



酒店英语教学大纲1. 引言本大纲旨在为酒店英语教学提供指导和结构,涵盖酒店业务中常用的英语表达和交流技巧。


2. 教学目标学生将达到以下教学目标:- 掌握酒店英语的基本词汇和表达方式;- 能够应对酒店工作中常见的情境; - 提高听说读写的能力,以便更好地与客人进行交流; - 培养良好的服务态度和团队合作精神。

3. 教学内容3.1 酒店基本信息•学习酒店的名称、位置、星级等基本信息表达;•学习酒店设施和服务的描述;•学习介绍酒店客房的表达方式。

3.2 酒店预订和接待•学习电话预订酒店房间的技巧和用语;•学习接待客人和办理入住手续的流程;•学习应对客人投诉和解决问题的策略。

3.3 餐厅服务•学习餐厅预订和点菜的用语;•学习应对客人特殊需求和食物过敏的情况;•学习应对客人投诉和提供满意解决方案的技巧。

3.4 旅游咨询•学习向客人提供旅游信息和推荐景点的表达;•学习应对客人问题和提供解决方案的能力;•学习向客人解释和指导使用酒店和城市设施的方式。

3.5 客房服务•学习应对客人要求和提供客房服务的表达;•学习解决客人问题和投诉的技巧;•学习清洁和整理客房的流程和用语。

4. 教学方法•利用角色扮演和模拟情境进行交流练习;•组织小组讨论和合作学习,提高学生的口语表达能力;•使用多媒体资料和真实酒店案例进行学习和分析;•鼓励学生在实践中应用所学知识。

5. 评估方式•口试:学生通过为老师扮演不同客户提供服务,测试他们的听说能力和应变能力;•写作:学生撰写酒店相关的实际案例,测试他们的写作和思维能力;•小组项目:学生合作完成酒店服务方面的项目,测试他们的团队合作能力。

6. 教学资源•教学课本:提供酒店英语词汇、对话示范和练习题;•多媒体资料:使用相关酒店英语视频和录音材料;•实际案例:提供真实酒店案例和模拟情境。

7. 学习支持与辅导•学生可以参加相关酒店英语学习小组,与其他学生共同学习和交流;•学生可以向教师咨询学习问题和寻求帮助;•学生还可以参加额外的酒店英语学习活动和讨论会。



旅游酒店英语教案Introduction:Level: Intermediate to AdvancedObjectives:By the end of the lesson, learners will be able to:1. Understand and use hotel-related vocabulary.2. Understand and respond to hotel-related conversations and situations.3. Write a hotel reservation email.4. Role-play and practice hotel-related conversations.Materials:- Whiteboard or flipchart- Handout with hotel-related vocabulary- Hotel reservation email templateProcedure:1. Warm-up: (10 minutes)- Display pictures of different hotels and ask learners to describe what they see in the pictures.- Introduce the topic of hotels and elicit any prior knowledge or experiences learners may have had in staying at hotels.2. Vocabulary Activity: (15 minutes)- Handout the hotel-related vocabulary sheet.- Ask learners to work in pairs to match the vocabulary words with their definitions.- Conduct a brief class feedback session to check answers.3. Listening Activity: (20 minutes)- Play an audio recording of a hotel check-in conversation.4. Speaking Activity: (20 minutes)- Divide the class into pairs and provide them with a role-play scenario.- Scenario: One learner is a hotel receptionist, and the other is a guest who wants to make a reservation.- Learners should take turns playing both roles.- Provide learners with a list of questions and phrases that they can refer to during the role-play.- Monitor the pairs and provide feedback on their language use and pronunciation.5. Reading and Writing Activity: (25 minutes)- Display a hotel reservation email template on the board or distribute copies to learners.- Instruct learners to read the template and underline any key phrases or information.- Explain the purpose and structure of a hotel reservation email.- Ask learners to write their own hotel reservation email, using the provided template as a guide.- Encourage learners to be creative with their imaginary hotel stay.- Provide support and assistance to learners as needed.6. Role-play Activity: (20 minutes)- Instruct learners to create a short role-play based on their scenario.- Help groups prepare their role-plays by brainstorming ideas and providing language support.- Have each group perform their role-play in front of the class.- Encourage other learners to ask questions or engage in the role-play to make it more interactive.7. Follow-up Activity: (10 minutes)- Conduct a class discussion on the importance of good customer service in the hotel industry.- Ask learners to share their thoughts and experiences on both positive and negative encounters with hotel staff.- Discuss the impact of good customer service on customer satisfaction and loyalty.Conclusion:。

《酒店服务英语》课程单元教学设计第2章project 6 wake-up call service

《酒店服务英语》课程单元教学设计第2章project 6 wake-up call service

《酒店服务英语》课程单元教学设计——Wake-up call Service叫醒服务一、基本信息(basic information)1. 本次课项目(the unit’s project):客房送餐服务2.核心能力目标(core capability objectives):能够运用英语为外宾进行叫醒服务3. 知识目标(knowledge objectives):明确叫醒服务程序;熟练掌握专业术语和关键句子。

