



现场自拌混凝土施工方案游泳专业术语中英文对照游泳类型1、游泳swimming;natation.2、游程course3、短池比赛short-course meet4、短距离比赛sprint;dash5、中距离游泳middle-distance swimming6、长距离游泳(long-) distance swimming7、超长距离游泳(马拉松式)游泳ultradistance [marathon] swimming8、渡峡游泳channel swimming9、冬泳winter swimming游泳项目10、游泳姿势swimming stroke11、爬泳crawl (stroke)12、自由泳freestyle;free stroke13、仰泳backstroke;back crawl14、蛙泳breaststroke15、高航式蛙泳high sail breaststroke16、波浪式蛙泳wave breaststroke17、蝶泳butterfiy18、海豚泳dolphin19、混合泳medlry stroke20、个人混合泳individual medlley21、接力游泳relay22、自由泳接力freestyle relay23、混合泳接力medley relay24、接力中的交接relay change;takeover25、侧泳sidestroke26、单臂出水侧游northern stroke;overarm sidestroke27、潜水运动underwater sports28、潜水(skin)diving;underwater swimming29、闭气潜泳holding-breath diving;diving with bated breath游泳人员30、游泳运动员swimmer31、蝶泳运动员butterfly swimmer;flyer32、个人混合泳运动员individual medleyist33、全面的游泳运动员all-round swimmer34、潜水运动员diver35、冬泳者winter swimmer;polarbear36、姿势裁判员stroke judge37、转身裁判员turning judge38、终点裁判员finishing [placing] judge39、记趟裁判员lap counter40、游程计算员clerk of course41、救生员lifeguard;lifesaver;rescuer规则与裁判42、分组赛heat43、出发信号starting signal44、各就位! take your marks45、出发犯规false [illegal] start46、过早出发beat the gun47、重游re-swim48、回表clear watches49、转身犯规illegal turn50、趟lap51、分段segment52、成绩time52、分段成绩split time53、中间成绩intermediate time54、水温water temperature出发55、出发姿势starting position56、立定出发stationary start57、抓台式出发grab start58、出发时的蹬腿takeoff kick59、出发跳水starting dive60、跳入水中take the water61、入水浅的跳水shallow dive转身62、触池壁touch63、蹬壁pushoff64、转身turn65、水平转身horizontal turn66、平转身pivot turn67、侧转身lateral turn68、翻滚flip over69、翻滚转身flip-turn ; somersault turn臂部动作70、臂部动作arm movement71、划水(臂)(arm)pull;stroke; paddle72、划水动作效率stroke efficiency73、划水错误动作stroke defect74、划水幅度distance per storke75、划水周期arm cycle76、手入水hand entry77、入水臂leading arm78、手入水过深digging79、手伸得过远overreaching80、抱(抓)水catch; grip; purchase81、搅动水面churn the surface82、长划臂long arm stroke83、直臂划水straight arm stroke84、曲臂划水bent arm [elbow] pull85、沉肘划水dropped elbow pull86、高提肘划水over the barrel87、向下压水downward press88、连续划臂动作continuous strokes89、反复划水repeat pulls90、快频率动作racing stroke91、两臂同时划水double overarm92、两臂交替划水alternate arm [hand-over-hand] stroke93、双臂仰泳double overarm backstroke94、手臂交叉动作scything arm action95、前交叉(一臂等待另一臂)catch-up stroke96、曲线动作circular motion97、直线划水路线straight through pull98、半直线划水路线modified straight line pull99、手臂出水overarm ; overhand100、移臂recover of the arm101、手腿配合arm-leg relationship腿部动作102、打(踢)水kick103、交替打腿alternate [flutter] kick104、交叉打腿crossover kick105、鱼尾式打腿fishtail kick106、剪式打腿scissors kick107、反剪式打腿reverse scissors kick108、快速打腿sprinting kick109、向上打腿upbeat110、向下打腿downbeat111、两次打腿two-beat kick112、两次交叉打水two-beat crossover kick113、直上直下打腿kick up and down114、直上直下两次打腿straight twobeat kick115、反复打腿repeat kicks116、划水一周的打腿次数beats perstroke117、仰泳打腿back crawl kick118、海豚式打腿dolphin kick119、蹬腿[水] leg drive [push]120、蛙泳蹬腿breastatroke [frog;thrust] kick121、蹬腿宽度width of kick122、窄蹬腿narrow [whip] kick123、宽蹬腿wedge kick124、向后蹬腿kick backward125、斜向蹬腿diagonal thrust126、两侧蹬腿lateral thrust127、两腿交替蹬水bicycle pedaling128、收腿recovery of the leg129、踩水treading water身体位置130、身体中线center [medium] line of the body131、躯干位置trunk position132、浮力buoyancy133、浮出水面surface134、浮在水面keep afloat135、侵入水面submerge136、下沉drop;sink137、水面线(蛙泳中头的位置)waterline138、俯卧姿势face down;prone position139、仰卧姿势back floating position140、俯卧漂浮姿势prone float141、流线型姿势streamlined position142、低头drop the head143、弓背(身)arch the back144、时起时伏(在水中)ducking;undulation游泳呼吸145、呼吸breathe;respire156、呼气breathe out;exhale157、吸气breathe in;inhale158、闭[屏]气hold one’s breath159、换气change breath160、呼吸控制breathing rate161、抬头(呼吸时)lift the head162、早呼吸法early breathing163、晚吸气late [delayed] breathing164、正常呼吸法normal breathing165、有节奏的呼吸rhythmical breathing167、深呼吸deep breathing168、浅呼吸shallow breathing169、均匀呼吸regular [even] breathing170、爆发式吸气explosive breathing171、侧面呼吸side breathing172、两侧呼吸法bilateral breathing173、呼吸侧breathing side174、呼吸侧手臂breathing arm175、非呼吸侧non-breathing side176、非呼吸侧手臂non-breathing arm177、两次划臂呼吸法two-stroke breathing178、四次划臂呼吸法four-stroke breathing179、喘气gasp; pant; out of breathing180、呼吸急促broken winded181、憋气labored breathing182、呼吸困难respiratory difficulty游泳训练183、入水前准备活动pre-water exercise184、水上准备活动warm-up swimming185、分段游splits; broken swim186、分段游组broken set187、年龄分组游泳age-group swimming188、短于主项距离的游泳underdistance swimming189、超主项距离的游泳over-distance swimming190、陆上练习land drill[practice]191、加速游pick-up192、等速游even-pace swimming193、中速游moderate effort swimming194、慢速长游long easy swimming195、变速游练习alternating slow-fast set196、速度忽高忽低speed fluctuation197、任意变速游speed play; fartlek198、后半程加速游negative split199、时停时进游stop-and-go swimming200、俯仰交替游spinning swim201、带游;速度诱导pacemaking; pacesetting202、反复游repeat swim203、等速反复游straight set of repeats204、减距反复游decreasing-distance repeats205、逐个加快反复游组progressive sets206、综合反复游组mixed set of repeats207、逐个加快和逐个减慢交替游组alternating progressive-regressive set208、耐力游endurance swimming209、强度游effort swim210、放松游easy [loosening-down]swim211、恢复性游wake-up swim212、循环游去circle swimming pattern213、梯形游locomotive; pyramid214、阶梯增进staircase215、冲刺练习sprint work216、训练呼吸的冲刺wind sprint217、间歇训练interval training218、快游间歇训练fast interval training219、慢游间歇训练slow interval training220、全力计时游all-out time trial221、游量swimming load223、水的压力water pressure224、迎面阻力frontal[head-on] resistance225、身后漩涡阻力eddy resistance; tail suction226、水感feel of the water游泳救生227、救护站lifesaving station228、救生对象(指溺者)subject229、拖带(溺者)carry230、前胸拖带cross-chest carry231、扣颈拖带neck carry232、托头拖带head carry234、托下颌拖带chin carry235、抓发拖带hair carry236、人工呼吸artificial respiration; rescue breathing237、嘴对嘴人工呼吸mouth-to-mouth rescuscitation238、救活resuscitate 场地器材239、游泳池(swimming) pool; bath; tank240、短池short course241、室内游泳馆indoor pool; natato-rium242、露天游泳馆open-air swimming pool243、有看台的游泳馆swimming stadium244、深水池deep pool; swimmers’pool245、浅水池non-swimmers’pool246、儿童池wading pool247、泳道lane248、分道线lane[course]rope249、池端end wall250、深端deep end251、浅端shallow end252、出发池端starting edge253、出发台starting block [platform]254、出发握手器starting bar [grip]255、终点池端finish end256、池端目标标志线target line257、转身标志线turn indicator258、触板touch board [panel]259、电子计时触板electronic timing pad260、长的一边length side261、扶手handrail262、池边地面deck263、池缘curb; deck edge264、水槽gutter265、逆泳槽swimmer’s treadmill266、池底floor; float267、池底标志线bottom line268、浮标buoy; float269、浮具buoying device270、水下观察窗underwater viewing window271、水下影片underwater movie272、氯化器chlorinator273、游泳衣swimsuit; swimming suit274、游泳裤trunks; bathing slips275、套身游泳服full-body swimwear276、鲨鱼皮”游泳服Fastskin swim-suit278、游泳帽swim cap279、浴衣bathing suit; bath-wrap; gown280、游泳护目镜swim goggles281、脚蹼fins; flippers282、手蹼webbed gloves283、潜水面罩face plate284、潜水护目镜lunettes285、护鼻塞nose guard286、潜泳面罩diving [face] mask287、通气[呼吸]管snorkel289、潜水呼吸器;水肺aqualung290、自携式水下呼吸器scuba (=selfcontained underwater breathing apparatus)291、套口aqualung mouthpiece; snorkel tube292、打水板flutter [kick] board293、划水板paddle294、救生圈life buoy295、救生衣life jacket。



游泳专业术语中英文对照游泳类型1、游泳 swimming;natation.2、游程 course3、短池比赛 short-course meet4、短距离比赛 sprint;dash5、中距离游泳 middle-distance swimming6、长距离游泳 (long-) distance swimming7、超长距离游泳(马拉松式)游泳ultradistance [marathon] swimming8、渡峡游泳 channel swimming9、冬泳 winter swimming游泳项目10、游泳姿势 swimming stroke11、爬泳 crawl (stroke)12、自由泳 freestyle;free stroke13、仰泳 backstroke;back crawl14、蛙泳 breaststroke15、高航式蛙泳 high sail breaststroke16、波浪式蛙泳 wave breaststroke17、蝶泳 butterfiy18、海豚泳 dolphin19、混合泳 medlry stroke20、个人混合泳 individual medlley21、接力游泳 relay22、自由泳接力 freestyle relay23、混合泳接力 medley relay24、接力中的交接 relay change;takeover25、侧泳 sidestroke26、单臂出水侧游 northernstroke;overarm sidestroke27、潜水运动 underwater sports28、潜水(skin)diving;underwater swimming29、闭气潜泳 holding-breathdiving;diving with bated breath游泳人员30、游泳运动员 swimmer31、蝶泳运动员 butterfly swimmer;flyer32、个人混合泳运动员 individual medleyist33、全面的游泳运动员 all-round swimmer34、潜水运动员 diver35、冬泳者 winter swimmer;polarbear36、姿势裁判员 stroke judge37、转身裁判员 turning judge38、终点裁判员 finishing [placing] judge39、记趟裁判员 lap counter40、游程计算员 clerk of course41、救生员 lifeguard;lifesaver;rescuer 规则与裁判42、分组赛 heat43、出发信号 starting signal44、各就位! take your marks45、出发犯规 false [illegal] start46、过早出发 beat the gun47、重游 re-swim48、回表 clear watches49、转身犯规 illegal turn50、趟 lap51、分段 segment52、成绩 time52、分段成绩 split time53、中间成绩 intermediate time54、水温 water temperature出发55、出发姿势 starting position56、立定出发 stationary start57、抓台式出发 grab start58、出发时的蹬腿 takeoff kick59、出发跳水 starting dive60、跳入水中 take the water61、入水浅的跳水 shallow dive转身62、触池壁 touch63、蹬壁 pushoff64、转身 turn65、水平转身 horizontal turn66、平转身 pivot turn67、侧转身 lateral turn68、翻滚 flip over69、翻滚转身 flip-turn ; somersault turn臂部动作70、臂部动作 arm movement71、划水(臂)(arm) pull;stroke; paddle72、划水动作效率 stroke efficiency73、划水错误动作 stroke defect74、划水幅度 distance per storke75、划水周期 arm cycle76、手入水 hand entry77、入水臂 leading arm78、手入水过深 digging79、手伸得过远 overreaching80、抱(抓)水 catch; grip; purchase81、搅动水面 churn the surface82、长划臂 long arm stroke83、直臂划水 straight arm stroke84、曲臂划水 bent arm [elbow] pull85、沉肘划水 dropped elbow pull86、高提肘划水 over the barrel87、向下压水 downward press88、连续划臂动作 continuous strokes89、反复划水 repeat pulls90、快频率动作 racing stroke91、两臂同时划水 double overarm92、两臂交替划水 alternate arm [hand-over-hand] stroke93、双臂仰泳 double overarm backstroke94、手臂交叉动作 scything arm action95、前交叉(一臂等待另一臂)catch-up stroke96、曲线动作 circular motion97、直线划水路线 straight through pull98、半直线划水路线 modified straight line pull99、手臂出水 overarm ; overhand100、移臂 recover of the arm101、手腿配合 arm-leg relationship 腿部动作102、打(踢)水 kick103、交替打腿 alternate [flutter] kick104、交叉打腿 crossover kick105、鱼尾式打腿 fishtail kick106、剪式打腿 scissors kick107、反剪式打腿 reverse scissors kick108、快速打腿 sprinting kick109、向上打腿 upbeat110、向下打腿 downbeat111、两次打腿 two-beat kick112、两次交叉打水 two-beat crossover kick113、直上直下打腿 kick up and down114、直上直下两次打腿 straight twobeat kick115、反复打腿 repeat kicks116、划水一周的打腿次数 beats perstroke117、仰泳打腿 back crawl kick118、海豚式打腿 dolphin kick119、蹬腿[水] leg drive [push]120、蛙泳蹬腿 breastatroke [frog;thrust] kick121、蹬腿宽度 width of kick122、窄蹬腿narrow [whip] kick123、宽蹬腿 wedge kick124、向后蹬腿 kick backward125、斜向蹬腿 diagonal thrust126、两侧蹬腿 lateral thrust127、两腿交替蹬水 bicycle pedaling128、收腿 recovery of the leg129、踩水 treading water身体位置130、身体中线 center [medium] line of the body131、躯干位置 trunk position132、浮力 buoyancy133、浮出水面 surface134、浮在水面 keep afloat135、侵入水面 submerge136、下沉 drop;sink137、水面线(蛙泳中头的位置)waterline138、俯卧姿势 face down;prone position139、仰卧姿势 back floating position140、俯卧漂浮姿势 prone float141、流线型姿势 streamlined position142、低头 drop the head143、弓背(身) arch the back144、时起时伏(在水中)ducking;undulation游泳呼吸145、呼吸 breathe;respire 156、呼气 breathe out;exhale157、吸气 breathe in;inhale158、闭[屏]气hold one’s breath159、换气 change breath160、呼吸控制 breathing rate161、抬头(呼吸时) lift the head162、早呼吸法 early breathing163、晚吸气 late [delayed] breathing164、正常呼吸法 normal breathing165、有节奏的呼吸 rhythmical breathing167、深呼吸 deep breathing168、浅呼吸 shallow breathing169、均匀呼吸 regular [even] breathing170、爆发式吸气 explosive breathing171、侧面呼吸 side breathing172、两侧呼吸法 bilateral breathing173、呼吸侧 breathing side174、呼吸侧手臂 breathing arm175、非呼吸侧 non-breathing side176、非呼吸侧手臂 non-breathing arm177、两次划臂呼吸法 two-stroke breathing178、四次划臂呼吸法 four-stroke breathing179、喘气 gasp; pant; out of breathing180、呼吸急促 broken winded181、憋气 labored breathing182、呼吸困难 respiratorydifficulty游泳训练183、入水前准备活动 pre-water exercise184、水上准备活动 warm-up swimming185、分段游 splits; broken swim186、分段游组 broken set187、年龄分组游泳 age-group swimming188、短于主项距离的游泳underdistance swimming189、超主项距离的游泳over-distance swimming190、陆上练习 land drill[practice]191、加速游 pick-up192、等速游 even-pace swimming193、中速游 moderate effort swimming194、慢速长游 long easy swimming195、变速游练习 alternatingslow-fast set196、速度忽高忽低 speed fluctuation197、任意变速游 speed play; fartlek198、后半程加速游 negative split199、时停时进游 stop-and-go swimming200、俯仰交替游 spinning swim201、带游;速度诱导 pacemaking; pacesetting202、反复游 repeat swim203、等速反复游 straight set of repeats204、减距反复游decreasing-distance repeats205、逐个加快反复游组 progressive sets206、综合反复游组 mixed set of repeats207、逐个加快和逐个减慢交替游组alternating progressive-regressive set 208、耐力游 endurance swimming209、强度游 effort swim210、放松游 easy[loosening-down]swim211、恢复性游 wake-up swim212、循环游去 circle swimming pattern213、梯形游 locomotive; pyramid214、阶梯增进 staircase215、冲刺练习 sprint work216、训练呼吸的冲刺 wind sprint217、间歇训练 interval training218、快游间歇训练 fast interval training219、慢游间歇训练 slow interval training220、全力计时游 all-out time trial221、游量 swimming load223、水的压力 water pressure224、迎面阻力 frontal[head-on] resistance225、身后漩涡阻力 eddy resistance; tail suction226、水感 feel of the water游泳救生227、救护站 lifesaving station 228、救生对象(指溺者) subject229、拖带(溺者) carry230、前胸拖带 cross-chest carry231、扣颈拖带 neck carry232、托头拖带 head carry234、托下颌拖带 chin carry235、抓发拖带 hair carry236、人工呼吸 artificial respiration; rescue breathing237、嘴对嘴人工呼吸 mouth-to-mouth rescuscitation238、救活 resuscitate场地器材239、游泳池 (swimming) pool; bath; tank240、短池 short course241、室内游泳馆 indoor pool; natato-rium242、露天游泳馆 open-air swimming pool243、有看台的游泳馆 swimming stadium244、深水池 deep pool; swimmers’pool245、浅水池 non-swimmers’pool246、儿童池 wading pool247、泳道 lane248、分道线 lane[course]rope249、池端 end wall250、深端 deep end251、浅端 shallow end252、出发池端 starting edge253、出发台 starting block [platform]254、出发握手器 starting bar [grip]255、终点池端 finish end256、池端目标标志线 target line257、转身标志线 turn indicator258、触板 touch board [panel]259、电子计时触板 electronic timing pad260、长的一边 length side261、扶手 handrail262、池边地面 deck263、池缘 curb; deck edge264、水槽 gutter265、逆泳槽swimmer’s treadmill266、池底 floor; float267、池底标志线 bottom line268、浮标 buoy; float269、浮具 buoying device270、水下观察窗 underwater viewing window271、水下影片 underwater movie272、氯化器 chlorinator273、游泳衣 swimsuit; swimming suit274、游泳裤 trunks; bathing slips275、套身游泳服 full-body swimwear276、鲨鱼皮”游泳服 Fastskinswim-suit278、游泳帽 swim cap279、浴衣 bathing suit; bath-wrap; gown280、游泳护目镜 swim goggles281、脚蹼 fins; flippers282、手蹼 webbed gloves283、潜水面罩 face plate284、潜水护目镜 lunettes285、护鼻塞 nose guard286、潜泳面罩 diving [face] mask287、通气[呼吸]管 snorkel289、潜水呼吸器;水肺 aqualung290、自携式水下呼吸器 scuba(=selfcontained underwater breathing apparatus)291、套口 aqualung mouthpiece; snorkel tube292、打水板 flutter [kick] board293、划水板 paddle294、救生圈 life buoy295、救生衣 life jacket。



