The QCD phase diagram at finite density




The Phase diagram suggested by Roberge and Weiss
First order
Nt 1 t 0
Polyakov loop Chiral condensate
P( x ) Tr[U t ( x )]
with β=6/g2
利用 Wilson 费米子, 则费米子矩阵为:
在需要考虑化学势时,代换费米子作用量中时间方向的链, 引入化学势。
引入化学势后, 对SU(3)
M ( 5† M 5 )† , ( 0) M ( 5† M 5 )† , ( 0)
费米子矩阵的行列式为复数, 使得Monte Carlo模拟不能进行。
N inv
From hot start cold start
Results from the scanning along the temperature axis, i.e. beta axis.
Critical beta as a function of imaginary chemical potential
• 连续的夸克作用量
• 在格点上代换为离散的夸克作用量
a. Improved reweighting
b. Imaginary chemical potential
Lattice QCD with Imaginary Chemical Potential With Wilson Quarks
II. Lattice Formulation
N f 味夸克的系统的配分函数为(带有化学势)


Schroedinger equation
● regeneration rate is determined by the detailed balance 21
QM2011 France
LHC将测量我们预言的非零椭圆流 (ALICE很快将有结果)
● 物质的第五态 ● QCD超导与超流 ● 相对论重离子碰撞
最深层次的结构:夸克 2004 诺贝尔物理奖
David J. Gross H. David Politzer Frank Wilczek
有Diquark凝聚,形成色超导 (高温超导) 。
Qie Nie 0,
有限重子数密度时Lattice QCD有技术困难,尚无精确结果。



斯仑贝谢所有测井曲线英文名称解释OCEAN DRILLING PROGRAMACRONYMS USED FOR WIRELINE SCHLUMBERGER TOOLS ACT Aluminum Clay ToolAMS Auxiliary Measurement SondeAPS Accelerator Porosity SondeARI Azimuthal Resistivity ImagerASI Array Sonic ImagerBGKT Vertical Seismic Profile ToolBHC Borehole Compensated Sonic ToolBHTV Borehole TeleviewerCBL Casing Bond LogCNT Compensated Neutron ToolDIT Dual Induction ToolDLL Dual LaterologDSI Dipole Sonic ImagerFMS Formation MicroScannerGHMT Geologic High Resolution Magnetic ToolGPIT General Purpose Inclinometer ToolGR Natural Gamma RayGST Induced Gamma Ray Spectrometry ToolHLDS Hostile Environment Lithodensity SondeHLDT Hostile Environment Lithodensity ToolHNGS Hostile Environment Gamma Ray SondeLDT Lithodensity ToolLSS Long Spacing Sonic ToolMCD Mechanical Caliper DeviceNGT Natural Gamma Ray Spectrometry ToolNMRT Nuclear Resonance Magnetic ToolQSST Inline Checkshot ToolSDT Digital Sonic ToolSGT Scintillation Gamma Ray ToolSUMT Susceptibility Magnetic ToolUBI Ultrasonic Borehole ImagerVSI Vertical Seismic ImagerWST Well Seismic ToolWST-3 3-Components Well Seismic ToolOCEAN DRILLING PROGRAMACRONYMS USED FOR LWD SCHLUMBERGER TOOLSADN Azimuthal Density-NeutronCDN Compensated Density-NeutronCDR Compensated Dual ResistivityISONIC Ideal Sonic-While-DrillingNMR Nuclear Magnetic ResonanceRAB Resistivity-at-the-BitOCEAN DRILLING PROGRAMACRONYMS USED FOR NON-SCHLUMBERGER SPECIALTY TOOLSMCS Multichannel Sonic ToolMGT Multisensor Gamma ToolSST Shear Sonic ToolTAP Temperature-Acceleration-Pressure ToolTLT Temperature Logging ToolOCEAN DRILLING PROGRAMACRONYMS AND UNITS USED FOR WIRELINE SCHLUMBERGER LOGSAFEC APS Far Detector Counts (cps)ANEC APS Near Detector Counts (cps)AX Acceleration X Axis (ft/s2)AY Acceleration Y Axis (ft/s2)AZ Acceleration Z Axis (ft/s2)AZIM Constant Azimuth for Deviation Correction (deg)APLC APS Near/Array Limestone Porosity Corrected (%)C1 FMS Caliper 1 (in)C2 FMS Caliper 2 (in)CALI Caliper (in)CFEC Corrected Far Epithermal Counts (cps)CFTC Corrected Far Thermal Counts (cps)CGR Computed (Th+K) Gamma Ray (API units)CHR2 Peak Coherence, Receiver Array, Upper DipoleCHRP Compressional Peak Coherence, Receiver Array, P&SCHRS Shear Peak Coherence, Receiver Array, P&SCHTP Compressional Peak Coherence, Transmitter Array, P&SCHTS Shear Peak Coherence, Transmitter Array, P&SCNEC Corrected Near Epithermal Counts (cps)CNTC Corrected Near Thermal Counts (cps)CS Cable Speed (m/hr)CVEL Compressional Velocity (km/s)DATN Discriminated Attenuation (db/m)DBI Discriminated Bond IndexDEVI Hole Deviation (degrees)DF Drilling Force (lbf)DIFF Difference Between MEAN and MEDIAN in Delta-Time Proc. (microsec/ft) DRH HLDS Bulk Density Correction (g/cm3)DRHO Bulk Density Correction (g/cm3)DT Short Spacing Delta-Time (10'-8' spacing; microsec/ft)DT1 Delta-Time Shear, Lower Dipole (microsec/ft)DT2 Delta-Time Shear, Upper Dipole (microsec/ft)DT4P Delta- Time Compressional, P&S (microsec/ft)DT4S Delta- Time Shear, P&S (microsec/ft))DT1R Delta- Time Shear, Receiver Array, Lower Dipole (microsec/ft)DT2R Delta- Time Shear, Receiver Array, Upper Dipole (microsec/ft)DT1T Delta-Time Shear, Transmitter Array, Lower Dipole (microsec/ft)DT2T Delta-Time Shear, Transmitter Array, Upper Dipole (microsec/ft)DTCO Delta- Time Compressional (microsec/ft)DTL Long Spacing Delta-Time (12'-10' spacing; microsec/ft)DTLF Long Spacing Delta-Time (12'-10' spacing; microsec/ft)DTLN Short Spacing Delta-Time (10'-8' spacing; microsec/ftDTRP Delta-Time Compressional, Receiver Array, P&S (microsec/ft)DTRS Delta-Time Shear, Receiver Array, P&S (microsec/ft)DTSM Delta-Time Shear (microsec/ft)DTST Delta-Time Stoneley (microsec/ft)DTTP Delta-Time Compressional, Transmitter Array, P&S (microsec/ft)DTTS Delta-Time Shear, Transmitter Array, P&S (microsec/ft)ECGR Environmentally Corrected Gamma Ray (API units)EHGR Environmentally Corrected High Resolution Gamma Ray (API units) ENPH Epithermal Neutron Porosity (%)ENRA Epithermal Neutron RatioETIM Elapsed Time (sec)FINC Magnetic Field Inclination (degrees)FNOR Magnetic Field Total Moment (oersted)FX Magnetic Field on X Axis (oersted)FY Magnetic Field on Y Axis (oersted)FZ Magnetic Field on Z Axis (oersted)GR Natural Gamma Ray (API units)HALC High Res. Near/Array Limestone Porosity Corrected (%)HAZI Hole Azimuth (degrees)HBDC High Res. Bulk Density Correction (g/cm3)HBHK HNGS Borehole Potassium (%)HCFT High Resolution Corrected Far Thermal Counts (cps)HCGR HNGS Computed Gamma Ray (API units)HCNT High Resolution Corrected Near Thermal Counts (cps)HDEB High Res. Enhanced Bulk Density (g/cm3)HDRH High Resolution Density Correction (g/cm3)HFEC High Res. Far Detector Counts (cps)HFK HNGS Formation Potassium (%)HFLC High Res. Near/Far Limestone Porosity Corrected (%)HEGR Environmentally Corrected High Resolution Natural Gamma Ray (API units) HGR High Resolution Natural Gamma Ray (API units)HLCA High Res. Caliper (inHLEF High Res. Long-spaced Photoelectric Effect (barns/e-)HNEC High Res. Near Detector Counts (cps)HNPO High Resolution Enhanced Thermal Nutron Porosity (%)HNRH High Resolution Bulk Density (g/cm3)HPEF High Resolution Photoelectric Effect (barns/e-)HRHO High Resolution Bulk Density (g/cm3)HROM High Res. Corrected Bulk Density (g/cm3)HSGR HNGS Standard (total) Gamma Ray (API units)HSIG High Res. Formation Capture Cross Section (capture units) HSTO High Res. Computed Standoff (in)HTHO HNGS Thorium (ppm)HTNP High Resolution Thermal Neutron Porosity (%)HURA HNGS Uranium (ppm)IDPH Phasor Deep Induction (ohmm)IIR Iron Indicator Ratio [CFE/(CCA+CSI)]ILD Deep Resistivity (ohmm)ILM Medium Resistivity (ohmm)IMPH Phasor Medium Induction (ohmm)ITT Integrated Transit Time (s)LCAL HLDS Caliper (in)LIR Lithology Indicator Ratio [CSI/(CCA+CSI)]LLD Laterolog Deep (ohmm)LLS Laterolog Shallow (ohmm)LTT1 Transit Time (10'; microsec)LTT2 Transit Time (8'; microsec)LTT3 Transit Time (12'; microsec)LTT4 Transit Time (10'; microsec)MAGB Earth's Magnetic Field (nTes)MAGC Earth Conductivity (ppm)MAGS Magnetic Susceptibility (ppm)MEDIAN Median Delta-T Recomputed (microsec/ft)MEAN Mean Delta-T Recomputed (microsec/ft)NATN Near Pseudo-Attenuation (db/m)NMST Magnetometer Temperature (degC)NMSV Magnetometer Signal Level (V)NPHI Neutron Porosity (%)NRHB LDS Bulk Density (g/cm3)P1AZ Pad 1 Azimuth (degrees)PEF Photoelectric Effect (barns/e-)PEFL LDS Long-spaced Photoelectric Effect (barns/e-)PIR Porosity Indicator Ratio [CHY/(CCA+CSI)]POTA Potassium (%)RB Pad 1 Relative Bearing (degrees)RHL LDS Long-spaced Bulk Density (g/cm3)RHOB Bulk Density (g/cm3)RHOM HLDS Corrected Bulk Density (g/cm3)RMGS Low Resolution Susceptibility (ppm)SFLU Spherically Focused Log (ohmm)SGR Total Gamma Ray (API units)SIGF APS Formation Capture Cross Section (capture units)SP Spontaneous Potential (mV)STOF APS Computed Standoff (in)SURT Receiver Coil Temperature (degC)SVEL Shear Velocity (km/s)SXRT NMRS differential Temperature (degC)TENS Tension (lb)THOR Thorium (ppm)TNRA Thermal Neutron RatioTT1 Transit Time (10' spacing; microsec)TT2 Transit Time (8' spacing; microsec)TT3 Transit Time (12' spacing; microsec)TT4 Transit Time (10' spacing; microsec)URAN Uranium (ppm)V4P Compressional Velocity, from DT4P (P&S; km/s)V4S Shear Velocity, from DT4S (P&S; km/s)VELP Compressional Velocity (processed from waveforms; km/s)VELS Shear Velocity (processed from waveforms; km/s)VP1 Compressional Velocity, from DT, DTLN, or MEAN (km/s)VP2 Compressional Velocity, from DTL, DTLF, or MEDIAN (km/s)VCO Compressional Velocity, from DTCO (km/s)VS Shear Velocity, from DTSM (km/s)VST Stonely Velocity, from DTST km/s)VS1 Shear Velocity, from DT1 (Lower Dipole; km/s)VS2 Shear Velocity, from DT2 (Upper Dipole; km/s)VRP Compressional Velocity, from DTRP (Receiver Array, P&S; km/s) VRS Shear Velocity, from DTRS (Receiver Array, P&S; km/s)VS1R Shear Velocity, from DT1R (Receiver Array, Lower Dipole; km/s) VS2R Shear Velocity, from DT2R (Receiver Array, Upper Dipole; km/s) VS1T Shear Velocity, from DT1T (Transmitter Array, Lower Dipole; km/s) VS2T Shear Velocity, from DT2T (Transmitter Array, Upper Dipole; km/s) VTP Compressional Velocity, from DTTP (Transmitter Array, P&S; km/s) VTS Shear Velocity, from DTTS (Transmitter Array, P&S; km/s)#POINTS Number of Transmitter-Receiver Pairs Used in Sonic Processing W1NG NGT Window 1 counts (cps)W2NG NGT Window 2 counts (cps)W3NG NGT Window 3 counts (cps)W4NG NGT Window 4 counts (cps)W5NG NGT Window 5 counts (cps)OCEAN DRILLING PROGRAMACRONYMS AND UNITS USED FOR LWD SCHLUMBERGER LOGSAT1F Attenuation Resistivity (1 ft resolution; ohmm)AT3F Attenuation Resistivity (3 ft resolution; ohmm)AT4F Attenuation Resistivity (4 ft resolution; ohmm)AT5F Attenuation Resistivity (5 ft resolution; ohmm)ATR Attenuation Resistivity (deep; ohmm)BFV Bound Fluid Volume (%)B1TM RAB Shallow Resistivity Time after Bit (s)B2TM RAB Medium Resistivity Time after Bit (s)B3TM RAB Deep Resistivity Time after Bit (s)BDAV Deep Resistivity Average (ohmm)BMAV Medium Resistivity Average (ohmm)BSAV Shallow Resistivity Average (ohmm)CGR Computed (Th+K) Gamma Ray (API units)DCAL Differential Caliper (in)DROR Correction for CDN rotational density (g/cm3).DRRT Correction for ADN rotational density (g/cm3).DTAB AND or CDN Density Time after Bit (hr)FFV Free Fluid Volume (%)GR Gamma Ray (API Units)GR7 Sum Gamma Ray Windows GRW7+GRW8+GRW9-Equivalent to Wireline NGT window 5 (cps) GRW3 Gamma Ray Window 3 counts (cps)-Equivalent to Wireline NGT window 1GRW4 Gamma Ray Window 4 counts (cps)-Equivalent to Wireline NGT window 2GRW5 Gamma Ray Window 5 counts (cps)-Equivalent to Wireline NGT window 3GRW6 Gamma Ray Window 6 counts (cps)-Equivalent to Wireline NGT window 4GRW7 Gamma Ray Window 7 counts (cps)GRW8 Gamma Ray Window 8 counts (cps)GRW9 Gamma Ray Window 9 counts (cps)GTIM CDR Gamma Ray Time after Bit (s)GRTK RAB Gamma Ray Time after Bit (s)HEF1 Far He Bank 1 counts (cps)HEF2 Far He Bank 2 counts (cps)HEF3 Far He Bank 3 counts (cps)HEF4 Far He Bank 4 counts (cps)HEN1 Near He Bank 1 counts (cps)HEN2 Near He Bank 2 counts (cps)HEN3 Near He Bank 3 counts (cps)HEN4 Near He Bank 4 counts (cps)MRP Magnetic Resonance PorosityNTAB ADN or CDN Neutron Time after Bit (hr)PEF Photoelectric Effect (barns/e-)POTA Potassium (%) ROPE Rate of Penetration (ft/hr)PS1F Phase Shift Resistivity (1 ft resolution; ohmm)PS2F Phase Shift Resistivity (2 ft resolution; ohmm)PS3F Phase Shift Resistivity (3 ft resolution; ohmm)PS5F Phase Shift Resistivity (5 ft resolution; ohmm)PSR Phase Shift Resistivity (shallow; ohmm)RBIT Bit Resistivity (ohmm)RBTM RAB Resistivity Time After Bit (s)RING Ring Resistivity (ohmm)ROMT Max. Density Total (g/cm3) from rotational processing ROP Rate of Penetration (m/hr)ROP1 Rate of Penetration, average over last 1 ft (m/hr).ROP5 Rate of Penetration, average over last 5 ft (m/hr)ROPE Rate of Penetration, averaged over last 5 ft (ft/hr)RPM RAB Tool Rotation Speed (rpm)RTIM CDR or RAB Resistivity Time after Bit (hr)SGR Total Gamma Ray (API units)T2 T2 Distribution (%)T2LM T2 Logarithmic Mean (ms)THOR Thorium (ppm)TNPH Thermal Neutron Porosity (%)TNRA Thermal RatioURAN Uranium (ppm)OCEAN DRILLING PROGRAMADDITIONAL ACRONYMS AND UNITS(PROCESSED LOGS FROM GEOCHEMICAL TOOL STRING)AL2O3 Computed Al2O3 (dry weight %)AL2O3MIN Computed Al2O3 Standard Deviation (dry weight %) AL2O3MAX Computed Al2O3 Standard Deviation (dry weight %) CAO Computed CaO (dry weight %)CAOMIN Computed CaO Standard Deviation (dry weight %) CAOMAX Computed CaO Standard Deviation (dry weight %) CACO3 Computed CaCO3 (dry weight %)CACO3MIN Computed CaCO3 Standard Deviation (dry weight %) CACO3MAX Computed CaCO3 Standard Deviation (dry weight %) CCA Calcium Yield (decimal fraction)CCHL Chlorine Yield (decimal fraction)CFE Iron Yield (decimal fraction)CGD Gadolinium Yield (decimal fraction)CHY Hydrogen Yield (decimal fraction)CK Potassium Yield (decimal fraction)CSI Silicon Yield (decimal fraction)CSIG Capture Cross Section (capture units)CSUL Sulfur Yield (decimal fraction)CTB Background Yield (decimal fraction)CTI Titanium Yield (decimal fraction)FACT Quality Control CurveFEO Computed FeO (dry weight %)FEOMIN Computed FeO Standard Deviation (dry weight %) FEOMAX Computed FeO Standard Deviation (dry weight %) FEO* Computed FeO* (dry weight %)FEO*MIN Computed FeO* Standard Deviation (dry weight %) FEO*MAX Computed FeO* Standard Deviation (dry weight %) FE2O3 Computed Fe2O3 (dry weight %)FE2O3MIN Computed Fe2O3 Standard Deviation (dry weight %) FE2O3MAX Computed Fe2O3 Standard Deviation (dry weight %) GD Computed Gadolinium (dry weight %)GDMIN Computed Gadolinium Standard Deviation (dry weight %) GDMAX Computed Gadolinium Standard Deviation (dry weight %) K2O Computed K2O (dry weight %)K2OMIN Computed K2O Standard Deviation (dry weight %)K2OMAX Computed K2O Standard Deviation (dry weight %) MGO Computed MgO (dry weight %)MGOMIN Computed MgO Standard Deviation (dry weight %) MGOMAX Computed MgO Standard Deviation (dry weight %)S Computed Sulfur (dry weight %)SMIN Computed Sulfur Standard Deviation (dry weight %) SMAX Computed Sulfur Standard Deviation (dry weight %)SIO2 Computed SiO2 (dry weight %)SIO2MIN Computed SiO2 Standard Deviation (dry weight %) SIO2MAX Computed SiO2 Standard Deviation (dry weight %) THORMIN Computed Thorium Standard Deviation (ppm) THORMAX Computed Thorium Standard Deviation (ppm)TIO2 Computed TiO2 (dry weight %)TIO2MIN Computed TiO2 Standard Deviation (dry weight %) TIO2MAX Computed TiO2 Standard Deviation (dry weight %) URANMIN Computed Uranium Standard Deviation (ppm) URANMAX Computed Uranium Standard Deviation (ppm) VARCA Variable CaCO3/CaO calcium carbonate/oxide factor。