4. 情感目标(affective objectives):以热情的服务态度和礼貌用语提供叫醒服务。

5. 素质目标(Quality objectives):通过实地实境与外宾对话练习,提高心理素质和应变能力。

6. 能力训练任务(Capability training task):模拟客房服务员的角色,进行实地实境会话练习。

7.教学场地(teaching site):客房服务实训基地前台与客房8.物品准备(teaching materials):电话、笔(每组一套)。

9. 授课说明(teaching introduction):本单元设计利用任务驱动模式教学,专任教师组织教学,由外宾配合学生训练,以提高学生听力和适应能力。


二、能力训练设计(capability training design)Step 1:热身练习(warming-up)(3 minus)1.学生前台列队,师生英语致意问候,教师检查仪容仪表。



教师布置本节课任务:Wake-up Call Service(客房送餐服务)Scene: The guest Jenny from Philippines calls the room center and would like to be called at 6:00 the next morning because she has an important meeting to attend. The room attendant does according her demand.)(情境:菲律宾客人Jenny给客房中心打电话说,因要参加一场重要的会议,希望第二天一早6点钟被叫醒。

酒店英语教学设计 (2)

酒店英语教学设计 (2)

酒店英语教学设计1. 引言酒店行业是全球性的服务业,为了保证顾客满意度,酒店员工需要掌握一定的英语沟通能力。


2. 教学目标本课程的教学目标是让学员能够在酒店工作场景中自信地进行英语沟通,具体目标包括:•掌握在酒店前台与客户沟通的基本表达方式•理解并能使用常见的酒店英语词汇和短语•能够成功地解决酒店工作中的常见英语沟通问题3. 教学内容3.1 酒店英语基础知识•酒店英语的概述•日常生活中常用的酒店英语•酒店工作中常见的英语短语和词汇3.2 酒店前台与客户沟通技巧•了解酒店前台工作职责•学习如何正确地向客户问候•学习如何引导客户进行入住登记等操作•学习如何处理客户的常见问题和投诉3.3 情景模拟练习•酒店前台接待客户情景练习•解决客户问题和投诉情景练习•酒店客房服务情景练习4. 教学方法4.1 案例教学运用真实的案例,让学员了解英语在酒店工作中的重要性,并能够在实际情况中学习应用。

4.2 角色扮演通过角色扮演训练,让学员模拟酒店前台与客户的实际对话情境,以锻炼学员的英语口语和应变能力。

4.3 多媒体教学通过多媒体教学,展示酒店英语的常见场景和应用,同时便于学员理解相关知识。

5. 教学评价考核5.1 口语表现能力学员在课程中将进行多次口语练习和表现,教师根据学员在实践中展示出的语言表达能力进行评价。

5.2 学业表现学员的教学笔记、练习题目以及考试成绩将全面考核,以评估学员在学业方面的表现。

6. 教学资源6.1 教材•英语实用由浅入深(酒店英语版)•酒店英语应用课程•酒店业英语沟通技巧精讲教程6.2 设备•电脑、投影仪•录音笔、话筒•视频教学软件7. 结束语本教学设计具体针对酒店英语教学,提供了一套完整的教学方案,以提高酒店员工的英语沟通能力为目标,相信经过学员刻苦学习和实践后,能顺利完成相关培训,并在工作中有所实际收益。





























二、课程内容1. 酒店接待英语- 接待客人的礼仪和用语- 预订房间和办理入住手续的英语对话- 处理客人投诉和问题的英语表达2. 客房服务英语- 介绍房间设施和服务的英语表达- 提供客房清洁和维修服务的英语对话- 处理客人需求和要求的英语交流3. 餐饮服务英语- 餐厅用餐礼仪和用语- 接待客人点餐和推荐菜品的英语对话- 处理客人投诉和问题的英语表达4. 会议管理英语- 会议组织和安排的英语表达- 会议接待和服务的英语对话- 处理会议期间的问题和需求的英语交流三、教学方法为了达到课程目标,教学方法应多样化,注重实践操作。

