DIN 6701-2 英文
slotted round head wood screws
slotted countersunk head wood screws
plain washers
square head bolts with collar,half dog point and rounded end
T-slot nuts
single end studs
masonry bolts
T-head bolts
wing nuts amercia form
wing nuts germany form
wing screws amercia form
flat countersunk long square neck bolts
cup head nib bolts
Slotted set srews with full dog point
Slotted set srews with chamfered end
30 31 32
DIN431 DIN432 DIN433
Pip nuts with thread External tap Washers for cheese head screws Square taper washers for
Hexagon fitted bolts,long thread
76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86
DIN610 DIN653 DIN660 DIN661 DIN662 DIN674 DIN703 DIN705 DIN741 DIN787 DIN835
Hexagon fitted bolts short thread Knurled thumb screws thin type Round head rivets Contersunk head rivets Raised contersunk head rivets Mushroom head rivets Adjusting rings,heavy range(shafting collars) Adjusting rings,light range(shafting collars) Wire rope clips T-slot screws Studs-metal(end=2d)
Mushroom head squaห้องสมุดไป่ตู้e neck bolts(carriage bolts) Flat countersunk nib bolts
DIN6701轨道客车粘接体系建设及粘接管理的提升1. 引言1.1 研究背景DIN6701轨道客车粘接体系建设及粘接管理的提升是当前轨道交通行业急需解决的重要问题之一。
1.2 目的目的:本文旨在探讨DIN6701轨道客车粘接体系建设及粘接管理的提升策略,旨在提出有效的优化方案和管理策略,以提高粘接质量和效率,保障轨道客车的安全运行。
1.3 意义粘接技术在铁路运输领域中起着至关重要的作用,能够有效提高轨道客车的运行安全性和舒适性。
紧固件DIN ISO GB标准中英文对照表
紧固件DIN ISO GB标准中英文对照表序号德国标准中文品名英文品名国际标准中国标准Item DIN-Standard Description in Chinese Description in EnglishISO-Standard GB-Standard1 DIN1 圆锥销 taper pins ISO2339 GB1172 DIN7 圆柱销 parallel pins ISO2338 GB119-863 DIN84 开槽圆柱头螺钉 slotted cheese head screws ISO1207 GB65-854 DIN85 开槽盘头螺钉 slotted pan head screws ISO1580 GB67-855 DIN93 单耳止动垫圈 tab washers GB8546 DIN94 开口销 split cotter pins ISO1234 GB917 DIN95 开槽半沉头木螺钉 slotted raised csk head wood screws GB1018 DIN96 开槽半圆头木螺钉 slotted round head wood screws GB999 DIN97 开槽沉头木螺钉 slotted countersunk head wood screws GB10010 DIN125-A 平垫 plain washers ISO7089 GB97.1-8511 DIN125-B 平垫(带倒角) mediun washers ISO7090 GB97.2-8512 DIN126 平垫 plain washers ISO709113 DIN127-A 重型弹垫 spring lock washers,tang ends GB724414 DIN127-B 标准弹垫 spring lock washers,square ends GB93-8715 DIN128-A 鞍形弹垫 single coil spring lock washers GB7245-8716 DIN137-A 弹簧止动垫圈 curved spring washers17 DIN137-B 波形弹垫 wave spring washers GB95518 DIN186 T型方颈螺栓 T-head bolts with square neck GB37-8819 DIN188 T型双接头螺栓 T-head bolts with double nip20 DIN258 螺纹圆锥销 taper pins with threaded end ISO873721 DIN261 T型头螺栓 T-head bolts22 DIN315AF 蝶型螺母(美制) wing nuts amercia form23 DIN315DF 蝶型螺母(德制) wing nuts germany form GB62-8824 DIN316AF 蝶型螺钉(美制) wing screws amercia form25 DIN317DF 蝶型螺钉(德制) wing screws germany form26 DIN319 圆球型盖型螺母 ball knobs27 DIN404 开槽带孔球面圆柱头螺钉 slotted capstan screws GB832-8828 DIN417 开槽长圆柱端紧定螺钉 slotted set srews with full dog point ISO7435 GB75-8529 DIN427 开槽平端紧定螺钉(半牙) slotted set srews with chamfered end ISO2342 GB73-8530 DIN431 小六角特薄细牙螺母 pipe nuts with thread GB808-8831 DIN432 外舌止动垫圈 external tap GB856-8832 DIN433 小垫圈(用于圆柱头螺钉) washers for cheese head screws ISO7092 GB848-9533 DIN434 方斜垫圈(U型) square taper washers for U-section GB852-8834 DIN435 方斜垫圈(I型) square taper washers for I-sections GB852-8835 DIN436 方垫圈 square washers36 DIN438 开槽凹端紧定螺钉 slotted set with cup point ISO7436 GB74-8537 DIN439 六角薄螺母 hexagon thin nuts ISO4035 GB6172-8638 DIN439 细牙六角薄螺母 hexagon thin nuts ISO8675 GB6173-8639 DIN440 木螺钉专用垫圈 rounds washers for wood constructions ISO709440 DIN443 密封帽 sealing caps,push-in type41 DIN444 活节螺栓B 型 eye bolts form B GB798-8842 DIN462 内舌止动垫圈 internal tab washers43 DIN463 双耳止动垫圈 washers with two taps GB855-8844 DIN464 滚花高头螺钉 knurled thumb screws with collar GB834-8845 DIN465 开槽滚花高头螺钉 slotted knurled thumb screws with collar46 DIN466 滚花高螺母 knurled thumb nuts with collar GB806-8847 DIN467 滚花薄螺母 knurled thumb thin nuts GB807-8848 DIN470 锁紧垫圈 sealing washers49 DIN471 轴用弹性挡圈 retaining rings for shafts(external),circlips GB894.1-8650 DIN472 孔用弹性挡圈 retaining rings for bores(internal),circlips GB893.1-8651 DIN478 方头带垫螺栓 square head bolts with collar52 DIN479 方头圆柱底端螺栓 square head bolts with half dog point53 DIN480 方头带垫半圆底端螺栓 square head bolts with collar,half dog point and rounded end54 DIN508 T型槽螺母 T-slot nuts ISO29955 DIN525 单头螺柱 single end studs56 DIN529 地脚螺栓 masonry bolts GB799-8857 DIN546 带槽圆螺母 slotted round nuts GB817-7658 DIN547 端面带孔圆螺母 round nuts with drilled holes in one faceGB815-8859 DIN551 开槽平端紧定螺钉 slotted sit screws with flat point ISO4776 GB73-8560 DIN553 开槽锥端紧定螺钉 slotted set screws with cone point ISO7434 GB71-8561 DIN555 六角螺母 hexagon nuts ISO403462 DIN557 方螺母-C square nuts GB39-8863 DIN558 六角头螺钉 hexagon screws ISO401864 DIN561 六角头圆柱端紧定螺钉 hexagon set screws with full dog point65 DIN562 薄型方螺母-B square nuts without bevel(pressed nuts)66 DIN571 六角头木螺钉 hexagon head wood screws (coach screws) GB102-8667 DIN580 吊环螺钉 lifting eye bolts ISO3266 GB825-7668 DIN582 吊环螺母 lifting eye nuts69 DIN601 六角头螺栓 hexagon bolts ISO401670 DIN603 大半圆头方颈螺栓(马车螺栓) mushroom head square neck bolts (carriage bolts) ISO8677 GB14-8871 DIN604 沉头带插销马车螺栓 flat countersunk nib bolts72 DIN605 沉头长方颈马车螺栓 flat countersunk long square neck bolts73 DIN607 半圆头带插销马车螺栓 cup head nib bolts74 DIN608 沉头短方颈马车螺栓 flat countersunk short square neck bolts75 DIN609 六角头精配螺栓(长螺纹) hexagon fitted bolts,long thread76 DIN610 六角头精配螺栓(短螺纹) hexagon fitted bolts,short thread77 DIN653 滚花平头螺钉 knurled thumb screws thin type GB835-8878 DIN660 半圆头铆钉 round head rivets ISO1051 GB867-8679 DIN661 沉头铆钉 contersunk head rivets ISO1051 GB869-8680 DIN662 半沉头铆钉 raised contersunk head rivets ISO105181 DIN674 大扁头铆钉 mushroom head rivets ISO105182 DIN703 重型侧面带孔圆螺母 adjusting rings,heavy range (shafting collars)83 DIN705 侧面带孔圆螺母 adjusting rings,light range (shafting collars) GB816-8884 DIN741 卡头 wire rope clips85 DIN787 T型槽螺钉 T-slot screws ISO29986 DIN835 双头螺柱(牙长=2D) studs-metal (end=2d) GB900-8887 DIN906 内六角锥型闭锁螺钉 hexagon socket pipe plugs,conical thread88 DIN908 内六角直型闭锁螺钉 hexagon socket screw plugs,cyl. thread89 DIN909 外六角锥型闭锁螺钉 hexagon head pipe plugs,conical thread90 DIN910 外六角直型闭锁螺钉 hexagon head screw plugs,cyl.thread91 DIN911 内六角扳手 socket wrenches ISO293692 DIN912 内六角圆柱头螺钉 hexagon socket cap screws ISO4762 GB70-8593 DIN913 内六角平端紧定螺钉 hexagon socket set screws with flat point ISO4026 GB77-8594 DIN914 内六角尖端紧定螺钉 hexagon socket set screws with cone point ISO4027 GB78-8595 DIN915 内六角圆柱端紧定螺钉 hexagon socket set screws with dog point ISO4028 GB79-8596 DIN916 内六角凹端紧定螺钉 hexagon socket set screws with cup point ISO4029 GB80-8597 DIN917 薄型盲螺母 hexagon cap nuts98 DIN920 开槽小圆柱头螺钉 slotted short cheese head screws99 DIN921 开槽大圆柱头螺钉 slotted large cheese head screws GB838-88 100 DIN923 开槽圆柱头轴肩螺钉 slotted pan head screws with shoulder GB830-88101 DIN927 开槽无头轴肩螺钉 slotted shoulder screws102 DIN928 焊接方螺母 square weld nuts GB/T13680-92103 DIN929 焊接六角螺母 hexagon weld nuts GB/T13681-92104 DIN931 六角头螺栓(半牙) hexagon head screws ISO4014 GB5782-86 105 DIN933 六角头螺栓(全牙) hexagon head screws ISO4017 GB5783-86 106 DIN934 六角头螺母(1型) hexagon full nuts ISO4032 GB6170-86107 DIN934 细牙六角头螺母(1型) hexagon full nuts ISO8673 GB6171-86 108 DIN935 开槽六角螺母 hexagon slotted and castle nuts ISO7035GB6178-86109 DIN936 六角头薄螺母 hexagon thin nuts ISO4035 GB6172.1-86110 DIN937 六角头开槽薄螺母 hexagon thin slotted and castle nuts ISO7038 GB6181-86111 DIN938 双头螺距(牙长=1D) studs metal (end=1d) GB897-88112 DIN939 双头螺距(牙长=1.25D) studs metal (end=1.25d) GB898-88113 DIN940 双头螺距(牙长=1.5D) studs metal (end=1.5d)114 DIN960 六角头细牙螺栓(半牙) hexagon head bolts,metric fine pitch thread ISO8765 GB5785-86115 DIN961 六角头细牙螺栓(全牙) hexagon head bolts,metric fine pitch thread ISO8676 GB5786-86116 DIN962 头部穿孔六角头螺栓 additional shapes and versions for bolts 117 DIN963 开槽沉头螺钉 slotted countersund head screws ISO 2009 GB68-85 118 DIN964 开槽半沉头螺钉 slotted raised countersunk oval head screws ISO 2010 GB69-85119 DIN965 十字槽沉头螺钉 cross recessed countersunk head screws ISO7046 GB819-85120 DIN966 十字槽半沉头螺钉 cross recessed raised countersunk head screws ISO7047 GB820-85121 DIN970 六角头螺母 hexagon nuts type-1122 DIN971 六角头螺母 hexagon nuts type-2123 DIN972 细牙六角头螺母(2型) hexagon nuts with fine thread ISO8674 GB6176-86124 DIN975 牙条(全螺纹) threaded rods(studdings) GB15389-94125 DIN976 螺纹销 threaded pins(stud bolts)126 DIN979 六角头开槽薄螺母(2型) hexagon thin slotted and castle nuts 127 DIN980 全金属六角锁紧螺母(1型) prevailling torque type hexagon nuts,all metall nuts ISO7199 GB6184-86128 DIN981 圆螺母 locknuts ISO2982 GB812-88129 DIN982 六角头尼龙锁紧螺母 prevailling torque type hexagonnuts,heavy type ,with nylon insert ISO7040 GB889.1-86130 DIN985 六角头薄型尼龙锁紧螺母 prevailling torque type hexagon nuts,heavy type ,with nylon insert ISO10511 GB6172.2-86131 DIN986 六角盖型尼龙锁紧螺母 prevailling torque typedomed capnuts with nylon insert132 DIN988 配合垫片 shim rings133 DIN1052 木材连接用垫片 washers for timber connectors134 DIN1151 沉头钢钉 round plain head nails135 DIN1440 销钉专用垫片A型 plain washers for clevis pins(A型) ISO8738 136 DIN1441 销钉专用垫片 plain washers for clevis pins137 DIN1444 带头销钉 clevis pins with head ISO2341138 DIN1471 圆锥型槽销 grooved pins,taper grooved ISO8744 GB/T13829.2 139 DIN1472 圆锥型槽销(半槽) grooved pins,taper grooved half length ISO8745 GB/T13829.2140 DIN1473 平行槽销(带倒角) grooved pins,parallel grooved full lengthISO8740141 DIN1474 前端凹槽槽销 grooved pins,reserve grooved half lengthISO8741142 DIN1475 中部凹槽槽销 grooved pins,centre grooved ISO8742143 DIN1476 圆头槽销 grooved pins with round head ISO8746 GB/T13829.3 144 DIN1477 沉头槽销 grooved pins with countersunk head ISO8747145 DIN1479 六角螺母棒 turnuckles(centre parts),made out of hexagon bar 146 DIN1480 花篮螺栓 turnuckles with eye bolt and hook bolt147 DIN1481 弹性圆柱销 spring pins,heavy type ISO8752 GB879-86148 DIN1587 组合式盖型螺母 hexagon domed cap nuts GB802-88149 DIN1804 开槽圆螺母(配合沟头扳手) slotted round nuts for hook spanner 150 DIN1816 圆螺母(带插销孔) round nuts with set holes151 DIN2093 盘型弹簧垫圈 disc springs152 DIN3017 喉箍 hose clamps153 DIN3404 润滑油嘴(旋扭头) lubricating nipples,button head154 DIN3567 管夹 shackles for conduilts155 DIN3570 U型螺栓 stirrup bolts(U-bolts)156 DIN6319 球面垫圈 spherical washers,conical seats GB849-88157 DIN6325 圆柱销 parallel pins ISO8734158 DIN6330 厚六角螺母 hexagon nuts ,1.5d GB56-88159 DIN6331 厚六角法兰面螺母 hexagon nuts ,1.5d with collar GB6177-86 160 DIN6334 长六角螺母 hexagon nuts ,3d161 DIN6797-A 外齿锁紧垫圈 external teeth lock washers GB862.1-87162 DIN6797-I 内齿锁紧垫圈 internal teeth lock washers GB861.1-87163 DIN6798-A 外锯齿锁紧垫圈 external teeth serrated lock washersGB862.2-87164 DIN6798-I 内锯齿锁紧垫圈 internal teeth serrated lock washersGB861.2-87165 DIN6799 开口挡圈 retaining rings for shafts(E-rings),circlipsGB896-76166 DIN6885 平键(A型) parallel keys(form A ) ISO773/2491167 DIN6888 半圆键 woodruff keys ISO3912168 DIN6899 嵌环(支撑环) thimbles169 DIN6900 机器螺钉和垫圈组合件 screws and washers assembliesGB9074.1-.17170 DIN6901 自攻螺钉和垫圈组合件 tapping screws and washers assemblies GB9074.18-.23171 DIN6912 薄型带孔内六角圆柱头螺钉 hexagon socket head cap screws