潜水Diving浮潜Skin Diving闭气潜水Free Diving水面供气潜水Air Supply Diving-Hose水肺潜水Scuba Diving商业潜水Commercial Diving 工业潜水Industtrialized Diving 专业潜水教练协会PADI国际潜水教练协会NAUI世界水中教育联盟CMAS国际潜水学校联盟SSI中华民国潜水协会CTDA世界水下科技协会UTDA美国海洋大气总署NOAA潜水员急救网络DAN潜水科技协会DSAT世界潜水器材展DEMA潜水员Diver初级潜水员Openwater Diver 中级潜水员Advanced Diver 专项潜水员Specialty Diver高级潜水员Master Scuba Diver潜水长Divemaster教练Instructor教练训练员Instructor Trainer课程总监Course Director轻装Snorkeling Equipment重装Scuba Equipment面镜Mask呼吸管Snorkel呼吸管固定扣SnorkelAttachement头套Hoods湿式防寒衣Wetsuit干式防寒衣Drysuit排气阀Deflator Valve手套Scuba Gloves珊瑚鞋Diving Boots蛙鞋Fins配重带Weight Belt快卸扣Quick-Release Buckle铅块Weights铅块止滑扣Weight Retainer潜水刀Diving Knife气瓶Cylinder or Scuba Tank气瓶开关Tank Valves螺旋式气瓶开关DIN Valves臂抱式气瓶开关Yoke Valves气密圈O-Ring调节器Regulator一级头First Stage隔膜平横式Balanced DiaphragmType活塞平横式Balanced PistonType低压出器孔Low PressureContact Port高压出气孔High PressureContact Port低压管Low Pressure Hose高压管High Pressure Hose二级头Second Stage顺流式Downstream Valves Type 咬嘴Mouthpiece备用气源Alternate Air Source 备用二级头Safe Second Stage 章鱼式Octopus Alternate Air Source充气阀式Air 2 Alternate Air Source潜水仪表Instrument Console残压表Perssure Gauge/ SPG深度表Depth Gauge指北针Compass潜航准线Lubber Line磁针Magnetic Needle定位转盘Bezel潜水计算机Diving Computer浮力调整背心Buoyancy Control Jackets or Device充排气阀开关BCD Inflator Valve 快速接头Hose Rapid Adapter 充气钮Inflator Button排气钮Deflator Button水下手电筒Marine Light闪明器Flash Light荧光棒Light Stick水下记录板Dive Note or Slate水中通讯器Underwater Radio求援浮力棒Signal Tube浮力扬升袋Liffing Bag潜水装备袋Gear Bag潜水表Diving Timepieces蜂鸣器Air Horn定位回声系统Sonar水中推进器Subscooter orSubtransporter水下遥控无人载具ROV密闭式循环水肺系统Semi-Closed防水盒Waterproof Case浮球Surface Floats渔枪Spear Gun渔网Fishing Net备用零件Spare Parts漏气Free Flow水压测试Pressure Test潜水证照Certification Card潜水日志Diving Log废气Exhaust氧气Oxygen氮气Nitorgen高氧气体Nitrox氦氧氮混合气体Trimix氦氧混合气体Heliox气瓶充气站Refil Station充气压缩机Air Pump气瓶充气Fill Tank充气- 对气瓶Refil Air充气- 对背心Inflate空气消耗量Air Amount Used人体空腔Body Air Space耳腔Ear Air Space耳膜Eardrum副鼻腔Sinus Air Space气道Airway胸腔Chest肺泡Pulmonary Alveolus 潮气肺容积Tidal Volumn最大肺活量Vital Capacity 无效能的肺余容积Residual Volumn减压表Dive Tables休闲潜水计划表RDP免减压No Decompression 最大免减压时间No Decompression Limit深度Depth最大滞底时间Maximum Allowable Bottom Time上升速率Ascent Rate安全停留Safety Stops实际潜水时间Actual Bottom Time余氮量Residual Nitrogen 含氧比例Percentage of Oxygen氧分压pO2氮分压pN2氦分压pH2体内余氮等级Pressure Group水面休息时间Surface IntervalTime溶氮等量深度时间ResidualNitrogen Level Time溶氮总时间Actual ResidualNitrogen Level Time修正后的最大免减压时间Adjusted No DecompressionLimit重复潜水Repetitive Diving重复潜水间隔时间RepetitiveDiving Surface Interval Time最大深度MaximumDepth余氮排除总时间ResidualNitrogen Time半饱和组织时间Tissue Halftime潜水后可飞行所需时间FlyingAfter Diving Time潜水侧面图Dive Profiles气压Air Pressure水压Water Pressure绝对压力Absolute Atmosphere压缩Squeeze气体分压Percentage of Air立方英呎Cubic-Feet公斤平方公分Bar英磅平方英吋PSI体积Volume水容积Water Container Volume浮力Buoyance正浮力Positive中性浮力Neutral负浮力Negative沉Sink浮Float悬浮Hovering光线折射Refraction色温Color Temperature潜伴Diving Buddy潜伴制度Buddy System潜导Team Leader / Guide押队Team Holder / Keeper水下通讯手势Communication Signals潜水计划Dive Planning潜水地点Dive Site下潜简报Dive Procedures / Briefing着装Suiting Up下水前的装备检查Final Check / Safety Check技能评估性质的下潜Check Dive 入水点Entry Point入水Entering The Water上岸Exiting The Water风险Potential Hazards跨步式入水Giant Stride Entry 背滚式入水Backward Roll Entry镰刀式入水Headfirst Long Entry面镜排水Mask Clearing调节器复位Regulator Recovery调节器排水Regulator Clearing压力平衡Equalize耳压平衡Equalization / EarsClearing呼吸Breathing共气Buddy Breathe呼气Exhale吸气Inhale憋气Breath-Hold上浮Ascents下沉Descents上升Ascending下潜Descending踢动蛙鞋Use Fins平静水域Confined Water开放水域Open Water海岸Shore海湾Gulf潮汐Tides涨潮Incoming High Tide满潮High Tide退潮Outgoing Low Tide平潮Low Tide波浪Surf碎浪区Surfzone涌浪Waves海流Ocean Currents潮流Tides Currents洋流Relatively PremanentCurrents激流Rushing Water激流区Rip Dispersal Area沿岸流Down Shore Current回流Undertow涌升流Upwelling下降流Downwelling漩涡Eddy Current水下峭壁Drop Off跃温层Thermocline底质Bottom Composition 能见度Visibility水底Bottom水中Underwater水面Surface珊瑚礁Reef堡礁Barrier Reef裙礁Fringing Reef环礁Atoll Reef人工鱼礁Artificial Reef沉船Wreck泻湖Lagoon温带Temperate热带Tropical寒带Polar淡水Freshwater海水Saltwater 圣婴现象El Nino温室效应Global Warming体验潜水Explore Diving岸潜Shore Dive船潜Boat Dive深潜Deep Dive夜潜Night Dive冰潜Ice Dive水下导航UnderwaterNavigation放流潜水Drift Dive技术导向潜水TEC Dive高海拔潜水Altitude Dive洞穴潜水Cave or Cavern Dive沉船潜水Wreck Dive水中摄影UnderwaterPhotography巡弋漫游Vehicle Cruise搜索寻回Search And Recovery低能见度潜水Limited VisibilityDiving多重深度饱和潜水Multi-LevelDive水面闭封潜水环境OverheadEnvironments渔网Fishing Net缠绕Entanglement救援Rescue过度换气Hyperventilation氮醉Nitrogen Narcosis心肺复苏术CPR失温Heat Loss恐慌Panic抽筋Cramp脱水Dehydration氧中毒Oxygen Toxicity浅层水域昏迷AscentUnconsciousness减压症Decompression Sickness气泡Bubbles呛水Inhaled Water溺水Drowning窒息Choking急救FirstAid抗组织氨Anti-Histamine再压舱Recompression Chamber 潜水医学Underwater Medicine水平线Horizen潜水船Diving Boat上船登艇Boarding船长Captain甲板Deck航行中Underway船首Bow走向船首Forward Bow左舷Portside走向左舷On The Portside右舷Starboard走向右舷On The Starboard船尾Stern 走向船尾Aft Stern下锚Anchors锚绳Anchor Line下风处Leeward Side晕船Seasickness水中生物Marine Life一群鱼A School of Fish鲨鱼Shark梭鱼Barracuda刺魟鱼StingRay魔鬼魟鱼Manta狮子鱼Lionfish石头鱼Rockfish粗皮鲷Surgeonfish鲽鱼Butterflyfish无刺河豚Boxfish带刺河豚Triggerfish海豚Dolphin薯鳗Moray Eel鲶鱼/ 沙毛Catfish火鱼Firefish水母Jellyfish海星Starfish海胆Sea Urchin海蛇Sea Snake章鱼Octopus芋贝Cone珊瑚Coral水中生物Marine Life行程/ 旅游Tour渡假村Resort免费迎宾饮料Welcome Drink面海房Oceanview菲律宾八爪船Banca敞蓬快艇Open Yacht盖舱快艇Cabin Boat独木舟Kayak沙滩排球Beach Volleyball海滩饮料吧Beach Bar大厅Lobby柜台Frontdesk筷子ChopstickZT潜水专业术语——中英文对照潜水Diving浮潜Skin Diving闭气潜水Free Diving水面供气潜水Air Supply Diving-Hose水肺潜水Scuba Diving商业潜水Commercial Diving 工业潜水Industtrialized Diving潜水员Diver初级潜水员Openwater Diver 中级潜水员Advanced Diver 专项潜水员Specialty Diver 高级潜水员Master Scuba Diver潜水长Divemaster教练Instructor教练训练员Instructor Trainer 课程总监Course Director轻装Snorkeling Equipment重装Scuba Equipment面镜Mask呼吸管Snorkel呼吸管固定扣SnorkelAttachement头套Hoods湿式防寒衣Wetsuit干式防寒衣Drysuit排气阀Deflator Valve手套Scuba Gloves珊瑚鞋Diving Boots蛙鞋Fins配重带Weight Belt快卸扣Quick-Release Buckle铅块Weights铅块止滑扣Weight Retainer潜水刀Diving Knife气瓶Cylinder or Scuba Tank气瓶开关Tank Valves螺旋式气瓶开关DIN Valves臂抱式气瓶开关Yoke Valves气密圈O-Ring调节器Regulator一级头First Stage隔膜平横式BalancedDiaphragm Type活塞平横式Balanced PistonType低压出器孔Low PressureContact Port高压出气孔High PressureContact Port低压管Low Pressure Hose高压管High Pressure Hose二级头Second Stage顺流式Downstream ValvesType咬嘴Mouthpiece备用气源Alternate Air Source备用二级头Safe Second Stage章鱼式Octopus Alternate Air Source充气阀式Air 2 Alternate Air Source潜水仪表Instrument Console 残压表Perssure Gauge/ SPG 深度表Depth Gauge指北针Compass潜航准线Lubber Line磁针Magnetic Needle定位转盘Bezel潜水计算机Diving Computer 浮力调整背心Buoyancy Control Jackets or Device充排气阀开关BCD Inflator Valve快速接头Hose Rapid Adapter 充气钮Inflator Button排气钮Deflator Button水下手电筒Marine Light闪明器Flash Light 荧光棒Light Stick水下记录板Dive Note or Slate水中通讯器Underwater Radio求援浮力棒Signal Tube浮力扬升袋Liffing Bag潜水装备袋Gear Bag潜水表Diving Timepieces蜂鸣器Air Horn定位回声系统Sonar水中推进器Subscooter orSubtransporter水下遥控无人载具ROV密闭式循环水肺系统Semi-Closed防水盒Waterproof Case浮球Surface Floats渔枪Spear Gun渔网Fishing Net备用零件Spare Parts漏气Free Flow水压测试Pressure Test潜水证照Certification Card潜水日志Diving Log空气Air废气Exhaust氧气Oxygen氮气Nitorgen高氧气体Nitrox氦氧氮混合气体Trimix氦氧混合气体Heliox气瓶充气站Refil Station充气压缩机Air Pump气瓶充气Fill Tank充气- 对气瓶Refil Air充气- 对背心Inflate空气消耗量Air Amount Used人体空腔Body Air Space耳腔Ear Air Space耳膜Eardrum副鼻腔Sinus Air Space气道Airway胸腔Chest肺泡Pulmonary Alveolus 潮气肺容积Tidal Volumn最大肺活量Vital Capacity 无效能的肺余容积Residual Volumn减压表Dive Tables休闲潜水计划表RDP免减压No Decompression 最大免减压时间No Decompression Limit深度Depth最大滞底时间Maximum Allowable Bottom Time上升速率Ascent Rate安全停留Safety Stops实际潜水时间Actual Bottom Time余氮量Residual Nitrogen 含氧比例Percentage of Oxygen 氧分压pO2氮分压pN2氦分压pH2体内余氮等级Pressure Group水面休息时间Surface IntervalTime溶氮等量深度时间ResidualNitrogen Level Time溶氮总时间Actual ResidualNitrogen Level Time修正后的最大免减压时间Adjusted NoDecompression Limit重复潜水Repetitive Diving重复潜水间隔时间RepetitiveDiving Surface Interval Time最大深度MaximumDepth余氮排除总时间ResidualNitrogen Time半饱和组织时间TissueHalftime潜水后可飞行所需时间FlyingAfter Diving Time潜水侧面图Dive Profiles气压Air Pressure水压Water Pressure绝对压力AbsoluteAtmosphere压缩Squeeze气体分压Percentage of Air立方英呎Cubic-Feet公斤平方公分Bar英磅平方英吋PSI体积Volume水容积Water ContainerVolume浮力Buoyance正浮力Positive中性浮力Neutral负浮力Negative沉Sink浮Float悬浮Hovering光线折射Refraction色温Color Temperature潜伴Diving Buddy潜伴制度Buddy System潜导Team Leader / Guide押队Team Holder / Keeper水下通讯手势Communication Signals潜水计划Dive Planning潜水地点Dive Site下潜简报Dive Procedures / Briefing着装Suiting Up下水前的装备检查Final Check / Safety Check技能评估性质的下潜Check Dive入水点Entry Point入水Entering The Water上岸Exiting The Water 风险Potential Hazards跨步式入水Giant Stride Entry背滚式入水Backward RollEntry镰刀式入水Headfirst LongEntry面镜排水Mask Clearing调节器复位RegulatorRecovery调节器排水Regulator Clearing压力平衡Equalize耳压平衡Equalization / EarsClearing呼吸Breathing共气Buddy Breathe呼气Exhale吸气Inhale憋气Breath-Hold上浮Ascents下沉Descents上升Ascending下潜Descending踢动蛙鞋Use Fins平静水域Confined Water开放水域Open Water海岸Shore海湾Gulf潮汐Tides涨潮Incoming High Tide满潮High Tide退潮Outgoing Low Tide平潮Low Tide波浪Surf碎浪区Surfzone涌浪Waves海流Ocean Currents潮流Tides Currents洋流Relatively PremanentCurrents激流Rushing Water激流区Rip Dispersal Area沿岸流Down Shore Current回流Undertow涌升流Upwelling下降流Downwelling漩涡Eddy Current水下峭壁Drop Off跃温层Thermocline底质Bottom Composition 能见度Visibility水底Bottom水中Underwater水面Surface珊瑚礁Reef堡礁Barrier Reef裙礁Fringing Reef环礁Atoll Reef人工鱼礁Artificial Reef沉船Wreck泻湖Lagoon温带Temperate热带Tropical寒带Polar 淡水Freshwater海水Saltwater圣婴现象El Nino温室效应Global Warming体验潜水Explore Diving岸潜Shore Dive船潜Boat Dive深潜Deep Dive夜潜Night Dive冰潜Ice Dive水下导航UnderwaterNavigation放流潜水Drift Dive技术导向潜水TEC Dive高海拔潜水Altitude Dive洞穴潜水Cave or Cavern Dive沉船潜水Wreck Dive水中摄影UnderwaterPhotography巡弋漫游Vehicle Cruise搜索寻回Search And Recovery低能见度潜水Limited VisibilityDiving多重深度饱和潜水Multi-LevelDive水面闭封潜水环境OverheadEnvironments渔网Fishing Net缠绕Entanglement救援Rescue过度换气Hyperventilation氮醉Nitrogen Narcosis心肺复苏术CPR失温Heat Loss恐慌Panic抽筋Cramp脱水Dehydration氧中毒Oxygen Toxicity浅层水域昏迷AscentUnconsciousness减压症DecompressionSickness气泡Bubbles呛水Inhaled Water溺水Drowning窒息Choking急救FirstAid抗组织氨Anti-Histamine 再压舱Recompression Chamber潜水医学Underwater Medicine水平线Horizen潜水船Diving Boat上船登艇Boarding船长Captain甲板Deck航行中Underway船首Bow走向船首Forward Bow 左舷Portside走向左舷On The Portside 右舷Starboard 走向右舷On The Starboard船尾Stern走向船尾Aft Stern下锚Anchors锚绳Anchor Line下风处Leeward Side晕船Seasickness水中生物Marine Life一群鱼 A School of Fish鲨鱼Shark梭鱼Barracuda刺魟鱼StingRay魔鬼魟鱼Manta狮子鱼Lionfish石头鱼Rockfish粗皮鲷Surgeonfish鲽鱼Butterflyfish无刺河豚Boxfish带刺河豚Triggerfish海豚Dolphin薯鳗Moray Eel鲶鱼/ 沙毛Catfish火鱼Firefish水母Jellyfish海星Starfish海胆Sea Urchin海蛇Sea Snake章鱼Octopus芋贝Cone珊瑚Coral行程/ 旅游Tour渡假村Resort免费迎宾饮料Welcome Drink面海房Oceanview菲律宾八爪船Banca敞蓬快艇Open Yacht盖舱快艇Cabin Boat独木舟Kayak沙滩排球Beach Volleyball海滩饮料吧Beach Bar大厅Lobby柜台Frontdesk 筷子Chopstick。