以下是一些有效的教学方法:1. 角色扮演:学生可以分组扮演酒店员工和客人的角色,进行实际情境的对话练习,提高口语表达能力。

2. 案例分析:通过分析真实的酒店案例,学生可以了解到不同情况下的英语应对策略,并学习解决问题的方法。

3. 实地考察:组织学生参观实际的酒店,让他们亲身体验酒店服务,加深对酒店业的理解,并提高英语交流能力。

4. 多媒体教学:利用多媒体技术,播放酒店英语对话和实际工作场景的视频,帮助学生理解并模仿正确的表达方式。

四、评估方式为了评估学生的学习成果,可以采用以下方式:1. 口语表达评估:通过学生的口头表达,评估他们在不同情境下使用英语的流利程度和准确性。

2. 书面作业评估:布置书面作业,要求学生运用所学知识和技能,完成相关任务,评估他们的写作能力和专业知识掌握程度。






二、教学目标1. 让学生掌握酒店行业的起源和发展历程。

2. 让学生了解酒店的分类和功能,提高他们在实际工作中的应变能力。

3. 培养学生运用英语进行酒店行业交流的能力,提高他们的英语应用水平。





五、教学过程1. 情景引入:以一段关于酒店行业的视频资料引入,激发学生的学习兴趣。

2. 新课内容展示:讲解酒店行业的起源和发展,介绍酒店的分类和功能。

3. 实例分析:分析一些实际的酒店案例,让学生了解酒店行业的实际情况。

4. 口语练习:分组进行角色扮演,模拟酒店工作中的场景,运用所学知识进行英语交流。

6. 课后作业布置:(1)阅读教材,复习本节课的内容。



六、板书设计1. 酒店行业的起源和发展2. 酒店的分类和功能3. 酒店专业术语七、作业设计1. 题目:请简述酒店行业的起源和发展。



2. 题目:请列举三种酒店的分类,并简要介绍其特点。



3. 题目:请用英语描述一家你喜欢的酒店。



课程目标:1. 学生能够掌握酒店入住过程中的常用英语表达。

2. 学生能够运用所学词汇和句型进行简单的对话。

3. 培养学生的实际运用英语进行交流的能力。

教学内容:1. 酒店入住的基本流程2. 常用英语词汇和句型3. 实际对话练习教学时间:2课时教学准备:1. 酒店入住流程图2. 酒店入住常用英语词汇表3. 相关图片和视频资料4. 练习对话的情景模拟教学过程:第一课时一、导入1. 教师展示一张酒店图片,引导学生思考:“What do you usually do when you check into a hotel?”2. 学生自由发言,教师总结并引出本节课的主题:Hotel Check-in in English。

二、学习酒店入住的基本流程1. 教师展示酒店入住流程图,讲解每个步骤。

2. 学生跟读并模仿,加深对流程的理解。

三、学习常用英语词汇和句型1. 教师板书以下常用词汇和句型:- Check-in- Check-out- Reservation- Room number- Name- ID card- Credit card- Payment- Room service- Bell boy- Front desk2. 学生跟读并模仿,加深对词汇和句型的记忆。

四、实际对话练习1. 教师创设情景,模拟酒店入住过程,引导学生进行对话。

2. 学生分组进行角色扮演,巩固所学知识。

第二课时一、复习导入1. 教师提问:“What do you learn about hotel check-in in English?”2. 学生回答,教师总结。

二、深入学习酒店入住过程中的特殊情况1. 教师展示以下特殊情况:- No reservation- Lost ID card- Need extra bed2. 学生跟读并模仿,了解应对方法。

