Retail Marketing教程


市场营销学 Marketing 第12章 零售与批发 2019

市场营销学 Marketing 第12章 零售与批发 2019
几乎所有的零售商,无论规模大小,都尽力维持 在社交媒体中的展露度。
在与定位一致的区域内选址,接近目标市场, 对零售商而言,非常重要。
• 许多零售店都集聚在一起,以提高它们对顾 客的吸引力并为顾客提供一站式购物的便利。
(三)根据其制定的价格进行分类 • 绝大多数零售商都收取常规价格,提供标准
质量的产品和服务。 • 另一类则以更高的价格提供更高质量的产品
和服务 • 折扣店(discount stores)和廉价零售商就是
例如,沃尔玛,通过薄利多销的方式,以更低 的价格出售标准化的商品。
• 采购和产品类别管理:批发商可以根据顾客 的需要选择产品,建立产品组合,减少客户 工作量。
• 化整为零(bulk breaking):批发商大批量购 进,小批量出售,为顾客节省成本。
• 仓储:批发商保管存货,从而降低了制造商 和顾客的存货成本。
• 运输:批发商比制造商更接近顾客,因此, 能将商品更快速地递送给顾客。
百货店正受到2个方面的挤压:一是专卖店, 二是折扣店。
许多百货店,通过开发商店品牌与专卖店抗衡; 又通过促销性定价与折扣商店抗衡,并且,尝 试进行电话营销和网络销售。
低、薄利多销、自助式运营管理,以满足消费者对食 品杂货和居家用品的全面需求。
产品组合策略,即,配货策略:确定产品组合 的广度、深度、相关性,即配货策略。

零售行业培训教程(doc 51页)

零售行业培训教程(doc 51页)




































让顾客成为你的忠实顾客 帮你形成稳定的顾客群
提升平均订单 提高成交率
1、马上运用 2、电话送“关怀”时 3、与顾客再见面时运用 4、处理顾客抱怨时运用
记住顾客的姓名,送别时亲切的称呼顾客姓名 针对顾客的“生活状况”,进行“善意的提醒”
表示同理心、安抚顾客情绪 根据档案中的“顾客职业”、“生活状况”、“皮肤
状况”等方面的记录,帮助她分析原因 给予改善建议
马上运用 电话送“关怀”时运用 与顾客再见面时运用 处理顾客抱怨时运用
让那些不愿意交谈的顾客开口与你交谈最好的方法 是-----真诚的赞美顾客
真诚----发自内心的赞美 具体-----赞美顾客要具体到皮肤、服饰、身材、
五官、发型、气质或任何其他值得赞美的地方 赞美时目光要注视顾客
步骤一:迎接顾客 步骤二:了解需要 步骤三:推介产品 步骤四:连带销售 步骤五:完成销售
积极、乐观 自信、热情
自然、自信 亲切、真诚 认真、负责 轻松、融洽
有目标,才有行动的方向和动力, 有目标,才能衡量自己在行动过程中的 成功与否 ,从而体会到满足感与成就感
具体的 可度量的(数量、质量) 可达到的(不难也不易) 与策略相关(目标、产品) 有时间限制的



卖场销售的流程和步骤英文回答:Selling in a retail store involves a series of steps and processes to ensure a successful transaction. Here is a breakdown of the typical sales process in a retail store:1. Greeting the customer: As a salesperson, the first step is to greet the customer with a warm and friendly welcome. This sets the tone for the entire interaction and helps establish a rapport with the customer.2. Identifying customer needs: The next step is to ask open-ended questions to understand the customer's needs and preferences. This helps in determining the right product or service that meets their requirements.3. Presenting product options: Once the customer's needs are identified, the salesperson presents suitable product options. This involves explaining the features,benefits, and pricing of different products to help the customer make an informed decision.4. Demonstrating the product: If applicable, the salesperson may demonstrate the product to showcase its functionality and highlight its unique selling points. This helps the customer visualize the product and understand its value.5. Overcoming objections: During the sales process, customers may have concerns or objections. The salesperson needs to address these objections by providing additional information or offering alternatives to alleviate any doubts or hesitations.6. Closing the sale: Once the customer is satisfied with the product and all objections have been addressed, the salesperson moves towards closing the sale. This involves asking for the sale, discussing payment options, and finalizing the transaction.7. Upselling and cross-selling: After the sale isclosed, the salesperson may suggest additional products or services that complement the customer's purchase. This is known as upselling and cross-selling, which can increasethe overall sales value.8. Providing excellent customer service: After the sale, it is crucial to provide exceptional customer service. This includes offering assistance with after-sales support, handling returns or exchanges, and ensuring customer satisfaction.中文回答:在卖场销售中,需要经过一系列的步骤和流程,以确保交易的成功进行。