潜水入门资料来自网络老孙整理于2012年2月2日目录1. 什么是潜水? (2)2. 潜水危险吗? (2)3. 为什么要潜水? (3)4. 每个人都可以学潜水吗? (3)5. 到哪儿去学潜水? (4)6. OW和AOW可以一起学吗? (4)7. 潜水安全 (5)8. 潜水保险 (6)9. 潜水装备的选择 - 轻装备 (7)10. 潜水装备的选择 - 重装备 (10)11. 潜水装备的选择 - 附件 (12)12. 水下摄影 (13)1. 什么是潜水?潜水,英文是Scuba Diving,香港翻译做“水肺潜水”,是指用气瓶和相应的呼吸装置潜入水下的活动。


这也不是憋一口气下潜若干米的徒手潜水(Skin Dive 或者叫Free Dive)。

如无意外,本文所提的潜水都是指Scuba Diving--水肺潜水。

即使是水肺潜水,也分为休闲潜水(Recreational Diving)和技术潜水(Technical Diving)。







2. 潜水危险吗?这是初学者,或者很多最初听闻潜水运动的人的第一个反映。








水文学与水文地质学英文术语河流阶地: river terrace面源: area source线源: line source点源: point source非点源: non-point sourcegroundwater 潜水groundwater artery 地下水干道groundwater barrier 地下水堡坝groundwater basin 地下水盆地groundwater capture 地下水袭夺groundwater cascade 地下水小瀑布groundwater cement 潜水泥groundwater dam 地下水坝groundwater discharge 地下水排泄groundwater divide 地下分水界groundwater flow 地下径流groundwater inventory 地下水总量目录groundwater level 地下水位groundwater mound 地下水土丘groundwater province 地下水区groundwater recession 地下水后退groundwater recession curve 地下水后退曲线groundwater reservoir 地下水储集groundwater runoff 地下径流groundwater simulation 地下模拟groundwater spring 潜水泉groundwater table 地下水位group 群exploitable groundwater 地下水可开采量groundwater depression cone 地下水下降漏斗字段名英文名站码 station code站名 station name站别 station category流域名称 basin name水系名称 hydrometric net code河流名称 river name施测项目码 item code of obervation行政区划码 administration division code水资源分区码 code of water resources regionalization设站年份 year of station establishment设站月份 month of station establishment撤站年份 year of withdrawal of station撤站月份 month of withdrawal of station集水面积 drainage area流入何处 flowing-to至河口距离 distance to river mouth基准基面名称 name of fiducial datum领导机关 leading agency (administration agency)管理单位 administration站址 station location东经 longitude北纬 latitude测站等级 grade of hydrometric station报汛等级 grade of Flood-Reporting Station备注 note站点码 station point code站点名 station point name测流方法 observation method控水目的 purpose of control water project控水工程类型 control water project type控水工程代码 code of control water project控水工程运行规则 operation regulation of control water project 推流参数 parameter of discharge computation引水点名 Location name of pumping排水点名 Location name of surface drainage实际最大灌溉面积 maximum area of practical irrigation上界站站码 station code of upper boundary station至上界站河段长 length of reach to upper bound station下界站站码 code of lower bound station至下界站河段长 length of reach to lower bound station高差基数 base of difference in elevation流域水系码 codes of hydrographic net of a basin调查资料来源单位 office recording investigation data区码 code of zone区名 zone name区类 zone type水体总容量 total capacity of water bodies灌溉水田面积 area of rice paddy irrigated灌溉面积 irrigation area城市人口 urban population工业总产值 gross industrial output value水库和水闸控制面积 drainage area of reservoir or weir or sluice 调查面积 investigation area量算地图比例尺 scale of measured map连通试验可靠等级 reliability rank of connectivity pair test旁证资料可靠等级 reliability level of data witness面积成果合理性等级 reliability rank of area data直接上级区名 zone name of prime at first调查报告编号 investigation report number地理包含关系 geography contain relation站点类别 station point category年 year相关站码 correlative station code关系标识 relationship ID关系说明 relationship illustration主断面迁移号 migration numbers of main cross section断面名称 cross section name断面位置 location of cross section变动年份 changed Year变动月份 changed month变动日 changed day同系列标志 series marker变动情况 changed conditions水尺名称 gage name水尺型式 gage type水尺质料 material of gage自记台类型 type of stage recorder水尺位置 location of gage使用情况 use condition河段情况 river reach circumstance图类型 graph type图标题 graph title图 graphMIME类型 MIME type水准点编号 benchmark number水准点类型 benchmark type变动日期 date of Setup or change采用基面名称 adoption datum name冻结或测站基面以上高程 elevation above stationary datum绝对或假定基面以上高程 elevation above absolute or arbitrary datum 绝对基面名称 name of absolute or arbitrary datum水准点型式 benchmark style水准点位置 benchmark location引据水准点编号 number of benchmark from which elevation is measured 变动原因 cause of change工程名称 engineering name工程名称代码 engineering name code开始蓄水年份 begin storing water year开始蓄水月份 begining month of storing water校核洪水位 check flood stage校核库容 check storage capacity of reservoir设计洪水位 design flood stage设计库容 reservoir capacity corresponding to DSFLZ正常高水位 normal high water level正常库容 Normal reservoir storage死水位 dead pool level死库容 dead reservoir capacity溢洪道号 spillway number竣工年份 completion year竣工月份 completion month溢洪道长度 spillway length溢洪道堰顶高程 elevation of spillway crest溢洪道堰顶宽 width of spillway crest溢洪道设计最大流量 maximum designed discharge of spillway闸组号 gate group number孔型 type of sluice or hole孔数 count of sluice or hole孔高 sluice or hole height孔宽 sluice or hole width设计最大流量 maximum designed discharge of sluice or tunnel 翼墙型式 wing wall type墩头型式 type of pier head of sluice or tunnel堰顶闸底形状 shape of weir crest or sluice bed设计灌溉面积 design irrigated area due to sluice or tunnel工程地址 location of engineering控制面积 control area总库容 total reservoir capacity最大实灌面积 actually irrigated area due to sluice or tunnel 最大实引排水量 maximum volume of actual diversion or drainage 仪器口径 mouth diameter of rain gauge仪器精度 precision of rain gauge记录模式 recording mode获值模式 sensing mode绝对高程 elevation above absolute datum器口离地面高度 instrument height above ground非汛期观测段制 observation regime in nonflood season汛期观测段制 observation regime in flood season蒸发场位置特征 character of location of evaporation-gauging 仪器型式 type of instrument(equipment)附近地势 nearby topography四周障碍物 obstacles around station起时间 beginning time止时间 end time时间 time起始日期 beginning date旬起始日期 beginning date of a period of ten days月 month日期 date降水量 precipitation降水量注解码 remark code of precipitation降水日数 number of precipitation days降水日数注解码 remark code of number of precipitation days最大降水量 maximum precipitation最大降水量时段长 maximum precipitation duration最大日降水量 maximum daily precipitation最大日降水量注解码 remark code of maximum daily precipitation最大日降水量出现日期 occurring date of maximum daily precipitation终霜日期 date of frost disappearance初霜日期 date of frost appearance终雪日期 date of snow disappearance初雪日期 date of snow appearance终冰日期 date of ice disappearance初冰日期 date of ice appearance蒸发器型式 type of evaporation equipment水面蒸发量 surface evaporation水面蒸发量注解码 remark code of evaporation最大日水面蒸发量 maximum daily evaporation最大日水面蒸发量注解码 remark code of maximum daily evaporation最大日水面蒸发量出现日期 occurring date of maximum daily evaporation最小日水面蒸发量 minimum daily surface evaporation最小日水面蒸发量注解码 remark code of minimum daily surface evaporation最小日水面蒸发量出现日期 occurring date of minimum daily surface evaporation 观测高度 observation height气温 air temperature气温注解码 remark code air temperature平均气温 average air temperature平均气温注解码 remark code of average air temperature最高气温 maximum air temperature最高气温注解码 remark code of maximum air temperature最高气温日期 date of maximum air temperature最低气温 minimum air temperature最低气温注解码 remark code of minimum air temperature最低气温日期 date of minimum air temperature水汽压 vapour pressure水汽压注解码 remark code of vapour pressure平均水汽压 average vapor pressure平均水汽压注解码 remark code of average vapor pressure水汽压力差 difference of vapour pressure水汽压力差注解码 remark code of difference of vapour pressure平均水汽压力差 average vapor pressure difference平均水汽压力差注解码 remark code of average vapor pressure difference 风速 wind velocity风速注解码 remark code of wind velocity平均风速 average wind velocity平均风速注解码 remark code of average wind velocity闸上水位 stage in Sluice Upstream闸上水位注解码 remark code of upsluice stage闸下水位 down sluice stage闸下水位注解码 remark code of downsluice stage坝上水位 stage behind dam坝上水位注解码 remark code of the stage behind dam水位 stage水位注解码 remark code of stage平均水位 average stage平均水位注解码 remark code of average stage最高水位 maximum stage最高水位注解码 remark code of maximum stage最高水位日期 occurring date of maximum stage最低水位 minimum stage最低水位注解码 remark code of date of minimum stage最低水位日期 date of minimum stage保证率 reliability of stage保证率水位 reliability stage保证率水位注解码 remark code of reliability stage流量 discharge平均流量 average discharge平均流量注解码 remark code of average discharge最大流量 maximum discharge最大流量注解码 remark code of maximum discharge最大流量日期 date of maximum discharge最小流量 minimum discharge最小流量注解码 remark code of minimum discharge最小流量日期 date of minimum discharge蓄水量 Reservoir Storage径流量 runoff径流量注解码 remark code of runoff径流模数 runoff modulus径流深 runoff in depth最大洪量时段长 duration of maximum flood volume最大洪量 maximum flood volume泥沙类型 sediment type含沙量 sediment concentration平均含沙量 average sediment concentration平均含沙量注解码 remark code of average sediment concentration最大含沙量 maximum sediment concentration最大含沙量注解码 remark code of maximum sediment concentration最大含沙量日期 date of maximum sediment concentration最小含沙量 minimum sediment concentration最小含沙量注解码 remark code of minimum sediment concentration最小含沙量日期 date of minimum sediment concentration平均输沙率 average sediment discharge平均输沙率注解码 remark code of average sediment discharge最大日平均输沙率 maximum average of daily sediment discharge最大日平均输沙率注解码 remark code of maximum average of daily sediment discharge 最大日平均输沙率出现日期 occurring date of maximum average of daily sediment discharge输沙量 sediment runoff输沙量注解码 remark code of sediment runoff输沙模数 sediment runoff modulus采样仪器型号 model number of sampling instrument采样效率系数 efficiency coefficient of sampling上限粒径 upper limit particle size平均沙重百分数 average percent of sediment weight中数粒径 median particle diameter平均粒径 average particle diameter最大粒径 maximum particle diameter水温 water temperature水温注解码 remark code of water temperature平均水温 average water temperature平均水温注解码 remark code of average water temperature最高水温 maximum water temperature最高水温注解码 remark code of maximum water temperature最高水温日期 occurring date of maximum water temperature最低水温 minimum water temperature最低水温注解码 remark code of minimum water temperature最低水温日期 date of minimum water temperature冰情注解码 remark code of ice condition河心冰厚 ice thickness at river center岸边冰厚 Thickness of Border Ice冰上雪深 snow depth on ice岸上气温 air temperature on bank解冻日期 date of ice break up封冻日期 ice freeze up date上半年封冻天数 number of actual freeze up days in first half of year下半年封冻天数 number of actual freeze up days in second half of year终止流冰日期 end date of ice run开始流冰日期 beginning date of ice run河心最大冰厚 maximum ice thickness at river center河心最大冰厚出现日期 occurring date of the maximum ice thickness at river center 岸边最大冰厚 Maximum thickness of border Ice岸边最大冰厚出现日期 occurring date of maximum thickness of border ice最大流冰块长度 maximum length of ice floe最大流冰块宽度 maximum width of ice floe最大流冰块冰速 maximum velocity of ice floe断面平均冰速 average ice flow velocity at cross section最大冰上雪深 maximum snow depth on ice最大冰上雪深出现日期 occurring date of maximum snow depth on ice春季最大冰流量 maximum ice discharge in spring春季最大冰流量注解码 remark code of maximum ice discharge in spring春季最大冰流量日期 occurring date of ice discharge in spring冬季最大冰流量 maximum ice discharge in winter冬季最大冰流量注解码 remark code of occurring data of maximum ice discharge in winter 冬季最大冰流量日期 occurring data of maximum ice discharge in winter春季总冰流量 gross ice discharge in spring春季总冰流量注解码 remark code of gross ice discharge in spring冬季总冰流量 gross ice discharge in winter冬季总冰流量注解码 remark code of ice discharge in winter年总冰流量 yearly total ice discharge年总冰流量注解码 remark code yearly total ice discharge平均冰流量 average ice discharge平均冰流量注解码 remark code of average ice discharge总冰流量 total of ice discharge总冰流量注解码 remark code of total of ice discharge最大冰流量 maximum ice discharge最大冰流量注解码 remark code of maximum ice discharge最大冰流量日期 date of maximum ice discharge潮别 tidal type潮位 tidal level潮位注解码 remark code of tidal level潮差 tidal range历时 duration潮流量 tidal discharge潮量 tidal volume潮输沙率 tidal sediment discharge潮输沙量 tidal sediment runoff平均高潮潮位 average high tidal level平均高潮潮位注解码 remark of average high tidal level stage最高高潮位 Maximum high tidal stage最高高潮位注解码 remark code of Maximum high tidal stage最高高潮位出现时间 occurring time of Maximum high tidal stage最低高潮位 minimum high tidal stage最低高潮位注解码 remark code of minimum high water level最低高潮位出现时间 occurring time of minimum high tidal stage平均低潮潮位 average low tidal level平均低潮潮位注解码 remark of average low tidal level最高低潮位 maximum low tidal stage最高低潮位注解码 remark code of maxiumm low tidal stage最高低潮位出现时间 occurring time of maximum low tidal stage最低低潮位 minimum low tidal stage最低低潮位注解码 remark code of minimum low tidal stage最低低潮位出现时间 occurring time of minimum low tidal stage平均涨潮潮差 average of flood tide range平均涨潮潮差注解码 remark code of average of flood tide range最大涨潮潮差 maximum flood tidal range最大涨潮潮差注解码 remark code of maximum flood tidal range最大涨潮潮差(高潮)时间 time of maximum flood tidal range最小涨潮潮差 minimum flood tidal range最小涨潮潮差注解码 remark code of minimum flood tidal range最小涨潮潮差(高潮)时间 high tidal time of minimum flood tidal range平均落潮潮差 average ebb tide range平均落潮潮差注解码 remark code of average of ebb tidal range最大落潮潮差 maximum ebb tidal range最大落潮潮差注解码 remark code of maximum ebb tidal range最大落潮潮差(高潮)时间 high water occurring time of maximum ebb tidal range最小落潮潮差 minimum ebb tidal range最小落潮潮差注解码 remark code of minimum ebb tidal range最小落潮潮差(高潮)时间 high water occurring time of minimum ebb tidal range平均涨潮历时 average flood tidal duration平均涨潮历时注解码 remark code of average of flood tidal range最长涨潮历时 maximum flood tidal duration最长涨潮历时注解码 remark code of maximum flood tide duration最长涨潮历时(高潮)时间 high water occurring time of maximum flood tidal duration 最短涨潮历时 minimum flood tidal duration最短涨潮历时注解码 remark code of minimum flood tidal duration最短涨潮历时(高潮)时间 high tidal time of minimum flood tidal duration平均落潮历时 mean ebb tide