三、综合练习1. 教师提供一段关于酒店入住的英文对话,学生进行翻译和改写。

酒店情景英语 教案

酒店情景英语 教案



教学目标:1. 学习并掌握与酒店相关的基本英语词汇和短语。

2. 能够用英语进行酒店预订、入住、退房等基本交流。

3. 提高学生的听力和口语表达能力。

4. 培养学生的合作与沟通能力。

教学准备:1. 酒店情景的图片、视频或实物道具。

2. 酒店情景英语的词汇和短语卡片。

3. 酒店情景的对话材料和练习题。

4. 学生练习对话的角色扮演卡片。

教学步骤:引入活动:1. 展示一些酒店情景的图片或视频,引发学生对酒店英语交流的兴趣。

2. 与学生一起回顾和讨论在酒店中可能会用到的英语词汇和短语,如“check-in”、“reservation”、“room service”等。

主体活动:3. 分发酒店情景英语的词汇和短语卡片,让学生自行阅读并记忆。

4. 分组让学生进行角色扮演,模拟酒店预订、入住和退房的情景对话。


5. 学生在角色扮演中使用酒店情景英语进行对话,教师可以在过程中给予指导和反馈。

6. 教师与学生一起复习和讨论角色扮演中遇到的常见问题和困难,并提供相关的表达方式和解决方法。

巩固活动:7. 分发酒店情景的对话材料和练习题,让学生进行阅读和理解,并回答相关问题。

8. 学生可以与同伴一起进行对话练习,互相提问和回答关于酒店情景的问题,以巩固所学知识。

9. 教师可以组织一些小组活动,如酒店情景角色扮演比赛,以鼓励学生积极参与和运用所学的英语知识。

结束活动:10. 教师总结本节课的教学内容,并与学生一起回顾所学的酒店情景英语知识和技巧。

11. 鼓励学生在实际生活中运用所学的英语,提高他们的自信心和实际应用能力。




原有教学模式教案课程名称:酒店英语听说总素质学分:3总学时:48 〔理论学时:24 ;实践学时:24 课程类别:□专业素质教育□非专业素质教育□特殊素质教育□必修□选修□核心素质教育□非核心素质教育任课教师:所属单位:文法与外语学院职称:副教授授课专业:酒店管理授课班级:酒店管理1501班、Unit One Room Reservation ServiceChapter two Reception DeskChapter three the bellmanUnit Four Service CenterChapter Five Business center9、I want to have a copy of this file< contract>10、How much is it for one page?You should pay according to the size of paper. For size a3 or b5, it’s 40 yuan and for size a4 or b4, 30 yuan. Which do you prefer?11、i want to have this document typed, when can I pick it up? And how much does this cost?12、How would you like to pay?Oh, please charge it to my room.Would you please show me your room card or the room key. Important sentences of mail serviceWords:Envelope;stamp ;average;medium-sized;extra;mail;post;mailed by air ;register ;mailed by plain ;mail by express;addressee<[]收信人>Sentences:1、A letter by air to Japan costs 6 Yuan RMB under the weight of 20g.2、I’m sorry, we have no parcel service. You may go to the post office. It’s not far from here.3、If there’s any mail addressed to you. We’ll inform as soon as possible.4、Don’t worry. We can forward any mail to you at your home address. Please fill out the forward mail card<转寄单>.5、Here’s a registered letter for you. Please sign on the slip.6、Would you please fill in the form and sign your name in the column of "sender"?7、Would you come back in an hour to get your invoice for the mail and receipt for surcharge?8、Would you please give me three envelopes and some stamps?9、Which envelope do you want, average, medium-sized or extra?10、How would you like them mailed?11、This one shall be mailed to New York by air.12、This one to Xi’an by registered.13、And this one shall be mailed to Nanchang by plain mail.14、How long will it take for the mail to reach Nanchang.It usually takes three days. Do you want it to get there earlier?15、How much is it for express service?The bill is 21 Yuan RMB, plus surcharge on the basis of the value of the mail you declare.16、An express is guaranteed to reach the addressee within 24。


P16 Role—play
1、Check in guests with reservations
2、Fill in the registration form
1、knowreception desk
Situational Dialogue?:Alice Liu is a secretary in Tokyo. She calls Hilton Hotel inTianjinto reserve a suite for her boss from March 22 to 24. The reservation answers the phone call and accepts the booking.
General expressions for hotel services
2、Offering help
3、Answering calls







三、教学内容本课程分为以下三部分:1. 常用词汇及句型1.酒店客房预订2.酒店前台接待和询问3.酒店房间设施和服务介绍4.餐厅服务问题2. 基础语言技能1.听力训练:针对常见酒店英语词汇,进行听力训练,提高听力水平;2.口语训练:模拟酒店英语应用场景,进行口语训练,提高语言表达能力;3.读写训练:阅读和撰写酒店英语邮件、简报等文体,提高阅读和写作能力。

3. 实战演练1.角色扮演:安排学习者在教员的指导下进行角色扮演,模拟真实场景,提高实际应用能力;2.团队合作:分组进行酒店英语沟通任务,帮助学习者在团队合作中锻炼表达和协作能力。















