An Efficient Spectral Algorithm for Network Community Discovery




一类改进的谱共轭梯度法景书杰;李亚敏;牛海峰【摘要】谱共轭梯度法有两个方向控制参数,是解决大规模无约束优化问题的有效方法.本文提出了一个改进的谱参数θk,它不同于现有的θk.新算法在任何线搜索下都满足著名的共轭条件:dTk yk-1=0.新方法的搜索方向在任何线搜索下都是充分下降的.在一般假设下,我们证明该方法在改进的Wolfe线搜索是全局收敛的.【期刊名称】《洛阳师范学院学报》【年(卷),期】2019(038)002【总页数】5页(P1-5)【关键词】无约束优化;谱共轭梯度法;下降条件;谱参数;Wolfe线搜索【作者】景书杰;李亚敏;牛海峰【作者单位】河南理工大学数学与信息科学学院,河南焦作454000;河南理工大学数学与信息科学学院,河南焦作454000;河南理工大学数学与信息科学学院,河南焦作454000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O221.20 引言考虑无约束优化问题(0.1)其中f(x)在Rn→R上是连续可微的函数,Rn表示n维欧式空间. 我们定义g(x)=▽f(x)是f(x)在xk处的梯度向量,且令gk=g(xk).由于非线性共轭梯度法(简称CG法)迭代简单有效,全局收敛性和低内存需求,故它是解决问题(0.1)的最有效的迭代方法之一,特别是在科学和工程计算中的大规模优化问题中. 在解决问题(0.1)的迭代算法中得到序列{xk},它的一般迭代格式如下xk+1=xk+αkdk(0.2)其中xk是当前迭代点,αk为步长.这里βk∈Rn为共轭参数,不同的CG法是由不同形式的共轭参数βk决定. 本文被以下共轭参数所吸引:它们的βk公式[1-4]如下这里代表Euclidean范数,yk:=gk+1-gk.PRP和HS是公认的最有效的两个CG法,但它们的收敛性都不是很好. 已有很多关于收敛性的研究[5-11]. 这些CG法都有良好的收敛性和数值表现,然而它们构造复杂且难以理解,不像经典的CG法[1-4,12-15], 形式简单,容易应用,所以工程师们也很少把它们应用到科学和生产等研究中. 因此,Rivaie等[16]给出了一个形式简单的共轭参数为方便起见,我们称它为RMIL法.2012年,Rivaie等[16]提出RMIL法的共轭参数,定义为(0.3)这里yk-1=gk-gk-1.显然(0.4)Rivaie等[16]验证了该方法产生的搜索方向dk是充分下降的,并在精确线搜索下建立了该算法的全局收敛性. 数值试验表明,RMIL法具有线性收敛速率,比其它CG法更有效.2001年,Birgin 和Martinez[17]提出了谱共轭梯度法(SCG法),即将谱梯度方法和CG法的思想结合起来,搜索方向dk的迭代格式如下(0.5)其中这里θk是谱参数;sk-1=xk-xk-1;yk-1=gk-gk-1. 令人惊奇的是, SCG法在很多情况下优于经典的CG法. 但SCG法产生的搜索方向dk不满足下降条件并且没有证明算法是否是全局收敛性的. 故已有学者对此进行研究,使其修正的SCG法产生搜索方向dk是下降方向,并在一般假设下建立算法的全局收敛性.Zhang等在文献 [18] 给出一个修正的FR共轭梯度法(MFR),搜索方向dk如下dk=-θkgk+βkdk-1其中显然,对k≥1,有成立. 即搜索方向dk是不依赖于任何线搜索的充分下降方向. Zhang等[18]证明了MFR法对于一般的目标函数在Wolfe线搜索或Armijo线搜索下也具有全局收敛性.2008年,Yu等[19]修正谱Perry共轭梯度法得到一个新的SCG法,称为DSP-CG法.的公式如下这里数值试验表明,对于任何的线搜索DSP-CG法都是下降方法. Yu等[19]证明了DSP-CG法对一般目标函数在Wolfe线搜索下是全局收敛性的.最近,Deng等[20]改进了SCG算法,给出混合的θk和βk公式,定义为:这里η是一个给定的小常数. 参数θk和βk的选择使得搜索方向dk既是充分下降的也是拟牛顿方向. 在Armijo线搜索下验证了改进的SCG算法的全局收敛性. 数值试验证实了改进的SCG算法比现存的算法更有效和稳定.本文将展示一个改进的谱参数θk,进而结合文献[16] 中的构造一个新的SCG法,我们称它为SRMIL法. 该方法的搜索方向dk不需要任何线搜索都是充分下降的.我们建立了在修正的Wolfe线搜索下SRMIL法的全局收敛性.1 谱参数θk及算法下降性下面我们给出谱参数θk的选取方法. 我们给出的谱参数θk不依赖于任何线搜索而满足著名的共轭条件:给式(0.3)的两边同乘yk-1,可得因此所以(1.1)本文用SRMIL法解决问题(0.1),该方法中xk和dk的迭代格式分别选用(0.2)和(0.5). 用式(0.3)计算βk,用式(1.1)计算θk. 故有SRMIL法满足著名的共轭条件. 算法:Step 0:给定初始值x0∈Rn,ε>0,令0<ρ<σ<1,令k:=0,d0=-g0.Step 1:计算gk;若则停止,否则转Step 2.Step 2:计算步长αk>0,使其满足修正的Wolfe线搜索[21]:(1.2)Step 3:利用式(0.3),式(0.5),式(1.1),分别计算Step 4:令xk+1=xk+αkdk,求gk+1,并用(0.3)试求令令k:=k+1,转Step 1.基本假设H[22](H1)目标函数f(x)在水平集l0={x∈Rn|f(x)≤f(x0)} 上有下界,其中x0为初始点.(H2)目标函数f(x)在水平集l0的一个邻域N内连续可微,且梯度函数g(x)满足Lipschitz连续,即存在常数L>0,使(1.3)引理1.1 若假设 H 成立,则修正的 Wolfe 线搜索(1.2)是可行的,故必存在αk>0满足条件(1.2).证明类似于文献 [19] 中引理1的证明,这个结果的证明是显然的.下面给出算法的充分下降条件.引理1.2 设序列{gk}和{dk}由算法生成,则对任意k≥0,(1.4)和(1.5)成立.证明用数学归纳法证明.(i)当k=0时,有d0=-g0,则有成立.(ii)假设有成立. 当k=k+1时,由式(0.4),式(0.5)和式(1.1)有(1.6)综上,式(1.4)得证.由式(1.6),显然有式(1.5)成立.2 全局收敛性引理2.1[23] 若假设H成立,则由算法生成的序列{gk}和{dk}满足Zoutendijk条件(2.1)证明由式(1.2)和式(1.3),可得因此将上式的两边取平方得由式(1.2)和假设H,可得<+∞定理2.1 若假设H成立,序列{gk}由迭代算法(0.2)和(0.5)产生,则有(2.2)证明我们用反证法证明,反设结论不成立,则必存在常数γ>0,使得对式(0.5)变形得(2.3)把(2.3)的两边取平方模,并移项得上式两边除以得再利用式(1.5),得(2.4)注意到当k=0时,d0=-g0,所以,由式(2.4)得所以显然,这与引理2.1中的(2.1)矛盾,故参考文献【相关文献】[1] Polak E,Ribiere G. 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中英文对照外文翻译原文:Time Varying autoregressive modeling of Audio and speech signalsConventional linear predictive techniques for modeling of speech and audio signals are based on an assumption that a signal is stationary within each analysis frame. However,natural signals are often continuously timevarying, i.e., nonstationary.Therefore this assumption might not be well justified.In this paper, we study a timevarying autoregressive(TVAR) modeling technique in which this restriction is relaxed.A frequency-warped formulation of the Subba RaoLiporace TVAR algorithm is introduced in the article. Theapplicability of the presented methodology to various speechand audio signal processing tasks is illustrated and discussed.It is also shown that the TVAR scheme yields an efficientparametrization for timevarying sounds. 1 IntroductionLinear prediction, LP, is a standard technique in speech and audio coding [1] and in several other applications for analysis and synthesis of audio and speech signals. Conventional LP techn- iques utilize framebased autoregressive spectral modeling,e.g., autocorrelation or autocovariance method of LP.In conventional LP, it is assumed that a signal x(t) can beexpressed as a linear com bination of the previous samples by1()()(),1,...,pk k x t a x t k e t t p T ==-+=+∑ (1)Here, ak are a set of fixed set of p coefficients which can be estimated from a signal frame of T samples, and e(t) is a prediction error, or a residual, signal.In warped LP [2], this is modified by replacing x(t−k) in (1) by dk[x(t)] that is produced by filtering x(t) with a chain of k first-order allpass filters. The transfer function of the allpass filter is of the form 11()()/(1)D z z z λλ--=-+-. Here, λ is called a warping parameter. With =0λ, the system reduces to the conventional linear prediction, and other choices yield to the modified, warped, frequency representation of the system. In speech and audio applications it is beneficial to choose λsuch that the new frequency representation approximates that of human hearing [3, 4]. The signal model for warped linear prediction, WLP, is given by1()[()](),1,...,p k k k x t a d x t e t t p T==+=+∑ (2)This is clearly a generalization of the conventional LP (which is obtained if λ= 0). In practice, the only difference is that all unit delays z−1 in the computation of the correlation values and in the implementation of inverse and synthesis filters are replaced by firstorder allpass elements D(z)[5, 4]. The estimation of the coefficients in both conventional and warped linear prediction relies on an inherent assumption that the signal is stationary within the analysis frame. In many cases this assumption is reasonable. Nevertheless, speech and audio signals are often nonstationary. Onsets and offsets of musical sounds, brief transients, transitions, and chirps are typical examples of nonstationarities which may occur within a timescale that is significantly shorter than the typical length of the analysis frame in the LP analysis. In fact, those are all typical instances in which the conventional LP techniques, e.g., LPbased coders, usually fail. A partial solution this is to perform analysis using overlapping frames and interpolating coefficients, usually linearly, between adjacent signal frames. However, this approach is more or less arbitrary and is not related to the actual fluctuations in the signal.Timevarying autoregressive, TV AR, models were first introduced in [6] and has thereafter been partially reformulated and applied to speech [7, 8]. In this article, a frequencywarped version of the conventional algorithm for directform timevarying filters is presented.2 Warped TV AR ModelsIn the timevarying case the prediction coefficients ,k=1,...,k a p in (1) are functions of time and the model of a signal x(t) is of the form1()[()](),1,...,pk k k x t a d x t e t t p T ==+=+∑ (3)In (3) there are more parameters than data. Thus there are infinitely many exact solutions that fulfill ,most of which are totally meaningless. The determination of timevarying prediction coefficients is an illposed problem and it is characteristic for the class of inverse problems. Without any further prior information or feasible assumptions the problem is almost impossible to solve. It is possible to use, e.g., adaptive filtering [9] or smoothness priors TV AR techniques[10] to estimate the timevarying coefficients.However, these do not immediately lead to the efficient parametrization of the process. The technique presented in this article is based on an assumption that the coefficient evolutions ()k a t can be expressed as linear combinations of predefined basis functions ()t φ, i.e.,0()=()Mk k a t c t φ=∑ (4)where k c are basis coefficients.Substitution of (4) to (3) yields to=01()=()[()](),1,...,pM k k k x t c t d x t e t t p T φ=+=+∑∑ (5)The basis coefficients are obtained by minimizing the residual in least squares sense, i.e., by solving min22min c c X H - (6)Here the parameter vector is of the form1010(,...,,...,,...,)T M p pM c c c c c = (7)1(,...,)T p T X x x +=, and the regressor matrix1010(,...,,...,,...,)M p pM H H H H H = (8)where((1)[(1)],...,()[()])T k k k H p d x t T d x T φφ=++ (9)In Eqs (7)-(9)中()T⋅. denotes transpose. The solution of (6) is formally obtained from1()T T C H H H X -=, although the utilization of an orthogonalization algorithm might beappropriate. The timevarying prediction coefficients are assembled via (4).It is observed that the computational complexity of the algorithm depends on the number of the basis functions and the order of the model. In principle, the computational burden is M times higher than in the usual time-invariant case. However, the modeling capabilities of the time-varying scheme could be better than the time-invariant one. Thus, the extra computational burden is may be acceptable. 3 ExamplesThe following highly simplified example illustrates the applicability of TV AR techniques to LPC based audio coding. In this case, there are only two basis functions and the system is unwar- ped, i.e., =0λ. The signal in Fig. 1 (top) is a segment of an audio signal in which the beginning is an attenuating sound of Vibraphone and in the middle of the frame is an onset of a sound of an acoustic guitar.Figure 1: Top: An excerpt from a musical signal.Bottom:Basis functions of the TVAR modelThe basisfunctions t φ are shown in Fig. 1.The firstbasis function is constant and the secon- d one is a sigmoidal function. If only the first basis function was used the techniquewould be ana-logous to the conventional framebasedLPC. In this example, the center and the steep- ness of thesecond basis function have been chosen using an iterative algorithm that tries to maximize Segme- ntal Prediction Gain ,given by2102110log 2kk S x db k e SPG σσ=∑ (10)Here, the original signal and the residual are divided into S segments and the variance ofeach signal and residual segments are denoted by 2k x σand 2k e σ, respectively. The final result of the TVAR analysis, that is, the coefficient evolution sequences over the signal frame, using the basis function of Fig. 1, are shown in Fig. 2. In this example, the filters corr esponding TVAR models are stable at each time instant. The potential instabilities of TVARmodels[7] can be handled, for example, withmetho- ds discussedin [11, 12].Figure 2: Time-varying coefficient evolutions ak(t).The prediction error signal, residual, of a 10th order TVAR model is shown in Fig. 3 (top). The residual of a conventional 20th order LPC is also shown in Fig 3 (bottom).In the latter case the LPC has been estimated by using Hamming window and autoc- orrelation method of LP. Since there are only two basis functions in the TVAR model, the number of parameters in both cases is the same. However, in TVAR scheme it is necessary to transmit two additional param- eter which describe the center and steepn- ess of the basis function. The prediction gain, PGdB, over the whole signal excerpt in the two cases is approximately the same. SPGdB is higher in the case of the TVAR model, i.e., 43 dB for the TVAR model and 38 dB for the LPC model. The difference between the two techniques is even higher in the Vibr aphone part of the signal, i.e., the PGdB in the TVAR exceeds that of the LPC model by more than 6 dB. This means that the LPC model for the beginning of the excerpt is inaccurate. It is probable, that in a coding applica- tion this would produ- ce an artifact which is sometimes called the preecho effect.Figure 3: Residual signal in the case of a 10th order TVARmodel (top) and 20th order conventional LPC model (bottom) The top panel of Fig. 4 shows a waveform of a male speech utte- rance /ma/ at the sampling rate of 10 kHz. The middle figure shows a set of seven prolate sphe roidal basis functions and a constant function. The bottom figure shows coefficient evolutions of a 12thorder warped TVAR model of the signal. At this sampling rate, = 0.46 yields a frequency representation which very close to the frequency resolution of human hearing [3]. Computing the frequency response of the timevarying filter at each time instant one may produce a representation which is here called an allpole spectrogram.Figure 4: (Top) Original male speech utterance /ma/ (Middle)A set of prolate spheroidal basis functions (Bottom) CoefficientevolutionsFor this coefficient evolution this is shown in Fig. 5d. Fig. 5b shows the allpole spectrogramcorrespond- ing to the unwa- rped case, i.e., =0.Figure 5: Allpole spectrograms corresponding to the estimated parametric models.Panels a and c in Fig. 5 show allpole spectro grams estimated using conventional and war ped LP, respectively, such that the length of the Hanning window was 40 ms and the model was estimated at intervals of 1 ms. The total num ber of parameters for the panels a and c is 200 × 12 = 2400 while in panels b and d it is only 8 × 12 = 96. As expected, the use of warping in panels c and d enhances frequency resolution at low frequencies, e.g., the second formant and the nasal formants at low frequencies are clearly visible in the two bottom panels. According to psychoac- oustic theories and listening test results [4], this is advantageous in many speech and audio appl- ications.4DiscussionThe representation of timevarying coefficients as a linear combination of predefined basis functions provides interesting tools for signal analysis and synthesis. Typically basis functions are elementary mathematical functions, e.g., sinusoids, Gaussian pulses, sigmoids, or prolate spheroidal functions. In all these cases the time scale can be adjusted by changing a single para meter. For example, in synthesis of isolated sou- nds, it is easy to change the duration of each basis function to synthesize signals with different duration but same spectral content. However, this requires that there is also a scalable representation for excitation signal. In a practical experi- ment, the current authors used a simplified multipulse excitation for the warped TVAR model ofspeech utterance/ma/, shown in Fig. 5. By changing the duration of basis functions and the pul- se locations to match the new time scale it was possible to synthesize natural sounding speech sounds where the duration and the pitch of the speech utterance was inchanged but formant traje- ctories were preserved. The use of a warped TVAR model also enhanced the naturalness of synt- hesized sound in this example. The economical parametrization of a time-varying spectrum mak- es TVAR techniques attractive for identification and recognition of speech and sound signals. In these applications the ease of applying time-scaling techniques to basis functions also makes it possible to simplify the recognition of , e.g., isolated speech utterances independently of their va- rying durations. Nevertheless, the TVAR techniques studied in this article do have severe draw- backs. Stability of the model cannot be guaranteed in fact, it is often the case that the estimated model is temporarily instable. There are techniques for stabili- zation of TVAR models [11, 12] but they are computationally expensive and may give too smooth spectral models. The comput- ational burden and memory requirements are high, in Eg. (6), if the signal is long, the order of the model is high, and the numb- er of basis functions is high. For example, a 40th order model with 20 basis functions for a 20 ms wideband speech or audio sample at the sampling rate of 44.1 kHz already yields a regression matrix H having more than 700000 elements. In addition, the time varying directform filter coefficients are not a natural representation for the time varying processes occurring in typical natural sound sources. For example, a monotonic evolution of directform filter coefficients do not convey a smooth transition of a resonance in the frequency domain. Grenier has introduced a related technique based on the TVAR formulation of the lattice method [8]. To put it briefly, recent experience of the current authors is that this technique, and its warped counterpart, has all favorable characteristics of the presented TVAR methods but it also gives solutions to the afore- mentioned problems.译文:基于时变自回归模型的音频和语音信号分析对音频和语音信号的分析,所使用的传统线性预测模型是基于所分析的音频和语音信号是平稳的这一假设。



304IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS,VOL.5,NO.7,JULY2001 Single-Carrier Frequency-Domain Equalization for Space–Time Block-Coded Transmissions Over Frequency-Selective Fading ChannelsNaofal Al-Dhahir,Senior Member,IEEEAbstract—We propose an Alamouti-like scheme for combining space–time block-coding with single-carrier frequency-domain equalization.With two transmit antennas,the scheme is shown to achieve significant diversity gains at low complexity over frequency-selective fading channels.Index Terms—Diversity methods,equalizers,intersymbol inter-ference,Fourier transform.I.I NTRODUCTIONS INGLE-CARRIER minimum-mean-square-error fre-quency-domain equalization(SC MMSE-FDE)was shown in[8],[2]to be an attractive equalization scheme for broadband wireless channels which are characterized by their long impulse response memory.Under these conditions,SC MMSE-FDE has lower complexity,due to its use of the computationally-efficient fast Fourier transform(FFT),than time-domain equalization whose complexity grows exponentially with channel memory and spectral efficiency(trellis-based schemes)or require very long FIR filters to achieve acceptable performance(e.g.,deci-sion feedback equalizers).Furthermore,the SC MMSE-FDE was shown in[8]to have two main advantages over orthogonal frequency division multiplexing(OFDM),namely,lower peak-to-average ratio(PAR)and reduced sensitivity to carrier frequency errors.Diversity transmission using Alamouti’s space–time block-coding(STBC)scheme[1]has been proposed in several wireless standards due to its many attractive features.First, it achieves full spatial diversity at full transmission rate for2 transmit antennas and any signal constellation.Second,it does not require channel state information at the transmitter.Third, maximum likelihood decoding of STBC requires only simple linear processing.The SC MMSE-FDE was first combined with receive diver-sity in[4].There has been some recent work on combining the Alamouti scheme with OFDM[6]and with time-domain equal-ization[5].To the best of our knowledge,no previous work has been reported in the literature on combining STBC and SC MMSE-FDE to realize the benefits of both schemes,which is the objective of this paper.Manuscript received February13,2001.The associate editor coordinating the review of this letter and approving it for publication was Dr.H.Sari.The author is with the AT&T Shannon Laboratory,Florham Park,NJ07932 USA(e-mail:*******************.com).Publisher Item Identifier S1089-7798(01)06472-9.The rest of this letter is organized as follows.We start in Sec-tion II by describing our model and assumptions and reviewing the SC MMSE-FDE.In Section III,we propose an Alam-outi-like scheme for combining STBC and SC MMSE-FDE. Simulation results for the EDGE environment are given in Section IV and the paper is concluded in Section V.II.B ACKGROUNDA.Channel Model and AssumptionsWe consider single-carrier block transmission over an ad-ditive-noise frequency-selective channel withmemoryis appended with alength-received symbols corresponding to the cyclic prefix.Hence,out ofevery received symbols,only ,,and blocks of received,input,and noise symbols,respectively.The input and noise symbols are assumed complex,zero-mean,and uncorrelated withvariances ,respectively.The channelmatrixis a circulant matrix,it has theeigen-decompositionis the or-thonormal discrete Fourier transform(DFT)matrixwhosewhereis a diagonal matrix whoseth DFT coefficient of the CIR.B.SC MMSE-FDEAfter discarding the cyclic prefix,the received time-domainblockAL-DHAHIR:SC FDE FOR STBC TRANSMISSIONS OVER FREQUENCY-SELECTIVE FADING CHANNELS305Fig.1.Block format for proposed transmissionscheme.Fig.2.Receiver block diagram.The SC MMSE-FDE is represented bythediagonalmatrixelement is givenbyvectorwhere byapplyingth symbol oftheby.Attimes ,pairs oflength-and(forandand(5)whereand operations,respectively.In addition,a cyclic prefix oflengthand,to the re-2Alamouti’sSTBC was designed for flat-fading channels and the encodingrule was applied to two consecutive symbols not blocks as it is the case here.3Extension to multiple receive antennas is straightforward and similar to the approach followed in [1]for the flat-fading case.306IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS,VOL.5,NO.7,JULY2001 ceive antenna.Analogous to the single-transmit case[cf.(3)],by applying the DFTtoandforand(9)Combining(7)–(9),wegetis an orthogonal matrix,we can(without loss of opti-mality)multiply both sides of(10)by(11)where diagonal matrix withelement equalto which is alsoequal to the sum of thesquaredth coefficient of the MMSE-FDE in this case is equaltoSCMMSE-FDE taps are applied toblocks(for)since their equivalent channel gain matrix andSNR vector are the same.IV.S IMULATION R ESULTSWe consider the typical urban(TU)channel with a linearizedGMSK transmit pulse shape,8-PSK modulation,and a symbolduration of3.69.We assume perfect CIR knowledge at the receiver and a DFTsize6which implies a64-tap SC MMSE-FDE.There-4This is a valid assumption when the channel coherence time is much longerthan the block length,which is the case in EDGE[3].5EDGE stands for Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution.6It is preferable to choose N as a power of2to allow DFT computations usingthe Fast Fourier Transform(FFT)algorithm.Fig.3.BER of SC MMSE-FDE w/and w/o STBC for EDGE TU channel with8-PSK modulation and N=64.fore,the cyclic prefix power penaltyisdB only.Fig.3shows the significant improvement achieved in SCMMSE-FDE performance when combining it with the proposedSTBC scheme,especially at high SNR where effects of diver-sity are more pronounced.V.C ONCLUSIONSWe presented a low-complexity single-carrier transmit-di-versity scheme for frequency-selective channels.The schemecombines the advantages of an Alamouti-like space–timeblock-coding scheme and FFT-based singler-carrier fre-quency-domain equalization.Significant performance gainsover single-antenna transmission were demonstrated for theEDGE TU channel.R EFERENCES[1]S.Alamouti,“A simple transmit diversity technique for wireless com-munications,”IEEE J.Select.Areas Commun.,vol.16,pp.1451–1458,Oct.1998.[2]M.V.Clark,“Adaptive frequency-domain equalization and diversitycombining for broadband wireless communications,”IEEE J.Select.Areas Commun.,vol.16,pp.1385–1395,Oct.1998.[3] A.Furuskar,S.Mazur,F.Muller,and H.Olofsson,“EDGE:Enhanceddata rates for GSM and TDMA/136evolution,”IEEE mun.Mag.,pp.56–66,June1999.[4]G.Kadel,“Diversity and equalization in frequency domain—A robustand flexible receiver technology for broadband mobile communicationssystems,”in VTC’97,May1997,pp.894–898.[5] E.Lindskog and A.Paulraj,“A transmit diversity scheme for delayspread channels,”in ICC’00,June2000,pp.307–311.[6]Z.Liu,G.B.Giannakis,A.Scaglione,and S.Barbarossa,“Decoding andequalization of unknown multipath channels based on block precodingand transmit-antenna diversity,”in Asilomar Conf.on Signals,Systems,and Computers,1999,pp.1557–1561.[7] A.Oppenheim and R.Schafer,Discrete-Time Signal Pro-cessing.Englewood Cliffs,NJ:Prentice-Hall,1989.[8]H.Sari,G.Karam,and I.Jeanclaude,“Transmission techniques for dig-ital terrestrial TV broadcasting,”IEEE Commun.Mag.,pp.100–109,Feb.1995.。



2014-ICDE论文集ICDE RESEARCH SESSIONSResearch Papers Session 1 Clustering●Incremental Cluster Evolution Tracking from Highly DynamicNetwork Data(s hxy)o Pei Lee* (UBC)o Laks V.S. Lakshmanan (UBC)o Evangelos Milios (Dalhousie University)摘要:Dynamic networks are commonly found in the current web age. In scenarios like social networks and social media,dynamic networks are noisy, are of large-scale and evolve quickly.In this paper, we focus on the cluster evolution tracking problemon highly dynamic networks, with clearapplication to eventevolution tracking. There are several previous works on datastream clustering using a node-by-node approach formaintainingclusters. However, handling of bulk updates, i.e., a subgraphat a time, is critical for achieving acceptable performance oververy large highly dynamic networks. We propose a subgraph-by subgraph incrementaltracking framework for cluster evolutionin this paper. To effectively illustrate the techniques in ourframework, we take the event evolution tracking task in socialstreams as an application, where a social stream and an eventare modeled as a dynamic post network and a dynamic clusterrespectively. By monitoring through a fading time window, weintroduce a skeletal graph to summarize the information in thedynamic network, and formalize cluster evolution patterns usinga group of primitive evolution operations and their algebra. Twoincremental computation algorithms are developed tomaintainclusters and track evolution patterns as time rolls on andthenetwork evolves. Our detailed experimental evaluation on largeTwitter datasets demonstrates that our framework can effectivelytrack the complete set of cluster evolution patterns in the wholelife cycle from highly dynamic networks on the fly.大意:动态网络(如社交网络)在网络时代非常常见。



适用于频率偏移情况下谐波参数估计的改进算法马也驰;陈隆道【摘要】Aiming at the problem that the traditional phase difference correction method has a large error in the measurement of the funda-mental frequency offset of the power grid signal, it may even produce the problem of measurement failure. An improved algorithm based on the traditional phase difference was proposed. The voltage signal of the grid was added to the Blackman-Harris window. By analyzing the spectral expression of the windowed signal, the error source of the electrical parameter estimation was studied, and the spectral expression was polynomial transformed to accelerate the sidelobe decay rate, further reduce the spectral leakage and the spectrum Line, and then re-esti-mate the electrical parameters according to the new spectral expression obtained from the estimation formula of the traditional phase difference method and the polynomial transformation. Respectively, using the traditional phase difference method and the polynomial transformation of the improved phase difference method for numerical simulation comparison. The results indicate that the improved algorithm is improved by at least one order of magnitude compared with the traditional phase difference method, and it is suitable for the high accuracy estimation of the harmonic parameters of the power system under the frequency offset. Even under the noise condition, The advantages of the algorithm is also more obvious.%针对电网信号基波频率偏移时传统相位差校正法测量结果存在较大误差,甚至可能产生测量失败的问题,提出了一种基于传统相位差的改进算法.将电网电压信号加入Blackman-Harris窗,通过分析加窗信号的频谱表达式,研究了电参量估计的误差来源,将频谱表达式进行了多项式变换从而加快了旁瓣衰减速度,进一步减轻频谱泄漏和各谱线之间的干扰,再依据传统相位差法的估计公式和多项式变换所得的新频谱表达式对电参量进行了重新估计.分别使用传统相位差法和经多项式变换的改进相位差法进行了数值仿真对比.研究结果表明:改进算法较传统相位差法相比各次谐波的测量精度提高了至少一个数量级,适用于频率偏移情况下电力系统谐波参数的高准确度估计;即使在噪声条件下,改进算法的优势也比较明显.【期刊名称】《机电工程》【年(卷),期】2017(034)009【总页数】6页(P1038-1043)【关键词】谐波分析;频率偏移;加窗傅里叶变换;相位差;多项式变换【作者】马也驰;陈隆道【作者单位】浙江大学电气工程学院,浙江杭州310027;浙江大学电气工程学院,浙江杭州310027【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TM935.21近年来,电力系统谐波污染日益严重[1-5]。



doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-893x.2021.06.013引用格式:蒋平,谢跃雷.一种民用小型无人机的射频指纹识别方法[J].电讯技术,2021,61(6):737-743.[JIANG Ping,XIE Yuelei.A radio fre-quency fingerprint identification method for civil small UAVs[J].Telecommunication Engineering,2021,61(6):737-743.]一种民用小型无人机的射频指纹识别方法∗蒋㊀平∗∗,谢跃雷(桂林电子科技大学宽带与智能信息技术中心,广西桂林541004)摘㊀要:随着民用无人机的普及,无人机 黑飞 事件频频发生,给公共安全带来极大隐患㊂为了实现对 黑飞 无人机的有效监管,通过提取遥控信号指纹特征对无人机识别是一种有效的方法㊂基于民用小型无人机遥控信号通常采用跳频通信这一特性,通过分形贝叶斯变点检测算法对实测无人机遥控信号的瞬态起始点进行检测,并提取信号瞬态部分所含有的指纹特征,由主成分分析法进行特征降维,最后采用多分类支持向量算法对该信号进行分类及识别㊂实验结果表明,采用射频指纹法能够完成无人机型号的区分以及同一型号无人机的区分㊂关键词:民用小型无人机;射频指纹;遥控信号;分类识别;分形贝叶斯变点检测开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID):微信扫描二维码听独家语音释文与作者在线交流享本刊专属服务中图分类号:TN971㊀㊀文献标志码:A㊀㊀文章编号:1001-893X(2021)06-0737-07A Radio Frequency Fingerprint Identification Methodfor Civil Small UAVsJIANG Ping,XIE Yuelei(Research Center for Wideband and Intelligence Information Technology,Guilin University of Electronic Technology,Guilin541004,China) Abstract:With the popularization of unmanned aerial vehicles(UAVs),the illegal incident of UAV hap-pens frequently,which brings a significant threat to public security.In order to achieve effective supervision for illegal UAV,it is an effective method to extract fingerprint features of remote control signals for UAV i-dentification.Based on the characteristic that frequency hopping communication is usually used in the re-mote control signal of civil small UAV,this paper uses fractal Bayesian change point detection algorithm to detect the transient starting point of the measured UAV remote control signal,and extracts the fingerprint features contained in the transient part of the signal.The feature dimension is reduced by principal compo-nent analysis(PCA).Finally,the multi-classification support vector machine(SVM)algorithm is used to classify the signal.The experimental results show that the radio frequency distinct native attribute(RF-DNA)method can be used to distinguish the UAV model and even the same type UAV.Key words:civil small UAV;RF-DNA;remote control signal;classification and recognition;fractal Bayes-ian change point detection0㊀引㊀言随着民用小型无人机技术的高速发展,因操作人员缺乏安全意识,无人机侵入机场㊁军事基地㊁重要会场的违法事件屡有发生,给国家和社会带来了㊃737㊃第61卷第6期2021年6月电讯技术Telecommunication Engineering Vol.61,No.6 June,2021∗∗∗收稿日期:2020-07-07;修回日期:2020-08-03基金项目:广西科技重大专项(桂科AA17202022);认知无线电与信息处理教育部重点实验室主任基金项目(CRKL180105);广西研究生教育创新计划项目(2020YCXS021);桂林电子科技大学研究生优秀学位论文培育项目资助(18YJPYSS07)通信作者:879702235@严重的安全隐患[1]㊂因此,加强对无人机的管控势在必行,而如何探测和发现无人机则是实现管控的第一步[2-4]㊂探测和识别无人机的射频信号,是发现无人机的一种有效方法[5-7]㊂民用小型无人机的射频信号可分为遥控信号及图传信号,遥控信号用于无人机控制,通常采用跳频方式的扩频通信信号,而无人机图传信号则用于空中拍摄视频的传输,通常采用正交频分复用技术(Orthogonal Frequency Division Mul-tiplexing,OFDM)的调制信号㊂许多学者通过无人机遥控信号对无人机进行检测及识别,其中文献[5]给出了一种基于无线电信号特征识别的无人机监测算法设计,从跳频信号及图传信号方面对无人机进行探测,但未给出具体算法分析及更近一步的实现原理;文献[6]提出基于软件无线电平台的无人机入侵检测,通过无人机跳频信号特征对无人机进行检测与识别,能在15m内检测无人机的存在,但该方法无法完成对无人机具体型号的区分;文献[7]采用对跳频信号进行图像分类的方式完成无人机信号的检测与识别,并取得了较好的识别效果,但跳频信号易受噪声淹没造成信号丢失,导致其不能较好地进行参数估计,从而无法有效区分无人机型号,并且该方法不能区分个体㊂针对以上检测及识别所存在的缺陷,本文采用射频指纹提取法(Radio Frequency Distinct Native At-tribute,RF-DNA)[8-9]对遥控信号进行检测及识别㊂首先零中频接收机对无人机遥控信号进行侦收,随后检测遥控信号瞬态部分起始点并进行统计特征提取,构造RF-DNA指纹特征并对其进行特征降维,最后由多支持向量机(Support Vector Machine, SVM)分类器对无人机型号以及同一型号的个体进行区分㊂1 无人机遥控信号模型对于无人机的检测与识别,需从信号方面进行分析㊂民用无人机遥控信号通常采用跳频方式进行扩频通信[10-11],因此遥控信号即为用于无人机控制的跳频信号㊂跳频信号因其具有较好的抗干扰能力,广泛用于通信对抗方面,而民用无人机的控制也在其列㊂信息数据m(t)通过信号调制器得到d(t),发射的跳频信号为S(t)=d(t)S FH(t)㊂(1)式中:S FH(t)是跳频信号,表达式为S FH(t)=AðN-1k=0w T(t-kT h)cos[2πf k(t-kT h)+φn]㊂(2)式中:N为频点个数;A为振幅;w T为宽度为T h的矩形窗,T h为跳频信号的跳频周期;f0,f1,f2, ,f k为调频频率集;φn为初始相位,n=0,1,2, ,N-1㊂实测无人机遥控信号离散数据由Cool Edit Pro 软件打开,如图1所示㊂图1㊀无人机遥控信号瞬态及稳态图㊃837㊃电讯技术㊀㊀㊀㊀2021年㊀㊀从图1可知,不同厂商无人机机型具有不同瞬态部分,但同一无人机型号的瞬态部分不易区分㊂本文主要基于民用无人机遥控信号瞬态部分进行研究㊂对于无人遥控信号瞬态部分,因无人机发射设备硬件特性不同,导致瞬态部分出现细微差异,这些差异主要由无人机发射设备系统中的分立器件㊁信号混频器㊁功率放大器㊁数模转换器㊁滤波器㊁锁相环等多种硬件设备产生㊂瞬态部分不携带数据信息,只与硬件设备本身的特性有关,具有唯一性,所以常对瞬态部分进行分析㊂瞬态部分存在于信号功率由零变为额定功率之间,所以一般存在发射设备开关机时刻㊂因此采集发射设备的瞬态部分具有一定难度,尤其体现在硬件接收设备[12]㊂由于无人机遥控信号采用跳频通信方式,在操控无人机期间,信号会不停经历由功率零到额定功率的变化过程,所以采用RF -DNA 方法对无人机遥控信号进行检测及识别是一个有效的方法㊂2㊀基于RF -DNA 的无人机识别2.1㊀RF -DNA 特征提取RF -DNA 方法是近年来较为关注方法之一,最早由美国空军技术学院Temple 等人提出㊂该方法是一种采用统计方法生成射频指纹(Radio Frequen-cy Fingerprinting,RFF)特征的计算框架,可分成瞬态信号子区域划分㊁瞬态信号基础特征生成和瞬态信号统计特征生成㊂对于该算法,对其分步骤描述㊂Step 1㊀对接收信号X (n )进行希尔伯特变换,得其解析式:X (n )=I (n )+j Q (n )㊂(3)式中:I (n )㊁Q (n )为正交信号㊂Step 2㊀求信号瞬时幅度a (n )㊁瞬时相位p (n )和瞬时频率f (n ):a (n )=I (n )2+Q (n )2,(4)p (n )=arctan Q (n )I (n )éëêêùûúú,(5)f (n )=12πp (n )-p (n -1)Δn㊂(6)Step 3㊀为了消除零中频接收机偏差对瞬时信号影响,对瞬时信号进行中心化处理:a c (n )=a (n )-u a ,(7)f c (n )=f (n )-u f ㊂(8)对于瞬时相位,需在中心化处理之前对瞬时相位中的非线性分量进行逐个滤除,以保证特征提取质量:p nl =p (n )-2πu f (n )Δt ,(9)p c (n )=p nl (n )-u p nl ㊂(10)式中:u a ㊁u f 表示瞬时幅度与瞬时频率的均值,Δt 表示采样时间间隔,u p nl 为消除非线性分量后瞬时相位平均值,p nl 表示非线性相位响应,a c (n )㊁f c (n )㊁p c (n )分别为中心化处理后的瞬时幅度㊁瞬时频率㊁瞬时相位值㊂Step 4㊀将以上所求三个瞬时特征a c (n )㊁f c (n )㊁p c (n )进行分区,并对其求特征值㊂这里特征值有两种方式,第一种为求三个时域瞬时信号的方差㊁偏度和峰度,第二种为求三个时域瞬时信号的标准差㊁方差㊁偏度和峰度㊂标准差:σ=1N x ðN xn =1(x c (n )-u )2㊂(11)方差:σ2=1N x ðN xn =1(x c (n )-u )2㊂(12)偏度:r =1N x σ3ðN xn =1(x c (n )-u )3㊂(13)峰度:k =1N x σ4ðN xn =1(x c (n )-u )4㊂(14)式中:N x 表示中心化数据x c (n )的长度,u 表示x c (n )的均值㊂Step 5㊀求其特征向量,因其具有三种特征,方法一为标准RF -DNA 法,只求方差㊁偏度㊁峰度,则特征具有3ˑ3维,而方法二添加标准差这一特征,则特征具有3ˑ4维㊂每一架无人机的每一个跳频信号瞬时幅度㊁瞬时频率㊁瞬时相位特征所求标准差㊁方差㊁偏度㊁峰度的集如下:F a =[σσ2r k ]a ,(15)F p =σσ2r k []p ,(16)F f =σσ2r k []f ,(17)㊃937㊃第61卷蒋平,谢跃雷:一种民用小型无人机的射频指纹识别方法第6期F i=[F a F p F f]㊂(18)式中:F i为每一架无人机每一跳信号的特征集合㊂一架无人机所有跳频信号瞬态特征集如下:F R=F1,F2,F3, ,F N[]㊂(19)式中:N为每一架无人机跳频信号总共个数㊂所有无人机的无人机跳频信号瞬态特征集合表达式如下:F C=F R1,F R2,F R3, ,F Rj[]㊂(20)式中:j为无人机个数㊂取一组各个无人机瞬时幅度的标准差㊁方差㊁峰度㊁偏度特征进行特征统计,统计值如表1所示㊂表1㊀遥控信号瞬时幅度统计特征表特征标准差方差偏度峰度大疆精灵4pro1号8.611274.15310.0282 1.8725大疆精灵4pro2号7.633258.2650-0.6562 2.2574司马航模x8hw404.37152 1.6379ˑ105-0.2373 2.1364HM 6.021632.2594-7.231976.5866大疆悟252.0166 2.7057ˑ103 1.3153 3.8405司马航模x25pro233.0327 5.4304ˑ104-0.3815 1.6164 2.2㊀识别算法本文主要目的是从信号角度对无人机进行识别,其中识别的具体步骤如下:Step1㊀采集无人机实测数据㊂Step2㊀采用分形贝叶斯变点检测算法对无人机遥控信号瞬态部分进行提取㊂Step3㊀采用RF-DNA统计特征法进行特征提取,提取采用两种方式,第一种含有标准差,第二种不含有标准差㊂Step4㊀对Step3所提取的特征集采用主成分分析(Principal Component Analysis,PCA)算法进行特征降维,特征降维可将维数降维为二维㊁三维㊁四维等,不同维数对识别率有一定影响㊂Step5㊀通过SVM[13]分类器对降维后的数据进行分类识别㊂这里分类器采用Libsvm进行分类,该分类器具有多分类特点,采用的是一对一法完成多分类操作㊂3㊀实验分析本次实验主要采用自制硬件设备对大疆精灵4pro1号及2号㊁司马航模x8hw㊁HM㊁大疆悟2㊁司马航模x25pro无人机信号进行采集,完成相应信号预处理及分类识别,采集系统如图2所示㊂图2㊀无人机遥控信号采集系统实物图通过对5架无人机共225组信号数据段进行实验,其中每个无人机训练数据30组,测试数据15组㊂实验中,因含有三个瞬时特征且每一瞬时特征含有多种特征信息,且含有标准差的特征维数为12维,不含有标准差的为9维㊂采用PCA算法将特征集降维到二维㊁三维,其中二维散点图坐标轴F1㊁F2分别代表二维中维数特征,三维散点图中坐标轴F1㊁F2㊁F3分别代表三维中维数的特征㊂实验1:采用不含有标准差㊁特征降维维数为二维的方式进行分类识别,实测数据二维散点图如图3所示㊂图3㊀无人机遥控信号不含标准差二维特征散点图㊃047㊃电讯技术㊀㊀㊀㊀2021年该图共10类散点数据,主要是5类无人机训练数据和5类无人机测试数据,不同颜色及形状表示不同无人机㊂无人机训练数据用于建立数据单元库,无人机测试数据用于测试无人机识别率㊂从图中可知,不同无人机训练数据散点图分布区域不同,测试数据同样,但部分测试数据存在于其他组训练数据中,故该部分数据为错误识别组㊂无人机遥控信号不含标准差且二维特征识别率表如表2所示,其中无人机总识别率为80%㊂表2㊀无人机遥控信号不含标准差二维特征识别率无人机型号无人机识别率/%无人机总识别率/%大疆精灵4pro 80.000司马航模x8hw 73.333HM100.000大疆悟2无人机73.333司马航模x25pro73.33380实验2:采用不含标准差且特征维数为三维的方式进行分类识别,其散点图㊁识别率如图4及表3所示㊂图4㊀无人机遥控信号不含标准差三维特征散点图表3㊀无人机遥控信号不含标准差三维特征识别率无人机型号无人机识别率/%无人机总识别率/%大疆精灵4pro 100.000司马航模x8hw 86.666HM93.333大疆悟2无人机100.000司马航模x25pro93.33394.666通过图4及表3可知,相对于二维而言,在同样不含有标准差时,三维识别效果更佳,识别率达到94.666%㊂实验3:采用标准差且特征降维维数为二维的方式进行分类识别,其散点图及识别率如图5及表4所示㊂从图和表可知,相对于不含有标准差的二维散点图,含有标准差性能更好,且识别率达到97.333%㊂图5㊀无人机遥控信号含标准差二维特征散点图表4㊀无人机遥控信号含标准差二维特征识别率无人机型号无人机识别率/%无人机总识别率/%大疆精灵4pro 93.333司马航模x8hw100.000HM 100.000大疆悟2无人机100.000司马航模x25pro93.33397.333实验4:采用标准差,特征降维维数为三维方式进行分类识别,散点图及识别率如图6和表5所示,其中含有标准差且三维特征时,其识别率与二维特征相同㊂图6㊀无人机遥控信号含标准差三维特征散点图表5㊀无人机遥控信号含标准差三维特征识别率无人机型号无人机识别率/%无人机总识别率/%大疆精灵4pro 93.333司马航模x8hw 100.000HM100.000大疆悟2无人机100.000司马航模x25pro93.33397.333为更进一步测试识别性能,在实测数据中叠加㊃147㊃第61卷蒋平,谢跃雷:一种民用小型无人机的射频指纹识别方法第6期高斯白噪声,具体方法及步骤如下:Step 1㊀对实测训练数据建立数据单元库及训练数据特征集㊂Step 2㊀对实测测试数据叠加高斯白噪声㊂Step 3㊀通过分形贝叶斯变点检测㊁RF -DNA 统计特征提取已加高斯白噪声后数据特征集㊂Step 4㊀Step 3中已加高斯白噪声后数据特征集与Step 1中训练数据特征集进行均值中心化,产生新特征集,取新特征集中已加高斯白噪声部分特征数据组作为测试特征集㊂Step 5㊀对Step 4所得测试特征集进行PCA 降维,其中为验证维数影响,选择一维㊁二维㊁三维㊁四维作为测试变量㊂Step 6㊀采用SVM 多分类器进行分类,绘出两种识别率曲线图,一种为含有标准差二维特征㊁含有标准差三维特征㊁不含有标准差二维特征㊁不含有标准差三维特征在不同信噪比下识别率对比图,命名为无人机遥控信号不同标准差及不同维数特征识别率图;另一种为含有标准差下一维㊁二维㊁三维㊁四维特征在不同信噪比的识别率对比图,命名为无人机遥控信号含有标准差下不同维数特征识别率图㊂图7为无人机遥控信号不同标准差及不同维数特征识别率图㊂从图中可知,含有标准差识别率优于不含标准差识别率,且三维总体高于二维㊂含有标准差时,信噪比大于15dB 时,其二维及三维识别率大于70%,而不含有标准差时,信噪比大于20dB时,其识别率大于70%㊂总体而言,随着高斯白噪声的增加,识别率逐渐下降,但因对其中心化处理㊁散点图较为集中等原因,其识别率在低于40%以下呈现低识别率随机起伏等混乱状态㊂图7㊀无人机遥控信号不同标准差及不同维数特征识别率图图8是在不同信噪比且含有标准差这一特征下不同维数识别率,总体来说,四维优于三维,三维优于二维及一维㊂在信噪比小于-5dB 时,各维识别率皆低于60%;在信噪比大于20dB 时,各维数识别率且大于90%,且四维最高㊂从识别曲线总体来看,维数越高其识别率更高㊂图8㊀无人机遥控信号含有标准差下不同维数特征识别率图通过以上四个实验得出采用RF -DNA 法对实测无人机遥控信号可以完成其型号的区分,其中三维识别率最高,为97.33%㊂为了更好地验证射频指纹方法的优点,取同一型号的两架大疆精灵4pro 无人机进行个体区分实验,并得出散点图及不同维数识别曲线图㊂由图9(a)可知,同一型号无人机散点图较为紧密,区分难度较大,对分类器有一定要求㊂由图9(b)可知,一维与二维曲线相同,但整体维数对识别率无较大影响,主要受分析数量所限从而无法凸显维数优势㊂总体来说随着信噪比增加,识别率逐渐升高,当信噪比在17dB 以上时各维数识别率达到80%,因此可证明射频指纹识别法可对无人机个体进行区分㊂(a)同一型号无人机遥控信号二维散点图(b)同一型号无人机遥控信号含有标准差下不同维数特征识别率图图9㊀同一型号无人机遥控信号散点图及识别率图㊃247㊃ 电讯技术㊀㊀㊀㊀2021年4 结束语本文针对无人机 黑飞 问题,采用RF-DNA方法完成了无人机具体型号及其个体的识别,可为无人机有效监管提供帮助㊂采用是否含有标准差以及不同维数作为测试条件,验证了在含有标准差且维数为四维时对无人机的型号区分效果最好㊂而通过对两架大疆精灵4pro无人机进行同一型号个体区分实验,得出RF-DNA能够区分同一型号无人机,但是无人机型号的区分抗噪性能高于同一型号的个体区分㊂此外,由于本实验目前只做了两架无人机的同一型号区分,后面应考虑增加更多同一型号无人机,以便于验证一定数量无人机同时存在对个体区别所带来的影响㊂并且,下一步应寻求更好的特征及分类方式从而更有效地对同一型号无人机进行个体区分,增加其实用价值㊂参考文献:[1]㊀赵时轮.无人机危害及恐怖行为反制对策研究[J].中国军转民,2019(6):15-20.[2]㊀李晓文.小型无人机在战术空中控制中的应用分析[J].飞航导弹,2020(5):49-53.[3]㊀张嘉,李润文,崔铠韬.浅析无人机管控手段及无人机无线电反制设备对民航空管运行的影响[J].中国无线电,2019(8):16-18.[4]㊀罗淮鸿,卢盈齐.国外反 低慢小 无人机能力现状与发展趋势[J].飞航导弹,2019(6):32-36. 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软件工程英文参考文献一:[1]Carine Khalil,Sabine Khalil. Exploring knowledge management in agile software development organizations[J]. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal,2020,16(4).[2]Kevin A. Gary,Ruben Acuna,Alexandra Mehlhase,Robert Heinrichs,Sohum Sohoni. SCALING TO MEET THE ONLINE DEMAND IN SOFTWARE ENGINEERING[J]. International Journal on Innovations in Online Education,2020,4(1).[3]Hosseini Hadi,Zirakjou Abbas,Goodarzi Vahabodin,Mousavi Seyyed Mohammad,Khonakdar Hossein Ali,Zamanlui Soheila. Lightweight aerogels based on bacterial cellulose/silver nanoparticles/polyaniline with tuning morphology of polyaniline and application in soft tissue engineering.[J]. International journal of biological macromolecules,2020,152.[4]Dylan G. Kelly,Patrick Seeling. Introducing underrepresented high school students to software engineering: Using the micro:bit microcontroller to program connected autonomous cars[J]. Computer Applications in Engineering Education,2020,28(3).[5]. Soft Computing; Research Conducted at School of Computing Science and Engineering Has Updated Our Knowledge about Soft Computing (Indeterminate Likert scale: feedback based on neutrosophy, its distance measures and clustering algorithm)[J]. News of Science,2020.[6]. Engineering; New Engineering Findings from Hanyang University Outlined (Can-based Aging Monitoring Technique for Automotive Asics With Efficient Soft Error Resilience)[J]. Journal of Transportation,2020.[7]. Engineering - Software Engineering; New Findings from University of Michigan in the Area of Software Engineering Reported (Multi-criteria Test Cases Selection for Model Transformations)[J]. Journal of Transportation,2020.[8]Tamas Galli,Francisco Chiclana,Francois Siewe. Software Product Quality Models, Developments, Trends, and Evaluation[J]. SN Computer Science,2020,1(2).[9]. Infotech; Infotech Joins BIM for Bridges and Structures Transportation Pooled Fund Project as an Official Software Advisor[J]. Computer TechnologyJournal,2020.[10]. Engineering; Study Findings from Beijing Jiaotong University Provide New Insights into Engineering (Analyzing Software Rejuvenation Techniques In a Virtualized System: Service Provider and User Views)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[11]. Soft Computing; Data on Soft Computing Reported by Researchers at Sakarya University (An exponential jerk system, its fractional-order form with dynamical analysis and engineering application)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[12]. Engineering; Studies from Henan University Yield New Data on Engineering (Extracting Phrases As Software Features From Overlapping Sentence Clusters In Product Descriptions)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[13]. Engineering; Data from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Provide New Insights into Engineering (A Systematic Study to Improve the Requirements Engineering Process in the Domain of Global Software Development)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[14]. Soft Computing; Investigators at Air Force Engineering University Report Findings in Soft Computing (Evidential model for intuitionistic fuzzy multi-attribute group decision making)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[15]. Engineering; Researchers from COMSATS University Islamabad Describe Findings in Engineering (A Deep CNN Ensemble Framework for Efficient DDoS Attack Detection in Software Defined Networks)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[16]Pedro Delgado-Pérez,Francisco Chicano. An Experimental and Practical Study on the Equivalent Mutant Connection: An Evolutionary Approach[J]. Information and Software Technology,2020.[17]Koehler Leman Julia,Weitzner Brian D,Renfrew P Douglas,Lewis Steven M,Moretti Rocco,Watkins Andrew M,Mulligan Vikram Khipple,Lyskov Sergey,Adolf-Bryfogle Jared,Labonte Jason W,Krys Justyna,Bystroff Christopher,Schief William,Gront Dominik,Schueler-Furman Ora,Baker David,Bradley Philip,Dunbrack Roland,Kortemme Tanja,Leaver-Fay Andrew,Strauss Charlie E M,Meiler Jens,Kuhlman Brian,Gray Jeffrey J,Bonneau Richard. Better together: Elements of successful scientific software development in a distributed collaborative community.[J]. PLoS computational biology,2020,16(5).[18]. Mathematics; Data on Mathematics Reported by Researchers at Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology (Algorithms Based on COPRAS and Aggregation Operators with New Information Measures for Possibility Intuitionistic Fuzzy SoftDecision-Making)[J]. Journal of Mathematics,2020.[19]. Engineering - Medical and Biological Engineering; Reports from Heriot-Watt University Describe Recent Advances in Medical and Biological Engineering (A Novel Palpation-based Method for Tumor Nodule Quantification In Soft Tissue-computational Framework and Experimental Validation)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020.[20]. Engineering - Industrial Engineering; Studies from Xi'an Jiaotong University Have Provided New Data on Industrial Engineering (Dc Voltage Control Strategy of Three-terminal Medium-voltage Power Electronic Transformer-based Soft Normally Open Points)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020.[21]. Engineering; Reports from Hohai University Add New Data to Findings in Engineering (Soft Error Resilience of Deep Residual Networks for Object Recognition)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020.[22]. Engineering - Mechanical Engineering; Study Data from K.N. Toosi University of Technology Update Understanding of Mechanical Engineering (Coupled Directional Dilation-Damage Approach to Model the Cyclic-Undrained Response of Soft Clay under Pure Principal Stress Axes Rotation)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020.[23]. Soft Computing; Researchers from Abes Engineering College Report Details of New Studies and Findings in the Area of Soft Computing (An intelligent personalized web blog searching technique using fuzzy-based feedback recurrent neural network)[J]. Network Weekly News,2020.[24]. Engineering; Studies from University of Alexandria in the Area of Engineering Reported (Software Defined Network-Based Management for Enhanced 5G Network Services)[J]. Network Weekly News,2020.[25]. Soft Computing; Data on Soft Computing Discussed by Researchers at Department of Electrical and Communication Engineering [A metaheuristic optimization model for spectral allocation in cognitive networks based on ant colony algorithm (M-ACO)][J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[26]. Engineering - Software Engineering; Complutense University Madrid Reports Findings in Software Engineering (Recolibry Suite: a Set of Intelligent Tools for the Development of Recommender Systems)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[27]. Engineering - Software Engineering; Data on Software Engineering Reported by Researchers at Gautam Buddha University (A novel quality prediction model for component based software system using ACO-NM optimized extreme learning machine)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[28]. Soft Computing; New Soft Computing Study Findings Recently Were Reported by Researchers at University College of Engineering (A novel QIM-DCT based fusion approach for classification of remote sensing images via PSO and SVM models)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[29]Morshedloo Fatemeh,Khoshfetrat Ali Baradar,Kazemi Davoud,Ahmadian Mehri. Gelatin improves peroxidase-mediated alginate hydrogel characteristics as a potential injectable hydrogel for soft tissue engineering applications.[J]. Journal of biomedical materials research. Part B, Applied biomaterials,2020.[30]Jung-Chieh Lee,Chung-Yang Chen. Exploring the team dynamic learning process in software process tailoring performance[J]. Journal of Enterprise Information Management,2020,33(3).[31]. Soft Computing; Study Results from Velammal Engineering College in the Area of Soft Computing Reported (Efficient routing in UASN during the thermohaline environment condition to improve the propagation delay and throughput)[J]. Mathematics Week,2020.[32]. Soft Matter; Findings from School of Materials Science and Engineering Provide New Insights into Soft Matter (A practical guide to active colloids: choosing synthetic model systems for soft matter physics research)[J]. Physics Week,2020.[33]Julio César Puche-Regaliza,Alfredo Jiménez,Pablo Arranz-Val. Diagnosis of Software Projects Based on the Viable System Model[J]. Systemic Practice and Action Research,2020,33(1).[34]Meinert Edward,Milne-Ives Madison,Surodina Svitlana,Lam Ching. Agile requirements engineering and software planning for a digital health platform to engage the effects of isolation caused by social distancing: A case study and feasibility study protocol.[J]. JMIR public health and surveillance,2020.[35]. Engineering - Civil Engineering; Studies Conducted at Shandong Jianzhu University on Civil Engineering Recently Published (Seismic Response Analysis and Control of Frame Structures with Soft First Storey under Near-Fault Ground Motions)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020.软件工程英文参考文献二:[36]Chao-ze Lu,Guo-sun Zeng,Ying-jie Xie. Bigraph specification of software architecture and evolution analysis in mobile computing environment[J]. Future Generation Computer Systems,2020,108.[37]Ompal Singh, Saurabh Panwar, P. K. Kapur.. Determining SoftwareTime-to-Market and Testing Stop Time when Release Time is a Change-Point[J]. International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences,2020,5(2).[38]Ayushi Verma,Neetu Sardana,Sangeeta Lal. Developer Recommendation for Stack Exchange Software Engineering Q&A Website based on K-Means clustering and Developer Social Network Metric[J]. Procedia Computer Science,2020,167.[39]Jagdeep Singh,Sachin Bagga,Ranjodh Kaur. Software-based Prediction of Liver Disease with Feature Selection and Classification Techniques[J]. Procedia Computer Science,2020,167.[40]. Engineering - Software Engineering; Studies from Concordia University Update Current Data on Software Engineering (On the impact of using trivial packages: an empirical case study on npm and PyPI)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[41]. Engineering - Software Engineering; Study Findings from University of Alberta Broaden Understanding of Software Engineering (Building the perfect game - an empirical study of game modifications)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[42]. Engineering - Software Engineering; Investigators at National Research Council (CNR) Detail Findings in Software Engineering [A Framework for Quantitative Modeling and Analysis of Highly (Re)Configurable Systems][J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[43]. Engineering - Knowledge Engineering; Data from University of Paris Saclay Provide New Insights into Knowledge Engineering (Dynamic monitoring of software use with recurrent neural networks)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[44]. Engineering - Circuits Research; Findings from Federal University Santa Maria Yields New Data on Circuits Research (A New Cpfsk Demodulation Approach for Software Defined Radio)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[45]. Soft Computing; Investigators from Lovely Professional University Release New Data on Soft Computing (An intensify Harris Hawks optimizer for numerical and engineering optimization problems)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[46]. GlobalLogic Inc.; GlobalLogic Acquires Meelogic Consulting AG, a European Healthcare and Automotive-Focused Software Engineering Services Firm[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[47]. Engineering - Circuits and Systems Research; Data on Circuits and Systems Research Described by Researchers at Northeastern University (Softcharge: Software Defined Multi-device Wireless Charging Over Large Surfaces)[J]. TelecommunicationsWeekly,2020.[48]. Soft Computing; Researchers from Department of Electrical and Communication Engineering Report on Findings in Soft Computing (Dynamic Histogram Equalization for contrast enhancement for digital images)[J]. Technology News Focus,2020.[49]Mohamed Ellithey Barghoth,Akram Salah,Manal A. Ismail. A Comprehensive Software Project Management Framework[J]. Journal of Computer and Communications,2020,08(03).[50]. Soft Computing; Researchers from Air Force Engineering University Describe Findings in Soft Computing (Random orthocenter strategy in interior search algorithm and its engineering application)[J]. Journal of Mathematics,2020.[51]. Soft Computing; Study Findings on Soft Computing Are Outlined in Reports from Department of Mechanical Engineering (Constrained design optimization of selected mechanical system components using Rao algorithms)[J]. Mathematics Week,2020.[52]Iqbal Javed,Ahmad Rodina B,Khan Muzafar,Fazal-E-Amin,Alyahya Sultan,Nizam Nasir Mohd Hairul,Akhunzada Adnan,Shoaib Muhammad. Requirements engineering issues causing software development outsourcing failure.[J]. PloS one,2020,15(4).[53]Raymond C.Z. Cohen,Simon M. Harrison,Paul W. Cleary. Dive Mechanic: Bringing 3D virtual experimentation using biomechanical modelling to elite level diving with the Workspace workflow engine[J]. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation,2020,175.[54]Emelie Engstr?m,Margaret-Anne Storey,Per Runeson,Martin H?st,Maria Teresa Baldassarre. How software engineering research aligns with design science: a review[J]. Empirical Software Engineering,2020(prepublish).[55]Christian Lettner,Michael Moser,Josef Pichler. An integrated approach for power transformer modeling and manufacturing[J]. Procedia Manufacturing,2020,42.[56]. Engineering - Mechanical Engineering; New Findings from Leibniz University Hannover Update Understanding of Mechanical Engineering (A finite element for soft tissue deformation based on the absolute nodal coordinate formulation)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[57]. Science - Social Science; Studies from University of Burgos Yield New Information about Social Science (Diagnosis of Software Projects Based on the Viable System Model)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[58]. Technology - Powder Technology; Investigators at Research Center Pharmaceutical Engineering GmbH Discuss Findings in Powder Technology [Extended Validation and Verification of Xps/avl-fire (Tm), a Computational Cfd-dem Software Platform][J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[59]Guadalupe-Isaura Trujillo-Tzanahua,Ulises Juárez-Martínez,Alberto-Alfonso Aguilar-Lasserre,María-Karen Cortés-Verdín,Catherine Azzaro-Pantel. Multiple software product lines to configure applications of internet of things[J]. IET Software,2020,14(2).[60]Eduardo Juárez,Rocio Aldeco-Pérez,Jose.Manuel Velázquez. Academic approach to transform organisations: one engineer at a time[J]. IET Software,2020,14(2).[61]Dennys García-López,Marco Segura-Morales,Edson Loza-Aguirre. Improving the quality and quantity of functional and non-functional requirements obtained during requirements elicitation stage for the development of e-commerce mobile applications: an alternative reference process model[J]. IET Software,2020,14(2).[62]. Guest Editorial: Software Engineering Applications to Solve Organisations Issues[J]. IET Software,2020,14(2).[63]?,?. Engine Control Unit ? ? ?[J]. ,2020,47(4).[64]. Engineering - Software Engineering; Study Data from Nanjing University Update Understanding of Software Engineering (Identifying Failure-causing Schemas In the Presence of Multiple Faults)[J]. Mathematics Week,2020.[65]. Energy - Renewable Energy; Researchers from Institute of Electrical Engineering Detail New Studies and Findings in the Area of Renewable Energy (A Local Control Strategy for Distributed Energy Fluctuation Suppression Based on Soft Open Point)[J]. Journal of Mathematics,2020.[66]Ahmed Zeraoui,Mahfoud Benzerzour,Walid Maherzi,Raid Mansi,Nor-Edine Abriak. New software for the optimization of the formulation and the treatment of dredged sediments for utilization in civil engineering[J]. Journal of Soils and Sediments,2020(prepublish).[67]. Engineering - Concurrent Engineering; Reports from Delhi Technological University Add New Data to Findings in Concurrent Engineering (Systematic literature review of sentiment analysis on Twitter using soft computing techniques)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020.[68]. Engineering; New Findings from Future University in Egypt in the Area of Engineering Reported (Decision support system for optimum soft clay improvementtechnique for highway construction projects)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020.[69]Erica Mour?o,Jo?o Felipe Pimentel,Leonardo Murta,Marcos Kalinowski,Emilia Mendes,Claes Wohlin. On the performance of hybrid search strategies for systematic literature reviews in software engineering[J]. Information and Software Technology,2020,123.[70]. Soft Computing; Researchers from Anna University Discuss Findings in Soft Computing (A novel fuzzy mechanism for risk assessment in software projects)[J]. News of Science,2020.软件工程英文参考文献三:[71]. Software and Systems Research; New Software and Systems Research Study Results from Chalmers University of Technology Described (Why and How To Balance Alignment and Diversity of Requirements Engineering Practices In Automotive)[J]. Journal of Transportation,2020.[72]Anupama Kaushik,Devendra Kr. Tayal,Kalpana Yadav. A Comparative Analysis on Effort Estimation for Agile and Non-agile Software Projects Using DBN-ALO[J]. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering,2020,45(6).[73]Subhrata Das,Adarsh Anand,Mohini Agarwal,Mangey Ram. Release Time Problem Incorporating the Effect of Imperfect Debugging and Fault Generation: An Analysis for Multi-Upgraded Software System[J]. International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering,2020,27(02).[74]Saerom Lee,Hyunmi Baek,Sehwan Oh. The role of openness in open collaboration:A focus on open‐source software development projects[J]. ETRI Journal,2020,42(2).[75]. Soft Computing; Study Results from Computer Science and Engineering Broaden Understanding of Soft Computing (Efficient attribute selection technique for leukaemia prediction using microarray gene data)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[76]. Engineering - Computational Engineering; Findings from University of Cincinnati in the Area of Computational Engineering Described (Exploratory Metamorphic Testing for Scientific Software)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[77]. Organizational and End User Computing; Data from Gyeongnam National University of Science and Technology Advance Knowledge in Organizational and End User Computing (A Contingent Approach to Facilitating Conflict Resolution in Software Development Outsourcing Projects)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[78]. Soft Computing; Findings from Department of Industrial Engineering in the Area of Soft Computing Reported (Analysis of fuzzy supply chain performance based on different buyback contract configurations)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[79]Hana Mkaouar,Bechir Zalila,Jér?me Hugues,Mohamed Jmaiel. A formal approach to AADL model-based software engineering[J]. International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer,2020,22(5).[80]Riesch Michael,Nguyen Tien Dat,Jirauschek Christian. bertha: Project skeleton for scientific software.[J]. PloS one,2020,15(3).[81]. Computers; Findings from Department of Computer Sciences and Engineering Reveals New Findings on Computers (An assessment of software defined networking approach in surveillance using sparse optimization algorithm)[J]. Telecommunications Weekly,2020.[82]Luigi Ranghetti,Mirco Boschetti,Francesco Nutini,Lorenzo Busetto. “sen2r”: An R toolbox for automatically downloading and preprocessing Sentinel-2 satellite data[J]. Computers and Geosciences,2020,139.[83]Mathie Najberg,Muhammad Haji Mansor,Théodore Taillé,Céline Bouré,Rodolfo Molina-Pe?a,Frank Boury,José Luis Cenis,Emmanuel Garcion,Carmen Alvarez-Lorenzo. Aerogel sponges of silk fibroin, hyaluronic acid and heparin for soft tissue engineering: Composition-properties relationship[J]. Carbohydrate Polymers,2020,237.[84]Isonkobong Udousoro. Effective Requirement Engineering Process Model in Software Engineering[J]. Software Engineering,2020,8(1).[85]. Soft Computing; Research Conducted at Department of Computer Sciences and Engineering Has Updated Our Knowledge about Soft Computing [Hyperparameter tuning in convolutional neural networks for domain adaptation in sentiment classification (HTCNN-DASC)][J]. Network Weekly News,2020.[86]. Engineering - Software Engineering; Data on Software Engineering Discussed by Researchers at Universita della Svizzera italiana (Investigating Types and Survivability of Performance Bugs In Mobile Apps)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[87]. Engineering - Software Engineering; Findings from Nanjing University Broaden Understanding of Software Engineering (Boosting Crash-inducing Change Localization With Rank-performance-based Feature Subset Selection)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[88]. Engineering - Software Engineering; Study Data from Queen's University Belfast Update Knowledge of Software Engineering (Practical relevance of software engineering research: synthesizing the community's voice)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[89]. Engineering - Software Engineering; Researchers from Concordia University Detail New Studies and Findings in the Area of Software Engineering (MSRBot: Using bots to answer questions from software repositories)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[90]Anonymous. DBTA LIVE[J]. Database Trends and Applications,2020,34(2).[91]Tachanun KANGWANTRAKOOL,Kobkrit VIRIYAYUDHAKORN,Thanaruk THEERAMUNKONG. Software Development Effort Estimation from Unstructured Software Project Description by Sequence Models[J]. IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems,2020,E103.D(4).[92]Reza Mohammadi,Reza Javidan,Negar Rikhtegar,Manijeh Keshtgari. An intelligent multicast traffic engineering method over software defined networks[J]. Journal of High Speed Networks,2020,26(1).[93]. Engineering - Civil Engineering; Hohai University Researchers Detail New Studies and Findings in the Area of Civil Engineering (An Experimental Study on Settlement due to the Mutual Embedding of Miscellaneous Fill and Soft Soil)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020.[94]. Engineering - Biomechanical Engineering; Researchers from Washington University St. Louis Detail New Studies and Findings in the Area of Biomechanical Engineering (Estimation of Anisotropic Material Properties of Soft Tissue By Mri of Ultrasound-induced Shear Waves)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020.[95]. Engineering - Rock Engineering; Reports from University of Alicante Add New Data to Findings in Rock Engineering (Evaluation of Strength and Deformability of Soft Sedimentary Rocks In Dry and Saturated Conditions Through Needle Penetration and Point Load Tests: a Comparative ...)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020.[96]. Computers; Study Findings from Department of Electrical and Communication Engineering Broaden Understanding of Computers [Improved energy efficient design in software defined wireless electroencephalography sensor networks (WESN) using distributed ...][J]. Network Weekly News,2020.[97]Mouro Erica,Pimentel Joo Felipe,Murta Leonardo,Kalinowski Marcos,Mendes Emilia,Wohlin Claes. On the Performance of Hybrid Search Strategies for Systematic Literature Reviews in Software Engineering[J]. Information and SoftwareTechnology,2020(prepublish).[98]Osuna Enrique,Rodrguez Luis-Felipe,Gutierrez-Garcia J. Octavio,Castro LuisA.. 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光谱解混定义:Spectral unmixing is the procedure by which the measured spectrum of a mixed pixel is decomposed into a collection of constituent spectra,or endmembers,and a set of corresponding fractions,or abundances,that indicate the proportion of each endmember present in the pixel.【spectral unmixing,2002】光谱混叠产生原因:First, if the spatial resolution of a sensor is low enough that disparate materials can jointly occupy a single pixel, the resulting spectral measurement will be some composite of the individual spectra. This is the case for remote sensing platforms flying at a high altitude or performing wide-area surveillance, where low spatial resolution is common. Second, mixed pixels can result when distinct materials are combined into a homogeneous mixture. This circumstance can occur independent of the spatial resolution of the sensor.光谱混合模型:混合像元分解模型可以分为两类,即线性光谱混合模型( LSMM,Linear Spectral Mixture Model) 和非线性光谱混合模型( NLSMM,Nonlinear Spectral Mixture Model) LSMM假定像元光谱是各组分光谱的线性组合,而NLSMM则认为像元光谱是各组分光谱按照非线性关系综合而成的。



