



教学内容:阅读理解、词汇 学习、语法练习
教学目标:掌握阅读技巧, 提高阅读速度和理解能力
教学重点:阅读技巧和词汇 运用
教学难点:长难句理解和篇 章结构分析
重点:掌握阅读技巧,理解文章主旨 难点:运用所学知识解决实际问题,提高阅读速度和准确性
教学内容:阅读材料的选择、 阅读技巧的讲解、阅读任务 的设置
词汇练习:通过词汇填空、匹配 等方式巩固所学词汇
篇章练习:阅读理解、完形填空 等形式检测学生对篇章的理解能 力
句型练习:运用所学句型进行造 句、翻译等练习
口语练习:角色扮演、话题讨论 等形式提高学生的口语表达能力
评价目的:了解学生的学习情况,提高教学质量 评价方式:测试、作业、课堂表现等 评价标准:根据教学目标制定具体的评价标准 评价结果:分析评价数据,发现问题,改进教学方法
朗读并背诵本单元的单词和短语 完成课后练习,巩固所学知识 阅读与本单元主题相关的英文文章,提高阅读能力 收集与本单元主题相关的资料,为下节课做准备
学生是否能够理解并掌握阅读材料中的知识点 学生是否能够运用所学知识解决实际问题 学生的阅读速度和阅读理解能力是否有所提高 学生对阅读材料中的情感态度和价值观的理解是否深入
人教版英语八 上u7阅读教学



人教版英语八上u7阅读教学设计Unit 7: The World of WorkObjective:By the end of this unit, students will be able to read and understand a variety of texts related to the topic of work, develop their reading skills, and expand their vocabulary.I. Warm-up (10 minutes)1. Greet the students and introduce the topic of the lesson: work.2. Show pictures related to different types of jobs and ask students to discuss in pairs what they see and what kind of job each picture represents.3. Ask a few pairs to share their discussions with the class.II. Pre-reading (15 minutes)1. Write the word "Work" on the board and ask students to brainstorm words or phrases associated with this topic.2. Write their ideas on the board and discuss the meanings and connections between the words.3. Introduce any unknown vocabulary that might come up during the discussion.4. Ask students to predict what the reading passage might be about based on the words and phrases they have generated.III. While-reading (25 minutes)1. Provide each student with a copy of the reading passage titled "Jobs of the Future."2. Ask students to read the passage silently and underline any unfamiliar vocabulary.3. Discuss the meaning of the underlined vocabulary as a class.4. Allow students time to read the passage again and answer the comprehension questions provided.5. Check the answers as a class and address any areas of confusion or difficulty.IV. Post-reading (20 minutes)1. Divide the class into small groups and assign each group a specific job mentioned in the reading passage (e.g. space tour guide, robot therapist, etc.).2. Ask each group to create a short presentation about the assigned job, including the skills and qualifications required, potential benefits, and challenges.3. Give the groups time to prepare their presentations.4. Each group presents their job to the class, and other students provide feedback and ask questions.V. Follow-up activities (20 minutes)1. Assign a writing task to students: "Imagine you are a time traveler visiting the future. Write a journal entry about your experience working in one of the jobs mentioned in the reading passage."2. Provide guidelines for the writing task, including a word count requirement.3. Allow students time to complete their writing task.4. Invite a few students to share their journal entries with the class.VI. Conclusion (10 minutes)1. Summarize the main points discussed in the lesson, emphasizing the importance of developing reading skills and vocabulary in relation to the topic of work.2. Encourage students to continue exploring the world of work and to expand their knowledge through reading and research.3. Thank the students for their active participation and conclude the lesson.Note: This teaching design is based on the assumption that the reading passage titled "Jobs of the Future" from the 8th-grade textbook of People's Education Press (人教版) is being used for the lesson.。


八上第七单元阅 读教学设计
XXX,a click to unlimited possibilities
添加目录标题 教学方法
教学目标 教学评价
教学内容 教学反思
掌握本单元的主题和重点,明确教学目标和要求。 了解本单元各篇课文的背景和内容,理解作者的写作意图和思想内涵。 掌握本单元的重点词汇和表达方式,提高阅读理解和写作能力。 通过多种教学活动的设计,激发学生的学习兴趣和主动性,培养学生的思维能力和创新能力。
精读课文的教 学方法
精读课文的选 择标准
精读课文的教 学效果评估
选取适合学生水 平的泛读材料
针对不同文体, 设计相应阅读策 略
注重泛读材料的 语言和内容
及时反馈和评价 学生的阅读效果
指导学生掌握阅 读技巧,提高阅 读速度和效率
引导学生深入理 解文本,把握文 章主旨和思想内 涵
成功之处:有效激发学生的学习兴趣,提高课堂参与度 不足之处:部分学生对于阅读理解仍存在困难,需要加强个性化指 导 改进措施:加强阅读训练,提高学生的阅读速度和准确性
汇报人:XXX 汇报时间:20X-XX-XX
教学方法是否符合学生的认知规律和学习特点 教学方法是否能够激发学生的学习兴趣和积极性 教学方法是否能够有效地帮助学生理解和掌握知识 教学方法是否能够培养学生的思维能力和创新能力