with hole,low head172 DIN6914 大六角头螺栓 hexagon head bolts with large head(friction grip bolts)173 DIN6915 大六角螺母 hexagon nuts with large wideth acrossflat(friction grip nuts)174 DIN6916 大垫圈 round washers for friction grip bolts175 DIN6917 楔型方垫圈 spuare taper washers for friction grip bolts on T-sections176 DIN6923 六角法兰面螺母 hexagon flange nuts ISO4161 GB6177-86177 DIN6925 全金属六角锁紧螺母(2型) prevailing torque type hexagon nuts,all metallic nuts ISO7042 GB6185.1-2000178 DIN7337 开口型抽芯铆钉(沉头、扁圆头) blind rivets GB12617/12618 179 DIN7338 扁平头半空心/全空心铆钉 rivets for brake and clutch lining GB875/975-86180 DIN7343 螺旋夹紧销 spiral pins ISO8750181 DIN7346 轻型弹性圆柱销 spring pins,light type ISO13337182 DIN7349 重型弹性圆柱销用垫圈 washers for bolts with heavy type spring pinss183 DIN7500 ISO公制螺纹螺钉(多种头型) threadforming screws forISO-metric thread184 DIN7504 自攻自钻螺钉(多种头型) self-drilling tapping screws185 DIN7513 开槽切削螺纹螺钉(多种头型) thread cutting screws186 DIN7516 十字槽切削螺纹螺钉(多种头型) thread cutting screws cross recess187 DIN7965 T型四爪螺母 tee nuts with pronge188 DIN7968 钢结构用六角头螺栓连接副 hexagon head fitted bolts for steel structures GB1228/1229/1230189 DIN7971 开槽盘头自攻螺钉 pan head tapping screws with slot ISO1481 GB5282-85190 DIN7972 开槽沉头自攻螺钉 countersunk flat head tapping screws with slot ISO1482 GB5283-85191 DIN7973 开槽半沉头自攻螺钉 raised countersunk oval head tapping screws with slot ISO1483 GB5284-85192 DIN7976 六角头自攻螺钉 hexagon tapping screws ISO1479 GB5285-85 193 DIN7980 圆柱头螺钉用弹簧垫圈 spring lock washers for screws with cylindrical heads ISO8738194 DIN7981 十字槽盘头自攻螺钉 pan head tapping screws with cross recessed ISO 7049 GB845-85195 DIN7982 十字槽沉头自攻螺钉 countersunk flat head tapping screws with cross recessed ISO7050 GB846-85196 DIN7983 十字槽半沉头自攻螺钉 raised countersunk oval head tapping screws with cross recessed ISO7051 GB847-86197 DIN7984 薄型内六角圆柱头螺钉 hexagon socket head cap screws with,reduced head198 DIN7985 十字槽盘头螺钉 pan head screws with cross recessed ISO7045 GB818-85199 DIN7989 钢结构用垫圈 washers for steel structures GB1230-84200 DIN7990 钢结构用六角头螺栓 hexagon head bolts for steel structures GB1229-84201 DIN7991 内六角沉头螺钉 hexagon socket countersunk head screwsISO10642202 DIN7993 轴用钢丝挡圈 roundwire snap rings for shafts GB895.2-86 203 DIN7995 十字槽半沉头木螺钉 cross recessed raised countersunk head wood screws GB952-86204 DIN7996 十字槽圆头木螺钉 cross recessed round head wood screws GB950-86205 DIN7997 十字槽沉头木螺钉 cross recessed countersunk head wood screws GB951-86206 DIN8140 螺纹护套(普通\自锁等) ciol inserts,coarse,fine thread,silf locking207 DIN9021 大外径垫圈 washers,outside diameter appro.3d ISO7093GB96-85208 DIN11024 弹簧卡子 spring cotter for a bolt209 DIN13257 平板螺栓 belting bolts (elevator bolts)210 DIN18182 干壁钉(墙板钉) dry wall screws211 DIN28129 环型螺母 lifting nuts(eye nuts) GB63-88212 DIN70952 圆螺母用止退垫圈 tab washers for slotted round nuts GB858-渗碳和渗氮常识钢的渗碳---就是将低碳钢在富碳的介质中加热到高温(一般为900--950C),使活性碳原子渗入钢的表面,以获得高碳的渗层组织。
DIN_6700-2-2001德国焊接标准2001年5月一致性评定DIN 6700-2铁道车辆和车辆部件的焊接第2部分部件等级焊接企业的认证ICS 25.160.01; 45.060.01 取代*****-2:1997-06仅供参考铁道车辆和车辆部件的焊接第2部分焊接的铁道车辆材料厂家的资质质量保证内容页码前言.............................................................. . (1)1 应用范围.............................................................. .. (2)2 标准的引用.............................................................. . (2)3 概念.............................................................. . (4)4 部件等级.............................................................. .. (4)5 对焊接企业的要求.............................................................. ...........66 焊接企业的认证...........................................................................117 焊接的零部件的一致性评估 (12)附录A标准对焊接企业的要求 (15)附录B标准焊接企业说明印刷表格DIN 6700-2中的焊接企业说明 (16)附录C标准DIN 6700-2中的证书印刷表格 (21)附录D标准焊接范围..............................................................22附录E标准试焊接的检验范围 (24)附录F标准对试件的要求 (25)附录G供参考引用文献...........................................................27前言该标准由铁道车辆标准委员会FSF的AA3.4焊接和接合技术制定焊接是铁道车辆及其部件生产中的一个基本过程DIN 6700系列标准对焊接这一特殊过程做了必要的规定这些规定在考虑了铁道车辆制造的特殊要求的条件下以焊接技术专业基本标准为基础DIN 6700铁道车辆和车辆部件的焊接由以下几个部分组成第1部分基本概念基本规定第2部分焊接企业的认证质量保证第3部分设计规定目前的草案第4部分操作规范目前的草案第5部分质量等级要求目前的草案DIN德国标准化研究所协会拥有版权任何形式的复印必须征得柏林的德国标准化研究所协会DIN的同意该标准由柏林Beuth出版社公司独家出售DIN 6700-2:2001-05所做的修订较之DIN 6700-2:1997-06做了如下修订a) 部件的等级划分取决于部件的安全重要性b) 在一个表格中对焊接企业的要求进行汇总列出应用范围和部件原来的版本DIN 6700-2: 1997-061 应用范围该标准适用于铁道车辆和车辆部件的生产和维护时金属材料的焊接它适用于部件等级的划分对焊接企业的要求进行了定义规定了焊接企业的认证方法规定了一致性评定方法2 标准的引用该标准包括其它指明日期或者不指明日期的出版物的规定正文中凡是引用出标准的地方都列出了相关的出版物当引用的标准指明了日期时在该日期之后所做的修改或者再修改只有当它经修订增加到该标准中方才成为该标准的一部分当引用的标准未指明日期时则为相关出版物的最新版本包括各种修改DIN 1910-2焊接第2部分金属的焊接方法DIN 1910-5焊接第5部分金属的焊接电阻焊方法DIN 5512-3铁道车辆材料钢第3部分不锈钢扁钢产品DIN 5513铁道车辆材料铝和铝合金DIN 6700-1铁道车辆和车辆部件的焊接第1部分基本概念基本规定DIN 6700-3铁道车辆和车辆部件的焊接第3部分设计规定DIN 6700-4铁道车辆和车辆部件的焊接第4部分生产规定DIN 6700-5铁道车辆和车辆部件的焊接第5部分质量等级要求DIN 6700-6铁道车辆和车辆部件的焊接第6部分材料焊接添加剂焊接方法焊接技术设计资料E DIN *****-1电阻焊接合试验第1部分试样和对点焊滚焊和有压印凸起的凸焊进行机械化的剥壳试验DIN *****-2电阻焊接合试验第2部分电阻焊连接处的扭曲试验DIN *****非铁金属的试验焊接连接处和熔焊的对接焊缝处的拉力试验DIN *****金属材料试验电阻点焊连接处电阻凸焊连接处和熔化点焊连接处的翦拉试验DIN *****金属材料试验拉力试验DIN *****-2非破坏性试验X射线照片的图象质量第2部分确定图象质量数和图象质量等级的指南DIN EN 287-1焊工的审查熔焊第1部分钢DIN EN 287-2焊工的审查熔焊第2部分铝和铝合金DIN EN 288-2金属材料的焊接方法的要求和认可第2部分电弧焊焊接规程DIN 6700-*****-05DIN EN 288-3金属材料焊接方法的要求和认可第3部分钢材电弧焊的焊接法试验DIN EN 288-4金属材料焊接方法的要求和认可第4部分铝和铝合金电弧焊的焊接方法试验DIN EN 288-6金属材料焊接方法的要求和认可第6部分认可采用现有的经验DIN EN 288-8金属材料焊接方法的要求和认可第8部分在生产之前通过焊接样品进行认可EIN EN 473非破坏试验的人员的资格和认证一般基础DIN EN 719焊接监督任务和责任DIN EN 729-2焊接技术的质量要求金属材料的熔焊第2部分所有的质量要求DIN EN 729-3焊接技术的质量要求金属材料的熔焊第3部分标准的质量要求DIN EN 729-4焊接技术的质量要求金属材料的熔焊第4部分基本的质量要求DIN EN 875金属材料焊接接合的破坏性试验缺口冲击韧性试验试验位置缺口方向和评价DIN EN 895金属材料焊接接合的破坏性试验横向拉断试验DIN EN 910金属材料焊接接合的破坏性试验弯曲试验DIN EN 970焊缝的非破坏性检测目检DIN EN 1043-1金属材料的非破坏性检验硬度检验第1部分用于电弧焊接接合的硬度检验DIN EN 1043-2金属材料的非破坏性检验硬度检验第2部分焊接接合处的微型硬度检验DIN EN 1418焊接人员金属材料全机械化和自动焊接的操作人员的审核DIN EN *****非合金结构钢的热轧产品技术供货条件DIN EN *****-2具有焊接适应性的细粒度结构钢的热轧产品第2部分正火/标准的轧制钢的供货条件DIN EN *****-2在时效处理或者时效硬化状态提高了屈服点质地为结构钢的带钢和宽扁钢第2部分经时效处理的钢的供货条件DIN EN *****焊接接合的非破坏性试验一般规定DIN EN *****经营实验室的一般规定DIN EN *****资格认证机构的一般规定DIN EN ISO 4063焊接和关系密切的过程过程列表和顺序编号ISO 40631999德文版EN ISO***-*****DN EN ISO 6507-1金属材料硬化检验的维氏试验第1部分试验方法DIN EN ISO 9001质量保证体系用来说明设计开发生产安装和用户服务中保证质量的模式DIN EN ISO 9002质量保证体系用来说明产品和安装中的质量保证的模式DIN EN ISO 9606-3焊工的审核熔焊第3部分铜和铜合金ISO 9606-*****德文版EN ISO 9606-3:1999DIN ISO *****焊接电阻点焊电阻凸焊电阻滚焊的试车试验和刀具试验等同于ISO ***-*****1EN EN ISO *****金属材料的电弧螺柱焊ISO *****: 1998德文版EN ISO。
DIN6701轨道客车粘接体系建设及粘接管理的提升1. 引言1.1 研究背景轨道客车粘接体系的建设和管理一直是铁路行业关注的重点问题。
【研究背景完】1.2 研究意义DIN6701轨道客车粘接体系建设及粘接管理的提升对于铁路行业具有重要的意义。
2. 正文2.1 DIN6701轨道客车粘接体系建设DIN6701轨道客车粘接体系建设是确保铁路运输安全和运行效率的重要一环。
DIN 6700-2-2000英文
07.06.2000 GERMAN STANDARDSeite 2E DIN 6700-21 ScopeThis standard applies to the welding of metallic materials during the manufacture and repair of railway vehicles and vehicle parts. It-applies for the division of the parts into classes,-defines the requirements of welding plants,-describes the procedure for the recognition of welding plants,-describes the procedure of conformity assessment.2 Normative referencesDIN EN 287-1Approval testing of welders - Fusion welding -Part 1: SteelDIN EN 287-2Approval testing of welders - Fusion welding -Part 2: Aluminium and aluminium alloysDIN EN 288-2Specification and approval of welding procedures for metallic materials – Part 2: Welding procedurespecification for arc welding.DIN EN 288-3Specification and approval of welding procedures for metallic materials – Part 3: Welding procedure tests for arc welding of steel.DIN EN 288-4Specification and approval of welding procedures for metallic materials – Part 4: Welding procedure tests for arc welding of aluminium and its alloys.DIN EN 288-6Specification and approval of welding procedures for metallic materials – Part 6: Approval related toprevious experience.DIN EN 288-8Specification and approval of welding procedures for metallic materials – Part 8: Approval by a pre-production welding test.DIN EN 473Qualification and certification of NDT personnel –General principles.DIN EN 719Welding coordination – Tasks and responsibility.DIN EN 729-2Quality requirements for welding, Fusion welding ofmetallic materialsPart 2: Comprehenisve quality requirementsDIN EN 729-3Quality requirements for welding, Fusion welding ofmetallic materialsPart 2: Standard quality requirementsDIN EN 729-4Quality requirements for welding, Fusion welding ofmetallic materialsPart 2: Elementary quality requirementsDIN EN 875Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials –Impact tests, test specimen location, notchorientation and examination. DIN EN 895Destructive test on welds in metallic materials –Transverse tensile testsDIN EN 910Destructive test on welds in metallic materials – Bend testsDIN EN 970Non-destructive examination of fusion welds – Visual examinationDIN EN 1043-1Destructive test on welds in metallic materials –Hardness testing – Part 1: Hardness test of arc onarc welded joints.DIN EN 1043-2Destructive test on welds in metallic materials –Hardness testing – Part 2: Micro hardness testing on welded joints.DIN EN 1418Welding personnel: Approval testing of weldingoperators for fusion welding and resistance weldsetters for fully mechanized and automatic welding of metallic materialsDIN 1910-2Welding: Welding of metals, processesDIN 1910-5Welding: welding of metals, resistance welding,classification of processesDIN 5512-3Materials for rail vehicles – Steel – Part 3: Stainless steel flat products,DIN 5513Materials for rail vehicles – aluminium and aluminium alloys.DIN 6700-1Welding of rail vehicles and vehicle parts – Part 1:Basic terms, basic rules.DIN 6700-3Welding of rail vehicles and vehicle parts: - Part 3:Design rulesDIN 6700-4Welding of rail vehicles and vehicle parts: - Part 4:Rules for productionDIN 6700-5Welding of rail vehicles and vehicle parts: Part 5:Quality requirementsDIN 6700-6Welding of rail vehicles and vehicle parts: - Part 6:Materials, welding fillers, welding processes, andwelding-technological planning documentsDIN EN ISO 6507-1Testing of metallic materials – Vickers hardness test – Part 1: Test methodsDIN EN ISO 9001Quality systems - Model for quality assurance indesign, development, production, installation andservicingDIN EN ISO 9002Quality systems - Model for quality assurance inproduction, installation and servicingSeite 3 E DIN 6700-2DIN EN ISO 9606-3Test of welders, fusion welding. Part 3: Copper andcopper alloys.DIN EN 10025Hot-rolled products of non alloy structural steels –Technical delivery conditionsDIN EN 10113-2Hot-rolled products of weldable fine grain structuralsteels - Part 2: delivery conditions fornormalized/normalized rolled steelsDIN EN 10137-2Plates and wide flats made of high yield strengthstructural steels in the quenched and tempered orprecipitation hardened conditions – Part 2: deliveryconditions for quenched and tempered steelsDIN EN ISO 10447Welding – Peel and chisel testing of resistance spot, projection and seam weldsDIN EN 12062Non-destructive examination of welds – General rules DIN EN 14455Arc welding of metallic materials.DIN EN 24063Welding, brazing, soldering and braze welding ofmetals – List of processes names and referencenumbers for use in technical documentationE DIN 32518-1Testing of resistance welded joints – Part 1:specimen and procedure for mechanized peel testing on resistance, spot, seam and embossed projectionweldsE DIN 32518-2Testing of resistance welded joints - Part 2:Torsion test on resistance spot welded jointsDIN 50123Tests of non-ferrous metals – Tensile test on welded joints, fusion-welded butt welds.DIN 50124Testing of metallic materials – tensile sear test onresistance spot welded, projection welded and fusion spot welded jointsDIN 50125Test pieces for the tensile testing of metallicmaterialsDIN 54109-2Non-destructive test – Image quality of irradiationpictures. – Part 2: Instruction for determining ofimage quality numbers and image quality classes. DIN EN 45001General criteria for the operation of testinglaboratoriesDIN EN 45013General criteria for certification bodies operatingcertification of personnel. 