AbstractCompressive sensing and sparse inversion methods have gained a significant amount of attention in recent years due to their capability to accurately reconstruct signals from measurements with significantly less data than previously possible. In this paper, a modified Gaussian frequency domain compressive sensing and sparse inversion method is proposed, which leverages the proven strengths of the traditional method to enhance its accuracy and performance. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed method can achieve a higher signal-to- noise ratio and a better reconstruction quality than its traditional counterpart, while also reducing the computational complexity of the inversion procedure.IntroductionCompressive sensing (CS) is an emerging field that has garnered significant interest in recent years because it leverages the sparsity of signals to reduce the number of measurements required to accurately reconstruct the signal. This has many advantages over traditional signal processing methods, including faster data acquisition times, reduced power consumption, and lower data storage requirements. CS has been successfully applied to a wide range of fields, including medical imaging, wireless communications, and surveillance.One of the most commonly used methods in compressive sensing is the Gaussian frequency domain compressive sensing and sparse inversion (GFD-CS) method. In this method, compressive measurements are acquired by multiplying the original signal with a randomly generated sensing matrix. The measurements are then transformed into the frequency domain using the Fourier transform, and the sparse signal is reconstructed using a sparsity promoting algorithm.In recent years, researchers have made numerous improvementsto the GFD-CS method, with the goal of improving its reconstruction accuracy, reducing its computational complexity, and enhancing its robustness to noise. In this paper, we propose a modified GFD-CS method that combines several techniques to achieve these objectives.Proposed MethodThe proposed method builds upon the well-established GFD-CS method, with several key modifications. The first modification is the use of a hierarchical sparsity-promoting algorithm, which promotes sparsity at both the signal level and the transform level. This is achieved by applying the hierarchical thresholding technique to the coefficients corresponding to the higher frequency components of the transformed signal.The second modification is the use of a novel error feedback mechanism, which reduces the impact of measurement noise on the reconstructed signal. Specifically, the proposed method utilizes an iterative algorithm that updates the measurement error based on the difference between the reconstructed signal and the measured signal. This feedback mechanism effectively increases the signal-to-noise ratio of the reconstructed signal, improving its accuracy and robustness to noise.The third modification is the use of a low-rank approximation method, which reduces the computational complexity of the inversion algorithm while maintaining reconstruction accuracy. This is achieved by decomposing the sensing matrix into a product of two lower dimensional matrices, which can be subsequently inverted using a more efficient algorithm.Simulation ResultsTo evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method, we conducted simulations using synthetic data sets. Three different signal types were considered: a sinusoidal signal, a pulse signal, and an image signal. The results of the simulations were compared to those obtained using the traditional GFD-CS method.The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms the traditional GFD-CS method in terms of signal-to-noise ratio and reconstruction quality. Specifically, the proposed method achieves a higher signal-to-noise ratio and lower mean squared error for all three types of signals considered. Furthermore, the proposed method achieves these results with a reduced computational complexity compared to the traditional method.ConclusionThe results of our simulations demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in enhancing the accuracy and performance of the GFD-CS method. The combination of sparsity promotion, error feedback, and low-rank approximation techniques significantly improves the signal-to-noise ratio and reconstruction quality, while reducing thecomputational complexity of the inversion procedure. Our proposed method has potential applications in a wide range of fields, including medical imaging, wireless communications, and surveillance.。