新版八上unit7阅读教学设计及教学反思第一篇:新版八上unit7阅读教学设计及教学反思Unit 7 Will people have robots? Reading(2a-2b)designed by zhanghaiping Teaching material The passage is taken from Unit 7, Book Eight and it is focused on what robots are like today and what robots will be like in the future, which can greatly attract students’ interests.T eaching methods: question-and-answer activity teaching method, free discussion teaching method, group work or individual work method.Teaching aids:Multimedia and blackboard Teaching procedures Pre-task Step 1.Lead-in: lead in by using a picture of a game character from a popular online game.Talk about what it looks like and what it can do.Then ask students what kind of robot they want.While-task Step 2.Get the stdents to turn to Page 53 and see robots today and in the futrue.Go through the passage(the whole passage)robots:(paragraph 1)robots in movies about the future,(paragraph 2)robots in factories,(paragraph 3)robots today and in the future,(paragraph 4)robots in the future.Step 3.After getting the useful information of the whole passage, Show it on the screen without some words or phrases.Ask the students to fill in the blanks Some of them are open.Students can use any words or phrases if they are suitable in the passage.Step 4.Get the students to read through the passage and tell if the statements are true or false.Get them to know the differences between the original sentences and the answers.True or false 1.Robots today are like human servants.()2.Robots help people do the most pleasant jobs.()3.Scientists try to make robots look different from people.()4.Some robots in Japanese companies can walk and dance.()Step 5.After that, get some students to askany questions they like and others can answer them.And then show some unique quesitons on the screen to see which student is the smartest.1.What kind of robots are scientists making?2.How soon will there be more robots?3.Will humans have less work to do? Why? Post-task Step 6.Write to a robot scientist to help solve your problem.Ask the students what we should write about in this paragraph.Then get them to write any sentences they like according to the two questions and then students show their own articles to others.What’s your problem? What kind of robot do you want? Step 7.The students take the following as their homework.1.Check if you can master the useful information of the passage.2.Finish the letter and prepare for next quiz.On the blackboard robots: robots in movies about the future robots in factories, robots today and in the future robots in the future.the letter: What’s your problem? What kind of robot do you want? 教学反思:《新目标英语》倡导以任务型教学,也就是引导学生通过完成具体的任务活动来学习语言,让学生为了特定的学习目的去实施特定的语言行动,通过完成特定的交际任务来获得和积累相应的学习经验。

人教版初中英语八年级上册Unit 7阅读课教案doc资料

人教版初中英语八年级上册Unit 7阅读课教案doc资料

人教版初中英语八年级上册Unit 7兴宁市大坪中学李慈红Will people have robots一、教材分析(一)教材的地位和作用Section B 2B是一个阅读板块。

“Do you think you will have your own robot?”是谈论未来的世界的话题,阅读语篇谈论的是未来机器人的发展的话题,其中涉及到机器人过去和现在的状况,并主要介绍了两派科学家对未来机器人的发展的不同的预测。


(二)教学目标的确立1、语言知识目标a.词汇:human、 dangerous、 disagree、 even、 shape、 fall down、 inside、possible、 impossible look for、 believeb.语法:理解“Will people have ”的一般将来时基本形式和表意功能。



三、教学过程Step I. Warming-up and lead in1. Show a picture of robot to the students and ask them if they know something about robots. Students describe their idea about a robot. Say what it looks like and what it can do. Then ask some students to t ell the class about their robots (the purpose is to arouse the studen ts’ interesting)2. Predicting: Ask students if they want to have their own robots and then ask them to turn to page 53, read out the title and predict the content according to the title. “Do you think you will have your ow n robot?”Step II Reading1.Fast readingAsk Ss fast read the article and then tell the main idea for each par agraphParagraph1. What are robots look like in movies?Paragraph2. What can robots do today?Paragraph3. Will robots think like humans in future?Paragraph4. What will robots be like in the future?(The purpose is to train students’ fast reading skills)2. Careful reading1. Listen to the text and pay attention to the pronunciation, they c an underline the topic sentences of each paragraph and the detail inf ormation that they interest.3. Have students read the text aloud then compete the sentences below (1). Robots can build ____ in factories.(2).They can do ____ jobs many times and never get bored.(3).Some can _____ and _____.(4).Some can help _____ people under ______.Step III. After-reading1. Teaching and analyze some important and difficult language points2. Give Ss a short time to practice the reading skills3. Sum-up: What do you learn from the text?StepⅣ.Homework1. Recite the new words and expressions in the article.2. Write a short paragraph.For example: I want to have a robot in the future. It will look lik e a ______. It will be able to_____, and it will also be able to help me _______________________________________________... .I think I will like it very much.3. Ask Ss to finish 2d-2e.四、教学反思本节课是一节阅读课,标题是“Do you think you will have your own robot?”对于这节课我最大的不足就是设置问题的难易程度没有把握好,基本上没有坡度,中等及偏上的学生都能很容易地回答,因此,一方面,不能很好地发展他们的个性思维,另一方面,由于问题简单,优生的回答基本覆盖了整个课堂,中等偏下的学生没有时间和机会思考问题,他们逐渐就懒于动脑,甚至出现讲闲话的情况,如果能在设计课程的时候,分配好难易问题,照顾到整个课堂,优生和差生都有思考的空间,那么整个课堂气氛就更加热烈,学生也能更透彻地掌握问题了。



