饮料-可口可乐广告/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=742&totable=1饮料-雪碧禁播的广告/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=743&totable=1油-金龙鱼花生平面稿/bbs/showbbs.asp?bd=23&id=744&totable=1-------------------------------------------------------------------四。



2010年第24期总第37期2内容提要商业资讯深圳上调最低工资 企业坦言“有压力” ................................................. 3 美国AGT 总裁:中国具有巨大潜力已不是秘密 ............................................. 3 斥资近1000万 金蝶并购专业协同软件厂商 .............................................. 4 微软拟招聘500名云计算销售代表抗衡谷歌 .............................................. 4 微软18日发布Office 2010 预装电脑数年内过亿 ........................................ 5 IDC:Win7不适合平板 HP 戴尔转投Android . (5)聚焦成都西博会将10月举行 我省将推出368项投资 .............................................. 6 维音数码落户成都一周年,对未来的发展充满信心 ........................................ 6 2010成都购物节23日正式开幕 ........................................................ 7 以色列海法市来蓉 加强国际交流合作 ................................................... 7 创新商业模式 建设“智能成都” . (8)3商业资讯深圳上调最低工资 企业坦言“有压力”来源:晶报最低工资的调整牵动着很多基层员工的心,也牵动着企业的“神经”。




















短信 2010年第12期

短信  2010年第12期













第202期《IT时代周刊》最受关注文章 2010年6月22日-2010年7月12日

第202期《IT时代周刊》最受关注文章 2010年6月22日-2010年7月12日

门 户 网 站 境 外
近 日, 士数 码相 机 又爆 质 量 危机 . 顾 客 大面 积投 诉 。 战 略转 型制 约 、 份 额 下滑 等 富 遭 受 市场
多 重 因素 影响 ,市 场 担忧 富士 数码 相 机业 务 恐 陷 入危 机 。 成富 士尴 尬 局 面 的原 因 很 多 , 品 造 产 更新 步伐 滞后 于市 场需求 , 品毫无 特 色 可言 , 产 渠道 的不 完 善也 制 约 了富士 相 机业 务 的发 展 。 从
融 资前 景 愈 显 扑 朔迷 离
4 .国 产 手 机 为迟 钝 付 出代 价 3 G市 场

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《T商 业 新 闻 网 》 者 / 伶 帆 I 记 陈
5周 鸿 稀 微 博 “ 戏 ” 山 . 调 金
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点评 : 久游 网一味 炒 作 , 不把 心 思 花在 正 道上 , 景 必 不 可期 。 前
20 0 1 年6月2 2日一 0 0 7 1 2 1 年 月 2日
1 们 给 客 户提供 更 多的 云计 算 灵 活度 引发 集 体 I O 冲 动 视 频 业 上 P
点评 : 市场风 向随 时在 变 . 业转 型 也 成 为潮 流 。 临不 可预 知 的 未 来 , 企 面 业界 有 人 无助 地 发 出 了“ 不转 型 是 等死 , 型是 找 死 ” 呐喊 . 转 的 .
第2 2 I 时代 周 刊》 0 期(T
久 游 网 无 聊 炒 作 王 菲 投 资 网 游
6Vs转 身 回 防 应 对 盟 友 出 海 .i a “ 堵 ” 指 向 中 国银 联要 价 封 被



CHEMICAL INDUSTRY AND ENGINEERING PROGRESS 2017年第36卷第12期·4436·化 工 进展β-O-4型木质素二聚体模型化合物热解机理及产物选择性理论樊荻,解新安,李璐,李雁,黎巍,魏星,孙娇(华南农业大学食品学院,广东 广州 510642)摘要:木质素作为含量仅次于纤维素的天然可再生资源,将其转化为高附加值的平台化合物具有重大的经济以及环境意义。

本文针对具有β-O-4典型连接方式的木质素二聚体模型化合物[2-甲氧基(2′-甲基-2′-苯基乙基)苯醚],利用密度泛函理论方法B3LYP ,在6-31G(d,p)基组水平上对其热解反应机理以及产物形成选择性进行理论研究,分析了二聚体中各化学键的解离能及Mulliken 布居数,设计并计算了8条后续可能反应路径的标准热力学参数。

研究结果表明,该木质素二聚体模型化合物的初次热裂解路径主要为C β—O 键均裂的反应;热解的主要产物是酚类化合物如苯、苯酚、邻苯二酚以及烃类化合物如烯烃等;其中路径1是热力学支持的最优路径,其能垒为44.73kJ/mol 。