摘 要
在竞争激烈的工业自动化生产过程中,机器视觉对产品质量的把关起着举足 轻重的作用,机器视觉在缺陷检测技术方面的应用也逐渐普遍起来。与常规的检 测技术相比,自动化的视觉检测系统更加经济、快捷、高效与 安全。纹理物体在 工业生产中广泛存在,像用于半导体装配和封装底板和发光二极管,现代 化电子 系统中的印制电路板,以及纺织行业中的布匹和织物等都可认为是含有纹理特征 的物体。本论文主要致力于纹理物体的缺陷检测技术研究,为纹理物体的自动化 检测提供高效而可靠的检测算法。 纹理是描述图像内容的重要特征,纹理分析也已经被成功的应用与纹理分割 和纹理分类当中。本研究提出了一种基于纹理分析技术和参考比较方式的缺陷检 测算法。这种算法能容忍物体变形引起的图像配准误差,对纹理的影响也具有鲁 棒性。本算法旨在为检测出的缺陷区域提供丰富而重要的物理意义,如缺陷区域 的大小、形状、亮度对比度及空间分布等。同时,在参考图像可行的情况下,本 算法可用于同质纹理物体和非同质纹理物体的检测,对非纹理物体 的检测也可取 得不错的效果。 在整个检测过程中,我们采用了可调控金字塔的纹理分析和重构技术。与传 统的小波纹理分析技术不同,我们在小波域中加入处理物体变形和纹理影响的容 忍度控制算法,来实现容忍物体变形和对纹理影响鲁棒的目的。最后可调控金字 塔的重构保证了缺陷区域物理意义恢复的准确性。实验阶段,我们检测了一系列 具有实际应用价值的图像。实验结果表明 本文提出的纹理物体缺陷检测算法具有 高效性和易于实现性。 关键字: 缺陷检测;纹理;物体变形;可调控金字塔;重构
Keywords: defect detection, texture, object distortion, steerable pyramid, reconstruction



