Submission category Regular paper.
Bankit Submission Guidence王琳2012.5.81.登录网页/WebSub/?tool=genbank2.点击右方Sign in to use BankIt3.首次使用点击Register for an account, 如果已经创建用户名,则输入用户名、密码,登录账号。
4.登录账号后,点击New Submission,输入Contact Information,然后点击Continue。
5.之后界面是输入Reference信息,Sequence Authors, 与之相关的文章题目、文章状态、作者信息,然后点击Continue。
6.Nucleotide界面:选择序列合适公布(一般选Immediately After Processing,处理时间大约需要2-3个月,但是GenBank Accession Number提交完一两天就会邮件收到),然后依次选择Moleculer Type、Topology、Genomic completeness、提交序列数量,然后上传预先准备好的Fasta file。
8.Submission Category, 选择Original,然后Continue。
9.Source Modifiers: 选择Organelle/Location(不适用的话可以不选),上传预先准备好的source modifiers table file(参见附件,tab-delimited text file格式上与一般的txt file看起来不太一样)。
点击continue,source file里的内容会显示在下方。
2023新课标全国II词汇Athroughout /θruːˈaʊt/ adv.贯穿breathtaking /ˈbreθˌteɪkɪŋ/ adj.令人惊叹的enhance /ɪnˈhæns/ v.增强hands-on /ˈhændzˈɒn/ adj.实践的Blow-income /ˌloʊˈɪnˌkʌm/ adj.低收入的awareness /əˈwɛər.nəs/ n.意识outnumber /aʊtˈnaʊm.bər/ v.超过initially /ɪˈnɪʃəli/ adv.最初地scared/skɛrd/ adj.害怕的occasionally /əˈkeɪʒənəli/ adv.偶尔地evaluation /ɪˌvæljʊˈeɪʃən/ n.评估nutrition /nutrɪˈʃən/ n.营养emotional /ɪˈmoʊʃənəl/ adj.情绪的initiator /ɪˈnɪʃiːˌeɪtər/ n.发起人distrust /dɪsˈtrʌst/ n.不信任far-reaching /fɑrˈriːtʃɪŋ/ adj.深远的predictable /prɪˈdɪktəbəl/ adj.可预测的short-lived /ʃɔrtˈlaɪvd/ adj.短暂的unidentifiable /ʌnaɪˈdɛntəˌfaɪəbəl/ adj.无法辨认的Cobject /ˈɒbdʒɛkt/ n.物体represent /ˌrɛprɪˈzɛnt/ v.代表shared /ʃɛrd/ adj.共享的humanity /hjuːˈmænɪti/ n.人类emphasize /ˈɛmfəˌsaɪz/ v.强调connection /kəˈnɛkʃən/ n.连接era /ˈɪərə/ n.时代scene /sin/ n.场景generation /dʒɛnəˈreɪʃən/ n.一代absorbed /əbˈzɔrbd/ adj.专注的leisure /ˈliʒər/ n.休闲symbolically /sɪmˈbɒlɪkəli/ adv.象征地raw material /rɔməˈtɪriəl/ n.原材料transform /trænsˈfɔrm/ v.转变outdated /aʊtˈdeɪtɪd/ adj.过时的interactive /ˌɪntərˈæktɪv/ adj.互动的battery-powered /ˈbætəri ˌpaʊəd/ adj.电池供电的e-reader /ˈi ˌridər/ n.电子阅读器contrast /ˈkɒntræst/ n.对比monitor /ˈmɒnɪtər/ v.监控track /træk/ v.追踪off-line /ˈɔflaɪn/ adj.离线的essay /ˈɛseɪ/ n.论文guidebook /ˈɡaɪdˌbʊk/ n.指南review /rɪˈvjuː/ n.评论seize /siz/ v.抓住Dballoon /bəˈlun/ n. 气球urban /ˈɜːrbən/ adj. 城市的area /ˈɛəriəs/ n. 区域well-being /ˌwɛlˈbiːɪŋ/ n. 幸福感submit /səbˈmɪt/ v. 提交submission /səbˈmɪʃən/ n. 提交category /ˈkætɪɡəri/ n. 类别encounter/ɪnˈkaʊntər/ v. 遇到domestic /dəˈmɛstɪk/ adj. 国内的interaction /ɪntərˈækʃən/ n. 互动generate /ˈdʒɛnəreɪt/ v. 产生interact /ˌɪntərˈækt/ v. 互动overpopulated /ˌoʊvərˈpɑpjəˌleɪtɪd/ adj. 人口过多的conservation /ˌkɒnsərˈveɪʃən/ n. 保护intercultural /ˌɪntərˈkʌltʃərəl/ adj. 跨文化的communication /kəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃən/ n. 交流七选五inspiration /ˌɪnspəˈreɪʃən/ n. 灵感springboard /ˈsprɪŋbɔːrd/ n. 跳板continually /kənˈtɪnjuəli/ adv. 不断地seek /siːk/ v. 寻求constructive /kənˈstrʌktɪv/ adj. 建设性的crucial /ˈkruːʃəl/ adj. 关键的career/kəˈrɪər/ n. 职业evaluate /ɪˈvæljueɪt/ v. 评估redefine/ˌriːdɪˈfaɪn/ v. 重新定义muscle /ˈmʌsl̩/ n. 肌肉memory /ˈmɛməri/ n. 记忆repetition /ˌrɛpəˈtɪʃən/ n. 重复完型tight /taɪt/ adj. 紧budget /ˈbʌdʒɪt/ n. 预算schedule /ˈʃɛdjuːl/ n. 日程表connection /kəˈnɛkʃən/ n. 连接transportation /ˌtrænspɔrˈteɪʃən/ n. 交通desperately /ˈdɛspərətli/ adv. 拼命地temporarily /ˌtɛmpəˈrɛrəli/ adv. 暂时地originally /əˈrɪdʒənəli/ adv. 最初地set off /sɛt ɒf/ v. 出发hand over /hænd ˈoʊvə/ v. 交出pick up /pɪk ʌp/ v. 捡起annoyed /əˈnɔɪd/ adj. 烦恼的unexpected /ˌʌnɪkˈspɛktɪd/ adj. 意外的unavoidable /ˌʌnəˈvɔɪdəbəl/ adj. 不可避免的uneventful /ˌʌnɪˈvɛntfəl/ adj. 平凡的generous /ˈdʒɛnərəs/ adj. 慷慨的sympathetic /ˌsɪmpəˈθɛtɪk/ adj. 同情的。
收审稿费SCI期刊名称:The Journal of Clinical Investigation (JCI)推荐理由(自选):Submission fee. Anonrefundable fee of US$75 is required forOriginaland de novo submissions in Regular, Brief Report, and Technical Advancecategories.The fee is not required for revisedsubmissions.免审稿费期刊名称:Cancer Research推荐理由(自选):IF=7.856Submission feeA nonrefundable submission fee of $75for each manuscript must be paid regardless of the decision on the paper.Payment should be made via credit card at the time of onlinesubmission.免审稿费期刊名称:European Urology推荐理由(自选):IF=8.493Fast-track submissionFor new findings of sufficientimportance to justify accelerated review and publication, a fast-tracksubmission process for original articles is available. In the submissionletter, authors should explicitly request this option and provide credit cardinformation (number, expiration date, and name as it appears on the card). Ifthe editors agreethat the manuscript is worthyof fast-track publication, the fee of 300 Euros will be automatically chargedto the credit card. If accepted for fast-track submission, an article will bereviewed within 72 hours (otherwise, authors will be informed that the paperwill be handled within the normal peer-review process). If accepte*******st-track submission will appear in the first available issue ofthe journal.免审稿费期刊名称:Gastroenterology推荐理由(自选):IF=11.67575美元; Submission Fee: As of January 1, 2011, authors submitting original basic or clinical manuscripts to Gastroenterology arerequired to pay a $75 fee at submission via the journal's manuscriptuploading system, Editorial Manager. The submission process cannot be completeduntil the submission fee is paid.免审稿费期刊名称:《中国循证医学杂志》是否核心或SCI:否推荐理由(自选):该杂志由中国循证医学中心/ The Chinese Cochrane Center 和四川大学华西医院承办,虽暂列入核心,但也不影响其在本领域的权威。
【2018-2019】如何利用BankIt向NCBI在线提交序列-范文模板 (4页)
本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==如何利用BankIt向NCBI在线提交序列如何利用BankIt向NCBI在线提交序列日期:201X-03-07 来源:网络作者:青岚点击:1352次摘要:向NCBI提交序列常用的方法有两种,其一是在线提交的BankIt,其二是用软件Sequin。
1.整理序列信息:包括病原采集地、病原的寄主、寄主症状、采集人等基本信息;还有序列分析结果,包括序列全长大小,开放阅读框(ORF)的长度、位置及特定ORF序列翻译的氨基酸序列等基因水平的信息,这对于接下来的快速准确提交序列及提交成功后为全世界其他作者准确全面分享此类信息很重要;2.登陆BackIt站点,注意到页面右边的“Sign in to use BankIt”标签,点击登录进入。
附注册账号步骤,需要填写的项目为:Title:你的职位或头衔First name:名last name:姓login:登陆名Affiliation:所属机构地址,一般填写自己学校地址E-mail Address:通信电邮,填完后会发随机密码到此电邮地址,使用随机密码进行登陆,当然登陆后可对密码进行重置;3.登陆BankIt,看到如下图所示界面,此时NCBI会自动分配一个SubmissionID,但不是最终的提交序列ID:接下来共有九个步骤(好事多磨):3.1 Contact InFORMAtion填写个人姓名、机构、电邮等资料集联系方式,如果错误该页会有ERROR提示直到正确填写,填写完毕点击CONTINUE;3.2 Reference填写参考作者信息(Reference author)及序列相关信息,比如该序列是否对应有文章,如单纯提交序列则只需选择Unpublished即可(Reference title项可以填入“Direct Submission”),有的话就填写已发表文章的信息(卷、期等),接下来会问你该序列的提交者是否是序列的发现者等信息,填写完毕点击CONTINUE;※提示:新版的BankIt中,接下来会有“Sequencing Technology”一项,呈现有454、Illumina、SOLiD及Other等测序方法选择,目前为“Sanger dideoxysequencing”即一代测序方法测序,并且所提交的序列均为“assembled sequences”,目前的“assembly program”为“Lasergene,version 7.0”。
1.整理序列信息:包括病原采集地、病原的寄主、寄主症状、采集人等基本信息;还有序列分析结果,包括序列全长大小,开放阅读框(ORF)的长度、位置及特定ORF序列翻译的氨基酸序列等基因水平的信息,这对于接下来的快速准确提交序列及提交成功后为全世界其他作者准确全面分享此类信息很重要;2.登陆BackIt站点,注意到页面右边的“Sign in to use BankIt”标签,点击登录进入。
附注册账号步骤,需要填写的项目为:Title:你的职位或头衔First name:名last name:姓login:登陆名Affiliation:所属机构地址,一般填写自己学校地址E-mail Address:通信电邮,填完后会发随机密码到此电邮地址,使用随机密码进行登陆,当然登陆后可对密码进行重置;3.登陆BankIt,看到如下图所示界面,此时NCBI会自动分配一个SubmissionID,但不是最终的提交序列ID:接下来共有九个步骤(好事多磨):3.1 Contact Information填写个人姓名、机构、电邮等资料集联系方式,如果错误该页会有ERROR提示直到正确填写,填写完毕点击CONTINUE;3.2 Reference填写参考作者信息(Reference author)及序列相关信息,比如该序列是否对应有文章,如单纯提交序列则只需选择Unpublished即可(Reference title项可以填入“Direct Submission”),有的话就填写已发表文章的信息(卷、期等),接下来会问你该序列的提交者是否是序列的发现者等信息,填写完毕点击CONTINUE;※提示:新版的BankIt中,接下来会有“Sequencing Technology”一项,呈现有454、Illumina、SOLiD及Other等测序方法选择,目前为“Sanger dideoxy sequencing”即一代测序方法测序,并且所提交的序列均为“assembled sequences”,目前的“assembly program”为“Lasergene,version 7.0”。
第三步:Sequencing Technology1.当序列超过500个或者通过下一代测序技术测得序列则需要填写测序方法。
3.如果是assembled sequences ,还需填写assembly program,一般是填Lasergene,并写上相应的版本。
注:Assembly Name和Coverage这两项不清楚要填什么。
第四步:Nucleotide1.期望NCBI什么时候公布你的序列2.该序列是否为16S rRNA3.填写或选择所提交序列的信息:包括分子类型,结构类型(线性环形等)4.提交序列:可以直接复制黏贴序列,也可以创建FASTA file上传。
第五步:Submission Category选择你所提交的序列是原始提交还是作为一个第三方注释的提交,一般自己发现的序列我们选的是原始提交。
第六步:Source Modifiers(来源信息)第一项是细胞器/位置,可不填第二项可以在Source Modifiers下拉列表选择你想要加以描述的参数种类,并在右边value栏写上相应描述。
第七步:Features (Overview)我们选择上传一个five column feature table file。
five column feature table file的格式是:1.一共5列,用Tab符隔开2.第一行:>Feature Sequence_ID3.每个feature单独成一行4.一个feature的多个nucleotide intervals在随后的行里5.第一列:feature的起始位置第二列:feature的终止位置第三列:feature的名字第四列:Qualifier的名字,如note、codon_start等等第五列:Qualifier value,即Qualifier的具体描述举例:>Feature Seq11080 1210 CDS1275 1315product actinnote alternatively spliced 1055 1210 mRNA1275 1340product actin1055 1340 genegene ACT1055 1079 5'UTR1316 1340 3'UTR。
ISIJ International 投稿指南2009-11-28 09:02ISIJ International 是钢铁类顶级杂志,由日本钢铁协会主办。
尽管其影响影子较低(IF约为0.8),但是其学术期刊之一,主页为:,下面介绍一下ISIJ 的投稿指南。
INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORSISIJ International is published monthly by The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan (ISIJ). Timely and original cont members and non-members.1.Scope: The scope of the journal extends from the core subject matter of iron and steel to multidisciplinary a journal provides a medium for presentation and discussion of all aspects of materials and processes including characterization and application.2.Category:(1) Regular Article (maximum of ten printed pages): An original article documenting significant results which c promotion of our understanding, and presented in such a way that qualified workers can replicate the key elem (2) Review article: An article of an extensive survey on one particular subject, in which information already pu Reviews are normally invited, but voluntary proposal of a review topic(s) by a prospective author(s) is welcom (3) Note (maximum of three printed pages): (a) An article on a new finding or interesting aspect of an ongoing publication in condensed form, a medium for the presentation of (b) disclosure of new research and technique to the readers and (d) criticisms or additional proofs and interpretations in con nection with articles previouslynguage: All contributions must be written in English. Latitude in the spelling, American or English, is allow4.Units: The standard SI units must be used. Non SI units should be confined to those approved for use with S5.Submission of manuscript: The manuscript should not have been copyrighted, published, or submitted for p copy of the manuscript, both complete with Application Form (JPG, PDF),synopsis and key words, text, references, list of captions, tables, and figures, should be sent to:The Editorial Board of ISIJ InternationalThe Iron and Steel Institute of JapanNiikura Building (2F)2 Kanda-Tsukasacho 2-chome, Chiyoda-kuTokyo, 101-0048 JAPAN(Telephone)81-3-5209-7013(Facsimile) 81-3-3257-1110(E-mail) editol@isij.or.jpOne set of figures should be of a superior quality for direct reproduction for printing. Papers exceeding the pa condensation prior to review.6.Review: Every manuscript undergoes peer review according to established criteria.7.Revision of manuscript: In case when the original manuscript is returned to the author for revision, one clea the original manuscript and a letter explaining the changes made, must be resubmitted within three months.8. Final manuscript: To save the printing time and cost, it is desirable for the author to supply the final manusc or send by E-mail On acceptance the authors are highly recommended to provide an electronic file(s) of the m attachment.9.Proofs: The representative author will receive the galley proof of the paper. No new material may be addedreturn the proof before a specified deadline to avoid rescheduling of publication in a later issue.10.Copyright: Submission of an article implies that all copyrights are transferred to The Iron and Steel Institute receipt of Application Form for Publication and becomes void if the paper is not accepted for publication in the 11.Page Charge: A charge of ¥ 7,000 per printed page will be collected for the published papers. Fifty reprints supplied to the author without additional charge. Extra reprints will be available at a low price upon request. T author's request. In the cases of that the author has difficulty to pay the page charges, download the "Applicati ISIJ web page and send it to the editorial office of ISIJ International.Classification(填写Application Form时要用)I. Fundamentals of High Temperature ProcessesII. IronmakingIII. SteelmakingIV. Casting and SolidificationV. Instrumentation, Control and System EngineeringVI. Chemical and Physical AnalysisVII. Forming Processing and Thermomechanical TreatmentVIII. Welding and JoiningIX. Surface Treatment and CorrosionX. Transformations and MicrostructuresXI. Mechanical PropertiesXII. Physical PropertiesXIII. New Materials and ProcessesXIV. Social and Environmental Engineering。
