diode primary training
Multimode fiber: the Fact File Introduction to optical fiberContentsSinglemode vs multimode fiber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Similarities between singlemode and multimode fiber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Differences between singlemode and multimode fiber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 When and why should we choose multimode fiber? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Multimode fiber evolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6A short history of multimode fiber (MMF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6The OM fiber types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Multimode fiber technology now and future . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 The technology behind laser-optimized fibers: differential mode delay (DMD) . . .10 Fiber connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 The future of multimode fiber in the data center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Powered fiber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Installation and training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Why choose CommScope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Product information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Installation expertise and training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13When was optical fiber first conceived? Was it when Snell’s Law was formulated, leading to the concept of refractive indexes? Or when Bell invented the photophone? While these concepts helped advance fiber optics, many would point to Dr. Charles Kao’s pivotal research, presented in 1966 to the Institute of Electrical Engineers, as the defining moment in fiber optics—for which Dr. Kao was awarded a well-deserved Nobel Prize.Along with advances in optoelectronics, fiber technology has quietly enabled much of what we take for granted today, such as the internet, high-speed video and even mobile networks—all of which rely heavily on fiber backbones to ensure high quality of service. Fiber technology enables significantly lower cost, higher capacity bandwidth at much greater distances than other mediasuch as coaxial, microwave and satellite.We at CommScope are very proud of the role we have played in bringing fiber optics to the telecommunications network: whether providing next-generation wideband multimode fiber in data centers, high-density optical distribution frames for fiber to the home, or fiber-to-the-antenna solutions, we continue to generate innovative solutions for our customers that are based on optical fiber technology. We’ve made it much easier to connect to the fiber superhighway.Singlemode vs multimode fiberAll optical fiber cables are constructed with a basic design composed of at least two optically different materials.Both fiber types, singlemode and multimode, are optical wave guides. The light signal is contained within the “glass” core by the cladding, which is very much the same crystalline structure but doped differently (Boron, germanium in variable percentage, for example).Core: center optical layer of the fiber where the light is transmitted.Cladding: outside optical layer that traps the light in the core and guides it alone.Buffer coating: hard plastic coating that protects the glass from moisture or physical damage.Optical fibers are based on the principle of total internal reflection: The light that travels inside the fiber core is reflected back into a core when it reaches the boundary between a cladding and a core.The light signals propagate through the core of the optical fiber, but the way they propagate differs depending on the fiber type.The fiber type name is self-explanatory; the propagation path is single (singlemode fiber) or multiple (multimode fiber).Note: The reality is that singlemode fiber actually transports eight to 10 modes, which, in order of magnitude, is considered “single” compared to the 1,300 modes a multimode fiber can transport. The mode in which light travels depends on:• Geometry• The index profile of the fiber •The wavelength of the lightUnderstand the speed advantage of OM5 FiberThe geometry factor is heavily dependent on the size of the core:This graphic should help you visualize the physical differencesbetween the fiber types. All have 125-micron outer diameters (thecladding dimension). They differ in the size and construction of theircores. The larger diameter core of 62.5 and its larger numericalaperture (NA) make it the best choice for LED-based systems,because it gathers more light from the larger emission pattern oftypical LEDs. A 50-micron size is less efficient for LEDs, but thenarrower emission pattern of VCSELs (laser diode) couples equallywell into both 50 and 62.5 micron. The lower light gathering abilityof 50 micron means it carries fewer modes and, as a result, hashigher bandwidth overall than 62.5. This is taken to the extremewith singlemode fiber.When should we choose one type over the other? This depends, as always, on your requirements.SINGLEMODE MULTIMODE• I f you need long transmission distances (up to 40 kilometers in enterprise environments, excluding the long-haul systems) you’d go for singlemode systems.• I f you don’t need to support long distances—let’s say you don’t need any link longer than 550 m, andwant to limit the total system cost (including activeequipment)—you’d probably choose multimode fiber.• M ultimode fiber supports high data rate applications (same speeds as singlemode but shorter reach).• M ultimode fiber systems are easier than singlemode to maintain and keep clean. Contamination (for example, dust) at the connector interfaces is a headache forany fiber system operator, but the multimode fibersystem’s connector interfaces are less susceptible todust than are singlemode systems. Copper interfaces, on the other hand, typically are not susceptible to suchcontamination.DistanceDepending on the intended application,supported distances range up to 440 m(though CommScope’s solutions canreach up to 550 m; see the “OMtechnical comparison” section). Thedistance and connections in a link needto be considered, and design tools canhelp with this selection.MaintenanceGiven the bigger core diameter and thehigher alignment tolerances, comparedto singlemode, it is inherently easier tomaintain multimode fiber and to keepthe connector interfaces clean.CostLink costs include the cablingcomponents and the transceivers. Inits sweet spot multimode fiber andmultimode transceivers combine topotentially provide an attractive low-cost option. When distance exceedsthe capability of multimode fiber, thensinglemode systems take over.The standardsOM3 is usually considered to be thebare minimum choice nowadays. Asnew higher-speed applications emerge,the limitations of OM3 begin to show—potentially forcing shorter reach thatdoesn’t support the scale data centersmay require. For many, it is not a long-term play.Everyday choiceOM4 is a commonly chosen standardtoday. It provides a higher bandwidth(capacity) than OM3, so OM4 is thetypical recommendation for newapplications.Multiple wavelengthsThe industry now has the ability touse multiple wavelengths over MMF(SWDM) similar to WDM on SMF.This is a key boost to the capacityof MMF. Here, multiple wavelengthscombine to increase the capacity 4X(SWDM4 protocols). CommScope ledthe introduction of OM5, designed tocomplement SWDM, providing higherbandwidth—which translates to longerreach for more wavelengths. OM5 isnow the future ready standard.Multimode fiber evolution• Multimode fiber (MMF) first deployed in telecoms networks.• M MF first used in public networks and in enterprise networks, supporting applications such asprivate telephone switches (PBXs), data multiplexers, and LANs.• E thernet and fiber applications grow. Multimode fiber becomes the main media for backboneand other deployments that require reach beyond the capability of copper twisted-pair cabling.• Data rates surpass 100 Mbps—850 nm VCSEL becomes more cost viable than LED sources.• T his sparks a conversion of MMF core diameter from 62.5 µm (OM1 cabling) to 50 µm (OM2cabling).• The gigabit era dawns and limitations with the bandwidth measurement techniques become clear.• B andwidth characterization via a newly standardized differential mode delay (DMD) measurementadvances. This employs many different laser launches to extract a minimum laser bandwidth.• Fiber passing the new measurement became known as laser-optimized multimode fiber (LOMMF).• The first LOMMF offers a bandwidth of at least 2000 MHz*km at 850 nm—known as OM3• OM3 gains significant market share.• OM4 arrives, offering at least 4700 MHz*km in anticipation of 25 Gbps per lane applications.• OM3 and OM4 are the primary fiber media for Ethernet and Fibre Channel applications.• P arallel MMF applications are standardized within Ethernet and Fibre Channel at rates at least40 Gbps using at least four pairs of fibers.• 40G BiDi and SWDM4 emerge using multiple wavelengths on MMF (850–950 nm) increasingthe bandwidth of MMF and replacing some parallel applications.• W BMMF (wideband multimode fiber) is standardized to extend the capability of VCSEL-basedSWDM transceivers.• 40G-SWDM4 and 100G-SWDM4 transceivers are defined by multisource agreements backed bythe SWDM Alliance.• WBMMF becomes recognized as OM5 in structured cabling standards globally.• O M5 is a recognized media in emerging Ethernet and Fibre Channel standards at rates of 50G,64G, 100G, 200G, 400G, and 800G.• The IEEE introduces the first multiwavelength MMF application 802.3 cm for 400G up to 150 m.Over the course of natural technological evolution, five differentfiber classes have been developed. As we’ve seen in the historysection, the first multimode fiber had a 62.5-micron core (OM1). Itwas used for many years, along with the more capable 50-micronversion (OM2). Those two types are now rarely used.The OMx nomenclature comes from the ISO 11801 standardand ranges from OM1 to OM5. We will now describe eachand compare their construction and supported distances andapplications.OM1Designed originally for all multimode applications using LED transmitters, OM1 is based on a 62.5-micron core. Indoor cables are identifiable by the traditional orange color jacket. OM1 just supports 10G up to 33 m (10GBASE-SR). In the context of enterprises today, many consider OM1 usable just for expansions or repairs of old installations that require low-bandwidth applications.OM2Quite similar to OM1, but with a 50-micron core. Supports 10G up to 82 m given its slightly higher bandwidth.OM3First of the laser-optimized fiber types.In the mid-90s the VCSEL-powered light sources were introduced,which caused a market shift to 50-micron optical fiber. The laser-optimized multimode fibers (LOMMF) provide higher bandwidthand enable higher data rates in short-reach applications. The totalsystem cost (including electronics) remained low compared tosinglemode systems.To make the bandwidth capacity visually clear, the aqua colorjacket was normalized.CommScope patented the specifications for this type of fiber (albeit the OM3 name comes from the ISO 11801 standard) and was the first manufacturer to launch a commercial solution (LazrSPEED® 300). OM3 supports 10G up to 300 m.OM4As an evolution of the OM3 specifications, the 50-micron OM4 fiber type has gained substantial popularity. OM4—with more than double the effective bandwidth at 850 nm—introduced extended reach for existing applications (gigabit and multigigabit applications) and enabled future applications. It’s worth noting that CommScope’s LazrSPEED 550 was the precursor to this standard.Backwards compatible with OM3, it supports 10G up to 550 m. The jacket color is also aqua. See the supported distances chart in the next section to get specs for other applications.OM5Also called “wideband multimode fiber,” or WBMMF, it’s another of CommScope’sbreakthroughs. OM5 supports a technique named short-wavelength division multiplexing(SWDM) that enables the use of four different lanes (at four close wavelengths). Hence itneeds four times fewer fibers for the same capacity. OM5 retains the legacy applicationsupport of OM4.To distinguish it from previous types, the OM5 jacket color is lime green. (Why lime green? Because singlemode is yellow and OM4 is aqua. If you combine the best of both, you get lime green.)There are unofficial fiber names, such as OM4+, marketed as an alternative to OM5, or superior to OM4. You can find out more about the differences in this white paper.To learn more about the history of MMF and better understand the implications of the OM5 innovation, check out this white paper.Market evolutionHow has the market reacted to the tech evolution? See the chart below. Admittedly, the more capable the fiber type, the higher the price—so that plays a role in the market.For tips you may find useful when designing your network, you can consult this design guide.Multimode fiber technology now and futuretime between the latest and earliest arriving pulses in multimodefiber. This “pulse spreading” limits bandwidth and is the mainreason conventional OM1/OM2 multimode fiber cannot properlysupport 10 Gbps.In multimode fiber the dispersion is caused by modal and chromaticdispersion. Modal dispersion exists because the different light rays(modes) have a different path length; therefore, rays entering atthe same time will not leave the other end of the fiber at the sameDifferential mode delay (DMD) testing method time. The modal bandwidth is controlled by the pulse broadeningdue to the differences in many propagating modes (300 to 900).The modern multimode fibers have a structure that reduces the effect of the modal dispersion. These fibers, called “graded index fibers,” are used in all SYSTIMAX® SCS multimode fiber products.With multimode fiber transmission, distances of up to 2 km are possible; however, as speeds increase, the distance supportis reduced. Adding connectors (which reduce the signal power) also limits the distance that applications can support. Higher bandwidth and better connectivity provide optimum performance from MMF systems.For singlemode systems, the glass core diameter has been reduced to a size where only one path (mode) can propagate throughthe fiber. The modal dispersion is no longer present. However, dispersion still exists in a singlemode fiber. Different wavelengthstravel at different speeds in glass. These wavelength differences give rise to “chromatic dispersion.” Chromatic dispersion is relatedto the light source, which normally has a range of wavelengths.realm, but have been unable to keep up with increasingrequirements for density, performance, scalability, and ease ofdeployment.The industry instead adopted LC and MPO connectors and hasused them for some time—and for very good reasons. Get aclearer perspective of the advantages of LC and MPO connectorsin the video below. Connectors will be covered in more detail as aseparate main topic on this page.Overview of fiber connectorsOn top of what you have read in the previous sections, we need to have a lookinto what the future may bring. Some data centers are looking to make the jumpto 400G. A key consideration is which optical technology is best. The opticalmarket for 400G is being driven by cost and performance as OEMs try to dial into the data centers’ sweet spot. You can find more information here.One other aspect to consider is the number of fiber cores that will be neededin the future to support high-demand applications. Even using the multiplexingcapability of OM5, some applications like 400G or 800G will demand multiplefiber cores per link—and a DC has a huge number of links. So higher fiber counts may become a must in DCs. Learn more about this in our expert’s article.The need for data and power across fiberNetwork devices are popping up everywhere in buildings and across campuses—devices like small cell sites, Wi-Fi access points, IP cameras, building access andinventory controls, and countless others.While these new applications improve user connectivity, operational technologyefficiency and property-wide safety and security, they also present you witha new and growing challenge: getting high-bandwidth data and powerconnectivity to every device in every location, indoors and out, with the low-latency performance needed to leverage edge network architecture.A powered fiber solution makes it relatively easy to meet those challenges in a single, easy-to-handle cable run, with options suited to weatherized outdoor deployments or plenum-rated indoor installations.A powered fiber solution combines high-performance, low-latency fiber-optic data connectivity with a copper low-voltage dc power connection. This helps enable the connection of many powered remote devices without the need for new conduit, bulky extra cable runs or expensive electricians. With the powered fiber cable solution, your network can gain access to a vast and growing ecosystem of network-connected applications, including:• Optical LAN• Emergency phones • HD security cameras• Digital signage• Wi-Fi access points• Small cells• O r virtually any low-voltagedc-powered deviceInstallation and trainingThe performance of CommScope’s fibersystems is guaranteed and backed by ourApplication Assurance.CommScope has a history of being aleading innovator, developing OM3,OM4 and OM5.CommScope Solutions (LazrSPEEDvariants) were released years aheadof the publication of the applicablestandards, allowing our customers to surfthe coming wave ahead of the trends.End-to-end complete solutions: cables,panels, patch cords, connectors, etc.Broad portfolio to choose the bestelements for your needs.Fiber connectivity with AIM option(automated infrastructure management)with imVision®.Preterminated options to help meet datacenters’ agility requirements.Added network flexibility by supportingmore connections in the fiber linksand extended distances compared tostandard applications specification withultra-low-loss (ULL) components.Fiber Optic Cables Fiber Modules SYSTIMAX Preterminated FiberAs a medium for transmitting data, fiber is more powerful than copper. However, installation is more complex as a result, and skilled expertise is required. CommScope’s PartnerPRO® Network may be a useful tool on your path toward certification and expertise.If you or your team are looking to learn more formally about multimode fiber, we have two courses that enable students to learn attheir own pace. Both are available online in multiple languages.Fiber optic infrastructure specialist [SP4420]This course helps the student understand the ever-increasing market for fiber communications, fibertransmission and the components involved. It looks at fibertypes, connectors, apparatus, termination, design, losses,installation, planning, inspection and testing, to provideas broad as possible an education on all areas of fiberinfrastructures—from start to finish.SYSTIMAX® installation and maintenance [SP3361]This online course covers installation, termination andtesting practices specific to the SYSTIMAX cabling solution.Upon completion, the course allows students to registerprojects for the extended SYSTIMAX warranty from aninstallation perspective, provided their company is anapproved SYSTIMAX Installer Partner.Multimode fiber vs singlemodefiber vs copper: a battle you can’tloseWhy there may never be a winner or loser—and why that’s a good thing.Readcommscope .comVisit our website or contact your local CommScope representative for more information .© 2021 CommScope, Inc . All rights reserved .Unless otherwise noted, all trademarks identified by ® or ™ are registered trademarks, respectively, of CommScope, Inc . This document is for planning purposes only and is not intended to modify or supplement any specifications or warranties relating to CommScope products or services . CommScope is committed to the highest standards of business integrity and environmental sustainability with a number of CommScope’s facilities across the globe certified in accordance with international standards, including ISO 9001, TL 9000, and ISO 14001 . Further information regarding CommScope’s commitment can be found at www .c ommscope .c om/About-Us/Corporate-Responsibility-and-Sustainability CommScope pushes the boundaries of communications technology with game-changing ideas and ground-breaking discoveries that spark profound human achievement . We collaborate with our customers and partners to design, create and build the world’s most advanced networks . It is our passion and commitment to identify the next opportunity and realize a better tomorrow . Discover more at commscope .c om。
光学英文缩写Optical AcronymsOptical science and technology have evolved significantly over the past decades, leading to the development of numerous specialized terms and acronyms. These abbreviated forms have become an integral part of the field, facilitating efficient communication and understanding among experts. In this essay, we will explore the fascinating world of optical acronyms, delving into their origins, meanings, and the crucial role they play in the advancement of this dynamic discipline.One of the primary reasons for the widespread use of acronyms in optics is the inherent complexity of the field. Optical systems and technologies often involve a multitude of interrelated components and concepts, each with its own unique terminology. Acronyms provide a concise and efficient way to represent these intricate ideas, allowing researchers, engineers, and technicians to communicate more effectively and minimize the potential for misunderstandings.Consider the example of the term "LASER," which stands for "Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation." This acronym hasbecome ubiquitous in the field of optics, encapsulating the fundamental principles behind the operation of lasers. The use of this compact abbreviation not only saves time and space but also helps to establish a common language among those working in the laser technology industry.Similarly, the term "LIDAR," which stands for "Light Detection and Ranging," has become a widely recognized acronym in the field of remote sensing. LIDAR systems use laser light to measure distances, creating detailed 3D maps of the surrounding environment. This technology has numerous applications, including surveying, autonomous vehicle navigation, and atmospheric monitoring. The use of the LIDAR acronym streamlines the discussion and understanding of these complex systems.Another example of a widely used optical acronym is "CCD," which stands for "Charge-Coupled Device." CCDs are light-sensitive semiconductors that are used in a variety of imaging applications, such as digital cameras and astronomical telescopes. By using the CCD acronym, researchers and engineers can quickly communicate the specific type of image sensor they are using, without needing to provide a more detailed explanation.In addition to these well-known examples, the field of optics is home to a myriad of other acronyms, each with its own unique meaningand application. Some of these include "MEMS" (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems), "OLED" (Organic Light-Emitting Diode), and "FTIR" (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy). These abbreviations not only streamline communication but also help to establish a shared understanding of the underlying technologies and their capabilities.The widespread adoption of optical acronyms has also played a crucial role in the advancement of the field. By providing a common language, these abbreviations have facilitated collaboration among researchers and engineers from around the world. This has enabled the rapid exchange of ideas, the dissemination of new discoveries, and the development of cutting-edge technologies.Moreover, the use of acronyms in optics has had a significant impact on the education and training of new professionals entering the field. Textbooks, research papers, and technical manuals often rely heavily on these abbreviations, requiring students to become familiar with the terminology in order to fully understand the concepts and principles being presented. This not only prepares them for the industry but also fosters a deeper appreciation for the nuances and complexities of optical science and technology.In conclusion, the world of optical acronyms is a fascinating and indispensable aspect of this dynamic field. These abbreviated formshave become essential tools for efficient communication, collaboration, and the advancement of optical science and technology. As the field continues to evolve, it is likely that we will see the emergence of new acronyms and the refinement of existing ones, further solidifying their role as the lingua franca of the optical community.。
控制系统模块 NX-AD DA 模块说明书