第52卷第8期电力系统保护与控制Vol.52 No.8 2024年4月16日Power System Protection and Control Apr. 16, 2024 DOI: 10.19783/ki.pspc.230997基于拉曼光谱数据处理和谱峰识别的变压器油绝缘老化研究刘庆珍1,张 溢1,鄢仁武2(1.福州大学电气工程与自动化学院,福建省新能源发电与电能变换重点实验室,福建 福州 350108;2.福建理工大学电子电气与物理学院,福建 福州 350118)摘要:针对变压器油的拉曼光谱分析通常受到噪声和荧光背景等的干扰以及谱峰位置难以识别的问题,提出了一种改进的数据处理和谱峰识别算法,用于变压器油老化评估时的拉曼光谱分析。

提出一种自适应Savitzky-Golay 滤波法,引入自适应窗口大小拉曼光谱数据进行去噪处理。



利用谱峰识别技术判别变压器油的老化程度,采用大小两种尺度高斯窗口判别法来识别谱峰,并结合局部加权信噪比(local weighted signal-to-noise ratio, LW_SNR)来判断疑似拉曼谱峰的真实性。


关键词:去噪;荧光背景;谱峰识别;局部窗口加权信噪比;变压器油老化评估Transformer oil insulation aging based on Raman spectral data processing and peak identificationLIU Qingzhen1,ZHANG Yi1,YAN Renwu2(1. Fujian Key Laboratory of New Energy Generation and Power Conversion, College of Electrical Engineering andAutomation, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108, China; 2. School of Electronic, Electrical Engineeringand Physics, Fujian University of Technology, Fuzhou 350118, China)Abstract: There are problems in that the Raman analysis of transformer oil is usually interfered with by noise and fluorescent background, and it is difficult to identify the position of the spectral peak. Thus this paper proposes an improved data processing and spectral peak recognition algorithm for the Raman analysis of transformer oil aging evaluation. An adaptive Savitzky-Golay filtering method is proposed, and adaptive window-size Raman spectral data is introduced for denoising. An improved polynomial fitting algorithm is used to remove the fluorescence background processing of the de-noised data to reduce its influence on the fitting results. Each data point is weighted according to the distance between the data point and the expected Raman signal, so as to achieve more accurate de-fluorescence background processing. The aging degree of transformer oil is identified by spectral peak recognition technology, and the spectral peak is identified by the Gaussian window discrimination method with two scales, and the authenticity of the suspected Raman spectral peak is judged by the local weighted signal-to-noise ratio (LW_SNR). Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm in transformer oil aging evaluation is proved by experiment.This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51807030).Key words: denoising; fluorescence background; spectral peak identification; local weighted signal-to-noise ratio;transformer oil aging evaluation0 引言变压器油是电力系统中至关重要的电气设备,其绝缘性能与状态对系统的安全运行有至关重要的基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目资助(51807030) 影响,因此,变压器的绝缘检测与老化评估一直是一项重要的研究课题[1-3]。







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Sliding Spotlight SAR1Converse Beam Cross Sliding Spotlight SAR2TerraSAR-X,New Formulation of the Extended Chirp Scaling Algorithm3Hybrid Bistatic(双基地),in the Double Sliding Spotlight Mode 4SPACEBORNE/AIRBORNE(星载/机载),BISTATIC5Spaceborne/Airborne Hybrid Bistatic SAR,Wavenumber-Domain(波数域) Algorithm6Sliding Spotlight and TOPS SAR,Baseband Azimuth Scaling(基带方位尺度)7INVERSE SLIDING SPOTLIGHT IMAGING8KEY PARAMETERS IN SLIDING SPOTLIGHT SAR9A STUDY OF SAR SIGNAL ANALYSIS,SLIDING SPOTLIGHT MODE 10Azimuth Ambiguity of Phased Array11Anti-Jamming(抗干扰)Property12USING EXTENDED FREQUENCY(扩展频率)SCALING13MULTIPLE SAR MODES WITH BASEBAND AZIMUTH SCALING 14With PAMIR and TerraSAR-X—Setup, Processing, and Image Result15Two-Step Algorithm in Sliding Spotlight Space-borne16 Frequency-Domain,for Spaceborne/AirborneConfiguration17 KOMPSAT-5 SPOTLIGHT SAR PROCESSOR, USING FSA WITH CALCULATION OF EFFECTIVE VELOCITY18 Time-Frequency,High-Resolution19 A Special Point Target Reference Spectrum20 Hybrid(混合式) Bistatic SAR TerraPAMIR,Geometric Description and Point Target Simulation(几何描述与点目标仿真)21Using Azimuth Frequency De-ramping(方位频率去斜)22Sliding Spotlight,TOPS SAR Data,Without Subaperture (子孔径)23 EXTENDED THREE-STEP FOCUSING ALGORITHM24The Study of realization method(实现方法)25Double Sliding Spotlight Mode with TerraSAR-X and PAMIR Based on Azimuth Chirp Filtering26A Unified(统一的) Focusing Algorithm(UFA),Based on FrFT(fractional(分数) Fourier transform)27 A MULTI-MODE SPACE-BORNE,BASED ON SBRAS(Space-borne Radar Advance Simulator)(星载雷达超前模拟器)28PRESENCE OF SQUINT(下斜视)29Large-Scene,Multiple Channels in Azimuth30Full-Aperture Azimuth,for Beam Steering (光束控制)SAR31Beam Steering (光束控制)SAR Data Processing by a Generalized PFA32Multichannel,Ultrahigh-Resolution(超高分辨率) and Wide-Swath Imaging(宽测绘带成像)33A Multi-mode Space-borne SAR34Processing of Ultrahigh-Resolution Space-borne Sliding Spotlight SAR Data on Curved Orbit(曲线轨迹)35Multichannel Sliding Spotlight and TOPS Synthetic Aperture Radar Data36Burst Mode Synthetic Aperture Radar(突发模式合成孔径雷达)37Novel High-Order Range Model(新的高阶模型),Imaging Approach for High-Resolution LEO(低轨) SAR38FULL-APERTURE IMAGING ALGORITHM39Azimuth Resampling Processing for Highly Squinted (大斜视)Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging With Several Modes40Full-Aperture SAR,Squinted Sliding-Spotlight Mode 41X-Band SAR,TerraSAR-X,Next Generation and World SAR Constellation(一系列)42Multichannel Full-aperture,Beam Steering SAR43MONITORING THE DEFORMATION(变形监测) OF SHUPING LANDSLIDE(树坪滑坡)44USING A RANDOMLY STEERED SPOTLIGHT(随机转向聚焦)45THREE-STEP FOCUSING ALGORITHM(三步聚焦算法)ON SPATIAL VARIATION CHARACTERISTIC(空间变化特征)46 ATTITUDE STEERING STRATEGY(态度转向战略),AGILE SMALL SAR SATELLITE(敏捷小卫星)47A REFINED GEOMETRIC(几何) CORRECTION ALGORITHM FOR SPOTLIGHT AND SLIDING48EFFECTS OF PRF VARIATION ON SPACEBORNE SAR IMAGING 49Image Formation Processing,With Stepped Frequency Chirps50Fast processing of very high resolution and/or very long range airborne SAR images.51TerraSAR-X Staring52Imaging for MIMO(Multiple-input/output) Sliding Spotlight53An Azimuth Resampling,Highly Squinted Sliding Spotlight and TOPS SAR54Beam Steering SAR Data Processing By a Generalized PFA(polar formation algorithm)极坐标格式算法55 computational efficient high resolution algorithm56 An Efficient Approach With Scaling Factors(变标因子) for TOPS-Mode SAR Data FocusingTOPS1TOPS-Mode Raw Data Processing with CSA2New DOA(波达方向) Estimator for Wideband Signals3Extended Chirp Scaling4Processing of Sliding Spotlight and TOPS SAR Data Using Baseband Azimuth Scaling5TerraSAR-X,Mode Design and Performance Analysis6Multichannel Azimuth Processing,ScanSAR(扫描式雷达)and TOPS7Resolution Improvement of Wideband DOA Estimation “Squared-TOPS”(方顶)8INVESTIGATIONS ON TOPS INTERFEROMETRY(干涉测量法) WITH TERRASAR-X9Efficient Full Aperture Processing10TOPS Interferometry(干涉测量法)with TerraSAR-X.11TOPS Sentinel-1 and TerraSAR-X Processor Comparison仿真数据12An Efficient Approach With Scaling Factors13Sliding Spotlight and TOPS SAR Data Processing Without Subaperture(子孔径)14Using the Moving Band Chirp Z-Transform15EXTENDED THREE-STEP FOCUSING ALGORITHM16Scalloping(扇形) Correction in TOPS Imaging Mode SAR Data17 重复18TOPS Mode Raw Data Generation From Wide-Beam SAR Imaging Modes19An Azimuth Frequency Non-Linear Chirp Scaling(FNCS) Algorithm for TOPS SAR Imaging With High Squint Angle 20Using Chirp Scaling Algorithm21Multichannel Sliding Spotlight and TOPS Synthetic Aperture Radar Data22A COMBINED MODE OF TOPS AND INVERSE TOPS FOR MECHANICAL BEAM STEERING(机械波束转向) SPACE-BORNE SAR 组合模式23on Full-Aperture Multichannel Azimuth Data Processing 24OPERATIONAL STACKING(操作层)OF TERRASAR-X SCANSAR(扫描雷达) AND TOPS DATA25SIGNAL PROPERTIES(信号特性) OF TOPS-BASED NEAR SPACE SLOW-SPEED SAR26DOPPLER-RELATED FOCUSING ASPECTS27Squinted TOPS SAR Imaging Based on Modified Range Migration Algorithm and Spectral Analysis(改进范围迁移算法及频谱分析)28Doppler-Related Distortions in TOPS SAR Images(多普勒相关的扭曲)29A Subaperture Imaging Algorithm to Highly Squinted TOPS SAR Based on SPECAN and Deramping(处理与去斜)30An Azimuth Resampling based Imaging Algorithm for Highly Squinted Sliding Spotlight and TOPS SAR三、●MOTION COMPENSATION●Modification of SAR Step Transform●Precision SAR Processing Using Chirp Scaling●Highly Squinted Data Using a Chirp Scaling Approach withIntegrated Motion Compensation●Strip-Map(条形图)SAR Autofocus●HYBRID(混合)STRIP-MAP(带状地形图)/SPOTLlGHT SAR●Polarimetric SAR(极化SAR) for a Comprehensive TerrainScene(地形场景) Using the Mapping and Projection Algorithm (用映射和投影的方法)9717 SIFFT SAR Processing Algorithm6982 Using Noninteger(非整数) Nyquist SVA(空间变迹) Technique3232PFA(极性坐标形式算法) algorithm●the Compensation of the SAR Range Cell Migration Basedon the Chirp Z-Transform●Chirp Scaling Approach,for Processing Squint Mode●HIGH RESOLUTION,USING RANDOM PULSE TIMING(随机脉冲定时)●Extended Chirp Scaling Algorithm(ECSA),Stripmap andScanSAR Imaging Modes●Motion compensation using SAR autofocus●Signal Properties of Spaceborne Squint-Mode SAR●the Extended Chirp Scaling(ECSA)●High Quality Spotlight SAR Processing AlgorithmDesigned for LightSAR Mission●rate allocation (速度分配) for Spotlight SAR Phase HistoryData Compression●An Extension to Range-Doppler SAR Processing to AccommodateSevere Range Curvature(适应严重的距离弯曲)●Frequency Scaling Algorithm(FSA)● Time-Varying Step-Transform Algorithm for High Squint SARImaging●Without azimuth oversampling in range migration algorithm ●High-speed focusing algorithm for circular syntheticaperture radar (C-SAR)●22 Two-step Spotlight SAR Data Focusing Approach●Motion Compensation●New Applications of Nonlinear Chirp Scaling●New Subaperture Approach,High Squint SAR● a Two-Step Processing Approach●Sub-aperture algorithm fo r motion compensation improvementin wide-beam SAR data processing●Multibaseline(多基线) ATI-SAR(Abstract-Advanced,along-track,interferometry干涉测量法)for Robust Ocean Surface Velocity Estimation in Presence of Bimodal(双峰的) Doppler Spectrum●FOPEN SAR Imaging Using UWB(超宽带) Step-Frequency(步进频率) and Random Noise Waveforms能够穿透叶簇并发现隐蔽于叶簇的目标,具有极其重要的军事作用。



simple序列的fft变换英语Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) for Discrete Sequences.The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is an efficient algorithm used to compute the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of a discrete sequence. The DFT is a mathematical operation that converts a signal from the time domain to the frequency domain, providing insights into the frequency components and spectral characteristics of the signal.Definition of the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)。

The DFT of a discrete sequence x[n] of length N is given by:X[k] = ∑[n=0}^{N-1} x[n] e^(-j2πkn/N), for k = 0, 1, ..., N-1。

where j is the imaginary unit, and e represents the base of the natural logarithm.Computational Complexity of the DFT.The straightforward implementation of the DFT requires O(N^2) operations, which can be computationally expensive for large sequences.The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)。



第13卷第6期 2008年6月中国图象图形学报Journal of Image and GraphicsV01.13,No.6 June,2008一种无监督高光谱图像分类算法余红伟h2’ 张艳宁2’ 袁和金2’(西北工业大学理学院,西安7100722’(西北工业大学计算机学院,西安710072摘要为了实现对无任何先验知识的高光谱遥感数据的全自动分类,提出了一种关于高光谱图像的无监督分类算法。




关键词高光谱图像无监督分类端元凸面几何原理中图法分类号:TP751文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-8961(200806-1123.05An Unsupervised Classification Algorithm for Hyperspectral ImagerySHE Hong.wel’1・”,ZHANG Yah—ning”,YUAN He-jin2’”(School ofScience,Nonhwestern Polytechnical University,。

Xi'an 710072”(School ofCompeer Science,Nonhwes阳m Polytechnical University,Xi'an 710072 Abstract In order to classify the data of Hyperspectral remotesensing images automaticallywithout prior knowledge,an unsupervised classification algorithm is presented based On the conception of convex geometry and spectral features in this paper.The endmembers are selected step by step during processing and each endmember can be identified as one class.The advantages of this algorithm are simple in theory,easy to accomplish,widely used,and withoutanymanual assistance. The experiment shows that the classifying result of this algorithm is satisfied.Keywords hyperspectral image,unsupervised classification,endmember,conception of convex geometry1引言高光谱图像处理是一个新兴的研究领域,也是当前图像处理的前沿。