终端销售技巧培训教材第一章:销售准备1.1 目标市场分析在进行终端销售前,首先需要对目标市场进行全面的分析,了解目标客户的需求、购买习惯和市场竞争状况。

1.2 产品知识储备终端销售人员需要对所销售的产品进行全面的了解,在客户提问时能够回答准确、专业的问题,增强客户对产品的信任感。

1.3 销售技巧学习学习并掌握一些基本的销售技巧,如客户挖掘、产品推销、谈判等,提高销售效果。

第二章:客户挖掘2.1 制定访问计划在拜访客户前,先制定访问计划,包括客户信息收集、拜访目的和拜访前的准备工作,确保拜访的高效性和专业性。

2.2 主动倾听与客户交流时,要做到主动倾听,积极与客户互动,了解客户的需求和问题,并做到及时记录和反馈。

2.3 问题提问通过提问,了解客户的具体需求和购买意向,同时也可引导客户思考、加深对产品的认知,提高购买决策的可能性。

2.4 转化需求根据客户的需求,合理引导客户,使其认识到自己的需求,并将其转化为购买意愿,提高销售转化率。

第三章:产品推销3.1 产品特点展示根据客户的需求,重点展示产品的核心特点和优势,突出产品的独特性和价值,激发客户的购买欲望。

3.2 产品案例介绍通过分享一些成功的客户案例,引导客户对产品的信任感和购买欲望,增加销售成功的可能性。

3.3 对比分析竞争产品与竞争产品进行对比分析,客观展示产品的优势,并通过客户的验证和认可,增强客户对产品的信赖度,提高销售成功率。

3.4 客户体验演示在销售过程中,可以通过现场演示或提供样品,让客户亲自体验产品的性能和效果,加深客户对产品的认知和购买决策的信心。

第四章:谈判技巧4.1 了解客户的底线在进行价格谈判时,要先了解客户的底线,在确认自己的底线的前提下,通过灵活的谈判策略,争取更好的价格和利益。

4.2 管理客户异议当客户存在异议时,要先倾听客户的意见和需求,然后积极解释和回答客户的疑问,针对性地提供解决方案,缓解客户的顾虑和疑虑。

4.3 协作交流谈判过程中,要保持良好的协作和沟通,积极与客户交流,寻求共同的利益点,通过合理的让步和互惠互利的方式,达成共识和合作。

市场营销 Retailing PPT chapter 02

市场营销 Retailing PPT chapter 02
© 2011 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Space productivity - Net sales divided by the total square feet of retail floor space. Labor productivity - Net sales divided by the number of fulltime–equivalent employees. Merchandise productivity - Net sales divided by the average dollar investment in inventory.
LO 1
Statement of Goals and Objectives
Market performance objectives
Establish the amount of dominance the retailer seeks in the marketplace. Market share - The retailer’s total sales divided by total market sales.
© 2011 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.



Learning Objective 11-3
Discuss the major trends and developments in retailing.
Segmentation, Targeting, Differentiation, and Positioning Decisions (2 of 2)
Which Wich Superior Sandwiches succeeds by positioning itself strongly away from larger competitors.
First Stop: Walmart The World’s Largest
Retailer-the World’s Largest Company
“Save money. Live better.” Says Walmart’s CEO, “We’re obsessed with delivering value to customers.”
• Omni-channel retailing: Creating a seam-less crosschannel buying experience that integrates in-store, online, and mobile shopping
Types of Retailers
– Everyday low pricing (EDLP) – High-low pricing
Promotion Decision
• Retailers use various combinations of the five promotion tools:
– Advertising – Personal selling – Sales promotion – Public relations (PR) – Direct and social media marketing

零售营销Retai Marketing Lecture Note 1

零售营销Retai Marketing Lecture Note 1

Business Cards
Recycling Machine
Class Exercise
Select a product not heavily sold through vending machines and present a brief plan for doing so. A product not heavily sold through vending machines is single portions of medications for headaches, heartburn, etc.
NonStore Retailing
Direct Marketing
The use of telephone and nonpersonal media to introduce products to consumers, who then can purchase them via mail, telephone, or the Internet Key to success is database 8 stages in DM plan
Business definition Generating customers Media selection Presenting the message Customer contact Customer response Order fulfillment Measuring results & maintaining database


根据顾客喜好和需求,提供个性化 的产品和服务建议。
面对投诉和纠纷时保持冷静和客观,不激化 矛盾。
认真倾听顾客的投诉和意见,给予充分的理 解和尊重。
针对问题提出解决方案,并尽快落实和执行 。
对处理结果进行跟踪和反馈,确保问题得到 妥善解决。
06 数据分析在零售中应用
通过POS系统、会员管理系统、 市场调研等渠道收集数据,包括 销售数据、会员数据、市场趋势
对数据进行清洗、去重、分类等 处理,以便后续分析。
运用统计分析、数据挖掘等技术 ,发现数据中的规律、趋势和关
根据商品类别和顾客需求划分 不同区域,方便顾客寻找目标 商品。
充分利用墙面、柱体等空间展 示商品,提高空间利用率。
通过绿化、音乐等手段营造舒 适的购物环境,提升顾客购物
某超市通过精心设计的端头陈列,成 功吸引了顾客的注意力,提升了销售 额。
运用人脸识别、自动结账等技术,打造无人值守的便利店,提高 运营效率和客户体验。
利用自然语言处理、机器学习等技术,开发智能导购机器人,为客 户提供个性化的购物指导和推荐。
结合AR/VR技术,让客户在购物前能够虚拟试妆试装,提升购物体 验和满意度。