投的杂志是Polymer (SCI Journal, 2006 IF=2.77),但我觉得所有的杂志都是大同小异。
2007/3/4 Submit the manuscript through the online EES (/jpol/)//Cover letter//Dear Editor,Here enclosed is a completely new manuscript entitled "xxxxx", which we wish to be considered. None of the material in the paper has been published or is under consideration for publication elsewhere.In this manusc ript, …………. We believe that this new paper may be also of particular interest to the readers of your journal.Correspondence about the paper should be directed to xx at the following address, phone and fax number, and e-mail address:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXThanks very much for your attention to our paper.Sincerely yours,The authors******************************************2007/3/4 received a letter ?from jpol@//Submission Confirmation for Polymer//PolymerTitle:Authors:Article Type: Regular ArticleDear, Your submission entitled "xxxxx" has been received by Polymer. You may check on the progress of your paper by logging on to the Elsevier Editorial System as an author. The URL is /jpol/.Your username is:Your password is:Your manuscript will be given a reference number once an Editor has been assigned. Thank you for submitting your work to this journal. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries.Kind regards,Polymer******************************************For any technical queries about using EES, please contact Elsevier Author Support at authorsupport@ 2007/3/5 received a letter ?from jpol@//A manuscript number has been assigned to xxxxx//PolymerRef:Title:Authors:Article Type: Regular ArticleDear,Your submission entitled "xxxxx" has been assigned the following manuscript number: xx. You may check on the progress of your paper by logging on to the Elsevier Editorial System as an author. The URL is/jpol/.Your username is:Your password is:Thank you for submitting your work to this journal. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries. Kind regards,Caroline JohnsonJournal ManagerPolymer******************************************For any technical queries about using EES, please contact Elsevier Author Support at authorsupport@ 2007/3/5 received a letter ?from jpol@//Editor handles xx//PolymerRef:Title:Authors:Article Type: Regular ArticleDear,Your submission entitled "xxxxx" will be handled by All Papers from China: All Subject Areas Charles Han. You may check on the progress of your paper by logging on to the Elsevier Editorial System as an author. The URL is/jpol/.Your username is:Your password is:Thank you for submitting your work to this journal. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries. Kind regards,Charles HanAll Papers from China: All Subject AreasPolymer******************************************For any technical queries about using EES, please contact Elsevier Author Support at authorsupport@ 2007/4/19 received a letter from [email]c.c.han@[/email]//Your Submission to Polymer: xx//Ref.: Ms. No.PolymerDear,Reviewers have now commented on your paper. You will see that they are advising that you revise your manuscript substantially. If you send back your revised manuscript along with replies to reviewers, we will re-consider your paper. For your guidance, reviewers' comments are appended below. When you revise your manuscript, please attach a "Response to Reviewers" which sets out in detail how you have responded to the referees' comments.I look forward to receiving your revised manuscript. In an attempt to speed up publication times, revised manuscripts must be returned with 3 months. Otherwise, they will be treated as new submissions.When submitting your revised manuscript, please ensure that you upload the source files (e.g. Word). Uploading only a PDF file at this stage will create delays should your manuscript be finally accepted for publication. If your revised submission does not include the source files, we will contact you to request them.To submit a revision, please go to /jpol/Your username is:Your password is:Choose "Author Login" and the menu "Submissions Needing Revision".Yours sincerelyCharles HanAll Papers from China: All Subject AreasPolymerReviewers' comments:Reviewer #1:Reviewer #2:2007/5/17 submit a revised manuscript through the online EES (/jpol/)//Responds to the reviews//Dear editor,Thank you very much for your attention. The other two reviewers are also acknowledged from the bottom of our hearts for the careful reviews on our manuscript (xx). The affirmation on our work has greatly encouraged us. According to those helpful comments, we make a careful revision on the original manuscript. All revisions are explained as follows: Major comments from referee 1 were abstracted as a following list:1.2.…………………….Answer to referee 1 comments:1.2.……………………….Major comments from referee 2 were abstracted as a following list:1.2.…………………….Answer to referee 2 comments:1.2.……………………….Besides the revision described above, all the references you (the editor) kindly recommended are included in our revised manuscript which are labeled as xxx. These references actually provide good reference …...Sincerely yours,The author2007/5/17 received a letter from jpol@//Your PDF has been built and requires approval?//PolymerDear,The PDF for your submission, "xxxxx", is ready for viewing. Please login to the Elsevier Editorial System as an Author to view and approve the PDF of your submission. url: /jpol/Your username is:Your password is:Your submission must be approved in order to complete the submission process and send the manuscript to the Polymer editorial office. Please view the submission before approving it, to be certain that it is free of any errors. You will also need to confirm that you have read and agree with the Elsevier Ethics in Publishing statement before you can submit your article.Thank you for your time and patience.Kind regards,Editorial OfficePolymer******************************************For any technical queries about using EES, please contact Elsevier Author Support at authorsupport@ 2007/5/17 received a letter from [email]c.c.han@[/email]//Submission Confirmation for xx//PolymerRef:Title:Authors:Article Type: Regular ArticleDear,Your revised manuscript has been received for reconsideration for publication in Polymer. You may check the status of your manuscript by logging onto the Elsevier Editorial System as an Author at /jpol/.Your username is:Your password is:Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries.Kind regards,Polymer******************************************For any technical queries about using EES, please contact Elsevier Author Support at authorsupport@ 2007/5/17 received a letter from [email]c.c.han@[/email]//Editor handles xxx//PolymerRef:Title:Authors:Article Type: Regular ArticleDear,Your submission entitled "xxxxx" will be handled by All Papers from China: All Subject Areas Charles Han. You maycheck on the progress of your paper by logging on to the Elsevier Editorial System as an author. The URL is/jpol/.Your username is:Your password is:Thank you for submitting your work to this journal. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries. Kind regards,Charles HanAll Papers from China: All Subject AreasPolymer******************************************For any technical queries about using EES, please contact Elsevier Author Support at authorsupport@ 2007/6/15 received a letter from [email]c.c.han@[/email]//Your Submission to Polymer: xx//Ref.:PolymerDear,Reviewers have now commented on your paper. You will see that they are advising some minor changes to your manuscript. If you are prepared to undertake the work required, I expect that the paper will be accepted. For your guidance, reviewers' comments are appended below. When you revise your manuscript, please attach a list of changes or a rebuttal against each point which is being raised when you submit the revised manuscript. When submitting your revised manuscript, please ensure that you upload the source files (e.g. Word). Uploading only a PDF file at this stage will create delays should your manuscript be finally accepted for publication. If your revised submission does not include the source files, we will contact you to request them. To submit a revision, go to /jpol/ and log in as an Author.Your username is:Your password is:You will see a menu item call Submission Needing Revision. You will find your submission record there.Yours sincerelyCharles HanAll Papers from China: All Subject AreasPolymerReviewers' comments: Reviewer #2:2007/6/30 submit the revised manuscript through the online EES (/jpol/)//Respond to the reviewers?//Dear editor,Thank you for the continuous attention to our manuscript (POLYMER-07-486R1). We also greatly appreciate the reviewer #2 for the careful review and valuable comments.………………….We wish we had corrected all errors. Thank you and the reviewer again for all efforts spent on our manuscript. Sincerely yours,The authors2007/6/30 received a letter from jpol@//Your PDF has been built and requires approval?//PolymerDear,The PDF for your submission, "xxxxx", is ready for viewing.Please login to the Elsevier Editorial System as an Author to view and approve the PDF of your submission .url: /jpol/Your username is:Your password is:Your submission must be approved in order to complete the submission process and send the manuscript to the Polymer editorial office. Please view the submission before approving it, to be certain that it is free of any errors. 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The URL is /jpol/.Your username is:Your password is:Thank you for submitting your work to this journal. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries. Kind regards,Charles HanAll Papers from China: All Subject AreasPolymer******************************************For any technical queries about using EES, please contact Elsevier Author Support at authorsupport@ 2007/7/6 received a letter from [email]c.c.han@[/email]//Your Submission *R2?//Ref.: Ms. No. *R2xxxxxPolymerDear,I am pleased to tell you that your work has now been accepted for publication in Polymer.Comments from the Editor and Reviewers can be found below.Thank you for submitting your work to this journal.With kind regardsCharles HanAll Papers from China: All Subject AreasPolymerEditor/Reviewers' comments:。
the american economic review格式要求