关键词:文字检测;文字定位;文字识别;卷积神经网络;多方向文字;谱聚类文献标志码:A中图分类号:TP399doi:10.3778/j.issn.1002-8331.2008-0015Direct and Efficient Natural Scene Chinese Character Approaching Spotting MethodZHAO Fan,ZHANG Lin,WEN Zhiquan,YANG Linlin,LIN GuangfengDepartment of Information Science,School of Printing,Packaging and Digital Media,Xi’an University of Technology, Xi’an710048,ChinaAbstract:In order to improve the accuracy of the classic target detection algorithms for text localization in natural scenes,and to overcome the problem of incorrect segmentation of Chinese characters by traditional character detection models due to the non-connectivity between strokes,a direct and efficient Chinese text spotting method is proposed in this paper.Text box is detected by EAST algorithm.The detected text box is adjusted to make it more compact and contain text more comprehensively,which comprises the connected component extraction,Chinese character segmentation and text shape approximation.The extracted text regions are corrected and transcribed.Experimental results show that while maintaining3.2frame per second,the proposed algorithm has F-score of83.5%,72.8%and81.1%in text positioning task of three multi-oriented text datasets,ICDAR2015,ICDAR2017-MLT and MSRA-TD500,respectively.The ablation exper-iment verifies the effectiveness of each module in the proposed algorithm.The performance of the comprehensive evalua-tion task of detection and recognition on the ICDAR2015data set also proves that the proposed method has achieved better performance than some of the latest methods.Key words:text detection;text spotting;text recognition;convolution neural network;multi-oriented text;spectral clustering基金项目:国家自然科学基金(61671376,61771386);陕西省重点研发计划(2020SF-359)。



现代电子技术Modern Electronics Technique2023年12月1日第46卷第23期Dec. 2023Vol. 46 No. 230 引 言随着互联网技术与多媒体技术的飞速发展与普及,致使以音频、图像、视频等为主要内容的多种类型作品创作、存储与传播变得极为便利。




就现有研究成果来看,使用较为广泛的降噪算法为一种基于小波阈值的变步长LMS 语音降噪算法[1]与启发式联合PCD 快速降噪算法[2]。

前者主要应用小波软阈值分析语音信号的时频,将具有噪声特征的小波系数进行剔除,通过变步长最小均方误差算法对语音信号进行进一步的降噪处理,从而实现语音信号的降噪处理;后者将音频信号转化为信号矩阵,利用Joint⁃PCD 与超完备字典同多轨道数字音频自适应变阶谱降噪模型构建文雅洁, 陈 娟(中北大学, 山西 太原 030051)摘 要: 文中提出多轨道数字音频自适应变阶谱降噪模型构建,采用一阶高通数字滤波器预加重处理多轨道数字音频信号,以此为基础,通过最大熵谱估计算法估计数字音频信号频谱,搭建自适应变阶谱降噪模型,确定谱减阶数的自适应取值规则。


实验数据显示:构建模型应用后,可以有效去除音频噪声信号,并不会缺失音频有效信息,降噪后多轨道数字音频信噪比最大值为91.25 dB ,充分证实了构建模型降噪效果更佳。



Vol 41,No. 6,ppl869-1873June , 2021第41卷,第6期2 0 2 1年6月光谱学与光谱分析 Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis机器学习的IBBCEAS 光谱反演波段优化凌六一 1!$ ,黄友锐1!$,王成军X胡仁志3,李 昂3,谢品华31. 安徽理工大学人工智能学院,安徽淮南2320012. 安徽科技学院,安徽凤阳2331003. 中国科学院安徽光学精密机械研究所,中国科学院环境光学与技术重点实验室,安徽合肥230031摘 要 非相干宽带腔增强吸收光谱技术(IBBCEAS )利用高精密谐振腔增强吸收光程,实现对痕量气体的 高灵敏探测$目前,IBBCEAS 技术主要采用发光二极管(LED )作为非相干光源$当谐振腔镜片反射率曲线 与带宽有限的LED 辐射谱不能很好匹配时,光谱反演波段选择不当可能会对被测气体浓度拟合结果产生较大偏差$以定量探测大气NO?浓度为例,分析了 IBBCEAS 光谱反演波段对NO?拟合结果的影响,发现当 反演波段宽度窄到一定程度后,NO?浓度拟合相对误差会迅速增加$为此,提出了一种基于RBF 神经网络结合遗传算法的机器学习IBBCEAS 光谱反演波段优化方法,以使浓度拟合误差达到最小。

在430〜480 nm待选波段内,选择各种宽度和中心波长的子波段作为反演波段,分别进行NO?浓度拟合,以此获得435个样本数据,并将样本数据按照4 : 1比例分成学习样本和测试样本,分别用于RBF 神经网络学习训练和测试,得到输入参数“反演波段的起始波长与截止波长”与输出参数“浓度拟合相对误差/之间的非线性映射关系$使用遗传算法搜索最优反演波段,将反演波段的起始波长和截止波长组合进行个体编码,随机产生若干个体形成种群$以RBF 神经网络的输出(即浓度拟合相对误差)作为个体适应度,经过多代种群进化过程后,获得适应度最优个体,即获得最优反演波段$在种群规模为100个体,种群进化最大代数为100的情况下,当种群进化第61代时,最优个体出现,对应的最优适应度为3. 584% ,最优反演波段为445. 78〜479. 44nm $选择相同带宽的其他4个典型反演波段,与最优反演波段下的NO?拟合结果进行了对比$结果显示,在最优反演波段下,无论是拟合误差、相对拟合误差还是拟合残差标准偏差,均低于其他4个反演波段,光谱拟合质量达到最优$结果表明,利用机器学习来确定IBBCEAS 最优反演波段是可行的$关键词 非相干宽带腔增强吸收光谱;优化;反演波段;机器学习;遗传算法中图分类号:O433文献标识码:A DOI : 10. 3964/j. issn. 1000-0593(2021)06-1869-05引言非相干宽带腔增强吸收光谱(IBBCEAS )是近年来发展起来的一种高灵敏光谱探测技术 利用高精密光学谐振腔增强吸收光程来达到高灵敏探测目的$目前,IBBCEAS 技术已 被广泛应用于大气痕量气体NO?18*, CHOCHO 13*, HO-NO [2,4,67* , HCHO 90*, NO 3[4,66 , I 2[11* , H 2O [4,⑴以及气溶胶消光)12*等探测$ IBBCEAS 仪器可以通过增加谐振腔基长、提高光源辐射光强以及使用更高反射率镜片等手段来提 高探测灵敏度$ IBBCEAS 仪器的这些客观参数一旦固定,又如何进一步改善仪器性能仍然值得研究$如Langridge 等)136通过Allan 方差分析,获得NO3吸收光谱最佳采集时间为 400 s ,将NO3的探测限从0. 25 ppK (10 s 的采集时间)改善到 0. 09 pptv ; Yi 等)6 应用 IBBCEAS 测量 NO3 , HONO 和NO 2 ,利用Allan 方差获得100 s 的最优光谱采集时间,NO3和NO?的探测限分别达到1. 7 pptv 和1. 6 ppbv ; Duan 等⑷ 同样针对HONO 和NO?测量,通过Allan 方差分析,获得320 s 最优光谱采集时间下的HONO 和NO?探测限分别为0.22 ppbv 和0.45 ppbv $现有研究只是针对光谱采集时间, 利用Allan 方差来获得特定曝光时间下的最佳光谱平均次数 来改善IBBCEAS 仪器探测性能$实际上,除了光谱采集时收稿日期:2020-06-10,修订日期:2020-09-30基金项目:安徽省重点研究与开发计划项目(20200407020011),国家自然科学基金项目(41305139),国家重点研发计划课题(2018YFC0213201)资助作者简介:凌六一,1980年生,安徽理工大学教授e-mail : *************.cn$ 通讯作者e-mail : lyling @aust. edu. cn ; **************1870光谱学与光谱分析第41卷间外,IBBCEAS 光谱反演波段同样影响反演结果和仪器性能$本工作以IBBCEAS 光谱反演大气NO?浓度为例,分析了光谱反演波段对NO?拟合结果及拟合残差的影响情况, 以最优反演准确度为目标,提出了一种利用RBF 神经网络 和遗传算法的机器学习最优反演波段确定方法,并进行了验证$1实验部分图1所示是测量装置结构示意图$其中,光源LED 中心波长约460 nm ,半高宽约25 nm ,镜片Ml 和M2在430〜480 nm 波段内具有高反射率$光路中其他部件的功能说明可参考我们之前的报道)4*$图1 IBBCEAS 实验装置结构示意图Fig.1 Aschematic diagram of theIBBCEASinstrument利用IBBCEAS 宽带吸收光谱,在某反演波段内将测得的吸收系数与被测气体吸收截面进行最小二乘拟合,就可以获得被测气体的浓度$基于LED 光源的非相干宽带腔增强吸收光谱系统,由于LED 半高宽一般只有20〜30 nm ,而光学谐振腔的镜片反射率是波长的函数,可能会出现LED 辐射光谱峰值波长与镜片反射率的峰值波长存在较大差距,另 外LED 半高宽又很窄,导致两者波段的重叠程度不高$这种情况下,如果光谱反演波段选择不当,被测气体浓度的拟合结果有可能会产生较大偏差$图2给出了 IBBCEAS 装置中 镜片反射率曲线、LED 辐射谱以及被测气体NO?的吸收截面$其中,镜片反射率是根据氮气和氦气分子对腔内入射光的不同Rayleigh 散射消光得到$在444 nm 处反射率曲线不是很平滑,可能是因滤光片缺陷所导致,最大镜片反射率0.997 20.995 40.993 60.991 80.990 00.999 0ReflectivityNO 2 cross-section LED spectrum.O.^SU0启o A g E I a !G W」8642O.O.O.O.图2 430〜480 nm 波段内的镜片反射率、LED 谱和NO 2吸收截面Fig. 2 Reflectivity , LED spectrum and NO 2 absorptioncross-section in the range of 430 〜480 nm (〜0. 998 7)出现在458 nm 处,与LED 峰值波长(460 nm )相差约2 nm ,镜片反射率曲线与LED 光谱的匹配程度较好$以某条IBBCEAS 吸收谱为例,分别在具有不同中心波 长和带宽的反演波段下对NO?进行浓度拟合,得到反演波段与NO?浓度拟合相对误差、残差谱标准偏差之间的关系。



第35卷 第5期 电 子 科 技 大 学 学 报 V ol.35 No.5 2006年10月 Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Oct. 2006基于傅里叶技术快速预测DNA 序列编码区王 玉 ,饶妮妮(电子科技大学生命科学与技术学院 成都 610054)【摘要】利用功率谱分析探测DNA 序列编码区的主要特征信号三周期性,需要计算1/3频率点的傅里叶频谱。

针对该问题,提出了只计算1/3频率点处的傅里叶频谱快速预测DNA 序列编码区的方法。


关 键 词 傅里叶变换; 功率谱分析; 基因组序列; 编码区 中图分类号 Q-332 文献标识码 AAn Efficient Algorithm for Prediction Genes of Genomic Sequences Based on Fourier AnalysisWANG Yu ,RAO Ni-ni(School of Life Science and Technology, Univ. of Electron. Sci. & Tech. of China Chengdu 610054)Abstract T he major signal in protein coding regions of genomic sequence is three-base periodicity. We use Fourier transform as a spectral analysis tool for genes detection, all that is required is a spot Fourier coefficient at M /3, and the complete Fourier spectrum is not required. An algorithm for computing spot Fourier coefficients is presented. Thereby, a method is developed to recognize the protein coding region of genomic sequence quickly. An important feature of the method is that its computational speed is very fast. Furthermore, this method is independent of training sets or existing datebase information and thus can find general applications.Key words Fourier transformation; power spectrum analysis; genomic sequence; protein coding region随着人类基因组计划的发展,近年来GenBank 里的碱基数目呈指数增长,如何从大量的数据中挖掘出有用的生物信息,是生物信息学领域今后几十年都需要致力解决的问题,用计算方法识别DNA 序列中蛋白编码区更是迫切需要解决的研究课题之一。

