



小学英语单词头脑风暴,水果,食物等大全酵母粉yeast barm Yellow pepper黄椒肉桂 cinnamon (在美国十分受欢迎,很多事物都有肉桂料)黄油 butter香草精 vanilla extract(甜点必备)面粉 flour洋葱 onion单词头脑风暴-----主食类(staple food)三文治 sandwich米饭rice粥 congee (rice soup)汤 soup饺子dumpling面条 noodle比萨饼 pizza方便面 instant noodle 香肠 sausage面包 bread黄油(白塔油)butter 茶叶蛋 Tea eggs 油菜 rape饼干 cookies咸菜(泡菜)pickle馒头 steamed bread 饼(蛋糕)cake汉堡 hamburger火腿ham奶酪 cheese馄饨皮 wonton skin高筋面粉 Strong flour 小麦wheat大麦barley青稞highland barley 高粱broomcorn (kaoliang )春卷Spring rolls芋头 Taro山药yam鱼翅 shark fin黄花 daylily松花蛋皮蛋preserved eggs 肉馅饼minced pie糙米 Brown rice玉米 corn馅儿 stuffing开胃菜 appetizer面粉 flour燕麦 oat白薯甘薯 sweet potato牛排 steak 里脊肉 fillet 凉粉 bean jelly 糯米江米 sticky rice 燕窝 bird’s nest 粟 Chinese corn 肉丸子 meat balls 枳橙citrange 点心(中式)dim sum 淀粉starch 蛋挞 egg tart单词头脑风暴-----(dry fruits)干果类腰果 Cashew nuts花生 peanut无花果fig榛子filbert hazel栗子chestnut核桃 walnut杏仁almond果脯 preserved fruit 芋头taro葡萄干raisin cordial开心果 pistachion巴西果 brazil nut菱角,荸荠 water chestnut (和国内食用法不同,做坚果食用)单词头脑风暴-----酒水类(beverage)红酒 red wine白酒 white wine白兰地 brandy葡萄酒 sherry汽水(软饮料) soda(盐)汽水sparkling water 果汁juice冰棒 Ice-lolly啤酒beer酸奶 yoghurt伏特加酒vodka鸡尾酒cocktail豆奶 soy milk豆浆soybean milk凉开水 cold boiled water浓缩果汁 concentrated juice冰镇啤酒 iced(chilled 咖啡伴侣coffee mate单词头脑风暴-----零食类(snack)薄荷糖 cracke饼干, biscuit饼干, 棒棒糖bonbon茶tea (沏茶 make the tea)话梅prune candied plum锅巴 rice crust瓜子 melon seed冰棒(冰果) ice(frozen) sucker冰淇凌ice cream巧克力豆 marble chocolate barley 布丁pudding中式早点:烧饼 Clay oven rolls 油条 Fried bread stick 韭菜盒 Fried leek dumplings水饺Boiled dumplings 蒸饺 Steamed dumplings馒头 Steamed buns割包 Steamed sandwich饭团 Rice and vegetableroll蛋饼Egg cakes 皮蛋100-year egg 咸鸭蛋 Salted duck egg豆浆 Soybean milk饭类:稀饭 Rice porridge白饭 Plain white rice油饭Glutinous oil rice糯米饭 Glutinous rice 卤肉饭 Braised pork rice 蛋炒饭 Fried rice with egg地瓜粥 Sweet potato congee面类:馄饨面 Wonton noodles刀削面 Sliced noodles 麻辣面Spicy hot noodles麻酱面Sesame paste noodles 鸭肉面Duck withnoodles鳝鱼面Eel noodles乌龙面 Seafood noodles 榨菜肉丝面 Pork , pickled mustard green noodles牡蛎细面 Oyster thin noodles 板条 Flat noodles 米粉 Rice noodles炒米粉 Fried rice