具体的托福写作分类题目内容都有哪些?下面小编为大家整理了详细的内容,供大家参考!托福写作话题分类14个1. 建造问题:小区内建造工厂、饭店、购物中心、高中、商业中心等的好处与坏处2. 品德问题:一个好的邻居。
老板、儿女、家长、室友、同事该具有什么样的品质3. 假设问题:假设可以改变家乡(学校,社区)一处,采访一位明星,有一项发明等4. 花钱问题:公司该投资艺术还是环境、存钱还是花钱、政府应投资经济还是环境保护等5. 原因问题:上大学的原因、出国读书的原因、工作的原因、音乐重要的原因等6. 交友问题:一个好的朋友应该具有什么样的品质,借钱是否伤及友谊,选择和自己相同还是不同的朋友等7. 教育问题:成绩是否可以促进学生学习,选一个专业还是很多专业,男女是否该同校等8. 父母的影响:父母是否是最好的老师,父母是否该为孩子做决定,父母是否应该小孩做家务等9. 成功问题:成功是由于努力工作还是运气,成功是需要冒险还是仔细计划,有钱是否就成功,成功最重要的品质等10. 生活习惯:选择大城市还是小城市居住,独立旅行还是结伴旅行,早期还是玩起,快节奏生活还是慢节奏生活等11. 环境:人类活动有助于环境,不断消失的资源是什么,为何植物很重要12. 技术:汽车的利弊、电脑的利弊、互联网的利弊,过去一百年最重要的发明,二十一世纪将带来什么13. 传媒:电影电视是否影响人的行为,电影的作用、看电视的敝处14. 体育游戏:锻炼的好处,打游戏可以教会我们生活,最好的旅行方式是否需要导游是否应该入乡随俗托福独立写作范文:大小公司的选择Some people prefer to work for a large company. Others prefer to work for a small company. Which would you prefer? Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.托福写作范文No doubt, I choose to work for a small company because there are too many benefits that outnumber its disadvantages not to choose. But working for a large company has advantages no more than its disadvantages.The most important benefit of working for a small company is that I will have many chances to develop. In gerneral, a small company is a developing enterprise and it is not easy to absorb many excellent employees. If I enter this small company, I think that the boss will appreciate me and give me many opportunities to reveal my abilities. Only I let the job do well, I am sure that I will rise very rapidly.On contrary to this, a large company is already a high developed institutions. There are many prominent talent working for it. A good position will absorb hundreds of opponents. It will take me a lot of time and vigor to get this position. Maybe I have no chance to win this competition at all.Another benefit of working for a small company , which working for a large company almost cannot achieve, is that I can learn more skills in a small company than in a large company. As shown above, a small company is a developing enteprise. Thismeans that it have no a great deal of money to employ many persons . So, I can do all kinds of jobs at the same time. I think that this will be useful to compete in the society. But in a large company, maybe I only engage a monotonous job over a long period of time . I believe that this will be helpless to improve my capacity.Of course, choosing to work for a large company also has advantages to some extent. For example, it will afford handsome salary and will be not easy to fail in business competition. But from my own development, I still want to work in a small company. In addition, I believe that every large company originates from a small company. Maybe I will become an important person when the small company in which I work become a large company.托福独立写作范文:在家工作好于公司Working at home using computers and telephone is better than workiing in the office.I fundamentally agree to work in the company's office other than work at home except for the case that I work for myself as a freelancer or home is actually the same place of the company.First of all, I argue that work should be separated from personal life because work is actually a formal and serious task for individual so that one has to be responsible for the job. However, if working at home, it is inevitably possible that I would be disturbed by some trivial things. For instance, being disturbed by a salesman that knocks the door or an unpredictable phone that I have to answer. All such interruption of the work would make my work in mess, and thus I cannot concentrate myself into my work. So due to these drawbacks of working at home, I prefer to stay in the office where the atmosphere of a great passion forwork will motivate me for a better job.In addition, I don't think working at home is somehow more convenient as someone defences that it can save us a lot of time on the bus. Yet I argue that it is merely the superficial phenomenon that it seems our time is saved, because in fact, our patterns of life and work is damaged. When we are at home , we do not have to think about the annoying work done in the office if work belongs to office. But when home becomes a work place,the situation is different. It may be more than 8 hours before I finish my work since I would unconsciously spend more time in working when my office is actually my home. And the breakfast and lunch are likely to be done as simple as possible,which leaves all in a mess at home.So I doubt the advantage that working at home brings to me and I shall be suffering from the irregular life pattern.On the other hand, office is ,in my view,an ideal place for work. We can operate and communicate face to face without phone or Internet that sometimes set a barrier between us. And although during the working hours, I would feel stressful, and continuously be conscientious in case the boss comes to trouble ,I would feel really released when I leave the office . It would be private time for me and home is where the hope is waiting. Therefore I prefer to work in the office for a more scientific and healthier pattern of life.托福综合写作高分秘笈:Paraphrase很多初次接触托福考试的学生总是非常担心写作的综合写作部分,也就是我们说的小作文。
托福综合写作tpo56解析全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:TPO 56:题目:选商科专业还是选工科专业听力:男生认为应选择商科专业的原因是:1. 商科专业博士毕业后更容易找到工作;2. 商科专业有可能赚更多的钱;3. 商科专业有更多的机会在职场上获得成功;4. 商科专业的课程比较灵活,学生可以选择感兴趣的领域作为专业方向。