Towards the QCD phase diagram

Towards the QCD phase diagram

ar X i v :h e p -l a t /0611027v 1 22 N o v 2006CERN-PH-TH/2006-215Towards the QCD phase diagram∗Speaker.dµ2|µ=0of the critical surface atµ=0.Wefind that it is negative,so that thefirst-order regionshrinks as in Fig.2right.Note that in the opposite corner,thefirst-order region also shrinks[5].Sec.2tests our methodology in the N f=3case.Sec.3describes the N f=2+1study. Sec.4compares our results with earlier lattice studies and discusses the various limitations of our approach.2.N f=3Wefirst check our methodology in the case of3degenerateflavors.This is basically a repeat of Ref.[6],this time using the RHMC algorithm[7]instead of the R algorithm.The RHMC algorithm eliminates the stepsize error of the R algorithm,which differs in mag-nitude in the chirally symmetric and broken phases[8].As a result,the value of m c(µ=0)is considerably different:(am c(µ=0))moves from0.033(1)(R alg.)[6]to0.0260(5)(see Fig.3, left).We have checked,by performing zero-temperature simulations at this quark mass,that this is not a simple renormalization effect,but that the physical ratio mπ/T c is lowered by about10%. Therefore,an exact algorithm appears mandatory for the study of the N f=2+1critical line.More-over,RHMC turns out to be vastly more efficient,by up to a factor20in our case for the smallest quark masses[9].We now turn on an imaginary chemical potentialµ=iµI,and for eachµI monitor the Binder cumulant B4as a function of the quark mass.Our results are summarized in Fig.3,left.The chemical potential has almost no influence on B4.A lowest-orderfit,linear in am and(aµ)2,gives the error band Fig.3,right,corresponding toam c(aµ)=0.0270(5)−0.0024(160)(aµ)2(2.1)Care must be taken for the conversion to physical units.The crucial point is that,as we increase the chemical potentialµI,we tune the gauge couplingβupwards to maintain criticality,am c (0)=1+c ′1m c (0)=1+c 1µN 2t c ′1T c (m ,µ)dT c (m ,µ)T c (m c 0,0)=1+A m −m c 0πT2+...(2.5)one obtains c 1= B +π2am c (0) 1−A m c 0πT are both small,so that c 1is nearly equal to B .Estimates of B and A can be obtained by converting our result for the pseudo-critical gauge couplingβ0(am ,a µ)=5.1369(3)+1.94(3)(am −am c 0)+0.781(7)(a µ)2(2.7)to physical ing the 2-loop β-function gives A =2.111(17),B =−0.667(6)so that finallym c (µ)πT 2+...(2.8)The error above is conservative and includes the uncertainty from using different fitting forms (see Table 2,Ref.[10]).The main source of systematic error comes from using the 2-loop β-function∼m Kmρ=0.148(2)<0.18).This confirms that the physical point lies onmρthe right of the critical line, the crossover region1.This conclusion has been confirmed by very recent calculations onfiner lattices[13].Also,wefind T c to vary little along the critical line, in accordance with model calculations[14].We now couple an imaginary chemical potential aµI=0.2to the two lightflavors,and measure the change in the critical mass am u,d as in the N f=3case.Fig.4right shows the same trend as for N f=3:the critical mass is constant or slightly increasing,in lattice units.The conversion to=const..Since the critical temperature T c decreasesT cas they turn onµ,so does their quark mass.This decrease of the quark mass pushes the transition towardsfirst order,which might be the reason why theyfind a critical point at smallµ.This effect is illustrated in the sketch Fig.5,left,where the bent trajectoryàla Fodor&Katz intersects the critical surface,while the vertical line of constant physics does not.Put another way,Fodor&Katz measure the analogue of eq.(2.2)instead of(2.3).From their Fig.1(Ref.[12]),the coefficient c′1which one would extract would be essentially zero like ours. As in our case,the variation of T c withµmakes a dominant contribution,which may change the results qualitatively.•Gavai&Gupta try to infer the location of the critical point by estimating the radius of convergence of the Taylor expansion of the free energy in(µ/πT)2.Regardless of the systematic error attached to such estimate when only4Taylor coefficients are available,we want to point out。

Instanton-Induced Interactions in Finite Density QCD

Instanton-Induced Interactions in Finite Density QCD

a r X i v :h e p -p h /9908314v 1 10 A u g 19991Instanton-Induced Interactions in Finite Density QCDG.W.Carter a and D.Diakonov baThe Niels Bohr Institute,Blegdamsvej 17,DK-2100Copenhagen,Denmark bNORDITA,Blegdamsvej 17,DK-2100Copenhagen,DenmarkWe consider the finite density,zero-temperature behaviour of quark matter in the in-stanton picture.Since the instanton-induced interactions are attractive in both ¯q q and qq channels,a competition ensues between phases of matter with condensation in either or both.It results in chiral symmetry restoration due to the onset of diquark condensation,a ‘colour superconductor’,at finite density.1.IntroductionDue to a lack of lattice QCD techniques for implementing quark chemical potential,the finite density properties of strongly-interacting matter remain unresolved.To date,model studies suggest not only chiral symmetry restoration but also the possibility of Cooper pairing of quarks at high density,via an attractive qq interaction,similar to superconducting electrons.The analogy has been extended to nomenclature,with the QCD version called colour superconductivity.It has been known for some years that perturbative,single gluon exchange between quarks is attractive and will generate a pairing gap around the Fermi surface [1].More re-cently,it was suggested that colour superconductivity might also arise by non-perturbative means at moderate quark density [2].Since then,more detailed studies using models in-spired by that of Nambu and Jona-Lasinio [3]and instantons [4]have supported this idea.This talk describes how diquark formation restores broken chiral symmetry in the con-text of the QCD instanton vacuum,an approach which has accounted for many hadronic observables through the use of fundamental degrees of freedom (quarks and gluons)in a microscopic approximation.2.Quark Effective ActionThe derivation of an effective action for chiral quarks in N f flavours has been discussed in detail in other publications.Here we concentrate on the two flavour case,which is often adequate for low energy phenomenology.Growing quark chemical potential naturally makes the strange quark more relevant,as has been studied in other models [5].These authors conclude that the two-flavour superconducting state is likely to be present at moderate values of the quark chemical potential for a realistic strange mass.The basic idea is to replace the partition function of QCD with an effective form which divides the low and high energy contributions.The high momentum part is taken to be2SS;FFigure 1.Schwinger-Dyson-Gorkov diagrams to first order in λ.perturbative and as such the gluons here are assumed to be small corrections to the stable,low-energy configurations of the gauge fields –the instantons.Each (anti-)instanton in turn induces a quark zero mode of (right)left chirality,and averaging over all possible instanton backgrounds results in a delocalization of the zero modes which spontaneously breaks chiral symmetry.This picture of the vacuum is supported by various lattice studies and has a long history of successful phenomenology.Following this procedure,the expected ’t Hooft interaction is obtained and one has an effective quark action which is suitable for practical calculations.We have reformulated this effective action for finite quark chemical potential.The result can be expressed asS [ψ,ψ†]=−d 4p ψ†(p /+iµγ4)ψ+λdUN ff(d 4p f d 4k f )3combine in the physical quantities:M 1=(5−4/N c )g 1+(2N c −5+2/N c )g 2,M 2=2(2−1/N c )g 1+2(N c −2)g 2,and ∆=(1+1/N c )f .The M 1,2are measures of chiral symmetry breaking and act as an effective mass.Meanwhile the diquark loop 2∆plays the role of twice the single-quark energy gap formed around the Fermi surface.The solution of the gap equations depends on the vertex coupling constant,λ,which itself is determined by balancing the instanton background with the condensates through its saddle-point value.This minimization of the partition function leads to [4]N/V =λ Y ++Y − =4(N 2c −1)[2g 1M 1+(N c −2)g 2M 2+4f ∆]/λ.(2)This joins the gap equations to close a system of equations,numerically solvable.Once this is done,the chiral condensate proper may be computed as an integral over the resummed propagator.For any given chemical potential,multiple solutions can be obtained for the gaps.These correspond to different phases of quark matter,and they are summarized as follows:(0)Free massless quarks:g 1=g 2=f =0;(1)Pure chiral symmetry breaking:g 1=g 2=0,f =0;(2)Pure diquark condensation:g 1=g 2=0,f =0;and (3)Mixed symmetry breaking:g 1=g 2=0,f =0.The free energy,calculated to first order in λ,is minimized in order to resolve the stable solution.The phase corresponding to the lowest coupling λis the thermodynamically favoured [4].No solutions were found matching Phase (0),and the Phase (3)solution obtained disap-pears at relatively low chemical potential (µ≈80MeV)and is never thermodynamically competitive [4].The remaining phase competition is then between Phases (1)and (2).In the vacuum,where µ=0,one finds Phase (1)preferred –this is the standard picture.However,at a critical chemical potential µc ,defined by the ratio of superconductive gap to chiral effective masses ∆/M = 3/4,a first-order phase transition occurs.With the standard instanton parameters N/V =1fm −4and ¯ρ=0.33fm,we find µc ≃340MeV.The first-order nature of the phase transition is clearly seen in Fig.2.Physically,the quark density is more relevant than the chemical potential.As an intermediate step and in order to demonstrate the microscopic differences between the two phases,we have calculated the occupation number density for quarks.This is nontrivial50100150200250300350010*******400500600700800(M e V )µ(MeV)M∆−<ψψ>1/3Figure 2.Condensates for N c =3as a function of µ. ρ3µρFigure 3.The quark density n q vs.µ.424681012140120240360480600720840n (|p |)|p| (MeV)Figure 4.Occupation number n (p )vs.p for Phase (1)for µ=1/¯ρ=600MeV.024*********120240360480600720840n (|p |)|p| (MeV)Figure 5.Occupation number n (p )vs.pfor Phase (2)for µ=1/¯ρ=600MeV.and here we present only numerical results in Figs.4and 5.In Phase (1),there isclearly an effective mass brought about by spontaneous symmetry breaking,indicated by the reduced Fermi radius.We stress that,despite the complicated four-momentum dependence of the interaction,the resulting occupation number density appears as a perfect Fermi step function.Cooper pairing,however,smears the Fermi surface,and this is evinced in the second plot.The residual discontinuity at | p |=µis the contribution from the free,colour-3quarks which do not participate in the diquark.Integrating over momenta and recalling the critical chemical potential,the quark density profile as a function of chemical potential is plotted in Fig.3for the equilibrium states.We see a discontinuity at the phase transition,where the horizontal line signifies the quark density of stable nuclear matter.The phase transition occurs at an extremely low quark density,which remains a conceptual conundrum.4.ConclusionsBeginning from the instanton picture of the QCD vacuum,we have extended the model for finite density and found chiral symmetry restoration due to the onset of colour super-conductivity.This phase transition is strongly first order and in agreement with other quark-based approaches.REFERENCES1. 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The Phase Diagram of Strongly-Interacting Matter