noodles 冬粉Green bean noodle汤类:鱼丸汤 Fish ball soup 贡丸汤 Meat ball soup蛋花汤 Egg vegetable soup 蛤蜊汤 Clams soup牡蛎汤Oyster soup 紫菜汤 Seaweed soup酸辣汤 Sweet sour soup 馄饨汤 Wonton soup猪肠汤 Pork intestine soup 肉羹汤 Pork thick soup鱿鱼汤 Squid soup 花枝羹Squid thick soup中餐:bear’s paw 熊掌 * of deer 鹿脯 beche-de-mer; sea cucumber 海参sea sturgeon 海鳝salted jelly fish 海蜇皮kelp,seaweed 海带 abalone鲍鱼shark fin鱼翅scallops 干贝lobster龙虾 bird’s nest 燕窝 roast suckling pig 考乳猪pig’s knuckle 猪脚 boiled salted duck 盐水鸭preserved meat腊肉barbecued pork 叉烧sausage 香肠fried pork flakes 肉松 BAR-B-Q 烤肉meat diet 荤菜 vegetables 素菜 meat broth 肉羹local dish 地方菜 Cantonese cuisine 广东菜 set meal 客饭 curry rice 咖喱饭fried rice 炒饭 plain rice 白饭 crispy rice 锅巴gruel, soft rice , porridge 粥—noodles with gravy 打卤面plain noodle 阳春面casserole 砂锅chafing dish,fire pot火锅 meat bun肉包子shao-mai烧麦preserved bean curd 腐乳bean curd 豆腐fermented blank bean 豆豉 pickled cucumbers 酱瓜preserved egg 皮蛋 salted duck egg 咸鸭蛋 dried turnip 萝卜干中式早点:烧饼 Clay oven rolls 油条 Fried bread stick 韭菜盒 Fried leek dumplings水饺Boiled dumplings 蒸饺 Steamed dumplings馒头 Steamed buns割包 Steamed sandwich饭团 Rice and vegetableroll蛋饼Egg cakes 皮蛋100-year egg 咸鸭蛋 Salted duck egg豆浆 Soybean milk饭类:稀饭 Rice porridge白饭 Plain white rice油饭Glutinous oil rice糯米饭 Glutinous rice 卤肉饭 Braised pork rice 蛋炒饭 Fried rice with egg地瓜粥 Sweet potato congee面类:馄饨面 Wonton noodles刀削面 Sliced noodles 麻辣面Spicy hot noodles麻酱面Sesame paste noodles 鸭肉面Duck with noodles鳝鱼面Eel noodles乌龙面 Seafood noodles 榨菜肉丝面 Pork , pickledmustard green noodles牡蛎细面 Oyster thin noodles 板条 Flat noodles 米粉 Rice noodles炒米粉 Fried rice noodles 冬粉Green bean noodle汤类:鱼丸汤 Fish ball soup 贡丸汤 Meat ball soup蛋花汤 Egg vegetable soup 蛤蜊汤 Clams soup牡蛎汤Oyster soup 紫菜汤 Seaweed soup酸辣汤 Sweet sour soup 馄饨汤 Wonton soup猪肠汤 Pork intestine soup 肉羹汤 Pork thick soup鱿鱼汤 Squid soup 花枝羹Squid thick soup中餐:bear’s paw 熊掌 * of deer 鹿脯 beche-de-mer;sea cucumber 海参sea sturgeon 海鳝salted jelly fish 海蜇皮kelp,seaweed 海带 abalone鲍鱼shark fin鱼翅scallops 干贝lobster龙虾 bird’s nest 燕窝 roast suckling pig 考乳猪pig’s knuckle 猪脚 boiled salted duck 