综合写作:在TPO 56的综合写作中,讲述了一个关于选择商科专业和工科专业之间的讨论。
托福独立写作之理财性话题话题分类:理财性话题考题回忆:If your friend wants to reduce living expenses, what of the following would you suggest?1. find a roommate to share the living expense2. buy technological devices (i.e. cell phones) less frequently3. buy less expensive food and cook at home.解题思路:Find a roommate to share the living expense – can save rent/ utilities (a fairly large portion of living expense in large cities) Buy technological devices (i.e. cell phones) less frequently –no one buys these things really frequently, normally once or twice a year won’t be effectiveBuy less expensive food and cook at home –too busy working ? no time for cooking at home; cooking by oneself does not necessarily save a lot参考范文:City dwellers often complain about the high living expense these days. Normally, if they want to reduce their living cost, they can find a roommate, make fewer major purchases or cook at home. Although all these approaches can save money to some extent, the best way is to find a roommate to share the cost.By finding a roommate, one can immediately cut his or her living expense by a considerable portion. This is because rent andutilities now comprise a major part in the monthly expense for anyone living in a major city. With the influx of so many young people, the rent in large cities is now skyrocketing to record high. Take Shanghai as an example. A two-bedroom apartment in an average community can cost more than 5000 yuan per month. If shared with a roommate, one can immediately save 2500 yuan, which translates into a saving of at least 30000 yuan a year, a saving so great that it can hardly be achieved by resorting to the other two methods. Meanwhile, the utilities can also see a significant decline. After all, air-conditioners and fridges use virtually the same amount of electricity no matter how many people live in an apartment.Buying fewer technological devices, on the other hand, it not as effective. One reason is that technological devices are getting cheaper, taking up an ever smaller proportion in the monthly expense. Another reason is that, compared with paying for rent and food, people make major purchases such as cell phones or laptops much less frequently. Even if a person really wants to stay in fashion by using the latest cell phone, he or she only has to buy a new one once a year. This could easily be saved by sharing the aforementioned apartment with a roommate for two or three months. Delaying the purchase, however, could either be a heavy blow on the ego, or on efficiency, as many people now rely on smartphones and laptops to finish a lot of tasks.Cooking at home is also an ineffective approach because young people these days can hardly squeeze time to cook after a whole day’s work. As we know, cooking at home can be a time-consuming task, as it involves buying meat and vegetable, followed by washing, cutting and cooking. Normally, this task may take up to two hours every day. The truth is, with so manyhours spent on the road or working overtime in the company, young employees tend to arrive at home at 7 p.m. or later. It would be impossible for them to wait another two hours before tucking into a delicious meal. Also, cooking by oneself does not necessarily save money since one tends to buy more than he or she can consume, leading to a waste of money.In conclusion, the best way to reduce the monthly cost is to find a roommate to share the rent and utilities, rather than trying to economize on technological devices or food.托福独立写作真题范文:从小学会理财才能经济独立考题出现时间:2009-5-9CN,2009-5-9NA,2010-1-15NA题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: To become financially responsible individuals, people should be taught how to manage money at a young age.答题思路:观点:I agree with the statement: to become financially responsible individuals, people should be taught how to manage money at a young age.论点1(支持):We all know that how important to be a financially responsible individual is, because this is related to the quality of our life.论点2(支持):The habits we develop when we are young will have a great influence on the life and work afterwards.论点3(支持):Another benefit for children to manage money at a young age is that they will learn the difficulties their parents raise them.托福独立写作真题范文:从小学会理财才能经济独立参考范文:I agree with the statement: to become financially responsible individuals, people should be taught how to manage money at a young age. To illustrate the statement, here are three reasons.To begin with, as everyone knows, managing money is not an easy and comfortable job. It is a long time work. And also, we all know that how important to be a financially responsible individual is, because this is related to the quality of our life. Therefore, we should try our best to become financially responsible individuals. Do we become this kind of persons if we say we are? Of course not, we should be trained. It is the most effective way to teach us the knowledge when we are young, managing money is not an easy and comfortable job Moreover, the habits we develop when we are young will have a great influence on the life and work afterwards. Bill Gates, who is one of the wealthy men in the world, said that