终端门店营销实战演练培训教材1. 背景介绍终端门店是企业与消费者直接接触的重要渠道,对于企业的销售业绩和品牌形象有着重要的影响。


2. 培训目标本次终端门店营销实战演练培训的目标如下: - 提升终端门店员工的销售技巧和服务意识 - 加强终端门店的品牌形象宣传 - 培养终端门店员工的团队合作精神 -提高终端门店的营销活动策划与执行能力3. 培训内容3.1 销售技巧培训•了解产品知识:介绍公司产品的特点、优势和功能;能够回答常见问题•了解客户需求:学习如何与客户进行沟通,了解客户的需求,提供个性化的解决方案•销售话术培训:掌握销售过程中常用的话术,学会如何引导客户做出购买决策•销售技巧训练:练习销售技巧,包括推销产品、有效应对客户异议、提高成交率等3.2 品牌形象宣传培训•公司文化宣传:介绍公司的发展历程、核心价值观和品牌形象,让员工对公司有更深入的了解•门店陈列技巧培训:教授门店陈列的基本原则和技巧,提高产品展示效果•环境氛围营造:培训员工如何通过灯光、音乐、氛围装饰等手段,营造出适合购物的环境氛围•社交媒体运营:介绍如何利用社交媒体平台进行品牌宣传和营销活动,提升品牌知名度3.3 团队合作培训•团队建设:进行团队合作活动,培养员工的团队意识和合作能力•沟通与协作:培训员工良好的沟通与协作能力,提高团队的工作效率•冲突管理:解决团队成员之间的冲突,确保团队协作顺利进行•激励机制:学习如何通过激励机制激发员工的工作动力和创造力3.4 营销策划与执行能力培训•营销策划原则:介绍营销策划的基本原则和方法,培养员工的策划能力•促销活动策划:教授促销活动的策划流程和注意事项,提高活动的效果和影响力•数据分析与反馈:培训员工如何利用销售数据进行分析,优化营销活动策略•培训实战模拟:进行实战模拟演练,让员工运用所学知识解决真实问题,提高实际操作能力4. 培训评估为了确保培训效果和提供优质的培训服务,我们将进行培训评估。



如何做好零售终端销售与管理培训课件1. 引言零售终端销售与管理是零售业务中至关重要的一环。



2. 设计培训课程目标在开始编写课件前,我们首先需要明确培训的目标和目标受众。


3. 开发课件大纲课件大纲是培训课程的框架,它用于组织课程内容和指导培训过程。

课件大纲应包括以下部分:3.1 课程介绍•培训背景和目的•培训对象和受益人•培训师介绍3.2 销售基础知识•销售的定义和目标•销售技巧和方法•常见销售难题及应对策略3.3 客户服务与沟通技巧•客户服务的重要性•提高客户满意度的技巧•有效沟通与解决问题3.4 店面管理与陈列•店面管理的原则与方法•陈列设计与布局•促销活动的组织与实施3.5 绩效管理与激励•绩效评估与考核指标•激励机制和奖励制度•管理人员的角色和职责4. 编写课件内容4.1 组织结构与布局•使用有层次感的标题和编号•保持整洁和统一的格式风格•避免使用过多装饰和复杂设计4.2 简洁明了的语言•使用简单易懂的语言•避免使用专业术语或行业黑话•使用举例和案例说明概念和方法4.3 图表和表格•使用图表和表格来呈现数据和相关信息•选择清晰简洁的图表和表格样式•避免使用过于复杂的图表和表格4.4 互动和参与•引入互动环节,提高学员的参与度•组织小组讨论和角色扮演活动•提供练习题和案例分析5. 课件评估和优化在培训课件编写完成后,我们还需要进行评估和优化,以确保培训效果的最大化。

5.1 培训前评估在进行培训之前,可以对课件进行评估,通过面试或问卷调查了解学员的预期和需求。



51、山气日夕佳,飞鸟相与还。 52、木欣欣以向荣,泉涓涓而始流。
53、富贵非吾愿,帝乡不可期。 54、雄发指危冠,猛气冲长缨。 55、土地平旷,屋舍俨然,有良田美 池桑竹 之属, 阡陌交 通,鸡 犬相闻 。
Retail Marketing
第一章 导论
第一节 学科介绍
一、学科定义 是研究零售商与市场的关系、零售市场规
• 感谢您对本站的支持!




Final Consumer
二、零售活动特点 1、交易活动频繁,每笔交易数额小; 2、现货交易; 3、消费者购买随机性强; 4、商店零售商辐射范围相对狭小; 5、可以无店铺经营。
三、零售商职能 1. 分类、配货、组合职能; 2. 服务职能; 3. 储存商品与承担风险职能; 4. 信用职能; 5. 信息传递职能; 6. 娱乐职能; 7. 倡导新生活模式 8. 与观念职能。
四、零售业在国民经济中的地位与作用 (一)地位: 处于社会再生产中的交换环节的终端地位; 处于消费品流通中的直接联系 最终消费者的媒介终端地位; 是商品离开流通领域, 进入消费领域的 最后的出入口。
(二)作用: • 转移商品; • 实现商品价值; • 提供就业机会; • 沟通信息; • 节约社会投入; • 反映国民经济发展状态。