the american economic review格式要求Title: Formatting Requirements of The American Economic Review: A Step-by-Step GuideIntroduction:The American Economic Review (AER) is undoubtedly one of the most influential and prestigious academic journals in the field of economics. Its rigorous reviewing standards, high impact factor, and wide readership make it a preferred publication venue for economists worldwide. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive step-by-step guide on the formatting requirements of The American Economic Review, covering various sections, citation styles, and manuscript submission guidelines.Section 1: General Manuscript Requirements1. Title and Abstract:- The title should be concise, descriptive, and informative.- The abstract should summarize the main objectives, methods, and findings of the paper in a clear and concise manner.2. Introduction:- Provide a brief but comprehensive overview of the research topic,addressing its relevance and existing gaps in the literature.- Clearly state the research questions, aims, and objectives.3. Literature Review:- Synthesize and critically analyze the existing body of literature related to your research questions.- Demonstrate the knowledge of prior studies and their contributions, highlighting the specific reasons for conducting your research.4. Methodology:- Clearly explain the research design, sample selection, data collection, and analytical techniques employed.- Provide a step-by-step account of the methodology used and ensure its replicability.5. Results and Discussion:- Present and interpret the findings of your study.- Discuss and relate the results to the research questions and objectives, providing both theoretical and practical implications.6. Conclusion:- Summarize the main findings concisely.- Discuss the limitations of the study and suggest avenues for further research.Section 2: Formatting Styles and Guidelines1. Writing Style:- The AER follows the Chicago Manual of Style as the general writing style guide.- Ensure clarity, precision, and coherence in your writing.2. Citations and References:- Use the author-date citation style (also known as the Harvard style) for in-text citations.- Provide a comprehensive list of references at the end of the manuscript, following the Chicago Manual of Style guidelines.3. Statistical Tables and Figures:- Clearly label and title tables and figures.- Ensure proper citation and adequate explanations for each table and figure.Section 3: Manuscript Submission Guidelines1. Online Submission:- Submit your manuscript through the AER's online submission system.- Follow the instructions provided on the AER website for manuscript preparation and submission.2. Manuscript Length:- Generally, the length of an AER article should be between 5,000 to 10,000 words, excluding tables, figures, and references. However, this may vary depending on the specific publication category (e.g., regular article, short article, review article).3. Cover Letter and Supplementary Material:- Include a cover letter introducing your research and explaining its significance.- Provide any supplementary material (e.g., datasets, code) as per the AER's guidelines.Conclusion:Publishing in The American Economic Review requires adherence to specific formatting guidelines. By following the step-by-stepguide provided in this article, researchers can ensure that their submissions meet the high standards expected by the AER. Properly formatting manuscripts enhances the chances of acceptance and dissemination of groundbreaking economic research.。
Manuscript PreparationPage Length - Regular papers are limited to 10 Transactions pages, short papers to 5 Transactions pages, communication items to 3 Transactions pages, and survey papers to 14 Transactions pages. These page limits include everything needed for publication, e.g., figures and tables. For regular and survey papers only, authors are requested to include also current biographies (no more than 100 words) and recent photographs. For all categories, mandatory page charges are imposed on extra pages (see Page Charges below). The maximum acceptable length (with extra page charges) of the submitted PDF file in Transactions format is: 17 Transactions pages for regular papers, 9 Transactions pages for short papers, 4 Transactions pages for communication items, and 20 Transactions pages for survey papers. A mandatory page charge is imposed on all regular papers whose length exceeds 10 Transactions pages (and up to 17 pages), including illustrations and authors' biographies. This charge is $175 per page for each page over the first ten based on the final typeset length, and is a prerequisite for publication. The same policy applies to short papers exceeding 5 TRANSACTIONS pages (and up to 9 pages), to communication items exceeding 3 TRANSACTIONS pages (and up to 4 pages), and to survey papers exceeding14 TRANSACTIONS pages (and up to 20 pages).Paper Format - All manuscripts should be submitted in the double column format of the Transactions using an IEEE style file. Instructions and templates (LaTeX or Word) are downloadable from the IEEE "Article Preparation and Submission" section of the IEEE Author Digital Toolbox, together with other useful tools for authors. If you use LaTeX for preparing a short paper or a communication item, download the style files ( and then typeset your manuscript in the "technote paper" format, i.e., put the command "\documentclass[9pt,technote]{IEEEtran}" in your LaTeX file.When using the IEEE style format, the first (title) page will contain the paper title and each author's name, affiliation, and full address (mailing address, email address, and fax number), with the corresponding author clearly indicated, the abstract (no more than 200 words for regular or survey papers, and 50 words for short papers or communications items), the keywords (index terms), and the beginning of the main text of the paper. Do not use a cover page (the appearance should be just as published articles in the Transactions). Also, T-RO does not use double blind review and thus the authors' names should be indicated in the PDF of the paper. The type of submission (regular paper, short paper, communication item, or survey paper) may be indicated in the page header. Note that the PDF will be stamped by the system upon submission, so it is better not to interfere with this by overloading footer and header.Figures, Tables, and References - All figures and tables must be numbered and cited in the text. References must be in a separate reference section at the end of the paper, with items referred to by numerals in square brackets. References must be completed in IEEE style as follows: ∙Author(s), first initials followed by last name, title in quotation marks, periodical, volume, inclusive page numbers, month and year.∙Books: Author(s), first initials followed by last name, title, location, publisher, year, chapter, page numbers.Keywords Selection - A list of significant keywords (also named index terms) should be included inthe first page of each submitted paper. Select a minimum of 2 up to a maximum of 5 (recommended) keywords during one of the submission steps at the T-RO Papercept site /journals/tro. Keywords can be chosen from those predefined within the RAS subject areas (the ones used for ICRA conferences) or typed in freely (for at most 2 keywords). The current list of predefined T-RO keywords can be downloaded from here.PDF File Testing - Sometimes, PDF files generated with software or operative systems of Far East countries may have a font embedding problem with Chinese/Japanese/Korean fonts. This prevents the paper to be shown on screen or printed correctly with standard Western system configurations. We cannot expect that all reviewers are equipped with software extensions to work properly with such PDF files, slowing down the review process. Therefore, authors should carefully generate their PDF files and are urged to check them before submission by using the web facility accessible at the T-RO PaperCept site /journals/tro. The minimum version of acceptable PDF is currently 1.4.Copyright and E-Copyright Form - It is the policy of the IEEE to own the copyright to the technical contributions it publishes on behalf of the interests of the IEEE, its authors, and their employers, and to facilitate the appropriate reuse of this material by others. To comply with U.S. copyright law, authors are required to sign an IEEE copyright transfer form with the final manuscript. For your information, this form is available here. It returns to authors and their employers full rights to reuse their material for their own purposes. Authors of papers accepted for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ROBOTICS should fill the electronic copyright transfer form (E-Copyright) at the time of final submission of the material for publication.Chinese, Japanese, and Korean (CJK) Author Names - IEEE supports the publication of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean (CJK) author names in the native language alongside the English versions of the names in the author list of an article. For more information, please visit the IEEE Author Digital Tool Box.Inquiries - All pertinent correspondence relating to publications should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief. For routing inquiries, please contact the Editorial Assistant.Multimedia MaterialsThe IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ROBOTICS considers also multimedia attachments for material (typically, videos) accompanying the submission of a paper.Multimedia can be "playable" files (.mpeg, .avi, .wav, .mov, .midi, etc.) or "dataset" files (e.g., raw data with programs to manipulate them). Such material is intended to enhance the contents of a paper, both in clarity and in added value. IEEE has set up general guidelines for the submission of multimedia, ranging from the format, to the description of content and of user requirements, and to the way this material should be referenced to in the body of the paper. This information is available in the "Multimedia Materials" section of the IEEE "Author Digital Tool Box" through this link.In preparing this material, it is recommended to follow the general IEEE guidelines right from the initial submission. In addition, specific guidelines hold for the TRANSACTIONS ON ROBOTICS: ∙The paper should be self-contained, i.e., fully readable and understandable independently from the multimedia material.∙Videos should be prepared without using special codecs (coders/decoders) plug-ins andallowing portability under various platforms. Accordingly, the most common media formats are strongly recommended rather than their latest versions.∙Only freely available media players (e.g., QuickTime, RealPlayer, Microsoft Windows Media Player) should be required by users.∙ A "ReadMe.txt" file (in ASCII text format) should accompany the multimedia, describing: ∙Minimum requirements for the user. In particular, provide the version of the software that is required to play/run the submitted files. Include the name of thesoftware, the version number, and any special requirements for the player.∙Contact Information. The author should provide contact information in case users have questions regarding the multimedia material (IEEE will not provide anytechnical support for this).∙ A "Summary.txt" file (in ASCII text format) should also be prepared, describing in 5 sentences or less the contents or value of the multimedia object.Authors can submit their multimedia material (say, a video, the ReadMe file, and the Summary file) as a single zipped archive file(max 50 MB) during one of the submission steps at the T-RO Papercept site /journals/tro.The multimedia material will be reviewed together with the submitted paper. Once a paper and its associated multimedia material is accepted, the latter will be available in the T-RO page within IEEE Xplore (/xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?puNumber=8860), side-by-side to the PDF of the paper.。