duration平均落潮历时注解码 remark code of mean ebb tide duration最长落潮历时 maximum ebb tidal duration最长落潮历时注解码 remark code of maximum ebb tidal duration最长落潮历时(高潮)时间 high water occurring time of maximum ebb tidal duration 最短落潮历时 minimum ebb tidal duration最短落潮历时注解码 remark code of minimum ebb tidal duration最短落潮历时(高潮)时间 high tidal time of Minimum ebb tidal duration逐时平均潮位 hourly average tidal stage逐时平均潮位注解码 remark code of hourly average tidal stage平均潮差 average tide range平均潮差注解码 remark code of yearly average tide range平均历时 average tidal duration平均历时注解码 remark code of average tidal duration施测日期 beginning date of measurement测次号 observation number垂线号 numbers of typical verticals起点距 distance from initial point河底高程 river bed elevation河底高程注解码 remark code of river bed elevation测时水位 stage during observation测时水位注解码 remark code of stage during observation垂线方位 vertical azimuth断面名称及位置 cross section name and location测次说明 note引用施测日期 date of quoted observation引用测次号 number of quoted observation引用起始起点距 beginning distance from initial point引用终止起点距 end distance from initial point岸别符号 bank symbol痕迹类型 trace type日 day时 hour分 minute点编号 point code点详细位置 point detailed location点东经 point east longitude点北纬 point north latitude点高程 point elevation点参数 point parameter指认人及印象 witness man's impression目击和旁证可靠等级 reliability rank of witness痕迹和标志物可靠等级 reliability level of trace or flag估计误差范围 estimation error range调查日期 investigation date起始年 beginning year起始月 beginning month起始日 beginning day起始时 beginning hour起始分 beginning minute终止年 end year终止月 end month终止日 end day终止时 end hour终止分 end minute雨情描述 description of rainfall information重现期 Recurrence Interval重现期统计截止年 cut-off year of statistics of recurrence interval目击和水痕可靠等级 reliability rank of witness or trace承雨器障碍物可靠等级 reliability level of rain collector barrier before rainfall 承雨器雨前可靠等级 reliability level of rain collector before rainfall承雨器漫溢渗漏可靠等级 reliability level of loss quantity of rain collector seepage or overflow水位可靠等级 reliability level of stage推算流量方法 method of discharge computation水流边界 flow boundary推算流量资料可靠等级 reliability level of data used in discharge computation推算流量方法可靠等级 reliability level of method of discharge computation推算流量成果合理性等级 reliability level of discharge computation次水量 water volume of one flood水情描述 description of hydrological information流量施测号数 number of discharge observation测流起时间 beginning time of flow measurment测流止时间 end time of flow measurement测流方法 Method of flow measurement基本水尺水位 base gage stage流量注解码 remark code of discharge断面总面积 total of cross section area断面过水面积 wetted cross-section area断面面积注解码 remark code of cross section area断面平均流速 average flow velocity at a cross-section断面最大流速 maximum flow velocity at a cross-section水面宽 top width断面平均水深 Average water depth at cross section断面最大水深 maximum water depth水浸冰冰底宽 ice bottom width水浸冰冰底平均水深 ice bottom average depth水浸冰冰底最大水深 ice bottom maximum depth水面比降 surface slope糙率 roughness时段类别 category of interval水量类别 category of water quantity水量 water quantity水量测算方法 estimation method of water quantity年实测水量占比 percent of observation water-quantity in total水量计算方法可靠等级 reliability level of estimation method of water quantity 水量成果合理性等级 fitness rank of water quantity data起时间闸(坝)上水位 upstream stage of beginning time起时间闸(坝)上水位注解码 remark code of upstream stage at beginning time起时间闸(坝)下水位 downstream stage at beginning time起时间闸(坝)下水位注解码 remark code of downstream stage of beginning time最大流量出现时间 Occurring Time of Maxmum Discharge实测蓄水变量 observed water storage调查蓄水变量 investigation storage实测灌溉还原水量 observed restoring water quantity in irrigation调查灌溉还原水量 restoring water quantity of investigation in irrigation水平梯田拦蓄地面径流量 surface water runoff catched by level terraced field工业生活还原水量 restoring water quantity of industrial water or domestic water 实测工业生活还原水量 observed water quantity of industrial water or domestic water 区内除涝排水量 water quantity of waterlogging control in zone实测区内除涝排水量 observed water quantity of waterlogging control in zone跨流域引水量 water quantity of interbasin transfer实测跨流域引水量 observed water quantity of interbasin transfer跨区回归水量 return flow in cross zone实测跨区回归水量 observed return flow in cross zone跨区回归水量测算方法 estimation method of return flow in cross zone跨区溃坝水量 water quantity of cross zone dam-break实测跨区溃坝水量 observed water quantity of cross zone dam-break跨区溃坝水量测算方法 estimation method of water quantity of cross zone dam-break 溃坝还原水量 restoring water quantity in dam-break跨区分洪水量 water quantity of cross zone flood diversion实测跨区分洪水量 observed water quantity of cross zone flood diversion跨区分洪水量测算方法 estimation method of water quantity of cross zone flood diversion分洪还原水量 restoring water quantity of flood diversion跨区决口水量 water quantity of cross zone branching实测跨区决口水量 observed water quantity of cross zone branching跨区决口水量测算方法 estimation method of water quantity of cross zone branching 决口还原水量 restoring water quantity of bursting暗河交换水量 exchanged water volume between underground rivers暗河交换水量估算方法method of estimating exchanged water volume between underground rivers暗河交换水量参证站相似程度 similar level of bench-mark station of exchanged water volume between underground rivers暗河交换水量平衡程度 balance level of exchange water between underground rivers 跨区渗漏水量 water quantity of cross zone seepage浅层地下水还原水量 restoring water quantity of shallow groundwater实测浅层地下水还原水量 observed restoring water quantity of shallow underground water浅层地下水还原水量测算方法 estimation method of restoring water quantity of shallow groundwater深层地下水还原水量 restoring water quantity of deep-layer groundwater实测深层地下水还原水量 observed restoring water quantity of deep layer underground water深层地下水还原水量测算方法 restoring water quantity of deep-layer groundwater泉水出露量 capacity of spring总进水量 total inflow runoff总出水量 total outflow runoff降水总量 precipitation蒸散发总量 total evapotranspiration蓄水水面蒸发增损水量 water quantity extracted by evaporation on water surface出口水体起时间水位 stage of overflow water body at beginning time出口水体起时间蓄水量 storage of overflow water body at beginning time输沙率施测号数 number of sediment discharge observation测沙起时间 beginning time of sediment concentration measurement测沙止时间 end time of sediment concentration measurement测沙断面位置 location of cross section for sediment concentration measurement取样方法 sampling method断面平均含沙量 average sediment concentration at cross-section断面平均含沙量注解码 remark code of average sediment concentration at cross section 单样含沙量 index sediment concentration单样含沙量测验方法 observational method of index sediment concentration悬移质输沙率 suspended sediment discharge悬移质输沙率注解码 remark code of suspended sediment discharge推移质输沙率 bed load sediment discharge推移质输沙率注解码 remark code of bed load sediment discharge单样推移质输沙率 index bed load sediment discharge推移质平均底速 average velocity of bed load推移带宽度 width of bed load sediment discharge断面平均单宽输沙率 average sediment discharge in unit width at cross section垂线最大输沙率 maximum vertical sediment discharge垂线最大输沙率相应起点距 distance of maximum vertical sediment discharge from initial point单断沙码 code of index or cross sectional sediment起始施测号 begin observation number终止施测号 end observation number取样起时间 beginning time of sampling取样止时间 end time of sampling沙重百分数 sediment weight percent最大颗粒重量 sediment maximum particle weight最大颗粒起点距 distance from initial point where measuring the maximum particle 平均沉速 mean settling velocity施测水温 water temperature at measurement粒径分析方法 analysis method of particle side注解码 remark code沙量类别 category of silt-quantity沙量 silt-quantity沙量测算方法 estimation method of silt-quantity年实测沙量占比 percent of observation silt-quantity in total沙量测算方法可靠等级 reliability level of estimation method of silt-quantity沙量成果合理性等级 reliability level of silt-quantity data水量资料可靠等级 reliability level of water quantity source冲淤量 sediment quantity of scour-silt实测冲淤量 observed sediment quantity of scour-silt灌溉挟沙量 silt-quantity taked through irrigation实测灌溉挟沙量 observed sediment discharge of irrigation工业生活挟沙量 sediment discharge of industrial water or domestic water实测工业生活挟沙量 observed sediment discharge of industrial water or domestic water 跨流域引水挟沙量 silt-quantity taked through interbasin transfer实测跨流域引水挟沙量 observed sediment quantity taked by interbasin transfer溃坝冲淤量 sediment quantity of scour-silt in dam-break实测溃坝冲淤量 observed silt-quantity of scour-silt in dam-break分洪冲淤量 sediment quantity of scour-silt in flood diversion实测分洪冲淤量 observed silt-quantity of scour or sedimentation in flood diversion 决口冲淤量 degradation or sedimentation in bursting实测决口冲淤量 observed sediment quantity of scour-silt in branching总进沙量 total inflow silt-quantity总出沙量 total outflow silt-quantity测次起时间 beginning time of observation测次止时间 end time of observation测验断面位置 location of cross section冰流量 ice discharge冰流量注解码 remark code of ice discharge断面平均疏密度 average ice compaction at cross section断面平均冰厚或冰花厚 average depth of ice or frazil slush at cross section敞露水面宽 open water width断面平均冰花密度 density of frazil slush at cross section冰花折算系数 adjustment factor of frazil slush测流断面位置 location of cross section代表垂线平均流速 average velocity on typical vertical潮流量注解码 remark code of tidal discharge代表垂线号 number of typical velocity vertical代表垂线流速 velocity of typical vertical潮流期编号 number of duration of tidal current潮流期起时间 beginning time of duration of tidal current潮流期止时间 end time of duration of tidal current测流前低潮潮位 low tidal level before flow measurement测流前低潮潮位出现时间 Occuring time of the low tidal level before flow measurement 高潮潮位 high tidal level高潮潮位出现时间 occurring time of high tidal level低潮潮位 low tidal level低潮潮位出现时间 occurring time of low tidal level开始落憩潮位 tidal level at beginning of ebb slack tide涨潮憩流潮位 flood slack tidal stage涨潮憩流潮位出现时间 occurring time of flood slack tide终止落憩潮位 tidal stage at end of ebb slack tide涨潮潮差 flood tidal range涨潮最大流速 maximum velocity of flood tide涨潮潮量 flood tidal volume涨潮潮量注解码 remark code of flood tidal volume涨潮潮流历时 flood tidal current duration涨潮平均流量 average discharge of flood tide涨潮平均流量注解码 remark code of average discharge of flood tide落潮潮差 ebb tide range落潮最大流速 maximum velocity of ebb tide落潮潮量 ebb tidal volume落潮潮量注解码 remark code of ebb tidal volume落潮潮流历时 ebb tidal current duration落潮平均流量 average discharge of ebb tide落潮平均流量注解码 remark code of average discharge of ebb tide净泄量 net outflow volume开闸时间 opening gate time关闸时间 closing gate time开闸前稳定水位 stable stage before sluicing闸上最高水位 Maximum stage in Sluice Upstream闸上最低水位 Minimum stage in Sluice Upstream闸下水位 Stage in Sluice Downstream水位差 stage difference有效潮差 effective tidal range一潮总水量 total water volume of single tide一潮总水量注解码 remark code of total water volume of single tide一潮历时 duration of single tide一潮平均流量 average discharge of single tide一潮平均流量注解码 remark code of average discharge of single tide一潮最大流量 maximum discharge of single tide一潮最大流量注解码 remark code of maximum discharge of single tide自变量名 name of independent variable自变量值 value of independent variable调查报告标题 investigation report title调查项目 investigation item调查年份 investigation year编写年份 redaction year调查单位 investigation office主编单位 Chief editorial unit调查报告内容 investigation report contents调查报告格式 investigation report format表标识 table ID时间残缺记录编号 number of time deformity record字段标识 field identifier取值 value率定次序号 serial number of rating闸上水头 head in Sluice Upstream闸下水头 Head in Sluice Downstream闸门开启平均高度 operation height of gate opening闸门开启平均高度注解码 remark code of operation height of gate opening 闸门开启孔数 count of operation gate opening闸门开启总宽 total width of gate-openings平均堰宽 average width of weir闸孔过水面积 area of wetted cross section of gate openings实测流量 observed discharge实测流量注解码 remark code of observed discharge流态 flow regime流量计算公式编号 formula number of discharge calculation流量系数 discharge coefficient流量系数注解码 remark code of discharge coefficient水闸型式 weir and sluice type翼墙形式 wing wall type平均引水角 average driving angle闸上河宽 upsluice river width闸下河宽 river width in sluice downstream闸门型式 weir gate type闸底高程 elevation of sluice bottom堰顶高程 elevation of weir crest堰顶形状 shape of weir crest总孔数 total number of gate openings单孔宽 single gate opening width of weir gate单孔宽注解码 remark code of gate opening width of weir gate平均孔宽 average of gate opening width总孔宽 total width of gate opening闸门高度 gate height平均开度 average gate opening height闸墩厚 thickness of pier机组号 group number of machines站上水位 upstation stage站下水位 downstation stage站上水头 upstation head开机功率 electric power generated or consumed开机台数 count of machines in operation开机叶片角度 vane angle of machines in operation叶轮直径 impeller diameter实际转速 practical speed of revolution出水阀过水面积 wetted area of outlet valve效率计算公式编号 formula number of efficiency calculation效率值 efficiency value效率值注解码 remark code of efficiency value机型 machine type装机台数 count of machine出水管路断面面积 wetted area of pipe line cross section标定转速 rated speed of revolution单机额定功率 single rated power单机设计流量 single design discharge设计扬程 design lift驼峰底高 hump bottom elevation起排水位 begining pumping stage关系线类别 relation curve category线号 curve number因变量名 dependent variable定线数据起时间 beginning time of the data for determining a relation curve 定线数据止时间 end time of routing location data定线数据下限自变量值 routing location lower limit independent variable定线数据上限自变量值 routing location upper limit independent variable线参数表达式 curve parameter expression关系图名 chart name适用期起时间 beginning time of application适用期止时间 end time of application定线点据总数 amount of points for determining a relation curve定线方法 method of determining a relation curve系统误差 systematic error。