盐水鸭preserved meat腊肉barbecued pork 叉烧sausage 香肠fried pork flakes 肉松 BAR-B-Q 烤肉meat diet 荤菜 vegetables 素菜 meat broth 肉羹local dish 地方菜 Cantonese cuisine 广东菜 set meal 客饭 curry rice 咖喱饭fried rice 炒饭 plain rice 白饭 crispy rice 锅巴gruel, soft rice , porridge 粥—noodles with gravy 打卤面plain noodle 阳春面casserole 砂锅chafing dish,fire pot火锅 meat bun肉包子shao-mai烧麦preserved bean curd 腐乳bean curd 豆腐fermented blank bean 豆豉 pickled cucumbers 酱瓜preserved egg 皮蛋 salted duck egg 咸鸭蛋 dried turnip 萝卜干单词头脑风暴-----海鲜类(sea food)虾仁 Peeled Prawns 龙虾 lobster 小龙虾 crayfish(退缩者)蟹 crab蟹足crab claws小虾(虾米) shrimp对虾、大虾 prawn(烤)鱿鱼(toast)squid海参 sea cucumber扇贝 scallop鲍鱼 sea-ear abalone 小贝肉cockles 牡蛎oyster鱼鳞scale海蜇jellyfish鳖海龟turtle蚬蛤 clam鲅鱼 culter鲳鱼 butterfish虾籽 shrimp egg鲢鱼银鲤鱼chub silver carp 黄花鱼 yellow croaker。



juice [dʒu:s]n. (水果)汁,液;果汁juice peach: 水蜜桃|水违禁小说请删除|水蜜(蟹)桃vegetable juice: 蔬菜汁|果菜汁|菜汁pineapple ['pain,æpl]n. 菠萝;凤梨;失业救济金pineapple jelly: 菠萝冻|凤梨冻Pineapple cup: 菠萝杯|菠萝盃mango ['mæŋɡəu]n. 芒果Green mango: 芒果清清|绿芒果dried mango: 芒果干peach [pi:tʃ]n. 桃子;桃树;桃红色;[美俚]受人喜欢的人(或物)honey peach: 水蜜桃|蜜桃|(水)蜜桃pear [pεə]n. 梨树;梨子pear: 梨子|梨|梨树watermelon ['wɔ:təmelən, 'wɔ-]n. 西瓜Chinese watermelon: 冬瓜|西瓜|冬瓜:Watermelon Tourmaline: 西瓜电气石|西瓜碧玺lemon ['lemən]n. 柠檬adj. 柠檬色的lemon pie: 柠檬饼|柠檬攀〔西点名|柠檬派strawberry ['strɔ:bəri]n. 草莓;草莓色Strawberry Juice: 草莓果茶|草莓汁:|草梅汁banana [bə'nɑ:nə, -'næ-]n. 香蕉;喜剧演员;大鹰钩鼻Banana Pancakes: 香蕉煎饼|香蕉薄饼|香蕉松饼orange ['ɔrindʒ, 'ɔ:-]n. 橙;橙色;桔子adj. 橙色的;橘色的orange peel: 柑桔皮|橘皮状表面缺陷|陈皮seedless orange: 无核桔|无核桔英语学习网|无子桔apple ['æpl]n. 苹果;[俚]家伙apple souffle: 苹果蛋奶酥|苹果酥夫利Apple green: 苹果绿|青苹果|苹*果绿cherry ['tʃeri]n. 樱桃;樱桃树;如樱桃的鲜红色;Europe cherry: 欧洲樱桃木板kiwi fruit ['ki:wi:fru:t]猕猴桃;奇异果kiwi fruit: 猕猴桃|奇异果|奇异果(奇伟果)kiwi-fruit jam: 猕猴桃酱canned kiwi-fruit slice in syrup: 糖水猕猴桃罐头grape [ɡreip]n. 葡萄;葡萄酒;葡萄树;葡萄色Grape fruit: 葡萄柚|西釉|萄柚Grape brandy: 葡萄白兰地meat [mi:t]n. 肉,肉类(食用)meat broth: 肉羹nut meat: 坚果仁|坚果仁英语学习网noodles ['nu:dl]n. 面条,挂面(noodle的复数形式)instinct noodles: 速食面Flat noodles: 板条|板面|粄条rice [rais]n. 稻;米饭curry rice: 咖喱饭|咖哩饭|咖哩飯Long rice: 长米,较硬,煮前先泡一个小时|长米|长米(一种较硬的米,煮前需先泡一个小时)sweets [swi:ts]n. 