Analog inputs and outputs to meetall machine control needs, fromgeneral purpose to high-speedsynchronous control•Connect to other NX I/O Units and EtherCAT® CouplerUnits using the high-speed NX-bus•Separate modules for voltage and currentFeatures•Up to eight analog inputs per unit (NX-AD)•Up to four analog outputs per unit (NX-DA)•Free-run refreshing or synchronous I/O refreshing with the NX1P2 CPU Unit or EtherCAT Coupler Unit •Sampling times down to 10 μs per channel and high resolution of 1/30,000•Single-ended input type with built-in power supply terminals for low power equipments or noize-resistant differential input type (NX-AD)•Selecting channel to use, moving average, input disconnection detection, over range/under range detection, and user calibration•Detachable front connector with screwless Push-In Plus terminals for easy installation and maintenance •Compact with a width of 12 mm per unit•Connect to the CJ PLC using the EtherNet/IP TM bus couplerSysmac is a trademark or registered trademark of OMRON Corporation in Japan and other countries for OMRON factory automation products. EtherCAT® is a registered trademark and patented technology, licensed by Beckhoff Automation GmbH, Germany.EtherNet/IP TM is a trademark of ODVA.Other company names and product names in this document are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.System ConfigurationsConnected to a CPU Unit or Communication Control UnitThe following figure shows a system configuration when NX Units are connected to an NX-series CPU Unit.Note:For whether an NX Unit can be connected to the CPU Unit, refer to the version information.Connected to an EtherCAT Coupler UnitThe following figure shows an example of the system configuration when an EtherCAT Coupler Unit is used as a Communications Coupler Unit.*1.The connection method for the Sysmac Studio depends on the model of the CPU Unit or Industrial PC.*2.An EtherCAT Slave Terminal cannot be connected to any of the OMRON CJ1W-NC @81/@82 Position Control Units even though they canoperate as EtherCAT masters.Note:For whether an NX Unit can be connected to the Communications Coupler Unit, refer to the version information.Support software● CPU RackEtherCAT master *2Support software (Sysmac Studio)System Configuration in the Case of a Communication Control UnitThe following figure shows a system configuration when a group of NX Units is connected to an NX-series Communication Control Unit. To configure a Safety Network Controller, mount the Safety CPU Unit, which is one of the NX Units, to the CPU Rack of the Communication Control Unit.EtherNet/IP UnitCIP Safety on EtherNet/IP deviceNote:For whether an NX Unit can be connected to the Communication Control Unit, refer to the version information.Model Number StructureNX-@@@@@@(1)(2)(3)(4)(1) Unit typeNo.Specification AD Analog input DAAnalog output(2) Number of pointsNo.Specification 2 2 points 3 4 points 48 points(3) I/O rangeNo.Specification1---2 4 to 20 mA 6-10 to +10 V(4) Other specifications Analog Input Units*1Free-Run refreshing*2Synchronous I/O refreshingAnalog Output Units*1Free-Run refreshing*2Synchronous I/O refreshingNo.ResolutionConversion timeInput methodI/O refreshing methodFree-Run refreshing *1 onlySwitching synchronousI/O refreshing *2 and Free-Run refreshing031/8000250 μs/point Single-ended Yes ---041/8000250 μs/point Differential Yes ---081/3000010 μs/pointDifferential---YesNo.ResolutionConversion timeI/O refreshing methodFree-Run refreshing *1 onlySwitching synchronousI/O refreshing *2 and Free-Run refreshing031/8000250 μs/point Yes ---051/3000010 μs/point---YesOrdering InformationApplicable standardsRefer to the OMRON website () or ask your OMRON representative for the most recent applicable standards for each model. Analog Input UnitsProduct nameSpecificationModelNumber of points InputrangeResolutionConversionvalue, decimalnumber(0 to 100%)Over allaccuracy(25°C)InputmethodConversiontimeInputimpedanceI/OrefreshingmethodVoltage Input type2 points-10 to+10 V 1/8000-4000 to 4000±0.2%(full scale)Single-endedinput250 μs/point1 MΩ min.Free-RunrefreshingNX-AD2603DifferentialinputNX-AD26041/30000-15000 to 15000±0.1%(full scale)Differentialinput10 μs/pointSelectableSynchronousI/O refreshingor Free-RunrefreshingNX-AD26084 points 1/8000-4000 to 4000±0.2%(full scale)Single-endedinput250 μs/pointFree-RunrefreshingNX-AD3603DifferentialinputNX-AD36041/30000-15000 to 15000±0.1%(full scale)Differentialinput10 μs/pointSelectableSynchronousI/O refreshingor Free-RunrefreshingNX-AD36088 points 1/8000-4000 to 4000±0.2%(full scale)Single-endedinput250 μs/pointFree-RunrefreshingNX-AD4603DifferentialinputNX-AD46041/30000-15000 to 15000±0.1%(full scale)Differentialinput10 μs/pointSelectableSynchronousI/O refreshingor Free-RunrefreshingNX-AD4608Current Input type2 points4 to20 mA 1/80000 to 8000±0.2%(full scale)Single-endedinput250 μs/point250 ΩFree-RunrefreshingNX-AD2203DifferentialinputNX-AD22041/300000 to 30000±0.1%(full scale)Differentialinput10 μs/pointSelectableSynchronousI/O refreshingor Free-RunrefreshingNX-AD22084 points 1/80000 to 8000±0.2%(full scale)Single-endedinput250 μs/pointFree-RunrefreshingNX-AD3203DifferentialinputNX-AD32041/300000 to 30000±0.1%(full scale)Differentialinput10 μs/pointSelectableSynchronousI/O refreshingor Free-RunrefreshingNX-AD32088 points 1/80000 to 8000±0.2%(full scale)Single-endedinput250 μs/point85 ΩFree-RunrefreshingNX-AD4203DifferentialinputNX-AD42041/300000 to 30000±0.1%(full scale)Differentialinput10 μs/pointSelectableSynchronousI/O refreshingor Free-RunrefreshingNX-AD4208Analog Output UnitsOptional ProductsAccessoriesNot included.Product nameSpecificationModelNumber of pointsOutput rangeResolution Output setting value, decimal number (0 to 100%)Over all accuracy(25°C)Conversiontime I/O refreshing method Voltage Output type2 points-10 to +10 V1/8000-4000 to 4000±0.3%(full scale)250 μs/point Free-Run refreshing NX-DA26031/30000-15000 to 15000±0.1%(full scale)10 μs/point Selectable Synchronous I/O refreshing or Free-Run refreshing NX-DA26054 points1/8000-4000 to 4000±0.3%(full scale)250 μs/point Free-Run refreshing NX-DA36031/30000-15000 to 15000±0.1%(full scale)10 μs/point Selectable Synchronous I/O refreshing or Free-Run refreshing NX-DA3605Current Output type2 points4 to 20 mA1/80000 to 8000±0.3%(full scale)250 μs/point Free-Run refreshing NX-DA22031/300000 to 30000±0.1%(full scale)10 μs/point Selectable Synchronous I/O refreshing or Free-Run refreshing NX-DA22054 points1/80000 to 8000±0.3%(full scale)250 μs/point Free-Run refreshing NX-DA32031/300000 to 30000±0.1%(full scale)10 μs/pointSelectable Synchronous I/O refreshing or Free-Run refreshingNX-DA3205Product nameSpecificationModel Unit/Terminal Block Coding PinsFor 10 Units(Terminal Block: 30 pins, Unit: 30 pins)NX-AUX02Product nameSpecificationModel No. of terminalsTerminal number indicationsGround terminal markTerminal currentcapacityTerminal Block8A/BNone10 ANX-TBA08212NX-TBA12216NX-TBA162General Specifications*Refer to the OMRON website () or ask your OMRON representative for the most recent applicable standards for each model.ItemSpecificationEnclosure Mounted in a panel Grounding methodGround to 100 Ω or less Operating environmentAmbient operating temperature 0 to 55°CAmbient operating humidity 10% to 95% (with no condensation or icing)AtmosphereMust be free from corrosive gases.Ambient storage temperature −25 to 70°C (with no condensation or icing)Altitude2,000 m max.Pollution degree2 or less: Meets IEC 61010-2-201.Noise immunity 2 kV on power supply line (Conforms to IEC61000-4-4.)Overvoltage categoryCategory II: Meets IEC 61010-2-201.EMC immunity level Zone BVibration resistance Conforms to IEC 60068-2-6.5 to 8.4 Hz with 3.5-mm amplitude, 8.4 to 150 Hz, acceleration of 9.8 m/s 2, 100 min each in X, Y, and Z directions(10 sweeps of 10 min each = 100 min total)Shock resistanceIConforms to IEC 60068-2-27. 147 m/s 2, 3 times each in X, Y, and Z directionsApplicable standards *cULus: Listed (UL508), ANSI/ISA 12.12.01, EU: EN 61131-2, C-Tick or RCM, KC Registration, NK, LRAnalog Input Unit SpecificationsAnalog Input Unit (voltage input type) 2 points NX-AD2603Analog Output Unit SpecificationsAnalog Output Unit (voltage output type) 2 points NX-DA2603Analog Output Unit (current output type) 2 points NX-DA2205Analog Output Unit (current output type) 4 points NX-DA3203Analog Output Unit (current output type) 4 points NX-DA3205Version InformationConnected to a CPU UnitRefer to the user's manual for the CPU Unit details on the CPU Units to which NX Units can be connected.Note:Some Units do not have all of the versions given in the above table. If a Unit does not have the specified version, support is provided by the oldestavailable version after the specified version. Refer to the user’s manuals for the specific Units for the relation between models and versions.Connected to an EtherCAT Coupler UnitNote:Some Units do not have all of the versions given in the above table. If a Unit does not have the specified version, support is provided by the oldestavailable version after the specified version. Refer to the user’s manuals for the specific Units for the relation between models and versions.Connected to an EtherNet/IP Coupler UnitNote:Some Units do not have all of the versions given in the above table. If a Unit does not have the specified version, support is provided by the oldestavailable version after the specified version. Refer to the user’s manuals for the specific Units for the relation between models and versions.*1Refer to the user’s manual for the EtherNet/IP Coupler Units for information on the unit versions of EtherNet/IP Units that are compatible withEtherNet/IP Coupler Units.*2Refer to the user’s manual for the EtherNet/IP Coupler Units for information on the unit versions of CPU Units and EtherNet/IP Units that arecompatible with EtherNet/IP Coupler Units.*3For connection to an EtherNet/IP Coupler Unit with unit version 1.0, connection is supported only for a connection to the peripheral USB porton the EtherNet/IP Coupler Unit. You cannot connect by any other path. If you need to connect by another path, use an EtherNet/IP Coupler Unit with unit version 1.2 or later.Connected to Communication Control UnitsNote:Some Units do not have all of the versions given in the above table. If a Unit does not have the specified version, support is provided by the oldestavailable version after the specified version. Refer to the user’s manuals for the specific Units for the relation between models and versions.NX UnitCorresponding unit versions/versions ModelUnit version CPU Unit Sysmac StudioNX-AD @@@@NX-DA @@@@Ver.1.0Ver.1.13Ver.1.17NX UnitCorresponding unit versions/versionsModelUnit version EtherCAT Coupler UnitCPU Unit or Industrial PC Sysmac StudioNX-AD @@@@NX-DA @@@@Ver.1.0Ver.1.0Ver.1.05Ver.1.06NX UnitCorresponding unit versions/versionsModelUnit versionApplication with an NJ/NX/NY-series Controller *1Application with a CS/CJ/CP-series PLC *2EtherNet/IP Coupler UnitCPU Unit or Industrial PCSysmac StudioEtherNet/IP Coupler UnitSysmac StudioNX-IO Configurator *3NX-AD @@@@NX-DA @@@@Ver. 1.0Ver. 1.2Ver. 1.14Ver. 1.19Ver. 1.0Ver. 1.10Ver. 1.00NX UnitCorresponding unit versions/versionsModelUnit versionCommunication Control UnitSysmac StudioNX-AD @@@@NX-DA @@@@Ver.1.0Ver.1.00Ver.1.24External InterfaceScrewless Clamping Terminal Block Type12 mm WidthLetter ItemSpecification(A)NX bus connector This connector is used to connect to another Unit.(B)Indicators The indicators show the current operating status of the Unit.(C)Terminal blockThe terminal block is used to connect to external devices.The number of terminals depends on the Unit.Terminal BlocksApplicable Terminal Blocks for Each Unit ModelLetter ItemSpecification(A)Terminal number indication The terminal number is identified by a column (A through D) and a row (1 through 8).Therefore, terminal numbers are written as a combination of columns and rows, A1 through A8 and B1 through B8.The terminal number indication is the same regardless of the number of terminals on the terminal block.(B)Release hole A flat-blade screwdriver is inserted here to attach and remove the wiring.(C)Terminal holeThe wires are inserted into these holes.Unit model Terminal BlocksModelNo. of terminalsTerminal number indications Ground terminalmark Terminal currentcapacity NX-AD2@@@NX-TBA0828A/B None 10 A NX-AD3@@@NX-TBA12212A/B None 10 A NX-AD4@@@NX-TBA16216A/B None 10 A NX-DA2@@@NX-TBA0828A/B None 10 A NX-DA3@@@NX-TBA12212A/BNone10 A12 mm w idth 8 terminals(B)12 mm w idth 12 terminals 12 mm w idth 16 terminals(C)(A)A1A2A3A4A5A6A7A8A1A2A3A4A5A6A7A8Applicable WiresUsing FerrulesIf you use ferrules, attach the twisted wires to them.Observe the application instructions for your ferrules for the wire stripping length when attaching ferrules.Always use plated one-pin ferrules. Do not use unplated ferrules or two-pin ferrules.The applicable ferrules, wires, and crimping tool are given in the following table.*Some AWG 14 wires exceed 2.0 mm 2 and cannot be used in the screwless clamping terminal block.When you use any ferrules other than those in the above table, crimp them to the twisted wires so that the following processed dimensions are achieved.Using Twisted Wires/Solid WiresIf you use the twisted wires or the solid wires, use the following table to determine the correct wire specifications.*1.Secure wires to the screwless clamping terminal block. Refer to the Securing Wires in the USER'S MANUAL for how to secure wires.*2.With the NX-TB @@@1 Terminal Block, use twisted wires to connect the ground terminal. Do not use a solid wire.<Additional Information> If more than 2 A will flow on the wires, use plated wires or use ferrules.Terminal typeManufacturerFerrule modelApplicable wire (mm 2 (AWG))Crimping toolTerminals other than ground terminalsPhoenix ContactAI0,34-80.34 (#22)Phoenix Contact (The figure in parentheses is the applicable wire size.)CRIMPFOX 6 (0.25 to 6 mm 2, AWG24 to 10)AI0,5-80.5 (#20)AI0,5-10AI0,75-80.75 (#18)AI0,75-10AI1,0-8 1.0 (#18)AI1,0-10AI1,5-8 1.5 (#16)AI1,5-10Ground terminals AI2,5-10 2.0 *Terminals other than ground terminalsWeidmullerH0.14/120.14 (#26)Weidmuller (The figure in parentheses is the applicable wire size.)PZ6 Roto (0.14 to 6 mm 2, AWG 26 to 10)H0.25/120.25 (#24)H0.34/120.34 (#22)H0.5/140.5 (#20)H0.5/16H0.75/140.75 (#18)H0.75/16H1.0/14 1.0 (#18)H1.0/16H1.5/14 1.5 (#16)H1.5/16TerminalsWire typeWire sizeConductor length (stripping length)Twisted wires Solid wire Classification Current capacity PlatedUnplated Plated Unplated All terminals except ground terminals 2 A or less Possible PossiblePossible Possible 0.08 to 1.5 mm 2AWG28 to 168 to 10 mmGreater than2 A and 4 A or less Not Possible Possible *1Not Possible Greater than 4 A Possible *1Not Possible Ground terminals---PossiblePossiblePossible *2Possible *22.0 mm 29 to 10 mmFinished Dimensions of Ferrules1.6 mm max. (except ground terminals)2.0 mm max. (ground terminals)Conductor length (stripping length)Dimensions(Unit/mm) Screwless Clamping Terminal Block Type12 mm Width*The dimension is 1.35 mm for Units with lot numbers through December 2014.Related ManualCat. No.Model number Manual name Application DescriptionW522NX-AD@@@@NX-DA@@@@NX-series Analog I/O UnitsUser’s Manual for AnalogInput Units and AnalogOutput UnitsLearning how to use NX-seriesAnalog Input Units and AnalogOutput UnitsThe hardware, setup methods, and functions ofthe NX-series Analog Input Units and AnalogOutput Units are described.2020.10In the interest of product improvement, specifications are subject to change without notice. OMRON CorporationIndustrial Automation Company/。
Snap-on TRITON-D10 综合诊断系统说明书
Snap-on® TRITON-D10™Integrated Diagnostic SystemPRODUCT Overview•Integrated multifunction diagnostic & information system •Software upgrades direct By Wi-FI•Ethernet ready graphing scan tool with Keyless scanadapter for OBD-II compliant vehicles•Domestic and Asian Fast-Track® Troubleshooter•2-channel lab scope with Guided Component Tests•Digital & graphing multimeter•Data manager function•Steady-charge battery technology charges directly fromvehicle via data cableDISPLAY TABLET•10.1” Color, 1024 x 600 resolution, capacitive touchpanel, b acklit LCD•Internal battery with 2.5 Hour run time at 50% Brightness •Wi-Fi - Supports 2.4 and 5.0 GHz router bands using WPA2 AESSYSTEM & USER INTERFACE•SMX embedded dedicated operating system•Boots in 2 Seconds•Touchscreen navigation•Operates through 4-way keypad or touchscreen•User-programmable ‘S’ button hotkey•Automatic power-on feature when connected to vehicle•Upgradeable software on Micro SD card FEATURES OVERVIEW•Access to Snap-on’s patented Fast-Track® Intelligent Diagnostics•Provides a logical workflow that saves you times andeliminates unnecessary steps•Provides pre-filtered information specific to the vehicle and code you’re working on. Including pre-filtered functionaland guided component tests•Patented Smart Data delivers relevant and specific vehicle and code specific data parameters (PIDs) and highlightsthose that are out of expected range•Access to SureTrack, a patented resource for verified parts replacement records and Real Fixes harvested frommillions of successful repairs. Expert information that can help anyone, regardless of experience level and is included every time you upgrade to the current version of software •Access to common procedures, specs and service interval resets•Quick lookupso Oil Specs and Reset datao Tire and Wheel Service data•Instant ID (Auto ID using Mode 9 VIN)•One-Touch full-vehicle code scan & clear for covered makes and systems•Reads & clears OBD-II and OEM-specific trouble codes•Displays complete trouble code descriptions•Displays 1, 2, or 4 live data parameters (PIDs) i ngraphing mode and 8 in text mode•Min/Max capture in graphing mode•Captures all PIDs in data list for review•Includes functional tests, bi-directional controls andreset/relearns•Save screen captures, scanner and scope movies•Saves and stores previous vehicle identification•Onboard setup videos•Software coverage for 1980-newer US Domestic, 1983-newer Asian Import and optional coverage for 1992-newer European vehiclesVEHICLE COVERAGE•Enhanced coverage for US domestic vehicles, including:Buick®, Cadillac®, Chevrolet®, Chrysler®, Dodge®, Eagle®,Ford®, Geo®, GMC®, Harley-Davidson®, Hummer®, Jeep®,Lincoln®, Mercury®, Oldsmobile®, Plymouth®, Pontiac®,Ram®, Saturn®, Spartan®, Sprinter®, Workhorse®•Enhanced coverage for Asian vehicles, including: Acura®,Honda®, Hyundai®, Infiniti®, Isuzu®, Kia®, Lexus®,Mazda®, Mitsubishi®, Nissan®, Scion®, Subaru®, Suzuki®,Toyota®•Optional European vehicle software with enhancedcoverage for Alfa Romeo®, Audi®, BMW®, FIAT®, Jaguar®, Land Rover®, MINI®, Mercedes-Benz®, Porsche®,SMART®, Volvo® and Volkswagen®SYSTEM COVERAGETRITON-D10 covers over 100 OEM specific vehicle systems such as: Collision Prevention Assist, Roll Bar System, Global OBD-II Engine, Junction Box, Gear Selector, Transmission, Headlamp, C entral Gateway, Regenerative Brake, ABS Brakes, Electric Power Steering, Throttle, Lane Departure Warning, Hybrid, Column Lock, Instrument Cluster, Heated Steering Wheel, Steering Column, Navigation, Driver Info, Body, Airbag, Sunroof, Stereo Amplifier, Telematics, Radio Receiver, Roof, Accessory Power, Chassis, Occupant Classification, TPMS, CAN G ateway, Doors, Heater Booster, Auto Sway Bar, Wireless, Catalytic Reduction, Servo, Transfer Box, Hydraulic Booster, Wheel Alignment, Running Board, Back Up Camera, System Selection, Digital Signaling Processing, Parking Brake, Cornering Light, Turn Signal, Power Trunk, Remote Function Actuator (RFA), Driver Controlled Center Differential, Anti- Collision, Headlamp Leveling, Active Engine Mounts, Electric Motor, Fuel Injection, 4WD, Vacuum Pump, Info Center, Glow P lug, Park Assist, Start, DC-DC Converter, Belt Tensioner, Footwell, Steering Sensor, Wiper, Rain Sensor, Head Up Display, Power Mirror, HVAC, Comfort Systems, Lighting, Lane C amera, Cruise Control, Center Console, Power Source, Satellite Radio, Image Processing, Hands-free, Suspension, Keyless Entry, Convertible Top, Power Management, Side Obstacle Detection, Restraints, Secondary OBD A&C, Stability, B attery Management, Seat, Trailer Brake, Transfer Case, Telephone, Final Drive, Fuel Pump, Security, Service Interval, Rear Gate/Trunk, Pneumatic System EquipmentPOWER/WEIGHT/DIMENSIONS•Battery: Lithium-ion battery pack includedo Continually charges whilst connected to the vehicle•2.5 Hour run time (50% Brightness)•Dimensions: 12.8"W x 7"H x 1.6"D•Weight: 3.1 lbsLAB SCOPE SPECIFICATIONSTwo-Trace Scope: Captures and displays up to two waveforms.Sample rate of 6 million samples per second on one channel (at 50 us sweep).Sample rate of 3 million samples per second on two channels (at 100 us sweep).Note: Also see SCOPE/METER SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS at end of this document•Displays digital readout along with each waveform•Color-coded waveform for each channel•Manual & automatic (GCT) configuration•AC Coupling•Invert•Peak DetectDIGITAL & GRAPHING MULTIMETER SPECIFICATIONS•Auto scaling, high-impedance multimeter measurementsystem•Digital and graphing display of results•Pinpoint measurement of:o Volts DC, Volts DC Average, Volts AC RMS,Diode/Continuity, Ohms, Frequency, Pulse-width,Injector pulse width, Duty cycle, Low Amps, MC Dwell,Vacuum, Pressure, Temperature, Ohmso Interface for optional pressure/vacuum transducerso Continuity tester with audible beepGUIDED COMPONENT TESTS•Built-in Guided Component Test softwareo Coverage for over 40 domestic, Asian and Europeanmakes; 1979-newero Guided test procedures for over one million components o Test coverage for sensors, solenoids, injectors,charging/starting systems, ignition, motors, pumps, ABSand moreo Automatic meter setupo Component description and operationo Connector diagrams and connection tipso Known good test valueso Reference Waveforms•Onboard training and product informationSTANDARD ACCESSORIES•Keyless OBD-II vehicle communication interface cable with flashlight feature for 1996-newer vehicles•Two shielded, color-coded scope leads•Two insulated test probes•Three insulated test clips•110VAC power adapter•Removable Lithium-ion battery pack•USB cable•ShopStream connect PC interface software (Download)OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES – SCAN TOOL•OBD-I Adapter Master Kit EAK0301B10AEuropeanVehicle Keys and Adapters Kit – EAK0301B07C (1992 –newer BMW, 1992 – newer VW/Audi, 1992 – newerMercedes-Benz, 2000 – newer Jaguar, 2000 – newerLand Rover, 1996 – newer MINI, 2000 – newer Volvo,2005 – newer SMART)•Adapter for Kia ABS & Airbag – EAA0355L92A•Scanner demo board - EESX306ASCOPTIONAL ACCESSORIES – IGNITION ADAPTERS •Secondary Coil Adapter Lead – EETA309A05A•EETM306A02 – Secondary Ignition clip-on Wire Adapter•EETM306A03 COP-1 Ford•EETM306A04 COP-2 Chrysler•EETM306A05 CIC-2 Honda, Toyota•EETM306A06 CIC-1 GM•EETM306A07 COP-3 Audi, VW•EETM306A08 COP-4 Acura/Honda, Isuzu•EETM306A09 COP-5 Volvo/BMW•EETM306A10 COP-6 Mercedes•EETM306A11 COP-7 Mercedes Dual•EETM306A12 COP-8 BMW•EETM306A13 COP-9 Lexus•EETM306A14 COP-11 Audi, BMW, Chrysler, Jeep, Lexus,Mercedes, Saab, Toyota, Volvo, VWOPTIONAL ACCESSORIES – LAB SCOPE/METER •Precision low amp current probe - EETA308D•100 PSI Pressure/Vacuum transducer w/cable - EEPV302AL •500 PSI Pressure transducer w/cable - EEPV302AT•5000 PSI Pressure transducer w/cable - EEPV302AHNote: Pressure transducers require optional pressuretransducer adapter – EEMS324PSA•Pressure transducer extension cable - EAX0024B30A•Scope demo board - EESX306ASPOPTIONAL ACCESSORIES – PROTECTION AND ORGANIZATION•TRND10FOAM2 – Fits KRSC246•TRND10FOAM3 – Fits KRSC 3 series•TRND10FOAM4 – Fits KRSC 4 series ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONInternet communication is confined to proprietary data services, which require OAUTH authentication, and currently employ HTTP.At rest encryption: Documents are not encrypted at rest, but are only accessible from outside the hosting environment via a set of Data and File Management services that are protected by our OAuth2.0 based security services. Credentials are allocated to individual technicians and devices.Cloud services are hosted via a Primary Data Center in San Diego and a Disaster Recovery Data Center in San Jose. The software infrastructure consists of Windows 2019 running IIS 10 for the Web Servers (which support the related Data Services), SQL Server 2016, and an ISOLON Object Store. The Hardware and Network infrastructure upgrade cycle is 3 years.NOTE: Information current as of 6/1/2021. Subject to changeSCOPE/METER SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONSMULTIMETERFunction Range CommentsChannels 1 – 2 Common GroundSample Rate 6.0 MSPS @ 50us sweep Simultaneous3.0 MSPS @ 100us sweep Continuous per channelBandwidth DC – 3 MHz 3 db point @ 3 MHzInput Impedance 10 MΩ @ DC All channels4 kΩ @ 3MHzV dc (Full Scale) 75 V maximumV ac (Full Scale)Peak to Peak Voltage 50 V maximumDIGITAL METER OHMS AND DIODE CONTINUITY TESTSFunction Range CommentsChannels 1-2Inputs between channels1 (-) and2 (+)Input Impedance 10 MΩGlitch capture Approximately 50 mSOhms 400 Ω – 4 MΩFixed scales or AutoRanging Diode Test 2 V ScaleGRAPHING MULTIMETERFunction Range CommentsInput Channels 1 – 2Input Impedance 10 MegohmVolts (DC) 400 mV thru 400V* Auto RangingFrequency 5 Hz thru 50 KHz Auto Threshold SettingPulse Width 5 ms thru 2 s Auto Threshold SettingInj Pulse Width 5 ms thru 2 sMC Dwell (60) 20 - 40 - 60 degrees Auto Threshold SettingMC Dwell (90) 30 - 60 - 90 degrees Auto Threshold SettingDuty Cycle 20 - 40 - 60 - 80 - 100% Auto Threshold SettingLow Amps (20) 1 - 2 - 5 - 10 – 20A With EETA308DLow Amps (40) 10 – 20 - 40A With EETA308DLow Amps (60) 10 – 20 – 40 – 60A With EETA308DVacuum 5 - 10 – 20 in Hg Sensor specific100 psi Pressure 10 - 25 - 50 - 100 PSI Sensor specific500 psi Pressure 50 - 100 - 250 - 500 PSI Sensor specific5000 psi Pressure 500 - 1000 - 2500 - 5000 PSI Sensor specific *See Safety Warnings in TRITON-D10 user manualLAB SCOPE Function Range Comments Channels 1 – 2 Common Ground Bandwidth DC - 3 MHz 3 db point @ 3 MHzInput Impedance10 MΩ @ DC All channels4 kΩ @ 3MHz400 Volts 200 Volts 100 Volts VDC (full scale)Do not test greater than 75VdcVAC (full scale)Peak to Peak VoltageDo not test greater than 50Vac (rms)50 Volts 20 Volts 10 Volts 5 Volt 2 Volt 1 Volt500 millivolt 200 millivolt 100 millivoltSecondary Ignition 1 – 50 KVChannels 1 and 2LAB SCOPE SPECIFICATIONS BY SWEEP RATESweep Channels Datapoints perscreenBufferstorage/ChMax #Screens Total time 1 Sample rate 2 Peak Detect 350 µs Ch 1 300 2,097,152 6990 349.5 ms 6.0 MHz N 100 µs Ch 1,2 300 1,048,576 3495 349.5 ms 3.0 MHz N 200 µs Ch 1,2 300 1,048,576 3495 699 ms 1.5 MHz N 500 µs Ch 1,2 500 1,048,576 2097 1.05 S 1.0 MHz N 1 ms Ch 1,2 500 1,048,576 2097 2.10 S 500 KHz Y 2 ms Ch 1,2 500 1,048,576 2097 4.19 S 250 KHZ Y 5 ms Ch 1,2 500 1,048,576 2097 10.5 S 100 KHz Y 10 ms Ch 1,2 500 1,048,576 2097 21.0 S 50 KHz Y 20 ms Ch 1,2 500 1,048,576 2097 41.9 S 25 KHz Y 50 ms Ch 1,2 500 1,048,576 2097 1.7 M 10 KHz Y 100 ms Ch 1,2 500 1,048,576 2097 3.5 M 5 KHz Y 200 ms Ch 1,2 500 1,048,576 2097 6.99 M 2.5 KHz Y 500 ms Ch 1,2 500 1,048,576 2097 17.5 M 1.0 KHz Y 1 s Ch 1,2 500 1,048,576 2097 35.0 M 500 Hz Y 2 s Ch 1,2 500 1,048,576 2097 69.9 M 250 Hz Y 5 s Ch 1,2 500 1,048,576 2097 174.8 M 100 Hz Y 10 s Ch 1,2 500 1,048,576 2097 349.5 M 50 Hz Y 20 s Ch 1,2 500 1,048,5762097699.0 M25 HzY*See Safety Warnings in TRITON-D10 user manual1 - Total time is equal to the sweep times the number of screens.2 - Actual sample rate for sweeps 50-200 µs. Effective sample rate for sweeps 500 µs and longer. The effective sample rate is based on the number of sample points stored to the data buffer memory over the selected time sweep. On all sweeps 500 µs and longer, the ADC samples at 1.5 MHz per channel regardless of sweep. The number of sample points is greater than the number of points needed to complete a screen. Only enough points to complete a screen are selected to be stored to the data buffer. This results in the effective sample rate being lower than the actual sample rate of 1.5MHz.3 - When Peak Detect is on, all samples are evaluated. The points stored to the buffer are intelligently selected to capture fast events that might be missed at slower effective sample rates. Peak Detect will capture fast changes at an effective sample rate of 1.5MHz.。
AC line protection for power supplies
Cartridge or leaded fuse AC line
Power system
UltraMOV, CIII, LA series radial leaded MOV
Home appliances
Power plug
Surface Mount Fuse
• Includes Nano2, TeleLink® and UMF seriated for AC and DC circuits
• Amperage ratings from 0.25A to 15.0A • Constructed using ceramic tube bodies to increase breaking capacity and working voltage • Key features are higher melting i2t value than chip fuse, which minimizes nuisance tripping during in-rush current events; wire-in-air design minimizes thermal de-rating factor and extends usable temperature range.