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An Efficient Spectral Algorithm for Network Community Discovery and Its Applications to Biological and Social NetworksJianhua Ruan and Weixiong ZhangDepartment of Computer Science and EngineeringWashington University in St LoiusOne Brookings Dr,St Louis,MO63130{jruan,zhang}@AbstractAutomatic discovery of community structures in complex networks is a fundamental task in many disciplines,includ-ing social science,engineering,and biology.Recently,a quantitative measure called modularity(Q)has been pro-posed to effectively assess the quality of community struc-tures.Several community discovery algorithms have since been developed based on the optimization of Q.However, this optimization problem is NP-hard,and the existing al-gorithms have a low accuracy or are computationally ex-pensive.In this paper,we present an efficient spectral algo-rithm for modularity optimization.When tested on a large number of synthetic or real-world networks,and compared to the existing algorithms,our method is efficient and and has a high accuracy.In addition,we have successfully ap-plied our algorithm to detect interesting and meaningful community structures from real-world networks in different domains,including biology,medicine and social science. Due to space limitation,results of these applications are presented in a complete version of the paper available on our website(/˜jruan/).1IntroductionThe study of complex networks has become a fast grow-ing subject in many disciplines,including physics,biol-ogy,and social science.At least part of the reason can be attributed to the discovery that real-world networks from totally different sources can share surprisingly high simi-larities in their topological properties,such as the power-law degree distributions and high clustering coefficients. (See[1,14]for reviews.)One of the key properties in complex networks that have attracted a great deal of interest recently is the so-called community structures,i.e.relatively densely connected sub-networks[15].Community structures have been found in social and biological networks,as well as technological networks such as the Internet and power grid.Automati-cally discovering such structures is fundamentally impor-tant for understanding the relationships between network structures and functions,and has many practical applica-tions.For example,identifying communities from a collab-oration network may reveal scientific activities as well as evolution and development of research areas[12],while de-tecting hidden communities on the World Wide Web may help prevent crime and terrorism[2].To design effective community discovery algorithms, Newman and Girvan[16]proposed a quantitative measure, called modularity(Q),to assess the quality of community structures,and formulated community discovery as a opti-mization problem.Since optimizing Q is a NP-hard prob-lem,several heuristic methods have been developed,as sur-veyed in[4].The fastest algorithm available uses a greedy strategy and suffers from poor quality[3].A more accu-rate method is based on simulated annealing,which requires a prohibitively long running time on large networks[11]. Several spectral algorithms have been developed,which have relatively good performance,but still inefficient for large networks[21,15].In this paper,we propose a spectral algorithm that is ef-fective infinding high quality communities as well as effi-cient on large networks.The algorithm adopts a recursive strategy to partition networks while optimizing Q.Unlike the existing algorithms,our method is a hybrid of direct k-way partitioning and recursive2-way partitioning strate-gies[21,15].We evaluate our algorithm on a large number of synthetic and real-world networks.The results show that the algorithm is more efficient and more accurate than a re-cursive2-way partitioning pared to a direct k-way partitioning method,our algorithm is much more ef-ficient,while having a comparable accuracy.The paper is organized as follows.In Section2,we intro-duce some basic concepts,notations,and previous works.Seventh IEEE International Conference on Data MiningIn Section3,we describe our algorithm and its complexity, and discuss several related methods.We present experimen-tal results in Section4,and conclude in Section5.2Preliminaries2.1Spectral graph partitioningLet G=(V,E)be a network of n vertices in V and m edges in E.Let A=(A ij)be the adjacency matrix of G.A graph partitioning problem is tofind two or more vertex subsets of nearly equal sizes,while minimizing the num-ber of edges cut by the partitioning[8].Known to be NP-hard,the problem exists in many real applications,such as circuit design and load balancing in distributed computing. Many heuristic methods have been developed for the prob-lem,among which spectral methods have received much at-tention and are the most popular.Spectral graph partitioning is in fact a family of methods. These methods depend on the eigenvectors of the Laplacian matrix or its relatives of a graph.Depending on the way they partition a graph,spectral methods can be classified into two classes.Thefirst class uses the leading eigenvec-tor of a graph Laplacian to bi-partition the graph.The sec-ond class of approaches computes a k-way partitioning of a graph using multiple eigenvectors.We briefly review some representatives of these two classes of algorithms below. Let D be the diagonal degree matrix of A,i.e.D ii=j A ij.L=D−A is called the Laplacian matrix of G.Letλ1≤λ2≤···≤λn be the eigenvalues andµ1,µ2,···,µn be the corresponding eigenvectors for the generalized eigen-value problem Lµ=λDµ.It can be shown thatλ1=0, andµ1=1,a vector with all ones.Given the above notation,a representative of bi-partitioning,the SM algorithm[19],works as follows.(1) Computeµ2,the second smallest generalized eigenvector of L.(2)Conduct a linear search onµ2tofind a partition of the graph to minimize a normalized cut criterion[19].It has been shown that when certain constraints are satisfied,the SM algorithm can reach the optima of normalized cuts[19]. Tofind more than two clusters,the SM algorithm can be applied recursively.The most popular algorithm in the second class,the NJW algorithm[17],finds a k-way partition of a network directly as follows,where k is given by the user.(1)Compute the k smallest generalized eigenvectors of L and stack them in columns to form a matrix Y=[µ1,µ2,···,µk].(2)Nor-malize each row of Y to have unit length.(3)Treat each row as a point in R k,and apply standard k-means algorithm (or any other geometric clustering algorithm)to group them into k clusters.2.2Modularity and community structures Given a partition of a network,Γk,which divides its vertices into k communities,the modularity is defined asQ(Γk)=ki=1(e ii/c−(a i/c)2),where e ii is the number of edges with both vertices within community i,a i is the number of edges with one or both vertices in community i, and c is the total number of edges[16].Therefore,the Q function measures the fraction of edges falling within com-munities,subtracted by what one would expect if the edges were randomly placed.A larger Q value means stronger community structures.If a partition gives no more within-community edges than would be expected by chance,the modularity Q≤0.For a trivial partitioning with a single community,Q=0.It has been observed that most real-world networks have Q>0.3[16].The Q function provides a good quality measure to com-pare different community structures.Several algorithms have been developed to search for community structures by looking for the division of a network that optimizes Q(see[4]for a survey).White and Smyth proposed a spectral algorithm(WS),which is effective on small net-works[21].They show that,when the number of commu-nities k is given,the optimization of Q is equivalent to an eigen decomposition problem,if relaxing the discrete mem-bership constraint[21].Therefore,they directly applied a k-way spectral graph partitioning algorithm for this pur-pose.To automatically determine the number of communi-ties,the spectral algorithm is executed multiple times,with k ranging from the user defined minimum K min to maxi-mum K max number of communities.The k that gives the highest Q value is deemed the most appropriate number of communities.A slightly modified version of the WS algo-rithm is as follows.(1)For each k,K min≤k≤K max, apply NJW tofind a k-way partition,denoted asΓk.(2) k∗=arg max k Q(Γk)is the number of communities,and Γ∗=Γk∗is the best community structure.While the WS algorithm is effective infinding good community structures,it scales poorly to large networks, because it needs to execute k-means up to K max times. Without any prior knowledge of a network,one may over-estimate K max in order to reach the optimal Q.For sparse networks,K max can be linear in the number of vertices in the worst case,making it impractical to iterate over all pos-sible k’s for large networks.3The Kcut algorithmIn order to develop a method that scales well to large networks while retaining effectiveness infinding good com-munities,we may take the strategy used in the SM algo-rithm,i.e.,to recursively divide a network into smaller ones. However,two issues remain.First,when should the algo-rithm halt,or in other words,how do we decide whethera (sub)network should be partitioned?Since our goal is to find a partition with a high modularity,we can test whether the Q value increases after the partition.If no partition can improve the modularity,the (sub)network should not be di-vided.Second,it has been empirically observed that if there are multiple communities,using multiple eigenvectors to di-rectly compute a k -way partition is better than recursive bi-partitioning methods [17].Here,we propose an algorithm that is a unique combination of recursive partitioning and direct k -way methods,which will achieve the efficiency of a recursive approach,while also having the same accuracy as a direct k -way method.We follow a greedy strategy to recursively partition a net-work to optimize Q .Unlike the existing algorithms that al-ways seek a bi-partition,we adopt a direct k -way partition strategy as in the WS algorithm.Briefly,we compute the best k -way partition with k =2,3,···,l using the NJW algorithm,and select the k that gives the highest Q value.Then for each subnetwork the algorithm is recursively ap-plied.To reduce the computation cost,we restrict l to small integers.As we will shown in experiments,the algorithm with l as small as 3or 4can significantly improve mod-ularity over the standard bi-partitioning strategy.Further-more,the computation cost is also reduced with a slightly increased value of l compared to bi-partitioning.Given a network G and a small integer l that is the max-imal number of partitions to be considered for each subnet-work,our algorithm Kcut executes the following steps.1.Initialize Γto be a single cluster with all vertices,and set Q =0.2.For each cluster P in Γ,(a)Let g be the subnetwork of G containing the ver-tices in P .(b)For each integer k from 2to l ,i.Apply NJW to find a k -way partitioning of g ,denoted by Γg k ,pute new Q value of the network as Qk =Q (Γ Γgk \P ).(c)Find the k that gives the best Q value,i.e.,k ∗=arg max k Q k .(d)If Q k ∗>Q ,accept the partition by replacing P with Γgk ∗,i.e.,Γ=Γ Γg k ∗\P ,and set Q =Q k ∗.(e)Advance to the next cluster in Γ,if there is any.The inner loop,step 2(b),is similar to the first step of the WS algorithm,except that in 2(b)(ii)we compute the mod-ularity of the whole network G ,which is different from the modularity Q (Γg k ).On the other hand,we do not need to iterate over all communities in the network to re-compute Q .From the definition of Q in Section 2.2,the contributionof each community towards Q is independent of the other communities.Therefore,after g is partitioned,Q can be ef-ficiently updated with the communities that have just been created in g .At step 2(c),we decide the best way to parti-tion g that can improve Q the most.This step turns out to be crucial in identifying globally good community structures with high Q values.At step 2(d),we test if partitioning g can contribute positively towards Q ,and the partition is ac-cepted only if Q increases.When the algorithm terminates,no communities can be further created to improve Q ,thus Γcontains the best community structure.3.1Computational complexityWe first review the computational complexity of the WS algorithm,since the inner loop of Kcut is simply the WS algorithm,except that the computation of Q is slightly dif-ferent.The WS algorithm contains two major components:computing eigenvectors and executing k -means to partition the network.Note that although WS calls NJW multiple times,the eigen problem needs to be solved only once to obtain all K max eigenvectors.To compute eigenvectors,we used the eigs function in MATLAB,which has a time complexity in O (mKh +nK 2h +K 3h ),where m and n are respectively the numbers of edges and vertices of the graph,K =K max is the number of eigenvectors to be computed,and h is the number of iterations for eigs to con-verge [21].Since K <n ,the running time of eigs can be simplified to O (mKh +nK 2h ).Second,we adopted a fast k -means algorithm [6]in our implementation,which takes approximately O (nKe )time,where e is the number of iter-ations for k -means to converge.Since k -means is called K times,the total running time is O (mKh +nK 2h +nK 2e ),where the first two terms are for eigs and the last term is for k -means.Assuming e and h constants,the overall time complexity of WS is O (mK +nK 2),which can be close to O (n 3),since the maximal number of communities for a sparse network may be linear in n .The running time of Kcut depends on the depth of the re-cursive calls.In the worst case,the partitions can be highly imbalanced,and the depth of the recursion is merely the number of partitions produced,K .A more practical es-timate,however,is the average depth,which is close to log l K ,where l is the maximal number of partitions con-sidered by NJW .Therefore,the running time taken by eigs can be estimated to be O ((mlh +nl 2h )log l K ),which can be further simplified to O (mlh log l K ),since l is small and therefore in general m >nl .Similarly,the average-case running time taken by k -means is O (nl 2e log l K ),and the total complexity is given by O ((mlh +nl 2e )log l K ).Our experimental results show that for large networks and small values of l ,the time taken by eigs dominates,giving an overall time complexity in O (mlh log l K )=O (mh ln K lstant,also given that l is small and K=O(n),the total complexity is O(m log n),which is much smaller than the O(n3)running time of the WS algorithm.An important ob-servation from the analysis is that the total running time of Kcut is not a monotonically increasing function of l.Ana-lytically,the minimum value of l/ln l is achieved at l=3. Empirically,we observed that Kcut is most efficient with l=3to5(see Section4.2).The memory complexity of both algorithms is O(m), linear to the number of edges.3.2Related methodsBesides our algorithm and the WS method,several other algorithms have also been developed for identify-ing communities by modularity optimization.Newman proposed an algorithm that is based on recursive spectral bi-partitioning[15].The algorithm computes the leading eigenvector of a so-called modularity matrix,and divides the vertices into two groups according to the signs of the elements in the eigenvector.The algorithm runs recursively on each subnetwork,until no improvement to Q is pared to our method,this algorithm is faster for small networks,since no k-means is performed.On the other hand,the modularity matrix is very dense,with al-most no zero entries.Therefore,the algorithm takes O(n2) memory even for sparse networks,in contrast to O(m)for our method.Furthermore,the algorithm takes O(n2log n) running time,therefore,it does not scale well to large net-works.Importantly,we will show that by combining k-way partitioning with a recursive method,Kcut usually achieves higher modularity than the Newman method.There are also several methods that are not spectral-based.The edge betweenness algorithm[9]and the ex-tremal optimization algorithm[5]are known to be very slow,with O(n3)and O(n2log2n)running time,respec-tively.Another greedy approach,the C NM algorithm[3], has approximately the same time complexity(O(m log2n)) as our method,but the communities returned often have poor quality[15].4EvaluationWe now evaluate our algorithm on a variety of networks and compare it with three existing algorithms that were mentioned in Section3.2:the WS algorithm,the CNM algo-rithm,and the Newman’s algorithm(NM).In what follows, the results of our algorithm are denoted by K-2,K-3,···,for l=2,3,···.Note that Newman suggested in[15]a refining step to improve Q after the initial partitioning.To make a fair comparison,this refining step was omitted in our study, since in theory the same strategy can be applied to any other algorithm as well.Figure1.Results on computer-generated networks.Q relative=Q discovered−Q true.4.1Computer-generated networksTo evaluate Kcut,wefirst tested it on computer-generated networks with artificially embedded community structures.Each network had256vertices forming8com-munities of equal sizes.Edges were randomly placed with probability p in between vertices within the same commu-nity and with probability p out between vertices in different communities.We varied p in from0.8to0.3,representing networks with dense to sparse communities.For each p in, we varied p out from0to p in50.For each pair of(p in,p out),we generated100networks and clustered them with WS(K min=2,K max=15),Kcut (l=2,3,4and5),and NM algorithms.To measure the ac-curacy of the results,we computed the Jaccard Index[20], which is roughly the percentage of within-community edges that were predicted correctly.The Jaccard Index between the true community structure(Γ)and predicted community structure(Γ )is defined asJ(Γ,Γ )=|S(Γ)∩S(Γ )|Table1.Q values for real-world networks.Qn m K∗K maxKarate0.4200.3900.4200.4200.4200.3930.3830.420[21] Football0.6020.5240.6000.5960.5900.4930.577Jazz0.4390.4440.4440.4390.4390.3940.4390.445[5] PPI0.3620.3320.3440.3480.3640.3410.337Internet0.6040.5940.6000.6010.6010.5240.620 Physicists-0.7340.7380.7390.743-0.6590.723[15] K max:maximal number of communities for WS.K∗:number of communities returned by WS.The last column are the best Q values achieved by existing methods in the literature,and references to the methods.Table2.Total CPU time(seconds). NetworkKarate1. Jazz8k40263123580.8 Internet-6k3k2k2k-283 *A significant difference between CNM and the other algorithms here is that CNM was implemented in C,while all the other algo-rithms compared here were implemented in MATLAB m-files. Fig.1(a)shows the Jaccard Index as a function of p out for p in=0.5.Results for other values of p in or using other types of accuracy measurement are similar(data not shown).The WS algorithm,which explicitly searches over all k’s,has the best accuracy.On the other hand,Kcut with large l values can better approximate WS than with small l values.Moreover,as shown in Fig.1(b),the Q values achieved by the algorithms match their accuracies:WS has the highest modularity,followed by K-5,K-4,...,and the Newman algorithm at last.A third measure,the number of times an algorithm predicted k correctly,also shows that WS>K-5>···>K-2>NM(data not shown).The CNM algorithm has an accuracy similar to K-2for smaller p out, but its accuracy drops significantly when p out increases.4.2Real-world networksWe further tested our method on several real-world net-works.These include an acquaintance network in a Karate club[22],the opponent network of American NCAA Di-vision I college football teams in the year2000[9],a co-performing network of Jazz Bands[10],a protein-protein interaction network of E.coli[18],the Autonomous Sys-tems topology of the Internet[7],and a collaboration net-work of physicists[13].As shown in Table1,the WS algo-rithm usually returns community structures with the highest Q value.Although Kcut with l=2often performed poorly, Kcut with l≥3can usually achieve Q values as good as that by WS,whereas with a much reduced running time. Moreover,for the three networks(Karate,Jazz,Physicists) that have been analyzed by others,Kcut canfind modularity values that are comparable to or better than the best known ones.The NM algorithm(without the refining step)and the CNM algorithm usually have much worse accuracy com-paring to WS and Kcut.The WS and Newman algorithms failed tofinish on the physicist network,due to their exces-sive running time or memory usage.In addition,the communities returned by Kcut are often very close to the known communities if they are available. For example,for the Karate club network,Kcut precisely predicted the actual separation of the club caused by a dis-pute among its members[9].For the football network,Kcut correctly revealed the official NCAA conference structure of the football teams[9],except for a few teams that do not belong to any conference.Because of space limit,we omit the detailed results here.4.3Running timeTable2shows the running time of the four algorithms on the six real-world networks.Table3shows the time spent on eigs and k-means by WS,Kcut and M is based on a different rationale and does not have these two com-ponents.As shown in Table2,although WS is efficient for small networks of up to a few hundred of vertices,it is very inefficient on large networks.The Kcut algorithm,on the other hand,can handle networks of several thousand of ver-tices in less than half minute.It appears in Table2that CNM is the most efficient,especially for small networks.At least part of the reason is that CNM was implemented in the C language,while the other three algorithms were all imple-mented in MATLAB M-files.M-files are interpreted at run time,and therefore have higher overhead.Also observe that Kcut is often faster with l=3,4,5 than with l=2.Based on the analysis in Section3.1,the time Kcut spent in eigs is approximately linear to l/ln l, which reaches its minimum at l=3.In contrast,the time Kcut spent on k-means is proportional to l2/ln l,which is monotonically increasing for l≥2.The experimental re-sults in Table3partially support the theoretical analysis. For large networks,the total running time of Kcut is dom-inated by eigs.Therefore,Kcut can take advantage of a slightly increased l to reduce its running time.When l be-Table3.CPU time(seconds)for program components. Network K-2K-4NM0.。