he would let his children manage their money from their early age. The ways of thinking and ways of behavior lay the foundation of our whole life. Learning how to manage money at a young age will inevitably benefit our future. This period of time is also a good time for us to learn, to grasp more knowledge. So, the training of managing money should start from the childhood or the young stage.Another benefit for children to manage money at a young age is that they will learn the difficulties their parents raise them. With the development of economy, children can almost get anything they want. They don’t know how precious their life is. The consequence of this is that they don’t know to show their thanks to their parents. Managing money will help them know they should be thankful to parents and express their love to their parents. Managing money seems a thing of little importance, but it can help a family become more and more warm and united.To conclude, it is very important to teach children managing money at a young stage. This will help children to be a financiallyresponsible individual in the future and also help families to be more united.托福培训丨托福写作抽象类话题怎么破系列之:金钱话题关于金钱(money)的话题:1). Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?People who do not have to work because they have enough money are barely happy.(抽象类,快乐与钱)2007.11.3因为有很多钱,所以不用工作的人们,很少有开心的。
为什么人们没能改善这种状况吗?你有什么建议吗?Far too little has been done to prevent animals and plants from dying out, although people have noticed this problem for a long time. Why have people failed to improve this situation? What are your suggestions?2、教育类(1).一些人认为教育孩子完全会使他们受益。
Some people believe that educating children altogether will benefit them. Others think intelligent children should be taught separately and given special courses. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.(2).如今,越来越多的毕业生无法找到工作。
Today, more school leavers are unable to find jobs. Discuss the causes of rising unemployment among young adults and suggest any solutions.3、全球化影响现有一个对于增加国家之间的商业和文化联系给国家的身份所带来的影响的分歧。
智课网TOE FL备考资料托福写作十三个万能理由上【热点话题】摘要:托福写作涉及的范围极广,其中有不少话题是我们经常会考到的:健康、金钱、安全(safety)、方便(conven ience)、沟通、持久性(durabi lity)、愿望(desire)、效率(effici ent)、节约(econom ical)等等一些热门话题,是必须要我们重视的,下面我们就将这些热门话题的所有内容分享给大家,想要快速提高自己的托福写作成绩的考生,抓紧时间了。
托福写作十三个万能理由:一. 成就感(achiev ement)关键词句 : a senseof achiev ement virtuo us cycle良性循环 grandfeat/exploi t 辉煌的业绩attain mentof goalselevat e our self-esteem be conduc tiveto self-actual izati on 有助于自我实现万能段落:By doing(someth ing), we can enjoya senseof achiev ement. The feat ofaccomp lishi ng is conduc tiveto self-actual izati on, whichwill inevit ablyelevat e our self-esteem. Inflat ed esteem will propor tiona lly contri buteto even more solidachiev ement. This is virtuo us cycletoward a better career. For exampl e, I have a relati ve who worksin a big compan y. He was once awarde d the opport unity to travel abroad that excite d him for quitea long time. Afterthat he worked even harder and gained the elevat ed esteem.二. 被认可感(acknow ledge ment)关键词句: A willin g ox 任劳任怨的人 selfle ss contri butio n the stat of beingrecogn izeda senseof belong ing provid e satisf actio n motiva tionfor furthe r improv ement万能段落: By acknow ledge ment, I mean the stateof beingrecogn ized. When we are recogn izedby our compan y (school/colleg e/group/commun ity or societ y), we can experi encea senseof belong ing. The feelin g of beingrecogn izedprovid es satisf actio n and motiva tionfor furthe rimprov ement. Hence, when a person can be identi fiedby others, the subseq uentoutcom e can be beyond imagin ation. Bill Gates, throug h luck, dilige nce, and team spirit leadsMicros oft to splend or. And he distri butes his wealth genero usly, whichwon him a name: the greate st philan throp ist around the world. His succes s is acknow ledge d by our societ y. And his satisf actio n indexcan be higher than that of any otherpeers.三. 健康(health)关键词句: ingred ients to soundhealth健康的要素physic al health psycho logic al health well-adjust ed to the societ y soundhealth as fit as a fiddle身体好 discar d health hazard robust streng th 体力充沛 Health is abovewealth.万能段落:Freshair, cleanwaterand nutrit iousfood are indisp ensab le ingred ients to soundhealth. So if we live in good enviro nment and enjoyhealth ful diet, our physic al health can be guaran teed. Also if we have positi ve hobbie s like readin g and othermental pursui ts, ourpsycho logic al health can be elevat ed. Anyway, health is abovewealth, we should exertour effort s to discar d health hazard in orderto attain a better life.四. 安全(safety)关键词句: be protec ted agains t failur e, damage a senseof securi ty facili tatethe harmon y of societ y Safety is the top priori ty.万能段落:Safety refers to the condit ion of beingprotec ted agains t failur e, damage, error, accide nts, harm, et cetera. Safety is usuall y our main concer n.五. 方便(conven ience)关键词句: perfor m dailyerrand s 从事日常业务 get easy access to 容易接近 do not have to exertoursel ves too much 不用太费力气 Conven ience matter s.便利至关重要万能段落: Conven ience meansbeingsuitab le and useful for us to carryout dailytasks. If someth ing is conven ientand easy to be made use of, we get easy access it, then the potent ial can be fullyexploi ted. We do not have to exertoursel ves too much to obtain the benefi t. As a result, we can devote more time and effort s to accomp lishi ng otherbusine ss that is urgent and pivota l.以上就是有关托福写作十三个万能理由的部分内容,剩下的一些内容我们还会陆续为大家分享,希望大家能够持续关注我们小马过河托福写作频道,最后祝愿大家在即将到来的托福考试中能够取得优异的成绩。