新版八上unit7阅读公开课设计、课堂实录、课后反思教学感言①Do what you can and try what you can’t. If you think you can, you can.②If you believe the students can make great progress,they sure will.③Fun is the key to English learning.Unit 7 Will people have robots? Reading (2a-2b)designed by Chen YingTeaching materialThe passage is taken from Unit 7, Book Eight and it is focused on what robots are like today and what robots will be like in the future, which can greatly attract students’ interests.Teaching theory and methodsThis lesson is organized as a task chain which consists of several tasks. In the interactive discussion, students are required to focus on the task rather than language itself. Methods will be used : task-based approach teaching method, question-and-answer activity teaching method, free discussion teaching method, group work or individual work method. Teaching objectives①This lesson is taught in communication and for communication. It can help students to learn how to collect and handle information so that they can surely have a better comprehension of any other passage.②Get them to think about the passage and get the useful information using their own words.③Cultivate the students’ imagination about future life and get them to know the importance of friendship.④Make the students have a basic knowledge about robots today and robots in the future. Get them to know anything will be possible if we put effort into study, work or something.⑤Get them to solve problems they neet with others’ help---write to a robot scientist for help.Teaching aidsMultimedia and blackboardAbout the studentsAll the phrases with their Chinese meanings have already been handed out to the students before this unit.⑴. movies about the future⑵. be like human servants⑶. do jobs like working in dirty or dangerous places⑷. do simple jobs over and over again⑸. make robots talk like humans⑹. be able to think like humans⑺. disagree with sb⑻. in the future⑼. (in) hundreds of years⑽. have many different shapes =be in different shapes⑾. for example⑿. make robots which look like snakes⒀. fall down⒁. seem impossibleTeaching proceduresPre-taskStep 1. Lead-in: lead in by using a picture of a game character from a popular online game.Talk about what it looks like and what it can do. Then ask students what kind of robot they want. During this, show the attributive clause without explanation on the screen, and only get the students to know the characteristics of the sentence pattern, in which some words are marked.What kind of robot do you want?I want a robot which looks like a human and can help with thehousework. While-taskStep 2. Get the stdents to turn to Page 53 and see robots today and in the futrue. Go through the passage one paragraph by one paragraph together with the students. Have the students get the useful information of each paragraph and of the whole passage. At the same time, ask them to find what each paragraph is about so that they can get to know the structure of the whole passage.What’s the title of the passage? So what’s the passage about?What’s this paragraph about?(the whole passage)robots: (paragraph 1)robots in movies about the future, (paragraph 2)robots in factories, (paragraph 3)robots today and in the future, (paragraph 4)robots in the future.Step 3. After getting the useful information of the whole passage, Show it on the screen without some words or phrases. Ask the students to fill in the blanks so that they can be more familiar with the information of the passage. Some of them are open. Students can use any words or phrases if they are suitable in the passage.In movies about the future, we sometimes see robots which can help with the housework and do dirty or dangerous jobs. In factories, some robots can help build cars and do simple jobs over and over again. They never feel bored.Although we can make robots look like humans or move like humans, it will be difficult to make them talk or think likehumans. In the future, robots will be in different shapes and they help people do more things. We never know what will happen in the future.Step 4. Get the students to be familiar with the information by reading it several times. Then ask them to give a shorter one.Then show the teacher’s edition. Finish it the same way as the previous step. Give out some hints or explanations if needed. Some of the blanks are open.In the future, robots will be in different shapes. For example, they will look like humans or animals.We will have less work to do because robots can take our place to do dirty, dangerous or boring jobs. Maybe It will take hundreds of years to have more robots.We never know what will happen in the future.Step 5. Get the students to read through the passage and tell if the statements are true or false. And then give the reasons or find the original sentences. Get them to know the differences between the original sentences and the answers.True or false1. Robots today are like human servants. ( )2. Robots help people do the most pleasant jobs. ( )3. Scientists try to make robots look different from people. ( )4. Some robots in Japanese companies can walk and dance. ( )5. Robots will never get bored to do simplejobs over and over again. ( )6. Rockets seemed possible a hundred years ago. ( )Step 6. After that, get some students to ask any questions they like and others can answer them. And then show some unique quesitons on the screen to see which student is the smartest.1. What kind of robots are scientists making?2. How soon will there be more robots?3. Will humans have less work to do? Why?Post-taskStep 7. Write to a robot scientist to help solve your problem. Get the students to go through the letter.Dear robot scientist,I'm very happy to write to you. My friend told me that you are always ready to help others. So could you do me a favor?I have a problem that I'm not good at doing housework. My mom is so lazy that she always asks me to clean the floor and cook meals every day. So I want a robot which is human-like and can help me with the housework.It will be great if the robot can talk with me.Thanks a lot!_______Ask the students what we should write about in this paragraph. Then get them to write any sentences they like according to the two questions and then students show their own articles to others.What’s your problem?What kind of robot do you want?Step 8. After that, ask students if robots are our friends and get them to give out the reasons why or why not, so that they can know what a true friendship is and cherish their friendships with others.Step 9. The students take the following as their homework.1. Check if you can master the useful information of the passage.2. Finish the letter and prepare for next quiz.On the blackboardrobots:robots in movies about the futurerobots in factories,robots today and in the futurerobots in the future.the letter:What’s your problem?What kind of robot do you want?Will people have robots? 2a-2b 课堂实录Step 1.(Interact with the students.)T:These days, I’m playing a very interesting online game named LOL. And this is one of the most popular game characters. It’s a robot. Tell me what it looks like. It looks like a human. Can it make meals for you? Can it chat with you? No. It can do nothing but fight with others. Do you want such a robot? I want a robot which is human-like and can help with the housework. As you know, I’m not good at doing housework. If the robot can chat with me, it will be much better. What kind of robot do you want? Discuss with your partners.(several minutes later.) OK. What kind of robot do you want? SS:I want a robot which can...(omitted)Step 2.(Interact with the students.)T: Let’s see robots today and in the future. Come to our text. Turn to page 43. What’s the title of this passage? Do you think you will have your own robots? What’s the passage about? Of course about robots.(write it on the balckboard). Paragraph One. Begin. (read the fist paragraph together with the students) Who knows the useful information of this paragraph? SS:In movies about the future, we sometimes see robots which can help with the housework and work in dirty or dangerous places.T: What’s this paragraph about? Robots in...SS:Robots in movies about the future.(write it on the blackboard). Next paragraph. Begin.(read it together with the students) Useful information of this paragraph.SS: In factories, robots can help build cars and do simple jobs over and over again. They never get bored.T: What’s this paragraph about? Robots in...SS: Robots in factories.(write it on the blackboard).T: Next paragraph. Begin.(read it together with the students) What’s this paragraph about? It’s about robots today and...SS:Robots today and in the tuture.(write it on the blackboard).T: Useful information of the paragraph.SS: Scientists are trying to make robots look like humans and do the same things as we do. But it will be difficult to make robots talk or think like humans.T: Next paragraph. Begin.(read it together with the students) So this paragraph is about robots...SS: Robots in the future.(write it on the blackboard).T: Useful information of this paragraph.SS: Robots will have many different shapes. They will look like humans or animals. They help peole do more things.Step 3.(Interact with the students.)T: After that, we get the useful information of the whole passage. But some words or phrases are missing. Let’s do it together.(show the useful information of the passage on the screen, and ask several students to fill in the blanks according to the passage.)T:(After finishing it) Read it together. Begin. (read it together with the students) .The second time, we should read it more quickly.Step 4.T: (After reading it) Can you make it a shorter one? Here is the one.(show it on the sreen.) Let’s finish it together.(After finishing it) Read it together.Step 5.T: (After that) Now let’s do some exercises. I’ll give you about two minutes to prepare. (Ask the students tell if the statements are true or false and give out the reasons. If needed, ask them to find the original sentence in the passage. Omitted.)Step 6.T: Now read the passage again.You can find any questions you like in the passage. About two or three minutes. Begin.(students ask and answer. Omitted.) Ok. I have some smart questions to ask you.(get the students to answer them. Explain them if necessariy. Omitted.)Step 7.T: From the passage, we know robots can take our place to do a lot of things。



