Preparation of nanometer-sized In2O3 particles by a reverse
MIP-based chiral recognition sets an exotic trend in development of chiral sensors.
Analytica Chimica Acta 853 (2015) 1–18
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Molecularly imprinted polymer based enantioselective sensing devices: A review
We present about rational design of chiral sensors as selective and sensitive devices.
GRAPArticle history: Received 20 December 2013 Received in revised form 8 June 2014 Accepted 9 June 2014 Available online 12 June 2014
ã 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
* Corresponding author at: N 16/62 E-K, Sudamapur, Vinayaka, Varanasi 221010, Uttar Pradesh, India. Tel.: +91 9450239133. E-mail addresses: mahavirtiwari@, krineshtiwari@ (M.P. Tiwari).
第29卷第3期硅 酸 盐 通 报Vo.l 29 No .3 2010年6月 BULLETI N OF T HE C H INESE CERA M IC S OC IET Y June ,2010 化学沉淀法制备纳米二氧化硅韩静香,佘利娟,翟立新,刘宝春(南京工业大学理学院,南京 210009)摘要:采用硅酸钠为硅源,氯化铵为沉淀剂制备纳米二氧化硅。
研究了硅酸钠的浓度、乙醇与水的体积比以及p H值对纳米二氧化硅粉末比表面积的影响,并用红外、X 射线衍射和透射电镜对二氧化硅粉末进行了表征。
研究结果表明在硅酸钠浓度为0.4mol/L ,乙醇与水体积比为1B 8,p H 值为8.5时可制备出粒径为5~8n m 分散性好的无定形态纳米二氧化硅。
关键词:沉淀法;纳米S i O 2;制备中图分类号:TQ127.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:100121625(2010)0320681205Preparation of Nano m eter Si O 2by Che m ica l P reci p ita ti onHA N J ing 2xiang,S HE Li 2j u an,Z HAI Li 2xin,LIU Bao 2c hun(Coll ege of Science ,Nan ji ng U n i vers it y ofTechnol ogy ,Nan ji ng 210009,Ch i na)Abstr act :Sod i u m silicane and a mmonium chlori d e were used to prepare nano meter Si O 2.The eff ects ofconcentration of sodiu m silicane ,vol u me rati o of ethanol to water and pH value on spec ific surf ace area ofSi O 2powder were investigated .The nano meter Si O 2was characteriz ed by FT 2I R,XRD and TE M .Theresu lts i n d icated that the opti m um conditi o ns of synthesizi n g nano meter Si O 2were as f ollo ws :theconcentration of sod i u m silicane was 0.4mol/L ,vol u me rati o of ethanol to water was 1B 8,p H val u e was8.5.The a morphous nano meter Si O 2is well dispersed and the average size is abou t 528nm in tha tcondition .K ey w ord s :che m ical prec i p itati o n ;nano m eter Si O 2;preparati o n作者简介:韩静香(19842),女,硕士在读.主要从事纳米材料的研究.通讯作者:刘宝春.E 2m ai:l b cli u @n j u t .edu .cn 1 引 言纳米二氧化硅为无定型白色粉末,是一种无毒、无味、无污染的材料,其颗粒尺寸小,比表面积大,是纳米材料中的重要一员。
TUNEL细胞凋亡检测试剂盒 罗氏
For research purposes only. Not for use for in vitro diagnosticprocedures for clinical diagnosis.In Situ Cell Death Detection Kit, PODKit for immunohistochemical detection and quantification of apop-tosis (programmed cell death) at single cell level, based on labeling of DNA strand breaks (TUNEL technology): Analysis by light microscopy.Cat. No. 1 684 817Store at Ϫ15 to Ϫ25°C 1 Kit (50 tests)Instruction ManualVersion 3, January 20031. Preface1.1Table of contentsP reface (2)1.1.1Table of contents (2) (3)1.2 Kitcontents (5)2. Introduction2.1Product overview (5) (8)2.2 Backgroundinformation3. Procedures and required materials (10)3.1Flow chart (10)3.2Preparation of sample material (11)3.2.1Adherent cells, cell smears and cytospin preparations (11) (12)sections3.2.2 Tissue3.2.2.1 Treatment of paraffin-embedded tissue (12) of cryopreserved tissue (14)3.3Labeling protocol (15)3.3.1 Before you begin (15)3.3.2Labeling protocol for adherent cells, cell smears, cytospin preparations,and tissues (16)3.3.3 Labeling protocol for difficult tissue (17) (18)conversion3.4 Signal (19)4. Appendix (19)4.1 Trouble-shooting (22)4.2 References (23)4.3 Relatedproducts1.2 KitcontentsCaution The Label solution contains cacodylate, toxic by inhalation and swal-lowed, and cobalt dichloride, which may cause cancer by inhalation.Avoid exposure and obtain special instructions before use.When using do not eat, drink or smoke. After contact with skin, washimmediately with plenty of water. In case of accident or if you feelunwell seek medical advice immediately (show label where possible).Collect the supernatants from the labeling reactions in a tightly closed,non-breakable container and indicate contents. Discard as regulatedfor toxic waste.Kit contents Please refer to the following table for the contents of the kit.Vial/CapLabel Contents1 blue Enzyme Solution•Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferasefrom calf thymus (EC, recom-binant in E. coli, in storage buffer•10× conc.•5×50l2 violet Label Solution•Nucleotide mixture in reaction buffer•1×conc.• 5 × 550 l3 yellow Converter-POD•Anti-fluorescein antibody, Fab frag-ment from sheep, conjugated withhorse-radish peroxidase (POD)•Ready-to-use• 3.5mlAdditional equipment required In addition to the reagents listed above, you have to prepare several solutions. In the table you will find an overview about the equipment which is needed for the different procedures.Detailed information is given in front of each procedure.Procedure Equipment Reagents Preparation of sample material (section 3.2)•Adherent cells, cell smears and cytospinpreparations (section3.2.1)•Cryopreserved tissue (section•Washing buffer: Phosphate buffered saline(PBS*)•Blocking solution: 3% H2O2 in methanol•Fixation solution: 4% Paraformaldehyde inPBS, pH 7.4, freshly prepared •Permeabilisation solution: 0.1% Triton X-100 in 0.1% sodium citrate, freshly pre-pared (6)Paraffin-embedded tissue (section•Xylene and ethanol (absolute, 95%, 90%, 80%, 70%, diluted in double distilled water)•Washing buffer: PBS*•Proteinase K*, nuclease, working solution: [10-20 µg/ml in 10 mM Tris/HCl, pH 7.4-8] Alternative treatments•Permeabilisation solution: (0.1% Triton1) X–100, 0.1% sodium citrate) , freshly prepared •Pepsin* (0.25% - 0.5% in HCl, pH 2) or trypsin*, 0.01 N HCl, nuclease free•0.1 M Citrate buffer, pH 6 for microwave irradiationLabeling protocol (section 3.3)Positive control (section 3.3.1)•Micrococcal nuclease or •DNase I, grade I *Adherent cells, cell smears, cytospin preparations, and tissues (section 3.3.2) •Parafilm orcoverslips•HumidifiedchamberWashing buffer: PBS*Difficult tissue (section 3.3.3)•Plastic jar•Microwave•Humidifiedchamber•Citrate buffer, 0.1 M, pH 6.0.•Washing buffer: PBS*•Tris-HCl, 0.1 M pH 7.5, containing 3% BSA*and 20% normal bovine serumSignal conversion (section 3.4)•Humidified chamber •Parafilm or coverslip •Washing buffer: PBS*•DAB Metal Enhanced Substrate Set* or alternative POD substrates •Mounting medium for light microscopy1.2 Kitcontents,continued2. Introduction2.1Product overviewTest principle Cleavage of genomic DNA during apoptosis may yield double-stranded, low molecular weight DNA fragments (mono- and oligonu-cleosomes) as well as single strand breaks (“nicks”) in high molecularweight DNA.Those DNA strand breaks can be identified by labeling free 3’-OH ter-mini with modified nucleotides in an enzymatic reaction.Fig. 1: Test principleApplication The In Situ Cell Death Detection Kit is designed as a precise, fast and simple, non-radioactive technique to detect and quantify apoptotic celldeath at single cell level in cells and tissues. Thus, the In Situ CellDeath Detection Kit can be used in many different assay systems.Examples are:•Detection of individual apoptotic cells in frozen and formalin fixedtissue sections in basic research and routine pathology.•Determination of sensitivity of malignant cells to drug induced apo-ptosis in cancer research and clinical oncology.•Typing of cells undergoing cell death in heterogeneous populationsby double staining procedures (6).Specificity The TUNEL reaction preferentially labels DNA strand breaks gener-ated during apoptosis. This allows discrimination of apoptosis fromnecrosis and from primary DNA strand breaks induced by cytostaticdrugs or irradiation (3, 4).Test interference False negative results: DNA cleavage can be absent or incomplete in some forms of apoptotic cell death (37). Sterical hindrance such asextracellular matrix components can prevent access of TdT to DNAstrand breaks. In either case false negative results can be obtained.False positive results: Extensive DNA fragmentation may occur in latestages of necrosis (4, 38).DNA strand breaks may also be prominent in cell populations withhigh proliferative or metabolic activity. In either case false positiveresults may be obtained. To confirm apoptotic mode of cell death, themorphology of respective cells should be examined very carefully.Morphological changes during apoptosis have a characteristic pattern.Therefore evaluation of cell morphology is an important parameter insituations where there is any ambiguity regarding interpretation ofresults.Sample material•Cytospin and cell smear preparations•Adherent cells cultured on chamber slides (31)•Frozen or formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sections (1, 25,26, 29, 30, 32–34, 36, 39)Assay time2–3 hours, excluding culture, fixation and permeabilisation of cells and preparation of tissue sections.Number of tests The kit is designed for 50 tests.Kit storage/ stability The unopened kit is stable at Ϫ15 to Ϫ25°C through the expiration date printed on the label.Reagent Storage and stabilityTUNEL reaction mixture The TUNEL reaction mixture should be pre-pared immediately before use and shouldnot be stored.Keep TUNEL reaction mixture on ice untiluse.Converter-POD Once thawed the Converter-POD solutionshould be stored at 2–8°C (maximum stabil-ity 6 months).Note: Do not freeze!Advantage Please refer to the following table.Benefit FeatureSensitive Detection of apoptotic cell death at singlecell level at very early stages (1, 2, 6).Specific Preferential labeling of apoptosis versusnecrosis (3, 4).Fast Short assay time (2-3 h).Convenient•Reagents are provided in stable, opti-mized form.•No dilution steps required.Flexible•Suitable for fixed cells and tissue. Thisallows accumulation, storage and trans-port of samples (2, 5).•Double staining enables identification oftype and differentiation state of cellsundergoing apoptosis (6).Function-tested Every lot is function-tested on apoptoticcells in comparison to a master lot.2.2 BackgroundinformationCell death Two distinct modes of cell death, apoptosis and necrosis, can be distin-guished based on differences in morphological, biochemical andmolecular changes of dying cells.Programmed cell death or apoptosis is the most common form ofeukaryotic cell death. It is a physiological suicide mechanism that pre-serves homeostasis, in which cell death naturally occurs during normaltissue turnover (8, 9). In general, cells undergoing apoptosis display acharacteristic pattern of structural changes in nucleus and cytoplasm,including rapid blebbing of plasma membrane and nuclear disintegra-tion. The nuclear collapse is associated with extensive damage tochromatin and DNA-cleavage into oligonucleosomal length DNA frag-ments after activation of a calcium-dependent endogenous endonu-clease (10, 11). However, very rare exceptions have been describedwhere morphological features of apoptosis are not accompanied witholigonucleosomal DNA cleavage (37).Apoptosis Apoptosis is essential in many physiological processes, includingmaturation and effector mechanisms of the immune system (12, 13),embryonic development of tissue, organs and limbs (14), developmentof the nervous system (15, 16) and hormone-dependent tissueremodeling (17). Inappropriate regulation of apoptosis may play animportant role in many pathological conditions like ischemia, stroke,heart disease, cancer, AIDS, autoimmunity, hepatotoxicity and degen-erative diseases of the central nervous system (18–20).In oncology, extensive interest in apoptosis comes from the observa-tion, that this mode of cell death is triggered by a variety of antitumordrugs, radiation and hyperthermia, and that the intrinsic propensity oftumor cells to respond by apoptosis is modulated by expression ofseveral oncogenes and may be a prognostic marker for cancer treat-ment (21).Identification of apoptosis Several methods have been described to identify apoptotic cells (22– 24). Endonucleolysis is considered as the key biochemical event of apoptosis, resulting in cleavage of nuclear DNA into oligonucleosome-sized fragments. Therefore, this process is commonly used for detec-tion of apoptosis by the typical “DNA ladder“ on agarose gels during electrophoresis. This method, however, can not provide information regarding apoptosis in individual cells nor relate cellular apoptosis to histological localization or cell differentiation.This can be done by enzymatic in situ labeling of apoptosis induced DNA strand breaks. DNA polymerase as well as terminal deoxynucle-otidyl transferase (TdT) (1-6, 25-36, 41) have been used for the incor-poration of labeled nucleotides to DNA strand breaks in situ. The tailing reaction using TdT, which was also described as ISEL (in situ end labeling) (5, 35) or TUNEL (TdT-mediated dUTP nick end labeling) (1, 6, 31, 33) technique, has several advantages in comparison to the in situ nick translation (ISNT) using DNA polymerase:•Label intensity of apoptotic cells is higher with TUNEL compared to ISNT, resulting in an increased sensitivity (2, 4).•Kinetics of nucleotide incorporation is very rapid with TUNEL com-pared to the ISNT (2, 4).•TUNEL preferentially labels apoptosis in comparison to necrosis, thereby discriminating apoptosis from necrosis and from primary DNA strand breaks induced by antitumor drugs or radiation (3, 4).2.2 Backgroundinformation,continued3. Procedures and required materialsThe working procedure described below has been developed andpublished by R. Sgonc and colleagues (6). The main advantage of thissimple and rapid procedure is the use of fluorescein-dUTP to labelDNA strand breaks. This allows the detection of DNA fragmentationby fluorescence microscopy directly after the TUNEL reaction priorto the addition of the secondary anti-fluorescein-POD-conjugate.3.1Flow chartAssay procedure The assay procedure is explained in the following flow chart.Adherent cells, cell smears and cytospin preparations Cryopreservedtissue sectionsParaffin-embeddedtissue sections↓↓↓Fixation •Dewaxation •Rehydration •ProteasetreatmentPermeabilisation of samples↓Addition of TUNEL reaction mixtureOPTIONAL: Analysis of samples by fluorescence microscopy↓Addition of Converter-PODAddition of Substrate solution↓Analysis of samples by light microscopy3.2Preparation of sample material3.2.1Adherent cells, cell smears and cytospin preparationsAdditional solutions required •Washing buffer: Phosphate buffered saline (PBS)•Blocking solution: 3% H2O2 in methanol•Fixation solution: 4% Paraformaldehyde in PBS, pH 7.4, freshly pre-pared•Permeabilisation solution: 0.1% Triton1) X-100 in 0.1% sodium citrate, freshly prepared (6)Procedure In the following table describes the fixation of cells, blocking of endo-genous peroxidase and cell permeabilisation.Note: Fix and permeabilisate two additional cell samples for the nega-tive and positive labeling controls.Step Action1Fix air dried cell samples with a freshly prepared Fixationsolution for 1 h at 15-25°C.2Rinse slides with PBS.3Incubate with Blocking solution for 10 min at 15-25°C.4Rinse slides with PBS.5Incubate in Permeabilisation solution for 2 min on ice (2-8°C).6Proceed as described under Tissue sections3.2.2.1 Treatment of paraffin-embedded tissuePretreatment of paraffin embedded tissue Tissue sections can be pretreated in 4 different ways. If you use Pro-teinase K the concentration, incubation time and temperature have to be optimized for each type of tissue (1, 29, 33, 36, 40, 42).Note: Use Proteinase K only from Roche Applied Science, because it is tested for absence of nucleases which might lead to false-positive results!The other 3 alternative procedures are also described in the following table (step 2).Additional solutions required •Xylene and ethanol (absolute, 95%, 90%, 80%, 70%, diluted in dou-ble distilled water)•Washing buffer: PBS•Proteinase K, nuclease free (Cat. No. 745 723), working solution: [10-20 g/ml in 10 mM Tris/HCl, pH 7.4-8]Alternative treatments•Permeabilisation solution: 0.1% Triton1) X–100, 0.1% sodium citrate, freshly prepared•Pepsin* (0.25% - 0.5% in HCl, pH 2) or trypsin*, 0.01 N HCl, nuclease free•0.1 M Citrate buffer, pH 6 for the microwave irradiationProcedure In the following table the pretreatment of paraffin-embedded tissue with Proteinase K treatment and 3 alternative procedures aredescribed.Note: Add additional tissue sections for the negative and positivelabeling controls.Step Action1Dewax and rehydrate tissue section according to standardprotocols (e.g. by heating at 60°C followed by washing inxylene and rehydration through a graded series of ethanoland double dist. water) (1, 33, 36).2Incubate tissue section for 15-30 min at 21–37°C with Pro-teinase K working solution.Alternatives:Treatment:1. Permeabilisa-tion solutionIncubate slides for 8 min.2. Pepsin* (30, 40)or trypsin*15-60 min at 37°C.3. Microwave irradiation •Place the slide(s) in a plastic jar containing 200 ml 0.1 M Citrate buffer, pH6.0.•Apply 350 W microwave irradiation for 5 min.3Rinse slide(s) twice with PBS.4Proceed as described under Treatment of paraffin-embedded tissue, continued3.2.2.2Treatment of cryopreserved tissueAdditional solutions required •Fixation solution: 4% Paraformaldehyde in PBS, pH 7.4, freshly pre-pared•Washing buffer: PBS•Blocking solution: 3% H2O2 in methanol•Permeabilisation solution (0.1% Triton1) X–100, 0.1% sodium citrate), freshly preparedCryopreserved tissue In the following table the pretreatment of cryopreserved tissue is described.Note: Fix and permeabilisate two additional samples for the negative and positive labeling controls.Step Action1Fix tissue section with Fixation solution for 20 min at 15–25°C.2Wash 30 min with PBS.Note:For storage, dehydrate fixed tissue sections 2 min inabsolute ethanol and store at Ϫ15 to Ϫ25°C.3Incubate with Blocking solution for 10 min at 15–25°C.4Rinse slides with PBS.5Incubate in Permeabilisation solution for 2 min on ice (2–8°C).6Proceed as described under protocol 3.3.1Before you beginPreparation of TUNEL reaction mixtureOne pair of tubes (vial 1: Enzyme Solution, and vial 2: Label Solution) is sufficient for staining 10 samples by using 50 l TUNEL reaction mix-ture per sample and 2 negative controls by using 50 l Label Solution per control.Note : The TUNEL reaction mixture should be prepared immediately before use and should not be stored. Keep TUNEL reaction mixture on ice until use.Additionalreagents required •Micrococcal nuclease or •DNase I, grade I (Cat. No. 104 132)ControlsTwo negative controls and a positive control should be included in each experimental set up.Step Action1Remove 100 l Label Solution (vial 2) for two negative con-trols.2Add total volume (50 l) of Enzyme solution (vial 1) to the remaining 450 l Label Solution in vial 2 to obtain 500 l TUNEL reaction mixture.3Mix well to equilibrate components.Negative control:Incubate fixed and permeabilized cells in 50 l/well Label Solution (without terminal transferase) instead of TUNEL reaction mixture.Positive control:Incubate fixed and permeabilized cells with micro-coccal nuclease or DNase I, grade I (3000 U/ml– 3 U/ml in 50 mM T ris-HCl, pH 7.5, 10 mM MgCl 2 1mg/ml BSA) for 10 min at 15-25°C to induce DNA strand breaks, prior to labeling procedures.3.3.2Labeling protocol for adherent cells, cell smears, cytospin preparations andtissuesAdditional equipment and solutions required •Washing buffer: PBS •Humidified chamber •Parafilm or coverslipProcedure Please refer to the following table.Step Action1Rinse slides twice with PBS.2Dry area around sample.3Add50l TUNEL reaction mixture on sample.Note: For the negative control add 50 l Label solution each.To ensure a homogeneous spread of TUNEL reaction mixtureacross cell monolayer and to avoid evaporative loss, samplesshould be covered with parafilm or coverslip during incuba-tion.4Add lid and incubate for 60 min at 37°C in a humidified atmo-sphere in the dark.5Rinse slide 3 times with PBS.6Samples can be analyzed in a drop of PBS under a fluores-cence microscope at this state. Use an excitation wavelengthin the range of 450–500 nm and detection in the range of515–565 nm (green).3.3.3 Labeling protocol for difficult tissueAdditional equipment and solutions required •Citrate buffer, 0.1 M, pH 6.0.•Washing buffer: PBS•Tris-HCl, 0.1 M pH 7.5, containing 3% BSA and 20% normal bovine serum•Plastic jar•Microwave•Humidified chamberProcedure Please refer to the following table.Step Action1Dewax paraformaldehyde- or formalin-fixed tissue sectionsaccording to standard procedures.2Place the slide(s) in a plastic jar containing 200 ml 0.1 MCitrate buffer, pH 6.0.3•Apply 750 W (high) microwave irradiation for 1 min.•Cool rapidly by immediately adding 80 ml double dist.water (20–25°C).•Transfer the slide(s) into PBS (20–25°C).DO NOT perform a proteinase K treatment!4Immerse the slide(s) for 30 min at 15–25°C in Tris-HCl, 0.1 MpH 7.5, containing 3% BSA and 20% normal bovineserum.5Rinse the slide(s) twice with PBS at 15–25°C.Let excess fluid drain off.6Add50µl of TUNEL reaction mixture on the section and.Note: For the negative control add 50 µl Label solution.7Incubate for 60 min at 37°C in a humidified atmosphere in thedark.8•Rinse slide(s) three times in PBS for 5 min each.•Samples can be analyzed in a drop of PBS under a fluores-cence microscope at this state. Use an excitation wave-length in the range of 450–500 nm and detection in therange of 515–565 nm (green).3.4 SignalconversionAdditional equipment and solutions required •Washing buffer: PBS•Humidified chamber•Parafilm or coverslip•DAB Substrate* (Cat. No. 1 718 096) or alternative POD substrate •Mounting medium for light microscopyProcedure Please refer to the following table.Step Action1Dry area around sample.2Add50l Converter-POD (vial 3) on sample.Note: To ensure a homogeneous spread of Converter-PODacross cell monolayer and to avoid evaporative loss, samplesshould be covered with parafilm or cover slip during incuba-tion.3Incubate slide in a humidified chamber for 30 min at 37°C.4Rinse slide 3× with PBS.5Add 50–100 l DAB Substrate or alternative POD substrates.6Incubate slide for 10 min at 15–25°C.7Rinse slide 3× with PBS.8Mount under glass coverslip (e.g. with PBS/glycerol) and ana-lyze under light microscope.Alternative: Samples can be counterstained prior to analysisby light microscope.4. Appendix4.1 Trouble-shootingThis table describes various troubleshooting parameters. Problem Step/Reagent ofProcedurePossible cause RecommendationNonspecific labeling Embedding of tissue UV-irradiation forpolymerization ofembedding material(e.g. methacrylate)leads to DNA strandbreaksTry different embedding materialor different polymerizationreagent.Fixation Acidic fixatives (e.g.methacarn, Carnoy’sfixative)•Try 4% buffered paraformal-dehyde.•Try formalin or glutaralde-hyde.TUNEL reaction TdT concentration toohighReduce concentration of TdT bydiluting it 1:2 up to 1:10 withTUNEL Dilution Buffer (Cat. No.1 966 06).Converter solution Endogenous PODactivityBlock endogenous POD byimmersing for 10 min in 3%H2O2 in methanol prior to cellpermeabilisation.Non-specific bindingof anti-fluorescein-POD•Block with normal anti-sheepserum.•Block for 20 min with PBScontaining 3% BSA.•Reduce concentration ofconverter solution to 50%. Nucleases Some tissues (e.g.smooth muscles)show DNA strandbreaks very soon aftertissue preparation•Fix tissue immediately afterorgan preparation.•Perfuse fixative through livervein.Some enzymes arestill activeBlock with a solution containingddUTP and dATP.continued on next pageHigh back-ground Fixation Formalin fixation leadsto a yellowish stainingof cells containingmelanin precursorsTry methanol for fixation buttake into account that this mightlead to reduced sensitivity.TUNEL reaction Concentration oflabeling mix is toohigh for mamma car-cinomaReduce concentration of label-ing mix to 50% by diluting withTUNEL Dilution Buffer (Cat. No.1 966 006).Converter solution Endogenous PODactivityBlock endogenous POD byimmersing for 10 min in 3%H2O2 in methanol prior to cellpermeabilisation.Non-specific bindingof anti-fluorescein-POD•Block with normal anti-sheepserum.•Block for 20 min with PBScontaining 3% BSA.•Reduce concentration ofconverter solution to 50%. Sample Mycoplasma contami-nationMycoplasma detection Kit (Cat.No. 1 296 7449).Highly proliferatingcellsDouble staining e.g. withAnnexin-V-Fluos (Cat. No. 1 828681).Note: Measuring via microplatereader not possible because oftoo high background.Low labeling Fixation Ethanol and methanolcan lead to low label-ing (nucleosomes arenot cross-linked withproteins during fixa-tion and are lost dur-ing the proceduresteps)•Try 4% buffered paraformal-dehyde.•Try formalin or glutaralde-hyde.Extensive fixationleads to excessivecrosslinking of pro-teins•Reduce fixation time.•Try 2% buffered paraformal-dehyde.Permeabilisation Permeabilisation tooshort so that reagentscan’t reach their tar-get molecules•Increase incubation time.•Incubate at higher tempera-ture (e.g. 15–25°C).•Try Proteinase K (concentra-tion and time has to be opti-mized for each type oftissue).•Try 0.1 M sodium citrate at70°C for 30 min.continued on next pageProblem Step/Reagent ofProcedure Possible cause Recommendation4.1Trouble-shooting, continuedParaffin-embedding Accessibility forreagents is too low •Treat tissue sections afterdewaxing with Proteinase K (concentration, time andtemperature have to be opti-mized for each type of tis-sue).•Try microwave irradiation at370 W (low) for 5 min in200ml 0.1 M Citrate bufferpH 6.0 (has to be optimizedfor each type of tissue).No signal on positive control DNase treatment Concentration ofDNase is too low•For cryosections apply 3 U/mlDNase I, grade I.•For paraffin-embedded tissuesections apply 1500 U/mlDNase I, grade I.•In general, use 1 U/mlDNase I, grade I, dissolved in10 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.4 con-taining 10 mM NaCl, 5 mMMnCl2, 0.1 mM CaCl2, 25 mMKCl and incubate 30 min at37°C.•Alternative buffer 50 mMTris- HCl pH 7.5 containing1mM MgCl2 and 1 mg/mlBSA.Weak sig-nals Counterstaining Not suitable dye•Counterstaining with 5%methyl green in 0,1 M veronalacetate, pH 4.0 or Hematoxi-lin is possible (43).•Double-staining with propid-ium iodide is possible butonly for detection of morpho-logical cell changes.Problem Step/Reagent ofProcedure Possible cause Recommendation4.1Trouble-shooting, continued4.2 References1Gavrieli, Y., Sherman, Y. & Ben-Sasson, S. 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The preparation of nano
Preparation of nano-magnesium phosphate gel andapplication in 3D bioprintingGood afternoon everyone! My name is Chen You, come from school of materials science and engeneering. Here, I will show you my end of term thesis contents.The title of my thesis is “Preparation of nano-magnesium phosphate gel for application in 3D bioprinting”. As we all know, 3D priting is an emerging research field and biopriting is also becoming increasingly important in the tissue engineering. So,what is the bioprinting. There are two pictures showed the process of bioprinting. It will be the possible method to replace traditional tissue engineering for manufacturing human tissue and organ in the future. But lacking of printable biomaterial has become the most obstacle in the development of 3D bioprinting. So we need to design a new biomaterial with good properties of injection, formability and biocompatibility. There- fore the main contents of my thesis is to introduce the preparation of nano-magnesium phosphate.This is the outline of my thesis. It contains three main parts. First is the present research situation about 3D bioprinting; Second is the preparation, characterization of nano-magnesium phospate(NMP). Third is the conclusions.My topic sentence is that the nano-manesium phosphate biomaterial has good properties of injection, formability and biocompatibility that can be used in 3D bioprinting. And there are six references.They are closely related to my thsis. I got them from some Web sites. At last, I show you many Web sites that can be used to search for academic literature. In my view, number 2 bai du scholar combine with number 4 google scholar is very useful method. We can obtain the most papers that we want to download.That’s all, thanks for your attention.。
a b s t r a c t
Herein, we have successfully built up connections between nanoparticles and nanoclusters, and further constructed a surface-enhanced fluorescence (SEF) strategy based on the two types of nanomaterials for selectively assaying carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA). Specifically, silver nanoclusters provided the original fluorescence signal, while gold nanoparticles modified with DNA served as the fluorescence enhancer simultaneously. On the basis of this proposed nano-system, the two nanomaterials were linked by CEA–aptamer, thus facilitating SEF occurring. Nevertheless, more competitive interactions between CEA and CEA–aptamer emerged once CEA added, leading to SEF failed and their fluorescence decreased. Significantly, this creative method was further applied to detect CEA, and showed the linear relationship between the fluorescence intensity and CEA concentrations in the range of 0.01–1 ng mL À 1 with a detection limit of 3 pg mL À 1 at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3, demonstrating its sensitivity and promising towards multiple applications. On the whole, this approach we established may broaden potential ways of combining nanoparticles and nanoclusters for detecting trace targets in bioanalytical fields. & 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
碧云天BCA Kit manual
14.Wang Yichao, Zou Quanming, Ren Jianmin, Liu Jian,Wang Xiaoqin. Preparation and character of microspheres of Helicobacter pylori whole cell protein encapsulated by chitosan - alginate. West China Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2005,20(5):375-7.