Analysis the retail strategy in different market IntroductionWith the continuous development of the socialist market economy, retail enterprises have mushroomed all over the streets, the full liberalization of the retail business to foreign investors, a growing number of foreign retail giants in the Chinese retail market wantonly lose ground. The retail market competition becomes more intense, which requires retail and commercial enterprises to understand the situation, to strengthen enterprise management, and special attention to strengthening the management of marketing. Marketing is a course of business activity in the changing market environment, in order to meet consumer demand, to achieve business objectives, which include market research, selecting target markets, merchandising, storage and transportation of goods, merchandise sales and service a wide range of market related to their business and operational activities.Macroeconomic is the living environment, companies unable to change, can only adapt to the changing economic environment. Enterprises in the fierce market competition, expanding the sales of goods, efforts to increase profits, it is necessary to strengthen the marketing management for the completion of business objectives, market analysis, evaluation, and selected target markets, a variety of marketing activities to plan, organize, implement and control.Retail marketing revolutionIn 2012 Japanese retail show, Ryuji Kanno, senior vice president of Fujitsu's retail business unit, said: "forced by the economic situation, especially after the 2011 earthquake, many retailers are faced with many difficulties, therefore, how to use data and information become increasingly important. "In fact, the low efficiency of the system is not uncommon in the retail sector. Which the problem is that the one hand, the IT staff must accept to support a variety of complex training, no connection platform, unable to focus on improving business; the other hand, isolated systems waste operation data missed the capture of data insight, industry trends, and provide personalized user experiences. In the past 10 years, the equipment is isolated from outside the network. But the concept of "things" terminal-to-end interconnection become a reality at the same time, "Intelligent Systems" a declaration of data collection and analysis capabilities enhance the synchronization.In fact, the transformation of the industry is thus stimulating open. When retailers began to realize that data collection, distribution and analysis can provide value, you can bring higher profits, that is, with a variety of handheld devices anytime, anywhere access to the Internet, and various embedded the equipment has been transformed into intelligent systems, and in the process generated a lot of valuable data, and cloud computing to provide a huge volume of information and analysis of potential, once the data are generated and grab, they turned into something with value "currency". Today's smart devices allows data to flow throughout the organization, employee andcustomer information collected from a variety of connected devices, and then feedback to the backend of the enterprise systems, converting data into information with the business insight and execution. A good intelligence system is to help retailers and other vendors to more efficiently collect more data to obtain new insights and applications into their business operations. For developers and organizations, one can make the system to collect and use data in new ways, the dynamic control of tracking and inventory control, and improve the accuracy of sales; for the end-user customers and provide a new interactive experience.The retail market in Japan, if you look around, or enter some retailer’s booth, you will see some very advanced technology in the hands of the clerk, sales guides, and deployment in the hands of technology management. Difficult to find in retail show, various manufacturers have the same issue with their own offensive, opened a competition for the retail end of the battle. SONY, CASIO, HITACHI, TOPPAN, and many other well-known Japanese brands in handheld devices new spoils. These terminals are mostly gathering inventory query the inventory readers, barcode scanners, point of sale system and other functions in one, or to find differences in other details. In addition, the depth of excavation based on the efficiency of the retail show, there is some other Aspect. For example, through the camera to monitor customer traffic peak and valley, and follow-up to the whereabouts of data, analysis time and strategies of the bestselling smart system; recommend suitable products, cosmetics terminal according to the simple click of the user, that is, customerintelligence, and to put an item on the desktop screen, which can identify the object's internal information such as object recognition technology and applications. In Japan, the OPOS Union is not an official body and is a member of the POS ecosystem composed of. Japanese the OPOS Union said the three major manufacturers’ market share before the Japanese POS device manufacturers to respectively TOSHIBA TEC, NEC, and Fujitsu. Japanese OPOS Union also pointed out that all members of the ecosystem in Japan's technology and devices are built on the OPOS standard only supports Microsoft embedded systems, Microsoft has more than 95 percent market share, while an embedded system, Linux space is significantly squeezed.AimsThe face of the raging wave of digital, traditional retailers are also a variety of very different channels integrated into the seamless integration experience of the "channel". The advantages of online shopping: a wide range of options, easy to search, affordable, easy comparison shopping location is very convenient. The advantage of the store can provide face-to-face personal service; the customer can touch the merchandise, a full range of perception, and shopping as an activity and experience. Today's customers want the benefits of two ways. Traditional retailers must be designed from scratch shopping experience, a perfect blend of online shopping and the store shopping experience. A variety of advanced digital tools retailers can use in every aspect of the customer shopping path, interactive way to design attractive, such as the discount code and offers send to the customer's mobile device, optimshoppingizing search keywords, carried out based on the geographical location preferential information push, and the provision of targeted customers through external information platform into the store recommendations. Retailers implement such innovations must be done early enough, often enough, broad enough to change the customer's cognitive and behavioral. Create a separate formal organizational structure in order to build a full-channel retail organization, the retailer can be online, the line, but the key decisions on coordinated. They also need to abandon the traditional metrics like single-store sales, and focus instead on the return on investment and other indicators. Successful channel strategy is expected to bring about a revolution in customer expectations and shopping experience.Objectives1. Correct analysis and forecasting retail marketThe retail business market environment investigation and analysis and comparison of the target market, identify and capture market opportunities. Where there where there is market demand, the retail business should marketing activities as a complete information system to make use of scientific means and methods, expected and speculated that future market demand, supply, and their variation. Constantly change consumer demand, unmet market demand, with a view to expanding the market in customer satisfaction among sales, long-term access to the huge profits. In marketanalysis, also forecast full attention to domestic and international political, economic situation and socio-cultural, legal and other factors, competition, technical factors, business decision-making enterprise internal factors. Visit from the U.S. sub-prime mortgage financial crisis, but the fuse of the business cycle, each economic cycle factors, caused by the objective results are the same, performance ups and downs of the economy. Enterprises should seize the development opportunities in the economic boom, its commodity sales and increase profits; in economic systolic pay greater attention to marketing, the new characteristics of consumer behavior change, and flexible use of marketing to develop a highly effective, both to stimulate consumption, expand consumption, but also to achieve the reasonable return on marketing strategy to enable enterprises to avoid market risks, maintain the sound operation.2 to develop a viable marketing plans and measuresTo strengthen marketing management, it is necessary to develop a viable marketing plans and measures, and plans include predicting the future, setting goals, determining strategies and technologies, to develop