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Teaching Plan for Hotel EnglishPeriod: 2Teaching Content:Workshop 1 Unit 1 Room ReservationTeaching objectives:the terms and useful phrases in making room reservationssentence patterns in working situationssituational dialogues fluently4. Grasp the procedure of room reservation.Teaching focus:1. Sentence patterns in making a room reservation2. Practice situational dialogues.Teaching difficulties: 1. To read the conversations fluently2. To make situational dialogues with the sentence patterns Teaching methods: interaction teaching methods, situation teaching methods Teaching procedures:The first periodStep I: The teacher would briefly introduce the main content of this course and how to learn the course. (10 minutes)T:1. The content of the course:This book consists of 25 units in all and it is divided into 4chapters according to the duties and services of different workshops in a hotel. The four workshops are front office, Housekeeping department, food and beverage department and other departments. Each unit includes four parts, . key points for teaching and learning, simulation training, extended reading and exercises. We will mainly focus on Part II in our class, while you should make further study of the other parts by yourselves after class. As it is a very practical course, you should practice the dialogues and learn the sentences patterns by heart. So you can improve your oral English and your communication ability in dealing with the guests.2. The assessment strategy of this course:Class participation: 10%Homework & class attendance : 10%Oral test: 40%Final exam (written): 40%Step II: Lead-in. (5 minutes)1. The teacher would invite some students to talk about the basic procedures of receiving room reservation.2. In the end, the teacher would summarize the students’ answers so as to give them a clearer and better understanding of the basic knowledge of reservation.GreetingsDate of arrival and departureRoom typesName and telephone numberConfirmationStep III Learn the new words and sentence patterns. (30minutes)1. The teacher would ask the student to read the new words and the following sentence patterns in Part 2 in the textbook. The teacher would explain the difficult points to the students if there is any.1) Good evening. Peace Hotel. Reservation. May I help you2) Is there anything that I can do for you3) What kind of room would you like We have single rooms, double rooms, suites, deluxe suites and a presidential suite.4) Do you want a single room or a double room5) Would you like twin beds or double beds6) I’d like to reserve a room in your hotel7) I’d like to make a reservation for a suite with both shower and bath.8) I’d like a room with a view.9) We have nice rooms overlooking the sea.10) We have rooms facing south.11) Would you like a room with a bath or shower12) How many people are there in your company13) How long do you intend to stay14) Are you with a company15) For how long16) For what dates, please17) It’s for three nights, May 10th to12th.18) Hold the line, please.19) I’ll check if there is a room available for those days.20) I’m sorry we are booked out for that date.21) We do have a vacancy for those dates.22) The current rate is $150 per night.23) A single room is $120 per night. There is also a 10%tax and a 10% service charge.24) Children under 12 are half price.25) We offer a 10% discount for group reservations.2. The students are given ten minutes to read the words and sentences by themselves and inquire the teacher or other students if meeting any difficulty in pronouncing or understanding.3. The teacher would ask the students to read the words and sentences by volunteering or picking their numbers at random.The second periodStep IV: Practice the sample dialogues in the textbook. (25 minutes)1. Ask the students to read aloud the dialogues in pairs. (First volunteer, and then call the students’ numbers)2. Do some explanations if necessary and then let the students practice the difficult sentences after the teacher.3. Act out the dialogues in front of classes in pairs.Step V Role play. (20minutes)1. First, the teacher would require the students to make dialogues according to the following given situation. The students are given 10 minutes to make the dialogue in pairs.Situation: Wang Ping is a client of a travel agency. She is calling to reserve for a tour group of 32 form England form August 8th to August 12th.2. The teacher would ask some pairs to act out their dialogue in front of the class.3. Give comments and advices to improve the students’ dialogues.Step VI Homework assignment.Finish Exercise II, III, IV in the textbook.Learn the sentence patterns by heart and practice the dialogues.Preview the new unit.Period: 2Content:Workshop 1 Unit 2ReceptionTeaching aims:1. Grasp the terms and useful phrases in reception service.2. Fill in the registration form correctly.3. Use sentence patterns skillfully in working situations.4. Make situational dialogues fluently.5. Grasp the procedure of reception and learn how to fill in the registration form.. Teaching focus:1. Sentence patterns in receiving the guests.2. Practice the sample dialogues and make situational dialogues.Teaching difficulties:read the conversations fluently2. To make situational dialogues with the sentence patterns Teaching methods: interaction teaching methods, situation teaching methods Teaching procedures:The first lessonStep I: Lead-in and discussion. (10 minutes)1. The teacher would ask students to discuss the procedure of registration and then invite some students to talk about the basic procedures of receiving guest with advance reservation checks in.2. In the end, the teacher would summarize the students’ answers so as to give thema clearer and better understanding of the basic knowledge of registration. GreetingsChecking the reservation listFilling the registration formChecking the formNoticeStep II Learn the new words and sentence patterns. (35minutes)1. The teacher would ask the student to read the new words and the following sentence patterns in Part 2 in the textbook. The teacher would explain the difficult points to the students if there is any.1) Welcome to our hotel2) Good morning. This is the reception desk. May I help you3) Have you made a reservation4) In/ under whose name was the reservation5) When did you make the reservation6) Have you received a confirmation notice7) I booked a room on line a week ago8) I have booked a double room in the name of Ellen Hill.9) Have you finished the check-in procedure10) Let me look through our reservation list/record.11) thank you for waiting, sir12) Yes, we do have a reservation for you.13) Sorry, we don’t have a record of your reservation.14) Would you please show me your passport and visa15) I need your ID card for just a moment16) Would you mind filling in this form and paying $100 in advance17) Would you please fill in the registration form18) Please sign the registration form.19) This is the receipt for paying in advance. Please