2. Wu RC, Chen DF, Liu MJ, Wang Z. Dual effects of cycloheximide on U937 apoptosis induced by its combination with VP-16. Biol Pharm Bull. 2004 Jul;27(7):1075-80.
3. 根据样品数量,按50体积BCA试剂A加1体积BCA试剂B(50:1)配制适量BCA工作液,充分混匀。例如5ml BCA试剂A加 100µlBCA试剂B,混匀,配制成5.1ml BCA工作液。 BCA工作液室温24小时内稳定。
4. 将标准品按0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20µl加到96孔板的标准品孔中,加标准品稀释液补足到20µl。 5. 加适当体积样品到96孔板的样品孔中,加标准品稀释液到20µl。 6. 各孔加入200µl BCA工作液,37℃放置20-30分钟。
Fluorescence Mounting Medium DAKO S3023
DakoFluorescenceMounting MediumENGLISH Code S3023Intended use For In Vitro diagnostic use.This product is suitable for mounting tissue specimens, cell smears, and cytospins which have been stained withfluorochromes such as fluorescein in preparation for viewing by fluorescence microscopy.Refer to the “General Instructions for Immunohistochemical Staining” or the Detection System “Instructions” ofIHC procedures for: (1) Principle of Procedure, (2) Materials Required, Not Supplied, (3) Storage, (4) SpecimenPreparation, (5) Staining Procedure, (6) Quality Control, (7) Troubleshooting, (8) Interpretation of Staining,(9) General Limitations.Reagent provided 15 mL of fluorescent mounting medium containing an anti-fading agent and 0.015 mol/L sodium azide. Precautions 1. For professional users.2. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment to avoid eye and skin contact.3. Unused solution should be disposed of according to local, State and Federal regulationsStorage Store at 2–8°C. Do not freeze.Application Fluorescent Mounting Medium enhances the visualization of specimens when viewed under a fluorescent microscope. The unique formulation of this product retards the fading of fluorescence allowing the specimens tobe reviewed long after mounting.Slides that are mounted with Fluorescent Mounting Medium and stored at 2–8°C in the dark preserve thei rfluorescent signal for at least one month.Fluorescent Mounting Medium dries completely when slides are coverslipped forming a solid coating thatfacilitates handling and storage.Procedure 1. Dispense one or two drops of Fluorescent Mounting Medium onto tissue sections or cell preparations which are mounted on a glass microscope slide.2. Apply glass coverslip over Fluorescent Mounting Medium and allow the medium to spread evenly over thespecimen.3. Slides may be examined immediately under a fluorescent microscope. However, the coverslips should not bemoved as mounting medium will not completely solidify for several minutes.4. For long-term storage the edges of the coverslip may be sealed with nail polish to prevent air pockets fromforming.FRENCH Code S3023Intérêt Pour diagnostic in vitro.Ce produit convient au montage d’échantillons de tissu, de frottis cellulaires et de cytospins colorés par desfluorochromes tels que la fluorescéine dans des préparations destinées à la microscopie par fluorescence.Se reporter aux sections « Instructions générales pour marquage immunohistochimique » ou aux « Instructions »relatives au système de détection des procédures immunohistochimiques pour en savoir plus sur : (1) lesprincipes de la procédure, (2) les matériels nécessaires mais non fournis, (3) la conservation, (4) la préparationdes échantillons, (5) la procédure d’immunomarquage, (6) le contrôle de qualité, (7) la résolution des problèmes,(8) l’interprétation de la coloration et (9) les limites générales.Réactif fourni15 mL de milieu de montage fluorescent contenant un agent antidisparition et 0,015 mol/L d’azide de sodium.Précautions 1. Pour utilisateurs professionnels.2. Porter un équipement de protection individuelle approprié pour éviter tout contact avec les yeux et la peau.3. Les solutions non utilisées doivent être jetées conformément aux réglementations locales, régionales etnationales en vigueur.Conservation Conserver entre 2 et 8° C. Ne pas congeler.Application Le milieu de montage fluorescent optimise l’observation des échantillons sous un microscope à fluorescence. La formulation unique de ce produit retarde la disparition de la fluorescence, ce qui permet de continuer à examinerles échantillons longtemps après le montage.Les lames montées avec le milieu de montage fluorescent et conservées entre 2 et 8° C à l’abri de la l umièreconservent leur signal fluorescent durant au moins un mois.Le milieu de montage fluorescent sèche entièrement lorsque les lames sont recouvertes de leur lamelle,constituant ainsi un revêtement solide qui facilite la manipulation et la conservation.Procédure 1. Placer une ou deux gouttes de milieu de montage fluorescent sur les coupes de tissu ou les préparationscellulaires montées sur une lame de microscope en verre.2. Placer la lamelle par-dessus le milieu de montage fluorescent et laisser le milieu recouvrir le spécimen demanière homogène.3. Les lames peuvent être examinées immédiatement sous un microscope à fluorescence. Toutefois, il estconseillé de ne pas déplacer les lamelles tant que le milieu de montage n’est pas complètement solidifié, cequi prend quelques minutes.4. Pour un stockage longue durée, il est préférable de sceller les bord de l’ensemble lame-lamelle avec duvernis à ongles pour éviter la formation de bulles d’air.GERMAN Code S3023Zweckbestimmung Zur Verwendung für In-vitro-Untersuchungen.Dieses Produkt eignet sich zum Eindecken von Gewebeproben, Zellabstrichen und Zytospins, die bei derVorbereitung zur Betrachtung mittels Fluoreszenzmikroskopie mit Fluorochromen wie Fluorescein gefärbtwurden.Bitte lesen Sie in der …Allgemeinen Anleitung zur immunhistochemischen Färbung” oder der …Anleitung“ desNachweissystems für IHC-Verfahren nach, um Informationen zu den folgenden Themen zu erhalten:(1) Verfahrensprinzip, (2) Zusätzlich benötigte Reagenzien und Zubehör (außerhalb des Lieferumfangs),(3) Lagerung, (4) Probenvorbereitung, (5) Färbeprozedur, (6) Qualitätskontrolle, (7) Fehlerbehebung,(8) Interpretation der Färbung, (9) Allgemeine Beschränkungen.Geliefertes Reagenz15 mL fluoreszierendes Eindeckmedium, das ein Antibleichmittel und 0,015 mol/L Natriumazid enthält.Hinweise und Vorsichtsmaßnahmen 1. Für geschultes Fachpersonal.2. Angemessene persönliche Schutzausrüstung tragen, um den Kontakt des Stoffs mit Augen und Haut zuvermeiden.3. Nicht verwendete Lösung sollte den lokalen und nationalen Vorschriften entsprechend entsorgt werden.Lagerung Bei 2–8°C lagern. Nicht einfrieren.Anwendung Fluorescent Mounting Medium verstärkt die Visualisierung von Proben bei der Betrachtung mittels eines Fluoreszenzmikroskops. Die einzigartige Formulierung dieses Produkts verzögert das Ausbleichen derFluoreszenz, wodurch die Proben noch lange Zeit nach dem Eindecken betrachtet werden können.Das Fluoreszenzsignal der Objektträger, die mit Fluorescent Mounting Medium eingedeckt und bei 2–8°C i mDunkeln gelagert wurden, hält mindestens einen Monat an.Wenn die Objektträger mit einem Deckglas versehen werden, trocknet das Fluorescent Mounting Mediumvollständig aus und bildet eine durchgehende Beschichtung, die ihre Handhabung und Lagerung erleichtert. Prozedur 1. Einen oder zwei Tropfen Fluorescent Mounting Medium auf die Gewebeschnitte oder Zellvorbereitungen geben, die auf einen gläsernen Mikroskopobjektträger aufgebracht werden.2. Das Deckglas über das Fluorescent Mounting Medium legen und sicherstellen, dass das Medium sichgleichmäßig über die Probe verteilt.3. Die Objektträger können unmittelbar darauf unter einem Fluoreszenzmikroskop untersucht werden. DieDeckgläser sollten jedoch nicht entfernt werden, da das Eindeckmedium einige Minuten benötigt, umvollständig auszutrocknen.4. Für eine langfristige Lagerung können die Kanten des Deckglases mit Nagellack versiegelt werden, um dieBildung von Luftblasen zu verhindern.Edition 06/10。
DaltonTransactionsCite this:Dalton Trans.,2013,42,12699Received 9th April 2013,Accepted 2nd May 2013DOI:10.1039/c3dt50942g /daltonSupported monodisperse Pt nanoparticles from [Pt 3(CO)3(μ2-CO)3]52−clusters for investigating support –Pt interface e ffect in catalysis †Guangxu Chen,Huayan Yang,Binghui Wu,Yanping Zheng and Nanfeng Zheng*Here we present a surfactant-free strategy to prepare supported monodisperse Pt nanoparticles from molecular [Pt 3(CO)3(μ2-CO)3]52−clusters.The strategy allows facile deposition of same-sized Pt nano-particles on various oxide supports to unambiguously study the interface e ffect between noble metal and metal oxide in catalysis.In this study,Fe 2O 3is demonstrated to be a superior support over TiO 2,CeO 2and SiO 2to prepare highly active supported Pt nanoparticles for CO oxidation,which indicates that the interfaces between Pt and iron oxide are the active sites for O 2activation and CO oxidation.IntroductionHeterogeneous catalysts with fine metal particles loaded on high-surface-area solids play an important role in industrial chemistry.1,2For example,supported Pt-based heterogeneous nanocatalysts have been widely used in hydrogenation,3,4oxidative dehydrogenation,5–7oxygen reduction reaction (ORR),8–12and so on.In general,supported metal nanocata-lysts are complex systems with performance determined by a combination of several parameters which at least include the composition,particle size and structure of metal nanoparti-cles,and also the interfaces between metal and supports.9,13–17In order to design and prepare a supported metal nanocatalyst with optimized performance,one needs to deeply understand how the overall performance is influenced by each parameter individually.However,traditional synthetic strategies to prepare supported metal nanocatalysts are based on wet impregnation methods pioneered by Universal Oil Products in the 1940s.18–20The methods typically involve the deposition of the high-valent metal precursors on supports followed by thermal or chemical reduction of the deposited precursors to directly yield metal nanoparticles on the supports.Those methods do not allow us to precisely control an individual influencing parameter in a supported metal nanocatalyst.In particular,the interface between metal and supports is di fficult to be precisely engineered while keeping otherparameters the same.Such a situation prevents us from drawing unambiguous conclusions about the interface e ffect in heterogeneous catalysis.In recent years,research e fforts have thus been devoted to the colloidal deposition method to better control the para-meters of supported metal nanocatalysts.21–23In the colloidal deposition method,well-defined metal nanoparticles are pre-pared and then deposited on supports to better control the composition,size,and shape of the metal nanoparticles.However,in order to obtain high-quality monodisperse nano-crystals,bulky capping agents,such as surfactants,24biomater-ials,19,20polymers 25–29or fatty ligands,11,12,30–32are typically employed in the synthesis.The presence of bulky capping agents on the surface of as-prepared nanoparticles would more or less block the catalytic sites.Pre-treatments are often required to clean their surfaces to make them active for cata-lysis.8,12,21,22,33,34However,one could not guarantee that a change of the uniform nature of the pre-made nanoparticles would not occur during the surface cleaning process,which could make it meaningless to pre-make uniform metal nanoparticles.The development of methods that allow the direct precision synthesis of catalytic nanomaterials is highly desirable.Dianionic [Pt 3(CO)3(μ2-CO)3]n 2−clusters have been reported as unique precursors to prepare carbon-supported monodis-perse Pt nanoparticles for electrocatalysis by Higuchi et al .35,36In this work,we now demonstrate that the [Pt 3(CO)3(μ2-CO)3]52−clusters can also be used as the precursors for the preparation of surface-clean monodisperse Pt nanoparticles supported on various high-surface-area oxide supports (i.e.,TiO 2,CeO 2,Fe 2O 3and SiO 2)for investigating support –Pt interface e ffect in catalysis.Without the need of any pre-treatment,the prepared supported catalysts exhibit support-dependent catalytic†Electronic supplementary information (ESI)available:Experimental details and data.See DOI:10.1039/c3dt50942gState Key Laboratory for Physical Chemistry of Solid Surfaces,CollaborativeInnovation Center of Chemistry for Energy Materials,and Department of Chemistry,College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Xiamen University,Xiamen 361005,China.E-mail:nfzheng@;Fax:+865922183047;Tel:+865922186821P u b l i s h e d o n 02 M a y 2013. D o w n l o a d e d b y U n i v e r s i t y o f S c i e n c e a n d T e c h n o l o g y o f C h i n a o n 28/09/2013 05:55:48.performance in CO oxidation.Fe 2O 3is revealed as a superior support over TiO 2,CeO 2and SiO 2to fabricate highly active supported Pt nanocatalysts for CO oxidation.ExperimentalMaterialsAll chemicals were commercially available and used as received without further purification.Chloroplatinic acid (H 2PtCl 6·6H 2O)was purchased from Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co.Ltd (Shanghai,China).Cerium dioxide and SiO 2nanoparticles were purchased from Sigma Aldrich.TiO 2nanoparticles (P25)and Fe 2O 3nanoparticles were purchased from Degussa and Alfa Aesar,respectively.CO (99.99%)was obtained from Linde Gas.CharacterizationsA Varian Cary 5000UV-visible spectrometer was used to record the UV-visible spectra of the reaction solution before and after reaction.The infrared (IR)spectra of the solid samples were recorded from 400to 4000cm −1on a Nicolet 380FTIR spectro-meter (Thermo Electron Corporation)by using KBr pellets.IR spectra of the liquid samples were recorded from 900to 4000cm −1with the liquid film formed in the middle of two CaF 2pellets.X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)measure-ments were carried out in a UHV system using a monochroma-tized Al K αradiation (1486.6eV)and an Omicron Sphera II hemispherical electron energy analyser.Binding energies reported herein are with reference to C (1s)at 284.5eV.The TEM images and high resolution TEM (HRTEM)image were acquired using TECNAI F30transmission electron microscope,which was operated at 300kV.The TEM samples were made by placing a 2μL sample on a carbon coated copper grid and finally dried in the air.Mass spectrum was obtained on an ESQUIRE 3000plus (Bruker)instrument operating in electro-spray ionization and negative mode.The concentrations of CO and CO 2in the e ffluent gas were analysed by an on-line gas chromatograph (FULI 9790II,TDX-01column)using N 2as the carrier gas.The dispersion of the Pt catalysts was measured by pulse adsorption of CO on a Micromeritics Auto Chem II 2920chemisorption analyzer at 50°C.Preparation of [Pt 3(CO)3(μ2-CO)3]52−clustersAqueous solution of chloroplatinic acid (H 2PtCl 6)(0.1M,0.5mL)mixed with 10mL dimethylformamide (DMF)was reduced at 50°C for 12h in a glass pressure vessel which was charged with 0.1MPa CO.The yellow reaction solution gradu-ally turned blue-green after reaction.The resulting solution was used for further preparation of supported Pt nanoparticles without any purification or other treatments.Preparation of di fferent-sized Pt nanoparticles loaded on P25In a typical experiment,1mL DMF solution of [Pt 3(CO)3(μ2-CO)3]52−clusters prepared above was firstly diluted with 4mL DMF.The as-prepared DMF solution of [Pt 3(CO)3(μ2-CO)3]52−clusters was mixed with 60mg TiO 2(P25)under vigorous stir-ring.The as-made composite was then stirred in air at room temperature for 3h.To control the size of the Pt nanoparticles,di fferent temperatures or ripening time were modified.Pt nanoparticles loaded on P25with size of 1.8,2.5and 2.8nm were produced by heating the reaction composites at 100°C for 3h,150°C for 3h and 150°C for 9h,respectively.The final precipitates were centrifuged or filtered,washed with ethanol for several times,dried in vacuum oven and used for catalysis and further characterization.Preparation of similar-sized Pt nanoparticles loaded on di fferent supportsPt (2.2±0.2nm)nanoparticles loaded on P25.10.5mL (10mg Pt)DMF solution of [Pt 3(CO)3(μ2-CO)3]52−clusters mixed with 250mg P25was stirred in the air at room tempera-ture for 12h to yield P25-supported Pt nanoparticles.Pt (2.0±0.2nm)nanoparticles loaded on CeO 2.10.5mL (10mg Pt)DMF solution of [Pt 3(CO)3(μ2-CO)3]52−clusters mixed with 250mg CeO 2was stirred in the air at room temp-erature for 12h to yield Pt nanoparticles supported on CeO 2.Pt (2.0±0.3nm)nanoparticles loaded on Fe 2O 3.10.5mL (10mg Pt)DMF solution of [Pt 3(CO)3(μ2-CO)3]52−clusters mixed with 500mg Fe 2O 3was stirred and heated at 150°C for 3h to give Fe 2O 3-supported Pt nanoparticles.Pt (2.0±0.3nm)nanoparticles loaded on SiO 2.Before the deposition of Pt nanoparticles,the surface of SiO 2was modi-fied with –NH 2by mixing 1.0g SiO 2and 100μL (3-amino-propyl)trimethoxysilane in 100mL toluene at 50°C overnight.The product was separated via centrifugation,washed with ethanol for several times and dried in vacuum.10.5mL DMF solution of [Pt 3(CO)3(μ2-CO)3]52−clusters (10mg Pt)mixed with 220mg surface-modified SiO 2was stirred and heated at 150°C for 3h to give the SiO 2supported Pt nanoparticles.Preparation of Pt nanoparticles loaded on di fferent supports with conventional impregnation methodPt nanoparticles loaded on SiO 2.An aqueous solution of chloroplatinic acid (H 2PtCl 6)(0.1M,0.25mL)and 200mg –NH 2modified SiO 2were mixed with 10mL water and then stirred at room temperature.The precipitate was separated via centrifugation.Before reducing under H 2atmosphere at 200°C for 2h,the precipitate was first dried in the vacuum oven for 12h.Pt nanoparticles loaded on P25.An aqueous solution of chloroplatinic acid (H 2PtCl 6)(0.1M,0.25mL),200mg P25and 0.1mL ammonia (28%)were mixed with 10mL water and then stirred at room temperature.The precipitate was sepa-rated via centrifugation.Before reducing under H 2atmosphere at 200°C for 2h,the precipitate was first dried in the vacuum oven for 12h.Catalysis of CO oxidationThe catalysis of CO oxidation was carried out in a continuous flow fix-bed glass reactor with an inner diameter of 5mm.CO conversion was detected by an on-line gas chromatography.PaperDalton TransactionsP u b l i s h e d o n 02 M a y 2013. D o w n l o a d e d b y U n i v e r s i t y o f S c i e n c e a n d T e c h n o l o g y o f C h i n a o n 28/09/2013 05:55:48.The gas mixture of air (40mL min −1)and CO (10mL min −1,5vol%in N 2)was controlled by mass flow controllers at atmos-pheric pressure and passed through the catalysts at a space velo-city of 270L h −1g −1Pt .The reactor was heated by an electrical heater controlled by a temperature controller.The temperature of the reactor was incrementally raised from room temperature to 170°C.The gas after catalysis reaction was sampled every ten degree by an auto-sampler.CO conversion (X CO )is calculated as:X CO conversion ð%Þ¼½CO in À½CO out½CO inÂ100The TOF (turnover frequencies)were calculated based on the specific rate and the dispersion of Pt.Specific reaction rates and TOF of Pt-based catalysts at di fferent temperatures were obtained by decreasing the weight of catalyst to ensure the CO conversion below 35%.The TOF were calculated as:TOF ¼X CO ½CO in ÂVN active sitesin ½molecules Pt sites À1s À1V is the total mole flow rate.Based on Arrhenius equation,E a and A were determined:k ¼A e ÀðE a =RT Þln k ¼ln A ÀE a RTwhere k is the rate constant of a chemical reaction at an abso-lute temperature T (in Kelvin),A is the pre-exponential factor,E a is the apparent activation energy,and R is the standard gas constant.In our case,TOF were used as the rate constant in the Arrhenius ’equation.The slopes of ln(TOF)versus T −1plots were used to determine E a .Results and discussion[Pt 3(CO)3(μ2-CO)3]52−clustersTo prepare the [Pt 3(CO)3(μ2-CO)3]52−clusters,H 2PtCl 6was reacted with CO in DMF without any surfactants or polymers at 50°C for 12h in a glass pressure vessel which was charged with 0.1MPa CO.At the end of the reaction,the color of thesolution changed from yellow to blue-green (Fig.1a),indicat-ing the formation of platinum carbonyl clusters.It has been well documented that the reaction of H 2PtCl 6with CO often leads to the formation of [Pt 3(CO)3(μ2-CO)3]n 2−clusters.37–40With a columnar structure,the [Pt 3(CO)3(μ2-CO)3]n 2−clusters can be considered as stacking oligomers of common planar tri-platinum hexacarbonyl components along the pseudo-three-fold axis through Pt –Pt bonding.38The [Pt 3(CO)3(μ2-CO)3]n 2−clusters with di fferent number (n )of planar triplatinum hexa-carbonyl units exhibit di fferent absorption bands,which have been studied by experiments and theoretical calculations.37–40To determine the degree of polymerization of the as-made clusters,UV-vis spectra were recorded for the DMF solution ofH 2PtCl 6before and after reaction (Fig.1b).Compared with the H 2PtCl 6solution,two new peaks at 400nm and 630nm appear for the clusters in DMF,consistent with that of the [Pt 3(CO)3(μ2-CO)3]52−.39,40The model of the [Pt 3(CO)3(μ2-CO)3]52−cluster is presented in Fig.1c.Only the two character-istic peaks appear in the spectrum indicates that only one kind of cluster,[Pt 3(CO)3(μ2-CO)3]52−,formed in the solution.The polymerization of the cluster was confirmed by our electro-spray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS)measure-ments.The cluster displays a well-resolved peak at 1883.2m /z under negative ion mode (Fig.2a),matching well with that of the calculated one for the [Pt 3(CO)3(μ2-CO)3]52−dianionic cluster.The infrared (IR)spectrum of the DMF solution after reaction also clearly revealed two carbonyl absorption bands at 2050and 1960cm −1(Fig.2b),which are ascribed to the term-inal and edge-bridging carbonyl groups,respectively.41Pt nanoparticles with di fferent sizesAs the Pt atoms in the clusters are in negative oxidation state,the size of the clusters can be adjusted towards higher degree of polymerization by spontaneous air oxidation.39Once the two electrons on each cluster were lost,the preparation of monodisperse Pt nanoparticles from the clusters would be possible.When the DMF solution of [Pt 3(CO)3(μ2-CO)3]52−clus-ters were simply exposed to air for 2days,uniform Pt nano-particles were produced but heavily aggregated (Fig.S1†)because of the high surface energy of the fine nanoparticles.Inspired by our previous work where the aggregation of Pt nanoparticles can be prevented by introducing supports during their syn-thesis,42we thus dispersed high-surface-area titanium oxide (P25)in the DMF solution before exposing the [Pt 3(CO)3-(μ2-CO)3]52−clusters to air.After exposure to air for several hours followed by thermal ripening in the DMF solution,the as-made product was separated via centrifugation and characterizedFig.1(a)Photographs and (b)UV-vis spectra of DMF solutions before and after reaction.(c)The structure of the [Pt 3(CO)3(μ2-CO)3]52−cluster.Dalton TransactionsPaperP u b l i s h e d o n 02 M a y 2013. D o w n l o a d e d b y U n i v e r s i t y o f S c i e n c e a n d T e c h n o l o g y o f C h i n a o n 28/09/2013 TEM.The TEM images (Fig.3)clearly reveal that supported monodisperse Pt nanoparticles were successfully produced.The single-crystalline nature of the Pt nanoparticles was also confirmed by HRTEM (Fig.S2†).Starting from [Pt 3(CO)3(μ2-CO)3]52−cluster precursors,we found in this work that the size of Pt nanoparticles can be further tuned by controlling the oxi-dation process.By tuning the thermal ripening time,P25-sup-ported Pt nanoparticles with sizes varied from 1.8nm to 2.8nm were obtained (Fig.3a –c).After being separated from solution,the as-prepared P25-supported Pt nanoparticles were subjected to IR spectral ana-lysis.In contrast with [Pt 3(CO)3(μ2-CO)3]52−clusters,no carbonyl absorption bands at 2050and 1960cm −1were observed forP25-supported Pt nanoparticles (Fig.4),indicating that CO molecules were dissociated from the cluster precursors during the oxidation and ripening process.The obtained supported Pt nanoparticles thus possess clean exposure surfaces,making them promising candidate for catalysis.Pt nanoparticles loaded on di fferent supportsStarting from [Pt 3(CO)3(μ2-CO)3]52−clusters which can be easily obtained in situ by reducing H 2PtCl 6by CO in DMF,supported surface-clean uniform Pt nanoparticles are readily prepared by simple mixing and ripening processes.Such a feature has motivated us to apply the synthetic strategy to systematically prepare a series of supported Pt nanoparticles to address some fundamental aspects in designing Pt nanocatalysts with opti-mized catalytic performances.For example,the interface e ffect in heterogeneous catalyst usually plays a crucial role in the cata-lytic activity.In many cases,however,the interface e ffect is coupled with the influence from other factors such as the size of the metal nanoparticles.Therefore,to clearly address which interface between noble metal and metal oxide is better than others,one should prepare the same-sized metal nanoparticles deposited on various supports for comparison studies.To study the interface e ffect between Pt and metal oxide of supported Pt nanocatalysts,we have attempted to employ [Pt 3(CO)3(μ2-CO)3]52−as the precursor to prepare supported uniform Pt nanoparticles on various supports (i.e.,P25,CeO 2,Fe 2O 3and SiO 2).The same amount of [Pt 3(CO)3(μ2-CO)3]52−clusters were mixed with supports and subjected to air oxi-dation to form similar-sized Pt nanoparticles on the supports.The representative TEM images (Fig.5)reveal that the obtained Pt nanoparticles are of similar size (∼2nm)and are well dispersed on the supports.In order to have Pt nanoparti-cles also deposited on SiO 2,it should be noted that the surface of SiO 2was pre-modified with –NH 2by hydrolyzing (3-amino-propyl)trimethoxysilane at 50°C overnight in toluene solution.Because of the weak interaction between [Pt 3(CO)3(μ2-CO)3]52−Fig.2(a)ESI-MS spectrum of [Pt 3(CO)3(μ2-CO)3]52−clusters under negative mode.