



经 过重点班与普通班的学生 归因特 点的对 比研究发 现 , 他们在 问题 解决和考试 的失败归 因上无显 著差异 , 归因于 都 不 努力 、 基础差 、 运气或状态不好 等 , 但普通班 的学 生更多地
倾 向于将成功归 因于运气 。( 见表 3 )
表 3 重点 班与普通 班的成功 归因对比( ) %
1 研 究方 法
根据原 因特性 的 3个 维 度——部 位 、 定 性 和可 控 制 稳
与其他学科 以及 非学业 成就的成败归 因比较 , 学生都倾 向于将成就情境 的成败做 同样 的归 因。但 是在 将成 就情境 与非成就情境 的成败 进行 比较 时 , 却很 少 出现 一致 的归 因, 在非成就情境 中学生 都倾 向于将成功归 因于内部 因素 , 而将 失败归 因于外部 因素 , 明学生 在非成就情境 中表现 出更多 说 的 自信 。
表 1 化学考试和化学问题 解决成功归因统计( ) %
工 作均处于探索阶段 。特 别是 高中生 源的特点 决定 了 民办
学校 的教学与公办学校存在一定 的差异 , 如果将在公办 学校 的教学方法生搬 硬 套地 搬过 来 , 势必 会 影响 学 生 的学 习效 果 。因此切实分析 民办 中学学生 的学习情况 , 出影 响学业 找 成败的学生 内在和外在 的原 因 , 才能对学生进行有效 的教育
够—— 属于 内部可控制 的因素 , 似有利 于学 习的进步 , 看 而
实际上民办学校 的高 一学生 , 特别 是普 通班 的学 生 , 长期 以 来 已经养成 了不 良的学 习 习惯 , 是缺 乏认 真学 习 的习惯 , 或
更好 的坚持度 。而将成 功归 因于运气或试题容易等 外部的 、




每小题均只有一个符合题意的选项)1、下列说法正确的是A.缩小体积增大压强,活化分子百分数增加,化学反应速率增大B.升高温度,单位体积内分子总数不变,但活化分子数增加了,化学反应速率增大C.使用催化剂,增加了分子的能量,活化分子百分数增加,化学反应速率增大D.增大反应物浓度,活化分子百分数增加,化学反应速率增大2、下列装置可用于不溶性固体和液体分离的是A.B.C.D.3、相同温度、相同体积、c(H+)相同的盐酸和醋酸溶液分别跟足量的镁完全反应,下列说法正确的是A.醋酸溶液产生的氢气较多B.盐酸产生的氢气较多C.盐酸和醋酸的物质的量浓度相同D.开始时醋酸溶液反应更快4、欲除去铁粉中混有的少量铝粉,应选用的试剂的是:()A.稀盐酸B.稀硝酸C.氨水D.氢氧化钠溶液5、根据热化学方程式S(l)+O2(g)=SO2(g) ΔH1=−293.23 kJ·mol−1,分析下列说法正确的是A.反应S(s)+O2(g)=SO2(g)的热效应小于ΔH1B.反应S(g)+O2(g)=SO2(g)的热效应大于ΔH1C.1 mol SO2(g)的能量小于1 mol S(l)和1 mol O2(g)的能量之和D.1 mol SO2 (g)的能量大于1 mol S(l)和1 mol O2(g)的能量之和6、化学与生活、社会发展息息相关.下列说法正确的是()A.“丹砂(HgS)烧之成水银,积变又还成了丹砂”,该过程发生了氧化还原反应B.大分子化合物油脂在人体内水解为氨基酸和甘油等小分子才能被吸收C.利用植物油的氧化反应可以获得人造脂肪D.干燥剂硅胶和硅橡胶的主要成分都是二氧化硅7、N A为阿伏加德罗常数,下列说法正确的是A.28g乙烯所含共用电子对数目为6N AB.标准状况下,11.2L的正戊烷所含的分子数为0.5N AC.常温常压下,11.2 L一氯甲烷所含分子数为0.5 N AD.14g乙烯、丙烯、丁烯的混合气体,其原子数为4N A8、以石墨作电极,电解AgNO3溶液,可在两极分别得到Ag和O2,下列说法正确的是A.氧化性:Ag+ > H+,还原性:NO-> OH-3B.Ag附着在阳极:Ag+ + e-=AgC.电解过程中溶液的酸性将逐渐减弱D.电路中每转移1mol电子,可生成1molAg和0.25molO29、下列化学用语正确的是A.乙醇的结构简式:C2H6OB.HF的电子式:C.丙烷分子的球棍模型为:D.N2的结构式:∶N≡N∶10、如图是氢氧燃料电池构造示意图。


有效地 组织教学 和课堂气氛 , 陶冶情操 , 而且 有助于学生理解教 学 内
4 . 合 理 设计 实验 , 引 发 学 习的积 极 性
三、挖 掘非 智力因素在化学实验学 习中的潜力 。 容。
1 . 充分发挥教师在非智力 因素 中的作用
在实验设计 方面, 化学教师都应尽量创造实验条
教 师是学生学 习的激发者和促进者 , 在教学 的过 件 , 增加实验数量 , 增加实验 的能见度 , 增强实验的趣
程中应 当多了解 和注意学生学 习积极性的变化。 由于 味性 。可根据学生兴趣指导学生制作趣味化学作 品 ,
化 学实验趣 味性强 、 现象好看 、 变化 明显 , 学生刚刚开 如睛雨书签 、 银葫芦 、 水 中花 园等 , 并作为表现优秀的
力对提高化学实验教学的水平可以起到事半功倍的 I 学生刚接触化学 的好奇心理 , 充分利用学生 的暂时兴
良好作用 。

l 趣, 特别是对化学实验想急于动手的心理 。经过初 中
l 阶段化学的学习 , 高中阶段 的学生对化学 已经有 了一 l 定 的认识 , 教师可以安排一些探究性的实验让学生完
学概念 。 理解 和巩 固化学知识 , 培养学 生观察 现象 、 1
分析 问题 、 解决 问题 的 能力 , 获得 比较 熟 练 的实验 l
二、 非 智 力 因素 在 化 学 实 验 学 习 中的 重 要作 用
1 . 激 发 兴 趣 作 用
兴趣是人们力求认识某种 事物或爱好某种 活动
技能[ 1 ] 。 而兴趣、 动机、 情感等非智力因素对实验教学 l 的倾向。 学生 的学习兴趣 、 情绪体验 、 意志品质对学习 有重要影响。 大部分的老师和学生都非常重视利用智 l 活动起着直接 、 持久 的动力功能。学生都很愿意 自己