a viable marketing program. The target is divided into long-term goals and short-term goals, and large-scale retail enterprises have long-term strategic objectives, which include the achieved profits, market share, sales, sales growth; immediate goal is within the last year or less tactical objectives, which includes the recently implemented marketing measures, to engage in those promotions. After setting goals, also should develop strategic programs and tacticalplans. The so-called strategic programs to business leaders and the marketing department, marketing department in order to achieve long-term goal to develop long-term plan, which is mainly to determine the commodity market strategy; the individual to achieve short-term goal to develop marketing plans to determine the most suitable for the corporate marketing mix. The preparation of implementation plans to determine the implementation plan for business content, the department responsible for the implementation of the method, the necessary funds, personnel, equipment, and the time required and the progress of the implementation.3 Make sure the marketing organizationCompanies to do good job marketing are necessary to establish and improve the organization, to make the marketing activities effectively. Marketing organization reflects the internal division of the business, scope of responsibilities of various departments and leadership relationship is the basis and premise of enterprise marketing activities. New marketing planning should take into account the enterprise marketing organizations to facilitate the organization and leadership of marketing, whether it is expedient to speed up the marketing decision-making speed, and whether they can adapt the implementation and evaluation of the plan; such as not suited to, and should be adjusted accordingly, which is: to determine the in-house professional division of labor, the decision of management positions within the marketing department, the set of professional positions and business division; to determine theconcentration or dispersion of the decision and the decision-makers in every level of organization; business content, quality of management, decision-making method to determine the number of departments within an organization, the scope of management, staffing, organizational set up should be easy to mobilize the enthusiasm of the sales staff. The only way to enhance corporate marketing leadership to achieve the optimal allocation of corporate resources, marketing practical, highly effective organization and leadership, marketing carried out smoothly.4. Implementation and control of the four marketing planIn the implementation of marketing plans, the various departments of the retail business must have a clear detailed plan, as well as various departments in the implementation of marketing plans to achieve a clear division of labor, the task to the person. In order to ensure successful completion of the marketing plan, the implementation of the work should be carried out regular evaluation - feedback - Fixed. We should determine the method of evaluation of results, evaluation of projects, the number of evaluations and evaluation. On the basis of the evaluation to identify the gap between the actual situation and planning standards, to further improve the management of marketing activities.Corporate marketing managers control every aspect of marketing, to ensure its desired goals of running, so that the actual results with the expected objectives. To determinethe response to which marketing activities to control and set the control objectives, the establishment of a standard able to measure marketing results, analyze the cause of the deviation as soon as possible to take corrective measures to achieve the desired objectives.Research methodsQuestionnaireConsumer-centric, consumer-oriented marketing philosophy is all kinds of manufacturing, retail and other types of enterprises pursued business principles, and how to understand the consumer psychology and consumer-oriented? Market research is the best one of the principal Act, the market research in the A shopping center, public awareness and influence of the A's with some knowledge of the customer base is an uncertainty, the target consumer for the A's awareness needs to be improved. Business ideas, whether that be adjusted? On this basis, the A's core leadership decided to conduct a market research.Ways:Approach taken is to ask the coupon type and scope of the investigation for the A of the radiation within the range of eight representative residential area, citizens between the ages of 20-50 age-based; In addition, the store the customers were a random inquiries and asked coupon-style investigation.One of the principles of market research is: the number of people under investigation is obtained more accurate results. The following are the basic steps to ask the coupon market research:For the statistical analysis stage, some statistical data with a computer, and some statistics by hand, but in any case, the final analysis chart (graphs, pie charts, etc.) should use a computer production, in order to determine its accuracy. Otherwise thing to explain is this: the data analysis was not asked in the overall voucher number as a base, but the number of effective answer to the subject as a base, because some respondents do not for some issues (such as income) to interpolate . The statistical results came out, but also through these data, different types of analysis.Case studyCase (1): Wal-MartWal-Mart to positioning their products provides a full range of products at an affordable price. “For decades, Wal-Mart puerile business strategy has never changed. Wal-Mart has been able to do every day to lower prices, because it more savings than our competitors. Bypassing the middlemen, it purchase directly from the factory. Unified ordered products to distribution centers, distribution centers for goods according to the needs of each branch in situ screening, re-packaged. "Zero inventories" approach of the kind of online retailers Wal-Mart can save millions ofdollars in storage costs each year. In addition, Wal-Mart invested $ 400 million huge amounts of money, commissioned by Hughes; the company launched a commercial satellite, and global networking advanced information technology for the efficient distribution system to provide a guarantee. Through a global network, Wal-Mart headquarters within one hour of more than 4000 stores each commodity stocks the shelves and sales of all inventory again. Wal-Mart's channel strategy is reflected in the success of Wal-Mart stores, Wal-Mart has become a leader in the retail industry, a good image in the minds of consumers. In the promotion, Wal-Mart is a zero-cost marketing strategy. Wal-Mart is the most common form of marketing is a membership-based promotion and public relations promotions. Stores stock about 5% lower price than other supermarket or hypermarket. Meanwhile, Wal-Mart attaches great importance to public relations promotion, enhance corporate image.Case (2): CarrefourCarrefour to provide "one-stop shopping" comfortable shopping space, Carrefour has always adhered to the philosophy. The low price is Carrefour's success a magic weapon. Carrefour has been working through various channels to control, reduce costs, which will be more affordable left to the customer. In addition to the diverse and favorable to the consumer selection of products, Carrefour also provides consumers with many thoughtful services allow consumers to fully enjoy their shopping and convenience. For a long time, Carrefour is not only always carry out your happy satisfaction is our greatest happiness, "marketing slogan, but also showedgreat sincerity in all aspects, not only fresh and cheap goods, comfortable oversized shopping environment, quality and thoughtful services to attract consumers, more subtle work hard to stimulate consumers to have a huge desire to buy, from the physical, psychological and other aspects, so that consumers into the Carrefour will not be empty-handed out. Carrefour promotional event full of entertainment, its purpose is not only selling products, and more important is to enhance the affinity of the store, caused by a strong customer interest, from the sale and purchase transactions between merchants and customers into a common entertainment, and ultimately through the game to pull into the distance.Case (3): MetroMETRO characteristics of commodity marketing are difference. Gradually increase the competitive pressure within the face of retail, METRO is not simply to the low price to attract customers, but to start from the goods, exclusive goods, specialty goods and own-brand goods to attract customers. In each Metro store has some unique, such as cheese, custard, butter, coffee, curry powder imported goods and some cross-regional specialties, in addition, Metro's own brand in addition to the daily necessities related to hardware tools. Metro also use the "Customer Day" that the corporate emphasis on small-scale industrial and commercial households, and reiterated that customer as a partner with the customer service concept of common development, in order to win the goodwill and trust of the customer. METRO supermarkets generally do not advertise through the mass media, but to use directmail advertising promotions. For all members there is every two weeks contact with them by mail to tell them the latest news. "Post a detailed full-color page catalog, the latest price of the goods within two weeks, new goods, as well as the recently launched promotional product information. Post not only to the members to keep abreast of product information, and help enterprises to reduce procurement costs and improve customer procurement transparency and fairness.On comparative evaluation of retail marketing mix elementsProduct, price, channel, promotion, "the four major marketing mix elements be summed up 4P, 4P factors can be controlled in the marketing process, the primary means of marketing activities for their specific use, the formation of the enterprise marketing strategy. The retail portfolio, retailers, the basic characteristics of the different retailers, the retail mix, and this difference is that the retailers in the trade-off between the price and type of goods and services. With the transfer of retailer initiative, retailers are also more and more focus on retail marketing activities of the initiative, flexibility, diversity and integration. Retail marketing activities are by simple price promotions, advertising development to now set the price, product, promotion and distribution services in the integrated marketing. Marketing strategy used by Wal-Mart's everyday low prices, respect for employees, the customer is God, service with a smile, the structure of the localized variety, convenient and receivables; Carrefour one-stop shopping, commodity-rich, ultra-low prices, fresh quality, free parking, self-service; Metro pay-and-carry, Metro Post, the customer consultants;Watson innovative products, personalized service, high prices, PB goods, beautiful shelf design placed. Therefore, we can see that the marketing strategy in the retail business is not limited to the 4P marketing theory of the production enterprises, retail practice has been summed up for retail business retail marketing theories and models, integrated marketing, retail goods and services .LimitationFirstly, English as a second language of the author's proficiency as a first language, because it is a second language, writing in the writing process thinking, the first reaction is to use the Chinese thinking, and then into English. This leads to a conflict of cannot help in the process of writing two languages, leaving some of the expression is not clear enough. In the process of the guidance of instructors, due to language barriers, exchange understanding differences, in short, the students in writing prone to writing obstacles because of too many language barriers.Secondly, In the process of data collection, information in English reading process, inevitably, there is difficulty in understanding, so the result is not deep enough to understand the authors’point of view. Student status in the data collection process, due to certain campus resources are limited, resulting in the latest related research point of view cannot learn in a timely manner.Thirdly, the scope of this paper is not only confined to one country, but rather focused on the international strategy of a few large multinational retail enterprises, mainly focused on Asian markets and European markets, adopted by enterprises of different retail strategy, and thus these strategies were analyzed. Data collection involves both the reference and learning of Chinese papers to finish her dissertation; you will encounter the obstacles of language translation. Different enterprises in different countries adopt different retail strategy research, more emphasis on strategy, while ignoring the different parts of the culture which led to taking a different retail strategy.ConclusionSummarized above, we can easily find how to do a lot of retail marketing methods. China's retail development needs to continue to promote and improve the chain operations, and achieve economies of scale. The chain operation is the product of large-scale socialized production, has been nearly 140 years of history in the Western market economy countries, as a new kind of business organizational form and operating system, has been introduced into China since the early 1990s, bringing China's retail a profound change. But in the concrete practice of the process, the implementation of the chain mode of operation is also unsatisfactory. To this end the following aspects should further improve this form of business:Firstly, on the basis of standardized, continue to expand the scale. Chain operations are a very important feature of the implementation of standardized operation andmanagement. China has carried out the chain operation enterprises, many companies just go in the form of chain operation, the operation of less normative. This should draw on international experience, as soon as possible to work out a complete set of the chain method, suitable for China to protect the chain of intellectual property rights and management rights, and even the fine provisions of the basic conditions and standard of chain operation, standardize chain operations, truly reflect the unified purchase, unified distribution, unified management, unified accounting core, to prevent even without the lock.Secondly, the appropriate government supports, to give the necessary preferential policies to encourage its rapid development. All levels of government to take practical measures to solve the real problem of the chain funding, taxation, and network registration; to the issuance of special loans and lower loan rates and tax breaks and other preferential policies of chain operation.Thirdly, under specific conditions, select the form of chain operation. The three types of chain operation, the camp chain, franchise chains and voluntary chains, each type has its implementation conditions, but also has its pros and cons. Enterprises according to their own conditions, including industry characteristics, operating characteristics, firm size, and environmental factors selected in accordance with the chain form. And attention should be paid to speed up the construction of distribution centers.Fourthly, Step by step implementation of the retail brand strategy in conditions of economic globalization, the modern business enterprise competition for brand competition. Wal-Mart, Carrefour, Metro has been able to go abroad, to countries around the world to invest in stores, must rely on brand strength. China's retail business due to long-term in the planned economic system, the lack of theoretical guidance and practical experience of market-oriented operation, the significance and influence on the development of brand strategy in retail survival is not very clear understanding.This paper retail brand strategy should include two aspects of the corporate brand and product brands, our retail brand strategy can take two steps. At this stage should go all out to do the corporate brand, and brand integration through its role in guiding and guide the production quality and cheap products. The final integration of the corporate brand and the brand of its own products, coupled with the favorable factors, China's retail industry will be able to face the Western counterparts. Fifthly, Operating in good faith to create a strong brand, Integrity is honest and trustworthy. Corporate integrity is honest and trustworthy companies in the business activities, such as the performance of the contract, commitment, and so on. The market economy is credit economy in the strict contractual basis, which requires economic agents to comply with the rules of honesty and trustworthiness. A good faith enterprise will undoubtedly win consumer loyalty and trust.Finally, corporate brand strategy and corporate integrity are closely linked. Companies honest and trustworthy, and this concept of good faith throughout the whole process of brand strategy, will create a strong brand for consumer trust and enduring. Enterprises lack of integrity will make it to destruction. Domestic and foreign enterprises integrity and growth and the many examples of dishonesty and destruction, they are both positive and negative aspects reveal brand strategy and integrity to the world to stay together to each other based on the close relationship. Integrity can achieve brand strategy, brand strategy and contribute to integrity. The purpose of the corporate brand strategy is to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises, and this strength is reflected in the brand competitiveness. A strong brand to reflect the brand image for its excellent quality will undoubtedly enhance the integrity of the brand.。