1. 全球化对不同文化的影响
2. 现代社会中的贫富差距问题
3. 互联网对社交行为的影响
4. 环境保护与经济发展的平衡问题
5. 城市规划与可持续发展的关系
1. 人工智能的发展及其在各领域的应用
2. 基因编辑技术的伦理问题
3. 气候变化对生态系统的影响
4. 新能源技术的发展及其前景
5. 医学科技的发展与人类健康的关系
1. 文学作品中的人物塑造与现实社会的关系
2. 历史事件的解读与历史真相的探索
3. 艺术创作中的文化元素与个人风格的关系
4. 语言文字的发展与人类文明的关系
5. 心理学角度分析人类行为与决策过程
1. 生物学与化学在医学领域的应用
2. 物理学与数学在金融领域的应用
3. 计算机科学与哲学在人工智能领域的关系
4. 环境科学与社会学在可持续发展领域的关系
5. 跨学科视角下的人类未来发展与挑战
常见话题分类及分论点词汇短语总结⼀一.教育1. 学习⾳音乐、体育的重要性培养团队精神和思考能⼒力Foster team spirit critical thinking提升⽂文化修养和对⽂文学艺术的欣赏⽔水平self-cultivation, an appreciation of art and literature.提⾼高⾝身体素质,养成良好的⽣生活习惯Develop physical fitness, healthy lifestyle2. 学习数学的重要性培养独⽴立思考、创造性思考、分析和解决问题能⼒力independent and critical thinking, analysing skills and problem-solving ability数学是很多学科的基础Fundamental subject3.孩⼦子是否应该obey the rules由于年轻和缺乏经验,孩⼦子容易误⼊入歧途,所以很多时候他们需要⽼老师和⽗父母的建议和指导。
go astrayInexperienced be more likely to do孩⼦子迟早都要⾃自⼰己做决定,如果他们从⼩小只会服从命令,那么会慢慢失去主见。
the ability and desire to form their own opinion4.孩⼦子成长谁负责?parents家长以⾃自⼰己为榜样,帮助孩⼦子形成正确的⼈人⽣生观和价值观role modelhelp foster in the young the morally sound values and outlook on the world and life孩⼦子早年⼤大部分时间与家长在⼀一起,家长塑造孩⼦子们的性格Shape personalityteacher/ school传授理论知识impart knowledge platform提⾼高⼈人际交往能⼒力interpersonal skills媒体对孩⼦子的影响Questionable contents教育类核⼼心词汇:theoretical 理论的practical 实际的scope of knowledge 知识⾯面lighten the burden of 减轻...的负担nurture 培养,教育 motivation 动⼒力physical ⾝身体上的psychological ⼼心理上的intelligence 智⼒力,智能intellectual 智⼒力的,有智⼒力的,n. 知识分⼦子motivate 激发potential 潜在的,潜⼒力talent 天才,才能qualify (使)具有资格discipline 纪律,学科subject 科⽬目,学科adolescent 青少年,青春期的mature 成熟的interactive 互动的,交互式的learn by rote 死记硬背feedback 反馈learner-oriented 以学⽣生为导向的exam-oriented education 应试教育force-feed the students 填鸭式教法教学⽣生raise family 养家achieve life value 实现⼈人⽣生价值degree factory 学历⼯工⼚厂all-rounded 全⾯面的impart knowledge 传授知识obtain/ acquire/gain knowledge and skills获得知识和技能quality education素质教育team spirit 团队精神become qualified employees 成为合格雇员adapt to 适应某事dampen the students’ enthusiasm 打击学⽣生的积极性enrich one’s social and life experience 丰富了社会和⽣生活阅历practical and professional skills 实⽤用的职业技能become competitive in the job market 在职场上有竞争⼒力make contributions to social progress 对社会进步做出贡献encourage students to think critically and independently ⿎鼓励学⽣生批判地和独⽴立地思考promote students’ physical, intellectual and emotional development促进学⽣生的⾝身体、智⼒力和情感发展help foster in the young the morally sound values and outlook on the world and life 帮助年轻⼈人树⽴立正确的价值观、世界观、⼈人⽣生观A school is society in miniature. 学校是社会的⼀一个缩影。
比如,托福独立写作真题(It isimpossible for us to be completely honestto afriend.)也可以被归纳在这一类中。
托福独立写作真题1.2014年8月23日考题:Although new technology and science will continue to advanceand improve people’s life, the most significant improvement has been made.很多同学被这道题目难住,因为其中提及的逻辑非常严谨:没有否定科技的发展人类的进步,只是在程度上做文章,遇到这种情况做何处理呢?首先,从立场来讲,这道题算是要反对的,因为人类前进的步伐不可否认。
2.2014年10月18日考题:It is important for everyone to know about what happening allaround the world even though the events have not affected our daily life.社会类话题可以涉及的角度还有经济、教育、灾难等,都是非常高频的角度,大家可以有意识的积累相关表达和素材。
托福考试作文常见的主题以及写作技巧和思路1. 教育类题目:-题目示例:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is better to have a teacher for your whole life than to have multiple teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.-写作思路:可以从持续的师生关系对学习的影响、不同老师的优势和劣势、个人学习风格和需求等方面展开讨论,并给出自己的观点。
2. 科技类题目:-题目示例:Some people believe that the internet has made people's lives more convenient. Others believe that the internet has made people's lives more complicated. Which viewpoint do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.-写作思路:可以从互联网的便利性与挑战、社交媒体的影响、信息获取的改变等方面进行讨论,并给出自己的观点。
3. 社会类题目:-题目示例:Some people prefer to spend their free time with a few close friends. Others choose to spend their free time with a large number of friends. Which do you prefer and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.-写作思路:可以从与亲密朋友相处的优点、与大量朋友相处的优点、个人性格和需求等方面展开讨论,并给出自己的观点。
托福写作高分满分范文点评和思路解析:读写力量在现代社会的重要性托福写作难点话题一览Is literacy more important today than in the past?Is the ability to read and write more important today than in the past? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.写作思路绽开结构分析肯定程度上,同意这个说法。
(In a sense, it is true that…)阅读并理解(Comprehend)的力量,在信息过度丰富的今日,更加重要。
本话题高分范文赏析As the world becomes smaller and smaller due to the process of globalization, it becomes more and more important that everyone learnshow to read and write. If one is to keep up with the fast pace of the world, literacy skills are of utmost importance.Technology is expanding at an ever-increasing rate. Computers, and the Internet, have become common terms in almost all nations in the world. If one wants to be able to communicate with others using this efficient method, one must learn the basics of reading and writing. The objects we have in our home are also becoming increasingly more complicated. For example, if one wants to use a DVD player with their television, one must be able to read the manual to learn how to work it. Even the most basic technologies come with an instruction guide: if one is unable to read, they will constantly be struggling to figure out how to work these technologies.As