关键词:木质素;β-O-4型二聚体;密度泛函理论;热解机理;产物选择性中图分类号:X7 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000–6613(2017)12–4436–09 DOI :10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2017-0553Theoretical study on pyrolysis and product selectivity of β-O-4 type lignindimer modelF AN Di ,XIE Xin’an ,LI Lu ,LI Yan ,LI Wei ,WEI Xing ,SUN Jiao(College of Food Science ,South China Agricultural University ,Guangzhou 510642,Guangdong ,China )Abstract: Lignin ,as the second most available cellulose in botanic field ,it is of great economic and environmental significance to convert it into targeted platform compounds. To understand the pyrolysis mechanism of lignin ,the 1-methoxy-2-(2-phenylpropoxy) benzene was selected as a lignin dimer model compound of β-O-4-linkage. The pyrolysis of this dimer was investigated using density functional theory B3LYP methods at 6-31G (d ,p )level. Eight possible pyrolysis pathways (mainly the homolytic cleavage of C —O bond) were proposed according to bond dissociation energies of lignin dimer model ,then the activation energies for each reaction pathway were calculated. The calculation results showed that the bond dissociation energy of C β—O was the lowest ,and that of O —CH 3 the second lowest. The order of all kinds of bond dissociation energy is C β—O <O —CH 3<C α—C β<C α—C γ<C aromatic —O <C α—C aromatic <C aromatic —OCH 3. It could be deduced that the dimer was mainly decomposed through the cleavage of the C β—O linkage. And major pyrolytic products of phenol and alkene compounds were formed in this process .Thus ,the optimum pathway1 can be determined based on its thermodynamic parameters and lowest energy barrier of 44.73kJ/mol.Key words :lignin ;β-O-4 linkage dimer ;density functional theory ;pyrolysis mechanism ;product selectivity第一作者:樊荻(1992—),女,硕士研究生。



第17卷第2期深圳大学学报(人文社会科学版)Vol.17No.22000年4月Journal of Shenzhen U niversit y (Humanities &Social Sciences )A p r.2000收稿日期:2000-03-01作者简介:钱超英(1958—),广东广州人,深圳大学副教授,博士,从事文学研究。




关键词:身份;身份意识;文化;文化身份中图分类号:C 05文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-260X (2000)02-0089-06“身份”(identit y ,在我国文献中有时被译为“认同”)是近年我国文化研究的重要议题。



一根据西语词源资料,今日英语identit y 一词在历史上的意义,较完整地保留在其衍生的释义词组“t he same ”(相同的东西)之中,它最初来源于拉丁词idem ,由词根id -(意为“它,那一个”)和后缀dem 组成。



从这种标注用词发展为后来的一个拉丁词identitas ,字面上的意思是“同一性”。

当它转变为英语的identit y 时,常用于表示某些事物是相同的,一致的,或者就是它本身(而不是其他的东西)。

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№№№№№№№20100724 中英版【每日一笑】◆妇女生了一对双胞胎,所以喂奶的时候便一边一个。






但是……他们的老爸却挂了……◆Girl Just Like MotherNo matter which girl he brought home,the young man found disapproval from his mother.A friend gave him advice.“Find a girl just like your mother—then she's bound to like her.So the young man searched and searched,and finally found the girl.He told his friendly adviser:“Just like you said,I found a girl who looked,talked,dressed,and even cooked like mother.And just as you said,mother liked her”“So,”asked the friend,“what happened?”“Nothing,”said the young man.“My father hates her!”和母亲一样的女孩无论带哪一个女孩回家,这位青年人总会遭到母亲的反对。







“我父亲讨厌她!”◆What Is a Traitor?Young hopeful:“Father,what is a traitor in politics?Father(a veteran politician):“A traitor is a man who leaves our party and goes over to the other one.”Young hopeful:“Well then,what is a man who leaves his party and comes over to yours?”Father:“A convert,my son.”什么叫叛徒?有希望的青年人:“父亲,什么叫政治叛徒?”父亲(一位老资格的政治家):“叛徒指的是离开我们党而加入到另一个党的人。



”◆经典英文笑话十则一、我是单身汉Jack feell off his bicycle and got hurt. A beautiful young nurse asked him to fill forms. Jack finished them and gave them back."Anything else?" The nurse asked. "Yes,"Jack thinks for a while and said,"I'm a bachelor."杰克骑车摔伤,得住院治疗。


仞杰克填好递上表格"还有什么漏填的?"护士问. "有!"杰克想了想说,"我是个单身汉."二、死予肝癌的人100%都吃饭Wife:You see.According to te statistics on the paper 80% of those who have died of liver cancer have drunk alcoho.Husband:It's okey. To my investigation, all The people eat meals.妻子:你看这张报纸,据统计,死于肝癌的人80%都是喝酒的。