3. Basic termsThe terms given in DIN 6700-1 apply to this standard.Seite 4E DIN 6700-24 Classes of partsIn Table 1 railway vehicles, their components and partsare assigned to the classes of parts in accordance withtheir safety relevance.Table 1: Classes of parts and parts classificationSeite 5 E DIN 6700-2Seite 6E DIN 6700-25 Requirements for welding plants5.1 Quality requirements for the welding plantThe welding plant must fulfil the quality requirementsspecified in Table 2.Table 2: Quality requirements of the welding plant5.2 Personnel equipment5.2.1 Welding supervisors5.2.1.1 Tasks, responsibility and qualification of welding supervisorsAccording to qualification, the welding supervisors are responsible for the tasks and responsibility area specified in DIN EN 719. To be recognised as a welding supervisor, the qualification specified in Table 3 is necessary.Only persons with appropriate qualifications and with relevant experience corresponding to DIN EN 719 can be recognised as responsible welding supervisors.Table 3: Qualification of welding supervisors5.2.1.2 Staffing of welding plant with welding supervisorsAccording to the respective class of parts, the welding plant must be staffed as specified in Appendix A. The welding supervisors must be employed by the plant. Organisational requirementsResponsible welding supervisors can only be recognised if they are involved in the organisation of the welding plant in such a way that they can accept their tasks and responsibility without reservation according to DIN 719 and this standard. For this purpose they must have the authority to issue directives and make decisions when there are technical manufacturing problems.Only recognised representatives with the same or higher qualifications are entitled to deputise without restriction for the responsible welding supervisor.Owners of firms, managers of the plant, works managers, production managers cannot be acknowledged as responsible welding supervisors for the class of parts C 1.A recognition as representative of the responsible supervisor is possible. As far as class of parts C 2 is concerned, a recognition as responsible welding supervisor is only possible if it is a plant with a small amount of welding production. External welding supervisionPersonnel who do not belong to the welding plant can be recognised in special circumstances as responsible welding supervisors for classes of parts C 2, C 3 and C 5 if the following conditions have been met:-that a representative belonging to the plant is in attendance and that he is recognised corresponding to Appendix A. (not for class of parts C 5)-The welding supervisor must be bound by contract to the welding plant. The agreement of the original client must be available.-The working hours are regulated by contract. The proof will be monitored in a works diary.-The welding supervisor can only be recognized as external welding supervisor for one welding plant. In the certificate specified in Appendix C, the supervisor must be entered as ”External“ by the recognised authority. For smaller repair works of a railway vehicle manufacturer which carries out occasional repair welding as part of the repairs on railway vehicles also on parts of classes of parts C 1 or C 2, the Grade 1 welding supervisor of a repair works can additionally look after two further small repair works of the same rail vehicle manufacturer as responsible welding supervision.Such repair works can be recognized for the class of parts C 2 with the authority to carry out welding work on class C1 parts.Responsible welding supervisors who do not belong to the welding plant, but to another plant of the same manufacturer (e.g. holding company, head office, administration) are considered both for new building and for repair welding plants as external supervisors.5.2.2Welders, operators, settersThe welding plant must be equipped according to welding procedure and materials with the corresponding tested welders to DIN EN 287ff, DIN EN ISO 9606ff and with operators and setters to DIN EN 1418.The number of welders, operators and setters with valid test depends on the amount of production. For each welding procedure and material, at least two welders are required. For each welding equipment, at least two operators and setters are required.Additionally the following rules apply: Fillet weld test pieceFor fillet seam welds, a fillet test piece (FW) to DIN EN 287ff or DIN EN ISO 9606ff is required. Groups of materialsFor the material groups, in addition to DIN EN 287-1 or DIN EN 287-2 the validity area specified in Table 4 applies.Table 4: Validity area of group of materials5.2.2.3 Testing procedureSupplementary to DIN EN 287ff or DIN EN ISO 9606ff,the testing procedures given in Table 5 are required.Table 5: Testing procedureSeite 9 E DIN 6700- Test bodyBesides the bodies mentioned in DIN EN 287ff or DIN EN ISO 9606ff for the testing of welders, operators and setters, the Grade 1 welding supervisor recognised in this standard can carry out the test. This rule is also valid for operators and setters specified in DIN EN 1418.5.2.3 Test personnelThe welding plant must have sufficient qualified test personnel for∙quality tests within the welding production. The test personnel must be instructed by the welding supervisor, who has been recognized as the responsible welding supervisor for the plant.∙If required for manufacture: Non-destructive tests shall be carried out corresponding to the requirements of DIN EN 473. The test personnel must have a procedure related qualification (VT, PT, MT, ET, UT, RT) of at least Grade 1 corresponding to DIN EN 473. For test supervisor the qualification Grade 2 to DIN EN 473 is a requirement.These tests can also be carried out by an external inspection office, the test personnel have to fulfil the above mentioned requirements and the inspection office has to fulfil paragraph 5.3.1, Point 9.5.3 Technical equipment5.3.1 General requirementsThe welding plant must have suitable technical equipment which depending on the extent of the welding work must meet the following requirements:1. Roofed, dry and sufficiently lit workshops andworking places2. Dry store rooms for welding filler and operationsupplies3. Welding machinery, apparatus or equipmentcorresponding with the welding task4. Equipment, machinery and tools suitable for thematerials to be welded, for the preparation of the welding seam as well as seam treatment. For the preparation of different material groups (for instance aluminium, stainless steel), separate tools, machines respect. equipment has to be used for each material group, and prior to processing, these have to be cleaned.5. Sufficient energy supply6. Supply equipment and plant for controlledatmospheric and welding gases7. Plants for pre-drying of rod electrodes and weldingpowder8. Welding equipment corresponding to the parts to bewelded9. Test equipment and testing means for destructiveand non-destructive tests of the welding seams. If no suitable equipment is available, contract regulations have to be agreed with an external inspection office (accredited test laboratory to DIN EN 45 001).5.3.2 Additional requirementsFor welding work on classes of parts C 1 and C 2, the following additional technical equipment is required:1. Lifting gear for transporting and turning of parts2. Work platforms3. Turning devices to facilitate welding in normalposition 4. Clamping devices to weld part groups (for instance,floor, sides, end walls and roof panels, underframes, bogies, containers, tanks,)5. Devices for straightening6. Plant for pre-heating and after-heat treatment in casethe material or the part to be welded requires it7. Tools, apparatus and plant for the post-treatment ofweld seams (for instance grinding machines, radiation plant, pickling plant for stainless steel)8. Spatial fencing off, when working with aluminium, tokeep away dust, gases and fumes which might reduce the corrosion resistance of aluminium or the quality of the weld seam.5.4 Welding procedure specificationFor welding work within the framework of classes of parts C 1 to C 3, a welding procedure specification (WPS) to DIN EN 288-2 is required.For class of parts C 4 a WPS is only required if specified in the order.5.4.1 Proof of the WPSDepending on the welding procedure and materials, the proof is carried out by the following tests:∙for manual and partly mechanised welding procedures for the material groups 1.1, 1.2, 8, 9, 21-26 to DIN 6700-6: to DIN EN 288-3 or DIN EN 288-4or in agreement with the recognized body to DIN EN 288-6 or DIN EN 288-8.For the repair of railway vehicles work tests according to DIN EN 288-8 have to be furnished immediately before production starts.∙for fully mechanised welding procedures and materials 1.3-7 and 31-36 to DIN 6700-6: corresponding DIN EN 288-3 or DIN EN 288-4.The supplementary instructions of paragraph 5.4.2 must be observed.The recognition of the WPS by way of an WPAR can be carried out by∙ a recognized body,∙the Grade 1 supervisor employed by the plant permanently jointly with the requirements in paragraph 5.3.1, point 9 or∙tests within the framework of the recognition procedure corresponding to paragraph Additional requirements concerning the area of validity of WPSWith regard to the area of validity the following additional requirements have to be taken into account.a) Inclusion of materials∙For steel to DIN EN 288-3:Group 2 includes Group 1; Group 3 includesgroups 1 and 2. Group 8 includes Group 9,provided that the filler to be used belongs toGroup 9. Group 9 includes Group 8.