mentioned above, the world is becoming much smaller. More people are finding it necessary to leave their homes in small towns and villages, moving to the big cities where there is more opportunity. Some of these people find it quite difficult to navigate around the city, as one must know how to read in order to understand the street signs. If one cannot find the place where one has to report for work, it would be very difficult to make a living.Finally and perhaps most importantly, being able to read and write gives us the opportunity to think for ourselves. Wherever we are, people in authority positions tell us what we should believe. However, in manycases, it is not in our own best interest to follow the leaders ideas. People must learn to read and then examine the information for themselves. This is the only way that culture can evolve. Therefore, I think the skills of reading and writing are of vast importance, no matter where one lives in the world. The world population will continue to grow, and the only way to keep ahead is to learn to read and write.托福写作高分满分范文点评和思路解析:介绍代表国家的象征托福写作难点话题一览The thing representing your countryIf you were asked to send one thing representing your country to an international exhibition, what would you choose? Why? Use specific reasons and details to explain your choice.写作思路绽开结构分析这道题目自由度很高,对中国考生来说应当也很简单想到各种代表性的事物,比如中国特产的吉利物大熊猫,或者中国瓷器,这些都是对老外来说也特别具有中国特色,耳熟能详的事物。
例如:Do you agree or disagree that society benefits more from works of great artists than from political leaders.是否同意:艺术家比政治家对社会的贡献大。
1. 动物习性。
不过呀,松鼠有时候也会忘记自己把坚果藏哪儿了,这些被遗忘的坚果就有可能长成新的树木,是不是很神奇呢?2. 动物与环境的关系。
3. 生物的进化。
1. 阅读部分。
托福写作常见话题总结【插图】there are a great many beautiful and delicate pictures to illustrate the words and make it more understandable. With those wonderful pictures,learning can be real fun and easy!【环境优美】The amazing part is its picturesque view and enjoyable surroundings. Having a walk beside the lake and rockery, I can smell the fragrance of grass and the flowers, hear the cries of the birds and feel the bracing breeze on my face.【学习英语】With the language surroundings,it’ll be easy for me to pol ish my speaking and listening skills.This can render me a good opportunity to practice my English, and eventually put me in a favorable position in the upcoming competition.【勇敢】You’ve got to have faith and courage; the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. In this rapid developing society,if we’re easily freaked out by various challenges,then there’s no way we can succeed.【放松】It drives away my lassitude and helps me relax and relieve the pressure from work and study. What’s more? It even puts me in a better mood and wards off the depression and pessimism .【好笑】The scene is extremely hilarious and funny and make me laugh. Laugh can definitely drive away my lassitude and helps me relax and relieve the pressure from work and study. What’s more? It even puts me in a better mood and wards off the depression and pessimism .【结交朋友】I would be able to make friends with those who share the same love for this. Perhaps we can have a little get-together. We can talk, laugh,I mean, exchange our ideas and share our feelings. We all feel like one big family.【榜样作用】Since he is the role model for us, heneeds to speak and behave appropriately, in order to set a good example for us. No one can deny that a good example can exert an profound influence on the people.【守信】He is a man of his word and he never breaks his promise. I remember once I asked him to pick up my cousin when I couldn’t come back. He did so even though he had caught a bad cold. I said thanks and sorry but he said it’s ok be cause he promised me. It is the characteristic of keeping faith enabled him to win my complete trust.【热心】He is very obliging. Whenever you are in trouble, he is always the first one who comes up and gives you the shirt off his back. Once my computer was attacked by Trojan horse, it is him who spent four hours to help me get rid of it.【善于表达】He should be expressive to convey his ideas effectively and efficiently. He is supposed to speak loud and clear and be able to put difficult things in a way that is easy to understand. Only in this way can we fully comprehend his idea and better do our own job.【体贴】He is considerate and shows much care and concern about others. He is always trying to look at things from your angle and not to hurt you or upset you. For example, knowing that I am taking a nap or reading books,he would turn down the volume of the CD player.【节约时间】It’s such a time saver. In this fast-paced society, we all do our utmost to keep up with time. With the time it saves for us, we can do various meaningful things thus make the most of precious time which elapses every second【避免堵车】Since there is no traffic jam in subway lines, passengers can perfectly avoid the unpleasant traffic congestion. On one hand, it saves us time, on the other hand it’ll make it easier for us to make plans and schedules. In contrast, other vehicles running on the roads and streets are extremely subject to traffic conditions.【覆盖面广】The subway system cover almost all the major parts of the cities,stations can be seen everywhere. So it would be more convenient to go out by subway.以上列举了一些新托福写作中实用的论据都是用比较常用的,大家在托福写作练习中,这些写作论据应该根据自己的情况使用,口语和写作中都不应为了用句子而用句子,这样的话表达出来很牵强,反而得不偿失。