keep it.20) You forgot to put your department date.21) Here is your card, Madam. Your room number is 221222) I’m glad that we’ll be able to accept your extension request, but I’m afraid that it will be necessary for us to ask you to change rooms for the last two nights.23) Sorry, we have no rooms available. But I can refer you to Gold Port Hotel, where they may have a room.24) Would you like to get in touch with somewhere else for you25) Not at all. I’m always at your service.26) I hope you will enjoy your stay here.2. The students are given ten minutes to read the words and sentences by themselves and inquire the teacher or other students if meeting any difficulty in pronouncing or understanding.3. The teacher would ask the students to read the words and sentences by volunteering or picking their numbers at random.The second periodStep III: Practice the sample dialogues in the textbook. (25 minutes)1. Ask the students to read aloud the dialogues in pairs. (First volunteer, and thencall the students’ numbers)2. Do some explanations if necessary and then let the students practice the difficult sentences after the teacher.3. Act out the dialogues in front of classes in pairs.Step IV Role play. (20minutes)1. First, the teacher would require the students to make dialogues according to the following given situation. The students are given 10 minutes to make the dialogue in pairs.Situation: A guest comes up to the Reception Desk. He booked a single room for two nights two weeks ago. He wants to check in. the receptionist checks the reservation card and asks the guest to fill in the registration form.2. The teacher would ask some pairs to act out their dialogue in front of the class.3. Give comments and advices to improve the students’ dialogues.Step V Homework assignmentFinish Exercise II, III, IV in the textbook.Learn the sentence patterns by heart and practice the dialogues.Preview the new unit.Period: 2Teaching Content:Workshop 1Unit 3 Bell ServiceTeaching objectives:1. Master the terms and useful phrases in bell service.2. Use sentence patterns skillfully in working situations.3 Make situational dialogues fluently.4. Grasp some knowledge about bell service.Teaching focus:1. Sentence patterns in receiving the guests.2. Practice the sample dialogues and make situational dialogues.Teaching difficulties: 1. To read the conversations fluently2. To make situational dialogues with the sentence patterns Teaching methods: interaction teaching methods, situation teaching methods Teaching procedures:The first lessonStep I: Lead-in and discussion. (10 minutes)1. The teacher would ask the students to discuss the responsibilities of bellman.2. In the end, the teacher would summarize the students’ answers so as to give thema clearer and better understanding of the basic knowledge of bell service.Show him to his room.Introducing facilities.Water guidelines.When a guest wants to leaveLoading the luggageWell-wishingStep II Learn the new words and sentence patterns. (35minutes)1. The teacher would ask the student to read the new words and the following sentence patterns in Part 2 in the textbook. The teacher would explain the difficult points to the students if there is any.1) Good afternoon. Welcome to our hotel2) It’s nice to see you here again, Mr. Smith.3) Leave it to me. I’ll take care of your luggage.4) You have three pieces of luggage in all. Is that right5) Is there anything valuable or breakable in your bag6) This way, please.7) After you, sir.8) May I have a look at your key card.9) Are you satisfied with your room10) This room is facing south, and it has a nice view.11) Would you mind my putting your luggage here12) Here is the brochure explaining hotel services. It gives you an idea about our services and facilities.13) Here is the light switch, the temperature adjuster, the wardrobe and the mini-bar.14) This is the TV control. You can get any channel you like.15) This is the air-conditioning control unit. You set temperature like this.16) You can make your own tea and coffee by using this electric kettle.17) By the way, you probably know that the tap water here is undrinkable. You can drink boiled water or the bottled water.18) The tap water can only be used for washing. For drinking water, you have thermos on the tea table by the sofa. The water in it is boiled water.19) there is a mini-bar under the table. The price list is on top of it. You may pay the cashier for what you drink when you check out.20) The hot water supply is from 6 . to12 .21) Special laundry bags with price lists are placed in the closet.22) A Chinese restaurant is on the third floor in our hotel.23) If you don’t want to be disturbed, just place this “please do not disturb”sigh outside the door.24) If you want to have your shoe polished, just leave them outside the room before you go the bed and they will be ready the next morning.25) Shall I get a taxi for you26 Single trip or round trip27) By the way, how do you figure the carfare2. The students are given five minutes to read the words and sentences by themselves and inquire the teacher or other students if meeting any difficulty in pronouncing or understanding.3. The teacher would ask the students to read the words and sentences by volunteering or picking their numbers at random.The second periodStep III: Practice the sample dialogues in the textbook. (25 minutes)1. Ask the students to read aloud the dialogues in pairs.(first volunteer, then call the students’ numbers)2. Do some explanations if necessary and then let the students practice the difficult sentences after the teacher.3. Act out the dialogues in front of classes in pairs. (first volunteer, then call the students’ numbers)Step IV Role play. (20minutes)1. First, the teacher would require the students to make dialogues according to the following given situation. The students are given 10 minutes to make the dialogue in pairs.Situation: Mr. Stone comes to the hotel. This is the first time he has come to china. You are showing him to his room. Be sure to introduce something useful to him and introduce all the facilities in the room.2. The teacher would ask some pairs to act out their dialogue in front of the class.3. Give comments and advices to improve the students’ dialogues.Step V Homework assignmentFinish Exercise II, III, IV in the textbook.Learn the sentence patterns by heart and practice the dialogues.Preview the new unit.Period: 2Content:Workshop 1Unit 4 Money ExchangeTeaching aims: \1. Grasp the terms and useful phrases in changing money.2. Use sentence patterns skillfully in working situations.3. Make situational dialogues fluently.4. Have an idea of the procedure of foreign currency exchange.Teaching focus:1. Sentence patterns in changing money.2. Practice the sample dialogues and make situational dialogues.Teaching difficulties:read the conversations fluently2. To make situational dialogues with the sentence patterns Teaching methods: interaction teaching methods, situation teaching methods Teaching procedures:The first lessonStep