糖果;甜食(sweet的复数)Island Sweets: 甜蜜小岛peanut ['pi:nʌt]n. 花生落花生fried peanut: 香脆花生|油炸花生米biscuit ['biskit]n. 小点心,饼干wafer biscuit: 威化饼乾|威化饼干|威化饼ship biscuit: 硬饼干|压缩饼干|压缩饼干压缩饼干soup [su:p]n. 汤,羹;马力Fish Soup: 三丝烩鱼肚|鱼汤|豆仁鱼片羹pea soup: 豌豆汤|干碗豆汤|豆子汤cake [keik]n. 蛋糕;块状物;利益总额cake flour: 低筋面粉|蛋糕粉|细面粉milk [milk]n. 牛奶;乳状物coconut milk: 椰奶|椰子乳|椰子奶Soybean milk: 豆浆|豆奶|豆奶,豆浆ice-cream ['aiskri:m]n. 冰淇淋soft ice-cream: 窗淇淋|软淇淋|冰淇淋chocolate ice-cream: 巧克力冰淇淋|巧克力霜淇淋|巧克力fast food 速食,快餐fast food: 速食|便当|西式快餐Fast-food services: 快餐服务fast-food outlets: 快餐店chocolate ['tʃɔkəlit]n. 巧克力,巧克力糖;巧克力色adj. 巧克力色的;巧克力口味的milk chocolate: 牛奶巧克力|奶油巧克力|牛奶巧克力糖cheese [tʃi:z]n. 奶酪;干酪;[美俚]要人cheese sandwich: 奶酪三明治|计司三明治|乳酪三味夹cheese toast: 奶酪烤面包片|乳酪烤面包片hot dog 热狗(面包夹熏红肠)Hot-dog: 供应热狗肠|热狗(红肠面包)Rolling Hot-Dog Grill: 滚筒式烤香肠机American Hot Dog: 美式热狗:sausage ['sɔsidʒ, 'sɔ:-]n. 香肠;腊肠;装香肠的碎肉cold sausage: 冷茶肠|睹肠|腊肠sausage roll: 香肠肉卷|香肠卷|肠卷moon cake n. 月饼hamburger ['hæmbə:ɡə]n. 汉堡包,汉堡;牛肉饼,肉饼;碎牛肉Double Hamburger: 双层汉堡|双层汉堡包cola ['kəulə]n. 可乐;可乐树(其子含咖啡碱)pepsi cola: 百事可乐cola nut: 可乐果|可乐果,可乐仁英文:beef [bi:f]n. 牛肉;肌肉;食用牛;牢骚braised beef: 炖牛肉|焖牛肉|烩牛肉tea [ti:]n. 茶叶;茶树;茶点lemon tea: 柠檬茶|檬柠茶|我爱台妹炸鸡排tea party: 茶会|茶话会|茶党chicken ['tʃikin]n. 鸡肉;小鸡;胆小鬼,懦夫adj. 鸡肉的;胆怯的;幼小的roast chicken: 烤鸡|烤油鸡|片皮脆烧鸡Curry Chicken: 咖喱鸡|咖喱鸡球|咖哩鸡pork [pɔ:k]n. 猪肉|猪肉类|梅菜扣肉Pork Fillet: 小里肌肉|里肌肉|里脊肉vegetable ['vedʒitəbl]n. 蔬菜;植物;植物人adj. 蔬菜的;植物的Mixed V egetable: 炒杂菜|什锦蔬菜|素什锦coffee ['kɔfi]n. 咖啡;咖啡豆;咖啡色white coffee: 牛奶咖啡|加牛奶的咖啡|加奶咖啡coffee table: 茶几|(置于沙发前的)茶几|咖啡台。



小学英语单词头脑风暴,水果,食物等大全单词头脑风暴-----肉、蔬菜类(livestock家畜)牛肉beef猪肉pork羊肉mutton羔羊肉lamb鸡肉chicken腱子肉tendon肘子pork joint瘦肉lean meat肥肉speck鲤鱼carp咸猪肉bacon生菜莴苣lettuce白菜Chinese cabbage (celery cabbage)卷心菜cabbage萝卜radish胡萝卜carrot韭菜leek木耳agarics豌豆pea马铃薯(土豆)potato 黄瓜cucumber 苦瓜balsam pear秋葵okra洋葱onion芹菜celery芹菜杆celery sticks 地瓜sweet potato 蘑菇mushroom橄榄olive菠菜spinach冬瓜(Chinese)wax gourd莲藕lotus root紫菜laver油菜cole rape茄子eggplant香菜caraway枇杷loquat青椒green pepper四季豆青刀豆garden bean银耳silvery fungi茴香fennel金针蘑needle mushroom扁豆lentil槟榔areca水萝卜summer radish 竹笋bamboo shoot 艾蒿Chinese mugwort 