托福写作话题解析:城市为了帮助大家在备考托福写作部分的时候能够多积累一些话题的素材,下面小编给大家带来托福写作话题解析:城市,望喜欢!托福写作模板:城市魅力托福独立写作题目:A person you know is planning to move to your town or city. What do you think this person would like and dislike about living in your town or city? Why? Use specific reasons and details to develop your essay.托福写作模板及参考答案:托福写作参考范文:If a person I know is planning to move to my city, what this person would like and dislike about living in my city? It is an interesting question for me. Frankly speaking, living im my city - Taipei for a long time,I never thought of such a question before I started to write this essay. In my point of view, there are many good sites about this city and my friend will enjoy living here.First, Taipei is a city where have lots of job oppotunities. Job opportunities is very important when an outsider wants to start a new life in a city. Taipei,as everybody knows,has many factories,companies and international headquaters. With superior urban environment and infrastructure, Taipei not only attracted many foreign institutions,but also many domestic investors to set their offices and build their factories here. Therefore,you can find many jof vacancies on the web or newspapers in Taipei.Second, Taipei is a place where you can learn what you want to learn. There are so many colleges, schools, training classesin Taipei. The learning opportunities is available all year round. If you want to learn English composition, ther are a lot of schools and classes for you to choose. If you wnat to learn dancing, you can join one of many dancing clubs in the park, where teachers teach people dancing for free.Last but not least, you never feel bored in Taipei. There are so many places where you can go, and so many activities that you can do. When you get up in the morning, you can go to the nearest coffee shop and enjoy drinking a cup of coffee. Or you can choose to eat Chinese foods. There always have a variety of thing for you to choose. If you feel upset, you can go to night pub, listening some tender music.Take what I have mentioned above into consideration,living in my home town is a great pleasure. I think my friend will like living in my home town.托福写作模板:城市的优缺点A person you know is planning to move to your town or city .What do you think this person would like and dislike about living in your town or city? Why? Use specific reasons and details to develop your essay.A friend of mine from college is moving to my city, so I have been thinking about what she would and wouldn't like about it, I’d say the quality of life here, as far as fun and activities are concerned, is very good. The quality of life isn't very good, though, in other important ways.Living in a lager city is exciting, but you pay a price for it. There are lots of interesting things to do, and good restaurants with food from around the world. There are museums, art galleries, and lots of movie theaters. However. the crime rate is high, and people have to be careful about where they go at night.There's a lot of traffic most of the time, and finding a parking space can be a problem. There are also a lot of people living here. Sometimes it feels too crowded.In a big city like mine, housing is very expensive. If costs a lot even if you're just renting an efficiency apartment. The good side is that there's a lot of choice about where you want to live and how you want to live. You can find apartment of all sizes in different settings. Houses of equal variety are available for sale or rent.If my friend likes the great outdoors, she might be disappointed. Unfortunately, my city doesn't have a lot of wide open green spaces, and there aren't a lot of trees on the streets. We're not near the ocean, and the mountains are a day's drive from here. Still, we do have some natural areas. For example, we have a beautiful big park. It even has a lake in the middle that's used for ice skating in the winter. There’s a different kind of beauty in the city.Thinking about it, I suppose whether my friend likes my city will depend on whether or not she likes exciting places. I hope she likes a lot of variety as far as housing and activities are concerned. If she does, then this is the place for her.托福独立写作范文:孩子生长在乡村比在城市好It is better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a big city. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to develop your essay.There are advantages and disadvantages to a childhood in either the country or a city. It's hard to say which is better. Growing up in the country means a certain amount of isolation. You're in a small town or on a farm and not with a lot of people. Even more important, the people you meet every day tend to bejust like you. Most will be the same race as you, have the same background as you, and will have gone to the same schools as you. In the city, the people you meet are all different. There are different races and different cultures. You get a more interesting mix.City people tend to come from a lot of different places and move around a lot. So, there isn't the sense of community in the city that you have in the country. People in the city can live in the same apartment building for twenty years and never get to know their neighbors. In the country, everybody knows everybody. For a child, this means the country is more secure. A child can get lost or hurt in the city and have no one to turn to. In the country, everyone's a neighbor. People in the country feel connected to each other.A child growing up in the city has the advantage of a lot of interesting and exciting places to visit. He or she can go to the zoo, museums, art galleries and concerts. There are a lot of restaurants with different kinds of food. It's easy to see every new movie that comes out. Children in the country don't have a lot of these activities nearby.All in all, I think a childhood in the city is better because it prepares you more for what real life is like.