湖北工程学院1、利用Chemdraw 绘制下列分子结构或反应式(1)、(2)、(3)、2、利用Chemdraw 绘制一套简单蒸馏装置图。

(5分)3、用Chemdraw 和Chem3D 绘制顺1-特丁基-4-硝基-环己烷优势立体构象。

(5分)三、Chemoffice 软件应用题………………(25分)1、利用word 插入对象中公式编辑器或mathtype 软件输入下列公式:012/*sp ()[2(ln )] []=r B kTc Br p pK K q e H c T C ενηηη-∆Θ==-∂⎛⎫= ⎪∂⎝⎭∏2、画出如下流程图(利用文本框操作,请用图形的组合与取消组合命令)表2 各种因素对产率的影响序号 单体与引发剂比[M]/[I](℃) (h ) 产率 (%) 1 10:1 120 16 90.22 2 20:1 120 16 96.45 330:11201695.99利用Gaussian03进行甲醛单点能,并查看分子轨道。

输入文件为: %chk=学号.chk# RHF/6-31G(d) Pop=Full Test Formaldehyde Single Point 0,1C 0. 0. 0. O 0. 1.22 0. H 0.94 -0.54 0. H -0.94 -0.54 0.采用GaussView 打开Scratch 目录中的学号.chk 文件,打开菜单的“Results”—— “Surfaces”,算出单点能,并查看HOMO 以及LUMO 轨道形状。

四、word 软件应用 五、Gaussian 软件应用题六、Aspentech软件应用题使用Aspentech软件模拟甲醇与二甲醚-水混合物精馏分离二甲醚过程。

模块选Radfrac,设定三个物流A (为输入物流)、B(为塔板顶流出物流)、C(塔板底流出物流);设定单位、名称和账号;组分分别设为1(为水)、2(为甲醇)、3(为二甲醚);设定物流估算方法为PENG-ROB;设定输入物流总流量(8kmol/hr)、温度(30℃)、压力(8kg/sqcm)和组成(摩尔分率1:2:3=0.4:0.27:0.33);设定塔板数(7)、回流比(2)、精馏流出流量(2.5kmol/hr)、输入物流输入塔板位置(中间塔板进入)、塔压(Top/Bottom=7atm)等,计算结果,显示每个塔板组分、塔热容量、二甲醚纯度。