(b)The infrared spectrum of [Pt 3(CO)3(μ2-CO)3]52−clusters in DMFsolution.Fig.3The representative TEM images of Pt nanoparticles with di fferent sizes loaded on P25:(a)1.8nm,(b)2.5nm,and (c)2.8nm.Fig.4The infrared spectrum of Pt –P25after exposure in the air.Paper Dalton TransactionsP u b l i s h e d o n 02 M a y 2013. D o w n l o a d e d b y U n i v e r s i t y o f S c i e n c e a n d T e c h n o l o g y o f C h i n a o n 28/09/2013 05:55:48.clusters and the unmodified SiO 2surface,without the –NH 2modification the Pt nanoparticles would aggregate on SiO 2(Fig.S3†).The sizes of the Pt nanoparticles supported on P25,CeO 2,Fe 2O 3and SiO 2(denoted as Pt –TiO 2,Pt –CeO 2,Pt –Fe 2O 3and Pt –SiO 2)are 2.2±0.2nm,2.0±0.2nm,2.0±0.3nm and 2.0±0.3nm,respectively.For comparison,Pt nanoparticles loaded on di fferent supports were prepared with a convention-al impregnation method.43–45The as-prepared SiO 2-and P25-supported Pt nanoparticles are rather polydispersed in size (Fig.S4†).What is worse,the Pt precursor cannot be absorbed on the 50nm Fe 2O 3nanoparticles under acidic condition or in aqueous solutions of high pH-value (10–11).The di fficulty for the conventional impregnation method to prepare mono-disperse Pt nanoparticles highlights the advantages of our strat-egy.With a similar size distribution of Pt nanoparticles,these supported Pt nanocatalysts are an ideal system to study the interface e ffect in catalysis.Interface e ffect in catalysisCO oxidation was chosen as the probe reaction to investigate the interface e ffect.As clearly illustrated in Fig.6a,the four supported catalysts exhibit quite di fferent activities in CO oxi-dation.The Pt –Fe 2O 3catalyst displayed the best catalytic per-formance with complete conversion of CO at near room temperature (Fig.6a).The catalyst also displayed a stable activity in the entire range of temperatures studied (30to 160°C).No decrease in the activity was observed during either heating or cooling process.In comparison,all the other cata-lysts (i.e.,Pt –TiO 2,Pt –CeO 2,Pt –SiO 2)achieved complete CO conversion only above 70°C,higher than that by Pt –Fe 2O 3.The enhanced activity of the Pt –Fe 2O 3catalyst could be explained by the strong metal support interaction between Pt nanoparticles and iron oxide.FeO x is commonly recognized as the active phase for oxygen activation for CO oxidation.46–50Combined with Pt nanoparticles which serve as the absorption sites for CO,the synergetic e ffect of the interface between FeO x and Pt promotes the reaction of CO oxidation.45,51Guided by these insights,we prepared the catalyst of unsupported Pt nanoparticles mixing with iron oxide (physical mixing).The performance of the catalyst was also investigated for the cata-lysis of CO oxidation under the same condition.As illustrated in Fig.S5,†the catalyst exhibited a poor activity for CO oxidation,indicating that the physical mixing strategy for the preparation of the catalyst reduced the interfaces between Pt and iron oxide and lead to the decrease of activity,which further con-firmed the importance of the interfaces.The interface e ffect is not optimal in Pt –TiO 2and Pt –CeO 2catalysts and even worse in the case of an inert support such as SiO 2.As illustrated in Fig.6a,the complete conversion of CO for Pt –SiO 2catalyst was only achieved above 160°C.The catalysts after catalysis were also characterized by TEM (Fig.S6†).The results indicate that the catalysts displayed high thermal stability exceptforFig.5The representative TEM images of Pt nanoparticles loaded on di fferent supports:(a)P25,(b)CeO 2,(c)Fe 2O 3,and (d)SiO 2.The histograms show the size distribution of the Pt nanoparticles loaded on di fferent supports,respectively.Fig.6(a)Heating and cooling (10°C min −1)light-o ffcurves of CO conversion against the temperature for the four studied catalysts.(b)Kinetic rate data for CO oxidation on four studied catalysts:(●)Pt –P25,(▼)Pt –CeO 2,(◀)Pt –Fe 2O 3,and (■)Pt –SiO 2.Dalton Transactions PaperP u b l i s h e d o n 02 M a y 2013. D o w n l o a d e d b y U n i v e r s i t y o f S c i e n c e a n d T e c h n o l o g y o f C h i n a o n 28/09/2013 05:55:48.Pt –SiO 2.The size of Pt nanoparticles loaded on SiO 2increased from 2.0nm to 2.5nm,indicating that the interaction between Pt and SiO 2was weak.But it should be noted that the Pt nano-particles loaded on SiO 2exhibited strong adsorption ability for CO in our CO titration experiments that were used to deter-mine the metal dispersions and TOFs (Fig.S7†).These results imply that a synergetic e ffect occurred at the interfaces between Pt nanoparticles and Fe 2O 3,P25and CeO 2supports,but was not present in the Pt –SiO 2catalyst.This phenomenon has been denoted as the ‘support e ffect ’in surface science and catalysis.To provide deep insight into the kinetic and energetics of CO oxidation in the presence of di fferent catalysts,turnover frequencies (TOF)at di fferent temperatures before the com-plete conversion of CO were calculated for the di fferent Pt-based catalysts (Fig.S8†).As shown in the Arrhenius plots (Fig.6b),the reaction rates on Pt –Fe 2O 3at 30°C were about 3and 16times higher than those on Pt –CeO 2and Pt –P25under the same conditions,respectively.The apparent activation energies of Pt –Fe 2O 3,Pt –P25,Pt –CeO 2,and Pt –SiO 2catalysts are 21.1±1.4kJ mol −1,48.14±2.5kJ mol −1,55.8±1.1kJ mol −1and 103.6±2.5kJ mol −1,respectively.The di fferent apparent activation energies clearly indicate that the nature of their active sites is significantly di fferent among the four cata-lysts.These results demonstrate that the metal-support inter-action could change the reaction pathway.With the lowest energy barrier among the four studied catalysts,the Pt –Fe 2O 3catalyst would be a promising catalytic system for CO removal at low temperature.Time-on-stream experiments under dry and moist atmospheres were carried out on the oxidation of CO over the Pt –Fe 2O 3catalyst at 30°C.As demonstrated in Fig.7,the activity of the Pt –Fe 2O 3catalyst under dryatmosphere decreased quickly from 100%conversion to 50%in 400min.In comparison,under the humid atmosphere (50±5%),the Pt –Fe 2O 3catalyst can realize full conversion of CO at 30°C without any decrease of the activity in 2500min,which indicates that the stability of the catalysts were enhanced by water.However,it should be noted that no obvious change in the morphology of the Pt nanoparticles was observed by TEM for the catalyst after catalysis in dry or humid conditions (Fig.S9†).Further study of the surface properties of the Pt nanoparticles loaded on di fferent supports was carried out with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS).As revealed in Fig.S10,†the Pt 4f 7/2peaks of Pt –P25,Pt –CeO 2and Pt –Fe 2O 3are located at 71.2eV,71.1eV and 71.1eV,respectively,which are consistent with metallic Pt.A molecule-level understanding of the relationship between the Pt –FeO x interfaces and the enhanced catalysis is still needed.ConclusionIn conclusion,we demonstrate a simple and e ffective strategy to prepare supported surface-clean Pt nanoparticles from di-anionic [Pt 3(CO)3(μ2-CO)3]52−clusters.Supported monodis-perse Pt nanoparticles are readily prepared by simply mixing the clusters with desired supports in air.While the size of the Pt nanoparticles can be varied by the thermal ripening process,it is possible to prepare supported Pt nanoparticles with a similar size but loaded on di fferent supports (i.e.,TiO 2,CeO 2,Fe 2O 3,and SiO 2).The obtained catalysts were applied to investigate the interface e ffect of oxide-supported Pt nanoparti-cles in CO oxidation.Fe 2O 3was demonstrated to be a superior support over TiO 2,CeO 2and SiO 2to prepare highly active sup-ported Pt nanoparticles for CO oxidation.The complete CO oxidation at room temperature was readily achieved by the as-obtained Pt –Fe 2O 3catalyst.AcknowledgementsWe thank the MOST of China (2011CB932403),the NSFC (21131005,21021061,20925103,20923004),and the Fok Ying Tung Education Foundation (121011)for the financial support.Notes and references1D.Astruc,F.Lu and J.R.Aranzaes,Angew.Chem.,Int.Ed.,2005,44,7852–7872.2M.Stratakis and H.Garcia,Chem.Rev.,2012,112,4469–4506.3C.W.Chen,T.Serizawa and M.Akashi,Chem.Mater.,1999,11,1381–1389.4K.M.Bratlie,H.Lee,K.Komvopoulos,P.D.Yang and G.A.Somorjai,Nano Lett.,2007,7,3097–3101.5S.Vajda,M.J.Pellin,J.P.Greeley, C.L.Marshall,L. 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Home Search Collections Journals About Contact us My IOPscienceA novel nanoscale catalyst system composed of nanosized Pd catalysts immobilized onFe3O4@SiO2–PAMAMThis article has been downloaded from IOPscience. Please scroll down to see the full text article.2008 Nanotechnology 19 075714(/0957-4484/19/7/075714)View the table of contents for this issue, or go to the journal homepage for moreDownload details:IP Address: article was downloaded on 01/04/2011 at 04:20Please note that terms and conditions apply.IOP P UBLISHING N ANOTECHNOLOGY Nanotechnology19(2008)075714(6pp)doi:10.1088/0957-4484/19/7/075714A novel nanoscale catalyst system composed of nanosized Pd catalysts immobilized on Fe3O4@SiO2–PAMAMYijun Jiang,Jinhua Jiang,Qiuming Gao1,Meiling Ruan,Himei Yuand Lingjun QiState Key Laboratory of High Performance Ceramics and Superfine Microstructures,Shanghai Institute of Ceramics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,1295Dingxi Road,Shanghai200050,People’s Republic of ChinaE-mail:qmgao@Received12September2007,infinal form11December2007Published31January2008Online at /Nano/19/075714AbstractThis study reports the syntheses of Fe3O4@SiO2–Gn–PAMAM–Pd(0)composites and theirapplications as magnetically recoverable catalysts for the hydrogenation of allyl alcohol.Thecontrolled growth of polyamidoamine(PAMAM)dendrimers with different generations onFe3O4@SiO2surfaces was monitored by FT-IR spectra.Subsequently,Pd nanoparticles withdiameters of about2.5nm were stabilized homogeneously on the surface ofFe3O4@SiO2–Gn–PAMAM(n=1–4),investigated by thermogravimetry(TG)andtransmission electron microscopy(TEM)measurements.The Fe3O4@SiO2–Gn–PAMAM–Pd(0)have high catalytic activity for the hydrogenation ofallyl alcohol and the rate of the reaction can be controlled by changing the generation ofPAMAM.In particular,the composites made of superparamagnetic Fe3O4nanocrystals withdiameters of about10nm are very suitable as catalyst supports for catalyst separation under arelatively low external magneticfield and catalyst re-dispersion after removing the externalmagneticfield.1.IntroductionRecently,nanosized Pd catalysts have attracted considerable interest in chemistry and material sciences,due to the potential value of their applications[1–3].However,having small sizes and high surface areas,colloidal nanosized catalyst particles have some disadvantages in practical processes,such as serious aggregation and inefficient separation.To overcome these limitations,a great deal of attention has been paid to solid-supported heterogeneous nanosized catalyst particles[4–6]. Unfortunately,interparticle and intraparticle diffusions of the substrates always have a negative effect on the activity of heterogeneous catalysts in the liquid phase.Generally speaking,the effective method to solve this problem is to reduce the carrier size(<1μm),despite such ultrafine particles being often difficult to separate with conventional means, which can result in the plugging offilters and valves[7].1Author to whom any correspondence should be addressed.To allow the regeneration of the catalysts easily from the reaction,magnetic supports were employed[8–10]. Specifically,when taking into account the demand for both low-field magnetic separation and reversible dispersion of catalysts in solutions,the superparamagnetic Fe3O4 nanocrystals with diameters ranging from9–14nm are preferred based on a recent study on size-dependent magnetic separation by Yavuz et al[11].However,the surface areas of the single superparamagnetic Fe3O4nanocrystals are too low to provide enough effective catalyst active sites.The magnetic force of a single Fe3O4nanocrystal is low and it is difficult to separate magnetically when they have contacted the catalysts. Thus,the aggregate of several Fe3O4nanocrystals with diameters ranging from9–14nm are preferred under practical conditions.Besides,the single magnetic nanocrystals suffer from their destruction under rigorous conditions,but the silica-coated magnetic nanoparticles are stable[12–14].In particular, Ying et al reported the loading of Pd nanoparticles on the surface-modified SiO2-coated Fe2O3magnetic supports,whichhave a high activity for the hydrogenation of nitrobenzene[13]. These mercaptosilane and aminesilane functionalities mainly act as conjugates between silica and metal nanoparticles, and basically the catalysts are deposited onto the surfaces of the silica particles.Polyamidoamine(PAMAM)dendrimers are highly branched,well-defined synthetic macromolecules available in nanometre dimensions[15].The characteristic of the dendrimers is that they have many functional groups and large openings in the molecular structure and can be soft adsorbents that permit the passage of the substrates and products of the catalytic reactions.So,they may act as both stabilizer and porous nanoreactors in the preparation and application of nanocatalysts[2,16].Here,we report a novel kind of nanoscale composite consisting of nanosized Pd catalysts and silica–PAMAM-coated superparamagnetic Fe3O4nanocrystals.Their hydrogenation properties are also demonstrated.2.Experimental details2.1.ChemicalsFeCl3·6H2O(99.0%),FeCl2·4H2O(99.0%),3-aminopropyltri-methoxysiliane(APTMS,98%),tetrabutyl ammonium bro-mide(TBAB,99%)and ethylenediamine(99.9%)were pur-chased from Aldrich.Tetraethyl orthosilicate(TEOS),poly-(vinylpyrrolidone)(PVP,M w=29000)and other organic sol-vents which are all of analytical grade were purchased from Shanghai Chemical Company.All the chemicals were used as received,without further purification.2.2.Preparation of SiO2-coated Fe3O4nanoparticles1.296g of FeCl3·6H2O and0.8g of FeCl2·4H2O were dissolved in40ml water under argon.The solution was added dropwise to40ml of1.0M NH3·H2O solution with vigorous stirring.The resulting black precipitate was isolated via applying an external magneticfield and washed four times with water.Thefinal black precipitate was added to.88ml of 25.6g l−1PVP,which was then dissolved in100ml of water. This mixture was stirred for24h at room temperature.The PVP-stabilized Fe3O4nanoparticles and100ml of ammonia solution(30wt%)were dispersed in2.0l of2-propanol and sonicated for1h.Under continuous magnetic stirring,15ml of TEOS dissolved in100ml of2-propanol was consecutively added to the above PVP-stabilized Fe3O42-propanol solution and then kept for about3h.The resulting red-brown SiO2-coated Fe3O4was separated after washing three times with2-propanol and the powder was dried at50◦C in a dry-box for further use.2.3.Preparation of Fe3O4@SiO2–Gn–PAMAMExcess APTMS(7.0ml,6.6g)was added to anhydrous toluene which contains10g of as-synthesized SiO2-coated Fe3O4 nanoparticles.The mixture was stirred for24h at105◦C under argon.The resulting solid wasfiltered,washed with toluene and dried at room temperature overnight.The as-synthesized amine-functionalized magnetic particles(9.0g)and dry methanol(300ml)were mixed and sonicated for 40min.Subsequently,70ml of methyl acrylate and0.46g of TBAB were added to the above mixture solution.Finally, the mixture was stirred at60◦C for2d under argon.The suspension was cooled andfiltered through a medium pore frit and washed with methanol three times.The residual solvent was removed in vacuum,leading to Fe3O4@SiO2–G0.5–PAMAM.The resulting powder was then added to 200ml of dry methanol and sonicated for40min.Then, 150ml of ethylenediamine and0.46g of TBAB were added to the mixture and stirred at60◦C for2d under argon.The resultingfirst-generation Fe3O4@SiO2–G1–PAMAM was also filtered and washed.The second,third and fourth generation dendrimers were prepared in a similar process by repeating the required steps,except that the catalyst amount for each generation was two times that for the prior generation.2.4.Preparation of Fe3O4@SiO2–Gn–PAMAM–Pd(0)In a typical experiment to prepare Fe3O4@SiO2–Gn–PAMAM–Pd(0),0.2g of the as-synthesized Fe3O4@SiO2–Gn–PAMAM powder was added to30ml of 3.3mM (NH4)2PdCl4(home-made)aqueous solution and stirred for 24h at room temperature.Under the attraction of the magnet, Fe3O4@SiO2–Gn–PAMAM–Pd2+was separated,washed and dried to obtain a brown powder.Consequently,the powder was reduced by30ml of0.1M NaBH4aqueous solution to get a dark brown powder(Fe3O4@SiO2–Gn–PAMAM–Pd(0)).2.5.CharacterizationFourier transform infrared(FT-IR)spectra were recorded on a Thermo Nicolet FT-IR spectrometer using the standard KBr disc method for the range400–4000cm−1with a resolution of2cm−1.Thermogravimetric(TG)measurements were carried out on a Netzsch STA429C instrument.A Vista Axial CCD Simultaneous ICP-AES(inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometer)was employed for the elemental analyses.High resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM)images were taken using afield emission JEM 2010electron microscope at200kV.Energy-dispersive x-ray spectra(EDS)analyses were performed on an OXFORD Links ISIS EDX attached to the HRTEM.Powder x-ray diffraction (XRD)patterns were collected on a Rigaku D/MAX-2250V diffractometer using Cu Kαradiation(wavelengthλ=1.5147˚A).2.6.Catalytic activity and magnetic measurementsCatalytic hydrogenations were run in a100ml,three-neck round-bottomedflask at room temperature(28±2◦C).H2was bubbled through a glass pipe at the bottom of the solution at afixed rate controlled by a valve and the solution was stirred throughout the reaction at a constant agitation speed.A certain amount of allyl alcohol and10mg of different generation catalysts were contained in the methanol–water solution(50ml 4:1v/v)initially.Suspensions of the catalysts in solution were bubbled with H2for15min before adding the substrates. Gas chromatography(SP-6890equipped with an AT-SE-30Scheme1.Illustration of the preparation of Fe3O4@SiO2–Gn–PAMAM–Pd(0)inorganic–organic hybrid composites.capillary column)was used to monitor the reactions.The magnetic properties were determined using a Quantum Design superconducting interference device magnetometer(MPMS)at room temperature.3.Results and discussionScheme1shows this synthesis strategy.First,the Fe3O4@SiO2 particles were obtained according to the literature[17]. Consequently,combining the methods[5,14,18],the PAMAM dendrimers up to fourth generation were grown on the surface of Fe3O4@SiO2to obtain the Fe3O4@SiO2–Gn–PAMAM(where n is the generation of the dendrimer, abbreviated as Gn)employing a divergent route starting from the amine-functionalized Fe3O4@SiO2.A Michael-type addition reaction took place between the pre-existing amino groups and the methyl acrylates with the ratio of two propionate ester groups to one amino group.Subsequent ester moieties reacted with ethylenediamine to complete the generation.Repetition of these two reactions produced the desired generation of the dendrimers.These processes were monitored with FT-IR.Figure1shows the FT-IR spectra of every generation of Fe3O4@SiO2–Gn–PAMAM.The peak at1735cm−1may be attributed to the C–O stretching of the ester group in all half-generation products.When the half-generation products reacted with ethylenediamine to form the corresponding full generation,the peak of1735cm−1disappeared,indicating that the reaction took place.The band at3294cm−1is due to the–NH2stretching,the peaks at2947and2850cm−1are assigned to the C–H stretching,the strong bands at1643cm−1 could be assigned to the C–O stretching of–C=O–and the peaks at1550cm−1are attributed to the N–H bending of the secondary amide groups(–CONH–).The increase in the relative intensity of the above peaks indicates that the dendrimers were successfully constructed on the surface of Fe3O4@SiO2.To further prove that the reaction took place, the thermogravimetric analyses(figure2)were employed.The weight losses of the organic components in Fe3O4@SiO2, G0(amino-functionalized Fe3O4@SiO2)and G1–G4were 8.4,7.8,8.7,12.5,13.5and15.3wt%,respectively.These results are lower than the weight losses of the corresponding PAMAM-SBA-15systems[18],due to the low surface areas of the nanosized magnetic particles.Interestingly,we found the solubility of the hybrid composites was improved in methanol with the increase of generation during the preparation, suggesting that the content of the organic compound was increased during the process.It is worth noting that the weight loss of Fe3O4@SiO2may be caused by the losses of PVP and some unhydrolyzed TEOS.The reason that the weight loss of Fe3O4@SiO2is a little higher than that of G0 is that the unhydrolyzed TEOS or PVP of the Fe3O4@SiO2 was dissolved off the Fe3O4@SiO2during the reaction in the methanol solution.Finally,Pd2+ions were introduced into the dendrimers on the surface of Fe3O4@SiO2and they were subsequently reduced by BH−4,which resulted in the formation of dark brown powders of Fe3O4@SiO2–Gn–PAMAM–Pd(0). The Pd(0)amounts of every kind of catalyst(G0–G4)wereTable1.Hydrogenation activities of the Fe3O4@SiO2–Gn–PAMAM–Pd(0)(n=0–4)catalysts.Fe3O4@SiO2–G0–PAMAM–Pd(0)Fe3O4@SiO2–G1–PAMAM–Pd(0)Fe3O4@SiO2–G2–PAMAM–Pd(0)Fe3O4@SiO2–G3–PAMAM–Pd(0)Fe3O4@SiO2–G4–PAMAM–Pd(0)TOF a80904806443439973068 Conversion(%)>99.5%>99.5%>99.5%>99.5%99.5%a The turnover frequencies(TOFs)were measured as moles hydrogenated allyl alcohol per molar Pd per hour.Reaction conditions:allyl alcohol(10mmol),catalyst(10mg)and methanol–H2O(50ml,v/v=4/1). Figure1.FT-IR spectra of(a)stretching of the–NH2,(b)C–H stretching,(c)C–O stretching of the ester groups,(d)stretchingvibration of the C=O and(e)N–H bending of the–CONH–. determined by ICP.The results show that the Fe3O4@SiO2–G(0-4)–PAMAM–Pd(0)nanocatalysts contained1.30, 1.36,1.81,2.26and2.62wt%of Pd(0),respectively.Noticeably,the content of Pd(0)also increased with the generation,indicatingthe increase of the concentration of the ligands(–NH2)onthe surface of nanosized magnetic particles.Theoretically,the increase of every generation should be accompanied with onetime increase of–NH2ligands,which can be seen in scheme1. However,in practice,it is always lower than this value becausethe Michael-type addition reaction is not complete for some ligands due to the possibly spatial restriction.Figure3shows the TEM images of Fe3O4@SiO2–G4–PAMAM–Pd(0).It can be seen that the sizes of the magnetic particles are about60–100nm.Several Fe3O4(∼10nm)particles are coated by amorphous SiO2to producethe Fe3O4@SiO2structure and the thickness of the shell is∼20nm.The nanosized Pd particles are well dispersed on the surface of Fe3O4@SiO2.Their sizes are small and uniform(∼2.5nm),which is smaller than that of the G4–PAMAM (3.7–4.0nm)estimated from the literature[19].Theelemental Figure2.TG curves of(a)Fe3O4@SiO2,(b)–(f)Fe3O4@SiO2–G(0–4)–PAMAM of every generation of the products.compositions of the nanoparticles were confirmed by EDSmeasurement.To character the structures of the composite materials,XRD patterns were recorded.As presented infigure4, the XRD pattern of nanosized magnetic particles shows thecharacteristic peaks of Fe3O4(figure4(a))[20].When coatedwith SiO2,there appears a new broad band(2θ=15◦–30◦) assigned to the amorphous silica,except for the peaks of Fe3O4(figure4(b)).Figure4(c)shows the slow scan XRD patternof Fe3O4@SiO2–G4–PAMAM–Pd(0).We found that there isan inconspicuous increase at about2θ=40◦attributed to the (111)reflection of Pd(0)crystals[21].The weak signal of XRD may result from the effects of the small amounts and sizes.Recently,different nanosized Pd catalysts have beenemployed to study the hydrogenation reactions[1,6,13].To evaluate the catalytic properties of these catalysts,hydrogenation of allyl alcohol was performed at roomtemperature as a model reaction[18].The results are shown infigure5and table1.The conversion of allyl alcohol on all the catalysts is almost100%and the selectivity to the hydrogenated products of1-propanol is about89.0%when the reaction reached completion.The composite of Fe3O4@SiO2–G0–PAMAM–Pd(0)has the highest activity among them,with a TOF value2.6times the Fe3O4@SiO2–G4–PAMAM–Pd(0). The activity of the catalyst decreased along with the increase of the generation.Possibly,the higher generation the PAMAM is,the harder the substratesfind it to pass through the catalyst surface to interact on the active sites.In other words,the PAMAM may adjust the rate of the reaction.This observationC n tEnergy (Kev)Figure 3.HRTEM images ((A),(B))and EDS pattern (C)of Fe 3O 4@SiO 2–G4–PAMAM–Pd(0).Figure 4.XRD patterns of (a)Fe 3O 4,(b)Fe 3O 4@SiO 2and (c)Fe 3O 4@SiO 2–G4–PAMAM–Pd(0).agrees well with our and other reports [18,22].The TOF values of the Fe 3O 4@SiO 2–Gn–PAMAM–Pd (0)(n =1–4)catalyst are several times higher than that of the corresponding catalyst prepared in the channel of mesoporous SBA-15[18],due to the absence of mass-transfer limitations and the lower amounts of Pd on thecatalysts.Figure 5.The percentage of allyl alcohol hydrogenated versus reaction time over different generations ofFe 3O 4@SiO 2–Gn–PAMAM–Pd (0)(n =0–4)catalysts.A representative hysteresis loop of the Fe 3O 4@SiO 2–G4–PAMAM–Pd(0)catalyst is shown in figure 6.At room temperature the saturation magnetization of the nanocomposite is 15.8emu g −1at an external field of 10kOe,which is basically close to other results elsewhere when normalized to the Fe 3O 4magnetic core nanocrystals with about 10nm-10000-5000500010000-20-15-10-505101520M (e m u /g )H (Oe)Figure 6.Magnetic hysteresis loops ofFe 3O 4@SiO 2–G4–PAMAM–Pd(0)nanocomposites at 300K.The inset shows the practical model of catalyst separation and re-dispersion under an external magnetic field.