The Phase Diagram of Strongly-Interacting Matter

a r X i v :0801.4256v 1 [h e p -p h ] 28 J a n 2008The Phase Diagram of Strongly-Interacting MatterP.Braun-Munzinger 1,2and J.Wambach 1,21Gesellschaft f¨u r Schwerionenforschung mbH,Planckstr,1,D64291Darmstadt,Germany 2Technical University Darmstadt,Schlossgartenstr.9,D64287Darmstadt,GermanyA fundamental question of physics is what ultimately happens to matter as it is heated or com-pressed.In the realm of very high temperature and density the fundamental degrees of freedom of the strong interaction,quarks and gluons,come into play and a transition from matter consisting of confined baryons and mesons to a state with ’liberated’quarks and gluons is expected.The study of the possible phases of strongly-interacting matter is at the focus of many research activi-ties worldwide.In this article we discuss physical aspects of the phase diagram,its relation to the evolution of the early universe as well as the inner core of neutron stars.We also summarize recent progress in the experimental study of hadronic or quark-gluon matter under extreme conditions with ultrarelativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions.PACS numbers:21.60.Cs,24.60.Lz,21.10.Hw,24.60.KyContentsI.Introduction1II.Strongly-Interacting Matter under ExtremeConditions2A.Quantum Chromodynamics 2B.Models of the phase diagram 4III.Results from Lattice QCD6IV.Experiments with heavy ions8A.Opaque fireballs and the ideal liquid scenario 8B.Hadro-Chemistry9C.Medium modifications of vector mesons 11D.Quarkonia-messengers of deconfinement 14V.Phases at high baryon densities16A.Color Superconductivity 16VI.Summary and Conclusions17Acknowledgments 18References18I.INTRODUCTIONMatter that surrounds us comes in a variety of phases,which can be transformed into each other by a change of external conditions such as temperature,pressure,com-position etc.Transitions from one phase to another are often accompanied by drastic changes in the physical properties of a material,such as its elastic properties,light transmission or electrical conductivity.A good ex-ample is water,whose phases are (partly)accessible to everyday experience.Changes in external pressure and temperature result in a rich phase diagram which,be-sides the familiar liquid and gaseous phases,features a variety of solid (ice)phases in which the H 20molecules arrange themselves in spatial lattices of certain symme-tries (Fig.1).Twelve of such crystalline (ice)phases are known at present.In addition,three amorphous (glass)phasesFIG.1The phase diagram of H 20(Chaplin,2007).Besides the liquid and gaseous phase a variety of crystalline and amor-phous phases occur.Of special importance in the context of strongly-interacting matter is the critical endpoint between the vapor and liquid phase.have been identified.Famous points in the phase dia-gram are the triple point where the solid-liquid-and gas phases coexist and the critical endpoint at which there is no distinction between the liquid and gas phase.This is the endpoint of a line of first-order liquid-gas transitions and is of second order.Under sufficient heating water and,for that matter any other substance,goes over into a new state,a ’plasma’,consisting of ions and free electrons.This transition is mediated by molecular or atomic collisions.It is continuous 1and hence not a phase transition in the strict thermodynamic sense.On the other hand,the2plasma exhibits new collective phenomena such as screen-ing and ’plasma oscillations’(Mrowczynski and Thoma,2007).Plasma states can alsobeinduced byhighcompression,whereelectronsare delocalizedfrom their orbitals and form a conducting ’degenerate’quantum plasma.In contrast to a hot plasma there exists in this case a true phase transition,the ’metal-insulator’transition (Gebhard,1997;Mott,1968).A good exam-ple are white dwarfs,stars at the end of their evolution which are stabilized by the degeneracy pressure of free electrons (Chandrasekhar,1931;Shapiro and Teukolsky,1983).One may ask what ultimately happens when matter is heated and compressed.This is not a purely academic question but is of relevance for the early stages of the universe as we go backwards in time in the cosmic evolu-tion.Also,the properties of dense matter are important for our understanding of the composition and properties of the inner core of neutron stars,the densest cosmic objects.Here,the main players are no longer forces of electromagnetic origin but the strong interaction,which is responsible for the binding of protons and neutrons into nuclei and of quarks and gluons into hadrons.In the Standard Model of particles physics the strong in-teraction is described in the framework of a relativistic quantum field theory called Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD),where point-like quarks and gluons are the ele-mentary constituents.The question of the fate of matter at very high tem-perature was first addressed by Hagedorn in a seminal paper in 1965(Hagedorn,1965)and later elaborated by Frautschi (Frautschi,1971).The analysis was based on the (pre-QCD)’bootstrap model’in which strongly-interacting particles (hadrons)were viewed as composite ’resonances’of lighter hadrons.A natural consequence of this model is the exponential growth in the density of mass statesρ(M h )∝M −5/2he M h /T H.(1)This is well verified by summing up the hadronic states listed by the Particle Data Group (Yao et al.,2006).A fit to the data yields T H ∼160−180MeV.It is then easy to see that logarithm of the partition function of such a ’resonance gas’ln ZRG(T )=iln Z RG i +κ∞m 0dM h ρ(M h )M 3/2h e −M h /T(2)and,hence,all thermodynamic quantities diverge when T =T H ,which implies that matter cannot be heated be-yond this limiting ’Hagedorn temperature’.Here,ln Z i is the logarithm of the partition function for all well iso-lated particles with mass m i .Above a certain mass m 0all particles start to overlap and from that point on the sum is converted into an integral over the mass density ρ(m )and all particles can be treated in Boltzmann ap-proximation.For the present argument the explicit valueof the constant κis immaterial.The energy that is sup-plied is used entirely for the production of new particles.This is of course at variance with our present understand-ing of the big bang in which the temperature is set by the Planck scale T ∼M Planck =2In all formulas below we use ¯h =c =13This term was coined by Edward Shuryak (Shuryak,1978a)3of electrons with photons is given byL QED=−14G aµνGµνa+¯qγµ(i∂µ−g sλa4Quarks form a fundamental representation of the Lie group SU(3).which now includes a non-linear term.Its form is en-tirely dictated by the gauge group(which is now SU(3) rather than U(1))through its’structure constants’f abc5. The group structure is also reflected in the quark-gluon coupling through the’Gell-Mann’matricesλa which are the analog of the SU(2)Pauli matrices.The more elab-orate group structure renders QCD much more compli-cated than QED even at the classical level of Maxwell’s equations.6In any relativisticfield theory the vacuum itself be-haves,due to quantumfluctuations,like a polarizable medium.In QED the photon,although uncharged, can create virtual electron-positron pairs,causing partial screening of the charge of a test electron.This implies that the dielectric constant of the QED vacuum obeys7ǫ0>1.On the other hand,because of Lorentz invari-ance,ǫ0µ0=1,i.e.the magnetic permeabilityµ0is smaller than one.Thus the QED vacuum behaves like a diamagnetic medium.In QCD,however,the gluons carry color charge as well as spin.In addition to vir-tual quark-antiquark pairs,which screen a color charge and thus would make the vacuum diamagnetic,the self-interaction of gluons can cause a color magnetization of the vacuum and make it paramagnetic.This effect ac-tually overcomes the diamagnetic contribution from¯q q pairs such thatµc0>1.The situation is somewhat simi-lar to the paramagnetism of the electron gas,where the intrinsic spin alignment of electrons overwhelms the dia-magnetism of orbital motion.Sinceµc0>1it follows thatǫc0<1,so that the color-electric interaction be-tween charged objects becomes stronger as their separa-tion grows(’infrared slavery’).In this sense the QCD vac-uum is an’antiscreening’medium.As the distance r→0, on the other hand,µc0andǫc0→1,and the interaction be-comes weaker(’asymptotic freedom’).This gives rise to a pronounced variation(’running’)of the strong’fine struc-ture constant’αs=g2s/4πwith(space-time)distance or momentum transfer Q.Its mathematical form to lead-ing order was worked out in1973by Gross and Wilczeck and independently by Politzer(Gross and Wilczek,1973; Politzer,1973)and yieldsαs(Q2)=12π5Gauge groups other than U(1)wherefirst discussed by Yang and Mills in1954(Yang and Mills,1954)in the context of SU(2)and the correspondingfield theories are therefore called’Yang-Mills theories’.Since the generators of SU(N)do not commute such theories are also called’non-abelian’.6For instance,the wave equation for the vector potentials A aµis non-linear and its solutions in Euclidean space-time include solitons called’instantons’.7Provided the distance r is large enough so that the virtual cloud around the test charge is not penetrated.This distance is ex-tremely small.scale parameter.As indicated in Fig.2the running ofαs8The situation is analogous to the case of a cavity in a perfectconductor(superconductor)withµ=0,ǫ=∞except that therole ofµandǫare interchanged.baryons or quark-antiquark pairs for mesons and impos-ing appropriate boundary conditions on the quark wavefunctions to prevent leakage of color currents across theboundary,B can be determined from afit to knownhadron masses.For the quark-hadron transition the MIT-Bag modelprovides the following picture:when matter is heated,nuclei eventually dissolve into protons and neutrons(nu-cleons).At the same time light hadrons(preferentiallypions)are created thermally,which increasinglyfill thespace between the nucleons.Because of theirfinitespatial extent the pions and other thermally producedhadrons begin to overlap with each other and with thebags of the original nucleons such that a network of zoneswith quarks,antiquarks and gluons is formed.At a cer-tain critical temperature T c these zonesfill the entire vol-ume in a’percolation’transition.This new state of mat-ter is the quark-gluon plasma(QGP).The vacuum be-comes trivial and the elementary constituents are weaklyinteracting sinceµc0=ǫc0=1everywhere.There is,how-ever,a fundamental difference to ordinary electromag-netic plasmas in which the transition is caused by ioniza-tion and therefore gradual.Because of confinement therecan be no liberation of quarks and radiation of gluonsbelow the critical temperature.Thus a relatively sharptransition is expected.A similar picture emerges whenmatter is strongly compressed.In this case the nucleonsoverlap at a critical number density n c and form a colddegenerate QGP consisting mostly of quarks.This statecould be realized in the inner core of neutron stars andits properties will be discussed later.In the MIT-Bag model thermodynamic quantities suchas energy density and pressure can be calculated as afunction of temperature and quark chemical potential9µqand the phase transition is inferred via the Gibbs con-struction of the phase boundary.Under the simplifyingassumption of a free gas of massless quarks,antiquarksand gluons in the QGP atfixed T andµq one obtains thepressurep QGP(T,µq)=37π22π2−B.(9)To the factor37=16+21,16gluonic(8×2),12quark(3×2×2)and12antiquark degrees of freedom contribute.For quarks an additional factor of7/8accounts for thedifferences in Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac statistics.The temperature dependence of the pressure follows aStefan-Boltzmann law,in analogy to the black-body ra-diation of massless photons.The properties of the physi-cal vacuum are included by the bag constant B,which is a measure for the energy density of the vacuum.By con-struction,the quark-hadron transition in the MIT bag model is offirst order,implying that the phase boundary is obtained by the requirement that at constant chemi-cal potential the pressure of the QGP is equal to that in the hadronic phase.For the latter the equation of state (EoS)of hadronic matter is needed.Taking for simplic-ity a gas of massless pions with pπ(T,µq)=(3π2/90)T4, a simple phase diagram emerges in which the hadronic phase is separated from the QGP by afirst-order transi-tion line.Taking for the bag constant the original MIT fit to hadronic masses,B=57.5MeV/fm3one obtains T c∼100MeV atµq=0andµc∼300MeV at vanishing temperature(Buballa,2005).These results have a number of problems.On the one hand,the transition temperature is too small,as we know in the mean time.We will come back to this in the next section.On the other hand at3µq=µb∼M N(mass of the nucleon M N=939MeV),where homogeneous nu-clear matter consisting of interacting protons and neu-trons is formed,a cold QGP is energetically almost de-generate with normal nuclear matter.Both problems are, however,merely of quantitative nature and can be cir-cumvented by raising the value of B.More serious is the fact that,at largeµq,a gas of nucleons because of its color neutrality is always energetically preferred to the QGP. The biggest problem is,however,that QCD has a number of other symmetries besides local gauge symmetry which it shares with QED.Most notable in the present context is chiral symmetry,which is exact in the limit of vanishing quark masses.For physical up and down quark masses of only a few MeV this limit is well satisfied10.Exact chiral symmetry implies that only quarks with the same helicity or’chirality’interact11,i.e.the left-handed and right-handed world completely decouple.This means in particular that physical states of opposite parity must be degenerate in mass.Similar to a ferromagnet,where rotational symmetry is spontaneously broken at low temperatures through spin alignment,also the chiral symmetry of the strong inter-action is spontaneously broken in the QCD vacuum as a result of the strong increase ofαs at small momenta (Fig.2).Empirical evidence is the absence of parity doublets in the mass spectrum of hadrons.Since mass-less quarksflip their helicity at the bag boundary the MIT-Bag model massively violates chiral symmetry.For100%0%FIG.3Fraction of the effective quark mass generated dy-namically (light-grey)as compared to that from the Higgs mechanism in the electro-weak sector of the Standard Model (dark grey).QCD vacuum.In QCD,mesons emerge as bound states of quark-antiquark pairs with constituent mass.Because of spon-taneous chiral symmetry breaking there appears,how-ever,a peculiarity that is known from condensed matter physics and was first noted by J.Goldstone (Goldstone,1961).For vanishing (bare)quark mass there must be a massless excitation of the vacuum,known as the ’Gold-stone mode’.Such highly collective modes occur spin systems.The ferromagnetic ground state has a spon-taneous alignment of all spins.A spin wave of infinite wavelength (λ→∞,k →0)corresponds to a simulta-neous rotation of all spins,which costs no energy 12.In strong interaction physics with two flavors this mode is identified with the pion.The fact that pions are not ex-actly massless is related to the finite bare mass of the up and down quarks.Nevertheless the pion mass with ∼140MeV is significantly smaller than that of the ρ-or the ωmeson (∼800MeV ∼2M q ).In the 1980’s and 1990’s the NJL model was used ex-tensively in theoretical studies of the phase diagram.Since it incorporates spontaneous symmetry breaking and the ensuing mass generation one can address ques-tions of chiral symmetry restoration with increasing T and µq and the corresponding medium modifications of hadron masses.The quark-antiquark condensate ¯q q serves as an order parameter for chiral symmetry break-ing,analogous to the spontaneous magnetization in a spin system.Similar to the Curie-Weiss transition,the order parameter vanishes at a critical temperature T c in the chiral limit.This is the point where chiral symmetry is restored and the quarks become massless 13.Figure 4displays a prediction for the evolution of the chiral con-densate with temperature and quark-chemical potential for physical up and down quark masses obtained in mean-7 and the statistical mechanics of a system with temper-ature T=1/τ.With this method of’lattice QCD’thepartition function of the grand canonical ensembleZ(V,T,µq)= D[A,q]e 1/T0dτ V d3x(L QCD−µq q†q)(11)can be evaluated stochastically via Monte Carlo samplingoffield configurations14.From the partition function,thethermodynamic state functions such as energy densityand pressure can be determined asε≡EV ∂ln Z V;p=T∂ln Z14For vanishingµq the integration measure is always positive defi-nite.This is no longer true forfiniteµq due to the fermion’sign problem’to the QGP.The critical energy densityǫ(T c)is700±300 MeV/fm3which is roughly5times higher than the en-ergy density in the center of a heavy nucleus like208P b. At the same time the chiral condensate ¯q q =∂p/∂m q diminishes rapidly near T c signalling therestoration of broken chiral symmetry.As indicated in Fig.5a sys-tematic discrepancy of about15%between the calcu-lated energy density(and pressure)and the free gas Stefan-Boltzmann limit is observed for T>2T c.Al-though this is roughly consistent with thefirst-order cor-rection from perturbation theory,the perturbation series is poorly convergent and resummation techniques have to be employed(Blaizot et al.,2006)for a quantitative understanding of the high-temperature EoS.The ab-initio numericalfindings support the simple model results for the existence of a QGP transition dis-cussed above.In this connection it should be mentioned, however,that most lattice calculations still have to use unrealistically large values for the light quark masses and rather small space-time volumes.With anticipated high-performance computers in the range of hundreds of Ter-aflop/s these calculations will be improved in the near future.Ultimately they will also provide definite answers concerning the nature of the transition.Among others, this is of importance for primordial nucleosynthesis,i.e. the formation of light elements,such as deuterium,he-lium and lithium.In a stronglyfirst-order quark-hadron transition bubbles form due to statisticalfluctuations, leading to significant spatial inhomogeneities.These would influence the local proton-to-neutron ratios,pro-viding inhomogeneous initial conditions for nucleosyn-thesis(Boyanovsky et al.,2006).Other consequences would be the generation of magneticfields,gravitational waves and the enhanced probability of black-hole forma-tion(Boyanovsky et al.,2006).At present,indications are that forµq=0,relevant for the early universe,the transition is a’cross over’,i.e. not a true phase transition in the thermodynamic sense (Aoki et al.,2006a).Near T c the state functions change smoothly but rapidly as in hot electromagnetic plasmas. For most of the experimental observables to be discussed below this subtlety is,however,of minor relevance.A cross over would wash out large spatialfluctuations and hence rule out inhomogeneous cosmic scenarios.Very recent studies(Aoki et al.,2006b;Cheng et al.,2006)in-dicate that the exact value of the transition temperature is still poorly known.In fact,these investigations have yielded values for T c in the range150-190MeV.This is in part due to difficulties with the necessary extrapola-tion to the thermodynamic(infinite volume)limit and in part due to the general difficulty in providing an absolute scale for the lattice calculations.Progress in this difficult area is expected with simulations on much larger lattices at the next generation computer facilities.While atµq=0the lattice results are relatively pre-cise,the ab-initio evaluation of the phase boundary in the(T,µq)-plane(Fig.4)poses major numerical dif-ficulties.This is basically related to the Fermi-Dirac8statistics of the quarks and is known in many-body physics as the ’fermion-sign problem’.For the integral (11)this implies that the integrand becomes an oscilla-tory function and hence Monte-Carlo sampling methods cease to work.Only recently new methods have been developed (Allton et al.,2003;Fodor and Katz,2002;de Forcrand and Philipsen,2002;Philipsen,2006)to go into the region of finite µq .What can be expected?Considering the phase bound-ary as a line of (nearly)constant energy density,the bag model (Braun-Munzinger and Stachel,1996a)pre-dicts that the critical temperature decreases with increas-ing µq .By construction the bag model describes a first-order phase transition for all chemical potentials.For large values of µq and low temperatures there are indi-cations from various QCD-inspired model studies,chiefly the NJL model (see Fig.4),that the (chiral)phase tran-sition is indeed first order.On the other hand,the lat-tice results discussed above seem to indicate that at very small µq the transition is a cross over.This would im-ply that there is a critical endpoint in the phase dia-gram,where the line of first-order transitions ends in a second-order transition (as in the liquid-gas transition of water).In analogy to the static magnetic suscepti-bility χM =∂M/∂H in a spin system one can define a ’chiral susceptibility’as the derivative of the in-medium chiral condensate ¯q q T,µq wrt the bare quark mass m q or equivalently as the second derivative of the pressure,χm =∂ ¯q q T,µq /∂m q =∂2p/∂m 2q .Here the quark mass m q plays the role of the external magnetic field H .In the Curie-Weiss transition χM diverges.The same should happen with χm at the CEP.On the other hand lat-tice studies and model calculations indicate that also the quark number susceptibility χn =∂n q /∂µq =∂2p/∂µ2q diverges.This implies that in the vicinity of the CEP the matter becomes very easy to compress since the isother-mal compressibility is given by κT =χn /n 2q .It is con-jectured that the critical behavior of strongly-interacting matter lies in the same universality class as the liquid-gas transition of water (Stephanov,2004).The exper-imental identification of a CEP and its location in the (T,µq )plane would be a major milestone in the study of the phase diagram.Although very difficult,there are several theoretical as well experimental efforts un-derway (Proceedings of Science,2006)to identify signals for such a point.For a recent critical discussion concern-ing the existence of a CEP in the QCD phase diagram see (Philipsen,2007).IV.EXPERIMENTS WITH HEAVY IONSThe phase diagram of strongly-interacting matter can be accessed experimentally in nucleus-nucleus collisions at ultrarelativistic energy,i.e.energies/nucleon in the center of mass (c.m.)frame that significantly ex-ceed the rest mass of a nucleon in the colliding nu-clei.After first intensive experimental programs at theBrookhaven Alternating GradientSynchrotron (AGS)and the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS)the ef-fort is at present concentrated at the Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider (RHIC)at Brookhaven.A new era of ex-perimental quark matter research will begin in 2008with the start of the experimental program at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC).Here we will not attempt to give an overview over the experimental status in this field (for recent reviews see (Braun-Munzinger and Stachel,2007;Gyulassy and McLerran,2005))but concentrate on a few areas which in our view have direct bearing on the phase diagram.Before doing so we will,however,briefly sketch two of the key results from RHIC,which have led to the discovery that quark-gluon matter in the vicinity of the phase boundary behaves more like an ideal liquid rather than a weakly-interacting plasma.A.Opaque fireballs and the ideal liquid scenarioAt RHIC,Au-Au collisions are investigated at c.m.energies of 200GeV per nucleon pair.In such colli-sions a hot fireball is created,which subsequently cools and expands until it thermally freezes out 15and free-streaming hadrons reach the detector.The spectroscopy of these hadrons (and the much rarer photons,elec-trons and muons)allow conclusions about the state of the matter inside the fireball,such as its temperature and density.The four experiments at RHIC have re-cently summarized their results (Adams et al.,2005b;Adcox et al.,2005;Arsene et al.,2005;Back et al.,2005).For a complete overview see also the proceedings of the two recent quark matter con-ferences (Proc.Quark-Matter 2005Conference,2006;Proc.Quark-Matter 2006Conference,2007).9FIG.6Geometry in the plane perpendicular to the beam di-rection of thefireball in a nucleus-nucleus collision with large impact parameter.The producedfireball has such a high density and tem-perature that apparently all partons(quarks and glu-ons)reach equilibrium very rapidly(over a time scale of less than1fm/c).Initially,the collision zone is highly anisotropic with an almond-like shape,at least for colli-sions with not too small impact parameter.The situa-tion is schematically described in Fig.6.In this equili-brated,anisotropic volume large pressure gradients exist, which determine and drive the hydrodynamic evolution of thefireball.Indeed,early observations at RHIC con-firmed that the data on theflow pattern of the mat-ter follow closely the predictions(Huovinen et al.,2001; Kolb and Heinz,2004;Teaney et al.,2002)based on the laws of ideal relativistic hydrodynamics.By Fourier anal-ysis of the distribution in azimuthal angleΦ(see Fig.6) of the momenta of produced particles the Fourier coef-ficient v2= cos(2Φ) can be determined as a function of the particles transverse momentum p t.These distri-butions can be used to determine the anisotropy of the fireball’s shape and are compared,in Fig.7for various particle species,to the predictions from hydrodynamical calculations.The observed close agreement between data and predictions,in particular concerning the mass or-dering of theflow coefficients,implies that thefireball flows collectively like an liquid with negligible shear vis-cosityη.Similar phenomena were also observed in ultra-cold atomic gases of fermions in the limit of very large scattering lengths,where it was possible,by measuring ηthroughflow data,to establish that the system is in a strongly coupled state(O’Hara et al.,2002).The appli-cation of such techniques are currently also discussed for quark-gluon matter.This liquid-likefireball is dense enough that even quarks and gluons of high momentum(jets)cannot leave without strong rescattering in the medium.This’jet quenching’manifests itself in a strong suppression(by about a factor of5)of hadrons with large momenta transverse to the beam axis compared to expectations from a superposition of binary nucleon-nucleon collisions. The interpretation is that a parton which eventually turns into a hadron must suffer a large energy loss while traversing the hot and dense collision zone.To make matters quantitative one defines the suppression factor R AA as the ratio of the number of events at a given transverse momentum p t in Au-Au collisions to that in proton-proton collisions,scaled to the Au-Au system by the number of collisions such that,in the absence of parton energy loss,R AA=1.Corresponding data are presented in Fig.8.The strong suppression observed by the PHENIX and,in fact,all RHIC collaborations (Adams et al.,2005b;Adcox et al.,2005;Arsene et al., 2005;Back et al.,2005)demonstrates the opaqueness of thefireball even for high momentum partons while pho-tons which do not participate in strong interactions can leave thefireball unscathed.Theoretical analysis ofthese FIG.7The Fourier coefficient v2for pions,kaons,protons andΛbaryons(with masses of140,495,940and1115MeV, respectively)emitted with transverse momentum p t in semi-central Au-Au collisions at RHIC.The data are from the STAR collaboration(Adams et al.,2005a).The lines cor-respond to predictions(Huovinen et al.,2001)from hydro-dynamical calculations with an equation of state based on weakly interacting quarks and and McLerran,2005;Vitev,2006)pro-vides evidence,albeit indirectly,for energy densities ex-ceeding10GeV/fm3in the center of thefireball.There is even evidence for the presence of Mach cone-like shock waves(Casalderrey-Solana et al.,2005;Stoecker,2005) caused by supersonic partons traversing the QGP.Ap-parently both elastic parton-parton collisions as well as gluon radiation contribute to the energy loss but it is fair to say that the details of this mechanism are currently not well understood.The situation is concisely summa-rized in(Gyulassy and McLerran,2005).B.Hadro-ChemistryIn ideal hydrodynamics no entropy is generated dur-ing the expansion and cooling of thefireball,i.e.the system evolves through the phase diagram(essentially) along isentropes,starting in the QGP phase.This can be experimentally verified through the production of a variety of mesons and baryons.The analysis of particle production data at AGS,SPS and RHIC en-ergies has clearly demonstrated(Andronic et al.,2006; Becattini et al.,2004;Braun-Munzinger et al.,2004a) that the measurements can understood to a high ac-curacy by a statistical ansatz,in which all hadrons are produced from a thermally and chemically equilibrated state.This hadro-chemical equilibrium is achieved dur-ing or shortly after the phase transition and leads to abundances of the measured hadron species that can be described by Bose-Einstein or Fermi-Dirac distributions n j=g j。