2019年11月1日理科考试研究•综合版•49•突破化工流程题解题思维障碍——兼谈实验题赵旭东(巍山县第二中学云南巍山672401)摘要:化工流程题是高考的必考题,题材多样,设问灵活,设问及答题有固定模式.针对学生解题时存在的问题,通过思维外露进行诊断,并从思维层面找到解决方法.此外,实验题与化工流程题有许多相似的地方,存在相似的思维障碍,这些方法也适用于实验题.关键词:突破;化工流程题;解题;思维障碍1近年高考化工流程题考情分析在真实情境中解决问题的过程展示出的能力才是实际的能力⑴,化工流程题取材于真实情境,便于考查实际能力;化工流程题能把实验、化学反应原理、元素化合物知识很好地整合在一起,知识覆盖面广;化工流程题体现了化学与生产、生活的联系;2018、2019年高考理综全国卷的化工流程题,体现了髙考考试大纲“吸收、接受、整合新信息的能力”,体现了高中化学学科核心素养,体现了化学学科特点•据此推测,近两年的高考,化工流程题仍然是重要题型,即使题目没有明显的题型界线,也将采用真实情境,与实验、化学反应原理、元素化合物整合在一起进行考查.2化工流程题解题思维障碍及解决办法高考前每个同学都针对化工流程题做过许多练习,但不少同学仍然难以突破,最主要的原因是存在思维障碍.2018,2019年高考理综全国I、口、皿卷的化工流程题取材均为物质制备,下面以制备型化工流程题为例进行分析.2.1读题时的思维障碍(1)难以形成有效记忆•读后边的,忘前边的,再读前边的又忘后边的㈢.原因:面对高考、面对陌生且信息量很大的流程图,过度紧张•解决办法:①消除紧张——化工流程题,因其“陌生”而显公平,没必要紧张;学生不是化学专业毕业的,通过读题不可能完整地记住流程、读懂原理,记不住、读不懂没必要紧张;树立自信,自信源于平时的积累,都做过那么多题,如果题目难,大家都难,没必要紧张.②想法“减少”信息量——读题干时仅仅关注原料(主要物质、杂质)、产品,其它忽略,包括流程图;直接从设问开始,一边做题一边回到题干和流程图进行审读、推理.(2)读错题•原因:心理学研究表明,“注意”的稳定性(持久性)时间不长,“注意”分散后读错题;受思维定势的影响,读错题•解决办法:用笔指着读,使“注意”指向更集中、更持久;培养尊重客观事实的习惯,切忌离开题目要求“遐想”“瞎想”•2.2审题时的思维障碍(1)想不起解决问题要用哪一个(些)知识•原因很复杂,属心理学研究的范畴,但有办法克服,甚至学生已经有一定经验•解决办法:①整体把握制备型化工流程的特点•通常制备型化工流程题的工序都是围绕“原料预处理、转化、除杂、纯化”设置的•把握这一特点,能使做题的思维指向性很集中,不易想偏、想错.②归纳、总结设问及答题的固定模式•任何一个模式,不断重复,不仅会优先启动,并且会不断优化.化工流程题的设问及答题有固定模式吗?回顾同学们做过的化工流程题,的确存在重复出现、有固定回答的设问•如:将原料粉碎的作用(增大接触面积,提高浸出率,加快反应速率)、操作步骤的名称(过滤、萃取等)、判断某离子是否沉淀完全(往上层清液中加入对应离子的检验试剂)、洗涤沉淀的方法(往过滤器中注入蒸憎水,至没过沉淀,让水自然滤出,重复2至3次)、判断沉淀是否洗干净的方法(取末段洗液,加入其中可能含有量最多、最易检出离子的检验试剂)、陌生化学(离子)方程式的书写、流程中循环使用的物作者简介:赵旭东(1968-),男,云南巍山人,本科,中学高级教师,研究方向:高中化学教学.•50•理科考试研究•综合版2019年11月1日质、获得产品的方法(蒸发浓缩,冷却结晶;蒸发结晶;过滤)、纯化产品的方法(重结晶、过滤、洗涤、干燥)、计算产率……这些固定的模式,本应该由同学自己在做题中不断发现、总结和归纳,由于试图说明化工流程题设问既灵活又有固定的答题模式,这里就越俎代庖.具体做法分三步走:用课本的习题,初步认识化工流程题;用典型例题,把设问和答题归纳、总结成固定模式;在练习、考试中不断发现和积累.③培养善于联想的习惯•女口:看到杂质中含有铁元素,马上联想到“将Fe2+氧化为Fe",再转化为Fe(OH)3加以除去”;看到某些离子开始沉淀和沉淀完全的pH值,马上联想“控制pH值在一定范围,使某些离子沉淀完全,而另一些离子不发生沉淀”……(2)知识错误、推理错误.犯这两种错误的原因,不同的同学、不同的题目中各有不同,最好的解决方法:把思维外露⑶,进行诊断•可以自己回顾做题时的想法、思维过程,进行自我诊断、分析;或者把想法(实质就是思维过程)告诉老师,请老师进行针对性的纠错;做错题集,把错因写下来,强化自我诊断、分析,利用碎片化时间阅读错题集以便经常提醒自己;化工流程题取材真实情境,如果得出与常识、化学基本原理相矛盾的结论,就应及时检查所用知识、推理是否有误;利用课外时间学一点归纳推理和演绎推理的知识.(3)强迫人格障碍,过分追求完美•试图一次性把整个流程弄懂,结果因个别地方卡壳,导致心烦意乱,甚至无法做题•解决方法:消除焦虑,保持良好心态.设问是依据流程中的工序依次进行,且互有提示,所以做题按顺序进行,逐个突破,自然而然地实现完整突破;高考是选拔性考试,试题必须有区分度,有个别工序弄不懂、个别设问不会做是很合理的,应该愉快地放弃,因为万一投入太多时间,仍不能突破,导致后边题目做不完,这才是最大的损失•2.3书写错误书写错误是低级错误,每个人都会犯,但不能以此为借口而听之任之.细心可以克服书写错误.怎样才能做到细心?严格要求自己,让细心成为习惯.女口:有些同学考试时,要求写离子方程式却写成了化学方程式,那就从培养习惯做起——落笔前再次确认是写离子方程式还是化学方程式.3例谈化工流程题解题思维过程下面以2019年高考理综全国I26题为例展示做题的思维过程•说明:源于题干、流程、设问的内容,保持题干、设问的字体或图形.硼酸(H3BO3)是一种重要的化工原料,广泛应用于玻璃、医药、肥料等工艺.一种以硼镁矿(含Mg2B2O5-H2O A SiO2及少量Fe2O3,Al2O3)为原料生产硼酸及轻质氧化镁的工艺流程如下:图1回答下列问题.解题思维过程:(1)读题•只关注“以硼镁矿(含Mg2B2O5-出0、Si。



所 给仪 器 的用 途 能得 出 : A 为 制
C O , 气体 的反 应装 置 .因实 验室 制
收稿 日期 : 2 0 1 3 — 0 4 — 2 9
1 2 8 科技 创业 月刊
2 0 1 3年 第 7期
浅谈 高 中化 学 实验 问题 的 解析
C O 气体是盐酸与碳酸钙反应 , 在 二 氧 化 碳 逸 出过 程 中 混 有 氯 化 氢 气体( 实 为 盐 酸小 液 滴 ) 。 而氯 化 氢 可 与 过 氧 化 钠 反 应 干 扰 二 氧 化 碳 及水 与 过氧 化钠 的反 应 。B为 除氯 化氢 装置 ; C为 C O : 与N a 0 反 应 产生 0 : 的装 置 ; 由于 气 体 与 固体 反 应 .在 固体 表 面 反 应 且 反 应 较 慢, 产生的 0 中混 有 C O , 故 D装 置为除 0 中混 有 的 C O 气 体 。试
( 2 ) 填 写表 1中空格 。
表 1 实 验 表格
仪 器

加 入试 剂
加 入 该 试剂 的 目 的
实 验 熟 练 掌握 课 本实 验 的原 理 、 目的 、 要求 、 步 骤 和 注 意事 项 等 基 础 知识 . 并 能够 通过 这 些基 础 知 识 举一反三. 同 时还 要 掌握 实验 的基 本 操作 . 理解 实验 的原理 。 其次 . 解 答 时要 注 意 方法 。要
高 考化 学 实验 问题 的 特 点
高考试题呈现如下特点 : ①高
考 实 验 问题 的选 材有 回归 课 本 的
做好考 后反 思分 析 .及 时归 纳总
结 问题 由于化
趋势 , 重视对课本学生实 验 、 演示
实验等基础的考察。 ②题型相对 比








每小题均只有一个符合题意的选项) 1、化学与生活、生产密切相关,下列说法错误的是( ) A .以电解饱和食盐水制取氯气等产品的工业称为“氯碱工业” B .氯气可用来对自来水杀菌消毒 C .碘化银可用于人工降雨D .为了消除碘缺乏病,在食用盐中加入一定量的碘单质2、BMO(Bi 2MoO 6)是一种高效光催化剂,可用于光催化降解苯酚(化学式为CHQO),原理如图所示。