托福写作语料库积累:关于地点托福写作语料库世界著名海滩城市World famous coastal cities:泰国皮皮岛:Phi Phi Island, Thailand巴西里约热内卢:Rio de Janiero, Brazil美国夏威夷、迈阿密:Hawaii, Miami USA南非开普敦:Cape Town, South Africa中国三亚:Sayan, China海滩风景的词:banana trees, palm trees(棕榈树), blossom(盛开的花), breeze, paradise(天堂)tropical, laid-back, sunshine, coconut,必背句子:里约热内卢是个好地方:Rio de Janiero is definitely the city that I want to visit, and it's like a treasure. It is a laid-back coastal city with lots of palm trees, banana trees along the beach. I can enjoy the breeze and drinking the coconut with a straw and lying on the beach to appreciate the beauty of mother nature.酒吧里面的鸡尾酒Exotic cocktails offer in local bar:margarita(玛格丽塔), mojito(莫吉托), long island tea(长岛冰茶) 必背句子:在海滩的酒吧喝起来:One can never be disappointed with the exotic drinks offered in these fancy bars, like margarita, mojito, and even long island tea, which is my favorite.饭店里的菜品nice food/ culinary delight offered in the restaurants:海鲜seafood: salmon (三文鱼), tuna(金枪鱼), scallop(扇贝), clam(蛤);意大利面类:spaghetti, pasta, lasagna,当然还有:taco, hamburger with bacon, beef patties, tomatoes, lettuce and cheese in it, ribs, steak, Chicago style pizza, cheese steaks, Buffalo chicken wings, Macaroni & cheese 等等必背句子(串起来以上的食物造句):民以食为天:Also, I can enjoy the culinary delight in these western style restaurants like salmon, American style hamburgers, spaghettiand stuff like that.精品店的纪念品souvenir offered in the boutique:jewelry, bracelet, necklace海滩、海上活动activities:surfing, scuba diving, snorkeling, tubing, wakeboarding, boating, jet skiing,必背句子(穿起来以上的水上运动造句):不挑战一下水上运动不是好汉子:The last thing you should miss out when visiting this nice and beautiful city is sea and water activities like snorkeling, wakeboarding and even jet skiing, which is the most exciting activity. You might get a little sun burnt but still worth it.描述海滩必杀句子:去热带城市度假:I am a wimp(胆小鬼,用法很生动) and hate the cold,I would say I'd like to take my bathing suits and go to a warm place, a coast city like Sanya in the very south of China.波澜壮阔的大海让我流连忘返:The beach is breathtaking! There are fantastic views and the atmosphere is absolutely gorgeous! The coast is marvelous. The Sea is clear and picturesque.食物和美景让我欲罢不能:It has a grip on(控制) my sense of fun, adventure, love of food, and it is amazingly beautiful, and the people are awesome.个性化描述一个地方非常安全:It is also a very safe place. There are not many places in this world where a women can walk the streets alone in the middle of the night without fear.描述一个国外小镇的特色:The culture, language, food and people could be enormouslyfun and you can find many western style bars, restaurants and coffee shops virtually everywhere.描述北京有人情味:Beijing has a unique local culture and the people down there have a real appreciation for the things that make life worth living. People there are super nice, for example, they are very keen to help visitors out when they got lost somewhere.中国历史文化遗迹:北京:Tiananmen Square, Forbidden City, Temple of Heaven, Summer Palace, the Great Wall, Lama Temple,十三朝古都西安因兵马俑出名:It had served as the nation's capital for 13 dynasties such as Western Zhou, Qin, Western Han and Tang for more than 1000 years. It is famous for its historical importance, and the city is best known for the terra cotta warriors.形容大城市的词:metropolitan, modern,international, multicultural, exciting, thrilling, fascinating, spectacular, dynamic=full of dynamics, energetic, diversified, charming, hustle-bustle, hurly –burly, eventful, overcrowded例句:喜欢大城市的喧嚣:I would like to study in a metropolitan city like Beijing or New York, cuz a city like is very thrilling and multi-cultural, and it's great fun to live in. You can explore its hustle bustle by going to shopping malls, restaurants, bars and even museums.托福写作话题解析:城市。
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Environmental Protection 环境问题环境类词汇:1.Ecosystem 生态系统2.Ecological balance/equilibrium 生态平衡3.Biodiversity 生物多样性4.Sustainable development 可持续发展5.Conserve, preserve 节约使用,保护6.Environmentally friendly, environmentalists 对环境无害的,环保主义者7.Countries must join forces/make concerted efforts/unite tocombat/tackle/solve/address environmental problems. 各个国家在应对环境问题上必须协同作战。