游泳专业术语中英文对照Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998】游泳专业术语中英文对照游泳类型1、游泳 swimming;natation.2、游程 course3、短池比赛 short-course meet4、短距离比赛 sprint;dash5、中距离游泳 middle-distanceswimming6、长距离游泳 (long-) distance swimming7、超长距离游泳(马拉松式)游泳ultradistance [marathon] swimming8、渡峡游泳 channel swimming9、冬泳 winter swimming游泳项目10、游泳姿势 swimming stroke11、爬泳 crawl (stroke)12、自由泳 freestyle;free stroke13、仰泳 backstroke;back crawl14、蛙泳 breaststroke15、高航式蛙泳 high sail breaststroke16、波浪式蛙泳 wave breaststroke17、蝶泳 butterfiy18、海豚泳 dolphin19、混合泳 medlry stroke20、个人混合泳 individual medlley21、接力游泳 relay22、自由泳接力 freestyle relay23、混合泳接力 medley relay24、接力中的交接 relaychange;takeover25、侧泳 sidestroke26、单臂出水侧游 northern stroke;overarm sidestroke27、潜水运动 underwater sports28、潜水(skin)diving;underwater swimming29、闭气潜泳 holding-breath diving;diving with bated breath游泳人员30、游泳运动员 swimmer31、蝶泳运动员 butterfly swimmer;flyer32、个人混合泳运动员 individual medleyist33、全面的游泳运动员 all-round swimmer34、潜水运动员 diver35、冬泳者 winterswimmer;polarbear36、姿势裁判员 stroke judge37、转身裁判员 turning judge38、终点裁判员 finishing [placing] judge39、记趟裁判员 lap counter40、游程计算员 clerk of course41、救生员lifeguard;lifesaver;rescuer规则与裁判42、分组赛 heat43、出发信号 starting signal44、各就位! take your marks45、出发犯规 false [illegal] start46、过早出发 beat the gun47、重游 re-swim48、回表 clear watches49、转身犯规 illegal turn50、趟 lap51、分段 segment52、成绩 time52、分段成绩 split time53、中间成绩 intermediate time54、水温 water temperature 出发55、出发姿势 starting position56、立定出发 stationary start57、抓台式出发 grab start58、出发时的蹬腿 takeoff kick59、出发跳水 starting dive60、跳入水中 take the water61、入水浅的跳水 shallow dive转身62、触池壁 touch63、蹬壁 pushoff64、转身 turn65、水平转身 horizontal turn66、平转身 pivot turn67、侧转身 lateral turn68、翻滚 flip over69、翻滚转身 flip-turn ; somersault turn臂部动作70、臂部动作 arm movement71、划水(臂)(arm)pull;stroke; paddle72、划水动作效率 stroke efficiency73、划水错误动作 stroke defect74、划水幅度 distance per storke75、划水周期 arm cycle76、手入水 hand entry77、入水臂 leading arm78、手入水过深 digging79、手伸得过远 overreaching80、抱(抓)水 catch; grip; purchase81、搅动水面 churn thesurface82、长划臂 long arm stroke83、直臂划水 straight arm stroke84、曲臂划水 bent arm [elbow] pull85、沉肘划水 dropped elbowpull86、高提肘划水 over thebarrel87、向下压水 downward press88、连续划臂动作 continuous strokes89、反复划水 repeat pulls90、快频率动作 racing stroke91、两臂同时划水 double overarm92、两臂交替划水 alternate arm [hand-over-hand] stroke93、双臂仰泳 double overarm backstroke94、手臂交叉动作 scythingarm action95、前交叉(一臂等待另一臂)catch-up stroke96、曲线动作 circular motion97、直线划水路线 straight through pull98、半直线划水路线 modified straight line pull99、手臂出水 overarm ; overhand100、移臂 recover of the arm101、手腿配合 arm-leg relationship腿部动作102、打(踢)水 kick103、交替打腿 alternate [flutter] kick104、交叉打腿 crossover kick105、鱼尾式打腿 fishtail kick106、剪式打腿 scissors kick107、反剪式打腿 reverse scissors kick108、快速打腿 sprinting kick109、向上打腿 upbeat110、向下打腿 downbeat111、两次打腿 two-beat kick112、两次交叉打水 two-beat crossover kick113、直上直下打腿 kick up and down114、直上直下两次打腿straight twobeat kick115、反复打腿 repeat kicks116、划水一周的打腿次数beats perstroke117、仰泳打腿 back crawl kick118、海豚式打腿 dolphin kick119、蹬腿[水] leg drive [push]120、蛙泳蹬腿 breastatroke [frog;thrust] kick121、蹬腿宽度 width of kick122、窄蹬腿narrow [whip] kick123、宽蹬腿 wedge kick124、向后蹬腿 kick backward125、斜向蹬腿 diagonalthrust126、两侧蹬腿 lateral thrust127、两腿交替蹬水 bicycle pedaling128、收腿 recovery of the leg129、踩水 treading water身体位置130、身体中线 center [medium] line of the body131、躯干位置 trunk position132、浮力 buoyancy133、浮出水面 surface134、浮在水面 keep afloat135、侵入水面 submerge136、下沉 drop;sink137、水面线(蛙泳中头的位置) waterline138、俯卧姿势 facedown;prone position139、仰卧姿势 back floating position140、俯卧漂浮姿势 pronefloat141、流线型姿势 streamlined position142、低头 drop the head143、弓背(身) arch the back144、时起时伏(在水中)ducking;undulation游泳呼吸145、呼吸 breathe;respire156、呼气 breathe out;exhale157、吸气 breathe in;inhale158、闭[屏]气hold one’s breath159、换气 change breath160、呼吸控制 breathing rate161、抬头(呼吸时) lift the head162、早呼吸法 early breathing163、晚吸气 late [delayed] breathing164、正常呼吸法 normal breathing165、有节奏的呼吸 rhythmical breathing167、深呼吸 deep breathing168、浅呼吸 shallow breathing169、均匀呼吸 regular [even] breathing170、爆发式吸气 explosive breathing171、侧面呼吸 side breathing172、两侧呼吸法 bilateral breathing173、呼吸侧 breathing side174、呼吸侧手臂 breathing arm175、非呼吸侧 non-breathing side176、非呼吸侧手臂 non-breathing arm177、两次划臂呼吸法 two-stroke breathing178、四次划臂呼吸法 four-stroke breathing179、喘气 gasp; pant; out of breathing180、呼吸急促 broken winded181、憋气 labored breathing182、呼吸困难 respiratory difficulty游泳训练183、入水前准备活动 pre-water exercise184、水上准备活动 warm-up swimming185、分段游 splits; broken swim186、分段游组 broken set187、年龄分组游泳 age-group swimming188、短于主项距离的游泳underdistance swimming189、超主项距离的游泳 over-distance swimming190、陆上练习 landdrill[practice]191、加速游 pick-up192、等速游 even-pace swimming193、中速游 moderate effort swimming194、慢速长游 long easy swimming195、变速游练习 alternating slow-fast set196、速度忽高忽低 speed fluctuation197、任意变速游 speed play; fartlek198、后半程加速游 negative split199、时停时进游 stop-and-go swimming200、俯仰交替游 spinning swim201、带游;速度诱导pacemaking; pacesetting202、反复游 repeat swim203、等速反复游 straight set of repeats204、减距反复游 decreasing-distance repeats205、逐个加快反复游组progressive sets206、综合反复游组 mixed set of repeats207、逐个加快和逐个减慢交替游组 alternating progressive-regressive set208、耐力游 endurance swimming209、强度游 effort swim210、放松游 easy [loosening-down]swim211、恢复性游 wake-up swim212、循环游去 circle swimming pattern213、梯形游 locomotive; pyramid214、阶梯增进 staircase215、冲刺练习 sprint work216、训练呼吸的冲刺 wind sprint217、间歇训练 interval training218、快游间歇训练 fast interval training219、慢游间歇训练 slow interval training220、全力计时游 all-out time trial221、游量 swimming load223、水的压力 water pressure224、迎面阻力 frontal[head-on] resistance225、身后漩涡阻力 eddy resistance; tail suction226、水感 feel of the water 游泳救生227、救护站 lifesaving station 228、救生对象(指溺者)subject229、拖带(溺者) carry230、前胸拖带 cross-chest carry231、扣颈拖带 neck carry232、托头拖带 head carry234、托下颌拖带 chin carry235、抓发拖带 hair carry236、人工呼吸 artificial respiration; rescue breathing237、嘴对嘴人工呼吸 mouth-to-mouth rescuscitation238、救活 resuscitate场地器材239、游泳池 (swimming) pool; bath; tank240、短池 short course241、室内游泳馆 indoor pool; natato-rium242、露天游泳馆 open-air swimming pool243、有看台的游泳馆 swimming stadium244、深水池 deep pool; swimmers’pool245、浅水池 non-swimmers’pool246、儿童池 wading pool247、泳道 lane248、分道线 lane[course]rope249、池端 end wall250、深端 deep end251、浅端 shallow end252、出发池端 starting edge253、出发台 starting block [platform]254、出发握手器 starting bar [grip]255、终点池端 finish end256、池端目标标志线 targetline257、转身标志线 turnindicator258、触板 touch board [panel]259、电子计时触板 electronic timing pad260、长的一边 length side261、扶手 handrail262、池边地面 deck263、池缘 curb; deck edge264、水槽 gutter265、逆泳槽swimmer’s treadmill266、池底 floor; float267、池底标志线 bottom line268、浮标 buoy; float269、浮具 buoying device270、水下观察窗 underwater viewing window271、水下影片 underwater movie272、氯化器 chlorinator273、游泳衣 swimsuit;swimming suit274、游泳裤 trunks; bathing slips275、套身游泳服 full-body swimwear276、鲨鱼皮”游泳服 Fastskin swim-suit278、游泳帽 swim cap279、浴衣 bathing suit;bath-wrap; gown280、游泳护目镜 swim goggles281、脚蹼 fins; flippers282、手蹼 webbed gloves283、潜水面罩 face plate284、潜水护目镜 lunettes285、护鼻塞 nose guard286、潜泳面罩 diving [face] mask287、通气[呼吸]管 snorkel289、潜水呼吸器;水肺aqualung290、自携式水下呼吸器 scuba(=selfcontained underwater breathing apparatus)291、套口 aqualung mouthpiece; snorkel tube292、打水板 flutter [kick] board293、划水板 paddle294、救生圈 life buoy295、救生衣 life jacket。