Fuse functionality Limited current vs Potential current
A Fuse is a Temperature Sensitive Device that serves as an intentional Weak Link in an electrical circuit. It interrupts overload and short-circuit conditions when its metallic element melts; thereby halting the overcurrent condition.
DDR 雜談
Author: Summer ^-^
RAM – Random Access Memory SDRAM – Synchronous Dynamic RAM DDR SDRAM – Double Data Rate SDRAM DDRII SDRAM – Double Data Rate II Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
(Strobe – 当总线的数据正确时,使之工作的一种选择信 号;允许电路在其输入端接收数据或在其输出端发送数据)
Pin 脚定义:
CK– Clock 差分;地址、控制信号、输出(读)数据信号 CKE – Clock Enable 高电平有效;为低时… DM – Data Mask 单向、为高时输入(写)数据掩盖 DQS – Data Strobe 输出端发送(读),输入端接收(写) BA0/1 – Bank Address 选中颗粒状态 RAS#/CAS#/WE# – Row Address / Column Address / Write CS# – Chip Select 认为是命令代码的一部分 VDD/VDDQ – Power Supply / DQ Power Supply
电容本身有漏电问 题,因此必须每几微秒 就要刷新一次,否则数 据会丢失。(存取时间 和放电时间一致,约为
随着CPU外频速 度的迅猛提升,对 与其相搭配的内存 速率提出了更高的 要求
DDR 特点:
在时钟脉冲的上升沿和下降沿读取数据; 速度比SDRAM有一倍的提高; 控制信号以CK的上升沿为起始端,数据信 号则要以DQS的上升/下降沿为参考; 采用了DLL(Delay Locked Loop:延时锁定 回路)提供一个数据滤波信号--Strobe;
Richtek RT9534 高效切换模式电池充电器控制器说明书
RT9534 High Efficiency Switching Mode Battery ChargerGeneral DescriptionThe RT9534 is a PWM switch mode battery charger controller to fast charge single or multiple Li-Ion, NiMH and NiCd batteries, using constant current or constant voltage control. Maximum current can be easily programmed by external resistor. The constant voltage output can support up to 22V with 0.5% accuracy.A third control loop limits the input current drawing from the adapter during charging. This allows simultaneous operation of the equipment and fast battery charging without over loading to the adapter.The RT9534 can charge batteries from 2.5V to 22V with dropout voltage as low as 0.4V. A diode is not required in series with the battery because the charger automatically enters a 10μA sleep mode when the adapter is unplugged. A logic output indicates Li-Ion full charge when current drops to 20% of the full-scale programmed charge current.The RT9534 is available in WQFN-24L 4x4 Package. Features●Fast Charging for Li-Ion, NiMH and NiCd Batteries ●Adjustable Battery Voltages from 2.5V to 22V●High Efficiency : Up to 95%●Charging Current Programmed by Resistor●Precision 0.5% Charging Voltage Accuracy●Provide 5% Charging Current Accuracy●Input Current Limit Maximizes Charging Rate●Synchronous Converter with 400kHz Switching Frequency●Flag Indicates Li-Ion Charge Completion●Auto Shutdown with Adapter RemovalApplications●Notebook Computers●Portable Instruments●Chargers for Li-lon, NiMH, NiCd and Lead Acid Rechargeable BatteriesSimplified Application CircuitM1RT9534Ordering InformationG : Green (Halogen Free and Pb Free) Note :Richtek products are :④RoHS compliantand compatible with the currentrequirements of IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020.④Suitable for use in SnPb or Pb-free soldering processes.Marking Information1B= : Product CodeYMDNN : Date Code Pin Configurations(TOP VIEW)ENNTCVCISETFBRVFBV5VBATTSNSLSNSHVHHSNSBOOTTGPGNDBGVINSWSSMODEACDRVACPACNSTATUSSGND12345678910121118171615141321201924222325WQFN-24L 4x4RT9534 Functional Pin DescriptionRT9534Function Block DiagramISET VC BOOTV5VSS SNS BATTMODERT9534OperationThe RT9534 is a current mode PWM step-down switching charger controller. The battery DC charge current is programmed by a resistor R4 at the ISET pin and the ratio of sense resistor RS2 over RS1 in the typical application circuit. Amplifier CA converts the charge current through RS1 to a much lower sampled current I CHG(I CHG= I BATT x RS1 / RS2) fed into the ISET pin. Amplifier EA compares the output of CA with 2.5V reference voltage and drives the PWM loop to force them to be equal. Note that ICHG has both AC and DC components. High DC accuracy is achieved with averaging filter R3 and C3 at ISET pin. I CHG is mirrored to go through R4 and generates a ramp signal that is fed to the PWM control comparator, forming the current mode inner loop. An internal LDO generates a 5V to power topside FET gate driver. For batteries like lithium that require both constant current and constant voltage charging, the 0.5% 2.5V reference and the voltage amplifier VA reduce the charge current when battery voltage reaches the normal charge voltage level. For NiMH and NiCd, VA can be used for over voltage protection. CL AmplifierThe amplifier CL monitors and limits the input current, normally from the AC adapter, to a preset level (100mV / RS4). At input current limit, CL will supply the programming current at ISET pin, thus reducing battery charging current.Charge STATUSWhen the charger is in voltage mode and the charge current level is reduced to 20%, STATUS pin will turn to logic high. This charge completion signal can be used to start a timer for charge termination. A 0.1μF capacitor from STATUS to ground is needed to filter the sampled charging current ripple.ACDRV DriverThe ACDRV pin drives an external P-MOSFET to avoid reverse current from battery to input supply. When input supply is removed, the RT9534 goes into a low current, 10μA maximum, sleep mode as VIN drops below the battery voltage.RT9534Absolute Maximum Ratings(Note 1)●VIN, SW, EN, ACN, VHH to GND --------------------------------------------------------- -0.3V to 30V●ACDRV ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (ACN - 6V) to (ACN + 0.3V)●ACP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (ACN - 0.3V) to (ACN + 0.6V) ●BATT to GND------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -0.3V to 28V●ISET, VC, VFB, V5V, BG to GND ---------------------------------------------------------- -0.3V to 6V●SNSL ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (BATT - 0.3V) to (BATT + 0.3V) ●SNSH ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (SNSL - 0.3V) to (SNSL + 0.3V) ●BOOT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (SW - 0.3V) to (SW + 6V)●TG -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (SW - 0.3V) to (BOOT + 0.3V) ●Power Dissipation, P D @ T A = 25︒CWQFN-24L 4x4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.57W●Package Thermal Resistance (Note 2)WQFN-24L 4x4, θJA --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28︒C/WWQFN-24L 4x4, θJC --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7︒C/W●Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec.) --------------------------------------------------- 260︒C●Junction Temperature ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 150︒C●Storage Temperature Range ---------------------------------------------------------------- -65︒C to 150︒C●ESD Susceptibility (Note 3)HBM (Human Body Model) ------------------------------------------------------------------ 2kVMM (Machine Model) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 200VRecommended Operating Conditions (Note 4)●Supply Input Voltage -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.5V to 28V●Battery Voltage, VBAT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.5V to 22V●Ambient Temperature Range---------------------------------------------------------------- -40︒C to 85︒C●Junction Temperature Range --------------------------------------------------------------- -40︒C to 125︒CElectrical Characteristics(V = V + 3V, V is the full charge voltage, pull-up EN to VIN with 100kΩ resistor, T = 25︒C, unless otherwise specified)RT9534RT9534Note 1. Stresses beyond those listed “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions may affect device reliability.Note 2. θJA is measured at T A= 25︒C on a high effective thermal conductivity four-layer test board per JEDEC 51-7. θJC is measured at the exposed pad of the package.Note 3. Devices are ESD sensitive. Handling precaution recommended.Note 4. The device is not guaranteed to function outside its operating conditions.RT9534Typical Application CircuitRS4M1(1). For application with removable battery, a TVS with appropriate rating is required as shown above.(2). V IN = 18V to 28V, 4 cell, I CHARGE = 2ART9534Typical Operating Characteristics707580859095100051015202530E f f i c i e n c y (%)Supply Voltage (V)Efficiency vs. Supply Voltage70758085909510012345Ef f i c i e n c y (%)Charge Current (A)Efficiency vs. Charge Current1.801.841.881.921.962. h a r ge C u r r e n t (A )Supply Voltage (V)Charge Current vs. Supply Voltage0. u i e s c e n tC u r r e n t (m A )Temperature(℃)Quiescent Current vs. Temperature051015202530-50-25255075100125S h u t d o w nC u r r e n t (μA )Temperature (℃)Shutdown Current vs. Temperature4.704.754.804.854.904.955.00-50-250255075100125V 5VV o l t a g e (V )Temperature (℃)V5V Voltage vs. Temperature9092949698100102104106108110-50-25255075100125V I C H G (m V )Temperature (°C)VICHG vs. Temperature2.32.352.42.452.52.552.6-50-25255075100125F e e d b a c k V o l t a g e (V )Temperature (°C)Feedback Voltage vs. Temperature37037538038539039540036912151821242730S w i t c h i n g F r e q u e n c y (k H z )Input Voltage (V)Switching Frequency vs. Input Voltage02468101214-50-25255075100125B A T T B i a sC u r r e n t ( A )Temperature (℃)BATT Bias Current vs.TemperatureCharge Enable Time (2.5ms/Div)V BATT (5V/Div)SW-GND (10V/Div)EN (2V/Div)I BATT (1A/Div)VIN = 16V, V BATT = 12V, I BATT = 2ACharge EnableTime (2.5ms/Div)V BATT (5V/Div)SW-GND (10V/Div)EN (2V/Div)I BATT (1A/Div)VIN = 16V V BATT = 12V I BATT = 2AAdapter InsertTime (25ms/Div)V BATT (2V/Div)SW-GND (10V/Div)VIN (5V/Div)I BATT (1A/Div)VIN = 16V, V BATT = 12V, I BATT = 2AAdapter RemoveTime (25ms/Div)V BATT (2V/Div)SW-GND (10V/Div)VIN (5V/Div)I BATT (1A/Div)VIN = 16V, V BATT = 12V I BATT = 2ACCM Switching Time (1μs/Div)V BATT (5V/Div)IL(500mA/Div)BG (5V/Div)TG (20V/Div)VIN = 16V, V BATT = 12V, I BATT = 100mADCM SwitchingTime (1μs/Div)V BATT (5V/Div)IL(500mA/Div)BG (5V/Div)TG (20V/Div)VIN = 16V, V BATT = 12V, I BATT = 100mAApplication InformationInput and Output CapacitorsIn the typical application circuit, the input capacitor (C2) is assumed to absorb all input switching ripple current in the converter, so it must have adequate ripple current rating. Typically, at high charging currents, the converter will operate in continuous conduction mode. In this case, the RMS current IRMSIN of the inputcapacitor C2 can be estimated by the equation:RMSIN BATT I = I Where I BATT is the battery charge current and D is the duty cycle. In worst case, the RMS ripple current will be equal to one half of output charging current at 50% duty cycle. For example, I BATT = 2A, the maximum RMS current will be 1A. A low-ESR ceramic capacitor such as X7R or X5R is preferred for the input-decoupling capacitor and should be placed to the drain of the high-side MOSFET and source of the low-side MOSFET as close as possible. The voltage rating of the capacitor must be higher than the normal input voltage level. Above 20μF capacitance is suggested for typical of 2A charging current.The output capacitor (C BATT ) is also assumed to absorb output switching current ripple. The generalformula for capacitor current is :BATT BATT RMSCB V V 1I ⎛⎫⨯- ⎪For example, V VIN = 19V, V BATT = 8.4V, L1 = 10μH, and f OSC = 400kHz, I RMS = 0.15A.EMI considerations usually make it desirable to minimize ripple current in the battery leads. Beads or inductors may be added to increase battery impedance at the 400kHz switching frequency. Switching ripple current splits between the battery and the output capacitor depending on the ESR of the output capacitor and the battery impedance. If the ESR of C OUT is 0.2Ωand the battery impedance is raised to 4Ω with a bead or inductor, only 5% of the ripple current will flow in the battery. InductorThe inductor value will be changed for more or less current ripple. The higher the inductance, the lower the current ripple will be. As the physical size is kept the same, typically, higher inductance will result in higher series resistance and lower saturation current. A good tradeoff is to choose the inductor so that the current ripple is approximately 30% to 50% of the full-scale charge current. The inductor value is calculated as :()BATT VIN BATT VIN OSC LV V V L1 =V f ΔI ⨯-⨯⨯Where ∆I L is the inductor current ripple. For example, V VIN = 19V, choose the inductor current ripple to be 40% of the full-scale charge current in the typical application circuit for 2A, 2-cell battery charger, ∆I L = 0.8A, V BATT = 8.4V, calculate L1 to be 12μH. So choose L1 to be 10μH which is close to 12μH. Soft-Start and Under-Voltage LockoutThe soft-start is controlled by the voltage rise time at VC pin. There are internal soft-start and external soft-start in the RT9534. With a 1μF capacitor, time to reach full charge current is about 60ms and it is assumed that input voltage to the charger will reach full value in less than 60ms. The capacitor can be increased if longer input start-up times are needed. For the RT9534, it provides Under-Voltage Lockout (UVLO) protection. If LDO output voltage is lower than 3.9V, the internal top side power FET and input power FET M1 will be cut off. This will protect the adapter from entering a quasi “latch ” state where the adapter output stays in a current limited state at reduced output voltage.Adapter Current LimitingAn important feature of RT9534 is the ability to automatically adjust charge current to a level which avoids overloading the wall adapter. This allows the product to operate, and at the same time batteries are being charged without complex load management algorithms. Additionally, batteries will automatically be charged at the maximum possible rate of which the adapter is capable. This is accomplished by sensing total adapter output current and adjusting charge current downward if a preset adapter current limit is exceeded. Amplifier CL in typical application circuit senses the voltage across RS4, connected between the ACP and ACN pins. When this voltage exceeds 100mV, the amplifier will override programmed charge current to limit adapter current to 100mV/RS4. A low pass filter formed by 56Ω and 33nF is required to eliminate switching noise.Full-Scale Charge Current ProgrammingThe basic formula for full-scale charge current is (see Block Diagram) :REFBATT V RS2I = R4RS1⎛⎫⎛⎫⨯⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭Where R4 is the total resistance from ISET pin to ground. For the sense amplifier CA biasing purpose, RS3 should have the same value as RS2 with 1% accuracy. For example, 2A full-scale charging current is needed. For low power dissipation on RS1 and enough signal to drive the amplifier CA, let RS1 = 100mV / 2A = 50m Ω. This limits RS1 power to 0.2W. Let R4 = 10k Ω, then : BATT REF I R4RS12A 10k 0.05RS2 = RS3 == = 400ΩV 2.5V⨯⨯⨯⨯Note that for charge current accuracy and noise immunity, 100mV full scale level across the sense resistor RS1 is required. Consequently, both RS2 and RS3 should be 399Ω. For for 0︒C to 85︒C application temperature range, the value for R4 must be within5.5k Ω to 60k Ω range.For for -40︒C to 85︒C application temperature range, the value for R4 must be within 6k Ω to 30k Ω range. It is critical to have a good Kelvin connection on the current sense resistor RS1 to minimize stray resistive and inductive pickup. RS1 should have low parasitic inductance (typical 3nH or less). The layout path from RS2 and RS3 to RS1 should be kept away from the fast switching SW node. A 1nF ceramic capacitor can be used across SNSH and SNSL and be kept away from the fast switching SW node. Battery Voltage RegulationThe RT9534 uses high-accuracy voltage bandgap and regulator for the high charging-voltage accuracy. The charge voltage is programmed via a resistor divider from the battery to ground, with the midpoint tied to the VFB pin. The voltage at the VFB pin is regulated to 2.5V, giving the following equation for the regulation voltage :BATT RF2V = 2.5 1 + RF1+200⎛⎫⨯ ⎪⎝⎭where RF2 is connected from VFB to the battery and RF1 is connected from VFB to GND. ChargingThe 2A Battery Charger (typical application circuit) charges lithium-ion batteries at a constant 2A until battery voltage reaches the setting value. The charger will then automatically go into a constant voltage mode with current decreasing to near zero over time as the battery reaches full charge.Charging CompletionSome battery manufacturers recommend termination of constant voltage float mode after charge current has dropped below a specified level (typically around 20% of the full-scale charge current) and a further time-out period of 30 minutes to 90 minutes has elapsed. Checkwith manufacturers for details. The RT9534 provides a signal at the STATUS pin when charging is in voltage mode and charge current is reduced to 20% of full-scale charge current, assuming full-scale charge current is programmed to have 100mV across the current sense resistor (VRS1).The charge current sample I CHG is compared with the output current I VA of voltage amplifier VA. When the charge current drops to 20% of full-scale charge current, I VA will be equal to 20% of I CHG and the STATUS pin voltage will go logic high and can be used to start an external timer. When this feature is used, a capacitor of at least 0.1μF is required at the STATUS pin to filter out the switching noise. If this feature is not used, the capacitor is not needed.Dropout OperationThe RT9534 can charge the battery even when VIN goes as low as 2V above the combined voltages of the battery and the drops on the sense resistor as well as parasitic wiring. This low VIN sometimes forces 100% duty cycle and TG stays on for many switching cycles. While TG stays on, the voltage V BOOT across the capacitor C8 drops down slowly because the current sink at BOOT pin. C8 needs to be recharged before V BOOT drops too low to keep the topside switch on.A unique design allows the RT9534 to operate under these conditions. If SW pin voltage keeps larger than 1.3V for 32 oscillation periods, topside power FET will be turned off and an internal FET will be turned on to pull SW pin down. This function refreshes V BOOT voltage to a higher value. It is important to use 0.1μF to hold V BOOT up for a sufficient amount of time. The P-MOSFET M1 is optional and can be replaced with a diode if VIN is at least 2.5V higher than V BATT. The gate control pin ACDRV turns on M1 when V5V gets up above the under-voltage lockout level and is clamped internally to 5V below V ACN. In sleep mode, when VIN is removed, ACDRV will clamped internally to 5V below V ACN. In sleep mode, when VIN is removed, ACDRV will clamp M1 V SG to less than 0.1V.ShutdownWhen adapter power is removed, VIN will drift down. As soon as VIN goes down to 0.1V above V BATT, the RT9534 will go into sleep mode drawing only ~10μA from the battery. There are two ways to stop switching: pulling the EN pin low or pulling the VC pin low. Pulling the EN pin low will shut down the whole chip. Pulling the VC pin low will only stop switching and LDO stays work. Make sure there is a pull-up resistor on the EN pin even if the EN pin is not used, otherwise internal pull-down current will keep the EN pin low to shut down mode when power turns on.Charger ProtectionIf the VIN connector of typical application circuit can be instantaneously shorted to ground, the P-MOSFET M1 must be quickly turned off, otherwise, high reverse surge current might damage M1. An internal transient enhancement circuit is designed to quickly charge ACDRV pin voltage to ACN pin voltage.Note that the RT9534 will operate even when V BATT is grounded. If V BATT of typical application circuit charger gets shorted to ground very quickly from a high battery voltage, slow loop response may allow charge current to build up and damage the topside N-MOSFET M2. A small diode from the EN pin to V BATT will shut down switching and protect the charger.Temperature QualificationThe controller RT9534 continuously monitors battery temperature by measuring the voltage between the NTC pin and GND. A negative temperature coefficient thermistor (NTC) and an external voltage divider typically develop this voltage. The controller compares this voltage against its internal thresholds to determine if charging is allowed. To initiate a charge cycle, the battery temperature must be within the VCOLD. Ifbattery temperature is outside of this range, the controller suspends charge and the safety timer and waits until the battery temperature is within the VCOLD to VHOT range. If the battery temperature is outside of this range, the controller suspends charge and waits until the battery temperature is within the VCOLD to VHOT range. The controller suspends charge by turning off the PWM charge FETs.Assuming a 103AT NTC thermistor on the battery pack as shown in the below, the values of RT1 and RT2 can be determined by using the following equations: V5V COLD HOT COLD HOT V5V V5V HOT COLD HOT COLD 11V RTH RTH V V RT2 =V V RTH 1RTH 1V V ⎛⎫⨯⨯⨯-⎪⎝⎭⎛⎫⎛⎫⨯--⨯- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭V5VCOLDCOLDV 1V RT1 = 11RT2RTH -+RTH 103ATWhere RTH COLD and RTH HOT which have defined in the spec of the 103AT NTC thermistor. Thermal ConsiderationsFor continuous operation, do not exceed absolute maximum junction temperature. The maximum power dissipation depends on the thermal resistance of the IC package, PCB layout, rate of surrounding airflow, and difference between junction and ambient temperature. The maximum power dissipation can be calculated by the following formula : P D(MAX) = (T J(MAX) - T A ) / θJAwhere T J(MAX) is the maximum junction temperature, T A is the ambient temperature, and θJA is the junction toambient thermal resistance.For recommended operating condition specifications, the maximum junction temperature is 125︒C. The junction to ambient thermal resistance, θJA , is layout dependent. For WQFN-24L 4x4 package, the thermal resistance, θJA , is 28︒C/W on a standard JEDEC 51-7 four-layer thermal test board. The maximum power dissipation at T A = 25︒C can be calculated by the following formula :P D(MAX) = (125︒C - 25︒C) / (28︒C/W) = 3.57W for WQFN-24L 4x4 packageThe maximum power dissipation depends on the operating ambient temperature for fixed T J(MAX) and thermal resistance, θJA . The derating curve in Figure 1 allows the designer to see the effect of rising ambient temperature on the maximum power dissipation.Figure 1. Derating Curve of Maximum PowerDissipation0. Temperature (°C)M a x i m u m P o w e r D i s s i p a t i o n (W )Outline DimensionW-Type 24L QFN 4x4 PackageRichtek Technology Corporation14F, No. 8, Tai Yuen 1st Street, Chupei CityHsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C.Tel: (8863)5526789Richtek products are sold by description only. Richtek reserves the right to change the circuitry and/or specifications without notice at any time. Customers should obtain the latest relevant information and data sheets before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete. Richtek cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Richtek product. Information furnished by Richtek is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Richtek or its subsidiaries for its use; nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Richtek or its subsidiaries.。