Random Matrix Theory and Chiral Symmetry in QCD

Random Matrix Theory and Chiral Symmetry in QCD

KEYWORDS: effective low energy theories, finite volume partition function, lattice QCD
ABSTRACT: Random matrix theory is a powerful way to describe universal correlations of eigenvalues of complex systems. It also may serve as a schematic model for disorder in quantum systems. In this review, we discuss both types of applications of chiral random matrix theory to the QCD partition function. We show that constraints imposed by chiral symmetry and its spontaneous breaking determine the structure of low-energy effective partition functions for the Dirac spectrum. We thus derive exact results for the low-lying eigenvalues of the QCD Dirac operator. We argue that the statistical properties of these eigenvalues are universal and can be described by a random matrix theory with the global symmetries of the QCD partition function. The total number of such eigenvalues increases with the square root of the Euclidean four-volume. The spectral density for larger eigenvalues (but still well below a typical hadronic mass scale) also follows from the same low-energy effective partition function. The validity of the random matrix approach has been confirmed by many lattice QCD simulations in a wide parameter range. Stimulated by the success of the chiral random matrix theory in the description of universal properties of the Dirac eigenvalues, the random matrix model is extended to nonzero temperature and chemical potential. In this way we obtain qualitative results for the QCD phase diagram and the spectrum of the QCD Dirac operator. We discuss the nature of the quenched approximation and analyze quenched Dirac spectra at nonzero baryon density in terms of an effective partition function. Relations with other fields are also discussed.

The isentropic equation of state of 2-flavor QCD

The isentropic equation of state of 2-flavor QCD

a r X i v :h e p -l a t /0512040v 1 27 D e c 2005BI-TP 2005/52BNL-NT-05/49TKYNT-05-30The isentropic equation of state of 2-flavor QCDS.Ejiri a ,F.Karsch b ,c ,ermann c and C.Schmidt baDepartment of Physics,The University of Tokyo,Tokyo 113-0033,Japan bPhysics Department,Brookhaven National Laboratory,Upton,NY 11973,USA cFakult¨a t f¨u r Physik,Universit¨a t Bielefeld,D-33615Bielefeld,Germany(Dated:February 1,2008)Using Taylor expansions of the pressure obtained previously in studies of 2-flavor QCD at non-zero chemical potential we calculate expansion coefficients for the energy and entropy densities up to O (µ6q )in the quark chemical potential.We use these series in µq /T to determine lines of constant entropy per baryon number (S/N B )that characterize the expansion of dense matter created in heavy ion collisions.In the high temperature regime these lines are found to be well approximated by lines of constant µq /T .In the low temperature phase,however,the quark chemical potential is found to increase with decreasing temperature.This is in accordance with resonance gas model calculations.Along the lines of constant S/N B we calculate the energy density and pressure.Within the accuracy of our present analysis we find that the ratio p/ǫfor T >T 0as well as the softest point of the equation of state,(p/ǫ)min ≃0.075,show no significant dependence on S/N B .PACS numbers:11.15.Ha,11.10.Wx,12.38Gc,12.38.MhI.INTRODUCTIONRecently studies of QCD thermodynamics on the lattice have successfully been extended to non-vanishing quark (or baryon)chemical potential using Taylor expansions [1,2]as well as reweighting techniques [3]around the limit of vanishing quark chemical potential (µq =0)and analytic continuations of numerical calculations performed with an imaginary chemical potential [4].The complementary approach at fixed baryon number [5,6]has also been used recently in simulations of 4-flavor QCD with light quarks [7].These calculations yield the additional contribution to the pressure that arises from the presence of a net excess of baryons over anti-baryons in a strongly interacting medium.We will further explore here the approach based on a Taylor expansion of the pressure and make use of our earlier calculations for 2-flavor QCD [2]to determine also the energy and entropy densities at non-vanishing baryon chemical potential.In a heavy ion collision a dense medium is created which after thermalization is expected to expand without further generation of entropy (S )and with fixed baryon number (N B )or,equivalently,with fixed quark number N q =3N B .During the isentropic expansion the ratio S/N B thus remains constant 1.The cooling of the expanding system then is controlled by the equation of state on lines of constant S/N B .From a knowledge of the energy density and pressure at non-vanishing quark chemical potential we can calculate trajectories in the µq -T phase diagram of QCD that correspond to constant S/N B and can determine the isentropic equation of state on these trajectories.This paper is organized as follows.In the next section we summarize the basic setup for calculating Taylor expansions for bulk thermodynamic observables and present a calculation of the Taylor expansion coefficients for energy and entropy densities at non-vanishing quark chemical potential up to O (µ6q ).We use these results in Section III to determine lines of constant S/N B and study the temperature dependence of pressure and energy density along these lines.Our conclusions are given in section IV.II.TAYLOR EXPANSION OF PRESSURE,ENERGY AND ENTROPY DENSITYThe analysis we are going to present in this paper is based on numerical results previously obtained in simulations of 2-flavor QCD on lattices of size 163×4with an improved staggered fermion action [1,2].In these calculations Taylor expansion coefficients for the pressure have been obtained up to O (µ6)for a fixed bare quark mass value (ˆm =0.1)which at temperatures close to the transition temperature (T 0)corresponds to a still quite large pion mass of about770MeV.However,in particular at temperatures above the QCD transition temperature the remaining quark mass dependence of thermodynamic observables is nonetheless small as deviations from the massless limit are controlled by the quark mass in units of the temperature,which is a small number.We closely follow here the approach and notation used in Ref.[2].We start with a Taylor expansion for the pressure in2-flavor QCD for non-vanishing quark chemical potentialµq(and vanishing isospin chemical potential,µI≡0),pV T3ln Z(T,µq)=∞n=0c n(T,m q) µqn!1∂(µq/T)nµq=0.(2)Here we explicitely indicated that the Taylor expansion coefficients c n depend on temperature as well as the quark mass2.In the context of lattice calculations it is more customary to think of this quark mass dependence in terms of a dependence on an appropriately chosen ratio of hadron masses characterizing lines of constant physics.We thus may replace m q by a ratio of pseudo-scalar(pion)and vector(rho)meson masses,m q≡(m P S/m V)2.Due to the invariance of the partition function under exchange of particle and anti-particle the Taylor expansion is a series in even powers ofµq/T;expansion coefficients c n vanish for odd values of n.From the pressure we immediately obtain the quark number density,n qV T3∂ln Z(T,µq)T n−1.(3)Using standard thermodynamic relations we also can calculate the difference between energy density(ǫ)and three times the pressure,ǫ−3pT n,(4) wherec′n(T,m q)=Td c n(T,m q)T4=∞n=0(3c n(T,m q)+c′n(T,m q)) µqT3≡ǫ+p−µq n qT n.(6)The expansion coefficients c n(T,m q)have been calculated in2-flavor QCD at several values of the temperature and for afixed value of the bare quark mass,ˆm=0.1[2].We note that the bare couplingˆm introduces an implicit temperature dependence ifˆm is keptfixed while the lattice cut-offis varied.The latter controls the temperature of the system on lattices of temporal extent Nτ,i.e.T−1=Nτa.The difference between derivatives taken atfixedˆm andfixed m q,however,is negligible at high temperature,where the quark mass dependence of bulk thermodynamic quantities is O((m q/T)2)and,of course,vanishes at all temperatures in the chiral limit as this also defines a line of constant physics.We thus approximate the derivative,Eq.5,by a derivative taken atfixedˆm which becomes exact in the chiral limit.These derivatives are evaluated usingfinite difference approximants.Alternatively we may expressderivatives of Taylor expansion coefficients with respect to T in terms of derivatives with respect to the bare lattice couplingsβ≡6/g2andˆm and rewrite Eq.5as,c′n(T,m q)=−a dβ∂β−adˆm∂ˆm.(7)Here the two latticeβ-functions,a dβ/d a and a dˆm/d a,have to be determined by demanding that the temperature derivative is taken along lines of constant physics[10,11].Theβ-function controlling the variation of the bare quark mass with the lattice cut-off,a dˆm/d a,is proportional to the bare quark massˆm and thus vanishes in the chiral limit [10].For small quark masses thefirst term in Eq.7thus gives the dominant contribution to c′n(T,m q).We have evaluated thisfirst term in Eq.7for n=2andfind that this approximation for c′2agrees within errors with the calculation of c′2fromfinite difference approximants.Only close to T0wefind differences of the order of10%.The expansion coefficients c n(T,m q)have been calculated in[2]forˆm=0.1at a set of16temperature values in the interval T/T0∈[0.81,1.98].From this set of expansion coefficients we have calculated the partial derivatives c′n at temperature T by averaging overfinite difference approximants for left and right derivatives at T.With this we have constructed the expansion coefficients for the energy and entropy densities,ǫn≡3c n(T,m q)+c′n(T,m q),s n≡(4−n)c n(T,m q)+c′n(T,m q).(8) Results for the2nd,4th and6th order expansion coefficients of energy and entropy densities obtained in the approxi-mation discussed above are shown in Fig.1.Also shown in thisfigure are the corresponding expansion coefficients for the pressure(p n≡c n).For temperatures larger than T/T0≃1.5all expansion coefficients satisfy quite well the idealgas relations,ǫSBn =3p SBnandǫSB2=3s SB2/2.As noted already in Ref.[2]results for the2nd and4th order expansioncoefficients are close to those of an ideal Fermi gas which describes the high temperature limit for the energy density of2-flavor QCD,ǫSBF10+3 µq2π2 µqN B =337π2T 2T+1T 3.(10)In the zero temperature limit,however,the resonance gas reduces to a degenerate Fermi gas of nucleons and the chemical potential approaches afinite value to obtainfinite baryon number and entropy,i.e.µq/T∼1/T. 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5FIG.1:The 2nd ,4th and 6th order Taylor expansion coefficients for pressure (p n ≡c n ),energy density (ǫn )and entropy density (s n )as functions of T /T µq dependent contribution to energy density (filled symbols)and entropy density (open symbols)calculated in 4th order Taylor expansion.Data points for the entropy density have been shifted slightly for better visibility.Horizontal lines show the corresponding ideal gas values for the energy density.In Fig.3we show the values for µq needed to keep S/N B fixed.These lines of constant S/N B in the T -µq plane have been obtained by calculating the total entropy density for 2-flavor QCD from Eq.6using results for the pressure and energy density calculated at µq =0[9,12]and the corresponding µq dependent contributions shown in Fig.1.The ratio of s/T 3and n q /T 3obtained in this way is then solved numerically for µq /T .We find that isentropic expansion at high temperature indeed is well represented by lines of constant µq /T down to temperatures close to the transition,T ≃1.2T 0.In the low temperature regime we observe a bending of the isentropic lines in accordance with the expected asymptotic low temperature behavior.The isentropic expansion lines for matter created at SPS correspond to S/N B ≃45while the isentropes at RHIC correspond to S/N B ≃300.The energy range0.801.001.201.401.601.800.000.200.400.600.801.00µq /TT/T1502002503000 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900T [MeV]FIG.3:Lines of constant entropy per quark number versus µq /T (left)and in physical units using T 0=175MeV to set the scales (right).In the left hand figure we show results obtained using a 4th (full symbols)and 6th (open symbols)order Taylor expansion of the pressure,respectively.Data points correspond to S/N B =300,150,90,60,45,30(from left to right).The vertical lines indicate the corresponding idealgas results,µq /T =0.08,0.16,0.27,0.41,0.54and 0.82in decreasing order of values for S/N B .For a detailed description of the right hand figure see the discussion given in the text.0.02.0 4.0 6.0 2.53.0 3.54.0FIG.4:The complete energy density (left)and pressure (right)evaluated on lines of constant S/N B using Taylor expansions up to 6th order in the quark chemical potential.Shown are results for S/N B =30,45,300.of the AGS which also corresponds to an energy range relevant for future experiments at FAIR/Darmstadt is well described by S/N B ≃30.These lines are shown in Fig.3(right)together with points characterizing the chemical freeze-out of hadrons measured at AGS,SPS and RHIC energies.These points have been obtained by comparing experimental results for yields of various hadron species with hadron abundances in a resonance gas [13,14].The solid curve shows a phenomenological parametrization of these freeze-out data [14].In general our findings for lines of constant S/N B are in good agreement with phenomenological model calculations that are based on combinations of ideal gas and resonance gas equations of state at high and low temperature,respectively [15,16].Our current analysis yields stable results for lines of constant S/N B also for temperatures T <∼T 0and values of the chemical potential µB ≃400MeV.This value of µB is larger than recent estimates for the location of the chiral critical point in 2-flavor [17]and (2+1)-flavor [18]QCD.We thus may expect modifications to our current analysis at temperatures below T 0once we include higher orders in the Taylor expansion and/or perform this analysis at smaller values of the quark mass.We now can proceed and calculate energy density and pressure on lines of constant entropy per baryon number using our Taylor expansion results up to O (µ6q ).In Fig.4we show both quantities for the parameters relevant for AGS (FAIR),SPS and RHIC energies.At high temperatures the relevant values of the quark chemical potential in an ideal quark gas are µq /T =0.82,0.54and 0.08,respectively.However,as can be seen from Fig.3at temperatures T <∼1.8T 0the required values for the chemical potentials are significantly smaller.In particular,for the AGS (FAIR)energies (S/N B =30)we find µq /T =0.77at T ≃1.8T 0.The 6th order Taylor expansion thus is still well behaved0. of state on lines of constant entropy per quark number versus T /T 0(left)and in physical units using T 0=175MeV to set the scale (right).Thesolidcurve in the right hand figure is the parametrization of the high temperature part of the equation of state given in these values of the quark chemical potential.The dependence of ǫand p on S/N B cancels to a large extent in the ratio p/ǫ,which is most relevant for the analysis of the hydrodynamic expansion of dense matter.This may be seen by considering the leading O (µ2q )correction,p 3−1ǫ0 1+ c ′2ǫ0µq ǫ=11+0.5ǫfm 3/GeV.(12)We note,however,that this phenomenological parametrization is not correct at asymptotically large temperatures asit is obvious that Eq.12would lead to corrections to the ideal gas result p/ǫ=1/3that are proportional to T −4while perturbative corrections vanish only logarithmically as function of T .IV.CONCLUSIONSWe have determined Taylor expansion coefficients for the energy and entropy densities in 2-flavor QCD at non-zero quark chemical potential.At present these expansion coefficients have been determined from calculations performed at one value of the bare quark mass which gives a good description of QCD thermodynamics at high temperature.In this temperature regime lines of constant entropy per baryon are well described by lines of constant µq /T .On these isentropic lines we have determined the equation of state and find that the ratio of pressure and energy density shows remarkably little dependence on the ratio S/N B .The regime close to and below the transition temperature T 0is not yet well controlled in our current analysis.Smaller quark masses and the introduction of a non-vanishing strange quark mass,kept fixed in physical units,will be needed to explore this regime as well as the approach to the 3-flavor high temperature limit in more detail.AcknowledgmentsThe work of FK and CS has been supported by a contract DE-AC02-98CH1-886with the U.S.Department of Energy.FK and EL acknowledge partial support through a grant of the BMBF under contract no.06BI106.SE hasbeen supported by the 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量子色动力学相变的临界行为量子色动力学(Quantum Chromodynamics,简称QCD)是描述强相互作用的理论,它在粒子物理中起着重要的作用。