下列说法错误的是A .反应②中 BMO +转化为 BMOB .该过程说明氧化性:BMO +比 O 2 弱C .若有 1molO 2 参与反应,则总反应中有 6mol 电子转移D .反应①和②中被降解的苯酚的物质的量之比为 3∶1 3、下列各组中两种微粒所含电子数不相等的是 A .+3H O 和-OH B .CO 和2N C .3HNO 和3-NO D .3+CH 和+4NH4、下列物质中氧原子数目与11.7gNa 2O 2中氧原子数一定相等的是( ) A .6.72LCOB .4.4gCO 2C .8gSO 3D .4.9gH 2SO 45、下列离子方程式中正确的是( )A.金属铜与稀盐酸反应:Cu+2H+= Cu2++H2↑B.氢氧化铜与稀硫酸反应:H++OH—=H2OC.铝与硝酸汞溶液反应:Al+Hg2+=Al3++HgOH+HCO=CO+H OD.氢氧化钠溶液与碳酸氢钠溶液反应:--2-3326、只由两种元素组成的化合物,其中一种元素是氢元素,这类化合物称氢化物。







一、选择题(每题只有一个选项符合题意)1、常温下,在pH=3的CH3COOH溶液中存在如下电离平衡:CH3COOH CH3COO-+H+,对于该平衡,下列叙述正确的是( )A.加入水时,平衡向右移动,CH3COOH电离常数增大B.加入少量CH3COONa固体,平衡向右移动C.加入少量Na2CO3固体,平衡向右移动,c(H+)减小D.加入少量pH=3的硫酸,溶液中c(H+)增大2、《本草衍义》中对精制砒霜过程有如下叙述:“取砒之法,将生砒就置火上,以器覆之,令砒烟上飞着覆器,遂凝结累然下垂如乳,尖长者为胜,平短者次之。

”文中涉及的操作方法是()A.蒸馏B.升华C.干馏D.萃取3、在含a mol FeCl3溶液中加入含b mol Fe和b mol Cu的混合粉末充分反应(忽略离子的水解),下列说法中不正确的是A.当a≤2b时,发生的离子反应为2Fe3++Fe===3Fe2+B.当2b≤a≤4b时,反应中转移电子的物质的量n(e-)为2b mol≤n(e-)≤4b molC.当2a=5b时,发生的总离子反应为10Fe3++4Fe+Cu===14Fe2++Cu2+D.当2b<a<4b时,反应后的溶液中n(Fe2+)∶n(Cu2+)=1(a-2b)∶(a+b)24、用下面的方案进行某些离子的检验,其中方案设计严密的是A.检验试液中的SO42-:试液无沉淀白色沉淀B.检验试液中的SO32-:试液气体褪色C.检验试液中的I-:试液棕黄色溶液蓝色溶液D.检验试液中的CO32-:试液白色沉淀沉淀溶解5、南海是一个巨大的资源宝库,开发利用这些资源是科学研究的重要课题。








每小题均只有一个符合题意的选项)1、某化学学习小组查阅资料可知:N2(g) + 2O2(g) = 2NO2(g) △H =+62 kJ/mol 他们对反应的自发性进行了讨论,下列结论合理的是( )A.任何温度下都能自发进行B.较高温下可自发进行C.较低温度下可自发进行D.任何温度下都不能自发进行2、右图是某有机物分子的球棍模型。




下列说法正确的是A.反应物A的浓度:a点小于b点B.A的平均反应速率:ab段大于bc段C.曲线上的c、d两点都表示达到平衡状态D.该反应的生成物可能对反应起催化作用5、下列元素中,原子半径最小的是()A.Na B.Mg C.P D.Cl6、下列实验装置或操作能达到相应实验目的的是A B C D 电泳实验证明Fe(OH)3胶体粒子带电干燥一氯甲烷气体排除盛有0.100 mol/L盐酸的滴定管中的气泡测定酸碱中和反应的反应热A.A B.B C.C D.D7、下列“油”中属于酯类的是()①豆油②酱油③牛油④甘油⑤汽油A.①③B.②④C.①⑤D.③④8、下列说法或表示方法中正确的是A.已知2C(s) + 2O2 (g) = 2CO2(g) △H = a kJ/mol、2C(s) + O2(g) = 2CO(g) △H = b kJ/mol,则a > bB.甲烷的燃烧热为890 kJ/mol,则甲烷燃烧的热化学方程式为CH4(g) + 2O2(g) = CO2(g) + 2H2O(g) △H = - 890 kJ/molC.已知P(s,白磷) = P(s,红磷) △H < 0,则白磷比红磷稳定D.已知HCl(aq) + NaOH(aq) = Na Cl(aq) + H2O(l) △H = - 57.3 kJ/mol,则含40.0 g NaOH 的稀溶液与稀醋酸完全中和,放出小于57.3 kJ 的热量9、CO和NO都是汽车尾气中的有害物质,它们之间能缓慢地发生如下反应:2NO(g)+2CO(g) N2(g)+2CO2(g) ΔH<0,现利用此反应,拟设计一种环保装置,用来消除汽车尾气对大气的污染,下列方案可以提高尾气处理效率的是( )①选用适当的催化剂②提高装置温度③增大装置的压强④装置中放入碱石灰A.①③④B.①②③C.②③④D.①②③④10、下列常见物质的俗名与化学式对应正确的是( )A.烧碱——NaOH B.小苏打——Na2SO4C.熟石灰——CaCl2D.明矾——Al2(SO4)311、下列物质不能发生水解反应的是()A.油脂B.淀粉C.葡萄糖D.纤维素12、在恒温、体积为2L的密闭容器中加入1mol CO2和3mol H2,发生如下的反应:CO2(g)+3H2(g)CH3OH(g) +H2O(g) △H<0。



初中化学教学中趣味化学实验的应用发布时间:2022-11-08T02:14:37.938Z 来源:《中国教师》2022年14期作者:努尔比耶·艾比布拉[导读] 结合现阶段教育事业的发展情况,对初中课程教学工作开展提出新的要求,努尔比耶·艾比布拉新疆维吾尔自治区和田地区墨玉县北京一贯制学校 848100摘要:结合现阶段教育事业的发展情况,对初中课程教学工作开展提出新的要求,如在化学这门学科中,需要教师深入了解学生情况,尊重学生主体地位,同时还要注重教学方法的趣味性,特别是在实验环节,以此增进与学生之间的良好关系,促使其深刻掌握实验步骤和实验知识。