电气安全指南白皮书 WP020003EN说明书
Reports have shown fatal injuries related to electrical incidents from 2004 through 2010 resulted in 1,494 fatalities, 29% of which were attributed to contact withwiring, transformers and electrical components. From 2011 to 2013, 43% of fatalities were attributed to indirect contact and 54% attributed to direct contact.1There is a systematic approach to minimizing or mitigating the risk to electrical injury. It is best to select the highest level of control possible. As outlined by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Hierarchy of Controls & ANSI Z10 (2012): Elimination or substitution, engineering controls, warnings, administrativecontrols, personal protective equipment (PPE).OSHA/ANSI, Hierarchy of ControlsArc flash Figure 1. OSHA hierarchy of controlsIdeally, with any electrical equipment, to reduce the risk of injury, the hazard needs to beeliminated. Operating mechanism to disconnect or make power in order to de-energize equipment is in itself a hazard and it is difficult to completely eliminate the hazard.Substitution allows different equipment to beutilized that reduces the risk of injury. In this case, to reduce the risk of injury, the equipment could be upgraded to arc resistant to protect from arc flash and arc blast injury.Engineering controls include isolation devices, guards, etc. or administrative controls such as limiting the time of hazard exposure. Engineered controls will be discussed further in this paper. Training and communication are effective tools for awareness.Many companies are adopting administrative controls such as workplace practices and rules adopting routine training, communication and standard work practices, but this does not eliminate the hazards.PPE is allowed to be used when engineering controls are not feasible or do not completely eliminate the hazard under the OSHA guidance. Over reliance on PPE as a measure is not the correct approach.This paper will focus on understanding why arc-resistant equipment needs to be considered when evaluating the risk of arc flash and arc blasts associated with internal arcing faults in medium-voltage adjustable frequency drives.The three criteria evaluated in this paper include:1. System architecture 2. System impedance 3. Failure mode and analysisSystem architectureMany different manufacturers build arc-resistant equipment. This equipment includes, but is not limited to, low-voltage metal-enclosed switchgear, motor control centers, medium-voltage motor starters and metal-clad switchgear. Product safety has evolved to incorporate the standard IEEE T C37.20.7-2007, IEEE Guide for Testing Metal-Enclosed Switchgear Rated Up to 38 kV for Internal Arcing Faults. This standard is widely adopted and builds harmony amongst vendors, end users, third-party certifiers and power test labs. Switchgear and motor starter equipment built and certified to this standard are prevalent in facilities worldwide.Medium-voltage adjustable frequency drives(MV AFDs) are common in large industrial facilities and are often overlooked regarding the hazards associated with operating and maintaining such complex equipment. Medium-voltage drivescomprise many interconnect power components operating in tandem. A medium-voltage drive should not be considered a simple add-on piece of equipment or switchgear. A detailed failure mode analysis is presented in several scenarios to illustrate the need for a system evaluation with regards to internal arcing faults.1Occupational Injuries from Electrical Shock and Arc Flash EventsWhy arc-resistant drives need to be consideredAaron H.VanderMeulenApplication Engineer Stan R. Simms Design Engineer2White Paper WP020003ENEffective August 2017Why arc-resistant drives needto be consideredEATON Manufacturers may provide a fully integrated or non-integrated solution. Non-integrated solutions require the end user to select additional equipment such as feeders, power transformers, reactors or filters. Specific coordination is needed between components to ensure adequate functionality and protection. Feeder options include load-break switches, fused contactors and power circuit breakers.SGCT or SCR based curent source drive (CSI)Figure 2. Drive topologiesMV AFD designs utilize different converter topologies, inverter topologies and semiconductor devices (diode, SCR, IGBT , SGCT , etc.). Unlike medium-voltage starters or switchgear, MV AFD power conversion technology is different based on eachmanufacturer’s approach.Figure 3. Fully integrated driveFigure 4. Non-integrated driveTwo drive architectures will be evaluated. Figure 3 shows a fully integrated drive with a fused, non-load-break disconnect, isolation transformer, converter and inverter with optional output filter.Figure 4 shows a non-integrated drive with similar components as Figure 3. The spacing between zones suggests separate items that could be selected based on end user discretion from manufacturer specification. Each zone represents a power stage typically found in MV AFDs. The red ‘x’ signifies potential internal arc fault locations of interest. Each has its own associated hazard concerns.System impedanceShort-circuit currentsWith MV AFDs installed in industrial areas with weak or soft utility power systems, it is important to understand how this affects the arcing current magnitude and duration. Equipment is type tested and rated at a specific short-circuit current magnitude and duration. In many installations, the actual available short-circuit is a fraction of the equipment rating. Also, arc-resistant equipment is given a third rating based on the arc-fault duration tested.As an example, a natural gas compression station with a 20 MVA unit substation 13.8 kV / 4160 V DY of 8.5% impedance has a rated secondary current of 2779 A and a maximum short circuit of 32.7 kA (235 MVA). However, if the utility available short circuit is only 10 kA (238 MVA), the transformer secondary short-circuit current is reduced to 16.4 kA (118 MVA); the utility impedance haslimited the overall short-circuit current.Figure 5. System one-line diagram3White Paper WP020003ENEffective August 2017Why arc-resistant drives need to be considered EATON Arcing fault currentsGiven most MV AFDs must comply with the IEEE 519 harmoniclimits, manufacturers address this need with an isolation transformer or line reactance in the converter. Similar to the example above, which is examined with a power system study, this added converter impedance affects the system; however, its effect is not well known.The available bolted fault current is reduced with every additional impedance as you move from the utility to the drive converter. This perspective fault current is further reduced with arcing impedance, which can lead to increased fault clearing time and increased incident energy.Examples of arcing fault current with respect to bolted fault current are illustrated in T able 1. This table will be referenced in the next sections.Ibf = bolted fault (amperes)Ia = arcing fault (amperes)Failure mode and analysisPrimary faults (Zone 1, Figure 3 and Figure 4)Primary faults would be localized to the input equipment. The input equipment, ideally, is constructed to the C37.20.7 standard. Many papers discuss the construction of arc-resistant medium-voltage motor starters and switchgear, and this paper does not explore this topic in detail. Care should be taken on understanding the perspective arcing current magnitude and upstream clearing times of the protection equipment. A system study is paramount. It is important that proper coordination is achieved while reducing the likelihood that the arcing fault duration does not exceed the equipment rating. Special consideration should be taken with a weak power system or source.T ransformer secondary faults (Zone 2)An example was given with a 20 MVA substation transformer and evaluated the secondary short-circuit current of 16.4 kA. This is a relatively straight-forward calculation with a two-winding transformer. However, with MV AFD isolation transformers, it is not easy to calculate the secondary short-circuit current because of their given variations and complexities. It is not unusual for these types of transformers to have four to twelve secondary circuits or more to address converter harmonics. A complex model is required that is typically outside the capability of traditional power system analysis software. An approach is used in the following example that may help with future drive system studies.A 4160 V, 6000 hp drive utilizing a five-winding, 5750 kVAtransformer is used in this example. The primary to secondary impedance is 6% with all secondary circuits shorted. With only one secondary circuit shorted, the secondary impedance is 11%, but 44% is reflected to the primary, based on empirical data.Figure 6. T ransformer impedance modelEach secondary circuit has a rated current of 704 A and 1000 V . The estimated secondary bolted fault circuit current is calculated as:I bf,sec1 = = = 6400 AI sec Z sec 704 A0.11Equation 1Assuming the arcing fault current is 85% of the bolted fault currentper the IEEE 1584 table:I a,sec1 = 0.85 x 6400 A = 5440 AEquation 2The arcing current as reflected to the primary:I a,pri = x 0.85 = x 0.85 = 1360 AI pri Z pri 704 A0.44Equation 3Using a 750E primary fuse for transformer protection, the totalclearing time, without additional engineering controls, is beyond 600 seconds. The fuse opens in the time overcurrent region.Significant damage due to the arcing fault is possible because the duration exceeds the design rating. If a breaker and protective relay were used in place of the fuse, the breaker would open based on the time overcurrent region, resulting in similar damage.It is critical to coordinate upstream protection to clear faults within the downstream equipment arcing fault duration rating.4White Paper WP020003ENEffective August 2017Why arc-resistant drives needto be consideredEATON Figure 7. Fuse time current curve (TCC)5White Paper WP020003ENEffective August 2017Why arc-resistant drives need to be considered EATON Figure 8. MV AFD feederBased on the Lee method 2, the unaddressed theoretical available incident energy is well above 40 cal/cm 2 at a working distance of 36 inches even if the clearing time is limited to 1 second, posing a problem.E = 5.12 x 105VI bft D 2()Equation 4E = 5.12 x 105(1.0)(6400 A) = 39191.0 s(914 mm)2()cal cm 2Equation 5Rectifier faults (Zone 3)Designs in which some manufacturers do not incorporate semi-conductor fuses into the converter are known as fuse-less designs. When semiconductor fuses are provided and properly coordinated,these engineering controls have the potential to reduce theavailable incident energy, as compared to the previous example. For a secondary bolted fault from the working example above, the semiconductor fuses open in approximately 34.2 milliseconds.3 Arcing fault current of 85% of bolted fault magnitude results in a clearing time of approximately 47.3 milliseconds.I 2t = 1,400,000 A 2s = = 0.0342 sec1,400,000(6400 A)2Equation 6 (Bolted fault clearing time)2IEEE 1584-20023SIBA SBQ3 semiconductor fuse, 1100 AI 2t = 1,400,000 A 2s = = 0.0473 sec1,400,000(5440 A)2Equation 7 (Arcing fault clearing time)With the addition of this engineering control, the theoretical available incident energy has been significantly reduced. Note the outcome is still a cause for concern. The hazard is not yet completely eliminated.E = 5.12 x 105(1.0)(6400 A) = 1850.047 s 9142()calcm 2Equation 8It should be noted that this single winding fault scenario does not include arcing faults that dynamically propagate to multiple secondary circuits.Arc back failureOne failure mode of power converters is the diode arc back failure mode outlined in IEEE 551 Violet Book, section 8.7. When a diode (valve) loses its semiconducting properties (diode short), the current magnitude exceeds that of typical three-phase bolted faults by up to 2.73 times. This short-circuit peak current, if not accounted for in the design of the drive, can result in catastrophic transformer failure and arcing faults with significant enclosure damage. In some cases, enclosure doors have bowed or blown off. There is a need forsemiconductor fuses as an engineering control.DC bus faults (Zone 4)An arcing fault on the DC bus is difficult to model but can beestimated as a three-phase bolted fault on the secondary with an 85% factor from T able 1. In a distributed multi-pulse rectifier design, a fault may begin at a single module, but then dynamically propagate to subsequent locations. Figure 9 shows a vertical or horizontal module arrangement for rectifiers or inverters.Figure 9. Module layoutI bf,pri = = = 11,733 A x 0.85 = 9973 AI pri Z704 A0.06Equation 9The transformer primary current of 10 kA would open the primaryfuse in approximately 0.55 seconds (Figure 7). The semiconductor fuses would open in approximately 0.0141 seconds. This results in an incident energy of 101.3 cal/cm 2 at a working distance of 36 inches.E = 5.12 x 105(1.0)(11,733 A) = 101.30.01419142()cal cm 2Equation 106White Paper WP020003ENEffective August 2017Why arc-resistant drives needto be consideredEATON Ionized gassesIonized gas from an arc fault is the source for dynamic propagation. With medium-voltage motor starters or switches, segregation barriers are implemented as engineering controls to reducepropagation and allow fuses to clear the fault as intended. This is especially important to consider in medium-voltage drive design. Some designs incorporate stacked converter and inverter cells/modules. As mentioned previously, an arcing fault in the module can easily propagate to an adjacent cell without barriers. In Figure 10,diode and semiconductor fuse barriers are implemented.Figure 10. Phase segregation barriersPressure waveFigure 11. Pressure waveAn arcing fault heats and expands copper metal rapidly, producing a pressure wave that has to be contained and directed away from personnel. The peak pressure wave occurs between 8 and 10 milliseconds after arc initiation. With drive configurations using forced air-cooling, a deflection means is necessary to preventpressurized gases from exiting the intake vents, possibly toward a user. An additional engineering control (shown in Figure 12) closes a louver upon internal high pressure. In this approach, the pressure wave is engineered to redirect away from the user.External viewInternal viewFigure 12. LouverThe heated and expanded gasses can reach temperatures of 35,000 degrees F . The type test as required by IEEE C37.20.7 has measures that detect non-complying internal arc fault containment. Figure 14 is an example of an additional engineering control that quenches exhaust arc flames in air-cooled enclosures. Figure 13 represents a type test setup with cotton indicators to observe the effects of possible escaping arc gasses.Figure 13. Cotton indicators7White Paper WP020003ENEffective August 2017Why arc-resistant drives need to be considered EATON Figure 14. Arc flame quencherActive engineering controls (preventative)Pre-charge systemMany drives utilize a DC bus pre-charge system to limit capacitor inrush current. An engineering control to reduce arc flash risk can be in the form of a limited energy pilot circuit that additionally soft magnetizes the transformer. This circuit would include sensors and a detection method to determine if there is a short circuit within Zone 1, 2 and 3 (Figure 3) such as a misplaced tool left after maintenance.This approach detects a short circuit prior to closure of the main contactor and is the highest level of engineering control.Active Engineering controls (reactive)Light detection systemFiber optic light detection sensors have been utilized in switchgear as a means to protect equipment by limiting the arcing fault duration. There is no governing body that has created a set of standards that provides guaranteed integration of the detection circuits and equipment without type testing to evaluate the efficacy of these systems. At best, this active engineering control provides a backup to passive arc-resistant construction. It does not eliminate the localized pressure wave caused by an arcing fault because the relatively slow reaction time of upstream coordination.Differential protectionTransformer differential protection schemes, utilized widely in industrial facilities to reduce arcing duration, are difficult to implement with drive isolation transformers. Bus differentialschemes could be implemented but would be limited to protection up to the transformer primary. Application on the output of the inverter would cause protection relay misoperation due to the change in line/load kVA and base frequency.These last two active engineered controls do not eliminate the hazard nor do they protect against the initial arc blast or pressurewave. The philosophy behind these engineered controls is to decrease the upstream clearing time to limit equipment damage.SummaryThe failure mode analysis in this paper has highlighted the need for arc-resistant engineering controls for the entire drive system, particularly Zone 2. It is suggested that a comparable evaluation be performed on the internal failure modes of other vendors’ medium-voltage drives not shown in this paper.The outcome of a thorough system analysis, with regards to MV AFD internal arcing faults, results in the both active and passive engineering controls to protect personnel and minimize equipment damage.Although active engineering controls have the potential to reduce arc incident energy, they are likely defeated to type test thepassive construction when evaluating to the commonly accepted IEEE standard.The following is a checklist of requirements to includewhen specifying an arc-resistant medium-voltage adjustable frequency drive:Arc equipment considerationsEaton1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122 United States © 2017 EatonAll Rights ReservedPrinted in USAPublication No. WP020003EN / Z19859 August 2017Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are propertyof their respective owners.Why arc-resistant drives needto be consideredWhite Paper WP020003ENEffective August 2017ReferencesM. Metzdorf, D. BeCraft, R. Bhalla, A. Fabrici, “Performance ofan Arc Resistant Medium Voltage Motor Control Center for anIn-Service Fault,” IEEE Petroleum Chemical Industry Conf., 2017A. Smith, D. Doan, “Sometimes Overlooked Safety Concerns With Large Engineered ASD Systems,”IEEE Electrical Safety Workshop, 2017, pp. 100–108IEEE Guide for Performing Arc-Flash Hazard Calculations,IEEE Standard 1584, 2002IEEE Recommended Practice for Protection and Coordination of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems, IEEE Standard 242, 2001 IEEE Guide for AC Motor Protection, IEEE Standard C37.96, 2012 IEEE Recommended Practice for Calculating Short-Circuit Currents in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems, IEEE 551, 2006R. Campbell, D. Dini, “Occupational Injuries From ElectricalShock and Arc Flash Events,” Fire Protection Research Foundation, March 2015M. Wactor, T. Olsen, C. Ball, D. Lemmerman, R. Puckett, J. Zawadzki, “Strategies for Mitigating the Effects of Internal Arcing Faults in Medium-Voltage Metal Enclosed Switchgear,” IEEE Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition, 2001IEEE Guide for Testing Metal-Enclosed Switchgear Rated up to38 kV for Internal Arcing Faults, IEEE Standard C37.20.7, 2007。