在高温和高能量密度条件下,QCD相变会导致强子系统中的自由夸克和胶子相互作用的改变,这种相变被称为量子色动力学相变(Quantum Chromodynamics Phase Transition)。


1. 引言量子色动力学是标准模型的一部分,它描述了夸克和胶子之间的相互作用。




2. 临界行为的表征量子色动力学相变的临界行为可以通过临界指数来表征。



3. 临界指数(1)比热容的临界指数在量子色动力学相变的临界点附近,比热容的行为可以用下式描述:C_v \sim |T - T_c|^{-\alpha}$$式中,$C_v$为比热容,$T$为温度,$T_c$为临界温度,$\alpha$为比热容的临界指数。


(2)磁化率的临界指数磁化率是描述系统磁现象的物理量,它在临界点附近的行为可以用下式表示:$$\chi \sim |T - T_c|^{-\gamma}$$式中,$\chi$为磁化率,$\gamma$为磁化率的临界指数。



相关长度可以用下式表示:$$\xi \sim |T - T_c|^{-\nu}式中,$\xi$为相关长度,$\nu$为相关长度的临界指数。



Thermal induced stress and associated crackingin cement-based composite at elevated temperatures––Part I:Thermal cracking around single inclusionY.F.Fu a ,Y.L.Wonga,*,C.A.Tang b ,C.S.PoonaaDepartment of Civil and Structural Engineering,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,Hong Kong,ChinabLab of Numerical Test of Material Failure,Northeastern University,Shenyang 110006,ChinaAccepted 25April 2003AbstractThis paper presents the development and verification of 2-D mesoscopic thermoelastic damage model used to numerically quantify the thermal stresses and crack development of a cement-based composite subjected to elevated temperatures.The program is then used to study the thermal fracture behavior of a cement-based matrix with a single inclusion.The results show that the mechanisms of thermal damage and fracture of the composite depend on (i)the difference between the coefficients of thermal ex-pansion (CTE)of the inclusion and the cement-based matrix,(ii)the strengths of materials,and (iii)the heterogeneity of materials at meso-scale.The thermal cracking is an evolution process from diffused damage,nucleation,and finally linkage of cracks.If the CTE of the inclusion is greater than that of the matrix,radial cracks will form in the matrix.On the other hand,inclusion cracks and tangential cracks at the interface between inclusion and matrix will form if the CTE of the inclusion is smaller than that of the matrix.Ó2003Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.Keywords:Thermal stress;Thermal induced cracking;Heterogeneity;Numerical simulation1.IntroductionThermal cracking induced by thermal mismatch has been one of the problems in a cement-based composite material under elevated temperatures.For a multi-phase material,the eigenstrains deriving from the heteroge-neous deformations among phase components inevita-bly cause cracking in the composite,even though it is under a uniform temperature field.Experimental results [1]have shown that this type of cracking significantly reduces the strength and elastic modulus of a cement-based composite.However,the entire thermal cracking process (initiation,propagation and linkage of cracks)and the associated stress distributions under elevated temperatures are difficult to quantify experimentally,mainly because of the limitation of equipment and the complex structure of a composite material.In order to understand the failure mechanism of a composite material due to thermal effects,many math-ematical models have been proposed [1–3].In these models,the driving stresses for the crack initiation and propagation are the heterogeneous eigenstresses,which develop in and around the restraining inclusion.These eigenstresses might be caused by thermal expansion,shrinkage [4,5],initial strains and misfit strains.Timo-shenko and Goodier in 1970[6]proposed a closed-form solution for the axisymmetric problem of a circular in-clusion concentrically embedded in the circular disc of another phase material with different thermal and mechanical properties.Hsueh et al.[7]transformed a composite with a microstructure of square-array,hexagon-array,brick-array grains,as well as the actual microstructure of random-array grains into a simple composite-circle analytical model.The residual thermal stresses were predicted reasonably well using the pro-posed linear elastic solutions except for the model mi-crostructure of brick-array grains.A modified version of Timoshenko and Goodier Õs solution incorporating the longitudinal strain proposed by Gentry and Husain*Corresponding author.Tel.:+852-2766-6009;fax:+852-2334-6389.E-mail (Y.L.Wong).0958-9465/$-see front matter Ó2003Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/S0958-9465(03)00086-6Cement &Concrete Composites 26(2004)99–111[2]was also used to study the differential pressure de-veloped in the interface between concrete and a com-posite rod.As for a40°C temperature increase,the concrete was modeled with a linear-elastic and nonlin-ear tension-softening material model using afinite ele-ment approach.The calculated results showed that the large spacing of the rods and the thick concrete cover were helpful to reduce the tensile stress in concrete as well as the potential for thermally induced cracking. Based on a fracture mechanics model,Timoshenko and GoodierÕs solution was adopted by Dela and Stang[3] to calculate the crack growth with time in a high-shrinkage cement paste with a single aggregate disc.The experimentally measured stresses in the selected circular aggregate were employed to predict the stresses dis-tributed in cement paste and the crack growth at a crack tip close to the aggregate in terms of a given stress in-tensity factor.Although the above-mentioned models deepen the understanding on thermal stress and cracking,essen-tially,none of them can simulate the entire thermal cracking process from crack initiation to propagation. HsuehÕs and RussellÕs models can determine the stress distribution around a single inclusion in the composite before crack initiates.DelaÕs model was suitable to cal-culate the critical stress value when an existing crack starts to grow.The stress distribution represented by this model would be invalid as soon as the crack is ex-tended.A fracture mechanics model is able to study the growth of existing single crack,but it is not suitable to explain the initiation and coalescence of cracks.More importantly,the phase materials of a cement-based composite are often heterogeneous so that the effect of change in microstructure(mesostructure)on the mac-roscopic behavior is difficult to be studied by using an analytical model.Consequently,a numerical method appears to be an effective tool to model cracking processes.Substantial progress[8,9]has been achieved in numerical simulation of failure occurring in a cement-based composite at ambient temperatures.However,a satisfactory model to simulate the cracking processes caused by the thermal induced stresses in a heated cement-based composite is still not available.The aim of this paper is to propose and verify a mesoscopic thermoelastic damage(MTED)model,that can numerically simulate the formation,extension and coalescence of cracks in a cement-based composite ma-terial(cement-based matrix+aggregate inclusion), caused by the thermal mismatch of the matrix and the inclusion under uniform temperature variations and free boundary conditions.Numerical studies of the effects of the thermal mismatch between the matrix and a single circular inclusion on the stress distribution and crack development are also presented.2.Numerical modelIn the MTED model,phase materials of a composite are considered to be heterogeneous following the Wei-bull distribution.Tensile and shear cracking at meso-scale occur if the stress in the composite subjected to high temperatures satisfied with the failure criteria of Coulomb–Mohr with tensioncutoff. 100Y.F.Fu et al./Cement&Concrete Composites26(2004)99–1112.1.Material modelFor a cement-based composite material,the phase materials are cement mortar matrix and aggregate in-clusions.Although the composite material is regarded as an isotropic elastic-brittle solid at a macroscopic scale, while the individual grains in the matrix and inclusions are distinguished at microscopic or mesoscopic scales [8].The effect of heterogeneity on the stress distribution has been studied[10],and much of the behavior ob-served at a macro-level can be explained in terms of the material structure at a meso-level.As a result,the matrix and the inclusions are considered as disorder solids in a meso-scale in this study.To account for the heterogeneity of the matrix and inclusions,their statistical distributions of properties (elastic modulus,compressive strength and Poisson ratio)are assumed to follow the Weibull distribution:uðh;bÞ¼hb0Ább0hÀ1ÁeÀðb=b0Þhð1aÞwhere uðh;bÞis the distribution density of parameter b which is a material property(such as strength,elasticity and Poisson ratio)of a representative volume element (RVE)in the mesh divisions,and b0is the mean value of the material property under consideration.h is the ho-mogeneity index of the RVE which represents the degree of homogeneity.The statistical distribution function Uðh;bÞis expressed by Eq.(1b)after integrating Eq.(1a):Uðh;bÞ¼1ÀeÀðb=b0Þhð1bÞThe randomness of the mechanical properties of RVE can be simulated using the distribution function with given parameters h and b0,i.e.Uðh;b0Þ.The relationship of distribution density of RVE strength and homoge-neity index is shown in Fig.1.With increasing h,the material is more homogeneous or vice versa.For in-stance,we consider a material with a mean strength of 200MPa.If the material has a homogeneity indexðhÞof 30,the distribution probabilities Uð30;200Þwill be close to zero and unity for the strengths of RVE less than160 and210MPa,respectively as shown in Fig.1b.In an-other case,if it has a homogeneity indexðhÞof1.1,the corresponding distribution probabilities Uð1:1;200Þwill become0.54and0.64for the strengths of RVE less than 160and210MPa,respectively.From these strength distributions,it is evident that increasing heterogeneity of a material will increase both the difference in me-chanical properties among the RVEs,and the popula-tion of the RVE with lower strengths.The strength,elastic modulus and Poisson ratio are randomly allocated to each RVE so to account for the inherent variability in phase materials,using the Monte-Carlo method.A more detailed introduction and ex-planation to the material model were reported in our previous publications[11–13].The thermal properties (CTE)of the phase materials are assumed to be uniform and location-invariant,and only depend on the indi-vidual phase.2.2.Mesoscopic thermoelastic damage(MTED)modelIt has been known that the thermal damages of a heated concrete is a complex problem.There are a number of affecting factors,such as thermal mismatch, temperature gradient,degradation of mechanical prop-erties of cementitious materials due to chemical de-composition,and pore water pressure,that cause such damages.However,the focus of this paper is on the damage caused by differential thermal strains as aresultof different CTEs of the phase materials(matrix and inclusion).Studies[8,14]show that the macroscopic fracture of materials is always related to the initiation and propagation of cracks at a meso-scale.Hence,it is assumed that the damage of a cement-based composite is due to the cracking caused by thermal induced stresses at a meso-scale.The bond between the matrix and the inclusion is considered to be perfect.In fact,the pro-posed model can be further modified to incorporate the effects of temperature gradients and temperature-de-pendent mechanical properties,pending on the avail-ability of experimental data to quantify the associated simulation functions,details of which are under inves-tigation by the authors of this paper.In the numerical modeling,each phase material is discretized into many RVEs with a suitable charac-teristic length.In general,the precision of computa-tional results will increase with decreasing RVE size,at the expense of longer computational time.The RVE has the same size as the meshedfinite element in this paper.It is also assumed that the stress–strain rela-tionship of a RVE is linearly elastic till its peak-strength is reached,and thereafter follows an abrupt drop to its residual strength.Cracking is treated as a smeared phenomenon.That is,a crack is not consid-ered as a discrete displacement jump,but rather changing the properties of the RVE according to a continuum law,such as damage mechanics.Although this modeling approach might appear to be crude, however,the complex failure phenomenon(such as compressive and tensile failure)and the nonlinear be-havior in a macro-scale have been proved to be suc-cessfully simulated using the material heterogeneity [11].The behavior laws of the RVE are implemented by introducing a MTED variable D into a constitutive relationship.Based on the above-mentioned ideas and the damage mechanics[21],the general form of an effective stress for a given state of damage for a RVE can be expressed as follows:r¼ð1ÀDÞÁE0Áe rð2Þwhere r is the effective stress,D is the damage variable, E0is the elastic modulus at a reference/undamaged condition(such as at reference temperature),and e r is the strain.Under a uniform temperaturefield,the damage is induced both by differential thermal strains and by the temperature increment D T,the general ex-pression of damage variable is D¼Dðe r;D TÞ.Let D m and D T denote the damages by the thermal strain and temperature increment,respectively.They can be ex-pressed in terms of the stiffness degradation as follows: D m¼1ÀEðe rÞE0ð3ÞD T¼1ÀEðD TÞE0ð4Þwhere Eðe rÞand EðD TÞare the elastic modulus corre-sponding to a given thermal strain e r and the elastic modulus at temperature increment of D T,respectively. If they are independent,the damage variable Dðe r;D TÞcan be expressed as follow:Dðe r;D TÞ¼1Àð1ÀD mÞÁð1ÀD TÞDðe r;D TÞ¼1ÀEðe rÞE0ÁEðD TÞE0ð5ÞSince the temperature-dependent properties are not considered,the damage D T is equal to zero.According to the description of the damage process of a material by Mazars[14]and Yu[15],the thermal induced damage before and after the peak-strength can be determined by the thermal strain and the temperature increment D T102Y.F.Fu et al./Cement&Concrete Composites26(2004)99–111through a separation function,respectively.Fig.2shows a general constitutive relationship of a RVE under thermal loading.At a temperature increment of D T ,the initial thermal strain e thermal is equal to a ÁD T ,and the damage at any given thermal strain can be calculated from Eq.(6)D ðe ;D T Þ¼0;e thermal 6e 6e r 01Àn ðe r 0Àa ÁD T Þðe Àa ÁD T Þ;e P e r 0under compression1;e P e r 0under tension8<:ð6Þwhere D ðe r ;D T Þrepresents the thermal damage with respect to the thermal strains.e r 0is the strain at peak-strength;n ð¼S r =S Þis the coefficient of residual strength for a RVE,S and S r are the peak-strength and residual strength,respectively.Under compression,n is less than 1but greater than 0.Under tension,n is equal to 0.When the strain e becomes smaller than or equal to e r 0,the RVE is undamaged and intact,and D ¼0.When the strain e is larger than e r 0,and under a compressive state,the RVE is damaged,i.e.D >0,and damage variable shall be calculated by the residual strength.Under a tensile state,the RVE is fully damaged and does not sustain any load,and D ¼1.The behavior for a given state of thermal induced damage can be represented by r ¼½1ÀD ðe r ;D T Þ ÁE 0Áðe r Àe thermal Þð7ÞHence,substituting Eq.(6)into Eq.(7),a mesoscopic nonlocal damage model,which can describe the com-plete thermal induced damage process,is expressed as:r ¼E 0Áðe Àa ÁD T Þ;e thermal 6e 6e r 0n ÁE 0Áðe r 0Àa ÁD T Þ;e P e r 0under compression0;e P e r 0under tension8<:ð8ÞIn order to simulate the thermal damage induced by thermal tensile or compressive stresses,a failure crite-rion,which can consider the effects of both tension and compression,is necessary.In this study,the Mohr–Coulomb criterion with tension cutoff[16]is chosen as the criterion of cracking:r 1À1þSin h r 2P S c if r 1P S c 1À1þSin h Á1ÀÁor r 26ÀS t if r 16S c 1À1þSin h 1ÀSin h Á1k ÀÁ8<:ð9Þwhere S c and S t are the uniaxial compressive strengthand tensile strength respectively,S t ¼Àk ÁS c ,and k is the ratio of tensile strength to compressive strength.h is the friction angle of the material.All these parameters can be obtained experimentally.r 1and r 2are the maximum and minimum principal stresses respectively.A compressive stress is positive,and a tensile stress is negative.Finally,a finite element program T-MFPA,incor-porating the above-mentioned MTED model and failurecriteria,was developed based on the Material Failure Process Analysis (MFPA)program [11,12],using a four-node isoperimetric element.2.3.Numerical specimensNumerical tests of five specimens (one circular spec-imen and four square specimens)using the T-MFPA program are reported in following sections.Let a i de-note the CTE of the inclusion and a m be the CTE of the matrix.The specimens were analyzed under a plain stress condition without external loading.Specimen no.1is a circular specimen comprising two different homogeneous phase materials (matrix and in-clusion,see Fig.3a).It is numerically heated under a uniform temperature field of 50°C,and free boundary conditions.The numerical thermal stresses determined from the proposed program are compared with those derived from the classical theory of thermoelasticity,from which the validity of the MTED model in an elastic and undamaged state can be justified.The me-chanical and geometrical properties of the phase mate-rials are listed in Table 1.In this case,the CTE of the inclusion is greater than that of the matrix.A homoge-neity index h ¼300is chosen so that the phase materials are basically homogeneous in nature.The numerical results are shown in the following section.Y.F.Fu et al./Cement &Concrete Composites 26(2004)99–111103In order to determine the effects of material hetero-geneity,material strength,and CTE on the stress de-velopment and the process of thermal cracking around a single inclusion,four square specimens (Specimens no.2to no.5,see Fig.4)with different thermal and me-chanical properties (see Table 2)are numerically stud-ied.Basically,the specimens can be classified into two groups.In Group 1(Specimens no.2and no.3),the CTE of the matrix is smaller than that of the inclusion.In Group 2(Specimens no.4and no.5),the CTE of matrix is larger than that of the inclusion.Within a group,the only variable is the mean strength of the in-clusion.The four specimens have the same homogeneity index h equal to 3,representing a high degree of heter-ogeneity.They are subjected to a uniform temperature increment from 20to 620°C at an incremental step of 10°C.3.Model validationFig.3b shows the comparison of the thermal stresses around the single inclusion of Specimen no.1calculated from the T-MFPA program,and from the analytical solutions (Eqs.(10)and (11))derived from the classical theory of thermo-elasticity [6,17].It is evident that under an elastic and undamaged state,an excellent agreement between the stresses ob-tained from the two different approaches has been ob-tained.4.Thermal cracking history of square specimens Fig.5shows the effect of thermal mismatch on the thermal induced damages and fracture processes of Specimen no.2(Group 1)and Specimen no.4(Group 2)due to increasing temperatures.Fig.6illustrates the influence of the mean strength of the inclusions on the crack development in each group.Detailed descriptions of crack formation of the specimens are shown below.4.1.Thermal cracking in composite of a i >a mIn the case of Specimen no.2,since the a i (CTE)of the inclusion is greater than that of the matrix ða m Þ,the incompatibility of thermal deformation at the interface between the matrix and the inclusion leads to the stress concentration around the inclusion (see Fig.5a(a)).The inclusion is under a statistically hydrostatic compres-sion,and the matrix is under a combination of com-pression and tension.When the temperature reaches 200°C,a few broken elements randomly occur (due to heterogeneity)in the high stress zone around the inclu-sion.With increasing temperatures,the number of the diffused damaged elements increases.The damaged ele-ments exist in both the high stress zone and in the low stress zone,but most of them are located near the for-Table 1Material properties of circular Specimen no.1ParameterValue Matrix Inclusion Heterogeneity index (h )300300Mean elastic modulus (MPa)60,000100,000Mean compressive strength (MPa)3060Poisson ratio0.250.20Coefficient of thermal expansion (/°C) 1.0E )5 1.1E )5Temperature increment (°C)1010Tension cutoff0.10.1Frictional angle (°)3030Diameter (mm)10020Number of elements31,4001256Fig.4.Numerical square specimen with single inclusion.Table 2Material properties of square Specimens no.2to no.5ParameterValue Matrix Inclusion Heterogeneity index (h )33Mean elastic modulus (MPa)60,000100,000Mean compressive strength (MPa)Specimen no.2200300Specimen no.3150Specimen no.4300Specimen no.5150Poisson ratio0.250.20Coefficient of thermal expansion (/°C)Specimen no.2 1.0E )51.1E )5Specimen no.3 1.1E )5Specimen no.40.9E )5Specimen no.50.9E )5Temperature increment (°C)1010Tension cutoff0.10.1Frictional angle (°)3030Dimension (mm)100Â100U 30Number of elements200Â2001412104Y.F.Fu et al./Cement &Concrete Composites 26(2004)99–111merly broken elements in the high stress zone (see Fig.5a(c)).When the temperature increases to 430°C,a macro-crack is formed firstly at the top-left area around the inclusion.At the same time,only a few of cracks nucleate far away from the high stress zone around the inclusion (see Fig.5a(d)).As the temperature further increases,the broken elements around the inclusion nucleate into several discontinuous macro-cracks (see Fig.5a(e)and (f)),and simultaneously corresponding tensile stress zones are formed at the tips of these cracks.Bridges are formed between the cracks due to the fact that many small cracks simultaneously grow at different locations caused by the heterogeneity.This phenomenon is also described by Van Mier [19].As the temperature rises to 570°C,all these macro-cracks further propagate under the tensile stresses at their tips,followed by the occurrence of dispersed damaged elements in the frac-ture process zone.During the heating process,the macro-cracks are formed in the way that the discontin-uous cracks continue to grow and bridges are formed.The shapes of these cracks are irregular,rough and bi-furcate (see Fig.5a(e)–(h)).The macro-cracks formed along the radial direction around the inclusion can be called ‘‘radial cracks’’,which were also evident intheFig.5.(a)Thermal cracking of cement-based composite of Specimen no.2(inclusion diameter ¼30mm and a i ¼1:1Â10À6/°C).(b)Thermal cracking of cement-based composite of Specimen no.4(inclusion diameter ¼30mm and a i ¼0:9Â10À6/°C).Y.F.Fu et al./Cement &Concrete Composites 26(2004)99–111105experiments reported by Zhou et al.[18]and Golter-mann [5].It is also noted that when the main macro-cracks begin to propagate,the pace of minor crack develop-ment is slow down (see Fig.5a(g)and (h)).Fig.6a shows the thermal fracture process of the companion Specimen no.3with a lower mean strength ðr i3Þof the inclusion than that ðr i2Þin Specimen no.2.It is evident that the variation of the mean inclusion strength does not affect the patterns of thermal damage initiation and propagation.4.2.Thermal cracking in composite of a i <a mIn the case of Specimen no.4,since the a i (CTE)of the inclusion is smaller than that of the matrix ða m Þ,azone of stress concentration also occurs around the in-clusion.The inclusion is stressed under tension and the matrix is under a combination of tension and com-pression (see Fig.5b(a)).When the temperature reaches 160°C,a few of the damaged elements distribute dis-orderly inside the inclusion.With increasing tempera-tures,the number of broken elements grows,and a few of them occur in the stress concentration zone outside the inclusion (see Fig.5b(c)).When the temperature increases to 400°C,the broken elements at the interface between the matrix and the inclusion nucleate and form several small discontinuous cracks.As the temperature becomes further higher,the discontinuous cracks at the interface propagate gradually and coalesce with the stress transferring from the inclusion and the matrix nearby the inclusion to the tips of the cracks (seeFig.Fig.6.(a)Thermal cracking processes of specimens in Group 1.(b)Thermal cracking processes of specimens in Group 2.106Y.F.Fu et al./Cement &Concrete Composites 26(2004)99–1115b(e)–(g)).Eventually,after the temperature has reached 620°C,most of all the elements around the interface between the matrix and the inclusion are broken and a nearly close circular macro-crack is formed at the in-terface.The high stress distributing inside the inclusion is transferred into the crack tips.This kind of crack is called‘‘tangential crack’’,which is also observed in the experiments by Zhou et al.[18]and Goltermann[5].Fig.6b demonstrates the thermal fracture process of the companion Specimen no.5with a lower mean strengthðr i5Þinclusion than thatðr i4Þin Specimen no.4. Although the thermal damage initiation and crack propagation of the two specimens are similar,the number of the broken elements and the kinds of cracks at each temperature level are different.At a lower tem-perature,more elements in the inclusion of Specimen no. 5are damaged than those in Specimen no.4(see Fig. 6b(a)and(a0)).When the temperature reaches360°C, the macro-cracks pass through partly or wholly the in-clusion,and high stresses previously distributed around the inclusion are transferred into the tips of these cracks (as shown in Fig.6b(b0)).With increasing temperatures, these discontinuous cracks nucleate and coalesce with the redistributing stressfield(as shown in Fig.6b(c0)and (d0)).This kind of crack occurred inside the inclusion is called‘‘inclusion crack’’.5.Thermal stressfields of square specimens5.1.Effect of thermal mismatchAlthough the four specimens are subjected to uniform temperature changes,local stress concentration occurs around the inclusion due to the thermal mismatch be-tween the matrix and the inclusion.When the CTE of the inclusion is greater than that of the matrix,the inclusion in Specimen no.2is stressed under a state of statistically hydrostatic compression due to the restriction from the matrix,and the matrix is under a general bi-axial state of stresses(tensile/com-pressive and shear stresses)due to the outward expan-sion from the inclusion.The distribution of maximum and minimum principal stresses and the maximum shear stress along the mid-section of Specimen no.2can be shown in Fig.7a(a).Although the maximum and mini-mum principal stresses in the inclusion are high,the maximum shear stress is much smaller so that few ele-ments with lower strength in this area reach their failure strength.The absence of tensile stresses in the inclusion delays the attainment of the Mohr–Coulomb with ten-sion cutofffailure criterion.Unless the inclusion is ab-normally weak in compression,the strength of inclusion has no effect on damage initiation(see Fig.6a).As a result,most of the diffused damages distribute in the high stress zone of the matrix around the inclusion for Group1specimens.With increasing temperatures,these broken elements nucleate and form several discontinu-ous cracks due to the stress redistribution at the crack tips.Since the minimum principal stress is nearly per-pendicular to the radial direction of the inclusion and is in tension,these cracks are developed in the manner of radial cracks in the matrix.When the CTE of the inclusion is smaller than that of the matrix,the inclusion in Specimen no.4is stressed under bi-axial tension,and the matrix remains in a state of compressive/tensile and shear stresses(see Fig.7b). Since a bi-axial tension leads to early attainment of the failure criterion,it is not surprised that the initiation of damage takes place only in the inclusion of Group2 specimens.In such a case,the strength of the inclusion has considerable effects on the crack formation.That is, a weaker inclusion will have damage initiated at a lower temperature and grow more rapidly at high tempera-tures(see Fig.6b).The minimum principal stress in the matrix is parallel to the radius direction of the inclusion and is in tension,so that the main cracks propagate in the manner of tangential cracks at the matrix–inclusion interfacial region.5.2.Effect of heterogeneity at meso-scaleThe thermal stressfields are shown in Figs.4–6.The bright color indicates the higher stress,and vice versa.It is found that the points with different scale colors exist in a same zone.It means that there are existing points subjected to different stresses due to the heterogeneity at meso-scale in such zone,where the stressfield is statis-tically uniform at macro-scale.The ratio of the local stress to the local strength is a very important parameter which can be used to decide whether or not an element fails.The effect of the heterogeneity at meso-scale can be reflected by the stressfluctuation shown in Fig.7.In comparison with the results from Fig.3,the curves of stress distribution along the mid-section E–E in Speci-mens no.2to no.5before crack initiating are charac-terized by an irregular variation of stress values(see Fig. 7a and b).Such a strong thermal stressfluctuation in a heterogeneous composite,which can be quantitatively identified in our numerical study,is difficult to be de-termined by experiments.Taking into account of the material heterogeneity, the failure of a material is dependent both on the in-duced stress level and on the strength itself.An element subjected to high stress may not break due to the fact that this element has higher strength;whereas an ele-ment subjected to low stress may break because of its low strength.These kinds of failure are definitely dif-ferent,since their released energies are different.Con-sequently,some RVE can still remain un-fractured in a zone of high stress,if these elements have higherY.F.Fu et al./Cement&Concrete Composites26(2004)99–111107。