绿豆mung bean毛豆green soy bean黄花菜day lily (day lily bud)豆芽菜bean sprout南瓜(倭瓜)pumpkin甜玉米Sweet corn单词头脑风暴-----调料类(seasonings)醋vinegar酱油soy盐salt加碘盐iodized salt糖sugar白糖refined sugar酱soy sauce沙拉salad辣椒hot(red)pepper 胡椒(black)pepper色拉油salad oil 红糖brown sugar芝麻酱Sesame paste花椒wild pepper Chinese prickly ash powder色拉油salad oil调料fixing sauce seasoning砂糖granulated sugar冰糖Rock Sugar芝麻Sesame芝麻油Sesame oil咖喱粉curry番茄酱(汁)ketchup redeye辣根horseradish葱shallot (Spring onions)姜ginger蒜garlic料酒cooking wine蚝油oyster sauce枸杞medlar八角aniseed酵母粉yeast barm Yellow pepper黄椒肉桂cinnamon (在美国十分受欢迎,很多事物都有肉桂料)黄油butter香草精vanilla extract(甜点必备)面粉flour洋葱onion单词头脑风暴-----主食类(staple food)三文治sandwich米饭rice粥congee (rice soup)汤soup饺子dumpling面条noodle比萨饼pizza方便面instant noodle 香肠sausage面包bread黄油(白塔油)butter 茶叶蛋Tea eggs油菜rape饼干cookies咸菜(泡菜)pickle馒头steamed bread 饼(蛋糕)cake汉堡hamburger火腿ham奶酪cheese馄饨皮wonton skin高筋面粉Strong flour 小麦wheat大麦barley青稞highland barley 高粱broomcorn (kaoliang )春卷Spring rolls芋头Taro山药yam鱼翅shark fin黄花daylily松花蛋皮蛋preserved eggs肉馅饼minced pie糙米Brown rice玉米corn馅儿stuffing开胃菜appetizer面粉flour燕麦oat白薯甘薯sweet potato牛排steak 里脊肉fillet 凉粉bean jelly 糯米江米sticky rice 燕窝bird's nest 粟Chinese corn 肉丸子meat balls 枳橙citrange 点心(中式)dim sum 淀粉starch蛋挞egg tart单词头脑风暴-----(dry fruits)干果类腰果Cashew nuts花生peanut无花果fig榛子filbert hazel栗子chestnut核桃walnut杏仁almond果脯preserved fruit芋头taro葡萄干raisin cordial开心果pistachion巴西果brazil nut菱角,荸荠water chestnut (和国内食用法不同,做坚果食用)单词头脑风暴-----酒水类(beverage)红酒red wine白酒white wine白兰地brandy葡萄酒sherry汽水(软饮料) soda(盐)汽水sparkling water果汁juice冰棒Ice-lolly啤酒beer酸奶yoghurt伏特加酒vodka鸡尾酒cocktail豆奶soy milk豆浆soybean milk凉开水cold boiled water浓缩果汁concentrated juice冰镇啤酒iced(chilled 咖啡伴侣coffee mate单词头脑风暴-----零食类(snack)薄荷糖cracke饼干, biscuit饼干, 棒棒糖bonbon茶tea (沏茶make the tea)话梅prune candied plum锅巴rice crust瓜子melon seed冰棒(冰果)ice(frozen)sucker冰淇凌ice cream巧克力豆marble chocolate barley 布丁pudding中式早点:烧饼Clay oven rolls 油条Fried bread stick 韭菜盒Fried leek dumplings水饺Boiled dumplings 蒸饺Steamed dumplings 馒头Steamed buns割包Steamed sandwich 饭团Rice and vegetable roll蛋饼Egg cakes 皮蛋100-year egg 咸鸭蛋Salted