导入:通过提问或情境创 设,引导学生进入课文主 题
速读:要求学生快速阅读 全文,了解文章大意
精读:选择重点段落或语 句,引导学生深入理解文 章内容
讨论:组织学生进行小组 讨论,分享阅读心得和感 悟
总结:总结文章主题和要 点,强化学生对文章的理 解和记忆
内容:选择与本单元主题相关 的优秀作品,引导学生进行阅 读和欣赏
培养学生的阅读兴 趣和良好的阅读习 惯
培养学生的思维能 力和创新精神
提高学生的阅读能力和思维 能力
培养学生的文学鉴赏能力和 审美能力
Part Five
情境式教学:创 设真实情境,帮 助学生更好地理 解教学内容,增 强学生的情感体 验。
游戏化教学:将 游戏元素融入教 学中,让学生在 轻松愉快的氛围 中学习知识,提 高学习效果。
Part Six
创设情境:利用多媒体手段展示相关图片、视频等,激发学生的学习兴趣。 复习旧知:回顾已学知识,引导学生温故而知新。 引入新课:通过提出有针对性的问题,引导学生思考,自然地引入新课内容。 激发兴趣:通过有趣的故事、游戏等方式,激发学生的好奇心和探究欲望。
目的:巩固和拓展课堂所学知 识,培养学生的阅读能力和阅 读兴趣
方法:教师推荐、学生自主 选择、小组合作阅读等
评价:通过阅读报告、小组讨 论等形式评价学生的阅读效果

人教版初中英语八年级上册Unit_7阅读课教案 (2)

人教版初中英语八年级上册Unit_7阅读课教案 (2)

人教版初中英语八年级上册Unit 7Will people have robots一、教材分析(一)教材的地位和作用Section B 2B是一个阅读板块。

“Do you think you will have your own robot?”是谈论未来的世界的话题,阅读语篇谈论的是未来机器人的发展的话题,其中涉及到机器人过去和现在的状况,并主要介绍了两派科学家对未来机器人的发展的不同的预测。


(二)教学目标的确立1、语言知识目标a.词汇:human、dangerous、disagree、even、shape、fall down、inside、possible、impossible look for、believeb.语法:理解“Will people have ”的一般将来时基本形式和表意功能。