(This figure is in colour only in the electronic version)diameter sizes [23].On the one hand,this feature allows catalyst separation under relatively low external magnetic field.On the other hand,the almost negligible coercivity indicates the superparamagnetic property of this sample,which is available for re-dispersion of the catalysts in solution without the occurrence of severe assembly and/or aggregation usually appearing for ferromagnetic nanoparticles [11].The inset of figure 6demonstrates the practical model of catalyst separation and re-dispersion under an external magnetic field.We examined the reaction and found that no products were produced when the catalysts were isolated by magnet.Consequently,we can conclude that the catalysts can be recovered entirely and there is no Pd leaching in the reaction.After removing the magnet from the batch a few minutes later the catalysts were re-dispersed completely as shown before adding the magnet.All these results show that the composites made of superparamagnetic Fe 3O 4nanocrystals with about 10nm diameter sizes are very suitable as catalyst supports for magnetic separation and re-dispersion.We also investigated the repeated use of recovered catalysts for four consecutive rounds of reactions.After a reaction,the catalysts were magnetically separated,washed by methanol,air-dried and used directly for a subsequent round of reaction without further purification.Results show that the reactivity gradually decreases to about 83%of the initial run after five runs,but drops to about 60%for the sixth run.4.ConclusionsIn conclusion,we have prepared a novel nanoscale catalyst system composed of nanosized Pd catalysts immobilized on Fe 3O 4@SiO 2–Gn–PAMAM (n =1–4).The Pd nanosized particles are small (∼2.5nm)and homogeneously dispersed on the surface of the Fe 3O 4@SiO 2–Gn–PAMAM (n =1–4).These characteristics of the systems lead to the high catalytic activity for hydrogenation of allyl alcohol and therate of the reaction can also be controlled by changing the generation of PAMAM.The silica in the system may physically protect the Fe 3O 4core apart from corruption in the reaction environments and the surface functional groups may contact PAMAM tightly.Thus,the silica is the key to the high stability of the system.The characteristics of the cores consisting of homogeneously dispersed superparamagnetic Fe 3O 4nanocrystals with diameters of about 10nm are prominent for separation under relatively low external magnetic fields.AcknowledgmentsThis work was supported by the Chinese National Science Foundation (no.U0734002),the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Bairen Project and Creative Foundation)and the Shanghai Nanotechnology Promotion Center (no.0652nm025).References[1]Zhao M and Crooks R M 1999Angew.Chem.Int.Edn 38364[2]Son S U,Jang Y,Park J,Na H B,Park H M,Yun H J,Lee J andHyeon T 2004J.Am.Chem.Soc.1265026[3]Narayanan R and El-Sayed M A 2004J.Phys.Chem.B1088572[4]Yoon B and Wai C M 2005J.Am.Chem.Soc.12717174[5]Wang C,Zhu G,Li J,Cai X,Wei Y,Zhang D and Qiu S 2005Chem.Eur.J.114975[6]Kidambi S and Bruening M L 2005Chem.Mater.17301[7]Gao X,Yu K M K,Tam K Y and Tsang S C 2003Chem.Commun.2998[8]Lu A,Schmidt W,Matoussevitch N,Bonnemann H,Spliethoff B,Tesche B,Bill E,Kiefer W and Schuth F 2004Angew.Chem.Int.Edn 434303[9]Hu A,Yee G T and Lin W 2005J.Am.Chem.Soc.12712486[10]Tsang S C,Caps V,Paraskevas I,Chadwick D andThompsett D 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Synthesis characterization of near-infrared fluorescent andmagnetic iron zero-valent nanoparticles
Synthesis and characterization of near-infrared fluorescent and magnetic iron zero-valent nanoparticlesNagore Pérez a ,Leire Ruiz-Rubio a ,*,JoséLuis Vilas a ,b ,Matilde Rodríguez a ,Virginia Martinez-Martinez a ,Luis M.León a ,baDepartamento de Química Física,Facultad de Ciencia y Tecnología,Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU),Apdo 644,Bilbao 48080,Spain bBasque Center for Materials,Applications and Nanoestructures (BCMATERIALS)Parque Tecnológico de Bizkaia,Ed 500,Derio 48160,SpainA R T I C L E I N F OArticle history:Received 4May 2015Received in revised form 4September 2015Accepted 6September 2015Available online 9September 2015Keywords:Iron zero valent nanoparticles Fluorescent MagneticPolyethylenglycolA B S T R A C TPolyethylene glycol coated iron nanoparticles were synthesized by a microemulsion method,modi fied and functionalized.The polymer coating has a crucial role,preventing the iron oxidation and allowing the functionalization of the particles.The nanoparticles were characterized and their magnetic properties studied.A photochemical study of the iron nanoparticles conjugated with a near-infrared fluorescent dye,Alexa Fluor 660,con firmed that the fluorescent dye is attached to the nanoparticles and retains its fluorescent properties.The bioimages in red and near-infrared (NIR)region are favourable due to its minimum photodamage and deep tissue penetration.The nanoparticles obtained in this study present a good magnetic and fluorescent properties being of particular importance for potential applications in bioscience.ã2015Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionA broad range of nanosized inorganic particles,including magnetic nanoparticles and quantum dots,have been extensively investigated because of their unique optical,electrical and magnetic properties [1–5].Moreover,magnetic iron oxide colloids have been successfully used as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)contrast agents and for cancer hyperthermia therapy [6–9].The shape,size and size distribution of the magnetic materials are the key factors in determining their chemical and physical properties.Thus,the development of size and shape-controlled magnetic materials is crucial for their application [3,9].So far,the most widely used and studied magnetic material is iron oxide,in the form of magnetite (Fe 3O 4)and maghemite (g -Fe 2O 3).Elemental iron has a signi ficantly higher magnetic moment than its oxides.Moreover,elemental iron is the most useful among the ferromagnetic elements;it has the highest magnetic moment at room temperature (218emu g À1in bulk),and a Curie temperature which is high enough for the majority of practical applications.However,obtaining Fe nanoparticles,relatively free of oxide (usually Fe 3O 4),is still a challenge,to a large extent,not overcome [10–13].Besides the properties of the metallic core,the coating of the nanoparticles could determinate or improve the uses of this kind of materials.For example,functionalized magnetic nanoparticles have been employed for site-speci fic drug delivery [14]or treatment waterwaste [15,16].The variety of potential coating materials is continuously increasing with the development of new polymeric materials.However,polyethylene glycol (PEG)could be considered one of the most suitable polymer coatings for nanoparticles designed to be used in biomedicine.PEG is a water-soluble polymer with a low toxicity and antibiofouling properties that make it an appropriate candidate for several bioscience related applications [17,18].PEG chains attached to a nanoparticle surface exhibit a rapid chain motion,this could contribute to the good physiological properties of the PEGylated nanoparticles [19]for imagining and therapy application.Also,successful studies haven been devoted to PEG-PLA coated nano-particles for drug delivery [20,21].PEG grafted onto the surface of nanoparticles provides steric stabilization that competes with the destabilizing effects of Van der Waals and magnetic attraction energies.Thus,there is a growing demand for improved methods for the synthesis and characterization of polyethylene glycol (PEG)derivatives [22–25].Especially,polyethylene glycols (PEGs)of long polymeric chains have found signi ficant applications in the structure stabilization [26–28].Finally,the polymeric coatings of the nanoparticles could be conjugated with antibodies or fluorescent dyes adding different*Corresponding author.E-mail (L.Ruiz-Rubio)./10.1016/j.jphotochem.2015.09.0041010-6030/ã2015Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A:Chemistry 315(2016)1–7Contents lists available at ScienceDirectJournal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A:Chemistryj o u rn a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /j p h o t o c h emproperties to the system[29–31].That is,fluorescent-magnetic nanoparticles could be designed as an all-in-one diagnostic and therapeutic tool,able to visualize and simultaneously treat various diseases.Fluorescence imaging is one of the most powerful techniques for monitoring biomolecules in living pared with fluorescent imaging in the visible region,biological imaging in red and near-infrared(NIR)region is favourable due to its minimum photodamage,deep tissue penetration,and minimum background autofluorescence caused by biomolecules in living systems. Therefore,chromophores with emission in red or near-infrared region have been paid increasing attention in recent years[32,33].However,there is a specific difficulty in the preparation of fluorescent magnetic nanoparticles due to the risk of quenching of thefluorophore on the particle surface by the magnetic core.This problem could be solved by coating the magnetic core with a stable isolating shell prior to the introduction of thefluorescent molecule or by attaching an appropriate spacer to thefluorophore.Most fluorescent magnetic nanoparticles thus have a core-shell struc-ture.Several studies have been devoted to develop iron oxide nanoparticles conjugated withfluorescent dyes,in order to obtain dual-responsive nanoparticles,with magnetic andfluorescent response[31].Often,the methods are time consuming due to the many synthetic steps or the fact that gold or silica precoating is required to protect the iron oxide nanoparticles previous to their functionalization[34–36].Also,there is a significant lack on studies about iron nanoparticles functionalized withfluorophores [37].The aim of this work is to synthesize iron nanoparticles coated with a PEG-derivative and functionalized with afluorescent dye.The iron core of the nanoparticles will provide higher magnetization saturation than iron oxides,the PEG not only protects the metallic core but also adds interesting properties to biologically related applications.The selectedfluorescent dye, imaging in red and near-infrared,is highly adequate for an application in medicine owing to its low photodamage.So,the obtained nanoparticles could be highly promising materials for combined MR/Optical imaging applications.2.Materials and methods2.1.ChemicalsAll chemicals were reagent grade and used without purification. Ferrous chloride tetrahydrate(FeCl2Á4H2O),sodium borohydride (NaBH4)and cyclohexan solvent were purchased from Sigma–Aldrich.Methanol and chloroform were purchased from Panreac and Lab-Scan,respectively.Polyethylene glycol(PEG)of1000g molÀ1molecular weight and methoxy polyethylene glycol(mPEG) of2000g molÀ1molecular weight were obtained from Sigma–Aldrich.Deionized Millipore Milli-Q water was used in all experiments.Alexa Fluor1660Protein Labeling Kit was purchased from Invitrogen.2.2.Synthesis of iron nanoparticlesThe preparation of PEG-stabilized nanoscale zero-valent iron nanoparticles was carried out via a controlled microemulsion method.The microemulsion synthetic methodology makes use of a biphasic heterogeneous solution of water-in-oil in which iron precursors are stirred.Water droplets are used as nucleation sites for the formation of nanoparticles,often in the presence of surfactant molecules dispersed in the oil,essentially forming micelles.The reactions were carried out at room temperature using a single micellar system(sample FePEG-04)and two micellar systems(sample FePEG-02).The procedure followed in thefirstcase is described here.A surfactant solution prepared by dissolving31.5g of polyeth-ylene glycol in105mL of cyclohexane was maintained understirring and degassed for10min under N2atmosphere.Next,6mLof0.33M FeCl2Á4H2O were added to the surfactant solution,stirred and degassed for10min.Metal particles were formed inside thereverse micelles via reduction of the metal salt using an excess ofNaBH4(6mL, 1.76M).After a few minutes,the reaction wasquenched by adding50mL of chloroform and50mL of methanol.The black precipitate was recovered with a permanent magnet,washed several times with methanol and dried under vacuum.The same procedure was carried out in the synthesis performedby two micellar systems with the only difference that the reducingagent(NaBH4),was added in aqueous solution instead of in solidform.This solution,when added toflask reaction,will result thesecond micellar system.Definitely,the method involves mixingtwo microemulsions:one containing the metal salt and the otherthe reducing agent;due to collision and coalescence of the dropletsthe reactants are brought into contact and react to form thenanoparticles.Polyethylene glycol methyl ether(mPEG)shows greaterversatility in functionalization,which increases the potentialapplications of nanoparticles.Specifically,this will be thederivative chosen to functionalize nanoparticles.The syntheseswith this surfactant were carried out at room temperature using asingle-micellar system,0.40g of iron salt,0.20g of the reducingagent,105cm3of cyclohexane and6.0g of water.The concentrationof surfactant in this system was0.095M.2.3.Functionalization of nanoparticles and labelling withfluorescentdyeThe incorporation of thefluorescent molecule to the nano-particles consists of several steps.Firstly,functionalized nano-particles are synthesized and then thefluorophore is anchored.After that the labelled nanoparticles must be purified to take outthe excess dye by size-exclusion chromatography.2.3.1.Modification of mPEGPolyethylene glycol methyl ether(mPEG)of molecular weight2000g molÀ1wasfirstly treated to obtain the aldehyde-derivativeby oxidation of the hydroxyl end groups by dimethylsulfoxide(DMSO)and acetic anhydride at room temperature.Then them-PEG-amine was obtained by the method described by Harriset al.[38],via reduction of the aldehyde groups using sodiumcyanoborohydride in methanol at room temperature.2.3.2.Synthesis of nanoparticles with mPEG-NH2and PEGThe synthesis of nanoparticles was performed by the methodpreviously described for one micellar system.Owing to the smallamount of materialfluorescent necessary,the appropriate amountof mPEG-NH2was used,and the rest was PEG surfactant,as alreadyshown,to provide adequate protection to the nanoparticles.The surfactant consisted of a mixture of7.5g of PEG and217mgof mPEG-NH2,amounts required to have a total surfactantconcentration of0.30M.belling of nanoparticlesThe interaction of metal nanoparticles withfluorophores nearits surface affects the intensity of their emission being critical thedistance between thefluorophore and the surface of thenanoparticle so that thefluorescence is quenched when thedistance is too short.For this study Alexa Fluor660was used.Thisis a succinimidyl ester of Alexa Fluor which exhibits bright fluorescence and high photostability characteristics allowing us to2N.Pérez et al./Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A:Chemistry315(2016)1–7capture images that were previously unattainable with conven-tional fluorophores.Moreover it provides an ef ficient and convenient way to selectively link to primary amines.On the other hand,its absorption and fluorescence bands are far from those of the nanoparticles,so that the spectral overlapping is negligible.The PEGylated nanoparticles were fluorescently labelled by reaction with Alexa Fluor 660carboxylic acid succinimidyl ester which formed a chemical bond with the NH 2group of mPEG-NH 2.For that,the procedure established by Invitrogen [39]was followed.Brie fly,a solution of sodium bicarbonate was added to the nanoparticles suspension in order to reach a pH between 7,5and 8,5since succinimidyl esters react ef ficiently at this pH range.The reactive dye was added to the solution and the reaction mixture was stirred for 1h at room temperature.Separation of the labelled nanoparticles from dye which has remained unreacted was carried out using a puri fication column containing the Bio-Rad BioGel P30resin.2.4.Characterization of nanoparticlesThe crystallite phase of the coated nanoparticles was identi fied by recording X-ray diffraction patterns (XRD)using a Bragg –Brentano u /2u Philips diffractometer.Size and shape of nanoparticles were studied by transmission electron microscopy (TEM).Measurements were carried out using a Philips CM 200equipment operating at an accelerating voltage of 200KV.For this,a drop of dilute methanol solution of the nanoparticles was placed onto a copper grid coated with carbon film with a Formvar membrane and allowed to air dry before being inserted into the microscope.Magnetic properties were studied with a vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM).57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy measurements were carried out at room temperature (RT)in transmission geometry using a conventional spectrometer with a 57Co-Rh source.Reported isomer shift (d )and internal magnetic hyper fine field (BHF)values are relative to metallic Fe at room temperature.The UV –vis absorption spectra were recorded on a Varian double beam spectrophotometer (Cary 4E)in transmittance mode,in the region of 200–900nm.The fluorescence spectra were performed on a SPEX fluorimeter (Fluorolog 3-22).The emission spectra were recorded in the 250–800nm range,by exciting at different wavelengths,depend-ing on the sample.Fluorescence single-particle measurements were performed in a time-resolved fluorescence confocal microscope (model MicroTime 200,PicoQuant).Fluorescence lifetime images (FLIM)are processed with ShymPhotime software (Picoquant)by sorting all photons of one pixel into a histogram and fitted to an exponential decay function to extract lifetime information;the procedure was repeated for every pixel in the image.A 640nm pulsed laser diode,with 70ps pulses was used as excitation source.Spectra were recorded by directing the emission beam to an exit port,where a spectrograph (model Shamrock 300mm)coupled to a CCD camera (Newton EMCCD 1600Â200,Andor)were mounted.3.Results and discussion3.1.Spectroscopic and crystallographic characterizationPolyethylene glycol and polyethylene glycol methyl ether coated iron nanoparticles were characterized by XRD measure-ments as shown in Fig.1.The spectrum of PEG coated samples obtained by one or two micellar systems (Fig.1a)shows three characteristic broad peaks at 2u =44.81 ,65.07 and 82.49 ,which correspond to the (110),(200),and (211)families of planes of the bcc lattice reported for the a -Fe phase.The dimension of the crystallites,D hkl ,was estimated by Scherrer equation in 27.8nm.The nanoparticles obtained with mPEG as surfactant present a diffractogram with a peak of high intensity at 2u =45 ,corre-sponding to the bcc lattice (Fig.1b).This kind of diffractogram is characteristic of samples with low crystallinity and very polydis-perse sizes.From TEM images and histograms (Fig.2),it can be concluded that each Fe/PEG unit consists in a spherical Fe core with an average size of 3.8nm and its own polymeric coating of about 6nm.According to XRD results,the FemPEG-01sample was very polydisperse and it was very dif ficult to obtain a mean diameter.In general,the size of the nanoparticles was between 10and 20nm.The values obtained are similar to those obtained when using nonylphenypentaethoxylated (NP5)[40]as surfactant whose value was around 10nm (Fe core 7.5nm and polymeric shell 2.8nm).PEG provides a thicker coating shell than NP5,probably due to the different molecular weight of both surfactants.3.2.Magnetic propertiesMagnetization vs applied field hysteresis loops were measured using VSM to assess the magnetic properties of the synthesized nanoparticles.The saturation magnetization values were normal-ized to the mass of nanoparticles to yield the speci fic magnetiza-tion,M s (emu g À1).Fig.1.X-ray diffractograms of the synthesized iron nanoparticles:(a)Polyethylenglycol coated samples and (b)polyethylene glycol methyl ether coated sample.N.Pérez et al./Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A:Chemistry 315(2016)1–73Fig.3shows the magnetic hysteresis loops of the samples at room temperature.The saturation magnetization of FePEG nano-particles is shown in Table 1.The saturation magnetization arises from both the iron core (218emu g À1),and the iron oxide shell (for Fe 3O 480–92emu g À1),based on the relative weight percentage of iron,iron oxide and non-magnetic coatings on the particle surface.For particles having a similar shell thickness,the weight ratio of the iron core to the iron oxide shell is greater for large particles than for small particles.All the samples have coercitivity less than 15mT and a remanence less than 25A m 2kg À1.This suggested that the particles could aggregate after the removal of the external field due to the remaining magnetization.57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy measurements were carried out for the FePEG-04sample due to it has the best magneticpropertiesFig.2.Micrographs of (a)FePEG-02,(b)FePEG-04and (c)FemPEG-01samples.Fig.3.Magnetization curves.Table 1Saturation magnetization (Ms),coercitive field (Hc)and remanent magnetization.MuestraMs (A m 2kg À1)Hc (mT)Mr (A m 2kg À1)FePEG-0211615.319.9FePEG-0413513.221.3FemPEG-0110816.819.2Fig.4.RT Mössbauer spectrum for FePEG-04sample.4N.Pérez et al./Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A:Chemistry 315(2016)1–7of the studied samples(Fig.4).The RT Mössbauer spectrum qualitatively consist in a sextet(62%of the total area),attributed to bcc Fe(BHF=32.89T and d=À0.106mm sÀ1)coupled to a doublet corresponding to Fe2+or Fe3+.The appearance of both signals would indicate the occurrence of an oxidation process leading to the formation of magnetite(Fe3O4).Any other ordered phase is not observed since more sextets were not found.The iron oxides present in these samples are not magnetically ordered due to the absence of further sextets.This was confirmed by the XPS(Apendix A,Fig.S5)where the peaks at710.30,718.98(small peak)and 723.32eV represent the binding energies of Fe(2p3/2)shake-up satellite2p3/2and2p1/2,respectively.In addition,a small shoulder at705,87eV suggest the peak of2p3/2of zero-valent iron[41].All the studied systems present a high reproducibility as could be confirm in the supporting information(Supporting information (Appendix A))in which the obtained X-ray difratograms and magnetization curves are shown.3.3.Fluorescent measurementsIn this section the photophysical study of the nanoparticlesconjugated with thefluorescent dye is described.Fig.5shows the height-normalized absorption spectrum of the Alexa Fluor1 660and the labelled sample.As can be seen,the absorption spectra are almost identical and show the principal absorption band centred at668nm,indicating the presence of the dye in the nanoparticles.Furthermore,a weak band in the UV region of the spectrum,around250nm,could include iron oxides such as hematite,magnetite or maghemite[42].Fig.6shows the height-normalizedfluorescence spectra of the fraction with the highest content of nanoparticles with dye in suspension at two excitation wavelengths,250and620nm.On the one hand,when the excitation of the sample takes place directly to the absorption band of the dye(620nm,see Fig.5)the emission band is obtained at696nm,emission band typical of Alexa Fluor 6601dye,indicating its presence in the particles.In order to compare thefluorescence efficiency of Alexa660dye in solution and anchored at the nanoparticles,the ratio between the fluorescence intensity and the absorbance of the sample at the excitation wavelength is analysed(Fig.S6).In this way and assuming a quantum yield of around0.37for Alexa660in aqueous solution[36],an estimated quantum yield of around0.13is obtained for the dye at the nanoparticles in suspension On the other hand,when the excitation wavelength wasfixed at250nm (absorption attributed mainly to the iron oxides present in the nanoparticles)the obtained band at390nm can be attributed to the typical emission of nanoparticles of iron oxide present in the sample.In addition,the dye emission band is also present.Although the absorption andfluorescence spectroscopictechniques indicate the presence offluorescence dye in