A calculation of the QCD phase diagram at finite temperature, and baryon and isospin chemic

A calculation of the QCD phase diagram at finite temperature, and baryon and isospin chemic
Department of Physics, University of Florence and INFN Sezione di Firenze Via G. Sansone 1, I-50109, Sesto, Firenze, Italy∗
arXiv:hep-ph/0402104v2 24 Mar 2004
3 wash the splitting of the first order transition line. This happens for values of the ratio of the instanton coupling to the NJL coupling of order 0.1-0.15. In Section II we summarize the relevant features of the NJL model we have considered, with isospin charge included. The one-loop effective potential and the values of the fit parameters are included. In Section III we discuss the various equilibrium phases of the model, together with the corresponding symmetries, by studying the behavior of the scalar and pion condensates with respect to different thermodynamical parameters among T, µB , µI (or µu , µd ). Results are shown for growing temperatures, starting from zero up to temperatures above that of the critical ending point. Finally, Section IV is devoted to conclusions.

Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue

Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue
Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue
Fracture mechanics and fatigue are crucial concepts in the field of materials science and engineering. Fracture mechanics deals with the study of how materials behave when subjected to stress, particularly focusing on the initiation and propagation of cracks. On the other hand, fatigue is the phenomenon where materials fail due to repeated loading and unloading cycles, leading to the gradual growth of cracks until catastrophic failure occurs. Understanding these phenomena is essential for designing safe and reliable structures in various industries, such as aerospace, automotive, and civil engineering. One of the key aspects of fracture mechanics is the concept of stress intensity factor, which quantifies the stress field near the tip of a crack and predicts the likelihood of crack propagation. By analyzing the stress distribution around a crack, engineers can assess the critical conditions under which a crack will grow and ultimately lead to failure. This knowledge is crucial for determining the safety margins of structures and components, ensuring that they can withstand the expected loading conditions throughout their service life. Fatigue, on the other hand, poses a different challenge for materials engineers. Unlike static loading, fatigue loading involves cyclic stress variations that can lead to crack initiation and propagation even at stress levels below the material's ultimate strength. This phenomenon is particularly critical in applications where components are subjected to repeated loading, such as aircraft wings, automotive suspension systems, and offshore structures. By studying the fatigue behavior of materials, engineers can predict the fatigue life of a component and implement strategies to mitigate fatigue failure, such as improving material quality, introducing surface treatments, or redesigning the component geometry. In practice, fracture mechanics and fatigue analysis are often combined to assess the structural integrity of complex systems. Engineers use advanced modeling techniques, such as finite element analysis and computational simulations, to predict the behavior of materials under different loading conditions. By incorporating experimental data and theoretical models, engineers can optimize the design of structures and components to minimize the risk of failure due to fracture or fatigue. This integrated approach allows engineers to balance performance, cost, and safetyconsiderations in the design process, ensuring that structures meet the required standards and regulations. Despite the advancements in materials science and engineering, challenges still exist in predicting and preventing fracture and fatigue failures. The complex nature of material behavior, combined with the variability of loading conditions and environmental factors, makes it difficult to accurately predict the lifetime of structures and components. Moreover, unexpected failure events can have catastrophic consequences, leading to injuries, financial losses, and damage to the environment. As such, ongoing research and development efforts are focused on improving the understanding of fracture mechanics and fatigue behavior, developing new materials with enhanced durability and reliability, and implementing advanced testing and monitoring techniques to detect early signs of damage. In conclusion, fracture mechanics and fatigue are fundamental concepts in materials science and engineering that play a crucial role in ensuring the safety and reliability of structures and components. By studying the behavior of materials under different loading condition likelihood of crack initiation and propagation, assess the fatigue life of components, and optimize the design of structures to minimize the risk of failure. While challenges exist in predicting and preventing fracture and fatigue failures, ongoing research and development efforts are aimed at improving our understanding of material behavior and developing innovative solutions to enhance the durability and performance of engineering systems. By addressing these challenges, engineers can continue to push the boundaries of materials science and engineering, creating safer and more sustainable structures for the future.

Measurements of High Density Matter at RHIC

Measurements of High Density Matter at RHIC


1 Introduction
At high temperature or baryon density, hadronic matter dissolves into a soup of its constituent quarks and gluons. For an asymptotically free field theory such as QCD, the state of matter at high energy density is simple1: long range (low momentum) interactions are screened, and short range (high momentum) interactions are weak, leading to an ideal gas equation of state in the high energy density limit. At temperature T ≫ ΛQCD matter is a gas of deconfined, weakly interacting quarks and gluons (the fined and matter consists of strongly interacting hadrons. “Quark-Gluon Plasma”, or QGP), whereas at T ≪ ΛQCD quarks and gluons are con-
temperature QCD can only be carried out numerically on the lattice.3 Fig. 2 shows a recent lattice calculation of the energy density ǫ as function of temperature for twoand three-flavor QCD. ǫ exhibits a sharp rise in the vicinity of the critical temperature TC , indicating a rapid change in the density of underlying degrees of freedom. The ideal gas Stefan-Boltzmann limit ǫSB has not yet been achieved at T ∼ 4TC . Putting in physGeV/fm3 . This value should be kept in mind for comparison to conditions achieved in laboratory experiments. The order of the deconfinement phase transition can be determined in some limiting cases.3 It is first order for pure gauge and for three light quarks, second order for two light and one heavy quark. For physical quark masses the order of the transition, or 2 ical values, TC ∼ 175 MeV, resulting in critical energy density ǫC = (6 ± 2)TC 4 ∼ 1

材料导论中英文讲稿 (14)

材料导论中英文讲稿 (14)

Phase diagramHello everybody, welcome to my class. Today, we will talk about phase diagram and Gibbs phase rule, as well as how to calculate the corresponding proportion of liquid phase and solid phase.译文:大家好,欢迎来到我的课程。


First of all, let’s introduce the definition of phase. Phase is defined as a homogeneous part or aggregation of material. This homogenous part is distinguished from another part due to difference in structure, composition, or both. The different structures form an interface to difference in structure and composition. (这里要注意相的概念,相是指在结构和组成方面与其它部分不同的均匀体。




Some solid materials have the capability of changing their crystal structure under the varying conditions of pressure and temperature, causing an ability of phase-change.译文:一些固体材料随着压力和温度条件的改变而发生结晶结构变化,具有相变的能力。