电厂初级化学管理试题库及答案电厂化学专业实施法定计量单位暂行办法中,硬度采用(1/2)C+2a +(1/2)Mg+2)基本单元;碱度的定义理解为“每升样品可能接受的H+的物质量”,因此,硬度和碱度都是一离子为基本单元。

( )答案:√煤质对锅炉的燃烧方式起决定因素,液态排渣炉一般只适应灰熔点低,挥发分低的煤质。

( )答案:√标准煤样各项指标的名义值可视为真值,但它又是在一定范围内波动的值。

( )答案:√系统采样是按照煤质的变化规律在规定的时间间隔、空间间隔、或流量间隔采取子样的方法。


( )答案:√乙醇萃取、氢氧化钾中和法测定油的酸值,是油中低分子有机酸和可能含有的少量无机酸的总数值。

( )答案:×强酸性的阳离子交换树脂其离子选择顺序为:Fe+3>Al+3>Ca+2>Mg+2>Na+>H+。

( )>K+=NH+4答案:×往复泵的扬程随流量变化的变化而变化。

( )答案:×0.1M的HCN能被明确滴定(HCN的Ka=6.2×1010 )( )答案:×在重量分析法中,对于弱酸盐沉淀,应在较低的酸度下进行沉淀。

( ) 答案:√流体的粘性是产生流体阻力的外因,而流体的流动则是产生流体阻力的内因。

( )答案:×试剂只与一种离子起反应,则这一反应的选择性最高,称为该离子的专属反应。

( )答案:√实现金属自动溶解的必要条件是溶液中存在着可以使金属氧化成化合物的氧化性物质,且这种氧化性物质的还原反应的平衡电极电位高于金属氧化反应的平衡电极电位。

( )答案:√绝缘油中的水份是影响其介质损耗的主要因素。

( )答案:√SF6是一种绝缘介质, 常温常压下为无色、无味的有毒气体。

( )答案:×向含有AgCl沉淀的溶液中加入NaCl溶液, AgCl在溶液中的溶解度变大。

( )答案:×分子式CO2只代表一种物质, 分子式C2H6O也代表一种物质。



巧用实验提高高中化学课堂效率的策略探讨发布时间:2021-12-30T09:07:44.993Z 来源:《教育学文摘》2021年第36卷8月22期作者:柴朝颖[导读] 伴随着新课程改革的深入实施,其改革内容对高中化学课程提出了新的教学要求。