duck egg豆浆Soybean milk饭类:稀饭Rice porridge 白饭Plain white rice 油饭Glutinous oil rice糯米饭Glutinous rice 卤肉饭Braised pork rice 蛋炒饭Fried rice with egg地瓜粥Sweet potato congee面类:馄饨面Wonton noodles 刀削面Sliced noodles 麻辣面Spicy hot noodles麻酱面Sesame paste noodles 鸭肉面Duck with noodles 鳝鱼面Eel noodles乌龙面Seafood noodles 榨菜肉丝面Pork , pickled mustard green noodles牡蛎细面Oyster thin noodles 板条Flat noodles 米粉Rice noodles炒米粉Fried rice noodles 冬粉Green bean noodle汤类:鱼丸汤Fish ball soup 贡丸汤Meat ball soup 蛋花汤Egg vegetable soup 蛤蜊汤Clams soup 牡蛎汤Oyster soup 紫菜汤Seaweed soup 酸辣汤Sweet sour soup 馄饨汤Wonton soup 猪肠汤Pork intestine soup 肉羹汤Pork thick soup 鱿鱼汤Squid soup 花枝羹Squid thick soup 中餐:bear's paw 熊掌* of deer 鹿脯beche-de-mer; sea cucumber 海参sea sturgeon 海鳝salted jelly fish 海蜇皮kelp,seaweed 海带abalone鲍鱼shark fin鱼翅scallops干贝lobster龙虾bird's nest 燕窝roast suckling pig 考乳猪pig's knuckle 猪脚boiled salted duck 盐水鸭preserved meat腊肉barbecued pork 叉烧sausage 香肠fried pork flakes 肉松BAR-B-Q 烤肉meat diet 荤菜vegetables 素菜meat broth 肉羹local dish 地方菜Cantonese cuisine 广东菜set meal 客饭curry rice 咖喱饭fried rice 炒饭plain rice 白饭crispy rice 锅巴gruel, soft rice , porridge 粥—noodles with gravy 打卤面plain noodle 阳春面casserole 砂锅chafing dish,fire pot火锅meat bun肉包子shao-mai烧麦preserved bean curd 腐乳bean curd豆腐fermented blank bean 豆豉pickled cucumbers 酱瓜preserved egg 皮蛋salted duck egg 咸鸭蛋dried turnip 萝卜干中式早点:烧饼Clay oven rolls 油条Fried bread stick 韭菜盒Fried leek dumplings水饺Boiled dumplings 蒸饺Steamed dumplings 馒头Steamed buns割包Steamed sandwich 饭团Rice and vegetable roll蛋饼Egg cakes 皮蛋100-year egg 咸鸭蛋Salted duck egg豆浆Soybean milk饭类:稀饭Rice porridge 白饭Plain white rice 油饭Glutinous oil rice糯米饭Glutinous rice 卤肉饭Braised pork rice 蛋炒饭Fried rice with egg地瓜粥Sweet potato congee面类:馄饨面Wonton noodles 刀削面Sliced noodles 麻辣面Spicy hot noodles麻酱面Sesame paste noodles 鸭肉面Duck with noodles 鳝鱼面Eel noodles乌龙面Seafood noodles 榨菜肉丝面Pork , pickled mustard green noodles牡蛎细面Oyster thin noodles 板条Flat noodles 米粉Rice noodles炒米粉Fried rice noodles 冬粉Green bean noodle汤类:鱼丸汤Fish ball soup 贡丸汤Meat ball soup 蛋花汤Egg vegetable soup 蛤蜊汤Clams soup 