thesuspension of nanoparticles,to confirm the anchorage to thenanoparticles surface confocalfluorescence time resolved micros-copy measurements were carried out.This technique allows thestudy of thefluorescent properties of the dye anchored onto singlenanoparticles[43].In this way it can be obtained informationabout lifetimes of a single particle(Fig.7),and also,through a CCDcamera,a spectrum of thefluorescence in single particle can beobtained(Fig.8).So,by positioning the excitation laser(640nm)in the centre ofeach nanoparticle,thefluorescence spectrum of the anchored dyenanoparticle is obtained(Fig.8).In addition,thefigure includes thespectrum of dye in solution measured at the same conditions.Themaximum offluorescence are696nm for dye and687nm for thedye anchored to nanoparticles.The displacement of the maximumtowards lower wavelength,is a typical effect of dyes adsorbed insurfaces,as the case of the iron nanoparticles.Fig.9shows thefluorescence decay curves obtained by confocalmicroscopy for the dye in solution and labelled dye in eachnanoparticle and respective histograms.The half lifetime of free dye presents monoexponencialbehaviour,with a value offluorescence life time t=1.8ns,while the conjugated nanoparticles presents a biexponencial behaviourwith:life time t1%0.1–0.5ns y t2=1.5–1.7ns(Fig.9).These values have been obtained after the analysis of,at least,10individualparticles.The short half lifetime,around0.1–0.6ns can be attributed tothe light scattered by the nanoparticle itself and the obtained longhalf life time(t2=1.5–1.7)is attributed to anchored dye to nanoparticle surface.AbsorbanceWavelength (nm)Fig.5.Height-notmalized absorption spectra of Alexa Fluor660dye and ironlabeled nanoparticles in aqueous buffer suspension.FluorescenceIntensity(a.u.)Wavelength (nm)Fig.6.Height-normalizedfluorescence spectra of iron nanoparticles in aqueousbuffer suspension at excitation wavelengths of250and620nm.Fig.7.Fluorescence microscopy image of single particles.N.Pérez et al./Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A:Chemistry315(2016)1–75The slight decrease of the long lifetime of anchored dye regarding the diluted suspension of the nanoparticle can be attributed to the dye quenching due to the presence of iron oxide.Confocal fluorescence microscopy con firmed that the dye is labelled onto nanoparticles and maintains its fluorescent proper-ties.Therefore,the trajectory of these nanoparticles may be monitored by fluorescence microscopy under red excitation in vitro or in vivo experiments.4.ConclusionsIn this study,iron nanoparticles coated with PEG and mPEG were prepared and characterized.The nanoparticles present high magnetic susceptibility and sizes between 10and 15nm.It is noteworthy that the synthesized nanoparticles are mainly zero-valent iron.The FemPEG nanoparticles were successfully functionalized and conjugated with a fluorescent dye.Thus,amine-reactive N -hydroxysuccinimidyl ester of Alexa Fluor 660dye was conju-gated to the nanoparticle surface.This dye produces bright far red fluorescence emission with a peak at 690nm under red excitation light (in the clinic window).Studies of confocal fluorescence microscopy con firmed that the fluorescent dye is attached to the nanoparticles and retains itsfluorescent properties which could make possible to monitor the course of in vitro or in vivo samples using fluorescent microscopy red under excitation.The magnetic properties of synthesized nanoparticles added to its fluorescent response result in a suitable material for be detected by both magnetic and fluorescent techniques for combined MR/Optical imaging applications.AcknowledgementsAuthors thank the Basque Country Government for financial support (ACTIMAT project,ETORTEK programme IE10-272)(Ayu-das para apoyar las actividades de los grupos de investigación del sistema universitario vasco,IT718-13and IT339-10).Technical and human support provided by SGIKER (UPV/EHU,MICINN,GV/EJ,ERDF and ESF)is gratefully acknowledged.V.M.M.acknowledges the Ramon y Cajal contract with the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad,(RYC-2011-09505).Appendix A.Supplementary dataSupplementary data associated with this article can be found,in the online version,at 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Laser nano-manufacturing – State of the art and challenges
Laser nano-manufacturing–State of the art and challengesLin Li(1)a,*,Minghui Hong b,Michael Schmidt(3)c,Minlin Zhong d,Ajay Malshe(2)e, Bert Huis in’tVeld(3)f,Volodymyr Kovalenko(1)ga Laser Processing Research Centre,School of Mechanical,Aerospace and Civil Engineering,The University of Manchester,M139PL,UKb Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,National University of Singapore,Singaporec Photonic Technologies,FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg,Germanyd Department of Mechanical Engineering,Tsinghua University,Chinae Department of Mechanical Engineering,University of Arkansas,USAf Department of Mechanical Engineering,University of Twente,The Netherlandsg National Technical University of Ukraine,Ukraine1.IntroductionThe need for nano-manufacturing is dictated not only by the requirement of increasingly sophisticated devices and structures with novel properties but also by the trend of decreasing component sizes,material usages and energy consumption of products.To meet the demand for product miniaturization and nano-material and structures enabled novel functionality,a logical step is to achieve the desired nano precision and resolution through the development and wide implementation of nano-fabrication technologies[78,119].Nano-scale manufacture refers to the production of structures,materials and components with at least one of lateral dimensions between1nm and100nm including surface and sub-surface patterns,3D nano structures, nanowires,nanotubes and sers have provided important opportunities in the realisation of nano-manufacturing.This paper reviews the progress in the development of laser based nano-manufacturing technologies and associated sciences in order to understand the state of the art and challenges.Fig.1shows the scope of the paper with three main areas of focus:(1)laser fabrication technologies for surface and subsurface nano struc-tures including nearfield and farfield techniques,(2)laser synthesis of nano materials including nanoparticles,nanowires and nanotubes,(3)laser fabrication of3D nano structures and devices primarily based on additive or bottom-up nano-manu-facturing techniques.Their industrial applications and scientific/ technological challenges are ser fabrication of surface nano-structures2.1.Diffraction limits to laser beamsLaser materials processing has been successfully applied in industry for several decades for cutting,welding,drilling,cleaning, additive manufacturing,surface modification and micro-machin-ing.In most cases,the feature size and resolution of machining are above1m m.One of the reasons for the limited resolution is the diffraction limit of the laser beams in the farfield(where the target surface from the optical element is greater than the optical wavelength)governed by:d¼l2n sin a(1) where d is the minimum beam spot diameter,l is the laser wavelength,n is the refractive index of the medium of beam delivery to the target material and a is the beam divergence angle. The best theoretical resolution is therefore around half of the laser wavelength.For most high power engineering lasers the optical wavelengths are within248nm–10.6m m.Therefore,there are considerable challenges to achieve nano-scale(100nm)resolu-tion in direct laser fabrication of surface structures.To improve the fabrication resolution a number of approaches have been considered including the use of high numerical aperture optics and shorter wavelength light sources.For example,deep ultra-violet(DUV,ArF193nm)laser sources have been used in producing lines of130nm and90nm lithography(32nm and 45nm with optics immersed a high refractive index liquid).To achieve smaller surface patterning feature sizes,F2lasers of 157nm wavelength and extreme ultraviolet(EUV)Xe or Sn plasma systems with a13nm wavelength are used for nanolithography. However,these sources are costly,low output power and unstableCIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology60(2011)735–755A R T I C L E I N F OKeywords:LaserNano manufacturing Material A B S T R A C TThis paper provides an overview of advances in laser based nano-manufacturing technologies including surface nano-structure manufacturing,production of nano materials(nanoparticles,nanotubes and nanowires)and3D nano-structures manufacture through multiple layer additive techniques and nano-joining/forming.Examples of practical applications of laser manufactured nano-structures,materials and components are given.A discussion on the challenges and outlooks in laser nano-manufacturing is presented.ß2011CIRP.*Corresponding author.Contents lists available at ScienceDirectCIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology journal homepage:/cirp/default.asp0007-8506/$–see front matterß2011CIRP. doi:10.1016/j.cirp.2011.05.005in light intensity.Strong absorption of the UV light by air molecules requires the nanolithography to be carried out in a vacuum or dry high purity N 2gas protection chamber.How to overcome the optical diffraction limit with stable UV or visible,IR light sources is attracting much research interests in the world.Near field optics utilizing evanescent waves at the close proximity (within the length of the light wavelength)from the focusing optics have been recently applied for laser based nano-fabrications beyond the diffraction limits.In addition,femto second pulsed lasers have been used to achieve far field nano-resolution fabrication based on ablation threshold setting of the Gaussian beam profile of the lasers and non-linear light absorption ser radiation on scanning probe tips for nano-fabrication is not included in this paper as it was reported elsewhere [111].In the following sections,recent developments in near field laser nano-fabrication techni-ques,far field femto second laser nano-fabrication and laser induced self-organising nano-ripple formations are summarised.2.2.Scanning near field photolithography (SNP)using laser coupled near field scanning optical microscopy (NSOM)SNP is based on the coupling of a laser beam (e.g.a frequency doubled argon ion laser at l =244nm)with an optical fibre based Near-field Scanning Optical Microscope (NSOM,first demonstrated in 1992)with a very fine tip (typically 50nm)and very close (10–20nm)tip to target surface distance.A high resolution (beyond diffraction limit)evanescent energy field generates at the tip and decays exponentially with increasing distance.The nanometer distance between the tip and target ensures that the evanescent wave arrives at the target surface with sufficient energy density.The patterned photo-resist is further treated by chemical etching,plasma etching or UV light radiation to create nano-scale patterns on the substrate.The technique was first reported by Lo and Wang in 2001to demonstrate 128nm resolution fabrications [100].Sun and Legget from Sheffield University,UK [172,173]selectively oxidized a strongly bound self-assembled nanolayer (SAM)photo resist on a gold substrate using the SNP technique (the terminology of SNP was first proposed in 2002)followed by chemical etching to realise 20–55nm resolution in surface patterning.This is matching the resolution by electron beam lithography but without the use of a vacuum chamber.The technique was further developed by scientists at Singapore Data Storage Institute and National University of Singapore,using a frequency-doubled Ti:Sapphire femto-second laser at l =400nm,coupled into an NSOM fibre probe to achieve 20mm resolution surface patterning on a UV photo resist (around 40–120nm thickness)spin coated on a Si substrate for data storage applications [21,56,93–95,217].The laser etched depth was 20–100nm.The tip/sample distance was regulated by a tuning-fork-based shear-force feedback.Typical writing speed is 8–12m m/s.In the coupled laser and NSOM nano-fabrication technique,the probe-to-sample distance is a critical parameter to control both the nano-feature size and shape.At a small probe diameter and probe-to-substrate distance,the NSOM overcomes the traditional far-field diffraction limit and can be used to obtain sub-wavelength-size patterns.Fig.2shows an example of nano-line arrays created at different incident laser powers.In addition,higher writing speed leads to shorter exposure time and thus lower exposure dose,resulting in a narrower line width and shallower depth.Considering that there is a melting threshold of the NSOM tip metal coating,a low power (<1mW)laser source is typically used to avoid damaging theNSOM tip.For the photo-resist exposure process,exposure energy dose is another important parameter,which is decided by exposure UV light energy and exposure time.The high resolution of the SNP technique is comparable to electron beam lithography.Furthermore,as the nano-features can be fabricated in air,with a multi-NSOM fibre tip design,parallel nanolithography can be realised for high speed surface nano-structuring.The drawbacks of the technique include the requirement of high precision nano-distance control between the fibre tip and the target,and potential contamination or damage to the fibre tip.If the target surface is rough (>50nm Rz)then it is difficult to apply the technique for uniform pattern writing.A recent development has enabled a nano-second laser NSOM technique (200nm probe diameter)to be applied for direct fabrication of nano-scale features on Si without the use of subsequent photo or chemical etching [165].2.3.Nano ridge aperture (bowtie)beam transmission enhanced nano-fabricationThe amount of light transmission through a small aperture of an object depends on the aperture size,d a ,relative to the wavelength,l ,of the light source.For an aperture smaller than the laser wavelength,light transmission is restricted.For example,for a circular aperture,the transmission efficiency is on the order of (d a /l )4due to the optical diffraction effect [11].Researchers in Perdue University,USA,found that,with a specific aperture geometry such as a bowtie or H,high energy laser beams can be delivered through the aperture with much less attenuation than a circular aperture and the energy is sufficient to produce nano-scale patterns on a surface through contact lithography [29,226].The enhancement was found to be due to near field surface plasmonic effect [29,227].Fig.3a shows a typical bowtie aperture used for nano-fabrication.The aperture was made of atomic force microscope cantilever probe (Si 3N 4coated with an Al film)with the gold coating removed from the back side and the bowtie geometry milled using a focused ion beam.The aperture had 180nm Â180nm outline dimension and a 30nm gap.When a laser beam of 800nm wavelength and 50fs pulse width at 1.5–7.9mW power passed through the aperture,lines with widths down to 62nm and 2nm depth were produced on a photoresist material at a scanning speed of 2.5m m/s as shown in Fig.3b.The distance between the bowtie aperture tip and the target surface was 30nm.The laser beam intensity at the tip of the bowtie aperture was found 39.8times that of the incoming beam due to plasmonic enhancement.As this phenom-enon only occurs at the near field,some researchers also classify this technique as the NSOM based nano-fabrication.2.4.Optically trapped micro-sphere assisted nano-writing (OTAN)Scientists at Princeton University recently developed a laser nano-patterning technique based on laser tweezers [118].AFig.1.Illustration of the scope of thepaper.Fig.2.Nano-lines created by the coupled fs laser/NSOM SNP technique at different incident laser powers [55].L.Li et al./CIRP Annals -Manufacturing Technology 60(2011)735–755736transparent sphere (polystyrene)was held by a focused continuous wave laser beam (converted to a Bessel beam using an axicon lens)as in a typical laser tweezers setup in a liquid environment.At the same time,another pulsed laser (355nm wavelength,15nm pulse length,15nJ–8mJ pulse energy)passes through the sphere and produces a focused energy spot at the bottom of the sphere based on the near field evanescence wave effect.By traversing the sphere over a surface,nano-scale patterns have been generated.Due to the balance of the laser beam radiation pressure with the electrostatic repulsion from the target surface [211],which develops due to ionic groups on the surfaces,the distance between the sphere and the target surface can be maintained constant even for a curved surface without any additional feedback control systems.Fig.4shows a typical process set up and an example of a nano-pattern fabricated using the technique.Arbitrary patterns with the line width around 100nm were demonstrated with 15nm feature size variation.The scientists at the Princeton group further developed the technique by splitting the sphere trapping beam into multiple beams using beam splitters to hold and move several micro-spheres (0.76–3m m diameters)simultaneously,while firing a pulsed power beam to them.Such a system enabled them to write a number of parallel nano-patterns on a polyimide film coated on a glass substrate [118].An advantage of the technique compared with other near field direct writing techniques is that for OTAN there is no need for distance control and it can work on rough surfaces [186].A limitation of the technique is that it can only operate in a liquid environment.2.5.Femtosecond (fs)laser direct writingThe process involved in the formation of nano-scale features by fs lasers is different from the conventional lasers.In fs laserinteraction with materials,the laser interaction time (10À15–10À13s)is shorter than the time for electrons to pass the energy to the lattice (around 10À11s).As a result,the material remains cool while absorbing the laser energy.The use of ultra-short pulse durations of the fs laser pulses restricts the heat diffusion,and improves surface roughness,and also minimizes damage to the adjacent areas.Due to the above mentioned advantages,fs lasers are used for writing couplers [120],waveguide amplifiers [162],diffraction gratings and memory bits [24].To achieve nano-scale resolution,the tip of Gaussian beam is used (setting the laser fluence low enough so that only the tip of laser beam is above the ablation or phase change threshold of the material).In this way,far field laser nano-fabrication beyond diffraction limit can be realised.Typical pulse energy of fs laser nano-fabrication is between 0.1and 100m J and power densities above 1TW/cm 2.Tight focusing of the light by a high NA telecentric lens is essential for fs laser nanofabrication.Another advantage of telecentric lens is that every successive scanning beam is parallel to the optical axis.Due to this,the beam is incident normally on the entire surface area and symmetrical features can thus be written.Minimal variation in laser focus energy and accuracy of focal spot/sample scanning ensure fabrication with high precision.The charge-coupled device (CCD)camera assists in optical adjustment and in situ fabrication monitoring [236].Three critical factors that govern the fs laser writing mechanism are chemical nonlinearity,material nonlinearity,and optical nonlinearity.When a high power density from a fs laser is incident on a target surface,photons are absorbed by either one-photon absorption (OPA),two-photon absorption (TPA),or the multi-photon absorption (MPA).Photon absorption caused by fs-laser beam irradiation leads to different processes such as ionization,electron excitation,and phase transitions.The electrons are agitated and their oscillatory energy is converted into thermal energy of the plasma by collisions with ions by the linear damping mechanism referred to as inverse Bremsstrahlung heating .This raises the temperature and the laser energy is absorbed by the plasma by OPA.These phenomena can occur only in a localized region around the focal point due to the high peak intensity.The separation between the high energetic electron cloud and the positively charged ions in the bulk causes a high voltage (known as Dember voltage)close to the surface which results in the repelling of materials in a process known as Coulomb Explosion.For this reason,the fs laser processing is also termed as cold laser processing and it is possible to write features even in transparent materials [109,121,126].In summary,the formation of nano-features is attributed to the interaction between the fs laser beam and laser-induced electron plasma and matter [159].Two photon absorption mechanisms are illustrated in Fig.5[84].In the figure,S 0,S 1,and S 2are ground state,one-photon allowed and two-photon allowed excited states,respectively.The incident light frequencies are v 1and v 2while the fluorescent emission frequency is v 3.It should be noted that in standard optical lithography,the materials respond to light excitation to the first order effect.For TPA and MPA in fs laser writing,the response is limited to two and higher orders and the square light intensity is also narrower than a linear one.This makes the photon energy of TPA less than thatofFig. 3.Nano bowtie aperture (a)and nano surface patterns produced by transmitting a laser beam through it (b)[29].Fig.4.Illustration of laser trapped micro-sphere nano-patterning.(a)Experimental set up and (b)an example of optically trapped micro-sphere nano writing.The scale bars on the larger picture and the zoomed-in pictures are 2m m and 250nm,respectively [118].Fig. 5.Schematic energy diagram of a TPA process [84](reproduced with permission from Elsevier).L.Li et al./CIRP Annals -Manufacturing Technology 60(2011)735–755737OPA.As a consequence,the volume involved in beam-material interaction reduces and this leads to better resolution in writing the features.The volume in which this energy is absorbed is less than the third order of the laser wavelength (l 3)and hence high spatial resolution of the writing process ( 100nm)beyond the optical diffraction limit is possible [176].For nanoscale writing,it is essential that the laser energy penetrates into the bulk material without any significant losses.For this purpose,a light source with near-infrared wavelength (such as l =800nm)is selected for surface,sub-surface and in-bulk writing.Due to the high transient power density,fs lasers can excite a wide range of materials and induce irreversible processes such as photopolymerisation,photoisomerization,and photoreduction.Femtosecond lasers have numerous advantages over longer pulsed lasers for materials processing [179,195–197]due to which they have been used for writing nano-features in a wide variety of materials such as metals,polymers and ceramics.Examples of the material,and dimensions of the nanofeatures ( 100nm)written by fs lasers are presented in Table 1and Fig.6.2.6.Micro-lens array for fabricating periodic nano-structuresPeriodic nanostructures are useful for plasmonic structures,photonic crystals,high density data storage,miniaturized radio frequency (RF)oscillators and optical gratings.Micro-lens array (MLA)lithography is a laser-based technique being developed for rapid fabrication of large-scale periodic nanostructures.MLA consists of a series of miniaturized lenses of identical sizes and focal lengths,typically arranged hexagonally or squarely packed.When used in a typical optical system,an MLA can focus an incident light beam to form a series of parallel light spots in the focal plane.Downscaling of the diameter,D ,and the focal length,f ,of a lens improves its optical performance [52].For a fixed F number F =f /D ,the diffraction-limited resolution is given by d x %l F 2which is independent of the lens scale.However,the wave aberrations which describe the deviation of the actual wave front from a perfect spherical wave front,are less for smaller lenses for the same F number and wavelength.On the other hand,small lenses have a shorter focal length [200].The early studies of micro-lens array based photolithography were for the manufacturing of periodic micro-scale features [58,200].As the micro-lens array production technology improves,the size of micro-lenses get smaller and so are the feature sizes.For example,scientists at Singapore Data Storage Institute and National University of Singapore used an 800nm wavelength,100fs laser to irradiate a 30nm-thick GeSbTe layer sputtered onto a polycarbonate substrate.It created thousands of field emission transistor structures in a few minutes with a gate line width of 200nm.In addition,using an alkaline solution to etch the material after laser radiation,nanostructures down to 55nm on the thin film were produced [96].To achieve further reduction in feature sizes,they manufactured a micro lens array on a quartz substrate with a diameter and pitch of 1m m each,which consists of 2500Â2500(6.25million)lenses covering an area of 5mm Â5mm.UV light-sensitive photoresist irradiated by a 248nm wavelength,23ns pulse width KrF excimer laser through the MLA created nano-dots as small as 78nm in diameter,at a resolution of one-third the operating wavelength [92].Fig.7shows an example of periodic patterns produced by a micro-lens array system.A critical requirement of the micro-lens array lithography fabrication technology is that the lens must be horizontal to the target surface within the entire radiated area to ensure the beams are vertical to the surface so that the feature sizes are identical.The lens to target surface is also needed to be controlled precisely.For a non-flat surface,it is difficult to fabricate uniform nano-structures using this technique.2.7.Far field laser interference lithography (LIL)Laser-interference lithography is a large-area,maskless,and noncontact nanofabrication technique suitable for repeatable structures such as periodic lines and 2D shapes.It is based on the interference of two or more coherent light beams that form a horizontal standing-wave pattern.The minimum spacing,d L ,between the lines is determined by the laser wavelength,l ,and angle,a ,between the laser beams as in:d L ¼l2n sin ða =2Þ(2)This interference pattern is then recorded on the exposed ser-interference lithography can be used to fabricate micro-and nano-surface structures in large areas.By overlapping exposures at different angles,various patterns (e.g.circular,square,and hexagonal geometry)can be produced.Table 1Examples of nano-features written by fs lasers.Base materialNano-featuresReferences Copper thin film Pits of 75nm[195]Amorphous silicaGratings of 15nm width[57]Urethane acrylate resin,SCR 500Wires of 65nm lateral width at central portion [177]Glass Hillocks of 40–70nm height [193,194]TeO 2Voids of 30nm width [158]SiO 2Stripes of 20nm width[159]Bulk aluminium Irregular nanoentities with average size of 100nm [170]Lithium niobateThick layer of 100nm[24,109,110,169]CVD diamond surfaceRipples with periodicity of 50–100nm[136]AAO matrix (Au deposited into anodized aluminium oxide)Nanorods of diameter 20–40nm and length of $50nm [147]Commercial resin,SCR 500Lines with width of 23nm[180]Gallium nitride Craters of depth varying from 26to 40nm[126]Silica glass Wires of width of 15nm and holes of 20nm diameter [70]TiO 2Ripples with depth of 100nm[23]Fig.6.Nanofeatures developed in (a)amorphous silica [57](reproduced with permission from Elsevier),(b)urethane acrylate resin,SCR 500[176](reproduced with permission from the Optical Society of America),(c)commercial resin,SCR 500[180](reproduced with permission from American Institute of Physics),(d)glass [193],(e)TeO 2[158],(f)photoresist thin film [94],(g)CVD diamond surface [136](reproduced with permission from American Institute of Physics).L.Li et al./CIRP Annals -Manufacturing Technology 60(2011)735–755738Examples include nano-cone arrays on Ni–Cr alloy (Fig.8)and Au/Ag bi-metallic plasmonic structures on quartz ing this approach,after only a few minutes of UV light exposure,followed by photoresist development and chemical etching,periodic nano-lines and nano-dot arrays can be created over a centimetre scale area.To further improve the resolution,immersion laser interference lithography was developed at Max-Planck Institute of Micro-structure Physics,Germany [18].This is to increase ‘‘n ’’in Eq.