城市轨道交通专业英语词汇汇总车站及车站设备railway station 车站shop window 橱窗platform 站台dispatching trains 发车circulating areas 乘客走动的空间passenger flow 客流量platform screen door 屏蔽门metro system 地铁系统suburban railway 郊区铁路environment control 环控roiling stock 铁路车辆constant information 静态信息instant information 动态信息reserve place 预留空间(给特定人群使用)railway premises 铁路设施占用的范围prohibition areas 禁区,限制区estate management 物业管理tobacco product 烟草制品outlet 小卖店high capacity urban railway 大运量城市轨道交通authority to travel 乘车凭证unpaid area and paid area 非付费区和付费区double track railway line 双线铁路footbridge 人行天桥gate line 收费闸机组成的阵列a railway at ground level 地面铁路elevated railway 高架铁路underground railway 地下铁路viaduct 高架的行车道pre-stressed concrete 预应力混凝土road intersection 路口vertical 纵向的,竖向的horizonal 水平方向的,横向的lateral 横向的elevator 电梯escalator 扶梯trainload 列车载客量wear on 磨坏faregate 闸机safety is jeopardized 安全被危及ticket clerk 票务员to operate gate release control 进行闸机开放操作single trip ticket 单程票stored value ticket 储值票automatic fare collection(AFC 自动收费系统ticket vending machine(TVM) 售票机semi-automatic 半自动化的roving ticket inspection 流动检票员headquarter controller 总部控制员line controller 分线控制员dedicated telephone line 专用电话线depot 车辆段signpost 路标ticket hall 售票厅public address system 广播系统inquiry point 问询处monitor 监视器aerial 天线,架空的very high frequency(VHF) 甚高频ultra high frequency(UHF) 超高频paging equipment 传呼设备train radio 车载无线电tunnel telephone 隧道电话running line 行车线traction current 牵引电流crew 乘务人员a six-car train 一列六节编组的列车three-aspect signal 三显示信号机trailer 拖车pantograph 受电弓bodyshell 车壳stainless steel 不锈钢fluorescent lights 荧光灯gangway 两节车连接处的过道disabled 残障人士wheelchair bound passenger 靠轮椅行动的乘客single arm pantograph 单臂受电弓propulsion 推进inverter 逆变器converter 转换器alternative current(AC)交流电3 phase ac induction traction motors 三相交流感应式牵引电机bogie 转向架auxiliary transformer 辅助变压器rectifier 整流器diode 二极管regenerative brake 再生制动pneumatic brake 摩擦制动direct current 直流电brake block 制动闸瓦wheel tread 车轮踏面service braking 正常制动emergency braking 紧急制动main reservoir(MR) 主风缸sliding door 滑动门automatic mode(AM)自动模式coded manual mode (CM) 有码限速人工模式restricted manual mode(RM) 无码限速人工模式车载电脑系统train internet managementsystem(TIMS)closed circuit tv(CCTV) 闭路电视public address 公共广播detrainment door 逃逸门motor bogie 动力转向架trailer bogie 非动力转向架gearbox 齿轮箱,变速箱axle 车轴bolt 螺栓wheel flange 轮缘small radius bend 小半径曲线primary suspension 一系悬挂secondary suspension 二系悬挂coil spring 螺旋形弹簧airbag 气囊traction centre 牵引中心braking force 制动力centre pivot 转向架中心销damper actuators 调节器,调风阀门pressure switch 压力开关auxiliary compressor 辅助压缩机operation control center 运行控制中心loudspeaker 扬声器evaporator 蒸发器condenser 冷凝器re-circulated 再循环fire wire 温感电线smoke detector 烟感探头seat belt 安全带auto coupler 自动车钩semi-permanent bar coupler 半永久杆式车钩shear out device 剪切装置anticlimber 放爬器driver’s console司机驾驶台antenna 天线beacon 信标alignment 排成直线(钢轨铺设)multi-disciplinary 多学科的earthwork 土石方工程timber 木材steering base 导向基础rubber-tried trains 胶轮列车magnetic levitation 磁悬浮guided bus 有轨巴士batter slope 斜坡catenary mast 接触网支柱cess 排水管cable trough 电缆槽topsoil 表层土embankment 路堤drain 排水沟fence 栅栏send layer or geotech mat 沙层,土工格栅ditch 沟sub-structure 轨下基础structure gauge 建筑接近限界bracket 支撑托架signal post 信号机柱curvature 曲率civil engineer 土木工程师train path 列车运行所使用的通路rolling stock engineer 车辆工程师kinematic envelope 车辆动态包络线load transfer 负荷的传递cyclic loading 周期性的负荷sleeper 轨枕gauge 轨距turnout, track switch, track point 道岔flat bottom 平底spike 道钉baseplate 底板axle load 轴重expansion joint 膨胀接点slab track 整体道床轨道mesh screen 网状屏障electrified railway 电气化铁路stray return current 杂散电流floating slab track 浮置板道床的轨道densely populated areas 人口密集地区ballasted track 有砟道床non-ballasted track 无砟道床maintain and renewal program 维修和更新工作gauge train 限界测量车monument 纪念碑centrifugal force 离心力derailment 脱轨transition 缓和曲线cross level angle 线路横断面的斜角radius 半径diameter 直径super elevation 超高junction 联结点tie bar 转辙杆point blades 道岔尖轨stock rail 道岔基本轨wing rail 翼轨block 阻塞,闭塞stop signal 停车信号three-aspect signal 三显示信号sighting 司机的瞭望automatic train stop 自动停车装置tripcock 制动触发器track to train transmission 地对车的信号传输overlap 灯后安全距离gradient 坡度absolute block 绝对闭塞track circuit 轨道电路insulated joint 绝缘节series resistor 串联的电阻lineside signal 轨旁信号cab signal 车载系统state of the line ahead 前方线路的状态overlap block 作为灯后安全距离的闭塞分区forbidden territory 禁区line capacity 线路同行能力block length 闭塞分区的长度line speed 线路上列车允许速度braking curve 制动曲线safety margin 安全余量distance-to-go 以目标距离控制列车运行speed step method 阶梯式速度码列控模式speed profile 速度曲线permitted speed limit 最大允许速度speed restriction 速度限制wheel revolution 车轮的旋转electric traction system 电力牵引系统third rail 第三轨running rail 走行轨current rail 供电轨substation 分局,变电所sophisticated 精密的,复杂的earthing protection 接地保护ac motor 交流电机dc motor 直流电机trainway 有轨电车轨道main line railway system 干线铁路系统piston in a cylinder 气缸中的活塞城轨交通主要运营管理活动multi-functional vehicle 多功能检修车reverse at terminals 再终点站折返locomotives changing 换机车headway 行车间隔headwall 头端墙tailwall 尾端墙head light 列车的头灯taillight 尾灯head shunt track 牵出线turn a train 转变列车运行方向loop track 环形线路reversing track 折返线mid-route 半路,中途terminus 终点站origin and destination patronage data 客流OD数据consulting companies 咨询公司broad train 上车alight from train 下车ride on train 乘坐列车transfer from line to line 在不同线路间换乘interchange station 换乘站patronage study 客流研究passengers per hour per direction 单项小时客流量round trip time 全周转时间dwell time 列车停站时间loading and unloading 装卸车(指乘客上下车)service interval 服务间隔train loading 列车载客量train capacity 列车载客能力the density of passenger 乘客密度standing capacity of a train 一列车内的站位数量load factor 列车载客能力的利用率service spare train 备用车depot 车场timetable 时刻表crew duties 指乘务员的排班empty move 空驶times in and out of depots 进出段的时间点temporary speed restriction 临时限速outskirts 郊区train turnround time 列车折返时间double-ending 两头作业法cleaning and catering 清扫或提供饮食服务scissors crossover 交叉渡线crew arrangement 对乘务人员的安排shift work 轮班工作keep some spare staff on duty 保有一些后备员工值班shunting duty 调车工作centralized traffic control(CTC)集中交通控制clear a route for a train 为列车排进路voice radio 语音无线电block occupation 闭塞区段占用(情况)movement permit 行车凭证scheduled train 图定列车booking clock 票务员crowd control 人潮控制man the station operation room 在车站控制室值班station manager 站长ticket hall 票务大厅service controller 负责监管一条城轨线的运作take over 接班stock changing 替换车底CCTV image 闭路电视的录像repeater signal 复示信号train data recorder 列车数据记录仪boom 吊杆,支臂revenue service 载客服务superintendent 主管人wayside access manual 轨区作业安全手册two-way radio 可双向通信的无线电track allocation schedule 轨道使用计划work order 工作单trip stop 一种防列车冒进的机械装置shunt strap 短路带(阻止列车进入作业区)act as a controller 代理行调职务to trip the brake cock 去触动制动栓non-revenue service hours 指停运期间permanent security fence 永久性的保安栅栏safety director 安全总监track supervisor 轨道督导员supervisory position 督导级职位,相当于班组长director of operations 运营总监standard operation procedure(SOP)标准操作程序mechanics of dispatching 调度工作的机理train meet 会车train and engine crew logistics 列车司机的统筹安排overhaul 大修evacuation 疏散,撤离fire drill 消防演练operational management staff 运营管理人员short-term method 短期措施closure and evacuation of station 车站的关闭及疏散simulated training 模拟式的培训reference manual 参考手册interior emergency lighting 车内应急照明灯forward commander 前线指挥官pressurized water extinguisher 压力水灭火器dry chemical extinguisher 干式化学灭火器trespasser 横穿(轨道)的人handover advice 在交班时的注意事项outgoing operator 交班的调度incoming operator 接班的调度short working 在半途折返through platform 通过式站台service brake step 1 一级制动beyond the signal 越过信号机switch blades 道岔尖轨a rapid reversal 快速折返take a release for the route 把进路解除掉signal passed at danger(SPAD)冲红灯home signal 进站信号机wrong direction movement 逆向行车signal post telephone(SPT)装在信号机柱上的电话机positive conductor rail 正极供电轨service inspection shop 列车状态检查车间running maintenance 小型维修保养continuous welded rail 无缝连续钢轨descending grade 下坡ascending grade 上坡interlocking 道岔区,联锁区discharge and pick up passengers 让乘客上下车。
V12-T19-119Network ProtectorsCM52 Network Protector19Network ProtectorsProduct Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V12-T19-2Product History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V12-T19-2Product History Time Line. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V12-T19-2Replacement Capabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V12-T19-3Technology Upgrades—Relays and Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . V12-T19-3Further Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V12-T19-4Pricing Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .V12-T19-41919Network ProtectorsRetro-Build, Replacement Parts and RelaysNetwork ProtectorsOriginally aWestinghouse ProductCM-22CMDCM52Product DescriptionCutler-Hammer®networkprotectors from Eaton’selectrical business are specialself-contained air breaker unitshaving a full complement ofcurrent, potential and controltransformers, as well asrelay functions. The networkprotector enables theparalleling of two or moreprimary feeders on the samelow voltage bus. They areavailable for transformermounting in submersible ornon-submersible housings,or suitable for mounting withina low voltage switchgearassembly. The protective relayautomatically closes theprotector if power flow isforwarded into the collectorbus. It also trips the protectorupon flow of reverse fault ormagnetizing currents.Product HistoryThe network protector productline began manufacturing in1922 under the name ofWestinghouse Electric andManufacturing Company.Over the years a number ofdifferent production modelswere produced. The mostwidely installed model is thetype CM-22, which was firstmarketed in 1934 and is stillmanufactured today.New production CM-22,CMD, CMR-8 and CM52units are available fromthe Greenwood, SC, facility.Renewal parts are alsoavailable for these units.The old typeelectromechanical relayswhich have a large installedbase, are field replaceablewith the current solid- stateType MPCV relays.Eaton has also developedparts and relays to supportold style GE Type MG-8 andMG-9 network protectors. GEdiscontinued the manufactureof these products in 1996.Product History Time LineV12-T19-2V12-T19-31919Network ProtectorsRetro-Build, Replacement Parts and RelaysReplacement CapabilitiesNewSeveral current Cutler-Hammer production designs of network protectors are available:●CM52●CMD ●CMR-8●CM-22Retro-BuildRetro-building is a complete reworking of all the major components of a network protector including preliminary inspection, rebuilding, and re-testing equipment. Included in the process: removing all asbestos materials (where applicable), applying a new wiring harness, rebuilding the complete mechanism with motor and shunt trip, replacing the relay panel and completely reconditioning any enclosure. Modern components change the “as built” vintage to current production designs.Cutler-Hammer and Westinghouse ●CM-22●CMD ●CMR-8General Electric ®●MG-8●MG-9RetrofitGeneral Electric MG-8 and MG-9 network protectors up to 2000A are retrofittable with a new CM52 roll-in replacement breaker. This retrofitting option usesexisting enclosures and bus, replacing the remaining with the most recent technology of the CM52.CMD style network protectors are retrofittable with a new CM52 drawout circuit breaker and is available for all ampere ratings and voltages.Contact the Network Protector Group for additional information and availability at 1-800-525-6821 or 1-877-737-8328.Technology Upgrades—RelaysElectromechanical and older solid-state relays can be replaced with new micro-processor MPCV designs. The MPCV network relay can be field installed into ANY network protector regardless of the age or the manufacturer. Field installation is accomplished without breaker modification or any rewiring of the breaker control harness.Communications CapabilityThe MPCV relay has the capability of communicating information over a wide range of media.Hardwire (fiber or twisted pair), wireless (cellular or radio) are options available using Eaton’s VaultGard Communication platform. This system provides data for extensive engineering analysis, vault diagnostics, preventive maintenance and additionally provides DNP 3.0 objects direct to a SCADA system.MPCV Relay for Cutler-Hammer and Westinghouse Network ProtectorsFront ViewRear ViewMPCV Relay forGE Network ProtectorsFront ViewRear View1919Network ProtectorsRetro-Build, Replacement Parts and RelaysPartsEaton offers an extensiveinventory of newlymanufactured renewalparts for the followingnetwork protectors:Cutler-Hammer andWestinghouse●CM-22●CMD●CMR-8●CM52General Electric●MG-8●MG-9Test SetsHWT-500 Test KitThe HWT-500 test kit isoffered to provide completetesting capabilities fornetwork protectors with 208through 480V delta or wyeconnected systems. This issupplied in a rugged, wheeledcase with retractable handle.TrainingThe product line offers thefollowing network protectortraining seminars:●Safety and MaintenanceSeminar—This two-day seminar coversfundamentals of networksystems, network relayhistory and theory andmaintenance overview ofthe CM-22, CMD, CM52and MPCV relay●T roubleshooting NetworkProtector Seminar—This three-day seminarencompasses all materialincluded in the safety andmaintenance seminarand also covers theGE network protectors.A combination ofclassroom and hands-ontroubleshooting areprovidedFurther InformationPricing InformationCall Eaton’s NetworkProtector Group inGreenwood, SC.Toll Free: 1-800-525-6821or 1-877-737-8328.Publication Number DescriptionCM-22DB 35-550G Descriptive BulletinRPD 35-550H Renewal Parts Data BookRP02401002E Renewal Parts GuideIB 35-5001E Instruction BookCMDDB 35-552B Descriptive BulletinRPD 35-552Renewal Parts Data BookRP02401001E Renewal Parts GuideIB 35-552-G Instruction BookCMR-8RPD 35-575(E)Renewal Parts Data BookIB 35-575-A Instruction BookCM52B.52.01.S.E Sale BrochureIB 52-01-TE Instruction BookMPCR RelayIB 35-581A Instruction BookMPCV RelayIB 35-581B Instruction BookST-156Sales Engineer’s NotesSA-376Sales Aid MPCV RelaySA.52.01.S.E T&D Reprint—Pepco SystemHWT-500 T est KitIB 35-557Instruction BookLWT-450 T est KitIB 35-556-C Instruction BookSA-11898Sales AidV12-T19-4V12-T19-51919Network ProtectorsRetro-Build, Replacement Parts and RelaysCMD Network Protector Renewal PartsEaton’s Cutler-Hammer CMD Network ProtectorDescriptionCurrentCatalog NumberElectrical Components Finger cluster assembly (800–1875A)593C841G01Finger cluster assembly (2000–3000A)682C347G02Micro-switch assembly436B162G01Anti-close coil and switch (800–1875A)436B169G01Anti-close coil and switch (2000–3000A)436B169G02Auxiliary switch assembly (800–3000A)591C950G01Anti-close relay assembly 765A881G03Motor close relay765A880G01Trip coil assembly (1875–3000A)8230A23G02Trip coil only 677C903G03Capacitor only 8310A96H01BN dummy plate (CMD)435D857G03CNJ dummy plate (CMD)508B559G01Mechanical DevicesMotor assembly—two lead only (800–3000A)437B494G01Operations counter592C040H02Levering-in assembly (800–1875A)442D145G01Levering-in assembly (2000–3000A)6897D33G01HardwareNetwork relay hold-down nuts 5765A44G01Combination nuts 1087024Breaker crank589C063G01X-washer and contact grease kit 8264A32G01Breaker rollers 349A473H01Breaker blocking bar3670A85H01Breaker contact test gauge (1875A)3670A81G01Control Resistors and Rectifiers Diode 8310A96H03Rectifier3615A35H01Electromechanical resistor assembly 664A956G013100 ohm resistor 499A067H04Motor close rheostat8230A16G01Fuses (125–216V and 277/480V)NPL fuse (800A)140D318G04NPL fuse (1200A)140D318G05NPL fuse (1600–1875A)140D318G01NPL fuse (2000–2825A)140D318G02NPL fuse (3000A)140D318G06T ransformersCurrent transformer (multi-ratio: 800/1200/1600A)8230A85H01Current transformers (2000A)8313A73G02Current transformers (2500A)8313A73G01Current transformers (3000A)8313A73G03Potential transformer 7526A14G01Control power transformer8230A18H01DescriptionCurrentCatalog NumberCurrent Carrying Components Moving arcing contact (800–1875A)695C128G02Moving arcing contact (2000–3000A)695C134G01Stationary arcing contact assembly (800–1875A)593C842G01Stationary arcing contact assembly (2000–3000A)6897D10G02Arc chute (800–1875A)6914D18G02Arc chute (2000–3000A)9147D18G01Enclosure Parts—NEMA and Submersible (800–3000A)Fuse housing (800–1875A)595F152G01Fuse housing (2000–3000A)693C719G01Spade terminal (800–1875A)437B477G01Stud terminal (800–1875A)589C074G01Spade terminal (2000 – 3000A)690C292G01Stud terminal (2000–3000A)506B827G01Fuse housing cover with gasket (800–1875A)6390C82G01Fuse housing cover with gasket (2000–3000A)6390C84G01Fuse housing cover with window (800–1875A)592C092G01Fuse housing cover with window (2000–3000A)592C092G02Fuse housing tank gasket (800–1875A)505B339H01Fuse housing tank gasket (2000–3000A)590C508H018-point stationary secondary contact591C497G018-point moving secondary contact (breaker mounted)591C498G0612-point moving secondary contact (breaker mounted)693C618G0112-point stationary secondary contact 9246C47G01Door hinge and clamp kit (open side)6418C71G01Door hinge and clamp kit (hinge side)6418C71G02Hinge bolt only 1640799Tank window kit 545B314G02Tank window only 310C536H12Tank window gasket only5863A16H01Submersible T ank Door Gasketing Flat molded, pre 12/87 (800–1875A)437C089H01Flat molded, pre 12/87 (2000–3000A)590C512H011.25-inch (31.8 mm) diameter tubular Sep. MDT.—166 inches (4216.4 mm) (800–1875A)8309A37H011.25-inch (31.8 mm) diameter tubular Sep. MDT.—140 inches (3556.0 mm) (800–1875A)8309A37H021.25-inch (31.8 mm) diameter tubular Sep. MDT.—152 inches (3860.8 mm) (2000–3000A)8309A37H01Flat molded, pre 12/87 (2000–3000A)437C089H01Barrier assembly tanking (800–1875A)567F830G01Barrier assembly tanking (2000A plus)693C717G021919Network ProtectorsRetro-Build, Replacement Parts and RelaysCM-22 Network Protector Renewal PartsEaton’s Cutler-Hammer CM-22 Network ProtectorDescriptionCurrentCatalog NumberElectrical ComponentsMotor contactor assembly (replaces G01, G02 and SG relay)503B286G03“J” switch assembly (664A948H01)1572037“J” switch contact only657A239H01Motor cutoff “W” switch assembly (for three lead motor)310C629G01Motor cutoff “W” switch assembly (for two lead motor)310C629G03Auxiliary switch 12-pole 46A5916G13 + G14310C626G02Auxiliary switch eight-pole (replaces type “W”)310C626G03Network relay terminal block (lower)310C356G05Network relay terminal block (upper)310C356G03CNJ terminal block310C356G02BN terminal block (lower)310C356G01BN terminal block (upper)310C356G04BN dummy plate435D857G03CNJ dummy plate508B559G01Mechanical DevicesMotor—three lead592C071G03Motor—three lead with amp plug 592C071G01Motor—two lead592C071G02Shunt trip device (208V)1114739Shunt trip device (250V)1630111Shunt trip coil only (208V)0918738Shunt trip coil only (250V)1041078Operations counter592C040H03HardwareMechanical links, springs and caps8312A08G01Fuse disconnect nut1087025Fuse disconnect nut1087024Relay combo nut (large)5765A44G01Overtoggle link assembly436D164G02Micarta® link (left side of overtoggle assembly)1572053Micarta link (right side of overtoggle assembly)1572054Operating handle17B9956G01Mechanism bumper and pins pack (sold in packs of three)6419C75G01Control Resistors and RectifiersPhasing resistor—3 ohm499A067H05Phasing resistor—3100 ohm499A067H04Motor circuit—3 ohm resistor assembly664A956G02Motor circuit—3 ohm fixed and adjustable resistor assembly664A956G01T ransformersLighting transformer assembly (250V)542B075G01Lighting transformer assembly (125V)542B075G02Potential transformer (single only, six required in assembly)7526A14G01Potential transformer assembly (left and right)60A3930G03Control power transformer (sold separately)8234A01G01Control power transformer with mounting kit508B560G02DescriptionCurrentCatalog NumberCurrent T ransformersMulti-ratio 1600/1200/800A:5A745C148G01Fixed ratio 1600A:5A592C554G01Fixed ratio 2000A:5A6109C13G01Fixed ratio 2500A:5A592C556G01Fixed ratio 3000A:5A592C557G01Current Carrying ComponentsStationary conductor (800–1875A, left and right)310C352G02Stationary conductor (800–1875A, center)310C352G01Stationary main contact assembly (2000–3000A, includes arcing contact)310C358G02Stationary main contact assembly (3500A, includes arcing contact)310C358G01Moving contact (800–1875A, left and right)310C353G01Moving contact (800–1875A, center)310C353G02Moving contact assembly (2000–3500A, right)436D166G01Moving contact assembly (2000–3500A, left and center)436D166G02Arcing contact moving (2000–3500A)09A2605G05Arcing contact stationary (800–1875A)1529542Arcing and main stationary contact assembly (2000–3500A)310C357G01Arc chute (all sizes)17B9967G01Enclosure Parts—NEMA and SubmersibleBreaker barrier kit (800–1875A)6549C10G01Breaker barrier kit (2000–3000A)6914D10G014-point stationary disconnect device (left hand)678C170G034-point stationary disconnect device (right hand)678C170G04Moving disconnect device (left hand)678C169G02Moving disconnect device (right hand)678C169G03Round sight glass kit (tempered glass)545B314G02Door hinge and clamp kit (open side)6418C71G01Door hinge and clamp kit (hinge side)6418C71G02Submersible T ank Door Gasketing0.75-inch (19.1 mm) diameter tubular, pre '62 only—139 inches (3530.6 mm) (800–1875A)8311A01H011.25-inch (31.8 mm) diameter tubular—139 inches (3530.6 mm) (800–1875A)6337C85H401.25-inch (31.8 mm) diameter tubular— 61 inches (4089.4 mm) (2000–3000A)6337C95H401.25-inch (31.8 mm) diameter tubular—181 inches (4597.4 mm) (2000–3000A)6337C97H40V12-T19-6。
CommScope Opti Max OM6000 HFC 光学节点说明书
DATA SHEET Opti Max ™Optical Node Series OM6000™1.2 GHz 4x4 HFC Segmentable NodeThe CommScope Opti Max ™OM6000™HFC modular optical node is the latest innovation in network technology for operators seeking to maximize and protect their infrastructure investments. With provisions for ten optics modules in the lid and four RF modules in the base, the OM6000 easily scales from its most basic version without any loss of initial investment.The OM6000 supports full DOCSIS 3.1 capability with downstream operation out to 1.2 GHz while allowing the upstream to expand to 204 MHz. Optimized for operation in today's complex, segmented HFC networks, the OM6000’s modular design easily supports future network migration to PON or Remote PHY/CCAP networks. It is the perfect platform for supporting future network growth and services.