在此结合网络牛人实际操作经验来总结下如何通过BankIt在线提交DNA 或RNA序列,供参考。
1.整理序列信息:包括病原采集地、病原的寄主、寄主症状、采集人等基本信息;还有序列分析结果,包括序列全长大小,开放阅读框(ORF)的长度、位置及特定ORF序列翻译的氨基酸序列等基因水平的信息,这对于接下来的快速准确提交序列及提交成功后为全世界其他作者准确全面分享此类信息很重要;2.登陆BackIt站点,注意到页面右边的“Sign in to use BankIt”标签,点击登录进入。
如果没有账号就注册一个(注意,此账号与ncbi 账号不通用)。
附注册账号步骤,需要填写的项目为:Title:你的职位或头衔First name:名last name:姓login:登陆名Affiliation:所属机构地址,一般填写自己学校地址E-mail Address:通信电邮,填完后会发随码到此电邮地址,使用随码进行登陆,当然登陆后可对密码进行重置;3.登陆BankIt,看到如下图所示界面,此时NCBI会自动分配一个SubmissionID,但不是最终的提交序列ID:接下来共有九个步骤(好事多磨):3.1 Contact Information填写个人、机构、电邮等资料集联系方式,如果错误该页会有ERROR提示直到正确填写,填写完毕点击CONTINUE;3.2 Reference填写参考作者信息(Reference author)及序列相关信息,比如该序列是否对应有文章,如单纯提交序列则只需选择Unpublished即可(Reference title项可以填入“Direct Submission”),有的话就填写已发表文章的信息(卷、期等),接下来会问你该序列的提交者是否是序列的发现者等信息,填写完毕点击CONTINUE;※提示:新版的BankIt中,接下来会有“Sequencing Technology”一项,呈现有454、Illumina、SOLiD及Other等测序方法选择,目前为“Sanger dideoxy sequencing”即一代测序方法测序,并且所提交的序列均为“assembled sequences”,目前的“assembly program”为“Lasergene,version 7.0”。
给报纸或杂志投稿有什么要求英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1What are the Requirements for Submitting to Newspapers or Magazines?Hi there! My name is Emma and I'm 10 years old. I love reading all kinds of books, magazines, and newspapers. My favorite sections are the comics, fun activities, and stories written by kids just like me!Recently, my teacher Mrs. Wilson told our class that we could try submitting our own writing to be published in a real newspaper or magazine. How cool is that? At first, I didn't know if I should even bother since I'm just a kid. But Mrs. Wilson said that kids' perspectives are really valued and a lot of publications have special sections just for us.So I decided to give it a try! I did some research to find out what the requirements usually are for submitting writing to get published. Here's what I learned...One of the most important things is to follow all the guidelines and instructions exactly. Every newspaper, magazine or website will have their own specific rules on things like:• What topics or subjects they accept• How long the writing should be (some want short pieces of 300 words or less, others accept longer)• What writing styles they prefer (fiction stories, poems, personal essays, reviews, etc.)• How and where to submit (via email, online form, regular mail, etc.)You have to read through all those guidelines super carefully. If you don't follow them precisely, your submission might get rejected before anyone even reads it!Another big requirement is that your writing has to be 100% your own original work. You can't just copy something from a book or website. That's plagiarism and it's like stealing someone else's creative work. Most publications USE plagiarism checkers to make sure everything is original.Your writing should also be nicely polished and free of careless spelling, grammar or punctuation errors. I always havemy mom or Mrs. Wilson proofread my work before I submit it anywhere. You want to put your best foot forward!It's usually good to include a brief bio introducing yourself and listing a few of your major achievements or interests. For example, my bio might say:"Emma Wilson is a 10-year-old 5th grader at Lakeview Elementary. She enjoys creative writing, reading, skating, and playing softball. Her short story 'The Runaway Puppy' won honorable mention in last year's statewide young writers' contest."Some publications want submissions to follow a particular theme or fit into a certain category. Like if they have an upcoming issue about environment & nature, they'll want stories or articles relating to that general topic. Other times, it's an open contest where you can write about whatever you want.You'll often need to include your full name, age, grade level, school, city and state/province along with your submission. That way they know it's legitimate writing from an actual kid or teen. If it's for a contest, there may be different categories divided up by age groups.Most bigger publications unfortunately don't allow submissions from allparts of the world due to legal requirements in their own country or region. But there are lots of great options for young writers no matter where you live!In terms of actually writing the piece itself, here are some tips:• Pick a topic, subject or story idea that you feelpassionate about and can discuss in a unique, creative way. Write about your personal experiences, observations and viewpoints.• Use language, vocabulary and humor suited for your age level. Don't try to sound too adult or formal.• Make sure to grab the reader's attention with an engaging opening line or paragraph. You want them to keep reading!• Add lots of specific, descriptive details and examples to make your writing come alive.• Tell stories in a logical, organized way with a clear beginning, middle and end.• Keep revising and ed iting until you've polished it to perfection.If your goal is just to get published somewhere without winning any prizes, there are tons of options like:• Your local newspaper's young writers section• Regional kid/teen magazines• Online writing blogs & communities• School & classroom publications• Contests sponsored by companies, libraries, etc.But if you're hoping to actually win some cool prizes or money, you'll want to aim for bigger, more competitive things like:• National or international writing contests for kids/teens• Publications likeHighlights, Stone Soup, Cricket and more• Youth editions of famous literary magazines/journalsJust be prepared that those major contests can receive thousands of entries from young writers all around the world. The chances of your piece getting selected are pretty slim. But you'll never know unless you try, right?The most important thing is to have fun with your writing, staying creative, and keeping at it. The more you write andsubmit your work, the better you'll get over time. Even if your first few pieces don't get published right away, don't get discouraged! Use the experience to learn how to improve for next time.Well, that's a basic overview of what's usually required when submitting writing to be published. It may seem like a lot of work, but it's a great way to share your stories, poems and articles with many readers beyond just your teacher and parents. I can't wait to get started on a new piece to submit myself. Happy writing!篇2What Do I Need to Submit My Writing to a Newspaper or Magazine?Hi there! My name is Emma and I'm 10 years old. I love writing stories, poems, and articles about things I'm interested in like animals, nature, and fun science facts. A few months ago, my teacher Mrs. Robinson told our class that we could try submitting some of our writing to be published in a newspaper or magazine for kids. How cool is that?At first, I wasn't sure what that really meant or if my writing was good enough. But Mrs. Robinson explained that there are lots of newspapers, magazines, and websites that are alwayslooking for writing by kids like me. She said it's a great way for us to share our voices, interests, and perspectives with other kids and grown-ups across our community or even the whole world!I got really excited about the idea of having my words printed up where lots of people could read them. My parents were proud of me too and said they would help make sure I followed all the guidelines. So what exactly do you need to do to submit writing to be published? Let me break it down for you:Pick Where to SubmitThe first step is choosing where you want to try submitting your writing. There are newspapers, magazines, websites, and blogs for all different topics and age groups. Mrs. Robinson had some examples to get us started like Stone Soup, Highlights High Five, and National Geographic Little Kids.She also said we could look for local publications in our town or state since they often have student sections too. My parents helped me find a few options that seemed like a good fit for the stuff I like writing about.Follow the Submission GuidelinesOnce you pick where you want to submit, you have to make sure you follow all their rules and requirements exactly. These areusually listed on their website under a "Submissions" or "Writers Guidelines" section.Some key things the guidelines cover are:What types of writing they accept (stories, poems, articles, reviews, etc.)How long or short it should be (Some have super specific word counts!)What the writing should be about (certain themes or topics)How and where to send it (email, online form, mail)What file formats they want (.doc, .pdf, etc.)If you need to include a cover letter or your bioThe guidelines might seem a little boring, but they are super important! If you don't follow them precisely, your submission could get rejected before anyone even reads it.Make It Your Best WorkSince you want the editors to seriously consider publishing your writing, you have to make sure it's absolutely your best effort. That means:Using correct spelling, grammar, and punctuationOrganizing your thoughts clearlyWriting on an appropriate topic for the publicationMaking sure it's original writing you came up with yourselfPolishing it up until it shines!My teacher Mrs. Robinson always has us write multiple drafts and revise our work. We also do peer editing where we help corrects each other's mistakes. It's a good idea to have parents, teachers or trusted friends take a look too before submitting.Be Patient and Don't Get DiscouragedEven if you follow all the rules and instructions, there's no guarantee your writing will get picked to be published right away. Newspapers and magazines can get hundreds or thousands of submissions from writers, even kids! So you might get a rejection at first, but don't let that stop you.Mrs. Robinson told us that even best-selling authors got lots of rejection letters before their books were finally published. The important thing is to stay positive, learn from any feedback you get, and keep working on improving your writing skills. If you don't give up, your chance will eventually come.Getting Published is RewardingWhile it isn't easy, successfully getting your writing published in a newspaper, magazine or website is such an amazing feeling! It means your hard work and creativity has been recognized by other people. You get to see your name printed as the author and know that potentially thousands of readers will be seeing your words.Even if you don't become a famous author, having published writing clips can help with applying for jobs, internships, or college one day. It shows you can communicate well through the written word. Who knows, you might even get "fan mail" from people who read and enjoyed your piece. How fun would that be?So those are the main things to know about submitting writing to get published. It takes patience, following directions precisely, and putting in your best effort. But in my opinion, it's totally worth it to see your hard work out there in the world! I'm going to keep writing and submitting as much as I can. Maybe I'll see your name in the byline too one day. Happy writing!