三、位置上的冰激凌"Excuse me,but the seat you've taken is mine.""Yours?Can you prove it?""Yes,I put a cup of ice cream on it.""请原谅,你占了我的位置.""你的位置?你能征明这点吗?""能,我在位置上放了杯冰激凌."四、别无选择One day,Eve asked Adam,"Doyou really love me?"Adam said helplessly,"Do I have any other choice?"一天,夏娃问亚当:"你当真爱我吗?"亚当无可奈何地回答:"我还有的选择吗?"五、总是口渴"I had an operation," said a man to his friend, "and the doctor left a sponge in me.""That"s terrible!" said the friend. "Got any pain?""No, but I am always thirsty!"一个男人对他的朋友说:“我动了一次手术,手术后医生把一块海绵忘在我的身体里了。


”六、喝水洗苹果Father: Jack, why do you drink so much water?Jack: I have just had an apple, Dad.Father: What"s that got to do with it?Jack: I forgot to wash the apple.爸爸:杰克,你干嘛喝这么多水呀?杰克:我刚才吃了个苹果,爸爸。


七、凯特的礼物Kate: Mom, do you know what I"m going to give you for your birthday?Mom: No, Honey, what?Kate: A nice teapot。

Mom: But I"ve got a nice teapot.Kate: No, you haven"t. I"ve just dropped it.凯特的礼物凯特:妈妈,你知道我要给你一件什么生日礼物吗?妈妈:不知道,宝贝,是什么呀?凯特:一把漂亮的茶壶。




八、医生懂得多A man was hit by a cab in the street. He was brought to the hospital.His wife who was standing up by his bed, said to the doctor: "I think that he is very ill.""I am afraid that he is dead." said the doctor.Hearing this, the man moved his head and said: "I"m not dead. I"m still alive.""Be quiet, " said the wife. "the doctor knows better than you!"医生懂得多一个男人在街上被出租车撞倒送进了医院。





”九、Waste or Save?Father: Oh, Jack, you have slept away the whole morning. Don"t you know you are wasting time?Jack: Yes, Dad. But I"ve saved you a meal, haven" I?浪费还是节约父亲:噢,杰克,你又睡了一上午。


可我还给您节省了一顿饭呢,是不是?十、Why Is He HowlingDentist: Please stop howling. I haven"t even touched your tooth yet.Patient: I know, but you are standing on my foot!他为什么喊牙医:请你不要再喊了!我还没碰你的牙呢。

病人:我知道,可是你正踩着我的脚呀!【历史上的今天】【美文赏析两篇】All that is beautiful poems and passages of lifethings do not change;we change.sell your clothes and keep your thoughts.万物不变,是我们在变。

你的衣服可以卖掉,但要保留你的思想think it over……好好想想……today we have higher buildings and wider highways,but shorter temperaments and narrower points of view; 今天我们拥有了更高层的楼宇以及更宽阔的公路,但是我们的性情却更为急躁,眼光也更加狭隘;we spend more,but enjoy less;我们消耗的更多,享受到的却更少;we have bigger houses,but smaller famillies;我们的住房更大了,但我们的家庭却更小了;we have more compromises,but less time;我们妥协更多,时间更少;we have more knowledge,but less judgment;我们拥有了更多的知识,可判断力却更差了;we have more medicines,but less health;我们有了更多的药品,但健康状况却更不如意;we have multiplied out possessions,but reduced out values;我们拥有的财富倍增,但其价值却减少了;we talk much,we love only a little,and we hate too much;我们说的多了,爱的却少了,我们的仇恨也更多了;we reached the moon and came back,but we find it troublesome to cross our own street and meet our neighbors; 我们可以往返月球,但却难以迈出一步去亲近我们的左邻右舍;we have conquered the uter space,but not our inner space;我们可以征服外太空,却征服不了我们的内心;we have highter income,but less morals;我们的收入增加了,但我们的道德却少了;these are times with more liberty,but less joy;我们的时代更加自由了,但我们拥有的快乐时光却越来越少;we have much more food,but less nutrition;我们有了更多的食物,但所能得到的营养却越来越少了;these are the days in which it takes two salaries for each home,but divorces increase;现在每个家庭都可以有双份收入,但离婚的现象越来越多了;these are times of finer houses,but more broken homes;现在的住房越来越精致,但我们也有了更多破碎的家庭;that‘s why i propose,that as of today;这就是我为什么要说,让我们从今天开始;you do not keep anything for a special occasion.because every day that you live is a special occasion. 不要将你的东西为了某一个特别的时刻而预留着,因为你生活的每一天都是那么特别;search for knowledge,read more ,sit on your porch and admire the view without paying attention to your needs; 寻找更我的知识,多读一些书,坐在你家的前廊里,以赞美的眼光去享受眼前的风景,不要带上任何功利的想法;spend more time with your family and friends,eat your favorite foods,visit the places you love;花多点时间和朋友与家人在一起,吃你爱吃的食物,去你想去的地方;life is a chain of moments of enjoyment;not only about survival;生活是一串串的快乐时光;我们不仅仅是为了生存而生存;use your crystal goblets.do not save your best perfume,and use it every time you feel you want it.举起你的水晶酒杯吧。