•Supports 1.2 GHz Downstream and 204 MHzUpstream bandpass for DOCSIS ®3.1 migration•Integrated segmentation switches simplifyfuture node upgrades•Select optical module compatibility with OptiMax OM2741, Opti Max OM4100™, and OptiMax OM4120™nodes leverages sparing andtraining•10 application module slots for expansion intonext generation network topologies•SFP ‐based 85 MHz digital return supportsservice group aggregation and digital elementmonitoring for legacy CHP and CH3 digitalreturn receivers FEATURESMulti‐Architecture CompatibilityThe OM6000 features a wide range of return transmitter wavelengths to support various fiber applications. A full suite of cost‐effective analog CWDM and DWDM DFB analog transmitters rated to 204 MHz facilitate fundamental node segmentation. The OM6000 also has an advanced 85 MHz Digital Return transmitter option that utilizes 1X or 2X Time Domain Multiplexing (TDM) and pluggable Small Form Pluggable (SFP) optics to maximize segmentation and wavelength management. Digital transmitters that support CHP and CH3 headend optics platforms are also available. This advanced digital return system effectively leverages digital receiver and CMTS assets by fully supporting digital service group aggregations of up to four nodes in a daisy chain.Integrated Switchable SegmentationBy coupling best in class RF and optical performance, the OM6000 provides operators with a unique opportunity to easily grow in parallel with today’s bandwidth hungry networks. The OM6000’s simplified switchable segmentation feature provides seamless transition from the basic unsegmented configuration to a fully segmented node with minimal effort. In addition, the node also features local segmentation switches that support future segmentation without having to add additional configuration modules or RF cables. Instead, a technician can enable new segments by simply adding a transmitter or receiver as required. By reducing the requirement for additional configuration modules and minimizing maintenance time, the OM6000 provides a lower total cost of ownership for the MSO.Enhanced UsabilityThe OM6000 node incorporates many new features that enhance usability. Its high‐capacity power supply modules, for example, incorporate blind mate and hot swappable features without the need for additional cables or plugs. A single power supply module allows complete station operation; if operators require power redundancy, however, they can install a second load sharing power supply to handle the complete node payload if a loss of primary power occurs.The OM6000 also features an optical fiber tray that is designed to handle the most complicated fiber mating applications. The fiber tray also supports placement of standard optical passive cassettes, which helps keep the fiber storage area clean and simplifies node segmentation in multiwavelength network configurations.The OM6000 maintains a consistent cable placement across the hinge area from the lid to the base. The enhanced cable spine cleanly manages this transition, eliminating outages caused by accidental fiber/cable pinching during closure.Optional ingress control switches incorporate local control for verification of ingress migration into the node. A technician can easily activate the switches while on site and pinpoint the specific input affecting service for rapid ingress mitigation. This allows technicians to quickly identify and troubleshoot ingress without the need for complex test equipment or monitoring systems.ScalabilityThe OM6000 node is highly scalable; operators can deploy the OM6000 in a basic 1x1 configuration and then easily migrate to 2x2 and 4x4 segmentation via switchable segmentation as their networks expand. While most 4x4 segmentable optical nodes would be fully saturated once they have been deployed in a 4x4 configuration, the OM6000 still has the capacity to seamlessly add Ethernet or PON services via 10 total application module slots and 2 auxiliary SG4‐style slots. The SG4 auxiliary slots can be used for future applications.CompatibilityThe OM6000 features select optical modules that are compatible with the OM41 and OM2741 series nodes such as transmitters, EDFAs, optical switches, and future next generation module development. This compatibility reduces service times and the need for technician training on additional optics module setup. This also allows MSOs to select other nodes in the CommScope family, depending on the application, without the penalty of increased part numbers, complex inventory, and additional training.1.2 GHZ PLATFORM COMPATIBILITYCommon Digital Return and SFPs Yes YesRF Amplifier Module No NoFLM PON Extender Module Yes YesEDFA Optical Amplifier Yes YesOptical Switch Yes YesOptical Passives Yes YesRELATED PRODUCTSCHP Max5000®Headend Optics DT7 Series Digital Return TransmittersCH3 Headend Optics Remote PHY Device (RPD) CHP Digital Receiver CH3 DR3450 Digital ReceiverPhysicalDimensions23.6 L x 11.0 W x 12.2 DWeight< 50 lbsHousing Ports6EnvironmentalOperating Temperature Range‐40°to +60°C (‐40°to +140°F) Storage Temperature Range‐40°to +85°C (‐40°to +185°F) Humidity5%–95% non‐condensingForward PathOptical ReceiverOptical Wavelength1260 to 1620 nmOptical Input Power Range, continuous‐6.0 to +1.0 dBmOptical Connector Type SC/APCOptical Test Point1 ±10% Volt/mWRFOperational Bandwidth154/85/102/258 to 1218 MHzFlatness2±1.0 dBOutput Linear Tilt18.0 ±1.0 dB (54–1218 MHz)17.5 ±1.0 dB (85–1218 MHz)17.2 ±1.0 dB (102–1218 MHz)14.8 ±1.0 dB (258–1218 MHz)RF Test Points3‐20 ±1.0 dBRF Impedance 75 ΩRF Return Loss416 dBPort to Port Isolation‐70 dB, 54 MHz to 552 MHz‐60 dB, 552 MHz to 1218 MHz Mixed Analog/Digital Distortions5, 6, 7, 8Reference Level1057/39 dBmV @1218/55 MHz (virtual) CTN60 dBCTB72 dBcCSO70 dBcCIN57 dBMER45 dBBER< 1x10‐6All Digital Distortions5, 6, 7, 9Reference Level1051/33 dBmV @ 1218/55 MHz (actual) CTN60 dBCIN55 dBMER48 dBBER< 1x10‐6Return PathOptical TransmitterOptical Wavelength CWDM/DWDMOptical Connector Type SC/APCOptical Test Point1 ±10% Volt/mWRFOperational Bandwidth15 to42/65/85/204 MHzFlatness2±1.0 dBOutput Linear Tilt0 ±1.0 dBRF Test Points3‐20 ±1.0 dBRF Port Impedance 75 ΩRF Return Loss4,1116 dBRF Path Loss120 ±1.0 dBWith ICS (‐6 dB)6 ±1.0 dBWith ICS (Off)1331 dBPort to Port Isolation‐60 dBNominal Return Input Level12 dBmV/6 MHz; 5–42 MHz10 dBmV/6 MHz; 5–65 MHz8 dBmV/6 MHz; 5–85 MHz5 dBmV/6 MHz; 5–204 MHzNote: Specifications are subject to change without notice.Copyright Statement:©2022CommScope,Inc.All rights reserved.ARRIS,the ARRIS logo,CHP Max5000,OM4100,OM4120,OM6000,and Opti Max are trademarks of CommScope,Inc.and/or its affiliates.All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.No part of this content may be reproduced in any form or by any means or used to make any derivative work (such as translation,transformation,or adaptation)without written permission from CommScope,Inc and/or its affiliates (“CommScope”).CommScope reserves the right to revise or change this content from time to time without obligation on the part of CommScope to provide notification of Return Path ContinuedTransmitter Output PowerAnalog CWDM3 ±0.4dBm Analog DWDM7 ±0.4dBm DWDM SFP+3 to +7dBm CWDM SFP0 to +5dBm 1310 nm SFP‐8to ‐1dBmDistortion PerformanceNPR Analog CWDM 5, 1440/11 dB (5–85 MHz)40/8 dB (5–204 MHz)NPR Analog DWDM 5, 1540/11 dB (5–85 MHz)40/8 dB (5–204 MHz)NPR 2x85 MHz Digital Return 5, 1640/20 dB (5–85 MHz)Power RequirementsAC Input Voltage42–90 V AC AC Input Frequency Range50/60 Hz Hum Modulation 5, 17‐60 dBc Power Supply Spurious 5‐64 dBc AC Bypass Current 1815 A Required AccessoriesRF Pads, NPB ‐xx0**xx = 00–20 (0–20 dB)Factory Installed in 4 RF modules and as required in optional optical modules. One per receiver module and one per analog transmitter module. Not required for digital return setup. Customer can modify in 1 dB steps as required when purchased as an accessory item.1.2 GHz Linear Equalizers, 1510053‐0xx****xx = 02–12 (2–12 dB)Factory Installed in 4 RF modules. Customer can modify in 1 dB steps as required when purchased as an accessoryitems.NOTES:1.The band edges are configurable based on the diplex filter option installed.2.Measured with respect to tilt over the operating passband of the node.3.Measured with respect to the associated node port.4.Measured at the node RF input and output port over the specified passband.5.Over operating temperature range.6.Distortion values listed are for the node only. These values should be combined with transmitter values to determine link performance. CTN represents worst case analog reference over all input ranges for entire RF section of node, optics module/photodiode excluded.7.J.83 Annex B, 5.360537 MS/s; 6 MHz/channel. Near noise correction applied to compensate for source MER contribution.8.30 analog NTSC channels from 55.25 MHz to 253.25 MHz, 160 digital NTSC channels from 261 MHz to 1218 MHz, 6 dB below analog. 57 dBmV (virtual) output at 1218 MHz, 18 dB virtual tilt from 54 to 1218 MHz.Reference input level is 0 dBm, 3% OMI.9.2 QAM channels replaced with analog channels @ analog/virtual levels to facilitate CTN/CIN measurements.10.For channel loading up to 1.2 GHz and 18 dB of output tilt, the maximum virtual output level @ 1.2 GHz is 58 dBmV. For channel loading up to 1 GHz and 18 dB of tilt, the maximum virtual output level @ 1 GHz is 60 dBmV.11.Return loss is 15 dB from 5 to 15 MHz when ICS is installed in the node.12.At 25°C. Gain measured across bandwidth.13.Measured from 5–42 MHz only regardless of band split.14.The link consists of 20 km of SMF 28 fiber, plus passive loss sufficient to obtain an optical input power of 6 dBm at the test receiver. The test receiver should have minimal contribution.15.The link consists of 40 km of SMF 28 fiber, plus passive loss sufficient to obtain an optical input power of 6 dBm at the test receiver.16.Measured with minimum attenuator setting in Tx and Rx. Specified link for 1310 nm SFP is 10 km fiber. Specified link for CWDM SFP is 50 km fiber, 26 dB link budget. Specified link for DWDM SFP is 80 km fiber, 29 dB link budget. Node measured in 2X configuration, de ‐rate by 3 dB for 1X configuration.17.Measured from 0–15A, de ‐rate to 55 dBc from 5 to 10 MHz.18.Max total current applied.A Fiber Deep version of the OM6000 is available. The Fiber Deep node has a maximum virtual RF port output of 64 dBmV at 1.2 GHz.Specifications are compliant with the applicable, recommended ANSI/SCTE test methods.All specifications are stated as worst ‐case over temperature unless otherwise noted.Contact Customer Care for product information and sales:•United States: 866‐36‐ARRIS•International: +1‐678‐473‐5656。
PAM4 Transmitter Analysis软件应用说明书
PAM4 Transmitter AnalysisComprehensive PAM4 Analysis, showing detailed jitter analysis for each eye and global link measurementsFeatures and benefitsThe PAM4 Transmitter Analysis software application enhances the capabilities of the DPO/MSO70000DX/SX and DPO/DSA/MSO70000series oscilloscopes, adding transmitter and channel testing for four-level Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM4) devices and interfaces for bothelectrical and optical physical domains.Single Integrated Application for PAM4 Electrical and Optical SignalDebug and ValidationThis application brings together all the capabilities needed forcomprehensive PAM4 analysis and debugDashboard style configuration panel enables quick and easyconfiguration of all the necessary parameters for PAM4 analysisEnhanced Clock RecoverySoftware clock recovery offers the industry's most robust clockrecovery capability even from heavily impaired signalsConfigurable Bessel-Thomson FilterOffers the flexibility to tune bandwidth of the measurementreceiver, either manually or automatically, based on detected datarateWaveform Filter enables embed or de-embed test fixtures or channelmodelsAuto ConfigurationAuto detect thresholds, symbol rate, pattern type and length,enabling ease of configurationSymbol and Bit Error DetectorDetect and navigate to individual errors with annotations of clockrecovery, eye centers, and expected symbolsAccumulate SER and BER over multiple acquisition cyclesIntegrated Receiver EqualizationApply CTLE, FFE and DFE equalization to the acquired waveformto open a closed eye.Model different types of receiver settings to perform what-ifanalysisSupport for standard based equalization presetsJitter Measurement and Eye AnalysisFull Characterization of the PAM4 eyes to support standard basedand debug analysisIsolate the effects of ISI and show the potential for receiverequalization using correlated eyeRise and Fall times for all 12 PAM4 transitions offers the capability to analyze each transition type in PAM4 signal providing greaterinsightFlexible controls to automatically acquire a desired symbolpopulation across multiple acquisitionsNoise Analysis and BER ContoursEye width and height analysis per OIF-CEI standards or to customBER targetsEye diagram annotated to show BER contours and width/heightmeasurement locationsSNDR AnalysisAutomates a complex Electrical PAM4 transmitter measurementuseful for characterizationTDECQ AnalysisAutomates a complex Optical PAM4 measurement that is used tocharacterize the optical transmitter vertical eye closurePlots and reportsComprehensively interact with plots for measurement visualizationand deep analysisHTML report captures all the relevant setup configuration,measurement test results, and plot in single file that is easy to readand shareMeasurement results across multiple acquisitions can be exported to a consolidated CSV file useful for additional analysisApplicationsDebug, Analysis, and Characterization of Electrical and Optical PAM4signalsCharacterization of OIF-CEI and IEEE based PAM4 standards; such as OIFCEI-VSR-56G-PAM4, 802.3bs, and CDAUI-8.PAM4 overviewThe frequency content of the NRZ signal increases linearly with bit-rate.PAM4 signaling needs half the bandwidth as NRZ for the same data rate.400G Ethernet standards, both electrical and optical interfaces, adopted PAM4 signaling to support the forecasted growth in the datacenter andnetwork traffic.Assumes linear coding for illustration. In practice, gray coding is frequently used.The 4 levels of PAM4 introduce additional complexity in signaling and place new demands on the test methodology. The PAM4 analysis tool offers several measurement and visualization capabilities aimed at making the task of validating PAM4 designs more efficient.PAM4 Measurement configurationThe configuration panel is a dashboard within the PAM4 analysis tool that enables you to configure most elements for a PAM4 analysis run. The panel includes; measurement source selection, Clock recovery, Threshold,and Bessel-Thomson filter and Equalization configuration. It also has theability to embed or de-embed a channel using a waveform filter.Clock recoveryConfigurable PLL (phase-locked loop) clock recovery reliably extracts the symbol clock, even with highly impaired signals, and exports thereconstructed clock waveform to a reference channel where it may be viewed.Channel Embedding / De-embeddingThe waveform filter option offers the ability to embed or de-embed differentchannel elements. For example:The effects of a test fixture can be de-embedded to gain visibility of thesignal at the transmitter output.A channel can be embedded to gain visibility of the signal at the receiver input.DatasheetEqualizationIt is often necessary to apply receiver equalization to open the eyes before measurements can be performed. In most cases the lack of physical access makes it impossible to verify the receiver circuit behavior and monitor the effects of clock recovery and equalization.A comprehensive equalizer in the PAM4 analysis tool offers the ability to dothe following:Apply CTLE either using custom poles and zeros or standards basedpresets.Apply configurable length FFE and / or DFE with auto-adapted tapvalues.Observe the tap values that have been chosen.Measurement SelectionThe new Select panel enables you to select between electrical and optical PAM4 measurements.The selection list allows you to choose window measurements andconfigure the display for ease of use and execution speed.Auto Configure CapabilityThe PAM4 analysis application can automatically detect the signal’s symbol rate and pattern, and choose the appropriate decision thresholds based on analysis of the eye diagram. This allows quick and error-free set-up, as well as, verifying your signal’s key characteristics.PAM4 MeasurementsPAM4 analysis package provides a comprehensive set of measurements that offer greater insight into signal characteristics, speeding up validation or characterization of PAM4 designs.The supported list includes IEEE (802.3bs/cd) and OIF-CEI Standards based measurements or SNDR and TDECQ when enable characterized of electrical and optical PAM4 Transmitter.PAM4 Transmitter AnalysisFull Waveform and Correlated WaveformanalysisA full waveform analysis can be performed by overlaying all the unitintervals on the acquired PAM4 signal. A jitter analysis is done on theindividual eyes within the link and the BER eye contours. Both tests cangive insight into eye closure at all timing phases and reference levelssimultaneously.The correlated waveform and eye show how much additional eye openingis theoretically obtainable through equalization. The correlated waveformcan be analyzed by tools and techniques similar to those found onEquivalent Time Oscilloscopes. Many performance communicationsstandards assume access to correlated data. The PAM4 Analysisapplication can effectively model correlated and composite eye diagrams.1Supports Average Launch Power of Off Transmitter as per IEEE 802.3bs/cd specifications.2This measurement not available until December 2018.DatasheetRise and Fall Time analysisAnalysis of the individual transitions rise and fall times helps separate linear impairments (bandwidth, ISI) from nonlinear (slew-rate limiting, clipping).The rise and fall times also support advanced tuning of equalizationalgorithms. The PAM-4 analysis software provides the max, min, and meanrise and fall time for each of the six transition types within the PAM4 eye.VisualizationA comprehensive set of plots can be used to visualize measurement data.The plots provide additional insight into the signal characteristics and are useful for debugging.The plot toolset enables interaction with the plots and can focus in on anarea of interest for closer examination and further analysis.Error DetectorThe PAM4 analysis tool comes with a built in error detector that can identify individual symbol errors in the current source waveform. The identified errorcan be viewed in a dedicated error navigator window.The error navigator has several capabilities that makes it easy to quickly navigate and zoom into the error location. The additional information for thefollowing detected errors offer help debugging symbol errors on the link:Location of recovered clockLocation of symbol error reference thresholdsExpected symbol displayed Actual symbol displayedPAM4 Transmitter AnalysisComprehensive test report and data exportThe measurement results can be saved in the form of a test report. The report includes; the configuration of the oscilloscope, applicationconfiguration, measurement results, and plots all available in an easy to read or share format.The measurement results across multiple acquisitions can also be exportedto a single CSV file for further analysis.Full waveform resultsFull waveform eye diagramDPO7OE Series Optical ProbesThe DPO7OE Series Optical probes can be used as an Optical Reference Receiver for high speed serial data signals (using selectable Bessel-Thomson ORR filters), or can be used as a conventional O/E converter for general wide-bandwidth optical signal acquisition. The DPO7OE Series is compatible with DPO/MSO70000 C/DX/SX models. Connected to TekConnect channels for up to 33 GHz bandwidth. Connected to ATI channels, the DPO7OE1 provides up to 42 GHz electrical response; theDPO7OE2 provides up to 59 GHz electrical bandwidth response.DPO7OE1 33 GHz Optical ProbeDatasheetOrdering informationThe PAM4 Transmitter analysis software for Tektronix DPO/MSO70000 Win7 Series oscilloscopesFor new DPO/MSO70000 Series oscilloscopesFor users with existing DPO/DSA/MSO70000 Series oscilloscopesRequired optionsDJA DPOJET Eye and Jitter Analysis DJAN DPOJET Noise AnalysisSDLA64SDLA Visualizer channel de-embedding, embedding, and equalizationRecommended ProbesDPO7OE133 GHz optical probe DPO7OE259 GHz optical probeTektronix is registered to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 by SRI Quality System Registrar.Product(s) complies with IEEE Standard 488.1-1987, RS-232-C, and with Tektronix Standard Codes and Formats.PAM4 Transmitter AnalysisDatasheetASEAN / Australasia (65) 6356 3900 Austria 00800 2255 4835*Balkans, Israel, South Africa and other ISE Countries +41 52 675 3777 Belgium 00800 2255 4835*Brazil +55 (11) 3759 7627 Canada180****9200Central East Europe and the Baltics +41 52 675 3777 Central Europe & Greece +41 52 675 3777 Denmark +45 80 88 1401Finland +41 52 675 3777 France 00800 2255 4835*Germany 00800 2255 4835*Hong Kong 400 820 5835 India 000 800 650 1835 Italy 00800 2255 4835*Japan 81 (3) 6714 3086 Luxembourg +41 52 675 3777 Mexico, Central/South America & Caribbean 52 (55) 56 04 50 90Middle East, Asia, and North Africa +41 52 675 3777 The Netherlands 00800 2255 4835*Norway 800 16098People's Republic of China 400 820 5835 Poland +41 52 675 3777 Portugal 80 08 12370Republic of Korea +822 6917 5084, 822 6917 5080 Russia & CIS +7 (495) 6647564 South Africa +41 52 675 3777Spain 00800 2255 4835*Sweden 00800 2255 4835*Switzerland 00800 2255 4835*Taiwan 886 (2) 2656 6688 United Kingdom & Ireland 00800 2255 4835*USA180****9200* European toll-free number. If not accessible, call: +41 52 675 3777For Further Information. Tektronix maintains a comprehensive, constantly expanding collection of application notes, technical briefs and other resources to help engineers working on the cutting edge of technology. Please visit . Copyright © Tektronix, Inc. All rights reserved. Tektronix products are covered by U.S. and foreign patents, issued and pending. Information in this publication supersedes that in all previously published material. Specification andprice change privileges reserved. TEKTRONIX and TEK are registered trademarks of Tektronix, Inc. All other trade names referenced are the service marks, trademarks, or registered trademarks of their respective companies.06 Feb 2019 55W-60239-8 。
ABB ACS880多功能驱动柜架和模块的安全说明、电气规划说明、柜架设计和建造说明及控制单元硬件说