篇3What Do I Need to Write for a Newspaper or Magazine?Hi everyone! My name is Sam and I'm 10 years old. I really love writing stories and poems, and my dream is to get published in a newspaper or magazine one day. But I wasn't sure what the requirements were, so I did some research. Let me share what I learned!First of all, you have to follow the guidelines and rules set by each publication. Every newspaper and magazine is a little different in what they want. Some only take certain types of writing, like short stories or opinion pieces. Others have strict word count limits you can't go over.The first step is to carefully read the submission guidelines for wherever you want to submit your work. Don't skip this part! If you don't follow the rules, your piece will likely get rejected before anyone even reads it.Most places want you to submit in a specific way, like by email with your work attached as a file. They'll tell you what file formats they accept, like Microsoft Word documents or PDF files. Make sure to send it exactly how they ask.Your submission also needs what's called a "cover letter." This is a brief letter introducing yourself and your work. You explain what the piece is about, why you think it's a good fit for that publication, and provide your contact information.In the cover letter, you'll need to share a little bit about your background too. Like if you're a student, you can mention your grade level, school, and any writing accomplishments or clubs you've been part of.Formatting is really important as well. That means setting up your document with the proper line spacing, margins, font, and so on. Each magazine or newspaper has its own formatting rules you need to follow exactly.For the actual writing piece itself, the key things are:• A catchy, attention-grabbing title• A strong opening that hooks the reader's interest• Clear writing that's easy to follow with proper spelling and grammar• Descriptions that create vivid images in the reader's mind• Characterized dialogue if there are conversations• Themes or messages that are relevant and meaningful• Unique ideas and perspectives• Showing personality and creativity• Following basic story structure for fiction• Accuracy for non-fiction• Proofreading it carefully before submittingThe professionals working at publications get a huge number of submissions, so first impressions are crucial. You need to start strong and maintain quality writing all the way through. Good storytelling skills and an authentic, engaging voice go a long way.Another important factor is being appropriate for the intended audience. A piece for a children's magazine should use simpler language and cover themes kids can relate to. For an adult publication, you can get more complex and cover more mature subject matter. Know who your readers will be and write for them.When you finally hit submit, be patient! It can take weeks or even months for a response. Don't get discouraged by rejection letters. Take any feedback provided and use it to improve your work for next time. Keep writing and keep submitting – that's the best way for an aspiring young writer to get published.It's normal to face a lot of rejection in the beginning, but if you persevere, your hard work and talent will eventually pay off. I'm going to keep practicing my skills, following submissionguidelines to a T, and working on developing my unique voice. Maybe one day you'll see my name in your local newspaper or a cool magazine!Those are the key requirements I learned about submitting writing to get published. It takes effort and a thick skin, but it's so worth it for writers to share their creativity with the world. I hope these tips help you take those first steps too. Happy writing!。
Author Final Paper Preparation and Submission Instructions论文定稿准备与提交指南Congratulations on having your paper accepted for publication in the proceedings of the 2009 First International Workshop on Education Technology and Computer Science (ETCS 2009)to be held7-8 March 2009 in Wuhan, Hubei, China您的论文在2009年3月7-8日于中国湖北省武汉市举办的首届教育技术与计算机科学国际研讨会上通过审核并发表,特致祝贺。
The proceedings production editor for this project is:该项目制作编辑是:BOB WERNER Bob Werner CPS Production Editor 大会出版服务 Conference Publishing Services (CPS)大会出版服务IEEE Computer Society IEEE 计算机协会10662 Los Vaqueros CircleLos Alamitos, California 90720-1314E-MAIL: bwerner@PHONE: +1 714 821 8380 Ext. 3102FAX: +1 714 761 1784The following information is provided to help you in the preparation and submission of your final paper as it will be published in the proceedings. Please follow all STEPs to insure the submission process is completed successfully.下列信息提供给您以帮助您准备并提交论文定稿。
细菌分类鉴定规程细菌分类鉴定规程杜艳、余翔、罗国升新菌鉴定主要流程:1、潜在新菌的确定拿到拼接好的16Sr RNA gene序列后,进入NCBI blastN (或EzTaxon server (进行比较,同源性低于98%的序列(同源性处于98-97%之间的序列最好少于3株),可初步判断存在新菌的可能。
2、选择标准菌株构建进化树选择参考菌株构建三种进化树(NJ、MP和ML),构建进化树是需要注意以下几点:1)所选择的序列必须都是在IJSEM上正式发表的序列,2)所选择的参考菌株必须包含新菌所在属的所有标准菌株,3)需要选择新菌所在科的一些与新种所在属相近的属的type species作为参考菌株,4)需要选择一个远源的菌株作为参考菌株,如:E. coli。
标准菌株的选择需遵循以下几点:1) 如果要用到不同的属但不是用这些属的所有的种,则要选择这些属的模式种,并且要选择模式种的模式菌株。
2) 一个属的模式种是最重要的参照微生物,如果一个新种被认为属于这个属,就一定要与该属的模式种进行比较,而其他的种可能分类时出现错误,可能将来会被重新分类。
索要文献英文感谢信篇一:英文感谢信感谢信开头段常用句式和套话I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for (I)am writing to express my thanks for...I am writing to show my sincere appreciation for...I would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt thanks to you for...I feel deeply indebted to you and I really don't know how to thank you enough for your help.感谢信结尾段常用句式和套话I must thank you again for your generous help.I am most grateful for your selfless donation.My true gratitude is beyond the word's description.I feel most obliged to thank you once more.Please accept my gratitude, now and always.★例:Directions:After being involved in an accident, you were looked after by another person. Write a letter:1) mentioning what happened in the accident,2) telling the person about your recovery, and3) expressing your thanks.You should write with no less than 100 words on Answer Sheet 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use "Li Ming" instead. You do not need to write the address. 范文:Dear John,I am writing to thank you for looking after me after that unfortunate accident the other day, when I was knocked off my bike by a taxi. If it had not been for your assistance in giving me first aid and taking me to a nearby hospital, I fear that the consequences might have been much more seriousDear staff,I am writing to show my sincere gratitude for all of you. Now that I am home and on my own again I feel extremely happy. During the time I lived at the Rehabilitation center and was under your tender care, I promised myself I would write a letter of thanks as soon as I was able.Abundant thanks to each one of you for your patience, expertise and genuine concern. It was you who helped me believe in myself and gave me assurance that I could walk again. I would never forget each word you said tome and the things you have done to me. Forgive me for the times I lashed out at you in frustration and thank you for understanding and remaining firm with me.Never stop your beautiful way of working with people. Your help really means a lot to me and anyone who in trouble as well.Affectionately,Wang Fang译文亲爱的全体工作人员:我写这封信是为了表达我对你们的真诚感谢。
revise and resubmit as regular paper
revise and resubmit as regular paper"Revise and resubmit as a regular paper" typically refers to a situation in academic publishing where an author is given feedback by reviewers and the editor to make revisions to their submitted manuscript. After making these revisions, the author is then expected to resubmit the manuscript for further review.If you have received feedback suggesting revisions for your paper and the opportunity to resubmit it as a regular paper, here are some general steps to consider:1. **Review Feedback:** Carefully go through the feedback provided by the reviewers and editor. Understand the comments, suggestions, and any required revisions.2. **Make Revisions:** Address the comments and suggestions made by the reviewers. Revise the manuscript accordingly, ensuring clarity, coherence, and addressing any concerns raised during the review process.3. **Follow Guidelines:** Adhere to the specific guidelines and formatting requirements outlined by the journal. Ensure that yourrevised manuscript meets all the criteria for a regular paper submission.4. **Include a Response Letter:** Along with your revised manuscript, include a response letter where you acknowledge each comment made by the reviewers and explain how you addressed or incorporated their suggestions.5. **Highlight Changes:** Clearly indicate the changes you made in the revised manuscript. This helps the reviewers and editor quickly identify the modifications.6. **Submit as Instructed:** Follow the submission instructions provided by the journal. This may involve submitting the revised manuscript through an online submission system or via email.Remember that the goal is to improve the quality of your paper based on the feedback received. Take the opportunity to strengthen your work before resubmitting.。
CALL FOR PAPERS: CFP BIODEVICES 2010BIODEVICES is organized by INSTICC (Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication).SCOPEThe purpose of the 3rd International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices is to bring together researchers and practitioners from electronics and mechanical engineering, interested in studying and using models, equipments and materials inspired from biological systems and/or addressing biological requirements. Monitoring devices, instrumentation sensors and systems, biorobotics, micro-nanotechnologies and biomaterials are some of the technologies addressed at this conference.BIODEVICES encourages authors to submit papers to one of the main topics indicated below, describing original work, including methods, techniques, advanced prototypes, applications, systems, tools or general survey papers, reporting research results and/or indicating future directions. Accepted papers will be presented at the conference by one of the authors and published in the proceedings. Acceptance will be based on quality, relevance and originality. There will be both oral and poster sessions.The proceedings will be indexed by several major international indexers.Special sessions are also welcome. Please contact the secretariat for further information on how to propose a special session. Additional information can be found at .CONFERENCE TOPICS- Biomedical Instrumentation- Biomedical Equipment- Biomedical Sensors- Biomedical Metrology- Microelectronics- Health Monitoring Devices- Embedded Signal Processing- Low-Power Design- Electrical Bio-Impedance- Bio-Electromagnetism- Biorobotics- Biocomputing and Biochips- Implantable Electronics- Emerging Technologies- Biotelemetry- Wireless Systems- Biomaterials- Power Sources- MEMS- Nanotechnologies- Biomechanical Devices- Artificial Limbs- Technologies Evaluation- BioprintingKEYNOTE SPEAKERSPeter D. Karp, Director Bioinformatics Research Group, Artificial Intelligence Center, United States(List not yet complete)PAPER SUBMISSIONAuthors should submit an original paper in English, carefully checked for correct grammar and spelling, using the on-line submission procedure. Please check the paper formats so you may be aware of the accepted paper page limits.The guidelines for paper formatting provided at the conference web site must be strictly used for all submitted papers. The submission format is the same as the camera-ready format. Please check and carefully follow the instructions and templates provided.Each paper should clearly indicate the nature of itstechnical/scientific contribution, and the problems, domains or environments to which it is applicable.Papers that are out of the conference scope or contain any form of plagiarism will be rejected without reviews.Remarks about the on-line submission procedure:1. A "double-blind" paper evaluation method will be used. Tofacilitate that, the authors are kindly requested to produce andprovide the paper, WITHOUT any reference to any of the authors. This means that is necessary to remove the authors personal details, the acknowledgements section and any reference that may disclose the authors identity.LaTeX/PS/PDF/DOC/DOCX/RTF format are accepted.2. The web submission procedure automatically sends an acknowledgement, by e-mail, to the contact author.Paper submission types:Regular Paper SubmissionA regular paper presents a work where the research is completed or almost finished. It does not necessary means that the acceptance is as a full paper. It may be accepted as a 揻ull paper?