首先建然后记1. 潜水首先走Shore 而他会Last D 你要出Revie 有的店Liabil如果你潜水建议安装一个有记住下面 Fun 水出发前(Be 走进潜水中心 e Dive 还是船会问你级别LeDive Time 。

出示潜水证 C ew/Refresh。

店会要求你出示ity Form 或健你要租装备 Re 水英文单有道词典或者旅Dive 时会遇到efore Departu Dive Center/船潜Boat Dive evel 是什么,开-card/ Certif示潜水记录表 健康声明 Med ent Equipmen 单词与基旅行翻译官,并到的单词,或打ure)/Shop 或者船e,是否包午饭开放水域 OW ficated Card Log Book, 或dical Form。

nt/Gear,看基本规则并下载词库或语打印出来,现场船宿公司 Livea 饭 Lunch,有无W , 进阶 AOW ,如果你半年或问你有多少次看看下面的图来则|出国语言包。

场拿笔划词给潜aboard 或者是无夜潜 Night W/ Advanced 年没有潜水,可次潜 How ma 来决定租哪些吧国潜水前潜导看。

是度假村 Div dive。

还是救援 Res 可能会被建议做ny dives,还要吧。

前必读e Resort, 问是scue,上次潜水做一个潜水复习要你签署免责声是岸潜 水时间 习课程 声明书建议每个潜水员携带自己的象拔 Surface Marker Buoy(SMB)/Sausage/Balloon、潜水电脑表 Diving Computer,并且熟练使用它们,夜潜时记得携带手电 Light Torch,如果经常潜水可以买专业保险 Insurance,如 DAN 。

2. 设施介绍(Facility Introduce)准备出发前,教练 Instructor 或是潜导 Dive Master/DM 或者是船长 Captain 会介绍潜水船 Boat 或菲律宾螃蟹船 Banca 或潜店设施。



介绍潜水的英文作文Diving is an incredible experience that allows you to explore the depths of the ocean and discover a whole new world beneath the surface. The feeling of weightlessness as you descend into the water is simply exhilarating. It'slike flying, but in a completely different environment. The moment you submerge yourself, all the worries and stress of everyday life seem to disappear, and you become one with the underwater world.The underwater scenery is breathtaking. The vibrant colors of the coral reefs and the diverse marine life that call them home create a mesmerizing spectacle. Swimming alongside colorful fish, observing the graceful movements of sea turtles, and encountering majestic creatures like dolphins and whales is a truly awe-inspiring experience.It's like being in a real-life documentary, witnessing nature's beauty up close.One of the most exciting aspects of diving is theelement of surprise. You never know what you might encounter during a dive. From hidden caves and shipwrecks to rare and elusive species, every dive holds the potential for a unique and unforgettable encounter. The anticipation of what you might discover adds an element of adventure and excitement to each dive, making it an adrenaline-pumping experience.Diving is not just about exploration; it's also about self-discovery. It challenges you both physically and mentally. The need to control your breathing and navigate underwater requires focus and concentration. Overcoming any fears or anxieties you may have about diving can be a transformative experience. It pushes you out of your comfort zone and helps you build confidence in your abilities.The sense of tranquility and peace that diving offers is unparalleled. The silence underwater is like no other, and it gives you a chance to disconnect from the outside world and be present in the moment. The feeling of being surrounded by the vastness of the ocean and its inhabitantsis humbling and allows you to appreciate the beauty and fragility of our planet.Diving is a social activity that brings people together. Whether you're diving with friends, family, or a group of fellow divers, the shared experience creates a bond unlike any other. The underwater world becomes a playground for exploration and adventure, and the memories created during these dives are cherished for a lifetime.In conclusion, diving is a thrilling and transformative experience that allows you to escape the ordinary and immerse yourself in a world of wonder. It offers a unique perspective on the beauty and diversity of our planet, andit challenges you to push your limits and discover yourtrue potential. So, if you're looking for an adventure like no other, grab your gear and dive into the unknown.。



海底潜水英文作文I plunged into the deep blue sea, feeling the cool water enveloping me. The sunlight filtered through the water, casting an ethereal glow on the coral reef below.As I descended further, the pressure of the water increased, and I could feel it in my ears. The marine life around me seemed to take notice of my presence, and I was surrounded by schools of colorful fish.The silence of the underwater world was both eerie and peaceful. I could hear only the sound of my own breathing through the regulator, and it was strangely calming.The vibrant colors of the coral and the marine life were mesmerizing. It was like being in a completely different world, one that was teeming with life and beauty.I marveled at the diversity of the sea creatures around me. From tiny seahorses to graceful sea turtles, each oneseemed perfectly adapted to their underwater habitat.As I swam through the crystal-clear water, I felt a sense of freedom and weightlessness. It was a sensation unlike anything I had ever experienced before.The experience of diving into the depths of the ocean was truly awe-inspiring. It was a reminder of the incredible wonders that exist beneath the surface of the sea.。



介绍潜水英文作文I love diving. The feeling of being underwater is so peaceful and serene. It's like entering a whole new world where everything moves in slow motion.The first time I went diving was in the Caribbean. The water was crystal clear and I could see all the colorful fish and coral. It was incredible to be surrounded by such beauty.Diving is also a great way to challenge yourself. The deeper you go, the more you have to control your breathing and stay calm. It's a real test of mental and physical strength.One of the best things about diving is the sense of freedom. When you're underwater, you can move in any direction and feel weightless. It's a completely different experience from being on land.Another reason I love diving is the opportunity to explore new places. There are so many amazing dive sites around the world, each with its own unique marine life and underwater landscapes.Finally, diving is a great way to connect with nature. You become part of the underwater ecosystem and get to witness the incredible diversity of marine life. It's a humbling and awe-inspiring experience.。



国外潜水英文介绍作文英文:Scuba diving is one of my favorite activities. It allows me to explore the underwater world and see things that I would never be able to see on land. There are so many different types of marine life that you can encounter while diving, from colorful fish to majestic sea turtles.One of my most memorable diving experiences was in the Maldives. I saw a school of manta rays gliding gracefully through the water, and it was truly awe-inspiring. Another time, I dove in the Great Barrier Reef in Australia and saw a reef shark swimming just a few feet away from me. It was a bit scary, but also exhilarating.Scuba diving is not just about seeing cool marine life though. It also requires a lot of skill and knowledge. You need to know how to properly use your equipment, how to control your buoyancy, and how to navigate underwater. It'simportant to always dive with a buddy and follow all safety procedures.Overall, scuba diving is a thrilling and rewarding experience that I highly recommend to anyone who loves the ocean and adventure.中文:潜水是我最喜欢的活动之一。



英文描述潜水作文I love diving. The feeling of being underwater is like no other. It's peaceful and quiet, and I feel like I'm in a completely different world.The first time I went diving, I was nervous. But assoon as I descended into the water, all my worries disappeared. It was just me and the ocean, and I felt free.The marine life underwater is breathtaking. I've seen colorful fish, graceful sea turtles, and even majestic manta rays. It's like being in a real-life aquarium.One of the best parts of diving is the sense of weightlessness. It's like flying, but in slow motion. Ilove the feeling of floating effortlessly through the water.The underwater landscape is also amazing. I've explored coral reefs, underwater caves, and even sunken ships. It's like discovering a hidden world right here on Earth.Diving has also taught me to appreciate the ocean and the need to protect it. I've seen firsthand the impact of pollution and overfishing, and it's heartbreaking. We need to do everything we can to preserve our oceans for future generations.Overall, diving is an incredible experience that I would recommend to anyone. It's a chance to explore a whole new world and gain a greater appreciation for the beauty of our planet.。



描写潜水英文作文I love scuba diving. The feeling of entering the water and descending into the depths is exhilarating. The underwater world is like a whole new universe, with its own creatures, plants, and landscapes. It's a peaceful and surreal experience that I can't get enough of.The first time I went scuba diving, I was nervous but excited. As soon as I descended into the water, all my worries disappeared. The weightlessness and the silence of the underwater world were mesmerizing. I felt like I was in a dream, surrounded by colorful fish and swaying coral. It was an experience unlike anything else I had ever done.One of the things I love most about scuba diving is the sense of freedom it gives me. Underwater, I feel like I can escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. It'sjust me and the ocean, exploring and discovering new things.I feel a sense of calm and tranquility that I rarely experience on land.The marine life I encounter while diving never fails to amaze me. From tiny seahorses to majestic sea turtles, every creature is a marvel to behold. The vibrant colors and intricate patterns of the underwater world are truly breathtaking. I feel privileged to be able to witness such beauty up close.Scuba diving has also taught me to appreciate the fragility of the ocean and the importance of conservation. Seeing the impact of pollution and overfishing firsthand has made me more conscious of my own actions and how they affect the environment. I want to do my part to protect the oceans and ensure that future generations can also enjoy the wonders of scuba diving.Overall, scuba diving is a passion that brings me joy and fulfillment. It has opened my eyes to a whole new world and given me a greater appreciation for the beauty and diversity of our planet. I can't wait to continue exploring the underwater world and making new memories along the way.。



潜水英文作文怎么写I love diving. It's like entering a whole new world. The feeling of weightlessness as you descend deeper and deeper is indescribable. It's just you and the ocean, surrounded by the most beautiful creatures.The colors of the coral reefs are so vibrant, it's like being in a painting. The way the sunlight filters through the water, creating patterns on the ocean floor, is mesmerizing. It's like being in a dream.The marine life is so diverse and fascinating. From tiny, colorful fish darting in and out of the coral, to majestic sea turtles gliding gracefully through the water, every dive is a new adventure. You never know what you might encounter.The sense of peace and tranquility that comes with diving is unparalleled. The sound of your own breath, the gentle movement of the water, and the feeling of beingcompletely weightless – it's like meditation in motion.The adrenaline rush of encountering a shark or a manta ray is unlike anything else. It's a thrilling reminder ofthe raw power and beauty of the ocean, and it's a feeling that stays with you long after you've resurfaced.The sense of camaraderie among fellow divers is something special. There's a shared understanding and appreciation for the ocean and its inhabitants that creates a unique bond. It's like being part of a secret club.Diving is a constant learning experience. Frommastering new techniques to understanding the behavior of different marine species, there's always something new to discover. It's a never-ending journey of exploration and wonder.The feeling of surfacing after a dive, with the sun on your face and the salt on your skin, is pure bliss. It's a reminder of the beauty and vastness of the world we live in, and it's a feeling that keeps me coming back for more.。

潜水的作文 英文

潜水的作文 英文

潜水的作文英文英文:Diving is one of my favorite activities because it allows me to explore a whole new world beneath the surface of the water. The feeling of weightlessness as I descend into the depths, surrounded by colorful fish and vibrant coral, is truly exhilarating.One of the most memorable dives I've had was in the clear waters of the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. As I descended, I was greeted by a school of playful dolphins, who swam alongside me for the duration of the dive. It was a surreal experience, and I felt a deep connection to the marine life around me.Diving also allows me to challenge myself and push past my comfort zone. Navigating through underwater caves and tunnels requires focus and precision, and the sense of accomplishment I feel when I successfully navigate theseobstacles is unparalleled.In addition to the thrill of exploration, diving also provides me with a sense of tranquility. The underwater world is incredibly peaceful, and the rhythmic sound of my breathing as I glide through the water is almost meditative. It's a form of therapy for me, allowing me to escape the stresses of daily life and immerse myself in the beauty of the ocean.中文:潜水是我最喜欢的活动之一,因为它让我能够探索水面下的全新世界。