磁场背景下有限温度NJL模型的手征性质陈建兴;陈圆圆;王丽;候金鑫【摘要】研究有限温度时均匀磁场背景下NJL模型的手征性质,计算不同磁场强度时有限温度和化学势下的手征凝聚和相图.利用玻色子化方法,得到具有辅助玻色子场的NJL模型拉格朗日密度,以此研究超出平均场近似的情形.通过使用最优化微扰论(OPT)方法,在微扰展开到一阶时,计入了部分高阶效应.计算结果表明,相变的性质与该模型在平均场近似下定性一致.相变线上存在两种不同类型的相变:在高温低化学势下是平滑的过渡,在低温高化学势下是一阶相变,相变存在临界终点(CEP).磁场增强会加剧手征对称性破缺,具有磁催化作用.随着磁场增强,CEP向相图的左上方移动,即对应的临界温度升高而临界化学势降低.【期刊名称】《辽宁师范大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2018(041)002【总页数】8页(P179-186)【关键词】NJL模型;磁场背景;手征相变;OPT方法;超出平均场近似【作者】陈建兴;陈圆圆;王丽;候金鑫【作者单位】辽宁师范大学物理与电子技术学院,辽宁大连 116029;辽宁师范大学物理与电子技术学院,辽宁大连 116029;辽宁师范大学物理与电子技术学院,辽宁大连 116029;辽宁师范大学物理与电子技术学院,辽宁大连 116029【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O572.33强相互作用物质在非零温度或化学势下的性质是粒子物理学的重要前沿课题之一.运行中的相对论重离子碰撞实验[1-2]在非中心碰撞过程中会产生较强的磁场,因此研究磁场对强相互作用物质性质的影响[3-4]具有很强的现实意义.作为强相互作用的基本理论的量子色动力学(QCD),在高能区能够进行可靠的微扰计算,然而在低能区,由于QCD的非微扰性质,处理起来非常困难.为解决此问题,人们采用了各种较为有效的方法,如格点模拟方法、有效模型方法等.无论在零温情况下还是在有限温度情况下,这些方法都被广泛应用于处理强相互作用的低能区问题[5-9].采用各种有效模型,如NJL模型[10]、线性Sigma模型[11-13]等,对理解强相互作用的相结构是非常有帮助的.在从第一原理出发的格点模拟处理低温高密度区的强相互作用面临严重困难[14-15] 的情况下,有效模型方法的重要性更为突出.在量子场论框架下,用微扰方法处理有限温度问题会因出现红外发散而变得更复杂.为得到可靠的计算结果,人们通常使用各种重新求和方案[16-18].笔者采用的最优化微扰论就是其中的一种,它本质上是一种变分方法,近年来该方法成为处理零温和有限温度问题[18-19] 的重要技术手段之一.由于NJL模型中的四夸克相互作用处理起来比较困难,人们往往采用平均场近似.事实上,目前为止,很多采用NJL类模型(指具有基本的NJL模型结构,但拉格朗日密度包含的作用有差异,甚至包含描述禁闭作用PNJL模型等)研究强相互作用的相结构时,采用的是该近似[20-23].这样做的优点是简化了运算,不足之处在于忽略了夸克场的涨落.Pinto等作者采用两味道NJL模型在超出平均场近似的水平研究了强相互作用物质的相结构[24],本文将在此基础上进一步研究磁场的引入对相结构的影响.1 拉格朗日密度考虑NJL模型[25]的拉格朗日密度具有如下形式:(1)这可以说是最简单的NJL模型.事实上,现在常用的NJL模型不仅包括式(1)中的标量、赝标量相互作用,还包括矢量、赝矢量相互作用.本文采用具有两个味道的NJL模型,即夸克场ψ=(u,d)T的情形.式(1)中=rμ∂μ,m0为夸克的流质量,G是相互作用强度.m0=0时该模型具有SU(2)V×SU(2)A×U(1)V×U(1)A对称性,这是两味道QCD具有的对称性.NJL模型通常采用平均场近似进行研究,原因是式(1)中的四费米子相互作用直接处理起来较为困难.在平均场近似下,该模型简化为(2)此时,夸克的质量发生了变化,定义组分夸克质量为(3)式(3)就是NJL模型的质量间隙方程.NJL模型的拉氏量式(1)含有2个参数,即耦合常数G和流夸克质量m0.由于该模型是不可重整化的,所以在实际计算中,人们常常把正规化过程中的动量截断Λ也作为模型的一部分来处理.因此,需考虑3个待定参数:m0,G和Λ.它们可以用零温下的π介子质量、π介子衰变常数和标量真空凝聚加以确定.为讨论超出平均场的近似,一个重要的方法是引入辅助玻色子场,把NJL模型的拉氏量进行玻色子化.其出发点是式(1)对应的生成泛函(4)玻色子化后,生成泛函可以重新写为(5)因此,含有辅助场σ和的等效拉氏量为(6)需要指出的是辅助场σ和不是动力学场.事实上,利用欧拉-拉格朗日方程可得(7)因此,式(7)只是两个约束方程,不含有场随时间变化的情况,所以σ场和场不是真正的动力学场.引入夸克的同位旋化学势μf,由于SU(2)同位旋对称性,取μu=μd=μ,式(6)相应变为(8)为了描述磁场的效应,对式(8)作代换∂μ→Dμ=∂μ+iqAμ,于是有(9)这里考虑到系统处于经典的外磁场中,因电磁场Aμ是外场,所以式(9)不含它的动能项.在目前阶段,人们通常讨论匀强磁场的情况.不失一般性,假设磁场沿z轴方向,取Aμ=(0,0,Bx,0),此时,B=×A=Bek,ek为z方向的单位矢量.磁场的加入会改变带电粒子的能谱情况.对于带电为q,自旋为的费米子,磁场下的能谱可表示为[20](10)而简并度变成2 OPT方法及零温度下的有效势以方程(6)为例来讨论OPT方法在NJL模型上的实现.暂时不考虑化学势和磁场的影响是因为这两种效应可以用简单的代换得到.只讨论零温的情况,这对确定NJL 模型的参数是必要的,相关的表达式通过代换很容易推广到具有磁场背景的情形. OPT方法本质上是一种变分方法.其主要特征是在原来的拉格朗日密度中加上并减去质量项而相互作用项均乘以一个δ,用以标记微扰阶数.此时的拉格朗日密度可以记为δ.当δ=0时,δ退化成无相互作用的自由场的拉格朗日密度;当δ=1时,δ就回到原始的拉格朗日密度.因此,在以δ为标志做完到确定阶k的微扰后,需取δ=1.设P为某物理量,微扰计算到k阶的结果记作P(k),则通常使用最不敏感条件(11)确定变分参数η的值.这种做法的优点在于,可以通过较低阶的微扰计算包含体系的部分高阶效应.另一个优点是,由于改变的是质量项,所以不会影响理论的可重整性.从方程(6)出发,(12)式(12)中,除第一项外,其余各项均为相互作用项.下面计算展开到一阶的有效势密度Veff.计算可根据有效势的表达式(13)进行.式中:等号右侧的第一项Vc为经典的有效势;第二项为有效势的单圈部分,D为自由传播子;第三项为更高阶的有效势,其下标1PI表示只取单粒不可约图.根据式(13),使用费曼图技术,可得展开到δ一阶的有效势为(14)对式(14)进一步化简,可得(15)令(16)(17)(18)则式(15)可以写成更为紧致的形式:(19)式(19)已经取δ=1.由最优化方案(11)可得(20)利用Veff可以求得使Veff为最小值的真空夸克凝聚,要求有(21)(22)式(21)正好是质量间隙方程,由它可以给出夸克凝聚的表达式:(23)3 有限温度及磁场下的有效势在第2节讨论了零温无磁场情况下的有效势.有限温度T≠0下的结果,可以通过对积分公式I1、I2、I3,即式(16)~式(18)做合适的代换得到.标准代换方法是改变积分测度的表达式:(24)式(24)的代换方法是一般性的.对于玻色子,ωn=2nπT,对于费米子,ωn=(2n+1)πT, n取全部整数.于是在T≠0时,I1、I2、I3的表达式变成(25)(26)(27)上面3个公式中,代表合适的有效质量.在费米子情形下,对n求和后,有(28)(29)(30)加入沿z方向的匀强磁场后,粒子的能谱和简并情况都发生变化.对于费米子,式(25)~式(27)中的ωn应改为(31)且积分测度也发生变化,(32)于是,对于有限温度且存在磁场的情形,积分公式I1、I2、I3应分别换成和(33)(34)(35)其中,上标B表示磁场,f表示夸克的味道,且(36)注意变分参数η出现在能量的表达式ωk中.因为u,d夸克具有不同的电荷,所以加入磁场后拉格朗日密度(9)不再像(6)那样具有SU(2)对称性.因此,有效势表达式中的因子Nf应该写为对不同味道进行求和的形式(37)于是均匀磁场背景下的有效势表达式为(38)根据最优化方案可得(39)与方程(20)具有类似的形式.由于所以匀强磁场下夸克凝聚满足方程(40)4 数值计算结果与讨论为考察磁场下NJL模型的手征性质,需首先确定模型的3个参数:流夸克质量m0、耦合常数G、正规化参数Λ,具体方法见文献[24].在采用三维动量截断方案时,取π介子的质量为mπ=135 MeV,衰变常数fπ=92.4 MeV,夸克标量凝聚可得到模型中各参数的值: m=4.8 MeV,G=4.86×10-6MeV-2,Λ=640 MeV.图1 不同磁场强度下手征相变线及CEP的位置Fig.1 Chiral phase transition lines and location of CEPs at different magnetic strengths不同磁场强度下的相变曲线见图1.其中,无磁场时的相变线对应图中的实线,和时的相变线分别用点线和虚线表示.每条相变线的下方是手征破缺相区域,而上方则是手征恢复相区域.从图1可知,每条相变线上都存在两种不同的相变类型:实心圆点左侧的相变线是二阶相变(准确地说是平滑过渡)的相变线,右侧的相变线是一阶相变线,因此实心点是两种不同相变线的交界点,即临界终点(CEP).从图中可以看出,随着磁场强度的增大,CEP向左上方移动,即向临界温度升高而临界化学势降低的方向移动.在图1中,CEP的坐标分别为(0.348 GeV,0.019 GeV)、(0.329 GeV,0.062 GeV)、(0.294 GeV,0.089 GeV).当化学势为0时,随磁场强度的增大,相变的临界温度升高.因此,磁场的加入使手征破缺相增强,这表明磁场对手征对称性破缺存在催化作用.本文的结果在定性上与NJL模型在平均场近似下的结论是相同的,这说明对于NJL模型而言,平均场近似可以较好地定性描述手征相变.图1中的小实心圆点标记了时,在平均场近似下CEP的位置.此时,CEP位于(0.313 GeV,0.073 GeV),与超出平均场近似的情况相比,CEP向左上方移动,化学势降低了0.016 GeV,而温度上升了0.011 GeV.因此,超出平均场近似对CEP位置的影响是比较显著的.由于模型中流夸克的质量不为0(因手征对称性存在明显破坏),所以相变本身是不完全的,表现为CEP左侧的相变线并不对应严格的二阶相变,而仅仅为平滑过渡.图2 μ=0.1 G eV时不同磁场强度下组分夸克质量随温度变化的情况Fig.2 The constituent mass verifies with temperature at μ=0.1 GeV图2给出了当化学势μ=0.1 GeV时,磁场强度分别为实线(虚线)时组分夸克质量随温度的变化情况.组分夸克的质量行为等价的就是相变序参数——标量夸克凝聚的行为,因此该图从另一方面显示了模型手征相变的情况.从图中可以明显看到此时的相变是平滑过渡,且当磁场强度增大时组分夸克的质量增大,表明手征破缺程度更高.由于这里的相变是平滑过渡,所以必须给出合理定义(赝)临界温度的方法.取相变曲线上两个拐点处温度的平均值作为相变的(赝)临界温度(常用的另外一种定义方法是取相变曲线最陡处对应的温度),可以看到手征恢复温度随磁场增强而升高.5 结论采用的NJL模型是讨论QCD低能性质和热性质的重要场论模型之一,研究均匀磁场背景下的手征相变,给出了相图.本文的工作采取两个味道的简单的NJL模型,但在做近似处理时超出了平均场近似,并且采用了最优化微扰论方法.发现每条相变线都存在两种不同类别的相变:平滑过渡和一阶相变,磁场会加剧手征对称性破缺.随磁场强度的增大,CEP向左上方移动,即对应的临界温度升高而临界化学势降低.参考文献:[1] FOKA P, JANIK M A.An overview of experimental results from ultra-relativistic heavy-ion 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2018·15·2-1Quark Matter Research Center at IMP ∗Chen Xurong,Fang Dongliang,Qiu Hao and XuNuFig.1(color online)The organization of the newlyproposed Quark Matter Research Center at IMP.As shown in Fig.1,the newly proposed Quark Mat-ter Research Center (QMRC)is made of three researchdivisions focusing on Quark Matter Phase Structure,Hadron Structure and the Neutrino Nature.In addi-tion,a detector research group,focusing on solid-statepixel detector,which supports all experimental activi-ties of the above three research groups.In this report,we will describe the physics of these groups in QMRCat IMP.1Quark matter phase structure Initially when Lee and Wick first proposed studying the high-energy nuclear collisions their goal was to create a new form of nu-clear matter called the Quark-Gluon Plasma(QGP)[1].It turns out that the net-baryondensity as well as the temperature strongly depend on the colliding energy,therefore high-energy collisions are also very effective for studying the QCD phase diagram [2].In ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions,where the net-baryon density is close to zero,the strongly coupled QGP has been observed [3]at both RHIC and LHC.The properties of the medium created in such collisions show a strong opacity to colored objects and small ratio of shear viscosity over entropy density [4].In the region with vanishing net-baryon density,a smooth-crossover is expected [5,6].At the high net-baryon region,on the other hand,model calculations have suggested the 1st −order phase boundary between QGP and hadronic phase.Hence to be thermodynamically consistent,there must be a critical point (CP)between the smooth-crossover and the 1st −order phase boundary line.The CP is a mile stone,the Holy Grail,for high-energy nuclear collisions.Nowadays many experimental programs have been set-up in order to study the QCD phase structure and search for the possible critical point.The first RHIC beam energy scan (RHIC BESI)program (USA)started almost ten years ago and the 2nd phase is under way.Both CBM experiment at FAIR (Germany)and MPD experiment at NICA (Russia)will be ready for action in 2025.The CEE experiment at HIRFL-CSR (China)[7]is under construction and will be in operation in 2022.While collaborating with international collages from STAR,CBM,NICA experiments,the main mission of the Nuclear Matter Phase Structure at QMRC is to complete the construction of CEE and start the experiment at CSR as soon as possible.It will be part of the world class fleet competing for the discovery of the QCD critical point.2Nucleon structureMost of the visible matter exists in form of hadrons.They are the building blocks for all nuclei in the universe.However,the basic properties of hadrons,proton spin,mass and radii,for example,are not known.The main task of the Nucleon Structure Group are two folds:(i)Establish the science cases for future polarized Electron-Ion Collider in China (EicC )and complete the Whitepaper including physics cases and detector conceptual design by the end of 2019.In the mean time,develop flagship measurements for the EicC.Unlike the high energy EIC proposed in US [8–11]and Europe [12],the EicC will be an e-p/e-A collider with center-of-mass energy around 10∼20GeV for electron and proton beams.Both electron and proton (light nucleus)beams will be polarized with the projected luminosity of (2∼4)×1033/cm 2·s.High-precision measurements of the distribution functions of sea-and valence-quarks at EicC will uncover the internal structure of nucleons and ultimately solve the puzzles about nucleon properties.The very first design of the EicC detector is discussed by Liang [13]in this Annual Report;(ii)Participate in few world-class ongoing electron scattering experiments at the JLab including search for penta-quark [14]and the DVCS experiment [15].∗Foundation item:Key Research Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Y832020YRC,XDBP09)·16·2018 3Neutrino NatureNeutrinoless double-beta decay(0νββ)experiment is a powerful tool for determining the nature of neutrino: Majorana or Dirac fermion.This is one of the few most foundermental physics questions beyond the successful Standard Model.The0νββdecay has been pursed ever since it is suggested in1930s.The limit on the effective Majorana mass has been pushed down to∼100meV in recent years,corresponding to a decay half-time of∼1026 a.The primary goal of the Neutrino Nature group at QMRC is to establish a next generation high sensitivity experiment in order to search for the0νββand to identify the dominant decay mechanism.We will propose an experiment:No neutrino Double-beta Experiment(NνDEx)to be located in the underground laboratory CJPL in Jingping,China.The NνDEx project aims to take advantage of the recent development of the Topmetal sensors and the gainless TPC to have a high energy resolution,together with the choice of large Q-value isotope82Se with Q=2.995MeV to achieve high sensitivity.The projected limit on the effective Majorana mass for one tonne,five-year data is about5∼14MeV,corresponding to a half-time of1028a.The low cosmic background environment in CPJL makes it the ideal place for this experiment.In addition,the group will work on high precision calculations of various observables such as decay half-lives and electron spectra,etc.through a collaborative effort from the nuclear theorists and particle physicists.The ultimate goal is tofind the new physics behind the decay and answer the question on the origin of neutrino mass. References[1]T.D.Lee,G.C.Wick,Phys.Rev.D,9a(1974)2291.[2]P.Braun-Munzinger,J.Stachel,Nature,448,(2007)302.[3]J.Adams,et al.,[STAR Collaboration],Nucl.Phys.A757,(2005)102.[4]M.Gyulassy,L.McLerran,Nucl.Phys.A,750(2005)30.[5]Y.Aoki,G.Endrodi,Z.Fodor,et al.,Nature,443,(2006)675.[6]S.Gupta,X.Luo,B.Monhanty,et al.,Science,332,(2011)1525.[7]Z.G.Xiao,Eur.Phys.J.A,50(2014)37.[8]eRHIC Homepage:[/WWW/publish/abhay/HomeofEIC].[9]JLab EIC Homepage:[https:///wiki/index.php/MainPage].[10]EIC-White Paper:“Electron-Ion Collider:Next QCD Frontier”,arXiv:1212.1701.[11]INT-Write-Up:“Gluons and the Quark Sea at High Energies:Distributions,Report on the Physics and Design Concepts forMachine and Detector”,arXiv:1206.2913.Polarization,Tomography”,arXiv:1108.1713.[12]J.L.Abelleira Fernandez,“A Large Hadron Electron Collider at CERN:[13]Y.T.Liang,“A Conceptual Design for EicC Detector”,(2019).[14]JLab E12-16-007:[https:///abs/1609.00676].[15]For reference see[https:///experiment/DVCS/].2-2Cosmic-ray Charge Measurement by DAMPE PlasticScintillator Detector∗Zhang Yapeng and Ding MengPrecisely measuring the energy spectra of cosmic-rays is vital to constrain the cosmic-ray production mechanism[1] and their propagation in the stellar medium[2].DArk Matter Particle Explorer(DAMPE)[3]is a high-resolution multi-purpose device for detecting cosmic-rays including electrons,γ-rays,protons and heavy ions in an energy range of a few GeV to100TeV.DAMPE has been launched on December17th,2015and operates on a sun-synchronous orbit at the altitude of500km.DAMPE consists of four sub-detectors:a Plastic Scintillator Detector(PSD),a Silicon-Tungsten Tracker(STK),a Bismuth Germanate Oxid Calorimeter(BGO)and a NeUtron Detector(NUD).The PSD is designed to fulfill two major tasks:(a)to measure the charge of incident high-energy particles with the charge number Z from1to26;(b)to serve as a veto detector for discriminatingγ-rays from charged particles.The on-orbit temperature variation of the PSD is verified to be less than1℃,which is a crucial factor for maintaining a stable performance of the PSD.After the calibration steps of pedestal,dynode ratio,response to minimum ionizing particles,light attenuation function and energy reconstruction,the charge of incident cosmic-ray particle can be obtained by comparing its energy deposition to the one of minimum-ionizing protons.The detailed calibration of PSD is presented in Ref.[4].The reconstructed charge of incid.ent particles(Q L/R/Crec)could be extracted by following expression:Q L/R/Crec =√E L/R/CA L/R/C(x)×sD,(1)。