(2)by introducing a Littrow prism and water as the immersion liquid.In this case,n =1.51.Line patters with a period less than 100nm and a width of 45nm were demonstrated with a 244nm wavelength laser (Fig.9).Another way of increasing the resolution is by reducing the laser wavelength,such as the use of an extreme ultraviolet laser source ( A +8laser at a 46.9nm wavelength).A great advantage of this method is the increase of ablation depth to over 120nm on Si based photo-resist [112].By combining an EUV laser and Lloyd’s mirror interferometer (Fig.10),nanostructures of 60nm feature size were produced on PMMA (Fig.11).The ablation depth is 20–30nm.Also lines with 95nm width were produced on Au substrates using the technique by the same group.A drawback of the EUV technology is that the process will need a vacuum chamber to operate due to the use of EUV system which can easily ionize gases if it is operated in non-vacuum conditions.2.8.Near field interference lithographyNear field interference lithography is based on evanescent (non-propagating)wave or surface plasmon wave interferences.The purpose is to defeat the diffraction limit of the lasers to fabricate smaller nano-structures.Evanescent interferometric lithography (EIL)or evanescent near field optical lithography (ENFOL),or evanescent wave interference lithography (EWIL)was first demonstrated using a mercury arc lamp in 1999by Blackie et University of Canterbury,New Zealand [3,14].Laser based evanescent wave near field lithography using total internal reflection (TIR)was first reported in 2006by Martinez-Anton of University Complutense Madrid,Spain [115].A typical TIR configuration is shown in Fig.12with two intersecting beams at an angle to enable the total reflection to occur to create periodic evanescent waves.Theprismrge area micro/nanostructures fabricated by laser MLA [92].Fig.8.A nano-cone structure fabricated by laser interference lithography (height 40nm and width 30nm)[152].Fig.9.Photoresist patterns created by immersion laser interference lithography.(a)Low magnification and (b)high magnification images of the pattern;the width of the resist lines is 43.4nm.(c)Silver lines after evaporation of 15nm Ag and lift-off [18].Fig.10.A typical optical configuration for Lloyd’s mirror interferometer laser interference lithography,where u =a /2[112].Fig.12.Illustration of a typical TIR optical configuration to generated evanescent waves through interference of tow intersecting beams [115].Fig.11.Two dimensional nano patterns on PMMA produced by EUV laser interference lithography using Lloyd’s mirror interferometer with two exposures at different angles,(a)dots with 60nm FWHM feature size and a period of 150nm,(b)regular shapes dots,(c)elongated dots [112].L.Li et al./CIRP Annals -Manufacturing Technology 60(2011)735–755739was irradiated with split 405nm wavelength laser beams.Periodic surface relief gratings of around 100nm period were produced on photoresists using this technique [115].More complicated 2D nano-structures can be fabricated using multiple (more than 2)beam interference through polarization tuning,based on TIR evanescence wave near field lithography,as demonstrated by Chua and Murukeshan [22].The photoresist in optical contact with the TIR prism (rectangular)has a lower refractive index than the prism.Patterns of 70nm feature size had been produced using this method (Fig.13).A drawback of this method is that the depth is shallow due to the non-propagating nature of the evanescent wave.The energy transmission through the masks is also very low.Surface Plasmon Interference Lithography (SPIL)is another near field lithographic technique developed recently to improve energy transmission and fabrication depth over the evanescent wave lithography.It is based on energy field enhancement by the interaction of light with surface Plasmon (SP,collective electron oscillation)waves induced around the nano-scale metallic struc-tures and a dielectric interface.If the metallic mask is very thin (e.g.50nm),surface Plasmon waves can be generated on both surfaces,even the structures are not through the full thickness of the metallic film.The enhancement,through the coupling between the surface plasma waves and the evanescent waves,can be several orders of magnitude in intensity compared with the incoming beam.The wavelength of the excited surface Plasmon wave is shorter than that of the exciting laser at the same frequency.Therefore higherresolution is expected.The wavelength of the exciting laser,l (i ,j ),needs to match the materials and the structures of the mask.Their relationships can be found from [168]:l ði ;j Þ¼affiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffii 2þj 2q ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffie d e m e d þe mr (3)where a is the metallic mask periodic nanostructure period,e a and e m are the dielectric constants of the mask metal and the surrounding dielectric medium,respectively and i ,j are mode indices.For example,a UV light can excite surface Plasmon waves on Al with a nanostructure period of 220nm.A green or blue light can excite surface Plasmon waves on a silver mask with a period of 400–500nm.A larger period allows longer exciting wavelengths.The SPIL technique for the fabrication of periodic surface nanostructures was first reported independently by two separate groups (University of California in USA and RIKEN in Japan)in 2004[103,168]using an Al or a silver mask.An example of a typical configuration for the SPIL technique is shown in Fig.14.For an 80nm thick Al mask of 20nm diameter holes and 220nm period (fabricated using a focused ion beam)and 30nm spacer (PMMA)and irradiated with an arc lamp with a peak intensity at 365nm,90nm periodic structures were produced on a photoresist [168].The RIKEN group fabricated periodic 100nm lines using a silver mask radiated with a 436nm light.They termed the method as SPRINT (Surface Plasmon Resonance Interference Nanolithography Technique)and proposed to use imperforated metallic marks which have corrugated surfaces on both sides of the metallic mask.The illuminated side collects the light and induces the SP waves on the other side of the target material through SP coupling.Sreekanth et Nanyang Technological University of Singapore compared standard far field laser interference lithography,near field evanescent wave lithography and the SPLIT techniques in nano fabrication of period surface structures [167].They found that that the SPIL technique can produce deeper features than the evanescent wave lithography technique and both near field lithography techniques have a better resolution than the far field lithography technique.Fig.15shows an example of periodic dot arrays fabricated on a Si wafer using the SPIL technique with a UV Argon ion laser at 364nm wavelength,which has a 82Æ11nm feature size,164Æ11nm period and an average height of 180nm [167].2.9.Contact particle lens array nano-fabrication (CPLA)This technique is based on the use of transparent micro spherical particles spread onto the target surface byself-assemblyFig.13.Two dimensional features fabricated using evanescent wave interference lithography generated by TIR of four p-polarized incident beams.(a)Theoretical inverse positional photoresist development rate at the interface between the prism and photoresist,(b)SEM image of hexagonal arrayed 2D features.Inset:Enlarged region showing the peak (P),valley (V)and saddle (S)regions (top right),(c)AFM image of the nano-structures [22].Fig.14.A typical process configuration for SPIL and an optical mask,(A)schematic drawing of the SPIL set up and (B)an Al mask for the SPIL experiment (fabricated using FIB)with a hole size of 160nm and a period of 500nm [168].L.Li et al./CIRP Annals -Manufacturing Technology 60(2011)735–755740。
F Mancin - 荧光纳米粒子传感器 Nanoscale 2011
Sensing with fluorescent nanoparticlesLuca Ba u,a Paolo Tecilla b and Fabrizio Mancin a Received 14th June 2010,Accepted 9th August 2010DOI:10.1039/c0nr00405gFluorescent chemosensors are chemical systems that can detect and signal the presence of selected analytes through variations in their fluorescence emission.Their peculiar properties make themarguably one of the most useful tools that chemistry has provided to biomedical research,enabling the intracellular monitoring of many different species for medical and biological purposes.In its simplest design,a fluorescent chemosensor is composed of a fluorescent dye and a receptor,with a built-in transduction mechanism that converts recognition events into variations of the emission properties of the fluorescent dye.As soon as fluorescent nanoparticles became available,several applications in the field of sensing were explored.Nanoparticles have been used not only as better-performing substitutes of traditional dyes but also as multivalent scaffolds for the realization of supramolecular assemblies,while their high surface to volume ratio allows for distinct spatial domains (bulk,external surface,pores and shells)to be functionalized to a comparable extent with different organic species.Over the last few years,nanoparticles proved to be versatile synthetic platforms for the implementation of new sensing schemes.1.IntroductionFluorescent chemosensors are arguably one of the most useful tools that chemistry has provided to biomedical research.1These molecular systems can detect and signal the presence of selected analytes through variations of their fluorescence emission properties.2The unique role they play in biological studies stems from the combination of few fundamental properties.First,the possibility of integrating specific receptors into the molecular structure of the chemosensor provides a potentially exquisiteselectivity.In addition,their molecular size minimizes physical perturbations to such delicate systems as living cells.Most importantly,the use of fluorescence emission as the analytical signal allows for highly sensitive measurements to be obtained with low-cost,even portable,instrumentation by exploiting different sensing modes,such as intensity,lifetime and polari-zation bined with the high spatial resolution of fluorescence microscopy,these features have enabled the intra-cellular monitoring of many different species for medical and biological purposes.Other important applications have also been pursued,from analytical tools for environmental and biochem-ical assays,to switches and logical gates for molecular informa-tion processing.3Since the seminal work of Tsien in the 1980s,4the design of fluorescent chemosensors has been constantly evolving as more and more sophisticated sensing modes have been explored.In itsa Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche,Universit adi Padova,via Marzolo 1,35131Padova,;Fax:+390498275666;Tel:+390498275239bDipartimento di Chimica,Universit adi Trieste,via Giorgeri 1,34127Trieste,;Fax:+390405583903;Tel:+390405583925Luca Ba uLuca Ba uobtained his PhD in 2010at the University of Padova,where he worked on the synthesis of organic molecules and nanosystems for use as intracellular fluorescent sensors,photosensitizers for photody-namic therapy and drug delivery systems.He is currently a post doctoral fellow at the same institution.His research inter-ests lie in the area where organic chemistry and biology meet,his current focus being the synthesis of fluorescent probes for biomedicalapplications.Paolo Tecilla Paolo Tecilla received his PhD in chemistry from the University of Padova with Professor Tonellato in 1989.After post-doctoral work with Professor A.D.Hamilton at the University of Pittsburgh,he took a Lecturer position at the University of Padova.In 1998,he moved to the University of Trieste,where he is now a full Professor of Organic Chemistry.His scien-tific interests are in the field ofsupramolecular chemistry andfocus on the metallocatalysis of hydrolytic reactions,fluorescentchemosensors and model membranes.FEATURE ARTICLE /nanoscale |NanoscaleD o w n l o a d e d o n 21 O c t o b e r 2010P u b l i s h e d o n 21 O c t o b e r 2010 o n h t t p ://p u b s .r s c .o r g | d o i :10.1039/C 0N R 00405Gsimplest form,a fluorescent chemosensor is composed of a fluo-rescent dye and a receptor integrated into the same molecule.2A built-in transduction mechanism converts recognition events into variations of the fluorescent dye emission properties.The design of a chemosensor may differ in the level of integration of the two units,in the transduction mechanism or in other subtler details.The receptor and dye units may be part of the same p system,or connected by electronically isolating spacer moieties.2They may even be discrete entities,self-organized through non-covalent interactions.5The sensing scheme may rely on emission quenching by the substrate,activation or deactivation of energy or electron transfer processes,alteration of internal charge transfer (ICT)excited states,or molecular movements resulting in a variation of the distance between two photoactive compo-nents.1The latter effect may cause,in turn,emission quenching,formation of excimers,or switching of distance-dependent energy or electron transfer processes.1More sophisticated designs use antenna groups or multi-dye systems,and may lead to yet other effects such as signal amplification or ratiometric signaling.6As far as the output signal is concerned,intensity measure-ments are by far the most popular choice,mainly because they require relatively inexpensive instrumentation,in contrast with the more demanding lifetime and polarization measurements.1,2Variations in the emission spectrum of a chemosensor may consist either in a general decrease of the intensity (quenching or on-off chemosensors),an increase of the emission (turn-on or off-on chemosensors)or a variation of the spectral shape (ratiometric chemosensors).While off-on behavior is usually preferred over the less sensitive on-off response,ratiometric signaling is by far the most useful.By using the ratio between the emission intensities at two different wavelengths as the analytical signal,the effect of such factors as photobleaching (the progressive decrease of emission due to photoinduced degrada-tion),sensor concentration,polarity of the microenvironment,and fluctuations of the excitation source can be minimized.2The signaling unit of a fluorescent chemosensor is a key component of the assembly,often limiting its practical applica-tion.A huge number of organic dyes,fluorescent proteins andluminescent metal complexes have been used for this purpose over the years.Even the most efficient among conventional fluorophores,however,suffer from some inherent limitations.Photobleaching,limited brightness (the product of extinction coefficient and fluorescence quantum yield)and short lifetimes are serious drawbacks in many applications.7In the context of intracellular measurements,chemical interactions with biomolecules are another cause of concern.8In the last decade,fluorescent nanoparticles have emerged as a new class of fluoro-phores with the potential to overcome these limitations.9Some nanoparticles,such as quantum dots,are intrinsically fluore-scent,while others can be made fluorescent by appropriate doping with fluorescent dyes or luminescent metals.Quantum dots (QDs)are crystals of semiconductor materials a few nanometres in size,with a size-dependent electronic structure which is responsible for some peculiar photophysical properties.7,10Their broad absorption and narrow emission spectrum can be finely tuned by varying the size and composition of the particles,which are also remarkably bright and stable against photobleaching.These features make QDs especially useful both in energy transfer applications and in simultaneous assays exploiting multiple excitation and emission wave-lengths.7,10Organic dyes and luminescent transition metal complexes can be also embedded into silica or polymer nano-particles.9,11The inclusion of dyes in a polymer matrix results in decreased emission quenching and increased photostability due to oxygen and solvent exclusion.11Many of the optical properties of quantum dots can thus be obtained with biocompatible materials and easy,low-cost preparation procedures.As soon as fluorescent nanoparticles became available,several applications in the field of sensing were explored (Fig.1).Nanoparticles were only used,at first,as better-performing substitutes of traditional dyes in biolabeling applications and fluorescence-based assays,12but it soon became clear that these unique objects,combining the properties of extended solids and molecular species,had much more to offer than that.The high amount of reactive sites found on their surface make them ideal multivalent scaffolds for the realization of supramolecular assemblies,while their high surface to volume ratio allows for distinct spatial domains (bulk,external surface,pores and shells)to be functionalized to a comparable extent with different organic species.Over the last few years,nanoparticles proved to be versatile synthetic platforms for the implementation of new chemosensing schemes.2.Sensing quantum dotsIn the most na €ıve approach,a chemosensor would be built by simply sticking a fluorescent dye and a receptor together in the most synthetically straightforward way.Unfortunately,such a strategy is rarely effective without a transduction mechanism in place.The recognition of an analyte by the receptor does not necessarily affect the emission of the fluorophore,unless the analyte itself is a fluorescence quencher.Even so,only the less sensitive on-off response can be obtained.The peculiar physical properties of quantum dots,however,seem to offer a way to exploit this attractively simple approach.The emission of quantum dots originates from the recombination of photo-generated electron-hole pairs,which takes placepredominantlyFabrizio Mancin Fabrizio Mancin received his PhD in Chemistry from the University of Padova with Professor Tonellato in 1999.On the same year he took a Lecturer position at the University of Padova,where he is now asso-ciate Professor.In 2002he spent one year at the University of Toronto as post-doc researcher with Prof.Jik Chin.His research interest is focused on supramolecular chemistry,particularly on the developmentof artificial metallonucleases and on the design of fluorescencemolecular chemosensors.Recently he has broadened his interest to include nanosystems for biomedical applications.D o w n l o a d e d o n 21 O c t o b e r 2010P u b l i s h e d o n 21 O c t o b e r 2010 o n h t t p ://p u b s .r s c .o r g | d o i :10.1039/C 0N R 00405Gon the surface of the nanocrystals.As a consequence,the binding of charged species,such as metal cations,close to the surface of quantum dots may affect and even increase their emission.This concept provides the unique possibility to create fluorescent chemosensors by simply grafting ligands to the particles (Fig.1a).The first demonstration of this concept was described by Rosenzweig and his co-workers,who used CdS quantum dots coated with polyphosphate,L -cysteine,or thioglycerol,as water-soluble metal ion sensors.13The nature of the ligands had a dramatic effect on the type and selectivity of luminescence response.Polyphosphate-capped CdS QDs showed no selectivity and displayed an on-off behavior.Thioglycerol-capped QDs were selective towards copper and iron ions over several other transition metal ions with an on-off response.Finally,L -cysteine-capped QDs responded selectively to zinc ions with an off-on behavior and detection limits below 1m M.Similar sensing schemes have been later exploited for several others analytes including metal cations (Fig.2),anions and organic molecules,even if in some cases a simple quenching of the QD emission by the substrate is likely responsible for the observed behaviour.14Sensitivity towards organic molecules was achieved by decorating the QD surface with more sophisticated recognition units:calixarenes were used to bind and signal acetylcholine (Fig.3)14c while cyclodextrins allowed the discrimination of enantiomeric amino acids.14aBesides the modification of surface properties,other mech-anisms typical of molecular chemosensors can also be exploited.For instance,a photoinduced electron transfer (PET)from thecoating molecules to the valence band of an excited QD results in emission quenching.If the electron donor is bound to a substrate,this process may be interrupted and the emission restored.Several groups have recently explored this mechanism.Singaram and co-workers (Fig.4)showed that the addition of a boronic acid substituted viologen to commercially available CdSe/ZnS QDs with carboxylic groups on the surface results in a strong quenching of the emission from the QDs.Likely,electrostatic interactions cause the absorption of the viologen derivative on the anionic surface of the QDs and the achieved proximity allows the viologen to quench the QD emission trough a PET mech-anism.15Subsequent addition of glucose converts theboronicFig.1Representative sensing schemes in fluorescent nanoparticles:(a)Analyte binding to a surface receptor causes spectral changes in a quantum dot by altering its surface electronic structure;(b)analyte binding to a surface receptor affects an energy transfer process from a quantum dot to an organic fluorophore;(c)analyte binding to a nanoparticle embedded chemosensor in the presence of a co-embedded reference dye triggers a ratiometric response in a PEBBLE sensor;(d)ion binding to a nanoparticle embedded ionophore is reported by a co-embedded pH-sensitive dye in a PEBBLE sensor;(e)analyte binding to one surface-grafted chemosensor affects several surrounding units,resulting in signal amplification;(f)receptors and fluorophores are individually grafted to the surface of a nanoparticle in a self-organizedsensor.Fig.2Cu(I )sensing system based on PEGylated CdS clusters:(a)cluster structure;(b)photoluminescence increase upon Cu(I )addition in water,as a consequence of the perturbation of the surface electronic structure of the quantum dots (adapted from ref.14b ).D o w n l o a d e d o n 21 O c t o b e r 2010P u b l i s h e d o n 21 O c t o b e r 2010 o n h t t p ://p u b s .r s c .o r g | d o i :10.1039/C 0N R 00405Ggroups into the corresponding glucose boronate esters,which are worse electron donors,at the same time decreasing the affinity of the quencher molecule for the QD surface.As a result,the QD emission increases.Glucose concentrations in the 2–20milli-molar range can be detected in water at pH 7.4.Amine func-tionalized QDs can also be used in the same way:in this case,however,the quenching efficiency of the viologen derivative is lower,probably because of weaker interactions with the posi-tively charged QD surface.Mareque-Rivas and co-workers (Fig.5)used a similar approach to develop a sensing system for cyanide anions.16A 2,20-bipyridine copper(II )complex was adsorbed on the trioctylphosphine oxide coating layer of CdSe QD,resulting in the quenching of the QD emission by an electron transfer from the excited QD to the metal complex.Addition of cyanide ions caused the displacement of the copper(II )ions from the bipy complex,thus restoring the QD emission.Santra and co-workers coated the surface of CdS:Mn/ZnS QDs with azacrown derivatives to obtain a cadmium(II )sensor.In this case,however,the sensitivity was in the millimolar range and several transition metal ions interfered with the cadmium iondetection.17Finally,QDs coated with a urea-bearing ferrocene derivative were used by Callan and co-workers to selectively detect fluoride ions in the sub-millimolar range (detection limit 0.074mM in chloroform).18Apparently,the binding of fluoride to the urea receptors alters the reduction potential of the ferro-cenyl groups causing the interruption of the PET process.A more sophisticated PET-based strategy was devised by Benson and coworkers (Fig.6),who designed a single-molecule biosensor for maltose in the micromolar range.19The authors prepared a chimeric protein composed by amaltose-bindingFig.3CdSe/ZnS QDs for acetyl choline sensing:(a)Schematic repre-sentation of calixarenes coated QDs;(b)fluorescence quenching of QDs in the presence of neurotransmitter compounds and choline (1.6mM,PBS buffer pH 7.4;adapted from ref.14c).Fig.4Working scheme the turn-on glucose sensing system of Singaram et al.:a viologen quencher detaches from the surface of quantum dots upon esterification of pendant boronic acids with glucose (reproduced from ref.15).Fig.5Cyanide sensing QD studied by Mareque-Rivas et al.:(a)QD schematic structure;(b)sensing scheme and naked-eye fluorescent detection of cyanide:the analyte displaces a quenching ion from a surface-grafted ligand,and the emission is restored as a result (vial (i)contains different potentially interfering anions than in the other vials;no Cu(I )complex in vial (a);adapted from ref.16).Fig.6Working scheme of the PET-based maltose sensing system studied by Benson et al.:maltose binding to a surface-grafted MBP protein conjugated with a quencher triggers a conformational change in the protein and restores the emission (reproduced from ref.19).D o w n l o a d e d o n 21 O c t o b e r 2010P u b l i s h e d o n 21 O c t o b e r 2010 o n h t t p ://p u b s .r s c .o r g | d o i :10.1039/C 0N R 00405G(MBP)domain and a metallothionein (MT)domain.The MBP-MT protein was selectively conjugated with a ruthenium(II )complex and grafted to a CdSe QD through the cysteine residues of the MT domain.The ruthenium(II )complex quenches the QD emission through a PET process.Maltose binding to the MBP domain causes the protein to undergo a severe conformational change that increases the distance between the Ru(II )complex and the QD,thus interrupting the PET process and restoring the emission.The most largely exploited sensing mechanism,however,is theactivation/deactivation of F €orster resonance energy transfer (FRET)processes (Fig.1b).7Very recently,P.