Hardware manualBCU-02/12/22 control unitsList of related manualsYou can find manuals and other product documents in PDF format on the Internet. See section Document library on the Internet on the inside of the back cover. For manuals not available in the Document library, contact your local ABB representative.General manualsCode (English)Safety instructions for ACS880 multidrive cabinets and modules3AUA0000102301Electrical planning instructions for ACS880 multidrive cabinets and modules3AUA0000102324Cabinet design and construction instructions for ACS880 multidrive modules3AUA0000107668BCU-02/12/22 control units hardware manual 3AUA0000113605Supply module manualsACS880-204 IGBT supply modules hardware manual 3AUA0000131525ACS880 IGBT supply control program firmware manual3AUA0000131562ACS880-304 +A018 diode supply modules hardware manual 3AXD50000010104ACS880 diode supply control program firmware manual3AUA0000103295ACS880-904 regenerative rectifier modules hardware manual 3AXD50000020457ACS880 regenerative rectifier control program firmware manual3AXD50000020827Inverter module manualsACS880-104 inverter modules hardware manual 3AUA0000104271ACS880 primary control program firmware manual 3AUA0000085967ACS880 primary control program quick start-up guide 3AUA0000098062Manuals for application programs (Crane, Winder, etc.)Brake module and DC/DC converter module manuals ACS880-604 3-phase brake chopper modules hardware manual3AXD50000022033ACS880 brake control program firmware manual (3-phase brake)3AXD50000020967ACS880-1604 DC/DC converter modules hardware manual 3AXD50000023642ACS880 DC/DC converter control program firmware manual 3AXD50000024671Module package hardware manualsACS880-04 module packages hardware manual3AUA0000138495ACS880-04XT drive modules (500 to 1200 kW) hardware manual3AXD50000025169ACS880-14 and -34 module packages hardware manual 3AXD50000022021Option manualsFSO-12 safety functions module user's manual3AXD50000015612FDPI-02 diagnostics and panel interface user’s manual3AUA00001136183AUA0000113605 Rev CENEFFECTIVE: 2015-05-292015 ABB Oy. All Rights Reserved.3 Table of contents1. BCU-02/12/22 control unitsContents of the manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Terms and abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Hardware description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Fiber optic connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 The 7-segment display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Checking the delivery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Identifying different control unit types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Mechanical installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Installing the control unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Vertical DIN rail mounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Horizontal DIN rail mounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Installing the FSO-xx safety functions module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Electrical installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Fault tracing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 LEDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Replacing the real-time clock battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Replacing the memory unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Replacing the SD/SDHC memory card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Replacing the control unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Replacement illustration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Technical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Connector data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Ground isolation diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Protection classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Ambient conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Applicable standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Markings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Cyber security disclaimer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Dimension drawing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Further informationProduct and service inquiries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Product training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Providing feedback on ABB Drives manuals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Document library on the Internet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254BCU-02/12/22 control units 5 BCU-02/12/22 control unitsContents of the manualThis manual contains a description of the use and structure of the control unit and its technical data. It also describes how to install and maintain the control unit.For safety information, see Safety instructions for ACS880 multidrive cabinets and modules (3AUA0000102301 [English]) or ACS880-04XT drive modules (500 to 1200 kW) hardware manual (3AXD50000025169 [English]).For information on the unit’s electrical installation, see Electrical planning instructions for ACS880 multidrive cabinets and modules (3AUA0000102324 [English]) and the appropriate drive/converter/inverter hardware manual or ACS880-04XT drive modules (500 to 1200 kW) hardware manual (3AXD50000025169 [English]).For information on the electrical installation of the FSO-xx safety functions module, see the FSO safety functions module user's manual.For the default I/O connection diagrams and more information on the connections, see the appropriate drive/converter/inverter hardware manual.For the related manuals, see List of related manuals.SafetyWARNING! Obey the safety instructions in Safety instructions for ACS880multidrive cabinets and modules (3AUA0000102301 [English]) or ACS880-04XTdrive modules (500 to 1200 kW) hardware manual (3AXD50000025169 [English]). If you ignore them, injury or death, or damage to the equipment can occur.Terms and abbreviationsLater in this manual, term converter substitutes for string drive/converter/inverter.6 BCU-02/12/22 control unitsHardware descriptionThe BCU-02, BCU-12 and BCU-22 are control units used for controlling converters via fiber optic links. It contains integrated branching unit functionality for collecting and storing real-time data from the converter modules to help fault tracing and analysis. The data is stored in a secure data card.The control unit types have a different number of fiber optic connections:BCU type No. of fiber optic connections Can be replaced withBCU-022BCU-02, BCU-12, BCU-22BCU-127BCU-12, BCU-22BCU-2212BCU-22You can use a BCU-22 to replace any of the control unit types.The control unit requires an external 24V DC power source. It has three option slots for I/O extensions, encoders and fieldbus adapters, an integrated Ethernet port for PC tool communication and a removable memory unit. For example, if the control unit needs to be replaced, the parameter settings can be retained by transferring the memory unit from the defective control unit to the new one.The control unit has an on-board data logger that collects real-time data from the converter power stages to help fault tracing and analysis. The data is stored onto the SDHC memory card inserted into the SD CARD slot and can be analyzed by ABB service personnel.The drive-to-drive link (XD2D) is a daisy-chained RS-485 transmission line that allows basic master/follower communication with one master and multiple followers. The control unit has also one option slot for connecting the RDCO DDCS communication option board. For more information, see the appropriate hardware manual.BCU-02/12/22 control units 7⏹Fiber optic connectionsThe BCU-02 control unit has two fiber optic connections V1and V2 for connecting to converter modules. The control unit does not include the BPEB-05 board. The BCU-12 control unit includes one BPEB-05 board that adds five connections to it (V3…V7), while the BCU-22 control unit includes two BPEB-05 boards and thus twelve connections (V1…V12).For instructions on connecting the control unit to the converter module, see theappropriate hardware manual .⏹LayoutThe following figures show the layout of the BCU-22 control unit. For the default I/O connection diagrams and more information on the connections, see the appropriate hardware manual.V1V2 V3V4 V5 V 6V7V8 V9 V10 V11 V12xINT Module 1xINT Module 3I/OBPEB-05BCU-x2BIOC-01BPEB-05xINT Module 2xINT Module 7xINT Module 8xINT Module 128 BCU-02/12/22 control units10 BCU-02/12/22 control unitsDescriptionI/O connectorXAI Analog inputXAO Analog outputXDI Digital input and digital start interlockXDIO Digital input/outputXD2D Drive-to-drive linkXD24+24 V output for digital inputXPOW External power inputXRO1Relay output 1XRO2Relay output 2XRO3Relay output 3XSTO Safe torque off connection (input signal).Note: This input only acts as a true Safe torque off input in control units controlling a motor.In other applications (such as a supply or brake unit), de-energizing the IN1 and/or IN2terminal will stop the unit but does not constitute a true safety function.For more information on Safe torque off, see the appropriate hardware manual.XSTO OUT Safe torque off connection (output for powering XSTO input of inverter modules).X485Not in useSwitchAI1Analog input 1 current/voltage selectionAI2Analog input 2 current/voltage selectionD2D TERM Drive-to-drive link terminationDICOM = DIOGND Determines whether DICOM is separated from DIOGND (ie, common reference for digital inputs floats).Fiber optic connectorV1T…V12T,V1R…V12RFiber optic connector to converter module: T = Transmitter, R = ReceiverConnector for optional moduleSLOT 1F-type adapter, interface and I/O extension modulesIf FDPI-02 diagnostics and panel interface is used, it has to be installed in slot 1 with twoscrews.SLOT 2F-type adapter, interface and I/O extension modulesSLOT 3F-type adapter, interface and I/O extension modules, FSO-xx safety functions module SLOT 4RDCO-0x DDCS communication option modulesSafety option connectorX12Cable connector for the FSO-xx safety functions module.Note: The FSO-xx safety functions module can be used only with ACS880 inverters.For more information on the FSO-xx safety functions module, see the FSO safety functionsmodule user's manual.Control panel and Ethernet connectorXETH Ethernet port for, eg, PC communicationX13Control panelMemory unit and card connectorX205MEMORYUNITConverter memory unit connectorSD CARD Secure digital card holder (Data logger memory for the fiber optic links)DescriptionMiscellaneous+ Battery Real-time clock battery⏹The 7-segment displayThe following table describes the indications of the 7-segment display on the control unit. Multicharacter indications are displayed as repeated sequences of characters.“U” is indicated shortly before “o”.The control program has been launched and is running.Flashing character.The firmware cannot be started: The memory unit is missing or corrupted.The firmware download from a PC to the control unit is in progress.At the converter power-up, the 7-segment display can show short indications of, for example,“1”, “2”, “b” or “U”. These are normal indications immediately after powering up the converter.If the 7-segment display ends up showing other values than described above after thepower-up, it indicates a hardware failure.Checking the deliveryCheck that all items listed below are present. Check that there are no signs of damage:•control unit with the I/O connectors•memory unit•SD/SDHC flash memory card (inserted in its slot)•real-time clock battery.⏹Identifying different control unit typesBefore installation, check that the control unit has the correct control program for the converter hardware in question. The control program is shown in the label attached to the memory unit.Check also that the control unit is suitable for your equipment configuration.Mechanical installationWARNING! Do not install the control unit in the immediate vicinity ofelectromagnetic disturbance sources, such as relays, contactors, brake choppers, power and motor cabling. The minimum recommended distance from such components is 200mm. We recommend to install metallic screening between the control unit and the source of disturbance. This can reduce the required distance.WARNING! Mount the control unit so that air can pass freely through theventilation holes in the housing. Avoid mounting directly above heat-generatingequipment.You can mount the control unit on a vertical or horizontal standard 35×7.5/15 mm DIN rail. In vertical direction, you can mount the unit either top or bottom upwards. When mounting the unit horizontally, the connectors must be downwards and the connector texts the right way up.Leave enough space for cabling, and replacing the memory unit and real-time clock battery. See sections Replacing the real-time clock battery, Replacing the memory unit and Replacing the SD/SDHC memory card on page 17.Installing the control unitThe control unit is grounded through the DIN rail.Vertical DIN rail mounting1.Fasten the latch to the back of the control unit with four screws.2.Click the control unit to the rail as shown below.3.Secure the control unit with an end bracket.Horizontal DIN rail mounting1.Fasten the latches to the back of the control unit with four screws.2.Click the control unit to the rail as shown below.Installing the FSO-xx safety functions module1.Fasten the FSO-xx safety functions module onto slot3 with four screws.2.Tighten the FSO-xx electronics grounding screw (0.8 N·m).3.Connect the FSO-xx data cable to FSO-xx connector X110 and to BCU-x2 connectorX12.For information on the electrical installation of the FSO-xx safety functions module, see the FSO safety functions module user's manual.Electrical installationWARNING! Obey the safety instructions given in Safety instructions for ACS880multidrive cabinets and modules [3AUA0000102301 (English)] or ACS880-04XTdrive modules (500 to 1200 kW) hardware manual (3AXD50000025169 [English]).If you ignore the safety instructions, injury or death can occur. If you are not aqualified electrician, do not do electrical work.Connect the +24V external power supply to the control unit connector XPOW.Connect the fiber optic cables and gate driver board wiring from the converter module to the control unit according to the instructions given in the converter module hardware manual.For general electrical installation instructions, see Electrical planning instructions for ACS880 multidrive cabinets and modules [3AUA0000102324 (English)] or ACS880-04XT drive modules (500 to 1200 kW) hardware manual (3AXD50000025169 [English]). Fault tracingLEDsLEDBATT OK When lit, the battery voltage of the real time clock is OK (higher than 2.8V).When off,•battery voltage is below 2.8V,•battery is missing, or•control unit is not powered.PWR OK When lit, internal voltage is OK.FAULT When lit, the control program indicates that the equipment is faulty. See the appropriate firmware manual.WRITE When lit, writing to the SD card is in progress.Maintenance⏹Replacing the real-time clock batteryReplace the real-time clock battery if the BATT LED is not illuminated when the control unit is powered. For information on the LED, see Fault tracing on page 16.See A in figure Replacement illustration on page 18.1.Undo the fastening screw and remove the battery. For the replacement battery type,see Real-time clock battery on page 22.2.Insert the new battery according to figure Replacement illustration.3.Dispose the old battery according to local disposal rules or applicable laws.4.Set the real-time clock.⏹Replacing the memory unitSee B in figure Replacement illustration on page 18.1.To remove the memory unit, undo the fastening screw and pull the memory unit out.See the following figure.2.Insert the new memory unit and fasten the screw.⏹Replacing the SD/SDHC memory cardNote: Do not remove the SD card while the yellow WRITE LED is lit. Writing to the SD card is in progress.See C in figure Replacement illustration on page 18.1.Undo the fastening screw of the clip covering the memory card and press the card toremove it. For the card location, see the following figure. For the replacement card type, see Ground isolation diagram on page 21.2.Insert the new card in reverse order.⏹Replacing the control unitSee section Installing the control unit on page 13.1.If the control unit has been installed vertically, remove the end bracket.2.Remove the control unit from the rail.3.Undo the four fastening screws with which the latch has been fastened to the back ofthe control unit.4.Pull out the detachable terminal blocks which have control cables connected.5.Install the new control unit in reverse order.Note: If there is a safety circuit connected to the STO terminals (XSTO) of the control unit, redo its acceptance test according to the instructions given in the inverter or drive module hardware manual.See the appropriate documentation: drive or inverter module hardware manual, safety option user’s manual and/or FSO safety functions module user’s manual.Replacement illustrationTechnical data Connector dataPower supply (XPOW)Connector pitch 5mm, wire size 2.5mm224V(±10%)DC, 2AExternal power input. Two supplies can be connected for redundancy.Relay outputs RO1…RO3 (XRO1…XRO3)Connector pitch 5 mm, wire size 2.5mm2 250V AC / 30V DC, 2AProtected by varistors+24 V output(XD24:2 and XD24:4)Connector pitch 5mm, wire size 2.5mm2Total load capacity of these outputs is 4.8W (200mA / 24V) minus the power taken by DIO1 and DIO2.Digital inputs DI1…DI6 (XDI:1…XDI:6)Connector pitch 5mm, wire size 2.5mm224V logic levels: “0”< 5V, “1”>15VR in: 2.0kohmInput type: NPN/PNP (DI1…DI5), NPN (DI6)Hardware filtering: 0.04ms, digital filtering up to 8msDI6 (XDI:6) can alternatively be used as an input for a PTC thermistor.“0” >4kohm, “1”<1.5kohmI max: 15mA (DI1…DI5), 5mA (DI6)Start interlock input DIIL (XDI:7)Connector pitch 5mm, wire size 2.5mm224V logic levels: “0”< 5V, “1” >15VR in: 2.0kohmInput type: NPN/PNPHardware filtering: 0.04ms, digital filtering up to 8 msDigital inputs/outputs DIO1 and DIO2(XDIO:1…XDIO:4)Input/output mode selection by parameters. DIO1 can be configured as a frequency input (0…16 kHz with hardware filtering of 4 microseconds) for 24 V level square wave signal (sinusoidal or other wave form cannot be used). DIO2 can be configured as a 24V level square wave frequency output. See the firmware manual.Connector pitch 5mm, wire size 2.5mm2As inputs:24V logic levels: “0” <5V, “1” >15VR in: 2.0kohmFiltering: 1msAs outputs:Total output current from +24VD is limited to 200mAReference voltage for analog inputs +VREF and -VREF(XAI:1 and XAI:2)Connector pitch 5mm, wire size 2.5mm210V ±1% and –10V ±1%, R load 1…10kohm Maximum output current: 10 mAR LDIOxDIOGND+24VDAnalog inputs AI1 and AI2 (XAI:4 … XAI:7).Current/voltage input mode selection by switches Connector pitch 5mm, wire size 2.5mm2Current input: –20…20mA, R in: 100ohmVoltage input: –10…10 V, R in > 200kohmDifferential inputs, common mode range ±30VSampling interval per channel: 0.25msHardware filtering: 0.25ms, adjustable digital filtering up to 8ms Resolution: 11 bit + sign bitInaccuracy: 1% of full scale rangeInaccuracy with Pt100 sensors: 10 °C (50 °F)Analog outputs AO1 and AO2(XAO)Connector pitch 5 mm, wire size 2.5mm2 0…20mA, R load < 500ohmFrequency range: 0…500Hz Resolution: 11 bit + sign bit Inaccuracy: 2% of full scale rangeDrive-to-drive link (XD2D)Connector pitch 5mm, wire size 2.5mm2 Physical layer: RS-485Termination by switchRS-485 connection (X485)Connector pitch 5mm, wire size 2.5mm2 Physical layer: RS-485Safe torque off connection (XSTO)Connector pitch 5mm, wire size 2.5mm2Input voltage range: -3…30V DCLogic levels: “0” < 5V, “1” >17VFor the unit to start, both connections must be “1”Current consumption: 66 mA (continuous) per STO channel per inverter moduleEMC (immunity) according to IEC61326-3-1Safe torque off output (XSTO OUT)Connector pitch 5mm, wire size 2.5mm2 To STO connector of inverter moduleControl panel connection (X13)Connector: RJ-45 Cable length < 3mEthernet connection(XETH)Connector: RJ-45SDHC memory card slot (SD CARD)Memory card type: SDHC Maximum memory size: 4GBThe terminals on the board fulfil the Protective Extra Low Voltage (PELV) requirements. The PELV requirements of a relay output are not fulfilled if a voltage higher than 48 V is connected to the relay output.BCU-02/12/22 control units 21 Ground isolation diagramXPOW+24VI1GND2+24VI3GND4XAI+VREF1-VREF2AGND3AI1+4AI1-5AI2+6AI2-7XAOAO11AGND2AO23AGND4XD2DB1A2BGND3SHIELD4XRO1, XRO2, XRO3NC11COM12NO13NC21COM22NO23NC31COM32NO33XD24+24VD5DICOM6+24VD7DIOGND8XDIODIO11DIO22DIOGND3DIOGND4XDI DI11DI22DI33DI44DI55DI66 DIIL7XSTO OUT1 SGND2IN13IN24XSTO OUT IN15 SGND6IN27 SGND8*Ground Common mode voltage betweeneach AI input and AGND is+30V*Ground selector (DICOM=DIOGND) settingsDICOM=DIOGND: ONAll digital inputs share a common ground (DICOM connected to DIOGND). This is the default setting.DICOM=DIOGND: OFFGround of digital inputs DI1…DI5 and DIIL (DICOM) is isolated from DIO signal ground (DIOGND). Isolation voltage 50 V.22 BCU-02/12/22 control unitsDimensionsCyber security disclaimerThis product is designed to be connected to and to communicate information and data via a network interface. It is Customer's sole responsibility to provide and continuously ensure a secure connection between the product and Customer network or any other network (as the case may be). Customer shall establish and maintain any appropriate measures (such as but not limited to the installation of firewalls, application of authentication measures, encryption of data, installation of anti-virus programs, etc) to protect the product, thenetwork, its system and the interface against any kind of security breaches, unauthorized access, interference, intrusion, leakage and/or theft of data or information. ABB and its affiliates are not liable for damages and/or losses related to such security breaches, any unauthorized access, interference, intrusion, leakage and/or theft of data or information.Height Width Width with connectors Depth Depth with memory unit Depth with memory unit and latch mm in mm in mm in mmin mm in mm in 31112.241254.921395.4774 2.91104.331154.53BatteryReal-time clock batteryBR2032Protection classesDegree of protection (IEC/EN 60529)IP10Enclosure type (UL 508C)UL Open Type Overvoltage category (IEC 60664-1)II Protective class (IEC/EN 61800-5-1)I Protective class (IEC 62109-1)IIAmbient conditionsAir temperature in operation+0 to +70 °C (158 °F)MaterialsHousing Hot-dip zinc coated steel, cover painted PackageCardboardApplicable standardsEN 61800-5-1:2007Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems. Part 5-1: Safety requirements – electrical, thermal and energyEN 61800-3:2004Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems. Part 3: EMC requirements and specific test methodsIEC/EN 62109-1:2010Safety of power converters for use in photovoltaic power systems Part 1: General requirementsUL508C:2002UL Standard for Safety, Power Conversion Equipment, third editionNote: For other standards, see the appropriate hardware and functional safety manuals.MarkingscULusThe control unit is cULus Listed.24 BCU-02/12/22 control unitsFurther informationProduct and service inquiriesAddress any inquiries about the product to your local ABB representative, quoting the type designation and serial number of the unit in question. A listing of ABB sales, support and service contacts can be found by navigating to /searchchannels.Product trainingFor information on ABB product training, navigate to /drives and select ABB University.Providing feedback on ABB Drives manualsYour comments on our manuals are welcome. Go to /drives and select Document Library – Manuals feedback form (LV AC drives).Document library on the InternetYou can find manuals and other product documents in PDF format on the Internet at /drives/documents.。
ROHM BD71847AMWV应用说明书
12 BUCK Could BUCK6 act as a switch? Could it BUCK6 supports 100% max duty but there is the limitation for input
work in 100% duty cycle?
range described as "headroom" in the datasheet.
2. Terminologies
Definition DC Resistance Double Data Rate Inter-Integrated Circuit Low Dropout Pulse-Frequency Modulation Power Management Integrate Circuit Pulse-Width Modulation Real-Time Clock Pulse-Width Modulation System-on-Chip Under Voltage Lock Out Voltage Regulator
response are acceptable, 0.47uH can be an option.
What is the I2C device/slave address of The device address is 0x4B.
Please refer to Figure4-3 of I2C Device Addressing of the datasheet.
4 Product What is the difference between
Arc V
Confidential and Proprietary to Littelfuse, Inc. © 2005 Littelfuse, Inc. All rights reserved.
Gas Discharge Tubes Intro.
Glow / Arc
• Impulse discharge current • Glow voltage • Impulse Transverse voltage
Confidential and Proprietary to Littelfuse, Inc. © 2005 Littelfuse, Inc. All rights reserved.
Gas Discharge Tubes (GDT)
• Dynamic impulse breakdown is the real measure of performance (1/10kV/s) • Dynamic speed varies widely from manufacturer to manufacturer • Littelfuse have some of the fastest GDT’s • New GDT, ideal for A.c/power-cross protection
Confidential and Proprietary to Littelfuse, Inc. © 2005 Littelfuse, Inc. All rights reserved.