∙For aluminium and aluminium alloys to DIN EN 288-4:Group 22 (22.1 and 22.2) includes Group 21.Group 23 (23.1 and 23.2) includes Groups 21 and22.b) Validity area for sheet metal and fillet weld thickness:Seite 10E DIN 6700-2∙for test pieces t ≤ 3 mm:Manufacturing range: 1,0 mm to 2 t∙For test pieces –fillet weld thickness a < 10 mm: Manufacturing range: 0,5 a to 2 ac) Seam sorts:For fillet welds t ≥3 mm, a fillet weld test piece is required.d) Welding fillers and welding operating suppliesWelding fillers and operation supplies with conformity proof according to DIN 6700-6 can be exchanged with one another within the welding procedure if the relevant document includes the particular material group. The conditions of DIN EN 288-3 or DIN EN 288-4 must be noted.5.5 Assessment of seam testsThe seam tests have to be carried out under the responsibility of the welding supervisor recognized for the welding plant.5.6 OrganisationThe responsibilities and competences as well as the mutual relationship of all personnel employed in the welding plant who carry out managerial, production or inspection tasks which influence the quality of the welding work must documented in the organizational scheme of the plant. In particular these are:∙The tasks of the welding supervisor (If there are several equal graded supervisors, their work and responsibility areas will be stated)∙The rules for who deputises for the welding supervisor (also valid for recognised external SAP)∙The activities which require the attendance of the responsible welding supervisor∙The measures which are required if the supervisor is absent (who deputises for the supervisor; what welding work is permitted; cessation of welding work) 6 Recognition of welding plantsThe welding plant has to produce a plant description for the recognition procedure in this standard as specified in Appendix B.The plant description must be checked by the recognised authority (see DIN 6700-1, paragraph 3.21) to see that the description meets the requirements of this standard.6.1 Plant testThe recognized body shall check the adherence of the requirements of paragraph 5.1 to 5.6 within the framework of the plant test.As part of the initial recognition procedure, test welds corresponding to Appendix D are required. These are also necessary if the welding plant would like to extend its recognition to new welding procedures or new material groups. It is not necessary to carry out the test welding if the welding plant can prove the relevant WPS to 5.4. 6.2 Proof of the welding procedure specificationThe welding plant demonstrates the required WPS according 5.4 within the framework of the recognition procedure.If the tests are carried out within the framework of the recognition procedure, then they must be carried out in accordance with DIN EN 288-3 or DIN EN 288-4 in accordance with Appendix D and E and with a report to prove the recognition of the welding procedure (WPAR). The evaluation must be undertaken according to the requirements of Appendix F.For already recognised welding procedures and material groups the demonstration of the WPS for an extension to other dimensions can be done by a documented work specimen as specified in DIN EN 288-8. This procedure has to be agreed with the recognised authority.For the maintenance of railway vehicles the welding instructions shall be established from previous experience as specified in DIN EN 288-6 or work specimens as specified in DIN EN 288-8. The proof should not be provided by work specimens done as part of the recognition process, but in accordance with paragraph 5.4.1 directly before the start of production.6.3 Technical discussionWithin the framework of the recognition procedure, a technical discussion shall take place with the recognised welding supervisor to demonstrate his knowledge and that the requirements of this standard and of DIN EN 719 are fulfilled.6.4 Certification for weldingThe recognized body shall issue a certificate (see appendix C) to the welding plant after it has successful concluded the test of compliance with the requirements of this standard.6.5 Validity of certificate, inspection, extension, alterationThe validity of the certificate is limited to a maximum of 3 years.If alterations occur which concern the terms of the certificate, the acknowledged authority has to be informed immediately. The authority will decide about the continued validity of the certificate.During the validity period, the authority will monitor that the requirements of this standard are kept in accordance with the instructions in the certificate for welding.After the validity has expired, it is possible to apply for an extension after an inspection by the acknowledged authority.The validity can be extended after a plant inspection corresponding to 6.1 without further tests if:1. the welding supervisor carries out the functionsunchanged vis-à-vis the previous recognition and2. the technical, personnel and organisational pre-conditions correspond to the requirements of this norm and3. valid certificates of the welders and weldingpersonnel are available as specified in DIN EN 287 ff and DIN EN 1418 andSeite 11 E DIN 6700-24. if in the area of validity of the certificate nofundamental complaints have occurred.5. work specimens are carried out and documentedaccording to DIN 6700-4.If one of the above-mentioned prerequisites is not met, a new recognition procedure is required.If there are alterations in the validity area of the certificate, the acknowledged authority must carry out a new test to 6.1.In justifiable cases, the acknowledged authority can make the validity area of the certificate dependent on the fulfilment of further conditions (for instance employment of additional welding supervisors, testing and employment of additional welders or welding personnel, additional tests within the framework of quality assurance, regular works tests, production under surveillance of the acknowledged authority).6.6 Withdrawal of the certificateThe acknowledged authority will withdraw a certificate if: 1. justifiable doubt exists about the proper carrying outof welding work according to this standard2. justifiable doubt exists about the proper weldingsupervision (except class of parts C 4) corresponding with this standard3. a recognised welding supervisor (except class ofparts C 4) is no longer available4. no valid proof certificates of the welders or weldingpersonnel to this standard are available5. untested welders or welding personnel have beenentrusted with welding work within the framework of this standard6. other prerequisites according to this norm are nolonger being met7. the validity term has expired8. the welding plant renounces the certification 7 Conformity evaluation of the welded parts7.1 GeneralThe conformity of the welded parts for rail vehicles and vehicle parts with the mandatory requirements of these standards and the approved design should for each order-be declared by the manufacturer-be certificated by the agreed authority-7.2 Conformity evaluationThe conformity evaluation shall be carried out as specified in Table 6 according to classification of the welded parts and the ordered conformity evaluation procedure.Table 7 contains the assignment of the conformity evaluation procedure depending on the class of part.Seite 12E DIN 6700-2Table 6: Conformity assessmentTable 7: Conformity evaluation procedure7.3 Conformity assessment by manufacturer7.3.1 RequirementsThe testing for proof of conformity of the welded parts by the manufacturer, the scope of the test and the requirements must correspond to the weld seam quality class specified in DIN 6700- The carrying out of the testThe tests for the proof of conformity for welding in the field of application of this norm must be carried out according to each class of parts in accordance with the quality requirements of DIN EN 729 series as follows: ∙for classes of parts C 1 - C 3 and C 5-order with conformity test by an agreed body: to DIN EN 729-3-order with QMS to DIN EN ISO 9000: to DIN EN 729-2∙for class of parts C 4: to DIN EN 729-47.3.3 Conformity declarationThe manufacturer shall hand over a conformity declaration as proof of conformity.Seite 13E DIN 6700-27.4 Conformity assessment by the agreed body7.4.1 RequirementsThe tests for proof of conformity must correspond to therequirements which are stated in the welding planningdocuments for welding seam quality class to DIN 6700-5.For the test, all welding seams must be easily accessible,non-accessible welding seams must be tested prior toassembly.7.4.2 Extent of test, conformity certificate7.4.2.1 Parts of classes C 1 to C 3 and C 5 whenordered conformity testThe agreed office shall carry out the tests for provingconformity and shall issue a conformity certificate (seemodule F or G of official document EG 93/465/EWG of22.07.1993). Parts of class C 4The agreed office shall carry out random checks. Aconformity certificate shall not be issued (see module Cto official document EG 93/465/EWG of 22.07.1993). Parts of classes C 1 to C 3 and C 5 whenordered with QMSInstead of carrying out tests to prove the conformity theagreed body shall monitor the QMS. A conformitycertificate shall not be issued (see module D or H ofofficial document EG 93/465/EWG of 22.07.1993).Page 14E DIN 6700-2 Appendix A (normative)Requirements of welding plantPage 15E DIN 6700-2 Appendix B (normative)Description of plant for welding, formDescription of plant for welding to DIN 6700-2Manufacturer, PlantAddress (Street, country, place)Works (if required)Works address (if required)The above-named plant provides proof of its suitability for welding to DIN 6700 Part 2 with thefollowing documents.B.1 Personnel provision:B.1.1 Welding supervisors:Responsible welding supervisors (name, qualification, department) 1):Deputy (name, qualification, type of deputy, department) 1):B.1.2 Test personnel for ZfP:Seite 16E DIN 6700-2B.1.3 Welders, operators, setters2)Seite 17E DIN 6700-2 B.2 Technical equipmentB.2.1 Welding machines, instruments, plants to carry out welding workSeite 18E DIN 6700-2B.2.2 Instruments to test welding seamB.2.3 Other equipment, machines and plants which are necessary for the production ofwelds (for instance heat treatment)Seite 19E DIN 6700-2 B .3 Quality requirements:The quality requirements of DIN EN 729-2 / DIN EN 729-3 / DIN EN 729-4 3) shall be met.B.4 Proposed area of validityB.4.1 Validity area:The proof is planned for the class of parts: to DIN 6700-2 and the area ofapplication (description see table 1)B.4.2 Welding procedures, materials, measurements, welding instructions:Remarks:Seite 20E DIN 6700-2Appendix C (normative)Certificate according DIN 6700-2, formC e r t i f i c a t efor welding of rail vehicles and partsto DIN 6700-2The firmis certificatedfor the operation ofthat it is suitable to carry out welding work for the following validity areasClass of parts C 1 / C 2 / C 3 / C 4 / C 5 1) to DIN 6700-2.Area(s) of application (according to table 1):Validity area 2):Responsible welding supervisor:Deputy with equal authority:further deputies:certificate number:valid until:issued on:...................................Signature。