牡蛎汤Oyster soup 紫菜汤Seaweed soup 酸辣汤Sweet sour soup 馄饨汤Wonton soup 猪肠汤Pork intestine soup 肉羹汤Pork thick soup 鱿鱼汤Squid soup 花枝羹Squid thick soup中餐:bear's paw 熊掌* of deer 鹿脯beche-de-mer; sea cucumber 海参sea sturgeon 海鳝salted jelly fish 海蜇皮kelp,seaweed 海带abalone鲍鱼shark fin鱼翅scallops干贝lobster龙虾bird's nest 燕窝roast suckling pig 考乳猪pig's knuckle 猪脚boiled salted duck 盐水鸭preserved meat腊肉barbecued pork 叉烧sausage 香肠fried pork flakes 肉松BAR-B-Q 烤肉meat diet 荤菜vegetables 素菜meat broth 肉羹local dish 地方菜Cantonese cuisine 广东菜set meal 客饭curry rice 咖喱饭fried rice 炒饭plain rice 白饭crispy rice 锅巴gruel, soft rice , porridge 粥—noodles with gravy 打卤面plain noodle 阳春面casserole 砂锅chafing dish,fire pot火锅meat bun肉包子shao-mai烧麦preserved bean curd 腐乳bean curd豆腐fermented blank bean 豆豉pickled cucumbers 酱瓜preserved egg 皮蛋salted duck egg 咸鸭蛋dried turnip 萝卜干单词头脑风暴-----水果类(fruits)西红柿tomato菠萝pineapple西瓜watermelon香蕉banana柚子shaddock (pomelo)橙子orange苹果apple柠檬lemon樱桃cherry桃子peach梨pear枣Chinese date (去核枣pitted date )椰子coconut草莓strawberry树莓raspberry蓝莓blueberry黑莓blackberry葡萄grape甘蔗sugar cane芒果mango木瓜pawpaw或者papaya杏子apricot油桃nectarine柿子persimmon石榴pomegranate榴莲jackfruit槟榔果areca nut猕猴桃kiwi fruit or Chinese gooseberry 金橘cumquat 蟠桃flat peach荔枝litchi青梅greengage山楂果haw水蜜桃honey peach香瓜,甜瓜musk melon李子plum杨梅waxberry red bayberry桂圆longan沙果crab apple杨桃starfruit枇杷loquat柑橘tangerine莲雾wax-apple番石榴guava单词头脑风暴-----海鲜类(sea food)虾仁Peeled Prawns 龙虾lobster小龙虾crayfish(退缩者)蟹crab蟹足crab claws小虾(虾米)shrimp对虾、大虾prawn(烤)鱿鱼(toast)squid海参sea cucumber扇贝scallop鲍鱼sea-ear abalone 小贝肉cockles牡蛎oyster鱼鳞scale海蜇jellyfish鳖海龟turtle蚬蛤clam鲅鱼culter鲳鱼butterfish虾籽shrimp egg鲢鱼银鲤鱼chub silver carp黄花鱼yellow croaker水印部分下载后即可清除:【插入】->【水印】->【删除文档中的水印】。



米饭 米饭 rice rice rice 面条 面条 noodle noodle noodle
蛋糕 蛋糕 cake cake cake
猪肉 猪肉 pork pork pork 鱼肉 鱼肉 fish fish fish
鸡蛋 鸡蛋 egg egg egg
大豆 大豆 beans beans beans
Fruit and Food
[æpəl ] 苹果
[ɡreip] 葡萄
[mæŋgəʊ] 芒果
[pɛə] 梨
[pi:tʃ] 桃子
[bənɑ:nə] 香蕉
[ɔrindʒ] 橙子
[strɔ:bəri] 草莓
• An apple a day keeps a doctor away. • 一天一个苹果,医生远离我。
• 你喜欢什么? • What do you like?
• 你不喜欢什么? • What do you dislike?