(30 min. oral presentation) , a 搒hort paper? (20 min. oral presentation) or a損oster?Position Paper SubmissionA position paper presents an arguable opinion about an issue. The goal of a position paper is to convince the audience that your opinion is valid and worth listening to, without the need to present completed research work and/or validated results. It is, nevertheless, important to support your argument with evidence to ensure the validity of your claims. A position paper may be a short report and discussion of ideas, facts, situations, methods, procedures or results of scientific research (bibliographic, experimental, theoretical, or other) focused on one of the conference topic areas. The acceptance of a position paper is restricted to the categories of "short paper" or "poster", i.e. a position paper is not a candidate to acceptance as "full paper".Camera-ready:After the reviewing process is completed, the contact author (the author who submits the paper) of each paper will be notified of the result, by e-mail. The authors are required to follow the reviews in order to improve their paper before the camera-ready submission.All accepted papers will be published in the proceedings, under an ISBN reference, on paper and on CD-ROM support.PUBLICATIONSAll accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, under an ISBN reference, on paper and on CD-ROM support.A book including a selection of the best conference papers will be edited and published by Springer.IMPORTANT DATESConference date: 20 - 23 January, 2010Regular Paper Submission: July 21, 2009Authors Notification (regular papers): October 7, 2009Final Regular Paper Submission and Registration: October 21, 2009SECRETARIATBIODEVICES SecretariatAddress: Av. D.Manuel I, 27A 2ºesq.2910-595 Set鷅al - PortugalTel.: +351 265 520 185Fax: + 44 203 014 5436Email: **********************************Web: VENUEValencia was founded by the ancient Romans in 137 BC and has been pillaged, burned and besieged numerous times by various conquerors over the centuries since, but the vivacious Spanish city has sailed into the second millennium as Europe's quintessential sophisticated modern holiday city, a favoured location for the America's Cup yacht race. Situated on the Mediterranean coast about four hours south of Barcelona, Valencia is spread out around its busy port and backed by the hills which give way to the plains of Aragon.Valencia oozes traditional character, particularly in its old town (El Carmen), and has retained its cultural heritage not only in the form of medieval architecture but also in its quirky, exuberant festivals (like the Battle of the Flowers, the fireworks of Fallas and one dedicated to tomato-hurling). The Valencians even have their own language. Amid the old, Valencia has very much that is new, including its major attraction, the ultra-modern City of Arts and Sciences, which draws around four million appreciative visitors each year.Outdoors it is hard to beat the golden beaches which fan out from theport along the coast, and the sprawling city offers plenty of green parks for strolling, cycling or simply lolling on a bench to get your breath back after indulging in the vibrancy of the city. Football is also a local passion, Valencia's team being at the top of the game, and fans should not miss the atmosphere at one of the carnival-like matches.When night falls, dine on paella, which originated here, and then hit the high spots, because Valencia is renowned for its livelycollection of bars and clubs. It may sound clich閐, but Valencia does indeed fit the bill as the holiday city, which 'has it all'.CONFERENCE CO-CHAIRSAna Fred, IST - Technical University of Lisbon, PortugalJoaquim Filipe, Polytechnic Institute of Set鷅al / INSTICC, Portugal Hugo Gamboa, Instituto de Telecomunica珲es, PortugalPROGRAM COMMITTEEAvailable soon.。
邀请通知摄影比赛英语作文Title: Invitation to Photography Competition。
Dear Photography Enthusiasts,。
We are thrilled to extend our warmest invitation to all passionate photographers to participate in our upcoming Photography Competition, scheduled to take place on [date] at [venue]. This competition promises to be an exhilarating showcase of talent, creativity, and visual storytelling, and we eagerly anticipate your contributions to make it a resounding success.Purpose:The primary objective of this competition is to celebrate the art of photography and provide a platform for aspiring and established photographers alike to exhibit their skills and share their unique perspectives with a broader audience. Through this event, we aim to foster avibrant community of photography enthusiasts and encourage the exchange of ideas, techniques, and inspirations.Theme:This year, the theme of the competition is "[Theme]." Participants are encouraged to interpret the theme in their own distinctive way, allowing for a diverse range of subject matter, styles, and interpretations. Whether you choose to explore the beauty of nature, capture the essence of human emotions, or delve into abstract concepts, we welcome your creative interpretations that reflect your individuality and vision.Categories:To accommodate various interests and specialties within the realm of photography, we have curated the following categories:1. Landscape Photography。
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Title:On the Implementation of Unreliable Failure Detectorsin Partially Synchronous Systems1Authors:Mikel Larrea,Universidad del Pa´ıs Vasco,20018San Sebasti´a n,Spain,rrea@si.ehu.esAntonio Fern´a ndez,Universidad Rey Juan Carlos,28933M´o stoles,Spain, afernandez@Sergio Ar´e valo,Universidad Rey Juan Carlos,28933M´o stoles,Spain,s.arevalo@escet.urjc.esContact author:Mikel LarreaDepartamento de Arquitectura y Tecnolog´ıa de ComputadoresUniversidad del Pa´ıs VascoPaseo Manuel de Lardizabal120018San Sebasti´a n,SpainTelephone:+34943015084FAX:+34943219306E-mail:rrea@si.ehu.esSubmission category:Regular paper.1Parts of this paper appeared in preliminary version form in the Proceedings of the13th International Symposium on DIstributed Computing(DISC’99)and the Proceedings of the10th Euromicro Workshop on Parallel,Distributed,and Network-based Processing(PDP-2002).Research partially supported by the Basque Government,under grant BFI96.043,the Spanish Research Council(CICYT),under grants TIC99-0280-C02-02,TEL99-0582,TIC98-1032-C03-01,and TIC2001-1586-C03-01,the Madrid Regional Research Council(CAM),under grant CAM-07T/00112/1998,and the URJC under grant PPRC-2001/10.Abstract:Unreliable failure detectors were proposed by Chandra and Toueg as mechanisms that provide information about process failures.Chandra and Toueg defined eight classes of failure detectors,depending on how accurate this information is,and presented an algorithm implementing a failure detector of one of these classes in a partially syn-chronous system.This algorithm is based on all-to-all communication,and periodically exchanges a number of messages that is quadratic on the number of processes.In this paper we study the implementability of different classes of failure detectors in several models of partial synchrony.Wefirst show that no failure detector with perpetual accuracy(namely,P,Q,S,and W)can be implemented in these models in systems with even a single failure.We also show that,in these models of partial synchrony,it is necessary a majority of correct processes to implement a failure detector of the classΘproposed by Aguilera et al.This implies that a failure detector of class Θcan be implemented iffthere is a majority of correct processes.Then,we present a family of distributed algorithms that implement the four classes of unreliable failure detectors with eventual accuracy(namely,3P,3Q,3S,and3W).Our algorithms are based on a logical ring arrangement of the processes,which defines the monitoring and failure information propagation pattern.The resulting algorithms periodically exchange at most a linear number of messages.Keywords:Consensus problem,crash failures,distributed systems,failure detection,partial syn-chrony,unreliable failure detectors.On the Implementation of Unreliable Failure Detectors in Partially Synchronous SystemsMikel Larrea†Antonio Fern´a ndez‡Sergio Ar´e valo§1IntroductionThe Consensus problem is considered one of the fundamental problems in distributed com-puting.However,it was shown by Fischer et al.[6]that the Consensus problem cannot be solved deterministically in an asynchronous system in which processes can fail.This result, known as the FLP impossibility,generated a series of works that tried to identify the amount of synchrony needed to solve Consensus in the presence of failures,and showed how to solve Consensus in these partially synchronous systems[4,5].An alternative and elegant approach to circumvent the unsolvability of Consensus in asynchronous systems was proposed by Chandra and Toueg[3].They augmented the asyn-chronous model of computation with unreliable failure rmally,an unreliable failure detector is a distributed“oracle”that gives(possibly incorrect)hints about which processes of the system have crashed.Based on two basic abstract properties(namely,com-pleteness and accuracy),Chandra and Toueg proposed eight different classes of unreliable failure detectors,and showed that Consensus could be solved in an asynchronous system with any of them.†Universidad del Pa´ıs Vasco,20018San Sebasti´a n,Spain,‡Universidad Rey Juan Carlos,28933M´o stoles,Spain,afernandez@§Universidad Rey Juan Carlos,28933M´o stoles,Spain,s.arevalo@escet.urjc.es1Chandra-Toueg’s model of unreliable failure detectors can be viewed as an abstract way of incorporating partial synchrony assumptions into the model of computation.Instead of focusing on the timing assumptions of a given model of partial synchrony,their model of failure detectors considers abstract properties that must be satisfied in order to solve Con-sensus.However,the synchrony assumptions are in fact encapsulated in the failure detector. Clearly,systems using these unreliable failure detectors are no longer truly asynchronous; they merely produce the illusion of an asynchronous system by encapsulating all references to time in the failure detector.This leads to the practical problem of implementing a given failure detector in a specific model of synchrony.From the FLP impossibility result[6]and the possibility of solving Consensus using unreliable failure detectors[3],one can establish the impossibility of implementing any of Chandra-Toueg’s classes of failure detectors in a purely asynchronous system.