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I.J. Education and Management Engineering, 2016, 6, 53-63Published Online November 2016 in MECS ()DOI: 10.5815/ijeme.2016.06.06Available online at /ijemeAssessment of Factors Influencing Practical Work in Chemistry: A Case of Secondary Schools in Wolaita Zone, Ethiopia Mathewos Anza a*, Mesfin Bibiso a, Abedelfeta Mohammad a, Berhanu Kuma ba College of natural and computational science, Department of Chemistry, Wolaita Sodo University, P. O. Box138, Wolaita Sodo, Ethiopia.b College of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Economics, Wolaita Sodo University, P. O. Box 138,Wolaita Sodo, Ethiopia.AbstractThe purpose of this study is to explore factors that influence practical work in chemistry for secondary schools in Wolaita Zone, Ethiopia. The study has identified teachers‟, learners‟ and school principals‟ perceptions to indicate the key factors that seem to inhibit the effective use of practical work in chemistry. The sample for the study comprised 56 chemistry teachers, 75 secondary school students, and 5 school principals. Data were collected using structured questionnaires, focus group discussion and interview. The collected data were analyzed using simple quantitative and qualitative analysis. The finding of the study revealed that factors that influencing practical work in chemistry of secondary schools are teachers‟ poor knowledge of practical work, full-time occupancy of chemistry teachers, absenteeism of the teacher at practical classes, late commencement of teaching a practical class; lack of awareness and motivation of school managements and unsafe working environments. Furthermore, lack of separate chemistry laboratory, lack of equipment in the laboratory, too short period allocated for practical work, low attitude students‟ toward practical work in chemistry, teachers‟ low level of expectation for the development of Information and communication technology (ICT) were the major factors that affect the practical work in chemistry. Finally, recommendations were forwarded based on the major finding in order to improve practical work in chemistry.Index Terms: Practical work, laboratory, software application.© 2016 Published by MECS Publisher. Selection and/or peer review under responsibility of the Research Association of Modern Education and Computer Science.1.IntroductionScience education has aimed to help students to gain an understanding of as much of the established body of scientific kn owledge as is appropriate to their needs, interests and capacities and to develop students‟ * Corresponding author: Mathewos Anza Tel.: +251913348379; Fax: +251465515113E-mail address: mathewosanza@understanding of the methods by which this knowledge has been gained and our grounds for confidence in it [1]. Given the potential benefits, the provision of quality science education to all children will have a far reaching consequence on a countries‟ development prospect. Therefore, based on the aim of science education at all levels practical activities in science education are regarded as one of the necessary elements to promote understanding of scientific principles. The importance of practical work in science is widely accepted and it is acknowledged that good practical work promotes the engagement and interest of students as well as developing a range of skills, science knowledge, and conceptual understanding [2]. While practical work is considered essential in chemistry teaching, it is also associated with a number of burdens including the high cost of equipment and chemicals, chemical hazard risk, and environmental pollution. Furthermore, practical work requires more time and the presence of qualified and experienced teachers and technical assistants.In the Ethiopian context, chemistry teaching has undergone continuous changes in its objective, contents, teaching-learning methods and curriculum materials. The education and training policy of Ethiopia emphasizes the development of problem-solving capacity in the content of education, curriculum structure and approach, focusing on acquisition of chemical knowledge to be used in solving personal and societal problems. Similarly, it is stated that achieving the vision of transforming Ethiopia into a middle-income country in 2025 demands transformation of the economy through the application of chemical knowledge and technology as an instrument to create wealth [3]. Thus, it is important to emphasize on chemical science and technology so as to produce capable citizens who can contribute to make the country well competitive globally through knowledge. The prevailing problem of practical work implementation in chemistry has a wide range of practical process. These practical processes includes the factors influencing practical activities, the ways that science teachers make practical design; the way the teachers get prepared before carrying out the practical work; the extent of the practical works being carried out based on the guidance of teachers (implementation) and the vitality of the students‟ achievements and performance for teachers etc.The present study is aimed at assessing the factors that influencing practical work in the chemistry of secondary schools in Wolaita zone, Southern Ethiopia. It is very important to assess and investigate the major constraints that secondary schools are encountering in the implementation of practical activities and how schools tackle the imbalance between theoretical and practical aspects in teaching chemistry. The results of the study will provide insight for policy makers and developers the way how to monitor the regular implementation of practical activities in schools as planned by the curriculum and feedbacks for schools to develop their capacities by fulfilling basic facilities of laboratory and by solving the problems associated with them; help the identify the need for implementation of periodical workshops, seminars and training for science teachers of schools on science practical work so that they update their skill and experience and encourage other science educators to conduct further research on the same topic. This study is aimed at answering the following research questions:∙What are the teachers‟, learners‟ and schools‟ leaders‟ perceptions towards factors influencing practical work in chemistry of secondary schools?∙What do you think the possible physical resource that is influencing practical work in chemistry in secondary schools?∙To what extent do Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and computer based software application skills assist practical works in chemistry?This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 gives an overview of practical work in science. Section 3 describes a methodology of study. Section 4 describes the finding of the study and section 5 presents discussion based on the finding and finally Section 6 concludes the paper.2.Related WorksPractical work has been defined as teacher demonstrations; class practices, with all learners on similar tasks, working in small groups; a circus of …experiments‟ with small groups engaged in different activities, rotating in a carousel; investigations, organized in one of the above two ways; and problem-solving activities [4]. According to a framework of SCORE for practical science in schools [5], defining practical work in science as …a “hands-on” learning experience which prompts thinking about the world in which we live ‟. The related report [6] has a list of activities that could be considered to be practical work. These fall into two main categories: Core activities: Investigations, laboratory procedures and techniques, and fieldwork. These …hands-on‟ activities support the development of practical skills and help to shape students‟ understanding of scientific concepts and phenomena. Directly related activities: Teacher demonstrations, experiencing phenomena, designing, and planning investigations, analyzing results, and data analysis using ICT. These are closely related to the core activities and are either a key component of an investigation or provide valuable first-hand experiences for students. A range of activities was also identified which complement, but should not be a substitute for, practical work. These complementary activities include science-related visits, surveys, presentations and role play, simulations including a use of ICT, models and modeling, group discussion, and group text-based activities. They have an important role to play supporting practical work in developing the understanding of science concepts.However, according to the literature, in many countries of the world and particularly in the developing countries, the effective implementation of the practical work is a general problem accompanied by several constraints. For instance, the absence of adequate conditions, equipment and laboratory materials, including financial resources to teach practical science; poor preparation of teachers; poor implementation of procedures; overwhelming number of activities demanded by the new curricula and lack of qualified teachers are some of the problems confronting the process of science teaching, particularly in African settings [7-9]. Furthermore, most of the experiments and laboratory activities are conducted using a …recipe-style‟ in which the students are required only to follow a set of steps to demonstrate and verify the scientific concepts already known [9]. In relation to this, [10] , states that if the goals and objectives are not expressed in terms of being able to apply scientific knowledge, understanding and skills there is a danger of students simply