The schematic diagram

The schematic diagram

The schematic diagramTake a look at the schematic diagram of the microscope: there is usually one posted on the wall of the laboratory, or you may be able to find one in the instruction manual.This next figure is a minimal schemetic, you should be able to find a much better picture of your particular microscope.On the equivilant diagram for your particular make of microscope, find the most important lens, the objective. Work from there, find the specimen, the condenser lenses (somewhere above the objective), the diffraction and projector lenses (somewhere below the objective). Find as many double deflection coils as you can: between the gun and condensers, the condensers and the specimen, and the diffraction lens and, possibly, within the projector lenses. Find all the aperture mechanisms. Can you see the stigmators (often left out of such diagrams). Does it make sense? Ask the teacher if there is something you don’t understand.How many variables are there in an electron microscope?Well, let's count them:∙- The setting or current through each lens (about 7 variables)∙- The setting of each double-deflection coil and their rocking points for both shift and tilt: for three sets, that’s 4 settings for each x and y:a total of 24 settings.∙- At least three sets of stigmators: another 6 variables.∙- The physical height of the specimen, the physical aperture settings, and some physical alignments we haven’t worried about: another 10or so variables.Luckily, we don’t have to constantly change all the 50 variab les to hand: but it’s worth knowing what variables exist. The main thing is to understand each lens can be shifted or tilted, stigmated and focussed and may or may not have an aperture. Most of the time, we try to leave the most important variables constant, although if someone else has used the microscope before you, don’t count on them being aligned.。

Phase of the Fermion Determinant at Nonzero Chemical Potential

Phase of the Fermion Determinant at Nonzero Chemical Potential

a r X i v :h e p -l a t /0609076v 1 29 S e p 2006Phase of the Fermion Determinant at Nonzero Chemical PotentialK.Splittorff1and J.J.M.Verbaarschot 1,21The Niels Bohr Institute,Blegdamsvej 17,DK-2100,Copenhagen Ø,Denmark 2Department of Physics and Astronomy,SUNY,Stony Brook,New York 11794,USA(Dated:February 1,2008)We show that in the microscopic domain of QCD (also known as the ǫ-domain)at nonzero chemical potential the average phase factor of the fermion determinant is nonzero for µ<m π/2and is exponentially suppressed for larger values of the chemical potential.This follows from the chiral Lagrangian that describes the low-energy limit of the expectation value of the phase factor.Explicit expressions for the average phase factor are derived using a random matrix formulation of the zero momentum limit of this chiral Lagrangian.Introduction.During the past decade,a great deal of progress has been made in understanding the phase diagram of the QCD partition function in the chemi-cal potential –temperature plane.Although early an-alytical arguments [1]clarified the nature of the chiral phase transition along the temperature axis,a detailed quantitative understanding could only be achieved by means of lattice QCD simulations (see [2]for a review).The situation at nonzero chemical potential is much less clear.Although perturbative arguments,model calcu-lations and phenomenological arguments seem to give a consistent picture [3],first principle quantitative in-formation is lacking.The main reason is that QCD at nonzero chemical potential cannot be simulated reliably in much of the chemical potential –temperature plane be-cause the fermion determinant is complex (the sign prob-lem).Progress has been made around the critical tem-perature and small chemical potentials,where different lattice QCD approaches seem to converge [4,5,6,7,8].Throughout this letter,chemical potential is short for quark chemical potential and will be denoted by µ.The question we wish to address in this letter is whether there exists a parameter domain for which the phase of the fermion determinant is manageable.Since there is no sign problem for µ=0,we expect that for sufficiently small nonzero chemical potential lattice QCD simulations are possible.The standard argument is that the number of gauge field configurations required for a converged calculation diverges exponentially with the volume as exp(V ∆F ),where V ∆F is the difference of the free energy of typical gauge field configurations gen-erated by the Monte Carlo algorithm and the converged free energy.One limit in which the sign problem remains manageable is when V ∆F remains finite in the thermo-dynamic limit.We expect that for sufficiently small µthe free energy difference behaves as µ2V .For the sign problem to be manageable the chemical potential then has to scale as 1/√det(D †+µγ0+m ).(1)Its expectation value is a QCD-like partition function with a low energy limit that is determined along well-established rules by chiral symmetry and gauge invari-ance [9,10].In this letter we analyze the average phase factor in the microscopic domain of QCD [11,12,13,14]m 2π≪1V,µ2≪1V.(2)In this domain the Compton wave length of the Gold-stone modes is much larger than the linear size of the box,so that the chiral Lagrangian can be truncated to its zero momentum sector.In the thermodynamic limit,simple expressions can then be obtained using mean field argu-ments.At finite volume,the calculations are much more complicated,but we can exploit the equivalence with random matrix theory [12,13],where recent progress [15,16,17,18,19,20]makes it possible to derive ex-act results in the microscopic domain.Several cases will be discussed:the quenched limit,the phase quenched limit,and QCD with dynamical flavors.In all cases we will find that the average phase factor is nonzero even for large µ2V provided that 2µ<m π.For 2µ>m πthe average phase is exponentially suppressed with µ2V .Although QCD at nonzero baryon chemical potential has a sign problem,this is not the case for QCD with two colors,QCD with gauge fields in the adjoint rep-resentation and the phase quenched partition function.The chemical potential and mass dependence of these partition functions has been analyzed in great detail by means of chiral lagrangians or random matrix theory [9,10,14,21,22,23,24,25,26]as well as on the lattice [27,28,29].The success of these calculations suggests2that equally impressive lattice QCD results can be ob-tained for the average phase factor.We hope that the results presented in this letter will encourage such calcu-lations.The approach introduced in this letter is directly appli-cable to QCD at nonzeroθ-angle.Fermion sign problems alsoappearinotherinterestingphysical systems[30].Itwould be worthwhile to analyze them along the lines pro-posed in this letter.General arguments.In this section we will evaluate the µ-dependence of the average phase factor in the mean field limit.Below we will confirm these results from the asymptotic limit of the exact expressions for the micro-scopic domain.In this domain,it is natural to work at fixed topology instead offixedθ-angle.The results pre-sented in this section are for the thermodynamic limit and do not depend on the topological charge.The vacuum energy density does not depend on the chemical potential in a phase that is not sensitive to the boundaries.This is the case in the normal phase where the chemical potential is below the mass of the light-est particle with the corresponding charge.For largerµthere is a net particleflux in the time direction of the Eu-clidean torus and the free energy depends on the chemical potential[31].Although in the normal phase the free en-ergy isµ-independent,the excitations of the vacuum are not.For a chiral Lagrangian the masses of the Goldstone modes forµ<mπ/2are given by[10]M(µ)=mπ−bµ,(3) where b is the charge of the particles corresponding toµ. In the zero momentum sector,the thermodynamic limit of the partition function is therefore given byZ=J k1Z Nf.(5) They are defined by( ··· refers to quenched averaging)Z Nf +1|1∗= det(D+µγ0+m)m2N f+2π=(1−4µ2V(10)are keptfixed for V→∞.In this limit,the QCD parti-tion function is equivalent to the large N limit of a ran-dom matrix theory of2N×2N matrices with the sameglobal symmetries and transformation properties[12,13].This allows us to perform the calculations using recentdevelopments in the method of orthogonal polynomials[17,18,19,20].Starting from a general expression in[19],it can be shown that the microscopic limit of the parti-tion functions in(5)can be expressed in terms of modifiedBessel functions and their Cauchy transforms.For zerotopological charge we obtain(withδˆm=ˆm d/dˆm)e2iθ N f∼(11)31ˆm N f(N f+1)X(0)(ˆm;ˆµ)···X(N f+1)(ˆm;ˆµ)I0(ˆm)···δN f+1ˆmI0(ˆm) ......δN fˆmI0(ˆm)···δ2N f+1ˆmI0(ˆm),where[11]Z Nf∼ˆm−N f(N f−1)det[δk+lˆm I0(ˆm)]k,l=0,...,N f−1.(12) The Cauchy transforms X(k)(ˆm;ˆµ)are defined byX(k)(ˆm;ˆµ)≡−e−2ˆµ2z2−ˆm2,(13)where w(z,z∗;µ)is the weight function of the random matrix model in[17].The expressions for the Cauchy transform(13)can be rewritten as a one-dimensional in-tegral following the approach of[21].Next we give ex-plicit results for the thermodynamic limit of(11)which is obtained from the saddle point approximation forˆµ→∞andˆm→∞atfixedµ2/m.In the quenched case(N f=0)a saddle-point approx-imation of(11)givese2iθ N f=0=(1−4µ2m2π)2e0,2µ<mπ,(15)in agreement with the meanfield arguments given above. Forµ>mπ/2,atfinite volume the result is given by(9) with a prefactor that cancels to leading order in1/V. By now it should be clear that the thermodynamic limit of the microscopic result(11)reproduces the general formula(8)for all values of N f.As further illustration we plot in Fig.1the average phase factor for N f=2. The dashed curve represents the result of Eq.(11)for mVΣ=4and the full curve is its limit for mVΣ→∞atfixedµ/mπ.We observe a rapid convergence to the thermodynamic limit especially at smallµ.Finally,we calculate the average phase factor for the phase quenched theory where the phase factor of the dy-namical fermions is ignored.For twoflavors it can be expressed ase2iθ 1+1∗= det2(D+µγ0+m)2e2ˆµ2 10dtte−2ˆµ2t2I0(ˆmt)2.(17) In the thermodynamic limit obtained by making a saddle point approximation of the integrals in(17)wefind the same result as in the quenched case(14).For2µ>mπthe result is once more given by(9)but with a different prefactor than in the previous two cases.Lattice Simulations.Several lattice simulations have studied thefluctuations of the phase of the fermion de-terminant.Both cosθ [32]and θ2 [5,33]were consid-ered.In[5,33]the variance of the phase of the fermion determinant was calculated using the Taylor expansion technique.To lowest order in an expansion inµthe av-erage squared phase is given byθ2 − θ 2=µ2∂µ1∂µ2log Z1+1∗ µ1=µ2=0,(18) whereZ1+1∗= det(D+µ1γ0+m)det(D†+µ2γ0+m) .(19) In the microscopic limit,this partition function is given by the the denominator of Eq.(17)withµ→(µ1−µ2)/2. In the thermodynamic limit we obtain(µ<mπ/2)θ2 − θ 2=2µ24In particular,susceptibilities are expected to be sensitive to the temperature.Second,our results have been de-rived for theǫ-domain of QCD whereas the pion mass in[5]does not satisfy the condition(2).Third,there could be significant ultra-violet contributions to the av-erage squared phase.Although,it can be shown along the lines of[26]that in dimensional regularization the µ−dependent terms do not introduce additional ultra-violet divergences,for a lattice regularization this is only the case after the necessary subtractions have been made. Ultra-violet contributions to the average phase factor are expected to behave as exp(−V w2Λ2)with w the width of the strip of eigenvalues andΛan ultra-violet cut-off. Since w∼µ2(see[14])ultra-violet contributions are sup-pressed in the microscopic limit.Conclusions.We have shown that for sufficiently small µthe expectation value of the phase factor of the quark determinant can be obtained from chiral perturbation theory.Explicit expressions have been obtained in the microscopic domain whereµ∼1/√V and a physical quark mass.However,the sign problem is severe in the chiral limit for any nonzeroµwhere it is essential for the discontinuity of the chiral condensate[34].Our results have been derived for zero temperature. From the temperature dependence of the grand poten-tial we expect that phasefluctuations initially increase with temperature.A deeper understanding of the sign problem could be obtained by extending the current lat-tice simulations to lower temperatures and quark masses. We believe that the confirmation of the analytical results for the phasefluctuations predicted in this letter will be an important step forward toward afirst principles under-standing of the QCD phase diagram at nonzero chemical potential.Acknowledgments.We wish to thank G.Akemann,P.H. Damgaard, Forcrand,M.L¨u scher,D.Dietrich,J. Osborn and L.Ravagli for valuable discussions.This work was supported by U.S.DOE Grant No.DE-FG-88ER40388(JV)and the Carlsberg Foundation(KS).[1]R.D.Pisarski and F.Wilczek,Phys.Rev.D29,338(1984).[2]U.M.Heller,plenary review PoS LAT2006.[3]K.Rajagopal and F.Wilczek,hep-ph/0011333.[4] Forcrand and O.Philipsen,Nucl.Phys.B642,290(2002);Nucl.Phys.B673,170(2003).[5]C.R.Allton et al.,Phys.Rev.D66,074507(2002);Phys.Rev.D68,014507(2003);Phys.Rev.D71,054508 (2005).[6]Z.Fodor and S.D.Katz,JHEP0203,014(2002);JHEP0404,050(2004).[7]M.D’Elia and M.P.Lombardo,Phys.Rev.D67,014505(2003).[8]R.V.Gavai and S.Gupta,Phys.Rev.D68,034506(2003).[9]J.B.Kogut,M.A.Stephanov,and D.Toublan,Phys.Lett.B464,183(1999).[10]J.B.Kogut et al.,Nucl.Phys.B582,477(2000).[11]H.Leutwyler and A.Smilga,Phys.Rev.D46,5607(1992).[12]E.V.Shuryak and J.J.M.Verbaarschot,Nucl.Phys.A560,306(1993).[13]J.J.M.Verbaarschot,Phys.Rev.Lett.72,2531(1994).[14]D.Toublan and J.J.M.Verbaarschot,Int.J.Mod.Phys.B15,1404(2001).[15]Y.V.Fyodorov, B.Khoruzhenko and H.J.Sommers,Ann.Inst.Henri Poincar´e:Phys.Theor.68,449(1998).[16]G.Akemann,Phys.Rev.Lett.80,072002(2002);J.Phys.A:Math.Gen.36,3363(2003).[17]J.C.Osborn,Phys.Rev.Lett.93,222001(2004).[18]M.C.Berg`e re,hep-th/0311227;hep-th/0404126.[19]G.Akemann and A.Pottier,J.Phys.A37,L453(2004).[20]G.Akemann,J.C.Osborn,K.Splittorffand J.J.M.Ver-baarschot,Nucl.Phys.B712,287(2005).[21]K.Splittorffand J.J.M.Verbaarschot,hep-th/0605143.[22]M.Stephanov,Phys.Rev.Lett.76,4472(1996).[23]K.Splittorffand J.J.M.Verbaarschot,Nucl.Phys.B683,467(2004).[24]P.H.Damgaard,et al.Phys.Rev.D72,091501(2005);Phys.Rev.D73,074023(2006);hep-th/0604054. 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ρ(x) ≈ DU g(U ) exp {−V (x)} ,
163 / 2
The QCD phase diagram at finite density
Christian Schmidt
where exp{−V (x)} is a Gaussian potential with
arXiv:hep-lat/0510087v1 18 Oct 2005
BNL-NT-05/38 WUB-05-12 ITP-Budapest 623
The QCD phase diagram at finite density
Christian Schmidt∗ Physics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, 11973, USA E-mail: cschmidt@ Zoltan Fodor Department of Physics, University of Wuppertal, Wuppertal, Germany Institute for Theoretical Physics, Eötvös University, Budapest, Hungary E-mail: Sandor Katz Institute for Theoretical Physics, Eötvös University, Budapest, Hungary E-mail:
on every gauge configuration by the sum over all lattice points (y) and directions (µν) of the local plaquette Pµν(y) and its adjoint Pµ†ν(y),
(µ0, β0),
R(µ, µ0, β , β0)
g(µ, β
)/g(µ0, β0)
|det(µ )| |det(µ0)|
exp{SG(β )

Heaving calculated the expressions (2.7)-(2.9), we are able to extrapolate the expectation value
V (x) = 1 γ (x − P)2 .
We obtain the density of states (ρ(x)) by the fluctuations of the actual plaquette P around the
constraint value x. The fluctuation dissipation theorem gives
f (U ) x (µ, β ) = f (U )R(µ, µ0, β , β0) x / R(µ, µ0, β , β0) x ,
d ln ρ(x, µ, β ) = dx
(x − P)R(µ, µ0, β , β0) x .
Here R is given by the quotient of the measure g at the point (µ, β ) and at the simulation point
XXIIIrd International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory 25-30 July 2005 Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
c Copyright owned by the author(s) under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike Licence.
< O >= dφ O f (U ) φ ρ(φ ) dφ f (U ) φ ρ(φ )
where the density of states (ρ) is given by the constrained partition function:
ρ(x) ≡ Zφ (x) = DU g(U ) δ (φ − x).
of the observable (2.1) to any point (µ, β ) in a small region around the simulation point (µ0, β0). For any evaluation of O (µ, β ), we numerically perform the integrals in Equation (2.1). We also
ZGC(µ) = DU detM[U](µ) exp{−SG[U]}.
Recently many different methods have been developed to cirumvent the complex action problem for small µ/T [1, 2]. For a recent overview see also [3].
d dx

Before performing the integrals in Equation (2.1) we compute from an ensemble generated at
(µ0, β0):
O f (U ) x (µ, β ) = O f (U )R(µ, µ0, β , β0) x / R(µ, µ0, β , β0) x ,
2. Formulation of the method
A very general formulation of the DOS method is the following: One exposed parameter (φ ) is fixed. The expectation value of a thermodynamic observable (O), according to the usual grand canonical partition function (1.1), can be recovered by the integral
With φ we denote the expectation value with respect to the constrained partition function. In addition, the product of the weight functions f , g has to give the correct measure of ZGC: f g = detM exp{−SG}. This idea of reordering the partition functions is rather old and was used in many different cases [4, 5, 6] The advantages of this additional integration becomes clear, when choosing φ = P and g(U ) = 1. In this case ρ(φ ) is independent of all simulation parameters. The observable can be calculated as a function of all values of the lattice coupling β . If one has stored all eigenvalues of the fermion matrix for all configurations, the observable can also be calculated
combine the data from several simulation points to interpolate between them.
3. Simulations with constrained plaquette
The value we want to constrain is the expectation value of the global plaquette, which is given
as a function of quark mass (m) and number of flavors[5] (Nf ). In this work we chose
φ = P and g = |detM|exp{−SG}, f = exp{iθ }.
In other words we constrain the plaquette and perform simulations with measure g. In practice, we replace the delta function in Equation (2.2) by a sharply peaked potential [6]. The constrained partition function for fixed values of the plaquette expectation value can then be written as
The QCD phase diagram at finite density
Christian Schmidt