(Such an implementation could be used to solve Consensus in an asynchronous system,contradicting the FLP impossibility result.)On the other hand,in a fully synchronous system even a Perfect failure detector(i.e.,one that does not make mistakes)can be implemented.In such a system,one can build a simple timeout-based algorithm that reliably detects the failure of processes.1.1Partial SynchronyDistributed algorithms can be designed under different assumptions of system behaviors,i.e., system models.One of the main assumptions in which system models can differ is related to the timing aspects.Most models focus on two timing attributes:the time taken for message delivery across a communication channel,and the time taken by a processor to execute a piece of code.Depending on whether these attributes are bounded or not,and on the knowledge of these bounds,they can be classified as synchronous,asynchronous,or partially synchronous[5].A timing attribute is synchronous if there is a knownfixed upper bound on it.On the other hand,it is asynchronous if there is no bound on it.Finally,a timing2attribute is partially synchronous if it is neither synchronous nor asynchronous.Dwork et al.[5]consider two kinds of partial synchrony.In thefirst one,the timing attributes are bounded,but the bounds are unknown.In the second one,the timing attributes are bounded and the bounds are known,but they hold only after an unknown stabilization interval.They showed that Consensus can be solved in both models and that a majority of correct processes is required.Chandra and Toueg[3]propose another kind of partial synchrony,in which the timing attributes are bounded,but the bounds are unknown and hold only after an unknown stabilization interval.They showed how to implement a failure detector strong enough to solve Consensus in this model.Although the asynchronous model(in which at least one of the timing attributes is asynchronous)is attractive for designing distributed algorithms,it is well known that a number of distributed problems cannot be solved deterministically in asynchronous systems in which processes can fail.For instance,as we said above,Consensus cannot be solved deterministically in an asynchronous system that is subject to even a single process failure [6],while it can be solved in both synchronous and partially synchronous systems[3,4,5].In fact,the ability to solve these synchronization distributed problems closely depends on the ability to detect failures.In a synchronous system,reliable failure detection is possible.One can reliably detect failures using timeouts.(The timeouts can be derived from the known upper bounds on message delivery time and processing time.)On the other hand,in an asynchronous system it is impossible to distinguish a failed process from a very slow one. Thus,reliable failure detection is impossible.However,even if it is sufficient,reliable failure detection is not necessary to solve most of these problems.As we already mentioned,Chandra and Toueg[3]introduced unreliable failure detectors(i.e.,failure detectors that can make mistakes),and showed how they can be used to solve Consensus and Atomic Broadcast.Guerraoui et al.[7]showed how unreliable failure detectors can be used to solve the Non-Blocking Atomic Commitment problem.31.2Unreliable Failure DetectorsAn unreliable failure detector is an oracle that gives hints about crashed processes.In a system with a failure detector,each process has access to a local failure detector module, which monitors other processes in the system and maintains a set of those that it currently suspects to have crashed.A failure detector module can make mistakes by not suspecting a crashed process or by erroneously adding processes to its set of suspects,i.e.,it can suspect that a process p has crashed even though p is still running.If it laterfinds that suspecting p was a mistake,it can remove p from its set of suspects.Thus,each module may repeatedly add and remove processes from its set of suspected processes.Furthermore,at any given time the failure detector modules at two different processes may have different sets of suspects.Chandra and Toueg characterized a class of failure detectors by specifying the complete-ness and accuracy properties that failure detectors in that class must satisfy.Roughly speak-ing,the completeness property requires that every process that actually crashes is eventually suspected,while the accuracy property restricts the mistakes(i.e.,false suspicions)that a failure detector can make.Chandra and Toueg defined two completeness and four accuracy properties in[3],which combined gave rise to eight classes of failure detectors.Regarding completeness,they proposed the following two properties:•Strong Completeness.Eventually every process that crashes is permanently suspected by every correct process.•Weak Completeness.Eventually every process that crashes is permanently suspected by some correct process.And regarding accuracy,the following four properties:•(Perpetual)Strong Accuracy.No process is suspected before it crashes.•(Perpetual)Weak Accuracy.Some correct process is never suspected.•Eventual Strong Accuracy.There is a time after which correct processes are not sus-pected by any correct process.4•Eventual Weak Accuracy.There is a time after which some correct process is never suspected by any correct process.Failure detectors with eventual accuracy may suspect every process at one time or another, while failure detectors with perpetual accuracy require that at least one correct process is never suspected.Note that,in isolation,completeness and accuracy are useless.For example,strong completeness can be satisfied by forcing every process to permanently suspect every other process in the system.Similarly,strong accuracy can be satisfied by forcing every process to never suspect any process in the system.Such failure detectors are clearly useless,since they provide no information about failures.To be useful,a failure detector must have some completeness and some accuracy.AccuracyCompleteness Strong Weak Eventual Strong Eventual Weak Strong Perfect Strong Eventually Perfect Eventually StrongP S3P3S Weak Quasi-Perfect Weak Eventually Quasi-Perfect Eventually WeakQ W3Q3WFigure1:Eight classes of failure detectors defined in terms of completeness and accuracy.Combining one of the two completeness properties with one of the four accuracy prop-erties we obtain one class of failure detectors.There are eight different classes,which are presented in Figure1.In this paper we denote the four classes with perpetual accuracy as perpetual,and the four classes with eventual accuracy as eventual.As we said,Chandra and Toueg showed in[3]that any of the failure detectors of Figure1can be used to solve Consensus.Chandra and Toueg[3]also proposed a timeout-based implementation of a3P failure detector in a system with partial synchrony.Since any failure detector of class3P also belongs to classes3Q,3S,and3W,they in fact showed the implementability of the four eventual classes of failure detectors.In their algorithm,each process periodically sends a5message to the rest of processes in order to inform them that it has not crashed.If there are n processes in the system and C r of them do not fail in a run r,at least n C r messages are periodically exchanged with this algorithm.Concerning the perpetual classes of failure detectors,i.e.,P,Q,S,and W,they were neither shown to be implementable nor shown to be impossible to implement in models of partial synchrony.Another class of failure detectors was proposed by Aguilera et[1].They called this classΘand showed that the failure detectors in this class are the weakest required to solve uniform reliable broadcast.We can define the classΘin terms of completeness and accuracy properties.Let us say that a process p trusts another process q at a given time t if p does not suspect q at time t;then,a failure detector belongs to classΘif it satisfies the following properties:•Θ-completeness.There is a time after which correct processes do not trust any process that crashes1.•Θ-accuracy.If there is a correct process then,at every time,every process trusts at least one correct process.Note that a process may be trusted even if it has actually crashed.Moreover,the correct process trusted by a process p is allowed to change over time(in fact,it can change infinitely often),and it is not necessarily the same as the correct process trusted by another process q.Aguilera et al.proposed in[1]an algorithm implementingΘin an asynchronous system with a majority of correct processes.1.3Our ResultsIn this paper we study the possibility of implementing several classes of failure detectors in partially synchronous systems.We start with the four perpetual classes(P,Q,S,and W) out of the eight classes of failure detector classes proposed in[3].We show that none of 1Θ-completeness is the same as strong completeness,since a trust is just the complement of a suspicion.6these four classes can be implemented in a partially synchronous system with failures(even with one single failure).The partial synchrony assumptions we make in our system are at least as strong as those made in[3,5],which means that our results apply to their models of partial synchrony as well.Atfirst glance,our result may seem evident.Nevertheless,even if the proofs are not very difficult,the result itself is far from being trivial.To understand it,note that Consensus can be solved–without perpetual failure detectors–in the models of partial synchrony considered in this paper,while we show that no one of the perpetual failure detectors defined by Chandra and Toueg can be implemented in these models.This means that,even if they suffice, perpetual failure detectors are not necessary to solve Consensus.Actually,eventual failure detectors suffice2,which is not strange,knowing that Consensus requires that the unanimous decision has to be reached eventually.From the previous,it can also be derived that the problem of implementing perpetual failure detectors is harder than solving Consensus in the models of partial synchrony considered in this paper.We complete the impossibility results of this paper showing that it is impossible to implement a failure detector of classΘin these partially synchronous systems if there is not a majority of correct processes.Since Aguilera et al.