海底潜水英文作文Title: Exploring the Depths: A Journey into the Underwater World。

Diving into the depths of the ocean is an experience unlike any other. The world beneath the waves is teeming with life, mystery, and beauty waiting to be discovered. As I descend into the blue abyss, I am filled withanticipation and excitement for the adventures that lie ahead.The first thing that strikes me as I plunge beneath the surface is the silence. The hustle and bustle of the world above are replaced by the serene tranquility of the underwater realm. All I can hear is the sound of my own breathing and the gentle lapping of the water against my gear.As I explore further, I am greeted by a kaleidoscope of colors. The coral reefs are alive with vibrant hues, andschools of fish dart in and out of the crevices. It's like entering a different universe, one where gravity seems to have less of a hold and where every movement is graceful and fluid.But it's not just the beauty of the underwater world that captivates me—it's the sense of wonder and awe that comes with knowing that I am exploring a place that few have ever seen. With each dive, I uncover new species of marine life, from tiny nudibranchs to majestic manta rays.Of course, diving isn't without its challenges. The pressure of the water can be unforgiving, and even the simplest tasks require careful planning and execution. But overcoming these challenges only adds to the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction that comes with each successful dive.One of the most unforgettable experiences I've had underwater was encountering a pod of dolphins. Their playful antics and graceful movements left me spellbound, and for a moment, I felt like I was part of their world.But perhaps the most profound moments are those of quiet reflection. As I float weightlessly in the water, surrounded by the vast expanse of the ocean, I am reminded of just how small we are in the grand scheme of things.It's a humbling experience—one that fills me withgratitude for the opportunity to explore and appreciate the beauty of our planet.In conclusion, diving into the depths of the ocean is a journey like no other. It's a chance to connect with nature in its purest form, to marvel at its wonders, and to gain a newfound appreciation for the world around us. And as I resurface and leave the underwater world behind, I carry with me memories that will last a lifetime.。



ZT潜水专业术语——中英文对照?潜水? ?Diving浮潜? ?Skin Diving闭气潜水? ?Free Diving水面供气潜水? ?Air Supply Diving-Hose 水肺潜水? ?Scuba Diving商业潜水? ?Commercial Diving工业潜水? ?Industtrialized Diving潜水员? ?Diver初级潜水员? ?Openwater Diver中级潜水员? ?Advanced Diver专项潜水员? ?Specialty Diver高级潜水员? ?Master Scuba Diver潜水长? ?Divemaster教练? ?Instructor教练训练员? ?Instructor Trainer课程总监? ?Course Director?轻装? ?Snorkeling Equipment重装? ?Scuba Equipment面镜? ?Mask呼吸管? ?Snorkel呼吸管固定扣? ?Snorkel Attachement 头套? ?Hoods湿式防寒衣? ?Wetsuit干式防寒衣? ?Drysuit排气阀? ?Deflator Valve手套? ?Scuba Gloves珊瑚鞋? ?Diving Boots蛙鞋? ?Fins配重带? ?Weight Belt快卸扣? ?Quick-Release Buckle铅块? ?Weights铅块止滑扣? ?Weight Retainer潜水刀? ?Diving Knife气瓶? ?Cylinder or Scuba Tank气瓶开关? ?Tank Valves螺旋式气瓶开关? ?DIN Valves臂抱式气瓶开关? ?Yoke Valves气密圈? ?O-Ring调节器? ?Regulator一级头? ?First Stage隔膜平横式? ?Balanced Diaphragm Type 活塞平横式? ?Balanced Piston Type低压出器孔? ?Low Pressure Contact Port 高压出气孔? ?High Pressure Contact Port 低压管? ?Low Pressure Hose高压管? ?High Pressure Hose二级头? ?Second Stage顺流式? ?Downstream Valves Type咬嘴? ?Mouthpiece备用气源? ?Alternate Air Source备用二级头? ?Safe Second Stage章鱼式? ?Octopus Alternate Air Source 充气阀式? ?Air 2 Alternate Air Source潜水仪表? ?Instrument Console残压表? ?Perssure Gauge/ SPG深度表? ?Depth Gauge指北针? ?Compass潜航准线? ?Lubber Line磁针? ?Magnetic Needle定位转盘? ?Bezel潜水计算机? ?Diving Computer浮力调整背心? ?Buoyancy Control Jackets or Device 充排气阀开关? ?BCD Inflator Valve快速接头? ?Hose Rapid Adapter充气钮? ?Inflator Button排气钮? ?Deflator Button水下手电筒? ?Marine Light闪明器? ?Flash Light荧光棒? ?Light Stick水下记录板? ?Dive Note or Slate水中通讯器? ?Underwater Radio求援浮力棒? ?Signal Tube浮力扬升袋? ?Liffing Bag潜水装备袋? ?Gear Bag潜水表? ?Diving Timepieces蜂鸣器? ?Air Horn定位回声系统? ?Sonar水中推进器? ?Subscooter or Subtransporter水下遥控无人载具? ?ROV密闭式循环水肺系统? ?Semi-Closed防水盒? ?Waterproof Case浮球? ?Surface Floats渔枪? ?Spear Gun渔网? ?Fishing Net备用零件? ?Spare Parts漏气? ?Free Flow水压测试? ?Pressure Test潜水证照? ?Certification Card潜水日志? ?Diving Log??空气? ?Air废气? ?Exhaust氧气? ?Oxygen氮气? ?Nitorgen高氧气体? ?Nitrox氦氧氮混合气体? ?Trimix氦氧混合气体? ?Heliox气瓶充气站? ?Refil Station充气压缩机? ?Air Pump气瓶充气? ?Fill Tank充气- 对气瓶? ?Refil Air充气- 对背心? ?Inflate?空气消耗量? ?Air Amount Used人体空腔? ?Body Air Space耳腔? ?Ear Air Space耳膜? ?Eardrum副鼻腔? ?Sinus Air Space气道? ?Airway胸腔? ?Chest肺泡? ?Pulmonary Alveolus潮气肺容积? ?Tidal Volumn最大肺活量? ?Vital Capacity无效能的肺余容积? ?Residual Volumn?减压表? ?Dive Tables休闲潜水计划表? ?RDP免减压? ?No Decompression最大免减压时间? ?No Decompression Limit深度? ?Depth最大滞底时间? ?Maximum Allowable Bottom Time 上升速率? ?Ascent Rate安全停留? ?Safety Stops实际潜水时间? ?Actual Bottom Time余氮量? ?Residual Nitrogen含氧比例? ?Percentage of Oxygen氧分压? ?pO2氮分压? ?pN2氦分压? ?pH2体内余氮等级? ?Pressure Group水面休息时间? ?Surface Interval Time溶氮等量深度时间? ?Residual Nitrogen Level Time溶氮总时间? ?Actual Residual Nitrogen Level Time修正后的最大免减压时间? ?Adjusted No Decompression Limit 重复潜水? ?Repetitive Diving重复潜水间隔时间? ?Repetitive Diving Surface Interval Time 最大深度? ?MaximumDepth余氮排除总时间? ?Residual Nitrogen Time半饱和组织时间? ?Tissue Halftime潜水后可飞行所需时间? ?Flying After Diving Time潜水侧面图? ?Dive Profiles?气压? ?Air Pressure水压? ?Water Pressure绝对压力? ?Absolute Atmosphere压缩? ?Squeeze气体分压? ?Percentage of Air立方英尺? ?Cubic-Feet公斤平方公分? ?Bar英磅平方英寸? ?PSI体积? ?Volume水容积? ?Water Container Volume浮力? ?Buoyance正浮力? ?Positive中性浮力? ?Neutral负浮力? ?Negative沉? ?Sink浮? ?Float悬浮? ?Hovering光线折射? ?Refraction色温? ?Color Temperature?潜伴? ?Diving Buddy潜伴制度? ?Buddy System潜导? ?Team Leader / Guide押队? ?Team Holder / Keeper水下通讯手势? ?Communication Signals潜水计划? ?Dive Planning潜水地点? ?Dive Site下潜简报? ?Dive Procedures / Briefing着装? ?Suiting Up下水前的装备检查? ?Final Check / Safety Check 技能评估性质的下潜? ?Check Dive入水点? ?Entry Point入水? ?Entering The Water上岸? ?Exiting The Water风险? ?Potential Hazards?跨步式入水? ?Giant Stride Entry背滚式入水? ?Backward Roll Entry镰刀式入水? ?Headfirst Long Entry面镜排水? ?Mask Clearing调节器复位? ?Regulator Recovery调节器排水? ?Regulator Clearing压力平衡? ?Equalize耳压平衡? ?Equalization / Ears Clearing呼吸? ?Breathing共气? ?Buddy Breathe呼气? ?Exhale吸气? ?Inhale憋气? ?Breath-Hold上浮? ?Ascents下沉? ?Descents上升? ?Ascending下潜? ?Descending踢动蛙鞋? ?Use Fins平静水域? ?Confined Water开放水域? ?Open Water?海岸? ?Shore海湾? ?Gulf潮汐? ?Tides涨潮? ?Incoming High Tide满潮? ?High Tide退潮? ?Outgoing Low Tide平潮? ?Low Tide波浪? ?Surf碎浪区? ?Surfzone涌浪? ?Waves海流? ?Ocean Currents潮流? ?Tides Currents洋流? ?Relatively Premanent Currents 激流? ?Rushing Water激流区? ?Rip Dispersal Area沿岸流? ?Down Shore Current回流? ?Undertow涌升流? ?Upwelling下降流? ?Downwelling漩涡? ?Eddy Current水下峭壁? ?Drop Off跃温层? ?Thermocline底质? ?Bottom Composition能见度? ?Visibility水底? ?Bottom水中? ?Underwater水面? ?Surface珊瑚礁? ?Reef堡礁? ?Barrier Reef裙礁? ?Fringing Reef环礁? ?Atoll Reef人工鱼礁? ?Artificial Reef沉船? ?Wreck泻湖? ?Lagoon温带? ?Temperate热带? ?Tropical寒带? ?Polar淡水? ?Freshwater海水? ?Saltwater圣婴现象? ?El Nino温室效应? ?Global Warming?体验潜水? ?Explore Diving岸潜? ?Shore Dive船潜? ?Boat Dive深潜? ?Deep Dive夜潜? ?Night Dive冰潜? ?Ice Dive水下导航? ?Underwater Navigation 放流潜水? ?Drift Dive技术导向潜水? ?TEC Dive高海拔潜水? ?Altitude Dive洞穴潜水? ?Cave or Cavern Dive沉船潜水? ?Wreck Dive水中摄影? ?Underwater Photography巡弋漫游? ?Vehicle Cruise搜索寻回? ?Search And Recovery低能见度潜水? ?Limited Visibility Diving多重深度饱和潜水? ?Multi-Level Dive水面闭封潜水环境? ?Overhead Environments 渔网? ?Fishing Net缠绕? ?Entanglement救援? ?Rescue?过度换气? ?Hyperventilation氮醉? ?Nitrogen Narcosis心肺复苏术? ?CPR失温? ?Heat Loss恐慌? ?Panic抽筋? ?Cramp脱水? ?Dehydration氧中毒? ?Oxygen Toxicity浅层水域昏迷? ?Ascent Unconsciousness减压症? ?Decompression Sickness气泡? ?Bubbles呛水? ?Inhaled Water溺水? ?Drowning窒息? ?Choking急救? ?FirstAid抗组织氨? ?Anti-Histamine再压舱? ?Recompression Chamber潜水医学? ?Underwater Medicine?水平线? ?Horizen潜水船? ?Diving Boat上船登艇? ?Boarding船长? ?Captain甲板? ?Deck航行中? ?Underway船首? ?Bow走向船首? ?Forward Bow左舷? ?Portside走向左舷? ?On The Portside 右舷? ?Starboard走向右舷? ?On The Starboard 船尾? ?Stern走向船尾? ?Aft Stern下锚? ?Anchors锚绳? ?Anchor Line下风处? ?Leeward Side晕船? ?Seasickness?水中生物? ?Marine Life一群鱼? ?A School of Fish鲨鱼? ?Shark梭鱼? ?Barracuda刺魟鱼? ?StingRay魔鬼魟鱼? ?Manta狮子鱼? ?Lionfish石头鱼? ?Rockfish粗皮鲷? ?Surgeonfish鲽鱼? ?Butterflyfish无刺河豚? ?Boxfish带刺河豚? ?Triggerfish海豚? ?Dolphin薯鳗? ?Moray Eel鲶鱼/ 沙毛? ?Catfish火鱼? ?Firefish水母? ?Jellyfish海星? ?Starfish海胆? ?Sea Urchin海蛇? ?Sea Snake章鱼? ?Octopus芋贝? ?Cone珊瑚? ?Coral?行程/ 旅游? ?Tour渡假村? ?Resort免费迎宾饮料? ?Welcome Drink面海房? ?Oceanview菲律宾八爪船? ?Banca敞蓬快艇? ?Open Yacht盖舱快艇? ?Cabin Boat独木舟? ?Kayak沙滩排球? ?Beach Volleyball海滩饮料吧? ?Beach Bar大厅? ?Lobby柜台? ?Frontdesk筷子? ?Chopstick[文档可能无法思考全面,请浏览后下载,另外祝您生活愉快,工作顺利,万事如意!]11 / 11。