I: Lead-in and discussion. (10 minutes)1. The teacher would ask some students to discuss the basic procedures of changing money for the guests and then ask them to talk about their opinion.2. In the end, the teacher would summarize the students’ answers so as to give thema clearer and better understanding of the basic knowledge of money exchange. amountroom number and signatureexchange slipStep II Learn the new words and sentence patterns. (35minutes)1. The teacher would ask the student to read the new words and the following sentence patterns in Part 2 in the textbook. The teacher would explain the difficult points to the students if there is any.1) What kind of currency do you want to change2) What’s the exchange rate for Euros today3) It’s 830yuan for 100 dollars.4) How much would you like to change5) What denominations would you like6) We have 100 Yuan, 50 Yuan, 20 Yuan, 10 Yuan,5Yuan, 2 Yuan and 1 Yuan bills.7) It’s a free/courtesy service.8) May I have a look at your passport9) Please put down your name, room number and the amount you want to change on the exchange certificate.10) Here is the money, 8,300 Yuan in all. Please check it and keep the exchange memo.11) I’m afraid that we have to put a limit on exchange for the benefit of all our guests.12) If we change large amounts, our cash supply runs out and we are unable to oblige our other guests.13) Please sign your name on the back.14) You are welcome. I am very glad that I can serve you.2. The students are given five minutes to read the words and sentences by themselves and inquire the teacher or other students if meeting any difficulty in pronouncing or understanding.3. The teacher would ask the students to read the words and sentences by volunteering or picking their numbers at random.The second periodStep III: Practice the sample dialogues in the textbook. (25 minutes)1. Ask the students to read aloud the dialogues in pairs. (First volunteer, and then call the students’ numbers)2. Do some explanations if necessary and then let the students practice the difficult sentences after the teacher.3. Act out the dialogues in front of classes in pairs.Step IV Role play. (20minutes)1. First, the teacher would require the students to make dialogues according to the following given situation. The students are given 10 minutes to make the dialogue in pairs.Situation: You have exchanged 500 . dollars into RMB, but now you find that you don’t need so much RMB, so you go to the currency exchange desk again and want to change the extra RMB back into US dollars. What will the cashier tell you2. The teacher would ask some pairs to act out their dialogue in front of the class.3. Give comments and advices to improve the students’ dialogues.Step V Homework assignmentFinish Exercise II, III, and IV in the textbook.Learn the sentence patterns by heart and practice the dialogues.Preview the new unit.Greet the guestsAsk about reservationAsk about length of stayAsk about identificationAsk about paymentAsk the guest to fill in the registration cardTell the guest where their room isPeriod: 2Content:Workshop 1Unit 5 Telephone OperatorTeaching aims: the terms and useful phrases in the unit.2. Use sentence patterns skillfully in working situations.3 Make situational dialogues fluently.4. Grasp some knowledge about telephone calls.Teaching focus:1. Sentence patterns in answering the guests’ phone.2. Practice the sample dialogues and make situational dialogues.Teaching difficulties: 1. To read the conversations fluently2. To make situational dialogues with the sentence patterns Teaching methods: interaction teaching methods, situation teaching methods Teaching procedures:The first lessonStep I: Lead-in and discussion. (10 minutes)1. The teacher would invite some students to talk about different phone calls the guests may make at a hotel.2. In the end, the teacher would summarize the students’ answers so as to give thema clearer and better understanding of the basic knowledge of telephone operating. An overseas callTypes of callsTelephone languageMorning callNameTimeRoom numberStep II Learn the new words and sentence patterns. (25minutes)1. The teacher would ask the student to read the new words and the following sentence patterns in Part 2 in the textbook. The teacher would explain the difficult points to the students if there is any.1) Good evening. Operator. May I help you2) Can you put me through to Room 18183) The number you wanted is available.4) Why do you want to speak to5) Who is speaking/calling, please6) Somebody is asking for you on the phone.7) Is this a person-to-person call or a station-to-station call8) Is this a collect call or a pay call9) If you want to call a friend in the USA, first dial the international country code of China, that is double zero, then the country code to USA, that is one, and then the area code and the number of your friend.10) We change a handling fee.11) Sorry, se have no domestic collect call service. You have to pay for the call yourself.12) If you make a pay call, you can place it right in your room. If you’d like to make a collect call, please dial 0 and then ask the operator for help.13) Are there special night rates from here14) The night rates are from 9 in the evening until 7 in the morning.15) The line is busy/engaged, now.16) Mr. Jackson’s line is available now. I’ll switch you over.17) Would you like to leave a message18) I can tell him that you called.19) Does he know your telephone number20) I’ll ask him to call you later.21) Would you mind calling back sometime tomorrow22) May I know your name and room number23) Can you hang up the phone, please24) If you leave your name and number, I’ll have him call you back soon as soon as he is available.25) I wonder if your hotel has the morning call service.26) At what time would you like us to call you tomorrow morning27) We have computerized wake-up service28) I’m afraid you dialed the wrong number29) Could you repeat that please30) Could you speak more slowly, please31) Is there any difference in charge between IDD calls and operator calls32) With the operator-assisted calls there is a minimum charge of three minutes, there is no minimum charge for IDD calls.2. The students are given five minutes to read the words and sentences by themselves and inquire the teacher or other students if meeting any difficulty in pronouncing or understanding.3. The teacher would ask the students to read the words and sentences by volunteering or picking their numbers at random.The second periodStep III: Practice the sample dialogues in the textbook. (25 minutes)1. Ask the students to read aloud the dialogues in pairs. (First volunteer, then call the students’ numbers)2. Do some explanations if necessary and then let the students practice the difficult sentences after the teacher.3. Act out the dialogues in front of classes in pairs.Step IV Role play. (20minutes)1. First, the teacher would require the students to make dialogues according to the following given situation. The students are given 10 minutes to make