following ´recipes' during practical activities. This way of doing laboratory work or practical work has been criticized for its distortion of what science really is, encouragement of rote learning rather than meaningful inquiry-oriented learning and failure to provide students with opportunities to plan investigations and perform their own experiments, manipulate equipment and materials so that they can construct their own knowledge of phenomena and related scientific concepts [9, 11-13].3.Methodology of the StudyThe study adopts descriptive survey design. Descriptive research is a study designed to depict the participants in an accurate way and a method is appropriate which enables to make an assessment and investigation of the events [14]. Hence, the present study employed multi-method research (both quantitative and qualitative methods) to assess factors influencing practical work in chemistry in the secondary school in Wolaita Zone, Ethiopia.3.1.Population, Sample Size and Sampling TechniquesThe study was conducted on 50 government secondary schools in Wolaita Zone, Ethiopia. The targeted populations were chemistry teachers, students, and school principals of Wolaita zone. The sample size for the study was selected by using different techniques. All 56 chemistry teachers were purposively selected, torespond questionnaire, among the teachers who were selected for science laboratory training from secondary schools in Wolaita Zone, organized by the Wolaita Sodo University in semester break of 2015/2016 academic year. The researchers have gathered the data purposefully from this volunteer sample contains a high proportion of real enthusiasts and probably provide a positive view. To gather data from learners, five sample government secondary schools (Areka, Bodit, Gasuba, Gununo and Sodo) were selected and from each sample schools 15 respondent students were selected simple randomly to respond questionnaire. Five school principals were also randomly selected from the same 5 government secondary schools to conduct interviews.3.2.Data Collection InstrumentIn order to collect sufficient and rich data, variety of instruments such as structured questionnaires adapted from Adedayo and Julius [15], and semi-structured questionnaires for focus group discussion (FGD) were used to gather information from chemistry teachers; structured questionnaire in Amharic (official language of Ethiopia) were prepared for students based on the basic research questions and objectives of the study; and unstructured interviews were used to gather information from school principals.3.3.Data AnalysisThe data gathered using questionnaire were coded appropriately and analysed. For quantitative data, Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20.0 was utilised. The main statistics yielded were analyzed simple quantitative descriptive such as frequency count and percentage. Percentage and frequency are important data analysis techniques to show the main constraints of influencing practical work in chemistry. Similarly, the data collected from FGD, open-ended questionnaires and interview were also coded and categorized into themes and analyzed in words to develop an important idea which can support and emphasize the numerical data.3.4.Ethical ConsiderationThe study was conducted based on the consent of the participants explaining the objective of the study, which was purely for academic purpose only. Overall, all respondents were given all their responses voluntarily.4.ResultsData solicited from the participants via questionnaire, FGD and interview are themed and analysed along the research questions as follows:4.1.Teacher s’ Perception towards Factors Influencing Practical Work in ChemistryIn order to gather the views of the teachers towards factors that influencing practical work in chemistry the respondents were required to indicate their views. As shown in table 1, the majority of respondents (87.50 %) claimed that the lack of awareness and motivation of school managements to practical work is the major factor that influences practical work in chemistry. 53.57, 41.86, 39.29, 32.14 and 28.57 % of the respondent claimed that the full-time occupancy of chemistry teacher, low commitment of teachers for the practical classes, absenteeism of teachers‟ from practical class, teachers poor knowledge about practical work and low qualification of chemistry teacher are influencing practical work in chemistry of secondary schools, respectively.Moreover, the respondents replied through open-ended question and FGD that, “teachers’ skill gap towards practical work” and “lack of competent staff” is the factors that influenced practical work in chemistry. Theresults showed that the Practical works in chemistry of secondary schools in Wolaita zone are being scared by the measurements involved, lack of motivation and awareness of school managements, the full-time occupancy of chemistry teac hers, low commitment of teachers for the practical classes, absenteeism of teachers‟ from practical class, teachers poor knowledge about practical works, low qualification of chemistry teachers/ attendant, teachers skill gap towards practical work and lack of competent staff. This result is inconsistent with the report of related work by Adedayo [15].Table 1. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Teachers‟ Perception toward Factors Influencing Practical Work in the Chemistry of Secondary Schools.4.2.Teachers’ Perception towards Physical Resources Influencing Practical Work in Chemistry of Secondary SchoolsOut of the total 56 respondent chemistry teachers, the majority (83.93, 80.36 and 76.79 %) replied that the possible laboratory-related factors influencing practical work in chemistry are lack of types of equipment in the laboratory, too short period allocated for the practical activities and lack of practical textbooks (manual) in the secondary schools respectively. Furthermore, 64.29, 60.71 and 44.64 % of the respondents claimed that the lack of competent laboratory attendant, ineffective maintenance of laboratory instruments and lack of separate chemistry laboratory room are influencing the practical work in chemistry (table 2). On the other hand, 55.36 % of respondents claimed that in their school being there of separate laboratory room for chemistry practical work. However, they were indicating that other factors influencing practical work in chemistry related to physical resources through open-ended question and FGD are: “unsafe laboratory rooms to conduct practical work, “lack of laboratory equipment, chemicals, and personal protective safety equipment” and lack of policy and regulation of waste management.Among the respondent replied, “Expired chemicals and contaminated equipment in the workplace of their laboratory unsafely stored for the long period of years, because of this chemistry teachers as well as students worry about themselves rather than conducting practical work in the laboratory room.”Laboratory has been given a central and distinct role in science education to conduct practical activities in chemistry. However, the findings are indicating a lot of concern has been shown about the inadequacy of chemistry laboratory in Wolaita Zone, Ethiopia.Table 2. Frequency and Percentage Distribution the Possible Laboratory-Related Factors Influencing Practical Work in the Chemistry of Secondary Schools.4.3.Teachers’ Perception towards Students Attitudes to Practical Work in Chemistry of Secondary Schools Chemistry teachers were requested to respond the extent of their students‟ attitude towards practical activities in chemistry. As shown in Fig 1, the majority of respondents (44.64 and 35.71 %) claimed that the attitude of students towards practical work is medium and low respectively. The respondents were also requested through open-ended question and FGD their students‟ low attitude towards practical work also replied that “Students’ population is larger than the available apparatus during practical class”;“the working environment is unsafe to conduct practical activities” and “language difficulty to understand and interpret practical activities in their textbook”.Fig.1. The Extent o f Students‟ Motivation Towards Conduct ing Practical/ Laboratory Work.rmation and Communication Technology (ICT) Skill to Assist Practical Work in Chemistry with Computer-Based Software ApplicationThe objective of using information technology to assisted instruction is using image, sound, animation andother means to stimulate the sensory of students and attract interests of students. Information technology is used in case teaching can change abstract problem into image of problems, and this can help students to master and understand the abstract content. But, using too much information technology certainly will affect the logical thinking ability of students to be provided. It may lighten the students to study the difficult points of concern, and affect the teaching of the actual effect [16].In the present study, the teachers‟ knowledge and familiarity with basic computer skills and computer-based software application which to assist practical work in chemistry were assessed. The respondents were requested to describe their knowledge and familiarity of basic computer skills and software application, the majority of respondents (58.5 %) claimed that they have no basic computer skills. And also 98.21, 89.29, 82.14 % of the respondents also replied that they are not familiar with software applications to assist with practical works in chemistry (Fig 2). Moreover, the respondents were requested why they are not familiar with those applications through open-ended question and during