八年级下册第六单元 ppt课件

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Hansel had no more stones , so he …, but … so they kept …

The birds sang …, and led them to a … Hansel wanted to …

勇敢的 adj.

What did you learn from this play?

The next day, the wife sent… Hansel … along the way. That night ,they could see the …because …So they got home.
Hansel wanted to …again, but …

The next morning ,the wife …

They can’t see any bread on the ground. (Maybe the birds eat the bread.)

Task 4
Listen and Imitate!
Act out the play in groups

Gretel heard that their … Hansel had a plan to … He went outside to …
bright, they will be able to see the stones

3. How do Hansel and Gretel find their way home? They follow the stones .
4. Why do Hansel and Gretel get lost the second time?

Scene 6 The children c_a_Cn_n_o_t find the pieces of bread. Scene 7 The childr_e_An__g_et lost.

Read and answer

Task 3

1. What does Hansel go out to get? 2. Why does he do this in the moonlight? 3. How do Hansel and Gretel find their way

Task 2

Read and match the main idea with the correct scene.


Main idea

Scene 1 The children learn_th_Ga_t_s_omething bad is going to happen.

Scene 2

1. Tell the story Hansel and Gretel to your family.(for all) 2. Write a short play and act out with your partners.
(for optional)

CΒιβλιοθήκη Baiduntinue writing a short play.
home? 4. Why do Hansel and Gretel get lost the
second time?

1. What does Hansel go out to get? White stones.
2. Why does he do this in the moonlight?
BTehceaumse owohenn itshesmhoionninisgshbinriingght.

Background (背景)

Task 1


Voice-over (画外音)

Task 2
Read and match the main idea with the correct scene. A. The children get lost. B. The children wake up. C. The children cannot find the pieces of bread. D. Gretel learns about Hansel's plan. E. The children surprise the parents. F. Hansel has to change his plan. G. The children learn that something bad is going to
Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains
SectionB 2a-2d
By Wang Chunyan No.4 Middle School

Warming Up

How many fairy tales(童话) did you see ?

Sleeping Beauty


Little Red Riding Hood

What other fairy tales do you know ?

Reading skill
Text type(体裁)
What kind of text is it?
A. a letter B. a play (话剧) C. a short story

The childre_n_B_w_a_ke up

Scene 3 Gretel learns a_b_Do_u_t_Hansel's plan.

Scene 4

The childre_n_E_s_u_rprise the parents.

Scene 5

Hansel h_a_Fs_t_o_change his plan.