1. Form of ownership
1.1 Corporate Chain is an organization of two or more
centrally owned and managed stores that generally handle the same lines of products.
2.3 Limited-Line Stores A narrow but deep product
assortment and selected customer services that vary from store to store. A limited-line store may choose to concentrate on:
ClassificatБайду номын сангаасon of Retailers
1.3 Contractual Vertical Marketing Systems :
1.3.2 Franchise Systems the right use its trademark and
management assistance in return for payments There are 2 kinds of franchising:
- Product and trade name franchising a supplier (the franchisor) authorizes a dealer (the franchisee) to sell a product line, using the parent company’s trade name for promotional purposes.


– 渠道、对象、地域的定义
• 促销时间(起止日期或条件) • 具体操作方式
– 促销活动优惠方式 – 活动主要操作形式 – 参与条件 – 店内宣传方式及市场支持(媒体等)
• 销售目标及目标分解 • 费用估算 • 项目行动计划
– 指项目由初步方案-审核确定-传达执行的计划。
3.购买者选择之前先进行的是“的淘7项汰理论; ”
• 购买者先选出哪些是不相关的,然后在其余的 部分中进行选择。
• 购买者使用他/她们已知的片断(内容)来加快 上述步骤;
3.购买者选择之前先进行的是“的淘7项汰理论; ”
• 我们如何利用上述信息?
– 让所有的可能与购买者相关联的商品进入“最终选 择部分”
度超过4英尺将不会有额外的价值; • 理想状态是货架从底到顶的陈列方式
影响购买者购买行为 的7项理论;
• 如何利用上述信息?
颜色变换(对比标准色) 货架分隔 彩色货架 货架底盘 音乐
不同的货架外形 不同的灯饰、灯光效果 不同的地板 气味 弧形货架
客户忠诚度 Loyalty
产品知名度 Awareness
尝试购买率 Trial
品牌忠诚度 Loyalty
消费者知道公司的产品(%) × 消费者试用过公司的产品(%) × 消费者不断重复使用公司产品(%)