FGD, and the majority of teachers claimed that “lack of computer laboratory in their schools”, “there is a lack of awareness and skill regarding the computer applications assist with practical works in chemistry”.Fig.2. Familiarity with Basic Computer Skill and Computer Based Software Application to Support Practical Work in Chemistry.4.5.Learners’ Perspectives to Factors Influencing Practical Work in ChemistryThe learners‟ questionnaire utili zed a four-point Likert scale in which the respondents were required to give their views: strongly agree (SA), agree (A), Disagree (D) or strongly disagree (SD). As shown table 3, the majority of respondents (26.67% and 56.00%) expressed their view as strongly agree and agree to the statements, prior negative impressions about practical work in chemistry as being difficult. In addition to this the respondents showed their views for the statements, laboratory chemicals make them fear chemistry (26.67% strongly agree and 34.67% agree), Students‟ population is larger than the available apparatus during chemistry practical class (53.33% strongly agree and 40.00% strongly agree), unsafe laboratory rooms to conduct practical classes (6.67% strongly agree and 53.33% strongly agree). They also agreed to the statements, such as school managements paying less attention toward practical work (38.67 %), chemistry teachers and laboratory attendant do not encourage them to practical work (40.00%).Moreover, the majority of respondents strongly disagreed and disagreed with the statements such as their intelligence level cannot cope with chemistry practical activities (22.67% and 61.33%) and students do not have an interest in attending chemistry practical class (34.67%and 53.33) respectively. Thus, the findingrevealed that the students‟ interest towards practical work in chemistry is generally po sitive. However, the attitude of students towards practical work, influenced by prior negative impression about practical work in chemistry as being difficult; they have low familiarity of handling chemicals, students‟ population is larger than the available apparatus during chemistry practical class and unsafe laboratory environment to conduct practical classes influence their views regarding practical works in high school chemistry courses. The students‟ responses agree with their teachers‟ perceptions re garding low attitude toward practical work in chemistry due to their attitude influenced by the physical resources at large rather than their interest towards practical work. Table 3. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Learners‟ Perceptions towards F actors Influencing Practical Work in Chemistry4.6. School Principals’ Perceptions towards Factors Influencing Practical Work in ChemistrySchool principals were also requested through an unstructured interview questionnaire to respond the factors affect the practical work in chemistry. They claimed that: “Low grant to full fill all facilities in the laboratories, “unplanned distribution of the equipment”, “lack of policy and regulation to waste management”, lack of skilled laboratory attenda nt” and “low motivation of chemistry teachers regarding practical work” are the major influencing factors of practical work in chemistry.5. DiscussionPractical work in science has several purposes, including practicing skills, developing specific knowledge and understanding of science, and developing an understanding of the processes of scientific inquiry. It has the potential to contribute to meaningful learning in science [17]. However, the finding of the present study was considered a number of factors that influence practical works in the chemistry of secondary schools in Wolaita zone, Ethiopia. Key factors among them were teachers‟ poor knowledge of practical work, full -time occupancy of chemistry teachers by the theoretical classes, absenteeism of the teacher at practical classes, late commencement of teaching practical class; lack of awareness and motivation from school managements and unsafe working environments, lack of separate chemistry laboratory, lack of equipment in the laboratory, too ResponsesSA A D SD N % N %N% N % Students‟ intelligence level cannot cope with chemistry practical activities 0 0.00 12 16.00 4661.33 17 22.67 Students do not have interest in attending chemistry practical class 0 0.00 9 12.00 4053.33 26 34.67 prior negative impression about practical chemistry as being difficult 20 26.67 42 56.00 1013.33 3 4.00 Laboratory chemicals make them fear chemistry 20 26.67 26 34.7 1824.00 11 14.67 Chemistry teachers and laboratory attendant do not encourage students toward practical work 0 0.00 30 40.00 3546.67 10 13.33 School managements paying less attention topractical work. 0 0.00 29 38.7 4053.33 6 8.00 Students‟ population is larger than the available apparatus during chemistry practical class 40 53.3 30 40.00 56.67 0 0.00 Unsafe laboratory environment to conduct practical classes5 6.67 40 53.33 30 40.00 0 0.00short period allocated for practical work and lack of knowledge and familiarity of chemistry teachers to modern technology. Our observation is inconsistent with the report by Science Community Representing Education [17], in the United Kingdom, which identified several factors that impacted on the implementation of practical work in schools. Their findings in the research include the lack of equipment funding, lack of understanding of the aims of the changes in the science curriculum, the shortage of time and lack of resources for practical work, the lack of mentorships for inexperienced teachers in order to build confidence in practical work and the inadequate opportunities for training and professional development. And also the present study was also agreed to with Motswiri report, observed that classroom practices in most secondary school Chemistry lessons are characterized by chalk-and-talk and little practical work [18]. Moreover, the finding of present study consistency with the reports of Soyibo and Ajayi, that most secondary schools have no science laboratories and the few that have them are ill-equipped and poorly maintained, respectively [19 and 20], and materials can also serve as a primary influence on how teachers should teach science practical [21].Therefore, in order for practical work to be effective in producing meaningful teaching and learning of chemistry, the teachers should develop activities that engage the learners in scientific investigations which focus their minds on the activity and its outcome. Teaching chemistry in secondary schools should develop essential scientific skills in the learners by infusing them into a creative mind to enhance their technological applications; teachers, as well as school managements, need to develop a positive attitude towards practical work at the secondary school level. The role of modern technology in education is commonly associated with the process of educational innovation and in curricula and it enables extensive visualization recourses for chemistry educators [22]. Information and Communication Technology (ICT), has the potential to impact on practical science in a number of ways. These include sensors for ease of data collection, computational data analysis tools, computer simulations to present science concepts and the Internet for information, including data, concepts, and contexts for science. Visualization technologies include computer-based molecular modeling, animations, computer assisted conceptual framework modeling and microcomputer-based laboratories. However, the finding revealed that chemistry teachers in the secondary schools have with the low familiarity of basic computer and software application skill to support practical work in chemistry by computer-assisted teaching and learning methods. Therefore, the chemistry teachers need to develop their skills towards modern technology to assist their students.6.ConclusionIt can be concluded that: teachers-related factors that influence practical work in chemistry are teachers‟ poor knowledge of practical work, full-time occupancy of chemistry teachers by the theoretical classes, absenteeism of the teacher at practical classes, late commencement of teaching practical class; lack of awareness and motivation from school managements and unsafe working environments in the schools. Laboratory-related factors are a lack of separate chemistry laboratory, lack of equipment in the laboratory and too short period allocated for practical work. And also law attitude of students towards practical works in chemistry. Moreover, teachers‟ low level of expectation to developments of ICT would improve practical work in science is influencing practical work in chemistry.In order to improve practical work in chemistry, the following steps were recommended: in case where the students outnumbered the available apparatus for a typical experiment, the teacher should apply grouping method of instruction to enhancing the motivation of students toward the practical work; The teachers should attend to their chemistry practical classes regularly and punctually; The school managements should understand the value of the practical work in chemistry and be willing to provide the time, location, facilities and staff resources for its implementation and should make provision for a separate laboratory room for chemistry and stock it with needed apparatus. The school management does not generally participate directly in practical works, but they might visit debriefing meetings, motivate and recognized a teacher who is a model for the staffs in practical work. It is also recommended that the government and concern bodies take a measurement to。