GDT Impulse Comparisons
900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 100V/us 500V/us 1kV/us 5kV/us 10kV/us 1011B145 1011B230 1021B230 1002A90 1002A230
Light emitting diode (LED) device that produces wh
专利名称:Light emitting diode (LED) device thatproduces white light by performingphosphor conversion on all of the primaryradiation emitted by the light emittingstructure of the LED device发明人:Regina B. Mueller-Mach,Gerd O.Mueller,George M. Craford申请号:US09941452申请日:20010828公开号:US06501102B2公开日:20021231专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:Presented is an LED device that produces white light by performing phosphor conversion on substantially all of the primary light emitted by the light emitting structure of the LED device. The LED device comprises a light emitting structure and at least one phosphor-converting element located to receive and absorb substantially all of the primary light. The phosphor-converting element emits secondary light at second and third wavelengths that combine to produce white light. Some embodiments include an additional phosphor-converting element, which receives light from a phosphor-converting element and emits light at a fourth wavelength. In the embodiments including an additional phosphor-converting element, the second, third, and fourth wavelengths combine to produce white light. Each phosphor-converting element includes at least one host material doped with at least one dopant. The phosphor-converting element may be a phosphor thin film, a substrate for the light emitting structure, or a phosphor powder layer.申请人:LUMILEDS LIGHTING, U.S., LLC代理机构:Skjerven Morrill LLP代理人:Norman R. Klivans 更多信息请下载全文后查看。
安森美 ADR380 ADR381 精密低漂移 2.048 V 2.500 V SOT-23 电压参
REV. AInformation furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for itsuse, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. Trademarks and One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. Tel: 781/329-4700 ADR380/ADR381Precision Low-Drift 2.048 V/2.500 VSOT-23 Voltage ReferenceFEATURESInitial Accuracy: ؎5 mV/؎6 mV maxInitial Accuracy Error: ؎0.24%/؎0.24%Low TCV O: 25 ppm/؇C maxLoad Regulation: 70 ppm/mALine Regulation: 25 ppm/VWide Operating Range:2.4 V to 18 V for ADR3802.8 V to 18 V for ADR381Low Power: 120A maxHigh Output Current: 5mAWide Temperature Range: –40؇C to +85؇CTiny 3-Lead SOT-23 Package with Standard Pinout APPLICATIONSBattery-Powered InstrumentationPortable Medical InstrumentsData Acquisition SystemsIndustrial Process Control SystemsHard Disk DrivesAutomotive PIN CONFIGURATION 3-Lead SOT-23(RT Suffix)12ADR380/ADR381(Not to Scale)3V INGNDV OUTGENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe ADR380 and ADR381 are precision 2.048 V and 2.500 V band gap voltage references featuring high accuracy, high stabil-ity, and low-power consumption in a tiny footprint. Patented temperature drift curvature correction techniques minimize nonlinearity of the voltage change with temperature. The wide operating range and low power consumption make them ideal for 3V to 5V battery-powered applications.The ADR380 and ADR381 are micropower, low dropout voltage (LDV) devices that provide a stable output voltage from supplies as low as 300mV above the output voltage. They are specified over the industrial (–40°C to +85°C) temperature range. ADR380/ADR381 is available in the tiny 3-lead SOT-23 package.Table I.ADR38x ProductsPart Number Nominal Output Voltage (V) ADR380 2.048ADR381 2.500查询ADR380供应商捷多邦,专业PCB打样工厂,24小时加急出货ADR380/ADR381–SPECIFICATIONSADR380 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(@ V IN = 5.0 V, T A = 25؇C unless otherwise noted.)Parameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Output Voltage V O 2.043 2.048 2.053VInitial Accuracy Error V OERR–5+5mV–0.24+0.24% Temperature Coefficient TCV O–40°C < T A < +85°C525ppm/°C0°C < T A< 70°C321ppm/°C Minimum Supply Voltage Headroom V IN – V O I L≤ 3 mA300mV Line Regulation⌬V O/DV IN V IN = 2.5 V to 15 V1025ppm/V–40°C < T A < +85°CLoad Regulation⌬V O/DI LOAD V IN = 3 V, I LOAD = 0 mA to 5 mA70ppm/mA–40°C < T A < +85°CQuiescent Current I IN No Load100120µA–40°C < T A < +85°C140µA Voltage Noise e N0.1 Hz to 10 Hz5µV p-p Turn-On Settling Time t R20µsLong-Term Stability⌬V O1,000 Hrs50ppm Output Voltage Hysteresis V O_HYS40ppm Ripple Rejection Ratio RRR f IN = 60 Hz85dB Short Circuit to GND I SC25mA Specifications subject to change without notice.ADR380 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (@ V IN = 15.0 V, T A = 25؇C unless otherwise noted.)Parameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Output Voltage V O 2.043 2.048 2.053VInitial Accuracy Error V OERR–5+5mV–0.24+0.24% Temperature Coefficient TCV O–40°C < T A < +85°C525ppm/°C0°C < T A < 70°C321ppm/°C Minimum Supply Voltage Headroom V IN – V O I L≤ 3 mA300mV Line Regulation⌬V O/DV IN V IN = 2.5 V to 15 V–40°C < T A < +85°C1025ppm/V Load Regulation⌬V O/DI LOAD V IN = 3 V, I LOAD = 0 mA to 5 mA–40°C < T A < +85°C70ppm/mA Quiescent Current I IN No Load100120µA–40°C < T A < +85°C140µA Voltage Noise e N0.1 Hz to 10 Hz5µV p-p Turn-On Settling Time t R20µsLong-Term Stability⌬V O1,000 Hrs50ppm Output Voltage Hysteresis V O_HYS40ppm Ripple Rejection Ratio RRR f IN = 60 Hz85dB Short Circuit to GND I SC25mA Specifications subject to change without notice.ADR381 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS SPECIFICATIONS (continued)(@ V IN= 5.0 V, T A= 25؇C unless otherwise noted.)ParameterSymbol Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Output VoltageV O 2.494 2.5 2.506V Initial Accuracy Error V OERR –6+6mV –0.24+0.24%Temperature CoefficientTCV O –40°C < T A < +85°C 525ppm/°C 0°C < T A < 70°C 321ppm/°C Minimum Supply Voltage Headroom V IN – V O I L ≤ 2 mA300mV Line Regulation ⌬V O /DV IN V IN = 2.8 V to 15 V 1025ppm/V –40°C < T A < +85°CLoad Regulation ⌬V O /DI LOAD V IN = 3.5 V, I LOAD = 0 mA to 5 mA 70ppm/mA –40°C < T A < +85°C Quiescent Current I IN No Load100120µA –40°C < T A < +85°C 140µA Voltage Noisee N 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz 5µV p-p Turn-On Settling Time t R 20µs Long-Term Stability⌬V O 1,000 Hrs 50ppm Output Voltage Hysteresis V O_HYS 75ppm Ripple Rejection Ratio RRR f IN = 60 Hz85dB Short Circuit to GNDI SC25mASpecifications subject to change without notice.ADR381 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (@ V IN= 15.0 V, T A= 25؇C unless otherwise noted.)ParameterSymbol Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Output VoltageV O 2.494 2.5 2.506V Initial Accuracy Error V OERR –6+6mV –0.24+0.24%Temperature CoefficientTCV O –40°C < T A < +85°C 525ppm/°C 0°C < T A < 70°C 321ppm/°C Minimum Supply Voltage Headroom V IN – V O I L ≤ 2 mA300mV Line Regulation ⌬V O /DV IN V IN = 2.8 V to 15 V 1025ppm/V –40°C < T A < +85°CLoad Regulation ⌬V O /DI LOAD V IN = 3.5 V, I LOAD = 0 mA to 5 mA 70ppm/mA –40°C < T A < +85°C Quiescent Current I IN No Load100120µA –40°C < T A < +85°C 140µA Voltage Noisee N 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz 5µV p-p Turn-On Settling Time t R 20µs Long-Term Stability⌬V O 1,000 Hrs 50ppm Output Voltage Hysteresis V O_HYS 75ppm Ripple Rejection Ratio RRR f IN = 60 Hz85dB Short Circuit to GNDI SC25mASpecifications subject to change without notice.ADR380/ADR381ADR380/ADR381CAUTIONESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive device. Electrostatic charges as high as 4,000V readily accumulate on the human body and test equipment and can discharge without detection. Although the ADR380/ADR381 features proprietary ESD protection circuitry, permanent damage may occur on devices subjected to high energy electrostatic discharges. Therefore, proper ESD precautions arerecommended to avoid performance degradation or loss of functionality.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS 1Supply Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 V Output Short-Circuit Duration to GNDV IN > 15 V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 sec V IN ≤ 15 V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Indefinite Storage Temperature RangeRT Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .–65°C to +150°C Operating Temperature RangeADR380/ADR381 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .–40°C to +85°C Junction Temperature RangeRT Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .–65°C to +150°C Lead Temperature Range (Soldering, 60 Sec) . . . . . . . .300°C Package Type JA 2JC Unit 3-Lead SOT-23 (RT)333—°C/WNOTES 1Absolute maximum ratings apply at 25°C, unless otherwise noted.2θJA is specified for the worst-case conditions, i.e., θJA is specified for device soldered in circuit board for surface-mount packages.ORDERING GUIDETemperature Package Package Output Number of ModelRange Description Option Branding Voltage Parts per Reel ADR380ART-R2–40°C to +85°C SOT-23RT-3R2A 2.048250ADR380ART-REEL7–40°C to +85°C SOT-23RT-3R2A 2.0483,000ADR380ARTZ-REEL7*–40°C to +85°C SOT-23RT-3R2A 2.0483,000ADR381ART-R2–40°C to +85°C SOT-23RT-3R3A 2.500250ADR381ART-REEL7–40°C to +85°C SOT-23RT-3R3A 2.5003,000ADR381ARTZ-REEL7*–40°C to +85°CSOT-23RT-3R3A2.5003,000*Z = Pb-free partPIN CONFIGURATION3-Lead SOT-23(RT Suffix)V IN GNDV OUTADR380/ADR381PARAMETER DEFINITIONS Temperature CoefficientThe change of output voltage over the operating temperature change and normalized by the output voltage at 25°C, expressed in ppm/°C. The equation follows:TCV ppm C V T V T V C T T O O O O /––°[]=()()°()×()×212162510where:V O (25°C ) = V O at 25°C .V O (T 1) = V O at Temperature 1.V O (T 2) = V O at Temperature 2.Line RegulationThe change in output voltage due to a specified change in input voltage. It includes the effects of self-heating. Line regulation is expressed in either percent per volt, parts-per-million per volt,or microvolts per volt change in input voltage.Load RegulationThe change in output voltage due to a specified change in load current. It includes the effects of self-heating. Load regulation is expressed in either microvolts per milliampere, parts-per-million per milliampere, or ohms of dc output resistance.Long-Term StabilityA typical shift in output voltage over 1,000 hours at a controlled temperature. The graphs TPC 24 and TPC 25 show a sample of parts measured at different intervals in a controlled environ-ment of 50°C for 1,000 hours.∆∆V V t –V t V ppm V t –V t V t O O O O O O O =()()[]=()()()×01010610where:V O (t 0) = V O at Time 0.V O (t 1) = V O after 1,000 hours’ operation at a controlled temperature.Note that 50°C was chosen since most applications we have experienced run at a higher temperature than 25°C.Thermal HysteresisThe change of output voltage after the device is cycled through temperature from +25°C to –40°C to +85°C and back to +25°C.This is a typical value from a sample of parts put through such a cycle.V V C V V ppm V C V V C O_HYS O O_TCO_HYS O O_TCO =°()[]=°()°()×252525106––where:V O (25°C ) = V O at 25°C.V O _TC = V O at 25°C after temperature cycle at +25°C to –40°C to +85°C and back to +25°C.Typical Performance CharacteristicsTEMPERATURE (؇C)V O U T (V )2.0442.0462.0482.0502.0522.054TPC 1.ADR380 Output Voltage vs. Temperature TEMPERATURE(؇C)2.494V O U T (V )2.4962.4982.5002.5022.5042.506TPC 2.ADR381 Output Voltage vs. TemperatureADR380/ADR381PPM (؇C)F R E Q U E N C YTPC 3.ADR380 Output Voltage Temperature Coefficient PPM (؇C)F R E Q U E N C YTPC 4.ADR381 Output Voltage Temperature Coefficient INPUT VOLTAGE (V)0S U P P L Y C U R R E N T (A )20408010012014060TPC 5.ADR380 Supply Current vs. Input Voltage INPUT VOLTAGE (V)0S U P P L Y C U R R E N T (A )100120140TPC 6.ADR381 Supply Current vs. Input VoltageTEMPERATURE (؇C)0L O AD RE G U L A T I O N (p p m /m A )TPC 7.ADR380 Load Regulation vs. TemperatureTEMPERATURE (؇C)0L O A D R E G U L A T I O N (p p m /m A )10204050607030TPC 8.ADR381 Load Regulation vs. TemperatureADR380/ADR381TEMPERATURE (؇C)0L I N E R E G U L A T I O N (p p m /V )2453TPC 9.ADR380 Line Regulation vs. TemperatureTEMPERATURE (؇C)0L I N E R E G U L A T I O N (p p m /V )2453TPC 10.ADR381 Line Regulation vs. TemperatureLOAD CURRENT (mA)D I F FE R E N T I A L V O L T A G E (V ) 11.ADR380 Minimum Input/OutputVoltage Differential vs. Load CurrentLOAD CURRENT (mA)D I F FE R E N T I A L V O L T A G E (V ) 12.ADR381 Minimum Input/Output Voltage Differential vs. Load CurrentV OUT DEVIATION (ppm)F R E Q U E N C YTPC 13.ADR381 V OUT HysteresisTIME (1s/DIV)2 TPC 14.ADR381 Typical Noise Voltage 0.1Hz to 10HzADR380/ADR381TIME (10ms/DIV)100TPC 15.ADR381 Typical Noise Voltage 10Hz to 10kHzTIME (10s/DIV)TPC 16.ADR381 Line Transient ResponseTIME (10s/DIV)0.5V/DIVTPC 17.ADR381 Line Transient ResponseTIME (200s/DIV)TPC 18.ADR381 Load Transient Response with C L = 0 µFTIME (200s/DIV)TPC 19.ADR381 Load Transient Response with C L = 1nFTIME (200s/DIV)TPC 20.ADR381 Load Transient Response with C L = 100nFADR380/ADR381TIME (200s/DIV)TPC 21.ADR381 Turn-On/Turn-Off Response at 5VZ O U T (10⍀/D I V )FREQUENCY (Hz)TPC 22.ADR381 Output Impedance vs. Frequency HOURS–150100D R IF T (p p m )–100–501001502003004005006007008009001000TPC 23.ADR380 Long-Term DriftHOURS100D R I F T (p p m )2003004005006007008009001000TPC 24.ADR381 Long-Term DriftADR380/ADR381THEORY OF OPERATIONBand gap references are the high performance solution for low supply voltage and low power voltage reference applications,and the ADR380/ADR381 are no exception. But the unique-ness of this product lies in its architecture. By observing Figure 1, the ideal zero TC band gap voltage is referenced to the output, not to ground. The band gap cell consists of the PNP pair Q51 and Q52, running at unequal current densities. The difference in V BE results in a voltage with a positive TC which is amplified up by the ratio of 2 × R58/R54. This PTAT voltage,combined with V BEs of Q51 and Q52, produce the stable band gap voltage. Reduction in the band gap curvature is performed by the ratio of the two resistors R44 and R59. Precision laser trimming and other patented circuit techniques are used to further enhance the drift performance.OUTV INFigure 1.Simplified SchematicDevice Power Dissipation ConsiderationsThe ADR380/ADR381 are capable of delivering load currents to 5mA with an input voltage that ranges from 2.8V (ADR381only) to 15V. When this device is used in applications withlarge input voltages, care should be taken to avoid exceeding the specified maximum power dissipation or junction temperature that could result in premature device failure. The following formula should be used to calculate a device’s maximum junc-tion temperature or dissipation:P T T D A A=J J –θwhere:P D is the device power dissipation,T J and T A are junction and ambient temperatures,respectively, andθJ A is the device package thermal resistance.Input CapacitorInput capacitor is not required on the ADR380/ADR381. There is no limit for the value of the capacitor used on the input, but a capacitor on the input will improve transient response in appli-cations where the load current suddenly increases.Output CapacitorThe ADR380/ADR381 do not need an output capacitor for stability under any load condition. An output capacitor, typically 0.1 µF, will take out any very low level noise voltage, and will not affect the operation of the part. The only parameter that willdegrade by putting an output capacitor here is turn-on time.(This will vary depending on the size of the capacitor.) Load transient response is also improved with an output capacitor. A capacitor will act as a source of stored energy for a sudden in-crease in load current.APPLICATIONSStacking Reference ICs for Arbitrary OutputsSome applications may require two reference voltage sources which are a combined sum of standard outputs. The following circuit shows how this stacked outputreference can be imple-mented:⍀V OUT2V OUT1V Figure 2.Stacking Voltage References with the ADR380/ADR381Two ADR380s or ADR381s are used; the outputs of the indi-vidual references are simply cascaded to reduce the supply current. Such configuration provides two output voltages—V OUT1 and V OUT2. V OUT1 is the terminal voltage of U1, while V OUT2 is the sum of this voltage and the terminal voltage of U2.U1 and U2 can be chosen for the two different voltages that supply the required outputs.While this concept is simple, a precaution is in order. Since the lower reference circuit must sink a small bias current from U2,plus the base current from the series PNP output transistor in U2, the external load of either U1 or R1 must provide a path for this current. If the U1 minimum load is not well-defined, the resistor R1 should be used, set to a value that will conservatively pass 600 µA of current with the applicable V OUT1 across it. Note that the two U1 and U2 reference circuits are locally treated as macrocells, each having its own bypasses at input and output for optimum stability. Both U1 and U2 in this circuit can source dc currents up to their full rating. The minimum input voltage, V S ,is determined by the sum of the outputs, V OUT2, plus the 300mV dropout voltage of U2.A Negative Precision Reference Without Precision ResistorsIn many current-output CMOS DAC applications where the output signal voltage must be of the same polarity as the refer-ence voltage, it is often required to reconfigure a current-switching DAC into a voltage-switching DAC through the use of a 1.25V reference, an op amp, and a pair of resistors. Using a current-switching DAC directly requires an additional operational amplifier at the output to reinvert the signal. A negative voltageADR380/ADR381reference is then desirable from the point that an additional operational amplifier is not required for either reinversion (current-switching mode) or amplification (voltage-switching mode) of the DAC output voltage. In general, any positivevoltage reference can be converted into a negative voltage refer-ence through the use of an operational amplifier and a pair of matched resistors in an inverting configuration. The disadvan-tage to this approach is that the largest single source of error in the circuit is the relative matching of the resistors used.The circuit in Figure 3 avoids the need for tightly matched resistors with the use of an active integrator circuit. In this circuit,the output of the voltage reference provides the input drive for the integrator. The integrator, to maintain circuit equilibrium,adjusts its output to establish the proper relationship between the reference’s V OUT and GND. Thus, any negative output voltage desired can be chosen by simply substituting for the appropriate reference IC. A precaution should be noted with this approach: although rail-to-rail output amplifiers work best in the application, these operational amplifiers require a finite amount (mV) of headroom when required to provide any load current. The choice for the circuit’s negative supply should take this issue into account.REFV IN 1Figure 3.A Negative Precision Voltage Reference Uses No Precision Resistors Precision Current SourceMany times in low power applications, the need arises for a pre-cision current source that can operate on low supply voltages.As shown in Figure 4, the ADR380/ADR381 can be configured as a precision current source. The circuit configuration illustrated is a floating current source with a grounded load. The reference’s output voltage is bootstrapped across R SET (R1 + P1), which sets the output current into the load. With this configuration, circuit precision is maintained for load currents in the range from the reference’s supply current, typically 90 µA to approximately 5mA.V INFigure 4.A Precision Current SourcePrecision High Current Voltage SourceIn some cases, the user may want higher output current delivered to a load and still achieve better than 0.5% accuracy out of the ADR380/ADR381. The accuracy for a reference is normally specified on the data sheet with no load. However, the output voltage changes with load current.The circuit in Figure 5 provides high current without compro-mising the accuracy of the ADR380/ADR381. By op amp action,V O follows V REF with very low drop in R1. To maintain circuit equilibrium, the op amp also drives the N-Ch MOSFET Q1 intosaturation to maintain the current needed at different loads. R2is optional to prevent oscillation at Q1. In such an approach, hun-dreds of milliamps of load current can be achieved and the current is limited by the thermal limitation of Q1. V IN = V O + 300 mV.OV Figure 5.ADR380/ADR381 for Precision High Current Voltage SourceC 02175–0–7/04(A )ADR380/ADR381OUTLINE DIMENSIONS3-Lead Small Outline Transistor Package [SOT-23-3](RT-3)Dimensions shown in millimetersCOMPLIANT TO JEDEC STANDARDS TO-236ABTape and Reel DimensionsDimensions shown in millimetersRevision HistoryLocationPage7/04—Data Sheet Changed from Rev. 0 to Rev. A.Updated format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Universal Changes to ORDERING GUIDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4Updated OUTLINE DIMENSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12。
丹佛斯 Turbocor
Compact Inverter Tester User ManualDanfoss Turbocor® TT & TG SeriesCentrifugal CompressorsTHIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK3 of 10M-CM-001-EN Rev. A * Subject to change without notice.* Danfoss Turbocor is committed to customer satisfaction by following its Continuous Product Improvement Policy.Proprietary NoticeThis publication contains information proprietary and confidential to Danfoss Turbocor Compressors Inc. (DTC). Any reproduction, disclosure or unauthorized use of this publication is expresslyprohibited without written approval from DTC.DTC reserves the right to make changes without notice in product or component design as warranted by evolution in user needs or advancements in engineering or manufacturing technology.DTC has exercised its best efforts to ensure that the information contained in thismanual is correct. However, no warranty of reliability or accuracy is given with respect to the information, and DTC shall not be responsible or liable for the correctness orsuitability of the information or for any error or omission. If you encounter any difficulty in using this manual, please forward your query to DTC or its authorized sales agent.All brand names and product names used in this manual are trademarks, registered trademarks, or trade names of their respective holders.Danfoss Turbocor Compressors Inc.1769 East Paul Dirac Drive Tallahassee,Florida 32310USAPhone 1-850-504-4800Fax 1-850-575-2126Encounter an error or see opportunity for improvements while reading thismanual?***********************************************description.Compact Inverter Tester Overview1.1 OverviewThis manual serves as a general guideline for the end user of the Danfoss Turbocor® compressorproducts. It is the responsibility of the user of this tester to adhere to the instructions within thismanual to avoid damage to persons or property. Danfoss Turbocor Compressors is not liable for anydamages that occur from misuse of the Compact Inverter tester.1.2 Purpose The purpose of the tester is to verify switching functionality of the Inverter on Danfoss Turbocor® TT/TG compressors. The tester provides all power necessary to interface with the inverter module duringtesting. Due to the limitation of the tester, only static tests can be performed. This device will test thehigh voltage section, both top and bottom diodes of each section, and the driver board of the inverter.No testing should be performed with the compressor itself powered on.1.3 Application The purpose of a power converter is to produce a controllable voltage, frequency, and provide anA/C output waveform from a D/C link circuit. This D/C link is often supplied by a controllable oruncontrollable AC/DC converter.The Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBTs) are semiconductor switches used to control the torque(flux) and speed of the permanent magnet motor used on all Danfoss Turbocor® compressors. Speedand torque of the motor are precisely controlled by the Bearing Motor and Compressor Controller(BMCC) when a demand is given.Inverter model types are used to operate various compressor models over a wide range of networkvoltages, currents, and capacities:• SKiiP 292 & SKiiP 342 are used on Major Revision “F” and earlier TT300 compressors• SKiiP 613 is used on Major Revision “G” TT300 compressors• SKiiP 513 & SKiiP 613 are used on all TT350, TT400, TT500, & TT700 compressors4 of 10M-CM-001-EN Rev. A5 of 10M-CM-001-EN Rev. A Compact Inverter Tester DiagramFigure 2-1 shows the face of the Inverter Tester. Refer to Table 2-1 for component descriptions.2.1 Compact Inverter Tester DiagramFigure 2-1 - CompactInverter Tester DiagramTable 2-1 - Diagram DescriptionAB C DE/FGHIJ K123456789101112131415Inverter SKiiP Tester Instructions3.1 Instructions 1. I solate power from the compressor in accordance with industry standards.2. W ait 20 mins for the DC capacitors to dissipate all power.3. R emove the top covers from the compressor.4. R emove the Soft Start and isolate the Inverter by removing the snubber capacitors, DC linkcapacitors, and the motor bus bars.5. U nplug the communication cable from the Inverter.6. Set the SKiiP Tester Supply Select knob [1] in the off position.7. P lug the supplied ribbon cable to the Inverter and into the Tester at the SKiiP GD connection.8. Attach the SKiiP AC and SKiiP DC +/- test cables to section 1 of the Inverter.a. A lignment of the cable PCBs is identified.9. P lug the Digital Volt Meter (DVM) test cable into a good quality auto ranging voltage meter.a. M atch the + and – of the cable PCB to the + and – on the meter.10. K nob(2) should always be in the 24V position.11. K nob(3) should always be in the I supply position.12. K nob(4) starts in the off position.13. S witches10-15 must always be in the UP position.14. S et the DVM to DC voltage measurement.15. P lug the24V power supply cable into the back of the Tester.16. T urn knob(5) to TOP position.17. T o test the Primary VDC side of the SKiiP, turn knob (1) to the +24V position18. T o test the Voltage Drop-Off State, turn knob (4) to VCE (IGBT) – record result from DVM.a. E xpected value 170 VDC but not less than 150 VDC.19. T o test the Forward Voltage Drop:a. W hen knob(5) is in TOP position: push and hold button (7) – record result fromDVM.b. When knob(5) is in BOT position: push and hold button (9) – record result fromDVM.i. E xpected value <600 mVDC20. B y releasing button (7), the readout should return to the voltage level as recorded from step#18.21. T o test the Forward Voltage Drop of the Free-Wheeling Diode, turn knob (4) into Vf (diode)position – record result from DVM.a. E xpected value < -600 mVDC22. S witch knob(4) to off position.23. S witch knob(5) to BOT position.24. R epeat steps17-22 using button (9) for the BOT section.25. T urn knob(1) into off position.26. R emove SKiiP AC and SKiiP DC +/- test cables from the inverter.27. R epeat steps8-25 for sections 2 and 3 of the Inverter.28. U se the chart below to record test results.6 of 10M-CM-001-EN Rev. ATable 3-1 - Results RecordTable7 of 10M-CM-001-EN Rev. A8 of 10M-CM-001-EN Rev. AAppendix A: Acronyms9 of 10M-CM-001-EN Rev. A ®Quick compressor The new version of the Danfoss Turbocor® compressor needs.Download the 2.0 app today!TurboTool® helps you to quickly identify the required spare parts. A quick scan of the compressor serial # using your smartphone camera or by entering the part # or model #, and the app will display potential spare parts kits.Turbocor® compressors.information.You no longer need to keep hundreds of pages of parts catalogs and training manuals. With the app, all of thisinformation is at your fingertips on your smart device.With the app, you can access videos made by Danfoss Turbocor® that demonstrate how to remove, install, and rebuild key components on Danfoss Turbocor® compressors.TroubleshootSpare PartsScan todownload appDanfoss Commercial Compressorsis a worldwide manufacturer of compressors and condensing units for refrigeration and HVAC applications. With a wide range of high quality and innovative products we help your company to find the best possible energy efficient solution that respects the environment and reduces total life cycle costs.We have 40 years of experience within the development of hermetic compressors which has brought us amongst the global leaders in our business, and positioned us as distinct variable speed technology specialists. Today we operate from engineeringand manufacturing facilities spanning across three continents.Our products can be found in a variety of applications such as rooftops, chillers, residential air conditioners, heatpumps, coldrooms, supermarkets, milk tank cooling and industrial cooling processes.。
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高温反偏 (HTRB) 高压蒸煮 (PCT, Auto-clave) 恒温恒湿储存 (HTHH) 恒温恒湿反偏 (H3TRB) 温度循环 (Temperature Cycling) 耐焊接热 (Solder Resistance) 可焊接性 (Solderability) 恒流老化 (Static Operating life) 全动态老化 (Dynamic Operating life) 高温储存(High Temperature Storage Life)
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IFSM -不可恢复的最大正向电流 IFSM( tj-max)-不可恢复的最大正向电流(结温条件)
DVF:先流一小电流Im,读取产品于常温下的VF,再流过一大电流IT 对产品进行加热,停止加热并等待一段时间Td,再读取此时Im下的 VF,加热前后VF差值的绝对值即为DVF。 主要用于筛选焊接不良的产品。
GP二极管封装流程Test Nhomakorabea
根据总时间=排向测试时间+内部设定时间+测试时间+开关时间,分配 仪表参数,使TMTT达到最高产能 各参数的测试方法 1、VF 2、VR 3、DVF 4、IFSM 5、IRSM 6、ERSM
产品电流 <1A 1A 2A(1.5A) 3A 二极管 R-1 A-405 DO-41 DO-15 DO-201AD 贴面产品 SMF(SOD-123) SMA SMB D3K/GBL SMC 大桥GBU/GSIB3S/GSIB-5S 整流桥 LBF/LDF DB
IR@V R t
VR(S) △VR1 △VR2
冠魁VR 测试波形
不同厂家仪表的内部参数不同,所以其电压上升的斜率存在很大的差异;如上图,冠魁VR 测试仪的 电压上升斜率较歆科大; 而VR’S 测试的原理是通过大的反向电流冲击,是P/N 击穿;所以要求电压的上升斜率尽可能的;根 据经验,冠魁仪表在VR@IB=1mA条件时,其dV/dt≥1200V/ms.
1.信赖性----产品在规定的条件和规定的时间内完成规定功能的能力 2. 产品的失效曲线(bathtub curve) 第一阶段: 失效率由高到低的下降阶段 部分存在潜在缺陷的产品,在 整机测试过程中逐渐被剔除; 第二阶段:失效率维持稳定, 产品处于自然损耗区;失效率 最低; 第三阶段:失效率再次上升,