德国标准和国际标准、中国标准中英文对照表序号德国标准中文品名英文品名国际标准中国标准Description inItem D IN-StandardDescription in English ISO-Standard GB-Standard Chinese1 DIN1 圆锥销taper pins ISO2339 GB1172 DIN7 圆柱销parallel pins ISO2338 GB119-863 DIN84 开槽圆柱头螺钉slotted cheese head screws ISO1207 GB65-854 DIN85 开槽盘头螺钉slotted pan head screws ISO1580 GB67-855 DIN93 单耳止动垫圈tab washers GB8546 DIN94 开口销split cotter pins ISO1234 GB91slotted raised csk head wood7 DIN95 开槽半沉头木螺钉GB101screws8 DIN96 开槽半圆头木螺钉slotted round head wood screws GB99slotted countersunk head wood9 DIN97 开槽沉头木螺钉GB100screws10 DIN125-A 平垫plain washers ISO7089 GB97.1-8511 DIN125-B 平垫(带倒角) mediun washers ISO7090 GB97.2-8512 DIN126 平垫plain washers ISO709113 DIN127-A 重型弹垫spring lock washers,tang ends GB724414 DIN127-B 标准弹垫spring lock washers,square ends GB93-8715 DIN128-A 鞍形弹垫single coil spring lock washers GB7245-8716 DIN137-A 弹簧止动垫圈curved spring washers17 DIN137-B 波形弹垫wave spring washers GB95518 DIN186 T型方颈螺栓T-head bolts with square neck GB 37-8819 DIN188 T型双接头螺栓T-head bolts with double nip20 DIN258 螺纹圆锥销taper pins with threaded end ISO873721 DIN261 T型头螺栓T-head bolts22 DIN315AF 蝶型螺母(美制) wing nuts amercia form23 DIN315DF 蝶型螺母(德制) wing nuts germany form GB62-8824 DIN316AF 蝶型螺钉(美制) wing screws amercia form25 DIN317DF 蝶型螺钉(德制) wing screws germany form26 DIN319 圆球型盖型螺母ball knobs27 DIN404开槽带孔球面圆柱头螺钉slotted capstan screws GB832-8828 DIN417开槽长圆柱端紧定螺钉slotted set srews with full dogpointISO7435 GB75-8529 DIN427开槽平端紧定螺钉(半牙) slotted set srews with chamferedendISO2342 GB73-8530 DIN431小六角特薄细牙螺母pipe nuts with thread GB808-8831 DIN432 外舌止动垫圈external tap GB856-8832 DIN433小垫圈(用于圆柱头螺钉)washers for cheese head screws ISO7092 GB848-95 33 DIN434 方斜垫圈(U型)square taper washers forU-sectionGB852-88 34 DIN435 方斜垫圈(I型)square taper washers forI-sectionsGB852-8835 DIN436 方垫圈square washers36 DIN438 开槽凹端紧定螺钉slotted set with cup point ISO7436 GB74-8537 DIN439 六角薄螺母hexagon thin nuts ISO4035 GB6172-8638 DIN439 细牙六角薄螺母hexagon thin nuts ISO8675 GB6173-8639 DIN440 木螺钉专用垫圈rounds washers for woodconstructionsISO709440 DIN443 密封帽sealing caps,push-in type41 DIN444 活节螺栓B 型eye bolts form B GB798-8842 DIN462 内舌止动垫圈internal tab washers43 DIN463 双耳止动垫圈washers with two taps GB855-8844 DIN464 滚花高头螺钉knurled thumb screws withcollarGB834-88 45 DIN465 开槽滚花高头螺钉slotted knurled thumb screwswith collar46 DIN466 滚花高螺母knurled thumb nuts with collar GB806-8847 DIN467 滚花薄螺母knurled thumb thin nuts GB807-8848 DIN470 锁紧垫圈sealing washers49 DIN471 轴用弹性挡圈retaining rings forshafts(external),circlipsGB894.1-86 50 DIN472 孔用弹性挡圈retaining rings forbores(internal),circlipsGB893.1-8651 DIN478 方头带垫螺栓square head bolts with collar52 DIN479 方头圆柱底端螺栓square head bolts with half dogpoint53 DIN480方头带垫半圆底端螺栓square head bolts with collar,half dog point and rounded end54 DIN508 T型槽螺母T-slot nuts ISO29955 DIN525 单头螺柱single end studs56 DIN529 地脚螺栓masonry bolts GB799-8857 DIN546 带槽圆螺母slotted round nuts GB817-7658 DIN547 端面带孔圆螺母round nuts with drilled holes inone faceGB815-8859 DIN551 开槽平端紧定螺钉slotted sit screws with flat point I SO4776 GB73-8560 DIN553 开槽锥端紧定螺钉slotted set screws with conepointISO7434 GB71-85 61 DIN555 六角螺母hexagon nuts ISO403462 DIN557 方螺母-C square nuts GB39-8863 DIN558 六角头螺钉hexagon screws ISO401864 DIN561六角头圆柱端紧定螺钉hexagon set screws with full dog point65 DIN562 薄型方螺母-Bsquare nuts withoutbevel(pressed nuts)66 DIN571 六角头木螺钉hexagon head wood screws(coach screws)GB102-8667 DIN580 吊环螺钉lifting eye bolts ISO3266 GB825-7668 DIN582 吊环螺母lifting eye nuts69 DIN601 六角头螺栓hexagon bolts ISO401670 DIN603大半圆头方颈螺栓(马车螺栓) mushroom head square neckbolts (carriage bolts)ISO8677 GB14-8871 DIN604沉头带插销马车螺栓flat countersunk nib bolts72 DIN605沉头长方颈马车螺栓flat countersunk long square neck bolts73 DIN607半圆头带插销马车螺栓cup head nib bolts74 DIN608沉头短方颈马车螺栓flat countersunk short square neck bolts75 DIN609六角头精配螺栓(长螺纹)hexagon fitted bolts,long thread76 DIN610六角头精配螺栓(短螺纹)hexagon fitted bolts,short thread77 DIN653 滚花平头螺钉knurled thumb screws thin type GB835-8878 DIN660 半圆头铆钉round head rivets ISO1051 GB867-8679 DIN661 沉头铆钉contersunk head rivets ISO1051 GB869-8680 DIN662 半沉头铆钉raised contersunk head rivets ISO105181 DIN674 大扁头铆钉mushroom head rivets ISO105182 DIN703重型侧面带孔圆螺母adjusting rings,heavy range (shafting collars)83 DIN705 侧面带孔圆螺母adjusting rings,light range(shafting collars)GB816-8884 DIN741 卡头wire rope clips85 DIN787 T型槽螺钉T-slot screws ISO29986 DIN835双头螺柱(牙长=2D)studs-metal (end=2d) GB900-8887 DIN906内六角锥型闭锁螺钉hexagon socket pipe plugs,conical thread88 DIN908内六角直型闭锁螺钉hexagon socket screw plugs,cyl. thread89 DIN909外六角锥型闭锁螺钉hexagon head pipe plugs,conical thread90 DIN910外六角直型闭锁螺钉hexagon head screw plugs,cyl.thread91 DIN911 内六角扳手socket wrenches ISO293692 DIN912 内六角圆柱头螺钉hexagon socket cap screws ISO4762 GB70-8593 DIN913内六角平端紧定螺钉hexagon socket set screws withflat pointISO4026 GB77-8594 DIN914内六角尖端紧定螺钉hexagon socket set screws withcone pointISO4027 GB78-8595 DIN915内六角圆柱端紧定螺钉hexagon socket set screws withdog pointISO4028 GB79-8596 DIN916内六角凹端紧定螺钉hexagon socket set screws withcup pointISO4029 GB80-8597 DIN917 薄型盲螺母hexagon cap nuts98 DIN920 开槽小圆柱头螺钉slotted short cheese head screws99 DIN921 开槽大圆柱头螺钉slotted large cheese head screws GB838-88100 DIN923开槽圆柱头轴肩螺钉slotted pan head screws withshoulderGB830-88101 DIN927 开槽无头轴肩螺钉slotted shoulder screws102 DIN928 焊接方螺母square weld nuts GB/T13680-92 103 DIN929 焊接六角螺母hexagon weld nuts GB/T13681-92 104 DIN931 六角头螺栓(半牙)hexagon head screws ISO4014 GB5782-86 105 DIN933 六角头螺栓(全牙)hexagon head screws ISO4017 GB5783-86 106 DIN934 六角头螺母(1型) hexagon full nuts ISO4032 GB6170-86 107 DIN934细牙六角头螺母(1型)hexagon full nuts ISO8673 GB6171-86 108 DIN935 开槽六角螺母hexagon slotted and castle nuts ISO7035 GB6178-86 109 DIN936 六角头薄螺母hexagon thin nuts ISO4035 GB6172.1-86 110 DIN937 六角头开槽薄螺母hexagon thin slotted and castlenutsISO7038 GB6181-86 111 DIN938双头螺距(牙长=1D)studs metal (end=1d) GB897-88 112 DIN939双头螺距(牙长=1.25D)studs metal (end=1.25d) GB898-88 113 DIN940双头螺距(牙长=1.5D)studs metal (end=1.5d)114 DIN960六角头细牙螺栓(半牙)hexagon head bolts,metric finepitch threadISO8765 GB5785-86115 DIN961六角头细牙螺栓(全牙)hexagon head bolts,metric finepitch threadISO8676 GB5786-86116 DIN962 头部穿孔六角头螺additional shapes and versions栓for bolts117 DIN963 开槽沉头螺钉slotted countersund head screws ISO 2009 GB68-85 118 DIN964 开槽半沉头螺钉slotted raised countersunk ovalhead screwsISO 2010 GB69-85 119 DIN965 十字槽沉头螺钉cross recessed countersunk headscrewsISO7046 GB819-85 120 DIN966 十字槽半沉头螺钉cross recessed raisedcountersunk head screwsISO7047 GB820-85 121 DIN970 六角头螺母hexagon nuts type-1122 DIN971 六角头螺母hexagon nuts type-2123 DIN972细牙六角头螺母(2型)hexagon nuts with fine thread ISO8674 GB6176-86 124 DIN975 牙条(全螺纹) threaded rods(studdings) GB15389-94 125 DIN976 螺纹销threaded pins(stud bolts)126 DIN979六角头开槽薄螺母(2型)hexagon thin slotted and castle nuts127 DIN980全金属六角锁紧螺母(1型)prevailling torque type hexagonnuts,all metall nutsISO7199 GB6184-86128 DIN981 圆螺母locknuts ISO2982 GB812-88129 DIN982六角头尼龙锁紧螺母prevailling torque type hexagonnuts,heavy type ,with nyloninsertISO7040 GB889.1-86130 DIN985六角头薄型尼龙锁紧螺母prevailling torque type hexagonnuts,heavy type ,with nyloninsertISO10511 GB6172.2-86131 DIN986六角盖型尼龙锁紧螺母prevailling torque typedomed capnuts with nylon insert132 DIN988 配合垫片shim rings133 DIN1052 木材连接用垫片washers for timber connectors134 DIN1151 沉头钢钉round plain head nails135 DIN1440 销钉专用垫片A型plain washers for clevis pins(A型)ISO8738136 DIN1441 销钉专用垫片plain washers for clevis pins137 DIN1444 带头销钉clevis pins with head ISO2341138 DIN1471 圆锥型槽销grooved pins,taper grooved ISO8744 GB/T13829.2 139 DIN1472 圆锥型槽销(半槽)grooved pins,taper grooved halflengthISO8745 GB/T13829.2 140 DIN1473 平行槽销(带倒角)grooved pins,parallel groovedfull lengthISO8740141 DIN1474 前端凹槽槽销grooved pins,reserve groovedhalf lengthISO8741142 DIN1475 中部凹槽槽销grooved pins,centre grooved ISO8742143 DIN1476 圆头槽销grooved pins with round head ISO8746 GB/T13829.3 144 DIN1477 沉头槽销grooved pins with countersunkheadISO8747145 DIN1479 六角螺母棒turnuckles(centre parts),madeout of hexagon bar146 DIN1480 花篮螺栓turnuckles with eye bolt andhook bolt147 DIN1481 弹性圆柱销spring pins,heavy type ISO8752 GB879-86 148 DIN1587 组合式盖型螺母hexagon domed cap nuts GB802-88149 DIN1804开槽圆螺母(配合沟头扳手)slotted round nuts for hook spanner150 DIN1816 圆螺母(带插销孔)round nuts with set holes 151 DIN2093 盘型弹簧垫圈disc springs152 DIN3017 喉箍hose clamps153 DIN3404 润滑油嘴(旋扭头)lubricating nipples,button head154 DIN3567 管夹shackles for conduilts155 DIN3570 U型螺栓stirrup bolts(U-bolts)156 DIN6319 球面垫圈spherical washers,conical seats GB849-88 157 DIN6325 圆柱销parallel pins ISO8734158 DIN6330 厚六角螺母hexagon nuts ,1.5d GB56-88 159 DIN6331 厚六角法兰面螺母hexagon nuts ,1.5d with collar GB6177-86 160 DIN6334 长六角螺母hexagon nuts ,3d161 DIN6797-A 外齿锁紧垫圈external teeth lock washers GB862.1-87 162 DIN6797-I 内齿锁紧垫圈internal teeth lock washers GB861.1-87 163 DIN6798-A 外锯齿锁紧垫圈external teeth serrated lockwashersGB862.2-87 164 DIN6798-I 内锯齿锁紧垫圈internal teeth serrated lockwashersGB861.2-87 165 DIN6799 开口挡圈retaining rings forshafts(E-rings),circlipsGB896-76 166 DIN6885 平键(A型)parallel keys(form A ) ISO773/2491167 DIN6888 半圆键woodruff keys ISO3912168 DIN6899 嵌环(支撑环)thimbles169 DIN6900机器螺钉和垫圈组合件screws and washers assemblies GB9074.1-.17170 DIN6901自攻螺钉和垫圈组合件tapping screws and washersassembliesGB9074.18-.23171 DIN6912薄型带孔内六角圆柱头螺钉hexagon socket head cap screws with hole,low head172 DIN6914 大六角头螺栓hexagon head bolts with largehead(friction grip bolts)173 DIN6915 大六角螺母hexagon nuts with large widethacross flat(friction grip nuts)174 DIN6916 大垫圈round washers for friction gripbolts175 DIN6917 楔型方垫圈spuare taper washers for frictiongrip bolts on T-sections176 DIN6923 六角法兰面螺母hexagon flange nuts ISO4161 GB6177-86177 DIN6925全金属六角锁紧螺母(2型)prevailing torque type hexagonnuts,all metallic nutsISO7042 GB6185.1-2000178 DIN7337开口型抽芯铆钉(沉头、扁圆头)blind rivets GB12617/12618 179 DIN7338扁平头半空心/全空心铆钉rivets for brake and clutch lining GB875/975-86 180 DIN7343 螺旋夹紧销spiral pins ISO8750181 DIN7346 轻型弹性圆柱销spring pins,light type ISO13337182 DIN7349重型弹性圆柱销用垫圈washers for bolts with heavy type spring pinss183 DIN7500ISO公制螺纹螺钉(多种头型) threadforming screws for ISO-metric thread184 DIN7504自攻自钻螺钉(多种头型)self-drilling tapping screws 185 DIN7513开槽切削螺纹螺钉(多种头型)thread cutting screws186 DIN7516十字槽切削螺纹螺钉(多种头型) thread cutting screws cross recess187 DIN7965 T型四爪螺母tee nuts with pronge188 DIN7968钢结构用六角头螺栓连接副hexagon head fitted bolts forsteel structuresGB1228/1229/1230189 DIN7971 开槽盘头自攻螺钉pan head tapping screws with ISO1481 GB5282-85190 DIN7972 开槽沉头自攻螺钉countersunk flat head tappingscrews with slotISO1482 GB5283-85191 DIN7973开槽半沉头自攻螺钉raised countersunk oval headtapping screws with slotISO1483 GB5284-85192 DIN7976 六角头自攻螺钉hexagon tapping screws ISO1479 GB5285-85193 DIN7980圆柱头螺钉用弹簧垫圈spring lock washers for screwswith cylindrical headsISO8738194 DIN7981十字槽盘头自攻螺钉pan head tapping screws withcross recessedISO 7049 GB845-85195 DIN7982十字槽沉头自攻螺钉countersunk flat head tappingscrews with cross recessedISO7050 GB846-85196 DIN7983十字槽半沉头自攻螺钉raised countersunk oval headtapping screws with crossrecessedISO7051 GB847-86197 DIN7984薄型内六角圆柱头螺钉hexagon socket head cap screws with,reduced head198 DIN7985 十字槽盘头螺钉pan head screws with crossrecessedISO7045 GB818-85 199 DIN7989 钢结构用垫圈washers for steel structures GB1230-84200 DIN7990钢结构用六角头螺栓hexagon head bolts for steelstructuresGB1229-84201 DIN7991 内六角沉头螺钉hexagon socket countersunkhead screwsISO10642202 DIN7993 轴用钢丝挡圈roundwire snap rings for shafts GB895.2-86203 DIN7995十字槽半沉头木螺钉cross recessed raisedcountersunk head wood screwsGB952-86204 DIN7996 十字槽圆头木螺钉cross recessed round head wood GB950-86205 DIN7997 十字槽沉头木螺钉cross recessed countersunk headwood screwsGB951-86206 DIN8140螺纹护套(普通\自锁等)ciol inserts,coarse,fine thread,silf locking207 DIN9021 大外径垫圈washers,outside diameterappro.3dISO7093 GB96-85 208 DIN11024 弹簧卡子spring cotter for a bolt209 DIN13257 平板螺栓belting bolts (elevator bolts)210 DIN18182 干壁钉(墙板钉)dry wall screws211 DIN28129 环型螺母lifting nuts(eye nuts) GB63-88 212 DIN70952 圆螺母用止退垫圈tab washers for slotted roundnutsGB858-88。