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浮潜 Skin Diving闭气潜水 Free Diving水面供气潜水 Air Supply Diving-Hose 水肺潜水 Scuba Diving专业潜水教练协会 PADI国际潜水教练协会 NAUI世界水中教育联盟 CMAS国际潜水学校联盟 SSI中华民国潜水协会 CTDA世界水下科技协会 UTDA美国海洋大气总署 NOAA潜水员急救网络 DAN潜水科技协会 DSAT世界潜水器材展 DEMA初级潜水员 Openwater Diver中级潜水员 Advanced Diver专项潜水员 Specialty Diver高级潜水员 Master Scuba Diver潜水长 Divemaster教练 Instructor教练训练员 Instructor Trainer课程总监 Course Director轻装 Snorkeling Equipment重装 Scuba Equipment面镜 Mask呼吸管 Snorkel呼吸管固定扣 Snorkel Attachement头套 Hoods湿式防寒衣 Wetsuit干式防寒衣 Drysuit排气阀 Deflator Valve手套 Scuba Gloves珊瑚鞋 Diving Boots蛙鞋 Fins配重带 Weight Belt快卸扣 Quick-Release Buckle铅块 Weights铅块止滑扣 Weight Retainer潜水刀 Diving Knife气瓶 Cylinder or Scuba Tank气瓶开关 Tank Valves螺旋式气瓶开关 DIN Valves臂抱式气瓶开关 Yoke Valves气密圈 O-Ring调节器 Regulator一级头 First Stage隔膜平横式 Balanced Diaphragm Type活塞平横式 Balanced Piston Type低压出器孔 Low Pressure Contact Port高压出气孔 High Pressure Contact Port低压管 Low Pressure Hose高压管 High Pressure Hose二级头 Second Stage顺流式 Downstream Valves Type咬嘴 Mouthpiece备用气源 Alternate Air Source备用二级头 Safe Second Stage章鱼式 Octopus Alternate Air Source充气阀式 Air 2 Alternate Air Source潜水仪表 Instrument Console残压表 Perssure Gauge/ SPG深度表 Depth Gauge指北针 Compass潜航准线 Lubber Line磁针 Magnetic Needle定位转盘 Bezel潜水计算机 Diving Computer浮力调整背心 Buoyancy Control Jackets or Device 充排气阀开关 BCD Inflator Valve快速接头 Hose Rapid Adapter充气钮 Inflator Button排气钮 Deflator Button水下手电筒 Marine Light闪明器 Flash Light荧光棒 Light Stick水下记录板 Dive Note or Slate水中通讯器 Underwater Radio求援浮力棒 Signal Tube浮力扬升袋 Liffing Bag潜水装备袋 Gear Bag潜水表 Diving Timepieces蜂鸣器 Air Horn定位回声系统 Sonar水中推进器 Subscooter or Subtransporter水下遥控无人载具 ROV密闭式循环水肺系统 Semi-Closed防水盒 Waterproof Case浮球 Surface Floats渔枪 Spear Gun渔网 Fishing Net备用零件 Spare Parts漏气 Free Flow水压测试 Pressure Test潜水证照 Certification Card潜水日志 Diving Log废气 Exhaust氧气 Oxygen氮气 Nitorgen高氧气体 Nitrox氩氧氮混合气体 Trimix氩氧混合气体 Heliox气瓶充气站 Refil Station充气压缩机 Air Pump气瓶充气 Fill Tank充气- 对气瓶 Refil Air充气- 对背心 Inflate空气消耗量 Air Amount Used人体空腔 Body Air Space耳腔 Ear Air Space耳膜 Eardrum副鼻腔 Sinus Air Space气道 Airway胸腔 Chest肺泡 Pulmonary Alveolus潮气肺容积 Tidal Volumn最大肺活量 Vital Capacity无效能的肺余容积 Residual Volumn减压表 Dive Tables休闲潜水计划表 RDP免减压 No Decompression最大免减压时间 No Decompression Limit深度 Depth最大滞底时间 Maximum Allowable Bottom Time上升速率 Ascent Rate安全停留 Safety Stops实际潜水时间 Actual Bottom Time余氮量 Residual Nitrogen含氧比例 Percentage of Oxygen氧分压 pO2氮分压 pN2氩分压 pH2体内余氮等级 Pressure Group水面休息时间 Surface Interval Time溶氮等量深度时间 Residual Nitrogen Level Time溶氮总时间 Actual Residual Nitrogen Level Time修正后的最大免减压时间 Adjusted No Decompression Limit 重复潜水 Repetitive Diving重复潜水间隔时间 Repetitive Diving Surface Interval Time 最大深度 MaximumDepth余氮排除总时间 Residual Nitrogen Time半饱和组织时间 Tissue Halftime潜水后可飞行所需时间 Flying After Diving Time潜水侧面图 Dive Profiles气压 Air Pressure水压 Water Pressure绝对压力 Absolute Atmosphere压缩 Squeeze气体分压 Percentage of Air立方英呎 Cubic-Feet公斤平方公分 Bar英磅平方英吋 PSI体积 Volume水容积 Water Container Volume浮力 Buoyance正浮力 Positive中性浮力 Neutral负浮力 Negative沉 Sink浮 Float悬浮 Hovering光线折射 Refraction色温 Color Temperature潜伴 Diving Buddy潜伴制度 Buddy System潜导 Team Leader / Guide押队 Team Holder / Keeper水下通讯手势 Communication Signals潜水计划 Dive Planning潜水地点 Dive Site下潜简报 Dive Procedures / Briefing着装 Suiting Up下水前的装备检查 Final Check / Safety Check技能评估性质的下潜 Check Dive入水点 Entry Point入水 Entering The Water上岸 Exiting The Water风险 Potential Hazards跨步式入水 Giant Stride Entry背滚式入水 Backward Roll Entry镰刀式入水 Headfirst Long Entry面镜排水 Mask Clearing调节器复位 Regulator Recovery调节器排水 Regulator Clearing压力平衡 Equalize耳压平衡 Equalization / Ears Clearing 呼吸 Breathing共气 Buddy Breathe呼气 Exhale吸气 Inhale憋气 Breath-Hold上浮 Ascents下沉 Descents上升 Ascending下潜 Descending踢动蛙鞋 Use Fins平静水域 Confined Water开放水域 Open Water海岸 Shore海湾 Gulf潮汐 Tides涨潮 Incoming High Tide满潮 High Tide退潮 Outgoing Low Tide平潮 Low Tide波浪 Surf碎浪区 Surfzone涌浪 Waves海流 Ocean Currents潮流 Tides Currents洋流 Relatively Premanent Currents激流 Rushing Water激流区 Rip Dispersal Area沿岸流 Down Shore Current回流 Undertow涌升流 Upwelling下降流 Downwelling漩涡 Eddy Current水下峭壁 Drop Off跃温层 Thermocline底质 Bottom Composition能见度 Visibility水底 Bottom水中 Underwater水面 Surface珊瑚礁 Reef堡礁 Barrier Reef裙礁 Fringing Reef环礁 Atoll Reef人工鱼礁 Artificial Reef沉船 Wreck泻湖 Lagoon温带 Temperate热带 Tropical寒带 Polar淡水 Freshwater海水 Saltwater圣婴现象 El Nino温室效应 Global Warming体验潜水 Explore Diving岸潜 Shore Dive船潜 Boat Dive深潜 Deep Dive夜潜 Night Dive冰潜 Ice Dive水下导航 Underwater Navigation放流潜水 Drift Dive技术导向潜水 TEC Dive高海拔潜水 Altitude Dive洞穴潜水 Cave or Cavern Dive沉船潜水 Wreck Dive水中摄影 Underwater Photography巡弋漫游 Vehicle Cruise搜索寻回 Search And Recovery低能见度潜水 Limited Visibility Diving 多重深度饱和潜水 Multi-Level Dive水面闭封潜水环境 Overhead Environments渔网 Fishing Net缠绕 Entanglement救援 Rescue过度换气 Hyperventilation氮醉 Nitrogen Narcosis心肺复苏术 CPR失温 Heat Loss恐慌 Panic抽筋 Cramp脱水 Dehydration氧中毒 Oxygen Toxicity浅层水域昏迷 Ascent Unconsciousness 减压症 Decompression Sickness气泡 Bubbles呛水 Inhaled Water溺水 Drowning窒息 Choking急救 FirstAid抗组织氨 Anti-Histamine再压舱 Recompression Chamber潜水医学 Underwater Medicine水平线 Horizen潜水船 Diving Boat上船登艇 Boarding船长 Captain甲板 Deck航行中 Underway船首 Bow走向船首 Forward Bow左舷 Portside走向左舷 On The Portside右舷 Starboard走向右舷 On The Starboard船尾 Stern走向船尾 Aft Stern下锚 Anchors锚绳 Anchor Line下风处 Leeward Side晕船 Seasickness水中生物 Marine Life一群鱼 A School of Fish梭鱼 Barracuda刺魟鱼 StingRay魔鬼魟鱼 Manta狮子鱼 Lionfish石头鱼 Rockfish粗皮鲷 Surgeonfish鲽鱼 Butterflyfish无刺河豚 Boxfish带刺河豚 Triggerfish海豚 Dolphin薯鳗 Moray Eel鲶鱼 / 沙毛 Catfish火鱼 Firefish水母 Jellyfish海星 Starfish海胆 Sea Urchin海蛇 Sea Snake章鱼 Octopus芋贝 Cone珊瑚 Coral水中生物 Marine Life渡假村 Resort免费迎宾饮料 Welcome Drink 面海房 Oceanview菲律宾八爪船 Banca敞蓬快艇 Open Yacht盖舱快艇 Cabin Boat独木舟 Kayak沙滩排球 Beach Volleyball 海滩饮料吧 Beach Bar大厅 Lobby柜台 Frontdesk上升,下潜 ascent,descent 气瓶充气 air-filled tank 没空气 air depletion自用出气 free flow船潜 boat diving岸潜 shore diving深潜 deep diving夜潜 night diving沉船潜水 wreck diving洞穴潜水cave diving冰潜 ice diving放流潜水 drift diving海藻潜水 kelp diving滞底时间 bottom time浮力平衡 buoyancy balance中性浮力 central buoyancy限制水域潜水 confined diving开放水域潜水 open water diving 检查 checkout上来 come up海流 current小海湾 cove深度 depth减压时间 decompression time入水点 entry point出水点 exit point乘飞机时间 flying time跨步式入水法 giant stride entry 最大深度 max. depth预先组合装备 pre-loaded gear丢弃配重带 drop the weights belt开或关气瓶阀 open or close tank valve背滚式入水 back roll entry前倾式入水 front roll entry足下入水 feet first entry头前入水 head first entry面镜排水 clearing mask潜水地区 dive site or resort or spot耳平衡 ear equalized海面上时间 surface time潜水前仔细检查 pre-dive double check复位 recovery吸气 inhaling呼气 exhaust海墙潜水 wall diving海底生态系统 under water ecosystem海底环境保护 under water environment protecting 体温过低 hypothermia超呼吸 hyperventilation休闲运动 recreational sport呼吸管排水吹气 the whale blast 鲸鱼喷水法前置式呼吸管排水 the dolphin puff 海豚呼吸法浅水区 swallow潜水英语上升,下潜ascent,descent气瓶充气air-filled tank没空气air depletion自用出气free flow船潜boat diving岸潜shore diving深潜deep diving夜潜night diving沉船潜水wreck diving洞穴潜水cave diving冰潜ice diving放流潜水drift diving海藻潜水kelp diving滞底时间bottom time浮力平衡buoyancy balance中性浮力central buoyancy限制水域潜水confined diving开放水域潜水open water diving检查checkout上来come up海流current小海湾cove 深度depth减压时间decompression time入水点entry point出水点exit point乘飞机时间flying time跨步式入水法giant stride entry最大深度max. depth预先组合装备pre-loaded gear丢弃配重带drop the weights belt开或关气瓶阀open or close tank valve 背滚式入水back roll entry前倾式入水front roll entry足下入水feet first entry头前入水head first entry面镜排水clearing mask潜水地区dive site or resort or spot耳平衡ear equalized海面上时间surface time停止stop潜水前仔细检查pre-dive double check 复位recovery吸气inhaling呼气exhaust海墙潜水wall diving海底生态系统under water ecosystem海底环境保护under water environment protecting体温过低hypothermia超呼吸hyperventilation救援rescue休闲运动recreational sport呼吸管排水吹气the whale blast 鲸鱼喷水法前置式呼吸管排水the dolphin puff 海豚呼吸法浅水区swallow潜水英语词汇中文名称英文名称附注潜水装备DIVE EQUIPMENT OR GEAR面镜MASK近视镜片OPTICAL LENS游泳镜GOGGLE 防雾剂ANTI-FOG SPRAY 附喷头宽面型单一面镜WIDE VIEW MASK蛙鞋FINS面镜带MASK STRAP呼吸管SNORKEL扣环BUCKLEBC用有快卸扣蛙鞋STRAP FIN套式蛙鞋SHOES FIN湿式防寒衣WET SUIT干式防寒衣DRY SUIT水母衣DIVE SKIN潜水背心VEST防滑鞋BOOTS脚底SOLES手套GLOVE止滑NON-SLIP重装备行李箱GEAR BAG调节器REGULATORS备用调节器OCTOPUS或称章鱼式二级头一级头FIRST STAGE二级头SECOND STAGE咬嘴MOUTH PIECES高压管HIGH PRESSURE TUBE低压管LOW PRESSURE TUBE可调节二级头ADJUSTABLE SECOND STAGE浮潜救生衣SNORKELING VEST浮力调整器BUOYANCY COMPENSATOR 简称BC丹DENIER BC 布料质级数分420丹840丹1000丹等D型调整扣环D-ADJUSTABLE BUCKLEBC肩头上充气INFLATE 排气DEFLATE配重带WEIGHTS BELT潜水刀KNIFE救援线转轮RESCUE WIRE REEL洞穴沉船用空压机AIR COMPRESSOR背包BACK PACK潜水手电筒DIVE LIGHT备用气瓶SPARE AIR TANK(PONY BOTTLE)硅胶面镜SILICONE MASK黑胶面镜RUBBER MASK引导绳REFERENCE LINE减压舱RECOMPRESSION CHAMBER腕上型指北针WRIST COMPASS备用小灯BACK-UP LIGHT纯氧OXYGEN潜水日志LOG BOOK空气瓶AIR TANK(CYLINDER)空气枪AIR GUN水中写字板PLATE卤素灯HALOGEN LIGHT防水盒HOUSING相机硬壳行李箱PHOTO CASE数字相机DIGITAL CAMERA微距镜头MICRO LENS广角镜头WIDE LENS自由焦距镜头FREE ZOOM LENS 备用小气瓶转换头SPARE AIR ADAPTER二级头排水按钮PURGE BUTTON背架BACK PACK潜水帽HOOD潜水计算机表DIVE COMPUTER水中推进器UNDERWATER VEHICLE气瓶底座TANK BOOT潜水医学相关术语英语翻译充血CONGESTION抽筋CRAMP晕眩DIZZINESS脱水DEHYDRATION颤抖SHIVERING过度费力OVEREXERTION体温过低HYPOTHERMIA超呼吸HYPERVENTILATION心肺复苏术CPR脱离险境OUT OF STICKY SITUATION 呼吸急促BREATHE QUICK疲劳FATIGUE温度TEMPERATURE麻痹PARALYSIS刺痛TINGLING中毒POISONING窒息SUFFOCATE感染INFECTION惊慌PANIC大腿THIGH肌肉MUSCLE二氧化碳CARBON DIOXIDE一氧化碳CARBON MONOXIDE救生圈FLOAT刺伤STING紧急电话EMERGENCY PHONE绷带BANDAGE过敏症ALLERGY注射INJECTION局部麻醉NOVOCAINE曾对药物食品敏感或过敏ANY ALLERGIES OR SENSITIVITIES 曾有外伤流血不止PROLONGED BLEEDING FROM CUTS糖尿病DIABETES高血压HYPER TENSION心脏病HEART肺部LUNG肿瘤TUMOR血液疾病BLOOD DISEASE胃部STOMACH肾脏KIDNEY肝病LIVER急救箱FIRST AID KIT。