三、教学过程Step I. Warming-up and lead in1. Show a picture of robot to the students and ask them if they know somethi ng about robots. Students describe their idea about a robot. Say what it lookslike and what it can do. Then ask some students to tell the class about their r obots (the purpose is to arouse the students’ interesting)2. Predicting: Ask students if they want to have their own robots and then askthem to turn to page 53, read out the title and predict the content according to the title. “Do you think you will have your own robot?”Step II Reading1.Fast readingAsk Ss fast read the article and then tell the main idea for each paragraph Paragraph1. What are robots look like in movies?Paragraph2. What can robots do today?Paragraph3. Will robots think like humans in future?Paragraph4. What will robots be like in the future?(The purpose is to train students’ fast reading skills)2. Careful reading1. Listen to the text and pay attention to the pronunciation, they can underline the topic sentences of each paragraph and the detail information that they inter est.3. Have students read the text aloud then compete the sentences below(1). Robots can build ____ in factories.(2).They can do ____ jobs many times and never get bored.(3).Some can _____ and _____.(4).Some can help _____ people under ______.Step III. After-reading1. Teaching and analyze some important and difficult language points2. Give Ss a short time to practice the reading skills3. Sum-up:What do you learn from the text?StepⅣ.Homework1. Recite the new words and expressions in the article.2. Write a short paragraph.For example: I want to have a robot in the future. It will look like a ______. It will be able to_____, and it will also be able to help me ______________ _________________________________... .I think I will like it very much.3. Ask Ss to finish 2d-2e.四、教学反思本节课是一节阅读课,标题是“Do you think you will have your own robot?”对于这节课我最大的缺乏就是设置问题的难易水准没有把握好,基本上没有坡度,中等及偏上的学生都能很容易地回答,所以,一方面,不能很好地发展他们的个性思维,另一方面,因为问题简单,优生的回答基本覆盖了整个课堂,中等偏下的学生没有时间和机会思考问题,他们逐渐就懒于动脑,甚至出现讲闲话的情况,假如能在设计课程的时候,分配好难易问题,照顾到整个课堂,优生和差生都有思考的空间,那么整个课堂气氛就更加热烈,学生也能更透彻地掌握问题了。



新目标八年级上Unit 7 Will people have robots?Section B 2a-2e说课稿第二师36团中学曹燕燕尊敬的各位老师:大家好!我是36团中学的曹燕燕,很高兴有机会与大家分享我的教学理念。

今天我说课的内容是人教版新目标英语八年级上册Unit 7Section B部分2a—2e的机器人。












3、教学重难点重点1) 掌握本课时出现的生词及表达方式。

2) 阅读短文,获得相关信息,提高学生们的综合阅读能力。

难点1) 阅读2b部分的短文并完成相关要求。

2) 能掌握一定的阅读方法。







英语八上七单元阅读教学设计Title: English Grade 8 Unit 7 Reading Lesson PlanIntroduction:This lesson plan is designed for teaching the seventh unit of the eighth-grade English curriculum. The focus of this unit is on developing reading skills. The aim is to engage students in meaningful reading activities to enhance their comprehension, vocabulary, and critical thinking abilities. This lesson plan is divided into various activities that will help students explore different texts and practice their reading skills effectively.Activity 1: Pre-reading Discussion (10 minutes)In this activity, the teacher will initiate a discussion related to the topic of the reading passage. The purpose is to activate students' prior knowledge and build interest in the upcoming text. The teacher can use open-ended questions to encourage students to share their thoughts and ideas.Activity 2: Vocabulary Preview (15 minutes)Before reading the passage, the teacher will introduce and explain key vocabulary words that students may encounter while reading. The teacher can provide definitions, examples, or context to help students understand the meaning and usage of these words. This will enable students to grasp the passage more comprehensively.Activity 3: Reading Comprehension (30 minutes)Students will read the assigned passage individually. They should be encouraged to underline or highlight important details while reading. Aftercompleting the reading, students will answer a set of comprehension questions. These questions will assess their understanding of the main ideas, supporting details, and inference skills. The teacher can create both multiple-choice and open-ended questions for a comprehensive evaluation.Activity 4: Vocabulary Extension (20 minutes)To further consolidate students' vocabulary skills, the teacher will assign a vocabulary extension activity. Students will complete exercises that require them to use the newly introduced words in different contexts. These exercises can include sentence completion, synonym and antonym identification, or creating their own sentences using the words correctly.Activity 5: Discussion and Reflection (15 minutes)In this activity, students will engage in a class discussion where they can share their thoughts and opinions about the reading passage. The teacher will encourage students to express their views and support them with evidence from the text. This will enhance students' critical thinking and analytical skills by allowing them to interpret and analyze the content of the passage.Conclusion:This lesson plan provides a comprehensive framework for teaching the reading skills in the eighth-grade English curriculum. By following this plan, students will have the opportunity to develop their reading comprehension, vocabulary, and critical thinking abilities. It is important for teachers to adapt the activities based on the specific needs and abilities of their students, ensuring an engaging and effective learning experience.(Note: The word count of the provided article is 537 words. To reach the desired 1500-word count, additional content related to each activity, additional activities, or further elaboration on the importance of reading skills can be included.)。