6 粘结部件的合格评审.........................................................16 6.1 概述.....................................................................16 6.2 合格评审.................................................................16 6.3 由操作企业进行的合格评审.................................................17 6.3.1 要求...................................................................17 6.3.2 检验的执行............................................................. 17 附件 A (标准的) 对操作企业的要求.............................................18 附件 B (标准的) 粘结企业说明,参照DIN 6701-2标准的粘结企业说明样稿 .........19 B.1 人员装备..................................................................19 B.2 技术装备 .................................................................22 附件 C (标准的) 参照DIN 6701-2标准的粘结证书样稿 ...........................24 附件 D (仅供参考) 参照DIN 6701-2标准的粘结工作说明样稿 ......................27
德国标准和国际标准、中国标准中英文对照表序号德国标准中文品名英文品名国际标准中国标准Description inItem D IN-StandardDescription in English ISO-Standard GB-Standard Chinese1 DIN1 圆锥销taper pins ISO2339 GB1172 DIN7 圆柱销parallel pins ISO2338 GB119-863 DIN84 开槽圆柱头螺钉slotted cheese head screws ISO1207 GB65-854 DIN85 开槽盘头螺钉slotted pan head screws ISO1580 GB67-855 DIN93 单耳止动垫圈tab washers GB8546 DIN94 开口销split cotter pins ISO1234 GB91slotted raised csk head wood7 DIN95 开槽半沉头木螺钉GB101screws8 DIN96 开槽半圆头木螺钉slotted round head wood screws GB99slotted countersunk head wood9 DIN97 开槽沉头木螺钉GB100screws10 DIN125-A 平垫plain washers ISO7089 GB97.1-8511 DIN125-B 平垫(带倒角) mediun washers ISO7090 GB97.2-8512 DIN126 平垫plain washers ISO709113 DIN127-A 重型弹垫spring lock washers,tang ends GB724414 DIN127-B 标准弹垫spring lock washers,square ends GB93-8715 DIN128-A 鞍形弹垫single coil spring lock washers GB7245-8716 DIN137-A 弹簧止动垫圈curved spring washers17 DIN137-B 波形弹垫wave spring washers GB95518 DIN186 T型方颈螺栓T-head bolts with square neck GB 37-8819 DIN188 T型双接头螺栓T-head bolts with double nip20 DIN258 螺纹圆锥销taper pins with threaded end ISO873721 DIN261 T型头螺栓T-head bolts22 DIN315AF 蝶型螺母(美制) wing nuts amercia form23 DIN315DF 蝶型螺母(德制) wing nuts germany form GB62-8824 DIN316AF 蝶型螺钉(美制) wing screws amercia form25 DIN317DF 蝶型螺钉(德制) wing screws germany form26 DIN319 圆球型盖型螺母ball knobs27 DIN404开槽带孔球面圆柱头螺钉slotted capstan screws GB832-8828 DIN417开槽长圆柱端紧定螺钉slotted set srews with full dogpointISO7435 GB75-8529 DIN427开槽平端紧定螺钉(半牙) slotted set srews with chamferedendISO2342 GB73-8530 DIN431小六角特薄细牙螺母pipe nuts with thread GB808-8831 DIN432 外舌止动垫圈external tap GB856-8832 DIN433小垫圈(用于圆柱头螺钉)washers for cheese head screws ISO7092 GB848-95 33 DIN434 方斜垫圈(U型)square taper washers forU-sectionGB852-88 34 DIN435 方斜垫圈(I型)square taper washers forI-sectionsGB852-8835 DIN436 方垫圈square washers36 DIN438 开槽凹端紧定螺钉slotted set with cup point ISO7436 GB74-8537 DIN439 六角薄螺母hexagon thin nuts ISO4035 GB6172-8638 DIN439 细牙六角薄螺母hexagon thin nuts ISO8675 GB6173-8639 DIN440 木螺钉专用垫圈rounds washers for woodconstructionsISO709440 DIN443 密封帽sealing caps,push-in type41 DIN444 活节螺栓B 型eye bolts form B GB798-8842 DIN462 内舌止动垫圈internal tab washers43 DIN463 双耳止动垫圈washers with two taps GB855-8844 DIN464 滚花高头螺钉knurled thumb screws withcollarGB834-88 45 DIN465 开槽滚花高头螺钉slotted knurled thumb screwswith collar46 DIN466 滚花高螺母knurled thumb nuts with collar GB806-8847 DIN467 滚花薄螺母knurled thumb thin nuts GB807-8848 DIN470 锁紧垫圈sealing washers49 DIN471 轴用弹性挡圈retaining rings forshafts(external),circlipsGB894.1-86 50 DIN472 孔用弹性挡圈retaining rings forbores(internal),circlipsGB893.1-8651 DIN478 方头带垫螺栓square head bolts with collar52 DIN479 方头圆柱底端螺栓square head bolts with half dogpoint53 DIN480方头带垫半圆底端螺栓square head bolts with collar,half dog point and rounded end54 DIN508 T型槽螺母T-slot nuts ISO29955 DIN525 单头螺柱single end studs56 DIN529 地脚螺栓masonry bolts GB799-8857 DIN546 带槽圆螺母slotted round nuts GB817-7658 DIN547 端面带孔圆螺母round nuts with drilled holes inone faceGB815-8859 DIN551 开槽平端紧定螺钉slotted sit screws with flat point I SO4776 GB73-8560 DIN553 开槽锥端紧定螺钉slotted set screws with conepointISO7434 GB71-85 61 DIN555 六角螺母hexagon nuts ISO403462 DIN557 方螺母-C square nuts GB39-8863 DIN558 六角头螺钉hexagon screws ISO401864 DIN561六角头圆柱端紧定螺钉hexagon set screws with full dog point65 DIN562 薄型方螺母-Bsquare nuts withoutbevel(pressed nuts)66 DIN571 六角头木螺钉hexagon head wood screws(coach screws)GB102-8667 DIN580 吊环螺钉lifting eye bolts ISO3266 GB825-7668 DIN582 吊环螺母lifting eye nuts69 DIN601 六角头螺栓hexagon bolts ISO401670 DIN603大半圆头方颈螺栓(马车螺栓) mushroom head square neckbolts (carriage bolts)ISO8677 GB14-8871 DIN604沉头带插销马车螺栓flat countersunk nib bolts72 DIN605沉头长方颈马车螺栓flat countersunk long square neck bolts73 DIN607半圆头带插销马车螺栓cup head nib bolts74 DIN608沉头短方颈马车螺栓flat countersunk short square neck bolts75 DIN609六角头精配螺栓(长螺纹)hexagon fitted bolts,long thread76 DIN610六角头精配螺栓(短螺纹)hexagon fitted bolts,short thread77 DIN653 滚花平头螺钉knurled thumb screws thin type GB835-8878 DIN660 半圆头铆钉round head rivets ISO1051 GB867-8679 DIN661 沉头铆钉contersunk head rivets ISO1051 GB869-8680 DIN662 半沉头铆钉raised contersunk head rivets ISO105181 DIN674 大扁头铆钉mushroom head rivets ISO105182 DIN703重型侧面带孔圆螺母adjusting rings,heavy range (shafting collars)83 DIN705 侧面带孔圆螺母adjusting rings,light range(shafting collars)GB816-8884 DIN741 卡头wire rope clips85 DIN787 T型槽螺钉T-slot screws ISO29986 DIN835双头螺柱(牙长=2D)studs-metal (end=2d) GB900-8887 DIN906内六角锥型闭锁螺钉hexagon socket pipe plugs,conical thread88 DIN908内六角直型闭锁螺钉hexagon socket screw plugs,cyl. thread89 DIN909外六角锥型闭锁螺钉hexagon head pipe plugs,conical thread90 DIN910外六角直型闭锁螺钉hexagon head screw plugs,cyl.thread91 DIN911 内六角扳手socket wrenches ISO293692 DIN912 内六角圆柱头螺钉hexagon socket cap screws ISO4762 GB70-8593 DIN913内六角平端紧定螺钉hexagon socket set screws withflat pointISO4026 GB77-8594 DIN914内六角尖端紧定螺钉hexagon socket set screws withcone pointISO4027 GB78-8595 DIN915内六角圆柱端紧定螺钉hexagon socket set screws withdog pointISO4028 GB79-8596 DIN916内六角凹端紧定螺钉hexagon socket set screws withcup pointISO4029 GB80-8597 DIN917 薄型盲螺母hexagon cap nuts98 DIN920 开槽小圆柱头螺钉slotted short cheese head screws99 DIN921 开槽大圆柱头螺钉slotted large cheese head screws GB838-88100 DIN923开槽圆柱头轴肩螺钉slotted pan head screws withshoulderGB830-88101 DIN927 开槽无头轴肩螺钉slotted shoulder screws102 DIN928 焊接方螺母square weld nuts GB/T13680-92 103 DIN929 焊接六角螺母hexagon weld nuts GB/T13681-92 104 DIN931 六角头螺栓(半牙)hexagon head screws ISO4014 GB5782-86 105 DIN933 六角头螺栓(全牙)hexagon head screws ISO4017 GB5783-86 106 DIN934 六角头螺母(1型) hexagon full nuts ISO4032 GB6170-86 107 DIN934细牙六角头螺母(1型)hexagon full nuts ISO8673 GB6171-86 108 DIN935 开槽六角螺母hexagon slotted and castle nuts ISO7035 GB6178-86 109 DIN936 六角头薄螺母hexagon thin nuts ISO4035 GB6172.1-86 110 DIN937 六角头开槽薄螺母hexagon thin slotted and castlenutsISO7038 GB6181-86 111 DIN938双头螺距(牙长=1D)studs metal (end=1d) GB897-88 112 DIN939双头螺距(牙长=1.25D)studs metal (end=1.25d) GB898-88 113 DIN940双头螺距(牙长=1.5D)studs metal (end=1.5d)114 DIN960六角头细牙螺栓(半牙)hexagon head bolts,metric finepitch threadISO8765 GB5785-86115 DIN961六角头细牙螺栓(全牙)hexagon head bolts,metric finepitch threadISO8676 GB5786-86116 DIN962 头部穿孔六角头螺additional shapes and versions栓for bolts117 DIN963 开槽沉头螺钉slotted countersund head screws ISO 2009 GB68-85 118 DIN964 开槽半沉头螺钉slotted raised countersunk ovalhead screwsISO 2010 GB69-85 119 DIN965 十字槽沉头螺钉cross recessed countersunk headscrewsISO7046 GB819-85 120 DIN966 十字槽半沉头螺钉cross recessed raisedcountersunk head screwsISO7047 GB820-85 121 DIN970 六角头螺母hexagon nuts type-1122 DIN971 六角头螺母hexagon nuts type-2123 DIN972细牙六角头螺母(2型)hexagon nuts with fine thread ISO8674 GB6176-86 124 DIN975 牙条(全螺纹) threaded rods(studdings) GB15389-94 125 DIN976 螺纹销threaded pins(stud bolts)126 DIN979六角头开槽薄螺母(2型)hexagon thin slotted and castle nuts127 DIN980全金属六角锁紧螺母(1型)prevailling torque type hexagonnuts,all metall nutsISO7199 GB6184-86128 DIN981 圆螺母locknuts ISO2982 GB812-88129 DIN982六角头尼龙锁紧螺母prevailling torque type hexagonnuts,heavy type ,with nyloninsertISO7040 GB889.1-86130 DIN985六角头薄型尼龙锁紧螺母prevailling torque type hexagonnuts,heavy type ,with nyloninsertISO10511 GB6172.2-86131 DIN986六角盖型尼龙锁紧螺母prevailling torque typedomed capnuts with nylon insert132 DIN988 配合垫片shim rings133 DIN1052 木材连接用垫片washers for timber connectors134 DIN1151 沉头钢钉round plain head nails135 DIN1440 销钉专用垫片A型plain washers for clevis pins(A型)ISO8738136 DIN1441 销钉专用垫片plain washers for clevis pins137 DIN1444 带头销钉clevis pins with head ISO2341138 DIN1471 圆锥型槽销grooved pins,taper grooved ISO8744 GB/T13829.2 139 DIN1472 圆锥型槽销(半槽)grooved pins,taper grooved halflengthISO8745 GB/T13829.2 140 DIN1473 平行槽销(带倒角)grooved pins,parallel groovedfull lengthISO8740141 DIN1474 前端凹槽槽销grooved pins,reserve groovedhalf lengthISO8741142 DIN1475 中部凹槽槽销grooved pins,centre grooved ISO8742143 DIN1476 圆头槽销grooved pins with round head ISO8746 GB/T13829.3 144 DIN1477 沉头槽销grooved pins with countersunkheadISO8747145 DIN1479 六角螺母棒turnuckles(centre parts),madeout of hexagon bar146 DIN1480 花篮螺栓turnuckles with eye bolt andhook bolt147 DIN1481 弹性圆柱销spring pins,heavy type ISO8752 GB879-86 148 DIN1587 组合式盖型螺母hexagon domed cap nuts GB802-88149 DIN1804开槽圆螺母(配合沟头扳手)slotted round nuts for hook spanner150 DIN1816 圆螺母(带插销孔)round nuts with set holes 151 DIN2093 盘型弹簧垫圈disc springs152 DIN3017 喉箍hose clamps153 DIN3404 润滑油嘴(旋扭头)lubricating nipples,button head154 DIN3567 管夹shackles for conduilts155 DIN3570 U型螺栓stirrup bolts(U-bolts)156 DIN6319 球面垫圈spherical washers,conical seats GB849-88 157 DIN6325 圆柱销parallel pins ISO8734158 DIN6330 厚六角螺母hexagon nuts ,1.5d GB56-88 159 DIN6331 