-T.Chou and coworkers developed a ratiometric sensor for potassium ions based on a mixture of two 15-crown-5functionalized CdSe/ZnS QDs of different sizes.20The different size of the QDs makes them suitable as a FRET pair.Potassium ions,when present,are bound in a sandwich-like manner by the crown ether units grafted to different nanoparticles.This results in the activation of an energy transfer process between different particles and in the consequent modification of the emission spectrum of the mixture.Several other sensing schemes involving FRET processes have been designed.The general idea is to use the analyte recognition to modulate the energy transfer process between the QD and a dye appended to its surface.As in the previous example,such modulation will produce a ratiometric response of the sensing system to the analyte.Molecular beacons (fluorescent DNA sensors based on hybridization)are the most explored application.In a typical probe,a QD is functionalized with a DNA sequence comple-mentary to the target sequence,while the sample to be analyzed is conjugated,using standard labeling procedures,with a fluoro-phore whose absorption spectrum overlaps with the emission of the QD.If the target DNA is present,successful hybridization results in the activation of a FRET process where the QD emission decreases and the fluorophore emission becomes stronger.7This strategy has also been exploited in DNA-functionalized gold nanoparticles,with the particles acting as quenchers.21Analyte detection may also be achieved by pursuing the reverse process,i.e.interruption or modulation of FRET due to analyte-induced displacement of a fluorophore from a QD-bound receptor.Such an approach was first explored by Mattoussi and co-workers in 2003using CdSe QDs conjugated with a maltose binding protein (MBP).22A sugar derivative functionalized with a non-emissive dye was bound to the protein resulting in FRET quenching of the QD emission.Upon maltose addition,the quencher is displaced by the protein and the QD emission restored.A 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT)sensor was also realized in a subsequent work (Fig.7)using a CdSe/ZnS QD,an anti-TNT antibody and a quencher-conjugated TNT analogue.23A similar approach was recently explored by Willner and coworkers (Fig.8)using a boronic acid derivative instead of MBP.24Displacement of dye-labeled galactose or dopamine derivatives from the boronic acid functionalized CdSe/ZnS QDs resulted in the interruption of FRET and gave rise to a ratio-metric response.Submillimolar concentrations of galactose and glucose and micromolar concentrations of dopamine could be detected in water at pH 7.4.Conformational changes of MBP upon maltose binding were also exploited by the Mattoussi group to modulate FRET.25In a work published simultaneously with the previously discussed PET system of Benson et al.,19an engineered MBP was func-tionalized with a Cy3dye and bound to CdSe trough a C-termi-nal pentahystidine fragment.In the resulting nanobiosensor,the FRET process is highly efficient and QD excitation at 300nm results in an emission spectrum containing mainly the Cy3features.Maltose addition increases the donor–acceptor distance resulting in a decrease of the Cy3emission.As an alternative to donor–acceptor distance variations,FRET can also be modulated if the absorption spectrum of the acceptor is modified by analyte recognition.Such changesmayFig.7TNT sensing QDs based on the displacement of a quencher conjugate (TNT-BHQ10)from a QD-bound anti-TNT antibody.(a)Sensing scheme;(b)fluorescence recovery (reproduced from ref.23).Fig.8Competitive analysis of monosaccharides or dopamine using fluorophore-labeled galactose or dopamine and boronic acid function-alized QDs (reproduced from ref.24).D o w n l o a d e d o n 21 O c t o b e r 2010P u b l i s h e d o n 21 O c t o b e r 2010 o n h t t p ://p u b s .r s c .o r g | d o i :10.1039/C 0N R 00405Gdecrease or increase the overlap between the QD emission and the acceptor absorption thus modulating the efficiency of FRET.This approach has been explored by conjugating pH-sensitive dyes to QDs.In particular,Nocera and co-workers functional-ized polymer-coated CdSe/ZnS QDs with a pH-sensitive squar-aine dye.26At pH values below 7.5,the overlap between squaraine absorption and QD emission is high and the emission spectrum is dominated by the features of the organic dye.When the pH is raised,squaraine absorption is blue shifted and FRET becomes less efficient:the emission originates predominantly from quantum dots.This results in a remarkable ratiometric behavior that allows the determination of pH with better accu-racy than the dye alone in highly scattering environments.3.Sensing dye-doped particles:PEBBLEsThe unusual optical properties of QDs have attracted great interest and stimulated the development of many ingenious nanosensors,which were discussed in the previous paragraph.However,QDs have only been used in most cases as ‘‘better’’organic dyes,and the same sensing schemes could be,and often have been,exploited with conventional dyes.More complex sensing schemes,exploiting the inherent multivalency of nano-particles to trigger collective and cooperative processes,have been explored using dye-doped nanoparticles.The first approach to the realization of dye-doped sensing nanoparticles was proposed in the late 1990s by Kopelman and co-workers for studies in live cells and dubbed PEBBLE (Probes Encapsulated By Biologically Located Embedding or,more recently,Photonic Explorers for Bioanalysis with Biologically Localized Embedding).8,27In its simplest embodiment,the PEBBLE approach involves the encapsulation of classical fluo-rescent chemosensors into water-soluble polymeric nanoparticles (Fig.1c,d).The semi-permeable and transparent nature of the matrix allows the analyte to interact with a dye that reports the interaction via a change in the emitted fluorescence.This sensing scheme may look the same as that of classical chemosensors,but a closer inspection reveals several distinct advantages.First,the inclusion of chemosensors into nanoparticles minimizes the interaction with cell components such as proteins or membranes.Multifunctional systems implementing complex sensing schemes can also be easily realized.For instance,reference dyes can be added to enable ratiometric sensing,or ionophore/chromoiono-phore combinations can be used in order to take advantage of highly selective but non-fluorescent ionophores.As an example,Kopelman and co-workers 28reported on a ratiometric sensor for intracellular oxygen obtained by including a ruthenium complex [Ru(dpp)3]2+and the dye Oregon Green 488in silica PEBBLEs with diameters ranging from 100to 400nm.In the presence of oxygen,the fluorescence emission of [Ru(dpp)3]2+is strongly quenched while the emission of Oregon Green is not affected,thus allowing the ratiometric determina-tion of oxygen levels.These PEBBLEs were introduced into living cells using gene gun delivery techniques and used for the monitoring of variations of the oxygen level in the cytosol.Similar results were reported by the same research group 29using 120nm diameter ormosil PEBBLEs doped with a platinum porphyrin (platinum(II )octaethylporphine ketone),an oxygen-sensitive dye,and octaethylporphine as a reference dye.Compared to the previous example,this ormosil PEBBLE sensor shows higher sensitivity,a wider linear range and longer excita-tion and emission wavelengths.This last feature is especially important in intracellular measurements,where the background noise from fluorescent biomolecules (‘‘autofluorescence’’)is often a source of confusion.Moreover,these PEBBLE sensors display excellent reversibility and stability with respect to leaching and long-term storage.Other examples of oxygen sensing PEBBLEs have been reported by Kopelman et al.and others using organic polymeric nanoparticles.30The versatility of PEBBLEs was proved by targeting several different analytes.pH is probably one of the most obvious targets,not least because of the large number of pH-sensitive dyes available.Core-shell silica nanoparticles were used by Wiesner and co-workers for ratiometric pH sensing in vitro (Fig.9).31Tetramethylrhodamine,which is pH-insensitive,was covalently included into 50nm silica particles that were sub-sequently coated with a 10nm thick shell doped with the pH-responsive dye fluorescein.The core-shell structure of the particles,whereby sensitive units are excluded from the solvent-inaccessible core and thus prevented from contributing to the background signal,results in increased sensitivity.A different sensing scheme was demonstrated by Wolfbeis and co-workers.32The emission intensity of a fluorescent nano-particle is modulated by the pH-dependent absorption of a polyaniline coating layer.The organic conducting polymer acts as a screen by limiting the amount of exciting light reaching the fluorophores in a variable fashion,depending on the amount of protonated residues.By using fluorescent dyes with absorption centred on either side of the isosbestic point of polyaniline,it was possible to obtain an increase or a decrease of fluorescence with increasing pH depending on the excitation wavelength.With a p K a around 7,polyaniline is especially suitable for pH sensing in a physiologicalenvironment.Fig.9Core-shell silica nanoparticles doped with rhodamine and fluorescein for ratiometric pH sensing:(a)nanoparticle scheme;(b)ratiometric response;(c)false-color ratiometric imaging of pH in various intracellular compartments (inset:overlaid image;adapted from ref.31).D o w n l o a d e d o n 21 O c t o b e r 2010P u b l i s h e d o n 21 O c t o b e r 2010 o n h t t p ://p u b s .r s c .o r g | d o i :10.1039/C 0N R 00405G。
王燕华,王冬钰,何泽娟,等. 咖啡类黑精提取工艺优化及结构表征[J]. 食品工业科技,2023,44(19):225−234. doi:10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022110097WANG Yanhua, WANG Dongyu, HE Zejuan, et al. Optimization of Extraction Process and Structure Characterization of Coffee Melanoidins[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2023, 44(19): 225−234. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi:10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022110097· 工艺技术 ·咖啡类黑精提取工艺优化及结构表征王燕华1,王冬钰1,何泽娟1,施汤伟1,龚加顺1,2,谭 超1, *(1.云南农业大学食品科学技术学院,云南昆明 650201;2.云南省农业科学院,云南昆明 650201)摘 要:本研究以云南小粒咖啡为研究对象,优化咖啡类黑精提取工艺,利用100、50、30 kDa 的滤膜分级,基于分子形貌、光谱学特性表征不同分子量段的咖啡类黑精结构。
结果表明:咖啡类黑精最佳提取工艺为:料液比1:16(g/mL ),提取温度80 ℃,提取时间60 min 。
凝胶渗透色谱结果表明咖啡类黑精在溶液中呈现紧密球形结构,分子量大小主要为4.56×104和2.94×104 Da ,占比分别为72.5%和27.5%。
(T0134-93)Geotechnical bearing ratio (CBR). (T0134-93)实验⽬的及适⽤范围Purposes and applicable ranges1.本试验适⽤于在规定的试筒内制试件后,对各种⼟和路⾯基层,底基层材料进⾏承载⽐试验。
This test is applicable for making specimens in specified test tube which are used for carrying on bearing tests of various kinds of soils and materials of pavements and subbase.2.试样的最⼤粒径宜控制在25mm以内,最⼤不得超过38mm。
The maximum particle size should be controlled within 25-38mm试验仪器与设备Instruments and equipments本试验采⽤的仪器设备主要有:击实筒,电⼦秤,贯⼊杆,路⾯材料强度仪,百分表,试件顶⾯上的多孔板,多孔底板,以及⽔槽,滤纸。
The Instruments and equipments mainly applied in this test are: the compaction cylinder, electronic scale, penetration rod, and pavement material strength tester, dial gauge, the perforated plate on the top of specimen, the multi-orifice substrate, water tank and filter paper.试样的制备Sample preparation本试验试样的制备参照《公路⼟⼯试验规程》中的(T0131-93)进⾏制备。
Legionella Urine Antigen EIA
[UK]187 774/05 - 02/2005Legionella Urine Antigen EIAEnzym-Immunoassay for the in vitro detection ofLegionella antigen in urine. package size [REF] 3 807 600 96 tests [IVD] complete package Intend of use Legionnaires’ disease is caused by Legionella pneumophila and is an acute respiratory disease. It can take the course of a mild influenza-like illness (so-called Pontiac fever) or can cause pneumonia which, if left untreated, can show a relatively high lethality rate. (1) The mortality rate, which in the case of immunocompetent subjects can reach 20% without adequate treatment, can be reduced if appropriate antimicrobial therapy is commenced at an early stage as a result of rapid diagnosis. With regard to infections in humans, the species Legionella pneumophila is detected most frequently (80-85%) and although rarer, 18 further Legionella species occur as infectious agents of pneumonia. Strains of Legionella species isolated from patients belonged mainly to the serogroup 1, however 14 other serogroups exist (2). Since 1979, the detection of specific antigen in urine has on many occasions been described as a reliable, simple test (3,4), but until now this has been limited to the detection of serogroup 1. The test presented here detects specific Legionella antigen and recognises all L. pneumophila serogroups with a relatively wide spectrum of cross-reactivity as well as other Legionella species (5). Principle of test The strips of a microplate are coated with polyclonal rabbit antibodies which react with Legionella pneumophila antigen of all serogroups as well as further Legionella species. Patient urine is added to the wells of the microplate and any Legionella antigen present will bind to the specific antibody on the solid phase. Following the first incubation, the wells are washed and a peroxidase-labelled antibody which react with Legionella pneumophila antigen is added which binds to free binding sites on the antigen during a second incubation. After a further washing stage, the presence of bound peroxidase is demonstrated in a colour reaction with a substrate. The reaction is stopped by adding sulphuric acid and the optical density (OD) is measured with a spectrophotometer at 450 nm and a reference wavelength of 615-690 nm. Kit contains [MTP] 1 Microplate 12 single strips with 8 wells each, coated with rabbitanti-Legionella IgG (concentration: > 0.5 µg/ml)including [MTP] frame.[NC]2 x 1,5 ml Negative control/Calibrator Human urine, negative for Legionella antigen(ready for use, human, autoclaved)Preservative: 0.095% sodium azide[PC]1,5 ml Positive control Legionella pneumophila antigen (ready for use) Preservative: 0.095% sodium azide (culture supernatant)[CONJ] 15 mlRabbit anti-Legionella antibodies labelled with horse-radish peroxidase (HRP) in tris buffer with protein stabiliserPreservative: 0.05% Proclin-300®[WB]6 ml Wash buffer concentrate (500 x fold), 0.08 M phosphate buffer pH 7.2Preservative: 0.01% 2-bromo-2-nitro-1.3-propanediol[SUB]2 x 13 ml Substrate solution (ready for use) 3,3´,5,5´tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) solution < 0,05 % in H 2O.See warning and precautions.[STOP]15 ml Stop solution (ready for use) sulfuric acid < 1N H 2SO 4[SB]1 Storage bag Polyethylene bag for storing remaining microplate strips.I1 Package insert information Preservatives: total concentration < 0.2%Materials required but not supplied with the kitMicropipettes, spectral photometer (450 nm, reference wavelength 615–690 nm), microplate washer (with bottom wash) and incubator (37°C) for [MTP].Warning and precautionsDo not ingest reagents. Avoid contact with eyes and skin. All urine samples, controls and materials used for the test must be treated as being potentially infectious and appropriate safety precautions taken. The control urines have been autoclaved and sterile filtered, but should nevertheless be treated as potentially infectous. Do not pipet with mouth. According to good laboratory practice wear gloves, laboratory coat and safety glasses. Liquids and non-combustible materials should be decontaminated with sodium hypochlorite (final concentration: 3 %, activity time at least 30 minutes). Liquid waste which contains acids must be neutralised before disposal. The used [MTP] and all materials that are to be re-used must be autoclaved for 1 hour at 121°C. The [SUB] is sensitive of light and has to be protected from light. The test must be performed by well-trained and authorised laboratory technicians. Testing is performed under aseptic and microbiologically controlled conditions. Inform the manufacturer if the original test kit is damaged.StorageThe reagents are stable up to the stated expiry dates on the individual labels when stored at 2-8°C. After opening reagents have to be used within 30 days. For repeatedly testing store the reagents immediately after usage at 2-8°C.The [MTP] stripes are sealed separately in an aluminium bag with a desiccantand must be at room temperature before opening. Return unused strips with the desiccant to the zip-lock bag and store in this way at 2-8°C. Do not touch the upper rim or the bottom of the wells with fingers.Washing procedure The wash procedure is critical. Insufficient washing will result in poor precision and unspecific reactions. W1: wash 5 times with wash buffer. For that remove the liquid in the well anddispense with 300 µl washing buffer. Fill the well with at least 250 µl washing buffer (total volume 550 µl). This washing procedure is repeated 5 times. Tap out the plate briefly after washing. Perform next steps immediately after-wards. Do not allow the plate to dry out. Reagent preparation Dilute the wash buffer concentrate using deionised or destilled water (1:501, e.g. 1 ml plus 500 ml). The prepared wash buffer is stable for 1 week when stored at 2-8°C. Should crystallisation occur after storage at 2-8°C, the wash buffer concentrate can be brought back into solution by warming to 37°C. Mix the buffer well before diluting. The working wash buffer after dilution can be stored for one week at room temperature (18-25°C). All other test compo-nents of the test kit are ready for use. Sample preparation Urine samples should be collected in standard sterile containers, stored at room temperature and tested within 24 hours. Alternatively, the samples may be stored at 2-8°C for 14 days or frozen at –20°C. In the case of urine samples containing larger particulate matter, the clear supernatant should be used. Frozen urine samples containing high concen-trations of salts (phosphates, ureates) can produce precipitation of larger quantities of salts on thawing. After mixing and sedimentation the clearsupernatant can be used or the crystals re-dissolved by warming to 37°C. Test performance The protocol (see pipetting procedure) has to be followed strictly. Use 100 µl of positive control, negative control and sample in each well. The strips are not sealed with a self-adhesive film. Pipetting procedure of test performanceAllow all reagents to reach room temperature before use.The controls and the blank should be pipetted last. After pipetting thecontrols and samples immediately begin with incubation of the plate.step 1 well [µl]A1 B1/ C1 D1 E1... Blank -- [NC] double test -- 100 [NC]-- --[PC] -- -- 100 [PC]-- Sample ------100[MTP]Incubation: 60 ± 2 min ., 37 ± 1°CProcessor*: 60 ± 2 min ., 37 ± 1°C5x wash (s. W1 ) [WB]550 550 550 550step 2well [µl][CONJ] 100 100 100 100 [MTP]Incubation: 60 ± 2 min ., 37 ± 1°CProcessor*: 60 ± 2 min ., 37 ± 1°C5x wash (see W1) [WB]550 550 550 550step 3well [µl][SUB]100 100 100 100 Incubation: 10 ± 1 min . at room temperature in the dark Processor*: 10 ± 1 min .at room temperature in the dark [STOP]100 100 100 100Measure the extinction immediately or within 1 minute after stop at 450nm using a spectral photometer (reference wavelength: 615-690 nm). * If an ELISA processor is used the operator has to validate the test under his own responsibility.Quality controlThe positive and negative control must be included in every test run for evaluation of the patient samples and monitoring of test performance. Known positive or negative urine samples may be included as additional controls. The mean value of the negative controls (blank substracted) should be less than 0,100. The OD value of the positive control must be greater than 0,600. If these conditions are not met, the test results are invalid and the test must be repeated.M Biotest, Landsteiner Str. 5, D-63303 Dreieich, Germany Tel.: +49-6103-801-0, Fax:, |Calculation of the cut-off valueThe blank value is substracted from all extinction values of the controls and samples.The cut-off value is calculated from the mean OD value of the negative controls (NCx) + 0.200. Cut-off value = (NCx) + 0.200.Example: NCx = 0.023, cut-off = 0.023 + 0.200 = 0.223The grey zone is localised: OD ≥ mean OD of NC + 0,100 and OD < of mean OD of NC + 0,200.Example: NKx = 0,023, grey zone = 0,123 – 0,223.Interpretation of the resultsUrine samples with an extinction below the cut-off are considered as being negative. Note: a negative result does not exclude the possibility of a Legionella infection. Urine samples with an extinction equal to or greater than the cut-off are considered to be positive for the detection of Legionella antigen. Positive samples can be repeated for confirmation. Weak positive samples in the region of + 0.200 must be repeated for confirmation. If the repeated sample is above the cut-off again the sample is to be considered as positive. Urine samples with an extension within the grey zone should be repeated in testing. If the OD-value is again in the grey zone than the sample is considered as positive. If the OD value of the sample is below the grey zone than the sample is negative.Diagnostic interpretationResult above the cut off or repeatedly within the grey zone = positive: presumed positive for Legionella antigens in urine. This gives rise to the suspicion of an existing or past Legionella infection (weak positive samples must be repeated for confirmation, see above).Result < NCx + 0.200 = negative: presumed negative for Legionella antigens in urine. The possibility of a Legionella infection cannot be excluded, as the sensitivity of the test is not sufficient to recognise absolutely all cases of all Legionella species. Variations can arise in antigen secretion. Follow-up samples should be tested.Limitations of the methodThis test was validated using urine samples. Other materials (e.g. plasma, serum or body fluids) which can contain Legionella antigen have not been tested. In spite of is broad reactivity with various Legionella species, the Biotest Legionella Urine Antigen EIA is not able to detect all 39 Legionella species with equal sensitivity (6,7). The diagnosis of legionellosis cannot be made solely on the basis of clinical or radiological evidence. Antigen detection, the results of cultures and serological tests provide further aids for the diagnosis alongside the clinical findings.The secretion of Legionella antigen in urine can vary, depending on the patient, any accompanying diseases and the treatment. Furthermore, secretion can be variable in one and the same patient over time, thus requiring testing of a sequence of several urine samples. Early treatment with appropriate antibiotics can reduce the secretion of antigen in some patients. Antigen secretion can persist in some patients over a longer period. Irrespective of sensitivity and specificity of the test one should point out that a positive antigen detection in urine has to be set in correlation with the clinical symptoms. Connecting clinical symptoms with a positive antigen test this could be an early indicator.Performance characteristic300 urine samples from healthy subjects and 176 urine samples from subjects with a suspected urinary tract infection were tested. 