[1]also presented an algorithm implementingΘin an asynchronous system with a majority of correct processes,our result identifies the majority of correct processes as a necessary and sufficient condition forΘfailure detectors to be implemented in partially synchronous systems.Then,we present algorithms that implement unreliable failure detectors of each of the four eventual classes(3P,3Q,3S,and3W)in partially synchronous systems.Our algorithms (and particularly our3P algorithm)are more efficient in terms of messages periodically exchanged than the3P algorithm presented in[3].Moreover,they strictly implement failure detectors of the corresponding class.Then,the3W failure detector implemented does not belong to3Q nor3S,and the3Q and3S failure detectors implemented do not belong to 2This follows directly from the fact that3W is the weakest failure detector for solving Consensus[2], and perpetual failure detectors are stronger than3W.73P.This shows the possibility of implementing each class without implementing a stronger one.Our algorithms have been designed,and are presented,as a sequence of refinements.First, we present an algorithm that provides weak completeness.Next,we show how to extend this algorithm to provide eventual weak accuracy.This extended algorithm implements a 3W failure detector.Next,we present two other extensions which strengthen the accuracy and the completeness,respectively,implementing the stronger failure detectors.In all these algorithms,each correct process monitors only one other process in a cyclic fashion.The monitoring process performs this task by repeatedly polling the monitored process.Each polling involves only two messages exchanged between the monitoring and monitored processes.If the pollings were done periodically,a total of no more than2n messages would be periodically exchanged.Eventually,in a run r,this amount becomes at most2C r(being C r the number of processes that do not fail in r),which is a significant improvement over the at least n C r messages of Chandra and Toueg’s algorithm.The rest of the paper is organized as follows.In Section2we present the system model we will consider in the paper.In Section3we present the impossibility results.In Section4 we present the algorithms that implement the eventual classes of failure detectors.Finally, Section5concludes the paper.2System Model2.1Processes and FailuresWe consider a distributed system consisting of afinite setΠof n processes,Π={p1,p2,...,p n}, that communicate only by sending and receiving messages.Every pair of processes is as-sumed to be connected by a reliable communication channel.Processes can fail by crashing,that is,by prematurely halting.Crashes are permanent, i.e.,crashed processes do not recover.In every run r of the system we identify two comple-8mentary subsets ofΠ:the subset of processes that do not fail,denoted correct r,and the subset of processes that do fail,denoted crashed r.We use f to denote a known upper bound on the number of crashed processes in the system in any run,which we assume is always less than n,i.e.,∀r:|crashed r|≤f<n.We also assume that failures are symmetric,i.e.,a priori any process in the system can crash.For a given run r,for every process p in crashed r to denote the instant at which p crashes in r.Finally,when needed we use we use T crash rpC r to denote the number of correct processes in run r,which we assume is at least one,i.e.,∀r:C r=|correct r|>0.2.2Partial SynchronyIn order to define the level of synchrony of a system we use two parameters,the transmission delay of messages and the relative speeds of processes.In the asynchronous model there are no upper bounds on one or both of these parameters.Thus,to say that a system is asynchronous is to make no timing assumptions.In the synchronous model there are known upper bounds, which we denote by∆andΦ,respectively,on the transmission delay of messages and the relative speeds of processes.Between the synchronous and the asynchronous models there is a whole range of possible models of synchrony.We call these partially synchronous models.Dwork et al.[5]consider the following two models of partial synchrony:•M1:in every run of the system,there are upper bounds∆andΦon the transmission delay of messages and the relative speeds of processes,respectively,but these bounds are not known.•M2:bounds exist and are known,but they hold only after some unknown(butfinite) time GST(for Global Stabilization Time).A system that conforms to model M2can be seen as asynchronous up to GST,and as synchronous after GST.Thus,M2can be seen as an eventually synchronous model.However, it is important to note that the actual value of GST is not known and can vary from run to run.9In the original model M2of Dwork et al.messages sent before GST can get lost.To be consistent with the assumption of reliable channels,we will assume here that no message is lost.Since we only use model M2to show impossibility results,this later assumption does not restrict our results in any way.Any impossibility result shown with this model also applies to the model with messages losses.In[3],Chandra and Toueg proposed a weaker model of partial synchrony M3,which somehow generalizes the two previous models M1and M2:•M3:bounds∆andΦexist,but they are not known and they hold only after some unknown(butfinite)time GST.A system that conforms to model M3can be seen as asynchronous up to GST,and as a system conforming to model M1after GST.Note that every system that conforms to models M1or M2also conforms to model M3.In their initial definition,Chandra and Toueg considered a model M3in which no message can get lost(even before GST).They later considered the possibility of message losses before GST.For simplicity,in this work we consider a model M3without message losses.It is not hard to modify the algorithms presented to deal with losses,but that would imply an increase on the number of messages exchanged.2.3Implementation of Failure DetectorsA distributed failure detector can be viewed as a set of n failure detection modules,each one attached to a different process in the system.These modules cooperate to satisfy the required properties of the failure detector.Each module maintains a list of the processes it suspects to have crashed.These lists can differ from one module to another at a given time.In this paper,we only describe the behavior of the failure detection modules in order to implement a failure detector,but not the behavior of the processes they are attached to.For this reason,in the rest of the paper we will mostly use the term process instead of failure detection module.It will be clear from the context if we are referring to the failure detection10module or the process attached to it.We consider that a process cannot crash independently of its attached failure detection module.3Impossibility Results of Implementing Failure De-tectorsIn this section we show various impossibility results,being the main of them the impossibility of implementing perpetual failure detectors.When proving impossibility results,it is conve-nient to consider the strongest model of partial synchrony,because the impossibility applies directly to the weaker ones.Hence,we will consider in our proofs of impossibility models M1 and M2.Furthermore,when considering model M1we will assume that the bound on the relative speeds of processesΦis known,while only the bound on the transmission delay of messages∆is unknown3.Clearly,this model is stronger than M1and M3,and any negative result will apply to these models as well.We will also assume that communication channels are completely reliable under both models.As we will see,the impossibility proofs are the same for both models,with minor variations,which will be pointed out.3.1Any Implementation of a Perpetual Failure Detector in ModelM1Requires a Majority of Correct ProcessesThere is a simple proof that any implementation in model M1of a perpetual failure detector requires a majority of correct processes.The proof basically shows that any implementation of a failure detector of class W in the model of partial synchrony M1(and thus in model M3)requires f<n/2.The proof,which uses contradiction,goes as follows.It is shown in[5]that the smallest number of processes for which a Consensus protocol that tolerates f failures exists in the 3Actually,the results hold if at least one of the two bounds is unknown.Intuitively,any slowness of the relative speeds of processes can always be attributed to the slowness of the transmission of messages and vice versa.11model of partial synchrony M1is2f+1.In other words,any protocol that solves Consensus in model M1requires a majority of correct processes,i.e.,f<n/2.Let us assume now that we have an algorithm A that implements a failure detector of class W in model M1with f≥n/2.In[3],Chandra and Toueg propose a Consensus protocol based on W4that tolerates up to n−1faulty processes in asynchronous systems with n processes.In other words,Chandra-Toueg’s protocol does not require a majority of correct processes.Clearly,one could run this protocol on top of A and solve Consensus in model M1with f≥n/2,which is a contradiction.Note that this argument shows that W cannot be implemented in the model of partial synchrony M1without a majority of correct processes,but it says nothing about the pos-sibility of implementing W with a majority of correct processes,i.e.,when f<n/2.In the following section we show the impossibility even when there is only one faulty process. Furthermore,the above proof only applies to the models M1and M3of partial synchrony, while the results of the following section also apply to model M2.3.2Impossibility of Implementing Perpetual Failure DetectorsIn this section,we show that none of the perpetual failure detector classes(i.e.,P,Q,S, and W)can be implemented in the models of partial synchrony M1and M2.3.2.1An Outline of the ResultFrom the relationship between failure detector classes described in[3],it would be sufficient to show the impossibility result for the failure detector class W,since W is the weakest of the four classes of failure detectors satisfying perpetual accuracy.For the sake of the presentation we prefer to start showing the result for the failure detector classes satisfying perpetual strong accuracy(P and Q)and then show it for those satisfying perpetual weak accuracy(S and W).In both cases,the approach followed is assuming the existence of a 4Actually,their protocol is based on S,but they also show that failure detector classes W and S are equivalent.12failure detector satisfying a completeness property,and showing that the perpetual accuracy property is violated.The principle used to prove the impossibility is to consider different runs of the system –with and without crashes–such that they look identical for some correct processes up to certain time t.Hence,these processes can take the same actions in both kinds of runs up to t,in particular in what concerns the suspicion of other processes.We show that by doing this,the required perpetual accuracy is violated,and thus the failure detector does not implement any of the four perpetual failure detector classes defined in[3].To construct a run without a crash that looks identical up to time t to one with a crash,we assume that the appropriate messages are delayed beyond t.This can happen if the value of the parameter ∆or GST(depending on the synchrony model)is larger than t.This is a valid assumption, since the values of these parameters are unknown,and can be chosen freely for a given run if required.Wefirst show the impossibility result for failure detector classes P and Q.For that,one single incorrect suspicion of a correct process by another correct process is sufficient,since this violates the perpetual strong accuracy property.Then,we extend the result to failure detector classes S and W,by showing a run of the system in which all the correct processes are erroneously suspected at least once,thus violating perpetual weak accuracy5.3.2.2Impossibility for P and Q(Perpetual Strong Accuracy)In this section,we show the impossibility result for failure detector classes P and Q.Let Σbe a partially synchronous distributed system that conforms to model M1or model M2, made up of n>1processes,such that at least one of them is correct,i.e.,at most f<n of them may crash.Theorem1Let F DΣbe a failure detector,implemented on the systemΣ,that satisfies the weak completeness property.Then F DΣcannot satisfy the strong accuracy property.5Note that an algorithm implementing any given class D of failure detectors must satisfy the properties that characterize D in any run.13。