厚六角法兰面螺母hexagon nuts ,1.5d with collar GB6177-86 160 DIN6334 长六角螺母hexagon nuts ,3d161 DIN6797-A 外齿锁紧垫圈external teeth lock washers GB862.1-87 162 DIN6797-I 内齿锁紧垫圈internal teeth lock washers GB861.1-87 163 DIN6798-A 外锯齿锁紧垫圈external teeth serrated lockwashersGB862.2-87 164 DIN6798-I 内锯齿锁紧垫圈internal teeth serrated lockwashersGB861.2-87 165 DIN6799 开口挡圈retaining rings forshafts(E-rings),circlipsGB896-76 166 DIN6885 平键(A型)parallel keys(form A ) ISO773/2491167 DIN6888 半圆键woodruff keys ISO3912168 DIN6899 嵌环(支撑环)thimbles169 DIN6900机器螺钉和垫圈组合件screws and washers assemblies GB9074.1-.17170 DIN6901自攻螺钉和垫圈组合件tapping screws and washersassembliesGB9074.18-.23171 DIN6912薄型带孔内六角圆柱头螺钉hexagon socket head cap screws with hole,low head172 DIN6914 大六角头螺栓hexagon head bolts with largehead(friction grip bolts)173 DIN6915 大六角螺母hexagon nuts with large widethacross flat(friction grip nuts)174 DIN6916 大垫圈round washers for friction gripbolts175 DIN6917 楔型方垫圈spuare taper washers for frictiongrip bolts on T-sections176 DIN6923 六角法兰面螺母hexagon flange nuts ISO4161 GB6177-86177 DIN6925全金属六角锁紧螺母(2型)prevailing torque type hexagonnuts,all metallic nutsISO7042 GB6185.1-2000178 DIN7337开口型抽芯铆钉(沉头、扁圆头)blind rivets GB12617/12618 179 DIN7338扁平头半空心/全空心铆钉rivets for brake and clutch lining GB875/975-86 180 DIN7343 螺旋夹紧销spiral pins ISO8750181 DIN7346 轻型弹性圆柱销spring pins,light type ISO13337182 DIN7349重型弹性圆柱销用垫圈washers for bolts with heavy type spring pinss183 DIN7500ISO公制螺纹螺钉(多种头型) threadforming screws for ISO-metric thread184 DIN7504自攻自钻螺钉(多种头型)self-drilling tapping screws 185 DIN7513开槽切削螺纹螺钉(多种头型)thread cutting screws186 DIN7516十字槽切削螺纹螺钉(多种头型) thread cutting screws cross recess187 DIN7965 T型四爪螺母tee nuts with pronge188 DIN7968钢结构用六角头螺栓连接副hexagon head fitted bolts forsteel structuresGB1228/1229/1230189 DIN7971 开槽盘头自攻螺钉pan head tapping screws with ISO1481 GB5282-85190 DIN7972 开槽沉头自攻螺钉countersunk flat head tappingscrews with slotISO1482 GB5283-85191 DIN7973开槽半沉头自攻螺钉raised countersunk oval headtapping screws with slotISO1483 GB5284-85192 DIN7976 六角头自攻螺钉hexagon tapping screws ISO1479 GB5285-85193 DIN7980圆柱头螺钉用弹簧垫圈spring lock washers for screwswith cylindrical headsISO8738194 DIN7981十字槽盘头自攻螺钉pan head tapping screws withcross recessedISO 7049 GB845-85195 DIN7982十字槽沉头自攻螺钉countersunk flat head tappingscrews with cross recessedISO7050 GB846-85196 DIN7983十字槽半沉头自攻螺钉raised countersunk oval headtapping screws with crossrecessedISO7051 GB847-86197 DIN7984薄型内六角圆柱头螺钉hexagon socket head cap screws with,reduced head198 DIN7985 十字槽盘头螺钉pan head screws with crossrecessedISO7045 GB818-85 199 DIN7989 钢结构用垫圈washers for steel structures GB1230-84200 DIN7990钢结构用六角头螺栓hexagon head bolts for steelstructuresGB1229-84201 DIN7991 内六角沉头螺钉hexagon socket countersunkhead screwsISO10642202 DIN7993 轴用钢丝挡圈roundwire snap rings for shafts GB895.2-86203 DIN7995十字槽半沉头木螺钉cross recessed raisedcountersunk head wood screwsGB952-86204 DIN7996 十字槽圆头木螺钉cross recessed round head wood GB950-86205 DIN7997 十字槽沉头木螺钉cross recessed countersunk headwood screwsGB951-86206 DIN8140螺纹护套(普通\自锁等)ciol inserts,coarse,fine thread,silf locking207 DIN9021 大外径垫圈washers,outside diameterappro.3dISO7093 GB96-85 208 DIN11024 弹簧卡子spring cotter for a bolt209 DIN13257 平板螺栓belting bolts (elevator bolts)210 DIN18182 干壁钉(墙板钉)dry wall screws211 DIN28129 环型螺母lifting nuts(eye nuts) GB63-88 212 DIN70952 圆螺母用止退垫圈tab washers for slotted roundnutsGB858-88。
德国标准和国际标准、中国标准中英文对照表发布日期:2007-03-14 浏览次数:829德国标准和国际标准、中国标准中英文对照表序号德国标准中文品名英文品名国际标准中国标准Item DIN-Standard Description in Chinese Description in English ISO-Standard GB-Standard 1DIN1圆锥销taper pins ISO2339GB117 2DIN7圆柱销parallel pins ISO2338GB119-86 3DIN84开槽圆柱头螺钉slotted cheese head screws ISO1207GB65-85 4DIN85开槽盘头螺钉slotted pan head screws ISO1580GB67-85 5DIN93单耳止动垫圈tab washers GB854 6DIN94开口销split cotter pins ISO1234GB91 7DIN95开槽半沉头木螺钉slotted raised csk head wood screws GB101 8DIN96开槽半圆头木螺钉slotted round head wood screws GB99 9DIN97开槽沉头木螺钉slotted countersunk head wood screws GB100 10DIN125-A平垫plain washers ISO7089GB97.1-85 11DIN125-B平垫(带倒角)mediun washers ISO7090GB97.2-85 12DIN126平垫plain washers ISO709113DIN127-A重型弹垫spring lock washers,tang ends GB7244 14DIN127-B标准弹垫spring lock washers,square ends GB93-87 15DIN128-A鞍形弹垫single coil spring lock washers GB7245-87 16DIN137-A弹簧止动垫圈curved spring washers17DIN137-B波形弹垫wave spring washers GB955 18DIN186T型方颈螺栓T-head bolts with square neck GB37-88 19DIN188T型双接头螺栓T-head bolts with double nip20DIN258螺纹圆锥销taper pins with threaded end ISO873721DIN261T型头螺栓T-head bolts22DIN315AF蝶型螺母(美制)wing nuts amercia form23DIN315DF蝶型螺母(德制)wing nuts germany form GB62-88 24DIN316AF蝶型螺钉(美制)wing screws amercia form25DIN317DF蝶型螺钉(德制)wing screws germany form26DIN319圆球型盖型螺母ball knobs27DIN404开槽带孔球面圆柱头螺钉slotted capstan screws GB832-8828DIN417开槽长圆柱端紧定螺钉slotted set srews with full dog point ISO7435GB75-85 29DIN427开槽平端紧定螺钉(半牙)slotted set srews with chamfered end ISO2342GB73-85 30DIN431小六角特薄细牙螺母pipe nuts with thread GB808-88 31DIN432外舌止动垫圈external tap GB856-88 32DIN433小垫圈(用于圆柱头螺钉)washers for cheese head screws ISO7092GB848-95 33DIN434方斜垫圈(U型)square taper washers for U-section GB852-88 34DIN435方斜垫圈(I型)square taper washers for I-sections GB852-88 35DIN436方垫圈square washers36DIN438开槽凹端紧定螺钉slotted set with cup point ISO7436GB74-85 37DIN439六角薄螺母hexagon thin nuts ISO4035GB6172-86 38DIN439细牙六角薄螺母hexagon thin nuts ISO8675GB6173-86 39DIN440木螺钉专用垫圈rounds washers for wood constructions ISO709440DIN443密封帽sealing caps,push-in type41DIN444活节螺栓B 型eye bolts form B GB798-88 42DIN462内舌止动垫圈internal tab washers43DIN463双耳止动垫圈washers with two taps GB855-88 44DIN464滚花高头螺钉knurled thumb screws with collar GB834-88 45DIN465开槽滚花高头螺钉slotted knurled thumb screws with collar46DIN466滚花高螺母knurled thumb nuts with collar GB806-88 47DIN467滚花薄螺母knurled thumb thin nuts GB807-88 48DIN470锁紧垫圈sealing washers49DIN471轴用弹性挡圈retaining rings for shafts(external),circlips GB894.1-86 50DIN472孔用弹性挡圈retaining rings for bores(internal),circlips GB893.1-86 51DIN478方头带垫螺栓square head bolts with collar52DIN479方头圆柱底端螺栓square head bolts with half dog point53DIN480方头带垫半圆底端螺栓square head bolts with collar,half dog point and rounded end54DIN508T型槽螺母T-slot nuts ISO29955DIN525单头螺柱single end studs56DIN529地脚螺栓masonry bolts GB799-88 57DIN546带槽圆螺母slotted round nuts GB817-76 58DIN547端面带孔圆螺母round nuts with drilled holes in one face GB815-88 59DIN551开槽平端紧定螺钉slotted sit screws with flat point ISO4776GB73-85 60DIN553开槽锥端紧定螺钉slotted set screws with cone point ISO7434GB71-8561DIN555六角螺母hexagon nuts ISO403462DIN557方螺母-C square nuts GB39-88 63DIN558六角头螺钉hexagon screws ISO401864DIN561六角头圆柱端紧定螺钉hexagon set screws with full dog point65DIN562薄型方螺母-B square nuts without bevel(pressed nuts)66DIN571六角头木螺钉hexagon head wood screws (coach screws)GB102-86 67DIN580吊环螺钉lifting eye bolts ISO3266GB825-76 68DIN582吊环螺母lifting eye nuts69DIN601六角头螺栓hexagon bolts ISO401670DIN603大半圆头方颈螺栓(马车螺栓)mushroom head square neck bolts (carriagebolts)ISO8677GB14-8871DIN604沉头带插销马车螺栓flat countersunk nib bolts72DIN605沉头长方颈马车螺栓flat countersunk long square neck bolts73DIN607半圆头带插销马车螺栓cup head nib bolts74DIN608沉头短方颈马车螺栓flat countersunk short square neck bolts75DIN609六角头精配螺栓(长螺纹)hexagon fitted bolts,long thread76DIN610六角头精配螺栓(短螺纹)hexagon fitted bolts,short thread77DIN653滚花平头螺钉knurled thumb screws thin type GB835-88 78DIN660半圆头铆钉round head rivets ISO1051GB867-86 79DIN661沉头铆钉contersunk head rivets ISO1051GB869-86 80DIN662半沉头铆钉raised contersunk head rivets ISO105181DIN674大扁头铆钉mushroom head rivets ISO105182DIN703重型侧面带孔圆螺母adjusting rings,heavy range (shafting collars)83DIN705侧面带孔圆螺母adjusting rings,light range (shafting collars)GB816-88 84DIN741卡头wire rope clips85DIN787T型槽螺钉T-slot screws ISO29986DIN835双头螺柱(牙长=2D)studs-metal (end=2d)GB900-88 87DIN906内六角锥型闭锁螺钉hexagon socket pipe plugs,conical thread88DIN908内六角直型闭锁螺钉hexagon socket screw plugs,cyl. thread89DIN909外六角锥型闭锁螺钉hexagon head pipe plugs,conical thread90DIN910外六角直型闭锁螺钉hexagon head screw plugs,cyl.thread91DIN911内六角扳手socket wrenches ISO293692DIN912内六角圆柱头螺钉hexagon socket cap screws ISO4762GB70-85 93DIN913内六角平端紧定螺钉hexagon socket set screws with flat point ISO4026GB77-8594DIN914内六角尖端紧定螺钉hexagon socket set screws with cone point ISO4027GB78-8595DIN915内六角圆柱端紧定螺钉hexagon socket set screws with dog point ISO4028GB79-8596DIN916内六角凹端紧定螺钉hexagon socket set screws with cup point ISO4029GB80-8597DIN917薄型盲螺母hexagon cap nuts98DIN920开槽小圆柱头螺钉slotted short cheese head screws99DIN921开槽大圆柱头螺钉slotted large cheese head screws GB838-88 100DIN923开槽圆柱头轴肩螺钉slotted pan head screws with shoulder GB830-88 101DIN927开槽无头轴肩螺钉slotted shoulder screws102DIN928焊接方螺母square weld nuts GB/T13680-92 103DIN929焊接六角螺母hexagon weld nuts GB/T13681-92 104DIN931六角头螺栓(半牙)hexagon head screws ISO4014GB5782-86 105DIN933六角头螺栓(全牙)hexagon head screws ISO4017GB5783-86 106DIN934六角头螺母(1型)hexagon full nuts ISO4032GB6170-86 107DIN934细牙六角头螺母(1型)hexagon full nuts ISO8673GB6171-86 108DIN935开槽六角螺母hexagon slotted and castle nuts ISO7035GB6178-86 109DIN936六角头薄螺母hexagon thin nuts ISO4035GB6172.1-86 110DIN937六角头开槽薄螺母hexagon thin slotted and castle nuts ISO7038GB6181-86 111DIN938双头螺距(牙长=1D)studs metal (end=1d)GB897-88 112DIN939双头螺距(牙长=1.25D)studs metal (end=1.25d)GB898-88 113DIN940双头螺距(牙长=1.5D)studs metal (end=1.5d)114DIN960六角头细牙螺栓(半牙)hexagon head bolts,metric fine pitch thread ISO8765GB5785-86 115DIN961六角头细牙螺栓(全牙)hexagon head bolts,metric fine pitch thread ISO8676GB5786-86 116DIN962头部穿孔六角头螺栓additional shapes and versions for bolts117DIN963开槽沉头螺钉slotted countersund head screws ISO 2009GB68-85118DIN964开槽半沉头螺钉slotted raised countersunk oval head screws ISO 2010GB69-85119DIN965十字槽沉头螺钉cross recessed countersunk head screws ISO7046GB819-85 120DIN966十字槽半沉头螺钉cross recessed raised countersunk head screws ISO7047GB820-85 121DIN970六角头螺母hexagon nuts type-1122DIN971六角头螺母hexagon nuts type-2123DIN972细牙六角头螺母(2型)hexagon nuts with fine thread ISO8674GB6176-86 124DIN975牙条(全螺纹)threaded rods(studdings)GB15389-94 125DIN976螺纹销threaded pins(stud bolts)126DIN979六角头开槽薄螺母(2型)hexagon thin slotted and castle nuts127DIN980全金属六角锁紧螺母(1型)prevailling torque type hexagon nuts,all metallnutsISO7199GB6184-86128DIN981圆螺母locknuts ISO2982GB812-88129DIN982六角头尼龙锁紧螺母prevailling torque type hexagon nuts,heavy type,with nylon insertISO7040GB889.1-86130DIN985六角头薄型尼龙锁紧螺母prevailling torque type hexagon nuts,heavy type,with nylon insertISO10511GB6172.2-86131DIN986六角盖型尼龙锁紧螺母prevailling torque typedomed capnuts with nylon insert132DIN988配合垫片shim rings133DIN1052木材连接用垫片washers for timber connectors134DIN1151沉头钢钉round plain head nails135DIN1440销钉专用垫片A型plain washers for clevis pins(A型)ISO8738136DIN1441销钉专用垫片plain washers for clevis pins137DIN1444带头销钉clevis pins with head ISO2341138DIN1471圆锥型槽销grooved pins,taper grooved ISO8744GB/T13829.2 139DIN1472圆锥型槽销(半槽)grooved pins,taper grooved half length ISO8745GB/T13829.2 140DIN1473平行槽销(带倒角)grooved