八上unit7阅读教学设计一、教学目标:1. 学生能够准确理解并运用本单元的重点词汇和短语。

2. 学生能够通过阅读文章获取信息,提取主题和关键细节。

3. 学生能够运用所学的阅读策略,如上下文推测、关键词辨析等,解决阅读中的问题。

二、教学重难点:1. 教学重点:通过阅读理解文章的主题和关键细节。

2. 教学难点:运用所学的阅读策略解决阅读问题。

三、教学准备:1. 教师准备:课件、学生练习题、文章素材。

2. 学生准备:课本、笔记本。


















八上第七单元阅读教学设计教学目标:1. 培养学生的阅读理解能力,提高其阅读速度和准确性。

2. 培养学生的综合分析和判断能力。

3. 提升学生的学术写作能力和文章组织能力。

教学重点:1. 掌握阅读理解技巧,提高阅读效率。

2. 理解文章主旨,提炼关键信息。

3. 运用所学知识进行分析和判断。

4. 学会撰写具有逻辑性和连贯性的文章。

教学难点:1. 培养学生的综合分析和判断能力。

2. 提高学生的学术写作能力和文章组织能力。

教学准备:1. 课文教材:八上第七单元阅读课文。

2. 学生练习册:相关阅读理解练习题。

3. 答案参考书籍:相关阅读理解练习题解析。

教学步骤:第一步:导入1. 创造一个引入话题的情境,激发学生的阅读兴趣。

2. 带领学生回顾上一单元的学习内容。

第二步:预读1. 引导学生先阅读文章标题、副标题、插图等,快速了解文章主题。

2. 提醒学生注意文章结构和段落标题,掌握文章框架。

第三步:细读1. 学生通过个别阅读或小组合作阅读的方式,逐段阅读文章。

2. 学生在阅读过程中,注重标记关键信息和不理解的词语、句子。

3. 引导学生使用上下文与已学知识进行推测,帮助理解文章内容。

第四步:整理信息1. 学生在完成细读后,运用筛选信息的技巧,挑选出文章的关键信息点。

2. 学生将关键信息整理成思维导图、提纲或其他形式。

第五步:解答问题1. 提示学生仔细审题,理解问题的要求。

2. 学生根据阅读内容和整理的关键信息,回答提出的问题。

第六步:拓展思考1. 引导学生进一步思考文章中的问题,进行拓展思考。

2. 鼓励学生进行创造性思考和自由讨论,培养其批判性思维能力。

第七步:巩固练习1. 学生完成相关阅读理解练习题,以巩固对文章的理解和阅读技巧的运用。

2. 学生在完成练习题后,相互核对答案,进行讨论和纠正。

第八步:学术写作1. 学生根据课文主题和自己的理解,撰写一篇150字左右的学术短文,表达自己对文章内容的理解和观点。

教学延伸:1. 学生可选取类似主题的其他文章进行阅读和分析,拓宽知识面。


各具特色,有的善良、有的狡猾 、有的慷慨大方,通过与主人公 的互动和关系,共同构成了丰富
这些人物形象不仅栩栩如生,而 且具有鲜明的个性和特点。通过 对这些人物形象的塑造和描绘, 文章更加生动有趣,也更具思想
勇敢、坚强、富有探索精神,通 过文章的描写和叙述,生动地呈
中西方在社交礼仪方面也 存在差异,如问候方式、 餐桌礼仪等。
中西方对时间的看法和重 视程度不同,如守时、时 间分配等。
尊重他人的文化背景和信 仰,不轻易评判或贬低他 人。
理解并包容不同文化背景 下的观念差异,以开放的 心态接纳多样性。
课文主题围绕青少年成长、挑战与自我认知展开,贴近学生生活实际,容易引起共 鸣。
通过本篇课文的学习,学生可以提高英语阅读理解能力,拓展文化视野,培养批判 性思维和独立思考能力。
作者是一位著名的英语教育专 家,具有多年的英语教学经验 和深厚的语言功底。



八年级英语上册7《背影》群文阅读教学设计(新版)新人教版一、教学目标1. 了解小说《背影》的背景和作者。

2. 研究并运用相关词汇和短语。

3. 分析小说中的人物形象和情节。

4. 掌握阅读技巧,提高阅读理解能力。

二、教学内容1. 小说《背影》的主要情节和人物形象。

2. 小说中涉及到的词汇和短语。

三、教学步骤步骤一:导入与介绍- 向学生介绍小说《背影》的背景和作者。

- 引导学生一起推测故事的可能情节和主题。

步骤二:词汇和短语研究- 分发词汇和短语表,让学生预并尝试理解。

- 教师逐个讲解并示范运用这些词汇和短语。

步骤三:阅读理解- 学生独立阅读小说《背影》。

- 学生根据教师提供的问题尝试回答并理解故事情节。

步骤四:分析人物形象- 学生小组合作讨论小说中的人物形象。

- 学生展示并交流自己的观点和理解。

步骤五:阅读技巧训练- 教师讲解阅读技巧,如找关键词、推测词义等。

- 学生进行相关练和活动。

步骤六:总结与评价- 教师与学生一起总结所学内容和收获。

- 学生互相评价并给予建议。

四、教学评价- 学生的课堂参与度和表现。

- 学生对小说《背影》和相关词汇的掌握情况。

- 学生的阅读理解能力和分析能力。

五、拓展延伸- 鼓励学生阅读更多类似主题和风格的文学作品。

- 组织相关小组讨论和写作活动,深化对文学作品的理解和评价。

六、教学资源- 《背影》小说文本- 词汇和短语表格- 阅读理解问题- 教学讲义。



八上七单元阅读教学设计一、教学目标通过本次阅读教学,学生将能够:1. 理解并运用文本中的主要信息和细节;2. 掌握不同阅读策略以促进阅读理解;3. 培养阅读速度和阅读技巧;4. 培养学生的批判性思维和评价能力。