8.Raise/elevate public awareness of…增强公众意识9.Renewable resources, non-renewable resources, fossil energy (petroleum, naturalgas, coal) 可再生资源,不可再生资源,化石能源(石油,天然气,煤)10.Consume, deplete, exhaust 消耗,耗光11.Shortage/scarcity/lack of 短缺12.Put a strain on the already stretched resources 是已经短缺的资源更加紧张13.Deforestation, illegal logging 砍伐森林14.Discharge/emit green house gases/carbon dioxide 排放温室气体,二氧化碳15.Car exhaust 汽车尾气16.Non-biodegradable/non-decomposable garbage 白色垃圾,不可降解垃圾环境类特别关注话题:为什么要保护濒危物种(biodiversity, balanced ecosystem)保护化石能源,开发新能源(solar energy, nuclear power, wind, water)保护环境和发展经济矛盾吗(sustainable development, financial and technological support)环境类好句子:The earth’s ecosystem has been deteriorating at a staggering rate.In this day and age, the impact man exerts on the environment is massive in scale.环境类范文:Topic: agree or disagree--the environment issues are too complicated, so individuals can do nothing about it on their ownEducation 教育类教育类词汇:1.Cultivate/foster/nurture 培养2.Well-rounded, versatile 全面发展的,多才多艺的3.Impart/inculcate knowledge, instill virtues and high values 传授知识,灌输美德,价值观念4.Mould character 塑造品格5.Learn sth by rote,memorize facts死记硬背6.Follow sb/sth blindly/indiscriminately 盲从7.Extinguish/stifle/constrain student’s creativity 扼杀学生创造力8.Think independently/critically 独立思考,思辨9.Create undue pressure 制造不必要的压力10.Peer pressure同伴压力11.Indiscipline/misbehavior/mischief 违纪行为12.Disruptive/unruly students 不服管教的学生13.Curriculum, extra-curricular activities 课程总称,课外活动14.Aptitude/talent/gift, ability/skill 天赋,(后天可以培养的)能力,技能15.Schooling, upbringing 学校教育,家庭养育16.A school is a society in miniature. 学校是微观的社会。
教育类热点问题:教师问题:教师待遇有待提高;教师职责是教授知识还是帮助学生成长选课问题:通识教育还是专业教育教育类名言:1. A child miseducated is a child lost. John F. Kennedy2. Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. W. B. Yeat3. Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important. Bill Gates4. Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all. Aristotle教育类范文:Topic: agree or disagree: Some people think students should be allowed to evaluate their teachers’ job performance.Technology & media 技术与媒体技术与媒体词汇:1.Cutting edge technology 尖端技术2.Technological innovations/inventions/advances/progressions 技术创新和进步3.Augment/enhance/boost efficiency/productivity 提高效率和生产力bor-saving devices/machinery 节省人力的机器5.The information age/era 信息时代6.The proliferation of the Internet 因特网的盛行7.Biotechnology 生物技术8.Human genetic makeup/DNA programming 人类基因的组成9.The press 新闻界10.Paper-based media, Electronic media 纸媒,电子媒体11.Prevalent, pervasive, ubiquitous 无处不在的,广泛的12.Misleading, misrepresented, distorted news 虚假错误报道13.Objective, unbiased and truthful reporting 公正真实报道14.Expose, reveal, cover 揭露15.Celebrities 名人16.Paparazzi 狗仔队17.Violate/intrude on/infringe on one’s privacy 侵犯隐私18.Tarnish one’s reputation 破坏名誉rmative, newsworthy, entertaining 信息量大的,有新闻价值的,有娱乐性的20.技术媒体类热点问题:媒体(以电视为代表)积极和负面影响:提供有教育和娱乐价值的节目;人们满足于精神快餐,放弃了读书和社会交往活动几种媒体的比较,电视,报纸,因特网技术媒体类名言:1 The greatest danger in modern technology i not that machines begin to think like people, but that people will begin to think like machines.Albert Einstein2 He who controls the media, controls the minds Rupert Murdoc3 Advances in computer technology and the Internet have changed the way America works, learns and communicates. The Internet has become an integral part of America’s economic, political and social life. Bill Clinton4 The reason is not political or economic but technological--technologies that flowed directly from advances in basic science. Stephen Hawkin技术媒体类范文:Topic 1: people today can perform the everyday tasks such as shopping, banking or even business transactions, without meeting others face-to-face. What effects will thisphenomenon have on individuals and society as a whole?Topic 2: agree or disagree: advertising only has positive impact on society.Job and Career 工作就业工作就业类词汇:1.Career preparation 职业准备2.Internship 实习(岗位)3.Potential employers 预期雇主4.Personal aspirations 个人理想5.Starting salary, salary raise/bump 起薪,加薪6.Fringe benefits 工资之外的福利待遇7.High-paying jobs/well-paid jobs 高薪工作8.Promotion 提拔,晋升9.Managerial position 管理层职位10.Career path, climb the corporate ladder 职业路径,逐步的晋升11.Workaholic 工作狂12.Work ethics 职业道德13.Colleague/coworker, superior, subordinate/inferior 同事,上级,下属14.Job responsibilities 工作职责15.over qualified, unappreciated, underestimated 大材小用,不受重用,才能被低估16.job performance evaluation 工作业绩评估17.Employee loyalty, extraordinary leadership skills/stamina 忠诚度,杰出的领导才能,精力旺盛18.Stability/security 稳定性19.Dress code 着装规定20.Corporate philosophy 企业文化,氛围工作就业类思路:你选择工作的标准是什么(兴趣,理想,市场需求,经济待遇,其他),工作对你来说究竟意味着什么?(养家糊口,实现个人理想和价值,其他)工作就业类名言:1.“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life. The only way to be truly satisfied is to dowhat you think is great work. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking, don’t settle.”-- Steve Jobs2.Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. ~Confucius工作就业类范文Topic: agree or disagree: children should choose the similar jobs as their parents.Reflective topics: 对于成功和幸福等人生命题的思考成功幸福类名言:1.Those who have succeeded at anything and don't mention luck are kiddingthemselves. ~Larry King2.Flaming enthusiasm, backed up by horse sense and persistence, is the quality thatmost frequently makes for success. ~Dale Carnegie3.Success is getting what you want; happiness is wanting what you get. ~AuthorUnknown4.The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up. ~MarkTwain5.It's pretty hard to tell what does bring happiness. Poverty and wealth have bothfailed. ~Frank McKinney "Kin" Hubbard成功幸福话题范文Topic 1: agree or disagree: In order to succeed, it is better to be more like others than to be different from others.Topic 2; agree or disagree: if you can’t say anything good to someone, you should say nothing at all.。