pins,parallel grooved full length ISO8740141DIN1474前端凹槽槽销grooved pins,reserve grooved half length ISO8741142DIN1475中部凹槽槽销grooved pins,centre grooved ISO8742143DIN1476圆头槽销grooved pins with round head ISO8746GB/T13829.3 144DIN1477沉头槽销grooved pins with countersunk head ISO8747145DIN1479六角螺母棒turnuckles(centre parts),made out of hexagon bar146DIN1480花篮螺栓turnuckles with eye bolt and hook bolt147DIN1481弹性圆柱销spring pins,heavy type ISO8752GB879-86 148DIN1587组合式盖型螺母hexagon domed cap nuts GB802-88 149DIN1804开槽圆螺母(配合沟头扳手)slotted round nuts for hook spanner150DIN1816圆螺母(带插销孔)round nuts with set holes151DIN2093盘型弹簧垫圈disc springs152DIN3017喉箍hose clamps153DIN3404润滑油嘴(旋扭头)lubricating nipples,button head154DIN3567管夹shackles for conduilts155DIN3570U型螺栓stirrup bolts(U-bolts)156DIN6319球面垫圈spherical washers,conical seats GB849-88 157DIN6325圆柱销parallel pins ISO8734158DIN6330厚六角螺母hexagon nuts ,1.5d GB56-88159DIN6331厚六角法兰面螺母hexagon nuts ,1.5d with collar GB6177-86 160DIN6334长六角螺母hexagon nuts ,3d161DIN6797-A外齿锁紧垫圈external teeth lock washers GB862.1-87 162DIN6797-I内齿锁紧垫圈internal teeth lock washers GB861.1-87 163DIN6798-A外锯齿锁紧垫圈external teeth serrated lock washers GB862.2-87 164DIN6798-I内锯齿锁紧垫圈internal teeth serrated lock washers GB861.2-87 165DIN6799开口挡圈retaining rings for shafts(E-rings),circlips GB896-76166DIN6885平键(A型)parallel keys(form A )ISO773/2491167DIN6888半圆键woodruff keys ISO3912168DIN6899嵌环(支撑环)thimbles169DIN6900机器螺钉和垫圈组合件screws and washers assemblies GB9074.1-.17 170DIN6901自攻螺钉和垫圈组合件tapping screws and washers assemblies GB9074.18-.23171DIN6912薄型带孔内六角圆柱头螺钉hexagon socket head cap screws with hole,low head172DIN6914大六角头螺栓hexagon head bolts with large head(friction grip bolts)173DIN6915大六角螺母hexagon nuts with large wideth across flat(friction grip nuts)174DIN6916大垫圈round washers for friction grip bolts175DIN6917楔型方垫圈spuare taper washers for friction grip bolts on T-sections176DIN6923六角法兰面螺母hexagon flange nuts ISO4161GB6177-86177DIN6925全金属六角锁紧螺母(2型)prevailing torque type hexagon nuts,all metallicnutsISO7042GB6185.1-2000178DIN7337开口型抽芯铆钉(沉头、扁圆头)blind rivets GB12617/12618179DIN7338扁平头半空心/全空心铆钉rivets for brake and clutch lining GB875/975-86 180DIN7343螺旋夹紧销spiral pins ISO8750181DIN7346轻型弹性圆柱销spring pins,light type ISO13337182DIN7349重型弹性圆柱销用垫圈washers for bolts with heavy type spring pinss183DIN7500ISO公制螺纹螺钉(多种头型)threadforming screws for ISO-metric thread184DIN7504自攻自钻螺钉(多种头型)self-drilling tapping screws185DIN7513开槽切削螺纹螺钉(多种头型)thread cutting screws186DIN7516十字槽切削螺纹螺钉(多种头型)thread cutting screws cross recess187DIN7965T型四爪螺母tee nuts with pronge188DIN7968钢结构用六角头螺栓连接副hexagon head fitted bolts for steel structures GB1228/1229/1230 189DIN7971开槽盘头自攻螺钉pan head tapping screws with slot ISO1481GB5282-85190DIN7972开槽沉头自攻螺钉countersunk flat head tapping screws with slot ISO1482GB5283-85191DIN7973开槽半沉头自攻螺钉raised countersunk oval head tapping screws withslotISO1483GB5284-85192DIN7976六角头自攻螺钉hexagon tapping screws ISO1479GB5285-85193DIN7980圆柱头螺钉用弹簧垫圈spring lock washers for screws with cylindricalheadsISO8738194DIN7981十字槽盘头自攻螺钉pan head tapping screws with cross recessed ISO 7049GB845-85195DIN7982十字槽沉头自攻螺钉countersunk flat head tapping screws with crossrecessedISO7050GB846-85196DIN7983十字槽半沉头自攻螺钉raised countersunk oval head tapping screws withcross recessedISO7051GB847-86197DIN7984薄型内六角圆柱头螺钉hexagon socket head cap screws with,reduced head198DIN7985十字槽盘头螺钉pan head screws with cross recessed ISO7045GB818-85199DIN7989钢结构用垫圈washers for steel structures GB1230-84 200DIN7990钢结构用六角头螺栓hexagon head bolts for steel structures GB1229-84 201DIN7991内六角沉头螺钉hexagon socket countersunk head screws ISO10642GB/T70.3-2000 202DIN7993轴用钢丝挡圈roundwire snap rings for shafts GB895.2-86203DIN7995十字槽半沉头木螺钉cross recessed raised countersunk head woodscrewsGB952-86204DIN7996十字槽圆头木螺钉cross recessed round head wood screws GB950-86 205DIN7997十字槽沉头木螺钉cross recessed countersunk head wood screws GB951-86 206DIN8140螺纹护套(普通\自锁等)ciol inserts,coarse,fine thread,silf locking207DIN9021大外径垫圈washers,outside diameter appro.3d ISO7093GB96-85 208DIN11024弹簧卡子spring cotter for a bolt209DIN13257平板螺栓belting bolts (elevator bolts)210DIN18182干壁钉(墙板钉)dry wall screws211DIN28129环型螺母lifting nuts(eye nuts)GB63-88 212DIN70952圆螺母用止退垫圈tab washers for slotted round nuts GB858-88。
DIN6701 2
德国标准 2006年5月份DIN 6701-2 DIN ICS 45.040; 83.180轨道车辆与轨道车辆配件的粘结第二部分:操作企业资格认证,质量保证目录页码 前言 (4)1 适用范围 (4)2 标准参阅 (4)3 概念 (5)3.1 粘结的分类 (5)4 对操作企业的要求 (6)4.1 对操作企业的质量要求 (6)4.2 人员装备 (6)4.2.1 概述 (6)4.2.2 技术知识 (6)4.2.3 操作人员 (8)4.2.4 粘结检查员 (8)4.2.5 检验人员 (12)4.3 技术装备 (12)4.3.1 一般要求 (12)4.3.2 其它要求 (13)4.4 需要进行证明的文件 (13)4.4.1 粘结技术计划文件 (13)4.4.2 粘结技术生产文件 (13)4.4.3 用于证明过程处理能力的文件 (13)4.5 工作试件 (14)4.6 操作企业 (14)5 操作企业的认证 (14)5.1 概述 (14)5.2 操作考试 (14)5.3 工作说明的证明 (14)5.4 专业谈话 (14)5.5 粘结证书 (15)5.6 认证的有效性、监督、延长与变更 (15)5.7 证书的收回 (15)6 粘结部件的合格评审 (16)6.1 概述 (16)6.2 合格评审 (16)6.3 由操作企业进行的合格评审 (17)6.3.1 要求 (17)6.3.2 检验的执行 (17)附件 A (标准的) 对操作企业的要求 (18)附件 B (标准的) 粘结企业说明,参照DIN 6701-2标准的粘结企业说明样稿 (19)B.1 人员装备 (19)B.2 技术装备 (22)附件 C (标准的) 参照DIN 6701-2标准的粘结证书样稿 (24)附件 D (仅供参考) 参照DIN 6701-2标准的粘结工作说明样稿 (27)参考文献 (29)页码 表格表格 1——粘结的分类 (5)表格 2——粘结技术人员的资格坚定与使用范围 (7)表格 3——责任性 (9)表格 4 – 合格评审 (16)表格 5 – 合格评审程序 (17)表格 A.1 – 对操作企业的要求 (18)表格 C.1 – 编码表 (25)前言本标准是由轨道车辆(FSF)标准化委员会“轨道车辆制造中的粘结技术”分会NA 087 05-06 AA制定。
一、轨道客车粘接体系建设1. 优化材料选择:轨道客车粘接体系建设的首要任务是选择合适的材料。
2. 完善设备技术:轨道客车粘接体系建设还需要完善设备技术,包括粘接设备的自动化程度、设备的精度和稳定性,以及操作人员的技能培训等方面。
3. 强化工艺控制:在轨道客车粘接体系建设中,工艺控制是至关重要的环节。
二、轨道客车粘接管理的提升1. 强化质量管理:轨道客车粘接管理的提升需要加强对质量管理的重视。
2. 完善标准化管理:标准化管理是轨道客车粘接管理的重要环节。
3. 加强监督检查:轨道客车粘接管理的提升还需要加强对生产过程的监督检查。
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Bonded joints on rail vehicles and parts of rail vehicles with average safety requirements
Bonded joints on rail vehicles and parts of rail vehicles with low safety requirements
Classification of bonded joints
Table 1 classifies bonded joints on rail vehicles and on components and parts of rail vehicles as a function of the relevant safety requirements. The classification of the bonded parts into part classes is based on the potential effect of failure of the bonded joint as stated by the relevant design companies/engineers. The same applies for repairs to bonded joints and for repairs realized by adhesive bonding. The part classes must be indicated on drawings. The relevant design engineer must involve the supervisor in charge of the bonding work (SIC) in the process of assigning bonded parts to classes. Table 1 – Classification of bonded joints Class A1 Description Bonded joints on rail vehicles and parts of rail vehicles with high safety requirements Examples
Total number of pages: 29
Railway vehicle standard committee at the DIN (Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V.)
Table of contents
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DIN 6701-2:2006-05
Foreword This standard was developed from NA 087 05-06 AA “Adhesive Bonding Technology in Rail Vehicle Construction” of the Railway Vehicle Standard s Committee (FSF). Adhesive bonding is a key process in the manufacture of rail vehicles and parts of rail vehicles. The standards in the DIN 6701 series specify the requirements for “adhesive bonding”, a so-called special process. These requirements are based on the technical standards for adhesive bonding, taking into account the special needs for rail vehicle construction. The standards in the DIN 6701 series “Use of adhesive bonding in the manufacture of rail vehicles and parts of rail vehicles” comprise: - Part 1: Basic terms and basic regulations - Part 2: Qualification of adhesive users (hereafter called user-companies) and compliance evaluation - Part 3: Design specifications (in preparation) - Part 4: Regulations for manufacturing adhesive bonds and quality assurance (in preparation)
1) 1)
Guideline DVS-EWF 3309, DVS-EWF training course - European Adhesive Engineer - EAE Guideline DVS 3310, Quality requirements in adhesive bonding technology
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DIN 6701-2:2006-05
4 4.1
Requirements on user-companies Quality requirements on user-compust meet the quality requirements set down in guideline DVS 3310. In addition, sections 5.3 to 5.7 apply for part classes A1 to A3 and sections 4.2.1, and 5.6 apply for part class A4. 4.2 4.2.1 Workforce training General
Area of application
This standard applies for bonding and sealing substrates for manufacturing and repairing rail vehicles and parts of rail vehicles. It defines the general terms and basic regulations for bonding and sealing work. It: - assigns parts to classes - defines the requirements placed on user-companies - describes the procedure for accrediting user-companies and - describes the procedure for compliance evaluation. 2 Reference standards
- GFRP head to shell - front window in front panel - side windows in carriage body - plating on carriage structure - external parts, equipment boxes on carriages - roof structures - interior furnishings e.g. wall cabinets, partition walls, panelling - floor coverings to floor base - tanks not under pressure - seat attachment to floor - plates - mirrors - floor coverings - handles - ventilation grilles
The following documents are required for using this standard. Where date versions are mentioned, only these are relevant. Where date versions are not mentioned, the most recent version of the document applies (including all amendments). DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025, General requirements for the expertise of testing and calibration laboratories Guideline DVS-EWF 3301, European Adhesive Specialist Guideline DVS-EWF 3305, European Adhesive Bonder
This class applies to companies which has no own production of bonded parts but which - designs or - purchases and sells on or - purchases and fits bonded parts assigned to classes A1 and A2.
Depending on the class of bonded joint, the user-company must possess adequately trained employees to carry out and supervise the bonding work and test the resulting bonded joints. The degree of training required to meet the quality obligations depends on the specific classification of the rail vehicles and rail vehicle parts. Safety considerations demand that suitably trained employees can guarantee the appropriate quality assurance. The qualifications mentioned in the standard for example purposes are a guideline for the degree of training that is required. In individual cases the actual level of knowledge required of specific areas may be greater or less. With regard to the former, additional training may be required. With regard to the latter scenario, special training courses geared to specific rail vehicle parts may prove unnecessary, meaning they can be omitted. Deviations from the levels of training mentioned herein for example purposes must be reasoned in each individual case. 4.2.2 Technical knowledge