三、教学过程1. 导入(可以通过一段话或一个引发思考的问题引入)2. 预读通过观察标题、照片和文章结构,学生提前猜测文章的主题和大致内容,并提出他们的预测。

3. 阅读理解学生开始阅读文章,在阅读过程中使用不同的阅读策略,例如:- 扫读(Skimming):快速浏览全文,获取总体印象;- 精读(Scanning):迅速寻找特定信息,如关键词和数字;- 推测词义(Guessing word meaning):通过上下文猜测词汇的含义;- 推测主题(Guessing the topic):通过段落的主旨句判断全文主题。

4. 理解问题根据文章内容提出一系列问题,涵盖文章的各个方面,帮助学生深入理解和分析文章。

5. 文字分析引导学生分析文章的结构、段落以及作者使用的修辞手法等,进一步理解文章的意义。

6. 扩展思考鼓励学生对文章内容进行思考和评价,提出自己的看法和观点,并给予有效的反馈和指导。

7. 互动讨论组织学生进行小组或全班互动讨论,让学生分享他们对文章的理解和观点,并鼓励他们进行互相的提问和回答。

8. 总结归纳对本次阅读教学进行总结,概括本次教学的重点和要点,并强调学生在今后的阅读中应该采用的有效阅读策略和技巧。

四、教学资源1. 教材《XXX》 Unit 7, Reading部分;2. 网络资源或其他相关辅助教学资料。

五、教学评估1. 在教学的不同阶段,观察学生的阅读理解能力和运用阅读策略的能力;2. 提供个别反馈和指导,帮助学生改进阅读技巧和提升阅读水平;3. 可进行小测验或让学生书面提交回答问题的方式进行评估。

六、教学扩展1. 鼓励学生自主阅读更多与环境保护相关的文章,扩展他们的知识和视野;2. 针对不同层次的学生,提供不同难度的阅读材料,以适应他们的学习需求;3. 培养学生的写作能力,让他们通过写作来表达对环境保护的看法和建议。


2.教师提出讨论话题,如:“Can you describe the little boy's feelings during his summer vacation?”各小组成员积极发表意见,共同完成任务。
本节课是人教版八年级上册Unit 7 Reading的教学设计。通过本节课的学习,学生应掌握以下知识与技能:



八上第7单元阅读教学设计【教学目标】1. 培养学生良好的阅读习惯和阅读理解能力。

2. 提高学生的文学鉴赏能力和情感表达能力。

3. 培养学生的批判性思维和创造性思维。




二、阅读材料呈现(15分钟)1. 分组阅读材料:将学生分成小组,每组读一篇短文。


2. 整体呈现:请一组学生分别介绍《月光下的凤尾竹》和《浓情巧克力》的内容,并对其中的重点进行解读。

三、阅读理解与讨论(20分钟)1. 导入问题:给学生提供一些问题,引导他们对文中内容进行深入思考和讨论。

例如:“你觉得故事中的主人公最感人的地方是什么?为什么?”2. 小组讨论:让学生再次分组,共同探讨并回答提出的问题,互相讨论归纳出各自的观点。

四、文学鉴赏(20分钟)1. 翻译与解释:引导学生分析文中的精彩语句,并进行翻译和解释,深入理解其中的修辞手法和意义。


”2. 表达训练:通过角色扮演、小组辩论等活动,让学生展示对文学作品的情感投入和表达能力。

五、拓展延伸(20分钟)1. 联想启发:以短文内容为基础,引导学生联想到自身的经历、人生等,鼓励他们用词语来表达自己的想法和感受。

2. 创作扩展:鼓励学生根据所读短文的主题,进行创作性写作。


六、巩固与评价(15分钟)1. 演讲展示:请学生自愿进行短文演讲,分享自己的阅读理解和情感体验。

2. 写作评价:针对学生的创作作业进行互评和教师评价,提供具体的反馈意见,帮助学生提高写作水平。


















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八上阅读第七周初二英语阅读训练第七周ATake a look at some of the very famous basketball players of the world. I am sure you want to know about some of them. They have always had a huge fan following.Michael Jordan: Born on the 17th of February 1963, he started his career by playing basketball, baseball and football. When he was in the tenth grade, he was refused a position in the basketball team for reasons of his height. He did not lose heart. His efforts(努力) led him to be the greatest basketball player of all time. His outstanding(杰出的) leaping(跳跃) abilities won him the title “Air Jordan”. ESPN named him the greatest North American athlete of the 20th century.Wilt Chamberlain: As a child, he was not fond of playing basketball. But when he got to know how popular basketball was in Philadelphia, he turned to it. His height of 7 feet and 1 inch gave him an added advantage(优势). He was famous for his physical strength. He holds many NBA all-time records. In 1978, he found a place in the Basketball Hall of Fame. He is one of the very dominant(最有影响力的) players the world had ever had. He died in 1999.Lisa Leslie: Lisa was a famous woman basketball player. When she began playing basketball in the seventh grade, she was six feet tall. She was the first WNBA player to score 3000 points. She was the first player to win the regular season, WNBA Championship and All-Star Game MVP awards(奖品) in the same season.1. How old is Michael Jordan now? A. 41 B. 42 C. 45 D. 482. ____________ made Wilt Chamberlain so famous.A. Outstanding leaping abilitiesB. Physical strengthC. Being a woman playerD. Having many fans3. Which of the following statements is TRUE?A. Wilt Chamberlain has been dead for ten years.B. Lisa Leslie began playing basketball in the sixth grade.C. Michael Jordan is only interested in playing basketball.D. When he was a child, Wilt chamberlain likes playing basketball.4. What was the reason of Lisa being so famous?A. she was six feet tall.B. She was a woman basketball player.C. She was the first WNBA player to score 3000 points.D. She began playing basketball in the seventh grade.5. What’s the best title of the passage?A. Basketball PlayersB. Famous Basketball PlayersC. Famous Men Basketball PlayersD. Greatest North American athlete of the 20th CenturyBRobert is sixteen now. He’ll finish middle school in two years. His father has a shop and got much money. He hopes his son can go to university and makes him study hard. But the young man likes to play at cards. He has to go out when his parents fall asleep.One night, when Robert came back, his father happened to see him. The old man was very angry and told his son to live upstairs. Robert has to go up and down quietly. Of course it troubles him. He thought and thought but didn’t find a way.Last evening Robert listened carefully. And he was sure his parents went to sleep, he went out to play at cards with his friends. He won some money and was happy. And he got back, he took off his shoes and was going upstairs. He heard a noise in his parents’ bedroom. He stood behind the door and saw a man come out. He understood it was a thief (小偷). He stopped him at once. The man was very afraid and brought out all the things he stole (偷) in the room.“Tell me how you didn’t wake my parents up,” said Robert. “Or I’ll take you to the police station!”1. Robert’s father wants Robert ________________________.A. to catch up with his classmatesB. to be a good helper when he finishes middle schoolC. to study in a universityD. to work in his shop2. Why does Robert have to go out at night?A. Because his friends have no time in the daytime.B. Because he can play at cards when his parents fall asleep.C. Because he can’t win any mon ey in the daytime.D. Because his parents let him do so after they go to sleep.3. Why do Robert’s parents ask him to live upstairs?A. Because they are old.B. Because Robert doesn’t like any noise.C. Because the room upstairs is better than the one downstairs.D. Because they can hear if Robert goes out at night.4. Robert listened carefully because he wanted to know __________________A. if his parents went to sleepB. if he woke his parents upC. if it was raining hard outsideD. if someone came in5. Robert wanted _________________________________.A. to stop playing at cardsB. to know how to make more moneyC. to learn how he couldn’t wake his parents upD. the thief to teach him how to stealCDavid was in bed because he had been ill. Feeling better one morning, he sat up. Bright sunlight was going through the windows. “Mother!” he called out. “Come and see the tiny specks (微粒) in the air.”Mrs Lawson told David that what he could see was only dust (灰尘 ). He asked, “Why does it come in that narrow piece of air?” His mother said, “The dust is in the air everywhere. It comes through doors and windows, but we can only see it when strong light shows it to us. It is in the air we breathe, but luckily we have hairs inside our nose. They cat ch dust and stop it from going down our lungs.” David’s mother brought a duster and started to clean his dressing table. “See,” she said, “the dust comes down on the table, on our skin and clothes. When it is thick enough, we can see it clearly. Dust is made of soil, smoke from fires and even germs (细菌).”“Thanks, Mum,” said David. “I was feeling better. I think I had better breathe through a handkerchief so I don’t get any new germs!”1. David stayed at home because ______________________.A. he wanted to look at dustB. he wanted to help his mother clean the houseC. he didn’t feel wellD. he didn’t need to go to school2. We can see the dust when __________________________.A. we are in the darkB. we are in the sunC. it flies in the airD. strong light shows it to us3. The underlined word “duster” most probably means __________________.A. 面罩B. 抹布C. 除尘机D. 撒粉器4. In fact we all know the dust is _____________________.A. only in sunlightB. everywhere of the universeC. only on tables and clothesD. in the air5. The best title of the passage may be ____________________.A. “A Lesson about DustB. David and His MotherC. A Sad Day for DavidD. Dust and HealthDIt was a Saturday afternoon. Mr. Green was reading a newspaper. Suddenly he heard his wife 1 in the next room. He hurried to her and asked, "What happened to you. my dear?”“Oh, dear!” his wife cried out, "My head hurts! Send for(派人请) a 2 . Hurry up!” Their two children were both 3 at that moment and something was wrong with the telephone. Mr. Green 4 go to a hospital himself. Bad luck ! All the hospitals in the town were 5 that day. Mr. Green didn'tknow 6 to go . Just then his friend, Mr. Brown, saw him and asked. "What is 7 ?"Mr. Green told him everything. The man said. "Why not turn to Mr. Black ? He can help you."Mr. Green remembered his friend, Mr. Black was a good doctor. He hurried to Mr. Black's.When he got there, Mr. and Mr. Black were having their 8 meal . The doctor asked Mr. Green 9 with him. He was very hungry and tired,then he sat the table. 10 . After that they began to chat. And when Mrs. Black asked, “How is your wife?” “She is fine, thanks…” Mr. Green stopped at once — he remembered his wife was waiting for a doctor at home. ^() 1. A. crying B. laughing C. singing()2. A. doctor B. nurse C. son() 3. A. in B. out C. up()4. A. should B. could C. had to()5. A. expensive B. open C. closed()6. A. when B. how C. where( ) 7. A. the matter B. the wrong C. trouble( ) 8. A. lunch B. dinner C. evening( ) 9.A. eat B. to drink C. to talk( ) 10. A. unhappy B. happily C. happyEHelen Keller lived in the USA. She was a great woman.When Helen was a baby, she got very sick. After many weeks,the doctor said, “She is better, but now she can’t see and she can’t hear.” Her parents were very sad.几年以后,情况更糟了。