菲利普科特勒营销权威教程 Lecture 7 Product

菲利普科特勒营销权威教程 Lecture 7 Product

Three levels of product (Airline)
Safety record
In-flight services Duty free shopping
Timecritical transport
baggage Seat allocation
Idea generation
Product Life cycle
The product becomes wellknown in the market and sales volume increases
Sales hit a peak then begin to level off as a result of competition from new and existing products.
He a l t h c l u b Me d i c a l c a r e C o ns u l t i ng Le ga l s e r v i ce s Day care
Continuum of Goods and Services
Product can be classified as:
Repairing Features Core, benefit or service Styling
Three levels of product
Brand name Delivery and credit
Qantas Club
Consumer products
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Franchising: disadvantages
Chemists Florists Electrical Sports Goods
Co-operative societies
• Voluntary and open membership: anyone can join, regardless of race, religion or political affiliation
Franchisor Rapid growth is possible Less capital required Franchisees make highly motivated owner-managers Lower monitoring costs Chain can include some directly managed outlets Scope for internationalization Low risk way to test/develop a market Advantages Franchisee Retains some independence Rewards proportional to success achieved Less start-up risk Loans more readily available Support and advice in setting up and operating Use of well-known brand name National/international marketing activity
Factors linked to shift in power
• Abolition of RPM in 1964 (the NBA and OTC) • Development of retailer brands; and retailer as brand • Increasing concentration and consolidation of retail trade (Top 4 DIY retailers = 75% of market share) • Terms of trade (buying power breeds buying power) • Access to information and data – loyalty cards especially. Information is power
M a n u f a c t u r e r
W h o l e s a l e r
R e t a i l e r

Design Make Brand Price Promote Buy Stock Display Sell Deliver Credit
despite strong growth in recent years.
Important retail trends
Changing retail power and the evolution of retail marketing
• Retailing no longer a passive link within the channel of distribution from manufacturer to consumer • Signals a shift in channel power • “A retailer is somebody who understands the consumer” (George Davies)
Retail concentration
• Retail industry in USA, UK and West characterised by increasing concentration • Takeovers and mergers have led to the formation of large retail organisations • Grocery retailing most concentrated industry sector in the UK • Brings advantages and disadvantages to the consumer – issues of choice and anticompetitive practices (OFT / CC)
In 2009 UK retail sales were over £285 billion. The retail industry employed over 2.9 million people as at the end of
December 2009. This equates to 11% of the total UK workforce.
• Surplus (profits) should be distributed to members in proportion to their purchases: the members dividend (or „divi‟)
Franchising: advantages
9% of all VAT-registered businesses in the UK are retailers, with the total number currently at 192,595.
In 2009 there were 293,510 retail outletsdrick (2002, p.4)
Control of marketing elements
Marketing Mix Past Present Retailer Control Manufacturer Control
Product Design Shelf Price Brand Images Advertising Product Range Shelf Space Logistics Information Customer Relationships
Big vs. small
Retail growth cycle
Power Supply of Goods Services Buying to Retailer Land Acquisition Acquiring Companies Recruiting Staff
Economies of Scale Branding/Advertising Product Development Format Development Supply Chains Management Expertise Information Systems
Competitive Pricing Discounting Local Flexing Special Offers Leader Lines
Product/Service Mix Product Quality Choice Service(s) Environments Convenience
Other trends
• New technologies
• Centralised distribution • Globalisation
Retail ownership
Independents (< 10 stores)
Multiple retailers
Retail conglomerates
Dependence of suppliers on major retailers
Major Grocery Retailers Top 1 Top 2 Top 3 Top 4 Top 5 Average % of suppliers’ sales 38.4 56.9 69.7 79.1 86.2 % of UK retail sales 32.2 46.8 56.4 63.3 68.5
• Democratic control: the ultimate control of societies lies with the members: one member one vote • Share capital should receive only a limited rate of interest.
Power in the chain
• Could Sainsbury’s do without Warburton’s? • Could Warburton’s do without Sainsbury’s?
Or could Coke do without WalMart and vice versa? 4 out of 27 choices are Warburton‟s in this category
Voluntary or symbol groups
Some UK symbol groups
Sector Grocery Group Spar Convenience Stores Happy Shopper Londis Lifestyle (Scandia) Family Choice Costcutter Mace Marketing Services Best-in (Bestway Vantage Newmark Interflora Euronics Intersport Outlets 2,800 2,000 1,800 1,350 1,150 790 550 500 1,500 1,385 2,400 1,500 350
Changing channel power
Conventional Channels Vertical Marketing Systems