• • • • •
你喜欢什么? What do you like? 我喜欢… I like …… I would like …=I’d like…
• • • • •
桃子 桃子 peach peach peach peach 苹果 苹果 apple apple apple apple 梨子 梨子 pear pear pear pear


lichee 荔枝
longan 龙眼 、桂圆
lotus nut (seed) 莲子
mulberry 桑葚
olive 橄榄
orange 橙子
papaya 木瓜
pi stachio 开心果
dragon fruit火龙果
plum 李子
rambutan 红毛丹
okra 秋葵
corn 玉米粒
onion 洋葱
eggplant 茄子
celery 芹菜
white cabbage 包心菜
red cabbage 紫 色包心菜
cucumber 大黄瓜
sweet corn 玉米
caulif lower 白花菜
onions 洋葱
garlic 大蒜
ginger 姜
Chinese leaves 大白菜
leeks 大葱
apple 苹果
apricot 杏子
ban ana香蕉
bitter orange 苦柑橘
blackbe rry黑莓
blueberry 蓝莓
cherry 樱桃
starfruit 杨桃
cherry tomato圣女果
coconu t 椰子
cranberry 蔓越莓
pear 香梨
common fig 无花果
tomato 蕃茄
radish 小红萝卜
mooli 白萝卜
watercress 西洋菜
baby corn 玉米尖
potato 马铃薯
carrot 红萝卜
green epper 黄椒
mushroom 蘑菇
lettuce 莴苣菜



小学英语作文水果和蔬菜Fruits and VegetablesFruits and vegetables are an essential part of a healthy diet.They are full of vitamins, minerals, and fiber that our bodies need to stay healthy.There are many different types of fruits and vegetables.Some common fruits include apples, oranges, bananas, and grapes.These fruits come in a variety of colors, such as red, orange, yellow, and green.Vegetables, on the other hand, include foods like carrots, celery, tomatoes, and potatoes.They also come in a variety of colors, such as red, orange, yellow, and green.Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables has many health benefits.They can help to lower the risk of developing chronic diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes.They can also help to improve our immune system, making us less likely to get sick.In addition to their health benefits, fruits and vegetables are also delicious.They can be used in many different recipes, such as smoothies, salads, and soups.You can also eat them raw or cooked, depending on your preference.In conclusion, fruits and vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet.They are full of essential nutrients that our bodies need to stay healthy.So, make sure to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables every day to reap their health benefits.。

小学生英语单词分类—动物类 家庭成员 天气 食物 水果 蔬菜 身体部位 衣服 交通工具 乐器 地点 学习用品

小学生英语单词分类—动物类 家庭成员 天气 食物 水果 蔬菜 身体部位 衣服 交通工具 乐器 地点 学习用品




rice 米饭 noodl‎e s 面条
choco‎l ate 巧克力 lemon‎柠檬
pear 梨 peach‎桃子
banan‎a香蕉beef 牛肉potat‎o土豆 tomat‎o西红柿meat 肉food 食物chick‎e n 鸡肉pork 猪肉nut 坚果 grape‎葡萄
sweet‎糖果salt 盐soup 汤pie 馅饼sandw‎i ch 三明治egg 鸡蛋veget‎a ble 蔬菜 carro‎t胡萝卜
bread‎面包 orang‎e橙子
apple‎苹果milk 牛奶tea 茶 coffe‎e咖啡
cake 蛋糕 candy‎糖果
cooki‎e曲奇hot dog 热狗break‎f ast 早餐 lunch‎午餐
suppe‎r晚饭 dinne‎r晚饭,正餐
anima‎l动物fox 狐狸koala‎考拉hen母鸡‎
eleph‎a nt 大象cow奶牛‎
dog 狗goldf‎i sh金鱼‎
cat 猫drago‎n龙
bird 鸟ant蚂蚁‎
bee 蜜蜂giraf‎f e长颈鹿‎bear 熊chick‎e n小鸡horse‎马wolf狼‎
pig 猪mouse‎老鼠rabbi‎t兔子frog青‎蛙
lion 狮子snake‎蛇





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