475 samples were negative in the Legionella urine antigen test. One of the subjects with a suspected urinary tract infection was weakly positive. (specificity = 99.78%).Distribution of extinction values of negative samples Absorbance 0.001-0.099 0.100-0.199 0.200-0.299 cut-off Number of samples(total 476)449 26 1 0.22546 urine samples from patients with Legionella confirmed by culture were tested with the Biotest Legionella Urine Antigen EIA test. All 46 urine samples produced a positive result. The table below presents the distribution of the absorbance values of all 46 samples.Distribution of extinction values of positive samples(culture positive)Absorbance 0.001-0.199 0.200-0.4990.500-0.9991.000-1.999>2.000 cut-offNumber ofsamples(total 46)0 0 1 2 43 0.225Specificity of the Biotest Legionella Urine Antigen EIA: 99.8% Sensitivity of the Biotest Legionella Urine Antigen EIA: 100.0% Note: It is to be expected that the absolute sensitivity of the Biotest Legionella Urine Antigen EIA in patients with definite legionellosis is 50-70% (CDC Publication (8) shows 55.9% with comparable tests).The European Mulitcenter Study of the European Working Group on Legionella Infections EWGLI (5) showed a sensitivity of 94.6% for Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 and a sensitivity of 86% including samples of serogroups 2, 3, 4, 6, 10. Literatur1. Frazer, D.W. et al. (1977). N. Engl. J. Med. 297, 1189-1197.2. Robert Koch Institut (1996). Epidemiologisches Bulletin 35.3. Edelstein, P.H. et al. (1993). Legionnaires‘ disease – state-of-the-artclinical article. Clin. Infect. Dis. 16, 741-749.4. Tang, P.W. et al. (1986). Broad-Spectrum Enyzme-Llinked Immuno-sorbent Assay for Detection of Legionella Soluble Antigens. J. Clin.Microbiol. 24, 556-558.5. Harrison, T. et al. (1998). A multicenter evaluation of the BiotestLegionella urinary antigen EIA. Clin. Microbiol. Infect. 4, 359-365.6. Okada, C. et al. (2002). Cross-Reactivity and Sensitivity of TwoLegionella Urinary Antigen Kits, Biotest EIA and Binax NOW, to Extracted Antigens from Various Serogroups of L. pneumophila and Other Legionella Species. Microbiol. Immunol. 46, 51-54.7. Horn, J. et al. (2002). Comparison of non-serogroup 1 detection byBiotest and Binax Legionella urinary antigen enzyme immunoassays.In: Marre, R. et al. (eds.). Legionella, ASM Press, 207-210.8. Plouffe, J.F. et al. (1995). Clin. Infect. Dis. 20, 1286-1291.9. DIN EN ISO 980 Graphic symbols for use in the labelling of medicaldevices.Trouble Shooting Guide1) NC value higher than criteria of validity > 0,100 OD:a) [SUB] turned blue due to oxidation or contamination.b) Washing fault: Perform 5x wash cycles/washing step. Use Biotest[WB] as contained in the kit.c) Incubation fault: Temperature too high, incubation time wasexceeded or plate was not incubated directly after finishing ofpipetting.d) Wavelength fault: Measurement without reference filter will increaseOD values approximately + 0.120 OD.e) Contamination with the lid of the [PC]2) Yellow coloration in all wells:a) [WB] contamination; Prepare new washing buffer.b) [CONJ] contamination; Repeat test with reagents from unopenedvials. Use reagents under less microbial conditions.3) Mean value of[PC] below < 0,600 OD:a) Exceed of expire date.b) Temperature too low or fall below incubation time.c) Washing fault: Too intensive washing or mechanic contact ofmanifold and solid phase of the well.d) Contamination of [PC] or 2b.BBiotest。
Nanoimprint Lithography
Nanoimprint lithographyStephen Y.Chou,a)Peter R.Krauss,and Preston J.RenstromNanoStructure Laboratory,Department of Electrical Engineering,University of Minnesota,Minneapolis,Minnesota55455͑Received20June1996;accepted17August1996͒Nanoimprint lithography,a high-throughput,low-cost,nonconventional lithographic method proposed and demonstrated recently,has been developed and investigated further.Nanoimprint lithography has demonstrated25nm feature size,70nm pitch,vertical and smooth sidewalls,and nearly90°corners.Further experimental study indicates that the ultimate resolution of nanoimprint lithography could be sub-10nm,the imprint process is repeatable,and the mold is durable.In addition,uniformity over a15mm by18mm area was demonstrated and the uniformity area can be much larger if a better designed press is used.Nanoimprint lithography over a nonflat surface has also been achieved.Finally,nanoimprint lithography has been successfully used for fabricating nanoscale photodetectors,silicon quantum-dot,quantum-wire,and ring transistors.©1996 American Vacuum Society.I.INTRODUCTIONOne of the major road blocks in developing nanostruc-tures is the lack of a low-cost,high-throughput manufactur-ing technology.This problem is particularly serious for structures with a size below0.1m.Numerous technologies are under development to solve this problem.1–6One year ago,we proposed and demonstrated another possible solu-tion to nanostructure manufacturing,namely a new noncon-ventional lithographic method called nanoimprint lithography.7The key advantage of this lithographic tech-nique is the ability to pattern sub-25nm structures over a large area with a high-throughput and low-cost.Therefore, nanoimprint lithography is a manufacturing technology.In this article,we will present recent progress in developing this lithographic technique.II.PRINCIPLE OF IMPRINT LITHOGRAPHY Nanoimprint lithography has two basic steps as shown in Fig.1.Thefirst is the imprint step in which a mold with nanostructures on its surface is pressed into a thin resist cast on a substrate,followed by removal of the mold.This step duplicates the nanostructures on the mold in the resistfilm. In other words,the imprint step creates a thickness contrast pattern in the resist.The second step is the pattern transfer where an anisotropic etching process,such as reactive ion etching͑RIE͒,is used to remove the residual resist in the compressed area.This step transfers the thickness contrast pattern into the entire resist.During the imprint step,the resist is heated to a tempera-ture above its glass transition temperature.At that tempera-ture,the resist,which is thermoplastic,becomes a viscous liquid and canflow and,therefore,can be readily deformed into the shape of the mold.The resist’s viscosity decreases as the temperature increases.Unlike conventional lithography methods,imprint lithog-raphy itself does not use any energetic beams.Therefore,nanoimprint lithography’s resolution is not limited by the effects of wave diffraction,scattering and interference in a resist,and backscattering from a substrate.Furthermore,im-print lithography is fundamentally different from stamping using a monolayer of self-assembled molecules.8Imprint li-thography is more of a physical process than a chemical process.It is conceivable that in the future,the mold used in imprint lithography can be made using a high-resolution but low-throughput lithography,and then imprint lithography can be used for low-cost mass production of nanostructures. III.MOLDS,RESISTS,AND PROCESS CONDITIONS In our experiments,silicon dioxide and silicon were used as the mold materials.Certainly other materials such as met-als and ceramics could also be used.The mold was patterned with dots and lines with a minimum lateral feature size of25 nm using electron beam lithography and RIE.Polymethyl methacrylate͑PMMA͒was our primary resist,although we have had success with AZ and Shipley novlak resin-based resists as well.The PMMA showed excellent properties for imprint lithography.PMMA has a small thermal expansion coefficient ofϳ5ϫ10Ϫ5per°C and a small pressure shrink-age coefficient ofϳ3.8ϫ10Ϫ7per psi.9Mold release agents were added into the resists and worked well to reduce the resist adhesion to the mold.The pressure and temperature for the imprint process depend on the resist used.For PMMA, which has a glass-transition temperature of about105°C,the imprint temperature used in our experiments is typically be-tween140and180°C,and the pressure is from600to1900 psi.For that temperature and pressure range,the PMMA thermal shrinkage is less than0.8%and the pressure shrink-age is less than0.07%͑a smaller volume at a higher pres-sure͒,therefore,the shape of the PMMA should conform with that of the mold.To reduce air bubbles,the imprint process should be done in a vacuum.The gas used in the RIE pattern transfer,which also depends on the resist used,was oxygen for PMMA.a͒Electronic mail:chou@41294129 J.Vac.Sci.Technol.B14(6),Nov/Dec19960734-211X/96/14(6)/4129/5/$10.00©1996American Vacuum SocietyTypically,the intrusion of the mold is from 40to 200nm and the aspect ratio for the smallest mold features is 3:1.The thickness of the resist is from 50to 250nm.The resist was kept thicker than the mold intrusion to prevent the mold from contacting the substrate.This is essential to prolong the life-time of the mold.IV.RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A.ImprintVarious nanostructures have been imprinted into PMMA including 25nm diam holes with a 120nm period and 30nm wide trenches with a 70nm period.Figure 2shows a scan-ning electron micrograph of imprinted PMMA strips beforeRIE.The strips,which are 70nm wide and 200nm deep,have very smooth ͑a roughness less than 3nm ͒and vertical sidewalls,and nearly 90°corners.The spacing between the strips was intentionally made large to allow for examination of the sidewalls.The terminal face of the PMMA strips is not from cleaving,but directly from imprinting.As shown later,the small bend at the end of the PMMA strips is actually due to curvature in the parison with moldTo compare the imprinted resist profile and the profile of the mold features,we examined the mold using a scanning electron microscope ͑SEM ͒as shown in Fig.3.The PMMA profile shown in Fig.2comes from the closed end of the mold fingers;therefore,a precise comparison between the mold shape and the PMMA profile is not feasible.However,comparison of the general features,such as the linewidth,heights,and slight bending at the end of each line,indicated that the PMMA profile conformed to the mold.C.Effect of RIE on lateral dimension of imprinted PMMA patternsTo examine the effects of the oxygen RIE pattern transfer step on removing the residue resist in the compressed areas and on changing the lateral dimension of the PMMA fea-tures,the PMMA resist structures created by imprint lithog-raphy were used as the template for a lift off of metals.The RIE process was done with a power of 400W and a pressure of 90mTorr using oxygen gas.In the lift-off process,5nm Ti and 15nm Au were first deposited onto the entire sample,and then the metal on the PMMA surface was removed when the PMMA was dissolved in acetone.We compared the SEM image of the imprinted PMMA template before theoxygenF IG .1.Schematic of nanoimprint lithography process:͑1͒imprinting using a mold to create a thickness contrast in a resist,͑2͒mold removal,and ͑3͒pattern transfer using anisotropic etching to remove residue resist in the compressedareas.F IG .2.SEM micrograph of a perspective view of strips formed into a PMMA film by imprint.The strips are 70nm wide and 200nm tall,have a high aspect ratio,a surface roughness less than 3nm,and nearly perfect 90°corners.F IG .3.SEM micrograph of the mold that was used to imprint the PMMA strips shown in Fig.2.J.Vac.Sci.Technol.B,Vol.14,No.6,Nov/Dec 1996RIE transfer step to that of the metal patterns after the lift off.Figure 4shows 25nm diam dots with a 120nm period lifted off from the PMMA template of 25nm diam holes made by imprint lithography.Figure 5shows 30nm line-width and 70nm pitch metal lines lifted off from a PMMA template fabricated using imprint paring these metal features with the imprinted PMMA templates before RIE,there are no noticeable differences between thelift-off metal structures and the PMMA patterns.This indi-cates that during the oxygen RIE process,the compressed PMMA areas were completely removed while the lateral size of the PMMA features experienced little change.D.Estimation of ultimate lithography resolutionThe minimum feature size of imprint lithography shown in the previous section is limited by the minimum feature size on the mold.Further experiments have shown that a few nanometer variation on the mold can be successfully trans-ferred into the sidewalls of the PMMA,as shown in Fig.6͑a ͒.This means that if the polymer has sufficient mechani-cal strength,imprint lithography should be able to produce 10nm feature size in the polymer.E.Process repeatability and mold durabilityImprint lithography process repeatability and mold dura-bility are two key issues in making imprint lithography a manufacturing technology.We have used the same mold to imprint PMMA over 30times and examined the mold and the PMMA profile every time.We did not observe any no-ticeable changes in either the PMMA profile or the mold.Although over 30times imprinting is hardly considered a repeatability and durability test,we should expect the pro-cess to have a good repeatability and mold durability.This is because mold release agents gave a good release,the PMMA held above glass-transition temperatures is very soft,and the mold intrusion does not touch the substrate.F.UniformityTo examine the uniformity of this process,arrays with 30nm wide strips and a 150nm pitch were fabricated at the four corners and the center of a mold that had a size of 15mm by 18mm.After imprint lithography in PMMA,a lift-off pro-cess left 30nm wide metal lines with a 150nm pitch on the substrate,as shown in Fig.7.Figure 7clearly shows that even though the press we used is very primitive,imprint lithography can be very uniform over a significantly large area.We are quite confident that with a better designed press,good uniformity over a much larger imprint area can be achieved.G.Imprint lithography over a nonflat surfaceThere are at least two ways to approach the problem of imprint lithography over a nonflat surface.The brute force method is to use a thick resist,create a large thickness con-trast,and etch the PMMA very deep in the vertical direction.An example is given in Fig.6where a 75nm step in the substrate was covered with a 300nm resist.Then a 200nm thickness contract was created in the PMMA and about 150nm of PMMA was removed during the pattern transfer.As shown,the 75nm step can be seen clearly after etching.However,due to prolonged etching,the linewidth is reduced from 60to 40nm.A better approach would be to use a thick resist to create a flat surface first.After the imprint step,a material thatisF IG .4.SEM micrograph of 25nm diameter and 120nm period metal dots fabricated by imprint lithography and a lift-offprocess.F IG .5.SEM micrograph of 30nm wide and 70nm period metal lines fabricated by imprint lithography and a lift-off process.JVST B -Microelectronics and Nanometer Structuresvery resistant to RIE is coated only on the top surface of the imprinted pattern.Then the coated material is used as a RIE mask in transferring the pattern into the entire resist.We are currently developing this technology.H.Fabrication of nanodevices using imprint lithographyIn parallel with developing imprint lithography,we have used imprint lithography to fabricate nanodevices.One ex-ample is metal–semiconductor–metal photodetectors fabri-cated using imprint lithography and optical lithography.In addition,we fabricated quantum-wire,quantum-dot,and ring transistors in silicon using imprint lithography and RIE of silicon.Quantum effects and single electron effects were ob-served in these devices,which will be reported elsewhere.10V.FUTURE IMPROVEMENT AND CHALLENGES No doubt,imprint lithography is still at its infancy and further investigations are needed to make it a manufacturing technology.Currently,we have not fully characterized and fully understood imprint lithography.The press we used is rather primitive.The surface sticking problem,which has been greatly reduced in our current work,still needs more improvement.Molding conditions are not optimized yet.The effect of thermal expansion on lithography resolution has not been studied.Molds with smaller feature size are needed to explore the ultimate resolution.We also need to prove that the area for a single imprint can be much larger than 1sq in.Finally,multilevel alignment is one of the biggest chal-lenges.However,since the first report on imprint lithography a year ago,many groups have started looking into this tech-nology.We should expect significant progress in the near future.VI.CONCLUSIONWe have demonstrated that imprint lithography can achieve 25nm feature size and 70nm pitch,vertical and smooth sidewalls,nearly 90°corners,and uniformity over an area of 15mm by 18mm in a single imprint.Our study indicates that imprint lithography can potentially have a 10nm resolution over an area much greater than 1sq in.,and can have good repeatability and durability.Therefore,im-print lithography has high-throughput and low-cost.WithF IG .6.The PMMA lines imprinted over a 75nm step ͑a ͒before RIE pattern transfer and ͑b ͒after.Due to the deep vertical etch required,the PMMA linewidth was reduced from 60to 40nm.F IG .7.SEM micrographs of 30nm wide metal gratings with a 150nm period fabricated using imprint lithography and lift off.The five pictures come from the four corners and the center of a mold that has a size of 15mm by 18mm.J.Vac.Sci.Technol.B,Vol.14,No.6,Nov/Dec 1996further development,imprint lithography can become the technology for manufacturing nanostructures,and can have a significant impact in many areas such as integrated circuits, biology,and chemistry.No doubt,the current study of im-print lithography is preliminary.Yet,the future of imprint lithography seems very promising. ACKNOWLEDGMENTThe authors would like to thank other members of the NanoStructure Laboratory whose efforts have profoundly af-fected the current work.1A.N.Broers,J.M.Harper,and W.W.Molzen,Appl.Phys.Lett.33,392͑1978͒.2D.Flanders,Appl.Phys.Lett.36,93͑1980͒.3K.Early,M.L.Schattenburg,and H.I.Smith,Microelectron.Eng.11, 317͑1990͒.4M.A.McCord and R.F.P.Pease,J.Vac.Sci.Technol.B4,86͑1986͒. 5J.W.Lyding,T.C.Shen,J.S.Hubacek,J.R.Tucker,and G.C.Abelin, Appl.Phys.Lett.64,2010͑1994͒.6T.R.Albrecht,M.M.Dovek,ng,P.Grutter,C.F.Quate,S.W. J.Kuan,C.W.Frank,and R.F.W.Pease,J.Appl.Phys.64,1178͑1988͒. 7S.Y.Chou,P.R.Krauss,and P.J.Renstrom,Appl.Phys.Lett.67,3114͑1995͒;Science272,85͑1986͒;P.R.Krauss and S.Y.Chou,the39th EIPB,Scottsdale,AZ,May30–June2,1995͓J.Vac.Sci.Technol.B13, 2850͑1995͔͒.8A.Kumar and G.M.Whitesides,Appl.Phys.Lett.63,2002͑1993͒.9I.Rubin,Injection Molding͑Wiley,New York,1972͒.10L.J.Guo,P.R.Krauss,and S.Y.Chou,Appl.Phys.Lett.͑submitted͒.JVST B-Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures。
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E-mail address: zhanzili@ (Z.L. Zhan). 0021-9797/$ – see front matter 2003 Published by Elsevier Inc. doi:10.1016/j.jcis.2003.11.048
Zili Zhan,∗ Wenhui Song, and Denggao Jiang
School of Chemical Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450002, China Received 30 April 2003; accepted 24 November 2003
Abstract Nanometer-sized indium oxide (In2 O3 ) particles have been prepared by chemical reaction of inorganic indium compounds and ammonia gas in a reverse microemulsion system consisting of water, Triton X-100 (surfactant), n-heptanol (co-surfactant), and n-octane (oil). Precursor hydroxides precipitated in the droplets of water-in-oil (W/O) microemulsion were calcined at different temperatures to form indium oxide powder. The factors affecting the particle size have been discussed; the calcination temperature is considered to be the important factor for controlling the size. In2 O3 calcined at 400 ◦ C had a spherical form and a narrow size distribution. Calcination at 800 ◦ C led to the formation of particles not only of irregular shape, but also of a wide size distribution. With the increase in calcination temperature from 400 to 800 ◦ C, the average size of the particles grew from 7 to about 40 nm. The species of reactants used in the aqueous phase had a significant effect on the size of the particles. The average diameter of In2 O3 particles derived from reactant InCl3 was 7 nm; that of particles derived from In(NO3 )3 was 15 nm. The In2 O3 nanoparticles were characterized by transmission electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. The phase behavior of the microemulsions is discussed. 2003 Published by Elsevier Inc.
because of the high degree of agglomeration and irregular particle morphology in the In2 O3 powder. It is well known that the sensitivity of gas sensors can be improved by decreasing the particle size of the gas-sensing material in order to increase the number of oxygen sites on its surfaces. Thus, for the application of In2 O3 as a sensing layer material of chemical gas sensors, nanosized particles are desirable. Reverse microemulsions are colloidal nanodispersions of water in oil stabilized by a surfactant film. These thermodynamically stable dispersions can be considered as true nanoreactors which can be used to carry out chemical reactions and, in particular, to synthesize nanomaterials. The synthesis of nanoparticles in microemulsions and the evolution of the formation mechanisms and growth control in recent years have been reviewed by López-Quintela [9,10]. The particle size is affected by the microemulsion droplets, the flexibility of the surfactant film, the reactant concentration, and the adsorption of surfactant on the particles as listed below: (1) particle size increases with increasing reactant concentration, (2) particle size decreases with increasing excess of one of the reactants, (3) particle size increases with increasing surfactant film flexibility, (4) particle size
Keywords: Indium oxide; Microemulsion; Nanoparticles
1. Introduction Indium oxide (In2O3 ) is an n-type semiconductor that shows the unusual combination of high transparency in the visible region and high electrical conductivity. These properties make In2 O3 an interesting material for a number of applications: solar cells, optoelectronic devices, and liquid crystal displays [1]. Indium oxide is also an important material for semiconductor gas sensors. Recently, In2 O3 has been used by many researchers as a gas-sensing material [2–4]. In2 O3 -based gas sensors exhibite some excellent gas-sensing properties, such as high sensitivity to O3 [5] and NO2 [6] and high sensitivity and selectivity to CO without being disturbed by the coexistence of H2 [7]. The In2 O3 used for gas sensors is usually prepared from precursor hydroxides precipitated by addition of NH4 OH to aqueous InCl3 solutions [7,8]. However, it is not easy to obtain In2 O3 nanoparticles from this precipitation method,
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 271 (2004) 366–371 /locate/jcis
Preparation of nanometer-sized In2O3 particles by a reverse micrห้องสมุดไป่ตู้emulsion method
Z. Zhan et al. / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 271 (2004) 366–371
increases with increasing droplet size, and (5) the growth of the particles stops after adsorption of surfactants onto the particles. For the formation of ceramics via microemulsion techniques, the lack of methods for inhibiting the aggregation and sintering of the produced nanoparticles when they are fired to crystallize is a serious drawback. It is difficult to control the particle size of ceramics. Water-in-oil microemulsions have been used to synthesize many metal oxide particles, such as titania [11], indium– tin oxide [12], and tin oxide [13]. But the synthesis of In2 O3 nanoparticles through reverse microemulsions is unseen in the related reports. In order to obtain highly sensitive In2 O3 gas-sensing material and study the correlation between the particle size and the sensitivity of the gas sensor, the phase behavior of waterin-oil microemulsions has been observed by a laser device, and nanoparticles of indium oxide have been prepared in Triton X-100/n-octane/n-heptanol/water microemulsions. In2 O3 particle size distribution and physical properties were also studied.