the dialogue in pairs.Situation: you are standing in a big hotel in shanghai. You want to call back to your boss n New York, and you want the operator to make it a person-to-person call, but unfortunately he isn’t there.2. The teacher would ask some pairs to act out their dialogue in front of the class.3. Give comments and advices to improve the students’ dialogues.Step V Homework assignmentFinish Exercise II, III, and IV in the textbook.Learn the sentence patterns by heart and practice the dialogues.Preview the new unit.Period: 2Content:Workshop 1Unit 6 InformationTeaching aims: the terms and useful phrases in giving information.2. Use sentence patterns skillfully in working situations.3 Making situational dialogues fluently.4. Grasp some knowledge about providing information.Teaching focus:1. Sentence patterns in giving information to the guests.2. Practice the sample dialogues and make situational dialogues.Teaching difficulties: 1. To read the conversations fluently2. To make situational dialogues with the sentence patterns Teaching methods: interaction teaching methods, situation teaching methods Teaching procedures:The first lessonStep I: Lead-in. (10 minutes)1. The teacher would invite some students to talk about some basic knowledge of providing information to the guests.2. In the end, the teacher would summarize the students’ answers so as to give thema clearer and better understanding of the basic knowledge of giving information. Inquiring about feesPosting lettersGiving information.Step II learn the new words and sentence patterns. (35minutes)1. The teacher would ask the student to read the new words and the following sentence patterns in Part 2 in the textbook. The teacher would explain the difficult points to the students if there is any.1) Good afternoon. Information Desk. Is there anything I can do for you2) What seems to be the problem, sir3) What information would you like to get4) Would you like to book an airline ticket5) Shall we get a taxi for you6) The weather will be very good tomorrow. Have a nice tour!7) The Summer Palace is not far away from here. You’d better take a taxi there.8) You can a subway train there. It’s very convenient.9) The local cuisine here is Sichuan cuisine. It’s tasty.10) If you want to send an e-mail, you can do it in your room or go to the business center.11) OK. I’ll do it for you right away.12) Would you like to leave a message for your friend13) I’ll stick the stamp and sent it for you.14) Not at all. You are always welcome.2. The students are given five minutes to read the words and sentences by themselves and inquire the teacher or other students if meeting any difficulty in pronouncing or understanding.3. The teacher would ask the students to read the words and sentences by volunteering or picking their numbers at random.The second periodStep III: Practice the sample dialogues in the textbook. (25 minutes)1. Ask the students to read aloud the dialogues in pairs.(first volunteer, then call the students’ numbers)2. Do some explanations if necessary and then let the students practice the difficult sentences after the teacher.3. Act out the dialogues in front of classes in pairs. (first volunteer, then call the students’ numbers)Step IV Role play. (20minutes)1. First, the teacher would require the students to make dialogues according to the following given situation. The students are given 10 minutes to make the dialogue in pairs.Situation: A guest comes to the Information Desk to ask something about shopping. He wants to buy some typical Chinese products as gifts. Try to introduce correct information and give him directions.2. The teacher would ask some pairs to act out their dialogue in front of the class.3. Give comments and advices to improve the students’ dialogues.Step V Homework assignmentFinish Exercise II, III, IV in the textbook.Learn the sentence patterns by heart and practice the dialogues.Preview the new unit.Period: 2Content:Workshop 1Unit 7 ComplaintsTeaching aims: familiar with the terms and useful phrases about handling complaints.sentence patterns skillfully in working situations.3 Making situational dialogues fluently.4. Grasp some knowledge about handling complaints.Teaching focus:1. Sentence patterns in handling the guests’ complaints.2. Practice the sample dialogues and make situational dialogues.Teaching difficulties: 1. To read the conversations fluently2. To make situational dialogues with the sentence patterns Teaching methods: interaction teaching methods, situation teaching methods Teaching procedures:The first lessonStep I: Lead-in. (10 minutes)1. The teacher would invite some students to talk about some skills in dealing with the guests’ complaints.2. In the end, the teacher would summarize the students’ answers so as to give thema clearer and better understanding of how to deal with the guests’ complaints. Misunderstandings at the Front DeskChecking the factsExplaining hotel policiesSolving the problemHow to deal with complaintsRight attitudeSteps to deal with complaintsThe importanceAll is a messApologizeTaking actionsStep II learn the new words and sentence patterns. (35minutes)1. The teacher would ask the student to read the new words and the following sentence patterns in Part 2 in the textbook. The teacher would explain the difficult points to the students if there is any.1) I am terribly/ awfully sorry.2) I’m awfully sorry for my carelessness.3) What’s the trouble, sir4) Receptionist, I’d like to make a complaint.5) Can you change my room for me It’s too noisy.6) Please accept my apology on behalf of the hotel.7) Could you attend to this matter immediately8) I’m terribly sorry. I’ll attend to it at once.9) I am sorry to have caused you so much trouble.10) Would you mind coming with me to my office and tell me exactly what happened there, Madam11) I’m sorry. It is the policy of the hotel. I hope you will understand.12) No problem, sir. We’ll manage it.13) we will look into the matter immediately. Thank you for telling me.14) I’ll make a note of that. Everything will be taken care of.15) I understand how you feel and we’ll try our best to help you.16) Sorry, madam. I’ll solve the problem for you as soon as possible.17) I am afraid you have misunderstood what I said. Perhaps I can explain it again.18) I assure you it won’t happen again.19) Just give us another chance and you will find everything will be right again the next time you go to the restaurant.20) If there is anything more you need, please let us know.21) I promise to attend to the matter immediately.22) There must be some misunderstandings.23) Can you tell me what the matter is24) thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.25) The worst thing is that the water closet is clogged and when I flushed it, it ran over.26) My diamond necklace has been stolen. It is worth $4,500. it must have been stolen by one of your maids that took it. I want my diamond necklace back.27) Managers should be responsible for customers and deal with it personally if anything goes wrong.。
